Finance Cmte NOTES July 11
Ccl AGENDA July 18
Calendar to July 28

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

would someone please turn the summer sun on?
MAIN ITEMS on AGENDA July 18: DPA for 2403 Duchess; Youth Services Review Findings/Final Report ($75Kpa for YDevt Worker for western needs; $15K for increased programming; Amb Youth Place funding); Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report (READ IT! public input over the summer; Draft in fall; Arts Society to be formed, Upgrades to Music Box, Silk Purse; Removal of 1576 Argyle; Reno of 1756 Argyle, Relocn of Klee Wyck tenants to Lawson Crk Studios; Consideration of how Godfrey's, 1528 Argyle, can promote Arts/Culture; Cultural/Heritage precinct Argyle waterfront); Fees/Charges re Fire/Rescue permits/services; Zoning Bylaw (third reading); Adoption of Bylaws (Five-Yr Financial Plan Budget Amendment; Firearm Regulation); Correspondence (GLH; Probs re PH; PLS READ Amb Devt and Finance Cmte minutes; letters against selling land for plans/buildings)
=  Vive le Canada (PM Honorary Chief of Blood Tribe); from the EDITOR'S DESK --> 
= BUDGETWATCH: DWV CCL and STAFF REMUNERATION 2010 (names removed; $75K+ excluding Police/Fire; top ten bolded)
=  UPDATES & INFO (Annual Report 2010; Park Royal Expansion Display; Rutledge field; Sprinkling regs)
=  CALENDAR to July 28th; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music)
=  Ccl Mtg NOTES July 11th:  Sp Ccl Mtg at 4pm closed so nothing to report; followed by the Finance Cmte; see synopsis on inconclusive discussion re guiding principles for 2012 Budget
=  AGENDA July 18th
=  ANIMALWATCH (Pamplona, running of the bulls; monkey photographer and has copyright?); INFObits (Boycott law; Geller's 40th); MURDOCHWATCH (Fisk; Journalism); PEACEWATCH (how with expansion?); FOODWATCH (deadliest delicacies; FOOTO); TEAWATCH; WATERWATCH (not shared fairly); FLOTILLAWATCH (Flytilla); PHOTOWATCH ($$$ homes; Globe; Dalai Lama); ROYALWATCH (Best of Photos of Tour); HERITAGEWATCH (Maritime Museum; Delamont Walk; Heritage Vancouver Fdn); MAIKU; QUOTATIONS/PUN

===  Vive le CANADA  ===  From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)
July 11 {See website for entire stmt by Prime Minister Harper}
Statement on becoming an Honorary Chief of the First Nations Blood Tribe of Alberta
"I'd like to note another recent milestone. As a result of the general election of May second, Canada now has the largest number of aboriginal Members of Parliament in the history of our country. And I am personally very proud to say that five of those seven MPs are government members, including two who are members of cabinet."

===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===  Warning and apologies.
   The remuneration table is in a proportional font so tables do not line up; pls treat it as an eye test :-)
===  BUDGETWATCH ===  REMUNERATION 2010 =  IOW $$$ === 
                        DWV REMUNERATION 2010 (over $75K excluding Police and Fire)*
Name and Position                Remuneration Taxable Bene=DEts (Car Allowance) Total Remuneration  Expenses
MAYOR Goldsmith-Jones, Pam  $65,046.84      $1,735.80     ($3,816.00)    $ 70,598.64        $8,910.17
Evison, Michael         23,894.80        1,224.00                              25,118.80          2,347.53
Lewis, Michael          23,894.80           123.60                               24,018.40            866.58
Panz, Trish                     23,894.80           123.60                               24,018.40            868.09
Smith, Michael          23,894.80         1,491.60                              25,386.40                --
Soprovich, William      23,894.80         1,224.00                              25,118.80                --
Walker, Shannon         23,894.80         1,491.60                              25,386.40             127.19
                                        $208,415.64      $7,414.20    ($3,816.00)       $219,645.84        $13,119.56

Total Remuneration & Expenses 232,765.40


Position                                        Remuneration            Expenses

Network Analyst                         $  81,839.88            $   964.52
Manager - Park Programs                 100,152.50                   11.94
Supervisor - Information Technology Help Desk           75,750.27                 5,167.42
Mechanic - Transit                                  75,058.05
Senior Manager - Parks                    113,741.48                 288.96

Manager - Engineering Services            113,219.70                 873.53
Technical Services/Systems Dept Head - Library       97,179.37               144.53
Water Treatment Operator                             95,71 1.97            2,132.85
Manager ~ Community Planning               124,611.15                 486.19
Supervisor - Parks Construction              75,066.31                328.03

Mechanic - Transit                                   77,518.22                290.00
Corporate Initiatives                      102,853.03                 308.72
Superintendent of Maintenance - Transit         114,817.60
Business Systems Analyst                             78,710.37                591.26
Facilities Maintenance Manager             102,046.57              1,285.14

Equipment Superintendent                             97,220.72             1,744.65
Deputy Municipal Clerk                       77,450.80                779.34
Fire Chief                                 153,498.26              4,429.06
Supervisor - Utilities (Water)                        76,507.12               126.08
Plumbing Inspector                         80,024.84                  164.42

Superintendent - Operations Support                   97,220.72               280.81
Utilityworker                                 79,403.24               120.29
Manager - Roads & Transportation                    126,649.98             4,393.50
Payroll Coordinator                       84,726.86                   396.82
Business Mgr - Parks and Community Services           97,220.72               167.38

Director of Engineering and Transportation          155,389.65                859.50
Senior Human Resources [Adviser]                      80,241.99               178.32
[Former] Director of Library Services                100,139.98               210.96
Risk Management [Adviser]                              97,076.72                   2,834.26
Manager - Information Technology                     109,669.83            1,617.61

Plumbing Inspector                         77,897.32                    55.00
Youth Department Head ~ Library                97,077.94                       961.13
Manager of Operations ~ Library                85,926.61                     2,685.11
Business Mgr - Engineering and Transportation          84,823.91                        145.00
Manager ~ Permits, Inspections, and Bylaws           103,024.56              1,802.47

