Mtg Summary Mar 17
Ccl AGENDA Apr 7
Calendar to April 19

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Budget and taxes :-(  How better to crush our spring spirits....... but may 10,000 flowers bloom! :-)
IN THIS ISSUE -- quite a scrambled grab-bag:
Main Items Apr 7th: Mental Health; MS Walk; Four Evelyn Dr Devt Permits for cluster housing, aptmts, townhomes (PUBLIC INPUT); Five-Yr Financial Plan Bylaw (incredibly it says "information to be provided" -- explanation??? first reading Mar 17th, now for second reading and info not yet available after no ccl mtg for three weeks???); Greenbelt Amendments Caulfeild Plateau; Apptmts: NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues, Approving Officer and Deputy Approving Officers; Devt Applications Status List; Correspondence: Sea-to-Sky hwy safety strategies from WVPD Chair, 'Green' letters, and many on Taxes and Budget
Vive le Canada; CULTUREWATCH (incredible Ballet); OWLWATCH; UPDATES (new Dir/Planning; new CAO; Dogs; Panel on Housing; WV Parkour a first; Marine Dr Gateway; CBCRO); ADRA April 2008 Newsletter
=  CALENDAR to Apr 19th (Rodgers Crk on 10th); NEWSWATCH (Zimbabwe); MIDDLE EAST MESS and HOPE
=  Mar 17th Ccl Mtg Highlights: This is just the summary, roughly what was sent out Mar 18th right after the ccl mtg ended; the Mar 17th mtg transcript was in WVM10 wch had no Apr 7 agenda b/c not yet available; this newsletter has the agenda but not the Mar 17 notes, just the summary.
Apr 7th Ccl Agenda; WVHS: Talk on Creeks; CALENDAR 2008 for WV Streamkeepers; Poem; Quotations
=== Vive le Canada ===
Quebec City was founded 400 years ago (1608 Feb 9).  In the 1850s, Francophones made up 60% of the European popn in BC.
===   CULTUREWATCH   == == [Ballet]
This was sent to me with the note: "Swan Lake Ballet - Never Seen anything like this" and it was absolutely true, gaspingly incredible: Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOqxSaW05p4
===   OWLWATCH   ===
Watch the great horned owl family on the Thompson Rivers Uni's webcam: http://barabus.tru.ca/owlcam/
===   UPDATES   ===
>  West Vancouver has new Director of Planning
On March 12th, Bob Sokol joined the District as the new Director of Planning, Lands and Permits.
>  West Vancouver Announces New Chief Administrative Officer
Grant McRadu has accepted the position of Chief Administrative Officer, effective May 12.  See http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5637&c=855 for more.
>  Public Forum - Dog Access in Parks
An opportunity for community input into the review of Animal Control and Parks Bylaws.  See http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=1851&c=185
Changes & Choices: The West Vancouver Housing Dilemma
On Wednesday, January 30th, the Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood
Character and Housing Working Group hosted a public forum at the Kay Meek Centre.
The public forum, entitled Changes & Choices: The West Vancouver Housing Dilemma, was moderated by Ray Spaxman (Planning Consultant) of The Spaxman Consulting Group.  Video clips of the public forum are available.  See http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?a=5606&c=988
>  SPORT AND WV  --  West Vancouver flips over new inner city sport
Last Updated: Sunday, March 16, 2008 | 8:43 PM ET -- CBC News
It's a cross between jogging and the acrobatic stunts of a James Bond movie, and it's taking West Vancouver by storm.  Parkour as a sport is difficult to [categorize], but has been compared to maritial arts and gymnastics.  West Vancouver is the first city in B.C. to offer formalized classes in parkour and it can't keep up with the demand.  Parkour is a form of athletic training from France that uses gymnastics to invent creative ways to climb or jump over obstacles. Potential students are being turned away from the classes, according to Derek Lowe, the City of West Vancouver's co-ordinator of outdoor and general recreation program.  He compares parkour today to what skateboarding.... to read the rest:
Marine Drive Gateway Project
        March 20th, 2008 Gateway Project Update
Storm sewer works are nearing completion, and should be completed by mid-April.
More interesting facts:
*   The storm sewer works are on time and on budget
*   The schedule for the storm sewer works is approximately three months, two months shorter than anticipated based on a comparison of similar projects within the Metro Vancouver area
*   The storm sewer works are being performed by a combination DWV staff and Merletti Construction Ltd. staff. The budget for the storm sewer works is $800k approximately $300k less than the lowest bid received by private contractors
*   Delays to traffic have been consistently less than five minutes
Phase Two will get underway April 1st with vegetation removal on the south slope along Marine Drive.
Project Overview
The Marine Drive Gateway Project will take place in two phases, starting with the construction of Phase 1 in summer 2007.
Phase 1 
        *       Extension of Sw=E1y'wey Creek and construction of the wetland.
        *       Installation of the oil/grit separator and sump at 11th Street.
*       Replacement of the storm sewer system between 10th Street and 13th Street. 
Phase 2 
        *       Construction of a centre median between 10th Street and 13th Street.
        *       Re-construction of the intersection at Pound Road.
      *       Reconstruction of the north boulevard and sidewalk.
     *       Reconstruction of the south boulevard, sidewalk, and slope.
     *       Installation of ornamental lighting and removal of the overhead utility.
        *       Associated landscaping.
This project will achieve the following; 
*   Create a better pedestrian environment by relocating the sidewalk away from vehicle traffic, through a landscaped boulevard
*   Provide additional green space through the addition of a new centre median and the boulevards 
*   Protect the environment by filtering and treating storm water run-off from Marine Drive and Sentinel Hill through a sump, an oil and grit separator, and a bio-filtration pond and wetland, as well as increasing capacity to Sw=E1y'wey Creek 
*   Improve road safety through improved access to Pound Road, by eliminating illegal u-turn manoeuvres on Marine Drive, and reducing short-cutting through the Keith Road neighbourhood
The sump, oil and grit separator, and bio-filtration pond and wetland were completed fall 2007 and the initial storm sewer work winter 2007/2008.
New storm sewers will be installed between 11th and 13th Streets, followed by installation of a storm sewer between 11th Street and Pound Road. Once completed - by the end of April - work will begin on the new centre-landscaped median, boulevards, and sidewalks.
The hydro poles on the north side will be removed and ornamental lights will be installed to match the new lighting in the Ambleside commercial area. Work should be completed by the end of June.
During construction, there will be traffic control to ensure safety of workers and the public. While construction crews have been instructed to maintain traffic flow at all times there may be occasion when traffic must be momentarily stopped.   Please observe and obey construction signage and traffic control persons at all times during and after working hours.
{Editor's Note: I'm trying to find out how much the whole project will cost and how much from 'community benefits' from the Evelyn Drive devt.}
> CBC Radio Orchestra
o  Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:04:40 -0700; From: Think Abstract <ThinkAbstract@shaw.ca>
Subject: Fwd: CBC Orchestra online petition
You have probably already seen this, but if you haven't, please take the time to sign and pass on.
Please sign the online petition to save the CBC Orchestra, which has been bringing music to Canadians and the world for 70 years.  http://savecbcorchestra.com/petition/ Please pass this on.
[An earlier msg had: www.SaveTheCBC.ca as the website set up quickly before the petition.  CBCRO is the only radio orchestra left in North America.  CBC even included it in its bid to participate in the 2010 Olympics.]
o  3 Apr: "Raise a Ruckus for Radio 2 & the CBC Orchestra" See: http://michaelvincent.ca/Newsblog/
o  You can also write to cbcinput@cbc.ca

