July 27/Sept 11 NOTES
Sept 18 Agenda
Calendar to Sept 29
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
What a weekend in store for us!
Lots of events; please see Calendar. Please note the
Heritage Home Tour ticket price has been reduced to $10.
=3D Main Items Sept 18: Evelyn Drive Town Hall meeting
report; DVP 6836 Copper Cove; 1555 Chippendale; 2089 Westdean
=3D Calendar to Sept 30th (North Shore Heritage Weekend
first!; WV Streamkeepers' AGM Agenda); INFObit - Summary from Arts,
Culture, and Heritage Facility Devt Study; Integration;
July 24 Ccl Minutes, missing part with printed motions re Amb (were
supplied on-table so not available before ccl mtg); July 27 Ccl
Minutes (important issues, eg demolition of house, no notice of
waterfront accretions/encroachments, passed on a Thursday morning at
8:30! -- see comments in red); Sept 11 NOTES with PS; Sept 18 Ccl
Agenda; Quotations on education since it's back to school!
=3D=3D=3D UPDATE: Evelyn D=
Town Hall Mtg Notes (Sept 13) =3D=3D=3D
There was a full house at the Srs' Ctr the evening of Sept 13 for
the presentation and input regarding this area being 'studied' for
devt. There were display boards and a presentation on the work
of and recommendations by the Evelyn Drive Guidance Cmte chaired by
Planner (as consultant), Ray Spaxman. The options considered
went from A (remain single-family) to E (multifamily). As
far as I cd determine, Mr Spaxman recommended Option C (350 units) but
a mbr of the EDGC stated the majority vote was for Option B (255
units). There were about 30 residents who spoke. At the
end, Mayor Goldsmith-Jones announced that Evelyn Drive will be on
Ccl's agenda Monday night (18th) so a decision can be made and staff
can start work on the necessary bylaws.
For reference, all in addition to the seven privately-owned
properties at present with a single-family home:
Option A is 57 sgl -fam homes, .35FSR
Option B is 255 units, .55FSR
Option C is 350u, .74FSR
Option D is 428u, .86FSR
Option E is 511u, 1.0FSR
{Interesting that the gaps are about 200 units, then ~100
units, then ~70 units, and ~80 units; don't you wonder why it wasn't
evenly distributed? Clearly the jump of 200 units was from
status quo to the first other option to make it as high as possible.
To be fair, it shd have been roughly, say from 55 to 155 to 255 to 355
to 455 -- or have 75 (lower at high end, Option E then about
375) or even 150 between (ending about 650) these options are
weighted on the high end. They can do whatever they want -- and
even come out with something between but the options cd hv bn more
evenly distributed. To be fair, some mbrs of the cmte asked
about something between A and B as well as between B and C but those
were not offered.}
The new OCP identified Evelyn Drive as a "Study Area"
with an FSR of 'up to' 1.0 to be considered. [And here's the
crux of the matter: no developer worth his salt wd propose anything
less than 1.0 charged to maximize profits for his
shareholders/company; local residents are split between those who sold
to the developer (57 of the 65 sgl fam properties), some dependent on
the rezoning ie $$$, and those who want to retain the character (and
views) of their neighbourhood; nearby residents worry about traffic
and disruption; everyone worries about the Taylor Way and Marine Drive
bottleneck (and some sort of solution is supposed to be coming from
the province this fall).]
Here are some notes taken as speakers spoke:
=3D Evelyn Drive area rundown, worse now that houses sold and
unoccupied; need decision soon
=3D re Traffic, staff will look into that (Keith and Clyde)
=3D only 77 apts for sale in WV
=3D what about a cmnty bus?
=3D How many units in high rises planned by Squamish Nation (east
part of Park Royal)? Ans: general plans; early days; joint
study, discussions ongoing re Taylor Way
=3D lots of basement suites everywhere
=3D for Options D and E, more access required
=3D protect views? of Park Royal?
=3D density and traffic a concern; affordability? an oxymoron in
=3D LB: been convinced by Barb and Al Gore's film that
densification way to go; if you don't listen to experts, you get what
you don't want
=3D HK: little and big can be bad, little and big can be good
[depends on design]; present zoning is .35FAR, worth ~$13m, if Option
C, worth $32m; shd include non-market, market, affordable;
=3D Staff comments: a number of bylaws for this devt: OCP
amendment, Zoning; need masterplan; how integrated, what if only
bottom or only top; the key is a plan for the entire area
=3D CR: still lots of questions; at present WV is 40% multifamily
-- wd Ccl consider 50% in principle as the maximum [then where?]: can
be a few units and ugly or many units and beautiful (landscaping, etc)
as previous speaker said -- we need to see design before
approval/agreement; if given just number of units what are sizes?
pricing?; small size and rental make more affordable; need for
diversity of housing, housing options in WV that this can provide;
most of all, since so much still unknown, what's the process?
Geri Boyle (staff) answered: needs clarification; size
regulations necessary; average unit size (but not all same) shd be in
regulations, IOW all units can't be 1000 or 1500sf; two opportunities
in future, no plan right now, need plan from Millennium to
satisfaction of District; assume Ccl will provide opportunity for
public to comment, then Devt Permit process
{Good. That's one assurance I was looking for,
continued public notification, involvement, input b/c just
establishing an FAR or the number of units still leaves a wide range
of possibilities and devts from horrendous to acceptable to beautiful
and suitable for WV. This Town Hall mtg or even Ccl's decision
on FAR/units shd not be the end -- a lot can change and plans can
vary. We want in! more choice, more say!}
=3D RB: OCP goal is to maintain park-like character, policy of
controlled growth wch is about 150 units per year; however new devt
applications as on July 10 this year was 240 in total and there's no
control over devt of property with existing zoning; withhold
permission until clear history below 150 units per year?; determine
how to/what; whether this is 250 or 350, it represents about 120%,
230% of max growth per year without any other devt; recommend not call
a Public Hearing for Ev Dr at this time based on growth limits; this
report consumes more than 160% of yearly growth; new residential
permits for 2002/3 were 300 per year, 70% were multifamily; past years
multifamily was less than 50% of growth; traffic a concern, already
gridlock -- Nov 2004 NSNews reported clogged at Taylor Way and Marine
Drive, already in failure mode; quoting Michael Kluckner:
"preserve the future by protecting the present"
=3D WV needs diversity of housing, affordability; need but no
social housing programs now
=3D limited land, need high density! shown in NAm if ppl move out,
core dies; opportunity for great facility, build to max capacity; not
Not In My Neighbourhood; support you in devt, get on with it!
=3D In three months, looking to buy a house, went from $1m to
$1.325, almost bankrupted ourselves to buy a house for our son; we
have impressive homes for $5m but we need more product -- to the moon,
Alice -- think about what is coming; Park Royal, this is going to be
good too. Move on.
=3D integrate with Keith Rd traffic, have nice sidewalks,
underground wiring, favour Option B; also favoured by Sentinel Hill
Homeowners' Assn.
=3D Planning is totally professional, rely on professionals;
Vancouver most livable city in world, efforts of Mr Spaxman
=3D Here for 41 years; from my graduating class only four still
here: one is a realtor, one inherited, one rents apt, and I rent house
from my Dad; this area is an exception to the rule, highest best way
to go b/c close to transportaiton; small buses
=3D B/c my parents in their 80s, stressed, had to find place in two
months; you believe in free speech but agreement something to the
effect cannot speak out; Mayor asked to see letter but not topic
=3D=3D=3D CALENDAR to Sept
29th =3D=3D=3D
Farmers' Markets on weekends in Ambleside and Dundarave, but
first --
Sept 15 - 17 ~ North Shore Heritage Weekend (See brochures
and posters)
INFO: pls call Stephen Mikicich at the M
Hall 925 7056 or Carolanne Reynolds of North Shore Heritage Forum at
922 4400.
