Oct 3rd Ccl Mtg NOTES
Calendar Oct 16th+

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  We have so much to be thankful for.........
In this issue:
Calendar to ~Oct 16th (great exhibit on architecture! -- hope Brad notices corrected spelling in MY enewsletter) including the WV Chamber 'Corner'; Oct 3rd Ccl Mtg NOTES (can't see trees for the oldgrowth forest; surprise addition to agenda of $2.3m debenture with locked in rates; G-J dares to ask about funding for new cmnty ctr!); Haiku (HNA Part Three); Quotations; The World's Shortest Fairy Tale (NOT!)

>>>  CALENDAR to Oct 16th and a bit later  <<<
Beginning of a series of exhibitions on architecture:
*****  The Poetics of West Coast Modernism in West Vancouver  *****
Exhibition dates:
        Gallery at the Library   Oct 1-31
        Ferry Building Gallery  Oct 4 - Nov 12
        Silk Purse Gallery         Oct 4-23
The Ferry Building Gallery, Silk Purse Gallery, and Gallery at the Library will feature 18 significant residences and public buildings designed by well-known West Coast architects, focusing on design in relation to the coast landscape.
Featured architects:  Peter Cardew, Barry Downs, Arthur Erickson, Brian Hemingway, Fred Hollingsworth, Russell Hollingsworth, Zoltan Kiss, Brad [Lamoureux], Blair MacDonald, Henry Yorke Mann, Paul Merrick, Arthur Mudry, Helliwell-Smith, Mark Ostry, John & Pat Patkau, Ron Thom, Daniel White, and Bud Wood.
Opening Receptions:
   Gallery at the Library:  Friday Oct 7 - 6:30 > 8pm
   Ferry Building Gallery & Silk Purse Gallery:  Tues Oct 11 - 7 > 9pm
Free Evening Lectures:   Ferry Building Gallery   7-9pm
Oct. 12  Barry Downs / Oct. 19  Brian Hemingway / Nov. 9   Abraham Rogatnick.

[NB: meetings at M Hall unless otherwise noted]
=== TUESDAY, Oct 4th ===
~ 10 to 4pm ~ hear there's a seniors' info display/info at Park Royal
~ 3:45 to 5:45 ~ YAC
~ 4:30 to 6:30 ~ EAC -- CANCELLED
~ 7 to 9pm ~ CSAC -- moved to Oct 18th

=== WEDNESDAY, Oct 5th ===
~ 8:30am ~ Sports/Rec Facility Planning (read cmnty ctr, etc)
~ 6 to 8pm ~ PEAC
~ 6 to 7pm ~ Candidates Information System (re municipal election in November)
~ 7 to 8pm ~ Public Election Info Session

=== THURSDAY, Oct 6th ===
~ 8:30am ~ Arts/Culture Strategy


=== TUESDAY, Oct 11th ===
Strangely, the Cmnty Calendar on the DWV website has two times, both 3:30 and 5pm for HAC at Hall.
Old Growth Park Open House from 5 to 9pm at Srs' Ctr

=== THURSDAY, Oct 13th === 7pm ===
                        "ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION"
                        A free presentation by Nick Page of Raincoast Applied Ecology.  
Where North Shore Horseshoe Club
behind Fen Burdett Stadium off 400th block of West 16th Street @ Jones Avenue in North Vancouver
Who:  Everyone is invited! Refreshments provided!
Nick is an ecologist with experience in the assessment, restoration, and management of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in BC. Much of his recent work has focused on sustainable design, water quality monitoring, habitat restoration, invertebrate conservation, and plant community ecology. Some of the projects he's been involved with are Stanley Park Biofiltration Wetland, Spanish Bank Creek Daylighting, and the Langara College Wetland.
For more information contact:  Eva Antonijevi=E7, Stewardship Coordinator, Mahon Park
EVERGREEN, 404-134 Abbott St., Vancouver, BC, V6B 2K4
Telephone: 604-689-0766 x 31(voice mail only); Home office: 984-4346; Fax: 669-6222  http://www.evergreen.ca
Bring Nature Back to Your City

