= Correspondence starts with Minutes: CSAC; Sports/Rec Fac
Planning; Police Bd; Lib Bd; then Letters: Homeless; Federal
Budge; Ev Dr; Farmers' Mkt; Anfield residence 4768 Pilot House, lane,
dock; Access Awareness; Species at Risk; new rec ctr; 6875 Marine Dr
zoning variance; Kay Meek Theatre concerns; Westport Residents; Cmty
~ 7:30am ~ Ch of Commerce breakfast at Hollyburn Cntry Club with
guest speaker, Wally Oppal
~ 9am ~ Special Regular Ccl Mtg (Adoption of Tax Rate Bylaws;
first/second/third readings passed on 9th)
----- TO BOOK SEATS: Joanne Wallis at 981.1234 ext. 4637 or
Puppet theatre for the whole family, presented by an
award-winning group from Portland, Oregon
Looks like it's double-booked b/c WVML also has:
"AUTHOR VISITS -- Secret Coastline II
Georgia Straight columnist and Sunshine Coast resident Georgia
Straight columnist and Sunshine Coast resident Georgia Straight Andrew
Scott is back in his kayak exploring the people, natural
history, and flora/fauna that make BC's coast such a
fascinating and diverse region. Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Peter J. Peters Room"
=== CCL MTG NOTES May 9th &=
AGENDA: items of correspondence and item
5.1 added, withdrawing 5.1, adding item 5.11 [C3] and sp ccl
mtg for May 11
SSch: received three very late letters, on
table, all on Ev Dr
3.1 Council Meeting Minutes, April 11,
2005, 3.2
April 18, 2005
4.1 F. Patterson, Chair, BOOKtopia Committee, regarding
update on BOOKtopia, West Vancouver Children's Literature
{See Calendar for BOOKtopia events}
Julia Hedley, Head of Youth Dept at Mem Lib introduced a woman,
mother of three, who had a vision. That woman was Fanny
Patterson; she wanted a children's festival
this WV Children's Literature Festival
BOOKtopia's purpose is to promote literacy
thanks to Lib Fdn for generous support, VSun, Chapters/Indigo,
and NShNews
Collaboration of WVML and SD 45; facilitated a joint
first festival from May 12 to 14
four events at Kay Meek: Gr 2 Students Thursday; Gr 5
WV Poetry Slam on Thursday evening; poets go to schools, poetry
is submitted; refreshments donated by Whole Foods
Puppet Production by Anansi, Kay Meek, tix at door
display at Kay Meet Ctr
Words become a story or a poem
looking for high profile poets who will have an impact
JF: thank Fanny for all she's done for getting this initiative up
and going
G-J: first, inaugural year with thanks
b/c of Kay Meek Ctr we can pull this off
Tears of Joy is the premier puppet troop?? in NAm
true partnership
4.2 S. Ward, regarding Proposed New Community
SW: Thank you for allowing the Save Our Gym cmte to make this
as you know, became concerned not court sports but for dynamic
to exclusion of court sports and larger fitness progs
subsequently as a result of sev mtgs; staff have given serious
we hope your deliberations will allow all users to enjoy
petition with 700 signatures
Elaine Fonseca will present the petition
VD: wd like to thank Mr Ward for his regular attendance at the
Wed morn mtgs
5.1 Development Variance Permit Application No. 04-026
(2925 and 2935 Marine Drive)
5.2 Municipal Support for Community Social
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated
April 28, 2005 from the Social Services Manager regarding
consultant selection for the review of Municipal Support for Community
Social Services be received for information.
KP: all three Ms involved; provide facts, strictly for
Sop: the object is?
KP: to provide you with info staff do not have at present
where soc services are; what able to provide and what not, to
enable you to make decisions
Sop: there is a need
logically evident in next while will have to look at it with
serious commitment
$10K fee to tell us what?
end result is what I'm looking for
we already know we have a problem
Mayor: $30K
KP: $10K each M
Sop: study come back and then find the money, is that your
KP: Ccls need an objective and unbiased as possible view
know what groups are up against
VD: Mr Pike, presume the project deliverables on p 8 of the
tender doc specifies there'll be an analysis, present final
these are what we're paying for?
come back and tell us before plan and cost might be?
KP: more than staff report
5.3 Request from Hannah Rachel Production Services Ltd.
for Noise Bylaw Exemption for Filming (118 Stevens Drive) ... for filming at the residence of Mark Scott at 118
Stevens Drive in West Vancouver:
on Thursday May 26, 2005 until 11:30 p.m.;
on Friday May 27, 2005 from 11:00 p.m. to midnight through to
Saturday May 28, 2005 until 1:30 a.m.;
on Wednesday June 1, 2005 from 11:00 p.m. to midnight through to
Thursday June 2, 2005 until 12:30 a.m.;
on Thursday June 2, 2005 from 11:00 p.m. to midnight through to Friday
June 3, 2005 until 2:00 a.m.;
on Friday June 3, 2005 from 11:00 p.m. to midnight through to Saturday
June 4, 2005 until 2:00 a.m.
JF: raft of letters of support from nbrs
5.4 Development Permit No. 05-003 (2138/2140 and
2148 Argyle Avenue)
Development Permit Application No. 05-003 (2138 / 2140 and 2148 Argyle
Avenue), which would regulate the future development of a residential
multi-family building, be referred to the Design Advisory Committee
for review and comment; and
2. The
applicant hold a Neighbourhood Information Meeting.
SJN: no variances, last hirise
info mtg May 17th in Lib
Don Wieber: here representing the strata
ccl of the bldg across the street
have presented to Ccl and DAC our
counting on M&Ccl that the interests of
residents before dvpr.
we ask you take the time to consider this
G-J made motion above: this is a good staff
report b/c it encapsulates concerns of the nbrs across the street; ask
that the apt guidelines be given -- shd I add that?
SJN: we will do that
Sop: does it meet all the
SJN: we believe it does
Sop: when they speak of all 50 acres all
built out, why are we still seeing hirises -- I know why but why are
SJN: this is the last undeveloped site in
the hirise zone. Others have been purchased, not built.
From time to time ppl will come. This is the last as
Sop: [others?]
SJN: sgl house
whether called x or y
Sop: do you know when
SJN: at least 1958
JC: May 17 info mtg but it's election
day, suggest another
Mayor: another date
SJN: suggested others
but nbrs, want close and Peters Rm (in
Library) is a block away; mtg 6 to 7pm
5.5 Consideration of Adoption - District of West
Vancouver Environmental Strategy
SJN: was previously presented to Ccl; recommendation be
policy is a framework, sensitivity
Sop: want some clarification; GVRD Green Zone
to incorporate most of the 2800 acres in the GVRD Green
it's WV land; don't want another level of govt telling us what to
do with our land
do things under Livable Region? that's hogwash
what we want, we in WV do; they can want a thousand things
SJN: the four pillars of the Livable Region Strategy is green
(ALR, river systems, containment area for urban, so shield; GVRD is a
cooperative, ea M was asked to consider in terms of preservation, was
some back and forth; each M put forth certain lands; at that time we
weren't certain how much, knew Cypress Bowl but felt certainly above
1200ft wd be green, put in OCP; regional context statement; at least
those lands owned by M wd be in Green Zone -- this repeats what's
currently in your OCP; this is voluntary; once designated area to GVRD
and up to M to work it out)
Sop: don't want to go above 1200ft, but says here 'consider
but re env'tal strategy, looked at creeks but not attempt to look
at wildlife
haven't looked at bears, had problems with them
problems with raptors in Lighthouse Park -- that project seems to
be going quite well
concern re wildlife in all WV
know Jim Bailey and Steve Jenkins have worked a lot on this and
give them credit
{yay, Jim and Steve!}
hope will be here 2-300 years, I won't be here but
all NSh, three ski areas, trails, lakes, will we not look at some
-- designate large areas green forevermore?
I think we fall short of end result won't be there
SJN: one of our proposals is to designate our land above 1200ft
as park; to GVRD, dedicated, start with that
more important thing is that it takes together things M is
already undertaking and puts them into a single strategy, enable a
better picture wrt strategy
first step, identifies action plans, need to monitor and report
JF: goes a long way
heard clearly from citizens through that four-year process,
[citizens] wanted to honour and perhaps enhance the integrity of the
environment; consider housing and transportation strategies
had absolutely no one in that time find fault with the env'tal
strategy to achieve these goals
great first step
think staff have done an excellent job
G-J: this operationalizes the OCP, huge help; responds to
residents as in Synovate survey -- most people care about the
environment; been to three env'tal conferences and big puzzle is how
to do these things
DAC v interested, wants to go farther wrt built form, suggest
referring it to them with this specific request
objective two, promoting stewardship, wrt Upper Lands, cd be
improved a little; it says devt as ..... think they shd say attractive
and compact
base on env'tal and land stewardship, best practices; social and
economic devt as well
particularly well done in this report
to check facts, p16 sustainable energy use, kind of cavalier
stmt; says "NAmericans including WVites consume more energy per
capita than anywhere else in the world." I heard a
commentary on the CBC that said Washington residents use twice the
energy of BCians, and BCians use twice that per capita as Germany, so
I think we're in the middle
need help with our image
VD: think it's a good report
will join with Cclr Sop; re GVRD, green zones cause problems, M
did it wish they hadn't
have to come before GVRD Bd to justify it
see no benefit in putting any in green zone
surely we can trust ourselves and ccls in future not to meddle
with it
others have complained to me
suddenly you've actually put your land under control of 35
politicians with no interest in your M
all sorts of issues and trouble
like to come forth with something simple but end of day at Bd
see recommendation adopt it
appreciate in OCP but that doesn't mean go forward with it
I know it says consider but a Ccl down the way will be
wd like to see it removed, and put control in our hands as if
we're GVRD and not have to go through them
Mayor: Mr Nicholls, what is your recommendation?
