~~~ Summer ... at last! ~~~
= MAIN ITEMS on Council Agendas Monday July 23:
ADRA Survey Results; Devt Permit 975/977 Keith; Amb/Dund Parking; Wireless Facilities Policy; Alternative Approval Process re foreshore head lease; Kinder Morgan; Ice Allocation Review; Amb/Dund Waterfront Plans; Upper Lands Study (info to be provided); Heritage Register Addns; Noise Control (non-enforcement); Public Safety Bldg (RFP for architect); Emergency Preparedness Funding cancellation; Devt Status Report; Correspondence: Collingwood; old-growth trees; lease/sell; 26th & MDr; Policies/Consistency (names/addresses eg Skilift); Finance; Black Crk (old growth); E-Comm; Kinder Morgan
= Vive le Canada (Olympics); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Critique of 2011 Annual Report from reader); FIA -- Ccl Pay; Staff Remuneration $100K+; Black Crk Diversion and Cutting of Old Growth; UPDATES & INFO (MDr and TWay Intersection; Bard at YVR)
= CALENDAR to August 18th+; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Sculpture; Music; Opera; Festivals); Nature Walk
14A -- July 9 Summary; mtgs/events (Intersection MDr & TWay; PkR MDr Landscaping)
July 23 main items; BARDnews; California Cities' Bankruptcies; M
Ccl Mtg July 9 NOTES: Black
Crk Diversion (Item 6);
Pk rearing-pond;
Road Closure, Removal of Hwy Dedication at 26th & Marine; AmbNOW
expenditures; Centennial
Celebration Overview;
DPA 975/977 Keith; Correspondence List includes: BC Hydro work;
Assessment Appeal; (excellent
letter on the) Parks Master Plan;
Collingwood (Morven); DRC
oil tankers; Lower Caulfeild; Traffic Safety 1200 Clyde; Minutes
Finance Cmte; Lower Caulfeild);
Parking; Pipeline; Ambleside Streetscape; etc
= Ccl AGENDAs July 23
= ANIMALWATCH (rare ribbon seal); INFObits (Olympians without a country); CPTWATCH (Palestine); SYRIAWATCH (Minorities); BLIGHTYWATCH (Minis); WORDWATCH (Abecedarian insult); HERITAGEWATCH; MAIKU; SALMAGUNDI (music; ^_^ chip bandits; coffee life) leading to QUESTIONS/QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS/JOKE
=== Vive le CANADA ===
Go Canada Go! Olympics in London open July 27
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
~ (Four of us) So far still unsuccessful in mtg with staff for details on lease vs sale of 1300blk
~ Report on the mtg re the intersection at MDr & TWay is in INFO & UPDATES below
~ At the end of the July 9 ccl mtg (see transcript), reference was made to praise re the Annual Report (aka budget/finance) and most agree it has improved, however I did receive a detailed response, part of wch follows:
2. 2011 Annual Report:
a. An error of significant magnitude was found in Note 9 of the audited financial statements; the error was $ 1M.
b. It was found in the June 1st version of the audited financial statements and staff were notified.
c. Answer given was that the $ 1M error was a transcription error which overstated the amount of unappropriated surplus by $ 1M.
d. The annual report publication was removed from the website and replaced by a corrected version.
e. The Auditor signed and dated his opinion letter, June 4, 2012, the day of the Finance Committee meeting - the day the $ 1M error was reported.
f. The original draft opinion letter is dated May XX, 2012, anticipating a date wch conforms to the date of submission of audited financial stmts by Ms called for by the Cmnty Charter at Part 6, s. 167, viz.
Annual financial statements
167 (1) Municipal financial statements for a fiscal year must be
(a) prepared by the financial officer, and
(b) presented to Council for its acceptance.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the financial stmts must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local govts.
(3) The inspector may require or authorize, generally or for a specified M, that the financial stmts vary from or include add'l information to the requirements of subsection (2).
(4) By May 15 in each year, a M must submit to the inspector its audited financial stmts for the preceding year and any other financial information requested by the inspector.
(5) In add'n to any requirement under subsection (4), the financial officer must compile and supply information on the financial affairs of the M requested by the inspector.
g. The item #8 referred to below is the Annual Report from the June 25th council meeting agenda. If you look at both the June 4th agenda item (#7) and the June 25th agenda item (#8) side by side. You will see that Note 9 in the June 1st (June 4 council package) report is repeated in Note 9 of the Annual Report Draft included in the June 25th meeting council package without correction despite having been informed of the error on the 4th of June. The error does not appear on page 34 of the Annual Report (June 25th item #8) it shows on page 54 (page 70 of the council package) and there has been no numerical correction, the error that appears in the June 4th item #7 also appears in the June 25th item #8.
h. The error has been characterized as a transcription error and it is further stated that the original audited stmts do not contain the extra $ 1M. There has been no independent check performed to verify these characterizations.
3. The sabotaged 2012 financial plan bylaw does need to be pointed out to council, and it should be done.
{hope to have updated information for WVM15}
The Financial Information Act regulations require all local govts, to make available to members of the public certain detailed financial schedules in addition to the regular year end financial statements of the District. This information consists of detailed listings of:
Remuneration and expenses for all members of Council
Remuneration and expenses for all employees with salaries in excess of $75,000
Payments aggregating in excess of $25,000 to suppliers of goods and services
A statement regarding any employee severance agreements in effect for the year
A separate requirement under the Community Charter is to report details of all permissive property tax exemptions for the year. For convenience, that report is included with the FIA schedules.
2011 Financial Information Act Report (PDF, 20 KB)
The rest are at -- http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=5242
+++ Cutting of OLD GROWTH and the BLACK CREEK Diversion
OGCS is upset at the "unfathomable action" of cutting old growth trees in the Upper Lands by the District of West Vancouver for the Black Creek Diversion Project. It caused the District to release a statement to the media: <http://www.westvancouver.ca/Government/Level3.aspx?id=39838>
Info was in the newspaper: <http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Cutting+growth+trees+disastrous+mistake+biologist/6828344/story.html>
The Black Creek Diversion Rehabilitation Project Report can be found at: <http://www.westvancouver.ca/uploadedFiles/Your_Government/Agendas_and_Minutes/2012/July/12jul9-6.PDF>
The staff/consultant's report says the ages of the trees were from 65 to 285 years but an article in NSN said a tree as old as 700 had been cut.
After the July 9 ccl mtg, when I queried that b/c I wanted to know what was right, Cclr Gambioli said in any case, any tree over 250 years is considered old growth.
In my attempts to research, here's a detailed report I received:
T.K. Mac Inventory of timber from site.
I assume that many of the stumps and some of the logs were missing from inventory.
14 Western Red Cedar stumps counted with a diameters up to 72 cm. Yet the bottom cut of the largest Cedar log is only 64 cm. (32r) Where did the biggest logs go?
62 Western Red Cedar logs were listed. There should be more stumps to be added to the list even if you got three logs per stump.
11 Cypress stumps counted with a diameters up to 84 cm. Yet the bottom cut of the largest Cypress log is only 70 cm. (35r) Where did the biggest logs go?
37 Cypress logs were listed. There should be more stumps to be added to the list even if you got three logs per stump.
7 Douglas Fir stumps counted with diameters up to 82 cm. Yet the bottom cuts of the largest Fir logs are 104, 98, 96, & 94 cm. Where did the big stumps go?
16 Douglas Fir logs were listed. Stump to log count is close probably only four stumps missing.
37 Hemlock stumps counted with diameters up to 64 cm. Yet the bottom cut of the largest Hemlock logs are 88, 82, 80, 78, 70, 66, 62, & 62cm. Where did the big stumps go?
133 Hemlock logs were listed. There should be more stumps to be added to the list even if you got three logs per stump.
To summarize Id estimate that some of the largest Cedar and Cypress logs were missed in the count.
The 69 stump count is low by a count of ~60 - 80 that were probably ground up already on site.
If anyone can shed further light on this, it wd be v much appreciated.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
> One Reader wrote:
The majority of attendees were from Ambleside and Sentinel Hill. No one attended west of Dundarave.
1. The land is owned by Larco and they want to put an application forth this fall.
2. They plan two towers, 18 and 24 storeys, with a maximum of 300 - 320 suites.
3. They"ll have 10Ksf mixed ground-level usage and 10Ksf public amenity space.
4. They hope to break ground in 2014.
They put notices of meetings in the North Shore News.
{In view of this, WVM will request being put on info/media list.}
> Another Reader wrote:
Here is my input:
= Current WV Zoning permits three storeys on the triangular piece of land basically where the White Spot currently sits. It is not First Nations land. I forgot to ask the question on the SFR for the proposed towers.
= The shape makes for some building challenges according to one on the presentation team:
o The access will be from the back side of the triangle on Park Royal land.
o It appears the building setbacks are minimal on both Marine Drive and Taylor Way. Not like the condos to
the east (leased municipal land) that have extensive landscaping and a large water feature.
o The underground parking stalls on a triangle with the support columns for dual high rises will be a
o The ground floor on a corner site is not suitable for residential; thus a mixed-use building with retail/
offices on the ground floor.
o The second floor is proposed as Community Amenity", again not suitable for residential.
o Green Roof may offer space for a daycare facility.
o Building appearance and design are still conceptual.
= I spent most of my time addressing traffic with the traffic consultant (as did many others in the room)
o Currently Park Royal has about seven driveway accesses to Taylor Way on the west side south of Marine
o The access to the White Spot closes under this proposal; thus the new access is from the back side of the
o The driveway in front of Kins Market (relocated site) remains.
o The next driveway leading to the ramp for the parking decks closes as it is a conflict point and the east
end of the parking structure (two more levels are being added) is being reconfigured.
o A new traffic light is being installed at the next access to Taylor Way from the frontage road (Indigo
o The next access at the stops signs leading to the bridge over the Capilano River remains. This becomes
the main road east/west across the front of the shopping mall. It connects to another traffic light by
Home Depot and the entrance to the Village as pedestrian traffic here is a problem today.
= Several people from the towers east of this proposed development attended expressing their concerns for traffic waiting at the Marine and Taylor Way light blocking the access to their driveway; stating it will get worse. Others from this condo site expressed concerns about loss of view to the west with the proposed high rises.
= At least one person was an employee of White Spot concerned about timing for when White Spot would close.
= Most attendees raised issues on increased traffic, noise, and air pollution from increased vehicle traffic.
{The WVM editor can't wait to find out what the Uplift is.}
Project Overview
Park Royal has received approval from the District and is now constructing a new intersection on Marine Drive. The project, which is the culmination of two years of planning and discussions with the community and key stakeholders, will replace the existing vehicular and pedestrian overpasses situated to the north of the North Shore Credit Union branch.
The new intersection provides enhanced safety and accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, public transportation, and first responders, as well as better north/south and east/west vehicular movement through the all-turns at-grade signalization.
The following Council Reports provide background on this project.
March 28, 2012 (Report to Council) and September 26, 2011 (Report to Council)
Latest Update
The new intersection will provide a new all-turns at-grade signalized pedestrian crossing and vehicular access across Marine Drive that will improve accessibility for pedestrians, cyclists, public transportation, first responders, and vehicles. It will be constructed in accordance with the principles and objectives set out in DWV's Strategic Transportation Plan. In the short term, on a portion of the median on Marine Dr, 12 Scarlett Oak trees need to be removed, as well as the shrubbery and the chain link fence. These will be replaced with eight (or nine) large trees of the same species for a maximum net loss of four on the median. Overall, PkR are removing a total of 96 trees and replacing them with 199 trees.
In the long term, Park Royal is committed to investing significantly in the new landscaping and trees that will be planted on the median, along with a new architectural fence and new lighting that will complement the landscape treatments along Marine Drive. Project Information Factsheet
Project Contact
Amanda Eaton (Amanda@parkroyal.ca) Communications Coordinator Park Royal/The Village at Park RoyalTel 923 4729 Fax 922 3217(shopparkroyal.com) In-depth project info can be found at parkroyalconnected.com/wp/
+ Take-Off Fridays at YVR - Enter to Win!
Once again, YVR Airport is hosting its summer celebrations every Friday and Bard on the Beach is a part of it!
Plan to visit the airport any Friday until August 31 from 9am to 3pm for a full day of free samples, great music, and exciting performances. Come on down and have your photo taken in one of the Bard cut-outs -- available at the international food court (near the Spirit of Haida Gwaii sculpture ) or at the domestic food court.
Send your photo to contest@yvr.ca and a winner will be selected! You will be entered to win tickets to a Bard on the Beach Mainstage performance.
Visit the photo album YVR`s facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LiveatYVR
o STREAMKEEPERS: http://www.westvancouverstreamkeepers.ca/dox/newsletter11.pdf
Chris Adshead has just published the summer issue of The Westerner #38: Phone 921 8686;
westernereditor@shaw.ca and www.thewesterner.ca full of information, events, and latest news!
=== CALENDAR to August 18th+ ===
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx . Notices/mtgs/changes too
late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [See mtgs etc in the Headsup notices sent between issues of WVM..]
+ Join us for Summer of Cinema and Song on the WV waterfront. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy live music as the sun sets or
watch a great film in the park! Concerts by the Sea started July 8 http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=40228
Summer of Song: 7pm on Sundays at the Ferry Building Landing (foot of 14th Street)
Cinema in the Park: 9:15 p.m. at John Lawson Park
* NOTE: Films will take place during the Harmony Arts Festival so be sure to come early and check out all the festivities.
+ City Conversations
Bring your lunch, and settle in to listen to the most knowledgable people we can find on the most current topics affecting Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Whenever possible, well try to provide experts with contrasting views, to get the facts out front and the conversation rolling. Then ask your questions and present your opinions, so we all can learn from each other.
Make it a habit to drop by the first and third Thursday of each month. We start promptly at 12:30 PM, and end promptly at 1:30 PM, so you can get on with the rest of your day. No fees or registration.
City Conversations are a presentation of SFU Public Square. Sponsored by Bing Thom Architects and SFU Vancouver. Thanks to Wild Rice Restaurants. More information Visit www.sfu.ca/city for details.
Thank you.
Joshua Randall, The City Program, Continuing Studies, SFU Hbr Ctr Tel 778 782-5254 Fax: 778 782 5098
Email: city@sfu.ca Follow us on Twitter @CS_SFU http://www.facebook.com/sfucontinuingstudies
=== Thursday July 26
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte
~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd Mtg at WVPD
~ 6:30 - 8:30pm ~ Go Canada Go! Pep Rally Parade at Park Royal
Want to show your support for our 2012 Canadian Olympic athletes? In celebration of the London 2012 Olympics, you can be part of Park Royals Go Canada Go! Pep Rally Parade. March to the beat of a drum, have a professional photo-op on our replica medal podium, indulge in some tasty treats and send a personal message to our athletes on our giant message board. Its a great way to get into the Olympic spirit!
Begins in The Village at PkR (next to Whole Foods Market) and ends in Park Royal North, Centre Court
For more information, visit shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/go-canada-go-pep-rally-parade-park-royal.
=== July 27 to August 12
Olympic Cheering Stations -- In celebration of the 2012 London Olympics, Park Royal is installing four cheering stations throughout PkR S and PkR N. Make sure you dont miss a moment of the summer games by stopping by any of these Olympic cheering stations.
* * * * * Celebration of Light *** World's biggest offshore fireworks competition *** 10pm * * * * *
*** Saturday July 28 Vietnam *** Wednesday August 1 Brazil *** Saturday August 4 Italy ***
=== Saturday/Sunday July 28 and July 29
Bioblitz 2012 - Alpha Lake Park
This year's Bioblitz - two days of immersion in Whistler's incredible environment accompanied by a plethora of local and out of town scientists and experts.
BioBlitz is a 24-hour race against the clock to count as many species as possible mammals, birds, plants, frogs, fish, bugs you name it. A BioBlitz introduces people to real (and fun) science and the amazing diversity surrounding us. The concept of BioBlitz was created by Harvard biodiversity icon E.O. Wilson to raise awareness of the huge diversity of animals and plants, even in developed areas. Since its creation, annual BioBlitzes have spread throughout North America. The Whistler Naturalists are proud to have presented the first BioBlitz here in 2007.