Deputy Director of Human Resources & Payroll Services                111,634.26                 670.94
Community Recreation Supervisor                 81,643.69                     1,234.67
Supervisor ~ Cemetery                           77,018.08                        191.87
Superintendent ~ Utilities (Sewer)                      97,220.72                        398.76
Sustainability, Environment, & Healthy Communities    107,400.90                         131.99

Operations Supervisor ~ Transit                 79,218.01                     1,488.34
Manager ~ Community Services                  113,621.89                      2,208.88
Deputy Director ~ Library                             100,830.90                      2,779.03
Project Engineer                           75,112.65                   2,352.58
Community Recreation Supervisor                  84,766.35                        378.25

[Former] Director of Finance                 156,517.69                   410.26
Community Planner                          84,726.77                      419.05
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer                    170,689.28                         875.22
Superintendent - Utilities (Water)                     101,036.74                         505.21
Mechanic - Transit                                       79,719.66

Bus Operator - Transit             75,822.02                       338.00
Assistant Manager - Permits and Inspections105,880.77                   2,411.63
Buyer/Maintenance Management Systems Operator          75,156.75                         1,693.99
Utilityworker                     77,742.91                         556.68
Manager - Cultural Affairs and Partnerships               99,776.68                      1,137.40

Information Services Department Head - Library  78,522.03                        1,059.18
Manager - Utilities               122,749.19                     2,562.62

Chief Administrative Officer                    213,529.85                       6,486.95

Senior Community Planner                   96,536.72                        697.26
Payroll Manager                                 100,795.14
Records and lnformation Analyst/lnformation and Privacy Officer85,450.35                            579.22
Director of Parks and Community Services                133,193.65                          782.61
Operations Supervisor - Transit                   87,670.07

Business Systems Analyst                  79,655.31                          971.02
Bus Operator - Transit            85,908.29                          338.00
Assistant Mgr - Building Construction & Contracts         112,505.99                         665.35
Mechanic - Transit                        17,961.16
Bus Operator - Transit            77,776.26                          338.00

Supervisor - Equipment Maintenance        81,274.28                          664.39
Land And Property Agent           99,626.60                          450.00
Bus Operator - Transit            85,203.85                          338.00
Electrical lnspector                      81,029.83                          130.00
Mechanic - Transit                        82,770.34

Supervisor - Utilities (Sewer)            95,301.94                          330.00
Manager - Budgets and Accounting        101,984.01                       1,026.09
Manager - Transit                       119,625.69                          939.19
Bus Operator - Transit             75,656.21                         498.00
Director of Human Resources & Payroll Services         123,424.44                         2,747.94

Mgr ~ Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk 130,274.61                     1,423.17
Land Development Technician                                        75,124.47
Mgr - Community Development, Youth and Families76,127.12                             786.37
Mechanic - Transit                        75,745.45                       1,108.20
Community Recreation Supervisor           85,450.36                          489.90

Director of Planning, Lands, & Permits            155,389.39                     1,008.38
Building Inspector                         82,612.70                        927.92
Bus Operator - Transit             82,710.87                        338.00
Supervisor                         80,736.37                        663.63
Development Engineering         123,454.32                         640.04

Maintenance Chargehand                                80,439.10
Building inspector                        78,647.18                       1,281.13
Environmental Protection Officer          76,820.30                          915.09
Engineering Technologist                  82,321.93                       1,133.57
Superintendent - Roads          106,021.66                                   351.36

Senior Buyer                       76,234.65                                  370.00
Supervisor - Roads                         77,155.94                                  955.28
Manager - Revenue & Collections                      112,448.57           1,017.17
Utilityworker                                           94,905.23                    160.16
Mechanic - Transit                                              82,243.60

Building inspector                        78,741.04                  828.71
Accounting Supervisor                                   75,205.69                    912.80
Supervisor - Utilities (Construction)                           76,299.06                    126.04
Total For Employees Over $75,000 (Excluding Police)     $17,998,611.54     $105,678.43
Total For Employees Under $75,000 (Excluding Police)      28,241,476.48      163,605.56
Total For Police         $9,649,217.92       and        $130,830.42

Total for Mayor and Council and all Employees           $56,108,951.78  $ 413,233.97

GRAND TOTAL of Remuneration and Expenses $ 56,522,185.75
Based on Provincial instructions, reporting of Police remuneration details has been indefinitely suspended.
The statement of remuneration and expenses paid to employees during the year ended December 31, 2010 lists gross remuneration which includes regular salaries as well as payment for taxable benefits, overtime, other allowances and payout of entitlements that may have been earned in previous years.
{NB: Names have been omitted as well as Fire Dept staff except for the Chief.  Top ten bolded and underlined.
E&OE b/c had to be mostly typed not copy and pasted so pls verify (it has not yet been put up on the FIA webpage)
It ought to be here:  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=5242
but is missing.
This is the link to the version on the agenda:
http://www.westvancouver.ca/uploadedFiles/Your_Government/Agendas_and_Minutes/2011/May/11may19-6.PDF   }

===  UPDATES & INFO  ===
+  Annual Report 2010
Tuesday, June 21  --  Council received the 2010 Annual Report at the June 20, 2011 Regular Council Meeting.
The Annual Report will also be available for inspection at the Finance Department in the Municipal Hall.
2010 Annual Report (PDF) (Flash)  --  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34478
+  Park Royal Connected
We have opened a Display Suite in Park Royal South across from Please Mum to talk about The Village Expansion development. In this suite you can find information about the new retailers coming to Park Royal, the new intersection going in on Marine Drive to replace the westerly overpass, and the design for residential and movies theatres. We are excited to share our future plans with you, and welcome any feedback you may have. The suite will remain open until July 17 every day from 12pm to 4pm, so visit us anytime. If you don't have time to visit us, check us out online at parkroyalconnected.com.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Rutledge Artificial Turf Sport Field (formerly Ambleside "A")
Friday, July 08 --  This project is made possible by a $3 million Building Canada Fund grant and by support from the Field Hockey and Soccer communities, as well as the District of West Vancouver. 
Construction New:
Field [There are six light poles, 60 feet in height, with four fixtures on each pole (one pole has six fixtures, to light the field hockey warm-up area).  Previously, there had been ten light poles, 40 feet in height.  The change in pole height is to minimize light spill]; Fieldhouse; Warm-up Areas; Timing
                        See details:  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=25808
Minimize Lawn Sprinkling to Reduce Demand on Water System
Wednesday July 06  Reminder: Lawn sprinkling regulations are in effect from June 1 to September 30.
Sprinkling is permitted between:  4am - 9am (no more evening sprinkling)
Even-numbered addresses: Mon, Wed, and Sat    Odd-numbered addresses: Tues, Thurs, and Sun
Did you know that your lawn only needs one inch of water per week? Visit the Outdoor Water Conservation page.
See  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=18466

