Ccl Mtg NOTES Mar 21
Calendar to April 22
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
Election -- let the games begin!
MAIN ITEMS on Ccl AGENDAs April 4th: Public Hearing
on Wetmore, then Ccl Mtg: Library's Five-Yr Plan (2011 -
2015); RGS Acceptance Report; TransLink Customer Report; May
2nd ccl mtg changed to 6pm at Cmnty Ctr followed by Youth Ccl Mtg at
7pm (why on election day??? trust this zany decision will be
changed); Devt Permit mtg for Highgrove (Rodgers Crk) May 2nd;
Devt Applic Status Report to Mar 25; Hollyburn Cabin Permits
(ten years); Corresp: Safeway site, Pacific Arbour, posting of
letters/agendas, RCMP contract in AB, ...
= Vive le Canada (election debates/stuff); from the
EDITOR'S DESK (candidates); UPDATES & INFO (Cap River Bridge;
Invitation to UN; RIP Benny and Liz); SUBSCRIBER HEADSUP
= CALENDAR to Apr 22nd; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art;
Music; Opera); NATUREWATCH (OGS in Lighthouse Park; First Nations
Jericho Park; Switzerland travels/photos)
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Mar 21st: Kiwanis Srs'
Housing Devt (21st St); Staff comments on DNV OCP (Lower
Capilano-Marine Dr); Curling Rd; Rugby area, Klee Wyck); NSh
Adv Cmte on Disability Issues Review/Budget; Sec Stes in
Non-owner-occupied homes Bylaw Adoption; Apptmt of Amb Revit
Commission (why four devprs/real estate, one biz, and NO
residents/ratepayer grps???); GCC Lease; Beach House renos;
NSEMO; Corresp: BC Heritage prog (reminds me; no Ccl liaison
for heritage or any heritage WG/Cmte in WV now, first since 1988);
PkR at-grade intersection response; RGS; Wetmore site; NSh
Cycling Map; (#16) detailed answers to Library/LibFdn boards'
misleading statements/claims; Feb 21 Agenda and Minutes don't match --
what happened?; Evelyn Drive going into
= Ccl Mtg AGENDAs Apr 4th
= ANIMALWATCH (90% of fish gone?; BCSPCA; Toulouse Goose
in love); INFObits (50th Anniversary Space; 23rd Halabja);
FOODWATCH (blueberries; meat glue); OTTAWAWATCH (Down Under view of
govt); HOUSINGWATCH (now you see it, now you don't); SCIENCEWATCH
(Nuclear safer than fossil fuels); PEACEWATCH (Iraq/Kurdistan/White
Group agenda; Itamar; Hebron Reflection; Unity Day;
Itamar; olive trees); TREEWATCH (Forests; olive trees, sponsor one
-- YMCA campaign); ROYALWATCH (Royal Wedding; prezzies for Kate &
Will, Royal Cdn Mint); HERITAGEWATCH (Vancouver's Endangered Top Ten;
cherry blossom trees); LANGUAGEWATCH ( I/me); MAIKU (Liz;
elections/politi-ku); QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
=== Vive le CANADA
=== the panoply of attitudes...
Many countries right now with ppl demonstrating, even risking
their lives rebelling, wanting democracy/votes, and we have ppl who
don't want another election and resent being asked to vote
My political position is in the centre. On some issues I
agree ctr right and on others ctr left, so it's important to get
information from both sides and then prioritize. Still in
research mode.
Surprised and disappointed to hear someone on CBC say the govt
fell over the budget -- NOT the case! It fell b/c a vote on
loss of confidence in the govt b/c of contempt of Parliament
If, on ethical grounds/values it is right to bring down a govt
b/c of sponsorship scandals, shd it not also fall on contempt of
Parliament? Wd reward be a precedent so that future
parliamentarians wd not take it seriously?
A subscriber sent me this:
Should the ignorant be urged to vote?
Yes, declining voter turnout is a troubling trend. But if
you aren't aware of the issues, should you really be casting a
ballot? You can view this story at: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/972104--should-the-ignorant-be-urged-to-vote
Tues (12th) and Wed (13th) starting
at 7pm Eastern time.
(that's 4pm PDT but check the TV
guide to verify)
LATE-BREAKING NEWS (but there may be even later breaking
VSun will broadcast a live video chat with May during the
debate and she'll respond in real time to the questions
7:30pm Sunday April 17-->
Federal Election All-Candidates Meeting for West Vancouver,
Sunshine Coast, Sea-to-Sky Riding
Kay Meek Centre, 1700 Mathers. For more information call 913
More info needed -- maybe the debates will provide details?
On CBC Cons MP James Moore said the Liberals signed the
deal when they were in govt and paid $150M; Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh
said that was not true; the Parliamentary Budget Officer said the amts
cited were not right (too low, quoted below).
U.S. expert says F-35 purchase is
wrong deal for Canada
By Greg Markey, Postmedia News
April 5, 2011
American military expert says the Tory government's planned purchase
of 65 F-35 fighter jets comes with an unrealistically low price tag
for a plane that he says will not meet the country's
"You're getting
an underperforming airplane for a huge amount of money," said
Winslow T. Wheeler, director of the Straus Military Reform Project of
the Centre for Defense Information in Washington D.C.
Winslow, who was in
Ottawa Tuesday, at the invitation of the Rideau Institute and
Physicians for Global Survival, said the estimated price of $75
million per plane is too low.
"Nobody on this
Earth is going to be buying F-35's in flyable condition at $75 million
a copy. That's not in the cards," he said.
Winslow said $75
million may be the base price for the aircraft, but not the price to
make it operable. In fact, he said that the government's estimate may
not even include the engines.
Winslow said that
the Parliamentary Budget Officer's price estimate, which was between
$129 to $148 million per jet, is more accurate but suggested the real
cost is closer to $146 million.
Calling the F-35 a
"gigantic performance disappointment," Winslow said the
aircraft has sluggish aerodynamics, and its performance as a bomber is
average. He said Canada should pursue a "fly-before-you-buy"
strategy, where several are aircraft are tested before a contract is
Read more:
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK
Just fyi, I spent about 20 years living abroad and if anything,
it made me a more fervent Canadian nationalist. Makes one
appreciate what we have, and on return to make sure it's preserved
(and, if optimistic, improved). In addition, there are some good
ideas from elsewhere that cd be put to use here.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
+ Canadian Banks
They didn't take the wild risks Americans did. Much thanks
to control by our cautious, conservative, Scottish Presbyterian
+ MP John Weston
Impressive, touching personal story, and sincere dedication.
You've received lots of his brochures.
+ Dan Veniez, candidate
No website, know nothing about him but found a Maclean's article
from 2009:
"Beer for Canada" (well, it rhymes)
+ Capilano
River Bridge Traffic Updates
The construction of
the new Capilano River West Bound Bridge is ongoing and the
contractor, Neelco Construction expected hours of work for the project
will be 7:30 am to 9:30 pm (14 hours/day), Monday through Saturday,
for the next eight months.
For the week of:
April 11 - April 16
= Monday
April 11 to Friday April 15 between 10am and 2:30pm - Full closure of the
west-bound inside lane on Marine Drive between Capilano Road and
Highway 99, and the east-bound inside lane on Marine Drive between
Taylor Way and Capilano Road.
= Tuesday
April 12 to Friday April 15 between 7am and 5pm - Full closure of traffic
on 6th Street between Clyde Avenue and Bridge Street.
Please expect minor
delays - allow extra travel time. Thank you, NEELCO
More Traffic
-- New
Bus-Only Lane on Marine Drive
+ WV Invitation to UN re Climate
Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, Councillor Trish Panz, West
Vancouver resident Tarah Stafford and Manager of Sustainability,
Stephen Jenkins have been invited to present at the 6th Annual United
Nations' Global Forum on Human Settlements on April 7 and 8 in New
West Vancouver
Sustainability on the Global Stage
Tuesday, March 22,
2011 - Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, Councillor Trish Panz, West
Vancouver resident Tarah Stafford and Manager of Sustainability,
Stephen Jenkins have been invited to present at the 6th Annual United
Nations' Global Forum on Human Settlements on April 7 and 8 in New
York. The theme of the forum is Building Low-Carbon Cities: A Response
to Climate Change. The forum will bring together participants from
national and local governments, the private sector and community-based
organizations to promote the realization of the UN's Habitat Agenda and
the Millennium Development Goals.
+ Sad to see a Dundarave fixture
and photographer pass recently. Benny of Benny's Shoe
+ Elizabeth Taylor
A comet flashed across life's stage.
In London I was chatting with someone who worked at Shepperton
Studios (as a set designer I think it was). He said before he
went on the set that day he was prepared to dislike her -- he'd met
many actresses and of course Taylor's controversial reputation
preceded her.
When he walked in and saw her, however, he was in spite of
himself struck by how beautiful she was. Her eyes have been
described as violet, amethyst, lilac. (Recently I read she had a
double row of eyelashes.) Then, when he talked to her he was
completely in awe b/c she was v intelligent and one area she knew a
lot about was art, his subject.
He also said he wd never forget the incredible way Liz and Burton
looked at each other -- cd see the electricity. The passion was
palpable. They wd fight and argue but wd make up.
It was said she had a good sense of humour too. Rather
endearing that her instructions for her funeral included that she shd
arrive 15 minutes late.
{see Maiku}
> ONE -- March 29
-- Editor, WVM
Tuesday, 2:19 AM
10 WVM6r Update
A revised issue came out after the subscriber edition -- it's now
on the web and printed as WVM2011-06r (just had a bit of added
Changes/addns since then too. Below is what WVM6 had re
mtgs with what's new in red.
{NB: b/c rest in previous
newsletter, I've removed them and what remains, the new, may no longer
be red -- just plain old black.}
B/c disconcerted
by IDEAS FAIR requesting reservations, I asked why not an open house
with public welcome. Did not get a definitive reply by the time
of sending this out, however IMO any resident ought to be able to go,
even made welcome, in spite of not having taken the time to reserve
(or even know that was a requirement). Of course, I think it's a
great idea to welcome the cmnty's ideas (if that's what it will be),
rather than being presented with final plans wch are hardly a
== Wednesday Mar 30
~ 1pm ~ Cmnty Grants Subcmte mtg at Cmnty Ctr (Vista
== Thursday Mar 31
~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd mtg in WVPD Boardroom
6:30pm ~ Jim Carter, President of the WV Historical Society {was
in last issue}
A Talk on 99 years of West Vancouver (with
PowerPoint display) at Srs' Ctr
== Friday Apr 1
~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte at Cmnty Ctr (Cedar
== Saturday Apr 2nd from
10am to 1pm and Sunday Apr 3rd from 1 to 4pm at Cmnty Ctr
1300 Block of Marine Drive IDEAS
{details were in last
+ 21st Street
Pedestrian Safety & Traffic Calming
After significant
public input, the District has added traffic calming and streetscape measures
along 21st Street between Palmerston and Inglewood to its 2011 Road
and Utilities Capital Program. Over the next two years,
... the District
will also undertake significant work to improve the existing water,
storm, and sanitary utility infrastructure under the street. ... Work
is set to begin in late March and is expected to last until early
September, with additional work scheduled for 2012. ...
work may cause disruptions to some nearby residents.
Key elements of the
design include:
Sidewalks along the west and east sides of 21st Street
Parking bays servicing adjacent properties
Pedestrian crossings at key intersections
gardens/landscaping as appropriate.
Throughout the
project sections of 21st Street will be closed to north-south
traffic. Starting on March 21st traffic will be closed from the
north-side of Inglewood to the south-side of Mathers, shortly
after this an additional three blocks of 21st Street will be
closed from Mathers to Palmerston. East-west traffic at major
intersections will be maintained. Additional information regarding
future road closures will be provided as it becomes
21st Street -
Traffic Management Plan
Thank you for your
patience and co-operation. For more information email
gwatt@westvancouver.ca or phone 925 7026.
Design Drawings - 21st - Inglewood to Palmerston
Read the entire press release:
> TWO --
* Editor,
WVM 4:31
5 Ambleside
Blue Trees
BLUE TREES in WV [VSun Wed Mar 30 pF6]:
Konstantin Dimopoulos, an Australian artist, will be in West
Vancouver this coming week "taking his paint brush to trees at
Grosvenor Ambleside". Not only will I want to look at these
blue trees (there are some in Port Moody as well as part of the
Vancouver Biennale), but also curious as to why Ambleside (or a
section) is being referred to as Grosvenor. We know they bought
up property in the 1300block MDr before/during/after District planning
for the area, but allowing/acquiescing being named after the
Maybe all will be revealed at the Ideas Fair Sat and Sun.
...The Blue Trees in
Port Moody is one of the public-art projects in the Vancouver
Earlier this month
Dimopoulos was in Richmond trying to colour trees blue as rain kept
falling and washing it off. This coming week he'll be in West
Vancouver taking his paint brush to trees at Grosvenor
...It's all about
raising awareness of deforestation around the world, whether it's
the tropical forests of Thailand, the Amazon jungle in Brazil or the
boreal forest in Canada.
"We are getting
people stopping and asking what we're doing. I say, 'I'm glad
you're asking.' It's those who pass by and don't ask that I
worry about," he said.
"The reason
we're doing it is not so much about urban trees but about raising
consciousness about the huge deforestation issue. If we don't start
looking after the old forests, we won't have
..."It's madness
that we're cutting down trees," he said. "Who is more mad: me
painting a tree blue or the guy that's cutting down a 400-year-old
tree? I'd rather see every tree painted blue than have them cut
THREE April 8 Friday, 4:14 PM 3
RGS Arbitration, was Fwd: News Alert: Metro V to p
MetroV has voted in favour of binding arbitration.
The last couple of DWV ccl mtgs have had debates/discussion and
confusing/conflicting/complicated statements wrt the RGS and WV's
preference for protection of its green or conservation or recreation
areas as well as the 1200ft level.
This is an important devt -- how does or will it affect WV?
WV accepted the RGS, but at least for me, it is uncertain how the
'conditions' WV wants considered will be addressed.
What if MetroV won't allow any of the aspects WV requests?
If not clarified at the next ccl mtg, perhaps there cd be a press
release or explanation on the DWV website.
From: "Vancouver Sun
News Alert"
To: Carolanne Reynolds
Subject: News Alert:
Metro Vancouver to pursue arbitration on growth
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011
16:45:30 -0400
Metro Vancouver has
voted in favour of pursuing binding arbitration to force the city of
Coquitlam to approve a proposed regional growth strategy, fearing the
project would be derailed for years down the road. Metro
chief administrative officer Johnny Carline recommended in a special
meeting today that directors ask the provincial government to step in
with binding arbitration, saying in a report that Metro had made
extensive efforts to accommodate Coquitlam's demands and "a
non-binding process would likely be costly, time consuming and
futile." The long-awaited strategy, which aims to curb urban
sprawl, build density around transit hubs and protect agricultural
land for local food production, requires consensus from municipalities
and TransLink.