=== FRIDAY, Oct 14th ===
7pm open bar; performance starts at 8pm
West Vancouver Community Foundation presents
                A Tribute to the Music of Neil Diamond and ABBA.  
                Kay Meek Centre.  Tickets $50 - Net proceeds support the WVCF.
please visit www.westvanfoundation.com or call 604-925-8153 weekdays between 9:00 and 1:00

Oct 16 at 2:30pm
===  Sunday Afternoon Nature/Geology Wa= lk in Lighthouse Park
       Join Biologist/Geologist David Cook for a walk along the trails of Lighthouse Park to see some of the highlights of this old growth forest in its rugged setting of granite bluffs.
        Meet at 2:30pm in the interpretive centre in the Phyl Munday Hut located near the entrance to the lighthouse. This is the fifth of a series of interpretive walks given by David on the third Sunday of every second month for the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society.
       There is no cost for this event nor is membership required. If, however, you find this type of event or the work of the Society interesting, your support by becoming a member of the Society or making a donation would of course be appreciated.  For further information call David at (604)924-0147 or email cookeco2@yahoo.com
Because October 16th will be the first day of World Rainforest Week, the theme of the walk will be Rainforest Ecology of the Pacific Northwest.

Small Business Month in West Vancouver
     Small businesses make up 98% of all businesses in BC and almost 84% are micro businesses with fewer than five employees. With approximately 54% of the BC work force working in small business, they are recognized as vital to our economy. In recognition of this, the BC Chamber of Commerce has designated October 17 through 21 as Small Business Week.
     In appreciation of our approximately 300 members and the 3738 licensed businesses in our community, the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is recognizing Small Business all month long in October.
     On October 12, the monthly Chamber breakfast will feature both RCMP and WVPD members discussing "Could Your Business Survive a Crisis". This event will help companies learn how to plan in advance for unforeseeable disasters, in and around their businesses.  
     The Chamber will also host a special seminar, "An Introduction to Succession Planning" on October 18 that addresses another major issue facing business owners in the immediate future - how to exit one's business. Experts in the field of law, accounting, banking and marketing will help demystify the process of Succession Planning.
      On October 25 a morning seminar will focus on how Professional Business Coaching can help entrepreneurs focus and reach their business goals. A strategic business planning coach and image consultant will share the morning session. They will help operators consider new approaches to growing their business and presenting themselves in a polished and professional light to prospects.
For more information, or to sign-up for these October events visit www.westvanchamber.com and click on Events, or call the Chamber at 926 6614

 >>>>>>>  CCL MTG NOTES Oct 3rd Mtg  <<<<<<<
{Please note that this quasi-transcript is typed while ppl are speaking and done on a best efforts basis; corrections, clarifications, and comments are most welcome.}