The BioBlitz targets alpine and valley ecosystems across Whistler. Results from the BioBlitz will contribute to the Whistler Biodiversity Project, a multi-year, multi-group effort to catalogue and protect our native biodiversity. The genius of BioBlitz is it takes a fun and competitive approach to science. The 24-hour, round-the-clock format leads to a frenzy of activity as the number of organisms grows ever higher. There will be something to entice people of all ages at numerous survey sites. More Information & Schedule: http://www.whistlerbioblitz.ca/
=== Friday August 3
The HAF celebrates its 22nd anniversary, highlighting the talent of NSh artists, sharing the value of arts appreciation and creation and building community pride and participation. Experience the arts through exhibitions, demonstrations, concerts, an art market and hands-on activities - all for FREE!
For details on performers, events, festival locations, please visit the 2012 Harmony Arts Fesitival Website
--> Ambleside Landing, John Lawson Park, and other seaside venues Info: T 925-7268, F 925-5992, www.harmonyarts.ca
=== Monday August 6 (BC Day)
~ noon - 4pm ~ Open House at Lighthouse Park with guided tours of the lower part of the tower
The Point Atkinson Light Station Tours will start on the hour from noon to 3pm with no public access to the tower interior. They will highlight the Radio Room/Fog Alarm Building, which houses information on the history of the Light Station, its workings, and the life of its keepers. Mention will also be made of the role of the (Royal) Canadian Armed Forces at the Light Station during World War II and the current status of this National Historic Site. People should register by leaving their names and contact information with pointatkinsonpals@hotmail.com. Meet at the station gate.
See www.wvhs.ca for information
=== Thursday August 9
~ 8:30am ~ 12th Annual Junior Golf Tournament, Ambleside
=== Saturday August 18
~ 2 - 4pm ~ RoyalTea-by-the-Sea in Dundarave Park (royaltea.ca or www.heritage.westvan.org)
This year celebrating the Jubilee! Heritage West Van is already taking reservations (wch will be limited):
922 4400 or reservations@heritage.westvan.org
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
Hours: closed Sundays in July & August
= Introduction to Social Media: Facebook & Twitter
2 - 4pm Wednesday August 15 (Computer Training Room)
A great introduction to the world of social media. Learn how to set up a Facebook or Twitter account, and navigate the world of online media.
= Movie Nights at the Library -- 6:30pm Wednesdays in Welsh Hall:
Jane Eyre, July 18; The Artist, July 25; We Bought a Zoo, August 1; War Horse, August 8
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition 925 7295
The New Design Gallery on the frontier 1955 -1966 ~~ June 27 to September 15
The influential gallery introduced Vancouver to the work of numerous artists from British Columbia, Canada, and the United States. The New Design Gallery on the frontier 1955 -1966 chronicles the important role the NDG played in advancing modernism in the region through historical documentation, photographs, and artworks by Joan Balzar, Maxwell Bates, Bruno Bobak, Molly Bobak, B.C. Binning, Audrey Capel Doray, Reginald Holmes, Don Jarvis, Thomas Kakinuma, Zoltan Kiss, Roy Kiyooka, John Koerner, William Koochin, Bill Mayrs, Michael Morris, Toni Onley, Joseph Plaskett, Marianna Schmidt, Jack Shadbolt, Gordon Smith, John Snow, Takao Tanabe, and Glenn Toppings.
{A full description appeared in WVM14}
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
> Nature by Design ~~~ July 10 - 29
Liz Calvin & Rod Gildersleeve; Mosaics and paintings
[Aug 3 - 19 Harmony Showcase Exhibition- mixed media group exhibition]
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
> July 10 - 29 Flamenco Sketches"
Gregg Simpson is a prolific artist who has exhibited in many international galleries and been the subject of a documentary film. This series of abstract paintings and pastels inspired by the flamenco dancers of Andalusia are full of fiery passion and graceful serenity. Also a talented drummer, Gregg will appear with the Paul Plimley Trio on July 10th playing free-form jazz.
> July 31 August 12 Harmony Arts Festival
Opening reception will be held Tuesday August 12th from 6 - 8pm
We are proud to be a part of this years Harmony Arts Festival, exhibiting officially juried works by local artists. The Harmony Arts festival is a community-based festival whose aim is to support local artists, celebrate, and share the value of arts in our community and build something amazing, together.
> August 13 - 19 Kim Braithwaite
Opening reception will be held on Tuesday August 13th from 6 - 8pm
Kim Braithwaite is a photographer enthralled by the architecture and personality of our global community. Having travelled the world, Kim has focused her lens on the buildings, streets, and landmarks that speak of a citys spirit and the people that make it their home. Take a journey to distant lands that may just remind you of home.
Complete list of events: Electronic newsletter: http://kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++ http://www.westvan60.com/
Office: 604-922-3587 Lounge: 604-922-1920 Fax: 604-922-2659
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com/
Offices moved on July 1st from Pk Royal to former AmblesideNOW ofc 1408 Marine Dr
Harmony Arts Festival Group Show
The Harmony Arts Festival Group Show is offering a special preview of the artists works to Chamber members for best selection and private viewing before the festival starts.
Vancouvers North Shore Tourism Art Market August 3 - 6 & 10 - 12
The 22nd Harmony Arts Festival presented by Odlum Brown Limited, is proud to feature Vancouvers North Shore Tourism Art Market for a second straight year. Now open on both weekends during the Festival, a line-up of artists and artisans from British Columbia, the Maritimes, Ontario and the United States will be selling original creations.
The Harmony Arts Festival runs from Friday, August 3rd to Sunday, August 12th.
+ BARD on the Beach ~ 739 0559 ~ bardonthebeach.org
Ticket availability -- https://tickets.bardonthebeach.org/TheatreManager/1/login&event=0
Video clips and trailers -- http://www.youtube.com/bardonthebeachfest
The Taming of the Shrew -- on till Sept 22
Directed by Meg Roe Shakespeares romantic romp, The Taming of the Shrew, shines a comic spotlight on the pleasures and perils of the search for the perfect mate. Beautiful Bianca has no shortage of admirers, but she cant marry until her headstrong sister Kate finds a husband. Along comes the fortune-hunting Petruchio, who is determined to wive it wealthily in Padua and sets out to capture the heart of the fiery-spirited Kate. Petruchio and Kate face off in a crackling battle of wits, while three enthusiastic suitors launch their own devious campaigns as they vie for Biancas affections.
Macbeth -- on till Sept 20
Directed by Miles Potter Seductive prophecy and devastating ambition are the forces that drive this dark and powerful tragedy. When three witches foretell that Macbeth will be King, the warrior lord and his ruthless wife decide to act on the prediction by murdering the rightful King Duncan in his bed. Reality and fantasy blur and blood begets blood, until Macbeth is finally undone by the very prophecies that tempted him to seek ultimate power.
Merry Wives of Windsor -- Studio Stage; on till Sept 21
Directed by Johnna Wright Its 1968 in Windsor, Ontario and English ex-pat Sir John Falstaff is hunting for a romantic solution to his money troubles. He sends an identical love letter to two wealthy local housewives, hoping to seduce them and enjoy their fortunes with no clue that the two are best friends. Neither has any intention of cheating on her husband, but together they lead Falstaff on while plotting their hilarious revenge.
King John -- Studio Stage; on till to September 19
Directed by Dean Paul Gibson Six generations before the Wars of the Roses, the early Plantagenets had a succession problem of their own. Shakespeares King John is a powerful tale of intrigue, ambition, and tough moral choices for some of his most compelling characters. A usurping king, his innocent young nephew, a heroic bastard and a passionate mother all vie for our sympathies in a high-stakes game where the winner takes crown and kingdom.
+ BARD IN THE VALLEY www.cityoflangley.ca
Twelfth Night in Douglas Park 7pm (plus some matinees) Aug 9 to 19
+ ARTS CLUB 687 1644 http://www.artsclub.com
~ Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage -- The Buddy Holly Story opens Th July 12 (to Aug 26)
~ Granville Island Stage -- Xanadu, June 21 to August 4; a musical directed by Dean Paul Gibson
~ Revue Stage -- altar boyz July 5 to Sept 1
+ WATERFRONT THEATRE (Granville Island)
Rent, Fighting Chance Productions, 8pm July 13 to Aug 7 (held over to Aug 18)
+ Jericho Arts Centre 224 8007 www.jerichoartscentre.com
~ The Alchemist, a comedy written by Ben Jonson in 1610 (Ensemble Theatre Cooperative); July 6 to 28
If you have not already purchased your tickets for United Players' 2012/13 season, you may want to order them now and take advantage of our special offer that ends July 31st. Buy two season tickets, and you are eligible to buy a third at half-price!
With season tickets running from $60 to $80, that half price package could be as low as $30! It's an exceptional bargain for five great plays - as low as $6 per ticket!!
Our 2012-2013 season features two Canadian premieres -- A Room With A View, and We Are Three Sisters; one NAm premiere --The Prince's Play; one WORLD premiere -- Hecuba; and an audacious comedy from one of the wittiest wordsmiths to ever write for the stage -- Noel Coward's Present Laughter. These productions will be helmed by some of Vancouver's most remarkable directors; Sarah Rodgers, Adam Henderson, Charles Siegel, C.W. (Toph) Marshall, and Sandra Ferens.
For tix, go to the webform: https://fs7.formsite.com/MTrack/UPSeasonTix/secure_index.html
For more information on the authors and play descriptions, see: www.unitedplayers.com
+ Carousel Theatre Company
Teenagers from CTC put on The Tempest at Performance Works (outdoor stage)
7:30pm Mon to Sat (2pm Sat matinees) July 27 to Aug 11
+ July News from Pi
Come to the Theatre - Bring a Carrot
If the first two sold-out shows in the Obstructions theatre series are any indication, Radix Theatre's turn in the spotlight on July 28th will be a hot ticket.
Inspired in part by the film The Five Obstructions, by Jørgen Leth and Lars Von Trier, Obstructions is a new project from Progress Lab, the group behind the wildly popular and innovative HIVE series. The obstructions for each company have been developed in secret by their peers as a custom-designed set of obstacles that will prompt each artist to consider new approaches to making theatre.
Last month Felix Culpa gave us an artistic wedding using a controversial 100 words. On July 28th Radix takes up the challenge with these obstructions:
1. Andrew (Laurenson) must revisit and answer the central question of Beutfl Prblms;
2. In the style of French farce;
3. Using a set made of carrots.
ObstructionsRadixA Progress Lab Initiative
Saturday July 28th -- 7:30pm - doors open8pm - Radix event-- Immediately after the show
-- Judging, Theatre Conspiracy receives their obstructions and party into the night! PL14221422 William St.
Note for Audience Members:Please bring one or more organic carrots and a non-perishable donation to the food bankDress: Peasant / Farm style
Tickets are extremely limited!Get them now for only $16.00 here
About RadixUnder the guidance of Artistic Director Andrew Laurenson, Radix creates interdisciplinary site-specific theatre characterized by dynamic physicality, seductive visual design, and provocative content. The company has created a new production at least once every year since its inception in 1988, inspired by such issues as environmental degradation, sexual repression, car culture, and terrorism. Find out more about Radix here.
Come Get Bouchewhacked at The Cultch!
Pi are pleased to support our friends BoucheWHACKED! Theatre Collective and Neanderthal Arts Festival as they present the West Coast English Language premiere of the Governor General Award winning play The Listby Jennifer Tremblay.Translated by Shelley Tepperman. Featuring France Perras. Directed by Jack Paterson.
In this site specific production, a woman rebels against her daily list of chores, only to find that she neglected to take care of the one task that may have led to her friend's death.
Tuesday to Sunday, July 19 - 26Tickets $14 604 251 1363 Limited Seating
You can also check out the Ta Gueule Staged Reading Series: Contemporary Cdn Plays in English Translation
Sunday July 22nd, 5pm-- Encounter / Rencontre: Gilles Poulin-Denis
Tuesday July 24th, 6pm -- Howl Red by Etienne Lepage, translated by Chantal Bilodeau
Thursday July 26th, 7:15pm -- Encore written and translated by Marc Prescott
Pay What You Can The Cultch 1895 Venables StreetVancouver, BC
+ TUTS www.tuts.ca
Theatre Under the Stars (Malkin Bowl, Stanley Park):Titanic, a New Musical andThe Music Man until Aug 18
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
More Hours, More Matisse Gallery Hours extended to 9pm
Every Sunday this summer, the Gallery is open late every Sunday AND our tour program is expanding! Tours are now available on: Thursdays: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 2:30pm
Sundays: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Emily Carr goes to Sept 9; Collecting Matisseto Sept 30
three exhibitions: Collecting Matisse and Modern Masters: The Cone Sisters of Baltimore; Rodney Graham: Canadian [Humorist]; and Yang Fudong: Fifth Night.
Upcoming Exhibitions
[ for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
o Marian Penner Bancroft -- June 30 to September 30, 2012
o through a glass, darkly -- June 30 to September 30, 2012
2pm Saturday July 28: Afterlife Readings and Other Tellings
Artist Cindy Mochizuki offers performative past life palm readings among the works in through a glass, darkly.
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
Sculptors' Society of BC at the VanDusen Gdns; Summer Show July 27 to Aug 5
Annual show and sale; see www.ssbc.ca
Britannia Mining Museum; bcmm.ca -- Metal Art Sculptures until Sept 16
[VSO] MusicFest Vancouver presents the Odlum Brown Gala Opening Concert:
Here to Stay: The Gershwin Experience
wch launches MusicFest Vancouver with the Canadian premiere of a multimedia concert event at the historic Orpheum Theatre that celebrates one of the greatest teams of collaborators in the history of American music.
Our guide for this glittering evening is the renowned pianist and Gershwin interpreter Kevin Cole. The brilliant singer Sylvia McNair, vocalist/tap sensation Ryan VanDenBoom, and our own Grammy Award-winning Vancouver Symphony Orchestra led by guest conductor Leslie Dala, join together for this unique and entertaining insight into the legendary duo, George and Ira Gershwin.
Gershwin family photos, rare video clips, and elegant, visual elements provide a distinctive and unique experience, plus there will be an unforgettable offering of the Gershwin brothers' best. Performances include The Man I Love, I Got Rhythm, Strike Up the Band, Summertime, 'S Wonderful, and many more.
~ 8pm Friday August 10, Orpheum Theatre Order your tix online OR call 1.877.840.0547 (toll free)
+ CBC Musical Nooners
(CBC Plaza) 12 - 1pm until Aug 24
Early Music FESTIVAL July 29 to Aug 17 see www.earlymusic.bc.ca
Read more about the 2012 Vancouver Early Music Festival: http://www.vancouversun.com/Early+Music+Vancouver+explores+music+another+time+Festival+summer+concerts+have+strong+Renaissance/6988428/story.html
Tix for performances at $35 (student/sr $3 discount) can be ordered on-line via our secure connection. Prices include 12% HST. Order by phone (732 1610) from the office of EMV. Tix also at Sikoras Classical Records.
Rush Seats for Students with valid ID on sale for $10, at the door only, from 7pm on the evening of the performance.
These concerts is included in our Bring a Youth for Free programme. Presented in cooperation with the UBC School of Music and MusicFest Vancouver.
Early Music Vancouver -- T: 604 732 1610; F: 604 732 1602; E: staff@earlymusic.bc.ca; W: www.earlymusic.bc.ca Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/earlymusicvancouver Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/EarlyMusicVan
>>> This week's Festival Sneak Peek is our opening concert: a moving chamber recital of works for soprano and keyboard.
Lovesick: Music of Monteverdis Time
Sunday July 29 at 8pm Pre-concert introduction at 7:15
Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music, 6361 Memorial Road, UBC campus
Ellen Hargis soprano; Christopher Bagan harpsichord & chamber organ
Let the glance strike me; but let the laughter heal me, wrote Claudio Monteverdi. Our Festival opens with a concert exploring the sorrows of love. Featuring Italian music from the very beginnings of opera, this performance delves into the madness and jealousy associated with unrequited passion and the healing that comes with time. Ellen Hargis's expressive voice, paired with Christopher Bagan's accomplished keyboard playing, brings this music to vibrant emotional life.
