Ccl NOTES Feb 2
Calendar to Feb 28
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
Enjoy Heritage Week
February 16th - 22nd!
=== 2009 HERITAGE
The presentations will be made at the
Feb 16 ccl mtg to: Hugh Hamilton; The Land Conservancy of
BC, Adrian Archambault, and the Executors of the Binning Estate
(Geoffrey Massey, Everhard van Lidth de Jeude, Ronald Patrick
Walsh); Francis Mansbridge; Elinor Martin (Author)
and Margaret Ramsay (Editor); Dugal Purdie and Lynda
Wrigley; Lorne Rubinoff; the Toby
Hear and meet the winners and some
authors (of books on WV) at 7pm Tuesday Feb 17 at the Srs' Ctr,
followed by a reception.
[Heritage Fayre is 2 - 4pm Sunday Feb 22nd at
Park Royal North -- find out about cmnty groups and listen to the
piper! See the Heritage Week flyer with events, promotions (at end of
WVM, and www.heritage.westvan.org will be updated.}
INPUT re Devt Permit for Capers site and Alteration Permit
4700-block The Highway (Lower Caulfeild); Fees and Charges Review
and Amendments; see Correspondence.....
= Vive le Canada (Our Banks; the Silver Dart 1909);
ANIMALWATCH (cats; elephants; a snake and a hamster; and another
elephant; Darwin); HERITAGE WEEK UPDATE; from the EDITOR'S DESK
(clandestine Police Bd and Finance Cmte mtgs? half the ccl mtgs,
half the staff? where'd saving go?); UPDATES (Up Cypress;
Gymnastics at new Cmnty Ctr Feb 21)
= CALENDAR to Feb 28th-- AFAIK (Heritage Week Feb 16
- 22 listed separately); CULTUREWATCH
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Feb 2nd: Strategic and Financial
Planning; Cmnty Ctr Update; Anderson Cr
= Ccl Mtg AGENDA Feb 16th
= WEBWATCH (aviation aficionados: Silver Dart 1909 and
2009); NEWSWATCH/BANKWATCH (no sub-prime risk for Lebanese banks!);
MORE HERITAGE WEEK INFO (Theme; Details on winners and
events/activities); WORDWATCH (what's a bankster?; Goldie Hawn and a
dictionary); Quotations, Love/Valentines; 2009 Heritage Week
=== Vive le Canada
* CDN BANKS In 2008, the World Economic
Forum ranked Canada's banking system the healthiest in the world.
America's ranked 40th, Britain's 44th. [VSun Feb 13 pB4]
* SILVER DART -- 1909 Feb 23
The Silver Dart flies again!!!
Aviation history will be re-enacted 100 years later. See links
o Funny cats:
o A snake befriends a hamster:
o Here's an elephant as an artist:
While we're on the topic,
12th marks the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin:
=== (confirmed as of Feb 13)
THIS YEAR'S THEME: A Legacy of Learning -- the
Heritage of Education
*** The Heritage Achievement Awards will be presented at
the ccl mtg Monday Feb 16th.
*** Tuesday Feb 17th
- Reception for Spirit of BC exhibition by Vern Montgomery,
"Super Natural BC", Silk Purse Gallery, 6 to 8pm
- At 7pm, an evening of recognition and a panel of authors
(Peter Hall, Francis Mansbridge, Elinor Martin, Tom Taylor) about
their books on WV; in the Marine Room at the Srs' Ctr followed by
Q&A and a reception.
*** An illustrated discussion Thursday Feb 19th at
7pm by HR MacMillan Space Centre's Astronomer, Raminder Samra,
at the WV Memorial Library, celebrating Galileo of 400 years ago; 2009
is the Year of Astronomy
*** Talks/films at the Museum Feb 21st
Saturday (1pm, repeated 3:30pm) -- Donald Grant, Archivist of
the Hollyburn Heritage Society, on "Diamond Head Chalet, A
Family's Journey"
*** Heritage Fayre 2 - 4pm Sunday Feb
22nd at Park Royal (N), displays by cmnty groups; piper too!
*** Sunday 3:30pm: Free Snowshoe and BBQ at Cypress;
reservations required
*** ONGOING EVENTS and details near end of this
newsletter; also www.heritage.westvan.org
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK
=== Budget 2009 under wraps?
hidden Police Bd Mtg?
As you know, in 2009 Ccl changed from four ccl mtgs a month to
two (first and third Mondays but may meet another Monday if needed for
a Public Hearing or Town Mtg for example). In March ccl mtgs are
scheduled for Mar 2nd and 23rd b/c of spring break.
THE UNANSWERED QUESTION, so far, at least, is with half the
number of mtgs, were staff reduced? reassigned? How much did it
save of the budget and will it be reflected in the 2009 budget?
Given the economic situation perhaps revenue will go down so
that more money needed from taxpayers -- to avoid staff layoffs as
many companies are doing, shd there be a freeze? a roll back? review
the assumed add'l 3% staff salary increase again this year?
When will budget information be made public for review so
serious attention can be paid to try to avoid a 5% tax rate
Has the proposed Budget 2009 been put to sleep too?
under cover? No F Cmte mtgs in January and can't see any
proposed for February yet. Budget must be adopted by May 15.
Will this be another rush job at the end so public don't see/get all
the info/details and it's passed in haste? Keep in mind there
are only two ccl mtgs in March, the 2nd and the 23rd, so little time
there, and then Easter holidays in April.
How will the economic hard times affect DWV? Will we
need a staff freeze if not cut? Keep the 3% wage raise or have a
salary freeze or a 5 - 10% cut? Difficult decisions to be
* POLICE BD? As the note at the beginning of the
Calendar states, it was strange that there was no notice anywhere
of a Police Bd mtg for January. Until now, on both the DWV
Calendar and I think also the WVPD website too, so what happened?
I've asked the Mayor whether this was a slip/oversight or a new
policy to keep secret mtg times and places. Stay
OOOOOOOOH! On the weekend discovered that suddenly a
Finance Cmte mtg appeared on the DWV Calendar -- for Feb 11th!
So went to the FCmte webpage and that looked as if tacked on at the
top b/c the rest of the page has the old information -- that Cclrs
Smith and Clark are the ccl liaisons, and with the former mbrs -- no
mention of Cclr Lewis. No notice? (only afterward?) and
wrong/outdated information!
So with neither the Police Bd mtg nor the Finance Cmte mtg on
the DWV website at all or early enough for the public to know there'll
be a mtg, is this new Council going backward???
Are they really committed to OPENNESS? not to mention
transparency and cmnty engagement...... alas....disappointing start to
Precisely b/c of irregular notices plus the longer time between
ccl mtgs and newsletters, pls realize that inevitably some
mtgs/events/activities will be missed. Try to contact staff wrt
the cmtes/WGs of interest to you. There's supposed to be an
email alert feature offered by the DWV website but I've signed up
about five times now since September and NEVER received one notice.
Apologies in advance but am making my best effort.........