SJN: it's a policy so Ccl can reconsider it at some time
VD: can we defer to next week?
SJN: we can
JC: I concur with sentiments of Cclrs Sop and Durman
we're leaders
shd acknowledge work done by PEAC, EAC, when you look through
recommendations, absolutely brilliant
v thoughtful, shd look at them
MMgr: with the exception of Green Zone
cd say "dev strategies in ... with the OCP"
come back
keeps intent
RD: go ahead and adopt with that slight change
the intent is clear
this says consider, it is compatible with OCP; not talking about
an amendment to OCP
I'd say we shd just go ahead and adopt it
wd have liked to see stronger language to protect the waterfront,
but we can do it in future, it's an excellent study
wd like to see it pass tonight or next week
JF: appreciate nagging concern designated as GVRD Green
Zone...Livable Regions Strategy
throughout OCP process, ppl in this cmnty v much wanted to see
land above 1200ft remain green
clearly recognized and clearly communicated
what's process for designating it and removing it
if we understood those two things better, perhaps it wd help
Mayor: what's involved in getting in and getting out?
Cclr Durman said how difficult to get out
SJN: getting in involves an amendment to your OCP and to Livable
Regions Strategy, getting out wd be the reverse process
expect you'd have some difficulty trying to figure out why you wd
remove it if committed to preserving it
JF: need some compelling reason
SJN: thus far, inappropriate in first place
elsewhere maybe b/c based on ALR being included
Sop: p 8 states consider most of 2800 acres, and top of page,
says will work with GVRD to include 2800 acres above 1200ft
I'm not voting for this if that's in there; shd be removed and
make that consideration some time in future
MMgr: I'm just suggesting "strategies to best protect and
Sop: astonishing but have larger properties, the av WV resident
uses 34m litres [did I mishear or did he mean all of WV daily?] of
water a day
metering process started to follow with education process
toilet and shower head use most water; five bathrooms,
met someone at Park Royal; went and looked at toilets -- not one
dual flush out of 35 models; to NV did not find one!
GVRD wants to slip $50, shd be a couple of hundred dollars
these big companies promoting LEED and other things
these toilets shd be all over the places and they're not even
how long is it going to take
at end of decade looking at 8% increase in water
not at you, Mr Barth, I know prog takes time
G-J: the sentiment expressed in the OCP really important and we
have our own tools
we can do better
This Washington Post article: cash-strapped cmnties trading green
space for greenbacks in California as a way to make money, don't think
it's going to happen with this Ccl, but always a concern for the
think we shd endorse this tonight and we shd hv the suggestion
from MMgr come back asap
VD: subject to whole issue of Green Zone removed
MMgr: motion for adoption of the plan subject to an
wrt the Green Zone, substituting those references with
"identify strategies to best protect and control activity in M
land above the 1200ft contour"
[what about G-J's comment about compact????]
5.6 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4419,
RECOMMENDED: ... introduced
and read a first, second, and third time.
RL: 2005 Budget was adopted Apr 4; M tax 1.95 increase; $49 av
tax increase on av assessment of just under $900K
required also to collect taxes on other levels of govt: levy
and collect school tax on behalf of prov; levy rates for GVRD; for
GVTA for operation of TransLink; for the MFA; and for BC Assessment
attached to my report is an analysis of impact of these tax
rates on house under $900K
Dist Operations: $49
increase wrt provincial school rates almost $3
wrt TransLink $211
other regional levies, aggregate just under $3
total some $265 on average resident in WV, of that $210 GVTA
negotiations, not from DWV
other analyses attached
there's a sheet indicating impact on all Lower Mainland Ms,
all hit fairly hard
of course b/c assessments so high in WV, WV highest hit in
Lower Mainland
recommend tax bylaw before you
Sop: Mr Mayor, will you comment on NSh mtg/relationship wrt
TransLink and levy increase
Mayor: Cclr Day attended with me, about a week ago; NSh Mtg also
w/ Doug McCallum and Pat Jacobsen
mtg focused on impact of TransLink cost
prob with increased assessments, rather than mill rate,
TransLink works on 2%, not assessed value
factoring $18m
as a result of huge assessed values, raising $31m
Mayor Sharp asked roll back of diff of $13m, but Bd did not
support her
our increase, passing to taxpayers is 88% -- $210
they're not going to roll it back, Bd keeping that $31m,
passing it along to you and me
hits WV taxpayer rather hard
Sop: car, sgl occupancy
modern day ppl, esp from WV, well-educated, you can't really tell
them not to take their cars
what about the north-south routes
know they came with a miniplan; know you were upset by that
what's happening, what plans, except for small ferry?
we're going to have a Transp Adv Cmte; don't know how they're
going to answer
I hope you'll give them an earful
we need a rep on the Bd that we're not going to be satisfied with
this in the future
Mayor: one of the ironies; we're not receiving any direct benefit
out of this tax unless you consider the RAV line -- some WV residents
go to the airport
difficult to justify
VD: they budgeted for $18m, but actually less; adjusted
2% increases, nope, more like 6 - 7%
using it for better safety on Pattullo Bridge but wasn't high on
list until got this windfall tax
wonder what urgency they're putting on renewal
take issue with Cclr Sop re Mayor Sharp -- she has been vocal
voice, not saying Mayor Wood wdn't
many benefits to GVTA -- cleaner air, better transportation
can relate it to LM
transportation and air pollution will be major over next few
under Reports from Ccl I'll report on GVRD mtg on Friday
JF: wanted to agree with Cclr VD, Mayor was not only vocal, but
she spoke out first
got to mobilize more ppl to speak out, go en masse
looking to you, Cclr Day, on this cmte, to speak up
know we'll all benefit but feel been robbed but not predictable;
say will raise a certain extent then they keep the windfall and take
it home in a bag and I really resent that
look for larger groups
RD: yes I'm on the Transp cmte with Cclr Sop and did attend that
mtg with you, Mr Mayor
agree TransLink investments on the whole good, public transit
rather than automobile whereas prov pushing automobile by twinning
Port Mann bridge
other points we discussed, the disparity
Mayor McCallum talked about a ferry but not clear about it,
didn't know we didn't have space for parking
prop taxes are regressive taxes
a lot of ppl in WV don't have a lot of income so that $210 tax on
their property, those on fixed income, don't have cars, don't use
public transit, and they have to pay
user pay made more sense -- $75 per car
Sop: to clarify, no slam against Mayor Sharp, wanted two for
VD: GVRD little or no control over GVTA
RD: referring to other taxes, shd hv bn clearer
other taxes going up but not as rapidly
our ability to tax being threatened; in future cd be a serious
5.7 2005 Specified Area and Local Area Service Tax
Designated Presenter: Director of
RECOMMENDED introduced and read a first,
second,and third time in short form: THAT
"Specified Area Tax Rates Bylaw 4425,
"Parcel Tax (Garrow Bay) Bylaw No.
4426, 2005"
"Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw
No. 4427, 2005"
"Local Area Service Parcel Tax
1902-1990 Kings Avenue and 1925-1995 Jefferson Avenue Bylaw No.
4420, 2005"
"Local Area Service Parcel Tax
1003-1075 Duchess Avenue and 1010-1074 Esquimalt Avenue Bylaw No.
4421, 2005"
"Local Area Service Parcel Tax
1735-1775 Gordon Avenue and 1734-1780 Haywood Avenue and 935-967 17th
Street Bylaw No. 4422, 2005"
"Local Area Service Parcel Tax
2110-2198 Rosebery Avenue and 2107 -2197 Queens Avenue Bylaw No.
4423, 2005" be now introduced and read a first, second and third
"Local Area Service Parcel Tax
2423-2459 Mathers Avenue and 2426 - 2460 Nelson Avenue and 1508 -1589
24th Street Bylaw No. 4424, 2005"
RL: some ongoing; revitalization from
1988; underground wiring on
5.8 Water Shortage Response Plan Bylaw No. 4418,
Designated Presenter: Director of
Engineering and Transportation
RECOMMENDED: ...be introduced and read a first, second and third
EB: water restrictions; manage discretionary uses of water
measures to conserve with least impact on users; standalone
bylaw; being done throughout GVRD
more restrictive than previous bylaw, involves fountains,
G-J: this is totally in line with GVRD; only areas of concern
were businesses using water and golf course
intent not to affect those earning a living
great to be lining up across the region
MMgr: just received a report today that snowpacks lower (north
normal); important wrt water shortage
5.9 Bylaws to Protect and Enhance Watercourses in
West Vancouver
Designated Presenter: Director of
Planning, Lands & Permits (to be provided in Supplemental
SJN: was distributed to Ccl on Friday, posted on
this is complicated and long
given the volume of material; we're suggesting given deadlines by
prov; suggest receive tonight and next week refer them to adv
Mayor: Mr Roach?
