Ccl AGENDA Jan 7th
Calendar to 16th

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

= Main Items on Agenda Jan 7: Envtal Awards (for some strange reason given the long holiday, info to be provided); recommendation to allocate $36,400 of Budget 2008 for World Cup Partnership; 2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel; Adoption of bylaws for utility fees, water regulation, fees and charges but remember, they said public input permitted; Correspondence re heritage measures, five-year budget (savings) suggestions, Hugo Ray Park, Dundarave Parking
Vive le Canada; WEBWATCH :-); UPDATES (Heritage, Streamkeepers, Cypress Park, Sultan Report); BOOKWATCH (Afghanistan); CALENDAR to Jan 13th
=  List of Newsletter Titles, WVM 2007 1 - 41; Ccl AGENDA Jan 7
HERITAGE: Award Nominations; Cmnty Heritage Register; NSN and Updates (Binning, Graham, Filberg Houses)
REFLECTIONS: Christmas Day and for New Year's, A Message of Peace; Haiku Invitational; Quotations
===  Vive le Canada
+  Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec City 400 years ago, in 1608.
+  Queen Victoria named Ottawa as Canada's capital 150 years ago, on 31 Dec 1857.
+  Also 150 years ago (1858), the colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver Island were joined.
+  UBC was established 100 years ago, in 1908.
+  In 1958, 50 years ago, at that time, world's largest planned non-nuclear explosion: removing Ripple Rock in Seymour Narrows.
===   WEBWATCH   ===  :-)
+  Who'd ever imagine that there cd be a comedy sketch on subprime mortgages?
Listen to the British comedy team, Bird and Fortune, explaining: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM
+  A solution to countering telemarketers:  http://www.youtube.com:80/watch?v=un_PjRXV5l8
===   UPDATES   ===
The Heritage Implementation WG is tasked with producing a Heritage Register.  A Workshop has already been held to present what's involved.  The subcmte on incentives already has one guest/speaker for its first mtg in January (date to be confirmed); if you are interested pls phone 922 4400 or write to heritage@westvan.org.  Nominations for a Heritage Award are due by Jan 25.  FURTHER DETAILS for the above in Heritage Section at end as well as clarification wrt a quotation in the North Shore News.
+  Heritage Week is Feb 18 to 24.
Great success retrieving fish near entrance of creeks by John Barker and Jim Torry, and then putting them back further up stream so they can spawn.  DWV is to remove impediments so we have salmon back after many years!  Call 628 1123 or write streamkeepers@westvan.org to participate and/or join.
The VANOC 2010 Legacy Fund is providing $300,000 toward rebuilding the Howe Sound Crest Trail and replacing collapsing HSCT emergency shelters. The HSCT project also includes construction of a trailhead gateway and interpretive signage. The total cost is estimated at over $800,000. Funding from BC Parks and other sources will be needed to complete this project. In late September, BC Parks told us that it had "no funds" for the Scope of Work (detailed on-site planning and budget work) that would in turn trigger the VANOC funding. Parks sought a release of $35,000 from VANOC to begin this work. But funds were not forthcoming and the on-site work was not done before winter. [VANOC is contributing around $16.3 million to Cypress Olympic venues.] The Legacy Committee will meet in January to continue project planning.
Now that BC Parks Interpretation/Education Project [Manager] Gail Ross is working out of the Mount Seymour Park Office, we have been able to complete two long-planned sign projects: a large Ancient Forest photo/text sign for the start of the Baden-Powell Trail from Cypress Bowl across Hollyburn and a small sign for the over 740 year-old mountain hemlock at the start of the Yew Lake Old Growth Loop.  Gail took a beautiful photo of yellow-cedars for the Ancient Forest sign. The signs will be in place when the snow melts next spring. What a tremendous difference it makes in our work to have this kind of help from BC Parks' staff.  
The Trail Watch Program that FCPP established with BC Parks last spring has proved to be very helpful in bringing new focus on trail areas in need of attention.  Thanks to Alan/June Banwell, Viire Daniels, Joy Davidson, Louise Irwin and Norm Purssell for agreeing to serve as Trail Watchers and report to FCPP and BC Parks on trail needs. Trails in the SE part of the park (West, Blue Gentian and Lost Lake areas) received particular attention in regard to downed trees, missing signs, and deteriorating boardwalks. We are providing BC Parks with a detailed list of trail needs, with a meeting planned for January 2008 so that repairs can begin when the snow melts in the park's SE corner next spring.  On August 18, a small FCPP crew worked on the Baden-Powell Trail from Cypress Bowl across Hollyburn.  More trail work was done in the Blue Gentian -- Lost Lake area on September 23 with help from Park Rangers Simon Gravel and Mark Grist.  Thanks to Alan/June Banwell, Louise Irwin and Alex Wallace for this work.  Alex and Bill Sims also regularly do much appreciated work on other park trails.
PLEASE NOTE: We need much more help on the Trail Watch Program and on specific trail projects.  Contact Alex Wallace or Katharine Steig if you can offer assistance.
+  from FCPP newsletter with thanks to:  FCPP DIRECTORS for 2007-08
Chair: Alex Wallace, 604-434-7328, awallace@telus.net
Secretary: Bill Sims, 604-734-8870, wsims@telus.net; Treasurer: Irene Miller, 604-224-7768, ivm3924@shaw.ca
Directors-at-Large: Viire Daniels, 604-980-5968, highhiker@shaw.ca, Denise Marasco, 604-721-7619; Katharine Steig, 604-922-7949, katharine@steig.com, Fiona Wright, 604-985-6929, fiona_wright@telus.net
*  Welcome to the Ralph Sultan Report: Newsletter No. 2, 2007 Headlines
This arrived the end of December.  Good reading.  A Selection:
-  Comment on Recent Proposals for a Regionally Integrated Police Force for West Vancouver
-  Helping Pay for the Police: The 2007 Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Program
-  Unfortunately, Squadron Leader Philip Leith died this year.  Ralph and I met him earlier at a summer RoyalTea-by-the-Sea.  Although I was unable to attend the service, our MLA Ralph Sultan did and wrote about it: http://www.ralphsultan.com/Newsltr-2007/newsltr-0702/08-StFrancisInTheWood.html
-  Just love Ralph's writing.  Here's a frank and amusing tale about Beer and Cheerleaders:
and there's more: http://www.ralphsultan.com/Newsltr-2007/newsltr-2007-welcome.html
+  The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (b 1965)
I can't say enough.  Read in two days (thx to Christmas holiday).  Captivating right from the start and so topical b/c of the situation in Afghanistan while providing a glimpse into their cultural life and transition to the US.  The movie has just been released and has already been nominated for awards.  It is a novel, whereas
+  A Bed of Red Flowers by Nelofer Pazira (b 1973 -- Wikipedia's of date of 1967 is wrong)
is completely autobiographical and provides historical context so informative.  Stops in 2004.  You may know her from appearances on CBC.  Came to Canada as a teenager (1989 with family as refugees), graduated from Carleton, made film "Kandahar".

