Notes Mar 14th
Agenda 21st
Calendar to 26th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

{sent Friday, Mar 18}

Herewith:  INFObits; gRUMBLING; Main Items Mar 21st (BROADCAST LIVE), 2005 Budget and $102m 5-Yr Plan, Lighthouse Park Implementation Strategy, Evelyn Dr, 1891 Marine; Calendar to Mar 26th; Ccl Mtg Mar 14th NOTES (1891 Marine and DWV's still awaited Cmnty Benefit Policy,  Substance Abuse Prevention); Evelyn Drive Update: New Cmnty Civic Centre Report; Mar 21st AGENDA; Quotation; Haiku
+++  INFObits  +++
-  Simply astonishing.  Not just that the Five-Year Capital Plan (FYCP) was released Mar 7 asking for public input input by Mar 14 -- a mere week for an aggregate amount of $102m and DWV has until MAY 15 (another two months) to pass budget -- but also at the Finance Adv Cmte (FAC) meeting Mar 16 (you'll recall I suggested it shd at least go to them for information) the Ccl rep told the mbrs that the FYCP had been passed by Ccl! -- and not a peep from staff that in fact it was going to Ccl Monday Mar 21st (and that the MMgr had said public input up to that date was possible)...but then, it's spring break so who's around and who cares?
-  Some good questions posed at FAC, such as what about seeing RFP for Technology Review? new Cmnty Centre? operating costs at Aquatic Centre what estimated? how much more for new Cmnty Centre?  Answers: no; no; op costs up and user fees up; perhaps $250K.
-  Since no one knew during mtg when questions asked, Yours Truly ached to say new Cmnty Centre's Open House was changed to Apr 7 at the morning Sports/Rec Fac Planning mtg, and the one for the Ambleside Town Centre Strategy was on the M website (Apr 20).
-  A resident asked Ccl at PQP about the $400K+ given to DWV from the prov for "community policing and safety" b/c he'd heard it had instead gone into 'general revenue'.  He didn't get a straightforward answer but the MMgr said that the Police are well-funded and receive all the funds they require.  The citizen's reasonable suggestion was that the money ought to have been put in a special account.  Then the public, Ccl, and the Police Dept cd discuss how they wd like the funds spent.  Lo and behold, the Mar 9th issue of NShNews (page 3) reports that in CNV's budget deliberations they will discuss the amount they got and it's listed as: "$412K unbudgeted", just as the resident had suggested ought to have been done with these extra provincial funds received earmarked for police and safety.  DNV's discussing a cmnty policing centre (p4 Outlook, Mar 17).  Over to you DWV!
=  Corporal Fred Harding, Cmnty Liaison with the WV Police Dept, is currently beginning a process by which he intends to reinvigorate the Business Watch program. He is very interested in hearing from businesses regarding what successes and what deficiencies have been noted by owners and operators. Please email him with comments and suggestions: 172@police.westvan.bc.ca
=  WV's 1913 Hodgson House's future uncertain; call Carol Howie (Museum 925 7298) for info and to help.
=  Carolanne Reynolds's dedication to Canadian heritage extends to language, as Pete McMartin noted in VSun (Sat Mar12 pB1).
+++++  gRUMBLING  ++++++++++ [the mandate, not the members!]
DWV's Finance Advisory Committee
Makes recommendations to Ccl on matters dealing with financial issues affecting the cmnty, as referred by Ccl.
NB:They don't refer the budget, they didn't refer the Five-Year Capital Plan released Mar 7th (and not even as an information item at the Mar 16th mtg),....  Let's hope not all poodles not always and not all muzzled -- It's so delightful, not just helpful and deserving our gratitude, when these experts use their skills on DWV's behalf......

+++  MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mar 21st  +++ A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda may be issued on Friday
=  DELEGATION: North Shore Super Cities Walk/Run for MS
=  REPORTS: Five-Yr Financial Plan Bylaw (to be introduced, go to third reading) {but why so soon? why so little time for public review?  $102m aggregate of taxpayers' money and doesn't need to be passed until midMay!}; Fund Application for Field Hockey ($1K); Lighthouse Park Implementation Strategy; Noise Exemption in Whytecliff Park; Evelyn Drive Master Plan Status and Next Steps
=  ZONING BYLAW Amendment for 1891 Marine Dr to third reading
=  CORRESPONDENCE:  Minutes of LCAC, NSFCYJ, Sports/Rec Fac Planning; Mariah Energy Corp; South Marr Crk Devt; Evelyn Drive; Chelsea Subdivision; Clovelly Walk Heritage and Legacy; Badminton at new Cmnty Centre; Noise/Odours Bylaw; Twinning of Pt Mann Bridge; LMTAC; Biomass Biopower; Transportation Adv Cmte; First Nations Relations; E-Comm; FCM; South Marr Crk Devt; Survey on Local Govt Participation in Economic Devt; YVR Resolutions; Mosquito Control; serious traffic problem (trucks to Whitby); Fitness Challenge Evelyn Dr "Special Study Area for Possible Multifamily Housing".

+++++  CALENDAR to Mar 26th +++++

= TUESDAY, 15th =
~ 8 - 9:30am ~ "Strategic Sales Alliances", retail marketing seminar at Chamber
~ 3:45pm ~ YAC at Hall talking about Eagleridge Bluffs, Restorative Justice, Helmet Safety
~ 6pm ~ Opening Reception at FBG, "Wild Abandon", Mixed Media by Jill McRae (to Mar 27)
~ 7pm ~ CSAC in Council Chamber discussing M Grant recommendations
~ check out Norooz at Ambleside Park and fire-jumping ~

= WEDNESDAY, 16th = so many mtgs!!!
~  7:30am ~ WV Ch of Commerce's Breakfast Meeting at Hollyburn Country Club
Speaker: Nancy Stibbard, Owner and General Manager of the Capilano Suspension Bridge. 
Topic: Positioning Power - How to Market the North Shore as a Destination
Nancy is a former Chair of both Tourism Vancouver and Vancouver Coast and Mountains (major Destination Marketing Organizations) and co-creator of the Council of Tourism Associations (COTA).  She will share stories of how she successfully built her business and expanded into other parts of the country with other tourism related offerings. Nancy will describe her vision for marketing the North Shore as a destination and provide insight as to what we need to do and what steps we need to market ourselves starting now in preparation for 2010 and beyond. Call 926 6614 to reserve.
~ 8:30am ~ Sports/Rec Fac Planning at 8:30am discusses the new Cmnty Centre, parking, court use at Gleneagles (can you spell b-a-d-m-i-n-t-o-n?), and the netting at Amb Park (how to avoid 70ft poles and still address liability from flying balls, not to mention avoiding trajectory of nearby residents recovering from the 80ft lights)
~  5pm ~ 2010 Olympic Cmte meets at Park Royal South Cmnty Mtg Room re draft report to Ccl
~ 5pm ~  PAC at Srs' Centre debates Ambleside Town Centre Strategy and the Environment Strategy
~ 5:30pm ~ FAC at Hall: Cmnty Benefit Group; water conservation; Hollyburn Lease; Workplan; and more!
~  7pm ~ Bd of Variance looks at: 1355 Inglewood, 3374 Craigend, 4374 Erwin Dr, 5205 Gulf Place, 1963 - 28th St, 5225 Gulf Place, 6627 Madrona Crescent

