Agenda and Meetings
6 Dec 2004

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Can you believe it's nearly Christmas???
Herewith in haste: Partial Update, Main Items for Dec 6th, some Events/Mtgs, an abbreviated Dec 6th agenda follow with a report from the "Western Front" (Esso redevt in Horseshoe Bay), and Turkish proverb at the end.

Nov 29 ccl mtg notes will be in next issue --
Mainly -- Whitby/Dunlewey Public Hearing was adjourned to Dec 6 -- you may wish to review the calculation and  exclusion of ~38,000sf increasing FAR to ~.7 from .50, quite apart from landscaping above 1200ft.  The FAR calculations are complicated and some excluded in line with below Upper Levels  It is an attractive devt.  BTW, what did WV get in return as cmnty benefit?

--  still awaiting capital projects budget; promised won't be passed until presented and available to public.
--  details in last WVM, more in next; get info you want from Hall and input still possible

can't resist reflecting on satisfaction derived from Ccl's addition to their recommended motion that consideration be given to public input -- exactly my parenthetical comment under the recommended motion when I sent out the agenda.  Much admiration for the Evelyn Devt speakers giving their views over and over: public mtgs at SAC, Sentinel, Cedardale, and Ccl, surely they are hoping to be listened to at least.  Did Ccl get the message?  Time will tell.....
The Millennium proposal of replacing about 62 single-family homes with 525 units (down from 700; 23-storey towers gone, now some six-, ten-storey bldgs) while hoping to provide housing options we hear about will have to address the traffic implications.  One wag suggested the attractive Dunlewey devt be put on the site instead!
One aspect does need clarification, however.  The proposed devt, at 1.0 FAR, has been sent to staff to negotiate with the devpr.  Did anyone hear any direction given to staff or devpr of what wd be acceptable or 'better'?  What's the maximum the devpr can get away with?
This raises two questions at least:
1.  what is staff negotiating with the devpr if Ccl has not said what density it prefers?  No devpr in his right mind wd present a proposal with lower than the maximum density Ccl might 'consider'.  Remember this is an area with .35FAR zoning at present. Even one of the adv cmtes rejected the proposal b/c not enough info.....
2.  Why shdn't the devpr be given some direction and let them do the work at their cost?
How much time is anticipated that staff, paid by taxpayers, will spend on a modified proposal, and will they advise something smaller? if so, how much smaller?
No doubt, from a business point of view, the maximum will come back again, perhaps reconfigured.
The units will be at market price.  If we really want something for seniors and families at a resonable pirce, perhaps the units shd be quite small, ie a lower price.
why not have proposals at twice the density, three to five times the density, and seven times the density and have them evaluated by the public and Ccl?
No doubt variety of housing is desirable, we're into how much and how.
There's also the matter of public benefit in exchange if WV residents grant upzoning/density.
What's our price?
Won't the devpr make money even at twice the density? but obviously not as much as the almost ten times they're proposing.  Surely there's something somewhere between.......
Left alone, probably those houses wd gradually be replaced; maybe some as duplexes?
West Vanners: get your wish list out now for what you want in return, what you think will make it worth while. Or rather, how much for what.
Maybe Millennium and BPP (b/c their large devts above the Upper Levels put pressure on Taylor Way as well, not just Millennium's projects wch include Amica on Clyde off TWay also) should ante up/spring for a third crossing -- that will make their future devts even more accessible and appealing!
Where's that tunnel when we need it?
They cd also share in developing condos on the island in Coal Harbour from the soil dug up -- all hail recycling! -- they shd fetch a pretty price........

Looks like this week's WVM will be a little late so here's a headsup on Monday's ccl agenda.
Starts off with
A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda May be Issued on Friday

Then Regular Ccl Mtg:

===  MAIN ITEMS  ===
            (abbreviated agenda follows so you can look at details of items you're interested in)
4.1       Devt Variance Permit (2863 Bellevue Ave) for staff report or approval
4.2       Rezoning and Devt Permit Application No. 04-024 (1891 Marine Dr) for referral
4.3       Land Use Contract Under Devt Area Agreement Amendment Bylaw (re 4957 Marine Drive) - three readings
4.4       Signage for Victoria's Health, 1695 Marine Dr for approval
and three readings for Sign Amendment Bylaw)
4.5       Rock Breaking - 4881 Water Lane (60 cu m)
5.1       Amendment to Business Licence Bylaw - Odours/Noise (Business Licence Amendment Bylaw)
(to be circulated in Supplemental Package)
5.2       Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Amendment Bylaw (re 2005 Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Rates) to be read a third time.
5.3       Waterworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw (re 2005 Water Rates) to be read a third time.
5.4       Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Upper McDonald Site, Whitby Estates, 2295 Dunlewey Place) to be read a second and third time.
{hm: presumes Public Hearing closed}
FAC minutes; Wetmore; Evelyn Drive; RAV; North Shore Transportation Authority; Odour bylaw; WV Creeks/Streamkeepers; Fraser Basin Conference; effects of densification on rush hour traffic at the Lions Gate Bridge; repairs at Gleneagles Community Centre; E-Comm; delegation regarding 2004 Mountain Bike Festival and Conference January 10.
7.2       Special Meeting of Council
scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 8:30 am in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber.

