Ccl Mtg NOTES Apr 6
Calendar to May 7th
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
-- pesach sameach! --
No, I didn't pass over Passover -- Chag sameach! --
and Happy Orthodox Easter too
= MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg Apr 20th: Spirit Trail Signing;
Keeping Poultry; Royal Hudson Whistle; Youth Safe House; Cmnty
Grants Cmte apptmts; Correspondence including query re removal of
Yoga from passes (3), snow-clearing answers (6), WV cricketer
chosen for Canada's world cup team! (10), ramifications of add'l
playing field in Ambleside (12), ITAC's concerns re drop in
District's revenue and repercussions (13)
= Talent! -- Susan Boyle; Vive le Canada (Govt: Six
Nations); ANIMALWATCH (Eagle nest/chicks); from the EDITOR'S DESK;
UPDATES (Strategic Vision Planning; Hwy bypass opened)
= CALENDAR to May 7th; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Music;
Opera; Bard)
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Apr 6th: Hugo Ray Park
Status and Update (Field Hockey going to be at Ambleside instead?)
and Nbrhd Visioning process for a 48-unit devt on the Unitarian
Church site there; Update on Heritage Strategic Plan and St
Christopher's added to Heritage Register; Five-Year Financial Plan
aka Budget 2009 Bylaw adopted
= Ccl Mtg AGENDA Apr 20th; INFObits (Life Expectancy,
Housing, Beer, Gaza)
(Incredible Mayor); CREEKWATCH (Lawson, WV Streamkeepers); BOOKWATCH
(Pubs); LANGUAGEWATCH (Punnishment); MAIKU (spring); QUOTATIONS
*** BUT FIRST, I cdn't
Within days of getting three yeses,
Susan Boyle singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables
had had 30M, yes that's M hits! You've probably heard it already
-- it was on BBC, CBC, CTV, CNN, radio, etc. When she walked out
on the stage, ppl hardly suppressed their laughter but they were
standing clapping within a few notes! She's an unmarried (never
been kissed), unemployed 47-year-old, youngest of nine. And such
an exceptional personality too. She'd stayed home to look after
her elderly parents and the interviewer on CBC NewsWorld sort of asked
about what sort of burden that had been and she said in effect not at
all it had been a privilege/pleasure. When told she was special,
her reply was that you and everyone out there is special
too. If you haven't
watched/heard it, click on:
=== Vive le Canada
=== Oldest
Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
The people of the Six Nations,
also known by the French term, Iroquois Confederacy, call themselves
the Hau de no sau nee (ho dee noe sho nee) meaning People Building a
Long House. Located in the northeastern region of North America,
originally the Six Nations was five and included the Mohawks, Oneidas,
Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas. The sixth nation, the Tuscaroras,
migrated into Iroquois country in the early eighteenth century.
Together these peoples comprise the oldest living participatory
democracy on earth. Their story, and governance truly based on the
consent of the governed, contains a great deal of life-promoting
intelligence for those of us not familiar with this area of American
history. The original United States representative democracy,
fashioned by such central authors as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas
Jefferson, drew much inspiration from this confederacy of nations. In
our present day, we can benefit immensely, in our quest to establish
anew a government truly dedicated to all life's liberty and
happiness much as has been practised by the Six Nations for over 800
hundred years.
Live webcam -- three (when usually they lay two)
chicks in bald eagle nest near Victoria (others too):
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK
As we tumble into spring, vacillating cold and
warm, life gets busier and busier. No time for comments this
(late) issue -- maybe next time! Happy gardening,
=== UPDATES ===
Starting with projects/plans for this year in WV.....
+ Community Focus
Overview (dated Jan 19)
The Community Focus Overview
is a compendium of 39 topics presented to Council December 2008.
The outline found here presents, in one- or two-page summaries, status
and direction projects and processes of particular interest to the
District at this time. Community Focus Overview - 2009 See:
+ Cmnty Ctr
Opening on March 28th was a grand success. Beautiful, airy,
open; certain to be a jewel and centre of activity.
ART -- Tangled Beach / Beach Tangle
If you haven't seen Gordon Smith's mural Beach Tangle high on the
wall in 'Spirit Square' the foyer/atrium. Most intriguing.
For more info, see
His series of prints, Tangled Beach, went on sale after the
Opening (and the first ones are under $1000). More info:
and available from the Museum:
Developing a Strategic Plan for West Vancouver's Future
West Vancouver is a
community with high aspirations, yet we are challenged by an economy
in recession. We have worked together to construct the Official
Community Plan, and benefited from citizens volunteering their time
and expertise to Working Groups. We have an abundance of potential
initiatives, but limited resources to execute them. We all value the
social and environmental qualities that make West Vancouver
To bring the
community's realities into focus, a vision needs to be articulated and
goals need to be set. Throughout 2009, the District will be developing
a community-based Strategic Plan, expecting to achieve:
long-term Vision for the Community
Clarity of Mission for the District
set of long-term community goals
Financial Plan that enables those goals
measurement system to ensure the District is achieving those
Consultation -- We want to hear from you. There will be a number of
opportunities for the community to contribute to and participate in
the development of the Strategic Plan. For
details,visit westvancouver.ca/strategicplan
Consultation - Next Steps [Invitation April 16]
As friends of the strategic
planning process, we would like to ask that you encourage
your friends and associates to attend the next Open
Space Meeting at the WV Memorial Library on Saturday, April 25th from 9 to
4pm. Please let them know this will be a fun and
relevant investment of their time. Community engagement is
critically important to us!
Thanks & regards, Brent
+ Almondel
Bridge Opened April 9th
On Thursday April
9th at 5pm, Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones officially opened the
recently completed Almondel Bridge which connects Almondel Road at
Cypress Creek in the Cypress Park neighbourhood.
More info:
Horseshoe Bay bypass on Sea to Sky Hwy now completed and
Officially called the Eagleridge Interchange (south) and North
Directions to Gleneagles
Community Centre
As a result of the
Sea-to Sky Highway Improvement Project construction, residents and
visitors travelling west on the Upper Levels Highway are encouraged to
exit at Eagleridge Drive (Exit #2) to access the Gleneagles Community
Centre. Motorists travelling east on the Sea to Sky Highway should
take Exit #1 to Marine Drive or Eagleridge Drive (Exit
{I don't know about you but we drove it and you do really have
to watch and read the signs! While driving that hwy with all the
barrels and pylons weaving in and out I get the feeling I'm a marble
rolling down tunnel maze.}
=== CALENDAR to May 7th
=== Mtgs at MHall unless noted otherwise
listed in last issue but cancelled: Finance Cmte Apr 8; Design Review
Apr 16.
= Sat Apr 18th
~ 9am to noon ~ Native
Plant Restoration
Please join
the Lighthouse Park
Preservation Society for a restoration planting of native plants
along Beacon Trail in Lighthouse Park. You are welcome to join us to add more
plants and to spread bark mulch. Bring work gloves, a
shovel, a large bucket, or wheelbarrow if possible. DWV will
provide tools for those who do not have their own, along with snacks
and juice for our break time. Walk along Beacon Trail until you
find us!
~ 2 - 4pm ~ Official Opening of Ralph Sultan's WV-Capilano
campaign office 1578 Marine
Entertainment by the Ambleside Orchestra and
Caulfeild Quartet; Add'l info 604 785 5835
= Sun Apr 19th
~ noon - 4pm ~ Earth Day at Cmnty Ctr: Climate Change -
Taking Action Close to Home
The Climate
Action Fair will feature:
"Keep Cool!", a Climate
Change play 12:30pm; Mayor's
Award Ceremony 1:15pm;
Kids' Games & Activities
- 1:30 - 4pm; Tours of the Centre's Green Building Features - 1:30
- 4pm
Visit over
45 information booths showcasing simple solutions to lower your carbon
footprint and green your life! Concession hosted by the Ethical Kitchen;
bring your household batteries to be recharged or recycled at the
Solar Power Roadshow! For more info: 604 925 7194
~ 2pm ~ Dr Stanley Coren, UBC professor
of psychology (not psychiatry as on poster) and
speaks at NVDPL, Capilano Branch, on "The Intelligence of
His latest book is The Modern Dog (and I enjoyed
watching him on TV prog, "Good Dog")
For more info on the
North Shore Writers Festival:
~ 3pm ~ Concert: "In an English Garden" at St Francis
in the Wood, 4773 South Piccadilly
Tracy Neff, Voice, and Jerri Lee Mercer, Piano
(Details went out to WVM email subscribers 6:21am Fri Apr
$15 at
the door; refreshments included; 922 3531
= Mon Apr 20th ~ 7:30pm ~ the story
house IN WVML Steven Galloway - The Cellist of Sarajevo
Hear a "precocious writer of astonishing talent and creative
= Tues Apr 21st
~ 7pm ~ Tour of the Gleneagles Clubhouse by WRA followed by
Q&A at the Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
~ 7pm ~ Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Society
AGM at St Stephen's (885 22nd)
See: http://www.cypresspark.bc.ca/ for info.
Registration =96 Membership Renewals; Approval of agenda & minutes
of April 29, 2008 AGM; Reports from President & Treasurer;
Discussion/Announcements; Election of 2009 Directors
8pm Guest Speaker: Paul Berlinguette "Developing a
Watershed Plan for Cypress Creek"
Paul is the coordinator of North Shore Wetland Partners.
