Ccl NOTES Feb 28
Calendar to Mar 10th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

CONGRATULATIONS to Rob Feenie, our very own Iron Chef!  and internationally recognized.  Vancouver is so fortunate to have so many talented people -- and Lumiere is one of the bright lights (pls forgive the word play).
CONDOLENCES at the shocking loss of four RCMP officers in Alberta, the most since 1885.  Reminds us of the sacrifice the police make and the gratitude and respect owed them for our safety and peace.
INFObits; RUMBLINGS; Main Items Mar 7th [AT LAST! five-year capital plan & new Cmnty Centre!]; Calendar to Mar 10th; Ccl Mtg Feb 28th NOTES (Family Place, Sea-to-Sky Hwy, Odours/Noise, Report re no fire protection, PQP: what happened to money for Police and Safety?); Mar 7th AGENDA; Heritage Wk - held over; Quotations

+++  INFObits  +++
=  As you know, DWV prepares Tidings published Sundays in NSNews.  It's emailed on Friday.  FYI, pleased to learn any citizen who wishes to receive it (in pdf), may make a request to Donna Nomura, Communications Coordinator, in writing <dnomura@westvancouver.ca>.  WVM applauds this step forward to improving communication, and hopes DWV will follow suit with other publications and notices (such as cmte mtg agendas!) the public express interest in.
= Editor's Note: Draft transcripts are typed while mtg in progress and after ebroadcast I realized a typo -- an earlier reference ought to have been to the pH factor.  PH usually stands for Public Hearing.
+++++  RUMBLINGS  ++++++++++
=   BTW, last week it was heartening to hear a mbr of an adv cmte say there wasn't enough in cmnty benefits for a project (was Evelyn Dr).  Good news.  More encouraging was the applicant's rep refer to UPLIFT, a term hitherto apparently kryptonite to Ccl and Planning.  So now we have proof it exists and it's finally been introduced into the process by someone other than me!  Surprise to hear $500K to Kay Meek Centre mentioned as a cmnty benefit.  Don't necessarily disagree but where'd this come from? staff?   SJN commented that no longer do staff negotiate the cmnty benefits, Ccl now wants to do it themselves.  Let's draw up a wish list for them!!!
=   Interesting to hear Cclr Day at CSAC say in his 40 years as an SFU prof that the students seem to be getting better.  Makes one more hopeful for the future.
=   At one adv cmte mtg, it was stated that skateboarding is losing popularity and mountain biking is increasing.
=   Also heard that a group active in municipal politics is having a mtg March 10th at the Srs' Centre so we'll get the first set of political speeches from Council itself in this election year.......
=   In calendar section below, you'll see the Mayor will be interviewed on Sunday -- tune in!
+++++  gRUMBLING  ++++++++++
Disgruntled residents have told me there'll be no badminton in the new cmnty centre (where they've played for 30 years).  Readers will know I've been asking for open houses/publicinfomtgs/whatever for over a year.  Still puzzled that the Aquatic Centre had them and three options for public input (and it was well under $10m) whereas pitifully little on new Cmnty Centre estimated at $13.5m in 2000 Project Plan and undoubtedly more now.  On top of that VD says the Select Cmte will only recommend ONE design to Ccl.   Is he saying take it or leave it?  Let's see what happens Monday night!

+++  MAIN ITEMS at Ccl Mar 7th  +++ A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda May be Issued on Friday

+  DELEGATIONS: Lions' Gate Hospice Society; Coho Society of the North Shore
+  REPORTS:             = DWV Environmental Strategy
                = [Five-Year] Capital Plan (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
                = Civic Site Community Centre - Next Phases
                        Designated Presenter:  Councillor Durman (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
                {This is a bit odd since presentations are made by staff, typically head of dept}
                = DVP (8540 Citrus Wynd) for Apr 4 mtg
                = Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) 2005 Workplan
                = Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
+  CORRESPONDENCE -- Minutes: BofVariance; PAC, LibBd, Police Bd; Evelyn Drive; Family Place; UBCM Environment Conference; Sea-to-Sky Highway Dispute; International Olympic Committee Luncheon; Starbuck's at 2416 Marine; 2005 Municipal Marketplace; 2168 Marine; Odour and Noise Control; Farmer's Market in Dundarave Village; 4202 Rockridge Road

+++++  CALENDAR to Mar 10th +++++

= TUESDAY, 1st =
~ 3:30pm ~ YAC
~ 4:30pm ~ EAC, and it's EVELYN DRIVE again -- and Alleluia/Hallelujah, agenda already posted by Monday night!
~ 7pm ~  CSAC -- Cmnty Grants, YAC Presentation; Youth Strategy -- and its agenda was also already posted
= WEDNESDAY, 2nd =
~ 8:30am ~ Sports & Rec Fac Planning about Ambleside Park plans and possibly discussing the new Cmnty Centre again

= SATURDAY, 5th =
~ 1pm ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society talk at Seniors' Centre (audiovisual room) by Dr Tom Reimchen, a professor of biology at the U of Victoria regarding the intimate link between bears, salmon, and old-growth forests.

= SUNDAY, 5th =
~ 12:30 ~ Mayor Wood interviewed on Shaw (Ch 4), repeated at 4:30pm

= TUESDAY, 8th =
~ 5pm ~ HAC
= WEDNESDAY, 9th =
~ 8:30am ~ Sports & Rec Fac Planning
~ 6pm ~ PEAC (rescheduled from Mar 2nd)
= THURSDAY, 10th =
~ 7pm ~ WVCGG invites Ccl to speak at SAC -- public mtg?

+++++++++  COUNCIL MTG NOTES Feb 28th  ++++++++++++
                        thus transcript typed during mtg on a best efforts basis
[Agenda amended to add letters]
Council Meeting Minutes, February 14, 2005 adopted
4.         DELEGATIONS
4.1       K. Erdman and A. Jaret, West Vancouver Family Place Society, regarding West Vancouver Family Place

