Ccl NOTES Apr 20th
AGENDA May 4th
Calendar to May 15th*

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Spring has sprung!
MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg May 4th: North Shore Housing Forum; Public Input on 610 - 11th St DVP; Child Care Regulations/Zoning Amendment Bylaw, DVP and Biz Licence Bylaw; TAX RATES BYLAWS (to be provided!); OCP Amendment for 6695 Nelson (Sewell's); Strategic Planning Status; NBRHD CHARACTER AND HOUSING and PILOT PROJECT; OCP Amendment and Devt Application 2031-2061 Esquimalt; SPECIAL CCL MTG MAY 11th 6:30pm; and Correspondence including: Water and Sewer Rates; Metering costs; removal of stop signs at 14th and Duchess (and staff reply); good budget questions from ITAC (nos 18, 19)
Vive le Canada (Vote!; ACMs); ANIMALWATCH (aquarium, dog, parrot); from the EDITOR'S DESK (2STV or not TV); UPDATES (Zoning Regulations Review/Input; Volunteer for a Cmte/WG; Strategic Vision Planning)
=  CALENDAR to May 15th; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Opera)
=  Ccl Mtg NOTES Apr 20th: Spirit Trail Signing; Keeping Poultry; Marine Dr Transfer Priority Project (Capilano River); Remedial Action 960 Sentinel; Royal Hudson Whistle; Youth Safe House; Cmnty Grants Cmte apptmts
=  Ccl Mtg AGENDA May 4th
=  INFObits (Pk Royal donates $500K); GOVTWATCH (Democracy Grim; Hope); NATUREWATCH (Save our Rivers); NEWSWATCH (Women in Saudi Arabia; Strength for Peace); WEBWATCH (19th Century Photos in China); BOOKWATCH (Margaret Atwood); NAMEWATCH (Geek, Tree, Place); QUOTATIONS

===  Vive le Canada  === Democracy * BC Election May 12 -- VOTE!
+  BEFOREHAND, research and listen to the candidates:
    - WV/Capilano:  7pm Tues, May 5th at Park Royal North, sponsored by WV Memorial Library
    - WV/Sea-to-Sky: 8:30pm Thurs, May 7th at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr also sponsored by WVML
+  See BC Govt site re referendum on voting system: http://www.gov.bc.ca/referendum_info/
>>>  Interesting link of the week
A view through Asia's largest aquarium window, in Okinawa.  First inside, then outside.
>>>  On BBC Apr 21, red-tailed hawk chicks: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/8009841.stm
>>>  Here's a patient and tolerant dog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi_FqwYsyEI
>>>  Animal behaviour  --  Snowball fight  --  Apr 30th 2009  From The Economist
Everybody knows that birds sing. But it appears that some can dance, too.
SNOWBALL is probably the world's most famous living parrot, with a Wikipedia entry to prove it. One clip of him on YouTube, a video-sharing website, has had over 2m hits. The sulphur-crested cockatoo's claim to stardom is his ability to perform what looks decidedly like dancing (to the Backstreet Boys' hit, "Everybody"). It is an intriguing display but an aberrant one, as parrots have never been seen to dance in the wild. Nevertheless it may, according to Aniruddh Patel... 
for rest: http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=13570066&fsrc=nwlptwfree
Watch Snowball dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7IZmRnAo6s
Snowball is a Medium Sulphur Crested Eleanora Cockatoo that dances to the Back Street Boys and other songs that he rates as having a "very ...  www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7IZmRnAo6s -

===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===  To STV or not TV?
Well, G and I disagree -- at least at this point.
First Past the Post is not ideal, but nor is BCSTV.
Others have pointed to Italy's 80 govts in quick succession as well as to Israel's and other countries' systems where coalitions (remember January here?) often occur or are needed to form a majority govt.  Then a small party can make the difference between governing or not thus the tail wags the dog.  In Israel some small fundamental or religious parties can be essential to a govt's continuance therefore their (often radical) policies may prevail, even dictate.  Moderates lose.
Some elected mbrs here in BC are concerned about a large area to canvass; some voters feel they've lost their voice.
FPTP guarantees small/splinter/radical parties rarely get elected or get control.  It normally guarantees a large chunk of the population have chosen a party, and large parties.  If you have a single pressing matter, lobby the main parties.  OTOH, how to mitigate 60% being against a candidate with 40% getting elected?
I've favoured for many years a preferential system: 1, 2, 3 meaning count the 1s, then the 2s, and if still no one over 50%, then the 3s.
There are many ways to accommodate a party that hasn't elected a mbr but has garnered more than 10 or 15% of the provincial vote -- maybe have an add'l seat or two to accommodate that view.

===  UPDATES  ===
West Vancouver's Zoning Bylaw regulates land use and development.  The existing Bylaw was introduced in 1968 and has been continually updated with both major and minor amendments. As a result, it has become increasingly complex, with antiquated wording and formatting, and regulations that are sometimes difficult to understand or interpret.
The first phase is the Technical Re-write, which will improve clarity, standardize, and update wording, minimize redundancy, and reduce ambiguity. It is not intended to change policy. In the second phase, broader policy amendments are expected, in response to the recommendations from the Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Working Group.  This approach will allow the community to focus on one particular issue at a time, for example, the environmental regulations, or the housing bulk proposals, etc.
Public Consultation - Phase One   Individuals or small groups are invited to meet with staff to discuss the Technical Re-write and identify issues, answer questions, or address areas of concern.  Staff will be available to meet at Municipal Hall by appointment on the following dates and times:
* Tuesday, May 5th, 2 pm to 7 pm
* Thursday, May 7th, 9 am to 12 pm
* Monday, May 11th, 10 am to 1 pm
Public consultation on the policy amendments will begin later in 2009.  For more information, visit westvancouver.ca or call the Planning Department at 925 7055.
+ Volunteer for a Board, Committee or Working Group
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
West Vancouver seeks advice and expertise of residents wishing to work on Council policies and projects. We value your time and have adapted our structure to better meet your ability to contribute. Working Groups on specific issues, each with a Councillor and staff lead, will ensure priorities identified by Council will receive focused attention, resulting in real progress.
Community Engagement Committee This Committee will support the work done by the District's various Working Groups and focus on the development of online forums and other web-based participation tools in order to further improve upon public involvement in the District's decisions.  Three resident positions are open.  The term will be one year. 
Application deadline: 4:00 pm on Friday, May 15, 2009.
Value for Services Working Group This Working Group will review existing District service levels and their costs, and will conduct a process for public review of the relative support for existing service levels, with a view to recommending service level adjustments in future budget deliberations.  Five resident positions are open.  The term will be from May to October, 2009.                            
Application deadline: 4:00 pm on Friday, May 15, 2009.
Strategic Planning Working Group This Working Group will advance the public consultation and content development of the high level Strategic Plan, and provide periodic updates to Council.  Ten resident positions are open.  The term will be from May to September, 2009. 
Application deadline: 4:00 pm on Friday, May 15, 2009.
Transportation Plan Working Group This Working Group will explore all options for safety and affecting a transportation modal shift throughout the District.  With an intimate knowledge of the community, members will assist in the development of a viable Plan, which is sensitive to the uniqueness of West Vancouver, yet purposeful in achieving the objectives as identified.  Ten residents positions are open.  The term will be from May to October, 2009. 