= THURSDAY, 17th =  Happy St Patrick's Day!
~ 6pm ~ Family Court & Youth Justice Cmte (CNV M Hall)
~ 7pm ~ Author Visit at the Library: Sandra Harper, author of "[Travelling] the Sun: A Healing Journey to Morocco, Tunisia, and Spain"
~ 7:30 ~ WV Streamkeepers - Public Mtg at St Stephen's (885 - 22nd)
Speaker: Brian Smith of the Seymour Hatchery

= FRIDAY, 18th =
~ 7:30 ~  La Candela, Cuban band, with reception at the Library; call 925 7402

= SATURDAY, 19th =
~ 2pm ~ Artist's Talk at FBG (Exhibit "Wild Abandon" to Mar 27)

= WEDNESDAY, 23rd =
~ 8:30m ~ Sports/Rec Fac Planning Cmte at Hall, undoubtedly Cmnty Centre something.....
~ 5 - 7pm ~  Business After Business, an informal social event; no charge  but pls ph 926 6614 to register to facilitate planning.  Sponsors this month include Adriatic Deli and Coffee, A-Pro Caregivers and Nannies, Norcu Insurance, Rowena Cameron BFA/artist, and Lyndon Davies, musical entertainment. If you would like to participate we still have room for several more sponsors. Call the Chamber re arrangements and payment
~ 7pm ~ Library Board in Peters Room
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society Mtg: Speaker Andrew Pottinger, Spokesman for BPP, on the story of British Pacific Properties, originally Capilano Estates, and the latest project, South Marr Creek

= THURSDAY, 24th =
~ 4:30 ~ DAC in Ccl Chamber


= SATURDAY, 26th =
Two sessions (2pm and 3:30pm): Talk on Old Growth Trees in WV by Robert Laird at Museum (925 7295 for info)

+++++++++  COUNCIL MTG NOTES Mar 14th  ++++++++++++
                                transcript typed during mtg on a best efforts basis
ZONING AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 4413, 2005 and DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (re 1891 Marine Drive)
3.         PUBLIC MEETING DEVT PERMIT APPLICATION (re  1891 Marine Drive)
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the subject application:
Applicant:  Royal Developers Ltd.
Subject Lands:  1891 Marine Drive
Purpose:  To provide for a [three-storey, ten-unit] residential building
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment:  To rezone the property from R.M.2 Multiple Dwelling Zone 2 to R.M.L. 19 Multiple Dwelling Zone (Low Density)
Proposed Development Permit:  To regulate and impose conditions respecting the form and character of the development.
The Municipal Clerk will note written submissions received for the March 14, 2005 Public Hearing/Public Meeting, with respect to the proposed bylaw amendment and development permit application.
The applicant will be provided an opportunity to make a presentation on the subject application.
Mayor Wood will call for Public Input.
Closure of Public Hearing and Public Meeting
If there is no further public input,
THAT all written and verbal submissions regarding Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968 Amendment Bylaw No. 4413, 2005 and Development Permit Application No. 04? 024 (re 1891 Marine Drive) up to and including March 14, 2005 be received and that the Public Hearing and Public Meeting be closed.
If Council wishes a further staff report, then adjourned to ________________.
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.

Mark Sager was representing owners, gave some background, and handed over to the architect, Karl Gustavson, for the presentation.
KG: had public info mtg in Dec
imp; statement as entrance to Ambleside
struggled with eliminating commercial here; mixed use; in the end chose all residential
proximity to Library, rec centre; fairly small units
thought added to cmnty benefit package, two handicapped units on ground floor but not restricted to handicapped; 20% of project as stock in comnty if ev did a great thing
all ground units are connected by outdoor walkways, can walk along
occupy and have an inhome office; good transitional use
Looking at pedestrian traffic light -- wrestled with it and also with watermain, maybe loop; work with staff, Engg, Ccl, want to do something.
some work on west of 19th, landscaping on edge of Memorial Park, new entrance to Park, realignment of curb.
Other small improvements being considered.
No loss of parking on western edge.
better sightlines
existing stone retaining wall
Talking to nbr about wall encroachment adjacent, cutting wall back, it's out 3ft into sidewalk
so match sidewalk width, broader sidewalk, better view
Sop: interested in road system and sidewalks, commend you on work you're doing there but want to ask Mr Barth about traffic calming in Ambleside since gateway already accomplished east to west
this corner, I had a biz there in the 60s and traffic count at the corner the highest in the province
intersection veers to right and puts cars out of sight
wonder if we cd start traffic calming there, north, balloon out, and done now by devpr
EB: certainly something we can look at
currently having a survey of Marine Drive corridor and they can include that
Sop: see opp for public good significant at that corner
KG: have drawn the bulge to show we intend to do something but up to Traffic Study, up to staff's/Ccl's wish
Sop: seems to be a lot of probs in lane -- approp space for trucks not interfere?
KG: yes; large enclosure for services plus garbage container, no gates, can pull it out and put back in
8ft depth, 20 ft long; not enclosed for ease of access
G-J: re staff report Jan 31st, says traffic light needed for 19th and Marine
what's timeframe for overall study, will have answer to dovetail with this?
EB: Mgr of Roads and Transportation reviewing so can respond in timely fashion
VD: where is the guest parking?
SJN: I'd ask architect to respond
on street, no guest parking required for residential
do negotiate for each
VD: cdn't see
KG: have 13 stalls and some handicapped
we have one more than we need and more than meeting requires
SJN: taken into consideration devt on one side of the street
VD: you say current zoning but our RM11 19 zone created for this project so when you say zoning requires parking 13, out of blue?
KG: like a C2 zoning; Comm 1 per 400 and resid 1 per 900; that's the analogy we used
VD: interested you said required
but we are talking about an area [requiring] parking
KG: consistent with similar projects; access and bus routes excellent
SJN: current RM2 zone, one per unit or one per 900sf, so 12.53 parking stalls

