June 11th NOTES
June 18th AGENDA
Calendar to June 28th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

***  So sad to hear of the passing (but at least he was dancing) of WV artist and long-time resident, Daniel Izzard.
***  What a piece of work is man!
You will recall the incredible footage of the brave man who stood alone in front of the tanks in Tienanmen Square.  And now June 13/14, TV film of civilians in Gaza marching for peace protesting the Fatah/Hamas warfare and an unarmed man chasing after a gunman so incensed and fedup are the people with the fighting.
Man never ceases to surprise.
My suggestion was in an earlier WVM and in Saturday's VSun, they want your nominations for TEN wonders.  Go to www.vancouversun.com or send stories/images to sunwonders@png.canwest.com
***  SEVEN WONDERS OF WEST VANCOUVER -- Please send your nominations to wonders@westvan.org
What's special in your nbrhd?  Is there a special spot? building? tree? Tell me about it: specialspots@westvan.org or call 922 4400

=  MAIN ITEMS Ccl Agenda June 18th: Foreshore Preservation Delegation; Collingwood School (Morven Parking); Clovelly/Lower Caulfeild; Queen Bee Child Care Society; Rezoning Application 2388/2396 Marine Dr.
=  Vive le Canada; Viva BC;  INFObits WV (Block Watch news; Water sprinkling regulations; Survey Results); THEATREWATCH; Calendar to June 28th
=  Ccl Mtg June 11th NOTES: Public Amenity/Sponsorship Policies deferred; Rodgers Crk Update with discussion re Equestrian Ctr and Open House June 20; 2006 Annual Report, Child Care
=  Ccl AGENDA June 18; Legislation 'Rules'; Importance of Words/Language: Signs; Quotations

If you would like to help preserve an important aspect of B.C.'s maritime history, please write to Fisheries and Oceans Minister Loyola Hearn, and to the Hon. John Baird, Minister of the Environment and Parks Canada, both at the House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, outlining your support for this bill.  [Email addressed are: bairdj@parl.gc.ca and HearnL@parl.gc.ca and letter can be as short as: Please support Bill C220 and the preservation of our heritage lighthouses.]  More details were in last issue (WVM2007-19).
*** VIVA BC!
It's coming to strawberry season -- we need some sun for the ripening, however.  The VSun reported we've lost about half of our strawberry farmers with imports from California, Mexico, and China.  I'll pay more to buy local -- small, juicy, sweet, organic if possible.
=== INFObits WV
It was presented to Council June 11th..  A public meeting will be held on June 25th at 7pm in the Council Chamber to present the Annual Report and to receive comment from interested residents. See http://www.westvancouver.ca/upload/documents/DRAFT_2006_Annual_Report.pdf
ooo  BLOCK WATCH -- www.blockwatch.com
from the Informative Newsletter for British Columbia published monthly by the Block Watch Society of BC.
Preventing Youth Violence
There have been a number of youth violence related crimes in the news lately.  Some of the measures that are available to those who want to fight youth violence are: One option is the BC Youth Police Network, more information is available; A second option is the Safe Communities Kit.  More information is available.
 Water Sprinkling Restrictions On Again
Every year from June 1 to September 30, the GVRD implements restrictions to lawn sprinkling. These measures help us manage our water use through the summer in order to avoid even further restrictions during the [drier] months.  Water sprinkling regulations:
        Sprinkling allowed between 4 - 9am or 7 - 10pm.
        Even-numbered addresses: Wednesday & Saturday
        Odd-numbered addresses: Thursday & Sunday
Handwatering and sprinkling of vegetable gardens, shrubs, and flowers are all unrestricted. Violations carry fines of up to $100. West Vancouver enforces sprinkling regulations under the Waterworks Bylaw.
ooo  WV Survey Results
See  http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5182&c=621 for the presentation of the 2007 Ipsos Reid Survey, "Quality of Life and Financial Planning"

June 16 marked the Opening Night of Romeo and Juliet at Bard on the Beach!  -- a sweet Juliet who looks the 13 going on 14 referred to in the play, a lively caring nurse (instead of the old grandmotherly usually portrayed), and then, pause for awe, Bob Frazer as Mercutio whose magnetism/dynamism is felt whenever he is on stage -- definitely one of the best actors in Canada right now.  See www.bardonthebeach.org or call 739 0559 for tix as soon as possible if you want to go.  Taming of the Shrew is sold out for the next week or so and 50% for rest of season.  Those two are in the big tent.  Awaiting with great anticipation the two yet to come: Julius Caesar and Timon of Athens.

===  CALENDAR to June 28th  ===  [M Hall unless otherwise noted; ongoing at end]

== Tues, June 19th
~ 8 - 9:30am ~ Ambleside Town Ctr Strategy WG (at Ch of Commerce)
~ 4:30pm ~ Finance & Audit Cmte -- it wasn't in last WVM b/c not on DWV Calendar, however although a recent mtg cancelled, apparently they intend to meet every Tuesday; best to check.
~ 6:30 - 8pm ~ Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character & Housing Working Group
== Wed, June 20th
~ 5:30 - 9pm ~ Community Centre Governance W.G. Educational Session (Srs' Ctr)
~ 6 - 8:30pm ~ Rodgers Creek Area Open House at Srs' Ctr (Activity Room)
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Library Bd (at Library)
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Board of Variance

== Thurs, June 21st
~ 5:30 - 8pm ~ Rodgers Creek Area WG
~  6:30 ~ Ch of Commerce's Annual President's Dinner (and presentation of awards); Capilano Golf & Country Club
~ 7:30 - 9:30 ~ Summer Solstice Campfire at Ambleside Beach

== June 21 - 22 == Innovative Stormwater Management Conference
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia
Location: Rm 120 AERL Building,  2202 Main Mall, UBC
Tel: (604) 822-4401; www.ires.ubc.ca  = ; and  iwm-course@rmes.ubc.ca 

== Sat, June 23rd
~ all day - Squamish Nation War Canoe Races in Ambleside Park
~ 10 - 10:30 am ~ North Shore Walks - Seaview Trail (Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr)
== WEEKEND: Sat/Sun June 23/24 -- www.nsarc.ca
North Shore Amateur Radio Club -- Emergency Communications Exercises in Cypress Park
with NSh Emergency Mgmt Office: Field Day with information ctr and displays on Saturday noon to 5pm; North American-wide amateur radio exercise
== Sun, June 24th
~ 7am - 7pm ~ TransCanada Trail Challenge - various locations
~ 9am - 2pm ~ Walk the World for Schizophrenia (seawalk)
~ 10am - 3pm ~ Ambleside Farmers' Market, 14th and Bellevue (Sundays during the summer)

== Tues, June 26th
~ 4:30pm ~ Finance & Audit Cmte -- ? not on DWV Calendar, however usually meet Tuesdays
~ 6 - 8pm ~ OPENING NIGHT at the Ferry Building Gallery of "Waking the Muse"
Eve Llyndorah, mixed media; Stoica Niculae Nuca, acrylic on canvas; Tudor Serban, sculpture
and Artists in Attendance June 30 from 2 - 3pm.  Exhibit ends July 15.

