Ccl NOTES Nov 2nd
AGENDAs Nov 16
Calendar to Dec 10
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
~ The next scheduled
ccl mtg after Nov 16 is Dec 7 ~
= MAIN ITEMS Nov 16th: Public Hearing on Secondary
Suites then at the ccl mtg: WV Cmnty Ctrs Services Society's
Strategic Plan; Integrated Resource Recovery; Hollyburn Ridge
Cabins' Fee Increase; Eagle Island Parking; Housing Pilot Prog
Interim Report (is one coming to a nbrhd near you?); Ev Dr
Devt street-naming (one is Arthur Erickson Place); Spirit
Trail; Westmount Traffic; DWV Awards Cmte; Child Care Ctr at Gordon
House; and Correspondence: location of Fish & Chips shop; Renaming
Srs' Ctr; Floral Clock.
= Vive le Canada (Hello, Chuck; The Torch);
ANIMALWATCH (Fishwatch; donkeys painted with black stripes to be
zebras); from the EDITOR'S DESK (V4S secrecy; WRA & John
Weston, MP; VO: Norma); UPDATES (V4S Games; Volunteer for WV;
Olympics Souvenir Progs)
(Theatre, Music, Opera)
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Nov 2nd: Public Hearing on
Home-Based Biz; Ccl Mtg: Presentation by WV Legion (#60) re
Veterans' Week Nov 5 to 11; E-Comm Update; Financial
Challenges to Region; Strategic Transportation Plan Update; intro
of SECONDARY SUITES bylaw (for PH Nov 16); Zero-Emission
Vehicles; Application Status List
= Ccl Mtg Agenda Nov 16th: PH on Sec Stes and Reg
Ccl Mtg
= INFObits (Fall of Wall; Water; HiTech Farmers);
SCIENCEWATCH (Hubble: seeing furthest into space; Water on Moon);
WOMANWATCH (Jewish Girls; Afghan Woman MP/Book Launch); NEWSWATCH (UN:
more A&As; Nov 11th MAIKU; Quotations
The power of punctuation... A challenge: pls let
me know how you wd punctuate the above sentence
=== Vive le Canada
During the visit of Prince Charles and
Camilla: Send Greetings to
the Royal Couple All messages are reviewed before being
posted on the site. Messages will be posted in the language in which
they are submitted. Go to:
How can you not get excited as you watch the torch? by
skateboard, by surfboard, by dogsled, by canoe,... the
vastness, such diversity, so happy to be Canadian and celebrate our
country and cultures.... this past week the northernmost
inhabited cmnty in the world, Alert (NU), and most eastern point in
North America, Point Spear (NL).
Royals vs Republic on CBC's At Issue panel Nov 12. See
video and comment until Nov 19.
In 1997, 16.1M sockey returned to the Fraser, in 2009 only
Great the fed govt is having an inquiry -- wd feel better had
they moved when at 10M surely enough of a drop to take notice then.
This low might require drastic measures.
One of my concerns about the viability, future, worth of
democracy -- think of Newfoundland with so many voters fishing for a
living, what politician wd hv bn elected wanting controls so the cod
wd not disappear? Only once nearly all gone is it possible to
try to save? or how long will it take?
Same with old-growth trees?
Saw this headline in the Guardian Weekly: The man behind Gaza's
fake zebras
Dr Mahmoud Barghout, director of the Happy Land Zoo in Gaza
Strip, has so little cash he has painted donkeys with
black stripes to look like zebras in a bid to amuse children in the
besieged Strip
So clicked on it to get:
The owners of Happy Land Zoo
in Gaza made headlines when they painted two donkeys with black
stripes to look like zebras in a bid to amuse children in the besieged
strip. Yet despite the zoo's name, director Mahmoud Barghout, 20,
describes the depressing realities that may force them to shut
The rest is at
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK
+ V4SWG -- secret presentation of survey results???
(See Updates) Finance Cmte redux?
+ WRA had invited MP John Weston to speak on Friday
Nov 6 and he gave an interesting talk on what inspired him to serve in
govt, a report on stimulus spending, an update on the Fisheries
Roundtable and Inquiry, and then answered questions.
He was in WV for Remembrance Day to lay a wreath no doubt also
honouring his father who was captured by the Japanese in WW2 and
forced to work on the railway/bridges from Calcutta to Singapore for
two or three years. An inspiration.
+ Our Legion did a great job with organizing
Remembrance Day Nov 11th -- the sun came out even though a rainstorm
was predicted; then tea to music in the Library.
+ New Ferry Service: Coastal Link inaugural Nov 17
(see Calendar)
+ Vancouver Opera's season opens Nov 28 with Norma
(see CULTUREWATCH below) and Richard Bonynge is back -- remember when
he was here with Dame Joan Sutherland? their first visit was in 1963
on Oct 17 and it was also NORMA!
=== UPDATES ===
* Value for
A Value for
Services Survey was distributed to all West Vancouver households
the week of October 5th, with a completion deadline of October 19th.
The survey has now closed, and the Working Group will present the
results to Council on November 16th.
Well, Dear Readers, the paragraph above was
on the DWV website until Nov 12th when the presentation to Ccl Nov
16th was deleted. At the Nov 10th V4S WG mtg, staff recommended
the WG present this report at 6pm, thus a 'closed' mtg before the ccl
mtg Nov 16th. IMO, reporting the results of the Synovate survey
does not qualify to be in camera.
Committees &
West Vancouver has
expanded how it seeks advice, and taps into the expertise of residents
wishing to work on council policies and projects. As community leaders
and volunteers, we value your time and have adapted our structure to
better meet your ability to contribute. Volunteer Now!
We are currently
accepting volunteer applications for a variety of boards, committees,
and working groups. For more detailed information please
click here. Applications are due by 4:30
on November 20, 2009.
In addition to
Council Standing/Select Committees, Working Groups on specific issues,
each with a Councillor and staff lead, will ensure priorities
identified by Council will receive focused attention, resulting in
real progress in 2009.
Community Engagement
Volunteers Wanted
westvancouver.ca -- West Vancouver has expanded how it seeks advice and
taps into the expertise of residents wishing to work on Council
policies and projects. As community leaders and volunteers we value
your time and have adapted our structure to better meet your ability
to contribute. Working groups on specific issues, each with a
Councillor and staff lead, will ensure priorities identified by
Council will receive focused attention, resulting in real progress in
If you are a West
Vancouver resident and would like to volunteer to serve on a board,
committee, or working group, opportunities are currently available in
the following areas:
* Board of Variance * Memorial Library Board
* Awards
* Community
Engagement Committee
* Community
Grants Committee
* Design Review
North Shore Committees
* North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability
Application forms and
detailed information are available in the Legislative Services
Department at the Municipal Hall at 750-17th Street, West Vancouver,
B.C. on regular business days. Call 604-925-7048 for more information.
Applicants are requested to mail, fax (604-925-7006), or deliver
completed applications with a brief personal resume, to the
Legislative Services Department, or e-mail to
Apply by 4:30 pm on
November 20, 2009
* Vancouver 2010 Official Souvenir Program now on
sale across Canada
Nov 13, 2009
Vancouver, BC - Celebrated Canadian authors Douglas Coupland
and Roch Carrier are among the major contributors to the
Program. For more info:
== CALENDAR to Dec 10th
Pls note that ALL mtgs are at M Hall
(usually in the MFCR, Main Floor Conference Room, but sometimes in the
chamber) unless indicated otherwise. Additions and
changes can occur at any time so best to check the DWV website
calendar wrt cmtes and WGs that are of interest to you. Often
cmte/WG mtgs are not posted or confirmed until a couple of days
beforehand so this is a moving target!]
NOTE: b/c there won't be another newsletter for about three weeks
(the next ccl mtg is scheduled for Dec 7 unless Ccl has a special
mtg), this Calendar can't possibly be complete so pls check the DWV
website and its Calendar.
Only those changed after WVM24 came
= Wednesday, Nov 4 ~ 5pm ~ Strategic
Transportation Plan WG [ADDED]
= Monday, Nov 9 ~ 9am ~ Finance Cmte mtg
CANCELLED (when will they meet???)
= Tuesday, Nov 10 ~ 5pm ~ Value for Services WG mtg
= Thursday, Nov 12 ~ 4pm ~ Climate Action WG in
Cedar Room, WV Cmnty Ctr (ADDED)
= Nov 13 - 15 ~ CRACKERJACK: Fine Crafts at
Music Box and Silk Purse
= Tuesday, Nov 17
Reintroducing Water Travel To The
South Coast, Coastal Link Ferries Opens Second
Contact: Captain Shaker
778-231-7872 ihab@coastallinkferries.com
Having successfully built up
ridership from the Bowen Island community over the last 12 months,
Captain Shaker and his company, Coastal Link Ferries, look
forward to expanding their services to West Vancouver on November
17th, 2009.
Coastal Link Ferries will
begin regularly scheduled service between West Vancouver and Downtown.
The passenger ferry, Coastal Runner, will depart from the 14th
Street dock at 7:30am, 8:00am, 8:30am, and at 4:45pm.
Vancouver departures will be at
7:45am, 8:15am, and at 4:30pm and 5:00pm, with service to Bowen Island
on the 5:00pm Vancouver(Downtown) sailing. The Coastal Link
Ferries' Coastal Runner, is a 70-passenger, Transport Canada
certified vessel with a professional, licensed crew. Coastal Link
Ferries will continue to offer a 6:50am Bowen Island to Vancouver
The Mayor and Members of the West
Vancouver Council will come aboard for the 8:00am departure from the
14th Street Dock in West Van and will travel to the Downtown the
Vancouver Dock(foot of Bute Street) to be greeted by representatives
of Vancouver City Council.
