A work in progress!
DWV COUNCIL (elected Nov 2011, sworn in Dec 5;
term ends 30 November 2014)
Mayor =
Michael Smith
Councillors: >MB/MAB = Mary-Ann
Booth CC = Craig Cameron
NG = Nora Gambioli ML = Michael Lewis
TP = Trish Panz Sop = Bill Soprovich
2018 same as above except Christine Cassidy has taken Trish Panz's
empty seat. That means one CC is Cam and the other
Former DWV COUNCIL (2008 to 2011)
Mayor = Pamela Goldsmith-Jones Councillors: Ev
= Michael Evison {formerly ME, wch cd be
ambiguous!} ML
= Michael Lewis TP
= Trish Panz MS
= Michael Smith
Sop = Bill Soprovich SW
= Shannon Walker
NL or CAO = Chief Administrative Officer =
Nina Leemhuis (former CFO) BL or DepCAO or D/CAO = Brent
Leigh, Deputy CAO MK or CFO = Michael
Koke MK or A/CFO = Acting CFO
Michael Koke Jan 2013 (became CFO) AM or
Dir/Parks* = Anne Mooi, Director of Parks(, Recreation, Cmnty
Services) Sokol or Dir/Plan* = Bob Sokol,
Director of Planning(, Lands, and Permits) RF or
Dir/Engg = Raymond Fung, Director of Engineering
MClk or SSch = Municipal Clerk, Sheila Scholes
KM = Kristi Merilees, Mgr of Cmnty Relns
JB = Jenny Benedict, Dir/LibServices (till Sept 2010 Chief
Librarian, Ann Goodhart) Other staff and mbrs of the public will be
named (in full, best efforts) first, then initials or abbreviated names;
CR of course is Carolanne Reynolds. Of necessity, there are many
abbreviations, acronyms (initials that can be said as a word), and
initialisms, when typing quickly. Missing from this list are some that
are well known such as PM, MP; MLA; SFU, UBC, BCIT, EU, UN, ...
Feel free to request including more......
AAMOF = As A Matter of
Fact AAP = Alternative Approval Process AAP = Assessed and Awaiting Placement [VCH lingo] ab = ability ABA = Ambleside Business
Association AC, adv cmte = advisory
committee ACA = Altamont Community Association ACM = All-Candidates Mtg acct/acctg =
account/accounting ack/ackn = acknowledge ADRA = Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers'
Association add'n/addn, add'l/addl =
addition, additional adv = advisory AFAIK = as far as I know AFN = Assembly
of First Nations (Amerindians) AGM = Annual
General Meeting aka = also known as ALC = Alternate Level of Care [VCH lingo] AMA = Ask Me Anything A/Mayor = Acting Mayor Amb =
Ambleside amt = amount ans =
answer app = sometimes: appreciate applic/applicn = application appmt =
appointment approp = appropriate apt = apartment Aq Ctr = Aquatic
Centre ARC = Ambleside Revitalization Commission
(appointed March 2011; ended Jan 2012) asap = as soon
as possible Assn = Association asst = assistant av = average or
available AWAD = A Word A Day; a new word M - F; read
subscribers' comments in AWADmail on the weekend AYC = Ambleside Youth Centre BANANA =
Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything Bby =
Burnaby b/c = because
BCR = BC Rail bd / bdrm / bd mtg = board,
boardroom, board meeting bedrm = bedroom B&E =
Break and Enter BIA = Business Improvement
Assn BITS = Be In Touch
Soon biz = business
bldg = building blk = block
blvd = boulevard bn = been
BoV = Board of Variance BPAHA =
British Properties' Area Homeowners' Association
BPP = British Pacific Properties (company)
BRB = Be Right Back BSC = Balanced Scorecard
(obvious variant) btw = by the way CAC = Cmnty Arts Ccl, WVCAC; or Cmnty Amenity
Contribution(s), also known as CBs CAO = Chief
Administrative Officer (formerly known as MMgr) of the
