Jan 9th Notes
Agenda 16th
Calendar to 20th
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
More new year wishes:
Don't forget the deadline for nominations for the Heritage
Achievement Awards is Jan 18.
Main Items Ccl Jan 16; Calendar to Jan 20 (Sea-to-Sky Hwy Open
Houses, Marine Dr PkRoyal to 13th, Shoreline Progress Report, Bd of
Variance, Stevens Drive Reconstruction); INFObits (Evelyn
Drive Guidance Cmte, January Newsletter - WV
Streamkeepers); Jan 9th Ccl Mtg NOTES (21st St Delegation, Water
Rate increases, Ev Dr Cmte apptmts, oldgrowth tree-cutting); July 16th
Ccl Mtg AGENDA; Canada in 1905 (Goodbye 2005); Quotation
>>> MAIN ITEMS Jan 16th
-- A Supplemental Info Package/Agenda may be Issued on
= Amazing: states the minutes for the Dec 5th ccl mtg
will be circulated in the supplemental package. Can't wait to
find out what the glitch or complicated issue is. Seemed like a
great mtg to me, but must admit there was no agenda package, and that
may have been the nubble.
= Chamber of Commerce Delegation: annual update and fee for
service funding.
= Truck Traffic on Hills in WV: Action Plan
= Cmnty Centre Presentation (see update
on $40m+)
= Hugo Ray Park - community consultation
(this time only $13.8m)
= Special Regular Mtg (Town Hall Mtg) of Ccl Wed,
Feb 1 at 7pm, Gleneagles Cmnty Centre
{A new approach new Mayor PGJ talked about; great to try out
-- set topics or whatever you want to say?}
= CORRESPONDENCE: HAC minutes; Controlled Substance Nuisance
bylaw; Vancouver Coastal Health re governance liaison group; Dundarave
Traffic Changes; Eagleridge interchange; E-Comm; Bear; trucks on
>>> CALENDAR to Jan
20th <<< all mtgs at Hall unless
otherwise noted
= Tues Jan 10th
~ 5 - 9pm ~ Old Growth Park - Strategy Open House at Srs'
Ctr (presentation at 7pm)
~ 6 - 8pm ~ FBG Reception 6 - 8pm (Exhibit Jan 10
-22: "New Works")
= Wed Jan 11th
~ 7:30am ~ Mayor's State of the District Address 7:30am
(WV Chamber of Commerce breakfast) at Hollyburn Country Club
~ 6pm ~ PEAC at Hall;
= Thurs Jan 12th
~ 6 - 9pm ~ Province's Sea-to-Sky Hwy Project Open
House at Gleneagles Elementary School (also elsewhere Jan 14 and
18, see below)
= Sat Jan 14th
~ 10am - 1pm ~ Sea-to-Sky Hwy Project Open House at St
David's United Church
~ 2pm ~ Artists' Talk at Ferry Building Gallery
= Sun Jan 15th
The Library will be hosting a
Federal All Candidates Meeting in the Main Hall of the
Sunday, January 15 from 7:00 -8:30
p. m. (West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky
The Library Board are hosting this
=============== Mon Jan 16th=
= Ccl Mtg (see agenda
below) ================
= Tues Jan 17th (EAC and HAC moved to
~ 4:30 - 6:30pm ~ EAC: Marine Dr Plans,
PkRoyal - 13th; Shoreline Report
~ 5 - 7pm ~ Museum & Archives Adv Cmte at the M&A upper
floor (GL House)
~ 6 - 8pm ~ HAC, agenda not yet available; surely Heritage
Events/Awards in Feb; nomination deadline 18th; see more info
= Wed Jan 18th
NOTE: This is deadline for submission of nominations for
Heritage Achievement Awards
The tenth annual
Heritage Achievement Awards will be presented in February 2006, as
part of Heritage Week celebrations (February 20 - 26). The awards
honour individuals, groups, and businesses that have made a
significant contribution toward preserving the community's natural,
cultural, and built heritage.
Award criteria
include: building restoration, new building design, landscape, and
advocacy and awareness.
Nomination forms
can be picked up at the Hall, Museum and Archives, Library, and
various venues throughout the community; or can be downloaded from
~ 5:30 - 7:30pm ~ FAC (check to see if still
~ 6 - 9pm ~ Sea-to-Sky Hwy Open House, Masonic Hall
(fill in a feedback form, tell them what you think!)
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Library Board mtg in Peters Room in Library
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Board of Variance: 3023 Procter; 6411 Nelson; 525
St. Andrews Road; 6174 Eastmont; 4731 Woodgreen Drive; B
4251 Rockbank Place; 2170 Shafton Place
= Thurs Jan 19th
~ 5:30pm ~ Evelyn Drive Guidance Cmte (See INFObits for
more information)
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~
Stevens Drive Reconstruction Open House
Library, Westcot Elementary School, 760 Westcot
Come to an
Open House and find out about the plans for the completion of Stevens
Drive from Onslow Place to Bonnymuir Drive. This final section of
Stevens Drive will be constructed to the same template as the previous
sections and design drawings will be available for
Reconstruction of
Stevens Drive is scheduled as part of West Vancouver's Roads Capital
Works program for 2006, and will be completed during the summer
months. In the interests of upgrading our water distribution system
consistently, an existing watermain on Stevens Drive will be
upgraded/replaced prior to the road reconstruction.