His presentation will focus on the background and rationale for
developing a comprehensive watershed plan to protect Cypress
= Wed Apr 22nd ~ 1:30pm ~ Arts and
Cultural Facilities WG
7:15pm ~ Field Sports Forum mtg
= Thurs Apr 23rd ~ 5:30pm ~ WVPBd mtg at Police
S. W. A. T. Apr 23rd to 26th at Ambleside Park
~ 7pm ~ Active Transportation in Portland: Sam
Adams, Mayor of Portland
Venue: UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson
Admission is free, reservations are required. Email cstudies@sfu.ca or call 778 782
Shifting Gears II - Lectures on transportation, health,
and the built environment. Sponsored by the Bombardier Foundation and
the Active Transport Lab at UBC and BC Recreation and Parks
Association. {See Apr 30 also}
= Fri/Sat/Sun Apr 24th to 26th
West Vancouver Home Show in the Ice Arena, 22nd and Gordon
Fri 5 -
9pm; Sat 10am - 6pm; Sun 11am - 5pm
= Sat Apr 25th
attend the community visioning session at the WV Memorial Library.
Brent Leigh, Deputy CAO says: We want to hear from you. There will be
a number of opportunities for the community to contribute to and
participate in the development of the Strategic Plan. For details,
visit westvancouver.ca/strategicplan for the
background. As friends of
the strategic planning process, we would like to ask that you
encourage your friends and associates to attend this next Open
Space Meeting. Please let them know this will be a fun and
relevant investment of their time. Community engagement is
critically important to us!
Please have interested parties register by sending an email to strategicplan@westvancouver.ca, visiting http://www.westvancouver.ca/strategicplan.aspx, or simply call me at: 604-925-7003. -- Brent
~ 10am to noon ~ ADOPT-A-FISH: Release salmon fry into the creek in
Memorial Park arranged by the WV Streamkeeper
~ 2 - 4pm ~ "Marbled
Murrelets - Seabirds of the Forest"; talk in Lighthouse
The Lighthouse Park Preservation
Society invites you to a free public talk by Monica
Mather, M.Sc., at the Sk'iwitsut Hut in Lighthouse Park, at the
foot of Beacon Trail. As a Wildlife Habitat Area (WHA) Biologist
with the Ministry of Environment, Monica is responsible for locating
and establishing protected habitat for forest dependent
Species-at-Risk on Vancouver Island and the South Central Coast of
B.C. Red-legged frogs, cormorants, herons, and bats are just
some of the subjects of her research. Monica is a member of the
Marbled Murrelet Habitat Implementation Group, who help locate and
quantify the distribution and abundance of nesting habitat for this
"forest seabird" throughout their range in Coastal
= Thurs Apr 30th
9:30am ~ Measuring Up WG
~ 5pm ~
NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues, DNV Cmte Room
~ 7pm ~
SFU City Series at Harbour Centre
Life and Death of Cities: Accounting for Environmental and Social
James, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
=== May 1st marks beginning of Youth
Week ===
= Fri May 1st ~ 6:30pm ~ BOOKtopia - ART
~~~ May 1 to 22 ~~~ ZERO WASTE
Please find attached a schedule of
upcoming public meetings regarding Zero Waste Challenge, Liquid Waste
Management and Regional Growth Strategy. If you would like to
provide feedback and are unable to attend a meeting please send us
your comments.
Deadlines for feedback
are: Zero Waste Challenge -
May 01
Liquid Waste Management
- May 15; Regional Growth
Strategy - May 22
Your feedback can be sent
via: Email:
icentre@metrovancouver.org or
Fax: 604 432 6399
Mail: Metro
Vancouver, Corporate
Relations, 4330 Kingsway,
Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8
= Sun May 3rd ~ 2 - 4pm ~
Canadian Federation of University Women West Vancouver presents a unique
The B.C. Binning House and Gardens, A National
Historic Site
Speakers: Adele Weder: "The House"; Abraham Rogatnick:
Remembering the Binnings; Darrin Morrison, Curator, WV Museum;
Flautist: Dorothy Fairholm; Hors d'oeuvres, wine, tea, and
Limited tickets: $
75; Tax Receipts issued
shared equally between The Land Conservancy of B.C.- Binning House
Endowment Fund and CFUW W V Educational Trust - Architecture or
Design Student Award
For information call 925 8445 or email:
The home, designed
and built in 1941 by pre-eminent artist B.C. Binning, is prized by
architects as a leading example of early West Coast
= Wed May 6th ~ WV Chamber of Commerce ~ 3 - 6pm ~ Open
House - Information Session
Do you live in the Sea to Sky corridor or on metro Vancouver's
North Shore?
Would you like to be part of the Games but don't know
More than 1,000 volunteers from across Canada and around the
world are required at Whistler venues in support of an extraordinary
2010 Winter Games.
If you are able to provide accommodation for one or more of these
volunteers, then you can be part of the Games and showcase the warmth
and hospitality of British Columbians to the world. VANOC will
recognize your contribution as a Host on the North Shore by providing
you with complimentary tickets to Olympic Victory Ceremonies.
Find out more by attending the Open House Information
Session. Join us at the West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce and
Partner Centre, located at 1846 Marine.
Meet the VANOC Homestay Team, The WV Chamber of Commerce, Spirit
of BC, WV Community Foundation, COHO Society and the WV 2010
Treats from Café TrafiQ and coffee sponsored by VANOC.
No RSVP necessary. Just show up!
National Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week - May 3 - 9
Week is an
annual national event to build public awareness of risks and how to
plan and be prepared for any type of emergency or disaster. Check out
the national
Get Ready
website for additional information. Take our Preparedness
and see if you and your family are ready!
We would like to
hear how you and your family put together your emergency kit; an
emergency meal plan you have put together or how your
supplies came in handy during an emergency situation. Submit your
stories to
nsemo@cnv.org prior to May 9th and your story could be
posted on our website! http://www.nsemo.org/ This year's EP
Week message is to:
Know the
risks specific
to our community to help you prepare.
a kit as
emergencies will require basic supplies. Remember you may not have
power or water!
Make a
plan to help
you to know what to do when disaster strikes. Our preparedness
workshops will help.
- for Events and Programs:
- for Event Calendar:
* BC Book Week April 18-24
* Earth Week at the Library, April 18 - 25
Come by the Library to check out our Earth Week
displays and peruse the wide range of books and
DVDs concerned with everything from sustainable design and global
warming to eating locally and reducing your environmental
footprint. Special Kids Activity Day Saturday April 25th.
Interested in Earth Week activities and events?
find out more...
* North Shore Writers Festival -- Apr 18 to 25
Our tenth annual festival of readings by Canadian authors is
brought to you by your North Shore Public Libraries, with the
assistance of the B.C.Writers in Libraries program of the Public
Library Services Branch, the Writers Union of Canada, the Friends of
the Libraries, North Shore News, North Vancouver City, North Vancouver
District, West Vancouver District, and 32 Books. Enter our
Short-Story Contest and Win a gift certificate for $100 from 32
Contest information is available at your library or go to
Please note: all events are free, however, seating is
Listen to Dr.
Stanley Coren, Steven Galloway, Lawrence Hill, Maria Coffey, Bill
Richardsom, Dave Duncan, and Holly Phillips read and discuss their
Are you a writer? Enter our Short-Story Contest or book a consultation
with Mary Novik, Writer in Residence.
* Friday May 1st ~ 6:30pm
~ Booktopia Opening &
Youth Works Art Reception
All are welcome.
Refreshments will be served by the Friends of the Library. The
exhibition will be ongoing to May 31. See
* This month's Philosophers' Café: "A Grand
~ 10:30am ~ Thursday, April 23rd -- Is it possible to
identify the ultimate "love of your life" while you
still have love and life to live? Enjoy
the snacks and coffee hospitably provided. Everyone welcome.
Registration not required. Admission $5. Co-sponsored by S.F.U.
Moderator: Randall MacKinnon has a Master's in Social Policy and
Planning. He is an IDEASage with MackINNOVATION, a service
+ Fridays: English Corner ~ 10 -
11:30am ~ practise English conversation [Apr 24, May 1]
= Apr 7 to 19 = LAND -
ESCAPES -- Bill Hoopes
An exhibition of recent oil
paintings depicting the fragile soul and precarious nature of the
= Apr 21 to May 3 = Reflections Vancouver
Capilano University; ILLUSTRATION & DESIGN -- Original
Paintings & Calendar Launch
Opening Reception: Tuesday April 21 from 6pm -
= March 16 to May 8 -- The woven tapestries on linen
of Hanna Haapasalo; display at M Hall
+++ SILK PURSE +++
-- March 31 - April 12 --
"Portraits of Power"
To be able to capture a moment in time that
is never going to come again is simply fantastic. Some artists focus
on clothing, body language, and expression as they portray people in a
realistic style. Parvis
Djamtorki's primary focus is on
portraiture, using a minimal background to showcase his model, with a
special overlay to enhance the mystery and magic of each individual
portrait. This is what art is in our culture -- something that feels
valid and special to the artist.