For the latest local, national and
international news, visit www.vancouversun.com
Apr 9 Sat, 3:59 AM 3 Nature Walk 10am in Lighthouse Park
(Old-Growth Conservancy
SATURDAY APRIL 9 at Parking Lot (top end)
{whole notice/info
incorporated into this newsletter (below)}
> FIVE Apr 10
Sunday, 10:43 PM
4 Tomorrow
FinCmte Mtg!
{whole notice/info
incorporated into this newsletter (below)}
======= CALENDAR to Apr
22nd =======
All mtgs are at M Hall
unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at
this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM
goes out. Check the DWV Calendar:
http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx .
Notices/mtgs/changes too late for an issue or too early for the next
are sent to subscribers as updates (see just above). They then
appear in the next newsletter.
== Tuesday Apr 5
~ 7pm ~ North Shore Sport
Awards at Park Royal North
A one-of-a-kind
celebration of sport achievement. This unique event salutes those who
excel in all levels of sport and fosters pride in our North Shore
sport community. The purpose of the Sport Awards is to raise the
profile of the best of community sport. The stories that emerge from
categories such as the Comeback Award and the Fair Play Award are a
real testimony to the benefits of sport.
With the support of
our founding sponsor, the North Shore News, the Sport Awards enjoys
tremendous profile on the North Shore. The nomination process is
extensively advertised in the North Shore News and throughout North &
West Vancouver.
How to Get
If you want to be a part of this exciting and entertaining community
celebration, contact us to find out about volunteer
opportunities. For more info about the sport awards pls
visit: North
Shore Sport Awards
Quasquicentennial Wednesday April 6th -- Vancouver's
125th Anniversary! ~*~*~
== Thursday Apr 7
~ 7pm ~ VIADUCTS -- SFU Harbour Centre Campus
What are the options for the Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts?
What would be the impacts if they were taken down -- and what are some
of the opportunities that would result? Get some of the answers
at a Forum hosted by the SFU City Program. You'll hear the
results of a study initiated by City Council on the transportation
issues. And from the Board of Trade, a survey that showed how
Vancouver has changed its travel patterns before and after the
Olympics. Architect Bing Thom and planner Larry Beasley
will discuss how the area could be reconceived -- and the
possibilities for the surrounding communities. You'll have the
opportunity to add your thoughts for consideration by the City before
next steps are taken. Others include Bernie Magnan,
economist, and Dave Turner, transportation consultant.
== Monday April 11
~ 4pm ~
Finance Cmte Mtg at WVPD Boardroom
~ 6 - 7:30pm ~ SIMON
Urban Design and Sustainable
Community Development Certificate Programs
Venue: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings
Street, Vancouver, Room 1315
The City Program at Simon Fraser University is
dedicated to understanding the city and how citizens can shape its
future. Attend our free information session to learn about our two
certificate programs that start September 2011. Participants work
through the certificate program courses with a group of peers - a
cohort - sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas in a
multidisciplinary context. Eight intensive courses - six mandatory
core and two electives - are completed sequentially within two
== Monday Apr 11 to Saturday Apr 16 ==
John Furlong, Grant Lawrence, Ryan Knighton, Timothy
Taylor, Carline Adderson, Dianne Warren, Meeru Dhalwala. For
details: http://www.northshorewritersfestival.ca/
== Tuesday Apr 12 ~ 7pm ~ Parks Master Plan
== Thursday Apr 14
- 7:30pm ~ Hardwood Flooring in Heritage
Building Presentation; John Braithwaite Cmnty Ctr, NV
NSh Heritage Preservation Society * 926 6096 *
FAIR II in the WV Cmnty Ctr Atrium
6 - 9pm Thurs Apr 14 and 10am - 1pm Sat
Apr 16 (pls register with Julie Reimer, 731 9053)
1 - 4pm Sun Apr 17 (see all the ideas!)
== Wednesday Apr 15
~ 1:30pm ~ Parks Master Plan Site Visit, large parks
above Hwy; meet at Cypress Falls Park Parking
== Thursday Apr 14 to Sunday Apr 17 ==
West Vancouver
Police Department - S.W.A.T. Family Carnival
The WV Student Work
Advisory Team promises thrilling rides and novelty games for the whole
family to enjoy at this exciting event. Tix for these West Coast
amusement rides can be purchased on site.
Ambleside Park:
Apr 14 = 4 - 10pm; Apr 15 = 4 - 11pm; Apr 16
= 11am - 11pm; Apr 17 = 11am - 6pm
in conjunction or has this been
replaced/updated by:
The WV Police partners with The
Park Royal Mall to host the Family Carnival
The WV Police in
partnership with the Park Royal Mall have planned the West Vancouver
Police Family Carnival this coming week.
The event will be
hosted at the back of the Park Royal South Mall in behind Extra Foods.
All families and youth are invited to attend and enjoy midway games,
rides, and treats.
Partial proceeds
from this event will go towards youth programs in West Vancouver. The
dates and times for the event are as follows:
April 14 from 3pm to 10pm
Friday April
15 from 3pm to 11pm
April 16 from 11am to 10pm and
Sunday April
17 from 11am to 6pm.
== Saturday Apr 16 and Sunday Apr 17
North Shore Art Crawl Studio and Gallery
This is the first annual Art Crawl on the North Shore. 100
artists will exhibit their works in 40 locations.
The Caroun Art Gallery will exhibit the work of three
- Photography, by "Masoud Soheili"
- Watercolor Painting on paper, by "Mohammad Kazem
- Oil on Canvas Painting, by "Nazanin
7:30pm Sunday April 17 --> ALL-CANDIDATES
Federal Election All-Candidates Meeting for West
Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Sea-to-Sky Riding
Kay Meek Centre, 1700 Mathers. For more
information call 913 3634.
== Tuesday Apr 19 ~ Western Residents' Assn mtg;
re Cdn Coast Guard Aux Base Relocation
== Wednesday Apr 20 ~ 7pm ~ Library
Board at Library and Bd of Variance in Ccl Chamber
Celebrated every April 22
Earth Day is the largest, most celebrated
environmental event worldwide.
More than 6 million Canadians
join 1 billion people in over 170 countries in staging events and
projects to address local environmental issues. Nearly every school
child in Canada takes part in an Earth Day activity.
Palm Sunday is Apr 17
* then Good Friday Apr 22; Easter Sunday Apr 24;
Easter Monday Apr 25 *
= English
Corner -- Fridays Apr 8
and 15 --
Practise English Conversation. 10 - 11:30am.
= Philosophers'
Cafe: Population --
10:30am - noon Friday Apr 15 Admission $5
In honour of Earth Day, join in a conversation on how the Earth
will sustain its ever-growing population.
Readings by Canadian
authors take place in libraries in both West and North Vancouver. This
year the North Shore Writers Festival welcomes authors Caroline
Adderson, Meeru Dhalwala, John Furlong, Ryan Knighton, Grant Lawrence,
Timothy Taylor, and Dianne Warren. Festival Website:
= Thursday Apr 14 ~ Author Visit: Timothy Taylor --
Taylor is the winner of the Journey Prize, and has been finalist or
runner-up for six other major national fiction prizes in Canada,
including the prestigious Giller Prize. Timothy reads from his new
book The
Blue Light Project.
= Saturday Apr 16 ~ Author Visit: Meeru Dhalwala --
Dhalwala together with her husband, Vikram Vij, owns two of
Vancouver's favourite Indian restaurants: Vij's and Rangoli. They
have also penned two cookbooks. Join us to hear Meeru discuss her
latest book
Vij's at Home: Relax, Honey.
Come to an egg-citing puppet show to get ready for
Easter. 1:30pm Tues Apr 19. Drop-in, but space is limited.
Tait: A Classical Spirit ~ Apr 13 to May 21
Abstract painter Sylvia
Tait studied at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts under Arthur Lismer,
Jacques de Tonnancoeur, and Eldon Grier before settling on the West
Coast. Her work is influenced by abstract expressionism with colour-
infused forms clustered or linked together and migrating across the
surfaces of her canvases. This exhibition features a broad survey of
Tait's work from the early 1960s to the present.
Reception with the artist in attendance: Tuesday April 12 from 7 -
April 19 - May 1 ~ Capilano University IDEA Program:
"REFLECTIONS 2012" -- Original
Paintings and 2012 Calendar launch
Opening Reception: Tuesday April 19 from 6 -
Artists in Attendance: Saturday April 23 from 2
"A Textile Translation" -- April 5 -
works by the fibreEssence Textile Group.
FibreEssence is a Vancouver collective of 14 textile artists.
This show, in conjunction with the Vancouver Cherry Blossom
Festival, will feature works made in a range of techniques from
indigo to sashiko dyeing to fusing real blossom petals to quilted and
painted surfaces. This third cherry blossom exhibition promises to
delight with entries from BC, Alberta, and Japan. There is a Japanese
legend that the cherry blossom generates positive energy. Come and
experience the positive vibe at the Silk Purse.
Opening reception: Tuesday April 5th from 6 -
"Blossoming" April 19 - May 1
This duo show is a colourful celebration of floral beauty. Maryam
Vancouver's art is always full of passion with vivid colour and bold
compositions. Fauvism Contemporary is the style she employs.
Jennifer Lamb's deep affinity for flowers is evident in her bright
macro photographs, which either reveal minute details or offer only a
gesture of the bloom. She wants you to share in the delight of what
she discovered along the garden path.
See a selection of Jennifer images:
Opening reception Tuesday April 19th from 6 -
Complete list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com
Simplest way to get on email list, call
913 3634 (also for tix) or email
FILM SCREENING AND Q AND A... -- Saturday, April 2, 2011 10am
Sunday, April 3 ~ 3pm ~ Pre-performance talk at
> Theatre West Van presents Caught In The
~ 8pm
Saturday, April 16, Thurs 21, Fri 22, Sat 23, Fri 29, and Sat 30 at 2
and 8pm
> Pro Nova Ensemble -- Sunday April 17, 3pm
Vancouver +++
"Where Volunteers make the difference."
Chartered November 17th, 1926
The Winter Issue
of "The Torch" is now available
To view
the newsletter, just click the following link for direct
Drop in -- This fun night
is for Branch members and guests
March 20,
24, April 7, 21, May 5, 19, June 2, 16 & 30. Info - call Kelvin Andrew - 921 9665.
Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:April Calendar of Events1.pdf
(PDF /=ABIC=BB) (003F961C)
This fun night is
for Branch members and guests -- Thursdays - April 7th &
Information -
call Kelvin Andrew - 921 9665
Saturday, April 9th
-- Live Music in the Lounge
Saturday, April
Special Meat draw
for Easter "Turkeys and Hams" 4pm
Only one winner per
person, no duplicate wins
Sunday April
17th --
Veterans' Social In the Lounge - 2 - 4pm and Fun BINGO! In the
Lounge - 4 - 6pm
Saturday April
Furry Creek Golf
Tournament followed by dinner in the Hall. Sign up in the Lounge for
this annual, fun event! Music by the "Die
6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Apr 12 - Chamber Breakfast Club -- Location:
Cafe TrafiQ
The next Breakfast Club will be on Tuesday, April 12th. Establish
key contacts! The Breakfast Club will meet every other
Member - 0.00
Apr 19 - Zero-Waste Challenge: Accelerating Multi-Family Waste
Location: Hollyburn Country Club -- The Metro
Vancouver Board of Directors, in cooperation with the Chambers of
Commerce and Boards of Trade, invite you to join them for a special
series of Future of the Region Sustainability Dialogues on the
Zero-Waste Challenge.
Learn More
BEACH http://www.bardonthebeach.org/ June 2nd to Sept
As You Like
It: June 9th; grand opening celebration (by invitation
The Merchant of Venice
opens Saturday June 18
Henry VI, Wars of the
Roses, opens Wednesday July 6
Richard III opens
Saturday July 16.
book online or call Box Office M-F 9am to 4pm, 739 0559; reserved
seating this year.
o Everything You Wanted To
Know About Shakespeare - April 20
Do you secretly find Shakespeare a
little daunting and mystifying? Have no fear, Bard's Director of
Education Mary Hartman is here. Mary brings her unique style and
insight into the world of Shakespeare. Hear about life in
Shakespeare's London, the playhouses, the staging and theatrical
conventions of the period, and the vitality of Shakespeare's language.
Mary breaks it all down with her extraordinary enthusiasm and
Free! (pre-registration required) 7pm Wednesday April 20;
SFU Woodwards 149 W Hastings
- Bill's Birthday
Join us for Bill's Birthday Breakfast
and meet the 2011 directors as they share their exclusive insights and
artistic visions for Bard's 22nd Season.
~ 7:30 - 9am ~ Thursday May 5
/ Place: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre (1088 Burrard)
Tix: $40pp / Proceeds benefit Bard
Education programs
/ http://www.bardonthebeach.org/breakfast
+ Arts Club (687
1644) www.artsclub.com
- Stanley Industrial
The Philanderer by
George Bernard Shaw, in previews, opens Mar 23, on till Apr
The Arts Club Theatre Company's
500th production since its founding in 1964!
Leonard will do anything to avoid
commitment -- even get married! Drawing room satire. Quest
to escape to happily ever after. (And it has some of our
favourite Bard on the Beach actors: Scott Bellis, Bernard Cuffling,
David Marr, and Kerry Sandomirsky.)
- Revue Stage on Granville
Another Home
Invasion by Joan MacLeod; Mar 31st to Apr 23; one-woman
performance, facing life's challenges with humour and dignity.
Tarragon Theatre
+ Vancouver
Playhouse (873
Trespassers by Morris Panych, Mar 26 - Apr 16; Portrait of life, death, love, and
+ Jericho Arts
Centre (1675
Discovery) 224 8007
Rosmersholm by Henrik Ibsen;
Apr 1 - 24
+ Metro Theatre 266
7191 -- 42nd
Street by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble; Apr 2 -
+ The Cultch 251
~ A new multimedia adaptation of Orwell's 1984; Mar 24
to Apr 3 [sold out]
~ When I was a kid, Shane Koyczan Apr 14, 15,
~ Basic Training by Khalil Ashanti,
a one-hour autobiographical comedy of his time in US Air Force
(also Apr 14, 15, 16)
~ Dress me up in Your Love -- stories about fashion from
Apr 19 to 23
+ Presentation House
Beautiful View by Daniel MacIvor; Apr 5 - 9; two women on a
serial comic trek. 990 3474
The Yeoman of the Guard, NSh Light Opera Society presents
Gilbert & Sullivan, Apr 15 - 30
+ Deep Cove
Blues by Neil Simon; second of his semi-autobiographical
trilogy. Apr 1 to 16; 929 3200
+ Freddy Wood
Honey by Chekhov, a Michael Frayn adaptation; 822 3880 March
17 - 26 {sorry, late}
UBC Dept of Theatre; well done; Chekov's first play (at 18!) but not
performed till after his death
See Calendar Apr 14 - 16;
-- All Programs free for Members.