~ 7pm ~ WRA Annual General
Meeting, Cmnty Use Room, Gleneagles Golf Course Clubhouse.
Mbrships are $15 and can be purchased at the door.
After the AGM, there will be a discussion of regulations that
will be put in place for the Olympic period, eg the posting of
signage, the Horseshoe Bay intersection point for the Olympic
Torch journey, and any regulations that might affect residents
If you have a motion to bring for the Annual General Meeting,
please provide notice of this motion in writing, seven days before the
meeting date (November 10, 2009), to Barbara Pettit, at 6222 St.
George's Avenue, West Vancouver or
Members in good standing are entitled to attend and vote at the
Please join your volunteer Board to celebrate our successes over
the past year and to learn about plans for the 2010 season.
= Wednesday, Nov 18
9am ~ Finance Cmte [CANCELLED -- so it says on DWV Calendar but better
~ 5pm ~
Strategic Transportation Plan WG at Srs' Ctr
~ 6pm ~
Child Care WG
~ 7pm ~
Library Board at Library in Peters Room
= Thursday, Nov 19
10:30am ~ Official Opening of Viewing-Platform (Keith, E of TWay at
Brothers Crk)
4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte Mtg
5:30pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
~ 6pm ~
North Shore Family Court/Youth Justice Cmte at DNV M Hall
~ 7pm ~ The
Story of West Vancouver's Neighbourhoods - Open House
The West Vancouver
Historical Society is looking for long-time residents to share
their memories (and possibly photographs) about their neighbourhoods
for possible inclusion in the Society's book, planned to coincide
with West Vancouver's 100th anniversary. In preparation, the
Society has held several meetings to gather information on various
neighbourhoods. This meeting's focus is the 'neighbourhood'
of the British Properties to be held in the atrium of the Cmnty
Ctr. For more info regarding any WVan neighbourhood,
interested residents can email the Society at wvhs@shaw.ca
~ 7:30pm ~ WV
Streamkeeper Society Public Mtg at St Stephen's (885 -
After the election of the board at the September AGM, the
officers were chosen: Michael Ritter and Elizabeth Hardy as
co-chairs, Jeff Anderson as Secretary, Jeff now treasurer
handing over to Bill McAllister in new year.
REPORTS on/from: the public viewing platform -- see spawning
salmon now! -- officially opened in the morning; DFO; WV Creeks (by
Creek Co-ordinators); Cypress Creek Watershed; Storm Drain Marking;
Salmon Surveys; Hatchery; WV Shoreline Preservation Society; NSh
Wetland Partners; WVSkBoard. Announcement of the Egg-Take at the
Tenderfoot Hatchery in Squamish 10am Sat Nov 21st.
= Saturday, Nov 21
~ 1pm ~ John Weston, MP: Canada's Evolving
Relationship with China and Hong Kong at Cmnty Ctr
= Wednesday, Nov 25
~ 9am ~ Finance Cmte (hope?)
~ 7pm ~ Bd of Variance
7pm ~ WV Historical Society mtg at Srs' Ctr [Details not available
at this time]
= Thursday, Nov 26
~ 4pm ~
Climate Action WG in Cedar Room, Cmnty Ctr
~ 5pm ~
NSh Adv Cmte on Diability Issues at DNV M Hall
5:30pm ~ Housing Pilot Prog WG
5:30pm ~ WV Police Bd mtg in Police Board Room
~ 7pm ~ Shifting Gears Free Public
Sponsored by the Bombardier Foundation and the
Active Transport Lab at UBC and BC Recreation and Parks Association.
UBC Robson Square. Free admission - reservations required. Call
778-782-5100 or email cstudies@sfu.ca and for complete details,
download: Shifting Gears Flyer
= Saturday, Nov 28
Saturday 2009 November 28 at 2pm
in the Audio-Visual Room
at the Seniors' Activity Centre
from the ADRA Board:
...We urge all members of ADRA to attend
this A.G.M. on Saturday, 2009 November 28, not only to elect a new
board of directors but also to discuss the general direction that ADRA
should take in 2010. There are many issues to be resolved by Council
in the near future that will affect residents of Ambleside and
Dundarave. We consider that ADRA should be active in representing the
residents' positions on these issues.
Our present plan is to decide, with your
input, on which issues to concentrate, to form committees to establish
our position on these issues, and to present them to Council. Each
committee would be chaired by a director and would include members
from ADRA.
Although ADRA must remain apolitical, we
should ensure that residents' views on issues are clearly expressed
to Council. In addition, wherever possible, we should endeavour to
have representatives from ADRA on the municipal working groups that
deal with the relevant issues.
* Secondary
* Budget, Tax
* Infill
* Spot Zoning
* Traffic,
* Ferry to Vancouver from
* New Artificial Turf Hockey Field
in Ambleside
It is important to build the membership of
ADRA and we encourage you to bring prospective members to the
o For further information or to serve on a cmte or
the board, pls contact Gordon Ward-Hall (922 7387); to contact the
Treasurer and enquiries about membership ($5 for a couple at the same
address), pls call Ray Richards (926 5364).
= Sunday, Nov 29
~ 3pm ~ Fabiana Katz Fustion Latina -- Concert at St
Francis in the Wood, 4773 S Piccadilly
tix $15 available at the door or phone 922 5685
Wednesday, Dec 2nd
-- during ccl mtg reference was made to an open house for the
Strategic Transportation Plan WG but it's not yet on the DWV
Thursday, Dec 3 ~ 6pm
~ Honour a Life at the WV United Church (2062 Esquimalt)
This gathering has been
created for bereaved families and friends who wish to honour the life
of a loved one.
The welcoming reception will
take place from 6 to 6:45pm and light refreshments will be
provided as participants take the time to personalize "tree
cards" (provided) and sign the "Honour A Life" book.
Following this reception, a ceremony of remembrance with music, words,
and images will take place at 7pm. The evening will conclude with
candlelight walk to the Sea Walk Garden to place cards on the
For more information, please
visit: lionsgatehospicesociety.org
= Wednesday, Dec 9
~ 6pm ~
Library Board at Library in Peters Room
7:15pm ~ Field Sports Forum WG in Mountain Rm at WV Cmnty Ctr
= Thursday, Dec 10
4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte
- for Event Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/event/calendar.php
Board is seeking New Board Members
Interested West
Vancouver residents please ask at the Circulation Desk for an
infomation Package.
Applications due Friday, November 20, 2009.
Night Concert: Victory Girls -- 7:30pm Friday, November 27
The Victory Girls
are a musical trio that spotlights 1940s-style close harmony vocal
Concerts are free
and open to all but seating is limited so come early - doors open at
My West
Vancouver - A Photo Contest
The West Vancouver
Memorial Library first annual "My West Vancouver" photo
contest! You are invited to submit your photos of West Vancouver that
capture the spirit and beauty of the place we live and
Submission deadline: Friday December 18, 2009, 3:00
Philosophers' Cafe -- Thursday November
10:30am - 12:30pm
in the Elizabeth Musto Room. No registration is required. Admission is
What level of
funded health care should be available for Canadians who are homeless,
poor, or addicted?
~ 10 - 11:30am ~ Practise English conversation, discuss
interesting topics, make new friends. Nov 20,
Dec 4.
* Nov 20 - Dec 19
The Ferry Building Gallery invites you to "GREAT
An exhibition and sale of unique crafts, fine artwork, and
distinctive gifts at affordable prices from over 40 of the best
artists and artisans, just in time for the Christmas shopper!
Special Gallery Hours: 10am -
6pm; late Friday shopping until 8pm; closed
Preview and Opening Sale on Friday, Nov 20 from
4 to 8pm
November 3 -
"Celestial Textiles"
Members of the Lower
Mainland textile artists group FibreEssence present an exhibition inspired by the heavens, the
stars, the sun, the planets, and space in all its glory. This
exhibition is a creative exploration and interpretation of 'heavenly'
textiles, their creators, and how their creations are brought to life.
Take a journey with us to the far corners of our galaxy and meet the
people who define the world of textiles! This show will include many
presentations, including lecturers/presentations and planet viewings
by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.
Reception: TUESDAY November 3rd from 6 - 8 pm
November 17 -
"Harmonious in Form & Function"
Well-known and highly
celebrated clay artists, Louisa Leibman and
Roohy Marandi, along with
photographer Masoud
Soheli offer a range of
pottery and photography that is not only beautifully constructed,
unique in form, but earth-friendly. Art work that becomes an integral
part of your life! Their art is designed not only to be aesthetically
appealing, but practical in function.
Reception: TUESDAY November 17th from 6 - 8 pm
November 10 to December
Greetings from Friends: Mid-Century
Art Cards 1945 - 1975
showcases a collection of greeting cards, drawings, and prints
designed by prominent regional artists and architects, including B.C.
Binning, Gordon Smith, Alistair Bell, Don Jarvis, Jack Shadbolt,
Arthur Erickson, and others. The cards reveal an interconnected social
network among artists and architects who were the vanguard of the
region's art and design scene. The intimate and compact format of a
limited-edition artist greeting lends itself well to experimentation
and humour.
