Ccl NOTES Feb 4th
AGENDA Feb 11th
Cal to 22nd
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
Welcome to the Year of the Rat! Happy Lunar New Year:
Gung hay fat choy (most Chinese in Vancouver area speak Cantonese;
Mandarin is Xin Nian Kuai Le), Chuc mung nam moi (Vietnamese), An yung
ha sae yo (Korean)
= Ccl BUDGET Workshop Feb 11th -- presentation,
public comment, discussion
= Feb 4th Ccl Mtg NOTES/SUMMARY: Kay
Meek Ctr presentation; Five-Year Operating and Capital Budget
discussion, debate over meaning of 'received' marked *** (public
input Feb 11th and 18th, bylaws Mar 4); Finance and Audit cmtes
separate (hoping for first mtg Feb 12); No Cmnty Ctr figs since
Aug, parking report perhaps Feb 18; questions about (second) sudden
'disappearance' of Correspondence since change not in any
documentation as claimed at last ccl mtg (staff's convoluted
response didn't pass the laugh-out-loud test); more pointed
queries about the VCHA lease -- DWV paying some costs/interest for
the first 15 years and not getting paid back till the
following 15 years? (asked to make lease public Feb 18 if not
= Endangered Heritage List; Where's our donkey?; Language
(tongue-twister); Robbery; Quotations
=== Vive le Canada -- It=
BC's 150th anniversary this year. See
http://www.bc150.ca/bc150.aspx and if you're artistic: Discover Your Community =8A History in Art
Poster Contest -- Submission Deadline: Feb 28
+++ H E R I T A G
E W E E K Feb 18 - 24
Heritage talk at Museum Feb 16th; probably Reception on Feb 18th;
displays at various places throughout WV including the Library and
at Heritage Fayre, 2 - 4:30pm Sun 24th Park Royal North; free
Cypress snowshoe and barbecue. See www.heritage.westvan.org
or call 922 4400 for details.
>>> BUDGET 2008 INFO -- don't you just love
the District's URLs? Before Feb 11th input visit:
>>>The Master Fire Plan document is now available
on the District website in the Fire & Rescue section.
>>> Sorry to learn that Inside Ambleside and
Dundarave has stopped publishing
>>> What's up at Hugo Ray Park? See
http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=4362&c=853, another
ever-helpfully named DWV site. Next, why nothing about Hugo Ray
there or on the Hugo Ray Park Society's website? Not enough his
log cabin gone, so now erased any trace of his role in WV govt?
See why need to work so hard on heritage awareness? Intent on
developing the park and the man in whose honour it is named is
>>> VOLUNTEER! join the Community Day Planning
Cmte! Community Day takes place the first
Saturday of June each year - but takes several months of planning.
From the stages to the food vendors to the kids' activities to the
parade, it's co-ordinated entirely by residents just like you.
If you want to join the team, pls call 925 7196 or email
> Remember you can apply any time for
any cmte/WG (kept on file). Even better, attend mtgs to get an
idea of what's involved -- and you'll be productive right from the
In pictures The secret army of working dogs gets
stamp of recognition
See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7227176.stm --
There are six and my favourite is the fourth.
Art, Theatre
ART: A strangely fascinating website!
THEATRE: Many performances sold out with
waiting lists for My Name is Rachel Corrie -- in case you read this in
time, go to
or toddle on over to the Havana to see if any left (performances at
7pm and 9:30pm; intimate space for only about 60).
=== CALENDAR to Feb 22nd
=== [M Hall unless otherwise noted; confi=
b/c sometimes changes]
~ Spirit Week
February 9th - 16th ~
Each year, Feb 9th to 16th is Spirit of
BC Week. This is a week to highlight the North Shore with cultural
events and activities that will last much past the year 2010. For WV's
exciting events; visit www.northshorespiritofbc.ca for more info.
== Tues 12th
~ 4pm ~
Fire & Rescue Services Review WG (in Fire Hall #1 - Training
6:30pm ~ Museum Advisory Cmte (at Museum)
== Wed 13th
~ 8am ~
Cmnty Engagement Cmte [VERIFY TIME CHANGE]
~ 7pm ~
Cmnty Sport WG
== Thurs 14th FREE PUBLIC
LECTURE ~ 7pm at SFU Harbour Ctr
Cultural Trends Affecting
Cultural and Heritage Tourism
Speaker: Berkeley Young, President,
Young Strategies Inc.
Admission is free, reservations
required. Email cstudies@sfu.ca or call 778 782
{but you might want to do something else for Valentine's.....
== Sat 16th
~ 1:30 - 3pm at Museum pre Heritage Week talk
Donald Grant, archivist historian for the
Hollyburn Heritage Society and the Hollyburn Ridge Association, will
review the history of cabin-building on the North Shore mountains and
discuss current issues related to owning and maintaining cabins on
Hollyburn at the West Vancouver Museum (Gertrude Lawson House across
from M Hall). Admission is by donation.
~~~ HERITAGE WEEK Feb 18 - 24:
Taking Care of Business: the Heritage of Trade and
Awards and Reception Feb 18; displays at various locations and
all week Park Royal North; special menus at 'heritage' restaurants;
free snowshoe and barbecue up Cypress; Heritage Fayre Sunday 24th from
2 to 4:30pm.
== Tues 19th
~ 6:30pm ~ Cmnty Dialogue WG at Srs' Ctr [NB: new name for
Nbrhd Character/Housing]
~ 7pm ~ Cmnty Grants/Social Services Review WG [at least on Cmnty
Calendar, the one on 7th wasn't]
== Wed 20th
~ 4pm ~
Fire/Rescue Services Review WG at Fire Hall #1 - Training Room
6:30pm ~ Child Care WG
~ 7pm ~
Library Board at the Library
== Thurs 21st
~ 6pm ~
NSh Family Court/Youth Justice Cmte at DNV M Hall Cmte Rm
~ 7pm
ADRA AGM at St Stephen's (on 22nd)
== Fri 22nd
~ 7:30am ~ Ch of Commerce breakfast with MLA Joan McIntyre re
provincial budget [details next issue]
*** COMMUNALITY: Mixed Media by Gary Morin --
Spirit of BC Week Exhibition, Feb 8 - Mar 2
+++ see
Talk re Hollyburn Heritage Society and Hollyburn Ridge Assn above
(Feb 16th); call 925 7295
+++ see www.westvanlib.org
~ Friday 15 -- Barber of Barkerville -
Vancouver Opera in Schools Ensemble
A Free Friday Night Concert for all ages.
Seating is limited so come early. Doors open at 7 pm; concert starts
at 7:30pm.
~ Tuesday 19 -- The Irish Theatre: S. M.
Synge -- 10:30am - 12:30pm
Discussion series is open to all.. For
further info call the Reference Dept at 925 7405.
~ Friday 22 -- Philosopher's Cafe --
10:30am - 12:30pm
Identity -- what are the top five words you
would use to describe yourself to others? $5.00 admission,
everyone welcome.
+++ WinterSong Festival
+++ www.wintersong.ca -- Feb 8th to 17th
West Vancouver's
Third Annual WinterSong Festival. Visit the website for details on all
the Festival's concerts and activities, call 913 3634 for
tix. The WinterSong Festival is a ten-day
festival held every February. Its purpose is to celebrate the
joy of song and the human voice with a broad range of exciting and
dynamic performances in venues around West Vancouver, showcasing
professional and aspiring talent as well as providing singing
opportunities for all abilities and ages, and highlighting songs from
a broad range of musical styles.
