~~~ International Women's Day March 8, then Nowruz! ~~~
= MAIN ITEMS on Mar 10 Ccl Mtg Agenda:
PUBLIC HEARING: Marine Zones land (Marine Zones 1, 2, and 3). Zone 1 lands extend 1000ft from the waterfront lot line. Purpose: The proposed Zoning Bylaw wd allow for foreshore enhancement and shoreline protection works, including associated landscaping, pedestrian walkways, and intertidal habitat enhancement, as permitted uses in the Marine Zones.
Reg Ccl MTG: Delegation (WVSPCA); Proposed Amendment to DP for Seascapes; Proposed DVP for 4850 Water Lane; Proposed Zoning Amendmt to CD32 for expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine) PH Mar 31; Marine Zones (if PH closed); 5-Yr Financial Plan/Budget for adoption; Correspondence: Blasting/Excavation accountability; 1528 Argyle (Godfrey's house) resoln; Traffic at TWay/Marine; Upper Lands devt (below 1200ft); Milliken Memory Care; Request to reinstate Heritage Adv Cmte; Maintain our local M Police Force
= Survey/Input re Upper Lands / WG mtg Th Mar 13
= Vive le Canada (Paralympics); from the EDITOR'S DESK (UL, Olympics, Pet calendar; WVM); UPPER LANDS WG Concerns (two residents write); UPDATES & INFO (Volunteers wanted; Lawson Pk Award)
= CALENDAR to ~Mar 25: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Dance; Festivals; Film; Cohen Mtg); NATURE/Walks)
= HEADSUP A -- Mar 4 -- Mardi Gras/Grammar/Events/Haiku (Identity Theft; Cmnty Planning Lecture; Nat'l Grammar Day; Grammar haiku)
= Ccl NOTES Feb 17: Coho Society Update; Financial Plan aka Budget; Evelyn by Onni, Rezoning, DPA for Parcel 3; some great letters in Correspondence: Hollyburn Heritage Society Annual Report; Klee Wyck; Maison Milliken. In PQP more recommendations to have a DWV Heritage body + explanation of heritage/HAC/groups.
= CCL AGENDA Mar 10: PH and Reg
= ANIMALWATCH (dog show); INFObits (116th birthday; Int'l Women's Day; H Ashrawi); MATHWATCH (pi plate); ROYALWATCH (Invictus); FISHWATCH (Alexandra Morton); BOOKWATCH (The Orenda); HERITAGEWATCH; HAIKU INVITATIONAL (VCBF); MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Repeating my encouragement in WVM03...
UPPER LANDS -- Seek out the information, give your opinion.
Essential: Keep in mind that the "Upper Lands" refers to land both above and below the 1200ft level. If you want the 1200ft level kept (no devt above; protection of environment, etc), for every question clarify above or below before answering. Otherwise the answers can be taken for the whole area, ie devt. See two letters from residents (below).
Some facts: - The cut-off for devt in NV is 1000ft, ours is 1200ft (decided b/c of extra cost for water and snow-clearing)
- It is not true that owners have the right to devp above 1200ft (even if land exchanged)
- Below 1200ft, WV can designate protected areas (park; envmt) without being required to exchange land.
The next WG is Thurs March 13 at the Cmnty Ctr -- hear what they have to day about the surveys, open house, etc
== Vive le CANADA ===
Good luck for the Paralympic Games March 7 to 16.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
+ UPPER LANDS is uppermost in my mind. Pls express your opinions. Read the two letters. I also found it wasn't clear if what was being asked was for the part below 1200ft or above.. Several times I warned that it wd be ambiguous or confusing and recommended it be made clear.
+ OLYMPICS -- heard an interesting comment. Those who win silver are disappointed not having won gold; those who win bronze are v happy they didn't come fourth!
+ In rush to get this WVM out, apologies for whatever I've missed. Since there isn't another ccl mtg until March 31, there will probably have to be some Headsup/Updates.
They're adorable. Did you know the BC SPCA has a calendar contest?
Make your pet a star with the BC SPCA's annual calendar contest. The popular Calendar Contest opens on March 18. The 13 guardians who raise the most in their fur babys honour will win a spot for them in our 2015 I Animals Calendar. Weve found the early birds have a far better chance of winning a spot, so sign up now and youll get a reminder to register on opening day. Contest runs March 18 through April 18, 2014.
See: http://support.spca.bc.ca/site/TR/Events/AnimalLoversCalendarContest?fr_id=1360&pg=tgreeting
b/c not a ccl mtg till March 31, obviously can't put all the activities/mtgs in this newsletter. There will be Headsup notices.
Subscribe to keep up (write subscribewvm@westvan.org)
Also you are most welcome to send information or report on a mtg/event that you think WV residents/readers wd enjoy reading.
and I look forward to reading your contributions and comments.
=== UPPER LANDS === two voices
---------- Forwarded message ---------- {my emphasis}
From: Paul Hundal
Date: Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 11:28 AM
Subject: Criticism of materials & questionnaire published by Upper Lands Working Group
[TO: Mayor and Council]
I have been following the Upper Lands Working Group activities and I am very concerned about the highly biased survey questionnaire that was produced by the Working Group and is being circulated now. I find the survey background information is biased towards promoting support for varying the current 1200ft limit on development so as to allow development higher up the mountain.
The questionnaire manipulates support for the option of allowing development above the 1200ft level in exchange for lands of higher environmental value below the 1200ft in various ways. At the last Working Group meeting during the public question period I criticized the questionnaire for not presenting to the public a third option for protecting higher value lands, namely density transfers. They added a question in response but instead of referring to it as density transfers (which people would understand means moving density from one place to another, not increasing overall density), they instead asked "Do you support higher densities..." as a means to protect certain lands. They did not explain in the question that this would not mean higher overall density. Effectively the Working Group poisoned the question for this option. If you ask people do you support higher densities in West Vancouver people 's reaction will generally be no. If the question had been asked properly, ie. Do you support density transfers below the 1200ft level in order to protect lands of higher environmental value, it would have been far clearer. People I talked to all agreed that the question was biased and that they would have been willing to say yes to density transfers but not higher densities overall.
There are other ways that the Working Groups materials appear to be manipulating the public into supporting development above 1200ft. They said at the workshops that technology wasn't really there in the 1960s to effectively pump water above 1200ft but they can do so now so the 1200ft restriction is losing its relevance. In fact we had the ability to pump water effectively in the 1960s, but it is an issue of costs. The Metro water system is mostly a gravity-fed system because the reservoirs are high up which makes it very cheap to deliver water. If, however, you have to move water to an elevation higher than the reservoir the costs go up dramatically the higher you go. It takes a lot of energy to pump water uphill and maintain pressure. This fact is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s especially since energy prices are going up, not down, so the cost of pumping can go up as electricity prices climb. Furthermore West Vancouver's snow clearing budget would go up dramatically if we had to maintain subdivisions higher up the mountain. Someone suggested having a special levy on those subdivisions to pay those costs but under our system you can't do that. West Vancouver residents as a whole would have to subsidize the higher costs of maintaining subdivisions above the snow line. In short, the Working Groups presentation wrongly suggests that there is little relevance now to the 1200ft limit on development when in fact the utility and servicing costs would still be much higher.
Another example of misleading information being presented to support the 1200ft variation is an Environmental "Synthesis" map they produced that they synthesized out of other sources. I am not questioning the sources but I am certainly questioning the synthesis that claims an area near the old growth conservancy has no environmental value when it actually is of high conservation value. The area is shown on a Metro source map as having good environmental values but when the "synthesis" was done it was shown as having no special value. At one of the public Workshops I asked who did the "synthesis" but the facilitator did not answer the question even though she was asked again by other members of the public. The Working Group members in attendance did not answer either.
The concern I have is that this high conservation value area is also being proposed for possible development (1200ft variation area) but is being misdescribed as being of low value. The area includes trees that are up to 1000 years old. This was an area of old style high grade logging where many trees were left behind. It was not clearcut and burned. As a result it has naturally regenerated and will develop an old growth structure hundreds of years before most logged areas. Also, it is adjacent to pure old growth, such as the Old Growth Conservancy, which means old growth species have a chance to spread into it. I strongly object to the Working Group's synthesis map that indicates this area is not environmentally of high value.
This whole process seems designed to elicit public support for allowing development above 1200ft. The questions are skewed that way and the material is biased to encourage that outcome. Yet in spite of this, the public attendees at the three Workshops I attended were overwhelmingly opposed to removing the 1200ft limit. [It is hoped] the Working Group will present those results to you. At least at the workshops the public was able to hear the alternate view, but with the questionnaire, the bias built into the questions described above will affect the results. Even I was offended at the thought of answering yes to higher densities when there was no qualification in the question to be for density transfers only. I do not believe the public supports an overall increase in density yet the way that question is worded leaves that option open so it will elicit a negative response.
This issue is one of the most important issues for the future of West Vancouver and I am gravely disappointed that the Working Group has managed the public process in this way. I do commend the facilitator of the Workshops for making the best of it and the public opposition to development over 1200ft certainly became clearly expressed by the public at the workshops as a result. The Working Group however seems to be trying to push the public in the opposite direction and their view should not be allowed to be substituted for the public's.
March 1, 2014
Mayor Smith, The Council of West Vancouver,
Re: Upper Lands
After attending two Open Houses and the Interactive Workshop I have the following concerns regarding the transparency and openness of these Public consultations:
1. Vague language in the Notice to the Public; West Vancouver is reviewing the bylaws and policies relating to the Upper Lands to determine what lands should be protected, what can be developed, uses of public land and appropriate forms of development, concealed the main and highly controversial aspect of the Upper Lands project.
2. A similar approach could be observed during Open Houses. Furthermore, the facilitator of the workshop rejected the suggestion that the main issue should be presented openly and upfront at the beginning of the meeting, so the boundary of discussed area was clearly defined.
3. As a result, the very vast majority of speakers, not to say all speakers, were expressing their opinions believing that the discussion is about Upper Lands already zoned for residential and very limited commercial development.
Only at the very end of the meeting, when several speakers had already left, it was revealed that actually the discussion was about all Upper Lands in general, including lands above 1200foot elevation. In other words, the idea to trade/exchange some lots in Lower Lands, which are already zoned but difficult to develop, for flatter and easier to develop areas of Upper Lands above the 1200foot boundary is NOT being presented to the Public in an open and transparent manner. It is rather shielded by talks about housing density, forms of development, uses of the land, and other ambiguities.
