~~~ summer solstice June 20/21 ~~~
AGENDA June 17 -- Main Items
Minutes (May 27 + June 3, 10); 2012 Annual Report/Financial Information (for PUBLIC INPUT); 1300blk Grosvenor Application (click to see plans), requesting draft bylaws but given more suggestions by DRC (and maybe by Ccl and public), can changes be made so a later revision for input/comment?), nothing about CACs till July 22; 2074 Fulton Rezoning; Cmnty Grant Recommendations ($162K); Waterfront Bylaws for adoption (so why has there already been an announcement there will be foodcarts?); Ccl Mtg Schedule amended June 24 and July 15; Upper Lands Study Review WG Appointment and Terms of Reference {do read; input permitted}; Corresp: sister city in Japan?; LCAC variances approved; 1300blk submissions; Waterfront; some M Hall / history (Heinz Berger), .....
== Lease/Sell Survey; June 24 Ccl Mtgs (from 4:30 and only three items!); Vive le Canada (Laura Secord); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Input; Finances; 1300; Earth Day/Pogo; Lawn Bowling); WVPD (wildlife); UPDATES & INFO (DWV Statement June 19 re advancing 1300blk/Grosvenor proposal link: Property Taxes; coach houses)
= CALENDAR to June 30th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music, Songfire, Pottery, etc); Edwardian Strawberry Tea; NATURE (Paddling; Walks)
= HEADSUP 12A: June 17 agenda main items (+ link); Amb foodcart options; Upper Lands Stewardship Forum
NOTICE: Agendas Jun 10; FINANCIAL INFO: 2012 Staff salaries {subscribers got all; can't C&P from DWV website; hope next issue}
= ### Ccl Mtgs' NOTES ###
> May 27: CLOSED Cmnty Engagement Cmte mtg at 1:30pm; and closed Audit Cmte mtg at 2pm
4:30pm Ccl Mtg: Part 2 of the Divisional Services Review for Engg and Transp {it says 'financial matters' but not CoW as Part 1 was}; Special Ccl Mtg at 7pm: Wireless Communication Facilities policy; PSB 2013 Budget funding -- $3.6M+? (but no amt given on agenda)
> June 3: Minutes back to Apr 29!!!; Lawn Bowling Club Delegation re Championship; DPA for Rodgers Crk Area 4 (Entry Rd & Bridge over Pipe Crk); Cmnty Website WG interim report; 2012 Audited Financial Statements and Annual Report, released for public input; Packaging/Printed Paper; Montizambert Water Disconnection Notice (extended); Lane Paving (11th); Five-Yr Financial Plan Budget Amendment (PSB soft costs); Devt Applicn Status Report; Correspondence: Problematic cul-de-sac parking; Eagle Island Garbage; Eden Place (they deserve an explanation from the Hall): Waterfront; PSB; 1300blk; Monetary Policy re Blasting Damages; World Oceans Week (June 1 - 8);.......
> June 10: PUBLIC HEARING re AMBLESIDE WATERFRONT, followed by second and third readings if PH closed. {read the supplemental report (May 31) and submissions}
= AGENDA June 17 {News flash: 1300 advances with Mayor, ML, TP, Sop in favour, CC, NG opposed}
= ANIMALWATCH (Orcas); INFObits (CNV, DNV, DWV; Solstice; Ahmadinejad); ENVIROWATCH (Pogo); PHOTOWATCH (BC Scenes); ROYALWATCH; TREEWATCH (extends life!); BOOKWATCH (Timbuktu manuscripts; PalFest; K Hosseini); HERITAGEWATCH (lots of events!); HAIKUWATCH; MAIKU; QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS + cartoon
lease1300@westvan.org OR sell1300@westvan.org ?
Email your choice (above), lease or sell. If you have already done so, pls ask your family, friends, colleagues to do so.
If we haven't lawyers/staff/personnel expert, intelligent, skilled enough to negotiate leasing, then buy other land from the money from the sale to replace it thus maintaining our land bank assets. PLEASE, Ccl! At least some considering borrowing.
NB: Contrary to a cclr's statement, the 320 Taylor Way property in fact was leased (NOT sold);
so was the Wetmore property leased, contrary to the statement made at the Chamber's 'unplugged' (May 30).
4:30pm = Review and Analysis of the Districts 2013 1st Quarter Operating Results and Capital Plan Program
5pm Closed Mtg; 7pm = Sp Ccl Mtg (6342 Bay St); 7:15pm = Cmte/Whole (Planning Dept Work Plan Update)
== Vive le CANADA === 1813 June 22
Laura Secord overhears American troops planning an attack, and walks 30 km, crossing enemy lines, to warn Colonel James FitzGibbon. Two days later, the Americans are ambushed and surrender to FitzGibbon.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
> Mon June 17th: Have your say about the annual Financial Report and what you want to see in the 1300blk. (You'll want to see salaries for the coming budget discussions.)
Urge Grosv to be a bit more village-like. I'm a sort of muddling in the middle sort of person. We must navigate between the NIMBYs (unless they are) on one side and BAAADs* on the other.
{* = Build Absolutely Anything Anywhere Developer(s)}
There's a famous New Yorker cartoon of inside a restaurant with couples at two different tables. One man leans over to the other table and asks if they'd solve an argument they were having: Is this the Rome Hilton or the Athens Hilton?
> B/c of deferrals, NG's comments on Earth Day (Apr 22) delayed. I've found out that Pogo's "We have seen the enemy and he is us" was about the environment. See ENVIROWATCH below.
> The June 10th mtg had a delegation by the Lawn Bowling Club -- a bit of history and drawing our attention to the National Championship Aug 18 to 24. How can one not be captivated by the enthusiasm in Tim Mason's presentation.
> You may have noticed my inconsistency wrt Cclr Booth. It shd be MB but b/c her name is Mary-Ann, it makes me think of Shakespeare's Queen Mab, so it's sometimes written MAB.
=== WVPD === Wildlife!
Call West Vancouver Police 925 7300 or the BC Conservation Officer Service to report sightings of bears or other wildlife in your neighbourhood.
Click here for comprehensive bear safety information from www.wvpd.ca
More photos Available On West Vancouver Police Facebook
=== UPDATES and INFO ===
*** June 19: Statement re 1300 proposal advancing: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=45578 ***
+ Property Taxes Due July 2, 2013
Thurs June 13 -- Property taxes are due July 2, 2013 for the period Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2013. Any unpaid 2013 taxes will be subject to a five per cent penalty levied after July 2, and a further five per cent penalty levied after Sept 3, 2013.
2013 Tax Notices Mailed after May 24, 2013
If you do not received your notice, please contact the Finance Department at 925 7032.
Moved? If your mailing address has changed, please complete a change of mailing address form.
About Your 2013 Taxes
Property tax information for your property can also be viewed online through MyDistrict. You will need your folio number and access code to register your account. 2013 Property tax rates (PDF)
Payment Plans
Property owners are responsible for payment of property taxes whether or not a tax notice is received. The municipality offers a variety of payment options, you may wish to review these before the tax due date. To take advantage of the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan for the 2013 Property Taxes, please enroll as soon as possible.
Home Owner Grant
If a Home Owner Grant is available and applicable to your household, please ensure to claim the Province's Home Owner Grant before the tax due date. Add'l info on the Home Owner Grants For Low Income Seniors is also available.
Tax Deferment
For those who wish to apply for the Provincial Property Tax Deferment Program, please carefully review the information and eligibility requirements.
More Information
For more information about where your tax dollars go, please visit the Budget & Tax Brochures webpage.
For additional information, please contact the Finance Department at 604-925-7032 or taxinfo@westvancouver.ca.
Tax Sale The municipality will hold an annual property tax sale in September. Check back for further updates.
For all the links above, go to: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=2786
+ Coach Houses -- Update
Thank you to everyone who filled out a questionnaire and provided feedback on coach house devt in the cmnty. The results are being tabulated and District staff will report them to Council in July.
What do you think?
Find out more about our examination of coach houses and let us know what you think. A moderated panel discussion was held on May 8 at the Kay Meek Centre. Questionnaires from that event are still being accepted and can be found below.
Email housing@westvancouver.ca to be added to our email distribution list
Read a discussion paper on the coach house experience in other communities
More info: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Level3.aspx?id=21128
=== CALENDAR to June 30th ===
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at this date; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/Calendar.aspx . Notices/mtgs/changes too
late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices sent between issues of WVM.]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
== Tuesday June 18th
~ 5 - 7:30pm ~ Cell Tower Open House at St David's
Two years ago the BPAHA advocated against cell towers along the Upper Levels Highway. Rogers has now provided a
revised plan. The BPAHA will provide community input during the open houses listed below. The BPAHA continues to
view these with concern. Please voice your opinion at this second of the two Open Houses.
More info: https://www.placespeak.com/topic/735-north-shore-corridor-telecommunications-plan/
~ 7 - 9pm ~ Upper Lands Study Review WG Interest Holders Input Forum at Gleneagles Golf Clubhouse
== Wednesday June 19th
~ 7:30am ~ Field Sport Forum WG
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance
~ 6pm ~ Open House -- Orchill Rd Parking & Pavement at the Gleneagles Clubhouse
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd at the Library
== Thursday June 20th
~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte in Cedar Room, Cmnty Ctr
== Saturday June 22nd
~ 2 - 4pm ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society AGM in the Phyl Munday Nature House
2pm ~ AGM: interested nonmbrs welcome to listen but only mbrs allowed to vote
For those who haven't already done so, you may wish to pay at the AGM (cheque or cash only, please). Alternately, you may pay online at www.lpps.ca by clicking on the 'Membership' link.
3pm ~ THE FOREST IN A RAINDROP, by Dr Neville Winchester, research entomologist, involved in the protection of Carmanah. He will show us the hidden world in the canopy of our great rainforests.
After the talk, please join us for the social highlight of our year: a pot-luck supper at the home of Elaine Graham, at the Light Station. Please RSVP to Elaine 925 1071
== Saturday/Sunday June 22nd/23rd
Folkfest returns to the North Shore
Join in the 39th celebration of multicultural music and dance from around the world, right here on the North Shore! Enjoy free performances at Folkfest 2013 to help this non-profit organization preserve, promote, and enrich cultural diversity in the community. Centennial Theatre; door prize entry with a $5 donation
Time: 5:30pm~ global food market and crafts 7pm ~ performances
More InformationVisit the North Shore Folkfest websiteEmail Lily ChanCall 778 388 9158
== Wednesday June 26th
~ 6 - 8pm ~ Longboarding Cmnty Mtg at Kay Meek Studio
Do you have concerns about longboarding safety in West Vancouver? Parents and students are invited to join the West Vancouver Police Dept, School District, municipal officials, and special guests at a community public safety meeting. Join the discussion about compliance and safety, while learning valuable information about the risks associated with the sport.
To RegisterVisit the West Vancouver School District website. Pre-registration is required owing to limited seating availability.
Event InformationBev Pausche, Manager of Communications and Cmnty EngagementWV School District 981 1054
== Thursday June 27th
~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall
~ 5:30pm ~ Police Bd in Police Boardroom
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
> Friday Night Concert Series Presents -- Lorraine Feather -- 7:30pm June 21
A Vancouver Int'l Jazz Festival/NSh Jazz event. Doors open at 7pm. Come early for best seating!
> AUTHORS IN OUR COMMUNITY -- 7:30 - 9pm Wednesday June 26
Van Clayton Powel: You are Not What You Eat!
Join the author of this new and highly acclaimed book for a fascinating, light-hearted look at better digestion through seven simple steps.
>>> The West Vancouver Memorial Library Foundation is accepting applications for positions on its Board of Directors. If you are a West Vancouver resident who is passionate about your Library, we want to hear from you. Learn more: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/index.php?page=47
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 729 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
July 4 - September 21
West Coast Points East: Ron Thom and the Allied Arts
Opening Reception on Thursday July 4th from 7pm
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
o June 11 - 23 -- GRAD SHOW 2013
Art from graduating students of Collingwood, Mulgrave, Rockridge, Sentinel, and WV secondary schools
o June 25 - July 14
In the Presence of Light
Lil Chrzan, Oil on canvas
Opening Reception: Tuesday June 25 from 6 8 pm / Meet the Artist: Saturday June 29 from 2 - 3pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
> June 4 - 23 -- Skylight and Cloud Shadows
This exhibition will showcase Ximeng Guos series of paintings featuring a combination of motifs including plants, rocks, lotus, water lilies, ponds, and birds. In her expressive-realist brush strokes, Ximeng unveils the beauty of a translucent garden scenery dappled with sunlight and hovering clouds; and explores a visual expression that evoke memories and expand imaginations.
> June 25 - July 14 -- ARDOUR
Ekta Nadeau and Leanne Christie commit to display their most successful and honest works. Ektas vision transforms her clay into powerful, sensuous forms which she nurtures to life on the wheel and through her exquisite glazing techniques. Leannes paintings seductively reveal themselves through their subtle colouration which are breathed into life via her strong and confident brushwork. Ekta and Leanne have married themselves to provide not a transient experience but one of rawness and authenticity.
Opening reception: Tuesday June 25th from 6 - 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
June 21: In the Spotlight: Presented by Creber Music
22: Pro
Arte 2013 Year End Showcase
28: Concert
for the Downtown East Side
Don't forget, as of June 10th our box office hours will be changing to Tu & Th from 12 - 5pm and Saturdays from 12 - 4pm. Our new summer hours will be in effect from Mon June 10th until mid-August. You can also contact us by email at info@kaymeekcentre.com Mon - Sat.
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++ http://www.westvan60.com/
Office: 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920 Fax: 922 2659
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
The Chamber has a survey wrt 1300blk/Grosvenor:
JESSIES: The 31st Annual Jessie Awards ceremony will be held at the Commodore Ballroom June 24. Full info: www.jessies.ca
OPENING NIGHTS ~ Twelfth Night: June 26; Hamlet: June 29; Measure for Measure: July 11; Elizabeth Rex: July 14
Purchase tix online www.bardonthebeach.org or call the box ofc (739 0559).
+ ARTS CLUB -- 687 1644 http://www.artsclub.com
- Dreamgirls at the Stanley Stage until July 7
- Avenue Q, a Broadway musical for adults; warning: full puppet nudity; stars Scott Bellis, Jun 20 - Aug 3
We are Three Sisters (subtitled the Bronte Sisters) by Blake Morrison; Cdn premiere
Preview June 6; runs to June 30 -- United Players www.jerichoartscentre.com
Shady Business by Robin Hawdon; a hilarious British comedy -- deepcovestage.com; June 14 - 29
+ QET -- Les Miz June 12 - 23
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
> Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life > http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/fuse.html
Openings (four):
- June 15: Persuasive Visions: 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Masterworks and Contemporary Reflections
- June 29: Portraits in Time; Martin Honert; Gareth Moore: Allochthonous Window
+ Caroun Art Gallery
Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)1403 Bewicke Ave, NV Masoud Soheili 778 372 0765 , www.Caroun.nethttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Caroun-Art-Gallery/185765774772749?sk=wall
CAPA PZ 2008-13 Photography Exhibition
~ noon - 8pm ~ June 16 - 29 (closed Mondays) Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm Saturday June 22
Selected works, participated at CAPA Pacific Zone Challenge by members of Caroun Photo Club (CPC), will be exhibited.
Amir Jam, Azadeh Fateh Rad, Bahar Mohamadian, Daniel Soheili, Farhad Varasteh, Fariba Pachele, kaveh Rasouli, Lily Tayefi, Maryam Russel, Masoud Soheili, Mina Iranpour, Mohsen Seifi, Mahmood Reza Ashtiany Pour, Mohammad Reza Raeesi, Mohsen Seifi, Nafiseh Tabari, Shahriar Davachi, Sahar Seyedi, & Soran Abdulla Nakshbandi
+ OPERA PRO CANTANTI -- procantanti.com 7pm Cambrian Hall
Verdi: La Traviata, June 23; Verdi: Nabucco, June 30
+ Out to Lunch: VAG Fridays 12:10pm
June 28 -- Arioso Quartet play Schubert and Brahms
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA http://enews.vancouversymphony.ca/1213VSO-13.html
Check their website for performances throughout the month.