KE: longtime volunteer and board mbr, others present
two things I'd like to accomplish: give you a bit of background and will urge you to build a vibrant family place for the families in WV
we're part of a network, an organization -- 300 in province, been working with the M since 1988
We serve a wide range -- children and adults, ev child comes with an adult
attract a wide multicultural
dev a sense of cmnty and bond
benefit of early child devt
prevention programs
four mornings a week and still turning ppl away
ask for your ongoing acceptance and support as a core service for WV
having functional space is a nec component
continued use of M space for FP programs
very pleased Dir/Parks Kevin Pike has given our president the commitment that our programs are going to be able to continue in the cabin in Ambleside during construction period of new cmnty centre, very pleased about that
as far as cmnty centre goes, we identified with staff an ideal space, board feels strongly benefit in that location (successful in Parkgate in NV)
Synergies: why we think we belong in the new cmnty centre
efficiency in shared facilities (eg kitchen and laundry), gateway program
introduction to cmnty, learn of other programs in the cmnty
cmnty partnering, working with Health
working on small budget, $37K, mostly from prov, $2500 from M
depend on M funding to get rest, critical
nonprofit society
capable of getting some outside funding for the cmnty centre
"incorporating WV Family Place within the current vision fort the new cc is a long term holistic vision that will build on the overall urban plan for a vibrant cmnty, healthy families, and successful cmnty collaboration"
start on creating a full service family resource for WV
[Comments from participants]
A Jaret: ...started family late...FP great help...keep it...sad loss
KE: ask for your commitment
Mayor: in terms of the use of the facility you're currently in, in the summertime how do you share that?
KE: we don't, we move out
Mayor: consider doing that
KE; we will over the next two years
Sop: other FPs on the north shore?
KE: yes one run by Nbrhd House in NV, also Parkgate as mentioned; West Coast Energy Centre in one of the schools, run by grants and donations
Sop: parent and child can drop in?
KE: not a daycare; really aiming at supporting the parents
bring in guests on infant devt, different health ppl, people learn by modelling; really there to support the adults as caregivers so when they go home more capable
Alana has met friends who meet outside FP
Sop: have you considered a model, pay rent?
have you considered tri-M approach? look at grant system then build a biz case if taking space from us; build in rent
KE: if grants, we cd pay rent but we do need support from M
Sop: you have that support
KE: other centres are receiving that; Parkgate is running programs all day long
JF: how do you communicate your services?
Ans: Leisure Guide, brochures, advertising in NSN and Outlook we can get free
booth at Cmnty Day
RD: don't know you want to publicise it too much --  when I was there it was jammed
Ans: that's the problem, small, cd be more efficient
RD: think you're providing a useful service
tremendous need for young mothers, young fathers too,
Lady: may I say old mothers too!
RD: and grandparents
JC: how many mbrs?
Ans: at last AGM 100
JC: mbrship fee?
Ans: no mbrship fee
JC: you have some prices here
Ans: that's a drop-in fee
when we started we were a free service entirely
didn't want any barriers
decided to have contributions, tried to find balance and wd not discourage anyone (referred by Social Services, don't want to embarrass them)
JC: $9500?
Ans: need something for gaming so put that figure in as 'in kind'
G-J: you provide a good service to cmnty
not sure what the issue is; we all agree, what's the gap?
Ans: space issues since last summer
we've been operating somewhat under the radar as far as cost to M, a space not used so very little cost so hasn't had to come to Ccl for any financial approval
now if we move to new Cmnty Centre funds will be needed, beyond staff to decide that
Ccl to decide
we're doing the best we can and expanding as best we can with a lot of volunteers
so we're not like Health that can come up with funds for sq footage
sort of feeling we're an outside group
Sop: have you looked at other models
Ans; as second choice we might look at another space, maybe School Bd, but can't aff
Sop: ev a volunteer?
Ans: no, we have paid staff
VD: all appreciate the cause and issues you bring to us
as chair of the cmte trying to build the cmnty centre, totally surprised by this process
I'm surprised anyone wd say no place
staff has been working very hard trying to find space for all the groups; moving out for 18mos to two years
until we find how to fit everyone, all groups will have to accommodate each other
get them to cuddle up
difficult for staff; don't have enough room, can't commit
still trying to negotiate with church halls, Klee Wyck, Gleneagles
until plan laid out
when we get there we can tell people, you're going to go to x, y, z
that may be where the trouble is -- you've been pushing to get space beyond June 1st and staff not yet able to do it until we get completed plan
this is how we can fit people in
may be three or four or five days a week; depends on scheduling
Ans: you see why we're here; as non-profit we have to work now; we have to get our funds for next fall for new Board of Directors
we have to keep our progs happening
there's a fragility to our organization and structure; been working with staff; frustrating to all concerned
that's why we were very pleased when Mr Pike said we wd be housed, desperately need that commitment
otherwise we may not be here
VD: staff worked hard to give you a commitment wch they have now done
now others may want one and we're not able to give one
you're ahead of everyone
[Sop made motion]

G-J: follow-up motion for staff to work with FP to provide a place in the new cmnty centre
wd help us to understand how we can work to strengthen our commitment the Family Place
do understand your position, we don't want to lose
wd like to direct staff
VD: nobody is suggesting we're going to lose Family Place
no one will get committed space
just recognizing not everyone will get space
we can't build a place big enough
trying to have flexible space; use facility on a basis as scheduled
they want space, love to have them, but nobody is going to have a name over the place saying theirs and no one else is going to use them
space is going to be used by three or four diff groups
we've got enough for people to use space 24 hours
this is a cmte making a decision, most flexible
the motion suggests putting FP into; we'd say FP has every right to apply to use space
they cd apply like anybody else, to MWF and see
first we haven't built it or programmed it
we shdn't prejudge who can be in or out
in the meantime, they have a letter from staff not provided to anybody else about some space
won't open for a year or two
nobody is trying to put them out
want to encourage them but at the end of the day there's a space and money problem in this cmnty
until that time
no actual space for anybody but we're going to be super-flexible
JF: problem with this motion though I support FP
do everything to make sure remains but whether in M facilities or moves to Sch Bd
wonderful service in cmnty
we have a long, long list of people who want assurances to be in Cmnty Cntre
not that we can't do it in long run but too early in process
ev is committed to the services FP supplies
JC: support JF/FP but [mike problems, rest inaudible]...
G-J: thrilled Rec Fac cmte will do all it can
issue getting into that discussion
there's a big diff between market rates $300 a month, enrolling in a rec prog for $90 a month, and $3 at a drop-in centre
it is often families that can't afford it and some who can
that's how you support the cmnty
I think there's merit in this motion
doesn't provide an answer
but we haven't heard from staff at all as to need/place
not to do with Rec Fac cmte per se, to do with our social planning dept
staff work with board of FP
for the continuation of WVFP in the cmnty centre or elsewhere

TIED: 3 in favour RD, Sop, G-J and 3 opposed: VD, JF, JC

Mayor: Mr Pike, I understand you've given a guarantee they're entitled to stay for 18 mos, is that correct?
KP: been talking to them for seven years, since 1998
Yes, I sent a letter in mid February, saying that their morning progs cd remain
Yes, made that commitment to them, reason in Cmnty Centre in first place and to Venture [sp?] Hut later on, is b/c they connect with us and what we do, and fit with our mandate very well
for that reason we've supported them all along
Mayor:  the reason I have difficulty with the motion frankly is that it suggests that staff has not been working with this group for a period of time and that is not the case as we've just heard.
I do believe motion was premature and will vote against it


4.2       J. Lindsay, D. Konasewich and N. Ferri, West Vancouver Residents, regarding Noise Control Bylaw relative to Sea-to-Sky Highway Upgrades in vicinity of Ansell and Bedora Place

