~~~ full fall ~~~
MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg Monday Nov 18: Homelessness; Budget 2014 {deferred owing to illness}; Devt Permit Language Revision; CEC TofR; Sgl-fam Housing; Coach House Implementation; Corresp
= Lease/Sell Survey (1300blk); Vive le Canada (Awards for Educators); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Openness; Newsbites, cell towers); UPDATES & INFO (new CAO,Volunteer!, BC Binning, Park Royal Grand Opening, Construction Areas, Newsletters: GCC, LPPS, Westerner); WV NEWSBITES
= CALENDAR to Nov 30th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music/Opera, Ballet, Festivals, Talks); NATURE
= HEADSUP 22A: Weekend and 22B: Grants Workshop
= Ccl NOTES Nov 4: Royal Cdn Legion; Cycling; Emergency Services; BUDGET 2014; Rental Housing; PSB
= Ccl AGENDA Nov 18
= ANIMALWATCH (Fu Manchu, Orangutan, brilliant and sneaky!); INFObits (Chomsky; Whistleblowers); ECOWATCH (Beaver Lake disappearing); WORDWATCH (OED's Word of the Year); HERITAGEWATCH; MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
lease1300@westvan.org OR sell1300@westvan.org ?
Email your choice, lease or sell. If done then, pls ask your family, friends, colleagues to do so. Why sell land wch goes up in value to pay for a building wch loses value -- and has to be replaced again??? If we haven't lawyers/staff/personnel expert, intelligent, skilled enough to negotiate leasing, then replace, buy land with the money from the sale thus maintaining our land bank assets. PLEASE! Glad some now considering the Endowment Fund, borrowing, a levy, or some combination.
Contrary to a cclr's stmt, 320 TWay was leased (NOT sold); same for Wetmore, contrary to stmt at Chamber's 'unplugged' (May 30).
UPDATE re 1300blk:
~ 4 - 7pm ~ Thurs Nov 14 Public Info mtg (Cmnty Ctr); earn, ask questions about the Proposal
~ 6pm ~ Thurs Nov 21 at KMC: PUBLIC HEARING: write/come/tell Ccl what you think, want for 1300blk
Mar 4 Ccl passed a motion to lower the bldg by 30ft; CC & NG's amendment for 40 - 45ft was defeated (see Oct 21 notes in WVM22), but it was only lowered 5ft. Why didn't they comply? What will Ccl do?
== Vive le CANADA === Salute to Our Teachers!
PM announces winners of 2013 Prime Minister's Awards for Educators [November 20 -- Ottawa, Ontario]
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the recipients of the Prime Ministers Awards for Teaching Excellence and Excellence in Early Childhood Education. The 2013 Awards were announced to coincide with National Child Day, which marks the date that Canada adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).......
The 2013 Awards were given to 60 educators from across Canada. ...
A list of all Teaching Excellence award winners for 2013 can be found at http://www.pma-ppm.gc.ca/eic/site/pmate-ppmee.nsf/eng/wz02086.html, while a list of Excellence in Early Childhood Education award winners can be found at http://www.pma-ppm.gc.ca/eic/site/pmaece-ppmepe.nsf/eng/wy00572.html....
For add'l info, pls visit www.pma-ppm.gc.ca.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
OPENNESS -- A dream? Help make it a reality! We were promised it, it was described, and now ignored. A sr staff mbr and two cclrs for a WG have stated the guidelines weren't rules and wd have closed mtgs. Shocking to me. The CEC drew up the completely open guidelines (none of those three mentioned were with DWV at that time); explained since outside the Local Govt Act and the Cmnty Charter there was no provision for confidentiality. See my remarks/plea at PQP, on p18 below.
Sorry, my old refrain, late. The DWV website has added a feature that is v helpful to keep you informed about what's happening in our cmnty. I've therefore started a new section "Newsbites", just after Updates & Info.
WVM -- As you will notice, the delay of this WVM, I've put in some news, reports, that wd normally go into WVM24 to try to get news to you somewhat timely.
If we need cell towers (and one will be near us), care must be taken they are attractive (made to look like trees is good) and that they don't block views or lower the value of the nearby properties.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
---> New CAO!
At the Nov 18th ccl mtg, Mayor Smith announced the apptmt of Nina Leemhuis (former DWV CFO on leave much of this year and recently Acting CAO). Congratulations, Nina!
Nov 6: West Vancouver is committed to seeking the advice of and tapping into the expertise of residents wishing to serve on boards and cmtes. As cmnty leaders and volunteers, we value your time and have developed a structure to meet your ability to contribute. If you are a WV resident and wd like to volunteer to serve on a bd or cmte, opportunities for 2014 will be available as follows:
Boards: Board of Variance and Memorial Library Board
Committees: Awards; Community Engagement; Community Grants; Design Review; Lower Caulfeild Advisory;
NSh Advisory Committee on Disability Issues; NSh Family Court & Youth Justice
Application forms are available on the Volunteer Page under Committees, Boards, and Working Groups,
http://westvancouver.ca/government/volunteer-opportunities-west-van and in the Legislative Services Dept at MHall.
Applicants are requested to mail, fax 925 7006, or deliver completed applications with a brief personal resume, to the Legislative Services Dept at M Hall, or e-mail to committees@westvancouver.ca. Queries: Call Legislative Services at 925 7004. Apply by 4:30pm on November 22
+ OUR HERITAGE: selling BC Binning house?
It's a National Historic Site and Designated WV Heritage. More info in Heritage West Van section at end.
+ PARK ROYAL -- www.shopparkroyal.com 925 9576
Grand Opening Celebration
Were having a party to celebrate the opening of our new popular stores at Park Royal and you are invited! Join us on Saturday November 30 from 10am 2pm as things heat up (literally!) this holiday season at Park Royal. Live musical sounds will fill the air and a special dance performance from the Squamish Nation will be sure to leave you breathless. Watch as fire and ice themed performances captivate everyones attention, from live ice carvers to fire breathers. So, let your inner fashionista take over as you check out all your favourite fashions from the stores.
LOCATION: Village Expansion in front of Park Royal South
13th Street -- Night time sewer work will be carried out from 10pm 6am on Nov 26 and 27 on 13th Street from Marine Dr to Mathers Ave. Noise will be kept to a minimum and lighting will be angled away from residents' windows as much as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause.
SeaWalk -- Starting Nov 18, foreshore enhancements on the SeaWalk between 16th and 18th Streets will be carried out for approx ten days. Some delays are expected. Please follow all flag person directions when in the construction area.
Ambleside -- Repairs to storm sewers in the Ambleside area began October 21, and are expected to last four weeks. The work is taking place between Gordon and Duchess Aves, from 11th to 27th Streets. Residents who are directly affected will be notified. All streets will remain open during construction, but there may be minor disruption to parking and vehicle access around construction. Pls observe traffic control signs, exercise caution. Thank you for your cooperation.
16th-17th Streets & Marine Dr -- Construction began during the wk of Sept 30 on streetscape improvements at 16th-17th Streets and Marine Dr. This project is being carried out by Fresh St Market as part of its devt approval with the District.
Delays are expected in the area. Please follow all flag person directions. The project is anticipated to last approximately two months, weather dependent.
More information; For all construction zones, drivers are encouraged to seek alternate routes to avoid delays. There is no on-street parking within the construction zones. Thank you for your cooperation. -- DWV
+ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Newsletter
Well, I subscribe but can't find the URL for you to click on. Lots of info and activities. Try the website -- good luck:
Just in: Available online NOW - Your Holiday plans are a click away. www.westvancouver.ca/holidayhappenings
+ LPPS Newsletter
Autumn: http://www.lpps.ca/images/documents/Newsletters/LPPS-20-Autumn-2013.pdf
Articles on cute river otters and more!
~ 9am - noon ~ Sat Nov 30; ivy pull, Lighthouse Park; meet upper kiosk in the Lighthouse Park
+ The Westerner Newsletter www.wra.name
From the west -- WRA & HBay Residents Assn -- http://www.chrisadshead.com/pdfs/westerner_42_fall_2013_final.pdf
Read the review of local artist Isabelle Kennedy Procter's new book, Navigating the Sardine Can of Life.
> Lifeguards are lifesavers -- Last week, WV Aquatic Centre staff used their excellent training to revive a gentleman who suffered a full cardiac arrest while swimming. Two alert lifeguards pulled him from the pool and onto the deck, performed CPR, attached an Automated External Defibrillator and applied electrical therapy to the gentleman. WV Fire & Rescue arrived two minutes after the time of call. The gentleman was transported to hospital, and a later phone call from the attending ER physician and an Advanced Life Support Supervisor confirmed that the lifeguard team had indeed saved the patients life. WV Fire & Rescue also offered very high praise for the lifeguards work. Staff at the Aquatic Ctr are highly trained for events like this. It was a full team effort with the best outcome possible.
> Gallery renos -- The Friends of the Ferry Building Gallery have funded the devt of a plan for a modest renovation to the gallery. The plan will come before Council December 2. This report will review both the gallerys concept design and progress being made regarding the proposed Ctr for Art, Architecture, + Design (CAAD).
Six partners in the Hub -- Letters of invitation to six inaugural partners that will form the basis of the WV Hub of Youth Services have been sent to WV Memorial Library, WVPD, Hollyburn Family Services Society, WV Cmnty Ctrs Society, and WV School District. The first Hub meeting is planned for early December. The establishment of the Hub is another realization of a recommendation from the June 2011 Youth Services Review.
> Support for Binning House -- An affidavit was prepared on the Districts support for conservation of the retention of public access to Binning House, for consideration at the BC Supreme Court hearing held yesterday. The Supreme Court will be hearing arguments on whether or not Binning House can be sold to a private entity in mid-December. This is essentially a test case for the Charitable Purposes Protection Act. The Districts position is that the property should remain in the public domain, and be conserved in accordance with the wishes of Jessie Binning.
> 33 years on the job! -- After 33 years of service, Mgr of Permits and Inspections Randy Maki retires this week. Moving into the position in December will be Manjit Sohi, who joins the District from the City of Langley where he was Chief Building Inspector & [Licence] Inspector.
> Young and oriented -- Ninety young people have signed up for the Districts Youth Volunteer Orientation sessions this fall. These youth are being trained to help with the Districts winter and spring break programs and for summer day camps. Typically, only two fall sessions accommodating 60 youth are offered, but lots of young people are interested, so District staff set up a third session. A session in January already has 20 youth registered.