Before going to agenda, the Mayor announced Small Business Week, Oct 17 to 21st, small businesses make up 98% of all businesses in BC and almost 84% are microbusinesses with fewer than five employees), with approximately 54% of the workforce.  They are recognized and vital to our economy.  The BC Chamber of Commerce has declared Small Business Week.  WV Chamber of Commerce is going one step further by declaring October, Small Business Month.
Breakfast Oct 12th,  see www.westvanchamber.com for more information
{Well, well.  VD at approval of agenda announced the added item: 4.4 Debenture Issue locking in rates.  Just why, oh why do these finance items get dropped on us with little notice?  Borrowing millions of dollars over many years and choosing the rate is, like, er, ah, sorta major, don't ya think?}
4.         REPORTS
4.1       Proposed Old Growth Park Management Plan - Update
Designated Presenter:  Director of Parks and Community Services
- Update be received for information.
KP: dedicated in 1994
Mayor: possibility of putting up map?
KP: site was considered for a golf course and through referendum determined not be the site
see triangle: the area below is the proposed mountain bike park
have developed terms of reference, found consultants
first open house on Oct 11, possibly two more; report mid-December
early in 2006 start planning of mtn bike park
G-J: wrt Terms of Ref, important to put a strategy for protection up front; it's within body of report
pointed out in report but title doesn't reflect it
are we allowing enough time for the strategy for protection? go through adequately?
rather than rush it through b/c of interest in the mtn bike park
KP: consultants feel they can do it; if more time needed from a number of issues at the open house, can be flexible
two purposes: Mgmt Plan, always contemplated from 1990s, plus an Old Growth Park
G-J:  don't want it to drag on, no, but it's been a decade and a half so let's do it properly
JF: also concerned, date, thought turn around quick; wch staff?
KP: coordinated by Corinne Ambor, she and Parks Mgr will be closely involved
VD: interesting; the old adage, build it and they will come, well you made it into a park and nobody came
report says public stayed away -- that's good
once dedication assured, public stayed away and in fairly pristine condition as a result
more you turn spotlight on more turning up and may not be good
to some degree, keep it in shadows
KP: that's a dilemma we've thought about
the mtn bike park area is already very actively used but for some reason they haven't gone in the  old growth part
concern of staff now is that we will be bringing ppl there b/c already being used; will work for parking and access
this way shd find way to protect it
RD: the original plan was that the golf course wasn't going to go on the old-growth park but alongside it
fear was clearing for golf course, create a blowdown area
you know golf failed by referendum
ppl wd come up but cdn't find trees
trails don't lead there; they'd come and look at second growth, and say what's all this about big trees
hikers knew
you have to go in; if trail had been built, wd have gone in
ppl who know, like Katharine Steig, go
expensive, wd have to put in bridges, walkways
understand you're saying protect the area, not develop it and that's the key
open up to masses is not in the books
idea is to control access both from bike park and from public
KP: don't want to presuppose access and boardwalks; may just be boundary
RD: want to protect the trees
KP: don't want to assume boardwalks will be the result; let's see what ppl say
JC: I have a curious question; this site is at 2500 ft level
what are we going to do there?
clear trails?
is this tantamount to devt above 1200ft?
KP: no, we wd not clear trails
other places have used boardwalks above the ground -- that wd be a way for access
again, I don't want to presuppose
boardwalks above ground so not affect roots
JC: are we going to build boardwalks above the ground?
a garage or a toolshed as bad?
SJN: in terms of the land use issue, the OCP provides for recreational uses above 1200ft
includes trail systems, potentially bike park
obviously on M land so can only be used with M approval
use for recreation contemplated
JC: you're off the hook!
KP: we know that this is a v delicate issue
still quite pristine, v v few ppl make their way through there and yet wdn't take much to damage it and that's what advocates are afraid of
4.2       2005 North Shore Heritage Weekend
Designated Presenter:  Director of Planning, Lands & Permits
- Report from the Community Planner
 dated September 20, 2005 on the 2005 North Shore Heritage Weekend be received.
SJN:  report on activities that took place
Glimpses, Shifting Gears, Fashion Show, ....
RD: I talked about this last week, I think, after Heritage Weekend
excellent weekend; well attended, excellent talk by Tom Taylor, old West Vancouverite, historical fashion show
KMC turning out to be a good ctr for events for HWknd
Heritage Home Tour on Sunday, Dickinson House built in 1924, Nesbitt in 1926, and Rush in 1923
in two cases ppl who live there are WV pioneers; Nesbitt sisters, Kay Dickinson
v stimulating and interesting weekend
4.3       2010 Olympic/Paralympic Committee Recommendations - Next Steps
Designated Presenter:  Mayor Wood
1.         The recommendations contained in the report from the 2010 Olympic/Paralympic Committee dated September 26, 2005 regarding changes to the organizational and committee structure and resources be endorsed;
2.         The 2010 Implementation Select Committee provide Council with their recommendations for community appointees to the Committee and work with staff to identify and allocate the necessary resources to support the Committee; and
3.         The community, stakeholders and appropriate interest groups be advised of the changes being implemented as per the 2010 Olympic/Paralympic Committee recommendations.
Mayor: two events will be in WV, snowboarding and freestyle or aerial skiiing
cmte named in 2004 -- involved as wide an area of the cmnty as imagined, Sq Nation, Seniors [etc]...
how to maximize the benefits for WV
cmte consensus for theme after a year and a half: "discover WV, be our guest"
May 2005 Ccl endorsed this; cmte's term ended in June 2005
myriad suggestions
distilled to ten categories: celebrations, ambassadors, gateway, tourism, visitor strategy, town square, host Olympic athletes
Many projects, including oudoor amphitheatre, perhaps on Cypress
mountain heritage, perhaps restoration of Hollyburn Lodge
sustainability the theme of the Olympics
Winter Festival -- started this year and next year a ten-day festival in February and see Sean Allan in audience for a nine- or ten-day
SA from gallery: ten-day
Mayor: takeoff on Harmony Arts but winter, rather than summer
pick up brochure
looking at hiring at official coordinator, and other staff -- ~$20,000 for balance of 2005, and for 2006, $100,000 for the year
[VD moved above recommended motion]
G-J: other thing to note is that leadership is going to be required to connect with strategic partners
talking with NV, good mtg with Minister
main thing to understand about 2010 is it's an opportunity to create their own opportunities
look forward to supporting initiative of members of the cmnty
JF: commend cmte for report
as chair of implementation cmte of the Arts and Culture Strategy Cmte, work with heritage and other cmtes; shared interests; rebuilding Hollyburn Lodge is one of the strategies, came from heritage part
opportunities to combine forces
see if we can leverage some of the grant money
4.4 Debenture Issue to lock in rates
RL:  we're about to download first of our borrowing to support the Water Fund's longterm capital program; intention to be part of MFA fall issue
drawing down $2.3m over a 20-year term
MFA normally borrow for ten years so for 20, they wd refinance after ten years at whatever rate at that time
for the first time MFA is offering to fix the rate for 20 years, 50, 60 base points; maybe half a per cent or a bit more
I talked to District's investment portfolio officer and someone on the FAC in the banking interest and in both cases they felt fixing wd be a better choice but not a significant advantage but marginally the better choice