===  CALENDAR to Jan 16th === [M Hall unless otherwise noted; confi= rm b/c sometimes changes]

+ Saturday, Jan 6th - Lions Club Christmas Tree Chip-Up (10am - 3pm, at Ambleside Park)
+ Tues, Jan 8th ~ 6:30pm ~ Nbrhd Character/Cmnty Dialogue WG
+ Wed, Jan 9th ~ 7pm ~ Cmnty Sports WG
+ Tues, Jan 15th ~ 7pm ~ Cmnty Grants/Social Services Review WG
+  Wed, Jan 16th ~ 7:30am ~ Mayor's State of the District Address; Chamber's Breakfast (Hollyburn Cntry Club)
             ~ 10am ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
Jazz Legends: "Dizzy & Friends", a solo show of vibrant and dynamic acrylic and oil paintings by Arnold Nouwens
OPENING NIGHT ~ 6 - 8pm ~ Jan 8; Artist in Attendance ~ 2 - 3pm ~ Jan 12; Exhibit ends Jan 20

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ see www.westvanlib.ca

+++  WV MUSEUM +++   BEHIND THE WIRE -- Nov 7 to Feb 9 
THE WARTIME DIARY AND ART OF ROBERT BUCKHAM. [Full description in earlier issue of WVM]

+++ Don't forget to check out www.silkpurse.ca and www.kaymeekcentre.com for their events