Opening Reception:
TUESDAY March 31st from 6 - 8pm
-- April 14 -
26 -- "Stepping Into
Abstract art uses a visual
language of form, colour, and line to create a composition which may
exist with a degree of independence from visual references. Join
talented North Shore artists Lori Bagneres,
Catherine Fields,
Therese Joseph,
Mena Martin,
and Sara
Morison as they show
alternative ways of describing the visual experience with their unique
Reception: TUESDAY April 14th from 6 - 8pm
-- April 27 - May
3 --"A Riot of
Floral and botanical artworks range in
style from structurally correct fine art photos of wide open blooms,
to wild abstract and surreal art composed of smatterings of colour in
oils and acrylics. Join us as we celebrate spring with an acrylic
exhibition of floral colour with West Vancouver artists Ann Mitchell
and Julie McDowell. Floral Art is Always in Bloom, Never Needs
Reception: TUESDAY April 27th from 6-8 pm
To see a list of events:
To see the electronic newsletter, the address is
Getting onto the mail list: the simplest method
is to call the box office (604 913 3634) or email
Theatre West
Vancouver returns to Kay Meek Centre with TABLE MANNERS
British comedy by Alan Ayckbourn, directed by Alison
Friday, April 17
(preview); Saturday, April 18; April 22 - 25; April 29 - May 2 (8pm
Wednesdays to Saturdays)
Ticket prices are
$18 adults, $16 seniors/18 and under ($12 preview). Group rates
available. Buy tickets online
Table Manners is
part of the delightful comic trilogy The Norman Conquests, which are
ingeniously structured to allow each play to be enjoyed
independently. Annie, the Cinderella of the family, still lives
in the old family house and takes care of mother. Her brother
Reg and his wife Sarah come for the weekend so that Annie can go away
for a rest.
They think she is
going with Tom, the local vet with whom she has had a friendly
relationship for some years, but in fact it is Norman, her sister
Ruth's husband, that she is planning to meet. All does not go as
planned. Ruth is summoned and the com-bination of too little
food, too much alcohol and too many secrets creates a hilarious and
fascinating puzzle.
Ayckbourn reveals
the frustration and disappointments which bubble beneath the surface
of a family's relationships and brings to light their thoughts on sex,
marriage, love and loneliness.
Vancouver +++
The newsletter is available to any non-member who
is interested.
WV MUSEUM +++ Visit:
North Star: The Art
of Lyle Wilson [March 4 to
May 30]
Saturday, April 18, 1:30pm - 3pm
Please join us for a talk with acclaimed
artist Lyle Wilson, who will present an overview of his art, focusing
largely on his work in the North Star exhibition. Wilson emerged on
the NWC art scene after graduating from the Emily Carr College of Art
and Design in 1986. Since then, Wilson has produced art for private,
public, and corporate collectors as well as for his home community in
Kitamaat. Wilson explores Haisla tradition and his western urban
experiences through his work and will share the creative inspiration
and the process behind his meticulously detailed
The BC Museum of Mining is open seven days a week from March 14
to October 13.
We've been awarded a grant from the BC150 Heritage Legacy Fund
for our new Gateways to Our Past Project which to be completed by the
end of March! To celebrate heritage in British Columbia, this project
brings history to life by increasing the access and attractiveness of
our two most important heritage buildings, the Mill and the Machine
Shop (100 years old). New hands-on multilingual audio guides will give
visitors greater access to the stories of the people that lived,
worked and played here over the last 100 years.
Visit the "What's New" section on our website, or click
May 2 is our annual Clean up Day!
Come out and show your support by volunteering at the BC Museum of
Mining. Volunteers of all ages and skills wanted. Gardening, power
washing, painting, cleaning, and more. A few hours of your time will
make a world of difference for the Museum. This is a fun event each
year where so much is accomplished. Lunch will be provided! Please call to volunteer and
sign up: 1 800 896 4044 x227
* W
e love Tom Stoppard's work and there's another, a
Canadian premiere, The Invention of Love, at the Jericho Arts
Centre (1675 Discovery), Thursday through Sunday, at 8pm to Apr 26th.
604 224 8007, ext. 2
* Two subscribers recommended
Eadweard Muybridge's Studies in Motion at the Playhouse; hope
to go.
MUSIC ~~ an embarras de(s) richesse(s)!
* Friday April 17 alone has
renowned English violinist Joshua Bell at the Orpheum, a North
American premiere of Gamelan at the Evergreen Cultural Ctr, BACH
Clarinet at the Chan, and musica intima at Christ Church
* G&S's Iolanthe is
on at Presentation House in NV Wed to Sun until 25th (990
* Vancouver Opera's
Salome by Strauss starts May 2nd (ph 683 0222)
* BARD on the BEACH --
tix went on sale last month; great that the fireworks have been
Othello; The
Comedy of Errors; All's Well That Ends
Well; Richard II; our new Lecture
Series; Bard-B-Q & Fireworks;
Celebrating Red & White; and Opera & Arias -
Cos=EC fan tutte.
=== Ccl Mtg NOTES April
6th ===
[7:08] Mayor: apologize we're a little late
Amended by adding to Item 8, by adding Next Steps for Strategic
Vision Planning; pt 1 sgl fam in resid zones; add 18.1 to
March 23, 2009 Regular Council Meeting; March 30, 2009 Special Council Meeting
AH: Signature fund-raising event; hoping to have nine relays,
$1.6M target
10am to 10pm; Survivors' breakfast with piping; at
Mahon Park
live music, activities, crafts, bocce tournament; yoga, healthy
life styles
Night -- luminaries, lighted as sun sets
celebrate cancer survivors and those gone -- June 13
currently 42 teams hoping to raise $300K
hoping to see you there
ML: congratulate, it's a rare family untouched by cancer.
Metro Vancouver re: Regional/Municipal Solid Waste Update
(File: 0185-20) -- to be provided.
PB: Phil Bates with Fred Nenninger and Al Lynch; new solid waste
mgmt plan, subcmte of REAC
Mayor: wch is the Regional Engineers Advisory Ccl
PB: [slides] two streams, diverted and disposed; Challenge wrt
encourage re mtg Apr 8th and consultation 22nd
diversion -- we have been at 55%, future 70%
FN: at 55% we're well above rest of Canada at around 30%, rest of
world around 60-65%
The 5Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, residuals
A zero-waste economy is beyond 70%
27 actions with new progs, hope 70% by 2015
beyond -- no cities; we'd have to manufacture things
0% of ppl recycling 70% of waste results in a 50% recycling
Aggressive Change: organics/Food Waste; Eco-Centres; Multi-family
and Commercial; Woodwaste
Next, AL? continued speaking to slides: ZWC (Zero Waste
Stickiest facing on NSh is food waste; looking at veggies and
fruit, can be mixed with but restaurant needs treatment for
Sop: Cache Crk, Washington State, don't know where site will be;
all disjointed...
comfortable shipping to state when our resp on our
Mayor: do you have a question
Sop; where
FN: two stages. First confirm conversion target then
determine tonnage involved
currently no identified landfill sites, that's why application
for Washington State
material that can be converted; mtg in June
Sop: complete overall costs cd be taken up by user-fee in WV? one
way or another taxpayer's going to get it. Whole cost? why not
contracting out?
Ans: we do contract out yard trimmings and garbage for
user-fees have not increased since 1988 in WV
have a small reserve to offset some of impact of this
amt of garbage going down so some offsetting
if we pull organics out of waste stream, some indication fee to
process that going to be lower
importance of getting diversion rate up
important to get diversion rate up; difficult to site, extend
their life
Sop: inflationary; jobs going south
Mayor: debate will be on Item 5
ME: commend prog but concerned when I read about impacts on M and
construction demolition and providing inspection services, do we know
what we're really letting ourselves in for and the consequences?
Ans: look to offset by fee we wd collect for enforcement; devprs,
builder taking down a house
ME: really thought through the enormity of that exercise? a lot
of material, trucks, big inspection
Ans: a lot unregulated now--
ME: --ALL unregulated--
Ans: yeah
TP: I need to understand what consequences if just status
FN: see what we've seen in last decade; prov two new programs
every year or so; expand electronic waste prog; slow progess, next
decade 55 to 60%; tend to flatline
TP: we have a bit of a challenge in front of us.
Mayor: perhaps you cd stick around for our discussion
Council receives [sic] for information, the report entitled
"Regional/Municipal Solid Waste Update";
Council encourages [sic] the public to attend and to
provide feedback on the Zero Waste Challenge at one of the two
upcoming Metro Vancouver meetings for North Shore
Mayor: maybe I'll introduce b/c I've been sitting on it for five
Cache Crk out of room
looking at if burning as in Bby and controversial
third to Washington State; but Michigan said you can't as did
hope Ccl will endorse 70%, not look at it as status quo, move to
take-back progs, pressure on prov
do ev we can, think about what we put in garbage can
exciting but means fundamental shift; I've been vocal, concerned
status quo even as an option
TP moved 1 and 2, plus 3
3. Council
endorses [sic] Metro Vancouver's Zero Waste Challenge and the 70%
target for diversion of wastes from disposal, on the principle that
increased costs associated with achieving the target be borne by those
who generate wastes.