To become a VSO Subscriber, call 876 3434 for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the series packages online. Order your new subscription online AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!
~ Stravinsky's Rite of Spring (100th anniversary), this composition changed classical music forever: June 15/17
+ SONGFIRE FESTIVAL May 30 - June 26 songfire.ca
And for those interested in French Mélodie, "La Musique Poetique" -- three delightful concerts.
at http://songinstitute.ca/Songfire/songfire-series-la-musique-poetique.html#.UaLajUCyDMu
Sat Jun 22: Poulenc, Chan's Telus Theatre, a special soiree to honour the life of the French Mélodie master.
> Emerging Artists: French Mélodie Immersion
Sun Jun 23 at 8pm - Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
French Mélodie participants offer an evening of Poulenc and his contemporaries, as well as Québec song repertoire selections in celebration of Saint-Jean Baptiste Day! FREE ADMISSION!
> Emerging Artists: Theatre of Art Song
Mon Jun 24 at 1pm - Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
Break up your day with a lunchtime concert by the Theatre of Art Song particpants! FREE ADMISSION!
>> Britten's Centennial: From the Cradle to the Cabaret
Mon Jun. 24 at 8pm - Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
From lullabies to cabaret songs, from Russia to Spain, to a world premiere from composer Michael Park and poet Ray Hsu - the Britten festivities end with a bang!
ADMISSION: $15 Gen, $12 Sr, $5 Student Available at brownpapertickets.com or cash at the door
> Emerging Artists: Theatre of Art Song Gala
Tue Jun 25 & Wed Jun 26 at 8pm - Roy Barnett Recital Hall, UBC School of Music
After almost a month of hard work, the Theatre of Art Song singers and pianists, dressed up to the nines, welcome you for two evenings of Art Song Galas. FREE ADMISSION!
Public Raku Firing at Gleneagles CC
Bring your fired bisqueware and then glaze it with our special Raku glazes and fire in our gas fired kiln. Pre-registration required. GECC Pottery Studio: Sat Jun 29 ~ 9am - 4pm // Sat Jul 6 ~ 9am - 4pm
~~~ Edwardian Strawberry Tea ~~~
Sunday | June 23 | 12 noon | Parish Hall {The (high Anglican) church of St James, 303 E Cordova; 685 2532}
Back by popular demand is the Mothers' Union Edwardian Strawberry Tea, right after High Mass. It will be replacing the normal coffee hour on that Sunday.
Again we will be offering home-made sandwiches, strawberry shortcake with freshly picked BC strawberries and whipping cream, and tea and coffee. There will be musical entertainment and recitations.
It is hoped that parishioners will get into the spirit of Edwardian England by wearing a fancy hat or fascinator for the women; bowtie, cravat, waistcoat, and/or boater for the men.
If you have holiday plans for that weekend and know you will be away, but would like to purchase a ticket for someone who cannot afford the $10 charge, this would be most appreciated. Last year we were able to give away approximately 10 tickets. Children under 8 are free. The proceeds will be donated to the MU Northern Clergy Families' Fund, our primary national fundraiser. -everything prepared with care by the Mothers' Union -PLUS live music! Treat your friend or neighbour!
=== NATURE ===
A fun night of paddling on the waters of Vancouver Harbour. Line up on the start line under the Burrard Bridge and paddle the scenic course as fast as you want. www.bigchop.ca 866 912 3331 May 23, June 6, June 20, July 4, July 18, ....
+ NATURE WALKS [924 0147]
> Sunday June 23rd
Geology of Howe Sound, North Shore Mountains and Squamish as seen in rock material
on Acadia Beach left by glaciers and ancient rivers 30,000 to 12,000 years ago.
A field trip for Suzuki Elders. Registration: Not required. Trip leader: David Cook. Duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Meeting time and location: Acadia Beach parking lot at 11:00 am. The parking lot at Acadia Beach is 500 metres east of the intersection of NW Marine Drive (Note: NW Marine Drive and not SW Marine Drive) with Acadia Road or just east of where the northern end of Salish Trail (not the southern end of the Salish Trail) in Pacific Spirit Regional Park intersects NW Marine Drive. If you are travelling west and see the University Endowment Lands sign or the turn-off to Acadia Road then you have gone too far west. Refer to the Metro-Vancouver map of Pacific Spirit Regional Park for more precise details. The Salish Trail is trail No. 21 on the map. Although indicated by symbols on the map (i.e. parking symbol, information kiosk symbol, washroom symbol, picnic table symbol), the parking area is not precisely marked on the map.
Description: We will make collections of different rock types selected from the large variety of water and ice worn cobbles on the beach. In an outdoor class room setting, rock identifications will be made and likely provenance of each specimen will be discussed.
Wear appropriate footwear. The walking surface is completely covered in cobbles and small boulders and may be slippery and wet in places. There is no hiking involved.
> Thursday June 27th
Old Growth Conservancy, West Vancouver.
An event for the Elders Council for Parks Trip leader: David Cook.
Registration required: Elise Roberts 986 4892 eliseroberts@shaw.ca or David at cookeco2@yahoo.com. No cost.
Meeting time and location: 0930 hours at Heritage Centre 1620 Mount Seymour Road (near BC Parks Offices). Right turn on Seymour Road just before the entrance to Seymour Provincial Park.
Duration: 1 to 2 hours. Distance: 0.5 km (return). Elevation gain: Not significant.
Terrain: Easy walking along a well groomed and recently constructed trail.
Description of event: We will be walking the Conservancy Crossing Trail, the only authorized trail in the Old Growth Conservancy, West Vancouver. Learn about the ecology and structure of an old growth forest and compare it with similar features in a second growth forest. Experience the thrill of being surrounded by candelabra-topped redcedar veterans in a pristine old growth forest setting.
Bring a snack and a beverage and dress for changes of weather.
> Saturday June 29th
Cypress Falls Park: Old growth trees and falls.
A joint event for Nature Vancouver and the Old Growth Conservancy Society. Trip leader: David Cook
Meeting time/location: Meet at 0930 hours at McDonald's, Park Royal for car-pooling and for those travelling by bus and requiring a lift to the trail head. Alternatively, meet in the parking lot at the end of Woodgreen Place off Woodgreen Drive at 1000 hours.
Duration: 2 to 3 hours Distance: 2 to 3 km. Elevation gain: ~150 metres
Terrain: The trails are poorly defined and poorly maintained in many places. Caution is required where there are steep drop-offs into the Cypress Creek canyon. There are rough and slippery sections of trail and hiking boots with deep tread and ankle support are essential.
Difficulty rating: Using the Nature Vancouver rating system, the difficulty rating is C (moderately steep gradient with an elevation gain of between 100m and 500m).
Description of event: A natural history hike along the trails of Cypress Falls Park in West Vancouver and the adjoining Cypress Provincial Park. The field trip area contains one of the North Shores oases of old growth forest with two waterfalls in a pocket canyon formed by Cypress Creek.
Bring lunch and water and dress for changes in weather.
Membership in Nature Vancouver and the Old Growth Conservancy Society and prior registration are not required. There is no cost except for sharing of gas from Park Royal.
=== HEADSUP 12A ===
VERY important issues for public input Monday night:
WV Financial Report; 1300blk; Upper Lands Terms of Reference
Don't forget Bagpipes by the Sea on Saturday
Foodcart announcement below* a surprise since Waterfront bylaw with Uses won't be adopted till Monday night!
--> Upper Lands WG: Stewardship Forum June 11 agenda (then June 18 for Stakeholders)
QTP at end.
Main items on June 17 Agenda: {moved to this WVM}
Here's the full agenda: PDF http://www.westvancouver.ca/WorkArea/showcontent.aspx?id=45472
will send it out later with comments -- hurrying to get this info to you asap.
Italian fare, barbecue options and thin crust pizza are coming to the Ambleside waterfront
New Food Options Rolling into Ambleside
Thursday June 13 Foodies, take note: this weekend, more great casual dining options are coming available on the Ambleside waterfront, and just in time for summer, thanks to the DWV Councils recent approval of mobile food vendors in Ambleside.
Beginning Saturday June 15 from 11am to 7pm, people can enjoy high-quality eats along Argyle Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets from three new food trucks. They are:
Hotties: authentic Italian fare, in Millennium Park, foot of 15th Street
J & B BBQ: Pulled pork, beef brisket, and smoked chicken sandwiches, Ferry Building Landing, foot of 14th Community Pizzeria: thin-crust pizza, at Ferry Building Landing, foot of 14th Street
There are already lots of great sit-down dining options in Ambleside, but after an extensive public consultation process, the OCP and zoning bylaws were amended this spring to allow for mobile food vendors as a way of improving public enjoyment of the Ambleside waterfront. Public engagement was vital in determining both the type of dining as well as cuisine options to be offered in Ambleside to improve the vitality of the park.
The food trucks will open most weekends until September. Service may be extended to include weekdays depending on demand and weather.
{UPDATE -- absent: Hollyburn Heritage Society, Squamish Nation, Srs' Ctr Ramblers, and V Natural History Society}
1 Doors Open for Display Set Up 5:00
2 View Displays and Discuss 5:15
3 Opening and Welcome (Councillor Panz) 6:00
4 Introductions and Guidelines (Co-chairs) 6:05 Presentations, Question and Answers (in alphabetical order)
5 Cypress Trail Builders 6:10
6 Friends of Cypress Provincial Park 6:25
7 Heritage West Van (including Squamish Nation) 6:40
8 Hollyburn Heritage Society 6:55
9 Hollyburn Ridge Association 7:10
10 Lighthouse Park Preservation Society 7:25
11 Break 7:40
12 North Shore Hikers 7:55
13 North Shore Mountain Bike Association 8:10
14 North Shore Wetlands Partners 8:25
15 Old Growth Conservancy Society 8:40
16 West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society 8:55
17 [Seniors'] Centre Ramblers 9:10
18 Vancouver Natural History Society (tentative) 9:25
19 Thank You and Next Steps (Councillor Cameron) 9:40
This forum will be a learning opportunity for all who attend. Presenters are encouraged to speak with openness and from an authentic place, within an atmosphere of mutual respect
The forum is a time for the working group and the stewardship groups to have an informative dialogue, not a time for socializing or outside questions
Stewardship groups will have 8 minutes to present, the WG will have 5 minutes for questions, and there will be two minutes allowed between groups
Timelines will be strictly enforced to ensure respect of everyones valuable time
Pls be aware that there will be a timekeeper, notetaker, photography and audio recording of the forum. We request all cell phones to be turned off.
The working group acknowledges the short presentation time and encourages continued feedback from the stewardship groups.
Please see www.westvancouver.ca/ulsrwg for ways to contact the group and provide input and feedback
=== HEADSUP NOTICE === from Finance Report: STAFF SALARIES
wanna know where your money goes???
And on Monday night (June 17) you may comment on the Annual Report.
Perhaps some of you did not realize that staff remuneration is included in the Financial Report. It's the largest single component of the DWV budget.
The whole report had a link on the agenda and was in what was sent before:
In case you didn't see this important part of our annual budget, and we're about to go into planning for 2014, I've separated it for you here below. Keep in mind these figures are for 2012; the salaries are higher for this year.
[WVPD is not included but they voluntarily put it on their website, see http://wvpd.ca/proactive-disclosure-2010-police-salaries-over-75000]
Salaries $75K and above for staff must be made public.
Highest for 2012 was $233K (only one over $200K)
about seven over $150K
about 65 employees over $100K
Council? they don't even qualify! They're a bargain: Mayor got $74K and the councillors just over $30K.
BTW, in 1990 I think the M Mgr got about $90K -- will have to check; cclrs got a little over $20K (the mayor not much more) and 1/3 was for expenses.
{cdn't copy and paste staff remuneration from report on agenda; will try to get for next issue}
NB: June 10 Agendas in this issue (with notes)
=x= Monday MAY 27 =x=
4:30 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of May 27, 2013 Council Meeting Agenda
the agenda regarding financial matters was approved as circulated.
3. Divisional Services Review for Engineering and Transportation, Part 2
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RF: put up the org chart; introduce my team
{one noted start of bike to work week so trusted they all had biked; Sop said his had a flat tire.}
Mbrs of public may be late but want to acknowledge input from two residents, Alex Tunner and Graham Nicholls who have over the years been with Value For Services, Fiscal Sustainability Task Force, helped formatting of Parks and Cmnty Services, and assisted us with the format. Plsd to have them volunteer. Want to thank them and believe they'll be showing up a little later on.
road map for what we want to cover tonight
interactive graphic; ten introductions/areas, got through six last time and tonight will go through the four remaining
Second session will delve a bit more deeply re biz processes; highlights, the invite Ccl for add'l discussion as to what you want us to do next.
SLIDES Engg/Transp spends 40%, $44M, operating expenses; important to know revenue
same are standalone, such as transit $14M of the $44M
SLIDE of General Fund
Core services 7%; Standalone Utility Funds; flow-through to Vanc; Water purchases
MB: $1M [1%] for Hugo Ray landfill?
RF: under HR is a landfill; even after so many years, looking after leaching.
Sop: water purchases
RF: yes; portion of the pie and will get more details; ... how Eagle Lake
Sop: thx, will wait; wonder if close to a drop in amt of water we purchase
Mayor: will cover later
RF: change to interactive graphic from last time
third party construction; capital project construction; sewerage and drainage utility; solid waste utility
Another staff mbr: third party -- water services -- to residents -- looking at demolitions;
prop line to house is the owner's responsibility
ensure quality; all work done is done on a cost-recovery basis.; depending on area, costs can vary
peak period, surge period now; usu three crews, tonight seven crews
third party crews for emergencies; 24/7
ML: from lot line?
Ans: liability can be a huge issue; gardeners get in, pools, etc
{ML question; answer: never done it}
MB: water mains seem to be on increase -- ageing infrastructure?
Ans: age to material to soil to weather; age is definitely a factor
MB: got a call on this today
Ans: water main break, go out immediately if potential for prop damage
at night, to limit cost will do next day
Sop: better serious, sustainability, not done good job
Ans: done a lot but a lot we don't know condition of; a lot of pipe, old
RF: Cclr Sop asking all the right questions; answer next/later
CC [ too far from mic, cd not make out ]
Ans: from main to? not just BPP, it's all over
encroachments into the blvd a large pain in our side
sometimes have to tunnel under retaining walls, up cliffs
[can't hear -- something about shd we charge]
RF: try to reflect as best we can, user pay
depends on layout of the streets, location of the main
don't know what was going on 50 - 60 years ago; soil conditions; difficult
reflected general in water rates
{CC: can't make out; calculating}
Ans: work with Bob to work it out and in some cases just flat out deny
we're trying to mitigate
RF: Cclr Cam's points well taken; reflect circumstances, take that under advisement
TP: how better?
Ans: we sit down with Planning; review all, plans back to Planning to approve for devt
Sop: re coach houses, off lanes, connections to road
Ans: we do have infrastructure down lanes; I'm not a big fan of coach houses
problematic, difficult, but doable
Next staff person re capital projs -- [listed them:] xxx, Spirit Trail, pump installations
road all outside b/c of expensive equipment
bridge construction also contracted out; tendered, some done in house
RF: sewer and drainage utilities next
Ans: policy and planning; maintenance
heavily regulated, MOE
9.5 staff; seasonal, temps; ...
Sop: flooding a few years; residents huge costs; underground springs
measures to stop that in future, ie berms, to prevent?
flooding from recent storm -- will be doing something about that or waiting another six years?
long-term, we shd be funding now
Ans (looks like John McMahon): ISMP -- a lot of your questions
trail you were talking of was a blockage
get ahead if we can...
RF: M is 100 years old and xxx have changed
in that Cranley example they tried to redirect the creek; houses flooded out were in the creek pathway
a lot of props abutt Rodgers Crk
trying to protect priv prop and riparian area but these are all new
Sop: 14th -- not some responsibility of BPP?