It is simply unfair and undemocratic!
Also, the environmental impact of development insurgents into upper areas of the Upper Lands is played down. The argument that only areas of lower environmental sensitivity would be developed and adjacent areas of environmentally higher sensitivity would still be protected is ridiculously simplistic. The only effective method of guarding sensitive areas is by surrounding them with protective green belts of lesser environmental sensitivity. The 1200foot development boundary serves that purpose. Once that guardian is modified and less sensitive areas are developed, adjacent areas of high environmental sensitivity would be automatically damaged too... opening doors for even more development in of course environmentally less sensitive areas...
Sincerely, A.L.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
Mar 4 -- West Vancouver is committed to seeking the advice of and tapping into the expertise of residents wishing to serve on boards and committees. As community leaders and volunteers, we value your time and have developed a structure to meet your ability to contribute.
If you are a West Vancouver resident and would like to volunteer to serve on a board or committee, opportunities for 2014 will be available as follows:
Committees: Awards Committee and Gleneagles Community Centre Advisory Committee
Applicn forms are available on the Volunteer Page under Cmtes, Boards, and Working Groups, and in the Legislative Services Dept at MHall. Applicants are requested to mail, fax (925 7006), or deliver completed applications with a brief personal resume, to the Legislative Services Dept at WV Municipal Hall, 750 17th Street, West Vancouver, BC V7V 3T3, or e-mail to committees@westvancouver.ca.
Queries: Call Legislative Services at 925 7004. Apply by 4:30 p.m. on March 17, 2014.
Mar 5 -- Refurbished John Lawson Park has won a national award for excellence in landscape architecture.
The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) announced yesterday that John Lawson Park, a West Vancouver landmark waterfront playground which underwent an extensive four-month upgrade in 2013, is receiving an award of regional merit in the CSLAs 2014 awards program...
Western Economic Diversification Canada, a department of the Govt of Canada, contributed $244,200 to the project. Community contributions totalled $169,000. The DWVs combined budget for the project was $800,000.
=== CALENDAR to ~ March 25th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup/Notice section; not repeated here.}
= Saturday March 8
To book a table 925 7270 Enquiries marketevents@westvancouver.ca
= IAW WEEK: March 10 - 14
Israeli Apartheid Week: SPHR-UBC will hold events, tabling, and activities on the UBC campus focusing on joint struggle and cross-movement solidarity. Follow SPHR UBC on https://www.facebook.com/pages/SPHR-UBC/190741272305.
Save the date for March 13 for an important campus event! = Tuesday March 11
~ 7pm ~ ABA Networking at Crema (1495 Bellevue)
Pls join us for appetizers, beverages, and Networking. It's FREE!
A special night hosted by the Ambleside Business Association. Meet the team of directors, network with other business owners and professionals, and have a conversation with District Councillors and the Mayor of West Van.
Find out more about how the ABA plans to help Ambleside businesses THRIVE!
RSVP to christine@baracosandbrand.com or on FACEBOOK @ Ambleside Business Association.
Space is limited so please RSVP as soon as possible. Last year this event had over 60 attendees!!
The ABA is building momentum off of the Christmas In Ambleside initiative that took place just a few months ago. We
have new members, directors, and consultants. We are working closely with the District to ensure the voices of Amb
biz owners are heard and carry weight in the future. We are committed to bringing an updated website, branding, and
area organizational improvements to the Assn in the next few months. Please help us achieve these goals and more!!
~ 7:30pm ~ 15th Annual North Shore Sport Awards
The 15th Annual North Shore Sport Awards is taking place in Park Royal Norths centre court. It is a celebration of sport achievement at all levels: community, high school, provincial, and international. The awards also include categories for coaching, volunteering, officiating, and fair play. This unique event salutes those who excel in all levels of sport and fosters pride in our North Shore sport community. Make sure you come out and enjoy the only multi-sport celebration on the North Shore!
= Wednesday March 12
Each fall, bears feasting on returned salmon transfer large quantities of fish onto the forest floor. Salmon carcasses act as fertiliser, providing much needed nitrogen.
= Thursday March 13
~ 5pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte at DNV M Hall
~ 5pm ~ Design Review Cmte {Info: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/committees/design-review-committee }
~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands WG in Srs' Ctr {I checked the webpage Sun Mar 9 and still no agenda posted}
~ 7pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte at GCC
= Friday March 14
~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte, Cmnty Ctr
= Tuesday March 18
~ 5 - 11pm ~ The 24th annual Persian New Year Fire Festival will once again be held in Ambleside Park.
The event will include live music and dance performances, Persian food, and fire jumping.
= Wednesday March 19
~ 5pm ~ Board of Variance mtg [CANCELLED]
~ 5pm ~ Invasive Plants WG
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd mtg at the Library
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society mtg, talk on Curt Lang, at the Srs' Ctr; info: http://wvhs.ca/upcoming-events/
Join us for an evening with award-winning author, Claudia Cornwall.
Curt Lang was a beatnik poet, painter, photographer, beachcomber, boat builder, fisherman, and software entrepreneur. He was born in Vancouver in 1937 and died there in 1998. He and Freddy Douglas were known as the two hippest guys in Vancouver during the late fifties and sixties. At the World's Edge is my portrayal of Curt and the wild and crazy scene that swirled around him." [Claudia Cornwall]
Curt Lang was one of those people who manage to be inside something that is happening before most people really understand its importance. He was there as Vancouver sprouted an experimental literary scene, an abstract modernist art scene, a documentary photography scene, and an early geekdom inventing something called software for computers.
The world that produced Lang was East Vancouver in the 1940s and 1950s, a place capable of spawning a teenager who would cross the old Second Narrows Bridge with a friend in search of Malcolm Lowry. It was a time when not only might an East Van boy care who Lowry was, but actually find Lowry and get drunk and argue with him as an act of homage.
"At the World's Edge is a detective story in which Cornwall investigates a man, and a kind of life, she deems elemental. The author knew Lang in his later years and she, being a gifted reporter, decided to go back and gather his story in order to retrieve glimpses of a Vancouver that now is all but polished from view." [The Tyee]
Claudia Cornwall, an award-winning freelance writer for over 20 years, has written five books. She has published in The Globe and Mail, Reader's Digest, BC Business, as well as the online magazine Tyee. Claudia grew up in Vancouver and studied philosophy at UBC and the University of Calgary where she earned her doctorate. She is married and has a son and daughter.
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca 925 7400
See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
> Teen Movie Night - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Refreshments provided (while supplies last)! Children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent or care-giver.
Drop-in, but space is limited. BC Film Classification: Parental Guidance Length: 2 hours, 26 minutes
-- 6pm WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 -- For more information, visit or call the Youth Department at 925 7408
See more: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/movie-night-hunger-games-catching-fire#sthash.GV4CrH0G.dpuf
> Brian Minter: Gardener Extraordinaire
Horticulturalist, Brian Minter will give us a presentation on food gardening. Minter is an author, commentator on BBC Radio's Up All Night garden segment, and a regular on CBC radio.
-- 2:30 - 4pm THURSDAY, MARCH 13 For more information, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403.
- See more at: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/brian-minter-gardener-extraordinaire#sthash.3wdvxhjp.dpuf
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions/current_exhibition
-- January 10 to March 22 -- Ukiyoe Spectacular Japanese Woodblock Prints from the 1800s
Over one hundred woodblock prints from a private collection in Japan will be on display at the West Vancouver Museum and the Nikkei National Museum. This is a rare opportunity to see works by Kuniyoshi, Yoshifuji, and Hiroshige, among many other ukiyo-e artists. Curated by ukiyo-e scholar Inagaki Shinichi and West Vancouver Museums Kiriko Watanabe, Ukiyoe Spectacular reveals compelling images of the supernatural and epic myths, as well as portraits of courageous samurai and historical events.
During the Edo period (1604-1868), the concept of floating world indicated the enjoyment of life while it lasted. Ukiyo-e, which literally means pictures of floating world, dates back over three hundred years and reached its golden age during the Edo. The prints included in this exhibition from the late Edo demonstrate technical virtuosity and culturally rich traditions.
In addition to common ukiyo-e subjects, such as kabuki actors and beautiful women, many images reveal various interpretations of social and political issues. Consumer taste and the censorship imposed by the Tokugawa government at the time played a major role in facilitating new trends in the making of ukiyo-e.
Princess Takiyasha Calling up a Monstrous Skeleton Spectre at the Haunted Palace at Sōma (c. 1844-48), a triptych by Utagawa Kuniyoshi depicts a giant skeleton conjured by the princesss dark magic looming over two samurai figures. Though this image is dramatic, there are many others in the exhibition that are entertaining.
The more time you spend looking, the more things you discover: the face you are looking at is composed of an assemblage of cats, or a figures eyes are made of blow fish. This exhibition celebrates the 125th anniversary of consular relations between Canada and Japan, and also gives an opportunity for visitors to see the visual and technical sophistication of this unique Japanese art form.
ALSO: At the Nikkei National Museum 6688 Southoaks Cr, Burnaby Exhibition Dates: Jan 11 to March 23
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~~ March 11 - 30 -- JURORS CHOICE
A mixed media exhibition -- featured are works by: Bernadette Novack, Michelle Sirois-Silver, Linda Bell, Francine Drouin, David Bong, Gwen Dirks, Graham Eagle, Hans Gray, R. Jean Taylor, Lori Bagneres, Eva Kawczynski, Ray Bradbury, Aida Mira, Danyne Johnston, Shevy Levy, Nicolai Meissner, and Mong Yen.
Opening Reception 6 - 8pm Tues Mar 11; Meet the Artists 2 - 3pm Saturday March 15
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
~~~ Submit on March 8 -- INVITATION to GROUP EXHIBITION; Rebirth and Renewal March 11 - 30
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
WOMEN'S DAY CONCERT > 6:30pm Sunday March 16
GET THE GUY LIVE! WITH MATTHEW HUSSEY > 1:30pm Saturday March 22
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
> TUESDAY Feb 25 -- General Mtg {not AGM, my mistake}, election of two directors -- 7pm
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Breakfast Workshop: "Leading Change That Gets Results"
The Chamber and CapU Executive Education invite you to attend this special breakfast workshop led by Sharka Stuyt, Executive MBA and Certified Executive Coach.
