= Apr 7 Ccl Mtg Agenda MAIN ITEMS: Delegation re NSh Chn's Charter of Rights; EcoUrbia/Cmnty eco-ctr at Klee Wyck; WVSecSch track and artificial turf field; estmt of a Public Art Adv cmte; Ferry Bldg Cmnty Gallery Improvements; Rezoning/DP for Parcel 3 of Evelyn/Onni (set PH); Road Closure near Mulgrave; PSB; Bd of VARIANCE; Correspondence: 4710 South Piccadilly (what heritage conservation?)
= YOUR OPINION? INFO / FEEDBACK: Upper Lands [above 1200ft?]; M Elections [increase to four years?]
= Vive le Canada (Volunteers; Flaherty); from the EDITOR'S DESK (CEC, CACs); WVPD (Mar 27 bd mtg); WV News Bites (lots!); UPDATES & INFO (Pets, Lighthouse Festival, GCC)
= CALENDAR to ~Apr 20: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Opera; Choirs); NATURE: Walk
= HEADSUP 05A: Ccl Mar 31; Land Purchase $16.07M; NOTICE: Apr 7 Agenda
05B: Apr 7 Ccl Mtg Summary; NOTICE: Vimy Ridge; 05C: Flaherty, Mtgs, Culturewatch; 05C+: Maison Milliken PH
= CCL NOTES Mar 31: Public Hearing: 1763/65/67 Marine (expanded commercial use)
Reg Ccl Mtg: Dundarave Festival of Lights; Grosv Ctr Reno Permit 1340 Marine; Eco-Ctr at Klee Wyck; Maison Milliken; Correspondence: videos of ccl mtgs (where's Jan 17?), no CEC mtg?, Heritage Body?, Upper Lands, 4710 Piccadilly (Lower Caulfeild); amalgamation; Seascapes trail, destruction of 1528 Argyle house/garden (and) 'response', ADRA queries, Ccl minutes correction/clarification (Feb 3, 17), "stroad", Masonic Hall site
= CCL AGENDA Apr 7: PH and Reg Ccl Mtg
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOUR OPINION?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ UPPER LANDS WG Next mtg 6pm Tu Apr 15 at Srs' Ctr Some background/factors in last issue (WVM05)
~ CIVIC ELECTION/TERMS Are you in favour of municipal terms being extended to four years?
The Prov is about to bring in legislation, recommended by the UBCM. No surprise foxes wd recommend letting them stay in the henhouse longer. More vigilance required by voters/farmers. Keep it at three through petition? Referendum during November's election? Let MLA Ralph Sultan know your views. Ask how we can affect the prov's decision.
== Vive le CANADA === honouring volunteers and Jim Flaherty
+ PM's Statement re National Volunteer Week Apr 6 - 12
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize and pay tribute to all volunteers for their selflessness and the exceptional contributions that they make to Canadian communities across the country.
Every year, more than 13 million Canadians volunteer their time, energy, and skills to ...
In recognition of the volunteers across Canada, our Govt created the Prime Ministers Volunteer Awards (PMVA), a program aimed at recognizing volunteers across the nation and inspiring Canadians from all walks of life to find new ways of making a difference in their communities. The third PMVA call for nominations is presently open until May 9, 2014.
During this National Volunteer Week, I invite all Canadians to join me in thanking our volunteers for their tremendous contributions to our great country. I also encourage Canadians to get involved in volunteerism, whether they invest their time and talents in their community or in an organization in need of passionate volunteers.¯
From the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)
+ Shocking/Sad passing of former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty {see INFObits also}
Our MP, John Weston, has released a statement and welcomes those wishing to share their thoughts with Jim's family. A book of condolences for you to sign will be available in his office (Ste 21- 285 17th St). Website: http://www.johnweston.ca
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
™£ Sorry to lose two leprechauns in a week! Mickey Rooney and Jim Flaherty. Quite an achievement for a politician to receive accolades from all parties.
™£ Holy Week is a time for reflection. [Vaisakhi, Passover,] Easter to bring us hope and a new beginning? Happy Easter!
™£ The CEC had not met for a year; good restart Apr 14 so subcmte to review policies.
™£ Pistorius -- No way do I think Reeva didn't flee to the bathroom and lock it afraid of Oscar b/c of a fight and being afraid of Oscar. What couple locks the bathroom door when home alone? and who wd take a cell phone there. He said he told her to call 911 b/c of a burglar but my bet is that she was calling for help for herself. So sad.
™£ Some time ago Ccl said they'd discuss CACs at a Cmte of the Whole. No CotW mtgs for months, CAC calcs still mystify many.
=== WVPD ===
Pls see our correspondent's report (+ full public package) re Mar 27 bd mtg: http://orangehazmat.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/wvpb/ Highlights: swearing in of two new board mbrs; three officers receive the Chief's Commendations.
> March 17
No wasted effort -- According to the latest data collected at the end of 2013, ~2/3 of residents are now using Green Cans to divert food scraps. As a result of the recent collection service adjustments, garbage volumes have decreased by more than 30%, and our garbage diversion has increased more than 10%, from 58.2 % in 2011 (before the Green Can) to 68.5% in 2013. We have nearly reached our regional target of 70% garbage diversion!
Housing matters -- The Housing and Nbrhds Fair took place in the WV Cmnty Ctr atrium on Feb 24 and Mar 1. Staff presented information about and sought public input on four District initiatives: Coach Houses, Purpose-Built Rental Housing, Housing Bulk, and Heritage Conservation. The fair was very well-attended and input is still being received via printed questionnaires and online.
Lands and species together -- The Upper Lands WG and the Invasive Species WG both held successful open houses and workshops in February. Attendance was strong and great feedback was and is still being collected online.
Foreshore for sure -- District staff met with the Shoreline Preservation Society and are linking the Districts 2014 foreshore work the existing Shoreline Protection Plan. Key works include sub-tidal reefing at Marr Creek and Navvy Jack as well as a funded, collaborative project with Streamkeepers to enhance [the] MacDonald Creek mouth to ensure greater access for salmon through more tidal ranges.
Sandra speaks -- The Old Growth Conservancy Society hosted its AGM on Feb 19. The Districts Mgr of Environment and Sustainability, Sandra Bicego, was the keynote speaker.
On the slope -- Work to stabilize the slope at the foot of 29th Street was completed last week. It was recommended for safety concerns in a 2013 geotechnical report that reviewed the deteriorating staircase access to the beach. The work included building a nine-foot-high rock wall across the [toe] of the slope above the high-water line.
Mental health for youth -- Staff from [the] School District, Vancouver Coastal Health, and [the] Ministry for Chn and Family Devt have put together a tentative outline for the Youth Mental Health Forum to be held later this spring. The forum will focus on reducing the stigma of mental health, talking about the mental health continuum, and available resources.
Skate session
Staff are working collaboratively with mbrs of the skateboard cmnty to undertake a cmnty input session in April on upgrading the Ambleside Skateboard Park. This input session is set for April 8, at the Lawn Bowling Club from 6 - 8pm.
Two new staff mbrs in the Planning Dept. Chris Bishop is the new Devt Planning Mgr and David Hawkins is the new Sr Cmnty Planner {he has been assigned to the ULWG}.
> April 10
The bus stops here -- A new cmnty shuttle service began April 5, with 51 new stops on the 251 and 252 routes between Dundarave and Park Royal. Frequency to downtown on the 250A increased to every 7.5 minutes during peak periods. This improvement in service levels should alleviate some overcrowding issues.
Park it -- Construction has begun on the waterfront park at the 1500blk of Argyle Ave and is anticipated to be complete in mid-June.
The homeless count -- The NSh Homelessness Task Force oversaw the 2014 Homeless Count on March 11 and 12. Results will be available later this spring. Homeless individuals in WV were counted, with volunteers starting in Horseshoe Bay on March 12 and finishing at the Ambleside Youth Centre that afternoon, where there was a special youth event organized to connect with homeless youth.
Rentals and coaches -- Staff are reviewing cmnty input on ways to protect existing rental housing and encourage construction of new rental units and will report to Council on April 28. On May 5, staff will report on the public input received on proposed coach house policies, regulations, and guidelines and will present draft implementation bylaws for Council information.
Mark it: the market -- The 2014 Ambleside Farmers Market starts up again next month in the 1500blk of Bellevue Ave between 15th and 16th Streets. From 10am to 3pm each Sunday, the market will feature fresh locally harvested produce, sustainably raised meat, fish, artisan cheese, breads, baked goods, handcrafted wares, and childrens activities. Visit artisanmarkets.ca.
Granted to the museum -- The WV Museum has received a $19,000 grant from the BC Arts Councils new Special Project Assistance “ Innovations program. The funds will support the creation of a dynamic temporary environment at the Harmony Arts Festival in August. It will be designed by WVs Matthew Soules, who teaches at the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at UBC. Soules is the brainchild behind such innovative and popular temporary urban environments such as the pop rocks¯ seating and streetscape on Robson Street in Vancouver.
Shoring up -- An internal staff team will meet April 17 to identify and map areas of concern along the WV shoreline and to begin discussions toward addressing the impacts of storm surges, flooding, and predicted sea level rise. Everyone is welcome to attend a Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer Webinar on April 22 from noon to 1:30pm in the M Hall. The webinar document can be viewed
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
Want your pet's photo in a Calendar? Contest runs March 18 through April 18.
See: http://support.spca.bc.ca/site/TR/Events/AnimalLoversCalendarContest?fr_id=1360&pg=tgreeting
+ Lighthouse Festival
~ 11am - 5pm ~ weekday performances PkR South -- April 8 - 17
The WV School Districts Creative and Performing Arts Showcase, Lighthouse Festival, is coming back to PkR. Join us in celebrating the amazing work of Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and staff. There will be displays by visual arts, textiles, and photography students. Also, weekdays from April 9 “ 16, you can enjoy performances by theatre and dance students, musical performances, and fashion shows by textiles students.
Click HERE http://shopparkroyal.com/sites/default/files/Lighthouse%202014%20Performance%20Schedule.png for full schedule
+ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr info: http://westvancouver.ca/parks-recreation/community-centres/gleneagles-community-centre
=== CALENDAR to ~April 20th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup/Notice section; not repeated here.}
HOLIDAYS/Celebrations: VAISAKHI PARADE Sat April 19; PASSOVER [PESACH]: Monday April 14 to Sunday April 21
EASTER: Holy Wk starts Palm Sunday, Apr 13; Good Friday Apr 18, Easter Sunday Apr 20, Easter Monday Apr 21 (MHall closed)
= Monday Apr 14
~ 4:30pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte -- first mtg since May last year! {See Headsup 05C}
= Tuesday Apr 15
~ 6pm ~ Upper Lands WG mtg at Srs' Ctr
= Wednesday Apr 16
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance -- Info: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/boards/board-variance
~ 8pm ~ Public Mtg and Public Hearing re Maison Milliken
= Friday Apr 18
~ 8am - noon ~ Southern Straits Yacht Race -- See: http://www.wvyc.ca/southernstraits
The WV Yacht Club is hosting the 46th Annual Race. Come down to Dundarave Beach, enjoy pancake breakfast provided by the Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club, listen to the WV Pops Band perform, and cheer on the race participants as they begin the race.
= Saturday Apr 19
~ 11am - noon ~ Easter in Dundarave -- Dundarave Village is hosting its annual Easter Egg hunt. Come join the fun as over 18,000 Easter eggs will be handed out. Children will be provided with a ticket for the the ever- popular plush bunny give-a-way. Go to dundaravevillage.ca for more information.
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca 925 7400
See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
> Tuesday 10:30am April 15
Bard at the Library -- Bard on the Beach Artistic Director, Christopher Gaze presents a sneak preview of this years plays, including A Midsummer Night™s Dream, The Tempest, Equivocation, and Cymbeline.
Info: visit or call the Info Desk 925 7403; see: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/bard-library#sthash.YNK3xR0Q.dpuf
> Holiday Closure
The Library will be closed for Easter on Fri April 18, Sun April 20, and Mon April 21, but will be open on Sat April 19.
> Colourful Creations
Come discover our community's creative spirit! With works on display both on the Main Floor and the Lower Level, the Library's Art Gallery showcases the talents of established and emerging artists. The Lawson Creek "Group of Ten" present some of their latest works in the show Colourful Creations. These artists meet at the Lawson Creek studios on the West Van waterfront and work in various mediums and styles. They inspire and encourage each other, providing feedback and support. This exhibition runs from Thursday March 13 to Tuesday April 29
- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/colourful-creations#sthash.q2ZgpBRE.dpuf
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
April 10 “ May 31 -- SD 45 One: An Art Exhibition of West Vancouver Students Past and Present
Opening Reception Wednesday April 9 from 6 to 9pm
SD45 One is an exhibition that supports, embraces and showcases the vast range of Visual Arts in School District 45 “ West Vancouver, and facilitates a broader vision of how art is experienced in our city. It allows viewers to appreciate the works of young and emerging artists from SD45 alongside established artists who were once educated in WV public schools. The exhibition facilitates growth and further enquiry into the Visual Arts and will spark both viewers and students deeper interest and commitment to the Visual Arts.
The exhibition includes works by current and recently graduated SD45 students, staff, and a selected group of internationally acclaimed artists who were once enrolled in the school district, and whose work will provide inspiration to young artists.
Artists included are: Douglas Coupland, Graham Gilmore, Ross Penhall, Ian Wallace, Geoffrey Farmer, Cori Creed, Victor Penner, Xwalacktun, Bobbie Burgers, Ken Wallace, Monique Mees, Tony Pantages, and Vincent Massey among others.
