NOTES Sept 25; AGENDA Oct 2; Calendar to Oct 1

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

The equinox is past and now we're heading toward the winter solstice.
EVELYN DRIVE DEVT machinations continue.  New and contradictory/confusing debate re recommendations -- whose? how arrived at?  Transcript in report on Sept 25th ccl mtg.
And don't forget to get your ideas re taxation and how our money's spent in the municipality to fstf@westvancouver.ca.
G and C celebrate their birthdays in October: 4th and 28th; much in need of some serious R & R so this will be a skimpy issue -- may fill in gaps next issue -- and then more gaps!
= Ab Fab BARD on the BEACH!
= Main Items Oct 2: NShFestival of Volunteers; DVP 2446 Halston; Bylaw 2089 Westdean; Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Transfer, non-family ($?); Minutes from Bd of Variance and Police Bd; Letters re a traffic island, cost of Aquatic Ctr, UBCM Resoln, billboards, billboards, billboards, restaurant in Ambleside Park, bridge on Keith Place, 2089 Westdean
= Calendar to Oct 15th; UPDATES (Financial Sustainable Task Force);  Sept 25 Ccl Mtg Summary (+ two Evelyn Drive presentations); Oct 2 AGENDA; INFObits (Chamber bits, Popn of Canada, Hummingbird birth watch, WV SPCA); Wisdom of lil'uns; Quotations

As you know, our companies, Faximum Software and netVOICE communications, are supporters of Bard on the Beach.  It is a great cultural event, a bright highlight in Vancouver's year.
After the incredible closing performance (Dream, Sept 24), there's a wrap party for cast, crew, and supporters.  The next season's plays are announced and the Edmund Keane Sword Award given.
2007 is opening with The Taming of the Shrew (Miles Potter directing) and the previews may start as early as May 31
Also on the main stage, Romeo and Juliet (by the local incomparable and innovative Dean Paul Gibson who directed Dream this summer)
In the tent, Julius Caesar and the rarely performed, Timon of Athens
It was a great summer and attendance passed 80,000.
In the small tent, Troilus and Cressida - 6,600 = 94% house; and A Winter's Tale - 3,700 = 100%!
Measure for Measure - 18,500 = 80%
A Midsummer Night's Dream - 39,000 = 100%!  (was 70%+ booked weeks ahead shortly after opening, and sold out to the end of the season by the end of August)
Opera nights brought in another 1,560, and with some other special performances, they hit 80,000 this year, their 17th!
--What I must tell you is that while impressed by A Midsummer Night's Dream even at opening night, Sunday's closing performance was incredible and fantastic -- absolutely over the top -- we, the whole audience, were totally captivated -- with spontaneous applause frequently after many captivating segments, and enthusiastic standing ovations (the actors came back after the normal end of performance bow).  You really had to see the outrageous Puck and pompous Bottom.  Christopher Gaze himself even made a short appearance inserted as a joke -- Stinky Gaze, the stable boy -- but was told to his disappointment no role for him in Pyramus and Thisbe.  And it's impossible not to laugh at antics by Bernard Cuffling and Allan Zinyk.
Absolutely memorable.
I just can't wait for next summer!
Edmund Keane Sword Award
Bard on the Beach has a sword that Edmund Keane, the famous English actor, used.  It was first awarded to the venerable Douglas Campbell, handed on to Christopher Weddell last year, and awarded to Scott Bellis this year.  Scott has been with Bard since the beginning and played many different roles serious and comic, from a thoughtful Hamlet to this year's hilarious slap-stick Bottom (the ass) in Dream with a contorted comic death scene.  Well deserved.
===  CALENDAR to Oct 15th  ===
                Ambleside (Sunday), Dundarave (Saturday) Farmers' Markets on weekends!
===  Thursday, Sept 28th  ===
~ 4:30 - 6:30pm ~ DAC; and ~ 5 - 7pm ~ NSACDI at CNV Municipal Hall

===  Friday, Sept 29th  ===
~ 6 - 8pm ~ Opening Reception at the FBG for exhibit, "Connexions" - Arnt Arntzen, metal furniture; Richard Tetrault, paintings.  Exhibit closes October 19

===  Sunday, Sept 30th  === WVM Library book sale!