This interactive and practical workshop provides business owners and managers with a framework for successfully leading change in their organizations. Most change efforts are met with resistance and fail to achieve the value and benefits they were intended to reap. This hands-on workshop provides strategies to help business owners and managers successfully drive change in their organizations.
~ 7:30 - 9:30am ~ Thursday March 13
Capilano University WV Campus at the Westerleigh (not North Van) -- next to the WV Chamber office
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup not repeated here}
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
Driving Miss Daisy at Granville Island Stage from Feb 13 - Mar 15
Helen Lawrence, "Vancouver Confidential", world premiere of an intoxicating mixed media spectacle, set in the Vancouver of 1948. Visit the vanished worlds of the old Hotel Vancouver and Hogan's Alley -- the city's hot spot for gambling and vice. Stanley Industrial Stage -- Mar 13 to Apr 13
>> Youre invited to our LEAP Festival, starting Sat Mar 15, at the Revue Stage (Granville Island)
+ METRO THEATRE 266 7191
There Goes the Bride, musical comedy, metrotheatre.com (times 2:30 and 8pm) Feb 22 - Mar 22
+ PACIFIC THEATRE 731 5518 pacifictheatre.org
The Seafarer, chilling comedy by Conor McPherson, 8pm (Sat matinees at 2pm) Mar 7 - 29
+ JERICHO ARTS CENTRE 224 8007 x3 jerichoartscentre.com
Beggar's Opera, original adaptation, Seven Tyrants Theatre Mar 4 - 14
+ PACIFIC THEATRE 731 5518 pacifictheatre.org
The Seafarer, chilling comedy by Conor McPherson, 8pm (Sat matinees at 2pm) Mar 7 - 29
Private Eyes, Steven Dietz's comedy of suspicion -- firstimpressionstheatre.com Feb 27 - Mar 15
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
.....Excitement is building at the Vancouver Art Gallery as we prepare to open our spring exhibitions. The VAG is the only place you can see these groundbreaking exhibitions, which feature an extensive group of works from the Gallerys permanent collection, displayed with pieces from local and national collections. These are three shows you dont want to miss!
> LAWREN HARRIS, Canadian Visionary, founding mbr of Group of Seven -- March 1 to May 4
> Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again -- March 8 to June 8
This exhibition presents a new body of sculpture by the Vancouver-based artist Myfanwy MacLeod. Drawing upon motifs associated with the sexually charged music of Led Zeppelin and the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, the exhibition examines the conventions of the heroic quest as a male fantasy.
> Artists's {sic or intentional?} Choice; Cock and Bull -- March 8 to June 8
Presented in conjunction with Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again, this exhibition features work from the Gallery's permanent collection selected by Myfanwy MacLeod and Grant Arnold following the model of "cock and bull story",...Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_cockandbull.html
> Scorned: Emily Carr -- March 1 to May 26
Scorned: Emily Carr engages in dialogue with the concurrent exhibition A Terrible Beauty: Edward Burtynsky, presenting works that demonstrate Carr's interest in the denatured landscape -- an occasional, but notable, subject of her work. Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_scorned.html
OUT FOR LUNCH (Fri 12:10pm at the VAG)
Gene Ramsbottom, clarinet, Bo Peng, cellist, Richard Epp, piano (Vollrath, Cdn premieres ) -- Mar 21
+ CAROUN ART GALLERY -- Calligraphy Group Exhibition
March 1 - 14; noon to 8 pm (closed Mondays) Opening Reception: 4 - 9pm March 1
Hossein Kashian, Jamal Abiri, Mehran Tayefi, Mohammad Salahshour, Padideh Hashemi, & Salar Ahmadian
+ OPERA PRO CANTANTI 340 8545 7pm Sunday at Cambrian Hall
procantanti.com I Capuleti e i Montecchi Mar 9, 16, 23
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
Dances and Rhapsodies!
Orpheum 8pm Sat Mar 8 and 2pm Sun Mar 9; Bell Performing Arts Ctr 8pm Monday Mar 10
Louis Lortie plays Chopin Orpheum 8pm Sat Mar 15, Mon 17
The Hockey Sweater, narrated by Roch Carrier, music composed by Abigail Richardson; 2pm Sun Mar 23
+ WEST COAST SYMPHONY -- Berlioz, Conway Baker, Saint-Saens
westcoastsymphony.ca 8pm Fri Mar 14 (Christ Church Cathedral); 2pm Sun Mar 16 (Centennial Theatre)
+ UBC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Great Romantics, Centennial Theatre 984 4484 8pm Sat Mar 15
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER 732 1610 earlymusic.bc.ca
Orpheum Annex, Tanya Tomkins, baroque cello & five-string violoncello piccolo
Drinks at 7pm; music at around 8pm -- The Complete Bach Cello Suites:
Tuesday, 18 March (Suites 1, 4, & 5) and Wednesday, 19 March (Suites 2, 3, & 6)
+ VANCOUVER RECITAL SOCIETY 602 0363 vanrecital.com
Yo-Yo Ma, cello, with Kathryn Stott, piano; Orpheum 3pm Sunday March 16
Brahms Festival: a Chamber Music Celebration w/ Friends of Chamber Music (Vanc Playhouse):
Jerusalem Quartet and friends, three different progs Wed/Thurs/Fri March 19, 20, 21
* VANCOUVER CHAMBER CHOIR vancouverchamberchoir.com
Schubert and Schumann, the Art of the Romantic Era at Ryerson United 738 6822-- 8pm Fri Mar 21
Vancouver International Dance Festival -- March 7 - 29
Venue: Various locations Tickets: VIDF.ca or 662 4966
The VIDF opens with a globe-spanning roster of 11 artists and creators. Of note for PuSh Festival fans:
- Créations Estelle Clareton & Montréal Danse (Montreal): S'envoler -- March 27 - 29, 8pm.
A work that imagines a collision between the human world and that of birds - a powerful showcase of the Montreal dance scene.
- Yui Kawaguchi and Aki Takase (Germany): Cadenza - Die Stadt im Klavier V -- 8pm March 21 & 22
Classically trained dancer & jazz pianist duo in their fifth impromptu encounter between the languages of movement and music.
- Israel Galván (Spain): La Edad de Oro -- 8pm March 22 & 23
Daring, critically lauded flamenco dancer known for his singular, stripped down contemporary approach to the form.
+ 8th Annual Celebration of NOWRUZ
Persian and Arab music Ensemble, Qalandar, at CBC Studio One; the first day of spring, 6:30pm March 13
+ 10th Anniversary CelticFest Vancouver
Western Canada's largest Celtic celebration; parade, etc. See celticfestvancouver.com Mar 8 - 16
Vancouver Int'l Women in Film Festival at VanCity Theatre womeninfilm.ca Mar 6 - 9
After 18 months of testimony and $26 million spent, the Cohen Commission's final report "The Uncertain Future of the Fraser River Sockeye", outlined 75 recommendations for reversing a decade long decline in salmon populations. On Saturday March 22 join MP Joyce Murray and a panel of leading experts on BC's West Coast salmon to discuss the future of BC's wild salmon stocks.
Expert Panelists:Brian Riddell, President and CEO of the Pacific Salmon Foundation and former DFO top scientist. Brenda Gaertner, lawyer and was lead counsel for the First Nations Coalition before the Cohen Commission.Jordan Point, Executive Director of the First Nations Fisheries Council of British Columbia.Stan Proboszcz,field biologist with Watershed Watch Salmon Society.
Have your say.
Details:Saturday March 22 Registration 1pm Time 1:30 - 3:30 pmRyerson United Church, Memorial Hall (2195 45th Ave at Yew) RSVP: joyce.murray.c1c@parl.gc.ca or call 664 9220
+ Pauline Johnson's Stanley Park Historical Walking Tour; Mohawk Canadian icon, poet, and stage performer
meet at the viewing platform overlooking Lost Lagoon stanleyparkhistory.ca 873 1866 -- 1pm Sun Mar 9
+ Thursday March 20th
A free public talk for the Botany Section of Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society).
Title: To flower or not to flower: Evolution of delayed flowering in a long-lived orchid
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Williams
Location & time: Unity of Vancouver Church 5840 Oak St, Vancouver -- 7:30pm
Synopsis: Is it advantageous for a plant to start flowering when it is young or small; to make lots of seeds or a few? Jennifer will talk about the evolutionary theory underlying these ideas and some recent results in the context of flowering strategies in the purple orchid (a Mediterranean species).
Jennifer is an Assistant Professor at UBC in Geography and the Biodiversity Research Centre. Her research is mainly focused on understanding factors that influence the population growth of both rare and invasive plants. After 16 years away from the Pacific Northwest, she is becoming reacquainted with its climate.
+ Sunday March 23rd
Ecology of a Coastal Temperate Rainforest, UBC Botanical Gardens.
A free Nature Vancouver event. Trip leader: David Cook Registration: Not required. Duration: Approximately 3 hours.
Meeting place & time: Botanical Gardens, UBC, 6804 SW Marine Drive -- 10am. There is no parking fee.
The entrance fee is $8 (adult), $6 (senior, youth, student, & disabled), $4 (child), and $20 (family).
Description: We will visit the two areas of natural forest located within the gardens. You will learn about the ecology and structure of our local forests. There will be an opportunity to view the canopy of the forest from the Greenheart Canopy Walkway.
Contact David: cookeco2@yahoo.com or 924 0147 for further info or visit the website http://www.naturevancouver.ca/
===> HEADSUP A {March 4}
Yes, today, March 4th, is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday, before Ash Wednesday/Lent), but it's also Nat'l (US) Grammar Day.
Well, we missed [telling you about] the WVPD's identity theft and fraud awareness [info booth] this morning (but there are other [occasions], see ONE), and the talk on public engagement for Cmnty Planning (something we shd find out about to suggest to WV, TWO).
THREE: Grammar Day, Grammar websites, Grammar Quiz, and Grammar Haiku :-)
March is Identity Theft and Fraud Awareness Month.
Throughout the month of March 2014, officers with the West Vancouver Police, Community Services Unit (CSU), will work to educate our community on Fraud and Identity Theft prevention.