JL:live south of Sunset Marina
we've been subjected to noise violations, have to be exp to be believed
blasting,, jackhammers, [backup beepers,] etc
ev day, early hours
other areas affected too
notice received
not just blasting, machinery moves in
on Jan 26 till 2 or 3 in morning
went with nbr and said wd stay until resolved (blasting caps had been put in)
told we wd be arrested
mtg with contractor and told stakeholders in Sq involved
nbrs disturbed, hearing problems
boast they're a year ahead of schedule
1 why aren't the noise/blast bylaws being enforced
2 who are the stakeholders making decisions re closures in WV
3 if ahead, assume there's a performance bonus?
4 I will go back to the blast site if I have to, am I going to be arrested by the WV Police?
Mayor: finish presentation first
DK: we have people sleep-deprived etc
need some independent overview of these issues
noise monitoring: when? who interprets results?
mtg of nbrhd with MOT and told them we'd need noise barriers when completed too; asked it be put in minutes
MOT said noise wdn't be a problem and didn't put it in minutes
Mr Lindsay has a crack in foundation; our houses rock when those blasts occur
blast not 300 or 400 metres, reach to 5 and 600 metres; and don't always go as planned
need ombudsman for monitoring by MOT
money for bonuses, money to protect eagles' nest
initially contractors supportive but under order for Ministry from 6am to 11pm no stop more than two minutes; only time cd stop for 20min was after 11 o'clock
got it changed to 8pm
when they came over to us and said they'd call the police and have us arrested, they said the Olympics and any delay wd not be tolerated
had heard it was about safety of hwy, not Olympics
need MOT, public consultation, consideration of us as residents, not just the eagles and their nest
Mayor: if it weren't so serious it wd be humorous
that's what it's like to deal with them; nothing different in the last few years
Sop: has the noise abated
Ans: end blasting at 8pm and move out equipment to 11pm
heard them at 3am, a bit further away
don't trust them
they're coming back, about 100 yards from my house
the drafts they show you are rubbish -- I'm an engineer and I know what they're talking about
it's going to get worse, as they move south
it's almost as if we have no rights; it's despicable
Sop: Brent Dozzi [Engg staff] wrote to the Ministry as to their time of blasting, etc, over two weeks ago, have we received a reply?
EB, Dir/Engg: yes; in process of reviewing that
hours for blasting have been adjusted as a result as a mtg with the contractor however if that has not been monitored, [encourage residents to] bring it to our attention so we can speak to them
Sop: When Mr Lindsay came to me his nerves were wracked.....
is this what we're going to have to put up with
put up with blasting after midnight and cleanup
these are reasonable people and they need some sleep and haven't been getting it
he was at his wit's end when he came to see me, and that shdn't happen in this cmnty
EB: we'll continue to press the Ministry to address these considerations
I'd appreciate  being told of situation to contact them
MMgr: can also express our expectations that our bylaws will be adhered to
at that hour, it's the police and we'll advise them
unfortunately, the prov has passed legislation that municipal bylaws can be breached for special/large projects
Sop: ask cease and desist? we have no jurisdiction?
MMgr: we said we'd do what we can but the prov has passed that for large projects; it exempts them
Sop: responsibility of govt and contractor; basic peace and enjoyment that our residents have the right to
have another one coming
Mayor: articulated frustration we've had over the years
VD: you said the timing was being controlled by decisions in Squamish and Whistler
Ans: we don't really know
reading correspondence says interested stakeholders and see Sq and Whistler, discussing with them
they're taking about two minutes for a road closure; makes no sense; can't do anything in two minutes
accept road closures during day; I've accepted road closures of two hours -- haven't like it but lived with it
VD: unfortunate this govt said they wd comply with M bylaws and have meaningful consultation with groups -- clearly not much meaningful -- but seems not to upset Sq/Wh timetable
may say, as Mayor pointed out, we've spent two or three years trying to deal with them over tunnel issue, and if you say you don't trust them, we learned that a long time ago
We shd as a council request that they not blast after our hours
request our Police turn up and close site down
let govt bring in legislation to close us down
Mayor: has been in place
VD: not actually
with election even less likely to
when do we allow blasting?
MMgr: we'll review our bylaws and inform them of our expectations
VD: clear, blasting into evening, the odd time, once a week at 8 or 9 o'clock okay, but to do it day after day is just wrong
we shd enact our bylaws and let the chips fall where they may
if they want to override us, let them publicly do so
stop contractor; let his guys go to sleep as well
JF: have you been in contact with any of the other cmnties up the corridor similarly affected?
Ans: (eg Montizambert) some, had bad experiences
JF: but beyond WV, Lions Bay, etc, they will be too
if we can elicit their support, ask come to some reasonable alternative to get finished on time
any kind of support helpful, maybe even support from your MLA
Mayor: wherever he is
JC: believe we shd enforce bylaws
JL: important; mountains reflect sound so will be more
Mayor: so  "aint' seen nothin' yet", you're saying
VD: wd like to make motion that staff enforce bylaws on the contractors forthwith and inform police
go out and do it
MMgr: don't think we need to add stop them
JF: friendly amendment to convey info to other cmnties up corridor that will be affected
so their help solicited
VD: think that's a good idea

5.         REPORTS
5.1       North Shore Transportation Advisory Committee:  Draft Terms of Reference
Designated Presenter:  Director of Engineering and Transportation
1.         Council Endorse the Draft Terms of Reference for the North Shore Transportation Advisory Committee (Attachment A) to be finalized by the Committee at its first meeting; and
2.         Appoint two members of Council to this Committee.
[EB gave background]
difficult to coordinate comments from all the Ms
this is being brought forward by other Councils at the same time
RD: the five Ms involved are DWV, CNV, DNV, Bowen Island, and Lions Bay.  Not sure why Sq not full members/participants instead of observers.
better we coordinate our efforts
G-J: q why not Sq voting mbrs; know scale
seems to me Sq wd be real allies in improved transportation
EB: in the end it was the feeling that if Ccl wanted them included as voting mbrs they wd say so in first mtg
G-J: fine to say wd hope so

5.2       [Five-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4415, 2005
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance  (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
Mayor: question that it shd be deferred
MMgr: wrt ten-year, really felt we shd focus on five-year plan
wrt ten-year shd really give more time in view of number of projects
staff's view to bring in five-year, only item we're trying to nail down is Cmnty Centre
had one in 2000 and have adjusted it

{We're all wondering to what b/c in 2000 it was $13.5m}

meeting tomorrow; we're in fairly early stages of design
suggest to next week; will be opp for public to comment