===  Tuesday, Oct 3rd  ===
~ 3:45pm ~ Civic Youth Strategy Working Group at the Srs' Ctr [DWV Calendar revised]
~ 4:30pm? Check to see if FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE meeting as usual on Tuesdays

===  Thursday, Oct 5th  ===  The Canadian Brass 8pm at the Kay Meek Ctr!
The Canadian Brass brings their unbeatable blend of virtuosity, spontaneity and humour to the Main Stage Theatre.  With 60 recordings to date and over three decades under their belts, the five men who put brass music on the map will perform their trademark repertoire of classical, jazz and contemporary concert music and popular songs as well as selections from their 2006 JUNO nominated CD: Magic Horn.
Sponsored by Odlum Brown Ltd.; Media sponsor: North Shore News
Call the Box Office at the Kay Meek Centre to reserve tickets: Call  604-913-3634. Cost $35 for adults, $30 for seniors and students.

************** ENJOY THANKSGIVING!  we've much to be thankful for.....  **************

===  Wednesday, Oct 11th  ===
~ 7:30am ~ WV Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Meeting at Hollyburn Country Club
Speaker: Joan McIntyre, MLA West VAncouver - Garibaldi
Topic:  A Provincial Government Year in Review
Joan will deliver an overview of the past year in Victoria. She will discuss major announcements made by the BC Government towards children and seniors plus initiatives dealing with public sector labour negotiations, the economy and trade.
Joan will also talk about her experiences serving the constituents of West Vancouver-Garibaldi and highlight recent projects in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor. These include grants directed towards numerous West Vancouver groups involved in the arts and culture sectors.

===  Thursday, Oct 12th  ===
WV Chamber of Commerce Community Affairs Committee to meet at Chamber
The first fall session of the Community Affairs Committee will take place in one week, on Thursday, just after the Thanksgiving weekend. We hope that all past members will attend, and welcome new members to this Committee.
The Chair, Kevin O'Sullivan, will be forwarding an agenda prior to the meeting.
Please contact Kathleen@westvanchamber.com if you plan on attending so that we can be sure that you receive it.

===  Friday, Oct 13th  === 
WV Community Foundation at Kay Meek Ctr
A FUN Evening OF MUSICAL MEMORIES  with the Timebenders
6:30 No-Host Bar; 8pm Performance
With more than 20 costume incredible changes and the music from the 40s to the 90s, the Timebenders will take you on a Rock Down Memory Lane with an explosive and rollicking dance show that focuses on high energy, audience participation and lots of fun. Relive the music of the Andrew Sisters - Buddy Holly - The Beatles - Motown's Greatest Hits.... and many more!!
Tickets: $65 each which includes a chance to win a door prize worth $1000!
For tickets, please contact Charlotte or Delaina at 925-8153, weekdays between 9am and 1pm or by email at westvanfoundation@telus.net or visit our website www.westvanfoundation.com
Call to Youth Artists between 13 to 18 to design an ICON for DWV -- details were in the last issue; $100 honorarium:
Deadline for Submission:
        *       The closing date for submissions is October 13th at 5pm.
        *       Submissions may be dropped off at 1538 Fulton Avenue, West Vancouver, from Tuesday, October 10th to Friday, October 13th between 3 and 5 pm each day
Contact Info:  Please contact Christie O'Krainetz, Community Engagement-Youth Coordinator at 925-7194 or by email
===   Small Business Week October 15th through 21st   ===

===  UPDATE  ===

The Fiscal Sustainability Task Force (FSTF) is percolating along.  Good turnout Sept 26 in Ccl Chambers ably moderated by Roff Johannson, Chair, to give them ideas re efficiency, reducing or raising taxes, services, what and how to spend your money!
If you want to participate, and I'm sure they're still welcoming input,
Subject: Fiscal Task Force: Questions Awaiting Your Answers!
here's the District's url:
with the eight questions they seek answers to.  You may wish to send your comments to:
Here's some background and the questions, fyi:

Fiscal Sustainability Task Force Public Meeting September 26th
The Fiscal Sustainability Task Force was formed to examine trends and issues affecting West Vancouver in order to provide recommendations to Council on a long-term fiscal sustainability strategy. Over the summer, the Task Force met weekly and will be reporting to Council at the end of October with their findings.
The Task Force would like residents and community groups to participate in the discussion by responding to the following questions to help prioritize fiscal issues.
    1       Do you favour increasing, maintaining or reducing current service levels? If you support change, please be as specific as possible. 
    2       When you think of value received for property taxes paid - do you get good value? Where do you think your dollars are best spent? Worst spent? 
3       Do you have any suggestions for the district to cut costs or become more efficient? 
    4       Would you agree to more, or higher user fees to increase revenue and/or cover service or program costs? 
        5       Do you think user fees should cover all the costs associated with an activity, service or program? 
     6       Do you have suggestions for additional sources of revenue that should be considered? 
   7       To pay for major capital projects (over $7 million dollars), should the District:
   * Wait and save up?
   * Borrow?
   * Partner with the Private Sector? 
        8       Should major capital projects be subject to voter approval through referendum at election time?
Responses can be e-mailed to the Committee Chair, or made in person by attending the Public Meeting on September 26 and providing the Task Force with your suggestions on how West Vancouver can become more fiscally sustainable.

{More on this is the next issue, I hope -- Editor}

===  Sept 25th Ccl Mtg Summary + Ev Dr  === {the skimpy version}
AT THE Sept 25 CCL MTG (7 - 8:58pm;; broadcast on Shaw 26th Tues 9-11pm):
Cclr Day absent.
= Evelyn Drive took us to 7:51 (Sop of course withdrew) but not just discussing 300 vs 350 (350 will go to staff for bylaws to be prepared; Public Hearing still tentatively Nov 6), information from two members of the Ev Dr Guidance cmte provide facts counter to the impression given both by the consultant and staff.  Do watch or listen, it is fascinating.  [Ev Dr presentations at end of this section.] The cmte vote was for B, not C; the minutes (called notes) of the June 8 mtg were only provided to mbrs three hours before the mtg so virtually no opportunity for mbrs to address 'errors and omissions'.  Although ppl who had signed up to speak weren't called up, it was adjusted to allow them.  (They still have to work on this protocol; the public cannot speak after Council has begun debate -- but what if they say or think or are told something that is not correct and it affects their decision?)  Vivian keeps wanting to look at the big picture.  Mike has reservations but says reality has to be faced.  Point was made even with mitigation of intersection (TW and MDr), the problem is LGB!  Jeanie talks about affordable housing and accommodating seniors with wheelchairs but Hank Jasper for Millennium implied all market housing and no margin for that at 350 units ("destroys economics").  Let's see what the masterplan looks like.  The devil may be in the details.  Mayor is looking for roads and pathways etc as benefit.
= 8:11 Clovelly-Caulfeild Nbrhd Plan cmnty feedback mtg Oct 25
= DPA 2533 (lot 23) and 2563 (lot 15) Garden Court -- public mtg waived but I'm curious about that and the fact they mention at least one ephemeral creek piped.  Mayor mentioned LEEDS silver standard.
= No notification for proposed subdivision at 2185 - 25th St even though adjacent to creeks.....
= 8:14 lots of discussion wrt noise in construction at 2142 Argyle; staff had to visit site 40 times, had 12 extensions to noise bylaw and got eight more.
= 8:29 Discussion on 13.2 of Correspondence about permit and third building re daycare at 707 Anderson Crescent (wrt staff or Bd of Health or Ccl to give permit, plus effect of expansion re traffic on Taylor Way.
= 8:41 Reports from Mayor and Ccl: heart walk; events at KMC; Police Bds/Seminar; GVRD motion against twinning Port Mann bridge, etc with complaints at transportation tie-ups and WV's being shortchanged so letter to be written
= 8:55 PQP -- your bedraggled Editor, was not going to speak but felt compelled to point out:
1) Evelyn Drive is a 'study area' and any developer's profits irrelevant; in making decision, whatever density, presume staff and Ccl will do what is best for whole cmnty;
2) the FSTF had been doing excellent work with their three subcmtes and no one has told the public that the public input mtg will be tomorrow night (Tues) at 7pm -- everyone welcome!  The Mayor said one of the three cclrs shd hv mentioned it.