{brings up a good point -- why wasn't it referred to the whole Finance Advisory Cmte, why just one???
This is not the first time a financial matter has not been referred but interesting to note, one of the members was contacted......what about the rest?  what's the mandate of the cmte?}

less than what we were projecting
were projecting 6% and looks like we'll be coming in at 4.6, pardon me, between 4.7 and 4.8% if we fix it as opposed to 4.15 and 4.20 for the first ten years and then a market rate at ten years thereafter
we're recommending to lock in the rate for the entire time
JC: agree with locking it in where considered advantageous
waterworks loan
[made motion]
VD: as a board mbr of MFA; guess tends to go the wrong way
know someone who locked in at 11 and three quarters % just 13 years ago when rates went down
Mayor: no names
VD: and been burning ever since
don't think anybody thought we'd get to 4.2 or 4.7%
chance of falling slim, better chance of going up, fair good bet; good to lock in for 20 years
one more thing MFA has achieved for municipalities
5.         BYLAW for Adoption
5.1 [Five-]Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4415, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4451, 2005
This bylaw received third reading at the September 26, 2005 council meeting.
RL: fairly straightforward; allowed one week comment; only one comment
supportive of amendment
G-J: no debate at fourth reading, so not sure if appropriate so cd follow up later
wrt capital funding plan for new cmnty ctr
cd the Director of Finance outline the reporting on that b/c it's a slightly different schedule for contracting out as we go, sequential
see leaving ourselves flexibility, agreed to, but think cmnty is interested to know, that aspect, re accountability
RL: don't have that file with me, so don't have the original
Mayor: get back to Cclr G-J
G-J: bring that report to Ccl; how that's going to unfold and how cmnty
so the process can be transparent and the budgeting process for the cmnty ctr can be transparent
I think that's important to ppl
VD_ I don't understand this
accountability, transparency, isn't whole budget process transparent
the spending of any money is transparent in this Ccl Chamber
G-J: b/c it's a significant, important project and ppl are very interested in it, a matter of course
I don't think it's unusual
VD: we've reported all along whether big or small -- don't see difference
Mayor: Mr Stuart
MMgr: we can bring back a report to Ccl outlining ways we'll be reporting back to Ccl as the project progresses and the ways in wch decisions will be made wrt expenditures and how we'll be tracking the budget