BC Binning: Works from the
features artwork donated to the Museum by the Estate of Jessie Binning
in 2008. Bertram Charles Binning was a central figure in the
development of regional mid-century art and design; in 1971 he was
honoured with the Order of Canada. BC Binning, born in Medicine Hat,
Alberta, grew up in Vancouver. He taught at the Vancouver School of
Art and the School of Architecture at the University of British
Columbia where he also founded the Department of Fine Arts. The
tectonics of the North Shore topography became the primary element
driving Binning's graphic style. Early in his career Binning chose
drawing as primary mode of expression, with a simple and precise line
as its driving force. The majority of the works in BC Binning:
Works from the Collection come from this exciting period in
Binning's practice.
Opening Reception ~ Monday
November 9th, 7 - 9pm
o To get onto the mail list: the
simplest method is to call the box office (913 3634) or email
~ 8pm ~ "Here on the Flight Path"
by Norm Foster (ends Nov 21st)
~ 8pm ~ Sat Nov 21st ~ Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble:
Symphonies of Wind
~ 7:30pm ~ Thurs Nov 26th ~ The North Shore Celtic Ensemble:
Celebrating a Decade
Vancouver +++
The Summer-Fall issue of "The Torch" is now
available. To view the newsletter, just
click the following link for direct access:
http://www.westvan60.com/Images/The%20Torch%20Newsletter%20-%20Summer-Fall%202009.pdf The newsletter is available to any
non-member who is interested. To sign up, please fill in the
form at the bottom of the webpage,
The next newsletter will be going out in early December.
Please email me at Thetorch60@telus.net, if you would like to submit
an article, or if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you for your interest. Best regards, Janice
Mackay-Smith, The Torch / Lounge 922
~ 7pm ~ Saturday Nov 21st --
Baron of Beef Buffet
Enjoy salads, baron of beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes,
vegetables, dessert -- $20
The deadline for purchasing
tickets is next Wednesday, the 18th. They are for
sale behind the bar.
+++ http://www.westvanchamber.com
The Wednesday, November 18th Breakfast meeting has been
Deck the Halls -
It's Time to Plan for Christmas!
The Chamber is delighted to
hold the 2009 Christmas Party and Silent Auction at the elegant
English style manor house, The Capilano Golf and Country
December 2
6:30pm - Cocktails - No
Host Bar // 7:00 pm - Dinner
Sponsor: The World, the only residential
community at sea in the world
Tickets: $125.00 per
person (Includes 1 Drink Ticket)
Dress attire is elegant
holiday or your best business attire.... it is the perfect place and
time to celebrate in style!
Please RSVP ASAP. Our
host, Capilano Golf and Country Club, requires advance number for
preparation. Please remember, last year sold out
Please also note that we are
unable to give a refund without 48 hours notification; however a
delegate substitution is welcome at any time.
Silent Auction Request. Want a great way to
promote your business this holiday season? Donate to our Silent
Auction! If you would like to donate an auction item, please
contact the Chamber at 926 6614 or write to
info@westvanchamber.com or go to the website.
British comedy, Theft
HOUSE: Souvenirs
by Michele Riml to Nov 29th (990 3474).
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (pantomime) starts Dec 4 (983
Irving Berlin's White Christmas
at the Stanley until Dec 27th
It's a Wonderful Life starts on Granville Island
Nov 26th
= Dirty Rotten Scoundrels starts Nov 21st (873
Nov 13 - Dec 6 (Thu-Sun) --
HOUR by David Hare; Director: Tamara McCarthy; tel 224 8007
"Politics is
about the reconciliation of the irreconcilable," says Nadia
Blye, an American war reporter turned Yale Professor of International
Relations. With her faith in academia beginning to erode and
memories from her time in the Balkans and the Middle East haunting
her, she travels to the Welsh borders with her boyfriend, to visit his
father, who has his own past to reckon with. UNITED
VSO -- So much! see
~~ http://www.vancouveropera.ca/
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY * Season opens Saturday Nov
by Bellini
Nov 28, Dec 1, 3, 5 -- All performances 7:30pm at Queen
Elizabeth Theatre
Passion leads to death
when Norma, a powerful Druid priestess, has a secret affair - and
two children - with Pollione, the commander of the occupying Roman
army. When she discovers that Pollione has seduced a young acolyte,
Norma admits her terrible guilt and offers herself in sacrifice to the
gods. She and Pollione die, engulfed in flames.
Norma is a great bel
canto masterpiece. Bellini's haunting melodies, dramatic
scene-painting and tender and intense emotions have been praised by no
less than Richard Wagner, who loved the opera's rich flow of melody
and deep glow of truth.
Conducted by Richard
Bonynge; Directed by Tazewell Thompson
Norma - Hasmik Papian;
Pollione - Richard Margison; Adalgisa - Kate Aldrich' Oroveso - Alain
2nd === [Cclr Sop absent]
=== Reconvened Public
Hearing ===
Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 1968,
Amendment Bylaw No. 4603, 2009
(File: 1610-20-4603)
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will
describe the subject application.
Applicant: District of West
Affected Lands: The proposed regulations
regarding Home Craft, Occupation, or Business uses apply to
residential zones
Purpose: The proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment updates
regulations (Section 31.105) for Home Craft, Occupation, or
Business uses in West Vancouver.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: The Provisions for a
Home Craft, Occupation, or Business are amended to:
1. Allow home-based business [HBB] operators
to have clients attend their business sites provided no more than
one client attends the property at any one time.
2. Remove the current restriction on the wholesale
dollar value of the "stock-in-trade", materials, supplies, or
goods that can be stored or kept on the property.
3. Provides for the following types of businesses to
be prohibited from being operated as home occupations {shd be parallel/consistent}:
A beauty salon or barber shop;
Schools or recital areas;
Orchestra or band training;
A restaurant;
Stables or kennels for the boarding and breeding of
Places of public assembly;
Retail sales directly from the site;
Real estate office; and
The salvage or repair, or both, of motor
4. Require that all client parking [be] provided
3. PRESENTATION A presentation
will be provided on the proposed amendment bylaw.
Goldsmith-Jones will describe it.
1) Reports received up to October 29, 2009:
o Zoning Bylaw
Amendment - Home Craft, Occupation or Business / Aug 31 / Sept 21 / R-1
oZoning Bylaw Amendment - Home Craft, Occupation or
Business / Oct 21 /
Nov 2 / R-2
2) Correspondence received up to October 29:
o C. Adams / October 5, 2009
/ October 5, 2009 /
o J. Parker / October 5, 2009
/ October 5, 2009 /
o T. Dobell /October 5, 2009
/ October 5, 2009 /
o M. Taylor / September 28,
2009 / September 28, 2009
/ C-4
On Sept 21, 2009, Council set the date for the
Public Hearing. The statutory notice of PH was published in the NSNews
on Sept 27 and Sept 30. The Municipal Clerk will note written
submissions received for the Oct 5 and Nov 2 Public Hearings. At
the Oct 5 Public Hearing, Council adjourned the Hearing to be
reconvened on Nov 2.
Liz Holitzki, Bylaws: Report answers questions; tonight I'll
address three
1 - Tupper parties not a biz, regulated through other
regulations; public assemblies have always been prohibited in private
2 - Definition of a client: cd mean more than one
person, accompanying or a family
3 - Too much traffic or noise, already handled by other
bylaws: noise, parking, zoning; or Biz licences can be revoked
Other four questions straightforward and simple
Mayor, re announcement re Public Input: do I have to?
MClk: sufficient and also on the screen
Diane Vowels: good job, Liz; hope to hear if I can go ahead
legitimacy of HBB good for District; revenue has not been
{Mayor three calls if anyone else wishing to speak}
MS moved: THAT all written and verbal
submissions be received and that the Reconvened PH be
Mayor: when will this come
MClk: Nov 16
1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA -- add to Item 8
3. J. Woodham, President, West Vancouver Branch 60, Royal
Canadian Legion [RCL], regarding Veterans' Week November 5 -11,
2009 (File: 0055 20 RCLE1)
JW: 65th anniversary of Normandy Landing
RCL dedicated to remembrance; defended our country in both war
and at peace
Wed 4th to Sat 7th Nov you'll see us out and about with our
trays; don't hesitate to donate
will be visiting local schools and churches and passing on
hope to see everybody at the Parade on Nov 11th; District/Ccl,
thank you for the support
PowerPoint Presentation [slides]
raised $56K; [pointing to slide] there's Rosemary Block with
large poppy umbrella
TP: thx and will have the honour of laying the wreath with Mayor
Mayor: see you this week, think we're doing a tour. 7:26
4. Youth 2010 Olympics Pin Design
(File: 3085-01) Presentation to be
who??: exciting night; rest of us like an unopened present
we've asked you, Madam Mayor; students here but they don't know
Mayor: beginning with elem sch competition
{For completeness and accuracy, here's the announcement from
2010 Pin Design
Contest Winners!
November 10, 2009
On November 2, 2009
the 18 elementary and secondary Pin Design Contest winners were
announced at the West Vancouver Council Meeting. Each winner will have
their design produced as a West Vancouver pin.
