Ccl AGENDA Sept 12
Calendar to Sept 22nd

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor

My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic. And we'll change the world.
MAIN ITEMS, ccl mtg Monday Sept 12: WV Cmnty Ctrs Services Society's Strategic Plan 2011-15; MyOwnSpace Housing Society Delegation; LEED Canada Existing Building Award (Library); OCP/Zoning Amendments for Kiwanis; M Auditor-General; DVP 1148 20th; Devt Applic Status List; Correspondence (lots! -- timeliness of posting of cmte/WG mtgs; Finance Cmte and Library Bd minutes; PkR overpass/access/egress; M A-G; bus shelters; removal of trees Haywood permitted? at Design Review mtg, and Weston Park; Arts in Ambleside; NO to PSB)
=  Vive le Canada (National Peacekeepers' Day; Brazil; Acadians; Nunavut; Gur Sikh Temple); from the EDITOR'S DESK (RoyalTea-by-the-Sea; AmbRevit/AmbNOW); UPDATES & INFO (field/parks; green waste; golf; invasive plants; WV Fdn Scholarships)
UPDATES since end of July (events/mtgs; see list of topics at beginning): A (Aug 19th, Friday 3am includes RTea); B (26th, Friday 4:26am includes Layton); C (Sept 2nd, Friday 3:53pm); D (4th, Sunday just after midnight)
=  CALENDAR to Sept 22nd; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Photography); Nature Walks
=  AGENDA Ccl Mtg Sept 12
=  ANIMALWATCH (two-legged kitten; birds back); INFObits (WV's Five Top Crash Sites; RCL Canada's largest service org; Top University in World; Stamps/Cdn inventors; 15-acre Corn Maze; $65B Siberia-Alaska tunnel; Bolivia's Nat'l Day of the Pedestrian); PEACEWATCH (CPT in A: Palestine, B: Colombia); HOUSEWATCH (homes: weirdest, most affordable, most $$$, + homes lost); PHOTOWATCH (CBC's Listeners' Lens); ROYALWATCH (comments re royal; Prince Philip cont'd); POLICEWATCH (BlockWatch; Victim Services); List of WVM Titles 2011: 1 - 17; HERITAGEWATCH (HSBC conference; Heritage Vancouver; Heritage WV/RoyalTea remarks); STORYWATCH (Aesop); PET RULES; LANGUAGEWATCH (trains change); WORDWATCH (plurals; car names; 'word'; new: Anthropocene); VANCOUVER HAIKU GROUP; MAIKU; QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS

===  Vive le CANADA  ===  From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)
+  August 9 --  Ottawa
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark National Peacekeepers' Day:
"For over 60 years, Canada has sent her sons and daughters around the world to promote values we hold so dear: peace, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Today, we salute Canada's peacekeepers, who have always been willing to step forward to serve our country and the world in times of need.
"Peacekeepers do more than just walk a line, keeping warring factions apart. They deliver humanitarian aid, help refugees return to their homes, and ensure their continued safety by clearing mines and other dangers left over from conflicts. Peacekeepers also help nurture stable government and human rights by supporting elections, and training police forces and the judiciary.
"Canada has participated in the majority of United Nations and NATO peacekeeping operations, sending tens of thousands of men and women to more than 40 countries on the brink of collapse......
+  August 9 -- S=E3o Paulo, Brazil
... "But way before then, in 1866, even before our provinces united in Confederation, Canada realized the importance of Brazil by opening our first trade office here.
"Ten years after that - this is 1876 - we were pleased to receive a state visit from the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II, during his trip to North America.
"I must tell you that he stopped and did various things. He stopped to admire Canada's signature Niagara Falls - declaring them to be 'most beautiful'.
"But then, patriot that he was, he then declared those of Paulo Afonso* to be 'more sublime'...
"And there is a charming story of how he received a personal demonstration of the telephone from Alexander Graham Bell.
"As Bell recited some Shakespeare, the astonished Emperor blurted out, "This thing talks!'
"But just a year later, in 1877, he brought Brazil - South America, in fact - its first telephone.
"The fact is that the Emperor's visit was an entirely serious matter.
"A scouting trip to review the leading technologies of the day for Brazil's use....
* but it's Iguazu Falls that are spectacular
+  August 15 -- Ottawa
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement to mark National Acadian Day:
"Acadians were early pioneers of our great country, whose ancestors helped establish the first French settlement in North America in the early 1600s.
"They were also a driving force in helping to build New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and parts of Quebec.
"The Acadian* people endured early hardships with great resolve and courage to emerge a proud and determined community that continues to make significant contributions to Canada, in every area of endeavour.  Their customs, traditions, and way of life have become a distinctive part of Canada's social fabric......."
* Some went to Louisiana (belonged to France at the time) at the Expulsion in 1755; Acadian became 'Cajun'.
+  August 22
      The sad news of Jack Layton's untimely death (turned 61 in July)  State Funeral Sat Aug 27.
+  August 23 -- Resolute Bay, Nunavut
PM meets with those involved in rescue and recovery efforts of First Air Flight 6560
Highlights efforts of first responders, including members of the Canadian Armed Forces
...  He also took the time to address the Canadian Armed Forces personnel who were participating in Operation Nanook -- the largest Canadian Arctic military exercise in history -- and who were instrumental in helping save lives that otherwise might have been lost in the recent plane crash....
...  The Canadian Armed Forces are stationed in Resolute Bay as part of Operation NANOOK 11 -- a joint Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and Royal Canadian Air Force operation -- which works with other federal departments and international partners in order to provide a visible presence in the Arctic and demonstrate Canada's ability to respond to emergency situations in the region. It builds upon previous NANOOK Operations conducted every summer since 2007, primarily in the eastern and high Arctic....
... More than 1,100 Canadian Armed Forces personnel and 180 members of the Canadian Coast Guard took part in the exercise this August.
+  August 28 -- Abbotsford, BC
Prime Minister Harper celebrates the centennial of Abbotsford's historic Gur Sikh Temple
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today visited the Gur Sikh Temple in Abbotsford, B.C., as part of the year-long centennial celebrations of North America's longest-standing Sikh temple.
... Also known as the Abbotsford Sikh Temple, ...  was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 2002....
To celebrate this special milestone, the Government has contributed to several infrastructure projects and activities through the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program. Funding will be used to build a museum within the temple, a mural and monument commemorating its creation, as well as a new gate to the Gurdwara - or temple. A series of artistic and cultural activities will also be held, enabling local residents to celebrate this historic anniversary along with the Sikh community.
Canada is home to more than 300,000 Sikhs. ...

===  from the EDITOR'S DESK  ===
o  First of all, this was a difficult issue to cobble together b/c of such a long time between newsletters.  To keep subscribers up to date four updates were sent (A, B, C, D) besides other short announcements and my decision was just to include them in chronological order rather than embed/include them in the various sections.
Apologies that you then have to look in various places for the standard sections.  There is a table of contents at the beginning of each Update.
o  Besides Bard on the Beach, one of the highlights of my summer is the RoyalTea-by-the-Sea.  Photos appeared in the NSN (p13) on Sept 7
Procrastinators that we are, the HWV and RT websites shd be updated soon -- will let you know.
{NB: RTbtS info appears in Update A below as well as in the Heritage WV section at the end.}
Tempest in Royal teacup
To those who think it's a 'throwback' to colonial days, are you not aware Canada is a constitutional monarchy?  Moreover we have oodles of "Royal" bodies.  Know what RCMP stands for?
If those in the air force and navy, ppl who fought for us, this country, were unhappy 'royal' was removed and are now happy restored, that's good enough for me.  Not to, wd be ungrateful; it's their name after all.
Loss was imposed; restoration was wanted/requested.  It's their lives.  And ours.  Make them proud.  Keep identity.
Loyal and Royal.
Gild the cup.
o  Ambleside Revitalization Comm and AmblesideNOW
-  ARC met Tu Sept 6 and expenditures handed out so I was told.  There is nothing on AmbNOW or ARC on the ccl agenda.  Of course they can amend the agenda and add something.  In fact IMO the expenditures since May 31st (the last public info?) shd be received by Council.  A cclr may bring it up (or add it to the agenda).
-  The ARC agenda only had Approval of the Agenda and then the item to go in camera.  Astonished, I wrote before the mtg that normally there's Adoption of the Minutes but it was missing.  The last minutes showing on the ARC webpage were dated May 2nd.  Also absent was PQP wch by policy is on all mtgs -- esp if anyone is dedicated to openness and cmnty input/involvement.
Well, it did have some effect.  The minutes for the June 16 and July 6 mtgs were handed out, however there was no PQP (was told five residents present).  Afterward I asked again and this time Cclr Smith said he'd bring up PQP at the next mtg.
That's good news but it still puzzles me why ccl mbrs aren't concerned about that and make sure the public is included (there were six mbrs of Ccl present).
-  Joe Redmond, Exec Dir (non-voting and consultant paid $145/hr) resigned some months ago yet there's no mention of him at all on the ARC webpage -- he is listed however in the May 2nd minutes.  I was told they were looking for a replacement.  One resident was told the new Chair, Kirsty Farquharson (on the Library Board who denied their expenditure on custom furniture wch was subsequently proven to be true), was taking his place, but that can't be.  The other five mbrs are all devprs.
Still no answers to Polman's Five and have heard from some subscribers that some experts reject combining Police and Fire in one bldg.  A resident said that even if the PSB building is built to seismic standards, the adjacent M Hall cd fall over on it.
- AmblesideNOW-WATCH and background
Answers to Polman's Five promised for this month?
        {btw, is it true the display area of the proposed museum is only 21%?}
>  AmblesideNow Needs Community Participation on the Arts in Ambleside
Media Release  Thursday, July 28  More:  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35486
>  BACKGROUND  http://www.westvancouver.ca/Residents/Level3.aspx?id=19800
>  Museum Study: A Vision For Ambleside  --  Friday, July 03, 2009

===  UPDATES & INFO  ===
> RUTLEDGE ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD  --  Opening Sat Sep 10, exhibition game in afternoon
Construction of the Rutledge Artificial Turf Field was made possible by a $3 million contribution by the Govt of Canada and the Province of BC through the Building Canada Fund - Communities Component. The District of WV contributed $760,000, and the WV Field Hockey Club and WV Soccer Club raised close to $1 million for this $4.5 million project and future amenity improvements.
        more info: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35928
Special Event Note:
An Opening Celebration will take place September 10, at 11 a.m. at Rutledge Field, with welcoming remarks and on-field activities. Everyone is welcome.  Beginning at 12:30 p.m., an exhibition game between the Canadian National Field Hockey team and the Australian National Team will take place as part of a five-game series of exhibition games between the two teams. For more information please visit cangarooclash.com
>  Protect Our Parks No Dumping Please!
Did you know that dumping yard clippings in parks is illegal, unsightly, and can spread invasive plants? Please dispose of yard clippings by using your backyard composter or through the green waste system by putting it curbside for pickup. There is no weekly limit, and we pick up year-round.
How to prepare green waste for collection:
* Use a 77 litre garbage can with a lid and a yellow Green Waste label attached. Pick up a free label at municipal hall or community centres.
* Tie bundles under three feet in length with twine.
* Use paper yard trimmings bags purchased from grocery stores or home improvement stores.
* Take it to the transfer station. It costs $6 for up to 100 kg, or $6.50/100kg for larger amounts. There is no limit.
Please visit westvancouver.ca/recycling for more details.
>  Gleneagles Golf Course Welcomes James Presnail
James is a member of Monaghan Golf Inc., the operating team at Gleneagles Golf Course and Ambleside Par 3 as of August 1. They are committed to enhancing the golf experience for regulars and new golfers alike, and will be an integral part of the West Vancouver community. Gleneagles Golf Course is now offering expanded lesson packages for juniors and adults with more programs coming in spring.
Please visit westvancouver.ca/golf for more information.
>  Invasive Plants
Report invasive plants in B.C. communities by dialing 1-888-WEEDSBC (1-888-933-3722). The Invasive Plant Council of B.C., in partnership with the Agriculture Environment and Wildlife Fund, operates the provincial toll-free hotline to help your community protect local resources. The hotline is part of Eyes Across B.C., an outreach and awareness initiative. Invasive plants are the second greatest threat to biodiversity. They can cause damage to the environment, the economy, and human health. To find out more about invasive plants you can also visit www.invasiveplantcouncilbc.ca. The IPCBC is a grassroots, non-profit society that provides workshops, activities, and events to educate the public and professionals. Membership is free and open to anyone willing to work collaboratively.
Read more: http://www.nsnews.com/technology/Green+guide/5299876/story.html
The Board of Directors of the West Vancouver Community Foundation announces the recipients of its 2011 scholarship and awards.  This year's six recipients are:
Andrew Martin of West Vancouver Secondary School was awarded the Jerry Beckerman Memorial Scholarship.Luke Rowan of Rockridge Secondary School was awarded the Faris Family Scholarship.
Eva Jordison of West Vancouver Secondary School was awarded the Trajan Martin Memorial Award.
Siobhan Brown of West Vancouver Secondary School was awarded the James A. Inkster Leadership Award.
Nik Marshall of Sentinel Secondary School and Jeff McKinnon of UBC were awarded the Jeremy Dalton Rugby Endowment Award.
The WVCF is a non-government, non-profit community foundation that was founded in 1979.  For more information, please visit www.westvanfoundation.com.

===  UPDATE WVM 17 A compiled for Thursday Aug 18  ===
WVM17 had some of the mtgs/events in August (not repeated here).  Except a reminder for the WV Historical Society's barbecue this Saturday (noon to 3pm on Aug 20th at GLH; was in the newsletter).
Newly Announced Events; Updates/Info; CULTUREWATCH; Canadiana; Details; Quotations/Puns {> end}
Missed/Received too late for WVM17 are here with some details below:
        =  Sat Aug 20 = Sixth Annual Hot Rod Car Show at Park Royal
=  Tues Aug 23 = Chamber's Power Hour (Dund)
=  Thurs Aug 25 = Field Sport Forum WG at 7:30am
=  Sat Aug 27 = H Vancouver's Grandview Walking Tour
=  Sun Aug 28 = Eveleigh Street, a Tour of the Imagination (Heritage Vancouver, below)
=  Tues Aug 30 = Chamber Breakfast Club (Amb)
=  Sat Sept 3 = Alexander McCall Smith visits 32 Books
=  Tues Sept 6 = Opening Reception 6 to 8pm
                A Passion for Flowers (Silk Purse)
                3 ELEMENTS: Earth, Fire, & Water (FBG)
        =  Fri Sept 9 = (First) Fall Walking Tour (Heritage Vancouver)
Updates and Info
o  WVPD launches new public crime map (details below)
o  Royal Canadian Legion Branch 60 Newsletter, The Torch, just out (up on their website soon)
Coming Events: Weekend Summer Barbecues on the Patio - Volunteer Chefs needed;
NShore Candlelight Ceremony, Sept 10th; NShore Branches' Chilli Cook-off, Sept 11th
                                                     Please check the boards in the Lounge for further details!
o  RoyalTea-by-the-Sea Saturday August 13th great fun in the sun sipping Wedding Blend tea to the music of the bagpipes with encouraging remarks by MP John Weston and MLAs Joan McIntyre and Ralph Sultan.  Much appreciated.  WV Ccl no shows -- we'll all have to work harder if we want to preserve any of our heritage esp with imminent losses looming.
Pity we only found out about restoring royal to our forces two days later!
Strange some ppl seem to think it's back to colonialism when in fact we're a constitutional monarchy and there are many bodies that have 'royal' in their names -- some argue never shd hv bn removed.  Just think -- we have the RCMP after all, plus the BC Royal Museum, not to mention the Royal XXII Regiment from Quebec (affectionately known as the VanDoos).
[More below]
CULTUREWATCH (a selection)
+ HMS Pinafore, DragonDiva Operatic Theatre (Bernie Legge Theatre), New Westminster; 2 and 8pm Aug 19 - 28; 521 5050
+ Clara/Clara, [Schumann] VSO School of Music; 8pm Aug 18 - 20; 961 7560; www.songdrama.com
+ Sea of Sand, presented by The Only Animal at Spanish Banks to Aug 28; www.theonlyanimal.com
+ Salmon Row, at the Britannia Heritage Shipyard (Steveston), 8pm Aug 18 to 28; www.mortalcoil.bc.ca
+Tough! by Norm Foster at Studio 1398 on Granville Island, Aug 24 - Sept 3; 684 2787
A bit of Canadiana:
+  This year our navy celebrates 100 years and its original name has been restored: Royal Canadian Navy.  Same for the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Army.  (Announced on CBC Monday Aug 15; made official by Peter Mackay MP the next day.)
+  Next year is the 100th anniversary of the War of 1812.  Many aren't aware that the Americans invaded Canada.  They burned York (early name of Toronto) so we burned down the White House (1812).  Most Americans unaware we won that one!
=  Aug 20 = The 6th Annual Hot Rod Car Show in The Village
Join us on Saturday, Aug 20th  for a super fun, family experience at The Village at Park Royal. From 9am to 4pm, over 150 beautiful Hot Rods and Classic Cars will be parked on Main Street for your viewing pleasure. There will also be live music and fun activities for the kids. There will be an opportunity to vote for your favourite Hot Rod for a chance to win a Park Royal Gift Card.
=  Aug 23 = The Power Hour
Location: Delany's Coffee House | Dundarave Village
The next "Power Hour Group" will be on Tuesday, August 23rd, 8 - 9am at Delany's Coffee House in Dundarave Village. Have you been to the Chamber's "Power Hour Group"? We do more business in an hour than most people do all day. Come and promote your business to an intimate group of business owners and local professionals all while enjoying your morning cup of coffee!
[WV Chamber of Commerce: 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com]
=  Aug 27 = Grandview Walking Tour
Heritage Vancouver presents - My Grandview: A Walking Tour
August 27, 10 am-12 pm noon / Heritage Vancouver members: $10; Non-members: $15
Join Heritage Vancouver's first President Michael Kluckner for a unique look at Vancouver's Grandview neighbourhood. You will roam over the blocks between Pender and Victoria Drive and First Avenue east of Commercial Drive, examining rows of builders' houses, the scattered mansions of a century ago, surviving corner stores, apartment buildings, and the Franciscan monastery - all in all one of the most diverse neighbourhoods in Vancouver.  Details/Tickets: www.heritagevancouver.org
=  Aug 30 = Chamber Breakfast Club
Location: Cafe TrafiQ
The next Breakfast Club will be on Tuesday, Aug 30th, 7:30 - 8:30am. New members are encouraged - a great opportunity to establish new contacts.
[WV Chamber of Commerce: 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com]
=  Sept 3  =  Author visit!
Saturday... September 3rd at 3pm
MEET Alexander McCall Smith author of the beloved No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series
at St. Catherine's Church, Edgemont Village, North Vancouver
Tix are available at 32 Books & Gallery; $10 includes a $5 coupon toward book purchase
Seating is limited so call to reserve your tickets soon!
www.32books.com -- 32 Books & Gallery, Edgemont Village -- 980 9032
=  Sept 6 =
.  SILK PURSE    http://www.silkpurse.ca/gallery2.html
"A Passion for Flowers" 
Opening reception at the Silk Purse: Tuesday September 6th from 6 to 8pm
~~ September 6 - 18  ~~ Paintings by Irena Eacott
West Van painter Irena Eacott is eager to share her passion for flowers and painting with you. Her use of vivid colour and dynamic composition captures the lush and lively beauty of everything from springtime buds to flowers in their full bloom.
.  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY   http://ferrybuildinggallery.com/exhibitions/upcoming_exhibition
"3 ELEMENTS: Earth, Fire, & Water" -- Sept 6 - 25
Ceramic and watercolour by Jean Pedersen Ellis, Claudia Bos, Olga Turok
Three artists, as different as the three elements they use, but united by a shared respect for nature and the loving rigour and challenge of their art practice, have created a show celebrating materials and their transformation into art.
*Opening reception: Tuesday September 6th from 6 to 8pm
*Artists in attendance: Saturday September 10th from 2 to 3pm
+  http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/projects/walkingtours.html
Sunday, August 28th - Eveleigh Street: a tour of the imagination. This little known one block long street, lost amidst the Bentall development, was once home to a number of CPR employees, a well known architect, and some elegant homes. Discover the residents and history of this "lost" street on this walking tour. ALMOST FULL!
+  http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
+  Friday September 9 = (First) Fall Walking Tour (Heritage Vancouver)
Tours: Second & Fourth Fridays starting Sept 9th (- Nov 25th), noon - 1:30pm, $10 includes HST.
Explore the entire length of Historic Hastings Street in this two-part tour with guide Maurice Guibord. Second Friday meet across from the Marine Building at NE Corner of Burrard & Hastings - Fourth Friday meet at Victory Square at SW corner of Hastings & Cambie.
Register for Fall walking tours.......                                                                                         
o  West Vancouver Police Launch New Public Crime Map
Date: 2011 August 11 Contact: Cpl.  Jag Johal                              Telephone:  604-925-7315
The West Vancouver Police Department (WVPD) recently partnered with BAIR Software Inc. to launch a new public crime map called RAIDS Online (Regional Analysis & Information Data Sharing). RAIDS Online is a free public crime map that better connects police with their community to help reduce crime and improve public safety. The WVPD is proud to be the first Canadian agency to provide RAIDS Online crime maps to their community.
 West Vancouver residents have the ability to view crimes near their homes, schools, work, or other areas of interest and can also sign up for neighbourhood crime alerts.
Please visit West Vancouver's crime map at wvpd.ca
o  RoyalTea-by-the-Sea 2011
                on Saturday August 13th in Dundarave Park
Bit of a slow overwhelming start but sunny!
The (tea) brewmaster said over 150 cups of tea were served.
The bagpipes are always stirring and uplifting.
I say no more cookies with chocolate -- since a windy and not a hot day, I certainly did not think the chocolate wd melt, and so quickly!  I'd thought of them as a treat.
The hats were a hoot.  The winner had a tricorn with lots added and the runner-up had lots of pink flowers.  Must say, I was expecting to see more "fascinators" b/c of the Will and Kate wedding.  Many dressed up in attractive special outfits.
Glad to have MP John Weston there as well as MLA Joan McIntyre and remarks from Ralph (who was in Vermont but he's been to all of them except this and last year's).
No one from WV Ccl.  Can't help noting that this screamed how low DWV, or shd I say WV Ccl, rates heritage.  No one from Ccl and not even remarks sent.  This is consistent.  No wonder WV no longer has a Heritage Weekend in Sept, Klee Wyck is lost, and Gertrude Lawson house is teetering on the edge (assumed will be demolished).  Furthermore, as I pointed out at the ccl mtg in July, there's no longer any heritage WG or cmte, nor even a Ccl heritage liaison.  Going backwards.  Worrisome.
Needs determination.
Loss through neglect is a serious problem in heritage.  We must make consistent and concerted efforts to restore and keep our heritage -- we have so little since we're so new.  All the more reason to value the few heritage assets we have.
Cmnties must go forward, and it helps to know where we've been and come from.
Live in context, realizing we're in the flow of life.
Back to the tea.
What's also exciting is the kindness and enthusiasm of the almost 70 who came.
Show and tell included stories, a British naval ensign, and a demonstration of Prince Bertie's Walking Stick.
And that's what cmnty is about.  Sharing.  Togetherness, camaraderie.
Honouring our traditions and values, keeping in mind the critically important role of the monarchy in our society, and having that special feeling -- enjoying being Canadian, a distinct and respected character/nationality.
Thank you again for your support for our constitutional monarchy and my modest effort reminding us to recognize it.
See www.westvan.heritage.bc where there's a link to www.royaltea.ca with the flyer (one of Heritage West Van's events); photos will be up soon... group photo of ladies with hats, the two winners of the hat prizes, ...
How timely, two days later it was announced the Royal will be returned to the Air Force and the Navy.  Vive le RCAF et le RCN!
{qtns moved to end of WVM}

===  UPDATE WVM 17 B compiled for Thursday Aug 25   ===
no newsletter yet but news continues, good and bad.  Next WVM (18) won't be out before Sept 9 when  the Sept 12 agenda will be out.  There may be an Update C.
In the meantime (numbers courtesy of Alex):
1  Jack Layton; 2  Fish Festival (Aug 28); 3  KMC; 4  CULTURE; 5  Library; 6  AVAAZ; 7  HERITAGE; 8  Art in the Hall; [9] Qtns/Puns
Of course the most noteworthy item in Canada just now was the death of Jack Layton not long after turning 61.  Yes, he looked gaunt when saying cancer had returned -- in stark contrast to his campaigning and win May 2nd -- the speed was faster than anticipated.
Loss of his optimism, idealism, and inspiration is a loss for all of Canada.
Here's his whole letter penned on the weekend just before he died in the wee hours of Monday (22nd)
An excerpt:
And finally, to all Canadians:
Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. We can be a better one - a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity. We can build a prosperous economy and a society that shares its benefits more fairly. We can look after our seniors. We can offer better futures for our children. We can do our part to save the world's environment. We can restore* our good name in the world. ...
... consider that we can be a better, fairer, more equal country by working together. Don't let them tell you it can't be done.
My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful, and optimistic. And we'll change the world.
All my very best,
Jack Layton
* lost b/c Harper has not been fair to both Israelis and Palestinians
2  ===  FISHWATCH  ===  Pink Salmon
Subject: Pink salmon, all about it and recipes
"It's like Cinderella, locked away, cleaning floors. The sisters won't let her out," says Rob Clark, defending the mistreated pink salmon.
And that's not all: "It's like the forgotten ugly ducking, an unwanted child," says Clark, executive chef at C, Raincity Grill, and Nu restaurants.
The prince is in fine fighting spirit and challenges the fish-eating public to drop its snooty attitude. Not only is pink salmon flavourful, it's the most sustainable of salmon species because of its abundance.
To convince the picky public, on Sunday August 28, the second biennial Pink Salmon Festival takes place at Hadden Park by the Maritime Museum, from noon to 5pm. It's a duel for acceptance. On one side - 3,000 pounds of pinks (salmon).  On the other, thousands of unconvinced palates.
Rest of article by Mia Stainsby:
o  The Fab Fourever
Sunday, September 10th, 7:30pm
Rock.It Boy Entertainment is pleased to present THE FAB FOUREVER The Complete Beatles Experience. With the authenticity of the costumes, the close replication of that classic and unforgettable music and an undeniable stage presence, The Fab Fourever has earned the right to call [themselves] the "Complete Beatles Experience!" This tribute band transports you back to a time when the music was the soundtrack to a generation sparing no small detail in their reproduction.   Purchase tickets online
Next to Normal  --  Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage  --  Starts September 8!
This contemporary musical will shake audiences to the core with its groundbreaking themes and thrilling score. Hailed for the empathy and accuracy with which it portrays a woman coping with bipolar disorder, Next to Normal will find a place next to your heart.
"I saw the Broadway production and was struck by the power and immediacy of it," says Bill Millerd, Arts Club's Artistic Managing Director and director of the show. "The pop-rock music establishes the currency of the issues and propels the story forward. This show is unique - it reminds us that there is no 'normal' in what musicals can present in their stories and style."
~  JAC
+ Hay Fever
Andrée Karas and United Players present Hay Fever by No=EBl Coward, directed by William B. Davis
Oh, the wit of No=EBl Coward!  There's no one like him! There is no playwright who captures the sophisticated elegance and archness of the era between the two world wars like him, and Hay Fever is the epitome of the Coward style. Inspired by a weekend Coward spent at the house of the actor Laurette Taylor, Hay Fever is a delicious comedy of (bad) manners about a family whose theatrical excesses torment a group of unsuspecting visitors. 
In the conflict between Bohemian eccentricity and bourgeois repressive conventionality, Coward creates perhaps his greatest comedy, one that never fails to delight and entertain.
Hay Fever is directed by William B. Davis (Waste) and features Chris McBeath (as Judith), Meaghan Chenosky, Christopher Cook, Rebecca Husain, Jordon Navratil, Melissa Oei, Jack Rigg, Thomas Saunders, and Nina Shoroplova on stage, with Stevie Jackson, Asst. Director; Sean Malmas, Set Design; Kate Carr, Costume Design; Mandi Lau, Lighting Design; Laura Polnik, properties; Kyla Gardiner, Technical Director; and Tanya Hill, Stage Manager.
Jericho Arts Centre, 1675 Discovery
Sept 2 - 25 at 8pm; Thurs through Sun; Tix $16 - $20 Preview: Thurs Sept 1st - tix $10
Talk-back session: Thurs Sept 8th, after the show. For reservations, phone 604 224 8007, ext. 2
or  www.unitedplayers.com Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/@United_Players  Join us on Facebook
Want to know more? Check out Spotlight at http://www.unitedplayers.com/Pages/spotlight.html
ME2YOU PRODUCTIONS presents SCREAMING SILENTLY by Shane Rochon, directed by Heather Dallas
"What once was hurt, what once was friction, what left a mark no longer stings because grace finds beauty in ugly things" -- Bono
Four siblings need to reconcile among themselves as they prepare for their deceased father's memorial service. A story on the gift of second chances.
September 5, 6, 7  Mon - Wed at 8pm  Tix: $10   Click here for tickets  or call 224 8007, ext. 3
8pm Sept 1 - 4 Johnny Canuck  on Granville Island 684 2787  www.johnstarkproductions.com
False Pretences by Eric Chappell.  Farce about a trickster's attempt to woo a rich woman.  8pm Aug 26 to Sept 24; ph 266 7191 metrotheatre.com
+ Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 
School of Music Open House Sat August 27  843 Seymour (next to the Orpheum)
=  ART
DNV Foyer Gallery Aug 31 to Oct 19; Opening Reception Sept 1st from 6:30 to 8:30pm
Stone Sculptures by Oliver Harwood and colourful acrylic paintings by Warren Oneschuk.
5 +++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++  http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
The Library is currently accepting donations of high quality paperbacks and hardcover books (in English) published in the last 5 years. Please take donations to the checkout desk Thursday mornings. Individual books may be dropped off at any time.
Friday Sept 9 -- Save the Date! Summer Reading Club Medal Presentation Ceremony
~ 7pm ~  Join us to congratulate the young readers who have eagerly read and kept a record of their readings for 50 days or more during the summer.
English Corner -Come and practise English conversation.
        Meet Fridays from September 9 - December 16, 10 - 11:30am, Welsh Hall West.
6 AVAAZ video
in part:  http://www.avaaz.org/en/middle_east_peace_now/?cl=1233645083&v=10042
Too often the media doesn't really tell us what we need to know to take action. But almost 10 million of us are receiving this email and can watch this video. If we forward it to enough people, we BECOME the media, and can determine public opinion. Click below to watch the video, sign the petition if you haven't yet, and forward this email to everyone, especially in swing European countries -- let's reach 1 million signers before the UN meeting this week:
Last month the Palestinians presented their bid at the Security Council. Over 120 countries support them, but the US rejects the proposal, and is sending a clear message to its European allies that supporting the legitimate Palestinian bid will strain bilateral relations. It is now up to us to tell key European leaders that public opinion is behind this diplomatic non-violent push and that we should be the basis for policy choices, not whether it will 'upset the Americans'.
While the majority of Palestinian and Israeli people want a solution to the conflict based on two states, the extremist Israeli government continues to approve settlements building in contested areas. And, despite repeated efforts, decades of US-led peace talks have failed to rein-in the peace killers and get an agreement.
NB: over 60% of Israelis and Palestinians want a two-state solution
+  INFObits:
        - Whistler Museum turned 100 this year. They have daily walking tours starting at 1pm.
        -  Fall Fairs: See the list of fairs around BC -- www.bcfairs.ca
+  Heritage BC
=  Annual Report
AUGUST 22 2011 -- The 2010 Heritage BC Annual Report is now available online. The report includes the audited statements for fiscal year 2010, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on September 30 at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in Burnaby.
View HBC Annual Report online:  =BB www.issuu.com/heritagebc/docs
Download the HBC Annual Report PDF:  =BB Annual Report 2010
        Download the Conference Program here: =BB Program PDF
        Link to our website for more details and registration:  =BB Online Registration
8  ART IN THE HALL    August 19 - September 30 (DWV M Hall)
Keel Blocks
Photographs (by North Shore News photographer Mike Wakefield) of the blocks used to support the keels of ships under repair in North Vancouver shipyards*.
*After decades of sandblasting, welding, priming, and painting, the scars of the trade were left on the keel blocks. They tell the story of history, hard work, and the passage of time.
wakefieldphotography@shaw.ca <mailto:wakefieldphotography@shaw.ca>

~~~  QUOTATIONS / THOUGHTS/PUNS  ~~~ see end

===  UPDATE WVM 17 C   ===
[Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 15:53:48 -0700]
How can it be September already?
Things will start moving quickly now.
Last week Cclr Smith announced he'd be running for mayor and Mayor Pamela Goldsmith-Jones announced she wd not.
The HST referendum result means we spend maybe the next 18 months going backwards, paying the feds $1.6B, and spending millions hiring staff to process the PST/GST (since HST done by Ottawa).
                Enjoy sunny Labour Day weekend coming up!
Now for your (salmagundi) Update. 
Pls note events and mtgs in WVM17 or in Updates A and B are not listed here.  These are all new.  Details (except for WG mtg) follow.
Some news and events/mtgs that will occur before WVM18 comes out (Sept 9/10):
DWV Website Survey -- INPUT!
Mayor will not run in Nov
Construction/Parking Restrictions 1300 Marine; begins Sept 1
Roundabout in Horseshoe Bay delayed
Bard on the Beach, start time changes to 7pm on Sept 4
Nature Walks, Stanley Park; Sept 4 and 6
Seatbelts and School Speed Zones Sept 6
Parks Master Plan WG, 6pm Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Room) Tues Sept 6
Fringe Festival Opening Night Gala Sept 6
Tzeporah Berman at Cap College re Climate Change Sept 7
TransLink: Moving Forward Sept 7
Vancouver Heritage Foundation, Historic Hastings Walk, Sept 9
LPPS Shoreline Clean-Up Sept 10
Rutledge Field Opening, 10:30am Saturday Sept 10
Middle Class Salaries (Emerging Markets): The Economist (how does your income compare?)
PHOTOS -- CBC's Listeners' Lens
PETS  :-)
=87 ................................................................................
~~~  DETAILS  ~~~

They're asking for your suggestions for the website http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=35650
Website Survey - We Want Your Input!
Thursday, August 25 The purpose of this survey is to collect your feedback on the District's website and any services you would like to see added in the future.
        TAKE THE SURVEY! https://data.grapevinesurveys.com/survey.asp?sid=20118166262712
o  Goldsmith-Jones announces departure
Pam Goldsmith-Jones announced Wednesday that she would not seek re-election as mayor of West Vancouver.  In an email to district councillors, Goldsmith-Jones said her short-term priority is to settle some of the decisions related to the redevelopment of Ambleside.
Read more: http://www.nsnews.com/news/Goldsmith+Jones+announces+departure/5319290/story.html#ixzz1Wj2XX9m1
Construction on 1300 Block Marine Drive Affects Parking
Wed, Aug 31 --  Construction begins Thurs September 1 on 1300-block Marine Dr, to upgrade the sewer system.
All streets will remain open during construction. There will be a temporary change to traffic patterns, and no street parking will be allowed during construction hours (7:30am to 6pm).
Construction will not take place over the long weekend, and public parking will be available on the street. Construction will commence Tuesday, September 6 at 7:30am.
Traffic control staff will be on site to direct traffic. Please use caution, and keep children and pets away from the construction site at all times.  Thank you for your patience as crews work on this important infrastructure project.
o  Intersection Upgrade for Marine Dr at Keith Rd in Horseshoe Bay
Friday September 02 Update:  The construction of the roundabout at Keith Road and Marine Drive has unfortunately been delayed as the District is working with the Ministry of Transportation for approvals. Approval is required before the design is completed and construction started.  As a result, construction will not start this year but every effort is being made to obtain approvals and allow the work to be ready to construct in the Spring/Summer 2012.
The draft design is available for viewing. Further updates will be posted as they become available.
See more: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34998
There's a special promotion Labour Day weekend for Bard E-News Subcribers -- subscribe now!  Phone 739 0559; see http://www.bardonthebeach.org/
We are sad to say that summer is almost at an end and the nights are getting shorter. This means that the Bard evening performances begin earlier during the month of September.
Beginning Sunday Sept 4th all evening performances at Bard on the Beach will start at 7pm.
With this app by B'stro, you can easily find play synopses, cast bios, multimedia, social media connections, and ticket and venue information for all the plays and events happening at Bard on the Beach. You can even find a Shakespearean insult generator!
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bard-on-the-beach/id437015318?mt=8  to visit iTunes and download this free app today! Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
o  Reconnecting With Nature
                        with David Cook 924-0147 <cookeco2@yahoo.com>
-  Sunday September 4th
Title: The Perfect Storm -- 1:30 - 3:30pm
A Discovery Walk for the Stanley Park Ecology Society: www.stanleyparkecology.ca
Meet at the parking lot behind Third Beach kiosk in Stanley Park. Turn right at Tea House after the Hollow Tree.
You will walk with Biologist David Cook through the forest of Stanley Park where the effects of the storm of 2006 were most destructive and see how it is recovering after five years of natural regeneration and human management. We will discuss how such natural events are beneficial to the long term ecology of a forest. We will see how we as managers can influence the pace of forest recovery as well as guide it towards what we require as users of the forest.
No registration is required but there is a fee of $5 for members of the Stanley Park Ecology Society, seniors & children and $10 for non-members.
-  Tuesday September 6th
Title: Geology of Stanley Park & Burrard Inlet as seen along the Stanley Park seawall
A three-hour interpretive walk for for Brock House Society: www.brockhousesociety.com
A stroll through 20 million years of geological history with Geologist David Cook. Other features will be the roots of 32 million-year-old volcanoes, giant boulders of granite stranded by the retreating ice sheet, and wave-cut notches formed when the sea-level was higher. Low tide at the time of our walk will reveal other features such as wave-cut platforms, concretions in the sandstone, and joint-sets formed during the mighty forces of crustal plate movements.
Registration and details for meeting time and location: 604 228 1461. Refer to "Guided Interpretive Walks LA102".

Aug 28 -- The West Vancouver Police wish to remind parents that all children under the age of nine, unless they have reached 145 cm (4'9"), must be in an approved childseat. Failing to do so could cause serious injury or death to a child. A parent can also be fined $109 for not having a child in an appropriate child seat. Booster seats can be purchased for as little as $28.       
For more info, go to: www.childseatinfo.ca     
Most children will be back to school September 6th and police across the the province will be out in force enforcing the 30 km/h school zone speed limit.      
        Fines range from $196 to $483 including a possible seven-day impound.
o  FRINGE FESTIVAL Opening Night Gala  Sept 6 www.vancouverfringe.com
      7pm at Performance Works; Showcase performances of this year's Fringe; Live Auction follows
o  Tzeporah re Climate Change at Capilano College  Sept 7
      7:30pm Tzeporah Berman speaks about Climate Change; 990 7810
We are currently developing our 2012 "Moving Forward" Supplemental Plan and want to get feedback on the priorities we have identified and which funding sources should support these enhancements.
Join us for one of four in-person workshops!  Each session will begin with an open house (6:30 - 7pm), followed by a presentation and discussion (7 - 8:30 p.m.).
=B7   Wednesday September 7 - Lonsdale Quay Hotel - 123 Carrie Cates Ct, NV - 6:30 - 8:30pm
=B7   Thurs September 8 - Holiday Inn Metrotown Salon E - 4405 Central Blvd, Burnaby - 6:30 - 8:30pm
=B7   Wed Sept 14 - Guildford Recreation Centre Multi-purpose Room, 15105 105 Ave., Surrey - 6:30 - 8:30pm
=B7   Thurs Sept 15 - Evergreen Cultural Centre, Studio A - 1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam - 6:30 - 8:30pm
Visit our website, at www.translink.ca/movingforward for additional information and view our interactive webinar that took place on July 19.  If you are unable to attend the in-person sessions, please take a moment to fill out our online questionnaire (available until September 23).
I am the Community Relations Coordinator for the Supplemental Plan.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or feedback on the plan.
Sincerely,  Kristin
Kristin Lillyman, Community Relations Coordinator | TransLink
        T: 604 453 4687 | C: 604 561 6217    E: kristin.lillyman@translink.ca    www.translink.ca
        Fridays Sept 9th - Nov 25th; noon - 1:30pm, $10 includes HST.
Historic Hastings Street
Explore this important corridor of commerce, government, and transportation in this two-part tour with guide Maurice Guibord.
Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 4 meet across from the Marine Building at NE Corner of Burrard & Hastings
Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 25 meet at Victory Square at SW corner of Hastings & Cambie.                                                                                    Register for Fall walking tours >> http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/projects/walkingtours.html                                                       
The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit working to promote the preservation of the built environment in Vancouver and beyond.
LIGHTHOUSE PARK  Saturday Sept 10 from 9am to 12:30pm
This is the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society's first volunteer event.  It has been organized by member Kim Vogt on behalf of the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up.
Meet at the upper kiosk in the parking lot.  Please bring water, work gloves, sunscreen, and footwear   appropriate to the beach.  Our work will be collecting, sorting, counting, and documenting the garbage we find.  It     will be necessary to bring these materials back to the parking lot for proper disposal.  Your support is vital .......   please take part!
Questions?  Telephone Kim at 922 1359
(Snacks will be provided by the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society)
Best regards from the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society
o  Rutledge Field OPENING
        Rutledge Field (Corner of Marine Dr and 13th St) -- 10:30am - 4pm Saturday Sept 10
On-field activities begin at 10:30am, with welcoming address beginning at 11am.
Parking will be limited; modes of transport other than driving are encouraged.
Special Note: Only soft soled shoes or runners can be worn on the field. No high heels or cleats please.
Come to Ambleside Park and celebrate the opening of West Vancouver's new artificial turf field, Rutledge Field. Designed for the sport of field hockey, but usable by soccer and other field sports, Rutledge Field is named in honour of Ross Rutledge, an accomplished athlete and inspirational leader who gave so much to the sport of field hockey and young players on the North Shore.
This project was made possible by the Government of Canada, the Province of British Columbia, and DWV through the Building Canada Fund - Communities Component, as well as significant contributions from the WV Field Hockey Club and WV Soccer Club.
Following, there will be an exhibition game between the Canadian men's national field hockey team and the Australian men's national field hockey team.
=  Politics in emerging markets
The new middle classes rise up
        Marx's revolutionary bourgeoisie finds its voice again
        Sep 3rd 2011 | from the print edition [The Economist]
.....  According to Martin Ravallion of the World Bank, the middle classes (defined as people earning between $2 and $13 a day) trebled in number between 1990 and 2005 in developing Asia to 1.5 billion; they rose from 277m in Latin America to 362m over the same period; and in sub-Saharan Africa from 117m to 197m. Newer estimates from the Asian and African Development Banks, using a definition of $2-20 a day, confirm the picture (see chart 1). They show that the middle classes (which, on their definitions, include many only just out of poverty) accounted for a third of Africa's population in 2008, three-quarters of Latin America's and almost 90% of China's. .....
Entire article: http://www.economist.com/node/21528212?fsrc=nlw%7Cedh%7C09-01-11%7Ceditors_highlights
If you haven't seen CBC's Listeners' Lens Photo Gallery, it has some lovely (BC scenes) and cute (raccoons), take a peek: http://www.cbc.ca/bcalmanac/photogallery/#igImgId_15737
o  PET RULES / PETS RULE?    {see end of this newsletter}
Intersection Upgrade for Chartwell Drive and Crosscreek Road
Friday September 02 Update:
Construction of the roundabout is underway. The plan is to have the majority of the construction completed before school starts however completion will take place during September. The District has been working with the schools and Hollyburn Country Club to mitigate the impact. Please carpool if possible and use alternative means of transportation.  It is expected that the work will be completed by mid to end of September, weather permitting. Please drive with caution when using the intersection.
The draft design is available for viewing. Further updates will be posted here as they become available
The issue of traffic congestion and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Cross Creek Road and Chartwell Drive has been a concern for schools and the neighbourhood for some time.
The intersection is the main access for Sentinel High School and Chartwell elementary School, and a main arterial road connecting 15th Street to Highway 1.
An Open House was held at Sentinel School on June 27, 2011 where information was provided to the school parent advisory committees and local homeowners association on the issues and options. The community was invited to attend and provide input. The District has recommended a roundabout to improve traffic flow and safety in the intersection.
Further information will be posted here as the project progresses.
Display Boards from the Open House
        Chartwell Display Board 1 - Background and Issues  /  Chartwell Display Board 2 - Roundabout Option
        Chartwell Display Board 3 - Roundabout Option  /  Chartwell Display Board 4 - Next Steps
For more information, or to share your comments, contact: email ph 925 7020
See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=34978

===  UPDATE WVM 17 D   ===
[Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 00:14:20 -0700]
First AmbNOW (Tu), Legion (Mon); Parking Restrictions; Qtn/Thought/Pun (back to school)
Wdn'tcha know!!!
Just found out about an AmbNOW mtg and it even says it will close after it opens.
Doncha just love openness and transparency let alone public input/engagement/involvement?
btw, why does the Mayor say Ccl has approved the PSB by the MHall and some cclrs say no decision has been made yet?
DWV for Tuesday has:
4:00pm Ambleside Revitalization Commisssion Meeting
September 6, 2011
Location: Municipal Hall - Main Floor Conference Room; Start: 4:00 PM  End: 7:00 PM
This meeting will open to the public and will immediately proceed in to a closed meeting.
*  OUR LEGION  http://www.westvan60.com  ~~  ofc 922 3587; lounge 922 1920
>  Monday, September 5th
          Labour Day Barbecue -- 5:30pm $10/pp, Steak Sandwich & more by Tony & Mina
>  Saturday, September 10th
        North Shore Candlelight Ceremony 6pm
>  Sunday, September 11th
                NORTH SHORE LEGIONS' CHILLI COOK-OFF JUDGING 3pm Chilli $5 per bowl
Ambleside Sewer Rehabilitation - Marine Drive
Friday, September 02
From Tuesday September 6 to Tuesday September 13 there will be phased "No Parking" from the 1300 Block to the 1500 Block of Marine Drive.
All streets will remain open during construction. There will be a temporary change to traffic patterns, and no street parking will be allowed during construction hours (7:30am to 6pm).
Construction will not take place over the long weekend, and public parking will be available on the street. Construction will recommence Tuesday September 6 at 7:30am.
Traffic control staff will be on site to direct traffic. Please use caution, and keep children and pets away from the construction site at all times.
Thank you for your patience as crews work on this important infrastructure project.
QUOTATION/THOUGHT/PUN  {moved to end of newsletter}

=======  CALENDAR to Sept 22nd  =======
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise.  NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out.  Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx  .  Notices/mtgs/changes too late for an issue or too early for the next are sent to subscribers as updates.  They then appear in the next newsletter.
== Sunday Sept 11 
Coho Festival  ~ 11am - 6pm ~  Ambleside Park --  www.cohosociety.com
The festival includes a 14km run, live music, lots of kids' activities, and a salmon barbecue.  More info: 926 6956
-> Stanley Park Ecology Society: The Rainforest Cafe -- Two seatings: 1:30 and 3:30
Explore the temperate rainforest for herbs, berries, shrubs, and trees the West Coast First Nations Peoples used for food, with naturalist Murray Lashmar. www.stanleyparkecology.ca
== Monday Sept 12 
        Harvest Moon; the full moon will be in Pisces.
        {so don't be surprised if you hear wolves howling during the ccl mtg.....}
== Tuesday Sept 13 
   ~ 6pm ~ Rodgers Area 3 East Devt Permit Public Info Mtg; Mulgrave School, 2330 Cypress Bowl Lane
-> A stroll around Beaver Lake; an Interpretive Nature Walk with Biologist David Cook 228 1461
Circuit trail of Beaver Lake; discover how wetlands are a vital link between upland and lowland ecosystems.  {See NATURE WALKS below}
== Wednesday Sept 14
        Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-Up  www.ShorelineCleanup.ca
== Thursday Sept 15
~ 7pm ~ Launch of WV Historical Society's book "Cottages to Communities" (See WVML below) 
~  Free Outdoor Movie Screening in Horseshoe Bay (in Horseshoe Bay Park): "Cars 2"
Free Outdoor movies in Vancouver have become a tradition. Presented by the Horseshoe Bay Business Association & The Canadian Mortgage Trend. Bring your own chairs and dress for the weather. The screening starts at dusk (6:45pm) at the Horseshoe Bay Park. The screening is FREE and suitable for family audiences. Bring a beach blanket or something comfy to sit on.  Freshly popped popcorn and cold drinks are available at the concession stand.
== Sunday Sept 18
Annual Terry Fox Run (Ambleside Park)
~  9am to noon ~ The Run is a non-competitive event where people get together as individuals, families and groups to raise money in Terry's name. It is a day of celebrating Terry's legacy and helping to keep his dream of a cure for cancer alive.  For more, visit: www.terryfoxrun.org
{Ccl Mtg Sept 19}
== Wednesday Sept 21 ~ 7pm 
        Bd of Variance in Ccl Chamber and Library Board at Library
== Thursday Sept 22 
        ~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd mtg at WVPD
+++  WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++  http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
The Library Board meets on the third Wednesday of every month (schedule subject to change). These meetings are open to the public. Please call Lori Breen at 925 7410 to confirm dates and times.
=  The Library is currently accepting donations of high quality paperbacks and hardcover books (in English) published in the last five years. Please take donations to the checkout desk Thursday mornings. Individual books may be dropped off at any time.
Summer Reading Club Medal Presentation Ceremony --  7pm Friday September 9
Join us to congratulate the young readers who have eagerly read and kept a record of their readings for 50 days or more during the summer.
English Corner -- Come and practise English conversation.
               Meet Fridays from September 9 - December 16 from 10 to 11:30am, Welsh Hall West.
Cottages to Community Book Launch  ~~ 7pm Thurs Sept 15
The West Vancouver Historical Society and the Memorial Library invite you to attend the launch of the Society's new book. Meet author Francis Mansbridge, photo editor John Moir, and designer Colleen Wood.
Philosophers' Cafe - Canadian Representative Democracy
        Friday September 16 from 10:30am to noon. Admission is $5.
Do we need to improve Canadian representative democracy? What kind of electoral system potentially could provide for the optimal representative voices in government?
Discover Your Roots - Did you know your Library subscribes to Ancestry.ca Library Edition? Learn how to research your family tree. Wednesday September 21 from 2 to 3:30pm.
First TAG Meeting -- 7pm Wednesday September 21
The Teen Advisory Group (TAG) team is a group of teens in grades 8-12 who work together with Youth librarians to make the Library a better place for teens. Interested in joining? Attend the first meeting.  More about TAG.
 =  September at the Gallery ARTIST INSTRUCTORS EXHIBITION  August 9 - September 30
The Arts & Culture Division of the District of West Vancouver employs many artists to teach in a variety of media at numerous facilities throughout the District. These artists are skilled in their own practice and we are pleased to be able to showcase their diverse and accomplished works in this eclectic exhibition at the library. We hope that viewing these works will inspire people to engage in the learning of how to paint, draw or otherwise create art with the realization that it is possible to do so at any age with the guidance and instruction afforded by these wonderful exhibitors, whether it be at the Music Box on the waterfront in Ambleside, the Gleneagles Community Centre, the Silk Purse Studio, or the Arts Studio at the WV Community Centre on Marine Drive.
This varied selection of works demonstrates the diversity in media, styles, and approaches that these instructors employ, with the unifying objective of artistic expression and the depiction / expression of the world around us whether it be through abstraction, impressionism, or illustrative rendering.
Full details on Adult Programs & Events on our website.

+++  WV MUSEUM +++ http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
Sonny Assu - Longing  ~~  September 14 to November 5
      Longing is an installation of innovative, new work by Vancouver-based artist Sonny Assu composed of sculptures and photographs. The sculptures are found objects now displayed conceptually as "masks". As found objects they provide the core focus of the investigation undertaken by the artist. Within this context, found is juxtaposed to lost, or an art and culture altered or displaced by conditions of colonialism and European settlement. The artist uses longing to suggest a history reexamined and reclaimed.
       The photographs show the "masks" in situ within three sites, which characterize the collecting and marketing of Northwest Coast art: as artifacts in the visible storage area of an ethnographic museum, as fine art in an exhibition of aesthetic objects in a commercial gallery, and the tourist shop emphasizing curiosities, souvenirs, or keepsakes to take home.
       Vancouver-based artist Sonny Assu is Laich-kwil-tach (Kwakwaka'wakw) of the Weka'yi  First Nation of Cape Mudge, Vancouver Island. Assu's work has been featured in several notable group exhibits over the past years, How Soon is Now?, Vancouver Art Gallery; Comic Relief, National Gallery of Canada; Challenging Traditions: Contemporary First Nations Art of the Northwest Coast; McMichael Canadian Art Collection, and Changing Hands: Art Without Reservation Part 2, Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. A recent solo exhibit, Sonny Assu: As Defined Within the Indian Act, was held at the Belkin Satellite Gallery, Vancouver. Assu's work is in the collection of the National Gallery, the Seattle Art Museum, the Museum of Anthropology at UBC, and in public and private collections across Canada and the United States. The artist is represented by the Equinox Gallery in Vancouver.
This exhibition is guest-curated by Petra Watson and made possible with financial support from the Audain Foundation.
Opening Reception: Tuesday September 13 from 7 to 9pm
Artist's Talk: Wednesday October 19 at 7pm
+++  FERRY BUILDING GALLERY  +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~ 3 Elements - earth, fire, & water   ~~  September 6 - 25
Claudia Bos ~ Jean Pedersen Ellis ~ Olga Turok [Details in Update A]
+++ SILK PURSE +++   http://www.silkpurse.ca/gallery2.html
~~ September 6 - 18  ~~ "A Passion for Flowers"
Paintings by Irena Eacott
West Van painter Irena Eacott is eager to share her passion for flowers and painting with you. Her use of vivid colour and dynamic composition captures the lush and lively beauty of everything from springtime buds to flowers in their full bloom.
Opening reception: Tuesday September 6th from 6 to 8pm
~ 7pm ~ Wednesday September 14
New Members are always welcome. Seniors $30, Individual $40. Family $50. Music Teacher $50. Art Group $50. Private Group $100.
~~ September 20 - October 2 ~~  "In Search of Colour"
Mother & daughter Krystyna & Elizabeth May explore individual expression & communication through art. Krystyna is an art therapist and Elizabeth lives with autism, which affects communication & interaction. Together they have discovered that a painting speaks louder than words.
Opening Reception: Tuesday September 20th from 6 to 8pm
West Vancouver Public Art Mural Project  --  Silk Purse
Artist: Richard Tetrault
Renowned mural painter and public artist, Richard Tetrault was on site during the Harmony Arts Festival producing two paintings (6x6 foot panels) that now grace the west-facing wall of the Silk Purse and frame the entranceway to the gallery looking out onto John Lawson Park.
Richard's interaction with the public and art camp children was remarkable and a tremendous opportunity for the public to witness a professional artist practicing his craft. Come down and see the result!
We look forward to Richard's being on site again starting September 6th to work on the east wall chimney at the Music Box and complete the project! For more information on Public Art in West Vancouver please visit our website.
Complete list of events: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.weebly.com
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
EcoUrbia Presents: What's On Your Plate? 
Please join us at 6:30pm Wednesday September 21 as EcoUrbia kicks off a public outreach program through a bi-monthly film & speaker series called "Rethink Food & Waste".  Our goal is to screen many of the award-winning documentaries produced by Bullfrog Films that highlight issues around food & waste as we share & celebrate innovative happenings in our own communities, and how we can effect positive change in support of human health and our ecosystems!  Purchase tickets online
The Fab Fourever   7:30pm Saturday September 10
o  EcoUrbia Presents: What's On Your Plate?    6:30pm Wednesday September 21
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++
http://www.westvan60.com  ~~  ofc 922 3587; lounge 922 1920
"Where Volunteers make the difference." Chartered November 17th, 1926
The newsletter is available to any non-member who is interested.  To sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of the webpage, http://www.westvan60.com/newsletter.html
        MEMBERSITE westvan60.com/membersite
For those of you who use Twitter, you can follow us, Tweet us and keep up to date with our events.
Follow us: @westvan60 -- Reid Anderson, Branch Secretary
=  Saturday September 17th --  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
        President Joan, Bartender Tammi, Entertainment Ian Carter
        It's Our Party with: "Fusion"  --  7pm, finger foods
=  Saturday September 24th  CARIBBEAN NIGHT!!
        Tickets available behind the bar on Sept 6th $27.50 pp
= Sunday September 25th Veterans' Social - 2pm
= Tuesday September 27th General Meeting - 7pm
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
August 9 - The Power Hour
Have you been to the Chamber's "Power Hour Group"? We do more business in an hour than most people do all day. Come and promote your business to an intimate group of business owners and local professionals all while enjoying your morning cup of coffee! The next "Power Hour Group" will be on Tuesday August 9th from 8 to 9am at Delany's Coffee House in Dundarave Village.
August 16 - Chamber Breakfast Club
Cafe TrafiQ Tuesday August 16th from 7:30 to 8:30am for the next Breakfast Club. New members are encouraged - a great opportunity to establish new contacts.
--> September 8  Park Royal Block Party  ~ 4 - 7pm ~ at the Village, Pk R
3rd Annual Park Royal Block Party and Chamber Business Fair
This fun annual event is hosted by The Village at Park Royal in partnership with the WV Chamber of Commerce.  Come take in the Live Music, Live Entertainment, Fashion Show, a Kids' Corner, Sidewalk Sale plus the Chamber Business Fair. A passport will be created for the 1000 people expected to attend.  When the passport is filled they can go into a draw for some fabulous prizes. The passport drop off will be at the Chamber's table to ensure the attendees will visit the Business Fair.
--> Sept 13 - Come Meet the New Board at the AGM
You are invited to attend our upcoming AGM at the WV Library, 5pm September 13th. Financials are now available for viewing at the Chamber's office.
{The AGM is open to the public and the board may be there ten minutes ahead of time.}

+  BARD ON THE BEACH http://www.bardonthebeach.org/ June 2nd to Sept 24
NB: from Sept 4, evening performances begin at 7pm
>  As You Like It  --  Great acting by Lois Anderson, on stage nearly the whole time
>  The Merchant of Venice
a difficult play, an excellent production; even with humour: John Murphy and Ryan Beil
>  Henry VI (Parts I, II, III), Wars of the Roses  {Ends Sept 21}
Three plays into one, masterfully melded by Christopher Weddell; complicated but made clear by the acting; politics and intrigue always with us, the well-intentioned side-lined
>  Richard III  -- an absolutely POWERFUL performance by Bob Frazer {sparked maiku!}
Bard Explored: Enrich Your Experience
Enjoy the Bard Village for one full hour before curtain. With earlier access to the site, there's extra time to enjoy tasty snacks and beverages, dine on a picnic, or expand your knowledge with our new on-site educational talks.
Our insightful talks take place before every performance this season
        Mainstage:      25 minutes prior to curtain; Studio Stage:  15 minutes prior to curtain
TALKBACK TUESDAYS - FREE Post-Show Discussions
Learn more about the play you've just enjoyed. After each Tuesday evening performance, there is a question and answer session with members of the cast.
>>> Box Office Hours  Monday - Sunday Tix: book online; reserved seating now
       9am to 6pm; 604-739-0559 (local) 1-877-739-0559 (Outside Lower Mainland only)
Bard iPhone app!
With this app by B'stro, you can easily find play synopses, cast bios, multimedia, social media connections, and ticket and venue information for all the plays and events happening at Bard on the Beach. You can even find a Shakespearean insult generator!
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bard-on-the-beach/id437015318?mt=8  to visit iTunes and download this free app today! Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
Picnics by Emelle's
Enjoy a delicious picnic outdoors by pre-ordering with Emelle's, Bard on the Beach's official caterer.   http://www.bardonthebeach.org/bard-picnics
Tour Information Session - 3pm, Saturday Sept. 17  at Bard on the Beach
Bard on the Beach has partnered with the local fundraising group Journeys With Heart to present a unique custom tour experience in England and Scotland in September, 2012.
The tour begins in Edinburgh and ends in London and will include visits to England's great theatres, including the Bristol Old Vic, Stratford upon Avon, and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London.
This trip, co-hosted by Bard's Artistic Director Christopher Gaze and broadcaster and personality Vicki Gabereau, promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
You're invited to come to Bard on Saturday, Sept. 17 for an information session about the tour, in advance of reservations being accepted.
The one-hour session will also feature a sampling of delicious TWG Tea and scones, provided by West Vancouver's The Urban Tea Merchant, a luxury retail company offering fine tea, tea ware, and lifestyle accessories.
CLICK HERE   http://www.bardonthebeach.org/britain-rsvp  to RSVP - attendance is free, but you must reserve in advance by end of day Sept. 15 and guest capacity is limited.
+  ARTS CLUB   687 1644   http://www.artsclub.com   {Sept 18}
   Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage: Michael Moore, launch of Here Comes Trouble (autobiography)
Above in UPDATE B:  + Jericho Arts Centre  and  + Metro Theatre
Fringe Festival www.vancouverfringe.com -- Sept 6 to 18  -- times and locations vary
Hendry Hall  983 2633  ~ Sept 9 - 24
     An evening of three one-act plays: What Mildred Did; A Way With Words; Babel's in Arms
~ VAG PUBLIC PROGRAMS  --  All Programs free for Members.
~ Current exhibition: "The Colour of my Dreams"
        ~ Out for Lunch -- Eine Kleine Lunch Musik -- Select Fridays, 12:10 - 1pm
+  Vancouver Opera  http://www.vancouveropera.ca/
Breaking News  -- VO has new digs! Vancouver Opera has moved to a new all-inclusive headquarters in East Vancouver. Our offices, rehearsal space, wardrobe, props and scenery shops and set storage are now all under one roof. Our Ticket Centre is in this new location, too, so come down and visit us at the Michael & Inna O'Brian Centre for Vancouver Opera, 1945 McLean Drive, right on the corner of east 3rd Avenue in Vancouver.
Follow along on our blog as we lay down a new floor in the Martha Lou Henley Rehearsal Hall, build sets, and begin work on the 2011-2012 Season, all in our new home!
Tickets to all VO performances for the 2011/12 season are now available for purchase: West Side Story, Romeo et Juliette, Barber of Seville, and Aida.
+  Vancouver Symphony Orchestra  876 3434  http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/ 
Aug 26 -- Exciting news re VSO School of Music:
News: Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)   ArtGallery@Caroun.com
Call for Painters & Photographers
The deadline was extended to the end of September 2011, because of the strike of Canada Post.
Each artist could send two works, 20" x 30" max size.  Subject is OPEN.
For more info, please check www.Caroun.net.
Caroun Photo Club: Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month, 7 - 9pm at the Silk Purse Arts Ctr. Visitors are welcome. Info: www.carounphotoclub.com.

===  NATURE WALKS  === from David Cook 924-0147 <cookeco2@yahoo.com>

>  Tuesday September 6th
Title: Geology of Stanley Park & Burrard Inlet as seen along the Stanley Park sea-wall.
An interpretive walk for for Brock House Society: www.brockhousesociety.com
Duration: 3 hours.
Description of event: A stroll through 20 million years of geological history with Geologist David Cook. Other features will be the roots of 32 million-year-old volcanoes, giant boulders of granite stranded by the retreating ice sheet, and wave-cut notches formed when the sea level was higher. Low tide at the time of our walk will reveal other features such as wave-cut platforms, concretions in the sandstone, and joint-sets formed during the mighty forces of crustal plate movements.
Registration and details for meeting time/location: 228 1461. Refer to "Guided Interpretive Walks LA102".

Tuesday September 13th
Title: A Stroll around Beaver Lake: An unnatural wetland.
An interpretive nature walk for Brock House Society: www.brockhousesociety.com
Duration: About 2 hours.
Description of event: Walk with David along the circuit trail of Beaver Lake in Stanley Park to discover how wetlands with their high biodiversity are a vital link between upland and lowland ecosystems. Learn how both the native and introduced species of this wetland mosaic interact to create a viable eco-system.
Registration and details for meeting time/location: 228 1461. Refer to "Guided Interpretive Walks LA102".

Thursday September 15th
Title: Exciting Trends in Botanical Field research in British Columbia.
A free public lecture for Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society): www.naturevancouver.ca
Description of event: Terry McIntosh, PhD, plant ecologist and taxonomist, will give an overview of 'what's happening' in botany these days in BC, at least from one person's perspective. For example, there are many new discoveries. Many areas in BC have not been thoroughly inventoried and botanists continue to make new finds. He will also discuss the newest trends in botanical taxonomy (all those name changes!). He will also address some of the issues surrounding conservation of rare plant species and biodiversity-critical habitats.
Venue: Botany section talks are held at Unity Church, 5840 Oak street, Vancouver and commence at 7:30pm.  Registration: Not required.

> Tuesday September 20th
Title: Time Travel through a Tree: Big old trees of Stanley Park.
An interpretive walk for Brock House Society: www.brockhousesociety.com
Duration: About 2 hours.
Description of event: Did you know that some trees in the Vancouver area can live for 1000 years or more? Most of them have been removed by logging but Stanley Park retains some specimens that are between 500 and 800 years old. Our route will also take us past two of the most publicised redcedars in BC; the Hollow Tree and the National Geographic Redcedar. Others of great size and age will be record-sized big leaf maples and a red alder that have been designated as Champion Trees in the Big Tree Registry maintained by the Ministry of Forests.
Registration and details for meeting time/location: 228 1461. Refer to "Guided Interpretive Walks LA102".

===  COUNCIL MTG AGENDA Monday Sept 12  ===
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded from part of the September 12, 2011 regular Council Meeting on the basis of matters to be considered under the following section of the Community Charter:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
a.  personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
e.   the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and
g.   litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality.
3. Council will then proceed with the closed session.
7:00 PM
4.  Following conclusion of the closed session, the following items will be considered:
5. AGENDA -- Approval of September 12, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
6. MINUTES -- Adoption:  July 25, 2011 special Council Meeting.
7. West Vancouver Community Centre Services Society regarding Strategic Plan 2011 2015 (File:  0055-20-WVCCS)
8. MyOwnSpace Housing Society regarding Semi-Independent Housing for Young Adult Children with Developmental Challenges (File:  0055-01)
                PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
        RECOMMENDED: THAT Council thank M. McCormick,...
9. LEED Canada Existing Building Award (Library) (File:  0500-01)
                PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
        RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
10. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Permit Application No. 1010-20-11-005 for the 900 Block of 21st Street (Kiwanis Seniors' Housing Society of West Vancouver) (File:  1010 20 11 005/1610 20 4689/4694/4695)
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: Each reading of an Official Community Plan bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Council members (4 members) in order to proceed (Local Government Act, s. 882).
THAT opportunities for consultation on the proposed Official Community Plan amendment, with persons, organizations and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Senior Community Planner and the Manager of Community Planning dated September 1, 2011, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for the purposes of Section 879 of the Local Government Act.
THAT Official Community Plan ... Amendment Bylaw, as attached to the report by the Sr Cmnty Planner and the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Sept 1 be introduced and read a first time in short form.
THAT OCP ... Amendment Bylaw, [be] considered in conjunction with the District's most recent financial plan and the regional waste management plan.
THAT Zoning ... Amendment Bylaw, as attached to the report by the Sr Cmnty Planner and the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Sept 1 be introduced and read a first time in short form.
THAT Development Cost Charge Waiver Bylaw No. 4695, 2011 to waive DCCs pursuant to Section 933.1 of the Local Government Act be waived for not-for-profit seniors' housing be introduced and read a first time in short form.
THAT the Municipal Clerk be directed to give statutory notice that a Public Hearing ... is scheduled for Oct 3.
THAT Proposed Devt Permit attached to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner and the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Sept 1 be considered concurrently with "Official Community/Zoning Amendment"
THAT the public be given an opportunity to provide comment on the proposed Devt Permit and DCC Waiver Bylaw attached to the report at a Public Meeting held concurrently with the Public Hearing
11. Establishment of a Municipal Auditor General Office (File:  0175-20-AGEN3)
                RECOMMENDED: ... be received for information.
12. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered separately or in one recommendation.
RECOMMENDED:  THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
Item 12.1 - West Vancouver Community Centres Society - Pumpkin Fest Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Animal Control Bylaw No. 4545, 2008;
Item 12.2 - Development Variance Permit No. 11-025 (1148 20th Street);
Item 12.3 - TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2011;
Item 12.4 - Transit Annual Operating Agreements;
Item 12.5 - Development Application Status List (to September 2, 2011); and
Item 12.6 - Correspondence List.
12.1 West Vancouver Community Centres Society - Pumpkin Fest Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Animal Control Bylaw No. 4545, 2008 (File:  1605-01/1605-05)
                RECOMMENDED:  be approved.
12.2 Development Variance Permit No. 11-025 (1148 20th Street) (File: 1010 20 11 025)
THAT the Municipal Clerk give notice that DVP to allow a new two-storey dwelling with basement to be constructed, will be considered on Oct 3rd.
12.3 TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2011 (File:  3205-01/0185-39-06)
     RECOMMENDED: THAT the Report dated Aug 11 from the Transit Mgr be received for information.
12.4 Transit Annual Operating Agreements (File:  3215-01/1135-01)
     RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated August 9 be received for information.
12.5 Development Application Status List (to September 2, 2011) (File:  1010-01)
        RECOMMENDED:  be received for information.
        {Good idea to look at these to see if one in your nbrhd.
        in some cases one lot is being divided into two; also some bldg in the riparian zone}
12.6 Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File:  0120-24)
        RECOMMENDED:   THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
Council Correspondence Update to July 22 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.   D. Pearce, July 16, regarding 1400 Block Clyde Avenue Parking Problems Continue
        (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
2.   Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - Board of Variance - June 15, 2011
3.   A. McFarlane, July 17, regarding Park Royal's Scheme, Which Some on Council Approve (Light Controlled Pedestrian Crossings and Overpass)
4.   C. Reynolds, July 20, regarding Website Calendar / Mtg Info
        {No action? fix? not going to provide the info and in a timely fashion in future?}
5.   Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada (Pacific Region), July 19, 2011, regarding Invitation to Second Annual Tai Chi on the Seawall - August 27
Council Correspondence Update to July 29 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
1.  Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - West Vancouver Memorial Library Board - June 22, 2011
2.  City of Burnaby, July 18, 2011, regarding TransLink's Business Case for Smart Cards and Faregates
3.  British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization, June 26, 2011, regarding MSP (Medical Services Plan) Premiums for Seniors
4.  Three Submissions dated July 21-28, 2011, regarding Proposed Ambleside Redevelopment (1300 Block Marine Drive and Safeway Site)
5.  A. Steel, July 25, 2011, re Marine Drive and Park Royal Shopping Centre Access and Egress - Urgent
6.  July 26, 2011, regarding Seawall a Disgrace
Council Correspondence Update to August 5 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes - Community Grants Committee - June 10, 2011
(2) P. Miller, July 29, 2011, regarding Incentives for Electric and Cooperative Vehicles
(3) Union of British Columbia Municipalities, July 28, regarding Municipal Auditor General Update
Council Correspondence Update to August 12 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.  E. Jones, North Shore Multicultural Society, August 8, regarding Request for Delegation to Council
        (Referred to Mayor for consideration)
Received for Information
2.  A. Liman, August 6, 2011, regarding Fireworks
3.  D. Close, August 8, 2011, regarding Spending
4.  T. Goodall, August 9, 2011, regarding Motorcycle/Scooter Lane for Lions Gate
5.  August 12, 2011, regarding Noise
6.  BC Hydro, August 5, 2011, regarding 2011 UBCM Convention in Vancouver
Council Correspondence Update to August 19 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
1.  F. Rutter, August 11, 2011, regarding Proposals for Changes at Burley Park
2.  R. Richards, August 14, 2011, regarding The Proposed Municipal Auditor-General
3.  J. Adams, August 18, 2011, regarding Thanks for the new Bus Shelters
4.  S. Locking, August 19, 2011, regarding Brian's Fruit Stand
5.  J. Skelton, August 19, 2011, regarding Brian's Fruit Stand
6.  West Vancouver Soccer Club, August 19, 2011, regarding 1st Annual WVSC Club Day (Aug. 27th)
7.  International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Union Local 118, August 19, 2011, regarding Importance of Mechanical Insulation - Resolution to be debated at UBCM Convention (September 26-30, 2011)
Council Correspondence Update to August 26 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1.  North Shore Homelessness Task Force, August 19, regarding Request for Presentation to Council
        (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
2.  T. Zimmerman, August 22, 2011, regarding What is wrong with this picture? (bus shelters)
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
3.  D. J. Raworth, October 6, 2010 (received August 23, 2011), regarding Fire Department Invoice - Money Grab (fire alarm fee)
        (Referred to Fire Chief for consideration and response)
4.  J. Wyckham, August 25, 2011, regarding Bus Shelter at 19th/Marine
        (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
5.  Committee and Board Meeting Minutes:
        Finance Committee - June 27, 2011
        Design Review Committee - June 9, 2011
        = Finance Cmte mtg June 27; read re ARC/AmbNOW finance reports
= Design Review Cmte Mtg Minutes June 9
o  Item 4.1 re 2436 Haywood
      Choked when read all trees to be removed except one (devpr's proposal)
      Mbrs said nine 70 - 90ft trees will be removed!
      Has this gone by Parks? any envmtal cmte? 
      Does the street know? (residents/nbrhd)
o  Item 4.2 Park Royal Boulevard and new intersection (DETAILS)
o  End:  G Boyle provided "update on Pacific Arbour, Hollyburn Mews, Safeway site, Ambleside Field House".  Not recorded so we're left in the dark. 
Again.  Or is it still?
6.  Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee, July 15, 2011, regarding LMTAC Discussion Paper - Voting in Local Government Elections and Referenda by Residents Living on Indian Reserves
7.  Union of British Columbia Municipalities, August 5, regarding UPDATE: RCMP Contract Negotiations
8.  M. Coates, August 9, 2011, regarding Ferry Building and Lawson House
9.  C. Ballantine, August 22, 2011, regarding Arts in Ambleside Advisory Commission
10.  International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Union Local 118, August 24, 2011, regarding Importance of Mechanical Insulation - Resolution for debate at UBCM Convention (September 2011)
11.  G. Madden, August 24, 2011, regarding NO/NO to a $38 million Public Safety Building
12.  I. Bennett, August 25, 2011, regarding Park Royal at-grade intersection and overpasses
Council Correspondence Update to September 2, 2011 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
1.  B. Lacey, August 27, 2011, regarding Dispute between Brian Latta and Paul Marshall
2.  G. Barnes, August 31, 2011, regarding Brian's Fruit Stand
3.  Laudate Singers, August 25, re Appreciation for Arts and Culture Community Grant and 2011/2012 Season
Responses to Correspondence
4.  J. Cook, Fire Chief, August 29, 2011, response to J. Raworth, regarding Fire Alarm Registration Fee
Council Correspondence Update to September 6, 2011 (up to 4:30pm)
Referred for Action
1.  Argyle Mews LMS 3767 Strata Council, September 1, regarding Overgrown Trees in Weston Park
        (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
        {hm, don't trees just grow? naturally?
        re removal, can't we come up with a compromise? not removal, perhaps windowing???}
Received for Information
2.  M. Furey, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, August 17, 2011, regarding Signing of British Columbia Climate Action Charter
3.  Hon. T. Lake, Ministry of Environment, August 31, regarding Cosmetic Use of Pesticides in BC
4.  Municipal Pension Retirees Association, September 2, 2011, regarding Elimination of Medical Services Plan (MSP) Premiums (Cost Neutral to the Municipalities) - Resolutions for consideration at UBCM Convention (September 2011)
5.  Two submissions dated July 26 and Sept 2, regarding Appreciation for Arts and Culture Community Grant.
Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required. (Correspondence addressed to Mayor and Council is circulated to, and received by, Mayor and Council and the appropriate department director, in the week in which it is received.)
13.1 F. Rutter, August 11, 2011, regarding Proposals for Changes at Burley Park

===  ANIMALWATCH  === two-legged kitten; birds return
+  Two-legged kitten: see video:
+  Birds Return after 99 Years -- posted Aug 12, 2011
Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/birds-return-after-100-years.html#ixzz1VJ3Sim1j

===  INFObits  ===

+  Top Five Crash Sites in WV
        Hwy 99 at Hwy 1; Lions' Gate Bridge; 15th & Marine Dr; 13th & Marine Dr; and Taylor Way from Inglewood to Keith

The Royal Canadian Legion is the largest Service Organization in Canada.

In the largest ever survey of academics and employers, UK universities prove that in the face of funding cuts and tuition fee controversy, they can still compete on a global stage. Here we reveal the 19 UK universities that made the world's top 100 list, according to QS World University Rankings 2011/2012.
Cambridge was ranked top university in the world for the second consecutive year, ahead of Harvard, Yale, and Oxford. It's the world's third-oldest university after Bologna in Italy and Oxford, and educated the likes of Charles Darwin and Sir Isaac Newton. Next year's undergraduate tuition fees are expected to cost =A39,000.
The QS World University Rankings 2011/2012 -- surveys of over 33K global academics and 16K graduate employers, based on research teaching, employability, and internationalisation.
+  'Made in Canada' Stamps
Canada Post has put the ubiquitous smartphone on a stamp, as part of a new series of stamps released Wednesday that feature four Canadian inventions.
The other three Canadian creations are the electric oven, the electric wheelchair and the cardiac pacemaker.
"This series shines a spotlight on the 'Made in Canada' leaps of science and creativity that have changed lives here in Canada and around the world," said Jim Phillips, Canada Post's director of stamp services.
The world's first electric oven was invented in 1882 by Canadian Thomas Ahearn.
It was originally made of brick and, according to the newspapers of the time, was hot enough to "roast an ox".
Dr. John Hopps developed the cardiac pacemaker while he was studying hypothermia in 1950, though the first device was much too big to be placed inside the human body.
The electric wheelchair was created in 1952 by George J. Klein, one of Canada's most prolific inventors, for quadriplegics.
Research in Motion's BlackBerry was introduced much later, of course, in 1999, and is now an all-in-one digital communications device many people claim they can't live without.
        25th Anniversary of the Rick Hansen "Man in Motion" World Tour
       Alberta farm photographs and more info: http://kraayfamilyfarm.com/attractions.html
Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail/Tunnel to Bridge the Bering Strait!
ENERGY  by Andrew Michler, 08/23/11
Read more: Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel to Bridge the Bering Strait! | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
+  Russia plans $65bn tunnel to America
From The Times  April 20, 2007  Tony Halpin in Moscow ~ Subject: Russia plans $65bn tunnel to America
Russia has unveiled an ambitious plan to build the world's longest tunnel under the Bering Strait as part of a transport corridor linking Europe and America via Siberia and Alaska.
The 64-mile (103km) tunnel would connect the far east of Russia with Alaska, opening up the prospect of the ultimate rail trip across three quarters of the globe from London to New York. The link would be twice as long as the Channel Tunnel connecting Britain and France.
The $65 billion (=A333 billion) mega-project aims to transform trade links between Russia and its former Cold War enemies across some of the world's most desolate terrain. It would create a high-speed railway line, energy links and a fibreoptic cable network.
Proposals for a tunnel under the Bering Strait were first advanced a century ago under Tsar Nicholas II but foundered with the outbreak of the First World War and the Russian Revolution. The idea was revived after the collapse of the Soviet Union but was shelved once again in Russia's financial meltdown of 1998.
+ Bolivia held its first ever "National Day of the Pedestrian", banning all cars and public transport from the streets. Evo Morales, the president, wants to raise awareness about the environment, but his critics have told him to take a hike over plans to build a road through the rainforest.
===  PEACEWATCH  ===  CPT in Palestine (A) and in Colombia (B)
CPT's MISSION: What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war? Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) seeks to enlist the whole church in organized, nonviolent alternatives to war and places teams of trained peacemakers in regions of lethal conflict.
COMMENTS: To ask questions or express concerns, criticisms, and affirmations send messages to peacemakers@cpt.org.
NEWSLETTER: To receive CPT's quarterly newsletter by email or in print, go to http://cpt.org/participate/subscribe
{CPT operates with Dove (Italian), the Muslim Peacemakers, and Israeli human rights and peace groups}
 - A-    Apartheid* and Expulsion (does not lead to peace!)
Date: Tue,  9 Aug 2011 14:01:55 -0400 (EDT)
To view the on-line version click here.
CPTnet  9 August 2011
by Elizabeth Garc=EDa
[Elizabeth Garc=EDa was part of the most recent Christian Peacemaker Teams delegation to Israel/Palestine.  Her reflection has been edited for length.]
I am in Hebron, located in the Judean Hills, south of Jerusalem in the Holy Land.  Although this place on the other side of the world from my home in Brownsville, Texas, many things here are similar to what we experience in the Rio Grande Valley.
As people of color, Palestinians have to put up with daily harassment from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), just as our brothers and sister of color coming from México and other parts of the world are harassed by CBP (Customs and Border Patrol).
In Israel if you are a Muslim, Arab, or Palestinian, you are probably a terrorist, the thinking goes, whether you are four years old or twenty.  Chances are you are preparing to hurt the Jewish community.  North American Anglos think that if you are not white, you become automatically a threat to the nation, and thus you must be removed.  Operation End Game, a plan implemented in 2003 by U.S. Homeland Security to remove all illegal aliens and possible terrorists, is the same game the Israel government plays to get all Palestinians out of the territories it controls.  According to the state of Israel, Palestine is not a state, and therefore as a Palestinian you have no citizenship, and therefore no right to remain in your homeland.
And so they build the wall, they separate families; they harass the people in the worst possible ways, to remove these "illegal aliens".
People on the Palestine side of the wall suffer, because they cannot see their close relatives, they cannot travel to their holy sites, and they cannot bury their dead - an experience that many of my friends and relatives in Brownsville and other parts of the Valley share.
We are miles and miles away, but what happens here, and there, there and here, is the same - yes, I will say it - the same racism from those who look at us as terrorists, as "illegal aliens", as objects that need to be removed.  The leaders of our nations build walls of violence against our people; walls of political corruption and lack of will, of ignorance, mistrust; walls that create fear of the "others".
The iron wall here, as the border wall there, is a symbol that breaks our communities into pieces.  These barriers make it impossible to have normal lives,** make it impossible to maintain normal family and human relations. Walls are a symbol of shame for our nations.
My only hope, is that rooted in my Christian faith, I continue to believe that the Gospel will break down the dividing walls of hostility among us all.
*  pronounced a-PAR-tate (b/c it's Afrikaans, not German wch wd be -ide)
**  and unreasonable to expect as a path to peace
CPTnet  --  24 August 2011
COLOMBIA URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Media glossing over the murders of sixteen people in the last week.
The foreign and Colombian media are portraying Colombia as a nation at peace while it hosts the FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) U-20 games.  Unfortunately, the media are glossing over some of violent episodes that have occurred over the last week.  Below are a few examples, mostly from the regions where CPT's Colombia team works:
These murders clearly indicate that Colombia is under the grip of organized armed violence.  In a country where only a small percentage of crimes reach a conviction in court, most, if not all of the families involved will never see justice for their loved ones.
CPT Colombia asks for prayers for these people who have lost their lives or their loved ones.  We continue to pray for a Colombia and a world where peace and justice reign.
 For more information on the recent work CPT's Colombia team, click here

===  HOUSEWATCH  ===
+   10 Weirdest Places to Live  Published on 6/20/2011 under Cool Places, by Gracie Murano:                    
o  15 most affordable homes within Vancouver city limits this summer
These 15 homes - all priced below $650,000 - are the least pricey homes on the market in Vancouver as of August.  AUGUST 25, 2011
o  Photos: The most expensive homes on the market in Metro Vancouver
From just short of $40 million to a value price of $10 million, here are the most expensive homes for sale in Metro Vancouver, according to MLS.  January 6, 2011
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/business/4069314/story.html#ixzz1W5JjNRSS
[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations, the International Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements and outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal. Most settlement outposts, including Havat Ma'on (Hill 833), are considered illegal also under Israeli law.]
To view the on-line version from CPT click here.
For background on Um Al-Kheer and its taboun, seethis 2010 blog entry by a member of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.

>  Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 23:50:37 +0300
Israeli Army Threatens Palestinian Village of Umm Al Kheer with Demolitions
-  September 5th, 2011
At-Tuwani - In the night of September 4th, the Israeli army delivered a demolition order for a small taboun oven to the inhabitants of the Bedouin village of Umm Al Kheer. A lawyer representing the village obtained a two-day stop-demolition order from the Israeli High Court, temporarily delaying the demolition.
In addition to the taboun oven, eleven structures in the village are slated for demolition, and residents of the village fear that those structures, and possibly others, could be destroyed during the demolition of the oven. "The army has come to our village twice before to demolish houses," said a resident of Umm al Kheer who wished to be identified only as Suleiman.
"Whenever they come, they destroy five or six buildings. They won't come and destroy just an oven, and then leave."
The Israeli army delivered the demolition order on the oven back in 2010, after settlers from the nearby settlement of Karmel complained about smoke.
"When you start this oven, there is about five minutes of smoke, and then it burns for two weeks without making any smoke," said Suleiman.
According to Suleiman, the Israeli army initially offered to provide a gas oven for the village to use, but then retracted the offer. The army will not allow the village to build a structure around the oven to contain the smoke.
Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.  Pictures: *goo.gl/wpSSW* <http://goo.gl/wpSSW>
CPT-Palestine in At-Tuwani, South Hebron Hills 0542-531-323, 0595-980-718 Twitter @cptpalestine
>  Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 22:51:42 +0300
Israeli Army Demolishes Three Homes and a Bathroom in Palestinian Village of Umm al Kheer
-  September 9th, 2011
At-Tuwani -  The Israeli army demolished three dwellings and a bathroom in the Palestinian village of Umm al Kheer early in the morning of September 8th. According to UN field workers at the [site], the demolitions left eight adults and 16 children homeless.
The Israeli army and the District Coordinating Office arrived at the village of Umm al Kheer around 7am and declared it a closed military zone, preventing Palestinians and internationals from entering the area. The army then used a backhoe and a bulldozer to demolish the three homes and the bathroom. According to villagers, one of the destroyed homes was a tent donated by Oxfam. The other two were metal shacks purchased and built by the residents. The villagers said that this was the second time that the military [had] demolished the houses of the families living in the metal shacks.
All of the destroyed structures had existing demolition orders, but according to people from the village, the military arrived with a demolition order that was not for the three homes and the toilet, but rather for a taboun oven in the village. The military originally wanted to destroy the taboun oven three days earlier, but a lawyer representing the village succeeded in getting a two-day stay on the demolition order. The military did not demolish the taboun oven.
Villagers said that in addition to the four structures demolished on the 8th, there are 12 additional structures with demolition orders, eight of which are dwellings.
"This [has been] done many times here in Umm al Kheer, and it's catastrophic," said a resident of the village who, due to fear of retribution from the Israeli government, wished to be referred to only as Suleiman. "The toilet, it doesn't make problems for Israeli security, the tent does not make problems for Israeli security, and neither does this house, in which, inside, live twelve kids. How will these kids live? How will these kids sleep tonight? How can we explain the truth to these kids?  Maybe these kids will grow up with fear. They must think about that."
Umm Al Kheer is a Bedouin village in C area (under Israeli civil and military administration) built in the '50s. It's close to the Israeli settlement of Karmel (which is considered illegal under international law) established from the '80s. The village routinely experiences harassment from the Israeli military and Israeli settlers.
The demolition is part of a clear strategy to push the Bedouins away from the area around the settlement.
In October 2008 the Israeli army demolished ten house-tents in order to clear the area for expansion of the Karmel settlement. The demolitions left 60 people homeless. In July 2009 some toilets were destroyed too, because they were considered illegal by the Israeli administration.
Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an
international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.
Pictures of the incident: *http:/goo.gl/ZURBP*

===  PHOTOWATCH  === lovely; around BC
     Listeners' Lens Photo Gallery http://www.cbc.ca/bcalmanac/photogallery/#igImgId_10365
+  Comments on CBC re 'royal':
o  For DC: It is "Canadian Army" -- the army was never awarded the style "Royal", although certain units were: The Royal Canadian Regiment, The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, The Royal Canadian Dragoons, The Vingt-deuxieme Regiment Royale, etc. Oddly enough, nobody is whining about those names, and those are just the regular force active units. I won't get into all the reserve units that are Royal.
Does Jack H know that the oldest police service in North America is the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary who have protected the citizens of old St. John's since 1729 (Jack's Hometown), with billy clubs, brains, and brawn? Has he heard of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment who suffered the largest single day loss in the history of the Commonwealth and has he ever had tea with the Queen?
The RNC is only one of six police forces in the world with ROYAL prefixing its nomenclature and was the first police service to exist in North America and the last to be armed with sidearms. (In the 1990s I think but I stand to be corrected.) All our services are Royal and they all deserve pensions and our undying gratitude.

+   More on Prince Philip
3  = Born in Corfu
The Duke was born in 1921 on the island of Corfu as Prince Philip of Greece, but the Greek royal family was forced into exile in 1922 when Philip was 18 months old.
Despite his birthplace, he has no Greek ancestry. His family tree includes members of the royal families of Denmark, Germany, Russia, and Britain.
His father was Prince Andrew of Greece, whose own father was the grandson of King Christian IX of Denmark. Philip's mother was Princess Alice of Battenberg, the eldest child of Prince Louis of Battenberg and the sister of Earl Mountbatten of Burma.
As a boy, he attended schools in England, Germany, and Scotland before joining the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth, England, as a cadet in 1939.
Through his uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten, the 18-year-old Philip was introduced to British royal circles. It was at this age he first met a 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth, his third cousin: both had Queen Victoria as a great-great-grandmother.
But as war broke out, he turned his attention to his naval career and quickly rose through the ranks. At the almost unprecedentedly young age of 21, he was appointed first lieutenant (second in command) of the destroyer HMS Wallace, which took part in the Allied landings at Sicily.
Courting a young princess
When he returned home in January 1946, Philip, who had kept in touch with Elizabeth, began courting the young princess. Their engagement was announced 18 months later.
Although most of the public embraced the union, some were unhappy with Philip's un-British origins and many began referring to him as "Phil the Greek". He silenced those critics when he became a British citizen in 1947 and renounced his Greek royal titles. He became Lt. Philip Mountbatten.
He and Elizabeth were married on Nov. 20, 1947, in Westminster Abbey in a wedding that helped boost British spirits still recovering from the war. He was designated a royal highness, created a knight of the Garter and awarded the title Duke of Edinburgh.
from: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/06/10/prince-philip-90th.html With files from The Canadian Press
o Prince Philip turns 90 and vows to 'slow down'
The Duke of Edinburgh, who has turned 90, has told the BBC he is "winding down" and reducing his workload as a senior member of the royal family.
...  The Queen turned 85 in April and will reach her Diamond Jubilee next year, marking 60 years since she came to the throne.
She married Prince Philip in 1947, making him the longest-serving consort in British history.
In the interview with the BBC, he talked about his advancing years, saying it was better to get out "before you reach your sell-by date".
"I reckon I've done my bit so I want to enjoy myself a bit now, with less responsibility, less frantic rushing about, less preparation, less trying to think of something to say," he said.
"On top of that, your memory's going -- I can't remember names and things."
Interview slow down  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13722857
o  Analysis  --  Nicholas Witchell, Royal correspondent
In the early years of the Queen's reign Philip, restless by instinct and impatient by nature, found his role - or lack of it -- very frustrating.
But through his undoubted energy and sheer bloody-mindedness, Philip did carve out a distinct role for himself.
He was one of the first to champion nature conservation: he created an award scheme from which some six million young people have now benefited, and he immersed himself in a range of other issues, science and technology, spiritual awareness and a host of others.
His plain speaking and attempts to relieve the tension of endless royal engagements with his own brand of humour have sometimes got him into trouble.
But he has remained his own man and above all he has provided unflinching support to his wife, the Queen.
The success of her reign has been due, in no small part, to him.

===  POLICEWATCH  ===  Block Watch and Victim Services
Anyone can participate in Block Watch.  Anne Russell, Coordinator, welcomes everyone.  Go to http://wvpd.ca/e-policing and sign up for the Block Watch and/or Business Watch list.
+  WVPD Victim Services Volunteer Information Session
The West Vancouver Police Department will be hosting an information session for people interested in learning more about our Victim Services volunteer program.
Victim Services provides various types of support to those affected by crime. Methods of support include practical assistance, information about police procedures, emotional support and reassurance, information regarding crime prevention, and the Criminal Justice System as well as information about other community support services. Volunteers also provide 24/7 on-call availability for crisis intervention.
Applications are now being accepted and the next training session will begin in early October.
Anyone interested in attending the Victim Services volunteer orientation session, or learning more about the program, is asked to contact Bunny Brown, WVPD Victim Services Program Manager, at 925 7468 or via email BunnyBrown@wvpd.ca -- this e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Orientation will be held at the following time and location:
Tues Sept 13 at 1830 hours (6:30pm) = WVPD. Please RSVP if you plan to attend as space is limited.

===  LIST of WEST VAN MATTERS 2011 TITLES (so far)  ===

        2011 January 10th Council Meeting AGENDA; Calendar to January 27th
        Budget 2011 Tax/Assessments * Zoning ReWrite PH * WVM Titles 2010: 1-29

        2011 Jan 10th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Jan 24th Ccl AGENDA; Calendar to Feb 10th
        Zoning/Subdiv ReWrite PASSED * MORE BUDGET 2011 INPUT

        2011 Jan 24th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Feb 7th Ccl AGENDA; Cal to Feb 24th
        Streamkeepers & EPN * AmblesideNOW * 1.1% BUDGET 2011? * Cell Tower?

        2011 Feb 7th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Feb 21st Ccl AGENDA; Cal to Mar 11th
        WV Historical Society * Foreshore * Safeway Site * Heritage Week 21 - 27

        2011 Feb 21st Ccl Mtg NOTES; Mar 7th Ccl AGENDA; Cal to Mar 24th
        Non-Owner Stes * Parks * Regional Growth * Endowmt Fund * Library Saga

        2011 Mar 7th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Mar 21st Ccl AGENDA; Cal to Apr 8th
        Crime Stats * Regional Growth Strategy * Fire Svcs * Non-Owner Sec Stes

        2011 Mar 21st Ccl Mtg NOTES; Apr 4th AGENDAs; Calendar to Apr 22nd
        Kiwanis Housing * DNV OCP Overlap? * Amb Revit Comm * Emerg Svcs * RGS

        2011 Apr 4th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Apr 18th AGENDA; Calendar to May 13th
        Wetmore PH * RGS * Five-Yr Library Plan * TransLink * Hollyburn Cabins

        2011 Apr 18th Ccl Mtg NOTES; May 9th AGENDA; Calendar to May 20th
        Cycling Coalition * Wetmore * 20th & Esquimalt Rezoning/Uplift

        2011 May 9th/11th Ccl Mtg NOTES; May 16th AGENDA; Calendar to Jun 10th
        Cluster Housing Rodgers Creek * 1300blk Marine * Youth Ccl/Awards

        2011 May 16th/19th Ccl NOTES; Jun 6th AGENDAs; Calendar to Jun 24th
        PH: 20th & Esq Densification (OCP Amendment) * Finance Information Act Reports

        2011 June 6th Ccl NOTES; June 20th AGENDA; Calendar to July 8th
        PH: 20th & Esq Rezoning * Rockridge * Cmnty Grants ~$160K * AmblesideNOW $3M+

        2011 June 20th Ccl NOTES; July 4th AGENDAs; Calendar to July 15th      
        Pumpkin Fest * Grants ~$160K * 2010 Annual Report * Dogs * Metro Labour

        2011 July 4th Ccl NOTES; July 11th AGENDAs; Calendar to July 25th
        WVPD Strategic Plan, CompStat * BUDGET / AmblesideNOW $$$ * GLH
        2011 July 11th Finance Cmte NOTES; July 18th AGENDA; Calendar to July 28th
        Staff & Council Remuneration 2010 * Budget Planning 2012       

        2011 July 18th Ccl Mtg NOTES; July 25th AGENDA; Calendar to Aug 15th
        CACs * AmblesideNOW Budget/Qs * Youth Services Review 8 * Arts Facilities Strategy

        2011 July 25th Ccl Mtg NOTES; Calendar to August 31st +
        DWV Non-Answer Letters * AmblesideNOW $$$ * Kiwanis Devt * G Lawson Hse

Getting ready for the Heritage Society of BC Annual Conference wch starts Friday Sept 30 in Bby: http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/annual-conference-registration
Heritage BC Annual Report
The 2010 Heritage BC Annual Report is now available online. The report includes the audited statements for fiscal year 2010, which will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on September 30 at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in Burnaby.
View HBC Annual Report online:  =BB www.issuu.com/heritagebc/docs
Download the HBC Annual Report PDF: http://issuu.com/heritagebc/docs/annual_report_2010

A Planning Tour of Vancouver's West End -- 10am to noon, Saturday September 17
Join Gordon Price, Director of the City Program at SFU, for a planning tour of Vancouver's West End. The West end reveals about eight different architectural stages, from fine wooden mansions to functional wooden walk-ups, not to mention more highrise towers than any other neighbourhood in Canada. But how did it all come about - and why? Gordon Price explains some of the planning theory and trends that shaped the West End - and some of the lessons to be learned.
Heritage Vancouver Members $10; Non-members $15; Details and tickets on our Walking Tours section > www.heritagevancouver.org/

+  HERITAGE WEST VANCOUVER  heritage.westvan.org /and/ royaltea.ca
PHOTOS in NSN (Sept 7, Bright Lights, p13)
Dear Readers:
All in all a beautiful sunny afternoon with good company, fun and uplifting.  To my regret, though invited, no one from DWV Ccl attended or sent remarks.  The general growing neglect of heritage in WV is naturally a disappointment to me.  They've cancelled the heritage cmtes/groups, they're talking about demolishing Gertrude Lawson House, one of only three heritage designations in WV (with FBG and Binning House, a national historic site), and the date of the WV Civic Reception is the same night as the Awards ceremony evening for the annual conference of the Heritage Society of BC (in Burnaby this year).   Apparently oblivious and/or way down on their priorities or considerations.
A nation that forgets its past has no future.           -- Winston Churchill
Don't despair!
Many celebrate our heritage and keep the Canadian lights alive and shining.
Several spoke of the Canadian character and our history, of what we cherish and enjoy in our society.
Thank you all for coming, participating, and carrying the torch of our special place in the world.
{See the end of Update A for more details and some stories}
REMARKS at the RoyalTea:

+  John Weston, MP
Mr Weston had been at a Citizenship Ceremony in the morning, quite moving.  The Judge, on their becoming Canadians, asked them to keep three things in mind: be honest, obey the laws, and volunteer.  The RoyalTea event honours our traditions, our past, the fabric of our society.  The sense of community they are now part of is important.

+ Joan McIntyre, MLA
Ms McIntyre congratulated the Chair and HWV on working hard to support our heritage and our relationship with the Royals.  She also related the story of her daughter Leigh's attendance at the Queen's Garden Party last June (2010) representing the BBC.  Ms McIntyre's husband Andrew had the pleasure of escorting her.  General good wishes all round.

+ Ralph Sultan, MLA
        [on holiday in Vermont so sent these remarks]
I am flattered that my good friend Carolanne Reynolds has once again provided an opportunity to extend my greetings on the occasion of her 12th annual ROYAL TEA at Dundarave Park.
I pay tribute to Carolanne for keeping our royal heritage alive in West Vancouver.  Our attachment to "the royals" should be driven by much more than pure nostalgia; for never before in our memory has the dysfunction of the alternative republican system of government been more obvious than last week's disgraceful spectacle of the United States government -- humbled and blackmailed and confused.  The constitutional monarchy has stood the test of time - buttressed by such affectionate displays as organized by Carolanne Reynolds here today.
Thank goodness for Queen Elizabeth.  And for that matter, thanks goodness for Kate and William.  Long live Royalty in Canada!  God save the Queen!

+ Carolanne Reynolds, Chair of HWV
Thanked the guests, the piper, and those attending.
Picked up on volunteering b/c volunteerism is one of the main aspects that sets Canada apart from other countries where it is not so common and it fosters cmnty spirit besides benefiting us all.
(Being a whistleblower is v important to uphold our values.)
Our constitutional monarchy, interest revived with the recent tour by Prince William (Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), is a critical element in our govt, not just for our identity but a fail-safe mechanism, if you will.  If a politician/leader gets out of control, goes too far, as happened with PM Gough Whitlam in Australia, there can be a check.  The Governor General refused to sign a 'supply' bill (budget/finance) and that brought the govt down.  Most Australians approved.
King Juan Carlos of Spain averted a crisis in the govt (attempted coup in 1980s).
Prime Minister Harper had to go to the GG for a decision at an impasse such as govt resigning, other parties forming govt, proroguing parliament, etc).
Checks and balances -- needed with a republic or dictator.
See you next year!
===  STORYWATCH  ===  Aesop Fable
The Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe, a great believer in the power of stories, wrote that, "Storytellers threaten all the champions of control." Stories enrich our expressive vocabulary, and give us new ways to imagine and talk about social and political change.
Aesop knew this well.
In one of his more subversive fables, Lion, Fox, and Donkey go hunting. Lion asks Donkey to divide the meat, and Donkey divides it into three equal parts. Then Lion kills him, tosses the carcass on the pile, and asks Fox to try. Fox pushes everything over to Lion except for one dead crow. "How did you learn to divide things so equally?" Lion asks. "I studied with the dead donkey," replies the fox.
A useful, if chilling, story to remember in the age of Enron, Lehman Brothers, and the widening gap between the rich and the rest of us.
from http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1041607--the-tale-of-rob-ford-and-how-he-s-lost-the-plot

===  PET RULES / PETS RULE?  ===
The following was found posted very low on a refrigerator door.
Dear Dogs and Cats:
   The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
   The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Racing me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
   I cannot buy anything bigger than a king-sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort, however. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other, stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out on the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.
   For the last time, there is no secret exit from the bathroom!  If, by some miracle, I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob, or get your paw under the edge in an attempt to open the door. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years - canine/feline attendance is not required...
>  The proper order for kissing is: Kiss me first, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough.
>  Finally, in fairness, dear pets, I have posted the following message on the front door:
(1) They live here. You don't.
(2) If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'-niture.
(3) I like my pets a lot more than I like most people..
(4) To you, they are animals. To me, they are adopted sons/daughters who are short, hairy, walk on all fours, and don't speak clearly.
Remember, dogs and cats are easier to raise than kids because they: 
(1) eat less,
(2) don't ask for money all the time,
(3) are easier to train,
(4) normally come when called,
(5) never ask to drive the car,
(6) don't smoke or drink,
(7) don't want to wear your clothes,
(8) don't have to buy the latest fashions,
(9) don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and
(10) if they get pregnant, you can sell their children ...

===  LANGUAGEWATCH  === always changing....
2011 Sept 10, Michael Quinion writes:
My wife and I were in the Scilly Isles over the weekend. To get there we had to travel to Penzance on a train that was too long for several of the little Cornish stations where we stopped on the way. The guard had to announce which carriages were alongside the platform at each railway station so passengers knew where to alight. There was plenty of time to muse on the way that the vocabulary of British railways has so much changed after privatisation in the 1990s that the previous sentence is archaic.  The guard has become the train manager, carriages are coaches, and almost everyone now speaks of train stations. For a while, those who rode trains were referred to as customers rather than as passengers, but this bit of awful marketing-speak seems to have been reversed by some diktat from on high. Most significantly, the announcements introduced me to a new verb: "Only coaches A, B and C will be PLATFORMED", that is, only those three would lie alongside the platform at each stop.
[World Wide Words is copyright (c) Michael Quinion 2011. All rights reserved.
The Words website is at http://www.worldwidewords.org .]
===  WORDWATCH  ===
What's the plural of the word prius? Priuses. Marketers at Toyota conducted a poll asking people to vote for their choice of plural for Toyota Prius. Prii received the maximum number of votes.
   *  Camry is an anagram of "My car".
   *  "A TOYOTA" is a palindrome, and forms a mirror image.
   *  Chevrolet named a car Nova. In Spanish "No va" means "It doesn't go."
   *  Then there was the unreliable Yugo which earned the nickname "You no go."
   *  Saab is an acronym for Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (Swedish Aircraft Company Ltd)
   *  BMW is Bayerische Motoren-Werke (Bavarian Motor Works).
o  What does WORD mean?
In western philosophy, 'word' (the essential connotative, conceptual particle of language) is strongly related to logos and reason. There exists a sensibility that "word" is highly connected to 'truth' or 'idea.' One could say that the western attitude to "word" is logos-centric. However, in Japan, 'word' is definitively regarded as "koto-no-ha" (a margin of a fact), and so is neither logos nor reason. "Word" could be a way to truth or idea, but it is not highly connected to these. The Japanese attitude to "word" is thus not logos-centric. Additionally, in Japan, there is a belief that 'word' has spiritual power. This power is called "kotodama" (word spirit). In Shintoism, our world is full of word spirits. Word spirits are not only possessed by human beings but also word spirits belong to animals, plants, stones, mountains, rivers, seas, etc. All sounds in the natural world are likewise word spirits, and so they are also seeds of poetry. This belief is animistic. (c.f. Japanese Mythologies in the Kojiki, and ancient Japanese poetry in the Man'y?shu, also Noh plays such as Takasago.)
from http://simplyhaiku.com/SHv4n2/features/Gilbert.html
o  NEW WORD  --  Anthropocene
        A new name given to this epoch -- the Age of Humans in effect.     
Anthropocene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a recent and informal geologic chronological term that serves to mark the evidence and extent of human activities that have had a ...
Anthropocene: Age of Man - Pictures, More From National ...ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/03/age-of-man/kolbert-text
It's a new name for a new geologic epoch--one defined by our own massive impact on the planet. That mark will endure in the geologic record long after our ...
The Anthropocene: A man-made world | The Economist www.economist.com/node/18741749
26 May 2011 - The advent of the Anthropocene promises more, though, than a scientific nicety or a new way of grabbing the eco-jaded public's attention. ...
The Anthropocene - NYTimes.com www.nytimes.com/2011/02/28/opinion/28mon4.html
27 Feb 2011 - There is serious talk among scientists that a new geologic era has begun, called the Anthropocene.

===  Vancouver Haiku Group  ===
{For the record, I'm a mbr of Pacifi-kana (mbrs in BC, Yukon, and WA).  VHG is a new group and looks interesting.  I've read Jessica Tremblay's old pond comics in the past -- amusing and enjoyable -- and have put that part in italics .}
Join us for the September meeting of the Vancouver Haiku Group
The next meeting for the Vancouver Haiku Group will be Sunday, September 18 from 1 to 4pm at the Britannia Community Services Centre in the Family Resource Centre across from the library. The centre is located at 1661 Napier Street in Vancouver (...just off Commercial Drive) where a large parking lot with free parking is located behind the facility [access to parking, located west of the ice rink, is off Venables Street].
In addition to this, I am happy to announce that the Britannia Community Services Centre has become a sponsor for Vancouver Haiku Group and will provide a venue for upcoming meetings during 2011 through to June 2012.
The September meeting will begin with an exercise on enhancing haiku. Please forward two haiku using the kigo phrase "Harvest Moon". Kigo is a word or phrase associated with a particular season, used in Japanese poetry. During this exercise, for the purpose of integrity and equality, authors will remain anonymous. Also, as it is common in Japan to add context to haiku by providing a few interpretive lines, please include a short synopsis for each poem (just a sentence or two). This will leave little room for misinterpretation during the exercise.
The Harvest Moon is on Monday, September 12, when the full moon will be in Pisces. Astrologically speaking, this is a romantic, impressionable moon and exceptionally imaginative. I've included a link to Neil Young's Harvest Moon for inspiration. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVi0UvFu8Yo.
Also, Jessica Tremblay will present the origin of Old Pond Haiku Comics and the similarities between comics and haiku (20-25 minutes). Old Pond Comics feature the adventures of Kaeru, a young frog (the frog who inspired Basho's famous haiku) who becomes the apprentice of Master Kawazu. Jessica has suggested participants read the following chapters before the upcoming meeting: http://oldpond.voila.net/master.html and http://oldpond.voila.net/nahaiwrimo.html.
An intuitive exercise will also be included and will focus on the calla lily known for its magnificence and beauty. The exercise will encourage participants to intuit and incorporate juxtaposition in haiku.
The meeting will end with a brief discussion on favourite haiku, interesting articles and/or books, upcoming events and contests, etc. If you have any questions, regarding the above information, please forward an email through my contact information listed below.
I look forward to reading your haiku on the Harvest Moon.
Angela J. Naccarato
Facilitator   angelan@telus.net   604 464 2551
PS For further information on becoming a haiku poet refer to the essay at: http://sites.google.com/site/graceguts/essays/becoming-a-haiku-poet, written by Michael Dylan Welch, vice president of the Haiku Society of America.

===  MAIKU  ===  August 2011, on the edge of fall!

                                in the autumn of our lives ~~
                                                        blaze of colour; brisk;
                                                                                     exhilarating !

Stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity does not.
                       -- Anatole France, French novelist, essayist, Nobel laureate (1844 - 1924)
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
                                                                                 -- George Bernard Shaw
Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favourable are the kind who do nothing.
                                        -- William Feather
It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.
                                -- Carl Sagan, US astronomer and writer (1934 - 1996)
A nation that forgets its past has no future.           -- Winston Churchill
People take different roads seeking fulfilment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
                                -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
The purpose of life is not to be happy. The purpose of life is to matter, to be productive, to have it make some difference that you lived at all.
                                        -- Arthur H. Prince
He who listens to truth is not less than he who utters truth.
                        -- Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American poet and artist (1883-1931)
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
                        -- Saul Bellow, Canadian-born US writer, Nobel laureate (1915-2005)
The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.            -- Peter Drucker                      
That all men should be brothers is the dream of people who have no brothers. -- Charles Chincholles
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.          -- Yiddish proverb
The human mind is not a deep-freeze for storage; the human mind is a forge for production.
                                -- Arthur H. Prince, PhD, Memphis, TN
We have transformed the idea that bankers would self-regulate from a crackpot notion into the essence of government policy, with results as predictable as if we removed all traffic lights and stop signs on the theory that most drivers are responsible.
DAVID CAY JOHNSTON (journalist and author of Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich =97 and Cheat Everybody Else, 2005), =93Fiscal Therapy,=94 Mother Jones, January 2009.
Announcer: For the first ten months of 2009, lobbying money from the [U.S.] Finance Sector: $334 million. Lobbying money from the Health Sector: $396 million. Real Reform? Priceless.
                BILL MOYERS JOURNAL, intersegment comment, 18 December 2009.
Next to the striking of fire and the discovery of the wheel, the greatest triumph of what we call civilization was the domestication of the human male.
                -- Max Lerner, American journalist and educator  (1902 - 1992)
Never underestimate a child's ability to get into more trouble.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -- Martin Mull, American actor and painter (b 1943)
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
                                                        [-- who?]
Don't worry if your work is hard and your rewards are few.
                                  Remember the mighty oak was once a nut like you.
                                        -- unknown
One starts to get young at the age of sixty, and unfortunately it's too late.    -- Pablo Picasso                      
Are you humbly grateful? Or grumbly hateful?   -- Pastor Roland Smith
                      A recently spotted bumper sticker:   My other vehicle is the mahayana.

I'm bad at math, so the equation 2n + 2n is 4n to me.
Having too many vowels is a consonant struggle in the game of Scrabble.
My friend said that if Watergate had happened in Scotland they would've had Scotch tape.
Termites in the orchestra pit can lead to digestive harp failure.
The young pine sapling was admonished by his father. Apparently he'd been knotty.
The new weed whacker is cutting-hedge technology.
Zookeepers spot clean their leopards.
The headlines nobody likes are wrinkles.
I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words

Do you know what Mahatma Gandhi and Mary Poppins have in common?
Gandhi walked every where he went, which produced enormous callouses on his feet. He ate very little, so he was a very fragile man.  Also, his strange diet caused him to suffer from bad breath.
So Gandhi could be described as a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.