DRoach: I'll defer my comments till you introduce it
Sop: guess we're not going to get into it tonight; major areas of
MMgr: perhaps Cclr Sop cd give them to staff for consideration
before next mtg
Mayor: water runs downhill...
[G-J leaves Chamber and returns at end
of this item]
5.10 Evelyn Drive Planning Area Special
Designated Presenter: Director
of Planning, Lands & Permits (to be provided in Supplemental
SJN: just received report this afternoon so we suggest defer
this to next week.
Blair Bailey: my letter....
VD: if we're not going to consider this tonight,
understand why you all turned up tonight -- are you going to turn
up next week and do it all again?
I see a huge number of ppl but we/they only got this
ask ev to come back next Monday if they can
happy to sit here
two nights, same ppl
SJN: for clarification, the timing can be handled
brought back a report; if Ccl wishes to consider that, can do
JC: don't know why we have to defer it; all it does is follow the
VD: listen to public
BB: have been anxiously awaiting the report since last week; seen
few minutes before 7 o'clock
inclined to agree with Cclr Clark, it's not all that
tonight I was really intending to reverse dealings between
Planning and Millennium
window of opp
there is a definite way -- to date not finite
way to enable them and Ccl to support something
afraid been quite a lacuna wch now cd be resolved so as to
obviate the need for a study at this juncture
to refer to my seven-page letter of May 5, if read, you'll get a
summation (of residents of area as well); have you read it?
Mayor: all received; yes I've read
BB: good; can save some time
you've seen my observations wrt the invalidity of OCP,
both Planning and Millennium reached same conclusion; b/c they
worked together for two years
one year of wch after adoption of OCP and H2
my letter asked why it took all this time for both to realize OCP
H2 was a governing factor
to be so, not to waste any more money and time
all in my letter; consider carefully when you come to decide
about another study
Cclr Clark has just referred to suggestion and meaning of word
consideration, and really what H2 seems to be, an advisory/cautionary
document; I question whether intended to cover an extended devt
asks for a study and then goes on to second-guess study,
anticipates saying cd consider townhouses, lowrise apts, and density
up to 1 FAR etc
what if study wants something else? high rises? lower rises? more
roads and so on? what then?
good deal of leeway
says nothing about a study carried on at the cost of the
indeed study carried on by Planning Dept, week after week, and 11
plans by dvpr
question appears how to arrive at magic figure of 1.0[FAR];
certainly been a recent bone of contention as far as I've been
briefly the dvpr wants to include roads etc wch it wd have
purchased, paid for, and ceded to WV.
wants all that included in calculating FAR to arrive at 1.0FAR
and on Apr 7 Planning Dept suddenly says the devt plan does not meet
OCP and lots in excess of 1.0 and cannot be averaged
next to that report; then says okay not include, and have then
1.21, they not really approve; then conversation with staff, not to
exceed 1.0, that's what OCP says
regardless of hill?
when I suggested OCP might just be a guide and shd not be a
prison for a creative use of a piece of land
interpret lowrise four storeys and also have townhouses, all
anticipated in OCP H2
I said, do you realize what effect that might have?
Planning said shd be something that distinguishes WV, announce
WV, at gates, shd be monumental
nice maybe, but there'll be nothing distinguished about a series
of four-storey bldgs
you have leeway to vary heights
if you look at the Vancouver skyline, I see ev day, interesting
-- god-help-us if all four storeys
if you ever cross the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco,
skyline, what a treat that's what you want to see here
Mayor: there are a lot of ppl waiting to speak
BB: if I may conclude, urge these two parties to resume their
talks with a bit of quid pro quo
other places will allow dvpr the advantage of the amalgamation in
Carolina [unintelligible and Mayor found difficult to pronounce]:
WV is in an exceptional position.....
most owners have agreed to sell their properties
shd be a grand entrance... richest area of Canada... has to be
spectacular, the envy of all the other cities
hope all nbrs recognize this; ev stands to benefit
anything less than striking bldgs........
very hard to have lots this size available for redevt
Mayor: had trouble with this name last time
Dr Alec Cisero [sp?]: speak on behalf of several nbrs
attended many mtgs; watched on tv, just for the giggles
Cclr Day said WV is a privileged cmnty and other saying I'm going
to lose my view, traffic probs, and asking Millennium to go back to
the drawing board
of course, can't argue with these points
undercurrent; yes, we live in an exclusive cmnty
it's a privileged cmnty; an exclusive cmnty by its nature
can't lose sight of those opposing are the ugly undercurrent of
not going to work
not owners, nbrs now renters; obviously they care less about
their property than I do, I own
quality descending... renters aren't taking care of their
property, trees being chopped down
even though we want to live in an exclusionary cmnty
you can't avoid ppl coming in but at same time have to make it
folks in opposition, perhaps not so hidden, view loss, and same
things we've heard over and over
MMgr: if Ccl going to move ahead, ppl shd perhaps speak to the
Mayor: good point; let's try to speak to issue at hand
Morris Shemmer [sp?]: agree with Cclr Durman; we're going to hear
the same thing over and over
there's a study
get on with it; you were voted in strongly and no one in
objection to housing for emptynest seniors who have to go
all voted you in, gave you support, and you don't need another
Hank Jasper: Mgr of Millennium Properties
forwarded a letter today and I'd like to read into the
Mayor: we have a copy
HJ: important to read; we don't
Sept 2004 applied
Ccl did not receive a staff report Apr 5 and 11; was not a defeat
of our application
consultation with our solicitors, Ccl did nothing
misconceptions... wise of Ccl not to vote on the
not a decision at all... move on prof studies
do accept must continue to work together........
perplexing b/c we have done exactly what Ccl asked over the past
two and a half years
public mtgs, planning options; complied with all the
including process for planning and redvt of Ev Dr
feel we're entitled to.......
prepared at least nine different master plans
20% decrease, in number of units; ...... price tag todate
$15m including
concerns; not yet seen report 5pm
we've undertaken... not to have that as benefit
no one's going to implement it... applicant and
any redvt must be one that we wd wish to build and that WV wd
like to see
Ev Dr was clearly identified
new housing types... sustainable; accessible, srs,
processing of our application must be continued
any outstanding concerns
wd like to be kept informed of any mtgs and wd be prepared to
Peter Kreuk: I'm landscape architect, felt addressed
gateway to city
prefer to continue working and resolving; coming with a
[some applause]
JF: question of you and Mr Jasper, I was out of country during
those mtgs as you know; wd like to know what you consider wd
constitute timely?
[voice: tomorrow]
HK: props assembled at great expense
ppl have put their lives on hold; cost of continuing to hold
these props; wd say immediate
plan to hire a consultant to review our proposal or
think report we saw today says July 15, that's two and a half
months away, understand Ccl doesn't meet during balance of July and
don't know when it reconvenes, August or September....
the sooner the better
Sop: on a pt of info, may I ask a q of the Mgr
it was my understanding of the report that this wd go back and
Planning wd hire a consultant, start from lay of the land; in the
process involve all of the stakeholders; then come up with some
consideration of input from Millnm Props, wch wd help, and
further key stakeholder consultation -- all the area -- and the
consultant wd give a summary of the consultation and a report to
satisfy the study objectives
understood that when we didn't vote [last motion] and it had
nothing to do with Millnm but wonder from comments
study whether Millnm or not, want quicker
consultation with all residents, what Ccl stipulated; a bit
confused listening to Millnm support all over again
not saying we don't support Mllnm but study has to lay some
MMgr: throughout this process
public comment wrt Millnm Prop's proposal for and
Ccl made a decision not to receive the two draft bylaws they
had requested
indicated we'd come forward with some sort of framework for
the area to assess applications
you're hearing some saying don't need another study
from Millnm, look at study, see devt proposed
hear balance of speakers and then Ccl can decide next
Sop: don't have prob listening to ppl
but is it same as a week ago, same as TofRef here?
MMgr: report suggesting a framework, not unlike with Clyde
somewhat abbreviated maybe, what's economically viable, given
then assess any application, including present application
Sop: then why not vote on it tonight?
MMgr: certainly cd, but staff just being conscious report/info
received tonight; didn't want to put in position had to [decide]
tonight [with virtually no time for anyone to read].