> Lest we forget -- District staff are working with the WV Legion to improve the area around the Memorial Park Cenotaph. The concrete area directly in front of the cenotaph has been replaced and expanded, providing a much larger and safer area for the veterans to assemble during the Remembrance Day Parade as well as providing more prominence for the Memorial Arch. This is the first phase of improvements; in the second phase, most of the vegetation around the arch and in the park will be replaced or trimmed to provide better accessibility and visibility. More improvements will take place next year.
> Falls busy for building -- The Building Dept was particularly busy in October with building permits exceeding 2012 levels and inspections at similar levels.
=== CALENDAR to Nov 29th ===
All mtgs are at M Hall unless indicated otherwise. NOTE: shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM goes out. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are sent to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues of WVM.]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
= Sunday Nov 17th
~10am - 3pm ~ Craft Market at Cmnty Ctr and Srs' Ctr
= Tuesday Nov 19th
~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands WG (Cedar Rm, Cmnty Ctr) UPDATE: moved to 6pm Tu Nov 26 Srs' Ctr
~ 7pm ~ Western Residents' Assn AGM at the Gleneagles Golf Course
Guests/Speakers Jordan Sturdy, MLA and Nina Leemhuis, Acting CAO (DWV); visit and chat
= Wednesday Nov 20th
~ 9:30am ~ Cmnty Garden mtg at the Hollyburn Sailing Club
~ 7pm ~ Invasive Plants WG
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd mtg at Library
~ 7pm ~ WVHS mtg at Srs' Ctr: The Future of Pt Atkinson with Elaine Graham; presentation and discussion
Declared a National Historic Site 1994; can it be sold? leased? ceded to private devt? any plan to preserve?
All are invited with light refreshments served; no charge, donations greatly appreciated
Don Grahams book Keepers of the Light ($20); proceeds to the Pt. Atkinson cmte for interpretive use.
= Thursday Nov 21st
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte mtg at Library
~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte at Cmnty Ctr
~ 6pm ~ PUBLIC HEARING re 1300blk Devt (Grosvenor) at KMC
= Tuesday Nov 26th
~ 6pm ~ Upper Lands WG (Srs' Ctr)
= Wednesday Nov 27th
~ 5 - 7pm ~ Bd of Variance: 546 Newdale; 5358 Kensington Cr; 2256 Radcliffe; 2670 Bellevue
= Thursday Nov 28th
~ 4:30pm ~ WVPD Bd Mtg at the WVPD Police Stn
~ 5pm ~ NS Adv Cmte on Disabilities Issues at DNV M Hall
= Friday Nov 29th
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Gaza in Crisis: Eyewitness Reports
~ 7pm ~ SFU Harbour Ctr, Fletcher Challenge Theatre, 515 W. Hastings, Vancouver
Guest speakers Eva Bartlett, human rights activist and journalist who lived for extended periods in Gaza
Kevin Neish, a Victoria activist and Mavi Marmara survivor who has just returned from Gaza
Admission by donation ($5-10 suggested) For more info, email: info@cpavancouver.org or ijv-vancouver@ijvcanada.org
= Saturday Nov 30th
~ 11am - 4pm ~ Holiday Artisan Market at Gleneagles
The Dundarave Festival of Lights kicks off the holidays with a fabulously festive Christmas tree decorating beach party. Sponsor a tree on Dundarave Beach and save this day to decorate it with everyone you love. Join us for an afternoon of absolutely free concerts to spark up your spirit.
Magic happens at dusk, with the Festival's Tree Lighting.
More information http://www.dundaravefestival.com/festival-events-2013.html
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca
See the calendar: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
+ OPERA with Nicolas Krusek The late operas of Richard Wagner, 12:30 - 2:30pm Nov ..., 20, Dec 4
+ WADE DAVIS: Fundraiser reception, dinner, and talk -- SOLD OUT -- Th Nov 19 Info 925 7425
+ Genealogist in Residence
Curious about your roots or trying to expand your family tree? With access to our great online resources, these informative programs will bring out your inner family historian! Expert genealogical researcher and Librarian Jane Lucas will meet with both experienced and new family historians. Sign up for a 25-minute consultation to ask questions about researching your family's past. Bring your curiosity, a clear research question or problem, details of your search so far and the records you have unearthed in print, on your laptop or a zip drive.
Info/register, visit/call the Info Desk: 925 7403 - See: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/genealogist-residence-2#sthash.gT20H50z.dpuf
+ Library Board Trustee Appointments
Applications for our Board of Trustees are currently being accepted. If you are a WV resident and are interested in serving, an info package is available on our website and at the Registration Desk.
The application deadline is 4:30pm Friday Nov 22. MORE https://westvanlibrary.ca/about-us/wvml-library-board
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
October 11 to December 7 ~~~ Dialectic of Failure -- New work by Babak Golkar
Known for his inventive practice of developing bodies of work that navigate the spaces between cultural and socio-economical registers, Vancouver-based Babak Golkars Dialectic of Failure is presented in three parts. Each incorporates clay, which Golkar uses here to speak to the painstaking and delicate nature of compromise and negotiation between dichotomies: historicism and modernity, art and craft, modern reasoning and traditional mysticism.
Golkars engagement with the idea of craft derives from his interest in the slow process, which allows for a different model of production and time for thoughts and reflections; a model that can be studied and adapted to address imbalances in contemporary life.
In one component of the exhibit, Golkar presents 30 terracotta scream pots". Resembling organs, these participatory works are designed to muffle the sound of a scream. Visitors can pick up a pot and scream into it; the diverse shapes of the pots give each cry a uniquely repressed sound. A second component includes a digital projection that captures the act of someone forcibly throwing lumps of clay against a sheet of drywall. The audible impact of the clay hitting the wall is recorded, as are the marks and stains left behind by the clay when it falls to the floor. The third component, exhibited in a room adjacent to the projection, is the actual sheet of drywall with its accumulation of stains. In the afterimage there are vaguely discernible and familiar shapes, such as mouths and faces. On the floor below are the shaped, bent, folded, and flattened lumps of clay, now an earthy red/brown and fused permanently by firing in a kiln.
Underlying these works are themes of suppression and emotional distress as contemporary human conditions. People are compelled to react, or to scream, in response to fear or pent-up emotion from continual and mounting pressures that are often unexplainable by reason. At once poetic yet literal, thoughtful yet mischievous and playful, Dialectic of Failure points to the complexity of our time beyond our binary understanding of it. Golkar invites the viewer to re-evaluate material and the function of craft object as well as the function of art object while considering the limitations of reason as the sole means of understanding and coping with challenges of contemporary world.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
November 15 - December 15 -- GREAT STUFF!
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
> November 5 - 24 -- Black & White: Experimentation with Contrasting Energies
Eryn Price ink mandalas and Daniela Ianorescu graphite renderings of classical sculpture. Experimentation with Energy -- a freewheeling visual experience that expands our understanding and appreciation of black and white art. Black and white offers a great contrast within artwork-simplicity of colour contrasting with complexity of design.
> November 26 - Dec 1 -- Reflections 2014 Silent Auction
Its time for the annual Capilano University IDEA (Illustration/Design Elements/Application) Student silent auction! This cd be your last chance to own one of the remarkable paintings from the popular Reflections 2014 Calendar series, depicting local cityscapes and landscapes by emerging talent. Proceeds from the sale of artwork fund the students gradshow. Find the perfect painting and support local students! Bidding closes at 4pm Sunday December 1st.
Opening Reception: Tuesday November 26 from 6 - 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
MOVIE: BAYOU MAHARAJAH ~ 7:30pm Tuesday November 19
MICHELLE MARES, PIANO ~ 8pm Wednesday November 20
Friday November 22: ~ 1pm ~ FRED PENNER and ~ 8pm ~ HEADWATER
Saturday 7:3pm November 23 -- THE GARDENER
Sunday Nov 24 ~ 3pm ~ BRADAMANTE: WILD LOVE CELLO DUETS {see Music in Culturewatch}
Friday November 29 THE SEVEN RAVENS: ~ 11am ~ 1:30pm ~ 7:30pm ~
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://www.westvan60.com/ Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23 Disco Party with DJ Russel
GREY CUP SUNDAY -- Saskatchewan Roughriders vs Hamilton Tigercats
3pm Nov 24th in the lounge on the big screen -- prizes, snacks
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28 BINGO! in the lounge 5:30PM
Bring in a minimum of $10 worth of non-perishable goods for a chance to win a wine gift basket. We need to fill ten boxes. Pls donate to help the less fortunate.
Thank you to all those who have paid their 2014 Dues. If you have not already picked up your mbrship and door cards, they are available behind the bar in the lounge. This saves hugely on mailing costs, but please let me know if you do need your card mailed to you. The 2014 door cards will not be usable until January.
Again, for those who have not yet paid, the Early Bird Draw will end on November 30th.
On December 1st, the Dues pricing will increase from $60 to $65.
Pls note the date of the Early Bird Draw, for a chance to win one of three $50 IGA gift cards, will be held on Sat Dec 7th. Janice Mackay-Smith, Membership Chair
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Chamber's Christmas Dinner -- Tuesday December 3rd - We are requesting items for our Silent Auction!
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
Mary Poppins, the Broadway Musical, adapted from the Disney film at Stanley Industrial Nov 7- Jan 5
The Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris adapted by Joe Mantello at the Revue Stage, Nov 21 to Dec 21
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR 224 8007 www.jerichoartscentre.com
Cdn premiere of Closure by Ron Blicq Nov 8 - Dec 1
United Players; directed by Bernard Cuffling. Donald Barlow, who lives in Nottingham, England, decides to search for his father who was a visiting Canadian serviceman during World War II. Donald engages a search agency to find his father. But when the agency does find him, the elderly man vehemently denies his involvement with Donalds mother and refuses to meet the man who claims to be his son. This play has a solid and engaging narrative. How closure is finally achieved makes this a gripping drama of four generations and how the youngest can bring out the best in the oldest.
