Ccl NOTES Sept 14
AGENDA Sept 21
Calendar to Oct 8
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
"Shana Tova" = Happy New Year
In 2009 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
begins at sundown Fri Sept 18, ends at nightfall Sun Sept
= Main items Ccl mtg Sept 21st: North Shore Police
Services Review; DP amendment Mulgrave School; Home Biz Zoning
bylaw; Solid Waste Utility fees/charges re-alignment; Town Hall Mtg
Wed Oct 7 [re Secondary Suites]
= Vive le Canada (1759; 1909); from the EDITOR'S
DESK; PROPERTIES for sale (unpaid taxes); UPDATES (Sec
Suites; WV Streamkeepers' new board) with CAO at WRA
(Capilano Crossing; Gleneagles Clubhouse; Sea-to-Sky $$; Fire
Protection) and FOOD SCRAPS Pilot Project
(Theatre, Music)
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Sept 14th: Ev Dr; DVPs for 6080
Blink Bonnie and 3751 MDr; Town Hall Mtg Oct 6 (withdrawn); Devt
Applications Status
= Ccl Mtg Agenda Sept 21st
= INFObit (Afghanistan: 97% Taliban); WOMANWATCH (My
Dreams are Gone); Breaking News (Fish; Chn's Fair); LANGUAGEWATCH
(Words for Jewish New Year); Acronyms/Abbreviations; MAIKU;
=== Vive le Canada
Plains of Abraham, Quebec in 1759: Sept 13 marked
the 250th anniversary of the pivotal battle that tipped the continent
to become British North America but the French had their revenge in
1776 by providing navy, support, etc for the American Revolution so
after getting the French colony they lost the American colonies.
The History Channel had an excellent prog entitled "Wolfe -
Delta: Fly-over Boundary Bay Sunday Sept 20 celebrating 100
years of flight.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK
* 1909 Car in last issue (20); see a tin Lizzie at the
Royal BC Museum! (not part of British Treasures obviously, from early
days in Victoria; but an intriguing teapot from England in the 1870s
is in that exhibition -- take advantage of the tour Sept 24 organized
by the FBG)
* Additions/Update to the Acronyms/Abbreviations (Ac/Ab) in
that section below
* ROUNDABOUTS: G loves the one at 21st and Fulton, can't
wait for more at other bottleneck stops.
=== PROPERTIES for Sale (unpaid taxes)
=== 10am Monday Sept 28
The following properties will be included in the Sale unless
delinquent taxes, plus interest, are paid before that time. List
subject to alteration.
Lawrence Way - PLAN 1802 DIST. LOT 2361 LOT 1
Lawson Avenue - PLAN 2261 DIST. LOT 555 BLOCK 18 LOT 10 & 11 NORTH
22nd Street - PLAN 22534 BLOCK 4 LOT A EAST 1/2 OF DIST. LOT
2135 Argyle Avenue - STRATA LOT 10 DIST. LOT 775 STRATA PLAN VR.
Keith Road - PLAN 7673 DIST. LOT 1041 BLOCK 1 LOT 5
Gordon Avenue - PLAN 5813 SOUTH EAST 1/4 LOT 16 DISTRICT LOT 1051
Gordon Avenue - PLAN LMP28470 DISTRICT LOT 1044 LOT 6
Keith Place - PLAN VAP23093 SOUTH WEST 1/4 DIST. LOT 1043 LOT
Onslow Place - PLAN 6652 DIST. LOT CE BLOCK 8 LOT 12
St Andrews Road - PLAN 9043 DIST. LOT CE BLOCK 31 LOT 2
Ballantree Road - PLAN 11621 DIST. LOTS 806 AND 866 BLOCK 3 LOT
Craigmohr Drive - PLAN 11789 DIST. LOT 866 BLOCK 7 LOT 3
Finch Hill - PLAN LMP10005 DIST. LOT 1104 LOT 4
Finch Hill - PLAN LMP18680 DIST. LOT 1104 LOT 32
For more
information, please call the Tax Department at 604-925-7032, or
visit westvancouver.ca/propertyinfo
=== UPDATES ===
Secondary Suites
passed at ccl mtg 21s, the town hall mtg on Wed Oct 7th will be
on Secondary Suites.
Secondary Suite
Program Proposed for West Vancouver
Thursday, July
30 --
A Secondary Suite is a separate residential unit typically within a
single family home, generally located in the basement, and
significantly smaller than the dwelling in which it is located.
Currently, secondary suites are only allowed in West Vancouver if a
family member lives in the suite.
Surveys of West
Vancouver residents (2007 Community Survey, and a 2008 survey
conducted by the Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and
Housing Working Group) indicate that 75% support opening up secondary
suites to non-family members.
A discussion paper
has been prepared which addresses how the community might benefit from
allowing secondary suites, identifies potential issues raised by
allowing secondary suites, and includes a potential program for
permitting secondary suites in West Vancouver.
We want to know what you think. Your comments on this issue will be
collected and reported back to Council in October, along with a draft
Bylaw allowing for new secondary suites and a program addressing the
issue of existing suites. A Town Hall Meeting on this topic will be
held in the Fall (date to be determined) to enable residents to learn
more and speak directly to Council.
Send us your
Email us at: secondarysuites@westvancouver.ca Write to us at: Planning
Department, District of West Vancouver
* WV
Streamkeeper Society
The new board elected the Sept 17
AGM (they will then choose the officers/executive): Jeff Anderson,
Paul Berlinguette, Bill Chapman, Hugh Hamilton, Elizabeth Hardy, Bill
McAllister, Bruce McArthur, Carolanne Reynolds, Michael
Dundarave: the new Shoppers Drugmart is now open.
Strategic Planning Update
Very important, $75K and counting; fruitful
gathering views from WGs, etc; residents pls give them your ideas.
What's your vision for WV? See
* CAO at
WRA - Some highlights from Grant McRadu's talk at the
Western Residents' Assn mtg Sept 15.
= Location and construction schedule on the new crossing of
the Capilano River
Construction of the new bridge will
begin in Spring 2010. During construction, traffic will cross the
Capilano River using the existing bridge on a temporary detour
alignment just a few meters north of the current crossing.
The bridge will be physically moved to the
detour alignment in a weekend operation in April 2010, following the
Winter Olympic Games. Preparatory work, such as the construction of a
temporary pier on the island in the middle of the river, as well as
abutments on both riverbanks, will begin in August 2009. Once the new
bridge is completed and in service, the old bridge will be removed and
the area will be rehabilitated.
= Update on the plans for the Gleneagles Clubhouse
The project management team, with private
sector expertise utilized at strategic points in the process,
developed a short list of two proponents with the process to select
the operator expected to be completed by the mid October.
The official opening celebrations are being
planned with the WRA and the Golf Society and will take place
officially when the bistro/restaurant is opened.
The renovated Clubhouse will be an exceptional
facility for the community. The proximity of the Clubhouse, the Golf
Course, and the Gleneagles Community Centre will integrate activities
and services around what will be our new 'western civic site'.
Staff will be undertaking enhancements of the landscaping and pathways
connecting the three facilities together to further support this
= Disbursements of the payments for the Sea-to-Sky
Have we received all or any of the money yet? Is West
Vancouver still in a legal dispute about the size of the
The District of West Vancouver has received payment from the
Province of $6.9 million for the Sea to Sky project and the District
is currently disputing the amount. The trial date is set for
late 2010. Staff are continuing to prepare information and will
pursue a settlement on alternative value of the property.
