Feb 12th NOTES
Feb 19th AGENDA
Calendar to Feb 28th+
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
How are your resolutions going? Make new ones to welcome
the Year of the Golden Boar -- Gung Hay Fat Choy! -- the Lunar
New Year Feb 18.
Celebrate Heritage Week, Feb 19 to 25 -- attend an event, have a
heritage dinner, write a haiku!
= Ccl mtg Feb 19: DVP App 6001 Gleneagles; GVRD Draft
Affordable Housing Strategy; HERITAGE AWARDS and Reception
= Vive le Canada (2007 Heritage Awards); gRUMBLEs
(WVPolice; $$$Trail); CULTUREWATCH; Calendar to Feb 28th+; Ccl Mtg
NOTES Feb 12th (WV [Cmnty] Fdn; Civic Youth Strategy
Presentation; DAYCARE BYLAW; Clovelly-Caulfeild
Nbrhd Planning Process; Cmnty Ctr Quarterly Update; Hugo Ray
Park; SPIRIT TRAIL!; Child Care Working Group;
BC Spirit Squares); AGENDA Feb 19th; LanguageWatch;
Haiku/Heritage Week; Quotations
*** VIVE LE CANADA........
For the week of Feb 19, it's National Heritage Week, wch
starts the third Monday in February every year.
Please mark your calendars for 2008!
The 11th Annual Heritage
Achievement Awards will be presented Monday, February 19th. The
ceremony will form part of a televised Council meeting, and will be
followed by a reception in the main floor foyer. The awards are presented in honour of
individuals, groups, and businesses that have made a significant
contribution towards ensuring our collective heritage is
This year, four awards will be
* Hollyburn Ridge
Association - for ongoing efforts to preserve the historic
Hollyburn cabin community as an important heritage
* Barrie Chapman -
for his book, "So Where Were You When the Phone Rang?" which
chronicles West Vancouver's telecommunications history.
* Julie Clements -
for www.westvan60.com, a website that serves as a 'living memorial'
honouring the West Vancouver men who lost their lives in the two World
* West Vancouver Fire
Museum and Archives Society - for the development of a new
Restoration and Storage Building, to enable further acquisition,
protection, preservation, and display of West Vancouver's historic
fire fighting equipment, and other items of historical interest
related to fire services.
Award criteria include building
restoration, new building design, landscape, and advocacy and
awareness. The WV Heritage Achievement Awards are part of Heritage
Week celebrations February 19th to 25th, 2007. For more info,
please contact: Claudia Freire, Phone: 604-925-7055
=== gRUMBLEs ===
Recently I pointed out that the Mayor had no vote on the Police
Board except to break a tie and it came as a surprise to some
readers. Then perhaps some may not realize that the Police Chief
does not do the hiring and firing. Promotions, rising through
the ranks, are complex and mostly covered by the Collective Agreement
(ie the purview of the Union) and there are strict regulations and
= SPIRIT TRAIL -- $807,000 a mile!
from our contributing correspondent, L. Constans Faber
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:21:20 -0800; Subject: Re: Ccl
Highlights Feb 12th
re: "Spirit Trail Project"---the cost is $500,000
per km which works out to $804,000 per mile!
At a total of $7.5 million this is a very expensive bike trail
project most of which will be along existing paved roadway. We
used to say that a four-lane divided freeway cost $1 million per
mile. The proposed project which will run along Marine Drive
compares unfavourably. It will be intrusive and
A less expensive means of accomplishing the same objective but at
less cost and less intrusion can be designed using neighbourhood
streets and new pedestrian-scale connectors (foot bridges) across the
several creeks that are not at present spanned to connect existing
neighbourhoods and permit the bike trail to use the less intensely
travelled local streets. It would also encourage pedestrian
activity if a combined walking and biking network were developed
As the plan currently stands in its rather sketchy form, it
favours the Tour-de-France racing bike activity and finds favour with
the weekend sport bike types most of whom do not reside in the
District. You will also note that the report states very
clearly that the project is not affordable. If one remembers
that the Director of Finance proposed a preliminary budget for 2007
which will see an average 4.5% increase in spending year over year
simply to maintain existing services (does not provide for additional
services or new projects such as this proposed one), we can see
immediately that the proposed project is mostly water and
The proposed social benefit, written into the Council's
three-year corporate business plan, is to get residents out of their
automobiles. The author of this report mentions this in passing
but does not evaluate whether or not this proposed level of
expenditure will actually achieve that goal. This is a major
shortcoming of the report. If this is the social purpose of the
spending, then it follows that the proponents should be able to
demonstrate that the benefit is realizable. If not, then the
capital outlay is wasted. Those funds, which are derived from
taxpayer after income-tax income (disposable income), could be used to
better effect in another occupation. For instance, there is a
need for more medical school graduates and nursing school graduates.
$7.5 million at 5% returns $375,000 per year which is sufficient to
put several additional students through higher education and the
payback continues through the course of their working career, whereas
$7.5 million sunk into black-top, brick-and-mortar, is just a
liability that requires annual upkeep and ongoing operating taxation
to sustain.
There are better alternatives for these funds than this proposed
"Spirit Trail".
What say you? Is $pirit Trail worth it?
This was passed by Ccl (Item 10 in Feb 12th ccl mtg notes
below) so stuck with it?
Does any councillor see a way to make it more cost effective?
or is there more to the story than the correspondent has told
It's all taxpayer money even if prov/fed grant included, but
maybe it's a case of getting funds from one of our other pockets
rather than nothing.
~~ Coward at the Cathedral (Fri Feb 16) was a delightful
romp reading of Hay Fever with local talents such as the inimitable
Christopher Gaze and the multi-talented Alessandro Juliani, directed
by creative Dean Paul Gibson, and accompanied by the remarkable VSO
maestro Bramwell Tovey on the piano singing and ad-libbing.
~~ Ballet BC's performance Sat Feb 17 was electric -- started
with Scheherazade and an incredible violinist whose soaring high notes
merited a personal bow (as in bend); then Carmen all passion and
crimson, fury and vengeance. High drama, thrilling.
=== CALENDAR to Feb 28th
=== (mtgs at MHall unless otherwise noted)
throughout Heritage Week:
Heritage Displays, Exhibits, Photos, &
Videos -- At participating
West Vancouver businesses
Ask for "Heritage Specials"
at participating restaurants in Dundarave historic
The Beach House (built 1912) -- prix fixe applies
beyond 6pm on weekend if you ask for 'heritage
The Red Lion (built 1913) -- BC dishes; special Heritage
Display of Books and other
materials on Local Heritage and Hollyburn Mountain
Presented by Hollyburn Heritage
Society and West Vancouver Memorial Library. (Main Hall &
Reference Dept.)
Archival Photos of the Ferry
Building and Ambleside Landing (Entry Alcove)
:-( Pity The Canadian Tenors will be at the WV United
Church 7:30pm Feb 19th when I'll be at the ccl mtg -- have heard them
on TV and they're great!
=== Tues Feb 20th === MARDI GRAS! (Shrove Tuesday)
~ 3:45 - 5:15pm ~ Youth Awareness Cmte [the name on DWV Calendar;
isn't it Youth Advisory Cmte?]
~ 7pm ~ Book Launch: "I Sold My
Tooth For Gas Money", by Matt Jackson
evening of slides, music, and storytelling at the Silk
~ 7:30pm at the Kay Meek Ctr:
The second film is "Sketches of Frank
Gehry". Our guest for the February 20 presentation is Jennifer
Marshall, partner with West Vancouver-based Urban Arts Architecture.
Jennifer, who has met Gehry, will talk to us about the work and
influence of this ground-breaking architect. For details
please see www.kaymeekcentre.ca as well as for other events.