CSU members will also be holding information booths throughout the municipality at the following locations:
Tuesday, March 4th - 10:30am - 12:30pm -- West Vancouver Library
Friday, March 7th - 12:30 - 3:30pm -- BC Ferries Horseshoe Bay Terminal
Tuesday, March 11th - 9:30am - 12:30pm -- Gleneagles Recreation Centre
Friday, March 14th - 11:30am - 3:00pm - Park Royal North (by London Drugs)
Wednesday, March 19th - 11am - 2pm -- Squamish Nation Elders Centre
Friday, March 21st - 9am - noon - West Vancouver Recreation Centre Atrium
Tuesday, March 25th - 11am - 1pm - West Vancouver Seniors' Centre
Friday, March 28th - 11:30am - 3pm - Park Royal South(Mall Area Beside Extra Foods)
Information will be made available to all WV residents through www.wvpd.ca, and through our BlockWatch and BusinessWatch programs. If you have any questions about Identity Theft Prevention contact Cpl. Nick Bell from the Cmnty Services Unit at 925 7349.
TONIGHT: Challenges & Trends: Public Engagement for Community Planning
Dr. Maged Senbel, Assistant Professor, UBC School of Community and Regional Planning, will explore the challenges and trends that the City of Vancouver and residents have encountered with the Citys public engagement process in building new community plans for Vancouver neighbourhoods.
Tuesday March 4th; 7 - 9pm; University Women's Club at Hycroft
[US] National Grammar Day
Every day is grammar day when you've got this job
CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/03/living/grammar-day-irpt/
Celebrate National Grammar Day with a quiz Lancaster Newspapers --
Established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG), the day promotes ...
ACES 2014 National Grammar Day Tweeted Haiku Contest ...
Here are most of the entries in the National Grammar Day Tweeted Haiku contest , give or take a few entries that fell through the cracks and are ...
ACES 2014 National Grammar Day Tweeted Haiku Contest entriesMarch 3, 2014 by Mark Allen
This website has a long list of 'grammar' haiku with 'in' jokes.
Lynne Truss of "Eats Shoots and Leaves" convinced me of the logic of the serial comma (also called the Oxford or Harvard comma) -- it's arithmetic!
Many of you will have heard of the grocer's apostrophe (mistake). Some sprinkle their prose with apostrophes. I threatened the NSN that I'd report them to the Apostropher Royal for leaving off the possessive S writing Tim Jones's name
[Remember? Bridget Jones's Diary, and Bridget is the Joneses' daughter. The word has to be plural to omit the possessive S. Many forget the plural needed.]
Of course the apostrophe is also used in contractions.
[sic] was explained in a WVM.
Questions and clarification requests welcome.
ENJOY the word play!
Correct their grammar? Some verbatim written quotes Still make me feel sic. |
The semi-colon Only used by graduates And who wish they were |
Grocer has gone mad His sign says apples own all Unnecessary |
AP style is wrong No serial comma! What? Always follow Chicago |
Oxford comma Do not let them destroy you you help me out |
Oh, Apostrophe Why do they misuse you so? You are possessive. |
Ignored, forsaken, she deserves better. All hail the apostrophe! |
Write it right, rewrite, Wring its rot, and wright it wrought, Edit and end it. |
Let us eat grandma That is not how we do things You need a comma |
Oh apostrophe How I wish others knew you are Possessive not plural |
Need another way to say "pastry"? Just go ask a synonym roll. |
Do not attempt a semicolonoscopy. Ask an editor. |
The proofer's lament: Readers can't see your catches -- only what you missed. |
Red pen to paper Beautiful markings Correctness is art. to me |
Scan your manuscript for stray punctuation marks: colonoscopy |
Your words are sunlight proper grammar acts like a freshly washed window |
Let's eat Grandma!" "Let's eat Grandma!" ....... Use a comma, save a grandma. |
=== CCL MTG NOTES === e&oe
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
=== CCL MTG NOTES 2014 February 17 ===
=== SPECIAL CCL MTG NOTES ø We don't get minutes from this so the agenda is all we know!
Note: At 4pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(d) the security of the property of the municipality;
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements,
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of mtg: negotiations and proposed provision of a M service, personnel, employee and labour relations, land, and legal matters.
At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
=== REGULAR CCL MTG NOTES February 17 ===
AGENDA REVISED FEBRUARY 7, 2014 Additional Information for Item 6
For On-Table Items Please See Items 3, 6, 9.1, and 9.2
7:00 PM
Mayor: Before we begin, want everyone to know about the plethora of pink -- anti-bullying day next week. This is our closest ccl mtg to the day. So we're all resplendent in our pink and supporting that day.
A couple of announcements.
This evening we have West Vancouver Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in the gallery. February 16 to 22 is Scout-Guide week around the world, marking the birthdays of the founders of Scouting and Guiding. We are pleased to have the Scouts and Guides visiting us in the Council Chamber on this occasion. Put your hands up.
Also, West Vancouvers Community Centre has received the "2013 Award of Distinction from the International Paralympic Committee and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities. This is one of the most important and prestigious awards to win, as it recognizes worldwide exemplary design and function, and excellence in accessible design in community recreation and sports facilities for athletes and spectators. The WV Cmnty Ctr is well-known and recognized for its accessible design. It previously received the ONCE Foundation Prize for Accessibility in Architecture at the 2010 World Architecture Festival in Barcelona.
The facility has been intentionally constructed to create barrier-free sport and recreation participation for athletes of all abilities, and for accessible spectator viewing. In keeping with the Districts Access and Inclusion Policy, this award recognizes the wonderful manner in which the Cmnty Ctr provides access to the broadest and widest range of needs. This is the ninth award for that facility. Both the Cmnty Ctr and the WV Aquatic Ctr are also featured in a newly released book called Pools; Aquatic Architecture, by the architect who designed the facility. We wd like to express appreciation to the architect, Darryl Condon, who is in the gallery today -- there he is --, for providing all of Council with a copy of this book and for all his hard work and dedication in designing both the community centre and aquatic centre wch has become such a well-loved facility for our community.
I want to comment briefly on the p1 story about our police.
re media coverage about the WVPD, assure all our citizens the cmnty is well served by our police; they're working hard; recognize some personnel issues, and the issues will be resolved. Want to assure the Police Union; the Police Board is investigating and we will be taking action.
Wd like to announce the Police Chief has resigned -- sorry, has retired. Chief Constable Lepine informed the police board last week of his retirement. We thank him for his, what will be, five years of service and wish him all the best. He will remain as Chief until such time as the board finds a replacement. We're beginning that search today.
{My understanding is he leaves when his five-year contract is up later this year.}
amended by: Adding to Item 3 the Jan 27 and Feb 3, 2014 special and regular Council meeting minutes;
Adding to Item 6 a report regarding proposed ׃ Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2013;
Adding to Item 9 Items 9.1 and 9.2 regarding correspondence
3. Adoption of Minutes
January 27, 2014 and February 3, 2014 Council meeting minutes to be provided. {when amended at mtg; see above}
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
January 17, 2014 special Council meeting; January 27, 2014 special and regular Council meetings; and
February 3, 2014 special and regular Council meetings.
4. K. Fenton, Coho Society of the North Shore, re Update on Coho Society Events and Progress [7:08]
KF: thank you for opp; been with Society for ten years, second as Prez; my presentation will take about eight minutes
{named directors who stood up}
just reminded to have Bill stand up, he's on board as well.
Mayor: appreciate your coming, good sign of support
KF: volunteer and envmtally based; started about 35 yrs ago, ......
Mike Nicell, Mgr Eaton's, and Ch of Commerce wanted to increase their profile so decided needed a festival, started in PkR, first two years, then moved to Amb Pk
Two levels of directors: appointed (non-voting, three Ms, Sq, DFO, etc) and elected (13); working cmtes
goals: raise money for rehabilitation; public education projects (Adopt-a-Fish, stewardship exhibits, classroom projects)
raised thousands of dollars, dispersed to societies [listed]
last contribution to WV Streamkeepers was a year ago -- $10K for McDonald Crk spawning channel; $5K for current McD Crk estuary enhancement proj
27 sponsors $500 to $10K+; cash plus inkind services
festival first Sunday after Labour Day, this year Sept 7
Salmon BBQ highlight; b/c election year get your name in early to Rick Amantea, looking after celebratory chefs
(listed events/activities)
fortunate to have First Nations, fortunate to have them on board
surveys; last year had 10K ppl attended; 45% NV, 35% WV, 7% from CoV, rest from throughout the Lower Mainland
40% were attending for the first time
challenges; want to make it better ev year; bring on new sponsors; improve our financial reserves
2012 not good to us financially; the year tried the two-day festival -- not v good weather, rev was down
recover from that; we're doing fine
increase public profile; been quiet for a number of years and that's why here today to let you know we're still alive and doing our job.
You all have a handout -- a brief summary...
we really app the support we get from DWV, esp Christie Rosta, Cclr Sop (he can give us ideas but can't vote :-))
have a two-minute video for you [ended 7:16]
Mayor: great video, thank you. Questions?
Sop: outstanding job
Sat, the past directors -- invited to Salmon House to honour Jim McCarthy; in attendance was the Federal Fisheries Minister and the Secretary; [McCarthy] presented with a wonderful plaque
his work honoured
Min went away with [knowledge of] thirty years of dedication, high regard for salmon habitat; impact on her
money for PSF
three NSh Ms support the festival; don't rely on grants, through sponsorship so not taxpayer-funded
Gordon Adair and I, and Bill Chapman go way back, over 30 years; you have these folks here now
head on, straight, education, not going to stop
KF: thank you
Sop: outstanding, move received for information, with thanks.
Mayor: thanks again for coming; one of the great fun events on the waterfront...
KF: it's a pleasure
Mayor: beer garden again this year?
KF: don't know yet
REPORTS [7:19]
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
> MB {McCreary sent email}: youth grades 7 to 12, completed the survey; decrease in serious injuries
attended the report launch of the McCreary Centre Societys 2013 Adolescent Health Survey (30,000 youth in BC, grade 7-12) this past Wednesday.