== Wed, June 27th
~ 4pm ~ Design Review Adv Cmte (moved from June 28)
~ 6:30 - 8pm ~ Child Care Services Working Group

== Thurs, June 28th
~  Dialogues on the future of the region at SFU Wosk Ctr
The Greater Vancouver Regional District is partnering with Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade across Greater Vancouver to launch an expanded program of dialogues for 2007. http://www.gvrd.bc.ca/sustainability/dialogues.htm
New and innovative approaches to regional issues and attention to the growing impacts and opportunities of globalization are fundamental if we are to sustain those things that make our region special. Therefore, your opinions and participation at these sessions are vitally welcome and important.
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Adv Cmte (moved to June 27)
~ 5pm ~ NSACDI at DNV M Hall
~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd mtg at Ch of Commerce boardroom
From waterfront and architecture to intimate portraits and landscapes, the lenses of five photographers take our everyday world into the extraordinary. Works by Kenneth Dyck, Doris Fiedrich, Gary Hubbs, Katherine Kerr, and Kelly Wharton.
+ Friday June 22 +
Whither the Senate of Canada - meek will, equal of some other sequel?  Can the chamber fulfill a more dynamic, useful function? Admission $5. 10:30am - 12:30pm, Peter J. Peters Room.
~ 7pm ~ Free Friday Night Concert: Sara Marreiros Trio
A wonderful blend of Portuguese Fado and jazz. Seating is limited so come early! Concert starts at 7:30, doors open at 7pm. A Vancouver International Jazz Festival event.

June 5 - 24  =  ART ROCKS = Carole Arnston: paintings, Ian Rowles: stone sculpture

+++  SILK PURSE  +++ see www.silkpurse.ca
June 5-17, 2007 -- "Jazzed"  Details were in last newsletter.

--->  For events at KMC, see www.kaymeekcentre.com
+++  Dundarave Farmers' Markets every Saturday 10 to 4pm  +++

===  CCL NOTES June 11th ===   COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE -- Cclr DAY absent

1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA moved No 6 to No 2
VV: I'd like to move an amendment that in view of the number of ppl in the Chamber move the Rodgers Creek to be the next item (No 6) in place No 2.
Mayor: we've also got the Child Care Services WG
[Sop seconded]
JF: I don't understand the reason for that
VV: many people in the chamber this evening have come in connection with the Upper Lands, the Rodgers Creek Area planning, and in order not to have large numbers of ppl sitting needlessly for an hour or two, thought be more expeditious if we deal with that item next
CAO: the only question as to whether Ms Boyle here to speak; and also believe going to be a mbr of WG here.
SJN: Can't see Ms Boyle; she's in her office, was anticipating after 7 o'clock; I can give her a call.
Mayor: absolutely need staff.  Ms Scholes?
SSch: we cd just contact her
Mayor: why don't we call the question but not properly prepared without our staff person to introduce the work of the WG
CAO: while staff is trying to contact Ms Boyle and determine if WG mbr here, may I suggest deal with Public Amenity then move it up to right after.
Mayor: insert RCrk Status Report when we have the appropriate staff here.  Begin with Item No 2
SSch: you can reorder items without an amendment if you wish.
2.         Public Amenity Policy for receipt and approval
SJN: been discussed for a number of years
whenever a devt occurs.....negotiate
accomplish the objectives of OCP, basic services, improvements to street, provides some amelioration measures
in some cases, traffic lights or pathway systems
in addition, have negotiated for amenities: parks, ....... public art..... daycare..... cmnty space in the Lincoln Gardens for....
the Bagel shop...
been informal, case by case basis
been going through this for a year and a half
is limited in WV compared with Vancouver, Bby etc where high levels of growth
probably wdn't apply in sgl fam areas
cd apply wd apply in the Upper Lands
it has applied in the Ev Dr area in a substantial way
cd apply in Amb area in significant way, wdn't say substantial
recent court cases in Supreme Court, has changed way [this done]
number had policies in place to deal with uplift wrt rezoning
recent court cases found that not legal, may be subject to reclaiming benefit
looked on as an unauthorized form of taxation
one left is
LGA, amenity bonusing, suggest that tool be used in Amb area
comprehensive devt agreement, called Phased, a new provision placed in the LGA, not been finally adopted/proclaimed by cabinet but will be shortly
one-off such as RCrk
third way is housing agreement, if M land involved, as in Water's Edge and tied in amenities to the land sale agrmt
tools there, contained in this policy
recommended policy based on a form of uplift in Amb area and that we negotiate in RCrk area based on .....
.... Clyde Ave already in place
if applic from Pk Royal at any time
recommended look at Dunda and HBay
Mayor: Roff Johannson, former chair of Fiscal Sustainability Task Force
RJ: saw earlier draft and have not seen [this]
F&A did not endorse; was not discussed
not badly intended; urge you return it for reworking
public consultation was one memo and one comment from BPP, so begs question
does not recogn cost implications
matters signif; possible legal ones
adoption of this policy in these words is premature
examples of new projects, flow from them to taxpayer
Section 4.4 of how this might continue
TF concluded must be ... and consideration of any new amenity prior to adoption; policy silent on this and I don't think it shd be
more troubling, Ccl authority result of casual wording; Ccl's paramountcy challenged
2.5 Ccl wd identify rather than approve
cmnty planning process -- troubling b/c Ccl shd make such
2.5 second, limits Ccl's scope of actions
incomplete, cd be more clearly written, cd be more thought through
not adopt, subject it further, more detailed
CAO: hv gone to F&As but they have not [discussed it]
hs bn to solicitor who has reviewed this
and the extent to which Ccl can recommend amenities
Mr J may have concerns
...but reflected in doc before you
JF: move be received and forwarded to a regular mtg of Ccl
Mayor: seconder? no one
this is cmte of the whole, for discussion
VV: will second in order to make a comment
appreciate what Mr J had to say
wondered if Upper Lands...... in general terms amenities and no mention of parks -- connect with OCP, mentions parks, 25 acres and 30 acres
amenity policy matching OCP policy
not willing to approve but interesting as a work in progress
SJN: agree with comments; intent is, assumption under Cmnty Benefits [CB] umbrella, will satisfy the objectives of the OCP, will achieve them but not repeated
parks, amenities, xxx
once define those, do require a staff report; does require Ccl approval
the tool being provided is the comprehensive XXXX agreement; so we can enter into an agreement
they will do these in return for Ccl doing this
JC: agree with much of what Mr Johannson said; generally good but loose
2.5, says 'may', and then Ccl shall have discretion wrt in kind
p17 the value of the amenity contribution, based on following criteria.... will be considered and encouraged but does not come back to Ccl
move it go to F&A before second reading
JF: motion, cd be amendment
Sop: xxx
Mayor: xxx
JF: friendly amendment, okay
CAO: is at F&A, just not time; they meet tomorrow night, been busy so cd review it

