2013 May 13 CCL NOTES; May 27, June 3, 10 AGENDAs; Calendar to JUNE 18th
Ambleside WATERFRONT • 1300blk/Grosvenor • PSB • Park Dedication!

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
[PDF Version]

~~~ Everest conquered and Coronation 60 years ago! ~~~

AGENDAs -- Main Items

> Ccl Mtgs May 27:

CLOSED Cmnty Engagement Cmte mtg at 1:30pm; and closed Audit Cmte mtg at 2pm

4:30pm Ccl Mtg: Part 2 of the Divisional Services Review for Engg and Transp {it says 'financial matters' but not CoW as Part 1 was}; Special Ccl Mtg at 7pm: Wireless Communication Facilities policy; PSB 2013 Budget funding -- $3.6M+? (but no amt given on agenda)

> Ccl Mtg June 3: Minutes back to Apr 29!!!; Lawn Bowling Club Delegation re Championship; DPA for Rodgers Crk Area 4 (Entry Rd & Bridge over Pipe Crk); Cmnty Website WG interim report; 2012 Audited Financial Statements and Annual Report, released for public input; Packaging/Printed Paper; Montizambert Water Disconnection Notice (extended); Lane Paving (11th); Five-Yr Financial Plan Budget Amendment (PSB soft costs); Devt Applicn Status Report; Correspondence:  Problematic cul-de-sac parking; Eagle Island Garbage; Eden Place (they deserve an explanation from the Hall): Waterfront; PSB; 1300blk; Monetary Policy re Blasting Damages; World Oceans Week (June 1 - 8);.......

> Ccl Mtg June 10: PUBLIC HEARING re AMBLESIDE WATERFRONT, followed by second and third readings if PH closed. {read the supplemental report (May 31) and submissions}

== Lease/Sell Survey; Vive le Canada (Judgement); from the EDITOR'S DESK (PHs); WVPD (Bears); UPDATES & INFO (2012 Annual Report; Cmnty Survey; Coach Houses; PkR; MDr repaving; ADRA AGM; Streamkeepers Weed-Pull)

= CALENDAR to June 18th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music, Dance, Talks, etc); NATURE (Walks, Paddling)

= HEADSUP 11A: Updates; followed by subscriber update NOTICES with May 27, June 3 and 10 agendas, and last-minute mtgs and time changes. The NOTICE June 7/8 has Weekend events and

June 10 AGENDAs: Public Hearing and a ccl mtg on AMBLESIDE WATERFRONT

= Ccl NOTES May 13: Delegations (Cool Nbrhds; Climate Change); Revised Proposal for 1300blk; PH for Revised Ambleside Waterfront Proposal June 17 {changed to June 10}; Rezoning, Devt Permit 2074 Fulton PH June 3 {tabled?}; Wireless Communication Policy; Approval of PSB "soft costs" ($3.645M); Paving (11th/12th); Bylaws for Adoption (Parks Dedication; Housekeeping Amendments for Building and Fees & Charges); Devt Permit Rodgers Crk bridge Pipe Crk; Correspondence (Sch Bd says no $ for Gleneagles Sound Barrier; fascinating letter re Navvy Jack House and history; Ambleside waterfront; Spring Sprint May 14; financial info/options/queries re PSB funding)

= ANIMALWATCH (Snakes; Bears; SPCA); INFObits (Franklin; Humpback whale; Anniversaries); SCIENCEWATCH (Pitch Drop Experiment); ROYALWATCH (Coronation; Prince Philip); MUSICWATCH (WV's Ryan Wang); IsraelestineWATCH; BOOKWATCH (eBooks); WORDWATCH (orcaholics); HERITAGEWATCH; HAIKUWATCH; MAIKU; QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS



lease1300@westvan.org OR sell1300@westvan.org ?

Email your choice (above), lease or sell. If you have already done so, pls ask your family, friends, colleagues to do so.

If we haven't lawyers/staff/personnel expert, intelligent, skilled enough to negotiate leasing, then buy other land from the money from the sale to replace it thus maintaining our land bank assets. PLEASE, Ccl! At least some considering borrowing.

NB: Contrary to a cclr's statement, the 320 Taylor Way property in fact was leased (NOT sold);

so was the Wetmore property leased, contrary to the statement made at the Chamber's 'unplugged' (May 30).


== Vive le CANADA ===

Sad time for Canada. Small comfort only a few out of over 100 senators. For me, guess in the past the honour system wd not have required stiff regulations. Enforcement now appears lacking. In the PMO as well.

Since senators are appointed this kerfuffle over ineligible expenses and $90K 'given' by the PM's chief of staff not only taint the ppl involved who may have transgressed, but the Senate and also the wisdom, competence, and judgement of the person doing the appointing.

Pity such stellar senators as Romeo Dallaire tainted by this.

There is a useful positive role for the Senate -- we shd work to improve it, not remove a body that is a check on the House of Commons and does good review and research work. (No, I don't agree with all elected -- that's just a larger HoC.)

Independent expertise is valuable.

With Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau, Bruce Carson (conviction), Arthur Porter, all appointed by Harper, let's look at his actions re vetting and character judgement.

=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===

Ccl moving fast now!

PH on Ambleside Waterfront June 10 and PH on 1300blk planned for June 17.

Comments on DWV Report till June 17 (review WV's finances, tell Ccl what you think).

Keep informed! Have your say! Great to live where we can give our opinion.

Some letters of interest: Navvy Jack house history (Corresp to May 3, no 5; Eden Place residents (Corresp to May 10, no 6)

Apologies right now for anything left out or late; it was time to lower the guillotine, transmit, then try to catch up next week.

=== WVPD === beware the bears!

Hungry Bear Time!

Bear sightings in WV residential areas can be reported to WV Police at 925 7300 or directly to the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1 877 952 7277.   

Bear Safety Basics

¢ Place garbage at curb side no sooner than 5am on the morning of pickup.  

¢ Store all garbage inside your house, garage, shed, or other secure enclosure. 

¢ Regardless of where you store your garbage container, keep it clean and odour-free. 

¢ Freeze smelly items, such as meat trays and the skin and bones of poultry and fish, until the morning of pickup.

¢ Keep diapers inside. There are products on the market that enable indoor storage.

¢ Remove bird feeders, including hummingbird feeders, until winter.

¢ Ensure barbecues are kept odour-free. Turn them on high for ten minutes when you are finished cooking and scrub off the food remnants. Remove any grease catchers and take indoors. (Do not store the propane tanks indoors.)

¢ Pick fruit from trees as soon as it is ripe, and remove any fruit that falls to the ground.

¢ Turn compost regularly to reduce smells. Only add raw fruit and vegetables, and yard trimmings, and keep a lid on the bin. Metro Vancouver has a helpful brochure available at www.metrovancouver.org

¢ Keep pet food inside.

¢ Keep refrigerators and freezers inside.

---> Add'l info is available at www.NorthShoreBears.com or www.bearaware.bc.ca or ph 990 BEAR (2327) or 317 4911.

=== UPDATES & INFO ===

+ Draft 2012 Annual Report Now Available for Review

At the June 17 Council Meeting at 7pm in the Ccl Chamber, the 2012 Annual Report and submissions and questions from the public will be considered. Written submissions addressed to Council regarding the Annual Report will be included in their entirety for Council™s consideration and will form part of the public record.

DRAFT 2012 Annual Report (PDF, 2.8 MB)

The Annual Report will also be available for inspection at the Finance Dept. For more info, contact them at: 925 7032.

+ WV Community Survey Underway Now

Residents may receive phone calls this week and next asking them to participate in the District's 2013 Community Survey. The survey occurs every three years and is an important tool to measure resident priorities and preferences. Mustel Group is an experienced research firm and has been engaged by the municipality to conduct the survey. They are recruiting resident participants by phone call, but the survey will be completed either online or by mail. If you are contacted and are eligible for the survey and have time to give us your feedback, it is very much appreciated. Input will be used to plan policies, services, and future directions.

Questions? Email us: communications@westvancouver.ca or call 925 4736.

+ Coach Houses

Questionnaires are still being accepted until June 6

Opportunities to: downsize into a smaller housing unit on their own property;

provide self-contained accommodation for an elderly parent, adult child, or on-site caregiver;

design a custom housing unit for a family member with special needs (e.g., limited mobility); or

create a detached secondary suite to maintain the privacy of the principal dwelling unit.

What do you think?

Find out more about our examination of coach houses and let us know what you think. A moderated panel discussion was held on May 8 at the Kay Meek Centre. Questionnaires from that event are still being accepted and can be found below.

= Email housing@westvancouver.ca to be added to our email distribution list

= Read a discussion paper on the coach house experience in other communities

= Fill out an online questionnaire to contribute your feedback

= Watch for displays and information sessions in the community this spring


During the Cmnty Dialogue on Nbrhd Character and Housing (2007-2008), residents called for greater housing options to meet changing cmnty needs. Building on this work, an examination of coach houses is identified in WV™s Housing Action Plan as one of five key actions for addressing limited housing choice and affordability. This examination is currently underway, and should be completed by July 2013. If resident feedback indicates interest, draft coach house policies, and regulations will be developed for further community review. For more info, call 925 7055 or email us

+ Our Vision, Your Neighbourhood. Find out more!

Our Park Royal Nbrhd Presentation Ctr is open to the public, make sure you stop by, check out our future plans. + Marine Drive Repaving at Park Royal

Night-time road paving at Park Royal on Marine Drive is scheduled to start June 4 ...

After June 2, our Presentation Centre will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 12 “ 5pm.

Commuters should be aware that there will be a traffic disruption at Park Royal in order to repave Marine Drive beginning Tuesday June 4. The work on the east and west bound lanes of Marine Drive from the new traffic light to Pound Road will take place between the hours of 8pm and 6am from Sunday to Thursday. The project is expected to be completed in approximately five nights, although the work is weather dependent.

Traffic control staff will be on site to direct traffic. Please use an alternate route to avoid delays. Every effort will be made to minimize disruption and your cooperation is appreciated as this important work is carried out.

Contact: Fraser Kettner, Roads and Bridges Technologist 925 7028 

We look forward to your feedback in the coming months. With everyone™s help, we will make the Park Royal Nbrhd an energetic destination that will thrive well into the future.

For more information, visit parkroyalconnected.com/752-marine-drive/


We were pleased that the Mayor came to the meeting and spoke as well as answered questions. Still a lot of input needed for the 1300blk and the PSB. Mbrs were pleased to learn that he thinks coach houses shd be handled by Devt Permit Applicns (or variances).

Elected to the Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers' Assn 2013 Board:

Christine Cassidy, Elaine Fonseca, Linda Kowalski, Heather Mersey, Keith Pople, Carolanne Reynolds, Ray Richards, Scenery Slater.

To write to the board: ADRAbd@westvan.org (The date of the email determines the year; NB Elaine Fonseca has no email)

+ STREAMKEEPERS -- Weed Pull, Saturday June 15

We would like some Streamkeeper volunteers to assist with a weed pull in Hay Park.  This is great fun, quite social, and a most beneficial activity as we can help with the removal of some invasive plants locally. 

The event will start at 10am in Hay Park (19th Street at Kings Avenue) and we will be completed by noon.

If you would like to participate, please send us a reply email ( westvanstreamkeepers@shaw.ca ) to confirm.  These are easy plants to pull up and out, so you only have to bring work gloves.

I hope to see you there. Cheers, John Barker, President, West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society

=== CALENDAR to June 18th ===

All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx . Notices/mtgs/changes too

late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices sent between issues of WVM.]

ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/

== Saturday May 25th

~ Royal Cdn Marine Search and Rescue annual SAR exercise; May 25th in HBay, all welcome to come down

~ 1:30pm ~ ADRA AGM in Srs' Cr

== Bike to Work Week starts May 27! ==

== Tuesday May 28th

~ 6:30pm ~ WV Cmnty Ctrs Society AGM at WV Cmnty Ctr

~ 6:30pm ~ Cmnty Consultation Mtg re Devt Proposal 825 TWay and 707 Keith Rd at LIBRARY

~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review WG at Learning Room, Srs' Ctr

== Wednesday May 29th ~ 10am ~ Invasive Plants WG

~ 7pm ~ Seniors Taking Action: Rightsizing your home on the NSh; at Srs' Ctr

== Thursday May 30th

~ 4pm ~ Cmnty Concert -- free, open to public: WV Cmnty Ctr flute, saxophone, and violin students

~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall

~ 7:45pm ~ Design Review Cmte re 1300blk revised Grosvenor proposal (rescheduled from May 23 -- was 4:30pm, then 6pm; starts with Unitarian Ch Devt; after a break 1300blk item starts at 7:45)

== Friday May 31st -- FCM

~~~ COMMUNITY DAY in WEST VANCOUVER: Saturday June 1st ~~~

== Sunday June 2nd -- Canadian Armed Forces Day

== Tuesday June 4th ~ 11am ~ ACDI Access Awareness Day at CNV M Hall

~ 7pm ~ Lower Caulfeild Adv Cmte

~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review WG, Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr (Rainbow Room)

== Thursday June 6th

Clyde Avenue and Keith Road Traffic Calming Study Open House

Hollyburn Elementary School Gym (1329 Duchess) from 6 to 8pm

Residents in the area around Clyde Ave and Keith Rd between 11th and 13th are invited to an open house to share their ideas and concerns about traffic calming. This open house is the first step in a process to develop potential traffic calming measures ” as well as pedestrian and cycling improvements”for the safety of all road users. The information collected on June 6 will be used to help develop options which will be brought back to the community at a subsequent open house.

See:   http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=45186

== Saturday June 8th

Looking for something to do on the weekend?

Between 10am and 4pm stop by the West Vancouver Artisan Festival at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr to play, learn, and bring home a treasure! Offering a market, demonstrations, and workshops, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy at the festival.

RegistrationRequired for workshops only, call GCC: 921 2100(Limited spaces available, so register early!) More InformationEmail Pierre [ pierre@chocolatetastingclub.com ]Call 778 230 4037

== Tuesday June 11th

~ 5 - 10pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review Stewardship Groups -- Input Forum at Gleneagles Golf Clubhouse

> See details in NOTICE June 7/8 in Headsup Section; 'Real' start at 6pm <

== Wednesday June 12th

~ 4 - 6pm ~ Michael Geller offers a tour the recently completed duplexes and coach houses at Hollyburn Mews

~ 7pm ~ Field Sport Forum WG -- Sports Groups Input Session; Sentinel School Library (1250 Chartwell)

== Thursday June 13th

~ 5 - 7:30pm ~ Cell Tower Open House at St David's

Two years ago the BPAHA advocated against cell towers along the Upper Levels Highway. Rogers has now provided a revised plan. The BPAHA will provide community input during the open houses listed below. The BPAHA continues to view these with concern. Please voice your opinion at one of the two Open Houses:

Thursday June 13 at St. David's Church from 5 - 7:30pm

Tuesday June 18 at St. David's Church from 5 - 7:30pm

More info: https://www.placespeak.com/topic/735-north-shore-corridor-telecommunications-plan/

~ 7pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte at GCC

== Friday June 14th

~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte at WV Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Rm)

== Saturday June 15th Bagpipes by the Beach

Ambleside Park: Gates open 5pm, performance starts 6pm, massed bands finale approximately 7:30pm.

Cost: Entry is by donation. All proceeds to the Charitable Society

The Firefighters of West Vancouver are once again presenting their famous Pipe Band Festival, Bagpipes by the Beach. This family-oriented event is also the largest fundraising event for the WV Firefighters' Charitable Society.

Featuring: JP Fell Pipe Band

Vancouver Police Dept. Pipes and Drums

Dowco Triumph St. Pipe Band

West Van Youth Band

Seating is limited, so come early or bring your lawnchairs and blankets.

All net proceeds go to the charitable society, which in turn donates to various recipients on the North Shore and in Greater Vancouver. This event is run by off-duty firefighters, and supported by sponsors. Come down to enjoy some great music!

