Calendar to Jan 14th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

YEAR END/THEATRE: Interesting version of Dickens's A Christmas Carol at the QE before Christmas -- James Fagan Tait and Dean Paul Gibson always a guarantee for something funny and inventive.
Hope you all enjoyed the holidays!  Kept your resolutions so far?
and now for something(s) completely different........
                ...no ccl mtg notes so can include some reading and different topics...........
= MAIN ITEMS Jan 8th: Mayor's Report ('to be provided'); DVPs: 2650 Nelson, 1278 Chartwell, 4769 The Highway - Revised; Another Hollyburn Cabin Transfer; Ccl Remuneration Review (fascinating reading; at present the Mayor gets $62,582, of course the councillors are underpaid at $20,860 but the comparison shd be with other Ms of similar population, not all GVRD; why not make part of Budget 2007 deliberations?; Preview Assessment Roll; Correspondence: well, not just cmte/bd minutes (LibBd, Cmnty Engagemt Cmte, DAC) linked this time (good) but also letters from agencies (wch never shd hv been blocked in the first place b/c ludicrous they blocked saying a matter of 'privacy'), however still outrageous though perhaps in keeping with being as censorious as possible, the letters from residents are not even listed!!!  Openness my eye, farce, farce, farce, frustration, frustration, frustration, waste of time.  Measures calculated to be the most time-consuming, awkward, costly as possible instead of simply naming that item: Public Correspondence -- done the same as for Public Hearings or DVPs.  Sheesh!   BTW Jeanie: I and others have received calls if letters published in VSun, NSNews, or DWV agenda.  That is not abuse.  Govt of the public ought to be done in public -- we pay for it.
= Thanks; Reviews (done before Christmas); INFObits: 'spec' vs custom-built new homes in WV, Input on Health Care in BC; New Year's Resolution; Calendar to Jan 14th (Cherry Blossom Festival/Haiku contest); AGENDA Jan 8th; List of West Van Matters in 2006, 'The Year in Review'; The War on Errorism, first instalment (LANGUAGEWATCH); Still Partying? Drink and Driving Test; New Year's Haiku; Quotations
DON'T YOU JUST LOVE THIS COUNTRY?  Some nations get spooked and paranoid and start panicking, demonizing, talking about racial profiling and Islamofascism (with fear needed to unite them,  eg 9/11).  What does Canada do?  Starts a TV sit-com (CBC next week) entitled "Little Mosque on the Prairie"!  You gotta laugh.  Good way to acculturate newcomers to our country -- hey, look, we don't take ourselves seriously, come join in the fun -- (watch Corner Gas; note the biting criticism/satire of 22 Minutes and Royal Cdn Air Farce).  We like a good time, we're not in any power games, we're a mosaic (with the whole range of ppl in each group), and friends who like each other can laugh together and at themselves too.  That's acceptance.  That's a rich community.

Well, thank you, Dear Readers; and a hearty "you're most welcome" to those who wrote to thank me for my time and efforts in preparing the newsletters weekly.  And grateful delight to a few who rather than get it by email have picked up the paper copies so gave a donation toward the paper and printing costs.  Much appreciated since they cost about $500 a month (staff time included).  Each copy is about $2.  (Some more, a few less such as this short one without a transcript.)
It has been suggested I start a blog.  That may happen.  The intent of the newsletter, however, was to provide full information for residents so they cd make up their own minds.  Come spin for PR, not to mention election time, often voters have little choice but to believe what told b/c there's no source even if they wanted or had time to research.  It's really valuable and helpful to know for sure wch claims are true and who's telling the whole truth.  Newspapers do not have much space to devote to WV.  Also, b/c of having attended nearly all the ccl meetings (except about eight) since 1988, often I can give the background of some issues and help explain why a decision was made, what the process was (or wasn't).
Some ppl tell me they just skim through the newsletter looking for my comments.  That is what cd be in the blog -- and be less work!
Reading those transcripts, however, draft and incomplete/hasty as they are, does give the flavour of debate and gives credit to valid comments by ccl mbrs that are worthy of consideration but seldom are reported.

===  REVIEWS: Two Books, Two DVDs  ===

* Palestine: Peace not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter
A brave book by the former US President who has concerned himself with elections and human rights.  There's information not generally known or reported -- did you know that one of the conditions for the establishment of the State of Israel in part of Palestine was that Jerusalem be an international city?  Since it is holy to three major religions it seems like a reasonable compromise that it be shared and jointly administered, not controlled by any one of them.  Many think that the two-state solution is necessary for peace and that the Palestinians must accept being on about 22% of what was Palestine (instead of the rest of the original UN borders for Israel at 56%).  The Arab League offered some years ago to recognize Israel in pre-1967 borders (and by the way, the nutty Amadinejad said he wd too).
Here's an excerpt from an interview on radio by Amy Goodman Nov 28:
Yeah, the word "balance" is one that's almost unacceptable in our country. If you had a candidate for Congress running either Democratic or Republican and they announced to the general public, "I'm going to take a balanced position between the Israelis and the Palestinians," they would never be elected. That's an impossibility in our country. But that doesn't preclude an incumbent administration from demonstrating with their own actions and words that they are concerned about Israeli peace, they are also concerned about peace and justice for the Palestinians. And that's what I did. It's what Richard Nixon did. It's what Ronald Reagan did after I left office. It's what George Bush, Sr. did. It's what Bill Clinton did. But it's not being done now.
There is a general feeling throughout the Arab world, throughout Europe, not even noticed in this country, that our present administration has not given any consideration, in my opinion, to the plight of the Palestinians. And you don't have to be anti-Israel to protect the rights of the Palestinians to have their own land and to live in peace and without being subjugated by an occupying power.