The exhibition is organized by art educator Jackie Wong and is curated by Patrik Andersson.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~ April 15 - May 4 -- Inside Abstraction
works by Enda Bardell, Catherine Janusz & Nicola Morgan
Opening Reception: April 15 Tuesday 6 - 8pm. Meet the Artists: April 19 Saturday 2 - 3pm
Stay Informed! To receive a weekly e-gallery-update of programs/events and be on our mailing list click here: http://v.gd/wvfbg
SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/
1 “ 20 -- Cherry Blossoms:
A Textile Translation Vancouver Guild of Fibre Arts & textile art collective fibre
Essence are delighted to offer the 6th annual juried exhibition of textile art inspired by the cherry blossom. As part of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival, the exhibit is ever-changing, thought-provoking, and breathtaking; unfolding as the blossoms blanket Vancouver. Artists from across Canada, the USA, and Japan have created an international celebration of a very special spring event. Ranging from whimsical to heavenly, works include delicate images on silk, robust sculptures, textile books, and wearable art. Artists will be in the gallery throughout the exhibitions run, demonstrating a variety of techniques. Opening reception: Tuesday April 1st from 6 to 8
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
2pm Sun April13 / 7pm Mon April 14 Seussical the Musical
7:30pm Tues April 22 Movies at the Meek: Burt's Buzz
For a list of all our coming Host Events in 2014, click here: http://kaymeekcentre.com/uploads/images/untitled%20folder/2014.pdf
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
MEAT DRAWS every Saturday 4:30pm
Friday April 18 Mini Meat Draw 6pm
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
= WV Chamber President's Dinner & Business Excellence Awards Wednesday April 23 -- Sold out!
~ 6 - 10pm ~ Hollyburn Country Club ~~ Presenting Sponsor: Grosvenor
Mulgrave School Junior Filmmaker students, who will prepare films of nominee finalists to present that evening.
Tix $99; Info: https://www.westvanchamber.com/page/calendar/ezlist_event_e5b24b4e-5a8a-4ca1-9866-1e5225a32d87.aspx
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup usu not repeated here}
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
The Bomb-itty of Errors, an ad-rap-tation of The Comedy of Errors, Revue Stage. Apr 10 - May 10
+ THE CULTCH thecultch.com
Mies Julie, a South African adaptation of Strindberg's Miss Julie; 251 1363; ends Apr 19
+ METRO THEATRE 266 7191
The Mikado, Gilbert & Sullivan, metrotheatre.com Apr 5 - May 3
+ JERICHO ARTS CENTRE 224 8007 x2 jerichoartscentre.com
The Old Curiosity Shop, Dickens, adapted by Simon Webb (United Players) Mar 28 - Apr 20
Up next for ITSAZOO Productions is Tracey Letts's black comedy, Killer Joe, running April 15 to May 4. This show, for adults only, is taking place inside a trailer in the parking lot of the Italian Cultural Centre. This trailer-trash noir follows the Smiths: a hilariously dysfunctional Texas family who engage a contract killer in a scheme to collect life insurance. http://pitheatre.com
Proud, award-winning playwright Michael Healey takes on his biggest subject yet: the Rt Hon Stephen Harper.
His sexy {!!!}, cheeky, and surprising play will have you ROTF*L -- regardless of your politics (and we like
actors Andrew Wheeler and Craig Erickson). [* F = aisle] 689 0926 firehallartscentre.ca Apr 5 - 26
Eat Your Heart Out, a comedy by Nick Hall (Theatre BC Festival entry) Apr 4 - 19
God of Carnage, a dark (outrageous) comedy by David F Craig; schoolyard skirmish, parents deliver greatest punch (Theatre BC Festival entry) 983 2633 northvanplayers.ca Apr 3 - 19
I on the Sky -- April 16 - 18 -- Good Friday discount tickets are only $5 each!
Tix $10: Wednesday April 17 @ 10am & 1pm / Thursday April 18 @ 10am & 1pm; Tix $5: Friday April 18 @ 1pm
Family Series: Ages 10 & up; Tix: $10 each, Group Discounts available
Performance: 50 minutes, no intermission; Post Performance Talk Backs available in both French and English
This creation will travel to Vancouver from Winnipeg through Saskatoon and Calgary and finally finish in Ottawa. With this tour, DynamO Theatre [ http://www.dynamotheatre.qc.ca/en/ ] continues to build relationships between Anglophone and Francophone communities. I on the sky has no spoken lines & amazing acrobatic skills! It leads audiences into a world of movement, imagery, and music, where poetry sways reality.
BOX OFFICE: online http://www.phtheatre.org Call 990 3474
Presentation House Theatre and DynamO ThéĆ¢tre bring I on the sky to North Vancouver during its major Canadian tour. This creation will travel to Vancouver from Winnipeg through Saskatoon and Calgary and finally finish in Ottawa. According to the author and Director of the piece Yves Simard "¦it is increasingly difficult to build decent tour projects. Fortunately, there are still people who take the beautiful risk of artistic creation.¯
About I on the sky... Against the backdrop of a constantly changing sky, a young woman sits on a park bench. Through flashbacks, she remembers events that led her to flee her homeland. The crowd of strangers moving by considers her with indifference and contempt, until her path crosses that of a young runaway, in exile herself. She discovers a fragile tie in a faraway land.
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
.....Excitement is building at the Vancouver Art Gallery as we prepare to open our spring exhibitions. The VAG is the only place you can see these groundbreaking exhibitions, which feature an extensive group of works from the Gallerys permanent collection, displayed with pieces from local and national collections. These are three shows you dont want to miss!
> LAWREN HARRIS, Canadian Visionary, founding mbr of Group of Seven -- March 1 to May 4
> Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again -- March 8 to June 8
This exhibition presents a new body of sculpture by the Vancouver-based artist Myfanwy MacLeod. Drawing upon motifs associated with the sexually charged music of Led Zeppelin and the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, the exhibition examines the conventions of the heroic quest as a male fantasy.
> Artist's Choice; Cock and Bull -- March 8 to June 8
Presented in conjunction with Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again, this exhibition features work from the Gallery's permanent collection selected by Myfanwy MacLeod and Grant Arnold following the model of "cock and bull story",...Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_cockandbull.html
> Scorned: Emily Carr -- March 1 to May 26
Scorned: Emily Carr engages in dialogue with the concurrent exhibition A Terrible Beauty: Edward Burtynsky, presenting works that demonstrate Carr's interest in the denatured landscape -- an occasional, but notable, subject of her work. Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_scorned.html
—¸ OUT FOR LUNCH (Apr 11 Fri 12:10pm at the VAG) -- The Arietta Quartet: Haydn and Prokofiev
Singing Verdi -- Apr 17 Thursday 7:30pm Academy of Music (FREE)
A special masterclass/demonstration with VO Music Director Jonathan Darlington. Gain insight into the singers' and conductors' process in this rare class with Maestro Darlington, just two weeks before the opening of Verdi's powerful Don Carlo. For more information, visit our website.
OperaLive! Listen & Watch!
Visit the OperaLive! section of our website to listen to clips from our next production, Don Carlo, and watch a video blog about the opera, narrated by VO's General Director James Wright. You'll also find pictures of the production! Visit OperaLive here! http://www.vancouveropera.ca/operalive/2013-2014/don-carlo-operalive.html
More info on Don Carlo, on the show's webpage here. https://www.vancouveropera.ca/Carlo-2013-14-page.html
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
Bach's St John Passion, WV United Church pacificspiritchoir.com 7:30pm Friday Apr 18
Eternal Light: Mozart and Lauridsen; Orpheum vancouverchamberchoir.com 8pm Friday April 18
NINE FREE guided interpretative walks from Oppenheimer Park to UBC.
... last one in series Sunday, April 20 - Easter Parade
===> HEADSUP 05A
Mar 31 CCL MTG -- v v briefly:
= Grosvenor Presentation Ctr passed
= Maison Milliken -- strong statements by applicant followed by excellent submissions by residents of Sentinel Hill. Information mtg Apr 9 at St David's and then the Public Hearing Apr 16. All of Ccl voted in favour of going to the PH except for Sop.
Land Purchase:
DWV has bought land & bldgs at 2195 Gordon (990 - 22nd) from VCH for $16M (from Endowment Fund). (Details below)
Art Exhibition
Caroun Art Gallery -- Exhibition: Chinese Art Apr 1 - 18. (Details below)
FOUR -- PQP (to end of newsletter)
Land Purchase
Subject: District of West Vancouver acquires land and buildings near civic site
{Moved: See the Mayor's announcement at the beginning of the Mar 31 ccl mtg}
DWV purchased land and bldgs at 2195 Gordon (formerly known as 990 22nd) in WV from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA). The sale closed on March 26, 2014..... The sale price is $16.07M....
===> NOTICE/HEADSUP with April 7 AGENDA {sent day before Apr 7 ccl mtg?}
This was to be sent out Friday with activities but now at least you'll find out about tonight's topics.
The next ccl mtg Apr 28 but re Maison Milliken an info mtg Wed Apr 9 and the PH Apr 16.
Not on agenda, however am anxious to know if you agree with increasing civic/municipal terms to four years -- prov plans legislation b/c asked for by UBCM. IMO, we shd let Ccl/prov know whether or not we agree.
MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg April 7: Delegation re NSh Chn's Charter of Rights; EcoUrbia/Cmnty eco-ctr at Klee Wyck; WVSecSch track and artificial turf field; estmt of a Public Art Adv cmte; Ferry Bldg Cmnty Gallery Improvements; Rezoning/DP for Parcel 3 of Evelyn/Onni (set PH); Road Closure near Mulgrave; PSB; Bd of VARIANCE; Correspondence: 4710 South Piccadilly (what heritage conservation?)
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter.
(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements,
Purpose of mtg: land matters
At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber.
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
===> HEADSUP 05B [sent 9:47am Tu Apr 8]
Headsup 05B Apr 7 Ccl Mtg Summary (& Pic)
So what happened Monday night?
(note events for today and Wednesday announced during reports; others listed already in WVM05)
["we otter have a nap" at bottom]
COUNCIL MEETING April 7 (Main Items)
= Delegation (with slides) -- Children's Charter of Rights; "right to play"; surprised to hear vulnerability in early years increased in the British Properties (and if I heard correctly, also Bowen Island, and Deep Cove)
= Launching of SD45, Lighthouse Festival, Tues (8th) at 4pm at PkRoyal-South
= Opening Night of SD45 One Exhibition at the Museum 6 to 8pm, Wed 9th
= The highlight of Acting Mayor NG's week was getting to kiss Chris Hadfield (Centennial Theatre event re Peace); Mayor Smith said he wdn't have; Hadfield was awarded the Peace tartan.
= The Grants Cmte is looking for two mbrs -- get your applications in.
= 97th anniversary of Vimy Ridge (considered event during wch Canada came of age) will be marked by a march by the Legion along Marine Drive to Memorial Park on Wed Apr 9th
= The discussion of an Eco-Centre (for EcoUrbia and WV Garden Club) at Klee Wyck took over half an hour; all support the idea but other aspects have to be considered: plans for a long-term land-use strategy, openness re other groups, conditions of the gift, possible moving of the greenhouses. Staff will report back.
= From 8 - 8:40 the track field and artificial turf field consumed our attention. Now $4.3M. Involves SD45, DWV, Sports Groups, and 'stakeholders'. Former cclr Rod Day gave an impassioned plea for the nbrs (consultation, peace and quiet, night lights) and commented on phasing and funding.
= Next was a discussion re establishing a Public Art Advisory Cmte after a presentation by a cmnty group; staff will report back.
= Glad to hear plans for improving the "Ferry Building Cmnty Gallery" -- {often overflowing} at events. Rather partial to the FBG, {one of my concerns since a heritage bldg} and I was the (first) WV cclr for heritage. Do wonder about process however b/c ~$60K as a budget amendment (allowed?) and ~$70K from the Amenity Fund (no discussion re this "Cmnty Fund", though it fits the category). And did the work go out for tender before architects chosen? My concern has nothing to do with the FBG, and Ruth Payne does a terrific job with that (small) space, plus v happy restoration planned......[thought bubble: plans for restoration of other heritage structures/assets???]
= At 9:14 the changes to the Finance Cmte [were] discussed -- from all seven mbrs of Ccl to three with three mbrs of the cmnty (with expertise and experience), viewed as an improvement. IMVHO, having mbrs of the cmnty is not just desirable, it's essential to include residents on cmtes. [Not once during the debate was any reference made to changing a few months ago the CEC from three ccl mbrs to all seven. Wonder why.]
= From 9:27, quite a lively exchange re the calculation of CACs (report says none!) for transfer of density in Onni's Evelyn Drive devt. Hope to have clarification in WVM; it did sound v technical and complicated with uncertainty as to definitions; both Sop and CC voted against going ahead. The applicant will have an info mtg, and then the Public Mtg and PH together are slated for May 26 {postponed from May 5 on agenda}. Mayor quite rightly suggested fuller explanation from Planning (thx!).
= 10 o'clock: three readings of the proposed road closure and removal of hwy dedication near Mulgrave School with Apr 29 deadline for submissions.
= The 1763/65/67 MDr zoning bylaw was adopted.
= Other Items: doggie doodoo and important issue re Ambulances/Fire/Police-- will get details re negotiation and status from CAO.
= PQP -- yup, me -- my fourth (and last) question/comment was about the prov's increase of civic election terms to four years. Most ppl I've spoken with are not in favour.