== Tuesday June 18th

~ 5 - 7:30pm ~ Cell Tower Open House at St David's {see details above June 13th}

+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca

= Shared Challenges & Global Solidarity

Join world renowned speakers Dr. Rajesh Tandon and Martha Farrell as they explore issues shared by communities worldwide. 1 - 3pm Monday June 10. Light reception and Q & A to follow.

+ The West Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation is accepting applications for positions on its Board of Directors. If you are a West Vancouver resident who is passionate about your Library, we want to hear from you. Learn more: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/index.php?page=47

+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 729 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition

May 8 - June 15 Barry Downs

Melding Architecture with Landscape: A Collaboration in Design

Barry Downs has been practising architecture for over five decades, first with Thompson Berwick & Pratt Architects, then in partnership with Fred Hollingsworth and later, with Richard Archambault. His projects span a wide range from houses and institutions to community master plans and all are informed by his skilful melding of buildings, gardens, and landscape, a fundamental design philosophy that respects the natural topography, ecology, and the private and public nature of a site rather than attempting to circumvent it.

The exhibition illustrates this integration through key projects, such as the 1964 Massey Award winning Rayer Residence in West Vancouver, located on a hillside where the building's bent form embraces a garden, pond, and views of forest and ocean to urban settings where landscape provides the essential bonding element. Today, Downs works from his home studio in West Vancouver sited sensitively on the edge of a cliff and overlooking the Strait of Georgia.

+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290

o May 28 - June 9 -- Perfectly Still

Tansy Sverre -- Acrylic on canvas

Opening Reception: Tuesday May 28 from 6 “ 8pm; Meet the Artist: Saturday June 1 from 2 - 3 pm

o June 11 - 23 -- GRAD SHOW 2013

Art from graduating students of Collingwood, Mulgrave, Rockridge, Sentinel, and WV secondary schools

Opening Reception: June 14 Friday from 6 “ 8pm & Meet the Artists: June 15 Saturday from 2 - 3pm

+++ SILK PURSE +++  http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/  925 7292

> June 4 - 23 -- Skylight and Cloud Shadows

This exhibition will showcase Ximeng Guo™s series of paintings featuring a combination of motifs including plants, rocks, lotus, water lilies, ponds, and birds. In her expressive-realist brush strokes, Ximeng unveils the beauty of a translucent garden scenery dappled with sunlight and hovering clouds; and explores a visual expression that evoke memories and expand imaginations.

Opening reception: Tuesday June 4th from  6 to 8pm

+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar

Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com


~ June 2 Sun 2:30 and 7pm ~ ANNA WYMAN SUMMER CONCERT OF DANCE

~ June 5 Wed 7:30pm ~ THE PRO NOVA ENSEMBLE

~ June 7/8 Fri/Sat 7pm ~ HARMONY HOUSE: DARE TO DREAM




Don't forget, as of June 10th our box office hours will be changing to Tu & Th from 12 - 5pm and Saturdays from 12 - 4pm. Our new summer hours will be in effect from Monday June 10th until mid-August 

You can also contact us by email at info@kaymeekcentre.com from Monday - Saturday.

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++ http://www.westvan60.com/

Office: 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920 Fax: 922 2659














+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com

=== [May 30] The First & Only: Mayor Mike, Unplugged!

Published on May 31 -- A unedited clip from Mayor Michael Smith speaking to the West Van community in a relaxed environment on the future of the Ambleside area at the Chamber event.

{NB: This clip is 12 minutes and does not include the Q & A: http://t.co/E6dE7sdDeA so will ask}

=== 5 - 7:30pm Thursday June 6 -- Second Annual WV Chamber Taste of Ambleside -- Tickets now on sale

Ambleside Businesses from 13th Street to 19th Street

A fun-filled evening celebrating all that is Ambleside. Sample food, wine, coffee, or receive special discounts and coupons. Enter the draw for a gift basket. Partial proceeds will go to the Lions' Gate Hospital Fdn and the Ambleside Biz Assn.

Mbrs - $20, Non-mbrs - $20, Children under 12 - $5

It's an opportunity for you, your family, and/or staff to amble in Ambleside and experience all that the Village has to offer.

From 13th to 19th, along Marine and Bellevue, 65 participating businesses will offer a variety of appetizers, drinks, give-aways, special discounts, or coupons. Ticket holders go door-to-door, present their ticket/passport, wch will be stamped, and receive a sample. When you fill out your passport with 20 stamps, you can enter a draw for a gift basket!

We have 65 participating businesses.

See list:


=== CULTUREWATCH === {a stripped down version}



2013 Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards



Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Measure for Measure, Elizabeth Rex. Season starts June 12.

Purchase tix online www.bardonthebeach.org or call the box ofc (739 0559).

+ ARTS CLUB -- 687 1644  http://www.artsclub.com -- Dreamgirls at the Stanley Stage until July 7


We are Three Sisters (subtitled the Bronte Sisters) by Blake Morrison; Cdn premiere

Preview June 6; runs to June 30 -- United Players www.jerichoartscentre.com


Shady Business by Robin Hawdon; a hilarious British comedy -- deepcovestage.com; June 14 - 29

+ QET -- Les Miz June 12 - 23

+ PYATT HALL applausemusicals.com

The Frogs, musical comedy written in 405BC by Aristophanes; 7pm June 13 - 15


+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY  http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html

Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]

~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.

For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.

> Opened Apr 13: Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life

> http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/fuse.html

I Hotel - Reading Group -- Tuesday June 4 in the Gallery

In anticipation of the June 11 lecture by award-winning author, Karen Tei Yamashita, the Gallery will host a reading group to discuss her novel I Hotel.About I Hotel: œThis dazzling multi-voiced fusion of fiction, playwriting, graphic art, and philosophy spins an epic tale of America™s struggle for civil rights as it played out in San Francisco.Space is limited! Please contact library@vanartgallery.bc.ca by May 10 if you would like to join this exclusive reading group. Free for Members. I Hotel is available for purchase in the Gallery Store ».

+ Caroun Art Gallery

Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)1403 Bewicke Ave, NV Masoud Soheili 778 372 0765 , www.Caroun.nethttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Caroun-Art-Gallery/185765774772749?sk=wall

> Painting Exhibition by "Sonia Kajavi"June 1 - 14 from noon to 8pm (closed Mondays)

Opening Reception: 4 to 9pm Sat June 1 https://www.facebook.com/events/171247323038082/

+ Art in the Garden 2013 nvartscouncil.ca

Visual art and live music all while exploring unique gardens. Self-guided tour in NV; noon to 5pm, May 25 and 26


+ OPERA PRO CANTANTI -- procantanti.com 7pm Cambrian Hall

Verdi: Rigoletto, Sun June 2; Bellini: I Capuleti e i Montecchi, June 9 and 16

+ Out to Lunch: VAG Fridays 12:10pm

June 7 (World Premiere: Carl Vollrath's clarinet sonatas 4 & 5); June 14 (original compositions for voice, piano, guitar, and clarinet)

+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA http://enews.vancouversymphony.ca/1213VSO-13.html

Last Night at the Proms at the Orpheum (bring your teddy bear!) Wed 8pm June 5

Check their website for performances throughout the month.

To become a VSO Subscriber, call 876 3434 for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the series packages online. Order your new subscription online “ AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!

+ WEST COAST SYMPHONY westcoastsymphony.ca

Dvorak, Britten, Prokofiev; 8pm June 7 Christ Church Cathedral; 2pm June 9 Bowen Island Cmnty School

+ PACIFIC BAROQUE ORCHESTRA pacific baroque.com

Organ concerti of Handel and C P E Bach; WV United Church 7:30pm Sat June 1st

+ SONGFIRE FESTIVAL May 30 - June 26 songfire.ca

* DANCE -- Mascall Dance Studio c

Experience dance through the wine's eye and the comic's tongue. BLOOM choreographers combine brief kinetic ideas with a sommelier's wine pairings and a comic who interprets the dances. 5:15pm until May 28

* Vancouver Writers' Fest Annual Scotch-Tasting Fundraiser

A Dram Come True, at Hycroft Manor, 7:30pm Fri May 31, no tix sold at door; www.writersfest.bc.ca


For details on this year's awards, visit http://www.bcbookprizes.ca/winners/2013


* TALKS, etc

+ http://www.tedxwestvancouvered.com/

+ Basically Bramwell; what's on the maestro's mind (at Pyatt Hall); vsoschoolofmusic.ca 915 9300 6pm June 12

+ Rivers Lost, Saved, and Restored: A Global Perspective spdf2013.com/speakerseries

Mark Angelo, founder and chair of World Rivers Day; 604 432 6359; Sheraton Wall Ctr; 7:30pm June 13

+ Tashi Tea Party 604 788 1318

a summer evening of tea and Tibetan treasures at the Secret Garden Tea Co; 7:30pm June 9

all proceeds benefit the monks, nuns, and villagers of Ashuk village, East Kham, Tibet

+ Democracy on Trial Revisited 604 822 1444 www.miltonkwonglecture.ca

The 2013 Milton K Wong lecture at the Chan Ctr: Professor Jean Bethke Elshtain; 7pm June 13

+ How to Increase Cycling and Walking ” Lessons from Cities Across the Globe

7pm Friday June 14 -- SFU's Vancouver campus (Harbour Centre)

Admission is free, but reservations are required. Reserve here.

This lecture will also be webcast live. View the live webcast here on June 14: http://creativeservices.sfu.ca/broadcast

Comment and tweet your questions during the webcast using hashtag #SFUcycle

In this talk, John Pucher will document the boom in cycling in both European and North American cities. Adding to his previous talks, John will discuss how cycling can thrive even in cities with no history or culture of daily, utilitarian cycling, but only if government policies provide safe, convenient, and pleasant cycling conditions. He'll also address the fact that similarly, government policies are key to encouraging walking and making it safer. Safe infrastructure is a prerequisite, but it must be complemented by many other supportive measures.

The hopeful message is that almost all Canadian and American cities are on the right path. Dozens of cities throughout North America have more than doubled levels of cycling since 1990, and some large cities such as Chicago, Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, have more than quadrupled the bike share of work commuters since 1990. Virtually all North American cities have plans for expanding their cycling networks, combined with a range of complementary programs such as bike sharing, bike-transit integration, safe routes to schools, mass car-free street events (ciclovias), and better training of both motorists and cyclists. Even in the American southeast, which currently has the lowest rate of cycling, many cities are installing cycle tracks, bike lanes, and bike parking.

In short, North American cities have already made considerable progress in raising both cycling and walking levels, but far more needs to be done. With over 40 per cent of all bike trips shorter than two miles, there is great potential for further growth. It is crucial to convey to the media, the public, and politicians the enormous economic, social, environmental, and health benefits of walking and cycling, both to individuals and to society as a whole.

At the conclusion of his talk, John will discuss several approaches to implementing the necessary policies to increase walking and cycling while also making them safer. Public information campaigns, combined with advocacy and coalition-building, are obviously crucial, but there are other implementation strategies that can be used to enhance public and political support. Perhaps the most effective strategy of all is to make cycling and walking possible for everyone, and, in particular, to get more seniors, children, and women on bikes and on their feet. Broadening the base of public support for walking and cycling is key to getting the necessary political support and funding for the measures necessary to promote walking and cycling in our cities.

About the speaker

John Pucher has been a professor at Rutgers University since 1978, conducting research on transportation economics and finance, urban travel behaviour, transportation systems, and government policies in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe. Over the past 15 years, Pucher's research has focused on walking and bicycling, and how to improve their safety and convenience for all age groups, women as well as men, and people of all levels of physical ability. Pucher encourages walking and cycling for recreation as well as for practical trips to work, school, and shopping to increase physical activity and to help people have healthier lifestyles. He has published three books and over 100 articles in academic and professional journals. His most recent book is called City Cycling (edited by Pucher and Buehler, MIT Press 2012).

He has spent several years as a visiting professor at universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Canada, and Australia, and he is spending the first half of 2013 as visiting professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in the state where he grew up.

John Pucher's website: http://www.policy.rutgers.edu/faculty/pucher/

Sponsors: We gratefully acknowledge support from our sponsors: Urban Systems, City of Vancouver, TransLink

Host: SFU Continuing Studies (City Program)

Partners: HUB -- Your Cycling Connection

=== NATURE ===


A fun night of paddling on the waters of Vancouver Harbour. Line up on the start line under the Burrard Bridge and paddle the scenic course as fast as you want. www.bigchop.ca 866 912 3331 May 23, June 6, June 20, July 4, July 18, ....


Special tour features highlights and park secrets from ten years of historical walking tours in Stanley Park.

873 1866 stanleyparkhistory.ca 1:30pm May 25

=== HEADSUP 11A === 7:19pm Wed May 22

Recovered from Victoria long weekend?  New event, mtg just put on Calendar, and reminder (of course QTP ending):

=  Bellevue Cares 6pm Th May 23 -- Giveaways and food from Fresh St Market    [details below]

=  Cmnty Grants Cmte 2pm Fri May 24 at Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Rm)

=  ADRA AGM Saturday May 25 at Srs' Ctr 1:30pm (1300, Waterfront, Coach Houses, PSB, + Q&A on agenda)

BTW, busy Ccl on Monday May 27 {closed CEC Mtg at 1:30pm added}:

¢ Audit Cmte, closed session at 2pm ¢ Cmte of Whole -- Financial Matters at 4:30pm ¢ Reg Ccl Mtg at 7pm

Bellevue Cares

Eat, drink, and shop in West Van for a good cause! Come out and enjoy a variety of entertainment, prizes, discounts, and more in support of the North Shore Hospice Society. Proceeds go to improving programs and assistance for palliative patients and their families.

Date: May 23    Time: 6 - 8pm

On Bellevue: Blush Bridal, 1403; Baracos + Brand, 1411; Prelude, 1441; RoseHill Bed and Bath, 1441; Stittgen Fine [Jewellery], 1457

RSVP   To one of the participating businesses


=== NOTICE ~ 9:53pm Sun May 26 ===

Yes, late, but thought you shd get a headsup about tomorrow:

AGENDAs Ccl Mtg May 27: 

CLOSED Cmnty Engagement Cmte mtg at 1:30; and closed Audit Cmte mtg at 2pm

4:30pm Ccl Mtg: Part 2 of the Divisional Services Review for Engg and Transp {it says 'financial matters' but not CoW as Part 1 was}; 

Special Ccl Mtg at 7pm: Wireless Communication Facilities policy; PSB 2013 Budget funding -- $3.6M+? (but no amt given on agenda)

=== NOTICE ~ 2:16am Tues May 28 ===

Nothing earth-shaking at the ccl mtgs today (Monday Oct 27); ended about 8pm but at least finally had Reports. Still working on WVM12 :-)

btw, ADRA was graced by His Worship Himself, Mayor Mike Smith who even came at 1:30pm for the whole AGM Saturday.  He was v generous with his time and answered many questions.  Even listened to several recommendations and comments re the 1300blk.  Pleased those assembled saying he was not in favour of a municipal-wide coach house policy, rather applications to come for a variance.

Subscribers got the agendas for Monday and now you're getting the mtgs -- some recently put up on the WV Calendar and one not even updated yet!  You heard about it here first!