[updated with minor editing]
April 2008 Newsletter

In this issue: Budget 2008; Rodgers Creek Development; Ambleside Town Centre; Housing and Neighbourhoods; Updates; Contact Us 

West Vancouver's budget will be on the agenda at the council meeting Monday April 7.  Please attend the meeting or write to mayorandcouncil@westvancouver.ca to express your views.  The proposed tax increase is 3.5 per cent while user fees and other municipal charges would go up between 10 and 13 per cent. The increase in the actual budget could be as much as 9 per cent. And did you know that staff salaries account for more than three-quarters of that budget?*  This, while the inflation rate in Metro Vancouver last year was a little over 1 per cent.  By law, the budget must be passed by May 15 and although Council has scheduled a special meeting on April 16,  ADRA would like final approval to be delayed as long as possible to allow more public input and Council to look for more ways to save money.
{*UPDATE: The staff remuneration info promised 'in two weeks' at the Mar 10th ccl mtg has not yet been provided as of Apr 4th; the most recent info we have is the 2006 salaries and you can see them at http://www.westvan.org/reports/2007-25.shtml in West Van Matters 2007-25.}
A forest almost a quarter of the size of Stanley Park is the site chosen for the next development by British Pacific Properties, the largest landowner in West Vancouver. There will be a special council workshop at 6pm [Thursday] April 10 (in council chambers) with a presentation on two options for the Rodgers Creek area: either 538 or 736 housing units in the 213 acres above the Upper Levels Highway. [The fiscal and traffic impact/studies as well as the community benefits package] will be available and you can express your views on this important project [then and when Council debates it April 14.] How important? It could mean another 1,600 people in our municipality. And then there are concerns about the environmental impact on creeks and streams as well as the scarring of the mountainside 
{UPDATE: The Rodgers Crk WG mtg scheduled for Apr 3 was cancelled so possibility they'll meet before the ccl workshop Apr 10, maybe on 8th?  If so, maybe we cd get the reports then. Both options show same footprint, 1.85Msf in housing, and ~50% green/undeveloped.  The workshop agenda is in Calendar below and is already up on the DWV website: http://www.westvancouver.ca/upload/pcdocsdocuments//6MB101!.htm
This is really the most important issue facing us. It is nothing less than the future of West Vancouver's heart and soul. It must surely be a major issue in the council election that will be held in November.  A survey conducted by ADRA clearly demonstrated that residents do not want buildings higher than three storeys in Ambleside. The last plan we saw [however] included at least three sites where five or even eight storeys could be permitted... Much has been said about North Vancouver's Edgemont Village [as] a model for a new Ambleside: well, the highest building in Edgemont is three storeys, and most are one storey.  New bylaws to allow redevelopment and almost certainly higher density in Ambleside may come before Council as soon as April 21. ADRA directors favour regulations that will maintain Ambleside's character, limit density and building height, and encourage a pedestrian-friendly ambience. Think about your heritage.  Be prepared to have your say! 
A Working Group on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Choices {called Community Dialogue WG on the District's Community Calendar} has held two workshops at which the dominant issue was "monster" houses.* Also under discussion has been the question of allowing "infill" housing such as secondary suites [and carriage houses]. [The WG mtg for April 8 has been cancelled and the next is scheduled for Apr 15th.]  This group's work is important to us because it [will] affect neighbourhood zoning and density.
{* Reports/Summaries of these two March workshops will soon be up on the DWV website.  A video of the Housing Panel at KMC in December is already there.}
Meanwhile, [separately] there may be a bylaw which could somewhat limit housing size by designating such features as decks as living space. 
The storm sewer work is near completion, but more is planned. ADRA would certainly like to know just what is happening and how much it will all cost.   .
If you want more information, you can get some at the  District's website {http://www.westvancouver.ca/article.asp?c=911}.  Also, follow the activities of the Interested Taxpayers' Action Committee (ITAC) which has been much in the news recently and has an interesting website at www.pluckedgoose.wordpress.com).
Council has purchased 1528 Argyle {for $3.5M}, the last waterfront lot in its block, which will give us all better access to the shore and the seawall.
At our annual meeting in February, ADRA asked the District of West Vancouver for a list of all municipally-owned property. This is something we should know about and watch over. {We have not yet received it.}
We are concerned about this project because costs have already ballooned from $13 to almost $40 million. The most recent forecast is that it may open in September.
* MARINE & 13th
Condos have been proposed for redevelopment on the site of Pat's Restaurant. You'll get a chance to air your views at a public hearing  scheduled for April 21.
West Vancouver has been growing at less than 1 per cent a year.  [New construction is already built,] under way, or planned on Clyde Avenue, [in] Dundarave, [and for the] Evelyn Drive and Rodgers Creek areas.  With as many as 1,200 new housing units arriving in the near future, this could be well ahead of our growth rate.
ADRA urges public input [to emphasize] sensitive growth that is fiscally and environmentally responsible, and that preserves the quality of life in our neighbourhoods.
     Elaine Fonseca, President, 926 6686; Vice President, Keith Pople; Treasurer, Ray Richards
     Directors: Carolanne Reynolds, Frank Rutter, David Stephenson, Chuck Walker, Gordon Ward-Hall
     Write to ADRA c/o 1126 Keith Road, West Vancouver, BC  V7T  1M8
     Email the ADRA Board: board@adra.westvan.org
===  CALENDAR to Apr 19th  === [at Hall unless otherwise noted; pls confirm to make sure no changes]
== Sat Apr 5th
~ 9am - 2pm ~ Srs' Flea Market at WV Arena
~ 10am ~ Western Residents' Assn Directors' Mtg at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr (planning forAGM on 15th)
~ 2pm ~ The Lighthouse Park Preservation Society at the Library, Members' Meeting, then
~ 2:30pm ~ Talk on Global Warming by Sheila Ross, M.Sc., who has been teaching weather and climate, landforms, and environmental geography, at Capilano College for the last 20 years. She is currently on leave to write a Weather and Climate textbook.  Everyone welcomel
== Sun Apr 6th  ~ 8:30am & 5:30pm on Shaw Cable TV - Channel 4
Constituency Report interviews Ralph Sultan, MLA for West Vancouver-Capilano, on the latest news affecting North Shore communities, including:
o        Building of a new Emergency Room at Lions' Gate Hospital.
o        HIV-AIDS health programs for the Downtown East Side.
o        Creation of a world-class brain health centre for research and treatment.
o        Civil forfeiture - seizing the proceeds of crime for victim restitution.
o        The ski report
== Tues Apr 8th  {NB: Th Apr 3rd's Rodgers Crk WG mtg was cancelled, check to see if moved to Tues 8th}
~ 4pm ~ Fire & Rescue WG
~ 6:30pm ~ Cmnty Dialogue WG (Nbrhd Character and Housing) CANCELLED
~ 7:30pm ~ North Shore Sport Awards, Park Royal North Mall
The North Shore Sport Awards is a celebration of sport achievement at all levels; community, high school, provincial, and international. The awards also include categories for coaching and officiating.
Tickets are complimentary at the door. All welcome to attend.  Light snacks provided. Prizes to be won. Please contact Stacy Metz for more information at smetz@westvancouver.ca
== Wed Apr 9th  ~ 10am ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
                ~ 5pm ~ Finance Cmte
                ~ 7pm ~ Cmnty Sport WG

AGENDA: Proposed Rodgers Creek Area Devt Plan; Rodgers Crk Traffic Impact Study; Fiscal Impact Study; Community Benefit Package; Rodgers Creek Area Plan WG Report; PUBLIC COMMENTS
== Tues 15th
~ 6:30pm ~ Cmnty Dialogue WG (tentative date, pls confirm)
~ 7:30pm ~ WRA AGM at St Monica's Hall (6404 Wellington)
A short presentation by Parks & Cmnty Services on plans for the Great Hall, followed by
Key Speaker: Chief Constable Kash Heed
North Shore Integrated Police Services and policing issues specific to the western part of the District.  Chief Heed will also answer general questions about policing.

== Wed April 16th - BUSY!!!