NEWSLETTERS  ======== = WVM Titles 2007: 1 - 41  =========== 
2007 Jan 8th CCL AGENDA / Calendar to Jan 14th
Ccl Pay Raise? * 2006 WVM List * Residents' Letters not even Listed!
2007 Jan 8th NOTES; Jan 15th AGENDA; Calendar to Jan 21st
CAO's Status Report * Ccl Remuneration * Unpublic Correspondence
2007 Jan 15th Ccl Mtg Notes; AGENDA Jan 22nd; Calendar to Feb 2nd
VANOC * The Hwy & Creery * PUBLIC Correspondence - Fear Factor!
2007 Jan 22nd NOTES; Calendar to Feb 8th +
Gleneagles: reno/raze? * Ambleside Town Ctr * ADRA AGM
2007 Feb 5th NOTES; Feb 12th AGENDA; Calendar to Feb 18th +
Daycare * Upper Dundarave * Cmte Mtgs: SECRET and CLOSED
2007 Feb 12th Ccl NOTES; Feb 19th AGENDA; Calendar to Feb 28th
Youth Strategy * Daycare Bylaw * Hugo Ray Park
2007 Feb 26th NOTES; Mar 5th AGENDA; Calendar - Mar 17th +
Budget 2007 Schedule? * Hollyburn Cabins * Save Gleneagles Great Hall!
2007 Mar 5th NOTES; Mar 12th AGENDA; Calendar to 24th
Homeowner Grants 2007 * Heritage Awards * Rugby Club Lease Process
2007 Mar 12th NOTES / Calendar to Mar 29th
Budget 2007 * Gleneagles Great Hall/Golf Course Building Options
2007 Mar 26th Council Meeting AGENDA / Calendar to Apr 1st
ADRA & Ambleside Town Ctr Strategy (Meeting) * DWV Working groups
2007 Mar 26th NOTES; Apr 2nd AGENDA; Calendar to Apr 15th
Clovelly/Caulfeild/PROCESS * Lost Heritage House? * WG Merry-go-Round
2007 Apr 2nd NOTES; Apr 16th AGENDA; Calendar to Apr 22nd +
Cmnty DISengagement * Budget 2007 * Citizens left in the Dark!
2007 Apr 16th NOTES; Apr 23rd AGENDA; Calendar to May 5th
BUDGET * Collingwood Scofflaw? * Heritage Loss Process? * Open vs Closed Mtgs
2007 Apr 23rd/30th NOTES; May 7th AGENDA; Calendar to May 16th
BUDGET/Mgmt Salaries * Engagement Cmte Engaged? * Cmnty Ctr Update
2007 May 7/9/11/14th Ccl NOTES; Calendar to May 31st
BUDGET: ZERO% Tax Rate Increase * Ev Dr * Top Ten Crash Sites
2007 May 28th Ccl AGENDA * Calendar to June 8th
$140,000 in Grants Recommended * Collingwood/Morven Parking
2007 May 28th Ccl NOTES * June 4th AGENDA * Calendar to June 16th
Collingwood NonCompliance * Ccl $ Review * Water * Less Civic Ctr parking
2007 June 4th CCL NOTES * June 11th AGENDA * Calendar to June 22nd
Survey Results * 4769 The Highway STOP WORK ORDER * Fines Paltry
2007 June 11th Ccl NOTES; June 18th AGENDA; Calendar to 28th
Public Amenities > Rodgers Crk > Equestrian Ctr > Workshops Open to Public
2007 June 18th NOTES; June 25th AGENDA; Calendar to July 4th
WV Shoreline Update * Collingwood/Morven's unZone * Clovelly/LC
2007 June 25th COUNCIL NOTES; Calendar to July 11th