Application deadline: 4:00 pm on Friday, May 15, 2009.
If you are a West Vancouver resident and would like to volunteer to serve on a boardstanding committee, or working group, please contact the Legislative Services Department at 925 7004 for more information.  Applicants will need to fill out and hand in a Community Involvement Application Form and are encouraged to supplement the form with a brief resume.
Forms Information Sheet (Appointment to Board, Committee, or WG); Community Involvement Application Form
Applicants are requested to e-mail (committees@westvancouver.ca), mail, fax (925 7006), or deliver completed applications, with a brief personal resume, to the Legislative Services Dept at the M Hall. 
+  Developing a Strategic Plan for West Vancouver's Future  (UPDATE)
The third mtg re the Strategic Vision/Planning series was held at the Library Saturday Apr 25.  It's now going to change to smaller groups, "World Cafes".  Of course all can send in their views to strategicplan@westvancouver.ca, visit http://www.westvancouver.ca/strategicplan.aspx, or call Deputy CAO Brent Leigh at 925 7003.  At the end of the session someone asked when we'd get the results of the Wosk session b/c they had not been released yet.  The facilitator said no and not these either -- at this time.  The Mayor said the information wd come to the ccl mtg May 11th.  (Guess that means there'll be a mtg on the second Monday, not just first and third, however looks like it's on early, May 4th.)
Strategic Planning [update]
West Vancouver is a community with high aspirations, yet we are challenged by an economy in recession. We have worked together to construct the Official Community Plan, and benefited from citizens volunteering their time and expertise to Working Groups. We have an abundance of potential initiatives, but limited resources to execute them. We all value the social and environmental qualities that make West Vancouver unique.
To bring the community's realities into focus, a vision needs to be articulated and goals need to be set. Throughout 2009, the District will be developing a community-based Strategic Plan, expecting to achieve:
                A long-term Vision for the Community
                Clarity [of/for] the Mission for the District
                A set of long-term community goals
              A Financial Plan that enables those goals
                A Measurement System to ensure the District is achieving those goals
Public Consultation - Next Steps   The questions or topics arising out of April's public dialogues will be presented to the community for discussion. At two World Cafés, we will look at the main goals identified by the community and develop specific action plans. These sessions are open to all. 
                Wednesday, June 3rd -- 6 - 9 pm  --  West Vancouver Community Centre
                Friday, June 5th -- 6 - 9 pm  --  Gleneagles Community Centre
We want to hear from you. There will be a number of opportunities for the community to contribute to and participate in the development of the Strategic Plan. For details, visit westvancouver.ca/strategicplan 

===  CALENDAR to May 15th  === Mtgs at MHall unless noted otherwise
Please attend the community visioning session at the WV Memorial Library.  Brent Leigh, Deputy CAO says: We want to hear from you. There will be a number of opportunities for the community to contribute to and participate in the development of the Strategic Plan. For details, visit westvancouver.ca/strategicplan for the background.  As friends of the strategic planning process, we would like to ask that you encourage your friends and associates to attend this next Open Space Meeting. Please let them know this will be a fun and relevant investment of their time.  Community engagement is critically important to us!  Please have interested parties register by sending an email to strategicplan@westvancouver.ca, visiting http://www.westvancouver.ca/strategicplan.aspx, or simply calling me at: 925 7003.
= Thurs Apr 30th
        ~ 9:30am ~ Measuring Up WG
        ~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues, DNV Cmte Room
        ~ 7pm ~ SFU City Series at Harbour Centre
        Shifting Gears II -- Details: http://www.sfu.ca/city/fpl5popup.htm
        The Life and Death of Cities: Accounting for Environmental and Social Sustainability
        Paul James, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
The West Vancouver Community Services Society and the West Vancouver 2010 Team would like  to invite you  you to join our first  community forum Thursday, April 30th at the WV Community Centre  from 7 - 8pm.  This forum will be for community members to learn about the Olympic Torch Relay and its sponsors; Olympic Torch Relay volunteerism; and performance opportunities.
Facilitators: Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones and  Barbara Brink, Chair of the WV Cmnty Centres Services Society 
Presenters:  Charlene Warrington, Managing Director of the West Vancouver 2010 Team, Cathy Matheson, Executive Director of the WVCCS Society, Vida Dharas, RBC Representative, and Coca Cola Representative   
Please RSVP with community group name, contact name, and number attending by April 29th to aeady@westvancouver2010.ca   We look forward to your participation in these exciting local opportunities! 
West Vancouver 2010 Team   604 923 2010

*  May 1st is beginning of Youth Week: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=13822  *

= Fri May 1st ~ 6:30pm ~   BOOKtopia - ART EXHIBITION | OPENING RECEPTION; WV Memorial Library
                        See: http://www.booktopia.ca/index.html
~~~  May 1 to 22   ~~~   ZERO WASTE CHALLENGE
Please find attached a schedule of upcoming public meetings regarding Zero Waste Challenge, Liquid Waste Management and Regional Growth Strategy.  If you would like to provide feedback and are unable to attend a meeting please send us your comments.
Deadlines for feedback are:    
Zero Waste Challenge - May 01; Liquid Waste Management - May 15; Regional Growth Strategy - May 22
Your feedback can be sent via:  Email: icentre@metrovancouver.org or Fax: 604 432 6399
Mail:  Metro Vancouver, Corporate Relations, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8
Further information is available online at: www.metrovancouver.org.
= Sun May 3rd  -- Rotary's Capilano Duck Splash then
~ 2 - 4pm ~
The Canadian Federation of University Women West Vancouver presents  a unique opportunity
The B.C. Binning House and Gardens, A National Historic Site
Speakers: Adele Weder: "The House"; Abraham Rogatnick: Remembering the Binnings;  Darrin Morrison, Curator, WV Museum; Flautist: Dorothy Fairholm; Hors d'oeuvres, wine, tea, and coffee
Limited tickets: $ 75; Tax Receipts issued
Proceeds shared equally between The Land Conservancy of B.C.- Binning House Endowment Fund and CFUW W V Educational Trust - Architecture or Design Student Award
For information call 925 8445 or email: cfuw.westvan@gmail.com
The home, designed and built in 1941 by pre-eminent artist B.C. Binning, is prized by architects as a leading example of early West Coast modernism.
= Tues May 5th
        ~ 6:30pm ~ Nbrhd (Hugo Ray Pk) Visioning Workshop at WV Unitarian Church
= Tues May 5th and 6th
Community Forum: Programs for Infants and Pre-School-Aged Children
Do you have infant or pre-school aged children?  We need to hear from you.
Please join the Program Committee of the West Vancouver Community Centres Services Society to plan for the programs and services that can meet the needs of infants and pre-school aged children and their families.
Where and when:  Tues, May 5 from 6:30 - 8:30 (Arts Studio - 2nd Floor); Wed, May 6 from 12:30 - 2:30 (Youth Ctr)
Complimentary Childcare available RSVP: by email or call 925 7201. Please indicate your need for complimentary childcare during the forum.  View invitation (PDF 61.49 KB)
= Wed May 6th
WV Chamber of Commerce ~ 3 - 6pm ~  Open House - Information Session
Do you live in the Sea to Sky corridor or on metro Vancouver's North Shore?
Would you like to be part of the Games but don't know how?
More than 1,000 volunteers from across Canada and around the world are required at Whistler venues in support of an extraordinary 2010 Winter Games.