=======  CALENDAR to July 28th  =======
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise.  NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out.  Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx  .  Notices/mtgs/changes too late for an issue or too early for the next are sent to subscribers as updates.  They then appear in the next newsletter.
>  Salsa by the Sea
June 23 to Aug 25 on Ambleside Landing from 6:30 to 8:30pm on Thursdays; $6 drop-in
Open to all; ph 925 7290; see http://ferrybuildinggallery.com for info.
>  Weekly Farmers' Markets all summer
Saturdays 9 to 3 - Dundarave Farmers' Market, 2400 Marine Drive
Sundays 10 to 3 - Ambleside Farmers' Market - Bellevue Ave & 13th St.
>  This Summer join us for FREE Sunset Family Yoga Classes!
Located on the Great Lawn of the Community Centre --  July & August only -- A gentle Hatha Style class.  Everyone is welcome.  Bring your own yoga mat.  Weather permitting - For up-to-date scheduling information:
Summer of Cinema and Song  --  Ferry Building Landing (foot of 14th Street)
Date: July 10 - August 28  --  Time: Song starts at 7pm. Cinema starts at sunset.
Presented by Dr. Debra Rovinelli and Graham Foster at West Vancouver Optometry.
Join us at the Ferry Building Landing for
Summer of Cinema and Song on the West Vancouver waterfront. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy live music as the sun sets, then stay and watch a great film in the park! Events take place every Sunday between July 10 and August 28.
*NOTE: Films taking place during the Harmony Arts Festival will be in John Lawson Park on Fridays.
Date                                  Song                   Cinema                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Sunday July 10  The Sea To Sky Wind Ensemble         The Blind Side
Sunday July 17          Redgy Blackout Acoustic Duo           Invictus
Sunday, July 24 The Milleraires               It's Kind Of A Funny Story
== Saturday July 16
~ noon to 2pm ~ Harmony Arts Preview Concert: The Adam Woodall Band at Park Royal
~ noon to 8:30pm ~ PARKS DAY 2011 -- Parks Canada turns 100!
Free party for hipsters featuring reggae poet K'Naan and Saskatoon's righteous psyche-rockers Sheepdogs.
== Tuesday July 19     ~ 7pm ~ Parks Master Plan WG
== Wednesday July 20   
        ~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte
        ~ 7pm ~  Bd of Variance; and Library Bd at Library
== Thursday July 21    ~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte
== Monday July 25    ~ 4pm ~ Finance Cmte Mtg ==
== Tuesday July 26    ~ 7pm ~ Parks Master Plan WG
== Thursday July 28     ~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues CANCELLED
                        ~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd Public mtg at WVPD
--> Then the Harmony Arts Festival starts July 29!

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++  http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/event/calendar.php
Closed Sundays in July and August.  Note parking and parking limit changes (details in WVM13)
~ 6:30 - 9pm ~ Join us on Tuesday evenings for an in-house screening of some wonderful films.
        Last Station -- July 19    and      Barney's Version -- July 26
+  Tuesday July 19
~ 1:30pm ~   Raptor Rescue with O.W.L. Rehabilitation Society (Grades 1-7)
           Meet and learn about the birds of prey which live in the Lower Mainland.  Drop-in, but space is limited.
+  Gallery at the Library
Whimsical Summer  This show of works by members of the North Shore Artists' Guild is dedicated to smaller drawings and paintings in pencil, watercolour, mixed media, pastel and acrylic.
Through July 23.
+  Picture Diversity Photo Contest Winners  A pictorial representation of multiculturalism and inclusion on the North Shore. Through July 22

+++  WV MUSEUM +++ http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
=  The Smith Collection  ~  June 9 to August 27
      A selection of works by leading Canadian artists from Gordon Smith's private collection
Immersed in the visual art world, West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a number of interesting works by leading Canadian and international artists. The wealth of their art collection is evidence of the lives the Smiths touched and conversely those who influenced Gordon Smith's artistic practice. Through examining the Smiths' influence to the Canadian art world, this first exhibition of the Smith Collection includes works by Rodney Graham, Douglas Coupland, Jack Shadbolt, and Ann Kipling among many others.
West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a diversity of artworks from leading Canadian artists over their decades-long immersion in the Canadian art world.
This exhibition includes important works selected by Ian Thom, Senior Curator, Vancouver Art Gallery.

+++  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY  +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
13th International MINI ART EXCHANGE  ~  July 5 - 24
Brazil/Canada    Opening Reception Tuesday July 5 from 6 to 8pm