District CB = Cmnty Benefit(s), akin to Cmnty Amenities
(CAC -- Cmnty Amenity Contributions) CBA = Caulfeild
Business Association CBRL = Cypress Bowl Recreations
Ltd (commonly called Cypress Mountain although that's
elsewhere) CCB = Cmnty Centre Board (changed now,
non-profit society, WVCCSS) CCC = Central Cmnty
Centre ccl, cclr = council, councillor (Ccl for
actual Council) cd = could Cdn = Canadian CEC = Community Engagement
Cmte (last mtg May 2010 in term to Dec 31); a mtg 2011 June 7; revived
October 2012 to end of year
{revived Jan 2013} CEEP = Cmnty Energy and
Emissions Plan WG CEO = Chief Executive Officer
(for DWV is the Mayor) CF = Canada Fund (federal
stimulus $) CFP = Cypress Falls
Park CFO - Chief Financial Officer (was/cf Director
of Finance) char = character (with
neighbourhood) Ch/Comm = (WV) Chamber of
Commerce chn = children CID = Caller ID
(identification, on phone) CJPME = Canadians for
Justice and Peace in the Middle East CLUC = Caulfeild
Land Use Contract COL/CoL = Cost of
Living collab = collaborate, collaboration comm = commercial, sometimes Commission cmnty = community cmte =
committee CN/CNR = Canadian National (Railway) CNV = City of North Vancouver colln =
collection congrat = congratulate,
congratulations Coq = Coquitlam corresp = correspondence CoW = Cmte of
the Whole and referred to as =E2=80=98cow=E2=80=99 by CAO (some write
CotW) [none in 2015 so far!] CP = Canadian
Pacific CPI = Consumer Price Index cpl = couple CPT = Christian Peacemaker
Team(s) CRA = in past Cedardale Ratepayer Assn and/or
Caulfeild Ratepayer Assn (but no news for a while)
Also = Canada Revenue Agency CSA = Canadian
Securities Administrators CSAG = Civic Site Adv Grp
(ended some years ago) CSR = Core Services
Review ctr = centre as noun, maybe -er as verb
whereas center is the the American spelling whether noun or
verb) CWDG = Cmnty Website Devt Group (Nov 2012;
formerly WTF, Website Task Force); 2013 now a WG [now
terminated] CWOT = Complete Waste of
Time DBA = Dundarave Business
Association (in commerce, dba is Doing Business As)
dbl = double D/CAO = Deputy CAO
DCC = Devt Cost Charges dep =
deputy dept = department
devp, devpr, devt = develop, developer, development
diff = difficult or different DINKs =
couples with Double Income, No Kids Dir =
Director Dist = District of WV
DFO = Dept of Fisheries & Oceans; now FOC, Fisheries &
Oceans Canada (so DFO still used) DNA =
Dundarave Neighbourhood Association DNV =
District of North Vancouver doc = document
DP / Devt Permit, and DPA = Development Permit
Application DRC = Design Review Cmte (no
longer called a Panel) DTES = Downtown East Side
(rarely DES) Dund = Dundarave (pronounced
Dun-duhr-AHV) du/acre = Planning has this
term: dwelling units per acre {see upa} DVP =
Development Variance Permit DWMP = Drinking Water
Management Plan DWV = District of West
Vancouver EA = Executive Assistant EAC = Engineering Advisory Cmte (now no more but Shoreline
Preservation Society an outcome) EAPPI =
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel ecic = economic ED = Executive Director EF =
Endowment Fund (sometimes EndFund or EFund), see below EfW = Energy from Waste EHYC = Eagle
Harbour Yacht Club emerg = emergency EndFund = Endowment Fund (or EndmtFund, even EFund if same
sentence, see EF above engg, engr = engineering,
engineer envmt, envtal = environment(al) EOD = End of Day EOI = Expressions of