- Did WV attend the UBCM convention that passed that resolution?
- Did our reps vote? if so, how?
- If [cmnty] not consulted beforehand, will they be now?
- The Mayor (as well as I) contacted our MLA who said UBCM recommended it (IOW, what can prov do)
- Wd a petition or a referendum during the election help?
The Mayor shrugged after saying he'd contacted Minister Oakes who just "patted him on the head".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "we otter have a nap" {pic moved to AnimalWATCH below
=> ANOTHER NOTICE (followup)
Apologies -- time inadvertently omitted -- 11am!
= 97th anniversary of Vimy Ridge (considered event during wch Canada came of age) will be marked by a march by the Legion along Marine Drive to Memorial Park on Wed Apr 9th
So will also send some info on this important national/historical event.
{ADDED NOTE for WVM: Keep in mind Canada's population in 1917 was only ~ 8M.}
Excerpts below from: http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/vimy/index_e.shtml
The Battle of Vimy Ridge, 9-12 April 1917
Tim Cook
Many historians and writers consider the Canadian victory at Vimy a defining moment for Canada, when the country emerged from under the shadow of Britain and felt capable of greatness. Canadian troops also earned a reputation as formidable, effective troops because of the stunning success. But it was a victory at a terrible cost, with more than 10,000 killed and wounded.
The Canadian Corps was ordered to seize Vimy Ridge in April 1917. [Map] Situated in northern France, the heavily-fortified seven-km ridge held a commanding view over the Allied lines. The Canadians would be assaulting over an open graveyard since previous French attacks had failed with over 100,000 casualties.
To capture this difficult position, the Canadians would carefully plan and rehearse their attack. To provide greater flexibility and firepower in battle, the infantry were given specialist roles as machine-gunners, rifle-men and grenade-throwers, ... "Chaps, you shall go over exactly like a railroad train, on time, or you shall be annihilated," warned Canadian Corps commander Sir Julian Byng. ...
... Hill 145, the highest and most important feature of the Ridge, and where the Vimy monument now stands, was captured in a frontal bayonet charge against machine-gun positions. Three more days of costly battle delivered final victory. The Canadian operation was an important success, even if the larger British and French offensive, of which it had been a part, had failed. But it was victory at a heavy cost: 3,598 Canadians were killed and another 7,000 wounded.
The capture of Vimy was more than just an important battlefield victory. For the first time all four Canadian divisions attacked together: men from all regions of Canada were present at the battle. Brigadier-General A.E. Ross declared after the war, "in those few minutes I witnessed the birth of a nation."
Vimy became a symbol for the sacrifice of the young Dominion. In 1922, the French government ceded to Canada in perpetuity Vimy Ridge, and the land surrounding it. The gleaming white marble and haunting sculptures of the Vimy Memorial, unveiled in 1936, stand as a terrible and poignant reminder of the 11,285 Canadian soldiers killed in France who have no known graves.
And now from Wiki:
Battle of Vimy Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaThe Battle of Vimy Ridge was a military engagement fought primarily as part of the Battle of Arras, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, during the First ...ˇCanadian National Vimy ...
- ˇBattle of Arras (1917) - ˇJulian Byng, 1st Viscount Byng ...
Influence on Canada
The Battle of Vimy Ridge has considerable significance for Canada. Although the battle is not generally considered the greatest achievement of the Canadian Corps in strategic importance or results obtained, it was the first instance in which all four Canadian divisions, made up of troops drawn from all parts of the country, fought as a cohesive formation. The image of national unity and achievement is what initially gave the battle importance for Canada. According to Pierce, "The historical reality of the battle has been reworked and reinterpreted in a conscious attempt to give purpose and meaning to an event that came to symbolize Canada's coming of age as a nation." The idea that Canada's national identity and nationhood were born out of the battle is an opinion that is widely held in military and general histories of Canada. Outside of Canada the battle has much less significance and is simply noted as being one part of the larger offensive of the Battle of Arras]
Vimy Memorial
Main article: Canadian National Vimy Memorial
The Canadian National Vimy Memorial is Canada's largest and principal overseas war memorial. Located on the highest point of the Vimy Ridge, the memorial is dedicated to the commemoration of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during the First World War. It serves as the place of commemoration for Canadian soldiers killed in France during the First World War with no known grave. France granted Canada perpetual use of a section of land at Vimy Ridge in 1922 for the purpose of a battlefield park and memorial. A 100-hectare (250-acre) portion of the former battlefield is preserved as part of the memorial park that surrounds the monument. The grounds of the site are still honeycombed with wartime tunnels, trenches, craters, and unexploded munitions, and are largely closed off for public safety. A section of preserved trenches and a portion of a tunnel have been made accessible to site visitors.
The memorial took eleven years and $1.5 million ($20.27 million in present terms) to build and was unveiled on 26 July 1936 by King Edward VIII, in the presence of President Albert Lebrun of France and 50,000 or more Canadian and French veterans and their families. Starting in 2004, the monument underwent a major multi-year restoration project, which included general cleaning and the recarving of many inscribed names.
Queen Elizabeth II rededicated the restored monument on 9 April 2007 during a ceremony commemorating the 90th anniversary of the battle. Veterans Affairs Canada maintains the memorial site.
===> HEADSUP 05C {early Sat am}
Herewith: Flaherty; Mtgs; CultureWatch; QTP {QTP in newsletter}
The shock is the sudden passing of former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on April 10. PM Harper has announced a state funeral for Wednesday (16th) in Toronto. McGee (Thomas D'Arcy McGee, 1868), Jack Layton, and now Flaherty, are the only three Canadians accorded a state funeral since Confederation beyond the prescribed list, according a list provided by Canadian Heritage. In his office (Ste 21 - 285 17th), MP John Weston has a book of condolences you are welcome to sign. [ Website: http://www.johnweston.ca ]
What's happening.....
WVM05 had the Friends of the Library Sale Fri/Sat, the ten endangered {sites} tour plus the MS Walk on Sunday
Here are more:
= Vaisakhi Parade and Celebration: http://vancouver.about.com/od/vancouverevents/p/vaisakhiparade.htm
= Saturday April 12 Law Day: 10am - 2pm -- variety of presentations at NV Prov Court
Organized by the NSh Family Court & Youth Justice Cmte, WVPD, and NV RCMP; includes process in courtroom, dog handler, mock crime scene/arrest, mock trial, and a Youth Court workshop; details:
= Monday April 14 ~ 4:30pm ~ CEC -- Cmnty Engagement Cmte mtg at last! (first since May 2013!)
Agenda (an absolutely ridiculous DWV link/URL):
= Tuesday April 15
~ 6pm ~ Upper Lands WG mtg, Srs' Ctr Upper Lands Study Review Working Group
= Wednesday April 16
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance Board of Variance {see 05B followup just below}
6 - 9pm ~ Public Hearing: Maison Milliken, St
David's United (1525 Taylor Way)
{see followup}
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd mtg at Library
o Maundy Thursday (17th)
o Good Friday (18th) Southern Straits Yacht Race (WVYC), 8am - noon; Dundarave Beach Southern Straits Yacht Race
o Saturday (19th) Easter Egg Hunt, 11am - noon dundaravevillage.ca for more info
o Easter Sunday (20th)
= Fri/Sat Apr 11/12 ~~ NSh Writers Festival northshorewritersfestival.com
= Fri to Sun, Apr 11/13 ~ 10am - 5pm ~ 86th Annual Bradner Flower Show
DAFFODILS!!! crafts, music, demos, wine facebook.com/BradnerHall
= Sat Apr 12
~ 2 - 3pm ~ Shaughnessy: Vancouver's First Planned Nbrhd; Talk by John Atkin
at Old Hastings Mill Store Museum, hastings-hill-museum.ca 733 9749
~ 7pm ~ Hagoromo -- TomoeArts and the Consulate General of Japan
a full performance of this Japanese Noh play Hagoromo,"The Feathered Robe",
about an angel who descends to earth from the heavens ticketstonight.ca
~ 7:30pm ~ Passion and Resurrection at Chan Ctr
Elektra Women's Choir [elektra.ca] and Chor Leoni Men's Choir [chorleoni.org]
~ 8pm ~ Brahms and Gorecki, Vancouver Bach Choir, Orpheum [vancouverbachchoir.com]
= Sun Apr 13
~ 11am - 4pm ~ Celebrate Spring: Festival of Colour nikkeiplace.org 777 7000
Japanese-Cdn and Korean-Cdn culture will blossom at this family-friendly event
Offers children a chance to dress in kimonos, take part in tea ceremonies, and write haiku
Includes performances by choirs, Japanese Taiko drummers, and a Korean percussion ensemble
~ 3 - 5pm ~ Second Sunday Series: Amicus Duo at Roedde House Museum
clarinet and piano roeddehouse.org 684 7040
===> HEADSUP 05C+ PH Maison Milliken {Update/Correction, also sent Sat}
The Public Mtg and Public Hearing for MM is on Wed Apr 16 at 6pm at the MHall.
Apologies re place -- the Public Info Mtg for Maison Milliken on Wed Apr 9 was at St David's.
Apparently on some ppl's computers two DWV links repeated the symbol and obscured the link (not on mine sending out but such are the peculiarities of the computer world).
= Upper Lands: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/working-groups/upper-lands-study-review-working-group
= Southern Straits: http://www.wvyc.ca/southernstraits
o The BoV link on the DWV website's Calendar goes to the DWV homepage instead of its name.
Board of Variance -- actual/correct URL/link: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/boards/board-variance
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Editor, West Van Matters" <editorwvm@westvan.org>
Subject: Headsup 05C: Apr 11 - 16
Date: 12 April, 2014 9:30:34 AM PDT
Herewith: Flaherty; Mtgs; CultureWatch; QTP
[pun cartoon added] {-- now moved to end of newsletter}
= Wednesday April 16
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance Board of Variance >see proper link above<
6 - 9pm ~ Public Hearing: Maison Milliken, >MHall< St
David's United (1525 Taylor Way)
~ 7pm ~ Library Bd mtg at Library
=== CCL MTG NOTES 2014 March 31 === e&oe
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video to listen to entire bit.
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
=== SPECIAL CCL MTG NOTES Ćø We don't get minutes from this so the agenda is all we know!
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(k) negotiations and related discussions re the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of mtg: proposed provision of a municipal service and land matters.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
Note: At 7pm the Public Hearing will commence in the Council Chamber. The regular Council meeting will commence in the Council Chamber immediately following the Public Hearing for consideration of the scheduled agenda items.
7:00 PM
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 (proposed amendment to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive) The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: M. Sager (for the owners PVHC Holdings Ltd. & 616200 B.C. Ltd.)
Subject Lands: 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive
Purpose: The proposed bylaw wd allow the same range of commercial uses permitted elsewhere in Ambleside under the AC1 and AC2 zoning, for the existing CD32-zoned devt located at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive. The commercial units on site are currently limited to uses such as bakeries, delicatessens, and restaurants.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, the proposed Zoning Bylaw wd amend the CD32 zone to provide for a broader range of comm land uses, including these gen categories: retail, office, personal/biz services, education, restaurant, and child care.
Mayor: staff will describe
Sokol: hand it over to Andrew Browne [Planning Dept]
AB: SLIDE of locn
allow the same range of commercial uses permitted elsewhere in Ambleside under the AC1 and AC2 zoning, for the existing CD32-zoned development located at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive.
3. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE -- described by MClk
CC: generally in favour of relaxing the uses
what was the intent to limit it? Why restriction desirable or nec?
AB: have heard a variety of explanations, all seem plausible.
thinking of the day; non-profit, applicant more info
CC: curious those three -- animating the street front?
AB: resident strata, uses not restricted to that
CC: AC1 zoning creates a desirable street front? haven't heard that
certain uses liven; wd be in favour if animates but still some restrictions
Sokol: AC1 zone does need to be looked at and tinkered with, but do re AC1 as a whole rather than just this prop
1968 - 2008, loads of amendments
1) Reports received up to and including March 20, 2014:
# |
Proposed amendment to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine Drive |
2014-02-11 |
March 10, 2014/ March 31, 2014 |
R-1 |
2) Written submissions received up to and including March 20, 2014:
# |
Residential Owners STRATA PLAN LMS 1435 (On-table) |
March 24, 2014 |
March 31, 2014 |
C-1 |
On Mar 10, Ccl set the date for the PH. The stat notice of PH will be published in the NShNews on Mar 23 and 26, and notices were mailed to property owners / occupants within the notification area. The MClk will note written submissions received for the Mar 31 PH.
Mark Sager: Mr Mayor, how fast 20 years go by! I was in your seat 20 years ago when we passed this zoning.
I recall vividly
architect with tenants who wanted those specific uses; no thought about what wd happen when those tenants [left?]
shd hv bn
that long ago, and there were not CACs then, space for a non-profit was negotiated
a subsequent Ccl decided didn't want that amenity so sold it; they shd hv fixed the zoning at that time
mistake; irony since then used for standard biz
sold; new tenant about six mos ago went to Hall to check and found out no, it was restricted
the brakes went on, been vacant ever since
fortunately, Ccl, can be fixed tonight
Scenery Slater: live right behind this site
like Cclr Cam, don't have a problem with use; more concerned with height and density, as long as not a rendering plant
Planning always pleasant, they cd not explain CD32; now we've had that from someone here
but I think we deserve something in writing [full], and for Ccl to make a decision
this zoning will make the prop more valuable, will there be a Cmnty [Amenity] Contribution?