{then continues}: we have to do a better job with organic and
wood waste
garbage expensive to deal with; we shd use all kinds of
as citizens we shd make approp choices when we purchase
think we've already committed with blue box; must deal with this,
only going to get worse
resources on planet finite; must do better job of handling
Sop: find it fascinating go through this excellent prep to deal
with it yet manufactures more and more ways difficult but no
seen that plastic, you can't get into it without a magical
comes down to NSh citizens who've responded v well
if going further want assurance Metro's going to go further and
not ship it out
The report dated April 6, 2009 from the Acting Manager of
Parks titled Hugo Ray Park Status Report and Options be received for
2. The proposed
Artificial Turf Field project at Hugo Ray Park as outlined in the June
9, 2008 Report to Council not proceed;
Approval be given to staff to investigate the feasibility of
Artificial Turf designed for field hockey located at Ambleside Park on
the existing "A" Field, using funds provisionally allocated in the
draft 2009 Budget for this purpose;
Approval be given to staff to consult with the neighbourhood
in the area of Ambleside Park "A" Field about Artificial Turf on
"A" field, and also to consult with all field sport groups regarding
this location in accordance with the Neighbourhood Consultation
Strategy outlined in Appendix D;
Staff report back to Council regarding recommendations based
on estimated costs, availability of funding and results of community
Authorization be given for the submission of an immediate
application under the Recreation Infrastructure Canada (RInC) Fund for
an artificial turf field designed for field
Mayor: presentation first
AM: brief history then hand over to Corinne Ambor; 2008 start,
study, now report recommends not going ahead at HRay and instead in
CA: $2.9M cost per R F Binning report
main reason existing geotechnical situation at the site
artif turf can tolerate v little settlement [slide]; requires
more plus retaining wall and access not ideal
therefore we are recommending not going forth with this
there is a demand for a field, identified in RFMP
other sites considered, one is A field in Amb Park and is an
existing all-weather field with lights, excellent service by transit;
opps for partnerships with others already take place
revitalize the existing gravel field and enhance, greater
spectrum of sports
consult with nbrhd; planned; discussions with sports groups
asking for approval for funding through RinC funding; designed
for field hockey on A field
one third funding from WV
applying does not commit District however if successful costs do
not rest solely with DWV
groups want to raise funds for clubhouse [slide of what's there
Patricia McLeod: Chair of Field Hockey and Hugo Ray Society
My objective is not to attend ccl mtgs any more, this is year
five for me
mbrs looking forward to not getting up at 5am, shuffling between
Bby, Vanc, ....
Application will allow us to explore options, solution that will
benefit all sports groups; this wd be the third artif turf field in
allow us to invest in this cmnty; strongly support these
Elaine Fonseca: and I live above Amb Park
v interested to hear the sports groups to be consulted
what about residents? are they going to be consulted?
the playing field we have now was objected to by a lot of our
Cclr Sop, Cclr G-Jones at the time, and others were standing on
the decks; and we complained about height and mass of the lights
glaring until 10pm -- and no one there at times!
we've complained to Ccl and to Hall, not exactly powersmart --
trying to save energy
no one on field; so when I hear being used to capacity, I beg to
impact lights now; what when massive -- asked they be lowered; in
living room, obstruct our views; what when many more?
will nbrs be consulted, not just the sports groups?
Mayor: will ask motion be put on floor then have our debate
Sop moved recommended motion, pt 2 twice!, then: guess a lot
under the bridge
favour that we look ahead; can we afford to supply open space to
special interest groups?
we have youth in this cmnty who have said lack of areas to do
sports; if we provide fields for specific use, can't play on
joint, care for school fields but they're underutilized; grounds
basically owned by taxpayer, do not fulfill potential, lack of
Mayor: ask the mgr to address a) single use and b) partnering
with the sch dist
CAO: primarily field hockey but other sports, intent; primary use
by field hockey but will be able to be used by other sports
wrt School District having ongoing discussions; joint we strongly
believe in; moving closer
Sop: appetite for public consultation
think a lot of issues faced in past cd hv been solved by
proper consultation
do remember overlooking lights, degree of frustration many had; a
lot of steamy ppl; did resolve by glare position got right and moved
assuming staff will do a large circle, not just a little here and
not just Amb turf, it's about a lot of things, straightening
MDrive, and don't forget baseball
CAO: going to ask use of wch field as well as lights even though
v preliminary though we've had discussions at staff level
CA: A currently has lights on it, shine horizontally; better
technology may be able to improve
D and E cd look at existing height and look at lighting
technology wch has improved since installed
ML: can you describe the funding process? when I became
aware there was a sizable funding from sports group - still in
AM: wd look to groups to enhance services, clubhouse,
enhancements to field
ML: my recollection was that they wd pay for field and now
looking at fixing up a clubhouse?
AM: apply for funding we understand wd provide up to $1M with
matching prov funding, then be required to match remaining $1M;
intention to build ourselves and groups enhancements
ML: why wd we hv changed direction from the funding mix
perspective and obligation?
AM: groups not able to achieve given economic climate, so
looking elsewhere
ME: the motion that we may adopt, under item 4 stresses nbrhd and
5 the cmnty
we indeed the cmnty to be consulted, not only the sports
perhaps cd look at use -- are they underutilized? when I go by
see someone there
are fields left unused at night? take a look at that.
Mayor: yes, we will
MS: I'd be v excited about this report and enthusiastically
endorse it b/c opp to acquire artif turf on gravel field, more use
from artif field; two thirds cost spent by other levels so we shd jump
on and grab our share
Makes sense field hockey at Amb; building a disgrace in 1960s,
when I showered there years ago playing rugby it was a dump then and
that was 40 years ago
sports groups get together and fundraise with our help, for
something we're proud of
all in favour of this report; nbrhd will be consulted, field A
underused; lights already there, lighting technology marches on;
adverse lighting for the nbrs is something can be addressed as we
enthusiastically voting for this
CAO: clarification; at this point talking about a vision; as
to funding, looking for two thirds from prov/fed govts; the actual
funding for the field we still believe coming from the primary user,
the actual formula for that still to be discussed and
re Cclr Smith, when we had initial discussions with field hockey
about four months ago, replacing the clubhouse, excited about bringing
other users in; looking at it, still field hockey raising money; still
negotiations that's when excited about others coming in
SW: obvious need for artif turf field; sitting on Sports Forum
WG; believe 38 groups
CA: yes
SW: Amb revitalization; driving more into Amb, biz; parents park,
go to Crema, get coffee at Bean, etc
makes the most sense to be looking at Amb
TP: two points: Spirit Trail will be accessible, buses; field
hockey has been extraordinarily patient in this. wrt 5, do we
have a timeline
CA: appendix D, outlines go out this month; work, then go back
out with what we come out with
hope wrapped up June or Sept; then recommendation to go forward
or not
a couple of other things we have to check out
Sop: when decision to go with field A, consideration more cars;
what about field B?
CA: 'A' field significant use Sept through March, that's soccer
season; put artif turf, more use throughout the year, need to consult
with Engg, traffic analyses; will come back with info in fall
Sop: visioning for Amb Park perhaps remove signif amt of roadway
such as parking?
look at future restaurant and combined services?
increase of another turf field... availability of
parking... decrease... is that a good plan?
Mayor: not sure Amb Plan adopted by Ccl
CA: 2006
Mayor: not fair if other cclrs haven't report in front of
Sop: draws a lot of ppl and where are they going to park?
Mayor: part of consultation
Staff hold a Neighbourhood Visioning Workshop to solicit
neighbourhood comment on:
(a) neighbourhood strengths, issues,
character and vision of the future; and
(b) the proposed development application
for 370/380 Mathers Avenue;
Following the Workshop, staff report back to Council on what
the neighbourhood said at the Workshop and with a complete review of
Development Application No. 1010-20-08-014; and
The public notification area for the Neighbourhood Visioning
Workshop be as outlined on Appendix D to the March 26, 2009 report
from the Manager, Community Planning, along with advertisements for
the public meeting listed on the District website.
Geri Boyle: zoned PA 2 but also allows for sgl fam housing
Unitarian Church wishes to sell; devpr wants 48 units, av 1400
directed dvpr to consult
last five years we had Ev Dr and Chinese Rest in Dund????; v
cmnty has bn quite heavily involved
we're suggesting to Ccl that given the history that before we
jump in and ask what they think of this devt, that we step back and
ask nbrhd what their vision is for their nbrhd; at same time get
comments on this application; think shd get their views first.
start process beginning in May
have owners of the property in audience as well as the applicant
if you want to hear from them before public
Applicant John Villasucci (sp?): on Bd of Trustees and Devt Task
Chair flying to Holland where her son is getting married
cmnty of over 400 ppl, 250 registered mbrs plus chn plus adults
reg attenders
been in this nbrhd since mid-80s, bought from another church;
building approx 40 years old
probs wrestling with
as bldg has aged, diff to work in; sanctuary holds 150 limitation
on growth and often over pack it
inaccessible to handicapped and parking not adequate, 49 parking
spaces and we overflow
location: not near transit or near congregants; disadvantageous
for a church, have to have a car to be a mbr, can't have concerts,
many shortcomings
about four years ago found ourselves facing major need to do
repairs to windows, roof, seismic upgrading, $250K wch we didn't have;
cd be tip of iceberg, boiler, etc
investigate alternatives: tearing down but even fixing the bldg
still not a good location for us
looked into selling to a church, but price not enough for us to
buy prop elsewhere and build
explored selling land as sgl-fam lots, still not enough $$$
sell to devpr more money and more compatible with nbrhd
in 2007 hired CB Richard Ellis to have a competition; had five
bids and three were in our price range
top bidder was Heinz; they came v highly recommended
concerned what we live behind suitable for nbrhd
recommendation proved good working with Heinz, and Heinz with
staff good relnship; expands housing, 1400sf restricted size for
plsd to be here, thank you for opp to give some background
Mayor: from applicant? former mayor Mark Sager
Sager: introduce team: Fritz DeVries, architect; Steve Heinz,
lives in Brit Prop is a nbr; and his son Ben Heinz, here in case the
process takes a few years; -- and I second Cclr Smith, I remember
using that washroom too and I feel like making a donation tonight --
Brent Liljefors, Brian Oliver, and Michael Rosen, the planners; and
the Church, thank for opp to work with them
nbrs, generously invited us into homes, mtgs, cmnty assn; a great
remiss if I didn't thank staff Geri Boyle and Mr Sokol; look
forward to working through this and we support the recommendation
before Ccl tonight.