=== UPDATES ===
>>> You may have noticed not much re Cypress
sports events has been mentioned. It's hard to keep up. Sunday's
(Feb 15) events have been cancelled. May I suggest you go to the
DWV's web info for "Spectator Info" with the
incomprehensible URL of:
and also: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=13878
Gymnastics moves to the Community Centre
"You Belong
The gymnastics
program for DWV will move to the Community Centre on Saturday,
February 21st. As this is the first program area to open in
the facility, please note that there is limited access to the
gymnasium and no access to the remaining areas in the building that
are still undergoing construction and finishing.
Go to the DWV webpage with the arcane link:
Official opening March 28th?
=== CALENDAR to Feb 28th
=== [mtgs at M Hall unless indicated
otherwise; check for changes]
NB: There was a Police Bd mtg in
January I discovered when the Mayor referred to a mtg the previous
week during the Feb 2nd ccl mtg (See Feb 2nd ccl mtg notes -- but
strangely it was not on the DWV website calendar as it has been in the
past (and where I get the bulk of my info). If you look at the
WVPD website, there's a reference to the Police Board and its mbrs but
NONE to any mtgs!!! Am investigating. Change or omission?
and will there be a bd mtg the fourth Thursday in
LG Mountain Festival info
Feb 13 - 15 is on the DWV website with the peculiar URL of:
= JAZZ Sunday at St
Francis in the Wood, 4773 South Piccadilly
~ 3 pm for an hour and a half of
terrific Jazz followed by a reception with the artists
=== Heritage Week Feb 16th to 22nd
= Tues Feb 17th
~ 7pm ~ Heritage Recognition Evening
(award winners, writers, reception) at Srs' Ctr
~ 7:30pm ~ WRA Mtg (St Monica's
Church at HBay Roundabout) re Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr, your wishes?
Presentation by Anne Mooi, Parks/Cmnty
Services, and Leanne Sexsmith, Planning
= Wed Feb 18th ~ 7pm ~ Library
Bd mtg at Library; but Bd of Variance at M Hall CANCELLED
= Thurs Feb
19th ~ 8:30am ~
Cmnty Engagement Cmte CANCELLED
4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte CANCELLED
5:15pm ~ Measuring Up WG
6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte at DNV M Hall
~ 7pm ~ Hong Kong: Cultural Heritage
Conservation in a City of Change
Lynne DiStefano and Ho Yin Lee,
University of Hong Kong at SFU Harbour Ctr
Free lecture; reservations are
required. Email
or call 778-782.5100
= Fri Feb 20th ~ 8:15am ~ 2010 Leadership Cmte
= Sat Feb 21st ~ Talks at Museum; Sun Feb 22nd Heritage
Fayre, Park Royal N (see Heritage info)
= Tues Feb 24th ~ 7pm ~ WVSPCA AGM at the shelter (1020
Guest Speaker: Dr Jamie Lawson, Chief Animal Health Officer
= Wed Feb 25th ~ 1:30pm ~ Arts and
Cultural Facilities WG
3pm ~ Heritage Achievement Awards Cmte
7pm ~ WV Historical Society general mtg at Srs' Ctr
= Thurs Feb
26th ~ 4:30pm ~
Design Review Cmte moved to Feb 19 (but look there -- it's
5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall
Astronomy Talk ~~ Thursday, February 19th: 7 - 8
International Year of Astronomy 2009
Four hundred years ago Galileo's use of a telescope to look to
the stars changed the way we think of our place in the Universe.
Join us for an illustrated discussion of some of astronomy's biggest
discoveries and the major questions astronomers are studying today
with HR MacMillan Space Centre's Astronomer, Raminder Samra.
This Event is FREE and everyone is welcome.
Find out more...
For more
information call the Reference Dept at 925
> ONGOING -- Fridays -- Feb 20: English
Corner 10 - 11:30am practise
English conversation
=== February 6 - 22 ~~ JANE
CLARK - Drawn to the Unknown
Paintings and drawings of BC and a new
collection of historical narrative poems of BC in the 1800s.
This is the feature exhibition for Spirit of BC Week in partnership
with Spirit of BC North Shore. Remarks by MLA Joan McIntyre and
Opening Reception & Book
Launch: Friday, February 6th, 6 - 8pm
Artist in
Attendance: Saturday, February 7th, 2 - 3pm
An Evening of Readings by
Jane: Thursday, February 12th, 7 -
=== February 24 - March 15
"Strings Attached" A juried mixed media exhibition on
the theme of APRONS.
Evening Reception: Tuesday, February 24th, 6 -
Artists in Attendance: Saturday, February
28th, 2pm
=== Monday March 2nd, 7pm
An Evening
Join internationally renowned artist and author, Robert Genn, for
a talk on art, the artist's life, and tips for excelling in your art
career. Time for questions and answers. Robert's latest books 'Love
Letters To Art' and 'Painter's Keys' will be available for purchase
and signing. www.robertgenn.com and
=== Jan 8 to Mar 8 in DWV's M Hall's Lobby: Paintings by
Jill Royall
Royall works with images from the visible world transformed
through the action of imagination on colour and form, to create
autonomous paintings on canvas that offer their discovery to
+++ SILK PURSE +++
www.silkpurse.ca -- February
17 - March 1
"Super Natural BC"
Montgomery is a well-known
Vancouver artist. He is partial to capturing scenes from the past such
as old streets of Vancouver that have long since gone. His paintings
show his strong desire to communicate and tell stories of what he sees
around him as well as some local history. He has a positive outlook on
life, and enjoys making people smile with his art.
Reception: TUESDAY February 17th from 6 - 8 pm
To see a list of events:
To see the electronic newsletter, the address is
http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com. Getting onto the mail list: the
simplest method is to call the box office (604 913 3634) or email
To view the latest newsletter, just
click the following link for direct access:
+++ WV Chamber of
Commerce +++ [this notice arrived too
late for the last WVM issue]
~ 7:30am ~ Wednesday February 11 NETWORKING BREAKFAST at
Hollyburn Country Club
Guest Speaker: Betty MacLeod, Vice President Olympic
Business Development and Sylvia Kerfoot, RBC Olympian, RBC Royal
Bank. Sponsor: Cypress Mountain
"The Came a Gypsy Riding"
ends Sunday night (15th); we enjoyed it, put on by the
semi-professional United Players at the Jericho Arts Ctr. Phone
224 8007 for tix.
=== Ccl Mtg NOTES
February 2nd ===
Mayor: Good evening...
I'm standing b/c I'm going to be giving my State of the District
address in a few minutes.
First of all, on behalf of all mbrs of Ccl, v plsed to announce
Cmnty Ctr has received its occupancy permit. This LEED facility
represents a true partnership with Vancouver Coastal Health and the
citizens of WV as our volunteer Bd prepares to take over the mgmt of
both the cmnty ctr and the aq ctr. Wd like to welcome Cmnty Ctr
Bd Chair, Barbara Brink.
Barbara Brink, Chair: thank you
been a long journey; want pay tribute to the Ccl and
administrations before this one who had the courage and foresight to
keep going. We're now almost at the finish line and, been a v
exciting journey. Particularly pay tribute to Cclrs Soprovich
and Smith and of course Shannon Walker who were on our original
Board. They've been wonderful giving us the trust and wisdom to
go forward and we will now be the stewards of this wonderful
In the next couple of weeks -- we're moving in; training,
testing; will be some action
full complement of progs by March
also want to alert you that on March 28 we'll be having an
opening celebration...
will be coming back to tell you a little more
March 28 is opening day, from 11 to 6 or 7 at night
lots been looking forward to this -- it's taken three years
a bldg we'll all be v proud of; a delightful, an exciting bldg
we'll all be proud of.