{so if one per 400sf  wdn't that mean about 28 parking spots instead of the measly 12 or 13 with NO guest parking?
C'mon, Ccl, put thinking caps on.}

VD: when was that set?
SJN: 1958
VD: wonder if Ambleside had same sort of traffic problems it has now -- traffic [different now]

{GREAT QUESTIONS, Victor!  You've hit the nail on the head!
Wish you'd run with it.
Everyone complains about lack of parking in Ambleside and it certainly wd help businesses.  Wonder why Ch of Commerce didn't make a plea for more parking or suggest it as a cmnty benefit.  Not only that, but what about trying to keep the small amount of commercial zoning there is in WV b/c creating it is more difficult?
Wonder if the change from live/work to entirely residential (b/c all homes can have a home-based business) was to avoid having to provide more than twice as many parking stalls?  
Trevor Boddy was on Fanny Kiefer (Shaw, Ch 4) Mar 16th talking about the change of downtown Vancouver; will it be for wealthy from all parts of the world (a former Malaysian premier has a penthouse near Stanley Park)-- so many devts now residential, and why?  B/c they get FIVE times more money than for commercial.
So if the owner makes a lot more money from the upzoning, why not make sure the residents' gift/prerogative/compliance results in some public benefit.
Like more parking near the biz area and the Library.
Let's watch debate and the granting of the upzoning at Ccl mtg Monday Mar 21st.}

JF: adv cmtes talked about sustainability; what options?
KG: one was material for bldg and chose stone
embodied energy of this
good part of our building; makes big difference [gigajools?]
project in HBay looking at
wd like to do bamboo flooring, don't have say, depends on enduser
doing our best
JF: not building to LEEDS standard
KG: no, not a LEED bldg
JC: re cmnty benefit, spoke of traffic light, watermain, etc. was there a dollar value he cd attach to that?
KG:  we've submitted three cost estimates before traffic, lighting, and bulging
looping option $78K; bulge

{If you haven't seen a 'bulge' in traffic/road terms, there's one across the street from the M Hall at south corner.}

committed to some other improvements
JC: is there an aggregate total for the projects?  Got $78K so far
KG: between $90 and 100K
JC: and what's value of project?
KG: cdn't tell you that
JC: roughly
KG: 11K sf at $250sf

{hm, does that work out to about $2.8m?  nice little increase......
but oh, it's so altruistic providing more housing choices for WV residents.......
and does anyone really think no one has figured out how much money cd be made changing the zoning and from two lots, the corner one having been a single-family house, to ten units?}

Sop: activity at 18th and Marine; N/S active corner
have you or will you be looking at traffic pattern?
trucks and residential -- imperative we look at nbrhds behind and that the lane doesn't become a thoroughfare; dispersal vital, that corner is vital to traffic pattern change
all activity flows in the area
EB: whenever we look at the impact of traffic we don't look at it in isolation; what's around
wd look at more than just the intersection
the study is an ICBC-sponsored study; my staff wd be taking a broader look at this
Kamran Victory:  operate a biz at 1867 Marine
first of all we welcome the devt next to our place of biz, looking forward to seeing that area cleaned up
a few concerns: foremost -- the current parking space is wholly inadequate for the amount of activity that exists in that block -- and I'm speaking as an indiv who has worked there for two years, very difficult to find car park areas, even had difficulty staffing our company b/c of that -- some have to park on 20th and walk to the 1800 block.  Concerned this will allow density, added density to what is allowable at the moment, and there's no guest parking
Concerned construction of new curb on west side of 19th will affect parking
I personally suffered an accident when I first moved into this bldg, ankle
mostly senior citizens in that area, I'm still in early middle age and still had to suffer that accident
hope there'll be consideration given to adequate parking and some sort of sidewalk coverage so that people can use that area safely.
we've had problems with rainwater drainage; hope devpr will work with us; had a lot of leakage problems
happy to provide further information if staff needs
noise, traffic, vibration
all residents in our bldg are seniors and spend all day at home
garbage shd be enclosed, absolutely necessary; sit on council of bldg we occupy; we've had people come and look through for recyclables
finally, the roof structure looks like a temporary roof; hope it cd be revisited to be more in keeping with nbrhd

CR: Carolanne Reynolds, Editor, West Van Matters, www.westvan.org
Outside of the fact my preference wd be more greenery and permeable surfaces, I understand they're going to be live/work units, in this.  Is that part of the proposal?
Mayor: Mr Gustavson?  He says no.
[KG's comments inaudible]
CR:  Oh, I see, b/c at the public info mtg I went to they were going to have live/work units and I think that's a really great idea for Ambleside so perhaps more explanation of the home office wch must be a similar arrangement, I suppose, wd be a good idea
As you know, the cmnty benefits policy has not yet been received by Ccl and again I thank Cclr Clark for sort of asking the questions --
nevertheless I wonder if you have yet incorporated into your procedures the uplift calculation as done elsewhere so that appropriate cmnty benefit can be determined
Mayor: Mr Nicholls, wd you like to answer that?
SJN: we will be reporting on the cmnty benefit; I believe the uplift differs amongst different Ms as I reported before; will be reporting on that
Most Ms do not calculate uplift, however they do, and most Ms also look for cmnty benefit when projects occur and we've attempted to do that.
In this particular case, the current site is zoned for townhouses 0.9 [FAR], the application is for an apartment at 1.25, actually to be devpd somewhat less than that
I expect the value of the land has been realized in terms of the price it took to purchase the land so what we're looking for here is what makes a good devt and what types of benefits can be achieved  in the directly surrounding area

{Clearly more parking wd be a cmnty benefit!
Everyone knows difficult to find parking in Ambleside and near the Library!
but somehow, didn't hear it mentioned
VD, however asked the good probing questions but then it stopped.  Maybe debate when the bylaw comes on Monday 21st.}

CR: Yes, thank you.  It helps to know b/c you don't want to ask too much but you also don't want to give it away.  That's one of the elements in coming to--
People calculate uplift, but you have a different policy as to what weighting you will give, it's not necessarily money, to the benefit of the cmnty.
We'd be interested and are looking forward to that.