* De Niro's Game by Rawi Hage
As you know, this book has won awards.  That and my fascination with the exotic complicated confusing spicy stew called Beirut drew me to the book even though it is in a time of factional destructive war and intrigue that fortunately I did not see when I was there.  Scratch the surface, as they say.  Beirut is a port and looks west along the water with mountains behind, just as Vancouver does.  One review started with a quotation from Camus's L'Etranger: "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide."   There is, however, no similarity with Hamlet.  It is a glimpse of the civil war and its effects on two friends.  Stay or flee?  Both involved -- how cd one not be with shooting and bombs all around.  Not to mention corruption, theft, killing.....  The writing flows with stream of consciousness and reveals/portrays the conditions and horrible demands/choices in a city gone mad and violent with war that twists and tortures characters.  It obviously will be made into a movie.  Do read it and enjoy the language.  I found it gripping but maybe b/c I'm biased and mourned the disintegration of beautiful city of culture rising from ancient historical times.
Listen to, picture, this:
C'est dangereux, ca, non?  Genevieve murmured from inside her tilted, suspended, swinging wineglass.  A burgundy wave waited on the coast of her lips for the word to leave.
[Come to think of it, no surprise the writer is a photographer.  The House of Anansi has eschewed quotation marks.  New style?]

DVDs watched over holidays:
~ WALL: by Simone Bitton, www.wallthemovie.com
        V slow unless you realize that she is a cinematographer so concentrates on visuals.  I was impressed that she spoke four languages fluently like a native.  The reviews help understanding.    
~ Death in Gaza: by James Miller and Saira Shah (Frostbite Films)
        James Miller was a British cinematographer/journalist, and Saira Shah was born in England but of an Afghan father and a mother Scottish-Indian.  The intention was to film children in Gaza and in Israel but the film was not finished.  Nonetheless it is an interesting perspective, touching and tragic.

===  INFObits  ===
§  Housing in WV -- 'spec' vs custom-built
This is what I asked DWV's Director of Planning, Steve Nicholls, to find out his opinion:
In the article by Chantal Eustace in the VSun, Dec 30, pE13, right-hand column, she quotes "veteran West Vancouver builder, Greg Nielsen" as saying that 20% of homes built 20 years ago
were custom-built (and 80% spec) but now the opposite is true.
Do you agree?
SJN's REPLY (with thanks to him for promptness as well as comprehensiveness):
   Hard to define "custom built" and "spec" in West Vancouver. Even the truly "spec" homes have tended to be "custom" designed and built in West Vancouver because of the topography.  In many other municipalities, subdivision builders create tracts of 10 - 500 homes on level land and the homes are built in groups by spec builders or by the land developer where you have a choice of five variations on the same house plan.
   Even in BPP's subdivisions, the houses are custom designed but may be built by a "spec" builder, a "spec" builder for a client or a prospective owner who then sells - today BPP itself will build for purchasers.  For infill, there are a combination of quality "spec" builders and prospective homeowner builders.  It may well be that some previous "spec" builders now prefer to have a client carry the land and construction before beginning construction rather than take the risk on a $2.5 - $5 million house, or that there are just fewer builders able to afford financing such an endeavour.
Certainly makes logical sense.
   I would say, however, that the quality of house design has improved generally over the past 20 years.  I suspect that it is because of the increase in lot prices requiring an increased quality of product and the move away from white stucco vanilla architecture of the 1980s towards either craftsman or site specific modern, as opposed to who the first occupant is.
§ Health Care in BC
What do you want to talk about?  The Conversation on Health began with important questions to British Columbians in the February 2006 Throne Speech. We need to ask ourselves: What are the fundamental changes we must make to improve our health, and protect our health system for the long term?
Thousands of British Columbians are already providing their feedback on these questions, and sending in their own like, "Should we invest more in prevention or focus more resources on immediate issues such as emergency room congestion and surgery wait times?"
What do you want to talk about? Let us know.  How can I join the Conversation on Health?
There are six ways you can join the Conversation:
        1) request a spot at a regional forum through the website or toll-free line
        2) visit www.BCConversationonHealth.ca
        3) call toll-free 1866 884 2055 between 8am - 8pm, Mon to Fri (translation av in 130 languages)
        4) email ConversationonHealth@Victoria1.gov.bc.ca
        5) contact your MLA's office
        6) write to Conversation on Health, 5-3, 1515 Blanshard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3C8
Sign up for regional forums -- Over the next year, regional public forums will be held in all areas of the province. Pre-registration is required as information will be sent in advance to help you prepare for the discussions.
Each forum will involve up to 100 people. Participants will be randomly selected by an electronic database program from the registrants' list if more than 100 sign up.
Participants will be registered for the forum nearest to where they live. Financial assistance will be provided to help participants offset costs if there is a need to travel to a forum outside their community.

