~~~ ★ Gung Hay Fat Choy! ★ & ♥ Happy Valentine's Day ♥ ~~~
- Feb 3 Agenda: Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society; 2014 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel; Zoning Amendments to Marine Zones (PH Mar 10); Input on Budget 2014/proposed 5-Yr Financial Plan; PSB Dec Status Report; CAAD Biz Plan and Update [Note 1]; Seascapes [Note 2]; FCM re Nat'l Housing Plan; Corresp: tennis courts; Maison Milliken; Coach Houses.
- Feb 17 Agenda: Coho Society Update; Financial Plan aka Budget (see motion below in Headsup); Evelyn by Onni, Rezoning, DPA for Parcel 3; some great letters in Corresp (I've just read them all and in WVM will bold ones of great interest, + a couple on the budget.)
= Vive le Canada (Olympics; Nat'l Flag Day); from the EDITOR'S DESK (HWk; Budget; Feb 3 PQP re CEC and Heritage); UPDATES & INFO (Nature Awards; School Track; CAAD; Regional Police?: Newsletters)
= CALENDAR to ~Feb 20: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music, Festivals, Ballet, Film; Lectures); NATURE (Walks)
= HEADSUP/NOTICES: {first} Jan 27 ccl mtg highlights; {second, Jan 30} Today + Agenda Feb 3, Budget + Salaries, Senate, Bethlehem; Headsup {third} Feb 4: Last Night, Today, and Tomorrow (Brief summary of ccl mtg Feb 3; mtgs; M Hall trees being removed); Feb 10 Headsup: > DWV Agenda Feb 17 <; Headsup Feb 13a: (UBC lecture, Canada's int'l reputation; Five Cameras (film); Gwynne Dyer; Nature Walk; Prayers for Peace); Headsup 13b: Haiku this weekend
= Ccl NOTES Jan 27: WV Streamkeeper Society / Students' Envmtal Protection Network re Spawner Salmon Surveys; WVCCS's Yr-End Report; Denial of Envmtal Devt Permit (1384 Burnside); Proposed Five-Yr Financial Plan aka 2014 BUDGET; Milliken Maison Srs' Living (OCP Amendmt, Rezoning, DPA) to advance in applicn review process; Cmnty Dialogue (Housing); PSB Status Nov 2013; Correspondence: cell towers, tennis courts, 1528 Argyle {destruction of heritage}, Election expenses {feedback by Jan 31}, ULWG, Milliken's Maison Devt, and more
= CCL AGENDA Feb 3 {summary of what happened at the ccl mtg in the Headsup of Feb 4}
= ANIMALWATCH (squirrels, cats); INFObits (Nisga'a New Year, Neutral in whose favour?, Building Bridges); ROYALWATCH (Prince pulls a pint); LANGUAGEWATCH ([sic], Possessive); BOOKWATCH (Munro and Atwood); WORDWATCH (macroverbumsciolist); HERITAGEWATCH (Some WV HWk info); MAIKU; Proverbs/Wishes; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
Breaking News! ---> CELL TOWERS
Minister James Moore says cmnty to be involved wrt cell towers BELOW 50ft
WVPD -- the Boys in Blue are blue?
Our sympathy and support go out to Mayor Smith whose mettle will be tested in view of the survey just released.
Item 6 on the ccl mtg agenda: have your say, even say it's all okay! (+2.9% tax rate increase)
For salaries, etc: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/2012_FIA_REPORT%20%28SOFI%29.pdf
{It has been put up in a form v difficult to be put in the newsletter; will see if another way as I put it in last year}
NB: the 2013 remuneration report is not yet available so these are for 2012 thus you know they got more last year and even more planned for this year estimated double the cost of living increase. The former CAO in 2012 took in ~$235K and the Deputy $200K; those two offices ~1% of the budget. More than Division directors got well over $100K.
== Vive le CANADA ===
o Go, Canada, go!
Slopestyle skiing is being held for the first time at the Sochi Winter Olympics. In slopestyle, the skiers go down, through, and over a course comprised of a series of rail and jump features.
Canada is represented by more than 221 athletes competing in 15 winter sport disciplines.
More than 2,800 athletes, coaches, and team officials from more than 80 countries are participating in these Olympics.
o National Flag Day
February 15 was declared National Flag of Canada Day in 1996. To celebrate this special day in Cdn history, each year the Peace Tower flag is presented to a Cdn who has exemplified the values our country holds most dear. This year the PM gave it to the parents of Sarah Burke, pioneer in freestyle skiing (introduced half-pipe to Olympics); her legacy will live on.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
This newsletter has aspects of Schubert's unfinished symphony.......
Still suffering from cold, largely confined home since Dec 30. Depressingly long. Eventually went to a mtg or two but suffered setbacks. And last week 2.5 hrs with dental surgery. Oog.
> HERITAGE WEEK 2014 -- Theme: Heritage Afloat -- Feb 17 - 23 Events throughout week
Heritage Fayre, 2 - 4pm Sat Feb 22 in the atrium of the Cmnty Ctr
Thrilled to have the Royal Cdn Marine Search and Rescue (RCM-SAR); Sewell's too. Many heritage, envmt, cmnty grps plus Legion, Blockwatch, WVSPCA, restaurants,.... Looking fwd to hearing the Mayor speak about heritage!
> BUDGET 2014: Input Feb 17. Maybe ask second reading be postponed till after the staff report in March.
MY REMARKS AT PQP Ccl Mtg Feb 3 -- Qs + CEC and Heritage
10. Public Questions/Comments
Mayor: PQP, Carolanne Reynolds. Welcome.
CR (slight delay getting to the mic): I'm sorry, thank you; b/c I was on the second page I had no idea
{clumsily said -- you sign up for PQP so didn't think I wd be the first}
I have two comments but want to make some v quick comments first for what happened tonight.
[1] The IOC said their charter says equality.
{refers to Pride House discussion during the ccl mtg}
[2] It wd be appreciated if we cd hv a map of the Marine Zones before the PH. {Item 7}
[3] Wd like to find out if we cd see the video of the Jan 17 ccl mtg held last Friday.
Fourth, Thank you v much for the comments on the B C Binning House.
~ Now my first question is wrt the Cmnty Engagement Cmte
1. CEC
I'm a little bit puzzled b/c there were no mtgs on the Calendar nor its webpage since May last year.
There's nothing about its expansion, and the Consent Agenda lists three citizen mbrs appointed, so it's a mystery as to how they were chosen. Pls clarify.
~ My next one is about heritage.
2. Heritage
Pls review practices and policies
When ppl contacted me about trees and vegetation in Memorial Park, I called the Hall for information and mentioned that it was a heritage asset. The staff mbr expressed surprise. To your credit, some cclrs felt there ought to have been a notice with plans. That's a start.
Correspondence on this agenda has a resident's letter expressing dismay that a forester's property, sold to the District last fall, with 60 years' worth of landscaping (some from seed), and trees (including sequoia) was bulldozed. I've been told Parks had taken an inventory, so of course it was thought special specimens wd be kept. Both VanDusen and the Sechelt Botanical Park wd have taken some trees and the owner was willing to pay for their transport. In fact the owner is so upset, he has removed a substantial (in the millions) donation to WV from his will.
All the heritage bodies were terminated over five years ago. May I again recommend that one be formed asap. Am sure their comments and input wd be valuable. There is no doubt that not all of WV's heritage assets have been listed, identified, or protected.
Pls revive attention to them. Remember there are five categories: palaeontological, archaeological, architectural, cultural/historical, and scenic (as in landscape and environment).
Indeed, what better time to do so.
Heritage Week in BC
always starts on the third Monday in February. This year Feb 17 - 23; the theme is Heritage Afloat
As I have for the past 25 years, as Chair of Heritage West Van I'll be organizing events. We're thrilled that among other participants will be the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue team (at Heritage Fayre on Saturday the 22nd). There'll also be a display in the Library, talks, a heritage cream tea, and a nature walk among other activities -- and restaurants {participating}.
The Heritage West Van website has not been updated for this year but see last year's info. We'll put up draft 2014 flyer and update it with confirmations.
Everyone's invited to enjoy our special cmnty. Want to join in the celebrations? call 922 4400 or write to heritage@westvan.org Thank you
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
The DNV Award of Honour recipients includes the Nature Walk leader whose walks are in WVM (and will be offering one during Heritage Week) -- David Cook. Well done!
The Award of Honour recognizes individuals or organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the community, including significant achievements in sports, science, and culture, either within the District, the Province, nationally or internationally. It can also include significant acts of philanthropy or heroism.
For anyone interested in the management of the natural features of the North Shore this is an important recognition of some of the principal players.
+ PARK ROYAL -- Valentine's Gifts
Love the boxer shorts! also, since I like to buy local (and Canadian), tempted by Purdy's chocolates.
+ West Vancouver Secondary School Track
Replacement, construction of an artificial turf field; consultation planned once more defined.
+ Centre for Art, Architecture and Design
The CAAD Board has selected Russell Hollingsworth as the successful architect and will focus on raising the necessary capital to construct the facility and on seeking community input before the project proceeds. See: http://westvancouver.ca/arts-culture/major-projects/west-vancouver-society-art-architecture-and-design
+ {Bby's opinion?} It's time for a regional police force
... The numbers speak for themselves: on one side of the Lions' Gate Bridge there was the equivalent of 168 police officers for every 100,000 people in 2012, and on the other side of the Pattullo Bridge that ratio was 137 officers. One would think that West Vancouver is at the epicentre of a crime wave in the Lower Mainland. Far from it.
In 2004, Statistics Canada developed a statistic that would not just measure the volume of crime, but also the seriousness of the offences. They created the Crime Severity Index. Think of it as the consumer price index for crime. ...
Read: http://www.burnabynow.com/news/it-s-time-for-a-regional-police-force-1.852756
In the last WVM issue newsletters were listed and how to get on their list. Here are more.
o The Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr has a newsletter with oodles of activities. The GCC website is:
but I cdn't find the link to the newsletter however you can subscribe at:
o The Seniors' Activity Ctr has one too with an incredible selection of things to do. Here's Seniors' Scene:
It also has info on the candidates for the election of the new board Mon - Fri, Feb 24 - 28
o The West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society recently gave a report to Ccl [Jan 27], and their latest activities and plans can be read in No. 19 at: http://www.westvancouverstreamkeepers.ca/dox/newsletter19.pdf
Councillors are getting into news, too.
o Cclr Booth is on her Newsletter No. 8; read it at: http://www.maryannbooth.com/2014/01/
o Cclr Cameron sent out his Update -- Winter 2014 from craig@craig cameron.ca so you may have to write to get it.
o Cclr Lewis's email had:
I have finally been convinced to 'Twitter' My username is MJLewis1950. I'd appreciate it if you could pass this around and ask that people "Follow" me. I promise not to bombard them with nonsense. Thanks, Michael
o Well, as I announced in the last WVM, I'm now @gov_matters in twitter and it's really a new world. My reply:
I desperately need coaching or something. Over 90% of what I get I don't want, am not interested in, and find it a waste of time. Many ppl tell me it's essential and they tell me about things that haven't heard in the news yet, Also I must be doing something wrong. I have another twitter account too (will reveal later), however I've only ever sent one twitter. Email is preferable for me so far. Anyone giving lessons???
=== CALENDAR to ~ February 20th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier mtg info in Headsup/Notice section, not repeated here. This is hit and miss but looking forward.}
>>> FEBRUARY << < Black History Month
= Saturday February 1
~ 9am - noon ~ EARLY YEARS FAIR at Cmnty Ctr -- free
The WV Fire Dept will be there with a fire engine and children are invited to sit in it!
= Sunday February 2 -- World Wetland Day ~ 10am - 12:30pm ~ Mackay Pond (Conservation Park)
... see headsup/notices
NB: some Heritage Week events during the week 17 - 23; additional/separate announcements on flyer
= Friday February 18 ~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands WG at the Srs' Ctr {today is 17th but agenda not yet up}
Try the webpage: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/working-groups/upper-lands-study-review-working-group
See survey: Public Input Questionnaire http://westvancouver.ca/webform/public-input-questionnaire-upper-lands-study-review-working-group
= Wednesday February 19
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance -- CANCELLED
~ 7pm ~ Old Growth Conservancy Society AGM at Srs' Ctr
Presentation: Sandra Bicego, Environment/Sustainability Manager, DWV {see HWk flyer for details}
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd mtg at Library
= Thursday February 20
~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte mtg at Cmnty Ctr
+ Housing & Nbrhd Character Fairs -- Mon Feb 24 and Sat Mar 1 in Cmnty Ctr; See www.westvancouver.ca/housing
+ Envmt, Parks, and Upper Lands Open Houses/Workshops -- Feb 26 (Gleneagles), Feb 27, Mar 4 at Cmnty Ctr
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca 925 7400
> Celebrate Fibre Arts at the Library
View works by some of Vancouver's finest fibre artists in our Gallery and join us Saturday, February 22 for the Day of Knitting! Meet local authors and crafters and help us create pieces for a special Yarn Storm installation here at the Library. MORE Day of Knitting: http://westvanlibrary.ca/day-knitting-west-vancouver-memorial-library
> and now, up already, see the Heritage Week Display
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
-- January 10 to March 22 -- Ukiyoe Spectacular Japanese Woodblock Prints from the 1800s
Over one hundred woodblock prints from a private collection in Japan will be on display at the West Vancouver Museum and the Nikkei National Museum. This is a rare opportunity to see works by Kuniyoshi, Yoshifuji, and Hiroshige, among many other ukiyo-e artists. Curated by ukiyo-e scholar Inagaki Shinichi and West Vancouver Museums Kiriko Watanabe, Ukiyoe Spectacular reveals compelling images of the supernatural and epic myths, as well as portraits of courageous samurai and historical events.
During the Edo period (1604-1868), the concept of floating world indicated the enjoyment of life while it lasted. Ukiyo-e, which literally means pictures of floating world, dates back over three hundred years and reached its golden age during the Edo. The prints included in this exhibition from the late Edo demonstrate technical virtuosity and culturally rich traditions.
In addition to common ukiyo-e subjects, such as kabuki actors and beautiful women, many images reveal various interpretations of social and political issues. Consumer taste and the censorship imposed by the Tokugawa government at the time played a major role in facilitating new trends in the making of ukiyo-e.
Princess Takiyasha Calling up a Monstrous Skeleton Spectre at the Haunted Palace at Sōma (c. 1844-48), a triptych by Utagawa Kuniyoshi depicts a giant skeleton conjured by the princesss dark magic looming over two samurai figures. Though this image is dramatic, there are many others in the exhibition that are entertaining.
The more time you spend looking, the more things you discover: the face you are looking at is composed of an assemblage of cats, or a figures eyes are made of blow fish. This exhibition celebrates the 125th anniversary of consular relations between Canada and Japan, and also gives an opportunity for visitors to see the visual and technical sophistication of this unique Japanese art form.
Special Presentations at the West Vancouver Museum
> Saturday January 25, 2 - 4pm Japanese Woodcut Printmaking Demonstration
Shinsuke Minegishi, Print Media Arts Instructor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Demonstration and lecture on Japanese style woodcut printing with [water-based] inks. Shinsuke Minegishi will discuss the traditional way of block creation and printing related equipment. He will also demonstrate multiple stages of woodcut production from carving to printing with both traditional and modern tools which are available locally.
Artist info: www.s-minegishi.com
> Saturday February 8 from 2 to 4pm Japanese Folklore and Popular Customs Appearing in Ukiyoe Spectacular
Dr. Jan Walls, Professor Emeritus, Humanities, SFU Co-sponsored by The Canadian Society for Asian ArtsThe prints exhibited in Ukiyoe Spectacular: Japanese Woodblock Prints from the 1800s are a virtual gold mine of illustrations of Japanese folk beliefs, customs, and playful imagination. Examples from the exhibition will be highlighted to illustrate logographic word play (moji-asobi), pictures composed of kanji and/or kana (moji-e), cat lore and monster lore, whole creatures presented as parts of larger whole creatures, and playful teaching tools.
> Saturday March 8 from 2 to 4pm Kuniyoshi's Comic Prints: Exploring the Roots of Manga in Edo-Period UkiyoeMaiko Behr, Japanese Art Consultant and Translator
Co-sponsored by The Canadian Society for Asian Arts
Highlighting images from the exhibition, Ukiyoe Spectacular: Japanese Woodblock Prints from the 1800s, this talk will explore definitions of the comic genre, tracing the term "manga" and characteristic features of its style and subject matter into the past. In this context, closer examination of the humorous, bizarre, and often cryptic imagery of 19th-century woodblock print artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi and his circle will illuminate intriguing connections to the world of manga comics, which enjoy such widespread popularity today.