The winners of the
Elementary Pin Design Contest are:
Gold: Drew Van Unen, Grade 7, Caulfeild Elementary
Silver: Nasim Abrishami Moghaddam, Grade 6, Caulfeild
Elementary School; Francesca Brind-Boronkay, Grade 6, Bowen Island
Community School; Helen Jeong, Grade 6, Mulgrave School
Bronze: Shaina Chorley, Grade 6, Ridgeview Elementary School;
Jonathan Kim, Grade 5, Mulgrave School; Eric Wei, Grade 6, Ridgeview
Elementary School; Duncan Lucas, Grade 5, Mulgrave School; Andy SunJun
Hwang, Grade 4, Collingwood School
The winners of the
Secondary Pin Design Contest are:
Gold: Emily Wei, Grade 10, West Vancouver Secondary
Silver: Michaela Vince, Grade 9, Collingwood School; Alex
Ainsworth, Grade 9, Collingwood School; Taylor Lee, Grade 12,
Rockridge Secondary School
Bronze: Max Hasman, Grade 8, Collingwood School; Ian Kaart,
Grade 11, Rockridge Secondary School; Kolton Babych, Grade 12 Sentinel
Secondary School; Jocelyn Poirier-Hardy, Grade 12, Sentinel Secondary
School; Jennissa Guevara, Grade 12, West Vancouver Secondary
West Vancouver
would like to congratulate the winners and thank all contestants for
their participation.
Pins will be made
available to the public beginning in 2010.}
Mayor to Emily Wei, WV Sec, gold winner: tell us about your
EW: didn't know what to draw; just LGB cuz it's old and what I
think of when I think of WV
seawall and mtns, Lighthouse Park where we always play
draw all these things, make up my memories of WV and what it
means to me; proud of city
all hold... spirit
Mayor: thank you for igniting our spirit
[to school Trustee, Carol Dekker]
CD: thank you so much to help celebrate; team at 2010 to
make it good for kids, thank you to xxx... tyvm
5. E-Comm Information Update
(File: 2715-07)
Presentation to be provided by K. Shymanski (President and CEO
of E-Comm), D. Watson (VP Operations), and J. Robertson (Director of
Ken Shymanski: [SLIDES] most cmnty spirit
3K a day, five min or less; 95% five seconds or less
unsubscribed cell ph and placed thousands of calls to us; take
those calls v seriously
if you've got an old cell phone and giving away, it's not a
toy -- take the battery out!
grade of service .0595% ... 99.96 availability target and above
all police depts in LM on system
Radio Customers -- those in red on Fire System; not, not
try to have those not on, on
Wireless Phase II is the CRTC's mandate to provide locn info from
cell phones
at the moment no cell locn info given to operator; just gives
cell tower locn.
if GPS within 50m, if {not?} 500m ... can't tell what
so if choice cell phone or wire line, take wire line b/c has
specific info
can be bottom or top floor of hi-rise and if you can't speak,
can't find you
2010 Olympics -- those pin designs quite amazing!
when broken leg or someone with a gun, it's 911
Public Safety Advocacy -- make sure you know where you are
if you can't speak English have ability to call and be understood
in your language; within a minute understand what you are saying
do not preprogram your cell phone, already speed dial; often
gets knocked get hundreds a day can hear ppl laughing and talking;
can't tell if serious or not
Mayor: give Ccl a couple of ideas
service has been excellent; WV last to join
cheer went up; made region a whole region; also know it's
want cmnty to understand expense, issues, safety of cmnty
{don't know who's speaking?}:
we're under those financial pressures like ev else
funded by taxpayers; you're our shareholders
going through a budgeting process
assessing costs and passing on to customers
we're a non-profit assn, you're our customers and here to
serve you ... 2009
ME: ty for your presentation
what sp arrangements have you had to make for Olympics? still
under bar of 5 secs?
KS: [expect] like normal July/August expectation is Feb wch is
lowest will look like July/Aug -- hardest b/c vacation time
cancelled vacations, calling in auxiliaries, and ready for
able to keep up 95 - 5
ME: somebody was abusing the system; were you able to track
KS: don't have locn info; worked with xxx took time to cut that
caller off
an unsubscribed tel has no number; difficult to trace and
MS: plan on reducing your budget 2010; be interested b/c eager to
xxx as well
KS: consulting agreement; difficult; focus on skill-based
training, just those to perform their jobs; mgmt devt put off for a
MS: salaries and benefits
KS: can't discuss, b/c board Mayor is on
Mayor: not unlike most in region, challenges; taking seriously
and coming forward with suggestions
congratulations... for xxx
and advertising -- can't say I'm by a tree
ppl probably don't realize how responsive you are and how
my understanding above the ??? 5 secs, starts to unravel
in good hands, tyvm
6. Financial Challenges Facing the Region
(File: 0185-01)
Presentation to be provided by J. Resnick, CFO, Metro
Mayor: Resnick; ML on cmte and I'm on board, Mr Resnick
JR: great to be in WV
joined by XXXX, and Fred... resp for utility planning
second year we've done this study; looking at long-term
{as you cd guess I groan when I see a slide with a list
lacking parallelism........, but anyway}
asked us last year to do this study
not analysis, more provocative, look at big questions
basis to provide a basis, decision to be made
CHART: cost metroV, TransLink, regional costs, cost per capita,
per household, %age of Median
per capita, affordability
look to see how or? diff householder affected
Assumptions: an optimistic xxx and a pessimistic
metroV cost drivers: utility -- water, liquid waste, solid
water ageing infrastructure and growth; conundrum conserve puts
pressure on water rate
Lions' Gate waste water upgrade, cost
need to look at waste treatment facilities
driven by water sales - 2010 Revenues [slide]
here's how we see expenditures, owing $550M to $1.5B in
av household $400, to $1000 in 2030
Liquid waste requires Iona 2020 and LG 2030 (but slide says
extreme between bottom line and pessimistic scenario, no funding
from govts
GVS and DD projected M Levy
options: cost variable re defer or cancel, sr govt; financing
variables ramp up reserves longer debt
rev-generating variables
looking at liquid waste as resource recovery but early days
Next step to layer in costs to M
layer in TransLink -- $400M a year gap in commitment to transit
vision, just got $130M stabilization; assume in some fashion back at
table to fund $450M they need
Factor all those things in together, see costs rising
considerably over time
CHARGE ? re regional impact total regional
optimistic, moderate, pessimistic
{SUMMARY 8:06}
see household costs rising from $5,628 in 2008 to $12, 051
in 2030
critical issue secondary treatment dealt with differently
Board Resolution [SLIDE] "levy as you
Mayor: wd you like to hear from our CAO first?
CAO: thank Mr Resnick first; challenges facing us and across
North America
to be
charged on assessments
even though $s minor, assessment basis was unacceptable to
needed unanimous, fortunate NV supported us; felt unfair
been under moderate projection for WV in 2020
we'll be spending $17M twice as much as Delta wch has three times
our popn
fortunately able to convince others; review of our funding; taken
quite a while for Terms of Reference
rate rapidly increasing; Ms inequitable; may have exceeded
practical limits
under Mr Resnick and Mr Earle of Bby; you have a copy with
subcmte from sev Ms XXXX
will be looking at cost-sharing and finance models around the
academic review; haven't chosen consultant
undertake a literature review around the world
analysis of best practices; recognize the costs gigantic, not
millions, billions!
put that with TransL, xxxx
v big; challenge how to deal with this
Engg to look at... guiding principles... to what extent
envtal .....
funding models: continue to use prop? ..... as in England
user fees? other revs? cost-sharing models
take a hard look at alternative finance models -- risk, value for
money; strengths and weaknesses
various jurisdictions --- not only in world with this challenge;
timely report
plsd Jim on the cmte and moving us forward
b/c out of the box, diff to find someone to take on
talked to xxx; too broad; so narrowed it down
this is going to be a leading light; know Vanc looking a in
similar way
it is staggering; have to address it, can't afford to ignore
app Mr Resnick's help in leading us forward
it is inequitable
Mayor: questions
SW: wrt study, and I know you have to find a consultant ... is
there a timeline? our costs went up 20$
CAO: originally to be completed in time for 2010 budget
deliberation, lucky if for 2011
serious political decisions; money has to be spent; must be other
SW: money has to be spent, analysis going on, assume some
analysis of alternative delivery models as opposed to going through
status quo
JR: part of study, lot of things going on; Qs to be
new liquid and solid waste; service delivery of region vs Ms; all
being re-examined in a fresh light
this particular study went from this big, cost allocation, to
being a fundamental piece of looking at financial sustainability for
the region
ML: imp to note that in WV when we look at per household cost,
in metroV av household is a $600K property, and in WV it's
so the av bite in 2009 {tax paid in WV} is in excess of
$1K, not $432, then by 2014 it will likely be in the nbrhd of $1500 -
$1600, wch is a 53% increase
the importance of the initiative that Mr McRadu articulated, you
just can't say enough about how important it is b/c when we end up at
20% of household income going to basically the taxes associated with
metroV, TransLink, and M govt, we're basically being taxed out of
our homes, reality in this cmnty
not an insignificant challenge, undertaking; absolutely
critical b/c the economic sustainability of metroV and
I've got my calculator and can't make the numbers, Jim, I'm
JR: that's why putting numbers out; none of these decisions are
set in stone yet; Min of Envmt establishing guidelines re wastewater
effluent restrictions
Something is going to have to be done
knowing that those projects are coming, having time to devp
strategy to deal with other levels of govt
TransL is in transition; Mayors' Ccl mtg held their noses and
said $130M, really looking for better plan and for other levels of
govt; as we look at other jurisdictions and find past 30 to 40 years
that the amt of infrastructure in Canada owned by Ms has gone from
20/30% to 50/60%
and you're supposed to finance that on 8 cents out of ev tax
dollar; fundamental issues that need to be addressed
ME: plsd to hear this study is being undertaken
was told horrendous cost of the proposed sewage plant for the NSh
wd be borne by the NSh
issue of inequity
mentioned how able to break costs down on a per capita, per
household, basis; lot of variables
but how does MetroV square off with Toronto, Montreal, Kelowna,
other Ms, etc?