~ Out
for Lunch -- Eine
Kleine Lunch Musik Select Fridays, 12:10 -
SOON -- La Traviata: opens April 30 (all perfs at
Opera Speaks @
In partnership with
the Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver Opera presents its
award-winning series of free public forums on themes and issues
arising from the season's operas. In these fascinating and lively
sessions, esteemed writers, academics, practitioners, artists, and
other creative thinkers engage in penetrating discussion and dialogue
that deepen the connections between the operas' stories and our
All Opera Speaks
events are 7 - 9pm in the Alice MacKay Room of the central branch of
Vancouver Public Library. Admission is free. Seating is limited.
Arrive early!
~ 7pm ~
Tuesday Apr 19 ~ A Feature Interview with Sir Jonathan
Sir Jonathan Miller is
one of the world's most fascinating and creative polymaths: opera
and theatre director, neuropsychologist, writer, television presenter
and humourist. He rose to fame 50 years ago as part of the influential
British comedy show "Beyond the Fringe", with Dudley Moore, Peter
Cook, and Alan Bennett. He is in Vancouver to direct La
Bard on the Beach
artistic director Christopher Gaze will engage Sir Jonathan in a
feature-length interview about his work, his life, and his provocative
ideas. An excerpt from La Traviata will be performed. Thanks to Bard
on the Beach for their support!
=A92010 Vancouver Opera, 835 Cambie St. V6B 2P4
| 682
2871 |
Tix 683
| Privacy
+ Vancouver Symphony
Summer Festival tix go on sale April 15
SATURDAY APRIL 9 at Parking Lot (top end)
Old Growth Conservancy
Society Directors are organizing a field trip to Lighthouse Park on
Saturday, April 9 as part of our mission to increase public
appreciation of other West Vancouver old-growth areas.
Our trip will be led by
David Cook and will follow a route described by Randy Stoltmann in his
1987 book, "Hiking Guide to the Big Trees of Southwestern
We will explore the east
side of the park, looking at giant Douglas-firs, western redcedars,
western hemlocks, and other less dominant tree species. The trip will
give us an opportunity to consider the characteristics of old-growth
forests, the differences and similarities between Lighthouse Park and
the Conservancy, and the future of the Lighthouse Park
Meet us at 10am at the top
end of the parking lot. Expect to be out until 2pm. Bring a
lunch/beverage. Wear protective clothing for changing weather and
hiking boots or sturdy shoes. A hiking stick is advised as the trails
are rough/rooty/slippery in places.
Please email us
ogcs.wv@gmail.com if you
plan to join us.
Bruce McArthur,
President, Old Growth Conservancy Society
+ An Earth Day event for Nature
Vancouver -- 1pm Saturday April 16
Title: First Nations history, natural history & geology of
Jericho Beach Park and surrounding areas.
Meeting location: We will meet at the Nature Vancouver
tent/booth which will be one of many tents/booths set up by
environmental groups in Jericho Beach Park to celebrate Earth Day
and the 20th anniversary of Evergreen BC. To find the Nature
Vancouver tent/booth you will have to ask around e.g. at the Evergreen
BC tent/booth or at the Jericho Stewardship Group tent/booth.
Access: Access and parking for Jericho Beach Park is
either at the far west end of Pt Grey Road or the northern end of
Discovery St.
Meeting time: 1pm. Duration of walk: 1 to 2 hours.
Trip leader: David Cook (924 0147)
Description of event: We will walk the beach and trails of
the park to view features representative of the geology and natural
history of the area. Views across Burrard Inlet will reveal
geomorphological features of the region. For further info contact
David at 924 0147 or access the Nature Vancouver website
+ 7: 30pm Thursday, April 21
A free public lecture for the Botany section of Nature
Title: A floral and scenic tour through Switzerland's alpine
Speakers: Rosemary & Terry Taylor
Meeting location: Unity Church, 5840 Oak St,
Talk description: Botany and photography team up while
wandering Switzerland's alpine meadows in early summer. Discover
beautiful gentians, carpets of yellow rattle, and follow the goats
through the main street of Zermatt, leading to iconic views of the
Matterhorn. Join Rosemary and Terry Taylor on their travels in June
and July, 2010.
Terry and Rosemary Taylor have given many presentations combining
their botanical and photographic skills and knowledge, and are
long-time members of Nature Vancouver.
21st ===
6pm in conference room; 7pm in ccl
Note: At 6pm the regular Cci Mtg will
commence in open session, followed by a closed session. At 7pm the
open session will reconvene for the scheduled agenda
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members
of the public be excluded from part of the March 21 regular Council
Meeting on the basis of matters to be considered under the following
section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed
to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is
one or more of the following:
a) personal information about an identifiable
individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an
officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position
appointed by the municipality; and
e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation
of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure
could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the
7:00 PM -- Following
conclusion of the closed session:
Mayor: Ask Cclr Lewis to make an announcement
ML: As many ppl know...
Autism: I was pleased to be able to advise our residents that in
addition to my role on Council, I have the pleasure of being the
President of the Autism Society of BC and the President of the Autism
Society of Canada. I referenced the Proclamation from the LG that
April is Autism Awareness month in BC and that April 2 is Autism
Awareness Day. The proclamation identifies that the incidence of
autism is now 1/110 births. In BC the estimate is in excess of 30,000
touched by ASD (autism spectrum disorder). In DWV, the Canucks Autism
Network has organized school events such as 'walks' for Friday
April 1 and there are various events scheduled throughout the province
in April.
Mayor: thank you for your work... and across the
Amended by adding to
Other Items, Correspondence 14.2
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES -- March 7, 2011 Regular
Council Meeting.
7. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and
Development Permit Application 1010-20-11-005 for the 900 Block of
21st Street (Kiwanis Seniors' Housing Society of West
Vancouver) (File: 1010-20-11-005)
GB gave background: application by Kiwanis to change the
proposing 140 addl housing units on the site
removing and replacing 51 v v old units
seeking approval to go out and consult with the cmnty
Bob Heaslip (previously in the Planning Dept): Prez of the
Kiwanis Srs' Housing Society of WV
ppl away missing quite a few bd mbrs tonight
next proposal for the site; here seven years ago -- manor now
take down 51 units started in 40s and 50s,
Kiwanis has maintained low-cost housing
time now to provide for next 75 years
court at top picture facing is 86 units; bottom opened five years
ago, 77 stes
present total 214 units and we intend to end up with 303 or
Charlene Kovacs [sp?] of Via Architects [?] will explain
tonight the start; demographic challenge in the cmnty, and
last use of our lands unless successful in getting the land next
door, unknown at this time -- that delay has delayed us two years;
time to get on with our own plan
next process -- look forward to review process
spent sev months with staff to this stage
invite all of Ccl to tour the site
CK: thx, Bob; proposing two new bldgs
did focus group; to determine what to do
three goals are for sustainability are social, economic, and
encouraging ageing in place...
demolitions, small building... no one will be displaced; moved
into Kiwanis Court or Manor
two buildings: east four storeys 64 units; west five storeys 76
site accessible and secure
ped-friendly; Kiwanis identity; garden village; encouraging
social interaction so can visit within and next (bldg)
Housing Society offices...
encourage walking loops ...tree-lined driveway... drop-off ...
cmnty gardens (ppl plant vegetables and flowers) ... gazebos...
Japanese garden and perennial garden
Kiwanis Garden Village
Bob H: av for Qs; project mgr is here as well
have already started working with our residents
ML: asking for increase 1.15 to 1.5 [FAR]
perfect spot, clearly -- have you thought of larger?
BH: did; two six-storey bldgs and even highrise
Vancouver Coastal Health we sold to them some years ago, also
considered it but strong financial position and didn't want to
put ourselves too far behind
court 20 yrs ago debt free; manor fixed low mortgage
those two we can build with present funds and mortgage without
remortgaging others
is 1.41 but 1.5 gives us flexibility
[7:20] ML: ever considered adding ppl with disabilities? we have
a need
BH: our mandate is low-income seniors;
hv worked with High Add [?] in NV so well aware with the
maybe the site next door cd be one possibility
Ev: relative to lands to the West, in report there's a suggestion
you may hv tried to reacquire
pity with the configuration/devt that all of the traffic goes to
21st, pity can't be split between 21st and 22nd; hammerhead as
turnaround is really not the most satisfactory
if you acquired lands to the west cd it be reconfigured?
BH: a really good question; fraught with unknowns
with ... but we did not win b/c a land claim by sev First
wasted some years time; in fortunate position, money in bank but
we must spend b/c non -profit or CRA gets upset
if opened up again for rebidding we'd take another go at it
"shall be for complex care" not ours so cd partner;
didn't complete a design at that time
Sop moved: THAT
1. Staff consult with the cmnty on the devt
2. Cmnty consultation take the form of a public mtg
with direct notification to the properties shown on the map attached
as Appendix "B" to the staff report dated March 10, 2011, with a
notice of the public mtg in the local newspapers and posted on the
District website, and preliminary review by the Design Review
Committee; and
3. Following the cmnty consultation on the devt
proposal, staff report back to Ccl with a report summarizing the
findings and the suitability of the devt proposal for further
[7:25] Sop: from my 15 years on Ccl; land provided or Kiwanis wd
not be doing this
now present to public; will understand need; low rental housing
think will have positive results
TP: good timing; diversity; need for this in cmnty; nice
presentation, well done
Mayor: honour for Cclr Sop and I [sic] {see LANGUAGEWATCH} to be
part of phase one and phase two. This is a little higher,
perhaps, than the cmnty is expecting. Nice to see your
leadership, Cclr Lewis, pushing for a little farther b/c what a nice
counterpoint to the high-end market opp Pacific Arbour likely to be,
and also for us to be able to provide for all ppl in the cmnty
we wish this on its way; I particularly Cclr Ev's campaign sign
on p6
what's that all about?
Anyway, good luck and we look forward to this coming back
8. Staff Comments on District of North Vancouver's Draft
Official Community Plan (File: 0190-07)
Mayor: I worked on the last one! (NV)
Geri Boyle, Planning: don't have a PowerPoint; three comments;
Stephen will review these
Stephen Mikicich, Planning: ambitious and forward-thinking
mixed use, sustainable cmnty
of particular concern/interest to WV is Lower Capilano; village
plan will be prepared; we suggest we participate
redevt of Earl's restaurant site; other prop of interest is Klee
while future uses not determined, our OCP recommends
we own the prop but District runs through the prop and the
Designation Park and Open Space
we're suggesting another classification for this
hierarchy of plans; nbrhd infill plans; both cmnties looking at
our own Cmnty Dialogue led to sec stes, coach houses
begun to use local character stmts; the DNV nbrhd infill plans
may offer insight into local planning and we plan to observe that
Sop: NV OCP in final stages; if WV bought prop in NV it wd
have to follow NV's OCP
Klee Wyck likewise under NV's jurisdiction/OCP (southern
p74 of NV OCP draft it states specifically they want to
challenge open space and trails unlike some of the things we're
if we have entitlement to encompass entire site, where's the
jurisdiction based on the boundary?
GB: the piece of land we own, subject to rules of NV
can't force us; we are a prop owner and wd hv to agree
want to sit down with NV and work out consistent with both
Sop: shows a trail on eastern side of Cap; imaginary bridge and
to trail
already bridge at Woodcroft -- use that and bypass so we can get
don't like something bequested to us and then have to get
it's ours though we cd talk about edges
if trails, do it on their side of the river
DepCAO: appropriate alert staff land disposition of concern
Mayor: has there been discussion around prop line
DepCAO: xxx
Mayor: does say here Ccl might want to take a stronger
Ev: use of the word consideration not strong enough
Mayor: xxx
Ev: point 2 of the motion
Mayor: any other questions for our staff?
MS: Stephen Mikisich {sort of jokingly approximately what he
said; btw, the c in Mikicich is pronounced as a T}, I always am
[uncertain/confused] -- am I close?
recognizes... benefit of cooperating with xxx [7:37]
similar problem as ours, high rises; seem to be growing
wonder if approp or prudent to put a flag up now if NV interested
in sitting down
potential tricky in future
unless xxx???? down, they're going to walk in our parks, on
our seawall, up Grouse
not sure how
can't keep burying our head in the sand; issue we have to talk
Sop: during the deliberation of the new bridge over the Cap
River, any conversation with prov declaring an arterial road to take
the pressure off Taylor Way
see here a large devt, coming onto Cap Rd; anything to ease the
GB: to Dir/Engg related to our road connections
Sop: traffic patterns; large; Woodcroft; density there
if funnelling into WV down Cap Rd, significance of that
coming to WV, say exit down Cap Rd, good for WV, that's where the
trucks shd be coming down
imp consideration
RF: my expectation is that Cap Rd is already designated as an
arterial rd
think Cclr Sop is wondering if prov willing to consider
jurisdiction over that road
my understanding re definition, it's up TWay to UL Hwy; not
familiar with any discussion re that but cd discuss that with
MS: move THAT
1. DNV be commended for its efforts to develop a new OCP as
an Integrated Sustainable Community Plan, and thanked for the
opportunity to provide input on the Draft OCP; and
2. The comments outlined in this staff report be submitted
to the DNV for consideration during its community and stakeholder
consultation process.
Mayor: focus on that; huge; FN devt
we want xxx; it's a shift; low density now
good pt about collaboration; good to have in our OCP; b/c speak
as a region
want to look at the Klee Wyck boundary
a bit surprised how silent their OCP is about Squamish devt, so
wd like to ask them about this
ours was 2004 so seven years earlier and didn't understand but wd
be good for them
those are a bit more concrete, don't know if Ccl wd like to
consider that
Sop: if we were to look ahead 15 to 20 years, the amt of density
wd stagger; traffic
if we do not get a solid vision of our transp, going to have a
gridlock scenario for a long time
They shd be looking at that
Squamish will be major players, hope we get a Lower
only two [roads] coming in and three going out and a bridge
for 25 to 30 years
we have ferry and Sea to Sky to contend with as well
bonus to get on it and collaborate
Mayor: that is how we achieved the bridge
Ms Boyle, did you get those points?
[GB read them back 7:48]
9. North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues
Review of 2010 Committee Work and 2011 Work Plan and Budget
(File: 0180-18-06)
ML: move THAT
1. The NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues 2011 Work Plan be
approved; and
2. The budget request for a one third share ($4467)
of the total budget ($13,400) be approved utilizing existing funds
within the Grants in Aid budget.
They do excellent work; I'm the liaison; cmnties better off for
them; continue to support their work
am I being dingled?
Sop: if it weren't for ACDI a lot of those challenged ppl wd not
be there today
TP: them to come to Parks WG look at accessibility, so a piece of
10. District Presentations to North American
Conferences (File: 0145-01)
AM: proposal to speak on a conference WCDD and XXX
{btw, someone mentioned to me that they obviously knew a
year ago there might be a trip when they proposed speaking, so why wd
they not have put money in the budget to cover the trip?
My response was that we also shd know what the total is and
from wch fund, not just told of this 'topping up' and at the last
minute thus little time to seek outside funding or a
Last summer the
District of West Vancouver submitted a proposal to speak at the 2011
Transforming Local Government Conference' on our innovative
community governance model that exists with the WV Community Centres
Society and the municipality - at our CC/AC
This conference is organized by
the Alliance for
Innovation - an international
network of progressive governments and partners committed to
transforming local government and to community excellence through the
application of leading ideas and innovative practices.