Tix: $16 - $20 ($2 discount for veterans); Talkback: Nov 14, and 2pm Matinées: Nov 17, Dec 01 (no evening performance)
For more about the show, check out Spotlight and www.unitedplayers.com
+ PAL THEATRE westerngoldtheatre.org
Alan Ayckbourn's classic farce, Relatively Speaking. until Dec 1
+ROUNDHOUSE CMNTY CTR 872 1861 pitheatre.com
Except in the Unlikely Event of War, world premiere of distinctly Cdn work, arts, politics, and war until Nov 30
+ STUDIO 1398
Cocktails at Pam's, Edmonton playwright Stewart Lemoine's play about a perfect hostess, whose perfect party goes terribly awry. cocktailsatpams.bpt.me Nov 12 - 30
Moon Over Buffalo, comic play about a small rep theatre trying to adhere to the old adage,
"the play must go on" -- 266 7191 metrotheatre.com Nov 2 - 30
+ THE CULTCH 251 1363 thecultch.com 8pm
The God That Comes, contemporary take on the Greek tragedy, The Bacchae Nov 13 - 24
The Romeo Initiative, half romantic comedy and half spy thriller (Touchstone Theatre) Nov 14 - 24
In-laws, Outlaws, and Other People (That Should Be Shot), Steve Franco's family-friendly comedy celebrates the true meaning of Christmas. firstimpressionstheatre.com 7pm Sunday Nov 14 - 30
The Life Game presents Jay Brazeau Tix $17 ~ 7pm Friday Nov 22
Combine "This Is Your Life" with "Whose Life Is It Anyway" and you've got The Life Game! If you love Theatresports, you'll love The Life Game with one of Vancouver's finest actors, Jay Brazeau, as the evening's honoured guest. Come see Jay's life hilariously exposed and recreated on stage by some of Vancouver's greatest improvisers. Sure to split a gut!
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
>>> THE FUTURE! See: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/future/
Vancouver Art Gallery seeks architect for new building: The VAG has released a Request for Qualifications for prospective architects for its new site at Georgia and Cambie.
Emily Carr in Haida Gwaii ~ Jul 20 to Mar 9 ~ http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_carr_haida.html
EXHIBITIONS: > KIMSOOJA Unfolding -- to Jan 26, 2014 > Charles Edenshaw -- to Feb 2, 2014
+ OUT TO LUNCH at the VAG -- 12:10 - 1pm Fri Nov 29
Soprano Tamar Simon; clarinettist Gene Ramsbottom; pianist Richard Epp / Purcell, Weber, ...
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
BEETHOVEN MONTH ! see website/calendar
The VSO's 95th Anniversary Season! All concerts in the 2013/2014 Season are on sale, but the best way to order your concerts is still by subscribing to a series package. To become a VSO Subscriber, call the above number for a FREE SEASON BROCHURE, or browse the VSO's series packages online here. You can order your new subscription online -- AND order Specials and Festivals with your 15% Subscriber discount!
o Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms Pyatt Hall: 7:30pm Thursday Nov 21; 2pm Sunday Nov 24
o Don Quixote! Sat 8pm Nov 30 Orpheum Theatre; Mon 8pm Dec 2 Centennial Theatre
Bramwell Tovey, conductor Raphael Wallfisch, cello*
Brahms, Hungarian Dances;Strauss, Don Quixote*;Faure, Pavane;Bizet, Symphony No. 1
Un Ballo in Maschera by Verdi at Cambrian Hall procantanti.com 7pm Sunday Nov 24
+ OLD HASTINGS MILL STORE MUSEUM hastings-mill-museum.ca 733 9749
Music in the Museum: an afternoon of sea shanties and old-time fiddle music Sunday Nov 24 from 1 - 4pm
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER earlymusic.bc.ca 732 1610
"Terreno e vago", Music from 17th Century Italy
Montreal's Ensemble Pallade Musica Christ Church Cathedral 8pm Friday Nov 22
Pre-concert chat with host Matthew White at 7:15pm
Ensemble Pallade Musica -- We proudly present the first West Coast appearance of the up-and-coming Canadian ensemble Pallade Musica. Grand Prize winners at the Early Music America Baroque Performance Competition in October 2012, they make their first appearance in Vancouver with a programme exploring the rich and melodic seventeenth-century Italian repertoire for strings.
Tix: $36 reg price; $18 for audience mbrs aged 35 or younger. Order online or phone 732 1610.
"Bradamante: Wild Love"
Sunday matinée 24 November at 3pm. Pre-concert chat with host Matthew White at 2:15 pm
Kay Meek Centre Studio Theatre, 1700 Mathers Avenue, WV
Tuesday 26 November at 8pm. Come for dinner at 6:30! Cellar Restaurant & Jazz Club, 3611 W Broadway
Bradamante Cello Duo -- See Bradamante perform music by Vivaldi
The dazzling new cello duo Bradamante, composed of the brilliant young cellists Elinor Frey and Shirley Hunt, present a programme of music and readings based on Ariosto's exceptional poem Orlando Furioso. Music by Vivaldi, Jacchini, Boccherini, and more.
Tickets for the Sunday afternoon concert: $36 regular price, $18 for audience members aged 35 or younger
Order online from the Kay Meek Centre or give them a call at 604-981-6335.
Tickets for the Tuesday evening concert: $30. Order online or call our office at 732 1610.
Rush Seats for Students with valid ID on sale for $10, at the door only, from an hour before the beginning of each concert. Subject to availability. These concerts are included in our Bring a Youth for Free programme.
* DANCE -- Dance Series at Presentation House Theatre
Solo Flamenco featuring Kasandra "La China" and Vicente Griego: 8pm Fri Nov 29; 2:30pm Sat Nov 30
North Vancouver flamenco dancer, Kasandra "La China", & internationally acclaimed singer, Vicente Griego, present "SOLO FLAMENCO", flamenco in its purest traditional form, The Cuadro. A "cuadro" is a flamenco group that includes a flamenco dancer, two guitarists, and a person doing percussion in the form of handclapping or "palmas". This show features Mozaico Flamenco's lead dancer Kasandra "La China" (bailaora) in a spontaneous dialogue with Vicente Griego (invited guest cantaor), Gareth Owen, and Gerardo Alcala (guitarists).
Tix VIP $32/Adult $25/Srs/Students $22; More info and buy tix: http://www.phtheatre.org/show/solo-flamenco/
o FILM: Vancouver Jewish Film Festival:The Gatekeepers
with guests: Director Dror Moreh and former Shin Bet Head Carmi Gillon
Norman Rothstein Theatre (950 W 41st) 604 257 5111 vjff.org 7pm Monday Nov 25
o Jewish Book Festival jewishbookfestival.ca Nov 23 - 28
Opening Night Gala: Portrait of an Artist/Sheila Heti, author of How Shd a Person Be? and a play
All Our Happy Days are Stupid. Norman Rothstein Theatre 7:30pm Sat Nov 23
o North Shore High School Drama Festival [Tix $5 - at the door]
Monday November 25 at 7pm -- Carson Graham Secondary School & Howe Sound Secondary School
Tuesday November 26 at 7pm -- Sutherland Secondary School & Handsworth Secondary School
o Vancouver Christmas Market -- Old World-style German Christmas Market; 45 wooden booths, German food, mulled wine; daily performers; Queen Elizabeth Theatre plaza. Nov 22 - Dec 24 from 11am to 9pm
A VIEW WITH AN ACCENT ~ 7pm Thurs Nov 21 FREE (reserve) Goldcorp Ctr for Arts, SFU Woodward's
Two of our favourite Australian planners and urbanists are back in town, with new insights and updates. Greg Vann is one of Brisbanes best known and respected planners, a co-author of the Next Generation Planning Handbook, and former chair of the States Transit Oriented Development Taskforce. Warren Rowe recently stepped down after 18 years as Director of Planning, Environment, and Transport at the Gold Coast, Queenslands second biggest city, where he was instrumental in many award-winning projects, most notably the Citys first light rail line. He comes to Vancouver fresh from presenting and running a master class at a TOD conference in Malaysia. Both come from the Brisbane region in Queensland an area roughly the population, age and growth rate of Metro Vancouver. So how are they dealing with pressures of growth and the realities of climate change? What new urban forms are working, or not? In particular, what have been the lessons learned from the massive investments in highway infrastructure? Their tolled tunnels have failed to come anywhere close to their predicted traffic. On the other hand, Gold Coast City is currently constructing a light-rail line prior to the Commonwealth Games that promises to transform this car-centric community. You'll get the latest news.
Our Commonwealth cousins have more to compare and contrast with us, no doubt contributing a few observations about the Vancouver they know well from many previous visits. Learn about our place and their place, with a few lessons from other places along the way.
Canada's former Prime Minister's new book, How We Lead -- Canada in a Century of Change, pushes for Canada to be a more assertive agent of change, diplomacy, and peace on the global stage.
NSh Credit Union for the Performing Arts tickets.capilanou.ca November 25
=== NATURE === -- David 924 0147 cookeco2@yahoo.com
Sunday 24th November at 10am
Lynn Canyon Park geology & forest ecology: A slow walk. A field trip for Nature Vancouver.
Meeting Location: Parking lot of Lynn Canyon Park near Ecology Centre, NV. Duration: Approximately 4 hours.
Terrain: Well groomed trails but with some rooty, rocky, and muddy sections. Board walks over the wetland areas and some steep stairways. Suspension bridge to cross twice. Elevation gain: Apart from the stairs, insignificant.
Accompany trip leader David Cook on a geology and forest ecology walk through sections of Lynn Canyon Park, the largest piece of natural parkland in the District of NV. The park follows the valley of Lynn Creek and is a major wildlife corridor connecting the NSh mountains and Burrard Inlet. We will see how Lynn Creek has cut a deep canyon down into hard granitic rocks in the relatively short time since the ice receded from the area. We will see other artifacts of the areas recent past such as 33,000- to 48,000-year-old peat beds, a giant glacial erratic, glacial lake deposits, and raised sea-level benches. We will be able to view a pristine flood-plain forest which contains the largest population of Sitka spruce on the NSh and some old growth Pacific yew trees.
Bring lunch and water and dress for changes in weather. For add'l info contact David Cook (see avove)
Non-members are welcome but because of liability issues are limited to three trips.
=== HEADSUP / NOTICES === [sent to subscribers as updates; QTP moved to end]
=x= HEADSUP 22A This Weekend
A couple of updates then QTP:
FRIDAY to SUNDAY Nov 15 to 17 -- Eastside Culture Crawl (details below)
SATURDAY 7:30pm Nov 16 Louis Riel Day: Celebration of Metis Culture
Compaigni V'ni Dansi celebrates the life of Louis Riel with an evening of Metis Dance, music, and culture
Astorino's Ballroom 1739 Venables 604 358 74435 vnidanso.ca
NOTE: SUNDAY Nov 17 (not Saturday) ~ 10am - 3pm ~ Craft Market at the Srs' Ctr and the Cmnty Ctr
DETAILS -- The 17th Annual Eastside Culture Crawl
Vancouver's three-day visual arts, design, and crafts festival. This event involves more than 15,000 people visiting artists in their studios in the area bounded by Main St and Victoria Dr north of First Ave in Vancouver. The Crawl takes place
Friday Nov 15 from 5 - 10pm; Saturday and Sunday Nov 16th/17th from 11am - 6pm
For all the details and maps, visit the Crawl website: http://www.eastsideculturecrawl.com/welcome
=x= HEADSUP 22B Tonight Cmnty Grants (+ WVHS; 1300blk tomorrow)
This workshop (details below) appeared after WVM22 went out.