Brian Wallace: I'm traffic consultant, with ND Lea; b/c of
evolutionary nature of projects such as this, reports have been
prepared: first 2003, Feb 2004 changes to plan; Apr 2004, reviews and
revisions; another report [date], then Nov, and Dec 2004 wch had
realtime traffic simulation
from a traffic perspective, has been followed
looking process be expedited to Public Hearing asap
Curt Sheppard; reside on Duchess, this evening speaking for
Millnm, engaged by them; took data from them, surveyors, and DWV
bldg outlines done by aerial mapping; bldgs designed and
redesigned; hedges and vegetation in foreground wrt Stanley Pk
called residents, cd see exactly what you're going to get vs
clouds in sky
Susan Wilkins: with Pottinger Geraghty, Env'tal Consultants
impressed; part of my job over last two years was to see we were
satisfying all these objectives
we're ready and willing to move forward
been to lots of open houses......
Smart Growth BC, this is embodiment .....
Milln also committed to LEED
wrt sustainable devt, Millnm has done its best to follow
Stuart Lyon: project architect; letter on file
coordinated devt of at least ten plans
explored different road layouts, bldg forms, hts, diff
three important pts:
1 -- on Apr 11 several mbrs of audience posed questions never
clarified about density and ht, and may have misled;
density: proposed has never gone up in the two years I've
worked on this project, has in fact been reduced, gone down including
as recently as Apr 11; in staff report to wch public responded
negatively to a higher density and that was to NET, after all
dedications made, all land not to be built on
height: not increased in two years I've worked on project, has
been reduced; most recent scheme no bldg rising more than six storeys,
along Ev Dr alignment, middle of site, no bldg exceeds six storeys, no
bldg exceeds two storeys above Keith Rd; the reference in Apr 11 staff
report to 175ft was a sea-level reference, NOT a bldg ht reference wch
led some to believe 17-storey bldgs on the site
2 -- devpr agreed to a reduction of gross bldg density; the
devpr agreed to a further reduction of 22Ksf number reflected in
report to ccl, 692Ksf but never reflected in planned
had fully agreed and planned to redraw accordingly reflecting
lowered hts
public/ccl has never seen plans with this reduction; wd still
app opp to present these to you
3 -- an independent planner with only hypothetical access to
the 65 properties cd only speculate
this is not raw land; this is collection of 56, 20
no speculation how landowners wd react
no way of knowing if cd be amassed? again
strongly recommend District staff, adv cmtes, and applic
continue to work together with public
take advantage of work done collaboration further refine to
create the type of devt originally envisioned in the OCP
Fulvio Verdicchio: reside at 885 Keith Rd, Prez of Sentinel Hill
South Slope Homeowners' Assn
no one has spoken to the motion tonight
no one speaking for Millnm has given addresses; don't think they
live in WV
we do really need an independent study of this area
Helena Galas: Ev Dr; coming tonight, we've just had
four years of OCP, two years dealing with dvpr; our life must go
v disappointed the residents and devpr have been discounted
56 residents but 15 - 20 ppl have so much
they can't read drawings; you still hear 17 storeys b/c been
conveyed to residents -- and it's untrue
as I read deadline is July 15 and as we know District does not
work to a deadline
wd take months, years
cost of this study -- what is it? public shd know? maybe
expensive and reflect on all WV, not just a handful of ppl who cannot
read the drawings
this kind of process, a senior lady asked me if this process will
be applicable to other areas
ppl using Taylor Way affect those on Ev Dr as well
this say analysis must provide scenario with no road connection;
most of us know entering or exiting, something has to be done;
rerouting the road
Millnm has four diff exits, most sensible way
Keith Rd can go up and down but Ev Dr only one way
road connection long overdue
Shahram Malek, director and principal of Millennium Properties
Ltd, also live in WV at 2050 Mathers Ave
didn't have much opportunity to read the report this evening but
tried, spent 15 minutes reading it
some points need to be reiterated
about two and a half years ago put our trust in a system
asked about the system to be followed
informed of the process and what to be followed; go to
I believe we followed that process religiously
trusted process or wdn't have invested millions of dollars; wdn't
do that without faith in it
we've done ev we've been asked to do
no one ever mentioned that someone else wd do a study on this
site; devpr's studies and vetted by Planning
came back with plans and traffic studies; did ev we were told to
been a lengthy and painful process, esp for residents both those
opposed and involved
become a bit of a veteran; think it will go on and on
goes too much into future might not even be a project to
time shd be taken into consideration taking an outside person on
if sincere, believe and hope, shd work together
perhaps this person shd be a facilitator -- listen to us and to
with a mandate to come to a conclusion
think really wd be a big mistake if drags on into summer, fall,
and wd divide cmnty even more
really want to have something residents, behind us and rest of
WV, to be proud of
Mayor: we have a recommended motion before us, anyone prepared to
make it?
JC: I am [read it]: Ev Dr Planning Area Study
[Sop seconded]
JC: I too think July 15 an onerous date; think shd move forward
to June 15
Mayor: not sure realistic
MMgr: suggest June 15 or as soon as possible
JC: can understand that
VD: concerned about July 15; want to receive it, read it, and
then a motion to bring Millnm application forth; they have a
we don't have Public Hearings in August and rarely in July so
we're really talking about September, drag into October and Nov
election in Nov, so big urge to put it off until after
ppl counting on seeing who's on wch side of this debate
I think you're putting the public, residents, applicant
shd hv done this by now
have a problem with hiring, uh, not sure what this consultant
is this consultant an planning expert?
SJN: yes
VD: is he an arbitrator?
SJN: he has performed that role but don't anticipate that
VD: what is the role of Ccl? is it Ccl's obligation to listen to
public for and against, or obligation of consultant to listen re
planning proposal
SJN: role of consultant identified in this report is to assess
all info before Ccl, to meet with representatives with stakeholders,
no mtg with 300 attending; to meet with applicant; get their
understanding and make recommendations wrt a plan that may or may not
be consistent with what has been put forward by Millnm
part of planning effort for area
upon application, says Ccl was unprepared to go forward and
wanted a third party; and that was intended as a planning
consultant/expert, not an arbitrator
VD: I understand key stakeholder; I understand those homeowners
on Ev Dr and those around and groups who have come out against; I
understand Millnm is a stakeholder and I presume citizens of WV is a
stakeholder, but I'm not sure, I don't understand where Preserve West
Vancouver group sits as a stakeholder b/c many residents in Caulfeild
who view this positive or negative
not sure as to why PWV as a major stakeholder to be listened
SJN: included those who made submissions
VD: you've gone further, you've said WILL
so unless a group has joined together and made a representation
to Ccl, they're not to be included
SJN: if Ccl chooses to hear cmnty, they can
don't expect consultant to hold general work shops
VD: if he's a planning consultant
surely he's meant to take the physical information such as
topographic, traffic counts, view corridors, and his own view of
whatever he comes up with
I'm unsure, listening, and with all politeness, the residents'
point of view, and that's what Ccl's meant to do; not sure what
planner's doing talking to ppl outside
and here is a group who have stated clearly that they're not that
in favour of devt -- there are other groups that have been pro or anti
devt, but b/c they didn't come forth for this they won't be consulted
by this consultant
unequitable for rest; real difficulty
we either hire a planner, using his professional expertise,
whatever he comes up with, is only another person's opinion; listened
to a lot of opinions but unfortunately haven't been able to read our
planning staff's opinions b/c no one's been willing to accept
through a formal process
Millnm wants to go to a PH, public wants to go to a PH, so they
can stand up and say for or against, not sure why we're not just going
for a Public Hearing
let the chips fall where Ccl wishes them to fall even though that
may be difficult at this time
JF: I was not here
understand when bylaws came, there was no discussion b/c no
seconder; quite baffled why not advanced to PH
let Ccl do what they were elected to do
with advice of our professional employees, they offer
professional opinions, found valuable over the years
truly baffled need to delay this process -- nbrs and devprs in
not in best interests of cmnty
no one is held by this opinion of a professional planner; just
one more opinion; we have prof planners on [adv cmte] and we get those
for free; great trust in those ppl
frankly don't see the need for this
wd like to know why my colleagues did not see need to go to
Sop: this report has Tof Ref, desire to move along, scope of work
with Millnm, and don't care if they work with PWV or whoever, hope all
in Ev Dr area
move along and hope to get a win out of this
ready for the question
RD: question asked why we didn't second motion; had some concerns
about the report
written by competent planner but written in haste, some
confusion, meaning of some of the points
had concerns from the beginning about the density of this
favour devt for site, pleased Millnm acquired prop; sympathize
with owners and residents
but I thought too dense, 500 - 510; dvpr said he cdn't come down
b/c of costs of transforming terrain; needed units for servicing
but provided no economic data, not enough information
want answer to questions I had -- wd it be possible to build in
accordance with OCP midrise bldgs, that's what OCP asked for, not
secondly called for less density than offering
in a way, it was a way to salvage the project
if went to PH it wd be defeated b/c too dense and incompatible
with OCP
so key was to find density, answers to economic questions I had,
so cd reach, so dvpr cd go ahead with, find some way
then resolved, and nbrs
know it's diff to achieve
but to go to PH without sufficient info; but to go and have it
possibly defeated, not way to go; seemed counterproductive
hesitated, didn't second
was unhappy with situation as it existed; stalemated
needed some outside opinion
make it acceptable to residents and nbrs in surrounding
that's the reason I acted or didn't act as I did
VD: fact is this is a planning consultant, not a financial
doesn't have in time span he's got factoring in all costs
neither PAC or DAC turned it down, suggested it cd be
one even said density cd be higher
question I'd ask, is consultant; is it like Solomon, wch gets wch
part of this child
politicians are elected to do that
is he, after listening to ev, then trying to work out financial
issues, cd he come in and say if you want lower cost housing to
encourage young ppl and more affordable housing, you need not 1FSR,
you need 2FSR; instead of 500 units, you'd need a thousand b/c unit
cost gone down
is he able to do that or are some mbrs hoping he'll come in
are we prejudging? or are we giving him a free hand? allowing
Millnm to give figs?