+ A +
+ Philip Falls (his notes)
September 25 Notes for presentation to Council:
       My name is Philip Falls. I live on Eden Place and was an "adjoining property owner" with the EDGC. If there are errors in my comments, I apologize to my committee members on the EDGC.  I attended all of the EDGC meetings. I enjoyed serving the community and look forward to doing so in the future.
       Ray Spaxman Group has clearly inferred that there was a strong support in favour for Option C by members of the EDGC.  I believe this is inaccurate.
       Indeed, several members were in favour of Option C and one in favour of Option E; however, four members very clearly favoured of Option B. 
       I have always accepted and respected that The Spaxman Group alone (with input from others, including the EDGC) had the mandate to bring forth a recommendation(s) to Council.  Furthermore, I have also respected that committee members individually or collectively did not have to agree with the final Spaxman Group recommendation, and equally, the Spaxman Group did not have to agree with committee members on their preferences. 
       Similarly, I also respect Millennium's ability as a developer and their right as owner of the properties to redevelop the area.  I appreciate that they are anxious to start building and I respect that. 
       Back to the Spaxman Group.  Consequently I accept that The Spaxman Group has the authority to recommend Option C, but by saying in the Final Report (and this was the first time to my knowledge that this specific language was used by Spaxman), that, I quote "the Committee agreed with the plan presented here for about 350 housing units and a density in the order of .74 FAR", The Spaxman Group Limited is incorrectly inferring that it had strong and collective support for this option, when in fact this was never the case. There was no such consensus, although like most others we would have liked consensus, as this would have been better for the community as a whole.
How did this misrepresentation take place?
Council should know that the first time the Draft Report was discussed at the EDGC was on Thursday, June 8, the Thursday, only four days, before the Final Report was to be presented to Council. 
At this time the Ray Spaxman had yet indicated his recommendation would be.
He did however go around the table, to seek each of our individual opinions. 
It was at that time that he became clearly aware of the fact that the committee was divided. 
The Final Report was only circulated to the EDGC on the weekend.
The EDGC did not have the opportunity to discuss it as a group. Spaxman Group in response to a question that I asked also told us on the previous Thursday that the EDGC would not meet to discuss his Final Report.
It was in this very Final Report and never before that The Spaxman Group inserted in the first page comments that suggested that the Group had reached a consensus and that Spaxman Group had strong support for Option C. (I now note that similar inferences have now crept into the minutes dated June 8, which were handed out today, [three months?] later.)
With unreasonably very little time to provide feedback on this misrepresentation of facts several of us sent of emails to The Spaxman Group, EGDC members, and city staff.  Others and I were placed in a very uncomfortable position of having to tell Spaxman Group that he was incorrect and that we were not happy about this.  As this happened at the very last minute, (and only because The Spaxman Group only provided his final report and his controversial comments at the last minute) [it's] been inferred that some of us have been less than professional and not working collegially.
In fact we have always acted with integrity and that is why I sent my objections to his conclusions late Sunday night at 12:30 in the morning.  To do anything other than to have The Spaxman Group correctly report my and my colleagues' position in the his Final Report would be to disrespect my/our constituents, the residents of West Vancouver, and members of staff and council that mandated the creation of the EDGC.
Yes, my comments were made last minute: but then, that's how we received the Final Report.
we only received the minutes of the meeting of June 8th, today at 11:15AM, so I would like to ask The Spaxman Group when [we are] expected to comment, and correct the minutes and approve the minutes?  These minutes cannot be approved. At 4:18 pm today I received an email to provide district staff with any comments on accuracy.  That's a bit ridiculous.
I am, as are others, also disappointed to note that the Final Report did not even comment on some of the serious inconsistencies that surrounded the preparation of the Economic Feasibility report.  In a very short period (less than two weeks), two reports were produced both with significantly different conclusions, i.e. virtually overnight lower density options were alleged to be unprofitable.   More importantly, the last financial report that is referenced in The Spaxman Group Final Report, was not adjusted for the inconsistencies that were discussed at a meeting that included some members of the EDGC, the land economist, city staff, and R. Spaxman.  There were serious concerns in the financial models about the validity of the model inputs: including among others, land acquisition costs, district soft costs, assumptions regarding the portion of debt used to finance the properties, and others.  Even the land economist had concerns. The financial inconsistencies created biased against the profitability of lower density options in favour the higher density options.  Adjusting for some of the inconsistencies, as it was showed, Option B was in fact not a money-[loser].  These facts were never reflected in the Final Report. 