Interest (used by the Housing Pilot Prog/Proj WG seeking
proposals) esp = especially est =
estimate ev = every EvDr = Evelyn
Drive exec = executive FAAB =
First Appropriate Available Bed [VCH lingo] fam =
family FAR/FSR = Floor Area/Space
Ratio (square feet in house as part of sq ftg of lot/property)
FBG = Ferry Building Gallery FCM =
Federation of Canadian Municipalities FC(PP) =
Friends of Cypress (Provincial Park) Fdn =
Foundation fed = federal
Fin = Finance FinCmte/FCmte = Finance
Cmte FIA = Financial Information
Act FIPPA = Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act FME = Facility Management
Expenses FN = First Nation(s)
FOI = Freedom of Information ft =
foot/feet FSTF = Fiscal Sustainability
Task Force, sometimes FTF (but ended) FTE =
Full Time Equivalent (used for staffing information)
FUBAR = F*d Up Beyond All Recognition FWIW =
For What It's Worth fyi = for your
information GARPA = Gleneagles Area Rate
Payers' Association (in limbo?) GCC(AC) =
Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr (Adv Cmte) GFOA = Govt
Finance Officers Assn GHG = Green House Gases GLH = Gertrude Lawson House (WV Museum) govt = government Grosv =
Grosvenor (1300blk devpr) grp = group GTG/G2G = Got to Go/Good To Go GVRD = see
MetroV (new name for Greater Vancouver Regional District) GVSDD = Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage
District H = heritage
ha = hectare (~ 2.5 acres); 10K sq m HAF =
Harmony Arts Festival HAP = Housing Action Plan (Nov
2012) HBay = Horseshoe Bay
HBB = Home-Based Business (used by staff in Sept for amendments
to bylaw Oct 2009) HBB(C)A = Horseshoe Bay
Business (and Community) Association HHS =
Hollyburn Heritage Society HM = Her/His Majesty; see HRH
(alsoTRH, Their Royal Highnesses, eg for Duke and Duchess of
Cambridge) HOG = Home Owner
Grant HPTFTU, the Human Proclivity To
F*** Things Up (initialism from speaker re LNG, Oct 2014)
HR = Human Resources HRA = Heritage Revitalization
Agreement / Hollyburn Ridge Assn HRH =
His/Her Royal Highness HSBC = Heritage Society of BC
(now Heritage BC) ht = height
hv = have HV = Heritage
Vancouver HVAC = Heating, Ventilation,
and Air Conditioning (or High Voltage Alternating Current)
h/w = hardware (see s/w also) HWk =
Heritage Week (across Canada; always starts third Monday in
February) HWV = Heritage West
Van hwy = highway IA = Information Architecture (used in Website WG notes) --
Internet Architecture? ICAHD = Israeli Committee Against
House Demolition ICARS = Integrated Collision
Analysis and Reconstruction Service (WVPD & Lower
Mainland) ICYMI = In Case You Missed
It IFNU = Integrated First Nations Unit (RCMP and
WVPD, Capilano/Squamish Reserve) IIRC = If I
Recall Correctly IIORC = Investment Industry
Regulatory Organization of Canada IJV - Independent
Jewish Voices IM = Instant Messaging IMO/IMVHO = In My Opinion or In My (Very) (Humble)
Opinion imp = important indiv =
individual infra = infrastructure int'l = international IOW - In Other
Words IP = Internet Protocol IPO = Initial Public Offering IRP =
Immediate Roadside Prohibition ISB = Institute
of Small Brains (from Animal Crackers in coloured funnies) ISM = International Solidarity Movement (often with
CPT) ISMP = Integrated Storm Management
Plan IT = Information Technology ITAC = Interested Taxpayers' Action Cmte (the Marley
Group); I call the ITACkers. [ended Dec 2012; restarting?]