There has been considerable press about fire
trucks being taken out of service because of excessive overtime. This
seems to be a continuing problem.
Council, with the support of the taxpayer, has
taken several steps to ensure that fire safety for West Vancouver
residents is not compromised in any manner. In fact, we have
increased fire staffing by adding an additional eleven
firefighters over the past seven years to meet industry standards
recommended by the National Fire Protection Association.
We continue to strive to achieve a balance
between providing the right amount of fire rescue services versus
maintaining fiscal responsibility.
Q: Is there any reason to be fearful that Insurance Underwriters
will see the possibility of added risk because of equipment being out
of service and require increased Insurance premiums?
Based on the temporary nature
of equipment being taken out of service, there is no
reason for concern regarding a change in Fire Insurance
ratings. The following information may provide more clarity to
the methodology used in determining insurance ratings.
Fire Underwriters Surveys consider a number of issues
Conducting a survey of the Municipality,
examining the water supply facilities, storage facilities and
distribution system, and performing hydrant flow testing.
Surveying the fire department to assess its
administration, training programs and facilities, fire stations
equipment (including testing and maintenance programs), personal
communications, and fire prevention programs;
Making fire-flow calculations throughout the
municipality, including all flow-test locations -- these
calculations determine the amount of water necessary to combat
a major fire in those areas, as well as the number of fire
fighting companies, personnel, and types of apparatus
(Source: Fire Underwriters Survey)
Q: Why are West Van's staffing levels not adequate to
look after manning, at straight time rates, the equipment that is
normally in service?
We actually maintain a minimum
of 18 firefighters on duty on a normal basis but
there have been occasional periods in February and August
where we've had to operate within tight budgetary parameters
with regards to overtime staffing. In conjunction
with their commitment to fund the cost of the additional
firefighters, Council directed that a flexibility agreement be
reached with the Union to ensure the efficient use of taxpayer funds
by limiting the need for overtime. Flexibility agreements have
been incorporated by a number of municipalities and have proven
to be an effective measure in reducing the need for
Q: What is the status of the exploration of combining the
North Shore Fire Departments into one unit?
The three North Shore Fire Chiefs have been
directed, by their respective Councils, to ensure that fire and rescue
services cooperate where necessary to provide effective services to
the public. The three North Shore fire departments
regularly cross jurisdictional boundaries to provide direct
assistance at serious incidents or provide standby coverage
for additional calls for service when the resources of one
municipality are unavailable. In essence, the North Shore
fire departments are committed to assisting each other when and
where a need arises.
* Caulfeild residents participate in
MetroV Food Recycling Pilot Project
September 18, 2009 West Vancouver, BC:
West Vancouver is partnering with Metro Vancouver to conduct
a curbside food scrap recycling demonstration project this
fall. Five hundred homes in the western Caulfield
neighbourhood make up the test area in WV. Delta, Township
of Langley, and Coquitlam have also signed on to participate in Metro
Vancouver's pilot.
Mayor Goldsmith-Jones, who also serves
on the region's Waste Management Committee, supports the
collaborative waste reduction effort. "Just like the blue
box in the early days, West Van is pioneering again in diverting food
scraps from the waste stream. This is the biggest single thing a
household can do to reduce the amount of garbage we produce,"
says the Mayor.
The demonstration project will run for
six months, beginning October 6. During this time, food
scraps - including vegetables, fruits, bread, dairy, meat, fish,
bones, and food-soiled paper - will be picked up weekly with yard
trimmings. The combined organic material will be picked up
in the morning to minimize animal attractants and taken to a regional
composting facility; garbage will be picked up in the afternoon.
Compostable organics can make up to 50%
of household garbage. Removing these organics from the waste
stream provides the opportunity to move beyond current WV's
recycling rate of 50% to the 70% diversion rate needed to meet the
region's Zero Waste Challenge. Additional environmental
benefits include producing a valuable soil amendment and the
opportunity to reduce greenhouse gases produced when organics are
WV's input will assist the evaluation
of the demonstration project for the municipality and the region as a
whole. Metro Vancouver will partner with District staff to
collect feedback from residents and assess program
participation. Western Caulfield residents have been notified
by letter, and are invited to a September 22 Open House.
Participating households will also receive an information
package and a 'kitchen catcher' container through a door-to-door
WV and MetroV will jointly host the
September 22 Open House from 5 - 7pm at the Caulfeild Village Mall
Parking Area. The event is designed to provide western
Caulfeild residents with more information about the food recycling
demonstration program. Poster displays will be accompanied by
hands-on activities to show what types of additional compostable
materials can be added to the yard trimmings container by
participating households during the pilot. A bear aware display,
hosted by the North Shore Bear Society and the North Shore Recycling
Program, will also be featured.
===== CALENDAR to October 8th
Farmers' Markets: Dundarave Saturdays 10
- 4pm; Ambleside (13th & Bellevue) Sundays 10 -
[Pls note that all mtgs are at M
Hall (usually in the MFCR, Main Floor Conference Room, but
sometimes in the chamber) unless indicated otherwise.
Additions and changes can occur at any time so best to check the DWV
website calendar wrt cmtes and WGs that are of interest to
The Value for Services WG was meeting weekly on
Tuesdays; pls check their webpage
http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=18742 for next
mtg; a survey questionnaire is being prepared -- let Ccl know if you
want taxes to decrease, stay the same, or increase; pls say how and
*** North Shore Heritage
Weekend Friday Sept 18 to Sunday Sept 20 -- many lectures, tours, etc
Brochures and see www.dnv.org and www.heritage.westvan.org for
= Saturday, Sept 19th
~ 9am - noon ~ LPPS Invasive Species Removal: ivy pull --
Call Alexandra for location, 922 1485
~ 11am - 1pm ~ TAKE PART in the Great Canadian Shoreline
Wear old clothes, bring gloves and your own drinking water, and
meet at the foot of 17th St, beach access. For more info call
Kim Vogt at 922 1359.
= Monday, Sept 21st
~ 7:30pm ~ Nbrhd Info mtg for Marr Crk Court Residents re
Collingwood Expansion (in Wentworth Lib)
= Tuesday, Sept 22
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society -- Early
Meeting of people with pictures and/or documents on the early
days in Dundarave. This meeting will be held in the Atrium of
the Seniors' Centre. Coffee will be served. We are hoping
to discover some new and interesting material to be included in our
book celebrating the Centennial of West Vancouver in 2012. At
the same time, if the pictures can be given to the West Vancouver
Archives they will be preserved for the following generations.
= Wednesday, Sept 23
~ 5pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan mtg in Cedar
Room, WVCC
~ 5:30pm ~ CEC mtg
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society
General meeting of the WVHS at the Seniors' Centre.