=== Wed Feb 21st === ASH WEDNESDAY, beginning =
~ 11am ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte [not on DWV Calendar!]
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd at Library
~ 7pm ~ Bd of Variance at MHall
~ 7pm ~ Information Mtg wrt Irwin Park, put on by
DWV and the Irwin Park Parent Group at the school (2455 Haywood).
It's an opportunity to view the plan for the park and provide
suggestions. Irwin Park (24th and Kings) is a city park wch also
serves as the playground for Irwin Park School and Treehouse Child
Care Society. These organizations have joined together with DWV
to create a new vision for the park wch includes improved preschool
and toddler play areas while enhancing the natural features. For
more info call Shelley Philps 922 5414.
~ THEN at 7:30 Tibet Slideshow
Presentation during Losar (Tibetan New Year), by Michael
Buckley, author of the Bradt Tibet Guidebook at The Travel Bug.
Free; call 737 1122.
=== Thurs Feb 22nd
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte mtg -- CANCELLED
~ 5pm ~ NSACDI at CNV MHall
~ 7pm ~ Police Bd Mtg (usually at WV Ch of Comm
~ 7:30pm ~ Vancouver through the Archives of the CBC
Colin Preston speaks on CBC film and radio archives -- a treasure
trove of insights into the last 50 years of Vancouver history. Free;
at the Vancouver Museum.
=== Fri Feb 23rd
~10:30am - 12:30pm ~ at the Library: Philosophers' Cafe "The
Americanization of Canada"
=== SATURDAY Feb 24th
~ 9am - noon ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society's "Ivy
Pull"; meet at upper kiosk in the parking lot -- come for an hour
or all three. Dress for the weather and bring work gloves.
~ 9:30am - 5:30pm ~ "Growing our Community", the
North Shore Festival of Volunteers at Park Royal North and South
with displays of volunteer opportunities and cmnty services info,
organized the North Shore Cmnty Resources; info 982 3307
~ 11am - 3pm ~ Open House: WV Fire Service Museum &
Archives Society
The Museum is located behind No. 4 Fire Station at 965 Cross
Creek Road; info 980 2244.
~ 2:30 - 5pm ~ HERITAGE FAYRE at Park Royal
North (info 922 4400)
-- featuring exhibits and displays by West
Vancouver's heritage, volunteer, and community groups, as well as
the music of the Highland pipes! find out about
cmnty groups making WV fun, vibrant, and better -- preserving valued
past for the future while enjoying the present! Join in.
Get involved and contribute to your cmnty.
Pick up heritage coupons and drop off haiku. Deadline
for haiku submissions 5pm. (Details in last newsletter and at
end of this one.)
=== SUNDAY Feb 25th, end of exhibits:
~ at Silk Purse: "Photographic Treasures of Cyril R.
~ at FBG: "Retrospective" -- Joan Boyd: ink drawings,
watercolour paintings; Bruce Boyd: paintings.
~ 3pm ~ Heritage Week's free snowshoe and barbecue adventure at
Cypress; reservations required, pls call 913 2573 for info and to
reserve. [See more details www.heritage.westvan.org]
=== Tues Feb 27th DEADLINE
Call for Sport
Awards Nominations
Sport is a big
part of our North Shore community and lifestyle. Each year
participation and growth of the many events and activities is largely
based on unique individuals with passion and love of the game making
it happen.
This is your opportunity to recognize those individuals and teams that
have achieved excellence in their sport by nominating them for this
year's North Shore Sport Awards.
someone today!
Nominations are
open to all North Shore residents in various categories, including
individuals, teams, coaches, and officials. Nomination boxes are
available at all NV recCentres, Capilano College, Memorial Library, WV
Aquatic Centre, and Gleneagles Community Centre in WV, or nominate
online at www.nssportawards.com
close February 27th at noon
What are the
North Shore Sport Awards?
The North Shore
Sport Awards is the only community sport awards event of its kind in
British Columbia. The awards, which are held each year to recognize
residents who contribute to the sporting life of the North Shore,
celebrate sport achievement at all levels - from recreational and
high school to provincial and international - and also salutes
coaches, volunteers, and officials.
Join us for the
Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, April 3rd at 7:30pm at Park Royal Shopping
Centre (north mall). For more information or to nominate someone online,
visit www.nssportawards.com today!
=== Wed Feb 28th
~ 7 -9pm ~ Open House at Srs' Ctr re WV Cycling Network and
Greenway Plan
The WV Cycling Cmte together with cycling advocates hv bn working
on this plan. For info call 925 7157
~ 7:30pm ~ at the FBG: THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTORING with American
sculptor JOHN CLEMENT presented in cooperation with the Vancouver
Sculpture Biennale. Admission is Free. Call 925 7290 to reserve
a seat. Seating is limited.
= Works in the Gallery from Feb 1 to 28, "Stairs to the
Moon", works by Tanya Doskova
LOOKING AHEAD: Yard Trimmings collection Starts Up Again March
=== CCL MTG NOTES Feb 12th
CALL TO ORDER / APPROVAL OF AGENDA (with Add'l Correspondence on
Hugo Ray Park)
2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES of February 05, 2007 Public
Hearing Minutes
3. Byron
Hender regarding West Vancouver Foundation
BH: re Cmnty Fdns in general, first in Wpg 1921, now over 150 in
Canada with assets of over $2B and 43 in BC; a rapidly growing sector,
almost quadrupled between 1990 and 2000
The Vancouver Fdn best known in this area, largest in the
country, over $700M; its mandate covers the province not just the
Cmnty Fdns are independent, volunteer-driven; facilitating
philanthropy, build permanent endowments, support cmnty projects,
provide leadership
three main roles: endowment building; flexible, comprehensive
donor services; broad and effective grant-making; and inclusive cmnty
{Quick, where's my abacus???}
ev fdn unique and its priorities can vary
WV Cmnty Fdn: in 1978, Mayor Derrick Humphreys to investigate
forming a charitable foundation to keep charitable money from flowing
across the pond to the Vancouver Fdn. Held first mtg in 1979
[named them]
incorporated in 1985 as WVF and changed our name in 2005 to WV
Cmnty Fdn to emphasize cmnty nature
non-profit, non-govt cmnty fund dedicated to improving the
quality of life in WV
assist orgs and ppl through grants and awards with special
emphasis on health, education, the arts, social sciences, and WV's
physical envmt
in 1982 assets of $42K, by 1990 grown to $285K, 2000 to $1.4M,
and today, assets about $3.5M
Not a needy cmnty but a cmnty with needs; we strive to fill
the largest fund is our cmnty fund; interest provides flexibility
for grants as cmnty needs change
Mayor's Fund supports Youth and the Arts: last year under Mayor's
initiative established an endowment to support the WV Youth Band; have
a number of funds for scholarships for outstanding youth
Some of the funds are administered on behalf of other
organizations such as the WV United Church
most funds endowed with income available designated purpose in
also administer non-endowed funds such as the Hugo Ray Park
Society Fund that's raising money to support devt of new fields for
field hockey, cricket -- I know an issue you're speaking on
Volunteer-driven org, 13-mbr board, two part time staff less than
a full-time job, share space with WV Ch of Comm
Mayor an honorary mbr, has been an active supporter.......for
that we thank you
YAHU: Young Adults Helping You -- practising philanthropy by
raising funds, granting to other youth projects
we've granted over $650K since inception; see from newsletter,
grants to a range of activities
some things able to do: legacy for Bradley Bowles (died at 16
from heart failure) -- in Brad's memory $1500 scholarships
five other young men have died tragically, helped set up
permanent legacies in their memory
fields, funds for youth at risk; all set up in memory of loved
DARE program supported; donated to schools, funds re
schizophrenia, substance abuse, violence...... suicide
seniors hv bn helped too; 2006 pilot project to establish a NSh
Go Bus -- get to medical apptmts, get groceries.....
