Dec 10 Ccl NOTES
Calendar to Dec 21
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
Binning House is for sale! it's a national historic
----->>> See update at end. Contact DWV or
me at heritage@westvan.org or call 922 4400
Minutes of the PH to be provided; new OCP Zoning at 24th &
Marine for three readings; PROPOSED BUDGET 2008 PROCESS (changed);
2008 Sewer User Rates 3% increase and Water User Rates 10%
increase with public input by Jan 7; Fees and Charges (three
readings); 2008 Ccl Mtg Schedule (change to two ccl mtgs per month
plus a workshop or public hearing); 2008 Acting Mayor appmts;
Reports on water consumption, airplane noise, fed/prov re revenue
sharing; CORRESPONDENCE: Library minutes, Tsawwassen Treaty,
Erickson/Graham house, Amb Town Strategy, Gordon Nbrhd
Traffic/Streetscape, lack of bylaw enforcement re traffic and
re nbrhd area blvd agreement (20, 31), Hugo Ray Park Residents and
Staff Reply, Friends of Cypress Prov Park Newsletter
= Vive le Canada (11 Dec 1931); Heritage Award
Nomination Forms; WEBWATCH (Music & Cheer); INFObits
(UPLIFT; Letters from ADRA re Uplift, STREAMKEEPERS re
Vinson); CALENDAR to Dec 21st
= Dec 10 Ccl NOTES: Public Hearing re
24th & Marine rezoning (Uplift debate); AMBLESIDE TOWN CTR; Cmnty
Ctr Non-Profit Society; Dec 17th Ccl mtg time change to
6pm; PQP re Heritage Measures
= Dec 17th Ccl AGENDA; Press Freedom; No Way to Inn;
Heritage/Binning House Info; Roadblocks; Quotations
=== Vive le Canada -- Th=
Statute of Westminster
The Statute of Westminster
1931 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (22 &
23 Geo. V c. 4, December 11, 1931) which established a status of
legislative equality between the self-governing dominions of the
British Empire and the United Kingdom, with a few residual exceptions.
The Statute became domestic law within each of the other Commonwealth
realms after the patriation of the particular realm's constitution, to
the extent that it was not rendered obsolete by that
The Statute is of historical
importance because it marked the effective legislative independence of
these countries, either immediately or upon ratification. The residual
constitutional powers retained by the Westminster parliament have now
largely been superseded by subsequent legislation. Its current
relevance is that it sets the basis for the continuing relationship
between the Commonwealth realms and the Crown.
=== HERITAGE Nomination Deadline
Jan 25 === Heritage Week is Feb 18 to 24
On DWV's marvellous website, go to:
http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5447&c=898 for more
2008 Heritage
Achievement Awards
West Vancouver's
natural, built and cultural heritage define our community identity,
give our neighbourhoods their distinct character, and enhance the
quality of life we have come to enjoy.
The Heritage
Achievement Awards are presented in honour of individuals, groups, and
businesses that have made a significant contribution to ensuring that
this collective heritage is preserved.
The District
invites you to nominate any project, individual or group that has made
an important contribution to furthering heritage conservation in West
Vancouver. The deadline for submitting nominations to the
District is January 25, 2008.
Categories include: Building Conservation; New Building Design;
Landscape; Advocacy/Awareness; and "Other"
=== From the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
=== INFObits
=== Uplift and
Just in case more clarification is needed, here's an
explanation. This was given to Ccl in Sept of 2005
*** LETTERS (ADRA re Uplift and
Streamkeepers re Vinson) ***
***ADRA*** 2007 November 28 to Mayor and
re Community Benefits
and Public Amenities
The Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers' Association wishes
to ensure that any change or development will also enhance or improve
our community and quality of life. Furthermore, we believe
increased value (Uplift) that accrues from changes in zoning should be
shared by the community.
The difference between the present value (PV) of existing
zoning and the future value (FV) of the changed zoning represents the
Uplift (U), that is FV - PV = U. U thus represents the increase
in value.
ADRA recommends that the Community's share be
approximately 75% of the Uplift, ie 75% of U, the increased value, and
that the decision on the Community Benefits and Public Amenities be
made by Council after full public consultation.
We believe that this policy should be applied equally to
the whole District.
Yours truly,
Elaine Fonseca, President, Ambleside and Dundarave
Ratepayers' Assn
926 6686; board@adra.westvan.org
***WV Streamkeepers*** 2007 November 16 to Mayor and
re Vinson Creek
The flooding of Vinson Creek earlier this year brought to
our attention a number of issues that West Vancouver Streamkeepers
believe should be addressed by the District of West Vancouver to
ensure that the risk of flooding from Vinson Creek is reduced in the
event of future exceptionally high water flows.
Accordingly, we would like to provide Council with our
recommendations passed at a recent board meeting:
1. that the Vinson Creek culvert at Kings Avenue,
and possibly other Vinson Creek culverts, be
2. that the fouling of the creek from dumping of
garden and woody debris be monitored and enforced under Creeks Bylaw
No. 3013 and the Watercourse Protection Bylaw 4364, Part
3. that communication procedures pertaining to resident
protection during emergency situations be clarified.
The District has carried out a number of creek daylighting
projects, and we believe that daylighting of parts of Vinson
Creek below Kings Avenue would be of benefit to the
We thank you for your attention to these matters and look
forward to a response.
Yours truly,
Michael Ritter, President, West Vancouver Streamkeeper
604 628 1123; streamkeepers@westvan.org;
=== CALENDAR to Dec 21st
=== [M Hall unless otherwise noted;
confirm b/c sometimes changes]
== Saturday Dec 15th
~ 8am and 5pm ~ Constituency Report (Shaw, Channel 4)
-- interview with Ralph Sultan, MLA: regional police force, new
bike trail from HBay and Deep Cove, fall session, Tsawwassen and
Maa-nulth treaties.
~ 2:30pm ~ "'Twas the Fortnight Before", Pacific
Baroque Orchestra at WV United Church (21st & Esquimalt)
~ 7:30pm ~ at Kay Meek Ctr: The Canadian Tenors, with guests the
Celtic Divas, bring their Christmas show "A Christmas to Remember"
from coast to coast with unforgettable moments of charm and songs,
choosing from the standard seasonal repertoire and popular ballads.
They will warm you with your best-loved favourites and surprise you
with some soon-to-be-favourites with all the special touches that the
season brings. Call the Kay
Meek Centre Box Office for event details and to reserve your tickets.
913 3634.
== Sunday Dec 16th
~ 3 pm ~ CONCERT at St Francis in the Wood Anglican Church
(4773 South Piccadilly)
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" A classical and Traditional
Christmas featuring pianist Angela Witzke
$15 includes refreshments at reception afterwards; reservations:
~ 3:30pm ~ Ambleside Beach -- British Columbia Boys Choir SongWave on
the Beach
Come Join us for
SongWave on the Beach and be part of the carol sing-along. The
BC Boys Choir and the SongWave 2007 Boys Honour Choir will perform at
this free community event. The audience is invited to sing along
with the choirs.
~ 4pm (and 7:30pm) ~ A Traditional Christmas with the VSO
at the Kay Meek Ctr with Bramwell Tovey and Christopher Gaze
== Tuesday Dec 18th
~ 3pm ~ will Finance & Audit Cmte perform
surgery, split into an Audit Cmte and a Finance WG; discussion on
Terms of Reference -- Whoops! that was on the agenda, but
then the mtg was on, off, changed to 3pm, then back and off, so you'll
have to call the Hall to find out when/if it'll meet: 925
7008. News as of Saturday Dec 15 noon is that it's back on
at 3pm.
~ 7pm ~ Cmnty Grants/Social Services WG
~ 8pm ~ Musica Intima choral concert: "A Rose in Winter"
at WV United Church [www.musicaintima.org and tix 731 6618]
== Wednesday Dec 19th ~ 6pm ~ Child Care WG
== Thursday Dec 20th ~ 4:30 ~ Design Adv Cmte --
== Friday Dec 21st
~ 8:30am ~ Arts & Culture WG at Hall on their webpage but not
Calendar so probably will be cancelled
~ 8pm ~ The Laudate Singers of the N Shore,
"Illumination: Harp and Choir" concert at St
David's United Church (Taylor Way)
* * * *
* M E R R Y C H R I S T M A
S ! * * * * *
-- "Great Stuff"
-- Nov 30 - Dec 21
An exhibition and sale
of unique crafts, fine artwork, and distinctive gifts at affordable
prices from over 40 of the best artists and artisans, just in time for
the Christmas shopper!
Special Gallery Hours: 10am - 6pm; Late Friday shopping
until 8pm; Closed Mondays
+++ see www.westvanlib.ca
Friday Dec 21 -- Philosophers'
"What makes giving meaningful?" $5
admission, everyone welcome. 10:30am - 12:30pm
WIRE -- Nov 7 to Feb 9
[Full description in earlier issue of WVM]
+++ Don't forget to check out www.silkpurse.ca
and www.kaymeekcentre.com for their events
========== CCL MTG NOTES=
Dec 10th
Marine Drive)
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the
subject application with respect to the proposed bylaws and
development permit application as listed above:
Applicant: Karl Gustavson, Architect
Subject Lands: 2396 Marine Drive AND 2388 Marine
Purpose: To provide for a low-rise building comprised of
15 residential units including 4 live work units fronting Marine
Drive. Parking would be provided under the building and accessed
from the lane.
Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment: To remove 2388
Marine Drive from the Duplex Area and include it in the Dundarave
Village Neighbourhood Centre.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: To rezone the
subject lands from C1 (Commercial Zone) and R.T.1 (Two Family Zone) to
a new CD2 Zone (Comprehensive Development Zone 2).