Don't forget WV Historical Society at the Srs' Ctr re Pt Atkinson 7pm tonight,
and the Public Hearing on the 1300blk at KMC 6pm tomorrow night.
How to Write and Apply for North Shore Municipal Community Grants
Wednesday, November 20 from 7 9pm; District of North Vancouver, Council Chambers, M Hall 355 West Queens Road
Hosted by the City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and the District of West Vancouver
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find on video
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In my desire to get this out, rather truncated and not as complete as desired. As they say, the perfect is the enemy of the good -- and, alas, this is quite spotty, but it does give you more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-) Alas, sometimes I intend to listen to the video to get more and don't. Sorry.
=== CCL MTG NOTES Monday Nov 4 ===
Note: At 6:30 the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...: 90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;
(j) information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act;
Purpose of meeting: legal matters
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order {7:08? Nothing on video before Approval of the agenda}
CC: amend by adding to Item 3.1 Oct 21 sp and reg ccl minutes; adding to item 13, Items 13.1 to 13.4 re Corresp
ML: xxx
CC: you're right, okay amend that, remove reference to minutes, approve everything except the minutes
{why is it taking so long for minutes? we used to get them weekly and Oct 21 is two weeks ago!}
Meeting minutes to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated: October 21, 2013 sp and reg Ccl mtgs.
4. D. Sinclair, Royal Canadian Legion WV Branch, re Veterans Week and Remembrance Day
Mayor: with pleasure we welcome the Royal Cdn Legion wrt Veterans' Wk and Remembrance Day
Don Sinclair: --
Mayor: Step up to the mics; they're both lit. Want to introduce some of your colleagues
DS: First of all wd like to introduce VP Valerie McGregor representing Branch 114, BC/Yukon Command
Chairman Harry Greenwood; padre Dal MacCrindle; Stephen Cochrane, zone deputy sgt at arms, Mike Mulberry cmte mbr, Mike Mosevich (sp?), sgt at arms
shall I carry on now, Sir?
Mayor: we're hanging on your ev word
while you're rifling through your papers, I might mention your sgt at arms is an Afghanistan veteran
happy to welcome to the group
DS: Mr Mayor, himself a mbr of the Legion......
plsd to be here
Armistice Day 1919
1923 - 1931 Nov 11 and Thanksgiving was celebrated the same day
House of Commons changed to Remembrance Day
1931 Thanksgiving moved to Oct 12
those who gave their lives in the South African War, WW1, WW2, Korean War, and Peacekeeping forces
It's still a thanksgiving event -- for those who survived, those who still live
chn's chn ... wartorn countries ... poppies... relevance....
funds raised used to support veterans, necessities of life, shelter, xxx
sacrifice so that we might enjoy....
"they shall not grow old......we shall remember them"
Mayor: xxx ... hope everyone will attend the memorial next Monday at 11am.....
thx v much
NG: Cclr Booth and myself {I} attended the luncheon on Saturday; wonderful, stories from veterans; good experience
Mayor: thanks for attending; Harry, you and I will be out Sat
Harry Greenwood: who'll be laying the wreath?
Mayor: I will
Harry: noticed the program
Mayor: last year I did it but happy to have company
5. R. Wyckham, Norwest Cycle Club, regarding Cycling Safety in West Vancouver (File: 2102-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RW: identify from a cyclist's perspective, those that are dangerous
questionnaire devpd by searchable lit, graduate students xxxx
? questions; 508 to respond
cyclists from child to over 70 median age was 70; one or more rides ev week
90% had driver's licences; 7/10 said cycling on the NSh was safe; 29% argues it was unsafe
20% had had a collision 2% a near-miss
consequences serious, 4% broken bones or surgery
the more experience the more they rode and the more collisions; not a case of once in a while
more had to do with moving vehicles through xxx was a &&&
SLIDE 90% felt cyclists cd make it safer but drivers cd too
basis of whole NSh
in WV, most dangerous is TWay and MDr
a number on MDr bridge road and TWay
mostly heavy traffic vehicles turning, no bike lanes, vehicles running red lights
imp b/c TWay and MDr, commuters, to HBay, Cypress dangerous; Upper Levels also dangerous
most dangerous bike lanes -- short o(f?) MDr then dangerous
Spirit Trail also seen as dangerous but b/c of pedestrians
what can make cycling safer: obey the rules, keep to the fight and be visible
motorists can look for bikes then turning or opening doors, leave room when passing
SLIDE of? was M can do more lanes, more offroad paths, improve driver and cyclist attitudes, improve bike crossing signals, signage, maintenance, lighting
conclusion, if agree beneficial vital to make safer
Sop: spent a year studying cycling and Sp Trail thought it wd create a safe though others wd be on it, similar to Stanley Pk
wider, made narrower; line on the Spirit Trail a wonderful place for safety; have to work on it
resp on cyclists' side as well to be aware
talked to ICBC re third party liability and licensing of cyclists?
[7:29] don't stop xxx; all these innuendos xxx; Gran Forno, wonderful, love MDr
difficult one out there for space
have to keep plugging away at this; staff come up where we can to provide safer areas
help with what you're seeking?
RW: you hv pointed out where our xxx is
twice in the past year mtgs with emphasis on obeying the laws
in NAm jurisdictions have been changed where stop, indicating to yield ...
get back up to speed, great
we need to look on cycling as a segmented activity
commuters who don't use the SpTr use rd b/c on a mission
train, use road on a mission
recomm want to be in a safe envmt like the Sp Tr
pressure's going to grow.
TP: how many mbrs in the NW Cycling Club and how trending and have you shared with ICBC?
RW: 60 mbrs; waiting list
Sr club rides on Mon, Tues; we ride Wed and Fri; so anyone wanting to go on Thursdays, that's open
am in touch with the road individ at ICBC for NSh and hope shortly
NG: see you ev Mon and Wed when I'm dropping my daughter off
going to share your report with the other two Ms?
RW: one did a cpl of weeks ago and I will to CNV on Nov 24
NG: don't see any priorities and recommendations; in my view that wd be xxx; suggest using CACs for public safety
exec summary to help us out a little bit
what wd the next steps be? staff? or you? don't want it to gather dust
NL: Dir/Engg
RF: Ccl in the past year adopted the cycling implementation plan; there was a phased multi-year plan; modest budget, managed to do some; 2014 look at phase two
app the NW Cycle Club's works
one of the challenges is the multi-jurisdictional, eg Marine and TWay not in our jurisdiction
likewise with bridge and TWAy; Ministry RoW as well as Sq Nation; then other side PkR leased land
working on
Marine 15th, v constrained b/c of space
high cycling intersection and high vehicle accident locn as well
full left-turn bays -- will take a dozen parking spaces
working with cmnty on some of these things
these intersections certainly on the mind of staff already
CC: notice ICBC/prov allowing Ms to set their own speed limits
the slower the vehicle traffic, the fewer the accidents when cyclist involved
places reduced space beneficial
RW: wd argue MDr to other side of Dundarave
and &&& shd be 30kmh [7:39]
one of our probs is enforcement; xxx is 50kmh and if you drive that honking; 60kmh is av; significantly more
{MOTION: delegation received for information, with thanks.}
Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
ML: point out upcoming event: this Thurs 6:30 in living room in Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr, second of our budget open houses, input early in the process; look fwd to seeing you
TP: partnership with TravelSmart, an excellent doc, the 20-min life stylegetting in another way than using your carCACscyclevancouver.ca ... show you the best way
take one less [sic] car trip a week
Ccl looking at a WG innovative solns; make best use of what we have
MB: attended a v well-done session by the Child and Family Hub with a number of stakeholders
jt presentation about the work the HUB is doing with the Dalai Lama [7:41]
early devt instrument; goals of the prov to reduce early childhood {vul?}
18% of WV don't enter [prepared for?] kindergarten
new, complex, congratulate all who attended: so clear, illustrative of the imp work of the Dalai Lama Ctr; xxx
NG: myself [sic] and Cclr Panz at Table Manners in NVnew NSh food charger -- talk at food congress next week
all growing turnips next year; wonderful xxx [7:45]
last Monday, wonderful night, eight honoured; have to read the two local papers for that information
{Well, the awards were listed in my newsletter (as I pointed out at PQP) -- you're reading WVM right now!}
a couple of houses, at home with a firefighter, there with the thermal-imaging; went around home,
where I'm losing heat; improve energy efficiency
free service through Cool NSh
understand Cclr Cam will too... and you'll have a charming firefighter in your home
CC: want to highlight again, Nov 19, hosting a fundraiser for WVML, features Wade Davis -- Nat'l Geog; fantastic speaker
purchase tix at the Lib and over the phone
anyone without plans Nov 19, come out and xxx
Sop: opp to fill in for our A/Mayor under the weather last week, glad she has a smiling face;
xxx lunch xxx
my father was overseas; my memory, turned up Vera Lynn; never talked about it and before that endured the Depression
had conversations; 19 yrs old, flying bombers and scared out of their wits
hats off to those xxx and ladies
on xxx retired and long-service employees of District; TJ did a xxx job
30 years down to 20; I might be around for 34
Mayor: scary thought
work on Lawson; Godfrey House; req for waterfront bistro in the summer
[the District has issued a request for proposals for a waterfront restaurant/bistro and that selection process is underway now, and that staff will be returning to Council with a preferred proponent and from there design ideas will be brought forward to the public.]
bring design ideas forward [7:50]
7. Fire and Rescue: Enhanced Emergency Medical Services
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
who? M Leduc?: xxx diagnostic tools; EpiPens; v simple tools we now have
we're one of two Ms able to do that now; thank you for allowing us to do that
second -- level 2, operate within the scope of xxx
we are allowed to work xxx 15 years
our job; have the tools to do the job we're asked to do
we're attending all medical calls we can
SLIDE diagnosis of patient; system relief; a pain-mgmt glucose, nitro, splinting
firefighters not allowed to administer aspirin to heart patients
these are not diff protocols; small that can benefit the residents of WV
provide a higher level of skill SLIDE
1995 last time able to apply a splint
WorkSafe Level 3 is considered high
responding to a worksite and the first aid wd hv higher training than a firefighter
2012, arrived 3.7 minutes prior to ambulance
feel higher level of training wd 'benefit'; better for us and citizens of WV
Ccl support in principle this delivery of enhanced
support discuss with xxxxx choose the level
Mayor: wd be interested in hearing from the doctor how high
what level of training wd you like firefighters to have?
