Dec 17 Ccl NOTES
Calendar to Dec 31st

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Happy Hannukah, Enjoy Eid, MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
= Next Ccl Mtg Jan 7!
Vive le Canada (Queen Elizabeth II); ANIMALWATCH; WEBWATCH (Salmagundi); INFObit (world chess); UPDATES (Marine Dr Gateway; Demolition of Almondel Bridge); CALENDAR to Dec 31st+
=  Dec 17 Ccl NOTES:  24th & Marine Zoning; PROPOSED BUDGET 2008 PROCESS; 2008 Sewer User Rates 3% increase and Water User Rates, 10% increase with public "input" by Jan 7; Fees and Charges; 2008 Ccl Mtg Schedule (change to two ccl mtgs per month plus a workshop or public hearing); parking on the great lawn, lack of bylaw enforcement re traffic and re nbrhd area blvd agreement (20, 31); Pet stores and rabbits; PQP on CBs, appraisal requests during PH, meaningful public input?
=  Bethlehem Reflection; Ferrari of Cognacs (saving up for holiday tipple); Haiku Rocks, Invitational; Quotations
===  Vive le Canada -- and our Queen Elizabeth II, also Queen of the Commonwealth
2007 Dec 20  Queen reaches oldest monarch mark
The Queen will spend the day on her regular royal duties
The Queen will reach a new milestone when she overtakes Queen Victoria to become the oldest British monarch.  Her great-great grandmother, who was born on 24 May 1819, lived for 81 years, seven months and 29 days.  Buckingham Palace says the Queen will beat the record at about 1700 GMT, taking into account the times of their births and Victoria's death.   More:  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7153124.stm
===   ANIMALWATCH   ===
=83rArr;   HUNGRY DETERMINED SQUIRREL!  Still marvelling over those tests with chimps shown on TV news that bettered the Master's students touching on numbers on a screen (to get food of course)?  now we have that cute little rat with a fuzzy tail -- this may also appeal to engineers wanting to devise an even more fiendish route.
=83rArr;   THE KITTEN AND THE CROW  This one for cat lovers (and those with an appreciation for the intelligence of corvids).  The squirrel showed determination with the motivation to find food, food is a basic need after all.  This, however, is another aspect of us animals, an endearing surprising friendship -- well, the crow cares, and takes care! -- and the kitten plays........  The vet cdn't believe it so they had to film it.  See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JiJzqXxgxo
===   WEBWATCH   === =  Salmagundi for holiday viewing
=83rArr;  Was there ever any doubt?  "Guinness good for you" -- official
The old advertising slogan "Guinness is Good for You" may be true after all, according to researchers.
< http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/health/3266819.stm >
=83rArr;  See ice swimming in Russia:  http://www.kgw.com/video/video-index.html?nvid=201279
=83rArr;  The Twelve Days of Christmas :-)    http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=0VraaEaOzYQ&feature=related
=83rArr;This is a BC Hydro holiday card.  If you open it up and 'insert the coin' (it's floating on the right side of the screen).  The coin travels through the card with sweet animation...  Enjoy!
=83rArr; UNIQUE BALLET: Astonishing, captivating, and inspiring to see classic ballet performed, seriously and beautifully, by amputees.  The strength, dedication, and desire for creative expression is touching and a marvel to watch.  I can't imagine that anyone cd not be moved: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnLVRQCjh8c
===   INFObit   === the world chess game
chilling, but gives some background that does not appear in our media -- endgame?
===   UPDATES   ===
>>>  Heritage Award Nominations deadline Jan 25; more info on H Register in next issue.
>>>  Marine Drive Gateway Project
The Marine Drive Gateway Project, located between Pound Road and 13th Street, has started up again. We are continuing with the completion of the Wetland and the installation of the Oil/Grit Separator. This work is on the south side of Marine Drive at 11th Street.
There will be some disruption to the traffic on Marine Drive eastbound - single lane closures. Work will continue until Dec. 21st and resume on January 04, 2008.
>>>  Almondel Bridge Demolition
The following construction related activities are anticipated between the hours of 7:30am and 5pm, Monday through Friday for a period of ten to twelve weeks: Movement and operation of heavy equipment; Saw cutting of concrete and steel; Hoe ramming of concrete and rock; Blasting; and Movement of construction and heavy vehicles to and from the site.

===  CALENDAR to Dec 31st+ ===  Holidays!
* * * * *      M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S !     * * * * *
then omphaloskepsis time before
New Year's Eve
11pm - midnight Dec 31st  at the Floral Clock (Millennium Park foot of 15th) and to 12:30am of Jan 1st
HAPPY NEW YEAR and a peek at January:
        Jan 6th - Lions Club Christmas Tree Chip-Up (10am - 3pm, at Ambleside Park)
        Jan 8th -  Nbrhd Character/Cmnty Dialogue WG
Jazz Legends: "Dizzy & Friends", a solo show of vibrant and dynamic acrylic and oil paintings by Arnold Nouwens
OPENING NIGHT 6 - 8pm Tues Jan 8; Artist in Attendance 2 - 3pm Jan 12; Exhibit ends Jan 20

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ see www.westvanlib.ca
+++  WV MUSEUM +++   BEHIND THE WIRE -- Nov 7 to Feb 9 
THE WARTIME DIARY AND ART OF ROBERT BUCKHAM. [Full description in earlier issue of WVM]
+++ Don't forget to check out www.silkpurse.ca and www.kaymeekcentre.com for their events