JAC = Jericho Arts Centre jr =
junior jt = joint K = 1000 KIPPERS = Kids in Parents'
Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings km =
kilometres KMC = Kay Meek Centre kph =
kilometres per hour KPI = Key Performance
Indicators LAP = Local Area Plan; LAPP =
Local Area Planning Process LC = Lower Caulfeild (LCAC,
Lower Caulfeild Advisory Cmte) LCHCA =
Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area LEED =
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (with silver and gold
levels) LGA = Local Government Act
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirited, Intersex, Queer,
LGB = Lions' Gate Bridge --
there are two lions who look down on us!!! LGH =
Lions' Gate Hospital LGSWWTP = Lions' Gate Secondary
Wastewater Treatment Plant LGTP = Lions' Gate Treatment
Plant Lib = Library (WV Memorial
Library) LLR = Low Level Road
LM = Lower Mainland LMK = Let Me Know
LMMA = Lower Mainland Municipal Assn LMTAC =
Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee LNG =
Liquid/Liquefied Natural Gas locn = location
LOL = Laughing Out Loud (or Lots of Love)
LPPS = Lighthouse Park Preservation Society
LPRT = Licence Plate Recognition Technology (so they don't need
to chalk your tires!) LRSP = Livable Region Strategic
Plan LSF = Land Stewardship Fund
($950K listed Jan/11, no explanation; then told AmbNOW in
July) L/T = long-term (initialism as
modifier only, eg: long-term budgeting) M =
municipal m = metre, a measurement, as opposed to meter,
as in water/parking meters $M = million
(dollars) M&Ccl = Mayor and Ccl MAC = Museum Adv Cmte (not on DWV Calendar) M A-G = Municipal Auditor-General (recommended by ITAC and
ADRA) max = maximum mbr(s) =
member(s) MDr = Marine Drive MetroV =
Metro Vancouver (formerly GVRD, Greater Vancouver Regional
District) MFA = Municipal Finance Authority MFCR = Main Floor Conference Room (at Municipal Hall); for
cmte/WG mtgs (and closed ccl mtgs) mgr, mgmt =
manager, management MIA = Municipal Insurance Assn
(of BC.org); rarely, Missing In
Action min = minimum (max = maximum); sometimes
minutes MMgr = Municipal Manager (now CAO) mntnc = maintenance MoE = Ministry
of the Environment mos = months MoTH = Ministry of Transportation and Highways or
Infrastructure (sometimes shortened to MoT) MoU = Memo
of Understanding mph = miles per hour (obsolete
:-), but not to us oldies; same for ft/feet still referred to) MRN = Major Road Network msg =
message mtg = meeting mtn =
mountain MVA = Motor Vehicle Accident MVI = Motor Vehicle Incident nat'l =
national nbr/nbrhd =
neighbour/neighbourhood NCR = Not Criminally
Responsible NEB = National Energy
Bd NFBSK = Not For British School
Kids (re content appropriateness) NIMBY =
Not in My Backyard NIMTO = Not in My Term of
Office NNB/nnb = Nothing New Below
(IOW, rest left for reference only) nmp =
not my problem np = no problem
NS or NSh = North Shore NSAAG =
North Shore Arts Advocacy Group NSACDI =
North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues
NSEMO = North Shore Emergency Management Office
NSFC-YJ = North Shore Family Court - Youth Justice
(Cmte) NSHC, NSHF = North Shore
Heritage Committee, now Forum (defunct) NSHPS =
North Shore Heritage Preservation Society NSHS =
North Shore Historical Society NSHWknd =
North Shore Heritage Weekend (usu third weekend in September; in fall)
-- now cancelled NSN = North Shore
News NSWP = North Shore Wetland
Partners NYE = New Year=E2=80=99s
Eve OCP = Official Community Plan OCR = Optical Character Recognition (turning scanned
documents into text) ofc = office OGCS = Old-Growth Conservancy Society OMG = Omigosh/Omigod! opp =
opportunity (may also be opposed or opposition) org =
organization OTOH = On The Other
Hand OTT = Over The Top P3 =
Public Private Partnership pa = per annum
PA = Personal Assistant PDA =
Public Display of Affection PDF = Portable Document Format
(attach to email, like photo of msg or whatever)
PH/PMtg = Public Hearing/Public Meeting
ph = phone pH = acidity/basicity measure
of solutions; acids below 7, alkalis above 7, neutral exactly
7 PHT = Presentation House
Theatre (NV) PITA = Pain in the
*ss pkg = parking (on occasion,
package) PkR / Pk Royal = Park Royal;
PkR-S (South), PkR-N (North) pls = please
PM = Prime Minister PMP(WG) = Parks Master Plan
(WG) PMtg = Public Mtg
POI = Point of Interest pop =
popular popn = population
POTUS = President of the US POV =
Point of View ppl = people
PQP = Public Question Period (comments also allowed)
prelim = preliminary prev = previous
prez = president prob'ly = probably
prog = program/me proj = project
prop = property prov = province
PSAB = Public Sector Accounting Board PSB =
Public Safety Building (June 2011 planning new combined
Police/Fire; now
debated; schematics May 2013; no longer has Fire but has ambulance Nov
2014) March 2015: PS&MH Project:
Public Service and Municipal Hall Project!