+++ SILK PURSE +++   http://www.silkpurse.ca/gallery2.html
July 12 - 24  -- "Sunrise"
Employing three distinct visual approaches to some of the rudimentary property features of the Hastings Sunrise neighbourhood, photographer Morgan Applewood invites us to consider how the East Van area has come to represent decorum amidst Vancouver's high-priced housing market & what it means to have the premium of space.
Opening reception Tuesday July 12th from 6 - 8pm
Complete list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
Website: http://www.westvan60.com/  --  ofc: 922 3587; lounge: 922 1920
"Where Volunteers make the difference." Chartered November 17th, 1926
The Winter Issue of "The Torch" is now available
 To view the newsletter, just click the following link for direct access:
 The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.  To sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of the webpage, http://www.westvan60.com/newsletter.html
For those of you who use Twitter, you can follow us, Tweet us and keep up to date with our events.
Follow us: @westvan60 -- Reid Anderson, Branch Secretary
Many veterans, as well as families of surviving veterans, have military books. What happens to these collections? Do you have military books and are you downsizing, moving or just need extra space? What do with these historical 'treasures'? We may have just the solution for you:
Lynn Valley Legion, Branch #114 has undertaken
Don't let your collection of military books gather dust! We urge you to donate them to the DNV Public Library, care of Branch #114.
For our pilot project, "military" means Navy, Army, Air Force, and connections thereto; Merchant Navy, theatres of operations, ship, unit, squadron, histories, materials, and staff in the manufacturing and delivery of war materials, equipment including radar, sonar, weaponry, clothing and food, depots, camps, building and tents, wartime intelligence personnel, even politics!
Please deliver your military book donations to:
Lynn Valley Legion Branch #114, 1630 Lynn Valley Road, July 11, 12, and 13th; noon to 9pm.
Boxes marked for donations will be just inside the club door.
Your book donations will be examined for condition and content by the Library and may be added to the Library's collection at their discretion.
Any donations accepted by the Library become the property of the DNV Public Library.
Many donations go to the Friends of the Library for inclusion in their book sales, the proceeds of which support Library collections, programs, and services.
The Library does not guarantee the permanence of a gift in the collection or at a specific branch.
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
July 19 - Chamber Breakfast Club  --  Cafe TrafiQ, Ambleside
July 26 - Chamber Breakfast Club 2  --  Delany's, Dundarave

+  BARD ON THE BEACH http://www.bardonthebeach.org/ June 2nd to Sept 24
As You Like It
Great acting by Lois Anderson, on stage nearly the whole time
The Merchant of Venice
a difficult play, an excellent production; even with humour: John Murphy and Ryan Beil
Henry VI, Wars of the Roses
Three plays into one, masterfully melded by Christopher Weddell; complicated but made clear by the acting; politics and intrigue always with us, the well-intentioned side-lined
Richard III opens Saturday July 16
       Tix: book online or call Box Office M-F 9am to 4pm, 739 0559; reserved seating this year.
+  ARTS CLUB   687 1644
  -  Revue Stage on Granville Island -- Mom's the Word: Remixed; now playing to July 23
  -  Granville Island Stage -- A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, to July 30
+ Jericho Arts Centre  (1675 Discovery)  224 8007
Bob Loblaw QAS and Bent Productions presents:
    written by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield; directed by David C. Jones
          starring Robin Chung, Sean Parsons, and Dave Ortynsky
This revised version of the smash hit comedy that dazzled Vancouver ten years ago is back with a new cast but directed by the star of the original local production, David C. Jones.
Three desperate and clueless men try to do all 37 of Shakespeare's plays in 97 minutes! Othello is a rap, Titus is a cooking show, and Hamlet is done backwards.
July 21 - 30 Tue; Sat at 8pm; Previews: July 20, 21; Tix $10 - $20; Matinee Wed July 27 at 1pm Tix $10
+ Theatre Under the Stars in Stanley Park 877 840 0457 www.tuts.ca
        ~ 8pm ~ Bye, Bye, Birdie and Anything Goes until Aug 20
* Dr Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden
A Good Woman of Setzuan by Seven Tyrants Theatre
a musical re-imagining of Bertold Brecht's classic; 662 3207 www.seventyrants.com
    Calendar of Events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
~ VAG PUBLIC PROGRAMS  --  All Programs free for Members.
        Current exhibition: "The Colour of my Dreams".........
        ~  Out for Lunch -- Eine Kleine Lunch Musik, Select Fridays, 12:10 - 1pm
+  Vancouver Symphony Orchestra  876 3434
                  Many to choose from, pls go to the VSO website: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/ 
Symphony in the Park: Deer Lake Park 7pm Sunday July 17 (includes 1812 Overture!)
Summer Pops, Broadway to Hollywood: Orpheum 7:30pm Thurs July 25 (includes Star Wars)
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER --  40th Anniversary Season --  http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca
Early Music Vancouver  T: 732-1610  F: 732-1602  E: staff@earlymusic.bc.ca Summer Festival tix on sale

===  CCL NOTES Monday July 11th  ===
      4pm opened and closed.  Since no ccl mtg news thought I put in info from the Finance Cmte mtg.
        {5:30pm = Notes from conversations and reports from mbrs and subscribers}
The Director of Finance proposed another approach to budgeting, particularly in terms of aligning the budget with priorities.  She suggested migrating from the current process of a one-year budget and a five-year financial plan to a three-year planning horizon in order to focus better on longer term issues.  She also sought more specific guidance from Council in terms of a bottom line tax increase.  Discussion by council was inconclusive.
Three-Year Budget Focus
        The budget would focus on the first three years of the five-year plan, i.e. there would be a budget with more attention paid to the first three years than in the past.
        At the end of years One and Two, revisions would be made to bring it into line with the situation then extant, i.e. the three-year budget is not cast in stone at the beginning of Year One but there is a benefit in having a longer horizon than the current one year.  A further benefit would be that by dealing only with changes, the huge work of a completely new budget every year would be reduced.
Council Direction on Setting Key Budget Assumptions
The Director of Finance recommended Council give direction to staff on the major assumptions to be used in developing the budget.  Two areas covered included:
1.  Council should indicate the amount of the tax change to be used in the budget.  This would define the resources from taxation available to DWV for planning purposes at its beginning rather than at the end.  A range would also be set above and below this amount which would be managed through Increments and Decrements.
2. Increment and decrement packages would be prepared by Staff to enable tuning of the final budget according to Council priorities or, this year, by the new Council based on its own priorities.  These would act as "building blocks" of projects or programs which may be deleted (decrement) or added (increments) to come up with a final budget amount and related tax change.
The main advantage is that it would reduce (eliminate?) the debate/uncertainty/conflicting aims at the year end with its attendant adverse effects on both staff and the budget end result.
There were suggestions of preparing budgets at -2%, 0%, and +2%.  Some mbrs (cclrs) advocated 0%.*
Council made no final decisions on whether to accept or reject these recommendations but did ask for more information.
{ Dear Readers:
I will leave it to them (cclrs) to speak up in public at the ccl mtg rather than naming them.  Since this is an election year I assumed it wd be 0%.  Surely there'll be some discussion Monday 18th and definitely a Round Two at the next scheduled Finance Cmte mtg 4pm July 25th.  Obviously staff wd prefer to get some certainty now so preparation can be done over the summer and the draft budget can be presented in the fall -- with general agreement.  The sooner we find out, the more time we have for input and recommendations.
It's your cmnty -- get involved!
It's also your wallet!  }