JR: putting together info; have some anecdotal data
MetroV is really divided into four separate legal
look at the Water District for example
our revenue sources are $0.49 per cu m wholesale water rate to
in Toronto $1.21; in Germany $2.85; so fairly good comparison
for us
difficulty trying to find Ms with same pkg of services and fund
them the same way
v small component of GVRD function that goes directly to a tax
bill, that's just the regional district function, the parks, our part
of the 911 contract administration; it's about $50M in total for the
Everything else we do, like the Water District is $200M, is
funded through a wholesale water rate that then gets marked up by the
M and rolled into the tax bill
sewer levy on a v complicated basis; wet weather flow
calculations, tier one and tier two costs; Fred cd explain it better
than me; essentially user pay system; trash funded by a tipping
back of the napkin estimates what an av household costs; best
being consistent; hard to be scientific
an av home in WV diff from one in rest of region, so we
struggle coming up with those numbers
{hope he's not just realizing that now!}
Mayor: thank you for this presentation
imp for everyone in region to understand status quo is
obsolete and leading us in the wrong direction; systemically
change our behaviour and expectations
Actually have to decouple prop taxes from a lot of this or we
won't be in our properties -- lots of places in the world have done
that; Sweden, Denmark, etc -- they hit the wall with energy
We don't have, relatively speaking, expensive energy,
expensive water, but what we have is crippling costs ahead of us, and
we shd use that as an opportunity to recognize we've got to change
course; and we'd better get going
To understand TransLink decision that was made b/c I wdn't
want to introduce a false sense of security, the Mayors' Ccl will
be back in the spring with the v same problem we faced in the first
hope in the intervening months working with prov, better
between regional govts, Ms, been v collaborative but not allowing
us to take bold steps
plsd put out to Ccls, congratulations, Ccl, for drawing a line in
the sand
helpful p 12 of your powerpoint -- to put, where you talk
about the projected M levy, popn numbers, add another column to that,
really interesting b/c then wd allow WV to see just how inequitable
this is, and further underscore prop values not a reflection of
ability to pay in many cases
ML: thanks....
7. Strategic Transportation Plan Working
Group [STPWG] Update
(File: 0117 20 TRPLN)
Presentation to be provided.
RF: CEC est'd WG in the spring
v hard-working through late spring and through the summer
Bart Copeland, Heather Drugge, Stefen Elmitt, Peter Scholefield, James
Stewart, Rosamund Van Leeuwen, Kay Vinall, Peggy Wilson}
Peter Scholefield, Stefan Elmitt co-chairs, Ray Fung and Brent
Dozzi staff liaisons
Chair and co-chair
Peter: app v much the effort; v approp here tonight to talk to
b/c today is the beginning of bicycle to work first time this
week usu in spring
focusing on a transp modal shift, going to be a challenge
purpose to provide advice; get ppl out of sgl-occupancy
some of our objectives; work to set reasonable goals
existing objectives in the OCP and Envtal Strategy we'll be
adhering to:
reduce dependence on vehicles
providing alternatives; promoting xxxxx
Why need? peak oil, fuel costs, climate change, other issues
facing WV in 21st century
2020 peak oil/climate change means 50% reduction in GHG by 2020,
global perspective
WV: biggie, issue of health; healthy modes (walking cycling);
less funding for a lot of the initiatives
other local issues, increased traffic S2S; imp Xing of LGB,
cessation of car traffic after 2030
tolls? xxx
demographic shifts; changes in technology -- electric
Some of the ideas in our discussions
recognize some progress has been made, such as Spirit Trail,
Traffic calming, .... westbound bridge over Cap R, good but
small steps
Some of the goals for 2010: wd like to see extension of Spirit
Trail (need data); assignment of staff/resource; Transp Cmte to allow
input from public and stakeholders.
hope a transportation hierarchy policy in 2010
low speed electric vehicles, recharging facilities
report on progress made since 2010; exp in corridor Amb/Dund
either slow traffic or dedicated bike lanes
also asked by cyclists, new user-friendly bicycle maps
mass-transit, ten-min ; slower traffic signals; pay parking
in Amb/Dund
looking for complete reconfiguration of corridor Amb/Dund to xxx
sgl-occupancy vehicles
waiting for our...to come up with some drawings what look like in
2025; Implementation
we've been working diligently since July 8th, met 14 times, three
times with consultants
a number of issues going to be important
set up a base-line date of existing system and monitoring
est list of transp priorities intrigued to find Vanc has already
done it; pedestrian, mass transit, xxx
all new and existing devts with these priorities in mind;
interesting policy and we'll be .. something like that
stakeholders; transp demand mgmt; good public outreach and social
marketing; way of bringing about behaviour change can't be xxx;
looking at barriers and pilot projects; real challenge to ppl to adopt
these ...
pilot projects good
easy win??? not costly and not controversial
traffic calming already being used, facilitates; interagency
finally, integrating land-use planning with transp
last slide on progress to date; sending documentation over to
prepared an outline of the report; also prepared three sections
of the report
in month of Nov -- look at car, transp of commercial goods
invite all of you to come to our open house Dec 2nd in atrium
5 - 8pm
vote, express your POV
by mid Dec, oh after that open house, in middle of Dec will be
reviewing and getting info over to TransL
then will get a full interim report, will review over holidays,
and final draft Jan mid and final report end of Jan; ambitious plan,
just starting on it; any questions?
Mayor: sorry your ccl liaison not here, know all cclrs take pride
in what they do
ME: to me another wonderful example of WG set up; thank you for a
lot of hard work
demonstrates cmnty's interest
listened to ... trans of NYC; now dedicated 215 miles of cycle
commitment; if not taken at this stage will fall far behind
slide: river, bike on rope???
TP: in ??? put road... done quickly xxx; just outside of
Florence place to plug it in just outside the plaza
look fwd to final report
Mayor: Ask Mr Leigh
DepCAO: Climate Change much embedded; holistic
staff has just gone through BSC for all of these initiatives; Ccl
will see in short order
Peter: in closing, if Cclr Sop had bn here he wd hv been quite
vocal; he comes up with lots of good ideas; always asking us to think
outside of the box; hope to have those and practical
1. Zoning Amendment Bylaw as attached to the report
from the Director of Planning Lands, and Permits dated October 23,
2009, be introduced and read a first time in short form;
2. Zoning Amendment Bylaw be presented at a Public
Hearing on Monday, November 16 at 7pm in the Council
3. The Municipal Clerk be directed to give Statutory
4. The proposed Secondary Suites Program Brochure
which outlines requirements for building new suites and legalizing
existing suites in buildings constructed before January 1, 2010, as
attached to the report from the Director of Planning Lands and Permits
dated October 23, 2009, be presented for public comment
concurrently with the proposed secondary suite Zoning Bylaw
Amendment Bylaw No. 4617, 2009, and be considered for approval if the
proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw is adopted;
5. Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw as attached to
the report from the Director of Planning Lands and Permits dated
October 23, 2009, be introduced and read a first time in short form;
6. Further consideration of Fees and Charges Bylaw
... take place concurrent with Zoning Amendment Bylaw.
Mayor: well-attended Town Hall mtg
Sokol: [slides] v strong policy background, going back to OCP;
housing options and for srs
Cmnty Dialogue on nbrhd character and housing
rec 3.2 called for sec stes and we're doing just that
some issues raised:
character; will affect, to detriment
financial impact on the xxx due to increased demand for
how do
you... address existing sec stes, between 600 and 3000;-- how legal,
acceptable standard
maintenance of prop values of adjacent props
district-wide or nbhd by nbrhd
each of these will be addressed
proposed bylaw provisions for new stes
sec stes are allowed; may not be detached from principal
min 214, or max 968sf or 40% wchever less
penalizing those with smaller houses with 30% other Ms have
40% so staff had
registered owner must occupy to ensure upkeep of bldg
other reqs: must be sep exterior; must not be facing main street
to maintain character -- if two may look like a duplex, so to maintain
sgl fam character
offstreet vehicle pkg space, pervious surface :-)
re mode shift or transp xxx with 200ft of designated bus
stop; from 400 to 200, walking distance so not too large an area
cannot have a separate legal title
lastly, ste cannot have sep metered water or electric
Staff estimates between 650 and 3000 sec stes {exist now in
how to deal with them?
prog we're proposing
application onetime fee $300 onl be allowed for units constructed
prior to a specified date
also recognize legalization only for a limited period of time a
year or a year and a half
don't want to five years down the road..... xxx
following applic, basic life safety standards and pkg
identify provision nec to bring ste up to those standards; if
standard not met, decommission
increased prop assessments, up between $40K and $50K so $200
to DWV
utility fees, b/c metered covered
similar for garbage colln add'l
annual registration fee for stes, $150 annual registration
fees, maintaining registry of stes, toward paying for add'l
study of around Vancouver, cover through utility fees, two charge
around $100, wd be a bit higher than other Ms
experience in other Ms, not an initial registration or huge
demand, esp in intro period; we're recommending about a year and a
half, an add'l clerk in bylaws fire inspector bylaw staff mbr for the
to prove we're not alone; building on experiences of most of the
other Ms; DWV will be joining the vast majority of Ms
ML: can you tell me what the trigger wd be to the assessment
put in ????