Author Lisa Smedman will do a presentation on her book
'Vancouver - Stories of a City: A history of Vancouver's
Neighbourhoods and the People who built them'. All are
= Thursday, Sept 24th
7:30am ~ Field Sports Forum WG
~ 4pm ~
Climate Action WG
~ 5pm ~
5:30pm ~ Housing Pilot Prog WG, Mountain Room, WVCC
5:30pm ~ WV Police Bd mtg at WVLibrary (Musto
~ 7pm ~ PlanTalk - Issues and
implications of six-storey wood frame construction
Boon or boondoggle? Building codes will allow for the
construction of six-storey woodframe buildings. Is this good news for
planners who want to densify cities, developers who want floor space,
and residents who want affordable housing? Our expert panel will
analyse and discuss. Speakers: Dr. Guido Wimmers, Equilibrium
Consulting Inc.; Dave Ramslie, Cascadia Region Green Building
Council; Murray Frank, Constructive Home Solutions Inc.
$10, Students $5, SFU Harbour Centre;
Lecture Details and Reservations
= Saturday, Sept 26
~ 9am - noon ~ LPPS Invasive Species Removal: ivy pull --
Call Alexandra for location, 922 1485
~ noon - 4pm ~ Shop the Nifty Thrifty's First Fall Sale!
The Nifty Thrifty Shop at
St. Monica's Church Hall accepts donations every Tuesday between 5 -
7pm. Please ensure that donations are clean and in good
condition. Large items cannot be accepted
Rivers Day
~ 9am - 1pm ~ Metro Vancouver Watershed Keepers
Habitat enhancement at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve; meet
at Rice Lake Gate - 4900 Lillooet Rd, NV. We
will be conducting habitat maintenance of the Homestead Fisheries
Enhancement site situated next to the Fisherman Trail and the Seymour
River; clear clogged channels, pick up litter, and put down new gravel
to enhance the site for spawning and rearing of coho salmon. We will
also conduct a vegetation survey of the area. Tools, equipment and BBQ
provided for volunteers. Please dress appropriately and call or email
in advanced to let us know that you are coming.
See also
+ Mackay Crk in NV 10am to 4pm; see
= Sunday, Sept 27 (also Rivers Day --
verify days/dates)
+ Vanier Park -- BC Rivers Day; NS Wetland Partners will have a table
at Vanier Park
The False Creek Watershed Society
"Remembering Our History, Celebrating the Living"
The Sixth annual "Salmon Celebration" will
take place on BC Rivers Day, NOON to 4:30pm Sept 27th in Vanier Park,
near the Vancouver Maritime Museum.
The Salmon Celebration is a FREE EARTH AND WATER
FESTIVAL AND PARADE for all ages to:
- honour the spirit of the salmon that
historically lived in the streams that flowed into Eastern False
- connect the urban public with local groups who
study salmon, save wilderness, and encourage urban
Entertainment, Food, Crafts, Storytelling,
Environmental Fair, First Nations Participation. We are also proud to
be part of Wild Salmon Month in Vancouver. During September we have
community tables, craft workshops, and Lost Streams walks. For
details http://www.falsecreekwatershed.org and f
or pre-event workshops/info --
Contact: C. Brauer at info@falsecreekwatershed.org
= Thursday, Oct 1
~ 6pm ~ Open House/Workshop -
Sewell's Marina Redevt Proposal, Gleneagles Cmnty
~ 7:30pm ~ Artland Versus Sculpture Park: Choices facing
Public Art
Reservations: Admission is free; reservations are required. Call
778 782 5100 or email cstudies@sfu.ca
Venue: SFU at
Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings, Vancouver, Room 1900
Charles Jencks will be
giving his first public lecture in Vancouver: "Living in the Art
Land," as part of the Vancouver Biennale on October 1 in
partnership with Simon Fraser University's City
Charles Jencks is an
influential architectural theorist, landscape architect, and designer
whose name is synonymous with the concept of the Post-modern in
architecture. He was the first to extend those ideas into
architectural discourse with his book 'The Language of Post-Modern
His latest book, 'The
Iconic Building', examines the phenomenon of the icon in
contemporary architecture and the meaning of signature buildings in
today's world of hyper trendiness and celebrity. His recent work
includes fractal designs of buildings and furniture, as well as
extensive landscape designs based on complexity theory, waves, and
solutions. These themes are expanded in his own private garden, the
Garden of Cosmic Speculation, at Portrack House near
Jencks is famous for his
innovative garden designs. In 2004 the Scottish National Gallery of
Modern Art won the Gulbenkian Prize as Museum of the Year for his
dramatic and radical landscape project titled Landform. Those who
visit the site describe it as a transforming experience.
Charles Jencks was born 1939
in Baltimore. He first studied English Literature at Harvard
University, later gaining an MA in architecture from the Graduate
School of Design in 1965. He also has a PhD in Architectural History
from University College. Jencks has lectured at over forty
universities throughout the world.....
"Artland Verses Sculpture
Park: Choices Facing Public Art" is first two talks in the series
"Living in the Art Land." Charles Jencks will also give an
illustrated talk titled "The Garden of Cosmic Speculation: Nature
Talking to Nature" on October 3, 2009, as part of the Vancouver
Institute fall speakers series (see www.vaninst.ca for details). Another talk in the "Living In the
Art-land" series will be by 'sandman' Jim Denevan and will
take place in June, 2010.....
With the theme of
"in-transit-ion", the 2009-2011 Vancouver Biennale will install over
40 works by artists with international reputations. With major
sculptural works in Vancouver's City parks and on beaches, the
Biennale is also installing public art at the Vancouver International
Airport Arrivals Terminal (YVR), in Richmond, the Translink
rapid-transit Stations, on buses, at Telus Science World and the UBC
Botanical Gardens.
by Vancouver
Shangri-La Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver Institute, Paul Sangha Ltd., SFU City Program.
= Saturday, Oct 3 -- {plus Children's
Connection WVCC, see Breaking News at end}
~ 9am ~ TRAIL RESTORATION (LPPS) -- Beacon Trail; includes
adding native plants; if you wd like to know more about our
propagation group, pls call 926 9390
= Sunday, Oct 4
~ 9am ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society: monthly birdcounts,
first Sunday of month; call 926 9040
= Wednesday, Oct 7
~ 5:30pm ~ Strategic Planning WG mtg
~ 7pm ~ Town Hall Meeting re Secondary Suites at Srs'
- for Events and Programs:
- for Event Calendar:
The Library is excited to announce that we are issuing a new
2010 Olympics-themed library card. Come in and get yours!
= Friday Sept 25 Headwater: Friday Night Concert Series
Vancouver acoustic folk and roots quartet
Headwater! Doors open at 7pm. Show starts at 7:30. Refreshments
provided by the Friends of the Library.
Fridays: English Corner ~ 10 - 11:30am
~ Practise English conversation, discuss interesting topics,
make new friends. Sept 25, Oct 2.