==========  CCL MTG NOTES= Dec 17th  =========== 
Mayor: thank our outgoing CAO; almost eight years of service to WV
first biz plan draft and executed: OCP, RFMP; helped create cmnty
Staying the Course, new plan: arts, envtal and H strategy, need resilience
WV sustainable future
critical to move beyond adv cmtes to WGs; and so our process is as open as possible
Dave wd agree in transition, trying to be collaborative
salute; wish him well
you've devpd a rapport with staff and citizens that will serve WV and NSh
CAO: thank you for kind words
in face of signif challenges; constantly proud
continuing to build relation with all three Ms
{Dave Stuart's last day is Dec 27; he's going back to DNV where he'd previously worked for 18 years}
Add'ns: Report 4.1 re clarification re parking re 24th & Marine; add'l correspondence; replacement schedules item 7; corresp 35 to 46
SSch: consideration for adoption of Dec 3 ccl mtg minutes deferred to Jan 7
{I'd been trying to ask staff and Ccl why the Dec 3 mtg minutes were on the agenda for adoption when they had not appeared yet and even when I checked in the lobby just prior to the ccl mtg, they weren't in the binder there.  Note to Mayor just before start of mtg; deferring was fine with me (even though unusual for them not to be ready even two weeks after mtg).}
MS: take correspondence 36 on, take off; disrespectful; don't even know names
if received after Thursday shd not go on ccl agenda
SSch: typical for last mtg of year; gather and forward to Ccl and they can do what they want; corresp up to noon today
Mayor: if nothing that needs to be handled before year end
acceptable, been past practice; will have at our Jan ccl mtg
CAO: the actual names included on some
Mayor: carries
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Dec 03 Regular Council; and Dec 10 Public Hearing/Public Meeting Minutes (To be provided.)
MS: Dec 10 PH minutes
3.         Unity in Diversity Award for the Ferry Building Gallery: Presentation
Mayor: congratulations as recipient of art by Baha'i
diversity; you always.... outstanding Persian culture [exhibit], FBG, Silk Purse, and Library
Ruth Payne: thank Kevin Pike, Cathy Matheson, etc
took project b/c love to celebrate the cultural heritage of N Shore
love to be Smithsonian, but we're not
v v honoured to receive this aware
our mandate is to put heart and soul into WV and the NSh
celebrating the Persian cmnty over Norooz,
{Even Wikipedia has two spellings -- Nowruz and Nowrooz -- but at least it notes that the spelling has not been settled on.}
enormous number of ppl visiting Amb and jumping over the fire; kept
Dr Sayhoun (sp?_, an architect and artist; help with exhibition, lot of ppl working on it
celebrating all the other cultures that live in our cmnty
Mayor: and thank you to Baha'i cmnty celebrating diversity in WV for ten years.
4.         Development Variance Permit Application No. 07-046 (2893 Marine Drive - West Vancouver Presbyterian Church)
Mayor: add'l input
man: short presentation, realize a new sign not important but
Gary Grafton:... so ppl know
have some of our congregation here and our minister, I'll just ask them to stand [many stood]
wanting a replacement b/c it is rotting; wd like to increase functionality as well as aesthetics
an A-frame in shape at 29th and Marine, surrounded by trees
we've picked up the A-frame shape in the sign; dark green the foliage, the brown is natural cedar
we want to put the sign parallel to 29th to increase visibility from Marine Dr, and changeable sign for events such as carols on Christmas Eve
JF: one letter of concern; resident saying visible from his property
are lights ever turned off?
ANS: start at 4pm in wintertime and go off at 3am; it's on a timer
John Adams:  thank you for opp to speak; we do live directly across the street and
came down here this morning to talk to Jim Bailey [staff] about two issues
one is due notice
I said the prop behind us a couple of years [ago applied for a change], the distance was 150 metres [for notification], that prop has been resolved in a diff way, we did object at the time
large props in Altamont, large house and effect on nbrhd and will come back talk Jan
the current notice is within 50 metres
{Your Editor muses: I've always thought notices shd be to surrounding blocks rather than distances, wch as this speaker points out, can be only a few homes where there are large lots, but that's also true if a park in the area.}
look at sketch, only nine houses that wd hv received notice on this issue
the house immed north is owned by applicant himself; one house sold in last month, not in there yet so not aware; another of my nbrs is away in Dubai; and the other is the tennis court
dramatic change in signing: from 1m to 2m and also doubling the height
only five prop owners max knew about this
wrt timeframe for notice of mtg -- it came to Ccl Dec 3 and if this had been last year, I'd have been away on holiday
for things that come up changing substantially, certainly [shd be] more than two weeks' notice
the sign itself: in looking for something comparable, the gas station in Amb
going to eight ft is not
my house only allowed small sign advertising a burglar alarm
only other similar in size was at Sleep Country but it's in Amb -- it's free standing but not 8ft high
if we don't follow the bylaws and we don't abide by the bylaws and not approp notification -- not go ahead and approve twice the height and [size]
the notice that comes to your door says "Important Legal Notice Enclosed, may affect your home"
it says 7 o'clock

{OOOOO!  For a Public Hearing, giving the wrong time on the notice invalidates the process and it has to be redone, renotification.
In any case, IMO, the time of the last ccl mtg of the year shd not have been advanced, especially when third reading of a bylaw after a PH had closed was on the agenda at the beginning.  Besides, it may have been advanced for social reasons -- I had thought b/c a heavy agenda and to get through by 10pm, but that was not the case and the mtg ended around 8:30. 
So IMO again, this is not a mistake on behalf of Planning or Clerk's, rather an arbitrary time change by Ccl without realizing the ramifications.}