{Oh, how ironic.  Perhaps he's unaware that staff cancelled the previous week's mtg saying not enough for an agenda.  It does, however, sound great to say both that the cmte is busy and that it has the report but not had time........}

SJN: when reviewing initial report; had been quite specific and F&A commented that shd be more general to allow more negotiation ...
CAO: also, will try to invite our solicitor
we can have all the desires in the world but if not legally possible, then
Sop: lots of M already; they'll have to amend
we're not anywhere close to this until Finance
specific and finite what the contributions are going to mean to us
where wd the monies go? what used for?
in world of ecodensity, give awareness dvpr some xxx for the future
M has to be convinced succinct and finite as to what we're going to end up with
a biz case wd be better than what is stated here
here has 'in kind' and substitute; example may be identified by Ccl, well shd be SHALL be
elected body the determining factor
if Finance Cmte comes back with... Mr J pointed out some... come back
Mayor: been at this since 2004; goal here is not to leave anything on the table
on F&A tomorrow and as soon as possible back to Ccl
6.         Rodgers Creek Area Planning - Status Report: June 01 from the Manager, Community Planning for receipt.
Geri Boyle, staff: WG has has seven mtgs
quite a bit of time becoming fam with the area, related to landscape, site visits usually led by our Envmtal Coord and BPP staff who know the land well.
Have heard from the owners in the area, there are four
BPP has bn doing some high level planning, the envisioning notebook; eight sustainable pillars shared with WG
"let the landscape inform the plan"
basically satisfied with the direction that is going
agreement what areas devt shd take place
WV Streamkeepers have prepared Objectives and Principles and some to be used
incorporating ... in the WG; looking at Jun 14 mtg
moving quite well as to where devt might occur
wrestling with the 1000ft connector
when I wrote the report there were two alignments
Mulgrave obtained Webster Engg, and that alignment was presented to WG on June 7
the third might be the best
might sit down to have a debate about the three -- future land use, school queueing
wanted owners to look at the issues together and not use WG as arbiters
other key issue, I call it land use; rather it's the density
the OCP talks about 2.5upa over the gross, means under current zoning, means 365 units, with OCP applied 524, so that's units not FAR
WG is debating whether upa or FAR
any insight or views that Ccl might have, WG wd be interested in hearing
{and from public too!}
have seen how it might vary upa vs FAR
in some ways not that different
instead of 2400sf apt, you might have two 1200sf apt but from a distance the two bldgs might look the same
considerable amt of time last week, 7th, spent reviewing principles
had some additions and asked for some clarification re wording
we have checklists within the OCP but this will be more detailed
want to include streamkeeper principles, once finalized
going to review the roads policy
looking at that or some modified one
one point not covered in my report, actually two: constantly reminding the owners that this is a planning process, area that is not lots
looking overall
Ev Dr the first I was involved in, been with District three years, and second was South Marr -- it got carved off; want to stress that process was a DP application and a v different process than this Rodgers process
had time to work with BPP, landscape wd conform with land, etc
this overall can focus on density, etc
SJN: it is anticipated there will be a commercial village above the UL Hwy, not in RCrk area, b/c of topography and not in this area, but is being kept in mind
Mayor: Cclr Day, the Chair, not here
this is a completely new planning approach, straight out of OCP
come out of ......... natural heritage
WV is a cmnty of nbrhds
this is about creating nbhds
it has as its first principle, let the landscape inform
really good
2.5 and 1.5upa b/c some zoned that way, how BPP earns 2.5 from the 1.5
mtn path key element
one plan for the four major BPP, two indiv families and Mulgrave
one plan they all participate in not diff for each owner
after you make your motion, Cclr Clark, may want to refer our comments to WG
Sop: know it's early
do value Streamkeepers and their positioning on the envmt
how many bodies are you listening to
GB: they have a seat on the WG; the specific technical expertise is coming from Steve Jenkins, BPP Alex Satori, and other experts involved
the consultants chosen by BPP -- Patrick Lucey another indiv -- our staff is looking at that critically, make sure covers off
that info goes to the WG
we haven't had an Open House yet and we're recommending that on June 20th and the entire cmnty will be invited to come out, hope other envmt groups will come
Sop: the Env WG is meeting, and [?] be Rodgers Creek
don't want RCWG to lose sight of what EWG is doing
have you talked about an Eq Ctr in and around the area?
GB: the idea was brought to the RCWG and the Danns made a presentation a couple of weeks ago
Sop: result?
GB: not in the area of the RCWG
Sop: no consideration?
GB: fair
SJN: the WG sees itself as focusing on the RCWG
there are ppl meeting on rec needs; we'll be reporting on rec needs, including eq ctr
there is no land in the RC area suitable for an eq ctr
Sop: wd it not be reasonable enough if the present situation existed wd go on for
and these Eq CTr wd not be any further ahead than we are today two years from now
Mayor: want to stay on RCrk
Sop: want to make a suggestion; if not part of RCk, have to look at another model
Mayor: well, return to you
JF: you mentioned that the RCWG was looking as to where to go
two units at 1200sf or one at 2400, if you look at the OCP principles, the four, the third says diverse cmnties, so not either or are, it's both
where it wd serve cmnty best, have areas, eg for elderly, etc
seems you wd not like to come down on one side or the other
MS: the OCP allows to 524 units -- have they considered moving those ppl down 15th and 21st?
GB: still with xxx
some of those services wd be in a future village; ctr right up on the mtn so reduce those needs
MS: so how far in the future will this appear out of the woods
GB: a village might be on BPP prop, as soon as planning for RCrk area completed want to move on to planning for that
MS: suggest we wd want to include a report from Mr Dozzi about the impact this devt wd hv on those residential streets
Brent Dozzi: the Engg Dept intends to do a Transportation Study; possible devt across Upper Lands and impact
intent to get a futuristic picture of what those areas will look like once built out
VV: comment after motion read out
Sop: has anybody envisioned, based on whatever land will offer, what we wd see?
b/c of steepness and concerns of envmt, looking at more multifam? hirise?
GB: work to date, talks about a variety of housing forms
OCP says at least 40% non sgl fam; and another area 60 - 70%
duplexes, townhouses, clusterhousing
looking at apt-like form near village, tallest looking at, about ten storeys
SJN: the no of units doesn't change, it's a matter of achieving, variety
15 years ago wd hv bn only sgl fam back on creeks with 15% park
35%; here higher percentage than that
now seeing something far more focused
Sop: density transfer is going to be the key issue
when...  five meters top of bank, in fact plus or minuses to it wrt envmt
what we all had envisioned, we want a complete picture b/c xxx
more green, less or small footprints; some in my view far too high
larger amt of green
is that the consistent flavour of the mtgs today?
GB: I'd say yes. Steve threw some numbers out; think we're looking at 55-60% green
JC:.... thank [WG]
meet with Ccl in a workshop to consider key areas