Proposed Development Permit: To regulate form and character
of development to build upon the local village character of Dundarave
Village Neighbourhood Centre.
1) Reports to
Council received up to December 6, 2007: four from J Bailey, Cmnty
2) Correspondence
received up to December 6, 2007: one from A McManamon
On November 19 Council set the date for the Public Hearing and
Public Meeting. On November 23, 847 Notices were mailed to
owners/occupiers within 100 metres of the subject site. The
statutory notice of Public Hearing and Public Meeting was published in
the North Shore News on Dec 2 and 5. The Municipal Clerk will
note written submissions received for the Dec 10 Public Hearing/Public
Sop: question
Mayor: wait till debate
Sop: but for my info now -- why no uplift?
SJN: same sq ftg
{Pardon me? square footage is not the only basis for
value. Commercial has a different (lower) value than
residential. This property is going from commercial to
residential. Not only that, it's number of units -- think of the
Upper Lands wch is zoned 2.5upa. Also hard to imagine
equal since one lot is for a duplex and now will be several units.
In any case, it's a strange response.}
The applicant will be provided an opportunity to make a
presentation on the subject application.
Karl Gustavson: thank you for opp to come back
joining me are my clients, Larry Sunderland and Doug Wark (sp?),
Bob Heaslip, Planning consultant, Jerry Akrigg (sp?) landscape
architect, and Steven Gardiner the traffic consultant.
started in 1986 when Bob Heaslip was in Planning Dept; worked on
Dund Revitalization
[slide] map and gateway to Dund
award-winning Dundarave Mews
Cmnty Benefits (CB)/Amenities make cmnty work better as a
SJN said re zoning [roughly same sqftage]
we say what do we have and what do we want to do
If C1 went ahead [points on slide for access point], same as
entrance to our parkade
15 units, four are live-work: jewellery store, hairdresser,
architect -- as transition
nine level-2 units, aging in place; two fully handicapped level-3
28 parking stalls but 22 required; so no parking on the
two storeys off Marine and three off lane; IGA is three off
Marine and four off lane with roof deck so really five storeys; we
have three storeys easy transition, duplex nbrhds
slightly under the sq ft
let Jerry speak to landscaping then I'll summarize
Jerry (sp?) who?: [slides] I perceive CBs as from street
NE corner; had a walkway but public don't want one so removed
trees along MDr, reduced to smaller street tree, lack of
view obstruction; transitional landscape
street has been widened in front for the bus stop; better
automobile condition at corner of 24th and MDr, see to west
corner pulled back seat, water fountain; canted toward west; lane
treated as more residential; units have small terraces; sustainable
measures (biofiltration in courtyard, minimal impact for water)
KG: summarize: views from Haywood, no view obstruction; parking
off lane into bldg
SE corner all landscaping; had visitor parking there, now
removed; no traffic coming up and down lane
certified re sustainability, providing geothermal heating
housing choices: small units, large units, aging in place, have
scooter parking, on bus route, handicapped units, etc
live-work units transition
qtn from the Adv Design Panel: Motion: strong support
lowrise as a much-needed socio-economic, massing nbrliness, etc
gone through long process already; does meet needs of cmnty
in staff report; 17Ksf, Cclr Sop talked about Uplift; proposal
consistent with permitted for zoning
staff concluded no appreciable uplift
ground-oriented units -- ppl not jumping up and down for those;
trying to do the right thing
Steve Nicholls talked about 3% and $150K
sidewalk on N side; traffic light, landscaping, bus shelter,
our cost $150K add to $157K, that's $300K; compared with other
projects, far more than any more been done in any other in
JC: support from Design Panel, but from nbrs?
KG: letters come in and we're not allowed to know who from
walked it, knocked on many doors
don't know where ten came from, 26 before; majority of feedback
with exception of Ms Virani (sp?) and ? including Mr Grammet (sp?),
great deal of support
not only from local cmnty but when public mtg, support from broad
Sop: you referred to OCP Policy H5 and H3
H5 gives two considerations one to amenity bonusing, and another
to representation of residents and property owners in a cmnty mtg,
generally in any comm site; and H3 is not directly applicable to this
project b/c more directed to sgl fam
in light of those considerations why shd we give you
spotzoning, that much density, in relation to rest of block?
KG: we're at 1.02FSR, most are 1.4 and IGA is 1.6
H3 doesn't directly relate but is a good guideline
long history; go back to 1986; Dund working well, why can't we be
like Dund
a lot of work, planning CB; this is a culmination of that
understand needs of family, needs of my chn; live-work wd be good
for them
flexible, alternate types of housing -- Mr Buchanan up the lane
with a wheelchair
where shd it happen? we found it, consistent with needs of
Brock Johnson: not a nbr, lived in WV since 1990 in a lg home and
more recently in a duplex just down the lane from this prop; 2328 MDr;
walk by almost ev night, and twice when work out
quite excited hearing about this prop; exciting transition from
the duplex I live in to comm
can see wanting a few years from now when a little less mobile;
not enough of that in WV, wd be beneficial if more
av, accessible by public transit; ppl with mobility impairments;
low impact in terms of visibility
worried about what cd go there; great place to move to and age in
Sop: you mention affordable, is this an affordable devt?
BJ: suspect more affordable than my duplex
Mayor: not going to go back to proponent, and that question isn't
necessarily for the general public,can get to that at end of PH
Ray Richards: 2336 MDr, just down the street
It is with sadness that I speak to you and my fellow residents
tonight. It is with a feeling of hopelessness, with a feeling of
betrayal. Yes, I feel betrayed by the employees of our Planning
Dept, and i hope that you, our elected representatives, will reject
the application before you to do a spot change to the Official
Community Plan and that you will require the speculator and the
Planning Dept to abide by the OCP as it presently stands.
For decades successive community plans have specifically stated
that the Dundarave area would not be expanded and by implication would
not be decreased. Tonight the speculator wants to decrease the
commercially zoned area of Dundarave by changing a lot into
multi-family and the speculator wants to take away a duplex-zoned lot
and add it to the multi-family category. All of this has been
aided and abetted by the planning employees who, in my view, seem to
be working for the speculator and not for the residents who pay their
Mayor: think we shd focus on the merits of the proposal, thank
RR: the speculators should have been told their proposal did not
fit into the OCP and to come back with something that did, as the OCP
is very specific on this area and has been for decades.
I've been in the cmnty since 1971, and there wasn't a peep about
this when you voted on the last OCP, not from the Planning Dept, not
from those of you who were cclrs the last time, didn't say one word
about changing Dundarave.
There was a massive deception taking place about building a
Capers store on the two lots under consideration tonight. The
planners eulogized this, and told us what a great deal this was to
have trucks driving up the lane, through the lot and over the sidewalk
onto Marine Drive. They were telling us what a great devt that
was, and the cmnty rebelled against it. The knew or shd hv
known, the owners of Whole Foods, wd never build a store on such a
small area, with little or no parking, very poor access and too close
to their Park Royal store. it is just not the way Whole Foods operate.
But we had the planners telling us it wd be good to do this.
None of our houses are allowed to have driveways onto MDr, but this
was going to. This is just a deception. Then came back and
put forward an apartment building -- something I believe was wanted in
the first place.
There was a betrayal of neighbours who built or bought near these
lots knowing what the OCP says and who did not contemplate that any
council would come and do a spot change.
You must recognize that the lane is our social area, a place
where kids ride their bikes free of traffic worries, where seniors
stroll with their [dogs], where neighbors gather to visit, where most
residents plant flowers and look after the back of their lots, where
pp from the fitness unit come and run and jog up and down the lane,
and we're told 15 units will not increase the traffic down the
And I'll believe that when I see it.
By reducing the commercial area of Dundarave you will create a
need to 'revitalize' Dundarave and re-zone another lot from
residential to commercial and create another gain for a property
speculator. By reducing the duplex-zoned area you will be creating a
need for another duplex lot and whoopee, another gain there, another
deal. Instead of spot rezoning, wait for a full revision to the
OCP and decide in advance where another commercial lot will be located
to benefit Dundarave, where another duplex lot will be located.
Get the whole plan together.
Will you be rezoning the next duplex lot and the next duplex lot?
Will it be creeping that way? You told us last time tat you wd
stop there, and that was as far as Dundarave was going to go, and now
tonight, it's creep. It's creep.
Next thing you know, you're going to have MDr as a strip
And now I hear that a member of the Planning Dept is going to
bat for the speculator and saying there will not be any uplift in land
value created by this proposed rezoning. Well, that's a
little bit far-fetched in my view. If I had owned property
like that I think I wd consider it a pretty good uplift, if I cd get
it rezoned.
I do a little bit of property devt in Chilliwack and I know what
can happen in these cases.
I think what you need to do is have a full and proper
evaluation made and appropriate benefit be obtained for the community
- and obviously this evaluation must not be done by the Planning Dept,
it needs to be done by an outside property appraiser.
And are you saying that the all of the residents' properties
along the street that their lots must remain as duplex lots or will
you re-zone them one or two at a time
And what about the people on Bellevue who back onto the lane --
will they be allowed to increase the density? and upgrade their
lots and put another apt bldg on the corner of Bellevue and 24th?
or are you going to leave them as they are?
You see there are lots of these ramifications that you have to
look at, and I don't think it's appropriate for you to spot/rezone
anything until you've had a proper study of where you want to go with
OCP and all these things. And then you tell the existing
property owners what you think can go on their properties, and they
won't sell them below market values to a speculator who has an inside
with the Planning Dept to get it upgraded and upzoned to a higher
Mayor: Does that conclude your remarks. Need to ask the
Clerk. Are you timing this for five minutes?