September 15, 16,
District of
North Vancouver Heritage Weekend Scavenger Hunt
Learn more about
some of the historical features in your community by taking part in
the first District of North Vancouver Heritage Weekend Scavenger Hunt
! Pick up your entry form available starting Thursday, September
14, 2006 at the District Hall (355 West Queens), District
Libraries, or the Community History Centre (Institute Road). For
further information please Kathleen Larsen at (604)
West Vancouver
Modernist Homes, 1940-1970
Friday and
Saturday, 12:00 - 4:30 pm (closed on Sunday); West Vancouver Museum, 680 -
17th St. For information, call 604.925-7295.
The History &=
Changing Faces of Vancouver and British Columbia
Friday, September
15, 2006 at 7:00 pm, Hamersley House, 350 East 2nd Street, North
Join noted heritage
advocate, author, and artist Michael Kluckner who will give an
illustrated lecture reflecting on the history and changing faces of
Vancouver and British Columbia, using images from his two most recent
books:Vanishing British Columbia and Vancouver Remembered.
Vanishing British Columbia, published in 2005, and a finalist for
the provincial non-fiction prize, focuses on "roadside memory" and
the abandonment of the countryside in an era of urbanization.
Vancouver Remembered, to be published this fall, looks at the
Vancouver that existed before Expo '86 and completes the cycle of
writing and painting about Vancouver which the author/artist began
more than 20 years ago.
Michael Kluckner is
a writer and artist who has had a number of books published and won
numerous awards. Michael has lived on a farm in rural Langley, B.C.
since 1993, where he has raised sheep and chickens. In 1991 Michael
Kluckner was the founding president of the Heritage Vancouver Society.
He has also served as President of the Langley Heritage Society.
Michael was the B.C. Member of the Heritage Canada Foundation Board of
Governors as well as serving as its Chair. He received the Queen's
Golden Jubilee Medal in 2002 in recognition of his numerous and
substantive contributions through books and volunteer efforts to
increase awareness of Canada's heritage and culture. Call
604.990-4223 to register for this free lecture as seating is
Saturday, September
16th from 10 am to 1 pm; 3203 Institute Road, 1 block east of Mountain Hwy,
NV. For more
information, call 604-990.3700.
Saturday, September
16th, at 10am;
Meet in top parking lot of Mt Seymour - Rain or shine.
The Deep Cove
Heritage Society is partnering with Mount Seymour History Project's
resident historian, Alex Douglas. Don't miss seeing the historic
pictorial displays, memory sharing, and presentations at 10:30am,
11:30am and 12:30pm, with tea and coffee provided (it is suggested you
bring your lunch). For those who like a bit of a hike, a guided tour
of Trapper John's cabin along the Goldie Lake Trail, with its fall
flowers is planned during 1-3pm. Cost for the event is $5.00 per
person (note, there is also a $5 fee for parking). For those requiring
transportation, a bus will leave from Parkgate Community Centre at
noon for the 12:30 presentation and depart at 3pm. Bus will cost $10,
to reserve a seat call 604-983-6350. Please register for this event by calling
604-929-5744 or 604-929-9456.
Saturday, September
16, 10:30 a.m.;
Meet at the P.G.E. Station located at the foot of Lonsdale
John Stuart, a
local historian, will lead a walking tour of Lower Lonsdale for a look
at various waterfront locations including the Merchant Mariners'
Memorial, St. Paul's Church, other Lower Lonsdale buildings along
the way and terminating at the end of the pier on the former Versatile
Shipyard site, where he will talk about current Port activities.
Please call 604-990-4223 to pre-register for this free
Saturday, September
16th, 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. Starts at Lighthouse Park parking lot at 11:00
am. For
information, please call 604.925.7055.
Saturday, September 16th, 2006, 1-4pm.
Community History
Centre, 3203 Institute Road, Lynn Valley, NV. Register for workshop by
calling Peter Miller at 604-926-6096. Members $15, non-members
Saturday, September
16th, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; Outside West Vancouver Municipal Hall and Museum,
17th Street & Esquimalt Avenue, West Vancouver
As a complement to
the "Living on the Edge" exhibit, a collection of 1950s and 1960s
automobiles will be on display outside the West Vancouver Municipal
Hall and Museum. The Public is invited to arrive in their own
'classic' cars to join in the fun! Please call
Saturday, September
16th, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm; Outside West Vancouver Municipal Hall and Museum,
17th Street & Esquimalt Avenue, West Vancouver
In conjunction with
the car show, there will be a number of displays by community groups
highlighting West Vancouver's built, natural and cultural heritage.
The District will also have a display on the recently adopted Heritage
Strategic Plan. Tickets to the 2006 Heritage Homes Tour will also be
on sale. For further information call 604. 925-7295.
Saturday and
Sunday, September 16 & 17, 9:00am to 7:00 pm; Capilano Suspension Bridge,
North Vancouver
Your Heritage Home
Tour ticket gets you free admission to the 'world famous' Capilano
Suspension Bridge, all day Saturday and Sunday. Capilano Suspension
Bridge was first erected in 1889 with a hemp rope bridge straddling
the Capilano River. Today's bridge was installed in 1956. Also on
the site are the historic Tea House building & the [MacEachran]
House (now the "Bridge Restaurant").
Japanese Canadian Studio Photography to 1942
Saturday & Sunday, September 16th & 17th from noon to 5
North Vancouver
Museum Gallery, Presentation House, 209 West 4th
Street. For
information, call 604.990.3700.
Saturday & Sunday, September 16th & 17th from noon to 5
North Vancouver
Museum Gallery, Presentation House, 209 West 4th Street For
information, call, 604.990.3700.
Saturday &
Sunday, September 16th & 17th at 3 p.m. From PGE Railway Station,
=46oot of Lonsdale Avenue
Join us at the City
of North Vancouver's new Burrard Dry Dock Pier, where North
Vancouver Museum's costumed interpreters will present an informative
and entertaining tour on the history and development of the area.
Pre-registration recommended: call 604.990.3700.
Sunday, September
17, at 11:00pm -3:00pm; Lynn Headwaters Regional Park
Built in lower
Lonsdale area in 1908. Moved to Lynn Headwaters Park and restored as a
heritage project - an original prefabricated house. Enthusiastic
volunteers will tell you about Mills House and the many logging
artifacts it contains. For information please call Ruth Sherwood,
Mills House Volunteers at 604.987-0626 or Suzanne Stewart-Patterson,
Community Development, GVRD Co-ordinator at 604.224-5739.
Sunday, September
17th, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Waterfront Park, North
This heritage
display will include photographs, programs and brochures about
heritage organizations on the North Shore.
Sunday, September
17th at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, & 3:00 pm sailings
Departure from
Waterfront Park, North Vancouver. View North Vancouver's historic
waterfront from the deck of the 'Pride of Vancouver' and hear
stories of tall-masted ships, early mariners and modern port
operations. Rarely do we have the opportunity to see our community
from the water, and this opportunity is FREE! A limited number of
tickets will be available at the departure site 45 minutes before the
sailing. For more info call the North Vancouver Museum & Archives,
Sunday, September
17th, Noon to 5:00 pm, Various sites on the North Shore.
The very popular
North Shore Heritage Home Tour is again being offered to provide you
with a chance to visit a selection of the North Shore's distinctive
heritage homes, including restored 'oldtimers'. Owners and
volunteers will answer your questions and guide you through the sites.
Your ticket also includes admission to the world famous Capilano
Suspension Bridge Park heritage site. A limited number of $10.00 {note price
change} including
GST per person tickets will be sold at the District of North Vancouver
Municipal Hall, 355 West Queens Road (604.990-2369), the North
Vancouver City Hall, 141 West 14th Street (604.990-4236), West
Vancouver Municipal Hall, 750-17th Street {925 7000}, and the West
Vancouver Museum and Archives, 680-17th Street
Sunday, September
17, at 1:00 pm;
Starts at Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road
Please join local
historian Roy Pallant, MA, member of the District Heritage Commission,
and president of the North Vancouver Historical Society, for an easy
2km walk to seek out historical sites and houses. Route hand-out
provided. Following the walk, you are invited to an optional
Cream Tea which will be served at Mollie Nye House. Tickets available
before the walk. For more information, call 604.990-2369 or
Sunday, September
17th, Sittings at 1:00 pm or 2:30 pm; Mollie Nye House (outside), 940
Lynn Valley Road.
