Ccl Mtg NOTES Sept 21
Calendar to Oct 22

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

Winston Churchill was told the Treasury planned to cut arts funding in order to put more money into the war effort against Hitler.  His response was, "Good God, man, then what are we fighting for?"
=  Main items Ccl mtg Oct 5th: PUBLIC HEARING on amendments to Home-Based Biz Bylaw; Strategic Planning WG Vision and Mission; Value for Services (to be provided! will we see questionnaire?); TransLink Ten-Year Plan; Awards Cmte; Street-Naming; OCP Amendment (upzoning) in 2000-block Esquimalt (Transition Zone Version 2.0? piecemeal planning? staff memo gives options but will Ccl agree with the recommended motion???); Solid Waste Utility Bylaw; Measuring Up Initiatives; Letters re funding cuts, Pipe Creek, Sec Stes, etc
Vive le Canada (Art/Murals); ANIMALWATCH; WEEDWATCH (Giant Hogweed); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Sec Stes; 2010 Budget; Grants); WVPD (New Feet; NSh Police Services Review); UPDATES (Sec Stes; Spirit Trail; Strategic Plan; CAO at WRA -- new museum?, $6.5M GRANT); WG PROCESS Questionable (Pilot Prog, update), NOT?; Bear Prepared
=  CALENDAR to October 22nd; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre, Music, Art)
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Sept 21st: NSh Police Services Review; DP Mulgrave School; Home Biz Zoning bylaw; Solid Waste Utility fees/charges; Town Hall Mtg Wed Oct 7 [re Secondary Suites]
= Ccl Mtg Agenda Oct 5th: Gordon Smith to be honoured as Freeman of the Municipality
= WV STREAMKEEPERS' Annual Report; WV HISTORICAL SOCIETY (Centennial Book); NEWSWATCH (Decorated Hero killed); BEERWATCH (Guinness's 250th anniversary); LANGUAGEWATCH (Micmac); WORDWATCH (Eid); More Acronyms/Abbreviations; MAIKU; Quotations/Puns

===  Vive le Canada  ===  Murals in Canada (forwarded to me Oct 1)
LOOK CLOSELY.  It is called the Cochrane Mural.  Cochrane is NW of Calgary and east of Banff, in the foothills of the Rockies.  This mural was unveiled last week at the Cochrane Ranch House.  EACH tile is 1 foot square and has its own individual picture.  Different artists did the tiles.  All of them placed together form this huge mural.  You can click on each of the tiles to see them in detail.  Check out the horse's eye -- click on it and you'll see how fantastic this mural really is!  http://www.muralmosaic.com/Cochrane.html

===  ANIMALWATCH  === a few baby animals -- seven slides: http://vacation.away.com/travel-gd-baby-animals--photo-gallery-sidwcmdev_093794.html?gclid=CKvOgbaYmZ0CFR4Uagod40xqAA

===  WEEDWATCH  ===
There is hogweed in WV -- it's toxic/poisonous; WV Parks is aggressively attacking this serious problem.  Three-minute video fyi: http://www2.worksafebc.com/Publications/Multimedia/Videos.asp?ReportID=34980

===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===
*  Even more additions to the Acronyms/Abbreviations (Ac/Abb) in that section below; current updated list can be found at www.westvan.org/acronyms
*  SECONDARY SUITES -- told there are more likely 6000 in WV.  If they're there, then shd there be some sort of planning or regulation?  The extra cars clog our roads, hamper fire trucks, increase traffic, use the facilities, etc.  They are mortgage helpers and provide more affordable housing.  Shd they be everywhere? in certain areas? clustered? anywhere as long as they keep the character of the nbrhd?  See more in Updates just below.
Ccl wants to know what residents think and has arranged for a town hall mtg on Wed Oct 7th at the Srs' Ctr -- have your say!
*  2010 BUDGET
In Feb/Mar 2008 Cclr Sop supported my and others' urging to appoint a new Finance Cmte/WG to finalize  Budget 2008.  This year the same scenario requesting one be struck to review the 2009 Budget (wch is why I said it sounded like the replay of a movie/record) but both times we were told too late, we'll go with what we've got and set up a new group to deal with next year's right away and they'll have time.   So this year I actually asked when budget info wd be made public for deliberations to start.  Ans: by May or June we'll be working on it.  Here we are October and we have NOTHING!  Is there even a draft on the horizon?
With our dreadful economic situation, the prov says a staff freeze, the City of Vancouver predicts a drastic drop in devt revenue and posits staff cuts.
You're about to get a questionnaire -- you may get the feeling you have to approve 3% tax increase or services will be cut.
Plans shd already have been made to make up shortfalls in revenue that can be predicted, as well as contingencies........
* GRANTS -- great we're getting $6.4M but where do we get our share, the $3M+, from?

===  WVPD  === 
+  New Feet on the Beat
Date:   September 15      Contact: Cpl Fred Harding     Telephone: 604 925 7353
The West Vancouver Police Department increased in size yesterday when they were joined by five new officers. It was an interesting ceremony when one of the newest officers with only a few hours' service, swore in the next four.
A new era began on Monday when the WVPD welcomed five new officers. The first to be sworn in during a private ceremony was the new Chief Constable, Peter Lepine. Chief Lepine was at work behind his desk at 0830hrs,  just hours later Chief Constable Lepine swore in four other new members to add to the ranks.
Joining the Department are Cst Heidi Fehlauer, an I.T. Marketing specialist, and Cst Michael McKerracher, a five-year veteran of the B.C. Sheriff Department. A formidable presence is felt by the addition of Cst Matt Plant, a distinguished rugby player and former member of the District teaching staff, and Cst Chris Coglan, from the B.C. interior, also a former teacher.
All five officers bring a range of expertise and knowledge that has already enhanced the membership.  The entire West Vancouver Police Department wish them well in their careers at the Department.
+  North Shore Police Services Review
Tuesday, September 22 -- http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=21076
The City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and the District of West Vancouver are pleased to release the findings of the North Shore Police Services Review which explored and evaluated police services across all three municipalities.
In February 2008, the City and Districts of North Vancouver and West Vancouver retained the consulting firm of Perivale & Taylor to lead a comprehensive background review of all North Shore police services. Phase I of the Services Review included:
             A focus on operational, facility, management, administrative and governance issues
              An analysis of the significant financial issues that impact service delivery
            Consultation with municipal Councils, First Nations Councils, the West Vancouver Police Board, RCMP, North and West Vancouver School Boards and other community stakeholders
            Identification of the service delivery models that are available
                Recommendations regarding the next steps to be taken
The Services Review was managed by a steering committee comprised of the Chief Administrative Officers from the three North Shore municipalities, the West Vancouver Police Chief, the North Vancouver RCMP, and representatives of the Squamish and Tsleil Waututh First Nations.
The three municipalities have accepted the Services Review and have agreed to proceed on a number of immediate initiatives to enhance public safety on the North Shore.
More Information
           Media Release 
          North Shore Police Services Review Report 
                Report to council - North Shore Police Services Review 

===  UPDATES  ===
*  Secondary Suite Program Proposed for West Vancouver
A Town Hall Meeting on secondary suites will be held on Wednesday October 7th, at 7pm at the Seniors' Activity Centre.
Website: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=20326
A secondary suite is a separate residential unit typically within a single family home, generally located in the basement, and significantly smaller than the dwelling in which it is located. Currently, secondary suites are only allowed in West Vancouver if a family member lives in the suite. 
Surveys of West Vancouver residents (2007 Community Survey, and a 2008 survey conducted by the Community Dialogue on Neighbourhood Character and Housing Working Group) indicate that 75% support opening up secondary suites to non-family members.  
A discussion paper has been prepared which addresses how the community might benefit from allowing secondary suites, identifies potential issues raised by allowing secondary suites, and includes a potential program for permitting secondary suites in West Vancouver.
We want to know what you think. Your comments on this issue will be collected and reported back to Council in October, along with a draft Bylaw allowing for new secondary suites and a program addressing the issue of existing suites. A Town Hall Meeting on this topic will be held [Oct 7 at the Seniors' Activity Centre] to enable residents to learn more and to speak directly to Council.
West Vancouver Seniors' Activity Centre (Activity Room) is located at: 695 21st Street, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4A7
Send us your comments:
          Email us at: secondarysuites@westvancouver.ca
                Write to us at: Planning Department, District of West Vancouver, 750-17th St, WV V7V 3T3
*  North Shore Spirit Trail Greenway
The District of West Vancouver is implementing the first phase of the Spirit Trail Greenway, a key feature of the District's Cycling Network and Greenway Plan, adopted by Council in 2007.  The Plan was developed with community participation and input, and is a key component of the District's Transportation and Mobility goals in the Official Community Plan.  See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=3722
*  Strategic Planning Update
On October 5th, the Strategic Planning Working Group present the draft Vision and Mission to Council. This work is the culmination of public consultation through the first half of this year. Citizens are encouraged to send comments on this draft to strategicplan@westvancouver.ca, or join the online forum.
Find out more:
        1.      Preamble: A Context for the Vision & Mission 
   2.      Preface: Ideas & Concepts Shaping the Vision & Mission Statements 
        3.      Draft Vision and Mission 
Stay Connected -- Receive an Email "WebAlert" message when this information is updated: Use our WebAlert feature to be notified when this Strategic Plan page is updated. You may also choose to subscribe to other WebAlert areas. Sign up now! 
Background and Process
West Vancouver is a community with high aspirations, yet challenged by an economy in recession; one that has solicited community input to construct of the Official Community Plan and received subsequent insights of the Working Groups; one that has an abundance of potential initiatives and limited resources to execute; one that values the social and environmental qualities that make West Vancouver unique.
        --  more at http://www.westvancouver.ca/strategicplan.aspx
*  CAO at WRA [Sept 15 re a new Museum]
Q:   What is happening regarding a museum in West Vancouver?  Will it be an architecture museum/gallery?
A:   On June 22nd, Council endorsed the Museum Vision Report entitled "West Vancouver Museum:  A Vision for Ambleside" and the compendium design brief.
It will be a facility that collects works of art and exhibits, hosts travelling exhibitions, and provides arts education related to the works on display and other arts and cultural interests.  The working title for this facility is the West Vancouver Museum which will include gallery and educational spaces.  The current work to move this project forward is strategic planning and the creation of a development Board.
Q:   Where will the Museum be located?
A:   The public process that gave rise to the report's recommendations, along with the consultant's professional perspective, identified the 1300 block between Marine Drive and Bellevue Avenue and the waterfront precinct as the location of choice and Council approved this in principle.
Q:   How will it be paid for?
A:   This project is identified as viable with a development partnership, combined with government grants and private donations.  The Museum will be established with a society structure and governance such that the local government funds can be effectively leveraged.
On June 22, Council also approved in principle the 1300 block between Marine Drive and Bellevue Avenue and waterfront precinct as the location of choice for the new museum. The Museum Vision Report is to be included in an overall strategy for the redevelopment of Ambleside, and support will be sought from potential partners, donors, and sponsors.
        The report is at  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Residents/Level3.aspx?id=19800 
*  GRANT -  GREAT NEWS! {details below; now, what about WV's third?}
$6.4M into our coffers for      artificial turf at Ambleside,
                        a water filtration plant,
                        and sewer mains!
West Vancouver Awarded Three Infrastructure Grants
2009 Sept 24 West Vancouver, BC:  The District of West Vancouver is pleased to be awarded a total of $6,394,600 from the Building Canada Fund and Infrastructure Stimulus Fund for three different projects.  These projects will be funded through a one-third partnership between the Federal Government, the Provincial Government, and the District.