{Apologies, Dear Readers.  Obviously I shd have made it clearer that more parking wd be a cmnty benefit much needed and that apparently removing any commercial element in the proposal by the applicant lowered the requirements for parking stalls.  The project at Horseshoe Bay has live/work units and I was taken aback to find that aspect had been removed after having been told at the public info mtg that's what the project wd be, as a compromise so not actually losing commercial space.  Not only that, most have stated the desirability of having residential over commercial (offices on ground floor)  so that some have said that's the future of Ambleside.  Provides more housing options and safety to the businesses b/c not deserted.}

Jim McCallum (sp?): My concern is the rooftop
privacy is my concern
Mayor: have you a comment on that?
KG: we had an opp to speak to this gentleman
since then we've had the landscaper look at this wrt view to back
we've oriented toward the back
yes rooftop deck but [facing]
RD moved; Sop seconded: PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED

3.         ADOPTION OF MINUTES / 3.1  Council Meeting Minutes, February 28, 2005
4.1       Presentation by West Vancouver School District Staff and School Board Representatives regarding West Vancouver Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative - Current Progress
RECOMMENDED: ...  be received.
Cathy Mah (sp?), working through school district
trustee Paola Merkins

Cathy Mah: did needs analysis; parent/youth focus groups
alcohol and marijuana usage was by far most prevalent
tobacco use is declining
not much cocaine, ecstasy, crystal meth, mushrooms
Program Framework: wanted consistency
Schools -- curriculum, environment, action teams, early intervention
in place already: curriculum -- looking at Grades 4 to 9 DARE Grades 5 and 7; new Grade 8 curriculum ensuring evaluation; animation videos; drugs and sports....
created some youth leadership teams in schools
all schools were involved in Drug Awareness Week activities
intervention/referral strategies
youth workers, prevention workers
Family Programs -- easy access to information, skill-building
we've been setting up information booths, setting up website, positive parenting presentation (April) targeting Grades 4 to 7
Parents of Grades 7 to 12
community collaboration important; Youth Action
Future Plans: continue curriculum devt; training and support for Youth Teams; build on family programs; early intervention; continue support for cmnty initiatives
Evaluation: Sch Dist Safe School Survey; other prov and nat'l surveys; student and teacher written evaluation; focus groups and interviews; general tracking of statistics and conversations
Successful Programs: need longterm commitment and support, comprehensive, consistent, continuous, sustainable, evaluation
Mayor:  suggests in report one of the reason for drugs is peer pressure
how do you reverse that? how do you get leaders in school to work in a positive way not to use?
has that been successful and to you employ that technique?
Ans: what we want to do with the action teams; more youth taking leadership and speaking out
when correct information allows better decision-making
a lot of misinformation
society too, must have impact so shift
Mayor: do you find leaders?
Ans: some success but have to build on that
JC: you mentioned early intervention -- how?
Ans: a number of ways
a student can be identified from a teacher, student, self-referral, counsellor, administration....
sometimes secondary, ie behaviour and find drugs involved
we have prevention workers in the school
make an appropriate referral to an outside agency
JC: at that point you need parental permission?
Ans: depends
Mr Warren Hicks: part of our strategy is to get parents involved as soon as we can
want to provide an opp for students to come forward, themselves or friends
someone is assigned to check on students
get parents involved; easier in junior grades
JC: what wd happen if parent took attitude, "not my kid"?
Mr Hix: try to speak to individual [who sometimes denies also] but usually we find they say "we're really scared, can you help us?"
need tagteam approach
try to work with the family and come up with strategies to get student down right track
not a blind eye
sometimes problem to get them engaged but when mtg at school they usually attend
Sop: on Council for nine years, have seen the DARE program, they're older now
seems to be a lot of coddling; when does tough love come in?
a lot of activity out there that makes it very easy
parents have to have the straight goods and we've got to deal with it tough love
if the DARE program is successful that shd show up at 12, 13 years old
is that true? is that happening?
Ans: one of the problems is that if you take DARE alone
you need to carry through [older]
just taking DARE is difficult
skills along the way and we plan to evaluate
wd guess DARE, no, unless carry through
a lot of difficulty too with parents understanding difference using as child and adult
WH: tough love means something different to everyone around table
you make a good point not coddling; our position is very firm
if a student was not to change to a healthier lifestyle, we'd look at whether shd continue in school and most want to stay in school; tell us what they're going to do and if they don't we bring them back in; try to find out why; we operate as very caring but also very tough; important they understand
we're no nonsense doing business
Sop: at what point in time consideration in school term, with familly doctor? family themselves?  associated with mental health? addicted cd have been sorted out earlier if [resolved] as mental health structure at that time? can't find a psychiatrist that will deal with an addict
how many have a dependency problem from mental [problem]?
Ans: certainly mental illness is a factor, esp depression
Coastal Health Authority looking at drugs and mental health
Sop: the education of the two being related, not stepping on toes
gotta get to this issue; it's a problem and it's a big one
WH: Coastal Health for the first time has restructured; dual diagnosis; big focus, healthy step forward
whether there or not, the ability to have a coordinated approach to what we're doing will make it or break it
school can't do it on it's own; or family; must all be together
family, schools, Ccl, Police Force .......
very fortunate, all steps in right direction
this is quite recent and Cclr Sop is quite correct, many times drug use got mixed up with psychiatric disorder and many times not recognized for a long time
Trustee Merkins: Bd has been working very hard
various agencies of Health not speaking to each other we discovered
so over last couple of years developing partnerships
try to follow through and not let ball drop
JF: wd like to commend Sch Dist of taking on this task
is this model based on another one elsewhere that has been evaluated, or is this a one-off?
Ans: a lot of 'best practices' out there
some have had ten-year evaluations
longterm programs you have to look at; won't see changes in one, two, three years
a lot of research from States so looking elsewhere
not making it up
JF: but wondered if you had statistics from elsewhere
Ans: Project Northland in US has project cmnty
they did make a decrease in first use
three-year program, drop off, so made sure senior grades had program and went up
also another program that delayed.....
JF: certainly substance abuse is in epic proportions, not just WV but worldwide
one small step
look forward to positive outcome over next few years
WH: decrease in smoking rates
very coordinated effort to point kids tell us it's 'uncool' to smoke
very much been a coordinated campaign
we're encouraged that we're going to make a difference here
hope we can come back with statistics for you
G-J: thank you for your leadership; tremendous contribution; Sch Dist fast out of gate [dealing with this]
what are you going to do with this report? tell people?
what's at root of challenges?
ideas such as marijuana is not harmful? belief parents don't have to supervise parties? encourage kids to drink underage
the fact parents condone substance abuse
our broad social norms accept alcohol and drug use in underage
mixed messages
parental pessimism increases risk, pro-social rules decrease
these are challenges
parents are really 'kinda' stuck
get message out there; we must support each other as parents
Nancy Reagan's "just say no" is dumb
ev knows moderate use takes place; maybe that's the message parents can give
want to know how we can help you
Ans: took info in series, type of msgs we need to get out
parent network will discuss a lot of this stuff in this material; keep giving it out;  parents looking forward to that
putting report on website and you're probably right not going to enough people
G-J: have applied for some joint funding from fed govt for communication plan; but M  funding half, perhaps M cd support
great strength you have is access to parents who are paying attention; they have a vested interest
Trustee Merkins: one of the things we're trying to do with parents is that parents need each other
what happens at your house, this happens at ours
moving from elementary to high school, connection breaks; don't know parents
all our efforts are directed to anyone who wants to come: parent, grandparent, guardian, private school, promoting our events to cmnty at large
thrilled to hear Cclr G-Jones's suggestion
sure cd be a way to partner to a bigger audience
Ans: one of the things that came out is easy access to alcohol
that's one of the things Ccl cd assist in granting licences, retail stores, etc
huge risk factor
started with tobacco, decreasing access
decreasing access for alcohol
RD: your report says in this District 71% of students tried alcohol and 47% mari  63 and 43
pretty shocking
Grade 12 beer
this sort of thing misleads people
at SFU students kept getting better and better
must remember the great number of kids out there are great
sense of family, cmnty, religious values -- will get less abuse
WV is frequently referred to me as not friendly to youth and that astonishes me; this is a cmnty where you can sail and ski in same day, Aquatic Centre -- can get bored in Moose Jaw but you're only 15 minutes from Vancouver -- can even go to Bby
Ans: perception came from youth
RD: where'd it come from
Ans: certainly that's the perception of youth
promote what's here, maybe that's part of the strategy
WH: RAT cmte
some encouragement to get kids involved
opp to take part is there
if we can build the superstructure and suprastructure, it's likely they'll get involved
youth will say they're bored
it happens with youth; measure what they're doing; analyze that; evaluate based on that rather than isolated reports.
JC: all heard Saturday night about the meteorite seen all over the Lower Mainland but I don't know if we're all aware of the rising star yesterday afternoon and will be seen as far away as Ottawa in April
and perhaps even in Washington DC in May -- Tracy Hinder of W V Secondary, Grade Eight student who won the regional Spelling Bee
another feather in your caps
WH: her mother is our employee, exec asst at our Facilities branch
congratulations to her as well
JC: just great, she was terrific on TV
5.         REPORTS
5.1       Ambleside Beach Carnival
Designated Presenter:  Director of Parks and Community Services
RECOMMENDED: ...be received for information.
KP: another youth cmte!
initiative that came out of the Youth Strategy
will run during Police Week (tried for Youth Week), in Amb Park
three days; revenues and all costs will be rolled into program
info report to say this is proceeding, anxious to see how it fits in and with Police sure run smoothly
G-J: wrt the charge that we're not youth-friendly
interesting to look at the subtle message in report, says event will further enhance relations with Police.  That may be a byproduct but for me, we're doing this cuz we're responding to the demand by young people in WV for fun things to do
good for youth, good for police
JF: not just youth and police? will there be rides for all ages? ...
[laughter, jocular comments]
 3, 13-yr-old?
KP:  yes, or your 57-year-old!
5.2       J. P. Fell Pipe Band Society
Designated Presenter:  Director of Parks and Community Services
THAT the request to the District of West Vancouver by the J. P. Fell Pipe Band to be appointed as the official North Shore Pipe Band be denied.