Dr Holmes: been involved for 20 years; exactly the same as today
reason I've bn going to FDept
this big, now this big; hasn't kept up the pace
WV has opps in rescue situations, ambulance shdn't go, not trained
level EMR, same as most small cmnties have for ambulances
allows treatment with system relief that makes a diff at the scene
packaging a patient; now on same train; working at the same level whether Fire or Amb
having consistent standard, work as a team
working with Pr Geo, Sun Peaks, etc; all have this level of service
my recommendation the EMR level not a huge impact on training; you're 90 - 93% there
use under their licence; truer partner for the ambulances
Sop: critical is the first three minutes for someone v ill
Dr: yes
Sop: how?
Dr: portable defibrillator, EpiPen
bottom of the gulley -- rush or take time re spine
thinking skills, better decisions
v important first three mins but also known skills
Sop: going back 15 years, why mbrs arrived in ample time; step away when ambulance arrived
amazed not engaged sooner; our mbrs there first
age-old story when someone goes down
5 to 10K xxx; that level shd be there
CC: reiterate my xxx; wrt last chief
says 2015 budget but on p 17 of 2014 budget
Ans: wd be for 2015 year
CC: modest amt, firefighters there; don't see it as a bg ticket item
meshes with the amb services; hot button issue; I have amb friends who tell me about the pitfalls
allowing prov to download to Ms
we pay firefighters to fill the gaps [8:07]
recategorizing some of the calls so certain non-urgent calls in a longer time frame
your opinion on the call-outs
call 911, Amb or Fire get called; if not called at same time as the amb, if ideally, if amb not prioritized, Fire not called out b/c less serious but if xxx closer, want them to get the call
touch on the down-loading thing; how make sure Fire Dept called out if do get training
Ans: as far as Amb, EMR protocols all in line with; designed to mesh with the amb protocols
higher level of service, get patient earlier faster to the amb; do some of what the paramedics do; work more collaboratively
higher training, more
current model designed to ...
resource allocation, call 911, attendant code 2 or code 3; unclear at the moment wch calls
may be a reduction in calls we go to, haven't been told exactly yet; can't answer that specific Q
continue to go to heart attack and stroke; ability to give a slmple aspirin, chest pains will always be going to those calls
fall on sports field, injury, down from a code 3 to 2
Dr Holmes: BC Amb doesn't dictate code [8:12] xxx now called
you have an agrmt with xxx
what' s really imp -- look at stakeholder -- we work as a partner, tell BC Amb
nothing in the documentation re transport
try to involve BC Amb, see how integrate; wch level of service is up to BCHS; evolving process
seeing now, a much more open dialogue, hearing positive language
not amb and fire, xxx system; cd be completely diff in five to ten years
excellent response time and doesn't matter the colour of the shirt
you're going to be on the cutting edge; many cmnties looking at this
MB: what is the length of the permission?
can we expedite it and esp around the new resource allocation plan; reduce amb response time and service?
DR: Your agrmt is not signed
it says: you MUST in this xxx of training; you've chosen to wait for the dialogues
VP of Medical Affairs; no hurry in signing; what is the level?
in a nice way, there's nothing to say; you can't, no agrmt in place
when first brought in, many small cmnties, to provide some liability insurance
almost ev has recognized need for liability insurance
believe in moving fwd; trainers to get trained so the earlier you start....
2014, early 15, takes time to get firefighters up to
you're not constrained at this moment b/c waiting; on hol
Mayor: fair to say extensive fire service in WV; not many fires b/c all homes sprinklered
so only makes sense to use our fire fighters to get as much bang [for the buck]
ev on Ccl makes sense to xxx
ML: it is an interesting time b/c of evolution of diagnostic tools
what you asked around ..... good God, big boxes
changes to bldg code so xxx resources we have
as with Cam, downloading
we're not on the bleeding edge, we're on the cutting edge
I move THAT
Council receive the report entitled Enhanced Emergency Medical Services for information.
Council support in principle the delivery of services by Fire and Rescue personnel up to and including those procedures allowed within the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification.
Council direct the Fire Chief to initiate discussions with the BC Emergency Health Services Commission (BCEHSC) for the purpose of establishing a Fire-EMR program in WV and, to report back to Council on t he results of those discussions.
and flag this as a potential budget item
9. 2014 Budget Presentation (File: 0860-01) [PowerPoint presentation to be provided.]
MK, CFO: going to try to get through entire this time and comments at end; gave some last time; xxx
will be making our suggestions for 2014 [8:21]
one small tax rate increase over past four years; staff understand Ccl's appetite
$85M general fund (prop taxes); $100M; total Dist Budget $147M
ev aware reimbursed for Blue Bus
Land sales, amts transferred into Endowment Fund; ea fund operates as own biz units; fund own operations
2013 assessed home av sgl fam $2.1M
620 utilities for total 4,954
$1.8M number (multi?) [8:24]
BC Assessment hv received interim roll but not full
SLIDE av assessed values throughout GVRD
DWV over twice its closest counterpart NV 1.016; Vancouver not on list but it's $1.3xM
lowest tax rate throughout GVRD
SLIDE taxes and utilities; SLIDE WV on bottom, lower tax rates
$1M isn't the right fig to use; we're working with the Assmt for 'other' numbrs
you may argue the $1M assessment, type of resident most affected
residential taxes -- WV 93% (no major industry) NV 55% DNV 72%
WV at a disadvantage
regularly asked how come prop tax bylaws with no change, but my rates have gone up by [30%???]
1) calculate the av increase
2) take mill rate (great when outlook at the aggregate for the Dist); not right on the av, falls; number of other taxing authorities GVRD, Sch Taxes, xxx authority; we collect on their behalf; in and out
SLIDE on BC Assessment -- we have no control
1% tax rate increase: $555K revenue to the Dist
$29.58 for av household in the Dist
AUG Labour Model Update; SEPT requests for FTEs;
OCT division workplans, Facilities Systems renewal, divisional operating budget, divisional capital budgets;
NOV public consultation, review, back to Ccl
DEC Adoption of Bylaw
not all Ms work to Dec 31st deadline
wd be happy to wait to May 15 but in best interests of the Dist, Dec 31
open and transparent process; same package as last couple of years
getting roll from Assmt Auth, may be a prob
FIVE Priorities of Ccl SLIDE
PSB; Amb Waterfront Devt; Housing nbrhd character; M services, Finance; Envmt, Parks, Upper Lands
Guiding Principles
safe, xxx the financial strong, sustainable cmnty, deliver exceptional services, not xxx
Facilities Mntnc and Renewal -- identified 48 facilities we'll use for at least the next five years
over next 20 years wd need ~$70M to maintain them
some public engagement, not terribly well attended
{then, dear taxpayers, don't complain if the budget is not what you'd like or prefer....}
will form part of our 2014 budget submission to you as well
a few years ago when I joined, water sewer and solid waste utility was done separately, criticism re cost being a WV resident was
will include in discussion
global economy, new const (slowed), 2013 budget; inflation, Multi-Material BC
2012: $2M surplus cd use for 2013 won't be able for 2014 b/c not that much
M-M BC non-profit mandate to shift the burden of the cost of recycling materials
some hiccups; hesitation to turn into a deferral with M-M, we cd end up paying more
continue public consultation; if [web?] not working now, will in next few days
material need to get to Ccl; hope adopted by end of year
that was where the presentation I made last week ended and the xxx public xxx as well
divisional mgrs built their budgets on xxx
staff did not look at changes
no increases to law and labour
{If that's what he said, it's a bit misleading. At one public mtg, it was said that yes, indeed, staff are getting increases -- b/c of union contracts, etc.}
if staff felt more needed, they were made and recorded
biz cases were made for all; so bunch of material to give you
no popn increase over last several years (1.1%?)
for 2013, won't make for new const; so 2014 have to catch up
so no new incremental $ for [projects]; so won't have the $2M {surplus from 2012} we had for one-time initiatives
won't see [8:43] had &&&
will continue to incur costs re permit issues
increase in wages, salaries, utilities, fees, facilities renewal; CPI impact 1.4%, compounding ~ 6%
Utility funds, proposed increases for infrastructure renewal for diff utilities
in process of initializing our numbers
will be working on proposed booklet in next week -- have for you on or around Nov 12
NG: when will we see the numbers? within ten days?
thank you for this presentation, app the education component to see how process works
light bulbs gone on in audience [8:45] xxx
rmbr last year we talked about changing the tax notice? we collect certain amt and others; doing that this year?
MK: looked at that, dictated by Assmt Auth; do have other Auth by name with ph no for them
somewhat limited in what we can do
NG: have some big Qs around facilities system renewal, an unsexy
posters up and I wondered what about that; what it means is that we've done an assessment xxx
{need} about $70M over next 20 years -- Q is how do we raise that money?
1% $555K so an av $1.7% increase over next 20 years -- that's really significant
ppl need to know that's what we're talking about; ppl need to be engaged; come Thurs, come to that mtg
MK: ppl will be able to go online, answer
Communications says if not online now, soon
{think they're referring to westvancouverITE; I read the terms and among other things not happy it's a US firm and must deal with the legal system of/in California}
Mayor: hate to see a headline that 7-8% increase
Sop: Assmt Auth mysterious to say the least
question the $2.1M, a sgl-fam home in WV at this point -- from the Assmt Auth?
MK: as the person who dealt with the BC Ferries assmt; yes, that's the number they've given us
till about three years, ago, went down a bit and now from $1.3M {av sgl-fam home assessmt} jumped to $2.1M
we have the mechanics to the number
Sop: how can that rate go up that much?
MK: you've got it right; sgl-detached $2.1M, goes down to $1.8M [8:51] {multi-fam?} &&&
MB: further to what Cclr Gambioli said, have pointed out in past there is a mistake on the notice
says collected on behalf of the Sch Dist, [but] they're actually collected by the prov for Dist
don't know what ph no; wd app your having a look at that
happy an online engagement
b/c we do get about five ppl out; have to go to ppl
interested to know what Qs we will be asking through that tool
Tues last week, we did have four questions
[8:53] ... xxx ... and questionnaire
ML: when we get the budget book; what's the process for the second round for the public to actually talk about the budget rather than the conceptual right now
MK: comes down to whether required or not
will provide context around what was cut; how to get where we need to be
ML: reason I ask is less the monumental
not surprised b/c nothing of consequence to show him
in past years, Srs' Ctr, well attended, not 5 or 6, [instead] 40 or 50, dealing with specifics
got some insightful last year
{and some years, there were presentations specifically for the ratepayer/cmnty groups}
Jeff McD [Communications}: online engagement service
going forward with budget consultation this week
Mr Koke's box needs some approval
get some preliminary feedback; can upgrade those questions, new, more docs
{ML inaudible}
MK: if required, can arrange some face to face
Mayor: when numbers, that will be a well-advertised ccl mtg; ask Qs; come out and be heard
CC: add my voice to Ccl Lewis's, don't see the point apple pie; public sessions without numbers
wd rather have no public mtgs prior to budget, then one or two re proposals
obviously with background given today xxx; good in theory
the budget, the numbers, sufficient imp and detail and comprehensive, deserves its own stand-alone mtg
had all these mtgs, two or three ppl like Maytag [repairman]
xxx I don't understand and I don't think it's the right way to go
Mayor: having said that and I'm not saying I disagree with you, move the motion
RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation regarding the 2014 Budget be received for information.
Mayor: msg is lots of time
lots for debate; maybe just that item on the budget
9. Purpose-Built Rental Housing in West Vancouver PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
[9pm] SM: changes [Intro text supplied]
"West Vancouver's supply of purpose-built rental housing is made up of approximately 1,900 apartments, most of which were built during the 1960s and 1970s. This stock is now 40 to 50 years old, and may become vulnerable to loss through redevelopment. While the District has taken measures to prevent rental housing from being converted to strata-titled ownership , it has no legal authority to prevent demolition of a rental apartment building, or to require that a redeveloped property remain rental.
Compounding community concerns over the rental housing supply is the fact that only 20 new units have been added to the purpose-built rental inventory since the late 1970s. These have been secured as community amenity contributions through major rezoning applications .
An in-depth analysis of West Vancouver's purpose-built rental housing is identified in the Housing Action Plan as a 2013 work item, following an examination of 'coach house' potential. The discussion paper provides the basis for informed public discussion on West Vancouver's purpose-built rental housing, and will be used as an information tool during community engagement on rental housing during 2014.
The discussion paper also provides the context for a Metro Vancouver study on the vulnerability of purpose-built rental housing in the larger region, titled "Metro Vancouver Purpose-Built Rental Housing: Inventory and Risk Analysis" (Coriolis Consulting Corp., May 2012).
Based on an economic analysis, the Metro Vancouver study concludes that 17% of West Vancouver's purpose-built rental housing stock (309 units in four rental properties) is considered at high risk of loss through redevelopment. Projecting 10 years into the future, the study estimates that 22% (408 units) could be at moderate to high risk of loss through redevelopment.
It is recognized in the Metro Vancouver study that existing rental buildings in West Vancouver are generally built to maximum allowable densities, and that 92% of these buildings are constructed of concrete. Purpose-built rental housing in West Vancouver is therefore generally less vulnerable than the rental stock in other communities, where buildings are primarily of wood-frame construction, and permitted density under existing zoning or OCP designation is under-utilized.
It is also noted in the Metro Vancouver study that most purpose-built rental properties are long-term investment holdings, which do not often change hands.
However, properties can become vulnerable when a long-time property owner sells to a developer, and the property becomes more valuable as a development site.
The key challenges for West Vancouver and the region as a whole are: how to (1) preserve, and (2) add to the existing stock of purpose-built rental housing. These challenges and possible solutions will be explored with West Vancouver residents through a community engagement program during 2014."
and report back to Ccl
Mayor: one mbr of public, David Sander
DS: director of Hollyburn Props; operated here for 29 yrs
add rental units to one of our props here in WV; feel there's a strong need for rental, not much [many] av
wd like to see Ccl to encourage; [v diff to build mostly?] due to limited av of prop
inherent risk in devt process
TP made motion: THAT
The discussion paper titled Understanding West Vancouvers Purpose-Built Market Rental Housing: A Discussion Paper, attached as Appendix A to the report from the Senior Community Planner and Planning Analyst, dated October 9, 2013, be used as an information tool during community engagement on rental housing during 2013-2014; and
Staff report back to Council in mid to late 2014 on the results of the community engagement process, and make recommendations to Council on possible District actions to further support the retention and addition of purpose-built rental housing.
This is really comprehensive and a timely report
worthwhile to comment that bold of Ccl of the day Amb apt zoning
perhaps elaborate more -- no specific mtgs? bundle with other
notice we're moving to online and xxx questionnaires
SM: haven't devpd the xxx on these
rather than simultaneous..... opps to get biggest return
thinking of a nbrhd/housing fair at a sgl event -- talk to staff at this table, rental, this one coach
number of concerns to residents
CC: mic not on--
there is really a need for rental housing in the Dist
think an affluent nbrhd don't they have money, they don't
av house $2.1M, not out of reach of xxx; out of reach of the middle class
allow ppl to stay in cmnty grew up in; over 30% over 60; v diff to afford a sgl-fam house
as a cmnty we shd be pulling our weight; preserve rental housing stock
only thing I can criticize, talk mid 2014, a whole year
looking at a year and a half.... wd like it to come back to Ccl in a sooner time frame
look at one like the one Mr Sander...... drawn
Mayor: we have 45 min, xxx and five other subjects ...
MB: xxx want to do with your equity
think of the European model; the framing of this question is important
seems a stigma attached to renting, xxx beyond affordability
SM: an interesting question but can xxx [9:15]
growing realization that it's apples and oranges
house or relegated to an apt??? probably all in this room have lived in rental
diff xxx to xxx diff needs; an imp part of the overall housing supply
ML: we have this initiative under way, good idea; also have applicants with ideas re infill; is this process undertake on a Dist level, impact on speed with wch applicns come forward
if infill rental housing, is this going to delay?
SM: it shdn't; nothing precluding right now; at anytime an applcn can be entertained; cmnty dialogue
ML: these applicns going to be few and far between; myriad of factors
don't want to see us as a Dist unnec delaying these projs at the expense of our own initiative
NG: really interesting in yr report the PkR Towers not included -- there are 507 rentals
interesting discussion to include later on; don't control but keep it
looking fwd to coach houses, and housing bulk
agree with Cclr Cam, like to see implement something before
Mayor: Sop
Sop: give up my time
Mayor: v magnanimous of you [9:19]
10. Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw xxx (4381 to 4387 Erwin Dr and 4167 Ferndale Ave)
read a first, second, and third time.
11. Fire Protection / Emergency Response Bylaw No. xxx, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4758,(proposed updates)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the October 21, 2013 regular Council meeting.
Mayor: Ccl Cam has requested we pull
CC: can't hear -- Sop
12. Consent Agenda Items
12.1. Amendment to 2013 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2013 Council Meeting Schedule be amended by:
Cancelling the November 25, 2013 Committee of the Whole meeting;
Scheduling a special Council meeting for November 25, 2013 to include a closed session, to begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall main floor conference room;
Scheduling the Nov 25 Ccl mtg re financial matters to commence at 7pm in the MHall Ccl Chamber
12.2. Spirit Trail Seaview Walk to Horseshoe Bay (File: 1785-19)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Mgr, Roads and Utilities dated Oct 16 be received for information.
12.3. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for September 2013 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated October 15, 2013, be received for information.
12.4. Development Application Status List (File: 1010-01)
RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
12.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to October 11, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) B. Chaworth-Musters, Oct 7, re Item 6 Ccl Mtg 7th Oct. OCP... Keith/TWay (Maison Seniors Living) Appendix E
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) P. Scholefield, October 8, 2013, regarding Interim Spirit Trail compromise proposal
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) B. Copeland, October 9, 2013, regarding Re: Interim Spirit Trail compromise proposal
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Gleneagles Community Centre Advisory Committee September 12, 2013
(5) R. and W. Harrington, October 7, 2013, regarding Ambleside Grosvenor Project (1300 block Marine Drive)
(6) Preserve Sentinel Hill grp of nbrs, Oct 8, re OCP Amendmt, Rezoning and Devt Permit Applicn ... (Maison Srs Living)
(7) B. Becker, October 9, 2013, regarding Vancouver~Whistler Sea To Sky Indy (Input Feedback Request )
(8) 11 submissions, dated October 1 9, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
Responses to Correspondence
(9) Dir/Planning, Land Devt and Permits, October 8, 2013, response regarding Lions Libby Lodge in Horseshoe Bay
(10) Dir/Planning, October 10, response to C. Poulter and S. La Porta, Coach Houses Eagle Island should be included
> Council Correspondence Update to October 18, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Rodrigues, October 15, 2013, regarding changes to Marine and 17th
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) S. Ebrahim, October 15, 2013, regarding Fresh Street project
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) Oct 16, re Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw No. 4366, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4758, 2013
(Referred to Fire Chief for consideration and response)
(4) Cell Towers Action Grp [CTAG], Oct 17, 2013, re Cell Towers Council Mtg Request Mike TIme for West Van Residents Only
(Referred to Acting Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(5) CTAG, Oct 17, re Cell [Towers] Requesting Presentation Slot on Ccl Mtg re Rogers Cell Towers proposal
(Referred to Acting Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response) Received for Information
(6) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Community Grants Cmte Sept 13, 2013;
Design Review Cmte September 19, 2013
(7) B. Wyckham, October 9, 2013, regarding Spirit Trail
(8) Hon. M. Polak, Minister of Envmt, Oct 11, 2013, re [Follow-Up] to 2013 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Convention
(9) Fraser Basin Ccl, Oct 15, re {Biz} Plan Advancing a Collabtv, Regnl Approach to Flood Mgmt in BCs Lower Mainland
(10) Ambleside Orchestra, October 16, 2013, regarding Ambleside Orchestra Fall Concert Invitation
(11) West Vancouver Board of Education, October 18, 2013, regarding Remembrance Day Ceremonies
(12) 12 submissions, dated October 11-17, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
> Council Correspondence Update to October 22, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) Milliken Devt Corp, Oct 18, re Fwd: Nbhd/Public Consultation Summary TWay and Keith Rd (Devt Permit Applicn)
(2) BC Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), Oct 15, 2013, regarding Applicn for Beautification Funding, WV Bay St between Nelson Ave and Royal Ave, Horseshoe Bay
(3) 2 submissions, dated October 17 - 21, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
Ccl has requested the following corresp be brt fwd for disc, and may propose a motion if Ccl considers further action required.
13.1. BC Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), Oct 15, re Applicn for Beautification Funding, WV Bay St Ave and Royal Ave, Horseshoe Bay (On-Table)
13.2. S. Brewster, October 30, 2013, regarding Parking (On-Table)
13.3 P. Powell, October 20, 2013, regarding Ambleside Farmers Market (On-Table)
13.4 J. Rodrigues, October 24, 2013, regarding Re: changes to Marine and 17th (On-Table)
> 13.1 BC Hydro re beautification funding
NG: pulled; proposed for HBay; refreshing not Amb
scope of work in range of $800K 1/3 paid by BCV Hydro -- where are we? in 2014 budget?