PSF = Pacific Salmon Foundation pt =
point or part PWV = Preserve West Van
(defunct) PWYC = Pay What You
Can Q = question; Qs and As = questions and
answers QED = Quod Erat Demonstrandum = thus
demonstrated (in math, and used in debates) QET = Queen
Elizabeth Theatre QUILTBAG
= Q: Queer/Questioning; U: Unidentified; I:&nbs
p;Intersex; L: Lesbian; T: Transgender/Transexual;&nbs
B: Bisexual; A: Asexual; G: Gay,
Genderqueer qtn = quotation qty = quantity RAAC = Regional Administrative
Advisory Cmte RAC = Random Act(s) of
Culture RAK = Random Act(s) of
Kindness RCAF = Royal Canadian Air Force
(name restored August 2011) RCL = Royal Canadian Legion,
Branch 60 (WV); prev'ly BESL (British Empire Service League)
RCN = Royal Canadian Navy (name restored August 2011)
RCM SAR - Station 1 = Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue
(WV) RCS = Regional Context
Statement (see RGS also) rec=E2=80=99d =
received recomms = recommendations regs =
regulations relnship =
relationship rept = report (when typed in a
rush) reqmt/s =
requirement/s resid = residential /
resident(s) resoln = resolution
resp = responsible, responsibility rev =
revenue revit =
revitalization RFI = Request for
Information RFMP = Recreation Facilities
Master Plan (from the 1990s? now finished) RFP =
Request for Proposal RGS = Regional Growth Strategy
(from MetroV) relns =
relations rlwy = railway
Rmd = Richmond ROI = Return on
Investment ROTFL(WTIME) = Rolling On The
Floor Laughing / With Tears in My Eyes ROW =
Right of Way RSN = Reader Supported News (in
US) RTbtS = RoyalTea-by-the-Sea (an
annual summer HWV event) S2S = Sea-to-Sky
(highway) SAC = Seniors' Activity Centre (correct name,
but usually referred to as Srs' Ctr) sch dist / SD / SD45 = School District (WV is No. 45); Sch
Bd SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the US sec = with sec stes (secondary suites); seconds as in
minutes secy = secretary SF =
Planning's term for Single Family; or SF = Science Fiction in
literature SFMP = Sport Fields Master Plan sf, sq ftg = square feet, square footage sgl-fam = single-family SGP = Smart
Growth Policy shd = should signif = significant sim =
similar SME = Subject Matter Expert (or Small and
Medium Enterprise) SNAFU = Situation Normal, All
'Fouled' Up SOE = Special Operations
Executive soln = solution (hope we find a
lot!) SOS = Statement of Significance, used in
descriptions of heritage assets >SOS = Save
Our Sound (Howe) sp = special sp? = spelling? (uncertain of) Sq =
Squamish sr = senior srs' ctr = see
SAC srvc = service S/T = short-term
(abbreviation for modifier only, as in: short-term funding) stes = suites; sec stes = secondary suites; 2ndary/2ry =
secondary stmt = statement stn =
station sust = sustainable s/w =
software (see also h/w) SWOT =
Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats, analysis re websites, etc
(CWDG, Website WG) SWMP = Solid Waste Management
Plan/s (in BC); also Storm Water Management Plan
TAFN = That's all for now
TBA/TBC/TBD = To be Announced/Confirmed/Determined
TCT = Trans Canada Trail TD&H
= Tall, Dark, and Handsome techn = technical
TfT = Trees for Tomorrow TFW =
Temporary Foreign Worker TLC = The Land Conservancy
(otherwise Tender Loving Care) T&M =
Time and Materials (term used in consulting, rather than fixed
price) TMI = Too Much
Information TofC = Table of