Mayor: Mr Sokol, wdn't there be records?
Sokol: 20 years ago and only kept for a limited amt of time; don't think we have them
Mayor: okay.
{okay? maybe not okay! will check but don't records go back more than 20 yrs? maybe by category, but am sure Planning, with legal agreements, MUST, be kept on file! Maybe the reasons verbal?}
Sokol: report given at first reading
CACs based on increase in impacts, not in value
{er um, not as generally understood! Uplift is based on increase in land value and the CACs are to be 75%..... never heard 'impacts' mentioned.....}
no change in impact and no new devt, so staff recommended no CACs
Sop: a year shy of being on Ccl but recall nice courtyard, nice setback, wd move along nicely, unfortunately it didn't
remember it had a tree in the ctr, tables, inner courtyard appealing
don't think we can change without being cognizant of the residents
If there is no further public input and Council does not request a further staff report:RECOMMENDED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received and that the Public Hearing be closed.
Sop: you might want to comment on that
Mayor: oh yes; it will be on the agenda later. Sorry.
=== REGULAR CCL MTG NOTES March 31 ===
* 7:00 PM
Following conclusion of the Public Hearing the following items will be considered.
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: a couple of announcements
= The District of WV has purchased land and buildings at 2195 Gordon Ave (formerly known as 990 22nd) in WV from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA). The sale closed on March 26, 2014.
This is an important purchase for the District of WV. The property has long-term strategic value for the cmnty. Its in a core area of WV and its immediately north of our civic site, which contains the WV Cmnty Ctr, the Aquatic Ctr, the Srs Activity Ctr, and the Ice Arena.
The sale price is $16.07M. The purchase will be funded by way of a transfer from the Districts M Endowment Fund and will be repaid within ten years.
The site is 0.7 hectares and it contains two buildings. The purchase and sale agreement provide for a leaseback to VCHA allowing it to occupy the larger building on the site for up to 12 months.
Its extremely difficult to acquire such a large property in this area. This site adds substantially to our options for the future, including the potential to expand our civic site, which generated almost 1.5M visits last year, or to look at other options, but no decisions have currently been made.
= also, a lease agreement for two years with the McDavis Physiotherapist Corp has been signed at the Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr.
= A lease renewal and amending agreement for five years hs bn signed w/ Bean Around the World at the Cmnty Ctr.
= And a lease renewal for five years hs bn agreed to w/ the Dundarave Physiotherapist Corp at the Aquatic Ctr
= and licence agreements for four years and eight months for the Whytecliff Pk and Dundarave Pk concessions for Channel Mark McKay {sp?} doing biz as Spot's Foods {?}.
So with those announcements will call the mtg to order.
2. Approval of Agenda
THAT the March 31, 2014 regular Council meeting agenda be amended by:
adding to Item 3 the March 10, 2014 special and regular Council meeting minutes and Public Hearing minutes, and Summary of March 10, 2014 Public Hearing regarding Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014 (Marine Zones 1, 2, and 3);
adding to Item 13 Item 13.1 regarding correspondence;
AND THAT the agenda be approved as amended.
3. Adoption of Minutes
= minutes of the March 10, 2014 special and regular Council meetings and Public Hearing be adopted as circulated;
= the Summary of March 10, 2014 Public Hearing regarding Proposed Zoning ... Amendment Bylaw No. 4779, 2014
(Marine Zones 1, 2, and 3) be approved.
CC: move adopt as circulated ... Marine Zones be approved
4. Dundarave Festival of Lights Society (File: 0055-01) Presentation to be provided.
Gwendolyn Allison {sp?}: true spirit of season; thank cmnty groups; fulfilment of our mission; photos, past Christmas
100th anniversary, had 100 trees; this past year went that quickly {named mbrs of the cmte}
inclusive joyful; forest appears magically -- help of firefighters
first Dundarave Ceilidh; First Nations
our own festival of light -- kayakers, etc xxx
NSh Lookout Society; trees, miracle of compassion; empower those who have lost their homes
everyone come together and enjoy, free of charge
thanks for support
eight months from now -- can I count on your support?
Mayor: absolutely; first to get cheque out
Ans:....look forward to working with you
Mayor: hope everyone who listens signs up for a tree, when?
Ans: Sept
TP: gets better and better ev year; what you provide incredibly needed, Lookout Shelter
better to come up and out of the cmnty
huge thank-you; a cornerstone event; received with gratitude.
Mayor: thx for coming and sharing success.
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
Mayor: give up my time over to Rebecca Buchanan who'll tell us about the exhibition of art from WV students past and present at our museum
RB: really excited to be here tonight
organizer Jackie Wong, guest curator, P Andersson, and Museum Adv Cmte [MAC}
SD45 One, past and present; Doug Coupland, all past students; exhibition of works, names
opening Apr 8, first exhibition kindergarten to high school
first past and present; pleased to host this exhibition
brainchild of Jackie Wong, art teacher; thought this wd be inspiring
satellite installations, will see around WV; had mentorship workshops
celebrate diverse creative output of WV
Opening night is next Wed Apr 9 from 6 to 9pm
my pleasure to invite mbrs of Ccl and everyone from WV
Mayor: look fwd
MB: attended NSh Congress Steering cmte, next mtg May 14, 5 - 8pm in NV sch bd offices on behalf of the city
topic: transportation -- opp to begin that dialogue; cuts across all five cmnties plus First Nations
hope ev can make it
Sop: to the Fire Festival, Nowruz; extremely well-attended; chn dancing
chairman said how much enjoyed having it at Amb; appreciated our efforts, hope will continue
Meals on Wheels, put together at St David's Church; [thx] to that volunteer group
with Cclr Panz and Lower Caulfeild group for ivy pull; turn-out incredible
ivy wraps around like snakes! cleaned entire area; fab job
Mayor: am sure Ms Mooi will be happy to give you some other locns
Sop: next is the Dell, the creek; with Streamkeepers and Lighthouse {Park Preservation Society}
need money b/c steep
under the bridge down to waterfront, Sharon Drive beach; lots of work
NG: one of two liaisons for the Chamber of Commerce
had mtg a couple of weeks ago and ABA becoming v active after many years
activity and optimism, moving ahead with biz owners, great to see
two events: Taste of the Bay, annual, always sold out -- Thurs Apr 24, buy tix $20 from Ch of Commerce; eat your heart out
same on May 29, in Amb, tastes -- all restaurants
Sop: [7:36]
ML: might hv bn spring break for schools but not for Ccl -- think I've been to eight mtgs
first, with architect changes to Masonic Hall; v informal
another one want to mention -- the Amb Biz Assn [ABA], Mar 11th; v encouraging to see it v much alive
{recovering from the loss of Dina a few years ago.....}
final, on Mar 17, better part of day, MetroV Board Finance Cmte; tweaking; when confirmed will bring back
CC: Mar 11 NSh Sports Award at PkR N
on 13th Sop and I at DRC; proposal for two hi rises on White Spot site; substantive feedback
will be rejigged somewhat; come back with changes, then back out to public
if interested ... will go fwd
Masonic Hall. 4-hr mtg; will be going out to the public in about a month
Mayor: Cclr Gambioli
NG: ev looking at me? supposed to xxx?
I already did my report
{oops; wrong verb tense with 'already' (conveying indefinite continuous past)
-- I did my report OR I have already done my report}
oh, wrapping up!
MB left {recused herself}
6. Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-003 for the renovation of 1340 Marine Dr (Grosvenor Presentation Ctr)
At the March 10 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Feb 11 and the memo dated Mar 5 re Devt Permit No. 14-003 for 1340 Marine Drive and set the date for consideration for March 31, 2014.
Reports received up to and including March 31, 2014:
# |
Proposed Development Permit No. 14-003 for the renovation of 1340 Marine Drive (Grosvenor Presentation Centre) |
February 11, 2014 |
March 10, 2014/ March 31, 2014 |
R-1 |
Package changes for development application 14-003 |
March 5, 2014 |
March 10, 2014/ March 31, 2014 |
R-2 |
Written Submissions received up to and including March 31, 2014: None to date.
staff: formerly Handi Rest
within Phase 2; cd probably stand for a while after Phase 1 starts
with police bldg
recommendations [7:44]; recommending approval
strange if you don't realize zoning for the whole block is in place
Applicant: Mark Josephson with Grosv
in step moving fwd with redevt and revitalization of
Mar 5 pkg myself + James Cheng here for questions
Sop: Mr Sokol on land owned by the same ppl, tax component
Sokol: yes; signif improvements of the bldg
Mayor: Ccl Sop -- sorry, anyone from the public?
all written and oral submissions received for information.
the proposed DP, wch wd impose requirements and conditions for the renovation of an existing bldg, be approved.
Mayor: plsd to see able to relocate on Bellevue
anyone wanting their fix can
7. Temporary Real Estate Signage proposal for Grosvenors 1300 Block Marine Drive Development
Staff: recommend approval, small changes; one-yr term, then renewal or might see an addl request; approp security deposit
Slide of free-standing signs; staff recommend downscaled to 6ft [7:49 check]
corner signs on police stn and at this time do not recommend they be approved
THAT the temp real estate signage proposal, att'd as Appendix A to the report dated Mar 10, be approved with the following terms and/or modifications:
a The proposed free-standing signs be limited to approx six ft in height and three ft in width on each side;
b The proposed corner signs not be approved;
c The temp signage approval have a term of one yr, after wch [it] must be reconsidered by Ccl or removed; and
An approp security deposit be provided to ensure removal of the temp signage at the expiration of approval.
CC: not sure why a one-year approval; come back to Ccl and Ccl time
staff: typical and used for other projs
moves from sales to construction; a yr is not a problem
CC: don't feel signs approp while a police stn, but once vacated
don't see why approved till work ends, come back and back
Mayor: Sokol, prob?
Sokol: no
ABrowne: still daytime prohibition
18mos appropriate, likely see a revised b/c doesn't take &&& public vs private
hoarding will have to change over time
CC: and have to come back to Ccl
staff cd do that; bit of hoarding, don't know Ccl has to see it
you say needs to be revisited, so okay with that
Mayor: let's get Ccl Booth back [7:54]
8. Proposed Fees/Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendm't Bylaw No. 4781, 2014 (Planning, Devt, Permit Fees)
read a first, second, and third time.
CARRIED [7:55]
9. Notice of Motion regarding EcoUrbia and Establishment of a Community Eco-Centre (File: 0120-06)
A Notice of Motion will be provided:
Take notice that at the April 7 Ccl mtg, Cclr Panz, with a seconder, will move: THAT
1. Ccl direct staff to work w/ EcoUrbia on est'mt of a cmnty eco ctr at the vacant Parks greenhouse site at Klee Wyck; and
2. Staff report back to Ccl on a sustainable business plan devped by EcoUrbia for an eco-centre concept, five-year term lease, operational and capital cmnty supported funding model.
Mayor: Moved by Cclr P, seconded by myself
MClk: a motion was not required for that; it's coming back Apr 7
Mayor: can't pass a motion if not a motion
Sop: if it says as read.
how discuss?
Mayor: discuss when it comes to Ccl Apr 7; look fwd to your comments Apr 7
Sop: and I'll keep an open mind
10. Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4783, 2014, Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4784, 2014; Proposed Devt Permit No. 12-084, TWay/Keith (Maison Srs Living)
NOTE: Each reading of an OCP bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a maj of all Ccl mbrs (4) in order to proceed (LGA)
LIsa Berg, Planning, gave background and outline of what she'll say PH Apr 16
two bylaws for first reading tonight, [xxx OCP] and to rezone
rezone: in a comprehensive zone, 51
wd limit the FAR to 0.98, max 91 bdrms, other things such as setbacks..... min req mtgs
to ensure what is proposed is actually
cmnty amenity -- Dist's practice 75% of Uplift from zoning $1.78M
consultant who prepared the report is present tonight shd Ccl have any more questions
two covenants are proposed -- tree protection covenant (existing mature trees) and buffering from TWay; bldg restriction covenant refers to blind operations
nbrs' request for privacy beyond what is required
Cmnty need been raised to staff; share highlights from the staff report
from info av, Cdn Mortgage & Housing 2013, census date, only a 2% vacancy rate for housing in BC, increases ea yr
cohort 65 - 84, vast 97% prefer to live independent
and xxx
next cohort, over 30% live in collective dwellings such as assisted
Jan 27 ccl mtg said useful to have some info from VCH; they did share some info on cmnty needs
They confirmed there are no vacancies in the public system for memory care; need for a secure envmt
need for more residential capacity in the system
upon reviewing, VCH said to increase the amt of mem care, rather shifting around the numbers, memcare beds vs assisted living
enhancing some assisted living services
location: SLIDE
SLIDE Location analysis [8:05]
no areas prezoned as proposed; wd require OCP amdmt
not a lot of other vacant land uses out there that wd allow this use; an existing use cd be displaced
good access and allowed for mobility; PkR services; not have to drive through
[8:06] sloping hindrance -- NOT
PH 6pm Wed Apr 16
Sop: xxx
LB: applicant
Mayor: staff or
Sop: I have a concern wrt the TWay corridor; not long ago Ccl spoke out against a daycare in that area
Synagogue and xxx
the interpretation I had ... xxx prime area for commercialism
relnship to no proper planning, no offence to staff -- why wasn't that done?
Mayor: ???