===  Events/Mtgs  ====

+ MONDAY, December 6th +
Check to see if Arts & Culture Strategy Mtg will be held, usually at 8:30am
= 7 - 10pm = Regular Council Meeting/Public Hearing re 6390 Bay Street

+ TUESDAY, December 7th +
= 3:30 - 5:00pm = Youth Advisory Cmte at the Hall
= 5:30 - 7:30pm = Community Service Adv Cmte at Music Box on Argyle
= 6 - 8pm = Opening Reception for "First Foot Forward", an exhibition by WV elementary school students at Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave

+ WEDNESDAY, December 8th +
Check to see if Sports/Rec Facilities planning mtg -- at 8:30 (sometimes 9am)
= 4 - 8pm = Gleneagles Golf Course Facility Plan - Open House - Gleneagles Community Centre
= 5 - 7pm = Planning Adv. Cmte. - Council Chamber -  Wetmore on the Agenda
= 6 - 8pm = PEAC (rescheduled from Dec 1st)

+ THURSDAY, December 9th +
= 4:30 - 7:30pm = Design Adv. Cmte. [POSTPONED from Nov 25th]

===  ABBREVIATED AGENDA  Dec 6th  ===

3.         ADOPTION OF MINUTES  3.1       Council Meeting Minutes, November 22, 2004
3.2       Public Hearing/Public Meeting Minutes, November 29, 2004
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the Minutes of Public Hearing/Public Meeting held November 29, 2004 be adopted.
(to be circulated in Supplemental Package)

4.         REPORTS

4.1       Development Variance Permit No. 04-021(2863 Bellevue Avenue)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
At the November 15, 2004 meeting, Council received the report dated November 15, 2004 from the Assistant Planner titled "Development Variance Permit No. 04-021 (2863 Bellevue Avenue)", a copy of which is attached for reference.
THAT all written and verbal submissions, regarding Development Variance Permit Application No. 04-021 (2863 Bellevue Avenue) up to and including the Council Meeting held on December 06, 2004, be received.
If Council wishes a further staff report, then:
THAT Staff report back to Council regarding submissions received at the December 06, 2004 Council Meeting to allow Council to make a determination on Development Permit Application (2863 Bellevue Avenue).
THAT the Development Variance Permit Application (2863 Bellevue Avenue), which would provide for a new accessory building and covered walkway and retention of an existing accessory building be approved.

4.2       Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 04-024 (1891 Marine Drive)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
1.         Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 04-024 (1891 Marine Drive) be referred to:
            (a)       The Planning Advisory Committee for review and advice regarding land use;
            (b)       The Design Advisory Committee for review and advice regarding the proposed building design and landscape plans;
            (c)        The North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues for review and advice concerning the project's accessibility provisions.
2.         The applicant place a Development Application sign on the street frontage of the property and hold a Public Information Meeting in accordance with Council's Public Involvement Policy.

4.3       Land Use Contract Under Development Area Agreement No. 1940, Amendment Bylaw No. 4410, 2004 (re 4957 Marine Drive)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
THAT Land Use Contract Under Development Area Agreement No. 1940, Amendment Bylaw No. 4410, 2004, to amend a Land Use Contract for the townhouse development at 4957 Marine Drive, be read a first, second and third time.

4.4       Signage for Victoria's Health, 1695 Marine Drive (Sign Bylaw No. 3775, 1992, Amendment Bylaw No. 4412, 2004)  (File:  1610-20-4412)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
THAT "Sign Bylaw No. 3775, 1992, Amendment Bylaw No. 4412, 2004" be introduced and read a first, second and third time.
THAT the application to permit the proposed stand-alone canopy signage at 1695 Marine Drive be approved.

4.5       Rock Breaking - 4881 Water Lane (File:  2390-03)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
THAT the application for the Rock Breaking Permit to remove 60 cubic metres of rock for a pool construction at 4881 Water Lane be approved.

5.         BYLAWS

5.1       Amendment to Business Licence Bylaw - Odours / Noise (Business Licence Bylaw No. 3024, 1982, Amendment Bylaw No. 4403, 2004)
            The Notice of Intent of bylaw consideration was published in the North Shore News on November 26, 2004 and December 03, 2004.
            This bylaw received third reading at the November 22, 2004 Council Meeting.
Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
(to be circulated in Supplemental Package)

5.2       Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 3749, 1992 Amendment Bylaw No. 4411, 2004 (re 2005 Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Rates)
            This Bylaw received second reading at the November 15, 2004 Council Meeting.
Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance  --  RECOMMENDED: read a third time.