Mayor: Dave Lust
DL: nice to be back
had church all time we've lived; good nbrs; my wife makes money
shovelling the sidewalks
what we appreciated, from the start, a consultative process; opp
to speak to this
know there are going to be changes, we know that; want to be a
part of that
Mayor: we'd like you to be a part of that too
ML: visioning workshop
[made motion]
I too hope that Ben is not the one; he has a few years but based
on past performance
learned HRay ... encouraged ...
devpr, church, nbrhd; look forward to process unfold
ME: likewise; reading through didn't realize nbrhd consultation
to this point
options for a new church, two figures you quoted -- occupy 27Ksf
p 95, then ref to 54Ksf
ME: appendix B
GB: backgrounder prepared by Michael Rosen
GB: we're going from
Mr de Vries, architect: 27K foot print and floor space second
floor 54K
Mayor: makes sense
Sop: wd think extremely imp, Ms Boyle, that the entire area be
included for public information including all the way down Mathers and
Hadden Dr
longstanding problems; about time we stepped up to the plate and
had open dialogue -- think we missed here, not a great feeling for the
nbrs -- no citizen shd have to get into a car to walk their baby
using park will see new devt; big circle of notification
cmnty amenities part of devt, can't let this go on; up there for
many mtgs, something has to come to that cmnty for what they've been
through in the last five years.
GB: placed the map on the screen [slide]; all the way up to
Stevens Dr
Mayor: a lot of work has been done by corinne Ambor and Mike
Miller, traffic-calming, etc
GB: absolutely
Sop: a safety area for the benefit of the residents in the
we've missed for too long, time we start paying attn to the
TP: I don't think we have to worry about the nbrhd being engaged
in this
8. Strategic Planning - Next Steps
(File: 0270-07)
Information to be provided.
Brent Leigh: ... overview ...
first was Wosk kickoff for Open Space, main goals for subsequent
processes, called cafes
John Pappas was good enough to put together a videoclip
[you can watch this clip; it has excellent comments made during
the Wosk Dialogue]
commonalities from this morning
diverse housing; need to connect to one another by design
pick out the ppl you know! while the camera pans
Mayor: actual strategic plan will go out to public in the
in order to make right spending decisions; need longterm vision
to do that
end of fall, tied to performance measurement and management
it's evolving
end of 2009 have a st plan that drives a budget and is
BL: cameo of mayor but only way cd condense it
next an open invitation to the public Apr 25; lower level of Lib
going through renovation; if not school bd anxious in assisting
large goals recast as question
world cafes look to strategies to fulfill
moving this along at a brisk space
out reporting from Apr 1st mtg
two mtgs on same basis, have to be collated, hope by May 1st
report to Ccl conclusion on these Open Space mtgs
move forward to the cafe phase
Sop: that was a great exercise; a lot of sameness in ppl's
next process, how do you get from where we are now to strategic
plan dialogue?
BL: we received v gd material, some new and familiar
acknowledge WV ccls have done a lot of work; WGs offered a lot of
this is more in prioritizing ...
yes, we will be able in the two open space mtgs move to
strategy... late May
TP: a little bit of a report back
heard from some ppl, thrilled and some not always that positive
so good; am sure broader cmnty will be coming forward and
BL: encourage ppl to come and if they know it'll be fun, will
RECOMMENDED: THAT the priorities for implementation of the
Heritage Strategic Plan during
2009-2010, as outlined in the report from the Sr. Community
Planner dated February 2, 2009 be endorsed.
Mayor: brief presentation from Mr Mikicich, accomplished a lot in
the last few years
SM: from one strategic plan to another
slide: Accomplishments: 2006 - 2008
38 listed resources; 25 SOSs (SOS = Statement of
Significance), ... [get info from slide; about 8:52]
excellent working relationship with BC H Branch, $50K in funding
H Register and two conservation studies
Engaging Public
H Achievement Awards, since 1995, honoured 80 to date
including 7 this past Feb
Museum Progs: tours, special events;West Coast Modernism Home and
Garden Tour a v popular annual event...
Cultural Heritage
Projects: conservation of Gleneagles Great Hall, BC Binning to
TLC, Hollyburn Lodge
Priorities 2009-10
A: Cultural Affairs & Partnerships; B: Parks; C: Planning,
Lands, and Permits
exhibitions, conservation Hollyburn Lodge; interpretive prog for
Grt Hall
B -- conservation study for Pt Atkinson Light Station, radio room
heritage interpretive signage and Cap River walk
continue to support .. Old Growth, Streamkeepers, LPPS,
C -- incentives, early may report to Ccl; Lower Caulfeild;
Cmnty H Register -- on to District website
do envision further additions to Register
hope this morning add another resource to the Register
in 2009 the Achievement Awards; need to formalize for
working with prop owner, HRA process/incentive tools
one under review, anticipate two more this year
revise OCP H policy section
ME made motion then: thrilled come as far
sat on original HAC six years ago; taken this report and followed
it through
a couple of specific items
one concerns Lower Caulfeild, refers to a review, update
wd ask that we incorporate into that review from a group of
residents in that area dealing not only with heritage issues but
planning, goes beyond H
shd be addressed
Parks has been addressed but not as much as I think
something dealing with heritage trees? brought to floor
landscapes, don't think we're doing enough, re parks, eg
under incentives, you've listed a number but wd one include some
form of tax incentive?
SM: two types of incentives, monetary and
key under monetary are grant programs and tax incentives; will
report to Ccl
protected heritage props are eligible for consideration for
tax exemptions so part of the discussion
TP: just looking at the strategy; created a Register
looking at inventory of signif natural resources; great interest
in this kind of inventory
SM: medium priority
one of the challenges; with the H legislation what cd we manage
and protect
true natural we cdn't, they're environmental
modified resources
two classifications
left as an inventory, identified also as a Parks initiative
parts of that inventory already exist; maybe a first step to pull
some together.
CA: we do have a background document, ... list of
natural resources
Mayor: for my own part, the idea of our natural capital
comes up
whether with heritage, ... parks, even in context of change
think it is the way forward for sensitive change in WV
perhaps Planning and Parks can ...
trying to get something ...
ME: does that mean I can get my bylaw on heritage trees
CAO: we can come back with some sort of recommendation
RECOMMENDED: be added, pursuant to Section 954 of the Local
Government Act.
SM: secondary resource
in June 2008, the HWG evaluated and St Christopher's was one of
171 nominated
since then staff met; wanted to understand what being on Register
is about
they've indicated support for nomination
[ML made motion]
Mayor: wd just like to add out of respect for one of the
leaders in the cmnty, that we shd also note the social heritage of the
Church and the Venerable Lou Rivers, Archdeacon of Capilano
I'm not a mbr of St Christopher's Church but he is the heart
and soul of this parish, well beyond the walls of the Church to ppl
who aren't mbrs as well as mbrs of course of his own congregation, and
he's known as a v open-minded, joyful person
coming out of our day at Wosk Ctr and moving into the future,
it's so important to recognize what individs contribute and he
certainly does, and it seems appropriate to mention that at this
ML: SOS sounds interesting, wondering when coming forward
SM: first step, two-three pages, speaks to heritage values, it's
v much cultural and architectural
as future planning
congregation looking to do conservation...
by adding, eligible to .... funds for its efforts
RECOMMENDED: THAT Development Variance Permit Application
08-017 (3371 Marine Drive), which provides for retaining an illegally
constructed second accessory building (exercise room), be
Archie Woodworth: resided here for 49 years
architect Wiedeman and also Bill Chapman who's done some
Architect: some words wrt appeal
under zoning of day FSR wd comply
last Nov puts house (?) over 50 ft; been on site for sev
wrt setbacks, have spoken to all stakeholders; letters from all
adjacent nbrs, unanimous support for application to move forward;
spoken with BC Rail, support; wd like to note, ah reasons for this, re
densification on site
bring them mass
smaller than minimum allowable under FS4
dwelling... way of building a ... and meet ...
under new bylaw
drawn into situation now 50sf whereas 250sf
Mayor: you mentioned hardship, did you go to the
Ans: no, primarily on BC Rail lands so they cdn't rule on
ME: have read report and staff have followed guidelines wrt
Mayor: do you have a question b/c otherwise part of debate
ML: did you apply for a building permit?
Ans: no
Sop: why did you not apply for a bldg permit
having the encroachment agreement with BCR, ad then CN, thought
it was all under for the 50ft in general, then we got updated letters
from then; good relation over years, long-term resident
.... on my part but thought that was the case
about ten years ago did a major renovation; triangular lot,
hardship with design
Sop: when you built the shed, did you apply for a building
Ans: yes, dealt with staff at that time; had my whole lot
called on Mr Chapman and they did the survey to put ev in
SW: confirm use of secondary bldg -- gym or secondary
Ans: mini gym with storage
went to doctor, hey -- shd drop 30 pounds, do put gym in; storage
and gym equipment
TP: can we get a clarification on whether this wd hv bn given a
permit prior
Sokol: the applicant made the suggestion wd hv bn approved but
only if applied for a DVP
can't tell wd hv been approved winter 2006/2007
one comment about unique size of lot; one of ... our recognizes
2551sf wch is more than .35FAR in zoning bylaw
staff ... b/c allowing too much FAR
specifically, add'l floor area ppl squeezing in....
recommendation for denial
SW made motion: this is a bit of a puzzling one
the intent of the new zoning spoke to different scenarios than
this one
support of nbrs and CN wd lead me to allow, however proper
procedures not followed so think compensation paid to M .....
to demolish the bldg, just talked about ZWC,
Mayor: penalty for not following procedures
Sokol: if allowed, go through process
double permit fees
SW: that's the only? add'l staff time?