=== New Year's Resolution  ===
Well, there's an old saying, "Daddy, what did you do in the war?"
Today, we have to think about what we're doing about today's world.
ie what are we responsible for -- what did we encourage and what did we try to prevent.  Are we part of the problem or the solution.
 What Germans, or how many, realized/researched what Hitler was really up to and then tried to do something?  There was the White Rose Society, but apparently too few and too late.  The French had their Resistance.  How many Turks tried to protect the Armenians during the 'genocide'?  How many Hutus tried to save the wholesale killing of Tutsis in Rwanda?
We have similar situations today, alas.  The universality of man.  Man's inhumanity to man.  I'm sorry I'm not doing more to protect the Tibetans.  I'm sorry I haven't followed the horrendous killing in Darfur to provide information and recommend measures to help, alleviate, resolve the dire straits those ppl find themselves in.  The situations in Zimbabwe and North Korea are also desperate.
There is, however, one spot in the world where I can shed some light and hope to help.
I lived in the Middle East for a while, mainly (during a respite) in magical captivating Beirut (and also visited Syria, Jordan, and Israel), and have kept in touch/informed ever since.  (See Reviews above.)  My study of languages made me envious of the Lebanese experience.  Easily trilingual.  They spoke Arabic at home, French at school (Lebanon -- along with Syria -- was a French Mandate territory while Palestine was a British Mandate Territory), and English for business.  And they switched effortlessly from one to the other, many correctly and without an accent.  How lucky to be exposed/immersed in three cultures.  While it did make some more tolerant of others, as you've seen in the news, it can lead to inequality and rivalry that leads to violence seeking dominance rather than a modus vivendi, rather than compromise for a political solution.  Lebanon however, did operate well for decades with a formula, a sort of three-legged stool supported by Maronite Christians (the President), the Prime Minister (Sunni Muslim) and others, mostly Muslims (divided into Sunni, Shia, and the mysterious Druze, but there are also Eastern Orthodox Christians) -- there are 17 identified religious groups and then the political groupings are complicated with even Christians allied with one or another Muslim group and sometimes with the Israelis.  Christians used to dominate but b/c of, among other things, birth control and emigration, they are well below half today.  Lebanon's population is around 4M with 15M living abroad.  Palestinians who fled to Lebanon are not allowed to practise some professions (architecture and law) or to own land, many confined to the refugee camps in the south.
Someone sent me a report from the Christian Peacemaker Team in Iraq.  How brave they were and how strong to live in love and forgiveness, not revenge or hatred.  A previous WVM issue had the statement from the three of the four who were kidnapped in Iraq.  You will recall Tom Fox was killed but the other three were freed and now that some guilty of their confinement have been captured, Harmeet Singh Sooden, Norman Kember, and James Loney do not wish severe punishment for them saying forgiveness is needed to try to stop the cycle of violence.  Truly exemplary and exceptional in attitude.  [Their statement of extraordinary forgiveness was printed in WVM2006-37.]
CPT reports from Colombia and other places as well.  Those in Israel/Palestine I read with great interest.  The diaries re daily life in Hebron are heart-rending.  At the end of December two reports from a former CNN journalist, Jewish American Jerry Levin -- clearly incredibly brave -- struck home, and they follow.

Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 11:17:22 CST
26 December 2006
HEBRON REFLECTION:  The Double Standard, Part I -- by Jerry Levin
[Note: The following is an edited excerpt from a longer report that CPTer Jerry Levin sent to his supporters.  Another excerpt from the same report will appear tomorrow.  People wishing to see the original may contact Levin at guest.993507@MennoLink.org.]
        Let's be clear about this: I am opposed to the use of violence to resolve political, cultural, social, ideological, or theological disputes.  Or any dispute for that matter.  I can never agree with militant Palestinian leaders who rationalize the use of terror as a legitimate form of armed struggle against oppression and occupation.  I neither deny nor condone the tragic carnage and suffering of Jewish families whose members Palestinian militants have killed in terror raids.  How could I?  I am the grandson of an Orthodox rabbi, a refugee from the Eastern European pogroms at the end of the 19th century and one of the first American rabbis to embrace Zionism.
        Nevertheless, I comprehend Palestinian militants' unwillingness to abandon the kind of insurrectionary guer[r]illa warfare that international law recognizes as legitimate by occupied peoples.  I comprehend it because of the more extensive campaign of terror waged against defen[c]eless, harassed, humiliated, and provoked Palestinians every day by Israel's occupying arm and armed squatter-settlers.  There's a semantic double standard applied here that those situated outside the borders of Israel and Palestine don't experience.  But I do here in Hebron.
        The double standard is simply this: Any act of violent resistant to the occupation by a Palestinian is "terror," but the terror employed by the Israeli army is only the State of Israel engaging in its legitimate "right to defend" itself.
        Palestinians, of course, do not have a right to defend themselves even though it is their land that is being occupied. It is their land being relentlessly, diminished by the wall and the expanding perimeters of the hundreds of settlements inside the West Bank as well as the Gulag that is Gaza.
  I'm old enough to remember Nazi propaganda that tried to characterize the underground resistance movements in countries Germany occupied as the aggressors and its own brutal terror crackdowns as the Third Reich's right to defend itself, even though Germany itself was not under occupation.
        Defending a land grab is not the same as defending one's home turf. Palestinians are not occupying Israel.  The Israeli military is not withstanding an invasion of Arab colonialist hordes.  Thousands of violent Israeli squatter-settlers are not languishing in Palestinian prisons without charge. Palestinian occupiers are not demolishing the homes of Israeli citizens nor shutting off entry to Israeli cities towns and villages.
        Nazi leaders were h[anged] for killing noncombatants in defen[c]e of their predatory regime's right to defend itself.  Yet, Israel's leaders are applauded when acting similarly with the West Bank and Gaza.  They have done so, of course, on a much smaller scale.  The effect, however, is the same.  As Israeli leaders like to piously pronounce, "When you save one life, you save the world."  Well, conversely, when you kill one life in a terror attack masqueraded as exercising one's right to defend oneself, then one is killing the world over and over again.

Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 14:56:42 CST
28 December 2006
HEBRON REFLECTION:  The Double Standard, Part II
[Note: The following is the second part of a two-part edited excerpt from a longer report that CPTer Jerry Levin sent to his supporters.   People wishing to see the original may contact Levin at
        People on the outside do not experience the semantic double standard because it takes place beneath the radar of western mass circulation journalism. And they do not experience it because the old journalistic aphorism, "if it bleeds it leads" usually -- although not always -- applies only to Israelis.
        For instance, when Palestinian militants captured a single Israeli soldier earlier this year, the western media reported it as another act of illegitimate Palestinian terror, rather than a legitimate guer[r]illa operation.  The press rationalizes the massive Israeli response that has killed scores of Palestinian civilians in retaliation for the capture as acts of legitimate self-defen[c]e by Israel's army.  Of course, the army does apologize for its "mistake" if the number of noncombatant Palestinians still dying in Israeli's pursuit of the soldier's release reaches such a level that the military establishment cannot soft-pedal the carnage.
        The manner in which the Israeli military is continuing its campaign of terrorizing warfare, brutal occupation and rule of Palestinian land is clearly most comparable to what the civilized world agrees are the kinds of crimes committed by rogue states.  Yet, the press is disgracefully not reporting those similarities or at least not doing so effectively.
        So there are no official demands (with teeth anyway) coming out of the West for an end to this terrible double standard.  No demands that Israel cease its roguish violence of terror and dispossession or submit to international controls of its nuclear weapons program.  You rarely hear western leaders of consequence criticize the Israeli military or government when they rationalize their constant use of terror (the killing of noncombatant children, women, and men) in the West Bank or Gaza as Israel defending itself.  But those same leaders are all over Palestinians when they assert their right to defend themselves.
        So after almost forty years of colonizing brutality in the West Bank and Gaza, the occupation double standard -- underwritten by U. S. military and economic aid -- is, as it has most always been, the elephant in the room that few mass circulation news outlets talk about.
        Therefore, Hebron, where CPT works, continues to be mostly out of sight and out of mind in the west.  It is in Hebron that the occupation elephant in the room has been fiendishly characterized by graffiti painted on the door of a Palestinian home in the Old City of Hebron that says, "Gas the Arabs."  It is signed, "JDL", the initials of the "Jewish Defense League".  Where and when did you last read about that?
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) seeks to enlist the whole church in organized, nonviolent alternatives to war and places teams of trained peacemakers in regions of lethal conflict.  Originally a violence-reduction initiative of the historic peace churches (Mennonite, Church of the Brethren and Quaker), CPT now enjoys support and membership from a wide range of Christian denominations.
To express concerns, criticisms, or affirmations to CPT's Chicago office send messages to peacemakers@cpt.org. To express concerns, criticisms, or affirmations to CPT's Canadian office, send messages to guest.996427@MennoLink.org.
To receive news or discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB page at http://www.cpt.org/subscribe.php

===  CALENDAR to Jan 14th  ===

=== Monday, Jan 1st ~ 1pm ~ WV Otters Polar Bear Swim CANCELLED
=== Tuesday Jan 2nd ~~ End of Festival of Lights at Dundarave Park
AT THE LIBRARY:&nbs= p; January 2 - 31 Exhibit
Lighthouse Park Preservation Society: Celebrating  Nature -- Lighthouse Park
Opening Reception Jan 5th,  6:30 - 8pm. Everyone is welcome.
Readers' Cafe
A reading & discussion of James Joyce's " Ulysses ", Tuesdays, January 2, 16, and 30, 10:30am - 12:30pm, Peter J. Peters Room. For more information call the Reference Dept 925-7405.
=== Friday Jan 5th
Deadline to apply to serve on a DWV advisory cmte or working group; various topics/functions.  Call the Hall 925 7000 for information and application forms
=== Saturday Jan 7th
~ 10am - 3pm ~ Lions Club Christmas Tree Chip-Up, Ambleside Park

-- at the Ferry Building Gallery -- January 9 - 28 -- "Sum of the Parts"
mixed media  by
The Tapestry Weavers Interest Group - Virginia Baldwin, Judy Pollack, Sherella Conley, Sharon Burrows, Mona Chrzanowski, Traude Doelker, Jessie May Keller, Myrna Lindstrom, Jay Rudolph, Zoe Watson
and Hooshiar Ashraf, Claire Choi, Anne Dunnett, Gaye Hammond, Celia Pickles
Opening Reception: Tuesday January 9 from 6 - 8pm  & Artists' Talk: Saturday January 13 at 2pm

=== Wednesday January 10
~ 7:30am ~ WV Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Hollyburn Country Club
Mayor's Update on the State of the District
Join us and our guest speaker, Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, in early January as she addresses the membership to update us on the latest news from District Hall. She will provide insight into some of the major projects now underway including the redevelopment of Ambleside.
Call 926 6614 for details and reservations.
~ 7:30 - 9pm ~ at the Library -- Jan Drabek: His Doubtful Excellency, A Canadian novelist's adventure as President Havel's ambassador in Prague
Please join Czech-Canadian author Jan Drabek at the launch of his new book, "His Doubtful Excellency". This poignant memoir of a pivotal moment in a changing global landscape takes an ironic view of post-communist Czech society as well as provides an entertaining glimpse below the smooth surface of diplomacy, when Pope and Queen come to visit.  Jan Drabek, author of more than a dozen books, now lives and writes in Vancouver, B.C.
Registration not required; Adult Department 604.925.7403