Sop: why staff not deemed to be commercial; come along and say another one
Sokol: staff does not control when applicns come in
in this instance, applicn came fwd; looked at access to the site
in our prof opinion, this is a good locn
if Ccl wd like us to do a study re corridor and do it for 2015
Sop: another Q
in ... xxx ... 536 beds various levels of care for srs in this cmnty
if VCH was conscious of asking for more devt, you're stating no other sites at all?
at Inglewood, they're 56 beds short
Mayor: ask applicant if he's considered other sites
Sop: you're saying this is a great site but VCH says another site for expansion
Sokol: VCH says a shortage of beds; cd be expanded
we approve re density so they have to be rezoned
Sop: that doesn't tell me anything, this has to be rezoned as well
NG: if CACs involved, just deposited in Endowmt Fund, right?
CAO: CACs recorded in a v specific fund; if xxx used for that
{some say either not part of reports/budget or difficult to find; will check into this and see how much}
NG: if we were to frame them and want them for a specific use, how?
Sokol: ultimately up to Ccl to determine how CACs get spent,
you cd specify certain amt to be spent on a certain part of this proj [8:12]
go into the amenity fund and during the budget process Ccl wd designate be spent on a certain capital project
NG: [Ministry approval] in the process?
Sokol: officially doing it after approval process but is spent on something during the approval process, can do that
MB: b/c of TWay
LB: yes; located within 800m of access
MB: bn any discussion wrt likelihood of that approval; hate to see us go down and then no approval
LB: don't anticipate; not looking for addl access no interference with intersection
Mayor: applicant
thank you, Ms Berg, that was a v lengthy and xxx report [8:16]
Don Milliken: with Kate Milliken and Poon
physical and mental issues
why NW corner is the perfect locn; huge need for care in WV
Kate re support of our applicn
our position is that not a PH so more &&&
srs uncomfortable attending long mtgs, anxious and xxx, known as sundowning
why highly suitable -- you covered it v well, Lisa
1.6 acre site available and made sense; few props meet this criteria; props on a largely unused portion
mbrs of the DRC said no longer a sgl-fam cmnty
noise traffic [8:17]
three- to five-storey elevation drop makes it practical to isolate from nbrs
will be largely invisible to our nbrs, flatter not possible
accessible without driving through nbrhd
xxx PkR
6 easily accessible to transit -- good for staff, for friends and family
no zoned props for care and will have to go through same process
at periphery
Maison is small compared with srs xxx
facts re need for care:
indep living cmnty no care; MM is not, it's for those who need care
dressing bathing and eating
comments made confused -- MM is not an independent living
our Calgary [Maison] had no indep living
CEO of Alzheimer's -- dementia is a ticking time bomb
xxx [8:20] state
NSh 100 beds; in Canada shortage of 30K 20x8 100K {check what said}
WV high proportion and growing
%state over 73??? 5, 65, 75 or older
assisted living care
1,377 w/ 266 residents
the math means 3,640 need care today, today 615 beds, 17% of needs in WV today
MM 100 residents --- {get figs}
5 facts: WV Care Ctr full waitlist; Inglewood, Capilano Care, Hollyburn, Amica full
NV l6 - 9 waitlist
need is acute [8:22]
{left phone msg and sent email twice to get the Millikens's texts for the newsletter but none received. Was told, however, all of his info is on the DWV website.}
Kate Milliken: report support been receiving
xxx for Srs
ppl nowhere to go; when?
listed by Outlook
srs needing care in WV lack choice and sorely needed
Bd of WVUC -- much of congregation srs
VanCity branch, many seniors, lack of high quality care
Ch of Comm reviewing; Kiwanis support Maison; recogn lack; Westerleigh
welcome Maison [8:25]
too many conversations to count needed regular daily care
tell us
stuck in hospital for weeks b/c care not av
widespread support; ask for your support
Mayor: proposal is to present this at a PH on Apr 16; wd hear anyone wishing to make a presentation
wishing to speak; under impression this is a PH
{heads shake}
CC: re appraisal, is Ms Cawley here?
Sokol: here
CC: a cursory
not to get xxx concerned with limitations
that we can rely on amts appraised; if off $500K wd leave M short
Sokol: Wong present
this is not an appraisal; it is a report and has bn in ev appraisal
Wong: the term appraisal is v rigidly defined
xxx economy, analysis adhered to
wrt background
CC: so Burgess Cawley stands behind these figures?
Wong: yes
Mayor: keep in mind PH Apr 16. Public
> Joe Del Vicario: [text supplied; my bolding]
Good evening Mr. Mayor, council and staff.
My name is Giuseppe Delvicario and I live with my wife at 890-8th Street.
As a West Vancouver resident I strongly oppose the Maison development proposal on the basis that I am opposed to SPOT ZONING!
This proposal should be voted down by Council and proceed no further.
This proposal is a request for the SPOT ZONING of a FLOOR AREA RATIO of 0.98. The current zoning is for single-family residences with an FAR of 0.35. I have reviewed the Comprehensive Development properties in West Vancouver and of the four CD zones in the district that are close to residential communities (CD4, CD16, CD27, CD33) the highest FAR is 0.45. This proposed rezoning to an FAR of 0.98 represents an extremely high ratio which would set a nasty precedent. You will have a stampede of developers coming before you after they stake out options up and down Taylor Way with similarly egregious SPOT ZONING requests. And what is there to stop them, because we all know that no master redevelopment plan exist for the Taylor Way corridor. Why doesnt the District take a step back and plan a reasoned redevelopment of this part of our community?
SPOT ZONING is the process of singling out a small parcel of land for a use classification totally different from that of the surrounding area for the benefit of the owner of that property and to the detriment of owners around that property¯. It is a rezoning in a way that does not conform to the surrounding neighbourhood.¯ The Maison proposal is exactly that¦it is the plunking of an unprecedented, unheard of high density CD zone in the middle of single-family residences. It is completely inappropriate in scale and massing, so much so that with such a huge Floor Area Ratio of 0.98 and high density the neighbouring properties could not be adequately buffered. It would be a 75,000 square foot imposing monolithic structure in the middle of 3,000 square foot single-family homes. The value of adjoining properties would [lose] value. Mr. Millikens property would gain value. The net result would be that the existing Sentinel Hill homeowners would be subsidizing a developers profit through their own property devaluation, and the District would come into some slush funds in the form of the COMMUNITY AMENITIES CONTRIBUTION. This should not be acceptable to Council.
I have heard that Mr. Milliken has altruistic motives by providing a needed facility which will meet the needs of seniors in this community and that it is not a commercial venture. This venture is a for-profit venture and hence very commercial, so it should be placed in a Commercial Zoned area, just like the other for-profit facilities which are located on Clyde or Marine Drive. This would be the first private for-profit facility in the middle of a single residential neighbourhood. This is a commercial intrusion. This commercial intrusion is not acceptable to those of us who have our largest investment in this area as a single-family neighbourhood and it should not be acceptable to our elected representatives.
Spot zoning is anathema to communities everywhere. The proposal before you is SPOT ZONING of an unprecedented degree in this District.
Mr. Mayor and council please do not advance this proposal. Reject the Maison development.Please post these notes with Council correspondence and in the development application site.
[Giuseppe] Del Vicario MD, 890-8th Street West Vancouver
Mayor: everyone keep to three min
> Dave Mxxx {sp?}: shorten won't pronounce the i in my name
mbr of PSH; our home was not included in the notification area
however felt xxxx
access in and out; impacted by this change to our nbrhd; object re spot-zoning -- not suitable and has an impact
my background is investment [8:35]; get it xxx
nbrs seem to be at most risk
Eden Place have had [appraisals?] negative impact
[prop] for sale, withdrawn; $100K below asking price
[each loss] $1-200K ---- $1M loss in that nbrhd
say short-term but other care facilities, impact seems forever
SLIDE of table showing impact of values, lot values [8:37]
Inglewood $200K less, ripple effect
Mayor: used up your three minutes
> Andrew Franks: [text supplied; my underlining]
My name is Andrew Franks and I live with my wife, Jennifer, and three young children at 736 Eden Place. My property is adjacent to the Maison development proposal. I strongly oppose this project.
It has been suggested that we, Sentinel Hill homeowners, need to be careful about what we wish for¯, that five monster houses could be built beside our properties on the lots in question, and that this would somehow be more negative than a 24/7 for-profit enterprise on our doorsteps. There is no doubt in my mind or my wifes mind or my neighbours™ minds that we prefer to keep these lots zoned single-family residential. Five monster houses¯ as they have been referred to, would together be at most 25,000 square feet. Each house would be less than double the square footage of our own homes. With all due respect, Mayor and Council, Maison at 75,000 square feet, is equivalent to 15 monster houses.
{maybe they hadn't done the math.....}
Not only would Maison be twenty-five times larger than surrounding homes, but the change in zoning from single residential to Comprehensive Development would have a huge negative financial impact on property values, as others have validated. Speaking as homeowners, maintaining single-family zoning would have negligible impact on property values for us as homeowners. An independent appraisal for my property alone indicated a loss of $100,000 if this project went ahead. This is my largest financial investment. And Im just one homeowner. That Council could consider inflicting this degree of financial loss on West Vancouver homeowners is unconscionable. The Community Amendment Contribution that the District receives for Maison may be almost insignificant when taking property devaluation for neighbouring homeowners into account.
Residential homes would be also be neighbours, families¦part of the community of Sentinel Hill. A commercial business is not, and will not be same.
Neighbourhood character has been an focus for this current Council, and one which Council has reinforced by stating that we as West Vancouverites should be able to define and shape. We want to do that. This is a neighbourhood we have invested in “ financially and emotionally -- and do not want to see undermined by arbitrary spot zoning. We are not suggesting that no change will ever be acceptable. But given the choice of the Maison development - a 75,000 square foot development housing a 24/7 for-profit enterprise, or five monster homes, we infinitely prefer the latter. Please do not advance this proposal. Reject it tonight.
> Christopher Loat: proxy time to speak on behalf of xxx Pirani and Virani
Mayor: sorry, can't allow that
{CL pointing}
Mayor: so if they're here can
{someone: CLOCK?}
Mayor: we're v fair here; nine mins
CL: [text supplied; my underlining]
Good evening, Mayor and Council
My name is Christopher Loat and I reside at 780 Eden Place, West Vancouver and I have been given proxy time to speak on behalf of Haider Pirani of ¦ Eden Place West Vancouver
I am opposed to the Maison development because it sets a precedent for spot-zoning. The character of West Vancouver and the strength of our neighbourhoods is that we are zoned for safe single-family residential living which is often the primary reason why people purchase in such areas. If this development proceeds a precedent will have been set for any developer to take an option on one, two, or three homes in residential areas anywhere in West Vancouver and replace them with commercial, for-profit developments. Spot-zoning results in the transfer of wealth from the homeowner and taxpayer to the developer and ultimately the Municipality through the Community Amenities Contributions.
Spot-zoning results in an eclectic grouping of buildings with no particular structured, pre-determined, community plan. Advanced planned development of a wider area with vision will result in development that the community needs and any uplift in values being enjoyed by all.
The existing Official Community Plan zones Sentinel Hill as Single Family. The Maison project is to be rejected quite simply because it does not meet the terms laid out in the existing Official Community Plan. If you feel there is a need to change the zoning on the Taylor Way corridor, then lets revise the Official Community Plan for ALL of West Vancouver and then create competition by inviting interested parties to submit their proposals for development. This is the only appropriate way to change zoning.
The homeowners within the Planning Departments designated area for feedback¯ have given strong support to retain the single-family residential zoning in the proposed project location.
Please further consider the following issues:
You requested that more research be done on the need for Senior Care in our community and our feedback is as follows:
Private, high-end care homes across the lower mainland have an average vacancy rate of 18% (Source) and high-end care homes in West Vancouver have higher vacancy rates. I understand that the [Westerleigh] presently has a vacancy rate of 45%. This clearly indicates a lack of demand for these types of facilities. Proceeding with this project will only add beds where they are not required. There is already too much capacity in the market place for this type of care and this has been confirmed by Vancouver Coastal Health.
On the other hand, affordable care homes across the North Shore (such as Inglewood Care Centre) have wait lists. With this strong demand there is a First Bed Available¯ policy in place. This is the category in which our municipality should be encouraging the addition of more senior care beds.
Also “ the private memory care facilities that currently exist only provide care for those in the early stages of dementia. If and when those patients progress to more advanced dementia and need more nursing care they will have to be moved to facilities offering more complex care (in accordance with hospital regulations) which on the North Shore will be places like Inglewood Care Centre. Simply put, we do not need any more private-pay beds at this time
(Put the RFP on the projector)
Are you aware that in October 2013 Vancouver Costal Health issued a Request for Proposal¯ for 44 complex care beds? Also that a local, existing, affordable care facility (probably Inglewood care from a conversation at the open house in December) met the Planning Department for an initial discussion on a proposal to provide these 44 beds, and they were asked to consider holding off their application until after the Maison issue had been dealt with?
(Put the architectural plan on the projector)
Are you aware that this very same operator was proposing a development that would provide 73 beds, providing Vancouver Coastal Health with the 44 complex care beds in the Request for Proposal¯ plus additional capacity to meet further demand?
(Put the architectural drawing of the residential housing on the projector)
Are you aware that this proposal is at a facility already zoned to provide complex care, on land already owned by the operator, that the required beds can be provided with a lower Floor Space Ratio and in a building with an architectural design that has the appearance of residential homes?
Are you aware that once accepted by Vancouver Coastal Health the additional beds can be available in 7 months? Early delivery will help alleviate the back log?
Are you aware that Vancouver Coastal Health provides excellent affordable care for between $30 and $60 per day?