Sop: this is unfortunate. Find it a little odd. An
owner deals with professionals and expects professionals to tell them
what to do
expect to get permit; architects do that all the time
now to position with staff -- where are we if we cast off what
staff are telling us?
don't think mixed msgs, ... years ago approved after built
last year extension of a balcony to be removed and they did;
shave off a corner so wdn't have to remove
been allowed to stand in past, why denied now? solely on sq
any remedy -- keep but pay penalty?
somebody has to understand rules and bylaws for a reason
Sokol: on a regular basis we see adjustments such as sideyard,
rear yard setbacks, staff will look at them and make recommendations
that make sense
we view v critically however FAR a flashpoint in cmnty, this is
one;looking at critically; recent policy change, so recommending it be
Sop: if it was not denied and bldg allowed to stay, what penalty
or position cd staff take?
wd bldg hv to be taken down if passed?
wd it have to come down or is there any leeway?
Sokol: wd hv to take bldg down; likely work out a signed
agreement re timing and how
Sop: if applicant reapplied and passed all the inspections and
paid signif penalty cd stay?
Mayor: bldg can stay if Ccl grants a variance, that's what's
before us
if you vote for, goes; vote against, then do we have to state in
Sokol: tonight Ccl can only make a decision on whether the DVP wd
be considered, in wch case you cd not approve, you'd have to look at
option 3.1c -- on May 4th paper work for DVP
ME: staff clearly have done what is required BUT if ever an
instance and case it's this
old part of WV; doesn't conform in many respects; never seen a
bldg on BCR land
... extinguished on a moment's notice
no complaint from nbrs
passed last year re bulk is irrelevant b/c at back of bldg
in one of the oldest parts of WV; offended many of the rules and
regulations we go by
small part sliced away; 96% with permission on BC Rail land
ML: having a little bit of a problem
this is a house that has bn renovated; bldg permits approved
inspections done
this exercise room is hardly something you pick up at Home
problem -- a bit like asking for forgiveness rather than
we have rules to be followed
on BCR prop is neither here nor there
renovation, approved, inspected, ... doing it all after the fact,
the horse is clearly out of the barn on this one
MS: reading the report, the owner in 1997 did go before the B
of V for a variance for the first bldg, the existing shed as it's
called, so he knows the process but not followed in this
Report goes on to say there were actually three tickets issued
before the owner actually applied for a DVP
to Cclr Sop's point, we have to insist our bylaws adhered to
and obeyed
only fly in ointment is BCR land
if 3/4 on lot not on BCR, wd agree bldg permit denied and bldg
shd come down
I wd suggest, in the report, take option b, defer and ask
staff to come back with other options
Might be an option that bldg can stay but when/if sold,
register on title that bldg has to be removed prior to the sale taking
other options staff can explore
Mayor: wd you like to make a deferral motion?
MS: option b, I move deferral
SW: agree with; this is an illegally .... bldg
I do think we don't want to set precedence .... okay just
pay double the permit
set a bad...
nice cabanas on the prop
Mayor: is deferral debatable?
SSch: has been done
Mayor: some so that staff know what to come back with
TP: I'm not sure what more information I need in front of me; not
an easy decision
more inclined, lean toward more options for May 9th
Mayor: one of the options cd be to consider a DVP; two steps or
Sokol: cd do it as one; potential other options: approval but,
denial but...
Mayor: Ccl expressing some concern
Mayor: Item 11.1, the evening's entertainment
[general chuckles all round]
ME: don't leave
ML: this is the good part
ME: I give notice that at the April 20th ccl mtg I will move to
provide a motion as follows: staff report to permit keeping of poultry
in a sgl-fam residential zone be brought forward for Ccl's
ML: let the feathers fly
Mayor: and don't chicken out
{more laughter}
This bylaw received first and second readings at the Mar 23
Ccl Mtg, and third reading on March 30.
Sop moved adoption
13. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
15. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Referred to Mayor and Council for
response. Attachments available for
viewing in Legislative Services Dept.
AM: policy will be going to Ccl June 1st; awareness week fits
10 by 10 challenge; Measuring Up group....
ML: Nancy Henderson, exec dir of SPARC, recommending we give
Mayor: Ccl doesn't do proclamations
16. Oral Reports from Mayor and Councillors (Including updates
on working groups)
Mayor: we've been busy
> Sop: opening of cmnty ctr; absolutely jammed; great sense of
v delighted after a long hard journey; great feeling
Secondly, also had our strategic planning, magnificent day
processes that start like that, they do evolve; probly will pan
out, sameness in thoughts
if we prioritize, guarantee ... cd sense
plus sev mtgs in between; probly busiest two weeks
> ML: congrat of opening of time capsule
understand he [Sop] was there for the planting
> TP: open house for first LEED in BC and it's here in
where we can take green bldg design; gold level; all kinds of
amazing things in this house
65% more energy efficient, decreasing XXX 85%
pilot project in WV and shows us where we can go
> ME: to expand our horizons, or perhaps my own ...of the
waterfront forum; progress CNV making wrt Spirit Trail
we have a little bit to catch up with
> Mayor: with MFA, speaker Kevin Page, review of Harper's
I sat with him at lunch; still triple A credit rating
hardly anything else is, shares with govt of Canada
Canada's banks strongest in world and so is prov
Canada has come under huge pressure to deregulate
for local govt we can take credit; we move slowly and that
serves us well sometimes
Our councils met with some of the TransLink board last week
and their senior staff to talk about their vision for future,
exciting; in my view they've got a great exec team and v gd board, and
a v big problem wrt how they're going to fund that plan, not the least
of wch is their entitlement through prov legislation to prop
The mayors met with Minister Falcon, all confidential, another
signif problem for the mayors in the region
On our Apr 20 agenda, Ccl may wish to come up with its own
position wrt prop taxation and our inability to represent the
taxpayer, and so that's an ongoing major issue for us.
sheer joy [cmnty ctr opening], one person had the courage to say
something negative later
by afternoon she emailed and apologized what a wonderful
Max Nikpay: one question on behalf of some of our mbrs,
put things out and ppl driving around and pick up their recycled
they called city; city cd not provide course of action,
solutions, so called me
kind of unhappy into their driveways and picking up blue boxes
What [can we do?]
RF: blue box meant to take OUT of the waste stream; part extended
responsibility for producers
when you look at wine bottles and beverage
those products supposed to go back, so not part of the blue
box prog, actually banned from going into the blue box, into the waste
best solution is for them to return those bottles at those
places where they purchased those beverages
in future there may be a diff solution, ecocentres, one-stop
best way to stop ppl rummaging through their blue box is to take
them away and return them appropriately
Mayor: that's the first step
MN: definitely, thank you
Sop: why wdn't we set up a system where deposit wd be part of the
entourage {yes, that's the word he used} of recycling for the
benefit of the recycler?
added money, why not grab that and say part of recycling for
benefit of newfound money?
RF: the way Blue Box recyclables processed, not done by hand in
terms of returning refundable containers, with mechanized process not
able to take that out
Mayor: contaminates the quality of the commodity wch is v
important as to what we recapture as a result
=== Ccl Mtg AGENDA April
20th ===
Signing Ceremony: Spirit Trail Greenway Statement of
3. K. Ferguson, Ecojustice, regarding proposed Species
and Ecosystem Protection Act (SEPA) for the Province of British
Columbia (File: 0055-01)
4. Notice of Motion regarding Keeping Poultry in Single
Family Residential Zones (File: 1610-20-4545/1610-20-2200)
RECOMMENDED: THAT a staff report be brought forward for
Council's consideration.
5. Marine Drive Transfer Priority Project (Over Capilano
River) (File: 0175-20-TRAN3)
Information to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council consider and pass
the following resolution:
Council considers that the piles of household
items, materials and other objects (the "Piles") located on the
Property at 960 Sentinel Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia, and
legally described as PID: 007-375-573, Lot 2, Block 4, North 3=8E4 of
District Lot 1049, Plan 6634 (the "Property") which is owned by
Henry Alexander Smood and Irene Grace Smood (the "Owners")
[create] an unsafe condition that poses a significant risk to the
safety of firefighters and interferes with their access and ability to
effectively respond to a fire on the Property or on neighbouring
parcels, all of which increases the danger of fire.
Council also considers that there is a danger to
people living on or visiting the Property, especially wandering
children due to the likelihood of the Piles collapsing.
Council therefore resolves that within 40 days of
receiving a copy of this resolution, the Owners of the Property are
required to:
1. Disassemble the Piles and
relocate or dispose of the Piles' contents in accordance with the
Firefighter Access Requirements set out in Fire Inspectors Report
attached as "Appendix 1" to the Report entitled "Remedial Action
for Removal of Piles of Household items, Other Objects and Materials
at 960 Sentinel Drive" dated April 6, 2009 (the "Staff
2. Accurately and clearly label all
containers with unidentified liquids. Remove all hazardous or
flammable liquids in accordance with Federal, Provincial and local
environmental regulations.
(Collectively the "Remedial Action
In the event the Owners have not performed all or
part of the Remedial Action Requirement within 40 days after notice of
this resolution is delivered to the Owners, the District may, by its
own forces or those of a contractor engaged by the District, enter the
Property and perform the Remedial Action Requirement.
In the event the District takes the above
referenced action the District may recover the expense from the Owner,
together with costs and interest, in the same manner as municipal
taxes in accordance with sections 17, 258 and 259 of the Community
7. Request for Exemption from
No Whistle Bylaw for Royal Hudson Steam Train (April 26, May 12, and
September 19, 2009) (File: 1610-20-1684)
Information to be provided.