KP: request made to the three NSh Ms
DWV already has an official band and it's the WV Youth Band
in 1996 we set up criteria although not a policy such as longevity, number of mbrs; at that time approved it
we're not recommending b/c might cause some confusion
and we can see a number of requests leading up to Olympics
however CNV has approved this, the DNV has sent this to their Arts Commission so we haven't seen that decision yet
Sop: WV Youth Band, support, but is not NSh
KP: no
Sop: so giving them the North Shore designation doesn't mean it's a WV band
what right do we have excluded on NSh
KP: if you approve this, you'd have to make it an official band of WV, no authority to approve for NSh unless other two do
cd make motion contingent
Sop: did WV Youth Band go to other NSh?
KP: no
Sop: so it's the only one for WV
this band is set apart, so this will be North Shore
fail to see why deny it
Mayor: anyone want to make the motion?
VD: .......request be denied
RD:  I agree with Cclr Sop; it's different from a Youth Band
bagipes; this is not a big issue
don't see why we shd deny it, let's give every group as much support as we can
if all three NSh Ms want to call it --
we'll endorse them
maybe we shd  hear 'em play first, might drive us crazy!
bagpipes are fun and it's a hard instrument to play
MMgr: you might get your wish
RD: we shd endorse it
JF: am I mistaken
is there not a North Shore Olympic Cmte?
Mayor: mayors and staff one
JF: seems to me and why I support deny, that's the cmte that shd be putting together the criteria for representing us
for Olympics, some representative on NSh
retain right for any WV group as wd CNV and DNV for their respective groups
if across the board, shd go through a tri-M cmte and come back
VD: I made the motion b/c it doesn't say why it's called JP Pipe band, or who JP Fell is
not that many people from WV on it or even from NSh
think purpose NSh, shd meet certain criteria; shd be put together and approved by all three NSh Ms
Cclr Ferguson suggested one way
not sure it shd be connected to Olympics but think there shd be an agreed on process and criteria
in theory we cd be inundated by ev sort of band; cd create bands, good, bad, and indifferent -- all requesting to be the NSh band of something, NSh electric band -- a whole series
I quite like pipe bands
not against but wd like all three NSh and then JP Fell can reapply, and then happy to support; not at this present moment
JC: presume band goes back years
VD: ten
JC: think further than that, maybe as a society
Mayor:  Mr Cameron will be able to clarify this
JC: that wd be great
there's no clamour to form pipe bands in WV
this is in fact ipso facto the pipe band of the North Shore and see nothing wrong with recognizing that
representation at various functions
City of NV has granted this request
if another group came forward and wanted to form an official WV pipe band then I suppose we cd label them that, an offshoot of the Youth Band or whatever
fully in support of granting
G-J: think it's the Fell Armouries in NV
part of our history; arts and culture strategy, fostering
think it's something we shd look at
some things missing in report, eg wd like to know if Youth Band views this as some sort of threat or challenge -- they may say wonderful
appreciate contribution made at Legions, Remembrance Day, etc.
need another kick at the can, fill in blanks but some questions
Milton Cameron (in full kilt): live on Dufferin in Horseshoe Bay; resident of WV for 30 years
delighted to speak to you about our band
current president of Pipe Band Society and also pipe band sergeant wch is second in command to the pipe major; when he's unable to fulfill his duties, he relies on me
Pipe Band was started at the John Pemberton Fell Armouries, bottom of 15th and Forbes in NV approx ten and a half years ago; a couple of members of the reserve 6th Field Engineers' squadron
there was a Pipe Band following WW2 at the JP Fell Armoury and demise in 50s, however this band is thriving, the only NSh pipe band
enter into WV probably twice a year, parade for years and visit local Legion on Remembrance Day
bring our band, play a few tunes, drink some beer,...
I feel our presence in WV, we cd be represented more often here
all sorts of heritage environments, occasions pipe band cd be appreciated and enjoyed
do a lot of cmnty work, volunteers
young girl 12 marched with us yesterday St Patrick's; oldest 82
most live on NSh but a few sneak across bridge or from N Bby or downtown
six are residents of WV, and we'd be delighted to represent WV
at recent Robby Burns's dinner Mayor Sharp pronounced us, gave us recognition from NV as official pipe band of NV
Arts Ccl in District still deliberating
Mayor: any reason you want the designation?
MC: other than potentially participating in more events; opening some particular event
we are primarily a street band, we don't compete
play at Cmnty Day events
potentially other situations WV cd use the band
MOTION FAILED (with only JF and VD voting to deny)
JC then moved approval
yay!  we've got an official pipe band!!!