In summary:
1) There is a need for affordable care facilities
2) There is a Request for Proposal in place for affordable complex care beds
3) An existing provider is prepared to fulfill this need
4) Yet this information has been withheld in favour of a much more expensive proposal. WHY?
Our council and staff have looked for affordable housing in our community. Now for the good of all the community our Municipality is encouraged to support affordable [seniors] health care.
I respectfully ask you to please vote against proceeding with this development. It is the wrong development in the wrong place. Please put this document in the public record.
Mayor: thx for staying within time
> Elsbeth Wissink: Eden Place, WV resident mbr of PSH
oppose the Milliken proj and not send to next step
M&Ccl, thank you, you voted against the xxx [8:50]; xxx residents xxx and voted no
use the same kind of reasoning and reject the Milliken proposal
SLIDES asked for residents' opinions. We answered xxx
nbrhd character; respect ours as you did for Taylor Wood
in 2011, Dist received project &&&, didn't proceed b/c residents wd not xxx
thank you
didn't come; killing in the process; and now, why Milliken proposal much stronger; not considered enough to stop this prop
based on the nbrhd considered for other projs; never shd hv advanced
$1.8M has shrunk this [8:53]
> Philip Falls: SLIDES WV residents, PSH [text supplied]
Neighbours are Strongly Against the Milliken Development MARCH 31, 2014
Mayor and Council, my name is Philip Falls and I live at 770 Eden Place. I am speaking to you as a West Vancouver resident and member of Preserve Sentinel Hill. I oppose the Milliken project and ask that you not to send the proposal forward to the next step.
Mr. Mayor and Council, the FOI request identified a concern from Ms. Binns“Milliken over concerns of duplicate comments on the website and how this could exaggerate opposition to the project.
To be very clear there are NO duplicates in the Preserve Sentinel Petition that you see above “ thats one reason why we have asked for names and addresses, a practice that as you are aware is inconsistently applied by the District and suspiciously only applied when seeking input on development proposals, in spite of complaints from the public
The numbers show 358 in opposition to the project and clearly in favour of keeping the neighbourhood zoned single-family and therefore against spot zoning. Only three residents are in favour in the area that you, Council, have designated.
This opposition will certainly grow louder “ particularly once the neighbourhood understands that as early back as in December, we learnt (at the Public Open House) that Inglewood Care wanted to expand its facility -- thereby presenting Council with an alternative to the Milliken development.
Ms [Milliken-Binns's] note to the District reminds us all of the importance of obtaining the highest quality comments from the public on this development proposal.
Therefore, tonight I ask the developer to support us in this common goal of gathering quality information by:
Asking Council going forward to only consider comments on this project that include complete names and addresses, and
To also invite Council going forward to direct staff to use comment sheets/questionnaires that clearly point out to readers that there are both supporters and opponents of this project and to list the pros and cons from both sides.
Mr. Milliken, do you support this initiative to improve the quality of public input and to fairly report to the public on the pros and cons of your proposed development? Will you join us in asking Council to make these changes effective immediately and prior to any future potential public meeting?
Mr. Mayor and Council, if tonight you dont consider making significant changes to the way the District collects, interprets, and presents information to the public on this projects, you are continuing to endorse practices that we believe favour the development and that at a minimum do not fairly present the views of opponents to the project.
As the [development's] application process may rule out further communication with Council over the next few weeks, it is important that these changes [be] made immediately.
Mayor and Council, how can you proceed to vote on the next steps on this project when the District is not fairly collecting information and reflecting objections to this proposal at to the public at public meetings by continuing to use inadequate comment sheets and questionnaires?
Please post these notes with Council correspondence and in the development application site.
Mayor: anybody who comes to a PH gives name and address
in Ms Berg's excellent report, was a lengthy section on nbrhd opposition
PF: happy to hear that
> Esther Del Vicario: [text supplied] Process speech
Good evening, Mr. Mayor, Councillors, and staff. My name is Esther Del Vicario and I live at 890 8th street. Im a member of Preserve Sentinel Hill. I strongly oppose the Maison development and would like to speak to you about the way this issue has been dealt with.
Weve been very public about our how we feel this proposal has been handled, and have always wondered if the outcome was predetermined in favour of the developer. But casting doubts aside, we listened to the concerns raised at previous meetings and undertook the formidable task of gathering as much information as possible and available that was relevant to the project so that you could make an informed decision. We subsequently presented our findings to you and yet, despite our best efforts and all the gathered factual evidence supporting our objections to this project, Maison continues to move forward within the process.
We cant help but be cynical of a process we feel is bulldozing the project through in complete and persistent disregard of the facts as presented. So we used our power as voting citizens and through the Freedom of Information (FOI) act, we paid to have copies of all correspondence between Mayor and Council, staff, and the developer. After reading over 600 pages, with more to come, statements were clearly made that left no doubt in anyones mind that the outcome of this project was indeed predetermined in favour of the developer irrespective of the facts which speak against it.
And so I put this to Council: if you vote tonight to move this forward without a full discussion of our objections and the game-changing alternative weve put before you, you™ll be intentionally shutting down any further debate on this project from stakeholders including members of Preserve Sentinel Hill and the public, and youll be doing so without staff completing the work you asked for at the January meeting which was to provide you with facts and information on alternate sites, impact on housing prices, and to research the need for this type of [seniors'] care. How can you then proceed to the next step knowing the real and urgent demand is for affordable complex care for seniors which includes memory care, and that a Request For Proposal or RFP exists that outlines and supports this real need? Please stop the process in its tracks right now and continue to do your homework. Proceeding to the step next by passing the 7-part motion before you, especially part 1 that states that Opportunities for consultation on the proposed Official Community Plan amendment, with persons, organizations, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Senior Community Planner dated March 12, 2014, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for purposes of Section 879 of the Local Government Act¯ is acting in complete denial of the facts and will cast doubt the minds of anyone who is watching tonights council meeting that our voices and the voices of seniors in our community arent being heard at this critical juncture in the process and risk being silenced forthwith if this project reaches the next step. Thank you. Please put this in the development application.
> Marie Payette-Falls: [text supplied] Concluding speech
Good evening Mr. Mayor, Councillors and staff. My name is Marie Payette-Falls, Ive lived at 770 Eden Place for 22 years, I™m a member of Preserve Sentinel Hill and Im strongly opposed to the Maison project.
Youve just heard an impassioned group of informed and concerned residents and voters speak to you about:
The pitfalls and dangers of spot-zoning and of not abiding by the existing Official Community Plan or OCP
The overwhelming opposition to this project by the residents of Sentinel Hill
The negative impact of this project on the neighbourhood character of Sentinel Hill & Eden Place
The negative impact of this project on housing prices of properties adjacent to the proposed site
The urgent need, as stated by experts in the field, for more public, affordable beds to meet the current and growing demand for complex care for seniors on the North Shore, including memory care which will account for no more than 10% of Maison beds, and how our findings, based on meetings with professionals in this area including Vancouver Coastal Health, conflict with what Mr. Milliken and his entourage are purporting.
I cant believe after all you™ve heard that you would not do the only thing that makes sense and stop this project in its tracks right now and focus your attention on meeting the real needs of seniors in our community by looking at supporting the health authoritys Request For Proposal¯ and granting those who can approval to do whats required to provide the type of care facility our seniors REALLY need.
Now, if in spite of everything I and others have just said, tonights motion passes, then why? Because promises have been made to the developer and the outcome is predetermined? Because at a time when the municipality is facing serious financial challenges, saying no to a possible $1.8M that will be forthcoming from the developer if the project proceeds, is hard to pass up?
(Before I conclude, another point needs to be made on behalf of everyone whos worked tirelessly to do what™s right by our fellow residents including our seniors and that is the questionable scheduling of Maison-related council meetings & events that discourages participation, for example right before Christmas or Easter, mid-summer or today, a day after Spring Break when many young families like those in our neighbourhood were away.)
This meeting is televised for all citizens to watch and listen to their representatives on council and staff who are supposed to be working to better our community. And I cant imagine that anyone who™s been following this debate isnt equally put off and discouraged by what theyve seen. That the people have spoken and their input and concerns, while voiced, have not been heard. As you are well aware, were planning to take an active part in the next municipal election on issues that are important to our community and our neighbourhood and will be inviting incumbents and anyone running in the next
Election to attend an all candidates meeting facilitated by Preserve Sentinel Hill.
Wed hope that during this meeting, wed be able to congratulate those currently sitting on council for their courage and good sense in not letting the Maison project proceed, for working collaboratively with citizens to review and renew our OCP, thus thwarting all attempts at spot-zoning, and for listening to those in the know, including the health authority, and providing for the elderly in our community whose urgent needs for affordable complex care are great and as yet, unmet. Thank you. Please put this in the development application.
{some dings before end}
> Mayor: Scenery Slater
SS: you know my name!
share the concerns many speakers have made about the process
CAC, calculate on the formula -- highest and lowest
how is that in the best interests of the cmnty? why?
no doubt at all that there is a need for addl beds for srs particular with dementia and mental issues
this is a need for publicly funded beds
difficulty being able to afford to stay in WV
Milliken -- don't see as meeting the need
if discouraging Inglewood to expand
also have heard the same proponents were discouraged from contacting Sentinel Hill
more concern wrt the process
whole bunch of residents more than their share of legwork; xxx listen to them
> Melinda Slater: I wasnt prepared to speak tonight but I wanted to add my support to the previous speakers, theyve certainly said very well all of the things Im thinking and I agree wholeheartedly with them, particularly the concerns about spot-zoning.
Were hearing there are no other sites for senior care AND that there is a desperate need [for] this kind of care. Certainly one supposedly small, private, and presumably very expensive facility is not going to meet current and growing needs and I dont see how this can possibly satisfy concerns about affordable seniors' housing or care, which we keep hearing about.
Because Im related to Scenery I have personal experience with that as well.
{this is a reference to the fact they have a relative in a srs' facility}
Instead of a spot-zoning band-aid¯ approach, I implore Council to step back and seriously plan for these needs. We need to seriously plan for this.
Did I hear correctly that the DRC concurs that this site is no longer a single-family neighbourhood? Thats very disconcerting, I™m not sure why that would be, its my neighbourhood.
CC: if lengthy move as written?
MClk: since PH shd be read
CC moved: THAT Opportunities for consultation on the proposed OCP amendmt, with persons, orgs, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 12, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for purposes of Section 879 of the LGA;
[9:10] MClk: my apologies; consider each and vote separately
CC: clarification on process -- suggest we group cclrs' comments? first or last?
Mayor: on first
CC: I will be voting on the six
clear case for need whether WV or NSh as a whole
clear that dementia is a growing prob; ageing demographic in Canada and in WV
I hv various friends with dementia and Alzheimer's issues, a real burden on families -- burden huge and v diff in family dwellings
agree, the need follow on publicly funded system; many cannot afford the rates at Maison
there are many who CAN afford; they'll take some demand away from the public system
we add to the supply
see the need, facility is meeting the need; at this intermediate stage shd be hearing from the cmnty as a whole
although have heard and so an idea of where it's goingonly other thing I'll ask, reason to believe, residents hv been advised impact when built out will not be signif if anything at all
be forthcoming is received advice &&& [9:14]
ML: xxx public have a right to comment; appropriate is at the PHI don't believe to have any disc at this time to discuss pros and cons
firm believer in the integrity of the process
strong objection to anyone who xxx; look fwd to Apr 16Sop: xxx stood up for character of nbrhd; residents
no offence to Mr Milliken, some great devts xxx
wrt interruption to nbrhds; both sides why not [9:16]
xxx there's a need; a number in NV also devping
strongly object placing a devt in a nbrhd that we have locked in-- an imp area...this is not a whim, this is a serious nbrhd; xxx creeping commercialism
can't support it, can't support going fwd.
NG: appreciate nbrhd has put in writing nbrhd character; will serve us and yourselves in future
although many tonight not in favour, received about an equal number in support, whole-heartedly
I'd like to hear from more ppl
I too regret the insinuation that anything has been predetermined or that any promises made behind closed doorsregret those insinuations
TP: briefly, were deciding whether moves forward to PH
we have written policy, and need clearly demonstrated in the reports
do believe merit in hearing from the entire cmnty; won't have opp to do that unless I hear it; my job is to listen to the whole cmnty; nbrhd has done a xxx job
do need to listen to entire cmnty -- at that point decision can be made; will be supporting
MB: will support moving forward for same reason; wd like to have an opp to hear the rest of the cmnty
Mayor: Cclr Lewis and Cclr Sop
this has been long; staff and DRC; obligation to go to whole cmnty
still have not made up my mind whether go ahead or not xxx
also sympathetic to what Cclr Sop said
nobody can give me any example of an epidemic of xxx
I live directly behind the WV Care Ctr; haven't heard a loud partysgl-fam houses, I'd prefer what was there
fear of one of these facilities -- all the nbrs around me wd make the same
Sop is right we have to [9:22] {get those examples}
this is not a rezoning factory, it's a residence
haven't decided whether or not to go ahead
CC: respond to what Mr Sop has said
applicn for a proj and bound to go through
wd hope and certainly support look at issue, zoning changes, care homes, on a cmnty basis
not just on TWay; look at it holistically
spot-zoning considerable concern
CARRIES with Sop opposed
Proposed OCP ... be read a first time
CARRIES with Sop opposed
Proposed ... hs bn considered in conjunction w/ the Districts financial plan and the regional waste mgmt plan; CARRIES with Sop opposed
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4784, 2014¯ be read a first time; CARRIES with Sop opposed
Proposed OCP..." and proposed Zoning..." be presented at a PH scheduled for Apr 16 at 6pm in the Ccl Chamber, MHall and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH wch shall include notice of the PH to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area¯ in Appendix C to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 12 re the proposed devt of 825 Taylor Way and 707 Keith Road (Maison Senior Living)
CARRIES with Sop opposed
Sop: ?