== Tuesday May 28th

~ 6:30pm ~ WV Cmnty Ctrs Society AGM at WV Cmnty Ctr

~ 6:30pm ~ Cmnty Consultation Mtg re Devt Proposal 825 TWay and 707 Keith Rd at LIBRARY

~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review WG at Learning Room, Srs' Ctr

== Wednesday May 29th

~ 10am ~ Invasive Plants WG

~ 7pm ~ Seniors Taking Action: Rightsizing your home on the NSh; at Srs' Ctr

== Thursday May 30th

~ 4pm ~ Cmnty Concert -- free, open to public: WV Cmnty Ctr flute, saxophone, and violin students

~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall

~ 7:45pm ~ Design Review Cmte re 1300blk revised Grosvenor proposal (rescheduled from May 23 --

was 4:30pm, then 6pm; NB new time not yet on WV Calendar so better check in case changed again)

{turns out 6pm start, break, then 7:45 for 1300blk}

=== NOTICE ~ 11:31pm Wed May 29 ===

* BREAKING NEWS!  Right after finishing this, a Tweet arrived --the ofc of the BC Auditor General for Local Government has just announced DWV will be among the first batch of municipalities to be audited (see http://www.aglg.ca/news-and-publications/audits/)

** Thurs May 30 -- The Design Review Cmte will indeed start at 6pm to discuss the devt at the Unitarian Church and then break and come back at 7:45 to discuss Grosvenor's 1300blk proposal.  The DWV Calendar says 6pm start and you don't find out about the break or that 1300 is at 7:45 unless you go to the DRC's webpage.  I had only been told DRC/Grosvenor at 7:45, not that it wd start earlier (6pm, after having been set for later than 4:30pm) to handle another devt (Unitarian Church). Here it is:

from DRC webpage:



6:00 p.m.  CALL TO ORDER




4.1(6:10“6:40 p.m. presentation) (6:40“7:15 p.m. deliberation & resolution)

ï‚·  370/380 Mathers Avenue (Unitarian Church Site)

ï‚·  19 ground-oriented residential units on a 2.2 acre site

ï‚·  OCP, Rezoning, Development Permit

ï‚·  File: 1010-20-12-053

7:15-7:45 p.m. approx.

After conclusion of Item 4.1 meeting will break and recommence at 7:45 p.m.

4.2(7:45“8:15 p.m. presentation) (8:15“ 8:55 p.m. deliberation & resolution)

ï‚·  Grosvenor Capital Corp, 1300blk south side of Marine

ï‚·  Mixed Use Development

ï‚·  OCP, Rezoning and Development Permit

ï‚·  File: 1010-20-12-069

ï‚·  Preliminary plans considered by DRC on Dec 13, 2012 and by Ccl on Mar 4, 2013 and May 13, 2013 ---------------------------------------

Queries: 8:56 p.m.         REPORTS/REFERRALS

9 p.m.              PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD  (Regarding Process and/or Disposition only)

9:05 p.m.          NEXT MEETING “ JUNE 20, 2013 9:07 p.m.          ADJOURNMENT

Please contact Mandy Emery, Recording Secretary, at 604 925-7242

=== NOTICE June 1 === 3:31am

Enjoy Cmnty Day and the weekend -- at least you get to see the agenda for Monday!


Main Items June 3; Sat June 1st; Agenda June 3; MP Weston Nat'l Health & Fitness Day; Cmnty Day posters; QTP

MAIN ITEMS  --  Regular Council Mtg June 3

Minutes going back to Apr 29!!!; Lawn Bowling Club Delegation re Championship; DPA for Rodgers Crk Area 4 (Entry Rd & Bridge over Pipe Crk); Cmnty Website WG interim report; Release for input of 2012 Audited Financial Statements and Annual Report; Packaging and Printed Paper; Montizambert Water Disconnection Notice (extended); Lane Paving (11th); Five-Yr Financial Plan Budget Amendment for PSB soft costs (why on Consent Agenda???); Devt Applicn Status Report; Correspondence:  Problematic cul-de-sac parking; Eagle Island Garbage; Eden Place (they deserve an explanation from the Hall): Waterfront; PSB; 1300blk; Monetary Policy re Blasting Damages; World Oceans Week (June 1 - 8);.......

o  Nat'l Health & Fitness Day 7am Sat June 1st {details below}


{rest moved to WVM}

=== NOTICE June 3 === 3:06pm

FYI -- Just added as an 'on table' item to the agenda tonight:

5.1. Supplemental Report for Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront (File: 1610-20-4757)

RECOMMENDED: Ccl receive for information [this] report dated May 31 from the Dir/Planning,..

=== NOTICE June 5 ===

Some late news for you (+ QTP).

=  WVPD participating in the Torch Run for the Special Olympics, starting in NV about 2pm; there'll be a temporary traffic disruption (details below in A).

=  VSO's Last Night of the Proms tonight!  Bring your teddy!

=  Botany Walk Thursday morning (details below in B)

=  Media Release re National Health and Fitness Day (June 1)


NEWS RELEASE     Web: http://wvpd.ca

Date: 2013 June 04 Contact: Cst Jeff Palmer Tel: 925 7429

The 2013 Law Enforcement Torch Run visits the North Shore Wednesday afternoon, with WV Police and NV RCMP helping carry the torch for BC Special Olympics.

Our NSh policing partners will run with Special Olympics Athletes starting from the NV RCMP Detachment Wed, June 5th at around 2pm. 

They will make their way along West 13th St, onto West Keith Rd and then along Marine Dr to Taylor Way, where participating WV Police officers will take the torch. The Special Olympians will proceed along Marine Dr to be welcomed for a brief reception at WVPD Headquarters,1330 Marine Dr, then carry on to end the day™s run at Dundarave Beach Park.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run is an international movement inspired by the courage of Special Olympics Athletes. bringing together law enforcement personnel in support of courageous Special Olympics athletes. The Special Olympics athletes experience life-changing acceptance, empowerment, and joy through their participation in sporting programs. WV Police are proud to join colleagues throughout Law Enforcement supporting the important and ongoing work of Special Olympics.

The Law Enforcement Torch run proceeds under police escort. WV Police thank all road users for their patience during any temporary traffic disruption resulting from the Law Enforcement Torch Run.


From: Jack Cooley <j-cooley@shaw.ca>

From: Elise Roberts [mailto:eliseroberts@shaw.ca

Subject: FW: Terry Taylor Program

Hello Nature Lovers,

Here is the next Elders Council for Parks Program.   If you would like coffee or tea after the program please bring your own mug.    We expect this program to fill up quickly.  Feel free to pass on to friends.

Thanks again and let™s hope for sunshine!

Elise Roberts 

~presents ~

Botany Walk with Terry Taylor

œThe Hidden Ecology of the Forest -- Mushrooms, Mosses and Microbiology

Winner of the Queen's Jubilee Award for Nature Education, Terry has a wealth of knowledge about plants and all things natural.  

Join us for a nature walk through the lush rainforests in Mount Seymour Provincial Park.    

WHEN: Thursday June 6th at 10:30am.

WHERE: Meet at the Heritage Ctr at 1620 Mount Seymour Rd (access through 1610 at the yellow gate and wooden BC Parks sign). REGISTRATION REQUIRED due to limited space  -   FREE

CONTACT: Seniors Outreach Coordinator eliseroberts@shaw.ca   Tel: (604) 986-4892

Generously funded by a gaming grant from the Province of British Columbia


REGULAR COUNCIL meeting AGENDA    Monday June 3

7:00 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Approval of June 3, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda

3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes

April 29, 2013 special Council meeting;

May 6, 2013 special and regular Council meetings;

May 8 and 10, 2013 special Council meetings; and

May 13, 2013 [specia]l and regular Council meetings.


4. WV Lawn Bowling Club, regarding the 2013 Canadian Lawn Bowling Championships (File: 0055-01)

RECOMMENDED: be received for information, with thanks.


5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups

6. Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-083 for Rodgers Crk Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road, Bridge over Pipe Crk) (File: 1010-20-12-083) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

At the May 13 regular mtg Ccl received the report dated April 15 re the DPA and set the date for consideration for June 3.

Reports received up to and including May 30, 2013:





DPA for Rodgers Creek Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road and Bridge over Pipe Creek)

April 15, 2013

May 13, 2013 / June 3, 2013


Written Submissions received up to and including May 30, 2013:





None to date.



RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and verbal submissions be received for information.

If Council wishes a further staff report:

RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council


RECOMMENDED: THAT the DPA, wch would allow for the construction of an entry road including a bridge over Pipe Creek, from Cypress Bowl Road into Rodgers Creek Area 4, be approved

7. Community Website Development Working Group Interim Report (File: 0138-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

RECOMMENDED: THAT Council receive the report for information.

8. 2012 Audited Financial Statements and 2012 Annual Report (File: 0800-01)


o The 2012 Audited Financial Statements as presented to Council on June 3 and for inclusion as part of the 2012 Annual

Report, pursuant to the Community Charter sections 167 and 98, be approved;

o Consideration of the 2012 Annual Report and submissions and questions from the public be scheduled for the

June 17 regular Ccl mtg at 7pm in the M Hall...

o The 2012 Annual Report be made available for public inspection at M Hall and on the District™s website as of

May 30, 2013, pursuant to theCommunity Charter sections 97 and 98.

9. Update on Multi-Material BC Stewardship Plan for Packaging and Printed Paper (File: 1775-01)

RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated May 21 from the Mgr, Engg Services titled, œUpdate..." be received for info.

10. Montizambert Wynd Water Disconnection Notice (File: 1815-05)


THAT further to the resoln passed by Ccl on Feb 18 to provide formal notice to the residents and owners of properties on Montizambert Wynd that the District will, six (6) months after that date, disconnect the connection between the Montizambert Wynd water pipe to the District™s water pipe, {recommend granting?} Ccl hereby grants a one (1) yr extension of the disconnection until Aug 18, 2014, on the understanding that substantial progress will be made within six mos regarding formal agreements and that the physical works proceed in a scheduled manner over the remaining six months.


Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.

11. Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4748, 2013 (1285 11th St and 1118-1190 Kings Ave and 1280 12th St and 1233 11th St and 1115-1185 Jefferson Ave and 1250 12th St) (File: 1610-20-4748)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting.

12. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013) (File: 1610-20-4751)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 27, 2013 regular Council meeting.


The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.

13.1. Public Safety Building “ Project Status Report for April, 2013 (File: 0500-01)

RECOMMENDED: be received for information.

13.2. Development Application Status List (File: 1010-01)

RECOMMENDED: be received for information.

13.3. Correspondence List (File:  0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)

RECOMMENDED: be received for information.

> Council Correspondence Update to May 10, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

1 J. Winter, May 2, 2013, regarding Waste Removal Services          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

2 R. Spurgeon, May 7, 2013, regarding œNew parking restrictions implimented [sic] 1350 sinclair street          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

3 May 7, 2013, regarding œRe: Dangerous driveway needs road bump            

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

4 R. Brock, May 7, 2013, regarding œEagle Island Garbagge [sic] Collection area          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

{In my opinion one 'g' shd be put in the garbage colln area!}

5 J. Brock, , May 7, 2013, regarding œEagle Island Garbage and Services Area, Eagel Harbour Road          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

6 Eden Place [Residents], May 8 œRe: OCP Amendmt, Rezoning/Devt Permit Applicn: 825 Taylor Way & 707 Keith Rd

(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)

{They certainly deserve an explanation when, as they write, they asked to be warned of devt then found

out after applicn had proceeded.}

Received for Information

7 M. Anthony, May 1, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront

8 May 9, 2013, regarding œWall Street Journal Article: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide

9 May 9, 2013, regarding œCuts at Capilano University

{surprised Cap U faculty don't know there's a U in the Canadian spelling of honourable -- twice! --, nor the right verb tense after recommended -- shd be 'delay'.}

10 R. Day, May 10, 2013, re OCP ... Amendment Bylaw and Zoning ... Amendment Bylaw (Ambleside Waterfront)  (Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)

11 2 submissions, dated May 7-9, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building

12 11 submissions, dated May 4-7, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive

Responses to Correspondence

13 Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, May 9, 2013, response to S. Slater, œRequest for Information

> Council Correspondence Update to May 17, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

1 S. Lakes Cook, May 3, 2013, regarding œcomplaint about construction at Park Royal          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

2 A. and J. McDermott, May 7, 2013, regarding œPublic Safety Building Construction on the City Hall site.          

(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)

3 16th Street Liquor Store, Kooner Hospitality Group, Fresh Street Market, Bauer™s Framing & Art and Ambleside

Barbershop, May 13, 2013, regarding No Left Turn Sign on Marine Drive at 16th          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

4 R. Williams, May 14, 2013, regarding œMonitary [sic] Hold Back Policy For Blasting Damages          

(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)

5 S. Grubb, May 17, 2013, regarding œPark Maintenance          

(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)

Received for Information

6 Committee and Board Meeting Minutes “ Board of Variance “ April 17, 2013

7 W. and F. Jones, May 8, re œRe: Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, etc. (Ambleside Waterfront)          

(Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)

8 World Oceans Week Canada, May 11, 2013, regarding œNews Release suggestion

9 May 12, 2013, regarding œWireless Policy/Wireless Communications

10 T. Zimmerman, May 13, 2013, regarding œProposed Public Safety Building

11 BC SPCA, May 16, regarding œInvitation to Salud! Toast to the Animals

12 S. Serbic, May 17, 2013, regarding œMaison Senior Living

13 10 submissions, dated May 9 - 16, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive

14 Dir/Planning, May 10, response to R. Thompson, œRezoning of 370/380 Mathers, Council Meeting of 18 March 2013

15 Dir/Planning, May 13, response to SPARC BC, œAccess Awareness Day “ June 1, 2013

16 Dir/Planning, May 13, response to Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers™ Assn, œProposed OCP Amendments

17 Dir/Planning, May 15, response to W. and F. Jones, œRe: Proposed OCP, etc. (Ambleside Waterfront)

> Council Correspondence Update to May 24, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

1 C. Poulter, May 17, 2013, regarding œNew Sign On Eagle Island re Tractors on the Dock          

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

2 May 21, 2013, regarding œMetered Utility Statement “ Charges Excessive “ Billing Information is Poorly Presented  (Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)

3 May 23, 2013, regarding œTraffic Calming Study “ Paid for by Onni relative to Evelyn Drive Project. 

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

Received for Information

4 Comte and Bd Mtg Minutes “ Cmnty Grants Cmte “ March 8, 2013; Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte “ April 11, 2013

5 City of Victoria, May 16, 2013, regarding œReducing Default Speed Limits for Municipal Roads

6 i2i Intergenerational Society of Canada (2008), May 20, 2013, re œWV: Mayor and Council support June 1st IG Day

7 K. Higgs, May 21, 2013, regarding œChildren driven around too much, Canadian report suggests “ Health “ CBC News

8 T. Skidmore, May 23, 2013, regarding œWIRELESS COVERAGE IN WEST VANCOUVER

Responses to Correspondence

9 Director of Engineering and Transportation, May 21, 2013, response to œDangerous driveway needs road bump

10 Dir/Engg, May 22, response to R. Spurgeon, œNew parking restrictions implimented 1350 sinclair street

{check what has been permitted and implemented}

11 Dir/Engg and Transportation, May 23, 2013, response to R. Brock, œEagle Island Garbagge [sic] Collection area

12 Dir/Engg, May 23, 2013, response to J. Brock, œEagle Island Garbage and Services Area, Eagel [sic] Harbour Road

> Council Correspondence Update to May 28, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Received for Information

1 Committee and Board Meeting Minutes “ West Vancouver Memorial Library Board “ April 17, 2013

2 Metro Vancouver, May 15, re œNew Waste-to-Energy Capacity for Metro Vancouver “ Potential Site Identification

3 Metro Vancouver, May 17, 2013, regarding œCaring for the Air, Metro Vancouver™s 2013 Report on Regional Air Quality

4 E-Comm 9-1-1, May 24, 2013, regarding Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of E-Comm 9-1-1

5 Pacific Arbour Retirement Cmnties, May 26, re œTWay/Keith (Milliken Devt Corp Assisted Living/Memory Care Cmnty).


14. Ccl has requested that the following corresp be brought fwd for discussion, and may propose a motion if Ccl considers that further action is required.

14.1. May 15, 2013 regarding œTraffic Pattern Ambleside Sports Fields and Park Royal

15. Public Questions/Comments  16. Adjournment 


Come Celebrate Canada™s  National Health & Fitness Day

7am Saturday June 1st

Join 2010 Olympic Skicross Gold Medallist Ashleigh McIvor, Vancouver Whitecaps Captain Jay DeMerit

MP John Weston, Federation of Canadian Municipalities delegates, and other National Parliamentarians


A free scenic 5 km walk/run around Vancouver™s Coal Harbour [from Olympic Cauldron]

The course will start from Vancouver™s 2010 Olympic Flame at the Waterfront to Stanley Park and back. Details at www.johnweston.ca


=== NOTICE June 7/8 ===

Sand draining the hourglass quickly!