RF: think inflow and infiltration, not so much from upstream devt
rainwater into sanitary sewage system; down to Argyle, overwhelms; old and leaky infrastructure
resp is happening on priv side as well
drain tiles not working; leaky, infiltrating a lot of rain water
under Liquid Waste Mgmt Plan will look at both sides
TP: kms -- good case for smart growth
LGWWTF -- look at, do by 2020
take stress off, eg garburators a lot of stress on system
put least stress at front
RF: grease another area
CC: {still can't hear well and he's also got his hand over his mouth!}
RF: wd be an interesting analysis
CC: taxpayers... wrong way about it... costing a lot for servicing...; reinforce mgmt
RF: point taken
NG: totally agree with Cclr Cam
cd someone tell me what a grinder pump is?
Ans: a small pump station; grinds up before sending through sewer system
NG: we're talking about the sanitary system as well as the drainage (separate)
Ans: also roof
NG: replacement even higher than sanitary structure
notice in info here we're not reinvesting in that as we shd; 25% intentional? going to change? smart?
Ans: it is
lower before that, drainage even lower funded than sewer was
ramping up, eventually will catch up with each other
NG: $2,500 per km whereas storm water $2,900
Ans: storm larger pipes
all feed into Hollyburn; depth another factor; more difficult to install, maintain, repair
NG: ISMP; there are homes v near riparian areas
shd be looking as a policy push that further back
not liable for homes built in same place or riparian area
enough space? liability? I think there might be
Sokol: in the Upper Lands we do 30
NG: more below than on top
RF: Solid Waste Utility -- Phil Bates was not able to be here today
partnership with the other two Ms; lowers FTE
services contracted out
amts paid to Vanc, tipping fees
a lot of signif changes lately, food scraps, bi-weekly; prov coming down with new changes
we continue to be v active and progressive on those fronts
recognize Al Lynch and he'll be retiring at the end of June, after 30 years
NSh benefited, learning, will be sorely missed
Sop: you can run for Ccl now
NG: wondering why recycling being shown as decreased
RF: shd verify those numbers; think has to do with relative mix -- Al?
Al L: newspapers down 40 - 50% from years ago
NG: b/c ppl not reading as much
Al L: also advertising, xxx, social media
my daughter's 22 and don't think she's ever picked up a newspaper in her life
CC: {still can't make out; something about conversion figures}
RF: Cclr Cam's figures are right on; lot of debate over numbers and how calculate
one of the limitations is how calculated at the curb side
agree, how done; peculiarities; how calculated and what it really means
CC: {Q?}
RF: hard to know, backyard, packaging, ...
CC: ?
RF: fair enough, yes
ML: all three
CC: pie chart -- is that offset?
RF: it absolutely is; household colln is a cost; offset by sale of recyclables
CC: reduced garbage we pick up
one thing brought to my attention is impact on families
what's the view on sec stes? charging fees, premised on fact more services
sec ste is not a sgl-fam home
nbr said with sec ste, can't limit to
Sokol: set the fees for sec ste, some of the services are metered
felt same for garbage colln so with sec ste you shd be paying more
staff report
Mayor: expectation is the homeowner wd buy an extra tag
CC: ?
Sokol: metered so paying more; going to the library wd not collect for, so covered by fee
CC: considered a sgl-fam home?
Sokol: yes
TP: congratulate Al, good work, tyvm
8% coming from green waste
AL: yes
MB: the issue of pet waste percolating out there
heard another jurisdiction is putting out red cans; pet waste is banned
not abiding, shd discourage; worth some exploration
Staff: can't hear well, cold
MB: pet waste b/c red bins, v distinguishable
right now is banned but ev is using the garbage receptacle in the streets
including me; alternative is not practical
pick it up, take it home, and flush it down
incentivize them
Ans: haven't heard of red bins, but Metro working on that
can't go
know many places working on that, dog waste
pick up and pay for that -- can't go into garbage, has to go into sewage system
sep truck, all over NAm and Europe as well, haven't heard of sep bins
Sop: want all your goodness to rub off on us before you retire
enough pressure on manufacturers?
collected garbage decreasing b/c of organics?
AL: haven't seen change in packaging required: will see, EPI prog will take effect next year
only so much they can do
a lot doesn't come from Canada
our market is so small they might say heck, we don't care
think things going in the right direction
NG: personally think it's going really really well; surprised so little push back, fantastic, congrats to your dept, getting ppl on board
Mayor: Mr Fung. We have 27 minutes left
RF: thought it was to go to 6:30
Mayor: well, then you have 57 minutes left
RF: biz process highlights
Eagle Lake SLIDES
Engg and Transp looks into our services that delivered effectively and efficiently
determine best method
number of criteria [see list]
SLIDE: sample of contracted services
SLIDE -- operating expenditures mix of internal/external
80% external contractors [other less]; legal liability
capital construction; tender
turn it over to Pete Coles to walk us through an example
collaborative effort
26 cents per litre for brine to a slurry; got it down to 2 cents
prevents ice and snow buildup; applied on road
50-litre pail over one km
{more details; wheel; xxx}
ML: diff in concentration of salt? sea water
Ans: 22%, the optimum
ML: wd it do the same?
Ans: cd -- getting from ocean, run into DFO
MB: can we sell it? make any money?
Ans: yes, that's a possibility
SD45 purchase that product from us
Sop: residents purchase unknown quantities for steps, driveways
cdn't we sell to them
RF: optimum application -- hadn't thought of going retail
Mayor: {didn't catch}
CC: you've got quite a lot of things outsourced
often costs diff
test on five-, ten-year basis
RF: we're always looking at our cost; costs going up internally or externally
Mayor: next topic
RF: P3
model is our transit shelters
want to provide our biz perspective
wanted to increase our level of service; wanted to increase transit; not many shelters and v limited
looked at min cost to
$20K a piece supplied and installed -- looking at ~$700K
conducted an RFP process -- entered into agrmt with Pattison
they have an exclusive right to post advertising
not only offset capital costs but get a rev share from the advertising
will get $1.8 and $3M
CC: we're getting a cut of advertising?
RF: get a guaranteed amt or benefit if upward
CC: receiving xxx amt?
RF: some most beneficial along MDr to PkR but b/c of construction not fully realized till this year
NG: evaluation of users? I know eval for riders
my exp is not as effective/protective
RF: haven't done a survey in that regard
level of protection depends on winds
this photo taken on a rainy day, and dry
have heard about room for wheelchairs, made some changes
trying to tweak as much as we can given the parameters of our contract
Mayor: do my own survey; when raining I drive along and see a lot using those shelters
v successful prog; Trevor Lautens's comments and David Marley's notwithstanding. So there.
RF: Infrastructure capital planning process
John McMahon: mtg asked how do you decide wch project; ten diff funding
we do a mix; top-down approach; asset mgmt plans SLIDE
how much money do we need?
SLIDE: Capital Rehabilitation Funding -- roads
Bottom Up Condition assessment approach; CCTV prog
look at mntnce history; operator knowledge with good site knowledge
someone not familiar wd cost more
Master Plans, etc
SCADA Master Plan; early warning system
Roads & Transportation
do assessment ev four or five years; hire
PQI done all the way through
Results from last: Roads -- Surface Condition; have a truck go around and do it
80% fair or better; 20% in poor
how to address gap? arterial road?
SLIDE -- Water -- optimizing Eagle Lake
Sanitary and Storm Sewers SLIDE -- we run a camera down ev pipe
CCTV primary
SLIDE: Integrated Capital Planning
streams of info
RF: that's the last slide; want to link above and below
any questions before moving on?
TP: Rds &Transp; $11,500 per km
dropped a bit, how wd it affect?
John MdM: exactly what we're looking at
level of service [~$4M] was to maintain what it's at now
15th, Marine, a major route so have to maintain
not acceptable to let it go down
ML: prior to this mtg we had an audit mtg; looking at number of project funded but deferred
a fair number in your dept
mechanisms we cd bring into play so cd complete in year
RF: we're aware of that as well
a pity fiscal year, a calendar year, does not overlap with the construction world
sometimes opps at last minute
Devpr or TransLink calls, just got funding for a bus priority lane, so sometimes other planned delayed
want a longer term integrated capital plan
sometimes emergencies in the underground, so advance, earlier; sometimes not sensible to do the overground -- shifted
constant balancing act; cognizant of factors
ML: some residents think finally my road and then it's not till next spring, summer, a certain amt of cmnty frustration
RF: I understand that
MB: on your table, funding models for various assets, $3.5M cap investment when it shd be $4.9M for sust funding
looking at water and sewer and reconcile here and what's on that table
under water, reinvestment number 81%; on this table 67% -- apples to oranges?
RF: diff ways of looking at same issue; dashboard
intro reinvestment to total replacement value
1% get around to replacing once ev 100 years; 67% of the way to 100 line
John McM: some things we have to replace more than once so adds up to more
Sop: watching this cmnty; roads hv been excellent over the years
strong initiative to do well, so thank you; job well done
JMcM: thank you
Mayor: there you go
CC: on graph looks like, factor in -- no roads on this one
one had road, so you don't have the dash-line funding line there
on 3, intersecting line at 2030, a good guess?
so with Roads, where intersect?
RF: those are decisions for future Ccls
we put in a dash line; wrt sewage and drainage Ccl v supportive; add in transportation, trajectory, depends on future Ccls wrt ramp up
ability to pay, put into reserves, money needed for big humps beyond 2030
CC: funding strategy status page
if fourth column date we get to sustainable funding -- you have a question mark
different rates for each utility? years when sust for top three?
John McM: not a clean answer; 100-year average
look at 2055 not enough funding; white under green on either side balances, averages out
sust funding level for ea asset but when we hit that peak in the middle, raise rates a lot (Metro did); have to look at borrowing or xxx depends on reserves built up
reserve policy we're trying to devp
water 100-level sooner b/c closer, sanitary next, drainage after that
CC: you can't tell me the exact date will go from
JMcM: [gave years]
CC: so two probs; will bring back when we have the reserve policy
Sop: done?
Mayor: Q
Sop: going to do water?
RF: water, then sum up
Luke Killen [?]: SLIDE analysis of Eagle Lake Devt plan; Chris Leonard here too
simple financial analysis
adopted in 2002 $20M investment in Eagle Lake
to comply with water quality guidelines from fed govt; increase self resilience
reduce cost of water; substantial biz case
produce more efficiently than from Metro
62 cents per cu m, slide of Cost of MetroV water; expecting it to rise
simple analysis SLIDE; overhead costs, etc 2012 calc; cost 37 cents per cu m
slide of Vanc and WV rates; widening gap
how much water we're getting out of the lake
the less water we use the more we save
SLIDE: cost savings in 2012 saved over $1M; in 2023 over $2.5M
if from Van, cost of pumping up
within ten and 15 years will have paid off the cost of the
Sop: how pure is our water
Ans: extremely; state of the art; meet all the standards; we sample weekly
2012 annual water report will be out soon, think you'll be pleased
Sop: we're going to increase from 47% today to 67% in 2023; continuous improvement
new SCADA optimization in place
valves open -- too complicated to go into
2002 Westmount stn; the hub of the system -- water to east or west; right now about 50-50
[gave geographical boundaries]
NG: creek diversions -- is that Black Crk?
yes? so includes this year's costs, building that road?
RF: operational costs, that's capital
NG: Black Crk, when does it divert the water?
Ans: only time want to divert is late summer months
flow not in creek to divert
Nelson Crk and Black Crk: SCADA monitors; water licences so have to return at certain times of the year Dick Crk, lower Nelson Crk
right now the lake is half a metre below
store and divert as much as we can for summer months
Mayor: have to close off
CC: ways cd increase capacity of the lake to increase from 60%
Ans: limited by what we can take from creek
raise around the lake? diff control systems
will move backward and forward what we can and cannot do; we're pursuing that
CC: can't get as much water as we want
Mayor: want to wrap up?
RF: tried to present a story and leave a msg
we have goals; staff committed to continuous improvement
overarching mgmt systems in place
hv ability to monitor and evaluate
best we can to the benefit of our taxpayers; turn it over to Ccl
want closer analysis? Cclr Cam, some suggestions
ML: thank you. You have an interesting challenge
with exception of Police and Fire, ppl expect toilet to flush, garbage to be picked up, etc
impressed w/ report have some goals; metrics, do benchmarking
taken advantage contracting out and bringing in in house
kudos, think you're working hard
you've got a great mgmt team and doing your best for our residents
CC: I echo Cclr Lewis's remarks
the only area I get consistent complaints about, including from my father-in-law, is the traffic-calming.
why spending money for this curbs, median, bump-outs, etc
I know why, you want to slow down
but it's a level of frustration
they don't really slow down, they just keep driving at same speed
hasn't changed anything, just keep bashing their wheels
didn't really talk about that
how does the dept decide what traffic calming to put in and spending?
I get a lot on spending side
RF: almost like the tree issue; balance
half wd like efficient traffic flow and the other half wants the traffic to slow down
so it's local needs; or getting from A to B
District hasn't had a lot of experience in traffic-calming measures but in recent years driven by local residents
Westmount, 21st nbrhd, 1200blk Clyde; so capital funds allocated to those needs
other aspect try to consider in synergy with road pavement rehab system to be more cost-effective
21st St had to be done anyway, so lower
Mayor: want to make a motion?
Sop: my dad--
take a walk in the shoes of the men/women sitting in front of us
fun day, sit beside X for a day, and come away with a smile on your face.
Move the report dated May 15 from the Dir/Engg be received for information.
Mayor: we really appreciate hearing from you
been here eight years and heard more in last two sessions than before
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of May 27, 2013 Special Council Meeting Agenda
3. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups -- be received for info.
ML: this Sat is Cmnty Day, well-publicized, on website; new format, all of Ccl participating
this Thurs at WV Yacht Club with Mayor Smith unplugged -- interesting format; answers quickly, honestly; hundreds of questions
think there are some tix left
Mayor: grossly overpriced the tickets
ML: my thought too; wasn't going to say
Mayor: I told them that; it's $70 and you don't even get dinner
ML: goes to a good cause
MB: carrying forward a few reports; culled the most imp
Ctrs Society, Chair Barbara Brink's term come to an end, AGM tomorrow, think will be Jess Ketcham
Thank Barbara. One of the most well-structured and well-run boards
high calibre of directors
wish her the best in her future endeavours
Congrat Society for award for its "situation analysis", v useful tool; and being voted the best fitness on the NSh
Hollyburn Lodge Restoration -- negotiations with Cypress ongoing; transfer to Dist; quote by Luxton & Associates
fundraising can begin next year
NSh Congress -- won't read out, circulated -- about what they'd like to see in place so friendly for all families
ask staff to review results and with other Ms prepare a report
Mayor: Mr Leigh, ask staff
BL: certainly
MB: as Acting Mayor attended a mtg wrt LGWWPlant, with Mayor Mussatto...
first mtg with [MP] Weston; third third third, an initial mtg; well-received by Mr Weston
Youth Services -- Youth Week was a great success
their survey -- a living learning cmnty, civic engagement; presented at the Youth Ccl
Mayor: thought this was Ccl reports
MB: well, that's a report
Sop: went to far too many mtgs
NSh Ccls harbour-viewing tour -- operations ctr; incredible the security; went up to Kinder Morgan and back down
looked at cargo; eye opener re security
on Thurs after our illustrious Mayor we'll be back here to discuss the 1300blk [DRC]
GB: xxx then 7:45
Mayor: thank you for being so succinct
TP: Upper Lands now input form on the website
first input forum, modelled after successful Parks one -- June 11, 5:30 to 9pm
{Interesting, the Calendar has 5 to 10pm; the agenda was in WVM12.I went; was good; ~ three groups didn't turn up and it ended well before 9pm}
followed by an interest-holders forum, June 18 from 7 to 9; again at the Gleneagles Clubhouse
come and chat with them Cmnty Day
in fall looking for broader consultation
[7:10] CC: nothing to add to Ccl Panz's
NG: Earth Day was Apr 22; I have a globe here; wish you a belated happy Earth Day; haven't had Reports since Apr 8;
{See ENVIROWATCH below for more info}
liaison for Invasive Plants and the group meets every second Wed; midtrm report June 17
other things on envmt and sustainability
gone to new system garbage colln; extensive work on foreshore in Dund -- over 1200 boulders place on the foreshore to protect the waterfront
Canada a leader in providing charge stations for electric vehicles
pedestrian and cycling; recently hired a brand new mgr of envmt, Sandra Bicego -- going to be a huge asset
don my helmet -- it's bike-to-work week; Cmnty Day; will be bike parade; Maybe Cclr Cam and his family will join me
thank you for indulging me
Mayor: hanging off to your ev word
new mgr or whatever; have her come and explain what she plans to do
Brent: wd like to do that; our team -- Anne Mooi, Ray, TJ; ev involved in this hire
Mayor: hope her career is at east as long as the process
on Wed Burnaby Mayor Corrigan coming to have lunch with me on Wed
battles with TransLink; sensible policies
decision, join far left and far right in a bit of a pincer movement
4. Supplemental report on proposed Wireless Communication Facilities Policy (File: 2515-05)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
GB: Myself [sic] and Andrew Brown
originally scheduled for May 1; v busy, reschedule to today so provided opp to produce another report, two pages.
in 1997 the cmnty adopted a consultation process; growth of cellular facilities then
by 2010/11 obvious new policy needed b/c of changes by fed govt
since middle of 2012 been devping this policy from comments
last fall av for comment and at DRC
Feb this year brought to CoW; we now present a proposed policy for WV
establishes a consultation process; Industry Canada has one
provide some 'doors' we can operate in
wireless carriers tend to adhere
xxx mandated more stringent than Industry Canada 7:19
turn it over to [name -- Bram?]
HIM [Bram?]: broad direction; minimum visual impact, disclose antenna needs and collaborate, group that assures it happens is the local govt, across the NSh for example
application with a fee to recover our costs
three types:
rooftop (least impact but fewer opps) -- design and architecture of the bldg; staff level process; post in rental bldgs
type 2: a full conversion: 15m ht limit, not the full consultation of a tower; has impact
previously said shd not be on roads, now shd be on collector roads so won't be on smallest, nbrhd roads
notification to owners and occupants within 50m; proposing a three-wk comment period; schedule re addressing them
towers, to DRC design on right SLIDE
tower 150ft hi can't be hidden
primarily to Upper Levels hwy corridor [SLIDE with list of steps [7:14]
no one living nearby, then open house
second change, type 1 and 2 wd come back to Ccl if staff not getting traction, negotiations
ML: re Open House wd it be for multi or for a tower?
ten from TWay to HBay, impact wd be v different
Bram: respond to the situation; if multiple towers near each other, might have more than one open house
ML: proximity to tower X diff, might get lost in process
Bram: make sure feedback is for one tower, not another
Sop: area of concern for me is whether or not mandatory testing on top two floors for radiation and impacts
policy to meet that demand?
GB: we have no protocol for mandatory testing; all wd have to meet standards set by IndCanada and Health Canada; they wd set the standards
Sop: there are companies that do readings around bldgs; radiation good, bad, or indifferent
have you undertaken a cost benefit analysis for this District? on hwy goes to Dept of hwys
why aren't we getting? put in bush so we get the tax benefit?
GB: we ask applicants to look for M land; if in immediate vicinity, look to see if can be
not sure but Min of Transp has a big swathe of land that can support these towers
NG: what's proposed here is a huge improvement over what we had
robust consultation process
we're limited in our ability re health; bulk of letters, b/c fed
comment recently from a resident -- I agree with what she said -- against building..... research like cigs will prove detrimental
tend to &&&
can we change at a later date? can we lobby govt to take into consideration?
Bram: health one is always a difficult one; Health Canada is a fed agency; contacting fed MP
GB: two bodies: UBCM and FCM; might be useful to share your concerns, they've already weighed in
NG: they'll be in town next week
CC: you think there's some improvements from Fed...
we were concerned about the siting "quote,....
what I read now is collector or higher
in your view is what you've got now more restrictive?
Bram: think it's more clear, not tighter, says the same thing
CC: xxx ... comments till later
there is?
[7:35] was least impact
two questions about
nearer? than before about avoiding local roads where possible
now Upper Lands
Bram: attempt to be more efficient with language
CC: then actually say that
have you spoken to Upper Lands WG b/c seems like something within their mandate?
GB: haven't raised that question with them
has been the suggestion to Upper Lands b/c only trees there, no ppl; if in trees have to be higher
not going to discount -- wrote as an opportunity but don't think it's a large opp
certainty can talk with the ULWG
CC: ... and removing
GB: staff wd be all right with that but Ccl not [7:38] &&&
CC: do like under B and C {read them}, that's good
don't see here and don't know why not included
don't see any provision for staff review of those; mixture of 1, 2, 3
seems to me we wd prefer certain plans over others
think policy shd be staff to review midterm plans -- what aspects problematic
GB: wd be our intention under E
supporting material is short- and long-term plans
CC: diff between evaluation and xxx[7:40]
Mayor: this is questions?
CC: well I'm asking
GB: well we &&& [7:40]
GB: independent of an application? don't think so
GB: within context
Bram: the short and midterm v deliberate reading
robust as it is
may think need this or this site, then may not need
xxx on ground might change, nature of the biz, it changes
we make sure all carriers know who's there
one carrier needed 100m east, we'd work it out
Mayor: Cclr P, do you want to move this so we can debate it?
TP: move the Policy, dated May 14 and attached as Appendix A to the report re Supplemental report be adopted.
Mayor: seconder Cclr Sop
Sop: no no no
TP: this is an improvement
given how many devices in everyone's home
staff working with xxx ability to achieve this
when an applicn comes forward..... can tweak it and improve
Sop: we've been coerced to stay away from Health Canada
told it was a frequency when in fact it's microwave --- check out Wikipedia
not even &&&
work In Canada and Ms stinks ????
topic: how to live with microwave radiation
time will tell, effects in long-term
I object to a provider coming to a M saying we're putting 14 towers for dropped calls
came to DRC asked, and not for dropped calls, for someone in a basement with a xxxx
have towers to Second Narrows
out west ....; ev well-serviced
ev tel pole will have an indicator on it
be living within the confines of that
smart meter and water meter obligated to
not supporting this
was part of original drawing up; now providers saying so many it's your fault
esp tower 3s
CC: wd like to propose an amendment to Section 3.3 sub (a) " be directed to the UL props and avoid local roads
ML: removing
CC: yes, that goes
Mayor: thought it already avoided local roads
CC: Type 3 has no comment on local roads
ULWG is trying to figure out how to xxx
xxx before we know how we want to use UL
there may be portions we want them on and others not
ML: wd add, it doesn't preclude us [sic] adding undeveloped in future
Mayor: causing any probs?
Bram: removed local roads b/c negative language, so we did
the hwy is a classified
not a prob to put in local
Mayor: amendment passes with Sop opposed
CC: number of unique sites required
like to add two things: discuss short term needs, annual or regular basis
District staff to review plans and provide feedback to carriers
like looking at these things on a systemic bases, not xxx [7:52]
Mayor: clearly
CC: look at it, staff, what's reasonable?
GB: the longer the period more reasonable
CC: xxx and provide feedback
GB: no incentive for applicants/providers to come forward unless wishing a new tower to come forward
Mayor: seconder? none; so amendment fails; now main motion
passes with Sop and CC opposed
5. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the PSB for 2013)
(File: 1610-20-4751)
ML moved: THAT 5 Year Financial Plan be read a first, second, and third time.
{PLEASE give how much money! ~$3.5M?}
Sop: fine, come for adoption
Mayor: can he speak at fourth reading?
SSch: yes
Mayor: wait for then then
6. Bldg Bylaw No. 4400, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4729, 2013 (Housekeeping Amendments) (File: 1610 20-4729)
7. Public Questions/Comments
Caroline Lowe: don't know your protocol exactly but wrt notifications, they re not sent to ppl living in apt bldgs
work done on Keith Rd, posted in laundry [room]
said condos; Staff said not
wd like to receive that notification, not just Mgr
if I don't do my laundry, water cut off 8am to 5, I don't know
SSch: notification to
CL: to PkR
Mayor: so notification shd hv gone out
{much back and forth over notification regs and whether followed or shd be changed, etc.}
CL: you know the work that was done last week
RF: now the work
challenges to staff
statutory notification and other cases, like construction or emergency [7:58]
staff do their best
don't always do a postal notification
construction notices, possible staff do not have the data base to contact ev person so contact through Mgr, not able to go into the building or stuff each box
perhaps fallen down wd probably be construction or emergency
CL: thx and I did get Cmnty Days; wd appreciate knowing when water cut off
Mayor: I wd too
CL: staff said diff from what notice said
Mayor: surely there's some obligation for Mgr to notify
CL: another
another time, had to get dressed at 11pm; get dressed call police
there's a noise violation; ... so had to call again
xxx live in PkR Towers -- a lot of seniors and ppl who don't speak the language
a lot have moved out
[8:01] don't want to
my second concern is
Mayor: three minutes; get to your concerns quickly
CL: 8am in the morning; had to go down; staff didn't know bylaw
slap on the wrist to [fine] $500; $5K is a deterrent
PkR is in the pocket of WV; xxx
CL: I've been watching this construction
xxx and not sidewalks xxx
Mayor: thank you for your concerns
CL: sure they'll fall on deaf ears; xxx
Mayor: will make sure PkR and their contractors
not allow them to ignore xxx
8. Adjournment [8:04]
[5pm agenda revised June 3]
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of June 3, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
amended by adding Item 5.1 re Supplemental Report for Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes
April 29, 2013 special Council meeting;
May 6, 2013 special and regular Council meetings;
May 8 and 10, 2013 special Council meetings; and
May 13, 2013 [specia]l and regular Council meetings.
4. West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club, re the 2013 Cdn Lawn Bowling Championships (File: 0055-01)
Man: thought it was important to speak about what we're doing
don't know how many championships being held this year
our club involved since 1934; diff demographics
SLIDES -- 2013 Nat'l Lawn Bowling Championships Aug 18 - 24
1931 greens built; clubhouse added 1934, new clubhouse built in 1998
xxx trophy, first time WV won in over 70 years
largest championship on record; firestone on Nxxx
going on since mid-1940s
200 volunteers, in Greater Vanc area
ten provs
I'm on nat'l team, self-funded, playing around the world
cmnty involvement -- Josh is here, had MP over the other day
{Josh Hemond is on MP John Weston's staff, at WV ofc}
low impact sport so good for the kids
promoting the NSh
Weather Network, TSN. NSN; promoting North and West Vancouver
grants: budget $250K; Canada Bowls, CNV, WV Cmnty Fdn; hoping BC Lottery
Sponsorships [SLIDE of them]
MB: nice to see you're succeeding; how many mbrs?
Ans: 207
for five yrs run a charity tournament; switching demographics
ppl walk past it, now hv seen it
so imp to go after the nationals
between NV and WV highest rate NV 40, WV 42
we're looked at as a major leader across Canada and internationally
we're hanging the gate [?]
I'm biased; best facility in Canada
NG: xxx; I'm shocked; thought you needed more grey hair
I too have never walked through gate
was there with WV Fdn; what a great spot -- say dates again
Ans: full week Aug 18 to 24
I used to be a semi pro hockey player, tennis, golf, you name it
no kidding I took a wrong turn on way to the gym and that's how I found it; ppl wearing white
like putting on my skates for the first time
facility, ppl, we have an 8-yr-old to Colonel David Fairweather who is 94
low impact, anybody can do
this week -- Scouts; Concorde Nat'l is coming
being used
so much going on, such a big push; nat'l championships
want ev to come and see what we have
to come here and speak with you guys, is nerve-wracking
NG: thousands watch it
CC: excellent job; discussion internally
{code for in camera or closed?}
Ans: two leaned over my shoulder -- keep yourself busy; rental
volunteer throughout the gardens
[7:12] Sop: summer; 100th anniversary last year
CC: funding
Ans: mbrship $175yr; losing money so switched it around; go out into cmnty
my hometown is Penetang
100th anniversary last year; been around since 1931, 1934
trying to share it
have ppl come in, donations
whole week I'm pretty booked up til Aug 18
Sop: watched my folks play it down in Arizona
needs someone like you with dark hair instead of grey to see this is a new season, new beginning
Ans: Penetang
you're absolutely right, difficult sport, not easy
some of the stories from the war, and the women; worlds together
stories; gentleman 94
charity to bring ppl together -- eight-yr-old person can play against a 95-yr-old and lose
ML: you never did introduce yourself; we're intimidating
Ans: Tim Mason
ML: you cdn't have picked a better week based on history
Mayor: ... disappointed you didn't have the photo of first bowl
TM: didn't know if you'd
MOTION: received for information, with thanks.
{I gather the Mayor must hv gone there for the first bowl of the season? and/or will he be there to kick off the nat'l championship?}
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
ML: Taste of Ambleside Thursday, get out and enjoy
MAB: on Monday June 10th, Dalai Lama, coup for the Library and District
Tandemis famous for .... Human Rights advocate 1 to 3
I was in the doggie parade, six out of 20; thank bylaw staff for all the work they did
prizes for great costumes
Sop: Cmnty Day a fun day
traditionally Lewis and I have handed out candy; some parents said "where's mine?" asked: have you been good boys and girls?"
thanks to Brent Leigh
TP: attended FCM over last four days; next Monday do a report
through the Auditor Genxxx procurement; read plan; think we all want to be as open a possible
{all say, some actually do}
and provide more value for service
provide local govts with assistance and advice; value for money
multiple themes; consistent provision of clean water one of the most important objectives of local govt no matter the size
ADir/Fin, how approaching?
MK, Actng Dir/Finance: no outlines provided so a learning process for ev
we have scheduled a mtg with A-G to kick off the process
v diff [from] financial
this time around looking at the procurement
CC: also attended FCM, major there is stable funding for infrastructure for Ms across the country
FCM good report and lobbying for stable funding; some success in 2012-13 budget, more initiatives under way
ongoing rather than having to go ev year
Fed treated as a lobby group but they're really not,
underwhelmed with what they were doing; seemed more like a social engagement
understand from TP and MB, but the ones I attended, v little of substance
NG: last Wed morning: will new oil pipelines benefit BC biz?
put on by Conversations for.... biz leaders concerned re tourism xxx and hitech
interesting to be at a conference av age of 35; only political person there besides Mayor Lois Jackson
they'll be putting together xxx
Mayor: congratulate Chief Lepine with his Order of Merit -- presented at Rideau Hall by GG Johnson
???xxx OOM MOM {Mbr of Order of Merit?}
local regional xxx level
congratulations to Chief Lepine who is an MOM
5.1. Supplemental Report for Public Hearing on the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront (File: 1610-20-4757)
Council received for information the report dated May 31, 2013 from the Dir/Planning
Sokol: for PH June 10
6. Devt Permit App No. 12-083 for Rodgers Crk Area 4 Phase 1 (Entry Road/Bridge over Pipe Crk)(File: 1010-20-12-083)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
At the May 13 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated April 15 re [this] DPA and set the date for consideration for June 3, 2013.
Reports received up to and including May 30, 2013:
DPA Apr 15 for Ccl consideration May 13, 2013 / June 3, 2013 R-1
No written submissions
[7:32] Geri Boyle, Planning: xxx temp access route; requires creek protection; sediment and erosion control; applicant is present
Sop: report states agreement with BPP and Ministry; mntnce of off-road area, then reqmt by us become M land and we're stuck with mntnce; wd you clarify? why taxpayer that burden?
GB: entrance to Area 4 is on Ministry land
typically landscaping wd go in; devpr's going to landscape per package
if on M land, M resp; devpr will pick up landscaping for ten years; low-mntnce
same as Chippendale Rd -- also have a ten-yr arrangement with that
wrt roadway, BPP is talking with the Min so working to acquire that
Cypress Bowl Rd is also subject to an agrmt in 1980s; to be split between District and prov
some 75% and 80%; but roughly today ~50% has to be picked up by M
it does now access private land ....
Sop: temp road, clearcut to put in? how mitigated?
GB: majority is actually future lots so wd not be left treed
{code for clearcut???}
Sop: why did you not show us the entire area?
GB: entire proj not brought before Ccl b/c not complete; did want to start and get construction crews working
{means it hasn't gone to Ccl but already clearcutting and starting b/c wanting to get crews working???}
Mayor: suff?
Sop: yes
CC: where did the ten years come in? seems arbitrary
GB: thinking of Chippendale; houses pretty well built
looking for something longer than the housing; was a negotiation process that was undertaken
CC: concerned, Sop has alluded to this; as we build in more and more difficult terrain, will have add'l costs, roads, etc; after the ten-yr period falling more and more on the District
30 - 40 years when bridges... higher and higher bill
have staff looked into long-term costs of servicing?
adequate balance between revenues from tax and bridges?
concerned residents in other parts of the M subsidizing those in areas difficult
GB: good question
when Rodgers Crk, a financial impact study done -- were these going to be a burden or a balance
work done at that time, wd actually be a rev source above costs imposed
on website, can make that available
CC: that work needs to be updated? larger than we anticipate?
sewage is much more expensive than we thought; wd like copy of that report plus updated
GB: no intention of updating that report but cd be repeated
{why not?}
maybe useful to confirm that analysis was [valid?] [7:42]&
NG: Envtal Prot Plan -- assuming same as for other places
do we have any concerns about this plan? about how others have been implemented in other places?
GB: a number of places
from memory, things hv gone quite well, such as Rodgers
I'll turn to applicant
[holding doc] this as schedule D, probably the most comprehensive we've had to deal with
TP: normallly Streamkeepers have a check in -- have they?
GB: if I cd call on Geoff Croll b/c he was speaking with Streamkeepers this morning
GC: VP of BPP; we regularly update Streamkeepers; up there today and we promised to keep them updated
{rather cosy having BPP act as spokesman for WV Streamkeepers however there is at least one director closely connected with BPP}
Mayor: thank you for xxx
Sop: in touch with the Rxxx family
GC: keeping in touch with Rourkes[???]
Sop: following with you
GC: hv agrmts in place; gd rlnship; they're obligated to support; moving fwd
= all written and verbal submissions received for information AND = be approved
carries unanimously
Mayor: great way to empty a bldg!
{almost half left; hear a "wahoo!"}
7. Community Website Development Working Group Interim Report (File: 0138-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Jeff McD: took some time but confident we got it right
doc a little over a year
devp that's xxx [7:48]
Tonight representing an interim report
co-chairs: Andrea Flintoft and Alexandra Schaft; and Josh, Sara, and Rob
{so I've just gone to their website to check the spelling:
however, unfortunately, the website (at least at this moment, hope they fix/add) doesn't note the co-chairs.}
Andrea: website seven yrs old; public input placing some cust service focus xxx
[7:49] lack of social media
diff to make changes and decentralized approach to posting, esp wrt changes in Calendar
started as a Task Force in Oct, changed to WG
{yup; glad done, better; and not just so they'd no longer have the initialism WTF}
happy Sop; met six times with staff and consultants
cochair: exercise "card sort" -- top five categories
SLIDE of Task Test Results; highly successful
SLIDE of ranked priorities; at the end grouped by staff
SLIDE of wireframe -- led to design stage
Graphic Design -- ION devped -- three options provided
WG minor changes
new website custom-designed for WV; on budget and on time
facebook, xxx, and twitter shd not wait; out now; Leisure Guide the primary reference
search function will hv more functionality -- Drupal
{yeah, I wondered too; found out it's an open-source website content mgmt framework}
comprehensive ccl agenda and calendar with greatly improved functionality
google map integration
Style Guide has been devped by staff
{wch strangely, staff refused to let me see; saner heads prevailed, happy to say -- not exactly a state secret and contrary to 'openness' let alone transparency.}
user-centric lang and design
photos sense of place
Moving Fwd
devp lT strategy; post launch WG; enhance social media tools; public engagement integ?
ongoing mntnce -- manage updates
what an honour and priv to be part of the WG and devp a xxx-made for WV
Mayor: "BTO Taking Care of Biz"
AF: really enjoyed; pleasure of working with staff
Sop: thx for great report; sampling of home page?
AF: not yet, next
Sop: you've done an excellent job
talked lay ppl and let them go
there's a young kid, real techie, let 'em go
ongoing mntnce is key to success; we don't come back ev five years
going to require an indiv staff person will have to be on it
Jeff: we are prepared for the launch [7:59] back ad xxx
quite right we'll need to invest resources so good tool when it launches; can't maintain itself
MAB: I too hv enjoyed being on this group; communications one of the most imp things we do
internet presence in the 21st century
hard-working group; a lot accomplished
Rob Morris, keeping up xxx [8pm]
online public engagement; you're only as good as the update you did yesterday
MAB: thanks and move:
THAT Council receive the report for information.
TP: essential and that we fund it properly
come together after live and work for six to 12 mos
NG: did I miss it? when launch and final report?
Jeff: am pushing the consultants, if they're watching, and I hope they're not
July 4th but expecting in my perfect world a week to ten days after that
CC: it's beyond mntnce, it's updatability; this will be obsolete in five years; will we be able to work with it and update?
you glossed over quickly google translating issues
we do a poor job of access, Chinese, Japanese, Persian {Farsi} -- we have a lot of ppl who don't speak English or primarily at all
translator or other language -- say if Korean; don't know what we cd do; not embracing
AF: did have a lengthy disc about this; resources, we felt at this time FTE brought on board for front end and back end, we don't want to jump too far ahead
Jeff: our consultants pointed out larger Ms dedicating a lot of their resources to website and to translation; many many bodies and a lot of money being spent
until we're ready to provide service at the Hall and on the phone that we not provide
ways to address this; thorny one, not easy to resolve; bears further discussion
{see my comments in "from the Editor's desk"}
on launch, website will not be
AF: gives the impression ppl to talk to
CC: links between other ctrs, orgs, -- clear and robust with links back?
Jeff: getting the nod from Donna Powers who's played the largest role
Mayor: Donna the staff lead on this and thank you Jeff, and our illustrious WG
ev pretty excited about this new proj
Thanks [8:07]
8. 2012 Audited Financial Statements and 2012 Annual Report (File: 0800-01)
MK: approved by Audit Cmte
we're informing public report has been av from last Thurs
xxx from KPMG; fairly in all respects
substantial surplus $5M+
{footnote for you: last year's surplus was over $8M. Why not put into fund for infrastructure since Engg has warned, a big bill in a couple of decades -- the "hump" he referred to in his Div Review Part 2 May 27.}
submission for GFOA Award
Mayor: now on line?
MK: it is
ML: why we don't publish at the same time as the &&& report?
MK: haven't done the greatest job of that and probably shd
Sop moved all three: THAT
- The 2012 Audited Financial Statements as presented to Council on June 3, 2013 and for inclusion as part of the 2012 Annual Report, pursuant to the Community Charter sections 167 and 98, be approved;
- Consideration of the 2012 Annual Report and submissions and questions from the public be scheduled for the June 17, 2013 regular Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chamber, pursuant to the Community Charter section 99; and
- The 2012 Annual Report be made available for public inspection at Municipal Hall and on the Districts website as of May 30, 2013, pursuant to theCommunity Charter sections 97 and 98.
9. Update on Multi-Material BC Stewardship Plan for Packaging and Printed Paper (File: 1775-01)
RF: don't have a presentation
John McM: in throes of prices
Mayor: give overview
JM: good news story; in M bluebox, etc
last bit push on EPR: cd see a considerable reduction
Industry takes [8:12]
devil in details
Industry Grp formed a non-profit society; in throes of gathering all printed paper, etc
contract to do the collecting
they're doing research on what prices they shd set to bring Ms on side; will be announced shortly then a workshop on 7th of June, they'll explain how it works
Ms will have RFR on sgl-fam only
xxx look as well
... and come back to Ccl to present options
ML: always suspicious of a grp that sets itself out for xxx
will this make any diff re how picked up, etc
JM: options, nothing; accept price extended to you (pay completely or half what we charge our residents now, some sort of top-up): get out of recycling game and get another
look at other progs eg EPR progs, eg tires, unless you go to a depot, collecting for last 10? 20 years?
Sop: something that works well
now stupid phase
contracting out is a xxx game, prices vary
xxx typical of the govt
NG: gee, I've forgotten my question after Cclr Sop re "stupid" -- really we just end up paying more, right?
JM: slightly diff than when you actually pay a deposit
packaging is so small, fractions of a penny per item; not sure how they're going to structure it
item to stewardship group, pay for colln on your behalf
a good thing -- we've been lobbying for this for sev years; move into EPR
what they've done is whole blue box, prior categories
paying at point of purchase
NG: over to biweekly colln; do a lot of info education
how is this going to affect the targets, 70% ?
are we still in the ed and awareness biz, for xxx and disposal?
JM: don't think that changes v much
what we've achieved for whole of BC; stepped up to maintain that for a year or two
prov held them to holding amt of pkging
don't say what you have to do but set targets
MAB: was just studying the list of pkg materials that will be collected
what picking up.... I'm just figuring out I shd be putting my beverage cans in the blue box, guess someone else taking them out
xxx &&&
JM: list of items in draft is actually more than you can today
don't think there's anything in your
[8:20] and taking back
they'll still pick those up
RF: maybe alluding to glass
Mr Bates is correct under stewardship is much greater than now
glass is one of the items, yet on NSh we feel strongly glass expected in blue box prog
where there places on a sgl stream
chance of getting broken; wd like to take glass out of the bluebox stream
recycle glass you'll have to take it to a depot, but that's not been sorted out yet
TP: we contract out?
Phil Bates: till expires; our contract close to deadline so we cd keep; also cd extend; may come back to Ccl and advise
watch where dust falls
ML: feared words, 'here to help'
am sure you'll help us
I move: THAT the report dated May 21, 2013 from the Manager, Engineering Services titled, Update on Multi-Material BC Stewardship Plan for Packaging and Printed Paper be received for information.
10. Montizambert Wynd Water Disconnection Notice (File: 1815-05)
Mayor: Mr Fung, you want to?
RF: yes; recall
their raw water connected to our raw water
due to changes in drinking water regs
prov's attitude a standing xxx water advisory
help M sort that out
subsequent to that, we've been working with Greater V; look at physically disconnecting wch is the simplest, we understand is a hard situation for the Monti residents
as well as other issues
proved diff; MetroV has offered to step in as a intermediary {mediator?}
extent to M sell potable water to MetroV and they'd act as a seller
the area does lie outside boundary
Min of Health and Evnvmt seem to be supportable
we set a six-mo expiring in Aug; suggest an extension for one year in order to provide alternative and work out these details
staff continue working with MetroV and residents
Mayor: we have a staff report recommending this; any opposition?
CC: I see you have .... once alternative in place
Aug 18 2012 to 2014 -- if child drinks water, gets disease, are we liable? indemnity or insurance?
RF: that is a concern to staff; contingent on obtaining from VCH no action again the District
CC: not looking at enforcement, worrying about a lawsuit so we need to be indemnified
RF: staff agree with that -- provided in interim {???} or will follow up on concern
Mayor: seem xxx [8:29] shd indemnify District
CC moved: THAT further to the resolution passed by Council on February 18, 2013 to provide formal notice to the residents and owners of properties on Montizambert Wynd that the District will, six (6) months after that date, disconnect the connection between the Montizambert Wynd water pipe to the Districts water pipe, Council hereby grants a one (1) year extension of the disconnection until August 18, 2014, on the understanding that substantial progress will be made within six months regarding formal agreements and that the physical works proceed in a scheduled manner over the remaining six months.
and add: DWV be provided a full indemnity
Mayor: any prob with that Mr Fung?
RF: not at all
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
11. Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4748, 2013(1285 11th St and 1118-1190 Kings Ave and 1280 12th St and 1233 11th St and 1115-1185 Jefferson Ave and 1250 12th St) (File: 1610-20-4748)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting.
12. 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4743, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4751, 2013 (for soft costs for the public safety building for 2013) (File: 1610-20-4751)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 27, 2013 regular Council meeting.
13. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
13.1. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for April, 2013 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
13.2. Development Application Status List (File: 1010-01)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
13.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
>>> Council Correspondence Update to May 10, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1) J. Winter, May 2, 2013, regarding Waste Removal Services
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
2) R. Spurgeon, May 7, 2013, regarding New parking restrictions implimented [sic] 1350 sinclair street
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
3) May 7, 2013, regarding Re: Dangerous driveway needs road bump
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
4) R. Brock, May 7, 2013, regarding Eagle Island Garbagge [sic] Collection area
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
{In my opinion one 'g' shd be put in the garbage colln area!}
5) J. Brock, , May 7, 2013, regarding Eagle Island Garbage and Services Area, Eagel [sic] Harbour Road (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
6. Eden Place Residents, May 8, Re: OCP Amendmt, Rezoning/Devt Permit App 825 Taylor Way/707 Keith Rd
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
{They certainly deserve an explanation when, as they write, they asked to be warned of devt then found out after applicn had proceeded.}
Received for Information
7) M. Anthony, May 1, 2013, regarding Ambleside Waterfront
8) May 9, 2013, regarding Wall Street Journal Article: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
9) May 9, 2013, regarding Cuts at Capilano University
{surprised Cap U faculty don't know there's a U in the Canadian spelling of honourable -- twice! --, nor the right verb tense after recommended -- shd be 'delay'.}
10) R. Day, May 10, 2013, re OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 and Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (Ambleside Waterfront)
(Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)
11) 2 submissions, dated May 7-9, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building
12) 11 submissions, dated May 4-7, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
Responses to Correspondence
13) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, May 9, 2013, response to S. Slater, Request for Information
>>> Council Correspondence Update to May 17, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1) S. Lakes Cook, May 3, 2013, regarding complaint about construction at Park Royal
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
2) A. and J. McDermott, May 7, 2013, regarding Public Safety Building Construction on the City [sic] Hall site. (Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
3) 16th Street Liquor Store, Kooner Hospitality Group, Fresh Street Market, Bauers Framing & Art and Ambleside Barbershop, May 13, 2013, re No Left Turn Sign on Marine Drive at 16th
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
4) R. Williams, May 14, 2013, regarding Monitary [sic] Hold Back Policy For Blasting Damages
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
5) S. Grubb, May 17, 2013, regarding Park Maintenance
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
6) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Board of Variance April 17, 2013
7) W. and F. Jones, May 8, 2013, regarding Re: Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, etc. (Ambleside Waterfront) (Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)
8) World Oceans Week Canada, May 11, 2013, regarding News Release suggestion
9) May 12, 2013, regarding Wireless Policy/Wireless Communications
10) T. Zimmerman, May 13, 2013, re Proposed Public Safety Building
11) BC SPCA (BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), May 16, re Invitation to Salud! Toast to the Animals
12) S. Serbic, May 17, 2013, regarding Maison Senior Living
13) 10 submissions, dated May 9-16, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
Responses to Correspondence
14) Dir/Planning, May 10, response to R. Thompson, Rezoning of 370/380 Mathers Ave, Ccl Meeting of 18 March 2013
15) Dir/Planning, May 13, response to SPARC BC, Access Awareness Day June 1, 2013
16) Dir/Planning, May 13, response to Ambleside/Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), Proposed OCP Amendments
17) Dir/Planning, May 15, response to W. and F. Jones, Re: Proposed OCP Bylaw, etc. (Ambleside Waterfront)
>>> Council Correspondence Update to May 24, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1) C. Poulter, May 17, 2013, regarding New Sign On Eagle Island re Tractors on the Dock
(Referred to Director of Engg and Transp for consideration and response)
2) May 21, 2013, regarding Metered Utility Statement Charges Excessive Billing Information is Poorly Presented (Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
3) May 23, 2013, re Traffic Calming Study Paid for by Onni relative to Evelyn Drive Project.
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
4) Cmte and Bd Mtg Minutes Cmnty Grants Cmte March 8, 2013; Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte April 11, 2013
5) City of Victoria, May 16, 2013, regarding Reducing Default Speed Limits for Municipal Roads
6) i2i Intergenerational Society of Canada (2008), May 20, re WEST VANCOUVER: Mayor/Ccl support June 1st IG Day
7) K. Higgs, May 21, 2013, re Children driven around too much, Canadian report suggests Health CBC News
8) T. Skidmore, May 23, 2013, regarding WIRELESS COVERAGE IN WEST VANCOUVER
Responses to Correspondence
9) Director of Engineering and Transportation, May 21, 2013, response to Dangerous driveway needs road bump
10) Dir/Engg and Trans, May 22, response to R. Spurgeon, New parking restrictions implimented 1350 sinclair street {check what has been permitted and implemented}
11) Dir/Engg and Transp, May 23, 2013, response to R. Brock, Eagle Island Garbagge [sic] Collection area
12) Dir/Engg/Transp, May 23, response to J. Brock, Eagle Island Garbage and Services Area, Eagel [sic] Harbour Road
>>> Council Correspondence Update to May 28, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
13) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes West Vancouver Memorial Library Board April 17, 2013
14) Metro Vancouver, May 15, re New Waste-to-Energy Capacity for Metro Vancouver Potential Site Identification
15) Metro Vancouver, May 17, 2013, re Caring for the Air, Metro Vancouvers 2013 Report on Regional Air Quality
16) E-Comm 9-1-1, May 24, 2013, re Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of E-Comm 9-1-1
17) Pacific Arbour Retirement Cmnties, May 26, re Taylor Way / Keith Road (Milliken Devt Corp Assisted Living and Memory Care Cmnty).
14. Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
14.1. May 15, 2013 regarding Traffic Pattern Ambleside Sports Fields and Park Royal
CC: re have to turn east??? when 90% wd want to turn west
Mr F?? covered? a route
&&&? not an attractive alternative
this is a prob, have received many emails about this; reasonable
raised at Sports Field WG; all v impassioned about this
Brody said it's a prob
larger pkg lot serves two fields, sometimes four or more teams on each field and changing ev hour
feasibility and challenges
thousands of soccer, field hockey mums and dads, youth ctr, et
traffic flow right now not XXX; suggestion re solns
Mayor: need a motion or can you come back in an expedient time, Mr F?
RF: we understand the request
disc between Engg and Parks there is some issue about costs
Pound Rd and paved road not in good condition themselves
what the long-term plans are for this area?
xxx wd define what the long-term view
Youth Ctr, declining condition, SPCA, batting cages
this is not formal but discussion with Parks, earliest they can put their heads around it is a 2014 work plan
wd be pleased to provide some steps for ccl consideration in short order
CC won't explode obviously 2013 set but 2014
they've paid upward of $1M xxx [8:37]
Mayor: clearly we need some answers
YCtr, Pound Rd, xxx, xxx, connect to 13th
Cclr Booth
MB: I--
Sop: --I had my hand up
Mayor: I recognized Cclr Booth
MB: xxx potential get around that, part of the equation; hoping to expedite that disc
Sop: not going to spend ..... one dime if [won't?] spend ten minutes to go east to go west
PkR ...; four-hr, PrkR allows stay there
someone at PkR mentioned complain park and go to Amb
[ah, but] watch then shop
bigger is re sustainability of the bldgs down there
begging for a report; change not till we get that report
just b/c pinch, going west, they can go xxxxlxxxx x xxx walk down Spirit Trail
Mayor: so in agreement that report?
Sop I'm not paying money until report
15. Public Questions/Comments [8:41] 16. Adjournment
=x= CCL MTG NOTES MONDAY June 10 =x=
Note: The special Council mtg will reconvene immediately following the PH for consideration of the scheduled agenda items.
7:00 PM
Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013; and Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (both bylaws regarding Ambleside Waterfront)(File: 1610-20-4756 / 4757)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver.
Subject Lands: For proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 the subject lands are along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street; for proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 the subject lands are along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street, Exclusive of Three Privately-owned Lots.
Purpose: The proposed OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments are intended to provide for greater public enjoyment of the Ambleside waterfront and recognize the park as a system that includes accessory uses intended to support the vitality of the park and improve opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment, such as arts and culture facilities, outdoor performances, festivals, food and drink, and water-related activities.
Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment: The proposed amendment to the Official Community Plan would:
Refine, clarify, and update Policy BF-C 4.7 to better reflect the Districts goal to have the Ambleside Waterfront function as a park that includes accessory uses to support the vitality of the park and improve opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment, such as arts and culture facilities, outdoor performances, festivals, food and drink, and water-related activities. Language would be added recognizing the heritage values of the Ferry Building and the Navvy Jack House, the importance of the Sailing Club, an enhanced shoreline to protect against sea level rise, and the need to keep the character and scale of new structures consistent with the waterfront landscape; and
Update Policy P7 to emphasize the Districts commitment to its ongoing policy of acquiring all of the privately held lots on the Argyle Avenue waterfront.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: The proposed amendment to the Zoning Bylaw would:Create a new CU5 Zone (Ambleside Waterfront Community Use Zone 5);Rezone certain lands from RD1 (Duplex Dwelling Zone 1), C2 (Commercial Zone 2), and RS5 (Single Family Dwelling Zone 5) to the new CU5 (Ambleside Waterfront Community Use Zone 5);Create a new definition for park accessory uses that provides opportunities for year-round use and enjoyment of the park such as arts and culture facilities (specifically those that are already present within the waterfront area), festivals, a restaurant, mobile food vendors, and water-related activities.
3. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE will be described
1) Reports received up to and including June 6, 2013:
o TITLE: OCP Amendment (Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront S of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th St and Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th St Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots // Dated May 31; Dated for Consideration June 3, June 10; No. R-2
o TITLE: Supplemental Report for PH on the Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Bylaw No. 4662, 2010,Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013) for Land along the Ambleside Waterfront // Dated May 6; Dated for Consideration May 13, June 10; No. R-1
2) Written submissions received up to and including June 6, 2013: To view all written submissions click here.
On May 13, 2013, Council set the date for the Public Hearing. The statutory notice of Public Hearing was published in the North Shore News on June 2, 2013 and June 5, 2013 and notices were mailed to owners/occupants within the notification area. The Municipal Clerk will note written submissions received for the June 10, 2013 Public Hearing.
{NB: Read the doc and/or listen to the tape; Mr Sokol gives itemized lists, not all of wch was I able to capture for the transcript}
Sokol: SLIDE -- outline showing area; three private lots shown; BCR lands removed
OCP amendment refines the guiding principles [gave details]
Zoning amendment bylaw supplements the OCP, further refines, identifies what is a Parks Acc Use, etc; childcare removed
[noted ] restaurant/bistros, weekend farmers' markets, mobile food, arts and culture, non-profit orgs, rentals, water-based sport orgs, psgr ferry landing and ticket kiosk, and other uses
{noted what removed but though liq primary premises removed, can have permit but not standalone}
Commercial market studies -- had hoped to have draft studies av now but not so asked Urbanics what their takes were re restaurants on the waterfront. Yes, negative impact on restaurants on MDr and Bellevue but re overall strategy integrating uses on the waterfront , felt strongly wd revitalize Amb and felt compatible with CU-5.
Some use limitations to CU-5 [SLIDE] -- three --: one to the restaurant/bistro size (now about the size of other bldgs, like John Lawson studio to fit in; reduced from 6Ksf to 3Ksf) and only one; arts & cultural (existing ones; footprint limit);
publicly owned lands so Ccl will approve any licences and Ccl can put in further limitation
Sop: policy changed re three props -- public open space has been deleted and changed to public use
intent open space or left as bldgs?
Sokol: reason amended, the policy in the OCP looks to District's long-term interest; once acquired, Ccl wd have to amend the zoning but up to Ccl to decide about those props, eg use.
Sop: since dedicated park not mention now dedicated park rather than other uses?
Sokol: by dedicating as park, park accessory uses are allowed
wd think Ccl wd like to keep its options open
Ccl cd adopt a diff zone for those props
Sop: letter from BCR, curious -- they sold or leased to CN for industrial ROW moving trains and sideyard; looks like they're infringing on Argyle Ave and they're not even on the tax role
rail biz; a body now owning land, wanting a benefit, and paying no tax
Mayor: Mr Koke
MK: we looked into the issue; they are not on the tax role [list is from Assessment Authority} and we don't yet know why not]
probly tomorrow get a better idea
Sokol: BCR do/did own land and paid tax on some
MK: some grants in lieu but not taxes at this time.
NG: re the three props, what's that status and what is the timeline
Sokol: still privately owned; success b/c we've just acquired when interested in selling
at this point none has approached us so we've been standing back since 1975; let them know we're a willing buyer
Mayor: those props are not the subject of this public hearing, wch we want to get to
Sokol: in the OCP but not covered by the zoning bylaw
MB: your report in Feb set out resoln in 1988 -- anything inconsistent with that and this?
Sokol: it described uses permitted; included in CU-5
CC: at first reading I moved an amendment to the proposed bylaw to include something wrt Aldrich Pears, grandfathering in one of the garages; it was passed; I don't see that -- as an artist work/live space
Sokol: You are correct, Cclr Cam. I'm afraid it slipped through the cracks
CC: Ms Scholes, what can we do about that?
Sokol: what I can say is direct us to include that; I'd have to ask the MClerk
SSch: just going to pull up those minutes, give us a moment --
Mayor: not sure can add as an amendment then--
SSch: going to check the record --
Sokol: if it is in the record that Ccl approved it, wch I do remember Ccl did approve it; it's not changing what's in front of you; Ccl's already amended the bylaw to include it
CC: but the bylaw before us limits arts and cultural facilities to four; doesn't speak to this potential artist live/work space so we can at least contemplate
Not that we're deciding to do it tonight; I don't know what else under Pk Acc Uses it wd fit; concerned by inference we're--
[7:17] {have no idea where this was, alas}
not purchased aware we'd want to purchase
CC: we wanted Aldrich Pears report, where is it?
Sokol: haven't got it
SSch: May 13 ... {reading...} be revised by adding to schedule A .505 .. conditions of use; after period after word 'building', adding and one add'l bldg at Godfrey's House, 1528 Argyle, 500sf and proposal....
Mayor: take it will be included in the final bylaw
Sokol: yes
{hm. If Cclr Cam didn't see it and it wasn't clear, wdn't that mean the public wdn't have either? And they're supposed to have everything so how cd anyone comment -- for or against -- at this PH? Sharp eyes, CC!}
SSch: xxx; two reports have been received
Mayor: do have four ppl who have signed up already
John Seddon: substantial change from but still goes too far
you will recall a petition from two years ago when an art gallery was proposed on either side of the FBG; about 1250
wanted nothing, wanted as a park and not some Coney Island
the proposed art gallery understand on the Lawson Park parking area
APears report is "failing"??
don't want to see any commercial on except for a restaurant/bistro on the Forbes?????
shd only go ahead if the restauranteurs on MDr approve; I understand they're having difficulty now; shdn't do anything militate against them
there was a boat rental, it fell by the wayside
don't think we shd hv a boat rental but if we do, shdn't have things such as sea-doos --noisy, etc
shdn't use any M money, that is our money, and shdn't xxsubsidizexx any M?? enterprise.
park, use as a park, and not to make money
Roberta Burney: urge you not toxxxthe
do not reduce park [7:26]
Carolyn Gilbert: resident for 26 years; wish to register my opposition to a restaurant
as in Dund Park, &&&
3Kft and xxx unacceptable
this opinion was expressed by many at last ccl lmtg
xxx; xxx in that small space
kept to a minimum; xxx
this shoreline is WV's greatest asset and shd be kept in xxx as long as possible
MAN: nothing to say b/c think Mr Sokol has covered my concerns
we have v little xxx left ---
let's keep it that way
Rob Morris: v little to say except to say I agree with the revision of the Park Acc Uses except to do it
that's what you shd do; thank you for responding to us
xxxx all valid
the vision of that real estate, springing from APears, further taking it into a park
lastly, thanks to ccl mbrs and staff, think you've done a wonderful job
like to reflect on the future; future is encouraging
the park dedication wch combines the natural aspect of WV, reason ppl came here in the beginning
combined with the realities we face today
have to expand our thinking in economic
park can be a contxxx [??] esp in Amb, adjust our vision [7:31]
APears gave a good shot at that -- wd ask you, re 1300Marine, how does that interact with our park
the vision of adding a park there, as you've expressed it; how... xxx
think of 1300 Marine, how are we incorporating that?
Rolf Beltz: sent a letter last week to everyone
ask a question of the Dir/Engg
bunch of things missing -- no mention of flooding, Waste Mgmt plan
xxxx WV signed on to it
Lawson, two Vinson creeks
wonder why those things not pushed to be in the report
RFung: aware of the corresp; quite long; maybe touch on a couple of issues
re inclusion of hazardous conditions under OCP -- this present version of the OCP was adopted in 2004
re climate change, this is an emerging issue, prov looking at it starting in 2011
cmnties along the coast all starting to address these issues
wrt 1300MDr, as part of xxx
[7:34] true not currently within our OCP
wrt Waste Mgmt Plan -- solid straightforward -- urban area, no probs with its SWMP
on Liquid WMP: Mr Beltz reminds us.... although xxx constrained by staff
both stmts true: M intends to fully comply but not currently in our work plan b/c we have higher priorities
... don't think it is completely relevant to xxxx
daylighting to Vinson Crk; improvements in front of Lawson Crk
xxx zoning bylaw
they can stand on their own..
RB: took him five min; why not put in the report?
flooding, all quiet
saw there's a covenant to four bldgs -- can't do anything about that; why not in report?
Sokol: the Zoning and OCP amendment will allow this happen
unclear about that covenant, it's with itself, unclear; look at if M going to do anything
CC: Q for Mr
RB: why not put in the report?
Mayor: we heard you
CC: this zoning and OCP amendment
imp foreshore imp, going to be addressing that over the next year; understand those things coming to Ccl
RF: certainly is
go beyond, going to have to look at in a more comprehensive manner
foreshore, how going to be managed, caught up
Ray Conception: I have a young family: 14, 16, 6-yr-old
sad my chn always have to go to NV for activities
so many in Amb; they say no
activities, like them, not have to go to NV
Mayor asked three times [7:41]
Panz moved closure
carried unanimously [7:42]
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.
=x= SPECIAL CCL MTG NOTES -- June 10 =x=
*7:00 PM
Following conclusion of the Public Hearing the following items will be considered.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of June 10, 2013 Special Council Meeting Agenda
3. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street) (File: 1610-20-4756)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13 reg Ccl mtg, and was the subject of a PH held on June 10. If the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
NOTE: Each reading of an OCP bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Ccl mbrs (4 mbrs) in order to proceed (LGA).
RECOMMENDED: THAT OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 be read a second time.
CC: do I have to read out from last mtg or is the blue sheet sufficient?
"read a second time"
CC: staff hv done a v gd job, a fair and balanced compromise
Coney Island on the waterfront is absurd, a straw man
over past three years knocked down three houses and added grass so added green
there are seven more houses and if all converted to grass that's another 42Ksf of park land
we're trying to make park land the vast majority
a green space with a social space
ev in world when humans get together, we eat and we drink
something recommended by APears; meant to be open friendly and integrated with public spaces; meant to add, allow to use in winter
I go down with my chn and there's nobody there in the winter
xxx this
thank staff
xxx good job of balancing this
Sop: guess I only waited 17 years to see it dedicated to park, without referendum
good work Panz and WG
probably see other pieces of land dedicated over
like you didn't want to see a lot of commercialism
was on the fence with the restaurant until downsized
opposed to taking away anything more than that restaurant
three homes shd also become open space
years back increased xxx along the waterfront
ppl using it and telling us the right thing to do
re Mr Beltz, we were pleased but not pleased, {storm?} happens once ev six years so will do some work
six years ago Metro twinned the pipe
so we have evolved along the way xxx
now see sea life and, xxx work at mouth
work on rock gardens; going to see signif growth of sea life
natural beach and had to be cautious -- rising tides, etc
what has bn laid out here is well laid out and xxx [7:49]
TP: speak to this and leave my comments on Zoning till it comes to us (next)
look at what we've embedded -- outstanding
public ownership -- the key; hope carry own
shoreline edge, an embedded place
we have probably best shoreline policy in xxx
has actually raised our beach 2.5 ft
will be looking at how we can move this forward, how to protect these treasured assets?xxx
can all be proud of what we've done
ML: five years on ccl, the process moves so slowly
process does allow for sober second thought xxx and due diligence
the process really does work
Park, zoning with ancillary uses
protects what we all want protected with some sensitive xxx
compliment the Ccl for coming out and speaking
as a result we have a better bylaw than we had previously and think the same when zoning
MAB: looking at the prev OCP, does capture values and current thinking
eliminate some things on our radar
big expansion of FBG
can't see anything xxx
Mayor: second reading carries unanimously
CC: move be read a third time.
carries unanimously [7:54]
4. Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront S of Railroad Tracks 13th and 18th St Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots)(File: 1610-20-4757)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting, and was the subject of a Public Hearing held on June 10, 2013. If the PH has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
Sop: replaces schedule a with b????
Mayor: speak?
Sop: go to second reading
Mayor: begin stopped in midstream by Ms Scholes
SSch: have to have vote on amendment first
RECOMMENDED: THAT Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 be read a second time.
Sop: we did get a letter from BCR
transfer over to CN, track has a certain amt of sideyard .... lease
BCR has these little segments all along; going to start selling
happens a lot; as our Finance Ofcr notes
they shd pay tax
ML: due course
xxxx plus enhancements
RECOMMENDED: ... be read a third time.
NG: not Coney Island
we're not losing green space, once bldgs coming down; no net loss of green space
each of these accessory uses, possible restaurant, arts facilities, xxx
will go ahead with public input; opp to have discuss re design
leaves door open doesn't say we're going to do these things
{thx, NG. This did/does need clarification. Yes, it's true these Park Accessory Uses, though noted included, have to come back to Ccl for approval. That's why I said when first brought up that that's about all Ccl's left with approving is the dimensions. The biggest hurdle ppl with proposals face, is getting permission to do X or Y. Knowing the use is allowed beforehand is a big hurdle passed. A bit more difficult to turn down unless totally outlandish -- sort of like Grosvenor's initial ziggurat-cum-cruiseship proposal proposed on basis special site not constrained by the regular OCP regs. Harder to stop a horse/car than to start it. We'll have to be vigilant to make sure it's something we want and that it will enhance use of the park, not restrict it. There are lots of nice things that can be put in a park but we don't want them to overwhelm the green space.}
TP: won't reiterate
go back to APears -- helps us stay focused
xxx by adding this bit of potential, we are &&&
foot of 17th, van Edens, foot of 14th
opening up opportunities, v small scale, &&&
agree with Cclr G; not net loss, we will be adding to it
MB: this is permissive not &&&
wrt making decisions, shd be doing it strategically
[8pm] consistent w/ 25 years ago [reads] listed
ev consistent and doing that increasing the vitality
our beloved Stanley Pk
make it a win-win for all 44K for all to come down; enliven our waterfront
CC: do think it's a matter of finding a balance, not an either/or situation
{as I noticed also -- speakers resorting to false dichotomies}
took Mr Conception's xxx to heart
on rainy days just go down and sit there
two things Mr Seddon said -- I have no intention of supporting a sea-doo rental; think we're envisioning paddle boards
secondly, shdn't be running a biz; don't think this Council running
Mayor: for ppl have concerns
the waterfront really is a magical part of WV
eight years I've been, acquired five [lots/props], three to go
xxx; path ... majority go along waterfront rather than walk on Argyle
taken down houses to open out green space; slow gradual improvement; always intent of prev other ccls and certainly this Ccl
heartened to hear Mr Morris's comments about financial needs; need to keep up; acquire
unlike fed govt, don't have a press in the basement
{ie printing money}
raise the money to buy those last three props -- they don't go down in value
something we need to come up with
and look at the restaurant, we're looking at something almost 50% smaller than the Beach House
Most of us know if the Beach House hadn't been there since, well, Carolanne Reynolds can probably give the exact date -- well, it's close to 100 years
{kind of him to say so; over 100; built in 1912 as a tearoom; several name changes and now the Beach House.}
and if we had to get approval to build that now, WV being what is, probably wdn't be there, yet nobody can conclusively argue it's not an asset to the cmnty.
[8:04] doesn't mean it's the end of WV as we know it
brunch, nice place to go and have a special meal; in Amb smaller scale, not a chain restaurant
as Cclr Cam said, won't involve public investment, someone will come along and invest not taxpayers; generate rev off the site
reiterate the intent of this, same as other Ccls, v slow steady improvement along the waterfront
no [ir]rational wild-eyed changes that are going to nothing to negate the pleasure we take from our waterfront
Call the question -- all in favour?
Carries unanimously [8:05]
5. Public Questions/Comments
Robbie Innes: thank Mr Sokol for hanging in there
thank Ccl
question -- do they have to buy from us or can I go down and buy them?
Mayor: xxx
we wd like to buy
generally what happened
last two we had to expropriate; intention of the heirs was to put on market
a more than fair price; preferred option is to buy them with a purchase/sale agreement
if we have to do something else
Robbie: if I win 649 go ?
Mayor: wd hope you buy and donate
Mayor: spoken with all three and ev knows we intend
Seddon: you cd, as you just said, expropriate
can exprop for park purposes
not for ancillary
Donna Samud (sp): ... stayed with most
think you're doing a wonderful job
wd like to see a xxx where we can kayak, and xxx what we can do at Deep Cove
idea of a restaurant on the Amb is a good idea
xxxx place; share
can't stay here have to go outside, Stanley Park, why not here?
Rob Morris: just like to reiterate my last point wch is
I think the commercial value of Amb and the Pk is not in the park itself and short vision if that's what we thought
a few restaurants
from an ecidxxx(???)
we have now one of the most wonderful parks in the world
place in world
and that means
look at village park
comm district or &&&
Amb is a historic park
social and economic advantage
how fully to take advantage of xxx spectacular
for you ppl to say, spectacular, great, how does that affect our culture in our Amb village?
casts vision
not specifically zoning
block 1300 -- not saying specifically -- how 1300 interacting with park
is anybody thinking of that?
too far into it
that's the way we shd be thinking
and that's where the xxx will come from
Mayor: come next Monday and that v motion may come
6. Adjournment [8:13]
Note: At 4:30pm the sp Ccl Mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public to hold a closed session, pursuant to sec 90 of the Cmnty Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl Mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber
4:30 PM
1. Call to Order.
THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded from part of the June 17 sp Ccl Mtg on the basis of matters to be considered under the following section of the Cmnty Charter.
90. (1) A part of a ccl mtg may be closed... if the subj matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if held in public.
Purpose of meeting: land and proposed provision of municipal service matters.
3. Adjournment
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of June 17, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
May 27, 2013 special and regular Council meetings;
June 3, 2013 special and regular Council meetings; and
June 10, 2013 Public Hearing and special Council meeting
{wonder why none available on the DWV website, hm???
we're supposed to be able to review them before the mtg to make sure accurate, esp to our own remarks --
there've been many instances of delaying the minutes, so why not only put them on the agenda once they're ready from Thursday evening when the agenda comes out?}
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
5. 2012 Annual Report & 2012 Financial Info Act Reports (Stmt of Financial Info) (File: 0295-01 / 0800-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Annual Report...ended December 31, 2012 and all written and oral submissions be received.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2012 Financial Information Act Reports (Stmt of Fin Info) as presented to the Audit Cmte on May 27 be approved for submission to the Min of Cmnty, Sport/Cultural Devt and made av for public info, pursuant to the Cmnty Charter sections 168 and 97 and to the Fin Info Act sec 2 and the Fin Info Reg xxx.
6. Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Development Permit Application for the 1300 Block south of Marine Drive (File: 1010-20-12-069)
Click here to view large plans associated with this project.
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1. Development Application No. 12-069, by Grosvenor Capital Corporation for the 1300 block of Marine Drive, advance in the development consideration process;
2. The applicant work with staff to complete refinements to the proposal as follows:
a. Resolution of land uses in the vicinity of 13th Street while striving for a viable, continuous, and occupied street-front
and recognizing the function of the area as a gateway both to the Ambleside commercial area and to Amb Park;
b. Architectural refinements including:
i. a stronger gateway architecture at Marine Drive and 13th Street;
ii. modifications to bldg elevations to fully integrate recently added vertical elements into the existing architecture;
iii. stronger codification of architecture by land use;
iv. division of the Bellevue building elevations into smaller elements;
v. consideration of additional wall area in lieu of spandrel glass panels; and,
vi. consideration of the selective use of additional materials to assist in the differentiation of the two buildings.
c. Consideration of additional residential units and/or second-floor office use;
d. Ensure that proposed commercial spaces are adaptable to a range of tenants consistent with the applicants retail
strategy (e.g. availability of mechanical ventilation, reconciliation of potential internal layouts with external door and
patio locations);
e. Coordination of residential floor and unit plans with revised building elevations;
f. Devt of details, dimensions, and mntnce plans for green roofs, green walls, and terrace perimeter landscaping; and,
g. Various public realm and landscaping revisions to ensure consistency with the Ambleside Streetscape Standards,
while allowing for contextual and sympathetic upgrades beyond the Standards;
3. Staff bring forward draft bylaws and a development permit package for Council consideration after refinement, design development, and additional Design Review Committee evaluation;
4. Staff commence actions nec to close the Dist-owned laneway in the blk, raise title, and perform any related work; and,
5. Staff return to Council on July 22, 2013 with a progress report on a potential Community Amenity Contribution.
7. Proposed Rezoning and Devt Permit for 2074 Fulton Ave (Development Application No. 12-073; Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4752, 2013) (File: 1010-20-12-073 / 1610-20-4752)
Information to be provided.
8. 2013 Community Grants Recommendations: Arts, Culture and Heritage (File: 3007-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Cmte recommendations for Arts and Culture Grants for 2013 be approved as follows:
> Third year of an existing cycle (2011-2013):
Ambleside Orchestra Performing Arts $ 500
BC Boys Choir Performing Arts $ 2,000
Deep Cove Chamber Soloists Performing Arts $ 750
Hollyburn Heritage Society Heritage $ 750
Laudate Singers Society Performing Arts $ 1,000
North Shore Chamber Music Society Performing Arts $ 750
Total $ 5,750
> Second year of an existing cycle (2012-2014):
Theatre West Vancouver Performing Arts $ 3,500
WV Adult Community Band Performing Arts $ 500
WV Fire Services Museum + Archives Heritage $ 500
West Vancouver Youth Band Society Performing Arts $ 7,500
Pacific Spirit Choir Performing Arts $ 1,000
Total $ 13,000
> First year of a new cycle (2013-2015):
NS Polish Association - Belweder Heritage $ 1,500
North Shore Light Opera Performing Arts $ 1,800
Dundarave Festival of Lights Performing Arts $ 750
Pandoras Vox Vocal Ensemble Society Performing Arts $ 2,500
Sinfonia Orchestra of the North Shore Performing Arts $ 2,000
Total $ 8,550
> Funding for a one-year project:
West Vancouver Historical Society Heritage $ 2,850
Chor Leoni Mens Choir Performing Arts $ 1,000
Harmony Training & Performance Society Performing Arts $ 2,000
North Shore Music Academy Society Performing Arts $ 500
WV Fire Services Museum + Archives Heritage $ 750
Total $ 7,100
{by my count this is $ 34,400}
9. 2013 Cmnty Grants Cmte Recommendations: Cmnty and Social Services Grants (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Cmte recomms for Cmnty Srvcs/Soc Srvcs grant allocns for 2013 be approved as follows:
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
> (second of a three-year cycle)
3RD West Vancouver Scouts: Hollyburn Cabin $ 400
Rotary Clubs of the North Shore: Operation Red Nose $ 750
Subtotal $ 1,150
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2011-2013
> (third of a three-year cycle)
North Shore Safety Council: Operating $ 1,000
Subtotal $ 1,000
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: New cycles for previously funded programs
Coho Society: Operating 1 time $ 2,500
Gleneagles Golf Course Society: Junior Golf Tournament 1 time $ 500
North Shore Community Resources: Operating 3 year $ 4,000
NS Community Resources: Information Volunteer Program 3 year $ 8,000
West Vancouver Marine Rescue Society: Operating 1 time $ 3,000
Subtotal $ 18,000
Athletics for Kids Financial Assistance Society: Operating 1 time $ 500
Athletics for Kids FiA Society: Sports Funding Program 2 year $ 4,000
Canadian Iranian Foundation: ESL Classes 1 time $ 500
Navy League of Canada: Biathlon training for Cadets 1 time $ 500
Navy League of Canada: Victoria trip for Cadets 1 time $ 500
North Shore Salvation Army: New Hope Cuisine Program 1 time $ 2,500
West Vancouver Secondary School: Battery Collection Program 1 time $ 600
West Vancouver Track and Field Club: Operating 1 time $ 700
Subtotal $ 9,800
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
> (second of a three-year cycle)
Autism Society of BC: Community Group $ 500
Big Sisters of BC: Mentoring Program $ 500
North Shore Crisis Services Society: Operating $ 10,000
NSh Neighbourhood House: Learning Together Program $ 1,000
Subtotal $ 12,000
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2011-2013
> (third of a three-year cycle)
Family Services of the North Shore: Clinical Counselling $ 14,500
Living System Counselling, Edu/Training Society: Access Counselling $ 500
Subtotal $ 15,000
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: New cycles for previously funded programs
NSh Cmnty Resources: Child Care Rsrce/Refrl Prog 3 year $ 2,000
NSh Multicultural Society: Cmnty Bridging 1 time $ 2,000
NSh Multicultural Society: Operating 3 year $ 2,250
Subtotal $ 6,250
Living System Counselling, Education + Training Society: Play Therapy 2 year $ 2,000
Subtotal $ 2,000
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
> (second of a three-year cycle)
Hollyburn Family Services: Seniors Outreach $ 1,000
Senior Citizens Special Services Society: LINKS $ 4,000
Subtotal $ 5,000
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2011-2013
> (third of a three-year cycle)
Canadian Hard of Hearing: Operating $ 2,000
Capilano Community Services Society: Red Cross Loan Program $ 2,000
Lionsview Seniors Planning Society: Operating $ 3,000
Lionsview Seniors Planning Society: Services to Seniors Coalition $ 1,500
North Shore Keep Well Society: Operating $ 2,000
North Shore Meals on Wheels: Operating $ 3,500
North Shore Neighbourhood House: Seniors Peer Support Program $ 1,300
North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre: Seniors Peer Group $ 1,500
North Shore Volunteers for Seniors: Seniors Outreach Program $ 5,000
Subtotal $ 21,800
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: New cycles for previously funded programs
Lionsview Seniors Planning Society: Older and Wiser NSN Column 1 time $ 500
Pets and Friends: Program 3 year $ 3,000
Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise: Christmas Lunch 1 time $ 500
Subtotal $ 4,000
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
> (second of a three-year cycle)
Avalon Recovery Society: Peer Support Program $ 500
Crisis Intervention + Suicide Prevention Ctr of BC: Operating $ 1,000
Friend2Friend Learning Society: Integrated Playgroup $ 750
Lookout Emergency Aid Society: North Shore Shelter $ 2,500
NSh ConneXions Society: Education and Cmnty Awareness $ 1,000
NSh ConneXions Society: Friendship Circles $ 1,000
NSh Disability Resource Centre: Summer Program $ 3,500
NSh Schizophrenia Society: Operating $ 2,000
NSh Stroke Recovery Centre: Young Stroke Survivors $ 1,000
Subtotal $ 13,250
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2011-2013
> (third of a three-year cycle)
Canadian Red Cross: RespectED Bullying Prevention $ 1,500
NSh Disability Resource Ctr: NSh Adult Support Network $ 1,000
North Shore Hospice Society: Operating $ 1,000
North Shore Womens Centre: Operating $ 2,850
Spinal Cord Injury BC (formerly BC Paraplegic): Peer Program $ 500
Subtotal $ 6,850
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: New cycles for previously funded programs
Canadian Mental Health: Operating 3 year $ 2,000
Canadian Mental Health: Support Groups 3 year $ 1,000
Change the World Fdn dba Harvest: Operating 1 time $ 4,500
NSh Womens Ctr: Single Mothers Support Group 1 time $ 500
Special Olympics BC Society (NSh): Sports Program 1 year $ 1,000
Subtotal $ 9,000
Cerebral Palsy Association: NSh Community Connections 3 year $ 500
Special Olympics BC Society (NSh): Operating 3 year $ 2,400
Subtotal $ 2,900
{by my count $128,000; so with previous, total = $162,400}
10. Application for Licence to Occupy for Installation of Rain Gauge at Fire Hall No. 3 (File: 1145-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the application dated May 21, 2013 by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District for a licence to occupy for the installation of a rain gauge, radio telemetry unit, and related display equipment on the roof of Fire Hall No. 3 at 4895 Marine Drive, as attached to the report dated June 12, 2013 re this Applicn , be approved, and the Mayor and MClk be authorized to sign for acceptance and approval of the subject application.