Here are some quick highlights that may be of interest {list though marked, not parallel}:
- Increase in youth identifying as either bisexual or lesbian; more youth living with grandparents;
- 1% were in foster care; 9% had run away from home;
- 2% were caring for their own chn; with this was an increase in poverty and a decrease in extra-curricular activities;
- 25% had a disability, such as asthma or a mental health concern;
- Females were 3x more likely to identify a mental health condition;
- 90% had cell phones those without saw a decrease in friends and a decrease in food (poverty);
- Those with cell phones had more supportive adults in their lives, but were also more unsafe because of cyber-bullying and access to the internet.
- There were decreases in: serious injuries, hunger, risky sexual behaviours, ever trying alcohol, having sex after consuming drugs/alcohol, abuse, and ever trying marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.
- There was an increased use of condoms;
- 13% of females experiences sexual abuse or were forced into sexual relations;
- 36% had been discriminated against; 87% of males and 76% of females report good or excellent mental health;
- 22% of females have self-harmed 3x higher than males;
- Females reporting extreme stress and the struggles appear to start at age 14;
- 5% of females are not accessing help because they dont want their parents to know or b/c the services are not available in their community;
- Signif link between less/lack of sleep and an increase in mental health concerns
more than 9+ hours of sleep = positive mental health;
- Participation in organized sports, dance, yoga, etc. is down because of costs, too busy, cant get there and bullying;
- The top protective factor is connectedness to school, next is positive family relationships;
- Youth want to feel valued and engaged and participate in activities that are meaningful.
{To download a complete copy of the report, please go to: http://www.mcs.bc.ca/pdf/From_Hastings_Street_To_Haida_Gwaii.pdf }
> [7:22] ML: attended MetroV Finance Cmte; here are the nine 2014 Priorities:
. Refine and enhance the new budget and financial planning process including 5-year financial plans. This includes the review and enhancement of existing systems.
. Complete review and updating of Goods, Services and Real Estate procurement policies.
. Complete, in conjunction with Liquid Waste Services, the review and recommendations regarding appropriate Liquid Waste Development Cost Charge rates.
. Continue the ongoing financial oversight of MetroV operations including operating and capital expenditure budget management, contract management, investments as well as statutory reporting requirements.
. Commence a longer term financial planning process which looks at the current and future financial impact of MetroV services and includes a review of the components of the Debt Mgmt Strategy and other key financial policies.
. Review current banking practices and processes with our banking partners.
. Tender for external audit services.
. Commence the process of upgrading or replacing the existing financial system. This includes assessing all systems containing/utilizing financial information to ensure data integrity and efficiency.
. Continue to review and enhance existing processes and procedures with the objective of improving efficiency and enhancing effectiveness.
[It's] reflective of DWV, next agenda
> NG: pancake breakfast for Olympics sponsored by CCSociety; Panz served up over 700 pancakes
Invasive Plants open house on 26th at GCC, draft strategy
> CC: Panz graciously allowed me to announce to public [UL WG] priorities: three open houses, latter two with interactive workshops; Wed Feb 26Thurs CCtr 5 - 7, and Tu Mar 4; concerns, hopes, and questions
get word out
> Mayor: met w/ HBBA, directors, banners, etc, dinner at the dock; HBay going to be an active place this summer
if you care about the UL, lend your voice
6. [Five-] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4780) (On-Table)
MK: asking for 2nd/3rd reading; second part, come back with plan
some enquiries re utilities, remind adoption in Dec 13; 11% sewer and 5% water tax rate increase 2.92% and $94salaries and wages: only a number of ways increase; regular step agreements; new hires, collective bargaining
641/746 mbrs of a collective bargaining unit; exempt staff 60%
FTE increase 9.4 FTEs, 7 prev in budget, contracted addns; 2.4 revenue producing
$1.86M av $1.2M didn't include bare land; $3300 and [$4880?]; $200 more than last year
Mayor: public input; anyone else wish to speak? will ask for after Carolanne finishes, wch will be in three minutes or less.
CR: in three minutes, right
Carolanne Reynolds, Editor of West Van Matters wch came out at 8 o'clock this morning after I stayed up all night.
First of all, congratulations on your award from the GFOA for the clarity in your budget
and also the Core Service Review by divisions was a valuable exercise that you had this year.
I agree with some cclrs who now want to delve deeper.I wonder if second reading cd wait until after the report in March that Mr Koke has just referred toThe deadline of course is May 15 so you're not in a hurry and I'm not suggesting you wait till that timebut if you're going to get that report, you still have the time; you might want to take that into consideration when you're looking at the budget.
Pls consider having an account per devt application -- they are numbered so it might be easy to calculate how much each of these costs and after we see the costs and look at them, we can see what the average is and see if we're keeping it to be revenue [, neutral], uh, that it pays, that we're not paying, that it's just even, they pay what they have to, not paying more or less.
is difficult to make choices when wanting to be frugal and many
worthy projects have to fight for funding -- and as you know it often
is a question of the most persuasive or powerful.Many years ago I
a formula for CACs, CBs,
and will continue
to try to have Ccl consider it.For example, if you get a CAC, you
can have a formula that 10%
goes to environment, 10% to an arts fund, 10% to a sports fund, 10%
to a heritage fund, so they build up their own funds, you
don't have to start
going [only] with
[depend only on] the budget.That cd be 10% each but you might want
to add another category, {or
make it 15% each}. This
is just a suggestion; in any case, it leaves 60% for you to do
whatever projects you want, but at least these groups know they're
getting something and you
might want to make it 50-50.That
way there's no 'perceived competition or rivalry' -- there'll be a
base they can be sure of for some of their minimal requirements and
plan accordingly, even fundraising, but at least no one will be left
out entirely,and then you know some things won't get left out --
or how you arrange itbut then have some formula. You still have
your full rights to do with the 50% but at least we can build up
funds that then these various areas can plan about.
As for the salaries, thank you for the explanation that Mr Koke gave, there are other ways of approaching that and I think that's a big task for you. That's been in some {inaudible}. Obviously there are some ppl who are underpaid, some ppl who are correctly paid or average, some ppl are overpaid, and that's a big study to takeEven the VSun has said it's [municipal salaries/staff] overpaid.
tyvm [end 7:38]
Mayor: thank you Carolanne. Anyone else?
[ML made motion; Sop seconded]
ML: traditionally know ultimately support
mixed feelings re support, b/c of addn of item 2; articulates a commitment
undertake much of the work wd hv been undertaken in 2013 but is going to be taken in 2014
sustainabilityall want to be comfortable, confident we're running a most xxx and efficientand that taxpayers are getting value xxx
our CAO knows, looking fwd anxiously to see the deliverables
Sop: I too am going to support this to third reading
long-term fiscal sustainability review; not overnight, some take three to four years
NL: yes, this sets a v comprehensive of our long-term infrastructural needs
analysis of our operating expenses
will require a fair bit of time
review early fall, ongoing process; informing our 2015 budget, review of going forwardTP: hope with long term, incorporate the Task Force Report in 2006
accomplished quite a bit of it; issues and trends identified then, still the same
{yes, some of those task force mbrs have wondered when their recommendations wd be followed (and wch)}
2.92%, never been a big fan of zero; small increase, CPI; great step forward
{why not?}
really imp; have a 92% residential [tax base];
{NB: residents pay 92%; biz less than 8% of the taxes for our budget}
DNV it's 78%
no one keen to change that -- [don't want] more commercial and industrial
more innovative in a small cmnty
thank CAO Ms L for taking this on; confident positive things going fwd
MB: plsd taking this on; what we shd take onat this point we are deficient in replacing critical infrastructure and facilities
good accepted practice
going to support despite reduction, [no] support for website; stop using them and lose them
up to date and accurate info to our cmnty is critical
know it all adds up
mistake not to maintain it; dragging ppl to it all the time
other piece wd encourage
commend staff on the award re financial stmts
wd like to see more accessible info
how do we tell our story, financial stmts in a more 'understandable' way, accessible somehow around Cmnty engagementour strategic priorities basis of our work plans but wd like to see them further articulated
look fwd to monitoring as the xxx amt 80% of budget our employment
changes and numbers on a regular basis
CC: [7:47] cpl of concerns about the procedureinfrastructure, not just water and sewer, capital -- not been doing that; not been putting money away
one reason we have financial challenges; get District to right-size -- not far off
ev shd be expecting increase, inflation of CPI
wage costs seem to grow at a rate far higher than inflation otherwise we're in a dynamic
never allow us to catch up
we can keep getting more efficient [7:49]; can do xxx but till forced into shuttering
ultimately that's the dynamic we're in
collective agreemts, long-term only achieved if wage gains mirror inflation
dynamic will never lead to a sustainable future
in addn to a plan, hope somehow measures to bring our wage increases to a more sustainable level
NG: as some staff know already, my pet peeve, our cmnty values, natural environmentlook at the budget and laid out, envtal protection and services not..... v little money on it
understand from staff a lot of those dollars hidden
spread out in future how many...two zeros in a row; not v smart having increase in an election year; have the gumptionafter review ---- in other local jurisdictions
in DNV geog and popn
if {assessment} $1M in DNV last year $2370 in prop tax, in here $1,688, and in Sq $4,742
{well, put in context -- our houses assessed at many millions whereas in Sq v few even at $1M}
how can you afford to live there? [7:53]
we taxpayers get the best deal in the Lower Mainland
1. Proposed ׃ Year Financial Plan Bylaw 4780, 2014, be read a second and third time; and
2. Staff report back to Ccl, no later than Mar 31, w/ a report articulating specific deliverables and timelines related to the proposed Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability Review and Plan; and that thereafter staff provide Ccl with updates on the progress and direction of the Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability Review and Plan by way of quarterly Council Reports over the duration of the project.
7. Rezoning/Devt Permit Applicn No. 13-018 for 870/876 Keith Rd (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) Appendix H
LBerg: presentation, SLIDES
when I walked in and saw house packed, my heard did a little flutter!
{&&& see slides and listen!}
not a transfer of density
summary of open house and DRC
keep Parcel 3 looking as a cohesive pkg, maintained
tweak planning, improvements to Ev Dr entrance and better signing
public info mtg Jan 19; 20 ppl
heard in general not opposed to density transfer; comments primarily focused on future rezoning applicns
ask for addl, elsewhere on the lands
offsite works
how project being built out; roundabout construction
when initially approved in 2006 and 7
did not require undergrounding as part of the pkg Ccl l agree to
from the ccl reports I found; staff advised Ccl of the cost and [owing] to being cost prohibitive did not insist
{CAC?} $2.5M secured has not been spent; set out for improvements, ped/cycling routes, public transp, and arts and culture
love or hate roundabout' hydro pole on the roundabout, right on the edge of the curb; engg staff working on repositioning
recomm to advance density consistent with xxx of Onni parcel
traffic impacts minimal
substantial in compliance with the zoning; yard setbacks
consistent with bldg permit guidelines
adjacent props
applicant in audience to answer
Sop: no bldg ht higher than one storey from Keith Rd looking south?