~ 7:30 ~  WV Chamber of Commerce Breakfast at Hollyburn Country Club (950 Crosscreek)
Speaker:    Mark Angelo, Program Head, Fish, Wildlife, Recreation Dept., BCIT 
The Coho Society's guest speaker is a person of great commitment to the environment.  Mark Angelo has been on the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council for ten years and is now Deputy Chair of that organization.  Through his passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge, he has inspired many others to take action to help protect the ecosystems that fish and wildlife rely upon.  Mark has paddled many of the rivers of the world and shares a valuable global perspective on the issues.  He leads by example and in his role at BCIT has inspired countless students to become champions of fish and wildlife.  He started Rivers Day in 1980, which has become an amazingly popular worldwide event.  Mark's presentation will also touch on his experience in Antarctica and is bound to be both thought-provoking and inspiring.
Please go to www.westvanchamber.com to reserve; Mbrs $25 / Non-Mbrs $35 (GST Included)

~ 9am ~ SPECIAL CCL MTG (check still on; this enables adoption of budget if three readings on Monday!)
~ 6:30pm ~ Child Care WG
~ 7pm ~ Library Board at the Library; the Bd of Variance in Ccl Chambers.

== Thurs Apr 17th   ~ 6pm ~  NSh Family Court/Youth Justice Cmte at DNV M Hall

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ see www.westvanlib.org
Saturday 5 -- Global Warming: The Science & the Complexity {see Calendar above}
Friday 11 --  To Arms! Everything You Wanted to Know About Heraldry But Were Afraid to Ask
Robert Watt, retired Chief Herald of Canada, slays the myth of the "family crest" and explains how to find real heraldry. Call 925 7405 for more info.  10am - 12 noon, Peters Room.
Wednesday 16 -- Slide Show: Greek Islands & the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey
Join world travellers, photographers and lecturers David & Anna Smith as they share one of their "Excellent Adventures". Active and armchair travellers will enjoy this fun and eclectic afternoon. 1:30-3 pm, Peters Room.
Saturday 19 -- Adopt-A-Fish Family Event
The Coho Society of the North Shore and the West Vancouver Streamkeepers invite you to release a salmon into McDonald Creek. Meet at the entrance to the Library Saturday,10am - 12:30pm.
*** North Shore Writers Festival starts Apr 20: Writer-in-Residence: Michael Thoma. To book a session (10am - 4pm) call 604 925-7402. See Festival Website.
"The Artists' Salon" -- mixed media; Apr 8 - 20
        Group exhibition of artists from Arts Connection Networking Salon
OPENING RECEPTION: 6 - 8pm Tues April 8; ARTISTS IN ATTENDANCE:  2 - 3pm Sat April 12

+++ SILK PURSE (1570 Argyle) www.silkpurse.ca
= Tuesday April 1 - Sunday April 13, 2008  -- "Kebabey: Unity of Cultures" --
Opening Reception: TUESDAY April 1st from 6 - 8pm
The Ottoman Empire or Kebabey, as it was known by its contemporaries, was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state. At the height of its power during the 16th and 17th centuries, it spanned three continents. The empire was at the centre of interactions between the Eastern and Western worlds for six centuries. Join us for a look at the distinct ethnic art of eight talented local artists: Fariba Dashtaray, Lani Jeffrey, Jeanne Krabbendan, Carrie Lazareff, Louisa Leibman, Laleh Nafarieh, Nina Salehpoor, and Mardsan Samii.

+++  WV MUSEUM +++  Duncan McNab: Modern In Sight -- to May 31
= Sat Apr 12 ~ 1:30pm ~ Talk on Architecture: Duncan McNab and West Coast Modernism
Duncan McNab became well-known in BC for his residential and institutional designs.  This talk highlights McNab's role in the devt of a regionally distinct West Coast Modern architecture.

 +++ Don't forget to check out www.kaymeekcentre.com +++

===   NEWSWATCH   ===
Watching Zimbabwe.  Inflation over 100,000%.  Election: Reporters found 8500 voters had about the same address.  They went there to discover it was an empty field.  Then ppl turned up.  They asked them if they lived there.  They said yes.  Mugabe had given them that piece of land and they were voting for them -- naturally, being grateful.