5.3       Final Report - BC Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
RECOMMENDED:... be received.
DoAS: for referendum to pass, 60% vote in 50% of the 79 ridings
attached summary of report, described as BCSTV
Assembly feels system customised for BC, wd be fair, easy to use, and give more power to the voters
what is it and how does it work
vote for more than one candidate; readjustment of some of the boundaries; vote in order of preference; formula for quota to elect a mbr
number of seats plus one -- eg, NSh four to be elected so five and 85,000 votes cast in last election so need 17K+ to be elected; some elected in first count, others get votes transferred whether on bottom or if over number of votes required for election
votes over 17K transferred
few votes wasted; proportional system
We cd have more members if Sunshine Coast included (five then instead of four)
cd see more minority and also coalition govts requiring more consensus, somewhat like M govt
financial implications not set out
wd not be recommending more MLAs
wd require electronic voting; cd be advantageous for M, we cd rent from prov govt; see some potential savings
to assist with any questions Ccl has wrt details, we've arranged to have Mr Gene Quan to come on a televised evening April 18 to explain how the quota is calculated and the transferring of the votes
arranged link on the M website to prov website
new BCSTV is a radical shift and is being watched very closely by the rest of Canada as many prov are looking to modify their democratic process
if Ccl has any questions wd encourage you to wait until Mr Quan comes, he is very knowledgeable; brings passion in explaining how Assembly came to this recommendation
MMgr: on agenda b/c Ccl asked about potential impact on WV
You might want to wait for Mr Quan
Sop: receiving this and conclusion of the Assembly supporting this new method
how is it going to be accepted by the electorate in general?
RB: for new system to be adopted will require 60% throughout prov and 50% of ridings on May 17
Sop: not unfamiliar method b/c was system used in selecting candidates for Liberals in Capilano riding
all hoping our name on top, however mine wasn't and my secondary votes went to help someone else and my name dropped off right from the get-go
Mayor: so you're not in favour--
Sop: and I never heard my name again
JC: you don't like this idea then
Mayor: your support's a little questionable
Sop: will look forward to Mr Quan
maybe he can show me the light
G-J: request to Mr Quan, cd he bring sample ballots and how the votes transfer
JF: jugs of jelly beans
RB: will pass it on
VD: I'm used to reading complicated things but I have to say I've read this and raises more questions than answers
and why considering changing
just the glowing ev will be so much better, nicer
in a perfect world, probably right
but once one gets into this business, not quite in a perfect world
found the report v difficult to read except for endless statement that things will be so much better
RD: Marijuana Party got 3% of vote so they wd have 3% of the vote and MLAs, I don't think the Sch Bd wd like that
that's the problem
In Israel and Italy, and in France before DeGaulle, coalition govts of several parties, and the weakest party cd often hold the govt to ransom; often six or seven seats gave the govt a majority
there are some problems with this system have to be looked at
real problem is gerrymandering
Sop: must be spring, there's a distinct skunk smell
RD: nothing to do with Ccl
JF or VD: or members of public

JF: attended Norooz Bazaar in NV
tomorrow night Persian New Year at Ambleside
all be there leaping over the bonfires
Townhall mtg held by Citizens for GG at Srs' Centre
we were called on to answer in order before questions were known
moderator was former Cclr Haycock was there
kept us amused with his cynical wit
people v appreciative

G-J: Seymore Filtration Project, all contracts have been awarded
well within budget and expected by
last week grand opening of the silver bldg (sp?), first LEEDS standard in North America and we were left off list of invited
arranged for tour this week
mtg with staff about upcoming Youth Ccl
thank each of you for mentoring
they are thrilled

Mayor: last Friday morning Mr Nicholls and I addressed about 175 of the N Sh realtors of the Real Estate Bd breakfast at Capilano Golf Course
I spoke on about Olympic effort and initiative undertaken and Mr N on Ambleside Revitalization Plans.
I wd say these people being the pulse of the cmnty and knowing what's going on in the cmnty received [them] enthusiastically
7.         OTHER ITEMS
7.1       Correspondence [full list in previous issue]
No Action Required (receipt only)
7.1.1         Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
7.1.13       J. M. Turner, February 27, 2005, regarding construction of building opposite 2135 Argyle
7.1.15       T. Thompson, March 02, 2005, regarding Proposed High Rise - 2100 Block Argyle
Action Required
7.1.20       C. Reynolds, Editor, West Van Matters, March 01, 2005, regarding Public Question Period
                  Referred to Municipal Manager for consideration and response.
JC: coincidentally JF mentioned CGG mtg
at end of mtg approached by three ladies about project on Argyle mentioned in 7.1.13 and 15
and wonder if Mr Nicholls cd explain what the situation there is
SJN: as mentioned earlier in the evening, the lands in the Amb apt zone have been zoned since 1958
over last 50 years with bulk of devt in 1960s and 70s, tailing off in 1980s
to the extent over the 50 years there was actually a couple of sites occupied the original apt bldgs such as Surf foot of 22nd St or 23rd St that have been redevpd on their own
there are one or two sites remaining; actually this is the last remaining site with a single family house on it that qualifies
that house was in private ownership up until this point and the owners have decided to sell and that  combined with a duplex adjacent, immediately to east, qualifies for in terms of size for an apt bldg under the current zoning; so that zoning has been in place for 50 years
only requirement is to submit an application for a Devt Permit, Ccl can control design, what it looks like
a few regulations apply, sq footage, height
sun angle calculations as well, to protect sunlight to north
wd limit height to 10 to 12 storeys
site just over minimum, 12K
it's under agreement to purchase
expect to receive an application for an apt devt in next few weeks
will come to Ccl as a report
Ccl's policy to hold a public mtg
RD: what are the sideyards?
SJN: 25ft on each side
site 100ft wide and zoning says sideyard same on both sides; so bldg approx 50 ft
there's a high rise to the east of the site
a four-unit bldg to west rezoned back in 1980s so remain
then a high rise to the west of that