+++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com/
* 7am - 8pm ~ Thursday Sept 24 * TREASURES OF THE
FBG has arranged a great day visit to Victoria that includes
transportation and tix to this exhibition at the Royal BC Museum
(www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca) -- only $95! Call 925 7270 to
register; for more info, 925 7290
Art & Culture at its finest! It's been years in the
making (about 1.5 million in fact). But it's finally here:
The Royal BC Museum is proud to present the North American premiere
of Treasures: The World's Cultures from the British
This Art Tour is coordinated by the Ferry Building Gallery and is
a full-day of wonder, exploration and inspiration! Lunch in
Victoria (not included in the cost of the tour). HURRY TO
{G and I saw the exhibition and it's an incredible selection
from Man's earliest days and cultures up to today.}
* Sept 8 - Sept 27 -- ZOLTAN KISS
-- New Works: pottery and paintings
* Sept 29 - Oct 18
"A Common Surface": Works on Paper
Chiba, Ingunn Kemble, Mi-Hyang Kim,Stephanie Imhoff, Roger Watt
Opening Reception: Tuesday Sept 29 from 6 -
Artist in Attendance: Saturday, Oct 3, from 2 -
Every Saturday & Sunday through October 4 from 9am
- 5pm
Artists and photographers creating and selling art
outdoors on Ambleside Landing
+++ SILK PURSE +++
+ September 8 -
This watercolour and egg
tempera painting exhibition by artists Mong Yen and Lorenzo Leung exudes serenity and quietude. Their works reflect the
curious, tranquil nature of the great outdoors along the Fraser River
Delta area and the Lower Mainland, often reminiscent of their
homelands in Asia.
+ September 22 -
October 4
The term inscape has been applied to stylistically diverse artworks,
surreal art, abstracts, and fantastic art. It usually conveys a
representation of the artist's psyche as a kind of interior landscape.
North Shore artists
Sarah Mousseau
and Janny
Thompson share their
inscapes with us through their distinctive contemporary acrylic
Reception: TUESDAY Sept 22nd from 6 - 8pm
+ October 6 - 18 -- "We Belong To the
Xwa Lack Tun (Rick
Harry) is an artist whose
works are recognized internationally. Xwa Lack Tun, along with his
talented wife Jada
Harry, present a unique
exhibition of art in many different mediums. Healing and Growth have
become a central theme around the art work Xwa Lack Tun and Jada
create. The giving out of positive energy and the spirit of love are
pervasive throughout their work, whether it be working with glass,
wood, metal, jewelry, textiles, or photography.
Reception: TUESDAY Oct 6th from 6 - 8pm
+++ Visit:
Sept 9 to Oct 31 -- Joan Balzar 1960+
Since the 1960s, Joan Balzar has
experimented with industrial materials such as neon light and vivid
colour to create sensory experiences through her large scale
paintings. Her abstract designs are executed through the careful
arrangement of colour and strict configuration of form. Balzar, a
long-time resident of West Vancouver, is recognized as an important
figure in the development of abstract painting on the West
o To see a list of events:
o To see the electronic newsletter, the
address is http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com.
o To get onto the mail list: the simplest
method is to call the box office (604 913 3634) or email
Save in September! Are you new to Kay Meek Centre?
As a special "welcome" we will give you a 15% discount
on your first ticket order. Call the box office for more information:
Restrictions apply; please call the box office for details.
Movies at the Meek Proudly sponsored
by 
+ Food, Inc -- Friday, September 25 at
7:30pm Tickets start at $7.50!
Vancouver +++
The Summer-Fall issue of "The
Torch" is now available.
To view the newsletter, just click the following link
for direct access:
Thank you for your interest.
Best regards, Janice Mackay-Smith, The Torch
+++ http://www.westvanchamber.com/
celebration for the fifth anniversary of The Village at Park Royal on
Sept 17.
+ Bard on the
Beach --
www.bardonthebeach.org or ph 739 0559 CLOSING NIGHT is Sept
This is Bard's 20th season and they
welcomed their millionth audience mbr on July
+ Fringe Festival
www.vancouverfringe.com and Pick of the Fringe at Waterfront Theatre
Sept 24 - 27
+ Sept 10 to 26 in
- Doubt by
John Patrick Shanley is at Hendry Hall; North Van Players (983 2633
for tix). We saw it on the 19th and it was
superb. We were blown away. We asked others there
who'd seen the movie and the play put on by the Arts Club last fall
and all agreed at least as good. It's in one-act, well-written,
and v well acted. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
- The Veil at
Presentation House: an adaptation by Shahin Sayadi of Masoud Behnoud's
epic novel Khanoon at Presentation House Sept 24 to Oct 3 (990 3474);
staged by Nova Scotia's Onelight Theatre
+ The Arts Club
-- Peter Shaffer's Black Comedy at the Stanley now playing to Oct 11
(687 1644)
+ At the JAC (224
- Sharing
Shakespeare under the umbrella of veteran actor Antony Holland,
Sept 21 to 23
- Restoration
Comedy,The Way of the World by Congreve performed by United
Players Sept 4 to 27
Join us for the
opening concert of Early Music
Vancouver's 2009-2010 Winter Season, and tune in for an upcoming broadcast of
Purcell's 'The Faerie
Queene' on CBC Radio Two!
Early Music Vancouver's 2009-10 Winter
Main Series opens with:
"Haydn Trios for the
Baryton Trios & Fortepiano
Sunday matinée, September 27, 2009 at
3:00pm (pre-concert
introduction at 2:15pm)
Church, 5840
Oak Street at West 42nd Avenue
Don't miss the
Vancouver premiere of The Esterházy Machine, one of the resident
ensembles at the Smithsonian Institution. This concert will offer
Vancouver audiences a unique opportunity to hear some of Haydn's
rarely-performed music for the 'baryton': a bowed string
instrument in the viol family with a range of sympathetic strings
that can also be plucked. It was the favourite instrument of the
wealthy Prince Nikolaus Esterházy "The Magnificent", a member of
the Hungarian Esterházy family who was a patron of Haydn for nearly
30 years. In this concert, The Esterházy Machine will share some of
the 123 rarely-performed trios which Haydn wrote for this instrument,
as well as some of his fortepiano trios.
The Esterházy
Slowik, baryton & fortepiano; Steven Dann, violin &
viola; Myron Lutzke, violoncello
For complete concert
at $33 ($30 for students & seniors) are on sale through the office
of Early Music Vancouver (732 1610) or at the door, and are available
in person at Sikora's Classical Records and Kestrel Books, and via
Tickets Tonight: in person at the Tourism Vancouver Visitor Centre and
the Vancouver Art Gallery Kiosk; by phone at 684 2787 (phone surcharge
applies); or online at: www.ticketstonight.ca/ticketstonight/event.details.php?id=2506
subscriptions for our
six-concert Main Series at $168 for adults ($153 for students &
seniors) are available through the Early Music Vancouver office at 732
1610. For more information about the Main Series, please visit:
seats for students with
valid ID on sale for $10, at the door only, from 2pm on the afternoon
of the concert.
This concert is included in
our "Bring a Youth for Free"
programme; please contact our office for details and ticket
Radio Broadcast
of 'The Faerie Queene'
Don't miss another chance to hear a radio
broadcast of Early Music Vancouver's Festival presentation of Purcell's 'The Faerie
Sunday, September 27
at 11am
CBC Radio Two - 105.7 FM
in Vancouver -- In Concert, with host Bill Richardson
A special concert that was performed on
August 6th at the Chan Centre, in celebration of the 350th Anniversary
of Purcell's birth, and featuring a stunning ensemble of the finest
musicians from Canada and England with Early
Music Vancouver's Baroque Festival Orchestra Alexander
Weimann, directing from the keyboard
A co-presentation with MusicFest
=== Ccl MTG NOTES Sept
14th ===
Mayor: Welcome back after the summer
first some announcements after the summer [text supplied]
Summary of What We've Been Working On Over
the Summer
Chief Peter Lepine
On behalf of the West Vancouver Police Board
and our Council, it is with great pleasure that I introduce the
community to our new Chief of Police, Peter Lepine. Peter comes
to us with 30 years of experience with the RCMP, having just served as
the Officer in Charge of the Coquitlam Detachment where he reported to
four municipal Councils. His passion and his experience [lie] in
community policing, and we know that his strengths will enable him to
meet West Vancouver's expectation that he will develop strong,
supportive relationships between our Police Department, Council, the
School Board, and the tremendous network of community groups and
agencies that are our partners in public safety.