If you are able to provide accommodation for one or more of these volunteers, then you can be part of the Games and showcase the warmth and hospitality of British Columbians to the world.  VANOC will recognize your contribution as a Host on the North Shore by providing you with complimentary tickets to Olympic Victory Ceremonies.
Find out more by attending the Open House Information Session.  Join us at the WV Chamber of Commerce and Partner Centre, located at 1846 Marine.  Meet the VANOC Homestay Team, The WV Chamber of Commerce, Spirit of BC, WV Community Foundation, COHO Society and the WV 2010 team.  Treats from Café TrafiQ and coffee sponsored by VANOC.  No RSVP necessary.  Just show up!

= Sat May 9th = Start of Dundarave Farmers' Market on Saturdays = 10am to 4pm =

===  National Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week - May 3 - 9  ===
EP Week is an annual national event to build public awareness of risks and how to plan and be prepared for any type of emergency or disaster. Check out the national Get Ready website for additional information. Take our Preparedness Challenge and see if you and your family are ready!
We would like to hear how you and your family put together your emergency kit; an emergency meal plan you  have put together or how your supplies came in handy during an emergency situation. Submit your stories to nsemo@cnv.org prior to May 9th and your story could be posted on our website!  http://www.nsemo.org/   This year's EP Week message is to:
Know the risks specific to our community to help you prepare. 
Prepare a kit as emergencies will require basic supplies. Remember you may not have power or water!
Make a plan to help you to know what to do when disaster strikes. Our preparedness workshops will help.

= Wed May 13th  ~ 5:15pm ~ Measuring Up WG at WV Cmnty Ctr
                ~ 7:15pm ~ Field Sports Forum CANCELLED, moved to May 20

- for Events and Programs: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/index.php?page=5
- for Event Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/event/calendar.php
Friday May 1st ~ 6:30pm ~ Booktopia Opening & Youth Works Art Reception
All are welcome. Refreshments will be served by the Friends of the Library. The exhibition will be ongoing to May 31.  See http://www.booktopia.ca/index.html
Friday May 8th ~ 6:30pm ~ Feels So Write: Teen Authors Read
+  Fridays English Corner ~ 10 - 11:30am ~ practise English conversation [May 1, 8]

=  May 5 to 17 = THE WEST VAN GRAD SHOW 2009
A juried Mixed Media Exhibition featuring the artworks of graduating students of Collingwood School, Mulgrave, Rockridge, Sentinel Secondary School, and WV Secondary School
OPENING RECEPTION on Friday, May 8th from 6 - 8pm
=  March 16 to May 8 -- The woven tapestries on linen of Hanna Haapasalo; display at M Hall

+++ SILK PURSE +++  www.silkpurse.ca
= May 5 - 17 = "Nature's Way"   --  Watercolour paint and the process lends itself to blurred lines and muted colours, and is especially appropriate for painting natural subjects. Its delicate transparency is well suited to images of equally delicate, transparent petals and leaves. But, when combined with pen and ink a watercolour can show as much or more detail as an oil painting. Botanicals create highly prized, collectible artworks by integrating impressionism with technical drawing. Join us to view the collection of awe-inspiring creations by artists Elizabeth Cox, Marney-Rose Edge, Lucille Loose, and Christina Oh!
Opening Reception: TUESDAY May 5th from 6 - 8pm
To see a list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
To see the electronic newsletter, the address is http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com.
Getting onto the mail list: the simplest method is to call the box office (604 913 3634) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
Sun May 3rd ~ 3pm ~ BC Boys Choir's 40th anniversary concert: Around the World in 80 Minutes

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
See: http://www.westvan60.com/Images/The%20Torch%20Newsletter%20-%20Winter%202008.pdf
***  The Spring-Summer issue of "The Torch" is now available via Branch 60's website: to view the newsletter, just click the following link for direct access: http://www.westvan60.com/Images/The%20Torch%20Newsletter%20-%20Spring-Summer%202009.pdf
The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.

+++  WV MUSEUM  +++  Visit:  http://www.westvanmuseum.blogspot.com/
North Star: The Art of Lyle Wilson  [March 4 to May 30]
We love Tom Stoppard's work and there was another, a Canadian premiere, The Invention of Love, at the Jericho Arts Centre.
* Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout at the Firehall ends Sat May 9th.  Acting is excellent.  We're fans of Tomson Highway and he's masterful playing with language.  Highway's anachronistic bits are definitely on purpose and part of his humour.  First half v well done.  I have a bit of a quibble with a couple of claims in the second half, but it was commissioned for the Secwepemc Cultural Education Society and the Western Canada Theatre.  They said they'd be reprinting the programme and I hope they do -- former Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier's name is misspelled and there are a few other typos and mistakes (eg the term is reserve in Canada, not reservation used in the US).  It takes place in August 1910 so part of our heritage/history.
* On our list is Linda Griffiths's Age of Arousal by Arts Club on Granville Island (ends May 9)
*  Vancouver Opera's Salome by Strauss starts May 2nd (ph 683 0222); promotion now on buy one ticket and get the second free!

===  Ccl Mtg NOTES April 20th  ===

Signing Ceremony: Spirit Trail Greenway Statement of Cooperation
Mayor: Special guests: WV Third Wolf Pack [Boy Scouts], Sq First Nation, Park Royal, Spirit Trail WG, Spirit Cmte; invite Mansoor Lalji and Chief Gibby Jacob to step forward, mbrs of Ccl behind us for signing
{assembling for photo}
Important occasion; history in the making; on behalf of all mbrs of Ccl, v honoured representing WV tonight, way forward, signif partnership with Sq Nation and Park Royal -- Chief Gibby Jacob and Mansoor Lalji [Pk Royal; Larco]
Spirit Trail....friendly cooperation, healthy lifestyle
Squamish Nation, Park Royal Shopping Ctr, and DWV best served working cooperatively in planning, designing, and implementation of the greenway, respecting each other's governing structures, traditions, jurisdictions...[unintelligible], and responsibilities
{searching} pen? we run on a shoestring!
[click click!]   tyvm
Chief: honour to be here; esp great to have young ppl here; was a cub way back, longer than I care to remember
share celebration; cmte, a lot of hard work
second part of the trail we've signed onto... Mosquito Creek Marina continuation of walkway from Lonsdale Quay area; beautiful thing
Homulchesan Reserve, wch was the name of the villiage; my grandfather lived right around guess wd be the McDonald area where Pk Royal is now
eight families who lived in that part, we never forget those ppl, those ppl gave up the place they lived so we cd have a better life
we provide your children, our chn better way
trail, another piece of the puzzle, trail building
hope v near future, positive ways, cooperation; thank you
Mansoor Lalji: {text supplied, but I've changed to Cdn spelling}
Madam Mayor and Council, Chief Gibby Jacobs, and friends of the Spirit Trail,
It is an honour for Park Royal Shopping Centre and Larco Investments to partner with West Vancouver and Squamish Nation in this Spirit Trail Greenway statement of cooperation.  We proudly support the Spirit Trail and believe it will connect communities and neighbourhoods across the North Shore.  