West Vancouver has been awarded the following amounts from the Federal and Provincial Governments:
=B7         $3,000,000 for an artificial turf playing surface to be constructed in Ambleside and designed for field hockey and useable by soccer and other field sports.
=B7         $1,743,400 for a water filtration plant serving approximately 150 homes that will be constructed to replace the existing chlorination facility at Montizambert Creek.  The project includes installation of approximately 1.2 kilometres of sewer pipe to connect the new water treatment plant with the nearby waste water treatment plant.
=B7         $1,651,200 for 6.5 kilometres of sewer mains serving approximately 44,000 people to be grouted which will lower the amount of inflow and infiltration currently experienced in the Ambleside area.   The project will also mitigate potential sewer overflow during extreme rainfall events.

West Vancouver Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones stated, "This is a credit to our MLAs Joan McIntyre and Ralph Sultan, and our MP John Weston.  Working together has ensured our success, and sets a new standard on behalf of our community.  The grant for an artificial turf field continues to improve Ambleside, and is the result of the tireless volunteer effort of both field hockey and soccer families.  The utilities grants support high water quality and the partial replacement of our aging sewer infrastructure.  Congratulations, West Vancouver!"
Media Contact:  Patricia Leslie, Communications Manager, 604 925 4736

ls allow me to make clear my concern is with PROCESS and I wish in no way to detract from the good work the Housing/NbrhdCharacter WG did or the intentions of this Housing PPWG that has been meeting over the summer explained as carrying out a recommendation although not having come to Ccl (or the Cmnty Engagement Cmte).  The mbrs of the former WG were reinstated as mbrs of the new WG wch was originally the Pilot Project WG, then the Housing Pilot Project WG, and now the Housing Pilot Program WG -- perhaps changes a result of not having been named/established by the CEC wch forwards details to Ccl for acceptance before a WG commences.
The press release below calls for proposals and is appended fyi.  It's great that it's open-ended designed to encourage creativity -- and presumably proposals will ultimately come to Ccl for review.
My concerns about process -- and precedent -- are severalfold, some minor:
=  the PP WG met without the formality of having come to Ccl (or the CEC wch establishes WGs and recommends them to Ccl)
=  the terms of reference did not follow those steps either and only came to the CEC last week
=  neither the recommendation from CEC of this WG nor its Terms of Reference have come to Ccl (probably will Monday, Oct 5th)
= in spite of the lack of process this call for proposals has gone out, again without coming to Ccl or plans made public to inform citizens (not to mention opportunity for input if/when appropriate)
> While one might be able to set the above aside, IMO it's more serious that there is NO council liaison for this WG yet.
The webpage has (copy and pasted from DWV website Sept 30):
Council Member - tba
Citizen Members - Susan Anderson, Christine Banham, David Crilly, Jacqueline Gijssen, Andy Krawczyk, Freda Pagani, Barbara Pettit, Beverley Pitman, Keith Pople
Staff Liaison - Stephen Mikicich (Senior Community Planner), Geri Boyle (Manager of Community Planning)
Again, my intention is not to denigrate or undervalue the good work of all these people, but it seems rather odd to have a body working apparently independent of Ccl procedures and without Ccl involvement or oversight.
BTW, it is my personal opinion that no body, cmte or WG, shd make motions or approve actions without a mbr of Ccl being present (for many reasons, if you want to ask) -- democracy does include some element of representation.
For Immediate Release  -- Wednesday September 30, 2009
West Vancouver Launches Housing Pilot Program
West Vancouver, BC:  The District of West Vancouver has issued a Call for Expressions of Interest from groups or individuals wishing to undertake a 'pilot project' as part of the new Housing Pilot Program.  The deadline for submissions is 4:00pm on Tuesday, October 20, 2009.  To obtain a copy of the Call for Expressions of Interest, go to www.westvancouver.ca ("Initiatives and Projects" section) or contact the Planning Department at 604 925 7055.
     Submissions will be reviewed by the Housing Pilot Program Working Group and District staff.  In late October, short-listed candidates will be invited to submit formal proposals as part of the second stage selection process.  It is anticipated that Council will select up to three pilot projects in December, to be undertaken during 2010.
     A "Pilot Project" is defined as an initial or small-scale effort designed to test an idea or working approach.  The objective of the Housing Pilot Program is to enable the construction of a small number of new housing types in West Vancouver neighbourhoods to: (1) address the community's desire for improved housing choice and affordability; (2) explore appropriate sustainable building practices; and (3) examine neighbourhood character issues associated with new house construction such as site alteration, and scale, and massing of new development.
     Pilot projects should be limited in size to proposals for individual lots within single-family neighbourhoods, and should represent a housing opportunity that is not presently provided for in West Vancouver, under existing land use policies.  It is expected that each pilot project will require Council approval for Official Community Plan amendment, rezoning, and development permit.
     Pilot projects will be undertaken through a collaborative design process involving the proponent's project team and staff from various District departments, who will bring their collective expertise to the planning process.  The program will include opportunities for public education and input.
     It is envisioned that the experience of these pilot projects will assist in developing policies and regulations to permit replication of particular housing types or models to address defined housing gaps in West Vancouver.
Media Contact: Stephen Mikicich, MCIP, Sr. Community Planner, 925 7055
The Mayor has provided more information.   She agreed in the summer for the WG to commence meeting and work on pilot projects/planning; she also attended a summer mtg. The Terms of Reference and the press release seeking proposals will come to Ccl Oct 5th and the ccl liaison will be appointed then too.
It was a surprise to some that the mtgs had gone ahead without coming to the CEC and going to Ccl but most agreed as I said above that the intention for pilot projects was supported.  I do not mean at all to cast aspersions on any involved, it's just that I feel uncomfortable not only that procedures were not followed but also that apparently neither the CEC nor Ccl were advised of what was happening and suddenly we see a press release asking for proposals.
No doubt I do agree with having pilots so residents can see what's being proposed and the range of possibilities -- so much more preferable to zoning changes increasing density without our having ever seen what the infill wd look like.
As I said, no problem with what was done but a big problem with the process.
NB: the press release was received the morning of Sept 30 and the Housing PP WG met LATER that day.  On top of that, the Call for Expressions of Interest appeared in Wed Sept 30th's NSN! -- that must have been given to the newspaper well before Wednesday -- doesn't that make it look as if residents, Ccl, and WG largely left out of the process???

While being rather disconcerted about apparent lack of Ccl involvement, while preparing the draft of this newsletter, to my amazement, this notice appeared on the DWV homepage:
Value for Services Survey  Thursday, October 01, 2009
The Value for Services Survey, comprised of a newsletter and tear-off questionnaire, will be distributed to all West Vancouver households via Canada Post (unaddressed ad mail) through the week of October 5th.  The Newsletter and Questionnaire are also posted below under "More Information".  Residents can complete the questionnaire online at www.websurveys.com/westvan 
When I clicked on the survey above the page cdn't be opened (hope by the time you read this you will be able to).  Read the rest on the webpage is: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=20862 but, Dear Reader, this survey is only coming to Ccl at the Ccl mtg Oct 5th -- rather presumptuous it'll be accepted?  OTOH, it is irrelevant if the questionnaires have already been mailed out that morning!
You may be fascinated to read that WV will inspire -- simple future, a prediction, regardless of any effort, like saying it will rain tomorrow -- as a "Vision".
More on this next time but read carefully.  You will be asked about depts, and while Parks has several categories (eg parks, facilities) and the Police and Fire Depts are there, "administration" includes so many functions as to be indistinguishable and when I pointed out this difficulty, the answer was that a question at the end is where residents can write in to specify.  Keep that in mind.
You'll recall in surveys most say they'd rather have taxes raised than services cut (or reduced), and I always say the crucial question is by how much, otherwise it's a blank cheque.  Write it in and let them know!

===  BEAR PREPARED!  === 
At this time of year bears are preparing to den for four to six months without food or water. They require up to 20,000 calories per day, and this can take up to 20 hours of feeding daily.
How you can help
Store all garbage in the house, garage, shed or other secure enclosure.
If you have to store your garbage outside of your house, it is important to:
Frequently clean the container with a vinegar OR bleach OR ammonia solution;
Freeze smelly items, such as the packaging, skin and bones of meats and fish, until the morning of pickup;
Keep diapers inside until the morning of pickup.
Remember to only place garbage at curbside on the morning of pickup.
Remove bird feeders during bear season or suspend very high up on a cable. Add only a small amount of high quality food and clean beneath it daily.
Pick fruit from trees as soon as it is ripe, and remove any that falls.
To compost, only add fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and tea bags. Remember to add equal amounts of brown and greens materials to your backyard compost, cover all "green" material with a thick (4") layer of "brown", and aerate frequently. More information is available at http://www.gardensmart.ca
Keep pet food inside.
Keep refrigerators and freezers inside.
After using your barbecue, burn off excess food on high for ten minutes and brush off any remaining food. Remove, empty and wash grease catcher after each use.
Report bear or attractant sightings to 604 990 BEAR (2327) or  go to http://www.NorthShoreBears.com
Bylaw 4578:  No person shall leave wildlife attractants outdoors where dangerous wildlife may be attracted, or where there is a reasonable possibility of wildlife being attracted unless the attractants are kept in a wildlife-resistant enclosure.