The theme of this
North American-wide conference is "Making Magic - How Bold can
Government be?' and we felt our model was exemplary as it brings
public involvement and decision-making to the forefront of community
recreation service delivery. The community is being engaged at a
deeper level to ensure what we deliver reflects our community's
wants and needs
~ raises the
profile of community engagement in WV .....from the moment we
established a governance working group through to the establishment of
a non-profit society, maximizing the wealth of expertise in the
due to significant volunteer
leadership and community participation through the Board and related
advisory groups, there is a sense of ownership by the community --
programs and services respond and reflect the demographics and
diversity of the community,
~ also leverages
municipal resources by solidifying the ground breaking partnership
with VCH, to the ability of the non-profit society to access
additional resources through the non-profit society
After a fairly
lengthy adjudication process, West Vancouver was selected (as 1 of 17
from a short list of 87 applications, across western Canada and
western United States) to speak at this conference.
Attending this
conference will be over 300 representatives, including
mayors and councillors as well as local government professionals
from across Canada and the United States.
The Mayor, and the
Executive Director, Sue Ketler, will be the two delegates attending
from West Vancouver to represent both council and society
We are honoured to
have been chosen and believe that this is a significant achievement
for West Vancouver as it recognizes all the work that has been done by
Council and the Society to strive for excellence and to truly lead by
Mayor: Mr Jenkins re our invitation to the UN
The Sixth Global Forum on Human
Settlements. Theme: Building Low Carbon Cities: A response to Climate
Change in NY city early April.
The opportunity came about through working
with the community on Eagle Island home retrofits. Specifically, the
lead resident, {by} Tarah Stafford who introduced this project to Noel
Brown. Mr Brown is the ex-director of United Nations Environmental
Programs and now the President of the Friends of United Nations. Mr
Brown was excited by the work and believed it was an excellent fit for
the conference April 7-8 in New York.
The work the District has been doing work on
the implementation of the Community Climate Action Plan, which was a
product of the Climate Action Working Group has focused efforts on
retrofits of existing housing stock. This work has been gaining the
attention of other municipalities as it has been resident driven and
supported by Council and staff.
1. This conference is
organized by UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) and the
Friends of the United Nations
2. The theme of this Sixth
annual global conference is: Building Low Carbon Cities: A response to
Climate Change.
3. This
=A7 raises the profile of how WV
Ccl and staff is engaging and working with the community in a
meaningful and way to achieve actions on global issues like Climate
=A7 will help raise the profile
of the retrofit initiative to the WV community and
=A7 shows the success of [the]
working group model that council has embraced.
=A7 leverages municipal
resources by utilizing the skill sets in the cmnty to progress on
environmental initiatives
4. Attendees include;
global leaders on climate change issues as well as dignitaries from
numerous countries.
5. The Mayor, Cclr Panz,
resident Tarah Stafford, and staff member Stephen Jenkins will be the
delegates attending from West Vancouver to present council, staff, and
community perspectives on energy use, buildings, and a local
government experience.
6. We are honoured to have
been chosen and believe that this is a significant achievement for
West Vancouver as it recognizes all the work that has been done by
Council, residents, and staff to strive for local solutions to global
ML: who able to answer question?
Mayor: Ms Mooi, Jenkins, Leigh?
ML: two to [first]; four to [second trip]
and going is to cost $4K or is that incrementally?
is Cmnty Ctrs' Society making a contribution or the Friends of
the UN?
AM: wrt Cmnty Services Society, limited funds, we will be doing
ML: previously budgeted?
AM: yes
BL: as has Mgr of Sust; incremental budget
Mayor: for my travel b/c I don't have a budget for this; wd have
to seek Ccl approval
ML: yours, Panz's, ...?
Mayor: each of you has $3500; let's put motion on the floor and
have a debate
Sop moved: THAT Council approve the [Mayor's] presenting at
the International City and County [Managers'] Association and Alliance
for Innovation Conference entitled: Making Magic - How BOLD Can
Government Be? Case Study: Taking Collaboration to New Levels - A
Paradigm Shift in Community Oversight and [Decision-Making] (WV Cmnty
Centre Board) AND at The Sixth United [Nations'] Global Forum on Human
Settlements whose theme is Building Low-Carbon Cities: A Response to
Climate Change (Eagle Island) at a cost of $4000.00 to be charged to
Business Unit #154, Engagement.
{Good question from Cclr L.
IOW, the $4K is needed in addn to how much budgeted for travel --
looks as if no one has asked what the trips actually will cost in
total -- certainly a lot more than $4K. Not that I'm objecting,
rather that in the spirit of transparency the total cost shd be made
At time of writing I have no idea
what 'Biz Unit #154, Engagement' is -- Engagement
Help, pls}
go over the history of what I've seen; been a v strong advocate
for the environment
planned a xxx trip up the hill and I took the lead; shouted at me
so loud cd hear it down
today, last few years, things have opened up a bit
gratified an Envtal strategy here
give credit to xxx [8pm]
at first, how cd you quantify or measure it? if we don't,
when will we do it?
relates to Climate Action
looked, looked further........
those are two initiatives, those two awards
what do you say to that? how often does a cmnty stand
we shd be v v proud of these efforts
these stories have to be told, S Jenkins on the
receiving rewards, one of many
ML: confused; travel?
why approve yours, Madam Mayor? just as we have, thought you
commend staff bring it forward
clearly it's budgeted already; it's not new money
Mayor: b/c the policy that governs the Mayor's [8:03]
{So this wd appear to mean that the
Mayor's travel expenses have already been spent hence this add'l amt
needed and has come to Ccl for approval.
that's how penurious we are
I don't go to FCM and don't go to UBCM either
if anyone's xxx
just a bit more
what happens when you turn your authority over to the cmnty
ppl coming to us, you're really doing it that way?
person who invited us; will be coming to Van, through private
fdn money to SFU to present an evening workshop to the general public,
and day-long session here with invited guests -- that is all money,
not ours
coming to WV, b/c of WV's leadership; one of many benefits;
will report back on both
MS: does nobody want to hear?
Mayor: we do!
MS: the voice of fiscal prudence over here
Sop: we all are
MS: have to differentiate between staff attending meant for
staff professional devt
recognize world's changed b/c of Japan
grim reality; going to affect this cmnty
where's the money going to come from to rebuild?
all the western nations are buried in debt; Japanese hold
nearly $1T of treasury bills and Americans can't pay them
{US owes, and
just in Treasury Bills -- actual figures:
Mainland China $1.155T; 2) Japan $0.886T; 3) UK
major, voice of gloom and doom,economic adjustment coming down;
face that
is this the time for local politicians to travel outside the
prov or shd we be showing some leadership? and trying to respect the
fact -- only $4K, but some taxpayers work hard for
need to respect ev tax dollar we receive
my final point, my same comment I make ev year, when
remuneration comes up
a third of our salary is for expenses; I don't understand why
you take a third of that tax-free for expenses and then we submit
expense chits.
Wd point out to the Mayor and Cclr Panz with all due respect,
opportunity both NY and Miami great cities to visit, cd look at this
as a vacation, and look at it as a vacation
everyone can ignore that now
Sop: established not align with FCM not mbr for a while
backed up a bit; haven't been over-zealous in travelling
DNV going on to China and other places
we took an initiative and got an award for that; took
leadership; think we've been v prudent
hotel and light costs covered by cclrs
with the overwhelming amt of money we receive as cclrs,
{some stifled mirth in audience
since cclrs only make about $25K.; Mayor over $60K, and many staff
over $100K (see WVM2010 - 17 for 2009 salaries)}
we shd dig into our pockets for our own wealth
if sizable stipend cd do that; many hv chosen not to go to FCM
b/c of budget
Mayor has not been flaunting, end of her second term
it's for an award; think we have been prudent
Mayor: one day I'm going to quantify how much money we've
brought in
$60K I get a year and what I bring in
{agreed; much
think less about govt and think more about partners and
and I'm v proud of that
looking fwd to comment in NSN; I'm v proud of that
PASSED [8:11]
11. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4672,
2011 (Non-Owner Occupied Secondary Suites)
(File: 1610-20-4672)
This bylaw received first reading Feb 7, was the subject of a
Public Hearing that was held and closed on Feb 21, and received second
and third readings at the Mar 7, Ccl Mtg. Council is not permitted to
receive any further submissions on this bylaw after the PH has closed
and before the bylaw is adopted.
Sop: want it noted I'm opposed.
12. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw
No. 4673, 2011 (File: 1610-20-4673)
This bylaw received first reading Feb 7 and received second
and third readings at the Mar 7
RECOMMENDED: be adopted.
Smith and Sop opposed
{PULLED OUT: 13.1, 13.4; question called on
13. Consent Agenda Items
13.1. Appointments to Ambleside Revitalization Commission
(File: 0115-20-ARC1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following appointments to
the Ambleside Revitalization Commission for a [one-year]
term be approved:
David Chard, Kirsty Farquharson, Joe Houssian, David Negrin,
Howard Nemtin, Mayor, Cclr Smith.
{hm, sans Ccl, four
devpr/real estate types -- one famous for TUB -- and a mbr of the
Library Board who denied the now-proven claims about expenditures?
Of course we need devprs on the Commission, no problem, but why no
resident or ratepayer voice?
DC = Chard Devts
(Hollyburn Medical, etc); KF = Lib Bd; JH = was Intrawest; DN =
Concord and/or Aquilini?; HN = real estate devpr,
What does this say
about consulting or listening to the residents and fiscal
Mayor: plsd we are; goals of Amb
seven voting mbrs, five volunteers and two nonvoting Nina and
experienced biz ppl
I have signed a non-binding agreement with Grosvenor; in
{oh? "I"? means
the Mayor signed? [decision] in private obviously
behind closed
no public
no discussion with
no notice to public? what
was the process?
or just
more information
Of serious concern is that it
seems to be fait accompli with little inkling as to how this was
IDEAS FAIR; Esso; landscaping to ...; inform ppl of the future of
Sop: large number in real estate and devt
even though I supported it, why not have lay
some talented ppl here; understand will
Mayor: as you know, we advertised
Kirsty biz; volunteers here to support the
we approved that, advertising and apptmt
strength in our corner to evaluate
scope of the Public Safety bldg
but that decision has been made and you supported it at the
{er, um, pardon,
but that doesn't mean Sop cdn't have thought about it further and
decided to add representation from taxpayers! Sop, the ppl's
Sop: ratepayer groups will have a say?
Mayor: completely; part of the applic process
{but the point
is presence on the commission itself. Willful
we do not have this kind of expertise on staff, nor cd we
afford it
diversionary remark.
NO ONE was
suggesting not to have mbrs with expertise on the
Sop: one-year term, so disband?
Mayor: remains to be seen; question for a future
13.2. Gleneagles Community Centre - Physiotherapy
Lease (File: 1145-02-GLENPHYS)
received for information.
13.3. Beach House Restaurant - Modification Agreement and
Option to Renew (File: 1145-02-BEACH)
received for information.
Ev: Item 13.4
13.4. North Shore Emergency Management Office (NSEMO)
Report regarding Summary of New Zealand Tsunami Exercise and
Christchurch Earthquake (File: 0180-16)
received for information.
Ev: kind of thing we do in this cmnty
Director invited to go to NZ at the...
able to share experience and came back with a report we can gain
thank her for that trip
13.5. Correspondence List (see link
on electronic agenda)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for
February 28 - March 4, 2011
Received for Information
(1) City of Burnaby, February 17, 2011, regarding British
Columbia's Heritage Program
{hope this
wakes DWV up; they have no heritage WG/Cmte and no Ccl liaison for
heritage -- the first time since 1988. Sad. Esp when
coming up to 100th anniversary.}
(2) City of Burnaby, February 22, 2011, regarding
Correspondence from Mr. Porter - Banning Smoking at
(3) M. Enser, Urban Development Institute, Feb
25, re MetroV's RGS
(Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services
(4) Union of BC Municipalities, March 2,
regarding Provincial Mobilization Plan for Emergency
Responses to Correspondence
(5) R. Fung, Director of Engineering and Transportation, March 1,
2011, response to M. and R. Shulz regarding Proposed Park Royal
At-Grade Intersection with Marine Drive
March 7-11, 2011
Referred for Action
(1) D. Close, March 2, 2011, regarding Savings to
Consider for 2011
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(2) B. McArthur, March 2, 2011, regarding Regional Growth
Strategy Interpretation Requested
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for
consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes: Design Review Committee,
January 20, 2011
(4) M. Bottazzini, Feb 14, regarding Cascadia Tower Proposed
Monopine / Highway 1 and 15th St, WV
(5) G. and E. Lee, February 26, 2011, regarding Foot of 27th
(6) Three Submissions re Pacific Arbour Devt Proposal, dated
February 28 to March 3, 2011
(7) BC Hydro, March 2, 2011, regarding Earth Hour
2011, March 26, 2011
(8) D. Mussatto, Chair, Metro Vancouver Port
Cities Committee, March 2, 2011, regarding 2011 Municipal Appointment
to Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Board of Directors
(9) City of North Vancouver, March 3, 2011,
regarding North Shore Cycling Map
(10) BC Government and Service Employees'
Union, March 4, 2011, regarding Community Social Services Awareness
(11) R. Helten, MetroVanWatch.ca, March 6, 2011, regarding
Recommended Changes in Text Regarding Agenda Item for March 7 Council
Meeting Agenda #12. Report on MetroV RGS
(12) P. Hundal, March 7, 2011, regarding Regional Growth
(13) Union of British Columbia Municipalities,
March 9, 2011, regarding National Public Works Week and Local
Government Awareness Week: May 15 - May 21, 2011
(14) Union of British Columbia Municipalities,
March 10, 2011, regarding Consideration of a Two-Phase Campfire
(15) L. Byrd, March 10, 2011, regarding Safeway Site/Ambleside
(16) G. Pajari, March 4, 2011, regarding Letter to Mayor and
Council, 24 January 2011 "Summary of Findings for Council regarding
Library Expenditures" from West Vancouver Memorial Library and West
Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation (Addition: March 14,
Update to March 15, 2011
Referred for Action
(1) E-Comm 911, March 8, 2011, regarding E-Comm
Board of Directors Designate - 2011/2012 Year
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and
(2) C. Reynolds, West Van Matters, March 11, 2011, re Agenda
and Minutes PQP Feb 21st
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and
{This is
the strange/misleading case of Ccl approving an agenda 'as written'
and then not only do the minutes list amendments made, but also the
original agenda put up Feb 18 retroactively changed with amendments
added to it!}
Received for Information
(3) 11 Submissions and one Petition regarding Safeway Site, dated
February 9 to March 15, 2011
(4) Premier G. Campbell, February 24, 2011, regarding Support
for Designating British Columbia's Wild Pacific Salmon as a
Provincial Symbol
(5) Five submissions regarding Pacific Arbour Development
Proposal, dated March 7-11, 2011
(Referred to Public Hearing, April 4, 2011)
(6) L. R. DeSpirt, March 9, 2011, regarding Temporary Restricted
Parking on Marine Drive
(7) March 10, 2011, regarding Giant Redwood Tree on Lawson
[8:29] NB: this
became 14.2 and commented on later; see below
(8) Multifaith Action Society, Mar 15, re
Invitation to Multifaith Prayer for Japan, Mar 17th at
(9) Union of British Columbia Municipalities,
March 14, 2011, regarding Appointment of Honourable Ida Chong as
Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development
(10) Millennium Group, March 15, 2011, regarding Evelyn -
Millennium News Release
{notice of receivership}
(11) K. Stephens, Partnership for Water Sustainability in British
Columbia, March 11, 2011, regarding Recognition of West Vancouver
District as a Water Balance Model Champion
Council has requested that the following correspondence be
brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council
considers that further action is required.