===  CCL MTG AGENDA Monday July 18th  ===
Note: At 6pm the regular Ccl Mtg will commence in open session, immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public.  At 7pm the open session will reconvene (in the Council Chamber).
6:00 PM
THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded ... under the following section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
c.  labour relations or other employee relations;
d.  the security of the property of the municipality; and
e.  the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.
7:00 PM
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
        July 4, 2011 Regular Council Meeting; July 4, 2011 Public Hearing; July 11, 2011 Special Council Meeting
7. 2011 Harmony Arts Festival (File:  3016-01)  Presentation to be provided.
        RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
8. Development Permit Application No. 11-003 for 1403 Duchess Ave (File:  1010-20-11-003)
At the June 6 reg mtg Council received the report dated May 20 for 1403 Duchess and set the date for consideration for July 4.  At the June 20 mtg the date for consideration was re-scheduled to July 18.
Reports received up to July 14, 2011:
       Devt Permit No. 11-003 for 1403 Duchess Avenue   /  May 20, 2011  /   June 6, 2011/   July 18, 2011
Written Submissions received up to July 14, 2011:
        J. and C. Anastasiou  /  June 23, 2011  /  July 18, 2011
THAT all written and verbal submissions ... be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council regarding submissions received
THAT the Devt Permit Applic, which would allow for five townhouse units with ten underground parking spaces with variances to reduce yard setbacks, be approved.
9. Youth Services Review Findings: Final Report (File:  0117-20-YSR)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1.   Parks and Community Services staff be directed to take action to implement the six "Key Strategic Directions" identified in the report dated July 7, 2011 regarding "Youth Services Review Findings: Final Report" (pages 6-8) as priorities from the Youth Services Review;
2.   Council direct staff to bring forward, in the 2012 Budget submission, one additional full time Youth Development Worker position as part of the ongoing budget for Parks and Community Services in the amount of $75,000 (inclusive of benefits) to start January 1, 2012 to enable the District to meet the underserved needs of youth in the western half of the community;
3.   Council authorize staff to bring forward bylaws to expend $15,000 annually for a five-year period (2012 -2016) from the Youth Activity Fund to provide increased programming that will support the healthy development of youth in WV;
4.   Council direct staff to look at long term planning options for the revitalization of the Ambleside Youth Centre based on a joint funding model with community partners. The vision of 'Ambleside Youth Place' is for a multi-use facility to serve a broad range of youth activities and services;
5.   Council direct staff to establish a Youth Services Review Implementation Group comprised of community stakeholders (youth, parents, external partners, and internal partners) to ensure the six "Key Strategic Directions" identified in the Youth Services Review are implemented; and
6.   Council direct staff to bring forward an annual progress report containing key performance indicators, which demonstrates how West Vancouver is moving forward with the delivery of Youth Services.
10. Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report (File:  3006-01) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. The preliminary arts facilities concepts and plans as set out in the report dated July 12, 2011 regarding "Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report" be provided for public input throughout the summer;
2. Staff return in the fall of 2011 with a Draft Arts Facility Strategy incorporating public feedback on the Interim Arts Facility Strategy Update: Arts in Ambleside as attached to the report dated July 12, 2011 regarding "Arts Facilities Strategy Interim Report"; and
3. Staff initiate the process to form an Arts Society, and develop draft terms of reference for a [citizen-led] Arts Society Board for Council's consideration.
11. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4675, 2011 (Schedule 7 - Fire and Rescue Permits and Services - Attendance to False Fire Alarms) (File:  1610-20-4675/2730-02)
        RECOMMENDED:  be read a first, second, and third time.
12. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4679, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4679)
This bylaw received first reading June 20 and was the subject of a PH held and closed on July 4.
        RECOMMENDED: be read second and third time.
13. [Five-]Year Financial Plan Budget Amendment Bylaw No. 4693, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4693)
14. Firearm Regulation Bylaw No. 4686, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4686/1605-01)
15. Consent Agenda Items  --  considered separately or in one recommendation.
15.1. Change to 2011 Acting Mayor Schedule (File:  0120-01)
    RECOMMENDED:  amended to appoint Cclr Soprovich as Acting Mayor for Sept 2-5, 2011 inclusive.
15.2. Development Application Status List (to July 13, 2011) (File:  1010-01)
        RECOMMENDED:  received for information.
15.3. Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File:  0120-24)
Council Correspondence Update to June 30, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.   June 30, re the Ocean Club
        (Referred to Chief Constable for consideration and response)
2.   S. Verigin, June 25, 2011, regarding Building Permit for 2263 Kings Avenue
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
3.   M. Tracey, Canadian Wood Council, June 9, 2011, regarding Wood WORKS! BC
4.   C. Walker, June 29, regarding An Article Worth Reading from Professor Ian Plimer of Australia
        {sorry; just google a bit and you'll see he's been discredited}
Council Correspondence Update to July 8, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.   B. Adie, June 22, 2011, regarding Gertrude Lawson House
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
2.   G. Pajari, July 3, 2011, regarding Problems with Public Hearing/Public Meeting related to OCP Amendment and Rezoning on Esquimalt
        (Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
3.   S. Iverach, July 4, re Ambleside Revitalization [ie not selling and Uplift]
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
4.   A. McFarlane, July 6, 2011, re Inconsiderate Twits (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and TransLink Priority Bus Lane Traffic Concerns)
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
5.   Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
     - Ambleside Revitalization Commission - May 2; Finance Committee - May 30
{Please read the minutes of these two mtgs; critical information on devt, process, taxation, District finances, budget planning, etc.}
6.   City of North Vancouver, June 16 and 30, re Increased Service at Seabus and A New Energy Vision for Canada
7.   Two submissions dated June 7 and 11, re Rezoning of 2031, 2047, and 2063 Esq/Hollyburn Mews
        {The second is my comments re process wrt this devt.}
8.   Nine submissions dated July 1-6, re Proposed Ambleside Redevt (1300 Block Marine Dr and Safeway Site)
{Against selling land for AmbNOW studies, several supporting Pajari's Ccl comments and NSNews letter decrying selling land to build structures (wch will deteriorate).}
9.   M. Salvador, Dundarave Business Assn, July 6, re 2436 Haywood Avenue Proposed Devt
Council Correspondence Update to July 12, 2011 (up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
(1) E-Comm 911, July 5, 2011, regarding 2010 Annual Report to the Community
        (Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services Department)
(2) Union of British Columbia Municipalities, July 11, 2011, regarding Large Urban Forum 2011.
Just added to Correspondence on the DWV website AFTER the Agenda had been put up so here's the latest!
Referred for Action
(1)  G. Pajari, July 8, 2011, regarding Community Amenity Contribution Calculations
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
     {Good question so we know policy and can avoid the wide range recently presented.}
(2)     D. Dansey, July 9, 2011, regarding West Vancouver Bus Noise
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3)      J. Smith, July 10, 2011, regarding 1300 Block (Proposed Ambleside Redevelopment)
(4)     J. Walker, July 11, 2011, regarding Development Permit Application for 1991 Inglewood Avenue
(5)     A. McFarlane, July 12, 2011, regarding Response to Mr. Fung's Letter (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and Translink Priority Bus Lane)
       {Amusing as in well-written and trying to focus on the problem, serious accident potential.}
(6)     E-Comm 911, July 13, 2011, regarding Link to 2010 Annual Report to the Community
(7)     C. Reynolds, July 15, 2011, regarding Ccl Minutes July 4, Items 15.3(1) and Item 18
{This completes and clarifies my comments; also has G Polman's excellent questions re AmbNOW planning/expenditures since they do not appear in Ccl's minutes.}
16.  OTHER ITEMS:  No items.