Mayor: Last week as is our tradition, asked to give speech as to
State of the District and to give it here.
[excerpts from text provided:]
2009 State of the
Community Address - Mayor Goldsmith-Jones
Chamber of
Commerce, Hollyburn Country Club, January 28, 2009
Have you read Jim
Collins's book Good to Great? Our CAO, Grant McRadu, is a fan
of this book, so I am going to say that this morning is not just a
good morning, this is a great morning. It isn't snowing; Bill
Soprovich actually made it this morning; last night the Streamkeepers
hosted Barry Penner, Minister of the Environment up at Mulgrave School
and our School Board hosted a first class forum on substance abuse.
Also, it is an honour to serve as Mayor, for a second
We have a wonderful
new Council....
We know we can
improve our tax base as well, by capitalizing on our land assets, and
by using our legislative tools better....
..What we need to
be shooting for is a way to reduce property taxation somewhat, and to
replace the gap with other revenue sharing
... I have
just finished writing the foreward to a book that is being published
on the subject, which I would like to read an excerpt
In 2006 our Council
took the bold step of abandoning its advisory committees and embarking
on an entirely new approach to citizen involvement through what we
call "Working Groups"....
There are several
central questions about our financial picture that we need to be able
to get at, within the strategic plan....
I should mention
that this restructuring is going to make it possible, in part, to
bring in a very conservative budget for 2009. And, that
management have anticipated, within current resources, the creation of
our new strategic plan in their work plans for 2009, including the
initiation of a performance management system that will track our
progress - and that will be available on-line so that everyone can
track our progress.
Of course,
external agencies like Metro Vancouver and [TransLink], for example,
will continue to put great pressure on our property tax base.
TransLink, for instance, has no real plan for how to pay the operating
costs of the Canada Line. It is using surpluses now, which will
run out in a few years. It also has only partial funding for the
$14 billion worth of public transit investments that have been
announced. It was relying on a booming real estate market to
provide future revenue....
Our capital budget
may be a little difficult to predict, as we don't know what
communities will benefit by federal and provincial infrastructure
investment - nor do we know if their priorities will align with
ours, and how willing local government will be to contribute its
expected share. Sherry Cooper at the Board of Trade's annual
economic forecast breakfast two weeks ago opened by saying "It is
unrealistic to be optimistic," and also stated that she believes the
only good news in 2009 is that the federal government will be
investing in infrastructure. Last week at a Fraser Institute
lunch, Mark Mullins felt the opposite - that deficit financing is a
gigantic compromise we will pay dearly for at some
In fairness to
local governments across the country, infrastructure investment by
senior levels of government has been an all-out campaign for years.
Of the G8 countries, it is estimated that Canada spends the least on
its cities, which are now widely regarded as being the economic
engines of the country and where the vast majority of people
infrastructure priorities range from sewer upgrades along the
waterfront, at a cost of over $2 million, to the Marine Drive/Taylor
Way intersection recommendations arising from Ralph Sultan's report
awhile ago. This is the Ministry of Transportation's
jurisdiction, but we are really pushing to have the intersection
addressed. We have had excellent attention from our MP John
Weston, and strong collaboration and communication with both MLAs,
Joan McIntyre and Ralph Sultan. Our relationships at all levels
are absolutely critical, and we appreciate the community's help in
fostering those....
***Related to the
success of Ambleside are some of the new programs our Police
Department has implemented. Under the leadership of Chief
Heed, Crime
Free Multi Housing was officially launched last May. This is a
crime prevention initiative designed to help apartment managers,
residents, police, and other agencies work together to keep illegal
and nuisance activity off rental property....
Watch is a Crime
Prevention Program that we've had for some time, which has had a
real boost from our new e-policing approach....
Safeguard was
implemented in 2008, to combat gang problems in local licensed
***WVPD adapted key
elements of the successful Bar Watch program to actively search out
known gang members and remove them from licensed
... We've had a
robust public discussion on housing needs that opens the door to the
provision of a better range of housing choice. We've got new
permanent daycare facilities where we didn't before. Our
Climate Action Engagement working group is ready to go.
Our very big
local news is that the Community Centre has its occupancy permit, and
staff is moving in. Gymnastics starts on February 15th.... The
seven guiding principles of the Board -community, innovation,
learning, partnership, inclusiveness, responsibility, and integration
- absolutely come to life when you are in the building.
You feel healthier just walking around in there...
...so I'll end by
showing the dvd that we showed the World Press when several hundred
journalists recently descended on Cypress Mountain, to learn about the
venue and West Vancouver.
[The whole speech can be found at:
http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=13804 and the DVD
starts at 7:22, ends 7:26]
1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA -- amended Item 9 to
Consent Agenda as 15.1
January 12, 2009 Regular Council Meeting; and January 19, 2009 Regular Council
3. North Shore Emergency Management Office (NSEMO)
(File: 0180-16)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council thank D. Mason, Director
DM: [slides] tri-M; est'd in 1978 b/c NSh cd be isolated in
an emergency, valid today
meets under the BC Emergency Program Act as well as the local
authority emergency regulation wch establishes what Ms are required to
NSEMO makes sure we meet; analyzes hazards, risks,
DWV Emerg Plan; conduct training and exercises; just had one;
really impressed
public info, engage stakeholders, provide cmnty education in
emerg preparedness; one of few who have this service
work with Sch Dists and other organizations
we all have to be responsible; courses all free except First Aid;
advise take one of these courses
We maintain an operationally ready Emergency Operations
supports the site response, call centre, 'the big' picture'
have over 250 volunteers [slide]
Anne Mooi is one of our ESS
we're located in RCMP ofc in NV; 983 7440; fax 985 3733;
NSEMO Vision: A Disaster-Resilient North Shore
Sop: have you engaged strata ccls and apt owners re onsite
Mayor: follow
Sop: ....amazing what they didn't know... when through,
wonder if you're doing that
Ans: groups of 15 or more we will come out to facilities and do
these presentations
we have a set number of courses throughout the year
Sop: apt mgr not obligated to?
Ans: not through NSEMO, but through the Fire Code, having
emergency plans in place; some obligations but have to have structures
in place
ME: perhaps appropriate I shd think b/c I was appointed to sit on
the cmte
as explained we are required to have such an ofc; we're generally
the envy or others, in large part what you have contributed
move thanks to Dorothy Mason......
REPORTS [7:41]
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive for information the January 21,
2009 report by the Acting Manager of Permits, Inspections and
Sokol: defer to acting mgr of bylaws....