SSch: yes, I am; just about.
RR: I've had it about the parking. I want to tell you that
the parking that was supposed to be so good along Dundarave, and it
was supposed to be reducing the parking problem along the street has
not. The parking prob along the S side of MDr where I live is
full of cars almost all day. Ppl come to visit me and we
have to find places in another block for them to park. It's
really not done. And when I hear somebody say this parking is
going to do the same thing, I've heard that about devts half a block
away too and it just doesn't come out that way. Thank you very
Mayor: Thank you.Tim Webb -- but that's for Amb
[others were too]
Brent Saujin/Sawchuk (sp?): off Westmount interchange
mbr of overall cmnty
listening to comments this evening; encouraged such a bold step;
wholly support
terrific opp to increase density; sust, transp; rather see than
above 1200ft level
wholly in favour
Karima Virani: Bellevue 2393; wd like to disagree with Mr
Gustavson, I'm not 100% in favour of this project
first and foremost worry is the driveway; mine is v steep and
difficult to come in and out, two at Collingwood, one gone to uni, the
other just learning to drive
lovely smallknit cmnty; v careful
not v convinced at all about the left turn into the alleyway;
just saying make cars go to the right
not everyone's going to take a left if not restricted
already a worry, density increased; when purchased didn't know wd
go through, thought they wd stay as duplexes even though old, didn't
know such a huge piece wd go in
did plan a renovation on my home but the moment I found out about
this decided not to do a reno, the duplex next to us for sale, not
selling b/c no one wants to live there
I can't sell my duplex, amt of traffic and danger ahead
hustle and bustle, I want quiet and peace
v difficult to pull out of my garage
hope you will all consider I am directly affected by this; a goal
and finally achieved to live here
take into consideration direct impact
no good ppl coming here saying they live in Bayridge, in Brit
Prop; we live here
Ralph Carder: 201 205 24th St 20 yards to south
when restaurant closed concerned there might be a commercial
devt, pleased to see this dvpr come along, attended orig info mtg at
Irwin Park, listened to our concerns and addressed them
my wife and I fully endorse this
Rebecca Buchanan: know reference made to me and my father
my father passed away
CR: After about 15 years of urging Uplift info and Cmnty
Benefits (CBs), of course I'm thrilled you have received these
policies. Congratulations to Ccl.
I have some concerns that I hope you will take into
First of all, we wd like to see the appraisal--
btw, it's Carolanne Reynolds, Editor of West Van Matters, Ste
300, 1497 Marine Drive, but we have several offices and one of my
offices was at 1065 - 24th, wch is almost at that same corner [devt is
SE corner of 24th and Marine and office was just up from NW
Mayor: one address is fine
CR: but I said, right at that corner, so intimately involved,
knowledge of that particular corner, even though that's not the
address I'm giving.
wrt Uplift, we wd like to see the appraisal for the zoning
that was there and the appraisal for the zoning for the 15 units.
I think that's one of the ways that we can tell the difference so that
we can calculate Uplift, and I am certain that there must be some
difference between a commercial zone and one with 15 residential
units, especially since residential I think is more valuable than
{it is}
Once we have the Uplift [read: appraisal] for the two, and we
can find out what the difference is, then we can start to look at the
CBs that the staff are going to recommend for Ccl's consideration, and
their value.
And then if staff cd indicate what percentage they think that
I think it's really important in the interests of openness and
transparency that we see the relative appraisals so we can see for
ourselves if we think they are realistic appraisals and what the
difference is.
Someone said that this is more benefits than in the past.
Well, in the past you had no policy and virtually nothing had to be
given, although staff did negotiate something, so the comparison
really isn't that valid.
As to landscaping, landscaping was one of the things that was
mentioned [as a CB], is obviously going to be a benefit to the bldg,
make it much easier to sell and get a higher price b/c it makes it
more desirable. So I don't think some of the benefits they
mentioned are purely altruistic for cmnty. I think they will
benefit the devt.
You will recall ADRA -- I support the letter we wrote b/c I'm on
the board of ADRA too -- [suggested] approximately 75% of the
Uplift [for CB] and I want to reiterate that ppl who have written
to me as Editor of West Van Matters, who also, that's been the
consensus. Although I had a couple saying they wanted 100%.
I felt that was much too high and that 75% wd be much more
Maybe as a compromise, there is v little commercial in WV as you
know, and we never want to have a residential area suddenly have
commercial sprout/sprung next to them.
It's probably important to keep the commercial element on the
ground floor, rather than decrease commercial or go to another
residential area.
As a compromise, as long as it's below the height limit, have
a couple of units above, so it's roughly like the duplex. It cd
have some residential above. When it comes to the things
they're mentioning, whether it's trees, geothermal, whatever, I have
seen in the past I have seen a devpr come in -- not saying it's this
one -- have come in the past with beautiful trees and things, and when
it comes to the devt, the trees are not there. "Well, that
was just part of the display."
{think of 2142 Argyle and the Cmnty Ctr}
So if there are any conditions that you put on it, I hope you
make those as conditions, not just say that was a nice
As for traffic, I think with 15 units there, that certainly will
increase the traffic. The restaurant that was there before
probably wd have traffic only in the evening, not all day as it wd
happen if somebody is living there, going to school, going to lunch,
going shopping, or whatever.
That certainly wd affect the quality of life for the ppl around
In summary:
what I wd v much like to see is the appraisals of the two
different zonings so we can see that they are valid, and so that we
can calculate the difference; and then when we know the difference, it
shd be Ccl's consideration of the recommendations for CBs, Ccl's
consideration and decision for wch CBs they want after consultation
with the cmnty.
Thank you very much.
Lady (didn't catch name): live nearby, almost hit by car; happy
to see, moved back from street; also back from 24th
SJN: moved back, curb out; 24th narrow
Lady: five cars came; places used up v quickly; how many
realistically looking
don't go to Amb -- well, if I get a parking spot I stop; how
going to these places?
Elaine Fonseca: prez of ADRA. Our Assn has been v aware,
more than 30 years
this is spot zoning, sets a precedent for Amb and Dund; more
units, more traffic, thus more congestion
all residents are vulnerable for spot zoning if this is approved;
OCP is supposed to protect nbrs
Our Assn rejects this proposal
Kendall Gustavson: must admit a bit biased; I'm Karl Gustavson's
he runs projects by me and I say some good, some not
most ppl will not be running about, making ten trips a day
Dund has all the amenities within walking distance; want milk, go
to IGA, just there
Chuck Walker: 1455 Bellevue; listened to the negativism being
proposed wrt Mr Gustavson's possible growth
opps for ppl to live in cmnty
15 cars in front of John Clark's store waiting to mail
rather than living in 60- to 70-yr-old rat-infested house
I'm a mbr of ADRA, asked for mbr list, refused to give it to
RR: reason can't is for privacy reasons
Helen Besharat: 1365; lived in WV for 27 years and also worked in
Sager bldg; intimately involved in nbrhd; bn following this project
for last year or so; positive aspects; density where transportation;
units small, sustainable
this project going to encourage ppl taking public transp not car;
walking b/c ev conveniently located; compliment design team
geothermal and LEED certification usually larger, seeing going to
contribute to our cmnty
entrance to Dund will be drastically improved
see this rather than pink box on that corner
... for second time: if it's rezoned as a comm/duplex zone does
this mean there's a precedent set?
will others be allowed comm zoning?
then strip become commercial and will other residents be in same
situation as I am today
now is the time, one side shd remain residential
help us not to bring too much comm on our doorstep, we can walk
to it
gentleman said a waste of time, it's not; we need .... not a
waste of time
Mayor: ?
SJN: probably referring to non-duplex zoning
two lots; one commercial and cd have restaurant with
residence/condo above
adjacent duplex was acquired for the Capers proposal; probably
better layout for the three-storey residential
don't think this wd be entertained; your procedure to go to
it's the commercial zoning on the corner so don't think it sets a
anyone in WV is entitled to apply for rezoning but difficult to
get it
[name I didn't catch]: here to talk about Ambleside but
2397 MDr across the street; ....
1: truth is Cap West didn't do any biz; wd be far busier if
normal biz
comm busier than residential
restaurant there that did zero biz
Molly Anthony: lived in Dund for 57 years, 2615 Lawson
needed; I want to move out of my house and into something like
ppl don't like spot zoning, good to take areas
more density from A to B scares ppl to death
looks like a v attractive project; something we desperately
K Armes: Kings; has the parking been changed since the public
KG: 15 units and 28 stalls; required 23 stalls
KA: six extra stalls how divvied up?
KG: two to visitors, willing to add more;
KA: to live-work or resid?
KG: for bldg; either
Mayor: no one further from public wishing to speak?
KG: excellent comments, thank you for bringing those issues
Cclr Sop raised 'affordability' -- all you can discuss is size of
unit and flexibility
small, less; facing MDr, less; the only way you can define
zoning creep and spotzoning -- I don't take lightly
Dund revitalization plan
not here b/c we want to be here, b/c local cmnty said b/c we
don't want commercial
the restaurant there is 3Ksf; we can build 10Ksf on that
Dund Innovative Fitness is in Dund Mews; comm and resid on top;
listening to the cmnty, is that the option; better; better
don't want to destroy Ms Virani's property's value; chose to take
visitor parking out of there; didn't want her backing out; Ms Virani
have RT1 zoning; in this case there's no driveway back to back
back to 10Ksf, think back to when that big one happens; parking
discussion on this project; thank my daughter for coming
btw, she wants to be an architect, I told her to come here and
she might change her mind
they will be walking
This is not spot rezoning; listen to local nbrs
v interesting; got support of local nbrs, what about the broad
cmnty, so we went out and got broad cmnty and they're here
listen to Molly Anthony, I've never met her before, but that's
what we need
[name?]: 1605; lived in WV must about all my life; love WV;
not sure how many have tried to move out of their parents' house, not
easy, difficult to do; don't want WV to change any more than it has
Mayor (three times): anyone further to speak?