WinterSong is
thrilled to partner with the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad to
present the Cypress Mountain Concert Series presented by Bell and
following the Freestyle Ski World Cup competition on February 9 and
+++ Don't forget to check out www.silkpurse.ca
and www.kaymeekcentre.com for their events
4th === Cclr Clark absent
2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: January 14, 2008 Special Council
Meeting and January 21, 2008 Regular Council Meeting be
adopted; and the minutes of the January 14, 2008 Council
Workshop be received.
3. Kay Meek
Centre Update: presentation from P. Gravett, Executive Director of
the Kay Meek Centre regarding Kay Meek Centre Update be received for
information. [PowerPoint presentation]
PG: ~16K attended last fall; over $100K to us, more to the
arts org/groups
WinterSong starts this Friday
Fundraising; 48% increase in contributions/donors -- 2006, 116
donors; this fall, 172; theatre rent greatest source of revenue;
rental increased by 83% Sept 2007 over same period in 2006; list of
Cultural Fitness: Access
Spreading the Word; new style of newsletter email including
videos and comment page
January 2008 started printed newsletter, qtrly
Ppl using website a lot; next month internet ticket sales
connecting with biz cmnty; 40 biz have signed on, advertising or
cash donations [list of sponsors; list of donors]
Spring Break Theatre Festival -- chn ages five and up, Mar 17 -
Residencies; Coming {I refuse to write Upcoming since
Breaking news: joint fundraising event to benefit the North Shore
Hospice Society; Apr 11, Jann Arden coming!
Liz Byrd: chair of the board -- all that work done by three staff
mbrs [then named them, and the board mbrs]
I'm here to talk about something else tonight -- Kay Meek; Kay
gave more to WV than anyone has ever given before
$8M from Kay Meek, essential an endowment
urge Ccl to include us in the Cmnty Benefit
includes Millennium; [$500K of the $2.5M] they've expressed
interest to support us
Sop: might cite the gentleman presenting as a guiding light in
this; always felt needed someone like you; certainly appreciate the
efforts you're [making]; looking at it with different eyes
MS: I too congratulate on increase in attendance, coming
question for staff, where does this sit?
Ms Byrd is correct, going to need an endowment to keep it rolling
heard that some of this Millennium money is to go to the KMC
-- has it been looked at? give answer?
Mayor: the $2.5M cmnty benefit from Ev Dr -- been spoken for
100 ways, have put some into the entrance to Ambleside
{hm...interesting...wasn't there supposed to be a full
public consultation wrt how to spend that money, one of the Cmnty
Benefits. Did you see a list of suggestions for the $2.5M? Can
you point to the ccl mtg in wch there was public input and Ccl decided
to put the money to the Ambleside gateway/entrance????}
money will begin to flow, that will be a public decision
SJN: that's about what I wd have said
VV: I remember
proposed through the Mallett family
rolled into the larger amt; had hoped earmark $500K; disincentive
if not sure will go to event or location; what obviously was the
Mallett family's wish; to send it in another direction is a
disincentive, offering for other purposes; so hope with first infusion
of funds
{not quite sure what is meant here.
the $2.5M is what staff put together as part of the package
for the upzoning.
Don't quite follow saying it wd be a disincentive since it
was required, not really offered. OTOH, letting a devpr dictate
where the cash part of the CB is to be spent on then removes Ccl's
choice after hearing from the public as to what to do with cash as
part of the Cmnty Benefit. Dangerous precedent.
If an out and out offer, or an ear-marked grant to the WV
Foundation however, it wd be important to carry out a DONOR's
The CBs from the 'gift' of increased value granted by the
residents through Ccl surely shd be chosen after public consultation,
ie the Community Benefits shd be decided by the
SJN: we'll be bringing back a number of projects wch wd
qualify; exceed
wdn't describe as a philanthropic, but a cmnty
did say they wd be consulted, not have
Mayor: there are other amenities; this is a cmnty
thank you very much
JF: I too wd like to thank Mr Gravett and Ms Byrd; delight to see
KMC thrive
anytime I go there, run into someone in lobby exclaiming great to
have there and enjoy attending
pleased two other cclrs have positive about KMC
Sch Dist and Ccl have a lot at stake with the KMC
4. Government
Finance Officers Association - Canadian Award for Financial
Reporting Achievement -- received for information.
Mayor: defer; can advise we've one but haven't it yet
[VV read motion anyway]
SSch: defer until award arrives
VV: so defer
SSch: Mr Laing aware when award will arrive?
RL: similar to last year; get advised and then later it shows
SSch, MClk: we'll bring it forward to agenda
5. Development
Variance Permit Application 07-048 (5340 Seaside Place)
At the January 21, 2008 meeting, Council received the report dated
January 11, 2008 from the Community Planner..
RD moved: THAT all written and verbal submissions ... be
RD: THAT the DVP which would provide for a pool mechanical room
with a variance to siting, be approved.
Sop: this house was before us some time ago; wch is the
SJN: this is one of those Ccl sometimes wonder why before
adjacent to house, underground, under terrace so not visible to
anyone and does not require any rockbreaking
Sop: again I'll ask where?
SJN: abutting
Sop: wch page?
[much flipping of pages by several]
SJN: on first sheet, shaded area, small not large wch is pool, on
lefthand side of drawing
Mayor: easier on p 26
[SJN gets up to show them]
SJN: underneath the patio
Sop: that's a different drawing
SJN: on waterfront side
6. North Shore
Advisory Committee on Disability Issues Review of 2007 Committee Work
and 2008 Workplan and Budget
1. The North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability
Issues 2008 Workplan be approved; and
2. The budget request for a one third share
($3267) of the total budget ($9800) be referred to the 2008 budget
{just fyi: don't know our proportion of ppl with disabilities
but the popn of WV is barely one quarter of the North Shore since
roughly CNV about same as DWV, and DNV twice.}
Mayor: your cmte
JF: some minor, spelling punctuation
they advise the three Ccls on the NShore on items of interest,
bus schedules, etc, so we can assure our cmnty accessible to everyone;
v hardworking group, visit sites all over NSh; meet monthly to discuss
and provide advice; a pleasure to work with these ppl
self-explanatory; you've received printed guidelines; practical
advice, re hearing/visual-impaired; $3267 is no increase
Mayor: pleased to see you're working on the measuring up prog;
assume forwarded to Anne Mooi
7. [Five-Year] Operating
and Capital Budget for 2008-2012: Information to be
RL: in the final stages of preparing for final mtg Feb 11
on Jan 14 we tabled the 2008 Budget Book; provided details re our
3% base budget
This week residents will receive a newsletter, the
revenue sources, level of support for rec subsidies, allows most
to comment at the mtg Feb 11
this is the final piece we're putting into the -- it's a draft
plan, being put out for the information of residents, urge comment as
the report includes a fair amt of detail, summary re funds,
water/sewer utilities, cemetery golf funds
WSCG funds, even more detail, funding sources
the major projects -- refinement to the budget book, final
proposed plan in this
narrative project description
certain reserve fund balances: Endowment, Capital Facility
Sewer and water user rates approved
will be concentrating on general fund details .....
