Ccl NOTES July 25
Calendar to August 31

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

 ***  Saturday August 13th RoyalTea-by-the-Sea   ***
NEXT ccl mtg is Monday Sept 12
=  Vive le Canada (1911 popn); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Readers: your opinion pls; DWV replies; who's responsible and who's accountable?); ITACKer POV re Salaries (Lautens's AmblesideNO!); AmblesideNOW-WATCH (Arts in Ambleside; Museum Study); UPDATES & INFO (Burley Park Playground Input; NSh Area Transit Plan; Annual Report 2010; Finance Cmte July 25 including AmbNOW expenditures)
=  CALENDAR to Aug 31st; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Photography)
=  Ccl Mtg NOTES July 25th: [MyOwnSpace Housing Society delegation withdrawn;] Kiwanis lands (21st), more units but no bachelor stes; Surplus Land Sale 26th and MDr; DPA north of Mulgrave; Consent Agenda (Cycling Network Implementation Plan WG; Duplex Stratification 6619/6623 Nelson; AmblesideNOW Budget Update; Sec Stes Report); Correspondence: CAC Calculations; GLH process, heritage and other funds, PH rules, LSF, list of Polman's five questions, plaintive request re procedures b/c of mtgs missing from Calendar and WG notes/info missing on DWV website; in Other Items, see 20.3 reviewing MDr/TWay intersection and the overpasses on MDr are on hold!
=  ANIMALWATCH (Animal Friendship; tiger cub, lion vs tiger, hot weather, etc); INFObits (loos vs cellphones; US foodstamps; Bibi out?); WATERWATCH (Mekorot); PHOTOWATCH (BC backyards, animals); ROYALWATCH (Seaforth Reservists, Monarchy); POLICEWATCH (Our Local Heroes); AGEWATCH (AAADD: Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder); HERITAGEWATCH (Vancouver Walks; WV RoyalTea Sat Aug 13); LANGUAGEWATCH (proofreading/hyphen); WORDWATCH (presstitutes; collectable/ible); MAIKU (Bard; weather; riots); QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS {+ back page of printed copy www.royaltea.ca for details}

===  Vive le CANADA  ===
The Canada 1911 Census was started on June 1, 1911. The total population count of Canada was 7,206,643. This was an increase of 34% over the 1901 Census of 5,371,315.
===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===  hwv
READERS:  Your opinion please!  opinionreplywvm@westvan.org
but first let's look at the principles and procedures wrt our local govt.
Information is essential not just to plan but also to accept and implement.
In the last issue (WVM16) DWV's reply to "Polman's Five" (Questions) was printed with the promise of a prize for someone to spot an actual answer.  None so far.
Mbrs of Ccl set policies and presumably are responsible for their being carried out -- of course staff do that but isn't there some obligation for ccl mbrs to agree or approve of the way they're done? and the answers provided?
Some ccl mbrs have asked the same questions Garrett Polman did.
1.  Does Ccl get to see letters before they go to residents?  Shd they?
2.  Whose responsibility is it that residents get replies as in:
        how long?  actual answers?  valid?
3.  What shd a resident do and what shd Ccl do if they do not agree with the answers (or manner)?
Since no answers to Polman's questions in the letter he received, what shd he do next?
If Ccl saw or read that letter, do we assume Ccl agrees with not answering, and if they don't what shd/cd they do?  Support the resident and insist on answers?
Let's hope some cclrs will tell me what's done and what they think is best.
Now look at the letter written by George Pajari wrt the Public Hearing process, in particular the time between the first mtg wch was adjourned, then closed after the second mtg (PHs are a quasi-judicial process):
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2011 15:19:31 -0700
From: George Pajari <George@Pajari.ca>
Subject: Problems with Public Hearing/Public Meeting related to OCP Amendment and Rezoning on Esquimalt
Dear Mayor and Council:
There is reason to believe that the recent Public Hearing/Public Meeting related to the amending of the OCP and the rezoning of the three lots on Esquimalt has been irreparably compromised by the actions of some councillors.
During Council's discussion immediately following the closing of the PH/PM, one councillor stated she had met privately with residents to discuss the development (with the obvious implication that this meeting had happened after the first PH/PM). Another councillor said she had discounted the value of the letters opposing the development based on discussions during "lunch with a client" who had signed one of the form letters.
It has long been held by the courts that it is highly improper for councillors to receive information related to the matter being considered during a PH/PM outside of the PH/PM and a number of bylaws based on such compromised PHs/PMs were invalidated as a result.
The Honourable Madam Justice S.S. Stromberg-Stein, in Hubbard et al v. District of West Vancouver (2003) BCSC 1678:
Council had a clear obligation to disclose to the public prior to the public hearing all information upon which council would consider and rely upon in the course of adopting, or deciding to adopt or reject, the bylaws.  If council considers new information, which addresses the issues and offers fresh facts and opinions, then this information should be available to the public even if council acquired the information after the public hearing.  Procedural fairness involves disclosure of all such relevant information and material... This is essential to a fair and transparent public process.
Mr. Justice Wallace in Karamanian v. Richmond (Township of) (1982), 138 D.L.R. (3d) 760 (B.C.S.C.):
Leaving homeowners ignorant of pertinent information in the possession of council frustrates the objective of a public meeting and denies those homeowners whose property is affected by the by-law a full opportunity to be heard at a fair and impartial public hearing.
It would be prudent for Council to postpone final adoption of the bylaws related to the OCP Amendment and rezoning until it has had time to investigate this matter further and has received legal advice on whether it is necessary to re-convene the PH/PM to remedy the problem of councillors' being influenced privately without a fair opportunity for others to consider and respond to the information received in secret.
To continue to final adoption without at least considering the admissions by councillors of having met privately to discuss the matter before the PH/PM would be an offence to natural justice and give support to those who think staff and council are so enthusiastic about this development that details such as natural justice, proper process, and overwhelming neighhbourhood opposition are mere details to be trampled in the rush to experiment with new housing forms.
Yours truly,
George Pajari
On the Correspondence list on the ccl mtg agenda, the letter was referred to the CAO for response.  Here it is (my bolding):
July 19, 2011
Re: Public Hearing/Public Meeting related to OCP Amendment and Rezoning on Esquimalt
With respect to your email addressed to Mayor and Council dated July 3, 2011 regarding the public hearing process for the proposed development "Hollybum Mews", Mayor Goldsmith-Jones and Bob Sokol, Director of Planning, Lands and Permits spoke relative to and provided information regarding the process, and relative to concerns set out in the subject email.
Grant McRadu, Chief Administrative Officer
Readers: In your opinion, does this answer the question?  satisfied with the reply?  what did you learn ? wd you be happy with this response?

===  from the ITACkers' POV  ===
David Marley writes (my bolding):
I was pleased to see Trevor Lautens once again writing on the subject of local government spending that's become increasingly unhinged from reality*. The current market turbulence, not to mention underlying economic uncertainties (which I suspect will get much worse before they get better) will likely serve to underscore the craziness of our District government's seemingly insatiable appetite for tax dollars.
 Here are some figures for your reference as civic elections approach. Over the five year period, 2006 to 2010, inclusive, the following has taken place in District of West Vancouver:
When one considers the 2007 StatsBC median income data for the North Shore as well as the 2005 Census data for "senior families" living in West Vancouver (ie. 23% of the total population, each with a median household income of roughly $25K per year), not to mention the impact of the 2008 financial meltdown, it is readily apparent that this plunder of the public purse must be brought to an end and soon.
With just over three months until civic elections on November 19th next, it seems to be awfully quiet on the local political scene. Not even a "phoney war" has begun. When the candidates for council do begin to appear, ITAC will be asking them what, if elected, they intend to do about the continuing fiscal incontinence at Municipal Hall. I hope you will, too.....
Carolanne notes:
Trevor Lautens's column: http://www.nsnews.com/business/folly+just+AmblesideNO/5209769/story.html
Note he has brilliantly changed AmblesideNOW to AmblesideNO!
I hasten to point out that we all recognize Ambleside needs a makeover -- it's a question of who, to what, and for how much.
===  AmblesideNOW-WATCH ===
.....for the record: Polman's Five still unanswered as far as we can tell
{btw, is it true the display area of the proposed museum is only 21%?}
>  AmblesideNow Needs Community Participation on the Arts in Ambleside
West Vancouver, BC: At the July 18, Council meeting, Council supported further community engagement on the Draft Arts Facilities Strategy which is being completed as part of AmblesideNow. The Draft Arts Facilities Strategy is based on a number of key community-based studies and identifies options for developing a future Arts Centre on the waterfront. Work on the Draft Arts Facilities Strategy is being guided by the principle that capital and operating funds must be raised by private and community fundraising, and the facility would become a community asset.
Media Release  Thursday, July 28  More:  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35486
>  BACKGROUND  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Residents/Level3.aspx?id=19800
>  Museum Study: A Vision For Ambleside  --  Friday, July 03, 2009
The District is proposing to create a new professional level Museum facility for West Vancouver building on the success of the existing West Vancouver Museum.
In 2008 a Museum Advisory Committee was formed to oversee a Feasibility Study for a new Museum facility with an expanded mandate focused on the West Coast modernism movement as manifested through art, architecture and design and linked to current and future practice in these disciplines.
The new facility proposes to be:
     An art museum, maintaining and displaying a collection, in particular creating a suitable venue for the legacy of prominent West Vancouver artists, architects, and designers.
     An art gallery displaying the Museum's collection, [and] curated or visiting shows.
     A centre for design promoting contemporary architecture and design and preserving West Vancouver's design heritage.
     A place of arts education - offering a higher level than the Community Centre can deliver to both children and adults.
     A centre for innovation, community engagement, and dialogue.
On June 22, 2009, Council endorsed the Museum Vision Report and approved in principle the 1300 block between Marine Drive and Bellevue Avenue and waterfront precinct as the location of choice for the new museum.
The Museum Vision Report is to be included in an overall strategy for the redevelopment of Ambleside, and support will be sought from potential partners, donors, and sponsors. 
Next Steps
Staff will actively pursue and store collections to support the new facility, and report back on the funding approach.
Background Information
Report to Council; The Museum Study (by Urban Arts Architecture, June, 2009); WV Museum: A Vision for Ambleside; Design Brief
===  UPDATES & INFO  ===
+  Burley Park Playground Enhancement
Friday, July 29 Details: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34740
About the Project  --  Improvement of the Burley Park playground is specified in the 2011 budget. The District of West Vancouver would like to know what playground improvements park users would most value. Staff met with neighbours June 29, 2011 in the park. Click here to see the notes from that meeting.
Please comment on the attached plans by August 12, 2011.
Burley Park Concept Plan
Play Equipment 
Options for consideration and input:
              Replace existing play equipment with new elements to current standards and with an appropriate age focus
              Consolidate play equipment areas into one area
              Create a more open play lawn; Add new play surfacing; Add a small sand play area
Timeline  Once the community priorities have been determined, equipment will be ordered. There is a six to eight week delivery period, and construction is anticipated to begin late August, with completion October/November 2011.
Questions?  For more information, email us, call 925 7130.
I am the new Community Relations Coordinator for the North Shore Area Transit Plan.  This email update is intended to inform you of the progress TransLink is making on updating the North Shore Area Transit Plan. As a key stakeholder group, your organization has been invited to be part of this process.
 A draft transit vision for the North Shore
 In January 2011, TransLink held two visioning workshops with stakeholders to help shape a long-term transit vision for the North Shore.  Based on the work you did at these workshops (Minutes) as well as a comprehensive technical analysis and stakeholder, customer and employee surveys, we developed, evaluated, and identified a draft preferred Vision.
 The draft Vision identifies key corridors for transit services and infrastructure expected to meet transit demand on the North Shore over the next 30 years, and is aligned with TransLink, local and regional transportation, and land use plans.
Learn more about the draft Vision (Vision). http://www.translink.ca/en/Be-Part-of-the-Plan/Plans/Area-Transit-Plans/North-Shore-Area-Transit-Plan/North-Shore-Transit-Vision.aspx
Your input is required by Monday, August 8th, 2011.
The next step in this planning process is to work with stakeholders and the public to identify short-term priorities for transit investments on the North Shore based on this draft Vision.
Does the draft Vision set us on the right track to be able to identify
short-term investment priorities?
Send us your comments by Email or visit us Online and fill out an input form. We will consider your comments as we finalise the Vision and prepare for the next round of consultation in early 2012.
Phase 1 summary report now available online.
In Phase 1, our goals were to understand how effective transit service is today, gain insight about travel markets on the North Shore, and engage stakeholders and customers. This work set the foundation for building a transit vision for the North Shore. Read the summary or full report online.
Learn more about the North Shore Area Transit Plan on our website. If you have any questions, please email me directly at kristin.lillyman@translink.ca  or call me at 604.953.4687.
We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Kristin Lillyman, Community Relations Coordinator | TransLink
T: 604.453.4687 | C: 604.561.6217  |  E: kristin.lillyman@translink.ca  |  www.translink.ca
+  Annual Report 2010
Council received the 2010 Annual Report at the June 20, 2011 Regular Council Meeting.
The Annual Report will also be available for inspection at the Finance Department in the Municipal Hall.
2010 Annual Report (PDF) (Flash)  --  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34478
Complete FIA:
The above has all the salaries/remuneration as well as major expenditures; the top salaries are listed in West Van Matters 2011-15 = http://westvan.org/reports/2011-15.shtml
There you'll see the remuneration for 2009 and most of the unions got another 4% for 2011, with another 4% for next year!
btw, they bristle at "salaries"; you have to say "remuneration" but they have benefits worth a few more percentage points too (eg share DWV pays for coverage, pensions, etc add to salary, 30%, added to remuneration is less)
In any case, it's still the taxpayer paying the amt whatever you call it.
+  FINANCE CMTE http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=2884
Agenda, Reports (including AmblesideNOW Expenditures Update)
Following please find material for the July 25th Finance Committee Meeting:
July 25, 2011 Finance Committee Agenda 
July 11, 2011 Unadopted Finance Committee Minutes 
AmblesideNow Expenditures Update - Item 4.1 
Budget 2012 Timelines - Item 4.2 

=======  CALENDAR to Aug 31st + =======
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise.  NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out.  Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx  .  Notices/mtgs/changes too late for an issue or too early for the next are sent to subscribers as updates.  They then appear in the next newsletter.
>  Salsa by the Sea
June 23 to Aug 25 on Ambleside Landing from 6:30 to 8:30pm on Thursdays; $6 drop-in
Open to all; ph 925 7290; see http://ferrybuildinggallery.com for info.
>  Weekly Farmers' Markets all summer
Saturdays 9 to 3 - Dundarave Farmers' Market, 2400 Marine Drive
Sundays 10 to 3 - Ambleside Farmers' Market - Bellevue Ave & 13th St.
>  This Summer join us for FREE Sunset Family Yoga Classes!
Located on the Great Lawn of the Community Centre --  July & August only -- A gentle Hatha Style class.  Everyone is welcome.  Bring your own yoga mat.  Weather permitting - For up-to-date scheduling information:
Summer of Cinema and Song  --  Ferry Building Landing (foot of 14th Street)
Date: July 10 - August 28  --  Time: Song starts at 7pm. Cinema starts at sunset.
Presented by Dr. Debra Rovinelli and Graham Foster at West Vancouver Optometry.
Join us at the Ferry Building Landing for
Summer of Cinema and Song on the West Vancouver waterfront. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy live music as the sun sets, then stay and watch a great film in the park! Events take place every Sunday between July 10 and August 28.
*NOTE: Films taking place during the Harmony Arts Festival will be in John Lawson Park on Fridays.
Date                                            Song              Cinema                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
        Sunday, August 14                                      Rosco                   Factory Girl
        Sunday, August 21               The Metropolitan Concert Band        Big Night
        Sunday, August 28                          The Lynn Canyon Band        Mamma Mia
== Tuesday July 26      ~ 7pm ~ Parks Master Plan WG
== Thursday July 28     ~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues CANCELLED
                        ~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd Public mtg at WVPD
== Tuesday Aug 2
Peace It Together 2011 Films: Premiere Screening
Seven years ago, the organization Peace it Together started uniting youth from Israel, Palestine, and Canada to engage in constructive dialogue and co-create short films about the conflict during an intensive summer program On August 2, 2011 you are invited to join thirty Palestinian, Israeli and Canadian university and college students as they proudly present their screening debut of their ten short films revealing their ideas, hopes, and fears related to the conflict. These films are the culmination of more than three weeks of intensive dialogue and creative exploration while living together in Pemberton and at UBC. Each film is created by a team of three, made up of one youth from each delegation.  The films will be used as peace-building tools to advance reconciliatory approaches to ending conflict. All filmmakers will be present to talk about their films and reflect on their critical experience of stepping outside the pressure cooker of war to learn from each other. Proceeds of this event will fund future Peace it Together programs.
For more information about Peace it Together, please visit their website. Peace it Together has been widely and positively recognized across local, national, and international media and has won many awards for its work, including the United Nations Association, Vancouver Cultural Harmony, and BC Human Rights Coalition Awards. Previously-made Peace it Together films have been featured in more than twenty film festivals around the world and have won the "Most Promising Youth Filmmaker" and the "Ron Kovic Peacemaker" awards.
[At the] Meet the Filmmaker Reception immediately following the Premiere event, you are invited to attend the post-screening Filmmaker Reception. All thirty filmmakers will be available to mingle and to answer your specific questions about their films, their experience in Canada, their motivations for joining this program, their plans for the future, and more.
Delicious traditional light fare will be served in honour of Ramadan.  
Date:   August 2   Time:   9pm (immediately following the Premiere event)
Place: Vogue Theatre, on the stage behind the screen Includes admission and reserved seating at the Premiere event, and entrance to the "Meet the Filmmaker Reception".  A tax receipt for a portion of the amount is available upon request.
== Friday Aug 5
The Freedom Flotilla II: what happened and what's next?
            Doors open at 7pm; presentation at 7:30pm; at Unitarian Church near the north-east corner of  49th & Oak
Let us welcome back the B.C. delegates from the Freedom Flotilla - Stay Human, as they tell the story of the Canadian Boat-the "Tahrir"
Five B.C. residents tell the story of the Tahrir with stories, photography, and a short film. Hear about their motivations for participation, their interpretation of the Greek government's actions, and how the Tahrir almost managed to set sail for Gaza. There will time to ask questions and share ideas.
Join us for snacks afterwards.  
Free parking available, Bus #49, #17  FREE ADMISSION -- Info 604 831 9821
 Email canadaboatgaza.bc@gmail.com or visit http://www.tahrir.ca/
== Saturday Aug 6
Presentation by Jennifer Grenz, Coordinator, Greater Vancouver Invasive Plants Council at Cypress Creek Lodge
To North Shore Environmental Organization leaders/members:
BC Parks and Friends of Cypress are sponsoring this important meeting, designed to help us learn how to identify and report on problem invasive plants, including Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed.  We are fortunate to have Jennifer Grenz making this presentation for us on August 6. While we decided to organize this meeting because of our concerns about these particular invasive plants at Cypress, we know that they are a problem in other North Shore areas as well.  We hope several of you will be able to join us to learn more about preventing the spread of these plants.
To reach Cypress Creek Lodge, take Exit 8 off Upper Levels Highway and continue north up the Cypress Bowl Road 14.8 km to the end of the road.  Parking is available near the Lodge.  We look forward to seeing you.
Katharine Steig,  Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Society
Giant Hogweed has become a particular concern, due to its spread below the Nordic ski area this spring.
We invite you to attend this important meeting as well since these invasive plants and others are also a concern in other West and North Vancouver areas. You may have heard Ms. Grenz on TV and radio recently, discussing control methods for invasive plants. Early identification and reporting of plant locations for removal by professionals is key to preventing their spread. We are fortunate to have her come to Cypress to meet with us.  Senior BC Parks Ranger Rob Wilson will also provide information at the meeting.
Please email us at info@cypresspark.bc.ca.
For those interested in staying on after the presentation, we will lead a short walk, looking at areas where invasives have become a concern and showing you work underway for the Cypress Creek wetlands restoration project. Bring a lunch or pick up food at the Gold Medal Café in Cypress Creek Lodge. 
Funding for this event was provided by the BC Parks 100 "Communities for Conservation" Events Fund.  Special thanks to Cypress Mountain for generously providing use of Cypress Creek Lodge for this meeting
== Saturday August 13
The 12th annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea.........
~ 2 to 4pm ~ Saturday ~ August 13 ~   Dundarave Park
= Saturday August 20
        ~ noon to 3pm ~ WV Historical Society's Barbecue at the Gertrude Lawson House
== Sunday August 21 
Ambleside Day: 99 Years of Fun & Safety
Public Events noon to 6pm; Lifeguard Competition 1 - 5pm
Come to Ambleside Beach for a day of fun, learning and competition (friendly, of course!). The beach will be bustling with the Water Wise Safety Team and Buckles the Life Jacket who will be on-hand to educate on water awareness, life jackets and sun safety, while the waterfront will be busy with games, a rescue-challenge obstacle course and rides in the lifeguard rowboat.
A Lifeguard Competition featuring the WV Aquatic Centre's guard staff - the very crew who keep pool and beach patrons safe throughout the seasons - will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. Don't miss the rigorous fitness tests, the zany Priority Action Approach competition or the impressive Major First Aid challenge.
In preparation for Ambleside's century celebration in 2012, representatives from AmblesideNow will also be onsite to present a history of the neighbourhood, and its evolution from a quiet mill town to a bustling community.
A perfect way to spend your day at the beach.  Details: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35484
== Tuesday August 23 
        ~ 1 - 5pm ~ Parks Master Plan WG at WV Cmnty Ctr (Mtn Room)
== Thursday August 25   ~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte
                        ~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues (DNV M Hall) 

Nothing else on the DWV Calendar till the first ccl mtg Sept 12.  Ch of Commerce and Pk R event Sept 8.  We can look forward to the Coho Festival on Sunday Sept 11 at Ambleside Park 11am to 6pm.  For more information: 926 6956 or www.cohosociety.com

+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++  http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
=  Closed Sundays in July and August.  Note parking and parking limit changes (details in WVM13)
        ~ 6:30 - 9pm ~ Join us on Tuesday evenings for an in-house screening of some wonderful films.
        Secretariat -- August 9   Mao's Last Dancer - August 16   Jane Eyre -- August 23
=  The Library will be closed Monday, August 1. Happy BC Day!
=  Join our online community. Click here to 'Like' us on Facebook!
=  You can also drop by the Information Desk on the Main Floor and try out our Kindle, Kobo, Kobo Touch, Sony E-Reader, or iPad.
=  English Corner and Philosophers' Cafe will reconvene in September.
=  Artist Instructors Exhibition  --  August 9 - September 30.
The Arts & Culture Division of the District of WV employs many artists to teach in a variety of media at numerous facilities throughout the District. We are pleased to be able to showcase their diverse and accomplished works in this eclectic exhibition.
=  Library Parking Time Limit Changes
One of the consequences of being such a popular destination is that parking can be difficult. In order to make parking easier, new parking regulations have been put in place. Details on our website.
=  New Roof Project
Construction on our new roof should be completed by the end of August. We thank the Council and the Community for their support in this project. For more info plse see website.
=  Tuesday August 16  --  Movie Afternoon in the Welsh Hall  ~ 2pm ~ Mars Needs Moms
BC Film Classification: General, Length: 88 minutes. Children younger than nine years should be accompanied by an adult. Drop-in, but space is limited.
=  Kodaly Orff Sampler Sessions, Fall 2011
In the interest of fairness, admittance to our fall Kodaly Orff classes will be by lottery. The Youth Department will be taking names from Tuesday August 9 to Friday August 26. More info on website.
Friday Sept 9 -- Save the Date! Summer Reading Club Medal Presentation Ceremony
~ 7pm ~  Join us to congratulate the young readers who have eagerly read and kept a record of their readings for 50 days or more during the summer.

+++  WV MUSEUM +++ http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
=  The Smith Collection  ~  June 9 to August 27
      A selection of works by leading Canadian artists from Gordon Smith's private collection
Immersed in the visual art world, West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a number of interesting works by leading Canadian and international artists. The wealth of their art collection is evidence of the lives the Smiths touched and conversely those who influenced Gordon Smith's artistic practice. Through examining the Smiths' influence to the Canadian art world, this first exhibition of the Smith Collection includes works by Rodney Graham, Douglas Coupland, Jack Shadbolt, and Ann Kipling among many others.
West Vancouver artist Gordon Smith and his late wife Marion collected a diversity of artworks from leading Canadian artists over their decades-long immersion in the Canadian art world.
This exhibition includes important works selected by Ian Thom, Senior Curator, Vancouver Art Gallery.

+++  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY  +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
+  HARMONY SHOWCASE EXHIBITION  ~~ July 29 - August 14
                                mixed media exhibition of ArtSpeaks and Invited Artists
+  "Altered States" ~~ August 16 to September 4
        Photo-based art --  Thom Kline, Lindsay Skeans, Murray Siple, Sheryl R. Smith, Clancy Gibson
Opening Reception: Tuesday August 16 from 6 to 8pm
Artists in Attendance: Saturday August 20 from 2 to 3pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++   http://www.silkpurse.ca/gallery2.html
~~ August 9 - 21 ~~  "Seasons"
Oil paintings by Elizabeth McLaren
Elizabeth McLaren's art reflects her love of nature. Preferring plein-air painting and in the diverse natural beauty of BC she never lacks for subject matter. Elizabeth says her creative process is "an unconscious force" allowing her to become lost in the moment. Come lose yourself in her work.
Opening reception:  Tuesday August 9th from 6 - 8pm
~~ August 23 - September 4  ~~ "Memento of Colour"
Photography by Jinah Hwang
Jinah Hwang is a photographer concerned with the smaller moments in life. Capturing a tiny detail or fleeting moment, she emphasizes the beauty and significance of the world around by contrasting colour and value.
Opening reception: Tuesday August 23rd from 6 - 8pm
Complete list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
Website: http://www.westvan60.com --  ofc 922 3587; lounge 922 1920
"Where Volunteers make the difference." Chartered November 17th, 1926
The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.  To sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of the webpage, http://www.westvan60.com/newsletter.html
MEMBERSITE westvan60.com/membersite
For those of you who use Twitter, you can follow us, Tweet us and keep up to date with our events.
Follow us: @westvan60 -- Reid Anderson, Branch Secretary
B C DAY CELEBRATION -- Sunday, July 31st  --  SPECIAL Halibut & Salmon B-B-Q
6pm and $10 per person THE DIEHARDS play at 7:00 pm
Come down to the Branch & Have a great Long Weekend
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
August 9 - The Power Hour
Have you been to the Chamber's "Power Hour Group"? We do more business in an hour than most people do all day. Come and promote your business to an intimate group of business owners and local professionals all while enjoying your morning cup of coffee! The next "Power Hour Group" will be on Tuesday August 9th from 8 to 9am at Delany's Coffee House in Dundarave Village.
August 16 - Chamber Breakfast Club
Cafe TrafiQ Tuesday August 16th from 7:30 to 8:30am for the next Breakfast Club. New members are encouraged - a great opportunity to establish new contacts.
--> September 8  Park Royal Block Party  ~ 4 - 7pm ~ at the Village, Pk R
3rd Annual Park Royal Block Party and Chamber Business Fair
This fun annual event is hosted by The Village at Park Royal in partnership with the WV Chamber of Commerce.  Come take in the Live Music, Live Entertainment, Fashion Show, a Kids' Corner, Sidewalk Sale plus the Chamber Business Fair. A passport will be created for the 1000 people expected to attend.  When the passport is filled they can go into a draw for some fabulous prizes. The passport drop off will be at the Chamber's table to ensure the attendees will visit the Business Fair.
*  BC Cultural Crawl 521 6288  http://bcculturalcrawl.com
Self-guided tour of cmnty-initiated events including music, theatre, dance, visual arts, festivals, museum and heritage exhibitions, culinary arts, and cmnty art across BC.
+  BARD ON THE BEACH http://www.bardonthebeach.org/ June 2nd to Sept 24
>  As You Like It  --  Great acting by Lois Anderson, on stage nearly the whole time
>  The Merchant of Venice
a difficult play, an excellent production; even with humour: John Murphy and Ryan Beil
>  Henry VI, Wars of the Roses
Three plays into one, masterfully melded by Christopher Weddell; complicated but made clear by the acting; politics and intrigue always with us, the well-intentioned side-lined
>  Richard III  -- an absolutely POWERFUL performance by Bob Frazer {sparked maiku!}
Bard Explored: Enrich Your Experience
Enjoy the Bard Village for one full hour before curtain. With earlier access to the site, there's extra time to enjoy tasty snacks and beverages, dine on a picnic or expand your knowledge with our new on-site educational talks.
Our insightful talks take place before every performance this season
        Mainstage:      25 minutes prior to curtain; Studio Stage:  15 minutes prior to curtain
TALKBACK TUESDAYS - FREE Post-Show Discussions
Learn more about the play you've just enjoyed. After each Tuesday evening performance, there is a question and answer session with members of the cast.
LECTURES ($10 each)    Saturdays at 10:30am
Expand your knowledge of Shakespeare and this season's four plays.
        Lectures (remaining) : August 13 - Henry VI; August 27 - Richard III 
Please note that the discussion events originally scheduled for August 6, September 3 and September 17 have been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience. However, tickets for the Lecture Series are still available, here are the final two lectures:
        August 13 - Henry VI          August 27 - Richard III  
>>> Box Office Hours  Monday - Sunday Tix: book online; reserved seating now
       9am to 6pm; 604-739-0559 (local) 1-877-739-0559 (Outside Lower Mainland only)
~  Celebrating Red & White
Saturday August 20 * 6pm * $28.00 (must purchase play ticket separately)
The perfect blend of fine wine, flavourful cheeses and bold, vintage Shakespeare - Bard's annual wine tastings are always a summer hit. Join host Calona Vineyards for a sampling of some of the best VQA wines from BC's Okanagan region. Whether you prefer your wine and cheese after the matinee or before the evening show, book early for this popular event.
As You Like It at 3pm, Wine Tasting at 6pm  *   Henry VI at 3pm, Wine Tasting at 6pm
Wine Tasting at 6pm, As You Like It at 8pm  *   Wine Tasting at 6pm, Richard III at 8pm
Bard iPhone app!
With this app by B'stro, you can easily find play synopses, cast bios, multimedia, social media connections, and ticket and venue information for all the plays and events happening at Bard on the Beach.  And there's a free app:  http://www.bstro.com/ http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/bard-on-the-beach/id437015318?mt=8
Opera & Arias
THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO  ~  August 29 & September 5  ~~ 1pm & 7pm ~~  
The gifted young stars of the UBC Opera Ensemble, accompanied by members of the Vancouver Opera Orchestra, bring Mozart's delightful comic opera The Marriage of Figaro to the Bard Mainstage. UBC's Nancy Hermiston directs this fully costumed, in-concert staging with conductor Leslie Dala leading the musicians.  http://www.bardonthebeach.org/opera-and-arias
Picnics by Emelle's
Enjoy a delicious picnic outdoors by pre-ordering with Emelle's, Bard on the Beach's official caterer.   http://www.bardonthebeach.org/bard-picnics
+  ARTS CLUB   687 1644   http://www.artsclub.com
  -  Granville Island Stage -- A Closer Walk with Patsy Cline, extended to August 13
+ Jericho Arts Centre  (1675 Discovery)  224 8007 http://www.jerichoartscentre.com/
Fighting Chance Productions presents  
        Directed by Ryan Mooney, Artistic Director, with music direction by Vashti Fairbairn
Fighting Chance Productions, who was most recently at the Jericho Arts Centre to present the sold-out critically acclaimed Sweeney Todd, is thrilled to get all Catholic with our production of NUNSENSE.  If you haven't heard of this hilarious phenomenon you've probably been living under a rock! 
NUNSENSE tells the story of what happens when all but five of the Little Sisters of Hoboken die in a leper colony. Mother Superior has a vision to stage a variety show to raise funds for the burials. Join circus-performing Mother Superior, memory-strapped Mary Amnesia, straight-shooting Robert Anne, ballet aficionado Mary Leo and second-in-command Mary Hubert in this off-Broadway smash which ran for 3,672 performances!
ONE WEEK ONLY!  ~  August 16 - 21 ~ Nightly 8pm; Matinées Saturday and Sunday 2pm
Tickets: $20-$25  Click  here to purchase tickets or call 604-224-8007 ext. 3
   Janet Glassford, Nicole Stevens, Keri Smith, Celia Reid, and Sweeney Todd's Mrs. Lovett -- Cathy Wilmot
+ Theatre Under the Stars in Stanley Park 877 840 0457 www.tuts.ca
        ~ 8pm ~ Bye, Bye, Birdie and Anything Goes until Aug 20
+ Havana Theatre www.brownpapertickets.com  --  Three Sisters by Chekhov Aug 10 to 18
+ Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Ticketmaster)  --  Mama Mia, August 16 to 20
+ Performance Works 685 6217  www.carouseltheatre.ca
        Teen Shakespeare's prog presents Julius Caesar to Aug 13
+  Britannia Heritage Shipyard (Richmond) www.mortalcoil.bc.ca
        Salmon Row (early days around Steveston's docks), 8pm Aug 18 - 28
    Calendar of Events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
~ VAG PUBLIC PROGRAMS  --  All Programs free for Members.
        Current exhibition: "The Colour of my Dreams".........
        ~  Out for Lunch -- Eine Kleine Lunch Musik  Select Fridays, 12:10 - 1pm
+  Vancouver Symphony Orchestra  876 3434
        Many to choose from, pls go to the VSO website: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/ 
Concert tickets and information available at www.vancouversymphony.ca
or through VSO Customer Service at 876 3434
+ Dr Sun Yat-sen Classical Chinese Garden www.vancouverchinesegarden.com 7:30 Friday Aug 12
       Enchanted Evenings Summer Concert Series, Silk Road Music (Chinese string w/ flamenco zing)
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER --  40th Anniversary Season --  http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca
        T: 732-1610  F: 732-1602  E: staff@earlymusic.bc.ca  --  Summer Festival tix on sale
Vancouver Early Music Festival - Overview
> Sunday evening, July 31, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 1
        "Frankish Phantoms": Echoes from the Carolingian Palaces
>  Tuesday evening, August 2, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 2
        Baroque Lute Music by Sylvius Leopold Weiss
>  Thursday evening, August 4, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 3
        "A La Guitarra": Guitar Songs and Solos
>  Friday evening, August 5, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 4
        "Love and Death in Vienna": Baroque Music from Austria
>  Sunday evening, August 7, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 5
        "La Douceur": Flute Music from the court of the Sun King
>  Wed evening, August 10 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 6 & Chan Centre 1
        Henry Purcell's "King Arthur": A Restoration Spectacular
>  Friday evening, August 12, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 7
        "Bach and Before": German Solo Cantatas for Alto
> Sunday evening, August 14, 2011 | Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music Festival 8
        "Bach and Beyond": Baroque and Classical Chamber Music

Find us on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/?sk=lf#!/earlymusicvancouver
News: Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)   ArtGallery@Caroun.com
1- Group Painting Exhibition, August 2 - 15 -- NOON to 8pm (closed Mondays)
Works of artists from Canada, Iran, Mexico, Netherlands & USA
Bita Tabrizi, Jasper, kulie, M. Kamran, Maryam Ebrahimi, Kazem Rokni, Negar Kashian, Niloofar Ziae, Reyhaneh Bakhtiari, Saragon, Shohreh Khademi, Sian Woodward, Suzanneh Safi, & Willy.
Reception: August 6 from 4 to 9pm  1403 Bewicke Ave, NV; 778-372-0765
2- Call for Painters & Photographers
The deadline is extended to the end of September 2011, because of the strike of Canada Post.
Each artist could send two works, 20" x 30" max size.  Subject is OPEN.
For more info, please check www.Caroun.net.

===  SPECIAL CCL MTG NOTES July 25  ===
Note: At 6pm the regular Ccl Mtg will commence in open session, immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public.  At 7pm the open session will reconvene (in the Council Chamber).
6:00 PM
2. RECOMMENDED:  THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded ... under the following section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
d.  the security of the property of the municipality; and
e.  the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.
k.  negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
7:00 PM
Mayor: sorry, a little behind, trying to wrap some things up for a well-deserved break......
Amended: adding to Item 6 the July 18 minutes; withdrawing Item 7 delegation; moving items 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 to the Consent Agenda; adding 15.1 Devt Permit waiver; adding to Item 20 correspondence dated July 16 re parking problems in 1400-block Clyde; adding 20.2 Coast Guard decision; and 20.3 executive update
{clever move; effectively precluding public presentation, input, and discussion.}
5.      Approval of July 25, 2011 Special Council Meeting Agenda
THAT the July 25, 2011 Special Council meeting agenda be amended by:
o  adding to Item 6 the July 18, 2011 regular Council Meeting minutes; withdrawing Item 7 - MyOw                        Housing Society Delegation;
o  moving Items 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 to the Consent Agenda;
o  adding Item 15.1 regarding Development Permit Waiver for Chippendale Road;
o  adding to Item 20 correspondence dated July 16, 2011 regarding 1400 Block Clyde Avenue parking problems continue;
o  adding Item 20.2 regarding release of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary and Horseshoe Bay Pier;
o  adding Item 20.3 regarding Executive update;
        AND THAT the agenda be approved as amended.
6.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES  --  July 18, 2011 regular Council Meeting (to be provided).
            Posted July 22: http://www.westvancouver.ca/uploadedFiles/Your_Government/Agendas_and_Minutes/2011/July/11jul25-6.pdf
7. MyOwnSpace Housing Society, regarding Semi-Independent Housing for Young Adult Children with Developmental Challenges (File:  0055-01)
PowerPoint Presentation to be provided.
8. Kiwanis Lands - Kiwanis Seniors' Housing (900 Block of 21st Street) (File:  1010-01)
                        Information to be provided.
Sokol: Lisa Berg [Planning]
LB: report coming back after a public mtg in April; also re Design Review Cmte... general support at the public mtg ...
Kiwanis Society, a non-profit, currently operates 214 units in a number of bldgs on the site
Kiwanis Court is the older one, with 86 units
Kiwanis Manor constructed in 2006, contains 77 units
the subject site is outlined in red and this proposal is to remove the five older bldgs with 51 bachelor units
214 units on site; proposal is to construct two new apt bldgs, the West Bldg and the East Bldg
the West is proposed at five storeys, 76 units, the East four storeys, 64 units
for a total of 141 units, share a common entrance to underground parking (57 parking spaces)
looking for an increase in FAR to 1.5; includes resident amenities and garden
Apr 27 mtg, attended by 100 ppl, majority showed hands as Kiwanis residents
general support, question re inclusion of bachelor
net gain of 90 units on site
seeking OCP Amendment, Rezoning, and Devt Permit
staff recommends advancing to bylaw stage, preparing draft Devt Permit, and consideration certain costs to be waived
Ev: delighted we're moving forward
re bachelor units; from what I've heard/read, a bit contentious
51 bachelor units replaced by one-bedrooms; far from me to say how many shd be but cd you comment?
LB: majority of conversation at that evening questions re loss of 51 bachelors replace those units with 141 one-bedroom units, wch cd raise issue of cost
cmnty felt staff shd consult with Kiwanis re inclusion of bachelor units; staff don't want to be prescriptive but something they shd consider
Mayor: questions?
Sop: Tonight is not to talk about the proposal, the devt, as to look at other things
Mayor: getting ready to talk about the devt
Sop: that's right; so I'm going to reserve my questions till that time
do have one about the relocn of citizens from the project and the timelines and those that wd be back after -- how is that process?
LB: Kiwanis has a prog of relocn of residents before, during, after construction
draft timelines, contingent on the rezoning process
more clarity around timing as proceeds; refer to Kiwanis for further details
Mayor: I'd like to hear from Kiwanis about the transition plan particularly if costs go up, where that will leave existing residents in the future -- who from Kiwanis
Patrick McLaughlin (sp?): I'm a director ...
had open mtgs; 30 residents working with to relocate over past few months; successful, now down to three or four to be relocated, rest placed in new homes and remain there year and a half or so of construction, and will have priority re moving back in.  Letter of commitment for every one of them.
Everybody, tenants, really pleased re transition, not only do we work with them to find new places to live in but we also we paid for their moving expenses and will pay for them to move back as well.  Big effort to make that transition.
Mayor: Cecil Gaffney (sp?)? wd you like someone else to speak?  Okay.
Tina Zanetti: here to speak on behalf of Mr Cecil Gaffney, he lives 2105 Haywood at Kiwanis
hear only three or four left, but more -- only at 2105 I know there are five or six left STILL; not planning to until permit to get demolished
Not ev has been offered a place to live; that I know for a fact
a few places offered to live, not in WV
they have one at the Gordon House and they got the Manor, and that was not offered
Mr Gaffney has bn living there over three years, over 80; concerned, wants to live in this cmnty, his doctors are here
not that he doesn't approve of the project; whether he does or not, it will go ahead, but the concern is regarding the moving of some of the tenants that already had to move
some ppl moved b/c bullied long enough they felt they had to move
when you're 80 years old and you have no place to go and you're told bldg going to come down, there's nothing they can do so of course easy, at 80 nothing they can do
at that age they can't fight; not 50, not 40, they're 80, some 85, some of them 90
concern here, the few remaining, transition be made easy and that they continue living in this wonderful cmnty they've been living in; Mr Gaffney over three years
even this public hearing today that has been going on -- concern was that not even announced for the rest of the ppl to know and the, public not aware of this mtg b/c not been on Web, wasn't in the newspaper
only reason we're here is b/c, on his behalf, I've been writing to the city to find out; otherwise nobody wd hv known, only to find out what really is going on
home is a home whether you own or you rent; can just imagine how frightened you wd be
hope the transition for the rest of the tenants that are living there will be smooth and will be according to their needs and wants
Mayor: tyvm for advocating; everybody believes in the same thing
tonight this is the step in process is when Ccl says go forward
if so then PH, etc in Sept.
Sop moved that:
1.   The Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit No. 11-005 by Kiwanis Seniors' Housing Society of West Vancouver for land at the 900 Block of 21st Street, known as the Kiwanis Lands, advance in the development approval process;
2.   Staff bring forward proposed bylaws and a proposed development permit for Council consideration, with the preliminary plans for the Kiwanis Lands at the 900 Block of 21st Street further detailed after the following are considered:
   (a)  Inclusion of bachelor suites;
   (b)  Greater articulation of the buildings;
   (c)  Modification of the landscape plan with an objective of making the pedestrian experience primary and of providing connections to the exterior community;
   (d)  Expansion of the amenity space to increase opportunities for resident socialization;
   (e)  [Variation of the] proposed colours of the buildings with the objective of lightening the architecture;
   (f)  [Exploration of] alternative mechanical systems with the possibility of future connections to District energy sources;
   (g)  [Review of] parking requirements, parkade exiting, fire truck circulation, and the 21st Street entrance;
   (h)  Shadow impacts to Pauline Johnson Elementary School's playing fields (additional sun-shadow diagram to be provided); and
   (i)          [A report by Kiwanis on] the interim arrangements for those residents who will need to move out temporarily
3.   Staff bring forward a bylaw to waive municipal Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for the not-for-profit rental housing development for the Kiwanis Lands at the 900 Block of 21st Street, concurrent with the proposed OCP amendment and rezoning bylaws for the project;
4.   The District work with the applicant to stage and phase the devt in such a manner to result in the project qualifying for reduced building permit and other associated permit fees, and refund the applicable OCP deposit according to the Fees and Procedures Bylaw;
5.   The District not waive direct project related costs that would require funding from District sources, including Regional District DCCs, and required engineering costs and services;
6.   The District waive the policy requirement for a Community Amenity Contribution evaluation to determine uplift resulting from the requested rezoning.
Sop continues: I think this devt is needed in this cmnty from what I hear, within this cmnty and calls from outside wanting space; difficulty might be in transition
another bldg v successful
Kiwanis is asking us for a little help and without it don't think they cd proceed
I support; know land given to them some years ago, acted accordingly, and at point in this cmnty we need that type of devt
SW: Cclr Sop said it well and also in support of his friendly amendment for a transparent process; everyone taken care of
ML: I too support
wd like to mention earlier this evening we'd scheduled a presentation/delegation for the MyOwnSpace Housing Society wch has been appropriately deferred to Sept
encourage Kiwanis as previously to look at expanding their mandate housing beyond seniors to also include those with other developmental and access disabilities
there is a need for those options
this is an ideal location for it to happen and an ideal time
certainly support, wd offer enthusiastic support if including other deserving citizens of WV
Ev: my question, No 2 mentions the following points be considered and there are eight items
perhaps staff cd take me through the steps, who wd be involved, and nature of negs
surprised reference to fire trucks circulation yet in main body of the report, Chief said fine
LB: in No 2, most of those recommendations were coming from Design Cmte with exception of bachelor suites
since public mtg, staff have been working with Kiwanis to address these items; can be looked at and reviewed, if not already completed, as you saw with the fire access, etc
we are taking the application back to Design Cmte in Sept for further review
Mayor: think ev mbr of Ccl is wholeheartedly in support
Kiwanis focused on Phase one and two past six years
Ccl's decisions from way back were the right ones but the demand and expectations of the cmnty never fall off. those decisions just become that much more important
our job, we have to keep up as things changing; thank you for leading on that, Kiwanis
and Sir, wrt your home, we'll do our best and I know Kiwanis will as well to ensure a smooth and happy time as the cmnty fulfils its mandate for our seniors
9. Cycling Network Implementation Plan Working Group (File:  1785-19)
10. Stratification of the New Duplex at 6619 and 6623 Nelson Avenue (File:  1010-20-11-027)
11. Street Naming Request for Private Road on Lot 12 Plan BCP 41762 of Rodgers Creek Area 1: Highgrove Mews (File:  0115-20-SCN01)
12. Road Ends and Beach Access Update (File:  2150-01-01)
Mayor: our public road-ends and public beach access[es]
BL (DepCAO): I'm stepping in for Steve Jenkins who's stranded on the west coast of Vancouver Island
nevertheless, this topic and the recommendations are timely
acknowledge remaining, still 30 road ends report says to be more thoroughly identified as to their potential for access, most imp access we have in WV is to the water
Mr Jenkins deserves credit for having managed over the years private public partnership; the most recent is 27th, sheer magnitude in terms of cost
let's get more clear on wch access points we want to enhance, how to optimize that, set a process that is multi-disciplinary, and everybody is in early when we look at these opportunities
maximize best, partnership value on these projects; that's direction we want to take
this report, successes; Public private partnerships have to work for everyone and cmnty so that's where this process will take us
ML moved: THAT the staff action:
a) to document all District owned and waterfront road ends and beach access points, as set out in the report dated July 14, 2011 regarding "Road Ends and Beach Access Update"; and
b) to prepare a procedure for reviewing proposed future road/beach access end improvement
be added as a 2012 Cmnty Strategic Plan milestone in the Balanced Scorecard under Strategic Initiative 2.2.
I too wd commend Mr Jenkins; is a catalyst but is a only dept of one and what he accomplishes is quite amazing
I actually live close to the first one on the list, Stearman Beach at Ross Crescent access, and it is quite remarkable difference that has come about b/c of that particular initiative
couple of points --  publicizing; these still are public beach ends
need signage to communicate that --- Irwin Drive and Evergreen Place access become v effective
participation by nbrs, contributions they've made, how enhanced, stream access
delighted faces of Streamkeepers when they come down to the Stearman Beach access now, quite remarkable
commend work Mr Jenkins and those in other depts that have supported him in this
thank the residents who have come forward supported and been v flexible in expectations and their contributions since 2002
am sure with myriad of add'l beach access points we have , we'll see lots more of these
Sop: ... our last mtg, I did say to Ccl I wdn't talk too much tonight
my only point that I wd like to add, my hat's off to citizens who have contributed large sums of money to bring about this beautification wch in some cases just incredible.  Thank you all
TP: in our Parks background document there is a waterfront park distribution wch actually has all of the beach accesses in the District
curious, what doc has above and beyond? a status report on where all of them are?
state of repair? coming up with a priority list?
Sokol: yes there is that list in the background document however it's just a list showing up on the map
looking for written descriptions, better scale; what are the functions? road end, park? how function?  nbrs? encroachments
take pix; then come forward with a policy
Mayor: particularly pleased, hope a priority in 2012 b/c I don't think there's any greater service than public access to beaches; and our staff's ability to work with ppl right there is v good and we have a strong track record and I think the more profile that gets the more ppl can enjoy their public beaches.
13. AmblesideNow Budget Update (File:  0500-01)
                        Information to be provided by the Finance Committee.
14. Secondary Suites Update - July 2011 Report (File:  1610-20-4686/2515-02-03)
------ 7:37
15. Ministry of Environment Approval of Metro Vancouver's Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management Plan (File:  0185-08-07)
Mayor: fact Min of Envmt has approved MetroV's Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Mgmt Plan
b/c I sit on the Waste Cmte and I'm a director of MetroV, I thought I wd introduce that
This is the single most signif capital proj WV has ever faced, wd you say, Mr Fung?
{presume agreement}
now that we have the approval of the Minister for the upgrading wch has been mandated by the fed govt
signif challenge ahead of us; felt most recent report shd be on this agenda; felt all future reports shd come to Ccl
I'll make motion, I'll add something to it and ask Mr Fung to comment.
I move that the report from the Director, Engg and Transportation dated July 18 be received for information.`
and that the Dir/Engg report back to Ccl on the Intergovtal Steering Cmte we will est in order to advance WV and the NSh's interests
Sop: interests or position?
Mayor: interests sounds better; seconded by Cclr Ev
before discussion, Mr Fung
RF: absolutely correct re imp of this proj
this Ccl endorsed that plan on condition equitable funding be provided; under review; Min regulatory body and not financial funding policy
therefore in his capacity of envmt
....confirmed need to secondary; date by 2010
reqmt with or without add'l senior govt funding from other ministries
purpose ...  highlighting imp of matter
to work in conjunction with DNV and CNV; burden v great; cost-sharing
Mayor: and I'll include First Nations on that list
RF: absolutely
Sop: I want to ask--
Ev: ev shd repeating over and over
burden ... $400M to this day don't understand why not a MetroV
know some of the arguments;  why not shared?  inequitable
Sop: we didn't pay a proportionate share when Iona was built so not fair...  share light on
or not far enough along
Mayor: I cd, but that cd change
RF: don't want to get into figure but....   equitable sharing across all ...  they'll be bringing a xxx back
all the sewage areas be brought together into one ... will be investigated
Mayor: standard ...  pipe
changed from what we have now
as well as funding; cd be a P3 project
don't think we need to be over-aggressive but we do need to ... -- you love to, you say it all the time -- innovative ways
cd be a crushing burden on taxpayers of the north shore
Sop:  we? WV NSh?
Mayor: WV with NSh ... stewards...
ADDED:  Item 15.1  waiver for Chippendale Rd [for BPP]
15.1  Development Permit Waiver for Chippendale Road (On-Table) (added July 25, 2011) (File: 1010-01/1785-01)
Sokol, request for .....  Rodgers Crk east ... Sept 19
normally require a ... OCP allows ... staff recommending waiver
dust reduced; water surface run off
BPP agreed to for all [7:45]
better operation in coming months
Mayor: do you have something? we don't have anything written
Ev: not here
Mayor: up on screen
Ev: all the whereases
Mayor: there it is
Ev read:  Whereas:
1.      Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4569 (Rodgers Creek Area), 2008 provides in Schedule B Clause 6(c) for "substantial completion of construction of Chippendale Road from Chairlift Road to Cypress Bowl Road, including the bridge crossing of Rodgers Creek, within eighteen (18) months of the date of adoption of the bylaw authorizing this Agreement [September 22, 2008];
2.      The District and BPP have agreed to the extension of the completion date due to restrictions on construction access from Cypress Bowl Road during the 2010 Olympics and the need for District approval of the necessary Development Permit;
3.      BPP proposed a plan to eliminate heavy truck traffic from neighbourhoods, with Stage 1 being the establishment of a truck route through Rodgers Area 2;
4.      Council approved the heavy truck management plan and waived the requirement for a development permit for the Stage 1 work [May 5, 2008];
5.      Stage 2 of the heavy truck traffic management plan was the Chippendale extension to Cypress Bowl Road and was to be in place once Rodgers Area 2 became unavailable [the Development Permit for Rodgers Area 2 was approved in June 2010];
6.      BPP completed the Chippendale extension to Cypress Bowl Road to sub- grade and has been using it for heavy truck traffic for the past 9 months;
7.      Paving of the Chippendale extension to Cypress Bowl Road requires Council approval of Development Permits for Areas 3 East and 3 West and BPP has been delayed in obtaining these approvals while it completed a required Integrated Storm Water Management Plan (ISMP);
8.      BPP has requested permission from the District to proceed with utility installation, paving to first lift and curbing of Chippendale Road and construction of the Mountain Path within Rodgers Creek Area 3 East; and
9.      Paving of the Chippendale extension will allow the route to perform better as a two-way truck route during the heavy rains and with the increased truck traffic associated with completion of Areas 1 and 2 and the anticipated start of Area 3 East,
Utility installation, paving to first lift and curbing of Chippendale Road and construction of the Mountain Path within Rodgers Creek Area 3 East proceed in the summer 2011 and the requirement for a development permit for this work be waived.
Mayor: we've done this in the past, wishes of cmnty; optimal conditions
remind Ccl; piece BPP have approved of -- if subsequent
Sokol: if during consideration of permit, determines some change
slightly different alignment be required, changed
may require some change in Chippendale
BPP wd understand and wd change
Mayor: about the road itself; more permission from Ccl required
Sop: their truck mgmt plan
extend Chippendale to xxx, so no trucks going through nbrhds
think we had a say in it; sooner they can get to xxx the better
Sokol: Chippendale has been in use for nine months now
CARRIES [7:48]
16. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4679, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4679)
This bylaw received first reading at the June 20 Ccl Mtg, was the subject of a PH held and closed on July 4, and received second and third readings at the July 18 Cci Mtg.
17. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4675, 2011 (Schedule 7 - Fire and Rescue Permits and Services - Attendance to False Fire Alarms) (File:  1610-20-4675/2730-02)
This bylaw received first, second, and third readings at the July 18, 2011 Council Meeting.
18. Water Utility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4691, 2011 (File:  1610-20-4691)
At the July 4, 2011 Council Meeting, third reading of this bylaw was rescinded, the bylaw was amended, and then given third reading as amended.
SSch: have received approval from Insp of Ms
Mayor: didn't have it this morning
19. Consent Agenda Items
19.1. Surplus Land - Unopened Road at 26th Street and Marine Drive - Public Consultation (File:  0510-04-20-2599 MARINE DRIVE)
THAT public notification of the potential sale and development of surplus land at 26th Street and Marine Drive as set out in the report dated July 13 be approved.
19.2. Development Permit Application No. 09-025 for Area 3 East of the Rodgers Creek Area (located north of Mulgrave School) (File:  1010-20-09-025)
RECOMMENDED:THAT the MClerk give notice that [this] DPA which provides for site development, subdivision, and single family house construction on the larger lots will be considered at the meeting of Council on Monday, September 19, 2011.
19.3. Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File:  0120-24)
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
                                       See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=32102
9. Cycling Network Implementation Plan Working Group (File:  1785-19)
THAT the creation of a CNI Plan WG, as proposed in the report from the Director, Engg and Transportation, dated July 18 be referred to the Community Engagement Committee.
10. Stratification of the New Duplex at 6619 and 6623 Nelson Avenue (File:  1010-20-11-027)
        THAT the proposed strata conversion of a duplex at 6619 and 6623 Nelson be approved.
11. Street Naming Request for Private Road on Lot 12 Plan BCP 41762 of Rodgers Creek Area
1: Highgrove Mews (File:  0115-20-SCN01)
        THAT the new private road on the cluster housing site be named "Highgrove Mews".
13. AmblesideNow Budget Update (File:  0500-01)
        Information to be provided by the Finance Committee. {See PQP for URL/link for report}
14. Secondary Suites Update - July 2011 Report (File:  1610-20-4686/2515-02-03)
        the report dated July 15 from the Mgr, Bylaw and Licensing Services be received for information.
SO BECAME: 19.4, 19.5, 19.7 Sec Stes update, 19.8 Ambleside Budget Update
Mayor: anything want to comment on?
Ev: yes
Mayor 19.3 to 19.8
> 19.1 [7:51]
Ev: Ccl asked... didn't that include...  asked he xxx ... are we intending to do the same thing here?
Mayor: good process
Ev: 2.1 says a consultant will be hired to meet with nbrs; is that a consultant's responsibility?
Sokol: that consultant will be the architect
> Mayor: 19.2
Ev: this will come before Ccl sometime in Sept
lengthy review process for Rodgers Ck process; how and to what extent staff, other mbrs of Ccl?
intricacies of this devt; wonder if perhaps cd have a tour
what I found difficult to follow in some respects
reference to ....... C   L  wetland between Chippendale Road and xxx
I confess a little bit lost -- whatever help?
Mayor: on Consent Agenda b/c setting a date -- Sept 19; that's all
Sokol: staff wd be happy to meet with any cclr, go into a bit more details
> Mayor: that's 19.1 and 19.2; added to Correspondence [19.3]
Council Correspondence Update to July 15, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) G. Pajari, July 8, 2011, regarding Community Amenity Contribution Calculations
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) D. Dansey, July 9, 2011, regarding West Vancouver Bus Noise
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) J. Smith, July 10, 2011, regarding 1300 Block (Proposed Ambleside Redevelopment)
(4) J. Walker, July 11, 2011, regarding Development Permit Application for 1991 Inglewood Avenue
(5) A. McFarlane, July 12, 2011, regarding Response to Mr. Fung's Letter (Blocked Entrance to the WestRoyal and Translink Priority Bus Lane)
(6) E-Comm 911, July 13, 2011, regarding Link to 2010 Annual Report to the Community
(7) C. Reynolds, July 15, 2011, regarding Ccl Minutes July 4, Items 15.3(1) and Item 18
{Oh dear, I shd hv put the subjects so ppl wd know if a topic of interest.  If you ever compare the ccl minutes with my transcript you'll see the former is usually only a couple of sentences thus much is omitted.  The transcript captures most of what Ccl/ppl say. The first part expands the Ccl minutes to explain my remarks were about a process, since lack of, for considering Gertrude Lawson House, a designated heritage structure. (I was on Ccl at the time, the first Cclr for Heritage, and made the motion for designation).  At this time there is no Heritage Cclr/Cmte/WG.  Funds for Sports, Arts, Environment, and Heritage shd be assigned portions of Cmnty Benefits so a steady flow and not subject to Budget debates thus, in the case of Heritage, not risking losing assets from deterioration b/c no maintenance. Excerpts from the transcript of the July 4th ccl mtg provide more of what was said.  It touched on the PH (when on Ccl we were told no new info from anyone between sessions, ie not during adjournments) rules.  Further I queried the fact that there was no answer about the $950K LSF in January, only now and find for AmbNOW.
UPDATER: Garrett Polman's letter and his FIVE QUESTIONS are still unanswered.
The CAO's response to Garrett Polman's queries appeared in the last issue at the beginning under UPDATES and INFO, along with Polman's reply to the response.}
Council Correspondence Update to July 19, 2011 (up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - Finance Committee - June 27, 2011
(2) Union of BC Municipalities, July 13, 2011, regarding Reminder of Upcoming Application Deadline - 2011 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative.
~~~  PLS NOTE:
This was put up in a way that, contrary to the previous cd NOT be copy and pasted so I've shortened and put in rather than go the OCR route:
Council Correspondence Update to July 22, 2011 (up to noon)
Referred for Action
(1)  D Pearce, July 16 re 1400block Clyde Parking Problems Continued  (referred to Dir/Planning)
Received for Information
(2) June 15 Bd of Variance mtg minutes
(3)  A McFarlane, July 17, re Park Royal's Scheme, Which Some on Council Approve (Light Controlled Pedestrian Crossings and Overpass)
(4) C. Reynolds, July 20, 2011, regarding 20110719-West Vancouver Community Calendar pdf
{the actual subject is Website Calendar / Mtg Info asking about procedures b/c sometimes info missing or notes of WG mtgs not posted so misleading, incomplete, etc.  Bizarre they'd put the title of the PDF attachment wch was only to prove/illustrate the point being made, a mtg held in June and that was not on the DWV Calendar and still isn't ....}
(5) Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada (Pacific Region), July 19, re Invitation to Second Annual Tai Chi on the Seawall - August 27
20.  OTHER ITEMS  --  No items.  {but three ITEMS were ADDED when agenda amended}
Mayor: Cclr Walker wished to bring forward confusion around parking and lines
RF: aside from action Bylaw Dept ... Engg will be making the area for parking more clearly marked
pavers in the area and adherence requires high maintenance
instead of repainting; installing circles, hard bubbles
a little tap below the parking signs
SW: thank you for that; I know it's an issue for [many] cuz I work there
14th and Duchess large site 40 to 50 spots, frequently ticket
unfriendliness of that parking lot
Mayor: apologize taken so long
had taken it up a while ago; squeeze out as much parking as ... ; really app
20.2 resoln made earlier this evening
        {added when agenda amended; says he's reporting a decision made at the in camera mtg}
Sop: permission to move Coast Guard auxiliary vessel
for base of...  licence agreement ....bring forward {see amendment of agenda at beginning}
{a) How does moving the coast guard auxiliary vessel qualify to be in camera?
b) More importantly, somewhat a consolation: Last mtg I asked that in camera decisions be made public and here they've done it!}
Mayor: 20.3  some reports
wd like if our CAO cd report on the Min of Transp intersection at TWay and MDrive
then Mr Fung on Min of Transp things still ironing out
CAO: M has been in discussions with Pk Royal in the last while
last time before Ccl, delegated to CAO for further discussion and to grant final approval whether in fact the overpasses going to be taken down along MDr
since then been in discussions with PkR; design of PkR N and S
in add'n been to Design Cmte of Sq Nation and DWV
at this point, while Pk R desirous, still a lot of questions the District has
and a lot more info we will be requiring from Pk R
no work will be undertaken wrt the overpasses this summer
not before Ccl has had a full opp to hear back from staff and the recommendations and the rationale of any recommendations that come forward
Mayor/Sop: thank you
RF: received letters re this intersection; some strong comments actually wrt the TWay/MDr intersection
I wanted to point out that this particular intersection wch is at PkR's doorstop is under the jurisdiction of the provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
as part of the Blue Bridge replacement project as well as the MDr bus lane, the Min took the opp to try to improve or adjust the operation of that particular intersection
staff have monitored how that intersection has been performing since those works came in, and been in discussion with the Ministry and they agree now that perhaps what they shd do is change back some of the laning {that's what I heard} configuration to way it was before
so the Min is wanting to complete that at the same time as they're moving out of the Blue Bridge replacement project site
and so I'm pleased to be advised that the Min intends on making those changes to the lanes in the next couple of weeks, and to be finished by Aug 5
Mayor: v good news
21.  REPORTS from Mayor/Cclrs
TP: roof of Lib has been removed; membrane
lots of action at the Lib; looking at BSC, is always this lovely synergy
1.7c, long term strategies about parking
think Fung ... solve some of the problems wrt parking
talking to .. more noticeable parking around the library
after 6 no parking regs; none on Sunday
Sop: leave it to you -- Harmony Arts?  turf laid down before end of the year?
AM: in next two weeks; official opening Sept 10
Mayor: all welcome; Harmony Arts opens on Friday
Argyle will be closed for three days
Aug 3: evening in a tent -- $75 -- Aug 4 party on the pier
great for WV and region
CR: Good evening; tyvm; sorry I was late and missed the report on AmbNOW but am sure I can watch it later
Nope!  As you've seen above, they moved the AmbNOW to the Consent Agenda with NO discussion; then the report was 'on-table' so now there's a link:
I have a long list of questions wch I thought b/c vacation time, I will leave them all till September
{Mayor laughs}
and get the answers then.
So we're all going to enjoy Harmony Arts, and I want to invite you all to the RoyalTea-by-the-Sea Saturday August 13th in Dundarave Park from 2 to 4, reservations 922 4400.  This will be our 12th annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea and Murchie's is providing tea aptly called Royal Wedding.
Have a nice summer!
Mayor: thank you; you too.
Sop: our last mtg, want to say what a pleasure it's been working with staff for all these months henceforth, and in fact coming up to election year.  I know that you can hardly wait for us to be away for a month so you can at least catch your breaths,but we thank you all for all your efforts
Mayor: thank you...  and I guess at this point, I'll ask for a motion to adjourn
[made by Ev]
23.  ADJOURNMENT [8:05]

+  Animal Friendship
        Time [:38]    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qpEin9nbuc&NR=1
+  Cute Animals, "Why Can't We Be Friends"
        [4:46]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYLsyNBnE5M&NR=1&feature=fvwp
Tiger cub playing w/ a house cat! (They really are friends).
        [  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Bo0wleT7o&feature=grec_index
LION or TIGER "The VS debate"
        [1 min]  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b7oy0jo5tU&NR=1
Adorable Bobcat Purring Loudly!
        This is just something to hear the purring if you find it soothing..........
        [~2min] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHLvixCxRfQ&NR=1
+ Animals in hot weather

===  INFObits  ===
=  CBC radio discussion on new toilets: Africa has more cell phones than toilets.
=  TV news Aug 5: in US 46M on foodstamps
=  Only Sat Aug 6 did the news CTV refer to the protests that started July 14 in Israel.  It was in the tens of thousands and by then had reached 200,000.  Latest I've heard is 300,000 and growing.  Housing is one of the issues.  Some are calling for Netanyahu to go (he had to cut short his trip to Poland).  The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz thinks the govt may fall.
===  WATERWATCH  ===
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 10:59:58 +0300
Subject: [cpthebron] Hebron -Mekerot Water Company Disrupts Flow of Water to Palestinian Gardens Again!
Mekerot Water Company Disrupts Flow of Water to Palestinian Gardens Again!
                -- James R. Thomas, CPT HEBRON - July 26, 2011
The Mekerot Water Company continues to disrupt the flow of water to Palestinian farms in the Baqa'a Valley. CPT was called again July 20 to document further damage to crops when the water company ripped out plastic irrigation pipes charging that Palestinians are stealing water. Seleh Jaber, a 67-year-old farmer, told CPT "Mekerot also cut strings that support beans and cut pipes in violation of Geneva Law."(1) Mekerot has destroyed cisterns and wells on Jabber property filling them with rocks, and has issued orders for the demolition of all wells in the valley. Jaber said that the interruption of water to crops damages the Palestinian economy. He also said that each farmer in Baqa'a has 10-15 children. "They damage families." Hassan Jaber, a family member whose new house is under construction after his previous home was demolished by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), said that "Young men are beaten with sticks and clubs when they are in the fields and Mekerot arrives to destroy irrigation equipment." Selah Jaber estimates that over 80 men, women, and children were affected by Mekerot's pipe cutting venture on July 20.
Shaddad Attili, the head of the Palestinian Water Authority, writing in the Jerusalem Post, June 2011, has listed numerous examples of Israel's water stranglehold, such as denying permits for water exploration and destroying cisterns. He concluded that until "these policies are reversed, solutions for water will remain elusive". The water situation exists for Palestinians despite the fact that the three principle underground aquifers of Palestine, are found largely in the West Bank.
The aquifers are:
Yarkon-Tanninim Aquifer (A) This supplies Israel with about 340 million cubic meters of water annually, which are used by the Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv area. Palestinians use about 20 million cubic meters a year.
Nablus-Gilboa Aquifer (B) This supplies Israel with about 115 million cubic meters a year, largely for agricultural irrigation in the kibbutzim (communes) and moshavim (cooperative settlements) in Galilee.
The Eastern Aquifer (C) . This supplies about 40 million cubic meters annually to the Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley, and about 60 million cubic meters to the Palestinians.
Israeli planners consider that the Yarkon-Taninim Aquifer is vital to Israeli water needs, and therefore would like to retain control of settlement blocks over that area, adjacent to the so called "center" of Israel, the Gush Dan area. It should be noted that Israel's water supply always came from these Aquifers, both during mandate times and when the land was held by Jordan.
Seleh Jaber said "The people of Baqa'a live in constant fear that their crops and way of life will be destroyed." They are constantly seeking ways, in and out of the legal system to plant and harvest beans, melons, tomatoes, and peppers as their families have done in Baqa's for over 400 years."
(1) J. L. El Hindi, The West Bank Aquifer and Conventions Regarding Laws of Belligerent Occupation, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, No. 4, Summer 1990.
YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/watch?V=5cc3WDRG5Ps
Picture Links: http://cpt.org/index.php?q=gallery&G2_itemId=23818
To view the on-line version http://www.cpt.org/cptnet/2011/07/12/al-khalil-hebron-mekorot-water-company-again-destroys-jaber-family-irrigation-pipe
CPTnet  --  12 July 2011
Al-Khalil (Hebron): Mekorot Water Company again destroys Jaber family irrigation pipes
by James R. Thomas
Additional photos are available here.  --  http://cpt.org/index.php?q=gallery&g2_itemId=23678
Date: Mon,  1 Aug 2011 14:02:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: "CPTnet: the news service of CPT" <cptnet@mailman.cpt.org>
Subject: [CPTnet] AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): Mekerot Water Company disrupts flow of water to  Palestinian crops again
To view the on-line version click here.
CPTnet  --  1 August 2011
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): Mekerot Water Company disrupts flow of water to Palestinian crops again

===  PHOTOWATCH  ===  Photos near home!

=== ROYALWATCH  === Seaforth Reservists & the Monarchy
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 7:24 AM
Below you'll find access to another important article* on military reservists such as Seaforths thoughtfully provided by one of our Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Patrons, noted novelist, United Church of Canada lay minister and forestry giant Weyerhaeuser CEO Anne Giardini QC.
In other news, a full page devoted to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in yesterday's Vancouver Sun newspaper includes a picture of them wearing Calgary's famous white cowboy hats (Calgary is my hometown).  The banner headline at the top of the page declares:
William, Catherine have saved Canada for the monarchy. 
The Vancouver Sun advises that, until this Royal tour, about one-third of Canadians (Quebecois in particular) would have preferred a republic, while one-third wanted to keep the monarchy and one-third were indifferent.  However, Prince William won over many in Quebec with his French and his sensitivity to their situation.  As well, the sovereignty movement in Quebec is now very weak.  In addition, the Prince spoke Dene in the Arctic's District of MacKenzie.  Most of all, the Royal Couple won the hearts of Canadians coast-to-coast-to-coast.
For many young Canadians the Royal Couple arrived as the world's most famous celebrities.  However, national TV Commentators on both CBC and CTV are now saying that during their nine days here William and Catherine awakened within young Canadians an awareness of and a respect for our monarchy as a deeply entrenched part of our being as Canadians.
So much so that the Vancouver Sun yesterday reported that here in Canada the Royal Couple:  "...have rescued the monarchy for many years, and maybe a couple of generations".
May it be so.
Best regards, Roddy
Roddy MacKenzie, Communications Coordinator,
The Patrons' Corps of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
              * http://www.slaw.ca/2011/07/07/welcoming-reservists-back-home-and-back-to-work/

Date: 2011 August 02      Contact: Cpl Fred Harding, File #: 2011-9382       Tel 925 7300
   The WVPD is drawing attention to the perils of the natural West Vancouver environment after a visitor to the area slipped into the Cypress Ravine and had to be pulled to safety in a high risk, drama-filled rescue.
   On Saturday July 30, a couple was visiting the Cypress Ravine when their dog slipped over a cliff. The husband set off to rescue his pet when he too went over the edge. Fortunately, he broke his descent by being able to scramble and cling to branches as his wife called 911 for help. Still, he slipped slowly closer to an overhanging edge and a potential 100-foot fall below.
   Cst Hudson, a police dog handler and a trained Search and Rescue technician, was the first officer on scene. Using multiple dog leashes tied together, Hudson made an impromptu life line. Together with his colleague, Cst Toa, they partnered to lower the line to the trapped male until he was able to wrap a semi "Swiss Seat" through his leg. Through a sustained pulley and lever operation, the officers pulled the stranded male back up the cliff face, but the search did not end there.
   Although the dog had fallen the entire distance down the ravine, she had miraculously survived below. And still yet, the dog was then almost killed by a rockslide that was precipitated by the rescue operation, the dog was eventually pulled to safety and returned to her grateful owners.
   The male escaped unharmed, although greatly fatigued; the dog suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was treated by a vet.
   While this was a pet rescue mission that went awry, the WV Police wish to remind walkers of the dangers that lie in the natural environment of the North Shore.
   The West Vancouver Police Department were assisted by their partners in the West Vancouver Fire Department's High Angle Rescue Team as well as North Shore Search and Rescue who offered the services of their helicopter.

===  AGEWATCH  == AAADD  (Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder)
recognize this person??!!!!!  Now finally somebody has made a movie of it !


+  Summer Walking Tours.. For those who missed out on Market Alley; opium, laundry and pawnshops, and Blood Alley; early Vancouver, we have partnered with John Atkin to offer these tours again, two evenings in August: Blood Alley, Wed Aug 10th, and Market Alley, Wed Aug 17th from 7 - 9pm.
Mole Hill Walking Tours - Saturday August 20th at 10am and 2pm
          Special 125 City Celebration tours of this intact, restored, early West End neighbourhood. Free.
+  My Grandview: A Walking Tour -- Saturday, August 27 from 10am-12pm noon
Tour guide, Michael Kluckner; HVS members $10;  non-members $15 | Details & online payment
Read bulletin from our website: www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletin/bulletin_20110510.html

The 12th annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea.........
~ 2 to 4pm ~ Saturday ~ August 13 ~
Dundarave Park
bring something for the display table
         sip some Royal Wedding tea* by Murchie's, nibble goodies
        listen to the bagpipes; win a prize for your hat
               Reservations@royaltea.ca or tel 922 4400
WEDDING BLEND  --  In keeping with Murchie's time-honoured reputation of blending green and black teas, we have created a celebratory wedding blend not only for the Royal Nuptials but for your wedding day as well. A crowd pleasing blend of black Ceylon tea, lightened with a touch of Jasmine and Citrus.
===  LANGUAGEWATCH  === the importance of hyphens (from World Wide Words)
"I'll see your missing hyphen [from last week's issue] and raise the stakes," wrote Anthony Douglas. "A number of years ago, I did some proofreading for an academic who was writing a commentary on
1 Corinthians. I was glad to be able to point out, pre-publication, that the apostle Paul was not condemning 'extra marital sex', but 'extra-marital sex'."
===  WORDWATCH  ===
o  Many criticize the media today b/c reporters are little more than 'stenographers'.  IOW, they just write what is said -- unquestioningly, no context, no analysis.
Some even promote a particular POV rather than try to be objective and fair.  They are called PRESSTITUTES.
o  In the UK they spell a word one way, in the US another.  In Canada sometimes we use one way and other times we use the other.  On occasion we even have our own word.
A dilemma presented recently was collectable/collectible.  Turns out -able is in the OED but the Americans often spell it -ible.  The usual formation is -able as in usable, doable, malleable, changeable.

===  MAIKU  ===
July 25, more on Bob Frazer's exceptional Richard III (Bard on the Beach)
                mind's machinations
                        malevolent thoughts and plots
                                        play in waves on face

August 1

        rain erased -- pure joy
                blue sky, sparkling sea
                        sun-glorious Vancouver

August 5
(thinking of Stanley Cup riot but now applies to London)

                mob mentality
                        follow like a flock of birds
                                soar up, and swoop down

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
                                            -- Thomas Jefferson, third US President (1743 - 1826)
The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable
                            -- John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-American economist (1908 - 2006)                       
The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth.
        -- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, German scientist, satirist, philosopher, and Anglophile (1742 - 1799)
Economists are like Aeolian harps, and the sounds that issue from them are determined by the winds that blow.
                       -- Cicely Isabel Fairfield, pen name Rebecca West, or Dame Rebecca West, DBE
                    an English author, journalist, literary critic, and travel writer (1892 - 1983)
We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.
                                         -- Henry David Thoreau, American author, poet, naturalist, etc (1817 - 1862)
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.
                                                    -- Robert Green Ingersoll, American lawyer and orator (1833 - 1899)
Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.
                                -- Ronald Reagan, US president (1911 - 2004)
The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.
                                -- Dennis Green, American football coach (b 1949)
Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.
                                                  -- Pete Seeger, American folk-singer (b 1919)
I told my friend about the creative writing class I took, and she said that she had a simile experience
The anesthesiologist's computer has an ethernet connection.
When a snail loses its shell it looks sluggish.
Calves take well to bottle feeding because one nipple is as good as an udder.
Coins are mint to be.