~~~ [Happy] Yom Kippur ~~~
MAIN ITEMS on Sept 9 AGENDA: July 22 and 29 minutes (compare with the transcript in WVM 17r); Delegation from the NSh Fruit Tree Project Society; Library's Annual Report; Zoning and DPA re 1455 Bellevue (Walker Bldg); Staff Response re Coach Houses; PSB: Project Status, Funding for Construction Phase, Facade, Landscape, Preliminary Funding Strategy (comprehensive helpful report); Ccl mtg schedule changes (why does website say confirmed? why not leave as scheduled until actually confirmed??? why have confirmed when it's being changed at the ccl mtg?); Devt Applicn Status List; Correspondence (lots!): cell towers; PkR Devt; Longboarding; Coach Houses; HAF (locals left out; noise); Upper Lands (1200ft level? 2000?); Adobe Island; Library CAC requests; 1300blk expenses (still no reply); Decibel Levels
== Lease/Sell Survey; Vive le Canada (tennis); from the EDITOR'S DESK; WVPD (Strategy/Survey); UPDATES & INFO (Sept 9 Ccl Mtg; Awards deadline extended; Low Flights; UBCM; PkR update; WRA: letter from MLA Jordan Sturdy)
= CALENDAR to Sept 28: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Opera; etc); NATURE (Bees; Paddling; Walks, Tweed Ride; Canoes; Upper Lands Site Discovery Tour)
= Headsup/Notices: 17A (Events, Stursberg) // Newsflash (DRC 1300, Events) // 17B: Events; Agenda Sept 9; Heritage tours; Art; Theatre; Heritage Walks; AnimalWatch (puppies rescued!); INFObits (Martians, War of 1812, Spoons in Underwear, Conundrums -- Secularism, Syria, Israeli High Court Decision, Assad Family); RoyalWatch, BOOK NEWS) // Notice re ULWG // Update re Bard, Walks // Notice re Cdn Fed of U Women
= Ccl Mtg AGENDA Sept 9
= ANIMALWATCH (monkeys; frogs; owls); INFObits (TED re techtips; Syria; Yom Kippur); ROYALWATCH (goodbye RAF, hello royal duties); FISHWATCH (pinks galore -- Sq & WV); BEARWATCH; WVM Newsletter Titles 2013 from 1 to 17r;
CPTWATCH (Rajabi, 918); OSLO ACCORDS Discussion; BOOKWATCH (Book News, Talks); WORDWATCH (smupid/ity); HERITAGEWATCH; Cricket (Q&A2); MAIKU; IQ Test; Scots vs English; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS; ANSWER to wch came first, chicken or egg; IQ Test Answer
lease1300@westvan.org OR sell1300@westvan.org ?
Email your choice (above), lease or sell. If you have already done so, pls ask your family, friends, colleagues to do so.
>>> Why sell land wch appreciates in value to pay for a building wch loses value -- and has to be replaced again??? <<<
If we haven't lawyers/staff/personnel expert, intelligent, skilled enough to negotiate leasing, then replace, buy land with the money from the sale thus maintaining our land bank assets. PLEASE! Glad some now considering the Endowmt Fund, borrowing, or a levy (Sep 9 ccl mtg).
NB: Contrary to a cclr's statement at a ccl mtg, the 320 Taylor Way property in fact was leased (NOT sold);
so was the Wetmore property leased, contrary to the statement made at the Chamber's 'unplugged' (May 30).
=== Vive le CANADA === Congratulations to Pospisil and Roanic doing so well for us in tennis!
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
The woes and stress of doing a newsletter..... :-( Herewith best but belated efforts.
=== WVPD === Strategic Plan / Survey
West Vancouver Police are inviting members of our community to participate in updating the WVPD Strategic Plan.
The WVPD Strategic Planning process reflects our commitment to excellence within the WV Police and our commitment to the cmnty we proudly serve. This process helps us identify and prepare for challenges ahead while continuing to provide the top quality police service our cmnty needs.
http://wvpd.ca/images/stories/file/WVPD Strat Plan FINAL VERSION.pdf
West Vancouver Police are now preparing an updated 2014-2016 Strategic Plan and the views of our cmnty are a vital part of our strategic plan update process.
Your input is invited through the WV Police 2013 Online Community Survey. Your completely anonymous participation will help us determine our priorities for the upcoming year and beyond. Pls click on the link below. Pls also forward this message to any other cmnty mbrs who may wish to participate in this survey.
=== UPDATES and INFO ===
+ Sept 9th COUNCIL MTG
- PEEK: Cclr Lewis absent. Interesting delegation from the NSh Fruit Society; Library's Annual Report for 2012 (impressive); Number games (dropping) re parking spots being provided in Walker Bldg upzoning; Many comments on Coach Houses and how to proceed; Discussion re funding for PSB (sale, borrowing, levy, etc); Monday Sept 16th's CotW mtg cancelled; Enforcement of bylaws in HBay; Longboarding; 752 Marine; PQP re Process: Resident re Milliken Devt; followup on Coach Houses.
- ON VIDEO: http://westvancouverbc.swagit.com/play/09092013-871
The URL is a bit strange but it appears that part has been outsourced, however the page on the new website is a great improvement. Individual items on the agenda are identified. Also, the video quality is better.
+ Community Awards Nomination Extended Deadline
Do you know of a resident or business in West Vancouver whose community commitment deserves to be recognized? Why not nominate them for a Community Award?
Read Full Story: http://www.westvancouver.ca/news/community-awards-nomination-extended-deadline
We have extended the nomination deadline until Tuesday, October 1. Dont let one of our community champions go unnoticed!
Award recipients will be recognized at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, October 28, 2013.
More information Community Awards Page
+ Low Level Helicopter Flights Sept 21“22
On September 21 and 22, Talon Helicopters will be conducting low level flights over portions of West Vancouver for the TV production Almost Human. The attached map shows the area where the flights will occur.
The flights will be during daylight hours and will adhere to all flight paths and times set out by Transport Canada, the governing body which approved these flights. Flight Map
+ Union of BC Municipalities
The 2013 UBCM Convention will be held in Vancouver, from September 16 - 20th at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Pls visit the pages for additional information... Over 150 resolutions in the Resolutions Book, as well as Policy Paper 1: Local Government Finance will be considered by the UBCM membership at Convention. http://www.ubcm.ca/EN/main/convention/2013-convention.html
+ PARK ROYAL -- Construction Update [Sept 11] www.shopparkroyal.com 925 9576
We are still making some improvements to ensure that the Park Royal Village Retail Expansion will be ready in Nov/Dec 2013 for our shoppers. We appreciate your patience as we work on a few things and wanted to let you know about whats happening at Park Royal this week. Please note that construction scheduling is subject to change without notice.
Park Royal South Road Closures: The east/west road on the southern side of the PkR-S parkade (that runs from Indigo Books to Extra Foods) and the east/west road on the northern side of the PkR-S parkade (that runs from the White Spot to McDonald's) are expected to re-open in mid-to-late September.
Taylor Way “ New Signalized Traffic Light: We are installing a new signalized traffic light on TWay (just S of Marine Dr) “ near Indigo Books. This traffic light will better facilitate traffic movement on TWay S and in and out of PkR-S. It will replace the existing pedestrian crosswalk across TWay that is currently located at Indigo Books, and will be a safer option for pedestrians crossing TWay. There will be some traffic interruptions over the next couple of weeks on TWay S while this work takes place. The traffic light is expected to be in operation in September.
+ WESTERN RESIDENTS' ASSN NEWSLETTER -- just out! {an excerpt; my bolding}
Very informative, interesting letter. Chris Adshead says will be delivered before month end. See: www.wra.name
Letter from MLA Jordan Sturdy:
A Message from our MLA
Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself to members of the Western Residents Association.
I recently came to learn that I have deeper roots in West Vancouver than I realized when I read through the fine publication, Cottages to Community. It was there that I learned that my great-great-grandfather Gustav Roedde, Vancouvers first bookbinder purchased what is now the Sewells Marina site from Colonel Whyte and built a guest house for staff weekends and picnics.
He owned the site for many years and my grandmother would tell me stories of taking the train to the cottage where they would spend the summers while my great-great-grandfather would come over for weekends.
We are back in Horseshoe Bay now, in that we have opened up a West Vancouver Sea to Sky Constituency office at 6392 Bay Street on what could well have once have been Gus Roeddes property. Unfortunately for me, we are just the tenants.
I will ensure that this MLAs office is a resource for the community, that my staff and I are available to listen to your concerns, provide information, and generate solutions. I am looking forward to working with you for the next four years and I encourage you to be in touch.
Jordan Sturdy MLA West Vancouver Sea to Sky Jordan.sturdy.mla@gov.bc.ca
=== CALENDAR to Sept 28th ===
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues of WVM.]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
== Farmers Markets
SATURDAYS ~ 9am - 3pm ~ Dundarave to Oct 5 -- http://isabellebottin.wix.com/who-is-at-the-market
SUNDAYS ~ 10am - 3pm ~ Ambleside to Oct 27 -- http://www.artisanmarkets.ca/
= Tuesday Sept 10th ~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands WG at Srs' Ctr
= Wednesday Sept 11th ~ 10am ~ Invasive Plants WG
= Thursday Sept 12th ~ 7pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte at GCC
= Friday Sept 13th
~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte in Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Room)
~ 5 - 8pm ~ Taste of Dundarave ($20) in Dundarave Village (24th to 25th Marine) http://v.gd/2013_Taste_of_Dundarave
= Sunday Sept 15th
Terry Fox Run -- Registration 8am (run start 9am); Ambleside Pk (13th) -- Info: http://v.gd/2013_wv_terry_fox
10km, 5km; Suitable for bikes and wheelchairs/strollers NOT suitable for rollerblades; NO dogs allowed.
= Monday Sept 16th
~ 7pm ~ Cdn Federation of University Women -- WV: Open House and social/information mtg, including a delegates' report from the Int'l Conference in Istanbul. St Stephen's (885 - 22nd)
cfuw.westvan@gmail.com cfuwnvwv.vcn.bc.ca
= Tuesday Sept 17th
~ 1 - 3pm ~ Mulgrave School's Terry Fox Run starts in Ambleside Pk, Field H. Cheer on the ~ 400 students taking part!
~ 6pm ~ North Shore CommUNITY Project at the Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier
The first of four sessions will feature Lionel F Laroche, a cultural diversity expert. This free session will focus on the impact of cultural diversity in the workplace and the cmnty. More info: northshorewac.ca
= Wednesday Sept 18th
~ 5pm ~ Board of Variance Hearing
~ 6pm ~ Western Residents' Assn: WRA Pasta Dinner, LARSON STATION RESTAURANT, 6190 Marine Dr.
This fall season we've decided to organize a family dinner instead of reg Sept mtg. Pasta dinners $9.99,
kids' dinners start at $5.95; regular menu available. Pls RSVP Dave Patrick 921 1956 by Thurs Sept 12th.
~ 7pm ~ Library Board Meeting at the library
~ 7pm ~ WVHS mtg (Seniors' Ctr) The 2013 - 2014 Speakers' Series celebrates local heroes, past and present.