11. Liquor-Primary Club Licence Amendment WV Yacht Club 5854 Marine Dr, WV (File: 1605-14)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Ccl recommends the amendment for the reasons set out in the Ccl report dated May 27, the reasons [for] wch are endorsed by Council.
After carrying out a public consultation process and considering the views of the public, Ccl supports the requested increase to the total occupancy load of the premises by 50, from 385 to 435.
BYLAWS for Adoption
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
12. Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4756, 2013 (for Land Along the Ambleside Waterfront South of Railroad Tracks Between 13th and 18th Street) (File: 1610‑20‑4756)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting, was the subject of a Public Hearing held and closed on June 10, 2013, and received second and third reading at the June 10, 2013 special Council meeting. As the Public Hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
NOTE: Each reading of an Official Community Plan bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Council members (4 members) in order to proceed (Local Government Act, s. 882).
13th and 18th Street Exclusive of Three Privately-Owned Lots) (File: 1610‑20‑4757)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the May 13, 2013 regular Council meeting, was the subject of a Public Hearing held and closed on June 10, 2013, and was amended, read a second time as amended, and read a third time at the June 10, 2013 special Council meeting. As the PH has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
Item 14.1 Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule;
Item 14.2 [TransLink] Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2013;
Item 14.3 Upper Lands Study Review Working Group Appointment and Terms of Reference; and
Item 14.4 Correspondence List.
14.1 Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: be amended:
1. For June 24, 2013 by:
- Rescheduling the Council meeting for financial matters to begin at 5pm. in the Council Chamber;
- Scheduling a sp Ccl mtg, to include a closed session, to begin at 5:30pm in the MFCR, and to continue at 7pm, in open session, in the Council Chamber; and
- Scheduling a Committee of the Whole meeting to begin at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
2. For July 15, 2013 by:
- Cancelling the Committee of the Whole meeting; and
- Scheduling a sp Ccil mtg, to include a closed session, to begin at 4pm in the Marine Room at the Srs Ctr.
14.2. Translink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 1, 2013 (File: 3205-03): be rec'd for information.
14.3. Upper Lands Study Review Working Group Appointment and Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-CEC)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated May 31, 2013 from the Community Engagement Committee regarding Upper Lands Study Review Working Group Appointment and Terms of Reference, be received for information.
{slightly misleading b/c in the past it was pointed out that if anyone on Ccl wants to amend/change/whatever anything in this item, then they may do so; furthermore the public are permitted to speak to this item. There are some aspects that ought to be clarified.}
14.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
>>> Council Correspondence Update to May 31, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
1) S. Slater, May 24, 2013, regarding Fwd: expenses to date - 1300 block Marine
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
2) C. Bagshaw, May 26, 2013, regarding Cypress Creek Bridge
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
3) F. and N. Guise, May 23, 2013, regarding Fwd: Erwin Drive
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
4) Consulate General of Japan, May 28, re Consulate General of Japan: Sister City Relationship Opportunity (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
Received for Information
5) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Community Engagement Committee April 9, 2013
6) P. De Ath, May 13, 2013, regarding Re: 1300 block @ Council on Monday, 13th May 2013
7) J. Towert, May 15, 2013, regarding Traffic Pattern Ambleside Sports Fields and Park Royal
8) D. Lanning, May 15, 2013, regarding Re: Park Royal Development North Shore News, May 10, 1013
10) dl consulting, May 23, 2013, regarding Cellular Service in West Vancouver
11) J. Seddon, May 27, 2013, regarding Re: Proposed zoning of West Vancouver Waterfront
(Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)
12) Auditor General for Local Government, May 28, 2013, regarding Re: Planned Performance Audit
13) TELUS Corporation, May 29, 2013, regarding TELUS Corporation Investment in West Vancouver
>>> Council Correspondence Update to June 7, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Action
1) S. Frew, May 26, 2013, regarding Seawall
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations & Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
Received for Information
2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Lower Caulfeild Advisory Committee November 28, 2012
3) City of North Vancouver, May 30, regarding North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee (NSFCYJC)
4) City of North Vancouver, May 30, 2013, regarding Child and Family Friendliness on the North Shore
5) D. Herzstein, May 30, 2013, regarding Hotel in W. Van
6) 4 submissions, dated June 2-7, 2013, regarding 1300 block Marine Drive
7) K. Higgs, June 2, 2013, regarding Im told Mike Smith wants to do this: needed!
8) 2 submissions, dated June 3-6, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
9) 3 submissions, dated June 3-6, 2013, regarding Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4656, 2013 and Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013 (Ambleside Waterfront) (Referred to June 10, 2013 Public Hearing)
10) WV Fire Fighters Charitable Society, June 5, re 6th WVFFC Society Bagpipes by the Beach Pipe Band Festival
11) The Wynford Group, June 5, 2013, re Strata Plan LMS 445, WestRoyal 328 / 338 Taylor Way, West Vancouver, BC
12) The Future of Howe Sound Society, June 6, re V.I.P. Invitation Save Our Sound Mariners Rendezvous
13) A. and D. Westcott, June 7, 2013, regarding Coach House Proposal
Responses to Correspondence
14) Dir/Engg and Transp, June 3, response re Traffic Calming Study Paid for by Onni relative to Evelyn Drive Project.
15) Dir/Engg and Transp, June 3, response to J. Towert, Traffic Pattern Ambleside Sports Fields and Park Royal
16) Senior Manager of Parks, June 3, 2013, response to S. Grubb, Park Maintenance
17) Director of Engineering and Transportation, June 5, 2013, response to C. Bagshaw, Cypress Creek Bridge
18) Admin Assistant to the Director, Parks and Community Services, June 7, response to M. Judd, John Lawson park
>>> Council Correspondence Update to June 11, 2013 up to 4:30 pm)
Received for Information
1) 7 submissions, dated June 7 10, 2013 re Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment
Bylaw No. 4656, 2013 and Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4757, 2013
(Ambleside Waterfront) (Previously received at June 10, 2013 Public Hearing).
15. OTHER ITEMS -- No items. 16. PUBLIC QUESTIONS/COMMENTS 17. Adjournment
Killer whales spotted near Vancouver's Stanley Park -- Pod of at least five orcas swam into Vancouver Harbour
CBC News Posted: Jun 14, 2013 2:28 PM PT Last Updated: Jun 14, 2013 3:28 PM PT
See: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2013/06/14/bc-killer-whales-vancouver.html
=== INFObits ===
+ NSh Municipalities (all three have municipal halls; there is one City Hall and two District Halls; NV has both!)
CNV, DNV, DWV = City of North Vancouver; District of North Vancouver; District of West Vancouver
WV has not yet qualified to be a city; we have a District Hall. Note, there is no city hall in WV.
starts at 1:04 EDT June 21, so that's 11:04 PDT
+ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the sixth President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the main political leader of the Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran, a coalition of conservative political groups in the country.
Born: October 28, 1956 (age 56), Aradan, Iran Height: 5' 2" (1.58 m)
The cartoonist Walt Kelly was making a point in 1970 when his character Pogo examined the environmental destruction all around him and concluded:
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
See http://goo.gl/lkEaO for the fascinating story behind the Kelly qtn and the original observation that inspired the saying.
{Thanks to Dr Mardy Grothe, from his eletter.}
=== PHOTOWATCH === BC Scenes
See: http://www.cbc.ca/bcalmanac/photogallery/#igImgId_73395
Once in a while I go to the CBC Almanac website to look at the photos on Listeners' Lens. Listeners submit photos -- beautiful, touching, cute, fascinating..... a few bears -- black, kermode, cinnamon; the face of an always curious raccoon; a silky furry caterpillar; rainbows, and of course BC's magnificent landscapes. {there were 141 when I looked at them}
Prince Philip out of hospital early -- not in for two weeks. Due date for Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, is July 13.
"PBS's NewsHour interviewed Geoffrey Donovan on his recent research published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine that noted a correlation between trees (at least the 22 North American ash varieties) and human health: 'Well my basic hypothesis was that trees improve people's health. And if that's true, then killing 100 million of them in ten years should have an effect. So if we take away these 100 million trees, does the health of humans suffer? We found that it does.'
The basis of this research is Agrilus planipennis, the emerald ash borer. [It] has systematically destroyed 100 million trees in the eastern half of the United States since 2002. After accounting for all variables, the research found that an additional 15,000 people died from cardiovascular disease and 6,000 more from lower respiratory disease in the 15 states infected with the bug, compared with uninfected areas of the country. While the exact cause and effect remains unknown, this research appears to be reinforcing data for people who regularly enjoy forest bathing as well as providing evidence that the natural environment provides major public health benefits."
Anyone know about the pine beetle and its effects???
{Drawing, thx to www.rodgersfishinglodge.com }
+ Timbuktu Manuscripts
When radical Islamists entered Timbuktu, they set about destroying everything they deemed a sin. They demolished tombs of Sufi saints and would have burned nearly 300,000 pages on a variety of subjects. But a secret operation had been set in motion within weeks of the takeover. The Washington Post has published the story of how nearly all the documents were saved.http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/how-timbuktus-manuscripts-were-saved-from-jihadists/2013/05/26/299e26f6-bbd5-11e2-b537-ab47f0325f7c_story_2.html
+ PalFest
Gillian Slovo writes about her experience at PalFest, a literary festival in the West Bank.http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2013/may/31/palfest-book-festival-gillian-slovo
+ Khaled Hosseini
In an interview with Hermione Hoby, Khaled Hosseini says: 'If I could go back now, I'd take The Kite Runner apart'.http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/jun/01/khaled-hosseini-kite-runner-interview
In Khaled Hosseini's And the Mountains Echoed, readers remember why so many millions loved his earlier books. This book weaves a complex pattern of interlinked lives, searching for what they sense is missing. While much takes place in Europe and the United States, And the Mountains Echoed, at its heart, is about Afghans becoming separated from Afghanistan, writes Qais Akbar Omar.http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/may/26/mountains-echoed-khaled-hosseini-review
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/
Heritage BC Seeks New Executive Director
Heritage BC Society is seeking an Executive Director who is an experienced not-for-profit leader possessing an entrepreneurial streak, the ability to inspire staff and volunteers and a knack for building partnerships with the government, business, education, and not-for-profit sectors.
With the retirement of long-time executive director, Rick Goodacre, a new office to be located in the Metro Vancouver area, and a business plan to implement, Heritage BC is on the threshold of an exciting and challenging new chapter.
Application deadline: June 24, 2013
Download the job posting:» HBC_EDposting.PDF -- http://www.heritagebc.ca/pdfs/HBC_EDposting_May2013.pdf
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org (922 4400)
Cmnty Day PARADE: Preceded by a 1968 Mini, then two convertibles: a cream 1965 Caravelle, a red 1969 Cutlass.
Now planning: RoyalTea-by-the-Sea in Dundarave Park Saturday August 10
E-bulletin sign-up for event listings, alerts, heritage info; all coming events: www.heritagevancouver.org
= 9th Annual Garden Party: A Special Fundraising Event
~ 5:30 - 7:30pm ~ Thursday June 20
Tix - $100 donation to Heritage Vancouver Society or 12 tickets for $1000; Tax receipts will be issued.
Join Heritage Vancouver and special guests for a spectacular evening of wine, hors d'oeuvres, and
conversation in Suzanne and Olin Anton's beautiful garden. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and mix with elected officials, community leaders, and heritage supporters while at the same time demonstrating your support for the many worthwhile projects undertaken by Heritage Vancouver Society.
Please let us know if you've mailed a cheque at events@heritagevancouver.org
= Heritage Vancouvers 2nd Annual Garden Tour Fundraiser
Saturday, June 22 & Sunday, June 23 Both days 10am to 4pm $30 per passport/ticket
Presented by Peter Dixon, Sutton Westcoast Realty www.peterdixon.ca
Includes your exclusive entry to 14 enchanting, hand-picked private gardens on Vancouvers West and East side over two days. This selfguided tour of private Vancouver gardens is sure to delight.
Update June 17: Online ticket payments are now closed, to allow for mailing. See list below for Garden Centres selling tickets, or contact us at events@heritagevancouver.org or 254 9411 (msg).
Get inspired enchanting, hand-picked private gardens on Vancouvers West and East side. From tranquil plant-filled ponds lapping at the foundations of a circa 1640 imported English barn, to a traditionally formal seaside sanctuary, to a colourful dramatic view deck, to a stunning Japanese estate in First Shaughnessy, to lovingly created botanical boulevards, to a sustainable garden of plenty where food and flowers unite, to a lush four season garden and intimate cottage gardens, there is something to delight all tastes!
o TAKE A WALKING TOUR http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/walking-tours/
o Places That Matter
View the Places That Matter webpage http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/375523/40187b9684/1805511597/e6fbad22fa/
Upcoming 2013 Presentations All are welcome.
#59 Tues June 25 at 12pm noon: Save On Meats, 43 W Hastings. Watch the youtube video of closing day, March 14, 2009. *Plaque is available for sponsorship
#60 Wed June 26 at 10am: Science World - Expo Legacy -- *Plaque is available for sponsorship
#62 Saturday, June 29 at 10am: The First Gas Station Cambie and Smithe @ 930 Cambie St. Entrance of Pacific Landmark Condo 1907 cars and displays from the Vintage Car Club of Canada. Come in 1900s attire! (Think hats & gloves) Goorin Bros Hat giveaway with the Yaletown BIA. Rolston family in attendance. Pls note metered parking in the area, no parking at Nygard)
Hop on your bike and tour the political and natural storms of Stanley Park Tix $20
Brand new for 2013 well be offering guided bike tours. Take a ride through our bike friendly city and learn some history while youre at it!
Please bring a bicycle, safety equipment, water, and anything else you may need to enjoy your ride.
Dont have a bike? No problem! Spokes Bicycle Rentals is generously offering a 30% discount on bike and equipment rentals to anyone attending one of our Bike Tours. Rental includes a bike, helmet, and lock. Please note BC laws require all riders to wear bike helmets.
HUB Members are eligible for a 20% discount! Make sure you bring your membership card with you to the tour.
STANLEY PARK -- 9:30 - 11:30am -- June 15, July 20, and August 17 9:30am - 11:30am
Meet at Devonian Park at the Northwest corner of Denman and Georgia.
Vancouver's urban forest holds a complex history of destroyed First Nations villages and squatters' cabins, military unrest and forgotten burial places, British enclaves, sports and cultural venues, and of course, renowned natural endowments, some more recent than you might think. Owing to its natural popularity, Stanley Park has become an engineered landscape, with many tourist draws such as the totems, blow-down amusement parks, and preserved reminders of the raw force of nature. Enjoy a leisurely paced cycle while digging into the storms and controversies that have formed this majestic park.
+ VCBF -- For further info on upcoming events and activities, follow Jessica Tremblay, the official blogger for the Festival and coordinator of haiku events at https://vcbfblog.wordpress.com/.
VANCOUVER CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Haiku Invitational 2013 now open for submissions!
Submit your haiku entries to www.vcbf.ca Note: Only two poems per person will be accepted.
The VCBF Haiku Invitational submission deadline has been extended until Monday June 24. Spread the word! The reason for the extension is that people have been experiencing technical difficulties with the submission process.
~~~ MAIKU ~~~ 2013 mid-June
listen -- summer rain
kisses flowers, leaves,
seeps into ground, vanishes
quotations thoughts puns
... and what was formerly done 'for the sake of God' is now done for the sake of money, that is to say for what in this day and age ensures more than anything else a feeling of power and peace of mind.
-- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)
Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.
-- Vincent van Gogh, Dutch painter (1853 1890)
To read fast is as bad as to eat in a hurry. -- Vilhelm Ekelund, Swedish poet (1880 - 1949)
It is sad to consider that Nature speaks but mankind does not listen. -- Victor Hugo, French writer (1802 - 1885)
Feelings change facts. -- Phyllis Bottome, British novelist (1884 - 1963)
Rental agents offer quarters for dollars.
Set your drink on a skateboard, they make good coasters.
The futile search for magnetite became a wild gauss chase.