dominated over the past few years, the RFMP, ambitious, major,
pay-as-you-go; last year
District's signif funds earmarked for that plan so we cd
implement on pay-as-you-go
only restriction re Endowment Fund ... when rec ctr completed
will be a fund balance in excess of $20M
over the last several years, scope for other projects necessarily
we talk about operating budgets and capital plans; they are
thought I'd talk a bit about this
first of all, one of the major items ongoing: infrastructure
progs, annual escalating envelopes to maintain six categories of
existing infrastructure established in early 2000s
prior to that capital large maintenance projects escalated wildly
from year to year, not much discipline or definition of what was meant
to maintain existing infrastructure ongoing, nothing about what it
meant to maintain so started that about 2000, 2001 with an initial
envelope $6M, a charge to operating funds, came out of taxation budget
and was earmarked for ongoing maintenance of existing infrastructure;
escalated thereafter, tried to keep pace with inflation and tried to
provide for other things, bridges, piers, not included in past
been pointed out several times, this is more in the nature of
maintenance, not new capital but have chosen to fund/manage through
capital program, trying not to make it av to cuts to balance budgets;
continue throughout the five years
{wise move}
Secondly, the RFMP, quite intensive, involve increased operating
costs once project built, GCC, Aq Ctr, artif fields, they were
integrated when those opened
the new Cmnty Ctr, projection of increase in operating costs,
for 2008 has not been incorporated, is subject to Budget 2008
discussion, finalizing
long-standing practice to transfer $1.24M to cap reserves
long-term capital plans involve long-term debt and you have to
borrow and repay so far we anticipate borrowing for the third party
spaces in the new cmnty ctr, covered by long-term leases, and the
lease amts provide in full for the debt service we have to pay to the
only new debt looking at, possibly anticipated/contemplated, new
public safety bldg; far from scoped out, sketchy, know new public
safety bldg needed in five-year period; costs to be determined
long-term debt will have to come out of taxation budget
Emphasis for 2008 crunch year; trying to navigate the crunchier
of RFMP; knew all along 2008 wd be a crunch year
pay-as-you-go basis knew wd be a challenge, use up most of our
capital resources, turned out to be true
------------------{public choices/plans add'ns to increase
for 2008, prog essential and committed
- completion of new Rec Ctr, $20M to finalize;
- includes initial funds for scoping of Police bldg and renos
on existing facilities so can continue to be used for two to three
- three projects in Library ($1.7M) but two funded internally
over $1M from bequests;
- completion of Amb Gateway and anticipate $3M to go on that
in 2008;
{wonder how much this will be in total; we've already heard
that part of the Ev Dr $$$ has gone to this. Wd really like to
know b/c it irked me that when the proposals were put up for cmnty
comment in Library and other places, the costs weren't attached to the
several plans proposed. At a PRAC mtg someone asked and the
costs were from $700K to over $4M. Surely knowing the cost wd
affect the choice a taxpayer wd make. This looks like the most
expensive was chosen.}
- acquisition of final prop on Argyle on 17th, think approved a
few weeks ago and acq in progress;
- replacement of the Almondel Bridge -- deemed unsafe, demolished
in 2007, being constructed;
- Spirit Trail -- Deep Cove to HBay, $4.4M looking to spend for
WV portion, $2.4M govt by grants ($2M from prov, $400K from
- Hugo Ray Park $125K for planning and study, thereafter
subject to grant applications and fundraising, project will unfold to
possibly $6.5M of wch $5M from grants/fundraising;
- third artif turf field up on Cypress Bowl Rd, fill provided by
BPP, field by 2011;
{will have to find out if or how much of taxpayer money
required for this field since it was part of the "CB" for
upzoning for Deer Ridge West}
- on placeholder basis: Amb Park possibility, hope, in 2009 will
identify a devpr-operator for new concession bldg; devpr provide bldg,
District will provide $700K infra
- Amb Vision Plan, provision plan for ongoing devt, placeholder,
2010 at $1M a year
- rather large project $5M, Taylor Way/LG bridgehead, anticipated
shared costs with prov and TransLink; pushing v hard
- Ferry Building Expansion, looking at in 2010, addn of 5Ksf to
that v popular gallery
range of projects for discussion during 2008, then setting stage
for new vision, longterm plan
preserving Endowment threshold, minimizing debt, pursue a wide
variety of funding sources
looking toward DCCs, govt grants, partnerships, fruits of our
amenity contribution program from new devt, maximize our own
summary of the highlights of our plan, generally consistent with
previous; some a bit higher than anticipated
construction anticipated within budget, within original funding
concept wch includes -- sales of some land
borrowing I've already talked about, only for the third-party
space in the cmnty ctr
bottom line; in prior years, brought a package tidy, no loose
ends, this plan isn't quite that tidy, has a few
given our existing reserve funds, short $4.6M
part of comment we're hoping to pick up from public is how to
handle that shortfall; raise, defer, change, ideas for identifying
alternative revenue ideas
need to bring to Ccl's attention, in terms of the golf fund it
currently provides only for the construction of the Grt Hall but not
for the new golf facility b/c inadequate resources, so anticipate some
impact on the general fund when that project comes up for
Staff recommending you receive this plan
copies in hallway and will be on website in the
Mayor: opp for public: mtg here Feb 11
Feb 18, hope some way of guiding staff to bring bylaws
this is rather rough, staff have done all they can do, Ccl has to
discuss -- now Ccl's property and thank you for getting it to this
add'l mtg maybe Feb 25th and bylaws Mar 4
Cclr Smith, wd be helpful to have comments from Finance
Cmte to guide us; role, framing questions for Ccl
Sop: one of the areas we'll be facing this year is the need to
finally fund the Cmnty Ctr; large $$$
Endowment Fund and land sales
on the page that has the Reserve Fund balances, has Endowment
$32M, then has land sales $6.6M
from where?
RL: two proposed transactions: sale of the Wetmore property,
original cost came out of Endowment fund so has to be put
{Awoogah! but adv cmte mbrs and public opinion was NOT to
sell this valuable M asset.
Also, sell land to buy land, 50 years later we still have
land but nothing if you sell land to build a bldg..... The money
can be put back and the property kept...........}
second from sale of old fire hall site in HBay
Sop: $32M, threshold $22M; existing does it include land sales
from SeatoSky?
RL: does include first stage $6.9M
Sop: don't know?
SJN: can get exact
Sop: wd be $6.9M less?
now taking land and sell it
then use overage to again fund the shortfall, is that
RL: not sure what you mean by shortfall
funding always did envision land sales from a number of
anticipation that debt might be incurred upward of $10M,
determined to have land sales instead
plan unfolding with original plan
Sop: hate to disagree; want to fully understand
took $7M, to take it from $25M to $32M
then contingent?
if we don't want to sell Wetmore Motors, what's going to be
return to, why embark on major projects in next two three
years when we don't have our house in order for 2008.....
I just envision some things in 2008 absolutely nec, Almondel
Bridge already torn down
some things here
effect on operating budget and ... look at new direction as
to how financing these things
we haven't had any discussion around this table about $18M for
new police bldg
issues re Fire
$8M on Spirit Trail! when
RL: these area all decisions for Ccl to make; decision made in
past; reflected here
if Ccl refuses to, can ...
Sop: not finished
Mayor: thought you laid it out nicely
Sop: then I'll come back
VV: $9M in each of two years, $18M for police, and note land
sales and by borrowing, longterm debt
previously done pay as you go
so this wd take us in a new direction; top of slippery slope,
down into debt, a problem
read a sentence in FSTF, for ev $5M a one-time taxation a ... 1%
that wd translate into an immediate tax increase for that year of
so if we look at cost of wage settlements 3% per year, then add
another 2% in 2009, 10 ... water
don't think our public is ready for this
I don't think the public will accept what the consequences will
be to taxypayer if we do everything laid out on this page
MS: want to point out in the interest of fairplay, Mr Laing is
the messenger; just laying out what Ccl said, not Mr L's wish
for Mr Pike, the cmnty ctr represents the bulk, last report
showed it wd be completed in Apr and haven't seen any figs since Aug,
so when are we going to see next qtrly report so assured no
KP: keeping? wd be Feb 18, try to keep it
Mayor: had one in Nov
MS: in Nov was figs to Aug; ask that we pls have that report
on Feb 18th
all we have to pay out, know; obviously not going to open in
Apr so more cost of rental
KP: gave the Aug figs b/c those were the most reliable ones;
will bring most reliable on 18th too
Sop: don't know where?