No Heritage Weekend
is complete without a traditional cream tea! Purchase your tickets at
Mollie Nye House from 10:00am-4:00pm, Mon.- Fri. for $5.00 in advance,
$6.00 at the door. For information call 604.987-5820.
PROGRAMMING.....even more on Sunday!
=3D=3D=3D Sunday, Sept 17
+ To the Terry Fox Run
Run or walk the seawall from Ambleside to
Dundarave Beach in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. Call
604-464-2666 to register.
+ Caulfeild Village Mall Oktoberfest
- noon to 5pm
+ Tour Natural
Gardens 11am - 4pm
Visit gorgeous gardens on the North Shore
and learn sustainable gardening techniques. Free guidebooks are available at local garden centres
and hardware stores. Visit
www.naturalgardenstour.com or call 604-984-9730 for more
+ Call for Entry Information re FBG
Christmas Gift Sale; drop off 9 - 11am
Call for Entry, Great Stuff 2006 -- Christmas Gift Sale NOV 24 -
DEC 17 at the Ferry Building Gallery
An exhibition and sale of unique crafts, fine artwork and
distinctive gifts at affordable prices, just in time for the Christmas
shopper! [Details were in last issue, WVM24]
=3D=3D=3D Tuesday, Sept 19
~ 10:30 - 12:30 ~ at the Library: start
of a series of readings of James Joyce's Ulysses by former McGill
English Prof Joe Ronsley, now living in Lions' Bay.
~ 4 or 4:30pm ~ Remember Tuesdays the
=46STF meets at the Hall (call 925 7000 to confirm);
fascinating financial fantasies focused on efficiency to lower our
taxes...... Observe, become informed, and maybe even
~ 3:45 - 5:15pm ~ Civic Youth Strategy
Working Group at the Srs' Activity Ctr, Marine Room.
~ 7:30pm ~ WRA Mtg at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
1. Gleneagles Golf Course
Clubhouse: Presentation on Clubhouse and appeal for input from
2. Tree cutting policy:
Discuss current tree-cutting policy for parks and private property
- ask for support to have WRA notified if there is to be tree
cutting in local parks
3. Trucks entering
Horseshoe Bay: Ask the District of West Vancouver to bring the
Nelson St. hill into line with other dangerous down-hill locations
e.g. 22nd St., in West Van. There is a quieter and safer
entrance from the highway; notice should be given at the highway brake
check, and failing that, trucks could turn at the roundabout.
=3D=3D=3D Wednesday, Sept 20
~ 5 - 7pm ~ Chamber of Commerce: Member Showcase at Steamworks at
The Village in Park Royal [Details in last issue] To receive Chamber
information, write to admin@westvanchamber.com or call 926 6614
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Board of
=3D=3D=3D Thursday, Sept 21
~ 4 - 7pm ~ Police Board mtg at Chamber of
Commerce boardroom
7:30pm ~ West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society
Stephen's 884 - 22nd
Speaker: Karen
Calla, Acting Senior Program
Review Biologist, Oceans/Watershed
Planning and Restoration, Fisheries and
Oceans Canada, Vancouver
~ 7:30pm ~ Presentation: Riparian Areas Regulation
-- A Status Report
At 8:15, AGM Agenda under the auspices of the indefatigable
President Extraordinaire, Hugh Hamilton:
1. Call to Order
2. Review and Adoption of
the minutes of the AGM 15 Sept 2005
3. Receipt and consideration
(i) the Annual Report
of the President
(ii) Financial Statements for
the period ending 31 March 2006
4. Election of Directors of
the Society
5. Open Discussion (the
public is welcome to join the discussions)
6. Other Business (as may
properly come before the meeting)
7. Adjournment (9:30)
=3D=3D=3D Friday, Sept 22
Doors open at 7:30pm at the Library for the North Shore Celtic
Don't miss this lively throng of young
musicians performing traditional Celtic and Canadian folk music using
a wide range of instruments. This free, non-ticketed event is part of
Memorial Library's Free Friday Night Concert Series, funded
by the generous bequest of Robert Leslie Welsh. Everybody is welcome.
Reception hosted by the Friends of the Library. For information call
=3D=3D=3D Sunday, Sept 24
+ Closing night for Bard on the
+ "Walk for Heart" in
Ambleside Park, 10am
A fun-filled walk in support of the Heart &
Stroke Foundation where friends and families raise funds and increase
awareness of heart disease, the leading cause of death among women.
=46or more information or to register visit
www.heartandstroke.ca or call 604-983-8492.
*** Here's a note from our MLA, Ralph Sultan, who had a little
'turn' himself as you know:
Pease support me in the Cheerios Heart & Stroke Walk for
Heart on Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 10.00 a.m. at Ambleside Park in
West Vancouver. Walk either 3 km or 5 km -- whatever your
heart can take. Meet my team, Ralph's Ramblers at 9:30 a.m.
for a warm-up.
If you want to join me and Ralph's Ramblers for the walk, all
you need to do is go to
www.heartandstroke.ca/walk and
click on Register, British Columbia, West Vancouver, then Create your
user ID now. Look for the Ralph's Ramblers Team after you
complete the personal information page and sign up with either the
registration fee (it only costs $15), or raise $100 and waive the
registration fee. Be sure to enter as a Team member.
If you don't want to walk but still want to support me, you can
pledge me online through the following link:
The Ambleside, West Vancouver Walk is currently the 4th highest
fund-raiser Walk in all of Canada - only behind narrowly behind
Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa! So let's make the #1 spot!!!
Thanks so much and hope to see you then!
Ralph Sultan
Co-Chair for the Cheerios Heart & Stroke Walk for Heart -
Sunday, September 24th, 2006 at Ambleside, West Vancouver
Selected artists=92 work will be scheduled for an exhibit at
the FERRY BUILDING GALLERY in 2007. [Requirement details in
last issue.] For more information, please call 925-7290
LOCATION: West Vancouver Seniors' Centre
Activity Room, 21st Street/Marine Drive
=3D=3D=3D Tuesday, Sept 26
~ 7 - 10pm ~ FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE meeting in Council
Chamber -- update, presentation, public input!
=3D=3D=3D Thursday, Sept 28
~ 4:30 - 6:30pm ~ DAC
~ 5 - 7pm ~ NSACD at CNV Municipal Hall
=3D=3D=3D Friday, Sept 29
~ 6 - 8pm ~ Opening Reception at the FBG for exhibit,
"Connexions" - Arnt Arntzen, metal furniture; Richard
Tetrault, paintings.
=3D=3D=3D INFObit: Arts, Culture=
and Heritage Facility Devt Summary =3D=3D=3D
Further to the discussions Council had; details you probably wd
like to know.
Here's the url for the whole report (almost 90 pages):
This part below gives the various studies councillors wanted to
integrate and have plans/budget figures on as well as the
recommendations Council was discussing. Details you
probably wd like to know.
Coordination with Other Studies
The present project
is one of several current studies being undertaken by the District of
West Vancouver. Others include:
* Ambleside
Town Centre Strategy
* Ambleside
Park Vision Plan
It is essential
that the District fully coordinate the implementation of the Ambleside
Town Centre and Park plans with each other and with that of the Arts
Village. All address development and open space, pedestrian and
vehicular circulation, business and community development, the CN
right of way, and more.
A third current study also relates to the current
* Heritage
Strategic Plan
The heritage
aspects of the present study (e.g., the conservation of buildings and
properties with heritage value, the future interpretation of the Navvy
Jack House) should comply with the recommendations of the Heritage
Strategic Plan. Likewise, any municipal or community organizational
initiatives undertaken as a result of either study should
be coordinated
(District staff are currently developing an organization plan for
Council's review).
5.8 Summary
of Overall Recommendations
Historic and
Cultural Resources
* The Argyle
Avenue character should be preserved and reinforced by either re-using
existing buildings, where appropriate, or respecting the scale and
materials of the neighbourhood in new construction.