Sokol: we provide bldg permit info, goes to Assessment
ML: confident annual registration fee will cover all the costs
provision needed
Sokol: believe will cover a portion
a number here we're not covering anything so some will be
Most other Ms, furthers other policy goals, less expensive
rental housing; want to encourage
ML: look at Craig's List, affordability of sec stes in WV is
want costs borne by prop owner, not other residents --
police, fire, roads
concerned only ppl coming out ahead is the prop
not sure meeting our other goals
assured costs borne by those benefiting
wrt staff adds, presume contracted positions as opposed to new
hires; fixed term contracts?
Sokol: not planned; as temp position, part-time, full time
ML: how do we measure costs? hard to estimate cost of sec stes in
the M
have here ??? with initial ??? planning -- household sizes were
with sec stes close to what xxx transp plans
most utilities sized for a larger popn than we have
ML: sch taxes, and increased number of residents
Sokol: don't believe $150 charge wd do that
MS: one key question about the ste issue is how we get ppl to
register existing stes
I read report; a little confusing
how to enforce - - reactive, to xxx loss of
proactive -- seeks out; health and safety first xxx
confused, going to use a reactive or proactive
Sokol: a proactive b/c giving a year or so to xxx
complaint against, then enforce the bylaw; it's a combination
... approach
after a year date, take a hard line; then enforce it
MS: close the ste if nec
Sokol: yes
MS: good
SW: essential annual fee to recover at least some of the cost;
know it is a road we have to go down; perhaps more than $150 but not
too high so won't come forward
Mayor: don't, then near deadline, rush
we want proper standards in WV; not going to be tolerant
ME: Cclr Lewis asked all my difficult questions
wrt front door, I'm not going to have a ste but I have a side
door on Rose Cr, ppl not coming
many doors below grade and still facing
prob with insisting, pervious surface
many props will already have existing space paved -- intent to
reverse that
inconsistency, nicely paved, having to have pervious; nice idea
but impractical
Mayor: opp before PH
Sokol: if things Ccl as a group feels shd not be there then; if
want to hear from public
not wrt use and density
Mayor: pervious to impervious we can do that
ML: can we make adjustments
Sokol: yes, diff track
Zoning bylaw Amendment readings; once PH, can't make signif
changes; a lot more leeway with fees and charges
ML: interested if staff cd bring forward
cost of residential component of 2ndary stes
Mayor: Clrk has reminded me these six motions to be voted on
SSch: replacement report provided on table
Sokol: changes to reflect comments by the M solicitor
ME moves the six staff recommendations (at beginning of this
2 = 16th of Aug -- [Mayor corrects him to November]
4 = Mayor: is staff also welcoming comments on this
Sokol: absolutely
6 = Mayor: shows how these are going together, showing how costs
9. Neighbourhood Zero-Emission Vehicles
(Traffic and Parking Bylaw No. 4370, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No.
4618, 2009)
(File: 1800 00/1610 20 4618)
1. Neighbourhood Zero-Emission Vehicles be allowed on District
roads with speeds of 50kph or less; and
2. "Traffic and Parking Amendment Bylaw" be introduced and
read a first, second, and third time.
RF: since second time before Ccl will skip definitions
concern by some of safety; a niche and provides an alternative;
opportunity to reduce GHG emissions
wd allow M to show a leadership role, doing our part in
open the door to residents to take advantage to operate these
vehicles; staff expect uptake to be quite slow
suggesting a permitting system; don't have to spend a lot of
effort, elaborate signage changes, erecting more infrastructure
risk to public quite low; staff recommends be allowed; if
questions we also have Brent Dozzi here
ML: Mr Fung, Mr Lewis, have
don't have air bags, intrusion, bumpers; while ICBC licenses
these vehicles do not consider them safe
RCMP does not support these vehicles b/c sees conflict wrt
road safety
going here from leading edge to a bleeding edge, and wd not like
a staff bleeding b/c hit?
Mayor: input, question
ML: how can we endorse an unsafe vehicle?
RF: b/c don't feel uptake... overall risk low
as time passes, technology is improving; rapidly in near
future; some of these things will be catching up
first step in monitoring the situation
ME: roadway section between ... and District is provincial --
able to go from WV to CNV?
RF: don't want to be extremely xxx but MDr, TWay if down TW and
xxx Welch, technicality intersection but way of getting to NV
ME: re permitting drivers, means someone living on NSh required
to get a permit for three Ms?
RF: not aware, defer to Mr Dozzi
BD: wrt first point, we are .... with Min of Transp to see if
an add'l permit will be required, a Z-owner
wrt permit, wd be specific to WV; our counterparts in the city
looking at a permit as well
specific to WV; first of all want to log ownership, ensure
compliant with Transport Canada low speed vehicles, sticker: at
worksyard can inspect, confirm insurance. and inform owner specific
restrictions for WV roads
maybe need three or permits or four if Ministry wants
ME: signage -- cost $10K?
if permitting individs, surely a disclaimer they cannot go
onto Upper Levels
RF: exactly what the staff position is
est costs and we're saying, practical approach, not do that
initially; through permit system to minimize our upfront
ML: not sure how you get this vehicle to worksyard -- take it
up on a trailer???
BD: suspect wd have to take bike to worksyard or get lift from
a friend
hwy and XX not xxx
Nora Gambioli: here as co-chair of Climate Action WG to reiterate
for those of you if you don't remember we were here end of July in
unanimously agree that Ccl legalize electric vehicles for WV;
coming to you soon; wanted to reiterate that point
TP made motion: support, did research; none issued yet so not lot
on the road
looking at xxx; reduce by seven tons
we do allow all kinds of unsafe transp on our roads, bikes,
scooters, motorcycles; and don't think we've had... tested
we're really just saying, and these vehicles are not
in Europe all these on road; Italian deaths no diff from Canada's
Transp WG; no reason why we can't model after N prog for new
drivers -- not our responsibility, theirs
this is really just opening up the opps for the electric car
market ... ; will be supporting
MS: not going to put myself in a position contrary to Ms Gambioli
and Climate Change
reasons Cclr Panz
a moped and some of these scooters, not much protection
prov of BC altered Motor Vehicles Act, presumably to allow them
to operate
if they want to see how this zero-emission vehicle works out, the
only way is to try it out
I'm going to support it
ME: just as Cclr Smith, have to follow eloquent xxx; Cclr L is
correct, not safety as other
I will be xxx
ML: my final comment wd be, take great suggestions .... encourage
and lead
by denying unsafe it is that proper safety standards
in good conscience I cannot support this bylaw
Mayor: depending on wch way Ccl votes, Ccl wd like to be
carbon emission, seven times, there you go met your xxx
PASSED with ML opposed
10. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be
Item 11 - Development Applications Status
Item 12 - Correspondence List.
11. Development Applications Status List (File:
12. Correspondence List
(File: 0120 24)
Mayor: a bit strange
ME: Housing PP -- 17 applicants, narrowed down to seven,
expect responses and replies in next three weeks, Ccl will be
Again v hard-working group; some examples of what we might be
able to do for alternative housing
Mayor: assume come to Ccl?
Sokol: WG will report to Ccl in Dec and Ccl will be
ME: Nov 16 an interim report
{jingle bells} during the week I attended, went up to
Grouse, blessing the bear bells
have been assembled 15-16,000 sold
lovely ceremony by Squamish; the three bells, the three
mountains; three Ms; air, land, and sea; past, present, and future;
hope many will buy; proceeds will go to BEAR SMART
Mayor: where will you get these bells?
ME: Grouse Mtn
Mayor: handy spot?
ME: Lonsdale Quay. I'll report back next ccl mtg
Mayor: Grouse Mtn has done an outstanding job of securing as
their base for 2010, and supporting the Spirit Cmte as well; thank you
to Grouse as well
TP: attended Gaining Ground Resilience Cities Conference
in view of financial challenge; cities facing transformational
challenges; imperatives, ...... shock of ecic downturn
imp to know cities are powerful agents for change; first time
in history more popn in urban than rural
partnerships; greening, old jobs creating new
this one comment is particularly telling: "Democracy is
not something done to us or for us, what we do to create cmnties that
work for all."
MS: Madam Mayor, WV Cmnty [Ctrs] Services Society AGM, you were a
guest speaker along with a former Olympian, assume--
Mayor: Cathy Priestner Allinger
MS: just about to come to me
am sure you'll want to add remarks; looks like preparations for
the Olympics going to be quite exciting in WV
plans for the CCS Society ... turn over to you
Mayor: thank you, sitting there and see how far it has come;
every sgl director and yourself continuing your term
well-served and rewarded??? on our behalf
thank you, Cclr Smith; congratulations to Society for successful
and thanks to Ch of Commerce the following week
more diverse than ever
lessons learned from Salt Lake City; how to make best; how to
show -- well done by Chamber
Wd just like to add, Brit Pacific Props at FBG on Friday
launched Rodgers Crk WG book; copies for each of the mbrs of Ccl;
being used by Planning Depts, at universities, designers,
sustainability ppl, b/c of what was pioneered in WV; it was a new way
to plan a cmnty, by the cmnty, facilitated by our staff; by the devpr
wishing to make a positive, lasting, long-term contribution
That process allowed WV to look at the mtnside
differently; I know still going to be challenges in implementation.
Really a great step forward. And to have that book there and all
the participants there brought a nice sense of closure and ceremony to
a really good process.
Anything further?
ML: V4S WG survey results back looking forward to presentation by
Synovate; had a heartening response rate
looking forward tomorrow for the presentation from Synovate
around those results, and I wd think shortly thereafter forthcoming to
Ccl for a full report
Mayor: excellent.