All you need to know about Monday's ccl mtg is that it starts with the Public Hearing on the Ambleside Waterfront based on the May 31 revised report from Planning.   In submissions, the Seddon letter refers to a petition, the Beltz letter has lots of history, background, water concerns.  At the end of the PH is the special ccl mtg and the only thing on the agenda is the Ambleside Waterfront! Ccl is generously dedicating the whole evening to our waterfront -- well done -- one of the largest gems in WV's crown.  If PH has been closed then they can pass the OCP and Zoning amendments.

AGENDAS at bottom (but before QTP!) and Weekend next

(website for VISI: http://www.songinstitute.ca/Songfire/songfire-series-living-song.html )

Enjoy your weekend!


Sat June 8th

Rotary Ride for Rescue  ---  Register for the Cypress Mountain Hill Climb! New this year - chip timing technology for all recreational and competitive riders. All funds raised will support North Shore Rescue and other Rotary projects.  To register or for more information:  http://www.rotaryrideforrescue.org 

~ 4 - 7:30pm ~ BPAHA nbrhd mtg and AGM

~ 7pm ~  Autumn Studios' theme for this month is Bliss! ~ VERY SPECIAL EVENT ~ 604 558 1926

Angel Hands Wellness & Autumn Studios present a magical collaborative evening of Connecting to Your Light through Music, Art, Dance, & Ancient Wisdom

~ 8pm ~  SONGFIRE: Living Song “An Evening of Songs from North American Composers and Poets at Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC

VISI proudly welcomes acclaimed American composer Jake Heggie, whose exhilarating At the Statue of Venus, directed by Gayle Shay, will be performed by soprano Robyn Driedger-Klassen and pianist Terence Dawson.  The concert features the world premiere of Quintessence by {West Van composer} Lloyd Burritt on poems by Marilyn Lerch, performed by mezzo-soprano Julie Simson, pianist Terence Dawson, and the Microcosmos String Quartet.  The celebration of North American song also includes works from Behrens, Cipullo, Gougeon, Morawetz, Morlock, and Oesterle. Sopranos Martha Guth, Carla Huhtanen and Lambroula Pappas, tenor Darryl Edwards, and baritone Phillip Addis team up with pianists David Bergeron, Emily Hamper, Steven Philcox, and Erika Switzer for a jubilant evening of Living Song!

Buy tickets for LIVING SONG - An Evening of Songs from North American Composers and Poets

Sun June 9th

~ 9:45am sharp ~ Eagle Harbour Fun Run

Join the 7th Annual Eagle Harbour Fun Run! The 5km route through Eagle Harbour to the Seaview Trail is picturesque for walkers and runners alike. Enjoy lunch, run bags, and prize draws throughout the morning. Run will be held again this year at Parc Verdun off of Marine Drive. For more info and to register: http://www.eagleharbourfunrun.com/index.html 

~ 3pm ~  Cordei Harp and Violin Duo at Roedde House (details below)

~ 4 - 6pm ~ Independent Jewish Voices and others expressing disapproval of the Negev Gala Dinner (at Schara Tzedeck) put on by the Jewish National Fund honouring the "Israel Defense Forces" -- "greenwashing their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians" (Cdn govt accepts JNF's charitable status)

~ 8pm ~ Antiphons: From Hildegard von Bingen to Lloyd Burritt at WV United Church

Celebrated actress Joy Coghill, joined by mezzo-soprano Gayle Shay, saxophonist Julia Nolan, and pianist Arlene Shrut will perform Lloyd Burritt™s Triptych, poetry by Marilyn Lerch.  In their first appearance at the SONGFIRE Festival, Stellaria will offer a selection of Renaissance classics, interwoven with the world premiere of Burritt's The Faerie Queene.   Soprano Phoebe MacRae merges together two very contrasting works by Hildegard von Bingen and Sofia Gubaidulina in a unique Antiphon for solo voice. EnChor will conclude the evening with celebrated Canadian works.

{An Antiphon, is a respond sung by a choir to a psalm in a religious service or musical work. This special concert puts a twist on this concept offering music of today as responses to music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.}

Buy tickets for ANTIPHONS - From Hildegard von Bingen to Lloyd Burritt

....and don't forget the Upper Lands WG's Stewardship info mtg / open house Tuesday at Gleneagles




1 Doors Open for Display Set Up 5:00

2 View Displays and Discuss 5:15

3 Opening and Welcome (Councillor Panz) 6:00

4 Introductions and Guidelines (Co-chairs) 6:05 Presentations, Question and Answers (in alphabetical order)

5 Cypress Trail Builders 6:10

6 Friends of Cypress Provincial Park 6:25

7 Heritage West Van (including Squamish Nation) 6:40

8 Hollyburn Heritage Society 6:55

9 Hollyburn Ridge Association 7:10

10 Lighthouse Park Preservation Society 7:25

11 Break 7:40

12 North Shore Hikers 7:55

13 North Shore Mountain Bike Association 8:10

14 North Shore Wetlands Partners 8:25

15 Old Growth Conservancy Society 8:40

16 West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society 8:55

17 [Seniors'] Centre Ramblers 9:10

18 Vancouver Natural History Society (tentative) 9:25

19 Thank You and Next Steps (Councillor Cameron) 9:40


ï‚·  This forum will be a learning opportunity for all who attend. Presenters are encouraged to speak with openness and from an authentic place, within an atmosphere of mutual respect

ï‚·  The forum is a time for the working group and the stewardship groups to have an informative dialogue, not a time for socializing or outside questions

ï‚·  Stewardship groups will have 8 minutes to present, the working group will have 5 minutes for questions, and there will be two minutes allowed between groups

ï‚·  Timelines will be strictly enforced to ensure respect of everyone™s valuable time

ï‚·  Please be aware that there will be a time keeper, note taker, photography and audio recording of the forum. We request all cell phones to be turned off during the forum.

ï‚·  The working group acknowledges the short presentation time and encourages continued feedback from the stewardship groups.

Please see www.westvancouver.ca/ulsrwg for ways to contact the group and provide input and feedback


Roedde House Museum™s Second Sunday Concert Series presents: The Cordei Harp and Violin Duo

On June 9th, Cordei Harp and Violin Duo fill the parlour with a French-inspired programme, including Camille Saint-Saëns enchanting Fantaisie and concluding with a transcription of Piazzolla's intoxicating l'Histoire du Tango. A unique and rarely heard combination of instruments, Cordei creates innovative and colourful programmes that are simply spellbinding.

Tickets ($10) are available here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/317648\

Reservations strongly recommended.  This concert is part of a monthly concert series, taking place on the 2nd Sunday of each month, in the afternoon.

Come at 1pm, for Tea and Tour before the concert (included in the price of the ticket),

or show up right before  3pm for the concert, at your convenience!

~This concert series wd not be possible w/out the generous support of the McGrane Pearson Fund and the Vancouver Ftn as well as the German Consulate in Vancouver~

===  AGENDAS  === MONDAY 2013 JUNE 10 ===


Note: The special Council meeting will reconvene immediately following the Public Hearing for consideration of the scheduled agenda items.

7:00 PM



Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013; and Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (both bylaws regarding Ambleside Waterfront) (File: 1610-20-4756 / 4757)

The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.

Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver.

Subject Lands: For proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 the subject lands are along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street; for proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 the subject lands are along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street, Exclusive of Three Privately-owned Lots.

Purpose: The proposed OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments are intended to provide for greater public enjoyment of the Ambleside waterfront and recognize the park as a system that includes accessory uses intended to support the vitality of the park and improve opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment, such as arts and culture facilities, outdoor performances, festivals, food and drink, and water-related activities.

Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment: The proposed amendment to the Official Community Plan would:

Refine, clarify, and update Policy BF-C 4.7 to better reflect the District™s goal to have the Ambleside Waterfront function as a park that includes accessory uses to support the vitality of the park and improve opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment, such as arts and culture facilities, outdoor performances, festivals, food and drink, and water-related activities. Language would be added recognizing the heritage values of the Ferry Building and the Navvy Jack House, the importance of the Sailing Club, an enhanced shoreline to protect against sea level rise, and the need to keep the character and scale of new structures consistent with the waterfront landscape; and

Update Policy P7 to emphasize the District™s commitment to its ongoing policy of acquiring all of the privately held lots on the Argyle Avenue waterfront.

Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: The proposed amendment to the Zoning Bylaw would:

Create a new CU5 Zone (Ambleside Waterfront Community Use Zone 5);

Rezone certain lands from RD1 (Duplex Dwelling Zone 1), C2 (Commercial Zone 2), and RS5 (Single Family Dwelling Zone 5) to the new CU5 (Ambleside Waterfront Community Use Zone 5);

Create a new definition for park accessory uses that provides opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment of the park such as arts and culture facilities (specifically those that are already present within the waterfront area), festivals, a restaurant, mobile food vendors, and water-related activities.

3. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE   will be described


1) Reports received up to and including June 6, 2013:

TITLE: OCP Amendment (Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront S of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th St and Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th St Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots

// Dated May 31; Dated for Consideration June 3, June 10; No. R-2

TITLE: Supplemental Report for Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010,Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront // Dated May 6; Dated for Consideration May 13, June 10; No. R-1

2) Written submissions received up to and including June 6, 2013:  To view all written submissions click here.





R. Day

May 10, 2013

June 10, 2013


J. Seddon

May 27, 2013

June 10, 2013


N. Gibson

June 3, 2013

June 10, 2013


R. Beltz

June 6, 2013

June 10, 2013


On May 13, 2013, Council set the date for the Public Hearing. The statutory notice of Public Hearing was published in the North Shore News on June 2, 2013 and June 5, 2013 and notices were mailed to owners/occupants within the notification area. The Municipal Clerk will note written submissions received for the June 10, 2013 Public Hearing.



Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.


*7:00 PM Following conclusion of the Public Hearing the following items will be considered.

1. Call to Order.

2. Approval of June 10, 2013 Special Council Meeting Agenda


3. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street) (File: 1610‑20‑4756)

The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting, and was the subject of a Public Hearing held on June 10, 2013. If the Public Hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.

NOTE: Each reading of an Official Community Plan bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Council members (4 members) in order to proceed (Local Government Act, s. 882).

RECOMMENDED:  THAT œOCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 be read a second time.

RECOMMENDED: ... be read a third time.

4. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront S of Railroad Tracks 13th and 18th St Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots)(File: 1610‑20‑4757)

The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting, and was the subject of a Public Hearing held on June 10, 2013. If the PH has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.

RECOMMENDED: THAT œZoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 be read a second time.

RECOMMENDED: ... be read a third time.

5. Public Questions/Comments

6. Adjournment



7:00 PM

{on-table items 18.1 - 18.4}

1. Call to Order.

Mayor: before we start, a memorable occasion.  Our CAO for the past five years, Grant McRadu, has announced his retirement.  He's agreed to stay on until June 28 to help us with the transition.  Grant has had a long career in M govt and will leave big shoes.  Thank him for his service.  After June, Grant will still be available, as consultant and an adviser to the District.


2. Approval of May 13, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda

amended by:

withdrawing Item 12 regarding [Five-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013);

adding to Item 17.1 additional amendments

adding to Item 18, Items 18.1 to 18.4 regarding correspondence; 

3.  ADOPTION OF MINUTES -- No items.


4. T. Stafford regarding Cool Neighbourhoods (File: 0055-01)

Tara Stafford: thank, here with Cool Nbrhds; quick update; thx for support you've given


brief history....... prov required climate action plans

GHG production reduction targets.....

... soon had 24 of the 30 homes in my nbrhd on a sustainable

54% from homes, heating and xxx; rest from cars

barriers, boring; had parties

... found ways, caulking etc; av house two tons per year

my house reduce from 7tons to 1.x

last Thursday 400 parts per Million highest in history

surges, fires -- oops I've gone over time

second nbrhd to join Cool Nbrhds...

Ruth X: resident of HBay but mbr of Cool NShore

heard about Eagle Island and eager to

12 more nbrhds

thermal imaging; do sealing and caulking; get energy assessments

project on Eagle Island has spread; 100s of homes engaged in this effort

support from all three Ms; co-op from other govts, agencies

my own house, 2.2ton savings

want to see across NSh 

Sop: under 2012 Building Code, what is your energy target? 

it's not like we're doing nothing; govt is, throughout the prov, being revered; ppl think of geothermal; we're on the right move

Ans: you're doing a great job

NG: before you go, I do have a question

re Cclr Sop, as co-chair of the Climate Action Group three years ago, we're virtually doing nothing in this cmnty except this; got to do more

at market yesterday and saw your booth

ANS: we have support from the ... and BC Hydro, M; Cmnty Day, Farmers' Market, Oceans Day, etc, will have booths

Sop: what book are you reading? that you're saying we're doing nothing; right here in black and white!

do you not read?

NG: I'm looking at this report, 2010 and virtually none of the recommendations have been followed up with the exception of what this group is doing

[7:15] so I move xxx with thx

Mayor: seconded by Cclr Sop


5. S. Sheppard regarding œVisualizing Climate Change (File: 0055-01)

Mayor: Hope we'll hear about all the good things we're doing here, Cclr Sop.

SS: ...not to disappoint; intended to thank WV for its leadership in planning  [7:16]

will be presenting a copy of the book at the end

how we can help cmnties how they can address [climate change]

book intended as a guide for cmnties and xxx 

WV helpful in providing info

SLIDE of rain garden on 15th

SLIDE of WV's leadership on climate change planning; eg sec stes, coach houses

raising beaches; xxx sea level rising; think about mitigation; reduce footprints

how high do we want sea levels to rise? -- one way reduce carbon footprint

raise foreshore? raise bldgs themselves? seawalls (unpopular in Delta)?

good planning, good engagement; working with students; helping ppl understand, diff solns

in Delta considered three scenarios

Ladner SLIDE -- go to shops in boats; houses float instead of being raised

off-shore barriers liked; reduces height you have to raise the walls

effective engagement with cmnties that understand the problems

build in things you need......

Invitation 2013 Knowledge Exchange Symposium UBC, June 4 

{here's the website: (you can also use: http://v.gd/5CpdfU)

Community Energy Innovations: Knowledge Exchange Symposium ...eventful.com º Vancouver Events

Tue, Jun 4 - BC Hydro Decision Theatre, CIRS, UBC, Vancouver, British ColumbiaCommunity Energy Innovations: Knowledge Exchange Symposium in Vancouver , Canada at BC Hydro Decision Theatre, CIRS, UBC. Metro Vancouver and the ... Added: May 7, 2013 at 12:45 PM // Last Modified: May 7, 2013 at 12:45 PM ...

presented book}

CC: we went down to beach on that December day when park flooded

what I find in my everyday life and even on Ccl, a lot of ppl who do not believe climate change is happening

what do I do with these ppl? don't have all the science in my mind

raising houses 3m and ppl still saying not happening

ANS: two approaches to my mind: encourage ppl to read more about it, but more pragmatically there are other ways to leading ppl -- protect our assets

issue, evidence, need to fix

non-threatening, non-confrontational way; info eventually comes to ppl through the media

focus on the solns, not the progs

NG: the Climate Action plan in place, Stephen, you were on that cmte

worth bringing that group back, add some new info since two years, out of date

ANS: think valuable exercise, check in and see

huge amt, why do if no rationality?

v instrumental to see what has changed, broad plus M initiatives

NG: putting you on the spot -- wd you be willing to come back?

ANS: as a former WV resident

TP: first of all, thank you Dr Sheppard -- work, remarkable

how can we use your tools?

tonight we have two projects in front of us -- 1300 and Waterfront policy

public trust and invested millions in it

how can we use your visualization tools?  to make better decisions

ANS: beneficial, protection of the watrfront

like the Cmnty Housing Dialogue, where, what solns

build onto existing, staff here; key is making it systematic, early, open; a lot of public engagement

Sop: a lot you've said is fine and a common sense

Planning has told us out west they'll have to go up in the air, pumps not enough

some years ago raised the seawall

with Streamkeepers [7:14]

better, for wildlife ... ; wiped out Field H; maybe we'll get a 100-year beauty

Engg; combination in forefront; sensible curve going upward

we're not going to sit and do nothing

TP: how inspiring to hear where Cool Nbrhds are today; want to make, support, those initiatives going forward

and certainly Dr Sheppard xxx

[7:35] ...


6Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups

NG: wait till next [mtg]...

7. OCP Amendment, Rezoning, and Devt Permit Applicn for the 1300blk South of Marine (File: 1010-20-12-069)[7:36]  NB:  Cclr Booth always leaves the Chamber for 1300blk items b/c she's in conflict of interest.

Sokol: update, revision, and next steps

on Mar 4, Ccl passed changes to be made, bring back 

briefly -- SLIDE -- here's view from ctr of MDr looking fro?, ctr, looking down

eastern side, six storeys; SLIDE straight on

appearance of bldg significantly changed -- more horizontality, broken up

changes in ten areas

= reduction in 30ft (we're not making an evaluation of the changes, just the status) now six and seven storeys 11.5 ceilings now xxx

{true, Ccl, after discussing making the bldgs 40 - 45ft lower, settled on 30ft; see my comments in PQP}

= reduction of 27ft; footprint on roof reduced; 30% reduction in height 11.6 to 8ft

{UPDATE: a mbr at the DRC mtg May 30 pointed out one bldg was reduced 17.5ft, the other 16.5ft.

am sure a surprise to you; are we being hypnotized?}

SLIDES -- architectural distinctness between bldgs; more work on this with staff and DRC

= landscaping and public realm revisions consistent with the Amb Streetscape standards

SLIDE with details

= reinforce 14th St as principal public space so entrances facing more on 14th St; further revisions to 14th St ROW

= updates to Bellevue Ave; angle parking on N side; parallel pkg on S; separated bike lane removed

= reduction in av resid unit size -- increased from 88 units to 100; av size now 17 or 1800sf; townhouses (was comm space); adds a diff style of housing

= ofc space as second storey but none there now but 4450 ? 14 & M, flexible use, ofc or retail; depends on market demand; staff concern viability

= add' public parking as possible CAC

staff has engaged Grosv in that discussion -- underground? expensive b/c of water table

looking at add'l parking under the tennis courts; less expensive so more spaces for the dollar; discussions ongoing

= architectural refinements; feedback from staff and DRC

Next Steps [7:46]

to DRC May 23, following that, work with staff

{UPDATE: the mtg has been rescheduled to Thurs May 30}

back June 17 for prep of bylaws, back to Ccl in Sept

public info mtg; phased devt agreement; PH 

Applicant is here and wd like to make a brief presentation

J Patillo: comprehensive by Bob, and James will also; responding to Mar 4

think we have met, or exceeded in some cases, comments from DRC and public

won't do highlights b/c done by Bob

believe a catalyst for revitalization of Amb; no other proj has ability to meet

this design meets the intent of what the OCP describes for this site

two years of engagement with the public

represents the best of and in some way exceeds

James Cheng: thank you for the input; caused us to go back and look at seriously; and staff

looked at your OCP, well put-together doc; three sites: 1300, 1700, 1400; but the two like a dumbbell

SLIDES -- talk about village character; has a seaside character

Amb village has two characters, small one to three storeys, some intrusions, so has a mixture of diff characters; a laneway

some new current, three storeys stepping back

Amb waterfront has a diff character, the waterfront

1300 and 1400 face water, rest behind bldgs

we went back and walked the site; what you guys been telling us

track a metre higher than grade???  only place where you can see water, Beachside cafe

imp b/c if you go to next block, 1400, you don't see water; eg Crema

assembled we cd make waterfront character

go onto 15th, no longer waterfront

seriously looked at lowering, down 27ft and xxx

you said you didn't count the xxx elevator?

hot water radiator panels; needed elevator protrusion

slightly diff scale SLIDE

tried to break down to same massing; 24%

from 14th St -- what you will see

lots of improvement: water features along MDr, a waterfall in front of ea bldg

took out landscaping to have continuous rentals (retail?)

SLIDE before and after [7:56]

Amb character b/c build up over time, not have a flat top; profile of bldgs behind

asked to produce the shadow diagram

Dec 4pm nothing you can do about it

[heh heh]

if this project does not proceed, will build to this height; terrace back on 13th St

example of what is currently permitted

here's our proposal [7:58] SLIDE public liked the atrium

facade broken up; in keeping with what's on MDr

Mayor: thx James and Jim? I guess James and James. First Barry Marshall, followed by Tina Rowntree.

> Barry Marshall: resident of WV; local design consultant and over many years seen major devts down to Calif

here to speak, my high support of the proposal; this cmnty needs better design, this an example of an exceptional high level of design... what we've been asking for

much of what's been built lacks vision, this demonstrates truly what is needed... for cmnty at large

really no place to gather except continual line-up for that last chair at the Crema cafe...

opp for urban place, prime waterfront of our cmnty

ppl come from all over Lower Mainland for what they call the best beach in MetroV

deference to PkR...

need something bold and different

a lot of devprs but few like Grosvenor and Cheng

able to shape change from Grosvenor 300 years and Cheng, going for at least 40 years, sorry, Jim {looking at Cheng}

...not taking a chance...

usu only see in central core of more progressive cities

been at this for two years; ... leave it to the designer and devpr

it's exactly as the cmnty has mandated in the Amb Village Ctr Strategy policy.

{Applause (Maggie, Pam)}

> Tina Rowntree: agree with ev make our cmnty more beautiful ...

> Fred Adab: [...]

living in Amb past 24 years; planner, registered architect in BC

always kept a low profile, contentious; decided to support this proposal

devt for whole block, if rejected uncoordinated devt for smaller 

unxxx; aesthetically; envmtally

supported orig except for height; surprised why had to be eight storeys to achieve 3. FAR

plsd reduced by ~ 27ft

{guess he didn't look closely either.}

all know demand for densification

know this architect, he's a colleague; trust him much and approve

> M Ballard: live Willowdale just south at 12th and Duchess

downsizing and part of the reason Grosv; do get a view but reduced; think it's a piece of art

two years of cmnty planning; we only have three sites, this rejuvenates 

the evolution of the suburban envmt is that trees grow and lose views

bldgs grow, the natural evolution

with RE/MAX, value will drop a bit but short-term effect

bldg a piece of art to look at; whole cmnty, value will increase

v much in favour


> Eileen Huster: Gordon Ave, kids 7, 9, 12

ghost town overshadowed by PkR

> Jennifer Marshall: architect, sat on DRC; support proj, hi level of design

sense of place needed; here help create; capitalize on this opp

terrified will lose this opp that there won't be another

{see my PQP comments on this manufactured fear/bogey man} 

> Will Ballard: WV; marry have kids; xxx

we're lacking in street appeal and aesthetic; Vanc signif beautiful bldgs but not as a whole

this ctr piece incredible

lacking a town gathering place; ... at a mall; need where cmnty can gather; incredible project

{Mayor, obviously not familiar with Norman or French names says: dooFREZnee}  

> Mr DuFresne says: dooFRAYN

Mayor: I was close

Cliff DuFresne: a personal face on this project

lived in upper Amb 11 years, lower Dund four years [8:17], next is condo

in Amb they're all little boxes; want to live here -- first proj that excites me; like locn; increase vibrance of Amb

positives -- live and spend money here; rejuvenation; meet growing demographic needs of an ageing popn

xxx; funding for a new Safety bldg wch is in dire shape

earthquake won't have a

objections: loss of view; yes, some affected, ev has a SW or SE view

poor image for entrance -- currently an empty lot and run-down bldgs; vast improvement over what we have now; increased density

drive through Amb home and stay there

easiest way to increase xxx is to increase ppl who live there; increase in service and amenities

you're not deciding between seven and four storeys, you're looking at seven and no storeys

{another threat}

reduce to four, dvpr will likely walk

{beg to differ, unlikely; who wdn't want to build in WV???}

whither?, taxpayers on hook for that safety bldg we so badly need

{many options have been mentioned besides the Endowment Fund and borrowing; at the ADRA AGM some mbrs said they'd rather pay a special levy for the PSB rather than having those big overwhelming buildings not in character with our village atmosphere}

> Judy Banister: to Mayor -- you have a tremendous responsibility; good job

how can this Ccl not be plsd if dvprs presenting you with a unique

game-changer, opportunity unlikely to happen again

{now beginning to annoy me by so many implying no one wd want to build in WV if this doesn't go ahead.

So little faith in WV???}

done ev for success; carefully taken into consideration of cmnty; enormous amt of effort; deserve our respect to WV's future

xxx shd never be sabotaged to a few blinded xxx [8:22]

{and just how are some ppl blinded?  blinded to what?  what about those blinded to choices WV has?}

pioneer past -- cherished not repeated

xxx; imagine the vitality; let this be the legacy this mayor leaves

pass; will change WV incredibly

{Many left -- over half?}

[then speaker: S. Van Woerkens]

Mayor: it's your writing that scared me off

Stan: Smith is v easy

live in NV but visit WV regularly

shd we stay the same or do we need to change to stay the same?

preserve needs and [8:23]; become a more inclusive nbrhd

January I wrote a letter and am sure you remember that; I supported the devt and the devpr

pre, post, and during the process

if spent $39M to do this, don't think any other devpr will take this on

{more warnings/threats, doom and gloom looming}

supported and when I saw what they did...

by my accent know not born in WV or in NV; look in Europe -- look at that

WV wants to become something; so kind of disappointed to hear takes so long to move on

talk to a lot; big thing I hear, what am I going to do when I'm at an age; not talking so kindly about what Ccl doing here

wow, if I'm 75 hope someone on Ccl can make a decision I can 

can't see why so lengthy and cost so much; stay with us; no guarantee ev will be fwd

xxx; OCP approved; move ahead and do the biz

flexible balance pleasant; sit together and see what works 

mandate from beginning; class act

> E Morin: ev enjoys a good houseguest

now household, gift baskets, some .....

behave admirably and diligently; integrate this into our cmnty, needs to revitalize its core; hope they can soon call this place home

> Nicole Brown: xxx; before not after

Mayor: Hard act to follow

NB: great place; 1300blk has not been living up to

is declining; shd be a thriving area, bring in substantial tax revenue; showcases our waterfront

give opp to improve; won't take away; complement -- new, old, and [8:30]

to HBay want to spend time there; thoughtful proj; increased number of units; calibre wd be the envy of any cmnty in the world

WV diff; high expectations

groups fought agains KMC, Caulfeild Village, and great successes

urge our cmnty leaders to find a way to make this work

Gr 2 graduating

> Pam G-J (yes, THE Pam G-J): Mr McRadu, congrats on your retirement...

exciting to be here; 2013 will represent an incredible important year; culmination of at least a decade of focused sustained work on behalf of us all

Noticed Cclr Sop and Mayor Smith not aged a bit; I, OTOH, have, trying to get this done

...believed then PSB integral to fiscally responsible decision-making to free up the 1300blk and attract re-investment by the private sector [8:33]

Under economic sustainability, we put CAC policy b/c didn't have one; with this proposal at your discretion you can add to that; we also had the Endowment Fund bylaw in there b/c it was off-side with the M Act; we fixed that and you're in great shape to contribute to its robustness for decades to come [8:33]

Under sp projs, we have the Amb Area Plan, including the arts, waterfront, sports fields you've all contributed to and for wch we're grateful ... as well as revitalizing the commercial area

That kicked off the Amb Strategic Plan WG, and their recommendations were incorporated in OCP in 2008

Remember in 2008 there was no Spirit Trail, no field hockey field, no new entrance to WV, no dedicated bus lane; we hadn't had Sarah McLachlan concerts or the Olympics or even an open cmnty ctr.

The floral clock's life was ticking to an end.

It goes to show what is accomplished by standing on the shoulders of who goes before, and by listening to the incredible volunteer leadership and expertise in our cmnty.

In 2011, by bylaw we appointed the Ambleside Revitalization Commission (ARC), led by ppl, who volunteered and are top industry leaders like Bob Lee, former chancellor of UBC heading up the $1.2B UBC "Start an Evolution" campaign right now, David Negrin from Aquilini, Howard Nemtin, Dave Chard, and Kirsty Farquharson who is our library board chair and a consultant.

We asked them to do this:

"provide advice and recomms to Ccl in regard to the use, density, green and sustainability attributes servicing mgmt, disposition, and stewardship of the 1300blk."

{All devprs or work for them? Yes, they have the expertise. Chard -- a nbr of Pam's? -- is memorable for saying Truscan's property was not up for sale (by Truscan), but a resident pointed out it was, and saying the devt was for medical services (thus nicknamed TUB, the Truscan Unmedical Building) but only part is... NB, I'm not saying medical ofcs are not needed or convenient at that locn -- it's the higher residential proportion ppl noted since residential is more lucrative than commercial.}

together with expertise of our staff like Mark Chan, Nina Leemhuis, Bob Sokol, and Grant McRadu, we came up with where you are today


if I cd just have a couple of seconds, I'd like to say, rezoning (of 1300blk) was always intended to revitalize Amb and strengthen our local economy; to provide housing choices for ppl like the Dufresnes, an outstanding design and public amenities for us to enjoy, but it was also always intended to be a prudent biz decision to lay the foundation for future generations. What will accrue to the taxpayer as a result of your decision, is at least worth $30M into End Fund or more, and I wanted to point out that the report is awfully focused on the details and congratulate Grosv on responding, I think, with an exceptional plan, but I wanted to also remind you of the big picture of our confidence in you as our stewards

thank you


{future generations? and we've sold land, their heritage, for a building that will deteriorate? and hv to replace but we've already sold the land???}

> Maggie Pappas: Ch of Commerce; Amb the true heart of our cmnty is experiencing cardiac arrest

her breathing is shallow, her colour is pale, her lips are turning blue, her pulse is faint and barely perceptible

if she doesn't receive medical attention, she will die

six ppl (in this room) able to decide her future; one can't join in this decision, she has left the room; no tiebreaker, but there is a dispute; three say, save her now, three say not so fast -- what do we want to really be

Amb has so much to bring us, her beauty, her setting, her lovely waterfront, her huge affection in the hearts of many

but her dress is soiled and ripped, and she is tired and worn down by years and years of ppl talking about her potential beauty but doing nothing to enhance it

Now she is dying and what do we do?

do we kick her to the ground and punish her for looking shabby?

do we try to preserve her in formaldehyde and keep her always as we remember her from our childhoods, or do we breath life into her, clean her face, buy her new dresses, tell her we care not only about her past but her future, not only about what we want from her, but what she wants from herself

Do we let her actually sing or keep on talking, while in this moment she just wants to live and find her own identity

one org, called Grosv, was invited to bring their latest model defibrillator onto the scene, and they are here tonight ready to use it

half of the six saviours are ready to use this machine to save her life

but the other half wd like to redesign the machine before they let it be used

it's not good enough they say; we're not sure if it will work

but, we say, she's dying, don't we have a responsibility to save her regardless?

No, you say, a majority has to agree, and none of those three will change their minds

and the hands of the other three are tied unless just one decides to move to save her

how long has this been going on, we ask

30 years? What? is there some law against saving her?

No, you say, no law, just the opinions of three ppl today

Two years ago there were [sic] none against trying to save her

what about the public we ask.

1400 ppl are against saving her

out of how many we ask.


that's just not fair, we say, how can that be? this is a life and death situation

some wd say this is criminal

yes, we say, you will miss her and all she brings to you if she dies; history will judge those who let her die

bickering about how the defibrillator is designed without even turning it on while rows of other beauties across the water are singing their hearts out, putting on new dresses, shining and bringing us riches beyond compare ev day

doesn't justice demand it that we let Amb live.

shame on us if we don't, shame on you, if you don't.

{applause -- I agree a great piece of writing/analogy/metaphor!}

> Janet Cunningham: succinct

support Grosv project, has made the changes as directed by the Design Cmte, Ccl, and Planning staff

> CR: Thank you.   Editor of WV Matters.

First of all, this is an exciting location and we all think it's a really great opportunity; and we're very pleased that Grosv has listened to some of the suggestions made.  Ppl who said it was all great from the beginning -- we got great ideas from the Design Review Cmte. That is making it better, in many ppl's opinion.  And we look forward to the next iteration. I'm an optimist. I think this process and having it go back, it will be even better.  And that's what I look forward to.

There were two slides though, that I wd like to comment on.

At the mtg, Ccl discussed lowering the bldg 40 or 45 ft and then it was settled at 30ft, and yet this design is 27 ft.  So I just noted the difference in the number.

{from the suggestion lowering 45, passed 30, and then Grosv only lowered by 27ft.}

There was also a slide to make us gasp that if we didn't do this we'd have this long flat roof.  Well, perhaps Mr Cheng is not aware that there was the recommendation 

{years ago}

that we make that block average, say four or five storeys, that you'd have some higher, some lower, so it wd give more interest and maybe some corridors through so there wd be parts where you cd see through to the other side.

{to the waterfront!}

so it doesn't have to be just a long line like that.


This is an opportunity, and I agree with that, and I think you're all trying your best to come up with something that you think is really,    really beneficial.  I don't think anybody is really totally against it.  I think ppl are just trying to suggest things to make it better, to reflect the village atmosphere, not to be overwhelming -- I called them ziggurats when I first saw them.  This is somewhat better, but, I don't also agree with ppl who say if we turn this down -- I'm not suggesting we turn it down -- but I don't agree with those ppl who say if we turn this down we'll get nothing!

They don't have much faith in West Vancouver.  West Vancouver is a fabulous place, and we're always going to have ppl who are willing to do great things for us.  We have to make the best of it.  And I think we're v fortunate to be here where we have lots of ppl who want to do great things for West Vancouver, so I wdn't give up.  As I said, I'm sure that Grov is going to improve this.  The DRC last time made some excellent suggestions wch Grosv took into account.  And I'm sure there'll be more excellent suggestions, so I can only see this process, not as being negative or 'slowing', but as a process that's careful consideration to get the best that we can all have and all agree on.

So, and there are -- and I'm not saying there shdn't be a gathering place either -- someone said there's no other gathering place.  The Cmnty Place you built is a great gathering place.  There are lots of things.

I was there at a mtg last week, the hockey game was up -- I wasn't watching b/c I was at a mtg -- but I came down and that whole thing is open, from north to south. 

{the atrium}

It's a great place and a great atmosphere, and I'm sure we're going to do other really great things here, and I hope Grosvenor will be one them.


> Melinda Slater: ...

invite ... do support devt -- want to go on record: think we can do better

try to listen to what everyone has to say; was listening and taking notes

recurring comments; if we don't -- we're given an all or nothing; nobody wants that

v unfortunate thing to be held to

the block as it looks right now -- derelict and burnt out


don't think we can measure against that

will never believe that kind of height and density is right thing to do

1500 ppl signed petition

{it's now over 1600 and those in favour, a petition of under 200}

long and tiring process; don't like coming out again and again

if I'm in the minority in this..., if majority of the cmnty supports, let it go, I still won't agree with it

won't waste my time

need to listen, what do the majority want? let's find this out

if minority

don't think we shd compare all or nothing

{she's seen the stark limited/unrealistic choice unfairly presented....}

Mayor: anyone else?

> S Walker: Mr McRadu, congrats; sorry you won't see the shovel in the ground

happy to see the support; as someone on Ccl who worked with them, Planning, ARC; an amazing effort of cmnty

neg through whole process; can't throw it away; esp on a petition of 1400 names

decades of reports, ite? ... Amb needs revitalization

as someone who's a landlord, don't have time to waste

funding for PSB; think Grosv looks gorgeous, my tenants not afraid of competition

unfortunate if Ccl thinks a loan and saddle our chn with debt

{and unfortunate to sell irreplaceable land assets!}

renowned architect; Amb ... on your shoulders

a lot of ppl great points; densify; looking for a partner

if you choose ...  will stay like that for the next decade

{sounds like another threat to frighten us, but rather unlikely!  Yes, WV has a bit of a reputation for being slow re approval -- but isn't that a way to get something better?  Who really thinks devprs wdn't want to devp in WV? but it better be good!}  

Pk R 300K [visitors]

Amb needs help; been asking for it for years

as [former] Mayor G-S says, it's on you -- what will we look like?

> Christine Fernandez: been a retailer for 20 years; hoped another retailer wd speak up but you're stuck with me

make us relevant again, rejoice in public spaces, give it my full support

ML: recommend receive revised proposal

affirm draft plan; move THAT

- Ccl receive for info the revised proposal by the applicant and architect submitted in response to Ccl™s direction on Mar 4;

- Ccl affirm the draft Process and Consultation Plan described in the report from the Planning Dept dated May 1, 2013;

- The revised proposal be referred to the DRC for evaluation of the applicant™s response to Ccl™s direction on Mar 4, 2013;

- Following Design Review Cmte consideration, the applicn continue to be revised and detailed as necessary based on feedback from staff and the DRC; and

{sure hope 4 and 5 will result in another round of recomms after clarification but fear not, having attended DRC May 30}

- Staff report back to Ccl with a complete plan set based on DRC and staff comments to seek potential direction

for bylaw preparation.

ML: not the first time we've spoken about this but a whole lot more hyperbole

{he's right! also has characteristics of three bags full}

game changer, masterpiece, not sure it's Eiffel Tower

{you might think so!}

17 for, 1 against, one I'm not sure

{yup, sounded like a rent-a-crowd -- and guess who he's not sure about..... :-) }

back to DRC, PH not till Sept

keeping an open mind until process complete

this initiative needs to stand on its own; right time, right

we not urban professionals or architects but have to xxx

last mtg, there were ten major elements asked to address

impressed with process; civility of discussion

confident the right decision will be made for the cmnty

TP: living room, bigger than ourselves; enhance public space

yes, robust public 

right place for density; don't want a gathering place at a mall

{what about the Cmnty Ctr? our $40M project?}

ppl live on a transportation corridor

cherish Amb but move on to next frontier; sights and waterfront; old and new integrated together

fortunate to be present this point in time; this is a decade of work; OCP been talked about this tonight

Amb Town strategy, ?ke getting us here

imp expertise; putting WV residents and citizens first, ARC; a long laundry list; taken seriously, congratulate them

the DRC, it's the Review Cmte, not approval cmte; use their expertise to make something better

support moving this fwd; need to get on to it

CC: for the benefit of ppl listening

OCP passed years ago and invoked on both sides -- allowed/prohibits; the OCP provides virtually no guidance; only high levels

OCP just three sp sites to have the potential of increase density and height, sufficient public benefits

set FARs, hts, setbacks; sp sites have no such definitions

reason why this process is taking so long is b/c cmnty hasn't made a decision on the three sites, nor on the future of Amb -- quaint or future

Grosv fallen into a WV debate, a conflicted cmnty

we hear it must be done, must not ruin if we do or if we don't

scaredy cats [9:01]

won't end if this bldg is built or not

{right -- you call their bluff, CC!}

Ccl to find cmnty consensus -- is the bldg the right one and the right fit?

no getting around it, this proj will set a precedent -- great or horrible so that's why we're taking so much time

re proposal; obviously going in the right direction, great imp

[9:02] for those who said  xxx

fits much better in Amb

first, five things: housing, fit in Amb, retails, transp, parking, xxx

housing increased but shd hv more -- will they be occupied by ppl who live here (a bldg half empty is not [an asset?]?

no easy answer

public spaces; will add; intrigued about addl parking

need massive amts of public parking hear from wife, xxx

commercial: don't know what proposing, wd like to see their studies and our marketing study coming

the only real thing or me is fit, size and bulk

much improved, less bulky, breaking up less monolithic, diff textures

wd like to see bulk and massing further [reduced]

through xxx; not an architect can't tell 

wd like to see portions lower so can see through

{something I said.....}

so forcing down won't &&&

now that heights varied, wd like to see more

Sop: G-J

still a handsome woman {&&&}

Devt[?] till after midnight

eventually got to win-win; what happened at 22nd and Gleneagles {?}

you folks were here on the tail end

Anyway, I'm a man of few words


marked improvement, like to see results of D R Panel [sic]

Mr Sokol has given the process out; back June 10, decision whether 

{someone said 17th}

it's a process still; don't know if we'll hear from you all on the 17th; seen some improvements; thx for your efforts

NG: thanks to ppl coming out; nice to hear analogies


the new design came out just a few days ago {holding up photo}

love west side on first page, too far on verticalization in the middle

anyway Design Review will talk about that further

back to OCP -- a variation above 1.75 only considered assets 


question in two parts: what is the current FAR of ?

lever those xxx his new proposal? 

what now are those assets for the cmnty? know arts been taken out so what's in and what's out for the possible increase?

Sokol: 2.9FAR is current as opposed to 1.75

CACs will be negotiated and worked out; enhanced public spaces, setback on 14th; enhanced streetscape, locns for public art

when we come back to Ccl in June, itemize

{hm. any formula for CACs? list of CBs to be considered?}

NG: so next proposal; so is art out for the moment?

James Cheng: yes b/c of change to parking; will be public art components

will work for more formal

NG: will we have more view mockups for those ppl who live in apts behind to allay some of their  ?

ANS: more robust new studies, work with staff

Mayor: thank Grosv for sticking with the process as former Mayor G-J said, it's been years

sat on ARC those citizens gave up their time

they were unanimous in the fact that we were v v fortunate in having Grosv on the entire site

nothing I've seen since that has changed my mind

if a standard devpr cd come up with a building cheaply xxx [9:13]

they don't want to put their name on an inferior bldg

questionnaires, etc; based on feedback now refined their proj -- it is what it is

at some point we have to make a decision

IMO has gone on long enough

we're going to get money for 

finance?, never the negative naysayers

to DRC, comes back we stop talking about it and step up


Mayor: thx for coming out; now a three-min recess [9:15]

{my gosh -- no harm in asking for some things the cmnty wd like, no???}  


8. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 (for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street) and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots) (File: 1610‑20‑4756 / 4757)

Sokol: will give short; longer if going to PH

SLIDE: area in red

waterfront guiding principle

to Zoning bylaw-- adds definition to Pk Acc Use; allows for parks and playground PAUs and continued use of Navvy Jack

Delete food and bev, child care, cmnty and rec, liq primary premises; doesn't mean no establishment serving alcohol, an accessory use to another -- eg at Gleneagles serve liq there, Sailing, cd do approval process

reduced size of rest/bistro to 3Ksf

limited Arts and Culture Facilities to four existing buildings: FBG, MBox, Lawson Crk, S Purse?


CC: from Aldrich Pears study -- note limited to four, understand that and good; note in APears study talked about possibility of artist work spaces along the waterfront; converted garage

someone working on a loom or a lathe

street interest, reinforcing artists

garages we own, so not talking about new ones, Godfrey -- closer to

cdn't convert Godfrey house to pottery studio, true? have to tear down all the structures there?

anyway to amend this to allow that kind of thing on a limited basis

Sokol: the way this is wd not allow for garages, says specifically four locations

the way it is drafted now, what I heard last time, did not include it

if Ccl wanted to, cd talk about allowing arts facilities -- allow certain number not to exceed [three?] of the garages are in bldgs on props we don't own; another is a garage with a tenant will be there for another six to eight years

for clarity cd add 'one other structure' if that's the direction Ccl wants to go

CC: not knock it down; want to have the discussion

Sop: in description of deletions, under public ownership; might include rentals, xxx, arts-related comm; xxx all common to the area

Sokol: food services: wd allow restaurant and food carts and mobile food vendors

Sop: art-related commercial -- art shows, continue uses currently provided

increase them all to 3K? is that total?

Sokol: wd allow the restaurant to go to xxx, 900sf, MBox 2K, SPurse 3K, Lawson xxx  [9:32]

allow to expand to 3Ksf -- so FBG, MBox, and X

only move forward if Ccl felt strongly; don't have to worry about private

Sop: Sailing Club -- why silent?

Sokol: included in list of PkAccUses; "sports clubs" an allowed use on waterfront

Sop: asking to delete Policy 7 {reads} you want to replace it; to acq remaining priv lands and use to waterfront

is it your vision that the three houses we'll purchase will not be open spaces?

Sokol: am looking at back of report

Sop: p62

Sokol: review existing policy; what I've heard from cmnty and Ccl, we don't want to review, we want to acquire

Sop: wondered why you didn't include it in open space

Sokol: our intention not nec all open, for park use -- cd be open space, cd be other uses

NG: I want to read the comm study, market strategy, before we have the next PH and we're not changing that from June 17 to June 10

are we sure we'll have them before?

Sokol: been assured will have draft before end of this month

NG: and public will be able to see before PH?

Sokol: certainly to Ccl

Mayor: one mbr of public and Cclr C you can add

Rod Day: really like this report, good, on right track; in spirit of APears and earlier studies

thank you for doing this; thx for excellent report

xxx ... close to park dedication, [9:37] xxx

didn't speak about Grosv, but a good design, on a good xxx

Mayor: thanks for good xxx


Day: xxx hard to hear joke; not always good

Mayor: good to hear at 20 to 10

Sop made the motion:  THAT opportunities for consultation on a proposed Official Community Plan amendment, with persons, organizations and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, dated May 6, 2013, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for the purposes of Section 879 of the Local Government Act.


Mayor: Cclr C

other arriey on  ?????

Sop: finish my motions: THAT proposed œOCP.Bylaw..", as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, be read a first time.

[Carries unanimously]

Then Motion: THAT proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013, as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, has been {will have been} considered in conjunction with the District™s most recent financial plan and the regional waste management plan.

Sop: has it in fact been linked up?

MK: yes, it has


how handle this?

Sop: I've got two to go

Sokol: if amendment, now

CC moved: THAT proposed œZoning Bylaw...", as attached to the report dated May 6, 2013, be read a first time.

and as amended, conditions of use be arts & cultural facilities; after bldg, adding "one addl bldg "

Mayor: site not to exceed 2500sf?

CC: at Godfrey's house

Sokol: don't have the address


CC: can add it later; not to exceed? say 500sf?

Mayor: Ms Sch got the nub of that motion?

Sop moved: THAT the MClk give statutory notice that a Public Hearing... is scheduled for Mon June 10 at 7pm

Mayor: think we missed out on the one on the prev page

Sop: No, Cclr Cam read that out

Mayor: voted?


Mayor: Cclr G was opposed to the last amendment, Ms Scholes

galloping along in our last 17 minutes here -- so next item, proposal to set PH

9. Proposed Rezoning and Devt Permit for 2074 Fulton Avenue (Development Permit Application No. 12-073 and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4752, 2013) (File: 1010-20-12-073 / 1610-20-4752)

CC: this says a powerpoint presentation to be provided -- wondering if that is actually going to happen

Mayor: save that for the PH, Ms Boyle?

GB: I certainly can be prepared to answer any questions that Ccl may have as they consider first reading

Mayor: everybody has read the report obviously, so, any questions?

Hearing none, {unintelligible comment} -- Cclr Cameron; oh--

NG: lots of questions; so are you not going to show anybody anything?

Mayor: we setting a date, trying to get to the PH, then we'll have the full show and then the public will be allowed to comment

ML: call the question

Sop: motion has to be on the floor

Mayor: Cclr Cam

CC: I've got a question for Mr Sokol

... some questions about the CAC calculation, and how much we're getting for this proj

is that something that can be amended after the PH? or is that something at the PH we can't amend?

Mayor: Ms Boyle?

GB: my advice wd be is that it forms part of the PH consideration, and if it is to be amended, the PH wd hv to remain open and Ccl wd hv to put that forth at that time.

CC: so I'd like to--

ML: --I have the same sort of concerns about the Cmnty Amenity

at the PH Ccl can potentially change the recomm to something else and close it at that time, can we not?

GB: that wd be my recommendation; um, Bob?

{whoopsie -- she's contradicted herself}

Sokol: I believe that an imp part of the PH is the CAC part of package, so if Ccl were to change it at the PH, that wd be something the public wd hv to be able to comment on, so it's not something you can do after the PH is closed wch is when you typically debate and make changes to the proposal.

ML: so we either debate it tonight or break it up into two components over next two mtgs? so we can have a debate or discussion over the CACs associated with this project?

pass or deny that and then go on to the rest of it?

Mayor: we cd table this

CC: does the CAC portion have to go to the PH?

Sokol: yes, it does, it's part of the package

CC: separate as Ccl Lewis suggests and put the rest through

Sokol: if interested in discussing -- do now

Mayor: cd hv another mtg Monday May 27, xxx

child care got bounced last week so common courtesy tonight, xxx

won't get through rest of this agenda; hear; then reconvene on May 27

Sop: move tabling?

ML: audit mtg?

Mayor: 27th

SSch: cancel and replace with

[9:48] {there was considerable discussion; Mayor said only x minutes left, etc}

CC: shd I raise questions now or off-line?

Mayor: you're going to bring up childcare again

CC: wait to 27th, xxx

Mayor: no, bring it up on 27th and that will affect xxx

NG: may have been ppl come here [for this]; happy to stay here as long as it takes

Mayor: table 9 and 10

motion carries

tabled, so these not voted on

RECOMMENDED: ...  be read a first time.

RECOMMENDED: ... Public Hearing ... scheduled for June 3, 7pm in the M Hall

RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed Devt Permit be considered concurrently with the Zoning Amendment Bylaw.

RECOMMENDED: THAT the public be given an opp to provide comment at a Public Mtg held concurrently with the PH

10. Adoption of Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (File: 2515-05)

RECOMMENDED: THAT the Policy, dated April 12, 2013 and attached as Appendix A to the report dated April 12, 2013, be adopted.

{was also tabled}   [9:50]}

11. May is Child Care Month (File: 2100-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

A Beckett [?]: xxx

SLIDES   highlights from a video

37 diff licensed childcare 12,002 spaces, taken up by more than 12K b/c some part time

38% Amb and Dund (51, et number?)

last year a net gain of 60 spaces; some in churches; opps for new spaces be explored

SLIDE with map and numbers

NSh Ch Devt calculates

NG: wd like to see Hollyburn Hts wch I hadn't heard of till about midnight last nght when reading

2 facilities: 41 aged 3 to 5; 45 school age

two having xxx;  Whytecliff,  HBay, and Cypress Park

occasional daycare; drop off ppl for preschool; programming

employ an in-home caregiver, nanny, options to go to a strong-start prog (no cost); chn will ultimately go to school with

NG: 36 mos to sch age; preschool?

ANS: morning

NG: as opposed to full day

MAB: happy child care month

a) what can you say about demand related to numbers we provide and b) are we meeting our demand?

ANS: we phoned around to many of the progs; generally full, may have some vacancies; although most have waiting lists; can't call next ay, have to give notice

work full time but diff hours in summer, then arrange for all; infants and toddlers highest demand

we got mixed feedback; some say overflowing 3 - 5 Gordon house, Amb, and dip in infants/toddlers

can't say crisis right now, had a net gain of 60 spaces

biggest prob is if we lose a space, we do not have another place for them to go to

Other Ans: exploring school age cre? in Gleneagles

MAB: b/c also discussing possible child care in PSB building

{really?  it was just tossed from the waterfront -- do we really want the PSB to be bigger? on the M site? cost more? dodge fire trucks and police cars, etc?}

Mayor: extend mtg? time?

Sop: just till we get through

CC: one letter

Mayor: later; carries; sorry to interrupt

ML: facilities in the Unitarian Church -- their proposal to relocate, how many chn wd be impacted?

ANS: 50 spaces; comb of presch and licensed presch

ML: relocate

ANS: they've signed a one-year lease for next year

Sop: congrats; marked improvement; bring into sgl-fam homes?

ANS: some regulatory steps, VCH always involved; not a lot of uptake for licensed family home daycares, more in NV

Sop: vulnerability for chn in WV 1 to 6; including teenagers

MB moved motion: THAT the report dated May 3, from the Mgr of Cmnty Devt, Youth and Families, be received for information.

Mayor: thank you for coming

ANS: we did have a clip, will fwd it to Ms Scholes


12. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013) (File: 1610-20-4751)

RECOMMENDED:  be read a first, second, and third time.

{why on earth not give the amt??? it's $3,645,000}


13. Local Area Service Lane Paving for 1285 11th St and 1118-1190 Kings; 1280 12th St and 1233 11th St; 1115-1185 Jefferson; and 1250 12th St (LASL Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4748, 2013)(File: 1610-20-4748 / 1725-01)

Sop: lane creeks remain?  residents didn't like what was done

RF: attached report in the back detail; area to approve so ev knows what getting into

RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second, and third time.

BYLAWS for Adoption

14. Parks Dedication Bylaw No. 4755, 2013 (Dist-Owned Amb Waterfront Lands betw 13th & 18th)(File: 1610‑20-4755)

A bylaw that dedicates property as park may only be adopted by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of all the members of Council. The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.

Sop moved [10:03]: one of the most imp pieces of legislation in our history -- great move; toot toot toot! 

15. Bldg Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4729, 2013 (Housekeeping Amendmts (File: 1610‑20-4729)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.

16. Fees/Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4744, 2013 (Housekping Amendmts)(File: 1610‑20-4744)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 6, 2013 regular Council meeting.

ML moved

CC: adjustments in fines -- are they enough to do the job?

Sokol: signif increase, if not, we'll be back


RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:

TP moved as written

Item 17.1 “ Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule;

Item 17.2 “ Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw for the work required to resurface the asphalt of Marine Drive from the new at grade traffic light west towards Pound Road;

Item 17.3 “ Devt Permit Applicn for Rodgers Creek Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road and Bridge over Pipe Creek) (to set date);

Item 17.4 “ Recommend'n from NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues to support the provision of Video Relay Service in Canada;

Item 17.5 “ GranFondo 2013; and

Item 17.6 “ Correspondence List.

17.1. Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)

RECOMMENDED:  THAT the 2013 Council Meeting Schedule be amended by:

cancelling the Cmte/Whole mtg scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2013; and

rescheduling the May 27, 2013 Council Meeting re financial matters to commence at 4:30 p.m. in the M Hall Council Chamber.

cmte of the whole May 27 GET WORDNG

amended by:

17.1. ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢cancelling the Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2013; and rescheduling the May 27, 2013 Council Meeting regarding financial matters to commence at 4:30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber. rescheduling the June 10, 2013 Committee of the Whole meeting to June 24, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber; and scheduling a special Council meeting for June 10, 2013 to be held in the M Hall Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH scheduled for June 10, 2013 at 7pm in the M Hall Council Chamber. 

17.2. Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw for the work required to resurface the asphalt of Marine Drive from the new at grade traffic light west towards Pound Road (File: 1785-10)

RECOMMENDED:  THAT Council approve the request from BA Blacktop Ltd. for an Order on Non-Enforcement of the Noise Control Bylaw No. 4404, 2005 Section 6.1.2 (a) for approximately FIVE days between May 20 and June 14, 2013, to permit completion of work associated with the resurfacing of both the east and west bound lanes of Marine Drive between the new at grade intersection and Pound Road.

17.3. Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-083 Rodgers Crk Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road, Bridge over Pipe Creek)(File: 1010-20-12-083)

RECOMMENDED: THAT the DP wch provides for the construction of an entry road, including a bridge over Pipe

Creek, from Cypress Bowl Rd into Rodgers Crk Area 4, will [sic] be considered at the mtg of Council on Mon, June 3.

17.4. Recommendation from NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues to support the provision of Video Relay Service in Canada(File:  0180-18)


- Council forward a letter to the Canadian Radio-Television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in support of the implementation of Video Relay Service (VRS) in Canada for persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired.

- Copies of the correspondence be sent to the North Shore Members of Parliament and the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

17.5. GranFondo 2013 (File: 1785-13)

RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Mgr of Roads and Utilities dated May 2, 2013 be received for information.

17.6. Correspondence List (File:  0120-24)  (click here to view correspondence packages)

RECOMMENDED: ...  received for information.

Council Correspondence Update to May 3, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) R. and D. Derreth, April 19, re œ4600+ Block of Headland Drive First Sharp Curve to DeCourcey REQUEST AS BEFORE for NO PARKING Signs on Curve

  (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)

Received for Information

(2) West Vancouver School District, April 29, 2013, regarding Gleneagles Elementary School Sound Barrier

(3) A. McFarlane, April 29, 2013, re Proposed OCP Amendment and Rezoning Applicn No. 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr

(4) D. Enjo, April 28, 2013, re œConstruction of New Duplex Residence at 2372 Bellevue Avenue 

(Referred to May 6, 2013 Council Meeting)

(5) 4 submissions, April 25“29, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront

{Read Lloyd Williams's fascinating letter on its past the heritage-designated Navvy Jack House}

(6) R. Richards, April 30, 3013, regarding œCoach Houses

(7) Vancouver Coastal Health, April 30, 2013, regarding My Health My Community Project

Council Correspondence Update to May 7, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Referred for Action

(1) SPARC BC (Social Planning and Research Council of BC), May 3, 2013, re œAccess Awareness Day “ June 1, 2013 

(Referred to Director of Planning for consideration and response and to M Clerk for response)

(2) M. Judd, May 6, 2013, regarding œJohn Lawson Park 

(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)

Received for Information

(3) North Shore Keep Well Society, May 6, 2013, regarding Keep Well Society of the North Shore Week

(4) CRED (Conversations for Responsible Economic Devt), May 6, re œInvitation: CREDible Conversations (May 29th)

(5) BC SPCA, May 7, 2013, re œInvitation to participate in BC SPCA strategic planning survey

{survey at: http://fluidsurveys.com/s/Mayors/Councils/strategic-planning/  }

(6) West Vancouver Track & Field Club, May 7, 2013, re œSpring Sprint “ Tuesday, May 14

(7) May 6 re œAgenda Item #9, May 6 Reg Ccl Mtg: œPublic Safety Building Overall Project Prelim Funding Strategy

{for bean counters; thorough financial details and assessments, options, etc}

(8) 2 submissions, dated April 25-28, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront

(9) 2 submissions, dated May 7, 2013, regarding Capilano Rugby Football Club Liquor Licence Application.

18.  OTHER ITEMS --  No items. 

Mayor: Eagle Hbr

RF: bins unsightly; blocking access; relocate those bins; unfortunately no agreement where relocated to; some at expense of parking

that fell off 2013 budget xxxx

staff have been reinitiating the issue; be included in 2014 budget cycle

staff and islanders, fresh eyes to look at

MAB: was my Q

CC: why paying for garbage enclosure do''td so#?#   ;  we built on our prop why not paying for it themselves?

RF: good issue; may hv bn on some cclrs' minds ... when 2013 budget

wrt character of Eagle Islanders ... what the broader xxx shd do

precedent set wrt private parking stalls, cd hv argued along same line

issue really is where it cd go, what looks like the funding source; local imp area or part of M capital plan; cd look at it at that time

ev wanting to stay positive and find a soln first

CC: with residents so not caught off guard?  it's not our prob

Sop: we went through a process on this v area and thought wd go where parking and garbage

RF: cd be argued where bins existing quite untidy; furthermore if garbage left inside the bin is one thing but instances exceeded the bin so untidy around it

lots of props undergoing construction of renovation

bylaws notice topsoil xxx; impeded access to private driveways; need to look at wholistically

Mayor: xxx sounds like Mr Fung on top of it


[re Eden Place?] MB: pls ensure of any further xxx; the gist of this May 8th letter is that they didn't know where they were in the process -- Mr Sokol, were we keeping in touch?

Sokol: one thing I've learned, tell them call me in two or four weeks

go and conxxxxx [10:12]

Mayor: letter of support?

CC: Cap College to Dr Bulcroft (sp?) re brought to Senate, cutting progs delay cuts for one year, disc on

motion to revisit it 

Mayor: carries unanimously

18.1 to 18.4

19.  PUBLIC QUESTIONS/COMMENTS  [none] 20. Adjournment   [10:17]

=== COUNCIL AGENDAS on Monday May 27 ==


4:30 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Approval of May 27, 2013 Council Meeting Agenda

RECOMMENDED: the agenda regarding financial matters be approved as circulated.


3. Divisional Services Review for Engineering and Transportation, Part 2 (File: 1700-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated May 15, 2013, from the Director be received for information.

4. Public Questions/Comments 5. Adjournment


7:00 PM

1. Call to Order.

2. Approval of May 27, 2013 Special Council Meeting Agenda


3. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups -- be received for info.

4. Supplemental report on proposed Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (File: 2515-05)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

RECOMMENDED: the Policy, dated May 14 and attached as Appendix A to the report re Supplemental report be adopted.

5. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013

(for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013) (File: 1610-20-4751)

RECOMMENDED: THAT œ5 Year Financial Plan be read a first, second, and third time.

{PLEASE tell us how much money! ~$3.5M?}


6. Bldg Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4729, 2013 (Housekping Amendmts) (File: 1610 20-4729)

7. Public Questions/Comments     8. Adjournment 



Visit www.yearofthesnake.org to find the newsletter, calendar, and photo contest info for upcoming months, the State of the Snake, our outreach poster, information on the legal authority over the use of native snakes in the U.S., and our ever-growing list of partners.

Contact us at parcyearofthesnake@gmail.com with any questions, or to partner with us for the 2013 Year of the Snake!

2013 Year of the Snake Calendar Photo Contest

PARC is seeking close-up, digital photos of snakes, preferably in their natural habitats or within an educational or conservation context. One winner will be selected each month to be the featured photo as part of the Year-of-the-Snake online (printable) calendar. Runner-up photos also will be included in the calendar. Additionally, all submitted images will be considered for use in the Year of the Snake monthly newsletter and website as well as other PARC-related conservation, outreach, and educational efforts.

Give us your best shot! http://www.parcplace.org/news-a-events/2013-year-of-the-snake.html


Our bears are so adorable they're all over the national media (and more).

> North Vancouver bear snatches chicken meal before snoozing in a tree

Conservation officer hopes the bruin makes a quiet exit before morning -- Canadian Press May 25, 2013

See: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Black+bear+snatches+chicken+meal+before+snoozing+tree+North/8436378/story.html#ixzz2VRvyaTFl

> Maple Ridge family captures video of bold bear breaking into truck by Mike Hager, Vancouver Sun June 5, 2013

See: http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Maple+Ridge+family+captures+video+bold+bear+breaking+into+truck/8485277/story.html#ixzz2VRwIjgoW

+ ANIM@LS (BC SPCA Newsletter)

Thank you to everyone who has offered their feedback on important animal issues through our brief online survey. Your views are being used to help guide our plans for programs and services for animals from 2014 - 2018. More than 4,000 people have already responded and the survey has now been extended until June 15. Pls let us know your priorities by taking the ten-minute survey today: http://www.spca.bc.ca/news-and-events/news/bc-spca-seeks-public-input-to.html

PS. You can multiply your impact! Forward this message to friends, family, and colleagues.

Paw Patter

Sweltering swine? Pigs are unable to sweat, so when the weather heats up, they wallow in mud. As the mud evaporates, pigs release a few degrees of body heat. Mud is more effective than water alone because it takes longer to evaporate - the cooling effects last longer.

=== INFObits ===

+ Benjamin Franklin -- first postmaster of Canada (1750), now on a Cdn stamp!

+ Rebecca Aldous, now of the Squamish Chief reports a humpback whale sighted near Squamish on May 31.


o 125th anniversary of Stanley Park

o 100th anniversary of the Sylvia Hotel (on Beach Avenue -- used to have "Dine in the Sky" as the highest in Vancouver)

o 75th anniversary of Capilano Golf Course

o 69th anniversary (June 6) of D-Day Invasion in WW2

o 60th Anniversaries:

> Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest, the surveyor-general of India who was the first to produce detailed maps of the Indian subcontintent including the Himalayas. News of the conquest of Mount Everest did not reach the outside world until 2 June, the eve of the Queen's coronation.

BBC ON THIS DAY | 29 | 1953: Hillary and Tenzing conquer Everest


> 1953 June 2 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II


About the Pitch Drop Experiment

While the School of Mathematics and Physics at The University of Queensland has an international reputation for cutting-edge research and innovative teaching in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics, it is also home to the famous Pitch Drop Experiment. The experiment is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest-running laboratory experiment.