Regardless of the financial forecasts,
it's of concern and very perplexing that financial feasibility is even considered as an important element of the decisions, let alone even a factor at all.  I (and others) do not think economic feasibility is to be considered, or at least not in an attempt to secure a developer a predetermined target rate of return or level of profitability.  We can appreciate its importance so that the city can [quantify] what potential financial benefits may be available to the community, but that's about it.  I do not believe that the residents of West Vancouver however, should be responsible for the developer's profit and loss statement, by selecting a higher density option that may reach alleged "required" profit thresholds.  The economic feasibility argument is a "red herring" to suggest that ["anyway"] option B is not that profitable and to influence decision-makers in favour of preferring higher density options. (Please note that I represent one of [BC's] largest institutional [investors] so that when I speak on the economics of the project; I am speaking not just out of personal but also professional [concern.)]
it would have been nice to have a consensus and have strong support for one option or another.  Who would not want that!   What we know in fact it that there was no consensus and that there were supporters of both Options B and C.  I can suggest that it would take very little work and very little imagination to suggest that an Option between B and C would probably be the one that you might find consensus on, but as I was told repeatedly at the EDGC "we have run out of time and budget to go further".  I support Option B not Option C.  This is not a reversal in my position or in those of others who support Option B--- but if you are not sure ask them directly. 
I appreciate that residents, council, staff and members of the EDGC are all tired and we all want to redevelop the EDGC area.  However, I urge council to consider that the Final Spaxman Group Report never had strong support from the EDGC Option C.  He had good support for both Options B and C.  Furthermore valid resident surveys that the district and residents have conducted over the past years have also never shown support for the number of units and density proposed in Option C.  Accordingly your decisions to support Option C should you go that route cannot be presented to the residents of West Vancouver as reflecting the opinions of the EDGC, nor of West Vancouver residents because-that is simply not the case. 
Thank you for your time and your hard work
.....MY EMAIL #1 re Final Report
-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Falls
Sent: Mon 26/06/2006 12:25 AM
To: David Stephenson; Rosemary Roberts; Beverley A. Pitman; Bo Helliwell; Brent Dozzi; Brian Walker; David Stephenson; Delfa Syeklocha; Geri Boyle; Jan Voss; Keith Pople; Michael Rosen; Ray Spaxman; Rick Amantea; Shahram Malek
Subject: RE: Spaxman Group Final Report
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Ray Spaxman Group
Thank you for your report. 
I notice that in the preface to your report, that you state in the first page, "In the final analysis, the Committee agreed with the plan presented here for about 350 housing units and a density in the order of .74 FAR". (Page 1, last paragraph). 
I am not comfortable with your concluding comments.  This is not my recollection of what took place.  I for one personally stated that I preferred Option B (about 255 units) and if not would consider something between Option B and C.  I certainly did not support or agree to Option C (350 housing units and a density in the order of .74 FAR) as your statement infers.
On the same page you acknowledge, that "one group prefers that the plan be limited to 255 units and .55 FSR" (Page 1 paragraph 4).  I do not recall any of the members from this group changing their positions to agree to Option C.  You might want to check with these individuals to see if they have a different recollection of what took place, as I had to leave the meeting a few minutes early.
I believe that it is inaccurate for The Spaxman Group Consulting Group Limited, to state in print, as it presently does, that the committee agreed to a plan for 350 units and .74 FAR.  I respect that The Spaxman Group Consulting Group Limited alone (with input from many others) was given the mandate to bring forth a recommendation(s) to council.  I appreciate that I and others on the committee do not have to agree with your final recommendation, just as The Spaxman Group Consulting Group Limited, does not have to agree with mine.  I also accept that you have the authority to recommend Option C, but by saying that, "the Committee agreed with the plan presented here for about 350 housing units and a density in the order of .74 FAR", you are incorrectly inferring that you had strong and collective support for this option, when in fact you did not, as there was no such consensus.
I have to be out of town and will not be able to be at the Monday council meeting. 
Good luck with the presentation of your report to council.