=== Thursday January 11th -- NB: DEADLINE for contest changed to Jan 18th from 11th

We are delighted to announce that the second annual Cherry Blossom Festival will take place in Vancouver, Canada, during March and April 2007.
We invite poets from around the world to submit one unpublished haiku inspired by the beauty of the cherry tree. Submissions must be received by January 18, 2007.
Top selected haiku will become part of a permanent stone Haiku Memorial at Burrard SkyTrain Station in downtown Vancouver under the cherry tree planted in 2006 to commemorate the inaugural festival. The Haiku Memorial will be unveiled at the festival's opening mid March and selected haiku will also be displayed on TransLink city buses and SkyTrain cars for a period of two months.
In addition, top selected haiku will win free copies of "Haiku Journey," a new computer game from Hot Lava Games that features 540 English-language haiku by 45 poets around the world, selected by Michael Dylan Welch.
Other works of merit will be published on the VCBF Website and featured at readings throughout the festival.
You may find submission details at http://www.vcbf.ca/ by following the link to haiku.
We look forward to receiving your haiku and thank you for your participation as Vancouver so enjoys and appreciates your writing.
Linda Poole, VCBF Creative Director
Haiku Committee: Carole MacRury, Michael Dylan Welch, Edward Zuk
The Haiku Invitational is made possible with the support of the Canadian Society for Asian Arts.

WV Streamkeepers' Public Mtg Thursday Jan 18th at 7:30pm at St Stephen's with speaker: Patrick Lucey of Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting Ltd making a presentation at 8pm: "Protecting the Proper Functioning of Streams".

===  AGENDA Ccl Mtg Jan 8th ===
APPROVAL OF AGENDA  =  1.    January 08, 2007 Regular Council Agenda
ADOPTION OF MINUTES  =  2.  Adoption of December 11 and 18, 2006 Regular Council Minutes
3.         Mayor's Report on the year ahead will be provided.
4.         A. Anderson, Rockridge School, regarding "What is the Cost of a Bottle of Water?" contest REPORTS
5.         Development Variance Permit Application No. 06?048 (2650 Nelson Avenue)
At the December 11, 2006 meeting, Council received the report dated December 01, 2006 from the Community Planner
RECOMMENDED:  THAT all written and verbal submissions,...be received.
If Council wishes a further staff report, then:
RECOMMENDED:  THAT Staff report back to Council regarding submissions received
RECOMMENDED: THAT the DVP which would provide for a new garage with variances to front and side yard be approved.
6.         Development Variance Permit Application No. 06?055 (1278 Chartwell Drive) At the December 11, 2006 meeting, Council received the report dated December 01, 2006 from the Community Planner
RECOMMENDATIONS same as above, this time for a second-storey addition on an existing home resulting in a variance to combined side yard be approved.
7.         Reconsideration of Alteration Permit Application No. 06?026 (4769 The Highway - Revised) --> CALL FOR PUBLIC INPUT
RECOMMENDATIONS same as above, this time for a new single-family home with variances to minimum and combined side yard for the detached garage be approved.
8.         Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Permit to Occupy Transfer/Assignment - #267 for approval
9.         Council Remuneration Review   >{GREAT READING, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED}<
            1.         The report dated January 03, 2007 from the Director of Administrative Services regarding Council Remuneration be received and Council provide further direction for Mayor and Council remuneration adjustments.
            2.         The Council Remuneration and Expenses Policy be amended to reflect the annual percentage change, November over November, of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for British Columbia, to take effect January 01 of each year.
10.       2007 Preview Assessment Roll ... received for information.
11.       Fees and Charges Bylaw 4414, 2005 Amendment Bylaw No. 4495, 2006 (File:  1610?20?4495)
12.      Correspondence List ... be received.
= Requests for Delegation  /  12.1            No items presented.
= Action Required
12.2            A. Sundberg & C. Prepchuk, Co-chairs - Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Cmte on Homelessness, Nov 30, regarding Resolution Supporting Renewal of the National Homelessness Initiative
                    Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
12.3            L. E. Jackson, Chair, Greater Vancouver Regional District Board, December 01, 2006, regarding Invitation to Submit Nominations for GVRD Agriculture Advisory Committee
                    Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
12.4            L. E. Jackson, Chair, Greater Vancouver Regional District Board, December 08, 2006, regarding Discussion Paper on a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy
                    Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
= No Action Required (receipt only)
12.5            Committee and Board Meeting Minutes:
                    (a)           West Vancouver Memorial Library Board Minutes, November 15, 2006
                    (b)           Community Engagement Committee Minutes, October 30, 2006
                    (c)            Community Engagement Committee Minutes, November 20, 2006
                    (d)           Design Advisory Committee Minutes, November 23, 2006
12.6            A. S. Hilsen, Municipal Clerk, District of North Vancouver, December 12, 2006, regarding 2007 Council Appointment - North Shore 2010 Leadership Committee
12.7            S.E. Dowey, City Clerk, City of North Vancouver, December 14, 2006, regarding letter to the North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee (NSFCYJC) regarding appointments to the NSFCYJC
12.8            R. Taylor, T. Macdonald & T. Pugh, CIVICINFO BC, December 18, 2006, regarding Associations Partner on Surveys
12.9            C. Maretic, President, Consumer Advocacy and Support for Homeowners (CASH) Society, December 08, 2006, regarding motions related to housing endorsed at the Union of BC Municipalities 2006 Convention
12.10          L. E. Jackson, Chair, Board of Directors, Greater Vancouver Regional District, December 14, 2006, regarding Negotiation of a Master Services/Taxation Agreement between Squamish Nation and the District of West Vancouver
12.11          P. Mossop, Emergency Preparedness Education Coordinator, North Shore Emergency Management Office, November 20, 2006, regarding annual North Shore Emergency Social Services Volunteer Training Day
12.12          I. Chong, Minister, Ministry of Community Services and Minister Responsible for Seniors' and Women's Issues, December 18, 2006, regarding launch of Ministry of Community Services programs
12.13          R. G. Anderson, Deputy City Clerk, City of North Vancouver, December 20, 2006, regarding resolution supporting renewal of funding for the National Homelessness Initiative
12.14          R. Walton, Mayor, District of North Vancouver, December 19, 2006, regarding invitation to The Natural Step Sustainability Workshop, January 10, 2007, District of North Vancouver
                    Previously distributed due to timing of event.
Responses to Correspondence  =  12.15          No items presented.
Responses to Questions in Question Period  =  12.16          No items presented.