I didn't write this, presented by Chief Financial Officer; his
doc and we're working through it
infrastructure prog; I was told bare bones and will increase to
$9.3M in 2012...
bare bones?
RL: don't know bare bones, but can function within
magnitude of project greatly exceeded that amt; not bare bones
but not without challenges
Sop: major bldgs, and other projects; impact on infrastructure
have to have some financial impact so you have to hold to 8.3,
if pushed aside for a while, wdn't that .....
going to have to sharpen things up
RL: as to 2009 projects scoped, costed, designed, at that time
associated costs operating can be calculated
wrt police, says we need a new bldg, this is ballpark; showing
big numbers; planning funds will firm up those numbers
don't know where, what it will look like, size,.etc; when that
done, Ccl will make a decision to proceed
Sop: we'll have.. .... $2.9M by 2012
why embark on an $18M project with no land costs
when it cd receive $250K for an upgrade; three years, let's have
a look
... looking at astronomical
we have to build up our reserve funds to meet these
we have supported purchase of Argyle down on waterfront; thought
we'd start a fund from land sales, now we find ..... out of land
how many are going to come out of land sales?
great money from govt and don't want to look at it and say not a
good thing
..... get our ducks in a row; shdn't look at any major projects
for next three years
shd start next year with a whole new plan
get Ccl together, with staff, bury our heads, and ...
RL: I agree a new plan going forward from RFMP; in the meantime I
can't ignore going forward ...
clarification on land sale wrt Police Bldg, money that site wd
bring; tied
RD: strikes me as a bit alarmist; Police told us need bldg, in
bad shape; earmarked money for rehabilitation; don't know when new,
not many sites av
Mr Laing's duty is to point this out, may have to spend chunk of
money, may not happen in next few years
shd remember we own up to two thirds of land between 13th
and....; tremendous amt of equity 60%; that land can be used
we have $20M, threshold, but we cd go below that; have money in
other funds
was originally envisioned sale of Wetmore to fund Cmnty
{NO NO NO NO NO! Then Mayor Wood said there wd be
FULL public consultation on what to do with this property. Yes
it was an investment -- cost about $6M and may now be worth $20M or
more depending on whatever zoning Ccl decides to put there. At
the time I recommended that the bottom floors be used for an art
gallery, theatre, something for public and then the upper floors can
be rental accommodation for seniors, something v much needed in our
cmnty. That's a combination that keeps it in DWV ownership, has
cmnty benefit from the point of amenities and needed housing
It is the case that DWV owns a lot of the 1300block of
Marine Drive and that wd bring in even more, yet no mention had been
made of that area.}
we have resources; have possibilities
obligated to present them to public and debate; not that we're
devoid of resources
we'll make sure whatever we spend we can afford
JF: thank Mr Laing for his presentation; don't think any huge
surprises beyond Almondel Bridge
most quite predictable
cmnty ctr, land sales and borrowing
known remaining lots bought; arts and culture strategy bit
segment of public wd like to see on waterfront
traffic concern for cmnty
not major surprises; listen to public and solicit advice from
Finance Cmte (going to look) -- see if they can give us some
pros and cons of borrowing, land sales; know we have to do some
or all of these; benefit of the advice of this group of citizens and
our staff wd be a bit more easy for us and mbrs of public to
RL: once we do adopt a five-year plan, it's only for spending in
2008; 2009 to 12 gets revised
provides for spending only for one year
VV: much as I don't want to disagree with Cclr Day
postpone it, last a few more years, my info is a lot have to be
spent for seismic area
basement area, horrible, ceilings too low, don't understand wrt
doors why Fire Dept allow
to me, overdue wrt Police Bldg; we don't have v long to deal with
that issue
RD: I said the bldg was in bad shape; we don't have a site, we've
been looking for years
can't build until we find a site
that's a real dilemma; going to have a hard time finding a
probably need a new Police Bldg in next five years
planning a good thing but you don't know what's going to
the point I was going to make is that we own all that land
60%, it's v v valuable; we're sitting on land extremely
Mayor: the important is to get it out there
hope approve $250K for feasibility, cd be on the ballot
cd be leasing land we own; cd mean going below threshold; all for
public to discuss
need new Police Bldg ....
v timely RFMP, this Ccl has talked a lot about ...
selling land on Argyle... making it work harder for us;
15th 16th Fulton ...
been kicked around for years
wd like to correct ... from $2M, $400K re Spirit
Trail; hoped from DCC and believe cd be used as park, reserved for
parks and this cd be a linear park
doesn't identify
HRay $4M has to come from private sources and prov; and if it
doesn't still have to address traffic up there
looking to attract funding
wrt Cmnty Ctr, we're well into the contingency; challenge to come
in ...; pushed out b/c of rain and snow, b/c of glue; fiscally prudent
to push it out than meet arbitrary deadline; so think on path
having this out now; most of these things reflect Ccl direction
though maybe not Ccl spending
Sop: we have Police Bldg, this bldg, Museum, Fire Hall, two
houses on 15th, Fulton; quadrant where childcare, purchased Wetmore
and two lots in behind
I've never seen a factual outline that describes our future
needs, looking at all those land holdings and choosing what best biz
case for next 50 years, never seen in 12 years on Ccl; not saying we
haven't talked about it...
not seen longterm vision and I object to the fact we need $18M
for a Police Bldg in three to five years; object to it, we do not need
this bldg in this point in time; that's my opinion
and we've got to put matching funds re Spirit Trail
Mayor: those are the DCCs
Sop: and DCCs shd cover all the Planning Dept in their future
needs and costs for next 15 years
Mayor: that wd be ideal
Sop: shd cover them! we're so helter skelter here
I know Mr Laing has a job to do to bring it in and let public
know; got a lot more questions on this one
************** the "RECEIVED"
controversy -- it means? *************
Mayor: good; keeps us on our toes; may I call the question on the
information provided?
Sop: this is receiving for information?
Mayor: now putting this in public domain
MS: move draft 2008-12 as attached be received and made av for
resident comment
Sop: does 'received' mean approval?
Mayor: no
Sop: what does it mean then?
Mayor: being made av for resident comment
Sop: why not just say being made available, don't have to receive
it? or receive it for information
Mayor: be made available for public comment
Sop: Madam Clerk told me earlier that we wd receive material for
either information or consideration or for--
Mayor: to approve this, as you know, wd require a
so we are accepting this and wishing to put it out in the public
Sop: well, that's what it shd say
Mayor: unless you don't want to put it out in the public
Sop: I do. I'm asking what 'received' means
MS: cd point out Cclr Sop has the document in his hands so he's
obviously received it
Mayor: Ms Scholes, do you have suggested wording?