+ B +
+ David Stephenson (his notes for his presentation)
Thank you for the opportunity of having been part of the Evelyn Drive Guidance Committee
Naturally, any project that involves taking up to twenty acres of single family residences and turning them into a much higher density zone requires great caution Certainly, the Chairman Ray Spaxman did a good job of trying to get people with diverse views and opinions to work together but at the end of the day it is the Spaxman report and their recommendation.
Where it gets a little messy is that we are now being told that we were in consensus in terms of a decision around Option C although careful reading of both page 1 and page 15/16 refutes this [statement of] consensus.
The members of the EDGC only saw the final report a few days before it was delivered to Council by Ray Spaxman on Monday June 26th, 2006.  As soon as some of us saw this final report we objected as spoken to by Ray Spaxman upon his delivery of his report to this Council on Monday June 26th.  He acknowledged getting a number of emails over that weekend and on the Monday that we did not agree with his conclusion that [we] had reached consensus.  We have copies of these emails if anyone would like to view them.
In the final analysis
Four of us had strongly supported Option B and some of us were prepared to look at moving towards C if it could be shown and proven that B was not economically viable.
Another member of the committee who was unfortunately away on our final EDGC meeting night had in fact earlier stated his preference was for B if there were not any community benefits and up to Option D if there were very good community benefits associated with it.
We were never shown any financials that supported B as not being a viable option.
We had earlier been shown some financials but upon further probing in a two-hour-plus meeting with the financial expert along with Geri Boyle and Ray Spaxman, we did find some significant financial flaws that cast real doubt about which options were viable and which were not.
At this point I would also like to point out that the wider community had spoken both at the prior public hearings as well as through the various surveys of close to 1,000 people when combining the surveys of Preserve West Vancouver, and the Sentinel Hill South Slopes Property Association and the majority [spoke] to [a] preference for a lower density than is proposed under Option C.
Incidentally we got the minutes (notes) of our final June EDGC meeting from the Planning Department just today nearly four months after the meeting with no opportunity [to ratify] them.
I fully agree with Councillor Michael Smith when he talks of 'wriggle room'. Given the number of projects that we have seen that come back later asking for more density I believe we should be very diligent in ensuring that we do not 'max' out density/traffic too early in the process.
Thank you,
David Stephenson,  836 Esquimalt Avenue, W.V.     Sept 25/06