     A = An Israeli historian; B = IDF to close orphanage Apr 1; C = Hope from Israeli Courts/Govt?
Israeli Academic speaks at VPL Saturday March 28
Dr Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian/academic and provides background plus interesting analysis.
http://www.logosjournal.com/pappe.htm has more info than
Given info that: Dr Ilan Pappe is senior lecturer, Dept of Political Science, Haifa University and Chair of the Emil Touma institute for Palestinian studies, Haifa.  UPDATE: for safety reasons he's moved to the UK with his family.  His book, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, was published 2006 Dec 25.
I googled and found this: [by] Ayelet Negev Published: 03.15.08, 23:49 / Israel News
Last summer, the Pappe family packed its belongings, rented out its spacious house in Israel and moved to Britain. ... Controversial historian Ilan Pappe left Israel last year ... almost daily death threats ... Now a professor in England...  Interview in March: http://www.ilanpappe.org/Interviews/No%20Traitor%20.html
Israeli Army orders Evacuation of Orphanage in Hebron Apr 1st
this just in; alarming -- how brave of the Christian Peacemaker Teams!
They're letting us know what's happening and trying to help -- but no mention as far as we've seen in our media -- why not on Feb 25? Mar 6? now?  The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has the background and more complete story.  (The second URL has some of those facts and the third has some on the orphanage.)  The reports say 7000 children.  The orphanage (started long before Hamas existed) operates on donations; it is reported that the locals don't want to be connected with either Hamas or Fatah.
o  PRAYERS for Sunday Mar 30th  Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:24:58 +0200
Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron is calling for Christians around the world to make Sunday, 30 March a day of prayer for the orphans of Hebron.  On 25 February 2008 the Israeli army raided all of the buildings and institutions funded by Islamic Charities and gave orphanages and boarding schools until April 1 to evacuate students.  On 6 March 2008 the Israeli army again stormed storage buildings of Islamic Charities, confiscating food, children's clothing, and kitchen appliances used to prepare meals for the orphans.  6000 children in Hebron are housed, fed, and educated in these centres.
Christian Peacemaker Teams will visit the orphanages and will resist the forced expulsion of children if the Israeli army carries out the order.  Pray for the children of Hebron and for all of those affected by the actions of the Israeli army.  Pray that the Israeli civil administration will rescind the order. To learn more about the Israeli army confiscations from Islamic Charities here are links to recent articles:
o  this is Ha'aretz, has most complete background:
Gideon Levy, "Twilight Zone / When charity ends at home"
o  some of the same info:
Oakland Ross, "Hunkering down in Hebron" http://www.thestar.com/News/World/article/350060
o  a bit more on the orphanage:
Khalid Amayreh, "Palestinian Orphans protest after their facilities are raided by Israeli troops" http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2008/03/13/palestinian-orphans-protest-after-their-facilities-are-raided-
Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support violence reduction efforts around the world.  To learn more about CPT's peacemaking work, visit our website www.cpt.org Photos of our projects are at www.cpt.org/gallery A map of the center of Hebron is at http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/fullMaps_Sa.nsf/0/5618737E38C0B3DE8525708C004BA584/$File/ocha_OTS_hebron_oPt010805.pdf?OpenElement The same map is the last page of this report on closures in Hebron: www.humanitarianinfo.org/opt/docs/UN/OCHA/ochaHU0705_En.pdf
HEBRON: Update on orphanage evictions -- CPTnet -- 3 April 2008
Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) and other internationals stayed overnight at the Al-Shar'iya Girls and Boys Orphanages on Monday night, 31 March, and Tuesday night 1 April. The General of Command (GOC) of the Israeli occupation army issued closure, evacuation, and confiscation orders or the orphanages on 25 February 2008, citing a deadline of 1 April.
On the morning of 2 April, the school officials received word that the Israeli High Court had given the Israeli military four days to give the High Court full justification for the closure and evacuation. On 3 April, the attorney for the Islamic Charitable Society clarified that the Israeli High Court will rule on the findings on Monday 7 April 2008.
Christian Peacemaker Teams continues to visit the orphanages daily. The Popular Committee for Supporting the Orphanages is issuing invitations to foreign consulate representatives, human rights organizations, journalists, and clergy to attend a 1:00 p.m. press conference and 2pm tour of the orphanages and schools on Monday 7 April, beginning at the Al-Shar'iya Girls' Orphanage on Salaam (Peace) Street near the junction of Adel (Justice) Street in Hebron.
CPT is helping facilitate the press conference and tour. Organizations or individuals who would like to write letters of support to the school can send them to cptheb@palnet.com.  When details are available, CPT will issue an urgent action for individuals to call consulate offices urging them to send a representative to Hebron for the 7 April press conference and tour.
The Popular Committee for Supporting the Orphanages is preparing a background fact sheet on the Islamic Charitable Society and the orphanages and schools it funds. That information will be available at www.icshebron.org <http://www.icshebron.org>
Video of children at the Al-Shar'iya Girls' Orphanage taken by CPT Tuesday night, 1 April is available at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA-krLrWbss

=== CCL MTG SUMMARY - 2008 March 17  *   St Patrick's Day
        Cclr Smith absent.  New Dir/Planning Bob Sokol in SJN's chair.
= helmets, then frogs
= Budget Bylaw
-  How much of cmnty benefits from Ev Dr for Marine Dr Gateway (had been told some from CBs)?
-  Is there a policy of going to competitive tender for any project over, say $100K?
-  When will there be a list of WV's land holdings so that residents can have input into what is sold to finish paying for the Cmnty Ctr, ie not necessarily forced to sell Wetmore if other choices?
        {UPDATE: April 4th and still have not received any of these answers!}
only Friday I got some of the IT dept info I'd asked for Feb 4th and was surprised to see the salary increase from 2007 to 2008 was about 9% (after the impression given was that salary increases were 3%), was even more surprised some cclrs were unaware of this, and wanted to know if more info wd be available before Ccl's debate Monday Apr 7th.
-  Sop asked about tools of process, how salaries arrived at, got higher, wanting Ccl to be told (actually see them before approved); was told that the Five-Year Plan does not necessarily mean Wetmore has to be sold
= architectural awards: Aquatic Ctr and Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
= Gleneagles Golf Services and Great Hall project approved and started!
= Update on Heritage Register
= Rodgers Creek Area Devt Plan
Staff will bring traffic impact study, fiscal impact study, and cmnty benefit package; public mtg/workshop at M Hall, 6pm Thurs Apr 10th
= Surprise of the evening: Early Approval for Radio Frequency Identification Capital Budget Request for the Library for $650K, and then they talked about building a concert hall.  VV asked if the RFID meant cost-efficiencies; one answer was 'staying a step ahead of clients".
= OCP/Zoning amendment for Pat's Restaurant to four dwelling units at 445 - 13th St will have a Public Hearing Apr 21.  Sop had some questions including wanting Uplift info in dollars and cents, and referred to appraisals being 'in camera' -- ought not to be as far as I'm concerned!
= Eagle Lake Devt Plan update -- $2M more (and other numbers thrown about)
= Special Ccl mtgs: 7pm April 14 (b/c workshop Apr 10), and 9am Wed Apr 16th
= Purchase of last remaining waterfront lot in 1500 block Argyle (39ft in width, 5005sf) at $3.5M, based upon negotiations (over some years) and an independent appraisal commissioned by the District; allows amalgamation of this property with adjacent lots to create an integrated public amenity.  {hm.  Our research indicates that the 2008 assessed value for this property was $2.8M. My guess is that this is what the Arts & Culture Facilities ppl had in mind, maybe for that Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design?}
= More questions at end:
- Special mtg Wed Apr 16th?  Ans: adoption. Question: adoption of budget? [yes, budget debated and second reading April 7th] So third reading Mon 14th? [depends]
- Even though budget doesn't have to be passed until May 15th -- so if debate is Apr 7th, how do we get info in time? [hm, you shd get it this week then]
- Confusion? Earlier heard something about assessment/appraisals of property for uplift 'in camera' but keep in mind that does not qualify
-  Will the Rodgers Crk Devt Plan be on Shaw? on video on DWV website? [talking to Shaw; yes, on website]
{More of this mtg  (including the budget discussion) is reported in WVM2008-10, the previous newsletter}