SSch: certainly the words 'be received' cd be removed from the
motion; in this case it is brought forward for the record that it was
actually received as part of the ccl mtg
{still confusing}
RD: Ms, ccls, provs, states, and govts say receive; it is just
customary, part of our Robert's Rules of Order
{whoops -- nope; DWV doesn't use RRO and I've been told
that RRO discourages motions to receive -- I know Cclr V has done
interesting research on this (see below); it's still
this is nitpicking in the extreme; it's a waste of time
Sop agitated: no, it is not nitpicking
I asked for this about three months ago what received meant, it
is not nitpicking b/c a staff report can come back to us from five
months ago and it says we started in a new direction. How did
that get there? said b/c we received it and I object to the fact that
we don't at least allow ourselves to go ahead and give a little bit of
flexibility in trying to understand things after 12 years of the way
that we're doing things
to receive something in my books means to receive it, and I'm not
prepared to receive this or approve it in any way except to ship it
off to the public
that's all I'm asking; it's not nitpicking
RD: Ms Scholes, wd you give Cclr Soprovich a copy of Robert's
Rules of Order
Sop: I've read RRO and we do not follow RRO
{that's actually true, though few know it}
Mayor, taking control: both Cclr RD and Sop can ask me to
establish a speaking order
what I think we're going to do is say: thank you, Mr Laing,
for your report on the Five-Year Capital Plan and Ccl wishes to
forward this to the public for comment
is that all right with you?
Sop: fine.
{great resolution, Madam Mayor, but not end of
Mayor: thank you
MS: I thought I had a motion
Mayor: discussion
MS: well, Madam Mayor--
VV: just want to comment b/c I am curious about this
I did read my old copy of RRO and it basically said there was no
point in motions to receive documents we already have or that are
already listed
the only purpose in saying shall we receive something is if
perhaps someone from the public wishes to present something and we're
going to choose whether we will or will not receive it, so that that
expression used the way we use it is in that version of Robert's Rules
not useful.
We shd either adopt something or not, but what we, in the
convention that I've sensed in this Ccl is that we use the term
receive, meaning that we authorize our staff to expend resources to
further the content of whatever that document was. If somebody's
recently on Ccl that's not always obvious.
we tend to say we receive it meaning we've accepted delivery of
it, not meaning we authorize staff to expend resources to begin
implementing what's in it, and that's why I appreciate Cclr Sop is
trying to bring this to a head b/c we carry on with that vocabulary
and it doesn't really say what it sounds to the public as though it
says, so I think we shd perhaps get this sorted out.
{Helpful. You really have to know what they're
referring to to fully understand why this debate. Last fall, it
turned out a group sent in a fund application to the province stating
what was being done in a park and what they wd do. The nub of
contention was that that report of plans for the park were in a staff
report that was received and the group portrayed it as a firm
When that debate came up, I referred to "received for
information" as the Queen chess piece b/c both staff and Ccl can
say it was accepted (or adopted) b/c received and as the Mayor said
during one discussion, if you didn't agree you shd hv spoken up or not
accepted/received, or staff and Ccl can say it was not adopted, it was
only for information.
Beautiful, eh!}
Mayor: first of all, the wording doesn't have the word
'received' in it anymore; so I'd like to call the question on
MS, indignant: that's not my motion.
Mayor: well, your, it had 'receive' in it--
Mental stamping of feet, MS: I know; no, I'm not
withdrawing it; I want a vote on my motion
Mayor: --secondly, RRO is not what we're governed by, we have
our own procedure bylaw; and thirdly, I know this bothers you
after years on Ccl -- all of a sudden -- but we have to be in
agreement on the terms that we use.
For the purposes of the motion on the floor, I'd like to call the
question. Ms Scholes, cd you read Cclr Smith's motion
SSch: if I understand correctly, be received and made av for
resident comment
Mayor: seconded by Cclr F
Sop: can it be split one received and one for public?
JF: call the question
Mayor: when any mbr of ccl asks a motion be split, you have to do
that but I don't know if this is a splittable motion
MClk: it can be, Madam Mayor
Mayor: then we have to do that; so wd you read the first
SSch: ...draft... be received
Mayor: in favour? opposed? Motion carries; I don't know if that
means it doesn't exist for two mbrs of Ccl. The second
SSch, MClk: so av for public comment
8. Traffic and
Parking Bylaw No. 4370, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4535, 2008
RECOMMENDED: introduced and read a first, second and third
RB: will greatly assist the Police Dept re ticketing etc
JF: questions about large trucks
Brent Dozzi: re furniture; boats and trailers, sep section for
those types of vehicles
resident allowed to park on their prop, and can apply for permit
in blvd, particularly if driveway overly steep
this is directed at larger vehicles
JF: bylaw officer provide a warning; permit on site
some may not be aware need a permit to park there for two or
three days
BD: believe not practice to search out, usually come to our
attention by call from a nbr
will contact owner of vehicle and sort out
{permit for blvd who gives? nbrs notified?
9. Bylaw
Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4368, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4536,
RECOMMENDED: introduced and read a first, second and third
Establishment of Finance Committee and Audit
1. Council approve the terms of reference, as attached
to the report from the Director of Finance dated January 28, 2008, for
a reconstituted "Finance Committee", and for the segregated
"Audit Committee".
2. Council consider the appointment of five members of
the community, and a Council liaison member, to the Finance
Michael Lewis (was mbr of last year's F&A Cmte): wish to
speak to TofRef of Finance Cmte
suggestions: under duties: may comment on annual and longterm
budget; useful to articulate operating and capital budget; qtrly
financial reports
add also: opportunities for operational efficiencies
under mbrship, under Ccl Liaison, be two cclr liaison mbrs, found
it useful to have two, having both Cclr Clark and Cclr Smith
under mtg schedule under section five-- instead of quarterly, say
monthly perhaps at least ten times (not much happens in July and
glad closer to recommendations of FSTF, and the direction from
Ccl to staff at Jan 21st mtg been incorporated
encourage apptmt as quickly as possible so can commence for
Mayor: thank you for your service last year
David Marley: wd like to reiterate what Mike Lewis said
here speaking on behalf of ITAC, we have six ppl out; can't rival
Ms Black and the Dog bylaw ppl
I too, wrt Tof Ref the Finance Cmte shd be tasked with
identifying and recommending implementation of efficiencies within the
District's operating budget
support Mr Lewis re mtgs and shd be at the call of the chair
upon reasonable notice
wrt apptmts; be done at earliest opp so cmte can spend time
reviewing budget for this year
ITAC is recommending three: Michael Lewis who served on the cmte
from June last year; Scott Hean who resides HBay and is a former
executive with the Bank of Mtl and currently a CFO; and lastly Mr
Gareth Pullman who is a former exec with JP Morgan Chase and is a sr
official with the Fed Treasury Bd. The details of their resumes
will be forwarded to you. Suggest these wd be three excellent
cmnt reps to appoint forthwith
Scott Hean: last time I presented before I gave a little
rendition of who I am so won't repeat, with exception I am CFO of a
number of public companies, all on the TSX, one about to go on AMEX;
certified corporate director in Canada; hv bn chair of an audit cmte
of a mining company and currently on two others
last year it was called the Finance and Audit Cmte and noticed
Audit has been taken off
I'd like to suggest Ccl consider audit be included or separate
that corporate shareholders demand and expect from their
audit cmtes have become increasingly important since names like
WorldCom, Enron, ...