If you are unable
to attend the Open House, and have any questions, concerns or
suggestions, please contact Gary Watt, Roads Superintendent, at 604-925-7026
gwatt@westvancouver.ca or Susan Gratien at 604-925-7029
~ 7:30pm ~ WV Streamkeeper Society public mtg at St
January Newsletter in INFObits]
~ 7:30pm ~ AUTHOR EVENT at the Library, Peters Room
Join renowned local parenting expert and author Kathy Lynn for a
talk on how to raise your kids to be capable adults. Kathy's new book,
But Nobody Told Me I'd Ever Have To Leave Home, highlights the role of
parents in guiding children along the road to healthy
= Fri Jan 20th
~ 6 - 8:30pm ~ NSh Family Court & Youth Justice Cmte at CNV
Municipal Hall.
~ 7:30pm
The Library's Friday Night Concert Series presents an evening of
traditional and nuevo tango with Tangissimo. Linda Lee Thomas, Ed
Henderson, and Miles Fozz Hill make up this wonderfully diverse trio.
Free tickets available at the Fiction Desk; seating is limited.
>>> INFObits and
Updates <<<
+ Evelyn
Drive Area Planning Study
In October 2005,
Council endorsed the Evelyn Drive Area Planning Study and appointed
Ray Spaxman as lead consultant.
The Evelyn Drive
Area encompasses 20.9 acres. At present there are 65 lots with
62 single family homes.
The Official
Community Plan identifies the area as a study area, calling for a
comprehensive plan that addresses traffic issues, access, visual
impacts, views, topographical constraints, appropriate housing forms
and that includes a description of community benefits.
* The
following individuals have been selected for the Evelyn Drive
Guidance Committee: Rick Amantea, Philip Falls, Shahram Malek,
Beverley A. Pitman, Keith Pople, David Stephenson and Delfa
Syeklocha. The committee also includes a member from each of
the District's Planning, Engineering and Design Advisory Committees
and Ray Spaxman, Planning Consultant, as the non-voting chair of the
* The
first meeting of the Guidance Committee is Thursday January 19, 2006
at 5:30pm in the Main Floor Conference Room, Municipal
PURPOSE: To guide
the preparation of alternative development scenarios for the Evelyn
Drive Area Planning Study and ensure issues are
For more
information, email evelynstudy@westvancouver.ca or
call 604-925-7059.
+ Gordon Ave Neighbourhood Traffic
Recent and
proposed developments in the Gordon Avenue area have raised local
concerns about traffic volumes and safety, and the effect on
pedestrian movement and residential character and amenity. This study
is in response to those concerns. For information: Please phone the planning
department at 604-925-7055 or email at
The public is
invited to review the Final Report and provide comment on the
recommendations of the Study by February 10, 2006. (View
the Final Report on the DWV website.) A hard copy of the Final Report is
available to the public in the Reference Department of the West
Vancouver Memorial Library and in the Planning Department (3rd Floor
of the Municipal Hall). Comments should be submitted in writing
by February 10, 2006, to the attention of the Manager of
Community Planning, by regular mail, e-mail at
gordonstudy@westvancouver.ca or fax at (604) 925-5968.
For Further
* On
November 7, 2005, Council considered a staff report on the study and
instructed that the consultant's Final Report be referred to the
Engineering Advisory Committee and North Shore Advisory Committee
on Disability Issues for comment, and that the public be invited
to comment on the recommendations of the Final
Report. To view the staff report, click
* Council Report dated December 2, 2004 advising of study
timelines, process and that the study has been awarded to ND Lea in
conjunction with Sharp and Diamond.
* Study Terms of Reference, dated April 30,
Happy New Year
to Streamkeepers
News of West
Vancouver creeks in the New Year
We had
a great run of chum in mid-October. On October 18th we counted
114 in the 23 sites that we regularly survey. By the end of November
all we could find in the creeks were dead chum.
Although we did tally a two coho in this early chum run they were
likely strays. Throughout late November and December we had very low
water; not enough to bring in the coho, and although we normally
expect coho at these times, none came up. Indeed, we wondered if we
would see any coho in the 2005 season!!
SURPRISE! Christmas Eve - December 24th Six (6) coho in Lawson
Creek. Five (5) coho under the Argyle Ave. bridge and above the
baffles, and one large male in the last pool before the foreshore.
Then on Boxing Day three coho in Rodgers Creek in the pool below
Marine Drive, and a pair were actively spawning.
as of New Year's day things changed! There were no coho in Lawson
Creek at the Argyle Ave. bridge, and no coho (at least none that could
be found) in the Rodgers Creek pool -- but coho were in Brothers
Creek. There were nine (9) coho between the Capilano Care facility
bridge and Taylor Way. One coho below the Keith Road bridge was
accompanied by a large cutthroat trout. Of the four coho at the bridge
at 615 Inglewood there was a very active spawning pair.