===   COUNCIL AGENDA  Apr 7th   ===
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: March 10 Special Council Mtg; and March 17 Regular Council Mtg
3.         K. Green, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), regarding the Achieve Employment Program
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council thanks [sic] K. Green, Canadian Mental Health Association.
4.         M. Lenzen, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society of Canada, regarding Northshore Super Cities WALK for MS
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council thanks [sic] M. Lenzen, Chairman - Northshore Super Cities WALK for MS, regarding the WALK for MS on April 27 at Ambleside Park.
5.         Evelyn Drive Development Permits:  No. 07-055 (950 Keith Road);
            No. 07-056 (880 Keith Rd); No. 07-057 (880 Evelyn Drive); and No. 07-058 (800 Evelyn Dr)
            At the March 10 mtg, Council received the report dated Feb 29 from the Manager of Community Planning for the first four buildings in proposed Phase 1 Devt (880 and 950 Keith Rd; 800 and 880 Evelyn Dr
Attachments to the Development Permits are available for viewing in the Legislative Services Dept.
Presentation to be provided by Planning Staff; Presentation to be provided by the Applicant
{In each case submissions received, Ccl can ask for a staff report or that the Devt Permit be issued subject to filing at the Land Title Office to create the parcel shown on attached plan}
o  Development Permit Application No. 07-055 (950 Keith Road)
                Staff report or Devt Permit for 12 cluster housing units
o  Development Permit Application No. 07-056 (880 Keith Road)
                Staff report or Devt Permit for 26 cluster housing units
o  Development Permit Application No. 07-057 (880 Evelyn Drive)
                Staff report or Devt Permit for 67 apartment units and four town homes
o  Development Permit Application No. 07-058 (800 Evelyn Drive)
                Staff report or Devt Permit for 62 apartment units and five town homes
6.  [Five-]Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4549, 2008
This bylaw received first reading at March 17 Ccl Mtg. -- Information to be provided.
WHY NOT AVAILABLE AFTER BREAK? Maybe closer to mtg so we have to keep checking?
7.         Greenbelt Amendment - Martin Lands S/W Caulfeild Plateau
1.  Staff be authorized to proceed with notification and Alternative Approval Process to enable Council consideration of a park exchange and associated amendment of the greenbelt provisions on a portion of the Caulfeild Plateau Land Use contract as described in the March 18 report of the Associate Director of Major Projects and
2.   Subsequent to the required notification and Alternative Approval Process opportunity, Staff bring forward the required bylaws and documents for consideration by Council.
8.  CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS  --  Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
9.         Appointment to North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues
RECOMMENDED: John Bannister for the term January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009.
10.       Appointment of Approving Officer and Deputy Approving Officers
RECOMMENDED: THAT the appointments of B. Sokol (Director of Planning, Lands and Permits) as Approving Officer and G. Boyle (Manager of Community Planning) and T. Tse (Land Development Engineer) as Deputy Approving Officers all with immediate effect be approved.
11.       Development Applications Status List
12.       Correspondence List
>  Correspondence received up to March 14, 2008
Requests for Delegation -- No items presented.
Action Required
(1)       March 06, 2008, regarding Dogs and Parks
        Referred to the Director of Parks & Community Services for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
Committee and Board Meeting Minutes -- No items presented.
(2)       F. Leonard, Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia (MFA-BC), February 25, regarding MFA-BC Program Dividends
(3)       D.R. Corrigan, Mayor - City of Burnaby, March 04, 2008, regarding Metro Vancouver's Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Options
Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Department.
(4)       L. Larsen, Town of Gibsons, March 12, regarding Howe Sound Community Forum - Draft Agenda for April 04
(5)       R. Sullivan, Federation of Canadian Municipalities Centre for Sustainable Community Devt, March 13, regarding FCM Announces Destination of 2008 Sustainable Communities Mission: BC
Responses to Correspondence
(6)       P.T. Bates, Engineering and Transportation, March 10, regarding Extension of Yard Trimmings Program
(7)       P.T. Bates, Engineering and Transportation, March 10, regarding Green Waste Service
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.
> Correspondence received up to March 21, 2008
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(8)       C. Cirko, Canadian Plastics Industry Association, March 07, 2008, regarding Resolution from Maple Ridge to Ban "Free" Thin Plastic Bags
        Referred to the Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