Launch of Local Heroes with Craig Bowlsby, author of Empire of Ice, talking about local hockey history and his latest project, how the forward pass revolutionized the game. Len Corben, the NShore's own sports historian, will introduce Craig. More info: Laura Anderson, 778 279 2275, lander1@shaw.ca
= Thursday Sept 19th
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte re Design of PSB
~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth mtg at DNV M Hall
~ 6 - 10pm ~ VANCOUVER AQUARIUM: After Hours Event: The Secret Sex Lives of Animals
A scientific talk by the staff veterinarian, an Amazon interactive learning show with live animals, and a seahorse
romance program to catch up on your aquatic mating knowledge. Amazon critter corner, beluga show and
more. All the info: http://www.vanaqua.org/experience/events/annual-and-upcoming-events/after-hours
= Saturday Sept 21st
> Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup -- 20th Anniversary -- check for local activities
> Upper Lands Discovery Tour
{See more info in Tours under CultureWatch}
~ 9am - noon ~ IVY PULL in LIGHTHOUSE PARK
For this event we will be meeting at the lower kiosk in the parking lot of Lighthouse Park. A short walk will bring us to the small ivy-clad forest of Trails Park on Water Lane. The terrain is flat, and pulling the ivy progresses quickly with team work. Please wear old clothes and work gloves. Drinks, snacks, and prizes will be provided.
= Sunday Sept 22nd
~~ Walk for Reconciliation¯ For info: http://www.reconciliationcanada.ca which lists route, times, 4km and 2 km, where the walk starts and ends.
~ 9am ~ The Kidney Run a 2.5km walk or 5km Fun Run in Ambleside Pk. Registration 8am. Event hosted by the Kidney Fdn of Canada. More info: http://kidney.akaraisin.com/57CBD9A7446743D1963D43A305F7369A
= Monday Sept 23rd
~ 5pm ~ NSh Disability Resource Ctr's AGM and (5:40) NSh premiere screening of Hope is not a Plan
at the Holiday Inn, NV. rsvp: 985 5371 x234 or k.browne@nsdrc.org
= Tuesday Sept 24th
~ 7pm ~ LPPS: "The Salish Sea, Nature, and a Sense of Place", a free public talk sponsored by Earthworks
by Dr. Rob Butler of the Pacific Wildlife Foundation at NSCU Centre for the Performing Arts, Capilano University
= Wednesday Sept 25th
Come to this town hall meeting (Srs' Ctr) {Taxpayers: your money? How many $Ms to add to 2014 budget?}
= Thursday Sept 26th
~ 4:30pm ~ WV Police Bd Mtg at Police Stn. More Info: West Vancouver Police Department
~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at the DNV M Hall
~ 6:30 - 8:30pm ~ Open House on 752 Marine Dr/PkR in gymnasium of St. Anthony's School
at Christ the Redeemer Church, 595 Keith Road. More information
Park Royal Shopping Ctr has made an application for an OCP amendment. It wd allow two residential towers and additional retail on the Park Royal site at 752 Marine Dr, where the White Spot restaurant is currently located.
Community consultation (at St Anthony's) The following two open houses hv bn scheduled to explain the process and PkRs plans and to address concerns:
Thursday September 26 from 6:30 “ 8:30pm
Saturday September 28 from 10am “ noon
A public opinion survey is planned for September/October. Feedback from this consultation will inform next steps.
~ 7:30pm ~ WV Streamkeeper Society mtg at St Stephen's (885 22nd)
Reports, Work Plan, Surveys, Nature Ctr, Invasive Plant Presentation; Special Recognition of Hugh Hamilton
= Saturday Sept 28th
~ 10am - noon ~ Open House on 752 Marine Dr/PkR in gymnasium of St. Anthony's School {See Th 26th}
= Friday/Saturday/Sunday Sept 26 - 29 ~ NORTH SHORE CULTURE DAYS
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
New website; am having trouble finding things and not listed as they used to be so I cd put in the newsletter.
See the calendar: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
= WVML Annual Report 2012
Did you know that WVML is one of the busiest public libraries, per capita, in BC? Learn more about your Library's accomplishments and initiatives in our 2012 Annual Report. Available online or in the Library today!
= These are some interesting talks but you have to click to get the descriptions.
To Timbuktu for a Haircut -- 7 “ 8:30pm Monday September 16
President and CEO of Tourism Vancouver Rick Antonson will regale you with tales of his epic journey by train, boat, four-wheel drive, camel, and on foot. Info 925 7403
Smallpox and the Tsilhqot'in War -- 7 “ 8:30pm Wednesday September 18
This presentation focuses on the role of smallpox in BCs legendary Tsilhqot'in War. Author Tom Swanky shows who, where, when, why, and how smallpox featured in the violence of this pivotal event in B.C.'s history.
See more at: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/smallpox-and-tsilhqotin-war#sthash.eoL24GBs.dpuf
- Mayan Mysteries -- 7:30 “ 9pm Wednesday September 25
Sharon MacGougan will talk about her novel. The real-life ancient mystery of the disappearance of the Mayan people converges with the inner transformation of a fifteen-year-old girl in this adventure story.
Book Lovers' Roundtable -- 3:30 - 4:30pm Thursday September 26
= Did You Know?
¢ The West Vancouver Community Survey 2010 reported a 98% satisfaction rate with library services
¢ Approximately 1,800 people visit the Library on an average weekday
¢ WVML has the highest circulation per capita of all libraries in BC
¢ Over 1M items are shelved within 24 hours of their return
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
July 4 - September 21
West Coast to Points East: Ron Thom and the Allied Arts
This exhibition, organized in partnership with Massey College at the U of Toronto and Alumni House at Trent U in Peterborough, focuses on Thoms domestic architecture on the west coast of Canada in the 1950s and shows the design ethos developed in this work and then manifested in Massey College and Trent U in Ontario. Ronald J. Thom (1923 -1986), a recipient of the Order of Canada and numerous Massey Awards for architecture, is recognized as one of Canadas most innovative and influential architects. After studying art under B.C. Binning at the Vancouver School of Art in the 1940s, Thom apprenticed in architecture at Thompson, Berwick, & Pratt in Vancouver. Ron Thom: From West Coast to Points East, enriched by original plans, drawings, furniture, fixtures, correspondence, and film footage, provides a distinctly multifaceted exhibition of his architecture. This exhibition is guest-curated by Adele Weder.
Book Launch at the WV Museum: Sat Sept 7 from 2 to 4pm
Panel Discussion at Inform Interiors: Sat Sept 14 from 3 to 5pm
Book Launch and Panel Discussion
Saturday September 14th from 3 - 5pm at Inform Interiors, 50 Water Street, Vancouver
Panellists include Tony Robins, Matthew Soules, Sherry McKay, and Trevor Boddy; moderated by Adele Weder.
RAIC members attending this event are eligible to earn learning units, a sign-in sheet will be provided at the door.
The publication of Ron Thom and the Allied Arts was made possible by the generous support of Shanna Fromson.
Ron Thom and the Allied Arts is on view at the West Vancouver Museum until September 2.
For more information about this project, pls visit: http://www.ronthomexhibition.org/
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
Events, Exhibitions, Entry and Great Stuff info (deadline Sept 22), and more!
September 10 -- 29
West Vancouver Fire Museum at the FBG Art, Artifacts, Stories, and Antique Firetrucks
Opening Reception Sept 10 Tues 6 - 8pm; Vintage Firetrucks Sept 14 & 21 Sats 2 - 5pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
September 3 - 22 -- Leaves and Tides
This exhibition brings together two artists, Ann Willsie and Jeff Wilson, exploring the light and colour of western Canada. Both artists work within the Canadian landscape tradition in their use of bold colour and light, applied to stir up passion and energy in the viewer. This exhibit combines a selection of Anns impressionistic forests and landscapes with a number of Jeffs coastal compositions.
September 24 - October 13 -- Explorations in Coloured Pencil
This exhibition brings together talented artists who work in the oft overlooked but versatile and labour intensive medium of coloured pencil. Artists include Ruby Cram, Evaline Orme, Margaret Morrison, Rosemary Shaw, Susan Ward, Joanne Waters, and Mary Alice Watts.
Opening reception: Tuesday September 24th Tuesday from 6 ” 8pm
During 2013 Culture Days Sat Sept. 28 ” Sun Sept. 29
from 2 - 4pm exhibiting artists will be in the gallery to draw/demo. The WVCAC will provide coloured pencils and paper for anyone who would like to wonder in and try their hand.
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
~ 7pm ~ Tues Sept 17 Seniors' Health Forum: Becoming Younger Next Year
= A mainstay at the Meek, Early Music Vancouver is back this year with another great line-up of classical music! Get a great deal if you buy tickets to see all three performances.
TANYA TOMKINS - 3pm September 22 -- Three Bach Suites for Violoncello Solo {pre-concert talk 2:15}
BRADAMANTE - November 24 -- Wild Love Cello Duets featuring Elinor Frey & Shirley Hunt
MARC DESTRUBE & FRIENDS - March 2 -- Celebrating Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Pleased to announce our Fall/Winter film selection! All films are $12, or buy a flex pass and receive 10-15% off your ticket price. Enjoy a classic film experience with great titles from TIFF Film Circuit and DOXA Documentary Film Festival.
> Kon-Tiki ~ 7:30pm ~ Tues September 24
Nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 85th Academy Awards, Kon-Tiki is an epic retelling of Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean.
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, West Vancouver +++ http://www.westvan60.com/
Office: 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920 Fax: 922 2659
Silent auction, 50/50, Lasagna, salad, and garlic bread, entertainment by the Alley Cats to follow - $10 - Tickets at the bar
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Sept 11: WV Chamber AGM Breakfast Mtg at Hollyburn Country Club; Mbrs $30, Non-Mbrs $40 Register or Learn More
Join us for breakfast as we welcome our new board members at our Annual General Meeting, followed by a panel discussion with: John Weston, MP, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Sea to Sky Country; Ralph Sultan, MLA, West Vancouver-Capilano; and Jordan Sturdy, MLA, West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, who will share updates on business initiatives and projects underway. Tix include a buffet breakfast. Generously sponsored by Grosvenor.
"A Taste of Dundarave" - FRIDAY Sept 13th ~ 5 - 8pm ~ Dundarave Village between 24th and 25th Streets
TD Bank Group Luncheon: Economic and Financial Market Outlook¯
~ 11:30 - 1:30pm ~ Thursday September 26 -- Hollyburn Country Club - Creekside Room
~~ 20th Anniversary of Starbucks in Ambleside. See the Chamber's website:
for all the daily activities starting Wednesday Sept 25th through to Sunday Sept 29th. Coffee-tasting and more!
>>> CLOSING NIGHT for BARD (withTwelfth Night) was SATURDAY Sept 14 <<<
See Headsup/Notices with report from Closing Night with plays for next year.
UPDATE: {Christopher Gaze filled in the details}
I was awarded the OBC well over a year ago but was on the Bard in Britain trip last September so could not go to the ceremony. I actually will attend it on Monday September 23rd at Government House - it will be a very special occasion followed by dinner there with the Premier, the Chief Justice, and the Lt-Gov.
+ ARTS CLUB -- 687 1644 http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
- Other Desert Cities, by Jon Robin Baitz, a sizzling comedy of family secrets; the Stanley Sept 19 - Oct 20
WAR HORSE -- big hit in London and on Broadway-- Sept 24 to 29
Info: http://vancouver.broadway.com/shows/war-horse-baa/
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR 224 8007 www.jerichoartscentre.com
UNITED PLAYERS OF VANCOUVER -- http://www.unitedplayers.com/Pages/Season.html#habitofart
The new season starts with the Canadian Premiere of The Habit of Art -- September 6 to 29
Alan Bennetts new play is as much about the theatre as it is about poetry or music. It looks at the unsettling desires of two difficult men, and at the ethics of biography. It reflects on growing old, on creativity and inspiration, and on persisting when all passions spent: ultimately, on the habit of art. Benjamin Britten, sailing uncomfortably close to the wind with his new opera, Death in Venice, seeks advice from his former collaborator and friend W.H. Auden. During this imagined meeting, their first for nearly twenty years, they are observed and interrupted by amongst others their future biographer and a young man from the local bus station.