role of Audit cmtes much more pressured; more light put on
typically independent, nothing to do with staff or bd of
the auditors report to the audit cmte, not to Ccl or staff
audit cmte to sit down qtrly, actual to budget; meet at least
annually with the outside auditor
talk as to finding of outside results; then in camera mtg with no
staff present
then outside auditor able to talk about how they see staff and
the competency thereof
wd like Ccl to consider, audit incorporated or sep audit cmte
struck, comprised of independent mbrs of this cmnty in a regulatory
sense financially literate
failing 100% independent, then majority; therefore a cclr cd be
on cmte, only one involved; meet at least qtrly with staff, annually
with auditor
qtrly mtgs review results, with budgeted results
if corrections to be made; say to Ccl we're going offside in
certain ways
incorporate an in camera concept with audit and auditors
meet qtrly at least; at call of chair
have read in a couple of emails composition of Fin Cmte/Aud
cmte is somehow linked to Cmnty Charter prov govt, and if that is true
then recommend to Ccl we as a District significantly and strenuously
petition the prov govt for a change to the Cmnty Charter, b/c I do not
believe an Audit function can be performed if only ccl mbrs and
{ACHTUNG! If you actually read the Cmnty Charter,
it says: (section 170) "... a council may only delegate its powers, duties and
functions ... [to an Audit] committee comprised of council
NB: When asking
Council to do something, it helps to check first if what you are
asking is legal.}
MS: just heard some interesting feedback from public wch is
comments before introducing the draft
don't want to get trapped in a war of verbiage here, Shakespeare
said it best, a rose by any other name wd smell as sweet
obviously cmte will look at operating efficiencies, goes without
mtg, change to say meet at least quarterly, with appropriate
notice given to cmte and general public
twice a month or once a week during budget time
wrt Audit cmte, a lot of diff opinions
put Mr Hean's mind at ease and say I own and operate a biz that
puts through as many dollars as this M
I think I'm qualified, so not absolutely essential mbr from
general finance officers
Mr Laing brought forth sep Audit cmte shd be comprised of mbrs of
two schools of thought and happy in either; if strictly mbrs of
Ccl I'm okay with that.
wd move Ccl approve report dated Jan, er, there's really no date
on it; oh well give as dated today
and at least one ccl liaison
and wd hope first mtg, appmts right away and hope to meet no
later than Feb 12 after budget mtg Feb 11 and swing into action and
deal with suggestions that out of that mtg
JF: question, with the amendment you made to no 5?
MS: unless Mr L has any violent objection to my amendment; meet
at call of chair with adequate notice?
Sop: Mr Beauchamp, is it under the Cmnty Charter proper to
have a Mayor and Ccl and staff do the audit of their own M
RB: as far as apptmt of audit or finance cmtes, the restriction
is not under Cmnty Charter
{BZZZT! er, um, what about Section 170 cited in my
inserted commentary above?}
so that can be done; wrt T of reference before you, wd defer to
Mr Laing
RL: the Audit Cmte does not perform an audit, we have external
auditors for that
we have also an internal audit function wch for the moment is
performed on a contract basis and hope to have that as a full-time
function in 2008
in terms of what Audit Cmte does, issues to do with
accountability and control, and financial reporting and what those
standards are; that can take many forms and if Ccl wants a report from
me on what our system of accountability and control is I can provide
that to Ccl, how far it goes
what has been suggested this evening is a different model
control; can do, if Ccl's desire; takes resources beyond this M right
now but can be explored
Sop: if we reviewed docs, can they be turned over to the Finance
RL either to external auditors or Police, depending on nature of
Sop: tracking; Ccl/Mayor wd sit with staff; look at docs been
audited, say things in order
what if we have some evaluation questions; pretty limited
RL: wd not agree limited in scope
as it has been operating, has received reports from staff;
receives from external auditors and does meet with auditor with no
staff present
Sop: if looked at and we want more information, cd we turn it
over to the Finance Cmte?
RL: Ccl's purview to turn over to anybody; staff can't do work
but can provide advice
Sop: see great value, finance cmte of citizens with diff
perspective from Ccl; valuable system
think the Audit Cmte been brought in b/c of in camera focus
RL: sorry I don't understand the question
Sop: privy only to elected officials, we brought to Audit Cmte
b/c before with Finance
assume of Charter, is it only cclrs can see; that's why Audit
Cmte only Mayor and Ccl
RL: to our embarrassment, our combined Finance and Audit Cmte
was contrary to the Cmnty Charter
Mayor: effort to be transparent
Sop: if we have docs to sift through, turn over request to cmte,
aren't those documents considered in camera?
not trying to split hairs, want to know what the reporting system
wd be, why not allow public on cmte, can't give report, but turn
around and give it to cmte anyway
MS: Mr Laing is quite right; the Audit cmte meets with our
external auditors in private without staff
if any issues, questions brought up that our auditors have any
concern with or can't answer then the matter wd go on and be dealt
with in a further way
wrt Cclr Sop's specific question, the duties say mbrs of cmte
will work on priority areas determined by Ccl and staff
if issue brought up by Auditor, make work in a more efficacious
way, refer to Finance Cmte
think it wd work out v well the way laid out, and I can allay
Cclr Sop's fears, if anything comes up; they will be dealt with by Ccl
themselves or by referral to Finance Cmte
Mayor: we will work quickly to appoint cmte, ppl who have
applied, if mtg Feb 12, ppl interested/appointed invited to
11. Appointments to the Design Review Committee for 2008: Info
to be provided
MS: new Eric Lees; reappointment: Jennifer Marshall, Veronica
Gillies, P J Mallon, Cam Anderson, and Karl Ray
12. Consent Agenda Items -
Reports and Correspondence
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered
separately or in one recommendation.
Development Applications Status List -- received for
14. Greater
Vancouver Water District (GVWD) 2007 Grant in Lieu of Taxes: from
the Greater Vancouver Water District in the amount of $47,670 for
15. Terms of
Reference for Proposed Working Groups: Arts & Cultural
Facilities; and Festivals & Events
RECOMMENDED: received for information as
recommended by the Community Engagement Committee.
AGENDA [appeared in last WVM]
Correspondence List -- be received.
MS: attended my first mtg last Thursday of the Srs' Ctr Advisory
Srs moving ahead with plan; transportation out to Gleneagles for
purpose of pottery classes out there
did have some serious concerns about, hope Mr Pike will bring
forward on 18th, still concerns about parking; Srs point out
attendance down and attribute that to parking, hope Mr Pike will bring
forth recommendations wrt parking on 18th
KP: yes, we will be speaking to that on 18th; but current parking
will not last beyond opening of facility
once access open, connection with interior; will no longer
Mayor: thank you for taking that on, app your attendance;
appreciate putting cclr on bd, long overdue
RD: attended Housing Panel with you and others as well;
about 150 there, excellent presentations
popn growth and lack of space here in general; housing needs
while retaining nbrhd character
our WGs are doing extremely well, thinking carefully about
challenges dealing with
open houses v well organized; dealing with so my problems; this
working group doing a v good job
housing needs, need to get on with, good residents getting
Mayor; Cclr JF, and VV there
RD: sorry for not mentioning; big crowd, terrible weather
George Pajari: thank you very much, Mayor and Ccl
I wish to speak to the matter of Council correspondence['s]
disappearing from the January 21st agenda.
While the correspondence has reappeared on the agenda, I feel
there is still a very important issue of process that needs to be
I have carefully reviewed the Council Procedure Bylaw (both as
amended, and prior to the recent amendments) as well as the District's
Correspondence Policy as approved by Council, the current version as
well as previous versions, and it appears that the procedure and
policy approved by Council, and in effect in January, was that
correspondence was to appear on the Council Agenda.