>  Pamplona July 2011
>  Cheeky monkey! Macaque borrows photographer's camera to take hilarious self-portraits
By DAILY MAIL REPORTER  -- Last updated at 4:03 PM on 5th July 2011
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2011051/Black-macaque-takes-self-portrait-Monkey-borrows-photographers-camera.html#ixzz1RyI60lnm
but who owns the copyright?
>  Monkey Business: Can A Monkey License Its Copyrights To A News Agency?
from the i-don't-think-so... dept   ...  A year and a half ago, we wrote about a movie that was entirely filmed by chimpanzees, and wondered about who held the copyright on it. Technically, in most cases, whoever makes the actual work gets the copyright.

===  INFObits  ===
+  Israel's parliament passed a law that would punish any Israeli person or organisation advocating a boycott of goods from Jewish settlements on the West Bank. Israeli human-rights groups say the law undermines freedom of speech.
                -- The Economist, 2011 July 14
+  News from:
Simon Fraser University City Program http://www.sfu.ca/citywww.sfu.ca/city
Michael Geller's 40th Anniversary lecture video is now available for streaming here. Be sure to check out our resources page for audio and video recordings from our past lectures.

=== MURDOCHWATCH ===  News of the World
Robert Fisk: Why I had to leave The Times  Monday, 11 July 2011
When he worked at The Times, Robert Fisk witnessed the curious working practices of the paper's proprietor, Rupert Murdoch. Despite their jocular exchanges, the writer knew he couldn't stay...
He is a caliph, I suppose, almost of the Middle Eastern variety...
from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/robert-fisk-why-i-had-to-leave-the-times-2311569.html
>  On this side of the pond
        -- I caught Rep Braley saying journalism has changed in the last 25 years
2011 July 14  CNN
"When I was a journalism student shortly after Watergate, we were taught that the bedrock of journalism is accuracy, objectivity, and ethics. And one of the things that we have seen is a blurring of the distinction between reporting the news, opinion and political advocacy," Braley said on CNN. "Now it appears that News Corp. is getting into the field of political espionage or personal espionage - and that's one thing we need to be very concerned about."
What is your message to Rupert Murdoch?
REP. BRUCE BRALEY, (D) IOWA: My message is have you no decency? Do you -- is this the type of behavior we can expect from your businesses, a U.S. business, involved in foreign practices that could be in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?
Everything we're hearing about this growing problem is that it involves reprehensible conduct by people who were trained to follow a journalistic code of ethics that I learned in journalism school right after Watergate -- accuracy, objectivity, fairness, and integrity. And we've seen this blurring line with many of the News Corp. flagship papers and other things where you blur the line between fact, news, opinion, and political propaganda, but no one thought they were engaging in any type of spying into the private lives of U.S. or British citizens.

===  PEACEWATCH  ===
To view the on-line version http://www.cpt.org/cptnet/2011/07/13/tuwani-palestinians-protest-expansion-havat-maon-outpost-israeli-military-responds
CPTnet  --  13 July 2011
AT-TUWANI:  Palestinians protest expansion of Havat Ma'on Outpost; Israeli Military responds with violence
[Note: According to the Geneva Conventions, the International Court of Justice in the Hague, and numerous United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal.  Most settlement outposts are considered illegal under Israeli law.] 
Carrying a large banner that read "We want to live in Peace and Dignity", over one hundred Palestinians, internationals nd Israeli activists marched in protest of an extension to the Israeli settlement of Havat Ma'on on the morning of 9 July 2011.
In response to the nonviolent march, Israeli soldiers declared a closed military zone,* fired tear gas, and threw sound grenades. One Palestinian man suffered minor burns on his legs when a sound bomb landed at his feet.
The extension of the Israeli outpost consists of a tent that settlers built about two months ago. Settlers built the tent on ground that belongs to families in the nearby Palestinian village of At-Tuwani.
The police detained one Palestinian and one international, but released them when activists refused to leave the area without them.
* It's not reported but one of the ways they dispossess Palestinians is by declaring an area a closed military zone (often they move in personnel, thus a settlement by another name) or a park (therefore no one can live there).