I was at Hall today and look at the time, it's not 7pm
my wife and I were recently retired and like to go outside
and wd see something twice as high as the bylaw permits
Mayor: what's sign at Eagle Harbour School -- does that conform to bylaw?
SJN: don't believe it wd; school at Chartwell....  5ft and 1sq metre
the existing sign is parallel to Marine Dr, 6ft h, 7.8ft wide, 3ft h in terms of xxx; 6. 8.2ft wide an 6.8ft  copy 7.5 ft
23sf existing, 26sf proposed; similar dimensions, diff orientation
if wish deferred to new year so church can speak with nbr; sign is comparable
VV: move all written and verbal submissions be received
VV: move Staff report back to make a determination
RD: second
Mayor: in order that discussions can take place; capture what Ccl is mentally thinking
Sop: asking for dbl in size but new placement
timbers beside; fairly large; looking to see if doubling absolutely nec
move sideways, does it have to be that large?
[Deferred to Jan 7 I think]
Report from Planner wrt Parking
RD: clarification on parking 2396 - 2398 MDr parking stalls; previously two proposed; received for information
5.         Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4534, 2007; and Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4533, 2007 (both bylaws regarding 2396 and 2388 Marine Drive)
SSch: PH closed on Dec 10;
JC: last week and before, significant discussion wrt spot zoning
OCP cannot cover ev piece of prop, nor does it preclude rezoning any lands Ccl feels approp
1990 and 2003, amended 99 times, new adopted in OCP 2004
discussion re traffic in that area -- in my view comm or Capers wd generate more traffic than 15 units
pointed out last week can walk to virtually all services you need and public transit to anywhere in LM
opp for strata ccl to even lease a couple of cars and nobody wd even have to own a car
I see it as returning this block back to residential
don't understand how we ended up with a pink restaurant on the other side of the street
biz to the west side of 24th
heard preponderance of nbr support here so happy to support as written
Sop: always anomalies within OCP b/c guide, not a bylaw
we see this devt and others wch have prompted change
if we're going to be looking at a vision of future, look at new way of doing biz
passed last week wrt amenities, will be with this and in future
I wd like to see a portion of the delivery of a staff report that includes an appraisal before and after the zoning
staff report with certain amenities, and cite timing; shd go from this prop forward; Ccl shd receive info as to how you get to those amenities
the only way is to have an appraisal; may be okay, if okay all right then right to go there
keeps things in right direction; not stop here, Amb
I personally do not feel I have enough in report; nothing to do with Mr N
I can't go on ... will give us certain amenities; I don't know all the figures
third reading be deferred until appraisal, so we get a clear picture of what we're talking about this and future
VV: second that
Mayor: second reading is on floor; at third get to that
VV: it's extremely imp, regardless if made use of or not that we have the appraisals
does that mean we'd have to reopen PH or info to go
I have other comments; approp next reading or now?
Mayor: continue
VV: I'm v concerned; other concerns on report
it's not difficulty with staff, they act on our direction
if not in, our fault b/c we haven't given sufficient direction.... never been in staff report....  we're remiss not ....;  not in staff report,
instead of doing Christmas shopping, spent my week trying to find out
if FSTF had still been with us, translate it into a formula, numbers needed here
don't know what tax we'll collect; what to do with M services; used info from 2006
conclusion, philosophy
by rep of Preserve WV a few times
{I think this reference is to ADRA's presentation at recent ccl mtgs wrt Survey and Uplift, both delegation and letter/survey; PWV hasn't spoken for about two years AFAIK.}
if you don't add ....
you've done what biz cmnty says is diluting share value
took 640, number of M employees, $51M costs salaries benefits
cost us to have a mbr of staff; how many per dwelling; 30 households per mbr of staff
if we add 15 households and that's what this does; means add one half-time employee to maintain what ev gets
easy to calculate; goods and services -- you're over $60K
tax, told 16Ksf, how much residences selling for $700sf; taxes $40K
so collecting $40K and spending $60K so in financial deficit scenario
Mayor: over five minutes, can come back
VV: way out of compliance with framework of OCP; policies H3 and H5
disturbed impose on taxpayers; without warning; impose without being grinches year after year
JF: like to speak in support of this applic
first, applic and devprs have done a good job consulting with cmnty
this is the third plan we've seen, after speaking to nbrs, Ccl, again and again
has shown incredible patience on behalf of applic and architect
what consultation can do before it comes to Ccl
thank applic and architect for the concern shown
inspired by envtal aspects, geothermal, cut back re water and sewage; set bar v high
level of accessibility, maintaining of safety re laneway; carefully considered
interesting looking at resid with a couple of live-work units
told Amb [took] too long, so this is an excellent example
will be plsd and meets needs for alternative housing forms
MS: have to agree with Ccl Clark, Sop, Ferg, and even VV
the reality is that it's a v attractive project; respected architect, done nice work in area
really not spotzoning, duplex attached and has support of nbrs
will be using services of Dund; worthy of strong support of Ccl
Cclr Sop raises a v imp point;
staff report says comm zoning worth more than resid;

{it does??? how on earth did it come to that conclusion??? all information I've been given by experts is that residential is worth more than commercial!  Indeed, the City of Vancouver has been so concerned that downtown has been going over to residential so the commercial ctr, jobs, were being lost, that it decided to consider regulations requiring a certain amt of commercial downtown.}

we're going to face this time and a time again
see no harm in getting an appraisal so we can see what we're getting in this and other projects
support the project, definitely go from this Ccl but before giving our final blessing get that appraisal; so we've done due diligence; support project and support appraisal
not a long formal process; something I think we need to get
RD: I do support the project, need that kind of housing; ppl living in large houses 4-5Ksf can't leave b/c nothing av in townhouses; this is type of housing WV needs
what's impressive about this is its envtal qualities, and attractiveness; makes WV unique attractive
Delany's Mr Gustavson designed, view of water, adds to quality
no objection to appraisal; seems retroactive, not brought forth to applicants
willing to look at appraisals; in future, if it can be done quickly, easily
wonder if it forces us back into a new PH
applic not told had to deal with it
in favour of appraisals, not convinced nec

{Well, they are necessary so that it is known how much Cmnty Benefit cd be expected when increasing the value of a devpr's property.  It's great that Sop, MS, and RD expressing these views but why not during the PH (as I say at PQP later).}

again wd like it to go through
Mayor: how can it be
SJN: some Cclrs said cdn't make a decision; wd hv to hold another PH in order for public to comment
Sop: the comment wd be whether it's this or any other in future
deserves a critical review and analysis
more understanding that we are going to see change; come before us
when there is an OCP amendment, zoning amendment, we must look at a diff way of doing things
simple as that
as an elected official, looking at the info before me; if I don't have all the facts and figures in front of me
a report advocacy but what about ins and outs, beside aesthetics, not enough for me any more
added new visions, want to see, one on one, .....
call defer at second or third reading?
Mayor: third
VV: don't agree with Cclr Day that things we can't quantify; we can
we've been adding without wrt next/new employee we need
then like Police Bldg we haven't got $20M for new bldg, about 100 ofcrs
Mayor: 79
VV: $200K per; undersized here at hall
if we have a disparity, shd we have a capital sum
to make up gap ....; to provide for financial framework; prevent us from finding ourselves in financial diff we find ourselves in
wd like to see some work done by someone other than me
CAO: limited legal ability; xxxx DCCs
wd not want to leave Ccl with impression a straight line
type of housing; eg demands of families vs seniors
we have capacity in system to absorb
we don't have ... Police.... Fire
may attract add'l revenue; if 15 units, we have 15 new contributing not demand
JF: not that I don't find Cclr V's figures fascinating; makes me regret I went Christmas shopping instead of spent four days with her going over figs
we have a process; to suddenly stop and into immobility for ten years b/c we can't deal with this tonight
don't think this is the time and place
seems to me when Staff brings Cmnty Policy we cd have a public workshop