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be
10. West Vancouver Community Grants Committee
Appointments (File: 0116-20-CGC1 / 0920-07-02)
THAT the following appointments to the Community
Grants Committee be approved:
From the Community Grants / Social Services
Review Working Group
Pattie Donnelly, Zarrin Sadeghi, Cecil Scantland, Sonja
From the Arts & Culture Strategy
Implementation Working Group
Ieva Cornford, Bryony Reid, Coral Winfield
From the Seniors' Activity Centre Advisory
Board -- Ed Collins
From the Museum Advisory Committee -- Karen
As the Community Member at Large (Youth) --
Julianne Yeager
AND THAT the Community Grants Committee Terms of
Reference be revised in section 4.1 (Membership) to delete the
requirement for one member from the West Vancouver Community Centres
Services Society Board.
11. Appointment of Council Representatives
(File: 0116-20-CGC1/0920-07-02/0055-20-CSNS1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following appointments for Council
Representatives approved for the term ending December 31, 2009:
Coho Festival Society of the North Shore: Councillor
Community Grants Committee: (Information to be
12. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Correspondence received up to April 3,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required -- No items presented.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(1) Committee and Board Meeting
(a) West Vancouver Design
Review Committee - February 25, 2009
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period --
No items presented.
Correspondence received up to April 15,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for
consideration and response.
Referred to Director of Parks and
Community Services for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
Responses to Correspondence -- No items presented.
Responses to Questions in Question
Period -- No items presented.
13. Oral Reports from Mayor and Councillors (Including updates
on working groups)
=== INFObits ===
+ VSun Thurs Apr 9
- Life Expectancy pB3 -- in Canada: 80.3; in US 78.6
- BC Housing Starts pC1 down 70% across Canada in March
compared with last March but in WV down 92% -- did our budget
reflect that much of a decrease in revenue?
Just watching CNN and there's a short bit on 'bio-beer'.
Seems they aim to put the healthy molecule (resveratrol) found in red
wine into this bio-beer. They say it also fights cancer.
Now if they can prove it helps with climate change, think we've really
got a winner.....
Will see if our resident beer judge has a comment......
+ GAZA [from the news on the
'net; you won't see in VSun]
Israel is the occupying power
in the Gaza Strip. In 2005, as part of what it termed
"disengagement" from Gaza, Israel removed its settlements
and settlers. Yet despite the redeployment of its troops in 2005, the
Israeli army has retained effective control over the Gaza Strip.
Israel maintains sole control of Gaza's airspace and territorial
waters and does not allow any movement of people or goods in or out of
Gaza via air or sea. Israel also continues to exercise a degree of
control over Gaza's border with Egypt and Israeli officials have
repeatedly made it clear that this border can only be reopened within
the framework of a joint agreement with the Palestinian Authority and
Egypt. Israel also continues to control electricity, water and
telecommunications in Gaza. It has regularly conducted raids in Gaza,
often arresting "wanted" men; and carrying out so-called
"targeted killings", in air strikes which have claimed a
high toll on civilians.
Welcome to Spring
Well, it's time to start planning those Block
Parties & BBQs!
If you check out the Block Watch website and
look at the Safe Communities Grant section, you may apply for one
before the end of May.
The grant is for $100 and if you have a crime
prevention type theme for your block party, you may be eligible for
the grant! Perhaps a few streets would like to join together and have
a gathering. Corporal Fred Harding, Constable Jeff Palmer, and I would
gladly attend and bring some crime prevention material for you, if we
are available.
[The Block Watch Society April newsletter is on
the website.] Also, if you have friends or family on West Van.
streets that are not in Block Watch, please ask them to contact me and
we'll get them going!
Remember to lock your cars, take all your
valuables out, and don't leave an extra key inside!
Feel free to email Fred, Jeff, or me if you have
any questions or concerns.
Enjoy the beautiful weather and Happy
Anne Russell, WVPD, Block Watch
Coordinator, Community Services Unit, 925 7363
in this case BLACKWATCH (re economic meltdown)
Of course Conrad Black flamed against Galloway but he did say it
was foolish of Kenney/Canada to ban his entry. We concur.
As I stated in WVM7, Conrad Black has some interesting comments on
banks and the crisis in our economy, and I found his remarks
Here they are (my bolding):
Self-firing arquebuses such as
George Galloway noisily come and go, but people of clear and reliable
foresight in these days of upheaval are rare. One aspect of the
current economic problems that has appalled me is how terribly and
completely let down the United States has been by its leadership
elites, corporate, political, regulatory, professional and academic
economists and the financial media. Persevering readers will recall
some of my 2008-era philippics about the US$800-billion
current-account deficit, the trade imbalance with China and the
potential black hole of hedge funds. I will admit that I knew nothing
of the trillions of dollars of vulnerable real estate
Paul Volcker, though he
expressed some general concerns, and Larry Summers, weren't warning
anyone of this either. Nor was Warren Buffett, now such a ubiquitous
media pundit one wonders if he is starting to drink his own bathwater.
(No one disputes that Warren Buffett has had a brilliant career as an
investor, financial strategist and manager and business personality,
but in the last 15 months, he has probably lost more money than any
other individual in the world. Doubtless he will recoup, but not by
It has been a little like
Britain and France in the 1930s. The leaderships of those countries
made terrible mistakes that imperilled civilization, but at least they
had Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, who led their countries
through the crisis and back to greatness. When the U.S. northeastern
establishment lost its nerve after the Vietnam debacle, Californians
Ronald Reagan, George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, and others were there
to pick up the torch and win the Cold War. Now there is no
But that is not quite true in
Canada. Almost six years ago, I invited the redoubtable Anthony
Smithson (Tony) Fell, long-time head of RBC Dominion Securities, to a
Bilderberg meeting at Versailles, of about 140 prominent public
and business figures, senior journalists and public policy
intellectuals from North America and Europe. He said nothing at the
general sessions for the first two days and then intervened to predict
almost everything that has since afflicted the world's economy: too
little saving, a glut of housing and questionable mortgage debt
in the United States, severe imbalances of money flows, inaction on
oil imports, the torpor of Europe and serious uncertainties in Russia
and China. He predicted a severe reversal, of the proportions that has
occurred, culminating in deflation (which still seems unlikely
because of the U.S. Federal Reserve's wise inundation of the
monetary base, an activity now sheltering under the splendid
jargonistic parasol of "quantitative easing," i.e. an expanded
money supply).
Tony Fell is a pretty sober
and businesslike man to have his name bandied about in such company
and circumstances, and his remarks were received at Versailles with
incredulity and a little bemusement. But in an eminent international
forum with several central bankers, prominent lending bankers, finance
ministers and senior politicians, including Stephen Harper (then the
leader of the Opposition), Tony Fell was the only person who predicted
the greatest international economic crisis in seventy
Not all prophets look and
sound like casting-studio choices for the role, and Canadians tend
not to be flamboyant when there are a lot of powerful Americans and
Europeans around. I have known Tony Fell for 55 years and he has
never been a scene-stealer. When I sent him an e-mail a couple of
months ago reminding him of his prescience, he graciously replied,
taking no credit for himself. But in the last 30 years, his
economic and commercial opinions have almost always been proved
accurate. Tony Fell almost always deserves, but has almost
never sought, an audience.
National Post /
=== Mississauga
Mayor -- Msg forwarded to me:
Just when you are convinced there isn't a
single competent politician, up pops one. This lady is unbelievable! Who
says we have to lose it all as we get older? See
=== History of Lawson Crk "Flumes, Fallers,
and Fish"
WV Streamkeepers' mtg March 19 had a full house to listen to the
panel (chaired by Director Barrie Adams).
* Hugh Johnson showed slides so we got to see early
days and the shingle-bolt flumes 1916 to 1926.
* Mona Carlisle told us about the early days growing
up on Sinclair Street (from 1947). With Norma Sorenson and
others formed the Creek Conservation Society. An incident with
the Flood Protection plan made them view Rupert Harrison (M Clerk) as
their hero.
* Rob Bell-Irving (DFO) first fished in Lawson in
1957. Then culverts made streams impassable. Stormwater
different (more) today than 100 years ago b/c of change in pervious
and tree cover. In some places salmon back after 40 to 50
* Steve Jenkins (DWV, Environmental Coordinator) had
slides, "A Baffling Project": three and a half years of
work; 47 baffles privately funded.
* Ray Fung (DWV, Engg) went to PJ school. He
explained the District's Six-Creek Diversion scheme/plan. Better
for creeks without pipes/culverts (or special design). Today
some terms have changed: no longer called Stormwater Management
(ISWM), now Rainwater Management -- retaining, putting water back into
ground, tree canopy and root system, sponge of organic layer.
Rainwater management as a resource.
{As Paul Berlinguette, now of Wetlands Partners, explained
some time ago, it isn't just runoff we must be concerned with, it's
absorption and retention.}
** The presentation by John Barker (Director),
printed here, provides an excellent overview of WV Streamkeepers,
activities and goals:
I would now like to
present the Streamkeepers' perspective.
What are our
How do we
measure success?
What is our
role in the community?
And, what is
our vision for the future?
Firstly -
Streamkeepers are all volunteers and we are there to protect our
natural stream heritage and improve it where
Objectives -
High on our priority list are:
our watercourses
our watercourses where appropriate
public awareness in the community - at all age levels - adults,
students and children
Measuring Success:
Clean, natural flowing streams, fed by slow release of rain water.