We also recognize the legacy the Spirit Trail will leave on the North Shore and the benefit it will have on the health and well being of the community for generations to come.  Park Royal has a long history of giving back to the community and in the past 20 years that Larco has owned the shopping centre our support has never waivered.  As a major business in West Vancouver and on the North Shore we are committed to supporting and investing in the communities where we do business.  To this end, the Spirit Trail is more than worthy of our support and falls in line with our corporate objectives to participate and partner in sustainable projects benefiting the community.
I am delighted to be here today with Mayor Goldsmith-Jones and Chief Gibby Jacobs. This joint effort further underscores the long term and fruitful relationships we have with both groups.  We are pleased to be a part of the Spirit Trail and this partnership and want to thank West Vancouver and the Squamish Nation for their efforts and commitment.
Thank you.
Mayor: We also owe a debt of gratitude to staff, pulling together, leadership
I was asked to make closing remarks and then I got a letter from William, one of the Wolf pack
it's so beautifully done. I'd like to ask him to come up to make the closing remarks on this auspicious occasion
William: ... mbr of ...  WV Wolf Cub Pack
honour and privilege to be here to day representing our pack; thanks for opp
as cubs, we are proud tradition of scouting in Canada, goes back 100 years
{microphone faint} .... to help build a better world...  constructive role in society ... commitment to do one's best... care for others ... what we do as cubs ... environment... care/look after less fortunate than ourselves
....Squamish Nation... as WV youth you'll be.... inheriting
thank you for the foresight for the trail
as cubs, this is the type of project we like to be part of and thank you v m for listening
Mayor: don't think anyone cd hv put it better, William
Final request from {boy scouts}, want to meet Chief, Mr Lalji, and Ccl
{intros, shaking of hands, etc; 7:18}
Mayor: I may have neglected to mention that Pk Royal donated $500K toward the Spirit Trail
Second "open space session" towards Strategic this Sat 9am at Library, for info go to website, look under Your Govt; or phone Brent Leigh 925 7003; love to see you on Sat
1.  APPROVAL OF AGENDA -- exemption; 9.1 adding to Corresp List
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES -- April 6, 2009 Regular Council Meeting. [7:20]
3.  K. Ferguson, Ecojustice, regarding proposed Species and Ecosystem Protection Act (SEPA) for the Province of British Columbia (File:  0055-01)
KF: Keith Ferguson, lawyer for Ecosystem, live in NV, here tonight to give a short talk and seek an endorsement from you for provincial
why we need a law, what it wd .....
BC is a diversity rich place, most in Canada
76% of all birds exist in BC; magnificent heritage here in BC; unfortunately many species are at risk
some calling it the sixth extinction event, fifth was dinosaurs
50 to 1000 x normal loss
suffering v much here in BC
assessed 3,808 species 1640 at risk; no 1 cause is habitat loss
47% of all amphibians at risk of loss
Why care?  [slide]
pollination services, etc; est value US$30T (yes, trillion); forests regulate the climate
only BC and Alberta do not have strong endangered species laws
in BC only of our endangered species 4% legal listing but not for habitat
have Fed Act but only affects migratory fish/birds 1%
BC has a BC Wildlife Act and only four species listed but doesn't protect habitat
in BC have act, Identified Wildlife Mgmt Strategy; listed 72 species but subject to forestry law
BC Forest & Range Practices Act says cannot "unduly reduce the supply of timber from BC's forest" and we also have since 1999 a 1% cap on how much species protection can reduce short-term harvest level
BC Forest Practices Board concludes: There is a systemic failure in govt policy to protect endangered species such as marbled murrelet on crown land in BC
given the problem 43% at risk; We're calling on BC to pass a new law, we've come up with a name SEPA (Species and Ecosystems Protection Act) and inviting Ms to endorse a new law for BC species protection
ON has done so, allotted $18M over four years to support stewardship
[Slide: Elements of SEPA]
scientific body to identify species; protection for habitat; decision process as to how much habitat; aim to restore
have been inviting Ms to endorse this campaign; last year UBCM resolution in 2008 (read out motion):
Be it resolved that the prov govt will be requested to enact a strong species and ecosystems protection act to safeguard BC's exceptional biological richness, in particular against threats posed by habitat and climate change, recognizing the critical importance of conserving biodiversity to maintaining ecological integrity and human well-being
How wd this affect Ms?  depends on wording
permits, stewardship {lack of //ism}
will not shut down devt
goal renewed attn to these species and not see they slip through our fingers
may allow species to decline or become extinct but decision not made until wider debate and full awareness of its consequences
we're not giving full attn to species at risk; Ms can help by bylaws....
Garry Oak on V Island, at risk going extinct
endorse our campaign, letter to prime minister to pass resolutions supporting
Thank you for your consideration
Sop: of 1600 endangered, how many insects?
Ans: v few, some butterflies; v few insects in BC been assessed; majority of ~3800 birds, mammals, amphibians; vast majority of insects hv never been assessed
TP: like to strongly state that WV has a tremendous love of nature
strong environmental ethic; reason why we live here; behooves us to be good stewards of natural heritage so proud
the late Randy Stoltmann, Simon Jackson, to numerous stewardship groups in this cmnty
Lighthouse Park, Eagleridge Bluffs standing up to see we wd prefer an old-growth forest instead of an 18-hole golf course
I think that WV -- hey, Mike, help me with it then -- and I just really feel strongly that WV stands and leads in that, and our land use with Rodgers Crk recently demonstrates that
I wd like to amend the recommended motion in front of us:
that delegation ....... be received and that DWV endorses [sic] a Species and Ecosystems Protection Act
Mayor: can we split those?
TP: absolutely
{Procedure Notes:
Cclr P has no need to amend b/c the motion had not been moved and she's making it so can say anything she wants
Mayor need not ask about splitting, anyone on Ccl can; probably just a nod to TP.}
Mayor: motion on receipt of report from Mr Ferguson with thanks
[seconder, SW]
Mayor: Ccl hasn't full appreciation b/c report not in front of them
wonder if we cd have an assessment of what that wd entail and then go from there?
TP: cd we refer to ofc of Mgr for sustainability for review and recommendations, then back to us
Mayor: certainly many things we can do within our own borders
many of us felt let down, what we went through re Eagleridge Bluffs, know red-listed species in there
prob with invasive species, threatening ppl's health and diversity
a lot that we need to get a handle on
resolution at UBCM means ev M supports it, so not sure what further we can do except within own borders doing best we can
Ans: ev M individually endorsing it adds extra weight
shows indiv ccls and mayors in add'n to UBCM, so feel important extra weight
Sop: certainly support endorsement, feel more homework to do, need more information, need public determination
staff for report how to effect this in a sensible way; assume all this will cost money
Mayor: motion asking for first step; Mgr of sustainability has been asked for a report
Sop: inclusive of all things? have to make sure what we're asking for
Mayor: simple at first; then go from there b/c obviously Ccl can't endorse something it doesn't understand the full implications of .... can do better
Sop: statistics, costs, what govt anticipating; those things imp for making decision
Mayor: yes
[PASSED 7:37]
Ans: will leave some reports with you.
4.  Notice of Motion regarding Keeping Poultry in Single Family Residential Zones (File: 1610-20-4545/1610-20-2200)
RECOMMENDED:  THAT a staff report be brought forward for Council's consideration.