Arts and culture a major component: support Harmony Arts
Festival, WinterSong, Kay Meek Theatre
support grassroots groups, choirs, events at FBG and Silk
shall pass over some things to shorten
partnering re Spirit Trail, know Ccl negotiating on this
Vancouver's vital signs project, interested in similar project in
Many Ms have chosen to work with Fdns in administration of
their grants, and we wd be pleased to explore whether we cd assist the
M in that process
Goal to reach $10M by 2015; an increasing number of conversations
with ppl wishing to provide funds from wills, but this is a long-term;
others through life insurance; through securities
you can help by letting your friends know about the Fdn making WV
an even better place to live.
Thank you for the opportunity.....
4. Civic Youth
Strategy Review 2003 - 2005 and Renew 2006 - 2010
(File: 2635?10)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the renewed Strategy and its youth icon be
received and endorsed.
Mayor: probably our young leaders -- welcome
Students: Thank you for having us tonight. Many of us mbrs
here from Youth Advisory Group [named] and two reps from TAG, (and
someone from Mulgrave)
DWV showed leadership creating Civic Youth Strategy
Success result of commitment from Ccl and willingness of
pro-active youth to make a difference
the initiative received national recognition in 2005 winning the
Cdn Parks and Rec Assn Award for Excellence in Innovation, so we can
be proud role models for other Cdn cities
[presentation will start with review of what done 2003 - 5; 2006
- 10 will continue with some new projects; slide presentation]
Strategy has been updated
Another student: need to bring an icon .....ways to bring
Graphic Designer, just graduated: "Take a walk in our
design icon, brochure,..... talked to students, Mrs Sunday at
Student .... Walsh has the idea of shoes and we thought it was a
great idea
use different ones depending on event, ie snowboot for winter,
stiletto for dances, running shoe for sporting events, etc.
represent different events; enjoyed working on this project
Another Student: youth awareness of govt
draw issues to attention of M; host youth grant
Another Student: strategic directions outlined on screen
five main ones [listed]:
....intergenerational relationship building; understand better,
get along better...
Another Student: sev new initiatives; poster
see initiatives some short, some long term
voting campaign in civic election.....
how they can get involved -- holding a mock election, can get
education about political issues and systems
int'l students re 2010 Olympics; choir-singing; bringing ppl
together, int'l
Srs' Scene -- working re generational divide; two groups have
been isolating each other b/c of stereotypes
Student: after a YAC mtg another initiative
problem: ppl can't walk safely from Sentinel down to 15th St; an
access issue
working on presentation planning to speak to Minister
Michelle Chu: Jr at WV Secondary in the IB program and this is
Sophie in Gr 8 at Mulgrave
we're currently liaison between youth and library, WV Library
Teen Advisory Group
it promotes the unique needs of teenagers in our cmnty
Sophie: bunch of diff activities to get youth involved in Library
-- movie once a month
rock concert coming up; will have four rock bands this year from
diff schools....Booktopia,....
Student: to sum up, poster, youth in cmnty involved, not true
that we're apathetic
more accessible way for youth to get involved
regardless of age we all share cmnty and shd all work
Student: this new strategy addresses needs
will bring youth closer to others as well as Ccl and will be
better for cmnty
Mayor: are you prepared to answer some questions?
Sop: thank you for great presentation
are you really solving the problem? shoes: step up to the
plate -- how many youths will be served?
Ans: solves divide, bring youth together, link them to
if they do things right they'll have say in the cmnty
Another Ans: question we've dealt with over the years
how do we get youth involved, not just those you see all the time
-- kids who play sports, into music
engage youth cmnty as a whole, that's why strategy so
Sop: financial needs?
[there was silence -- were ppl wondering if the School Bd/Dist
shd be funding this instead of or in addition to DWV?]
wrong question?
KPike: clear that part this prog does need funds: youth
advocate, funded on a year-by-year basis and asking it to be ongoing
for Ccl's decision during budget discussions
that position has achieved a great deal and we believe in its
Amb Youth Ctr, Outreach ctr,...; this advocate position had
Sop: come a long way from crates in backyard to catch
rec, activity, that make youth happy -- appears to me that that's
the root of the prob, zero to do at night except some programming --
fair statement?
what are you doing in broader context of all youth? you're
graduating soon
Ans: absolutely, that problem does exist
many youth have expressed a need, nothing to do after a certain
time of night rather than driving around and going to parties, nothing
to do
need to modify our strategy so sure curbing any problems before
they happen
we want to change that to make sure everything goes along
JF: v impressed, pro-active; looking forward to working with
when we began this in 2003 there was a survey when they said the
most exciting thing they've done is fill out the survey; has there
been improvement?
Ans: previously here, Mayor Ron Wood asked the same thing and
same interest but better now, more things, Parks and Rec
{Contrary to what they might believe, most of us have been
teenagers at one time. We didn't have that beautiful Aquatic Ctr
-- or even computers to google, play games or whatever. We might
have read a book or, if nearby, gone to a library. What
about hobbies? doing homework? reading a book? Discovery or History
channel on TV (well, there are lots of choices)? I don't
remember being allowed to go out every night of the week. If
we're talking about Friday night, there's visiting friends, the WV
Library usually has interesting events on Friday nights, going to a
movie (it may be 'far', if you think NV and downtown Vancouver are,
but they said they have cars). I'll bet if you ask grandparents,
they'll say they made their own fun.}
JF: maybe shd hv a dullometer, not just for youth but some mbrs
of Ccl
won't name names, Cclr Smith, but --
looking forward to meet with [the student named] and if re ideas
hope can count on you all
JC: ev time Christie brings a group forth, I really
when I was your age, nowhere to go nothing to do nothing in the
fridge even though full
my kids same, nowhere....
but you mention somewhere to go
Ans: went around school and that's the biggest thing -- I want a
place to go b/c there isn't one
{Perhaps I'm getting the wrong impression. This is
worrisome. Is home really so terrible? A nice quiet
evening at home is desirable. Of course, perhaps not for
everyone every weeknight but going out was a privilege or something
for the weekend. I'm all in favour of activities and facilities
for youth -- WV now has the Ambleside Youth Ctr and the new Cmnty Ctr
(last I saw) had plans for a youth area. The Ambleside fields
have sports groups on them in the evenings. As mentioned, WV has
the Library and the AYC. Are there no evening activities at the
schools? churches (often clubs meet there -- cubs, scouts, choirs,
various pastimes)? Are they saying "Entertain me"?
JC: this always comes up; we don't know either, need to know what
sort of facility
VV: maybe not too familiar with what ppl really want
tired of driving around going to parties
thought that's what they want to do but ppl don't like the
Ans: talked to them in cafeteria but that's what they said, want
a place to go?
VV: racing? swimming? ice rink? along beach? is that what they
Ans: place to be together and socialize; many mentioned bowling
-- mindless but it's being with friends
{Why not go to the friend's place???}
VV: only work if only young ppl not grandparents taking up most
of the space?
Ans: good question
VV: I'll leave it with you
Mayor: wd like to thank you for excellent report; meaty things in
wd like you to sit down with us; a lot in common; we share
wishing more to do; the Arts/Culture strategy, Amb Strategy, looking
for young ppl to get involved, 2010, other groups, if we can
Ms Scholes, if we can get a time -- Ccl meets on Wednesdays so
maybe make it after school to go over this in detail
Sop: on the Cmnty Services Working Group we have two students on
this new forming group, so looking after some of these requests
5. Zoning
Amendment Bylaw (Daycares) for second and third readings
SJN: remind doesn't affect group daycares in schools and
Ccl also passed a motion maybe wd help being read out
Ccl recommended that Cmnty Service and Planning staff in
consultation with SD45 and cmnty agencies come forward with an updated
childcare policy that supports the provision of adequate quality
accessible childcare in the cmnty in view and consideration of the
1 review NSh Childcare Needs Assessment on its
completion and report back....