Collingwood/Wentworth Public Hearing * CLOSED Open Mtgs!
2007 July 9th Ccl NOTES; July 16th AGENDA; Calendar to July 22nd +
Cmnty Heritage; Public Amenities/Benefits; TILMA, Enclosed Balconies
2007 July 16th Ccl NOTES; July 23rd AGENDA; Calendar to July 31st +
Ambleside Town Ctr * Housing/Nbrhd Character * Cmnty Ctr Report
2007 July 23rd & 25th Ccl NOTES; Calendar to Aug ~ Sept 10
DWV SALARIES * Wentworth PH * Nbrhd Spec Home Nightmare * Creek Flood
2007 Sept 10th Ccl AGENDA * Calendar to Sept 21st
PASSINGS * Heritage Weekend * List of WVMs 2007 * QUIZ  :-)
2007 Sept 10th Ccl NOTES * Sept 17th AGENDA * Calendar to Sept 27th
$165 Fine for Dogs in Amb Park! * Mtg Curtailed * Cmnty Calendar on Website
2007 Sept 17th NOTES; Sept 24th AGENDA; Calendar to Oct 4th
2007 Sept 24 Ccl NOTES; Oct 1 AGENDA; Calendar to Oct 12
Ambleside Recommendations to Public * Dog Control Bylaw Review
2007 Oct 1st Ccl Mtg. Notes; Calendar to Oct 18th
WVPD * ?MLAs * WG balance? * To Fee or not to Fee? * Heritage Loses Again
2007 Oct 15th Ccl Mtg AGENDA; Calendar to October 25th
Gas Station Redevt 13th & Marine * More on Open Mtgs * Cat Haiku :-)
2007 Oct 15th NOTES; Oct 22nd AGENDA; Calendar to Nov 9th
User Fees or Taxes? * Subcmtes Open! * Reports: Receive for Info or Approval?
2007 Oct 22nd Ccl NOTES; Oct 29th AGENDA; Calendar to Nov 16th/18th
2929 Altamont * Hugo Ray Park Puzzle * Survey Qs Q'd * Dundarave Parking
2007 Oct 29th Ccl Workshop NOTES; AGENDA Nov 5th; Calendar to Nov 20th
Rodgers Creek Plan * Mayor's Civic Party Remarks * Erickson House Demolition?
2007 Nov 5th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Calendar to Nov 28th
Saving Erickson House * ADRA Survey * Streamkeepers * Cmnty Ctr Report
2007 Nov 19th Public Hearing/Ccl Mtg AGENDAs; Calendar to Dec 5th
Trying to save Erickson's Graham House * Child Care WG * New Ccl Procedures?
2007 Nov 19th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Nov 26th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 8th
Budget Overruns ($1M) * Is Receipt Approval? * Childcare * Ccl Procedures
2007 Nov 26th NOTES; Dec 3rd AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 13th
~$1.4M Over Budget! * Cmnty Ctr * Erickson Heritage House Update
2007 Dec 3rd NOTES; Dec 10th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 17th
Hollyburn Lodge * Cmnty Amenity Policy * Heritage House Demolished!
2007 Dec 10th NOTES; Dec 17th AGENDA; Calendar to Dec 21st
24th & Marine * UPLIFT * ADRA * Ambleside Town Ctr Strategy
2007 Dec 17th Council Mtg NOTES; Calendar to Dec 31st+
[NO] Uplift 24th/Marine? * Delayed Budget Process * Rate "Input"?