===  WEST VAN MATTERS 2006 ===  NB: these can be read on www.westvan.org
WVM 2006 - 1:
        2006 January: Ccl NOTES 9th; AGENDA 16th; Calendar to 20th
        Minutes / 21st St / Water Rates / OldGrowth cut for 2010 / EVELYN DRIVE CMTE
WVM 2006 - 2:
        2006 Jan 16th Ccl Mtg Highlights; AGENDA Jan 23rd; Calendar to Feb 1st
        * Mayor's State of the District Address Jan 11th * Cmnty Ctr Update *
WVM 2006 - 3:
        2006 January Ccl Mtg Tidbits 16th & 23rd Calendar to Feb 8th and later
        * DWV Financial Status Update * Acronyms * ADRA AGM *
WVM 2006 - 4:
        2006 Council News Feb 6th/13th; Calendar to 19th
        AMBLESIDE: Town Centre, Park Vision, Arts on Argyle
WVM 2006 - 5:
        2006 Feb Ccl Mtg Summaries; AGENDA Mar 20th; Calendar to 25th
        Ambleside Area Plans / Heritage Awards / Sea-to-Sky & Eagleridge
WVM 2006 - 6:
        2006 Ccl Mtg Summary Mar 20th; AGENDA Mar 27th; Calendar to Apr 2nd
        Runoff: Cisterns & Ditches / Eagleridge Update / ADRA re Traffic AMBLESIDE
WVM 2006 - 7:
        2006 Mar 27 Ccl Mtg NOTES; AGENDA Apr 3; Calendar to Apr 9
        BUDGET 2006 Info mtgs re 4.2% increase / Eagleridge & Sea to Sky Updates
WVM 2006 - 8:
        2006 Apr 3 Ccl Mtg NOTES; AGENDA Apr 10; Calendar to Apr 23
        BUDGET 2006 Info/Input * Turin Olympics '06 * at Variance with Board of Variance
WVM 2006 - 9:
        2006 Apr 10 Ccl Mtg NOTES / Calendar to Apr 30
        Heritage Plan * Dundarave Parking * Budget * Cmnty Ctr $40m!
WVM 2006 - 10:
        2006 Apr 24 Ccl Mtg AGENDA / Calendar to May 2
        Budget Input * New Police Chief's Speech * Lots 11th & Mathers * Eagleridge
WVM 2006 - 11:
        2006 Apr 24th Ccl Notes / No May 1th Agenda Yet! / Calendar to May 10th
        More Budget Input * Police Board * Chamber News * Eagleridge * Youth Week
WVM 2006  - 12:
        2006 May 1st Notes / May 8th Agenda / Calendar to May 18th
        BUDGET Deadline Input / Eagleridge Watch: Prov didn't cost tunnel!
WVM 2006 - 13:
        2006 May 8th and 15th Notes / Calendar to May 31st
        Heritage in Vancouver * Eagleridge Update * Budget/Cmnty Ctr Passed
WVM 2006 - 14:
        2006 Council AGENDA May 29th * Calendar to June 9th
        Youth Awards / Eagleridge / The Universe & Dimming Sun
WVM 2006 - 15:
        2006 May 29 Ccl Mtg Highlights; AGENDA June 5; Calendar to June 17th
        Council Pay / Eagleridge / Community Grants
WVM 2006 - 16:
        2006 JUNE: Ccl Notes 5th / AGENDA 12th / Calendar to 25th
        Old Growth Conservancy / 2005 DWV $ALARIE$
WVM 2006 - 17:
        2006 June 12th NOTES; 19th AGENDA, Calendar to 30th
        Kay Meek Ctr Funding / Sustainability / STREAMKEEPER News
WVM 2006 - 18:
        2006 June 19 Ccl Mtg Notes; June 26 AGENDA; Calendar to July 9
        Municipal Finances: 2005 Annual Report * Heritage Strategic Plan
WVM 2006 - 19:
        2006 June 26th Ccl Mtg Notes; Calendar to July 15th
        Evelyn Drive Guidance Committee Presentation
WVM 2006 - 20:
        2006 July 10th AGENDA; CALENDAR to July 20th
        E-Comm Boondoggle * Affordability / Density * Fiscal Task Force
WVM 2006 - 21:
        2006 July 10th NOTES; July 17th AGENDA; Calendar July / Aug
        Less Parking Ambleside (BMO) / FSTF #2 / Ccl Cmte CHANGES (for input)
WVM 2006 - 22:
        2006 July 17th NOTES; July 24th AGENDA; Calendar for Aug
        Hugo Ray Park / Ambleside Park Vision Plan / Ccl Procedure Changes
WVM 2006 - 23:
        2006 July 24th NOTES; July 27th AGENDA; Calendar for Aug/Sep
        Procedure/Policy Changes * Ambleside Park Vision Plan * Art$ on Argyle
WVM 2006 - 24:
        2006 July 27th (not); Sept 11th AGENDA; Calendar to Sept 24th
        Ambleside Park Vision Plan * Hay Park & McDonald Creek * Lawson Creek
WVM 2006 - 25:
        2006 July 27th / Sept 11th NOTES; Sept 18th AGENDA; Calendar to Sept 29th
        EVELYN DRIVE * NSh HERITAGE WEEKEND * Ambleside Arts / Study Area
WVM 2006 - 26:
        2006 Sept 18th NOTES; Sept 25th AGENDA; Calendar to Oct 3rd
        EVELYN DRIVE * Mayor's Report * Fiscal Task Force Wants You! (to respond by Sept 26th)
WVM 2006 - 27:
        2006 Sept 18 Summary; Sept 25th AGENDA; Calendar to Oct 13th
        Fiscal Task Force QUESTIONS * More Info re EVELYN DRIVE
WVM 2006 - 28:
        2006 Sept 25th NOTES; Oct 2nd SUMMARY; Calendar to Oct 20th
        EVELYN DRIVE * Lighthouse Park * Daycare Permits * 2089 Westdean
WVM 2006 - 29:
        2006 Oct 2nd NOTES; Oct 16th AGENDA; Calendar to Oct 30th
        2089 Westdean Heritage Agreement? * WV Streamkeepers
WVM 2006 - 30:
        2006 Oct 16th NOTES; Oct 30th AGENDA; Calendar to Nov 16th
        Homelessness * DWV Biz? Plan * Lower Caulfeild & Public Input?
WVM 2006 - 31:
        2006 Oct 30th NOTES; Nov 6th AGENDA; Calendar to  Nov 22nd
        Community Centre / Water / Collingwood (Parking) / Hollyburn Cabins
WVM 2006 - 32:
        2006 Nov 6th NOTES; Nov 14th AGENDA; Calendar to Nov 28th
        WVPD * LCAC Input (NOT!) * E-Comm$$$ * Lack of Mtg Notices
WVM 2006 - 33:
        2006 Nov 14th Ccl NOTES; Nov 20th AGENDA; Calendar to Nov 30th
        Evelyn Drive Bylaw Intro * Salmon Watch * Ccl Cmtes & Reps * What is a Meeting?
WVM 2006 - 34:
        2006 Nov 20th NOTES; Nov 27th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 8th
        WV Equestrian Ctr * Hollyburn Cabins * DWV missing links?
WVM 2006 - 35:
        2006 Nov 27th NOTES; EV Dr PH Dec 4th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 15th
        Fiscal Task Force * Group Daycare * Blocked Letters * Evelyn Drive Reports
WVM 2006 - 36:
        2006 Dec 4th NOTES; Dec 11th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 22nd
WVM 2006 - 37:
        2006 Dec 11th NOTES; Dec 18th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 31st
        Old-Growth Conservancy * Sewer/Water Utility Rates
WVM 2006 - 38:
        2006 Dec 18th NOTES; Calendar to Jan 7th
        EVELYN DRIVE PASSED * Still Barriers to "Public" Correspondence