+++  ABBREVIATED AGENDA Ccl Mar 21st  +++ A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda may be issued on Friday
3.1   Council Meeting Minutes, March 07, 2005
3.2       Public Hearing/Public Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2005
            (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
4.         DELEGATIONS
4.1       B. Waterbury, Chair, Planning Committee, North Shore Super Cities Walk/Run for Multiple Sclerosis, regarding North Shore Super Cities Walk/Run for MS
5.         REPORTS
5.1       5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4415, 2005 (File:  0860-01/1610?20?4415)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Finance
THAT "5 Year [sic] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4415, 2005" be introduced and read a first, second and third time.

{REMEMBER: it's only been out since March 7, deadline is May 15th, aggregate $102m -- obviously time for more public review -- so why discuss during spring break?}

5.2       Youth Competition & Recognition Fund - Application for West Vancouver Field Hockey, Girls Cheetahs U16 (File:  0920-03)
5.3       Lighthouse Park Implementation Strategy
Designated Presenter:  Director of Parks and Community Services
1.         The draft Implementation Strategy action items for Lighthouse Park be approved.
2.         A process be initiated with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to examine ways to protect aquatic life and habitat at a suitable distance off the shoreline of Lighthouse Park.
3.         Staff be directed to bring budget requests forward for 2006 and beyond during regular budget submission periods.
4.         Staff be directed to work with interested members of the community to secure grants that may be available for ongoing programming or capital works in Lighthouse Park.
5.4       Request from Antonio Bay Productions for Noise Bylaw Exemption During Proposed Filming in West Vancouver
Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
 THAT an exemption from sections 4(e) (i) and 6(n) of the District's Noise Control Bylaw No. 3908, 1994 be approved for Antonio Bay Productions for filming at Sunset Marina on Saturday, April 2nd and Sunday April 3rd, 2005 from dusk to dawn, and exemption to film in Whytecliff Park after 11:00 p.m. Wednesday April 6, 2005 until 1:00 a.m. on Thursday April 7, 2005.
5.5       Profile of Disability in West Vancouver (File:  2515?02?01)
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
 THAT the Council Information Report dated March 10, 2005 from the Planning Analyst titled, Profile of Disability in West Vancouver be received.
5.6       Status and Next Steps for Proposed Evelyn Drive Master Plan (File:  1010?20?04?004)
 Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
            (to be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
6.         BYLAWS
6.1       Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968 Amendment Bylaw No. 4413, 2005 (1891 Marine Drive)
            The Public Hearing for this Bylaw closed on March 14, 2005 and Council is not permitted to receive any further verbal or written submissions after the Hearing has closed.
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
RECOMMENDED:   ....  be read a second and third time.
8.         OTHER ITEMS
8.1       Correspondence
No Action Required (receipt only)
8.1.1         Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a)             Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee, August 03, 2005
(b)             North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee, January 20, 2005
(c)              Sports and Recreation Facilities Planning Select Committee of Council, March 02
8.1.2         K. Higgs, March 03, 2005, regarding Mariah Energy Corp.
8.1.3         C. Sheppard, March 03, 2005, regarding South Marr Creek development
8.1.4         L. & B. Pearce, March 07, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Millennium Properties Project
8.1.5         K. Porter, March 07, 2005, regarding Chelsea Subdivision
8.1.6         M. Sherman; A. Nicholson-Chow; M. Moore; K. Patricia Wren; S. Nicholson; K. Patterson, March 07, 2005, regarding Clovelly Walk Heritage and Legacy and accompanying six (6) page, approximate sixty-eight (68) signature petition
                 Attachments available for viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.7         J. Brampton, March 04, 2005, regarding badminton at new Recreation Centre
8.1.8         Fifteen (15) signatures, March 02, 2005, regarding Petition for Badminton Facilities at New Recreation Centre
8.1.9         L. and A. Cooper, March 06, 2005, regarding Business Licence Bylaw Amendment to Include Noise and Odours
8.1.10       S. E. Dowey, City Clerk, City of North Vancouver, March 03, 2005, regarding the Province's Proposal to Widen Highway No. 1 and to Twin the Port Mann Bridge
                  Attachments available for viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.11       Mayor R. Drew, Chair, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC), March 07, 2005, regarding LMTAC Background Briefing Note - Servicing Interests
8.1.12       K. Higgs, March 08, 2005, regarding Biomass Biopower Green Renewable Portable Modular Hog Fuel Power Plant
8.1.13       S. E. Dowey, City Clerk, March 03, 2005, regarding North Shore Transportation Advisory Committee - Draft Terms of Reference
                  Attachments available for viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.14       T. Armstrong, Chair, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) First Nations Relations Committee and Mayor R. Drew, Chair, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee, March 04, 2005, regarding Building Relations with First Nations:  A Handbook for Local Governments
                  Attachments available for viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.15       K. Shymanski, President and CEO, E-Comm 9-1-1, March 04, 2005, regarding February 28, 2005 overview of E-Comm Services
8.1.16       J. Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, March 07, 2005, regarding membership with Federation of Canadian Municipalities
8.1.17       J. Wong, March 10, 2005, regarding British Pacific Properties South Marr Creek Development
8.1.18       J. Kellett, Board Chair, West Vancouver School District #45, March 08, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive Project
Action Required
8.1.19       Councillor D. Rogers, Chair, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Community Economic Development Committee, March 04, 2005, regarding Survey on Local Government Participation in Economic Development
                  Referred to Director of Administrative Services for consideration and response.
8.1.20       E. Fraser, Executive Coordinator, Lower Mainland Municipal Association, March 01, 2005, regarding Vancouver International Airport Resolutions
                  Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
8.1.21       J. Marvin Hunt, Chair, Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors, March 07, 2005, regarding Establishment of Mosquito Control Administration and Coordination Service
Referred to Mayor Wood for consideration and response.
8.1.22       A. R. Ryckman, March 10, 2005, regarding delegation to council re serious traffic problem Referred to the Municipal Clerk for response confirming scheduling of the delegation for the April 04, 2005 meeting.
8.1.23       L. E. Jackson, Mayor, The Corporation of Delta, March 01, 2005, regarding Municipal Fitness Challenge - Grade 5 Free Access
                  Referred to Mayor Wood for consideration and response.
8.1.24       K. Pople and D. Stephenson, Taylor Way and Sentinel Hill Alliance (TWASHA) and Preserve West Vancouver, March 11, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive - "Special Study Area for Possible Multifamily Housing" (File:  1010?20?04?004)
                  Referred to Director of Planning, Lands & Permits for consideration and response.