===  CCL MTG AGENDA Jan 7th  === {NB: you can click on the URLs and get the item!} 
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: December 03, 10, and 17 Regular Council Minutes.
3.         Environmental Awards:  Information to be provided.           
{why???  not just that there've been several weeks before this mtg, if not ready, why not leave it to the next mtg so info as part of the ccl mtg package? is this Ccl's approval of having them?  If just not wanting to release names, why not then say "names to be provided"?}
4.         2008 Freestyle World Cup Partnership Opportunity
     1.  Staff enter into a partnership agreement with the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association to host the 2008 Freestyle World Cup at Cypress Mountain;
     2.  the District provide a combination of services in kind and financial support for the 2008 Freestyle World Cup at Cypress Mountain;
     3.  Up to $36,400 support be approved from the 2008 Budget to provide enhanced levels of service for traffic and security, volunteer coordination and training, transportation and to provide event and program infrastructure and staff training for future events leading up to 2010; and
     4.  Council pass a resolution supporting an Order of Non-Enforcement of Section 7.2.2 of Sign Bylaw No. 4499, 2007 for the placement of banners, pennants, bunting, flags (other than patriotic flags), balloons, or other inflatable devices and Section 9.1 limiting a business premises to [two] signs per business frontage, for (insert the name of who is making the request) between (insert dates), for the purpose of supporting the important community event, subject to all the aforementioned signs being removed within [ten] days following the end of the 2008 Freestyle World Cup event.
5.         United Way Participation Award
            Presentation to be provided; received for information
6.         Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw from West Vancouver Yacht Club - 5854 Marine Drive between January 14th and January 18th 2008
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council approve the request ... for a maximum of five (5) days between January 14, 2008 to January 18, 2008 to allow their principal contractor Westshore Constructors to carry out specific construction works involving drilling into the bedrock to secure several piles that support the deck.
7.         2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel
            1.         If so required, the first sitting of the 2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel be held on March 26, 2008 at 11:00 am at the West Vancouver Municipal Hall;
            2.         The Director of Finance give notice of the date, time and place of the first sitting of the 2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel in accordance with the Community Charter;
            3.         Councillors Day, Soprovich, and Vaughan be appointed to the 2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel; and
            4.         Councillors Clark, Ferguson, and Smith be appointed as alternates to the 2008 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel.
BYLAWS FOR ADOPTION: Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
8.         Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007
This bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the December 17, 2007 Regular Council Meeting, and residents were encouraged to comment on the proposed rates.
{NB: Public input permitted before adoption}
9.         Water Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 4539, 2007
This bylaw received first, second and third reading at the December 17, 2007 Regular Council Meeting, and residents were encouraged to comment on the proposed rates.
10.       Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4537, 2007
This bylaw received first, second and third reading at the December 17,2007 Regular Council Meeting.
NOTE:  The recommendation to set dates for DVPs or DPs should be done in a separate recommendation from the regular consent items (SS June 26/06)
11.       Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered separately or in one recommendation.
12.       Correspondence List
THAT the Correspondence Deferred from the December 17, 2007 Council Meeting be received for information.
Correspondence deferred from the December 17, 2007 Council Meeting
> Requests for Delegation -- No items presented.
> Action Required
(35)     C. Reynolds, Heritage West Vancouver, December 11, 2007, regarding Council Meeting December 10, 2007 - Heritage Measures
            Referred to the Director of Planning, Lands & Permits for consideration and response.
(36)     K. Loughlin, Strataco Property Management Ltd., December 13, 2007, regarding Metered Utility Statements - Water Delivery Tax
            Referred to the Director of Finance for consideration and response.
> No Action Required (receipt only)
(37)     A.S. Hilsen, Municipal Clerk - District of North Vancouver, December 04, 2007, regarding 2008 Council Appointment  - North Shore 2010 Leadership Committee
(38)     A.S. Hilsen, Municipal Clerk - District of North Vancouver, December 04, 2007, regarding Tri-Municipal Review of Support for Community Social Services - Current Status             Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Department.
(39)     December 11, 2007, regarding Five Year Budget Plans
(40)     Honourable G. Abbott, Provincial Minister of Health, December 12, 2007, regarding Establishment of a Technical Advisory Committee - Drinking Water Protection Act
(41)     K. Vance - Union of British Columbia Municipalities, December 13, 2007, regarding Union of British Columbia Municipalities Member Notice: Building a Safer Community: Gangs, Drugs and Domestic Violence Issues
(42)     Email, December 13, 2007, regarding Please Save Hugo Ray Park
(43)     December 13, 2007, regarding Point Atkinson Light Station - Heritage Site Repair
(44)     Email, December 15, 2007, regarding Please Save Hugo Ray Park
(45)     Undated, 2007, regarding Banning Sale of Pesticides (File: 2150-03)
> Responses to Correspondence
(46)     B.A. Dozzi, Manager - Roads & Transportation, December 10, 2007, regarding Dundarave Parking and Traffic Plan Implementation
> Responses to Questions in Question Period -- No items presented.
13.       Oral Reports from Mayor/Councillors  14.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS/COMMENTS  15.  ADJOURNMENT