LH: reporting on progress, Dec 15, confirmed Jan 12
dangerous excavation
gave prop owner to Jan 30 to meet all remedial requirements --
five; first 2 to 5 [slides]
PRIOR: snow fence, sloppy, slope
made arrangement with nbr
Slides of completed remedial action, 866 can now use garage
second, lighting, here's spotlight and another so protect anyone
third, signage (danger, keep out)
so met 2, 3, and 4
the fifth is a berm, designed by a geotechnical engr [slides of
before and after]
nothing to be done wrt gas line now, Terasen says fine; full use
of gas line
only lifted stop work order for this work to be done; nor further
work until all remedial completed
haven't issued the bldg permit
the final one, number one, has not been done; the geotechnical
decided not to go with Horizon for the second report, but not
heard from owner in in next day or so
once in see if it meets requirements and decide
two issues by new engr: needed access to house 866 to see of
cracks and the other undermining
the new engr didn't think....
staff said had to say why not needed to be addressed
Mayor: so issue before us is to receive the report
Sop: ... satisfaction re 866?
Ans: now, 866 has seen four ft of their property disappear down
that slope
know present Bldg Permit Application shows setback 10ft; see
looking how reinstate, premature to say how that's going to
Mayor: so really, item one, Ccl still waiting for
if we receive, this will we be hearing back from you or do you
have discretion to sign off?
Ans: We can sign off on this project unless Ccl wishes to give
diff direction
Mayor: so we're assuming you're going to hear back on Item
Ans: in next two days
Mayor: thank you
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council create a long term strategic vision and
plan to guide District of West Vancouver policy and budget
Brent Leigh, Deputy CAO: pleasure to introduce launching this
initiative, hope to achieve on the staff level
[text supplied: Staff and Council have considered a process,
which will build on OCP and Working Groups input bring these
folks and ultimately the broader community together to priorize the
community's goals. It is our hope that these goals will be driven by a
newly established vision. This process will be kicked off at
the Wosk Centre on April 1st as the first step in
the community-based strategic planning process. The plan
will be completed by the end of the year where a corporate-wide
performance management system will be put in place. As we go
throught the process we'll also adapt.... deliverables...
I will turn it now to our CAO who will speak to some of the
outcomes we expect]
CAO: certainly for us, an exciting evening
since I arrived been working v hard to get to this evening
we all know WV is an xxx and exciting place
challenge, decisions going to be made from outside sources,
challenge to engage our cmnty; pay for services they do
what we wanted to do -- Ccl asked when I first arrived, look at
our org
try to make as efficient as we can
more than anything else we'll be able to demonstrate, sound biz
and financial acumen
we're as accountable and transparent as we can be
turn it over to you to move forward
Sop: my view has always been we must look into the future
healthy cmnty; if you don't know where you're going, v difficult
to plan
at least start a process to a strategic plan
look at changes 2016 to 2026; demographic changes -- look at
vital a good cross-section of the cmnty
I'd like to see a v tight factual-based xxx
one: demographics, popn increases, growth we need in next 20
responsibility on financial side
indicators here, still at a little bit of a side of a
three-year budget -- lack of info
can't three years unless zero increase in tax
commend mgmt, taken and started process; think quite unique, WV
will be a leader again
long-range plans, close attn to asset-mgmt
how we can help in changing housing market; fight ev year to keep
citizens' taxes down; see where we're going, can ease off; like to be
a great part of it
ME: likewise; excited come this far; strategic plan that will
give ev an opp
plan here more than adequate to move forward on
things to be stressed, five, and if I speak slowly Mr McRadu can
take notes
under.... transportation planning and Spirit Trail
like to include that we dramatically review assets we have
I literally mean all of the assets
likewise the reserve funds we have, there are constraints on use
of those funds; shd take opp to examine use of those funds, see if
consistent with pass
under 2.1, says ratifies with 3 and budget; must be clear not
Ccl's intention for three-year budget but an outline, shd be clear to
public not to enshrine
Mayor: know dear to CAO
CAO: scrutiny that goes in v good; challenge is that in a
good/normal year, budget takes six months, in WV nine months
takes an enormous amt of staff time
divergence as to what cmnty wants to pay for; and at what level
be it though us or otherwise
budgets and circumstances change ev year
know, then we can move forward, level services prepared to pay
for; cd move forward with a three-year budget, not pass budget but to
chart a course
ME: under 3.1: performance measurement system, presume not only
policy but personnel?
CAO: again, that is correct
difficult to hold anybody accountable if not vision what to hold
line to
goals, progs, vision, hold staff accountable; intent to have on
website so public can see
ME: finally 4.4 -- my question is that I believe we need some
Mayor: not sure who to answer that
ME: system here support goals flowing from cmnty vision, seems to
stop there
Mayor: think without a plan difficult to xxx or measure
think that xxx but it got a bit lost
BL: ... April to May... clarification made
TP, reading: ... all want
[text supplied]
Our lives are deeply
affected by how well we as community leaders address the needs of this
community. Everything from the economic climate, to how we get around
-- even the air we breathe, is a function of our
We all want our
local community to be vibrant, healthy and [livable], but to ensure
that this community remains liveable for future generations, it is
crucial that economic, social and environmental 'sustainability'
become the job #1 of public institutions.
Our success in
addressing future [livability] requires a long term vision and a firm
understanding of our core values beyond short term satisfaction and
special interests. Now is the time to build on our Official Community
Plan (OCP) with an eye to being proactive for the future. We can only
do more with less if we have a clear vision of where we are going and
set goals based on comprehensive citizen engagement and farsighted,
pragmatic leadership.
This long term
strategic process is exciting. We have a chance to ask ourselves
some vital questions: How do we hold onto the ecological
integrity of our forested upper lands, our watersheds? How do we
make our neighbourhoods more connected, resilient? Will our
vision for the future support a long term transportation plan that is
bold enough to put pedestrians and bikes on an equal footing with
cars? Are we able to provide incentives to encourage renewable
energy? How can we build on partnerships and our entrepreneurial
spirit and diversify our tax base? What indicators will we use and how
will we measure our success?
Strong public
engagement towards a widely shared public vision as part of a whole
system approach is the opportunity we have before us. I am both
excited and fully supportive of this long term planning
ton of fun; nothing to add; will be organic and will be moving
ML: arguably, this is the most .... single ...
as stewards of this cmnty; don't want to get into details,
details are tactics; we want to think strategy; how you get there is
tactics; tools you use to get along the path; what you're doing now is
charting the journey
a couple of comments
WV well fam with strategic planning process
sure we're putting together a first-rate engagement process;
making good use of the time we're asking ppl to commit to; have had
some talks with staff, not approp here, tactical as well; probly most
imp thing we'll do
SW: v briefly, big on brevity esp at ccl mtgs
hope Ccl will stay focused ... staff ... objectives
one of the reasons I'm up here
watching Amb renewal nine years...
Mayor: Cclr Smith, wd you like to add our thoughts?