=====  CALENDAR to October 22nd  =====
Pls note that ALL mtgs are at M Hall (usually in the MFCR, Main Floor Conference Room, but sometimes in the chamber) unless indicated otherwise.  Additions and changes can occur at any time so best to check the DWV website calendar wrt cmtes and WGs that are of interest to you.  Often cmte/WG mtgs are not posted or confirmed until a couple of days beforehand so this is a moving target!]
The Value for Services WG was meeting weekly on Tuesdays; pls check their webpage http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=18742 for next mtg; a survey questionnaire is being prepared -- let Ccl know if you want taxes to decrease, stay the same, or increase; pls say how and where!
And sure enough, about 10:09am Tuesday Sept 22nd, received notice a V4SWG mtg later that afternoon at 5pm!
CANCELLED: the Housing Pilot Prog WG mtg 5:30pm Sept 24.
MEMO just received: V4S WG presentation at Ccl Oct 5, next mtg Nov 3.
=  Tuesday Sept 22
       ~ 5pm ~ Value For Services WG [ADDED; notice received just after 10am same morning!]
=  Wednesday Sept 23
        ~ 5pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan WG
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
=  Thursday Sept 24
        ~ 7:30am ~  Field Sports Forum WG
        ~ 4pm ~ Climate Action WG; Mountain Rm, WVCC
        ~ 5pm ~ NSACDI at DNV M
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Housing Pilot Prog WG [DWV Calendar now says CANCELLED]
        ~ 5:30pm ~ WV Police Bd mtg at WVLibrary (Musto Rm) [CHANGED to WVPD bdrm]             
~ 7pm ~ PlanTalk - Issues and implications of six-storey wood frame construction
Boon or boondoggle? Building codes will allow for the construction of six-storey woodframe buildings. Is this good news for planners who want to densify cities, developers who want floor space, and residents who want affordable housing? Our expert panel will analyse and discuss. Speakers: Dr. Guido Wimmers, Equilibrium Consulting Inc.; Dave Ramslie, Cascadia Region Green Building Council; Murray Frank, Constructive Home Solutions Inc. $10, Students $5, SFU Hbr Ctr
= Saturday, Sept 26
~ 9am - noon ~  LPPS Invasive Species Removal: ivy pull -- Call Alexandra for location, 922 1485
~ noon - 4pm ~ Shop the Nifty Thrifty's First Fall Sale!
The Nifty Thrifty Shop at St. Monica's Church Hall accepts donations every Tuesday between 5 - 7pm.  Please ensure that donations are clean and in good condition. Large items cannot be accepted
Rivers Day
~ 9am - 1pm ~ Metro Vancouver Watershed Keepers
        Contact: Ficus Chan; watershed.ed@metrovancouver.org  604 451 6506
Habitat enhancement at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve; meet at Rice Lake Gate - 4900 Lillooet Rd, NV.  We will be conducting habitat maintenance of the Homestead Fisheries Enhancement site situated next to the Fisherman Trail and the Seymour River; clear clogged channels, pick up litter, and put down new gravel to enhance the site for spawning and rearing of coho salmon. We will also conduct a vegetation survey of the area. Tools, equipment and BBQ provided for volunteers. Please dress appropriately and call or email in advanced to let us know that you are coming.
See also http://www.cnv.org/apps/commevent/details.aspx?id=1461
+ Mackay Crk in NV 10am to 4pm; see nssk.ca
= Sunday, Sept 27 (also Rivers Day -- verify days/dates)
+ Vanier Park -- BC Rivers Day; NS Wetland Partners will have a table at Vanier Park
The False Creek Watershed Society presents:
SALMON CELEBRATION  --  "Remembering Our History, Celebrating the Living"
The Sixth annual "Salmon Celebration" will take place on BC Rivers Day, NOON to 4:30pm Sept 27th in Vanier Park, near the Vancouver Maritime Museum.
The Salmon Celebration is a FREE EARTH AND WATER FESTIVAL AND PARADE for all ages to:
- honour the spirit of the salmon that historically lived in the streams that flowed into Eastern False Creek
- connect the urban public with local groups who study salmon, save wilderness, and encourage urban sustainability
Entertainment, Food, Crafts, Storytelling, Environmental Fair, First Nations Participation. We are also proud to be part of Wild Salmon Month in Vancouver. During September we have community tables, craft workshops, and Lost Streams walks. For details http://www.falsecreekwatershed.org and for pre-event workshops/info -- Contact: C. Brauer at info@falsecreekwatershed.org
=  Tuesday Sept 29 ~ 7pm ~ "Crime Symposium" at Sentinel by WVPD for residents who want to be informed and learn how to protect themselves.  There will be special guest speakers including one from the Integrated Gang Task Force.  Meet new Chief Constable Lepine.
=  Wednesday Sept 30
       ~ 5pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan WG at the Srs' Ctr, Cedar Room in WVCC (ADDED)
       ~ 5:30pm ~ Housing Pilot Project WG (ADDED)
=  Thursday Oct 1
* International Day for Older Persons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Day_of_Older_Persons *
* World Vegetarian Day
~ 6pm ~ Sewell's Marine Redevt Proposal Open House/Workshop at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
~ 7:30pm ~ Artland Versus Sculpture Park: Choices facing Public Art
Reservations: Admission is free; reservations are required. Call 778 782 5100 or email cstudies@sfu.ca
        Venue: SFU at Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings, Vancouver, Room 1900
Charles Jencks will be giving his first public lecture in Vancouver: "Living in the Art Land", as part of the Vancouver Biennale on October 1 in partnership with Simon Fraser University's City Program.
Charles Jencks is an influential architectural theorist, landscape architect, and designer whose name is synonymous with the concept of the Post-modern in architecture. He was the first to extend those ideas into architectural discourse with his book 'The Language of Post-Modern Architecture'.
His latest book, 'The Iconic Building', examines the phenomenon of the icon in contemporary architecture and the meaning of signature buildings in today's world of hyper trendiness and celebrity. His recent work includes fractal designs of buildings and furniture, as well as extensive landscape designs based on complexity theory, waves, and solutions. These themes are expanded in his own private garden, the Garden of Cosmic Speculation, at Portrack House near Dumfries.
Jencks is famous for his innovative garden designs. In 2004 the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art won the Gulbenkian Prize as Museum of the Year for his dramatic and radical landscape project titled Landform. Those who visit the site describe it as a transforming experience.
Charles Jencks was born 1939 in Baltimore. He first studied English Literature at Harvard University, later gaining an MA in architecture from the Graduate School of Design in 1965. He also has a PhD in Architectural History from University College. Jencks has lectured at over forty universities throughout the world.....
"Artland Verses Sculpture Park: Choices Facing Public Art" is first two talks in the series "Living in the Art Land." Charles Jencks will also give an illustrated talk titled "The Garden of Cosmic Speculation: Nature Talking to Nature" on [SATURDAY] October 3, as part of the Vancouver Institute fall speakers series (see www.vaninst.ca for details). Another talk in the "Living In the Art-land" series will be by 'sandman' Jim Denevan and will take place in June, 2010.....
With the theme of "in-transit-ion", the 2009-2011 Vancouver Biennale will install over 40 works by artists with international reputations. With major sculptural works in Vancouver's City parks and on beaches, the Biennale is also installing public art at the Vancouver International Airport Arrivals Terminal (YVR), in Richmond, the Translink rapid-transit Stations, on buses, at Telus Science World and the UBC Botanical Gardens.
Sponsored by Vancouver Biennale, Shangri-La Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver Institute, Paul Sangha Ltd., SFU City Program.
=  Saturday Oct 3  --  TRAIL RESTORATION (LPPS)
~ 9am ~ Beacon Trail; includes adding native plants; if you wd like to know more about our propagation group, pls call 926 9390
=  Sunday Oct 4
~ 9am ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society: monthly birdcounts, first Sunday of month; call 926 9040
=  Monday, Oct 5 ~ 7pm ~  FREE PUBLIC LECTURE
VIEWS ON VIEWS -- Perspectives on View Corridors in Vancouver
        Venue: SFU Segal Business School, 500 Granville Street
Admission is free; seating is limited, reservations required. Email cstudies@sfu.ca or call 778 782 5100. 
Last October, [Vancouver] City Council decided to review heights and protected views in the Downtown. As part of the public process, the SFU City Program is hosting an exchange of views by two advocates who, with their different perspectives, will help the public understand the trade-offs and issues.  City Planning Director Brent Toderian will set the stage with a briefing about the history of view protection and the issues Council wishes addressed.  Past City Planning Co-Director Larry Beasley and architect Richard Henriquez will argue their positions with passion and insight.  Sponsored by the City of Vancouver and SFU City Program. 
Lecture Details and Reservations  More here: vancouver.ca/capacitystudy
=  Wednesday, Oct 7
        ~ 5pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan WG at Srs' Ctr (Marine Room)
~ 5:30pm ~ Strategic Planning WG mtg [CANCELLED]
~ 7pm ~ Town Hall Meeting re Secondary Suites at Srs' Ctr