If you have anything you want to see in staff report?
VV: OCP p153; make sure new devts do not impose ....xxx on
wrt a system
it's not a question of toting up; it's effect on cmnty -- Police,
Fire, Rescue
look at what happens; need a system; how can we apply if
who creates calculation? Planning? Finance?
CAO: who wrote the policy and see what they contemplated
to two, three, or even five units, small
SJN: have been impacts in past; sometimes to benefit and
sometimes add a cost
doing cmnty plan; devts such as this one, small scale, don't
affect cmnty; do look at local impact
can and probably will report back on Rodgers Crk, larger scale,
where benefits and where costs
in these cases, wd pay attention if any direct impact on capital,
wd require it be paid by devpr
VV: one house or five houses, difficult
we're v tough on the larger devprs, there are costs
you can approve 100 units all at once, or ten at ten each, the
cumulative total has just as big an effect as one of a hundred
must get a formula, then that's fine; we're not doing anything,
Sop: referring to a letter from Mr Ron Wilson
his call for an appraisal of lands; rental or without the
proposed changes; can this be, Mr Nicholls, valuable?
on dollar side? something prior to closing this?
{my submission as well}
SJN: not sure what the question is; if we cd have an appraisal
under current zoning and new; not sure legal can, or who'd pay for
similar sq ftg, not sure
impact of devt of this nature, does not impact cmnty for rec,
Police, Fire, and does not affect any services in the Dundarave
{15 units wd mean probably about 30 ppl; guess he thinks
that's negligible but it's cumulative.}
will increase the tax base;
{if it increases tax base, doesn't that mean value has
increased? speaking of land and uplift}
part of cost is offset by ppl bldg, renovating
small amt of devt xxxxx
Sop: if that be the case, why talking about uplift, bonusing,
etc if these can pay their own way as described
why talking about these new plans as amenities and all these
SJN: policy of this Ccl is to negotiate benefits and amenities
of ev project that goes forward regardless of whether it's zoning
RD: move all submissions received and PH be closed
JC: second
Iembers of Council are not permitted to receive further
submissions regarding the proposed Bylaw once the Public
Hearing/Public Meeting is closed.
Mayor: All in favour? Carries. When back?
SSch: Dec 17 and bylaws can be brought forward for decision,
second and third reading
Mayor: back then; now ccl mtg; if you cd continue your
discussion outside the chamber, thank you.
1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA add correspondence re Amb Town
Ctr; item 10 be added possible revision; ht blasting volumes,
provide public disc report re nbrhd character, Floor area exemptions,
etc; description of options; Cmnty Amenities discussion March 2008 to
permit revision in April; Items 4 and 6 be switched, and
Mayor: Dec 10
MS: it says Dec 3 but yes, Dec 10
Mayor: varied 4 and 6 b/c of presentations.
{Warning: b/c they jump about and add items, these notes
will look strange wrt the item numbers and times}
VV: request for a small amendment; Item 9, the Wetmore site
Ms Reynolds has corrected the sentence wch says that the Wetmore
site cd be used for art gallery/museum space. She wishes us to
remember and add the word condominiums. She also said it cd be
condos. Can we simply add that word in front of art
Mayor: I don't know
SSch: Ccl may move to amend the minutes in that regard
Mayor: all right then, is that all right with mbrs of Ccl;
presumably you've spoken with Ms Reynolds
VV: yes I had an email to that effect. She felt by omitting
condominiums it gave the impression she wd be opposed to that use b/c
it simply mentions art gallery, museum space. so I think we cd
add condos in front of art gallery and that wd satisfy the
Mayor: all right then; motion on minutes as amended
[done 8:43]
3. K. Pople,
regarding Redevelopment Plans for Ambleside Business
Elaine Fonseca: Good evening, Mayor and Ccl. My name is Elaine
Fonseca and I am Prez of the Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers' Assn,
better known as ADRA. I am joined by two of the ADRA directors,
Keith Pople and David Stephenson. All our board members
reside in either Ambleside or Dundarave.
I would first like to clarify that when we asked for a request
for a delegation to council that request came from ADRA and not one
individual board member as is shown. At the same time the
request was for us to present the results of an opinion survey that we
had conducted in September. Now we have the benefit of
having seen the results of the commissioned community survey
from Synovate, we would like to make a few observations.
I wd also like to clarify that our Assn, wch I have said
previously, has been active in this cmnty for 30 years. Our
objective is to promote and encourage resident participation in
decisions affecting WV and those specifically pertaining to the Amb
and Dund area. We support controlled growth and devt that
reflect] the character of the existing residential and commercial
areas in our nbrhds.
Those that join our assn, join b/c they share our
Certainly it is clear that the overall community still remains
very concerned about both quality of life, growth, and how this
reflects into both housing stock, transportation issues, and
taxes/spending. whilst ADRA's survey focuses primarily on what our
membership would prefer to see in the Ambleside Business District and
preferences with respect to residential areas.
Apparently one third of those who agreed to participate in the
Synovate survey then failed to complete the survey. One has to
wonder whether those that dropped off were well represented by the
completed surveys.
David Stephenson: When it comes to completed surveys as few
as 37% in some areas were even aware of the Ambleside Town Centre
strategy. Yet they answer questions around four storeys in
Ambleside, a closed question! We believe a more open question
around number of storeys desired would have received a very different
There was no distinction made in the Synovate survey
between the north and south side of marine drive in terms of the
number of storeys. Our ADRA survey showed strong support for
lower height on the south side of Marine.
Certainly we are not professional survey experts and neither are
we funded by taxpayers to hire professional survey firms, yet we do
represent a number of very concerned residents who actively follow
what is happening in our community and especially as it affects
Ambleside and Dundarave.
A [Ccl-appointed] working group was selected to study the
Ambleside Business District but no ADRA board member was invited to
join what turned into a developer-dominated working group. All
the same, ADRA board members did attend every one of the public
working group meetings.
The response rate at cutoff point represented a very respectable
percentage of ADRA's membership. later responses remained in line with
the earlier results.
Keith Pople: [slide] v difficult to see. A
three-person cmte prepared the questions in ADRA's survey. The
questions were developed as neutral as possible, aiming to identify
the issues that reflected our members' views as accurately as we
On the basis of the survey results, it is the the belief of the
ADRA board that efforts to promote major changes in the Amb Biz Dist
community, its quality, its standards and its values should be made
only on the basis of a significant review of what existing homeowners
in the immediate nbrhd wish to see develop. Our survey suggests
that the plans which have been offered for the Ambleside Business
District by council's working group are significantly at variance with
results and views expressed by our membership.
Our survey shows that traffic and parking is seen as a
significant problem in the Amb area at present:
60% also see parking and traffic problems in our
neighbourhoods; more than 80% see parking and traffic problems in the
Ambleside Business District (ABD)
Increased density, infill housing, and when we get to the
rezoning of single family dwellings,73% said no to rezoning of
neighbourhoods, 62% said no to infill housing however, 38% did
support infill housing, but 65% of those who support infill housing
would allow rezoning and infill in selected neighbourhoods
ADRA believes that Council should note the response to a key
question in our survey regarding the merits of establishing limits to
new growth in West Vancouver. It somewhat parallels the results
of the Synovate Survey wch also showed growth perhaps the major
concern. Our survey showed:
- 95% want limits to new growth to be established in West
Vancouver, some regulation on growth
- wrt traffic calming in the ABD, 40% favour some aspect of
various efforts to calm traffic however, 59% opposed all traffic
calming in the ABD
- more than 80% said traffic and parking is now a problem in
the ABD
- 81% said they did not want any increase in the density
of the ABD
We also asked the membership to identify what building height
they would like to support for the ABD: on the north side of MDr, 47%
would permit three storeys, 44% would prefer two storeys; on the south
side of MDr, a lesser number wanted height, 68% want building height
limited at two storeys, 24% would limit it at three storeys.
Thus we concluded 92% would limit building height to three storeys
or less!
In summary, this [survey] of our membership reveals that
* strongly opposes excessive increases in density
in the ABD
* wants height restrictions in place in the ABD of
no more than three storeys
* is very concerned about traffic and parking
conditions in the ABD and also in their residential streets
* has very clearly asked for formal limits to
growth in West Vancouver.
thank you for listening to us this evening.
Mayor: will you provide that [survey and results] to us?
KP: we'll put that in writing for you
VV: move delegation from Keith Pople be received
{Hope when they do the minutes they'll remember that at the
beginning it was pointed out this was NOT a personal/individual
delegation by Keith Pople. The request was clearly made by ADRA
and ADRA made the presentations -- the President Elaine Fonseca, and
directors. Trust the minutes will be
6. District of
West Vancouver Emergency Plan
RECOMMENDED: receive and endorse the Municipal Emergency
Jodie Sydor: new M Emergency Plan [slide presentation]
recently won an award for our plan, and regular presenter at
Sop: impressed; gave example; parrot in office
RD: 100 pages
staff carefully trained; v capable ppl such as Ms Sydor head of
well prepared; thank you for coming
7. 2008
Preview Assessment Roll... received for information.
8. Community
Centre Non-Profit Society
1. The following members be
appointed for the nominating committee representing the Community
Centre Governance Working Group: Patti Bolton and Susan
2. The following members be
appointed for the nominating committee representing Council: Bill
Soprovich and John Clark;
3. The nominating committee
arrange to meet in December to plan the nominating process including
communications and notification.