{I ask for clarification about this in PQP}

VV: unfortunate we've had a communication with the public as a whole
[thought] that RCWG wd be considering outside the area; part was on the website, mentioning adjacent lands may be part of the consideration
now have to say, what about the rest of the lands
interested as to what Ms Boyle said about the density
one is 2.5upa and it doesn't say automatic
209 acres 51 at 2.5upa and 159 zoned 1.5 so 352 but only X %
get 157 units, not a whole big
no automatic entitlement for that density transfer
the base case is only about 157, can't
43% buildable, not sure in 1.5 or 2.5 so cd be more or less
when I put together what Mr Johannson is saying, costs for facilities, operating and maintenance
so as Cclr Smith is saying, traffic further down and will be the case
units up there not going to support a whole lot up there
the Cmnty Benefit shd come back to looking at the parks described in the UL; much easier than cmnty ctrs, pools, etc
we don't have an aq ctr or ice arena that covers
if no new must impose a burden
getting on with park lands on the UL [Upper Lands]
cmnty facilities, traffic at LG bridgehead
wd like this WG to put some numbers down, not put burden on cmnty
Mayor: back to you, still about RCr?
Park provision is a gift?
SJN: yes; are a given as with Stonecliffe [sp?], already begun acquisition
same with RCrk will be discussing with BPP as part of benefits
the 2.5upa, gross, based on wider cmnty needs and role in wider region
when we define developable areas, neg and coop with BPP in finding them
back to a subdiv a few years ago, what not considered dvpble now was
we're developing a concept of devpble and not devpble
some issues will still be discussed with staff
VV: we always seem to wait for the owners to propose
in truth my reading of the LGA, zoning bylaw, basically gives the Ccl full power re zoning
the Ccl if it so wishes can zone land any time; of course we're liable to compensate anyone who loses but don't have to wait

{do check this, Cclr V -- and maybe SJN shd clarify -- don't think a M has to compensate.}

can we zone parkland as we want?
SJN: RS7 and RS8 were zoned unilaterally by Ccl in 1981; no land can be developed up there except by Ccl
BPP must confirm with OCP and Ccl not able to act not consistent with OCP

{Well, true, but Ccl can amend OCP to eliminate any inconsistency so the OCP does not really fetter Council quite to the degree that SJN implies}

WG is trying to come up with something for approval
Mayor: this is truly a cmnty plan
envmt first, riparian areas beyond what prov
interested in 43% remaining -- what does that mean? steep slope, impossible to access?
GB: took mapping on slopes, mapping of riparian area, applied 30m approach
geotechnical sensitivity, creeks frogs, H trees
one of the really interesting challenges, often get resource info but how do you trade it
we went through the sieve approach, Design with Nature; all planners taught it since 60s; often don't get to apply it
in mapping the creeks, started with prov areas red, stay away
geotechnical sensitive crosshatched red
over...... shdn't even consider going into these areas......
layering these together, developable areas rose to the top
JF: historical comment -- the genesis came from Ccl in mid90s when frogs identified, tailed frogs, by some chn
steering cmte looked then and at how change, then into OCP
huge amt of input from public about how we want UL to develop
great to see this finally coming to fruition; taken a long time
Mayor: take vote?
Sop: where does my motion fit in?
Mayor: it's next; read motion
SSch: be invited to meet with Ccl in a workshop
JC: to consider key

{I confirm at PQP this will be an 'open' mtg, ie that the public may attend.  This is b/c ccl has been meeting most Wednesday mornings calling it a workshop and without notice or public in attendance.}