{whoopsie!  Apparently Jeanie's forgotten the Cmnty Benefits/Public Amenities policy was passed a couple of weeks ago after being in the works for several years -- maybe it's her wishful thinking that it take another ten??? Other cclrs refer to its having been passed as I do in PQP.  Asking about the appraisals and CBs was actually done during the PH so it's not a question of changing the rules, it's a matter of having a policy and actually carrying through with it.}

changing rules at end or in middle
Mayor broke tie, voting in favour: now third reading
[JC moved third reading]
JF: second
Sop: do I read my motion, to defer?
[wrt getting appraisals of zoning before and after].... under BC Assessment Authority and afterward so we get a clear picture
[VV seconder]
Mayor: discussion
Sop: don't want to beat it to death, think ev knows what I'm talking about
it is imp to me and hope it is to rest of Ccl
look at, am I really satisfied have ev we need in light of CB policy passed
we start, look at appraisal, nothing wrong with that
thought staff cd give it to us, didn't know had to open up PH
Mayor: does
Sop: we have to review ev; Fiscal Task told us that
[bell rings]
JC quips: time for medication!
MS: trying to find path through maze
Sop: wdn't want to see devpr and architect help up on this
agree with Cclr V, if all these extra ppl, we need cap dollars to acquire Argyle lands
any way we cd approve this, subject to clarifying the CBs in the project backed up, so satisfy ourselves what's there is there?
SJN: wdn't be staff doing it, appraiser wd
if appraiser said staff said accurate, or if someone said inaccurate; wish to comment accurate or inaccurate; in either case have to provide public with opp to speak
Mayor: ev to do with being credible; who's resp for staff time
sophisticated provides all three ...
social, live in village; ppl likely of cmnty; envtally high standards -- considered an amenity; we're trying to say it's the standard
I think Ccl, we have to maintain integrity of our process, disingenuous to go back to square one

{RIGHT!  Square one shd hv been filled in before closing the PH!!!}

CAO: staff had done an estimate; think Cclr Sop; in future we can do that

{let's make sure they're held to that; the CAO's leaving}

SJN: we do intend to report on CB/Amenity
Mayor: deferral; defeated; third reading
VV: do appreciate Mr Stuart's comments re adjustments, new residents wd be spending; boosted the tax, re $6K.....
Mayor: third reading
Sop, trying again: in light of this devt and any devt in future; move defer third reading and ask that Ccl support the idea of having an assessment of this prop as it stands today and as [rezoned], and I want to ...
Mayor: on second reading?
Sop: on zoning bylaw
VV: second
Mayor, in favour? carries; can you come at this a second time? OCP and now Zoning
SSch: can but considering SJN's remarks may require opening PH
Sop: then making motion for deferral re appraising, as zoned and as new; imp for this prop and any in future
VV: that's what I was seconding
MS: sympathize with this motion
sense of fairplay; shd hv dealt with this before we got to this stage
listening to Mr N and Mr St; do in future
VV: we don't have anything like ...
we're making a huge donation to the owner of prop and incur a deficit in perpetuity to the taxpayer
and even if Ccl on a whole prepared to do it, shd not be done without [appraisal/CB calc?]
it really is without prejudice
embarrassing; passing this when we shd hv deferred it for sober second thoughts; will regret

{yup; and they shd regret closing the PH without asking for the appraisals instead of just musing about getting them.}

RD: if this were a project of 500 units, maybe, but this is 15
not going to put any strain on our resources, don't need more staff
we need more of this type of housing, demand from ppl wanting to move
small devt, v tastefully done; good devt from ev point of view; in future, we can introduce ways
wrong; devpr had no idea

{oh, really?  no idea that the zoning being requested is worth more than present zoning?}

at this point shd go ahead
Mayor: wd like to speak against deferral; shd not have been closed

{right, shd not hv bn closed, but now that that important piece of information is missing, good reason to defer to get it!  It's holiday time now anyway and certainly the information cd be provided early in the new year.}

Sop: I am provided with information; last week we did change; amenities
this devt has amenities; how arrive at in future; how if you don't appraise the props
can't understand whether you do it now or in future
process critical review, and why not doing it
Mayor: those in favour of deferral?
Mayor: third reading
6.         Proposed Budget Process 2008
{rather strange; what happened to the timeline given in Sept with info out and public mtgs in November?  Now we're getting a booklet in January and February and public input.  Booklet? read: devoid of much meaningful information or figures that can be reviewed.  If they wdn't let the Finance and Audit have or see the info, what chance has the public got???}
Chris Lee of SAC: Prez of Board, thanks and bring you greetings
magnificent facility used by 4000 mbrs, 70% from WV, 25% from NV, balance from across the bridge in Vanc and Bby; remarkable facility; come to get involved but they volunteer
happy stimulating place for ppl getting older and in later stages wd find themselves isolated
'fit fellows' Christmas party today
remember when host of Rotary Christmas dinner -- on her own and this wd be her only Christmas function/dinner
will be coming to you in Feb [budget]; AGM March 12, Wed 2 - 4pm, meeting new exec
fiscal sustainability -- interesting year, parking issues finding ourselves in middle of construction zone
down measurably b/c ppl cannot park
happy new shuttle bus service and it's been working successfully; 30 to 40 ppl using that ev day, not only to SAC but to Aquatic Ctr -- otherwise cdn't get there; using public transportation as well; perhaps green revolution; much appreciated shuttle service; thank you
120 progs ev given week; trips, computers, fabric arts, music, flower-arranging
means ppl are volunteering, cafeteria, etc 60K volunteer hours, if at $10/hr, low, my math, represents $1.6M; amazes me what we're able to accomplish; maybe I shd say $600K
was thinking of our operating budget wch is $1.6M wch you provide about a third and we app v much
many of you go to the flea market
through the electronic transfer system, able to transfer $25K from our fund to your gen account wch will go into supporting ...
Christmas card greeting [stating that, read out]
Mayor: thank you; SAC a model; taking your lead for governance of new Cmnty Ctr; imp to recog how hard vol work to keep our cmnty strong
[BUDGET 2008]
RL: my report describes process to now and challenges we met
July est target 3% increase in prop tax rates; started work on that in Sept; had in Oct first draft in framework had gap of $1.5M and been working since then grappling with that gap
report has exercise we went through, new strategies
new revs; we do have a draft; some service levels outside; will be identifying those for Ccl's consideration; service levels in Police, Fire, and Service
budget booklets similar to 2007; two newsletters we hope to cover some of the fundamental issues for WV; how our numbers compare within the region; flush out discussion on service levels, esp Fire and Rec
anticipate av mid January; end of Jan, second newsletter and at that time date for public townhall mtg
anticipate early Feb debating and what version Ccl wants to adopt
MS: thank you; suggest as we have a mtg tomorrow that we receive for information and refer this report to F&A mtg of Dec 18
Sop: know a lot of work; FSTF rec move faster
wonder if, all the way to Feb before we discuss in any detail
in this open forum
characterize, valuable to me; have nuts and bolts from depts as we move along
booklet all v nice and helpful in communication
nuts and bolts here and we have some... we have to deal with
when discuss in this format in this chamber?
can be ... on a given Monday what are we allowed, ten minutes
not taking away from audit cmte and Mr Laing; shd come down to when we discuss
we had a presentation or two then comment, said waiting for public input...  then v few talked about it
I want to get into details so we can talk about it in our chamber; again into next year and still in same process
CAO: the booklets will be av to Ccl in mid-Jan; Ccl if they don't want to, need not wait for public
we're working with target Ccl set; that detailed info will be av in Jan