(9)       D. Sparanese, Public Works Association of BC, March 10, regarding Request for Proclamation: National Public Works Week, May 18-24
        Referred to the Municipal Clerk for response.
(10)     March 11, 2008, regarding Left Turn Signal at 15th Street and Marine Drive
        Referred to the Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(11)     S. Berisavac, Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon, February 19, regarding Thank you for Your Support of the February 18 Presentation on Tobacco Control
(12)     S.E. Dowey, City Clerk - City of North Vancouver, March 06, regarding Long Term Transportation Plan for the City
        Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Department.
(13)     C. Morris and T. Canty, Shiloh-Sixth Avenue United Church - Pride Group, March 13, regarding Invitation to Attend: Celebration of Becoming an "Affirming Congregation"
(14)     I. Noakes, Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp, March 14, regarding Public Notice: Application for a Reduction in Bus Service
(15)     P. Goldsmith-Jones, Chair - West Vancouver Police Board, March 18, regarding Sea to Sky Highway (Highway 99) Safety Strategies
(16)     S.E. Dowey, City of North Vancouver, March 18, 2008, regarding Earth Hour Participation
(17)     March 19, 2008, regarding Raising Our Taxes; (18) March 20, 2008, regarding Upcoming Budget
(19)     March 20, 2008, regarding Operating Budget; (20) March 20, 2008, regarding Increase in Budget
(21)     March 20, 2008, regarding Property Taxes; (22) March 20, 2008, regarding Budget 2008
Responses to Correspondence  --  No items presented.
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.
> Correspondence received up to March 31, 2008
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(23)     March 19, 2008, regarding Taxi Service in West Vancouver
           Referred to Director/Administrative Services for consideration/response. See item (52) for staff reply.]
(24)     S.E. Dowey, City of North Vancouver, March 20, 2008, regarding Request for Funding - North Shore Spirit of BC
        Referred to the Mayor and Council for consideration and response.  Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Dept.
(25)     March 21, 2008, regarding Pressures on Our Ambleside Neighbourhood - Special Events: Lower Ambleside Residential Area
        Referred to the Director of Parks & Community Services for consideration and response.
(26)     March 25, 2008, regarding 2008 Budget
        Referred to the Director of Finance for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(27)     Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a)       West Vancouver Memorial Library Board - February 20, 2008
(28)     B. Carlton, Chief Executive Officer - Federation of Canadian Municipalities, March 07, 2008, regarding Payment: Eagle Lake Water Supply, Pilot Green Generation Project
(29)     G. Barlee, Western Canada Wilderness Committee, March 19, 2008, regarding Publication:  Power Grab - British Columbia's Rivers and Streams at Risk
        Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Department.
(30)     S.E. Dowey, City of North Vancouver, March 20, regarding 2008 Canada Day Burrard Inlet Fireworks Show
        Attachments available for viewing in the Legislative Services Department.
(31)     March 20, 2008, regarding Thank You to Capilano View Cemetery Staff
(32)     G. Steeves, President - Federation of Canadian Municipalities, March 20, 2008, regarding 2008 Call for Applications: Energy, New Green Municipal Fund (GMF) Funding Opportunity for Green Buildings
(33)     E. Forsyth, WV School District, March 25, regarding Thank You for Cost Sharing Contribution to the Playground at Hollyburn Elementary School
(34)     March 26, 2008, regarding Go Green! - Green Bins
(35)     G. MacIsaac, Union of BC Municipalities, March 29, 2008, regarding Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Update
(36)     March 20, 2008, regarding Taxes; (37)  March 21, 2008, regarding Taxes
(38)     March 21, 2008, regarding 2008 Budget; (39)  March 21, 2008, regarding 2008 Budget
(40)     March 23, 2008, regarding Taxes; (41) March 24, 2008, regarding Taxes
(42)     March 26, 2008, regarding North Shore News Article, Sunday, March 23: District of WV Finance Committee
(43)     March 26, 2008, regarding Taxes
(44)     March 26, 2008, regarding Dialogue/Neighbourhood Character and Housing (Taxes)
(45)     March 27, 2008, regarding Operating Budget 2008; (46) March 28, 2008, regarding No to Proposed Budget
(47)     March 28, 2008, regarding 2008 Proposed Budget Increase; (48) March 29, 2008, regarding Taxes
(49)     March 29, 2008, regarding Municipal Costs; (50) March 30, 2008, regarding 2008 Budget
(51)     March 30, 2008, regarding Taxes
Responses to Correspondence
(52)     E.S. Holitzki, Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services, March 27, 2008, reply regarding Taxi Service
(53)     B. Sokol, Director of Planning, Lands and Permits, March 28, 2008, reply regarding Preservation of Views and Proposed Building Plan
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.