***   HAPPY THANKSGIVING  Monday Oct 12  We have so much to be thankful for!   ***

=  Wednesday, Oct 14
~ 5pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan WG at Srs' Ctr
~ 7:30pm ~ Mark Dangelo, multimedia presentation, Wild Water, Wild Earth, spanning seven continents; at the Stanley (604 629 8849)
=  Thursday, Oct 15
        ~ 4pm ~ Climate Action WG, Mtn Room (WVCC)
        ~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte in Ccl Chamber                                   
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
        ~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court / Youth Justice Cmte mtg at DNV M Hall
        ~ 8pm ~ Wade Davis gives the 2009 CBC Massey Lecture at the Chan Ctr
            based on his book The Wayfinders, why ancient wisdom matters in the modern world
=  Monday, Oct 19 ~ 7pm ~
+  Francis Mansbridge will be giving a presentation at the Vancouver Public Library (vanDusen Room) based on his recent book "Hollyburn:  The Mountain and the City".  This book recounts the rich history of this area from the retreat of the glaciers to the approach of the Olympics.  Admission is free.
+  Shifting Gears Free Public Lectures
Sponsored by the Bombardier Foundation and the Active Transport Lab at UBC and the BC Recreation and Parks Assn. Free admission - reservations required. Call 778 782 5100 or email cstudies@sfu.ca
o  Learning from New York -- Jeanette Sadik Khan, NYC Traffic Commissioner
Venue: Room 8 and 15, East Building (under the sails), Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre
Janette Sadik-Khan is a transportation superstar in North America. As New York City's Transportation Commissioner, she helped introduce protected bike lanes, pedestrian plazas, sustainable street designs and, most dramatically, closed five blocks of Broadway in Times Square to vehicles - while improving traffic flow! Find out how she transformed New York and how that could affect us, our health, and our urban environments.
Additional sponsorship for Jeanette Sadik-Khan's lecture provided by TransLink.
This is a shoulder event to the Gaining Ground/Resilient Cities conference on October 20-22, 2009.
o  Learning from Toronto
Elyse Parker, Public Realm Section, Toronto's Transportation Services
Nov 26; UBC Robson Square  For complete details, download: Shifting Gears Flyer
=  Wednesday, Oct 21
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Strategic Transportation Plan WG at Srs' Ctr (A-V Rm)
        ~ 7pm ~ Board of Variance in Ccl Chamber AND Library Board at Library
=  Thursday, Oct 22
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd Mtg in WVPD boardroom
        ~ 6:15pm ~ WV Cmnty Ctrs Services Society AGM in WVCC gym
- for Events and Programs: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/index.php?page=5
- for Event Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/event/calendar.php
= Friday Sept 25  Headwater: Friday Night Concert Series
Vancouver acoustic folk and roots quartet Headwater!  Doors open at 7pm. Show starts at 7:30. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Library.
Friday Oct 9 ~ 10:30am ~  Fire hoses, nozzles, and fire trucks!  Learn about fire prevention and safety through puppetry and stories presented by Marcia James from the West Vancouver Fire Department. You may even get a chance to climb aboard a real fire truck!
Join us for vibrant discussions on burning issues of the day. We meet from 10:30am - 12:30pm one Thursday each month (usually the fourth Thursday).  Enjoy the snacks and coffee hospitably provided. Everyone welcome. Registration not required. Elizabeth Musto Room. Admission $5. Co-sponsored by S.F.U.   Moderator: Randall MacKinnon has a Master's degree in Social Policy and Planning. He is an IDEASage with MackINNOVATION, a service consultancy.
>  Thursday September 24
It has been said: "Love many, trust few but always paddle your own canoe." Of the saying, discuss: Do you love it, do you trust it, or do you think it doesn't hold water?
>  Thursday October 22
What would happen if marriage licences expired every ten years, but could then be renewed?
~ 10 - 11:30am ~  Practise English conversation, discuss interesting topics, make new friends.  Oct 2 and 16.

+++  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY  +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com/
Every Saturday & Sunday through October 4 from 9am - 5pm
Artists and photographers creating and selling art outdoors on Ambleside Landing
*  Sept 29 - Oct 18
"A Common Surface": Works on Paper
        Taiga Chiba, Ingunn Kemble, Mi-Hyang Kim, Stephanie Imhoff, Roger Watt
Opening Reception: Tuesday Sept 29 from 6 - 8pm
Artists in Attendance: Saturday Oct 3 from 2 - 3pm
*  Oct 20 - 25
Carole Arnston: oil paintings -- "Out in the Open"
a landscape series of water, wind, and west coast flora
Opening Reception: Tuesday Oct 20 from 6 - 8pm
Artist in Attendance: Saturday Oct 24 at 2pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++  http://www.silkpurse.ca/
+  September 22 - October 4  --  "InScape"
The term inscape has been applied to stylistically diverse artworks, surreal art, abstracts, and fantastic art. It usually conveys a representation of the artist's psyche as a kind of interior landscape. North Shore artists
Sarah Mousseau and Janny Thompson share their inscapes with us through their distinctive contemporary acrylic works.
Opening Reception: TUESDAY Sept 22nd from 6 - 8pm
+ October 6 - 18  --  "We Belong To the Earth"
Xwa Lack Tun (Rick Harry) is an artist whose works are recognized internationally. Xwa Lack Tun, along with his talented wife Jada Harry, present a unique exhibition of art in many different mediums. Healing and Growth have become a central theme around the art work Xwa Lack Tun and Jada create. The giving out of positive energy and the spirit of love are pervasive throughout their work, whether it be working with glass, wood, metal, jewelry, textiles, or photography.
Opening Reception: TUESDAY Oct 6th from 6 - 8pm
+++  WV MUSEUM  +++  Visit:  http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/
Sept 9 to Oct 31 -- Joan Balzar 1960+
Since the 1960s, Joan Balzar has experimented with industrial materials such as neon light and vivid colour to create sensory experiences through her large scale paintings. Her abstract designs are executed through the careful arrangement of colour and strict configuration of form. Balzar, a long-time resident of West Vancouver, is recognized as an important figure in the development of abstract painting on the West Coast.
o  To see a list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
o  To see the electronic newsletter, the address is http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com.
o  To get onto the mail list: the simplest method is to call the box office (604 913 3634) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
>  LESSER PEARLS  --  8pm Saturday, October 3
>  MOVIES AT THE MEEK: THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE  --  7:30pm Monday, October 5
>  WEN WEI DANCE: UNBOUND  --  8pm Friday, October 16
>  MOVIES AT THE MEEK: EVERY LITTLE STEP --  7:30pm Saturday, October 17

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
The Summer-Fall issue of "The Torch" is now available.
To view the newsletter, just click the following link for direct access:
The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.  To sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of the webpage, http://www.westvan60.com/newsletter.html
The next newsletter will be going out in early December.  Please email me at thetorch60@telus.net, if you would like to submit an article, or if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you for your interest.
        Best regards,  Janice Mackay-Smith, The Torch
On Saturday, October 10th, the Legion will be having a Pasta Buffet Dinner upstairs in the Memorial Hall.  All are welcome, and the cost per person is $15.  Live music is being provided for this occasion, and will follow for dancing or your listening pleasure in the Lounge.
Tickets are now available for sale behind the bar.  If you are interested in attending, we would appreciate your ticket purchase as soon as possible to enable us to determine food quantity.  Maximum 50 tickets for sale.
If you have friends who are members and may not have email, would you please extend our invitation to them.
We look forward to seeing you!
Special Events Committee

+++  WV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE  +++ http://www.westvanchamber.com/
~ 7:30 am ~ Wednesday October 28th but RSVP by Oct 14!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
What you NEED to Know to Maximize your 2010 Business Opportunities and Logistics during the Games                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Guest Speakers: Charles Gauthier, Executive Director, Downtown Business Improvement Association; Brent Dozzi, Manager, Roads and Transportation, DWV; Councillor Michael Evison; Charlene Warrington, WV 2010 Committee
Location:    West Vancouver Community Centre; Cost: $25 members & $35 non-members                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
***  60% Sold Out!  Owing to the popularity of this event, we encourage you to reserve your seat by 5pm Wednesday, October 14 to ensure your breakfast and seat. The Community Centre requires two weeks' notice.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

+  Metro Theatre: Arsenic and Old Lace, Oct 3 to 31st (266 7191)
+  BARD ON THE BEACH welcomed their millionth audience mbr on July 28th.
Written to subscribers re BARD on Sun, 27 Sep 2009 01:17:27:
Just back from Bard on the Beach's fantastic closing night, the end of their 20th season.
Candles flickered and lights dimmed -- our lives the stuff dreams are made of, rounded by a sleep.
Summer attendance 91,500, played to 99% capacity; so if you ever want a ticket, you have to buy at the beginning of the season b/c sold out houses soon after.  Keep in mind for next year.
Colleen Knight had two performances Sept 5, I was told, and gave birth to a girl on the 6th.  She was there tonight with baby Lillian and received the Kean sword.
The plays for 2010 are:
=  Main Stage will have Much Ado About Nothing directed by Dean Paul Gibson and Antony and Cleopatra directed by Scott Bellis
=  in the Studio tent Henry IV Part One and Two will be adapted into one play called Falstaff, directed by Glynis Leyshon, and Henry V, directed by Meg Roe.
There are plans being made for larger venues.
How fortunate we are to have Bard on the Beach in Vancouver.  Truly a highlight of the year and a large jewel in the city's cultural crown. www.bardonthebeach.org
=  The Veil at Presentation House: an adaptation by Shahin Sayadi (in 2006) of Masoud Behnoud's epic novel Khanoon at Presentation House Sept 24 to Oct 3 (990 3474); staged by Nova Scotia's Onelight Theatre (Saturday 4 and 8pm).  Here after Halifax, Toronto, and Teheran (January this year).  How can I describe this play?  It's the life of a woman in the first half of the 20th century from a palace and harem in Teheran to Ottoman southern Russia to Paris and Berlin, then back to Iran (with a granddaughter missing Los Angeles).  The plight of a woman tossed to and fro by culture and history touching on aspects of freedom, roots, and identity.
=  A Picasso is next Presentation House and stars one of our favourite actors, Andrew Wheeler, whom we know from Bard on the Beach.  I know nothing about the play, set in 1941 Paris, preview Oct 15, opens 16th, and closes 31st.
+ UNITED PLAYERS at Jericho Arts Ctr
+  The Restoration Comedy,The Way of the World, written by Congreve in 1700 ended Sept 27.  One of the most unusual pieces of theatre for some time seen here.  Virtually no plot since a satire about sex, love, and manners in eloquent convoluted language well acted in period costumes (with some creative touches like the dance of the satyr).  May I pass on a few of of the simple sentences that tickled my fancy:
                "I am married and can't be my own man again."
                                "Thou art married and have patience."
                                                "I am rich; I read nothing."
=  Peter Shaffer's Black Comedy, directed by Dean Paul Gibson, at the Stanley now playing to Oct 11 (687 1644)
=  The Arts Club on Tour with a Presentation House production:THE THING ABOUT MEN,
A musical look at what we do for love, Oct 10 to Nov 7.  The show, once simply called Men, is based on the German filmmaker Doris D=F6rrie's 1985 movie M=E4nner ("Men").  The show, winner of the 2004 Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Off-Broadway Musical, ran for more than 200 performances.
Stars include Stephen Aberle as Tom, and Annabel Kershaw as Lucy.  Tour dates include the North Shore: Oct 10 at Capilano Performing Arts Theatre (990 7810) and Oct 26 at the Kay Meek Ctr (913 3634).
Free, at 7:30pm Opera Pro Cantanti Ensemble presents Verdi's Macbeth at Cambrian Hall Oct 4 (646 0406)
*  ART --  See the murals in the link for Vive le Canada