LB: height envelope not to be changed
will present as one-storey massing along Keith Rd
Sop: &&& xxx
LB: are considering coming in to have discussions about future devt options but not committed to any forms
looking at proceeding as they devp west to east; sgl fam dwellings
this stands independently and on own merit
Sop: Onni presented Dist with $3M; supposed to be work done at 11th and Keith
now not a consideration, residents above Keith Rd were expecting underground
when we do it's underground? why ev behind left as is and views treated with respect
Mayor: Ms Berg
Sokol: Ccl was considering Millennium at that time
staff report the Dist more than $3.8M in CAC fund , $2.5M as said, transp
that money has not been spent, in a reserve fund
{name of fund, pls?}
xxx for a nbrhd calming and believe Engg working with xxx
$1M offsite improvements storm water lines, TWay; other undergrounding
signif give to &&&, some spent, some in reserve fund
staff looks fwd to learning how Ccl wants spent
{so do residents!}
undergrounding $1.5M; understood nothing secured through devt
other ways of funding
other improvemts: Onni has done the duct work $1.5M orig but BC Hydro said wd cost an addl $800K
perhaps work with BC Hydro for funding but possibly $300K ????
NG: we shd be talking to nbrs on north b/c $800K will improve views, add to [value]
Mayor: xxx
NG: $Ms sitting in.... sitting
Sokol: most recent payment in Dec $1M; next year's budget
NG: next year talking about it
kids in Dundarave screaming about sidewalks; xxx
Mayor: xxx
NG: my first
Mayor: I counted two
NG: look up
lots of nice trees there, not one nice grass/tree
40% imp to 50% no roots there to hold all this together; any existing trees remaining?
LB: most of the site cleared
{ :-( }
replantings 5, 6, 7ft trees; Cclr G raising a good point re [8:11]
didn't do 1 and 2; &&& retention
{many ppl don't realize the valuable function trees play not just absorbing water but also retaining it, holding the soil, preventing erosion.}
Mayor: an engg issue
RF: no opinion at this time Engg and Planning staff
MB moved that:
1. Rezoning/Devt Permit Applicn for 870/876 Keith (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) advance in the applicn review process;
2. Staff bring fwd a proposed bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw and a proposed Devt Permit for Ccl consideration; and
3. Staff bring fwd proposed Master Plan and Master Devt Agreement amendments for Council consideration.
ML: 2nd
CC: the only thing
p9 re uplift and an add'l CAC will be determined. the only way if it is valued
behind a grove of trees
what they're getting is a great deal of units with views; hoping and expecting a CAC comes with this
no doubt this is a more valuable shift
LB: v good points and our land assessor will be providing
we'll provide info; negotiate with the applicant as a part of a bylaw package returned to Ccl
Mayor: carries unanimously
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
RECOMMENDED: be approved:
8.1. Proposed Devt Variance Permit Applicn No. 13-061 for 4850 Water Lane -- Schedule B
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClerk give notice that the proposed DVP for 4850 Water Lane to construct additions and a replacement deck onto an existing house, will be considered by Ccl at its meeting on March 10, 2014.
8.2. Appointments to Community Grants Committee and Design Review Committee
RECOMMENDED THAT: Cedric Burgers, Doug Butterworth, Keith Fenton, Augustine Hii, Carolyn Kennedy, Farouk Noormohamed, Donal OCallaghan, Paul Richards, Dimitri Samaridis, and Kim Smith,
be appointed to the DRC for the term ending Jan 31, 2015.
1. Ieva Cornford; Pattie Donnelly; Bryony Reid; and Coral Winfield be reappointed to the Cmnty Grants Cmte for a term ending June 30, 2015; and
2. Radmila Jones be appointed to the Community Grants Committee for a term ending June 30, 2015.
8.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24)(click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to January 24, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes West Vancouver Memorial Library Board December 11, 2013
(2) E. Lyman, January 15, 2014, regarding Benefit or diaster? [sic] (Wireless Cell Towers)
(3) A. Franks, Jan 22, re CD Zoning in WV: No Precedent for High Density such as Maison in Sgl Resid Nbrhds
(4) Preserve Sentinel Hill, Jan 23, re Broad Cmnty Support AGAINST Maison Devt (707 Keith Rd/825 Taylor Way):
Selection of Comments from Residents
Responses to Correspondence
(5) DirEngg, Jan 21, response to HUB NSh Cmte, Block Marine Drive Redevelopment Cycling Facilities
> Council Correspondence Update to January 31, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Jan 27, re Budget and the Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw #4780, 2014 Agenda of the Jan 27, Reg Ccl Mtg
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(2) WV Seniors Activity Centre Advisory Board, January 28, 2014, re Proposal WV Community Eco Centre
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) P. Ducommun, Jan 29, re Maison (Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith and Taylor Way - DPA No. 12-084)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Design Review Committee December 5 and December 12, 2013
(5) Hollyburn Heritage Society, Jan 20, 2014, re Hollyburn Heritage Society Annual Report to Council for 2013
(6) District of North Vancouver, January 22, 2014, regarding North Shore Food Charter
(7) P. Falls, Jan 24, re Fwd: my speech to council onjan 13, 2014 (Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith Road and Taylor Way)
(Previously received at January 13, 2014 Council meeting)
(8) S. Cook, January 24, 2014, regarding how can you possibly compare the city of NV fire dept and yours
(9) J. Mascall, January 24, 2014, regarding Keep west vancouver safe
(10) H. Levy, January 24, 2014, regarding Pls let me know your intentions re. INTERVENOR APPLICATION
(11) C. Ballantine, January 26, 2014, regarding Fw: West Vans stroad.
(12) E. Lyman, January 26, 2014, regarding Fwd: update 2014-01-25 Who knew? The Wireless Smart Meter Meltdown
(13) S. Hean, Jan 28, re FW: GE San Diego to Save More than a Quarter of a Million Dollars Annually with GE Smart Lighting Technology
(14) Howe Sound Community Forum, January 29, 2014, regarding Save the Date Summary of Jan. 14th Forum
(15) Vanc & Dist Labour Ccl, Jan 30, re MVA invitation letter and poster for Mar 19 (MetroV Alliance Founding Assembly, Mar 19, '14)
(16) P. Hundal, January 30, 2014, regarding Concerns about Klee Wyck in light of the 1528 Argyle controversy
(17) BC Coalition of People with Disabilities (BCCPD), January 31, 2014, regarding
Youre invited to BCCPDs Swing Into Spring! (April 9, 2014 Fundraising Event)
(18) West Vancouver Masonic Hall Society, January 30, 2014, regarding Sale of Masonic Hall
(19) 13 submissions, undated to Jan 27, re Millikens Proposed Devt (Previously received at Jan 27 Council meeting)
(20) C. Loat, Jan 27, 192 pages of emails and signed forms from 𣾁 voters, re Millikens Proposed Devt
(Previously received at January 27, 2014 Council meeting)
(21) 2 submissions, dated Jan 17 26, re 1384 Burnside Rd (Environmental Devt Permit Application No. 13-050)
(Previously received at January 27, 2014 Council meeting)
> Council Correspondence Update to February 4, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Gosney, Jan 25, 2014, re Proposed Transit Referendum
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) i2i Intergenerational Society of Canada, Jan 31, re Request letter of support: Intergen'l Day Canada June 1st 2014 (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(3) D. Lam, Jan 31, re Seahawks flag
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(4) Feb 3, re Budget decision 2014 municipal taxes/utilities impact home ownership affordability/fiscal sustainability
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) Govt Financial Officers Association (GFOA) , Jan 10, 2014, re Canadian Award for Financial Reporting Achievement
{The award is for "clarity".}
Responses to Correspondence
(6) Director of Parks and Community Services, February 3, 2014, response to D. Lam, Seahawks flag.
Mayor: asked for 9.1 letter about the Firefighters charity
raised $160K since xxx; charitable society good work, congrats
next, Food Charter, Cclr Booth
MB: asked for this; have a mtg with the NSh Congress next week, reviewing and looking at future
DNV passed a resoln endorsing a report from this xxx
Mooi: preparing, bring back after spring break
10. Public Questions/Comments [8:17]
Peter Miller: As you know, I hope you know, I'm Prez of the NSh Heritage Preservation Society.
Following up on Carolanne's mention
{At the Feb 3rd ccl mtg, I'd spoken about Heritage and Heritage Week coming....}
about Heritage Wk being this week to announce that we will be having a fayre at the WV Cmnty Ctr atrium, and there'll be a whole group of local orgs putting on displays and little events for entertaining of chn and education of their parents about the importance of the environment, animals, and in our case, heritage buildings, so that's from 11 till 2
{whoops it's from 2 - 4pm, wch I say when I speak}
on the Saturday
Just wanted to say thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Binning House
we as a Society were encouraged that there's a positive response and that there may be support for the maintenance of the bldg when other things fall into place
I personally, I read Cclr Sop's comment's in the NSN and I was v encouraged and I wd like to just follow those up our concern about loss of heritage in our cmnty by urging you to consider re-establishing our HAC, our Heritage Adv Commission, that was disbanded some time ago.
I am involved, as you know, with the whole of the waterfront from the District, the City, and West Vancouver; and the District and the City of NV's HACs are busy and do, I think, a valuable job and I wd like to, as I say, urge you to discuss re-establishing one in the District of WV
Mayor: one thing you might want to do, sir, along that line, maybe ask Ms Leemhuis wch staff mbr wd be appropriate, but I think it wd be helpful for Ccl if we understood what the difference [is] between your heritage society and the HAC.
What wd be the advantage of one vs the other.
{My jaw was on the floor.
Not only did I mention reviving a heritage body before and during the election three years ago, but also I've urged that several times since -- even at the last ccl mtg (Feb 3)!
Astounding to hear the Mayor had no idea what a HAC was let alone that it was a govtal body, quite different from citizen groups of wch there are many. There used to be a staff mbr specifically for heritage (now it's just part of Planning).
Why wd he not have asked before?
FYI, the five heritage categories are palaeontology, archaeology, architectural, historical/cultural, and 'scenic' (environmental).
Peter Miller's, as he says, is concerned with all three Ms. The WV Historical Society, obviously, concentrates on history, but there are others such as the Hollyburn Heritage Society and Heritage West Van.
Didn't want to jiggle the apple cart during Heritage Wk but will try to explain later.
Can't help thinking that no suggestion/response when a woman brought it up but when a man did, a recommendation was made.
As many know, a M cmte has staff and can prepare bylaws wch can include enforcement, and be pro-active in recognition, protection, and preservation. For Ccl approval. A citizen group is outside govt. Many present their annual reports to Ccl, come as a delegation, ask questions/make suggestions at PQP -- all informal. (Planning is working on a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA).)
Let's hope this is a turning point and heritage will be given the attention it deserves.}
PM: I'll send you a letter
{he has}
Mayor: perfect; okay; thanks for coming. Carolanne Reynolds
CR starts by reading out her haiku/maiku re Canada):
Our four-legged table
First Nations, French, British, and
the rest of the world
that's our heritage
and as you know I chair Heritage West Van and I'm v excited -- don't have the flyer ready; wasn't ...
here is the poster; some for the M, have given some to the Library, for Museum and whatever
there are lots of events going on
Wed night the envtal sustainability speaker at the Old Growth Conservancy Society
{the DWV staff person in charge, Sandra Bicego}
there's a walk on Thursday; a cream tea with a choir at the Srs' Ctr on Friday
As Peter Miller mentioned, there's a [heritage] fayre -- the time actually is 2pm to 4pm on Saturday at the Cmnty Ctr
lots of displays, his group will have a display there
Invasive Plants [WG] is going to have a display too b/c I'm encouraging them to promote heritage plants
the BC Binning house -- we're hoping to have a display on that
The big star, b/c the theme this year is Heritage Afloat, is the Royal Cdn Marine Search and Rescue; they'll be there
so will Sewell's
and so will be lots of our cmnty's heritage companies
WV Florist, and the restaurants will be involved -- French and British and local food
haven't finished the flyer, late as usual; but lots of things going on; hope to get the flyers distributed
and I'm pleased the Mayor has offered to have some remarks about WV heritage, about 3 o'clock on Sat afternoon.
and then there's a walk in Lighthouse Park on Sunday
I have so, more information here
{draft flyers in hand}
if you wd like to say [something], Mr Mayor I'd be pleased
Mayor: well, I'm hoping to get your notes before 3 o'clock on Saturday
CR: if anybody has any questions...
it's been going on for over 30 years, and so what I wd like to suggest b/c ppl seem to forget about it, and it is quite a rush after the holidays, l wd suggest that WV, with the Museum, have a special exhibit[ion] next year
{Blush. My mistake. Shd hv put [sic] but filled in the word instead. Darrin Morrison clarified for me that exhibits are pieces in an exhibition. I slipped and shd hv said an exhibition. Will try to remember for next time, Darrin! }
[during Heritage Week wch starts] always on the third Monday in February,
b/c when I was on Ccl we had, got, a gift of about 100 Norris cartoons and they're all about WV
How much fun that wd be to have an exhibit during heritage week of Norris cartoons, all about West Van
Mayor: it's a good idea
CR, holding up the Heritage Wk poster from Heritage BC: there's what it looks like
Mayor: thank you [8:24]
MB: WV Youth Band's fundraiser at Centennial Theatre, Feb 22; I'd be remiss if I didn't say that
Mayor: you forgot to mention that I'll be saying a few words on their behalf
MB: there you go
Mayor: being a former French horn player in the WV Boys' and Girls' Band as it was known then
11. Adjournment
{CR gave the Mayor several copies of the Heritage Week / Heritage Afloat poster of the SS Sicamous for the M.}
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose;
(j) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;
(k) negotiations and related discussions re the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that,
in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of mtg: personnel; labour/employee relations; land; legal; business interests of a third party; and proposed provision of a municipal service.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
Note: At 7pm the Public Hearing will commence in the Council Chamber. The regular Council meeting will commence in the Council Chamber immediately following the Public Hearing for consideration of the scheduled agenda items.
7:00 PM
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 (Marine Zones 1, 2 and 3)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver
Subject Lands: Marine Zones land (Marine Zones 1, 2, and 3). Zone 1 lands extend 1000ft from the waterfront lot line.
Purpose: would allow for foreshore enhancement and shoreline protection works, including associated landscaping, pedestrian walkways, and intertidal habitat enhancement, as permitted uses in the Marine Zones.
Proposed Amendment: If adopted, wd amend the Marine Zones (1, 2 and 3) to add the following permitted uses:
shoreline protection works and structures including breakwaters, berms, reefs, tombolas, and islets constructed of rock, boulders, cobbles, gravels, sand, or other soil materials, but not including steel, concrete, or masonry structures, gabions, groynes, or revetments;
landscaping and pedestrian walkways provided in connection with shoreline protection works and structures; and
salt marshes and similar intertidal habitat enhancements not involving structures.
Mayor Smith will describe the procedure for the Public Hearing
1) Reports received up to and including February 27, 2014:
2) Written submissions received up to and including February 27, 2014:
Feb 3 Ccl set PH date. The statutory notice [was given]. The MClk will note written submissions rec'd for the Mar 10 PH.
# |
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment to the Permitted Uses in the Marine Zones |
January 14, 2014 |
February 3, 2014/ March 10, 2014 |
R-1 |
Map of Marine Zones for Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 |
February 19, 2014 |
March 10, 2014 |
R-2 |
Mayor Smith will call for public input.
If there is no further public input and Council does not request a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received and that the Public Hearing be closed.
If Council requests a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: staff report back to Ccl and the PH be adjourned to ___________________. (date, time, and location)
Members of Council are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.
*Note: The Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH.
* 7:00 PM
Following conclusion of the Public Hearing the following items will be considered.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2014 special and regular Council meetings.
4. British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals West Vancouver Branch regarding Ambleside Animal Shelter and Operating and Advocacy Priorities (File: 0055-20-SPCA1)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided; received for information, with thanks.
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
6. Proposed Amendment to Development Permit No. 02-020 for Seascapes Development
If the CAC was $70K for a trail, then giving the money back b/c steep does not make sense.
The devt was upzoned, no? Cmnty shd keep the $$$ and apply it to something else. Is something missing?
Feb 3 Council received the report dated Jan 14, 2014 and set the date for consideration for March 10, 2014.
Reports received up to and including February 27, 2014:
# |
Proposed Amendment to Development Permit No. 02-020 for Seascapes Development |
January 14, 2014 |
February 3, 2014/ March 10, 2014 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including February 27, 2014:
# |
Seascape Council |
February 20, 2014 |
March 10, 2014 |
C-1 |
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed Amendment wch wd remove the condition requiring a pedestrian trail to be constructed, be approved.
7. Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 13-061 for 4850 Water Lane (File: 1010-20-13-061)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Feb 17, Council received the report dated January 27 and set the date for consideration for March 10, 2014.
Reports received up to and including February 27, 2014:
Written Submissions received up to and including February 27, 2014:
# |
Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 13-061 for 4850 Water Lane |
January 27, 2014 |
February 17, 2014/ March 10, 2014 |
R-1 |
Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 13-061 for 4850 Water Lane |
January 27, 2014 |
February 17, 2014/ March 10, 2014 |
R-1 |
# |
None to date. |
RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
If Council wishes a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council
RECOMMENDED: THAT the DVP wch wd allow for the construction of additions and a replacement deck onto an existing house, be approved.
8. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 (regarding amendment to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine Drive)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 be read a first time;
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 be presented at a PH scheduled for Mar 31, 2014 at 7pm in the MHall Ccl Chamber, and that the MClerk give notice of the scheduled Public Hearing;
Pending the outcome of Council's consideration of the proposed amending bylaw, the District temporarily not enforce section 632.01 of the Zoning Bylaw in relation to the use of land for the commercial premises located at 1763 and 1767 Marine Dr for any of the uses that wd be permitted by the proposed Amendment.
9. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 (Marine Zones 1, 2 and 3)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Feb 3, 2014 reg Ccl mtg, and was the subject of a PH held on Mar 10, 2014. If the PH has closed, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw, and may consider second and third reading of the proposed bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: THAT be read a second time. RECOMMENDED: THAT be read a third time.
10. Proposed 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4780)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Jan 27 reg Ccl mtg and second and third reading at the Feb 17 Ccl mtg.
RECOMMENDED: be adopted.
11. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
11.1. Amendment to 2014 Acting Mayor Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2014 Acting Mayor Schedule be amended to schedule
Cclr Soprovich as Acting Mayor for March 15 to March 25, 2014 to replace Cclr Cameron.
11.2. 2013 North Shore Emergency Management Office Annual Report -- RECOMMENDED: be rec'd for info.
11.3. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for January, 2014 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated February 17, 2014, be received for information.
11.4. Applicn for Licence to Occupy for Installation of a Rain Gauge and Equipment on the Roof of MHall
1. The Applicn dated Sept 30/13 by the GreaterVanc Sewerage/Drainage Dist for a Licence to Occupy for the installation of a rain gauge, radio telemetry unit, related display eqpmt, and antenna on the MHall roof be approved; and that
2. The Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to execute the application.
11.5. Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-003 for the renovation of 1340 Marine Dr (Grosvenor Presentation Ctr)
1. The MClk give notice that proposed DP, wch wd regulate the form and character of proposed renovations for a real estate sales centre, will be considered at the meeting of Council on Monday, March 31, 2014.
2. Concurrent with consideration of proposed DP, Ccl consider a licence to occupy, in the general form attached as Appendix B to the report dated Feb 11, 2014, to permit the encroachment of a new weather protection overhang over the municipal road right of way (sidewalk).
11.6. NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues Review of 2013 Cmte Work & 2014 Work Plan and Budget Request
The North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues 2014 Work Plan be approved; and
The budget request for a one third share ($4,767) of the total budget ($14,300) be approved utilizing existing funds within the Grants in Aid budget.
11.7. TransLink Customer Service Performance Quarter 4, 2013
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated Feb 14, 2014 from the Transit Mgr be received for information.