9. Motion to
change start time for December 17, 2007 meeting: TO 6pm
5. Development
Variance Permit Application No. 07-039 (4102 Burkehill Road)
At the November 26, 2007 meeting, Council received the report
dated November 16, 2007 from the Community Planner
Gail Jaeger: Designer on behalf of family
proposing to enlarge living space; fill in space between garage
and house as well as rebuild garage
no impact on views; nbrs in favour, all signed in favour of
proposal (more recent letter than the one in the package)
JC moved: all written and verbal submissions ... be
THAT Development Variance Permit Application No. 07-039
(4102 Burkehill Road), which would allow for an addition with a
variance to the required Front Yards, be approved.
{why not say what the variance is? why do we have to dig to
see how much of a variance is being asked???}
Sop: notice a letter to Bd of Variance
Ans: submitted but recommended go to Ccl
ends at 9:08
[9:09] REPORTS
4. Ambleside
Town Centre Strategy - Policy Recommendations
Mayor: have staff presentation first; entire dept here!
SJN: will be short, managed to have Colette Parsons lose her
explain some changes; change been on for some years
WG reported, cmnty groups meeting with us; chart shows
[slides] Second Storey Office Policy
required to be commercial; reason is that comm ofc space
considered essential part of a town ctr
14th to 18th primarily ofc on second storey so maintaining
existing situation
otherwise wd choose residential b/c can get more and can sell it
... encouraging parking ... reduced
larger sites, some form of bonusing to provide ofc space
talking about the core frontage, not backs; just core area
fronting on MDr
Cmmty Benefit Policy
larger term
talking here about amenity provisions; getting type of ...
we do not as a rule in WV rezone properties
rezoning and uplift of rezoning; look at 14th VanCity, not
rezoned bldgs but still negotiate CBs
corner at 19th exception
Medical Ctr, Odeon Theatre site, negotiated in hts, no change in
sq ftg
we're considering not rezone, keep current zoning
but in order to implement an amenity policy is to establish
within the zoning bylaw a lower sqftg and a higher, you have to make a
contribution and that's legal
lower 1.4FAR, that's the lower end; a more typical wd be 1.75,
typical of most of the three-storey buildings there today
some landowners consider it to be added in, downzoning but it's
special sites; basically Safeway site; large areas, potential for
more imaginative
suggest not rezone those; any over and above; consider some
flexibility what you do on that site
uplift on those sites; %age wd go to M; that may, in 1300 block,
may be gallery space
mechanism for all new bldgs, not renovations, really trying to
encourage renos in this area
ht policies
orig said consider four storeys, we've listened to that,
endorsed by WG, so what we've done is said three storeys as in current
we wd also allow, if common underground, sloping side, on N side,
cd have three storeys partway up the block technically a four-storey;
call it three-storey and regulate as to ht
curbs, so know what you're getting
parking three storeys off the lane so S side more.... wch is
what ADRA was suggesting was a desirable feature
ability for ppl to apply on larger sites, four storeys under
other conditions
no right to do that
when produce something better, cd be considered by
on three-storey sites; some variations -- mentioned up to six
when we looked at 1300 block, landscaped plazas and
encourage devt on one or other end of the block, increasing
views; cd be some advantages
nothing in OCP what ppl have a right to do
ppl have a right to apply, Ccl has a right to do
standard regulations wd apply
next slide shows examples of recent bldgs
both zoned Comm, first 1.4FAR, Vancity at corner of 14th 1.82;
we suggest you make clearer objectives
renovation so part of fabric of WV for a long time to come
rental in an improved state
bldgs that come out most, maintain bldg character so that's
what we're suggesting
next slide shows Amb Medical Bldg two and a half to
on-line forum comments
random sample of 846, extensive interviews
support for arts on Argyle; bldg hts and housing that maintains
village character
v few online comments [on slide]
Colette Parsons: online comments different from Synovate
SJN: on my desk sheet said 800
Sop: you showed some really beautiful bldgs in WV; why not
case-by-case as we have today?
provide basic structure
SJN: part of the objective identified by Ccl greater clarity
what approved and wd be approved
able to explain what might occur in diff areas
under current, may approve three storey but may take up to a
year and a half
OTOH, not been an instance where Ccl haven't approved
clarity of vision shd help you obtain a better Amb that the
one that exists today
Mayor: a cpl of mbrs of public waiting to speak as well
Sop: a couple of questions then will come back
it states three storeys; ..... look for bonus density
all those stores with two storeys there's an uplift to three
last week
talked about amenities; had a legal opinion, if that wd not
proceed, not find it favourable for the Dist
is there a need for a second opinion?
wrt all that is said, quite complex for value of public and
this Ccl, outline in a simple way, the ramifications first this three
storeys outright, look for uplift and amenities a long time in coming;
sounds convoluted, vague to me
can we have something simple, clear, and concise
allow this mbr of Ccl to make ...
look at
not able to provide amenities
a handful of bldgs will provide
not get the amenities we think we're going to get
SJN: not ev bldg can be over three storeys
bldgs, small odd-shaped, can't support parking required
no way all bldgs can be three storeys, does allow someone with
sufficient prop can apply
illustrate sq ftg allowed on lot, build some in three storey and
they've been building 1.4, 1.782?
signif better design, not changing
uplift, the indication that you cannot require
not what was said to Ccl, you have to use the proper legal
applicant for phased devts
those are the two main ways you can do it
ambiguity involved in what you might negotiate over
built into bonusing, no guessing, .....
a means of providing clarity we're trying to do
authorizes us to bring forth, provide clarity or
Sop: in description of what is laid out here; %g and no %age
give; passed it
wd you bring back a proposal with a %age
SJN: we'd probably say here is the range, Ccl wd be making
that decision
JF: proposing able to build up to three storeys, is that
vastly diff from today?
SJN: back some years ago, implement design control
keep two storeys 35ft and if you do calc, 35 is three
put into cmnty plan, demonstrate same sq ftg as in two
storeys; ev bldg must have a bldg permit
Ccl always approves a three-storey, almost always mixed
JF: three storeys under current zoning, allowing three under new
v little, almost no change other than the word storey; reduction
in uncertainty
SJN: b/c of the slope, able to build a building can terrace back;
had to amend Cmnty Plan for that
trying to avoid but we did it
what's three storeys and what's not; might provide some guideline
for somebody
don't think our proposals not vague ... not coming in on a
JF: how confident the Planning Dept the prop owners will feel
confident apply for rezoning or devt permits
that clarity will remove uncertainty that seems to be .... redevt
not taking place
SJN: some, won't promote devt; some waiting for
the current policy that requires the OCP permit provides a
level of ambiguity
this, can build three storeys, just a matter of getting zone ht?
Tim Webb: born and raised in WV, 44 yrs,
truly believe that this whole process is taking far too long;
have to move away from fear
I deal with economic reality probs ev day; no traffic not a lot
of quality tenants
I cdn't lease a space, tried to, traffic not there; won't
nothing will be done ...
if isn't an opp for owners there nothing will change, hasn't for
30 years and won't for next 30 years
ppl want to invest, serious money here, shoppers, etc etc
talking about density, if not increasing density, just the ht,
not giving opp; you'll just increase sidewalk
don't know if you say not more sqftg but higher, don't see
great, trying to get amenities for the city; if no benefit, not
going to do it
been in real estate for five years and came lst but don't know
what we've done
anybody who knows anything about statistics, have to come down to
margin of error and if not a lot then bigger margin
I'm 44 years old, my kids 4 yrs; this is going to take 40 to 50
years; not going to see it in my lifetime
getting bogged down in devts; no devts turned down but takes a
don't live in fear, make it happen
Rebecca Buchanan: [address] wd like to read a letter b/c I get
nervous speaking in public, ironic b/c I'm a lawyer
lived here for 31 years, remember how vibrant Amb was; remember
seeing movies
biz at Amb Biz Ctr; streets were always packed and shops always
full; recent years Amb has waned but still some good biz
delighted in this; and some dedicated to ....
thrilled me to show my own work at FBG ...
creating new exhibition space; will bring increased energy and
vitality to this region; Amb as the artistic heart of WV
upgrade bldgs
have lived next to Dund for over a decade now and have come to
appreciate revitalization..... no doubt Dund one of the most beautiful
streets in Canada
plsd I am, finally see this investment
John Cave: 1135 Haywood 1360 MDr, Travel Agency
VP of Amb Biz Assn; having been here 60 years, same time for
bldg, was going to be redevped ev decade since
in early 50s, my parents and friends shd hv brought no one else;
no one else moving to WV; we don't want any more devt
my brother as my sister, my mother lives in Properties, in 90s,
can't find caregivers and can't move her; rancher is perfect for her,
and help all around
place for my kids; can't live in WV, one moved to Yale Town,
affordable, Urban Fare, bowling alleys, etc
WV has no fun
in 20 years, we're there folks; we're going to have to have
the ideal place I want to be two or three blocks around Amb, walk
to beach
shdn't be talking about two, three storeys, shd talk about
Dund devt you talked about earlier is brilliant
public as a whole going to pay for those things; not the devpr
paying for that
when you come to my shop, I have to pay $45 more b/c I have to
hand out amenitiesl not devprs, they do fine
no devt in 60 years, not 30 years
I'll be working in the same bldg in ...... had the bldg for 40 50
he's got rent coming in
doesn't need the money
not interested in doing anything ... 50 years
from Amb Biz Assn, that was personal
large number of Amb biz b/c rent from $1500 to 5000 a month
if you want to move into the village
to move my operation to something in Pk Royal wd mean closing our
biz down; outside the M probably
find some way keep the small merchants that are there; keep it
relatively affordable; the Gap isn't going to move into WV
{it's already in Park Royal!}
not sure we can have more pedestrian traffic b/c we don't have
the parking; get them walking down from apts
not going to be able to get over LGB, three hours...