*****************   HERITAGE   *****************
===   AWARDS: Nomination Deadline Jan 25  ===
On DWV's marvellous website, go to: http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5447&c=898 for more info
2008 Heritage Achievement Awards
West Vancouver's natural, built, and cultural heritage define our community identity, give our neighbourhoods their distinct character, and enhance the quality of life we have come to enjoy. 
The Heritage Achievement Awards are presented in honour of individuals, groups, and businesses that have made a significant contribution to ensuring that this collective heritage is preserved.  
The District invites you to nominate any project, individual or group that has made an important contribution to furthering heritage conservation in West Vancouver.  The deadline for submitting nominations to the District is January 25, 2008.
Categories include: Building Conservation; New Building Design; Landscape; Advocacy/Awareness; and "Other"

A primary objective in undertaking the Heritage Strategic Plan was to develop a program to identify and manage the District's significant natural, built, and cultural heritage resources.  The creation of a Community Heritage Register is a fundamental first step in this process.
A Community Heritage Register is an official list of historic places, specific to a community, which have been identified by a local government as having heritage "value" or "character".  A Community Heritage Register enables a local government to understand and identify the significance of a community's historic places, to monitor heritage properties for proposed changes, and to integrate heritage conservation activities into other local government land use planning processes.
In 2006, the District of West Vancouver's Heritage Strategic Plan was recognized with an 'Award of Excellence' by the Planning Institute of British Columbia as one of the first values-based plans in B.C. for the development of a municipal heritage conservation program. 
In keeping with this 'values-based' approach, the objectives of the Community Heritage Register project are:
        *  To create a Community Heritage Register that fully reflects community values around West Vancouver's built and natural heritage;
        *  To provide numerous opportunities for community involvement in this process;
        *  To use the Register as a public education and information tool;
        *  To enable the District's use of heritage conservation tools and incentives, as permitted under the Local Government Act; and
        *  To establish a process for future Register updates.
A key component of this process is to engage the public in developing a Community Heritage Register that reflects local community values about our natural, built, and cultural heritage.  Opportunities for community involvement will include:
        *  Information Newsletter (Winter 2007 - 2008)
        *  Accessing background information and periodic updates on the District's website, both under the "Initiatives" section, and on the Working Group's homepage.
        *  Attendance at Heritage Strategic Plan Implementation Working Group meetings;
        *  Participation in an online Community Forum for discussion and debate on heritage issues;
        *  Participation in a series of Community Workshops to learn more about a Community Heritage Register, how it will be used, and how to contribute to it.  Preliminary workshop topics include:
             *  Understanding our Community's Heritage Resources
             *  The West Vancouver Context for Heritage Conservation
             *  How to Research and Document Historic Places
             *  Nomination of potential heritage resources, for possible inclusion in the Register; and
             *  Attendance at public meetings, information displays, and Council meeting(s).
Existing Inventories
        *       West Vancouver Survey of Significant Architecture: 1945-1975
        *       West Vancouver Heritage Inventory
        *       West Vancouver Heritage Landscape Inventory
Heritage Strategic Plan
        *       Heritage Strategic Plan Document 
        *       Illustrated Plan Strategy
Reports & Presentations to Council
     * Staff Report "Update on Community Heritage Register" dated Nov 16, 2007 (Nov 26, 2007 Council Agenda Item #7)
     * Staff Report "Community Heritage Register and Hollyburn Lodge" dated Nov 16, 2007 (Nov 26, 2007 Council Agenda Item #8)
     * Powerpoint Presentation to Council (July 9, 2007)
     * Staff Report "Community Heritage Register" dated June 26, 2007 (July 9, 2007 Council Agenda Item #3)
        *       Powerpoint Presentation by Bob Parliament, BC Heritage Branch, Dec 8, 2007
        *       Workshop Images