Mayor: notice of motion brought forward by Cclr Evison; have a guest wishing to address Ccl
Lauren Boltman/Bowman (sp?): read a book about a month ago about this girl and she had chickens and did for a science projectate them and sold to nbrs; cleaned out coop, friends with chickens; since them always wanted chickens; here I am
I know there's prob with the bears; anyway you cd look into it
ME: move that staff amend bylaw to bring forward for Ccl's consideration.
we were fortunate enough a couple of weeks ago to have an email from Lauren, 12 years old, who had taken initiative to approach Ccl
City of Vancouver considering keeping poultry
something we did many years ago, for a variety of reasons WV decided to forbid
it was the initiative that I admired and respected
my pleasure and behoves [sic: behooves]
one caption -- this land is not inherited from our ancestors, it's borrowed from our chn
the more we can do the better for our chn and their chn
shd now take opp to ask staff to explore, perhaps not explore, come back to Cc with report, know probs with bear control
I favour a debate and decide if continue
of chn, and parents; she used to have ducks and chickens; thank you
Sop: under animal control bylaw horse, miniature horse, pt 7.7.3 ev owner shelter, cage, or poultry pen must ensure clean sanitize....  vermin removed once a day
IMO, already in bylaw otherwise wdn't have poultry pen in there
need not go any further
Mayor: clarification from staff?  Mgr of...
Chicken ... what we removed was reference to the actual? keeping the animal
does make reference to the pen; there are some non-conforming prior to bylaw being changed last June; no one new can keep any chickens
Mayor: any rationale for new mbrs
Ans: bear abatement
attractant; had to put sev bears down, find a rabbit hutch bears will go back again and again
Sop: when I was a young lad; catching a pigeon in orange box and a string
fly away and come back
this young lady is asking for a natural function happens everywhere in our prov
joy we had in those days gone; ev time we turn around there's a rule
I know in rural areas, there are chickens raised and there are bears
harmonized, ...
lots of things can be bear food -- dogs, cats, others
I'm going to support bringing back ...
MS: I believe in focus; we're embarking on a strategic plan
fiscal; not an economist it's a .....
red flags all over the place
neg with or staff above infl....  $60M on
to ask for a staff report
mtgs...  want ten won't
just asked for staff report for last item
if we have staff writing reports on ev item, we're over staffed
come back to what's imp; get back to biz of M
not ...  sound reasons
for us to derail our staff
reality is there are only so many hours in the day
I'm not going to support this motion
Sop: it takes one word, one word, chickens after horses; is that too much?
value, gardening.....
not going to take
never caused any problem ........
Mayor: I'm too not going to support
likelihood of passing
not doing enough
enjoyment of their gardens and those asking to ...... bears.....  not survived ... not a fair fight
b/c I haven't seen anything changed
although I applaud
sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don't
other parts of the city find
keeping chickens is not easy, fun for a few days
ME, SW, Sop in favour; ML, TP, MS, and Mayor opposed re report coming back so FAILED
5.  Marine Drive Transfer Priority Project (Over Capilano River)  (File:  0175-20-TRAN3)
        Information to be provided.
BDozzi gave background: study re unobstructed access to improve reliability of system
improvement to ridership
key segment, and Apr 7 prov govt committed $40M to replace blue bridge to the north and the concrete one to the south
once touch base with X will come back to Ccl
my understanding is, going back a few years, 2002?, intent was to widen the south bridge by one lane, four lanes and by diverting
two lanes in each direction; blue bridge wd be dismantled; three lanes westbound on a new bridge
four lanes
to bridge one being transit only; one through lane to NV
a consultant has been retained and tender will occur throughout 2009, no construction during 2010 Games, the proceed with completion in 2011
being fast-tracked
have spoken with my counterpart, not details, but what WV's input might be
residents at west PkR towers and Water's Edge will be impacted
robs managing traffic at that tie
wrt aesthetics
will be lit
gateway to WV, what structure wd look like, whether WV any input, design, less critical
will report back to M&Ccl as I receive them
ME: two lanes going east at rush hour recipe for disaster; any thought three lanes early morning?
shd be considered
BD: ensure Ministry looks at; ensure balance
initial stab at traffic mgmt, demand at those times
have heard, can't confirm, may be implementing a temp structure; hasn't been confirmed and that wd alleviate that concern
rerouted under, to north of blue ridge, and south wd operate as today
may be something else in works
Sop: any conversation about coming off --?  it's old, won't take a truck
if overpass nixed cd come down Cap not TWay, safer
Ministry is looking at that
still a three-lane bridge going over
timelines cut by five minutes; whether true bus lane be inefficient
riding on a Fri Sat; left turn; those more important
hope these will be addressed
BD: am aware of grade issue under ...
understand looked at, considered looking at an add'l lane buses coming from NV, understand financially and ......
make sure clearance is maximized
bridge have spoken to Ccl about earlier; all buses get caught in that queue 15 to 20 min to weave over and get through light
will move along curb .... dedicated lane to bridgehead
been discussing an at-grade .... transit exchange take themselves eastbound
elimination of the flyover
all these improvements designed to efficiency of system; whole intent is to make it a desirable option
SW: apologize if you said this, clarification -- still two lanes going up onto the bridge?
Mayor: this is v v good news for WV
know when Ralph Sultan commissioned that report, ppl cynical nothing wd come of it, but it goes to show the value of having done that work, and the value of persevering wch we have.
probably the no 1 question we've gotten over the years
it is also much more than just that bridge, it is integrated with the bottleneck at TWay and MDrive, it is integrated with Pk Royal and traffic and transit, and also with cycling and the beginning of a modal shift in WV
idea to make riding bike and taking bus most attractive way to go; and for others stuck in cars not the priority; won't be any less than now
v exciting and anyone who sees our MLA Ralph Sultan on street, thank him for this, he's pushed for this and Mr Dozzi's relnshp with Ministry helpful
CARRIES -- 8:02
6.  Remedial Action for Removal of Piles of Household items, Other Objects and Materials at 960 Sentinel Drive (File:  1605-01)
RECOMMENDED:  THAT Council consider and pass the following resolution:
Council considers that the piles of household items, materials and other objects (the "Piles") located on the Property at 960 Sentinel Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia, and legally described as PID: 007-375-573, Lot 2, Block 4, North 3=8E4 of District Lot 1049, Plan 6634 (the "Property") which is owned by Henry Alexander Smood and Irene Grace Smood (the "Owners") [create] an unsafe condition that poses a significant risk to the safety of firefighters and interferes with their access and ability to effectively respond to a fire on the Property or on neighbouring parcels, all of which increases the danger of fire.
Council also considers that there is a danger to people living on or visiting the Property, especially wandering children due to the likelihood of the Piles collapsing.
Council therefore resolves that within 40 days of receiving a copy of this resolution, the Owners of the Property are required to:
1.  Disassemble the Piles and relocate or dispose of the Piles' contents in accordance with the Firefighter Access Requirements set out in Fire Inspectors Report attached as "Appendix 1" to the Report entitled "Remedial Action for Removal of Piles of Household items, Other Objects and Materials at 960 Sentinel Drive" dated April 6, 2009 (the "Staff Report")
2.  Accurately and clearly label all containers with unidentified liquids. Remove all hazardous or flammable liquids in accordance with Federal, Provincial and local environmental regulations.
(Collectively the "Remedial Action Requirement")
In the event the Owners have not performed all or part of the Remedial Action Requirement within 40 days after notice of this resolution is delivered to the Owners, the District may, by its own forces or those of a contractor engaged by the District, enter the Property and perform the Remedial Action Requirement.