Fire & Rescue Overtime, Recent Media
Council, Management, and the Union have
demonstrated their commitment to public safety over the past seven
years by adding 11 additional firefighters to our staff.
The taxpayer has supported these improvements by adding $2.6 million
to the Fire Department budget since 2002, in order to achieve industry
As we all continue to work hard to meet the
safety needs of our residents, we need to take a collaborative
approach. Flexibility in staffing is imperative so we can
maintain service levels within available resources.
Together with Council and our Executive Team,
we encourage the Union to meet with Fire Chief Cook to establish a
staffing flexibility agreement that will enable us to operate
effectively and efficiently in service to the public and our
Provincial Budget
The most immediate concern affecting our
budget was potential cuts to library services. Along with other
Mayors, I was part of advocating to keep our funding, and also to
thank the Premier for his leadership on literacy. Our MLA Joan
McIntyre also advocated for us. Chief Librarians and Boards from
all over BC worked hard to retain library grants. In West Van,
our per capita grant was cut from $92,000 to $85,000. Several
other smaller grants were cut, and one was eliminated - this equals
about a 25% cut overall from the funding we receive from the Province.
We have adjusted expenditures to meet that reduction in
There are still unknowns about the impact of
this provincial budget on municipal finances. I understand that
the School Board may be using its reserves to cover some of its
capital requirements this summer.
We will keep you informed as we know
Marine Fuel Dock at Fisherman's
Talks have been ongoing and very productive
with Esso. We have kept the community informed, and are meeting
next week with the Yacht Club Commodores to report on our
Working Groups
Times must be changing because the Value for
Services, Strategic Planning, Transportation, and the early stages of
the Housing Pilot Working Groups met throughout the summer. We
will be hearing from all of these shortly at our Council
Gleneagles Golf Clubhouse
Construction is nearing completion, and our
staff are in the process of selecting an operator. Meetings with
community leaders are underway as we figure out what role community
groups will play to ensure the success of the reopened
Summer Sessions
This weekend was transformative for West
Vancouver. The entire community enjoyed incredible weather and
the talent, compassion, and vision of Sarah McLachlan and the Sarah
McLachlan Outreach Foundation. I spent Saturday and Sunday in
Ambleside Park talking to people, and have received a steady stream of
congratulations to our staff, Council, and the community leaders who
made this possible. Her foundation has benefited tremendously,
as have we. Apart from funding which has gone to our community
music programs for children at the community centre, we have
experienced a level of energy at a community event like we've never
seen before. And of course, our established traditions like the
Coho Festival, the Paws for a Cause walk, and the Terry Fox Run were
also big successes, ensuring that our world class rock concert with
Sheryl Crow, Neil Young, and Sarah McLachlan was an extraordinary
day in Ambleside.
Many thanks and appreciation to Councillor
Evison, Acting Mayor for August and September.
by adding to item 2 July 20 ccl mtg minutes, moving item 10 to be
considered as new item 7.1, withdrawing items 6 and 7
Sop removed himself for Item 3 (b/c his son is selling those
units) and said he had from the beginning of Ev Dr devt
Geri Boyle, Planning Staff: elements needed for it to proceed in
accordance with the Master Plan; to achieve road plan (pointing to
part on slide) and walkways, have to close some roads and open new
ones. Delay b/c of 9th St.
1. ... be introduced and read a
first, second, and third time in short form; and
2. Staff be authorized to take the
necessary actions to give effect to the bylaw.
At the July 6 meeting Council received the report
dated June 23 from the Manager of Community Planning and set the date
for consideration for September 14, 2009.
Reports received up to September 10, 2009:
DVP Application No. 09-002 (6080
Blink Bonnie Road) / June 23, 2009 / July 6, 2009
Correspondence received up to September
W. R. Chapman / September 4, 2009 /
September 10, 2009
Geri Boyle again, gave background: this is an amendment; house
major renovation early 2008 [slide].
Variances are three: proposed covered BBQ (to make it rainproof);
proposed Covered Front Entry (our report says it's covered but it
actually isn't, trellis); Glass Deck Guard Rail [slides of trellis,
Sideyard variance -- none, right on property line, nbr has a
hedge there.
Stop Work Order when about to put glass on
Variance to front and sideyards.
part of front area, variance in plans but not flagged in the
Another variance deals with existing construction [slide of deck
with guard rail]; roof structure is cantilevered so deck is actually
roof. Can have overhang but can't put railing. This is
already constructed but staff is in favour, the others are minor;
feel visual impact v small.
Concerned dealing with after the fact but can see similar
to other aspects of the bldg.
Letters from six adjacent owners with no objections.
Applicant and nearby owners present.
Chapman: happy to answer any questions.
Sop moved: THAT all written and verbal
submissions be received for information.
Sop moved: THAT the proposed DPA, which provides for a reduced
front yard, side yard, combined side yard and waterfront yard which
will allow the retention of a constructed glass guard rail on the roof
of an accessory building and a covered front entry and the
installation of glass roof panels on a trellis covering a BBQ, be
Sop: Ms Boyle, re glass guard rails, hv seen on many homes.
This any different?
GB: fact b/c [already] constructed; if they asked us we wd not
condone it; it's along waterfront and little to gain
Sokol: not whether guard rail, it's the location whether or not
set back foot or two
MS: why wd we care if on edge or set back?
Sokol: has to do with size of the deck this makes it larger
than wd be allowed
Mayor: whether common sense
ME: visited the site today, wrt to where it shd hv bn, a
ridiculous feature, notwithstanding the technical requirement
At the July 27 meeting Council received the report dated July 15
from the Manager of Community Planning and set the date for
consideration for September 14, 2009.
Reports received up to September 10, 2009:
DVP Application No. 09-016 (3751
Marine Drive) / July 15, 2009 / July 27, 2009
Correspondence received up to September
10, 2009: NAME / DATE / DATE RECEIVED: None to date.
GB: to access you have to come down Sunset Lane but a do-able
place to put a driveway
this place is STEEP; 2200sf in size .....; owned the prop for
xxx, demolished it in 2008
home they're proposing is about 6400sf in size, less than
permitted FSR for this prop, they're at .24 and allowed .35FSR
site coverage is also less than permitted
in plan for site, applicants attempting to achieve architectural
want to be sensitive to terrain and design with site; wanted to
see some privacy [slide of proposed House with Annex]
The building on the screen does require two variances, height
(25ft allowed and going to 27ft b/c curved but a peaked roof wd fit
in) [points to slide, and flagged in red, areas that do not
On the main house bldg face envelope [slide; points]
The applicant and the owner are present and they have a brief
Don Gurney (sp?): principal with Openspace Architecture; I'm here
with Alan Kovacs [one of the owners] and Eric Pettit, my associate who
has dedicated two years of his life to this project
[powerpoint, moving, showing locations area, etc drawing]
Will let this play for about a minute
This project, wanted to scale down wrt views from above; number
of green aspects, part and parcel with design these days; upper level
one storey, down slope two storeys
Man: wd like you guys to know
near Park; no houses.... BCR
two adj show in model, this house here and two up at back only
ones wd be affected; infinitesimal from where they sit
TP moved: THAT all written and verbal submissions
be received for information.