{Mayor deflects puck and MMgr makes a save.}

it's a fairly simple request
G-J: thank you

{Good on ya, Pam!  Many, many, many have asked me too about the funding of the $40m new cmnty ctr.  Unfortunately, the flyer sent out by the District says it's, ahem, $22m.  Plans are for the rest of it to be leased; as far as we know at the moment it's intent but not yet signed to have the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority there.  It's a good place for them to be and no real reason to doubt that arrangements will be finalized.
Problem is that apparently DWV will have to put up the whole $40+m (but wd get back lease payments).  If we've missed those details, apologies, and hope Ccl makes it public information.  Soon.  Also, what semantics!
Yes, perhaps someone cd argue that the funding is transparent if you think being told unnamed amounts to be spent in sequential contracts is.  And if you think being told money will come from unspecified land sales -- the sale of properties (or perhaps expropriation) for the Sea-to-Sky Highway (read Eagleridge), sale of Wetmore (not just adv cmtes but also public don't relish being sold), and what else?
It's transparent that we haven't been told.
So what about accountability?
On Nov 19th?}

JF: UBCM convention at downtown convention ctr
new chair Marvin Hunt, also chair of GVRD; from Surrey
address by PM of country, $638m to enhance trade with Asian countries
speech from Premier, spot usurped only for first time by PM; pleased to take advantage of $638
in fact willing to come back next week and speak to empty room as long as get money, only too pleased
addresses; variety of reception by ministers
some welcoming, some listened carefully to concerns we expressed, and one ate an apple???
don't know if indication as to how we might progress
fair difference in reception in their interest and politeness in responding

G-J: Task Force report on Substance Abuse; report, standing room crowd
K Whittred noted said if slotted in, wd involve [several, listed] ministries, shows how complex
shows how many sectors on NSh come together to address this
challenged us to work with Solicitor and Attorney Gen wrt developing Cmnty Courts
to try to support addicts within cmnty rather than going to jail, meaningless and has no effect
Congratulations to Grant Churchill to his retirement, outstanding service
38 and a half years, second longest service in BC today

RD:  Fri evening celebrate expansion of the Library, new mtg rooms
well-designed expansion, brings in newer part built in 1990s
areas more comfortable and more services
then to Ferry Bldg, Friends had auction, jewellery, various items, made about $40K
Sat to private retirement party for Chief Churchill; 38 years, native Vancouverite, whole life in service of WV, Chief in 1997
well-attended, 200 ppl plus, reps from Police Depts from all over Lower Mainland
speeches surprisingly witty, didn't think police officers cd be so funny, but they were, were witty
amusing, quite literate; impressed with atmosphere and tone, sense of respect, Grant Churchill earned over the years

VD: semi-annual mtg for the MFA, approved the bond issue WV's was part of
listened to interesting economist re interest interest rates, work, gold and copper prices, etc
one thing surprising, lumber prices, thought won't go up or down
even with Katrina and boom in US industry
US is now cutting more, more being produced in US so demand for lumber has gone up but price has stayed the same, don't think it will go up
surprising, wd think wd go up; certainly price of oil has gone up
twice a year, all the directors from all over BC come together