===  Ccl MTG NOTES Sept 21st  ===  Cclrs Lewis and Panz absent
        Amended: NShPolice Review; 3 withdrawn; replacement of schedule A
MS: curious as to why Item 3 has bn withdrawn
CAO: been some discussions between staff and BPP wrt Rodgers Crk; agreement between staff and BPP wd come off the agenda
Mayor: be back at next agenda I think
MS: my concern we got a memo from Mr Sokol, after we got the agenda; some ppl didn't like the proposed name.  Comes down to process; thought come to open ccl, we'd have to debate in public.
Am I supposed to be taking Friday off, and seven of us go in to the respective staff ppl to debate what's coming up on the agenda; I don't want to be doing that
Mayor: don't think so; [agenda] usually constructed with MMgr and MClerk; to create best public policy we can, will be next mtg
CAO: correct
Sop: didn't we have a cmte that did naming of streets?
Mayor: quite a while ago, and that's part of what we're looking at, just so it's up to date
2. North Shore Police Services Review (File:  2900-01)
Mayor: worked at for a long time; pleasure to have new chief here this evening, Chief Lepine
As Mayor and Chair of the Police Board, I wd just introduce this by saying a process wch has allowed the three Ms to work closely, to understand Police services we deliver, pro-active role our Police Bd had played, opp to focus in WV on our need to improve our Dispatch Services.
There are three ways that we are looking at going: one is to continue ourselves, one with RCMP in NV, third E-Comm; all have their pros and cons, but this report has drawn attention to the fact that we need to do better.
Secondly, wrt WV's detention services or facilities, I shd say, there's a new directive from prov govt wrt providing closed circuit monitoring, and better risk mgmt.  And again we can look at our own facility here, what we may be able to provide if we had a new facility, what we may be able to do in a new partnership with the RCMP.
Report suggested we shd hv a reporting structure wrt crime analysis.  The Police Bd wishes to recognize Ccl and cmnty support of a crime analyst; it's certainly improved our ability to understand crime in WV.
While we work collaboratively with the RCMP and VPD, and certainly integrated teams; we don't think a reporting structure up to anyone else makes sense, but certainly totally agree with sharing information.
minor things underway:
one is improving on our communications strategy, and that's in our strategic plan
one is E-Comm boundary adjustment within the Sq Reserve
another is continuing to improve on our service agreement with the Sq Nation, including the enhanced police services we provide now thanks to extra funding of the prov govt
Those have all been pointed out
We really are continuing to improve our working relationship with NV RCMP
Plsed to report our chief and the new officer in charge there have a working relnship that comes before today, and I think that's going to serve the N Sh in very good stead.
ME: move review by Perivale and Taylor be received for info and CAO's report be received and recommended actions be endorsed
Sop: clear that WV wants to have its own Police Force; success mode
RCMP is going through negotiations
take positive make statement we're going to work together; make efficiencies we need
we sleep, they're out there looking after us; hats off to our Police Dept; push for efficiencies
our chief working in co-operation with RCMP
like these reports; hope this sits on shelf b/c no vision of amalgamation at this point in time; my bet but think consensus of ppl of WV
Mayor: can't let that dangle out there; this report is not going to sit on a shelf in terms of needed improvements, challenges we face; add'l operating costs to reach standards expected of us, but it is not about amalgamating police forces, you're quite right.
Sop: only reason I want to put on shelf
{The press release came out the next day, Sept 22: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=21076 }
3. Street Naming Request for Area 1 of Rodgers Creek Development: Highgrove Court (File:  0115-20-SNC01)
4. Development Permit 09-010 Amendment, 2330 Cypress Bowl Lane (Mulgrave School) (File:  1010-20-09-010)
{Cclr Walker excused herself b/c daughter attends this early learning ctr.}
Mayor: now down to four so no one can leave so we have quorum
1.  The requirement for a Public Meeting for an amendment be waived and no further notification be required; and
2.   The amendment attached as Appendix B, to the September 8, 2009 report of the Senior Planner - Urban Design, be approved.
Mayor: just moving a ramp for accessibility
ME: one request through to staff; under Schedule B, plant list includes one of the invasive species and there is in BC an accepted list of invasive species we to try not to use; we try to follow that through within the M, and I believe it shd be followed for this devt.
Mayor: wch one is it?
ME:  Vinca Minor.
Mayor: periwinkle? {yes} with that noted.
5. Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Home Craft, Occupation or Business (Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4603, 2009) (File:  1605-20-4603)
1.  Zoning ... be read a first time.
2.  Zoning Amendment Bylaw be presented at a Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 5.
3.  The MClerk give notice that a Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, October 5.
Sokol: we have one of the highest rates of ppl working at home in the Lower Mainland
Working at home results in less greenhouse gas emissions, reduced carbon footprint
bylaw in front of you will allow increase number of residents who can work at home and not impact nbrhd character; further our cmnty's goals of sustainability and GHG reduction
Liz Holitzki, Bylaw Ofcr: deals with home occupations; defines a biz in v general terms, v broad
most operate from commercial or residential, don't have industrial [SLIDES]
two reasons: small, no reason to expand; or starting out and testing to see, some do go commercial after a year or so
promotion of home-based biz, staff always been supportive
main purpose is to have clients able to come to home, currently bylaw prohibits except for infrequent...
many biz cannot operate without clients so ... might have been viable; bylaw basically is outdated
bylaw needs to be updated to address these
wd allow to come provided parking is provided; client.. ratio, one to one...
some prohibited: beauty salon or barbershop, ...  repair of motor vehicles
removal of dollar-value restriction, [now] can't exceed $1K wholesale ....
has to be secondary, dollar value is redundant
3224 biz licences, will be more by end of year
44 licence categories
15 home-based Biz (HBB) categories currently; there are subcategories
[slide showing category types and long list given verbally]
Ppl are looking for avenues to... in this economic climate
not favouring unfair advantage to commercial
Staff have compared with other cmnties and they allow clients but not ... individual to cmnty
Recommend: require an off-street parking, shd reduce negative ... on nbrhd
v specific; prohibition; dollar issue redundant and shd be deleted; my report Aug 31st
Sop: what position does it put Municipality? for years a silent scenario
509 av, how many licensed and will get licensed and won't come forth?
knocking on ev door?
LH: although originally had to;  ...
didn't have the exact stats; we refuse or deny at the front counter or by fax; many b/c can't meet this
just brought these three cases forth; had applications
there is some case law, a M lost the court case trying to prohibit clients coming to the house
wrt 509, these are ones currently licensed by us
Sop: PH, know lots of questions then; how do we give indicators to public?
Mayor: just asking questions of the presenter then hear from public then put motion on floor
ME: page ...... not more than one client to the site; if the client has a wife, two ppl
LH: the intent is that it's singular
SW: orchestra and band training -- does that encapsulate piano or cello?
LH: our intent wd permit one on one
Mayor: now
Dianne Vogt (sp?): after that presentation, WV resident for many years
after that presentation and possible to speak Oct 5, defer my comments till then
Mayor: see you then
Carol Witlow (sp?): Fox St, 33 years; marriage and family therapist so I see individuals and couples
my home was visited by bylaw [ofcr]; as of that date stop my practice
have been out of my home; looked at that...
seven or eight per week; teach; grad school ... so not consistent
[apptmts] last for an hour; 15 minutes between apptmts so can leave...
my ofc is in my basement and has a private entrance
a number of weeks ago there was some concern about parking so at that time, in chatting with nbr
cul de sac; no parking so [now] either in my driveway or in street
talking to someone about a parking pad ...
out, cost $1500
what I heard tonight...
Mayor: will have a public mtg on this
MS: my understanding that the new -- perhaps Ms H can elucidate -- new wd cover this person's biz adequately, allow to practise at home
LH: I was taking notes
one on one, but the couples cd be a concern; as written was intended to be one on one
MS: if a couple is coming, they are one client, I wd presume
Mayor: takes two to tango
LH: believe that's what Cclr Evison was alluding to; get a legal opinion
MS: unless two separate bills, one client
Mayor: really good issues to raise; wd adjourn; good to have these now, can refine at PH;
1.  Zoning ... be read a first time.
2.  Zoning Amendment Bylaw be presented at a Public Hearing to be held on Monday, October 5.
3.  The MClerk give notice that a Public Hearing is scheduled for Monday, October 5.
6. Solid Waste Utility Fees - Realignment of Charges (Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4118, 1998, Amendment Bylaw No. 4609, 2009) (File:  1775-01/1610-20-4609)
1.  Solid Waste utility fees for 2009 be amended for the fall and winter quarters at amounts set out in Schedule A of Bylaw No. 4609 as attached;
2.  "Solid Waste Utility Bylaw ... be introduced and read a first, second, and third time.
RL: follow up to two contracts that came up
considerable advance
have not... rates be increased but prob'ly will come in 2010; partly through and partly
be transparent; feel shd revise structure of user fees
in particular, we're proposing, amt used to be part, be removed and added to garbage colln part of the charge; quarterly charge
we'll then have sglfam and multifam of same xxx
hasn't been an issue in the past; haven't changed our rates since 1998; feel shd revise going into 2010; no change in total
7. Motion to schedule a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 (File:  0120-01)
        at WV Srs' Ctr
Mayor: acting on recommendation of WG on Housing and Nbrhd Character
{This is to get public opinion on Secondary Suites; 7pm}
8. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
9. Correspondence List (File:  0120 24)...
Responses to Correspondence
(5) J. McMahon, Manager of Utilities, September 8, 2009, regarding Servicing Requirements of Development Applications
Sop: interpretation here; someone seeking a bldg permit, outside jurisdiction, outside prop line they're paying for costs
says at end: .... impressed with dealings with District staff
what's the general rule re costs of older homes?
prop line or outside prop line
why is citizen being charged for District-side work?
Mayor: there is a response here from Mgr of Utilities, doesn't meet your satisfaction so Mr Bates
Phil Bates: this is standard practice in Ms to cover costs; it's a Land Devt issue; part of water utility bylaw; to change wd hv to change that bylaw
Sop: so the av citizen is resp for anything that happens? District-side work
so when an older house and work has to be done; you're telling me the taxpayer who owns the prop is obligated to pay for work on M land in relationship to upgrading that old house or building a new one? road, or sewer line or wherever that is; costs back onto the citizen? why do they pay taxation?
Sokol: yes, there are certain conditions where they are charged, and no, I'm not 100% familiar with the conditions at wch the prop owner wd be charge; will by happy to look into that.
Mayor: seems public policy under Waterworks bylaw; it's our job if we find/think not equitable
MS: last Wed another mtg of our child care WG
Anne Mooi and Leanne Sexsmith staff lead
renos at Gordon House, finished 20 spaces, of wch eight for newborns needed...
as fast as getting open
as many in schools and churches will close; like a dog chasing its tail; need
advising when Gordon House ready and Amb ...
happy to have a hosted tour
Sop: meeting weekly on Trans WG, report coming
unique undertaking; recommendations; looking outside the box; a lot some wisdom to Ccl...
...alternate routes in this cmnty; walking, cycling; made some headway, think this will make us start thinking
Mayor: I attended the WG on Housing Pilot Project this week and it's really gratifying to see the criteria embodied in that reflect nbrhd character
as we look at alternative forms of housing, the way we're going to pilot a couple of projects is by also asking does this fit in with the nbrhd; does this not blast, are there covenants on trees or does it preserve [inaudible]
so that we're showing as we experiment, they have to fit in
really to the credit to the citizens of WV who gave their feedback, can adapt to a changing world in a fine-tuning way that is v well-suited to WV.
MS: think this is a record, move at 20 to 8
Sop: Cclr Smith didn't talk too much :-)