In the event the District takes the above referenced action the District may recover the expense from the Owner, together with costs and interest, in the same manner as municipal taxes in accordance with sections 17, 258 and 259 of the Community Charter.
ML: move as written; some discretion called into play
ME: the owners of the prop quite elderly and perhaps an issue of some hardship, as in mental approach to getting rid of these piles, and also physical.
Some of us have suggested...
maybe an opp for some of the youth in the cmnty to assist in this issue
we have a lot of young ppl in the cmnty, willing to help out some less fortunate who wd appreciate some help
Mayor: not sure what that entails
maybe a service group wd be able to help; not sure how much we can ask
ML: health and safety concern; hazardous material and unlabelled cans
if some opp after immediate danger
but wdn't want to see cubs and scouts carrying out cans of whatever
Sop: first off l think Chief [Fire Dept?]... take sensitivity in mind; advise us; they don't ... the hammer
flourish for quite some time
if division chief takes look and if in fact dangerous material
bylaws; staff will work with couple; certainly is a eyesore; don't know what they collect
I know I collect old things
7.  Request for Exemption from No Whistle Bylaw for Royal Hudson Steam Train (April 26, May 12, and September 19, 2009) (File: 1610-20-1684)
        Information to be provided.  MS moved permission and for staff to waive fees
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
        Consent Agenda items approved: except 3
9. Youth Safe House - Update (File:  2630-07-02) -- received for information.
10.  West Vancouver Community Grants Committee Appointments (File: 0116-20-CGC1 / 0920-07-02)
THAT the following appointments to the Community Grants Committee be approved:
From the Community Grants / Social Services Review Working Group
        Pattie Donnelly, Zarrin Sadeghi, Cecil Scantland, Sonja Sanguinetti
From the Arts & Culture Strategy Implementation Working Group
        Ieva Cornford, Bryony Reid, Coral Winfield
From the Seniors' Activity Centre Advisory Board -- Ed Collins
From the Museum Advisory Committee -- Karen Duffek
As the Community Member at Large (Youth) -- Julianne Yeager
AND THAT the Community Grants Committee Terms of Reference be revised in section 4.1 (Membership) to delete the requirement for one member from the West Vancouver Community Centres Services Society Board.
11.  Appointment of Council Representatives (File:  0116-20-CGC1/0920-07-02/0055-20-CSNS1)
Following appointments for Council Representatives approved for the term ending December 31, 2009:
Coho Festival Society of the North Shore: Councillor Soprovich
Community Grants Committee: (Information to be provided)
12. Correspondence List (File:  0120 24)  ...
(3) Letter signed by 54 residents Mar 27 regarding Removal of Yoga Stretch from the "Fitness/Wave" Passes
Sop: maybe shd go to new Cmnty Ctrs Bd
Mayor: think it's already been
S Kettler (Park Staff): went to board, met, productive mtg two weeks ago
how look in six months; cmnty review in six months
that's how we'll go forward; two board mbrs at that mtg
Sop: what's prob?
Mayor: a bit tricky; more expensive yoga than fitness; trying to keep pace with costs
some of these women dedicated fitness for decades
don't want to lose them or affect their health
bd ...  work with ...
13. Oral Reports from Mayor and Councillors (Including updates on working groups)
TP: Earth Day celebration successful; over 1000 ppl
climate action.... big and little things .... high school students given some awards
leadership and taking charge
WVHS, Aren/Erin Humphreys (sp?) ... from Mayor....  Arlene Anderson ....Jonathan Harrison
fantastic Day, super celebration, thank staff for putting on....
Sop: start of Spirit Trail WG; elected chair, vchair; well under way; quite involved
first mtg they let me know what their Terms of Ref were
overall picture is how they can set up a strategy for cmty engagement with staff
where trail shd be
meeting once a week; have to come to you within three months
ML:  at Kay Meek, Beauty and the Beast; my son is .... director
know it will be spectacular; go out and enjoy the show
ME: represented you along with mayors
NSh Sports Award night at Pk Royal; 500, v enthusiastically followed; v encouraging to watch
number of interested ppl; something started ten years ago; rewarding
likewise invited to concert on Sat -- Ambleside Orchestra representing .....
concert at St Catherine's
Mayor: thank you for filling in there
Bruce McArthur: listening to Brent Dozzi and some thoughts
seemed to conveniently coincide with election
object to numerous signs announcing, if projects not started until 2011
have to put up with them
Mayor: first person to mention that
15.  ADJOURNMENT [8:15]

===  Ccl Mtg AGENDA May 4th  ===
2.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES: April 20, 2009 Regular Council Meeting.
3. D. Peters, North Shore Housing, regarding North Shore Housing Forum (May 27-28) (File:  0055-20-NSHI1)
4. Further Information on proposed Development Variance Permit No. 08-027 (610 11th Street) (File:  1010-20-08-027)
At the January 12, 2009 meeting, Council received the report dated November 27, 2008 from the Community Planner and deferred further consideration of the application
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report, then:
RECOMMENDED: THAT Staff report back
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed revised DVP be approved
5. West Vancouver Child Care Regulations - Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4579, 2009, Proposed Development Variance Permit Policy, and Business Licence Bylaw, No. 4455, 2005 Amendment Bylaw No. 4596, 2009 (File:  2620-08/1610-20-4579)
1.      Zoning Bylaw ... as attached to the report from the Community Planner - Social Services dated April 14, be introduced and read a first time in short form;
2.      Zoning Bylaw ...  be presented at a Public Hearing on Monday June 1 at 7pm
3.      The Municipal Clerk be directed to give Statutory Notice...;
4.      The proposed DVP for Child Care Uses in Residential Zones, as attached to the April 14, 2009 report from the Community Planner - Social Services, be presented for public comment concurrently with the proposed child care Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw ..., and be considered for approval if the proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw is adopted;
5.      Business Licence Bylaw No. 4455, 2005 Amendment Bylaw No. 4596, 2009 as attached to the report dated April 14, 2009, be introduced and read a first time in short form;
6.      Further consideration of Business Licence Bylaw ... take place concurrent with Zoning Bylaw; and
7.      A municipal resource package for child care providers be developed in conjunction with preparation of the Child Care Plan commencing May 2009.
6. 2009 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw 4601, 2009 (File:  1610-20-4601) -- Information to be provided.
        {and just why not ready for this ccl mtg when budget adopted weeks ago?}
7. 2009 Specified Area and Local Area Service Tax Bylaws (File:  1610-20-4593/4594/4595)
   THAT "Specified Area Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4593, 2009" be read a first, second, and third time.
   THAT "Parcel Tax (Garrow Bay) Bylaw No. 4594, 2009" be read a first, second, and third time.
   THAT "Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw No. 4595, 2009" be read a first, second, and third time.
8. Proposed OCP Amendment for the redevelopment of the upland portion Sewell's Marina (6695 Nelson Avenue) in Horseshoe Bay (File:  1010-20-09-015)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the applicant lead proposed public consultation process for redevelopment of 6695 Nelson Avenue in Horseshoe Bay described in Appendix B to the April 26, 2009 report of the Manager, Community Planning be approved.
9. Strategic Planning Status Report: Public Consultation Phase (File:  0270-07)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated May 4, 2009 from the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer titled "Strategic Planning Status Report: Public Consultation Process" be received for information.