up the units
or are we going to listen to the public?
why don't we just move forward?
maybe where we shd be going, if we ask this guy...why don't we
set the PH date now, and ask him, whoever he is, to at least produce
the report before the PH, then we have something to go on
MMgr: the intent really is to give this indiv a free hand
one key question is, is the OCP really achievable?
maybe it was best guess at the time, we're hoping working with
Millnm, some info
then can look at what's achievable
might come back and say maybe it can't be done economically, has
to be higher, bigger
but Ccl has at least that information
VD: can I--
SJN: in this report, consultant not able to give info for Cclr
cd maybe if Millnm wd release to consultant financial info that
Millnm wd not release to us [DWV]
Those questions cd be answered by Millnm, consultant will not be
developing those; possible to get info without doing it himself
so possible to answer those questions
Bruce McArthur: pt of information: is the date in the motion
correct? 2006? going to stall it another year?
Mayor: correction thanks; 2005
JF: app you had some question but you're allowed to ask those in
RD: there are questions density consultant cd give an opinion on;
don't see why Mllnm wdn't
presumably Millnm willing to share with consultant, and if won't,
wd suspect data
my assumption is that we will be able to obtain the info
at point now we call the question; we can go ahead, go to a
VD: friendly amendment
Mayor: suggest a separate motion
VD: I'm not willing to vote on motion without a date
Mayor: without a date for the PH
VD: we never do anything of significance in July
the PH date shd be in June
and the consultant shd bring in the report prior to PH
JC: that's why I suggested June 15, so suggested next two Mondays
June 20, June 27
Mayor: wording?
JC: report June 15 and PH Monday June 20
Sop: enough time?
SJN: six weeks very tight, mtg with people, don't believe June 15
will work
Mayor: don't believe
SJN: don't; can't set date for PH without a bylaw
VD: can establish date and ask staff to bring forward
SJN: we do have bylaws drafted
JC: don't bring those forward
Mayor: motion as stated plus amendment
SSch: wd suggest date for report
and PH separate motion
VD: it's all got to be together b/c one may fall and not the
Mayor: mover and seconder agreed to June 15
MMgr: I have to raise a concern here
we're setting ourselves up for failure
public notification two or three weeks
you don't even have time form and content
we'd have to give notice next week and we don't even have info
what bylaw you want to entertain
RD: that's why Mr Nicholls said not feasible
shd vote separately; it's a trap to defeat the process
VD: how trap?
to decide on application, not a trap
asking for information from apparently a highly qualified
consultant, and setting a date for a PH
hear it's difficult
are we really saying we don't intend to have a hearing until
Sept, or Oct
real plan then intent after Nov?
RD: both our planner and MMgr said not possible, not
JC: object to get into public hands asap
shd be making our best efforts before everyone leaving in
Mayor: that's what we're attempting to do
MMgr: at the very least try to back that up so hearing date June
26/27. and have to have quick discussion with Ccl about form of bylaw,
if specifically bylaw in front of you specific to this
then what's in front of you, then first set of bylaws
so if PH on 27th with report from consultant week before
then you're tying us to that first bylaw
VD: are those bylaws applicable to Millnm applic?
SJN: yes, both of them are to enable the Millnm application
VD: so we'll be dealing with Millnm
SJN: so dealing with project before you
Mayor: not report coming in?
MMgr: the differences between the bylaws is the
the extent to the certainty; it's that simple
if up in the air, some negotiations to continue, then choose
second; if nailed down in form and character, then first
perhaps come back next week with bylaws for Ccl's
Mayor: June 20 receipt of report, June 27, PH
CTR --
[This appeared at the mtg; see full motion in agenda for May
16 below in that section; it's Item 5.3 of agenda and note that part 4
b and c says no capital costs to DWV for leased spaces.]
KP gives background and points in report:
new budget estimate; all on leased basis; consultation
transition period; regular mtg with our architects; issues re
timing; construction costs; offers options
still at advanced conceptual stage, not moved to formal
schematic design but have brought back to cmte what components
relatively early in process
VD: this motion comes from Select Cmte
[reads motion again, written out in May 16 agenda; adding gym,
including atrium; bldg ~70Ksf]
those interested; have seen 700-name petition, and many many
many attended or came to mtgs, and all letters show that the
cmnty wishes to have a bigger, if not better, complex than we were
designing in the constraints we had of $16m
above $16m
breakdown in report gone to ccl in camera, so construction
industry won't know costs
at end of day Ccl will have to decide if we can afford it
final tenders by June July hope completely designed, and all
pieces fitted together
three of those pieces
one, VCHA 20Ksf taking on at their costs, but as costs have gone
up they might decide they can't afford it therefore proceeding with
staff to tie them down asap
wrt WVYB, ppl have asked how they can raise all that capital, not
asking WVYouth Band to raise all capital today; understand they can
raise a reasonable amt, we'll be leasing them the space and lease
payments over time
{er, um, doesn't this mean DWV pays the capital up front or
to begin with?
a bit confusing
doesn't motion mean no capital costs to District? or
does it pivot on definition of 'accruing'?
for someone with financial nous, one might have expected a
clearer explanation.......}
lease for spaces for rehabilitation medicine, that space may or
may not be leased out
may be other users, need some flexibility
atrium cafe, the piece ppl have raised -- what for?
you need a cmnty mtg place where more than coming through the door and
buying a ticket to go for a swim
it's meant to be a mtg place, grandparents wish watch
most get a cup of coffee -- tough to do that in WV
Olympics coming so use facilities awarding prizes, medals; art
exhibitions over the years, concerts, piano recitals; a whole range
can take place and be performed in the atrium
at long last, remember this is a civic, not a health,
maybe, lo and behold, hold a PH for Millnm project in one of
these big rooms that can spill out to the atrium
maybe ppl wd like to get married in it
whole series, can't imagine it but these days, some get married
bungee jumping
Mayor: don't get carried away--
VD: so the atrium doesn't need to be built but like any good
cmnty, sometimes one shdn't just look at pure need, how we're going to
use it
look at greater feeling and say, does this jell the whole project
together, and that's what this is
meant to be entrance way
throughout year, bright and sunny
those are the options, Ccl will make those decisions
think cmte and public mbrs of that cmte fully behind this report
and wd like to go forward; now up to Ccl to allow us to do that, or
Mayor handed Speakers' List: Before we go to Cclr Ferguson, Ms
Reynolds has her name down:
CR, Yours Truly: can wait until after Cclr F
Mayor: no, go ahead; pls
CR: sounds like a really exciting plan, glad to hear it
just have a few questions, perhaps you cd clarify, pls
first of all, wd be appreciated if we cd see a timetable
for public input into this
Secondly, the total number of sq ft -- suppose cd
add that up
Mayor: don't know that yet, we'll find out--
CR: the range, then wd be helpful
appreciate the amt of money has to be in camera b/c of ppl re
tender , but what a lot of companies do wch you might wish to
consider, is you can give a range -- say $15 - 20m, doesn't matter
what it is -- but do the tendering different parts at a time so
they don't know how much you have allocated for that particular
so there are ways of giving a range and still being able to hold
them [their feet] to the fire on certain parts
Thirdly, with the public input and the need to raise more
funds, perhaps the public wd come up with some good ideas
for example, to raise more money one of the things you might want
to consider is putting two or three levels of condos on top of the
cmnty ctr; that wd raise a lot of money
I'm just saying, just to throw out ideas, maybe if you throw
it to the cmnty -- say we need so much more money, can anybody come up
I mean it's a good idea to lease; maybe ppl will have some to
other ideas you might find helpful
thank you
VD: raised the issue of condos on that site
when project started out five or six years ago, considerable
public input
believe Ms Reynolds was a major part of that input; v much public
opinion, no private residences be blt on the site, no person cd buy a
piece of the site
we have thought of srs' housing through rental housing,
etc., that may be a way but condominiums were clearly turned down by
the whole of the public consultation process
CR: what was actually turned down at that mtg wasn't condos, and
that's fine if ppl want to turn it down, I was just giving an example
of things that cd [suggested/thrown out]
but was what turned down by that advisory group,
{the Civic Site Advisory Group}
was that the consultants, or the facilitators, had recommended
that in the corner, where the tennis courts were [NE corner], that
there be ten- to 12-storey condos. That's what was turned down
Mayor: thank you very much
JF: I will support this; been working on it for some time;
mandate to meet needs without overstepping bounds of our budget
{but do recall, that VD as chair kept saying they had no
budget and it took until a few weeks ago that the fig of $16m finally
was mentioned}
initially staff came back with wonderful ideas but not within our
budget to accommodate wish list
we said you come back most cost-effective use
staff took a look and came back; meant suggesting court sports
be in Gleneagles or be accommodated in other full sized gyms; were cut
ppl weren't happy with that; said whoa! want to play
where played a long time
gave opp to come back to consider larger budget to include
[all this]
gave cmte and ccl justification, allowing us to build a cmnty
ctr to see to needs of the cmnty for a long time to come
we wdn't have had the courage to come back and insist on
enlarging the budget if there weren't that public support
{part of the cunning plan?}
heartening to see, encouraging to see public consultation work;
ppl came back, rallied round
commend ppl in cmnty who brought this to our attn
will be voting for it
disagree with one thing -- think atrium does need to be built,
will be enormous value to cmnty
can celebrate events undercover, even in the rain, able to gather
will join Rec Ctr, Aq Ctr, Srs' Ctr, so SAC won't be hived off,
they'll have to put up with the rest of us in this cmnty and some of
us are pretty close to there
allow access to Srs' Ctr directly to parking lot with elevator,
underground pkg lot
absolutely essential; excellent for seniors
VD: think it's needed
JC: Gosh, it's really nice to hear all that passion, think I can
support it in principle, however Cclr Durman did mention an in
camera budget discussion, we have not had that yet. It was
on our in camera agenda this evening, but we have not had that
discussion; wd really appreciate some more information regarding
abilities of WV Youth Band; not to disparage them, but want to hear
more about WVYB, their abilities, how they can offset the costs of the
facility we're preparing to build for them, or talking about it
also like more about the rehabilitation medicine service and the
atrium cafe
who's going to build and how are we going to get our money back,
etc, etc,
Frankly until we have that budget discussion, my sense is to
defer a couple of weeks until we've had that
VD: to be honest, wd be incorrect for Ccl to vote on this motion
until we've had the discussion
JC: thank you very much
VD: there hasn't been the time to answer the questions about the
JC: I move deferral for two weeks
Mayor: got to be three weeks
SSch: May 30
VD: happy to have it deferred -- can't we defer it to next
something wrong with that?