{target Ccl set? 
At the F&A Cmte mtg in September, wch I attended and as you'll recall I asked that public info and comment be moved ahead from end of Nov to mid-Oct to give more time for public to read the material and comment since intention was to pass budget by end of year.  Clearly it has been delayed and looks like input in February.
Moving target?}

Mayor: as we move to two mtgs and workshop a month, it may be that that mtg Jan14 budget workshop
you know at first 6% so huge increase; rigorous; good suggestion
7.         Sewer User Rates 2008
Mayor: keep comments to three minutes
DRoach: I'll try to be succinct and to the point [pause]; I don't always succeed
Mayor: mbr of Fiscal Task Force
DR: thought wd be more or less aligned with consumption, bills being issued
look at Mr Laing's first page, back
annual under new regime based on prior year's winter metered consumption
what that means as a resident, you water consumption in the winter period, no relationship with the sewer
what we have here is a proposal to institute a flat rate charge
but depends on what you used last year, not what you're using this year
IOW the price signal is not immediate to you
there may be some difficulties in how staff calculate for sewer but wd think based on water used in that period, not year previous
Mayor: ask Mr Barth
DR: now or move on
EB: imp why two quarters; sewer isn't actually metered; trying to capture water going into household
if we were simply to go qtr by qtr, we'd be penalizing ppl who want to have beautiful lawns.
that water not going into sewer; in those months not getting water used for landscaping
pragmatic issue, able to have rates and set them in timely manner
some lag, simply by metering, getting those ...  looking at usage over time
while Mr Roach is correct, we feel diff marginal
Mayor: anything further, know [you want to speak on] water
DR: deal with that when we get to it
p 6 of Mr Laing's report re Sewer, two schedules
universal meter customers and prev flat rate customers; existing meter customers and on meter xxx?
we see a vast divergence in the unit and base rates
for one reason or other staff has decided to allow ... to transition over time to rate for universal customer
the notation footnote; Schedule No 2, no less than Sched 1 means in effect existing
$31.xx per qtr and any amt of sewer volume up to a level
Mayor: put that as a question
DR: we have two classes of residents; those before or flat rate but the services aren't diff, same amt of services
prevly the flat rate [residents] were supporting more than metered rate, now under universal mtr reading scheme so continuing that disparity
Mayor: transition
DR: but the principle of undertaking univ mtring was
EB: correct; diff in how treating; Ccl may recall this discussion came up, and as Mr R pointed out
some mtrd paying more than existing mtrd custs
did ...  have to do better job
whether you were existing or flat rate you was far as you know you were paying fair share...
equity; didn't want an extreme; at time came forward
if we want to go for equity shd just
talking about phasing in over five years, so now accelerating so in 2009 water same; we're harmonizing with sewer
once again Mr Roach is absolutely correct
shd Ccl choose, can direct staff to
DR: last point wrt administrative charge Sched B
increase year over year 10%; perhaps seek how that is calculated
b/c no great increase in cost of admin from flat rate to metered rate
RL: the admin charge, carrying forward a charge
2.5% of rev
wd hv to agree rate it starts to climb, 2009 merits looking at again, more realistic
Mayor: what are implications for this evening
DL: even if we were to eliminate the entire charge wdn't affect this
MS: we can't have two diff rates for residents
can't have b/c we've undercharged you in the past we're going to continue undercharging you for the next three years; pat on back, one-year holiday
to go forward with a two-rate system makes no sense to me
RL: we can do that; there'll be a number of customers severely impacted; wanted to manage severe impact to customers
Mayor: did want to know about admin fee; must be an rationale for that
RL: I think we shd leave it as is for this year and undertake a more rigorous approach for 2009
Mayor: Cclr Day item 7
---------{sorry; someone came up to speak to me so I didn't get some of this; hard to type then}
Sop: how...  how large...
EB: ...
Sop: two-tiered; is to even out the burden
want to know how many households the burden and the degree
RF: 2500 metered customers; land most affected, sewer multi-fam and comm units
Mayor: but about magnitude of impact
RF: anywhere from 25 to 50%; some areas where impact even greater than that
most between 25 and 50% increase from what they paid last year
MS: think we shd defer this; I see [agenda says] comments to Jan 7
think we shd look at subsidizing ppl we've been subsidizing for years
we've got eight minutes to go before we adjourn the mtg