{Your Editor wonders how Ccl will square this circle:
residents want to retain their quality of life and their neighbourhood character as well as not wanting more traffic problems; access is somewhat problematical given the restricted access; planners see a textbook case for density since close to shopping, transportation, and recreation/parks; not mentioned but many single houses are bought throughout WV, demolished, a new one built, and a handsome profit made (and DWV is not to be used as a vehicle for facilitating profit); the area is rundown and with increased density there are considerable benefits such housing diversity/options all recognize desirable and more needed, as well landscaping and improved roadways paid by the developer in exchange; as to growth, all the housing will certainly not be built in a year; if TWay an impediment, what about the other devts above the Upper Levels?  and along the Sea to Sky Hwy?  With good will and good intentions certainly a positive and desirable consensus can be reached -- all aspects need to be explored and examined to make the best of this opportunity to revitalize a neglected area at the gateway to our cmnty.}

===  Ccl AGENDA Oct 2nd  ===

1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA / 2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: September 18, 2006 Regular Council Minutes
3.         B. Maclellan, Director, Volunteer North Shore, North Shore Community Resources, regarding North Shore Festival of Volunteers
4.         Development Variance Permit (2446 Halston Court) for consideration on Monday, October 16, 2006.
5.         Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4484, 2006 (2089 Westdean Crescent)  (accompanying report to be presented on table)
RECOMMENDED: introduced and read a first, second and third time.
6.         2007 Permissive Tax Exemptions...be introduced and read a first, second and third time.
7.  CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS  --  Reports and Correspondence
8.         Affordable Housing Update and Homelessness Awareness Week
9.         Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Transfer - #244 (File:  1145?04?244)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the non-family transfer of Cabin #244 be approved as per the Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Permit to Occupy, Clause 20(b).
10.       Development Applications Status List (File:  1010?01)
11.       2006 North Shore Heritage Weekend (File:  2585?08)
... report from the Sr. Community Planner and the Heritage Services Curator on the 2006 North Shore Heritage Weekend be received.
12.       Correspondence for Action and Information
+ Requests for Delegation
12.1         S. Zhang and L. Wang, Falun Dafa Association BC, September 25, 2006, regarding request for delegation regarding Falun Gong practitioners
                 Referred to the Municipal Clerk for response regarding delegation scheduling.
+ Action Required
12.2         R. Wilson, September 20, 2006, regarding traffic island construction at the intersection of Headland Drive and Sprucefield {isn't it Sprucefeild?} Road
                 Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
12.3         E. Guy, Strata Council Chairman, Strata Corporation VR835, September 27, 2006, regarding Noise Bylaw Violation
                 Referred to Director of Administrative Services for consideration and response.
+ No Action Required (receipt only)
12.4         Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
                 (a)          Board of Variance Minutes, July 19, 2006 (File:  2310?02)
                 (b)          West Vancouver Police Board Minutes, July 27, 2006 (File:  2905?03)
12.5         B. O'Connor, Medical Health Officer, North Shore, Vancouver Coastal Health, September 20, 2006, regarding Specific Child Development Data by Neighbourhood
12.6         E. Britton, Township Clerk, September 14, 2006, regarding Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Resolution
12.7         M. Gabriel, Executive Director, North Shore Crisis Services Society, September 12, 2006, regarding thank you for grant
12.8         G. Milne, September 17, 2006, regarding Aquatic Centre cost (File:  0560?01)
12.9         R. Carder, September 16, 2006, regarding Squamish Band Billboards (File:  0166?02?01)
12.10       G. Burns, September 13, 2006, regarding Signage on Lions' Gate Bridge (File:  0166?02?01)
12.11       G. Burns, September 14, 2006, regarding Lions' Gate contractor not removing graffiti 12.12       B. and J. Richardson, September 23, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation billboards
12.13       J. R. Thibodeau, September 24, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation billboards
12.14       C. Anton, September 23, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation billboards (File:  0166?20?01)
12.15       J. R. Bremer, September 24, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation billboards (File:  0166?20?01)
12.16       S. Vennesland, September 25, 2006, regarding proposed restaurant at Ambleside Park
12.17       D. Macfarlane, September 24, 2006, regarding bridge located on Keith Place off Keith Road in Cedardale
12.18       J. and P. Cochran, September 23, 2006, regarding Squamish Nation billboards
12.19       B. Riley, September 24, 2006, regarding billboards on Lions' Gate Bridge/Second Narrows Bridge
12.20       J. Rigg, September 24, 2006, regarding North Shore Proposed billboards (File:  0166?02?01)
12.21       M. Wong, September 25, 2006, regarding 2089 Westdean Crescent
12.22       Mr. and Mrs. W. A. B. Pettit, September 25, 2006, regarding 2089 Westdean Crescent
12.23       W. Wong, September 27, 2006, regarding Heritage Revitalization Agreement (2089 Westdean Crescent) Bylaw No. 4484, 2006
12.24.      W. H. Willis, September 25, 2006, regarding 2089 Westdean Crescent
12.25       M. D. Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond, August 11, 2006, regarding Support for Affordable Housing
+ Responses to Correspondence -- 12.26       No items presented.
+ Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  12.27.      No items presented.

===  INFObits  === from the Chamber:
from the WV Chamber of Commerce:
+  Small Business Guide to Provincial Sales Tax Now Available
The provincial government recognizes that many of you collect taxes on their behalf. With that in mind, the Ministry of Small Business and Revenue, the BC Chamber and other like-minded business groups have been working toward the development of improved communications between small business and the government.
One of the steps taken to date is the development of The Small Business Guide to Provincial Sales Tax (PST).  This booklet is now available to you at no charge, through the Chamber. This guide helps clarify the responsibilities and entitlements around the PST.
Be sure to contact drop by our office to pick up your copy of this important guide.
Tax Exemption on Energy Conservation
Were you aware that the BC Government allows PST exemptions on specific items that can help reduce your use of energy? The program has been in place since 2005 and will finish as of March 31, 2007. With fall now here, you might be considering some home improvements related to energy conservation. For those of you who are, we hope that you can take advantage of this offer.
For details about the tax exemptions on energy conservation please click here.