Fish in Creeks of West Vancouver
        A talk by Roger Fox to the West Vancouver Historical Society, March 26th at the Seniors' Centre
     Roger Fox was born in England where in his youth he learned to fish and poach. Apparently he put his experience to good use when he arrived in West Vancouver in 1951 as a teenager!
     Roger gave a delightful talk of his experiences fishing in the small pools in the creeks around Ambleside, and later in some of those in creeks around Fisherman's Cove. Although his talk was full of fascinating anecdotes of his experiences, some of the most interesting aspects were his references to creek names. It is these features that are meaningful to West Vancouver Streamkeepers since we often want to know about the history of specific creeks.
     His first experience of fishing soon after his arrival was to be told that all he needed to catch smelt off Dundarave was to grab a bucket and a bamboo grass rake!
     His main fishing areas were pools at the mouth of Vincent Creek, or often known then as Binns Creek, now Vinson Creek At that time there were in fact two creeks, the eastern creek was Ambleside Creek, now the east fork of Vinson Creek. At that time too he fished for resident cutthroat in a large pond on Vincent Creek at Inglewood, and knew of a pond on the east fork at what is now the Ridgeview sports field. In the fall he saw skate in the pools at the mouth of Vincent Creek. The skate came in to feed on the guts of salmon that fishermen threw overboard. Salmon too came into these pools also in the fall, though he did not catch them. 
     Hollyburn Creek flowed through the old Blue Bus workshop and was a great source of cutthroat and even steelhead, while on the west side of Dundarave pier he had great luck catching small rainbow trout from Marr Creek.
     Later -- about 1959 -- as a teacher, Roger remembered seeing Fisherman's Cove totally covered with chum at a time when the estuary of Nelson Creek was a large swamp. He also caught a 6lb steelhead below the weir on Cypress Creek, at the point where water was diverted to the salmon-packing plant.
     Roger, a Streamkeeper, loves his work at the West Vancouver hatchery, and gave the audience 
a brief description of what happens at the hatchery and how the fry are released into West Vancouver creeks.
{Editor's Note: I always enjoy the WV Historical Society's mtgs; thanks to Hugh Hamilton, Streamkeeper Extraordinaire, for these notes.  WVHS's next mtg is May 28.}