2 consider amending zoning bylaw to allow childcare on
commercial props......
3 explore opps for childcare facility space in the cmnty
on M and other cmnty sites
4 consider child care space as cmnty benefit in new
5 consider developing guidelines for childcare in
residential areas
bylaw before you tonight: spaces up to eight
JF: I'm unable to move second reading b/c I can't support
Sop: the need to have an ongoing dialogue about childcare is
parents are working; to bring some positive results for what we
heard, there's a recommendation later this evening bringing
increase the inventory for added spaces for our chn; waiting for
a tri-M framework for childcare throughout the NShore
when we come down to what is at hand, we hv to be v v certain
that this is a bylaw not shaped to take away from childcare in this
for one group to say don't take away but where's the protection
at the same time
use has to be absolute; we have to pass this bylaw
a daycare can have up to eight anywhere under the Ministry --
we can't say we don't want that
what we're saying -- we need more daycare so shd hv the right
to have 20 anywhere in cmnty with no law b/c bylaw there not
we need a law to protect the nbrhds in our cmnty
some have mentioned to make viable, need more chn; we've
recognized need out there, but is the place in a residential
no tests there till now; no discretion by a Ccl to outlaw
anything, need a bylaw to do it
does not take away from need; we're saying tonight we are
going to do something about it
have to separate these two issues
what are we going to do about daycare has nothing to do with
protecting nbrhds
we'll go a long way for parents; cd look at commercial areas or
group daycares on the perimeter of schools
had phonecalls saying you're not supporting
but I asked them do you want a daycare? yes; when I say next door
to you? Answer is no
not about not liking chn it's noise and traffic
we must move forward without harming the other side
we will find the space, positive step to bring this forth at this
I'm supporting this bylaw, we've got to have rules
pass, restrict group daycares; but amendments to this bylaw in
future so group daycares in special areas
ability for schools and churches to open their doors
Cedardale, a difficult time -- not going to go away; we'll do our
part on Ccl
that's what we're prepared to do supporting mums and dads
we have no say; we have to have this bylaw in place
cannot do on a one by one basis, no discretion there
MS: complex issue; on one hand find and expand daycare spaces in
cmnty and tonight passing a bylaw going to restrict daycares of more
than eight in residential areas, have a staff report coming in May or
June of this year going to address all of that
hit the wall in the District; in 1982 when I was on Sch Bd, the
tradeoff was that we'd have enough in the eight???? schools closed
that we'd have space for those purposes
makes biz sense getting future clients into your place of
We have over 500 kids from NV and same [number] foreign coming
here, reason NV closing schools
wd at least like to hear a biz case for evicting WV kids from
Cedardale to make room for others from outside WV
SchBd's right to manage SchDist, that argument has to be made as
to why that's happening
think it's premature to pass this bylaw tonight; a report
coming, tri-M, see no reason to wait those three months
there's virtually no M resources spent on pre-school age chn;
when my chn were pre-school the only ones they received was learning
to swim at the pool; we spend a lot on the ppl on the other end and
nothing on the youth; report coming, so wait
JF: agree with some of Cclr Smith's report, premature; reports
coming; pass this bylaw will want to change it
WV has almost the highest proportion of home-based biz and
this wd prevent
perhaps consider......
this is not a group asking the M to pay for anything, they'll
pay; just want a place to do it
if not traffic, we have a noise bylaw so residents can contact
bylaw officer
accommodation as to number of chn outside at any one time; shd
take a look if to be a M role
VV: impressed by submissions; difficult for parents -- sorry no
room, so anxiety
understand losing the right for group daycares in residential
not best solution, solving one and causing another
the logical place to go is the elementary school; the far side of
the playground possibly with a portable
we don't have the power to create that solution but better powers
than an ordinary family
do think we can solve it, preferably in schools
and wd work -- if parents two chn, one can go into school other
into daycare
just go across playground so parent can pick up both
schools have to have safe pickups
if we cd work quickly with Sch Bd, we cd get
our booking our rec groups into places b/c we demolished rec ctr,
fear we've exacerbated the problem
told can't you..... can't alter -- eight b/c prov
[allows, mandates that], if ten or 12 or 20 or....
don't really think a noise bylaw can be dealt with 20 chn
do have to deal with it -- ..... residents, no obligation
must pass this or we'll lose [protection of nbrhds]
dawdle we'll have a gap; have to pass if we don't want
problems in quiet nbrhds
will support this bylaw but doesn't mean I don't support
RD: uneasy with this; whatever we decide one side will be
unhappy, becoming more and more so
govts downloading, not supporting daycare
in Europe public school starts at three, and they have creche
zero to three
if I lived in a nbrhd difficult to have 20 kids next door; don't
have solution; serious
study coming in May; if we move too quickly tonight we may be
wait until studies in May, see if more space
know Cedardale closing 750sf for 30 chn and if we cut down to
eight sounds to little and 20 too much
not buying time, stakes high, got to be careful before making
JC: last week away on biz but I got a copy of the tape, caught
the first couple of speakers gave me the impression, picking on
listening to Sop, effort to maintain balance and treat ppl
crossed my mind -- do we have daycares in ev public gathering?
SJN: most of the daycares are in churches, afterschools in
JC: does ev church participate in childcare?
we exempt taxes -- wd it be unreasonable to do it for
SJN: almost, if not ev, church has daycare facilities of some
JC: maxed out? think there's an opp here
if a church has half an acre and 20 kids, why not have 40
SJN: believe group....
JC: agree with Cclr Smith and will let you off the hook
Sop: if this bylaw is defeated, what happens tomorrow wrt group
daycares in sgl-fam nbrhds
SJN: if can meet prov legislation, can be
Sop: if you decide not to support
any mbr here tonight, tomorrow can get a group daycare
permission from the prov and establish
if you don't pass this, there are no rules!
see how it goes with the nbrs -- how did this happen?
two daycares on either side of me with 20 each
this is not about childcare, it's about a balance
to say we're going to wait and some magic, study this, and
after five/six months
it's wrong not to pass this
we can make amendments at any time and bring back
don't wait for four five months
that protection is gone tomorrow morning; let Ccl deal with the
under the 1200 spots within churches and schools, if need, why
six? .....
if great need, why isn't there something out there pushing
home-based biz is a commercial biz
is the av house set up to deal with 20 chn, need 2000sf
v difficult time; not brutal to pass this bylaw -- it's
protection for your nbrhd and balance
VV: thank Cclr Sop for being so eloquent
got impression other cclrs thought the status quo wd continue
if not passed
without it there cd three 20chn daycares next to each
this bylaw at least the status quo; need this while we wait
for report
unstable, not pass, we'll get applications and no
hope everyone's clear; can't just wait -- if we want status
quo, we vote for it
MS: we haven't had 100 ppl clamouring at the gates to open
as Cclr Sop said there are provincial requirements, all JF, JC,
RD is that signals convey ???; by holding off want to wait to hear
what studies will say; shd just defer
Sop: it's not deferring
Mayor: wd like to ask Clerk to defer or set aside
SSch: yes to ??? with many unnumbered??? [missed this
SJN: the further information wd mean another Public
issue it wd raise is an ambiguity for those who wish to
Mayor: cd or wish to wait
Certainly schools are doing a lot; daycare is a crushing need; no
portables in prov, they're looking into that; want to stick
used to be 20 chn on ev block and no one minded
only way to have tolerant society is to be tolerant
hope anyone who cares will.......
our OCP -- we need to encourage to meet needs of young
families and chn
our policy 1993, served well, first problem; think carefully
before changing
thirdly our corp biz plan to update child daycare
my research, parents putting their kids into care younger and
I'm willing to put this aside...... v difficult can
build something in......
motion remains from Cclr Sop
Sop: decision tonight will affect residents at Anderson Cr
that daycare will be able to apply tomorrow morning for
another 20 across the street
we have concern for chn but have no balance but we're going to
allow 20 chn in sgl fam areas with no rules
assurance nothing? will find solution in five months,
guarantee won't find solution in eight or nine months
Mayor: deferral motion b/c not ready to defeat
SSch: Ccl can withdraw and put forward a deferral; if new
information must be a Public Hearing
JC: move withdrawal
Mayor: do we defeat withdrawal?