ALSO: At the Nikkei National Museum 6688 Southoaks Cr, Burnaby Exhibition Dates: Jan 11 to March 23
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~~ February 11 - 23 -- Sublime
Mixed media by Charles Keillor, Thom Kline, and Rich Rawling
Opening Reception: Feb 11th Tues 7 - 9pm; Meet the Artists: Feb 15th Saturday 2 - 3pm
~~~ Heritage Week special (book)
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
~~~ January 28 - February 16 -- Sticks & Stones
This exhibit presents acclaimed photographer Gary Fiegehens personal work. The large B&W prints present three sequences: The Stein Valley, The Rock Garden, and Trees Against a Winter Sky. They celebrate the beauty and coherence found in the natural world and the joy of looking through a camera. Gary believes the visual image can serve as a bridge between the outer and inner experience. He hopes the images provide a door for the viewers imagination and suggests that the work is less about invention and more about remembering when the world was new and full of wonder.
Opening reception: Tuesday January 28th from 6 - 8pm
~~~ February 18 - March 9 -- Streams of Colour
Celebrate B.C. Heritage Week with a dynamic group exhibit that employs the personal past of the individual to examine the collective cultural heritage of British Columbia. In this exhibition the artists share with us their life journeys through artwork that embraces the imagery and symbolism of water. Witness multidisciplinary work from artists of diverse cultural backgrounds, reinterpreting traditional art forms & aquatic subject matter, while building bridges between B.C.s diverse heritage and the viewer to tell stories of personal triumph. Featuring Women of the Downtown Eastside Womens Shelter, Anastasia Hendry, Jack Hendry, Danielle Kannegeiser, Christine MacKenzie, Chrystal Sparrow, and Calvin Bell.
Opening reception: February 18th Tuesday from 6 - 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
Feb 4, 7:30pm: Rockridge School Presents: Pippin (and Feb 5 @ 12:30 & 7:30pm)
Feb 7, 8:00pm: Habib Koite
Feb 12, 8:00pm: The Nylons
Feb 15, 7:00pm: CSSA Chinese Lantern Festival
Feb 16, 2:30pm: Royal Opera House Film Series, 'Turandot'
Feb 18-19, 8pm: Chelsea Hotel; The Songs of Leonard Cohen
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Watch the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos on the big screen Prizes, BBQ smokies, potato chips and dip at half time $4
Dinner at 6:30
Prawn cocktail, Angus rib eye roast, baked potato, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, vegetables, chocolate cheese cake Dance to Alley Cats starting at 7:30 pm $20 per person tix at the bar Limited tix available so purchase them quickly!
Mini Meat draw in the lounge at 6pm followed by Karaoke at 7pm
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
TUESDAY FEB 4 "Business After 5"- Lawyer James D. Kondopulos, speaking about Employment + Labour Law
Location: TD Direct Investing - West Vancouver Investor Centre Presentation: a Primer in Employment Law. Have questions about Employment + Labour Law? Here is your chance to have your questions answered.
NETWORKING, APPETIZERS & WINE AT 5pm. PRESENTATION begins at 5:45pm. Tickets available at the door. Generously sponsored by Roper Greyell LLP and TD Direct Investing.
Ticket includes appetizers and a glass of wine. Mbrs - $10, Non-mbrs - 15.00 Register or Learn More
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
Driving Miss Daisy at Granville Island Stage from Feb 13 - Mar 15
The Odd Couple -- Neil Simon's classic at Stanley Jan 23 to Feb 23
+ YORK THEATRE 251 1363 thecultch.com (same as Cultch)
Out of a Dream, Rodgers & Hammerstein musical from Feb 5 - 16
Sufi Journeys through Turkey, Iran, and Beyond; Sufi-inspired music from Turkey; 7:30pm Feb 15
+ HENDRY HALL 983 2633
Having Hope at Home, a romantic comedy by David S Craig northvanplayers.ca from Feb 6 - 22
+ PRESENTATION HOUSE 990 3474 phtheatre.org
A Particular Class of Woman Cdn playwright Janet Feindel, hilarious play about women (strippers) Feb 18 - 23
+ THE FUGUE FUGUE at Anderson Street Space on Granville Island
[see http://www.straight.com/arts/584131/tj-dawes-fugue-fugue-reimagines-life-digital-age]
Written and performed by TJ Dawe Presented by Boca del Lupos Micro Performance Series
TJ Dawe is Vancouver-based award-winning writer, performer, and director who has been creating solo theatre pieces for over 17 years. Past solo projects include Medicine, Lucky 9, Totem Figures, Maxim & Cosmo, Previously Unreleased Material, The Curse of the Trickster, A Canadian Bartender, Tracks (adapted from The Road by Jack London), The Slipknot, Labrador, Tired Cliches, Stating the Obvious, and Whank. Current projects include a stage adaptation of the popular blog PostSecret, premiering as PostSecret: the Show in Charlotte, NC in April 2014. He co-wrote the play Toothpaste and Cigars, which was recently made into the feature film The F Word, starring Daniel Radcliffe. www.tjdawe.ca @TJ_Dawe
February 13 - 16, Nightly at 7pm, 7:45pm, 8:30pm, 9:15pm with a talkback following the final performance
DURATION: 20 minutes TIX: $10 general admission, seating is limited. BOX OFFICE: http://bocadellupo.com/tix/
MEDIA CONTACT: Dani Fecko, Boca del LupoCel: 604.722.9044 | dani@bocadellupo.com
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
Emily Carr in Haida Gwaii ~ Jul 20 to Mar 9 ~ http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_carr_haida.html
EMILY CARR: Deep Forest. Forty forest paintings from the 1930s
OUT FOR LUNCH (Fri 12:10pm at the VAG)
Gene Emerson, composer and pianist with Gene Ramsbottom, clarinet -- Feb 7
Mozart and Beethoven; Borealis Quartet and Gene Ramsbottom -- Feb 14
+ OPERA PRO CANTANTI 340 8545 7pm Sunday at Cambrian Hall
Un Ballo in Maschera by Verdi Feb 2 [CANCELLED], 9, and 16
+ UBC OPERA ~ The Florentine Straw Hat by Nino Rota; Chan Ctr 7:30pm Feb 6, 7, 8; 2pm Sunday Feb 9
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
at the Orpheum: Mendelssohn & Shostakovich -- Feb 1 and 3
Chinese New Year -- Saturday Feb 8
Celebrate Korea -- 7:30pm Sunday Feb 9
The Best of Britain (with Christopher Gaze) 2pm Thursday Feb 13
A Romantic Valentine -- 8pm Fri/Sat Feb 14 and 15
at Pyatt Hall: A Journey to France -- 7:30pm Th Feb 13 and 2pm Sunday Feb 16
Smetana, Tchaikovsky, and Schubert -- Christ Church Cathedral 8pm Fri Feb 7
-- WV United Church 2pm Sun Feb 9
MUSIC FROM THE NEW WILDERNESS Western Front New Music (Vancouver)
February 11 15 [Feb 11, 8pm: Opening night] February 12 15: 8 pm February 15: 2pm
HISTORIC THEATRE AT THE CULTCH 1895 Venables Street, at Victoria Drive
TICKETS: All tickets from $18! Single tickets on sale now through The Cultchs Box Office: 604-251-1363 or tickets.thecultch.com. Please note that The Daisy Theatre is for ages 16 plus.
ADDED VALUE: Enjoy a lively post-show Q&A session with the artists: February 12 & 13
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER 732 1610 earlymusic.bc.ca
o Our next presentation pairs an acclaimed film with an outstanding performance:
"Il Mantovano Hebreo": Italian madrigals & Hebrew Prayers by Salomone Rossi
Vancouver Playhouse; Sunday matinée, 2 Feb at 3pm; Pre-concert chat with host Matthew White at 2:15
o Our performance at the Cellar Restaurant and Jazz Club, featuring Norbert Rodenkirchen in The Rat Catcher of Hameln on Tuesday 4 February is sold out. Thank you!
Norbert Rodenkirchen will also present a lecture/demo in our Early Music Series at Green College, with the title Deciphering an Ancient Code: Reconstructing Medieval Musical Improvisation: Wed 5 Feb from 5 to 6:30pm
at the Green College Coach House. Seating is limited; admission is free. [Details]
o Join us at the Vancouver Playhouse for an evening of dazzling music by an incomparable composer:
G.F. Handel's "Nine German Arias"
Saturday evening, 15 February at 8pm Pre-concert chat with host Matthew White at 7:15
The "Nine German Arias" still rank among Handel's best-kept secrets. Soprano Dorothée Mields, renowned for her flawless technique and the ethereal clarity of her voice, is joined by Marc Destrubé and an ensemble of West Coast musicians for this extraordinary performance of Handel's most joyous and profound music.
Click here for more information about this concert. http://earlymusic.bc.ca/CMN07-HandelGermanArias.html
Tix for concert: $36 regular price; $18 for audience mbrs aged 35 or younger Civic Theatres surcharges apply.
Rush Seats for Students with valid ID on sale for $10, at the door only, from an hour before the beginning of each concert. Subject to availability. This concert is included in our Bring a Youth for Free programme.
+ Gung Haggis Fat Choy!
Lunar New Year -- Lots of events, parades, etc for Chinese New Year from Jan 31 to Feb 8 (even 10th)
+ Winterruption at Granville Island -- Feb 14 to 16
+ Diner en Plaid
Similar to diner en blanc, but with a plaid twist, celebrating Maillardville's logging heritage and culture. Enjoy traditional food and live music. 604 515 7070 festivaldubois.ca 6:30pm Feb 20
Grace Symmetry an evening in collaboration with Turning Point Ensemble, QE, balletbc.com Feb 20 - 22
February 13
IRSA Discourse and SPHR UBC Present: Five Broken Cameras
Where: Liu Institute Multi Purpose room - 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
When: Thursday, February 13th; Potluck 6:30 - 7pm; Documentary: 7 - 8:30pm; Discourse: 8:30-
The International Relations Student Association is pleased to present the second IRSA discourse of the academic year. In collaboration with Solidarity for Palestine and Human Rights (SPHR) of UBC we are excited to bring you an intimate screening of the critically acclaimed film Five Broken Cameras.
This 2011 documentary film was co-directed by Palestinian Emad Burnat and Israeli Guy Dividi. Five Broken Cameras is a first-hand account of protests in Bilin, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank Barrier. The documentary was shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son. In 2009 Israeli co-director Guy Davidi joined on to create the film. Structured around the destruction of Burnat's cameras, the filmmakers' collaboration follows one family's evolution over five years of turmoil. The film won a 2012 Sundance Film Festival award, it won the Golden Apricot at the 2012 Yerevan International Film Festival, Armenia , for Best Documentary Film, and was nominated for a 2012 Academy Award
February 15, 16, 22
AL HELM: (The Dream) Martin Luther King in Palestine
Feb 15 at 7 pm Trinity United Church, 2211 Prairie Ave, Pt Coq; 7pm Feb 16; Mt. Seymour United Church, 1200 Parkgate, NV
Feb 22 at 7 pm South Burnaby United Church, 7591 Gray Avenue, Burnaby
An African-American gospel choir goes to Palestine to work with Palestinians as they present a play about the life of Martin Luther King. They become witnesses to life under occupation and a non-violent movement for social justice. This very moving film was shown at the V.I.F.F. to much acclaim. No Admission Charge
+ Peace and the Environment Symposium at SFU Hbr Ctr
Keynote Speaker: Dr Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Winner 1997
778 782 5855 sfu.ca/humanities-institute Th/Fri Feb 6 and 7
+ What happened to the Coho and Chinook in Georgia Strait?
A Presentation on the Landmark Salish Sea Marine Survival Project
You are invited to an overview presentation on the new Salish Sea Marine Survival Project by Dr. Brian Riddell of the Pacific Salmon Foundation and Michael Schmidt of Seattle-based Long Live the Kings.
Tues February 11, 5 - 7pm Presentation/Q & A/Reception, Sheraton Wall Ctr Hotel, 1088 Burrard, Vancouver
The Salish Sea Marine Survival Project leverages human, scientific, and financial resources from Canada and the United States to improve the evaluation of survival of juvenile salmon and steelhead in shared marine waters. It is the largest-scale and most important research effort of its kind in the shared water of Washington State and British Columbia. The project promises to fundamentally change the ways we manage Pacific salmon and steelhead and stewardship of Puget Sound and the Georgia Basin.
Learn more at: http://www.psf.ca/programs/salish-sea-marine-survival-project RSVP: staylor@psf.ca
Join us on the evening of February 12, for the next After Hours, our adult-only evening. Experience the "Vancouver Aquarium Up Close" with special programming and get closer to the animals than ever before. Plus, explore our galleries and exhibits in peace and tranquility without kids underfoot. Food and alcoholic beverages are also available.
+ Canadian Authors Annual Open Mic Night
A Literary Event: Join poet Jean Kay as she hosts Canadian Authors Vancouver's Annual Open Mic Night. Featuring twenty-five local authors reading from their works in a variety of genres, we'll announce details about the 2014 Short Story Contest, too. The event is open to the public.
Wednesday, February 12 from 7 to 9pm (Doors open at 6:45 PM)
Alliance for Arts and Culture, Suite 100, 938 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 1N9
Open Mic Night readings are for five-minute time slots. To sign up, e-mail your name, phone number, the title of your work and writing genre to Margo Bates at programs@canauthorsvancouver.org
Phone to reserve; Members - No charge, Guests - $10, Students with ID - $5
+ Alexandra Morton: DFO, Wild/Farmed Salmon
Since doctors in Norway began speaking up six months ago to voice their concerns regarding the toxins in farmed salmon, I have been following the developments in Norway. I have assembled this information in a new blog. The information is pretty disturbing. Young women, in particular, should be made aware.
Yesterday Chief Robert Chamberlin extended an invitation to stand with him at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans downtown Vancouver office at 200 - 401 Burrard Street on Monday, February 17 at 9am. Chamberlin has many salmon farms in his territory, known as the Broughton Archipelago. He has been instructed by the people he represents to protect their food resources from salmon farms as they have seen the impact firsthand. Chamberlin has been relentless, travelling to Norway several times to attend the AGMs of the companies that are using his territory to grow Norwegian farmed salmon. He is Vice President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and has spent years in govt processes, continuing to this day, trying to resolve the impact of salmon farms on BC.
When it was discovered that BC had been opened to expansion of the salmon farming industry, Chamberlin had not been consulted. Three of the first applications to expand the industry are in the Broughton Archipelago.
I will be standing in front of the DFO office on Monday at 9 am with Chief Chamberlin. There is a facebook event page. It will be a peaceful, honourable event. I hope that you will join us, even if you can only be there for 15 minutes. Govt needs to know the wild salmon of BC have to be treated with respect and not destroyed.
Please view Guide to Wild Salmon and see what we are risking the wild salmon of British Columbia for.
Thank you, Alexandra Morton
RN director, Jean Lewis, and Ivan Sayers will be appearing on CKNWs Bill Good Show, for one half-hour beginning at 9:30 am, on Monday, February 17th.
They will be discussing the objectives of Civil Rights Now! and promoting our upcoming fund-raiser, Radical Rags: the History of Activism, a live model fashion show, which takes place on the afternoon of Saturday, Feb 22nd in the sanctuary of St. Andrews-Wesley United Church, Burrard and Nelson, in Vancouver.
Tickets for Radical Rags may be purchased on-line at www.civilrightsnow.ca or at the door. Thank you.
+ Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS)
The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement (OSME-SE) is pleased to invite you to attend a Townhall to discuss the new Defence Procurement Strategy (DPS) with Tom Ring, ADM, Acquisitions Branch, PWGSC; Michel Vermette, Deputy Commissioner of the Coast Guard; and Jon Mack, Director of the Defence Procurement Strategy.
The DPS was developed to better ensure that defence equipment purchases create economic opportunities for Canadian businesses, and help improve defence procurement outcomes.
The purpose of the Townhall is to inform you about the Strategy, answer your questions and receive your feedback.
Date: Tue, 02/18/2014 - 13:00 to 15:00
Location: UBC, Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Room C300 Please arrive at 12:30 for the meet and greet.
We look forward to your participation and feedback at the Townhall on Tuesday, February 18.
In the meantime, shd you have questions, pls contact us by email at tara.hartley@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca or Christopher Baird at christopher.baird@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca. Pls also let us know if you require special accommodation.