=====  AGENDAs Oct 5th  =====
Gordon Smith will be honoured as "Freeman of the Municipality" at Oct 5th Council Meeting
For details, see http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=21258

Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968, Amendment Bylaw No. 4603, 2009 (File:  1610-20-4603)
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: District of West Vancouver
Affected Lands: The proposed regulations regarding Home Craft, Occupation or Business uses apply to residential zones
Purpose: The proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment updates regulations (Section 31.105) for Home Craft, Occupation or Business uses in West Vancouver.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: The Provisions for a Home Craft, Occupation, or Business are amended to:
1.  Allow home based business operators to have clients attend their business sites provided no more than one client attends the property at any one time.
2.  Remove the current restriction on the wholesale dollar value of the "stock-in-trade", materials, supplies, or goods that can be stored or kept on the property.
3.  [Prohibit] the following types of businesses from being operated as home occupations:
A beauty salon or barber shop;
Schools or recital areas;
Orchestra or band training;
A restaurant;
Stables or kennels for the boarding and breeding of animals;
Places of public assembly;
Retail sales directly from the site;
Real estate office;
The salvage or repair, or both, of motor vehicles;
4.  Require that all client parking [be] provided off-street.
        A presentation will be provided on the proposed amendment bylaw.
1) Reports received up to Oct 1: Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Home Craft, Occupation or Business
2) Correspondence received up to Oct 1: [none]
On Sept 21, Ccl set the date for the PH. The statutory notice of PH was published in the NSN on Sept 27 and Sept 30, 2009. The MClerk will note written submissions received for the Oct 5 PH.
        {Receipt of info and PH closed or adjourned for a staff report}
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.

2.   ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Sept 14 and 21
3. Strategic Planning Working Group Submission of Vision and Mission - Post Public Consultation (File:  0117-20-STPLN)
1.  Council receive the Strategic Planning Working Group's deliberations and second draft of West Vancouver's Vision and Mission; and further
2.  [Council move] this draft through the organization for ratification; and advise the Working Group of any changes so they can continue the work laid out in their terms of reference.
4. Value for Services Working Group (File:  0117-20-VALSR)
        Presentation to be provided and received for information
5. [TransLink Ten-Year] Plan - Briefing Report (File:  1785-00)
Report from the Manager of Roads and Transportation entitled be received for information.
6. Proposal for Awards Committee - Environment, Heritage and Youth Awards (File:  0115-01)
1.   The Chief Administrative Officer's report dated September 25, 2009 be received and the proposal for an Awards Committee be endorsed; and
2.   The Committee establishment, appointments and Terms of Reference be made in October 2009.
7. Street Naming Request for Area 1 of Rodgers Creek Development: Highgrove Place (File:  0115-20-SNC01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the new cul-de-sac servicing Area 1 of the Rodgers Creek Area be named "Highgrove Place".
8. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 08-041 for Property located at 2031/2047/2063 Esquimalt Avenue (File: 1010-20-08-041)
1.   Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 08-041 be given further consideration in the context of an OCP amendment for the whole block bounded by Esquimalt Avenue, 20th Street, Fulton Avenue, and 21st Street;
2.   Staff be directed to prepare the following draft bylaws for Council's consideration, upon completion of a detailed review of Development Application No. 08-041:
1.   OCP amendment for the block bounded by Esquimalt Avenue, 20th Street, Fulton Avenue, and 21st Street to permit consideration of infill housing development; and
2.   Rezoning of the properties located at 2031, 2047 and 2063 Esquimalt Avenue.
9. 2010 Permissive Tax Exemptions - Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4614, 2009 (File:  1610-20-4614)
        RECOMMENDED: introduced and read a first, second and third time.
10. Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4118, 1998, Amendment Bylaw No. 4609, 2009 (File:  1610-20-4609)
11. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and Correspondence
Item 12 - Measuring Up - Recognition and Cmnty Support for WV's Access and Inclusion Initiatives
Item 13 - Correspondence List.
12. Measuring Up - Recognition and Community Support for West Vancouver's Access and Inclusion Initiatives (File:  2620-10)
Report from the Cmnty Planner of Social Services dated Sept 16, to be received for information.
13. Correspondence List (File:  0120 24)
Correspondence Received Up to September 18, 2009
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(1) A. Van Eden, North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee, September 14, 2009, regarding Presentation of 2008 Annual Report
        Attachments av for viewing in Legislative Services Dept; Referred to MClerk for scheduling.
(2) G. Shea and L. Boesen, North Shore Community Resources Society, September 8, 2009, regarding Program Funding Cuts
        Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
No Action Required
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes:
(a) West Vancouver Memorial Library Board - July 15, 2009
(b) Design Review Committee - December 16, 2008
(c) Design Review Committee - May 28, 2009
(d) Design Review Committee - July 16, 2009
(4) September 17, 2009, regarding Fire Department Staffing
(5) September 15, 2009, regarding Cypress Trail Days - September 26 and 27, 2009
(6) R. Hobson, Union of British Columbia Municipalities, September 14, 2009, regarding Delivery of Building Canada and Infrastructure Stimulus Funds
(7) Mayor R. Drew, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee, September 8, 2009, regarding UBCM Convention Resolution B143 - Strategic Engagement Agreements
Responses to Correspondence
(8) A. Mooi, Director of Parks and Community Services, August 25, 2009, regarding Letter of Support for BC Recreation and Parks Association
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.
Correspondence Received Up to September 25, 2009
Requests for Delegation  --  No items presented.
Action Required
(9) September 20, 2009, regarding Pipe Creek at Gisby Street
        Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
(10) September 16, 2009, regarding Parking Violations
        Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response.
(11) D. Brundrett, North Shore Curling Community, August 31, 2009, regarding Public Curling on the North Shore - Request for Funding
        Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
(12) August 20, 2009, regarding Floral Clock Water Feature
        Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response.
(13) September 21, 2009, regarding Bylaw Notice for Parking
        Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response.
No Action Required
(14) September 21, 2009, regarding Recycling of Organic Materials
(15) September 17, 2009, regarding Secondary Suites
(16) D. Turje, September 21, 2009, regarding BC Youth Parliament
(17) L. Jackson, Metro Vancouver, September 23, 2009, regarding The Sustainable Region DVD
        DVD available for viewing in Legislative Services Department.
Responses to Correspondence  --  No items presented.
Responses to Questions in Question Period  --  No items presented.