Mayor: thank you, Cclr Sop
JC: drumroll?
Sop: want to be to the point; want Mr Nicholls to convey to public position
CAO: difficult for me to say, since not
is it a land use that Ccl wd support, if it was, how identify location; then public or priv prop
zoning or process
ensuring that any party that might be interested in acquiring that land for Eq Ctr, might have to be a bid process
confirm use approp
fair and open process; cmnty interest wrt value of the land taken into consideration
some constraints, can't be seen to aiding and abetting a priv party, any group for example trying to acquire public land
a lot of issues to be considered; a lot of interest in moving forward, but a lot of steps
Sop: if we as a Ccl support initiative to have an Eq Ctr, then we shd say we need a vision of a new model
an Eq Ctr leased? caretaker? where, why, etc
unless we go in that direction, v difficult find a position where we can legally provide
as a motion that Ccl ask for a staff report to bring back, all the parameters Mr Stuart has realised to secure the possibility of an Eq Ctr somewhere in WV
JC: second
VV: we did have a report in July from Mr Nicholls and it was positive
Ccl liked idea but didn't like Ballantree b/c public used to it as public
whilst the WG is dealing with RCrk, cd be benefit to consider land -- serviced land with road access such as land by Hydro land substation
look at M-owned, and privately owned; if under same priv ownership we cd be looking at xxx
timely and appropriate, RCrk and Eq Ctr.... at this point
support but shd amend it to M and priv-owned land, move ahead so at same time as RCrk subdivision
Sop: diff between a priv owner and a [?] owning a facility
have to look at a new model, not priv owner on M land
possibly going to have to entertain a diff model
have a dialogue with public so it doesn't go away and that we foster the idea rather than say it's over
amount of email in last week
possibility of finding land but diff from way today
CAO: since Cmte of Whole, helpful to have this freeflow of info
in passing this motion, we've decided that an Eq Ctr is more important than any other use
don't know Ccl has [decided this]
may be other uses you consider more important
take into consideration some of the issues and processes
realize it may be frustrating to some who want to
staff report on issue and process wd be helpful as to how and when advanced
MS: inject a little common sense here
Sop: what do you think we're doing?
MS: vehemently disagree
like RFMP start with $2M [for pool], spend $6M, then $9M?
Sop: didn't say we were building it
Mayor: Cclr Smith has the floor
MS: keep losing my train of thought with Cclr Sop always interrupting
role for someone ready to step up to the plate with money
land not slated for .....
done at no cost to the M
look at the history of past few years, lost hotel, public driving range, bowling, cinema, banquet hall
becoming a place to sleep, need rec facilities
if coming up with money we shd try to find them some prop; land for nothing else, wd make some sense
we have no money ourselves even though it wd be an asset...
JF: not opposed to an Eq Ctr in UL or WV but inclined re MMgr's process, taking a look at land and what can be used for
been a lot of requests, certainly our Tennis Club 12 to 15 years
Mr Stuart is right [not] to abandon one group at request of another; no reason why not both
may take some time where land is av for anything up there
need to take a longer term view of what's av up there, and what we might do with land up there
agree wholeheartedly if someone came having bought the prop, wd entertain
JC: incumbent on Ccl to seriously consider any serious.....
agree with what Mr Stuart and Cclr Smith said
Mayor: Cclr V then Cclr Sop
VV: v few areas suitable and other uses more imp
we seem to have gotten into a pattern of giving housing priority
if we consulted wider public they'd be more keen on rec rather than more housing
test, referendum or survey: choose between hi rise towers and horses in the UL they'd choose horses
CAO: I was saying other recreational uses, now housing
VV: I accept that
Sop: no doubt we're going to look at amenities in UL
and Cclr Smith not something costing a lot of money; just to see if feasible, if not in RCrk area, where cd it be
some positive; negative, nothing good
Sop: I can't do
Mayor: what Cclr Smith is saying is that assuming no cost, hybrid, not sure
think this is taking it straight, Cclr Smith, from Fiscal Task Force
have to maintain our focus
b/c UL so....  getting everyone thinking
huge demand for what is left and demand is only going to intensify...
nobody has time to go away for the weekend any more -- they have three hours...
incumbent on us to protect
[list here]
all important ideas
to the extent of starting a policy
Cclr V is right, to look at.....
not just economic return to devpr, but to [cmnty?] and to values
ev mbr of Ccl's [opinion]
Cmte of Whole good
MS: in the interests of lowering Cclr Sop's blood pressure
I thought I heard, build an Eq Ctr and lease it out
I support an Eq Ctr up there ...
can see myself moseying along
Sop: apologize, my blood pressure's gone down now
SJN: you may want to leave it general
Cclr V mentioned parksite No 1
get chips, that's a school site that's...
we have gone through with the Danns all the M holdings and we know the sites
not considered was an Eq Ctr in the middle of a park
there are sites around
if we leave it general, locating and acquiring then we cd priv
VV: whatever wording comes out, important to have timing
Rugby Lease had a nine-year leadup
need to do at an accelerated pace, they've been at it for three years or so
can we have a timetable? lands at certain date, ...
RCrk chips
CAO: our staff are fully tasked in Planning; before timeplan, wd hv to sit down
if fairly general request re parameters, say two weeks, know coming
VV: write a letter to eq ctr applicants what happens from now
when they get their answer; they feel they've been bounced around
need to tie down timetable and process
CAO: when you went through the process, any M lands or just priv?
SJN: M lands were rejected
current request is for the M to acquire the land at nominal cost, transfer of density or
there are lands higher up owned by M and prov
I'll be away
Mayor: and
waiting for Clovelly, nbrhd character; that's coming in June
not trying to sideline this but we get from Task Force, stay focused
CAO: in July, to get template
SSch: read out motion
SJN: end at Eq Ctr and we'll do timeline
{three left in Chamber except WG, newsreporter, staff -- and one of those Bruce!}
3.         Sponsorship and Partnership Policy and Procedures for approval BUT read out as 'received'
Sop: again, shd be a biz case scenario
money, what fund does it go into; how much wd donations, etc
a lot of specifics re partnerships -- haven't figured out what a partnership is going to be but we're passing a policy
MS: agree with you Cclr Sop; refer to F&A cmte
JF: we've had many that have been profitable
just enable us to increase funds to improve quality of life in this cmnty
VV: mentions that staff wd make some decisions, fine but might not want it restricted it in this way
feel it shd be more general at this oint as to who does what
Mayor: point to parts so when referring it to F&A cmte
JC: fine going to F&A; loose side again, eg p4 second para, all shall outline ... and shall be approved
looks just to approve what's offered
VV: right at beginning, directed by staff or volunteers; might be them but also cd be ccl or outside agents
4.         Annual Report 2006  --  RECOMMENDED:
            1.         Council designate the June 25 Regular Meeting of Council for receipt of the 2006 Annual Report;
            2.         Staff be authorized to make a draft of the Annual Report available to residents on the District web site and at Finance Department counters; and
            3.         That the availability of the Annual Report and the scheduling of the Council Meeting for its receipt be advertised in the North Shore News in each of the next two Wednesday editions.
[Copies of draft Annual Report 2006 were available in the Chamber and the CAO gave background remarks, saying also av on Internet]
CAO: speaking at a conference, (UVic?) Fac of Biz Admin re performance mgmt
our integrated; recognized best practices in the biz
Mayor: congratulations
Bill Vaughn: I asked to speak on this
Mayor: sorry you did, it is for public input
BV: on page 7 there's a chart
dotted line goes from Ccl to Police Bd; understand no connection, except yourself as chair
Mayor: Ccl has the obligation to establish the level of policing thus budget
CAO: what kind of policing they want; independent rather than provincial
also Ccl creates the need for a board; need for relationship wrt budget
certainly not direct as with other depts
BV: do understand that the presence of the Police Bd is a decision
but if Ccl decided RCMP, there'd be no Police Bd
tenuous, might help to give some clarity as to what this dotted line means
CAO: the opp to
more than a little tenuous ...
see what we can do
BV: p 4 Ccl delegates to CAO
[one place 640 employees, another] over 620 employees, services
earlier about looking at somewhere for the horses to go
Planning Dept fully employed, there may be 20 employees
so 20 you're not looking after?
CAO: typo
BV: p 70, no p 35, there is performance indication, popn is 42K yet on same page, says 44, 372
a couple of thousand residents hiding from us?
worth verifying; if showing popn growth
CAO: they shd be consistent
BV: p 70 there is five-yr expenditures show wages and salaries have gone up since 2002, some $11M with is 26%, 6% per year, does this represent increase in staff or pay rate?
COL [cost of living] has gone up 2.5%, so about 11%, yet we've got [26% in Hall salaries]
many on fixed and even indexed; seems to be an excessive increase
realize a report but
CAO: combination of things; talked about before; and can xxx
MS: we just voted on putting it out to residents and it's already out so why voted?
CAO:...part of [tonight's] ccl mtg package...
Mayor: two weeks
BV: ...av in City Hall...
5.         Child Care Services Working Group - Status Update on the Cedardale Child Learning Centre and Related Work Program Initiatives
RECOMMENDED: THAT The Report dated June 5 from the Manager of Social Services ... be received for information.
Mayor: not sure staff or mbr of WG
WG: do have mbr of WG
KP: report is an update on the workings of the ChildCare WG; quite a bit of discussion around Cedardale
how WG is proceeding, but I have not been to these and Cclr Smith has been so
MS: happy to answer any questions
report from Ms Mooi extensive
MOTION REC'd and includes that needs be included in RCrk WG
MS: personally want to say disappointed with Cedardale situation
cdn't find
do think WV residents shd hv preference/precedence in WV schools
VV: do agree with Cclr Smith
in a complicated administrative situation
prov has resp for .... but not for daycare
as there come to be less [sic] school chn
start looking after younger chn
looking forward to day prov will xxxxx
education system was set up when one parent was at home but institutions haven't moved forward so we kind of make do
School Bd nothing wrt daycare and shd
structurally needs to be addressed
Sop: there is a report on needs assessment coming forth
MS: will be av end of June
Sop: extremely important for this cmnty; once needs assessment there, spell out even more
WG to end of the year
MS: till Oct/Nov then report back or ask for an extension
Sop: get some reasonable basic rules to follow
Mayor: what WG has done in sort time is xxxx
assessment done
Min of Ed has changed School Trustee to Min of Ed....
literacy -- second language or illiterate
WG is working with policy developed by City of Vanc
.... that's what we're moving toward
recognized by NV for work we're doing
this group will have results wrt our zoning, soon; clear direction we're going to go
MS: conversation cmnty's going to have to have in future
Sch Bd will have deal with
if you have 5-700 coming to our schools and more to our private schools
affects our streets; we have them in failure mode; don't have a crystal ball
the cmnty collectively going to have to have a conversation as to what we can do as a cmnty
spaces recreational, etc for ppl outside the District
VV: given some time thinking about what Cclr Smith said
applies to schools and rec ctr
think healthy to welcome other ppl but once 10%, shd to some calculations and see what costs on cmnty are
by end of year might be able to get handle on
traffic seems to be main problem generated
remove 2, 7, and 9
7.  CORRESPONDENCE [complete list in previous issue of WVM]
(2)       I. Chong, Provincial Minister of Community Services and Minister Responsible for Seniors' and Women's Issues, May 25, 2007, regarding 2007 Allocations - Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing (TFRS) Grant Program
Referred to the Acting Chief Constable for consideration and response.
Sop: outlines $$$$
at bottom of page, statistics 2006 actual and 2007 estimate; why blank?
Mayor: stats prov has
CAO: they'll fill in
(7)       L. E. Jackson, Chair - Greater Vancouver Regional District Board, May 24, 2007, regarding City of Vancouver's Recently Approved Climate Change Resolution
Sop: we shd make some statement
to join ...
thinktank finding new ways and means to support initiatives for the future
Mayor: talked about Chicago initiative
the issue I had with CoVanc is ecodensity, alarms in WV without a real definition
we have our Green Team in place -- we're first in the prov so far, by a long shot
refer to env cmte or staff
CAO: to staff, to env coord....
focus on wrt WV
(9)       D. R. Corrigan, Mayor - City of Burnaby, May 29, 2007, re TransLink Governance Legislation - Bill 36
Sop: end result is that Bill 36
wrt apptmt of unelected board; does not give M a direct voice; yet board making decisions on taxation
take msg to GVRD or TransLink
Mayor: Mr Stuart and I have attended mtgs, Mayor Corrigan didn't.
alter orig proposal to address those
CAO: offered to meet with Deputy Min
legislation didn't pass
attending mtg on Friday, specific proposals and will bring back to Ccl