Preview Sep 5 ($10); Opening Sep 6; Talkback Sep 12; Matinées 2pm Sept 15, 29 (no evening performance)
Bell, Book, & Candle -- Metro opens its 51st season with this romantic comedy
Gillian Holroyd (played by the enchanting Jennifer McLaren) is a beautiful young witch who is restless in life. But change is ahead. Gillian would never use witchcraft to steal another woman's man. But when she learns that her upstairs neighbour, the conservative but handsome mortal publisher Shepherd Henderson (Jim Bjorkes), is engaged to a woman she despised in college, she decides to make an exception by casting a love spell on him.
Helping Gillian with her enchantment is her eccentric Aunt Queenie (Alison Main-Tourneur) and her wacky warlock brother, Nicky (Trevor Roberts). The love spell seems harmless, until Gillian begins to fall for Shep. To make matters worse, accomplished author Sidney Redlitch (Kevin Sloan), who has written a laughably ill-informed book about the world of witches, might just reveal everything.
Bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. That's what happens when you fall in love with a witch.
If you are looking for a bargain, come to our preview, it is the best value in theatre in Vancouver.
Previews August 23 are offered for a bargain price of $12. Aug 24 - Sept 21 ph 604 266 7191
http://www.metrotheatre.org Book your tickets soon and start the season off with this delightful comedy.
The Kitchen Witches, a comedy by Caroline Smith. Reality TV meets cooking show; insults are flung harder than the food. northvanplayers.ca 983 2633 (three nights already sold out!) Sept 5 - 21
+ FIREHALL ARTS CTR firehallartscentre.ca 689 0926
"You should have stayed home" the Toronto G20 Protests in 2010; varying times Sept 24 - Oct 5
The Foreigner by Larry Shue; visiting from England, for a rest those at fishing resort told he speaks no English
LOL comedy pacifictheatre.org 731 5518 8pm Sept 20 - Oct 12 (matinees 2pm Sat)
+ LANGARA, Studio 58 www.langara.bc.ca/studio-58
A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Scott Bellis; (some matinees) Sept 26 - Oct 20
+ UBC Theatre Dept www.theatre.ubc.ca 822 3880
at Telus Studio Theatre: The Caucasian Chalk Circle, by Bertolt Brecht Sept 19 - Oct 5
Brief Encounters 20 Presented by Tomorrow Collective Arts Society, 9pmSeptember 19 “ 21 Performance Works briefencounters.com
Big Shot Created and Performed by Jon Lachlan Stewart, Performance Works, 7pmSept 20 “ 22
Info about more: http://www.vancouverfringe.com/pickplus/
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
The Vancouver Art Gallery is moving and we would love for you to follow along every step of the way! Check out our New Gallery Building Site dedicated to keeping you in the loop on the progress of the new space and how this exciting journey came to be.
See: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/future/
Vancouver Art Gallery seeks architect for new building: The VAG has released a Request for Qualifications for prospective architects for its new site at Georgia and Cambie.
Art Attack: 20 Vancouver artists will come together and paint their "art" out on September 12. Get your tickets to the afternoon artistic event or the evening reception and auction now!
Emily Carr in Haida Gwaii -- July 20 to 2014 March 9
Emily Carr in Haida Gwaii, designed to complement both the James Hart: The Dance Screen (The Scream Too)
and Charles Edenshaw exhibitions, presents some of the important oil paintings that resulted from Carr's trips
to Haida Gwaii.Read more Ā» http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_carr_haida.html
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery and curated by Ian Thom, Senior Curator-Historical.
~~ Missed the talk?
You can now check out many of the Gallerys recent lectures and discussion presented by artists, curators, art historians, critics, and collectors online: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/video_documentation.html
+ Caroun Art Gallery
In Memory of "Morteza KhanAli", Tofigh Cartoonist, Caroun Art Gallery exhibits his works:
Cartoon Exhibition by "Morteza KhanAli" Sept 17 - 27, noon to 8pm (closed Mondays)
Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm Saturday September 21
Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)1403 Bewicke Ave, NV Masoud Soheili 778 372 0765 www.Caroun.nethttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Caroun-Art-Gallery/185765774772749?sk=wall
Out of Vancouver? visit online later at: http://www.caroun.com/CarounArtGallery/Exhibitions/00-Expositions.html
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA http://enews.vancouversymphony.ca/1213VSO-13.html
Check their website for performances throughout the month. Free concerts at Whistler.
To become a VSO Subscriber, call 876 3434 for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the series packages online. Order your new subscription online “ AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!
> The VSO's 95th Anniversary Season!
All single concert tickets on sale Monday August 19th at 10am!
All concerts in the 2013/2014 Season are on sale, but the best way to order your concerts is still by subscribing to a series package. When you subscribe, you save up to 30% over single concert pricing, you get guaranteed seating for your series and first choice of seats for subsequent seasons, FREE hassle-free exchanges, and an automatic 15% discount on any other concert you purchase “ including Specials! So Subscribe Now, and enjoy the 2013/2014 Season!
The VSO's 95th Anniversary Season is one of bold change and excitement. Three brand new additions to Vancouver's musical landscape will be launched: The Spring Festival, a new annual two-week celebration of a selected composer or musical era “- kicking off with the music of Rachmaninoff; the VSO New Music Festival, a new annual one-week focus on new creations and contemporary music in the month of January; and the Pacific Rim Celebration, a new annual celebration of the music of Pacific Rim cultures, starting off with a Chinese New Year concert and a celebration of Korea.
In addition to these new and exciting festivals, the VSO continues to present the very best in Classical, Pops, Matinees and concerts for children and families in series packages.
To become a VSO Subscriber, call the above number for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the VSO's series packages online here. You can order your new subscription online “ AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!
+ VANCOUVER ACADEMY OF MUSIC musicinthemorning.org
~ 10:30am ~ Sept 11 - 13 -- Pavel Kolesnikov (22-year-old pianist), winner of the $100K Honens Laureat Competition makes his Vancouver debut. Includes Rameau, Debussy, and Chopin. Tel 873 4612
Sept 15, La Traviata; Sept 22, Nabucco // at Cambrian Hall procantanti.com
+ VANCOUVER RECITAL SOCIETY vanrecital.com 602 0363
Sitkovetsky Trio plays Brahms, Mendelssohn, and Schubert; Chan Ctr at 3pm Sunday Sept 22
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER earlymusic,bc.ca 732 1610 {see also KMC}
~ 8pm ~ Friday Sept 20, Christ Church Cathedral; Marc Destrube and Friends
Schubert's monumental Octet and his string quartet Rosamunde
> See KMC for violoncello performance by Tanya Tomkins on Sunday Sept 22
> See the website for a free event 3pm Sat Sept 28 -- discussion and rehearsal
More than 500 screenings at seven theatres of 341 films from 75 countries -- Sept 26 to Oct 11
=== NATURE ===
Hands-on presentation at Capilano Branch Library, NV ~ 2 - 3:30pm Saturday September 14
A fun night of paddling on the waters of Vancouver Harbour. Line up on the start line under the Burrard Bridge and paddle the scenic course as fast as you want. www.bigchop.ca 866 912 3331 ..., Sept 14
+ WALKING TOUR 873 1866 stanleyparkhistory.ca
~ 1:30 - 3pm ~ Sunday Sept 15 -- The Brockton Point's Secrets Historical Walking Tour
+ VANCOUVER TWEED RIDE 331 7025 vancouvertweedride.com
~ 11am ~ Sun Sept 15: Group Bicycle Ride through the ctr of Vancouver, where cyclists dress in traditional British attire and tweed. [ Fundraiser for Intersections Media for Youth Society; Tix $40 ]
Photos 11am, remarks 11:15, Ode to Tweed reading by Christopher Gaze 11:25; ride 11:35; sandwiches and lemonade by C Restaurant; 2:30- 3pm English tea compliments of Murchie's; 3:30 English pub compliments of Terminal City Club
~ 10am - 3pm ~ Tuesday Sept 17 -- Join traditional canoes in a welcome ceremony to Coast Salish lands from Kits point to Science World. Hosted by Reconciliation Canada. 770 4434 reconciliation.ca
Upper Lands Study Review WG Site Discovery Tour -- Saturday Sept 21
Hollyburn Cabin Area Tour
Mbrs of the public interested are to contact Jackie Swanson, who is planning the route, for further information.
Pls let Alan Bardsley know if you'll be joining the tour. <jackie@roirecreation.com> <abardsle@yahoo.com>
=== HEADSUP / NOTICES === [sent to subscribers as updates]
=x= HEADSUP 17A [Aug 26]
Herewith: Aug 27, 29, Sept 1 (posters below); Bard; Sept 2 Music in the Park; Vancouver Opera News; IQ Test*; POSTERS; Stursberg Bio; QTP* * moved to end of this issue
West Van resident and well-known former CBC broadcaster/reporter Peter Stursberg turns 100 on August 31st.
= Tues Aug 27 ~ 6:30 - 8:30pm ~ "Word Whips" (writing workshop at Silk Purse)
= Thurs Aug 29 ~ 10:30am ~ Music from the British Isles (Silk Purse)
= Sun Sept 1 ~ Close of Exhibition "Beautiful Canada", landscape paintings (Silk Purse)
Evening performances start at 7pm from Sept 1st however the Bard Village will be open at 6pm with all its attractions including our free 'In a Nutshell' talks, delicious treats at the concession, and our wonderful Boutique, chock full of our unique Shakespearean t-shirts, books, collectibles, and more.
= Mon Sept 2
~ noon to 6pm ~ Music in the Park -- Capilano River Regional Park, Cleveland Dam parking lot
More information: nvartscouncil.ca/events/music-park
FREE Family Fun! Join us for a fantastic afternoon of live musical performances at Music in the Park brought to you by Metro Vancouver and the NV Cmnty Arts Ccl. Bring a picnic or enjoy the food carts and be inspired by art displays and demonstrations while enjoying live jazz, folk, blues and rock, gypsy, and Celtic swing amongst the stunning backdrop of the NSh mountains and Capilano Lake.
Musical performances: 12 “ 1pm ~~ David Blair (high energy acoustic dance music)
1 “ 2pm ~~ Rose Ranger (soulful singer songwriter)
2 “ 3pm ~~ Justin ODonohue Trio (modern and classical jazz)
3 “ 4pm ~~ Patrick Ernst Trio (celtic and gypsy swing)
4 - 5pm ~~ Blackberry Wood (alt-country-gypsy-circus)
5 - 6pm ~~ High Society Band (soul, blues, and rock)
Art displays and demonstrations: Larissa Blockhuis (glass and mixed media artist); John Winkler (potter);
Warren Oneschuk (acrylic painter); Angela Gooliaff (illustrator); Avis OBrien (weaver and carver)
Shane Koyczan To Write Anti-Bullying Opera Libretto
for details/info: http://www.allianceforarts.com/blog/shane-koyczan-write-anti-bullying-opera-libretto
{IQ TEST moved}
~ 6:30 - 8:30pm ~ Tuesday Aug 27 -- Word Whips, The North Shore Edition
This workshop is open to everyone and great for all age groups and levels of writers. Take the challenge. Write to a prompt for 10-15 minutes and see what you get. This kind of free flow writing to prompts by-passes the inner critic, removes blocks and inhibitions. With everyone in the same boat, with the same time constraints, it quickly builds trust in groups. Getting stuff out, getting it down on paper, and sharing with others”these things are life enhancing, life affirming.
Come try your hand at it! 4th Tuesday of every month.