======   EVELYN DRIVE UPDATE from M website =====
Find out the latest on the Evelyn Drive proposal by clicking on:
Here's the info from the website (but of course without the drawing you can see on the website):

Evelyn Drive Proposal

NEW - Masterplan Development Guidelines (February 2005) - prepared by the proponent, were presented to the Planning, Design and Engineering Advisory Committees.

The District of West Vancouver is reviewing a proposed Master Plan for redevelopment for the Evelyn Drive Area, and potential rezoning, proposed by Millennium Properties.

Find out more about what is being proposed, before Council considers introducing an amendment to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw at a Public Hearing.
More About the Proposal:
        *       The Evelyn Drive Planning Area encompasses 20.9 acres (shown on the map below). At present there are 65 lots with 62 single family homes
        *       The District's OCP identifies the area as a study area for consideration of redevelopment as multi-family housing, based on a comprehensive area plan
        *       Millennium Properties Ltd. has agreements to purchase 56 of the properties in the area
        *       Millennium Properties has prepared a preliminary Master Plan that proposes approximately 500 housing units on the site, in townhouse and apartment condominiums, along with new connections to the surrounding street system.
More information:
        *       Masterplan Development Guidelines (February 2005) - prepared by the proponent and presented to the Planning, Design and Engineering Advisory Committees.
        *       Revised Proposal - Presented at the December 8 Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
        *       Traffic Information Update (November 2004) - Presented at the December 8 PAC Meeting
        *       Revised View Analysis - Presented at the December 8 PAC Meeting
        *       Development Summary - Outlines number of units, square footage, housing types
        *       Council Report (November 2004)
        *       Council Report (September 2004)
        *       Master Plan submitted by Millennium Properties (September 2004)
        *       Traffic Study (May 2004)
        *       Call the Planning Department at 604-925-7055
Next Steps
Council is considering a report, summarizing comments from the public and from Advisory Committees. If the proposal moves forward it will be detailed more fully and Design Guidelines prepared, which will be subject to further community consultation.

{According to my information, the project has been going through a series of iterations.  Comments at PAC that a lower FAR wd be better; comments from DAC that it shd be more in character with WV and conform to topography.  Some feel gradual redevt wd be best, others think an overall plan b/c close to shopping so ideal for seniors but at a lower density.
This is a proposal badly in need of imaginative ideas with consensus wrt locals and cmnty as a whole.
The general FAR in WV is 0.35 and the current plan is about 1.32FAR (net).  Multifamily is not necessarily a problem per se if a lot of greenery is the tradeoff.  Moreover, how can local support be assumed, or even cajoled, if a tower blocks a $100K view?}


West Vancouver Community Centre

The vision for the Civic Centre Site - as the new community, recreational and cultural heart of the West Vancouver - is moving closer with the launch of construction on the Community Centre in 2005. The Community Centre will offer a variety of arts, fitness, and recreational programs, and connect with the Aquatic Centre and Seniors' Centre. 

As well, a recently announced partnership agreement with Vancouver Coastal Health  will see programs and services relocated from the current Health Centre at 22nd and Gordon to the new Community Centre.

Architects are focusing on concept and design of the facility, working with the District and the Health Region to create an efficient, flexible, and dynamic community centre that offers a wide range of services.

The 60,000 sq. ft. building will house a gymnasium for dynamic movement activities, a mini-gym, two multi-purpose rooms, a dance/fitness studio, a variety of arts spaces, youth area, children's area, a caf=E9, and a community meeting room.

Drop-in or outreach health services will include a primary health clinic, baby care clinic, an adult day centre and other senior's [sic] services, mental health services for youth and seniors, and an immunization clinic.

With the Community Centre at the heart of the Civic Centre Site, connecting with the Aquatic Centre and Senior's [sic] Centre, integration of recreational services and health programs will allow for a broad range of opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles and build community in West Vancouver.

Imagine a young family taking a child to gymnastics classes and also being able to get advice on infant or family health; or a person recovering from a hip replacement or a stroke finding health consultations along with rehabilitation programs and classes on the same site; or a youth receiving counselling at the youth clinic before joining friends in the youth lounge.
        *       March 7 2005 Report on Community Centre Planning and Next Phases
        *       Civic Site - Community Centre Planning Update - February 14, 2005

{My understanding is that the much awaited Open House is scheduled for April 7.
Much of the confusion wd not have arisen had there been public consultation and information mtgs as I recommended over a year ago, before final stages of design.  The handout from Parks in November 2004 had basketball, volleyball, and badminton in the new cmnty centre's gym and then, to their surprise (as well as Ccl's!) the badminton groups reported at the Mar 7th ccl mtg that those three sports wd NOT be in the central cmnty centre -- they'd only found out about a week before.  The four members of Ccl not on that select cmte (Sports/Rec Fac Planning) only got their first presentation about the new cmnty centre at the Mar 7th ccl mtg!  Whereas the presentation at the Feb 23rd Sports/Rec Fac Planning cmte mtg had said demolition in June and construction starting in August, about two weeks later when it got to Ccl it had changed to construction commencing in October (during the municipal election campaign!). And the Mayor Mar 10th told a questioner the new cmnty centre is in the "concept" stage.
This is not an open system providing full information and public consultation!
It's been closed even to the rest of Council or at least they've been left in the dark........
And apparently the badminton groups were also misled.}

+++++   QUOTATION = ; ++++++++++

Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people.
                                        -- John Adams (August 1765)

+++++  HAIKU  ++++++++++  2005 March 16  ++++++++++++++++++++

                after sunny days
                        night rain cools and cleans air
                                        spring garden rejoices