Michael Ritter found a dead coho in the pond on Westcot Creek; so for
the second year coho have worked their way up the ladder into Westcot
Creek. Paul Berlinguettte watched a large coho try to navigate the
apron into the newly baffled culvert at Wildwood Lane, but the coho
was unable to make it at that time.
Residents on Eagle Creek reported hearing active splashing in the
creek, so we assume the coho have found their way into this creek
we first thought was going to be a disastrous year for coho turned out
to be fairly respectable. We will now continue to carry out coho
spawner surveys until we are satisfied that the run has really ended.
We are still looking for elusive coho in McDonald Creek!
We will receive approximately 200,000 chum
eggs which we collected at the egg take at Tenderfoot Hatchery in
mid-November. These eggs will be delivered by Rob Bell-Irving, DFO
Community Adviser, to our Nelson Creek hatchery on January 4th.
We will get coho eggs from the Capilano hatchery in January.
Elizabeth Hardy, who manages the hatchery, will take care of the eggs
and then the fry until they are released in the spring.
Hugh Hamilton, President
January 4th 2006
604 628 1123 / streamkeepers@westvan.org
---> Don't forget Jan 19th WVS Public
Mtg at St Stephen's
Jan 9th <<<
== NB: This is a draft transcript best efforts during
mtg; corrections/clarifications welcome; thank you to Aline Brown for
letting me know her name was not Eileen as I wrote in last mtg's
The Mayor wished everyone a happy new year at the beginning of
the first ccl mtg of the year.
Agenda approved with add'l,,, adding
7.3, 7.4 Ev Dr, withdrawing 3.1
3.1 Council Meeting
Minutes, December 05, 2005
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Minutes of the Inaugural Council
Meeting held December 05, 2005 be adopted.
(to be circulated in the Supplemental Package)
{withdrawn, again? wonder what the problem was -- it was the
inaugural and little of substance; just some formalities and then a
3.2 Council Meeting
Minutes, December 12, 2005
(to be circulated in the Supplemental Package)
Sop: p8.3 of the minutes -- I almost exhausted your patience
trying to get a motion before Ccl that stated that we, this Ccl, does
not accept the Ministry's proposal for the overland route period and
don't see the motion
Mayor: bottom of page
Sop: but that's to meet with Ministry of Transportation
I asked almost four times that it be a separate motion
Mayor: Ms Scholes
MClrk: in reviewing the video of the mtg, the suggestion was
brought forward as a statement and in fact there was not a record of
that being seconded and carried so reflected as a statement as opposed
to a motion
Sop: I distinctly asked at the time that a motion and was on the
I was under no impression at all that it wasn't a motion
Mayor: my recollection certainly that I made the statement, but
then that I was being pushed further to add this request by Ccl to
meet with Minister of Transportation, so I think this record reflects
what happened but maybe not what Ccl intended
maybe I cd ask Mgr how to rectify that
MMgr: suggest we'll produce a verbatim transcript of that
accept these minutes with proviso staff follow up wrt that
particular issue
if passed, can amend the record
if not, can bring it forth next week and if Cclr Sop wishes to
make that motion then can
Sop: may I make that motion under New Business if I have a
Mayor: sure--
MMgr; under current ccl rules needs two thirds of Ccl to --
Sop: to pass or to allow?
MMgr: to allow
Mayor: you're welcome to offer that
3.3 Council Meeting
Minutes, December 14, 2005 approved
4.1 P. Aldrich, 21st
Street Residents Association, regarding traffic concerns on 21st
Street regarding traffic on 21st Street be received.
PA: collection of 40 families that live up and down 21st and
streets either side
serious situation, not like 15th; families exit onto 21st;
support traffic calming on Gordon; don't want traffic shut
street designed as a nbrhd street shd not be used as an
traffic increased over last 15 years
accident on Inglewood; problem that street was not designed as an
good ideas in Gordon Street study; some exceptions to the
Mostly think study area far to small, shd hv bn extended up to
bottom part, only dealing with bottom part
safety: problem for pedestrians and school children
no crosswalk
this corner of the study was truncated, taken out of study
typical of east side -- exiting onto street
bit of a bowling alley from top to bottom -- speeding and running
stop signs endemic
road beckons drivers to travel faster than they shd
at bottom, few stop, can't see sign
Formula: Volume x Speed is inversely proportional to the quiet
and safety and quality of life
good ideas in Gordon Study: curb extensions with visible stop
signs and cross walks -- extend up to Queens
no indication to drivers off the hwy, no psychological cue no
longer on hwy, in nbrhd
roundabouts effective; recommended for Fulton and
Haywood, shd be added at Inglewood and Mathers and Queens,
sidewalks recommended, shd go up to Queens
now cars park on west side so have to cross to place where no
many didn't want to lose about 15 ft of frontage and
gateways on Queens so new psychology
landscaping to give a sense of nbrhd
said collaboration and don't think there was, just advertisement
in NSNews
wd like to participate in process, have lots of idea and
other thing we think need changed is that 20th shd be
tools recommended by ND Lea
blocking wd make traffic worse
21st and Jefferson included; crosswalks needed
consider speed limit on 21st; cars going down at very high
Marine Drive, Fisherman's Cove, by Gleneagles school area, speed
limit 30km, sensible for our area, too, reinstitute playground
chicanes, alternated parking, sequenced speed humps, textured
sidewalks, raised intersections, streetscaping, tree wells, great
[slide] why can't it be like this?