SSch: xxxxx
Mayor: deferral
SSch: June 18
Sop: is there any basis through our rules we cannot
JF: just debating
Sop: what's going to protect sgl fam nbrhds if
deferred to June?
SJN: the only response, the existing bylaws wd
remain in effect
Sop: and they're not
Mayor: matter will return June
6. Development
Permit 06?058 (1555 Esquimalt) Solar Collector Array Panel
1. A Public Meeting be
waived for Development Permit No. 06 - 058; and
2. DP No. 06 - 058
(1555 Esquimalt) ... for the installation of solar panels, be
RD: good idea
VV: reflect negatively wrt prop tax bill?
CAO: can't have an exemption
VV: wd like to debate this and attitude altered if affects prop
Sop: realistic to think solar energy advanced for true
EBarth: advanced in last while considerably
Sop: concern re angle re glare
[EBarth to SJN] SJN: that's the reason before you; if wd affect a
bldg nearby
it has dark panels that do not reflect and they're pointed
Sop: precedent-setting, proliferate, and if bypassing public
Mayor: assume if deleterious effect on nbring, mtg wd not be
CAO: biz case saving money (couldn't when building Aq Ctr), have
directed Mr Barth to see where we can
JF: will all alternative energy forms be subject to review by
Design Cmte on bldgs other than sgl fam
SJN: only on multifam and biz; most sglfam bldgs close to height
level so can't
Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Planning Process
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following reports be received for community
comment and Council consideration on March 12, 2007:
=B7 Report from the Sr.
Community Planner re: "Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Planning
Process" dated February 2, 2007;
=B7 Report from the
Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Plan Working Group:
"Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Planning Process: Final
Working Group Recommendations, January 2007"; and
=B7 Compilation of Four
(4) 'Discussion Papers' prepared by members of the Working
Man: choose Alternative B so a loose group can get together
report made public late Friday afternoon -- believe some
significant misstatements of fact as to how this started
wd be fair for those to have time
sometimes signals are an important thing as Cclr Smith said
not strong opposition, but signal of just receiving without
hearing opposite side without hearing them sends out the wrong
process went somewhat awry; I'm a supportive of the Planning
Dept -- a fantastic place; but big supporter of nbrhd initiatives
throughout NAm, believe good way to hear what residents have to
this particular cmte first endorsed 2005 Dec 5; based on fact
working group wd be comprised both ppl who voted for and against but
geog division
not what happened; thought area not homogenous enough; my little
street, Regency, had no representation
I was told reason excluded b/c felt some of the opposition wd be
Oct 26 a group of us, half a dozen, notified the nbrs and made
personal effort to go door to door
think Cclr Day was there
a lot of angry ppl there -- b/c they felt they were misled, not a
specific way to voice opinion
not told if you don't vote yes you won't have another
that six of us, block captains, so tabled at same time
Mayor: the intent of the Planning Dept was to bring it forward
now so Mar 12 is when Ccl and public can talk about it
Man: want opposition paper tabled at same time
a lot don't understand they don't have another point of
six of seven ppl, one from each street and wd like to have opp
to present opposition/side
pursue and in fair way; otherwise backfire, don't need to be that
way; ppl shd hv opp to see pros and cons
David Midskte (sp?): having been involved in politics I don't get
involved in this
back from holidays, I walked down street
devt permits, no tree trimming without permit; majority opposed,
submitted letters; don't get .....
cmte mbrs shd be commended for work done
March 12 is spring break so a lot will be away
I'd like that Ccl not accept or validate report in any way
without full debate, with recommendations, and letters online of those
opposed wrt process and recommendations
{Ah. So those rumours true. I'd heard a lot of
letters wrt this nbrhd plan/process were sent in after DWV started
blocking letters so we didn't get to read them. Here again we
have residents WANTING their letters made public, part of the ccl mtg
agenda/package! When will common sense wrt correspondence to
Mayor and Council prevail?}
ensure all sides of the issue in public domain and
concern it will become a planning tool without the contrary
viewpoints expressed
in Oct the overwhelming majority at the mtg were opposed and felt
the process shd stop
concerned must be looked at in context, a lot of ppl were
excluded; shd be given longer than Mar 12
Jeff Nagle (sp?): neither a block captain or long time resident;
just moved here a short while ago
my first mtg was in Oct -- astounded at divide, v v strong
not involved in prev information sessions
can't say but adamantly opposed, not fair process; surprised
at the anger; glad my kids weren't at meeting
we really do need to get both sides; now only showing one
RD: questions of last three
got report late last week; lot to read
Planning Dept has dropped DP, tree bylaw -- what are you
complaining about? you won!
all the original proposals have been dropped
some of the lessons learned cd be used at a general
nobody's suggesting a tree bylaw or a Devt Permit, so what are
you worried about?
Man: this isn't a win or lose
don't feel good; it's process but it got personal; cd be a
positive process
wd like Ccl -- $20 - 40K spent on this! -- some good came out.
I know my nbrs better, something good can come out of this --
significant limiting of blasting
Mayor: good point, we've got all those letters; this is
just step one, no decision being made tonight
Man: thought being asked a question
RD: maybe a bit strong; a lot of positive came out
money invested; worthwhile; nbrhd plans, some mistakes, maybe too
many streets
Mayor: a lot to discuss
JC: incumbent upon us to ensure they're heard
Sop: friendly amendment -- include opposition papers for
inclusion on that night?
SJN: intention was presentation on March 12; intended to advise
ppl by sending out a letter
if somebody wanted to put in other comments, we cd add that if
want to make comments we'd have to have okay but can be posted on
website; if Ccl wants to put it off to March 19, okay
Sop: defer to 19th
SJN: not intent to defer, just so ppl know when
Mayor: so set date
good, provided to me and I gave it to Stephen Mikicich in
JC: March 12 and 19, both are spring break
SJN: 26th?
JF: are we amending to read March 26?
Mayor: so 26th, and comments?
SJN: if received and authorized to post them
Mayor: so 26th and public can comment then too
Community Centre Quarterly Update
JPike: Josie Chuback and project mgr Basil Davis here
JCh: cover report with highlights and then highlights of status
went through various ways to reduce $4.9M
meets budget of July 2005
{and what's the budget of Feb 2007???}
[reduced?] footprint, size of hallways, exterior glazing,
landscape, LEED elements, storm water.
excellent work by construction manager
good alternatives allowing us to meet; budget on track, quality
project is four weeks behind; still expect to finish
construction in 2007; fitting in spring of 2008
delaying connection to Srs' Ctr that had pottery studio, $1.5M
will look at as we go along
met with Finance and Audit Cmte last week, discussion on
under pressure; weather and site; labour shortage but has picked
webcams on site to be able to monitor and track, will be
making that live for the public
looking at confirming working group for the governance of the
cmnty ctr
Sop: has there been a slowdown in construction cost spiral?