===  West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society  ===
The new board elected at the Sept 17 AGM (they will then choose the officers/executive): Jeff Anderson, Paul Berlinguette, Bill Chapman, Hugh Hamilton, Elizabeth Hardy, Bill McAllister, Bruce McArthur, Carolanne Reynolds, Michael Ritter.
September 2008 - September 2009 Annual Report
It is always sobering to be confronted with the task of writing the Annual Report. The natural cycles of life in our watersheds run their courses relentlessly and we contribute with our efforts in this process. This report is always an excellent opportunity for members to review our Mission Statement, and to assess and record our accomplishments.
Our Mission Statement is:
1. Promote, protect, and restore native fish stocks and their habitat
2. Develop, promote, and maintain Best Practices for sustainable creeks and watersheds in West Vancouver.
3. Foster and coordinate Watershed Stewardship among public, corporate and private stakeholders.
4. Co-operate with government and stakeholders to develop and enforce regulations, bylaws and practices pertaining to watersheds.
5. Develop and maintain governance systems and procedures deemed necessary to achieve the Society's mission and purposes.
Application of Mission Statement
   Late this summer we were approached by the environmental consultant for the Provincial Ministry of Transportation to give suggestions for compensation projects in West Vancouver, specifically in tributary areas to the Capilano River, as a result of the negative impact of construction of the new Marine Drive bridge over the Capilano River. Several potential projects were identified including the construction of a fish ladder on Hadden Creek at Hadden Drive. This ladder would add significantly to the habitat created by last year's completion of the fish ladder by British Pacific Properties (BPP) on Hadden Creek at Stevens Drive. The ladder would create an opportunity to open up even more habitat within the Capilano Golf Course.
    Other possible projects could be the restoring of the estuary of Sway'wey Creek and restoring impacted banks of the Capilano River. The full scope of compensation projects has not been determined yet. We have informed all other stakeholders of this work and hope to bring this issue to a beneficial conclusion for all concerned.
   The baffling of the Lawson Creek culvert under Ambleside has been completed by the District of West Vancouver (DWV) thanks to many donors, and now allows salmon to access habitat beyond the Legion. We will be monitoring the ladder at the Legion to assess how effective it is for returning salmon. If we find that salmon are not accessing the upper reaches of Lawson Creek, we are prepared to reinstate our Salmon Rescue Program.
   On November 7th 2008 members of Streamkeepers participated in a tour of some of BPP's new development areas in their upper Rodgers Creek development areas, as part of our ongoing stewardship monitoring program.
   The baffling project on Rodgers Creek at the culvert on Bellevue Avenue was completed in November 2008. Signage has been put up recognizing funding by the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the students of Irwin Park Elementary School.
   Streamkeepers continued the work of planting native species in riparian areas of Hay Park with the help of students from the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) from West Vancouver Secondary School. Planting took place on October 5th, November 8th, and March 1st in 2009.
   A significant enhancement project was the removal by Streamkeepers of a 1.5metre-high natural dam on Hadden Creek below the Hadden Drive culvert. This project will allow fish access to new habitat up to the Hadden Drive culvert.
   West Vancouver Streamkeepers developed an advisory handout for contractors, developers and property owners which was approved and issued on January 13th 2009. This handout describes problems noted in construction which may cause infractions and is given out to contractors purely as advice. It is also intended as an educational handout about our creeks and the environment.
Working with the Municipality
   We continued our policy of holding morning meetings with DWV's environmental section. These semi-monthly meetings serve a very useful forum for keeping both the District and Streamkeepers up to date, and to discuss issues and projects that affect our creeks and the environment. It is from these meetings that many projects are initiated. On many occasions these meetings are held in conjunction with the West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society.
   Lawson Creek has been a major focus of our activities for the last two years with respect to migrating salmon, and it is also very much part of the activities of the West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society. They have worked very closely with DWV and have achieved great success on their foreshore projects. One of these was the building of the bridge at the mouth of Lawson Creek. This bridge was built entirely of material salvaged from the beaches and milled from local timber, and was officially opened by our Mayor last September.
   Every year the chum have migrated up Eagle Creek, but have been frustrated from going further by the small diameter culvert under Marine Drive. DWV has been planning a new larger culvert for the past year, and at the time of writing this report the District is putting it in thus allowing salmon to move to better habitat further up Eagle Creek.
   West Vancouver Streamkeepers have always used a rough platform to view salmon and count migrating fish under the Keith Road bridge over Brothers Creek. During the past two years we developed the concept of building a salmon-viewing station at this location as there is a beautiful pool where salmon rest and spawn.
    This concept became a realistic project in the spring of 2009 at one of our morning meetings in discussion with the Parks Department. They liked the idea, looked at it, and agreed that it would work given some changes to the trail and existing platform. Larry McHale quickly got his crew onto this exciting job. The lumber for the supports, railings and decorative sides was all cut from material found or milled from local logs.
   The new trail to the site and the viewing platform was completed at the end of August, and the official opening is proposed for the end of October. This is the first platform and, we believe, the only salmon-viewing site on public land on the North Shore. A place where the public can gain access easily; where it is easy and friendly for children's groups; and where one can quietly observe migrating salmon in a beautiful and peaceful pool in Brothers Creek.
There are many other aspects where Streamkeepers have worked closely with the District during the past year. Some of these are:
   * arranging and participating in tours of development areas
   * working on problems with water diversions on McDonald Creek
   * reviewing potential location for new rearing ponds like the one in Hay Park
   * funding issues for Larson Creek wetlands and the pond on Marine Drive
   * discussing future plans for the Ambleside Park pond and Sway'wey Creek
   * working in conjunction with the DWV's environmental officers in reporting  infractions that concern creeks          and the environment.
 We are pleased to report that the municipality presented Past President Hugh Hamilton with a 2009 Heritage Award in February for his years of work with Streamkeepers and other ecological/nature/environmental organizations.
Education and Awareness through Public Outreach
   We continued our policy of reaching out to the public through public events since it is through these activities that we can make the public aware of the importance of our creeks for fish habitat and the overall environment in West Vancouver. The schools in particular have been a focus of many of our efforts.
   Once again on April 25th, Streamkeepers, together with the Coho Society of the North Shore, put on our annual Adopt-a-Fish event at the West Vancouver Memorial Library and in Memorial Park. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) brought a truck load of salmon fry; Coho Society gave the children Adopt-a-Fish certificates and, Streamkeepers helped fill the buckets with fry, and took the children to release the fry into McDonald Creek.
   The students from EPN were of great help in assisting children and families to cross Marine Drive and in telling the children about the journey of the fish into the ocean and how they return.
   The Community Day this year was held on June 6th on the grounds of West Vancouver's new Community Centre where the parade finished. There was a great deal of comradeship among the many exhibitors and vendors who were helped by the staff of the Community Centre. We felt that we achieved our objectives in making the public aware of the fish in our creeks with our fish tank with cutthroat caught in Hay Park the same morning.
   We have not always celebrated on Earth Day (April 16th this year), but this year since it was held in the atrium at the Community Centre, we used this opportunity to set up a mock creek with rocks, vegetation, signage, and even a dead trout to make the mock creek more realistic. This demonstration of a creek bed drew a lot of attention.
   We celebrated Rivers Day on September 28th last year by visiting the Morton Creek display in North Vancouver, and the work of Alexandra Morton at the Maritime Museum in Vancouver.
   On the weekend of May 15-17 this year, Directors participated in the Stewardship Workshop put on by the DFO Community Advisors every second year. This year the workshop was held at the Thomas Haney Secondary School in Maple Ridge.
Streamkeepers set up their display unit and had the opportunity to meet with Streamkeepers from other areas as well as attending some of the excellent educational talks.
   The last of our outreach events for the 2009 year was the Coho Festival in Ambleside Park on Sunday, September 13th.  As usual it was a glorious sunny day with events for everyone. West Vancouver Streamkeepers and West Vancouver Shoreline Preservation Society joined the circle of "Sustainability" where most of the environmental organizations had set up their displays. The many visitors to our display especially enjoyed our live cutthroat and coho fish tank as well as the many other information handouts.
   We also manned Station 8 on the Coho Walk where we recorded 361 visitors, although the total number of Coho Walkers was very much higher.
   Two chum coho showed up in Brothers Creek, so we were able to show many walkers salmon in our creek. Thank you, Coho Festival!    
School Outreach
Storm Drain Marking  This program is in its second year and is proving most successful with a great deal of enthusiasm from the students and teachers in the elementary schools. In 2008, West Vancouver Streamkeepers worked with West Bay and Gleneagles elementary schools and marked 70 and 120 drains respectively at these two schools.
In the two years that this program has been conducted five elementary schools have been involved including Irwin Park, Ridgeview, and Hollyburn schools. This accounts for over 450 storm drains marked in West Vancouver. A good start!
We will continue with this program in the fall of 2009 working with Pauline Johnson Elementary School, and carrying out additional marking along Bellevue Avenue with Irwin Park School.
The West Vancouver Secondary School's EPN club assisted Streamkeepers in many of our projects. The main one was their help with our Spawner Surveys from mid-October till December 1st last year. They also participated in four planting and weeding projects in Hay Park; they assisted in our Adopt-a-Fish event; they helped at our annual egg-take at Tenderfoot Hatchery, and have attended several of our monthly meetings. We are exceedingly fortunate to have such an active group of high school students interested and active with us.
West Vancouver Secondary School followed up their initiative in 2008 with their District Sustainability Action Team. Many schools participated as well as several other NGO environmental groups. West Vancouver Streamkeepers have been regular attendees.
Working Groups and Other Organizations
Streamkeepers were involved in the Rodgers Creek Working Group which reported to Mayor and Council on the Rodgers Creek Development Area last year. A Streamkeeper director is an ongoing member of the Community Engagement Committee as well as a member of the Heritage Working Group last year and the Heritage Achievements Awards Committee this year.
Streamkeepers continued to be involved with the North Shore Environmental Network (NSEN) an organization comprised of non-profit environmental groups interested in coordinating information from their members, and in establishing a central data bank or information centre.
Nelson Creek Hatchery
The Nelson Creek salmon hatchery is located on the edge of Nelson Creek canyon. It uses a decommissioned municipal water intake to draw water out of the creek and send it through egg trays and fry troughs. Volunteers raise coho and chum salmon from eyed eggs to fry. The small salmon are released to creeks across West Vancouver when they are ready which is usually in April and May.
On December 31stt 2008 we received 100,750 eyed chum eggs from the DFO Tenderfoot Hatchery in Squamish. On January 16th, approximately 64,000 eyed coho eggs arrived from Capilano Hatchery,
The cold winter and spring weather slowed development of our coho and chum fry. All the chum were hatched by February 20th. and the coho were hatched by the end of March. The chums were ponded (released into the creeks) on April 19th and the coho were ponded on May 5th which was three weeks later than usual.
On May 1st about half the chum smolts were released to Larson, Eagle, Willow, Claymore and Cypress Creeks. The Nelson Creek hatchery coho fry were released to Hadden, MacBeth, Lawson, McDonald, Rodgers, Cypress, Willow, Eagle, Nelson, and Larson Creeks on May 19th and 20th.
And finally, just over 600 of the Nelson Creek coho fry were released to Wood Creek at Parc Verdun as a neighbourhood event with the Eagle Harbour Primary school children on June 2nd.
Annual Egg Take
Every year, usually in mid-November, the DFO conduct an Egg Take event at their Tenderfoot hatchery near Squamish. This Egg Take operation is specifically set up to take chum eggs for West Vancouver's Nelson Creek hatchery and Bowen Island's hatchery.
The process of stripping the eggs and milt from the newly arrived chum is a fun and educational exercise. It is also a good introduction to the life cycle of salmon. This year we had four people from West Vancouver which included three EPN students. There were also volunteers from Bowen and Squamish helping the DFO staff.
It is important that West Vancouver Streamkeepers send as many volunteers as possible to this egg-taking event as it is these eggs from which we rear our fry for release into West Vancouver creeks.
Spawner Surveys - 2008
Once again we commenced our salmon spawning surveys in mid-October at a time when we usually expect the first chum salmon to arrive.  Eleven creeks were surveyed, including Brothers, Cave and Turner, Eagle, Hadden, Lawson, McDonald, Nelson, Pipe, Rodgers, West Brothers and Wood creeks.  Surveys continued into December when heavy rains sometimes bring late coho.
Students from the EPN club of West Vancouver Secondary School again helped in conducting the spawner surveys. We conducted seven weeks of surveys with the EPN students starting in mid-October.  There were eight teams covering zones on five creeks: Lawson, McDonald, Hadden, and Brothers creeks in West Vancouver, and Terminal Creek on Bowen Island.  The survey involved 32 students with Streamkeepers working with each team. On December 5th there was a wrap- up meeting for the EPN students at which time Mayor Pam Goldsmith-Jones congratulated the students and gave out T-shirts. Many other community leaders and school board representatives were in attendance.
A total of 241 live chum and 28 coho were observed in West Vancouver creeks.  Brothers Creek saw the biggest returns with 173 chum and 12 coho.  In Hadden creek, a tributary of Brothers creek, there were 11 live chum and 13 coho.  But since the number of dead chum exceeded the number of live chum by one, we know that at least 12 chum entered this creek.  Eagle Creek had 35 chum and one coho.  Lawson Creek saw 18 chum and one coho.  Two chum were observed in McDonald Creek and two also in Wood Creek.  While no live salmon were seen in West Brothers, one dead chum was found, so we know that at least one chum entered that creek.  No salmon were observed in the rest of the creeks that were surveyed; Cave and Turner, Nelson, Pipe and Rodgers. 
The peak of the chum return was around early-mid November.  The peak for dead chum was late November, indicating that the chum spend about two weeks in the creeks.  The peak for coho occurred in mid November in Brothers and Hadden creeks, and late November/early December in Eagle and Lawson creeks.
[Chart was provided]
Speaking Events During 2008
   It has become a goal that West Vancouver Streamkeepers try to arrange for top speakers to come to art least one or two of our five public meetings. Through a direct contact of a Streamkeeper director with the Minister of the Environment, the Hon. Barry Penner, West Vancouver Streamkeepers organized a presentation by the Minister at Mulgrave School on the evening of January 27th 2009.
   Our Mayor, Pam Goldsmith-Jones gave an opening introduction to the Minister who spoke on a wide range of environmental issues. This was followed by a lively question-and-answer period, and then a presentation of environmental achievement awards to some EPN students from West Vancouver Secondary School and to another highly accomplished and tireless worker for our creeks.
   The event was attended by many outstanding community environmental leaders as well as provincial and municipal politicians.
Many generous private sponsors and donors together with assistance from Mulgrave School enabled us to put on this excellent event.
   At the March 19th public meeting Streamkeepers organized a new and different format, a panel. Local experts spoke on the profile and story of Lawson Creek with history and events which have contributed to the nature and dynamics of the creek today. The topic of the evening was "Fallers, Flumes, and Fish", an inviting and intriguing topic which was much enjoyed especially by the many residents along Lawson Creek who had been specially invited.
The well-attended panel talks were complemented by great photos of the past.  Streamkeepers are hoping to continue with this format by presenting profiles of other West Vancouver creeks.