opp to showcase a different way -- implement and plan -- WV can
lead the way
go down 21st act in a courteous way
safe, beautiful, effective
four things we're after: implement Gordon study, engineers shd
be more imaginative (more tools and techniques out there), 20th St
blockage not a good idea (use same tools), what's been done for Gordon
Ave, study, shd be done up to Queens.
what was done for Gordon Ave shd be expanded up 21st
Sop: I have a question for Mr Dozzi
[Brent Dozzi, Engg staff came forward, Mgr, transportation]
any plan for an overall transportation study?
BD: wd like to think we're moving in that direction
demand for traffic-calming and beautification
we're getting to point as to prioritize, demand and budget
proposing study for budget 2007: classification of roads, degree
to which traffic calming, cycling, bus routes.
Given the requests we're seeing more and more of, hope Ccl will
help staff sort out priorities
Sop: why cd not be a budget item for 2006?
obvious we have a failure mode at Taylor Way
ppl finding ways and means to get through nbrhds
with traffic-calming will choose another route
why wait to 2007
why not sooner than later and get on with it
MMgr: staff is in the midst of [budget deliberations]
RD: what's in Budget 2006 for 21st?
BD: $75K traffic-calming process immediately adjacent to Pauline
Johnson and sitting down with PAC to see how they want area to look;
hope to start during spring break
JF: changes planned for lower 21st, do you anticipate any effect
on portion above?
what impact likely to have higher up?
BD: question was raised by residents re 20th when closing
Inglewood at 20th came to light
deflecting a lot of traffic east
try to identify corridors
traffic calming may dissuade ppl from taking that route
I can't predict for certain
some may continue to avoid that area
JF: residents not interested in sidewalk if losing frontage but
is it not municipally-owned?
BD: not sure what the setback is, but is back from curb
doable, matter of getting resources
Nigel Perry: want to support any movement for budget for
only been living in the area ten months but in that time seen an
increase in traffic and seen an erosion of quality of life
disrespect for nature where we live
I have a parking pad, area in front and have to reverse to get
on Marine Dr in Ambleside traffic has the courtesy to wait but
doesn't happen when I try to get into mine
they just wait for other traffic in opposite direction clears and
overtake; breaking the law
a cultural impatience on the road and total disrespect for the
residents who live on it
my daughter goes to PH my wife and I take turns, who's only four
years old, to walk her
step out and into ongoing flow of traffic, no margin of
there is a sidewalk of sorts; the major problem is not having
parking on the east side
walking into parking area certain amount of security
it's like running the gauntlet every morning
traffic increase cd be 20 or 30% more by 2007
accelerate this study for 2006
another point wrt 20th
frequently walk down 21st to my office in Ambleside and 20th not
particularly busy
use lanes to get to our houses
if 20th blocked, will increase traffic on 21st, further
eroding quality of life
for which we're all paying many, many thousands of dollars a
year in taxes
Pak Hui: here for 14 years; beyond the presentation,
personal experience
Oct/Nov prior to the election, many came to visit us at Phil's
experienced coming across the street
to address problem, we have a pull-through driveway
can't see north
traffic doesn't slow down for me to pull out
I have small children, worried about that
not just for my family but ppl come and visit us
the lower 21st devt is for the benefit of WV, rec ctr, etc; but
the study is a single spot, in order to get there, not just from
Marine Drive but also from hwy, certain times of day a concentrated
traffic flow.
Faramar Bazgharan (sp): new resident of WV, moved about a year, a
year and a half ago
want to completely support presentation just put forth by Mr
One thing that somewhat puzzles me is lack of understanding of
impact in the nbrhd, parking, etc with expansion in that area
[facilities in civic site]
My home faces the seniors' citizen home and can hardly imagine
what will happen [with the planned increase]
I'm hoping 2006 will be some more studies and remedies wrt
don't think there have been and studies re parking with the high
density devt going on
BD: staff have put forward Budget 2006, a cycling plan,
integrated with an overall plan for 2007
TransLink dollars out there for cycling
you do have to have a masterplan in place to get them so that's
the reason for that order
the traffic-calming on 20th is at proposal stage at this time and
public invited to express opinions to me, Geri Boyle, or website
Sop: In 2006, will the lower portion of 21st work?
BD: no; 22nd and Jefferson, 22nd and Haywood, and 22nd
looking to 2007 to implement all recommendations agreed
Sop: any estimates?
BD: for all the traffic calming, including turning circles half a
million dollars, from Inglewood down
Sop: similar from Inglewood to Queens?