JCh: ask proj mgr Basil Davis
BD: in some of the trades a slowing down and not as much
gouging but as an overall percentage rise, starting to crest, from
annual rate 11% for last two or three years, now heading back to 8%
within 12 months
from when this proj was originally envisioned, probably in
order of 40% so to delay it wd hv bn serious.
JF: construction will not include pottery studio and
connection at this time, correct?
JCh: yes
JF: not likely to occur?
JCh: better view in April
JF: we've had some enquiries; if possible to include we wd be
doing that
all is not lost but likelihood not minimal
BD: design is complete, includes that; not closing off the doors,
just financial consideration
been anticipated cd move on from there
JF: anyone running around with huge sums of money, we'd take it,
BD: yes
Mayor: about Coastal Health, changes?
JCh: much similar to process we went through, value engg
particularly as to improvements, they've tailored back;
agreement that anything they want over and above, they'll pay District
9. Hugo Ray
Park - Update and Project Adjustment
RECOMMENDED: THAT approval be given to the Hugo Ray Park Society
to expand the scope of the approved project to include the upgrading
of grass fields #3 and #4 in Phase 1.
Joyce Allsopp: voice my opposition to recomm contained in report
from Dir/Parks that approval be given to expand.... 3 and 4 in Ph
approval was initiated by a request from the capital campaign mgr
of HRay Society so they cd appeal to a high capacity audience
While entirely commendable for an answer to be given quickly;
amazed a five-page report approving this within one day
perhaps speedy b/c some facts left out
while Dir/Parks spoke about traffic going to and from, nothing
about being used 12 rather than six months a year, nor about extended
hours with lighting
nor anything about number of cars for spectators, high and low
capacity during national and international events
think answers shd be supplied before passed
need for increased parking for cars and buses but only one brief
mention staff working with Ministry; not assured and no funding at
this time; not even an attempt of improved access
plan 2005 second access by Keith Rd but disappeared, where did it
am sure you know traffic is tunnelled..........ends at a cemetery
wch frequently sees long courteges at slow speed
our situation is barely tenable now
what will happen if better access and egress cannot be
achieved; consider this carefully before approving
Jim O'Toole: 3rd and Lawson; taking the brunt proposed
speaking on behalf of a lot of ppl, I went door to door,
asking them if they had any idea
I'm not okay with this
current traffic on Hadden and Mathers a nightmare, can't
imagine what wd happen if expanded
planning on having a family soon -- where can we walk with our
v concerned about year-round national sport-training
wd you put Amb Park at the end of a small residential
99% knew nothing, and I thought nbrs were supposed to be
Sop: how many were notified?
KPike: sent a note out to our mailing list when doing consulting
process last winter and spring
approx 45 email notes Tuesday
copy of the report to a few selected ppl we've been dealing with
on Friday
extent of notice
{OOOOO! Isn't there a rule if not a guideline to
within so many meters??? Who's responsible for that? Head
of Dept? or does Ccl assume it was done and usually doesn't ask
as Sop did above? Maybe reports to Ccl shd have a checklist of
steps taken with them checked off and results noted. I know on
some reports they have financial implications, as one of the topics
and that's identified.}
Howard Peshaw (sp?): wrt last comment, I'd be receiving email
and I didn't receive notice and I've had one day to get this
my whole concern is going from field hockey it's gone to an
all-round all-year facility
lighting will make it from 8am to 10 to 11pm and I personally
think this is unacceptable, burdening an already burdened
the original scheme called for expanding to five fields, fine,
recognize something has to be done and reason why residents behind
original proposal, something needed to be done
this, I'm personally withdrawing my support
run a national facility with two lanes running down the street;
know of nowhere else, ludicrous
are we doing to have coaches running up and down 3rd street?
maybe three? int'l game cd have 20 coaches sitting there; already
parking problems with three churches
problems with the access to Hugo Ray and seen vehicles stuck on
3rd St and can't get through
to have this, stunned; shows poor, lack of, planning
don't put on suburban streets
TRAFFIC -- 66% of ppl using HRPark are from out of area, not
WV at all
brings question of security of area; don't know how we'll be able
to secure our houses
told our houses' value cd increase but with those coaches running
up and down can only be detrimental
this new plan is totally unacceptable, three churches,
Montessori, cemetery, Hugo Ray Park
really think carefully about this one, you're going to have a lot
of upset ppl in Cedardale area
Alan (cdn't tell last name): short, b/c ev I want to say already
live on Hadden Drive and huge anger over this going forward
Hadden Mathers Third, hazardous no one at speed limit, can't
original proposal bad enough but agreed to, but not this
don't see why cant have direct access to hwy
hope Ccl has wisdom not to approve this before traffic prob
Mayor?: David ,,,,,? can come back to him
Sharon Sheppard: believe we're discussing inclusion of two
fields; not discussing additional fields or expansion; wanting to
resurface; soccer does play year round on those grass fields whether
upgraded or not
Bunt study
Ccl has already given approval to this in July; upgrading
increases our chances of funding
large project, $$$$$, and
year round with lights already approved; only so many chn on
field at time, four fields
....fields grass, no lights
grass fields closed District-wide; so three and four will be
closed and just as now when rainy
at peak hours; with improvements approved in July, 200 parking on
resurfacing of grass fields enables us to secure funding
JF: with resurfacing.... fields bare, already being
will that increase number of kids/use?
SS: being played on now; at peak time we have ten teams; will be
no more than eight
then we won't have the six to eights playing
will be higher age levels to have the good surface to play
CAO: essentially approved by Ccl was 3 and 4
1 .... expansion of new field on 5
this moves resurfacing up in schedule and delays expansion to 5;
so reduction in short term
Mayor: think we'll hear from public then have discussion
Craig Turner: first, will distribute a petition of all the
residents, two and a half pages; want to thank residents who came out
on short notice
questions on behalf of local residents, have copied Ccl:
field hockey club said huge support; if such support over so
many years why so much difficulty raising this funding?
secondly re traffic studies: only two days and when games
suggest encompass baseball, ie as a whole, not field hockey in
asked if more trees come down, b/c more noise
someone said trees not acoustic barrier, and I still oppose that
money -- feeder road?
we have traffic problems, speeding, now; come around if a funeral
or church thing going on, coming down Hadden Dr is an obstacle course
some days
lighting, great usage, but Ambleside has no houses in front
{!!! Obviously someone who didn't hear all the
complaints about the high lights on late in front of them -- the glow
does cross the road!}
why hasn't a noise impact been done?
I'm seeing PA systems and maybe Cdn Tire exaggerating?
who wd own park? public still use for picnics?
corporate sponsorship not been allowed in WV
why not asked prior? why not more thorough reference?
9 expansion..... how does this massive project benefit the
backed to river and hwy
in NV know some fields, more in a commercial zone wd be more
suitable and a xxxxx? sponsor
outside? who gets money?
11 clubhouse -- extended hours for banquet? how many tournaments?
I don't need an alarm clock on the weekend. Ev Sat and Sun at
9am, hear kids and parents cheering -- I'm not stupid I knew that when
I bought but during week too?