{really??? that means he thinks or has been told the mtg wd end at 8pm.
So they started the mtg at 6pm in order to leave early?  thus with wrong time to residents about a bylaw variance?
Pardon me, but Ccl's decisions wrt optional social activities shd not shorten a mtg or have an earlier time inconvenient for citizens.}

CAO: but you're charging rates in Jan 1
Mayor: for the sake of one week is it something we can adjust
RL: we cd if we had to
Mayor: doesn't look
RL: based on water, success of
aware of, some save money; some pay a lot more; in order to get into a conservation program
manage impacts as we went; didn't think entitled to dramatically change and impact a lot of ppl
EB: well aware, as we saw with water rates; 2009 level playing field
Mayor: deferral motion on floor
Sop: some info: motion on the floor, approval 10% overall and then as we read down list, final passing on 7th?
Mayor: cd leave third reading to 7th

{good suggestion, Madam Mayor, wd be better; give more credibility to public input until then but staff said something about having to send out bills in or for January -- possibly not true if in fact the case is that billing is quarterly.  In any case another example of something coming late and being rushed through.
Think of Nov 19 learning about over $1M in overruns to be passed a week later, Nov 26.
Modus Operandi -- so few follow M politics and give them little time to become informed to comment.}

Sop: wdn't we look at this and adopt 10% overall on 7th
Mayor: all these are in keeping with process est'd a couple of years ago
equitable xxx ....
CAO: first is just magnitude, deals with GVRD; second is how distributed and can defer that
EB: many of things wd hv bn covered in Mr Laing's intro
fearful of phasing in.... taking away
... consent agenda report
hv seen dramatic reduction; accelerating that dramatically
Mayor: deferral? motion fails.  Question on first motion
MS: I thought we wanted to defer....  to make equitable now, not in two years
CAO: second part
Mayor: this is rev requirement; carries
RD move re Schedules:
Mayor: deferral
MS: to first mtg in Jan; new record for deferrals in one night
JC: ask reason
MS: were you not listening?
if you start having diff price going to swimming pool  -- diff from those going for years and those new makes no sense
JC: as I recall couple of staff [reports?]
Ccl by consensus all pretty well in agreement; don't know why discussion
CAO: staff is trying to hasten that transition
EB: like to emphasize around principle of what we're doing
wrt water rates, had no further criticism
heard Cclr Smith, two years, we're talking about 2009 so one year
Mayor: deferral? [FAILS]
* THAT a 10% overall revenue increase requirement in the Sewer Utility be approved;
* THAT Sewer user rates for 2008 be approved at amounts set out in the schedules to Bylaw No. 4538 as attached;
RD moves at 8:01:
* THAT "Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw" be introduced and read a first, second and third time; and
Mayor: there goes the Christmas holidays, Cclr V!
* THAT residents be encouraged to comment on the rates proposed in the Bylaw prior to its adoption on January 07, 2008.
8.         Water User Rates 2008
Dave Roach: dealing with financial aspects of this
forecasting for five-year period
relative to collecting, av balance 35% to 22% varies
one year of GVRD purchases; necessity of maintaining surplus at that level and no explanation
EB: Mr Laing may wish to comment;  Mr L has worked hard to try to stabilize our rates
in terms of actual size of ....
doesn't take v long to have a $2M problem
reference in report we're going to be reviewing our capital plan and adjusting it and we're aware of some probs in some reservoirs and that may cost $2M
RL: about six or seven years this was in a deficit and worried so worked hard to get us into this situation; area we don't know as much as we'd want to
DR: micropower revenue [est to be] $40K a year; but experience has been half that, $18 -20K
there was an investment, don't know how much, in record some place
was a special project, proposed by a resident group and taken over by DWV
... and reason for its shortfall, year in and year out?

{We need this information.  Accepted a proposal by a resident group and then there's a shortfall?  We must be told why.  Especially since we find out a few minutes later than it has descended into litigation.  Curious.}

wd also appreciate report on nonrev component
that was...  volumetric consumption ...  a cpl of years ago...  to metered system to give us a better handle on consumption
wonder whether or not we have report or data at had what xxx
what volume of that is and what the sort of that
EB: two questions
one re microgeneration: to remind Ccl, a project that essentially to
pressure reducing...  took situation energy from water dissipated
someone had bright idea to put a turbine in there so instead of ....
Mr R is pointing out revenue and that it was a shortfall; given our system and a long time to recover that; ...  well worth it
Raymond Fung: was the public-private partnership District entered into
these things don't happen without some risk
private has run into problems ... reflects a legal situation we're trying to work though

{in the interests of transparency, might we suggest it wd be helpful to know where the broken link is resulting in loss and/or legal action?  poorly written contract? or contract broken? or?}