congratulate you all do this, work all day and go through
[9:53] JC: move to end of biz
Dave Thomas: Monteverdi Place; commercial and residential realtor
for 25 years
many I've had a hand in over the years
increasingly concerned about; started with vision of what it can
be; come here today and finds not much of a change
clarity, badly needed; don't really have the land economics to
make it work
currently two storeys to three storeys and pay uplift
tear down, construction prices to make three storeys, can't do
unfortunately, the land economics are not there to do it on three
or four storeys
CNV a few years ago, FSR 2.6, here's what you have to do certain
things to get there
v vital 15th and Lonsdale, thriving biz cmnty
may not want to be exactly like that
come back with a proposal that addresses that
Chuck Walker: tough for me to shut up
Mayor: no swearing
CW: no swearing. Most know where I work and live
Cclr Day, we started this conversation in 80s with Don Lanskail;
slowed down, died
you haven't Day, stayed same age, I've aged
had public hearings over the last year
the preponderance of ppl, you're talking about 20- to 30-year
project, wd you get started
currently our bldg supports 160 ppl, currently we're the largest
commercial bldg
hear from the restaurants around us, without us wdn't be in
when we took out applic, didn't want
took 2 and half years, got it being stubborn Irishman
if we fail, new city hall b/c I can't pay taxes
is there any truth if don't live up, GVRD will have to
no? well it's the rumour on the street
Karl's good
it's car traffic, call GM and tell them not to sell cars
you don't want your daughter driving a car, don't give her
give her support
misnomer, alluded was a group of dvprs; I am not a devpr, we
don't get into devpr, our own
one dvpr on cmte, he lives over in Victoria
if devprs totally mislead
it's not cars
I've got four grandchn and I want them to live in WV
God love you and god bless you
Mayor: already had a delegation from you
KPople: a couple of questions for Mr Nicholls
question on page X, you said all don't qualify for three storeys,
but in middle of page it says three storeys outright
SJN: to build three storeys, must qualify; can't get parking on
site, can't build it
better hire an architect or a designer
three storeys outright, if you have a site
KPpl: so maybe that statement shd be qualified
have you considered a differentiation in hts N and S side
SJN: yes we have; when we say three storeys above lane or street,
higher on N side
KPpl: same page says allow consideration for four storeys for
proposals that don't qualify
SJN: any number of situations in Amb someone saying we can do
something better
in two or three of brochures
Walker bldg, fourth storey on that site extensive, terraces
what we happen if we allowed four storeys, we believe Ccl and
cmnty shd consider
Lady: this story belongs to Amb Prk
Mayor: wrt your biz
Lady: my biz; believe my topic related to1425 Thai, new
space v awful; change have to spend huge money
all savings borrowed from family and have a loan also; huge money
to do devt
say Rose you did a nice job, hope you can come to my
big spending bring big trouble for myself
big prob from City Hall; haven't time to see ev
Mayor: we're actually looking at renewal; it's v late
some mbrs of Ccl
wd like to suggest that we meet tomorrow and see if we can help
want to get to our disc; just feel a more approp place
Lady; ?
Mayor: want to give you the right way
Leave your name and number with Mr Beauchamp
CAO: I can
Sop: visited...
Mayor: if you'd like to join us, fine
Dolly Cartwright: just want to say worked on this Amb
lived in WV all my life and think I'm the oldest in this
get on with it, pass these WG proposals, so that 20 years from
now when you celebrate my 100th birthday I can say thank god we
don't want to go back to skunk cabbages on the corner and take
xxx to make the gold grass greener
JF: Ms Cartwright is one of the dvprs that sat on the WG
I move THAT:
1. Staff prepare
implementation bylaws and documents in accordance with Appendix A of
the November 19, 2007 report of the Urban Design Planner entitled
"Ambleside Town Centre Strategy - Policy Recommendations";
2. These draft bylaws
be presented to Council for public consideration prior to finalization
and proceeding to a formal public hearing process.
JF: been a v interesting process
don't think there's anybody who doesn't want it revitalized
only left pull the plug
ev wants to see vitality; strong connect to arts on Argyle and
Bellevue; arts, biz, and the cultural cmnty; place to go when want to
meet friends and spend money
can't agree with more, can we pls get on with it
know some discussion wrt nuances
when bylaws come forward, know opp for public to come forward;
opp for Ccl to tweak
expect energetic; ...
so that cmnty owners Ccl
good discussion when we come back
MS: the first landowner who came forward to redevp his site,
amenities and existing use and enshrining the CB in the service
station was rejected by this Ccl
a couple of weeks ago chance to step out, now we're faced with an
empty as at 13th?
not worth ...
support Cclr JF:
draft bylaws will show what benefits will be
walk there at night like walking through Death Valley at midnight
VV: talk about vitality; traffic good, like Dunbar
not b/c cars not going through, maybe not stopping b/c no
here I have the Amb Town Strategy -- here it shows new buildings
with stars, and 13 in last 25 years
b/c of lateness of hour
there were things in the previous policy I thought really good
and I thought we cd get on with them ...
had to do with rearranging things
then seen if more vitality; wd hv ... places for ppl to stop;
places for ppl to go
and opening up midblock, view of water, etc, I thought that was
good; thought elaborate and something bigger; maximizing ...
lost about opening up midblock, removed reference to that
to get the empty boxes filled in and elaborated on
instead huge detail on FAR, presumably inducement to indiv prop
owners; that's the controversial stuff
don't want ht on S side but want on N
there are good things we cd do out of here, but the good things
have the least detail, how can we ask staff to bring recommendations
when recommendations section here is empty
Mayor: maybe b/c ev agrees on those; the boxes that have info
are where we as a Ccl feel we need more info, Is that
SJN: correct; the boxes are ones WG were using to comment
Mayor: otherwise
SJN: but other sections, design guidelines, etc will all be
brought forward to Ccl as original
VV: I don't know at this point. Well, I cd support this if
I cd move an amendment with the exception of 5.1.4, 5.2.1b, c, and d,
5.2.3, 5.2.3a, etc
Mayor to laughter: that might be contrary to the motion
if Ccl passes this tonight
bylaw will come and debate then
VV: sorry not time
for ppl in nbrhd; not quite there
unfortunately even the good stuff can't support
RD: listening to some of the criticism, based on earlier
this has been modified, look at A, modified in Nov 2007
S side four storeys cd be assembled, and this has been
exception on S, public review
with Mr Nicholls's comments, what you find here is a moderate
not going to be revolutionary and that might upset some ppl
brings more flexibility and predictability, that's what dvprs
don't see anything in the revision that's cause for concern
once bylaws drawn up, there'll be a PH and discuss
Sop: my area of concern, some been answered
in area of procedure
when bylaws come forth, can be precise and concise; simple and
configuration of all the changes in ht, FAR, been quite
confusing to date
I agree there has to be an uplifting of Amb to create some
vitality but I shop there myself and found wonderful stores, terrific
amt of service and ppl
can walk,
Mayor: ... I haven't adjusted either
Sop: know renewal, let us present a policy easily
amenities, safe time, credit to Chuck Walker who built a bldg 15
years ago popular, still looks good
policy before us; original must clarify
we've seen some v well built bldgs, they're there, successful,
what are we doing to do that's diff
giving devprs another storey; but truly the mom and pop stores
won't be able to stay in place at market rents
what will happen to all the services here today?
not so blind don't see need some amenities
hope when Mr N comes back ...
JC: wait till PH
Mayor: although this is modest
decided that Amb is going to focus on the arts...
housing at either end of the block
help the biz area so pride not one zone, not the 11 we have now;
not investing at entrance to go nowhere
cycling, actually focusing on Amb, failing
of all of us
didn't have process right; put WG; ppl didn't accept Planning;
not Harris
don't suspect so much
survey; forum on line, brochure; what's taken you so long
think the view of the ADRA is bang on; three storeys maybe
four; bang on
want to assure Cclr V
trucks travelling through are a prob; trucks not checking their
walk through with Fred Kent, area social functions, not city
how do ppl come together, need it, ...
housing focus; certainly not in sgl fam nbrhds; moderate change
for greater good of the cmnty
wonderful to see Ccl support this; back in late Jan?
SJN, jocularly: two years
Mayor: in favour? Carries, thank you
7. 2008
Preview Assessment Roll... received for information.
Mayor: this one quickly too
8. Community
Centre Non-Profit Society
1. The following members be
appointed for the nominating committee representing the Community
Centre Governance Working Group: Patti Bolton and Susan
2. The following members be
appointed for the nominating committee representing Council: Bill
Soprovich and John Clark;
3. The nominating committee
arrange to meet in December to plan the nominating process including
communications and notification.
9. Motion
to change start time for December 17, 2007 meeting: to
{my item placing might not be correct but I typed under
each item at mtg, tried to rearrange for this}
Mayor: already dealt with Item 9, but added item 10 (new one?)
RD: This is an important item b/c it comes from the mtg
last week having to do with nbrhd character and v lg homes. At
the time I was going to make a motion but we decided to hold it off
for a week so we cd get the proper wording.