Another comment regarding NSN 16 Dec.  The Land Conservancy did not purchase the Baldwin House on Deer Lake in Burnaby, as stated.
Burnaby has been purchasing the properties around Deer Lake and removing various buildings to create public park land. Rather like the Ambleside waterfront in West Vancouver. The Baldwin House could well have been lost in this process.  Due to various efforts, however, this particular house was saved because of its significance. It is owned by the Municipality of Burnaby. Its operation has been turned over to the The Land Conservancy by the Municipality but it is still publicly owned.  It can be rented from the T.L.C. on a daily or weekly or event basis.
{from Simon Scott}
September 2002 --  Deirdre Hanna "Cultural Evolution"
Currently, Arthur Erickson is restoring one of his own early residential projects in Kelowna, British Columbia while an architect who recently purchased Erickson's 1967 Catton House is undertaking a sensitive restoration of the West Vancouver residence. The real West Coast miracle, however, is the restoration of the Filberg House, a structure that Erickson designed in 1958 as a small-scale conference centre in Comox, British Columbia. The building never fulfilled its intended function and was altered beyond recognition by a subsequent owner who used it as a home.
"Unbeknownst to me," says Erickson, "the next-door neighbour, who knew the building and its original owners well, bought the property when it came on the market and took it upon himself to restore it back to its original form--at his own cost." That neighbour, Douglas Field, may have restored Filberg House as an act of love, but his work earned him an award from the Architectural Institute of British Columbia.
+ LETTER TO EDITOR OF NSN -- edited (and improved) by NSN, published 2007 Dec 30
Dear Editor:
Thank you for your coverage of heritage issues.
Your article on Sunday Dec 16 (page 5) provided information on the status of the Binning house for which we are all hopeful of a happy heritage Christmas outcome.
The last paragraph however contained some statements that were not quite the case so I hasten to clarify (b/c vague and cd be misleading) to set the record straight.  The speaker may have been told them, repeated them to the writer reported it, but there is more to the story.
"The owner had left it vacant for some period of time," [1] Massey said of the Graham house.  "It was vandalized [2], it was in very bad shape [3], it was beyond the point of restoration."[4]
1.  "some period of time"
The house had been rented and lived in until not long before the application for demolition was made, a matter of two or three months.
2.   "vandalized"
When a group of us had a meeting at the house in November, although a few panes of glass were missing and drywall removed, there were no signs of vandalization.
3.  "very bad shape"
Well, the structure was all there and certainly it was not in very bad shape before the owner started dismantling the house without a permit.
4.  "beyond the point of restoration"
Several architects confirmed that it could be restored.
The Graham house is gone but at least it has been well photographed and will remain famous in architectural history, an expression of Arthur Erickson's architecture that West Vancouver was privileged to have for a while.
Demolition or loss from neglect is unfortunately not uncommon in the heritage world.  What alarmed me is to read that description, even if true, that could then be applied to another heritage resource as justification to demolish.
It is my hope to have and I will continue to strive for incentives and measures that will ensure retention of West Vancouver's heritage assets.  Some do it out of the honour and prestige of ownership.  Some need the encouragement of incentives to keep and we should be only too happy to provide them in partnership with owners.
Yours truly,
Carolanne Reynolds, Heritage West Van
I was trying to shorten the letter but I feel obliged to give you proof for my statements.
1.  At the meeting with the owner's rep in November, he told us that the Graham house had been tenanted 'until three months ago'.  The demolition permit has been applied for a few weeks before the mtg, so that means the application was only weeks after the tenants left.
2.  We saw no obvious vandalization when we were there however someone who was by not long before the demolition said a rock may have been thrown through a window.  Some of the windows had been removed, a bit of glass from a broken skylight was on a floor, and the building was no longer secure from the elements but the lack of rot indicated that the damage was recent and superficial.  Drywall had been removed clearly in preparation for demolition since it has to be taken away separately.  The studs were sturdy and showed no signs of deterioration.  We walked through the house but clearly dismantling had started.
When I reported that to the Mayor and a councillor, they told me that staff had told them "you don't need a demolition permit to do that".  I was taken aback.
Why hadn't staff told them that whereas a demolition permit is not required, a building permit is (i.e. if you are going to remove interior drywall you need one or the other)?  why didn't they ask about a building permit then?
As you know, the owners had no building permit either!
3.  Naturally once the dismantling had started it could be described as in bad shape, but this misses the point.  It was not in bad shape when the demolition permit was applied for and the statement makes it sound as if because it was in very poor shape (and had been vandalized) that the demolition permit was applied for.  Not the case.  That was after the decision was made to demolish and the permit applied for.
More interesting facts.
At the meeting on site, the previous owner (bought from David Graham) whose wife sold to the Laljis was there.  I was told that additions had been made by the Laljis.  As I said earlier, I'm not of the 'purist' camp, and realize it is practical and realistic for owners to want to modernize or add, and in my opinion they should be free to do so.  One expects, though, that it will be done in a similar style sympathetic to the heritage style or value.
What I see is freedom balanced with respect.
That means that if the house showed any degradation, desecration, or need of repair it was so b/c of the owner's neglect or lack of attention.
It is not accurate, indeed totally misleading, to give the impression the house was in a dreadful state and the owner had no role in its change, disrepair, condition, or deterioration, or, more importantly, that there were no other options to total demolition.
4.  Again, to get to a state of being beyond restoration, owners are responsible for allowing that.  As stated in my letter, several architects viewed the house (and there were letters from architects Simon Scott and Tom Bowen in my newsletter, West Van Matters) who stated it definitely could be restored.  The building was structurally sound and without rot. The work to restore the house would be no more than the type of renos done by many who buy a 40-year-old house before moving in.
Mr Massey is involved with the Binning house so may have been passing on hearsay and not have seen the house for himself or questioned what he was told.

It has been my observation that partial truths are more dangerous and destructive than outright lies often seen as obviously untrue.  Especially if said by prominent people, eminently quotable.
Ah, though, those devils in the details, quite apart from lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Why did the flags go up and flap so strongly in front of my eyes?
and force me to write?
B/c these 'excuses' may be used by others (even if not for the Binning house) to justify demolition, and the Graham house used as a precedent to say it's okay.

We've got too much to lose.