costs are going up, time's running out
if we want to build it we've got to move forward
JC: I'd rather do this project properly and correctly and
within an affordable budget
can't see we can achieve it in one week, get all the info
RD: holiday, three weeks?
Mayor: prepared to defer, to try, for one week?
JC: if information there, sure
G-J: I actually have some things I wd like to see come forward
wrt this before May 30 but the six printed I wd support deferring for
one week
but I still wd like to speak to the larger motion; if we defer I
won't get to say what else I'm looking for
VD, acting as if Chair: Well, we cd listen to you, and
Mayor: deferring for one week
G-J: can see deferring the first six for one week; realize
report focuses on bldg and need to move forward, obviously
related to being timely
Unfortunately, Ccl still has much to learn and I think cmnty
does as well
suggest for either May 30th or June 6th, we request
presentation by architect b/c we really haven't had that and that wd
benefit everybody
we shd ask for presentations by Health and WVYB b/c it's all
about cmnty bldg and it's everybody's project, need to learn more
about that together
Thirdly, we need a staff report that refers to the cmnty input
we've had of late, but even pulls some things from the Baker McGarva
Hart report b/c really is excellent
the atrium does serve as a metaphor in my view for the whole
this bldg is about cmnty building, and it's about seeking new
for me it's about cmnty services dept delivering things a
little bit differently
like to have a staff report on:
> cmnty input;
> the Gordon Ave area study wch speaks to the
pedestrian nature of the site as a whole and wch we've been waiting
> lessons we've learned from Gleneagles, b/c I know
staff think it is actually underutilized and there are opps to partner
with the cmnty and use it more
> opps for cmnty-building by bringing in cmnty
groups, even to the extent of suggesting a cmnty adv bd for this
project b/c if we're going to dev culture, we need to have the CAC
In my view, what the Select Cmte has done so far and done
well, is talking about building, but I think the footing it goes
forward on has to have more to do with cmnty input, certainly Ccl's
{well-said, Pam. This is the
first ccl discussion, peek into the machinations, and let's hope
it goes forward now with full information (figures, funding, usage,
costs, OPTIONS), full public and council discussion. The
neighbourhood will not want to be invaded and occupied by cars that
shd be on the civic site; the sports/fitness/gymnastics/etc groups
will want to know they'll be accommodated; the taxpayers will want
to know if the money needed will be from user fees, borrowing, or
higher taxes.}
Mayor: Mr Pike, have you got that list?
KP: I do
Mayor: motion on floor is to defer for one week to discuss the
six items in the report as we have it now
MMgr: and to extent we can provide info for Cclr G-J we'll also
do that
G-J: I realize that's short, but somehow Ccl has to be in the
loop on what this project is contemplating, and certainly Ccl's keen,
and certainly we're all supportive but we're also all
JC: and AFTER we've had our budget discussion vis a vis the
VD: got to understand the money
Sop checked with MClk: no discussion after deferral
Mayor, correctly says: not after tabling but can be after
Mayor: deferred to next week.
6.1 Noise Control Bylaw No. 4404, 2005 and
Administrative Policy - Private Special Events Exemption from Noise
This bylaw received third reading at the
April 11, 2005 Council Meeting.
Designated Presenter: Director of
Administrative Services
RECOMMENDED: THAT "Noise Control Bylaw
No. 4404, 2005" be adopted.
RB: staff have explained, clarified, simplified
RD: sums it up; good form
VD: when this came up last time, Cclr Day
raised issues re commercial use, understand no changes
RB: no changes, clarification
Mayor: p 2
RD: I'm happy now; was not clear
allowed on Sundays
power mowers allowed but other kinds,
leafblowers not allowed on Sundays, then
no problem
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council endorse the
Administrative Municipal Policy No. 02-10-278 for Private Special
Events Exemption from the Noise Bylaw.
= Mayor [read press release re appeal re tunnel/Sea-to-Sky
case]: great disappointment
overturning District's
Judge found no significant; Judge recognized DWV's concerns, but
Ccl concerned about uncertainly in terms of understanding; preventing
env'tal impact
intention to appeal to fed court of appeal [see statement
in Sunday's Tidings, May 8]
= G-J: re her resignation, thank Paola Merkins [school
trustee] for her work, noting that on substance abuse
= JF: attended Irwin Pk School Gr 5 graduation from DARE
since inception (20 years ago?), police there
students are as excited today as they were initially and parents
even more excited
a lot of discussion if works but studies internationally, been
found to; now RCMP are implementing the prog across Canada
= VD: GVRD Fin and Housing Cmte
re Finance, had required head of GVTA TransLink to come before
cmte re bridge Golden Ears Maple Ridge to Langley wch will cost $600m,
with soft costs to nearly $900m, apparently still not intending to use
the MFA to finance this. MFA has AAA rating and borrows money
at the lowest rate on the public debt market
TransLink plans using construction company and admit will cost
them $20 - 30m more in interest than going through MFA
reason they say is wrt risk involved, worth the $20 - 30m --
running a bridge for the next 20 years; we cdn't quite ascertain wch
bit of running the bridge they were worrying about
complex, might be defects but wd be dealt with under construction
asked staff to bring back a report; one of the main reasons
they did not wish to come forward and borrow from MFA, is wd mean
requesting an increase in debt cap, amount able to borrow wch is
controlled by the GVRD, however if they borrow through a private
source like a construction company, and guarantee it, doesn't have to
come through GVRD. They actually put down reason as "ease
of governance"
we have therefore put a motion to GVRD first of all to ask
prov govt to change legislation to cover all debt however incurred (by
TransLink re debt cap); secondly while legislation proceeding through
or asked for that TransLink comply with the intent of current
legislation; and thirdly the GVRD advise the GVTA that we think this
is an expensive route to borrow
and to keep taxes under control
On Friday attended a GVRD Bd, sort of seminar
Mayor: workshop
VD: governance; spent five hours, discussed how and who shd
control TransLink
obvious a split in GVRD:
> some think GVTA shd be disbanded, bring into GVRD so all
brought in, all Ms represented in decision-making process and operated
like utility (water, sewer); and
> those who strangely enough all sit on GVTA board saying
marvellous and shd leave it all alone
now going to have another study section, now we've found out
major cause of problems
in a couple of weeks' time
Min of Transport, WV has a really friendly relationship with,
asking for a review of governance of GVTA, Min has said after election
will be high on his agenda to do that
so GVTA and TransLink concerned racing against time to come up
with better ways of running it
from a taxpayer's point of view, one of the big issues at GVRD in
next few months
Correspondence [Complete List is in previous WVM
Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a) Sports and Recreation Facilities Planning Select
Committee of Council, November 03, 2004
(b) Sports and Recreation Facilities Planning Select
Committee of Council, November 10, 2004
(c) Sports and Recreation Facilities Planning Select
Committee of Council, November 24, 2004
(d) Sports and Recreation Facilities Planning Select
Committee of Council, April 06, 2005
{Note dates of Sports/Rec minutes, strange -- C3
8.1.34 C. Marion and M. Hess, April 18, 2005,
regarding Gleneagles Golf Course
Referred to Director of
Parks and Community Services for consideration and
JC: folks on St George's; six to 12 golf balls land in their yard ev day in
Mayor, laughing: didn't realize you were
golfing out there
JC, also chuckling: just practice
two attempts to get info from Rec/Parks
Dept; not well and second attempt didn't
get answer
so hope Mr Pike you'll jump on that one
tomorrow morning
KP: thought this was on way to being
solved. I have been on that site, walked it, that
yes, we'll be leaping on this
8:2 Special regular mtg of Ccl for Wednesday May 11 at 9am
= Mayor: Ms Reynolds
CR: wrt the special mtg, is that passing the taxation things?