Mayor: we agreed none
Sop: we did? okay
Proposed Devt Permit be presented at a Public Mtg scheduled for Apr 16 at 6pm in the Ccl Chamber, MHall, to be held concurrently with the PH scheduled for Apr 16 in Ccl Chamber, MHall, and that the MClk give notice of the scheduled Public Mtg wch shall include notice of the Public Mtg to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area¯ in Appendix C to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 12 re the proposed devt of 825 TWay / 707 Keith (Maison Senior Living); and
CARRIES with Sop opposed
Proposed covenants for window blind operations and tree protection attached as Appendix H and Appendix I respectively to the report by the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 12, be presented as part of the devt package.
CARRIES with Sop opposed
Mayor: as CC spoke twice will
Sop: showed the map red, pride of ownership, xxx taxes, why consistently look at things that take away from Keith Rd north
Sokol: will be a public info mtg held at St David's church, maybe Ms Berg can give date and time
LB: set Apr 9 public info; info will be sent by devpr
Mayor: Ccl will get a report on that mtg?
Sokol: purpose of mtg is just to get info out
wd be happy to give a report at the beginning of the PH
nbrhd wd be welcome to present boards and be at mtg
BYLAWS [9:30]
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
11. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 (re amendmt to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Mar 10 reg Ccl mtg, and was the subject of a PH held on Mar 31. If the PH has closed, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw, and may consider second and third reading of the proposed bylaw.
Read a second and third time.
12. Consent Agenda Items -- rec'd for info, for approval:
12.1. Correspondence List (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to February 28, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) T. Hewstan, February 22, 2014, regarding RE: Smart Meter Program Refusal¯
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, February 26, 2014, regarding May is MS Awareness Month¯
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) City of New Westminster, Feb 18, reg Concerns Regarding Recent Amendments to the Canada Postal System¯
(4) E. Lyman, February 23, 2014, regarding Fwd: Major US Utility: No Rational Basis¯ for Smart Meters¯
(5) 2 submissions, dated February 27, 2014, regarding BC Ferries Service Reductions
(6) A. Poulsson, J. Adams (Preserve Sentinel Hill), Feb 27 re Alternate Locns for [Srs'] Facilities in WV (Maison Milliken)
> Council Correspondence Update to March 7, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) A. Lepiarczyk, March 1, 2014, regarding Upper Lands¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) T. Lautens, March 2, 2014, regarding Garbage Collection
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) March 3, 2014, regarding FW: Upper Lands Working Group Process- REVISED with Permission¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) West Van Matters, March 4, 2014, re No Jan 17 Ccl Mtg Video?; No CEC Mtg Posted; Heritage Grp?¯
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(5) P. Hundal, March 7, re Criticism of materials & questionnaire published by Upper Lands Working Group¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(6) R. Longe, March 7, 2014, regarding South Piccadilly¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(7) Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Mar 7, re Request for Delegation (Scotiabank MS Walk on Sun, April 13, 2014)
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response) Received for Information
(8) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes “ Community Grants Committee “ December 13, 2013
(9) City of North Vancouver, February 27, 2014, regarding North Shore Food Charter¯
(10) DNV, Feb 28, re Amalgamation¯ (Study of the potential costs and benefits of consolidating the three NSh Ms)
(11) Canadian Federation of University Women West Vancouver, Feb 28, re Int'l Womens Day Events (March 8, 2014) (12) E. Lyman, March 1, 2014, regarding Fwd: Wireless Radiation “ The more important BIG [picture]!¯
(13) Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC), Mar 3, re Call for Nominations to 2014 IPAC Vanier Medal¯
(14) Western Residents Association of West Vancouver, March 4, 2014, re Upper Lands Working Group Open House
15) Hollyburn Sailing Club, March 4, 2014, re Hollyburn Sailing Club Annual Commodores Sail Past (May 10, 2014)
(16) M. Crocker, March 4, 2014, regarding Proposed amendment to DP 02-020 (walking trail on Seascapes lands)¯
(Referred to March 10, 2014 regular Council meeting)
(17) City of Bby, Mar 4, re Cmnty Impacts of Proposal to Eliminate Home Mail Delivery Service by Canada Post Corp¯ (18) R. Wyllie, March 6, 2014, re proposed devtt [sic] by Hollyburn Properties at Bellevue, 21 and Argylle [sic]¯
(19) BC Ferry Services Inc. (BC Ferries), Mar 7, re Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendmt ... “ BC Ferries Submission¯
(Referred to March 10, 2014 Public Hearing)
Responses to Correspondence
(20) A/Dir/Parks, Mar 3, response to Ambleside/Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), 1528 Argyle (Godfreys House) (21) Dir/Planning, Mar 3, response to P. Nevison, Permission to construct a new driveway crossing and driveway to
access our 4 lots for the purpose of vehicular access to our subj props legally [known as Lot 1-4, xxx], 5907 “
5915 “ 5921 & 5929 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC.¯
> Council Correspondence Update to March 14, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) MetroV, Mar 7, re Notification of a Proposed Amendmt to MetroV 2040: Shaping Our Future (Metro 2040), the
regional growth strategy “ Type 3 Amendment¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association (ADRA), Mar 9, re 1528 Argyle Avenue (Godfreys House)
(Referred to Director of Park and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), March 9, 2014, regarding Fwd: Park Royal Devt proposal¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), March 9, 2014, re Fwd: Upper Lands development¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) Eagle Harbour Yacht Club, Thunderbird Marina, WV Yacht Club, Sewells Marina and Sunset Marina, March 6, 2014, re Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010 Amendment Bylaw No 4779, 2014 (Marine Zones)¯
(Previously rec'd at Mar 10, 2014 Public Hearing)
(6) MetroV, Mar 7, re MetroV Waste Flow Management and the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District
Recyclable Material Regulatory Bylaw No. 280 (Bylaw 280)¯
(7) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association (ADRA), March 9, 2014, regarding Fwd: invitation¯
(Annual General Meeting of the Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers Association, April 5, 2014)
(8) 4 submissions, dated March 2 “ March 12, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith and TWay (DP Applicn No. 12-084)
(9) West Van Matters, March 10, 2014, regarding Clarification of Ccl Minutes Feb 3 and 17¯
(10) R. and M. Rolston, Mar 10, re Proposed Zoning, Amendment Bylaw ... (Marine Zones 1, 2 and 3)
(Previously received at March 10, 2014 Public Hearing)
(11) A. Lepiarczyk, March 10, 2014, regarding TAXES, TAX EXEMPTIONS and WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY¯
(12) West Vancouver School District, March 11, 2014, re Invitation to Lighthouse 2014 Celebration “ April 8, 2014¯
(13) C. Ballantine, March 11, 2014, regarding foot Online Survey¯
(14) A. Pietrow, Mar 13, re Want a reason to protest on Saturday?¯ (H Bay Ferry Terminal Coastal Cmnty Protest)
(15) C. Ballantine, March 12, 2014, regarding Fw: West Vans stroad.¯
Responses to Correspondence(
16) A/Dir/Parks, Mar 10, response to Ambleside/Dundarave Ratepayers Assn (ADRA), 1528 Argyle (Godfreys House)
{not quite complete or satisfactory, don't you think? info and process missing}
(17) Director of Engineering, March 11, 2014, response to T. Hewstan, RE: Smart Meter Program Refusal¯
(18) Director of Engineering and Transportation, March 10, 2014, response to T. Lautens, Garbage Collection
> Council Correspondence Update to March 18, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) G. Sacré, March 18, 2014, regarding FW: 1763 Bellevue¯ (Proposed Redevelopment of the Masonic Hall Site)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) MetroV, Mar 11, re Conveying MetroVs Recent Bd Rpt on the Reg'nal Growth Strategy and Agricultural Land Comm"
(3) WV Memorial Library, March 13, 2014, re Invitation to TED2014 Conference Broadcasts (March 17-21, 2014) Responses to Correspondence
(4) Dir/Planning, Mar 13, response to P. Nevison, Permission to construct a new driveway crossing and driveway to access our 4 lots for the purpose of vehicular access to our subject properties legally known as Lot 1-4, Blk 4, DL 771, LD 36, Plan 6025, 5907 “ 5915 “ 5921 & 5929 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC.¯
Mayor: Eagle Island re garbage or wait till staff response?
CAO: Ray
MB: know Mr Fung will respond; sympathetic to residents
Sop: xxx v nice; xxx or too lazy to get out of their truck?
RF: seems to be a lack of consensus; have to accommodate; wrt one ideal situation
=== CCL MTG AGENDAs April 7 ===
=== SPECIAL CCL MTG April 7 ===
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality
Purpose of mtg: land matters.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
For On-Table Items Please See Items 2.1, 5, 9, 14.1, and 14.2
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda amended by:
adding Item 2.1 re Mar 31 PH minutes, and Summary of Mar 31 PH re Proposed Zoning Bylaw (re amendment to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Drive);
adding to Item 5 a memorandum regarding EcoUrbia and Establishment of a Community Eco-Centre;
adding to Item 9 the report regarding Proposed Amendments to Finance Committee Terms of Reference;
adding to Item 14 Items 14.1 and 14.2 regarding correspondence;
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
1. the minutes of the March 31, 2014 Public Hearing be adopted as circulated;
2. the Summary of March 31, 2014 Public Hearing re Proposed Zoning Bylaw (re amdmt to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of comm land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine Dr)
3. North Shore Early Years Planning Table, re North Shore Childrens Charter of Rights (File: 0055-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided. [to be rec'd for information w/ thx]
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
EcoUrbia and Establishment of a Community Eco-Centre (On-Table) (File: 0120-06)
Ccl direct staff to work w/ EcoUrbia on the est'mt of a cmnty eco-centre at the vacant Parks greenhouse site at Klee Wyck; and
Staff report back to Ccl on a sustainable business plan developed by EcoUrbia for an eco-centre concept, 5-year term lease, operational, and capital community supported funding model.
Update on West Vancouver Secondary School Track and Artificial Turf Field Concept (File: 0180-02)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Staff work w/ the WV Sch Dist and stakeholders in developing a collaborative model for project mgmt, and a funding and long-term sustainability strategy, for the WV Sec Sch Track and Artificial Turf Field;
Staff, in conjunction with the WV Sch Dist, undertake further consultation with the residents that are in proximity to WV Sec Sch in order to understand their concerns with this project; and that
Staff report on the collaborative model proposed for project mgmt, and funding and long-term sustainable strategy, and on the nbrhd consultation.
Proposal for Establishment of Public Art Advisory Committee (File: 3006-07)
The proposal for a Public Art Adv Cmte, as described in the report dated Mar 14 from the Cultural Services Supervisor, be approved; and
Info re the establishmt of the cmte, appmts, and terms of ref be presented to Ccl for consideration in April.
Ferry Building Community Gallery Improvements (File: 0515-10) -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided. RECOMMENDED: THAT
Ccl support that the District enter into contract with DA Architects to evaluate and propose the necessary upgrades to restore the Ferry Building;
The amount of $57,800 to fund this work be achieved by budget amendment;
An assessment leading to a proposed expansion and public consultation associated with that work be undertaken; and
The amount of $71,200 be drawn from the Amenity Fund for that purpose.
{hm. I'm a supporter of the FBG and restoration but some info missing. Excellent architects but for future reference, how were they chosen? is this a precedent and other projs will come forward wanting budget amendmts? what is the process to use Amenity Funds (also called Cmnty Benefits/CACs)?}
Proposed Amendments to Finance Committee Terms of Reference (On-Table) (File: 0116-20-FIN)
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed amendments, as described in the report dated Apr 7 from the CFO, be approved.
Rezoning and Devt Permit Applicn No. 13-018 / Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4788, 2014 for 870 and 876 Keith Rd (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) (File: 1010-20-13-018 / 1610-20-4788)
Schedule A
1. THAT proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4788, 2014¯ be read a first time;
2. THAT proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4788, 2014¯ be presented at a PH scheduled for Mon, May 5, at 7pm in Ccl Chamber, MHall and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH wch shall include notice of the PH to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area¯ in Appendix F to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 19, re the rezoning of 870 and 876 Keith Road (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni); and
3. THAT Devt Permit Applicn No. 13-018 be presented at a Public Mtg scheduled for Mon, May 5, at 7pm in Ccl Chamber, MHall, to be held concurrently w/ the PH scheduled for Mon, May 5, in Ccl Chamber, MHall, and that the MClerk give notice of the scheduled Public Mtg wch shall include notice of the Public Mtg to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area¯ in Appendix F to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 19, re the rezoning of 870/876 Keith Rd (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni).
11. Proposed Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4786, 2014 (to close up and remove the dedication of a highway located adjacent to, and south of, the Mulgrave School site on Cypress Bowl Road)
Proposed Road Closure, Removal of Hwy Dedicn Bylaw No. 4786, 2014¯ be read a first, second, and third time.
The Dist issue statutory notices of proposed Bylaw setting Apr 28 as the deadline for written/oral submissions.
BYLAW for Adoption
12. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 (re amdmt to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Dr) (File: 1610-20-4787)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the Mar 10, re Ccl mtg, was the subject of a PH held and closed on Mar 31, and rec'd second and third reading at the Mar 31, reg Ccl mtg. As the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
13. Consent Agenda Items RECOMMENDED: THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:
13.1. Public Safety Building “ Project Status Report for February, 2014 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated March 10, 2014, be received for information.