===  THE WAR ON ERRORISM  === first an article, then LANGUAGEWATCH

Open door
The readers' editor on ... the irresistible need to scratch an editorial itch -- by Ian Mayes
Monday 2006 November 13 in The Guardian
        When it itches the Guardian reader scratches it. An email from a reader on a train a few days ago concluded, "I realise that I will become an absurd bore if I carry on like this, so I promise not to trouble you again." Promises, promises. Similar notes are included in a lot of my mail. "I realise this is hopelessly pedantic..." I quickly offer reassurance, "Certainly not, certainly not 'hopelessly'. Do go on." One reader, pointing out the use of "bitterest", see below, and a few other things, concluded: "You may now begin skewering the wax effigy on your desk with an abundant selection of sharp objects..." Well, perhaps a few slivers.
        The reader heading north at, let us suppose, 120 miles an hour had been reading "the wonderful Gary Younge" - a writer whose appearances in the corrections column are so rare that I feel I can break my usual rule and mention him by name - when he noticed this: "The principle determinant of American support..." That should be principal, of course, and this one slithered (not slivered, as we have taken to saying lately) past not only Gary but the scrutiny of the editorial team on the Comment desk. By the way, this email came from a journalist, often the worst afflicted.
As it happened, this coincided with my reading Arthur H Cash's new biography, John Wilkes, The Scandalous Father of Civil Liberty (Yale). Wilkes's achievements in the realms of freedom of speech and privacy were won despite a lifelong drag of debt. I quote from the book, "When pressed by one creditor, [Wilkes] wrote in reply, 'I take the liberty to inform you that at present it is not in my interest to pay the principal, neither is it my principle to pay the interest.'" The principal, that's the main thing.
        Now that we have started to scratch we may as well continue. "A grumpy old woman" wrote to point out this sentence: "Their only role [was] as the benefactors of the selfless benevolence of others." She commented, "Not only the wrong word, but one with an opposite meaning: benefactors, instead of beneficiaries." This appeared in the corrections column.
        The reader (one of many) who pointed out sliver for slither, also noticed this: "As a result, Mr Bush is ranked with some of his bitterest enemies as a cause of global anxiety." "Surely," the reader asked, "your correspondent knows that the correct English form is 'most bitter'." I can sympathise to some extent with a writer who in this context felt driven to a new extremity. But what we are involved in here is the war on error and, following Mr Bush's example, we shall seek out errorists and bring them to justice.
        One of the weapons in my arsenal is the wonderful Oxford English Dictionary on line, but it is at a total loss to find any recorded use of "bitterest". Bitter, it defines in part, as "obnoxious, irritating, or unfavourably stimulating to the gustatory nerve; disagreeable to the palate" - all symptoms that may accompany reader itch.
        A reader writes: "Your editorial about medical records gave me a severe allergic reaction with this very ugly and nearly incomprehensible sentence: 'Currently, if someone falls ill away from home, a doctor can be left treating them with one hand tied behind their back, until the sluggish paper-trail catches up.'" I pause here only to remind readers that one of the many awards the Guardian has won in the past year was given by the Plain English Campaign for being the best national newspaper. The good general health makes the eruptions more noticeable.
        The reader continues: "This one hand tied behind how many backs? Why the hell doesn't the Guardian stylebook insist that its writers use pronouns that match the noun in number? If the writer is too hung-up to say 'his' meaning 'a doctor', then 'his or her' at least would make sense." This particular point causes a lot of scratching.
Do keep coming to see me if it doesn't clear up.
Ian Mayes is President of the Organisation of News Ombudsmen
a slogan of my mission......
As of January I'm starting my own war on errorism -- I've been fighting skirmishes.   I'll be putting common errors, or rather explanations on www.grammarinfo.ca after putting snippets in WVM to be transferred (and maybe expanded there).  The intention is to clarify correct 'standard' English, giving the logic and the functions of the mechanisms of our language.