the only thing on the agenda, I imagine
Mayor: to my knowledge
MMgr: that's right
CR: sorry; very kind of you to consider this [so late]
I do have just a quick question and a suggestion
several ppl have asked me, and I have here in front of me
three letters written to Mayor and Ccl and I have a recommendation of
how to deal with this.
I have one letter dated Mar 31st sent from the Streamkeeper
Society wrt a subdivision; I have one from Mar 29th wrt the cmnty ctr
sent by a resident, and I have one sent Feb 28th wrt PQP.
Now those are obviously a long time ago, and none of these
three writers has received a response.
So my, uh, I have two suggestions for your consideration please,
that when ppl write in that you say that they will get a response
within a month, and if it's not going to be within a month, that you
let them know, b/c some of these are now two months overdue
Feb, Mar, April, well over two months
Maybe [you cd] suggest, uh, ppl cd normally expect a response
within a month, and if not, so they'd be informed
The second thing is
I think it wd be really helpful if whether it's PQP, for that
answer -- you have a section (agenda item) in your mtg for information
items -- that cclrs give the verbal response to the person who asked
verbally so that everyone who heard the question gets the
that's one suggestion to add to your agenda
The other one is:
Correspondence is now divided into 'no action, just for
information', and then you have 'action' [usually referrals to staff];
[so] then add a third one, and have the letters that go out from
staff in response to those letters in the third part. So
they'd be letters with [requested] information [wd be information] b/c
otherwise ppl read the letters but they never see the answers.
So my recommendation is, if you cd:
first of all say they'd get an answer within a month
you can give them orally, that wd be great
thirdly, have a section on the agenda where staff's very
informative and helpful answers that we'd all like to know instead of
just the person who wrote in cd be added as part of the agenda
thank you very much
Mayor: thank you very much
any further comments or questions?
= Joyce Hibberd: thanks to all of you to listening to residents
of WV and opening your minds to trying to solve the prob of the new
red fac
thanks to Cclr Ferguson and Cclr Durman who weren't here when I
spoke last week
may have omitted the Mayor, think I just said councillors; my
the very large fitness class, tries to diffuse their isolation of
the seniors b/c we go over there ev Tu and Th, coffee and visit
hope to continue to do that in a very large facility
Mayor: thank you
= Bruce McArthur: I've received a letter from Ferry Corp about
increased ferry schedule, summer season
one comment re established noise bylaw about noise after 9pm and
ferry noise prior so grandfathered
they're going to be running ferries from 6am to 10:30pm
curious about extent of grandfather allowances
Mayor: do we, M, have copy?
BMcA; don't know, maybe Mr Barth; he was on the cmte
Mayor: not sure we can answer
BMcA: curious about them
concerned about lawn mower, if grandfathered in esp if
grandfather, I guess!
another small point
taxes adjusted re dock, govt prop
looked at NV and problems they went through
have to pay back taxes; not expect too much out of these
they might turn around what to get back whatever we ask for
remind you of all candidate mtg Wed May 11th sponsored by
hope to see many of you there
Mayor: extend my apologies
MMgr: re ferries becoming a priv companies
were changes in way taxed wch did increase money to Ms
but Ferries throughout BC have appealed the assessments, so
that's an issue that's being dealt with
We have our solicitors are actually participating in that appeal
16th === A Supplemental Information Package/Agenda
May be Issued
Order; Agenda Approval, then 3.
4.1 S. Martin, President, Bellevue Landing Strata
Council, regarding Farmers' Market at 14th Street and Bellevue
4.2 A. Wilkinson and K. Galarneau regarding property
damage from 4895 to 5295 Keith Road
5.1 [Residents'] Concerns: 4895-5295 Keith
5.2 Transfer of Funds from Welch and Patrick Bequests to
the West Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation
Designated Presenter: Director of Finance (to be provided in
Supplemental Agenda)
5.3 Civic Site Community Centre - Project
This item was deferred from the May 09, 2005 Council
Designated Presenter: Director of
Parks and Community Services
Various presentations will be
1. Architectural
planning and design for the Civic Site Community Centre be authorized
to continue based on new budget estimates
{do we get to know these? it's our
money after all..........}
and a revised and enlarged project
2. The recreation
facility scope include the original 39,000 square foot project with a
main gymnasium with capacity for court sports and
3. The recreation
facility scope be enlarged by:
(a) The addition of an entrance
atrium connecting the Community and Aquatic Centres,
(b) A second gymnasium, dedicated
to dynamic movement and gymnastics, with revenues from these program
activities going towards the costs of the facility.
(c) A connection of the
complex to the Seniors' Activity Centre, and new general office
space of approximately 2000 square feet.
4. The broader
building scope include lease spaces as follows:
(a) Vancouver Coastal Health
Authority components to be financed by appropriate Municipal Finance
Authority instruments with no capital or operating costs accruing to
the District of West Vancouver.
(b) West Vancouver Youth Band
component, designed and built to a standard and size mutually agreed
to by the District and the Band, with no capital costs accruing to the
(c) Space that allows for
leases with private organizations for a rehabilitation medicine
service and an atrium caf=E9 with no capital or operating costs
accruing to the District.
5. Authorization be
given to negotiate the services of a construction management firm to
work closely with the District's project manager.
6. Further costing to
be carried out at the completion of the design development stage and
this information then forwarded to Council for consideration prior to
the issuance of tenders.
5.4 Proposed West Vancouver Mountain Bike Park:
Planning Sequence
(File: 2102?02)
Designated Presenter: Director of
Parks and Community Services
Staff be directed to develop, in consultation with various community
organizations, an Old Growth Management Plan for "Cypress Ridge Old
Growth Park", to be presented to Council for approval;
2. The
area proposed for mountain bike trail development, at a site abutting
"Cypress Ridge Old Growth Park", be approved in principle, and
that preliminary discussion with user groups continue, leading to a
Management and Development Plan for a Mountain Bike Park that will be
submitted to Council for consideration after the Old Growth Park
Management Plan has been approved;
Regulatory signs be placed at all trailheads in the area, to delineate
the boundary between the Old Growth Park (no biking) and the area
proposed for mountain bike park and trail development.
{all support probablyt, but does the
cost appear anywhere? or in Budget 2005? proposed for
5.5 Development Permit Application 04-017 for South Marr
Creek (24.23 acres bounded by Marr Creek, Collingwood School, the
Chairlift Road subdivision, and the westerly extension of Chippendale
Appendix C - Applicant's Submission
Section 1 Section 4
Section 2 Section 5
Section 3 Section 6
Designated Presenter: Director of
Planning, Lands & Permits
Development Permit Application No. 04-017 be referred to:
(a) the Planning Advisory
Committee for review and advice regarding the proposed land use and
the consistency of the proposed development with the policies of the
OCP for development in the Upper Lands; and
(b) the Parks and Environment
Advisory Committee for review and advice regarding the environmental
components of the proposal, including the response to environmentally
sensitive areas and environmental sustainability; and
2. The
applicant place a Development Application sign on the street frontage
of the property, at the southwest corner, and hold a Public
Information Meeting in accordance with Council's Public Involvement
5.6 West Vancouver as a "Bear Smart"
Designated Presenter: Director of
Parks and Community Services
1. The
District of West Vancouver take further steps toward becoming a
designated "Bear Smart" community;
Funding in the amount of $1,500.00 be allocated for the municipal
contribution to Step 1 of the "Bear Smart" designation process
which is completing a Bear Hazard Assessment to determine high-risk
3. Funding in the
amount of $2,000.00 be allocated to expand educational programs
directed at minimizing bear attractants in residential areas of West
Staff be directed to draft a Bylaw for consideration, which restricts
the proliferation of bear attractants within areas identified in the
Bear Hazard Assessment.