BD: depends on type, don't think so
expecting $75K for study at 22nd (Jefferson, Haywood,
Sop: chance of 2006:
MMgr: will make sure part of presentation of 2006 budget
want to sit down with director back next week and look at roads,
MS: as new, curious as to how process evolved
consultant on lower 21st and ignored
was in audience when his report said 21st didn't have to be four
lanes, didn't know was under consideration
then he came up with recommendation re 20th and Inglewood that
anyone with knowledge of the area wd consider pretty bizarre
curious how/why pay a consultant a study on a certain small
area impacting a larger area
BD: study started off small, just 20th and Gordon, access to
underground parking at civic site
pedestrians, seniors across street, daycare on corner, ...
How can we make Gordon Ave friendly without looking at the big
did get expanded to the adjacent street, some walk; how to
improve links, how to make crossing more safe
really only reason to look at those adjacent roads
look at all aspects -- there's a bus that goes along
study wd look at issues that did arise during discussion
impetus but not scope of original study
MS: why do we have to go to consultant?
haven't we staff, resources, in dept to do study like that?
BD: independent point of view
has landscaping component?
MS: Parks doesn't have staff as to decided what to put on
BD: resources; it's expertise, putting presentation together for
council, open houses
resource issue from my point of view
MS: anyone who knows about the area, knows there's a problem on
I used to attend PJ, a few years ago
Mayor: makes two of us
[giggles in chamber]
MS: soccer field well used
better signage, something shd be able to be done shortly, clearly
an unsafe situation
I don't want to go through 21st and Inglewood, nobody stops; four
out of five cars coming down fly through that intersection
different speed limit, why not look at
this is a serious issue that has to be addressed
signage and different speed limit
Mayor: wd ask Cclr Sop to make motion to receive and add motion
re 21st
there are short, medium, and long-term goals in report and budget
discussions coming up
[Sop moved receipt wch carried]
MMgr: include have staff report back in two weeks as to what
action can be taken in 2006 wrt delegation
wrt school safety study; what we can include in budget, what it
wd involve, in workplan
MS: I'll make that motion.
Sop: thirdly, a motion wch wd have Ccl look at the 2006 budget
process wrt 21st traffic calming, costs
MMgr: that will be included in the staff report
5.1 Drinking Water
Management Plan for GVWD and Member Municipalities
(File: 0185?09)
Designated Presenter: Director of Engineering and
1. Greater Vancouver
Water District's (GVWD) Drinking Water Management Plan for the
GVWD and Member Municipalities be endorsed; and
2. Staff be directed
to continue working with GVWD to implement municipal actions described
in the Plan.
Raymond Fung introduced Stan Woods of GVRD: strategic document,
initiated by GVRD staff
adopted by GVWD Bd in 2005; Ccl being asked to endorse
Stan Woods, senior engineer:
developed under umbrella of sustainable region study
meet Cdn needs in affordable fashion into future
three goals:
provide clean safe drinking water
ensure sustainable use of water
ensure sufficient supply of water
Seymour Capilano Filtration Project underway now
Enhance Coquitlam Source Treatment, existing ozone, adding
RF: work with GVRD re quality monitoring
WV already has a joint prog with them
substantial progress already been made on M actions
SW: sustainable use of water strategies: use
Ms can have rebate programs
Match quality to usage -- use rain barrels, non-potable water for
outdoor use (sports fields, etc)
RF: our plan incorporates GVWD projected costs
water audits
variable use of water during summer
universal metering underway, 70% complete; leading Lower
have a toilet rebate program ($50 to retrofit your old toilet
with a new toilet); in 2006 we'll subsidize rain barrels -- can buy
from us for $80
also offering natural yard consultation with Evergreen, for
Information with go out with out utility brochure going out in
a couple of weeks.
SW: GVWD and Municipal actions together
RF: District is currently doing a leak study right
what goes vs what's delivered and sold
to reduce non-revenue water
infrastructure upgrade, ramping up budget to $1m per year, may
have to look at that again
developing a pro-active leak program: looking at and repairing
leaks in a timely fashion, save money
Operating agreements do match and meet M's needs
many of the initiatives we are already implementing; some may
require funding and will need a biz case and we'll bring back to
Ask that Ccl endorse the plan and staff be directed to continue
working with the GVWD
JC: Mr Fung, you mentioned a commercial water audit,
RF: look at ways to re-use water, matching quality of water to
leaks in facilities that are ageing; look at retrofit
JC: car washes
RF: one possibility
JC: ev time this comes up, Harrison Lake water is better
why not utilize that if better and closer to city
RF: the whole issue of water sources, investigated for many years
by many
look at various options
at this point the GVWD has embarked at the filtration plan, to
maximize, and improvements to Coquitlam
JC: you agree?
RF: there are many ways of looking at things
think way being done to our advantage
SW: we did undertake extensive studies, particular emphasis on
Harrison Lake b/c it came up in the past
presented differently five years ago, high quality source that
wdn't require much treatment
now have new Cdn water quality guidelines, treatment of all
that's why Coq close, if not superior to HLake source
ozone and UV treatment
option of additional water supply, close to us and to growing
eastern part of the region; HLake 100km to the east of the region and
at sea level at Coq get water at head and can feed it into system, do
all the way to White Rock; Coq better source than Harrison Lake, not
to say that in 15, 20 years, when we redo evaluation, other sources
wdn't do better
but at today's, Coq comes out better
JC: thx for settling that one.