I move THAT staff be requested to provide a public discussion
report on possible revisions to those specific aspects and devp the
bylaws relating to nbrhd character and impact wch were identified in
recent submissions to Ccl, including floor area exemptions, height,
and blasting volumes.
secondly, staff include in such report a description of the
current regulation, its origin and objectives, and descriptions of
options for revision with the implications of each, and
thirdly, submit the report for cmnty and industry discussion
in Mar 2008 to permit revision and formal consideration in April
{THIS IS FANTASTIC! This is the point I, DNA, and
others have made that interpretation of zoning and building bylaws out
to reflect the intention of the OCP b/c in the view of many, it has
allowed larger homes b/c of not including decks and parts of
Mayor: thank you.
SSch: who was seconder?
Mayor: Ccl Soprovich; now defer:
10. Consent Agenda Items -
Reports and Correspondence [numbering must have been changed]
11. Correspondence List
Mayor: and go sraight to
Carolanne Reynolds, Chair of Heritage West Van: tyvm, before my
questions, I do want to congratulate you on moving with the Amb
Strategy and the motion that Cclr Day just made. That's
really really great news.
I have other questions
Again, thanks for the efforts wrt heritage made to date.
Perhaps along with the work being done by the Heritage Working
Group, our concerns shd be conveyed to the provincial govt so that
their provisions can be updated and made more effective.
This is a serious situation if we sincerely and actively want to
do something about preserving our heritage.
It is my hope that M incentives can soon be adopted (as chair of
the Incentive subcmte of the HWG we'll come up with a report for your
consideration in the new year).
We tried this time, as you know, to offer incentives to see if it
wd make a difference.
Respect and disrespect for heritage is universal.
Some locals have saved, some destroyed; some newcomers have
saved, some destroyed. Our obligation is education and
We have examples in WV of private owners -- with little or no
recognition or incentives -- who have spent thousands of
dollars, so proud and happy were they to live in a home identified as
heritage thus increased in value. In fact one owner on Stevens
Drive, spent over a million, I've been told.
OTOH, we have this year the dreadful example by our own
Municipality having let the Gleneagles Great Hall deteriorate even
when funds had been allocated -- glad to say that that's being
rectified now.
Now we learn that Klee Wyck, a gift to WV, has been let go to
such a state that it has a tarp on its roof.
How can we expect owners to pay due attention if the M
In the case of the recent house, how did dismantling occur
without either a building permit or a demolition permit?
Were inspectors not sent out even though it was known drywall was
being removed?
Can we be assured that from now on there will indeed be a process
that has noted properties follow a special path wrt notification,
negotiation, and sympathetic collaboration?
While we are working on the new Heritage Register, we already
have an inventory and so there is no excuse for letting significant
assets be destroyed without at least some attempt at
It is great that the AEC will work with DWV but what about other
houses and assets?
How soon can Ccl produce some sort of effective guidelines (in
anticipation of bylaws) for protection and preservation since this is
the third heritage home lost in seven months?
the Heritage Workshop on Saturday, organized by Stephen Mikicich
(Heritage Planner), was well done, produced good ideas and
information, and was very helpful. Really exciting and I think
it was a really good start with things happening with the Heritage
Register. I want to thank you very much for that.
Mayor: Thank you. I met with Stephen Mikicich today.
So many good questions were raised as a result of the Graham House
situation, and as well, the No 1 thing that came of the the Heritage
Strategy Workshop a few years ago was council leadership and ccl
understanding of what's available to us.
likely we'll have a ccl workshop in public in January on this
topic to support the work of the WG--
CR: it was a great learning experience
Mayor: Thank you.
14. ADJOURNMENT [10:35]
=== CCL AGENDA Dec 17th *6pm*
early start ===
2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Dec 03 Regular Council; and Dec 10
Public Hearing/Public Meeting Minutes (To be provided.)
3. Unity in
Diversity Award for the Ferry Building Gallery: Presentation
4. Development
Variance Permit Application No. 07-046 (2893 Marine Drive - West
Vancouver Presbyterian Church)
RECOMMENDED:all written and verbal submissions be received
If Council wishes a further staff report, then: RECOMMENDED:
Staff report back to make a determination
RECOMMENDED: DVP which would provide for the replacement of the
existing church sign with a new sign that does not comply with the
Sign Bylaw, be approved.
5. Official
Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4534,
2007; and Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4533,
2007 (both bylaws regarding 2396 and 2388 Marine Drive)
The Public Hearing regarding these bylaw
amendments was held and closed on December 10, 2007.
RECOMMENDED: second, third readings
Proposed Budget Process 2008
{rather strange; what happened to the timeline given in
Sept with info out and public mtgs in November? Now we're
getting a booklet in January and February and public input.
Booklet? read: devoid of much meaningful information or figures that
can be reviewed. If they wdn't let the Finance and Audit have or
see the info, what chance has the public got???}
Sewer User Rates 2008
* THAT a 10% overall revenue increase requirement
in the Sewer Utility be approved;
* THAT Sewer user rates for 2008 be approved at amounts set out
in the schedules to Bylaw No. 4538 as attached;
* THAT "Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw" be introduced
and read a first, second and third time; and
* THAT residents be encouraged to comment on the rates
proposed in the Bylaw prior to its adoption on January 07,
Water User Rates 2008
* THAT a 3% overall revenue increase requirement
in the Water Utility be approved;
* THAT Water user rates for 2008 be approved at amounts set out
in the schedules to Bylaw No. 4539 as attached;
* THAT "Waterworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw" be
introduced and read a first, second and third time; and
* THAT Residents be encouraged to comment on the rates
proposed in the bylaw prior to its adoption on January 07,
Fees and Charges Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw No. 4537,
RECOMMENDED: ... be read a first, second and third
10. 2008 Council Meeting
11. Appointments -
Acting Mayors for 2008
RECOMMENDED: THAT Acting Mayors for 2008 be appointed as
=B7 December
2008 Councillor Soprovich
February/March Councillor
April/May Councillor Day
June/July Councillor
August/September Councillor Clark
October/November Councillor Vaughan.
12. Consent Agenda Items -
Reports and Correspondence
13. Water Consumption
Update for Second and Third Quarters of 2007
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated November 22, 2007, entitled
"Water Consumption Update for Second and Third Quarters of 2007" be
received for information.
14. Development Applications
Status List ... received for information.
15. Airplane and Helicopter
Noise in West Vancouver ... received for information.
16. Federal and Provincial
Government Revenue Sharing for Municipalities
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council support the City of Vancouver's
resolution, forwarded to the Minister of Finance as part of the 2008
budget process, requesting the province to address the municipal
fiscal imbalance by reinstating a revenue sharing program with
municipalities, and copy to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
and the Union of BC Municipalities.
17. Correspondence List
>>> Correspondence deferred from the December
10, 2007 Council Meeting.
* Requests for Delegation -- No
items presented.
* Action Required
(1) S.E.
Dowey, City Clerk - City of North Vancouver, November 22, 2007,
regarding Funding Request from the North Shore Tourism
Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration.
* No Action Required (receipt
(2) Committee
and Board Meeting Minutes
(a) West
Vancouver Memorial Library Board - October 17,
(3) J.
McIntyre, MLA - West Vancouver-Garibaldi, November 06, 2007,
regarding Official Report of Debates of the Legislative Assembly -
West Vancouver Spirit Square
(4) (1)
Email, November 26, 2007, regarding Please Save Hugo Ray
(5) J.R.
Cave, D. Zeitler and J. Burnett - Ambleside Business Association,
November 27, 2007, regarding Invitation to Attend: Annual Lighting of
the Holiday Tree, December 04, 2007
Previously distributed due to timing of event.
(6) undated,
2007, regarding Parking Space Shortage at the New Community
(7) J.
Cummins, MP Delta-Richmond East, November 27, 2007, regarding News
Release: Report on the Implications of the Salmon Allocations in the
Tsawwassen Treaty
(8) A.
Hazlewood, Provincial Ministry of Health, November 27, 2007,
regarding Tobacco Control Regulation, British Columbia Reg
(9) L. Such,
November 28, 2007, regarding Water Bills
(10) C. Doucet,
Councillor - City of Ottawa, undated, 2007, regarding Transfer
of One [Per Cent] of the GST to Municipalities
(11) November 29,
2007, regarding Erickson Shame, West Vancouver Rejects Pleas to
Spare Erickson Home
(12) J. Cummins, MP
Delta-Richmond East, November 30, 2007, regarding News Release: Follow
the Money - Report on Taxation and the Tsawwassen
(13) December 02,
2007, regarding Erickson Follow up - Demolition a Cultural
(14) December 02,
2007, regarding Firefighters - Reduction in Staff
(14) December 02,
2007, regarding Firefighters - Reduction in Staff
(File: 2700?01)
(14.1 - 14.6) Letters regarding
Ambleside Town Centre Strategy
* Responses to
(15) B.A. Dozzi, Mgr,
Roads/Transportation, Nov 28, 2007, re Reply regarding Water
Pooling on Highway 1
(16) B.A. Dozzi, Manager,
Roads and Transportation, November 29, 2007, re Reply regarding
Gordon Avenue and Neighbourhood Area Traffic and Streetscape
* Responses to Questions in
Question Period -- No items presented.
>>> Correspondence for the December 17, 2007
* Requests for Delegation -- No
items presented.
* Action Required
(17) P. Bagheri and D.
Larson, Bluebird Daycare, December 03, 2007, regarding Request for
Letter of Support for New Daycare
Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration.
(18) D. Mussatto, Mayor,
City of North Vancouver, December 03, 2007, regarding Retaining and
Expanding Market Rental Housing in the City of
North Vancouver
Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration.
Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services
(19) December 05, 2007,
regarding Water Utility Rates Bylaw 2008
Referred to Director of Finance for consideration and
(20)* December 06,
2007, regarding Boulevard Bylaw Enforcement in
Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for
consideration and response.