5.7 Community Benefits Strategy
Designated Presenter: Director of
Planning, Lands & Permits
1. Staff be directed
to bring forward a District-wide Community Benefit Policy, and
area-specific policies and guidelines in accordance with the report
dated May 6, 2005 from the Community Planner titled "Community
Benefits [Strategy";]
2. Staff undertake a
consultation process to establish a list of projects that would have
an "amenity status," for appropriate consideration during
development negotiations; and
3. The report be
referred to the Finance Advisory Committee and Planning Advisory
5.8 Municipal Ticket Information System Implementation
Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 4428, 2005
Designated Presenter: Director of
Administrative Services (to
be provided in Supplemental Agenda)
5.9 Bylaws to Protect and Enhance Watercourses in West
Designated Presenter: Director of
Planning, Lands & Permits
RECOMMENDED: ... be introduced and read a first time in short
RECOMMENDED: THAT "Development Procedures Bylaw No. 3984, 1996
Amendment Bylaw No. 4434, 2005" be introduced and read a first
time in short form.
RECOMMENDED: THAT "Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005
Amendment Bylaw No. 4431, 2005" be introduced and read a first time
in short form.
RECOMMENDED: THAT "Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004
Amendment Bylaw No. 4433, 2005" be introduced and read a first
time in short form.
1. A
Public Hearing to consider Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360,
2004 Amendment Bylaw No. 4433, 2005, be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
June 6, 2005 in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber;
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004 Amendment Bylaw No. 4433,
be referred to:
properties directly affected by the proposed bylaw by mail for
the Parks and Environment, Engineering and Planning Advisory
Committees for comments;
(iii) West Vancouver Streamkeepers
for comments;
the community via Tidings and the District webpage for comments;
Staff convene two public information meetings prior to June 6, 2005 to
provide information and receive comments on Official Community Plan
Bylaw No. 4360, 2004 Amendment Bylaw No. 4433, 2005 and Watercourse
Protection Bylaw No. 4364, 2005.
6.1 Water Shortage Response Plan Bylaw No. 4418,
This Bylaw received third reading at the
May 09 Council Meeting. RECOMMENDED: ... be
*** No Action Required (receipt
Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a) Community Services
Advisory Committee, April 05, 2005
(b) Sports and
Recreation Facilities Planning Select Committee of Council,
April 27, 2005
(c) West Vancouver
Police Board, March 29, 2005
(d) West Vancouver
Memorial Library Board, March 23, 2005
8.1.2 M. P. Bayes, Treasurer, Western Residents'
Association of West Vancouver, May 04, 2005, regarding All Candidates
Meeting - May 11, 2005
8.1.3 K. Higgs, April 27, 2005, regarding article
"Florida Expands Right to Use Deadly Force in
8.1.4 J. Roberts, April 27, 2005, regarding Homeless
Count News
Previously circulated due
to timing of event.
8.1.5 R. Goodale, Minister of Finance and J.
Godfrey, Minister of State, Government of Canada, undated, regarding
update of 2005 Federal Budget
8.1.6 K. Washington, April 13, 2005, regarding
Evelyn Drive Proposal
8.1.7 D. Bezeredi, May 02, 2005, regarding
Farmer's Market - 14th Street
8.1.8 D. Mears, May 01, 2005, regarding Farmer's
8.1.9 M. L. Willows, May 02, 2005, regarding
Farmer's Market in Ambleside Area
8.1.10 N. Gibson, May 02, 2005, regarding Proposed
Market on 14th Street
8.1.11 N. Gibson, May 02, 2005, regarding Proposed Market
on 14th Street
8.1.12 M. and S. Gabriel, April 28, 2005, regarding Anfield
Residence - 4768 Pilot House Road, Lower Caulfeild, West
8.1.13 R. and D. Sherwood, April 30, 2005, regarding change
to lane entrance to the dock on Pilot House Road in Lower
8.1.14 A. David C. Manson, May 01, 2005, regarding change
to lane entrance to the dock on Pilot House Road in Lower
8.1.15 Union of British Columbia Municipalities and First
Nations Summit Task Group, May 06, 2005, regarding funding available
for 2005/2006 Program
Attachments available for
viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.16 A. Dinwoodie, Union of British Columbia
Municipalities, April 15, 2005, regarding Access Awareness
8.1.17 N. Henderson, Executive Director, Social Planning
and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC BC), undated,
regarding 2005 Access Awareness Day
Attachments available for
viewing in the Clerk's Department.
8.1.18 A. MacLean, President, Federation of Canadian
Municipalities, May 06, 2005, regarding response to letter from
Leader of the Opposition
8.1.19 A. S. Bhayani, May 05, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive
8.1.20 J. Kincaid-Smith, May 05, 2005, regarding Evelyn
Drive Development
8.1.21 R. Ahrens, May 04, 2005, regarding Proposed Evelyn
Drive Development
8.1.22 B. MacKenzie, May 03, 2005, regarding Evelyn Drive
8.1.23 E. and R. Andre, May 08, 2005, regarding Farmers'
8.1.24 D. S. Kennedy, May 05, 2005, regarding Farmers'
8.1.25 A. Stanley, undated, regarding "Save Evelyn
8.1.26 E. Fraser, Executive Coordinator, Lower Mainland
Municipal Association (LMMA), May 09, 2005, regarding Species at
8.1.27 P. Griffiths, Committee Clerk, City of Coquitlam,
May 05, 2005, regarding Fire Fighter Cancers
8.1.28 B. J. Coombs, April 2005, regarding New Recreation
8.1.29 K. Higgs, May 05, 2005, regarding zoning variance
for 6875 Marine Drive
*** Action Required
8.1.30 P. & A. Marshall, April 28, 2005, regarding Kay
Meek theatre concerns
- Referred to Director of Engineering and
Transportation for consideration and response.
8.1.31 A. Sheffield, April 2005, regarding New Recreation
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.32 R. Nieuwenburg, May 08, 2005, regarding Westport
Residents Association request for delegation
- Referred to the Municipal Clerk for
response confirming scheduling of the delegation for the June 06,
2006 meeting.
8.1.33 D. Cartwright, Network Co-chair and J. Osborne,
Project Manager, North Shore Adults at Risk Support Network,
April 26, 2005, regarding request for delegation
- Referred to the Municipal Clerk for
response confirming scheduling of the delegation for the July 04,
2005 meeting.
8.1.34 K. Rees, April 06, 2005, regarding new Community
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.35 L. Rowland, April 2005, regarding New Recreation
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.36 R. Tak, April 2005, regarding New
- Referred to
Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and
8.1.37 H. Scholefield, May 03, regarding New Recreation
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.38 D. Mears, May 08, 2005, regarding Farmers'
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
8.1.39 L. Parsons Bell, Communications & Public
Relations Consultant, Concert Properties Ltd., regarding request for
- Referred to the Municipal Clerk for
response confirming scheduling of the delegation for the May 30,
2005 meeting.
8.1.40 J. Jordison and M. Drew, May 09, 2005 regarding
proposed new Community Centre Gymnasium
- Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
bsp; 60th
Anniversary of VE Day =============
Victory in Europe Day From Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia (Redirected from V-E Day)
Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day or VE Day)
was May 8, 1945, the date when the Allies during the Second
World War formally celebrated the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end
of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.
On that date, massive celebrations took place, notably in London,
where over a million people celebrated in a carnival atmosphere the
end of the European war, though rationing of food and clothing was to
continue for a number of years. In London crowds massed in particular
in Trafalgar Square and up The Mall to Buckingham Palace, where King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by the Prime Minister,
Winston Churchill, appeared on the balcony of the Palace to cheering
crowds. Princess Elizabeth (the future Queen Elizabeth II) and her
sister, Princess Margaret were allowed to wander anonymously among the
crowds and take part in the celebrations in London.
In the United States, President Harry Truman, who celebrated his
61st birthday that day, dedicated the victory to the memory of his
predecessor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, because he had been so committed
to ending the war. Roosevelt had died less than a month earlier, on
April 12.
The Allies had agreed to mark May 9, 1945 as V-E day, but western
journalists broke the news of Germany's surrender prematurely,
precipitating the earlier celebration. The Soviet Union kept to the
agreed date, and Russia and other countries still commemorate the end
of the Second World War, significant part of which is known as the
Great Patriotic War in Russia and other parts of the former Soviet
Union, as Victory Day on May 9.
By May 8, 1945, most of Germany had already been taken by allied
forces hence V-E Day itself was not such a drastic change for most
German civilians. In the years after, V-E day was predominantly
perceived as the day of defeat. But over the decades, this perception
changed, culminating in the speech by West German President Richard
von Weizs=E4cker on the 40th anniversary of V-E day in 1985, in which
he called May 8 "the day of liberation" from the Nazi
[The Allied victory over Japan was known as V-J Day. It took
place on 15 August 1945.]
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to
another mind.
James Russell Lowell, poet, editor, and diplomat (1819-1891)
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have
to worry about the answers.
Thomas Pynchon, writer (1937 - )
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for
appointment by the corrupt few.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way.
Those who would treat politics and morality apart will never
understand the one or the other.
Viscount Morley (1838 - 1923)