5.3       TransLink Funding
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Engineering and Transportation
             (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
EB: Mayor Sharp is our rep; increases will be much higher than anticipated
the notice of motion requests return funds
TransLink voted against it on 16th and voted to retain it in order to address urgent projects they wanted to proceed with currently unfunded and some other safety ones
previous ccl mtg discussed impact on WV
for example in all the documentation, they often refer to av assessed value as $309K, but in WV it's $893K so impact significant
issues also around governance, Mayor Sharp's motion given considerable support even though defeated
asked this be brought forward this evening
Mayor: didn't we discuss attempt to get a public mtg of the NSh Ccls rather than WV?
VD: think this to invite to a WV public mtg, don't know if other NSh want to do as well
MMgr: we can't really assume the other two Ms wd want to participate in such a forum, so just to WV
VD: particularly interested in what I read in NSNews, re GVRD ask for money back
re governance, GVRD have no ability to ask release back to taxpayers
so I'll make the motion that Ccl invite the TransLink Chair and CEO to attend a public mtg of Ccl and justify the retention of the $13.4m resulting from the higher than anticipated [funds from higher assessments], and the prov, GVRD, TransLink have an independent review, and that this report and motions be sent to all mbr Ms of the GVRD
When we look over the history of TransLink, our well-regarded cclr, Williams, put together an argument as to governance of TransLink
and that governance issue has been running through over the years
the idea that the whole of the NSh shd only have one director
series of operating companies, eg buses
TransLink, half board mbrs politicians
wonder why GVRD board as a policy-making org
wonder why GVRD board with TransLink board as a subsidiary and they make policy decisions, GVRD unable to tell them what to do
wondering what they're doing then
maybe make it a cmte, then the GVRD Board wd make policy
then maybe ev M a fair chance
currently TransLink is so remote, divorced, from the voters that I wonder whether they care
remember they said they wdn't rely on real estate taxes
and if you read Mr McCallum's letter (TransLink Chair), speak of problems of varying taxes
not what they said they wd do
real estate taxes firm steady
so clearly getting more toward the idea of utilizing that and that wasn't what they said they wd do
time we get a governance review and report from staff
G-J: I actually think it raises a question of confidence in the GVTA Bad
why wdn't GVRD lower downward to budget; commitment to take
the very least we can do
everybody knows real estate is a regressive tax; nothing to do with ability to pay or use
very serious
does not excuse them from public accountability
JF: just seems to me that GVRD made up of mayors and cclrs from across
not a single one of them wd undertake this
appalling no responsibility to taxpayers in general
Mayor: this is a windfall of at least some $13.4m beyond $17m
real travesty -- WV gets hit hardest and virtually no benefit
when RAV line built, benefit but in terms of direct benefit, pretty hard to find
some Ms not being hit quite as hard, and looking favourably toward NSh, nice little boost for TransLink
not terribly surprised by Mayor McCallum's letter; windfall for all and not giving it back
Sop: agree they've no intention of handing any back
any way we can politically put pressure on
VD: governance or taxation?
Sop: both
VD: only time can exert will is if GVTA wishes to borrow more money or to raise taxes or fares
problem is that this increase in assessed values is not raising taxes
it's automatic, no need to come back
Sop: can we do anything when they come back
VD: they will come back, and if I'm Chair there'll be some spluttering
in favour of big Ms: Vanc, Bby, Surrey
WV only has one vote
but a lot of smaller Ms don't want to see this
Sop: guess when they come--
Several: IF
5.4       Business Licence Amendment Bylaw No. 4403, 2004 - Odour & Noise Control
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
1.         Third reading of Business Licence ... Amendment Bylaw ... be rescinded;
2.         Business Licence Bylaw No. 3024, 1982, Amendment Bylaw No. 4403, 2004 be amended as per changes reflected within the report from the Manager of Bylaw & [Licensing] Services dated February 17, 2005, without additional public notice;
3.         The amended Administrative Policy pertaining to Bylaw Enforcement of Odour/Noise Contraventions under s. 524 of Business Licence Amendment Bylaw No. 4403, 2004, be received;
4.         Council petition the Honourable Murray Coell Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services requesting amendments to Provincial building standard regulations to clarify standards around ventilation, air-condition and other mechanical equipment dealing with the prevention of odours and noise in mixed use commercial and residential areas;
5.         Staff begin development of a revised policy and Development Permit design guidelines for commercial areas that would require commercial and residential ventilation to be located and controlled in a manner which minimizes or eliminates the potential for disturbance either by noise or odour of residential uses and explore what interim steps can be taken to ensure that the potential for disturbance either by noise or odour are identified and addressed.