Sop: aware many steps wrt water, Eagle Lake, metering, -- ahead
thanks to diligent staff and our futuristic views -- based on hoping
to be able to rely on Eagle Lake for 50% thus supposedly lowering our
however $600m, with shortfall will present us with 37cents per cu
m up to 2008
looking at chart, by 2014 looking at significant hikes
see GVWD has other considerations -- projected growths
my concern is number of Ms that wd join in on this; endorse this
mgmt plan
SW: costs increased with capital projects
when the GVWD bd approved the plan, when we consulted with
public, justified and nec
way we recover, is water sales to Ms
we develop operating agreements with Ms
we wd encourage WV and other Ms to develop their own water supply
sources, systems
if we have a problem, you can provide water, if you have a
problem, we can help
regional context, important in case of earthquake, etc
doing best we can to keep costs in line; in comparison with other
parts of world, paying relatively low; just coming up to speed with
other regions
Sop: if we reduce our water consumption, that lessens bill to
taxpayer; wd be paying less to GVWD
where does GVWD get funds for repairs for next 20 years?
what we collect? or as mbr of M, a double hit?
SW: GVWD funded through water rates
we're 100% metered so we charge on a meter basis
WV will be charging on the same basis
see water sales decrease, so unit rate will go up
we showed a water rate projection, difference in rates
will see our water rates decrease.....
over longer term build infrastructure
reductions in use will enable us to bring water rates back
will result in high cu m costs but not nec overall charge to
remember in case of WV, you'll be passing on that cost on to your
water (metered) customers
shd not be viewed as a tax, rather a user fee for water service
you're providing
Sop: all comes out of one pocket
RF: the M uses only 1% of the overall water sales of GVWD
popn not that great
even if we reduce our water purchase from GVWD
it's less than a 1% impact
so impact to region from WV's reduction is not going to have that
huge of a hit on the regional water rate
Sop: how much put into education?
given $50 (rebate) for a toilet
make ppl aware what they can do; keep tax down?
Mayor: having sat on the water cmte for three years
that highlighted in budget, communications
won't get unless ppl understand
then possibly wasted on lawn, whatever
Water Cmte kept on pushing Livable Region and Sustainability
Strategy initiative
there's a huge thrust for 2006
Sop: look forward to it
JF: interesting looking at the steep increase of water and
probably the most important thing we provide
comparative prices -- know we've had relatively low costs, am
sure most don't realize how low
now that we have 60-70% of popn living in six or seven large
urban centres rather than spread over country, rural
pressure to expand infrastructure
what about put comparison in with the utility bills who will be
upset with the increase with have some understanding, re
RF: made comparisons previously brochures; notice to everyone
with utility bill
have already gone out
we took cclrs' comments under advisement in a previous mtg re
explaining the rates and various rate increases
used space for other features, such as rain barrel sales
didn't take opp to do comparison this year but cd to other
JF: have to do five times for ppl to actually--
RF: maybe Tidings, etc
MMgr: yes, we can do a companion piece
Mayor: Water cmte did comparison with Victoria, Calgary, and
you see how reasonable our water rates are
5.2 Consideration of
Encroachment Permit Application (3480 Mathers Avenue)
Designated Presenter: Director of Planning, Lands &
THAT the Encroachment Application for a driveway gate at 3480 Mathers
Avenue be approved.
Sop: as this is home of my son, I have a conflict of interest
and will remove myself
SJN: this is a gate for a driveway on a public boulevard
have policy, Ccl decided best have a bylaw
suggest use draft bylaw
allow a gate on private prop line, no need for permission from
but posts allowed on blvd area
concern was about gated cmnties on streets
gates required for some individuals, need for privacy, security,
etc so permitted same as a fence is
Ccl decided b/c gates cdn't be placed for topographic reasons,
further down the hill, Ccl approved the gates; on property line
proposed location; does line up with existing hedges on the
JC: given we've had a couple of precedents in last year or two,
will move
5.3 GVWD Grant in Lieu of
Taxes 2005 (File: 0925-01/0185-01)
Designated Presenter: Director of Finance
THAT Council consent to receiving a grant in lieu of taxes from the
Greater Vancouver Water District in the amount of $95,339 for
RL gave background, some no longer taxable: future to 2008 will
see reductions of $24K each and by 2009 no payments at all
RD: now or later?
got this notice of BC assessments here, want to ask Mr
went up 15%, what did WV's go up?
RL: residential class as a whole, av increase 14.2% so anyone
who is on that, in luck will see no tax consequence
if more than that, then unfortunately when we strike our tax
rates there will be an add'l impact on you based on the skewing from
the overall residential average
RD: a number of ppl have asked me
Mayor: I asked Mr Laing today if he cd bring forth a
report; you won't be here next week but everyone has been asking about
those assessments and increases
7.1 Correspondence
[complete list in previous WVM issue]
Mayor: Cclr Smith
MS: I'm half asleep; am I supposed to do something here?
Mayor: is it on the screen?
it's not even on the screen!
oh -- here we go...