5.3       Waterworks Regulation Bylaw No. 3859, 1994, Amendment Bylaw No. 4406, 2004 (re 2005 Water Rates) (File:  1610-20-4406)
            This Bylaw received second reading at the November 15, 2004 Council Meeting.
Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance -- read a third time.

5.4       Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw 4399, 2004 (Upper McDonald Site, Whitby Estates, 2295 Dunlewey Place)
            This Bylaw received first reading at the October 25, 2004 Council Meeting.  The Public Hearing/Public Meeting was held on November 29, 2004 and was reconvened on December 06, 2004.
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits -- RECOMMENDED:... be read a second and third time.

7.         OTHER ITEMS

7.1       Correspondence

No Action Required (receipt only)

7.1.1         Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a)             Finance Advisory Committee, October 20, 2004
7.1.2         J. Walters, November 28, 2004, regarding the Liveable Region Coalition position paper
        Attachments available for viewing in the Clerk's Department.
7.1.3         J. E. G. Sikes, November 25, 2004, regarding Wetmore Lands - Proposed Use and Disposition
7.1.4         R. Ingoldby, November 22, 2004, regarding Evelyn Drive Redevelopment
7.1.5         M. Miller, President, Vimarc Consulting Services Inc., November 28, 2004, regarding RAV Promoters Unbalanced - Arbutus the way to go
7.1.6         H. Stevens, November 25, 2004, regarding Evelyn Drive Development
7.1.7         D. Stephenson, (2 letters) November 26, 2004 and November 29, 2004, regarding Millennium Developments on Evelyn Drive
7.1.8         C. Coles, November 29, 2004, regarding Evelyn Drive Development
7.1.9         B. Claus, November 29, 2004, regarding Evelyn Drive Development
7.1.10       R. Chen, undated regarding Evelyn Drive Development
7.1.11       C. McCormick, November 29, 2004, regarding Millennium Properties - Evelyn Drive/Keith Road Development
7.1.12       D. Francis, November 19, 2004, regarding Evelyn Drive Development
7.1.13       J. Franks, undated, regarding Evelyn Drive Development Proposal
7.1.14       P. Best, undated, regarding the formation of a North Shore Transportation Authority or Advisory Committee
7.1.15       P. Bryce, Brytech Engineered Solutions Inc., November 18, 2004 regarding air emissions - proposed business bylaw
7.1.16       P. Smyth, November 24, 2004, regarding proposed business bylaw
7.1.17       G. Roberts, November 29, 2004, regarding offensive odour by-law
7.1.18       P. Dabiri, November 23, 2004, regarding restaurant odours
7.1.19       A. Hilsen, Municipal Clerk, District of North Vancouver, November 30, 2004, regarding RAV Line Budget Overruns
7.1.20       H. Hamilton, President, West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society, November 23, 2004, regarding the management and development of all West Vancouver Creeks
7.1.21       H. Hamilton, President, West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society, November 24, 2004, regarding 2004 State of the Fraser Basin Conference

Action Required

7.1.22       V. Vaughan, (2 letters) November 26, 2004 and November 29, 2004, regarding effects of densification on rush hour traffic at the Lions Gate Bridge
Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response in consultation with Director of Planning, Lands & Permits.
7.1.23       T. Lautens, November 29, 2004, regarding repairs at Gleneagles Community Centre                    Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
7.1.24       K. Shymanski, President and CEO, E-Comm, November 23, 2004 regarding request to meet with Council
Referred to Municipal Manager for consideration and response.
7.1.25       R. Juryn, North Shore World Mountain Bike Festival & Conference, November 30, 2004 request for delegation regarding 2004 Mountain Bike Festival and Conference
Referred to Municipal Clerk for response confirming scheduling of the delegation for the January 10, 2005 meeting.

7.2       Special Meeting of Council
RECOMMENDED: THAT a Special Regular Meeting of Council be scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 8:30 am in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber.



                wch I pass on since it is informative and of some concern to all of us in WV

Esso Building, Monday December 6th at 7:00

There will be an important presentation of plans for the Esso Building site in Horseshoe Bay. Members of the WRA executive and the Esso Site Committee met with architect Karl Gustafson and principal Mark Sager to discuss the functionality of the live-work units and the community benefits of the project. The major community benefits are: the quality of the building itself as a pattern for future redevelopment in Horseshoe Bay; the concept of live/work as a means of creating a vibrant streetlife; additional parking beyond that required by zoning; readiness built in to the building in preparation for future underground wiring. Please come to support a fine job by developer and architect.

Calendars, etc?  Please note website address is


                No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back.