I've almost been hit, T-boned twice
hard to support with all that traffic coming in
Robert Barr: outlined my concerns to you today by email
but now about some technical issues
previously when Ccl decided to recommend funding for first
funding of HRay Park that that funding was given to Field Hockey Assn
but current corresp has come from Hugo Ray Park Improvement Society --
on behalf of them?
seems a bit paradoxical?
one and same group or interchangeable?
a little disappointed that this HRPk Group, despite only say
resurface, they want to go further, national training -- hidden
agenda, not fully exposed to mbrs of Ccl
early proposal was field hockey, cricket, and minor soccer but
lo and behold I see baseball, archery, and disc sports -- nothing to
do with the lumbar area -- can get noisy if dogs involved
sounds like this group comes up with a good idea a
change our basket of goodies, ask for more money
change direction if hit an obstacle and then back for a
different proposal
has this Ccl handed over its planning to this group?
has ownership been handed over to this group b/c they can
obviously chop and change their agenda at will
is it still a nbrhd park for the use of its
does this society still have your permission for large
capacity ??? call Wrigley Field?
use this as bait to attract funding?
I don't think you have and if you have we the nbrs don't know
about it
heard more than once this evening, hv not been adequately
informed of this project
suggests there's an enticement or .......
something... nothing comes from nothing......
Rabbi Berner: know it's late, teaching tomorrow; away from my
all of a sudden came up tonight
I'm a sportsman; listened to ev here tonight and it's
I absolutely believe in sep of church and state, synagogue and
aware you see little short bearded men; -- every time they get
up, they're told be short :-)
takes its toll
the Torah wch Jesus quoted over and over: "Love thy
not love, won't go into grammar, love...but that we show respect
and concern for our nbr
we're talking about nbrs, here tonight -- but with planning we cd
bring out hundreds tonight
tonight I heard about 20 chn in a nbrhd, destroying, but we're
talking about 100s of buses
there are higher priorities than WV residents
you can't be putting over xxxxxxx
nbrhd fully informed debates
seem to be going on here
I conclude (concur?) with everything? my? nbrs said
it's shocking what's happening tonight
is it possible any of you wd like this monstrosity of a sports
ctr in your nbrhd?
within 20 yards seeing it go past your streets
thank you
David Frazee: thank you, just in and think my nbrs have
thank you, Rabbi
KPike, Dir/Parks: you see a board before you
the two fields on the left are one and two, approved for
artificial turf
3 and 4 have settled badly
5th was a brand new field proposed as part of our recommendation
last July -- debate and you decided not to go with it, just with 1 and
2 plus infrastructure
funding, decided, now the group HRPk Society showed success in
raising the money
in reviewing the proj and fund-raising possibilities
wd be much more successful in fundraising if they cd show they
were building a project not just for field hockey but other sports as
when they came back and said we'd like to add resurfacing -- they
rock and roll at the moment, it's relevelling, putting turf back on --
use wd have continued, but on better level
The Society did add they wd encourage other sports on those
fields and being done to attract more funding more readily
Correct, we did write this report rather quickly, but did send
out to our list as soon as we had it and in Ccl's hands
Mayor: cd Mr Dozzi comment on progress wrt traffic with
Brent Dozzi: wrt reconsidering reopening what was closed two
years ago was primarily used for truck traffic, they've indicated they
need more info
we've rehired the consultant; two reports: weave analysis looking
a safe way out of park onto hwy b/c there's a required distance;
second is impact on traffic signal at TWay. Currently traffic
arrives there from east. Those patterns probably wdn't
schedule for that study -- just procured from consultant, expect
short turnaround; coincides with peak time for usage wch is probably
early spring, cd get from historical
Mayor: ask Cclr Clark [to extend]
Sop: question
Mayor: extension [till biz finished]
Sop: what if I said no? be careful!
{there must be a motion and it must pass unanimously to extend
a ccl mtg beyond 10pm.}
Sop: is it my understanding this Society dictates to Ccl about
use of this park?
KPike: now we give booking and scheduling to the user groups
to handle, as Amb Park
same thing wd happen at HRay as has happened for 30 years; that
park is primarily for field sport, that how designed -- doesn't lend
itself to picnics
no intent to give over any other usage to any other group
Mayor: Cclr Smith, move for purposes of discussion?
MS: for purposes of discussion
Sop: guess if one doesn't have goals, difficult to
far too many unanswered questions, brought again to Ccl's
attention by public
Field 1 and 2, looking at $1M in and around Phase One
need whole area to raise significant amt of money
question leader road adequate if facility as large as buildout
not considered buildout yet, need capacity to raise $7.5M
Public have right to defer until questions answered
hwy questions, whether prov govt give us right
int'l headquarters for field hockey and I support that
we went to public with Phase One; not all public accepted it;
this is entirely a different picture
not supporting this, deferred, and have dialogue with nbrs
VV: I gave my ...when it came up
I wanted the nearest one be grass for nbrs to walk along
the minute it's a synthetic surface ......
I didn't want them to do synthetic on 1 and 2, was okay for 3 and
looks as if ought to be possible to connect
subject to that betting solfed??? [being surfaced/solved????] and
leaving grass fields near houses so shared use
1 and 2; 3 and 4
not a single iota of attention given to what I suggested so
will continue to oppose
JF: Ccl approved last July; no change except 3
and 4 wch presently exist and continue to be used
there's really going to be no change except for perhaps more
usage during year and up to 40 vehicles an hour more
it's a marginal
prov and fed funding
lots in WV give a lot of money to Victoria and Ottawa, wd be good
to see some return to WV
committed re parking for Phase One
to go ahead a good thing, so I will be supporting
MS: have to use a little common sense here
reality is, as one of the speakers says... these
fields are not adequate, 3 and 4 look like a swamp; everyone agrees
something has to be done, even nbrs
this Ccl has no money, Field Hockey came and said we want the
fields, we'll come up with $7M
when the project first came to Ccl a traffic study came with it
-- will increase supply of parking spaces, improved traffic
circulation, so I throw it out
someone comes and says raise $7M; report says not traffic probs;
why wd we refuse
fair to ask Mr Pike and Mr Stuart -- and certainly wish them luck
-- if they raise the funds and walk in with a $7M, we wd still have
the right that the project successfully better, concerns of nbrs being
addressed before project started
CAO: we will be pursuing v vigorously access/egress to Upper
hoping as develops, has funding, at this stage high level
MS: that's the point; if we kill the project tonight, kills
approve and they can go to govts and if funds raised to Ccl go
to cmnty to get support
at v least have to move it along
JC: supported this venture in the beginning, continue to do
agree however just a topical situation for fields that Parks
Dept shd hv dealt with years ago
am concerned about morphed into this society; don't know who
they are; precedent naming
can we get answers before vote?
CAO: clubhouse suggested but needs Ccl approval
JC: know who directors are?
CAO: newly formed, can get those names
Someone from audience: in existence over a year,
[Gave names and they stood up]
RD: certainly a difficult evening
can see need to do fields 3 and 4, but uneasy
Phase One upset the nbrhd enormously, can see that tonight....
this clubhouse turned into an int'l ctr, then sponsorship thing
worries me
to collect money you need have to build something incompatible
with nbrhd
guess I'm going to vote against; sympathetic to FH Society
wd like to know more about access to hwy; some hesitation going
to vote against
Sop: at what point in time wd we, prior to making any
decision, talk about sponsorship, naming
so not after the fact?
these are unacceptable, shd be known prior to decision
CAO: have been looking at corporate sponsorship for a number of
shd hv a policy ready in a couple of weeks, well ahead of
timing, know Ccl uncomfortable, think it's b/c of the number of
grants announced
we only have approval of Phase One
Ccl is not adding anything more than filling of the two extra
have an opp to come back to Ccl wrt sponsorship and namings
can dictate what goes on; really before Ccl be/c group anxious to
make grant applications
Mayor: two outstanding issues; sponsorship is a big one for
Kay Meek Ctr, not a problem; Pattison, reading room at Library,
Odlum Brown Harmony Arts
subtle -- names of ppl, not corporations, not sure what Society
has in mind
traffic -- expect something back in the spring from MOT?