>>> This week's Festival Sneak Peek is a breathtaking concert of chamber music both virtuosic and lyrical:
The Early Moderns: Extravagant and Inventive Music of the 17th Century
Sunday August 5 at 8pm Pre-concert introduction at 7:15
Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
Quicksilver ensemble for seventeenth-century music:
Robert Mealy & Julie Andrijeski directors;
Julie Andrijeski violin; Robert Mealy violin; Greg Ingles trombone; Dominic Teresi dulcian; Charles Weaver theorbo;
with guest Christopher Bagan harpsichord & chamber organ
Parents, its more okay than ever to raise your children to play the dulcian and theorbo. -- Laurence Vittes, huffingtonpost.com
Quicksilver, renowned for their sense of freedom and discovery, is dedicated to exploring the rich chamber music repertoire of the early modern period: a time of incredible social and scientific change. All old friends, the performers of Quicksilver are dedicated to exploring the full possibilities of this rich and little-known repertoire, full of startling colours and sonorities.
Their Festival appearance marks Quicksilver's Canadian debut, featuring works by Johann Kaspar Kerll, David Pohle, Antonio Bertali, and more. Join us for a spectacular performance: full of vivid, virtuosic playing and a profound commitment to making music matter.
>>> This week's Festival Sneak Peek is the first Vancouver performance by a flawless and richly expressive ensemble:
Sweelinck and Gesualdo: Masters of the Madrigal from North and South
Wednesday August 8 at 8pm Pre-concert introduction at 7:15
Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam:
Stephanie Petitlaurent soprano; Nele Gramß soprano; Marnix De Cat alto; Marcel Beekman tenor;
Julian Podger tenor; Harry van der Kamp bass and artistic direction
with the participation of Alexander Weimann harpsichord
This remarkable performance brings together the music of two extraordinary composers from very different backgrounds. Carlo Gesualdo was an Italian nobleman, notorious for the murder of his wife and her lover, and for the extravagant and experimental nature of his music. Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck was a Dutch church organist and teacher known as the Orpheus of Amsterdam. In this concert, the Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam and Alexander Weimann come together to explore the music of these captivating composers, which spans the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque.
For more information, please visit: http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca/CF03-Gesualdo.html
Check out this Gesualdo photojournal: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2011/12/a-gesualdo-photojournal.html
See the Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam perform music by Sweelinck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvlIkNiW-yk
Learn more about Gesualdo at our free Early Music in Context lecture series: http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca/W-Lectures-EMiC.html
And find out more about the extravaganza performance of Handel's "Orlando": http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/Handel+opera+takes+centre+stage+Vancouver+Early+Music+Festival/6918432/story.html
>>> This week's Festival Sneak Peek is a captivating performance of music from La Serenissima:
Gabrielis Venice: Polychoral Vespers
Friday August 10 at 8pm Pre-concert introduction by Catherine Motuz at 7:15
PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: Christ Church Cathedral, downtown Vancouver
Les Voix Baroques (Montreal):
Matthew White artistic director, Alexander Weimann music director; and
La Rose des Vents (Montreal):
Catherine Motuz, Matthew Jennejohn founding directors; Alexander Weimann music director, organ & harpsichord
Hélne Brunet soprano, Laura Pudwell alto, Joel Estrada Gonzalez tenor
Sumner Thompson tenor, Nathaniel Watson baritone, Harry van der Kamp bass
Chloe Meyers, Chantal Rémillard violins; Natalie Mackie violone, Kiri Tollaksen, Matthew Jennejohn cornettos;
Catherine Motuz, Trevor Dix, Peter Christensen trombones; Sylvain Bergeron lute
For more information, please visit: http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca/CF04-Gabrieli.html
Hear Les Voix Baroques in performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9vZDI3w6-o
Learn more about Gabrieli's Venice on August 9, as part of our free Early Music in Context lecture series: http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca/W-Lectures-EMiC.html
~ Opera Pro Cantanti -- Bellini's Norma
Cambrian Hall, 7pm Sunday July 29 www.procontanti.com 604 340 8545
* MOVIES in STANLEY PARK -- Second Beach at dusk every Tuesday
* Caribbean Days FESTIVAL
at Waterfront Park (NV) caribbeadays.ca -- 10am to 7pm, July 28 and 29
* HARMONY ARTS FESTIVAL {see Calendar section: Aug 3 - 12; see harmonyarts.ca}
Vancouver field trips. See the Nature Vancouver website for further
details (http://www.naturevancouver.ca/)
regards, David
(924 0147)
"Nature doesn't recognize good and evil. Nature only recognizes balance and imbalance."
Sunday July 29th
Whytecliff Park, West Vancouver (An event for Nature Vancouver)
Trip leaders: David Cook & Katharine Steig
Meet: 10am at Concession stand near the main parking area of Whytecliff Park. Duration: ~4 hours including lunch.
Hiking conditions: The bluffs and island are rugged, rocky, and slippery if wet. There is a short, moderately steep climb to the forested Panorama Ridge. Difficulty rating: A4 & B4 (see Nature Vancouver website for ratings: www.naturevancouver.ca).
Description: Whytecliff Park is a District of West Vancouver seaside park which borders Canadas first salt-water Marine Protected Area. We will hike along the bluffs, beaches, and forest trails with a side-trip out to Whyte Island at low tide. Some highlights will be views across Howe Sound, grand firs, old growth Douglas-firs, basking seals, and precious plant relicts of Gulf Island habitat such as Alaska rein orchid and chocolate lilies.
For those requiring transportation from Park Royal contact David at 604-924-0147 or cookeco2@yahoo.com.
=== HEADSUP 14A === July 17/18
do sunny days pass faster???
Herewith just a quick update: July 9 Summary; mtgs/events; PkR (SW corner MDr & TWay); MDr Landscaping; {Chip Bandits; Like coffee?; Qtns/Puns -- moved to end of this WV}
July 9 Ccl Mtg SUMMARY: WVPD E-Comm; Sager Fdn "Curbside" withdrawn; Black Crk Diversion Rehabilitation discussion (~7:23 - 8:21); Salmon rearing pond project; (controversial) Road Closure 26th & Marine Dr (resume Sept 17); AmblesideNOW expenditures; Centennial Celebration overview (video at 9:03); traffic on Clyde; Safeway site comments; infrastructure grants; finances; Collingwood; RGS
6pm Public Information Meeting for 975 - 977 Keith Rd Proposed Duplex Development
Monday July 16 at the WV Memorial Library, Elizabeth Musto Room
in the Gallery = Saturday July 14, 2pm: Curator Talk
through a glass, darkly -- Bruce Grenville, senior curator, tours the exhibition.
= Saturday July 21, 2pm: Gallery Talk
Collecting Matisse: Matisse and His Private American Collectors
John O'Brian, art historian and author, expands on the context of Matisse's entry into the NAm art world elite and the significance of his relnship with Etta and Claribel Cone.
= Sunday July 22, and August 19, 7pm: Summer Night Slides, David Wisdom (formerly CBC radio)
This CBC personality and photographer, hosts a summer night series of art and music w/ his legendary slide shows and sp musical guests on the Gallery's 4th floor rooftop pavilion.
=== HEADSUP 14B === July 20/21
the down escalator has sped up! In any case, hope you have a great weekend!
MAIN ITEMS July 23; Bard/City Bankruptcies/Mtgs/Events/Info; July 23 Ccl Mtg Agenda; MUSIC; Qtns/Puns/etc {Items in italics moved to this newsletter}
All four now on: Taming of the Shrew (comedy) and Macbeth (tragedy) on the main stage, and Merry Wives of Windsor (hilarious) and King John (rarely performed; power politics powerfully portrayed).
See videoclips: http://www.youtube.com/bardonthebeachfest
Subject: Third California city seeking bankruptcy
Date: 11 July, 2012 12:55:08 AM PDT
To: "Editor, West Van Matters" <editorwvm@westvan.org>
+ NSN reported: http://www.nsnews.com/news/Municipal+brass+balloon/6948887/story.html
+ ITAC added: Over the five-year period 2005 and 2010, inclusive, those DWV employees who were being paid in excess of $100K as of 2005 received, on average, a thirty-five per cent salary increase (ie. seven per cent a year for five years running), and over 80 % of the DWV operating budget now consists of employee salaries and benefits. Never mind that our community has seen virtually no population growth for a decade or more, that local inflation has been running at less than three per cent a year throughout the period in question and that, as of 2008, our society has been hit with the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. This situation is as unacceptable as it is unsustainable.
+ ITAC recommended: In West Vancouver, come September our Council will evidently be giving senior staff direction concerning our Districts operating budget for 2013. Take this opportunity to give our Council some direction of your own concerning what youd like to see this budget look like. How about beginning with a five per cent reduction in the Districts supervisory and managerial payroll?
Its your money. If you care about what is being done with it, e-mail mayorandcouncil@westvancouver.ca today.
++ WVM had a link in WVM14 so you could see the salaries/remuneration:
~ Wed July 18 ~ 3pm ~ WVPD Finance Cmte mtg CANCELLED
~ Thurs July 19 ~ 6 - 8pm ~ PkR N, Ctr Court
Vancouver Home & Design Show Summer Getaway Preview Party
The Vancouver Home & Design Show is Vancouvers premiere event for design, renovation, and lifestyle. You are invited to our highly anticipated exclusive sneak peek of the July 2012 Vancouver Home & Design Show. This exclusive sneak peek Summer Getaway Preview Party will feature sweet sips, summer jams, and fresh forecasts, along with the unveiling of Design Through the Decades a unique fashion and home décor exhibit produced by celebrity stylist Janette Ewen.
For more information, visit shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/vancouver-home-design-show.
~ Sat July 21 ~ 2pm ~ The Bay, PkR N, Ctr Court
The Bay Presents Canada Olympics Fashion Show
We all wore our Canada gear so proudly during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games and we are excited to cheer our
Canadian athletes on again this summer in London. So come and check out our fashion showcase of the latest
cheering gear that you MUST have this summer. All gear is available at The Bay. Everyone is invited to this free event!
For more info, visit http://shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/bay-presents-canadian-olympic-fashions
Thursday July 5: Opening night of Merry Wives of Windsor was a hoot and got a standing ovation.
Buy your tix now; it was sold out and is bound to sell out all summer.
A jolly romp.
Friday July 6: Opening night of Ben Jonson's The Alchemist (written 1610) was a rare experience. Well done, though esoteric. The actors fluidly spoke convoluted and linguistically complex words and lines -- a truly awesome accomplishment. Con men are known to try to bedazzle and fool with complicated terms and language. Man's faults are constant. The sexy babe was a bit of icing. This play is a challenge and we really admire the Ensemble Theatre Cooperative for putting it on. Had to concentrate so my ears and mind cd adjust and then relax in the second act to get the humour.
From Wikipedia:
Jonson's best and most characteristic comedy; Samuel Taylor Coleridge claimed that it had one of the three most perfect plots in literature. The play's clever fulfillment of the classical unities and vivid depiction of human folly have made it one of the few Renaissance plays (except the works of Shakespeare) with a continuing life on stage (except for a period of neglect during the Victorian era).
=== COUNCIL NOTES Monday July 9th ===
BEST EFFORTS! As you know I type while they speak. Lots of abbreviations (see the glossary) and gaps. The timestamps let you know approximately where you'll find the item/discussion when watching the videotape on the DWV website, so you can get the points/exchanges in full. Sometimes you'll see xxx indicating something that's missing so you don't think there was no further comments/information given. (Clarification/corrections welcome.)
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl Mtg will commence in open session (in the MFCR), immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public. At 7pm the open session will reconvene (in the Council Chamber) for consideration of the scheduled agenda items.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, public be excluded...: 90. (1):
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer,
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could
reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their
preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Ccl, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the
municipality if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: board applications, land, legal, proposed provision of a municipal service, and personnel matters.
7:00 PM
1. Call to order.
Mayor: Welcome; first public ccl mtg for the summer
2. Approval of July 9 Agenda
Amended by adding 14.1 to 14.6; withdrawing Item 4; adding Item 6 (Update)
3. Adoption of June 18, June 25, and June 26 Council Meeting Minutes
[June 25, 2012 Council meeting minutes to be provided on Monday, July 9, 2012.]
June 18 special and regular Ccl Mtgs; and June 25 special Council Meeting; and June 26 special Council Mtg.
{Strange not ready; been more than a week. Also pls note: on Sat July 7, clicking on the June 25 sp ccl mtg brought up June 26 so hope it will be fixed by the time you try to find them!}
4. Mark Sager Foundation for the Arts, regarding Curbside (File: 0055-01) WITHDRAWN
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
> Sop: attended with colleagues, two v interesting workshops, one with TransLink and the other with Metro
in TransLink, I asked what does it feel like to be under audit
they understand what the ramifications of that was. Cclr Booth was there. I got a sincere feeling they've now got down to a level they're talking right to your face rather than from aloft
Find it interesting; never the case
msg has gone through -- looking at alternate methods
one thing they did report is that they will not go into any venture unless the money's there to pay for it, the other was the serious look at removing any monies raising it off prop taxes by 2014
Said same at Metro: asked are they out of control? they said they weren't.
asked point blank questions; mainly one we're going to face -- serious inequities if we don't get the right formula for cost allocations on the NSh -- we're going to be looking at some serious money in relnship to the secondary plant over in NV
We were assured they'll work through that through REC wch our Mgr is involved with; in time we might get a formula that will be a benefit, if not, Mr Mayor, we're going to be, quite frankly, hosed.
> MAB: want to add a little bit re TransLink subregional mtg in NV
bad news, good news story: no money -- $30M savings through service optimizations; made it clear there is going to be impact on service; the Evergreen Line will proceed, there is funding in place (gas tax for that); did hear about results of NSh multi-phased consultative transit plan wch has been concluded, contains recommendations
Five high priority projects for WV specifically but those are put on hold until funding can be secured
finally, considerable discussion about the closing of the NV transit ctr on Third Ave, and the fact that WV's wch is on Lloyd Ave in NV will remain while the NV ctr wch is also in NV will closed.
Mr Walton asked consolidation be considered. Wdn't be able to accommodate the 250 buses needed for NSh.
> Sop: what they said is that they want all under one roof, so now all going to Bby
xxx why drive Bby and all the way back xxxxxx?
MAB: that is the proposal too
Sop: stay tuned, folks
> MAB: finally, I attended the Srs' Adv Ctr mtg Jun 28; big announcement retirement of Linda Shaw, cmnty services supervisor, a career spanning three decades when first out of university, family, back
my time on bd so impressed by her passion and commitment to the job; she obviously loved it
she hopes to continue but not on a full-time basis
wanted to publicly wish her well and thank her
> ML: had opp to rep Mayor and Ccl on Canada Day at John Lawson Pk along with MLA McIntyre, MP John Weston, Cclr Cameron and wd say 3-400 of cmnty; sun came out, glorious
Wed with Cclr Panz to rep [WV] at a mtg with Minister of State for Sport -- Bal Gosal -- and [MP] John Weston; mtg in the Srs' Ctr re opportunities for sport; what WV's been doing; also CNV, DNV, Bowen Isl, Lions Bay as well, some allusion to some grants available; potentially help with our plans for John Lawson; my pleasure to do that
> [7:11] TP: want to thank Cclr Lewis for stepping in while our fearless leader was away
I had the privilege of attending a MetroV mtg as I'm the alternate and the big announcement is that Carol Mason is the new Metro CAO replacing Johnnie Carlyle
she's currently the CAO of the District of Nanaimo; hear she's going to be wonderful in the challenging times we have
As a mbr of the Metro Utilities Cmte, media release July 3 from Chair of Metro; funding essential for two projects before deadline -- secondary waste water plan (going to cost a total of $1.4B) to be shared at all levels; fed expectations on line by 2020
fun for a day the VeloCity conference, first time in NAm -- to promote cycling
a couple of points: make sure separated bike lanes b/c safe; xxx; important to link; xxx
MAMIL = Middle-Aged Men in Lycra -- gotta get more ppl out
cities safe for eight-year-olds and 80-year-olds so then for everyone
80% ppl struck at 50kmh will die vs 25% at 40kmh
> CC: also attended the VeloCity conf; many interesting things said, particularly by Brent Toderian
healthy city, mix density, mix of uses and design that fosters cycling; not just about bike lanes
something we shd look to
a couple of days later, invited to a mtg of HUB (local cycling group), and Rick Amantea attended to seek their opinion about their expansion plans and how to incorporate cycling
forward, progressive of PkR to change a 1950 shopping mall into an urban node
attended Metro mtgs on Friday
cost pressures; water, solid, and liquid waste -- more than $3B; have to find a way to pay for it
vocal; want to make sure WV not punished by funding formula used; home changes
achieving equitable balance of cost-sharing
> NG: in Mem Pk as part of feedback session re rearing pond; elected officials from prov govt there as well; v exciting
this afternoon the seven of us spent time learning about strategic finance; interesting session
thirdly: awards cmte mtg last Fri; deadline for nominations is end of Sept; Environment, Arts, and Heritage
if you know of anyone deserving who's done work in WV, go to website, fill in form or bring nomination with you to MHall
Awards will be presented Oct 29
lastly, I missed my exercise class this morning, was running late, and took a walk along the seawalk
walk along the seawalk -- flowers -- everyone so happy; Parks Dept -- these guys out there in the rain and wind, and they do a good job
friend moved here two weeks ago and she said with the parks,so gorgeous, feels like on vacation
> Mayor: announcement made Police Bd moving to E-Comm; unfortunately, some misinformation about that
three options: 1 status quo; 2 to NV RCMP; and 3 go to E-Comm (majority, our Fire Dept also went to E-Comm)
cost-saving to us, main decision Chief and sr ofcrs recommended was based on service enhancement
[7:20] E-Comm has the advantage of handling multiple calls and multiple situations, whereas with our v small staff at the Police Stn, if we do have major incident it really swamps the resources that are there to handle it
with E-Comm, now more than enough capacity to handle anything that happens in the cmnty and we're on the same communication network as virtually all the other Police Forces in Metro
{Clarification: we're already on the same communication network -- the WV Police made the move to the E-Comm radio system years ago, this is just about moving the dispatch function to E-Comm. They can handle dozens of simultaneous calls, we can only handle a handful, ie if an accident on the Upper Levels hwy everyone driving by calls on their cell phones so most are put on hold, possibly delaying a critical call about a different incident.}
wanted to correct some of the misinformation out there; decision made on recommendation by Police Chief and dept heads and certainly no overt pressure from province or anywhere else
just want to clarify that
6. Black Creek Diversion Rehabilitation Project (File: 1815-34)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated June 22, from the Dir/Engg & Transportation be received for information.
SSch: new report today with an update
RF: over last two weeks staff have taken steps to address the matter
Brief Overview:
staff concerned about status of terrain, soil around the pipe
various options to rehabilitate the slope
only option fully mitigate risks was to bury the pipeline -- necessitated tree removal; much completed in Nov
subsequently mbrs of stewardship advised staff, old growth cut; work halted
from review, extent of consultation was inadequate; failed to recog the full envtal value
staff changes since original work done in 2003; were lapses in continuity
inadvertent loss of old-growth trees regrettable and I wish to apologize on behalf of the Engg Division for what occurred
Since last Ccl mtg, following actions:
1 service a professional forester to supplement the expertise of geotechnical, envmtal, and forestry road consultants have been engaged
2 Chartwell consultant's report received July 4 (in appendix in your report)
identified a further 24 trees subject fo removal; xxx; one younger, dead snag, rest old-growth
Second, site visit planned with Ccl to be led by stewardship mbrs, being planned through Mayor's ofc for August 18
Thirdly, a stakeholder mtg with reps from: Planning, Parks, Engg, the Consultant, the design team, OGCS, and WVSk was held last Thursday -- purpose of mtg to discuss rationale for the project, to review the present field condition, and to obtain input on the future of the rehabilitation project
[7:24] this is an imp outstanding project and must be carried out with utmost care and sensitivity
sgl pt M contact for the stewardship groups designated: Mr Andy Kwan, utilities engr
second, detailed work plan and schedule be provided (appendix in your report)
thirdly, attempt to minimize tree loss; the Chartwell Consultant report identified nine of the 24 cd possibly be retained (with closer more detailed assessment)
stewardship mbrs at July 5 mtg said they were willing to support rehab proceeding
Staff recommend wrt completion of the Black Crk Rehabilitation project:
clean-up of present site; optimize final design; minimize further tree loss; removal of trees reviewed by both internal and external stakeholders; (review?) construction as it progresses to completion; revegetation plan to address effect of access roads; slope stabilization efforts; to retain selected logs for use on future M bridge and trail construction projects; and to donate the net value of the timber from the felled logs to further the work of the Old Growth Conservancy [Society]
Reflecting on the lessons learned wrt staff's lack of awareness of the presence of old growth as well as the inadequate consultation efforts, Staff recommend re future engg capital projects in Upper Lands [UL] to collaborate jointly with Planning and Parks to ensure all natural assets in the M-managed forest are documented and retained in corporate data bases such as our GIS.
ensure all Engg staff are familiarized with the tree policy documents as contained in the OCP, the Parks Master Plan, and the OGC strategy for protection document
[7:27] Establish an interdeptal project team to include Planning and Parks for review of proposed projects in UL
Devp an external consultation process to include cmnty stewardship groups as necessary
{whoops! wrong way 'round. Necessary to include them -- don't let someone decide not nec to include the stewardship groups!}
ensure that the expertise of an arborist or a registered forester included on any integrated design team
to regularly communicate with internal and external stakeholders as the project progresses
Staff recommend these actions be supported by Ccl
Finally want to acknowledge TIm Smith of WesTrek, a geotechnical consultant, is on hand to answer any questions
Alan Bardsley: (VP of OGCS) formed in 2007 to partners
golf course voted down in 1990 referendum; explicitly 86% support
this reflects how strongly the ppl of WV feel about old growth
difficult to express how upset
in May mbrs came across --- some up to 700 yrs old and more than a metre in diameter
{and why on earth wd anyone see those trees and not want to doublecheck to see if intention really was to remove old-growth? Why not be moved to try to keep them?}
photo of Hugh taller than him, and he's more than 3ft tall
serious problems communication between Planning and xxxx
someone on staff with the authority
As Mr Fung mentioned attended mtg he convened; OGCS, WVSk, directors, mgrs; appreciate the candour of the mtg
sincerely the xxx when this happened
stopping as is is not in the best interests of the Dist or Envt
changes proposed by Mr Fung xxxx ensure not again
do as ? insist to be cut absolutely xxx
must be clear to a xxxx old that xxxxxx
OGCS is here
to all involved and make sure not happen again
John Barker: (Prez WVSK) one of two stewardship groups invited to mtg on Thursday
devastating to stewardship groups and to cmnty xxx
wd like to forward some recs from that mtg: CAO, Fung, etc
recommendations from OGCS and WVSk endorsed
position of Envmt Mgr be filled; held most recently by Steve Jenkins
indep from Engg, Parks, xxxx
District shd always have someone on staff
[7:33] mapping information highlighting a variety of natural features GIS
meaningful consultation for any stewardship groups in vicinity of creeks
xxxx consultant, participate in all aspects
Mayor: may we have a copy?
Barker: I'll leave this
Mayor: anyone else?
CC: all of us make mistakes
all regret this has happened and we apologize for this mistake
we're here for three-year terms but trees here for 100s of years
not looking for a scapegoat; how to go forward
Mr Fung, was there a person resp ensuring not old growth?
RF: staff team, there was the mistaken assumption others were covering trees
[7:36] obvious in hindsight that was xxxxx
CC: two ways of looking at it
one person with resp then one person leaves, lost corporate knowledge
we're moving so the entire org understands
not just Engg so not relying on any one person
impact on xxxx
all the issues wrt sustainability and envmt
not saying we're not going to hire, we're going to look at how best
TP: xxx here a policy in place?
RF: policy talks about encouraging measures to protect old-growth but cdn't find something that prohibits cutting of old growth in UL
{why wdn't someone not want to do it whether written instructions or not???
Hasn't the Dept Head the authority or prerogative to lead? in the best interests of the cmnty/envmt?}
CC: whose task will it be from today forward?
if everybody's job, nobody's job
{buck-passing; executive salute}
RF: as I'd mentioned, the protocol being suggested
any time a proj an interdeptal team: Planning, Parks, Engg
in Parks Dept there are forestry
{are you saying those forestry experts weren't used or asked?}
[7:38] if lack of resources we'll ensure -- hiring, supplementing
CC: is it your opinion insufficient resources at the moment?
RF: no, what I'm committing to is more coordination
{well, more notification but agree with CC, one person responsible, ie where the buck stops, identifiable and accountable}
CC: collectively? resp of a team, it's everybody else's
envtal mgr -- leave to you
a bit xxx
xxx didn't think of cutting old-growth
best to have one person buck stops at
Mayor: Mr McRadu want to comment?
CAO: two ways of looking at this
one of the challenges we had, had one person with the responsibility and when that person leaves, then you lose the corporate knowledge
{excuse me; don't think this is just a case of losing corporate knowledge. The head honcho for the envmt, the much praised Steve Jenkins, was NOT replaced. Isn't there some principle of good administration to have continuity? Best to train someone who can step in but if not possible, then fill the dang position asap -- but he's been gone for more than a year.
Need a boot to get in gear?}
where we are moving toward, and we may still have one person as sign-off; we're moving to is that the entire org understands the importance of what has happened
And to ensure the culture, not just of Engg but throughout the org understands this so that it's not relying on any one person
so the entire org can understand there's impact on the streams, impact, there are old trees, trees, all the other issues wrt sustainability and envmt
{er, um. Not enough staff have any awareness that building roads has an impact on streams? that there are old-growth trees on our mountainside? that few are cognizant of the cmnty's (and some cclrs') commitment to sustainability and the environment??? If we're hiring ppl who aren't aware of that, then the criteria has to be revised.}
That's the direction we're moving
not saying that we're going to stop short of hiring somebody, we still have that position that we're going to look at and we've been spending time looking at how best to fill that position.
TP: I think we all know we have a long history of valuing our heritage; any time we partner with the cmnty, we always do better
the success in many ways of WV is how we devp those relnships with our stewardship groups in making sure we keep those relationships strong
[7:41] this may be a little bit left-fieldish, my questions around 5 and 6, monitoring Black Crk ev two years
help me, still a little confused -- we're looking at taking out potentially about 24 more old-growth trees now been identified
I need to understand the biz case, the cost-benefit analysis, so I can say worth it -- I don't think I have a handle on that; that's where I'm struggling
you've done excellent job of pulling in the stewardship groups, know they appreciate
some outstanding concerns when I look at this list -- these trees
in going through the report, where is the biz plan and the biz case for going forward?
we're always asking for biz cases
know was done in 2002; know issues now with some instability in that pipe
not comfortable going forward and feeling assured further cutting of old-growth trees really deemed nec
Mayor: a question or?
TP: that's a question -- and I did ask for this with the public accounting
maybe asleep but not getting that sense of it
feel going a little bit on blind faith that the continued cutting of old-growth trees is valued in the long term; just don't have a good handle on that
[7:43] Sop: understand what Cclr Panz is talking about
don't have prob with biz case; I see it as two-fold; invested millions of dollars Eagle Lake and best water in nation -- 99% pure
great work done to date
diversion was to keep the level of the lake up; thought smart piece of engg
now today, trees cut down for road for future; piping; some longevity for pipeline may necessitate under road; cutting of trees set
what I want to see -- apart from Fung and Panz -- we take a legal position on entire lands
anything done in the future will have a v ironclad policy around it
any works come by way of Ccl
outline all the necessities so we have a clear concise picture so nobody will be touching any trees in UL
one more; never voted going above the 1200 Level -- shd ensure no devt
serious prob here; good work not enough maybe in envmtal perspective
maybe a few more recommendations Cclr Panz will be putting forth
that's all for now
MAB: also quite sorry about what happened and loss of old-growth trees
Qs re existing policies
know approved Pks Master Plan recently
not sure of status old-growth strategy conservancy policy within our framework
second question: is this something we shd be reviewing, approving, adopting so it has more formal status
RF: reason I mentioned the old-growth conservancy strategy for protection, although it isn't this area around Black Crk
think there are principles and intentions around that
application to protected triangle lands strongest
quality of ecosystem and pristineness of old growth, and lack of human disturbance
some of those cd be applied/considered to UL so feel staff shd consider sensitive those principles even though operating outside the triangle lands
NG: sev Qs
In your recoms, Mr Fung, we'd take some actions
clean up of the present site, removal of logs for slope remediation and continuation of construction
cd you pls explain slope remediation?
RF: after trees felled, situation today, present slope continues to be unstable
plan after trees felled, removing the logs, cutting in road, shaping the upper slope to make it more stable
[7:49] this second bullet suggests if we were to consider not proceeding at all, present unstable situation so wd need to go in to at least clear the logs and strip off some of that material so stable for another winter
NG: thank you; have a copy of the recoms Mr Barker has suggested; see there are 5
numbers 2, 4, and 5, integrated well into what you have proposed here
{hope one day things handed or points made can be put on the screen so we know what is being referred to
many teachers write on sheet and it's displayed.}
first that position of Envmt Mgr needs to be filled and to be independent from Engg, Parks, and Planning, and to report directly to CAO
our old Envmtal Mgr has been gone for a year now; cd someone tell us the status of that position b/c I wd also like to see that position be filled
I understand more complicated than that; it's been a year and this kind of thing starting to happen; makes it seem evident to me
{is "complicated" the Swiss Army Knife to getting Ccl's agreement???}
CAO: allow Anne Mooi to speak to it
AM: we're meeting tomorrow, been meeting over last two months; directors to look at gaps
{interesting b/c email sent to Fung immediately after this mtg resulted in an automated reply on holiday.}
having mtg tomorrow, make sure filling the gaps, and making recomms after that
NG: that's great; think we shd take recoms from stewardship groups seriously, that be independent
3rd re mapping and incorporating into District's GIS, plan to do that?
RF: in this on-table project update, the first bullet under the second recommendation is joint collaboration on UL study
will include further mapping for further biophysical data
some dates back ten years; further info will ensure included in District's GIS
NG: great
potential for further removal of trees in today's report
what I don't understand -- cut trees for road, now saying we need to cut a 23 or 24 more trees around this area to make it safe -- were they in the original plan?
b/c we wd hv had to stabilize it anyway
where are we supposed to end up
RF: the initial clearing plan was devpd from the prelim design of the access road and the plan to vary the water pipe
a result of this situation and as the result as being able to enlist services of prof forester, we've taken a look more closely at the remaining trees
even though beyond the initial cut slope, the root systems cd be compromised
even if outside, WorkSafe BC requires certain clearances from workers either doing construction and/or future maintenance; might need to take a closer look at those trees
[7:54] however, nine of those trees, the consultant is suggesting, depending on refinement and optimization of the design, we cd do some things locally
for example to steepen up the slope in the area, saving nine of the 23 or 24
that is the refinement and optimization we're committed to
ML: we're being asked tonight to receive for info the June 22 report although we have the July 6 report? are we changing motion to receive both?
sad reality is that an Eagle Lake reservoir and Black Creek diversion project to feed water in, the likelihood that a tree won't ever get chopped down in future is hard to accept
when we embark in any proj above 1200ft or within Conservancy area, have to clearly understand what really is likely to happen
built the pipeline wasn't going to last forever; clearly can't see how cd replace the pipeline without trees having to come down
begs whether we ever shd hv devpd both Eagle Lake and the Black Crk diversion
20/20 hindsight not that useful this evening
Clearly staff, cmnty, Ccl, have learned from this; we're all going to be better going forward as a result of that
wd be hesitant to embark on a whole range of recoms just received this evening, other than receipt of these reports; well thought-out
refer back to staff and come back in a final report, and ensure this situation not arise again
Mayor: This is a corporation of 900 employees; bottom line, mistakes are going to be made
heard from Mr Barker, v generous in his remarks
the key when make mistakes, learn from them
mistakes never made by one indiv, person, or dept; made by the org, collectively, all take ownership (as long as not done out of malice)
mistakes, live with them, must learn from them, not repeat, wch we've done in this case
This proj was part of a $30M proj approved ten yrs ago; our consultant recommended the work
slipped through the cracks, nobody on staff picked up on the fact this access road wd have the devastating consequences that it did
{[7:58] any accountability eg, planner, consultant, those who cd see the trees and note old-growth?}
want to salute Mr Fung, they stepped up, spent time answering Qs, full and factual explanation
salute how handled
unfortunate but happened and trying to deal with as best we can
look forward to motions
TP: I agree with you
one thing critical to do; in situation like this in order for it not to happen again, we have to have some strong recoms; and two I'd like to add b/c action has to come out of this
long list in front of me; but two important to me:
1 a moratorium on any change or disturbance to M-owned UL
IOW future engg projects, we're just not doing them until we go to the second recomm
2 staff recommend about how to legally protect our ULs, our M-owned
been on the books for a long time; we have to act; hope I have support of this Ccl
if I look at Policy UL 10, says consider preservation of M lands above the 1200ft elevation as public forest and limited recreational areas
I cd go on and on and on about decades of documentation pushing us to this; so, designating all or part of the public lands above the 1200ft elevation for inclusion in the green zone, and I'm not saying that
what I'm saying is what we own as a M shd be protected NOW
and I need to know from staff, and I'm asking staff, how are we going to do that; I'm not prepared to wait two years for UL recomms when we have something of this significance happen in the cmnty
we need to act; follow through what cmnty and public and public trust has been asking us way back since 1993
my recom wd be those two in lieu of No 2, wch is future engg projects b/c I can't be comfortable if I don't have an overriding policy that dictates how we work and how we protect our M-owned UL for its conservation and recreational value
those are the two key pieces
If we're doing infrastructure work in the UL, we have to make that fall under that value, that natural heritage, that public trust
for me; that's where I want to go with this; I don't want to be waiting any longer to have that recomm and that plan in front of me
Sop: I'll second those two motions
NG: can I hear them again?
TP: certainly {repeated}
ML: need to know, Mr Sokol, how this fits with the RGS
don't disagree philosophically with point Cclr Panz is making; knee-jerk reaction rather than a well-thought out plan
TP: that's what I'm asking for
Sokol: what's been tabled wd be completely consistent with the RGS
[conservation recreation]
shd this motion pass, wd be in line with that
imp to recognize -- not an UL study for Metro, doing RGS for WV, what's the right thing to do for WV
Mayor: to clarify, so Cclr Panz, your motion is in direct conflict with Mr Bardsley's, I think excellent remarks, not in best interests, of WV residents; not completing
TP: will happily clarify that
not comfortable with No 1, taking down more old-growth trees; looking at No 2, future projects
however dealing with this one up to this Ccl
re looking at future engg projects, want a moratorium until we have determined a path forward to protect our UL for their conservation and recreational values
[8:05] Mayor: so for motion to be clearer, a moratorium on any future projects in those areas until you receive a staff report on how be conserved
TP: I'd be happy with that
ML: cd we ask if there are any planned add'l projects that we shd be aware of?
Mayor: they cd be brought forward
ML: just curious
Mayor: Mr Fung, any other projects planned imminently?
RF: no
Mayor: Cclr Sop will you accept?
Sop: will with a comment
Mayor: we always expect that
Sop: going back 16 years; Ms Steig is in the audience here in the early days of the envmt fight when wanted sewer and water
hours and hours deliberation and walking through
when cyclists, mtn bikes, got in, havoc with trails; walked with staff and saw damage
we've always had a passion about our mountaintop; done studies, still no major protection anywhere
want to do this for WV, have major protection
we have a beautiful green top, wonderful trails; wildlife has to be protected period
if Ccrl Panz altering the motion for the future, will abide by that; think it is a good motion, shd be incorporated
if have chap from OGCS and WVSk and Mr Fung, we're moving in a pretty decent direction for WV
public shd be rest assured, we mean what we say and we'll do our due diligence
Mayor: Ms Scholes, you have?
SSch: was going to request clarification on the motion b/c in the July 6 report, there is a recomm that contains two sections; is the first section still being considered by Ccl?
[8:08] and then with Cclr Panz's two add'l recomms?
Mayor: think Cclr Panz's separate and apart
NG: motion that one of these reports received -- change to reports June 22 and July 6 rec'd for info; that's the first motion
second motion, the seven points in report today and strike word 'and' at very end
and third motion be what Cclr Panz has just suggested
Mayor: motions flying
{audience: 'commotion'}
NG: three sep motions
Mayor: what do you want to do?
TP: don't want to lose it, that's for sure; can withdraw it as long as we then put it back in
ML: suggestion recomms under pt 2 of July 6 disappear or augmented
stay? two more bullets added
NG: yes, part of our discussion
ML: no; at this point you're saying let's accept bullets under No 1but not having bullets under 2 any more?
NG: that's correct; wd be a sep motion
Mayor: have to have clear
ML: all three; have them laid out
Mayor: need to find a path through his maze; suggestions?
CC: why don't we just vote on Cclr P's and then motion in the report?
Mayor: where I was going but got off track; Ms Scholes doesn't have a motion
wanna repeat?
TP: well, we changed it around so, um
Mayor: any future projects, excluding the current one; moratorium placed on them--
TP: --any future engg projects and staff recommend how--
Mayor: --and staff bring back a further report, UL legally protected
Ms Scholes, enough information?
ML: perhaps you cd read it?
SSch: is Cclr Panz proposing her two recomms in place of at this time, section one and two of July 6?
TP: yes; then vote on that and go back
Mayor: pls read so we know what we're voting on
{[8:12] SSch did -- re moratorium... and and staff how to legally protect... }
replaced by Panz's revision on future until staff report xxx
Mayor: hear again
Ssch: moratorium
Mayor: no, revised one
SSch: sorry, moratorium until xxx staff report how to legally protect the Upper Lands
ML: that's it
Mayor: ev clear?
NG: instead of those areas, shd be more clear, say UL in the first part of that motion, or friendly amendment
CAO: are we talking about any M-owned lands above 1200ft? you're saying UL
TP: yes, can only dictate re M-owned, public lands
Mayor: then staff will bring back report
ML: Mr McRadu a good point: M, public lands, getting pretty generic
TP: No; our M-owned upper lands
Mayor: lack of focus here; can you slowly repeat, Ms Scholes
{[8:14] SSch reads it out}
MAB: kind of agreeing with Cclr Lewis; esp for the newer ccl mbrs
we actually have not had report on what is UL; just the terminology
Mayor: that's why staff report on that
MAB: just the terminology; so we know what we're voting on; wd like something more definitive/specific; above 1200ft mark?
{unbelievable anyone following WV municipal matters wd not know how controversial the 1200ft line is and that surveys had overwhelmingly resulted in not wanting to go above}
Mayor: thought it said above 1200ft
Sop: don't own from the 1200ft to 2K, we own above that, parkland owned by prov
ML: well, we own some of it, Bill
Sop: vast majority is land owned by BPP
Mayor: what we want to do is capture the intent of Cclr P's motion -- no more projects where we control until staff report comes back with how we protect those lands in perpetuity
that's the intent; ev clear on that? Call the question
MAB: move reports June 22 and July 6 be received for info
Mayor: thank you, Ccl
NG: now we have to go back to the recommendation from the report, don't we?
the seven bullets re completion of the project
Mayor: so even though reports rec'd; motion, Cclr G?
NG: no
ML: I'll make a recommendation; move seven recoms under bullet one of report July 6
in addn, as an adjunct to the previously passed motion that Ccl also adopt the recom put forth under bullet 2 of the same report
accepting staff's recomms augmented by motions by Panz/Sop
got the best of both worlds
TP: point of clarification
I'm struggling supporting No 1b/c haven't a comfort level about that but more than happy to support 2
wd you be--
ML: -- shd we call question in two parts?
TP: cd you do that? wd app it
NG: if in two parts, I'll wait to make my comments
Mayor: can I call the question on part 1?
NG: sorry, do have comments on Part 1
like Cclr Panz, uncomfortable in particular with third bullet wch talks about further removal of trees on the site
prob with knowingly now cutting down more old-growth trees
can't support that
know explanations wrt Workers' Compensation; I can't support that; has to be another way around it
Mayor: Cclr Sop, brief comment?
Sop: what do we do, don't build the road?
NG: yes, maybe
Sop: b/c we can't cut some trees down? turn it into an airstrip?
what do you want to do?
Mayor: okay--
Sop: --we're speaking long term
ask me; finish; staff have mentioned can possibly save nine more trees out of thea 22
aware of our major concerns; this is the best of two worlds
the big one is the second one that Cclr Panz put forward
Mayor: and we have the support of Mr Bardley and his group, that this work shd be done
I'll all the question. Part one
Mayor: part 2?
Now, Ms Scholes
SSch: clarification -- was there anyone opposed?
Mayor: two on Pt 1; no one on pt 2
NG: my only point was that at odds with first motion we passed, Cclr P passed; not sure how we can pass this motion but, but I won't go against it ... not feasible, possible
TP: want to clarify my motion is actually policy level and this isn't; so supporting the bigger policy piece going forward.
Mayor: am sure many anxious to move on.
7. Follow up to the Memorial Park Salmon Rearing Pond Project (File: 2160-03-MPAR1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Phase One be undertaken in 2012 to construct a salmon-rearing pond at Memorial Park, in collaboration with the WV Streamkeeper Society.
Mooi: funding in place; Barker [WVSk] and Banks [Parks] and McAllister [WVSk]
Mayor: app work Streamkeepers, exciting; like the way; xxx
Sop: funds hv bn raised
phase 2 appears will be more fundraising but if doesn't meet mark taxpayers will be?
but not what that will be
Barker: areas M can contribute, as in kind -- bridge, vegetation
we'd continue to fundraise for the second phase; District may be approached for contribution
Sop: in back part
Mayor: Cclr G have you a motion?
{NG made motion; seconded by Sop}
Mayor: motion carries unanimously
{many ogcs and wvsk mbrs left}
8. Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4727, 2012 and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4726, 2012 (located at 26th and Marine Drive) (File: 0510-04-2599-MAR and 1610-20-4726/4727)
{ah, yes. It happens to all of us -- but it's still hilarious. On page 8 of the report, the beginning of the staff recommendation under No. 10:
"Pubic response was mixed; however, the issue affects the owner of 2601 the greatest."}
Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4727, 2012 be read a first, second, and third time;
Council authorize staff to issue statutory notices of Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4727, 2012 and to set September 17, 2012 as the deadline for written and oral submissions;
Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4726, 2012 be read a first time; and
A Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, September 17, and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled Public Hearing.
Mayor: four mbrs of public want to speak but staff presentation first.
Sokol: KG our consultant and GR, our land and property agent will give presentation
[Karl Gustavson (architect) and Gordon Reid (DWV staff)]
GR: another example of how best to devp infill housing on unused lands and real concerns of nbrs
process used successfully on 2301 Ottawa [previous project] where house is being constructed now
tonight info culmination of detailed discussions with nbrs; will continue through PH process
purpose to create a sgl-fam lot and an adjacent trail
determining what is possible
modify proposal to address nbrhd character and create a marketable lot
[8:27] Since this proposed lot is not currently a devt lot , but a road-end, it was a reasonable assumption by nbrs that the site wd not be devpd
the proposed devt will not result in a value loss to nbrs according to the appraiser
{but quality loss? and they think so?}
in addn to generating capital for the cmnty will fund local improvements as well; offsite improving eg repaving and reducing the grade of the adjacent trail
details of the trail and other offsite devt in Appendix B of the report
if Ccl chooses to go forward, then expected $1.1 to 1.5M proceeds be put into Endowment Fund
PH Sept 17; changes can be made at any time up to the adoption of these bylaws; density or usage tonight
KG: thank you, Gordon, M&Ccl
explain the process and how we came to the plan; initial consultation with five nbring props
26th / decks / simulated roof line so no impact
2604 Haywood: views
this prop sold -- took photos SLIDES
Came to conclusion, basis of our current proposal, shd we go with the infill idea -- sgl storey bldg
biggest impact to owner of 2597 MDr
one-storey house conclusion, have in front of you today
two storeys to clerestory to one, today
envelope that wd work on prop
SLIDE of bldg envelope
decided as a group -- close to Dund close to bus stop
what we shd be doing
1625sf main floor plus garage; potential footprint for a home
setbacks protect that prop, points to trail access ----- down to bus stop
couple of bumps so option to decrease the slope of the trail; fix railing
east side of 26th parking? just felt best to increase access
on MDr, only thing odd, we're suggesting on the ground floor, walk out -- normal setback is 30ft but wanted to offer
taking out second storey; better for basement, felt reasonable
access to Bowens' prop, on W side
here's the Bowens' house, this is......
The Bowens have since put a parking pad; their concern is the loss of that parking
suggesting easement against prop -- maintain access while this house still in existence
losing parking stall; we felt compromise best in face of what's happening to rest of block
some concern of the potential size of the home
if a full basement in this home, wd be over 4Ksf
some devprs choose
look at this -- next to this line basement all exempt
can't really get a full basement here
we're assuming full basement will go in
looking at a 2500 to 3Ksf home here -- great demand; ppl looking for one storey; bedrooms on same floor
we're recommending support; some issues have come up; reasonable compromise for what's xxxx
Sop: what's the potential for request for a variance?
Sokol: cd be some, but up to Ccl to permit
Sop: what protection for the nbrhd?
advocating a one-level house with no guarantees in future
Sokol: if more ftg cd not be done without Ccl
MAB: where this proposal fits in to our overall plan? xxx
how was this one selected?
Sokol: staff ~ 2007 identified some props under-utilized; we've been chipping away at this list; this is around 3 or 4; xxx
[8:41] Mayor: Mr Ed Gibson
EG: 2596 Haywood; speak to the proposed closure
appreciate that Ccl made Gustavson and Reid available to nbrhd
believe the plan best that cd be achieved given the particulars of this lot
I speak for -- 2601 a heritage home built about 70 years ago, been preserved exactly as built; current owner wants to preserve it
unfortunately this road will severely affect the owner to maintain a residence on this xxxx
front on 26th
we all have front doors but imagine one day you found out the road in front has been sold to someone else
if restricted in this way, owner will have to xxx quite abominable
totally obscuring the views of the nbrhd
main: devastation if this prop has to be redevpd and in an unfavourable way if road taken away
the parking outside our blvd it was nice parking with down side; we kept blvd maintained and xxx
then next to Gardens; blvd re
one minute
Mayor: 30 seconds
EG: xxx park and ride, trailer xxx
don't deserve without proper zoning
Jenifer Bowen: [TEXT SUPPLIED]
Thank you, Your Worship the Mayor and councillors. My name is Jenifer Bowen. We own the property at 2601 Marine Drive and are very concerned about the rezoning of the 26th Street easement next door and especially the process involved. We have previously provided letters to Mr. Gordon Reid and ccd Karl Gustavson and Trish Panz who have listened to our concerns. Since we believe we should let all members of Council hear our concerns prior to the vote on closure of the easement we copied our letters to you on July 4th which we hope you have read. Since our letters we have met with Gordon Reid and Karl Gustavson who seem sympathetic to our concerns, however it appears the Planning Dept have other ideas. {8:46}
Mr Reid contacted us on July 5th stating he took our concerns back to Planning but they do not want to change their position. It appears that maximizing the size of the future lot to maximize cash sale to potential, non-occupying, developers who we all know build to the maximum area for maximum profit takes precedence over the long-term residents' community visions and expectations.
We also talked to our neighbours who suggested that perhaps we should be allowed to landscape the easement similar to the easement at the base of 27th and Bellevue Ave. This would alleviate all our concerns for access and views and would allow a more accessible friendly path to the handicapped, senior citizens, and Mums and strollers using it.
When we bought 2601, building permit drawings were already on file for a huge house with a 2204 sq. ft. basement. This below-grade area not included in the FAR is a well used hook to sell the bigger houses. The total sq. footage was 5,092 sq. ft. including garage. As you can understand, the neighbours were extremely grateful when we bought and said we were saving the existing home. We note that plan had the main entrance coming off the easement as the same location it is now. (Is there not a grandfather clause in law?) The existing house is 1785 sq ft., two bedrooms, and very comfortable for the family of four now renting. We believe it will be ideal for our retirement and will serve us for many many more yearswe wondered why the 27th St easement from Bellevue to the Beach could not have been sold as a very expensive beach lot. And were told that after taking off the footpath it would be too small a lot for the R.S. 4 zone. Why then is the 26th and Marine lot which too small for the R.S.4 zone o.k.?
Dr Ravighi and we wonder if we cannot have the same consideration as the two properties adjacent as the easement at 27th and Bellevue. That is, we contribute to the development of the path and parkway which retains our access to our properties and retains the views of all affected neighbours.
Dr Ravaghi: my mum and I own prop; totally oppose; xxx space
main reason for buying the prop last Oct; wanted to be closer
my mother [is] a recently retired physician and widow
over some xxx; never told this area wd be destroyed, otherwise we wd never have made this decision
access to water and Bellevue; against destruction of greenery
offer to help xxx our nbrs
26th of Haywood is a major xxx
MDr bus
dropping the ht of the house, our view from the bedrooms wd be blocked -- even a one-storey house wd block the view
seen too many bylaws and rules bent, broken in future
appreciate your xxx
Mayor: appreciate hearing your views
M Burgers: I'm representing my daughter and son-in-law not able to come
lived in another prop
have observed over the years the lanes well used b/c all the carports are in the back
our cul de sac wd be extremely crowded
secondly this whole area is lovely, ppl pay a lot of money
your Mr Reid proposes to sell the prop to $1.5M to EndFund -- like taking from Peter to pay Paul
others will lose the xxx
down the steps 27th to beach
reason ppl like to live in WV; don't want to make overcrowded
half of the house is half underground, otherwise you cdn't build a house on that prop
ppl going to be disappointed with result of design; definitely a variance
wd like so more value of lower floors
don't know why pursued or any other proposals; xxx why not, a park
put money together design something to xxx
don't have to give to Endmt Fund b/c nbrs willing to pay for it
ev little prop devpd to the max, we don't need to the max
Mayor: recom to take this to a PH
ML: read a first, second, and third time?
Mayor: seconder? read whole thing?
{ML did}
Mayor: xxx speak?
ML: think appropriate process to go to a PH; save my comments
TP: we have to take in what said tonight and give opp for others to come forward
Sop: been keeping a v open mind but query item one
dedicated bylaw getting a third reading
xxx first xxx already gone to third reading on dedication
Mayor: hasn't gone to fourth reading
{adoption, but not often}
Sokol: standard procedure; goes to paper
if Ccl wishes to change or xxxx; what xxx
Sop: all the info up to and including
Sokol: end of public closure and rezoning same night?
Sop: these ppl tonight can speak again
Mayor: you know the answer
Sop: maybe not
Mayor: yes
any comments tonight welcome to make that night
Motion is carried; resume Sept 17
9. AmblesideNow Expenditures for the year ended December 31, 2011 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report be received for information.
Nina: commence architectural design; delayed b/c went for public consultation process
M-owned land
further delayed to pursue 1300 and other M land
considerable underspent at $704K
$246K for admin
xxx for
$88K for feasibility and functional programming
happy to respond to any Qs
CC: shd the public read this report
looks like No F p2
potential sale of Gertrude Lawson House; presume not moving forward; I get Qs about that
Nina: correct
Sop: what are we going to do with the extra money?
Nina: currently working on budget, PSB
the funds are not necessarily extra, maintained in EFund until direction from Ccl
Sop: still have a rental agreement?
Nina: referring to AmbNOW ofc?
sublet space to Ch of Comm but currently maintaining space so public can answer Qs
Sop: how long?
Nina: xxx
10. June 2, 2012 Centennial Celebration Overview (File: 0142-01)
Video presentation to be provided. RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
Brent: briefly sunny day
contributions $540K -- PkR BPP etc
$540K celebration on budget on a v lovely day
song about WV and staff put it to 'images'
VIDEO with WV song
{great video clip; do watch, but oopsie re Dundarave pronunciation -- it doesn't rhyme with Dave, it's -ahve.}
little town by the sea
beautiful place to be, even when it's raining
Sop: cd we interject? have Coho Festval Prez Keith Fenton here
Coho wd like to do a two-day festival
wd have to come to Ccl
ask Mr Leigh if it's possible to have Keith Fenton to come up
Sokol: certainly, yes
everything Aug 3 to 12
Coho making their sp effort
Mayor: a bit unusual wandering off
KF: will make it quick
Mayor: always appreciated
KF: been here for 45 years
look forward
Society for 33 years: non-profit
[9:10] whole objective to bring salmon back to the streams
[raised] $700K
proud be participating with WV Streamkeepers
has been a one-day affair
if ever able to put a two day -- this year (centennial)
certainly hope help us pull it off, lots of volunteers
our salmon BBQ is our signature event
did a survey last year and found 40% came from WV, 47% NV, and 15% outside of the NSh, so becoming more than a WV event, more a NSh event
not here often but coming? [9:12]
Mayor: maybe better to come back at next mtg with a staff report
having a beer garden well rec'd by this Ccl
KF: we call it a Beach Bar
[9:11] CARRIED
Mayor: Mr Leigh, hope you pass on our thanks to staff, etc.
11. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4724, 2012 (File: 1610-20-4724)
SSch: this also includes the revised terms of Ref for Lower Caulfeild revised
12. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4721, 2012 (File: 1610-20-4721)
[no discussion]
13. Consent Agenda Items
NG moved; carried
13.1. Devt Permit Applic No. 11-071 (975-977 Keith Rd) (to set date for consideration) (File: 1010-20-11-071)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that the Devt Permit to allow for a duplex dwelling with zoning bylaw
variances to reduce certain yards and increase the highest building face envelope be considered on Mon, July 23
13.2. Appointment to Community Grants Committee (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Richard Loat be appointed for a two-year term, ending June 18, 2014.
13.3. Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) * (File: 0120-24)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to June 22, 2012 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) D. Derreth, June 11, 2012, regarding B.C. Hydro Work from Corner Bottom of Headland and Created Ditch North Side from Bottom Headland to End of Keith Cul de Sac 4800
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) J. Baird, undated, regarding Suggested future government assisted care facility in North Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) June 19, 2012, regarding Tax Assessment Flaw in Appeal System
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(4) 2 submissions dated June 15, 2012, regarding Oil Tankers in Burrard Inlet
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(5) P. Hundal, June 18, 2012, regarding Submissions on Parks Master Plan
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(6) A. Lepiarczyk, June 19, 2012, regarding Correspondence to West Vancouver Council regarding construction at Collingwood School (Morven Drive)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
(7) June 22, 2012, regarding Community Charging Infrastructure Fund for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(8) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Design Review Committee January 26 and May 24, 2012
(9) 2 submissions dated June 16-17, 2012, regarding Lower Caulfeild Heritage Conservation Area
(Previously received at June 18, 2012 Public Hearing)
(10) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), June 20, re UBCM Presentation to Expert Panel on Business Taxation
(11) June 14, 2012, regarding Housing Activists in West Vancouver Pete McMartin
(12) J. McKinney, June 19, 2012, regarding Mountain Biking in West Vancouver
(13) K. Higgs, June 17, re Citizens Group Looking to Buy Berlin Grid (to Integrate More Renewable Energy) Clean Technica
(14) City of North Vancouver, June 21, 2012, regarding Shark Fin Harvesting
> Council Correspondence Update to June 29, 2012 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) D. Jamieson, June 24, 2012, regarding Staff report to Council regarding Collingwood School (Morven Drive) Construction for June 25, 2012 Council Meeting
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
{This brings up some issues/questions that occurred to me. For example, though he asked what the difference was between the permitting process for CU9 and CD27, I'd hoped there'd be a fuller explanation of the difference between them. Then we cd see if the change was enough that the nbrhd shd hv been notified b/c it affected them so have an interest in the OCP/zoning proposed.}
(2) Kerrisdale Cameras Ltd., June 23, 2012, regarding a suggestion regarding the closure of Ambleside Safeway
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) Y. Melville, June 26, 2012, regarding Oil Tanker Traffic in Burrard Inlet
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(4) C. Crymble, June 20, 2012, regarding Development Site Ambleside Safeway Block 16th & Marine Drive
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
(5) R. Parsons and Dr. R. Didcott, June 18, 2012, regarding Traffic Safety 1200 Block Clyde Avenue
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Memorial Library May 16, 2012; Finance Committee April 30, 2012;
Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee January 19, 2012; Board of Variance May 16, 2012
(7) M. Taylor, June 26, 2012, regarding Proposed Motion to Support the Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana
(8) 2 submissions dated June 23 and 25, 2012, regarding Ambleside and Dundarave Parking
(9) Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), June 25, 2012, regarding Long term Infrastructure Plan Survey
(10) Hon. J. Yap, Minister of State for Multiculturalism, June 2012, regarding Provincial Nesika Awards 2012
(11) TLC The Land Conservancy of BC, June 26, 2012, regarding Canada Day Event Binning Residence Open House
(12) GranFondo Canada, June 21, 2012, regarding Proposal to Modify the RBC GranFondo Whistler
(13) Vancouver Coastal Health, June 20, re Report of the Medical Health Officer DWV 2011 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
(14) 2 submissions from Mayor D. Corrigan, City of Burnaby, dated June 6 and 21, 2012, regarding Kinder Morgan
Proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion and Protection of Fish Habitat in Waterways
> Council Correspondence Update to July 3, 2012 (up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
(15) Five Hole For Food, July 3, 2012, regarding Game on! Five Hole For Food 2012 Starts Today
Responses to Correspondence
(16) Director of Planning, July 3, 2012, response to J. Seddon regarding Ambleside Village Centre Streetscape Project
(17) Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, July 3, 2012, 5 responses regarding Oil Tanker Traffic in Burrard Inlet
{Ccl Correspondence to July 6 is now on the DWV website at:
SSch: six items of corresp pulled out
MAB: 14.1
reason brought forward; know this nbrhd has been following us closely
Clyde Ave such a small street
know Mr Sokol asked it be brought forward b/c want update and anything we can be done; a real hwy for a tiny street
Sokol: happy to report that with the Subdiv with Onni
asked xxx; for next steps
RF: staff has been working on this, Ev Dr, for sometime and now that $ secured
Engg will have to look at work plan
after summer break look at how best re nbrhd, traffic calming situation
Sop: this is the second time Mr xxx and cd have presented their concerns about traffic safety
are we looking at a long time of process when a lot of history on the street?
ramifications re 11th but do we anticipate with the money secured will get some action?
RF: if you go back to the $350K in first place
most were meant to be hard, traffic improvements; part was to devp the plan; believe a lot of things we can do
soon as plan devpd proceed with hard improvement
not take time with study; improvement on the ground
Sop: will that cover xxx?
RF: difficult to say, looking at the plan xxx
Mayor: Cclr Booth, satisfied?
CC: did you give a time frame for the xxx?
RF: impact on our present 2012 work plan, look to incorporate, in fall
CC: implement then?
?: how long take?
RF: as I said to Cclr Sop, don't want to spend lot of time on study
present to cmnty
CC: wd you be incorporating that study, include local residents?
RF: all about local nbrhd as to what traffic calming measures they'd like to see
Mayor 14.2 Kerrisdale
NG: pulled these next two
both letters referring to the Safeway site; ask our Planning Dept what the latest is on the Safeway site
Sokol: staff have moved with the prop owner
new grocery open by end of the year
moved rapidly; plans with staff; fit with staff's guidelines
hoping to have in front of DRC by end of month so in Ccl by Sept after end of break
then meet timeline by end of year
impact of closing on residents
imp of residents/srs going shopping; xxx
anybody interested can call in an order free delivery over $25
{saw this full-page ad on p2 of the NSN and put in my Headsup 14?## -- impressive; free delivery from HBay to Deep Cove}
making an attempt to serve popn of Amb
Sop: wd owners give up their parking for a few months so biz can park on that site?
Sokol: another we brought up
some reserved for construction but prop open to public
Sop: so won't get ticket or towed away
Sokol: can assure you Bylaw won't be ticketing on priv prop
xxx [9:25]
NG: letter re Gran Fondo
huge bicycle race Vanc to Whistler
they have written back; donation of $5K re signage
didn't say the date when the whole UL Hwy will be closed; wanted to mention to public
?: Sunday Sept 12 6am to 9:05am
NG: news release from fed govt offering out tax money back to us by offering cmnty infrastructure grants; wanted public to know
we're on top of that and
sorry; it's related to facilities, xxx sports in western Canada
we will be applying for funding
Mooi: J Lawson Pk playground; fits in with criteria so will be putting it in
Sop: wonderful but matching funds
Mooi: yes
Sop: but taxpayers going to get a boot at the end
just so, Mayor: not just tax money back, but debt to g'children
ML: giving us money and telling us where to spend it
NG: thank you for adding to that
at on the back
letter from Robert Paterson -- congratulate Dist in managing finances
v impressed with us, holding the line
felt we and our Finance Dept
we've underspent by $2.4M
[9:30] {yes, most agree much improved, however still some things to address.
See detailed commentary with another view in "from the Editor's Desk"}
Mayor: Andy Lepiarczyk; about the roundabout
AL: xxx Stevens Drive
a waste of money
Collingwood don't need
wd not happen
if in a democratic matter xxx; secrecy xxx; rules were bypassed
as early as June 9 Mayor was informed
scholarship of the scandal
to June 18 ccl mtg
excavation permit issued in rush; without Engg xxxxx
June 18 residents came here, construction was already under way
neither here nor at the site
eventually extracted it
Collingwood got more
xxx were totally disregarded
Ccl offered words of sympathy; not democratic, unethical
saw what I desperately escaped 30 years ago
Mayor: going to ask you to leave the microphone
not accept the language
AL: xxx you will not shut us up
Mayor: I timed it
Bruce McArthur: speak sooner than later
inform the public about this proposed study
when it might start and how long it might be
we've talked about it long enough
timeline xxx ; for starting
Sokol: staff intends to bring a report forward at the next ccl mtg
a WG wch wd start in fall
wd like to ensure Ccl and public; pulling all of our info together
our mapping info integrated into GIS as far as Black Creek
two components of this week
needs of Metro, RGS, bigger picture is what does DWV want to get out of this study?
next year or two and will be spelled out at next
Mayor: next mtg
your frog outfit!
Lorne Pilgrim: resident of Deep Dene Dr; adjacent; lived there since 1981
wish I cd share in the enthusiasm of a great day in WV
for the last several years our family has been involved in a debate on the C'wood proj
several promises by the management of that school
compensation group
promise after promise after promise has been broken
looked at a doc guaranteed by the school of [fewer] than 500 students
that document taken to the Supreme Court of BC and has failed
proposal by school granted by Engg
hidden during the Xmas period of 2010/11, has bypassed our cmnty grp
promise after promise of consultation been broken
have had to go to extraordinary extent with Engg to find out what's going on on the adjacent prop to ours
concerned not just for our prop but for cmnty at large
xxx really don't understand what is happening with this devt proj
some of this redevt has been put as redevt under a new devt proposal
under a new zoning act CD27
wd those 500 students enjoy the bldg undertaken now
new pkg lost underground two storeys
wd it go through under previous proposal?
before Ccl made a change?
Sokol: xxx
Mayor: Mr Leigh is working with a group, nbrs; wd you like to meet?
BL: yes
don't think that wd meet with the direct q
xxx; perhaps address that in front of Ccl
Mayor: gentleman entitled to an answer
Sokol: can do it in writing; in doc xxx two mtgs ago
Mayor: xxx
Sokol: changes, part of the rewrite; was over 40 years old
not substantial between 9 and CD27; all wd have gone forward as it is now
LP: wd a two-level pkg lot be permitted?
Sokol: problem, cobbled together over 40 years
when read together, yes
some of those parts were contradictory
xxx; interpretations
if there are specific sections of the bylaw
happy to do that
LP: are you aware ... dated 2007 ... [enrolment] cap at 497?
any days past {over} that they wd pay a penalty of $1K per day?
Sokol: aware of covenant xxx that stated they wd limit to 600 up until their other campus was remodelled K through 8, then reduces to 495 students
note that Chairlift is not 8 it's K through 6
maybe that's not xxx
{I asked questions later and was told that the restriction to limit of students did not mention dependent on Collingwood's Wentworth campus grades}
LP: are you prepared to xxx
{think he said look into or enforce that}
Mayor: xxx; all concerned with what's happening out there
asked xxx [Brent Leigh?] to spearhead, address
wd suggest Mr L and Sokol meet with you
raised some v good questions; Ccl interested hearing
LP: meet xxx; Engg; number of Qs not answered
encourage -- consult with us, cmnty nbrhd; partners
what's going on; come together with us
so you do not listen to ppl over the xxx?, lost their patience with Ccl and process
Mayor: that's why we've asked Mr L
ev to xxx; lack of enjoyment of your homes
need to meet off-line not 10 o'clock at night
LP: but w've been living with this ev day for over five years
Sop: area residents and ourselves; hope that group wd advise Mr Leigh
other than speaking to him
[9:47] get this areas of concern
some benefit out of this
if you cd organize folks
by organizing
if anger is there, anger is there
go a long way, what's happened, has happened
go along and resolve the
LP?: many of the promises, broken by the school
Sop: we promised we'd have process in place
LP: we're prepared to live with whatever process; docs in place, and have guarantees and they're not being observed
Mayor: Ccl asked Mr Leigh
xxx; we're very concerned with what's going on up there
role xxx; that's why we called on Mr Leigh
LP: first the excavation permit; it's coming up at the next mtg
16. ADJOURNMENT [9:49]
= = = MONDAY JULY 23 AGENDAS = = =
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT ..... 90. (1) A part of a ccl mtg may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or
agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be
expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages
and that, in the view of the ccl, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: committee application, labour relations, proposed provision of a municipal service, and land matters.
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order of Open Session
{Amended at the July 23 ccl mtg:
adding to Item 15, report regarding Upper Lands Study;
moving Items 10, 12, 13, 15 to 19, and 21 to the Consent Agenda;
adding Item 22.15}
3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES -- the July 9, 2012 special and regular Council Meeting Minutes
4. Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association regarding Survey Results Proposed 1300 Block Redevelopment
RECOMMENDED: ... be received for information, with thanks
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
6. Development Permit Application No. 11-071 (975-977 Keith Road) (File: 1010-20-11-071)
At the July 9 regular mtg, Ccl received the report dated July 2 re the DPA and set the date for consideration for July 23. No other reports and no written submissions have been received to date (July 19).
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report: RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council
RECOMMENDED: THAT the DPA, wch wd allow for a duplex dwelling with zoning bylaw variances to reduce certain yards and increase the highest building face envelope, be approved.
7. Boulevard Encroachment Permit No. 12-013 (825 Farmleigh Road) (File: 1010-20-12-013)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Boulevard Encroachment to allow:
1. a driveway gate constructed in the boulevard be denied; and
2. 2.16m pedestrian gate posts inclusive of lights, constructed within the boulevard, be approved.
8. Ambleside and Dundarave Parking (File: 1800-01)
1. Staff establish two [fifteen-minute] parking spaces on each MDr block face in Amb & Dund to provide for more turnover of parking and allow for availability of parking for quick visits to businesses; and
2. The District request that the Ch of Comm and the Amb and Dund Biz Assns work with biz owners to better promote rear parking to their customers and to discourage the use of on-street parking by employees.
9. Wireless Communication Facilities Policy Modernization (File: 2515-05)
1. The draft Policy, dated July 13, and attached as Appendix B to the July 16 report be made available for cmnty review
and comment through September 30, 2012;
2. Staff be directed to process current applications for wireless communication facilities generally in accordance with the
policy direction and processes expressed in the draft Policy dated July 13, 2012;
3. Following the cmnty review period, staff report back to Ccl on the results of this process and propose revisions to the
draft policy as appropriate; and
4. Staff be directed to continue ongoing dialogue with CNV and DNV on this and related issues.
10. [30-Year] Foreshore Head Lease between the District of West Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia Alternative Approval Process (File: 1640-01/1147-01)
WHEREAS the District has resolved to lease from the Prov of BC for a term of 30 years commencing on or about July 2, 2014 (the Lease) the WV foreshore;
AND WHEREAS the District under the Lease will incur certain obligations and liabilities that may require the assent of the electors;
NOW THEREFORE Council resolves as follows:
1. An Alternative Approval Process be provided in relation to the Lease and a Notice of Alternative Approval Process be provided in relation to the Lease as summarized in Appendix A;
2. Elector responses shall be in the form set out in Appendix B to the staff report to Council dated July 16, 2012;
3. The deadline for the submission of elector response forms shall be 4:00 p.m. on November 1, 2012 (the Deadline);
4. The MClk is authorized to prepare and publish a Notice of Alternative Approval Process, which notice must be published once each week for two consecutive weeks with the second notice publication being at least 30
days before the Deadline;
5. A fair determination of the total number of eligible electors of the District of West Vancouver is 31,732; and
6. Subject to the outcome of the Alternative Approval Process in relation to the Lease, the Mayor and MClk are authorized to sign the New Lease as attached as Appendix C to the staff report to Council dated July 16, 2012.
11. Kinder Morgan Proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (File: 0332-01)
1. West Vancouver recognizes that:
o Oil exploration, development, and export is in the National interest;
o The current Kinder Morgan operation is essential to regional interests;
o The proposed Kinder Morgan expansion is principally an export strategy that will result in a fivefold increase of tanker traffic past, and at anchor off, West Vancouver shoreline;
o West Van, through its Foreshore Head Lease, has stewarded its pristine marine envmt for over 30 years; and
o Kinder Morgan is, as noted in their July 11, 2012 letter to M&Ccl, committed to undertake a full technical, envmntal, and public engagement program with the facilities application scheduled for late 2013;
NOW THEREFORE Council resolves as follows:
1. Kinder Morgan be obligated to:
o demonstrate the mitigating measures in place for any oil spill that would reach WV shores or marine life;
o indemnify WV for the amount equal to the projected clean-up of a worst case oil spill, should the National Energy Board approve this strategy;
o identify the impacts of increased ship size and numbers in relation compromise to foreshore protection efforts arising from ship wash;
o identify how increased ship passing, and in waiting, by West Vancouver shore line will mitigate the discharge of grey water, and heavy diesel particulate.
2. West Vancouvers MP and MLAs be encouraged to ensure a provincial strategy is developed before any oil exportation operation of this magnitude is proposed for any export outlet in British Columbia;
3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mayor write to the Prime Minister, the Premier, the Federal and Provincial Ministers of the Environment, the National Energy Board, and the President of Kinder Morgan expressing West Vancouvers opposition to any increase in oil tanker traffic through the Port of Vancouver; and
4. This report be shared with Metro Ms and that staff continue to monitor and report on the public review and regulatory approval process being advanced by Kinder Morgan for the proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
12. West Vancouver Ice Arena Review of Ice Allocation (File: 3050-01)
1. THAT the report titled West Vancouver Ice Arena Review of Ice Allocation be received for information; and
2. that Council be advised that Staff will develop an Ice Arena Ice Allocation Policy, with community consultation, for the 2014/2015 ice season; and
3. that District staff will commence a review of the future feasibility of building a second sheet of ice in the District.
13. Centennial Celebration: Coho Society Festival [2-Day] Event (File: 3080-07)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Ccl support the Coho Society Festival to be expanded to a [two-day] event, from Sept 8 to 9,
wch includes beer garden service on both days.
14. Ambleside and Ambleside Waterfront Plan Consultation and Implementation (File: 2195-01)
1. The report from the Dir/Planning, dated July 10, 2012, be received for information.
2. Waterfront Guiding Principles -- The Waterfront Guiding Principles be endorsed.
3. Ambleside Waterfront Plan
The draft Ambleside Waterfront Plan, in diagram format, be endorsed in principle and that Staff report back on any modifications after consultation with the community.
4. Ambleside Engagement Opportunities
The District commence public consultation in Fall 2012, to be based upon a consultation strategy to be considered by Ccl in Sept, on the Waterfront Plan and potential implementation strategies and projects for the Waterfront and Ambleside.
5. 2012 Implementation Initiatives Phase 1
The District proceed with implementation of the following programs and projects:
i The preparation of a Request for Proposals for a restaurant to be located on 1472 and 1468 Argyle and be considered by Council at the September 17, 2012 meeting;
ii The construction of the deck at 1756 Argyle and completion of the landscaping at the site this summer;
iii The installation of free, public Wi-Fi in John Lawson Park;
iv The completion of an inspection of Godfrey`s House (1528 Argyle Avenue) to determine structural integrity;
v The commencement of meetings and discussions with the Hollyburn Sailing Club regarding the future use of the site as a sailing club with enhanced public waterfront access;
vi The closure of a portion of Argyle Ave for the entirety of the Harmony Arts Festival from August 3 to 12, 2012;
vii The expanded use of food and beverage providers throughout the [ten-day] Harmony Arts Festival and the commencement of an RFP process for food providers (including food carts) throughout the 2013 season;
viii The relocation of the Ambleside Farmers Market to 14th St between MDr and Bellevue Ave on a trial basis in September 2012; and
ix Engagement of the Ch of Comm and the Ambleside Biz Assn and determine locns to allow sidewalk dining.
15. Upper Lands Study (File: 2570-01) Information to be provided.
Upper Lands Study (File: 2570-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated July 10 from the Dir/Planning be received for info.}
16. Addition of 6985 Isleview Rd and 985 Duchess Ave to WV Cmnty Heritage Register (File: 2585-03-04)
RECOMMENDED: be added to the WV Cmnty Heritage Register, pursuant to Section 954 of the Local Government Act
17. Valley Traffic Systems Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw (File: 1785-10)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Ccl approve the request for ~15 days during the months of Aug through Oct to permit completion of work associated with the MDr Intersection and Overpass Demolition Proj on behalf of Park Royal.
18. Onni Taylor Way (Evelyn Drive) Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw (File: 1610-20-4404)
THAT Council approve the request from Onni Taylor Way Properties Ltd. (Evelyn Drive) for an Order on Non-Enforcement Enforcement of the Noise Control Bylaw No. 4404, 2005 Section 6.1.2 (a) from August 16, 2012 to September 5, 2012 to allow for nighttime construction between the hours of 8:00pm and 7:30am. No work is permitted on the following dates and times: Sundays August 19, 26 and September 2, Monday September 3 (Labour Day), or after 5:00pm on Saturdays August 18, 25 and September 1, 2012.
19. Reallocation of Project Budgets within the 2012 Infrastructure Capital Program (File: 1795-20/03)
1. THAT the report dated July 11, 2012, from the Business Manager, Engineering & Transportation entitled, Reallocation of Project Budgets within the 2012 Infrastructure Capital Program be received for information;
2. THAT $100,000 dollars of infrastructure capital funding be reallocated from the Annual Road Rehabilitation Program to the Sandy Cove Bridge Rehabilitation Project.
20. Public Safety Building (File: 0500-01)
THAT the District take the next step in the Public Safety Building planning process which began in 2010, by issuing a Request for Proposals for an architect and project manager for the Public Safety Building project, based on the following approved project parameters: post-disaster seismic standard; Municipal Hall site; co-location of Police and Fire & Rescue Services; space estimate of 57,600 gross square feet; and target budget of $36 million.
21. Federal Govt cancellation of Joint Emergency Preparedness Program Funding (File: 0180-16)
THAT Council send a letter urging the Govt of Canada to fully restore annual Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) funding to 2009 levels for emergency preparedness and to ensure that there is continued, ongoing effective JEPP funding to build capacity and capability to meet emergencies of all types in Canada.
22. Consent Agenda Items
22.1 West Vancouver Family Place Program (File: 1242-20/21)
THAT the report dated June 28, 2012, from the Director of Parks and Community Services titled West Vancouver Family Place Program, which includes confirmation that there will be no changes current operations, be received for information.
22.2 Development Permit No. 12-026/027 Cluster housing at 2758 and 2773 Highview Place (Rodgers Creek Area 2, Lots 9 and 10) (File: 1010-20-12-026/027)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that the Devt Permit Applic, wch wd regulate the form and character of proposed cluster housing, will be considered at the mtg of Ccl on Sept 10.
22.3 Development Variance Permit No. 11-061 (1116 Millstream Road) (File: 1010-20-11-061)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that the DVP Applic to allow construction of a new house with variances for height and number of storeys and driveway retaining walls with a height variance, will be considered by Ccl at its meeting on September 10
22.4 Development Application Status report to July 13, 2012 (File: 1010-01) -- received for information.
22.5 Correspondence List (see link on electronic agenda) (File: 0120-24) -- received for information.
+ Council Correspondence Update to July 6, 2012 (up to 12:00 Noon) +
Referred for Action
(1) EcoUrbia Network, July 4, 2012, regarding EcoUrbia network: Request for Delegation to Council, July 23, 2012
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(2) S. Farkas, July 5, 2012, regarding Truck on site after hours [Collingwood] school site
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) K. Bunting, June 28, 2012, regarding old growth trees
(Referred to Deputy CAO and Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(4) S. Slater, July 3, 2012, regarding Advice to council re: lease or sell
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(5) M. Ravaghi, July 5, 2012, regarding 26th Street and Marine Drive
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(6) 3 Submissions from T. and J. Bowen dated July 4, 2012, regarding 26th Street and Marine Drive Easement
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(7) S. Sun, June 28, re URGENT!!! request to add CROSSWALK on NORTH TAYLOR & STEVENS AVE TRAFFIC
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(8) Y. Wagner, June 28, 2012, regarding Eagleridge Drive Landscape Green Space: Eagleridge Turnoff Exit 2 (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(9) West Van Matters, July 3, 2012, regarding Camelot Subdivision (Union aka Skilift)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(10) West Van Matters, July 3, 2012, regarding Policy/Consistency (PQP June 25 2012)
{but starts with three questions, so will they be answered if only rec'd for info???}
(11) Govt of Canada, July 5, 2012, regarding Harper Government Takes Action to Improve Community Facilities in BC
(12) K. Higgs, July 6, 2012, regarding Community Wind Arrives Stateside | Renewable Energy World Magazine Article
(13) R. Paterson, June 29, 2012, regarding Well Done DWV!
(14) 3 submissions dated July 1 3, 2012, regarding Oil Tanker Traffic in Burrard Inlet
(15) L. Noble, July 3, 2012, regarding Black Creek
+ Council Correspondence Update to July 13, 2012 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) K. Higgs, July 11, 2012, regarding Noxious weeds.....bolevards.....