MS: obvious; curious as to how different from [previous]
have read through three or four, and all the same, just change
the date
rebuilding police stn, renewal of Amb...
change the dates, out comes the new booklet
key to xxx as to why plans go off the rails
use Cmnty Ctr as an example
and the plan looked pretty good; $24M expenditure new Cmnty
Ctr, Western....
and the no 1 priority of 1999 was upgrade facilities at
spent twice as much
golf facilities, ten years later still not done
all well and good to have a plan
but why these plans are not being executed and carried out the
way intended
{NO MONITORING!!! Clearly no one's minding the store!
or changes/higher costs meekly accepted}
BL: wd love to have the xxx
your comments are exactly why staff behind this
what drives most of us in the public ctr
well-intentioned; biz acumen and clarity drive them to a
particular financial manner
strategic; do it in a way, with cmnty and tactically carries it
Sop: this will be the fifth
we've had changes, retirement ... opens the door for...
like it or not, three years, here's the priorities
the diff is looking long-term -- five years -- I've advocated
longer than that
work back different terms, new issues
this is positive, even an old guy like me, v excited to see this
finally come about
long time waiting for it
MS: if you're excited, then Cclr Sop I'm all for it
Mayor: I can only speak for last two terms, but when seven ppl
agree, I think we're all v excited about the potential, obviously diff
priorities and so will the cmnty
but in the last Ccl did our best where we had commonality, but
that really resulted in a list of priorities
it doesn't allow you to do as good of a job of integrated
thinking and long-range planning, and that's what I believe this Ccl
is all about.
Motion is now on floor
will you refine this report based on what you heard, Mr Leigh,
and redistribute it
BL: be delighted to
RECOMMENDED: report from the Director of Olympic
Services & Projects be received for information.
Mayor: is this the final update?
Josie Chuback: yes, it is; reached a signif milestone in the
cmnty; tenth; next will be final
share a photojournal to capture essence of what we've achieved
old cmnty ctr built in 1958; over 90% salvaged or recycled
construction lasted much longer than any of us anticipated
construction climate of 1.5% per month
now have a ctr many years of cmnty input; a cmnty vision; design,
sustainability and partnerships
First Nations....
reused yellow cedar...
budget quality schedule
staff are in the bldg, moving in; orientation and training phase,
HVAC systems
other than testing progs, public won't be in until March
one of the biz, renos to Aquatic Ctr changerooms, will.. when
opens in March
3.4% over $1.3M, however with ..... with grants, etc, 2.5%
we are working with Ccl on a draft xxx as well as a final
Basil Davis: Josie has captured
sad, that this is the final qtrly report
been a v difficult project
....weather, trades, labour; complicated bldg; hats off to
will definitely respond to your needs; no connection to SAC
but that was getting $5M out of the budget; this casualty but Ccl of
the day had been cost, quality, and schedule
had to let architect loose ... xxx ...
when you're trying to work against a list in a .... climate;
really shooting in the dark
turn that $5M into ????? got pretty close to it
shd be within 2.5% of what we were shooting for
pleased b/c of what other..... pleased as a working team, ccl,
staff, construction ppl
hope the 3.4% will be reconciled below to 2.5%, also imp to Mr
Laing; been v helpful
pretty rocky start with onsite mgrs; had to fire a couple, the
odd site or project mgr and superintendent, one of each; to do so
without losing step quite a challenge; managed to bring in replacement
b/c good relationship with Scott
drained Squamish
3/4 of the team, know schedule sadly affected; didn't appreciate
how much trouble it wd be
been fun
I'll be there a couple of months
million deficiencies, xxxx
had an occupancy permit; going to wave it around here; able to go
forward and complete for you; been fun
ME: I've been through the new ctr on three occasions and must say
concern re seniors
or a long while expressed some angst about using underground
imp we pay a lot of attn to the ease and access through the
underground to the Srs' Ctr
at the moment no clear area where seniors can park
maybe if some of the younger of Health and our own staff early
parking near elevators so seniors park further and have to walk
when walking around stuck me have to be rather strong; ease of
access, seamlessly through to Srs' Ctr; you cd give me some comfort re
BD: architects conscious b/c we had a connection so v much the
orientation was on the east side,
elevator No 2, tried to. xxx for ....
titled as being the seniors [?] gyms
try to break up the traffic somewhat
against the walls, to Aq Ctr do this, do that
out of the parkade itself we have two main accesses..... don't
actually have to open the door
adjustment of door, absolutely right
code, doesn't close properly
as to other aspects, if you're walking through the bldg, a lot of
automatic band/openers
on ... levels
try to think not just of wheelchair but seniors; I've got ideas
but I'm not on the operations side
the only one we have to keep in mind is that VCH is coming in and
in parking have a storage area -- where practitioners, nurses, cd be
bringing back samples, etc., rather than carrying up, maybe just put
in storage area b/c they're going take it out the next day.
orientation for seniors to the east side of the parkade
drawing ppl to old parkade b/c of Aq Ctr
any improvements we can make to north of parkade we'd xxx
Mayor: a couple of others, but Anne Mooi comment...
that's imp, whether xxx or not
AM: ...
as to Measuring Up, we're ...; as accessible a s possible for
Sop: sure there's going to be a lot of adjustment over the next
few months
Mr McRadu it is fait accompli a rain cover
CAO: through you to Madam Mayor
Josie ... there is funding
JCh: for the breezeway; cd be put in in short time
Sop: if last time, congratulate you, Mr Davis
everywhere across the board
escalation of 5%, still maintaining...
ML: are any of the parking... allocated to staff?
JCh: at this time no allocation for staff on xxx side
on VCH, 20 parking spaces will be designated
preference broken into five at various places
ML: so if staff there from 8 to 5
..... put them as far as possible
rather than where a senior cd.....xxx
Cclr Evison and I did one of the tours and xxx
at end of project, what's the excess ??? of parking from
JCh: we can bring the date as well as the mgmt plan for xxx
farthest away is policy for staff, particularly when going to be
there a day
MS: Mr Davis, as a learning experience
in summer we were looking at an opening Sept 8; you were saying
good as gold b/c all contracts met
why so suddenly another $1.5M appear, and we lost three
Mr Lewis asked about change-orders and you said something like
500 change-orders
??? how'd that happen?
BD: have to keep spirits up or gets into ... quickly
the real test
actual stuff that goes out
not a complete set of drawings; construction mgmt planning long
the way; changing and at same time trying to do the design.
you end up with subdrawings
invite Cclr Smith to come and see; If you think drawing ought to
be better, than come.......
get ahead of inflation
schedule got sacrificed, xxx... I can sit down xxx
MS: sorry, Mr Davis, I'm not detail-oriented
Mayor: coming back to Ccl?
CAO: have circulated the draft for Ccl, overview; will discuss
with Ccl in the next week or so
as soon as we get some responses back
Mayor: appreciate what a challenging project it has been; tough
decisions made by everybody throughout the project; how important now
to be joining hands with the cmty for success
asking for public's patience and help, and constructive effort to
make this a success long into future
thank you for hanging in with us
SW: today, second time toured with Cclr Panz
despite negativity delays, it's an architecture showcase; think a
job well done
Sop: on positive note; started in 1996, Evison was on original
cmte that looked at original planning
final date, come to this... this is a positive time; highlight;
cmnty ctr and Health, one of the best province if not in Canada
will see a real success story, including the Endowment fund;
compliments to staff
you can go through it and cry over spilt milk and look at a lot
of things; real success story, going to be proven to be so in
7. Item withdrawn. [8:47]
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive for information the January 23,
2009 report from the Director of Planning, Lands and Permits
Sokol: Esso made decision xxx; Jan 2008 no fuel since that
Minister Falcon indicated wd want to continue
Esso wd if DWV absolved ....