TP then moved:THAT the proposed DPA, which provides for a
dwelling to be constructed exceeding the maximum permitted height and
Highest Building Face Envelope, be approved.
ML: Ms Boyle, can you tell me if there's been any response from
GB: one nbr came by to see design; he's a professional so wanted
to see model b/c he understands these things...
ML: no response from nbrs
GB: not to staff; think to east
ML: out to prop today and it's spectacular, don't see how devt
has any impact
Sop: coloured photo, small circles, trees?
GB: yes
from gallery: yes--
Mayor: excuse me, Ccl is directing questions to staff
Sop: those--
GB: I'm sorry I don't have the colour version, so
from gallery again, trying to answer b/c Geri appealed to him:
only four trees--
Mayor: excuse me; sorry our staff doesn't know but prepared to
let you contribute
[he comes up to consult with staff]
GB: white dots existing, little dots trees being removed
only one I can see beside bldg envelope have to work carefully to
Sop: looked at site and think [architects] shd be commended
b/c of topography
house will not be viewed from behind; speak volumes when owner
and architect come forward not going to blast
the only concern I have is the length of time for
Sunset Lane v narrow, consideration of nbrs, so our chief doesn't
have to go out -- complications when construction length of time with
trucks, vehicles all over the road; hope contractor aware of these
Mayor: in the past we've asked for a traffic mgmt plan
re lane, worked out
GB: can be worked out as part of the bldg permit process
Mayor: Items 6 and 7 have been withdrawn
6. Update for Remedial Action Order regarding 2558 Garden
Court (File: 1605-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the verbal update for Remedial
Action Order regarding 2558 Garden Court be received for
7. Motion to schedule a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, October
6, 2009 (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT a Town Hall Meeting be
scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2009.
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (rec'd for information)
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
Item 9 - Active Development
Applications Status List
Item 10 - Food Scraps Collection
Demonstration Project
Item 11 - Correspondence
{See press release in UPDATES
dated Sept 3 from the Director, Engineering & Transportation
Phil Bates, Engg Staff: ... by moving the ..... we can lower our
disposal needs
presented with an opp to partner with MetroV and three other
identified an area in Caulfeild to do a six-month project
.... diversion,.... and rolling this out universally
with UBC students ... and Rockridge Secondary School ... an
interesting six months
ML: this is the Tuesday Garbage Route -- will those ppl be
PB: taking the normal Tues route and dividing it into two, only
upper part
ML: then I'm not interested
Mayor: my understanding this nbrhd picked b/c of ease colln
and likelihood of success
ME: in favour of but cd you carefully define what food scraps
PB: in the report defined and will pass out; meat, small bits of
grease, vegetable cuttings, all you'd put in backyard composter plus
things they tell you not to; so meat...
ME: we've been through major issues with bears; pleased to read
no bears been killed in NSh and none relocated; most successful, but
bylaw states garbage will not be put out before 5:30am but surely some
do. Surely meat will be a tremendous attractant to bears,
coyotes, etc
PB: no doubt; trial; hope bears not too much of an issue
WV and Coq, doing some testing with bear-proof containers
collection change, food first thing in the morning; hope we can
do this demonstration before we have issues
ME: trust the case not too high a price for the experiment
Sop: another step in [inaudible here, microphone too faint]
cans and other things mixed in; biggest one is soiled paper
that's going to be the key to future
[hard to hear in this section]
many have incinerators, so down the sink
put it in organic compost; another scenario long sustainable
future; all about education
Mayor: I'd like to congratulate, oh sorry
TP: wd like to make a point re meat, it goes out with our garbage
bigger question is not to put out the night before, get
accustomed; still a bear attractant
fortunate last week, to host a bear composting party as a pilot
project through the NSh Recycling at my home
composting at home is still viable; ppl in my nbrhd who attended,
so thrilled to learn and be part how to do a better job
fantastic opp and I commend staff for working quickly; happy to
have in WV
excellent location b/c kids at Rockridge School really on top of
this and enthusiastic and way to support work done at Rockridge
Mayor: Rockridge School won an award from MetroV last year for
their work on this
pleased WV doing a pilot so we can get good information
way to do it properly
no doubt organics have to come out of waste stream or no way to
get from 55% rate to 70% wch our solid waste prog is predicated
big stretch; biggest bang for our buck
expect WV will rise to the occasion; presume most mbrs of Ccl wd
like to be part of that
ME: move that report received for information
Mayor: oh sorry
MS: not questioning project
just how does it fit into our budgeting process $15K
to my simple mind how do we approve if not in budget so that wd
be Question No 1
will let these two to my left finish their conversation--
Mayor: just trying to get answer to your question
MS: I'll just roll along
worthwhile -- pilot project in three other Ms; wonder why we
don't just ask them how effective it is before we spend the money
reality we're spending $2M more in 2009 than 2008 to just operate
our operating divisions, why spending $15K
can get carried away with these worthwhile projects and lose
tract of the fact we have to make choices -- this $15K shd be part of
the budget process, shd come forward for debate re part of next year's
don't understand why just receiving a report rather than
actually approving the expenditure of $15K
PB: this $15K is part of the Solid Waste Utility; within those
budgets we already have approved we can find room for this
we were considering doing this ourselves next year, at quite a
considerable cost; by us getting involved somewhat late, we are
involved; able to get a project highly subsidized by MetroV; they've
hired a consultant to produce most of the results; working in
conjunction with three other Ms some benefit in being involved in it
at this stage.
MS: Now I'm really confused; hearing in all our divisions we have
at least $15K elasticity if we want to spend $15K, no problem?
can take this money out without... totally confused; perhaps Mr
McRadu can help us out
Mayor: or Dir/Finance
[voice: they're looking at me]
Mayor: think Cclr Smith is asking a broader question
PB: User fees for solid waste on your quarterly bill are
what's funding these endeavours, not really part of the divisional
budget, it's part of the Solid Waste utility and there are budgets in
there every year to conduct pilot projects. NSh Recycling
conducts educational work they do; really a matter of fitting into
that and that's what we've done
{so it's not budget so here just to inform where/when this
particular pilot project?
My question wd be, how much is the budget for pilot
projects? spent every year?}
Mayor: so you've actually reprioritized this b/c we know we've
got to deal with this?
opportune, effective, and efficient to take advantage of this
pilot opportunity
ML: we've just renegotiated our garbage pickup contract,
is this built in to them on a going forward basis or if we're
going to go, ah, I just don't have an idea of the incremental costs
might be in the future
PB: No; as a demonstration project, at the end we'd be looking at
the logistics, evaluating the costs to assess whether we'd consider
rolling out universally
ML: so perhaps have to look at an increase and the contracted
fee for garbage pickup based on implementation of this?
Ans: Correct
ML: we're picking the stuff up anyway, all we're asking ppl to
do is to put compostable organics in with leaves, the brown bag; we
know positive impact with the success or we wdn't be shipping to Cache
Creek, why not just do it? why the study?