===  LANGUAGEWATCH  ===<= /font>  Respect for English, its richness and nuance.
As a poet and with a degree in languages my respect for English shd not be a surprise.  It was doing translation that involved me in the logic and mechanics of our grammar.  It actually makes sense, and the pieces function and fit well together.  English is a bastard language -- one of the reasons for its richness -- with a remarkable flexibility and the boldness to borrow and create instantly.  Changes to the language are exciting while misuse (especially from misunderstanding but those may be retrievable after explanation) is depressing if it diminishes the nuance and subtlety of our language.
Let's start with something basic, something you hear every day.
We're all greeting each other for the new year now and you'll hear 'How are you?' perhaps more than usual.  Keep in mind they're asking about your health and well-being.
English, unlike German, Chinese, Hebrew, and Russian for example, but like French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, differentiates between GOOD and WELL.
You know that there's a difference between a bad boy and a good little boy, a sick child and a well child.  Same for doing good and doing well.  Good is for morals and ethics; well is for health.
So if you answer 'good' to how are you?, you're bragging about your morals and ethics -- however I'd bet that the person asking wanted to know if you're well!  (you can also answer fine, great, wonderful, etc)
GOOD is an adjective while WELL is an adverb (adverbs answer the question, how) -- A good swimmer swims well
How are things?  Good.  How are things going?  Well.
Missionaries try to do good and businessmen try to do well.
How was work/school today?  Good.
How's work going?  Well.
So if people answer good when you ask "how are you?", you might apologize that you weren't asking about their morals!
===  Drinking and Driving Test  ===
A Mountie pulled a car over on the Trans Canada about two miles west of Winnipeg. When the Mountie asked the driver why he was speeding, the driver answered that he was a magician and a juggler and he was on his way to Brandon to do a show that night at the Shrine Circus and didn't want
to be late.
The Mountie told the driver he was fascinated by juggling, and if the driver would do a little juggling for him then he wouldn't give him a ticket. The driver told the Mountie that he had sent all of his equipment on ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.
The Mountie told him that he had some flares in the trunk of his patrol car and asked if he could juggle them.
The juggler stated that he could, so the Mountie got three flares, lit them, and handed them to the juggler.
While the man was doing his juggling act, a car pulled in behind the patrol car.
A drunk, good old boy, driving through from Alberta got out and watched the performance briefly.
He then went over to  the patrol car, opened the rear door and got in.
The Mountie observed him doing this and went over to the patrol car, opened the door and asked the drunk what he thought he was doing.
The drunk replied, "You might as well take my a** to jail, cause there's no way in hell I can pass that test."

===  HAIKU  ===&n= bsp;  2006 Dec 31 nearing midnight and 2007

                the year so far in future
                        is almost past ~~
                                abyss, mystery

re above, did you guess? -- thinking back of writing the date daily in my scribbler in school.....

        year starts; promises.
                some kept, broken, dashed ~~
                        but oh, those great surprises!

===  QUOTATIONS  ===

Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) was an American politician who was elected the 16th President of the United States (serving from 1861 to 1865), and was the first president from the Republican Party. Today, he is best known for ending slavery and preserving the Union through his supervision of the Federal (i.e., Northern) forces during the American Civil War.
The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter and sculptor. One of the most recognized figures in 20th century art, he is best known as the co-founder, along with Georges Braque, of cubism. It has been estimated that Picasso produced about 13,500 paintings or designs, 100,000 prints or engravings, 34,000 book illustrations and 300 sculptures or ceramics...
Spanish - hace falta mucho, mucho tiempo para ser joven
English - it takes a very long time to become young

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.
                                -- Spanish proverb