JC: monthly mtg of cmte on disability issues; my last after six years on this cmte
even after all this time, leaves me in respect and awe -- cclrs have disability in one way or another
Mayor: you're not going to be specific --
JC: amazing the trouble they go to for like ppl in their realm; the effort just to get to and from a mtg
rather an emotional few minutes when realized I wasn't going to be back
this morning talking to a retired firefighter about a storage unit they'd built behind Hall 4 at Crosscreek to store artifacts
had in mind garden shed
out of curiosity went up this morning to ask if I cd see it
they said, yeah, sure, out back
walked out, and asked, where is it?
up there
about a 40ft bank up there; climbed up
Honest to God there's a bldg, must be about 700sf, on a 6inch concrete pad, almost a work of art
these guys have done the work, apart from excavation -- if you haven't been up there you have to go -- paid for it themselves and all on their own time, and on their own money
magnificent undertaking; deserve all the credit in the world -- it's terrific
Mayor: arrange tours; they don't call it a shed
JC: but that's what they called it; I'd move in
7.         OTHER ITEMS [7.1 Correspondence: listed in last issue, received for info only]
7.2       North Shore Tourism Initiative:  A 2020 Vision with a 2010 Focus            
            Correspondence from N. Stibbard, CEO, Capilano Group of Companies; Chair, North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee, September 09, 2005, regarding North Shore Tourism Initiative:  A 2020 Vision with a 2010 Focus
            Designated Presenter:  Director of Administrative Services
THAT the correspondence from N. Stibbard, CEO, Capilano Group of Companies; Chair, North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee, September 09, 2005, requesting:
(a)       support for designating the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee as the agent to implement the North Shore Tourism Initiative:  A 2020 Vision with a 2010 Focus; and
(b)       funding for the North Shore Tourism Initiative:  A 2020 Vision with a 2010 Focus
be referred for consideration in West Vancouver's 2006 Budget process.
RB, DoAS gave background.
G-J: when will we have our visitor strategy come to Ccl
MMgr: Oct 17
Sean Allen: 2202 Marine Dr
on this last issue, wanted you to know done without any consultation whatsoever with WVCh of Commerce wch is very interested in this
and WV Ch of Commerce vitally interested in this issue, tourism, visitor strategy, in the 2010 Olympics
at one time we were on the cmte, ended when requested funding and we were waiting for the visitor strategy to be able to tell us that so that we cd continue with this
as far as this cmte taking a leadership role in activities that will involve our venue, we find it "interesting".
9.         ADJOURNMENT

>>>  HAIKU  (HNA, Part Three)  <<<<<<<  [Poems copyright George Swede]
A senryu first:   windowless office
                  a fly buzzes against
                                my glasses
As you see, senryu have a human (and often humorous) element.  George Swede has some connections with West Vancouver; born in Riga (Latvia), BA from UBC, MA from Dalhousie, much much published eminent Canadian poet, haiku, senryu, and more.  In 1977, together with Eric Amann and Betty Drevniok, he co-founded Haiku Canada.  His well-attended talk during the Haiku North America conference in historic Port Townsend (WA) the last weekend of September was pretty well not just his path in haiku but the history of haiku in Canada.
            what ebb tide left           in this tiny shell           still holds the sky
>>>  QUOTATIONS  <<<

Author - Jules Renard (1864 - 1910)  This French writer was most notably the author of Poil de Carotte (Carrot hair) (1894) and Les Histoires Naturelles (Natural Histories/Stories) (1896).
        French - =E9crire, c'est une fa=E7on de parler sans =EAtre interrompu
        English - writing is a way of talking without being interrupted

Every other author may aspire to praise; the lexicographer can only hope to escape reproach.
                -- Samuel Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)

The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly.
                -- Charles Reznikoff, poet (1894-1976)
>>>   The World's Shortest Fairy Tale  <<<

Once upon a time,
a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"
  The girl said "No."
  And the guy lived happily ever after and went golfing a  lot.
        THE END