* Planners need
to take into account the diversity of non-residential historical land
uses along Argyle in planning.
* The social
dimension of Argyle Avenue's character should be respected.
Historically, the area has been home to people of diverse economic and
social status. An effort should be made to preserve this aspect of the
avenue's character.
* The stories of
individuals and families who lived along Argyle Avenue should be
communicated to visitors.
Waterfront Zones
and Community Connections
* Develop the
1500 Block as the heart of the Arts Village, focusing on the space at
the foot of 15th Street as a Village Green.
* All arts and
cultural uses along Argyle should be of appropriate size and function
to retain a cottage scale and transparency with no black box uses on
the waterfront.
* Retain the
residential character of the 1400 block if it becomes a future
expansion area of the Arts Village.
* Expand
opportunities for public gatherings at the foot of 14th Street by
creating a special events plaza and possible festival
* Enhance
connections between the Arts Village and Ambleside business community
through widened, more fully-landscaped sidewalks and boulevards, edged
with retail uses on the north/south
streets. Allow for
the closure of 14th Street between Marine Drive and Argyle for special
* Increase the
opportunities for pedestrian links across the railway tracks,
introducing mid-block crossings.
* Create an arts
and culture anchor on Marine Drive, within a mixeduse development,
possibly locating the Museum in the 1300 block of Marine Drive,
ideally at the southeast corner of Marine Drive and 14th
* Develop a park
setting around Navvy Jack House, as a heritage site, and naturalize
Lawson Creek.
* Traffic-calm
vehicular access along Argyle Avenue, retaining limited parking and
providing access for emergency and service vehicles. Enhance the
pedestrian and cycling uses along Argyle.
* Ferry
Building: Retain for current use. Any additions to be above grade
remain at "cottage" scale. Any alterations or additions must
respect the heritage character-defining elements and be approved by
the Heritage Advisory Committee and the District.
* Music
Box: Demolish and replace with purpose-built
* Silk
Purse: Retain and add to existing structure in a manner
sympathetic to the existing character. Suitable for intimate
performing arts venue, and associated auxilliary
* Navvy Jack
House: Undertake conservation study and restore to previous state
or preserve as is, according to recommendations. Potential use
as heritage interpretive centre and/or historic house museum, perhaps
with ancillary food service or gallery.
* Gertrude
Lawson House: Retain in present location. Suitable for use
as a public function such as a restaurant or
municipal reception
* Klee
Wyck: Retain house and grounds, perhaps with infill construction.
Undertake conservation study, including looking at options for re-use.
Suitable uses-public recreation (or cultural) uses in accordance
with bequest. Relocate existing arts related uses to Argyle Arts
24th, more... =3D=3D=3D
promised b/c on table
5.3 Ambleside
Park Vision Plan: Further Information
D. Leavers (Manager of Parks
and Environment) spoke relative to the further information report
dated July 19, 2006 and responded to Council queries regarding whether
commercial ventures would be considered for the park, project costs,
service priorities, improvements to the lagoon and surrounding
environment and possible partnerships with the Squamish Nation on
lagoon restoration.
Discussion ensued relative to
refinements to the plan, possible partnerships, consideration of type
of restaurant, sports field house and baseball diamond and whether the
park could accommodate all the suggested uses. D. Stuart (Chief
Administrative Officer) spoke relative to further information to be
provided to Council.
MOVED by Soprovich, seconded
by Vaughan:
THAT the report dated July 19, 2006 titled "Ambleside Park
Vision Plan: Further Information from the Manager of Parks &
Environment" be received.
* MOVED by Soprovich,
seconded by Vaughan:
THAT staff be directed to continue to refine the Ambleside Park Vision
Plan and report back to Council with a budget.
=46urther discussion ensued and D. Stuart responded to Council
The question was then called on the motion.
CARRIED -- Councillors
Clark, Ferguson and Smith voted in the negative
* MOVED by Smith,
seconded by Clark:
1. Staff be directed
to explore possible partnerships with respect to development of a
beachfront concession/restaurant/visitor use building and report back
to Council by the end of September 2006.
Discussion ensued and D. Stuart and D. Leavers responded to queries of
The question was then called on the motion.
* MOVED by Ferguson,
seconded by Soprovich:
THAT staff be directed to explore partnerships with the Squamish
Nation to address the restoration of, and ensure the health and
stability of, the lagoon in Ambleside Park.
* MOVED by Clark,
seconded by Smith:
THAT Staff be directed to continue planning a sports field house and
special events venue.
Councillors Day, Soprovich and Vaughan voted in the
* MOVED by Soprovich,
seconded by Day:
2. the Vision Plan be
incorporated into the Ambleside Area Master Plan.
5.4 Arts and
Culture Strategy - Arts, Culture and Heritage Facility Development
Study and Concept Plan
Councillor Ferguson (Chair, Arts and Culture Strategy Implementation
Committee) provided introductory comments relative to the concept
Chuback (Deputy Director of Parks and Community Services) referred to
the subject report dated July 17, 2006, provided a PowerPoint
presentation and spoke relative to: Strategic Direction; Priority
Strategies; Facility Study Objectives; Arts, Culture and Heritage
=46acilities Development Study; Study Focus; Criteria for Successful
Cultural Districts; Ambleside Arts Village Vision; Arts Precinct;
Design Principles.
Chuback also spoke relative to: Community Priorities; Consultant
Recommended Implementation Plan; Next Steps; Ferry Building Gallery;
Major Visual Arts Gallery; and Moving Forward.
Council commented relative to components of the concept
Councillor Ferguson requested that the entire motion be read, and that
each clause then be considered separately.
* MOVED by Ferguson,
seconded by Clark:
1. The West Vancouver Arts,
Culture and Heritage Facility Development Study be
* MOVED by Ferguson,
seconded by Clark:
2. Phase l, as outlined in
the Arts, Culture and Heritage Facility Development Study be
identified as a priority with the focus on the expansion and
enhancement of the Ferry Building Gallery.
Discussion ensued and Councillor Ferguson responded to Council queries
relative to components of Phase 2, costs, the Ferry Building Gallery,
land use and access to the waterfront and reviewed the considerations
leading to the recommendations. D. Stuart (Chief Administrative
Officer) spoke relative to the number of concurrent studies in
progress and the need to know whether Council supports them
conceptually, and responded to Council queries. Further
discussion ensued.
The question was then called on the motion.
CARRIED -- Councillors
Soprovich and Vaughan voted in the negative
* MOVED by
=46erguson, seconded by Clark:
3. Authorization be given to
develop a concept plan for this community gallery for consideration by
Council, utilizing architectural consultants, local artists and
CARRIED -- Councillors
Soprovich and Vaughan voted in the negative
* MOVED by
=46erguson, seconded by Clark:
4. The concept of a major
gallery in the Ambleside Town Centre be supported in principle and
that staff be authorized to undertake further work on size and
* MOVED by Ferguson,
seconded by
5. The Arts, Culture and
Heritage Facility Study be integrated with the Ambleside Town Centre
Strategy and the Ambleside Park Vision Plan.
{Your Editor strongly urges you to
get a copy of the study since they are major changes and devts for
Ambleside. Really exciting. Get involved in the planning.
Details regarding the studies and the recommendations are printed in
the section above.}
27th =3D=3D=3D
"tying up loose ends" -- you be da judge
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am.
Prior to dealing with the
regular order of business, Mayor Goldsmith-Jones announced that
Council had resolved to enter into an agreement with the West
Vancouver Youth Band to rent space in the new community
APPROVAL OF AGENDA as circulated.
3.1 Council
Meeting Minutes, July 17, 2006
Environmental Strategy Progress Report
(File: 1015?00)
MOVED by Smith, seconded by
1. The report dated
July 4, 2006 titled Environmental Strategy Progress Report be
received; and
2. Appendix A to the
report dated July 4, 2006 titled Environmental Strategy Progress
Report, be published on the District webpage and made available
for the public at the District Hall and Library.