Staff said before indemnification need to see something
estimates two to three months
in spring Esso made a decision to decommission
envtal assessment at FCove; ready for public review in
want to get fuel
back with Mr Falcon; last week indicated willing
presumably once go ahead from Esso; once see result from
staff will report when clearer, xxx
ME: one concern; commend staff for lining up process for
where we required to provide indemnification?
that involves lawyers, some of my best friends, but not always
able to turn on a dime
we have permits in place, will in place, that last bit not known
for being a short process
a lot depends on the fuelling it xxx
Sokol: staff has been working with our solicitor....
all depends on the terms Esso ..... closer to the March
Mayor: were considered unfairly last year....
managing risk; thin full support in the marina, without exposing
us, obviously
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Deputy CAO be received
for information.
to Consent Agenda, 15.1
10. Amendment to Council Meeting Schedule (File:
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Council Meeting scheduled for March 16
be cancelled and that a Council Meeting be scheduled for March
23 at 7pm
Mayor: spring break
11. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
12. Re-appointment to the North Shore Advisory Committee on
Disability Issues (ACDI) (File: 0180-18)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the re-appointment of Rosamund Van Leeuwen and
Brigitte Vogelsang for the term January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010,
be approved.
13. Appointments to Design Review Committee
(File: 0116-20-DRC)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following reappointments and new
appointments be made to the Design Review Committee for the term
ending January 31, 2010:
Reappointments: Alexandra Bennett, Eric Lees, Jennifer Marshall,
Karl Ray
New Appointments: Duane Siegrist, Tom Bunting, Michael
Richardson, Donal O'Callahan.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated January 23, 2009 be received
for information.
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
*** Item 9 above, here as Item 15.1
Sop: 7, 11, 12; ME: 1 and 1; SW: ???
16. Correspondence List (File: 0120 24)
[complete list in previous WVM]
Correspondence Received up to January 16,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Acting Director of Parks
and Community Services for consideration and response.
ME: ask Acting Dir for comments
AM: staff today have drafted a response
happy to sport championship
lowest chns rate, also financial for any youth via our
cmnty grants prog and fund
congratulate being awarded the honour of prov champion [?]
ME: anticipated questions
Mayor: and me....
Correspondence Received up to January 23,
Action Required
Referred to Director of Engineering
and Transportation for consideration and response.
Sop whether car or golf cart
Cclr Panz and I sitting on other cmtes;
with advent of Spirit Trail
three-mile wide walkway, not the seawall
best advised to look at alternative methods such as this; we have
bylaws; presumably not cars
RF: the legislation relates to zero-omission vehicles
while not.... they are vehicles; safety and standards
the difficulty for allowing these on the street is that the prov
govt ...
with a 40kpmh speed limit -- no M roads for 40kmph less
so allow alternate -- for a 50kpmh speed limit
b/c of xxxx; piecemeal; the three Ms are looking at the
no sense in WV able t drive along road but at boundary not able
to get past
if live in WV and works downtown, wd not be able to drive this
vehicle to drive over LGB to go downtown
sort of challenges
Sop: xxx and second grant re xxx $200K?
Mayor: not sure
CAO: the two, second printing of arts and culture brochure
and 1846
exact projects I can provide a breakdown ...going to these
Mayor: wrt torch, ... 45K miles, 12K athletes
part of, our leadership team, separates from RBC; don't have much
detail at all
CAO kept under wraps for security reasons
we're the end of the run; comes on the 10th and 12th the opening
ceremonies, so opp to celebrate; v exciting day; know a number of
events planned for that day
Mayor: or us, that will be our opening
ME: is there any evidence M has benefited in any way for
CAO: nothing been announced as of this time; call in next
know prov and fed monies coming; applic process has to
Mayor prov, flow through
begin to work more closely with our prov fed MLAs
Mayor: mtg on Friday; so can put efforts behind xxx; hope
my understanding other cmnties have not rallied the way NSh
CAO: one of the things that has come out ... onerous; request
try to be as streamlined as possible; sometimes takes a lot of
time and effort... expeditious as possible
TP: as cclr of Heritage Awards, H Wk Feb 16th to 22nd
kind of fun next mtg will be presenting to award winners
following [night] Tues reception and lecture
{really it's a panel of authors who have written books on
fyi, I'm on Heritage Achievement Award Cmte; and am Chair
of Heritage West Van organizing events for the week as I've done since
invitation is for all to attend; [winners have given] graciously
of their time and energy
ME: might give you a little omnibus comment
I chaired the Arts & Culture WG, this is the first
somewhat dramatically overhauled what needed to be done
with strategic plan; greater level of attention; awareness
Cclr Panz and I attended ... great benefit... to seniors on
brief in Bby
a number of us, including yourself, Madam Mayor
drug abuse, [seminar?] at Kay Meek last week; initiative by
school trustees
attended LMTAC...; had a director of NSEMO ... xxx
finally on behalf or Mayor & Ccl, opening parade, held in
Chinatown, so impressed with huge numbers; lots of MLAs, MPs; a lot of
fun; wet, but
ML: pleasure of attending NSh Disability WG
{think he means cmte}
first I have attended; mbrs of the WG had a walk through of the
Cmnty Ctr
whether visibility, ... measures
I seem to have all these.. NSh Substance Cmte
handoff from the... linking that into activities school
KM a week ago; looking fwd to these things
Mayor: beat any that
Sop: I'm not going to spend five minutes speaking of what I've
done over the last two weeks; Srs' Bd
Mayor: thank you for that linkage
Sop: compliment [to Cclr Smith] they miss you
Mayor: Cclr Lewis Metro Vancouver Finance [cmte]; I'm on Ways &
chair takes the view for the mayors; ev year they appoint; keep
working on that
at the Police Bd mtg last Thursday
{WHAT MTG? not on DWV Calendar and not on WVPD
website -- what's happening???}
extensive report; will be coming to our ... in March
as well, have invited Chief Heed Mar 2nd
concept; traffic safety
what our Engg Dept does; invests re safety
Sop: want to commend you for your stance
GVRD whether ... head ...relationship
I think it's a closed shop; travesty; spends years; only mayors;
was on intergovtal cmte
all experience during our time; time and time again denied
thrown out to the wolves; not you; not a good form of
Mayor: next ccl mtg (Mar 2) Sustainabiity Report
18. Public Questions/Comments
Mayor: Carolanne Reynolds. Heritage Week is coming
CR: Yes, that is one of the things that I, -- I wasn't
going to come up, and then -- I want to thank Cclr Panz for mentioning
it; I'd like to expand it a bit, if I might
but I do know WinterSong was not mentioned, and I know that's
going to be happening before that [Heritage Week], so one of you might
want to mention that
Heritage Week always starts the third Monday in February, and
it's the whole week and there will be displays during the week;
there's a free snowshoe and barbecue on the Sunday Feb 22nd
and there are the displays by Heritage and other cmnty groups on
Sunday as well
so I just wanted to get [you] all excited about celebrating our
thank you v much
{Omigosh. A lesson in being prepared; tried to mention
what hadn't been; decided not to correct 'lecture' -- it's a panel
followed by a reception. Shd hv also invited
Mayor: an oversight -- Cclr Lewis move oral reports from
M&Ccl be received for information
Other questions or comments?