after resolved expect numbers/revenues to ramp up again
DR: same observation wrt sewer: pricing schedule wrt universal vs existing meter customers; no further comment, brought to your attention
last question wrt Eagle Lake system
2007 to 12, consumption increases by 25%; sizable
Mr L says Eagle Lake will come back to Ccl
as to status, perhaps deferral of expenditures; maybe at that time you might want to hear full [report/acctg] of Eagle Lake system
...wrt today ...  system has evolved and how going to ...
congratulate staff on superb efforts
look we're not spending as much for GVRD water as expected
rates expected two years ago, much less going forward
so we are saving ourselves about $1M a year: metering and Eagle Lake system
do congratulate staff on that
JF: moved THAT:
* a 3% overall revenue increase requirement in the Water Utility be approved;
* Water user rates for 2008 be approved at amounts set out in the schedules to Bylaw No. 4539 as attached;
* "Waterworks Regulation Amendment Bylaw" be introduced and read a first, second and third time;
and then this
* THAT Residents be encouraged to comment on the rates proposed in the bylaw prior to its adoption on January 07, 2008.
9.         Fees and Charges Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw No. 4537, 2007 (
Sop: read a first, second and third time. -- CARRIED
10.       2008 Council Meeting Schedule -- VV moved/CARRIED
11.       Appointments - Acting Mayors for 2008 be appointed as follows:
Dec 2007/Jan 2008 - Cclr Soprovich; Feb/Mar - Cclr Ferguson; Apr/May - Cclr Day; June/July - Cclr Smith; Aug/Sept - Cclr Clark; Oct/Nov - Cclr Vaughan
Mayor, after getting items from cclrs: remove:  20, 3, 6, 21?
12.      Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
RD moved 13 to 17 except 3, 6, 24, 31
13.       Water Consumption Update for Second and Third Quarters of 2007
Report dated Nov 22, entitled "Water Consumption Update for Second and Third Quarters of 2007" be received for information.
14.       Development Applications Status List ... received for information.
15.       Airplane and Helicopter Noise in West Vancouver ...  received for information.
16.       Federal and Provincial Government Revenue Sharing for Municipalities
Council support the City of Vancouver's resolution, forwarded to the Minister of Finance as part of the 2008 budget process, requesting the province to address the municipal fiscal imbalance by reinstating a revenue sharing program with municipalities, and copy to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Union of BC Municipalities.
17.       Correspondence List [8:15]
(3)       J. McIntyre, MLA - West Vancouver-Garibaldi, November 06, 2007, regarding Official Report of Debates of the Legislative Assembly - West Vancouver Spirit Square
MS:  will speak wrt 3 and 6 together
3 points out Spirit Square will accommodate up to 9K ppl; point same, many spaces short; use great lawn for add'l parking
Mr Pike, Engg staff, come forth to an alternate plan to a great lawn; surface; make attractive; cd even limit it to sr citizens; that front parking lot well-used by seniors; even if give them a pass; 60 to 70 on the great lawn; want alternate suggestion at new cmnty ctr
Mayor: talked about a compromise; a drop off
CAO: the Spirit Sq will not take away any parking spots; staff report in new year about bringing some spaces back
6)       undated, 2007, regarding Parking Space Shortage at the New Community Centre
(20)"     December 06, 2007, regarding Boulevard Bylaw Enforcement in Altamont
        Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
JC: two properties paved without permission; hope staff will investigate and take action
24)     C. Gooch, Rabbit Advocacy Group of BC, December 04, 2007, regarding Pets in Need Society
C Gooch: public service announcement urging not to buy pets as gifts
found rabbits; surrender unwanted pets; overwhelmed, volume; buy pets on impulse or gifts; retailers create a demand; once novelty worn off; to rescue groups; all end up paying costs; cycle begins with unregulated, unsterilized
four weeks old, cute; marketed and easy starter pets; most rabbits unwanted to within six weeks to a year; flyers throughout store; sell live animals; putdown by SPCA...
Noah's Pet Ark in Pk Royal
pro-active legislation; reduce cost to cmnty; space allocation; indoor display; sales to be limited to those been spayed or neutered; [rabbits breed in] four to six months, kittens five to six mos
happy to cooperate with staff; have an info package
Sop: may I comment?
Mayor: perhaps wait...
JF: Noah's Ark is on Pk Royal South so on Sq Nation land
Sop: NArk received commendation as an org extremely responsible; including selling for over ten years; object that's the only commercial concern cited in this letter
if we're going to receive letter, cite many of others around and see what can be done
as a quality biz provided in this cmnty; b/c selling doesn't nec make them an unworthy, wch is being implied
(31)*    December 07, 2007, regarding Traffic Violations (Collingwood School)
JC: we've had hours and hours... [cars] still going through... [have to] fight our way
hope were going to see resolution of this?
Mayor: Mr Barth, you and SJN
EB: some time since I've been involved: Brent Dozzi
[ended 8:19 then to mbr of public No 24 re rabbits above before back to Reports]
JC: no carolling!
[some laughter]
CR, who often dreads the inevitable jokes re Christmas Carols: as you wd guess, I got a lot of that through school.
Anyway a couple of questions I had while listening, if you don't mind
I'm glad that I think Cclrs Smith and Soprovich did mention that the Cmnty Benefit Policy has already been accepted, b/c I was alarmed when I heard Cclr F say that it wasn't and that we'd wait ten years to get it, so I'm really v v glad that we did pass that.
I also wd like to appreciate your comments, Mayor Goldsmith-Jones, b/c during the PH wrt 24th & Marine, I think you assumed there wd be a report b/c at one point -- and as you know, as editor of West Van Matters, I do a transcript -- you did ask if they wanted a report.  Ccl chose not to have further information at that time, and whereas I do appreciate that some cclrs now want further information, I was just like this [made expression of being on the edge] during the PH b/c they had the opp to ask for it then.  So I applaud that you thought it was, and I applaud the ppl who wanted to have it, but next time let's do it earlier and I really hope that what Cclr Sop suggested, that we will automatically have this information provided in the staff reports before consideration is made  by the public/Ccl on that.
I found it rather confusing.  I got two diff msgs about the sewer and water rates wch perhaps you cd explain b/c it sounded as if Ccl was being discouraged from deferring this and looking at wanting more information, whatever it is, and at the same time it said [in the motion] there cd be public input until Jan 7th.  So what that tells me, I mean the msg that comes across, is that even if we comment, it won't do any good b/c you're going to adopt it on the 7th.  B/c if even Ccl is discouraged from deferring to discuss, what chance has the public got?
Mayor: I expect on Jan 7th we'll have good information.

{Well, actually this Ccl has rescinded third reading on occasion, so if they're willing to do that depending on public input, that's fine.  Getting public input over Christmas and New Year's, may I say, is either inconsiderate or unlikely.  I didn't say that however.}

CAO:  Ccl wasn't being discouraged from necessarily discussing it; we're just suggesting that the policy issue that had been raised had really been set up in the initial framework, and so it was sort of a change in direction that seemed to be coming from Ccl, and we were just questioning that.
CR: okay; it did sound a little bit confused, but thanks for clarification
The other thing that was brought up is that between 2007 and 2012 there was a 25% increase in something and since I understand our growth is only around 1%, I was wondering if that cd be explained, perhaps not at this mtg, why there wd be a 25% increase in the charges or the expenses when our growth--
Mayor: Mr Laing
CR: --is only 1%
RL: I believe Mr Roach was commenting on the increased volumes that we hope to take out of Eagle Lake, our own water source
CR: take that much more with only 1% rate of increase of popn?
Mayor: we're shifting from GVRD to--
CR: --oh, the shifting, okay, so it's not just the increase
CAO: not a matter of needing to, it's a matter of being able to capture it
CR: right, okay; that's great; thank you for that clarification
Secondly, I hope you will show the same dedication you have in the past, Mayor G-J, in resolving, preserving the Binning house, wch is a National Historic Site.  I know we can count on you to keep us updated and trying to be pro-active and give incentives or whatever for that.
And lastly, Christmas Greetings. Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy New Year!
[RD (?) and you]
Mayor: thank you
CR: thank you
JC to laughter as he put on a red Santa cap: as they heard him exclaim as he rode out of sight--
Sop: --also sporting a Santa cap: Merry Christmas to all--
JC: --and to all a good night.
Mayor: wch is a motion to adjourn
20. ADJOURNMENT [8:29]