4.2 1548
Argyle Avenue - Demolition of Dwelling and Conversion of land to
Public Use
MOVED by Soprovich, seconded
by Vaughan:
THAT the report dated June 26, 2006 from the Land and Property Agent
regarding demolition of the dwelling at 1548 Argyle Avenue and
conversion of the land to public use be received.
*** {So this was approved by
Ccl some time ago and this just confirms it's been
4.3 Proprietary
Transit Shelter Service - [Lions'] Gate North Bridge
Head E. Barth (Director of Engineering and
Transportation) spoke relative to the subject report dated July 24,
2006 and responded to Council queries regarding proposed locations of
the three transit shelters, financial considerations, and advertising
on the shelters. Discussion ensued.
MOVED by Vaughan, seconded by
1. Council receive the
report from the Manager Roads and Transportation entitled Proprietary
Transit Shelter Service - [Lions'] Gate North Bridge
2. Council direct
staff to enter into negotiations with Pattison Outdoors for the
supply, installation, and maintenance of three transit shelters in the
area of the Lions Gate North Bridge Head for a period of three years
after which the program may be re-assessed; and to report back to
Council with the proposed agreement prior to
CARRIED -- Councillor
Day voted in the negative
*** {Hope they don't crowd out
or block the billboards..... :-) }
4.4 Rock
Blasting for Eagle Lake Membrane Filtration Facility
E. Barth (Director of
Engineering and Transportation) spoke relative to the subject report
dated July 13, 2006, responded to Council queries regarding
preparations for the construction of the facility and blasting impact,
and confirmed that information regarding the blasting and facility
construction will be provided to the community.
*** {when?
MOVED by Clark, seconded by
THAT authority be given to District staff to execute an agreement for
rock blasting in preparation for construction of the Eagle Lake
Membrane Filtration Facility building.
*** {has there been any update
on the cost of this and hoped-for savings given current circumstances?
4.5 Accretions
and Natural Boundary Adjustments - Information Update and Proposed
Change to Notification Procedure
D. Stuart (Chief
Administrative Officer) spoke relative to the subject report dated
July 12, 2006 and responded to Council queries regarding the
Province's jurisdiction with respect to natural boundary adjustments
and the continuation of notification to area residents and Council.
MOVED by Day, seconded by
THAT the procedure for notifying and responding to accretion and
natural boundary adjustment applications under the Land Title
Act be amended to discontinue the practice of placing public
notices in the newspaper.
*** {IMHO this NEVER shd hv bn
done before ascertaining that the Province will provide notice in our
local papers. Are we losing the long-established right of public
access to the foreshore? Why does DWV not want to make sure we
know? It affects assessments as well, not to mention
precedents. Are Ralph and Joan
4.6 Youth
Competition and Recognition Fund Application - Graeme Bant and Gemma
MOVED by Ferguson, seconded by
1. Approval be given
to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and
Recognition Fund in the sum of $200.00 for Graeme Bant to attend
the Canadian National Cycling Championships and the Tour of Abitibi an
International race taking place in Quebec.
2. Approval be given
to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and
Recognition Fund in the sum of $100.00 to Gemma Goulder to attend
California Cup Field Hockey Festival.
4.7 Youth
Competition and Recognition Fund Application - Emily Yamaguchi and
Irwin park Destination Imagination Team
MOVED by Smith, seconded by
1. Approval be given
to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and
Recognition Fund in the sum of $200.00 for Emily Yamaguchi to attend
the National Soccer Championships in Edmonton.
2. Approval be given
to allocate funding for travel expenses from the Youth Competition and
Recognition Fund in the sum of $700.00 for Irwin Park Destination
Imagination Team to attend the Destination Imagination competition in
Knoxville, USA.
4.8 Coho
=46estival 2006 - Sign Bylaw Exemption
(File: 0510?13)
MOVED by Soprovich, seconded
by Day:
1. The report dated
July 19, 2006 from the Deputy Director of Parks and Community
Services be received;
2. Exemption to
the Sign Bylaw No. 3775, 1992 be approved for the Coho Festival
2006 being held on Sunday, September 10, 2006.
Miscellaneous Policy Procedure Changes
(File: 0282?01)
D. Stuart (Chief
Administrative Officer) and S. Nicholls (Director of Planning, Lands
and Permits) responded to Council queries relative to sections 3.4 and
3.5 of the report dated July 17, 2006, regarding duplex approvals, and
reporting to Council with respect to development
MOVED by Vaughan, seconded by
THAT Council approve the miscellaneous policy and procedure changes
set out in the report dated July 17, 2006 from the Director of
Administrative Services and Manager of Community Planning and bring
forward bylaw amendments, where appropriate.
*** {While glad my comment at
an earlier PQP not to implement the changes before putting this out to
the public for input, a bit disconcerting that changes have been
approved. One consolation is that amendments can take place at
Second Reading. It wd help, however, if the Policy Procedure
Bylaw cd be circulated with the changes indicated, either by bars or
in italics so we can see the improvement -- and even suggest further
improvements. As an example, it is positively antediluvian
to require ccl mtg agendas be posted outside the M Hall door but not
put on the website. How many of you go by the M Hall between
Thursday evening and Monday to see what's going to be decided at the
MOVED by Clark, seconded by
THAT Consent Agenda items as follows, be approved:
=B7 Item 5.1.1 - West Vancouver Chamber of
Commerce Fee for Service Agreement
*** {Wdn't it be nice to see
how much the WV taxpayer is paying and for
=B7 Item 5.1.3 - Development Permit
Application No. 06?036, 2533 Garden Court (Lot 23); and
Development Permit Application No. 06?037, 2563 Garden
Court (Lot 15)
*** {Devt Permit for
=B7 Item 6.1 -
AND THAT Consent Agenda items as follows, be excluded:
=B7 Item 5.1.2 - Rezoning and Development
Permit Application 06?034 (Collingwood School Wentworth
=B7 Item 6.1.1 - J. Peterson, July 10,
2006 regarding Eagleridge Noise)
=B7 Item 6.1.3 - C. Taylor, Minister,
Ministry of Finance, June 22, 2006
regarding Home Owner Grant
The following excluded Consent
Agenda items were then considered:
5.1.2 Rezoning
and Development Permit Application 06?034 (Collingwood School
Wentworth Campus)
Stuart (Chief Administrative Officer) and S. Nicholls (Director of
Planning, Lands and Permits) referred to the subject report dated July
10, 2006 and responded to Council queries regarding timing of further
information from the applicant, traffic issues at the existing
Wentworth campus, and bylaw enforcement.
*** {Hm. Wd have been
nice to know what the answers were. Now you know why I do
transcripts so you know what was discussed, ie the reasons and
replies. Bet the neighbours and those affected by the traffic wd
like to know about this too.}
Council then
THAT the Council
Information Report from the Community Planner titled, Rezoning and
Development Permit Application 06-034 (Collingwood School Wentworth
Campus) be received.
6.1.1 J.
Peterson, July 10, 2006, regarding Eagleridge Noise
(File: 1603?12)
Barth (Director of Engineering and Transportation) responded to
Council queries relative to construction and vehicle noise in the
subject area disturbing area residents, meetings with the contractor
to deal with issues raised and consideration for the neighbourhood
with respect to the construction noise, bylaw enforcement
relative to the contractor's work under provincial legislation, and
start and end times of daily construction.
9:06 am Councillor Smith noted a potential conflict of interest with
respect to the subject matter as his company delivers fuel to the
project, and left the meeting.
Discussion ensued
relative to the negative impact of construction noise on area
residents and whether there were any measures the District could
take. E. Barth informed that staff will continue to work with
the contractor to try to mitigate the noise impact on area residents
and noted that the contractor has been doing whatever they can within
their ability to decrease the construction noise impact on
residents. D. Stuart (Chief Administrative Officer) noted
that the hazard of forest fires also impacted the contractor's
construction times and commented regarding project delays and
responded to further queries of Council.
*** {So infuriatingly vague.
How I wish I'd gone to the meeting to know hear this additional
information from the queries and replies.}
Council then agreed that the
subject correspondence from J. Peterson be:
Referred to Director of
Engineering and Transportation for consideration and
9:15 am Councillor Smith returned to the meeting.