Regards, Drew Dodington, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises, Public Works and Govt Services Canada, 219 - 800 Burrard
Toll Free 866 602 0403, Facsimile 604 775 7395 Government of Canada
> Sunday February 9th -- The Grand Tour:
A hike through the old-growth forest of Pacific Spirit Regional Park above Wreck Beach
A free public event sponsored by Suzuki Elders. All ages welcome. Membership in Suzuki Elders not required. For further information about Suzuki Elders Google eldersdsf.
Trip leader: David Cook
Meeting time & location: 12 Noon at the north-western intersection of SW Marine Drive and Old Marine Drive in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. There is free parking along Old Marine Drive which is in Pacific Spirit Regional Park. Entry by car onto Old Marine Drive is at the south-eastern intersection of Old Marine Drive and SW Marine Drive (SE of 16th Ave.). Consult the Metro Vancouver Pacific Spirit Regional Park map for further details.
Duration of field trip: 2 to 3 hours. Registration: Not required.
General Description: This is the 'Grand Tour' because it is focused on the exceptional grand fir trees growing in the area. Unlike the majority of Pacific Spirit Regional Park, wch was logged exhaustively in the 1890s, the slopes above Wreck Beach and around the UBC Botanical Gardens are relatively intact old-growth forest; one of the most accessible and beautiful big tree routes in Metro Vancouver.
The Route: At our meeting point at the top of Totem Ravine we will have a view of one of North Americas largest grand firs. It is 64.5m to its broken top, has a wide base and an enormous and complex crown with numerous reiterations. We will then hike along the thickly forested Old Marine Drive to the top of Trail 7 in Pacific Spirit Regional Park, where we will take a look at a stand of grand firs and old-growth Douglas-firs before descending the Trail 7 staircase down to the beach. At the bottom of the staircase is a 2m thick old-growth Douglas-fir. Once on the beach we will stop at the bottom of Totem Ravine to look at another very large old-growth Douglas-fir and another grand fir of near-record size. Take note of many other large grand firs and big leaf maples along the route and keep your eyes open for the Wreck Beach Douglas-fir which emerges quite spectacularly from the forest canopy above Wreck Beach. This Douglas-fir is probably the largest tree in the UBC area. Here there is an excellent panoramic view of the old-growth forest with the veteran trees rising above the canopy. Along the beach trail we will also look at the salt marsh ecology and one of the giant glacial erratics that are scattered along the beach and have First Nations significance (Musqueam). We then return to Old Marine Drive by ascending the Trail 6 staircase.
Trail Conditions: The trail along the beach is rough and uneven with potential hazards such as sections of mud, slippery roots, rocks, and short sections of walking on logs to by-pass marshes. Therefore wear hiking boots with good-grip soles. The two stairways are steep and endless. Bring snacks and a beverage.
> Sunday February 16th
Mysteries of a temperate rainforest -- A Discovery Walk for Stanley Park Ecology Society
Trip leader: David Cook
Description of walk: Learn about the structure, ecology, and global distribution of temperate rainforests, and answer such questions as Why can temperate rainforest trees reach such enormous size? and Why can some tree species in rainforests live for well over 1000 years?
Meeting location & time: 1:30pm at Lost Lagoon Nature House. Duration of walk: 2 to 3 hour.
Registration required: To register, email programs@stanleyparkecology.ca or telephone 604-718-6522.
Cost: $5 for SPES Members, Seniors, and Children; $10 for Non-members.
===> Headsup Ccl Mtg Jan 27 Highlights
wha' hoppen??? Lots! Budget, Maison Milliken, and PQP. May add the Snark Report. QTP at end.
Of course it started with a tribute to Tim Jones. Interesting presentations (with slides) from Streamkeepers and from the Cmnty Ctrs Society.
Good news re Budget -- some questions so only first reading and public may comment next Monday (and get more info -- where was cited in WVM01 sent yesterday -- in order to do so).
Quite a debate over an illegally built staircase (and no envtal permit); given to Sept to rectify.
The biggie of the evening of course was the Maison Milliken devt (started about 9:19). With 29 speakers (almost all from Preserve Sentinel Hill, opposed and still going strong before 10pm, Ccl decided to adjourn the mtg after that item. After some ccl debate, only the first of the three recommendations from staff was passed:
1. the Maison Seniors Living project advance in the application review process;
I queried inventory of suitable sites and planning to avoid such an excruciating exercise this has been not fair to either the residents/nbrhd or the applicant.
Mayor Smith also wd like info from Vancouver Coastal Health.
The mtg ended at 11:30pm -- as Cclr Gambioli said, longest of this term. She also wanted the perception of bias to be addressed.)
As an aside, not considerate of those who'd signed up for PQP before 7pm -- former mayor Ron Wood used to call for PQP at 9:45 so residents, if any (and there isn't always someone) wd not have come to the mtg in vain, waiting almost three hours to not be able to speak.
Knickers in a Twist -- SnarkWatch
Sharp words between Cclr Booth and Mayor (over speaking), and jousting between Sop and Cclr Cameron with Mayor trying to referee.
===> HEADSUP Today+Agenda Feb 3/Budget+Salaries/Senate/Bethlehem
Running trying to keep up.
Herewith: Mtg today +; AGENDA Feb 3; Budget/Salaries; SenateWatch; Land/Rights; QTP
TONIGHT ~ 7:30pm ~ Thursday Jan 30 -- WV Streamkeeper Society's mtg at St Stephen's.
AGENDA: Student Outreach; Spawner Salmon Survey Results 2013; Nelson Crk Hatchery; Work Plans
FRIDAY Jan 31 -- start of ten days celebrating Chinese New Year, the Year of the Horse.
JUST RECEIVED: ~ 10 - 10:15am ~ Raising the 12th Man Flag on the big lawn in front of the Cmnty Ctr
Mayor Smith will raise the 12th man flag on Blue Friday. On Sunday, come down to the Cmnty Ctr and watch the game on the big screen! The Seahawks are playing in the Super Bowl this weekend! In honour of WV's history with the club through events and the Passing Academy in Ambleside,
-- Third Annual Winter Wander in Vanier Park 10am - 5pm
$5 (chn free) for entry into Vancouver Maritime Museum, Museum of Vancouver, HR MacMillan Space Ctr, Bard on the Beach, Academy of Music, and City of Vancouver Archives museumofvancouver.ca/winterwander
-- Party for THE Park 6pm, silent auction, music, fundraiser for Stanley Park Ecology Soc at the Pavilion 604 319 9929
Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society; 2014 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel; Zoning Amendments to Marine Zones (PH Mar 10); Input on Budget 2014/proposed 5-Yr Financial Plan; PSB Dec Status Report; CAAD Biz Plan and Update [Note 1]; Seascapes [Note 2]; FCM re National Housing Plan; Correspondence: tennis courts; Maison Milliken; Coach Houses.
See the whole agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/feb/03/14feb03-agenda3.pdf
1: Find out if the location for the new art ctr/museum replacement is tentative or has been confirmed b/c one cclr told me yes and another said no.
2: Sunset Highlands now known as Seascapes. Was zoned sgl-fam and the Sunset Pt residents fought the increased density. It went through however seem to recall it went bankrupt so road/access in plan had to be dealt with by DWV and prov. Now, incredibly, staff recommend that the $70K deposited with the DWV for a trail be refunded b/c deemed too steep, etc to be built. Outrageous. That cd hv bn viewed as a Cmnty Benefit and condition. If they can't or won't do it, use that money toward another trail or amenity -- not give it back! What a precedent -- we can't do it so give us our money back! It's for the residents, for the cmnty.
In fact, we might even want to look at a penalty for devprs/owners who reneg (for whatever reason b/c it was negotiated) on a commitment -- dissuade others from doing the same. That money is for the cmnty, the taxpayers/residents.
Clarification: as you saw from the chart in WVM01, except for the Transit Union, all the union contracts expired in 2012 (and Fire in 2011) and have yet to be settled.
That pretty well means salary increases this year (plus retroactive pay). As you know, salaries comprise over 80% of the budget.
Will Ccl, if they can't get a freeze (even a VSun editorial mused municipal staff are overpaid), they shd try to make sure the increases are not more than inflation.
Thought I'd put the 2012 salaries in a WVM but cdn't find it, however here's what WVM sent out June 17th:
Perhaps some of you did not realize that staff remuneration is included in the Financial Report. It's the largest single component of the DWV budget.
The whole report had a link on the agenda and was in what was sent before:
In case you didn't see this important part of our annual budget, and we're about to go into planning for 2014, I've separated it for you here below. Keep in mind these figures are for 2012; the salaries are higher for this year.
[WVPD is not included but they voluntarily put it on their website,
see http://wvpd.ca/proactive-disclosure-2010-police-salaries-over-75000]
Salaries $75K and above for staff must be made public.
Highest for 2012 was $233K (only one over $200K)
about seven over $150K
about 65 employees over $100K
Council? they don't even qualify! They're a bargain: Mayor got $74K and the councillors just over $30K.
BTW, in 1990 I think the M Mgr got about $90K -- will have to check; cclrs got a little over $20K (the mayor not much more) and 1/3 was for expenses.
Imagine how much higher they'll be in 2014 and weep.....
B/c Ccl stopped at first reading on Monday night (27th), the public may comment on Monday Feb 3rd. Amendments can be made at second reading. With a proposed increased tax rate of 2.9% the challenge is to shave about $1.63M, and we'd be at zero. See the bottom of p2 of WVM-01 in the Budget Commentary.
You've heard Justin Trudeau's announcement re the Senate.
Great news. Constructive and positive. A step for remove partisanship and patronage.
Don't abolish! Of course why give up contributions to and a check on the House of Commons and/or a majority political party?
I never agreed with an elected Senate -- that's just a larger House of Commons.
Also agreed with selecting Canadians on merit -- expertise, solid reputation, and respect, independent though.
A learned evaluation of proposed legislation with unbiased people.
Trudeau alluded to a selection process somewhat like for the Order of Canada.
From the Liberals:
* Effective immediately only elected Mbrs of the House of Commons will serve as mbrs of the Liberal Caucus
* Effective immediately all 32 Liberal Senators are released from their partisan responsibilities, making them Independent Senators.
* A commitment to implement an open, transparent, and public process for appointing and confirming Senators
* A commitment to appoint independent senators only.
Urgent need for support as Beit Jala families seek justice:
Bishops call for prayer and for international pressure as Supreme Court of Israel Hearing into Cremisan Valley starts
As Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination, we call for justice to be upheld in the Cremisan Valley, near Bethlehem. Israels plans to build a security wall on the land of 58 Christian families should be abandoned. We met with many families from Beit Jala during our recent visit to the Holy Land. We heard of their pain and anguish. They are faced with the threatened loss of their land and livelihood as the planned security wall will destroy vineyards, groves and orchards and separate them from their land.
We recognise the right of the State of Israel to security and secure borders. However, the planned route of the security wall deviates sharply from the Green Line, the internationally-recognised demarcation line separating Israel and the territories captured in the six-day war of 1967. More than three quarters of the walls planned route falls outside the Green Line and is illegal according to a landmark advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, while also a flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We urge our governments to encourage Israel to follow international law. In particular, for Israel to respect the livelihoods of these families and for the people of Beit Jala to be protected from further expropriation of their land and homes by Israel. This is a matter of urgency as on 29 January the Israeli Supreme Court starts its hearing into the building of a security wall in the Cremisan Valley and the families appeal to protect their land.
Click the link below to continue reading:
Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination, 2014; Archbishop Stephen Brislin, South Africa; Bishop Peter Burcher, Scandinavia, Finland and Iceland; Bishop William Crean, Ireland; Bishop Michel Dubost, France; Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher, Canada; Archbishop Patrick Kelly, England and Wales; Bishop William Kenney, England and Wales; Bishop Declan Lang, England and Wales; Bishop Denis Nulty, Ireland; Bishop Richard Pates, United States of America; Bishop Thomas Renz, Germany; Bishop Janusz Stepnowski, Poland; Archbishop Joan Enric Vives, Spain
===> HEADSUP Feb 4: Last Night, Today, and Tomorrow!
Good day! Herewith: Council News (brief summary); meetings (725 Marine; Invasive Plants); M Hall trees being removed (put up a parking lot!), and {QTP, then WordWatch -- are you a macroverbumsciolist? ~~ moved to newsletter}
council news
Good news! v briefly at ccl mtg last night {Feb 3}:
-- Budget has been deferred to Feb 17 (no ccl mtg on Family Day holiday Feb 10). My challenge to yoU: if you can find ~$2M to cut then there won't be a tax rate increase. Plough through all the material and see what you can defer or not want. It's also an opportunity to let Ccl know your priorities,earlier or something before something else.
-- National Energy Bd Hearings: West Van will seek intervenor status re Kinder Morgan.
-- B C Binning House: sale stopped but now needs viable alternatives (good suggestion from Sokol maybe use CACs)
-- Marine Zones: Lewis asked, Sokol said wd bring map to PH; at PQP I asked for it to be provided right away.
-- Some debate over PSB, funding not finalized
-- Much debate re CAAD (Arts Ctr) b/c of amt taxpayers expected to pay (operating expenses); clarification needed
-- Other topics: dogwalking fees; CoV motion re Pride House in Sochi
-- PQP: where's video of Fri Jan 17 ccl mtg?; no mtgs of CEC since May 2013 on their webpage so how/when citizen mbrs chosen?; re letter in Corresp, why bulldozed, special specimens not saved 1578 Argyle, owner v upset so loss of substantial donation to WV -- need for a M heritage body (terminated more than five years ago) so we can identify what we want saved and add to our heritage inventory; Heritage Week Feb 17- 23.
~ noon - 5pm ~ Tuesday Feb 4 at WV Cmnty Ctr [and again Thurs Feb 6, from 4 to 9pm]
Find out more about the devt applications for 752 Marine Drive (White Spot site). District staff and information material will be available on a drop-in basis.
and ~ 7pm ~ Tuesday Feb 4 -- UPPER LANDS WG at Srs' Ctr Agenda Meeting materials
~ 4:30 - 7:30pm ~ Wednesday Feb 5 at WV Cmnty Ctr INVASIVE PLANTS STRATEGY OPEN HOUSE
Come to an Open House hosted by the Invasive Plants Working Group
to find out more about the draft Invasive Plants Strategy and how it affects you. Invasive Plants
trees lose again {Joni Mitchell}
Construction of a new surface parking lot is underway at M Hall, and this week crews will undertake tree work on the north side of the site.
An independent arborist conducted an assessment of the trees on site, several of which were identified as hazard trees. Tree removal will begin Tuesday, February 4, and take two or three days to complete.
The new parking lot will provide additional parking for visitors to M Hall, as well as improving accessibility through a barrier-free entrance. More Information Media Release Public Safety Building Project
===> HEADSUP -- DWV CCL AGENDA Feb 17 {sent Feb 10 at 1am!}
My oh my! it's already up! Great move by Nina!
I'm so behind on the mtgs/events (and WVM-2), here's the agenda for the 17th ahead of time! :-)
Coho Society Update; Financial Plan aka Budget,(see motion below); Evelyn by Onni, Rezoning, DPA for Parcel 3; some great letters in Corresp (I've just read them all and in WVM will bold ones of great interest, + a couple on the budget.)
Here's the budget motion: (why not defer this? the budget doesn't have to be passed until May 15th, not that I'm suggesting waiting that long)
6. [5-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4780) (On-Table)
1. Proposed ׃ Year Financial Plan Bylaw 4780, 2014, be read a second and third time; and
2. Staff report back to Council, no later than March 31, 2014, with a report articulating specific deliverables and timelines related to the proposed Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability Review and Plan; and that thereafter staff provide Council with updates on the progress and direction of the Long- Term Fiscal Sustainability Review and Plan by way of quarterly Council Reports over the duration of the project.
Here's a link to the (7pm) whole agenda (and the in camera will start at 4pm):
MEETINGS: {moved}
===> HEADSUP Feb 13a {sent lunchtime}
in rush, received some late.
Herewith: Talk at UBC (Canada's Int'l Reputation); Movie (5 Cameras); Gwynne Dyer; Nature Walk; Prayer for Peace; Qtn
Date: 13 February, 2014 12:28:31 AM PST JewsForAJustPeace@yahoogroups.com
What is happening to Canadas International Reputation? Thursday February 13 from 4:30 6pm
School of Population and Public Health, Room B151, 2206 East Mall, UBC Point Grey campus
UBCs Global Health Research Program and the Global Health Research Network at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia are pleased to invite you to a talk by Canadian writer and political activist Yves Engler, author of The Ugly Canadian Stephen Harpers Foreign Policy.