PB: with ev change, add'l logistics, other things to consider,
bear issue, add'l costs transporting further --these why a
ML: do we really need to demonstrate, why not just do it? if
economic sense
Mayor: as a mbr of the Solid Waste Cmte, think it's v important
to test our assumption that ppl will really do this
signif plan, hundreds of millions of dollars that we can get
organics out of the waste stream
will ppl really do that
different challenge for ev cmnty; need to understand ours
MetroV has to decide to move to waste energy or go with
incineration; we want organics out of there; everything to do with
burning temperature
For me, a $15K investment allows us to make a decision wch serves
WV well as well as the region
I think it's the right thing to do, particularly given that it's
staff's opinion we'd have to test it [anyway]; next year it's going to
cost us more; I'm supportive
there is a letter going to go out, assuming Ccl's support
if wait will cost us more
If Ccl wants more information or isn't supportive now's the time
to say that b/c we wd need to bring this back.
MS: guess ppl not grasping the point I'm trying to make
we have a project, letter prepared, schoolkids ready to get
involved, looks like it's a done deal yet there's a $15K cost not
budgeted for, hasn't been approved by Ccl, not in budget
I repeat again, what kind of a budget process do we
why not a simple request for authority? somebody can say
we're requesting $15K from taxpayers so that the residents of
Caulfeild will throw the last bite of his hamburger in a separate bag
so we can recycle
I know waste is near and dear to your heart; taxes and taxpayer
dollars are near and dear to my heart
don't think we're following a proper process here; this $15K shd
be vetted through the normal budget process
all your points about wd cost us more to do it on our own if
not part of MetroV, have to do it anyway, none of that in the report,
so how do we know?
Mayor: going to ask Mr Laing to respond if you can
RL: we have a standalone Solid Waste utility wch does provide
service to residents, pickup/recycling; it is a standalone utility;
it's all billed to residents
Utility has obligations under prov regulations; regional
objectives re diverting waste from landfill, those sorts of
my understanding that within the current [Engg] budget they're
not asking for add'l funds, they can implement this pilot from
within existing resources, and as the Mayor mentioned it's viewed as a
useful investment; not asking for add'l funds and will not distort
existing budgets, and this is how it shd be handled
Mayor: a third time Cclr Smith? highly unusual
MS: I speak v little at these ccl mtgs
if we're going to pass this and everybody thinks this is a
wonderful idea, fair enough, room for diversity of opinion around this
table, horseshoe as it's called, then can I ask the Dir/Fin to bring
us a report, hope by the next mtg, how much extra money there is in
all these dept budgets so we know what we're dealing with when it
comes to budget time -- $15K in solid waste utility budget, slush
money, how much in other depts, Parks and Rec, and I think we need to
hear this?
SW: I usually agree with you, Cclr Smith
wd hope we can trust in depts to extent they can manipulate their
budgets, can move money around, if they see an opp to save money
if ev $15K decision has to come to Ccl we'll be here to midnight
ev single time
RL: this is a utility with an overall budget of about $2M;
intent to bring this forth as another example of WV leading the pack
doing good things and we're not looking for extra money
SSch: just confirm seconder
Mayor: Evison and Panz; then motion wrt to report afterward
perfectly willing to entertain but keep staff time in mind
CARRIED with Cclr MS and ML opposed
Mayor: followup motion?
MS: beaten it to death {so no report}
11. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Action Required
Referred to the Director of Parks
and Community Services for consideration and response.
Mayor: re trip funding and to make more of our bus stops
ML: make sure our Mgr of Transp is cognisant of the concerns of
this group, part of the Measuring Up WG, if funds available shd
certainly take advantage
Referred to the Director of
Engineering and Transportation for consideration and
Sop: 3 and 21 are similar wrt Exit 3; some 12 or 13 years ago I
was v vocal; BC Ferries wanted to grab a signif portion of our land to
increase their holding for [30?] days a year for Hwy overload
through process they have commanded eight lanes up hill,
commanded a ticket booth area with eight or nine lanes, and up and
around the corner, a signif portion for the name of safety
Of late, cars are starting to pile up on the hwy again, find that
we now have this new crossover; entrance to ferry area and the
village wch for the most part for the traveller not from area finding
massive confusion plus the fact that the eight lanes down below never
full, through gates never full, yet still stacking up on the hwy
We shd send a letter to BC Ferries: no 1 shd be proper signage,
still confusing for the av traveller, and we've given them
considerable room for holding bay given this huge area and still
piling up on hwy
They made decision to go with that overland, mistake but they
made it anyway, wrong decision in my view, but it's there
So in the name of safety now, you have to go to the right, go to
left and over the top to .... these are confusing issues; no backup on
that hwy shd be of concern to us after the amt of land they have and
number of lanes they have
Mayor: recommend two things so CAO and I shd meet with Hahn, we
do that annually and proved fruitful esp around sealing off the ferry
we have a mtg not with Min of Trans but Deputy Min at the UBCM
and we'll put that on this agenda
SW: re BC lines underground, is there opp to go to BC Hydro for
funds or any consideration given to getting funding? applying for
Sokol: have not at this issue however I will have discussion with
Mayor: resident concerned; since v successful to entrance to
Ambl, shd absolutely look at that issue
shd look at as part of Build Canada, stimulus package for fed
govt infrastructure funding but was not on top six or seven priorities
of Ccl, but it has not been forgotten, critical part of improving Amb,
so thx
SW: think deadline is Oct 1
Mayor: thank you
Referred to Mayor and Council for
consideration and response.
ME: proposed marathon ride, Vanc to
Whistler 2011; seems exciting project, req to
endorse, letter allowing them to pass through the cmnty
Mayor: our staff will endorse that unless there's a role for us,
wch we wd certainly do
says action required, and we will do that
ME: but also says referred to M&Ccl, so presumably for
{man in gallery put hand up; was not acknowledged}
Mayor: we'll do that, assume all right with Ccl
Referred to the Municipal Clerk for
Sop: similar lines; proclaim Oct 6 to 9 Ride-Share Wk; excellent
wrt carbon emissions; have to start somewhere; we provide even in our
short distance an HOV lane to the bridge; save three, four minutes in
a lineup, to go downtown, wdn't have to pay parking, gasoline expense;
opportune time to start; WG working diligently; one of the things
working on good time
Mayor: think we have something planned for the agenda that
SW: already covered that with BC Hydro grants
(Including updates on working groups)
> Sop: excellent opp; 20K ppl; 300 artists followed up by the
Terry Fox Run, Paws for a Cause, Coho Fest
met new Police Chief; many walking along the seawall
unfortunate for us 30th anniv [of Coho Festival] working till 3am
for set up and 6am back
all volunteers, four of five of us, av age 62; setup group moved
all the tents and heavy stuff
thx to all the ... and the mgr
v special day, raised money for salmon enhancement
get a bit of a smile seeing ...
as for my part of liaison of Transp WG; mtg ev week and will be
giving a presentation to Ccl
wrt to groups and opp to speak out
Cclr Panz came by, had the Climate Action Group there
> TP: our Climate Action WG is back meeting again looking at
interim report making sure in line with Transp; app staff coming to
our first mtg in Sept to say what were doing
Sports Field back meeting, prob'ly a mtg mid October
thank Cclr Sop for his work on Sunday, Coho Festival, putting
that corn in
ev want to make.... re concert
honour capacity of staff; on ..... way; lovely way to end the
CR (YT): Good evening, hope you all had a great
I'm here b/c the coming weekend is the NSh Heritage Weekend, Sept
18, 19, and 20.