6.1.3 C.
Taylor, Minister of Finance, June 22, 2006, regarding Home
Owner Grant Program
Discussion ensued relative to the percentage of West Vancouver
property owners who receive only a portion, or none of, the home owner
grant, involvement of MLAs, and whether the District could join with
other municipalities in the region to negotiate with the Province
regarding the grant threshold. Council received the letter from
C. Taylor, Minister of Finance, June 22, 2006 regarding Home Owner
Grant Program, for information.
*** {Whether? surely
yes! when will a decision be made???}
5.1.1 West
Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service
THAT the West Vancouver
Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service Agreement and License [sic] to
Occupy dated June 07, 2004 be received for
*** {To explain: licence
is the noun and license is the verb. Look at your
driver's licence. OTOH we have licensed (past participle)
premises, and a licensing (present participle) permit/officer.
This distinction has been pointed out many times to the Hall over the
past couple of years -- they're getting better but guess it has
penetrated completely or to those proofreading (if anyone
5.1.2 Excluded
from Consent Agenda (Rezoning and Development Permit Application
06?034 (Collingwood School Wentworth Campus)
Development Permit Application No. 06?036, 2533 Garden
Court (Lot 23); and Development Permit Application No. 06?037,
2563 Garden Court (Lot 15)
THAT the Council
Information Report from the Manager, Community Planning dated July 14,
2006 regarding Development Permit Application No. 06-036 for 2533
Garden Court and Development Permit Application No. 06-037 for 2563
Garden Court be received.
*** {Received? already
done or still to be considered?}
THAT Correspondence items 6.1.1 to be approved for action as
indicated; and correspondence items 6.1.3 to 6.1.6 be received for
6.1.1  =
Excluded from Consent Agenda (J. Peterson, July 10, 2006,
regarding Eagleridge Noise)
6.1.2 S.
Vennesland, July 23, 2006, regarding [three]-minute time limit
for speakers during Council Meetings
Referred to
Director of Administrative Services for consideration and
response. M. Crombie,
Executive Director, British Columbia Paraplegic Association,
July 24, 2006, regarding Harmony Arts Festival and wheelchair
accessible parking spaces
Referred to
Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and
No Action Required (receipt
Excluded from Consent Agenda (C. Taylor, Minister, Ministry of
=46inance, June 22, 2006, regarding Home Owner Grant (HOG)
A. Dinwoodie, Chair, Union of British Columbia Nominating Committee,
July 21, 2006, regarding executive nominations
J. Anderson, Deputy Corporate Officer, Regional District of North
Okanagan, July 20, 2006, regarding 2006 UBCM Convention -
Restrict Staking of Mineral Claims on Private property and Impacts on
Water Quality of Mineral Exploration in Watersheds
Responses to
B. A. Dozzi, Manager, Roads and Transportation, July 19, 2006, to
N. Coates regarding Traffic Calming on Gordon Avenue, 21st Street and
22nd Street
Responses to Questions in
Question Period -- No items.
Mayor Goldsmith-Jones reported
on attendance at the recent GVRD Board meeting regarding the
Sustainable Region Initiative and at GVRD committee
Councillor Day commented
relative to the decision of the GVRD Board Chair regarding
Councillor Ferguson commented
relative to the GVRD Board Chair's decision regarding committees and
requested that the Chair be asked to consider sharing responsibility
of committees with Councillors.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS -- There were no questions or
*** {Highly unlikely given so
little notice, told nothing important, and held at 8:30 in the
=3D=3D=3D CCL NOTES Sept 1=
Various comments: nice to be back; nice to be missed
Mayor: wish to extend nice to be back,
welcome back; ev looks healthy and rested
before we begin, wd like to mention that former Mayor Derrick
Humphreys passed away this summer
thank Cclr Clark attending his funeral on
my behalf
wd like to read what presented to his
family on that occasion
extend condolences last week
Derrick Humphreys, involved and respected,
served many years, 1978 - 86
alderman 1957 - 64 in CNV
as mayor (here) numerous
initiatives: HBay Downtown
project; grant of arms for coat of arms,
v Derrick; stickler for heraldry, with wife Margaret the chain we wear
in exercise of our duties; Amb Downtown
Revit; Amb by the Sea; Expo 86 cmte; various cmtes/boards
in 1981 inaugural address to Ccl, his vision: a place of high
standards, for quality of life to be maintained and improved by the
duty of its ccl, staff, and residents which he quoted in book his A
Place of Excellence; and we still often remark WV is a place of
excellence, and credit Derrick for that
In 1995 recognized outstanding service, bestowed honour of
=46reeman of Municipality (DWV)
on a personal note, I added remarks
he had big white car with a licence plate, MAYOR; spoke in superlatives; had Britishness about him you either loved or wished he'd tone down a
Good sense of hum; poured a stiff gin and tonic
met him, he said I thought I might be a
mayor one day, spoke of what he imparted to Mark Sager
gave me book of wch he was proud and some
old files must read
loved WV and all of us in the
cmnty; had long and distinguished career,
his passing end of an era
think he wd say he has passed the torch to
us to continue to make WV a place of excellence
To Derrick's family, thank you for sharing him with us; he will be missed
As well, sadly former Mayor Loucks of CNV
died last week; his service tomorrow at
Cent at 2 o'clock; everyone invited
Ambitious plans for the fall
beginning with Ev Dr Town Hall mtg
tomorrow, cmnty invited
FSTF will be holding a public process
reported to Ccl end of Sept
well positioned to impact our budget
cmty ctr excavation complete;
will have report to Ccl on progress end of
Sept; will have quarterly reports from
then on
I meet weekly with mgmt team; can bring up
anything any time; want to be as
transparent and accountable as possible
new cmte structure going to take shape this
setting up many new working groups, will be
advertising, watch for it
some of wch:
Rodgers Creek Cmnty Plan Steering Group;
SG also for Heritage Plan; possibility of
new art gallery in Amb; Amb town
plan; beginning of new
tonight testing of live streaming of ccl
mtg only; only fed internally to see how
in next week or so; residents will be able to click on a ccl
mtg, ccl agenda item from past, watch
debate on their PC or watch it any time they care to in its
entirety; don't have to remember to watch
it at 9 o'clock on Tuesday
amend by withdrawing item 3 and adding 5.1, cancellation of Sept
18 cmte of whole mtg
27 {Minutes are in above sections}
Development Variance Permit Application 06-035 (3356 Radcliffe
Avenue) -- WITHDRAWN
4. Development Variance Permit No. 06?032
(6836 Copper Cove Road) -- received for
consideration on Monday, September 18, 2006.
5. New Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw
No. 4486, 2006 --
JC: on p3 refers to official, it says
current and former, why? everybody who's ever worked for us or held
office going back 75 years?
MClk: recommendation by solicitor; believe
under Cmnty Charter, will check
JC: what wd we indemnify them for: some
misstep in past?
CAO: just to ensure you're not opening
yourself to a law suit as a result of an election
if an action occurred within your term of
office and if you didn't run again, wd not want that
JC: surely these wd be civil cases and
there'd be statutes of limitations? two years
CAO: cd have circumstance, didn't move
forward until after you've left office of employ
activity while elected or employed, later
on find yourself out of pocket to defend yourself
JC: okay
[MOTION read a first, second and third time
and CARRIED, after 5.1 b/c actually motion not done at that time; then
back to 5.1.]