14.1 G. and E. Lee, February 26, 2011, regarding Foot of
27th Street (Received for information)
ML: paving and curbing to discourage public access
wd like to understand the process
as a child, my grandmother lived 27th block Bellevue, used to
all go to the beach -- terrific
attractive, however nowhere to get down to
one parking spot; to the west feel you're blocking the gate to
the person's home
more to benefit of cojoining nbrs, not citizens
Sop: I walked down...
daylighting on westerly side; paving stones their right; trail
down to beach and stream off to left
can understand leave them alone, blackberry, etc
if residents, side door, opp to enhance benefit for
opening of creeks a lot of merit; Mr Jenkins is the one taking
the lead in this
don't disagree a better understanding for newer cclrs; thought it
to be a better policy
Mayor: tricky thing about discussing corresp
{sorry, but I don't understand
what's tricky}
what is our policy about xxx ? ... imp ... Ms Mooi?
AM: think it wd be a collaborative approach
Ev: maybe if staff wd indicate kind of signage
MS: if staff report, interesting to get Mr Fung's mtnce
public street, private driveway -- something cmnty be
or an evergreen?
Sop: not a private driveway; been enhanced by the nbrs; envtal,
open up creek; right thing to do
MS: not the question I asked; they're talking to Mr Jenkins
there's going to be signage there and say PUBLIC ACCESS, loud
and clear
Mayor: Let's have the report back, then we can all focus on
what's in the public interest
there is a really a good report written in the late 90s, or
maybe mid-90s, the Roads Report wch talks about the value in WV, and
Mr Fung and I debate this all the time, the natural -- probably what
you're referring to having grown up here -- feel of the roads that ARE
the character of WV vs a more highly landscaped and maybe slightly
colder -- it's not really for everybody -- image that that
And I think what we're trying to do is strike a
wd be nice to attach that Roads Report when it comes forward
b/c I think it's really about the character of WV.
can we go to 14.2 yet?
Sop: just quickly; none of the work on these creeks wd hv bn done
if it hadn't bn for some of the nbrs supplying the money to do
fish-bearing streams in future; this is the avenue we chose
Mayor: right; going to move to 14.2, who?
Sop: I've got--
Mayor: Cclr Ev has his hand up
Sop: --14.2; I wanted to talk to it
Ev: I--
Mayor: -- I'll go to Cclr Ev; he did as well
Sop: oh, did you? Okay, I'll give him that, I've talked too
much tonight anyway
Mayor: there you go
Ev: at this point, I have to agree with you
Sop: all these funnies, Madam Mayor, allow them to... sense of
{Now 14.2 from Correspondence
Ev: I asked this to be brought forward simply b/c it's caused a
little bit of grief, and I felt a quick resolution by staff wd solve
the problem. Wd look to Dir of Parks to
AM: Our Sr Mgr of Parks, Andrew Banks, and myself {[sic] shd be I b/c not reflexive}
visited the prop today and reviewed the request. We are planning
to issue the tree permit to remove this giant redwood from the prop
b/c it's going to grow excessively large on the site and will be out
of character
do have 80% consent what we need; one who is objecting wd like to
consult with him, have not been able to get hold of him; waiting to
hear back and will advise Ccl as soon as we do
Ev: not sure I agree with that caveat; M land, it's a boulevard;
to allow that species of tree on a blvd is totally inappropriate; got
nothing to do with nbr consent
AM: considering asking resident to potentially replant with
appropriate, smaller vegetation, wch is what we usually do
{do want to see this b/c
this is relatively rare and cd be considered heritage -- maybe
windowing wd help wrt view and then cd still be
Mayor: that's our policy
15. Reports from Mayor/Cclrs
Mayor: wd like to let cmnty know that after a v
enthusiastic night on the Safeway site, the report will be returning
to Ccl April 18th. Wd welcome the cmnty to participate at that
mtg and the debate will continue at that point
thank you Cclr Smith for concluding that evening in my
TP: Bramwell Tovey; Lib 370 attendees; [Mayor played piano
also share Parks WG has hired a consultant, Catherine Berris; she
did the background document in 2006
Sop: ongoing saga on Seascapes; ongoing with prov; the folks are
we're looking and helping where we can; looking for
second thing has just slipped my mind, so will let someone
Ev: how come I'm always back up?
Sop: that's the way life is!
Ev: attended Nowruz [on Mayor's behalf]; fire-jumping the
enthusiasm was quite remarkable
hundreds of families; I stayed two hours and ppl still coming in;
v v successful experience
Sop: I did think of it -- thx for your help and our MLA
received letter from Ms Bond before she left transportation;
wd be a process, the govt has not and will not issue a permit for a
cell tower at the top
Mayor: we'll be bringing that forward in a couple of weeks
{Sop, Mayor, G Boyle don't have
Mayor: [re Tower ?] to us before grant to Rogers; always pays to
keep the minister informed
... Blair Lekstrom; and ... good to have relation with Min
of Finance
{aha. Now Falcon.
Remember Eagleridge??? Anyway, no doubt good step forward giving WV
more say.}
16. PQP/Comments
Mayor: Carolanne Reynolds. I notice that you had
Correspondence Items 13.1 and 3 down here, but not knowing what Ccl
was going to do with those, I thought it wd work just as well under
{Well, yet again did not want to
get into a debate but, as I go on to say, the first item I'd indicated
was No 8 re plans on the boundary with NV wch is where Klee Wyck is.
Item 8 is NOT part of Correspondence. Neither were 13.1 and 3
part of Correspondence! So why was the name for the agenda item
not called as is usually done?
Whether Item or Correspondence
or whatever, in any case the public is called BEFORE Ccl
Doesn't make
An arbitrary diversion from
normal procedures? Not the Mayor's usual
and I have two others also wishing to offer their comments.
CR: yes, tyvm, Madam Mayor. I actually had No 8 down first
b/c that item involves Klee Wyck, wch of course is on the Heritage
Inventory. It is unfortunate that this is the first time, the
first year or two years or whatever, that I recall that there's been
no ccl liaison for heritage, and no [M] heritage group, but I do think
that it might be advisable to -- when that's being discussed -- if you
haven't got a Heritage WG, Cmte, whatever, task force, whatever you
want to call it they shd/wd probably want to contribute to that.
{Yes, as the first ccl liaison
for heritage, I've hovered over heritage issues ever since and it's
disappointing to me that there's been no heritage liaison and no M
body now to deal with items to do with heritage. Moreover, there was
no heritage or award ceremony this year during Heritage Week wch was
done for many years.}
13.1 and 13.3 were not Correspondence, they're the
Mayor: --Consent Agenda
CR: Consent Agenda. Yes, thank you.
Just as the Ambleside [Town Ctr] Cmte before had Ray Spaxman and
when that was being done -- can't remember whether cmte or WG or
whatever it was. I'll also, I'll echo what Cclr Sop said, I
think there shd be one or two residents, or one or two representatives
from a ratepayer group.
{rather, ratepayer
I'd thought-- Yes, of course you need the experts -- obviously
that's needed -- but I had thought there was going to be a policy that
the local residents and ratepayers wd be represented, and it was in
the prev cmte, so I think it's disappointing there isn't at least one
on this one.
{why depart from
inclusion of resident representation???}
The other question is, ah, 13.5. That's another somewhat
designated building, the Beach House--
Mayor: --13.3
CR: Sorry, 13.3. Yes, I've got 13.3, I just misread
it, I guess. That's got a plaque as well, and I see in the notes
that it's going to be updated inside. I just wanted to be, uh, I
have no problem, I'm not one of the purists, heritage views, that you
can't change anything. I think everybody wants to make things
more modern and comfortable, and convenient inside, but I wanted some
sort of assurance that the outside, wch is the heritage part, wd be
Mayor: my understanding it's interior renovation, Ms Boyle?
GB: that is my understanding as well.
CR: Great. I was just wanting to make sure; and tyvm
Mayor: thank you
Mayor: I thought that was you, former fire chief in DNV
GC: former Gary Calder :-)
yes, was; will wait while I pass these out
My name is Gary Calder of 1788 Gordon Ave; former Fire Chief of
my professional designation: Int'l Chief Fire Ofcr, professional
accreditation at that point in time, first Fire Ofcr in Canada to
receive it; upon my retirement, I was the only fire ofcr in Canada to
hold it.
Beyond that chaired many cmtes not the least of wch, Fire
Services Medical Advisory Cmte,
in local media read report at Ccl so read the [Fire Services]
report itself
Ccl remarks astute
found part re reduced attendance to minor medical emergencies
p 17 of report, second line b/c sometimes can reach faster
than ambulance b/c committed to other calls or b/c traffic problems
this cd not be more incorrect.
I can't imagine how that was put in this report. I phoned
your Fire Chief to find out. I'm surmising that somehow this was
a discussion perhaps with CNV, it has an ambulance extremely close by
fire station, almost across the street from each other -- in that case
makes sense
will read what the Ambulance Services itself says in their latest
resource allocation plan
medical priority dispatch service, their view
"for the highest acuity calls BC Amb Service is supported by
our partner agencies that provide first responder services -- first
responder means Fire Dept -- to give basic first aid while ambulance
en route, usually located in heart of the cmnty and availability is
good reason to provide this important service
think of yr cmnty (and DNV), a linear cmnty, where is the
ambulance in Tiddly Cove, ..., HBay, ..., Brit Props? They don't
exist. They're entirely reliant on firefighters.
what response time of fire truck and what of ambulance?
you'll find response of Fire Dept v timely; and amb for sure
not as timely
that's the first point; this is v v dangerous proposition
Second point is what type of emergencies are we talking about --
D&E, most don't know what that is about
go over page -- code ranges from Echo and Delta calls, highest
priority, immediately life-threatening; B and C, Bravo and Charlie
calls, serious but not life-threatening; and finally Alpha and
Fire Dept doesn't respond to A&O, none of them [does], v v
few, but do respond to B and C
in info provided, it says these are minor calls -- two examples,
... wanted you to see what they considered minor in that report
Second last page at bottom; animal bites and attacks
attacked by one or more animals and in a possibly dangerous body
area, head, eyes, neck, that's a B-Level call; suggested to you Fire
Dept wd not respond
haemorrhaging, attacked by cougar, and you wd not call Fire Dept
from Caulfeild? the recommendation?
this one is about falls, a 17B, Fire Dept wd go to, wd be
considered a fall, minor
below that fall and bleeding seriously but HBay Fire Dept wd not
respond, wd wait for ambulance to come from 15th and
I'm just amazed
restriction of attendance by fire rescue services to medical
emergencies identified by the BC Ambulance Medical Priority Dispatch
System as recommending a fire-medical response is a grave and
dangerous course of action
I respectfully suggest Ccl not allow the Fire Dept to stop
responding to these identified calls
Mayor: what we did is we asked for a report back on that report,
realized broad range some never consider and some we wd; so this has
been v helpful
wd be a great cmnty service if you wd agree to look at the
report; it's coming back to us
GC: I'd love to, and I do understand WV Fire Chief been asked to
report back by end of 2011; not immediate but needs to be
Sop: may I ask?
Mayor: we have a question for you; wdn't be a normal night if
Cclr Sop didn't have a question
Sop: thank you for your service over the years
your opinion maybe many not aware of this good service in all
areas or was it the review that they weren't telling ev that they shd
had a nbr attended to recently and Fire Dept came long before
Ambulance; had to push a door, haemorrhaging
GC: not that ppl in cmnty don't know it's av; even if you don't
know, when you call 911, you'll get it whether you ask or not
If you asked for an ambulance, the Fire Dept will be
automatically notified, so not the point; as I read it other things
are essential activities: amazingly training, interface planning, xxx,
xxx; those are good activities but can hardly think of any activities
more imp than responding to haemorrhaging -- that and not stop
teaching kids to stop, drop, and roll to go to their home to help
them, I know what I'd be doing.
That's what the report seems to imply that there are other things
that are more important than going to these medical emergencies, and I
don't think that's correct
Mayor had stepped away so Acting Mayor Ev: We'll carry on; will
accept your assistance in due course; perhaps Cclr Sop can join
in that conversation.
GC: thank you; my pleasure
A/Mayor: one more person on the Speakers' List
{Mayor returns and sits in Evison's
Bruce McArthur: Madam, er oh
Mayor and Councillors I feel compelled to comment on your acceptance
of the new Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy that occurred in
this chamber at the last regular meeting of council.
I assure
you that my only agenda is to assist you by highlighting some of the
problems that I envision because of differing interpretations of the
wording within the strategy. I'm using this opportunity because
my questions to West Vancouver Council and staff have not been
answered yet.
Some of my
points of concern are:
the West
Vancouver OCP clearly states (UL3) that there will be public
discussion of possible benefits of some development above the
1200-foot limit. There is included in the RGS a 300-acre parcel of
West Vancouver lands above 1200 feet that have a general urban land
use designation. Most of Council seem to believe that there will
eventually be adequate protection because of any development permits
that will be required, but in the "application definition" of
policy UL 9, some forms of development would not require a development
permit. The RGS acceptance has pre-empted public discussion and it
should have been accompanied by an amendment to the OCP.
At West
Vancouver's request in February of 2010 the conservation and
recreation regional land use designation was overlaid as a special
study area. This is depicted on the RGS map 12. The special study area
clause (6.10) says, "a municipality has expressed an intention to
alter the existing land use, and is anticipating a regional land use
amendment." The only alterations that would fit are:
urban, which would move the urban containment boundary right up to the
Cypress Park boundary, or rural where low density residential
development is allowed.
proposals that include development above the 1200-foot limit there
should have been public discussion within West Vancouver.
in the recommendation for the acceptance by Council were two requests
to the Metro board. These requests can only be acted upon after the
Metro board has accepted the RGS. There is no guarantee of
acceptance of these requests and please remember that West Vancouver
only has three votes of 125 because the voting system is
(Type 2- 2/3
+ regional public hearing, Type 3- 50%+1 & no
There was
an opinion expressed that clause 6.3.4 j) would offer some ability for
amendments to the special study area and it is anticipated that this
would be a Type 3 minor amendment. If the amendment only had
significance for changes to the urban designation, this would probably
be correct, but there would be greater regional significance to any
non-urban designations and that should be a Type 2 minor amendment
(clause 6.1.1). There could also be an amendment requested to the
actions under the protection strategy 3.1 of the environmental goal 3.