* No Action Required (receipt
(21) Committee and Board
Meeting Minutes
(a) North
Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues -
October 25, 2007
(22) D. R. Corrigan,
Mayor, City of Burnaby, November 29, 2007, regarding City of Burnaby
Submission to Environmental Assessment Office regarding Port
Mann/Highway Project
Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services
(23) L. E. Jackson, GVRD
Board, Metro Vancouver, November 30, 2007, regarding Future of the
Region Sustainability Dialogues Report - Culture and
Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services
(24) C. Gooch, Rabbit
Advocacy Group of BC, December 04, 2007, regarding Pets in Need
(25) December 05,
2007, regarding Littering, Placards, and Advertising
(26) D. Lust, Hugo Ray
Park Resident's Group, December 04, 2007, regarding Meeting of
November 29, 2007 re Hugo Ray Park and Response from K. Pike,
Director of Parks & Community Services
(27) December 05,
2007, regarding Unreal - Debate Continues on Demolition (Graham
(28) J. Cummins, M.P.
Delta-Richmond East, December 05, 2007, regarding News Release:
The Tsawwassen Treaty - Who Gets the Money
(29) J. Cummins, M.P.
Delta-Richmond East, December 05, 2007, regarding News Release:
Cummins Opposes Tsawwassen Treaty Motion in Parliament
(30) J. Cummins, M.P.
Delta-Richmond East, December 06, 2007, regarding News Release:
Federal Bureaucrats Up to Dirty Tricks
(31)* December 07,
2007, regarding Traffic Violations (Collingwood School)
(32) December 09,
2007, regarding Senior Centre Parking Lot
(33) K. Steig,
Director, Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Society,
undated, 2007, regarding November/December 2007
(34) A. Johnson,
Volunteer Chair, Pitch-In British Columbia, undated, regarding
Volunteer Programs
* Responses to Correspondence -- No
items presented.
* Responses to Questions in Question Period
-- No items presented.
=== F=
OF EXPRESSION === (or, how great to be in Canada)
CPTnet -- 13 December 2007 (an excerpt)
IRAQ: Team visits KRG parliamentarians at urging of
Kurdish journalists fearing clampdown on free speech by
Peggy Gish
Michele Obed-Naar, Cliff Kindy, Anita
David, and Peggy Gish left early on 2 December 2007 for the city
of Erbil. They went to meet with two members of the
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Parliament to express their
concerns about a bill scheduled for a vote on the following day.
Independent journalists and other concerned citizens in
Suleimaniya had been lobbying to change the bill, telling CPTers that
the bill would greatly restrict their freedom of speech. They urged
CPT to join them in advocating for changes.
The bill does allow journalists the
"legal right to criticize the government", obligates
government leaders to disclose "public information", and
prescribes a fine rather than imprisonment for violating this new
law. The fine however could be heavy and could be imposed on
journalists not just for slanderous statements but also for ones that
"disrupt security", "disclose any personal information
(about government leaders) even if true", are "against the
common morals of the community", or "encourage breaking of
the law".
When they spoke to Arez Abdulla, MP and
head of the Culture Committee, CPTers expressed concern that the
bill could be stretched to consider legitimate peaceful protests as
encouraging terrorism or to punish someone who called for the end of
"honour killings" (a tribal custom allowing male members of
the tribe to kill a woman if she is raped or rejects her father's
choice of marriage partner for her). Abdulla assured them
that a law against "honour" killings already exists.
Then he told them, "We are also concerned about the vagueness of
the proposed law, and that it could be misused. It would be very
important how it is enforced."
Bethlehem === CPTnet -- 1 November
CPT Palestine announces "No Way to the Inn--Bethlehem
Behind the Wall" Campaign
If the Christmas story were to happen today, Mary and Joseph
would have a hard time getting to Bethlehem.
Since 2002, Israeli authorities have been building a separation
barrier that snakes through the occupied Palestinian territories, in
effect annexing valuable Palestinian land and water resources.
To clear the way, Palestinians living near the security barrier often
face the threat of home demolitions. According to Israeli human
rights monitoring organization B'tselem, the separation barrier
affects nearly half a million Palestinian residents, and currently the
barrier separates almost twelve percent of the land on the Palestinian
side of the 1967 Green Line from the rest of the occupied Palestinian
territories. When completed, the barrier will be 780 km long
(for more statistics, visit
The separation barrier surrounds Bethlehem, located in Palestine,
on three sides and cuts off the city from Jerusalem only six miles
ACTION -- During the seasons of Advent and Christmas, erect a
wall around nativity sets in your homes and churches to raise
awareness of the separation barrier the Israeli authorities are
erecting in the occupied Palestinian territories. Inform local
media and use this action as an opportunity to spread the word about
the separation barrier. After erecting your wall, take pictures
of the nativity, and send them as attachments to
guest.49296@MennoLink.org. The team will compile the pictures
for broader distribution (more details to come.)
CPT Palestine will also be producing related worship materials
for reflection during Advent. For questions and concerns,
contact the CPT Palestine team at guest.49296@MennoLink.org. For
photos of the separation barrier, visit
<http://www.cpt.org/gallery/album224> >
UPDATE: Dec 14:
Staff are exploring what protection the house has; as you read
earlier it has been designated by WV. Now we have to look at
incentives, covenants, etc. Will keep you posted.
DEC 13
Heritage alert! The B C
Binning House, a national historic site in the Altamont area, is for
Just received this message from DWV staff:
...Geoffrey Massey indicated to me today that
the executors are now entertaining offers from
potential purchasers on the house and will likely make a
decision in this regard by the end of the year...
At a mtg with Mr Massey (representing the Binning estate) with
some interested parties at the M Hall about a month ago, the consensus
was, once found UBC not practical, to start by contacting The Land
Conservancy. They were not able to meet last week or this so
we're hoping there'll be phone contact.
This is a short timeframe.
I am hopeful the solution will be the TLC (and they'll probably
have to fundraise to be able to purchase) but as a cautious
conservative type, it wd be more comfortable to have a fallback
Will keep you updated.
While a tragedy WV lost three heritage houses in about eight
months, Erickson's renowned Graham house only last week, it wd be a
colossal loss of resolve and respect for our heritage to lose another
national heritage asset in a matter of weeks.
Some info follows fyi:
*** First the plaque:
The plaque for the
house reads:
"Daring and
innovative, this house captures the spirit of early Modern
architecture in Canada. Conceived by renowned painter Bertram Charles
Binning in 1941, it responds to the social and economic conditions of
the time by using local materials and efficient construction methods
to create an affordable home. The design is based on contemporary
lifestyle patterns, incorporating abstract murals and the surrounding
landscape. Harmonizing art and architecture, form and function, the
Binning residence inspired many architects across Canada over the
following decades."
*** For those interested in some of the details:
Charles Binning (10 February 1909 - 16 March 1976), popularly known as
B. C. Binning, was a leading Canadian
artist artist
and influence on (Canadian) West Coast architecture. He helped found
the Department of Fine
Art at
the University
of British Columbia.
*** Jessie Binning died in May of this year at 101.
For a photo of Jessie Binning with Arthur Erickson:
http://www.docomomobc.org/designers/index.html written by a
former WV Heritage Planner.
*** DWV Heritage Achievement Award in 1998:
B.C. &
Jessie Binning: Their role in the development and acceptance of the
"West Coast" style of architecture, and for the design and
preservation of their heritage house and environs on Mathers
*** Robert Lemon on architecture, for the whole article,
Here are excerpts on the Binning House:
Jessie Binning
still lives in the house that she and her husband, artist Bert (B.C.)
Binning, built in 1941 in West Vancouver. On Sunday, the 27th of May,
a ceremony was held at the house to commemorate it as a National
Historic Site; the first modern house in Canada to be so designated.
To live in a modern landmark for 60 years is indeed rare, but there
are at least three other modernist homes in and around Vancouver that
still house their original owners. ...
Returning to the
earliest of the houses, the Binning House shows in its simplicity how
much the west coast modernist [aesthetic] had developed. In 1941, the
idea of a modest wood frame house with a low sloped roof, walls of
glass, built-ins[, and] integral murals must have been quite startling
compared to more traditional house forms. B.C. Binning was important
as an artist and contributed much to the local art and building scene
as well as its cultural awareness of modernism. He invited Richard
Neutra to visit Vancouver on two occasions which ultimately stimulated
an interest in modernism of many designers who would become noted in
their own right. So it is fitting that his remarkably modest house
should be designated as both a municipal heritage site (1999) and a
National Historic site.
A Mountie pulled a car over on the Trans
Canada about two miles west of Winnipeg. When the Mountie asked
the driver why he was speeding, the driver answered that he was a
magician and a juggler and he was on his way to Brandon to do a show
that night at the Shrine Circus and didn't want to be late.
The Mountie told the driver he was fascinated by juggling, and if
the driver would do a little juggling for him then he wouldn't
give him a ticket. The driver told the Mountie that he had sent all of
his equipment on ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.
The Mountie told him that he had some flares in the trunk of his
patrol car and asked if he could juggle them.
The juggler stated that he could, so the Mountie got three
flares, lit them and handed them to the juggler. While the
man was doing his juggling act, a car pulled in behind the
patrol car.
A drunk, good old boy, driving through from Alberta got out
and watched the performance briefly.
He then went over to the patrol car, opened the rear
door and got in.
The Mountie observed him doing this and went over to the patrol
car, opened the door and asked the drunk what he thought he was
The drunk replied, "You might as well take my *ss to jail,
cause there's no way in hell I can pass that
Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a
knowledge of their timelessness.
Khalil Gibran, mystic, poet, and artist (1883-1931)
For me, words are a form of action, capable of influencing
Ingrid Bengis, writer and teacher (b. 1944)
Language is the archives of history.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher