~~~ April: daffodil and cancer month / May is childcare month ~~~
MAIN ITEMS on Agendas:
+ Apr 22: PH on Waterfront (13th to 18th); Royal Cdn Marine SAR; Waterfront; 752 MDr; Cemetery Regs; PSB
+ Apr 29: Youth Ccl (mtg starts at 6:30 in Srs' Ctr): presentation/survey; award winners
+ May 6: Delegations: HUB (Cycling) and Hollyburn Sailing Club (50th Anniversary); DVP Applicn 2372 Bellevue;
PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING: Schematic Design, Funding Strategy (they'll sell land if you don't say lease or
borrow (from ourselves)!), Funding Release; Devt Permit (1519 1525 Bellevue); John Lawson Pk Playground;
Capilano Rugby Club Liquor Licence; Park Dedication; BUDGET/TAX RATES; Adoption of Bylaws (Cemetery); Ccl Mtg
added 10am May 8 {changed to 5pm}; Cmte Apptmts; Correspondence: dissection of a staff report on the
Unitarian Church devt; many letters on the changes proposed for the Ambleside Waterfront; 1300blk; PSB
+ May 13: Delegations (Cool Nbrhds; Climate Change); Revised Proposal for 1300blk; PH for Revised Ambleside
Waterfront Proposal June 17; Rezoning, Devt Permit 2074 Fulton PH June 3; Wireless Communication Policy;
Approval of PSB "soft costs" ($3.645M); Paving (11th/12th); Bylaws for Adoption (Parks Dedication; Housekeeping
Amendments for Building and Fees & Charges); Devt Permit Rodgers Crk bridge Pipe Crk; Correspondence (Sch Bd
says no $ for Gleneagles Sound Barrier; fascinating letter re Navvy Jack House and history; Ambleside
waterfront; Spring Sprint May 14; financial info/options/queries re PSB funding)
== Lease/Sell Survey; Vive le Canada (200th Anniversary); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Voting); WVPD (drop-off day; praise; UPDATES & INFO (Envmt apptmt; coach houses; vanishing creeks; Orchill Rd; PkR Lego Gdn)
= CALENDAR to May 15th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Opera; Sculpture; Music, etc); NATURE
= HEADSUP 8A: PSB, Waterfront; Headsup 8B1: Waterfront; Notice [1]: Parks; HEADSUP 8B2: events, WVPD video clip, frogs; NOTICE [2]; events, Agenda Apr 29; NOTICE [3]; Apr 30 events; PREVIEW 9: PSB, May 6 agenda, events, BOOKtopia, elephant seal; PREVIEW 10: May 13 agenda
Apr 8th: Future of Howe Sound; Mulgrave expansion; OCP re the waterfront 13th to 18th; Devt 825 TWay & 707 Keith; $$$ Gleneagles Barrier; PSB Schematic Design; Correspondence (Ambleside; petitions re Unitarian Ch devt, re 1300blk; estuaries; Collingwood; garbage colln)
Apr 15th: 5pm = Financial Matters (Divisional Services Review -- Engg/Transportation; Final Summary of Presentations of Parks/Cmnty Services); 7pm = CotW/reg ccl mtg: CotW item re CEC (starts p44) with contentious discussion over OPENNESS for WGs, some against!!!), shared fire services and enhanced medical skills of fire responders.
= Ccl AGENDAs: April 22, 29; May 6, 13 {See: http://www.westvancouver.ca/government/level2.aspx?id=3204 }
= ANIMALWATCH (cat shark; octopus and seal; Deep Sea Creatures); INFObits (Save The Frogs; Rehtaeh; 200th Anniv; HBC; D-fir; Orthodox Easter); BEERWATCH (beer-drinking frog); ROYALWATCH (HRH Prince Philip; Will/Kate/Harry); BOOKWATCH (Israeli Guidebook); WORDWATCH (shnatz); HERITAGEWATCH; MAIKU (Vancouver Opera:Tea: A Mirror of Soul); SALMAGUNDI (drunk rainbow; Thatcher; Marriage Watch; Grey Poupon); QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
lease1300@westvan.org OR sell1300@westvan.org ?
Email your choice (above), lease or sell. If you have already done so, pls ask your family, friends, colleagues to do so.
If we haven't lawyers/staff/personnel expert, intelligent, skilled enough to negotiate leasing, then buy other land from the money from the sale to replace it thus maintaining our land bank assets! PLEASE, Ccl.
NB: Contrary to what a cclr recently said, the 320 Taylor Way property in fact was leased (not sold).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==
Vive le CANADA === 200th Anniversary
Americans burn York (Apr. 27). The Battles of Stoney Creek (June 5) and Beaver Dam (June 23) are Canadian victories, the latter in part due to Laura Secord's famous 32 km. walk to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon, who had already been warned by Indians.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
So much to do and so little time plus hampered by illness... Spring is rushing along. Cherry trees in full bloom, daffodils and tulips are out, the scent of mock orange, and now lilacs too.
This, as you can see, is a double issue, in fact verging on a triple! THAT'S WHY MAY 13th's AGENDA IS IN THIS ISSUE (page 20).
>>> Think OPENNESS is important in our govt? Some apparently don't think so. See Apr 15 Notes re WGs. <<< (discussion starts p44)
Breaking news: Shane Koyczan at KMC May 11th got a standing ovation -- a moving as well as amusing performance.
Some are advocating making voting mandatory. IMO - nope! We shd try to encourage informed voting, not just voting. Besides, those who vote seduced by a pied piper actually can do harm to the economy, environment, community. I do, however, agree with having none-of-the-above on the ballot. A spoiled ballot cd be for other reasons. Those who don't vote have chosen any-of-the-above.
When someone complains to me about politicians, I look at them and ask, "Who chose them?"
Some will answer, "Well, they're all 'terrible'."
My response: then I guess you'll have to run yourself.
Point out it's called not just democratic govt but also 'responsible' govt.
The electorate is responsible for who is chosen to govern them.
Think about it.
The Chinese have the longest experience with governance. Way back when, they had exams to select the best to join/form govt. One of their sayings/proverbs is the most meaningful, credible observations I have ever read:
The good people deserve the good prince; the good prince deserves the good people.
It's all of us; we're in it together.
There are things we agree and disagree with in every party, the trick is to decide wch are your priorities.
=== WVPD ===
+ Drug Drop-off Day -- Sat May 11
West Vancouver Police and local pharmacies are supporting a national campaign this weekend aimed at reducing the risk of prescription drug abuse.
West Vancouver Police, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and Public Safety Canada urge all Canadians to participate in National Prescription Drug Drop-off Day Saturday May 11. The event encourages Canadians to ensure that any unused our outdated medications are removed from their homes and properly disposed of.......
Illicit use and/or misuse of prescription pharmaceuticals, in particular narcotic opioids like Oxycodone, is an issue of increasing concern across Canada......
West Vancouver Pharmacies publicly supporting National Prescription Drug Drop Off Day include Hollyburn Medicine Centre, London Drugs Park Royal, Shoppers Drug Marts at Park Royal, Ambleside and Dundarave, Extra Foods Pharmacy Park Royal, Safeway Pharmacy Caulfeild Village, and Pharmasave Park Royal Village. Individuals dropping off medications are requested to bring items for disposal directly to the on-duty pharmacist to ensure safe handling......
+ WVPD blazingly fast and efficient. Theft at 4:30, located at 5pm.
from http://wvpd.ca/breaking-stories/6-new/851-theft-from-auto-quick-arrest
Police made a quick arrest after a brazen theft from auto Thursday afternoon, but the offence serves to highlight key prevention advice.
...shortly after 4:30pm Thursday, after a female suspect was observed reaching into a vehicle and stealing a purse....
West Vancouver Police encourage residents to avoid leaving valuables unattended in a vehicle even for short periods of time, especially if the vehicle is being left unsecured.....
Police are working to identify suspects in a similar theft from auto April 30th at a gas station in the 1600 block of Marine Dr. Investigators have not confirmed any link between the two offences.
Valuables left unattended for even brief periods, in vehicles with unlocked doors or open windows can be easy targets for thieves. Visit the Protect and Prevent page of www.wvpd.ca for more crime prevention information.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
About a year and a half after Steve Jenkins's departure the position has finally been filled! Sandra Bicego, is the new Manager of Environment and Sustainability (started May 1st).
+ Coach Houses
See videos of the two previous forums: www.westvancouver.ca/communitydialogue (scroll down to Public Forums on the bottom of the page), and May 8th's will be up soon after.
+ Vanishing Creeks -- See end of newsletter under Vancouver Heritage Fdn re Gibson Crk
+ Orchill Rd Parking and Paving Enhancements OPEN HOUSE ~ 6pm at the Great Hall, Gleneagles Clubhouse
The project area is the road, sidewalk, and parking area on Orchill Road between Marine Dr and the first tee at the Gleneagles Golf Course.
Project Process
1. Collect data about the project site in April
2. [Share data and confirm need for enhancements at a Public Meeting May 9]
3. Develop options for enhancements, based on May 9 input
4. Present options at a second public meeting in June
Webpage: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=44532
Write gwatt@westvancouver.ca for more info
{NB: I discovered he's away till May 8 so Karen Kristensen has given me her ph no to put in: 921 7146}
+ PARK ROYAL -- Help us build a LEGO garden!
See: http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=154752fe0d2d34354f3f970c3&id=505d795fa1&e=2a7853f7e0
~ 10am - 4pm ~ Park Royal North May 4 and 11; Park Royal South May 18 and 25
Calling all LEGO lovers! Join Park Royal and LEGO certified professional, Robin Sather, every Saturday in May to help build a huge garden made out of LEGO bricks. Plus, watch the master in action as he constructs giant flowers and insects made out of you guessed it LEGO! FREE www.shopparkroyal.com
+ Mother's Day Gifts
32 Books (& Gallery) in Edgemont Village has an unusual special -- 20% off necklaces and cookbooks during the month of May. { http://www.32books.com ph 980 9032 }
=== CALENDAR to May 15th ===
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx . Notices/mtgs/changes too
late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [Headsup notices sent between issues of WVM.]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{NB: with the lapse, many mtgs weren't on the Calendar or in the papers so sent out notices (Headsup) to subscribers to try to let them know. Below are mtgs/events that were NOT in the Headsup notices.}
UPDATES: - Invasive Plants WG mtg Apr 16 POSTPONED to May 1st
== Monday April 29
~ 6:30pm ~ Youth Ccl Mtg at Srs' Ctr
~ 7pm ~ Ccl Mtg re Financial Matters CANCELLED
== Wednesday May 1st
~ 7:30am ~ Field Sport Forum WG
~ 9:30am ~ Invasive Plants WG
== Saturday May 4th
~ 12:30 - 3:30pm ~ Meet and Greet Electoral Candidates in PkR South, Centre Court:
Naomi Yamamoto, Ryan Conroy, Jim Hanson, Jaime Webbe, Ralph Sultan, David Jones,
Jordan Sturdy, Terry Platt, Richard Warrington, Michael Markwick
== Tuesday May 7th
~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review Working Group; Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Room)
== Wednesday May 8th
~ 7pm ~ "Coach Houses: Are TheyThe Right Fit for West Vancouver?" (Public Forum at KMC)
== Thursday May 9th
~ 6pm ~ Orchill Rd Parking and Paving Enhancements -- OPEN HOUSE
at the Great Hall, Gleneagles Clubhouse {not on the DWV Calendar; details above in Updates & Info}
~ 7:30pm ~ WV Streamkeeper Society AGM at St Stephen's (885 - 22nd)
President's Report, Treasurer's Report (Financial Stmts); Election of Directors
Current directors: Mike Akerly, John Barker, Bill Chapman, Assunta Detels, Peter Gaskill,
Elizabeth Hardy, Bill McAllister, Dave Reid, Jim Torry
== Friday May 10th
~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte at the Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Room)
== Saturday May 11th
~ 10am - 3pm ~ Jewellery Market at the Cmnty Ctr -- beautiful handmade jewellery; info 913 2712
~ noon ~ Hollyburn Sailing Club 50th Anniversary celebration; sailpast 1pm
===== ¥ MOTHER'S DAY on Sunday May 12th ¥ =====
== Monday May 13th -- 4pm Audit Cmte (in camera)*; ccl mtg at 7pm {*RESCHEDULED, changed to 5pm closed mtg}
== Wednesday May 15th
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society AGM at Srs' Ctr; Election of Board Officers 2013-14
Guest Speakers: WV Fire Service Museum and Archives Society
~ 7:30pm ~ Hollyburn Heritage Society AGM at Srs' Ctr
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
BOOKtopia Art Exhibit Opens
Come and enjoy artwork created by students from Barbara Sunday's class at Sentinel Secondary School and Carrie Berg's class at Rockridge Secondary School in the Gallery. May 1 - 30.
= BOOKtopia ~ May 1 - 31 ~ See http://www.booktopia.ca/events.html
- BOOKtopia West Vancouver Children's Literature Festival; read about this year's presenters and line-up of events.
- Registration for the BOOKtopia Illustrator's Workshop (Barbara Reid) & the Writer's Workshop (Shane Koyczan) is underway!
= Monday Movie Nights
6:30pm: ~ April 29 ~ Beasts of the Southern Wild; ~ May 6 ~ Argo; ~ May 13 ~ Intouchables
= Wednesday 6pm May 8 Teen Movie Night: The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey
~ 6 - 7pm ~ Friday May 10 -- Koyczan, one of the world's premier spoken word poets, will perform and speak with Kay Meek Managing Artistic Director Claude Giroux in the Welsh Hall. A book signing and meet and greet will follow.
= CURATING SAFAR/VOYAGE ~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Wed May 15
Dr. Jill Baird of UBC's Museum of Anthropology will share her experiences in developing Canada's first major group showing of contemporary artists from the Middle East, featuring 16 artists, all of whom touch upon the theme of voyage.
=== BOOKtopia:
The WV Childrens Literature Festival Celebrates with Internationally-renowned Talents
Back for its ninth year! This years Festival line-up proves that putting pen to paper is just one part of the exciting literary arts world for young people. BOOKtopia 2013 features presenters with three distinctly different and internationally-renowned talents: plasticine art, prose writing and spoken word poetry.
¢ Barbara Reid: Creator of more than 25 picture books, her plasticine artwork has won numerous accolades including the Governor Generals award
¢ Sarah Ellis: Author of 14 books for children and winner of the Governor Generals award and TD Canada Childrens Literature award
¢ Shane Koyczan: One of the worlds premiere spoken word poets
A complete list of BOOKtopia 2013 events can be found at booktopia.ca. We are especially excited to offer opportunities for youth to participate in workshops with Barbara Reid and Shane Koyczan.
BOOKtopia 2013 Photo Opportunities
BOOKtopia Opening Reception ~~~ 4pn Friday May 3 {sent out as preview}
West Vancouver Memorial Library, Youth Department (second level)
In attendance: West Vancouver MP John Weston, Mayor Michael Smith, District Councillors, West Vancouver School District Superintendent Chris Kennedy, School Board trustees, young winners of the 2013 Member of Parliament Award for Writing, West Vancouver Memorial Library Director Jenny Benedict, Board members and library staff.
+ Author Presentations at the Kay Meek Centre Main Stage
¢ Sarah Ellis: Tuesday May 7 ~ 10:30 11:30am and 1:30 2:30pm, presentation to approximately 500 Grade 5 students
¢ Barbara Reid: Wed May 8 ~ 10:30 11:30am and 1:30 2:30pm, presentation to approximately 500 Grade 2 students
¢ Shane Koyczan: Friday May 10 ~ 1:30 2:30pm, presentation to approximately 500 secondary school students
+ Illustrators Workshop with Governor Generals Award Winner Barbara Reid
Wednesday May 8 ~ 4 5pm
WVM Library, Storyhouse (second level): Children ages 8 12 working with Barbara to create plasticine portraits.
+ Writing Workshop with Shane Koyczan
Friday May 10 ~ 4 5pm
Library, Storyhouse (second level):Teens hone their writing craft and work on original pieces with Shane.
About BOOKtopia
BOOKtopia, a partnership between the Library and the WV School District, features authors, illustrators, workshops, and other literary events for young people ages three and older. The Festival is presented with the generous support of the West Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation, the North Shore News and the WV Community Foundation. Each year approximately 1,500 children and their families participate in the Festival.
BOOKtopia began with the vision of Fanny Patterson, a WV mother of three. Inspired by the Vancouver International Writers Festival events for young people and the addition of the Kay Meek Centre to the community, she came to the Library with her idea of a childrens literature festival. In the spring of 2005, BOOKtopia: the West Vancouver Childrens Literature Festival was launched.
Now in its ninth year, BOOKtopia continues to promote literacy, celebrate language arts, and cultivate creative thought amongst young West Vancouverites and their families. All events are offered free of charge.
About the WVML Youth Department
The Youth Services Dept is committed to ensuring that all youth in our community have an equal opportunity to build literacy skills, to progress successfully through the school years, and to transition into the work force equipped for lifelong learning. In addition to large annual events like BOOKtopia, the Summer Reading Club and the Reading Link Challenge, the Department offers a dozen weekly programs for children and teens. The Library attracts nearly 43,000 people to our facility and 27,000 to our website each month and circulates over 1 million items annually.
BOOKtopia Media Contact
Shannon Ozirny, Youth Dept Head; Phone: 925 7422 | Fax: 925 5933 | Email: sozirny@westvanlibrary.ca
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 729 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
May 8 - June 15 Barry Downs
Melding Architecture with Landscape: A Collaboration in Design
Opening Reception on May 14 from 7pm
Barry Downs has been practising architecture for over five decades, first with Thompson Berwick & Pratt Architects, then in partnership with Fred Hollingsworth and later, with Richard Archambault. His projects span a wide range from houses and institutions to community master plans and all are informed by his skilful melding of buildings, gardens, and landscape, a fundamental design philosophy that respects the natural topography, ecology, and the private and public nature of a site rather than attempting to circumvent it.
The exhibition illustrates this integration through key projects, such as the 1964 Massey Award winning Rayer Residence in West Vancouver, located on a hillside where the building's bent form embraces a garden, pond, and views of forest and ocean to urban settings where landscape provides the essential bonding element. Today, Downs works from his home studio in West Vancouver sited sensitively on the edge of a cliff and overlooking the Strait of Georgia.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
Sna7m: Strong Spirit April 30 - May 26
Opening Ceremony 6 - 9pm Tuesday April 30
Beginning our Ceremony: canoes arrive, welcome and blessing ceremony, bonfire, and celebration
The Ferry Building Gallery is honoured to host an exhibition and series of events on First Nations art & storytelling.
In the words of guest curator, Damara Jacobs, storytelling is a powerful tool. One can use it to educate, entertain, or preserve culture. At its core, however, storytelling is a basic human need. We all want to share our story. In the exhibition Sna7m: Strong Spirit we address the importance of story sharing within First Nations culture."
The exhibitions feature artist Xwalacktun (Rick Harry), recently awarded the Order of BC and the Queens Diamond Jubilee Award, believes storytelling fosters healing and what better way to share a story than through art. Xwalacktuns art is a reflection of his lifes journey and it is featured along side work created by his family, friends, apprentices, and peers.
The pieces in Sna7m connect or respond to each artists personal or cultural narrative. Public programs will assist in the artists sharing their narratives. One notable event will be the cross-cultural panel discussion moderated by Robert Davidson, featuring a First Nations artist, a Iranian artist, and a Chinese artist. This dialogue will further explore storytellings role within art and vice versa. There will also be artist demonstrations and a drumming circle.
Through the traditional and contemporary works presented within the exhibition and the various public programs Sna7m will offer the opportunity to explore our personal and collective history as human beings.
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
> April 23 - May 12 -- West Van Crows
Sharon Christian is a former long-time resident of West Vancouver and bird lover. For nearly two decades she has been particularly fascinated with crows, and over the years came to know them as individuals and families with distinct personalities and characters. In this wonderful show Sharon portrays some of her best loved crows, in their natural environs around West Vancouver.
> Storytelling -- 7 - 9pm Sunday May 5
North Shore Cric? Crac! Sunday Storytelling --- A Small Key Opens Large Doors...
Admission $6 Info: 985 5168 An initiative of the North Shore Storytellers' Guild, a carrying member of the Vancouver Society of Storytelling. North Shore Cric? Crac! is the oldest continuously running Storytelling event on the North Shore, since 2000, and still going strong!
> May 14 - June 2 -- 3 Photographers: Expressions of Nature
The art of photography has evolved greatly since its inception in 1790. Today, artists have access to numerous tools and resources to create unique work. Photographers Karen Evans, Rita Hernandez, and Elaine Hunter use a variety of techniques to manipulate and enhance the images of nature they find inspiring; drawing forth the subjects spirit and enriching the pieces narrative, while challenging us to view the world in a new light.
Opening reception: Tuesday May 14th from 6 to 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
April 30: Movies at the Meek: First Position
May 2 - 3: Collingwood School: Fantasies, Fairy Tales & Superheroes
May 2 - 4: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe
May 4: Pandora's Vox & Espiritu: A Canadian Musical Feast
May 5: Amplifier Semi-Finals
May 7: Movies at the Meek - Anna Karenina
May 8: WV District Housing Forum [Coach Houses]
May 9: Amplifier 2013 - Finals
May 10: Anne Marie Calder Art Reception
May 11: TedX WestVancouverED
May 11: Shane Koyczan - SOLD OUT
May 12: Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++ http://www.westvan60.com/
Office: 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920 Fax: 922 2659
For all the events/mtgs, see the calendar: http://westvan60.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/april.png
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
(Videos on the website) Awards given at the President's Dinner. Congratulations! Here are the winners:
BIG Business of the Year West Van Florist
Small Business of the Year Options Solutions
New Business of the Year Ambleside Dermedics
Innovator of the Year Monkey Toast
Young Entrepreneur of the Year Dr. Nick Seddon of Dundarave Dental Clinic
Citizen of the Year John Barker
+ ARTS CLUB -- 687 1644 http://www.artsclub.com
~ My Turquoise Years, Memoir of a Cdn Girlhood; Granville Island Stage; Apr 4 - May 4
~ Do You Want What I Have Got? A Craigslist Cantata returns April 18 to May 18
on the Revue Stage with J. Cameron Barnett, Bree Greig, Selina Martin, and Barry Mirochnick, together with two new cast members: Josh Epstein and Marguerite Witvoet! For more about Craigslist:
and the cast, visit our blog. Tix start at just $25.
How to Write a New Book for the Bible 731 5518 pacifictheatre.org Apr 6 - May 25
The Irish Curse, a comedy by Martin Casella 253 9119 havanarestaurant.ca May 14 - 18
+ METRO THEATRE 266 7191 metrotheatre.com
Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward, May 3 to June 1
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR 224 8007 x3
FIGHTING CHANCE PRODUCTIONS presents A Night on Broadway
Directed by Ryan Mooney. This uplifting and laughter-filled musical production celebrates both classic and current shows that have their roots in New York City's "Great White Way". With banter and stories shared in between, this evening will take you to Broadway itself with some of the Lower Mainland's brightest musical theatre talent!
A Night on Broadway is a series of cabaret-style evenings featuring musical theatre selections mingled with entertaining banter and stories in an intimate and casual setting. Each night will be different as we rotate through a surprising roster of performers, singing songs from the shows we love.
Preview: May 7 & 8; Opening: May 9; runs May 9 - 18
Previews $15; Tix Adults $30 Students/Seniors $20; See fightingchanceproductions.ca/
+ FIREHALL ARTS CENTRE firehallartscentre.ca
BC Buds Spring Arts Fair -- music, theatre, dance; May 10 - 12
The Matchmaker of Montreal -- witty romantic comedy by Shaul Ezer; May 22 - June 2
+ PERFORMANCE WORKS performanceworks.ca 877 840 0457
Beggar's Opera -- 8pm Apr 18 to May 5 w/ matinees & Brief Encounters -- May 9 - 11
May 6 - 11: Theatre BC's North Shore Zone Festival. A virtual feast of theatrical endeavours.
Pirates of Penzance, Gilbert & Sullivan (NSLOS has set it in modern Canada) May 16 - June 1st
Here on the Flight Path, a comedy by Norm Foster (the ever-popular Cdn playwright) 8pm May 9 - 25
+ RUSSIAN HALL (600 Campbell Avenue)
The Obstructions theatre series continues with Leaky Heaven's piece i am all my sons on May 11, 2013 at the Russian Hall.
Inspired in part by the film The Five Obstructions, by JÞrgen Leth and Lars Von Trier, Obstructions is the latest project from the group of theatre companies known as Progress Lab, producers of the wildly popular and innovative HIVE series. Over a one-year period, each company creates an evenings entertainment based on some creative obstructions devised in secret meetings by the rest of the group.
The fun doesnt stop: At each Obstructions show the next theatre company on the list receives their obstructions, delivered under a spotlight by a shadowy emcee. Theatre Replacement is next in the hot seat.
Date: May 11, 2013 8:30pm: Doors open9:00pm: ShowImmediately after each show: Judging, Theatre Replacement gets their obstructions, then party time!Location: map linkTickets $16 ON SALE NOW
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
> Opened Apr 13: Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life
> Grand Motel -- 8pm - 1am Friday May 3
Far-flung luxuries meet local art and culture in this Grand Hotel-themed FUSE. Featuring performances by Blim, Battery Opera and more. Live performances in the Gallery spaces, DJs, eclectic Gallery tours, and unexpected surprises have made FUSE Vancouver's favourite seeandbeseen event.
> Current Exhibitions Art Spiegelman; Co-Mix: A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics, and Scraps
The first retrospective exhibition of the acclaimed American artist presents works ranging from Art Spiegelman's early underground comics, to his best-known and genre-defining work, Maus, as well as recent illustrations and comic art. Co-produced by VAG, the Museum Ludwig, Köln, and the Jewish Museum, NY. Curated by Rina Zavagli-Mattotti.
Read more » http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_co-mix.html
> EXHIBITION James Hart: The Dance Screen (The Scream Too) -- November 2012 to January 2014
In late 2009, artist James Hart began designing this large-scale sculpture and began carving the work in 2010. This ambitious project brings together many of the principal animal figures from traditional Haida stories, especially creatures that depend on salmon for their survival.
Read more: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_hart.html
* Caroun Art Gallery
Painting Exhibition by Soosan Khan Mohammadi
May 1 - 14 (Closed Mondays)Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm May 4
+ Tattoos and Scrimshaw, the Art of the Sailor
Vancouver Maritime Museum 257 8300 vanmaritime.com Mar 14 - Oct 18
+ Out to Lunch: VAG Fridays 12:10pm
May 10 (The River, world premiere of silent movie with piano accompaniment); May 17 (White Sparrow, piano and lute)
from: http://enews.vancouversymphony.ca/1213VSO-13.html
If you are a current VSO Subscriber, the Renewals Deadline is Friday May 3rd so please be sure to contact VSO Customer Service at 876 3434, Mon to Fri, 9am to 7pm, or email customerservice@vancouversymphony.ca to secure your seats for next season.
To become a VSO Subscriber, call the above number for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the VSO's series packages online here. Beginning Monday, May 6th, you can order your new subscription online AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!
> The Merry Pranks of Till Eulenspiegel
Orpheum: 8pm Sat May 4; 2pm Sun May 5; 8pm Mon May 6
Kazuyoshi Akiyama, conductor; Ingrid Fliter, piano*
Berlioz Le Corsaire; Mendelssohn Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor*;
Bartók Divertimento for Strings; Strauss Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks
Pianist Ingrid Fliter, one of the great interpreters of the classical repertoire, always delivers exhilarating performances, and is right at home with the music of Mendelssohn. Richard Strauss's funky, fantastic tone poem about the kooky exploits of Till Eulenspiegel makes for a satisfying concert finale (well, for audiences, not for Till!).
Concert with soloists playing Schubert, Brahms, and Sibelius, at Orpheum 8pm May 11 and 13
Launch of JACK LAYTON: Art in Action (300 pp; $25)
~ 6:30 - 9pm ~ Thursday May 2 at the Vancouver Public Library, 350 W Georgia St, Peter Kay Room.
Members of the pacifi-kana (a BC Haiku group) community who contributed to the book include Terry Ann Carter, Franci Louann. and Janet Vickers. Also, a May 4 launch in Victoria is in the works . . .
More info: MC Renée Saklikar will be joined by consulting editor and partner in Quattro Books/Fourfront Editions, Allan Briesmaster. May 2 is the second anniversary of the NDP as Official Federal Opposition. Contact: info@quattrobooks.ca orallan@quattrobooks.ca. Confirmed Presenters: Terry Ann Carter, Heidi Greco, Franci Louann, Sonnet LAbbé, Susan McCaslin, J Peachy. Others, including surprise guests, will join these six contributors to the book to talk about Jack and his influence on the arts, culture, and activism. For more information about the book, visit www.quattrobooks.ca/books/jack-layton-art-in-action.
April 29, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: palestinianconference@gmail.com
To learn more about the speakers and events and register online for the conference, visit http://palestinianconference.org.
Kevin Neish photography of Gaza, Palestine on display at conference
Conference brings Palestinians across North America to UBC Campus
Palestinians are converging in Vancouver for a weekend of discussions, cultural expression, and protest, at "Return and Liberation: Conference of the Palestinian Shatat [Diaspora] in North America", taking place at the University of BC. (Full conference details are available at the website, palestinianconference.org.)
Conference participants, who include Palestinians from across Canada, the United States, and the UK, will participate in over 20 workshops and major plenaries focusing on how Palestinians outside Palestine are represented and organized to seek freedom for their homeland.
The conference also coincides with a Western conference by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and conference organizers and attendees will participate in a protest of CIJA's keynote speakers at 4 pm on Sunday, May 5, after the official close of the Palestinian conference.
"There are millions of Palestinians outside Palestine -- over 6 million Palestinian refugees who have been denied their right to return home for over 65 years now. This conference is an opportunity for us to come together as Palestinians in North America and say that our voice must be heard," says Khaled Barakat, conference coordinator and Vancouver community activist.
Conference panels will include presentations by Karma Nabulsi of Oxford University, Rabab Abdulhadi of San Francisco State University, Loubna Qutami of the Palestinian Youth Movement, Abdelrazzaq Takriti of the University of Sheffield, and Issam Yamani of Toronto's Palestine House, a large Palestinian community organization that was recently defunded for its immigrant settlement services by the Harper government's Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
"It is particularly important for us to discuss how to challenge the Harper government and Canadian policy towards Palestine," said Omar Shaban, conference organizer. "Canada has a long record of supporting Israeli occupation, and the repeated public statements of John Baird, Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper praising Israeli apartheid and demonizing Palestinian and solidarity organizing within Canada are a real affront to our community."
Conference participants will also engage in a cultural evening with Louisiana-based Palestinian singer Nisreen Hajaj and Jafraa Dabke Troupe, a Palestinian traditional dance troupe from Seattle. The conference will begin at 5 pm on Friday, at UBC's Buchanan A Building, and close at 2 pm on Sunday, May 5, before the protest of CIJA's keynote speakers.
"We want to focus on our own goals at this conference, not CIJA's event. They are welcoming, however, Israel's ambassador to Canada; Dennis Ross; and John Baird and it is important that people in Vancouver speak out to say that official representatives of war crimes and apartheid are unwelcome," said Barakat. "But the real work of this conference is bringing Palestinians together to talk about what we can do from North America to change the conversation and achieve Palestinian rights, and ensure our voice is heard."
>>> INDEPENDENT JEWISH VOICES sent this email:
"The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs [CIJA] does not represent the majority of Canadian Jews. Rather it is a highly partisan political lobby organization which uncritically supports policies of the Israeli govt wch have been ruled illegal by the World Court and which are contrary to Canadian Foreign policy such as the continuing Israeli occupation of Palestine, expanding settlements on that land, the separation barrier, and its refusal to negotiate about the rights of Palestinian refugees. It is clear to us, as Jews, that Israel holds and abuses its overwhelming power in a way deeply inconsistent with Jewish values and human rights." -- from IJV letter to Canadian senators (http://unjppi.org/ijv-letter-to-senator-ruth.html)
=== NATURE === David Cook 924 0147
= Tuesday April 30th
= Title: Geology of some buildings and monuments in downtown Vancouver. Trip leader: David Cook, Geologist.
A free Nature Vancouver event by registration.
= Meet: Noon. Duration: Three hours or as long as you want. Location: Will be revealed on registration.
Walk description: We will examine the exterior and interior of a number of buildings in downtown Vancouver to look at the various natural building stones used in construction and decoration. The provenance, composition, and suitability of these materials will be explained. We will note how their use has changed over time according to availability, cost, custom, and durability. This will also be an opportunity to learn about basic geology, the history of the buildings visited, and architectural types and terminology.
= Friday May 3rd
= The Grand Tour
A natural history field trip for Salmonberry Days of the Dunbar Residents Association http://www.dunbar-vancouver.org/.
A hike through the old growth forest of Pacific Spirit Regional Park above Wreck Beach.
Meeting Time & Location: Noon at the north-western intersection of SW Marine Drive and Old Marine Drive in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. There is free parking along Old Marine Drive which is in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. Entry by car onto Old Marine Drive is at the south-eastern intersection of Old Marine Drive and SW Marine Drive (SE of 16th Ave.).
Duration of field trip: two to three hours.
General Description: This is the 'Grand Tour' because it is focused on the exceptional grand fir trees growing in the area. Unlike the majority of Pacific Spirit Regional Park, which was logged exhaustively in the 1890s, the slopes above Wreck Beach and around the UBC Botanical Gardens are relatively intact old-growth forest; one of the most accessible and beautiful big tree routes in MetroVancouver.
The Route: At our meeting point at the top of Totem Ravine we will have a view of one of North Americas largest grand firs. It is 64.5m to its broken top, has a wide base and an enormous and complex crown with numerous reiterations. We will then hike along the thickly forested Old Marine Drive to the top of Trail 7 in Pacific Spirit Regional Park, where we will take a look at a stand of grand firs and old-growth Douglas-firs before descending the Trail 7 staircase down to the beach. At the bottom of the staircase is a 2m thick Douglas-fir. Once on the beach we will stop at the bottom of Totem Ravine to look at a very large Douglas-fir and another grand fir of near-record size. Take note of many other large grand firs and big-leaf maples along the route and keep your eyes open for the Wreck Beach Douglas-fir which emerges quite spectacularly from the forest canopy above Wreck Beach. This Douglas-fir is probably the largest tree in the UBC area. Here there is an excellent panoramic view of the old-growth forest with the veteran trees rising above the canopy. Along the beach trail we will also look at the salt marsh ecology and one of the giant glacial erratics that are scattered along the beach and have First Nations significance (Musqueam). We then return to Old Marine Drive by ascending the Trail 6 staircase.
Trail Conditions: The trail along the beach is rough and uneven with potential hazards such as sections of mud, slippery roots, rocks, and short sections of walking on logs to by-pass marshes. Therefore wear hiking boots with good-grip soles. The two stairways are steep and endless.
A free public event. No registration required. Bring snacks and a beverage.
=== HEADSUP 8A === Date: 22 April, 2013 5:14:12 AM PDT
Headsup 8A b/c of importance of Waterfront (13th to 18th) Public Hearing Monday night 7pm April 22
Happy 87th Birthday to HM Queen Elizabeth II (Apr 21)
87 Facts About Queen Elizabeth II http://www.royalcentral.co.uk/thequeen/87-facts-about-queen-elizabeth-ii-6251
ONE: Wednesday Apr 24 (a) PSB public mtg missing from DWV Calendar; (b) luncheon re Gallipoli
TWO: Waterfront Comments/Puzzle
THREE: Letters from two (informed, concerned) citizens (worth serious consideration), A (Morris), B (Day)
FOUR: Transcript of Waterfront item at Apr 8th ccl mtg (still confusing but shows you what was said)
and related PQP comments
FIVE/END: QTP :-) {moved to this WVM}
(a) Cmnty Ctr 6-9pm, public mtg on the PSB, a major project so surprised not to see it on the DWV Calendar:
Found more info elsewhere though: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=39250
(b) WV United Church, ph 922 9171, luncheon at noon: Topic "Gallipoli: Birthplace of Three Nations" by Roddy MacKenzie, re the significance and his recent visit (ANZAC Day in remembrance of April 25, 1915)
See if you can find your way through what park dedication means. Referendum to remove? why say dedication at end of year? how much control if the Park Accessory uses part is passed? unlike most other motions when amendments are made at second reading, that is not quite the case with PHs (wch is why Sop brought it up). One opinion is that first reading is it (but can make 'lesser' changes so shd be clarified). Also said that if dedicated PARK, wd require a referendum to change the use. If the first reading has to stay (wch Ccl passed on Apr 8), then all the uses listed are permitted: rentals, childcare, restaurants, etc.
IMVHO, much more public input/feedback is needed to get consensus on how much more commercialization shd ideally be allowed. There may be some recreation facilities that wd expand the enjoyment and leisure choices.
Too much uncertainty; need details and confirmation.
Sokol does say clearly (see end of item wch went from ~7:54 to 8:59) that if Ccl wanted to take anything out they'd have to do it 'now', ie right then, or else all the uses are in the bylaw.
Strangely, it passes unanimously.
I can only think that mbrs of Ccl were still thinking they cd make amendments.
{LATER: Needs clarification; told Ccl has complete control through the approving process.}
THREE: Two Letters: Morris and Day
= A = from Rob Morris (my bolding), in NSN pA7 Sunday April 21
April 14, 2013
re: NS News, April 13 West Vancouver Considers Waterfront Changes
West Vancouvers announcement that waterfront properties between 13th and 18th will be dedicated as a park should be pleasing news. However, the zoning changes proposed favour development, not protection of a park. Further, these changes are only a week and one Council meeting from being done. West Van residents should be alerted and alarmed.
The motion before Council, suddenly thrust into a Public Hearing scheduled for next Monday, April 22, will, in one sweeping action: amend the Official Community Plan (OCP), create a new community use zoning (CU5), and apply that zoning to the Ambleside waterfront. But the proposed new zoning allows for future accessory uses and herein lies a problem.
The accessory uses embedded in the amendment are completely out of scale compared with current use and most residents ideas of a park. Fully developed, they will totally change the nature of the waterfront park lands. Yet these have hastily and, for some reason, quietly been created; many residents wont be aware of them at all.
Proposed accessory uses in the new zoning include:
¢ A large, 6,000 sq. ft. restaurant (roughly the size of Beach House at Dundarave);
¢ A bar (a liquor primary premises) of 75 seats and 20 tables (comparable in size to a restaurant, such as Carmelo's);
¢ Two equipment rental concession;
¢ Two more food concessions;
¢ A ferry dock and terminal;
¢ A child care facility, and;
¢ One or more arts facilities, each 5,000 sq. ft. (these do not include the proposed new art gallery).
The total would allow eight or more buildings with up to 20,000 sq. ft. in these five blocks of waterfront. The effect of these accessory uses will be to encourage development, not preserve park lands. Dedication of the lands as park does not prohibit any of these uses.
The proposal claims these changes reflect the expressed wishes of West Vancouver residents, and were provided in feedback received from the recent Activate Ambleside program.
I participated in this program. It consisted of a few display boards at several open houses. We are told that 300 people attended. I do not believe the program expressed the wishes of residents. But equally important is that the program contained no hint of the scale of allowable development that is now suddenly thrust upon us.
I urge West Van residents to quickly learn more about these out-of-scale OCP and zoning changes, and to express your views about future Ambleside development to Council before or at the Public Meeting on Monday.
Rob Morris
= B = from Rod Day (my bolding)
April 19, 2013
With regard to the North Shore News article West Vancouver Considers Waterfront Changes (April 13), I welcome the Parks Departments announcement that the waterfront between 13th and 18th will be dedicated as park before the end of the year. However, I am concerned about the size and scope of the proposal for parks accessory uses which would permit a large restaurant of 6,000 square feet, roughly the size of Beach House at Dundarave, and a wine bar (called in quaint language, liquor primary premises) with 75 seats and 20 tables, the size as a restaurant (about the size of Carmelo's). In addition, it proposes two concessions, recreation equipment rental, a ferry building dock, a child care facility, and finally, in vague language, one or more arts facilities of 5,000 square feet each. Though Council must pass on each of these proposals when they come before it in future, the total could come to as many as eight or nine buildings with 20,000 square feet in just five blocks, which would completely change our waterfront area from the quiet and serene place that it is now to a much more crowded and congested atmosphere.
Although the proposal is supposed to stimulate Ambleside revitalization, it could in fact do the opposite. In the last couple of years several new restaurants and coffee houses have been established in Ambleside. The unfair competition of waterfront restaurants, wine bars, and concessions on public lands could easily destroy these and other restaurants and coffee houses, and therefore other businesses, in and around Marine Drive. Congestion and the lack of parking could drive people away from rather than attract them to Ambleside.
The controversy in 2011 over the proposal to build a large art gallery on the Ferry Building site demonstrated conclusively that West Vancouverites do not want to see large-scale development on our waterfront. The present proposal violates the recommendations of the [Aldrich Pears] report of 2006, which was endorsed by Council during the art gallery debate. Aldrich [Pears] emphasizes small scale, cottage-type buildings, a string of pearls along the waterfront. The present proposal is grossly inconsistent with this park-like theme. I urge Council to define more carefully and to modify these proposals to a level consistent with the Aldrich [Pears] report, which guaranteed the public enjoyment and quiet use of our natural waterfront.
Thank you, Rod Day
FOUR: Transcript of Item 7 in Apr 8 ccl mtg (moved to NOTES) -- WATERFRONT
FIVE {also moved to WVM}
=== HEADSUP 8B1 === Date: 23 April, 2013 3:12:39 AM PDT
Monday April 22 -- Happy Earth Day!
Well, I've ruined your suspense but was sure that's what you wanted to hear first. Ccl listened -- thank you, Council!
They asked Mr Sokol to come back (possibly in May, more likely in June) with revisions having listened to the speakers (almost all against the OCP and Zoning amendments).
Mr Sokol did give a fuller presentation in the introduction at PH) wch included some modifications to what we'd last heard.
Cclr Booth, class act, at the end thanked all the citizens who had volunteered their time to come and speak, and noted they'd been respectful and positive.
{and I thought they spoke positively and constructively as well, impressed; loads of good remarks and ideas; besides size, mostly perturbed about lack of info/time/input}
Back to the (impressive) input, haphazardly listed below -- from 7 to ~ 9;20pm ~ and almost all applauded:
ADRA (need more time); Hollyburn Sailing Club; several citizens saying need more time, restaurants competing with Amb, take time to get it right; Art Mudry (architect, request for better definition of 'park' -- IMO probably b/c one explanation was that a park can have accessory uses); many mentions of the Aldrich Pears study (agreeing with small scale); in hurry now but many good comments and suggestions; great to hear Rob Morris with a persuasive version of his NSN letter (sent in last Headsup, reporting only 300 at public mtg); even supporters concerned about scale (large restaurant); abandon or adjourn; support for preserving the Navvy Jack House; cement for chess boards, more washrooms (universally favoured), wine bar attached to cafe?, and many more ideas.
Most ppl were generally supportive of some of the amendments but not all, not size, not shortness of time for review.
They closed the PH with some uncertainty about CC's next motion; had to be left to the regular ccl mtg.
At the regular mtg there was an interesting delegation by the Royal Marine Search and Rescue.
The mystery was solved re the waterfront when CC made the motion for staff to come back as a result of what had been heard. Sop wanted the park dedication at the same time. Pleasant surprise that Anne Mooi who'd said they were working on park dedication aiming for year end, reported that they'd moved the priority up and might have it next month. Cclr NG, quite reasonably said she'd prefer to have the two consulting reports (market and commercial) before the next PH. Several decried the 'wrong' impression ppl had about how much devt. There was more discussion and at end the Mayor expressed his frustration.
Will do a transcript so you'll have more details.
As for me, I thanked Mr Sokol for his introduction (more info and some modifications) and recognized Ccl's intent is to improve the park experience for us. Echoed others wanting more time and public input/feedback. Suggested 'minor' addns shd be quantified. Had tried to find out if the PMP WG had recommended these proposed Park Accessory Uses but apparently not. As the cclr for heritage when I was on Ccl, of course I was overjoyed about the preservation of the Navvy Jack house (longest continuously inhabited house in the Vancouver area) -- resident above and heritage, environmental, and stewardship groups below. Though hundreds subscribe to my newsletter, have never heard anyone (one tonight though) promote daycare/childcare on the waterfront -- out of nowhere. Ccl expressed surprise at its inclusion also.
Dismayed biz area described as rundown -- rather than other pejorative unsuitable terms I've heard, it made me think of Shambleside.... Some speakers said the restaurant and uses on the waterfront wd enliven and help biz in Ambleside while others said the competition wd harm them. If wanting more consultation I suggested -- wait for it -- a Working Group! Include: users of the park and its facilities, the Chamber of Commerce (resolve the biz competition/vitalization issue); environmental groups (Streamkeepers, Foreshore, Wetland Partners); and Cmnty Groups.
I'd sent a query from a resident about finance and process to the Mayor. Since no answer, I spoke up to ask when a reply cd be expected. The Mayor said they'd take it under advisement.
An effort to correct an incorrect statement/claim by a speaker was not quite successful -- will check on procedures -- toward the end it was stated that Ccl had complete control b/c all uses had to come back for a ccl decision. NOT TRUE. As Sokol had pointed out, those on the list a to g were in the bylaw and cd not be removed (without major steps like PH or referendum), IOW accepted accessory uses. It's complicated but Ccl's options were murky. One of my concerns was by passing this for example a restaurant and childcare might be entrenched so only talking about size.
At the end of the motion for staff to come back the Mayor expressed his frustration and disappointment, bemoaned the misinterpretation, and even went so far as to muse if we didn't have things that provided a return, buying the three lots, etc wd mean our taxes wd hv to go up 10%.
Read up on all of this AND give your views to Ccl (and the Planning Dept!). You've got a couple of weeks of respite for readiness.
During the reg ccl mtg there was an interesting presentation by the Royal Marine Search and Rescue with slides.
Cclr Lewis had a short anecdote about great service staff provided wrt an issue at the cemetery.
Mtg ended at 10:20.
=== NOTICE [1] -- Date: 24 April, 2013 4:58:30 AM PDT
Metro Vancouver examines options to hand over control of some parks to municipalities
Metro Vancouver is looking at potentially handing off some of its regional parks to municipalities because of the rising costs to maintain and expand them.
The move, suggested as part of a parks service review, follows a staff report last year that found Metro parks were under stress with aging infrastructure and congested trails and required a doubling of its current $6.3 million annual budget to improve those services. Caught my attention immediately -- read the whole article:
=== HEADSUP 8B2 === Date: 26 April, 2013 4:18:57 PM PDT
Ccl mtg cancelled for Monday night, for the Youth Ccl mtg (in Srs' Ctr; 6:30pm start) followed by a reception.
Memorial Pond opening 11:30am Sat 27th ub.com/youth/leap.htm?utm_source=mail2&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=EclubApril3
Probably some things omitted, so apologies, but herewith:
Notices, Mtgs, etc; Theatre; Save the Frogs!; Agenda; Maggie; Marriage :-); Weatherwatch :-); Q/T/P
More mtgs, etc than in last Headsup however (varied):
New garbage diversion data show West Vancouver is adopting Green Can Program next week is first without solid waste pick-up. ... The new schedule began last week, and in preparation for the garbage schedule change, residents are encouraged to use their Green Can or a backyard composter.
Next week April 29 to May 3 is the first week without residential garbage pick-up.
o Park Royal Neighbourhood Presentation Centre (devt plans)
Opens Saturday, April 27; daily noon to 5pm; Park Royal South, across from Lugaro Jewellers
CTV had a clip on our own WVPD at work in beautiful Dundarave (tulips in bloom):
Loss of Steve Jenkins, loss of tree protection in WV? The Black Creek massacre, trees chopped down in Memorial Park, etc. A couple of years later and they still have not hired and Environmental Protection Ofcr (or whatever title they choose). Vancouver has an active urban forest prog (selling trees cheaply on weekends in various nbrhds to be planted). Benefits are numerous -- clean air, erosion prevention, reduction of stress on storm sewers, and so on.
More info: http://treecitycanada.ca and http://www.treekeepers.ca
+ PHT Fundraiser -- Love, Loss, and What I Wore
An evening that promises to delight audiences, young and old alike, as we bring Love, Loss, and What I Wore by Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron to the stage at Presentation House Theatre on April 25 and April 26.
A fundraising event for PHT made possible by the generosity of NV's very own Nicola Cavendish, who will be joined onstage by Jenny Mitchell, Susan Mendelson, Patti Allan, Jennifer Clement, Janet Gigliotti, and Veena Sood.
Pls join us at 6pm for our Sparkling & Strawberries Silent Auction Fundraiser. Performance is at 7pm. (990 3474)
Tix $45, includes a sparkling drink and appetizer. We will feature a silent auction on with four fantastic prizes each night and one grand prize "for auction" on both nights. Auction prizes will be announced soon.
+ PULL THE PIN -- 7pm Sat Apr 27
A Political Evening of Performance, Discussion & Klezmer Punk
Co-produced by Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Theatre and Neworld Theatre
This is a community event involving artistic and political discussions on the ongoing issues and questions pertaining to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The central focus of this event will be a reading of Facts, a new political drama by Montreal Jewish playwright Arthur Milner. The play will be read by Marcus Youssef, Sean Devine, and Patrick Sabongui, directed by Marisa Smith. The event will also feature a performance from musician Geoff Berner and panellists from Seriously Free Speech, Independent Jewish Voices, the Canada Palestine Association, and the playwright Arthur Milner, facilitated by Camyar Chai.
Tix $10 - Advance Sales Only, Limited Capacity; at Progress Lab (1422 William St. Vancouver)
About the Play - Facts
Facts revolves around a joint Israeli/Palestinian police investigation over a killing..... A Christian-American archaeologist has been murdered, ..... a chilling and taut political-crime thriller that is an exciting piece of drama on its own merits. What's exceptional, though, is that it offers a rare theatrical opportunity for both an Israeli and Palestinian protagonist to wade through the greater political dilemma within the microcosm of a murder investigation.
For more,www.factstheplay.ca.
Entertainment, Inspiration and Cuisine
Live performance by Musician/Activist Geoff Berner - www.geoffberner.com
Clips of local and international award-winning documentary films | Info booths hosted bySeriously Free Speech Vancouver, Independent Jewish Voices, and the Canadian Palestine Association | Cash bar & Catering by Tamam Fine Palestinian Cuisine
And more... Panellists: Sheila Delany (Seriously Free Speech), Rabbi David Mivasair (Independent Jewish Voices), Hanna Kawas (Canada Palestine Association), and playwright Arthur Milner. Facilitated by Neworld Theatre's founding artistic director Camyar Chai.
A Related Event -- Playwrights Theatre Centre presents a Playwrights Guild Reading
from Arthur Milner, April 28th Doors at 7 pm, Reading at 7:30pm
Also at 1422 William Street. Free admission, cash bar
For more info contact (tix): marisa@neworldtheatre.com or sean@horseshoesandhandgrenades.ca
Learn about the events at http://savethefrogs.com/day/2013 and check back often as we are adding events daily! |
you can't read this newsletter, clickto
view it on the web. Pls forward this letter to your friends
and colleagues!
=== YOUTH COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA -- Monday April 29 ===
4. PRESENTATION Our Living-Learning Community.
A PowerPoint presentation will be provided.
Youth Mayor and Youth Councillors will report on activities and events of Youth Week.
MAGGIE, MarriageWatch, WeatherWatch {moved to WVM}
=== REGULAR COUNCIL MTG AGENDA April 8 === {deleted b/c notes in this WVM}
Subject: PS Fwd: Headsup 8B: Mtgs/Events; Agenda Apr 29
Date: 27 April, 2013 4:55:41 AM PDT
Alas, sorry, left a few culture vulture things off that were to go in Headsup 8B:
= Ending Sat Apr 27:
o Fools, by Neil Simon at Coast Capital Playhouse, White Rock (536 7535) whiterockplayers.ca
o Moliere's Don Juan; Blackbird Theatre Co at the Richmond Gateway Theatre (270 1812) gatewaytheatre.com
+ Vancouver Cantata Singers: Prometheus Steals the Fire: The Music of Kristopher Fulton at Bau-Xi Gallery
7pm vancouvercantatasingers.com
> Hildegard & The Mystics w/ Matthew Fox, presented by Hollyhock-Memorial Ctr for Peace, 9am - 4pm Apr 27
at 1825 W 16th in Vancouver (800 933 6339 x 232) hollyhock.ca
= Sunday Apr 28:
+ Opera Pro Cantati: Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi at 7pm in Cambrian Hall (340 8545) procantati.com
Subject: Tues Apr 30 Events!
Date: 30 April, 2013 2:20:56 PM PDT
this week time is going much faster than usual....
This is not Friday the 13th but today have got last minute info re things this afternoon/evening!
A public mtg re Invasive Plants has just appeared on the DWV home page -- it's not even on the DWV Calendar:
Invasive Plants Strategy Public Meetings
April 29 2013
The next (and last) meeting is Tuesday, April 30, 4 - 5:30 p.m.
It only says at the Cmnty Ctr, no room given.
Wonder how the public will get to know about it? {Update: that was a public mtg not on WG's webpage wch has other mtgs}
(did know about this one; it's in WVM)
Sna7m: Strong Spirit April 30 - May 26 Opening Ceremony 6 - 9pm Tuesday April 30
Beginning our Ceremony: canoes arrive, welcome and blessing ceremony, bonfire, and celebration
The Ferry Building Gallery is honoured to host an exhibition and series of events on First Nations art & storytelling.
In the words of guest curator, Damara Jacobs, storytelling is a powerful tool. One can use it to educate, entertain, or preserve culture. At its core, however, storytelling is a basic human need. We all want to share our story. In the exhibition Sna7m: Strong Spirit we address the importance of story sharing within First Nations culture."
The exhibitions feature artist Xwalacktun (Rick Harry), recently awarded the Order of BC and the Queens Diamond Jubilee Award, believes storytelling fosters healing and what better way to share a story than through art. Xwalacktuns art is a reflection of his lifes journey and it is featured along side work created by his family, friends, apprentices, and peers.
{Poster for PkRoyal's presentation 7:30 Tues Apr 30 PkR N, ctr court}
=== WVM 9 PREVIEW [3 May 7:12pm]
Same old refrain; the treadmill's going faster but want you to know about imminent events and the agenda Monday with important items.
Concerned about the Public Safety Bldg? better go! how to fund is on the agenda and selling land is recommended.
{Do you agree with selling land (gone forever) to fund a depreciating asset, a building that might last 60-70 years, tops?}
FWIW, don't mind selling land to buy other land, and maybe sell road ends but not lots, property; the land is our heritage. Only one reader agreed with selling and one said we had no choice (of course most don't agree with that)
Herewith: [A] Main items May 6; [B] Mtgs/Events/News; [C] May 6 Agendas; [D] Details on the Mtgs/Events;
[E] Ambleside's elephant seal; [F] QTP
= A =
AGENDA: Delegations: HUB (Cycling) and Hollyburn Sailing Club (50th Anniversary); DVP Applicn 2372 Bellevue (letters give history and options); PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING: Schematic Design, Funding Strategy (they'll sell land if you don't say lease or borrow (from ourselves)!), Funding Release; Devt Permit (1519 1525 Bellevue); John Lawson Park Playground; Capilano Rugby Club Liquor Licence; Park Dedication (info to be supplied!); BUDGET/TAX RATES (to third reading!); Adoption of Bylaws (Cemetery, fees/charges); Ccl Mtg added 10am May 8; Cmte Apptmts; Correspondence: dissection of a staff report on the Unitarian Church devt; many letters on the changes proposed for the Ambleside Waterfront; 1300blk; PSB
{NB: No minutes for Apr 8th when agenda came out (and still not up Friday afternoon) -- hard to understand when we used to get the minutes weekly!}
= B =
+ MAY 3 Friday
1. BOOKtopia starts at the Library
2. Beer-Tasting at the Eagle Harbour Yacht Club
+ MAY 4 Saturday
3. NSh Artists' Guild Spring Show at the WV Cmnty Ctr
4. Top Ten Endangered Heritage Tour in Vancouver
+ MAY 5 Sunday
5. Ambleside Farmers' Market is back!
6. Wild Edibles -- a Rainforest Walking Tour (Lynn Headwaters)
7. Migratory Bird Week: A Heron's Home
+ WEEKEND -- May 3 to 5
8. Palestinian Shatat at UBC
= C =
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl Mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Cmnty Charter. At 7pm the regular Ccl
Mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded...
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if .....
(a) personal info about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee,
or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions re the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and
that, in the view of the ccl, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: committee membership, legal, and proposed provision of municipal service matters.
3. Adjournment -- Council will then proceed with the closed session.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of April 15 and April 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Information to be provided.
{Incredible. When Ccl met weekly we used to get the minutes at the end of every week. More astonishingly, letters received up to Thursday noon were included in the ccl mtg pkg. Here we are in May and we still haven't the minutes for the Apr 15th mtg. So, clearly technology and more staff didn't help.}
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
April 15 special and regular Ccl Mtgs; and April 22 Public Hearing and sp and reg Ccl Mtigs.
DELEGATIONS {for information and thanks}
4. HUB - North Shore Committee Cycling Group regarding Creating a Bicycle Friendly Business District in Ambleside (File: 0055-01)
5. Hollyburn Sailing Club regarding 50th Anniversary (File: 0055-20- HSCL1)
6. REPORTS from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
7. Development Variance Permit Application No. 12-079 for 2372 Bellevue Avenue (File: 1010-20-12-079)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
At the April 8 regular mtg Council received the report dated March 28, and set the date for consideration for May 6, 2013.
Reports received up to and including May 2, 2013:
# |
Development Variance Permit Application No. 12-079 for 2372 Bellevue Avenue |
March 28, 2013 |
April 8, 2013 / May 6, 2013 |
R-1 |
Development Variance Permit Application No. 12-079 for 2372 Bellevue Avenue |
May 1, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
R-2 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 2, 2013:
# |
E. Claridge |
April 16, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-1 |
Z. Salemohamed |
April 23, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-2 |
Karl Gustavson Architect Inc. |
April 23, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-3 |
S. Hills |
April 25, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-4 |
R. Smith |
Undated |
May 6, 2013 |
C-5 |
P. Bradner and R. Smith |
April 2, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-6 |
P. Bradner |
April 24, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-7 |
Canadian National Railway Company |
April 25, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-8 |
B. Porter |
April 29, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-9 |
D. Enjo |
April 28, 2013 |
May 6, 2013 |
C-10 |
RECOMMENDED: all written and oral submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council regarding submissions received
OR RECOMMENDED: THAT the modified Development Variance Permit Applicn, to allow for a replacement single family dwelling with zoning bylaw variances to reduce certain yards, as shown on the plans date stamped May 1, 2013, attached to the report dated May 1, 2013 from the Sr Cmnty Planner, be approved.
8. Public Safety Building: Recommended Exterior Schematic Design (File: 0500-01)
1. The recommended exterior schematic design complete with the building form for the Public Safety Building with features including:
o The Fire hall component located on southwest corner of site;
o The Police component located on the southeast corner of site;
o The Fire hall, Police, and shared components as distinct building blocks situated side by side along Esquimalt Avenue;
o Surface parking utilizing the site north of the existing M Hall to reduce the requirement of costly underground parking;
o The greatest concentration of massing at SE portion of the site as a counterpoint to the massing of MHall bldg to the
west; and
o A [two-storey] stepped atrium linking levels of the existing M Hall and each component of the new PSB as shown in
Appendix 1 of the report dated April 25 re Public Safety Building: Recommended Exterior Schematic Design, be
approved for the purpose of the project design.
9. Public Safety Building: Overall Project - Preliminary Funding Strategy (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Staff report back to Council for final approval of the funding strategy before entering into construction contracts and before commencing construction, as set out in the report dated April 11
10. Public Safety Building: Funding Release for Design Development Phase (File: 0500-01)
1. Funding of $815,000 (excluding taxes) be approved for expenditure on the design devt costs for project; and that
2. Funding be provided in a manner consistent with the funding approach previously approved by Ccl for the PSB project, namely through the net proceeds of sale of District-owned lands which are deposited in the Endowment Fund; and that
3. Staff report back to Ccl with a bylaw to amend the 2013 District Budget to include $3,345,000 for the funding required for the PSB, in 2013, of wch $815,000 is for Design Devt fees; and that
4. Notwithstanding this approval, Staff will report back to Council periodically to request Council approval for subsequent releases required for 2013; as set out in the report dated April 25
11. Development Permit No. 11-051 for 1519 - 1525 Bellevue Avenue (File: 1010‑20‑11-051)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the DP for the renovation of a mixed use building be renewed for one year.
12. John Lawson Park Playground 2013 Renewal Project (File: 2160-03-JLPA1)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated Mar 11, from the Mgr of Parks Operations and the Mgr of Cmnty Devt, Youth,
and Families, be received for information.
13. WV Cmnty Day Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Animal Control Bylaw No. 4545, 2008 (File: 3006-02)
RECOMMENDED: THAT an order of non-enforcement in Ambleside Park and John Lawson Park during WV Cmnty Day
on June 1, to allow a Dog Parade and a Responsible Pet Ownership Activity Centre to be held, be approved.
14. Liquor Primary Licence Application for Capilano Rugby Football Club 305 Klahanie Court (File: 1605-14)
1. Council [recommend] the issuance of the Liquor Primary Licence application submitted by the Capilano Rugby Football Club at 305 Klahanie Court, for the reasons set out in the Ccl report dated April 29, 2013, [reasons endorsed by Council],
2. After carrying out a public consultation process and considering the views of the public, Council [approve] the conditions of the requested licence including:
occupant load as recommended by West Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services (President Room/Lounge 24; Club Room 126; Deck 1 31; and Deck 2 - 25); and
the requested hours of operation (Monday to Saturday 11 am to 1 am, and Sunday 11 am to 12 am).
3. The District enter into, and the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute, the Lease and Licence Amending Agreement between the District and the Capilano Rugby Football Club (attached as Appendix 7 to the Council Report dated April 29, 2013), to establish additional limits on the operation of the Capilano Rugby Football Club with respect to the holding of events at which liquor will be served, such limits including a maximum limit of 120 events (during a [12-month] period) where there are over 20 people at which liquor will be served.
15. Parks Dedication Bylaw No. 4755, 2013 (Ambleside Waterfront) (File: 1610‑20-4755)
Information to be provided.
16. 2013 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4753, 2013 (File: 1610-20-4753)
RECOMMENDED: THAT 2013 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4753, 2013 be read a first, second and third time.
17. 2013 Specified Area/Local Area Service Tax Bylaw (Eagle Hbr) Parcel Tax (Eagle Hbr) Bylaw No. 4754, 2013 (File: 1610-20-4754)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Parcel Tax (Eagle Hbr) Bylaw No. 4754, 2013, be read a first, second, and third time.
18. Building Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4729, 2013, and Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4744, 2013 (Housekeeping Amendments) (File: 1610-20-4729 / 4744)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Building Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4729, 2013 be read a first, second and third time.
RECOMMENDED: THAT Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4744, 2013 be read a first, second and third time.
19. Cemetery Regulation Bylaw No. 4651, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4749, 2013 (File: 1610‑20-4749)
20. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4750, 2013 (Cemetery Fees) (File: 1610‑20-4750)
21. Consent Agenda Items
21.1. Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: Schedule be amended by scheduling a sp Ccl Mtg Wed May 8 at 10am in the MHall Ccl Chamber.
21.2. E-Comm Board of Directors Appointment for 2013/2014 (File: 2715-07)
RECOMMENDED: the apptmt of Mayor Darrell Mussatto of CNV as NSh designate for the 2013/2014 year be endorsed.
21.3. Appointments to Committees (File: 0115-20-LCAC1 / 0180-18)
1. Denise Cook be appointed to the Lower Caulfeild Adv Cmte for a one-year term; and
2. Noreen Hicks be appointed to the NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues for the term Jan 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014.
21.4. National Health and Fitness Day (File: 2180-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council [support] June 1 as Nat'l Health and Fitness Day to encourage further participation of residents in active and healthy lifestyle activities by offering free or reduced rate options in our cmnty facilities on that day.
21.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information
Council Correspondence Update to April 19, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Board of Variance Hearing Minutes March 20, 2013
(2) Vancouver Coastal Health, April 16, 2013, regarding Healthy Communities Capacity Building Fund
(3) D. Lust, April 12, 2013, regarding Hugo Ray Neighbourhood Committee
{wrt the devt on the Unitarian Church site; deconstruction of staff report}
(4) 8 submissions, dated April 14-18, 2013, re (Ambleside Waterfront)
(Referred to April 22, 2013 Public Hearing)
(5) E. Claridge, April 16, 2013, regarding Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 12-079 (for 2372 Bellevue Avenue)
(Referred to May 6, 2013 Council Meeting)
(6) Zero Waste BC, April 19, 2013, regarding Youre invited to a film screening of Trashed, April 22
(7) 2 submissions, undated-April 19, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
Responses to Correspondence
(8) Dir/Planning,, April 15, response to K. Losken regarding Fw: Re Collingwood School transformer Noise
(9) Dir/Engg, Apr 18, response to P. Way re Fwd: Comment on the WV Garbage Collection Reduction in Service
Council Correspondence Update to April 26, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Sorel Family, April 21, 2013, regarding Meeting regarding Public Safety Building relocation
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(2) J. Srivastava, April 22, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building Plans
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(3) West Van Matters, April 23, 2013, re Finance/Procedures (Ambleside Waterfront) on behalf of citizen
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
{submitting a citizen's letter with concerns wrt financial process/aspects}
(4) April 23, 2013, regarding Anti noise By-Law
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
{among other problems, it was a surprise to me to learn 'night' starts at 6pm as a bylaw ofcr told this person in a hot tub at 7:30pm!}
(5) J. Weston, M.P., April 24, 2013, regarding Working to Promote Health & Fitness
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(6) J. Komlos, April 25, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building Plans
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
{some v good comments/suggestions worth considering}
Received for Information
(7) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes
Design Review Committee - January 24, 2013;
{v interesting comments on the PSB at that time; staff states in 2012 Ccl approved site selection, and established site, use, and budget.}
-- West Vancouver Memorial Library Board March 20, 2013
(8) Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Devt, March 11, 2013, re Strategic Community Investment Fund Letter
(9) Future of Howe Sound Society, April 25, 2013, regarding Review Future of Howe Sound Forum
{overview of mtg; Save Our Sound Rendezvous will be at McNab Crk June 30}
(10) J. Brownlee, April 18, 2013, regarding Shared Fire Services Move Up Module Initiatives
(11) Cummins Western Canada, April 18, 2013, regarding Metro Vancouver Flow Management
(12) BFI Canada Inc., April 19, 2013, regarding FCM Annual Reception sponsored by BFI Canada
(13) Hugo Ray Neighbourhood Committee, April 21, 2013, regarding Letter from Hugo Ray Neighbourhood Committee re Planning Department report of 7 March 2013; 270/380 Mathers
{dissects staff's report; impressive, incisive, even hilarious}
(14) 33 submissions, dated February 6-April 22, 2013, re... (Ambleside Waterfront)
(Previously received at April 22, 2013 Public Hearing)
{Many interesting letters; mix of views; valid points to consider
(k) from Argyle waterfront homeowners seeking to be referred to and treated as a homeowner.
(gg) from WV Streamkeepers is puzzling from the point of incompleteness saying they're in favour of the amendments on the basis of their desires (partial use) to make a Nature House of the Navvy Jack house -- that's the reason they agree with a 6Ksf restaurant, day care, equipment rentals, etc? }
(15) 2 submissions, dated April 22-23, 2013, re Proposed OCP Bylaw ... (Ambleside Waterfront)
(16) 7 submissions, undated - April 25, 2013, regarding Development Variance Permit 12-079 (2372 Bellevue Avenue)
(Referred to May 6, 2013 Council Meeting)
(17) 4 submissions, dated April 8-25, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
(18) V. Horswill, April 24, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building
(19) Hugo Ray Nbrhd Cmte, Apr 24, re Rezoning Applicn for 370/380 Mathers; Cmnty Consultn Mtg held 24 Apr
(20) R. Richards, April 25, 2013, regarding Liquor Licence
(21) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), April 25, 2013, re UBCM Election Platform for your information/distribution
Responses to Correspondence
(22) Dir/Parks, Apr 25, response to J. Weston, M.P., regarding Working to Promote Health & Fitness
Council Correspondence Update to April 30, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) MetroV, Apr 26, re Notification of a Proposed Amendment to the MetroV Regional Growth Strategy Type RGS 3 Amendment to Add Three Special Study Areas in the City of Port Moody
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) Committee and Board Mtg Minutes Community Grants Cmte, February 15 and 20, March 8 and 13, and April 3, 2013
(3) Union of British Columbia Municipalities, April 26, 2013, regarding 2013 Provincial Election
(4) P. Hundal, April 27, 2013, regarding Community Engagement Process commentary follow-up
{openness and inclusion}
(5) April 29, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building
(6) B. Porter, April 29, 2013, regarding 2372 Bellevue Avenue; proposed variance permit No. 12 -079
(Referred to May 6, 2013 Council meeting)
22. OTHER ITEMS No items. 23. Public Questions and Comments 24. Adjournment
= D =
>1< BOOKtopia: The WV Childrens Literature Festival Celebrates with Internationally-renowned Talents
BOOKtopia: The West Vancouver Childrens Literature Festival is back for its ninth year! This years Festival line-up proves that putting pen to paper is just one part of the exciting literary arts world for young people. BOOKtopia 2013 features presenters with three distinctly different and internationally-renowned talents: plasticine art, prose writing and spoken word poetry.
¢ Barbara Reid: Creator of more than 25 picture books, her plasticine artwork has won numerous accolades including the Governor Generals award
¢ Sarah Ellis: Author of 14 books for children and winner of the Governor Generals award and TD Canada Childrens Literature award
¢ Shane Koyczan: One of the worlds premiere spoken word poets
A complete list of BOOKtopia 2013 events can be found at booktopia.ca. We are especially excited to offer opportunities for youth to participate in workshops with Barbara Reid and Shane Koyczan.
BOOKtopia 2013 Photo Opportunities
BOOKtopia Opening Reception
~ 4pm ~ Friday May 3
West Vancouver Memorial Library, Youth Department (second level)
In attendance: West Vancouver MP John Weston, Mayor Michael Smith, District Councillors, West Vancouver School District Superintendent Chris Kennedy, School Board trustees, young winners of the 2013 Member of Parliament Award for Writing, West Vancouver Memorial Library Director Jenny Benedict, Board members and library staff.
>2< Beer-Tasting at the Eagle Harbour Yacht Club
Eagle Harbour Yacht Club, 5750 Eagle Harbour Road, WV; 921 7636 ehyc@ehyc.org
>3< NSh Artists' Guild Spring Show at the Cmnty Ctr ~ 10am - 5pm ~ Saturday May 4
Browse more than 300 works of art, by 90 artists. Includes abstracts, landscapes, and still life using a wide variety of media.
~ 1 - 5pm ~ Saturday May 4 Annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour
(loading begins at 12:30, bus departs at 1pm sharp!) Tix - $40; Heritage Vancouver Members $35 Meet in the Vancouver Museum Parking Lot, 1100 Chestnut St.
Climb aboard for an exclusive guided tour of Heritage Vancouver's 2013 Top Ten Endangered sites! Be the first to visit the sites on the Top Ten this year with Heritage Vancouver's own heritage experts.
Tour guides Donald Luxton, well-known author, and the President of Heritage Vancouver, and Anthony Norfolk, head of our advocacy committee, will fascinate you with their stories of this year's endangered sites.
The bus will stop at two surprise Top Ten sites and you will have the opportunity to explore these endangered sites in detail and have a conversation with community members!
A small number of tickets are still available for purchase. Any remaining tickets will be sold starting at 12:30pm at the meeting location on a 'first come, first served' basis the day of the event.
Shop for local organic and traditional food, handmade items from local artisans and more
14th St between Marine and Bellevue from 10am on Sundays artisanmarkets.ca 628 8226
A two-hour guided walk in the woods to seek out local wonders like fiddleheads, licorice fern, and nettles, followed by a lunch featuring some of these local foods. Tix $39
11am to 1pm; 1pm - 3pm at Lynn Headwaters, BC Mills House brownpapertickets.com/event/369464
Discover how juvenile herons learn to protect themselves and survive when they leave the nest. Meet at the Stanley Park Nature House, Lost Lagoon 1:30 to 3:30pm (by donation). stanleyparkecology.ca to register
>8< WEEKEND -- May 3 to 5 -- Palestinian Shatat at UBC
RETURN AND LIBERATION: Conference of the Palestinian Shatat in North America opens Friday, May 3 at 5 PM at UBC! (Registration is available beginning at 3 PM). Hope to see you there for the excellent Friday night schedule! For full schedule of the weekend, please visit: http://www.palestinianconference.org/conference-program-and-schedule/
Opening Panel of the Conference of the Palestinian Shatat in North America
~ 5pm ~ Friday May 3
Buchanan A Building (1866 Main Mall), UBC Campus Room 110 -- Light refreshments will be served
Featuring presentations by:
Carol Martin, Nisgaa elder and community organizer
Steven Kakinoosit, Indigenous and Human Rights activist
Haneen Karajah, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC
Khaled Barakat, Conference Coordinator
Keynote by Hanna Kawas, Chair, Canada Palestine Association
Current Forms and Conditions of Palestinian Representation in the Shatat and Homeland
Facilitator: Loubna Qutami
We will map out the current forms of organizing by Palestinians in the homeland and across the Shatat, and the challenges they face in their respective locations. This session will allow participants to better situate and contextualize our role in North America within the broader movement for Palestinian liberation around the world.
Organizing on the Arab Community Front: Implications for our struggle in North America
Facilitators: Mostafa Henaway, Noura Khouri
This session will discuss Palestinian organizing with the larger Arab community, and building connections and relationships with other Arab movements. Recognizing Palestine as an integral part of the Arab world, and our bond with Arab communities, how do we relate to, and build with, broader movements for Arab emancipation?
Between Denunciation and Self-Criticism: Histories, Principles, and Strategies
Facilitators: Abdel-Razzaq Takriti, Khaled Barakat
How can we advance a productive self-criticism? This session will look at the past and present of criticism and self-criticism within the Palestinian liberation movement, past instances of denunciation, and how self-criticism can be managed in a principled political manner in order to advance our collective struggle. http://www.palestinianconference.org/
= E = WV's Elephant Seal
Thursday, May 2, 2013, West Vancouver, BC
On Wednesday, May 1, a juvenile elephant seal appeared on the beach at Ambleside Park. While this species is unusual in this area, it is not completely out of its range.
All elephant seals spend one month each year on land to moult; they undergo what is called a catastrophic moult in which they shed all of their fur along with an underlying layer of skin. During this process, he may appear to be sick or injured, but this is a completely normal process. However, it does take some time, so he may remain on the beach for several weeks.
Visitors to Ambleside beach and park are asked to keep a safe distance this normally aggressive animal is in discomfort because of the moulting process and will be more aggressive than usual. Please observe the barricaded area and keep dogs well away for their own safety. The seal may look slow and harmless, but it is capable of moving very quickly and can be dangerous if it feels threatened.
= F = quotation thought pun {moved to wvm}
=== MAY 6 CCL MTG HIGHLIGHTS! === 7 May, 2013 3:16:15 AM PDT
hot off the presses! Highlights then QTP {QTP moved to WVM}
= Interesting delegation from HUB and potential for cycling in Amb. [See slides]
= Celebrate the Hollyburn Sailing Club's 50th anniversary [slides of its history] on Saturday: noon Mayor Smith and MLA Sultan; sailpast at 1pm; then lunch
= DVP for 2372 Bellevue passed (but not unanimously) however the subject of covenants and limiting tree heights was an important discussion; trees may be a topic for a future Cmte of the Whole. Went to 8:22.
{Former mayor Derrick Humphreys said the two topics that brought out the most ppl were dogs and trees.}
= The PSB motions were critically important. Good news, CC wanted to rescind the part stated by the prev ccl that no funding to be from taxes so that Ccl wd be given ALL the options for paying, not just MFA, borrowing, a combination, investment income, and land sales; Mark Chan dutifully/responsibly said a range of choices wd be given to Ccl. Let's watch this to see how best to pay. CC verified how the three Amb lots wd be paid for. At Sop's request MKoke also will provide a report on the activity in the EndFund over the last five years.
In any case construction won't start till 2014. SLIDES of the proposed building were shown. The residents across from MHall are v upset b/c of the traffic, loss of parking, and construction for two years (resulting in loss of the value of their condos/apts and maybe not able to sell). If 16th or wherever, those residents wd be inconvenienced so Ccl will count on staff trying their best to mitigate.
= John Lawson Park Playground update (an attractive info piece -- thx, Anne) informs us it's still open for play and names other parks for play in WV and hope is finished in the fall
= Musing about, now that Rugby Club has a liquor licence, to perhaps get some of the revenue -- maybe when new lease negotiated?
= PARKS DEDICATION BYLAW -- it passed! That means Ambleside Park has now been dedicated (some uses allowed). WELL DONE, staff and Ccl -- tyvm; and now for the rest of the parks!
= Tax rated for the 2013 Budget passed third reading -- no tax rate increase (for the M, that is). That's pretty good too, Ccl -- tyvm! Mayor Smith pointed out WV residents pay $612 to TransLink, three times what others pay -- and I'm sure he's working hard to address that unfairness since we get much less transit service than other areas..... (NB: Sp ccl mtg Wed 8th to adopt the bylaws.}
~~~ Apparently the May 13th agenda is packed. Stay tuned!
PREVIEW 10 (7:04am May 11)
Well, at least I can inform my subscribers though printed newsletter much delayed. It will be a combination of at least two issues.
Saturday 11th has lots going on -- Jewellery at the Cmnty Ctr (10am - 3pm), Farmers' Market in Dundarave (9am - 3pm?), Hollyburn Sailing Club's 50th Anniversary celebrations starting at noon with a sailpast at 1pm. Final performance of Vancouver Opera's unusual Tea: A Mirror of Soul.
Of course Sunday is Mother's Day. We ¥ Mum!
Herewith: Main Items then the ccl agenda(s) for Monday night {(ending with incredible scuba diving creatures and Q/T/P) -- moved to WVM}. The 4pm Audit Cmte mtg has been rescheduled and now there's an in camera mtg at 5pm. Next reg ccl mtg will be June 3.
MAIN ITEMS Monday May 13:
Delegations (Cool Nbrhds; Climate Change); Revised Proposal for 1300blk; PH for Revised Ambleside Waterfront Proposal June 17; Rezoning, Devt Permit 2074 Fulton PH June 3; Wireless Communication Policy; Approval of PSB "soft costs" ($3.645M); Paving (11th/12th); Bylaws for Adoption (Parks Dedication; Housekeeping Amendments for Building and Fees & Charges); Devt Permit Rodgers Crk bridge Pipe Crk; Correspondence (Sch Bd says no $ for Gleneagles Sound Barrier; fascinating letter re Navvy Jack House and history; Ambleside waterfront; Spring Sprint May 14; financial info/options/queries re PSB funding)
6:00 PM
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded ... on the basis ... under the following section of the Cmnty Charter.
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed ... if ...:
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: proposed provision of a municipal service matter.
3. Adjournment of May 13 sp Ccl Mtg (open session) be adjourned. Council will then proceed with the closed session.
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of May 13, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
4. T. Stafford regarding Cool Neighbourhoods (File: 0055-01)
5. S. Sheppard regarding Visualizing Climate Change (File: 0055-01)
6. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
7. Official Cmnty Plan Amendmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit Appln for 1300block S of Marine (File: 1010-20-12-069)
Council receive for information the revised proposal by the applicant and architect submitted in response to Councils direction on March 4, 2013;
Ccl affirm the draft Process and Consultation Plan described in the report from the Planning Dept dated May 1, 2013;
The revised proposal be referred to the Design Review Cmte (DRC) for evaluation of the applicants response to Councils direction on March 4, 2013;
Following Design Review Committee consideration, the application continue to be revised and detailed as necessary based on feedback from staff and the DRC; and
Staff report back to Ccl w/ a complete plan set based on DRC/staff comments to seek potential direction for bylaw prep.
RECOMMENDED: THAT opportunities for consultation on a proposed OCP amendment, with persons, organizations, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Dir/Planning, dated May 6, 2013, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for the purposes of Section 879 of the Local Government Act.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed OCP.Bylaw..", as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, be read a first time.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013, as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, has been {will have been?} considered in conjunction with the Districts most recent financial plan and the regional waste management plan.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed Zoning Bylaw...", as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, be read a first time.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give statutory notice that a Public Hearing... is scheduled for Monday June 17 at 7pm in the M Hall
9. Proposed Rezoning and Devt Permit for 2074 Fulton Ave (Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-073 and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4752, 2013) (File: 1010-20-12-073 / 1610-20-4752)
RECOMMENDED: ... be read a first time.
RECOMMENDED: ... Public Hearing ... scheduled for June 3, 7pm in the M Hall
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed Devt Permit be considered concurrently with the Zoning Amendment Bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the public be given an opportunity to provide comment at a Public Meeting held concurrently with the Public Hearing
10. Adoption of Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (File: 2515-05)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Wireless Communication Facilities Policy, dated April 12, 2013 and attached as Appendix A to the report dated April 12, 2013 regarding Adoption of Wireless Communication Facilities Policy, be adopted.
11. May is Child Care Month (File: 2100-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated May 3, from the Mgr of Cmnty Devt, Youth, and Families, be rec'd for info
12. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013) (File: 1610-20-4751)
RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second, and third time.
{why on earth not give the amt??? it's $3,645,000}
13. Local Area Service Lane Paving for 1285 11th Street and 1118-1190 Kings Avenue; 1280 12th Street and 1233 11th Street; 1115-1185 Jefferson Avenue; and 1250 12th Street (Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4748, 2013) (File: 1610-20-4748 / 1725-01)
RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second, and third time.
BYLAWS for Adoption
14. Parks Dedication Bylaw No. 4755, 2013 (for District-Owned Ambleside Waterfront Lands Between 13th and 18th Streets) (File: 1610‑20-4755)
A bylaw that dedicates property as park may only be adopted by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of all the members of Council. The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.
15. Building Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4729, 2013 (Housekeeping Amendments) (File: 1610‑20-4729)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.
16. Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4744, 2013 (Housekeeping Amendments) (File: 1610‑20-4744)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.
17. Consent Agenda Items
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
17.1. Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2013 Council Meeting Schedule be amended by:
cancelling the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2013; and
rescheduling the May 27 Ccl Mtg re financial matters to commence at 4:30pm in the M Hall.
17.2. Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw for the work required to resurface the asphalt of Marine Drive from the new at grade traffic light west towards Pound Road (File: 1785-10)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Council approve the request from BA Blacktop Ltd. for an Order on Non-Enforcement of the Noise Control Bylaw No. 4404, 2005 Section 6.1.2 (a) for approximately FIVE days between May 20 and June 14, 2013, to permit completion of work associated with the resurfacing of both the east and west bound lanes of Marine Drive between the new at grade intersection and Pound Road.
17.3. Development Permit Application No. 12-083 for Rodgers Creek Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road and Bridge over Pipe Creek) (File: 1010-20-12-083)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the DP which provides for the construction of an entry road, including a bridge over Pipe Crk, from Cypress Bowl Road into Rodgers Creek Area 4, will be considered at the meeting of Ccl on Monday, June 3.
17.4. Recommendation from North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (ACDI) to support the provision of Video Relay Service in Canada(File: 0180-18)
Council forward a letter to the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in support of the implementation of Video Relay Service (VRS) in Canada for persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired.
Copies of the correspondence be sent to the North Shore Members of Parliament and the Minister of Canadian Heritage.
17.5. GranFondo 2013 (File: 1785-13)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Mgr of Roads and Utilities dated May 2, 2013 be received for information.
17.6. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: ... received for information.
Council Correspondence Update to May 3, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) R. and D. Derreth, April 19, re 4600+ Block of Headland Drive First Sharp Curve to DeCourcey REQUEST AS BEFORE for NO PARKING Signs on Curve
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) West Vancouver School District, April 29, 2013, regarding Gleneagles Elementary School Sound Barrier
{no $ from them}
(3) A. McFarlane, April 29, 2013, re Proposed OCP Amendment and Rezoning Applicn No. 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr
(4) D. Enjo, April 28, 2013, re Construction of New Duplex Residence at 2372 Bellevue Avenue
(Referred to May 6, 2013 Council Meeting)
(5) 4 submissions, April 2529, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront
{Read Lloyd Williams's fascinating letter with material on the past and the heritage-designated Navvy Jack House}
(6) R. Richards, April 30, 3013, regarding Coach Houses
(7) Vancouver Coastal Health, April 30, 2013, regarding My Health My Community Project
Council Correspondence Update to May 7, 2013 (up to 4:30pm)
Referred for Action
(1) SPARC BC (Social Planning and Research Council of BC), May 3, 2013, re Access Awareness Day June 1, 2013
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response and to M Clerk for response)
(2) M. Judd, May 6, 2013, regarding John Lawson Park
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) North Shore Keep Well Society, May 6, 2013, regarding Keep Well Society of the North Shore Week
(4) CRED (Conversations for Responsible Economic Development), May 6, 2013, re Invitation: CREDible Conversations (May 29th)
(5) BC SPCA, May 7, 2013, re Invitation to participate in BC SPCA strategic planning survey
{ survey at: http://fluidsurveys.com/s/Mayors/Councils/strategic-planning/ }
(6) West Vancouver Track & Field Club, May 7, 2013, re Spring Sprint Tuesday, May 14
(7) May 6, re Agenda Item #9, May 6th 2013 Reg Ccl Mtg: Public Safety Building Overall Project Preliminary Funding Strategy
{for bean counters; thorough financial details and assessments, options, etc}
(8) 2 submissions, dated April 25-28, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront
(9) 2 submissions, dated May 7, 2013, regarding Capilano Rugby Football Club Liquor Licence Application.
18. OTHER ITEMS -- No items. 19. PUBLIC QUESTIONS/COMMENTS 20. Adjournment
NB: DEEP SEA CREATURES {rest moved to WVM}
>>> NB: typed while ppl speak; gaps; some timestamps in case you want to listen to on the videotape E&OE <<<
Cclr LEWIS ABSENT (on holiday)
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
The March 18, 2013 regular Council Meeting Minutes to be provided on April 5, 2013.
{Pardon me, but in 1988 with ccl mtgs every week, the minutes came out weekly and these for Mar 18 (24 years later) take more than three weeks? This is progress?}
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
¢ March 11, 2013 Committee of the Whole and regular and special Council Mtgs;
¢ March 18, 2013 special and regular Council Meetings; and ¢ March 26, 2013 special Council Meeting.
Mayor: Carries
CC: uh, just ask, there was an amendment to the agenda that I didn't read out when I made the motion, ask Ms Scholes to confirm that I don't have to read out the amendment
Mayor: Ms Scholes, you can confirm that?
SSch: I will just confirm that new item 5.1 as printed has been added to the agenda, and also two items re Corresp have been brought forward and added to Item 14, Other Item.
Mayor: well, I'll look forward to that.
4. Future of Howe Sound Society, re Forum on the Future of Howe Sound (File: 0055-01)
Peter Finley: Prez, VP is here as well; thank you for the opp to be here to tell you about our Society and some challenges
Howe Sound truly a remarkable region....yet close
magnificent fjord ... finest
Pt Atkinson up... islands; overlapping jurisdictions
Sea-to-Sky corridor
best skiing in NAm, second biggest granite monolith, some of the best cold-water diving in NAm....
recreation for thousands
suffered years of abuse; as you know, toxic; severe impact on life in area
in 70s substantial cleanup, millions of dollars
Britannia Beach, considered one of the worse point sources of contamination in NAm -- over $50M of remediation work, other sums by pulp mills
{so the company makes all the money -- it was the third largest copper mine in the Commonwealth -- and the taxpayers pay to clean it up?
Certainly a lesson in making sure environmental measures are nailed down right at the beginning.}
substantial recovery; herring, Pacific white-sided dolphins have returned...
Our Society dedicated to the conservation and stewardship, not-for-profit, ...
open-pit mine scheduled for McNab, one of only three estuary areas in the Sound
estuaries are one of the nurseries for marine life, v imp
residents became concerned
plan for 70ha open-pit mine, extract the bulk of the delta out of that alluvial fan
remove gravel wd fill BC Place 11 times over
socio-economic effect yet no planning process
envtal review in near future but limited planning in place
need to look at and have comprehensive plan for whole region
actively working to raise public [awareness]
land and water use plan for Howe Sound
in 1990s the Howe Sound roundtable, call to action; 2001 FN and in Sept 2002 signed principles
work together for greater good; territorial lines mean nothing for sustainability...
WV will be hosting the next Howe Sound Forum
sustainability the key; encouraging but tenuous; inevitable devt pressure; take active role
Apr 13 hosting a cmnty forum at the Gleneagles golf course: Mayor, Sop, Panz
hope you will attend and endorse
xxx project ... have an impact on xxx
proponent will reap rewards but impact on your cmnty
thank you.........
NG: what stage?
PD: application; being reviewed but not yet public; 60 - 90 days
CC: possible re-engineering Woodfibre or Port Mellon as a waste
PD: Woodfibre, Port Mellon still an active site -- a successful remediation
Woodfibre: LNG terminal or waste energy prog; haven't see a formal applicn
CC: if we get a handle on it
PD: east side but west side no plan from Port Mellon north
each have sep jurisdiction over diff parts of the sound
want looked at re benefit of region of the whole
need to think in a comprehensive fashion
see these proposals coming
CC: was on Gambier this summer camping for a weekend, that {abandoned} ferry off Anvil -- how can they?
PD: not BC Ferries, was sold; was being stripped; we were active and got publicity; now has been towed
TP: differentiating between Howe Sound, yours non profit and the Howe Sound Cmnty Forum, multiple jurisdictions
sound similar
PD: Future of HS Society, cmnty group to raise awareness and see lack of comprehensive plan
the HS Forum, elected officials who signed on; common interest
what we're trying to do falls into lap of Forum and they're operating with principles
TP: v supportive of the concept of devping a comprehensive plan
Sop: not the first time there's been an uproar wrt... gas plant up there
can still hear my voice reverberating around Britannia, and now have a plant at the bottom
politicians of the Sound well recognize
WV -- no-take zone and xxx
true value-added to have the Society move forward on behalf of the forum
we did challenge, eg coal-burning
has to be a balance out there -- future growth, ecic well-being, look at envtal good for this valuable playground
look fwd to Sat and forum in fall
Mayor: tyvm look forward to the forum
RECOMMENDED: received for information, with thanks.
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
Mayor: yesterday went to v successful flea market; 150 lined up well before it opened; am sure raised a substantial amt
TP: spent day in Women's Dept; hats off to everyone
two Metro utilities mtgs; 9 - 2pm re scenarios, proj definitions; signif funding allocation
need to make sure our voices are well heard
MAB: Wed prelim fundraising mtg on collab between Sch Dist and M around refurbishing of Sec Sch track; will be mtg on Wed
Thurs as A/Mayor attended to WV Dist Ccl political forum; spoke to them about xxx along with [MLAs] Weston and McIntyre
85% of Qs directed at Weston, in particular around envmt and envtal issues
well-organized by students; standing room only in KMC studio; stayed beyond time, good to see interest
NG: couple of weeks ago A/Mayor went around with Meals on Wheels; deliver 12K hot meals a year
in WV run out of United Church top of TWay, M, W, F, ev wk
congratulate those volunteers and thank them for that experience
Easter Weekend at Amb Park, Norouz picnic, say about 5K; everyone out; Norouz celebration of nature
this coming Sat, if wondered about court system, Law Day from 10 - 3pm; courts will be open
Sop: over the holiday attended sev residents in their call for need; think part of my role
look back cclrs explain what they do -- ongoing day-to-day work; we do our due diligence behind the scenes
Mayor: agree with that
CC: Library Bd, work being done with Fdn; legal work so they can work better together
Sports Field WG, this Wed at 7:30am; topic priorities, what next
Upper Lands WG, I was away for last mtg but next next week at Cmnty Ctr, quite well-attended by the public
assure Ccl not contemplating 14 units -- Mr Geller's humour
NShSAR base, called Embassy -- WV v well-served; take great comfort; good news story
---> [ADDED] ITEM 5.1
Sokol: illegal fill in press; requires ccl motion and that's before you this evening
CC: shall I read the motion?
Mayor: helpful
CC: Karim.... authorized to enter prop ... Chelsea Close
Sop: what happens?
Sokol: engg work on site, be able to monitor; staff can redirect the work, ensure in compliance
CC: considerable concern about this in the public
we haven't said much for legal reasons, at what point can we?
Sokol: will talk to our solicitor and determine time we can
Mayor: state clearly, this Ccl is committed to bylaws of this M are upheld
our precious envmt is protected to the best of our ability
6. Devt Permit Appn No. 12-036 for Addns to Mulgrave School for an Expanded Senior School (2330 Cypress Bowl Lane) (File: 1010-20-12-036)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
At the March 4 reg mtg Ccl received the report dated Feb 15 re [this] applicn and set the date for consideration for April 8.
Reports received up to and including April 4, 2013:
DPA for addns to Mulgrave for an expanded sr school + Feb 15 + for Ccl consideration March 4, 2013 / April 8, 2013 + R-1
Written Submissions received up to and including April 4, 2013:
Mulgrave School + March 28, 2013 + April 8, 2013 + C-1
Geri Boyle: SLIDES Mulgrave will talk more about it
takes place at the front of the school, south face, but also affects the parking
DRAWING -- red line grade and where construction will take place
going from two storeys to four storeys so variance needed; variable b/c lot line moves; it's within Upper Lands so creeks protected
John Wray is here to speak, along with pupils
Mayor: anyone is free to speak; a number of ppl have signed up to speak; hear from public first
Mr Wray: thank you for the opp; joined by bd mbrs and project mgrs, ....
started in 1993 and moved to Cypress in 2001; sch has gone from strength to strength; recognized as one of the best in BC and one of best IB schools in the world
established a 25-yr campus plan to oversee; not to expand but to improve facilities
hope you've had opp to view the plans
[a model is under the screen]
(Student) Joanna: be able to enjoy new facilities; pressing educational needs -- to build a new sr school; cramped, no washrooms; diff in winter when it rains
(Student) FMohamad: modern pre-univ style; xxx new facility relieve some of the pressure; as a Grade 9 student looking forward
(St) Anne P: specialist learning facilities for English Math, film.... univ counselling; interest in film hope
(St) Aiden: like Joanna, in Grade 7; art gallery, xxx, and xxx; hope to encourage partners into the school; area for green team to grow
theatre..... transform kitchen to dance studio; passionate about performing arts
new science..... planning to convert old sr school back into a gym
(St) Jemail: mbr of cmte excited about new parking; although many take bus, this better
JW: current facilities already used by NSh cmnty; enhance
urge concern this v seriously and permit
MAB: hv bn to the school, had a tour, impressed about IB, and blown away by a design project
looking at your visual material here, increase in students 8%
JW: not looking to increase {space?}
MAB: but 25%
JW: 40K sf
MAB: public mtg?
JW: last Thurs; not well-attended, not many there, had about 20 ppl
MAB: a bit disappointed theatre back to theatre, impressed used as cafeteria -- facetious
NG: sustainability elements -- impressed to see around irrigation and green roof.....; one of this Ccl GHG, know is not densely populated area but what doing to reduce
JW, not 25, more like 5; bus, take up car pooling
NG: five better
JW: not much take up, hope to have a public bus service; happy for suggestion
NG: you take the bus?
Student: I walk
JW: cycle, can't safely walk
CC: bldg ht, number of storeys .... and reason need those variances b/c tying lower into upper therefore considered one building so more technical
GB: really is a technical; not bldg face, just number of storeys and ht; also retaining walls and it varies in ht
CC: from FAR, site coverage, considered under even with addition
GB: yes
CC: reference to public use of the facility; chn go there but benefit more if cmnty use; I've been to an event there
I'm on the Sport Field WG, know you have a good turf field and plan to build another further down
what more we cd do when not being used -- you also hv plans for a 25m pool -- what more cd school do to open up
JW: committed to cmnty use; not left idle weekends and holidays
drainage re fields, so difficult; orig covenant around cmnty use; commitment from our Bd of Dirs
Sop: slope stability; geotech study probs re creeks why not study giving exact reqmts and slope
Sokol: to GB
GB: did deal with Rodgers Crk; confirms unless work done there and none planned
Sop: setback on eastern side wd need a study
GB: right
Mayor: no one else? motion to move ahead with this
RECOMMENDED: all written and oral submissions be received for information.
RECOMMENDED: the DPA wch wd allow for addns to Mulgrave School for an expanded senior school with zoning variances to building height and number of storeys, be approved.
Mayor: keep up the good work
7. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4746, 2013 (for land along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th) and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4747, 2013 (...Exclusive of Three Privately-owned Lots)
(File: 1010-20-13-013 / 1610-20-4746 / 1610-20-4747) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Sokol: consultation, over 300 ppl
Draft Waterfront Plan SLIDES
opps for year-round use of waterfront and park
expanded use of concessions, expand, other; restaurants, foodcarts; arts facilities
entire area being considered as a park; park accessory uses and from morning to evening
park use is a mix of uses
open in John Lawson Park and Millennium Park; looking at improvements, removal of the park
removing Godfrey House
Guiding principles [7:57]
32 lots, District has acquired 29; cmnty value; some public uses: walkways, commercial uses, picnic areas, etc
continuous public walkway -- two are anticipated, bicycle and pedestrian; extend ped-only to FBG
address heritage values along the waterfront
arts and cultural uses: FBG, Silk Purse, Music Box, and xxx [7:59]
boat rental, bike rental, waterfront restaurant or wine bar
integrated into the OCP amendment before you this evening
MAP -- area in red OCP and Zoning amendment (10.9 acres); art-oriented uses
zoning bylaw amendment is smaller, doesn't include three that still have ppl in them
park dedication bylaws
Parks Master Plan -- sev already included in park designation
Parks Dept plan get all under Park designation
13th to 18th -- strive to integrate the guiding principles [OCP Slide 8:01 Arts & Culture, cmnty arts, H Values... bldg scale and character]
Zoning Bylaw xxx
1- park and playgrounds 2 - park accessory uses 3 - Continue use of Navvy Jack for Residential Uses
ppl excited to see wine bar on waterfront
child care; rec equipment rental
want to emphasize all uses discussed during consultation
use for parks and playgrounds; historic context of Navvy Jack house or portion of
zoning only applies to M-owned lands
shd restaurant or rental facility, wd be District-owned; or devpd under a lease, licence, or contract from DWV
doesn't call for a project, calls for proposal -- will be defined by Ccl
SLIDE: Conditions of Use for Park Accessory Uses [8:05]
only talking about one restaurant ~6Ksf -- allow in principle but process through Ccl (will happen at a later date)
75 seats per instance (~20 tables or smaller)
child care (one instance); passenger ferry terminal
zoning on waterfront is duplexes
allow modest expansions shd Ccl choose
happy to answer questions
Sop: nagging edge -- this strip of land considered to be open space by public forevermore by dedication to park
look at Amb; concession
unless we dedicate this to park and then arrange have to come back
this will chop up
future -- for public use so can use this, etc
public dedication of that strip of land for park dedication forevermore
diff in presenting something to us park use in a park and then we say
we say what we wd like and that's not what this said
{Sop has caught the nub}
Mayor: pls clarify, thought we were dedicating park
Sokol: primary, allowing some uses with limitations
Mayor: all must come back
Sokol: must be approved by Ccl
{IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE wch I noted and said at PQP: only park, the referendum; or this and you must permit, can't cancel, but some measurements}
TP: when PMP WG went out, concern of whole cmnty was protection of parks
eg FBG is at present zoned commercial so those kinds of things have to be addressed
when we look at CU5, how are we assured, dedicated into future?
park designated and done with seriousness.....
assurances we need that for park purposes, strong and solid
allow park uses
just to make valid Silk Purse and Ferry Bldg,.....
is CU strong enough? this is where concern is sitting
Sokol: parks as park space
one way is through park dedication bylaw, harder for a future to change than zoning
alternative approval process (...... referendum)
along waterfront a lot already secured, portions of Amb Park, etc
know it was an imp recom of PMP; identify those props and bring back a park dedication bylaw before end of year
TP: sense there needs to be an assurance park dedicated as park
Sokol: technically it can but don't know Parks time
Mooi: we'd have to look at that
Mayor: don't know of a plan to build a warehouse!
Sokol: list of uses v restricted
NG: details in list; when I read through this, Conditions of Use: some have max sq m some don't, some xxx and some don't
for example, B we say 75 seats but don't say sq ft
Sokol: 75 seats determined by load, Fire Dept; can't give you an answer
NG: says rest sq ft then wine bar seats so diff and can't compare xxx [8:18]
Sokol: eg Sailing Club, might have a concession stand
NG: permanent not like food cart
how many of these things and size?
465sqm per building for arts and culture but you don't say how many bldgs
rental -- are they permanent or not? and not sure of size
trying to get an idea of what we're looking at
then the ferry terminal -- a bldg or a wharf?
Nature Ctr that has been proposed and discussed -- don't see the opening for that here
Sokol: in Park Accessory, allowed uses in the zone
NG: if Ferry Bldg integrated into the art ctr and FBG turned into a tea house -- is that a food and beverage concession?
if a new idea, doesn't fit?
Sokol: trying to accomplish a balance
get agreement in usage; range of uses we think appropriate
accessory to major, use as park
ultimate decision, Ccl decides -- eg size of rental; can't see future as to how big
NG: better to leave details in, or open and let it be decided later on?
Sokol: some restrictions on what changes can make
advertised, to PH
can make these smaller but not larger; make it more restrictive
we're the prop owner, can't arbitrarily change
can't change use though, so if you want to take a park accessory use out, if not approving in principle, take it out before first reading
{but the recommended motion includes first reading!}
CC: making more restrictive after reading easier vs expanding after?
Sokol: correct; if one of these uses, going to say absolutely not, make that amendment now
if you want to change after PH have to re-advertise
I take your point, Cclr G, if passing we're not approving any of these projects under potential
saying wd consider to approve
Sokol: correct
{not quite, or not clear; this is the tricky bit. Having whatever named in these uses will have already been approved with this suggested motion if passed, and a PH will not be required to allow the use, but from there Ccl's approval is required.}
CC: to comfort to cmnty; I agree with Cclr G, take all the detail out; we shd be more prescriptive, sq ft, ferry terminal; specify number of arts and culture facilities
not contemplated, about building any new facilities
legitimizing existing arts & culture facilities, put in with their sq ft, etc
5Ksf, expansion to that point
rental if in Sailing Ctr, shd say that
we do have a vision for the waterfront and not xxx [8:27]
childcare surprised me, I have chn but not one {not child care} on waterfront
{right, Craig -- childcare seemed an unexpected use to add; lobbied or they have someone in mind?}
if part of Sailing Club rebuild -- rental or in John Lawson?
the basic prob is that it doesn't come through in the way it's drafted that we're thinking of this as a park
emphasis is building all these things, feel public reaction will be, we're getting away from notion of green space
Ccl's direction, correctly, is that we don't want net loss of green space; three houses we own going to demolish, a restaurant wd go where two of those are, and the third wd probably be green space [8:29]
We have three more to acquire, and those wd likely be used for green space
I think that's where Cclr Sop is coming from and Cclr Panz is
We need to emphasize that we want to preserve a great deal of this, no net loss
in favour of park dedication bylaw b/c it send the right msg, know have to reconfigure priorities but wd be good
if a Park Dedication Bylaw, cd have one that allowed for these concessions
what we have now is v permissive now; staff is proposing restrict to protecting the area
Sokol: the zoning we have now is inappropriate; this is a major step forward
CC: if we make it more restrictive
a park dedication bylaw not any diff uses, just even more protection
same outcome but a stronger protection, theoretically bind future Ccls
Sokol: yes; make it harder for a future Ccl to change
CC: I'd echo Cclr Panz's
tacitly open door, protect bulk of green space
Sokol: Park dedication wd go further
MAB: not in any disagreement with what's been previously said
process wd want to give some thought to; want to protect this as park
goal to enhance use of that park; special park, in urban setting so these uses proposed make sense
the public consultation so far has not been as specific as stated
wd like to see specific, b/c not exactly clear
status of the market strategy -- Amb proper? that cd give us more insight as to how pieces fit together
Sokol: market study under way, two diff consultants retail (contacting all the biz) and bylaws (and impact)
MAB: got great ideas, can Amb support 6Ksf restaurant? 75 seats?
have questions -- support components but want to find out how they fit into a broader strategy
those specifics raise that for me
5Ksf footprint per bldg does not include new art ctr?
Sokol: does not include that zone
MAB: cmnty gardens?
Sokol: covered by park accessory uses
{gardens a park accessory use?}
MAB: opp for covered walkway, bridges, seating -- is that included?
Sokol: cd include, long list then other uses -- interpretations such as small gazebos
Sop: from tonight, one of the most signif driving force is to dedicate as park in conjunction with
first reading all entrenched and hard to move out of that scenario
if take ev off -- why wdn't you want to dedicate it all a park?
looking at components, park here and there, bldg here and there; some good suggestions
even the Mayor made some good suggestions
why not dedicating as park along Keith Rd
based on all the work done by PMP
we want full control over everything
Mayor: Mr Sokol, want to explain it again?
Sop: not prepared to sit here if not park dedicated; why shd we xxx
Sokol: 37 years been buying haven't been dedicating for other things [8:39]
continue to use as parks, much higher
part of the work plan for staff, park dedication plan by end of year
higher protection than now; a number ccl priority
Mayor: summarize where we sit
sometimes I think we landed in North Korea, some controls ppl want to put
staff says let's move forward and do some things on those lands
anything has to come back to be approved
{no need for a PH to have a use listed, but Ccl still has to approve.}
don't see why not pass, we've put feelers out; believe it or not the market will decide how big, how many seats
maybe I don't understand his point but it seems he hasn't made the transition from running a (privately owned) biz and being successful, and running a (govtal) body that ideally facilitates the wishes of the ppl/the cmnty/ who give (well, not exactly, they have no choice being taxed) money to the Board of Directors (aka Ccl) so they will/can. That's not to say residents don't want things run well, efficiently, maybe some profitably, but it does mean they'll want some things that don't make sense from a money-making POV. Parks are a case in point.
Selling off Gleneagles or Stanley Park wd bring in a lot of money!
WV is known for considering their green park-like cmnty as one of the top benefits/advantages/characteristics, take pride in it, and want to protect/preserve/enhance it.
A survey done by a provincial heritage professional commented a few years ago that one of the remarkable/notable results was that WV residents, unlike most other cmnties, put its park-like character top of the list of desirables.
No doubt we treasure it and want to keep it.
That doesn't, of course, mean we wdn't want some pleasurable pastimes there.
Renting kayaks, for example, wd enable that leisure (rhymes with pleasure) and recreational pursuits wd not be forbidden, whereas OTOH a daycare not so much even though it wd be a great advertisement, marketing draw for that biz.
The Mayor's point though wd be that if not a subsidized concession, a restaurant is wanted, size wd depend on the biz being viable -- unless, naturally, the public chooses not to want it to be so big.
Type also is important.}
I trust the market place, being a life-long free-enterpriser
not just for these lands, parks, open spaces
let's get on with serving the public good
Someone prepared to make a motion?
{NB: serving the public good does not always match a profit-driven free-enterpriser}
Sop: when is the dedication to parks going to be?
Mayor: Clearly stated, going to happen this year
Mooi: in our work plan, park dedication bylaw for Whyte Lake and five other parks and we'll make Amb a priority in 2013
Mayor: that reassure you?
Sop: as long as it's the entire area, not divided up to John Lawson, Millennium, or somewhere else
Mayor: plan to designate all except for those three houses we don't own. Right, Mr Sokol?
Sokol: the intent
Sop: that being the case, why not stated at the beginning?
Mayor: left it to the end to allow the tension to build
THAT opportunities for consultation on a proposed OCP amendment, with persons, organizations, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Dir/Planning, dated Mar 22, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for the purposes of Section 879 of the Local Government Act.
Sop: Mr Sokol does that mean b/c of all prev work and open houses that come time for the PH, there'll be no accepted changes?
b/c we've done all the consultation, we don't have to do any more? When you come to a PH ppl are going to say why don't you change that or change that. If you're not receiving any more public consultation, how can we make any change in the future?
Mayor: we always go into a PH with an open mind
Sop: I agree, so why is staff saying that we now have endorsed sufficient consultation so we don't have to hear any more?
Sokol: it's a reqmt of the LGA that Ccl read this before bringing forth an OCP amendment, and this is something Ccl does on a regular basis
Sop, surprised: Really?
Sokol: yep
Sop: that's the way it is?
(Mayor?): yep
CC: my understanding of LGA there [are] sev points Ccl at wch consultation has to occur, prior even to first reading, after first reading comes PH; so it doesn't relieve us from doing public consultation... going forward.
Sop: thank you, I knew that
Mayor: okay, so shall I call the question?
{disappointing they deem it sufficient; awareness about potential loss of parkland and some commercialization of the waterfront is only now getting the attention of the general public
Wise to have more public/info mtgs and postpone the PH.}
Sop: I move THAT [the] proposed Amendment Bylaw, as attached to the report dated Mar 22, be read a first time.
just to caution Ccl that everything that's in the plan, once this first reading goes through, that's it, it's there
so I caution that we'd made recommendations that certain things wd be pulled out
Mayor: Mr Sokol, do you want to clarify this again?
Sokol: in terms of the OCP Bylaw, Ccl can make changes and to the Zoning Bylaw as well, as mentioned by staff earlier
Mayor: Okay, can I call the question?
I see one mbr of the public has raised his hand to speak but unfortunately under our procedure bylaw, Ms Scholes, can you correct me if I'm wrong
the time for public input is past [8:46]
SSch: That's correct, Mr Mayor, and I don't believe there was anyone on the Speakers' List as well
Mayor: okay, so Cclr Sop now that you're on a roll do you want to make any further motions?
Sop: move THAT [the] proposed ... Bylaw, as attached to the report dated Mar 22, 'has been considered' in conjunction with the Districts most recent financial plan and the regional waste management plan.
{recommend it will have been done vs stating it has been done; CC right to ask. No report to that effect?}
CC: Ask Mr Koke if that has in fact been done, b/c we haven't been told that
Ans: correct, it has been done
Sop moved: THAT the proposed Zoning Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw, as attached to the report dated Mar 22, be read a first time.
Sop moves: THAT the MClk give statutory notice that a Public Hearing re [these amendment bylaws] is scheduled for Mon Apr 22 at 7pm
Mayor: NOTE, we haven't passed anything; subject to PH; anyone wanting to speak come to PH
I see former Cclr Day, I recognize you wanted to say something, so hope there'll be time at the end of the mtg if you want to stay for PQP, I'd be happy to hear from you.
(Former cclr) Rod Day persisted now anyway; it was confusing: Clarify? {hard to hear b/c not at mic}
you spent 45 minutes trying to figure out what it meant
shd hv bn dealt with separately ...
{yup; by not giving comparable numbers as Cclr NG pointed out, and by not making the distinction clear wrt having something (can, if this passed) and not having something (if park dedication and then a process to introduce something not park). Look at Park Accessory Use category, various structures/things there.
Also, later as I say, the procedures shd be amended/modified so that a citizen may ask a question at the end, limited, of course. Cd be, for example, for things such as clarification (if ambiguity or contradiction), a point of personal privilege (if named during debate), or perhaps a missing pertinent/relevant factor, etc }
Mayor: Mr Sokol, more clear definition of what we're doing here?
Sokol: as said earlier we can make changes; CAN'T actually DELETE USES from the list ONCE PH HELD without going to another PH once held
however if Ccl wants to make conditions more restrictive, can
{hm; so this is a crucial difference/point. Normally amendments are made at second reading, but apparently not if passed first reading and a PH!}
Mayor: Ccl wants to make clearer; cd flesh that out with a further report or further information on 22nd
Sokol: yes
CC: you said we cd do that
Mayor: We will do that
CC: yes, on 22nd we'll have more specific information for Ccl's and public's consideration?
Mayor: hope presentation on 22nd will hv heard some of the questions tonight and staff will make a lucid and comprehensive explanation
Sokol: as always
{some laughter} [8:59]
{Let's hope....}
8. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-084 for 825 Taylor Way & 707 Keith Road (File: 1010-20-12-084)
in terms of OCP; some definite on land use policy
some policy direction re housing for the elderly; specialized for seniors
where they need to live for assistance; whole facility not for that
quite indirect, bit of a vague area; speaks to a housing need
DM: thank you, Geri; Don Milliken owner of Milliken Devt Corp
request your support -- accommodate much-needed 74 resid; memory-impaired, no govt funding
my father, Don Milliken, was 50, Parkinson's ... compounded with Alzheimer's
v expensive and diff to manage xxx
waiting lists
finally in Sunrise but no suitable place for him in WV
mother xxx has Alzheimer's wd not qualify for Westerleigh; sister and me faced with finding
[8:56] no place in WV -- memory-care needs, non-govt funded
found a need, just in WV, for 900 spots
huge need in WV without requiring they go elsewhere
landscaping is tree-by-tree accuracy; 74, and 36 with memory needs
high quality and xxx, believe highly suitable [8:57]
52ft elevation drop from N to Keith Rd, provided isolation
doesn't create much traffic, don't drive
4 not suitable for sgl-fam housing
xxx noise not a prob
immed adjacent nbrs, four groups (Amb, Dund, Cedardale, ?)
have set back more; more trees to screen; building sunk into prop one storey; west coast architecture
consultants with us tonight; we ask you for your support
Mayor: any questions?
MAB: how have the nbrs responded?
DM: had about 15 ppl come to mtg and WV rec ctr
supportive; pushback from nbrs to the north, three; used to a largely undeveloped site
concerned about screening and noise [9pm]
MAB: a reflective roof? having visited a house with a reflective roof, concern
GB: green roof
MAB: says green, then reflective roof
Consultant: mean to xxx, it's a light-coloured roof, flat
MAB: flat
NG: same Q about reflective roof
know prov roadway but we've had from ed? up and down TWay
trying to promote pedestrianism; plans to improve that?
GB: as part of this process, the traffic study wd hv to go through to prov; have to sign off on zoning
point to discussions we've had in front of the Evelyn site; you haven't seen that; plan to extend
Mayor: need motion to move to PH
CC: do we have a traffic study? we don't seem {we seem not} to have a copy
GB: will be up on the website
{Good question, CC. Why wasn't Ccl given a copy and why not on website?}
CC: huge for the residents; some eastbound
in future have that info; going to be one of the issues
{right, CC; don't have to be a rocket scientist to know residents concerned about traffic.}
DM: reducing access points from three to one
don't drive
CC: do you know how often resident visited by family?
Sop: they've got to go DRC
{hm? what has that to do with asking about the traffic???
Excellent question from CC b/c maybe the residents don't drive but most of their friends and family probably do to come to visit.}
let's have a motion to move forward
Florestan (sp?): traffic engr, study submitted to staff; 30 per hour in and out
CC: only 70 spaces of that type in WV?
DM: privately funded; excluding govt-funded such as Inglewood
examples Amica, Hollyburn House, Westerleigh (wch will not have assisted space); each have 35 assisted; HUGE waiting list; typically won't let you put into Amica or Hollyburn unless have already been living there
CC: how many public spaces?
DM: haven't
CC: only 70 and demands for 900? -- wd like to know
DM: demand wd be far higher if publicly funded facilities
NG: make motion as written
Mayor: okay, Ms Scholes?
SS: it's displayed on the screen
was moved THAT
1. Cmnty consultation take the form of Design Review Cmte consideration and a public mtg in May with direct notification provided to the properties shown on the map attached as Appendix C to the staff report dated Mar 28 from the Sr Cmnty Planner and the Mgr of Cmnty Planning, and a notice of the public mtg be posted on the District website; and
2. Following the cmnty consultation on the devt proposal, staff report back to Council on the results of the consultation, and provide a complete review of the devt proposal and recommended next steps.
9. Removal of Sound Barrier at Gleneagles Elementary School (File: 1785-03-06)
RF: feel compelled to say new devt has come place; Ministry has offered to cost-shared
properly permitted and resp on District to maintain
staff considered about taking over resp to maintain and setting a precedent
{so am I. Terrible situation. Denial elsewhere, but not our issue/problem in the first place!}
considering once had a barrier, wants to be made whole
Ccl may want to consider 1/3 1/3 1/3
Mayor: public?
Don Umbach: a short thank you; our one-year anniversary; one year ago completely changed our nbrhd
know it's complicated b/c not within jurisdiction of Ccl
needs of all taxpayers, not just our nbrhd; thanks for all work done to date
this restoring our faith, hope SD45
XX: parent, daughter goes to this school; also say thank you
a little bit of history; process, SD, help from Mr Fung; feeling quite 'despaired'
apparent lack of resp from SD45
now seeing leadership of Ccl, a satisfactory resoln; appreciate re precedent
am sure no other schools located near school, ferry, heavy traffic
no protection from noise, traffic
think this is the right soln; hope you'll make the right decision; restore our peaceful surroundings
Mayor: Michael Evison -- that's not a speech you're holding in your hand is it???
Ev: yes!
I think SD will come through but what if SD45 don't come through
my suggestion: go back to staff and come up with an alternative
a great pity, esp we have two out of three
reminds me of States -- Democrats and Republicans stamping foot "won't do it"
diff if SD doesn't come through but [I'm] being an optimist
[9:15] RECOMMENDED: THAT an amendment to the 2013 Budget be made to a max amt of $23,333, as the Districts cost share towards construction of a replacement sound barrier adjacent to Gleneagles Elem Sch, upon receiving confirmation from the Min/Transp/Infrastructure and SD #45 of their respective cost shares.
CC: don't think we shd negotiate against ourselves
write a letter to SD; step up to plate rather than staff level
Mayor: as luck wd have it, having a mtg with Sch Bd Wed and notified them today want this on the agenda
MAB: note appreciation of Mr Umbach for staff
we didn't direct staff to take it down
Mr Fung captured concerns and followed them up; proud of staff not giving up on this nbrhd
this nbrhd shd be whole; I too want to be optimistic wrt dealing with SD, Wed, timely.
NG: I'd like to change -- been having a lot of trouble with this decision most of the agenda by a long shot
but it's not the Sch Bd, it's the MoT, getting away with a lot; after the ferry fiasco and Eagleridge fiasco
BCF, ten toll booths, xxx school, nbrhd up in arms -- pollution and traffic
MoT wanted to build it -- threw some money at SchBd to shut them up
SchBd put double-glazing [9:20]; shut them up, and built their toll booths and xxx parking?
throwing a little bit of money $23K, and wash our hands of it
xxx; see position of Sch Bd, haven't any money, don't even want a xxx
not that I don't support the residents -- I went to that school and lived in that nbrhd
xxx don't have any recourse
but we can't resolve that; brought into that situation b/c residents can come here to xxx
not part of it ten years ago, don't have jurisdiction
xxx downloading; feel really really xxx about that
precedent, eg Collingwood b/c of walls
sympathize with the residents; hope we can distinguish this in future, not going to vote
abstain? so will be
in case Carolanne is at the back.
{yes, cannot abstain; someone who does not vote, does not put up hand, is deemed to be voting in favour}
Mayor: motion carries unanimously
10. Public Safety Building: Preliminary Exterior Schematic Design (File: 0500-01)
John Wong: open house Jan 23; great feedback
talked to Design Review, Police, Fire; Dialogue Architecture
XX: apologize for technical
SW corner take advantage of wide ROW
heritage component; give a view; cross section view
Mayor: to PH and DRC?
Sop: geothermal capacity?
Sop: had opp as others did to see this earlier
{really? must hv bn an in camera mtg -- how to justify that? doesn't qualify! how can an architectural drawing or model of a M-owned bldg jeopardize the financial status of the M???}
concerned about wrap-around but has a real good blend to it; think you've done an excellent job
MAB: agree
think this achieves all of the .... functionality and cost
a constituent asked: where any comments and considerations re 15th?
RF: some prelim work done
police movement
any need to upgrade at 15th and Fulton, will be built in
NG: re design of bldg, a lot of ppl say looks pretty boxy
examples of how this wd change
what can I say to ppl?
Architect: this is a massing model
describes, see functions in a cubic form
detailed interior layout of ea component
structural systems; will see a transformation from this boxy image -- material colour
imp part of next stage of work
complement facilities in and around -- not the final
NG: roof will still be flat though?
NG: impressed by work you've done; looking forward to charrette tomorrow night
{hm -- yet another closed mtg??? Public mushrooms?}
CC: this will inform
reflections on this design: like that
you've minimized the bldg footprint and increased the xxx most imp for me [9:37]
diffuses the traffic
what about atrium with lobby, xxx -- can improve how chamber integrates with atrium
assume provide for uses for top of police bldg? access shd be from MHall to getting to top floor of police bldg
good to come with more exterior
16th side harsh monolithic; 16th quite wide, remove parallel parking, have some landscaping, softens it, residential; perhaps also on Esquimalt
also good news, N side -- how much does that save us from built parking underground -- $2M is my math right?
ANS: yes, roughly $35 - $49K a spot and thinking of 50?????? spots so
Architect: atrium, I agree with you
taken seriously: to ensure the Police Bldg, bldgs change use over years, so functionality to cover future life
16th St side, west coast bldgs and landscapes integral, bereft but conjunction of the two will make it approp
Sop: Mr Chan, Mr Wong, proposal is devoid of financial, coming?
{good question, Sop; shdn't any financial aspects come before, or at least with, a motion Ccl asked to approve???}
ANS: coming Apr 22nd
MOTION THAT the preliminary exterior schematic design complete with the bldg form for the PSB with features including:
¢ Fire Hall component located on [the] southwest corner of site;
¢ Fire Hall, Police, and shared components distinct building blocks situated side by side along Esquimalt Avenue;
¢ [Utilization of the] site N of [the] existing MHall for surface parking, reducing the reqmt of costly undergrd parking;
¢ Greatest concentration of massing at [the] SE portion of [the] site, as counterpoint to [the] massing of [the] MHall bldg to [the] west;
¢ [Two-storey] stepped atrium [to provide a] new formal entry and links levels of [the] existing MHall and each component of the new PSB;
as shown in Appendix 1 of the report dated April 2 re Public Safety Building: Preliminary Exterior Schematic Design be approved for the purpose of proceeding to public consultation including a public Open House on April 24 and Design Review Cmte, after wch Staff will report back to Council with a final recommended exterior schematic design for Council consideration/approval in May 2013.
{more left; now down to about four ppl not staff}
11. Update on Solid Waste Service Level Changes (File: 1775-01)
Who?: biweekly; three slides; will be turned over to Emily for education and outreach
aim 70% diversion
SLIDE of key dates
losing landfill -- Cache Crk will close
prov told us not to take our waste to Interior; done ev except last item; Green Can last year
new numbers Ccl hasn't seen yet; graph
diversion rate stagnated
SLIDE -- green can levelled off; green waste superseded garbage
most ppl already have their colln calendars at home
Emily Willobee: outreach materials; schedules, first delivered in Jan (to May); second in May for rest
utilities brochure to go out with bill, bus schedule, website, etc
overweight can, tag says what's not been done, why not collected
educational tag
cmnty -- home shows, promotion prog, why changes?
Mayor: April 29 big day?
Emily: first day without garbage colln
MAB: thought NV wd be
ANS: won't be till 2014
MAB: get recycling at min? what can we do?
ANS: most bldgs do have recycling; eventually xxx will be forced on all multi-fam
CC: email from Mr W -- he points out that some families cannot xxx down to two cans
if two kids in diapers as I had a short while ago can't reduce to that
can't punish them
Mr Way proposes a compromise -- put out three then won't be unfair
reducing from $6 to $3 I prefer
xxx now already 63% xxx
get to 70% our goal
if didn't, cd move
the low-hanging fruit is multi-fam
biggest cost is the truck coming around, the one extra can is relatively limited
if cost is an issue, I don't put out green waste or food scraps b/c I compost
in spite of saving
some compromise made for larger families
I wd ask we modify the policy by allowing households to put out three bags instead of one
RF: I'm in receipt of this letter from Mr Way; staff have done a lot of research
know amt put out, compostable, blue box
I wd suggest raising from two to three does have an impact
yes, trucks, but taken pressure off reduce
how long to pick up increase
understand Mr Way's situation, rather than change policy at this stage, embark on this policy, monitor situation, and report back to Ccl
if recom changes to be made -- if large fams and xxx demographics small
decreasing the garbage tag fee
Finance Dept, had quite a run on buying those tags, have to find a way re refunds
decrease to ease transition
NG: thank you for that explanation
I have two kids and a family of four, we only put out our garbage ev two weeks
we have to stop buying garbage!
Mayor: extend the mtg
when Ms Scholes and I went through this, didn't anticipate over three hours
TP: really good policy; anticipate get more feedback; thrilled links to videos and front line staff fully briefed on these changes
opps to reduce, refine; 62% is fantastic; sensitive to change of behaviour
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated March 19, 2013 from the Mgr, Engg Services, be received for information.
CC: seems to be support for reduce for period of time?
Mayor: commitment I heard; market place, Mr Fung reported; public supports b/c coming in droves to buy
but change if Mr Fung found fit to do so
RF: wd suggest at this point implemented as it is now for Earth Day
heard suggestion, if reduce, more thought re reduce $6; will come back
staff cd come back to Ccl with some sort of proposal
Mayor: is that satisfactory?
CC: the fact ppl are buying just means they've agreed to a tax hike
Mayor: reasonable to me
CC: $300 a year
NG: garbage
Mayor: question
Sop: [already] called and voted on
{he's right}
Mayor: consent agenda
SSch: still have No 12
12. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4736, 2012 (1821 Marine Dr) (File: 1610‑20-4736)
passed [10:01]
13. Consent Agenda Items
Mayor: from Gareth Rowland; highest ratings {reads them out, in Corresp below}
Well done, Blue Bus System
NG: wanted to add to that about bus driver Bruno in the NSN
[read letter] great example
Mayor: and Bruno rec'd a letter from us xxx
13.1. Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2013 Council Meeting Schedule be amended:
¢ to replace the Cmte of the Whole mtg scheduled for Apr 15 with a sp Ccl Mtg wch will include CoW to be held on Apr 15 at 7pm; and
¢ to reschedule the Apr 29 Ccl Mtg re financial matters to Apr 15 at 5pm.
13.2. 2012 North Shore Emergency Management Office Annual Report (File: 0180-16)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
13.3. TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 4, 2012 (File: 3205-03)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated Mar 11 from the Transit Mgr be received for information.
13.4. Revisions to Invasive Plant Species Strategy WG Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-CEC)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated Mar 19 from the CEC re revisions be received for information.
13.5. Appointments to Awards Committee and Community Grants Cmte (File: 0116-20-AWARD / CGC1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following appointments be approved:
Ian Macdonald to the Awards Committee for a two-year term;
Ardeshir Mayan to the Awards Committee for a one-year term;
Coral Winfield and Ardeshir Mayan to both the Awards Cmte and Cmnty Grants Cmte; and
Lori Williams to the Awards Committee.
13.6. Appointments to the Design Review Committee (File: 0116-20-DRC)
RECOMMENDED: the following apptmts to the Design Review Cmte for the term ending January 31, 2014 be approved: Donal OCallaghan; Kim Smith; Barbara Pettit; Cedric Burgers; Carolyn Kennedy; Augustine Hii;
Paul Richards; Senga Lindsay; Farouk Noormohamed; and Keith Fenton.
13.7. Development Variance Permit Application No. 12-079 for 2372 Bellevue Ave (File: 1010-20-12-079)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that [the DVP] to allow for a replacement single-family dwelling with zoning bylaw variances to reduce certain yards, be considered on Monday, May 6, 2013.
13.8. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
Council Correspondence Update to March 15, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
¢ P. Uyeyama, March 8, 2013, regarding Recycling in West Van Parks
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
¢ K. Higgs, March 11, 2013, regarding The Tyee Pollution Refugees
¢ P. Hundal, March 11, 2013, regarding Response to Ambleside Activation Report
¢ D. Lust (Petition 49 signatures), Mar 11, re Rezoning of 370/380 Mathers (NSh Unitarian Church)
¢ 4 submissions, dated March 13 14, 2013, regarding North Shore Unitarian Church
¢ 6 submissions, dated March 9 11, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
¢ Police Records Info Mgmt Envmt Incorporated (PRIMECorp), Mar 11 re New Strategic Direction for PRIMECorp
¢ Village of Belcarra, March 12, re Admiralty Point Federal Lands Preservation For Future Generations
¢ Troll Enterprises Ltd, Mar 13, re Proposed Devt Permit 12-055 for 6418 Bay St (Olive & Anchor Restaurant) (Referred to March 18, 2013 Council Meeting)
¢ M. Nelson (Petition 35 sigs), Mar 15, re DVP App 12-055 Letters of Support (6418 Bay St - Olive & Anchor)
(Referred to March 18, 2013 Council Meeting)
¢ The Corporation of Delta, Mar 14, re DFO and Fraser River Estuary Management Program Changes
¢ NSh Streamkeepers, Mar 14, re Burrard Inlet Estuary Restoration Prog Mackay Crk, Lynn Crk estuaries
Responses to Correspondence
¢ Manager, Bylaw and Licensing Services, March 14, 2013, response to K. Willcock, regarding Parking Bylaws
Council Correspondence Update to March 22, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
¢ Village of Belcarra, March 12, 2013, regarding Admiralty Point Federal Lands Preservation For Future Generations
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
¢ K. Losken, March 16, 2013, regarding Fw: Re Collingwood School transformer noise
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
¢ K. Losken, March 16, 2013, regarding Fw: Glenmore Collingwood fencing
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
¢ P. Askari, March 18, 2013, regarding Bi-weekly Garbage Collection Complaint
(Referred to Director of Engineering & Transportation for consideration and response)
¢ Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat S.E, dated Feb 26, received Mar 22, re Special Symposium, Mar 25th, 6:30-8:30PM on Muhammad The Astonishing Story of the Prophet at the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
¢ S. Slater, March 22, 2013, regarding expenses to date 1300 block Marine
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
¢ Cmte/Bd Mtg Minutes Bd of Variance Hearing Minutes Feb 20, 2013; WV Memorial Library Bd Minutes Feb 20, 2013
¢ District of Kent, Mar 15, re Support for Assessmt Act Farm Class Biz Amendmt at the L Mainland Local Govt Assn Conf
¢ Bears Matter, Mar 18, re Tues, April 23 7:30pm Bear Educational Talk, Guest Speaker Charlie Russell in NV
¢ H. Song, Mar 18, re Ambleside Activation initiative food cart [enquiry]
(Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services department)
¢ 4 submissions, dated March 16 - 20, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
¢ Undated Petition with 12 signatures, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
¢ 11 submissions, dated March 15-18, 2013, re OCP, Rezoning and Devt Applicn for 370/380 Mathers. (NSh Unitarian Church) (Including one submission previously received at March 18, 2013 Regular Council Meeting)
¢ Undated Petition with 102 signatures, re OCP, Rezoning and Devt Applicn for 370/380 Mathers Ave. (NSh Unitarian Church)
(Previously received at March 18, 2013 Regular Council Meeting)
¢ WV Chamber of Commerce, Mar 18, re DPA (6418 Bay Street)
(Previously received at March 18, 2013 Regular Council Meeting)
¢ Da Vincis Home, March 18, 2013, regarding Parking Issues
Responses to Correspondence
¢ Dir/Engg and Transportation, Mar 18, response to M. Chipperfield, re LITTER AND MAINTENANCE OF TAYLOR WAY
¢ Dir/Engineering and Transportation, March 18, 2013, response to P. Askari, re Bi-weekly Garbage Collection Complaint
¢ Dir/Parks and Cmnty Services, Mar 22, response to P. Uyeyama, re Recycling in West Van Parks
Council Correspondence Update to March 28, 2013 (up to 12: 00 Noon)
Referred for Action
¢ Pret-a-PorterLuxe, March 27, 2013, regarding retailers seeking Council support
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
¢ Mulgrave School, March 28, 2013, regarding Mulgrave School Public Information Meeting
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
Received for Information
¢ 7 submissions, dated Mar 16 18, re OCP...Applicn for 370/380 Mathers Ave. (North Shore Unitarian Church)
¢ DNV on behalf of the NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte, Mar 23, re Law Day 2013 SAVE THE DATE
¢ N. and J. Seldon, March 25, 2013, regarding Seaview Trail
¢ C. du Fresne, March 26, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
Responses to Correspondence
¢ Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, March 20, 2013, response to K. Robinson regarding Ambleside
¢ Dir/Planning, Mar 21, response to B. Kennedy and J. Hackett-Kennedy re Collingwood School
¢ Dir/Engg and Transportation, March 26, 2013, response to R. Richards regarding Marine Drive at 23rd Street
¢ Dir/Engg and Transportation, March 26, 2013, response to E. Roberts regarding Litter Free Communities Campaign
Council Correspondence Update to April 2, 2013 (up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
¢ Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, Mar 18, re 2013 Freshwater Angling and the BC Economy report
(Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services Department)
¢ CNV, Mar 21, re Cityshaping Stage Three: Developing Draft Land Use Scenarios for Public Discussion
(Attachments available for viewing in Legislative Services Department)
¢ J. Borrill, March 29, 2013, regarding West Vancouver Yacht Club
14. Other Items -- No items. {but agenda was amended}
Mayor: already dealt with Cclr C's, so Cclr B
MAB: pulled letter from Sharon Harper; written a couple of times and seen letter in NSN
invited M&Ccl to meeting and she has some ideas.
Sokol: yes, staff meeting with indiv merchants but in light of this letter, with me and Planning staff directly
15. Public Questions/Comments
Mayor: Carolanne Reynolds
CR: just a couple of questions as I was listening
the park dedication question you were wrestling with
when I listened to it, this is what I heard
[1] was that if you have the 'park dedication' as Cclr Sop was saying, then all the parks; it's all protected.
Mr Sokol said that to change anything within those parks, you'd have to have a referendum, etc., so it makes it more difficult.
CR: but if you pass the park accessory thing, they CAN do those things, and the only discretion you have is to restrict or limit them, not to cancel them and not have them.
So I think it's a really difficult decision for you to make -- do it all park and then let things come in one by one, or allow all of those things, and I suppose you cd turn them off by saying you can only have something that's 10sqft but that seems to be from what I listened [to], the difference. You have control but you can't not have them.
and then
[2] I'm glad you allowed former Cclr Day, whom I sat next to on Council, v pleasant fellow, to comment at the end of that question about those things,
{viz, all park or park with accessories}
and I think it wd make you want to consider your process.
{IOW, this procedure that prohibits anyone from speaking after Ccl debates and just before voting}
That's not the first time I've seen someone who has wanted to make a comment AFTER Ccl has said things, b/c what you
{ie those in the gallery}
hear beforehand isn't the whole story, but if you cd limit it so that someone cd, as you did, you did allow them, but try to have some guideline; [so] they can speak if it's a certain thing, say, information or something
{something relevant, pertinent, perhaps missed; in this case think it might have been trying to find out or understand what they were deciding -- many of us a bit puzzled wch is why I'm trying at PQP to get an explanation. Some on Ccl seemed to say they had options without having a referendum on dedicated the parks but it was also said then parks and no accessories; also said with accessories had options, but evidently perhaps only as to size.}
rather than wait till the end.
{splitting receipt of information is hardly ideal}
so I'm glad you allowed it but it [does allow the process?]
{sounds as if I misspoke or somehow garbled this. Shd be: but the [current] process/procedure does not allow this}
and you might want to modify the process so that it's allowed on special occasions.
{if helpful/appropriate; eg until end, gallery does not know if something significant has been omitted/overlooked}
[3] I sympathize with the ball you were handed with the barrier, and I think it's laudable that WV is stepping up to the plate and offering some of the money, but I think -- we have to be optimistic as Michael Evison said -- that we can get some money from other bodies; but what does bother me is that they've insisted that WV do the maintenance. I'm hoping that you can work v hard to get one of the other bodies to pony up for the maintenance, cuz we're not responsible for doing it. We're doing that but somebody else shd maintain it.
[4] Now, I heard Cclr Sop say that they had an opportunity to see that massing of the PSB bldg, so I imagine that was done at an in camera mtg. That's the first part.
and the second part
Cclr Gambioli said she'd see the charrette tomorrow night, so when is that, what is that about?
Mayor: Mr Sokol, do you want to explain? Apparently there's a charrette on tomorrow night.
Sokol: the charrette on tomorrow night is a sustainability charrette regarding design of the PSB and that is for staff.
Mayor: so there you go, we're not even invited
CR: you're not invited?
Mayor: no
CR: why not explain--
Mayor: --any mtg we don't get invited to is a good day for us
{this ignores the fact that NG said she was going to it tomorrow night
how did she know about it? she intended to crash the mtg?
someone has some 'splainin' to do.....}
CR: and what Cclr Gambioli really said
[not intelligible b/c papers shuffling and lots of furniture-moving or brushed mic noises]
[5] the point she was making, and others didn't understand, is that if you don't put up your hand, you're assumed to be in favour, so I guess she was making a pro forma symbolic gesture.
Anyway, tyvm.
Mayor: thank you
Motion to adjourn [10:05]
16. Adjournment
=== SPECIAL COUNCIL MTGs' NOTES Monday April 15 ===
Note -- First, Notice:
At 4pm a special Council meeting will commence in open session in the main floor conference room and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter.
At 5pm a regular Council meeting regarding financial matters will commence in the Council Chamber.
At 7pm a special Council meeting will commence in the Council Chamber.
{Somewhat puzzling but this info is from the DWV website. The 5pm agenda doesn't say financial matters (although that's what it's about) and is labelled a regular ccl mtg. Then the 7pm agenda is also called a regular ccl mtg but contains Cmte of the Whole items. Will this be a repeat of the last CotW Monday? mtgs starting about 3:30, ccl mtg at 7pm that lasted only about 15 minutes b/c all discussion in the previous mtgs so just passed recommended =motions? They did pass a motion changing the ccl mtg schedule so this the result?
Mayor Smith's rearrangements b/c he likes to go home early in the evening?
A bit inconvenient for ppl who work to attend mtgs -- yet the Mayor says M biz shd not only be followed by the retired.}
= 4:00pm -- SPECIAL CCL MTG
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded:
90. (1) A part of a ccl mtg may be closed to the public if the subject matter
being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: proposed provision of a municipal service.
3. Adjournment
RECOMMENDED: THAT the April 15 special Ccl mtg (open session) be adjourned. Council will then proceed with the closed session.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of April 15, 2013 Council Meeting Agenda
Amended by moving Item 4 to be considered prior to Item 3; AND THAT the agenda be approved as amended.
Mayor: Ms Scholes, first item
SSch: Parks Review, final summary
4. Parks/Cmnty Services Div'l Services Review: Final Summary of Presentations Jan - March 2013 (File: 2100-01)
The final summary report dated March 19, 2013, from the Director of Parks and Community Services, titled Parks and Community Services Divisional Services Review: Final Summary of Presentations January 2013 - March 2013 be received for information; and that
In addition to completing the 2013 Parks and Community Services Divisional Work Plan, the following new initiatives identified by staff from the Services Review will be:
Completing the remaining 24 Parks and Community Services Dashboards by July, 2013, so that this information is available to Council prior to the 2014 budget deliberations;
Preparing, in consultation with the community, a Parks and Community Services Fees and Charges Policy to be presented to Council in 2014;
Exploring the feasibility of an alternate service delivery for garbage recycling in parks and bring forward a business case in 2014;
Utilizing tools developed through the 2013 Parks and Community Services Divisional Services Review to benchmark key performance indicators in each service area, year to year.
Mooi: over past few weeks with support of Graham Nichols and Alex Tunner
broke presentation into two parts; Jan 35 service areas; Feb breakdown 11; overview of fees and charges
analysis tool
following actions; met with groups
exploring alternate service models, eg garbage
the tools will become part of division's reporting, budget
review has been beneficial to our team
Mayor: see team all lined up impressively
ML: enjoyed the presentations but I didn't come away with info on efficiency and I don't know how to incorporate that
don't know about benchmarking
how supposed to come away thinking without that data?
don't know how Ccl feels about it or if imp at all
getting to that year over year; understand not going to get there in one fell jump; not as much as I hoped to see
said it before; wd like to look my nbr in the eye and tell them that I think they're getting absolutely terrific value for their tax dollar
don't have that data yet
Pam Fretz, Parks: we have tried v hard to give you some key performers re recovery rates
benchmark against other services, what we need as staff is some external expertise
CC: reiterate what Cclr Lewis said, slightly different
while nice to hear what diff areas do, the utility of that not v high for me; sort of dog-and-pony show,
as little of that and hard things
In Mr Fung's presentation we're going to see -- K, Key, important in KPI
success and how we measure
this nice colourful doc -- recovery of 79%
look at concessions -- number and contracts
support for adding
can't see how we're doing compared with other Ms
number of garbage cans -- relevant
24 parks treated, invasive plants, don't know if done well
what are the things that are going to tell us if we're doing a good job, and year after year?
how can we bring objective bench marks to tell us how well we're doing, compare?
hope in future divisional reviews, less of what and more of how we're going to measure success
NG: diff tack, au contraire to Mr Lewis -- ah Cclr Lewis and Cclr Cameron
I thought it showed a lot; impressive comparisons with others; esp since first time
sure, little tweaks can be done
I have taken this and shown it to my nbrs and all impressed with what we've done
some ppl will never be happy, some not with anything we do; move on and do best we can
staff have their regular jobs, plus all this work for past three months.
Stop here, like this motion; say thanks to Mr Fung, following in Parks footsteps
Sop: don't think nec to count every grain of sand, sugar I put in my coffee
history, see progress, improvement year after year
capital for Recreation, works on Parks, incredible story and what we've done -- above and beyond anywhere else in Lower Mainland re growth and perfection
do we have to know ev blade of grass we cut and how much?
beating this to death... coming back to us, budget
reasonable from what we hear -- go to ctr, are things working? you bet they are
Performance Review -- we're leading, compliments from citizens using facilities
for the soothsayers around this table, why not say you've done an incredible job
best practices all the way through
MAB: I come out somewhere in the middle
good, tons of work, a lot of data; at this point it's just that, data
it says data for KPIs; we haven't landed on some
looking to staff -- might be what you're looking at under D, utilizing these tools
seeing primarily data; recovery rates see across Ms
there's a policy piece to that -- is that what we want to be doing?
not going to compare Ray's with Parks but so many dollars per km in roads, $8K; not for Parks -- how much per acre to maintain?
we have highest green space in Metro
does cmnty want and how much to maintain?
Pr Geo report, tennis courts -- stop maintaining
defining what your KPIs are; we have a lot of tennis courts, are we maintaining them?
can't just keep on adding services; have 32 tennis courts -- needed? being used?
best value for dollar and benefiting most ppl
Agree with Cclr L --
have to focus; maybe that's what we want -- you have a lot of divisions
relying on some for KPIs
AM: in our dashboards we did identify KPIs, summarizing those; haven't finished them
only have info for 11
TP: this is a first step out and don't think any other cmnty doing that; be proud of that
look at service fees
can be benchmarking
looking at 2014 budget -- build on that and refine it; an excellent start
well done
Sop: a motion--
Mayor: I'd like to comment quickly
been on Ccl for eight years and this is the first time we've looked at a dept in detail
first time presentation
objectives, so understanding of what we're trying to achieve in the field; thought it was really well done
this is a unique dept; how are you going to find a cmnty to compare?
cd spend years and cdn't find an exact comparison
recovery rate is X, but like progs and services
purpose of a dept review is to see what dept's doing, if they have clearly defined goals, action plan so they can get to where they want to go
When in biz, amazed to see a multi-million dollar dept given 20 min; I asked what can you learn in 20 mins
I'm there to see if they know where they want to go and if they know how they're going to get there
what we've seen, v well served, thank Ms Mooi and her staff
still need to hear plan for that civic site -- what do we do with the arena (six mos); parking lot, tennis courts, WV Tennis Club, been Q of the hour for 50 yrs; lawn bowling club
need game plan, recomms
Ctrs Society take over? heard that
was v well pleased; congratulate the dept; v well done
{NG moved motion; Sop seconded}
Brent Leigh: we, as org, been on, two great exercises, strategic plan, balanced score card, Mooi took it, really integrated it
great exercise now, Perf Indicators; exercise ev engaged with
metrics, point well taken
as we close the gaps this is not the end of the learning curve, beginning
follow this Balanced ScoreCard, ..... come back, KPIs that resonate ..... tracking..... right data; v positive on both fronts
Mayor: call the question?
CC: wd like to speak to the motion
Sop: did already
Mayor: Go ahead, Cclr C
CC: Cclr Sop, if you knew--
Mayor: --Cclr C, just go ahead
Sop: I know the rules, get on with it then
CC: risk sprain our arms, patting ourselves on the back but this is a Finance Cmte, to see where we can do better, improve
one example to illustrate, concessions
{a problem area re revenue}
only have number of concessions and if cmnty support as a way of raising money for park
says nothing about how we're doing and how well being run, and whether we cd do a better job
want hear from Cclr G and Sop how they assess how well being run from that
not to say good work not being done
we're at a Fin Cmte mtg to see if we can improve
how do you assess? ppl walking around smiling? is that why doing well? or is there any data you have? interested to hear it
Mayor: we go out to tender and market place decides for lease, and see what they're prepared to pay
CC: get a good return?
I'm just saying don't have the info; be interested to hear how we know we're doing well; from this doc can't tell
Sop: there are indicators not too successful; might indicate to staff, shd we be in that biz
figs are there, numbers aren't great so when budget discussions
this is not the end of the budget, beginning; we have some key indicators
if we're in budget process, look we don't agree with that, that's the time we make the change; how far do we want to go?
can we call the question pls?
Mayor: carries unanimously
Thanks again to Parks staff for info provided. Ms Scholes?
SSch: Engg and Transportation Div
3. Divisional Services Review Engineering and Transportation (File: 1700-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Mayor: Mr Fung
RF: thank you for the opp
want to use this exercise with Ccl and the public, scope of services, determining KPIs for effectiveness and efficiencies
inform process for 2014 budget
b/c a new process, looked at review done by Parks as a template
looked at their over 30 services challenged how to present ourselves
we provide a diff suite of services to the public, tried to look at our own structure
in fact we have over 50 biz units in our division, and to activity level, over 100
asphalt patching, sidewalk repairs, flushing, pump maintenance, etc
chose ten discrete chunks and will use this format
{at this point he asked his staff to introduce themselves one by one and say what they do -- v interesting; I highly recommend you watch and find out the range of things they do.}
Following Parks, these picturegrams..... thanks to whole team in particular.....
tabs at bottom, outline our ten major service functions
description, a few stats, FTEs, budgets for 2013, assets we manage, indicators to measure performance,....
to be fair to Parks, the date in Engg seems to be less proprietary -- we don't compete with NV for water
what's meaning to indicators, as long as explain why higher or lower, eg some special conditions, soil or geographic
benchmark against other Ms
wd like to cover all ten tonight; open to Ccl's direction, how to conduct... any burning area to start? go through in order? defer to Ccl
Mayor: anyone a preference?
start at beginning, either 'A's or 'Z's
{ooooo! he said zees, not zeds -- but it's zed in Canada!!!}
or forward or backward
RF: or another logic, left to right, top row down to bottom row
Mayor: why not right to left?
RF: we're not in China!
CC: Qs for Mr Fung?
Mayor: wd think you want questions
RF: when pause ... as we go through
organizational chart SLIDE; wd like to go to tabs
CC: know some, but wd be useful to have names, if not too much work
RF: take under advisement
have internally, understandings from HR protection of privacy
{to clarify: names can be on the organizational chart but not with photos}
CC: won't share it with anybody, I promise
Let's begin with Transit West Vancouver Blue Bus
[5:50] Gareth Rowland, Blue Bus report
GR: oldest continuously operated bus service in NAm, had our centennial last year, same as M
standalone biz unit; 100% recoverable of operating from TransLink
finance, IT, payroll, HR
capital completely from TransLink, so belong to them
$14.5M, $1.3M for fuel
quarterly survey and Blue Bus consistently highest
{gave some stats}
NG: cmnty shuttle -- so efficient, why not using more?
GR: actual cost is just the bus driving down the road
CC: why are we so successful?
GR: TransLink hard to see
they may include other costs; that's our xxx
not comparing apples to oranges but maybe a Fuji to a Macintosh
CC: [lower] cost per service hour; why?
GR: smaller size and smaller exempt staff
collective agreement probably a bit better than Coast Mtn
ML: see we have 88 FTEs; do they all report to the Operations Supervisor?
GR: and Superintendent
ML: 88 to 1 impressive
GR: to three of us; usu to Op Supervisor and Superintendent
Sop: have you seen a success mode with the four shuttles so that cd increase?
certain big buses shdn't go up the hill: why not more shuttles?
GR: with TransLink; converting 251 Queens and 252 Inglewood into cmnty shuttle will be possibly this/next year
more efficient, at night time ridership lower
bi-directional as opposed to loop route and will increase service along MDr
Sop: shorter routes, up and down, not long winding route; efficiencies
GR: efficiencies, smaller vehicle and less per hour
Sop: such a diff -- more resp, bigger bus? pay grade?
GR: diff class of licence
TP: fuel costs? trend? $1.3M? diesel?
GR: always climbing; join in buying power of all M
at times Coast Mtn six months, ours changes ev two weeks
TP: how manage in future
GR: cmnty shuttle comes in to save some fuel costs.
MB: recently got 17 new buses
GR: got in January, now on road, replacements
MB: fuel efficient?
GR: haven't got the numbers yet, alum wheels but haven't got numbers yet?
RF: shall we move on to Roads and Transportation (R&T)?
Mayor: before you move on Gareth, hope you'll pass on our congratulations for the survey -- we continue to be the pace setter for the region
Man re (R&T): we provide
15 FTEs in this section
exceeds capacity of perm staff we have so we use temp staff
[6pm] have contractors that help us with our xxx
KPIs -- sample here but can go into details in our next mtg
efficiency and cmnty benefits
Mayor: how determine wch roads and xxx get done each year?
RF: a lot of mgrs when determining
John: most of the questions, two or three cd answer most
basically use a quality system: go out and drive ev road
reports come in
pick a few roads we have enough money to do something on
coordinate with sewers, etc; looking for a multi-yr; for the moment one to two years ahead of time
CC: Ccl seems not to have anything to say wch, what sort of paving we want to maintain
$8K a km seems a lot of money
John: a long answer to go into
going into a revision of our quality system; will be bringing exactly that question back to Ccl; do best we can with dollars
you're right, some haven't had work for some time; high traffic roads get most attention
can go into that next time
it's after 6[pm] but a lot of time for each
Mayor: Cclr G has a quick question
NG: I'm happy to stay here till 5 to 7 and have a quick dinner
to Cclr C's question have a comparison: WV $8K and NV $X
cd you explain what the infrastructure reinvestment? worth than worth?
Staff ans: total value $220M, we're investing 1% of that back ev year
if life span 30yrs, maybe 5-6%, target
road diff from a pipe or a watermain; a road, you can rehab and then improve, later replace
ML: in 90 years we wd replace all the infrastructure
then Q for Ccl is, is that an appropriate time?
MB: sidewalks; don't have to give answer right now but interested in km per road
15 doesn't sound like much to me, shocked by that number
RF: move on to the water utility
Chris Clement: utilities superintendent
ev associated with the potable water supply
20-yr purchase agreement with BC Hydro
WV is the only completely metered system in LMainland
{not quite; RF clarifies this later}
operating permits from VCH
EOCP -- two are level threes and water distribution level four
water distribution is one of the most complex in Canada (NV only level 3)
need skilled staff -- dist and supply
$275M; Ccl's been supportive to manage in perpetuity
10.45 FT staff, increase by two or more employees as required
$6M budget, a $2.5M for bulk water purchase
KPIs on the screen
[points at SLIDE and explains; Eagle Lake....]
%age of water reduction since 2007 20%
Luke: 100-yr replacement cycle; goal to get to 2, 2.5%
Chris: xxx
John: Level Four is the highest
NG: do we have a plan to save more or happy with what now?
a comparison or two wd be great for next time
RF: re water conservation; plan in 2002, aim reduce by 25%
xxx started [6:16]
CC: interested in breakdown; are some nbrhds more expensive than others?
this wd affect Ccl's decisions re devt
all kms are not created equal
RF: M has asked that question before for example in Rodgers devt
in WV, v unusual
overall, sgl-fam devt does pay for itself, but some winners and losers
{hm; do they have a record or wch? maybe cd then predict and charge more so it covers.....}
service more ppl shorter length
compare with CNV, going to be some variations, due to popn density and how compact they are
ML: effort
see .81 re reinvestment and say 5-6%
are we tracking appropriately so we'll be at the 2 to 2.5% investment
RF: rests with Ccl ev year as to how much effort to devote to capital each year
Luke: by 2016 wd be on track
Staff: closer with sewer than water since much more to catch up
Peter Scholes: on xxx [6:20]
a full-service garage, primarily parks, small equipment
internal and external customers, external $92K
dump trucks, back hoes, down to weed eaters
can be used for snow and ice controls; salt spreaders
standalone biz unit: xxx
not profit but we're cost competitive, work for SD45
Sop: tri Ms
Peter: have looked at that, done it already
Sop: how
Peter: fire equipment; fuel, larger purchasing group
Sop: looking to buy something large and expensive, wd you call other Ms?
Peter: depends; eg backhoe need four
Mayor: suggest you look at that $33hr rate for a tandem
TP: look at green?
Peter: behaviour, anti-idling; can save 3 - 8%
moving to smaller vehicles with smaller more efficient engines
two or three hybrids in the fleet; some utility vehicles electric liked/linked [?], quiet but initial cost eg $65K, gas av for $25K
Mayor: next
Gary Watt: have carpentry, xxx and sign shop -- charge-out rate; work for nearly ev dept in the M; the sign shop -- sp printing-type machinery; banners, name plates; slide has charge-out rates
working on way to measure (comparing)
Sop: seems go out of way to find efficiencies; saved taxpayer lots of money, taking logs and using
RF: want to clarify that's in Anne Mooi's division; re those logs, credit goes to that division
Sop: thought it was in there somewhere
CC: painting rate?
GW: $66/hr rate not just general painting but specialized road
CC: why not take that out to xxx [6:29]
RF: we do; not my area but wd use our painter in our cmnty ctr wall, or ex
try to use our trades where some value-added
then if not on cost, then availability or sp circumstances have to be done
Mayor: now 6:30; solid waste and xxx [still to come]
pretty big items -- whip through or ?
RF: understood this was to be an overview and two more mtgs
in May or June can compare year over year
certain services
b/c we have two mtgs, one possibility to respect the time today, finish the rest of the items here in another mtg
to line ... waste ... next
Mayor: get through services
solid waste and utility are pretty big meaty items
sewer wd probably have more questions
suggest whip through Engg Services and leave rest to next mtg
RF: Phil Bates
PH: ppl not allowed to go outside
x staff [6:33]
policy and technical advice
customer counter service on third floor
operate dispatch for Parks and Engg
Emily you met also working on Spirit Trail, hourly sheets
audit process on water-meter readings; check them for consistency and accuracy
xxx &&& utility models; rate-setting; job costing
corporate mapping and GIS system; hold data upstairs
will work on KPIs, a bit diff
Sop: opp to create a store online so cd purchase maps and other things related to construction that wd be of benefit; a new revised website
RF: Dist has been moving to egovt for some time; looking into that
wrt selling, govts not v well set up for POS transactions
whether rain barrels or shower heads; cash handling or whether shd be in competition with private sector already being served
wrt mapping, have offered data sets; balance with what sort of info shd be av to public
haven't looked at cost recovery &&&
Sop: NV sells
RF: remarks before closing?
Mayor: not closing
RF: take a moment; nervousness and clarification
Blue Bus rate vs TransLink rate
Coast Mtn has bigger xxx
TransLink Police, Envmtal mgmt services for us we don't have to include
we do have a lot of operators in the field
wrt performance reviews, we're still working on
more of a sit-down; going through process
re water, WV is one of the few fully metered, but not only one -- also Langley and UBC Endowmt Lands
we look forward to this review and to presenting more information
xxx and xxx re specific services; two months of mtgs to go through as well
Mayor: thx for information
CLOSED [6:40]
TP: xxx
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated April 11 from the Director, Engg/Transp, be rec'd for info.
4. Parks/Cmnty Services Div'l Services Review: Final Summary of Presentations Jan - Mar 2013 (File: 2100-01)
The final summary report dated March 19, 2013, from the Director of Parks and Community Services, titled Parks and Community Services Divisional Services Review: Final Summary of Presentations January 2013 - March 2013 be received for information; and that
In addition to completing the 2013 Parks and Community Services Divisional Work Plan, the following new initiatives identified by staff from the Services Review will be:
Completing the remaining 24 Parks and Community Services Dashboards by July, 2013, so that this information is available to Council prior to the 2014 budget deliberations;
Preparing, in consultation with the community, a Parks and Community Services Fees and Charges Policy to be presented to Council in 2014;
Exploring the feasibility of an alternate service delivery for garbage recycling in parks and bring fwd a biz case in 2014;
Utilizing tools developed through the 2013 Parks/Cmnty Services Divisional Services Review to benchmark key performance indicators in each service area, year to year.
5. Public Questions/Comments 6. Adjournment
3.1. Community Engagement Committee and Working Groups
SSch: xxx
Mayor: anyone is able to speak
BL: work done by these two mbrs and Carolanne Reynolds and cmte at the time
Mayor: welcome
Patti Bolton: been working with Alex Tunner for about seven years
Alex will review and I'll xxx reason
then 15min left for comments and questions
a little context; a synergistic experience
a content analysis and a structure/al? engr
when you cross
AT: quick guided tour through doc; 11 appendices; five-page overview
three-legged stool: ccl, staff, citizens; citizen one wobbly
No 1 is openness
cmte can operate with the maximum of flexibility and min of rules
comments, bellyaching
cmte by mayor, select cmte by ccl
shd operate according to those rules -- what trying to get away from
legal opinion: early 2007, confirmed WGs are not cmtes for the purposes of the Cmnty Charter b/c appointed by a standing cmte
found a reference Supreme Court to support
{wrong way round? as I point out later; cmtes have status, conditions, etc including terms for going in camera according to the Cmnty Charter, but WGs haven't -- not mentioned and intention was not to go in camera so no procedures spelled out.}
underpinning ... concern two cclrs, heavy, too few staff
[7:17] too few?staff?
submit questions to chair
1 openness
2 good faith, trust, and teamwork -- flexible
[7:21] PB: legitimacy, xxx reasonable and support
fallen down in support
integrated system; model to analyse/s
one thing we agree -- identify weaknesses and leverage points for system mgmt
One thing Alex and I do agree, have a system... efficacious way of going about change
deliberative democracy
citizens in a public space, follow process of reasoning
they're going to have to live with; politicians come and go, staff come and go
citizens live with their decisions
sorry, cdn't distribute this to you, copyright after this
first: citizen valued as an infinite renewable resource
cheap and it's free
interdependent relnship
citizens move freely in and out
obligation to pay taxes; to vote
one of the most overused terms is power
choice of elected officials
authority to change and power to motivate facilitate and acknowledge
debate enjoyed more
no learning in the comfort zone and no comfort in the learning zone
collective group to support ea other
difficult to be chair and a facilitator, different [7:32] -- change to staff facilitator
during mtg, is it working for you; after, did it work
tough for ppl to debate ea other, protecting working envmt; disruption breaks momentum
ask what WG you'd like to be on; attend orientations
haven't been changed, at least tweaked
website being updated ... intuitive and easy access to info
shdn't be any reason can't get it and quickly
wd like to see at end of WG come and support the ones presenting; commitment part of model
maybe a model see where you want to tweak
tyvm for your time
Mayor: thank you for your recommendations
Sop: I was there at the beginning with you folks, including Carolanne Reynolds, the two of you; here back refreshing us
success of WGs to date, something worked; fine work citizens have done
your reference back to 2008 is quite correct
CEC lacking citizens, can be rectified by this recommendation to start over again
certain indicators -- one area I want to clarify
concern to some ppl, question of openness; to get it square
under guidelines no need to enter into in camera for any reason whatsoever
no mechanism to do that; all sessions, all open
PB: absolutely
Sop: desire to create a subcmte a specific task
we want a sp group meet and come up with; do you constitute without public attendance, a closed mtg?
how do we rectify? do it in a diff way?
PB: Alex and I have diff ideas -- don't think this is the forum for that debate
CEC; they have to be meeting and have representation
part of the reason, citizens to do their work they want to; think Alex covered it, in good faith.
don't see where problem is unless tension; leading to some frustrations, not sure
left[?] Alex, dear to his heart
AT: practicality
no question open, not for lobbying or interruptions
approach ... chair ... have time
not interrupting, sabotaging
{hm? pardon me? I've been to many mtgs and I've never seen a resident interrupt or sabotage a mtg. How insulting.}
go off, don't need a third party; point is they come back
you were mentioning -- talk
whole bunch of ppl watching you or me
{What a way to characterize an open mtg! over-sensitivity or paranoia?}
explore certain ideas -- borders on insanity
mbr of KGB
{the exaggeration and KGB references are completely out of place. All of us in the Chamber right now are watching and listening to Ccl conduct a mtg in the open -- that's what open democracy is about. How weird to describe it as insanity or akin to the KGB.
And mbrs of the public are allowed to speak at a designated time during the item.
Give your head a shake!}
have to be free to operate
{of course; but not in camera}
Sop: agree; dealt with in CEC
three citizens, 22 times you go to do a task
not saying citizens doing anything wrong
two or more, go into topic, make summations on an ongoing basis; does it cloud xxx
CC: have public speak; I do have Qs for staff
{mumbles heard}
Mayor: Qs then public
NG: suggestions and have feedback
recom? agree, great
see a gap with the WG structure in terms of reporting back
later ... report, put on shelf
mbrs keen to know what's going on
want to see added, an annual mechanism
go a long way to keeping us on track
re CEC xxx -- the term of one year is too short
six mtgs a year! two- or three-yr term
PB: three we did have, one going on
NG: not constituted CEC according to our policy for a couple of years
those WG revised or whatnot?--
Mayor: --I wdn't answer that, Alex
{Wow! Here's a case of the chair interrupting and telling a mbr of the public not to speak/answer!}
NG: I'm a professional, want to know
{right, Nora!}
PB: not stop
reinforce ... already going
CC: my understanding tonight reaffirm CEC 2008
2006 TofRef
part of the -- didn't hv v much to do
T/R 2006 -- look duties
didn't have orientation CEC 2 so didn't have a clue; hadn't bn on WG
T/R have to be solid; vague
will go through again
citizen 'disadvantager'; three mbrs of Ccl on CEC and the Mayor
even if you had confidence, and I'm no shrinking violet
what happened is that the ccl mbrs and chair did most of the talking
so confused and out to sea
we scheduled a mtg, ea brought a bottle of wine, close not enough, and wrote a letter
to their credit, mayor and staff understood frustrations
don't like three ccl mbrs, three, imbalance; mayor chair
probs with the Cmnty Charter
2.0 duties: Communications outreach, msg substance
CEC2 operational
MB: that's 2010
{mumble mumble} CEC 2
CC: even narrower
AT: Appendix 1 is policy, App 2 is T/R for CEC1 approved in 2006; amended in June 2007
digit reference in filing system
CC staff report
Alex&Patti: we haven't seen that
AT: A3 is CEC 2
ML: I don't know what the devil you're talking about
AT: you were given a copy
ML: not
CC: go back to
AT: suggestion is to go back to CEC1
CC: wch tab is that?
AT: A2
CC: my comments even greater force
dxxx; duties here really vague; not something citizen mbrs do
not changing; oversight to web forums
not even sure what that means
Mayor: staff come back
{apparently the staff report given to Ccl was not given to Alex and Patti; difficult to match info and references with the report and the substantial report 60pp}
CC: asking your feedback
1 - imbalance issue
2 - CEC T/R need to be considerably more thought-out
AT: CEC1 is to suggest go back; agree go back
as far as 3 and 3, the six of us got by
on the fence, can add more citizens
Sop and Ferguson [were the cclrs]
Mayor: leave the answer ... more ...
MB: general xxx; will leave my remarks to motion
Mayor: So, Carolanne Reynolds. Going to have to hold you to your three minutes, we're running late
CR: thank you. I have a lot to say on this; I was taking notes
I was kindly presented with the report; it's v good, lots of valuable things in it
thank Patti and Alex for all the work they've done, v valuable
I'll start of with some of these things -- I've got all these notes [from] while you were all speaking
but I wd say that Cclr Cameron's remarks about setting it up again is a v good one, and I think it will probably be Ccl who will probably draw up what CEC is and -- oversight
for example I printed off the webpage for the CEC and they have had no minutes posted since May 19th, 2010!
{had sheet with me at mic; notes have now been put on the webpage}
so you can see there that Cclr Cameron's concerns were well-founded. It sort of fell apart.
That doesn't mean and we're all in life, and life's a journey, and we can pick up the pieces and go forward, and I think that this is a good time to do so.
I was v privileged to be on the CEC at the time we set up WGs and we were so excited b/c this was going to be the first complete[ly] open body in M govt
and we took openness v seriously
in fact as you know, [former] Mayor Goldsmith-Jones took the WG philosophy and policy to the UN in NY.
and we were proud to do that and be part of it
I do have some concerns with some of the things that were said tonight but I don't want it to be lost that I think this work that was done was really great.
I'm glad you're reviewing it; I think it's the right time to do it
I also feel that if you don't agree with the openness that is insisted upon by saying "no closed sessions" ,
{that's stated in an item (its own item) of the guidelines}
that means two or more ppl, it's got to be open. If you don't agree with that philosophy and policy wch is there, then I suggest you have another category.
just have working groups {where} you can do that
{meaning just have WGs where it's all open}
I listened to the legal opinion -- the point was missed
of course the Cmnty Charter doesn't apply to WGs, that was explained to me at the CEC
WGs cannot go in camera, and b/c they cannot go in camera, the legal regulations wrt the Cmnty Charter don't apply -- b/c they can't go in camera.
And the legal reqmts of having to have a resoln to go in camera won't occur, b/c they won't go in camera.
so that's one thing
And I really heard recently -- and I'm talking about openness; the rest of the stuff is mostly really good; I'm just harping on this one thing b/c openness is extremely important and I think most of you campaigned on openness, inclusiveness, and transparency. And this is what the WG philosophy and policy did -- and I'm so dismayed it be trashed in some ways
for example, they said flexibility--
{ding, warning}
Mayor: --you're going to have to wrap this up
CR: okay
they said they can have flexibility -- flexibility doesn't mean that you have closed mtgs!
subcmtes doesn't mean you have closed mtgs!
They [those] are things that they've done
Mayor: everyone understands that you don't think we shd have closed mtgs and I think ev on Ccl wd agree with that
CR: you do? great, great, great, great!
Mayor: so can we move on
CR: there are times for it but just not for a WG
{now, what is Ccl going to do about it? They've ignored breaking that policy up till now.}
Mary-Jo Campbell: is successful ...
Paul Hundal: xxx wrt WG Upper Levels [Upper Lands]
I'm not a mbr of the KGB, never disrupted a mtg, never attempted to sabotage a mtg, consider [those remarks] insulting
first thing I noticed -- had written comments
but in order to discuss in depth, can't get in two minutes; told wasn't possible and wdn't be circulated
then Jan told wd be a form; April -- still not up; form but the form doesn't exist
concerned about xxx [8:02]
object mbrs of KGB shdn't be looking over
in Outlook trading Whyte Lake -- that's publicly owned land!
why trade?
right now before the envmt subcmte I'm not allowed to observe
process is flawed as far as openness; I see the opposite
Mayor: take them to heart; next
George Pajari: CoW?
Mayor: yes, we are
GP: are not the procedures for the Cmte of the Whole to permit the public to speak for five min not the limit of three minutes under ccl regulations?
{GP asked this b/c CR was told only allowed three minutes}
Mayor: Ah, no, I think, ah, Ms Scholes, can you help us here?
SSch: there was no time limit set for speakers at CoW
Mayor: so I had to arbitrarily, as chairman, set one in view of the late hour
{being arbitrary aside, the time is 8:02 -- that's the reason? that's late?}
GP: I'm offended, Your Worship, that you--
Mayor: --Well, I--
GP: --wd be so tired and want to go home
Mayor: we have another delegation
Let's not -- what we have is a group of ppl here who were told we were going to have another mtg at 8 o'clock
so it's now five after, so I have to show respect for not just this issue, but the next issue as well
GP: not fair to those who come out to address to Ccl
[text supplied; did not get to say it all]
My name is George Pajari and I should like to commend Council on its intention to reinvigorate the community engagement process in general, and Working Groups in particular.
This new, exciting, and inclusive process has been one of the great developments by West Vancouver Council in the area of governance.
I am particularly heartened by the emphasis in the report prepared by Alex Tunner and Patricia Bolton on openness. In the section on Operating Principles the report lists openness as the first principle.
It ought not to be necessary to remind Council of the importance of openness and transparency to democracy.
There are hundreds of relevant quotations I could cite but I will refer to only one, by Judge Damon Keith, a senior US Appeals Court Judge responsible for some of the landmark decisions in the US on open government, who succinctly wrote in one of his judgments Democracy dies behind closed doors.
So given the importance the Working Group policies place on openness, the inappropriateness of secret meetings, and Council's purported commitment to the principles of openness and transparency, it is disturbing and a cause of some concern that things appear to have gone seriously off the rails recently.
We have the case of the acting chair of a working group meeting in secret to discuss the working group's terms of reference. Not only is such a meeting an offence to the Working Group guidelines, the terms of reference are supposed to be handled by the CEC itself under the Council Procedure Bylaw and the Community Charter.
We have a case in which the co-chairs of a working group met individually with each member of the working group secretly. Such meetings are called serial meetings and are, by definition, closed meetings. In Ontario, municipal committees are specifically forbidden from conducting such meetings (see http://www.ombudsman.on.ca/Files/sitemedia/Documents/Resources/sunshinelaw-en.pdf)
We have cases in which working groups have set up subcommittees that have gone off and met in secret.
In North Dakota, a state seriously committed to the principles of open and transparent government, the law requires that if a governing body delegates any authority to two or more people, the newly formed committee is subject to the open meetings laws, even if the committee does not have final authority or is just fact-finding, further, What it is called does not matter, it is still a committee. (seehttp://www.ag.state.nd.us/openrecords/orsummary.pdf)
Of course Ontario and North Dakota law does not apply to us. But if that is the minimum standard some other jurisdictions set for themselves, why should we, we who claim to inspire excellence and lead by example, be satisfied with anything less?
This is why I find particularly offensive the attitude of those who defend such secrecy. When asked about the importance of openness in Working Group proceedings, we have heard excuses such as: they are only Guidelines, we don't have to follow them or the Guidelines mention flexibility and flexibility means we can do what we want.
Furthermore, those who have raised concerns about increasing secrecy and inappropriate meetings have been called nit-pickers and pedantic. Well, Your Worship, if encouraging openness and transparency in democratic processes makes me a nit-picker -- then I'm proud to pick nits and hope you will proudly join me in this worthy task.
The risk, if you do not attend to this problem, is that the credibility of some working groups will be severely damaged. Their reports and recommendations will be seriously compromised by the taint of secret meetings and inappropriate processes. It would be a tragedy if the good work by citizen members were to be irretrievably sullied by a failure to respect such basic principles of the working group process and of democracy itself. It could even destroy [those] Working Groups' credibility and legitimacy.
Those who characterise open meeting requirements as citizens being watched over or akin to KGB or Gestapo tactics simply do not understand the critical importance of transparency to the democratic process.
This meeting we are participating in right now must, by law, be open. [Gesturing to the gallery behind me] are all these people KGB agents?
So in summary, I emphatically support the work to revitalize the Community Engagement Committee and urge all of you in the strongest possible terms, to commit to keeping Working Groups the beacon of open, inclusive, and transparent government they once were, and can be again under your leadership and careful guidance.
Accept no excuses. Do not compromise your principles. Lead by example.
Thank you.
Rebecca Buchanan: former cochair of the PMPWG, currently sit on the Upper Lands WG and Museum Adv Cmte
time short so pithily; four things: time, money, democracy, and cmnty
whole purpose to come together, analyze probs, provide solns and recommendations
work that we love
not that time (for Ccl), so WGs serve a purpose
100s of thousands of dollars of advice, bring to Ccl to make it easier for them to do their job
deliberative democracy; we're all taxpayers; recomms to ensure benefit the majority
a v organic process; arrive, know title, figure out the problems and the solns
do think the Terms of Ref cd be better drafted
more direct orientation, to create policy, wd help WGs
does need to be better support for staff, 100s of hours Plans -- they have full time jobs and then expect them to come 7 - 9pm
on the whole, endorse the recomms
[8:09] Michael Evison: xxx
little bit surprised and little bit saddened some of the comments Alex and Patti made
understand this system isn't completely broken; we've got some damn good WGs
I'm cochairing a WG; excellent support from staff and co-op from Ccl; in all cmtes I've sat on I've never felt threatened
maybe greater understanding and discipline of the chair so mbrs of Ccl don't get in their way
angry about subcmtes; two or more ppl shd not be permitted xxx
we're talking about volunteer mbrs of the cmnty ... two or three shd be allowed to meet at Delaney's or Starbucks ... further, if we don't allow that, this kind of interference, we won't have WGs
insult to mbrs of the public if you're asking them to sit in a cmte and give them all of these restraints
the system will fail
Mayor: thx for those [inaudible] words
{strange; if mbrs of the public are not allowed to attend mtgs that are supposed to be open, the system will fail?
I've been on and off cmtes/WGs and it has never stopped me or intimidated me to have present some mbrs of the public who are not actual mbrs. Indeed sometimes residents who come to observe have tremendous local or specific knowledge and are an asset. It is shocking to hear someone feel having a fellow citizen in the same room means a cmte/WG is hampered. How shy or insecure is that?}
Maggie Pappas: speaking as former chair of Strategic Planning WG; both of the former speakers stole my words
we have to beware of being too rigid
some of the things that I have heard tonight from certain ppl who usually do that kind of speaking
{hm; wonder who the veiled reference is to...}
it's extremely rigid vocab and I think, I totally agree with Michael Evison
{pls give example of the rigid vocab. agree with MEv avoiding interference from Ccl also???}
you won't have a WG if you make the restrictions too great.
{of course, if 'too great', but that's not what's being suggested.}
There's an organic process that happens; you're so excited about the work you're doing, so engaged with the ideas coming forth, so imbued with the need to do a good job, that you want to leave the room and talk more about it.
Our group, we were working the words for the vision and mission stmt for the District. Those words are bandied about all the time: "inspire excellence" and "lead by example".
That came from our WG. I hear it all the time.
Every one of those words was parsed, and weighed, and reweighed, and reshaped, and we talked about it in mtgs and we talked about it on line and said this is a better word,
{This is really ironic. They obviously didn't weigh the words enough or they were (wilfully?) blinded to what they came up with. I did point out at the time (went to a couple of the mtgs) that it was arrogant and presumptuous -- possibly inaccurate -- to say, as they did: "WV will inspire excellence and will lead by example." How cd they state that? If WV does, no need to do anything! Suggested it shd be worded as goals, wch is what it appeared they meant.
Evidently they were oblivious to the simple future of verbs. More realistic and sensitive heads prevailed later when it was put on the DWV homepage -- thank gosh, someone prefaced the vision/mission by saying that WV strives to inspire... and lead...}
if you shut that down and call that secrecy, nothing's going to get done!
{who said discussion on the wording shd be shut down? It was discussed at the mtg, and no doubt mbrs came with their words and points of view.}
The best work that we did was in our minds outside of the mtgs, then you bring that to the mtg.
{right; bring your minds to the mtgs and open up! All agree with that!}
but I also share Cclr [sic] Evison's belief that it's up to the chair of that group to make sure that if you're having a discussion outside of the group, that you bring the gist of that discussion into the next mtg so there's no real sense of secrecy but you don't also shut down the whole organic nature of the dialogue.
That's what's really important.
we just need a little bit more flexibility and not have to have it be one extreme or the other whether we're the gestapo or free love.
{what an unusual spectrum -- of what or wch?
No one's suggesting that. In any case, the choice wd be easy. We don't, however and thank heaven, live in a bipolar world and are not forced to only deal with false dichotomies.}
it's not either or, it's organic, and the mtg place is somewhere in the middle; that's the ground we have to find
{what about the choice of following the WG guidelines? it's done in other places. If not capable or willing to operate in an open process, easy -- don't apply to serve on a WG!
Besides, what about WV leading by example wrt openness in govt? Transparency is another aim many claim to have. Just askin'.}
Andy Krawczyk: xxx co chair of Housing WG and now Upper Lands; wasn't going to speak, sim to what was spoken
at heart of this while? openness
trust is earned, can't be xxx [8:17]; has to be an element of citizen
given proper guidelines, plsd CEC coming together
properly interpret and being accountable, but not to legislate
{does he term guidelines as legislation?}
Mayor: xxx; ask staff to report back from what they've heard
reviewed and updated; action plan
CC: support that; reviewed and report back
Mayor: Alex and Patti and [8:20]
MB: what does this mean?
Mayor: need a report from staff to move this forward
MB: I'xxx for the xxx sheet; wch? what are we asking staff to do?
CC: staff review and report back
ML: so not second
CC: expanded version of the second
Mayor: if you're going to speak, gotta be seconds
MB: held my comments....
{forgotten or not taking into account MAB's comment earlier that she'd leave her remarks till after heard public or motion made?
Mayor: to come back
MB: but if they come back with xxx?
they'll miss half of what I was going to speak to!
this all about WG, I wanted to speak about the CEC piece; if just WG, then call it the WG cmte
Mayor: policies about
MB: but we haven't been speaking about CEC, just WG
TP: in context; CEC is resp for oversight of WG
MB: I beg to differ
App a and d; web forums; want to see in policy
when are we going to get into the 21st century?
TP: xxx ... ppl passionate about WGs
uncomfortable being on CEC when only Ccl; worked hard for tonight
valid ... imperative in my mind; absolutely agree cmnty engagement is much bigger
think we have to be clear what our focus is; CEC to oversee the WGs
Mayor: you're in favour of this motion?
TP: yes
ML: agree with Ccl B re WG
the other part re CEC and we have not had that discussion; not prepared to lump them together; that appmts remain unchanged
sorely in need of some updating
have a fulsome discussion
Mayor: that's what I was hoping to do, fulsome; an action plan; CEC WGs
ML: you can have WGs without the CEC
{well, now the process is that the CEC drafts terms of reference and appoints mbrs of a WG, all for Ccl approval}
CC: my motion; same concerns as Booth and Lewis; didn't think the terms were xxx as drafted
ask staff to come forward to have a
control somewhat limited by legislation
ML: staff understand?
MB: I am too
Mayor: all in favour?
PASSES [8:27]
3.2. Shared Fire Services Move Up Module and Enhanced Medical Skills for Fire Responders
Fire Chief Jim Cook: overview; assist chief Martin LeDuc
MUM = Move Up Module
E-Comm; three NSh Ms same channels -- not available to us before
slide of incidents
sgl-fam alarm is two engines; medical emergency is one engine or a x or a tower
SLIDE MAP with firehalls; four and three standby locns
20% [8:35]
NSh Map with all fire stns
SLIDE out of SERVICE vs Unavailable
out of service vs unavailable; training for specialties; eg highrise,
[8:45] movie; fire command; showing standby
Mayor: move on to medical or anyone want to speak?
CC: want to hear
Michael Markwick: congratulations
CEC xxx; down to? three minutes chaos
using MUM as a predictive engine, shd use fire engines
my search, Boston today and 9/11; xxx safety????
speak as PhD in [Communications?]
but I'm going to speak to you as a dad, I have five kids
suggestion, make this discussion open; take it to the voters, the citizens of WV
to use scarce Fire resources
Jay Brownlee: not speaking now as [rep] Firefighters; speaking as a resident, live here, school; my daughters
speak up and my concerns about public safety; voice of dissent
with respect to Chief Cook; think I must speak out re MUM, and speaking about medical as well
safety concern exists due to our shared services model and in particular MUM
spoken to Chief and we've agreed to disagree
letter to Chief and CAO, thx for reply
taken out of service
As [NV] Chief Jones mentioned, %age threshold whether a standby is used; in that instance, MUM chose not to send a fire engine and a fire happened in that area
excellent example; as Mr Markwick mentioned before, we're in the biz of chaos and unpredictability
rely on historical data, using a computer model to predict I suggest is not a good way to proceed
{A computer expert comments: you have a better suggestion? Intuition? Ouija board? The placement of fire stations (see more below) has always been done based on an analysis of historical data (look, for example, at the West Vancouver Fire/Rescue Master Fire Plan). If it works so well for fire stations, why not for fire engines?}
I'm supportive of shared services, training; designed to find efficiencies; ought not to come at a loss of the expected service levels
{apparently MUM is reported to be good at reducing overtime costs}
over my limit already, not even halfway through
IMO and a long career in fire service, response times important; fire halls are located in a place for a reason, strategically located to get to fires quickly
{do you think they might have decided where to locate them through HISTORICAL DATA?}
and if compromising that for any reason, think that's a prob
this circumstance with MUM and colleagues before you went to the dark side in CNV, if WV Fire resources through MUM are going over into NV and standing by for NV citizens at the detriment of WV citizens, not av for calls in WV, who is making that decision? with all due respect to the Chief, who is answering for that?
{Who says they aren't available for WV calls? Just because MUM recommends moving an engine from a station to a spot on the WV/NV border does not mean it is unavailable for WV calls. Is this maybe the FUD factor?}
We're being operated like one big fire dept across the NSh in this movie but we're not; we're three legal entities and our mandate is fire, rescue, and medical services to our citizens trucks are unavailable for training, for standby
hv raised my concerns with Chief and Mr McRadu; as person who grew up in this cmnty
Mayor: thank you for your comments
Al Shirley: Firefighter for 29 yrs, live in Amb
in HBay, three times all at same time; as capt, standby
never got moved up; 10 - 15 min call Amb, live
not as accurate as predicted; intuition to keep whole M covered
Mayor: thank you, move to Medical
CC: v disparate
shd hv questions now rather than move to end
{Right. Great. That was exactly my reasoning pointing out public to present their relative facts at end of an item on WGs -- then at same time, not having out of context and having to go backward}
CC: Does WV send more engines out of the District?
Chief: count is a net gain -- more NV into WV so a net gain
CC: incumbent to ask does MUM mean we have loss/less? fire over same or more in terms of coverage, time
Chief: MUM is one tool and our job is to manage risk; multiple calls drain resources
MUM does a quick analysis, in the historical data, more likely an incident in this area this time of the day, week
we know that Ambleside is the busiest fire xxx on the NSh
so if we drain Amb will make recomm to dispatcher; dispatcher looks at it and makes calc how long
once determination made to move, the truck moves to a standby best for all -- reciprocity
down resources, we want to provide best resources
we tell the computer s/w system what to do; huge value to doing this; when alone in WV we were doing this in house
duty chief wd decide; MUM surpasses that
these are your high-risk areas -- as Jay Brownlee points out it's not a crystal ball
straddle NSh so equal service for whole; we've had good results
moving, catching 50 - 60% of time; predictable and valuable
CC: see MUM best for NSh as a whole; but not the best outcome for WV
eg Brit Prop and gap in NV move to NV b/c more chance of a fire
logical as a whole but still a risk of a fire in the Brit Prop
are there negative service implications in relying on MUM as a predictive tool?
Ans: better tool; when we're tied up get better from other
we have standby locns
if limited in resources, it's going to tell us best place for resources
CC: are there cost savings from using MUM? estimate?
Ans: savings in a couple of ways: training (a day without interruption); in service rather than overtime on days off
prog cost prohibitive xx; $50 - 60K ?
major fires, able to move units quickly whereas before relied on call back (call ppl in homes); 8 - 10min, a savings
don't call in an engine xxx [9:09]
Sop: mbrs here "no call too small"
{hey, that's the motto/slogan for our Police!}
instinctive ????
in light of that particular case, is safety an issue?
attitude of our firefighters, do anything to save a life
new position for efficiency of dollars or time commitment or both?
we as Ccl have to sit down from what we've heard tonight
Ans: doesn't matter where we are; if we can mitigate, we'll do that
if unlimited resources time and money cd complete all our prog and resources in ev area
min 3 -4 or max 6min
restricted, I have an overall resp to my staff -- quality training, ask them to work with NV, train together
force behind shared service, work together, train together
aggressive training progs 2010, 11, 12
Chief LeDuc shd be exhausted
becoming overwhelmed from WorkSafe, and they're justified
doing it within the means of our budget
I'll bring back if we need to achieve in another way
response times are the best or better
one call demonstrating Chief out of his mind -- it may happen -- can't always xxx accomplishing the best we can get [9:13]
TP: one we've been asked tonight is to continue sharing -- how long?
Ans: hv bn doing this for some time
TP: no question we pay a lot in this cmnty on public safety
helpful have more analysis in front of me
response time standards
what are the cost savings or not? wear and tear on vehicles?
wd feel comfortable info and expanding but feel don't have enough info in front of me
have response ties been affected? faster? slower?
helpful to have it in front of me
having a better read
MB: some good suggestions
at this point given the info I have, I don't feel confident making decision
real life example, Greenleaf, nine minutes -- do believe movie misleading b/c 9 mins is a long time when your house is burning down
Ans: response for Greenleaf fire, travel time was 4:20
issue at Hall with alerting system; crew wasn't alerted right away
right in middle between 2 and 3; wdn't have seen delay
turnout time -- paper but not over speakers
MB: what was time?
Ans: yours (9) was correct
MB: second Q around the MUM module; Surrey, San Diego, quite diff from WV
how effective is the MUM model moving around when
some big cities easily accessible from diff directions
some firehalls close to jurisdictional boundaries, not always the best; want to have coverage -- rather than covering ocean
when recomms come through, put trucks on the hwy, up on Caulfeild
those standby stns were covered; smaller area to cover -- 4 or 5 [stns]
District has some challenges; Surrey has v rural areas
volunteer composite to more career
ev who ses MUM as a tool is using it to calculate; Surrey, high risk inspections; most impact
MUM tells us where most high risk areas are
MB: given Amb locn highest; I have to respond to my constituents; going to cover Amb but not others
Ans: correct yes
Mayor: Cclr G had her hand up first
NG: oh
ML: time now or after motion
Mayor: question?
NG: I'm a bit confused b/c on screen is diff from what I have; not sure what we're asked to vote for
talk about EComm
training or training in general
are we only talking about MUM in this motion?
Mayor: no motion yet
NG: on the screen or?
Mayor: no motion to discuss till someone makes one
ML: what a motion -- however you want to describe it
Mayor: we have 37 min, late b/c we may have to table
xxx if not done by 10pm we'll have to go to next mtg
WHO?: EM medical xxx license {[sic] spelling :-)}
{alas, the American spelling of license is used for the noun whereas it's licence in Canada, but S for verb forms. Recommendation to Fire Chief: get Cdn spellcheckers for your dept's computers!}
Slides stats
medical advice by Dr Holmes???
emergency child birth
av said time for 9:29 amb 3.68min -- up to 10 to 15 min
recommendation expand blood pressure monitoring auto injection EpiPen for anaphylactic shock
ML: you're recommending the FR?
Ans: yes; hoping to add blood pressure and auto injection
ML: help me here FR and EMR; EMR has not been approved by Commission so FR by default
Ans: yes
Sop: have ? now?
Sop: shock or allergy have to wait for ambulance
Sop: you're there on site without the tools to deal with it?
CC: like Sop; my 90-yr-old does her blood pressure ev day
my xxx shock he went to the gas stn and got a xxx
we shd do a lot more; speak more in debate; give me things closer to EMR
to commission to allow us to better serve our residents
Ans: legislative; will not approve by trial
CC: tell me all the things we can do
let's make an applicn and let them refuse us; let's not just give in to this
my exhortation is to go back to see what we can do to push this; want to put some wind in your sails
Ans: appreciate that
MB: so 50% of your calls are medical?
xxx [9:16]
MB: what as first responders can you do?
good friend
ambulance service is v lean
what cd you do in those cases and what wd you like to do?
speaking -- want to be able to do as much as we can
trying to provide as much training as possible
MB: blood pressure and epi-pen are not
ANS: in order for us to do it
MB: fibrillators?
ANS: on all the calls
MB: calls for blood pressure monitoring
ANS: better training, get that medical info sooner
MB: how did you come up with those two recomms?
Ans: already
minimal impact, cost
draw attention to the MR prog; medical service and the fire service
Mayor: Jay Brownlee wishes to address us
JB: thank you, Mr LeDuc, v passionate instructor
really pleased to see this proposal
used to be a paramedic with the amb service before I became a firefighter
glass ceiling and the HSC level
in my role as BC Prof F X cmte; sit on high-level cmtes; watching the chief of Pr Geo, Sun Peaks to apply xxxxx
glass ceiling; drill through -- political will
if Ccl were to ask, wd be considered
always want to do as much for residents and visitors as possible
hiker in Lighthouse Pk stung by a bee and had to wait
you can get an epi-pen kit at a drugstore but we can't; not allowed even an inhaler
CAO: talking about moving forward in training
one of the interesting things is come to cost; right now prov funds amb service but does not fund us
so anything more our taxpayers
appalled to find out how expensive it is to get to those levels
hearing PrGeo and Delta, our firefighters can provide that support
we desperately need to do this b/c first ppl on scene
see Fire Dept first, then amb, and Fire walk out
the more training we get, the more expensive for our taxpayers unless prov
it is political will
this has been at the UBCM for last ten years
open purse strings to allow Ms to get trained
NG: exactly what Mr McRadu spoke about -- this just about WV or whole NSh?
Ans: can't speak on behalf of Ms most likely financial impact
NG: this recomm is for WV only
Ans: yes
NG: don't know how others?
Ans: talked to NV colleague and in support
Mayor: anything else?
Chief Cook: xxx MB asked excellent question; right next answer is yes
further and further away, response time increases; absolute equity for all impossible
set service level is where we're at; truck in ev at all time
Mayor: options
CC: wd like to start with second one and make two motions
first, we approve blood pressure and epi-pen
Mayor: can we, SSch?
SSch: if cmte believes enough discussion
can rise and make whatever motion
Mayor: everyone comfortable moving out of CoW?
ML: bit a prob; goes to next ccl mtg; opp for public
{he's right; (more/enough) time for public to learn about the topic, not rammed through without notice}
Mayor: has to recommend
CC: motion re approve
ML: friendly amendment no time or cost
we've already passed a budget for the current year
when and who's going to pay for it?
CC: cd discuss that in Ccl; told no cost for first one
ML: FR have to take some training
Ans: already in budget; the two already got the training; can do within our budget
{if got the training and already in budget, why come for this? then for the addl?}
CC: perfect; move CoW approve...immediately
Mayor: carries unanimously
CC: second, Ccl ask staff to further improve
and seeking a trial for EMR services
Mayor: further ... including
CC: asking staff to come back to us
ML: costs to be included?
CC: we've talked about
a year ago
Mother's Day last year my 1 1/2 yr old daughter in bedroom and suddenly stopped breathing
said go down to fire hall
Cori ran down hill, a block away, ran after her
she'd started breathing on the way down hill? didn't look good
guys at firehall looking at us, not a lot they cd do
didn't take to hosp
cdn't e...
they were really concerned too; we'd phoned the ambulance, 28 min later
10-15 if they had one, busy
to LGH emerg; saw 10 min later
oldest cmnty in the prov with age; let alone 1 1/2-yr-olds
cost...; you ask me if on my taxes ... or whatever... I'd pay that money, pay in two seconds.
really need to move fwd
firefighters not much to do b/c
yes, prov offloading
I'd rather do that political agitating, know my kids will be safe, and will do my political agitating while they're safe
{Techie says (and he went to some Fire WG mtgs: the plural of anecdote is not data. He appreciated the touching story but says there is no limit to the amount of money we can put into public safety (and happy to learn Cclr C will pay any amount), but someone has to draw the line somewhere, as not all residents are willing to write blank cheques as he appears to be offering, especially as some think we are already at the point of diminishing returns.
Your editor says she understands the protective feeling but perhaps he isn't aware of some of the funding issues.}
Sop: I live in an area with a lot of calls
within reason amb arrives
anything a fireperson can do to aid paramedics when they arrive
front line, first responder must have all... ; go through financial
my belief ... shd be a firehall up above the hwy
not been talked about but got
okay a few years ago but not today when we see
Mayor: supporting motion
[Extended the mtg]
ML: prov govt; amb service; innovative opps; adjunct
staff explore those opps as well
Mayor: innovative and creative
MB: ... standards ... money saved ... do an eval
ML: xxx operations ... ; update that longer than two years
CAO: ... firevib
Mayor: not same night; thirsty for knowledge
Cook: co-op wherever poss
Mayor: leave it at that, shared services?
shall we now rise and report; we need a motion
3.3. Rise from Committee of the Whole
TP: I'll move that the CoW rise and report
Mayor: in favour?
CAO: clarification -- was there a recomm of the CoW on the CEC?
Mayor: no? yes, no?
oh yeah, staff is going to come back with a further report
CAO: but that needs to come from the CoW recommended to Ccl
{he's right}
CC: we passed the motion, amended second part
Mayor: so Ms Scholes, can we bring those motions forward tonight or shd we wait for the next mtg?
SSch: we're now back in the sp ccl mtg, and Ccl may consider that recomm from the CoW now if they wish, or may defer it to the next
{Hm. Someone who checked the Ccl Procedure Bylaw said to look at sections 6.10 and 6.11 which only permit urgent recommendations to be considered by Council immediately. All other recommendations must be deferred to the next meeting. This is urgent??? (but they don't even mention urgency) And ML had pointed out absolutely correctly that it's for the public to think about for at least a week. }
Mayor: what's the wish of Ccl?
CC: like to make a motion that we accept the recomms of the CoW on the CEC
Mayor: three -- one on CEC two on medical
{SSch reads the motions out}
CC: include terms of ref
Mayor: Mr Leigh remembers exactly; Ccl remembers last two on fire services
CC: accept as read.
{some discussion}
Mayor: we did all three. Go ahead
CR: Thank you.
To keep up the going forward with solutions, there were some things that were said earlier that I'd like to clarify
If you want mtgs to do whatever, CEC or Ccl can come up with a new category to have whatever [wanted].
We do have a precedent though that something's been changed, for example, the Website Task Force has been changed to a WG
{well and wisely done}
There's nothing wrong with [your] coming up with a new category, if ppl are not comfortable with what they've got.
Pls fill the gap of the oversight of who's responsible when they do CEC b/c of -- I agree with what Cclr {probably Cameron but someone coughed so unintelligible} said and what Cclr Booth said about some things said here and staff can take them into consideration
and {more coughs}... inclusiveness is something they shd look at, as we had a WG say they will not put any names in the notes that they're writing, and I think that's a question of accountability and transparency, you might want to address.
There's something about, now, there was doom and gloom from one resident about a mtg in wch they cdn't write or speak or something. I'd like to clarify to say that at an early mtg of the Upper Lands WG indeed the chair was v kind, reasonable, and whatever, and let the citizens speak so that was really great. However at a subsequent mtg, obviously someone had spoken to him, and a different chair said, "we're not allowed to let any citizen speak until the v end of the mtg"
{so there goes the part in the guidelines about a chair's discretion; it's staff and/or a cclr imposing an interpretaton, and one, I might add, not intended by the CEC when the guidelines were drawn up)
and it's that change in attitude that I want to look at.
and so, I paid attention to Cclr Cameron who when [told] to leave his question to the end, he quite rightly and reasonably said, let's discuss it now when/while we're in the item.
{that's the intention in the WG guidelines! a citizen to speak ONLY at the end of an item, before the mtg proceeds to the next, thus obviously not during debate or interrupting anything, and then only if it's relevant information. Otherwise citizen comments are at the end.}
okay now -- the thing is that I don't think it's a question of trust, they can do whatever they want but they shd follow the guidelines; it's openness.
{public forums/mtgs, workshops, etc}
It is difficult. Most groups do not want to discuss things and have ppl watching. You {looking at Ccl} don't have that choice, I'm afraid.
Sorry. And the working groups don't, the way it was laid out.
So I think this is a challenge to residents who become mbrs of whatever cmte or group
it's a challenge.
Rise to the challenge.
Be open!
have one example of openness in West Vancouver
I'm sure you can do it
thank you
Jay Brownlee: not all or nothing; improvements, savings
need to address issues not moving forward; not a lot of dialogue with firefighters
Bruce McArthur: if MUM is such a marvellous tool
wonder why BC Amb doesn't use the service
Cook: they are a user of MUM
Mayor: pays to come to Ccl, Bruce, you'll learn
+ Watch "Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba" on YouTube
+ Octopus and seal battle off Victoria's Ogden Point breakwater
Photographer Ty Spiers was out for walk on the newly re-opened Ogden Point breakwater on Sunday May 5, when he witnessed and photographed this battle between an octopus and a seal. See: http://www.vicnews.com/news/206432181.html
+ DEEP SEA CREATURES {from Preview}
absolutely fascinating -- shapes, colours, creatures, never seen before or even imagined -- was totally gobsmacked.
if you liked diving in Bali (and if you didn't see it, pls ask me), this is even more bizarre.
over nine minutes of strangeness, but it's the weekend so have a bit of time
Begin forwarded message: From: "Lxxxxxxx
Subject: Deep Sea Creatures Date: 7 May, 2013 11:05:05 PM PDT
Deep Sea Creatures. Interesting but not from "my part" of the world. Love the little camo ones. http://vimeo.com/54105345
=== INFObits ===
+ On Save The Frogs Day (April 27) received reports that in Cypress Falls Park, Pacific Chorus frogs were heard singing .
+ The Parsons's* Daughter: The name is in the news but I'd never heard of it. It was an odd name so did a bit of research. Rehtaeh is Heather spelled backwards. It can also mean ruined or fabulous.
* VSun take note -- the last name is Parsons so the 's is after the s (b/c it's not plural)
+ 200th Anniversary -- Americans burn York (Apr. 27). The Battles of Stoney Creek (June 5) and Beaver Dam (June 23) are Canadian victories, the latter in part due to Laura Secord's famous 32 km. walk to warn Lieutenant James FitzGibbon, who had already been warned by Indians. The Battles of Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie (Sept. 10) and Moraviantown (Oct. 5) are both American victories. At the latter, which is also known as the Battle of the Thames, British supporter and Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh is killed. The Battles of Chateauguay (Oct. 25) -- with mostly French-Canadian soldiers -- and Crysler's Farm (Nov. 11) -- with English-Canadian soldiers -- are Canadian both victories over larger American troops.
+ HBC -- The Hudsons Bay Company was incorporated by British royal charter in 1670.
+ Douglas fir
> Douglas fir, also known as Oregon pine, or Douglas spruce, is an evergreen conifer species native to western North America. The common name is misleading since it is not a true fir, i.e., not a member of the genus Abies.
> If you look up the Scientific name: Pseudotsuga menziesii, instead you get:
The common name Douglas-fir honours David Douglas, the Scottish botanist who first introduced Pseudotsuga menziesii into cultivation at Scone Palace in 1827.[4] Douglas is known for introducing many North American native conifers to Europe. The hyphen in the name indicates that Douglas-firs are not true firs, not being members of the genus Abies.[5] Most dictionaries don't recognize this distinction, however, including Merriam-Webster.
+ Orthodox Christians mark Maundy Thursday in Jerusalem
Reuters -- Published; Last updated Thursday, May. 02 2013, 2:28 PM EDT
Thousands attend the traditional foot-washing ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as Orthodox Christians celebrate Maundy Thursday. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).
Even frogs love NV's Bridge Brewing's beer! See the frog having finished the glass: http://instagram.com/p/YoA6KqE2nx/
Last Updated Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:54PM EDT
Prince Philip presented a new regimental flag to a Canadian military battalion in Toronto Saturday morning, in a ceremony marking the 200th anniversary of a key battle of the War of 1812.
In his remarks Philip said he was delighted to be presenting the flag -- known as a regimental colour to the Petawawa-based Third Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment....
Prince Philip presented with Order of Canada at start of visit PHOTOS
Philip noted that the ceremony was taking place on the 200th anniversary of the Battle of York.....
Regimental colours are considered one of the most prized possessions of every regiment. And while the presentation is largely considered a symbolic event, it holds deep importance to members of the military.
"Its a flag but, for us, it really symbolizes what we as a regimental family believe in and the core of the infantry," Lt-Col. David Quick told CTVs News Channel on Friday. "Were deeply honoured to have him."
April 27 marks the 200th anniversary of the Battle of York, when Toronto was occupied by the U.S. The battle is one of the final events being honoured in a series to commemorate the bicentennial of the War of 1812.
After the presentation, more than 1,500 sailors and soldiers will march from Queens Park to the Fort York National Historic Site.
On Friday, Philip received two honours from Governor General David Johnston: the Order of Canada and the Commander of the Order of Military Merit.
Philip has held the honorary title of colonel-in-chief for the Royal Canadian Regiment since 1953.
2 - Will and Kate (plus Prince Harry) visit the Warner Bros' set
Prince Harry, the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William raise their wands on the set used to depict Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter Films during the Inauguration Of Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden on April 26, 2013 in London, England.
Published on Apr 28, 2013 -- The Duchess of Cambridge has chosen to record her first video message in support of Children's Hospice Week, which is run by Together for Short Lives. Together for Short Lives is the leading UK charity for all children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions and all those who support, love and care for them. They support families, professionals and services, including children's hospices. Find out more at: ªhttp://www.togetherforshortlives.org.uk
You Tube: A video message by The Duchess of Cambridge to support Children's Hospice Week http://t.co/3XLyueUz9T
=== Voice of Palestine -- in Vancouver === {recent email from Hanna Kawas of CPA}
+ [This week] Voice of Palestine talks with Rabab Abdulhadi, Senior Scholar of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative, at the College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University. Rabab is a veteran Palestinian activist and will be one of the guest speakers at the upcoming Palestinian Shatat Conference this weekend in Vancouver.
The closing piece of music for the show is by Lebanese singer Ahmed Kabbour, They Called me a Refugee, and we
dedicate it to the Palestinian diaspora, to all those Palestinians still in exile who will return to their homeland.
Click on this link to access a download of the interview: http://www.voiceofpalestine.ca/?p=3794
+ May 10 -- This week Voice of Palestine presents a cultural and spoken word tribute to mark the 65th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, produced by our sister show PoetsWest based in Seattle. The show includes a short radio play by Ed Mast, readings of Mahmoud Darwishs poetry by Hanna Eady and music by Reem Kelani. We dedicate the show to the Palestinian nation, especially the majority in diaspora, as they remember the original ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1947/48 and the destruction of over 400 Palestinian towns and villages by Zionist forces.
Click on this link to access a download of the interview: http://www.voiceofpalestine.ca/?p=3801
++ Browse our archives for the past ten years on our homepage: http://www.voiceofpalestine.ca/
For earlier shows, visit our YouTube Channel Pls join our Facebook page: Voice of Palestine صÙت ÙÙسطÙÙ facebook group
=== BOOKWATCH === An Israeli guidebook -- Apr 15th 2013, 16:40 by D.H. | TEL AVIV
An Israeli guidebook -- Whose land is it anyway?
SOME Israelis like to believe that Tel Aviv, Israel's bustling coastal metropolis, emerged from uninhabited sand dunes. But a new guidebook, Omrim Yeshna Eretz or Once Upon a Landa Tour Guide recalls the many Palestinian villages, destroyed and depopulated during and after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, that it was built upona hard reminder for many who believe they found homes in terra nullius.
Published by an Israeli NGO called Zochrot (which means remembering in Hebrew), the guidebook offers maps, tips, and tours through 18 areas of Israel where Palestinian villages once stood. Written in Hebrew with an Arabic translation alongside it, the guidebook, according to its editors, is an acknowledgement of the Nakba (catastrophe) that befell Palestinians after 1948 when they were driven out of, or fled from, their homes. Purged of most of their Arab inhabitants, only ruins and remnants of these former communities peak out from the ground or appear behind trees and along trails.
...The broader aim of Zochrot, co-founded by Eitan Bronstein in 2002, is to raise awareness of this exodus in Israeli public discourse. The catalyst for Mr Bronstein to found the organisation was when he learned that Canada Parka huge recreational space often used to celebrate Israels independence daywas built by the Jewish National Fund on top of Palestinian villages in the West Bank, such as Imwas and Yalo, destroyed in the six-day war in 1967....
The Economist's whole review: http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2013/04/israeli-guidebook
=== WORDWATCH === shnatz
Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) tweeted at 4:23 AM on Thu, Apr 25, 2013:Today's word of the day is 'shnatz'; the Levantine version of the post-lunch snooze http://t.co/8tDInx5NJj(https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/327382270782623744)
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/ http://www.heritagebc.ca/heritage-week-2013
Federal Heritage Minister Presentation: May 15, Port Coquitlam
The Port Coquitlam Heritage & Cultural Society is inviting representatives from all of the Metro Vancouver heritage societies and museums to an informal presentation and Q&A by Heritage Minister James Moore on what's happening at Canadian Heritage and how this may be of use or affect local heritage groups. We would love to have some representation from your organization.
In addition, following the Minister's session we will spend a few minutes exploring future avenues for ongoing communication and cooperation by Lower Mainland heritage groups on matters of shared interest such as fundraising, displays, or governance issues. This could be as simple as creating an email list or google group or perhaps having future meetings. This is a rare opportunity when so many local heritage people will be together in one place.
This event takes place at Port Coquitlam's Heritage Ctr wch opened on Port Coquitlam's 100th birthday on Mar 7th. Please come early or stay after the meeting to see our new facility.
Event Details: May 15th 6:30 pm Registration
7pm Minister's speech and q&a8pm Heritage group cooperation discussion
PoCo Heritage Centre #2100 - 2253 Leigh Square (Across from the bowling alley on McAllister Ave)Please RSVP no later than Monday May 13th so we can plan refreshments and chairs. If you have any questions or suggestions pls do not hesitate to contact me. Fritz RadandtPoCo Heritage Society Directorfritzradandt@gmail.com
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org (922 4400) now planning for Cmnty Day June 1
Parade entry: 1965 Renault Caravelle cream convertible (+ either a red-legged frog or a salmon);
and a 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass red convertible so far.
E-bulletin sign-up for event listings, alerts, heritage info; all coming events: www.heritagevancouver.org
~ 1 - 5pm ~ Saturday May 4 Annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour (in Headsup above)
o TAKE A WALKING TOUR http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/walking-tours/
For more information on any of our tours or to sign up:
Walking Tours - Fri 12pm, Sat 10am $12/person Bike Tours - Select dates and times $20/person
o Places That Matter
View the Places That Matter web page
Gibby's Field - Places That Matter
Three city lots are all that remain of 19 acres purchased by Moses Gibson in 1893 for a dairy farm. Known locally as Gibbys Field, this small patch of green contains the last remaining vestige of Gibson Creek, part of the China Creek watershed that fed into False Creek. Gibson Creek provided water for the Cedar Cottage brewery, located around Kingsway and Knight, and local Chinese market gardens. Early residents recall a thriving waterway filled with salmon, trout, lamprey, and stickleback. Gibbys Field is a small but important reminder of the landscape in the 1910s, before urban development.
Join us for presentation #54 starting at 2pm, then stick around for a plant sale at 3pm and a free Jane's Walk at 4pm.
Plaque Presentation -- 2pm Friday May 3
Gibby's Field (1458 East 18th Ave) Meet at the dip between Knight and Dumfries
Plant Sale, 3 - 8pm Tyee Elementary School, 3525 Dumfries St (five-minute walk)
Jane's Walk, 4pm (walk is approx one hour long); Start and End at Tyee Elem School, 3525 Dumfries
Dan Fass, from the Gibby's Field Subcmte, will follow the route of former creeks once full of fish, and over the lands that once made up Moses Gibson's dairy farm. See the Janes Walk Vancouver website.
~~~ MAIKU ~~~ reflections while at Vancouver Opera's Tea: A Mirror of Soul (attended opening night Sat May 4th)
Life's an empty bowl
we fill with sights, learning, thoughts --
and so do others
if tea's soul's mirror
then do please tell me
is mine green, black, or oolong?
{from metaphor to silly}
+ SCIENCE: You're drunk, rainbow. pic.twitter.com/HAn29Vhgkr
> Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Party
A controversial legacy Apr 9th 2013, 20:13 by Economist.com
THE former prime minister strengthened her party, was a fierce Atlanticist and grew ever more sceptical of a united Europe....
> Margaret Thatcher What The Economist saw Apr 10th 2013, 17:29 by Economist.com
MARGARET THATCHER was part of British political life for 33 years and was mentioned in 100s of Economist articles. Here are a few highlights from our coverage. SEE: http://www.economist.com/blogs/blighty/2013/04/margaret-thatcher-1
Margaret Thatcher's Best Quotes -- "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of rich people."
When accused of being reactionary, she replied "Well, there is a lot to react against."
MORE: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324050304578410460056812192.html
A marriage bill in the NZ parliament; Conservative mbr Maurice Williamson makes a short speech, one of the best I have ever heard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCDEiaoEP2U&sns=em
Just got off the phone with a friend who lives in Scotland.
She said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. The temperature is dropping far below zero and the north wind is increasing to near gale force.
Her husband has done nothing but look through the kitchen window and just stare.
She says that if it gets much worse, she may have to let the drunken bastard in.
Time for something completely OTT*! (but I do like the mustard)
* need a guide to abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms?
but I'll tell you this time: Over The Top -- and it is!
{if you watch BBC progs, you'll recognize Ian Richardson from House of Cards, and Paul Eddington from Yes, Minister}
Begin forwarded message: Subject: Fw: grey poupon
Very unlikely, but good for a laugh!
This American comedian was born on May 12, 1937.
Some of his brain-teasing questions:
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
Is there another word for synonym?
If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
He also authored many inspired observations on the stuff of everyday life:
If you know the average person is stupid, then realize that half are stupider than that.
quotations thoughts puns
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian and political thinker (1805 - 1859)
Good people drink good beer.
Hunter S. Thompson, in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", American journalist (1937 - 2005)
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
-- Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher (1828 - 1910)
I wanted perfection and ruined what was working well.
-- Albert Camus, Algeria-born French author (1913 - 1960)
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
-- Confucius, Chinese philosopher and teacher (c. 551 - 478 BCE)
I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end.
-- Maggie Thatcher, British Prime Minister (1925 - 2013)
Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure."
-- H.L. Mencken, American writer, editor, and critic (1880 -1956)
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.
-- Helen Adams Keller, American lecturer and author (1880 - 1968)
...from a comment on a website: Men like sex.
Women like weddings.
After a decade or two, neither likes marriage.
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.
-- Nicolas de Chamfort, French playwright (1740 - 1794)
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.
Prince Philip:
Dontopedalogy is the science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, which Ive practised for many years.
Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value the relationship more than your ego.
They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea.
-- Francis Bacon, English essayist, philosopher, and statesman (1561-1626)
When the goat ate a Scrabble set, the letters came out in alphabetical ordure.
No one knew she had a dental implant until it came out in a conversation.
A chicken farmer's favourite car is a coupe.
The dead batteries were given out free of charge.
Mischievous lambs post their videos on Ewe Tube.
What do you call a spittoon in a wine bar? Grape expectorations.
When the window fell into the incinerator, it was a pane in the ash to retrieve.
A harp that was shaved is a bare-faced lyre.
A plastic surgeon who specializes in breast implants is a front end manager.
Church Bulletin Bloopers
If you choose to heave during the Postlude, please do so quietly.
We are grateful for the help of those who cleaned up the grounds around the church building and the rector.
Newsletters are not being sent to absentees because of their weight.
Helpers are needed! Please sign up on the information sheep.
Diana and Don request your presents at their wedding.
Lent is that period for preparing for Holy Weed and Easter.