> MS: last Wed evening, report to Cmnty from LGHospital Fdn
updated on plan to build a $7.7M (their contrib) to a hospice a block from hospital
demographic trends, by 2025, the popn over 65 will double from now, to 25% of popn of country will be
not spread evenly, in nice places to retire in, like WV
age subsidies, this situation is going to cause a large economic issue to be dealt with; only 17, 18, years away
dedicated, will raise it
immediately thought of Cclr Sop: a bed race through Park Royal; put a team together
Sop: as long as you're there Cclr Smith
> JF: MS, VV and I attended the Cmnty Ctr Governance WG seminar; terrific facilitator
number of speakers, diff cmnty ctrs and diff methods of governance
Parkgate, Britannia in Vanc, Vanc Parks Bd
none the same; all began from ppl in cmnty wanting change
all recognized flaws
carry on with what you're doing, know now not perfect, always review and renewal
next on June 20th
{Open House on Governance, at Srs' Ctr, I think}
Mayor: heard it was wonderful
there is a DVD for anyone who wants to view it
definitely setting the cmnty on the right bath, for the cmnty by the cmnty
> Mayor: thank the nbrhd in Eagle Hbr for work in Parc Verdun.....
corporate sponsors all over the place
support that kind of initiative
thx to JF and MS joining me (???) Library Croquet
just attended last week, thanks to Cclr Smith chairing
Sop: did a great job
Mayor: first time conference by invitation only
history not written in ink, written in water
imp for our streams guiding our RCWG
Mayor: I have Dxxx Elmett (sp?)  Is she here here?  I know I owe her a phone call, so I will follow up with one tomorrow.  Carolanne Reynolds?

CR: Good evening.  I just have two questions that arose while I was listening.
One is [WV popn; figs Bill Vaughn referred to in the 2006 Annual Report earlier] -- and perhaps the CAO can explain the difference -- when I noticed in some VSun statistics a couple of years ago the difference in popn figures [b/c] there were two different figures. So I asked what the difference was and sometimes some figures in the statistics, I discovered, are given including the Squamish Reserve b/c it's on "municipal land"
{to clarify: part as a jurisdictional distinction, eg the trailer park and parts of Park Royal}
and sometimes the figures are given without.  So I don't know what the difference is you're talking about but I think it shd be made clear when they're included and when they're not b/c it made a difference in some allocations the province was giving.
{it makes a difference, for example, in how many employees per resident, or how much money the District spends per resident.}
CAO: the numbers here, simple -- the information we used in the graph was perhaps obtained from one source and staff was updating the preface or the mandate, and probably phoned somebody else and got a different set.  It might even be 2007, so it's something we'll correct.
CR: it's just that that's how I came across two different figures, both valid, just depended.
The second thing was, in the motion Cclr Clark made wrt Rodgers Crk WG and the Eq Ctr, whatever you're talking about, the motion included there be a presentation at a workshop with Ccl.  Still floating on the euphoria of having got WGs now to allow the public to attend and raise [offer] points of information, to avoid any miscommunication, b/c I understand that, I think it wd be helpful to have clarification, if workshops have the same rules so that the public can attend the workshop and raise a point of information, b/c it seemed like a public thing but I'm not quite sure what category you want to put that in.
Mayor: Well, it's really great that you raised that point b/c Ccl is just reviewing its procedure bylaw, we've taken from 54 pages down to 12, and we also recognize the utility of a workshop, the need for them to be in public, the opportunity though it wd provide for us to talk with WGs; and so when the procedure bylaw comes forward there will be an outline of what that cd be like.  So it's in anticipation of that, but absolutely it wd be public.  It wd be like a WG of Ccl.
CR: okay so that workshop wd fall into that category b/c when a staff mbr at a cmte -- not Cclr Smith's, he's following all [WG guidelines] letting ppl speak, and so is Cclr Day -- a staff mbr interrupted the Chair to say that the mbr of the public cd only speak or ask a question on 'process and disposition', and so later on when I asked about that I was told b/c that's still part of your mtg bylaws.  Now some of your ppl are going for the more recent one.  Are you going to be changing that so they're all consistent then?
Mayor: I believe the WG guidelines are in the hands of the cmtes now and it's coming to Ccl next week.
CAO: I think Ms Reynolds is referring to the Design Cmte--
CR: I didn't want to name them--
CAO: and there is an issue b/c the Design Cmte has a specific function.

{Whoops, sorry.  The LGA/Cmnty Charter applies to all cmtes of Ccl, and each cmte naturally has a 'specific function'.  And no one recalls the term 'process and disposition', a term devised and moved by Cclr JF a few years ago to even other cclrs' surprise and needing explanation.  As you know, I've always held such questions (and only allowed at the end of the mtg) are a waste of a cmte's time and shd be more appropriately be asked of staff before or after a mtg.  Cclrs Day and Sop vigorously argued at that time -- ~2002 -- that residents ought to be allowed to speak and before an item ended but without support form the Mayor (Wood) or Cclrs Clark, Durman, Ferguson, and Goldsmith-Jones, the right was lost.  My euphoria is the relief that after five years of effort it's actually now in the guidelines that residents are able to speak -- and before an item ends.  A long haul.  And I don't want it be lost again.  Also trying to make sure no secret sessions as is the wont of some.......}

Certainly we've been able to apply the general WG rules to the other standing cmtes.
We are going to make that clear in the bylaw but there is a question as to how we want to deal with the Design Cmte.  So we're going to have to have a discussion with the Chair and the cmte about what they're comfortable with, and how they wish to proceed.
CR: this wasn't the Chair, and I don't want to leave that impression.  So I'm glad that you're reviewing those and refining them.
It reminds me of the person who was cramming for the exam and he got his notes down from 50 pages down to 12 pages, down to five pages, down to one page, down to a sentence, down to a word, went into the exam and forgot the word.
to some laughter, Mayor: well, there's no fear of that as long as you're here to keep us on track. TYVM.

I have Ashley Dann here, not sure if she's still here; I think she left with the group.  Anything further? yes?
Bruce McArthur (of WRA): re devt around creeks etc
M and regional bylaws
along sea to sky corridor; rocks into Larson Creek
none of our bylaws seems to work or be able to look after a condition aberrant in my estimation
nice to have words but unless provision can look xxx
shd question
I sent you an email: 1000 days to go pamphlet
mentioned all the wonderful partners and hosts; ev from McDonald's to Teck Cominco
nothing in this whole document about WV
Mayor: we're in talks; looking to signing a licensing agreement
the bitter experience of Eagleridge Bluffs in our face
we take our bylaws and OCP seriously; prov another matter
CAO: when it comes to our attn, Stephen talks to Kiewit
status right now they don't have to comply
But they lie
legally they do but they don't
re VANOC, diff category, Whistler and Van, Rmd now negotiation
re neg? where to cooperate, right to use the rings
hope to bring the ... to in July
v complex; have to make sure dotting all 'i's and crossing 't's
really not so only xxx taxes
not creating any onerous financial.. on cmnty
Sop: in relation to what this company is doing wrt StS
if impacting Larson, are we helpless?
even mitigating? money to mitigate? have we approached province
send Police out to shut down?
follow rules prov set down? they don't?
open space, open creek beside firehall in HBay
CAO: as we find out we bring to attn of Kiewit often they're prompt, etc
to attn of Federal Fisheries, but they're not helpful....xxx
Sop: wonderful job staff did open, by firehall,
beautiful and that was ruined
did Kiewit pay for restoration of that site?
CAO: yes
Sop: paying in any
CAO: corrective (?) pay for mitigation
Sop: still doing things, who writes?  report?
CAO: our envtal coord [Stephen Jenkins] in contact with them on a weekly basis
generally they address them; don't know if anything current
BM: a lot of ongoing
a lot are not Kiewit, they're under an envtal certificate by Ministry
they don't intentionally do something they don't have approval or pat on back from
they're dumping rocks into M lands up the top there; rocks roll down; stumps and debris been pushed over edge of hwy and leaving them there
don't think you'd let BPP
the Min of Transportation seems to have a diff standard
BMcA?: You're right.
Mayor: anyone else?
[nope so 9:28 -- 10. ADJOURNMENT