5.l Sept 18 Cmte of Whole mtg
cancelled and a regular mtg be held 7pm Sept 18 in
Mayor: imagine quite a few since six weeks
of Correspondence so just do 7 and 8 now
Sop: re 8, was drawn to Applications based
on Watercourse regulations; we're ahead of many Ms
In the applications, there are four within
riparian areas of creeks
find kind of curious, four now and probably
a lot more in future
possible to work within five metres top of
bank, how is that an improvement to those prior to change
indications were limited action in homes
along creeks in est'd nbrhds, wd allow some flexibility and some
nonconformity in that; see four recently and a lot of new homes now
being given the flexibility
yet the statement here we're way ahead of
the game
find it v curious
GBoyle: the bylaws typically deal within
nbrhds not the Upper Lands; only ones staff delegated to deal
deal within the riparian area wch is top of
bank to 15 metres, and in fact bylaw specific 5m we want to keep
unless building already there
how these bldgs interface in 5 to 15 m
area; formalize what was informal in the past
Sop: when the area above the hwy b/c a
nbrhd will they have the right to proceed with 5m top of
GB: completely different set of
regulations process with Upper Lands and future
first step is Rodgers Area
going to define a lot of areas for
protection, what's going to be public and private
Sop: if our laws in place and govt said our
laws better than anyone else and their laws not in place yet, what was
wrong with our laws in the first place?
CAO: the new bylaw really does allow us to
do a lot on a case-by-case basis
getting substantive improvements to the
areas as a result of the bylaws
the govt proposals, that opportunity wd be
out of our hands
getting really good success, talk to our
env'tal coordinator, homeowners looking to do improvements, env'tally
conscious, willing to do replantings, etc; getting better
Mayor: flagged b/c of watercourse, so Ccl
knows that so will require more on part of homeowner
wd be good to have a report on that b/c new
and we want to be aware from the homeowners how this is working, how
benefiting watercourses
Sop: fraught with nonconforming and fraught
with injury to env'mt
Mayor: think opposite, but will get status
CAO: sure
[Motions 7 and 8
Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
Item 7 - West Vancouver Solid Waste Utility -
Information Update & North Shore Recycling Program - 2005
Annual Report
Item 8 - Development Applications Status List
(File: 1010?01)
Item 9 - Correspondence items for action and
receipt as indicated.
Mayor: go to Item 9, top
JF made motion
Mayor: any items Ccl wants to pull
[53. R. Thorpe, Minister, Ministry of Small Business and
Revenue and Minister Responsible for Regulatory Reform, August 15,
regarding review of the property assessment and appeal
system ]
Sop: one from Minister Thorpe re small biz
re prop review regarding prop assessment and appeal
forwarded to Tax Sustainability Cmte for
their file
Mayor: Mr Stuart and I discussed that this
morning, thought we'd formally respond and bring it up with Minister
[44. V. Philip Boname, President, Urbanics Consultants
Ltd., August 05, 2006, regarding proposed development "The
Terraces at Ambleside"]
Sop: read with interest a proposal from Mr
Boname, who's in the audience this evening.
one is an art gallery proposal
wd that be helpful to the Amb Review
process we're doing now?
Mayor: Mr S, how wd you
getting a lot of interest in what's going
in Amb; various proposals; imp to know where being referred
CAO: as a matter of practice, a lot of
interest; what we're doing is that they're being circulated to approp
not a matter of responding, just
acknowledging receipt
those individuals interested then included
in some sort of mailing list to apprise them of progress
Mayor: Idea of when Amb Town Plan coming to
GB: actually planner working on this away,
back mid-Sept
planning to bring back to Ccl mid-fall;
have to talk about what process wd be
VV: Item 44 wanted separated; are we
discussing reasons? or discussions for later point
Mayor: yes
[JF speaking for a couple of minutes but mikes off so
unintelligible, and not on videotape either ~ 7:;22, sounded like
reports re Ambleside; and JF: reports re GST, then question about
Water Reservoir
picks up here]
JC: this item will be on GVRD Finance cmte this Thurs
Mayor: refer this; Mr Stuart, wd you write a letter; convey our
Anything further under Correspondence?
[29. D. Close, August 17, 2006, regarding Blasting in
Green Belt Behind 5100 Block Keith Road Properties
Referred to Director of Planning, Lands &
Permits for consideration and response.]
Sop: item 29 re blasting out in Caulfeild
Met with Mr Close, walked the prop, bluffs above his home
one more unit to go on the bluff
saw holes drilled in greenbelt, ready for big blast in rock
stopped by staff; concern no blasting in that area for fear rocks
roll down
other request, safety nets
other methods; not use a rockwall concept of stacking
assume staff have those concerns, and something underway, be done
to move quickly, mitigate, in that corner
Mayor: know staff moved quickly
GB: following initial contact with Mr Close; work was
determined useful to have a geotechnical reports b/c some loose
rock on that greenbelt area
concern the M property, parkland, greenbelt area
Parks will look at report
if goes ahead, will be public notification; quite concerned about
ensuring stability
Sop: not objecting to the house, the danger they wd face
Assured be attended to:
Mayor: partway through that
someone here re No. 25
doing this in an unconventional manner b/c so much going on
[25. T. Webster, Regional Loss Prevention Coordinator,
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, regarding "Zero Crash
Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and
Mr Webster: have seen reduction; 71 crashes that didn't
here to talk about results from last year; ask if Ccl will
province-wide 16% reduction for Oct
every crash avoided saves $1m in claims; hoping for support
Mayor: received; will have for Oct
RD: know you're not police but have you some influence with
Upper Levels to Cut, lots of accidents
need more police presence, undermanned
if I had clout with ICBC, improve traffic, policing on major
Ans: not able to speak; aggressive driving campagin, excellent
support from WVPD; worked with Staff Sergeant
some issues wrt RCMP staffing and availability for patrols
ICBC does support policing but in broader scale, we don't direct
where money goes
RD: RCMP resp in NV?
Ans: based out of Bby, from Gagliardi to WV border
RD: provincial police?
Ans: that hwy is its own jurisdiction
RD: defined unit? okay.
JC: Mr Webster sits on our school traffic cmte and he's been a
big help in many ways and we appreciate it.
JF: attended 14th annual Pioneer Skiers' gathering on your behalf
at Hollyburn Lodge
from 1920s, 30s, and 40s; some couples, met their spouse up
there; touching reunion
thrilled and delighted, send congratulations for its cultural
capitals grant
Luxton doing engg feasibility study for Hollyburn Lodge for part
of the grant.
things looking positive; they send their thanks
Mayor: excellent, thx for going
Sop: you and I attended Howe Sound Cmnty Forum
Peter Milburn report as to progress
Ms looking with great delight as to new road; Sq is going to be
the hub of many things; WV we got short end of goodies
assure you hwy's going to be safe; better for ev and the
travelling public, important
Sunday the annual Coho Festival -- amazes me how great this Ccl
is as cooks; extremely successful
been involved pretty well the whole length of the term, amazed at
turnout and keeps growing; all for the aid of salmon
Mayor: excellent turnout
JC: as acting mayor in your absence, a v quiet month,
our staff often get beaten up on a regular basis when public
think they're not doing their job
on Sat visited at my store by a resident, had a complaint about
bulge, about extension at 21st and Fulton; had letter
phone our Engg Dept at home, Barth, visited within 15 min, spoke
to resident, halted the work for a day and a half; resolved issue;
happened in about an hour and a half and resident came and thanked me
as a result of one phone all, but I credit Mr Barth and hope the Mgr
passes that on to him
the other thing that I have, a book on Seawalk, written by Mark
Averin (sp?), in precarious health condition; lives nearby
just been published, for you; interesting read, given his
situation, observations of our seawalk
Mayor: "One Man's Interaction with the WV Seawalk";
maybe we cd put in Library
JC: I have left a copy for the Library
Mayor: tyvm and you'll have to give me his address to
Mayor: Harmony Arts was outstanding this year
Spirit of the West concert, staff never seen anything like
just fantastic, our own central park
result of capital cultures fund, able to do a little more
a reception for sponsor, etc; good indication of the will to
expand cultural experience in WV
outstanding job by staff
CR: thank you, Mayor and Ccl; hope you all had a great
last time I was inviting you to the RoyalTea
this time, it's the North Shore Heritage Weekend this
sorry came a little bit late so don't know if Cclr Day told you
about all the really great events
RD: I didn't; go ahead and fill us in--
CR: didn't bring [brochure] with me, I thought you'd done
starts with talk by Michael Kluckner,
well-known BC artist, on Friday night; walks; Mollie Nye Cream Tea;
Port tours; [Heritage] Home tours on Sunday
Museum having big bangup on Sat b/c last
day of Living Edge exhibit
they've arranged for an exhibit of cars
from the 1950s and 60s so they asked me to put in my 1965 Renault
Caravelle [cream convertible], but I'm sure there'll be lots of other
cars there too
meet other ppl in the groups
sure brochures in the library,
posters; it will be great
meant to mention this first
wd like to add my thanks and appreciation to the Dir/Engg Mr
whenever a resident has come to me with a question and I've sent
them to Mr Barth, been answered right away and satisfactorily
He's a real gem so I want to add my compliments to the work that
he does
Anyway, hope we'll see you at some of the events on the weekend;
it'll be lots of fun
Mayor: think this is the calm before the
Sop: Cclr Smith said if I didn't talk so
much we'd get out early......