Population of Canada's provinces and territories as of July 1, 2006: Canada 32,623,490

        Newfoundland and Labrador 509,677
                       Prince Edward Island 138,519
    Nova Scotia 934,405
                        New Brunswick 749,168
   Quebec 7,651,531
                        Ontario 12,686,952
        Manitoba 1,177,765
                      Saskatchewan 985,386
    Alberta 3,375,763
                       British Columbia 4,310,452
        Yukon 31,121
                        Northwest Territories 41,861
                                        Nunavut 30,782
Forwarded to me:
This is truly amazing. Be sure to click on NEXT PAGE at the bottom of each page; there are five in all. A lady found a hummingbird nest and got pictures all the way from the egg to leaving the nest. Took 24 days from birth to flight. Because you'll probably never in your lifetime see this again, enjoy; and please share.
 The photography is wonderful. Go digital!
SPEAKING OF ANIMALS, support our local SPCA:
The Community Advisory Council for 2006:
Joan Brazier is the new chair, Roy Van Brunt is past president, and members are Kevin Fetherstonhaugh, Ted Lanning, Kathryn Mcneight, John Novosad, Christine Reed, and Mary-Ann Stouck.
The SPCA is located on Pound Road in Ambleside Park near the rlwy tracks.
email: wvan@spca.bc.ca

===  LESSONS from Little 'Uns  ===
A four-year-old child, whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy just said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry."
A four-year-old was at the paediatrician's office for a check up. As the doctor looked in her ears with an otoscope, he asked, "Do you think I'll find Big Bird in here?"
The little girl stayed silent.
Next, the doctor took a tongue depressor and looked down her throat. He asked, "Do you think I'll find the Cookie Monster down there?"
Again, the little girl was silent.
Then the doctor put a stethoscope to her chest. As he listened to her heart beat, he asked, "Do you think I'll hear Barney in there?"
"Oh, no!", the little girl replied, "Jesus is in my heart... Barney's on my underpants."
On my way home one day, I stopped to watch a Littlle League baseball game that was being played in a park near my home. As I sat down behind the bench on the first-base line, I asked one of the boys what the score was.
"We're behind 14 to nothing," he answered with a smile.
"Really," I said. "I have to say you don't look very discouraged."
"Discouraged?", the boy asked with a puzzled look on his face... "Why should we be discouraged? We haven't been up to bat yet."
Whenever I'm disappointed with my spot in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott.
Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen.
On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement.
"Guess what, Mom," he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me.....
"I've been chosen to clap and cheer."

===  QUOTATIONS  ===

Brock Chisholm (1896-1971) was a Canadian World War I veteran, medical practitioner, and the first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). He was a strong advocate of religious tolerance and often commented that man's worst enemy was not disease, which he felt was curable as long as men worked together, but man himself...
"Conscience is what your mother told you before you were six years old."
On September 28, 1993, Peter De Vries died in Norwalk, Connecticut.  He was the son of Dutch immigrants who settled in Chicago and showed an early interest in poetry and wordplay.  After serving as editor of "Poetry" magazine from 1938 to 1944, he joined the staff of "The New Yorker", where he worked for the rest of his professional life.  He wrote several not-very-successful novels before his 1954 novel "The Tunnel of Love" became a bestseller (it was also made into a successful play and film).  He was noted for novels that were light on plot but heavy on clever wordplay and sardonic vision.  "Tunnel of Love" contains a great chiastic quotation:
     "The value of marriage  is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults."
He also had a special fondness for analogies and metaphors:
     "Marriage is to courting as humming is to singing."
     "The tuba is certainly the most intestinal of instruments, the very lower bowel of music."
     "Life is a crowded superhighway with bewildering cloverleaf exits on which a man is liable to find himself speeding back in the direction he came."

There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.
                -- Dale Carnegie, author and educator (1888-1955)