Taylor Verrall [sp?], high school student: Good evening
glad able to make it here tonight
thanks to Cclr Panz for mentioning during the Budget report that
sustainability is going to be an essential in the upcoming budget, and
I fully agree.
I'd just like to put in my own opinion. An area I think is
being a bit neglected is some of our local parks in relation to the
cmnties. I find that they're sometimes being overgrown,
under-maintained, trash will begin to spread like weeds, also v
present in a lot of these parks. I cdn't give you specific names
but these are in a lot of parks that may not be on Marine Dr or the
main roads, but cd actually be v practical for local families, and I
just thought I wd like to put that forward to Ccl.
Mayor: thank you, nice to see you tonight; anything further from
any mbr of the public?
Then motion to adjourn.
19. ADJOURNMENT [9:16]
=== Ccl Mtg AGENDA Feb
16th ===
3. 2009 Heritage Achievement Awards (File: 2585-11)
-- Presentation to be provided.
4. Development Permit Application No. 08-042 for
2490-2496 Marine Drive (former Capers Food Store site) (File:
At the January 19, 2009 meeting, Council
received the report dated January 9, 2009 from the Senior Urban
Design Planner titled "Development Permit No. 08-042 for
2490-2496 Marine Drive (former Capers Food Store site)", a copy of
which is attached for reference.
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal
submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report,
RECOMMENDED: THAT Staff report back to
THAT the DPA which would allow for:
interior and exterior building renovations, and
with the added provision that ingress/egress from the lane be
provided at least 6 consecutive hours each day, with the specific
hours identified by the applicant based on the best business operating
practices and that additional signage accompany this
be approved.
At the January 19, 2009 meeting, Council
received the report dated January 6, 2009 from the Senior Urban Design
Planner titled "4768 and 4772 The Highway, Lower Caulfeild", a
copy of which is attached for reference.
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal
submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report,
RECOMMENDED: THAT Staff report back to
THAT the Alteration Permit Application which would allow for a
lot line adjustment between two lots in the Lower Caufeild Heritage
Conservation Area, be approved.
RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second and third
THAT the 2009 Metro Vancouver Sustainability Report be received by
Council for information.
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
Item 9 - Local Government Infrastructure Planning Grant
Program; Item 10 - Spirit Trail Mark; Item 11 - Appointment to
Municipal Insurance Association; Item 12 - Correspondence
THAT Council authorizes submission of an application for the
Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure - Asset Management Plan and the Storm
Sewer Infrastructure - Asset Management Plan projects under the
Provincial Local Government Infrastructure Planning Grant
THAT Council receive for information the report dated February 9,
2009 from the Director, Engineering & Transportation entitled
"Spirit Trail Mark".
{just for information b/c it's already been adopted and used
as of Feb 7th!}
11. Appointment to Municipal Insurance Association
(File: 0115 01/0055 20MIAB1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT G. McRadu, CAO, be appointed as the alternate
District representative for 2009 for the Municipal Insurance
12. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Correspondence received up to January 30,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Municipal Clerk for
Referred to Director of Finance for
consideration and response.
Referred to Municipal Clerk for
Referred to Mayor and Council for
consideration and response.
Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
(7) January 31, 2009, regarding
Petition with 29 Signatures in relation to Snow
Referred to Director of Engineering
and Transportation for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt
(8) Committee and Board Meeting
Attachments available for viewing in
Legislative Services Department.
Attachments available for viewing in
Legislative Services Department.
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period --
No items presented.
Correspondence received up to February 6,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Director of Finance for consideration and
Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for
consideration and response.
Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for
consideration and response.
Referred to Municipal Clerk for response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period --
No items presented.
=== WEBWATCH === Silver
Dart Google
1909 February
1909 Newspapers In The
World's Largest Newspaper Archive! www.NewspaperArchive.com/1990s
Silver Dart Feb 23
1909 - 2009 pictures
from friends & fun photos ...27 Nov 2008 ... Silver Dart Feb 23 1909 - 2009 pictures published by
good-times.webshots.com/album/568888198aAAowH - 95k
TheStar.com | Canada |
Shuttle astronaut flies replica of 1909 ...6 Feb 2009 ... It was
on Feb. 23,
1909 that a horse-drawn sled
pulled the
silver-winged Silver Dart onto the ice of Baddeck Bay in Cape
www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/583699 - 11 hours ago
- Similar
pages -
J, McCurdy flew the
AEA's Silver
on February
23, 1909 in Nova ...J, McCurdy flew the AEA's Silver Dart on February 23,
1909 in Nova Scotia, Canada.
It was the first airplane flight in Canada. ...
- 4k -
Dart replica flies at
Hamilton airport6 Feb
2009 ... the Commonwealth took place on frozen
Baddeck Bay in Nova Scotia on Feb.
23, 1909.
... CBC
Dart makes aviation
www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/06/silverdart-hamilton.html?ref=rss - 14 hours ago -
Funding Announced
For Silver
Dart Centennial |
News Releases
...5 Feb
2009 ... "In February 1909, the
Silver Dart took to the air
above the ...
23, during which a replica
built by Welland Aviation Group will be on ... www.gov.ns.ca/news/details.asp?id=20090205002 - 15k
- Cached - Similar pages
Flight of
the Silver
Dart - Centennial
Celebration Baddeck 2009On
February 23, 1909, the
Silver Dart was ready for
its first Canadian trial. After the second try, the craft gathered
speed and lifted into the air, ...
www.flightofthesilverdart.ca/ - 27k - Cached -
Similar pages
- Silver
Dart Replica Flies At
Hamilton Airport6 Feb
2009 ... Silver
Dart makes aviation history.
Broadcast Date:
Feb. 23, 1949. On Feb.
23, 1909, engineer J.A.D. McCurdy piloted the first
www.liveleak.com/view?i=6b7_1233964636 - Similar pages -
Dart to fly again
on feb
23...Maybe -
dslreports.com6 Feb
2009 ... The original Silver Dart, so named for rubberized silk fabric
covering its wings , made aviation history Feb.
23, 1909.
www.dslreports.com/forum/r21872570-Silver-Dart-to-fly-again-on-feb- 23Maybe
- 19 hours ago - Similar
Kudos/Congratulations to Lebanese bankers!
** Lebanon 'immune' to financial crisis ** Bankers
in Beirut say they were prepared for the financial meltdown hitting
the world's financial markets and they are booming as a result. <
February 16 - 22; A Legacy of Learning - the Heritage of
The 2009 Heritage Week
poster features Ridgeway Elementary School in the City of North
In 2005, Ridgeway was at
risk of demolition because of costs for seismic upgrading. To
save their historic school, residents mobilized and formed the
Ridgeway Heritage Society. The City and School District #44
worked willingly with the Society to find a solution. In 2008,
Ridgeway School was protected as part of a zoning bylaw amendment that
involved other school sites, bonus building density, and density
The Ridgeway Elementary
story is now an inspiration for other B.C. communities to protect and
keep their irreplaceable heritage schools.