RB: hallmark of planning in WV integration of comm/residential; business revitalizes
WV responds to resident complaints with this bylaw
purpose re commercial nuisance is to amend the bylaw
also taken into consideration correspondence received
also recommending a submission to prov govt to provide for an enactment of standards wch wd allow for better enforcement
revise devt guidelines to minimize disturbances in mixed-use areas
some of the key points raised pertained to staff research other jurisdictions
have done so
in US, Wichita and Jefferson counties, in Wisconsin, Illinois; has been prevalent and in Europe
high urbanization has caused regulations to come about
in Japan, require take measures if affect environment of residents
mechanical as well as subjective measures we're proposing
scientific odour control mechanisms have been designed and installed as to waste management
still relies on human evaluation
ability to discern
GVRD has equipment we cd access
to solicitor re enforceability -- objective and subjective tests, must disturb the enjoyment, comfort, or convenience; section 64 of Cmnty Charter
requires M to show disturbance on individuals or public
onus is on M to prove that
has been upheld numerous times in BC courts
in addition to subjective, has added an objective requirement
bylaw amendment is neutral wrt type of odour, only that it is perceptible and disturbs people
where disturbance is real, sustained, and pervasive
consistent with Cmnty Charter and enforceable
VD: this will only apply to someone living above or adjoining comm premises?
pervasive? five or six days?
all the time? not just opening window
RB: policy guidelines that before staff wd look into a complaint, must receive written complaint from two or more
two bylaw officers must concur through inspections, likely to disturb
recurring over ten or more days
something we wd monitor and follow up on
MMgr: as we're received this; remind this is not an individual circumstance though there may be some in the audience who may
over the years we've had very few complaints and were able to work through solutions
our focus is on compliance rather than enforcement
appropriate manner before relying on enforcement
Sop: states 100 meters from source
no actual device that measures odours I understand except the nose
if several restaurants within 300 ft how can you tell wch is emitting?
RB: you've made the suggestion if more than one restaurant
that wd be on a site-specific basis
also have expanded the policy to have a panel, so not just a bylaw officer
site-specific, monitored
whatever we come up with and if we want to prosecute we must be able to prove in eyes of adjudicator or in a court of law
Sop: wrt necessary tools
future devt of mixed commercial
is there an ability for the prov govt to let us look at that
we have bylaws but amending; need their okay?
RB: under the new Charter we must obtain the prov's approval if going beyond delegated authority and can do two ways: amend own bylaws; or ask minister to design regulations that cd be used by any M that wanted these regns
trying to be pro-active to design and it wd assist other jurisdictions as well
Mr Ali Bakhtiari [owner of Arian Restaurant]: I reside at 1490 Mathers
back here past few months, spending/wasting lots of money, know each other pretty well
going forward so we're not going to have these sorts of problems
in our shoes, we've invested money, we've put a restaurant together not even a year old and now have to change things.
all have budgets
haven't done anything illegal, got biz licence
in this case, tried to communicate with residents
didn't get any response
if noise issue, can get measurement
you're above decibel level -- inside or outside
45 decibel level at night
the noise from the street is 58 decibels (cars and buses going by)
noise not the major
we've done [sic] some changes since Friday and lower, been in contact with Mr Beauchamp; been making some progress
looking at the bylaw itself we've been waiting for for three months
look at other countries
at the end of the day, depending on somebody's nose
we don't need a bylaw; I've done a lot of research in Europe and Japan and it's for agriculture, not restaurants
don't know how we can do our biz based on this
bylaw is very subjective; this subjective is not going to stand
don't want to go this route
lot of questions still to be answered
don't know decision tonight, hope right one
Tighe [sp?] Martin:  My first ccl mtg, don't know protocol
Mayor: name and address
TM:  1695 Mathers
ask Ccl to partition this motion if possible, not 1 to 3 and carry through with 4 and 5
contains vague language; enjoyment yes
if you say a restaurant or biz will be running foul of this, if say a perceptible odour, there's no reasonable limit
I personally find traffic noise to be disturbing and wd disturb my enjoyment, comfort, and convenience
so I do not choose to live next to 15th, the hwy, or Taylor Way
to have a bylaw officer come by and agree the traffic and the noise of children playing is perceptible objectionable wd not be hard????
suggest road or park moved!
don't see why biz shd be treated any differently
grown up here; like to think WV reasonably sophisticated
to suggest no noise from biz, living in a biz area
civilized to feel empathy for people may have made a decision they've come to regret, foolish to protect
foolish to assume restaurants downstairs will always make sandwiches
hope Ccl will not undermine the OCP I think this cmnty generally support of; that's why I say partition and keep 4 and 5
Stuart Martin: lived at 2154 Bellevue Landing for 14 years strata
have also appeared before
owners of Bellevue Landing support this bylaw and the amendment
safe, pollution free for both home and biz owners
recent years sev mixed use bldgs in Amb and Dund
Ocean Walk and Dund Mews examples of resid and comm
coffee and sandwich shops can be successful additions
establishing a full restaurant however immediately brings concerns about noise, odours, and fires
application of M bylaws to make sure other biz not adversely affected
residential and commercial devt is a vital component in the future devt of Amb and Dudnd
brings in more taxes
prop values of a bldg can be greatly affected by noise, odours, fires
staff report valuable, how dealt with in other jursidictions
guidelines for devprs intending mixed-use bldgs
passing this amendment wd give nec tools as they have arisen in our location and may arise in others
owners of Bellevue Landing wholeheartedly support passing of bylaw
resident of WV since 1952
happy to answer any questions; other owners here willing to speak
Mayor: thank you very much
Ken Farquharson: resident of 1406 Marine Dr; co-chairman of the strata ccl where the Arian restaurant is located
have some experience of issues involved in this bylaw
our residents support wholeheartedly what Mr Martin has said
we've suffered don't want others to
ways to avoid this; have regulations and legislation on the table before people come
we had a coffee shop and it became a restaurant, sure will happen elsewhere, so it is a real one
intrigued by the delegation re the Sea-to-Sky wanting WV to enforce bylaw
it was music to our ears
we've been asking this M since May for the noise bylaws to be enforced and we do not yet have it
see noise has been rolled in to the odour and can't see why
ways of measuring noise
see there is merit; wd hope you do nothing to dilute your present noise bylaw b/c that is backstop to give comfort
in the delegation, the man talked about sleep deprivation
lady behind me who has had sleep deprivation for eight months
I think that's a little too long
time for this M to live up to what it shd be doing and to enforce that noise control bylaw and bring some peace
Mayor: odour with noise does not dilute?
RB: no it does not
Ivan/Egan Andre [sp?]: born in Netherlands
finished university
Mayor: need to know where you live
Andre: in Bellevue Landing
finished as an architect in Netherlands
went to Germany and became member of prestigious Assn of German Building Masters
we've in apt 302 for eight years; lived in WV for 24 years
until last year when Mr Bakhtiari started operating restaurant last year, we really enjoyed living here
quiet, no smells; life is beautiful; since Arian this expression does not count any more
even Quiznos [written Quizno's sometimes], next door, not disturbed by noise and smells
my wife and I lived in this bldg for eight years, used to noise of street and passing of train
knowing at certain time it will stop (can't say for noise and smells from Arian restaurant)
but not from Arian restaurant -- at night and never know when fan will stop
wait for disappearance of noise and smells
but only for a short period of time
my life has arthritis and osteoporosis; under doctor's treatment
lately she has only been able to tell hours fan is running or shut down
inconvenient before giving up our apt
considering consulting with doctor to do whatever possible to alleviate
our physician has also expressed in writing to amend this bylaw
for this apt we pay $4,800 prop tax; paid for next to a food factory?
this is a food factory, know of no rest, constant basis, food during the night-time
do other restaurants run day and night in WV?
as far as I can see in our immediate nbrhd, the answer is no
problems my wife and I encountering living
general problem, to provide prevention of noise and excessive odours
one need only look across the bridge to Vancouver -- exists complete bylaw, therefore if one wants a permit to operate a restaurant in Vanc, he has to abide by the aforementioned bylaw and to receive a permit
why not catch up to the City of Vanc and change or amend our bylaw accordingly
give apts same rights as those enjoyed by people of Vancouver in such apts
value of our assets
to demonstrate how easy this is, look at how these rules/regulations are exercised in City of Vanc
Mr Martin, Mr Denis Meares (sp?) and I invited to Bravo restaurant at the food of Denman St adjacent to Bayshore and many, hundreds, apts
The Mr Ablab (sp??) showed us his kitchen and installation built for $21K
went to roof and have pictures
grease is burned in ultraviolet light
chutes, empty, throw in dishwasher
noise is reversed
[photos] the vents of Quiznos and oversized one from the Arian roof
no noise/odours emanating from Quiznos
from pictures, shows outside of vent of Arian's restaurant shows grease, cd be unburned; fire hazard
one thing I want to emphasize, the thought of having perhaps a fire hazard in the next bldg is a scary thought for the occupants of Bellevue Landing
shdn't exist; maintenance company
as an architect I wd recommend you get the Fire Dept involved and check on this
another thing that bothers my wife and me, in one of the most liberal-thinking countries, the Netherlands, the suggestion of racism by Mr Bakhtiari--
Mayor: I suggest you not
Ans: okay
intrusion on privacy affects assessment, destroys values, etc
M has to forgo certain taxes of props involved
figures assessed since Arian in May 2004 increased its fan motor from one horsepower to two
assessment apts next to Arian bldg only increase of 15%
while general assessments have increased in WV 25%, even up to 43%
destroyed value is from $50-60K per unit, a total of $500 to 600K
the assessor has visited our bldg and esp the bathroom = a reduction of $90K from the first assessed value of my apt; same for all four on our floor
so a reduction of $360K
lower floor reduced $70K so six units $420K
$812K of capital destroyed, wiped out, a waste, gone
I cannot believe that in a mixed comm/resid bldg one party downgrading the values of the other party
particularly by keeping its production costs as low as possible by not investing in preventative measures
in our case, instead of selling for 599
Mayor: appreciate where you're going
Ans: that's it
in order to change and prevent further problems, you have to have strong bylaws on noises and odours; they exist in Vancouver
G-J [made the above motions then said]:
this is important; establishes standards; distinction between private residences and biz, rather than street and trains
think staff totally committed to a consultative approach
not intended to be heavy-handed
increase in mixed use
generally accepted can be handled by design
looking forward to working productively with cmnty
time has allowed us some clarity on this
will be supporting the motion
JF: will also support and I did the first time around
Cmnty Charter allows us authority not had prior
OCP allows both res and comm to proceed; supports Ambleside Town Strategy now out for public
many change their lifestyles as they grow older
don't want to live in four-bedroom houses above the Upper Levels but down where they can walk to restaurants, shops, beach
look at Yaletown
changes in technology now that allow this to take place; exist in symbiotic relationship
people who live in those apts want to go to those restaurants
densification all around, in BC, North American, Europe, Japan
the real object is not to make it difficult for biz to exist in cmnty but be profitable
Sop: first time around I had questions about right wording in relation to what transpired with one biz
assuming this bylaw, looking back on Gd Nbr Bylaw took a quite some time and understand from MMgr only two complaints in a year, was talked about feeling outrageous nbr complaining about nbr forever more and that has not taken place
need to revise bylaws in building code for owners to respond to needs if biz had needs re odours/noise
common sense to look at future and prepare for it
also said to the people who spoke with passion re Ansell Place, that man was really beside himself, all deserve quiet enjoyment, saw the gentleman here, been some compliance
went to site and listened; ...other sites listened to other fans
now in position we've been through it enough, tool we need now and in future; reduce situation
JC: a few days ago trying to remember how far back this discussion actually went
a year and a half, prior to Arian restaurant, so to imply this is not aimed at any one restaurant, this precedes [Arian]
recall when Carmelo's installed pizza oven, problem right away with Bank of Montreal and the owner dealt with it right away in two days
also recall Jody's Catering complied with a complaint from apt dwelling behind within a week
Saltaire had a complaint and they increased the number of their garbage pickups so not overflowing
some restaurants wanted to know if had to retrofit, but don't have to if no problem
on Dec 6 when we had that last mtg, we received a letter from Cdn Fed of Indep Biz critical of this amendment without homework being done, also from the BC Ch of Comm, similarly critical, see from letter also clearly didn't understand
most disappointed with our own WV Ch of Commerce -- whose prez appeared here critical of bylaw and supportive of  Arian restaurant;  and just found out recently his own board did not support his appearance
Mayor: I believe that's dated--
JC:  well, dated Dec 6
heard from another restauranteur who supports this bylaw, has two restaurants
we've had hundreds of letters, personal appearances, I believe the residents and biz people are entitled to quiet enjoyment
also entitled to clear, clean, environment
think this is the right bylaw for the right reasons and support it fully
RD: I strongly voted for a deferral last time and think it's good we have more information, chance to think about it, better
I also hoped the two sides wd have got together and found ways to resolve their problems rather than recourse to legislation
talking to both sides, came to conclusion both so dug in not able to reach agreement on own so that leaves us with a bylaw
we have a noise bylaw but don't have an odour one so two can be put together
have been in the apts, and there's no doubt of noise and odour; feel it comes from a particular establishment
but need bylaw b/c provides means to investigate means to determine where from
somewhat reluctantly b/c I'd hoped no need to come to bylaw; don't see alternative
if the owner isn't producing that, if from other restaurants, no need for that owner to be concerned
bylaw, we can find out, determine, work to resolve problem
not going to go out and just enforce, seek compliance in a reasonable way
small biz in Ambleside, some not very profitable
can't imagine Amb and Dund without restaurants and coffeeshops, want to see them do well
that restaurant is a good one, I've been there
want biz to get along with nbrs and do well
we're redoing Ambleside; want residents and biz to get along well
this is a first step; in the long run all will prosper
if Ccl passes it hope it brings about compliance in as reasonable and scientific way as possible
I'm going to support the bylaw.....
VD: no problem with bylaw, takes out frivolous, people rushing out to complain
two people to complain, panel
has to be continuous, pervasive
can't think of anything worse than that next to my house 24 hours a day, any time continuous, even a nice smell
noise bylaws -- as someone mentioned, traffic Amb might even be higher at some points of day
at 2am, 3am, little traffic; let's face it at some point WV goes to sleep, then quiet and any noise, switching on and off, becomes infuriating
a good operator will hear a complaint, sort problem out, recognize, and wdn't want, to be annoying to nbrs.
with density have to be more considerate of nbrs, closer; have to be more considerate
hope this is a bylaw is never enforced, that never needs to be used
hope sensible solution not needed, but bylaw helps to get to a solution