10. Implementation of Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Working Group Recommendations (File:  2515-23)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated April 16, 2009 from the Sr. Community Planner titled "Implementation of Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Working Group Recommendations" be received for information.
11. Proposed Pilot Project Program - for Testing Out New Housing Types and Development Practices not Provided for Under Current OCP Policy and Land Use Regulations (File:  2515-23)
1.      The draft Pilot Project program, as outlined in the report from the Sr. Community Planner, dated April 16, 2009, be endorsed by Council; and
2.      The former Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Working Group be re-convened for the purpose of developing and implementing a Pilot Project program in 2009; and
3.      Staff prepare draft Terms of Reference for the Working Group's new role for review and consideration by the Community Engagement Committee.
12. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 08-041 for property located at 2031/2047/2063 Esquimalt Avenue (File:  1010-20-08-041)
1.      Staff hold a Neighbourhood Visioning Workshop and Consultation Meeting to:
  a.    Discuss the character of this nbrhd and articulate residents' visions for its future;
  b.    Examine opportunities for introducing new housing types that are compatible with neighbourhood character; and
  c.    Obtain preliminary community input on the proposed development application
2.      Following this community consultation, staff report back to Council with initial community feedback, along with a complete review of Development Application No. 08-041.
3.      The public notification area for the Neighbourhood Visioning Workshop/ Consultation Meeting be as outlined in Appendix 'D' to the April 16, 2009 report from the Sr. Community Planner, along with advertisements for this workshop/meeting to be posted on the District website.
4.      Additional opportunities for residents' input be provided via written or online submissions.
13. Motion to call a Special Council Meeting (File: 0120-01)
        RECOMMENDED: be scheduled for Monday, May 11 at 6:30pm
14. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
15. Appointment of Council Representative (File:  0116-10-FSF1)
  THAT the January 12, 2009 appointment of Councillor Walker to the Field Sports Forum Working Group be rescinded; AND THAT Councillor Panz be appointed to the Field Sports Forum WG.
16. Active Development Applications Status List (File:  1010-01)
        RECOMMENDED: received for information.
17.     Correspondence List (File:  0120 24)
Correspondence received up to April 17, 2009
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(1) April 13, 2009, regarding Encroachment of Wild Bears Into West Vancouver Residential Areas
        Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response.
(2) April 10, 2009, regarding Restricted and Selective Use of Field "A" in Ambleside Park
        Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
(3) April 16, 2009, regarding Water and Sewer Rate Increase
        Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
   (a) Board of Variance Hearing Minutes - November 26, 2008
(5) E. O'Melinn, Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition, April 17, re Bike to Work Week All Star Team
(6) R. Hobson, Union of BC Municipalities, April 6, 2009, regarding Election Readiness Strategy
(7) April 16, 2009, regarding Earth Day and Climate Change
Responses to Correspondence
(8) Mayor P. Goldsmith-Jones, April 13, re Keep Well Society of the North Shore Week Proclamation
(9) Mayor P. Goldsmith-Jones, April 13, re Request for Proclamation of MS Awareness Month
(10) Mayor P. Goldsmith-Jones, April 15, regarding Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Day of B.C.
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.
Correspondence received up to April 24, 2009
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(11) April 20, 2009, regarding the Intersection of Duchess Avenue and 14th Street
        Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
(12) J. Strohmaier, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 873, April 15, 2009, regarding Support for Ambulance Emergency Response Services
        Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(13) Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation, April 22, re Translink Transportation Investment and Property Taxes
Responses to Correspondence
(14)  B. Dozzi, Manager of Roads and Transportation, April 23, re Intersection of Duchess and 14th Street
(15) B. Dozzi, Mgr of Roads and Transportation, April 21, regarding DWV Snow Clearing Program
(16) B. Dozzi, Mgr of Roads and Transportation, April 23, regarding DWV Snow Clearing Program
(17) B. Dozzi, Mgr of Roads and Transportation, April 20, re Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles in WV
Responses to Questions in the Question Period --  No items presented.
Correspondence received up to April 28, 2009
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(18) S. Hean, Interested Taxpayers Action Committee, April 21, regarding Budget Variance Analysis
        Referred to Director of Finance for consideration and response.
(19) S. Hean, ITAC, April 24, 2009, regarding Article from the Vancouver Sun dated April 23, 2009
        Referred to Director of Finance for consideration and response.
(20) J. Thibault, Royal Canadian Legion, April 25, 2009, regarding Request for Permanent Training and Parade Space within the District of West Vancouver for the 525 Pathfinder Squadron of Royal Canadian Air Cadets
        Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response.
(21) J. Wang, Falun Dafa Association of BC, undated, re Request for Proclamation of May as Falun Dafa Month
        Referred to Municipal Clerk for response.
No Action Required (receipt only)
(22) April 23, 2009, regarding Ban of Wood Burning Fireplaces
(23) April 23, 2009, regarding TripEd Public Launch Event
(24) April 26, 2009, regarding Cricket at Hugo Ray Park
(25) Light House Sustainable Building Centre, April 27, 2009, regarding Green Building Market Forum
(26) A. Sheriff, Royal Bank of Canada, April 27, 2009, regarding Park Royal 2010 Olympic Torch Event
(27) April 16, 2009, regarding 2009 Flea Market
(28) A. Van Eden, North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee, April 21, 2009, regarding Recommendation for a Youth Referral Coordinator Position on the North Shore
(29) J. Gordon, District of NV, April 21, 2009, regarding Representation to E-COMM
(30) L. Jackson, Metro Vancouver, April 9, 2009, regarding Future of the Region Sustainability Dialogues Report: Adapting to Climate Change
Responses to Questions in the Question Period  --  No items presented.
18.  REPORTS FROM MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS (Including updates on working groups)

===  INFObits  ===
Park Royal Shopping Centre Donates $500,000 to Development of North Shore Spirit Trail
Park Royal Shopping Centre has announced that it is making a $500,000 donation to the North Shore Spirit Trail, a waterfront network of paths and walkways that will connect communities from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove. The donation marks the first major commitment from a private company to the West Vancouver portion of the Spirit Trail...
The donation will be earmarked for the construction of a three meter-wide pedestrian structure to be added to the lower road bridge that crosses the Capilano River. The existing bridge connects Bridge Road and Taylor Way on the south side of Park Royal. The funds will also provide for the expansion of the sidewalk on the south side of the Shopping Centre, making the path wider and more accessible. When complete, residents and visitors will be able to hike, run or bike along the 35-kilometre Spirit Trail from one end of the North Shore to the other.
"Park Royal is part of the fabric of the North Shore community, and that is why we are so pleased to contribute to this important amenity," says Rick Amantea, Vice President of Park Royal Shopping Centre. "We are proud to do our part to help turn the vision of the Spirit Trail into a reality."...

===  GOVTWATCH  ===
+  Democracy's grim future
from Wikipedia: 
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee (15 October 1747 - 5 January 1813) was a Scottish-born British lawyer and writer.
The following unverified quotation has been attributed to Tytler, most notably as part of a longer piece which began circulating on the Internet shortly after the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election:
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.