In other words, good habitat for all aquatic species including
cutthroat trout and juvenile salmon. Good survival rates of
juvenile salmon -- remembering coho will live in the stream for a
year before going to sea. And, lastly, the return of adult
Our Role in the
Public awareness
- we have several annual initiatives: [Heritage Week], Adopt-a-Fish,
Earth Day, Community Day, Coho Festival, Rivers Day
Now, some words
about Lawson Creek:
Stephen has outlined
the considerable work undertaken to install some 50 baffles and two
fish ladders between the mouth of the stream and the area behind the
Legion where Lawson Creek becomes day-lighted again.
In addition, the
mouth of Lawson Creek was changed in 2006 and 2007 making it more fish
friendly than years ago. The West Vancouver Shoreline
Preservation Society, headed by Ray Richards, working with his
volunteer group along with Stephen Jenkins and municipal consultants,
devised a plan to place large rock at the mouth of Lawson Creek to
minimize further erosion of the foreshore.
This effectively
created a new estuary for Lawson Creek - one that entered the ocean
in a gentle, curving nature to the east and then back to the west --
instead of the old estuary, where the stream dropped directly onto the
beach from a concrete sill. Salmon can now access the stream
(and safety) through a much broader range of tides.
In conjunction with
this activity, Streamkeepers were releasing both coho and chum fry
into Lawson Creek -- in not insignificant numbers -- between
10,000 and 15,000 per year.
Now, a measure of
success, of course, after providing certain enhancements, is the
return of adult salmon to spawn in the stream.
Let's look
historically. In 2006 there were four adult salmon reported -
one was a female coho and three were chum - all died in the lower
reaches due to the inability to reach suitable spawning
The following year,
in the fall of 2007, the baffle program, initiated by Stephen [DWV
Environmental Coordinator], was underway but far from completed.
To avoid loss of salmon as experienced in the prior year, Rob
Bell-Irving [DFO] encouraged us to attempt a rescue and relocation
Our expectations
were not considerably high since only four salmon were reported in the
prior year.
To raise community
awareness the Municipality prepared a notice that was posted on the
railing on Argyle Avenue near the big stainless steel fish that arches
across Lawson Creek. That sign had a request to the public to
call Streamkeepers if salmon were observed in the
Well, on October the
10th the telephone started ringing and didn't stop until just after
With a new estuary
available to returning salmon, coho and chum started appearing.
With Fisheries authorization, fellow Streamkeeper Jim Torry and I went
to work in an attempt to save any returning salmon.
With assistance
from students from West Vancouver Secondary's EPN and other
Streamkeepers' volunteers, we were able to rescue 51 salmon (there
were 47 coho and 4 chum). Using sports fishing nets and a big
tote, we were able to capture salmon with relative ease, place them in
a tote and drive them to suitable habitat higher on Lawson
Most were captured
in the culverted area between Bellevue Avenue and the mouth of Lawson
Creek and occasionally underground, in the culvert, above Bellevue
toward Marine Drive. Most of these salmon were re-located
upstream to an area at Esquimalt Avenue as well as just below and
above Fulton Avenue.
As evidence of the
success of this operation -- last Spring, in May 2008, there were
hundreds of coho fry observed in these locations -- the progeny of
those salmon that were transported upstream.
Further, Rob
Bell-Irving did a trapping in September to check the survival and
health of these fish. Survival rates appeared to be strong and
the growth rates were excellent - lending strong evidence to the
quality of Lawson Creek.
The Municipality
then made the commitment to complete the baffle and fish ladder
program -- which was done.
The number of
returning salmon last year was below 2007. There were 12 chum
salmon that returned and only one coho observed - strangely enough.
But salmon can now reach the higher spawning and rearing habitat and
it will be interesting to see how far they do progress. Fulton
Avenue may be a challenge for them where the stream runs down a
concrete slope on the north side, however, the culvert under Inglewood
is expected to be passable.
2009 should prove to
be an interesting year with the baffles and fish ladders completed -
plus the curving nature of the estuary which has drawn in, not only
Lawson Creek salmon, but stray coho from the Capilano Hatchery.
We can hope for improving numbers in the years to come.
Future work on
Lawson Creek:
Ensure the baffle
and fish ladder system is working by observing salmon that have made
it beyond the Legion.
Be prepared to tweak
the system as necessary to allow easier passage for
Consider creating
spawning habitat below Bellevue Avenue -- chum often prefer habitat
closer to the ocean -- this could be achieved by constructing a
side channel or by increasing the amount of gravel between the baffles
that could be used by chum for spawning.
And, consider a fish
ladder at Fulton to ensure ease of access to the stretch of habitat
between Fulton and Inglewood.
And Residents -
how can you help:
Number one -
keep pollutants and any foreign or garden debris out of the stream -
not only yours but encourage your neighbours to do
Number two -
leave native vegetation as it is - the stream needs this -- to
ensure cool summer temperatures, to provide cover to protect juvenile
salmon from predators, to provide a food source, to maintain the
stability of the stream banks and the retention of rain
Number three -
contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Municipality or Streamkeepers
if something is happening that will damage the creek or foul the
water. We need to know. There are yellow pamphlets
available on the table over there - and these pamphlets include the
emergency telephone numbers of those agencies.
Number four -
let Streamkeepers know if you observe a salmon in the stream. I
have put some of my business cards on the table and they contain my
contact information. Please call if you have something you wish
to share about Lawson Creek.
Now, I would be
remiss if I did not mention some of the Streamkeeper
Firstly, no stream
work may proceed without the support and authorization of Fisheries
and Oceans Canada. Rob Bell-Irving is our Community Adviser and
he works with us continuously in our endeavours.
Secondly, the
Municipality has long been a supporter of our efforts. Our staff
point guy is Stephen Jenkins. He always has time for fish and
habitat and we meet with Stephen [almost] every second week on these
matters. We also have great rapport with other departments as
they touch on our projects. In addition, mayor and council have
been very supportive of our initiatives.
Thirdly, our other
aquatic volunteer groups - West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation
Society, headed by Ray Richards and North Shore Wetland Partners,
headed by Paul Berlinguette - both work closely with Streamkeepers
for improved habitat.
And, fourthly, are
the funding sources that provide the financial capability to make our
projects come to life. In addition to funding by the
Municipality, we have to thank the Coho Society of the North Shore
(Jim MacCarthy, Barry Ferguson, and Heather Dunsford), the Pacific
Salmon Foundation, corporate supporters such as British Pacific
Properties, Park Royal Shopping Centre, and the North Shore News, as
well as individual donors who live in the community.
And lastly, our
Vision - salmon in all the streams in West Vancouver. Well, that
may be a bit ambitious. But of the 25 streams in the community,
not counting tributaries, many of these are deemed suitable salmon
habitat and many supported salmon before our road systems and storm
water culverts were constructed. Today, we have salmon in the
following streams - Brothers Creek, West Brothers Creek, Hadden
Creek, Lawson Creek, McDonald Creek, Rodgers Creek, Claymore Creek,
Cypress Creek, Nelson Creek, Eagle Creek, and Wood
Salmon populations
tend to be small by the very nature of the size of these streams and
the available spawning habitat. Our salmon populations are
mostly chum and coho, although pinks and chinook have been observed
from time to time.
Streamkeepers are
motivated to keep these watercourses in a healthy condition and
suitable for returning salmon. Of all the challenges that salmon
face after they leave the stream for a life at sea - if they don't
have spawning habitat to return to, then we are in deep
This is the role
of Streamkeepers - to ensure that this habitat exists and is protected
for the years ahead.
* The panel guests were presented with copies of Francis
Mansbridge's book, Hollyburn. (FM was in the audience and he'd
just received a WV Heritage Award for the book in February).
{to contact WV Streamkeepers, ph 604 628 1123; see
www.streamkeepers.westvan.org or write to the board executive:
Beer again; NYT Book review
Cheers by
JAMES OLIVER CURY Published: March 12, 2009
If you close your eyes and
imagine an old-fashioned Irish pub, you might think of worn wood
floors, bric-a-brac on the walls and gents in flat
The rest of the NYT review:
A PINT OF PLAIN: Tradition,
Change, and the Fate of the Irish Pub by
Bill Barich
Attention, gluttons for punnishment!
Pun for the Ages: The
New York Times at
=== MAIKU ===
spring transition -- a maiku and senryu (read aloud)
2009 Apr 12
twitters, towhee calls
trills, taps of drumming raindrops
morning music
2009 Apr 14
buzzing flower?
fuzzy bumble bee bum
nose busy deep in nectar
Life is a play. It's not its length, but its performance that
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman philosopher, writer (4BC - AD65)
Ah! what a divine religion might be found out if charity were
really made the principle of it instead of faith.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792 - 1822)
In the old days a man who saved money was a miser; nowadays he's
a wonder.
Author Unknown
Those who live by numbers can also perish by them and it is a
terrifying thing to have an adding machine write an epitaph, either
George J.W. Goodman, The Money Game
What we've lost is not nearly as important as what
we do with what's left.
Atheism is a non-prophet
Both anonymous/unattributed
The solution of every problem is another problem.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Only when the last tree has died and the
last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise
we cannot eat money.
Cree Indian Proverb
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it.
The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve
of knowledge, experience, and ability.
Henry Ford
I've been married three times - and each
time I married the right person.
Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist (1901 - 1978)
Books will be the salvation of Mankind. --
Voltaire, French philosopher, writer (1694 - 1778)
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no
attention to criticism.
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is
to buy a replacement.
There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the
Two silk worms had a race. They
ended up in a tie.
A chicken crossing the road is
poultry in motion. (It is Poetry Month after