VD: we all attended the Ch of Comm luncheon; discussed issues
great to meet groups as we'll be doing on Thursday as we'll be doing
Mayor: a week Thursday
VD: oh, wd have turned up wondering where ev was
Mayor: no rehearsal
VD: those types of mtgs, ask good questions, get solid info instead of rumour; useful
also attended GVRD bd mtg
an issue that affects WV is fire services for Electoral A areas
The area between WV and Lions Bay is an Electoral A
ppl in those areas are not so taxed
also GVRD unable to tax or provide fire services without approval of residents of that area
so what happened, three fires on Barnston Island last year
City of Surrey sent their trucks over; correct moral thing to do
problem: Barnston Island hasn't any ability to tax their residents
therefore City of Surrey sent bill of $40K to GVRD; and there is no legal way of providing Surrey with they money so staff came up with a way, a grant
there was a very very lengthy discussion
we wd be paying the taxes for Barnston Island
we've had that problem with our Fire Trucks going, we don't do that now,  Lions' Bay does
if Surrey got paid then we'd be sending in our bill for the many years we've provided
somehow to find a way for Electoral A areas to pay for a fire service
amazing to think that those ppl living between WV and Lions' Bay have no fire service
no fire protection
no one will come to rescue
amazing living in million-dollar homes
no one has asked GVRD
majority unwilling to pay to GVRD tax for that
amazing to think that our own fire trucks wd pull up at the boundary and not help
interesting position for our Fire Dept to be in
so now pushing forward to see if we can get the prov govt to change the rules
MMgr: as a point of clarification, we have been working with the prov emergency programs
some groups indicated a way of getting around
if GVRD wd indemnify us shd we lose a fire truck for example
sticking point, won't indemnify
VD: they want to get everyone paying and not able to do it yet

RD: Heritage Week last week two particularly successful events
Saturday at Archives, four outstanding award-winners
one Peter Hall, actively involved over many years in heritage and WVHS
Tom Taylor, recently published a book on WV during WW2, fascinating piece of work, active in Historical Society, single-handedly puts out newsletter History-onics, native WVite, teacher in WV; contributed in many ways
Katherine Steig, active in environmental and ecological orgs, active over years particularly protection of Cypress Ridge, Cypress Bowl, and Hollyburn Ridge, activities all over BC
finally Lighthouse Park Preservation Society for its many contributions, ecological planning in Park
many fine ppl there excellent award winners
Sunday afternoon had Heritage Fayre various cmnty groups had booths, able to present to public what they do in WV, contributions they make; not just environmental and heritage groups but others civic such as Rotary, Fire, and Police
again a very successful week
want to thank all those involved in planning, it always goes so well
{Rod, don't forget Streamkeepers, SPCA, and even Baha'i architecture since theme was sacred buildings, spiritual spaces}
Mayor: Thank you for filling in for me; I was away on family business
RD: such a pleasure
wd have been there anyway
JC: last week talked about what I've advocated for two years
right turns on green all day long to alleviate traffic
happy to say on Friday at 4 o'clock; thank you Mr Clark a sign went up and now can make the turn
on Thursday
mtg re taxi companies -- they've been pleading economic disadvantage
taxi driver wd have to take an 18-hr course,  pay $300; course re driving skills, handling people with disabilities, geog; claim they're losing drivers to elsewhere but seems Surrey, Richmond, City of Vancouver and YVR, considering so any taxi driver is required
so doesn't sound as N Sh; the other two ccl mbrs
{the above part was so distorted cd not tell what was said; the sound system had a lot of static during the mtg}
they also had some criticism of Kay Meek -- no handicapped parking -- well it's a long way out in the parking lot; move closer
also went to luncheon with Ch of Comm last week, very enjoyable
7.1       Correspondence [complete list in previous issue]
7.1.3         M. J. Williams, Director, Sunset Point Ratepayers Association, February 13, 2005, regarding Lawrence Way left turn lane issue
7.1.13       L. Reimer, February 09, 2005, regarding West Vancouver Family Place