Given that research, I have several questions:
1. Is my analysis correct, that the procedure bylaws and/or
District's Correspondence Policy in effect when the January 21st
agenda was prepared mandated that correspondence appear in the
2. Who decided to remove correspondence from the January 21st
agenda and on what authority was that decision based?
Thank you.
RB: wrt the temporary trial period through budget discussions
that Ccl had asked staff to consider in the Correspondence, that was
placed on the 24th agenda,
my eyebrows shot up hearing this. I'd been told Ccl
wd no longer be having mtgs on weekday mornings wch some of us contend
is illegal and ought to be open and notification given; otherwise they
are virtually closed in camera mtgs without qualifying to be
Ccl was meeting regularly at 9am on Wednesday mornings (but
the 24th was a Thursday, however there's been a mtg on a Friday
morning too); I'd been told they wd no longer do that and here we are
And clearly decisions are being made.
One told me they might discuss things but no decisions, and
here's proof decisions.
Frankly a quibble and casuistry to say no decisions b/c no
votes -- and then later say there was consensus so such-and-such was
done/implemented. Risible were it not so perverted as to 'open
In any case, the word is it's illegal to discuss ccl
business items in a closed format.
So much for commitment to openness, hm?
If Mayor doesn't carry out her pledge of transparency, will
any cclrs stand up, speak out, insist on notification for mtgs (even
if called a workshop or a "Manager's Meeting"), and inform
residents they will be open?
You are aware, of course that Ccl meets for an hour at
least before the ccl mtg starts, don't you...........}
and at that time there were discussions by Ccl, and as you noted
tonight, staff had reverted back to the previous method of having
items listed on the agenda; so that has been taken care of
GP: I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow; at wch meeting was the Ccl
policy amended?
Mayor: prior to that
RB: prior to that through budget discussions, when Ccl was
discussing budget items for consideration. One of the other
items is having laptop provisions within the ccl chamber
GP: was this public mtg?
Mayor: I'm not following what Mr B is saying, wd like to ask Ms
Scholes about the Correspondence, the change to our Procedure Bylaw
affecting Correspondence b/c we've been around and around and around
this; and there was that one ccl mtg agenda wch you're referring to
wch didn't have Correspondence, wch is what caused me to say, I'm not
sure that that's exactly what Ccl envisioned. We revisited it,
we've gone back to the status quo
so that one mtg was the v truncated trial period
perhaps we can ask, did that correspondence that wd hv bn on
that public agenda, was that ever made public?
SSch: no, it was circulated to Ccl
{OOOOOOO! Well, let's hope in the interests of
completeness, it will be added to the next Ccl agenda!
Keep in mind, folks, that when Correspondence disappeared
Nov 2006, after efforts by many it was restored early 2007 -- that's
why the shock of its sudden suppression again this year. Didn't
they learn the first time that it was not the public's or some cclrs'
wish? Stubborn determination to try it on yet
and as you see, without due process quite apart from public
consultation -- but maybe none b/c they knew what the public
or is it a case of bureaucrats leading Ccl by the nose
Do know some did not know of the change Nov 2006, the first
time, but looks like 'discussion' this time but that doesn't cut it
when it comes to abiding by DWV bylaws and policies....}
GP: but my concern, Madam Mayor, is [holding it up] this is
the Ccl Procedure Bylaw that you passed, this [holding it up] is the
Administrative Policy that Ccl passed. Neither [has] been
amended since they were passed and they specifically mandate that this
Correspondence appear.
So while I think it's fine that Ccl might discuss or staff
might suggest efficiencies, I'm v concerned that a specific mandate
passed in open Ccl by resolution was overridden without public
{Oops: G misspoke: while the Procedure Bylaw has not
been amended since passed, the policy was amended in January of 2007,
a year ago}
Mayor: All right. May we pls follow up with that?
GP: Thank you. I look forward to your response.
Dave Roach: did mention a couple of mtgs ago still don't have
VCHA lease and impact on budget
my understanding is that there's a negative cash flow for the
first 15 years of the lease and recovery in the second 15
did ask for that information and asked for that info to be
brought to Ccl
we've got a week now before Feb 11
KP: Mr L and I have been discussing this matter; given all the
other budget issues, we haven't had the time
been approved in camera, Mr R is correct, has not been
Mayor: you're meeting with Mr Laing tomorrow afternoon
DR: but we had not identified that item; was to deal with
question I had
but the point still remains, whatever he and I discuss, they
won't be made public
Mayor: but wd be a good basis for responding to your
DR: still trying to get some idea when info Mr Pike has in his
possession vis a vis VCHA lease will be in public domain; whether
projection, how much shortfall servicing the debt central cmnty
for VCHA
do understand a net present value that the Finance dept has
but there is a cashflow shortfall for that debt; apparently we
recover that in second 15 years, but shortfall in first 15 years; has
a budget impact -- funding add'l firefighters, add'l studies
KP: Ccl does need to release this info
Mayor: will come back to Ccl and will release
DR: listening to Mr Pike and Cclr Smith talk about the
construction project at 21st and Fulton
struck by two things, the length of time since the last report,
approximately six months
Mayor: was in Nov but did have info to Aug
KP: report qtrly and will continue to, in Nov most up-to-date
figs were Aug
DR: so figs not current
Mayor: enabled us to address parking
DR: next report will be prepared and presented here
KP: Feb 18th
DR: since budget discussion with public on 11th of Feb, does
seem to be an opp here for new info to come out
so info week after, public not really current to make informed
decision wrt budget
wd it not be useful to have Mr Pike accelerate the release of
that report so timely; so enough time?
public have info at hand and address any issues and capital
plan; useful thing to have before that Feb 11th mtg
Mayor: issues wrt budget, and also issues about parking
Feb 18th is not too late for further public input
ppl can comment ... bylaw Mar 4th
our debate first couple of weeks of March, so there is
DR: for those of us who attend weekly, but for those who only
come when crucial
you want feedback on the finances on the 11th, wd seem approp
as much info as possible put into public domain prior, so informed and
current, both sides up to date
Mayor: report itself needs to be on the ccl agenda
DR: since going to be a mtg on the 11th
Mayor: no, it's a budget workshop
DR: so it's procedure
RL: we are committed to get as much info as possible prior to
Feb 11th
tonight's was the final for that
cd be that there are add'l pieces such as the VCHA lease;
possible may be add'l info that comes out that we feel needs to have
comment on, and we're committed to making sure there's a time period
for that to happen
not a question of managing what's released before the 11th and
after the 11th so that it doesn't catch public comment; I think we're
committed to getting public comment on all the material, and if
dealing with another piece and a significant piece and there are
misunderstandings out in the cmnty about what that agreement is about;
when that report comes out we need to provide for a proper period for
resident comment on that so ppl understand them.
{Glad to hear that, RL!}
Mayor: thank you
RL: we're committed to that.
Mayor: thank you.
=== hm; can't see VCHA lease!
(1) District of West Vancouver 2008 Proposed Budget -
Towards a Sustainable Future
(2) Draft [Five-Year] Capital Plan,
(3) Newsletter - 2008 Budget: Issues for
===== H E R
I T A G E A L E R T !
2007 was an absolutely dreadful year for heritage in WV.