Why Canadas reputation has deteriorated, what this means for Cdns, and what is needed to turn this around will be discussed. http://ghrp.ubc.ca/events/engler/ For more information and to register, email englertalkreg@gmail.com
Subject: [JJP] IRSA Discourse and SPHR UBC Present: 5 Broken Cameras
Date: 11 February, 2014 5:38:10 PM PST
To: JewsForAJustPeace@yahoogroups.com
IRSA Discourse and SPHR UBC Present: 5 Broken Cameras
Where: Liu Institute Multi Purpose room - 6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
When: This Thursday, February 13th; Potluck 6:30-7pm; Documentary: 7-8:30pm; Discourse: 8:30-
The International Relations Student Association is pleased to present the second IRSA discourse of the academic year. In collaboration with Solidarity for Palestine and Human Rights (SPHR) of UBC we are excited to bring you an intimate screening of the critically acclaimed film Five Broken Cameras.
This 2011 documentary film was co-directed by Palestinian Emad Burnat and Israeli Guy Dividi. 5 Broken Cameras is a first-hand account of protests in Bilin, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank Barrier. The documentary was shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son. In 2009 Israeli co-director Guy Davidi joined on to create the film. Structured around the destruction of Burnat's cameras, the filmmakers' collaboration follows one family's evolution over five years of turmoil. The film won a 2012 Sundance Film Festival award, it won the Golden Apricot at the 2012 Yerevan International Film Festival, Armenia , for Best Documentary Film, and was nominated for a 2012 Academy Award
Gwynne Dyer: Israel's hypocrisy on nuclear weapons
by GWYNNE DYER on FEB 12, 2014 at 6:36 PM
Former Knesset speaker Avraham Burg has confirmed that Israel has chemical and nuclear weapons
Read: http://www.straight.com/news/587206/gwynne-dyer-israels-hypocrisy-nuclear-weapons
NATURE WALK -- Sunday February 16th {removed; was in previous Headsup}
Mysteries of a temperate rainforest -- A Discovery Walk for Stanley Park Ecology Society
from Sabeel
Thursday February 13, 2014 PRAYERS for PEACE
Merciful God, we give you thanks for the successful evacuation efforts in Homs, Syria, and ask that you would keep this path open for aid to reach these people. Ultimately, Lord, we pray for you to pave the way for a just peace to take hold in this land so that no one must suffer like this anymore.
Lord in your mercy
According to human rights organizations in Palestine and Israel, Israeli demolitions of Palestinian houses are at a five-year high, with 663 buildings demolished in 2013. Just this week, Israeli forces demolished houses in several East Jerusalem neighbourhoods, including Jabal al-Mukabbir and Silwan. In light of these ongoing injustices, we ask that you would empower the international community to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in saying no more to dispossession, discrimination, and inequality.
Lord in your mercy
With one of the driest winters on record, Palestinian farmers across the country are suffering crop failures and hardship. Hear your peoples cries, and bless us with rain to nourish both the land and our spirits.
Lord in your mercy
===> HEADSUP [13b]-- Haiku This Weekend {sent Feb 13}
This email will be of interest to those who like poetry and in particular, haiku.
If you do, read on.......
Victoria, Vancouver, and hot chocolate
Subject: [pacifi-kana] Reminder: Haiku Arbutus Feb 15; Vancouver Haiku Group Feb 16
Date: 13 February, 2014 4:17:22 PM PST
A reminder that haiku groups in Victoria and Vancouver are meeting this weekend:
Haiku Arbutus
Inaugural meeting Saturday Feb 15th, 1 4pm
Coast Collective, 3221 Heatherbell Road, Victoria (next to Royal Roads University, West Shore)
250-391-5522 www.coastcollective.ca
Whether you are an established haiku poet, or just starting on the path of haikai, this is the group to join! (Our room at Coast Collective is by donation.) Please bring a writing notebook and good walking shoes for our gingko walk along the Esquimalt Lagoon and bird sanctuary. Any questions? Please get in touch with Terry Ann Carter (terryanncarter3@gmail.com)
Vancouver Haiku Group
Third Sunday of the month meeting, February 16 from 1 4pm
Britannia Community Services Centre in the Family Resource Centre, 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver, BC
The February meeting will begin with a short discussion on favourite haiku, interesting articles and/or books, upcoming events, and contests, etc.
The meeting will also include an exercise on haiku enhancement using the phrase hot chocolate. (Include the phrase hot chocolate or use it to warm your creative juices, while preparing to submit some outstanding haiku.) For poetic inspiration, read through the information online about the Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival. For more inspiration, browse through http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=hot+chocolate and indulge in a simulated cup of cocoa.Before the next meeting, forward two haiku using the above prompt to angelan@telus.net.
If you are not keen on using the above prompt, forward two haiku of your choice. During the exercise, for the purpose of integrity and equality, authors will remain anonymous.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact facilitator Angela Naccarato (angelan@telus.net)
=== CCL MTG NOTES === e&oe
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find on the video
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In my desire to get this out, rather truncated and not as complete as desired. As they say, the perfect is the enemy of the good -- and, alas, this has many gaps, but it does give you more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-) Alas, sometimes I intend to listen to the video to get more and don't. Sorry.
=== CCL MTG NOTES 2014 January 27 ===
=== SPECIAL CCL MTG NOTES ø We don't get minutes from this so the agenda is all we know!
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
Purpose of meeting: negotiations, and proposed provision of a M service, land and legal matters
=== REGULAR CCL MTG NOTES January 27 ===
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: Ccl attended the memorial service for Tim Jones on Saturday, thousands attended
{kind remarks; eulogy} ... thank you on behalf of all three Ms
2. Approval of Agenda
Amended by Adding: to Item 3 the January 13, 2014 special and regular Council meeting minutes;
to Item 8 a report regarding proposed [Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014;
Item 9.1 re National Energy Board Hearing Process for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project;
Item 9.2 regarding BC Binning House (2968 Mathers Crescent);
to Item 11 correspondence items 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes Meeting minutes to be provided. {now up}
January 13, 2014 special and regular Council meetings.
4. J. Barker, WV Streamkeeper Society and WV Secondary School Students Environmental Protection Network re Findings of Spawner Salmon Surveys (File: 0055-20-WVST1)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
JB: Kim, Gr 11 Student WVSS; xxx Palmerston statistician
SLIDE a few years ago started
completed our 7th year with 71 student participating .... bright yellow vests
zones Bros, v successful year, pink best, chum, coho, and even a few chinook
observatory, double counting; not precise
four types of salmon this year: chum, then pink, lfewerl coho, and occasionally a stray chinook
[described procedures]
chart: pinks: strongest run to date; coho steady
far from goals but getting there
Minjay Kim (sp?): leading; a tremendous amt of fun
story; when one of us becomes the next mayor
[7:20] Mayor: John, anything to add
JB: a tremendous year;
13 teams; thank Cclr Gambioli and all others who helped us
Mayor: exciting to see fish coming back to our creeks
NG: Graph shows numbers going up, more salmon in our streams over the seven years, or more observers
Ans: actually increasing
Other: pink salmon natural part of our habitat and were introduced in 2009
NG: I've been participating for some years now; great Saturday morning
only five years ago going down to the stream; realize fish swimming under
JB: more Secondary schools; almost got Mulgrave, but teacher in car accident so next year
xxx [7:23] ppl to lead; survey zones -- where minimal popn
year before 19 teams, a bit difficult; happy to have 13 this year
NG: encourage other ccl mbrs to put on your hip waders
Mayor: accepted to form the WV Nature House, with acceptable biz plan
subject to an acceptable biz plan
once vacant, Nature Ctr of five cmnty groups, so, well done on that front
JB: five stewardship groups, going together, needs to be showcased
thank xxx for [7:25]
Mayor: have to say your million-dollar chq tipped the scales
MB: thanks for engaging in this multi-generational
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
ML: won't speak about the Tim Jones service b/c
two cclrs opp to read to ... books I read to my chn
thank the Library; wonderful job engaging young readers
secondly, citizen enquiries to me re the medicinal grow op 4600blk Caulfeild
closet growop in excess -- it was a federal medicinal
Mr Sokol, did it have a legitimate biz licence?
was this a legal endeavour; xxx [7:29]
attracting on the periphery; other jurisdictions
Sokol: do not have the answers to those questions
multi-divisional, enquiries with Police, etc
Sop: xxx [Jones] was a great tribute
TP: tremendous
Jan 14, the Howe Sound Forum -- a wonderful mtg; xxx [7:33]
NG: exchanged cmtes; myself and Cclr Cameron Chamber -- first mtg last week
think we talked more than we shd hv
more as we go fwd
new liaison for the seniors, Srs' Ctr
we were at the Library on Saturday -- tried to get a photo of Cclr Lewis, down on the floor
"Good Night, Moon", he read to his kids -- was great
CC: tremendous event won't see something like that or that sort of person in a lifetime
efforts he put in our behalf
Legacy Fund he was working on before he died; website
won't meet many fundraisers like Tim Jones; one of the losses
put our minds another way of memorializing him
wd like to see something named after him
pleasure of inviting you all to Cafe xxx at 5pm where you, Mr Mayor will give scintillating
really devp ..... making businesses thrive
Mayor: can't guarantee scintillating
this aft attended with mayors and MLAs, plea for NSh Waste Water Plant $700M and has to be built by 2020.
our sewer levies
pointed out they did agree to pay a third of ... in Vic
just b/c we have three/four MLAs and Vic has an NDP, we shdn't be penalized
Sop: tier one, tier two, turned down or resolved?
Mayor: it was rejected but some talk of being revisited
local 30% and Metro pays 70%
both primary and secondary be treated the same; rejected, but hope coming back
MB: on that note, anything we can do to lobby other jurisdictions; pressure on other Ms?
Mayor: lobbying, we shd all be doing
MB: call our contacts
Mayor: Surrey Bby Rmd Delta against [7:40]
6. WV Community Centres Society regarding Year-End Report
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Mayor: Mr Ketchum
Jesse Ketchum: pleasure to chair
[bd?] 2000 hours of their time
introduce Lucy [X] as our part-time exec dir
annually, this last year 1M visits to our cmnty ctr!; more than Science World, equal to Vancouver Aquarium
big deal, really v popular
Three pillars -- cmnty engagement and outreach; xxx public salon; pumpkin festival, 4K, something for everyone
Christmas trees; lights expensive, donated
some board mbrs here
six cmtes 10K hours annually by our volunteers
recognized by an award, situational analysis -- a score card for benefits........
sense of pride; $260K raised
movement therapy helped many; School's Out prog; wibbit
{yes, wibbit; it's an inflatable toy also used in water}
challenge; envision future for ourselves
initiated the "blue sky process"; we can generate ideas
each went out and talked to mbrs of the cmnty; do, what shd we have
board with staff, expertise; what's possible for the future -- excited about that
thank you for your continued support -- see you around the cmnty ctr a lot; helpful having a cclr attend our mtgs
thank Anne Mooi and Sue Ketler
CC: looking fwd hearing thoughts on the blue-skying
entire civic site as a unit
one that has come up recently is parking
hoping the board is involved in how to address
victim of own success
v well to say can just walk but that doesn't serve ppl from the Brit Prop
help Ccl in that regard
JK: Mr Stott -- I explained that parking is a real challenge; he knew that
told him we'd be back in contact with them
through blue-sky process maybe resolve
whether live in Caulfeild or across the street
Sop: 1M visits, says a lot about WV, the NSh in general
early days of planning never thought that wd be achieved
last quadrant be looked at sooner rather than later
JK: had a map of existing ... walked around the site
what are the opportunities on site and on adjacent props; opp to expand
demand for all kinds of activities
in one area, some debate; need to discuss
MB: as the past liaison for the WVCCS, thank you and highlight the work you do
our partner and we jointly
these 22 ppl participate in running the Cmnty Ctr, determine what progs, equipmt
four or five subcmtes -- communications, finance, branding
hours and expertise, and the sophistication you run that society really blew me away
these are not paid positions
one of the most comprehensive packages ever received when I joined
thank you
JK: we have an excellent bd; a broad spectrum of the cmnty
hv to keep them busy or you'll lose them
most in same position I'm in; involved in lots of other activities
when asked, told about time you gave back to your cmnty
opp to make a real contrib; will feel good about it afterward
join, anyone taking a [course/prog] is a mbr; go to AGM
JK: or on
a cmte; don't need to be on the bd
NG: and I'll be there tomorrow morning with my four-year-old
Mayor: tyvm for coming [8:06]
7. Appeal of Directors Denial of Environmental Development Permit No. 13-050 (1384 Burnside Rd)
Sokol gave intro, slides: timeline; built without permits, stop-order on site
next to creek so needed an envtal permit; staff determined permit cd not be issued
within 5m of Bros Crk and actually crosses the boulevard xxx pipe
&&& [8:08] ask &&& to appeal; rec'd Dec 16 2013
SLIDE (showing creek, stairway, mailbox, walkway within the M boulevard; can see top of bank
staff believe other 'routes' cd be found; no time yet to find
Staff recommend:
The Directors denial of Envmtal Devt Permit (1384 Burnside Rd) for a covered walkway within 15m of the top of watercourse bank be confirmed;
Staff be directed to work with the owner to identify and evaluate alternative stairway locations; and
Retention of the existing non-conforming stairway pending completion of the alternative evaluation and construction of a new stairway, but to no later than September 30, 2014 be allowed.
Mayor: mbr of public wishes to speak
Man: understood I'd be on the agenda
Mayor: can
Man: my wife wd like to speak; thank you for the diligence put into this
wd like to explain why this was built
raised in WV, went to Chartwell and Sentinel; love the home but driveway is v dangerous 30 - 35 degrees
in 2007 [father?] fell and fractured some ribs; my wife Judy fell fractured her xxx [8:12]
my father fell and succumbed to his injuries
add'l funds -- safe access to the home
contractor on site
in our opinion there really isn't an opp; happy to address later
put stairway in, no need to remove trees or excavate; direct access to home
original deck had been removed and foundation there
at the time I thought I might have needed a permit
Nov, wanted to resolve before winter arrived
clearly it was stupid; assumed minor; recognize you have every right
[8:15] not damaging bank, &&&
help us to have safe access
remove driveway a possibility; can work with staff
maintain using safe access now -- funds -- four or five years
spent a lot of money to build; don't have money right now
Judy R: thank you tonight to ev here to bring attention
John has mentioned some of the factors and some of the errors we've been responsible for
had some tragic results b/c of this driveway; steep, dangerous
three xxx ribs, shattered my leg (traumatic), affected us, my own biz devastated; my biz three months not being there
still recovering
lost his father as well, found him at the bottom/foot of the driveway
motivated us
broke regs, didn't get a permit, hope you'll appreciate motivation not malicious, ignorant of the rules
consider why we did it
some way to ensure a safe way
anyone coming, no xxx
find some solns; accommodate needs of M; always have safe access to our home
MB: staff said they haven't had time for an alternative
Mayor: pls return to your seat
MB: doesn't seem like many alternatives
staff leaning to west of the driveway -- what is the barrier?
Sokol: not up to staff to evaluate
we need to work with
in the report -- no impact
we don't know what other alternatives were looked at
staff and applicant have to look at; owner's envtal xxx to [8:21]
MB: you don't agree with the xxx of the envtal consultant?
Sokol: the OCP is v clear that no xxx within 5m of the bank
no mitigation -- something consultant wd normally put fwd
MB: Sept 2014 deadline
Sokol: originally called for stairway to be removed sooner
months for analysis, before wetness of next season; feel we're making progress
if nec cd come back and extend
NG: up at the prop snooping around on Sat
the steepness of the ravine, the terrain, not clear from the photos
what's the purpose of the 5m setback?
Sokol: 5m and 15m v important; causing erosion so don't want devt in those areas
CC: do staff disagree with their conclusion as of Feb 2013, no evidence of erosion or impact to terrain stability?
Sokol: no reason to disagree however only been a year; who knows what will happen
5m to provide stability and avoid sediment in the creek
CC: staff don't know; 5m a good reason, no damage
Sokol: not aware of any
CC: less to
than had he undertaken
Sokol: xxx [8:27]
CC: ability to levy a fine in this circumstance
Sokol: certainly; structure without permit
to allow this to occur, wd hv to be a xxx encroachment ... over sewer line/limit
CC: upper limit for fine
ML: aware of any other bldg permits applied for at the time
Sokol: I'm not aware but that doesn't mean didn't happen, not aware
MB: reviewing OCP, the diff between the policy wch doesn't have a lot of specifics
guidelines -- what's the interplay between policy and guidelines? interplay
Sokol: result of &&&; devt permit area
Ccl has delegated to staff to issue xxx permits; can issue permits in accordance with the guidelines (otherwise Ccl)
xxx need to be returned to Ccl
Sop made motion, then said:
have to be sensitive to this family's injuries
purchased in 2003, wonder why not looked at driveway earlier
why did the contractor not say he needed a permit?
staff gave you the benefit of the doubt
I was on your driveway but I do see alternates there
we cd extend this date for a year; better soln, they'll need it; other considerations, a new driveway
great folks, working on their house, dream to be there
do have rules we want to uphold
xxx just not the way things are done
Planning wdn't have given you the go-ahead -- if you'd gone for a permit
work with the District, extend for a year
ML: having a prob; surely a permit xxx
to anyone's eyes need or not???