***  West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society  ***

*  Public Meetings
Public meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the following months at 7:30 - 9:30pm at St. Stephen's Anglican Church at 885 - 22nd Street, WV
        January 17th
        March 20th
        May 15th
        September 18th - Annual General Meeting
        November 20th
Speakers may be arranged for one or more of the above meetings, or on separate occasions.
*  Outreach Events
Adopt-a-Fish Event
The event is held in Memorial Park in conjunction with Coho Society of the North Shore and with assistance from West Vancouver Memorial Library on Saturday April 19th from 10am to 1pm. Everyone is welcome to this family event.
West Vancouver Community Day
Community Day will be held in Ambleside Park on Saturday June 7th
West Vancouver Streamkeepers will have an active display tent and an aquarium with cutthroat trout from our local creeks.
Coho Festival
Streamkeepers from the North Shore gather on Sunday September 7th to display many interesting aspects of Streamkeeper activities and stewardship at this very popular annual event. Visit West Vancouver Streamkeepers' tent, display, and active fish tank. 
~ Ugly Bug Ball
This is a fun event put on by the Pacific Streamkeeper Federation and community advisers. It is a volunteer recognition extravaganza and will be held at the A Rocha hobby farm in Surrey on Saturday June 28th starting at 1pm and going into the evening.
*  Fishy Events
Fry Release
In April or May, depending on the size and quality of the fry at our hatchery on Nelson Creek, chum and coho fry are released into West Vancouver creeks. We will announce dates when the fry tell us they are ready for the creeks!
Spawner Surveys
Surveys start about October 15th and continue to the end of December. We hope to have students from West Vancouver Secondary School assist in this program again in 2008. Surveys are taken on a weekly basis throughout this period.
Every year West Vancouver Streamkeepers work with the Tenderfoot Hatchery (DFO) at Squamish to gather chum salmon eggs for our hatchery at Nelson Creek. The egg-take is usually taken on the second or third Saturday in November depending on when the hatchery have the chum ready.  We always welcome volunteers for this fun job.
*  Creek Work and other activities
Throughout the year we may call for volunteers to help in invasive plant removal or planting of native species in riparian areas along our creeks. This is primarily in the fall or spring months. 
West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society: 604 628 1123; Email: streamkeepers@westvan.org
President 2008 Michael Ritter, 604 926 3696 (personal)
A list of creek representatives is available.  Become a streamkeeper!
       =  West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society:  Ray Richards, 604 926 6354  www.westvanshoreline.ca
       =  North Shore Wetland Partners: Paul Berlinguette, 604 985 6929 www.westvanshoreline.ca

===   POEM   === Ralph Waldo Emerson, US Poet, Lecturer, and Essayist (1803 - 1882)

        To laugh often and much;
        to win the respect of intelligent people
        and the affection of children;
        to earn the appreciation of honest critics
        and endure the betrayal of false friends;
        to appreciate beauty;
        to find the best in others;
        to leave the world a bit better,
        whether by a healthy child,
        a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
        to know even one life has breathed easier
        because you have lived.
        This is to have succeeded.
===   QUOTATIONS   ===

Nothing gives such a blow to friendship as the detecting another in an untruth.  It strikes at the root of our confidence ever after.
                        -- William Hazlitt, English writer (1778 - 1830)
God defend me from my friends; from my enemies I can defend myself.
                        -- Proverb     
There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.
                        -- Muhammad
Homicide and verbicide -- that is, violent treatment of a word with fatal results to its legitimate meaning, which is its life -- are alike forbidden.
                     -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., poet, novelist, essayist, and physician (1809-1894)
There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.
                        -- Sun Tzu, general (6th century BCE)
The young think about how they'll change the world, the old think about how the world has changed.
                        -- Mardy Grothe, www.chiasmus.com