===  FOODWATCH  ===
+  The World's 9 Deadliest Delicacies
       Slideshow   http://www.thedailymeal.com/worlds-10-deadliest-delicacies-slideshow
Fresh out of the oven!
Thomas Haas's croissants were said to be the best, and now comes FOOTO!
===  TEAWATCH  ===
What can you do but sip tea and try to find time to read a good book.
My tea discoveries are Tiramisu and the yummy banana cream tea from Murchie's.

===  WATERWATCH  ===
To view the on-line version http://www.cpt.org/cptnet/2011/07/12/al-khalil-hebron-mekorot-water-company-again-destroys-jaber-family-irrigation-pipe
CPTnet  --  12 July 2011
Al-Khalil (Hebron): Mekorot Water Company again destroys Jaber family irrigation pipes
by James R. Thomas
[Note: According to the Geneva Conventions, the International Court of Justice in the Hague, and numerous United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal.  Most settlement outposts are considered illegal under Israeli law.]
On 6 and 11 July, 2011 Atta Jaber called the Hebron CPT Office to report that the Mekorot Water Company  had destroyed plastic irrigation pipes in his family's gardens.  Mekorot, Israel's national water company, employed young Palestinians to cut the water lines and accused the Jabers of stealing water by tapping into lines that supply the nearby Israeli settler communities of Harsina and Kiryat Arba.
According to Jonathan Cook, "Israel controls 80 per cent of the West Bank's water sources, and diverts most of that supply to its own citizens, inside Israel and the settlements."
(1) Three million West Bank Palestinians use only 250 million cubic meters per year (83 cubic meters per Palestinian per year) while six million Israelis use 1,954 million cubic meters (333 cubic meters per Israeli per year).  Palestinians thus receive a fifth of the West Bank's water.  More than 200,000 rural Palestinians, most living in Area C under Israeli control, have no running water at all and have to buy water from Israeli tanker-trucks. 
(2) Cook reports that Palestinians consume far less than the 100 liters each "...recommended by the World Health Organization as the daily minimum."
(3) The United Nations Covenant establishes that under international law it is illegal for Israel to expropriate the water of the Occupied Palestinian Territories for use by its own citizens, and doubly illegal to expropriate it for use by Israeli settlers.  (4)
The extended Jaber family has deeds to their lands dating back to the time of the Ottoman Empire.  Atta Jaber believes that the water that flows to the Beqa'a valley comes from an aquifer under the town of Bethlehem.  "Palestinians should not have to pay for what is already their own," he told CPTers.  If their gardens fail, the family fears, Israel will declare  the empty dunums of land unused, or abandoned, and settlers will claim them.
Additional photos are available here.
1. Jonathan Cook. Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair. New York.  Zed Books.  2010, p. 122.
2. 'The lights of Netzarin', Ha'aretz, 7 November 2003
3. Cook, p. 122.
4. Article 1(2) of the 1966 United Nations Human Rights Covenants proclaims: "All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based on the principle of mutual benefit and international law. . ."

Walkom: Sorting myth from reality in the Gaza flotilla
Published On Tue Jul 05 2011  By Thomas Walkom  National Affairs Columnist
...  Ostensibly, the flotillas are about breaking Israel's blockade of Gaza and bringing needed aid to the 1.5 million people there. In reality they are about political pressure and public opinion....
And the flotilla participants? As the Star's Jim Rankin has reported, those aboard the Canadian ship, Tahrir, are by and large middle-aged pacifists. One may disagree with their politics. But they hardly seem dangerous.....
[victims] Or are they Muslim and Christian Palestinians, many of whom (as Israeli historian Benny Morris has pointed out) were forcibly driven from their land by Jewish forces in 1948 and who must now suffer either the indignities of the occupied West Bank or the misery of Gaza?
By any objective measure, the Palestinians have been the real losers in all of this. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem calculates that 5,105 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis over the past 11 years. During the same period, Palestinians killed 751 Israelis. They also killed 648 of their fellow Palestinians....
Meanwhile, Gaza's economy has been virtually destroyed. The blockade has stifled exports, effectively killing what had been a flourishing fruit and vegetable sector. It has decimated the fishing industry.
... Still, life is harsh. Even the U.S. calls the situation facing Gaza residents "unsustainable".
This year's flotilla may not end up delivering an ounce of medicine to Gaza. But by drawing attention to the territory and through it to the Palestinian cause, it seems set to score an interesting victory. Perhaps an important one.
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 13:53:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: "CPTnet: the news service of CPT" <cptnet@mailman.cpt.org>
To view the on-line version click here.
CPTnet  --  11 July 2011
PALESTINE:  CPTer in "Flytilla" challenges Israeli denial of entry policy; wishes for Israeli children "a life free from fear and hatred".
On 8 July 2011, hundreds of internationals attempted to fly to Israeli's Ben Gurion airport, carrying invitations to visit a refugee camp in the West Bank City of Bethlehem in protest of Israeli denial of entry policy, which prevents Palestinians living abroad and internationals from entering the Occupied Territories.  CPTer John Lynes was one of the dozens of people who flew from the United Kingdom.  Israel submitted names of participants to various airlines, and some of these airlines chose not to allow the nonviolent activists to board planes in France and Germany.  All twelve of the people who flew from the UK were arrested at Ben Gurion, and, the most recent information indicates, the Israeli authorities took them to a detention center near Tel Aviv.
Lynes wrote, in a letter to his supporters, "For years I've felt ashamed at the way my Palestinian friends, and their Western well wishers, have been humiliated, intimidated and dehumanised when trying to enter the West Bank through Ben Gurion airport...  The Israelis have destroyed Palestinian airports near Ramallah and Gaza City, so it is now impossible to reach the West Bank except through Israeli Security.  ...  Normally the Israeli authorities would deport us, unless we go through the tiresome ritual of persuading them that we are innocent pilgrims or tourists.  This time we are going to tell the truth.  And we will refuse to be deported.  The Israelis must either imprison us, or let us proceed.  In either case, an important point will have been made."
In January, CPTer Cliff Kindy attempted to join the Hebron team, via Ben Gurion, for the first time since Israel refused him entry in 1998.  He repeatedly told a sequence of sixteen security agents at the airport that he was a CPT volunteer and had been in Israel/Palestine during the 1990s.  He told some of them about CPT riding bus #18 in Jerusalem as a protest after suicide bombers had hit it twice.
"A great deal is changing in Israel/Palestine.  The Palestinian nonviolence movement is making great strides," Kindy said to the agents.  "Israel arrests and jails the nonviolent leadership to halt that progress.  Many more countries recognize Palestine with pre-1967 borders.  The boycott of Israeli products, divestment from companies profiting by the occupation and sanctions against Israel are adding pressure."
Afterwards, airport personnel assigned Kindy his own security guard, who refused to allow him to talk to a Palestinian with him in the detention room, so Kindy continued to express his opinion of the situation to muted soccer match on the TV in the room.  Eventually, Israeli security denied Kindy a phone call to the U.S. embassy and forced him to board a plane back to the U.S.  Those wishing to read a more complete account that Kindy wrote of his experience will find it at: http://www.cpt.org/blog/kathykern/2011/07/11/account-cliff-kindys-deportation-israel-january-17-2011
In the conclusion of the letter to his supporters, Lynes wrote, "I'm not expecting a smooth passage, though many of you will know that I'd love to spend a day or two with old friends in Hebron.  I have chosen this step without bitterness or antagonism.  I wish for the Israelis what I wish for my own children -- a life free from fear and hatred."