Read all about it: http://smp.uq.edu.au/content/pitch-drop-experiment

===  ROYALWATCH  ===

+ Our best wishes to Prince Philip for a speedy recovery. His birthday is June 10; he'll be 92. {see =vignette below}

+ The Coronation Commission announced in June 1952 that the coronation would take place one year later, on 2 June. Though Elizabeth's grandmother Queen Mary died on 24 March 1953, the dowager Queen had stated in her will that her death should not affect the planning of the coronation, and the event went ahead as scheduled.[4]

+ Celebration 60 years after the Coronation (A Canadian remembers)

Queen Elizabeth's 1953 coronation, a 'madhouse on the streets'

Celebrations drew hundreds of thousands in Canada, millions in London by Janet Davison, CBC News Posted: May 31, 2013

Picture what the streets of Toronto would be like if the Maple Leafs ever get their hands on the Stanley Cup again.

Len Delaney imagines just that when he remembers London, England, on the night of June 2, 1953, a few hours after Queen Elizabeth's coronation.

It was "a madhouse on the streets of London," he says, "dancing, singing, drinking, climbing light poles etc. And I took it all in."

Now 83 and living in Brockville, Ont., Delaney was in the British capital 60 years ago as part of the Canadian Forces contingent that was marching in the coronation procession taking the Queen in her golden state coach to and from Westminster Abbey......

See rest: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/story/2013/05/30/f-queen-elizabeth-coronation-memories-celebration.html

= We meet again (Prince Philip and Len Delaney)

Fifty-seven years after he was in London for the coronation, Len Delaney donned the same dress blues he wore during his march through the streets of the British capital for a garden party with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in Ottawa.

"The Queen came down and nodded to all of us," Delaney says. "I saluted."

Philip came along soon after. It wasn™t the first time Delaney had met either the Queen or her husband. The duke is colonel-in-chief of Delaney™s regiment, and a few years after the coronation, he visited its troops in Germany. Delaney was posted there, and met the duke during that time.

At the 2010 garden party, Delaney remembers Philip looking at him and saying œ 'What are you doing here?' He said: "The last time I saw you was in Germany.' "

=== MUSICWATCH === West Van's five-year-old Ryan Wang

...on the Ellen deGeneres show (May 27). Weep. He's only studied piano for a year and a half and he's already played Carnegie Hall. Incredible talent. Will be at KMC June 9.

Forwarded to me:

This lad is amazingly talented & adorable to boot ... ---> http://youtu.be/G0-_O62HCnw

=== IsraelestineWATCH ===

{Editorial Note: I don't agree with everything Israel does just as I don't agree with everything the Palestinians do. It is regrettable,

however, that Harper is so biased Canada has lost its reputation as an 'honest broker' and damaged our reputation for fairness. Here is

email from a Christian Palestinian of an event in Vancouver Sunday June 9. My bolding. Independent Jewish Voices also participates.}

From: Hanna Kawas Date: 9 June, 2013 10:38:02 PM PDT

Here is an article by Charlotte Kates in the Vancouver Media Coop on today's successful protest against the JNF in Vancouver.

Protest greets JNF fundraiser for Israeli apartheid in Vancouver

"The JNF is not welcome on West Coast native land," said Cynthia Taha of the Wet'suwet'en nation on Sunday, June 9, as Palestinians and their allies in Vancouver protested across the street from Schara Tzadek synagogue, where the Jewish National Fund was holding its annual gala; this year, the banquet honoured the Israeli military, featuring guest speaker Brigadier General Avigdor Kahalani and the "IDF Chorus" as entertainment.

The Canada Palestine Association protests the gala annually. The Jewish National Fund is the subject of a Palestinian and international campaign to expose its activities, its deep connections to Israeli apartheid and racism, and challenge its tax-deductible, charitable status in Europe, Canada, the US, and other countries.

In Canada, Yves Engler, Ron Saba, and others have documented the Canada Revenue Agency's continuing protection of the JNF's charitable status and tax-deductibility, despite challenges from advocates for Palestinian rights.

The JNF is one of the founding institutions of the State of Israel - as Stop the JNF notes, "at the forefront of the colonial project of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine." The JNF directly owns 13% of the lands in Israel, and appoints 6 of 13 members of the Israel Lands Authority, which governs 93% of all land within the "green line" or 1948 armistice line. These lands are forbidden from being transferred to non-Jews. As Engler describes, Shutting out Israeli Arabs, JNF lands can only be leased by Jews. A 1998 United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights found that the JNF systematically discriminated against Arab Israelis. According to the UN report, JNF lands are "chartered to benefit Jews exclusively," which has led to an "institutionalized form of discrimination."...JNF Canada officials are relatively open about the discriminatory character of the organization. In May 2002, JNF Canada's executive director for eastern Canada, Mark Mendelson, explained: "We are trustees between world Jewry and the land of Israel." 

Among other projects, the JNF is responsible for building "Canada Park," while enjoying exemption from Canadian taxation. This park was built on the ruins of three Palestinian villages, Beit Nuba, Imwas, and Yalu, occupied, bulldozed and demolished in 1967, and bears the name of Canada Park to this day.

The Vancouver protest began with an introduction by Taha, who said that what Palestinians are facing today is the same thing that the native peoples of this land have faced for hundreds of years, expressing her solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. Hanna Kawas of the Canada Palestine Association discussed the connection between settler colonialism in Canada and Palestine and highlighted the expressed support of Canadian officials such as John Baird, Foreign Affairs Minister, for the JNF and the Israeli state.

Khaled Barakat of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network said that "Israel and peace don't go together. Zionism and peace don't go together," calling for Israeli officials to be tried for war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Other speakers included Martha Roth of Independent Jewish Voices - Vancouver, Nino Pagliccia of Gaza's Ark and Charlotte Kates of the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign. The protest began with a "people's gala" of stuffed grape leaves, manakeesh, and bannock, combining Palestinian and Indigenous foods, as protesters carried Palestinian flags, a large banner emblazoned with "The Jewish National Fund is a Racist Organization" and signs highlighting the JNF's complicity in Israeli Apartheid.

Chants of "Stop the JNF! Stop funding racism!" and "Israeli Apartheid - No! Right of Return - Yes!" were heard loud and clear as the affluent JNF supporters arrived at the banquet, guided by valets and private security and overseen by Vancouver police. Gala attendees yelled at and raised their middle fingers toward protesters as they entered the event.

The protest was sponsored by the Canada Palestine Association and endorsed by the Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign, Gaza's Ark, Independent Jewish Voices - Vancouver and Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - UBC.

Also, check out her photos of the protest on Facebook:


=== BOOKWATCH === books vs ebooks

ebook sales appear to be plateauing, suggests a report by BookNet Canada. BookNet Canada president and CEO Noah Genner says early sales data from this year shows ebook sales are steady and no longer growing. BookNet Canada suggests book sales are strongly tied to gift giving, with most consumers preferring to buy their books in stores rather than shopping online.http://globalnews.ca/news/578084/ebook-sales-in-canada-plateauing-report/

=== WORDWATCH === orcaholic

The National on CBC had a report on the designation of the lighthouse on Saturna -- (former) senator Pat Carney has worked hard for years for that (and restoration of other lighthouses) within the last week.

Then May 30th an interesting report on orcas, filmed at Saturna. Showed Murray Newman when the first was captured (whales were killed from 1948 to 1968, when there was a the moratorium on killing them), Moby Dick (initially called Moby Doll when caught in 1964). Three generations of scientists met at a symposium for whale-lovers there.

The people who love (and study) orcas call themselves 'orcaholics'.

See the clip at: cbcnews.ca/thenational



34th Annual Heritage Home Tour and Tea

Tickets are $35 and go on sale Saturday May 4th at various locations including Royal City Colours, Irving House, GardenWorks (Lougheed Hwy. and Mandeville sites in Burnaby), and Cadeaux Gifts.  Be sure to buy your tickets early as this event does sell out. This is your chance to see a variety of historic homes including Honour House, the recently renovated Kirk House aka the Dance Academy, and a 1950s Massey Heights gem.

For more information, please visit www.newwestheritage.org

+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/

New Heritage Canada Cornerstone Awards

On May 16, the Heritage Canada Foundation launched the Cornerstone Awards for Building Heritage to recognize excellence in the regeneration of heritage buildings and sites in Canada. HCF is seeking entries no later than July 5, 2013 in the following categories:

1. Adaptive Use/Rehabilitation: projects that demonstrate sensitivity and creativity in preserving the heritage values of a site while making possible a continuing or compatible contemporary use.

2. Infill: projects that integrate new construction in a historic context in a way that reinforces the character of the streetscape, enhances heritage values and contributes to the revitalization of the complex or district.

Eligible projects must have been completed between 2000 and 2013. For more information on eligibility and decision criteria, see:

» Heritage Canada Foundation Cornerstone Awards


+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org (922 4400)

Cmnty Day PARADE: Preceded by a 1968 Mini, two convertibles: a cream 1965 Caravelle and a red 1969 Cutlass.

Now planning: RoyalTea-by-the-Sea in Dundarave Park Saturday August 10


E-bulletin sign-up for event listings, alerts, heritage info; all coming events: www.heritagevancouver.org


o TAKE A WALKING TOUR http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/walking-tours/

o Heritage House Tour - June 2nd

Back for its 11th year, VHF's largest event the Heritage House Tour will be taking place June 2nd. This year we have 12 Vancouver homes lined up including five homes in Grandview, all within walking distance of each other. This block will also be home to our very first Heritage Info Fair, where experts in renovation and restoration will offer demos and answer questions.

Another first for VHF, we're opening Ross House, a privately run Single Room Accommodation (SRA) in the DTES. Originally built to house Japanese workers at the beginning of the century, Ross House will only be open in the morning, so be sure to stop by, we think you'll be surprised.

We're also embracing green thumbs this year with one home boasting an urban farm in the yard, and another hosting a group of Master Gardeners. Savour creativity and character as you wander through these 12 private homes, from stunningly renovated, to classic character.

10am - 5pm, $40 (day of tix $47 inc tax) This tour is self-guided; recommended for car-pooling, transit, or bike travel

Book Here -- http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/375523/d8c8424aed/1805511597/ce39150ee2/


Craft Beer meets Vancouver warehouse history [$35] 5:30 - 7:30pm WEDNESDAY JUNE 12

Savour Vancouver™s unique heritage with an enticing combination of Yaletown railyard history and delicious craft beer.

Join the Facebook group and let your friends know you™re going!

VHF is partnering with Yaletown Brewing Company to offer a walking tour of Yaletown, a talk on the history of the warehouse now used by the brewpub, a tasting of locally crafted beers, and delicious pub themed snacks.

Starting at 5:30pm, the evening begins with a walking tour lead by historian John Atkin through Vancouver™s old warehouse and railway district, now the bustling neighbourhood known as Yaletown. Leaving from Emery Barnes Park at Richards and Davie, this fascinating tour takes you on a journey through pre-1980s Vancouver before Expo '86 completely changed the use of this area. Explore Yaletown when it was rail yards and warehouses, concluding at the Yaletown Brewpub, where John will talk about the history of a 1910 ˜brick and stick™ warehouse upgraded in 2009 to become the home of Yaletown Brewing.

After working up a thirst on the walking tour, Yaletown Brewing Co. Head Brewer Iain Hill will lead a tasting of locally produced craft beers. Served with delicious housemade bar-themed snacks, such as bratwurst on a stick, bacon kettle corn, and homemade soft pretzels, you™ll learn about what gives each beer its distinctive flavour and how best to pair them. You™ll get to take home an official Yaletown Brewing tasting glass and a coupon for a free beer on your next visit.

o Places That Matter


View the Places That Matter web page http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/375523/40187b9684/1805511597/e6fbad22fa/


#57: Saturday June 15 at 1pm: Maple Grove Park Stumps. Meet at NE corner of the park, close to the parking lot at 51st Ave and Yew St. Come discover the hidden history behind this once forested area. Share your memories of the park! See the invitation here

#58: Sunday, June 16 at 12pm: Western Front   303 8th Ave E. at Scotia St. (40th Anniversary Open House from 12 - 5pm)

* Plaque is available for sponsorship


Hop on your bike and tour the political and natural storms of Stanley Park Tix $20

Brand new for 2013 we™ll be offering guided bike tours. Take a ride through our bike friendly city and learn some history while you™re at it!

Please bring a bicycle, safety equipment, water, and anything else you may need to enjoy your ride.

Don™t have a bike? No problem! Spokes Bicycle Rentals is generously offering a 30% discount on bike and equipment rentals to anyone attending one of our Bike Tours. Rental includes a bike, helmet, and lock. Please note BC laws require all riders to wear bike helmets.

HUB Members are eligible for a 20% discount! Make sure you bring your membership card with you to the tour.

STANLEY PARK -- 9:30 - 11:30am -- June 15, July 20, and August 17  9:30am - 11:30am

Meet at Devonian Park at the Northwest corner of Denman and Georgia.

Vancouver's urban forest holds a complex history of destroyed First Nations villages and squatters' cabins, military unrest and forgotten burial places, British enclaves, sports and cultural venues, and of course, renowned natural endowments, some more recent than you might think. Owing to its natural popularity, Stanley Park has become an engineered landscape, with many tourist draws such as the totems, blow-down amusement parks, and preserved reminders of the raw force of nature.  Enjoy a leisurely paced cycle while digging into the storms and controversies that have formed this majestic park.


+ VCBF -- For further info on upcoming events and activities, follow Jessica Tremblay, the official blogger for the Festival and coordinator of haiku events at https://vcbfblog.wordpress.com/.

VANCOUVER CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Haiku Invitational 2013 now open for submissions!

Submit your haiku entries to www.vcbf.ca Note: Only two poems per person will be accepted.

The VCBF Haiku Invitational submission deadline has been extended until Monday June 24. Spread the word! The reason for the extension is that people have been experiencing technical difficulties with the submission process.

~~~  MAIKU  ~~~ 2013 May 20

the lilacs are late this spring

makes their scent sweeter --

hope it's not my last

quotations thoughts puns

Words are the guides to acts; the mouth makes the first move.

-- Rabbi Leon da Modena, major intellectual figure in 17th century Venice (1571 - 1648)

Do what you feel in your heart to be right for you'll be criticized anyway. 

-- Eleanor Roosevelt, longest-serving First Lady in US (1884 - 1962)

What we have once enjoyed we can never lose.  All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

-- Helen Keller, [deaf-blind] American author (1880 - 1968)

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

-- Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, born in the foothills of the Himalayas (died about 480 BCE)

[Born c. 563 BCE, Lumbini (present-day in Nepal); Died c. 483 BCE (aged 80) or 411 and 400 BCE]

We cannot alter facts, but we can alter our ways of looking at them.

-- Phyllis Bottome, British novelist (1884 - 1963)

In pursuit of happiness, the difficulty lies in knowing when you have caught up.

-- R H Grenville [nom de plume of Beatrice C. Rowley], Canadian writer ( b 1917)

Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought. 

-- Matsuo Basho, Japanese poet (1644 - 1694) 

Although the connections are not always obvious, personal change is inseparable from social and political change. -- Harriet Lerner, American psychologist and author (b 1944)

The fly cannot be driven away by getting angry at it. -- African proverb

œI™ve made an odd discovery, [Bertrand Russell, British writer 1870 - 1972] wrote. œEvery time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility.  Yet when I talk with my gardener, I™m convinced of the opposite.

Learn to be silent.  Let your quiet mind listen and absorb. -- Pythagoras (Greece, 6th century B.C.)

The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the continents, and the oceans was not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge. -- Daniel J. Boorstin, US historian, professor, attorney, and writer (1914 - 2004)

Masks have no face value.

Some clockmakers are normal, but others are a little cuckoo.

I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.

The exhibitionist went to the store because he heard they were having a flash sale.

One of the joys of being a lightweight is that commuting by wind is a breeze!

Obituaries of those hanged in the old west used to be posted in the noose paper.

What do you call a person rabid with wordplay? An energizer punny.