REMINDERS for later:
61. E. S. Holitzki, Manager of Bylaw & Licencing
[sic] Services to H. Ruiterman, July 24, 2006, regarding
Traffic Fine
* {There's no such word or version whether UK, US, or
65. C. Parsons, Urban Design Planner to Owners Strata
Plan VR?93 ("The Argyle"), August 10, 2006, regarding
Replacement of Tree at "The Argyle"
66. C. Parsons, Urban Design Planner to J. Cairns, August
10, 2006 regarding Replacement of Tree at "The
* {The above mention replacement tree but now how the
condition of the Devt Permit got changed without Ccl's knowledge or
=3D=3D=3D CCL Mtg AGENDA f=
Sept 18th =3D=3D=3D
items presented.
3. M. Webb, July 06, 2006, regarding North
Shore Spring Bear Fest
REPORTS -- Bylaws are passed
by a simple majority vote unless otherwise
Report on Town Hall Meeting re Evelyn Drive Area Plan
be provided on table.
5. Development Variance Permit No. 06-032
(6836 Copper Cove Road)
At the September 11, 2006 meeting, Council
received the report dated August 21, 2006 from the Community
THAT all written and verbal submissions...be
If Council wishes a further staff report,
THAT Staff report back
THAT the DVP Application, which would provide for additions
and alterations to an existing home with variances to Front Yard and
Side Yard be approved.
6. Proposed Enhancements Within a Covenant Area
(1555 Chippendale Court)
THAT Creek Protection Area Covenant (BG130860) not be enforced to
allow the removal of invasive species subject to landscaping being
provided in accordance with proposed Development Permit 06-011 (1555
Chippendale Court).
7. Subdivision and Heritage Revitalization
Agreement (2089 Westdean Crescent) Bylaw No. 4484,
THAT owners and occupiers of property within 50 metres of 2089
Westdean Crescent be notified of Council's intention to enter into a
Heritage Revitalization Agreement with the owners.
THAT Heritage Revitalization Agreement (2089 Westdean Crescent) Bylaw
No. 4484, 2006 be read a first, second and third time on October
2, 2006.
THAT the requirement of a minimum highway frontage of 10% of lot
perimeter, per Section 944 of the Local Government Act, be
waived for proposed Lot "B".
8. North Shore Disaster Bylaw No. 4485,
(File: 1610?20?4485)
THAT the report from the Acting Director, North Shore Emergency
Management Office (NSEMO), entitled "North Shore Disaster Bylaw"
dated August 8, 2006, be received.
THAT the North Shore Disaster Bylaw No. 4485, 2006 be read a
first, second and third time.
Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
10. Municipal Officials Indemnification Bylaw
No. 4486, 2006
(File: 1610?20?4486)
11. No
items presented.
Correspondence for Action and Information
Requests for Delegation
12.1 D. Gottlieb-Tanaka, Chair, The Society for the Arts
in Dementia Care, July 21, 2006, regarding request for delegation
re support in principle to establish a centre for the arts in dementia
care on the North Shore
Referred to the Municipal Clerk for response regarding delegation
Action Required
12.2. D. & S. Erb, September 04, 2006, regarding
Collingwood School - Morven Campus and parking issues
Referred to Director of Administrative Services for consideration and
12.3. D. Loukidelis, Information and Privacy Commissioner
for British Columbia, Office of the Information & Privacy
Commissioner for British Columbia, August 30, 2006, regarding
Local Government Surveillance Bylaw Report
Referred to Director of Administrative Services for consideration and
12.4 R. Walton, Mayor, District of North Vancouver,
September 05, 2006, regarding invitation to participate in the
Annual Halloween Family Fireworks Spectacular
Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and
No Action Required (receipt
12.5 Committee and Board
Meeting Minutes
=46iscal Sustainability Task Force, July 18, 2006 (File: 0115?FSTF1?01)
12.6. B. Hansson, August 24, 2006, regarding Squamish
Nation and billboards
(File: 0166-02-01)
12.7. J. Bant, September 07, 2006, regarding Squamish
Nation and billboards
(File: 0166-02-01)
12.8. H. Kardos, September 07, 2006, regarding 4769
"The Highway"
(File: 1010?20?05?026)
12.9. K. Galarneau & A. Wilkinson, August 31,
2006, regarding thank you to District staff
12.10 D.
Boyd, undated, regarding billboards and the floral clock
(File: 0166?02?01/2160?03?AMBL1)
12.11 R.
Carder, September 07, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation and
(File: 016?02?01)
12.12 R.
=46. B. Wood, President & CEO, Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C.
and Yukon and S. McDonald, Executive Director, BC Lung Association,
August 29, 2006, regarding Union of British Columbia
Municipalities resolution to make British Columbia 100% Smoke Free
with No Provision for Designated Smoking Rooms
12.13 C.
Wyse, MLA - Cariboo-South, Official Opposition, Local Government
Critic, Province of British Columbia, September 05, 2006, regarding
lack of paramedic services in rural and remote
12.14 C.
McCormick, September 13, 2006, regarding Town Hall Meeting, Evelyn
Drive Area Plan
Responses to
12.15 B.
A. Dozzi, Manager, Roads and Transportation to S. Spassov,
September 01, 2006, regarding Bonnymuir Place - Pavement
Responses to Questions in Question
Period -- 12.16 No items presented.
(3 minutes per speaker)
=3D=3D=3D Since it's back to school, here are some on
learning and teaching.....
Chinese proverb: Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may
remember; involve me and I'll understand.
Alice Wellington Rollins:
The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask
his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he
inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.
Ignacio Estrada: If a child can't learn the way we teach,
maybe we should teach the way they learn.
Patricia Neal: A master can tell you what he expects of you. A
teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.
Anonymous/Author Unknown:
A good teacher is like a candle -- it consumes itself to light
the way for others.
but also as an Italian proverb:
The teacher is like the candle, which lights others in consuming
The teacher is like the candle, which lights others in...
[With thanks to Dr Mardy Grothe:] On May 26, 1689, Lady
Mary Wortley Montagu was baptized in London. While not
particularly well-known today, she was one of the most colourful women
of her era. She was a great wit with a vivacious personality,
principally remembered as a prolific letter writer. She was also
highly regarded as a poet and essayist. In one letter, she
offered this paradoxical insight:
"A man that is ashamed of passions that are natural and
reasonable, is generally proud of those that are shameful and
Lady Montagu was at her best, however, when she was trying to
communicate an important life message via an analogy:
"People commonly educate their children as they build their
houses, according to some plan they think beautiful, without
considering whether it is suited to the purposes for which they are
William Arthur Ward:
=3D Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.
=3D The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The
superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
=3D Wise are they who have learned these truths: Trouble is
temporary. Time is tonic. Tribulation is a test tube.
=3D If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it,
you can become it.
=3D Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may
not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and
I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.
=3D When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring
out the best in ourselves.
=3D A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.
=3D To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be
able to laugh at yourself is maturity.
=3D It is wise to direct your anger towards problems -- not people;
to focus your energies on answers -- not excuses.
=3D Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the
Frank A. Clark, writer (1911- ): We find comfort among those who
agree with us, growth among those who don't.
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in
higher esteem those who think alike than those who think
=46riedrich Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)
The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch
eraser -- in case you thought optimism was dead.
Robert Brault, software developer, writer (1972- )