{Pls note that until Nov 12 the DWV homepage and the Value
for Services WG webpage stated that their presentation wd be made to
Ccl Nov 16. Unfortunately, staff told the WG at their mtg that
it wd be given to Ccl at 6pm, that is, in camera before the ccl mtg
and not at the ccl mtg. I'm querying that b/c some of us do not
think the results of a cmnty survey qualify to be in
15. ADJOURNMENT [9:36]
16th =====
Nov 16th ===
The Council Meeting will
commence immediately following the
Public Hearing
1. CALL TO ORDER [7pm]
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the
subject application.
Applicant: District of West Vancouver
Affected Lands: The proposed regulations regarding
Secondary Suite uses apply to [Single-Family] and [Two-Family]
Dwellings in most residential, comprehensive development and community
use zones throughout the municipality.
Purpose: The proposed Zoning Bylaw amendment introduces
Secondary Suite uses as a Permitted Use in West Vancouver. Details are
provided below.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: A term and definition of
a Secondary Suite is added to the Zoning Bylaw as a permitted use in a
[Single-Family[ or [Two-Family] Dwelling.
Terms and definitions within the Zoning Bylaw are added or
amended. [Single-Family] Dwelling and [Two-Family] Dwelling or Duplex
are amended to permit a Secondary Suite and terms and definitions of
Cooking Facilities and Kitchen are also added to the Zoning
The Terms and Definitions of In-Law Suite and Family are
deleted from the Zoning Bylaw which will no longer permit an In-Law
Suite within a dwelling unit.
For residential areas, the proposed bylaw introduces Secondary
Suites as a Permitted Use within a [Single-Family] or [Two-Family]
Dwelling. The following requirements are also added to permit a
Secondary Suite on a lot:
1. A maximum of one Secondary Suite is permitted per lot;
2. A Secondary Suite cannot be detached from the principal
building (i.e. 'coach house');
3. A Secondary Suite must have a minimum floor area of 20m2
(215 sq. ft.) and a maximum floor area of either 90 m2 (968
sq. ft.) or 40% of the total floor area of the building, excluding
garage space, whichever is less;
4. The registered owner of the property must occupy, as
his/her principal place of residence, either the principal
residential use or the Secondary Suite;
5. Lodgers, a personal care facility, Child Care Use, or a Bed
and Breakfast is not permitted in a building containing a Secondary
6. The principal entrance to a Secondary Suite must be a
separate exterior entrance from that of the Principal Dwelling Unit
and must not face the same street as the principal exterior entrance
to the Principal Dwelling Unit;
7. One off-street vehicle parking space must be provided for
the exclusive use of the Secondary Suite and at least two off-street
vehicle parking spaces for the Principal Dwelling Unit if the walking
distance from the lot to a bus stop is greater than 200
8. A Secondary Suite must not be subdivided from the Principal
Dwelling Unit under the Land Title Act or the Strata Property Act;
9. Water service and electrical service for the Secondary Suite
and the Principal Dwelling Unit must not be metered separately.
3. PRESENTATION -- A presentation will
be provided on the proposed amendment bylaws.
1) Reports received up to November 12, 2009:
On November 2, 2009, Council set the date for the Public Hearing.
The statutory notice of Public Hearing was published in the North
Shore News on November 8 and November 11, 2009. The Municipal Clerk
will note written submissions received for the November 16, 2009
Public Hearing.
If there is no further public input and Council does not
request to have a further staff report, then:
THAT all written and verbal submissions be received and that the
Public Hearing be closed.
If Council requests a further staff report, then:
THAT staff report back to Council and that the Public hearing be
adjourned to ______________________.
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further
submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.
16th ===
3. Notice of Award: Canadian Consulting Engineer Award of
Excellence for Eagle Lake Membrane Filtration Facility
(File: 0520-20-05-002)
Information to be provided.
Presentation to be provided. To be received for
Presentation to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated October 30, 2009 from the
Director, Engineering & Transportation entitled, "Integrated
Resource Recovery on the North Shore" be received for
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated November 12, 2009 from
the Director, Parks and Community Services be received for
1. Council direct staff to establish a Resident Parking Zone at
the foot of Eagle Harbour Road for Eagle Island residents with an
annual permit fee of $10;
2. An annual Occupancy Fee of $100 be established should Eagle
Island residents desire a dedicated parking stall; and
3. Costs of $150 per stall for manufacture and installation of
personalized name signage be borne by Eagle Island residents.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the interim report dated November 6, 2009 from
the Senior Community Planner be received for information.
This bylaw received first, second and third readings at the
September 14, 2009 meeting and received approval from the Minister of
Transportation and Infrastructure on September 25, 2009.
RECOMMENDED: be adopted.
THAT the streets within the Evelyn Drive Area be named
"Arthur Erickson Place", "Evelyn Drive", and "Vista
Mews" as shown on the map in Appendix A to the November 2, 2009
report from the Community Planner.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated October 26, 2009 from the
Director, Engineering & Transportation be received for
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated November 16, 2009 from the
Manager of Roads & Transportation be received for
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council approve the establishment of a District
of West Vancouver Awards Committee that will ensure community
recognition in Heritage, Youth, Environment, and other program areas
deemed appropriate are effectively administered and celebrated year
over year.
This bylaw received first reading at the September 21, 2009
meeting, and was the subject of a Public Hearing held on October 5 and
a Reconvened Public Hearing held on November 2, 2009.
RECOMMENDED: be read a second and third time.
This bylaw received first, second and third readings at the
November 2, 2009 meeting.
RECOMMENDED: be adopted.
16. Consent Agenda Items - Reports and
Item 17 - Licence Agreement for a Child Care Centre at
Gordon House
Item 18 - Correspondence List.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated November 5, 2009 be received
for information.
Correspondence Received up to October 31,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Director of
Engineering and Transportation for consideration and
No Action Required
Previously distributed due to timing of event.
{Your Editor found this letter v interesting.
Location is their concern in a historical site deemed by Ccl worth of
a serene setting wch might then have odours and seagulls; perhaps move
east of Yacht Club, in parking or floral clock area.}
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period --
No items presented.
Correspondence Received up to November 6,
Requests for Delegation -- No items
Action Required
Referred to Mayor and
Council for consideration and response.
Referred to Director of Finance for consideration and
No Action Required
(a) North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues -
September 24, 2009
{Found this interesting too. This writer also wd like
the location moved preferring the seawalk to remain commercial-free
and with the the smell of flowers......}
Responses to Correspondence
Responses to Questions in Question Period -- No
items presented.
=== INFObits ===
o Berlin: Fall of the Wall 1989 Nov
The destruction of the Iron Curtain on
November 9th in 1989 is still the most remarkable political event
of most people's lifetimes: it set free millions of individuals and it
brought to an end a global conflict that threatened nuclear
o WATER: it takes three bottles of
water to make one of bottled water
o High Tech Farms: satellite-guided combine
-- Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D
The furthest we've ever seen in space; trite but I really mean
it: simply AWESOME!
Things travelling faster than light. We're one of 100
billion galaxies. I dare you to try to imagine that.
Page last updated at 17:30 GMT, Friday, 13 November 2009
'Significant' water
found on Moon -- by
Jonathan Amos, Science
reporter, BBC News
A camera on the
probe shows the ejecta plume about 20 seconds after
Nasa's experiment last
month to find water on the Moon was a major success, US scientists
have announced.
The space agency smashed a
rocket and a probe into a large crater at the lunar south pole, hoping
to kick up ice. Scientists who have studied the data now say
instruments trained on the impact plume saw copious quantities of
water-ice and water vapour.
+ Israeli
drive to prevent Jewish girls dating Arabs
Jonathan Cook,
Foreign Correspondent -- Last Updated: September 25. 2009 2:57PM
NAZARETH // A local
authority in Israel has announced that it is establishing a special
team of youth counsellors and psychologists whose job it will be to
identify young Jewish women who are dating Arab men and "rescue"
For rest, see:
+ MALALAI JOYA, Elected MP in AFghanistan /
Book Launch
{Threatened, life in jeopardy, must change places she
sleeps at night; already has survived five attempts on her
Joya who was elected to parliament in Afghanistan (youngest ever
woman; and suspended) is on a tour with her book, "A Woman
Among Warlords; The Extraordinary Story of an Afghan Woman Who Dared
to Speak Out" in North America Oct 23 to Nov 27.
Book Launch: 7pm, Saturday, Nov 14; St.
Andrew's - Wesley Church; 1022 Nelson St, at the corner of
Burrard; Suggested Donation: $5-10; All proceeds to
Joya's humanitarian projects in Afghanistan.
Sponsors: Simon & Schuster Canada, the
Canadian Peace Alliance, Voice of Women - Canada, rabble.ca, Iranian
Centre for Peace, Freedom and Social
For a complete listing of events with Malalai Joya across Canada
(Nov 13 - 27), see: http://rabble.ca/malalai_joya_tour.
Available at book stores.
Maybe young and idealistic but certainly v v brave and it's
at least encouraging if someone is optimistic -- how lucky we women
are to be living in Canada.
Unfortunately this has not been
well-reported; some facts needed.
It was
disappointing to learn that the Canadian delegate at the UN voted
against the Report on the basis that it was imbalanced b/c it did not
require the same investigation of Hamas but it did!
Also speaking in explanation of vote, Canada's speaker said
his delegation had voted against the resolution because it was
concerned about the imbalanced nature of the Goldstone Report, as it
had not called on an investigation by both sides. It had assumed
that Israel was wholly culpable. Proceeding with the twelfth
special session of the Human Rights Council had not been appropriate,
as a solution would have been to negotiate rather than antagonize the
parties. Canada still called on all parties to respect their
duty under international human rights and humanitarian laws.