BDozzi: within two months, depends on how hard we press
Mayor: we feel within public interest to leverage priv donors to
pay for field, our money going elsewhere
M's money taxpayers', better re traffic
the expansion of the project is challenging and we had a mtg with
the Society
v difficult re nbrhd and Ccl respects that; wd like to know
impact of getting these answers
cd you explain your timeline for fundraising?
Darlene Hyde: Campaign Fund Mgr; put plan together first couple
of months this year
then approach indivs, when you're raising $7.5M, you're looking
for lead gifts, around $1M, once you have lead govts say a million or
two, the you can go forward
1500 families on North Shore from field hockey
already applied to fed and prov govts but wanted really to get
started in next few months
Mayor: if you fall short, if you raise $1M is there a fallback
position or--
DH: if we don't from a variety of sources, foundations another
then we go back to Phase One ...
felt better listen when they see it's not just something for
field hockey, improve 3 and 4, archery, etc; ppl will say yeah, I can
see for young ppl, participaction; heard ppl this evening, what better
to do that an sport making you healthier; hoping by end of this year
$7.5M is either spoken for or given
{gonna be tough; WV Youth Band is trying to raise $1.5M;
getting ~$10M from a cmnty of ~40K within a year?}
Mayor: when will you hear from fed govt?
DH: got letter today, June, July
Mayor: think good to continue with this
MOT won't work out; sponsorship won't work out
agree with Cclr Smith, go forward for a few more months and if we
don't have what we need we won't go forward
CAO: only think moving forward with this option is fundrasing b/c
fields 3 and 4 resurfaced
Mayor: we brought this up with the group, we don't have
RD: does this notion include clubhouse?
Mayor: there's a lot involved; that's where sponsorship
FROM PUBLIC: Question--
Mayor: we can't allow
Sop: can we have discussion?
Mayor: can't have discussion
Sop: if you are--
Mayor: I'm explaining my vote b/c 3-3
10. Spirit Trail Project -
LocalMotion Funding Application
1. Council direct
staff to apply to the Province of British Columbia for LocalMotion
funding to construct the West Vancouver Portion of the Spirit
2. Council commit to
matching LocalMotion funding as required by the Provincial Government
LocalMotion Program.
EBarth: having trouble with my voice this evening; Brent Dozzi
may help me out
bicycle network plan
backbone of this network; multiuser trail, LGB to HBay; will hook
up with CNV and DNV so to Deep Cove, a remarkable legacy.
supported by local MLAs, and.........etc
low-level recreational greenway; inline skating, walking; used by
all levels of mobility
$40M over four years and Ms eligible to apply for $1M for each of
the four years; 50-50 funding but longer than four years to build it;
funding will be presented to us in a trust and draw on it
may be eligible for $2M in total from this prog; we have put in
the draft plan
believe signif opps to raise funds and WVFdn interested in
assisting us
we don't have to do something in hope getting funds, we'd build
as funds av; can be built in stages, first priority LGB to 31st;
deadline for applications is this Friday 16th
CAO: DNV has in fact taken their portion to their Ccl and it has
been approved, at CNV mtg tonight
Sop: v supportive; like positioning, over time; v positive move,
envtally sound
Mayor: one of the strengths is the three Ms working together and
collaboratively with the four MLAs
really energized the staff; when hear from prov?
EB: prov wants to hear prior to end of their fiscal year
VV: have said a lot in past about saving money but this is good
it's open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, equal
quite happy, quite conscionable, even someone as frugal as I am,
wd like to move it to high priority
JF made motion
***FOR COMMENT ON THE COST, $800K+ per mile, SEE gRUMBLEs at
beginning of newsletter
11. Child Care -
Formation of a Working Group
RECOMMENDED: THAT a Child Care Services Working Group be
established to address current child care issues in West Vancouver and
to carry out policy review and strategic planning.
Mayor: clarification from Mr Nicholls
want public to understand what we can and cannot accept
SJN: expect working on issue over this time; probably new bylaw,
so just carry on
Mayor: so just carry on........
Sop: if lengthy process wd like to do it at another point
Mayor: only one person
Person: I'll give up speaking
CAO: wd be referred to Cmnty Enggmt Cmte
12. BC Spirit Squares -
Capital Funding Program Applications
RECOMMENDED: THAT the capital funding program applications for
the town square in Ambleside and the atrium and plaza at the Civic
Centre Site Community Centre be submitted to the BC Spirit Squares
13. New Filming Policy &
RB: staff have been using this for the last six months; no
noise bylaw exemptions still referred back to Ccl if impact
public substantially
Sop: says refer back to CAO or ......
and if it's been going on for six months I don't know films going
on and shd
CAO: no such thing as forever more; if complaints, look at
working well; provide Ccl with info.....
Sop: says once a year; cd be passed by staff; noise, special
effects, explosives
decision by staff not by Ccl, why? are we not capable of making
these decisions?
CAO: you haven't turned any down; again, if issues can revisit;
if contentious
get Ccl involved in decisions rather than administrivia
Mayor: policy is conservative; goal to unclutter our agenda and
offer a more biz-like approach
full notification in the policy, if nbr a concern cd come to
Sop: worked well for years so why?
Mayor: making a movie not necessarily a political decision
14. Correspondence List...
MS: defer to next week
Mayor: to next mtg
=== AGENDA Cmte of the Whole Mtg Feb
19th ===
2. Development
Variance Permit Application 07?001 (6001 Gleneagles Drive)
... be received for consideration on Monday, March 5, 2007.
3. Comments on
GVRD Discussion Paper on a Draft Affordable Housing
1. The GVRD be
commended for its leadership in developing a comprehensive, strategic,
multi-faceted proposal for addressing regional affordable housing
2. Comments on the
"Discussion paper on a Draft Affordable Housing Strategy", as
outlined in section 3.0 of the report from the Planning Analyst dated
January 31, 2007, be forwarded to the GVRD Board for their
4. 2007
Heritage Achievement Awards Presentation Ceremony(information to
be provided)
{That's strange b/c press release went out Feb 8th; see info
above at beginning of newsletter}
* TRUTHINESS was declared word of the year for 2006, see:
=== HAIKU / Heritage Week 2007
Recall last issue (and on the Heritage Week flyers distributed)
that the first peep of the chorus frog heard marks the start of spring
for the Squamish.
Drop off HAIKU submissions at Park Royal (Info Desks), West
Van Florist (Ambleside), The Blue Teapot (Dundarave), Caulfeild Art
Gallery (Caulfeild Village), Spirit Gallery (Horseshoe Bay).
See Heritage Week info at www.heritage.westvan.org and
submit haiku to haiku2007@heritage.westvan.org by email. For
info 922 4400.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish
painter and sculptor, one of the most recognized figures in 20th
century art. He is best known as the co-founder, along with
Georges Braque, of cubism. It has been estimated that Picasso produced
about 13,500 paintings or designs, 100,000 prints or engravings,
34,000 book illustrations and 300 sculptures or ceramics...
Spanish - hace falta mucho, mucho tiempo para
ser joven
English - it takes a very long time to become
Because we don't understand the brain very well we're constantly
tempted to use the latest technology as a model for trying to
understand it. In my childhood we were always assured that the brain
was a telephone switchboard. (What else could it be?) And I was amused
to see that Sherrington, the great British neuroscientist, thought
that the brain worked like a telegraph system. Freud often compared
the brain to hydraulic and electromagnetic systems. Leibniz compared
it to a mill, and now, obviously, the metaphor is the digital
John R. Searle, philosophy professor (1932- )
All kids are gifted; some just open their packages earlier than
Michael Carr
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it
to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994)
I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief
duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble.
The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes,
but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest
Helen Keller
Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with.
-- Robert Leighton
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. --
Roger Miller, musician (1936-1992)