RF: various mbrs of Ccl have expressed interest in undergrounding, TWay and here in HBay
informal impression over by TWay wd not be supported so submission for HBay and lo and behold got a positive letter back
substantial so 2/3 have to come from -- Dist Funds or ppl who wd benefit, such as HBay Biz Assn
spoke to them, initially interested but after finding the amt, felt if that amt of money av for hHBay possible other things they wd like the money spent on
esp mid Nov deadline
DWV no money av for this
perhaps consider for the 2014 budget; given the deadline in the letter may just have to give up
reply saying at this point Dist hasn't the addl funds
Sop: ongoing devt above Ev Dr; many of those who lived above, understanding was that the wires wd be underground
can see these nasty
some built their homes, low, we look over to bridge but now poles
Mr Fung and I had a conversation; staff getting position from Hydro
some money put away, xxx [9:26]
if any priority, it's that consideration -- whether 2014 or what is Hydro going to kick in; handsome sum ~$1M
RF: staff has not been successful getting a positive for that part
ML: in addn to these costs, the Telus, the Rogers
in reality this is not $688K to $743K it's probably $743K to $1M
they're talking about moving the hydro lines not the Telus and others
sometimes these little gifts are not all they're [cracked?] up to be
> 13.2
CC: asked this item be pulled re streetscapes work doing on 17th St; a well-crafted letter
removal of considerable amt of parking; gone down and looked at
must admit when approved this last year, was not my understanding loss of parking, maybe may failing
we didn't know the effects of this; 15 spaces [9:29] $100Ks for underground
also concerned what add'l loss
I wd like at minimum; wd like a report from staff as to how much parking will be lost as planned; I think we need to revisit
17th is not presently used, can't see it used as a festival street
{perhaps he's unaware that 17th is wider than other streets precisely b/c planned to be a 'festival' street; not taken advantage of v much ... OTOH use another street?}
cd have had a bollard system and left parking
&&& 99% of time not used for festival &&& and now we've lost a lot of parking
{NL motioning}
Sokol: while I can't report on xxx
there's a loss of three parking spaces; two on and one on
engaged public over year; the impact of the streetscape on parking
changes done to ameliorate those
we were proposing midblock crosswalks, those were removed
Ch of Comm, ABA, NSN, v good turnout; knew there were going to be some places lost
Mayor : will go go you, Cclr Sop but we still have five mbrs of the public to speak
[9:33] Sop {bemoaning mic}: if light turns green
xxx now a bump-out; if five cars behind you, cars coming out of Fresh St Mkt
a dilemma
RF: the streetscape improvements, bulge-outs don't prevent any traffic movements that were there before
now the rt hand [-->now the right turn???]
the bumpout on this SE? corner not more than [for?] a bus
will stop in a travel line
that wd be the reason ppl cd not turn right; same as bus, not diff b/c of bulge
small amt a person may have to wait before turning right; don't anticipate any real restrictions
Mayor: xxx Farmers' Mkt...
Sokol: operating for last season; been alerted that shd Ccl approve 1300, that will be a construction site
locate on Sunday on 17th St on the entryway into xxx; south to Bellevue; engaged into
Mayor: Amb Farmers' Mkt enjoyed by many and hope it will continue
14. Public Questions and Comments
L Evanshen: a couple of years ago
visual xxx but was told cdn't
visual; best I wait till I have; graffiti, wear and tear; John Lawson Pk
a couple of suggestions; full circle
did hv veterans; don't look like I xxx; training w/ second Patricias
Sean Greenfield -- only soldier met and befriended ended up dying for his country
image and name for reflection; b/c won't have time to xxx
Mayor: look forward to your coming back
Alan Cook: wrt lack of parking now that can be reinstated once the tennis courts hv bn returned, under the temp licence [9:39] interesting in website, Park and ?Com top left -- get outside, get healthy, get outside -- how can that be when you remove three tennis courts?
thank you for listening to us
Mayor: Keith Bower
KB: wd like to go after Paul Stott
PS: budget for content or loss of content [9:41] here tonight
[Text supplied]
DWV Council Regular Meeting of Nov 4, 2013, Agenda Item 14. Comments regarding Item 8 2014 Budget
Good evening Mr Mayor and Councillors; thank you for this opportunity to speak to you.
My name is Paul Stott and I live at 2129 Gordon Avenue, West Vancouver. Ive written to Council and Im speaking tonight on behalf of the ten households comprising Owners Strata BCS 1593, known as Stonethro. I serve as the Secretary to the Stonethro Strata Council and with me tonight is our Acting President, Ms Sybil Climo.
Were here tonight at this point in the 2014 budgeting process, not to throw stones, but simply to remind Council of a commitment a commitment to close down the temporary parking currently occupying the public tennis courts located across from us on Gordon Avenue. I addressed Council in December 2011 to raise objections to this conversion in use, which youll recall was arranged in great haste.
Your response via the Director of Parks in January 2012 promised that the parking use was strictly temporary and would last only until certain new parking spaces became available, a timetable of roughly two years.
Mr Mayor, we at Stonethro accepted Councils plan, in all good faith, despite our reservations. For those two years we have coped with the loss of amenity, we have tolerated the view of this crude facility planted directly in our face, we have endured (and thankfully so far survived) the turning movements of users adding to the considerable hazards of Gordon Avenue traffic, and most troubling, we have cause to fear the impact of the parking lot nuisance on the market prices of our property.
However, the new public parking spaces at the Westerleigh are available now, as are additional spaces off 21st St. The construction traffic surge is well behind us. We feel strongly that now is the appropriate time to make good on your promise so please, put back the tennis courts without delay.
We are aware that there may be a move to explore and define a long-term solution to the Community Centre parking issues. Thats good - we would support such a process and look forward to participating but, I would like to make it clear, that we view such a process as a potential distraction to the immediate business of delivering on your commitment to close the temporary car park at this time. There are many considerations and fundamental policy issues to contend with in finding a long term solution which undoubtedly will take time. So, before the users become any more accustomed to parking there, we respectfully demand to be spared any further exposure to the nuisance of the temporary car park than is strictly necessary.
In conclusion therefore we, the residents of 2115 through 2133 Gordon Avenue, urge Council to adhere to its commitment to close the temporary parking lot at this time and to allocate, as a priority in the 2014 budget, an appropriate sum sufficient to restore the tennis courts forthwith.
Thank you for your attention.
Keith Bower: used to come here regularly as Cclr Sop will recall
now that I'm 86 or 87
mics -- can you hear me?
{staff gave him a mic}
completely support; only met him this evening
two days ago ... better things to do, like playing tennis
[said] Ccl [isn't] going to let those tennis courts stay
[I said] you're kidding
[he replied] no, they're not
sent me email -- to my amazement disbelief and horror
you made a promise it wd be returned
if a tennis court here and there
many either in areas almost hidden from view, like at Gleneagles Golf Course; been there for years but no one uses it, almost useless
these are used regularly and in rather good condition
we, group, we play four times a week summer and winter; that one is vital in winter
summer Caulfeild xxx frozen
play all morning, we five way
we do all the work; more than the workers do -- fact -- as a result others use it
we keep it clean, squeegee it; never gets cut unless we plead with some going down the trails; not allowed to do it
all of a sudden go zip
back to this -- that court, it's the only court -- not so frozen as others or it defrosts quickly
we hv a v large group; eight ppl at a time
&&& MORE {didn't catch}
Mayor: meet with Ms Mooi off line; waiting
we have Carolanne Reynolds, then John Harvey, then hope we shd be able to wrap this up by 10 o'clock.
{that's a hope but does it trump hearing from three more residents? they sat all evening waiting to speak?}
CR (mic so faint cdn't get a bit of the first line}: Editor of West Van Matters
I'd like to point out to Cclr Gambioli that can get the award information {my guess b/c v hard to hear} from my newsletter as well, not just ...
This evening we honour those who fought for our democracy. Most, if not all of us, campaigned for openness, transparency, and even inclusion. A few years ago WV added to its deliberative bodies a completely open one, called a Working Group.
I was on that Cmnty Engagement Cmte that drew up the guidelines. It was outside the LGA and Cmnty Charter, and therefore, it was explained, it had to be completely open. This was an exciting milestone and it was even taken to the UN in NY.
You wd realize, therefore, to hear that they can have closed subcmte mtgs, or to be told the WG guidelines were only guidelines, not rules, and moreover a chair cd decide if the mtgs wd be open or closed was a surprise, and a disappointment.*
Surely our hope is to increase the openness of our deliberations, and our municipal govt, so I'm sure, as you have assured me, Mayor Smith, that is your aim, and you wd like to increase the openness, transparency, and inclusion -- and not go backwards!
So, I hope you will recommit yourselves to abiding by the openness that was intended for WGs and maybe expand it, and that you will encourage more openness.
And for you all, If you talk the talk -- Now, we intend to watch if you walk the walk.
{* Dear Readers, a council liaison even said WGs cd be 'flexible'! Keep in mind for other bodies, including ccl-appointed cmtes, to go in camera, as it is for Ccl, a resolution must be passed based on one of the items listed in Section 90 of the Cmnty Charter.
Even more outrageous that a WG wd do it virtually on a whim, no procedure required.}
Mayor: thank you for making those comments
I see Cclr Booth
MB: on the tennis court issue; I take that promise v seriously
Paul Harvey: xxx public input
haven't researched
at beginning; always finish
research; set period; so don't have to wait
grandkids, go swimming
Mayor: xxxx
two minutes left
[Mayor passed that on to staff]
PH: third thing
policing be combined; gone to various public bd mtgs
embarrassment xxx ... lost xxx ... terminated
Mayor: not going into personnel discussions
PH: WV Ccl
find out what's going on
[Police] investigation; pretty serious; wd like Ccl to be aware of it
Mayor: Mr Stott, you have two minutes
{the agenda states the limit is three minutes}
PS: temporary parking lifespan was given two years
and now a delay of one year, possibly two years or more for study process
reprehensible; you promised to put them back after two years,
study can take place while tennis courts are in place.....
to throw out a stat like 1.4M visits is meaningless; wd be more useful to survey use of that pkg lot
full occasionally at peak times, most times relatively empty
demand is much lower than perceived
reiterate, we look forward to your putting back the courts as promised
Mayor: not always easy to juggle all the balls -- parking or tennis?
PS: screening is all v nice
[still] traffic probs, xxx
Mayor: get your point, sir. It's 9:59
15. Adjournment
=== CCL MTG AGENDAs Monday Nov 18 ===
Note: At 6pm the special Council meeting will commence, will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public...