MS: happy to move:
1. Correspondence items
7.1.1(a) to 7.1.14 be received for information.
2. Correspondence item
7.1.15 be approved for action as indicated.
7.1.12 K. Steig, Director, Friends
of Cypress Provincial Park Society, December 15, 2005, regarding 2010
Winter Olympics at Cypress
(File: 0116?20?02010/0055?20?FCYP1)
Sop: re 7.1.12
Ms Steig has some major concerns
as we progress with events up to 2010, demands by VANOC to do
different things along the way
want to emphasize Mr Furlong's statements -- sustainability no 1
as he stated here weeks ago
expanded treecutting in Cypress Park, topping and removal below
lookout, and.... we as cclrs have not been apprised of at all
v imp when we meet with Mr Furlong get clear picture he's going
to be supportive of env'tal issues
we have lost cypress grove to a concrete monument, lost wetlands
to a super hwy, and other things
make sure we're left with some formal legacy
really important we make these statements now, based on some of
the considerations from this Society that does a lot of homework
Mayor: wrt lookout treecutting brought forward BPP, ran by
prev Ccl
there is a report, asked it come forward just so cmnty
understands what's happening
also being approved by our forester
wrt oldgrowth cutting on Cyp Mtn [sic], tricky b/c in order to
accommodate halfpipe snowboard run
[CBRL] itself has to move on of there theirs, so may
necessitate cutting of some oldgrowth
I agree with Ms Steig, when we meet with Mr Furlong on Jan 19
we shd outline these concerns
bring these points forward and bring report forward many
aspects of 2010 coming our way
MMgr: staff is meeting with Cypress Resorts and VANOC
Cypress equally concerned of potential re cutting trees; will
be meeting and looking at alternatives
Sop: sure we will
they're here for two weeks and we're here for a
these are in BC Parks, not on our lands, but we spend much
time on sustaining longterm vision of WV and
we want to enjoy Olympics in spirit it was intended
unless informed as a Ccl we won't have a say
want to be abreast in all issues no matter whether in parks or
7.2 Appointments - North
Shore Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
... recommendation for the following citizen appointments be
=B7 Ms. Kathleen
Glynn-Morris, Mr. Norm Brown and Ms. Phillipa Ostler be appointed as
Members at Large for the District of West Vancouver for a term ending
on December 31, 2006;
=B7 Mr. Clark
Chu, Constable Kelly Sears, Constable Jeff Palmer, Trustee
Jane Thornthwaite, Mr. Gordon De Vito, Ms. Janet Baker, and Ms.
Jacquie Stevulak be appointed to the professional category of the
committee for a term ending on December 31, 2006.
7.3 -- Appmts of Ccl Representatives
RD: NSh Emerg Mgmt Ofc Exec Cmte -- RD, alternate
NSh Transportation Adv Cmte -- Mayor, and JC alternate
Municipal Insurance Assn -- MS, alt David Stuart, Chief
Administrative Officer
Lower Mainland Municipal Assn -- VV, alt Sop
WV Ch of Comm -- MS, alt JF
Mayor: I think the NSh Transportation Adv Cmte has two -- DNV,
CNV so include Mayor G-J and Cclr Clark?
RD: yes
Mayor: and if incorrect can change it back
RD: yes, there are two
7.4 Ccl apptmts to Ev Drive
Guidance Cmt
[Ssch read out list]
Rick Amantea, Philip Falls, Shahram
Malek, Beverley A. Pitman, Keith Pople, David Stephenson and Delfa
Mayor: b/c still in a conflict of interest till March and Cclr
Sop is also (acting Mayor), think I shd turn the chair over to JF as
acting mayor
RD: pls repeat the names
[SSch did]
RD: note S Malik and D Syeklocha are owners of property
within study area; next group P Falls and D Stephenson, and R
Amantea, owners of adjoining prop; then cmnty at large B Pitman
and K Pople
that comes to seven from three categories
Mr Amantea was added b/c he is VP of Royal adjacent to Ev Dr
original was going to be six so that makes seven
manages property adjacent so makes sense
I wd move that that guidance cmte
JC: wd like to remind that Ray Spaxman is Chair of that
Guidance Cmte, hired by M and non-voting.
RD: there were 19 ppl who applied to sit on this cmte
the applicants were of v high quality, quite exhaustive letters,
capacity to sit on cmte, experience, interest in the process
selection was made by Mr Spaxman and Geri Boyle, Planner
report was received by Ccl this evening, basis vote on
Mr Spaxman and Ms Boyle made a v thorough study of
VV: I believe the devpr who will potentially make an
application, Mr Malik, shd not be a mbr
may have valuable information, fully believe invited as a
guest and be in communication
do believe making an error
b/c the study required by OCP was determined to be an
independent study rather than a study by an applicant, a
in a way going around the same circle, perhaps
repeating same error if we include the dvpr
so with the exception of Mr Malik, I agree with all the
other names
PASSED with VV opposed
Mayor returned: anyone in gallery want to make a comment?