===   BETHLEHEM REFLECTION -- No W= ay to the Inn   ===
CPTnet 20 November 2007  BETHLEHEM REFLECTION: "No way to the inn"; Childbirth and Occupation
by Lorne Friesen
       Jesus was born under the Roman Occupation.  Some called it the "Pax Romana", claiming the imperial power brought peace to the whole world.  Occupation, then as well as now, meant that a powerful ruler controlled almost every aspect of life for those under the empire's domination.  Luke informs us that the Occupation required Mary and Joseph to make a long and dangerous journey to satisfy the dictates of the Occupying Power.  Matthew tells us that Herod ordered the slaughter of all infant boys born near the place and time of Jesus's birth, so that he could preserve the power given him by the Roman authorities.
       Imagine the risks of pregnancy under the Roman Occupation.  Caesar made his decree, and so Mary and Joseph had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem.  Many other pregnant women as well as Mary would have been making similar journeys.  The disruption in the lives of people would have been enormous.  And if the delivery was premature and the mother and child died en route, Caesar would not have cared.  The Israeli military Occupation of the West Bank likewise places its own interests above the needs of the people under its control.  Soldiers have held up numerous mothers in labour at checkpoints; some have given birth in the open fields or in their cars.  Mary gave birth in a distant community, far away from the traditional midwife support that families usually provide. Occupation caused the birth of Jesus to take place in crude circumstances with the numerous risks, among the animals.
       Today, travel in and out of Bethlehem is controlled by checkpoints in this monstrous twenty-seven-foot high wall that snakes across the West Bank.  Checkpoints similar to international border terminals channels restrict access in and out of Bethlehem.  The Israeli government has made special arrangements for tourists, so that their inconvenience will be minimal, but most Palestinians find their travel severely hampered even in the case of medical emergencies.  They need special permits to travel the five miles to Jerusalem.  Many residents of Bethlehem have not been able to visit
Jerusalem for years.
       May your reflections and meditations on the Nativity story help you find a bond of solidarity with the countless people throughout the world whose lives are controlled by powers that have little regard for their well-being.  We should remember that in Mary and Joseph's day and in ours, every
pregnancy is a mysterious God-sent challenge to imperial power. The power of love and new life works outside the restrictions of Occupation.
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) seeks to enlist the whole church in organized, nonviolent alternatives to war and places teams of trained peacemakers in regions of lethal conflict.  Originally a violence-reduction initiative of the historic peace churches (Mennonite, Church of the Brethren and Quaker), CPT now enjoys support and membership from a wide range of Christian denominations.
{They work with the Muslim Red Crescent, the Italian Doves, and many Israeli Peace Groups, such as Ta'ayush, Yezdin, and Rabbis for Peace; in Vancouver we have Jews for a Just Peace.}
To ask questions or express concerns, criticisms and affirmations send messages to peacemakers@cpt.org.  To receive news or discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB page at http://www.cpt.org/subscribe.php

=== The F= errari of cognacs selling at A$480 a glass
Winsor Dobbin / June 10, 2007 {Sydney Morning Herald]
WELL-HEELED drinkers are paying a small fortune to taste Sydney's most expensive shot - a premium cognac that costs $10,000 per bottle.  The Sofitel Wentworth Hotel is the proud owner of the only bottle of Hennessy Ellipse in Australia. It is one of only 2000 bottles in the world.
Drinkers can taste two ounces of the elixir for $480 a glass - the same price as the weekly rent on a two-bedroom house.
"This is what kings have drunk for centuries and what kings of hip-hop now drink to end the perfect night," Sofitel food and beverage director Laurent Branover said. "Hennessy Ellipse is a spectacular vintage cognac - a time machine in a glass - and you must consider the history and complexity when you drink it. "I call this the Ferrari of cognacs. If you aren't rich enough to own a Ferrari you can at least taste the Ferrari lifestyle with a glass of Hennessy Ellipse, for as long as your glass or your wallet allows."
The Ellipse is a classic blend that includes fruit from some of the most outstanding vintages in cognac: 1830, 1848, 1875, 1932, 1947, 1972 and 1995. [The Sofitel's bottle,] presented in an elliptical Baccarat crystal decanter designed by Thomas Bastide, is numbered 12 of the 2000 produced.
One glass is probably enough for any drinker: the cognac contains 43.5 per cent alcohol.

===  Haiku Rocks With = The 2008 Haiku Invitational ===
International poetry celebration launches 2008 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival giving budding and seasoned poets a chance to honour the city's 36,000 cherry trees
The third annual Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (VCBF) launches the 2008 Haiku Invitational, inviting poets from around the world to submit one unpublished English-language haiku on the theme of cherry blossoms.
The Haiku Invitational is the first of many VCBF events celebrating the return of spring and the exuberance of the blossoming of Vancouver's 36,000 cherry trees. Inspired by the tradition of viewing cherry blossoms in Japan, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival is uniquely West Coast. Other VCBF events include Plein-Air Blossom Painting, BC Blossom Watch Photo Contest & Exhibition, Cherry Jam Downtown Concert, Blossom Trolley Tours, Tree Talks and Walks, and Bike the Blossoms.
www.vcbf.ca &= nbsp; info@vcbf.ca   http://www.vancouvercherryblossomfestival.com/2008/submit

===   QUOTATIONS   ===

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626): Silence is the virtue of fools.

Martin Luther King, Jr (1929 - 1968): Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 - 1948): An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does the truth become error because nobody will see it.

Henrik Ibsen (1828 - 1906):
        A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.
        The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.

Hubert H Humphrey (1922 - 1978): The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.