Looking at Streamkeepers
the most high profile, Nelson
to suggest we'd lower standards to [8:34]
do not believe there isn't an alternate
not a ramshackle construction -- into land, over easements, and end in the boulevard
flabbergasted someone wd do this &&&
hammer, ratting you out
&&&; not prepared to undermine/overrule
CC: friendly amendment; the third portion so reads
retention of existing pending completion of eval, new stairway and new driveway, Sept 2015
I agree with Ccl Lewis, must be rectified, can't have ppl building too close to streams; doing
and beginning xxx later [8:36]
no doubt a dangerous driveway -- almost did a header coming down
see stairway away from
have visitors safe
interim stairway, stand in way of driveway so if give them time, they can rejig the driveway and stairway
I note there is no present danger to the stream; may or may not have been when constructed
only thing that will affect is when remove it
in exchange for giving more time, for a bond to ensure the stream bank is rebuilt, remedied, rectified with the staircase removed
don't want to set a strong signal
a fine b/c we don't want.....
{aim is} safe stairway and protection of the stream
Sokol: more of a question re amendment; wd they be required to build a new driveway? b/c financial matter, alterations to slope
Mayor: nothing in the motion about a driveway
CC: I did add it; twofold
if just move stairway, shd be by Sept 14 but if driveway, wd give them to 2015, for design work and funds, b/c that's what we want to happen xxx
Mayor: not really an amendment then, that's a new motion
Sop: not friendly, I'll tell you that
CC: well,--
Mayor: just a sec here; okay you're talking about changing the motion, talking about the driveway
have to deal with the motion that's on the floor, wch is--
MB: --well--
Mayor: --Cclr Booth, pls don't interrupt
we're going to deal with the motion on the floor, moved and seconded; and stay with the date that says Sept 30 2014, so that's what we're dealing with--
MB: --point of order -- ... my understanding amendment first, not the main motion
Mayor: if you'd listened to me, you wd hv heard there is no amendment; the amendment is changing the nature of the motion [~8:41]
if you want to change date from 2014 to 2015, no problem, that's an amendment
if you want to add a new thought to the motion, adding a driveway, then you're changing the motion
{someone with parliamentary experience told me that adding the driveway wd NOT change the nature of the motion, b/c just changing the permitted approach with a different deadline.}
CC: okay, well--
MB: --I seconded an amendment--
CC: so why don't I have my amendment not referring to new driveway though I don't know what's that achieving, but I say give them an extra year to remove the stairway, give them an extra year in hopes they've heard what Ccl has said (driveway instead of just stairway)
Mayor: so now clear just changing Sept [20]14 to 15, Ms Scholes?
SSch: there was an amendment moved and seconded, and it did include a new driveway
CC: so I wd retract that amendment and substitute an amendment dealing only on the extension of the date
Mayor: okay, vote on amendment first? is that right?
CC, speaking to Nora: we can do another motion afterward
Mayor: all those in favour of the amendment?
ML: read the amendment. pls
SSch: to clause three..... no later than Sept 30, 2014
CC: 2015
SSch: 2015, my apologies
Mayor: everyone clear on that amendment? everyone in favour? opposed? defeated.
{only CC and MB voted in favour}
So now we have to call the main motion--
MB: --I'd like to speak to the main motion--
Mayor: --so now we need another ruling, Ms Scholes b/c Cclr Booth has already spoken twice on this agenda item. Ms Scholes, clarify rules re speaking to item on agenda--
MB: --I've asked questions--
Mayor: Cclr Booth, please, I'm trying to chair the mtg here
Ms Scholes, can you clarify what our procedure bylaw is about speaking to an item on the agenda [8:41]
SSch: Mr Mayor, the procedure bylaw permits mbrs of Ccl to speak twice to an item on the agenda for five minutes, each. Our practice has been for questions to be asked first, and then ccl mbrs to comment on an item.
(hm. This is not exactly clear. I wondered if the five minutes include both questions and comments? It wd seem reasonable not to include questions but to include comments. It was confusing.
This called for some research so here's what the bylaw means (after reading the actual section).
Questions don't count.
As for comments, cclrs may only speak twice and each time up to five minutes.
More confusing though is that the actual words are to speak only twice to a matter, but 'matter' is not defined. It does not say item.
As a lawyer, it wd appear Cclr Booth is interpreting the words, language being their tools.
OTOH, depending on the complexity of the topic sometimes a three-minute explanation or clarification is unsatisfactory or incomplete. There shd be some leeway -- and I have noticed the Mayor has done so in the past, reasonably.
My initial opinion? Scrap or rewrite that bylaw about how many times and how long. Trust the chair to conduct the mtg smoothly. There are times, if judged excessive, to suggest corralling cclrs but better a bit of excess that ppl can see must be curtailed rather than be seen as muzzling someone or preventing a full airing or discussion. Delicate. Probably a talent. Needs experience too, and a spirit of cooperation with everyone's eyes on the same goal.....
..... but not just to get home early, rather to resolution or deferral.}
Mayor: then I'll make a comment to Ms Leemhuis.
These agendas go out -- ten days ahead of time? So the purpose, as I understood it, was that well in advance so we can deal with questions prior to these mtgs so that we cd get through these mtgs on time. It is now quarter to 9 and we've barely touched the meat of the agenda. So obviously Ms Leemhuis, your suggestion of sending these agendas out early, I have to say with all due respect it is not working well -- do you disagree?
{hm; the implication may not be quite fair. B/c of whom? the early agenda or the cclrs? The CAO's suggestion was/is valid; the question is how it's handled. Furthermore, perhaps some cclrs don't want to ask staff questions that wd be like a warning. Of course, getting facts that help in decision-making are extremely useful and efficient. The policy shd stay.}
[complete silence round the table]
so now we're dealing with the main motion. It's been moved and seconded. Does anybody else wish to speak?
MB: Just for clarification, I'm actually v clear on Robert's Rules and I wd appreciate some respect around that. Thank you.
{however Robert's Rules of Order are not relevant to WV Ccl; the procedure bylaw is definitive.
DWV procedures used to say RRO for anything not in the bylaws; they no longer do.}
Mayor: so you're suggesting I'm not. I'm not quite understanding what you're saying.
{but he did ask the MClerk for clarification}
MB: and the procedural bylaw. Thank you.
re the applicn, and I am entitled to five minutes on this, b/c those were questions.
worth noting mitigating circs
These ppl, besides [not] applying for bldg permit, hv actually done most things right, things we're trying to encourage to be done in our cmnty.
Mr Mikicich's recent report on housing and nbrhd character reminded me
I visited the site and I cd not walk up that driveway, or down it, and I had flat shoes on and I wdn't get in a car and drive up that driveway
{do our bldg bylaws allow such steep driveways or was it put in when they got the house then built a stairway?}
first of all, they are preserving a heritage [house], renowned architect -- Barry Downs
they are restoring and maintaining an architectural heritage resource
&&&; nbrhd character; no blasting, min site alteration, trying to design with nature
just as ... all the good things
back to the mistakes they've made
safety; wd hv liked to extend
they cannot access their house safely
envmt is the biggest issue here; some of the other issues, lesser
don't think ppl wd know
&&& stairway, can be removed
Mr Chapman attended with me today
runoff off roof cd cause ... in rainy season
also issue of taking this out -- more harmful than leaving where it is
main: stream, fish; staff don't address those issues
don't think we shd be so heavy-handed about the date
tear out trees, lose privacy to west, wd rather a new driveway
they can come back to Ccl once staff have determined the alternative
implications more signif than current walkway
Mayor: Mr Sokol did mention some flexibility in Sept
if.... that date
NG: app the owners did this with no malicious intent; been polite
no plants or trees taken down; app that part
I too was a bit surprised -- I'd look to get some $$ from my builder, xxx way into the blvd
slope down to the creek v v steep
Bros Crk is the most imp fish habitat in our whole cmnty
we've asked BPP to honour the 15m &&&
don't want to set a precedent and have another household come back and say you allowed it last year
not erosion now, erosion in future
my bro lives at the highest in Lions Bay -- much steeper and longer
they have concrete stairs built into the driveway
don't know if it needs to be covered
a lot of experience with that --- stairs [???]
willing to be lenient on that date
TP: thank you for being v civil in this diff situation; making it more complicated
simple and straightforward, staff
Mayor: echo Cclr Panz; sympathy had owners come fwd; now &&&
we have to take action with that
Staff prepared to work with owners and if Sept doesn't work
Sokol has heard ..... date
not here to penalize but we have to xxx our own bylaws
Sop: cd hv told you 15min ago, it was a good motion
Mayor: Motion carries unanimously
8. Proposed Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 47, 2014
Information to be provided.
MK: plsd to be here; the most difficult had to deal with
&&& public, six open houses [listed]
many challenges 2014
not forecasting any surplus -- 2012 $2M???
in 2013, new construction; wasn't what we forecast, none for 2014
Budget Book fairly comprehensive; we feel reasonable
CC: see you're planning to defer a great many capital projects to 2015 --close to $6-7M
don't know what's going to happen in 2015
not [winning] lottery, how do it? you're going to come and ask for another $6-7M
MK: wish cd .... in a xxx way
done our best re capital priorities
built a five-yr plan; as we saw wd work best -- acceptable to Ccl and residents as well
CC: going to be asked for $6.8M
$9.31M &&& don't know how that's going to work
MK: long-term fiscal sustainability &&& [9pm]
how to move forward
five-yr financial bylaws, 2015 to 2018; looking at increases of 4 and 5%
CC: you don't know if coming back with budget request? is that what I'm hearing
MK: xxx over next year and bring forward, absolutely
Sop: Mr Koke, Ms Leemhuis, to carry on from Cclr CC
xxx that's a reality xxx; for last four years?
MK: look at realities of what other Ms are doing; that may be the case
Sop: going to find efficiencies; give us a firm understanding -- you're going to come out with
NL: this year we have static revenues; fees and charges, permits
been a particularly hard year; cost in collective agreements
going forward, facing this year over year; discussion -- relative to facilities; inventory
recognizing the bucket is only so big; strategic and long-term in nature
looking at other ways re revenue; leveraging land
long and fairly complex we're going to be going through
in last four years, I've witnessed; line by line; at stage now really tough questions
Sop: no overtime in 2014, no new hires? a revised plan
alter some of the progs, that shows efficiencies; see impact
NL: re overtime -- will only be for essential items
{one resident wrote me asking if that meant there'd been overtime when not essential!}
occurs b/c it absolutely has to, the directors/mgrs oversee that
re hiring, the progs xxx [9:07]; come to me xxx
v rigorous process we go through; if vacancy, see if we can look across; directors themselves ask themselves
the hard questions but now coming to the Ccl and cmnty; we wd not be compromising progs and services longer term
NG: cd you summarize the trend, feedback in this budget?
MK: introduced westvancouverITE
any number of subjects; not a ton of input
{in fact hardly any?}
ran the gamut from zero again to even decreases; zero shd never have happened
shd be addressed in actual mtgs, Qs about the budget
ML: try to ask my questions; don't want to repeat myself
my expectation; report covering the 5yr plan, wd articulate the deliverables, what Ms L has been speaking to
without on paper,we'll be having the same discussion
no goals, no start date; if not written down and not measured, it just doesn't happen
minimal expectations; didn't fulfil what we all hoped come to pass
if I'm going to move this xxx -- I need some deliverables
don't know how do this; first reading; bring it back
can't support this -- no meat! show me the meat!
no Ccl discussion about the xxx
in this position b/c the assessment role didn't grow; after years of no tax {rate} increase
expecting and not done [9:13]
need something that shows me not going to be in same place
can't speak for fellow cclrs; don't see an action plan
Mayor: understand; first reading, move to next week for [discussion?]
NL: yes, correct
Mayor: to next week, then have fulsome discussion, line by line
TP: no motion but anxious to have motion on the floor, happy to make it or not to
ML: anticipate what happening next week
Ms Scholes, at second reading we can't have that level of debate and discussion?
{he might have said 'can' but he's not speaking clearly and as G says, the sound system sucks.}
SSch: that's correct
Sop: second the motion
ML: so first reading be read a first time
Mayor: so, seconded by Cclr Sop. Any discussion?
MB: I have a question. I've had my button on for a while
{still problems with the mics}
I thought the process was we're going to have questions, then we put the motion on the table, then we have debate. Now we're switching it all around. Now we need a motion the table, no wonder everyone is confused
{The ccl procedure bylaw says: "A mbr may not speak to an item on the agenda until a motion dealing with the substance of the item has been moved and seconded."}
Sop: I'm not confused
MB: Well, it changes every week.
So, am I going to be allowed to ask my questions during, now that we've got the motion on the table? {oh, the suspense! were these questions that cd/shd hv bn asked in the past ten days???}
Mayor: you have questions? you want to ask them?
MB: yeah, I do
Mayor: ask your questions.
I might say, Cclr Booth, you know I take somewhat issue with your constant negative criticism.
We're seven ppl from the cmnty, basically volunteers, considering-- and we're trying to do our best
Seven ppl trying to pull on the same oar to get this ship, hopefully [sic] moving in a positive direction, so I don't find your comments criticizing the process all the time, to be particularly helpful, and I have to say that.
Go ahead and ask your question.
MB: I will ask my question, but actually I think that's a v unfair comment
I'm actually a v positive person, but I'm getting frustrated, That's my response to that. And I do like things to be done properly.
Anyways [sic] I've got a number of questions
District Land Stewardship Account, is that the Endowmt Fund?
NL: no, a separate account set up a few years ago; sale of land and the expenses required to service those lands that were for sale; just a way of {word unintelligible, unfortunately}
{in and out? I queried this fund when it was established but didn't get a clear/satisfactory answer.
A resident recently asked about it too, and it's still not clear to me yet. Guess gotta ask again.}
MB: I might have overlooked it but is the reconciliation of that account in our material?
NL: no, it actually forms part of our overall operating b/c it isn't an account like any other account,
{now you see why it's such a mystery?}
but it does have, um, but can provide
MB: My second question is, we've just spent $125K updating our website. I understand we have not renewed the contract position to maintain that website. Is that correct?
but nothing in this budget to maintain that website. Is that correct?
NL: that is correct.
MB: so obviously it's not included in this budget?
NL: no. It was in one of the original submissions; the original was significantly larger than now; lots of debate amongst directors wrt prioritizing for the overall org on the capital side, and FTE side
what we have in front of us now is a result of months of debate internally
MB: my other questions were around specifics re core services review and the long-term infrastructure planning process,
but will hold those till next time
Mayor: motion on the floor; call the question
motion carries unanimously
reading only -- RECOMMENDED:
be read a first, second,
and third
time. }
9. OCP Amendmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit Applicn, TWay/707 Keith (Maison Srs Living) Schedule G
PowerPoint presentations to be provided.
This item had about 30 speakers and went on to 11:30pm. Of course it wd take too long for me to do a full transcript. Many said they'd send in their remarks as letters to M&Ccl so I'd recommend you look for them. Well said, well researched. It is important to note that there are vacancies in private seniors' facilities (such as Maison/Milliken). There are, however, waiting lists for the public facilities -- hence a good suggestion from the Mayor to contact Vancouver Coastal Health. Only Part One of the staff recommendations was passed: to continue in the applicn review process.
Sokol: --
Mayor: ppl under the impression this is a Public Hearing
Sokol: ppl allowed to speak to items on the agenda
LBerg, Planning gave history: .98 FAR; 103 beds; sgl bldg with two-storey resident bldg; 40 parking spaces
Staff to address issues DRC identified' xxx [9:21]
75 ppl, 4.5 hours + mtg with residents another hr and a half
display boards Preserve Sentinel, petition; disruptions; need
SLIDES: Consultation
in summary, surrounding nbrs remain opposed; broader cmnty support for this use; believe shd be advanced; designed to minimize impact
Applicant (Don Milliken): will try to be quick, late [9:27]
here last Oct, unanimous support from DRC
architect, minor changes made as a result of DRC
Architect: NW corner; walkway, group seating; address windows, lighting
SLIDES, drawings; trees
DM: five things; proposing what does not exist
cd have ppl here, more suitable for a PH; most isolated from nbrs; handsome addn
behind a greenbelt, less impact than a two-storey house; DRC = no more than two-storey
3min video of our grand opening last week in Calgary
[video ended at 9:39}
Mayor: thank you for your presentation. Ms Berg, Ccl may have some Qs
Sop: who said the locn is appropriate?