There'll be lots of things; these brochures I think are already
throughout the M [holds up].
There's a talk on Friday night, Simon Scott on the Architecture
of Arthur Erickson; there's an antique roadshow; there's a free
harbour tour from NV; there's a Heritage infobooth for WV heritage
groups on Saturday between 2 and 4 outside the FBG; there's a home
tour on Sunday, only $10 and one of the houses is the Merrick house in
WV, as you know a really unusual treehouse, and the B C Binning house
is on it as well and there are about three houses in NV.
{oh dear! I forgot to mention the home tour tix include
entrance to Capilano Suspension Bridge, etc}
There are things on at the NV Museum and Archives as well
What else can I tell you -- take a look, there are lots of
The brochure is on the NV website and on www.heritage.westvan.org
and the easiest number to remember for info is 922 4400; there are
numbers for NV as well.
Hope to see you at at least one of two events, and have fun!
Thank you.
Mayor: thank you
Dolly Cartwright: just like to bring to you attention -- I
know the Mayor has talked about the cuts that have come to the
There are between 50 and 60 nonprofit orgs on the NSh who do
many things; one of the big ones is Keep Well, work from Dollarton to
We have the NSh Volunteers for Seniors down on 21st; a lot of
other nonprofit orgs that hv been cut from funding from gaming and the
Ms and from the Health Region
Some of us have survived and will continue doing what we're doing
but Keep Well is one of the big ones that has been cut drastically;
they have lost their funding from Vancouver Coastal Health; they're
going to be scrambling to keep their progs going for seniors in all
areas on the NSh.
Some other ones still being cut, haven't heard all the bad news;
want to assure you we'll keep going.
We'll keep fundraising any way we can, and if I happen to bring a
cake into this ofc, and put on somebody's desk I'm going to put my
hand out and say, pls pay, b/c we're going to be doing all sorts of
things like that
Just wanted you to be aware the non-profit orgs on NSh are going
to suffer, some are going to close
if we come with our hands out, pls cross our palms and we'll come
back and cross yours. Thanks
Mayor: Thank you
One of the things CAO and I have discussed is that it's hard
to know from the [prov] budget speech what the repercussions will be
and so we appreciate the feedback from the cmnty
These are going to be v challenging times for all of us, but
the first step is to understand exactly what's going on, so this will
continue to unfold over the fall as we realize just what we're
DC: thank you
14. ADJOURNMENT [8:20]
=== Ccl MTG AGENDA Sept
21st ===
2. North Shore Police Services Review
(File: 2900-01) -- Information to be
THAT the new cul-de-sac servicing Area 1 of the Rodgers Creek
Area be named "Highgrove Court".
1. The requirement for a Public Meeting for an amendment be
waived and no further notification be required; and
2. The amendment attached as Appendix B, to the
September 8, 2009 report of the Senior Planner - Urban Design, be
1. Zoning ... be read a first time.
2. Zoning Amendment Bylaw be presented at a Public Hearing
to be held on Monday, October 5.
3. The MClerk give notice that a Public Hearing is
scheduled for Monday, October 5.
1. Solid Waste utility fees for 2009 be amended for the
fall and winter quarters at amounts set out in Schedule A of Bylaw No.
4609 as attached;
2. "Solid Waste Utility Bylaw ... be introduced and read
a first, second, and third time.
7. Motion to schedule a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday,
October 7, 2009 (File: 0120-01)
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
9. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Requests for Delegation -- No items presented.
Action Required
Referred to Fire Chief for consideration and response.
No Action Required
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period -- No items presented.
=== INFObit
On CBC radio (Dispatches) Sept 20: reporting from Kabul, Taliban
now in control of 80% of Afghanistan with 17% mostly under their
Check out this Globe and Mail article "'My dreams are gone'"
=== BREAKING NEWS === Fish &
Chn's Fair
* Thanks to Hugh
Hamilton, Streamkeeper Extraordinaire: report just in that pinks are spawning in Cypress
Children's Connection Fair ~ 12:30 - 4pm ~ Saturday,
October 3
The Children's Connection Fair
is a place for parents to find out about child care resources at the
Civic Centre site. There will be free, fun activities for young
children and opportunities to meet Community Centre
Child Care Centre at Gordon House
Vancouver Coastal Health
West Vancouver Family Place
Vancouver Memorial Library
Vancouver Community Centre
Find out about all the programs
and services available for families with young children at the West
Vancouver Community Centre. Information and Resource tables will
be in the Atrium and the children's activities will be in the Spirit
Room. For more info pls contact: Laura Lee Kent, Child Care Hub Coordinator, 921 3403.
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === Jewish New
Year --
Rosh Hashanah Vocabulary
Hashanah: Rosh
Hashanah, which literally means "head of the year", is the
Jewish New Year.
High Holy
Days (High Holidays): The Jewish High Holidays are Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Chet: Chet is the Hebrew word for sin. On 'Rosh HaShana'
Jews ask God to forgive them for their sins.
Teshuvah: Teshuva, which literally means
"returning", is the term for repentance. On Rosh Hashanah
Jews do teshuva, which means they repent for their sins.
Well, GHG (= Green House Gases) was caught just after ebroadcast
of WVM20 went out but was put on website version.
Typing away doing the transcript of the ccl mtg I cdn't believe
one of the most important acronyms had been omitted!!!
OCP = Official Community Plan -- the blueprint for the
municipality's zoning........
Then more came to mind:
av = average or available
BCR = BC Rail
CRA = in past Cedardale Ratepayer Assn or Caulfeild
Ratepayer Assn (but no news for a while)
ev = every
GVRD = see MetroV
IM = Instant Messaging
MFCR = Main Floor Conference Room (at Municipal
mph = miles per hour (obsolete :-), but not for us oldies;
same for ft/feet still referred to)
NSFC-YJ = North Shore Family Court - Youth Justice
mtn = mountain
prev = previous
qtn = quotation
ttyl = talk to you later
WVMEA = WV Municipal Employees Assn
This entry: NShHWeek = North Shore Heritage Week (always starts
third Monday in February)
next to NSHW is incorrect (must have just continued) and has been
replace by
HWk = Heritage Week (across Canada; always starts third Monday in
Pls let me know if you think of another one to
=== MAIKU === 2009
Sept 5 West Vancouver
and Bad = mirage
meaningless, egocentric
everything just is
What you cannot enforce, do not command.
Sophocles, Greek dramatist (495? - 406 BCE)
If a book be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its
reasoning, refute it. But for God's sake, let us freely hear both
sides if we choose.
Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect, and author
Failure is just another way to learn how to do something
Marian Wright Edelman, American activist for rights of chn (b
Almost every great change in expanding the dimensions of human
freedom has come from very small original beginnings -- somebody said
-- Steve Cary (chairman of the American
Friends Committee and president of Haverford College, Pennsylvania,
1916-2002), interview in Judith Ehrlich and Rick Tejeda-Flores, The
Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It,=94 television
documentary, PBS, March 2009.
Last night, I kept dreaming that I had
written Lord of the Rings. The wife said I'd been tolkien in my