{Apparently the Mayor had not been given the Speakers' List
b/c there were two names on it, one crossed out, but not Mr
McArthur's; since she did not mention a name, saying 'anyone', Bruce
naturally came forward.}
Bruce McA: for Dir/Finance; wonder status re BC Ferries grants
in lieu of taxation still in negotiation or been a
RL: in appeal stage; proposal been made for settling the
appeal but not yet been considered by Ccl
BM: seeing the StSky hwy proposal will be a private public
any thought there shd be a grant in lieu of taxation for a
group operating a hwy for profit through WV
RL will consult with our solicitors on that
CR (whose name was on the List): Happy New Year
Mayor: thank you, same to you.
CR: Carolanne Reynolds, Editor of West Van Matters. As
you know I usually do a transcript [of ccl mtgs]
when I heard the debate earlier this evening about what was
actually said
[holds up issue 2005-37 of WVM]
fyi, it starts at the bottom of p 3 and goes to the top of p
pretty well ev said during that time
can send it by email, if that helps
Mayor: thank you very much.
>>> CCL MTG AGENDA Jan 16th
<<< A Supplemental Info
Package/Agenda May be Issued
3.1 Council Meeting Minutes,
December 05, 2005 for Adoption
(to be circulated in the Supplemental Package)
4.1 West Vancouver Chamber of
Commerce, regarding Annual Update and Fee for Service Funding
5.1 Truck Traffic on Hills
in West Vancouver - Action Plan Update
(File: 1805?10)
Designated Presenter: Director of Engineering and
1. Council endorse recommendations
one (1) through fifteen (15) in the report titled Truck Traffic on
Hills in West Vancouver - Action Plan Update, January 16, 2006
from the Manager, Roads and Transportation; and
2. Council direct staff to pursue
implementation of recommendation sixteen (16) followed by
recommendations seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) in the report
titled Truck Traffic on Hills in West Vancouver - Action Plan
Update, January 16, 2006 from the Manager, Roads and
Transportation and to report back to Council as necessary.
Community Centre Presentation
Designated Presenter: Director of Parks & Community
5.3 Hugo
Ray Park - Community Consultation
Designated Presenter: Director of Parks & Community
RECOMMENDED:... process as outlined in the Council Report dated
January 5, 2006 ...be approved.
5.4 Special Regular
Meeting (Town Hall Meeting) of Council
(File: 0120?15)
Designated Presenter: Director of Administrative
RECOMMENDED: THAT a Special Regular Meeting (Town Hall Meeting)
of Council be held on Wednesday, February 01, 2006, at
7:00 pm, at the Gleneagles Community Centre.
7.1 Correspondence
No Action Required (receipt only)
7.1.1 Committee and
Board Meeting Minutes
(a) Heritage Advisory Committee
Minutes, November 08, 2005
7.1.2 C. Fabische,
Operations Manager, Ricechild Management Ltd., December 15, 2005,
regarding Controlled Substance Nuisance bylaw
7.1.3 E. Pekeles,
Chief Operating Officer, Vancouver Coastal Health, December 06,
2005, regarding local governance liaison group
7.1.4 A. Dey, January
03, 2005, regarding Temporary Traffic Changes - during Dundarave IGA
Construction Bellevue Avenue, 2400 Block, North and South
7.1.5 R. B. Howard, on
behalf of the 2400 Block South (lower) Bellevue Residents, December
29, 2005, regarding Traffic Changes - 2400 Block North and South
Bellevue, Dundarave
7.1.6 D. C. Harbottle,
December 19, 2005, regarding Interchange at Eagleridge
7.1.7 E-Comm 911
Service Report, Third Quarter Results (July-September 2005),
Action Required
7.1.8 G. Obertas,
December 29, 2005, regarding Destructive Black Bear
(File: 2150?30)
Referred to
Director of Parks & Community Services for consideration and
7.1.9 K. Rafizadeh,
January 09, 2006, regarding heavy truck traffic on Folkestone
Referred to
Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and
>>> GOODBYE TO 2005 -- but
remember 1905! <<<
A friend writes: This will boggle your mind, I know it did
The year is 1905. One hundred years ago. What a
difference a century makes!
Here are some of the CANADIAN statistics for the Year 1905
The average life expectancy in Canada was 47
Only 14% of the homes in Canada had a bathtub. Only 8% of
the homes had a telephone.
A three-minute call from Montreal to Toronto cost $11.
There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S.and CANADA, and only 144 miles
of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average wage in Canada was 22 cents per hour.
The average CDN worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per
a dentist $2,500 per year,
a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and
a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95% of all births in Canada took place at home .
Ninety per cent all Canadian doctors had no college
education. Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of
which were condemned in the press and by the government as
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or
egg yolks for shampoo (but not yogurt).
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering
into their country for any reason.
Five leading causes of death in 1905 were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2 Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day. Two out of every ten
Canadian adults couldn't read or write.
Only 6% of all Canadians had graduated from high school.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the
counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then
pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives
buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in
fact, a perfect guardian of health."
Eighteen per cent of households in Canada had at least one
full-time servant or domestic help.
And I forwarded this from someone else without typing it myself,
and sent it to you in a matter of seconds!
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100
In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our
decisions on the next seven generations.
Iroquois Nation Maxim