2009 West Vancouver Heritage
Achievement Awards
February 13th, 2009
West Vancouver, BC: The
13th annual Heritage Achievement Awards will be presented Monday
February 16th, starting at 7:00pm in the West Vancouver Municipal Hall
Council Chambers. The ceremony will form part of the
Council Meeting. The Awards Reception and West Vancouver authors'
panel will be held on Tuesday February 17th starting at 7:00pm in the
Marine Room, Seniors' Activity Centre, located at 695 21st
The awards are presented in honour of
individuals, groups, and businesses that have made significant
contributions towards ensuring our collective heritage is preserved.
This year, seven awards will be presented:
Hugh Hamilton, in recognition of his
advocacy and inspirational leadership in the restoration of our
natural heritage over many years.
The Land Conservancy of BC, Adrian
Archambault, and the Executors of the Binning Estate (Geoffrey Massey,
Everhard van Lidth de Jeude, Ronald Patrick Walsh), in recognition
of their joint efforts in facilitating the long-term conservation of
Binning House through transfer of ownership to the TLC, and the
establishment of an endowment fund, to enable its operation as a
heritage site for public education and awareness.
Francis Mansbridge, In recognition of the
publication of his book, "Hollyburn: The Mountain and the City"
which makes a significant contribution to the preservation of West
Vancouver's heritage.
Elinor Martin (Author) & Margaret Ramsay
(Editor) in recognition of their book, "Celebrating Seventy
Years of Ministry 1933-2003: A History of the Parish of St.
Dugal Purdie and Lynda Wrigley, in
recognition of their sensitive rehabilitation of the 1958 "Dawson
House" to accommodate contemporary living requirements, while
ensuring the building's long-term conservation in keeping with the
original Ron Thom design.
Lorne Rubinoff, in recognition of his
faithful stewardship of the architecturally-renowned "Merrick House"
over the past 25 years; his respect for the spirit of the house and
its natural setting; and for openly sharing his home with others as a
work of art and a valuable teaching tool.
The Toby Family, in recognition of their
efforts in maintaining the 1962 Toby House in meticulous condition,
and for conserving the exterior and interior features of this
architecturally-significant house.
* "Drawn to the Unknown"
The Ferry Building Gallery is participating in
the Spirit of BC with Jane Adams, West Van artist. Her
exhibition of paintings, drawings, stories, and poems is on the
history of BC, 1800s to present. It focuses on nature. The
launch of her book, same title as the exhibit, is on Feb 6.
Joan McIntyre, MLA, is opening the exhibition Friday, Feb 6 at
> SILK PURSE: February 17-March 1 "Super
Natural BC"
To celebrate BC's heritage and history, the
Silk Purse Gallery presents Vern Montgomery a well-known
Vancouver artist. He is partial to capturing scenes from the past such
as old streets of Vancouver that have long since gone. His paintings
show his strong desire to communicate and tell stories of what he sees
around him as well as some local history. He has a positive outlook on
life, and enjoys making people smile with his art.
Opening Reception: TUESDAY, February 17th from 6 - 8pm;
FREE, Everyone Welcome
> RESTAURANTS: Dundarave: Beach
House (1912); Red Lion (1913)
> Also check Library and Park Royal's display; and ask
about a heritage discount at West Van Florist (1933)
> An Evening of
Heritage Recognition -- 7pm Tues Feb 17; Srs' Ctr
o INTRODUCTION of 2009 Heritage Award
o Panel of Authors of books on WV -- Peter
Hall, Elinor Martin, Francis Mansbridge, Elinor Martin, Tom
o Questions and Answers; followed by
> Diamond Head Chalet -- A Family's
Journey (Sat Feb 21; Museum)
Guest Speaker: Donald
Archivist Historian of the
Hollyburn Heritage Society and the Hollyburn Ridge
Two showings of the film will run
at the Museum from 1:30pm to 3pm and from 3:30pm to 5pm.
In the mid-1940s, three Hollyburn
Mountain pioneers, Joan Mathews, Ottar Brandvold, and Emil Brandvold,
built beautiful Diamond Head beside Elfin Lakes in Garibaldi
Provincial Park. During the next three decades, thousands of people
visited the lodge to enjoy summer hiking, winter skiing, and the warm
hospitality of Joan and the Brandvold brothers. Donald Grant's film,
"Diamond Head Chalet -- A Family's Journey" (2008) tells the
story of the lodge and the Brandvold/Mathews family. The film features
over 200 historic photos and slides, spectacular colour movies from
the 1940s, and contemporary video taken during a family reunion at
Elfin Lakes in September, 2007.
Descendants of Joan, Ottar, and
Emil will be present to answer questions.
Registration is not required
for attending this talk, but limited space is available for seating.
Admission is by donation.
> Heritage Week
Snowshoe Tour & BBQ
Enjoy an informative snowshoe trek through the
snowy mountain forests and meadows on Hollyburn Ridge at Cypress
Mountain's Nordic Area. Included in the tour will be a stop at
historic Hollyburn Lodge for a barbecue.
Sunday February 22nd 3:30 -
Reservations required. Please check in at
Children eight years and older are welcome
when accompanied by an adult.
Pre booking is required. Please call
the Snowshoe Coordinator at 913 2573 to reserve your
place. Spaces are limited and will be booked on a
first come first served basis.
The tour is free, though a credit card number
will be taken to secure the booking.
We require 24 hours' notice for cancellation --
late cancellations are subject to a $15 fee per person.
*** Just heard of a great new word: Bankster
-- a combination of banker and gangster.
*** I serendipitously happened upon this ~40-year-old skit
featuring the late Dean Martin and Goldie Hawn (during her "dumb
blonde" Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In days). The dictionary
enters at the 3:19 mark,
a musical tribute to
AWAD @ 4:41. ;-)
Nature can provide for the needs of people; but she can't provide
for the greed of people. -- Gandhi
Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a
finite world is either a madman or an economist.
Kenneth Boulding
Kenneth Ewart
Boulding (January
18, 1910 -
March 18, 1993) was an
economist, educator,
peace activist,
poet, religious mystic,
Quaker, systems
scientist, and interdisciplinary philosopher. He was cofounder
of General Systems
Theory and founder of
numerous ongoing intellectual projects in economics and social science.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from
mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein
The real cause, the effective one, that makes men lose power is
that they have become unworthy to exercise it.
Alexis de Tocqueville
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you
need. -- Cicero (1st century
What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the
plum for want of courage to shake the tree?
Logan Pearsall Smith
for VALENTINES.......
Love doesn't make the world go round. Love
is what makes the ride worthwhile. -- Franklin P. Jones
Love is an irresistible desire to be
irresistibly desired. -- Robert Frost
If you have it [Love], you don't need to
have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much
what else you have. -- Sir James M. Barrie
Love is the triumph of imagination over
intelligence. -- Henry Louis Mencken
A man wakes up in the emergency room, his face all bloody and
bandaged, black eye, broken nose, etc. When one of the nurses
asked him what happened, he said this:
"I asked my wife what she wanted for Valentine's Day. She
said she would LOVE something that would go from zero to 200 in TWO
SECONDS. So, I bought her a bathroom scale."