Council Report
6 Dec 2004

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Holey Moley, Batman!
Another monster mtg -- 7 to ~11:10pm even though Cclr VD absent (his devt in Penticton?)
NB: in Events/Cmtes below Notes you will see that both Evelyn Drive and Wetmore will be discussed at both PAC (Wed) and Wetmore again at DAC (Thurs).  Hm -- to Ccl Monday Dec 13th?  Quotation at end

===  BRIEF NOTES from Dec 6th CCL MTG  =============
VD absent
=  Started with United Way presentation
=  then Public Hearing on redevt of Esso site in HBay wch went on to 8:20!
Rather intriguing answer when I asked about 'uplift' (increased value to owner from upzoning/higher density), I was told a gas station's land value is the same as the adjacent property, implying no difference.  Incredulous, I asked if the assessed value of a gas station was the same as a three-storey structure.  Of course it isn't.  The answer had been about land value (as if that's what the purpose of my question was.......) but of course the assessment wd be higher with [zoning that allows the] buildings.   (To those who say it's speculation, that's the stuff of bread and butter to realtors and appraisers.)  IOW, there is benefit (profit) for the owner, and ought to be benefit to cmnty in return -- issue is how to determine how much...  Seem to recall Ccl has asked staff on several occasions over the past six months for a draft policy to discuss.  At one point G-J opined they shd have it before the next rezoning but still nothing has appeared.  Christmas present for WV?

>>>  That increased value shd be one of the factors calculated as part of the rezoning process -- AND IT SHD BE MADE PUBLIC.  As for cmnty benefits.  <<<

Then there is something to evaluate when considering appropriate cmnty benefits in exchange.  Over to you, WRA!  Are you getting what you want? something commensurate?  Part of your wishlist?  Not just something that makes the applicant's own building more desirable?  Looks like a good start to revitalization of Horseshoe Bay.  Live-work units a nice addition.
No surprise Sewell's doesn't want a restaurant in the complex -- doesn't the Boathouse restaurant rent from him (and obviously for more than DWV is paid)?
Dunlewey (Whitby/McDonald Crk) Public Hearing closed, explanation by SJN; third reading at 11pm
2863 Bellevue DVP passed at 8:31
=  1891 Marine Dr off on referrals; thx G-J asking nbrhd to be notified
=  8:35 marks the start of the LUC Amendment Bylaw re 4957 Marine; discussion re attic or third storey with or without permit/inspection with aim of regularizing (three readings).  Sop asked to make sure no liability to DWV.
=  8:45 was Signage (1695 Marine) passed three readings
=  Rock-breaking 4881 Water Lane at 8:48; approved
=  That controversial media-sensational noise and "odours" bylaw marathon started at 8:51 and went on with considerable zigs and zags, pass, don't pass, till almost 11pm!
Statements from 'both sides' but became obvious the bylaw is for biz in general however one biz a restaurant with, shall we say, some higher instances than most others.  (Maybe the H2S or some recognized rating just as noise is measured in decibels; set standard.)  Apparently research missing that wd aid, such as how handled in other jurisdictions, what equipment systems can be used, avoiding subjectivity/arbitrariness, etc.  But wait.  Also not just on the basis of two disgruntled complaints.  JF asked and got a description of the process.  Some held nose then voted to defer 4-2 to Jan 24th (b/c RD away beginning of Jan and Mayor away in Feb)

1  Perhaps insist you have all the information you need or want prior to agreeing to have it on the ccl agenda (and with enough time to read, fully understand, digest, and defend, preferably after consultation with residents and business cmnties, as well nbrhd assns and Chamber of Commerce where applicable)
2  If a bylaw or motion is taken out of context, manipulated, sensationalized, misrepresented, resulting in ridicule or (unjustified) criticism of Ccl/WV, get the PR team (Mayor or MMgr and/or staff) into high gear asap giving the main thrust to all and sundry thus not allowing false representations and accusations to stand and even grow -- across Canada in this case!  (And it wasn't even a slow news day......)

=  Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee Amendment Bylaw and Waterworks Regulation Amendment Bylaws re 2005 Water Rates both read a third time.
=  Appreciate Cclr G-J's wanting broader understanding wrt the WVS letter (but I'm biased since on bd) re importance of and attention to ephemeral creeks.  {We hope Ccl takes note too!}  She asked about the tailed frogs but the Mayor thought they might have all died (if I heard him correctly!).  The MMgr said these wd be in the Stream Protection bylaw and the Mayor agreed with her it be forwarded to the Environmental Coordinator.
=  11:05pm - Special Ccl Mtg 8:30am Wed Dec 15 "if required".  {Believe me, it'll be required; count on it.}

===  UPDATES  ===================

--  still awaiting capital projects budget; promised won't be passed until presented and available to public.
--  get info you want from Hall and input still possible
+++  EVELYN DRIVE UPDATE: -- will be on PAC agenda Wed.
+++  WETMORE -- also on PAC agenda; we paid $5.6m -- what do you want there?  Have you read Dir of Planning's Nov 4th report with options?  Will they include the land from Richardson Park to make it a larger parcel to sell so more money?
+++Can you believe they're still RAVing???  Why wd Sharp vote yes when her Ccl and ours leaned no?

===  Events/Mtgs  ============

+ TUESDAY, December 7th +++++
= 3:45 - 5:00pm = Youth Advisory Cmte at the Hall
 Agenda: Cooperation - Brian Smith, BC Cooperation Association; Christmas Party; Youth Leadership Grants - Tea and Trumpets, Project Share; Paola Merkin, Board of School Trustee - School District's substance abuse prevention initiative; Love the Skin You're In
= 5:30 - 7:30pm = Community Service Adv Cmte at Music Box, 1564 Argyle
Agenda:  Committee Annual Report and Work plan; Youth Leadership Grant Application - 24 Hour Famine Grant Application;  Budget 2005; Youth Advisory Committee - Love the Skin you're In Conference-
= 6 - 8pm = Opening Reception for "First Foot Forward", an exhibition by WV elementary school students at Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave

+ WEDNESDAY, December 8th +++++
= 4 - 8pm = Gleneagles Golf Course Facility Plan - Open House - Gleneagles Community Centre
= 5 - 7pm = Planning Adv Cmte - Council Chamber -
-   Devt Permit Application and Rezoning Application for 1891 Marine Dr, three-storey residential building
-  Wetmore Lands - Proposed Use and Disposition for review and advice on overall use
-  Follow-up on Evelyn Drive Comprehensive Area Plan Application
= 6 - 8pm = PEAC (rescheduled from Dec 1st)
Agenda: 2004 Draft Annual Report; 2005 Work Plan; Ambleside Park Plan Update

+ THURSDAY, December 9th +++++
= 4:30 - 7:30pm = Design Adv Cmte [POSTPONED from Nov 25th]
1891 Marine Dr, three-storey Residential  Building
-  Wetmore Lands, Urban Design Considerations

===  QUOTATION  ====

Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity.
                                -- Lord Acton, historian (1834-1902)