At 7pm the regular Council meeting will commence in the Council Chamber.
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded...
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if ...
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public;
Purpose of meeting: proposed provision of a M service and personnel matters.
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
October 21, 2013 special and regular Council meetings; October 28, 2013 special and regular Council meetings;
October 31, 2013 special Council meeting; and November 4, 2013 special and regular Council meetings.
4. L. Henshaw and D. Newberry, NS Homelessness Task Force, re Homelessness Action Week 2013
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: be received for information, with thanks.
Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
2014 Budget Presentation (File: 0860-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the presentation regarding the 2014 Budget be received for information.
Proposed Revision to Development Permit Language (File: 2515-01)
RECOMMENDED: staff be directed to include the revised language in Devt Permits (in report dated Oct 29
Community Engagement Committee Terms of Reference Proposed Amendments
The proposed amendments to the CEC terms of reference as described in the report dated Oct 25 from the DepCAO and Mgr, Legislative Services, be approved;
The Districts annual advertising for volunteers for boards and cmtes to be conducted in Nov 2013 include a call for volunteers for three citizen mbrs for the Cmnty Engagement Cmte for a one-year term; and
3. Following appmt of cmte mbrs, the cmte meet at its earliest convenience to consider proposed amendmts to the Guidelines for WGs and other duties as set out in the TofRef.
Single Family Housing Siting, Form and Character (File: 2515-02) Appendix A
The discussion paper titled Siting, Form, and Character, West Vancouver Housing Study, attached as Appendix A to the report dated Oct 22, be used as an information tool during cmnty engagement on housing bulk and site devt in early 2014; and
Staff report back to Council in spring 2014 on the results of the cmnty engagement process, and make recommendations to Ccl on possible District actions to address community concerns over the integration of new houses in established neighbourhoods.
Proposed Coach House Implementation (File: 2515-02)
Staff seek cmnty input on proposed coach house policies, regulations, and guidelines, as described in the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated November 6, 2013; and
Upon completion of the community engagement process, staff present proposed implementation bylaws for formal consideration by Council in the first quarter of 2014.
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
11. Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4770, 2013 (4381 to 4387 Erwin Drive and 4167 Ferndale Avenue) (File: 1610-20-4770)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Nov 4, 2013 regular Council mtg.
12. Consent Agenda Items
The following items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
12.1. Development Permit Application No. 13-037 for 1495 Clyde Avenue -- Schedule A
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that to allow for a three-storey mixed-use building with zoning bylaw variances to reduce certain yards, to increase the height and number of storeys, and to vary the parking requirements be considered on Monday, December 16, 2013.
12.2. Devt Variance Permit Application No. 13-051 for 1412 Mathers Avenue -- Schedule A
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that the DPA for a variance to minimum lot width for two proposed new lots, will be considered by Council at its meeting on December 16, 2013.
12.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages) RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to October 25, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) P. Powell, October 20, 2013, regarding Ambleside Farmers Market
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) N. Cabot, October 21, 2013, regarding rezoning
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Devt and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) J. Rodrigues, October 24, 2013, regarding Re: changes to Marine and 17th
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) MetroV, October 10, 2013, regarding Establishing Disposal Ban on Organic Materials in 2015
(5) B. Grant, October 22, 2013, regarding Spirit Trail.
(6) 7 submissions, dated October 15-24, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(7) 3 submissions, undated Oct 21, re 1300blk Marine Dr (Previously received at Oct 21 Council mtg)
(Referred to Nov 21 Public Hearing/Public Mtg)
(8) 2 submissions, October 25, 2013, re 1300 block Marine Drive
(Referred to November 21, 2013 Public Hearing/Public Meeting)
(9) M. Slater, October 19, 2013, regarding Block Process/Consultation concerns.
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Dir/Planning, Oct 11, response to Bayside Towers Apts Ltd., Opposition to Changing Current Zoning Bylaws
> Council Correspondence Update to November 1, 2013 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) PA Design Consultants, undated, regarding Marine Dr.
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Stonethro Owners Strata BCS1593 Council, Oct 31, 2013, re Gordon Avenue Tennis Courts Temporary Parking Lot (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Gleneagles Community Centre Advisory Committee September 12, 2013; Community Grants Committee September 13, 2013
(4) Canadian Red Cross, October 17, 2013, regarding Appreciation for Community Grant
(5) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Oct 30, re 𤇇 Services in BC Intro of a Province Wide Call Answer Levy
(6) Da Vincis Home, October 25, 2013, regarding Revitalization of AMBLESIDE , whereas the COMMERCIAL District is known to be THE HEART of any community; PARKS are the LUNGS ...
(7) W. Taylor, October 29, 2013, regarding BC Liquor Review Public Consultation Phase ends this week
(8) P. Tomlinson, Oct 29, 2013, regarding Bill Soprovichs comments in the NSN October 2013. (1300blk Marine Drive) (Referred to November 21, 2013 Public Hearing/Public Meeting)
(9) M. Howard, October 29, 2013, regarding cycling on Argyle
(10) S. Brewster, October 30, 2013, regarding Parking
(11) October 31, 2013, regarding Investment Portfolio Performance Nine Months ended 9/30/2013
(12) 3 submissions, dated October 28-31, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(13) 2 submissions, dated October 27-28, 2013, regarding Opposition to Proposed Arts Centre
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Director of Planning, October 28, 2013, response to A. McFarlane, The enormous eyesore to the entrance to WV
(15) Director of Parks and Cmnty Services, October 28, 2013, response to D. Weber, Municipal Operating Expenses
(16) Director of Engg, October 31, 2013, response to B. Copeland, Re: Interim Spirit Trail compromise proposal
(17) Director of Engg, October 31, 2013, response to P. Scholefield, Interim Spirit Trail compromise proposal
> Council Correspondence Update to November 5, 2013 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Nov 5, 2013, regarding Public Consultation Financial Plan 2014- 18 What the Community Charter Act requires (Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) P. Stott, November 4, 2013, regarding Comments regarding Item 8 2014 Budget
(Previously received at November 4, 2013 Council meeting)
(3) B. Brink (Petition with 461 signatures), Nov 5, 2013, re Applicn for two towers on the White Spot site at Park Royal
13. OTHER ITEMS -- No items
14. Public Questions 15. Adjournment
Manchu the orangutan
There are many clever animals, but when it comes to escaping, no creature is more ingenious than the orangutan. Fu Manchu, a late resident of the Omaha Zoo, frequently would be found lounging in the trees outside his exhibit when zoo employees arrived in the morning. Fu's James Bond-esque escape plots are the stuff of legend, and showcase the depth of the animal's foresight and imagination.
How Fu Manchu learned to pick locks remains a mystery. But it's the ape's cunning planning skills, demonstrated by his ability to keep they wiry tool hidden from zoo employees all day, that show the depth of an orangutan's intelligence.
INFObits ===
+ Chomsky's Right: The New York Times' Latest Big Lie
By Patrick L. Smith, Salon 17 November 13
Negotiations in Geneva with Iran re nuclear power.
+ Thumbnail sketches of four federal whistleblowers and their fates
=== ECOWATCH === Beaver Lake in Stanley Park shrinking
Beaver Lake, one of the last remaining wetlands in the City of Vancouver, is rapidly declining and could disappear as soon as 2020 if no measures are taken.
The Vancouver Park Board and Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) have been working in partnership, under guidance from the Stanley Park Ecological Action Plan (2011), to come up with potential plans for restoration of the lake. Earlier this year, consultants were brought in to complete an ecological assessment and to help develop recommendations that will ensure the long-term ecological viability and biodiversity of Beaver Lake.
The public are now being invited to a series of Open Houses to review and comment on the range of options developed. This is your chance to have your say on the future of this special place!
Open House Dates
Thursday November 21, 4 - 8pm; Coal Harbour Community Centre; 480 Broughton Street
Saturday November 23, 12 - 4 pm; West End Community Centre, 870 Denman Street
Open house materials and comment forms will be also be available online after Nov 23 until Jan 1 at www.vancouver.ca.
Why is Beaver Lake shrinking?
Today the lake is nearly half the size it was in 1938. Although it is a natural process for lakes to fill in over time, for Beaver Lake this process has been rapidly accelerated by the introduction of invasive plants and the construction of the Causeway and other manmade impacts. Not only is the lake shrinking in area and depth, the quality of the habitat is also diminishing. If nothing is done to counter this, Beaver Lake will quickly become a forest meadow, and many species including some species at risk -- that rely on this much needed freshwater habitat will disappear.
Why should we save it?
SPES believes keeping this freshwater lake ecosystem is important for maintaining biodiversity in Stanley Park. Restoration of the lake may also allow for the reintroduction of extirpated wildlife like the western painted turtle and Pacific tree frog. Restoration would benefit many species of birds that currently rely on the lake and beavers, a species that recently returned here after a 60 year absence.
What can you do to help? Attend an open house. Become informed and have your say!
What happens next? Following public consultation, a final restoration plan will be created and brought to a Park Board meeting later this winter.
For further information about the Open Houses contact:
Alan Duncan, Project Manager 604 257 8515; alan.duncan@vancouver.ca
=== WORDWATCH === selfie
"selfie" has just been declared the word of the year by the Oxford: photo one takes of oneself (and uploaded)
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
What's happening around the province
o FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 -- Heritage Planners & Professionals Meeting, Shadbolt Centre, Burnaby
Click here for more information and online registration:» Heritage Planners & Professionals
o SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 -- CHC Networking Conference, Maple Ridge
The theme is Celebrating Our Milestones and Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission is hosting. Click here for more information and online registration:» Community Heritage Commission Conference
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Historic Binning House sale could be blocked CARLA WILSON / TIMES COLONIST NOVEMBER 15, 2013
Attorney general moves to block TLC's sale of historic Binning House
Planning has started for Heritage Week in February
to be involved or help: ph 922 4400, or write info@heritage.westvan.org
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY info@heritagevancouver.org
Walking Tours: all tours >
E-bulletin sign-up for event listings, alerts, heritage info; all coming events: www.heritagevancouver.org
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION -- http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org
o TAKE A WALKING TOUR http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/walking-tours/
o Places That Matter [PTM] http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/special-projects/places-that-matter-plaque-project/
=== MAIKU === 2013 November 19
those fancy fall leaves
wind whipped off leaving
bare skinny trees, shivering
quotations thoughts puns
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
-- Francis Bacon, English essayist, philosopher, and statesman (1561 - 1626)
Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching. -- Thomas Jefferson
Immanuel doesn't pun, he Kant. -- Oscar Wilde
A summer is a mathematician.
To some animals a mink coat is a furful sight.
Some doting parents are son worshippers.