This is also a Type 2 amendment (6.3.3 f).
Acting Mayor is Evison A/Mayor: nearly concluded?
BMcA (continues): At this time the special study area cannot be
expanded or created (clause 6.12.4), and the development above 1200
feet is made possible.
Section 6
of the Regional Growth Strategy contains too many uncertainties and
acceptance by this Council has the appearance that development above
the 1200-foot level is appropriate and acceptable.
I urge you
to get these items straightened out before Metro's final acceptance
and let the community know where each of you stand on the protection
of our Upper Lands.
thank you
A/Mayor Ev: obviously not the approp time to engage further in
the debate in some of the points you've raised but I thank you for
that and I don't know whether {turns to Mayor} Madam--
Mayor: -- Mayor, I think
for a while -- the clock is ticking
A/Mayor Ev: have any comments to add?
Mayor: based on the motion we made Ms Boyle will be reporting
back on the requests we've made to MetroV, and also what it means b/c
Port Moody has not agreed to the RGS wch changes things a bit as well,
so that report will be coming back to Ccl.
17. Adjournment
MS: Mr Mayor, I move that the Mar 21st ccl mtg be adjourned
Mayor: second
=== Ccl Mtg AGENDAs Apr
4th ===
Note: At 6:00 pm the regular Council Meeting
will commence in open session (in the main floor conference room), and
will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in
order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the
Community Charter. The Council Meeting will reconvene in open session
in the Council Chamber immediately following the Public Hearing/Public
Meeting regarding Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004,
Amendment Bylaw No. 4676, 2011; Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment
Bylaw No. 4677, 2011; and Design Development
At 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber the Public
Hearing/Public Meeting regarding Official Community Plan Bylaw No.
4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4676, 2011; Zoning Bylaw
No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4677, 2011; and Design
Development Package will be held. The Council Meeting will reconvene
in open session in the Council Chamber immediately following the
Public Hearing/Public Meeting.
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
THAT in the public interest, members of the
public be excluded from part of the April 4, 2011 regular Council
Meeting on the basis of matters to be considered under the following
section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed
to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is
one or more of the following:
1. personal information about an
identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a
position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or
another position appointed by the municipality;
(c) labour relations or other employee
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation
of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure
could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the
municipality; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions
respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at
their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could
reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if
they were held in public.
3. Council will then proceed with the closed session.
7:00 PM -- Following
conclusion of the closed session:
Note: At 7pm the Public Hearing/Public
Meeting will commence in the Ccl Chamber. The Ccl Mtg will reconvene
immediately following the PH/Public Mtg.
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360,
2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4676, 2011; Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010,
Amendment Bylaw No. 4677, 2011; and Design Development
Package (File: 1610 20 4676/4677
The Director of Planning, Lands and Permits will describe the
subject application.
Applicant: Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities
Subject Lands: Northwest corner of Marine
Drive and 22nd Street; all or part of the following lots: Lot 1
(Explanatory Plan 9507) Block A of Block 5 Plan 4532; Amended Lot D
(see 540240L) of Lots 1 to 3 Block A of Block 5 Plan 4532; Lot E of
Lots 1 to 3 Block A of Block 5 Plan 4532; Lot 4 of Lot A Block 5 Plan
2019; Lot 19 Block 4 Plan 3522; and portions of the closed lane
between Fulton Avenue and Marine Drive; all of East Part of District
Lot 554.
Purpose: To provide for the redevelopment of the subject
lands as rental seniors housing with support services and limited
commercial and institutional land uses not directly associated with
the seniors housing, and to provide for zoning boundaries which would
match those of a reconfigured John Richardson Park.
Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw
The proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4630, 2004,
Amendment Bylaw No. 4676, 2011, if adopted, would amend the Official
Community Plan by:
o revising Policy BF-C8 to remove the property
legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 554, Block A, Plan 4532 (2203
Marine Drive) from the existing local commercial designation and
development permit area; and
o adding a new Policy BF-D5 which provides for an
approximately 4900 sq. m. site at the northwest corner of Marine Drive
and 22nd Street to be: used as rental seniors housing with services,
and limited commercial and institutional land uses not directly
associated with the seniors housing; developed to a maximum 117,500
sq. ft. (10,916 sq. m.) of housing and a maximum 8,000 sq. ft. (744
sq. m.) of other permitted land uses; and developed with a maximum
building height from Marine Drive of seven storeys, exclusive of
roof-top development.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: The
proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4677,
2011, if adopted, would amend the Zoning Bylaw by
- adding two new definitions: Supportive Housing Use and Health
Care Office Use. Supportive Housing Use means an
apartment use where at least one occupant of each unit is 65 years of
age or older, or is a younger person with disabilities, which use: (a)
must include a common resident dining room and certain other uses; and
(b) may include a dwelling unit for a resident manager, guest suites,
and a wellness centre. Health Care Office Use means a use of premises
by physicians, surgeons, dentists, physio-therapists, chiropractors,
acupuncturists, provincially licensed massage therapists, podiatrists,
psychiatrists, psychologists, opticians, optometrists, naturopaths,
dental mechanics and other health care practitioners, for X-ray and
other diagnostic facilities, medical and dental laboratories,
prosthetic and orthopaedic manufacturers and specialized medical
clinics, including a blood donor clinic
adding the new zone CD46 - Comprehensive
Development Zone 46 (Northwest corner of Marine Drive
and 22nd Street) which would: allow Supportive Housing Use,
not-for-profit educational uses and limited commercial uses; provide
for a maximum floor area of 117,500 sq. ft. (10,916 sq. m.) for
Supportive Housing Use and 8,000 sq. ft. (744 sq. m.) for permitted
commercial and educational uses; set out further restrictions on floor
area use; and establish requirements for site coverage, yards,
building height, number of storeys and off-street vehicle parking and
- rezoning the 52,829.3 sq. ft. (4908 sq. m.)
site at the northwest corner to the new zone CD46 - Comprehensive
Development Zone 46; and
rezoning a 23.95 ft. (7.3 m) wide
strip of land fronting 22nd Street and south of Tudor Gardens at 843
22nd Street from RD1 - Duplex Dwelling Zone 1 to RS5 - Single
Family Dwelling Zone 5; this strip of land would become part of the
reconfigured John Richardson Park, would provide a connection from
22nd Street to the park, and, upon rezoning, would have the same
zoning as the balance of John Richardson Park.
Design Development Package:
The design devt package sets out the details of
the proposed building and site devt, including the site plan, building
design and height, building materials and finishing, and landscaping.
If the OCP amendment bylaw and Zoning amendment bylaw described above
are approved, the applicant will be required to construct the
development in accordance with a design devt package approved by
Council. All persons who wish to provide comment on the design devt
package will be given an opportunity to be heard at the Public
Hearing/Public Meeting.
[described by Mayor]
1) Reports received up to March 31, 2011:
Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and
Design/development Approval for land, at the northwest corner of
Marine Drive and 22nd Street, known as the Wetmore site (2203 Marine
Dr. and 787, 793 and 815 22nd St.) /
February 24, 2011 / March 7 and
April 4, 2011 / R-1
2) Written submissions received up to March 31, 2011:
J. Crawford / March 7, 2011 / April 4, 2011 / C-1
B. and W. Sinclair / March 11,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-2
F. Johnstone / March 11,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-3
A. Wong / March 14,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-4
K. Trinh / March 15,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-5
J. Baxter / March 16,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-6
C. Sandwell, on behalf of Garden Group, Tudor Gardens
/ March 15, 2011 / April 4, 2011 /
A. Walton / March 17,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-8
J. Kirstiuk / March 19,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-9
M. MacKenzie / March 21,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-10
A. Hoffman / March 24,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-11
V. Christison, Lionsview Seniors' Planning Society
/ March 24, 2011 / April 4, 2011 /
S. Earle / March 28,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-13
C. Nemtin / March 28,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-14
I. Thompson / Undated.
/ April 4, 2011 / C-15
B. and M. Anthony / March 29,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-16
R. Bertrand, Savoir Faire Design / March 23, 2011 / April
4, 2011 / C-17
P. Gaskill, Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities
/ March 24, 2011 / April 4, 2011 /
A. Charette / February 28,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-19
R. Wood / March 2,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-20
C. Parker / March 3,
2011 / April 4, 2011
/ C-21
On March 7, 2011, Council set the date for the
Public Hearing/Public Meeting. The statutory notice of Public
Hearing/Public Meeting was published in the North Shore News on March
27 and March 30, 2011. The Municipal Clerk will note written
submissions received for the April 4, 2011 Public Hearing/Public
If there is no further public input and Council does not request
a further staff report, then:
RECOMMENDED: be received and PH closed
If Council requests a further staff report, then:
RECOMMENDED: be adjourned to ____________________ (date, time,
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further
submissions once the Public Hearing/Public Meeting is
Monday April 4 ===
Following conclusion of the Public Hearing/Public Meeting, the
following items will be considered:
6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Adoption of March 21,
2011 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
7. 2011-2015 West Vancouver Memorial Library Strategic
Plan (File: 1905-05)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
8. Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy Acceptance
Process (File: 0185-01)
RECOMMENDED: report dated March 28
from the Acting Dir/Planning be received for information.
9. TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for
Quarter 4, 2010 (File: 0185-39-06)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated
March 7 from the Transit Mgr be received for information.
10. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered
separately or in one recommendation.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be
Item 10.1 - Change to Council Meeting
Item 10.2 - Devt Permit Application No. 10-050
for Lot 12 on Highgrove Place (in Area 1 of Rodgers Creek) (to
set date for consideration);
Item 10.3 - Development Application Status
Report (to March 25, 2011);
Item 10.4 - Hollyburn Cabin [Ten-Year] Permit
to Occupy;
Item 10.5 - Correspondence List.
10.1. Change to Council Meeting Schedule (File:
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2011 Council Meeting Schedule be
amended by changing the time and location of the May 2 Ccl Mtg from
7pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, to 6pm in the Atrium at the Cmnty Ctr,
with the Youth Ccl Meeting to follow at 7pm. {shd be moved b/c of
10.2. Development Permit Application No. 10-050 for Lot 12
on Highgrove Place (in Area 1 of Rodgers
Creek)(File: 1010-20-10-050)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the M Clerk give notice that DPA wch provides
for devt of 18 cluster housing units will be considered at the meeting
of Council on Monday, May 2, 2011.
10.3. Development Application Status Report to March 25,
2011 (File: 1010 01)
received for information.
10.4. Hollyburn Cabin [Ten-Year] Permit to Occupy
(File: 1145-04)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated March 30 be received
for information.
10.5. Correspondence List (see link
on electronic agenda)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received
for information.
Council Correspondence March 16-18, 2011 (up to
12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) S. Slater, March 16, 2011, regarding Safeway
(Referred to Dir/Planning for consideration
and response)
Received for Information
(2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
(a) Board of Variance - February 16, 2011
(3) Esker Lane "The Owners Strata Plan LMS 2681", March 8, re
Proposed Cell Phone Tower at Taylor Way and Upper Levels Highway
(4) March 16, 2011, regarding Annual Noise Complaint
(5) Q. M. Slater, undated, regarding Safeway Redevelopment 1600
Marine Drive
(6) J. Baxter, March 16, regarding Pacific Arbour site at 22nd
and Marine Drive (Referred to Public Hearing - April 4)
(7) C. Reynolds, West Van Matters, March 18, 2011, regarding
Correspondence: Posting and Agenda
Council Correspondence up to March 25, 2011 (up
to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Eye Deal, March 12, 2011, regarding Automatic Traffic Signals
and the Disabled
(Referred to Director of Engineering and
Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) M. Burns, March 18, 2011, regarding Pellet Guns in West
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and
Permits for consideration and response)
(3) J. Osborne, North Shore Adults Support Network and Lionsview
Seniors Planning Society, March 25, 2011, regarding Delegation Request
for District of West Vancouver Council
(Referred to Mayor for consideration)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - WV Memorial Library
Board - February 16, 2011
(5) G. Pajari, March 13, 2011, regarding My Letter to Mayor
and Council of March 4th
(6) Metro Vancouver Board, March 18, 2011, regarding Regional
Food System Strategy
(7) MetroVanWatch (CityHallWatch), March 18, 2011, regarding
West Vancouver Council's Acceptance of Regional Growth Strategy:
Still time to do the right thing
(8) Three submissions regarding Safeway Redevelopment Proposal
dated March 15-20
(9) West Vancouver Family Place (Hollyburn Family Services
Society), March 21, 2011, regarding Early Intervention: An Early
Parent/Child Development Framework for British Columbia
(10) Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities, March 21, 2011,
regarding Pacific Arbour Public Information Meeting Notification
(March 30, 2011)
(11) TELUS Corporation, March 22, 2011, regarding TELUS 2011
Capital and Community Investment in West Vancouver
(12) Seven submissions regarding Pacific Arbour Development dated
March 15-25 (Referred to Public Hearing on April 4, 2011)
(13) E-Comm 9-1-1, March 25, 2011, regarding 2011 Winter 2011
E Communiqué now available
Council Correspondence up to March 29, 2011 (up
to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
(1) Four submissions regarding Pacific Arbour Development dated
March 28 to March 29, 2011 (Referred to Public Hearing on April 4,
(2) City of North Vancouver, March 24, 2011, regarding North
Shore Congress - Child and Family Friendly Community Charter
(3) Union of BC Municipalities, March 29 regarding RCMP Contract
Negotiations - Alberta Endorses New RCMP Contract
11. OTHER ITEMS -- No items.
=== Oceans; BCSPCA; Toulouse Goose in
Sylvia Earle:
Oceans at risk because of 'luxury tastes'
The world renowned
American oceanographer, Sylvia Earle, is convinced that our seas, and
therefore our planet, are in grave peril. But how can she convince the
world to take notice of a global threat which is invisible to most of
She spoke to
Stephen Sackur at the Editorial Intelligence conference in
Portmeirion, in North Wales.
BBC News - Hardtalk - Sylvia Earle: Oceans at risk because
...16 Mar 2011 ... Deep sea explorer Sylvia Earle speaks about the threat to our seas from destructive
fishing methods and the demand for shark fin and tuna.
- Cached - Add to iGoog
Sylvia Earle - Oceanographer
Stephen Sackur talks to the world
renowned American oceanographer, Sylvia Earle. Five decades of
underwater exploration have left her convinced that our seas are in
grave peril..
BBC iPlayer - HARDtalk: Sylvia Earle - Oceanographer Stephen Sackur talks to the world
renowned American oceanographer, Sylvia Earle.
www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/.../HARDtalk_Sylvia_Earle_Oceanographer/ -
3. More Programme Information
> TWO -- BC
The BC SPCA is considered a leader in animal welfare across North
America - here's just a few of the many reasons why...