=======  CCL AGENDA June 18th =======
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: May 28 and June 04, 2007 Regular Council Minutes
=B7 Public Amenity Policy
=B7 Sponsorship and Partnership Policy and Procedures
=B7 Annual Report 2006
=B7 Child Care Services Working Group - Status Update on the Cedardale Child Learning Centre and Related Work Program Initiatives
=B7 Rodgers Creek Area Planning - Status Report
Foreshore Preservation Group, regarding Ambleside to Dundarave Foreshore Work
5. Further Information - Collingwood School (Morven Parking)
THAT the Alternative Proposal for addressing the Collingwood School (Morven) number of students/parking issue as set out in section 3.1 of the report dated May 18, 2007 from the Community Planner, be approved.
6. Community Engagement Committee Terms of Reference Amendment and Working Group Guidelines
1. The amendment to the Community Engagement Committee Terms of Reference be approved; and
2. The Working Group Guidelines be received for information.
7. Report on Final Recommendations of the Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
1. The report from the Sr. Community Planner dated May 25, 2007 be received; and
2. The final recommendations of the Clovelly-Caulfeild Neighbourhood Plan Working Group be endorsed, for further consideration by District Staff, as outlined in this report.
8. Process for Review of the Lower Caulfeild Area Designation Guidelines
THAT the process for review of the Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area designation set out in Section 3 of the report dated May 31, 2007 from the Urban Design Planner be approved.
9. Queen Bee Child Care Society - 2461 Marine Drive
1. The report from the Planning Analyst dated June 12, 2007 be received; and
2. Staff be directed to not enforce the zoning bylaw for a period of 12 months commencing June 18, 2007, at 2461 Marine Drive to allow for a group day care.
10. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit Application 07-015 (2388 and 2396 Marine Drive)
THAT Staff complete a review of Development Application No. 07-015 after holding a Neighbourhood Consultation Meeting to solicit community comment on issues associated with the proposed Zoning and Official Community Plan amendment for 2388 and 2396 Marine Drive.
BYLAWS  for Adoption
11. Sign Bylaw No. 4499, 2007
12. Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 4370, 2004 Amendment Bylaw No. 4516, 2007
13. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005 Amendment Bylaw No. 4502, 2007

14.  CONSENT AGENDA  --  Correspondence List
>  Requests for Delegation -- No items presented.
>  Action Required
(1) June 11, 2007, regarding Parking in Ambleside - Proposed 1 Hour Parking Restrictions on Marine Drive
Referred to the Director of Administrative Services for consideration and response
>  No Action Required (receipt only)
(2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes  (a) West Vancouver Police Board - April 26, 2007
(3) B. Long, Councillor - Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA), May 15, 2007, regarding Resolution Disposition
(4) B.A. O'Connor, M.D., Medical Health Officer - Vancouver Coastal Health (North Shore), June 04, 2007, regarding Report of the Medical Health Officer - DWV - 2006 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
(5) S. Canitz, Director - Tobacco Control, Population Health & Wellness, Provincial Ministry of Health, June 05, 2007, regarding Bill 10 - Tobacco Sales (Banning Tobacco and Smoking in Public Places and Schools) Amendment Act, 2007
(6) J. White, President - North Shore Amateur Radio Club, June 05, 2007, regarding Field Day 2007 - Emergency Communication Exercises with the North Shore Emergency Management Office at Cypress Provincial Park, June 23-24, 2007
(7) WV Board of School Trustees, School District #45, undated, 2007, regarding Invitation to Attend a Retirement
(8) June 10, 2007, regarding Collingwood School, 70 Morven Drive - School Enrolment Issue
Responses to Correspondence
(9) B.A. Dozzi, Manager - Roads & Transportation, June 05, 2007, reply regarding Request for Four-Way Stop Installation - 13th Street and Clyde Avenue
(10) B.A. Dozzi, Manager - Roads & Transportation, June 05, 2007, reply regarding Excessive Speed on Stevens Drive
(11) J. Oates, Fire Chief, June 11, 2007, reply regarding Fire Department Overtime Cost
Responses to Questions in Question Period -- No items presented.

===  LEGISLATION  === [by a cynic, wch I'm not]
1) Any law the electorate sees as being open to being perverted from its original intent will be perverted in a manner that exceeds the manner of perversion seen at the time. 
2) Any law that is so difficult to pass it requires the citizens be assured it will not be a stepping stone to worse laws will in fact be a stepping stone to worse laws. 
3) Any law that requires the citizens be assured the law does not mean what the citizens fear, means exactly what the citizens fear. 
4) Any law passed in a good cause will be interpreted to apply to causes against the wishes of the people. 
5) Any law enacted to help any one group will be applied to harm people not in that group. 
6) Everything the government says will never happen will happen.
7) What the government says it could not foresee, the government has planned for. 
8) When there is a budget shortfall to cover non-essential government services the citizens will be given the choice between higher taxes or the loss of essential government services. 
9) Should the citizens mount a successful effort to stop a piece of legislation the same legislation will be passed under a different name. 
10) All deprivations of freedom and choice will be increased rather than reversed. 
11) Any government that has to build safeguards into a law so that it will not be abused is providing guidelines for abusing the law without violating it. 
12) Any legislator up for re-election will vote against a bad law if and only if there are enough other votes to pass it.

===  IMPORTANCE OF WORDS/SIGNS  === ..... seen travelling.......
Did I read that sign right?
In a laundromat:
In a London department store:  BARGAIN BASEMENT UPSTAIRS
In offices:
Outside a secondhand shop:
Notice in health food shop window:  CLOSED DUE TO ILLNESS
Spotted in a safari park (I sure hope so):  ELEPHANTS PLEASE STAY IN YOUR CAR
Seen during a conference:
Notice in a farmer's field:
Message on a leaflet:
On a repair shop door:

===  QUOTATIONS  ===

Power always has to be kept in check; power exercised in secret, especially under the cloak of national security, is doubly dangerous.
                -- William Proxmire, US senator, reformer (1915 - 2005)
It's like, at the end, there's this surprise quiz: Am I proud of me? I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth what I paid?
                        -- Richard Bach, writer (1936 - )