In the spring we lost the cottage in the Evelyn Drive area with
historical connections (No 5 below). Later in the year we lost
Hugo Ray's log cabin, one of the oldest structures on the North Shore
and the home of the namesake of Hugo Ray Park about where it was
located. Then there was the drama of the demolition of the
Graham Residence -- a gem by Arthur Erickson, an internationally known
and recognized home on an 'unbuildable' lot. Unique West Coast
architecture. It gripped the stepped waterfront slope -- design
by nature, wch is now the professed mantra for WV.
to Peter Miller for this 2007 List]
have bolded WV resources and added updated information; * indicates
1. North Vancouver Schools (including 1910 Lonsdale, 1911
Ridgeway, and 1914 Queen Mary
2. Binning House, 2968 Mathers Avenue, West
The Binning House, built in 1941 by architects Ned Pratt and Bob
Berwick, was conceived by B.C. Binning, the sculptor, painter, and
founder of the school of Fine Arts at UBC. He lived and worked in this
house until his death in 1976, and his widow, Jessie, continued as the
sole occupant until her death in 2007. The house's fate is now
{At present negotiations going on with Estate and The Land
3. Lower Lonsdale
The City of North Vancouver is promoting a proposal to site a new
National Maritime Centre at the old Burrard Dry Dock industrial site
(also known as Wallace Shipyards and Versatile Pacific Shipyards) on
the waterfront at the foot of Lonsdale. The site, established in 1906,
has immense heritage value.
{Ccl has passed de-designation and demolition is
4. Hollyburn Ski Lodge
The Hollyburn Heritage Society has been campaigning for the past
decade for the restoration of Hollyburn Ski Lodge, a haven for skiers
and hikers since 1927. After 80 years of snow- fall, rain, summer
heat, and lively activities, the lodge is showing its age, and there
are concerns it may have to shut down in the next few years if major
work is not conducted soon.
{Some funds have been received and hoped it will be a 2010
Legacy project.}
5. British Properties Company Cottage, 742 Keith Road, West
It was in this British Properties "company cottage" in
1939 that King George VI and Queen Elizabeth had tea after officially
opening the Lions' Gate Bridge, with the queen famously asking if she
could buy a home in the area, and describing it as "the place to
live". Although modest in appearance, the 1935 building -- also
known as the "VIP shack" -- was of clear importance to the
history of West Vancouver, as the first building and sales office in
the British Properties. It was designed by local architect William
{DEMOLISHED April 2007}
6. Post-and-Beam Homes
For three post-war decades, from 1945-75, the North Shore was at
the centre of residential design in Canada, with houses winning
national and international acclaim. West and North Vancouver attracted
a host of cutting-edge architects looking to break with past tradition
and forge a new modern style, including B.C. Binning, Ned Pratt,
Robert Berwick, Ron Thom, Fred Hollingsworth, and, perhaps most
notably, Arthur Erickson. They developed a unique movement known
as the West Coast Style or Post-and-Beam. Avoiding bearing walls
allowed for open interior spaces. It also permitted economical
construction on the rugged hillsides of the North Shore.
7. Grand Boulevard North Vancouver
The Grand Boulevard area, developed in 1906 by the North
Vancouver Land and Improvement Company, was designed to be an opulent
residential development, with building restrictions on the wide lots
surrounding the boulevard. The central boulevard was designated as a
8. West Vancouver Municipal Hall
The current West Vancouver Municipal Hall, located at 750 - 17th
Street, was officially opened on November 20, 1964. It stands on the
site of the original municipal hall, which was built in 1912 on
property purchased from WV pioneer developer John Lawson for $1. The
current "modernist" style building was designed by the
architectural firm of Toby, Russell, & Buckwell.
9. Gleneagles Clubhouse, Gleneagles Golf Course, West
The Great Hall, built in 1952-3, was the clubhouse for the
original Gleneagles Golf Club before West Vancouver municipality
bought the golf course in 1958. The hall has acted as a reception
venue for several generations of West Vancouver families,
accommodating weddings, luncheon meetings, and other community
{Although identified as a priority, add'l money for
restoration may be needed and considered in Budget 2008
10. Silk Purse Gallery 1570 Argyle Avenue, West
The original cottage, located on a waterfront lot, was built at
the water's edge in 1925 and was similar in construction to lakeside
cottages of the time. A small, two-storey addition was built in the
1970s when the cottage became a year-round arts centre.
{It has the office for the West Vancouver Arts Ccl and has
musical performances as well as art displays.}
=== Where's our donkey?
=== what children teach us......
CPTnet 8 Feb 2008: AT-TUWANI REFLECTION: Why can't you
bring us our donkey? by Joy Ellison
When I saw Heba* talking to the
Ma'on settlement guard, I went running towards her with my video
camera poised. In At-Tuwani, Israeli settlers have attacked
Palestinian children walking to school, as well as Palestinian adults
working on their own land. But as I hurried towards Heba, I realized
this seven-year-old was about to teach me a lesson in nonviolent
Her hands clasped behind her back,
Heba looked up into the face of the settlement guard. With her usual
composure, she spoke to him. This particular settler is notorious for
harassing Palestinians; I've seen adult Palestinians take off
running when he approached. But he was looking down at Heba and
listening. Before I could reach where she stood, Heba turned and
calmly walked away.
"What did you say to him, Heba?"
I asked. A small, shy girl, Heba didn't reply at first. But soon my
teammates coaxed an answer from her.
"I asked him why he couldn't bring back our
Recently, Israeli settlers beat a
Palestinian man from the village of Tuba and stole his donkey. (See 4
December 2007 CPTnet release, " AT-TUWANI: Demonstrators walk
from At-Tuwani to Tuba, protesting settler harassment.")
Palestinians living in the South Hebron hills have had their livestock
stolen before. From experience, they know the Israeli police are
unlikely to do anything to help them recover their property or
prosecute settlers who attack them. Perhaps the entreaties of a little
girl could succeed where the Israeli police fail.
About a half an hour before I
watched Heba make her case to an armed settler, Israeli soldiers drove
up to where Palestinians were ploughing. Palestinians asked CPT to
film as they worked their land. Neighbours came to see what was
happening. Soon a crowd of children joined them. Heba's mother
passed out tiny cups of Arabic coffee. As soon as the settlement guard
arrived, Heba's grandmother, the oldest woman in At-Tuwani, walked
up to him. She greeted him without a trace of fear and asked him where
the donkey was.
Armed with nothing but their human
rights, the people of at-Tuwani remained on their land. The farmers
convinced the soldiers to allow them to work, and the settlement guard
assured Heba and her grandmother that he would do his best to bring
back the donkey. I don't have much hope that the donkey will be
returned, but I'm sure that Heba will grow up knowing how to resist
injustice. And that gives me hope for the villages of the South Hebron
*Not her real name.
COMMENTS: To ask questions or express concerns,
criticisms and affirmations send messages to
=== Pronunciation/Enunciation
1. Three witches watch three Swatch
watches. Which witch watches which Swatch watch?
2. Three switched witches watch three
Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch
watch switch?
3. Three Swiss witch-bitches, who wish to
be switched Swiss witch-bitches, wish to watch three Swiss Swatch
watch switches. Which Swiss witch-bitch who wishes to be a switched
Swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which Swiss Swatch watch
Man robs a bank and
takes hostages.
He asks the first hostage if
he saw him rob the bank.
Hostage answers
Robber shoots him
Asks the second hostage if he
too saw him rob the bank.
The second hostage
answers "No, but my wife did."
Marrying for looks is like buying books for
their pictures - a good idea, if one cannot read.
Yahia Lababidi, writer of Egyptian-Lebanese origin (b 1973)
Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a
month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year
afterward, and you will have the truth about him.
H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)
Being a woman is a terribly difficult trade, since it consists
principally of dealing with men.
Joseph Conrad, Polish-born English novelist (1857 - 1924)