BCSPCA video:
> THREE -- a Toulouse goose in
The tale of a
goose .... Enjoy!
here: Mother
=== INFObits ===
50th: Yuri Gagarin:
first human to journey into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the
Earth on April 12,
1961. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin
o 23rd
Kurd anniversary
CPTnet 26 March 2011
IRAQ REFLECTION: "I want everyone to hear this story"
-- anniversary of chemical gas attack on Halabja
by Janelle Thiessen
March 16 was the anniversary of Saddam Hussein ordering
the chemical bombing of Halabja, Iraqi Kurdistan, which killed more
than 5000 people...
For the whole article, see the on-line
=== see any blueberries? know about meat
BLUEBERRIES: watch this, it's rather surprising -- look at
package labels!
GLUE: This is happening in Canada and the
=== OTTAWAWATCH === from a
subscriber -- the view from Down Under
Found this confusing and alarming
printed in Oz, written by a prof from India teaching in Canada and
Oz......always interesting to find out how others see
Hope this is of some interest to
you. regards Txxxx
This article appeared in The
Australian written by a professor of political science
from U of Waterloo.
Thought you might be interested in
what is being reported 'down under'. Voting day is always
important but this time it is critical.
--- Original Message
Canada Watches it's [sic] Democracy erode
ON Friday, the minority Stephen Harper government fell on a
confidence motion by a 156-145 vote. Speaking to the motion,
Opposition Leader Michael Ignatieff attacked the government for
disrespecting Canadian democracy and treating parliament with
The myth of Canada being dull is captured in the apocryphal story
that in an international competition for the most boring news headline
of the year, the winning entry was "Yet another worthy Canadian
Edmund Burke noted that all that was necessary for evil to
triumph was for good men to do nothing. Canadians are certainly good
and worthy folks, but they suffer an excess of civil obedience,
politeness, and lack of civic rage that could be harnessed to combat
political atrophy. At a time when Arabs risk life and limb for
political freedoms, Canadians seem largely apathetic about the erosion
of their democracy.
The centralisation of power in the hands of the prime minister
and political staffers -- with the resulting diminution of the role
and status of cabinet, parliaments, and parliamentarians -- is common
to Anglo-Saxon democracies in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the US,
but the extent to which constitutional conventions, parliamentary
etiquette, and civil institutions of good governance have been worn
away in Canada is cause for concern.
for the rest: published
Israel to evict family from home in Jerusalem
2011 08:53 SAMAR MOHAISEN HITS: 443
West Bank, (Pal Telegraph)- The so-called
evacuation department in Jerusalem approved
Thursday the demolition of parts of a home belonged to a Palestinian
family in the area of Ras El-Amoud, eastern the city to make way for
Israelis .
The department claimed that
the family illegally constructed a room and surrounded the home with
walls in a land that was purchased by the American Jewish [bizman?]
Erwin Moskowitz.
Israeli authorities carried
out daily demolition operations to dozens of Palestinian homes in
Jerusalem aiming at Judaizing the holy city in preparation to
implement terrorist plans, while Palestinians view Jerusalem as the
future capital for their state.
Local sources confirmed that
occupation municipality forced the owner to pay a fine in case he
rejected to demolish the illegal parts by himself.
> More
o U.S.
eviction of
family from
Jerusalem home ...25 Jul
2008 ... U.S. protests eviction of Arab family from
East Jerusalem
home. Official U.S. protest
also demands
Israel explain settlers'
harassment of
-home-1.250449 -
o Jewish
settlers move into house after Israeli police evict ...23 Nov 2010 ... Jewish
settlers today moved into a house in
Jerusalem after Israeli police
evicted a
family of 14 and removed all
their ...
www.guardian.co.uk/.../jewish-settlers-arab-area-palestinians-evicted -
Cached - Similar
o Recommend: This short video shows what's
done and how.... helpless...
Home invasion East
Jerusalem style - Palestinians evicted from own homes: Israeli settler
nuclear safer than fossil fuels
> STEPHEN HUME writes.......
... Put another way, the calculation of
premature deaths per terawatt hour of energy production comes to this
conclusion: for coal, 161; for oil, 36; for biofuels, 12; for natural
gas, four; for nuclear, 0.04.
Let's by all means
have a robust debate about the future of nuclear energy. Let's hear
all the arguments for it and against it. Let's also keep things in
perspective while we do.
from Nuclear
debate should include hazards of sticking with fossil fuel
Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun. Published: Monday, March
21, 2011
www2.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=415df041... - Cached
> and from New
Subject: Clean Energy ? Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 23:46:03
This will stir some, worth a read
Fossil fuels are far deadlier
than nuclear power
There is no question,"
says Joseph Romm, an energy expert at the Center for American Progress
in Washington DC. "Nothing is worse than fossil fuels for killing
Iraq/Kurdistan & Local
From: "CPTnet: the news service of CPT"
To view the on-line version:
CPTnet 10 March 2011
IRAQ LETTER: The White Group agenda
Dear all,
We are learning about the fluid nature of the White Group.
They have a network of members, who have been able to think quickly,
act decisively, assess the situation, and adjust accordingly.
Following the 26 February 2011
incident, the White Group drafted the following
After many conversations following the
incident on Saturday, February 26, which resulted in injuries and
death, we decided to make the following points regarding the future
activities of the White Group:
1. After the shooting, the Peshmerga
[military] forces that were surrounding the demonstration mixed
with the people and the people welcomed them by clapping. The
work of the peace wall initially was to stop the interaction between
the Peshmerga forces and the people. Following the mix of forces
and people in this good way, it was determined that the role of the
peace wall was finished. For this reason, the White Group is no
longer necessary. However, at any time the demonstrators feel
the need for the White Group, we are ready as a group to re-establish
the wall.
2. We will work to make pressure on the courts
to stop the arrest of people without court orders and we will
investigate those people who have made arrests without court
3. We will make pressure on the judges not to
limit any statements for publication especially during this time and
current situation. Many famous people have published statements
and we want to pressure the courts to protect human rights for public
interest. We will also pressure the courts to protect the right
to record criminal activity in these incidents.
4. We will prepare daily reports about
activities in Suleimaniya city and send them out
5. We will follow up and document all the
people who have been arrested and disappeared as well as visit jails,
police and Asaish [Kurdish secret police].
6. We will collect videos and photos of the
demonstrations to keep as a record and to preserve the
7. We will bring in international and
independent investigators and include them in the team of local
On 1 March 2011, the demonstrators officially requested that the
White Group return and re-establish the peace wall. This request
was honored beginning on 2 March 2011 and CPT was invited to join
members of the group
Peace, CPT-Iraq Team
Updated information; apparently now
thought it was a Thai worker (int'l report).
do hope this lessens tensions (and
blame) so that it softens Netanyahu's heart and leads to trying to
have a mtg working on accommodation and peace.
From: "CPT Hebron" <cptheb@cpt.org> Date:
Tue, 22 Mar 2011 23:53:37 -0800
Hebron: An Eventful day in the West Bank - March 15,
Inger Styrbjorn
A horrible murder took place four days ago in the
illegal settlement of Itamar near Nablus. Parents and three young
children were stabbed to death, presumably in their sleep.
The attack followed a week of countless attacks on
the Palestinian people by the illegal settlers. Houses had been set on
fire, trees cut down, and water sources destroyed.
The Israeli government was quick to try to win
political points from the attack. The funeral was a big deal and was
transferred to Jerusalem. Virulent attacks and statements deluged the
Palestinian population. Nablus and surrounding villages were subjected
to the toughest possible restrictions =96 the hardest was the invasion
of the nearest village of Awarta. The Israeli military went from
house to house destroying everything they could.
Yesterday, we read in the media that all foreign
workers of Thai and Filipino origin had been interrogated about the
crime. From our contacts with the ISM (International Solidarity
Movement) we were told that it was a man from Thailand who carried
out the attack. He had threatened to kill the family if he did not get
his outstanding salary.
The thing is, that three members of the ISM, two
Swedes, and one woman from Norway, were in the village when it was
closed by the military. This evening I spoke with one of the Swedes.
They are OK, but cannot come out of the village yet. Last night, they
believed the Army would lift the restrictions, but settlers forced
their way into the village to harass villagers. The army drove them
away and stayed.
The Swedes said they could move fairly freely in the
village, which has about 5,000 inhabitants. They documented the
destruction. The devastation was enormous in most houses. The
soldiers became very careful in this rampage when they saw that there
was an international presence. It is rumoured, according to the
Swedes, that a Palestinian has been shot dead. They also
believed that the army will leave the village this evening, No
Palestinians have been found guilty of the terrible atrocity in
After all the accusations and threats, not least
from the Israeli leadership, we expected to hear some form of apology
and corrections. Instead, it was announced that 500 new settlement
houses will be built as a punishment for the alleged offense. In fact,
bos=E4ttarh=E5ll announced that a new settlement is already being
built on Palestinian land, in memory of and in retaliation for the
slain family. The information about the man from Thailand has been
neither confirmed or denied.
Large numbers of young people also gathered
today across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, to manifest their
desire for peace and a united Palestine. The young people have joined
forces to put an end to years of disagreement and conflict, primarily
among its leaders.
In Hebron, we CPTers joined a crowd of about 800
Palestinians, around Manara Circle and Ebni Rushd. The slogans
echoed: "Yes to a united Palestine", "Down with
political disagreements", "Yes to national
elections", "No to the Oslo Agreement" and "No to
occupation". There were many speakers and scores of
Palestinian flags fluttered among the crowd. Palestinian police and
security personnel oversaw the whole thing and directed traffic to
other streets. Everything about it was calm and dignified. Of
course, I was both touched and proud when I saw zeal and determination
of the youth. A young Palestinian excitedly said to me: "Ever
since my father died when I was five, I've had a bad life. Now we
young people want to have a change!"
We hear from Al Bweireh that the village is
constantly exposed to attacks by the illegal settlers on a hill near
the village. Two nights ago several cars in the village were damaged
and stones were thrown at houses. Last night some ISMers stayed
with a family that was worried. During the day, settlers
threatened the school children with guns and in the evening, once
again, the illegal, hostile settlers attacked the house. We try to
keep an international presence in Al Bweireh together with the other
international peace organizations EAPPI and ISM.
Palestinians are Blamed for Itamar Killings Before Truth is
Date :
16/3/2011 Time : 21:22
RAMALLAH, March 16, 2011 (WAFA) - President Mahmoud
Abbas Wednesday said that Israel has blamed the Palestinians for the
killing of a family of Israelis in Itamar settlement in the West Bank
before the truth was even known.
He made this comment at the
start of his speech at the opening session of the PLO's Central
Council meeting in Ramallah.
"Regarding the family that
was killed in the settlement of Itamar, we said it was an inhuman and
immoral crime," said Abbas. "But there is insistence on blaming
the Palestinian people before the investigation reveals the truth
about who the killer was. I do not know why this persistence and why
they insist on this position even though the facts are not yet known?"
he said.
Abbas said he spoke with
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him he was ready to
cooperate in the investigation to reach conclusions.
"They are
investigating now, but there is no news about who committed this
crime," he said.
However, Abbas added,
"there are crimes committed daily by settlers. This does not justify
that and it does not mean that if there are crimes there should crimes
in the opposite. But we have to say, and the international community
has to know, that our villages are being attacked on a daily basis,
and so our mosques, our homes and our olive trees are cut down. The
international community and the Israeli public should talk about these
crimes and say these are crimes and the others are
Abbas said he was anxiously
waiting for the results of the Israeli investigation to know who the
murderer was "so that he can be punished for his inhuman and immoral
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 23:42:40 -0800
A Huge Palestinian Demonstration Marks "Unity Day"
for Hebron
Paulette Schroeder
16 March 2011
At 12:00 noon, March 15, three CPTers witnessed a huge crowd
of mostly young people calling for unity between Fatah and Hamas in
the struggle of the Palestinians' liberation. Numerous
Palestinian flags waved throughout the crowd. Children sat on
the shoulders of their older brothers. Young men danced
jubilantly as smiles and exhilarating chants filled the street with
excitement and hope. A group of young women students chanted at
the top of their lungs. One participant said he estimated
that 3000 persons had participated in the demonstration from
start to finish. Many Palestinian groups, including Youth against the
Settlements, had helped organize the demonstration. The
Palestinian Authority Police fortunately worked WITH the people this
time. They kept traffic moving and people safe in the midst
of traffic.
After more than an hour, the large mass of
people moved down the street to another square where they intended to
set up tents for those wishing to sleep out in the street
For pictures of the demonstration see:
March 16, 2011
At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills, West Bank Contact: Christian
Peacemaker Teams: cpttuwani@cpt.org
Website: http://cpt.org/work/palestine
*Olive Trees Destroyed in West Bank village of
*Link to Photos:
On the morning of March 16th , residents of the Palestinian
village of At-Tuwani woke to discover that someone had destroyed six
of their olive trees in the night. The villagers said that the
perpetrators were almost certainly Israeli settlers from the nearby
illegal outpost of Havat Ma'on. "Settlers did this ... they did this
because of the settlers who were murdered near Nablus," said Fadil
Ahmed Raba'i, referring to the recent murder of a family of five
settlers inside the Israeli settlement
of Itamar, within the West Bank.
The destroyed trees were approximately 15 years old and would
have produced olives in the fall harvest had they not been damaged.
They were the property of four residents of At-Tuwani; Suleiman
Jibreen Raba'i, 'Aisa Jibreen Raba'i, Mohammad Salaami Raba'i, and
Musa Khalil Raba'i.
At-Tuwani has experienced frequent vandalism of olive groves
since construction of the Ma'on Settlement in 1984. Most recently, on
February 21, Raba'i reported that three mature olive trees in his
family's grove had been damaged.
Since the mid-1980s Palestinians in Tuwani and the surrounding
villages have faced frequent threats and acts of violence and
intimidation from settlers, but remain committed to nonviolent
resistance. Because villagers in the region are dependent on dry-land
subsistence farming, aggression resulting in damage to trees or crops
or denial of access to agricultural lands constitutes a significant
threat to the communities.
[Note: According to the Geneva Conventions, the
International Court of Justice in the Hague, and numerous United
Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements in the Occupied
Palestinian Territories are illegal. Most settlement outposts are
considered illegal under Israeli law.]
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:22:00 -0400 (EDT)
To view the on-line version
CPTnet 18 March 2011
AT-TUWANI: Six olive trees destroyed in the night
On the morning of 16 March 2011, residents of the
Palestinian village of At-Tuwani discovered that someone had destroyed
six of their olive trees in the night. The villagers said that
the perpetrators were almost certainly Israeli settlers from the
nearby outpost of Havat Ma'on. "Settlers did this ... they did
this because of the settlers who were murdered near Nablus," said
Fadil Ahmed Raba'i, referring to the recent murders of a settler
family inside the northern West Bank settlement of Itamar
The trees were approximately fifteen years old and would
have produced olives in the fall harvest had they not been damaged.
They were the property of four residents of At-Tuwani: Suleiman
Jibreen Raba'i, 'Aisa Jibreen Raba'i, Mohammad Salaami Raba'i, and
Musa Khalil Raba'i.