===  PHOTOWATCH  === Local $$$ houses; Globe photos / Dalai Lama's birthday
>>>  Photos: The 25 most expensive houses on the market in Metro Vancouver this summer
Looking to buy a home in Metro Vancouver this summer? Any of these 25 houses will set your bank account back by at least $10 million.  Quite a few in WV. June 16, 2011  Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/most+expensive+houses+market+Metro+Vancouver+this+summer/5096500/story.html
>>>  $40-million Vancouver mansion up for sale
by Peter Meiszner, Postmedia News July 14, 2011 5:14 AM
... The new main house [in WV] will feature six bedrooms, a negative edge pool, a hot tub, indoor and outdoor ponds, three waterfalls, a billiards room, a movie theatre, a wine cellar, a gym, a massage room, and a 15-car garage...
A massive home under construction since 2007 in Vancouver's Point Grey neighbourhood will likely eclipse the West Vancouver listing in price and opulence when it's completed. The property will be 816 square metres on the main floor, 5333 square metres on the second floor and 946 square metres on the basement level with a level of finish never seen in Vancouver, according to local realtors.
Read more: http://www.globalnews.com/million+Vancouver+mansion+sale/5098817/story.html
>>> PHOTOS from Globe
Pls note, the link is the same and changes daily so you have to choose date, eg I haven't seen today's.
Photos: Top images from around the globe
        View the best photographs from hot spots around the world  July 4, 2011
    Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/Photos+images+from+around+globe/2172184/story.html
Photos: Top images from around the globe
        View the best photographs from hot spots around the world   July 14, 2011
               Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/images+from+around+globe/2172184/story.html
>>>  Photos: Tibetans celebrate Dalai Lama's birthday
Hundreds of exiles from Tibet, who have fled their highly militarised homeland, attempted to attend a birthday event for the Tibetan spiritual leader at Namagyal School, on the outskirts of Kathmandu.
July 6, 2011 9:02 AM  Read more:                        http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Tibetans+celebrate+Dalai+Lama+birthday/5058777/story.html

UPDATED: The best photos of William and Kate's Canadian tour
Images of the royal newlyweds during their nine-day visit to Canada from June 30 to July 8
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/UPDATED+best+photos+William+Kate+Canadian+tour/5066415/story.html
Updated Photos: The best of Prince William and Kate's whirlwind LA visit
Take a look at the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's visit to Southern California this past weekend.
More:  http://www.vancouversun.com/news/royal-visit/Updated+Photos+best+Prince+William+Kate+whirlwind+visit/5080818/story.html

I AM VANCOUVER, a blend of historical and contemporary realities offering an opportunity to discover how our city came to be.  To Oct 14,  t 257 8300 www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.ca
        Delamont: Kitsilano's Oldest City Block of Houses
        Sunday July 17; 10am to noon; Tour guide, Bruce MacDonald
The tour will start and end in the small park at the northeast corner of Arbutus and 7th Avenue
Join local historian Bruce MacDonald for a fascinating exploration of Delamont Park. Delamont/Kitsilano officially began in 1905, the year the neighbourhood was named, streetcar service was extended to Kitsilano Beach, and development started in earnest. Amazingly amongst the blocks and blocks of apartment buildings in east Kitsilano is a small group of houses surviving from those earliest years and before. In the same way the Park Board accidentally saved Mole Hill, and the way it saved the pioneer homes below the towers surrounding the West End's Barclay Heritage Square Park, it has also accidentally preserved homes dating from 1901 in Kitsilano's Delamont Park area.
Come and explore unique homes from Kitsilano's pioneer years, with the person who wrote the heritage report on Delamont for its owners, the Park Board.
Heritage Vancouver Members $10; Non-members $15
On-line: Details and online payment (Paypal account not required). Print your receipt and bring to the event.
Cheque: made out to Heritage Vancouver Society and mailed to: Heritage Vancouver, PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3Y3. Please let us know if you've mailed a cheque at events@heritagevancouver.org.
o  More Heritage Vancouver Foundation
+  Stanley Park summer fun... Celebrate Parks Canada's 100th Anniversary.  Visit the VHF at Brockton Oval as part of Parks Canada's festival, Saturday July 16th, 12 - 5pm.
+  Blood Alley: The Early City and its Real History.  Saturday July 23rd Meet at Gassy Jack, intersection of Powell, Carrall, and Water in Gastown.
           More news soon on RoyalTea-by-the-Sea
- 2 to 4pm - Saturday August 13 in Dundarave Park
A Heritage West Van annual event (tel 922 4400)

===  MAIKU  ===   2011 July 13

        hearing rain again --
                        say it isn't so!
                                slow start to soggy summer

If you have a weak candidate and a weak platform, wrap yourself up in the American flag and talk about the Constitution.
-- Matthew Stanley Quay, senator (1833-1904)
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.              -- Albert Einstein
I went for a drink with a Matador the other day. I had a tea, he had a cafe au lait.