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) C. Wagner, July 8, 2012, regarding Parking Changes
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) B. Burgers, July 6, 2012, regarding 26th Street and Marine Drive a note from Bobbie Burgers (Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) July 11, 2012, regarding Conditions are perfect here in BC for an outbreak of West Nile Virus
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
(5) Takeoffnow.com Cruise and Travel, undated, regarding Ambleside Parking
(Referred to Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) J. Burnett, July 11, 2012, regarding park royal boulevard
(7) City of Vancouver, July 11, 2012, regarding City of Vancouver resolution Provincial Recycling Regulation
(8) North Shore Disability Resource Centre, 2 submissions dated July 10 and 11, 2012, re NSh TaxiSavers Forum
(9) Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development, June 29, re Strategic Community Investment Fund Letter
(10) E-Comm 911, July 4, 2012, regarding Annual Report to the Community
(Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services Department)
(11) Kinder-Morgan Canada, July 11, 2012, regarding Proposed Trans Mountain Expansion Project Update (Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services Department)
(12) West Van Matters, 4 submissions dated July 6, 2012, regarding Policy/Consistency (PQP June 25) and Questions re Correspondence Procedures Re: Camelot Subdivision (Union aka Skilift) (Correspondence Procedures)
(13) Community Energy Association, May 2012, regarding Community Energy Association publications
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Dir/Planning, July 11, re regarding Community Charging Infrastructure Fund for Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations
(15) Dir/Planning, July 11, response to J. Baird re Suggested Future Govt Assisted Care Facility in NV
(16) Director of Parks and Community Services, July 9, 2012, response to E. Munday regarding Beach Garbage
(17) Dir/Planning, July 9, response to C. Crymble regarding Devt Site Ambleside Safeway Block, 16th and Marine Dr
(18) Dir/Planning, July 9, response to Kerrisdale Cameras re A Suggestion re the Closure of Ambleside Safeway
(19) Community Recreation Manager, July 9, 2012, response regarding Gleneagles Community Centre Spin Pass
(20) Mgr, Bylaw/Licensing Services, July 12, response to S. Farkas re Truck on Site after hours Collingwood School Site
+ Council Correspondence Update to July 17, 2012 (up to 4:30 pm) +
Received for Information
(1) NSh Advisory Cmte on Disability Issues, June 28, 2012, re Translink Board Decision to Cancel TaxiSaver Program
Responses to Correspondence
(2) Engineering Outreach Coordinator, July 17, 2012, response regarding green can
(3) Sr Mgr of Parks, July 16, response to E. Lee re Emailing: 2012 Foot of 26th St. West Van 001, 2012 Foot of 26th St. West Van 003
(4) Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits, July 12, response to T. and J. Bowen re 26th St and Marine Dr Easement
(5) Director of Planning, Lands, and Permits, July 12, response to M. Ravaghi regarding 26th Street and Marine Drive
(6) Director of Planning, July 12, response to West Van Matters re Camelot Subdivision (Union aka Skilift)
(7) Director of Planning, July 12, response to S. Slater re Advice to Council RE: Lease or Sell
14 letters
=== ANIMALWATCH === (rare) Ribbon Seal
Jack Cooley of Squamish Streamkeepers forwarded this that he had received:
Sent (to Jack): Monday, July 09, 2012 5:04 PM
Here is the latest video offering -- Ribbon Seal Video http://youtu.be/QO8osHlLzh0
We had a rare Ribbon Seal visit Squamish on Sunday. This seal is normally found in the Arctic waters of Alaska and Russia. This individual, Tag # B310, was first spotted in Seattle in January then in Steveston in June and then on Sunday, Wally Fletcher, one of the people doing the monthly bird count, spotted the seal on a wharf in Cattermole Slough near the Brew Pub.
=== INFObits === Four Olympian athletes without a country
Why are there four Olympic athletes with no country?
Theres four athletes competing under the Olympic flag, with no country to represent. Heres how that came about.
YOU will notice in the Opening Ceremony at the 2012 Olympic Games that there are four athletes participating in this years games without a country.
=== CPTWATCH === Palestine
CPT Palestine announces the launch of the "CPT Palestine in theNews <http://www.cpt.org/work/palestine/CPTinthenews>
The minorities rule: Alawites (Shia sect), Christians, Druze -- and they form 40%.
Saudi Arabia is Sunni and is funding the rebels who are also helped by AlQaeda.
Aleppo is the most powerful city.
=== BLIGHTYWATCH === Olympics prep: UK national anthem and Minis
All stand please for the MINI horn section
Published on Jul 3, 2012 by MINIUnitedKingdom
Fresh from recording all 205 National Anthems to be played at this summer's games, the London Philharmonic Orchestra has teamed up with MINI for one more performance. All stand please for conductor Gareth Newman and the London 2012 Limited Edition MINI's unique tribute to Team GB.
With just 2,012 made, you can test drive a genuine piece of history by clicking here.
=== WORDWATCH === Abecedarian Insult
Sir, you are an apogenous, bovaristic, coprolalial, dasypygal, excerebrose, facinorous, gnathonic, hircine, ithyphallic, jumentous, kyphotic, labrose, mephitic, napiform, oligophrenial, papuliferous, quisquilian, rebarbative, saponaceous, thersitical, unguinous, ventripotent, wlatsome, xylocephalous, yirning zoophyte.
-- from The Superior Persons Book of Words, by Peter Bowler, 1985.
Celebrating a TLC Legend: Bill Turner
http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/ and http://www.heritagebc.ca/tag/featured-articles
The Heritage BC Annual General Meeting will take place at 4:30pm, October 19, at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts
The Nominations Cmte is seeking nominations to fill two positions on the Bd of Directors that will be vacant as of the 2012 AGM.
The Board consists of eight directors who develop policy and oversee the direction and finances of the society. The Committee seeks to maintain a broad range of skills and interests on the Board, and representation from as many regions of the province as possible.
Directors are elected for a two-year term and may serve up to three consecutive terms. Directors are required to attend four board meetings a year, one of which is held in conjunction with the Annual Conference. The time commitment for meetings, including travel, is a maximum of ten days a year. Some further time commitments may be required for committee work. Directors receive no remuneration, but all authorized expenses are reimbursable.
This Call for Nominations is being circulated to all voting members (Group and Individual) by post and email.
Current Board of Directors
Eric Pattison, New Westminster Don Luxton, Vancouver
Larry Foster, Kelowna Zlatan Jankovic, Vancouver
Helen Edwards, Heritage Canada Shirley Gratton, Prince George
Bjorn Simonsen, Victoria Helen Cain, Victoria
The 2012 Election Schedule:
July 6 Call for Nominations sent to members
August 20 Nominations closed - last day for receipt of nominations
August 30 Ballots mailed to all voting members (if voting required)
October 15 Voting closed - last day for receipt of ballots
October 19 Election results announced at the Annual General Meeting
How to Nominate (Deadline August 20):
Nominees must be either a member of a Heritage BC Group Member, or a Heritage BC Individual Member with at least one years standing. Nominations may be made by any voting member (Group or Individual) but Individual Member nominations must be sponsored by four additional Individual Members.
Questions? About nominations: Membership status:
Rick Goodacre, Executive Director Jan Thomas
250 384 4840 604 582-1332
rgoodacre@heritagebc.ca jthomas@heritagebc.ca
Larry Foster, Chair, Nominations Committee
Mark your calendars for RoyalTea-by-the-Sea from 2 to 4pm on Saturday August 18, celebrating the Jubilee year! as well as our centennial.
Better still, call 922 4400 to get involved! See heritage.westvan.org or: RoyalTeabytheSea.westvan.org and royaltea.ca
Heritage values are the aesthetic, historic, social, cultural, spiritual, and scientific (and other as appropriate) values of a place for past, present, and future generations.
BC recognizes five categories:
palaeontological, archaeological, historical/cultural, architectural, scenic (landscape/envmt)
Read the bulletin from our website: www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletin/bulletin_20120608.html
> Walking tour: Delamont - Kitsilano's Oldest City Block of Houses
Sunday July 29 | 10am to 12pm
Tourguide: Bruce Macdonald -- $10 Heritage Vancouver members; $15 non-memberThe tour will start and end in the small park at the northeast corner of Arbutus and 7th Avenue
Join local historian Bruce Macdonald for a fascinating exploration of Kitsilano's unique Delamont Park neighbourhood. Kitsilano officially began in 1905, the year the community was named, streetcar service was extended from downtown to Kitsilano Beach, and home-building began in earnest.
Amazingly, amongst the blocks and blocks of apartment buildings in east Kitsilano is a small group of houses surviving from those earliest years and before. In the same way the Park Board accidentally saved the heritage houses of Mole Hill and the pioneer homes below the towers surrounding the West End's Barclay Heritage Square Park, it has now accidentally preserved Victorian homes dating from 1901 in Kitsilano's Delamont Park area.
Come and explore unique homes from Kitsilano's pioneer years, with Bruce Macdonald, the man who wrote the heritage report on Delamont for the Park Board. See tour info on our website >
Tix: Delamont - Kits' oldest houses ($15/$10):
On-line: > Purchase using Eventbrite (Paypal account not required). Print your receipt and bring to the event.
Cheque: made out to Heritage Vancouver Society and mailed to: Heritage Vancouver, PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3Y3. Please let us know if you've mailed a cheque at events@heritagevancouver.org.
> Walking Tour: A planning tour of Vancouver's West End
Saturday August 11 -- 10am to noon
Tourguide: Gordon Price; Tix: $10 mbrs; $15 non-mbrs; Full info + Tix via Eventbrite
> Walking Tour: Hippie Kitsilano the '60s and '70s
Sunday August 19 -- 10am to noon
Tourguide: Michael Kluckner; Tix: $10 mbrs; $15 non-mbrs; Full info + Tickets via Eventbrite
Thank you for your support!
Make a tax-deductible donation
Join Us! Become a member of Heritage Vancouver Society
E-bulletin sign-up to receive event listings, alerts, and heritage info
All upcoming events: www.heritagevancouver.org
Walking Tours: -- Beginning in April: Fridays noon - 1:30pm & Saturdays 10am - noon, $12 incl. hst
Join tour guides John Atkin and Maurice Guibord as they take you on fascinating and fun journeys through historic areas of Vancouver. Tour details are now up on the website!
> Burrard Street Walking tour
noon to 1:30pm July 27; highlights many different building styles on the Burrard Street Corridor
> The 54th & Vivian tour on Saturday August 4 only has a few spots left. But don't despair, visit our website to book ahead for other VHF tours coming up
> Art Deco, Friday August 10, noon-1.30pm, w/ Maurice Guibord
Meet NE corner of Burrard & Georgia Streets, rain or shine.
+ FOR MORE INFO AND TO REGISTER http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/projects/walkingtours.html
EVEN MORE INFO -- http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/wall.html
At the Vancouver Heritage Foundation we LOVE heritage buildings, and we want to share this love with you! This is an opportunity for you not only to see heritage through the lens of your camera, but also to experience it if you win the grand prize!! Take a picture of your favourite heritage building in Vancouver and upload it to the contest for voting. The photo with the most votes will win 1st prize: a night for two at the Manor Guest House in Mt Pleasant!
Contest closes July 21, and voting closes July 28! Get snapping!!
Find the contest at Facebook.com/TheVancouverHeritageFoundation
Places That Matter is a plaque project celebrating the 125th anniversary of the incorporation of the city.
The VHF asked for the publics help to identify and mark 125 sites commemorating people, places, and
events that have shaped the city.
List in last issue and see http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/projects/placesthatmatter.html
~~~ MAIKU ~~~ 2012 July 7 (early evening driving up Howe Sound)
round molten sun burns
through veil of grey haze
its golden path on the sea
=== SALMAGUNDI === music, bandits, life's a cup of coffee
music Play ball! Play Bach! Do both!
From: "Lxxxxx Don't you just hate it when a wooden ball can play Bach better than you .... LOL
+ 'Chip bandits' crime story goes viral
CTVNews.ca Staff Last Updated Tuesday, Jul. 10, 2012 5:41PM EDT
A news report about two university students accused of drunkenly stealing a bag of Zeller's brand chips from an open garage in Saanich, B.C., has gone viral nearly a month after it first aired.
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/chip-bandits-crime-story-goes-viral-1.873486#ixzz20IrtI7zZ
Watch the policeman's expression talking about this chip caper -- a first chip offence
+ Life's like coffee?
two comments:
Shirley McCullough Morganti · Santa Maria High
I have some really nice cups and saucers, but I also have about 20 mugs. One day, I decided I had way too many mugs, and so decided to make room in my cupboard. I pulled out the first one-Oh, no, It's a "Grandmother" cup from my youngest grandson-keeper-Next one, My daughter-in-law brought it back from Ireland, it says "herself"-keeper- next one, it has hearts and says "I Love My Mom" from a son-keeper- next try- another son bought for me at Brians Head in Utah-keeper- and so it went. Each mug had something to say about how the giver felt about this mom, wife, grandmother, friend. There were only 2 mugs that I had purchased myself. Granted, the coffee tastes the same, no matter which cup, but each time I use a different one, I think of the loved one that gave me that mug, and I get a very warm feeling in my heart.
Reply · 98 · · June 21 at 7:25pm
Donna Duffy Mattis · Works at Children's Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota
I also am a coffee-lover and have a large mug collection. My plan is for my family to to display them at my wake and invite my friends to take one that also means something to them; maybe they were with me or an event or concert when I got it, maybe they gave it to me etc. They will have a souvenir from my life and my family will not have to dispose of them. I do not anticipate that this will be soon but it gives me pleasure to think about this.
Reply · 20 · · June 28 at 11:28am
= Questions / quotations / thoughts / punS / jokes =
~ What does a farmer use to count his cattle?
~ What sickness does a martial artist have?
~ How many existentialists does it take to change a lightbulb?
It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.
-- Eugene Joseph McCarthy, US politician (1916 - 2005)
Ignorance is the greatest source of happiness.
-- Giacomo Leopardi, Italian poet, essayist, philosopher, and philologist (1798 1837)
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian. -- Dennis Wholey, American author and TV producer (b 1939)
We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friend -- Pierre Corneille, French playwright (1606 - 1684)
People commonly educate their children as they build their houses, according to some plan they think beautiful, without considering whether it is suited to the purposes for which they are designed.
-- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, English writer (1689 - 1762)
As a poet there is only one political duty, and that is to defend one's language against corruption. When it is corrupted, people lose faith in what they hear and this leads to violence.
-- W H Auden, English poet (1907 - 1973)
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
-- Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist and philosopher (1828 - 1910)
The quotation from Tolstoy ("Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.") evokes Sherlock Holmes's great principle: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
There are only two ways of telling the complete truth -- anonymously and posthumously.
-- Thomas Sowell, American economist, philosopher, and author (b 1930)
We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends.
-- Pierre Corneille, French playwright (1606 - 1684)
If we knew what we were doing it wouldn't be called research, would it.
-- Albert Einstein, German-born theoretical physicist (1870 - 1955)
In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.
-- Fran Lebowitz, American author (b. 1950)
Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea.
-- John Ciardi, American poet (1916 - 1986)
Speech to the Electors of Bristol of 1774. On the day of his election Burke famously argued against the idea that an MP is just the delegate of his electorate:
Parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests; which interests each must maintain, as an agent and advocate, against other agents and advocates; but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one nation, with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole. You choose a member indeed; but when you have chosen him, he is not a member of Bristol, but he is a member of parliament.
-- Edmund Burke, Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher (1729 - 1797)
The patron saint of poverty is St. Nickeless.
I'm not happy with this Origami clothing. It always looks creased no matter how carefully I fold it.
I pricked my finger badly while trying to find a needle in my wife's sewing box. It was a crewel turn of events.
Earthquake in Washington obviously government's fault.
A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary ? A thesaurus.
Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
Losing your head in an emergency is a no brainer.
A glide-path is a soar spot.
Hymns for Senior Citizens
"Precious Lord, Take My hand and Help Me Up
"It Is Well With My Soul, but My Knees Hurt
"Just a Slower Walk with Thee
"Go Tell It on the Mountain, but Please Speak Up
"Nobody Knows the Trouble I Have Seeing
Strong Medicine for the Nun
Pat is not feeling very well and he decides to go to a doctor. While he is waiting in the doctor's reception room, a nun comes out of the doctor's office. She looks very ashen, drawn, and haggard.
Pat goes into the doctor's office and says to the doctor: "I just saw a nun leaving who looked absolutely terrible. I have never seen a woman look worse."
The doctor says: "I just told her that she is pregnant."
Pat exclaims: "Oh my, is she?"
The doctor responds: "No, but it sure cured her hiccups."
Q: What does a farmer use to count his cattle? A: A COWculator!
Q: What sickness does a martial artist have? A: Kung FLU!
QUESTION: How many existentialists does it take to change a lightbulb?
ANSWER: Two. One to screw it in and one to observe how the lightbulb itself symbolized a single incandescent beacon of subjective reality in a netherworld of endless absurdity reaching toward a maudlin cosmos of nothingness.