We hope you have enjoyed hearing about the many events during the past year and the improvements and progress made with respect to "keeping our streams" in West Vancouver. We invite you to join us in this vital mission, respecting, restoring, and enhancing the environmental health of our community.
Thank you,
Michael Ritter, President
WV Streamkeeper Society   Ph: 604 628 1123   streamkeepers@westvan.org  and  www.streamkeepers.westvan.org

===  West Vancouver Historical Society  ===
2012 marks the centennial for West Vancouver.  The WVHS is working on a book to mark the milestone.

New Pictures and Information Needed for Centennial Book
       The production of our Centennial Book on the Neighbourhoods of West Vancouver is being very well served with assistance of the Archives, the Library and the Seniors' Centre who have joined us as partners in the preparation of the book. In spite of the excellent collection of photos and documents in the Archives and Library, it is vital that we take this opportunity to gather new material for our book and possibly for the Archives and the Library.
       We are, therefore, hosting a series of meetings in the community to gather pictures and documents that may exist in family albums, filing folders, and attics that would contribute to a richer book and possibly richer resources in our Archives. Here are the meetings scheduled to date to be held in 2009 and 2010 in the Seniors' Centre atrium:
September 22 at 7pm -- Neighbourhood -- Dundarave
November 19 at 7:30pm -- Neighbourhoods -- Park Royal and British Properties
February 23 (2010) at 7pm -- Neighbourhood -- Ambleside
Meeting for Eagle Harbour/Fisherman's Cove and Whytecliff/Horseshoe Bay are planned for later in the spring of 2010.
Your material will be handled in one of two ways. You may donate it to the Historical Society and the Archives, or you may lend the material to the Historical Society who will make copies, with your permission, and return the material for your family records. We hope to find some new material that will add to the richness of our book.
Contact: the phone number for the WVHS is 778 279 2235 and the email address is wvhs@shaw.ca  and please mark Attention: Francis Mansbridge.

 ===  NEWSWATCH  ===
(AGI) - London, September 23 ? On the night of September 8 2007 he earned the Military Cross after facing Taliban fire to help comrades in trouble and to try and recover a body. Two years later Michael Lockett, the British sergeant hero of the Mercian Regiment died in the explosion of an improvised incendiary device in Helmand province in southwest Afghanistan. The 29 year old is the 217th British causality in Afghanistan, the first to die after receiving the Military Cross, awarded to Michael by Queen Elizabeth II in June 2008. Another soldier awarded the Military Cross subsequently died in Iraq. Locket, who leaves behind a fiancée and three children (eight, seven and five years old), was on his third mission in Afghanistan after having served in Bosnia and in Northern Ireland. Lockett decided to return to the country to share his knowledge of the territory and guerrilla techniques with the new arrivals. A knowledge that on Monday was not enough to save him from the bomb that exploded after he got out of his vehicle to inspect the road in the Gereshk district. Two other soldiers were injured in the blast.
From: http://www.agi.it/world/news/200909231554-cro-ren0029-afghanistan_hero_sergeant_decorated_by_queen_is_killed

===  BEERWATCH  ===  Guinness's 250th Anniversary on 2009 Sept 24!
From Wikipedia, "Leased for 9,000 years in 1759 by Arthur Guinness at =A345 per year, St. James's Gate has been the home of Guinness ever since. It became the largest brewery in Ireland in 1838, and was the largest in the world in 1914."
WHAT'S BREWING  --  250 years of delicious darkness
Guinness brewmaster Fergal Murray says a typical pint in Dublin is about nine days old when it's consumed. Here, it's probably about two weeks old.
The Irish Guinness celebration will spill into Toronto pubs
Sep 23, 2009 04:30 Am  JOSH RUBIN, BEER REPORTER
September 24, 1759 was a dark day in brewing history. A deep reddish-brown, almost black, actually.
Tomorrow marks 250 years since an enterprising young fellow by the name of Arthur Guinness signed a 9,000-year lease for his new Dublin brewery. While he started off brewing ales, Guinness eventually moved into making porter and its bolder cousin, stout.
From the Toronto Star website: http://www.thestar.com/living/Food/Columnist/article/699312
{G, our resident beer connoisseur, points out that porter and stout are also ales.}

VSun 2009 Sept 21: In the Micmac language, trees are named based on sounds they make when the wind blows through them at a specific time.  The names are not fixed and change as the sound changes, such as when the trees grow.  [Craig and Marc Kielburger]

===  WORDWATCH  ===  Eid, holiday the end of Ramadan
Eid ul-Fitr -- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; Significance  End of Ramadan
Date -- depends on the moon; 2009 date -- 20 September - 21 September
Observances: Congregational prayer, giving charity, wearing new clothes, eating sweet foods. Kids usually get gifts or money.
Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: =8D=CD=A6 =AB=94=B7=D7- '?du ul-Fi?r?), often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while Fi?r means "to break fast"; and so the holiday symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period. It is celebrated after the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan, on the first day of Shawwal.  Eid ul-Fitr lasts for three days of celebration and is sometimes also known as the "Smaller Eid" as compared to the Eid ul-Adha that lasts four days and is called the "Greater Eid".  Muslims are commanded by the Qur'an to complete their fast on the last day of Ramadan and then recite the Takbir all throughout the period of Eid[Qur'an 2:185 (Translated by Shakir)].
Common greetings during this holiday are the Arabic greeting '?d mub?rak ("Blessed Eid") or '?d sa'?d ("Happy Eid"). In addition, many countries have their own greetings based on local language and traditions.

Some as a result of the ccl mtg!
aka = also known as
BANANA = Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything
EOI = Expressions of Interest (used by the Housing Pilot Prog WG seeking proposals)
HBB = Home-Based Business (used in staff presentation Sept 21; proposed amendments to this bylaw Oct 2009)
LGA = Local Government Act
LMMA = Lower Mainland Municipal Assn
LMTAC = Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee
MoTH = Ministry of Transportation and Highways
MOU = Memo of Understanding
NBI = Nothing But Initials
NIMBY = Not in My Backyard
NIMTO = Not in My Term of Office
P3 = Private Public Partnership
PH = Public Hearing
ROTFLWTIME = Rolling on the Floor Laughing with Tears in My Eyes
QED = Quod Erat Demonstrandum (pardon me, my math background is showing, but good for debates)
RFMP = Recreation Facilities Master Plan of a decade ago, used to justify Aquatic, Gleneagles, and new Cmnty Ctr with little correspondence to cost estimates at that time in the report
relnship = relationship
SNAFU = Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
TTYS = talk to you soon
VoIP = Voice over the Internet Protocol (telephony term)
w/ = with and w/o for without
WTE = Waste-to-Energy, an option for reducing gases that cause global warming (there's a facility in Burnaby)
WTHIT = What the Heck is This?
WVS = actual name is WV Streamkeeper Society, so also WVSS but that can be WV Secondary School
WVSK/WVSk/WVSkS = to be clearer when referring to the WV Streamkeepers (WVS above)
WWY(T)S = What Were You (They) Smoking?
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (this means your experience may differ)

===  MAIKU  ===
Did you see the moon Monday night?  As we drove home (west) after the ccl mtg Sept 21st.......

                black sky canopy
                        low above dark sea
                                burnt orange sliver crescent

{No, that's not a typo; it is supposed to be sliver, not silver.}

===  QUOTATIONS and PUNS  ===
Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.
                -- Paulo Freire, Brazilian writer and educator (1921 - 1997)
They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price.
                -- Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American artist and poet (1883 - 1931)
Books will be the salvation of mankind.
                -- Fran=E7ois-Marie Arouet aka Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.
                -- Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali polymath (1861 - 1941)
Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn't be done.
                -- Sam Ewing, American writer (1921 - 2001)
I'm not young enough to know everything.
                -- James Barrie, Scottish writer (1860 -
The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults.
                -- Peter De Vries, American writer (1910 - 1992)
        who also said: Marriage is to courting as humming is to singing.
...from BBC Two: Tuesday 29 September 2230 BST
"In the uncharted waters we sail, the challenge of change demands nothing less than a new model for our economy, a new model for a more responsible society, and a new model for a more accountable politics."
-- So said [UK Prime Minister] Gordon Brown today as he sought to rally the Labour troops and re-ignite support across the country in a conference address which had - yet again - been billed the speech of his life.
>  The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.   He acquired his size from too much pi.
>  When travelling in the Bermuda Triangle look danger square in the eye, avoid falling into the dreaded Trapezoid and that graveyard of the sea, the Wrecktangle.
>  Bird-dogs are great for music, because they're both woofers and tweeters.
>  To the bull in the pasture, may he live for heifer and heifer.
>  I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was delighted.