Sop: 7.1.3 Sunset Point
current MOTH plan is a four-lane with a bus stop on the north side
wd hv to cross
80kmph probably 90 when used to it
MOTH advised no traffic light
from Abbotsford to north of Lawrence Way no lefthand turn
fascinating can claim safety!!!
solve simple problems
asking for problems here on the assumption of a four-lane hwy with a left turn
how's a pedestrian going to cross?
another winner by the Dept of Trans
have we had any communication Mr Barth re options
EB: at last ccl mtg discussed and we've had mtgs
had asked for copies of their analysis that justified the design they've got
asked about alternatives
setting up mtg to review that situation
Sop: is there any pressure we can apply for prov govt to listen to what we're saying?
are we totally at a loss?
MMgr: some safety issues
will continue to pursue them
call the tunnel an underpass  :-)
Mayor: a play on words
G-J: 7.1.15 about walking, that's a pretty walk used by many
hope can keep
EB: we are looking at that, whether there's an alternative; it is an old bridge; looking at what our options are.
Mr Charlie Merrick: 2276 Lawson Ave
lived in WV since July 1965
wanted some clarification about the distribution of the traffic fine revenues that the prov paid back to Ms
VSun in late Oct said BC govt will distribute more than $31m across BC to Ms for cmnty policing, crime prevention, and other safe streets initiatives
my reading from other comments, WV is to receive over $460K
in my very humble opinion, WV needs more police officers on the street
no presence now;
need police walking beats as they used to do, the "good ol' days"
I have seen three questionable types walking around 14th and Marine Dr
no question in my mind increasing problems, people coming over the bridge; going to get worse before better
perhaps one small corrective; get police on the streets
beat cops, I'd prefer foot patrols
Confusion starts in NSNews Sunday article wch strongly implies money will not be used for prevention /safety purposes as original guidelines
my understanding  just to general revenue for general purposes
the redistribution is intended for enhancing policing, eg intended adding three or four new police officers
1  so how can WV defend or condone placing these funds in general revenue?
2  my second question is, when will these funds, over $460K, be allocated for use by WV Police as originally intended by prov?
3  and why is receipt of these funds being delayed?
4 how can they justify keeping these revenues?
5  why not being used as province of BC intended?
Mayor: you've asked a lot of questions and it is a little confusing
in early Dec the police board learned of the additional revenue was received, funds received electronically no strings attached Oct 22
money was allocated to Police Bd revenue
we always receive about $150K, or about 15% every year last year
and it was declining; last year [does he mean time?] was about $152K
but last year $460K came in electronically for Police Bd budget
Police budget increased by 6.2% last year to about $8.7m
so Police fully funded
strategic planning cmte of Police b/c of lateness of arrival Police Bd looking at a plan to increase cmnty policing, whatever that is
attempting to determine other 12 Ms; looking at other Ms to see how applied
wd assume in case of City of Vanc, Police had a $5m deficit, will be applied to that deficit to get it down to $2.4m
likely been used in a variety of ways
will ask MMgr or Finance Dir to comment re some additional charges such as liability insurance for the Police; again, came as a surprise think represented about $411K
all very confused but let me assure you the money did not go into general revenue, went to Police Dept
Strategic Cmte/Police Bd is working on how to use that
question is, will we get another $460K in Oct 2005
don't know; go out and hire three or four beat cops and money doesn't come in next Nov, what do you do?  lay them off?
whole bunch of issues; appreciate your comments
the DWV has the third lowest crime rate in BC, after Oak Bay and Saanich
Ans: we all know various types from downtown eastside, have discovered how to get here
Mayor: read it too, take the Blue Bus
Ans: when all the machinations and acctg principles done -- does the police officer end up with more money or not?
MMgr: you mentioned lowest crime rate, but I'd like to add to that, we're also amongst the highest expenditures per capita on police services in the prov and also have the best ratio of popn per police officer; WV is well-served by its police officers
in 2004 we approved additional staff at request of Police Dept
In the article, I tried to explain we are awaiting add'l info from the Police Dept wch Ccl will consider
at the time we received the money there was no request from Police to spend it
there have also been some accounting changes; will have to put add'l dollars for reserve for future liabilities
important put in context, historical perspective
when you look at our base, 2003, 2004, 2005, police expenditure increase 10%
In 2003 Police costs went up $287K, 2004 $163K, and 2005 costs have gone up $571K
good out of blue funds from govt, but no guarantee see them in future
in fact some talk if we don't spend then as they wish make not get it in future
a lot of issues to work out to get the best service we can afford
we have received info from Police Bd in terms of some general directions they want to go; know Ccl will meet with them and explore those suggestions
Ans: singing from same hymnbook, my concern revolves around if that money was received for a specific purpose, cmnty policing
and if somehow or other ending up in some acctg dilemma
in my simplified suggestion, why wasn't that money put into a trust account so everybody knows it's there, then the investigation can start as to how utilized
as the paper says, money was for policing and getting distinct impression rightly or wrongly disappearing into the night and cmnty policing may or not see any of it
MMgr: Nothing's disappearing into the night
reiterate we have increased police budget in response to requests from Police Dept
we also provide them with capital budgets every year
all of this well exceeds what prov has given us
in the article I said we don't tie these grants to budget
we give Police opp to say what do you need and Ccl has granted requests; sometimes staged it
not attempted to reduce Police Force or number of officers
in this case worked with the province, not tied it, except in general terms in speeches what to be used for
if you ask around the province the money is being used in a wide variety of ways/matters
look forward to working with Police Bd to work through this issue
Ans: appreciate that;  when the dust settles, I hope you get a few more on street/foot patrol.  It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Mayor: thank you for your comments.