~  "Christmas" Day
REFLECTION -- At-Tuwani: The Birth of Jesus and the occupation of Palestine -- by Art Gish, 25 December, 2007
   It was a beautiful, warm, sunny Christmas day in the mountains of Palestine in the South Hebron Hills.  My Christian Peacemaker Teammate and I spent the morning with an At-Tuwani villager and his children plowing and sowing wheat with two donkeys.  There were flocks of sheep on the hills around us, an ideal setting for thinking about the birth of Jesus. 
   We were there to protect the people from possible attacks from the occupiers, from the people with guns, from those who wield worldly power.  We were standing with the shepherds, with the dispossessed, people like those to whom the angels announced good news 2,000 years ago. 
   We were working in a narrow valley just below the village of Sarura, which the villagers abandoned in 1999 because of repeated attacks on the village from Israeli settlers.  Since Sarura originally was a Roman village, I thought of the Roman occupiers at the time of Jesus.  The Roman caves are still there, as are the ruins of Roman houses.  The Romans are long gone.  The family we were accompanying lived in that village before settler violence forced them to leave.  The father showed us the cave he used to live in and a Roman coin he found there.
   What has changed since the Roman occupation of Palestine?  In spite of God's revelation in Jesus, people still rely on violence and oppression, still reject the promise of peace on earth as a gift from God.  People still seek to dominate and control.  The donkeys were given a break and a snack of the wheat they were helping plant.  We broke bread and drank tea together and experienced a bit of God's peace in the midst of conflict over land and resources.
                --- See URL at end of next Reflection
     Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:28:00; Subject: [cpthebron] Hebron Reflection:  "We will study war no more"
REFLECTION -- Hebron: 'We will study war no more" -- by Jessica Frederick, 26 December 2007
   For a long time, I have believed that achieving "world peace" is far less complicated than we think.  People around the world could simply lay down their weapons and say, "Enough!  We are sick of killing each other, and we are sick of grieving the killing of our sisters and brothers.  We are tired of violence.  We will study war no more."
   The alternative is to believe that violence will have the final say.  In his book, "Engaging the Powers", Walter Wink talks about the "myth of redemptive violence".  From the time we are little, the world teaches us violence can be redemptive: some people are too evil to be changed or 'redeemed' through any means except violence.  In children's television shows, these people are monsters or 'bad guys' forever bent on evil.  In adults=92 television shows (the news, for instance), these 'monsters' take the form of 'terrorists', for example, or politicians from 'enemy' countries.
   It is all a lie.  Violence is not redemptive.  But we believe the lie, because we believe there is no alternative.
   Is all this too simplistic?  Perhaps.  But I have never believed it more fervently than I do now.  I have been thinking about the violence I have seen and heard in Hebron.  Home invasions.  Institutionalized racism in separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians.  Teachers detained at checkpoints.  Soldiers patrolling and settlers touring through Hebron's Old City armed with their automatic weapons. 
   Does this create greater security for Israel? 
   Where is the redemption in violence? 
   I am reminded of the wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.: "The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.  Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it . . . Returning violence for violence multiples violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars . . . Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
   It all sounds so simple.  Why not give it a try?  It beats the alternative, and maybe we will see the day when the world says,
'Enough!  We are sick of killing each other, and we are sick of grieving the killing of our sisters and brothers.  We are tired of violence.  We will study war no more."
--- Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support violence reduction efforts around the world.  To learn more about CPT's peacemaking work, visit our website www.cpt.org
Photos of our projects are at www.cpt.org/gallery A map of the centre of Hebron is at http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/fullMaps_Sa.nsf/0/5618737E38C0B3DE8525708C004BA584/$File/ocha_OTS_hebron_oPt010805.pdf?OpenElement
The same map is the last page of this report on closures in Hebron: www.humanitarianinfo.org/opt/docs/UN/OCHA/ochaHU0705_En.pdf
***  CPT works with Muslim Peacemaker Teams, plus the Doves from Italy and many Israeli groups

===   HAIKU INVITATIONAL &nbs= p; ===  Haiku Invitational 2008 -- Deadline for submissions Jan 7
See:  www.vcbf.ca   info@vcbf.ca &nb= sp; http://www.vancouvercherryblossomfestival.com/2008/submit

===   QUOTATIONS   ===
+  All words are pegs to hang ideas on.     -- Henry Ward Beecher, preacher and writer (1813-1887)
A book is one of the fonts of joy available to us.     -- Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinian writer (1899 - 1986)
+  The dust of exploded beliefs may make a fine sunset.     -- Geoffrey Madan, writer (1895-1947)
+  Language is the armoury of the human mind; and at once contains the trophies of its past, and the weapons of its future conquests.
                        -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, critic, and philosopher (1772-1834)
+  I may be a despicable person, but when Truth speaks through me I am invincible.
                        -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948)