11.8. Active Development Applications Status List (to February 7, 2014)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Active Devt Applicns Status list to Feb 7, 2014 be received for information.
11.9. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to February 7, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) C. Gravelle, M.P., February 6, 2014, regarding National Dementia Strategy: Municipal Resolution and C-356
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) P. Nevison, February 5, 2014, regarding Permission to construct a new driveway crossing and driveway to access our 4 lots for the purpose of vehicular access to our subject properties legally known as [...], 5907 5915 5921 & 5929 Marine Dr
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for response)
Received for Information
(3) R. Peterson, January 30, 2014, regarding Memorial for Tim Jones.
(4) M. Helcermanas-Benge, February 3, 2014, regarding Re: industrialization of Howe Sound
(5) K. Higgs, Feb 4, 2014, regarding Heres One Smart Way to Handle Big-Box Stores | Institute for Local Self-Reliance
(6) WV Fire Fighters Charitable Society, Feb 5, 2014, re WV Fire Fighters Charitable Soc 2013 Summary of Activities
(7) Howe Sound Community Forum, February 6, 2014, regarding Feb. 21 Webinar Registration
> Council Correspondence Update to February 14, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) H. Morrison, February 10, 2014 regarding Parking (Proposed Centre for Art, Architecture and Design)
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) Simon Fraser University, February 11, 2014, regarding Getting to Groundbreaking (Housing Study Request)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) A. Lepiarczyk, Feb 13, 2014, re Accountability of the District (Blasting and Excavation Permit 70 Morven Dr) (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Cmnty Grants Committee October 11 and November 8, 2013;
Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte December 12, 2013 and January 16, 2014
(5) Lower Mainland Local Govt Assn (LMLGA), February 7, 2014, regarding Call for Nominations for LMLGA Executive
(6) BC Coalition of Ppl with Disabilities (BCCPD), Feb 13, 2014, re Join CBCs Stephen Quinn at BCCPD's fundraiser
(7) A. McFarlane, February 13, 2014, re The White Spot? (Park Royal Traffic and Access to the WestRoyal)
(8) Vancouver Coastal Health, February 14, 2014, regarding North Shore Table Matters Network News & Updates
> Council Correspondence Update to February 21, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District, February 3, 2014, regarding BC Ferries Service Cuts
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) L. Alexander for J. Alexander and L. Williams, Feb 18, 2014, re Marjorie Williams, wife of Allan Williams, turns 90 (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(3) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), Feb 18, 2014, re 1528 Argyle Avenue (Godfreys House) (Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(4) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), Feb 18, 2014, re Park Royal Development proposal
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(5) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), Feb 18, 2014, regarding Upper Lands development
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(6) Seascape Council, February 20, 2014, re FW: Seascapes Devt Agenda item for March 10, 2014 council meeting (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(7) Commercial Real Estate Devt Assn (NAIOP), Feb 11, 2014, re NAIOP Vancouver 2013 Municipal Report Card
(8) Howe Sound Cmnty Forum, Feb 16, 2014, re Webinar Registration Vision and Values Workshop Save the Date
(9) Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure, Feb 17, 2014, re BC MoT Nelson Crk Bridge Project Information Package
(10) Hon. J. Guichon, Lt Gov of BC, Feb 17, re New Prog to Promote Music and Cmnty Spirit Across the Province (Sing Me A Song)
(11) M. Craver, February 17, 2014, regarding The economic future looks bare for B.C.s ski resorts -- A viable solution
(12) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association (ADRA), February 18, 2014, regarding invitation
(Annual General Meeting of the Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association, April 5, 2014)
(13) Early Childhood Educators of BC and Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC, undated, re Appreciation for Support ($10 A Day Child Care Plan in BC)
(14) G. and E. Del Vicario, Feb 19, 2014, re Proposed Milliken Boutique Memory Care at Keith Road and Taylor Way
(15) M. Carter, February 19, 2014, regarding Park Royal Development Proposal
(16) K. and R. Wiewel, February 20, 2014, regarding Traffic (Proposed Park Royal Development)
Responses to Correspondence
(17) Dir/Parks, Feb 17, 2014, response to WV Srs Activity Ctr Adv Board, Proposal WVCommunity Eco Centre
> Council Correspondence Update to February 25, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes West Vancouver Memorial Library Board January 22, 2014
(2) BC Green Party, February 13, 2014, regarding Issues Facing West Vancouver
(3) Sea to Sky Clean Air Society, February 18, 2014, regarding Follow Up to Feb. 3rd Air Quality Presentation
(4) NSh Heritage Preservation Society, Feb 20, 2014, re Request to Reinstate the WV Heritage Adv Cmte (HAC)
(5) P. Hundal, February 22, 2014, re West Vancouver Police Recommendation to maintain a municipal force (6) HUB NSh Cmte, February 25, 2014, regarding Fwd: [HUB-NShore] North Van City Council Approves AAA Network
=== ANIMALWATCH === UK Dog Show
Dogs and their owners arrive to attend the first day of Crufts dog show at the NEC on March 6, 2014 in Birmingham, England. Said to be the largest show of its kind in the world, the annual four-day event, features thousands of dogs, with competitors travelling from countries across the globe to take part. Crufts, which was first held in 1891, sees thousands of dogs vie for the coveted title of 'Best in Show'.
=== INFObits ===
+ 116 years young!
Today we wish a very happy 116th birthday to Misao Okawa who was born in Japan on March 5, 1898, making her the worlds oldest person. http://earthsky.org/human-world/happy-birthday-misao-okawa-worlds-oldest-person
+ International Women's Day -- Saturday March 8
Celebrated annually on 8 March, the 2014 theme for Int'l Womens Day is: Equality for women is progress for all.
This year, International Women's Day was commemorated at UN headquarters in New York on 7 March, on the eve of the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, (10-21 March).
Participants included: Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General; John W. Ashe, President of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly; Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former United States Secretary of State, U.S. Senator; Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women; and Andrea Nunez, Vice President of the World YWCA Board, among other dignitaries.
The event was webcast live from noon - 1 p.m. EST.:
- See more at: http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/international-womens-day#sthash.i79WC4kw.dpuf
+ Newsbit Feb 21 re Mid East ping pong:
Outlining the Palestinian positions, Ashrawi said recognition of Israel as a Jewish state is a non-starter. She noted that the PLO [had] already recognized the state of Israel in 1993 and alleged that Netanyahu manufactured the new demand about the Jewish state to create another bargaining chip in negotiations.
{Note: Hanan Ashrawi, legislator and scholar, is a Christian with an American PhD}
=== MathWATCH === a pi plate {from the VSun}
Resident Geek asks:
Can you spot the error?
Celebrate Pi Day
March 14!
+ The British Monarchy is on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/TheBritishMonarchy
+ Prince Harry launched the Invictus Games today, an international sporting event to support wounded and sick servicemen and women
See video http://bit.ly/1cFhTbs
=== FISHWATCH === Alexandra Morton
My personal fight to protect life in the waters around my home in a remote archipelago of the BC coast has stretched on for several decades. What began as a letter-writing campaign on behalf of fishermen neighbours (who lost their fishing grounds as a result of fish farm industry activity), became ten years of sea lice research, then a decade of activism, involvement in lawsuits, and virus tracking.
Today, I am excited to be launching a website that brings together all that I have learned into one site. I hope to educate and inform people on what happens to their bodies, our children and our world, when they buy and consume a piece of farmed salmon. I also want to let you know what you can do to protect yourselves and our oceans.
I am writing to ask for your help. Please click on site www.alexandramorton.ca. By doing so, you will help build a strong pathway to this website through the ether-world of the internet.
=== BOOKWATCH === The Orenda -- OPINION
The Orenda faces tough criticism from First Nations scholar
Canada Reads winning novel by Joseph Boyden perpetuates stereotypes, says Hayden King
by Hayden King, special to, CBC News Posted: Mar 07, 2014 11:22 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 07, 2014 12:15 PM ET
I wanted to like Joseph Boydens The Orenda. Ive been a fan of Boydens work. Three Day Road, Born With a Tooth, and Through Black Spruce all had compelling themes of redemption amid loss.
Moreover, the advanced reviews proclaimed The Orenda a masterpiece, Quill & Quire calling the book a magnificent literary beast. So I was eager to read and happy to get an advanced copy from the publisher.
Within the first few of the nearly 500 pages, it was clear why it was receiving the glowing reviews. But it was also clear I wouldnt like the book.
A comforting narrative for Canadians
The Orenda is a comforting narrative for Canadians about the emergence of Canada: Indian savages, do-good Jesuits, and the inevitability (even desirability) of colonization.
Boyden is one of 11 children, educated by Jesuits, and now lives in New Orleans.
Find out more when interviewed by Peter Mansbridge on CBC ####not up yet?
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
Don't forget to subscribe to our enewsletter for ongoing events and news of interest to the heritage conservation community in BC. Better yet, become a Heritage BC Member and receive the Heritage BC Quarterly in the mail. Subscribe: http://www.heritagebc.ca/update
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Contact: Ph 922 4400; write heritage@westvan.org urge more support for heritage in WV.
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
This has been put on before and no doubt will be again,so fyi:
Evening at the Marine Building Penthouse -- 5:30 to 8:00pm Wednesday March 12
Tickets: SOLD OUT $100 donation to Heritage Vancouver Includes wine and hors doeuvres reception
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/special-projects/sunday-morning-at-hinge-park/
MARCH 23 -- Sunday Morning at Hinge Park
A Delicious Pairing of Vancouver Coffee Culture, History, and Landscape Architectural Design
=== Haiku Invitational === March 1 June 2
Details were in the last issue; For more info: http://www.vcbf.ca/community-event/haiku-invitational
=== MAIKU ===
Ah, Canadians / table with four legs / First Nations, French, Brits, -- and world!
quotations thoughts puns
Our lives are like islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest. The maple and the pine may whisper to each other with their leaves ... But the trees also commingle their roots in the darkness underground, and the islands also hang together through the ocean's bottom.
-- William James, psychologist and philosopher (1842-1910)
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. -- Socrates
What luck for rulers that men don't think. -- Adolf Hitler
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. -- Mark Twain
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. -- Zsa Zsa Gabor
When old story tellers die they are mythed.
Termites in the orchestra pit can lead to digestive harp failure.