+++  ABBREVIATED AGENDA for March 7th  ++++++++++++
                A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda May be Issued on Friday
3.1       Council Meeting Minutes, February 21, 2005
4.         DELEGATIONS
4.1       W. P. Penny, President, Lions Gate Hospice Society, regarding Hospice Location on the North Shore
4.2       J. MacCarthy, President, Coho Society of the North Shore, regarding Coho Society of the North Shore
5.         REPORTS
5.1       District of West Vancouver Environmental Strategy
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
1.         The Environmental Strategy be endorsed in principle;
2.         The Strategy be forwarded to Council's Planning, Parks and Environment and Engineering Advisory Committees for information; and
3.         The community be advised of the proposed Strategy through Tidings and the District webpage; and
4.         The Environmental Strategy be brought back to Council for consideration of approval on April 04, 2005.
5.2       [Five-Year] Capital Plan
           Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance
            (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
5.3       Civic Site Community Centre - Next Phases
            Designated Presenter:  Councillor Durman
            (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
{how'd he wangle that???}
5.4       Development Variance Permit No. 05-002 (8540 Citrus Wynd)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Municipal Clerk give notice that Development Variance Permit Application No. 05-002 (8540 Citrus Wynd), which would provide for a new house with variances to highest building face, height, setbacks and in-law suite location will be considered at the meeting of Council on Monday, April 4, 2005.
5.5       Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) 2005 Workplan (File:  0115-20-YAC01)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Parks and Community Services
 1.         The Youth Advisory Committee proposed work plan be received for information;
 2.         The General Council Committees Policy in Section 13.5 be amended with respect to the annual reporting period for the Youth Advisory Committee to read:
 "d)       excepting the Youth Advisory Committee which will submit its report and plan each year based on its term of October 1 to June 30."
5.6       Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Project - BC Community Water Improvement Program Grant Application
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Engineering and Transportation
            (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda
6.         BYLAWS
6.1       Business Licence Bylaw No. 3024, 1982 Amendment Bylaw No. 4403, 2004 - Odour and Noise Control  FOR ADOPTION
            This Bylaw received third reading at the February 28, 2005 Council Meeting
8.         OTHER ITEMS
8.1       Correspondence
No Action Required (receipt only)
8.1.1         Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a)             Board of Variance Hearing Minutes, January 19, 2005
(b)             Planning Advisory Committee, January 26, 2005
(c)              West Vancouver Memorial Library Board, January 26, 2005
(d)             West Vancouver Police Board, January 27, 2005
8.1.2         G. Foster, February 19, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Project
8.1.3         C. Coles, February 21, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive
8.1.4         C. Lanuzel, February 19, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Project
8.1.5         M. Masterman, February 19, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Project
8.1.6         S. Malek, February 22, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Development traffic implications 8.1.7         P. Young, February 23, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Redevelopment Proposal
8.1.8         D. Maude, February 19, 2005 regarding Evelyn Drive Project
8.1.9         P. Falls, February 23, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Project
8.1.10       J. Ramsay, February 23, 2005, regarding Millennium Corporation and Evelyn Drive
8.1.11       J. Yap, February 21, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive
8.1.12       D. & S. McBurney, February 22, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Proposal from Millennium
8.1.13       T. Greenwood, February 23, 2005, regarding Millennium Development Proposals off Taylor Way/Park Royal North
8.1.14       M. & L. Millar, February 21, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Development
8.1.15       C. Court, February 21, 2005, regarding Family Place Drop In Centre
8.1.16       A. Parkinson, February 21, 2005, regarding West Vancouver Family Place
8.1.17       P. Kacir, February 22, 2005, regarding West Vancouver Family Place (File:  0055?20?WVFP1)
8.1.18       K. Gale-Gotowiec, Family Centre Coordinator, John Braithwaite Community Centre, February 22, 2005, regarding West Vancouver Family Place Society
8.1.19       D. Collister, February 2005, regarding West Vancouver Family Place
8.1.20       K. Vance, Senior Policy Analyst and J. Wright, Policy Analyst, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), February 21, 2005, regarding UBCM Environment Conference:  Registration Deadline
8.1.21       S. & J. Verver, February 24, 2005, regarding Sea-to-Sky Highway Dispute
8.1.22       H. & R. Peters, February 22, 2005, regarding International Olympic Committee Luncheon 8.1.23       J. Jamieson, President Strata LMS3972, February 21, 2005, regarding Starbucks Application at 2416 Marine Drive
8.1.24       R. Taylor, Executive Director, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) regarding 2005 Municipal Marketplace
8.1.25       J. Gordon, September 22, 2004, regarding Proposed Office Building at 2168 Marine Drive
                  Correspondence was received after the Public Hearing closed in July 2004.  As the Zoning Bylaw Amendment was adopted in February 2005, the correspondence is now forwarded for receipt.
8.1.26       I. Tostenson, February 28, 2005, regarding Proposed Business Amendment Bylaw. No. 4403, 2004 - Odour and Noise Control
8.1.27       K. Farquharson, Co-Chairman, Strata LMS532, March 01, 2005, regarding Business Licence Bylaw Amendment to Include Noise and Odours
Action Required
8.1.28       C. Kurrusk, Dundarave Wine Cellar Ltd., February 21, 2005, regarding approval of Farmer's Market in Dundarave Village
                  Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.29       T. Peacock, February 19, 2005, regarding 4202 Rockridge Road
                  Referred to Director of Planning, Lands & Permits for consideration and response.

+++++  HERITAGE WEEK --  held over!  +++++

Thank you to all the participants in Heritage Week 2005.
Hope everyone enjoyed the various meetings, presentations, activities, events.
Car problems, delayed getting to Heritage Award ceremony, but did see the very deserving winners: Tom Taylor and Peter Hall (each having published a book on WV, and for their years of work with the WV Historical Society and the cmnty); Katherine Steig (years of environmental work, prominent in Friends of Cypress and LPPS); and the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society itself.
In the rush distracted and sorry I didn't get to thank the sweet white-haired lady who said she waited to see me on TV at the end of ccl mtgs b/c I asked questions she wanted answers to!  As they say, nothing improves hearing as much as praise.
As you know, the Beach House, Chez Michel, Red Lion, Salmon House on the Hill participated.  Happy to report that the Beach House will honour their special menu for a few more weeks.  It is not given out however, you must request it (and it's delicious!).  Chez Michel's vol-au-vents continue to be a success after 26 years; haven't had time to visit them yet but some visitors to Heritage Fayre raved about their dinner at Salmon House on the Hill; and Mario, transplanted from the Park Royal Hotel, is welcoming old friends and new at the Red Lion in Dundarave.
See the special menus at www.northshore.heritagebc.org/hw2005/menus.html

WEST VAN FLORIST's Heritage Special (plants native to coastal BC)
TREES: White Fir; Pacific Dogwood, Garry Oak, Mountain Hemlock
SHRUBS: Salal, Oregon Grape, Pacific Myrtle, Flowering Currant
GROUNDCOVERS: Bunchberry, Creeping Mahonia, Wild Ginger, Creeping Strawberry
PERENNIALS: Shooting Star, Trillium ovatum, Deer Fern, Twinflower

Number 10 (Downing Street), Golden Jubilee, Empress Afternoon, Blend 2000.

+++++  QUOTATIONS  +++++

I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body.  Then I realized who was telling me this.
                -- Emo Phillips, comedian, actor  (1956- )

Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.
                -- Frank William Leahy, football coach (1908-1973)