At-Tuwani has experienced frequent vandalism of olive
groves since construction of the Ma'on Settlement in 1984. Most
recently, on 21 February, Raba'i reported that three mature olive
trees in his family's grove had been damaged.
Since the mid 1980s, Palestinians in Tuwani and the
surrounding villages have faced frequent threats, acts of violence,
and intimidation from settlers, but remain committed to nonviolent
resistance. Because villagers in the region are dependent on
dry-land subsistence farming, aggression resulting in damage to trees
or crops or denial of access to agricultural lands constitutes a
significant threat to the communities.
Additional photos are available here.
Olive Trees
Destroyed in Humra valley (At-Tuwani)
CPT's MISSION: What would happen if Christians
devoted the same discipline and sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking
that armies devote to war? Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) seeks to
enlist the whole church in organized, nonviolent alternatives to war
and places teams of trained peacemakers in regions of lethal
From: Tuwani Team <cpttuwani@cpt.org>
Village of At-Tuwani honors recent victim of
March 26, 2011 -- At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills, West
Link to photos:
Residents of At-Tuwani held a peaceful vigil on the morning of
March 26 to protest the recent stabbing of Mahmoud Ibrahim Ali Awad, a
resident of nearby Tuba village. Soldiers responded to the vigil by
declaring a closed military zone.
Villagers from At-Tuwani attempted to erect a small tent in honor
of Awad on village land near the illegal outpost of Havat Ma'on, but
Israeli soldiers prevented them from doing so by declaring the area a
closed military zone. Soldiers ordered Palestinians and internationals
out of the area, and forced shepherds who were grazing sheep and goats
to leave. Women and children of the village then occupied the area for
several hours in defiance of the order to leave.
On March 19, a settler from Havat Ma'on attacked and stabbed Awad
on the outskirts of At-Tuwani. Awad was travelling by donkey to the
city of Yatta for a medical appointment. A resident of the village saw
the attack and ran towards the settler, who ran back into the outpost.
Awad was transported to Alia Hospital in Hebron, where he is
recovering from stab wounds to his head, arm, and chest.
+ World Forest
The United
Nations General Assembly declared 2011 as the International Year of
Forests to raise awareness on sustainable management, conservation and
sustainable development of all types of forests. Moreover March 21 is
World Forest Day.
Date :
16/3/2011 Time : 15:27
NABLUS, March 16, 2011
(WAFA) - Israeli bulldozers Wednesday uprooted and stole olive trees
in Beit Dajan, a village east of Nablus, according to
They said soldiers, with the
assistance from the Israeli civil administration, raided the land of
Jamal Abu Kanaan and started uprooting his trees.
More than seven military
vehicles, a bulldozer, and a truck joined in the uprooting of
the olive trees and carrying them away, according to Nasser Abu Jaish,
head of the village council.
He said that approximately
150 trees were uprooted.
This is the third time
bulldozers [have raided] Abu Kanaan's land and uproot his
Sponsor an Olive Tree
The Olive Tree
Campaign seeks to
replant trees in areas where they have been uprooted and destroyed or
in areas where the fields are threatened to be confiscated by the
Israeli Occupation Army or settlers. You can help by sponsoring an
olive tree.
You can sponsor an olive tree(s) by sending an amount of $20 USD per
tree in a check payable to:
The East
Jerusalem YMCA, Olive Tree Campaign, POB 19023 East
money transfer with your name (entitled with the Olive Tree
Campaign) to:
The East Jerusalem
YMCA Rehabilitation Program
Name of Bank: Arab
Bank PLC / Address: P.O. Box 537. Manager
Place: Bethlehem
/ Country: Palestine
Account No.
719330/516 USD (574 for NIS) / Swift Code: ARABPS
Please fill the Online Sponsorship Form for the details of your sponsorship and for
receiving further and future details about your sponsored tree(s),
field, farmer, and general updated on olive trees in
Palestine and attacks on lands and farmers
We thank
you for helping us to KEEP HOPE ALIVE
The Olive
Tree Campaign / Joint Advocacy Initiative / YWCA of
+ Three Arrested
in Hebron, Troops Cut Down Olive Trees, Pile Waste
near Bethlehem
MARCH 16, 2011
16.03.11 - 15:01PNN -
Palestine News Network
Hebron - PNN - On
Wednesday morning, dawn raids conducted by the Israeli army ended with
the arrests of three Palestinians, as settler attacks escalated and
Israeli soldiers near Nablus cut down and confiscated Palestinian
olive trees.
An Israeli bulldozer clearing
Palestinian land (PNN Archive).
...Settlers in Hebron also
threw stones and dirty water at Palestinian houses in the Old City,
while Israeli troops fired live bullets at a passing Palestinian car
leaving the village of Beni Na'im, bursting its
+ CBC:
+ CTV: http://shows.ctv.ca/RoyalWedding.aspx
+ BBC:
Kate and Will wd like donations to charities as wedding
+ Royal wedding: Canada Mint
unveils commemorative coins
The mint plans to release more
royal coins ahead of the couple's visit to Canada in the
The Royal Canadian Mint
has unveiled collectors' coins to mark the wedding of Prince William
and Kate Middleton.
A 20 Canadian dollar silver
coin, which will cost about $105 (US$109; =A367), has a
sapphire-coloured crystal inlay, to symbolise the bride's engagement
And a 25-cent coin features a
colour portrait of the couple...
Right here in WV! Murchie's
has mugs commemorating the coming wedding of Kate and Will.
Cdn't resist buying one. Also bought Murchie's Wedding
Blend tea in honour of the royal wedding -- delicious.
Prince of Wales Prize
The Heritage Canada Foundation is seeking nominations for the
Prince of Wales Prize for Municipal Heritage Leadership. Under the
patronage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, this prize is
awarded to a municipal government, large or small, rural or urban,
which has demonstrated a strong and sustained commitment to the
conservation of its historic places.
Victoria is the only B.C. community to have received this
award to date, in 2001. The nomination deadline is April 30.
For further information:
Carolyn Quinn, Director of Communications,
Telephone: 613-237-1066 ext. 229 =BB
{Alas, no chance for WV.
This is the first time it's been without a heritage cmte or even a
heritage ccl liaison.}
Mbrship for the Vancouver Haiku Group is open to all people who
are interested in writing haiku.
Meetings are held every third Sunday of the month. The next
meeting is Sunday, April 17 from 2 to 4:30pm in Multipurpose Room 3,
Mount Pleasant Community Centre, located at 1 Kingsway, Vancouver.
If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact
Thank you.
> Release: 2011 Top Ten Endangered
Read this bulletin from our website:
Our 11th Annual Heritage Vancouver Society Top
Ten Endangered Sites
The situation with our historic
schools has become so serious that our entire list could have been
made up of landmark heritage schools.....
Our other Top Ten sites for this
year demonstrate a variety of issues, including ongoing difficulties
associated with the Heritage Density Bank -- frozen since August
2007 -- as well as outdated City plans in many neighbourhoods that
do not recognize current development pressures. Some heritage sites
are also threatened by current city policies that try to wring maximum
public benefits out of many sites through extra density - raising
the question of 'how much is too much?' These ten sites represent the
many challenges that we have in building a future for heritage in
You can also view our previous Top Ten sites from 2001 to
1. Vancouver Schools: Carleton (1896 to 1912)
>see full details
2. Vancouver Schools: Kitchener (1914/1924)
It appears that the decision has already
been made to demolish the 1924 brick portion of Kitchener...
This wasteful and intrusive projects demonstrates what is wrong with
the VSB's approach to its historic structures. Is this demolition
necessary? >see full details
3. Vancouver Schools: Sexsmith (1912/1913)
>see full details
4. Shannon Estate (1915-1925)
Shannon Estate is one of Vancouver's
premier heritage sites. >see full
5. Strathcona North of Hastings
Strathcona north of Hastings continues to
fall into neglect and no steps have been taken to protect the heritage
of Vancouver's oldest neighbourhood in the past year. >see full
6. Gordon T. Legg Residence (1899)
This very significant late Victorian-era
estate house will be demolished unless the City approves an onsite
density bonus of 26,000sf. The density cannot be transferred offsite
as the Heritage Density Bank has been frozen since August 2007.
Heritage Vancouver supports this proposal, but there is significant
neighbourhood opposition. >see full
7. Collingwood Library (1951)
This was the first example of Modernist architecture in
the Vancouver Public Library system and has been serving the
Collingwood community for 60 years. >see full
8. Lower Mount Pleasant
This historic neighbourhood, rich in
residential, commercial and industrial heritage, continues to
deteriorate. In the past year, two more of its heritage homes -- 302
and 304 West 6th -- were demolished. It will take swift action
... >see full details
9. Granville Street (1888-forward)
The historic character of Granville Street
continues to be threatened, and there is a distinct possibility that
the older, smaller heritage buildings, which are unique to the area,
will be destroyed in the name of "progress" and a desire to
"clean up" the area... >see full
10. 2400 Motel (1946) >see full
Other Upcoming Events:
- Full info at heritagevancouver.org
* Bulletins: Sign-up to receive, or view all previous
bulletins at: www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins.htmlFollow us
Heritage Vancouver Society, PO Box 3336, Main Post
Office, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3Y3
604 254 9411 info@heritagevancouver.org
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === I/subject;
from the Mar 21st ccl mtg notes:
... honour for Cclr Sop and I [sic] {see
rather than just say what's correct, will try to explain
first person singular pronouns: I a subject pronoun, me an object
Subject of a verb, or object of a verb or a preposition.
I walked to the store; {Sop and} I went to the mtg;
{many friends and} I love shopping
those were all subject and I is the subject pronoun -- you'd say
it if others removed..
ME is the object
of a verb:
Dad took me home; she gave {Sop
and} me passes; they wanted {my friends and} me to stay.
of a preposition:
John went with me; he did it for {Mary and} me; they gave the
flowers to {all the chn and} me.
You'd say with me, for me, to me, wdn't you. Just b/c you
add other ppl doesn't mean you change the pronoun from object to
If you leave out everyone else in your sentence, you'll never
make a mistake.
You wdn't say "me go" and you wdn't say "with I"
or "for I".
Those who use I, wch sounds awkward, indicates being hypercorrect
-- overdoing it.
The good news is that they're making an effort, they're trying,
and that's a good sign. In that case they might want to be
correct and so will appreciate having it explained so that it is no
longer a mystery; they won't be uncertain, and they will be right --
wch is what they were trying for in the first place!
Questions? write cr@grammarinfo.ca of ph 922 4400
Celebrate 125
-- March
26 to April 22
o Haiku
Invitational 2011 -- Celebrate Vancouver 125 with your
new haiku!
o Cherry Scouts send
in reports from the neighbourhoods on what's in bloom now. Check
out their photos from some great viewing
o Check out the
cherries in your neighbourhood!
o Learn about our
trees as you scout out our best viewing locations.
o Register now for a
chance to work with our amazing artists.
Thanks to the David and Dorothy
Lam Foundation the festival offers these Birthday Blossoms trees at a special offer of $40 to
individuals, community organizations and businesses. To quote
our Blossom Benefactor, the late Honourable Dr. David C. Lam's belief,
"the cherry tree brings joy; one's enjoyment of it brings
invisible wealth."
Proceeds will help support the
Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, a charitable non-profit society
dedicated to the education, celebration and preservation of the 37,000
cherry trees that make our city unique, attracting admirers from
around the world.
For more information on how to
plant and care for your new Birthday Blossom Cherry Tree, please go to Planting Tips and Cherry Care on this
website. In addition, a step-by-step video showing how to plant
your cherry tree; hosted by noted horticulturalist, Douglas Justice,
Associate Director and Curator of Collections at UBC Botanical Garden;
can be found below as well as the Planting Tips
How to Plant a Cherry Blossom from
Matthew Lawless on Vimeo.
Method of Payment
Thank you for your enthusiasm and
support of Birthday
Blossoms. In order to provide
the best customer service of orders Birthday Blossoms will continue as designed, as an online
promotion. Please select your cultivar and pick up location carefully
and pay by credit card or PayPal as we do not have a "Change of Mind
Policy". Unfortunately the Festival cannot handle refunds or changes
to Birthday
Blossoms orders. Thank you for
Birthday Blossoms are almost sold - out !! Please order by Pay Pal on-line to reserve
your cherry tree and pick-up at one location only:
VanDusen Botanical Garden
(Oak and 37th) Parking Lot by West exit Gate 2
Saturday April 16 - 9am to
5pm $45 (taxes in) and delivered for $60 per tree
As long as supplies last there
will be Cash and Carry Cherry - Birthday
Blossoms sale on a first
come first served basis at VanDusen Botanical Garden on April 16th
Please call 604 379 8854 for
delivery *Delivery within Vancouver
Prunus Sato Zakura Group 'Kanzan' -- 'Kanzan'
is a fast growing cherry with a large, upright spreading crown. The
huge, double pink flowers are produced in incredible profusion in late
April or May...
Prunus pendula 'Yae-beni-shidare' --
Yae-beni-shidare' is a double-flowered form of the Japanese
Ito-zakura (thread cherry), with flowers in March or April that
resemble, as they open, tiny, pendulous pink roses. The habit of this
tree is more umbrella-like than many other weeping cultivars
=== MAIKU === senryu
followed by politi-ku
the light's extinguished
the life story
the lady with lilac
Federal Election May 2 so added politi-ku
+ 2011 March 19
bailing out the banks, etc, thinking of budget
and possible election; you may wish to substitute your favourite
funding/tax incentive/promise for the first line:
stimulus package
takes Peter's money, pays
My name is Peter.
then later:
use Peter's money for
My name is Peter.
for projects
pick Peter's pocket for
My name is
with election call, a variant:
campaign promises ~~
Peter's money goes to
My name is
We can never be the better for our religion if
our neighbour is the worse for it. -- Unknown
Despots know how to solve every problem except the most serious:
-- Sir Winston Leonard
Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, PC, DL, FRS, British statesman
(1874 - 1965)
who also said:
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is
going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to
have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about
-- Dale
Carnegie, American writer and lecturer (1888 - 1955)
Sometimes a man wants to be stupid if it lets him do a thing
his cleverness forbids.
-- John
Steinbeck, American novelist, Nobel laureate (1902 - 1968)
What the object of senile avarice may be I cannot conceive. For
can there be anything more absurd than to seek more journey money, the
less there remains of the journey?
-- Marcus
Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman, orator, writer (106 - 43 BCE)
A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the
-- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (born
Baron Stanislaw Jerzy de Tusch-Letz),
and aphorist of Polish and Jewish noble origin (1909 - 1966)
When you are reluctant to change, think of the
beauty of autumn. -- Unknown
Too many spiders in
your house can turn it into a no fly zone.
Having too many vowels
is a consonant struggle in the game of Scrabble.
As long as the
imperial system is in place a ruler will be afoot.
I like the latest
horror movie so much that I've arranged a private
Insulting an East
Indian chef will bring you bad Korma.