LB: from DRC
Sop: was there; astonished; they're to look at design and massing
{Right, Sop! it's Design Review; nothing to say about locn, so rather strange; exceeding mandate}
has staff ever contemplated look at planning -- west side of TWay to give some xxx; residents
Sokol: no ... we ... whether land use does ... just to give Ccl and cmnty
[one applicant came] proposing a 35-unit town home but did not go forward
.8 FAR; also an applicn for a religious facility and again staff said no
staff working with applicant to make sure meets goals of OCP
NG: architecture on the roof; talked about green roof; what about solar panels? it's south-facing
Architect: will review that
low profile roof so don't impact, not sure we want to stick anything else; like to see that as an option
Mayor: have 29 [signed up to speak]
> Clara Colt: lived here for 71 yrs, in sgl-fam zoned nbrhd; my family supports my desire
sgl -- if had to move, wd hate to move into that -- too big; not convenient for shopping
pls vote to reject this proposal
> Melinda Slater: {TEXT SUPPLIED; my bolding} re Milliken Development Proposal (Maison Senior Care Facility)
My name is Melinda Slater and I reside at 1058 Keith Road.
I know its late and were all tired, but past experience tells me its important that residents get involved as early as possible. So thank you for bearing with me and other [residents] who wish to speak tonight.
There seems to be an increasing number of devt-driven requests for changes to our OCP. If the District actually has a plan, then what is it? It seems to rely heavily on ambiguous polices which are subject to vastly different interpretation and flexibility to change existing zoning to accommodate development requests as they are received. However growing outcry indicates a strong objection to this approach. Residents are fed up with a relentless demand for zoning changes that include large increases in density.
I have spoken and written to Council on a number of occasions regarding a process that favours developers at the expense of residents. And I wouldnt have thought it possible, but based on the debacle the Preserve Sentinel Hill Committee encountered at the Dec 5 Open House; Id say weve reached a new low.
I am referring to District staff requesting the Sentinel Hill neighbourhood committee leave the Open House and then failing to respond to requests to identify who directed this. This Open House was billed as a District Community Consultation Meeting. Does anyone else see the irony here? It would be laughable if it were not such a serious assault on democratic principles.
Further evidence of a distinct bias can be found in correspondence from the Director of Planning, which states: The District generously allowed a citizens group in opposition to the project to present materials at the same meeting.
The Districts own Public Involvement Policy tells us that Council and staff will ensure that the public has opportunities to participate in meaningful and timely ways; and that public involvement processes are, and are perceived to be, open, understandable, and fair.
Well, there is nothing meaningful or fair about this. Public information sessions have become nothing more than a showcase to promote the developer and manufacture consent. Community consultation, merely a public relations manoeuvre; feedback routinely ignored.
The Public Involvement Policy is not being adhered to for this process and it certainly wasnt during the Grosvenor application.
Its time taxpaying residents [be] given due consideration and [Ccl enforce] this policy (which Ive never heard of before now), and making the results public, would be a good start.
Staff reports should also be required to list the pros and cons to any development application that requires a zoning amendment. And as the Planning Dept seems to work as an advocate for developers, how about designating someone to work with community or neighbourhood groups?
I ask Council to work with residents to improve the community involvement process as what currently passes for public engagement is simply not adequate.
Thank you.
> Scenery Slater: know it's not a PH [text supplied]
Here is yet another development proposal that has left residents with the perception that --
1) Developers, rather than residents have greater influence in our district.
2) Residents' concerns for neighbourhood character etc. are not integrated into the development process.
3) Zoning and the OCP means nothing.
4) A small group with deep pockets will always win over a group without deep pockets no matter how large.
5) Planning works for the developer and against residents.
Council -- whether you agree or disagree with these points is not relevant. The fact is there is an ever-growing group of citizens that feel this way. That alone should be sufficient evidence to tell you that something is seriously flawed and needs repair now.
A growing number of residents object to policies that allow for spot zoning and actually encourages developers to request (and more often than not, receive) variances - especially increases to height & density -- rather than developing within established parameters. Additionally, once a zoning or OCP amendment is achieved, staff openly anticipate that developers will continue to make requests for increases to heights or density as the project is constructed. No wonder residents are disillusioned and skeptical. Yet I sympathize with Staff who are caught in the cross-fire between upholding policies that more and more residents vehemently object to.
So Council, I ask that you not just listen to your residents, please, actively work with some of them and your staff to repair these process and policy flaws before residents become so jaded they become completely disengaged with our community.
> Andrew Franks: huge, 75Ksf 3K homes 18 ft -- how not intrusive?
misinformation re rezoning two homes ...... 50 CD zones
Mayor: Move ccl mtg be extended to the end of this item
> Richard Loat: speaking on behalf of this group
Mayor: round up
RL: I appreciate that; others have gone beyond [time]
Mayor: a lot of folks; pls try to keep to 3 min
> Mehrani (sp?): lived at ...; strongly oppose this devt for the following reasons.
when it came, referred to DRC (not whether or not to go ahead)
prop value reduced $100-150K per prop
> Wally Eggleton: only right to have residents
comments; those affected shd have higher?
> George Deng: all nbrhd agree wrong locn to build such a bldg
my house loses $200K; all houses near will have same suffer
from China [can't have second child; moved family here, said things wd be better]
to be fair
{this was a moving presentation; now here and losing $200K in value; was told he had a realtor assess.
OTOH, I'm sure having a second child is worth more than $200K.}
> M Payette-Falls for Jen Franks: speaking on her behalf; letter re best practices; post
It's me now; you have to hear me twice
Mayor: xxx
M P-F: not best practice
Maison falls short; stop building these and meet needs of srs, smaller, flat surfaces
shd be rejected outright
pls post this in Correspondence
> S Heinemens (sp?): 5374 Kensington Cr; not from this area
been a real eye-opener; second time attending these mtgs
xxx [10:17] one of these notices "pre-blast survey" something going to happen
sure enough, next thing levelled???
are you kidding? TWay -- how many have walked up TWay -- 7500sf
last place; Dundarave Westerleigh a coffee shop ; want to get out
dvprs coming and building big houses; we now have a couple of monsters
only thing you can build there is a penitentiary
> Trudy Hubbard: thank you for the opp; am speaking in favour of the proj
live at 234 [street] in NV; chair of Kiwanis
work with seniors ev day; know we need this; fully aware with needs; need this facility so much
ev second day at my ofc, ppl asking, what now? so I can be near where I've lived for ten, 20 years; with others and near family
feel this project will help; know seniors in WV
2 yrs ago 4% srs over 85; where are they to go? growing need
> Mark Coleman: Caulfeild; WV resident for 27 years; support for project
architect -- v sensitive rendering of what can be done
Alzheimer's, dementia; rampant, increasing; can't think of a better place
option in our own back yard
> [Lady] Coleman: disappointed with the negative response here
some wd be grateful in their own back yard
it's a care facility, not independent living; not going to be out walking
bath, $300, Maison $30 ...able to make a options
> Keith Pople: know ppl living up in Sentinel Hill area, live pretty close by, so interested
speaking in opposition; affect quality of life
also set a precedent for other areas in WV
if a demonstrated need for this, shd be constructed but not in a residential area
will worsen the traffic
my opinion, listening, the vast majority opposed to this
as a long-time ccl observer, seems if the proj does proceed and bylaw drafted and amendments drafted, by that stage I have not seen one that has not passed so I think the time is now to make a decision. Drop it right now.
this spot-zoning applicn will exacerbate traffic problems, set a precedent, and I suggest we shd stop it.
> CR: Good evening. I signed up for PQP when I came in
{that was at ten to 7, but had to reassess when I heard the Mayor saying the mtg wd be extended only to the end of this item, wch meant no PQP!}
b/c I had three questions, but I thought maybe one of them, was trying to [make] a constructive suggestion about the Maison/Milliken, so I will during this item instead.
Of course there's a need for seniors' residences; I'm quite aware of it. My mother is 102 and she's in one.
Have you done an inventory, have you made an inventory of the suitable sites for srs' residences in WV? If you have done an inventory, we wd like to see it.
And one wd think that anyone who's developing wd look at the sites that are suitable and pick one of those rather than go through this excruciating exercise, both for the devpr and for the nbrs.
Try to use one of the ones you've got, and if you haven't got many left, I suggest you put a group together asap and identify more places.
{What I forgot to say, is that if you haven't any spots, and you very well know devprs are going to come with applications, then it's lack of planning (and foresight). Select them and when a devpr comes he gets to choose from what/where we, the cmnty want them. If they don't like it, then you don't have to start on the long, costly, applicn process. In short: PLAN. Then it's clear.}
This is terrible for ppl to go through, this is terrible for ppl who want their parents or someone to stay there, this is terrible for the nbrs -- it's upsetting there.
So if you have other sites, pls identify them and pls encourage devprs to go to the sites that are already zoned for seniors.
Plan now. Why do this?
The other thing, that I urged several years ago, b/c "if you build it they will come", I urged that you set up a book that has WV residents who want to stay in WV and want to go to a senior home.
Have them put down how many sq ft they wd [want] roughly, a range, how much they're willing to pay, and they wd get first dibs.
Our WV residents wd get first dibs on facilities for seniors.
Pls identify the spots.
Don't go through this. It is just demeaning to everybody, time-consuming, and I'm sorry, but pls plan, and tyvm for letting me speak.
> Chris Loat: 3min given to me by Patsy Schafer
[TEXT SUPPLIED] Councils Designated Area immediately surrounding the Milliken Commercial Development votes to keep the area zoned for single family homes
Please place this document in the Councils correspondence file and on the devt application site.
Good evening, Mayor and Council. My Name is Christopher Loat and I live at 780 Eden Place, WV.
At the last council meeting at which the Maison devt came before you for consideration you instructed staff to engage and receive input from the immediate neighbourhood.
Since that time the Planning Dept has sent out one letter outlining the designated immediate neighbourhood area from which input is required together with details of an open house which was subsequently held in the Seniors' Ctr. I would be cynical if I thought that the location was chosen to influence the outcome.
Having given Preserve Sentinel Hill permission to have our view represented at the open house, on our arrival the Planning Dept, attempted to have us thrown out of the open house and in a subsequent letter signed by the CAO seriously mischaracterized our behaviour whilst omitting to mention the anger of the developer. To date our question Who instructed Lisa Berg to ask us to leave? has not been answered.
To speak at Council or have correspondence received by Mayor and Council I am required to speak or write my name and give my address yet the Planning Dept are accepting comment sheets without name, address, or signature, and therefore have no idea whether they came from the designated area or from others who may stand to benefit financially from this devt and there is no means of verifying whether or not they have all be sent in by one person.
The Planning Dept has no right to claim broad support from the cmnty because they simply have no means of determining if this is indeed the case.
Staff and most of the DRC have either not responded to or declined the invitation of property owners in the immediate neighbourhood to visit our properties and to understand the massive negative impact that this 75,000 square foot commercial building will have on the adjacent 3,000 square foot single family homes and the Planning Dept have resisted all requests from the adjacent property owners to be involved in the process.
The property owners on the other hand have been proactive to ensure that Council receives the information/feedback which you have requested staff to provide but that they have not given you.
The OCP requires that neighbourhood character be defined and the Municipality website would lead us to believe that neighbourhood character is indeed important. Who in the municipality is tasked with defining neighbourhood character? Has someone at the municipality done so on our behalf? As a definition of neighbourhood character for our area has never been crafted a statement of Neighbourhood Character for Sentinel Hill has now been written by homeowners living in the very area that Council designated -- a copy of which has been submitted to Council and which describes our area as one of single-family homes which is safe for children.
This statement of Neighbourhood Character has been circulated to all the homes in the area designated by the Planning Dept and from which Council requested input.
On the overall plan that is displayed on the screen; the designated area is shown by the blue outline; properties coloured yellow are presently unoccupied; the properties coloured green support the devt and the properties coloured red, which is an overwhelming majority, are against the devt. The owners have signed supporting the Statement of Neighbourhood Character and wish to keep the neighbourhood zone for single-family dwellings. Each one of the signed papers gives names and the address and can be verified. In total 329 voters want you to keep the area for single family and want no spot zoning; 161 live outside the designated area and 168 live inside the designated area. Only two I repeat only three people from two houses within the designated area are in favour of the Milliken devt.
I can therefore truthfully say that Preserve Sentinel Hill has not just broad support from the area designated by the Planning Dept but overwhelming support for maintaining the zoning for Sentinel Hill as single-family homes. The owners of the properties, who are taxpayers and voters in our municipality and more particularly in the designated area defined by the Planning Dept, are against spot zoning, against increased density, and definitely against this devt.
We live in a democracy and accordingly you should respect the wishes of the majority of your constituents in the designated area and tonight vote Option C to reject this proposal.
> Philip Falls: also Giuseppe tonight; read his then piggyback; slide
can't deny the evidence; reviewed all letters, notes; 553 comments, 75% overwhelming against this devt
most supporters not against srs' care
cd not afford $6500 month
opposed to spot zoning
we wd consider volunteering on a cmte, staff, planning, strategic
if process not ad hoc; misleading from staff; made to think a no vote is no to srs' care
another three minutes
volunteer to serve; unlike those from X group, we did not duplicate
SLIDE where is the support? 74% no addresses
cdn't get support going door to door?
spot-zoning; reject
Inglewood 1962 -- go and check the value of the props around it, $150K less
almost done
wow, ... willing to help; strategic plan for srs' care
pls put on Correspondence, website
Mayor: xxx?
Philip Falls: I was Joe
{Giuseppe is Italian for Joe}
PF: read for Del Vicario
ridiculous locn; nbrhd character; names on petition
> Pam Coleman [?]: prev speaker reading out comments of ppl who cd not attend this evening
from PMcGee -- oppose
R Wyckham -- too bad Ev Dr cd not have been made to set aside
P Shannon -- Cclr Sop said we have xx we have to uphold
Felt (SAf accent): strongly oppose; one of the worst places for traffic
between 4 and 7 in car with two teenagers
can you imagine when PkR is completed
TWay to NV and downtown
speaking on behalf of residents not able to come
dangerous; no spot zoning
> Veronica Loat: xxx
Mayor: don't see you on the list .. paper on a new piece paper
VL: last one to speak tonight you'll be happy to know
go back ... saw fit ... various stages to today
perfectly okay for anyone to ignore existing rules and ev else will fall in line
met each, biz and prof ppl; ev starts with a plan
mandate of the M to create a plan; what I see here is the tail wagging the dog
to sell bobbits and beads; wdn't get
Milliken cherry-picked two lots; Planning, staff, Ccl, all of you have allowed this to happen; does not fall within the OCP
if all up and down TWay xxx; then allow devt go through
[11:04] wd like to know it went through a fair process
not just us, but justice
Mayor: no one else wants to speak
CC: I'll put the motion on the floor for debate purposes {read out}
MB: second
CC: save for afterwards; not easy; thank them for their involvement
ad hominem attacks agains staff and conspiracy theories not
offensive, I wdn't take them -- say outside this chamber
we run for Ccl b/c we have civic sense
all staff hardworking and doing their best; mistakes are made
to say not fair and just process is absurd; been mtgs. mtgs... for six months
after tonight there'll be a PH if this goes through
to say tainted, I'm sorry [11:08]
Sop: hey, I've got the red light!
{still problems with the mics evidently}
I can remember when Eden Place went in; sgl road, eight, nine homes; barrier of trees along TWay
a little up the hill desire to build a daycare, kicked up a fuss; left me with
raise money to buy a home; you select b/c compassion in a nbrhd; endure over time
many not the funds to upgrade or relocate; feel strong
I stated some months ago this shd be rejected and not go further and again tonight shd be stopped
owners [11:10]
dividing line Keith Rd; project is too big for the site; cd be somewhere else
I'm asking you to reject tonight and not go to PH
NG: not going to say all I wanted
this, the longest mtg of this term; need coffee service
residents who spoke tonight have done a lot of work and research; app that
two issues brought up in the past, not tonight so much
I've done a little bit of work on; staff helped
another site, sent that Q and said no other vacant sites that
{no doubt some suitable sites, or easily changed, tweaking zoning; eg use a multi-fam zone?}
same argument; fact: no other sites
{then why not seek one rather than accept whatever applicant picks? needs a bit of planning though}
decrease in value of homes; spent two hours on Saturday and looked at ev sgl house around the Inglewood Care Ctr, and xxx; Inglewood went in 50 years ago with opposition -- no difference in value
{challenged; hv put the Q out to some ppl to see wch it is: same or decrease; will let you know}
understand if now, knowing construction for two yrs, that wd bring price down
no indication wd go down.
final comment -- my big concern about tonight, agree with Cclr Cameron -- am sure been no intention to deceive
perception is that staff works for devprs; tail wagging the dog
know it's not true in terms of our staff, however if that perception then we need to address that
big concern re Grosv; a really big problem; like us to address that somehow
don't want the public to think staff and we're not
Man in chamber: I disagree. I have the proof, figures -- are you denying the proof?