13.2. Appointment to Board of Variance (File: 2310-04)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the apptmt of Amyn Bhayani for a three-year term ending Dec 31, 2016 be approved.
13.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to March 21, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) C. Wootten, March 6, 2014, regarding South Piccadilly¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) P. Falls, March 17, 2014, regarding Re: Collecting Community Input Policy #04-10-109¯
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) K. Losken, March 21, 2014, 2 submissions regarding Collingwood School Construction and Glenmore Drive Properties (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes “ West Vancouver Memorial Library Board “ February 19, 2014
(5) M. MacKenzie, February 1, 2014, re Maison Senior Living Residence “ Taylor Way at Keith Road, West Vancouver¯ (6) E. Lyman, March 18, 2014, regarding Fwd: The City of Burnaby Takes on the National Energy Board¯
> Council Correspondence Update to March 25, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) A. Culley & Company Architecture, Mar 24, regarding EAGLE ISLAND GARBAGE & DOCK ACCESS ZONE¯ (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) City of New Westminster, Mar 21, regarding City of New Westminsters position on the Pattullo Bridge Replacement¯ (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response).
14. Ccl has requested the following corresp be brought fwd for discussion, may propose a motion if Ccl considers further action is req'd.
14.1. D. Derreth, March 24, 2014, regarding Dog Waste Disposal Bags (On-Table)
14.2 City of Vanc, Apr 3, re Changes to BC Ambulance Service Resource Allocns: Impacts on City & Citizens¯ (On-Table)
=== ANIMALWATCH === We otter have a nap
=== PHOTOWATCH === (animals)
Perfectly timed animal shots: http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/Galleries/Perfectly-Timed-Animal-Shots.aspx
=== BIRDWATCH === ~~ Bluebirds back on Vancouver Island
Three years into a project to re-establish the Western Bluebird on Vancouver Island, project partners are thrilled to find BC-bred birds as far north as Nanaimo. Read Island Tides online -- http://islandtides.com Page 7,
also single article 'Reprint' in Parks+Wildlife http://islandtides.com/html/environment.htmhttp://islandtides.com/html/environment.htm
=== INFObits === Jim Flaherty -- shocking sudden loss April 10 -- condolences to wife and triplet sons
+ Abolishing the penny -- While announcing Economic Action Plan 2012 on March 29 in the House of Commons, Flaherty explained that, by February 2013, the govt would be phasing out the penny. The cost to produce each new penny was 1.6 cents, which exceeded the penny's face value by 0.6 cents. The estimated savings for taxpayers from phasing out the penny is about $11M a year. Even though the govt eliminated the penny from circulation, Canadians can continue to use pennies for cash transactions indefinitely for businesses that choose to accept them or they can redeem rolled pennies at their financial institutions.
+ Flaherty's wife, Christine Elliott, won Flaherty's former provincial seat in a by-election, defeating Longfield who was running as the provincial Liberal candidate. This marked the first time in Canadian history that a husband and wife have simultaneously represented the same electoral district at two different levels of government.
+ State Funeral (Apr 16) -- 3pm in the St James Cathedral in Toronto
Flaherty will become the latest in a tradition of Canadian state funerals that began in 1868 with Thomas D'Arcy McGee, an Ireland-born nationalist who became a member of Parliament and was assassinated on the streets of Ottawa after a late night of debate in the Commons. ...
... McGee, Layton, and now Flaherty, are the only three Canadians accorded a state funeral since Confederation beyond the prescribed list, according to a list provided by Canadian Heritage.
=== ROYALWATCH === the first crawl-about
Royal Tour: 10 things you might not know about Prince George
10 APRIL 2014 -- Prince George is on his very first official royal tour, and Wednesday he was the guest of honour at a special playdate, put on by family support group Plunket and joining other young children of a similar age.......
See: http://ca.hellomagazine.com/royalty/2014041018118/ten-new-facts-about-prince-george/
> Port Metro Vancouver
Project at Wreck Beach and others -- http://porttalk.ca/HabitatEnhancement
View the April 2014 Habitat Enhancement Program Update on PortTalk for information about Glenrose Tidal Marsh Project works and an update on the proposed Westham Island Canoe Pass Tidal Marsh Project.
More/other info: https://portmetrovancouver.createsend.com/t/ViewEmail/j/850623212918169B/C67FD2F38AC4859C/
...Vancouver was the first city in Canada to hire female police officers? In 1912 Vancouver earned the title of first in Canada, and third in the world to include women in the city's police force. As a side fact, female officers were issued 'gun purses', up until 1974 when the new women's uniform included a holster.
=== TEAWATCH ===
It's that time of year -- and what's more Canadian and delicious than sipping Murchie's Sugar Maple tea -- yum!
'Blood moon' will be a sight to behold, weather permitting
By Ben Brumfield and Todd Borek, CNN
On Tuesday, April 15, there will be a total lunar eclipse that will turn the moon a coppery red, NASA says. It's called a blood moon, and it's one of four total eclipses that will take place in North America within the next year and a half. Pictured here is a blood moon seen over Gaza City in March 2007.
April 15, 2014 -- Updated 0447 GMT (CNN) Tuesday will bring a spectacle in the night sky worth staying up for when the moon turns a burnt reddish orange. The moon will begin to change color at about 1:58am. ET Tuesday as it starts to slide into the Earth's shadow until it becomes a "blood moon" at 3:07 ET, NASA says. The best part of the show, the total eclipse portion, will last through 4:24 am ET.....
Rest in: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/11/tech/innovation/blood-moon/index.html?sr=sharebar_twitter
=== UN RAPPORTEUR === Israel/Palestine
apartheid and ethnic cleansing': UN rapporteur on Palestine blasts
A Palestinian man reacts as he sits atop rubble after his home was demolished in Jabel Mukaber, a village in the suburbs of East Jerusalem (Reuters / Ammar Awad)
March 22, 2014
The UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine accused Israeli authorities of conducting colonialist policies that constitute forms of apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Speaking at a news conference at the UN European headquarters in Geneva on Friday, the UN Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestine, Richard Falk, accused Israel of pushing Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and creating unbearable conditions for the minority to force them to immigrate.
Falk, an ethnic Jewish expert in international law and professor emeritus at Princeton University, told journalists that Israeli policies have unacceptable characteristics of colonialism, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing.¯
In the present situation where talks between Israel and Palestinian authority remain in deadlock, the acceleration of Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories is causing Palestinians to lose their faith that a state of their own could ever be created.
Every increment of enlarging the settlements, or every incident of house demolition is a way of worsening the situation confronting the Palestinian people and reducing what prospects they might have as the outcome of supposed peace negotiations,¯ the UN Special Rapporteur said.
Richard Falk (AFP Photo / Cem Turkel) --->
Speaking about Israel de facto annexing parts of the Palestinian territory, Falk was actually citing a report on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, prepared by his group and presented in January.
The report maintains that Israeli policies in the West Bank are effectively denying the Palestinian right to self-determination by means of apartheid and segregation.¯
To sustain indefinitely an oppressive occupation containing many punitive elements also seems designed to encourage residents to leave Palestine, which is consistent with the apparent annexationist, colonialist, and ethnic-cleansing goals of Israel, especially in relation to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,¯ the report said.
For that purpose, the Israelis use bureaucratic processes, such as revocation of residency permits, demolitions of residential structures built without Israeli permits (often virtually impossible to obtain), and forced evictions of Palestinian families,¯ which is a definite violation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, said the report.
Click the link below to continue reading:http://rt.com/news/israel-palestinians-ethnic-cleansing-521/
Click the link below to read Mr. Falk's report to the UN:
=== BOOKWATCH and more ===
The Alliance for Arts and Culture has a newsletter with many local cultural events listed -- books, plays, talks, music, etc:
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === the new Canadian Alphabet (received Mar 26)
=== WORDWATCH === brave new word! Googleheimer's
noun: condition in wch you think of something you want to look up, then forget what it is by the time you get to the computer.
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
Welcome to the new Executive Director, Kathryn Molloy, and the new ofc administrator, Sarah Irwin
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Let us know if you'd like to participate in Community Day June 7 Contacts: 922 4400; info@heritage.westvan.org
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/special-projects/sunday-morning-at-hinge-park/
Evening Lecture: The Arts & Crafts movement in the Pacific Northwest
Vancouver Special Pre-Tour Lecture ~ 7:30pm ~ Wednesday April 16th, Unitarian Church [949 W 49th Ave]
Register: https://register.beanstream.com/scripts/registration.asp?form=2299
In advance of the Vancouver Special House Tour, VHF is offering a chance to learn more about converting Vancouver Specials into beautiful, functional, efficient homes.
Hear from Vancouver Special owner, Guido Wimmers, who has a PhD in building science and helped introduce the European Passive House [ http://www.passivehouse.ca ] standard to Canada. Wimmers will give a presentation on how passive energy technology can be adapted to Vancouver Specials, using his own home as a dramatic case study in improving the energy performance of Specials. There will then be a Q&A period.
=== Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
All + links: http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=71407de11e621d5603e0e7d9e&id=0631ed4b8b&e=102812a359
Find out what's Blooming Now at [Vancouver] City Hall. Check vcbf.ca for other fun and free Festival programming including Plein-Air Blossom Painting, BC Blossom Photo Watch, Haiku Invitational, Bike the Blossoms, and more !
SUN MAR 30... SATURDAY APRIL 13 {Yes, shd be Sunday but this was copy&pasted what I was sent in March; their website has now been corrected.
NINE FREE guided interpretative walks from Oppenheimer Park to UBC. {See Walks under Culturewatch above}
+ Plein-Air Blossom Painting http://vcbf.ca/community-event/plein-air-blossom-painting
April 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 11am to 2pm; VanDusen Botanical Garden, meet inside the Visitor's Ctr (5151 Oak Street)
=== Haiku Invitational === March 1 “ June 2
Complete information: http://www.vcbf.ca/community-event/haiku-invitational
The 2014 Haiku Invitational will accept up to two unpublished poem submissions (in English only) from each individual, online from March 1 to June 2, 2014. The theme is Meet your neighbours.¯ Haiku poet Kobayashi Issa wrote: Under the cherry tree there is no stranger¯ and wed like you to tell us, in your haiku, the many ways cherry blossoms bring you closer to your family, your friends, your community, and co-workers. Celebrate with a Cherry Blossom Picnic (or a hanami, which means flower viewing¯ in Japanese) to really find out the meaning of our festival motto there is no stranger under the cherry tree¯ and write haiku with your friends!
VCBF is launching a new category Best Vancouver¯ with the Vancouver Courier so that local poets from the Metro Vancouver area can submit haiku to this new category this spring.
Top poems in six main categories (Vancouver, BC, Canada, United States, International, and Youth) will be judged by Marco Fraticelli, receive celebrity readings and be featured in creative ways during the 2015 festival including publication in the Vancouver Courier community newspaper, The Bulletin magazine, Haiku Canada newsletter, online publication in Ripples, the newsletter of the Haiku Society of America, printing in a chapbook hand-folded and bound by Victoria-based Leaf Press and publication on the VCBF website. Winning poems will be read by Christopher Gaze at the VSOs Tea & Trumpets Concert, at our media-kickoff event, Cherry Jam Downtown concert by media celebrity emcee (past years have been CTVs Norma Reid) and celebrated at Sakura Days Japan Fair (attended by 12,000 people over two days).
Vancouver loves its flowering cherry trees “ all 40,000 of them! While they bloom from March through May, the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival invites you to celebrate their beauty with your haiku. The ephemeral nature of the blossoming of cherry trees teaches us all to celebrate life now. Similarly, haiku captures a fleeting moment in time with deep awareness and subtle appreciation. We encourage both budding and seasoned poets to join other poets from around the world (past submissions have arrived from as faraway as Australia, Bangladesh, Croatia, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom) in honouring our awe-inspiring cherry trees. The festival welcomes haiku submissions that capture the essence of cherry blossoms while honouring our relationships to each other and the natural world.
=== MAIKU === 2014 April 14
even when cloudy
yellow forsythia blooms
brighten the garden
{and now West Van Florist is full of daffodils, gold nearer the ground}
quotations thoughts puns
A problem is a chance for you to do your best. -- Duke Ellington, American composer (1899 - 1974)
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. -- Plato
Truth is not determined by majority vote. -- Doug Gwyn
There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working.
-- Robert Half, American entrepreneur (1918 - 2001)
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
-- Hubert Humphrey, US politician on free speech (1911 - 1978)
Let us, on both sides, lay aside all arrogance. Let us not, on either side, claim that we have already discovered the truth. Let us seek it together as something which is known to neither of us. For then only may we seek it, lovingly and tranquilly, if there be no bold presumption that it is already discovered and possessed.
-- St. Augustine, Christian philosopher (354 - 430)
A thought is a thing as real as a cannon ball. -- Joseph Joubert, French essayist (1754 - 1824)
A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation.
-- Edmund Burke, Irish statesman/British politician (1729 - 1797)
The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-- Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher (1861 - 1947)
Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery. -- Jack Paar, US author and comedian (1918 - 2004)
Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?'
Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?'
Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?'
But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?'
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., American humanitarian (1929 - 1968)
Pompous male bees are often known to drone on about themselves.
When the statistics professor and the math professor wrote a cookbook together, they called it 'Pi A La Mode'.
If you accidentally leave your fly down on a promising date, does that count as a Freudian zip?