A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
This passage actually comprises two quotations, which didn't begin to appear together until the 1970s. The list beginning "From bondage to spiritual faith" is commonly known as the "Tytler Cycle" or the "Fatal Sequence". Its first known appearance is in a 1943 speech "Industrial Management in a Republic" by H. W. Prentis, president of the Armstrong Cork Company and former president of the National Association of Manufacturers. The quotation appears to be original to Prentis. No original author can reliably be determined for the first paragraph. It is possible that ''[[whoever first made the statement was paraphrasing or]] drawing a conclusion from the quotation given'' by Bartleby.
+  HOPE: Mississauga Mayor
Just when you are convinced there isn't a single competent politician, up pops one.  This lady is unbelievable!  Who says we have to lose it all as we get older?

===  NATUREWATCH  === Save Our Rivers
                Rafe Mair's video:  http://ashlu.info/video/bcrivers.html

===  NEWSWATCH  ===
+  Equality a dream?
Women in Saudi Arabia are banned from driving, must wear a head-to-toe cloak when out in public, and must obtain permission from a male relative to work, travel, study, or marry.
+  Nonviolent Action by Palestinians and Internationals Stops Settler Road Construction in Um al Kheir
From: "CPT Tuwani Team" <cpttuwani@cpt.org>  Date: Mon, April 27, 2009 10:44 am
At Tuwani Release -- 26 April 2009
Contact: Christian Peacemaker Teams or Operation Dove, +972 (0) 54-253-1323
        Photos attached: Palestinians block earth-moving equipment
Nonviolent Action by Palestinians and Internationals Stops Settler Road Construction in Um al Kheir
   Palestinians from the South Hebron Hills village of Um al Kheir today changed the route of a road being constructed by settlers from the illegal settlement of Karmel. The villagers, acting with internationals, nonviolently blocked the road-building equipment as it prepared the roadbed on land which belongs to Palestinians living in the village of Um al Kheir.
   Palestinians and internationals gathered to confront settlers from Karmel, Israeli soldiers, and Israeli border police as work began at 7am. Israeli soldiers allowed the road work to continue despite a pending legal complaint filed by the village in Israeli court. One older Palestinian man who was sitting in front of earth-moving equipment was accidentally struck by stones which were dislodged by the work.
   Survey markers placed the previous week in the village indicated that construction of the road would include the demolition of a Palestinian home and several agricultural structures. As marked now, the road will include the annexation of a large area of Palestinian land by the settlement, but will not include demolition of the home. A legal decision on construction of the road is expected within ten days.
   Representatives from the United Nations Refugee Works Administration (UNRWA) were also present during the work because the villagers have refugee status. Residents of the Bedouin village of Um al Kheir bought the land the village currently occupies, including the land being used for construction of the settler road, fifty years ago. They were forced to move the village from its original location near Arrad in 1948, after the creation of the state of Israel.
   Recent expansion of the Karmel settlement has included the construction of twelve double houses around the perimeter of the settlement. These are surrounded by a fence and a military road, which encroaches onto Palestinian land. The new road as proposed will extend the settlement farther into Um al Kheir, and will result in the annexation of a substantial area of land outside the existing settlement houses.  Numerous other Palestinian villages in the South Hebron Hills have been
impacted by the expansion of settlements and outposts in recent months.
   The residents of Um al Kheir, along with villagers from nearby At-Tuwani and other villages in the area, remain committed to nonviolence as they struggle to oppose the illegal expansion of Israeli settlements and outposts. Villagers have filed legal complaints, and staged nonviolent grazing actions in the South Hebron Hills throughout the spring grazing season.
===  WEBWATCH  ===  19th Century Photos (China)
John Thomson, a Scottish photographer, took photos in China 1868 to 1872:                      
===  BOOKWATCH  ===  Margaret Atwood on CBC 
PAYBACK: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
Legendary novelist, poet, and essayist Margaret Atwood delivers a surprising look at the topic of debt. In her wide-ranging, entertaining, and imaginative approach to the subject, Atwood proposes that debt is like air - something we take for granted until things go wrong. And then, while gasping for breath, we become very interested in it.
Payback is not about practical debt management or high finance. Rather, it is an investigation into the idea of debt as an ancient and central motif in religion, literature, and the structure of human societies.
Margaret Atwood writes "These are not lectures about how to get out of debt; rather, they're about the debtor/creditor twinship in the broadest sense - from human sacrifice to pawnshops to revenge. In this light, what we owe and how we pay is a feature of all human societies, and profoundly shapes our shared values and our cultures."...
Rest at: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/massey/massey2008.html (can listen also)


+  WORDWATCH  --  Geek!
Geek is a variant of the Low German geck, meaning a fool, wch in turn derives from the Scandinavian for to croak, the sound made by fools.         -- Richard Watson Todd in Much Ado About English [published 2006]
No Parking: a tree by any other name -- by Tom Palmer; Friday, 6 March 2009
Scientists who discovered a new species of tree standing beside a country road have named it "no parking" after a sign that was nailed to the trunk.
A team of botanists found the tree in a north Devon lay-by while working on a project in which 14 new species and hybrids across the British Isles were discovered.
It was known locally as the No Parking Tree and the nickname has stuck as it is listed in Watsonia, the scientific journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles, as no parking whitebeam. The tree's Latin name is Sorbus admonitor, meaning to admonish or tell off, and it grows at Watersmeet, between the villages of Lynton and Lynmouth.
The research project, led by Dr Tim Rich, head of vascular plants at the National Museum Wales, involved academics from the University of Wales, Bristol University, Exeter University, Oxford University, and the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.
+  PLACEWATCH  -- Place.................. 
PLACENAMES CAN BE DIFFICULT  Here in the UK, the longest name of any place is the famous Welsh one, usually written as Lanfair PG: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. There are many longer, including one in New Zealand with 92 letters. This week it was admitted officially that yet another long place name, of a lake near Worcester, Massachusetts, has been spelled wrongly on signs as Chargoggagoggmanchaoggagoggchaubunaguhgamaugg for some years. It should be Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg.  The locals call it Lake Webster.
                -- from Michael Quinion [www.worldwidewords.org 2009 Apr 25]

===  QUOTATIONS  ===
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?
                        -- T. H. Huxley, English biologist (1825 - 1895)
I may not have always been satisfactorily balanced [in my reporting]; I always tended to argue that objectivity was of less importance than the truth.
                        -- (Mark) James Cameron, British journalist (1911 - 1985)
The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum.
                -- Charles Caleb Colton, English author, collector,  and clergyman (1780 - 1832)
Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.
                        -- Confucius, philosopher and teacher (c. 551-478 BCE)
Language is the apparel in which your thoughts parade in public. Never clothe them in vulgar and shoddy attire.
                        -- George W. Crane, American physician and columnist (1901 - 1995)
There are only two ways of telling the complete truth: anonymously and posthumously.
                                -- Thomas Sowell, American economist and commentator (b 1930)
Television is like the invention of indoor plumbing. It didn't change people's habits. It just kept them inside the house.
                        -- (Sir) Alfred Hitchcock, British filmmaker (1899 - 1980)
o  Atheists don't solve exponential equations because they don't believe in higher powers.
o  Archaeologists in Britain found part of an ancient door. It had a stone hinge on it.
o  If a monk throws a hissy fit, is it a temple tantrum?
o  The little old woman who lived in a shoe wasn't the sole owner -- there were strings attached.
o   What do you call Peruvian Rorschach tests?  [guess now, don't peek!]
     Inca Blots.