Noting that Israel had been in the midst of carrying out its own
investigation, he called on all sides to be investigated by the
relevant parties.
From the Goldstone Report
("Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the
Gaza Conflict", A/HRC/12/48, 25 September 2009) (page
1969 (e) The Mission recommends that, upon receipt of the
committee's report, the Security Council should consider the
situation and, in the absence of good-faith investigations that are
independent and in conformity with international standards having been
undertaken or being under way within six months of the date of its
resolution under Article 40 by the appropriate authorities in Gaza,
acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, refer
the situation in Gaza to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal
Court pursuant to article 13 (b) of the Rome Statute;
The Goldstone
Report is not perfect but has many facts nonetheless that ought to
concern anyone working for Human Rights. Indeed, Mr Goldstone,
btw a Jew himself, was very active in human rights work in South
Africa so he had the proven experience necessary to consider this
situation and he was perceived to be objective. My
pages 17-18:
Already at the beginning of the military operations, the Al
Bader flour mill was the only flour mill in the Gaza Strip still
operating. The flour mill was hit by a series of air strikes on 9
January 2009 after several false warnings had been issued on previous
days. The Mission finds that its destruction had no military
justification. The nature of the strikes, in particular the
precise targeting of crucial machinery, suggests that the intention
was to disable the factory in terms of its productive capacity. From
the facts it ascertained, the Mission finds that there has been a
violation of the grave breaches provisions of the Fourth Geneva
Convention. Unlawful and wanton destruction which is not justified by
military necessity amounts to a war crime. The Mission also finds that
the destruction of the mill was carried out for the purposes of
denying sustenance to the civilian population, which is a violation of
customary international law and may constitute a war crime.
The chicken farms of Mr. Sameh Sawafeary in the Zeitoun
neighbourhood south of Gaza City reportedly supplied over 10 per cent
of the Gaza egg market. Armoured bulldozers of the Israeli forces
systematically flattened the chicken coops, killing all 31,000
chickens inside, and
destroyed the plant and material necessary for the
business. The Mission concludes that this was a deliberate act of
wanton destruction not justified by any military necessity and draws
the same
legal conclusions as in the case of the destruction of the
flour mill.
page 60:
According to United Nations sources, almost 40 per cent of
the West Bank is now taken up by Israeli infrastructure associated
with the settlements, including roads, barriers, buffer zones and
military bases.
The number of tenders in East Jerusalem has increased by
3,728 per cent (1,761 housing units, compared with 46 in
page 60:
It is estimated that 33 per cent of the settlements have
been built on private land owned by Palestinians, much of it
expropriated by the State of Israel on asserted grounds of
"Since 1967, the Israeli authorities have demolished
thousands of Palestinian-owned
structures in the [Occupied Palestinian Territory],
including an estimated 2,000 houses in East
page 61:
If completed, 85 per cent of the Wall will be located
inside the West Bank, and 9.5 per cent of West Bank territory,
including East Jerusalem, will be cut off from the rest of the West
Bank. It is estimated that 385,000 Israeli citizens in 80
settlements out of the total of 450,000 Israeli citizens in 149
settlements and 260,000 Palestinians, including in East Jerusalem,
will be located between the Wall and the Green Line.
In addition, approximately 125,000 Palestinians in 28 communities
will be surrounded on three sides and 26,000 Palestinians in eight
communities will be surrounded on four sides
page 62:
Despite the claim by Israel that restrictions of movement
within the West Bank are imposed on Palestinian residents for security
purposes, most of those internal restrictions appear to have been
designed to guarantee unobstructed travel to the Israeli inhabitants
of the settlements. None of these restrictions applies to Israeli
citizens travelling throughout the West Bank.
A two-tiered road system has been established throughout the
West Bank in which main
roads are reserved for the exclusive use of Israeli
citizens while Palestinians are confined to a
different (and inferior) road network.
The Israeli-built roads in the West Bank form a network
linking Israeli settlements with one another and to Israel
proper. Palestinians are denied free access to approximately 1,500 km
of roads within the West Bank.Travel on these roads by Palestinians
is completely forbidden.
page 63:
A number of Israeli policies and measures especially since
1996 have contributed to effectively separating Gaza from the West
Bank, despite the commitments contained in the Oslo I Accord by which
"the two sides view the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a single
territorial unit, whose integrity will be preserved during the interim
page 64:
In addition, the Israeli authorities - who are in control of
the population registry - have stopped updating the addresses of
Palestinians who have moved from Gaza to the West Bank. The new
requirement for a permit is based on a person's registered address,
enabling Israel to bar Palestinians whose registered address is in
Gaza from moving to the West Bank. This measure has also retroactively
turned many Palestinians who already live in the West Bank into
illegal residents.
Despite prohibitions under international humanitarian law
(IHL), [54] Israel has applied its domestic laws throughout the
Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1967. Notably, existing planning
and construction laws were annulled and replaced with military orders,
and related civil powers transferred from local authorities to Israeli
institutions, with ultimate discretion resting with military
The application of Israeli domestic laws has resulted in
institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory to the benefit of Jewish settlers, both Israeli
citizens and others. Exclusive benefits reserved for Jews derive from
the two-tiered civil status under Israel's domestic legal regime
based on a "Jewish nationality," which entitles "persons of
Jewish race or descendency [sic]" [56] to superior rights and
privileges, particularly in land use, housing, development,
immigration, and access to natural resources, as affirmed in key
legislation. Administrative procedures qualify
indigenous inhabitants of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as
"alien persons" and, thus, prohibited from building on, or renting,
large portions of land designated by the Government of Israel as
"State land".
page 65:
The two-tiered civil status under Israeli law, favouring
"Jewish nationals" (le'om yehudi) over persons holding Israeli
citizenship (ezrahut), has been a subject of concern under the
International Covenant on Economic, Social. and Cultural
pages 66-67
On 29 June {2006}, days after the capture of Gilad Shalit, the
Israeli armed forces in the West Bank arrested eight Palestinian
Government ministers and 26 members of the Palestinian Legislative
Council. The Council has been unable to operate since, as the
continued detention of its members means it cannot achieve a
=== MAPS === Shrinking borders (text and maps from a
Let's say that Palestinians had
agreed to the state of Israel 62 years ago. According to Netanyahu,
there'd be peace today. His use of the present perfect tense "do
what they have refused to do" together with the adverb "finally"
tells Palestinians that Israel has always been willing to make peace
based on the original 1947 borders, illegal though they were. (See map
#2 below and note that Jerusalem is wholly within
Now look at the 1999 map and see how much
land Israel has stolen, not counting recent theft and the effect of
the apartheid wall. Netanyahu cannot assert a continuity between 1947
and the present unless he is prepared to revert to the old borders and
renounce creeping colonization. It seems we have had basis for a peace
agreement all along.

As you know, I subscribe to World Wide Words by Michael Quinion
in the UK. There is a section called [sic] spotting and
reporting some mistakes found in publications. Here's one a
Canadian sent in (appeared in Nov 7 ebroadcast), and about one here in
In the "brevity is the soul of wit" department,
Brian Mason noticed a sentence in the section of a pamphlet giving the
biographies of candidates for the board of directors of the Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives: "[He] now writes for the one-line
journal theTyee.ca."
{World Wide Words is copyright (c) Michael Quinion 2009. All
rights reserved. The website is at http://www.worldwidewords.org
=== the challenge
Pause for the commercial break: the importance of punctuation,
the oft neglected/ignored stepsister of grammar. Well, you
If you are a man, you might have left it plain:
A woman without her man is nothing. or used commas: A
woman, without her man, is nothing.
As a woman, you might have chosen: A woman:
without her, man is nothing.
ecic = economic
pkg = parking (on occasion, package)
reqmts = requirements
S2S = Sea-to-Sky (highway)
=== MAIKU === 2009 Nov
two minutes' silence / with gratitude
and / in awe of their sacrifice
In honour of Vancouver Opera's
Golden Anniversary, celebrating opening of 60th
Opera: an exotic
and irrational entertainment..
Samuel Johnson, English author, lexicographer, etc (1709 -
The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to
learn . . . and change.
Carl Rogers, American psychologist (1902 - 1987)
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assault of
thoughts on the unthinking.
John Maynard Keynes (Baron, CB), British Economist (1883 - 1946)
I love being a writer. What I can't stand is the
Peter De Vries, American editor and novelist (1910 - 1983)
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers
knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.
Isaac Asimov, American scientist and writer (1920 - 1992)
On the plains of hesitation bleach the
bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to
wait, and waiting died.
-- Sam
Ewing, American writer (1921 - 2001)
The older one gets, the more one feels that the present moment
must be enjoyed, comparable to a state of grace.
Marie Curie, nee Sklodowska, Polish-French chemist and physicist (1867
- 1934)
Obstinacy in a bad cause is but constancy in a good.
Rough diamonds may sometimes be mistaken for worthless
A man may be in as just possession of truth as of a city, and yet
be forced to surrender.
Sir Thomas Browne, English author (1405 - 1682)
In a democracy debate is the breath of life.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, General and US President (1890 - 1969)
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in
William G. McAdoo, US industrialist, lawyer, and politician (1863 -
- Happy hour is a
- You wonder how you
could be over the hill when you don't even remember being on top of
- You look forward to a
dull evening.
- Your secrets are safe
with your friends because they can't remember them
- You don't remember
being absent minded.