Contents TofR / TofRef = Terms of
Reference TPTB = The Powers That
Be transp =
transportation treas = treasurer
TSP = Transportation Strategic Plan TTFN =
Ta Ta For Now ttyl = talk to you
later TTYS = talk to you
soon TWay = Taylor Way
tyvm = thank you very much UBCM = Union of
BC Municipalities UCB = Urban Containment Boundary
(wrt RGS) UEL = United Empire Loyalists (determining
role/event in Canada's history; came to Canada opposing the US
Revolution; Pierre Trudeau's mother
was a UEL, his middle name Elliott), also at UBC can be University
Endowment Lands UFV = University of the Fraser
Valley UL = Upper Lands (above 1200ft), sometimes
Upper Levels, as in Highway ULSRWG = Upper Lands Study
Review WG, sometimes shortened to ULWG unf =
unfortunate(ly) (when I'm in a hurry) upa = units per
acre (also du/acre, d for dwelling) v =
very V4S = Value For Services (was a
WG) VAG = Vancouver Art
Gallery VANOC = Vancouver Olympic
Committee VCH = Vancouver Coastal
Health VHF = Vancouver Heritage
Foundation VO = Vancouver Opera, formerly
VOA (Assn); VOS = Vancouver Opera Society VoIP =
Voice over the Internet Protocol (telephony term)
VP = vice president VPL = Vancouver Public
Library VRS = Vancouver Resources
Society / Vancouver Recital Society VSB =
Vancouver School Bd VSO = Vancouver Symphony
Orchestra w/ = with, and w/o for without wch = which wd = would WFT = See WTF WG = Working Group (there
are many, so check list on DWV website to find the initials that
fit) wk = week, sometimes work WOM = Word of Mouth WOT = Waste of
Time WRA = Western Residents' Association wrt = with regard/reference to (note, no S on
'regard', something ppl have started to add) WTE =
Waste-to-Energy, an option for reducing gases that cause global warming
(there's a facility in Burnaby) WTF = Wisconsin
Tourist Federation -- name now changed to Wisconsin Federation of
Tourism {to avoid What the F***} [see
CWDG, formerly Website Task Force] WTH = What the
Heck (variant/euphemism for WTF) WTHIT = What the
Heck is This? WVCAC = see CAC as in Arts
Ccl WVCC = WV Cmnty Ctr; cf WVChC/WVChamber for WV
Chamber of Commerce WVCCSS = WV Cmnty Centres
Services Society WVCGG = WV Citizens for Good
Government (called WeeGees by NSN Trevor Lautens) WVFD = WV Fire Department WVFSM&AS =
West Vancouver Fire Services Museum & Archives Society WVHS = WV Historical Society WVM = West
Van Matters also West Van Museum but usu
GLH WVMEA = WV Municipal Employees Assn WVML = WV Memorial Library WVPD = WV Police
Department WVSB/D = West Van School Board/District, Sch
Dist #45 WVS = actual name is WV Streamkeeper Society,
so also WVSS but that can be WV Secondary School WVSK/WVSk/WVSkS = to be clearer when referring to the WV
Streamkeepers (WVS above) WVSPCA = WV Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals WVSPS = WV
Shoreline Preservation Society WVYC = WV Yacht
Club WWTP = Waste Water Treatment Plant WWY(T)S = What Were You (They) Smoking? WYSIWYG = What You See is What You Get (pronounced
WiZZeewig) YAC = Youth Adv Cmte (for some
reason not on DWV website/Calendar) YA(V)W =
you are (very) welcome Y/E = Year-End
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (meaning your experience may
differ) YOLO = You Only Live Once (YOL9
for cats) YT = Yours Truly, meaning me
(CR) yw / yavw = you're welcome; you
are very welcome (see above) ZWC = Zero-Waste