{he has a sheaf of papers, his proof the props went down in value}
Mayor: I'm denying your right to speak
TP: was applicn on the other side of TWay, across ...
I'm going to support his tonight and will save comments to PH
another comment, this is really a need-driven facility; demography
want to hear from rest of cmnty; I do in fact represent the entire cmnty, and that needs to happen
this is really a needs-driven care facility, and that has some merit
leave it at that
but follow up, agree with NG re reviewing our process; issues around that
ML: this isn't a PH, ... is process perfect? probably not. Cd it be improved? Certainly [11:18]
cd comments heard tonight be incorporated into our {work plan?}
examination of TWay E and W sides; probably subject for a wholesome and appropriate cmnty discussion
we have an applicant, we have a process
for it to play out in a fair manner to all participants, as designed; been effective as far as I can remember and know I'm voting for this process, and that's all I'm supporting
understand that, we're not voting about the merits of this
so we get appropriate information, diligence; come to decision at the end of that process, not beginning
Mayor: it's pretty hard to make many intelligent comments at 11:15 or at 11:20; I'll do my best to speak for a couple of minutes on this
{hey, Mike, some of us only wake up at midnight! :-) }
Cclr Cam and others made correct point; you know, staff is here to work for the residents, they really are; they do their work and they do it well; we don't want to create an adversarial situation where the residents think that staff are being paid by devprs to push all these projects forward
All these talks I've heard about spot-rezoning, I can't think of a single example -- where's the spot-rezoning happening?
Nobody stands for nbrhd character more strongly than I do
Yes, I've got the bullets, the rubber bullet marks, from the Grosv project, but that wasn't a rezoning in a residential area, another issue that agonizingly worked through the system
I don't know of any spot-rezoning that's happened.
and the comment about real estate values, I live directly behind the WV Care Ctr, directly behind, and they're a really good nbr. I'd rather have that there than a bunch of huge sgl-fam houses
I'd like to say to the residents, you shd be careful what you wish for; if five sgl-fam lots {homes} go in there, you're going to have ev tree taken down; and you're going to have five monster houses based on the example in WV. That's something to consider.
{and why are there monster houses? b/c the zoning bylaws don't limit them enough so they're not monsters. Actually it's not quite the right term. What is meant is that they're not appropriate/suitable/desirable for the size of the lot. Monster houses came up in the 80s. The FAR then was .45. When I was on Ccl I advocated .35 as had been recommended -- another cclr suggested .38 but my comments won the day. What we/I did not anticipate was that planning wd put exemptions into the bylaws so the size was not reduced as much as we wanted/anticipated/hoped for. They didn't include decks/balconies (we only got that fixed a few years ago, pushed by a Dundarave Nbrhd Group). We still haven't managed to make sure all basements are counted, and it's more than 20 years later.
Yes, be careful what you wish for -- but then make sure the regulations and bylaws indeed are what you wish for, plus enforced. Ccl, it's up to you to fix those dang bylaws and get houses down to the desired proportions.
In fact there are no 'monster' houses, there are well-designed houses but put on lots too small for their size!
We know of a house that was allowed to be about 4Ksf, was built, then advertised for sale as being 6Ksf -- yes, it looks big. It not only had large covered decks, but b/c built on a slope, the ground floor, which opens to the front, was considered a basement therefore most not counted in the floor space.
You know, I sorta think if the basement is not visible, then okay not to count -- whatever part of the home is visible shd be counted. And don't start me on garages and storage space.....}
As to this specific proposal, I haven't really made my mind up at all
Cclr Lewis made a good point; we have a process; ppl have to understand how the process works.
Every single person sitting there has the right to come forward with a proposal for your property, and have it go through the system, for rezoning, density, setbacks; that's the way we work and applicns go through the system
System goes through staff, and these are seven non-professional ppl up here on planning and architecture, so we rely on the process to evaluate projects. Staff evaluate, goes to DRC, goes to PH; that's the way it works.
Carolanne Reynolds made a really good point.
{gee, thx!}
It's v unfortunate we have in WV no more land. The only land available is above the hwy, so all of these necessary facilities we need, that the cmnty's going to need going forward, they're going to have to go somewhere on an existing piece of property. There is no other alternative.
What's missing from this application is, we have a huge bureaucracy charged with the responsibility of long-term care
Where is the report from Vancouver Coastal Health?
I think Ms Falls made some good points
I haven't got a clue what the appropriate size of a facility like this; whether shd be 20 beds, 60 beds, 200 beds
I have absolutely no knowledge, but VCH, they're charged with the resp for planning facilities like this for our cmnty
{really? I know they subsidize facilities but, do they plan or administer what the cmnties build; in any case, good question}
I don't know what their plans are.
at the v least we need a report from them, or have them come forward, tell us what their plans are, what they see the needs are for our cmnty
are they a high end facility like this? is it a medium range facility? is it one that requires public funding?
I don't know the answer to the question, I think we need to get answers to the questions
we do have a problem, got an ageing popn, we all know that. No more land. We need to put VCH's feet to the fire to help us through this maze
I hear the nbrs don't want this to go into a sgl-fam nbrhd; we get that loud and clear
I'm not saying it shd or shdn't go there but I think we need is more information from Coastal Health of what is needed and we need time to look at what are the alternatives.
Is there another site we have that VCH might have their eye on?
I don't know that.
Is there somewhere else? We've got a good devpr, prepared to come fwd, put his money up and do a project there's a demonstrated need for. I don't know why we rub his nose in it and send him away to spend his money somewhere else
so not saying we shd approve this project, really not, just saying let's at least intelligently evaluate what we're doing here
b/c we have a need and we have somebody prepared to put money up to address the need, and we have a govt agency responsible to make sure our cmnty has facilities to address the need, and we have a Planning Dept charged with evaluating applicns to rezone land
Somewhere through that complicated puzzle we have to find a soln; at 11:25 at night I'm not a miracle worker, I can't come up with it
I think, ass Cclr Lewis said, we need to move it on to the PH stage
that does not mean, despite remarks I heard, that it automatically is going to get approved; I don't think that's an accurate comment
I will support moving it on, but I will certainly ask staff to have VCH provide us with the huge information we need to properly address this application
They shd be here.
CC: many of the same concerns you do; establishing the need, then alternatives
bn stated many alternatives but result of NG's enquiries, report from staff, no low-hanging fruit, no site approp place to put this
Mr Sokol, Ms Leemhuis, I seek more info re need for this particular type of proj, alternatives in cmnty
whether there are some and what the barriers are
also share Cclr Gam's concerns about the process, for the same reasons I had with the 1300 blk process
at least with the info the Mayor is seeking, wd feel more comfortable
what's staff's opinion to proceed with recommendation to get more info; once we send to PH we can't get more info?
same concerns as Mayor but not sure will get us all the information before moving it
Sokol: a few diff orgs that cd give us info
cd put request to VCH but no guarantee provide us info -- think we saw that with the cell towers -- not necessarily coming forth with the info
various grps on the NSh, Lions Sr Housing cd probably, provide some background info. There are other orgs.
We can bring that info forward, best we can for Ccl's consideration.
Mayor: what we cd do, one thing, Ccl, again it's late, we cd vote on 1 to advance the project, and hold off on 2 and 3 until more info
CC: I support that
Mayor: Mr Sokol's gritting his teeth.
Sokol: wd suggest staff bring that info fwd with the whole package; wd be more useful for Ccl
Mayor: We want to make it v clear -- I think all seven mbrs of Ccl, that we're not voting to approve this proj, we genuinely don't know what the right answer is; I don't. Need more info from staff and from anybody else I can find.
We hear the nbrhd loud and clear; if there are alternatives that we can work with the Millikens to explore or work with VCH or whoever then we need to follow those leads, so -- Cclr Sop?
Sop: well, quite frankly I don't need any more info
Mayor: well, then I'll call the question shall I?
{bit of laughter}
Sop: well, just give me a second
{bit more laughter}
it is one of those things that you make a decision on to say,, are we going to support sgl-fam nbrhds within a given area? are we going allow a C2 zoning that shdn't be there in the first place?
CC: call the question
{btw, fyi, it is a violation of the ccl procedure bylaw to call the question when someone else has the floor.}
Sop: Hey, I beg your pardon, I let you talk! What are you doing?
Mayor, softly: Cclr Sop, please, hey, hey--
Sop: --then keep quiet when I'm speaking!
Mayor: well, make your points and then we'll call the question
Sop: well, I made my point, and I'd like a polled vote
NG (I think): why?
Mayor: okay
Sop: I want a polled vote
voice: why?
Sop: I want a polled vote; to give an indication of who says yes and no
voice: but you can tell from the cameras
{oopsie, no you can't always tell. The cameras don't always catch the whole ccl showing where their hands are. Furthermore, without a polled vote, the minutes may say whether something passed or failed without stating who for or against. Besides not everyone watches the videos. Polled votes are often called for so a claim to be for or against something is not disputable.}
Mayor: all right. Cclr Lewis, are you voting yay or nay on the motion?
ML: yay; MB: yay; Sop: nay; Mayor: yay; TP: yay; CC: yay; NG: yay
Okay, so the motion carries. This is not the end of the public consultation, believe me.
{just before the mic went off, MB says, "[see?,] he was allowed to speak again"}
THE MOTION THAT PASSED WAS: 1. the Maison Seniors Living project advance in the application review process;
Staff bring forward proposed bylaws
to amend the OCP... proposed DP for Council consideration;
Staff bring fwd draft covenants for window blind operations and tree
protection as part of the devt pkg.}
Guess this will all go to the next ccl mtg:
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.1. Status of Community Dialogue Implementation (File: 2515-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Jan 7 be received for information.
10.2. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for November, 2013 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated December 16, 2013, be received for information.
10.3. Appointments to Awards Committee (File: 0116-20-AWARD)
RECOMMENDED: the following reapptmts for a one-year term ending Dec 31, 2014 be approved: Lori Cameron; Ian Davis; Lori Williams.
10.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to January 3, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Cell Towers Action Group, January 2, 2014, regarding West Vancouver Cell Towers Policy Revision
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) D. Stevenson, January 1, 2014, regarding 㥹th Street Tree
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) D. Jepsen, December 18, 2013, re Destruction of Cottage, Trees, and Vegetation 1528 Argyle Street
(Referred to Dir/Parks for consideration and response) {See response below: Jan 14 No 4}
(4) C. Loat, December 23, 2013, regarding Re: To Ms. [Leemhuiss] letter sent to [Ms] Scenery Slater
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(5) January 2, 2014, regarding Eyesores and Safety Issues At the Entrance To West Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) K. Higgs, Dec 24, 2013, re New Report: 8 Ways Local Energy Policies Can Boost the Economy | Institute for Local Self-Reliance
(7) K. Higgs, December 30, 2013, regarding Tansa Clean Thinks the Future is in Sewage
(8) 3 submissions, dated December 14 - 24, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(9) 4 submissions, dated Dec 29, 2013 - January 3, 2014, re Gordon Ave Tennis Courts and Cmnty Ctr Parking
(10) CivicInfo BC, Dec 13, re Cmnty, Sport, Cultural Devt Min msg Expense Limits in Local Elections Discussion Paper
> Council Correspondence Update to January 10, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Bishop, undated, regarding the Sport of Tennis in West Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) T. Moore, January 6, 2014, regarding meeting on January 13th, Gordon Avenue tennis courts
(3) H. McLenaghan, undated, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith Rd and TWay (Devt Permit Application No. 12-084)
(4) E. Lyman, January 9, 2014, regarding Important information on man made EM radiation from German scientists
Responses to Correspondence
(5) Dir/Planning, Jan 7, response to B. Chaworth-Musters, Item 6 Ccl Mtg 7th Oct... (Maison Srs Living) Appendix E
> Council Correspondence Update to January 14, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) DNV, January 7, 2014, regarding Provincial Core Review and the Agricultural Land Commission
(2) 2 submissions, undated January 13, 2014, regarding Gordon Avenue Tennis Courts and Community Centre Parking
(Previously received at January 13, 2014 Council meeting)
(3) 2 submissions, undated Jan 13, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith Road and Taylor Way (DPA No. 12-084)
(Previously received at January 13, 2014 Council meeting)
Responses to Correspondence
(4) Sr Mgr of Parks, Jan 10, response to D. Jepsen, Destruction of Cottage, Trees, and Vegetation 1528 Argyle"
{IMO, unsatisfactory; will pursue; heritage loss, devastated forester's 60-yr colln of trees, his 'magic garden' gone}
(5) Dir/Planning, Jan 13, response, Upper Lands Working Group Concern about lack of openness and transparency
(6) Dir/Engineering, January 14, 2014, response, Eyesores and Safety Issues At the Entrance to West Vancouver.
11. OTHER ITEMS -- No Items. 12. Public Questions/Comments 13. Adjournment
=== SPECIAL CCL MTG AGENDA February 3 ===
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public;
Purpose of meeting: negotiations and proposed provision of a M service, cmte apptmts, and land matters.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
=== REGULAR CCL MTG AGENDA February 3 ===
For On-Table Items Please See Items 7, 7.1, 7.2, 8a 8d, and 9.1 9.4
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda -- amended by:
adding Item 7.1 regarding National Energy Board Hearing Process for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project;
adding Item 7.2 regarding B C Binning House (2968 Mathers Crescent);
adding to Item 8 Items 8a, 8b, 8c, and 8d;
adding to Item 9 Items 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 regarding correspondence
3. Adoption of Minutes -- to be provided. -- January 13, 2014 special and regular Council meetings.
3. Sea to Sky Clean Air Society regarding Air Quality in the Howe Sound Airshed (File: 0055-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
5. 2014 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel (File: 0955-18)
Pursuant to Section 204(2)(a) of the Community Charter, Council appoint at least three (3) persons as the member of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel; and that
Pursuant to Section 204(2)(b) of the Community Charter, the first sitting of the 2014 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel be scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Main Floor Conference Room at Municipal Hall; and that
In accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter, the date, time and location of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel meeting be published in advance of the March 31, 2014 meeting.
6. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 (Marine Zones 1, 2, and 3)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 read a first time; and
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 presented at a PH scheduled for Mar 10, 2014 at 7pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, and that the M Clerk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH.
7. Proposed 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4780) (On-Table)
As the proposed bylaw received first reading at the January 27, 2014 regular Council meeting Council may consider giving the proposed bylaw second and third reading.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed ׃ Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014 be read a second and third time.
7.1 National Energy Board Hearing Process for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (On-Table) RECOMMENDED: THAT
Staff file an applicn on behalf of the District for intervenor status to allow the District to have the ability to participate as an intervenor in the NEB hearings on the Trans Mtn Expansion Project noting that there is a deadline of February 12, 2014 for such applications to be made.
Staff report back to Ccl with an analysis of potential implications for the District, and further information on the options and appropriate involvement of the District in the National Energy Board hearings.
7.2 BC Binning House (2968 Mathers Crescent) (File: 2585-01) (On-Table)
Staff prepare a letter to [The] Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) stating the Districts interest in ensuring the conservation of the BC Binning House and a formal proposal to the TLC will be forthcoming;
Staff examine alternative stewardship models for the BC Binning House, including potential partnership opportunities, and make a recommendation to Council for its consideration; and
If approved by Council, that the Districts proposal for long-term stewardship of the BC Binning House be forwarded to the TLC for its consideration.
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS [8a-8d Consent Agenda Items (From January 27 regular Council meeting)]
8a. Status of Community Dialogue Implementation (File: 2515-01) (On-Table)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Jan 7, 2014, be received for information
8b. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for November, 2013 (File: 0500-01) (On-Table)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated December 16, 2013, be received for information.
8c. Appointments to Awards Committee (File: 0116-20-AWARD) (On-Table)
RECOMMENDED: the following reappointments to the Awards Cmte for a one-year term ending Dec 31, 2014 be approved: Lori Cameron; Ian Davis; and Lori Williams.