Hosted by poet Fran Bourassa Admission by donation
> MUSIC Songs of the British Isles
~ 10:30am ~ Thursday August 29
Tenor Hew Gwynne and pianist Nicole Thomas Zyczynski perform beloved traditional/folk songs from the British Isles and original piano pieces. Tix $12 Mbrs or $15 General Purchase tix in advance 925 7292 or westvanartscouncil@shaw.ca
Purchase online http://silkpurse.ca/music/boxoffice/
Stursberg was born [1913 August 31] in Chefoo, China, the son of Mary Ellen (née Shaw) and Walter Arthur Stursberg.[1] His father was born in Canada to a German father from the Rhineland and an English mother, while his mother was born in China to an English father and a Japanese mother.[2]
Stursberg has spent his career as a foreign correspondent, newspaper editor, television newscaster and commentator, and author. He was recognised as one of the best Canadian correspondents of the Second World War, reporting for CBC Radio from the front lines in Italy and France.
In 1996, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada for having "helped Canadians to be better informed about themselves and their place in the world".[3] Stursberg's latest book, No Foreign Bones in China (2002), details his family's complex relationship with his country of birth:
"Stursberg recreated the story of his family in China for No Foreign Bones in China, recalling the turbulent birth of modern China through the Opium Wars, the Boxer Rebellion, two world wars, and the rise of Mao. It traces the fortunes of Captain Samuel Lewis Shaw, a merchant seaman, who arrived in China in the 1830s. He settled in Foochow and married a Japanese woman, Peter Stursberg's grandmother, to whom the book is dedicated. The Shaw children grew up in Pagoda Anchorage, the heart of the Chinese tea trade. The title refers to the fury of the Chinese over the Korean War. They expelled all foreigners and even dug up their bones, including the bones of Stursberg's grandfather and grandmother."[4] Through his ancestors, Captain Shaw and his Japanese wife, Stursberg is related to former British Conservative leader, Iain Duncan Smith.[5]
=x= NEWSFLASH -- 1300 Thursday (DRC mtg) {sent Sept 4/5}
Shanah Tovah! (Rosh Hashanah)*ccc
{Herewith: 1300, weekend, traffic advisory, QTP}
The headsup from Wed/Thurs last week still in limbo -- series of crises
however 1300 Marine Drive, the Grosv proposal, is so important, have to tell you it's the one item on the Design Review Cmte's mtg 4:30 Thursday Sept 5
Hope they will have corrected the website by the time you look. I managed to find the Sept 5 agenda Monday, then when verifying a bit later, the agenda posted was for July 25. I wrote to the Hall Tuesday but no response. I've just checked now before sending this out and the two places marked agenda for the DRC still have July 25.
Will they replace it?
In any case, Grosv is on the agenda for Sept 5 that I saw -- bound to be important even if they think they're only to address massing and not height and density.
= See you at the Coho Festival on Sunday!
Painting Exhibition by Kathryn Bozman¯September 1 - 14 -- noon to 8pm (closed Mondays) -- ]
Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm Saturday September 7https://www.facebook.com/events/398903936898931/
>>> from DWV website:
Gran Fondo: Delays and Closures
Expect delays of up to three hours between West Vancouver and Whistler from 6 a.m. “ 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept 7 due to road closures for the RBC Gran Fondo bike race.
Stanley Park Causeway and Lions Gate Bridge: Northbound lanes closed from 6 “ 8 a.m.
Marine Drive: Westbound lanes closed from 6 “ 8:30 a.m. between Capilano Road and Taylor Way
Taylor Way: TWay (both directions) closed to traffic/pedestrians from 6 “ 9:30am between Marine and Hwy 1
Highway 1: Eastbound lanes closed from 6 “ 9:30 a.m. between Taylor Way and Horseshoe Bay
To avoid significant delays, motorists are asked to use alternate routes.
More information, including ferry traffic and Highway 99 delays.
North Plaza of West Vancouver Community Centre
The North Plaza of West Vancouver Community Centre is closed from Tuesday, September 3 “ Sunday, September 22 for repaving. The map below shows where you can and can't park during this time:
Map Highway 1 eastbound from Taylor Way
Road construction is anticipated to start on September 4 eastbound on Highway 1 starting at Taylor Way. The project is scheduled to be complete by September 20, weather permitting.
Work will take place at night, between 8 p.m. “ 5:30 a.m. Sunday “ Thursday and 9 p.m. “ 8 a.m. Friday “ Saturday. This is a Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure initiative and does not fall under District bylaws. We apologize for any inconvenience.
More information -- For all construction zones, drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes to avoid delays. There is no on-street parking within the construction zones. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Rosh Hashanah 2013
began in the evening of Wednesday, September 4 and ends in the evening of Friday, September 6
Rosh Hashanah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosh_Hashanahˇ
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ××ש ×”×©× ×”ˇ, literally "head [of] the year"), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") ...
The common greeting on Rosh Hashanah is "Shanah Tovah", which, in Hebrew, means "[have a] good year" or similar greetings in Hebrew.
=x= HEADSUP 17B -- Events; Agenda Sept 9 {sent Sept 8}
At last!
Well, sometimes life goes off the rails. The Headsup 17B was supposed to go out about Aug 29 but what with losing a contact lens, my engine dying at the corner of Denman and Georgia (thank God before turning left to go over the LGB) so it had to be towed to Bby (only was a problem with a copied ignition key) just when preparing for my 1965 cream Caravelle convertible was to go on display at the Concours d'elegance at Crescent Beach (Blackie Spit), then madly preparing for a trip to Seattle, commitments in Seattle (but some CNN clips), and finally back Sunday Sept 8 so here goes.
Of necessity then, some of this is that was the week that was.
At least you can google to find out when other events by some of these groups.
Main Items Sept 9; Events old and new; ANIMALWATCH (puppies); INFObits (Martians; War of 1812; Spoons; Conundrums --if killed, does it matter how? what about a consistent even-handed approach?); Israeli High Court Decisions (al-Rajabi; Firing Zone 918); SYRIAWATCH (Assad family); RoyalWatch (family portrait); BOOK NEWS (in Vancouver); Abbreviated Ccl Mtg Agenda Sept 9 (had trouble pasting so you may want to enlarge); Scots vs English :-); QTP
{Agenda; Scots; QTP moved to newsletter}
MAIN ITEMS on Sept 9 Agenda: July 22 and 29 minutes (compare with the transcript in WVM 17); Delegation from the NSh Fruit Tree Project Society; Library's Annual Report; Zoning and DPA re 1455 Bellevue (Walker Bldg); Staff Response re Coach Houses; PSB: Project Status, Funding for Construction Phase, Facade, Landacape, Preliminary Funding Strategy (comprehensive helpful report); Ccl mtg schedule changes (why does website say confirmed? why not leave as scheduled until actually confirmed??? why have confirmed when it's being changed at the ccl mtg?); Devt Applicn Status List; Correspondence (lots!): cell towers; PkR Devt; Longboarding; Coach Houses; HAF (locals left out; noise); Upper Lands (1200ft level? 2000?; Adobe Island; Library CAC requests; 1300 blk expenses (still no reply); Decibel Levels
- The Marine Building: Art Deco marve -- 4:30pm Friday August 30
The Marine is one of Vancouver's iconic buildings. An excellent example of Art Deco style with typical symbols of transportation along with geometric, floral and astronomical designs, a marine...
Van City Free Capture Photography | More like this
... The Marine is one of Vancouver's iconic buildings. An excellent example of Art Deco style with typical symbols of transportation along with geometric, floral and astronomical designs, a marine theme predominates. There are ships, seawater crashing over rocks, and all manner of sea creatures (seahorses, dolphins, crustaceans, strange fish) and plants in stone and brass. The two-storey lobby is unlike any in the city. The ceramics, stained glass, woods inlays and a gorgeous plaster ceiling are a marvel or workmanship....
SEE: http://www.meetup.com/Van-City-Free-Capture-Photography/
- Orpheum Theatre: Tour and Photo-op of the Grand Old Lady -- Saturday, August 31, 2013, 12:45pm
The Canadian Register of Historic Places begins the description of the historic value of the Orpheum with "...built by the Chicago-based Orpheum Circuit and the largest and most extravagant...
Van City Free Capture Photography | More like this
Bring a tripod and a wide-angle lens too, to capture the grandeur of some of the spaces. You can even bring a flash.
The Walk-about We'll meet at the Smithe St. entrance (601 Smithe St, corner Seymour) at 12:45pm sharp. This will give us time to group before the tour which begins at 1:00pm.There is a public tour at 11am. Starting our tour at 1pm will ensure we have the place to ourselves, as per Mr. Haynes's suggestion, which I think can be good for us. The cost is a $10 donation per person, which goes to the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame. Please bring cash. If you are enthusiastic about this tour and RSVP, please do your best to show as we have committed to the number of attendees with Mr. Haynes. Afterwards, we'll get a cuppa and share conversation and our images. Place to be determined.
The Canadian Register of Historic Places begins the description of the historic value of the Orpheum with "...built by the Chicago-based Orpheum Circuit and the largest and most extravagant theatre on the Pacific Coast. It exemplified the faith of the company in the metropolitan growth of Vancouver and it became a symbol of Vancouver?s progress." Slated for demolition in the 1970s, it was saved by the city of Vancouver and citizens, was restored and renewed, and today is home to choirs, the VSO, dance, and varied music performances.
"fun" and Tegan and Sara
~ 5pm ~ Aug 31st at Ambleside Park See livenation.com
{is the park going to be hosting many events now? what's the policy? hm. "Park Accessory Uses"?}
Caroun Art Gallery -- 778 372 0765 -- www.caroun.net
Painting Exhibition by Kathryn Bozman¯
~ noon to 8pm ~ Sept 1 - 14 (closed Mondays) Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm Sat Sept 7
VANCOUVER FRINGE FESTIVAL ~~~ Sept 5 - 15; for details: vancouverfringe.com
BEAUTY BY DESIGN: Inspired Gardening in the Pacific Northwest
~ 7pm ~ Thurs Sept 5: Book launch by Bill Terry and Rosemary Bates at the Vancouver Public Library
{Bill Terry from Sechelt of blue Himalayan poppy fame!}
GRANDVIEW, WEST OF COMMERCIAL ~ 10am - noon ~ Saturday, September 7
Location: Meet at Mosaic Park, Charles St. & McLean Dr.
Admission: $15; Heritage Vancouver Members $10
Join Maurice Guibord, a founding councillor of Heritage Vancouver, archaeologist, and heritage expert, for an exciting tour of one of Vancouvers most diverse neighbourhoods.
This little explored area holds a rich history of early Grandview settlers, multicultural influences, and artistic expressions. Surrounded by industrial and commercial sites, this area developed a character of its own, with an eye to the social welfare of its residents, and its beautification by its creative denizens.
Wear comfortable walking shoes and in case of rain bring your umbrella. For details, see http://www.heritagevancouver.org
Operation Puppy Rescue!: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2013/09/05/operation-puppy-rescue/?hpt=ac_t1
+ Are we Martians?
CBC The National August 29 describes in this clip [3m26sec]: http://www.cbc.ca/thenational/watch/
Well, a lot of us thought Men were from Mars!
{did you notice, as I did, that maybe Bob has a problem with relative space perception?}
+ Who won the War of 1812? From CTV News: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?playlistId=1.1431490
Spoons in Underwear Alert Airport Security to Arranged
Aug 2013
A charity in the U.K. has found an unusual way to alert authorities to youth being pushed into arranged marriages abroad: hide a spoon in your underwear to set off the metal detectors.
+ Conundrums
- Iraq (Saddam) gassed thousands of Kurds but US did nothing, in fact it backed Iraq in the war against Iran.
- Saddam was secular and now Iraq has enforced more Islamic law resulting in Christians leaving.
- Israel/IDF in Gaza a couple of years ago used phosphorus (banned/int'l war crime according to UN), during the war when ~1400 civilians were killed (~14 Israelis, mostly IDF) but US said/did nothing.
- The mixture that is the rebels/opposition are reported to have al Qaeda and fundamentalists/jihadists, so if the US weakens Assad, will that help them 'win'?
- Then comes this report of a 'rebel' attack on a Christian village:
Excerpts from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/05/syria-battle-maaloula_n_3872906.html
Syrian Rebels And Army Battle Over Regime-Held Christian Village Of Maaloula
...The hit-and-run attacks on the ancient village of Maaloula, one of the few places in the world where residents still speak Aramaic, highlighted fears among Syria's religious minorities about the growing role of extremists among those fighting in the civil war to topple President Bashar Assad's regime....
The fighting in Maaloula, a scenic village of about 3,300 perched high in the mountains, began early Wednesday when militants from Jabhat al-Nusra stormed in after a suicide bomber struck an army checkpoint guarding the entrance. The group “ listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department “ is one of the most effective fighting forces among Syrian rebels. The suicide attack triggered battles that terrorized residents in the village, famous for two of the oldest surviving monasteries in Syria “ Mar Sarkis and Mar Takla.
... [Maaloula] Some of its residents still speak a version of Aramaic, the language of biblical times believed to have been used by Jesus...
The nun who spoke to AP said there were reports that the militants threatened villagers with death if they did not convert. The report could not be independently confirmed.
Such fears have allowed Assad to retain the support of large sections among Syria's minorities, which includes Christians, Alawites, Druze, and ethnic Kurds, throughout the 2 1/2 year civil war. Most of the rebels and their supporters are Sunni Muslims.
...The conflict started in March 2011 as largely peaceful demonstrations against Assad's rule. It turned into a civil war after opposition supporters took up arms to fight a brutal government crackdown on dissent. Two years of fighting have led to a stalemate, with the rebels controlling much of the countryside in the north, east and south, and the regime holding most urban centers in the west, where the majority of Syrians live.
More than 100,000 people have been killed, with nearly 7 million people uprooted from their homes. U.N. officials estimate that 5 million have been displaced inside the country while another 2 million have fled to neighboring countries. The total amounts to nearly a third of Syria's population, which was 23 million before the fighting began....
~ then there's this:
Syria Chemical Attack Possibly Carried Out Without Assad Permission, German Newspaper Reports
Reuters | Posted: 09/08/2013 8:04 am EDT | Updated: 09/08/2013 10:07 am EDT
CPTWATCH === Israeli High Court Decision
To view the [complete] on-line version click here.
CPTnet 6 September 2013
JERUSALEM: Israeli High Court postpones ruling on al-Rajabi Bldg, sends Firing Zone 918 for mediation
[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations, the International Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions, all Israeli settlements and outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal.]
...As far back as 19 March 2007, the Al Rajabi building came under contention while settlers occupied it, after what proved to be a questionable sale of the building. By 16 November 2008, the Israeli police crime lab discovered that documents of ownership submitted by settlers were forged, resulting in the eviction of settlers and the building being placed under control of Israeli military until the District Court ruled on the ownership.
The Israeli army forcibly evicted the settlers after they refused to leave voluntarily. OCHA, the United Nations Office For The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, reported that after the eviction, settlers set fire to Palestinian homes, farms, olive trees, and vehicles in the area. Six Palestinians were injured, two with live ammunition. OCHA also noted that during that time, settlers in twelve other areas attacked Palestinians and their property in reprisal for the eviction, a practice known as pricetagging¯.
If the settler community takes the Al Rajabi building, it will essentially sever the northern part of the Israeli-controlled H-2 area of Hebron from the southern H-1 part of Hebron by a series of Israeli checkpoints and by-pass roads, which will incorporate H-2 into the infrastructure of Kiryat Arba settlement. The already chronic human rights abuses by the military in Hebron will undoubtedly escalate with the additional personnel necessary to secure the Jewish-only corridor in a high traffic area.
The decision also has heavy implications for the purchase of land, since it would set a precedent for obtaining lands with forged documents”which the court has acknowledged....
{Firing Zone}
MAP ...This harassment has included impromptu road blocks of impassable mounds of rubble, low flying helicopters creating dust clouds over the shepherds while they are herding their sheep, destruction of their homes”including caves that had been continuously inhabited for thousands of years”crushing their livestock with bulldozers, as well as other obstacles that have impeded the daily routine of the inhabitants of the land.
In 1999, the IDF issued evacuation orders for 700 of the areas residents and, in the middle of the night, loaded them onto trucks and let them off at the outskirts of the nearby Palestinian city of Yatta. The soldiers also destroyed buildings and wells used by Palestinians in the area....
=== SYRIAWATCH === The al-Assad family
from Anderson Cooper on CNN September 3rd
> Bashar al-Assad: Like father, like son
Bashar al-Assad was a mild mannered eye doctor and Asma al-Assad was a stylish investment banker. Meet the Assad family. See: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2013/09/03/bashar-al-assad-like-father-like-son/?hpt=ac_t2
> Watch Fouad Ajami's insight on Syria's ruthless ruling family.
The Assad family legacy -- Fouad Ajami, Sr Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution gives insight on Syria's ruthless ruling family. See: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2013/09/03/the-assad-family-legacy/?hpt=ac_bn5
Prince William says Kate, George, and pooch Lupo are his priorities
The 31-year-old royal is relieved the couple's canine is "coping all right" following George's birth on July 22 because they were concerned he wouldn't like having the little one around.
See: http://www.vancouversun.com/videos/recommended/video.html?embedCode=Jtc3V4ZDq-LhBjbD6Z7Wv9MY6INeYGPq
=== BOOK NEWS ===
2013 Festival
The 2013 Vancouver Writers Fest program guides are now available at bookstores, cafes, and library branches around Vancouver. Complete Festival details including a downloadable PDF of the guide are available online at writersfest.bc.ca. You'll find 81 events-interviews, discussions, readings and performances-for readers of all interests, with 100 writers from around the world including Margaret Atwood, Joseph Boyden, Anne Carson, Michael Crummey, Sarah Dunant, Tomson Highway, Wayne Johnston, Rachel Kushner, Anne Michaels, Colin Mochrie, Lisa Moore, George Packer, Michel Tremblay, Scott Turow, and many more. Please join us and experience our 26th annual celebration of exceptional writers and passionate readers.
Tix will be on sale Sept 3 for members, Sept 9 for the general public. If you'd like to become a member ($35 for one year, two years for $60) and receive great benefits, pls visit our website:
VWF Poetry and Short Fiction Contest
Submit your finest prose and poetry to the 15th annual Vancouver Writers Fest Poetry & Short Story Contest. The top entries in poetry and fiction will be published in subTerrain magazine and receive cash prizes. Details:http://www.writersfest.bc.ca/writingcontest
More on arts events: http://www.allianceforarts.com/files/enet/pdf/13/08/general_2.pdf
=x= [HEADSUP re] Upper Lands Mtg Date
Well, I queried the WG's mtg appearance on the DWV calendar as Sept 5 and it's now confirmed as tomorrow Tuesday Sept 10. For more info on the group, go to:
It has a questionnaire if you want to provide input.
fyi, Hoping for WVM 18 tomorrow (fingers crossed), but maybe not before this mtg so rushing to let you know.
In case you're interested in the UL mtg, here's the agenda.
=x= [HEADSUP {Sept 14} re] Bard on the Beach! + Sunday: Walk; Tweed Ride; TF Run
{Sections below: first, theatre; then Sunday and QTP}
Absolutely fantastic!
What more can you say?
Back from Closing Night for the Bard. {LATER: Well, somewhat earlier than when this was transmitted!}
It was an amusing and superbly performed Twelfth Night -- the whole audience leapt to their feet for a rousing standing ovation!
~90K in attendance this summer; 200 volunteers.
2014 will be Bard's 25th year and, coincidentally it is the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth.
Next season:
= Opening: A Midsummer Night's Dream (directed by Dean Paul Gibson)
= Also in the big tent: The Tempest (Meg Roe -- and she did a great version in the Studio a few years ago)
= In the Studio, a co-production with the Belfry in Victoria: Equivocation *
= along with Cymbeline
Andrew Wheeler was awarded the Edmund Kean Sword (but was done on Friday night, not at closing Sat).
The Managing Director (John McCulloch, formerly Chairman of the Board) announced that Artistic Director Christopher Gaze will be receiving the Order of BC on Tuesday. Well deserved.
{LATER: see Update below, when I queried Christopher, he clarified and provided more detailsl}
{I hadn't heard of it either.}
from Wiki:
Equivocation, written by Bill Cain, is a play about telling the truth in difficult times. It proposes the question: what if the government commissioned William Shakespeare (known as Shagspeare in the play) to write the definitive history of a national crisis, the Gunpowder Plot, in one of his plays. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivocation_(play)
A review of the play in NY:
Mar 3, 2010 - But Equivocation¯ has more on its mind than playing what-if games with the theater's past. It also explores the moral obligation of artists to resist the manipulations of those in power....
Read the whole review: http://theater.nytimes.com/2010/03/03/theater/reviews/03equivocation.html?pagewanted=all
A completely different different category was Avenue Q at the Arts Club on Granville Island.
We saw it Friday night -- another reason the newsletter is late :-)
As you know, it was extended a couple of times but had to close Sat Sept 14 as well.
It's a Broadway musical with puppets and v amusing -- no wonder even though extended, was sold out.
If it comes back, you might want to go for some light fun.
-- Registration ~ 8am ~ Ambleside Pk (13th) -- Info: http://v.gd/2013_wv_terry_fox
Run Start: 9am, Event Close: 11am
10km, 5km; Suitable for bikes and wheelchairs/strollers NOT suitable for rollerblades; NO dogs allowed.
+ WALKING TOUR 873 1866 stanleyparkhistory.ca
~ 1:30 - 3pm ~ Sunday Sept 15 -- The Brockton Point's Secrets Historical Walking Tour
+ VANCOUVER TWEED RIDE 331 7025 vancouvertweedride.com
~ 11am ~ Sun Sept 15: Group Bicycle Ride through the ctr of Vancouver, where cyclists dress in traditional British attire and tweed. [ Tix $40; fundraiser for Intersections Media for Youth Society. ] Photos 11am, official remarks 11:15, Ode to Tweed reading by Christopher Gaze 11:25; start of ride 11:35; sandwiches and lemonade by C Restaurant; 2:30- 3pm English tea compliments of Murchie's; 3:30 English pub compliments of Terminal City Club
=== qtp moved
=x= HEADSUP {Sept 16}
looks like WVM will not make it out before the mtg starts, so just in case of interest to you, here's the info:
= Monday Sept 16th
~ 7pm ~ Cdn Federation of University Women -- WV: Open House and social/information mtg,
including a delegates' report from the Int'l Conference in Istanbul.
St Stephen's (885 - 22nd) cfuw.westvan@gmail.com cfuwnvwv.vcn.bc.ca
+ Compensation -- a female pun: pun moved
=== CCL MTG AGENDA Monday Sept 9 ===
7:00 PM
1.Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3.Adoption of July 22 and 29, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes as circulated:
¢July 22, 2013 special and regular Council meetings; and
¢July 29, 2013 special and regular Council meetings.
{choose an item with discussion and compare the minutes with the quasi-transcript in WVM17r°}
4.North Shore Fruit Tree Project Society (File: 0055-01)
Presentation to be provided.
5.Reports from Council on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
6.Memorial Library Annual Report (File: 1900-10)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
7. Zoning Bylaw ... Amendment Bylaw ... and Devt Permit Appl ... 1455 Bellevue [Walker Bldg]
Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 1) Schedule A to Appendix E (Part 2)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1.Zoning ... Amendment Bylaw No. 4760, 2013 for property located at 1455 Bellevue, as attached to the report by the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Aug 29 be read a first time;
2.The MClk give statutory notice that a PH [etc] is scheduled for Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7pm [in M Hall];
3.Proposed Devt Permit attached to the report be considered concurrently with [the Zoning/Amdmt] Bylaw; and
4.The public be given an opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Devt Permit attached to the report at a Public Mtg held concurrently with the Public Hearing...
{hm. Remember when Planning didn't elucidate CAC requirements or correct applicant's claim none paid for some properties in Vancouver so it took a cclr and a resident to do research proving CACs were paid for those zoning examples? Well, is it a surprise then that though Ccl stipulated the (up)zoning be commercial in perpetuity as a condition is omitted???
Who's watching out so the cmnty gets its due?}
8. Staff Response to Questions from Council Regarding a Proposed Implementation Program for Coach Houses and West Vancouver Coach House Examination (File: 2515-02)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
1.The report from the Sr Cmnty Planner, dated August 22, 2013 be received for information; and
2.Staff prepare draft bylaws to allow for rental coach houses as a detached form of secondary suite for Council consideration in fall 2013, as set out in the report dated July 11, 2013.
{PSB: Items 9 to 12}
9. Public Safety Building “ Project Status Report for July, 2013 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated August 27, 2013, be received for information.
10.Public Safety Building: Funding Release for Construction Documents Phase (File: 0500-01)
1. A funding release in the amt of $2,200,000 (excluding taxes) be approved for expenditure on the Construction Documents phase for the PSB project; and
2. Funding be provided in a manner consistent with the funding approach previously approved by Ccl for
the PSB project, namely through the net proceeds of sale of District-owned lands which are deposited in the Endowment Fund.
11.Public Safety Building: Exterior FaƧade and Landscape Design(File: 0500-01)
THAT the exterior faƧade and landscape design¯ for the PSB with features including those set out below (and as set out in Appendix 1 to the report dated Aug 27, 2013), be approved for the purpose of submission to the Design Review Cmte, and discussion with user groups and the public, after which a recommended exterior faƧade and landscape design will be brought back to Ccl in public for approval around Oct 2013:
¢ Base¯ of the bldg to be treated with the concept of a garden wall¯, a warm grey masonry cladding material. The north facing wall of the base to be clad with white glazed brick to mimic the exteriors of the existing MHall bldg;
¢ Body¯ of the bldg to be comprised of a combination of ribbon glazing treatment and simple, flush, white, and light- coloured metal panels;
¢ Opportunities for bldg identification “ fire logo on the hose tower stair, along with a red frit on the glass, and police logo on the police stair at the southeast corner along with a blue frit on its glazing;
{I had no idea what a 'frit' was -- wanted to make sure not a typo so have looked it up for you (not architects or builders, I guess :-)). From Wikipedia:
Frit is a ceramic composition that has been fused in a special fusing oven, quenched to form a glass, and granulated. Frits form an important part of the batches used in compounding enamels and ceramic glazes; the purpose of this pre-fusion is to render any soluble and/or toxic components insoluble by causing them to combine with silica and other added oxides.[1] However not all glass that is fused, and quenched in water is frit, as this method of cooling down very hot glass is widely used in glass manufacture.
The origin of the word "frit" dates back to 1662 according to the OED as "a calcinated mixture of sand and fluxes ready to be melted in a crucible to make glass". Nowadays this is more commonly called "glass batch", the unheated raw materials.In antiquity, frit could be crushed to make pigments or shaped to create objects. It may also have served as an intermediate material in the manufacture of raw glass. The definition of frit tends to be variable and has proved a thorny issue for scholars. In recent centuries, frits have taken on a number of roles, such as biomaterials and additives to microwave dielectric ceramics. Frit in the form of alumino-silicate can be used in glaze free continuous casting refractories.}
¢ Wood to be used as an exposed structural element in particular in the atrium as well as the Firehall Truck Bays;
¢ Paving patterns of the plaza and fire truck apron which work with the new Ambleside Streetscape Standards;
¢ Removal of poor conditioned existing trees along the N edge of the site and relocating two existing memorial trees;
{how/why'd they get into poor condition? why not replace?}
¢ Central plaza area designed to accommodate small scale rain gardens, opportunities for public art plinths, and to support varied civic programming;
¢ Landscape at the north side of Esquimalt Avenue to feature climbing vines and ornamental planting;
¢ Landscape at the east side of the bldg to feature a large rain garden designed to filter the run-off water from the north parking lot; and
¢ An extensive green roof on the main building roof.
12.Public Safety Building: Overall Project “ Preliminary Funding Strategy (File: 0500-01)
1.The report dated August 27, 2013 be received for information; and
2.Staff report back to Ccl for final approval of the funding strategy before entering into construction contracts and before commencing construction on the PSB project.
13. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
¢Item 13.1 “ Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule;
¢Item 13.2 “ Development Application Status List; and
¢Item 13.3 “ Correspondence List.
13.1 Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2013 Council Meeting Schedule be amended by:
¢ Cancelling the September 16, 2013 Committee of the Whole meeting;
¢ Scheduling a sp Ccl mtg for Sept 30 to include a closed session, to begin at 4pm in the MFCR at MHall, and to continue at 7pm in open session in the Ccl Chamber;
¢ Scheduling a Town Hall Mtg re cell towers for Oct 2 at 7pm at the Seniors Activity Ctr (Activity Rm); and
¢ If necessary, scheduling a second Town Hall Mtg re cell towers for Oct 16 at 7pm at the Srs Ctr.
13.2 Development Application Status List (File: 1010-01) received for information.
13.3 Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to July 26, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) K. Uduman, July 24, 2013, regarding Rogers Cell Phone/Telecomms Towers at Taylor Way and Highway #1¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) July 25, 2013, regarding 2014 Annual Budget “ Background Information:Priority-based Budgeting¯
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(3) July 26, 2013, regarding Bylaw enforcement in Horseshoe Bay?¯
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) S. Hean, July 19, 2013, regarding Detroit bankruptcy: Is it a warning sign of things to come?¯
(5) E. Lyman, July 25, 2013, regarding A Canadian research paper on EM radiation¯
(6) 14 submissions, dated July 20 “ 24, 2013, regarding Proposed Park Royal Development
(7) 8 submissions, dated July 17 “ 26, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
Responses to Correspondence
(8) Administrative Assistant to the Dir/Planning, July 19, response to T. Rafael, Fwd: M of WV Planning Procedures -- Millikens Keith Road and Taylor Way Proposed Development¯
> Council Correspondence Update to August 2, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) July 27, 2013, regarding Parks Department Water Feature at Horseshoe Bay Park Wastes Water¯
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) Dave Simmons Design Service, July 28, 2013, regarding Building Permits¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) K. Mellquist, July 30, 2013, regarding Longboarding¯
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(4) St. Pauls Indian Church Preservation Trust Fund, July 31, 2013, re Restoration of St. Pauls Indian Church¯
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(5) July 31, 2013, regarding Request for Residential Parking Permits “ 2400 block Haywood Ave.¯
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes “ Design Review Committee “ May 30, 2013
(7) West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, July 29, 2013, regarding Proposed Development of Rodgers Creek Area 4
(8) 2 submissions, dated July 26 “ August 1, 2013 regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(9) 2 submissions, dated July 27 “ 29, 2013, regarding Addition of Coach Houses to West Vancouver¯
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Dir/Planning, July 30, response to B. McArthur, Upper Lands S R WG and Urban Devt up to the 2,000-foot elevation¯
(11) Admin Assistant to the Dir/Planning July 30 response to K. Uduman, Rogers Cell Phone/Telecomms Towers at TWay & Hwy #1¯
(12) Dir/Planning, July 30, 2013, response to W. Griffiths, cell towers west vancouver¯
(13) Dir/Engg, July 31, response to Brandy Y Productions Inc., Can you please waive the film permit fees for a low budget documentary on WV seniors Olga Kotelko and Christa Bortignon who are breaking world records in track and field?¯
(14) Dir/Engineering, August 1, 2013, response regarding Suggestion for improvement on road safety¯
> Council Correspondence Update to August 9, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon) Referred for Action
(1) C. Sutherland, August 3, 2013, regarding Attn Mayor Smith: Altering foreshore on Abode Island West Vancouver¯ (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Metro Vancouver, July 29, re Notification of Three Proposed Amendments to the MetroVan Regional Growth Strategy Land Use Designation Map “ Township of Langley¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, for consideration and response)
(3) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), August 6, 2013, re Federal Additions to Reserve Policy “ Feedback Requested¯ (Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(4) D. Harrison, August 3, 2013, regarding Railway crossing Lawrence way¯
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(5) R. and L. Travers, August 6, 2013, regarding Harmony arts festival¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(6) R. Brand, August 6, re Dog Bylaw Enforcement and Signage¯
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(7) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), August 6, re Local Governments: Producers of Packaging and Printed Paper?¯
(8) Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), August 6, 2013, re UBCM Partners with FCM on Rail Safety Initiative¯
(9) Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada “ Lower Mainland Division, August 6, re Invitation to the 2013 A&W Cruisin for a
Cause¯ (to raise funds for people affected by MS and promote awareness of the disease)
(10) M. Grant, August 5, 2013, regarding Sidney Seaside Sculpture Walk
(11) I. Kalnins and G. Dumins, August 5, 2013, regarding More towers near Park Royal?¯
(12) B. and J. Corbet, August 6, 2013, regarding Abode Island foreshore permit (?)¯
(13) 4 submissions, dated August 2 - 7, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Director of Engineering and Transportation, August 6, 2013, response to D. Harrison, Railway crossing Lawrence way¯
(15) Senior Bylaw Officer, Bylaw and Licensing Services, August 8, response re Bylaw enforcement in Horseshoe Bay?¯
> Council Correspondence Update to August 16, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) M. Carter, August 9, 2013, regarding Maintenance¯
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) A. Lepiarczyk, August 12, 2013, regarding Do whatever you want permit “ Part 2¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) North Shore Volunteers for Seniors, August 12, 2013, regarding Community Services and Social Services Grant 2013¯
(4) City of Langford, August 12, 2013, regarding Downloading of Infrastructure Costs from BC Hydro¯
(5) Leap Ahead, August 16, 2013, regarding Leap Ahead “ A transit plan for Metro Vancouver¯
(6) 7 submissions, dated August 9 - 12, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Dir/Parks, August 13, response regarding Parks Department Water Feature at Horseshoe Bay Park Wastes Water¯
(8) Dir/Parks, August 13, 2013, response to M.Craver, Rogue MTB trail building inside the OGC Park? No kidding¦¯
(9) Dir/Engg and Transportation, Aug 13, response to G. De Roza, Concern re Dept of Engineering & Transportation¯
> Council Correspondence Update to August 23, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Downs, August 13, 2013, regarding Harmony Arts Festival Music¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) S. Slater, August 17, 2013, regarding Fwd: expenses to date “ 1300 block Marine¯
(Referred to Acting Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(3) Cell Towers Action Group, August 19, re Fwd: TOWN HALL PLANNING MEETING¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) J. McDiarmid, August 17, 2013, regarding Community Centre Tennis Courts¯
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Service for consideration and response)
(5) GreaterV Regional Steering Cmte on Homelessness, Aug 22, re MetroVs 8th Annual Homelessness Action Wk (HAW), Oct 13 - 19
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
Received for Information
(6) WV Memorial Library Board, August 12, regarding Community Amenity Contributions and 1300 block Marine Dr
(7) Consumer First Alert Solns Ltd., Aug 17, regarding DNV: TEN REPORTING PRINCIPLES OF GOOD GOVERNANCE¯
(8) BC Hydro, August 15, 2013, regarding Funding Available for Electric Beautification Projects¯
(9) August 20, 2013, regarding Long boarding near Cypress Park Elementary¯
(10)J. MacQuarrie (Petition with 31 signatures) dated July 21, 2013, received August 21, 2013, regarding Long Boarders
> Council Correspondence Update to August 30, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) B. Brink, J. Banning, B. Tata, F. Namdaran, A. Atash, J. Simmons, M. Hayes, G. Zavediuk, W. Beckett, and D. Ross, Aug 13, re OCPl Amendment and Rezoning Application No. 12- 085 for 752 Marine Drive (the Project¯)¯
(Referred to Director of Planning,Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) L. Topham, August 26, 2013, regarding Harmony Arts Festival¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) J. Bremer, August 27, 2013, regarding Bridges, Roads, and Logistics¯
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(4) J. McDiarmid, August 27, 2013, regarding Community Centre Tennis Courts¯
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Service for consideration and response)
(5) Cell Towers Action Grp, Aug 29, re Requesting Presentation Slot on Council Mtg “ re Rogers Cell Towers proposal¯ (Referred to Acting Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) Public Health Agency of Canada, August 2, 2013, regarding Age-Friendly British Columbia Recognition Award
(7) D. Derreth, August 20, 2013, regarding News Articles about Dog Litter and Gathering Wild Herbs
(8) E. Lyman, Aug 25, re Liability, and future legal actions from RF health danger becoming reality!¯ (Wireless Cell Towers)
(9) 2 submissions, dated August 23-27, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(10) August 28, re Re: BATES MOTEL¯ “ request for an extension of the regular filming curfew on Sept. 4 and 5, 2013¯
(11) R. Wager, August 29, 2013, regarding UBCM (Union of British Columbia Municipalities) resolution B72
Responses to Correspondence
(12) Transportation Engineer, August 27, response re Request for Residential Parking Permits “ 2400 block Haywood Ave.¯
> Council Correspondence Update to September 3, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) August 31, 2013, regarding Saturday concert¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) August 31, 2013, regarding Decible [sic] levels of the bass unbearable blocks away!¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Responses to Correspondence
(3) Dir/Planning, August 30, 2013, response to C. Sutherland, Attn Mayor Smith: Altering foreshore on Abode Island WV¯
(4) Dir/Planning, August 30, 2013, response to Dave Simmons Design Service, Building Permits¯
14. Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
14.1. July 26, 2013, regarding Bylaw enforcement in Horseshoe Bay?¯
14.2. August 20, 2013, regarding Long boarding near Cypress Park Elementary¯
J. MacQuarrie (Petition with 31 signatures), dated July 31, received August 21, re Long Boarders
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
15. Public Questions/Comments 16. Adjournment
=== ANIMALWATCH === {see puppies in the AnimalWatch above in Headsup}
Subject: Article: 15 Fascinating Photos of Monkeys Deep in Thought
This is truly an animal fix. The first is on monkeys, intriguing; then click on the photos of "personality-filled" frogs. After that I watched "expressive owls", though they're not quite as endearing as frogs and monkeys.
=== INFObits ===
TECHTIPS: A reader writes to me: I figure if I'm posting to you, you've got a computer & may pick up something new.
Here are some great computer and cell phone tips. They come at you pretty fast, so pay attention. Of course, you can always go back and watch it again. www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QoT0-2vu9m4
SYRIA: 6M Syrians have fled the fighting. Sad. {More on Syria in Conundrums in Headsup section}
YOM KIPPUR: Began the evening of Fri Sept 13, ended evening of Sat Sept 14.
=== ROYALWATCH === {see also Headsup}
Announced Sept 12 that Prince William will no longer work as an SAR helicopter pilot to devote himself to charity and royal duties.
Canada AM: Prince William changes career paths | CTV Newswww.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1001882 5 days ago
Ben O'Hara-Byrne explains Prince William has decided to step down from his military role to focus on royal duties...
=== FISHWATCH === Squamish and WV
Exciting news about lots of pinks returning to spawn in Squamish creeks -- late but plentiful.
Jack Cooley of the Squamish Streamkeepers sends his regular reports and also just got a link to an article in the Globe & Mail:
Pink salmon reaching Fraser River in massive numbers
MARK HUME VANCOUVER ” The Globe and Mail Last updated Thursday, Sep. 12 2013, 8:14 PM EDT
Last month, there were so few sockeye salmon in the Fraser River that all fishing was banned. But this week, with wave after wave of pink salmon arriving, the fishery was opened and processing plants were quickly overwhelmed by the huge numbers of salmon coming in.
The massive return of one species “ pinks “ coming on the heels of a disastrous run of another “ sockeye “ may be linked to a dramatic shift in ocean conditions last year. And it has raised questions about the possible role of a controversial experiment that took place when the Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. dumped iron material in the ocean last summer, stimulating plankton growth just as the pink salmon were moving through the area.
Researchers say it is too soon to say if the experiment boosted salmon returns, but it is clear there are far more fish coming back now than anyone expected.
Buyers begged the Sto:lo not to go fishing pinks this week because they cant service our fishermen,¯ Ernie Crey, fisheries adviser to the Sto:lo Tribal Council, said in an e-mail. The haul was so large that the fish plants didnt have the capacity to handle the fish. Fish totes [or packing boxes] cant be found and there is no ice to buy.¯
The Pacific Salmon Commission, which had been anticipating a return of about 12 million pinks, now says an estimated 26 million fish are in the Fraser. Other rivers are experiencing remarkable returns as well.....
.....One of the biggest surprises has been in the Squamish River, where so many fish have returned that commercial seine boats were allowed to set their nets near the mouth for the first time in decades. They caught 300,000 salmon in a few days.
Jonn Matsen, co-ordinator of the Squamish Streamkeepers, a non-profit group that for years has been working to restore salmon habitat, said the number of fish in the river is astonishing. Theres a ridiculous number of pinks,¯ he said. Its a thousand times more than there should be.¯
See: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/pink-salmon-reaching-fraser-river-in-massive-numbers/article14298697/
John Barker of the WV Streamkeepers reports from Creek Coordinators on Brothers Creek are seeing increasing numbers of pink salmon entering this stream:
There are good numbers of pink salmon throughout the system, even 12 pink salmon in tiny Macbeth Creek, a tributary of Brothers Creek, which is only a short stride in width and only about 60 feet in length before becoming impassable -- great news for the Brothers Creek system. When water levels drop a little we will be conducting another survey of Brothers Creek (main branch), West Brothers Creek, and Hadden Creek, all above the Upper Levels Highway, to see if the pink salmon have progressed to those areas.
The pink returns this year have benefited from a hatchery enhancement in 2009 when sixty thousand pink fry from the Seymour River Hatchery were released into Brothers Creek. Pinks are a two-year fish and, as hoped, a stronger run was experienced in 2011. We are hopeful that the initial enhancement has now led to a robust run of pink salmon.
To see pink salmon in action consider visiting the viewing platform at Keith Road at Brothers Creek (east of Taylor Way). Pink salmon should be passing that area for another week or so.
From: Bears Forever Project Ŗ<bears@bearsforever.ca>¬
Date: 5 September 2013 21:01 Subject: Your next share could save a bear
Thank you for pledging to respect the First Nations ban on trophy hunting in the Great Bear Rainforest. With your help, we know we can stop this wasteful so-called sport¯. Now we need to get the word out all across BC.
As you read this, trophy hunters are loading up their guns and skinning knives, getting ready to ambush bears as they gather to feed on returning salmon. But these guys dont eat the bears they kill. They cut off their heads and leave the bodies to rot. The only reason they get away with it is not enough of their friends and neighbours know what they really do up here.
Our research shows only half of British Columbians are aware that bears are being killed for trophies right now in the Great Bear Rainforest. But when you talk to people about it, 9 in 10 say its time for this to stop.
Can you help us spread the word today by sharing the documentary film Bear Witness with your networks?
Heres the link to the film on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDg24d8fF1Q
Thank you again for your support.
Doug, Frank, Jason, Jennifer, Jessie, Megan, William, and the whole Central Coast First Nations Bear Working Group
Here's the full petition:
Show your support Sign here: http://www.bearsforever.ca/show_your_support?recruiter_id=1348
=== West Van Matters ¢ 2013 ===
2013-01 |
2013 Regular Council Meeting AGENDA January 14th; Calendar to January 25th Info mtgs (Ambleside, 1300blk) * WG/Cmte Apptmts * WVM 2012: List of Titles |
2013-02 |
2013 Council Mtg NOTES Jan 14th; AGENDAs Jan 21st; Calendar to January 31st (Feb 9th?) Delegation: WV Streamkeepers & EPN * Appointments to Boards/Cmtes/WGs |
2013-03 |
2013 Council Mtg NOTES Jan 21st, 28th; AGENDAs Feb 4th; Calendar to Feb 24th WVF PH * Walker CACs * Amb Left Turns * CoW Housing * Financial Matters Mtg |
2013-04 |
2013 Council Mtg NOTES Feb 4th ; AGENDAs Feb 18th; Calendar to February 28th Keep Well Society ¢ Crime Stats ¢ Website Devt ¢ Rugby Liq Licence ¢ Heritage |
2013-05r |
2013 Council Mtg NOTES Feb 18th, 25th; AGENDAs Mar 4th; Calendar to March 19th Housing Action Plan ¢ Montizambert ¢ PSB Status ¢ Financial Bylaw amended |
2013-06 |
2013 Council Mtg NOTES Mar 4th; AGENDAs Mar 11th; Calendar to March 22nd PH 1821 Marine (WVF) ¢ Grosvenor 1300 Marine Changes ¢ Nat'l Grammar Day |
2013-07r |
2013 March 11th Council NOTES; AGENDAs March 18th; Calendar to April 12th Parks Dept: Fees/Charges ¢ Transportation Plan ¢ Ambleside Activation |
2013-08 |
2013 March 18th Council NOTES; AGENDAs April 8th, 15th; Calendar to April 27th 4733 Piccadilly S ¢ 1821 Marine ¢ Amb Ctr Streetscape ¢ 370/380 Mathers |
2013-09/10 |
2013 April 8th, 15th Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs Apr 29th, May 6th, 13th; Calendar to May 15th Gleneagles Barrier ¢ PSB ¢ WATERFRONT ¢ CEC/WG Openness? ¢ Fire Dept |
2013-11 |
2013 April 22nd, 29th, May 6th Ccl NOTES; May 13th Highlights; Calendar to May 31st Ambleside WATERFRONT ¢ PSB ¢ Youth Awards ¢ Cycling ¢ Park Dedication! |
2013-12-01 |
2013 May 13 CCL NOTES; May 27, June 3, 10 AGENDAs; Calendar to JUNE 18th Ambleside WATERFRONT ¢ 1300blk/Grosvenor ¢ PSB ¢ Park Dedication! |
2013-13 |
2013 May 27, June 3, 10 CCL NOTES; June 17 AGENDA; Calendar to JUNE 30 WATERFRONT ¢ 1300blk ¢ Financial Info/PSB ¢ DWV Website ¢ Lawn Bowling |
2013-14/15 |
2013 June 17, 24 CCL NOTES; July 8, 15, 22 AGENDAs; Calendar to July 28 Grosv/1300blk: Opinions ¢ Troller Pub Devt ¢ Planning's Plans |
2013-16.5r° |
2013 July 8, 15 CCL NOTES; July 22, 29 AGENDAs; Calendar to August 12th Invasive Plants ¢ Nature/Navvy Jack House ¢ 2074 Fulton ¢ 752 Marine Dr |
2013-17r |
2013 July 22, 29 COUNCIL MTG NOTES; Calendar to end of August (Sept 6) 752 Marine ¢ Budget 2014 ¢ CACs Grosv & Walker ¢ Nature Ctr ¢ Website |
=== CPTWATCH === Christian Peacemaker Teams
> In the case of Firing Zone 918 CPT has started a petition, in coordination with the Israeli peace activists, endeavouring to pressure the Israeli courts. CPT's petition is aimed at USA policy makers, and will be delivered to Secretary of State John Kerry.
Go to: http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=13918
> In the case of the Rajabi building CPT is promoting HRC's petition. Go to: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/protectalrajabihouse
Please click on the links to get more information and to sign the petitions. Help prevent Israel from forcing more Palestinians from their homes, and diminishing prospects of peace and justice.
*** Alternate spelling.
Kiryat Arba or Qiryat Arba, lit. "Town of the Four", is an urban Israeli settlement on the outskirts of Hebron, in the Judean Mountains region of the West Bank. Established in 1971, Kiryat Arba was the first renewed Jewish community in Judea and Samaria (the names of the two areas that make up the West Bank).
~ from CPT Newsletter Aug 11 -- http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=cf2b03c2e5&id=cdadc9cd0e&e=55fdb6cb66
20 Years of the Oslo Accords: Palestine and the Palestinian Struggle Today
~ 7pm ~ Sunday Sept 22 ~ Community Discussion and Gathering {Tamam Fine Palestinian Cuisine, 2616 E Hastings}
Join us for an evening of great food, important conversation and community discussion about the current stage of struggle for justice in Palestine.
On September 13, 1993, the Declaration of Principles, popularly known as the Oslo Accords, were signed in Washington, DC, by the Israeli state and the Palestine Liberation Organization. A new era of peace was hailed.
However, the reality of the Oslo accords proved to be much different, as the settler population in the West Bank tripled, thousands of Palestinians were imprisoned in Israeli jails, and the occupation “- rather than ending -“ intensified, with the siege on Gaza, the building of the Apartheid Wall, and thousands of home demolitions.
Hanna Kawas, chair of the Canada Palestine Association and co-host of Voice of Palestine, will speak about the Oslo Accords, and what they meant for Palestinians “- and what they mean today as new negotiations¯ are pursued.
Please note: Appetizers will be provided! We encourage you also to order from Tamams excellent menu. Because we will be hosting at Tamam, it is important to know the number of people who will be attending. Please email us atboycottapartheid@gmail.com to confirm your attendance “ thank you!
Organized by Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign, Canada Palestine Association, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Facebook page RSVP required: email boycottapartheid@gmail.com
=== BOOKWATCH === BOOK NEWS and TALKS (Sept 17, 18, 26)
How important is clothing in literature? This question was piqued by a conversation with Margaret Atwood at the Guardian Book Club two weeks ago. Now, they want to examine the question within a broader context. Would Jane Austen's Mrs. Bennet, for example "be quite as prone to the vapours were it not for the effect of make-do-and-mend Regency corsetry on her increasingly matronly physique?"http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2013/sep/09/clothing-in-literature-margaret-atwoodAnd in case you missed that Margaret Atwood discussion, you can listen to it in Podcast form here:http://www.theguardian.com/books/audio/2013/aug/30/margaret-atwood-blind-assassin-podcast
RAWI HAGE~ 7pm ~ Tues Sept 17 -- free
Inaugural reading by VPL's 2013 Writer in Residence, award-winning Canadian author, free. More information at vpl.ca.
HAPA-PALOOZA~ 7pm ~ Wed Sept 18 -- free
In a talk on hybridity, identity, and creativity, Canadian poet laureate Fred Wah, author Yasuko Thanh, author David Chariandy,
and UBC English prof Glenn Deer explore mixed cultural upbringing and its influence on creative work. Info 604 331 3603.
~ 5pm ~ Thurs Sept 26 FREE
Award-winning author Ronald Wright will outline the "progress traps" that threaten our civilization and assess what has changed since his bestselling 2004 Massey Lecture A Short History of Progress.
Cecil Green Park House, UBC. Part of the Utopia/Dystopia lecture series organized by UBC's Creative Writing Program. Information at www.greencollege.ubc.ca/index/spotlight490.php.
=== WORDWATCH === Smupid(ity)
Douglas Coupland: Im with Smupid! by Douglas Coupland
Our era needs new words to describe new conditions
It occurs to me that our new era requires new words to describe new conditions, so herewith follows a quick useful lexicon for 2013.
The first modern condition that springs to mind is one described by the word: smupidity (n.) smart + stupidity
Smupidity defines the mental state wherein we acknowledge that weve never been smarter as individuals and yet somehow weve never felt stupider. We now collectively inhabit a state of smupidity.
Whole article: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/db60613a-15a6-11e3-950a-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz2f5ygzLwh
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/
Heritage BC Welcomes New Executive Director
Following an intensive search process, Heritage BC is very pleased to welcome Kathryn Molloy as the societys new executive director. She will take over in September from Rick Goodacre who is retiring. Kathryn is currently a resident of Gabriola Island where she is executive director of People for a Healthy Community. Prior to taking on that post in 2009, she was executive director of the BC Chapter of the Sierra Club of Canada for six years.
Ā»More http://www.heritagebc.ca/blog?articleid=133
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Time to start thinking about Heritage Week in 2014 (Feb 17 - 23); Theme: Heritage Afloat! Any ideas?
Contact: 922 4400, heritage@westvan.org
E-bulletin sign-up for event listings, alerts, heritage info; all coming events: www.heritagevancouver.org
Walking Tours: all tours >
Sept 7: Grandview, West of Commercial
Sept 19: UBC Campus: Modern Buildings & Landscapes
Sept 22: First Shaughnessy: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
o TAKE A WALKING TOUR http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/walking-tours/
o Places That Matter [PTM]
> Evening Lecture: Vancouver's Big Band Music Scene
~ 7:30 - 9pm ~ Tuesday Sept 17 at University Women's Club at Hycroft, 1498 McRae Ave ($12)
The first evening lecture of Fall 2013 promises to be a good one! VHF is thrilled to have Big Band music legend Dal Richards in conversation with friend and reporter, John Mackie. Hear about the venues Dal has played and the details of the big band golden age in Vancouver.
>> Vancouver Special House Tour - Modern Sustainable living in a 1982 Special
~ 1 - 5pm ~ Saturday September 21 -- Tickets $30 (self-guided) Click here for tickets
Originally built in 1982, this Vancouver Special has been given a sustainable, modern renovation with some really innovative ideas. Focusing on the principles of passive heating and cooling (temperature management without the use of mechanical systems), the design utilizes "small cuts" in the layout to ensure efficient use of space and maximized air flow. Re-purposed exterior windows offer passive ventilation, while new strategically placed windows, make the most of the sun's path. These inventive ideas are not only green, but they also led to a less expensive renovation over all.
This home also represents the modern Vancouver family with an income suite on the lower floor, and plans for a second income suite in the remainder of the lower level. There are also plans for a laneway home in the backyard. Both the homeowner and architect will be on hand tour day to talk about these sustainable interventions.
For more on the above home, check out this article from August 23rd in the Vancouver Courier, or visit our website for more pictures. See one style reimagined five different ways!
>> Brown Bag Lunch and Learn at BCIT Downtown Campus
September 25 - The Re-imagining of Hudson's Bay with Alan Boniface, Design Dialogue
=== CRICKET ===
Wd v much appreciate it if someone wd kindly explain to me this sentence wch appeared last week in Michael Quinion's World Wide Words -- to wch I subscribe -- and he says he's still not had anyone tell him what it means:
¢ Peter Mortimer found this cricket report on the BBC website on 3 August: On three occasions, thick inside edges avoided the stumps and raced to the fence, while a brace of airy heaves into the leg side somehow dissected the outfielders.¯
The last issue had an answer from one of my subscribers. Here's the one in Quinion's newsletter:
Another answer http://www.worldwidewords.org/
Not cricket? Several readers essayed a translation of the cricket item in the Sic! section two weeks ago, which I mentioned here last week. You may recall that the original read, On three occasions, thick inside edges avoided the stumps and raced to the fence, while a brace of airy heaves into the leg side somehow dissected the outfielders.¯ This is from Bruce Laidlaw: The batsman mishit the ball three times (the ball in each case clipping the edge of the bat) yet still scored four runs each time as the ball went behind him all the way to the boundary; the batsman twice hit the ball hard upwards and to the left, the ball falling between fielders so none could catch or stop it. The implication is that the batsman was lucky, scoring twenty runs by hitting the ball five times to the boundary from bad shots.¯ Cricket-savvy readers have suggested dissect has taken on a specific meaning; Ricki Barnes explained, It refers to a ball being hit into the air such that it ends up between a number of fielding positions. Strictly it should refer to more than two fielders. With two, you may instead hear the phrase bisecting the field.¯ Dissect presumably came about as an error for bisect but has become accepted as what H W Fowler called a sturdy indefensible, since to literally dissect outfielders certainly wouldnt be cricket! We may now consider this subject closed.
=== MAIKU === 2013 Sept 7
pink sunset's now passed
trees, homes almost black gold horizon fades up to blue
During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in a care home?"
"Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup."
{Your answer? See below at the end}
=== SCOTS vs ENGLISH ===
Subject: Fw: Scots love the English
A Wee Scottish Tale.
A golfer is cupping his hand to scoop water from a Highland burn on the St Andrew's course.
A groundskeeper shouts: "Dinnae drink tha waater! Et's foo ae coo's shite an pish!"*
The golfer replies: "My Good fellow, I'm from England. Could you repeat that for me, in English!?"
The keeper replies: "I said, use two hands - you'll spill less that way!"
{* I can translate if you wish}
quotations thoughts puns
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. -- Robert Benchley, American humorist (1889 - 1945)
Readers are imaginary people who exist in the fantasies of writers. -- Achille Campanile, Italian writer (1899 - 1977)
It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and myths that surround it.
-- John Pilger, famous journalist (b 1939 in Australia, lived in UK since 1962)
{G found this in response:}
But, listen, let's review the rules. Here's how it works. The President makes decisions. He's the decider. The press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions down. Make, announce, type. Just put 'em through a spell check and go home. Get to know your family again. Make love to your wife. Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration? You know, fiction!
-- Stephen Colbert, political satirist and commentator at the White House Correspondents Dinner 2006 (b. 1964)
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain. ” JC Friedrich von Schiller, German poet (1759 - 1805)
The brain may take advice, but not the heart, and love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.
-- Truman Capote, American writer (1924 - 1984)
If others could only see us as we think we are. -- Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard, US artist/cartoonist (1868 - 1930)
Astronomy's much more fun when you're not an astronomer.
-- Brian May, CBE, English musician, songwriter, PhD astrophysicist, and former guitarist with Queen (b 1947)
It is always easier to change your man than to change a man. -- Marilyn Monroe, American actress (1926 - 1962)
An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it. -- Don Marquis, American humorist and poet (1878 - 1937)
His conscience was clear; indeed he never used it. -- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec, Polish poet (1909 - 1966)
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. -- Mark Twain, American author (1836 - 1910)
If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun. -- Katherine Hepburn, American actress (1907 - 2003)
We can always stop ourselves on the way up, but never on the way down.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte, French leader (1769 - 1821)
The copyright law is a statute of imitations.
Soup operas were the big winners at the Cans Film Festival.
To me the end result of a can-do attitude is positively candid.
Bauxite refining is a secret carefully guarded by the aluminati.
Capon is the main ingredient of chicken castratori.
A Hall of Fame recently opened to honour outstanding female soldiers. It was a WAC's Museum.
When a woman returns new clothing, that's post traumatic dress syndrome.
An answer to the age old question : Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither did.
The rooster came first.
IQ TEST ANSWER "No," he said. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"