8d. Correspondence List from January 27, 2014 Agenda (File: 0120-24) (On-Table)
(click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to January 3, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Cell Towers Action Group, January 2, 2014, regarding West Vancouver Cell Towers Policy Revision
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) D. Stevenson, January 1, 2014, regarding 㥹th Street Tree
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) D. Jepsen, Dec 18, 2013, regarding Destruction of Cottage, Trees and Vegetation 1528 Argyle Street (Referred to Dir/Parks for consideration and response) {See response in Jan 14 list letter no 4}
(4) C. Loat, December 23, 2013, regarding Re: To Ms. [Leemhuiss] letter sent to [Ms] Scenery Slater
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(5) January 2, 2014, regarding Eyesores and Safety Issues At the Entrance To West Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) K. Higgs, Dec 24, re New Report: 8 Ways Local Energy Policies Can Boost the Economy, Institute for Local Self-Reliance
(7) K. Higgs, December 30, 2013, regarding Tansa Clean Thinks the Future is in Sewage
(8) 3 submissions, dated December 14 - 24, 2013, regarding Wireless Cell Towers
(9) 4 submissions, dated Dec 29, 2013 - Jan 3, 2014, re Gordon Ave Tennis Courts and Community Centre Parking
(10) CivicInfo BC, December 13, 2013, regarding Message from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Devt Expense Limits in Local Elections Discussion Paper
> Council Correspondence Update to January 10, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Bishop, undated, regarding the Sport of Tennis in West Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) T. Moore, January 6, 2014, regarding meeting on January 13th, Gordon Avenue tennis courts
(3) H. McLenaghan, undated, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith Rd and Taylor Way (Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-084)
(4) E. Lyman, January 9, 2014, regarding Important information on man made EM radiation from German scientists
Responses to Correspondence
(5) Dir/Planning, Jan 7, 2014, response to B. Chaworth-Musters, Agenda Item 6 Council Meeting 7th October 2013. ... (Maison Seniors Living) (File: 1010-20-12-084) Appendix E
> Council Correspondence Update to January 14, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) District of NV, January 7, 2014, regarding Provincial Core Review and the Agricultural Land Commission
(2) 2 submissions, undated January 13, 2014, regarding Gordon Avenue Tennis Courts and Community Centre Parking (Previously received at January 13, 2014 Council meeting)
(3) 2 submissions, undated Jan 13, 2014, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith Rd and Taylor Way (DPA No. 12-084) (Previously received at January 13, 2014 Council meeting)
Responses to Correspondence
(4) Sr Mgr of Parks, Jan 10, 2014, response to D. Jepsen, Destruction of Cottage, Trees and Vegetation 1528 Argyle St
{IMO, not a satisfactory response}
(5) Dir/Planning, Jan 13, 2014, response, Upper Lands WG Concern about lack of openness and transparency
{punted to CEC}
(6) Dir/Engg, January 14, 2014, response, Eyesores and Safety Issues At the Entrance to West Vancouver.
>>> Consent Agenda Items for the February 3, 2014 regular Council meeting:
8.1. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for December, 2013 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: the report dated January 15, 2014, be received for information.
8.2. Submission of Centre for Art, Architecture and Design Business Plan and Update (File: 0510-13)
RECOMMENDED: Ccl receive for info the update on the WV CAAD Business Feasibility Study as attached to the Deputy Chief Administrators Report of January 20, 2014.
8.3. Proposed Amendment to Development Permit No. 02-020 for Seascapes Development (File: 1010-20-02-020)
RECOMMENDED: the M Clk give notice that the amendmt to Devt Permit for the Seascapes Devt to remove the
condition requiring a pedestrian trail be constructed, will be considered by Ccl at its meeting on Mar 10, 2014.
{NB: for the upzoning $70K was paid to construct the trail; didn't b/c steep so staff recommending be refunded! Make it a cash CAC/CB then. They got the upzoning we shd not lose the money -- we can use it elsewhere.}
8.4. Federation of Canadian Municipalities Call for a Long-Term National Housing Plan (File: 2515-02)
Whereas a stable and secure housing system that creates and maintains jobs and allows for a range of living options is essential to attracting new workers, meeting the needs of young families and supporting seniors and our most vulnerable citizens; and,
Whereas the high cost of housing is the most urgent financial issue facing Canadians with one in four people paying more than they can afford for housing, and mortgage debt held by Cdns now standing at just over $1.1 trillion; and,
Whereas housing costs and, as the Bank of Canada notes, household debt, are undermining Canadians personal financial security, while putting our national economy at risk; and,
Whereas those who cannot afford to purchase a home rely on the short supply of rental units, which is driving up rental costs and making it hard to house workers in regions experiencing strong economic activity; and,
Whereas an inadequate supply of subsidized housing for those in need is pushing some of the most vulnerable Cdns on to the street, while $1.7 billion annually in federal investments in social housing have begun to expire; and,
Whereas coordinated action is required to prevent housing issues from being offloaded onto local governments and align the steps local govts have already taken with regard to federal/provincial/territorial programs and policies; and,
Whereas the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has launched a housing campaign, Fixing Canadas Housing [Crunch,] calling on the federal govt to increase housing options for Cdns and to work with all orders of govt to develop a long-term plan for Canadas housing future; and,
Whereas FCM has asked its member municipalities to pass a council resolution supporting the campaign; and
Whereas our cmnty faces ongoing challenges in meeting housing needs at the non-market end of the housing continuum, that can only be met through the kind of long-term planning/investment made possible by federal leadership;
be it resolved that DWV Ccl endorses the FCM housing campaign and urges the Min of Employment/Social Devt to devp a long-term plan for housing that puts core investments on solid ground, increases predictability, protects Cdns from the planned expiry of $1.7 billion in social housing agreements and ensures a healthy stock of affordable rental housing for Canadians.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resoln be sent to the Min of Employment/Social Devt, to the BC Min of Cmnty, Sport and Cultural Devt, to local MPs and MLAs, to the FCM and to the Union of BC Municipalities.
8.5. Community Grants Committee Proposed Amendments to Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
RECOMMENDED: the proposed amendmts to the Terms of Reference for the Cmnty Grants Cmte be approved.
8.6. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to January 17, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) January 15, 2014, regarding Garbage Pick up Schedule 2014
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) NSh Professional Dogwalkers Alliance, Jan 15, 2014, re Request from the NSh Professional Dogwalkers Alliance (Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
Received for Information
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Board of Variance November 27, 2013
(4) E. Lyman, January 13, 2014, regarding For your info, letter sent (Federal Wireless Spectrum Auction 2014)
(5) F. Davidson, January 17, 2014, regarding Burnside (Environmental Devt Permit Applicn No. 13-050)
(Referred to January 27, 2014 Council meeting)
Responses to Correspondence
(6) Dir/Engineering/Transportation, January 17, 2014, response to N. Lalji, Garbage collection West Vancouver
(7) Director of Engg and Transportation, Jan 17, 2014, response to J. Lazar, Proposed new sewage treatment plant
> Council Correspondence Update to January 21, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Action
(1) City of Vancouver, January 17, 2014, regarding Olympic and Paralympic Pride House Initiative
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) Stonethro Owners Strata BCS1593 Council, Jan 21, 2014, re Gordon Avenue Tennis Courts/Parking Lot Study (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Cdn Hard of Hearing Assn NSh Branch, Jan 10, 2014, re Services Provided and Appreciation for Community Grant
(4) S. Robinson, MLA (Coquitlam-Maillardville), Jan 16, 2014, re Proposed Local Elections Campaign Financing Act
(5) C. McCormick, January 19, 2014, regarding Milliken Proposal, Taylor Way & Keith Road (DPA No. 12-084)
(6) M. Anthony, Jan 19, 2014, re Coach Houses help W. Van win back its charm North Shore News Wed. Jan 15, 2014
(7) Ambleside Orchestra, January 20, 2014, regarding Ambleside Orchestra Winter Concert Invitation
(8) January 20, 2014, regarding RE: Garbage Pick up Schedule 2014
Responses to Correspondence
(9) Director of Engineering and Transportation, January 17, 2014, response to C. Siddoo-Atwal, WV drinking water
(10) Director of Engineering and Transportation, January 20, 2014, response, Garbage Pick up Schedule 2014.
9. Ccl has requested that the following corresp be brt fwd for discussion, and may propose a motion if Ccl considers that further action is required.
9.1 District of NV, January 7, 2014, regarding Provincial Core Review and the Agricultural Land Commission (On-Table)
9.2 Dir/Engg/Transportation, Jan 17, 2014, response to N. Lalji, Garbage collection West Vancouver (On-Table)
9.3 City of Vancouver, January 17, 2014, regarding Olympic and Paralympic Pride House Initiative
(Request for Support and Endorsement of the Host City Pride House mission) (On-Table)
9.4 NSh Professional Dogwalkers Alliance, Jan 15, 2014, re Request from the NSh Professional Dogwalkers Alliance (Increases to Dog Walking Company Fees) (On-Table)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Items 9.1 to 9.4 be received for information.
10. Public Questions/Comments 11. Adjournment
[26secs] Female cat is upset; male cat tries to apologize to her. Female cat ignores him. How is this story going to end?
[53secs] This squirrel was once a household pet, before it ran away. Now, from time to time it comes back to play with his old friend. http://www.flixxy.com/cat-and-squirrel-reunuion.htm
[3:32] G's theory is that the squirrel did the photography.
It's an incredible video of a squirrel trying to escape. The title starts, 'I'm little...but ..." Received this with question asking how they filmed this amazing video. https://www.youtube.com/v/XBEyCr5AoIs
=== INFObits ===
February 1st and 2nd at the PNE Forum Free!
The Nisga'a Tsamiks Society (the governing body of the Nisga'a people who live in Vancouver) invites everyone to celebrate the Nisga'a New Year. It is celebrated each year around this time, when the crescent moon is in the shape of a "hoobix" -- the bowl of a Nisga'a wooden spoon. The Nisga'a say "Hobiyee" meaning "the spoon is full", and pray for a plentiful year. They celebrate with two days of traditional song and dance, and invite dance groups from other Nations to join them. You are welcome to attend throughout the two days, to watch - and sometimes take part in - the dance! To find out more about Hobiyee, and see the schedule of events, click here. http://www.tsamiks.com
{The Feb 23 session has been cancelled}
K'ilim Goot" One heart, One path, One nation
+ Neutral -- in whose favour?
Uri Avnery, Op-Ed News January 4, 2014
A FORMER Israeli army Chief of Staff, a man of limited intelligence, was told that a certain individual was an atheist. Yes, he asked, but a Jewish atheist or a Christian atheist? Read article: http://wp.me/p32bBM-8U
+ Follow-up to Penny Rosenwassers Presentation {January 26 · by Building Bridges { buildingbridgesvancouver.org }
By all accounts, Penny Rosenwassers book talk at the Peretz Centre was a smashing success! Many thanks to the Peretz Centre for renting space for this interesting and informative presentation. And many thanks to all the co-sponsors of the event: Building Bridges Vancouver, Independent Jewish Voices, InterSpiritual Centre of Vancouver Society, and Spirited Social Change.
It is important for our readers to note that the co-sponsors of the event first approached the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver as a venue. Although the Book Festival office agreed to house the presentation, and in fact be one of the endorsers of the event, the JCCGV Executive Director and Board flatly refused to have the event held there. It is clear that they were concerned about controversy in the Jewish community, and the organizers of the event, some of whom are Jewish, and others not, were surprised, shocked and extremely disappointed that only certain voices may be heard at the JCC.
Charles turns royal barman as he pulls a pint in a pub 4:20PM
GMT 29 Jan 2014
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall enjoy a pint of self poured ale at The Bell pub in Purleigh, Essex
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall tried their hands at pulling pints today as they chatted to regulars at The Bell pub in Purleigh in Essex.
The visit to the pub, which dates back to the 14th century, was part of a day-long trip around Essex with visits to the High House Production Park in Purfleet and the Palace Theatre in Westcliff-on-Sea.
The royal couple toured High House Production Park where students from South Essex College, where they watched teenagers learning how to light a music performance and make sure the sound levels were right.
Later today they will finish their tour at the Palace Theatre in Westcliff-on-Sea to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare.
[sic] -- mistakes Put next to a word that is misspelled or incorrect to indicate it is not the mistake of the editor or publication. Example: 'anyways' -- there ought not to be an 's'.
Pls note also that there is no S at the end of 'regard' when saying "in regard to". It has started to sneak in.
Possessive is formed by adding ['s]. The S is omitted not just if the word ends in S, it also has to be PLURAL.
Think of the movie Bridget Jones's Diary -- Bridget is the Joneses' daughter.
Hence it's Tim Jones's memorial
eg Ron Wood's ofc, the Woods' house; and Tiger Woods's golf game, the Woodses' home.
See Reynolds's grammarinfo.ca
On January 22, Alice Munro and Margaret Atwood got together in a Google Hangout to talk about writing, reading, and why some characters just can't be likeable. If you missed the live chat, or want to watch it again, click here: http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/books/Alice+Munro+live+chat/9418579/story.html
from: http://www.writersfest.bc.ca/community/latestbooknews
=== WORDWATCH === macroverbumsciolist
> UPDATE: Flamborough reprieve, back to NV Ccl.
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
HERITAGE WEEK: FEBRUARY 17-23 2014 Heritage Afloat!
British Columbia is blessed with an abundance of water. Most of our towns and cities have been built next to lakes and rivers, at the oceans edge, or where rivers enter the sea and where we built roads and railways on land, they linked waterways to create a complete transportation network.
This year's poster features the SS Sicamous, elegant paddle wheeler built in 1914 as part of a vital link for news, passengers, and cargo on Okanagan Lake http://www.heritagebc.ca/heritage-week-2014
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
B C Binning House Update: The sale of the house was blocked by the courts! DWV trying to find solution.
> HERITAGE WEEK 2014: FEBRUARY 17 - 23 -- Heritage Afloat!
Take a flyer! visit the restaurants, go on walks, enjoy Heritage Fayre on Saturday Feb 22 {cmnty ctr}
with RCM-SAR, Sewell's, NSh Heritage Preservation Society, WV Historical Society, First Nations, Blockwatch, WVSPCA, ADRA, Murchie's, WVFlorist, Heritage and Environmental groups, Upper Lands info, BC Binning House update,... listen to the Mayor's remarks on our heritage. Get involved: ph 922 4400, write heritage@westvan.org
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
For info and the latest: http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org
email us: Vancouver Heritage Foundation <mail@vancouverheritagefoundation.org>
=== MAIKU === 2014 January 29
to climb the mountain
must start with first step
...still looking for the right shoes
=== Proverbs and Wishes ===
A good fortune may forbode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune.
He who hurries can not walk with dignity.
If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain.
If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.
The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be.
A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
Enjoy yourself. It's later than you think.
Three Wishes from a Genie
The pastoral associate, the associate pastor, and the pastor are taking a shortcut to a meeting. As they walk through a vacant lot, the trio stumbles on an ancient oil lamp. On a lark they rub it, and to their amazement a genie appears and offers to grant them each one wish.The pastoral associate cries out, I want to be on an island paradise, lolling in the sun without a care! The genie waves his hand and she disappears in a puff of smoke.The associate pastor jumps up and says, I want to be walking through the halls of the Vatican, marvelling at all the artwork and never have to go to another meeting as long as I live. He too disappears.Scowling, the pastor says to the genie, I want those two back in time for the meeting.
quotations thoughts puns
Beware the barrenness of a busy life. -- Socrates
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
-- Hubert Humphrey (died Jan. 13, 1978), on free speech
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. -- Rudyard Kipling (died Jan. 18, 1936)
That which is not good for the swarm, neither is it good for the bee.
-- Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus, Roman Emperor (121 - 180)
Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake. -- Robert Half, American entrepreneur (1918 - 2001)
Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries. -- James Michener, American writer (1907 - 1997)
The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-- Alfred North Whitehead (d. Dec 30, 1947)
I have spent most of the day putting in a comma and the rest of the day taking it out.
Oscar Wilde, Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert Heinlein
Sunglasses for sailors had better be seeworthy.
People who listen to long political speeches are bulldozers.
What is it called when Legolas takes his own picture? An elfie.
A jelly truck and a biscuit truck collided yesterday -- police are a trifle concerned.
Since I went to work in the plumbing department of the home centre, I have developed a multi-fauceted personality disorder.
An instructor at an ice cream parlour is a sundae school teacher.
What do you call a musician who steals sheet music? A clef-to maniac.
Some cardinals got their feathers ruffled when the pope gave away the church's nest egg to the poor.
{WVM01 had pictures of Bieber and Rob Ford; did you realize a take-off on Laurel and Hardy?}