= Apr 28 Ccl Mtg MAIN ITEMS: HBay Biz Assn Delegation; Residential Recycling Services; Maison Milliken (three readings); Purpose-Built Rental Housing; Subdivn Services Sq Nation/PkR; West Bay Pk; NSh Cmnty Food Charter; Taxes, Fees, Charges; Corresp: heritage cedar trees; more tree-cutting!
= YOUR OPINION? Upper Lands [above 1200ft?]; Maison Milliken PH video; M Elections [increase to four years?]
= Vive le Canada (Nat'l Day of Honour); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Upper Lands; Whyte Lake; Maison M, CEC, Senate, CAC clarification); WVPD (Family Carnival); UPDATES & INFO (Lib Candidates for fed election; Streamkeepers)
= CALENDAR to ~ May 4th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music/Opera/Choirs; Ballet); NATURE: Walks and Talk
= HEADSUP 06A: CEC, ULWG, Maison Milliken, Walk, my Maison M PH remarks
NOTICE: Bard Birthday Bash; HEADSUP 06B: Mtgs, etc
= CCL NOTES April 7: Delegation: NSh Chn's Charter of Rights; EcoUrbia/Cmnty eco-ctr at Klee Wyck; Sec Sch track and artificial turf field; estmt of a Public Art Adv cmte; Ferry Bldg Cmnty Gallery Improvements; Rezoning/DP for Evelyn/Onni (set PH); Road Closure near Mulgrave; PSB; Bd of V; Corresp: 4710 S Piccadilly (what heritage conservation? heritage NEEDS to be taken seriously!); PQP: real number of replies for UL, DWV vote re 4yr M term
= ANIMALWATCH (seals); PHOTOWATCH (snails); WORLDWATCH (sand!); INFObits (Matt Mystery; Internet Trolls); ROYALWATCH (Will&Kate at Uluru); PASSOVER for PALESTINE (Rabbi Mivasair); MUDDLE EAST WATCH (Sabeel; Ekklesia); BOOKWATCH (Citizen Canine); LANGUAGEWATCH (wch?); WORDWATCH (pysanka); HERITAGEWATCH; Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival (VCBF); HAIKU INVITATIONAL; MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOUR OPINION?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ UPPER LANDS WG Next mtg 7pm Tu Apr 28 at Srs' Ctr -- queried at Apr 15 mtg; apparently no intention to differentiate 1200ft boundary b/c not referred to in material supplied. Do you care?
~ MAISON MILLIKEN: see video of PH Apr 16: http://westvancouverbc.swagit.com/play/04172014-958
~ CIVIC ELECTION/TERMS Are you in favour of municipal terms being extended to four years?
Let Ccl and our MLA know if not. Then consider petition and/or referendum during November's municipal election.
== Vive le CANADA === from the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)
National Day of Honour ~ To honour that exemplary service, I am very pleased to announce that May 9, 2014, has been declared a National Day of Honour by Royal Proclamation, in recognition and
commemoration of Canadas military mission in Afghanistan.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
>> Upper Lands ~ As above, befuzzled at the mtg Apr 15 that the material omitted mention of the 1200ft boundary (see Headsup XX). When asked if wd be mentioned in the coming survey and 'directions' to be given to Ccl, the reply was to leave it to residents. It all points to the input we give, the answers to devt in the Upper Lands, will apply to both above and below 1200ft -- devt by stealth, through a fog.....
> Whyte Lake ~ Just received email from a reader who said there was a survey (deadline May 3) for input on areas for Whyte Lake Park -- who knew? Mentions ULWG -- I go to all the WG mtgs and have never heard of the area it recommends or even that there was a survey! Will try to find out more for the next WVM.
>> Maison Milliken ~ Ccl on the horns of a dilemma; see remarks in Headsup 06B below.
>> Cmnty Engagement Cmte (CEC) redux: No mtg since May last year; almost all new mbrs -- let's see what they do. Enforce open mtgs or condone closed? No doubt citizens crave and call for more cmnty engagement!
>> Keep the Senate (some reforms); their sober second thought needed re the new Election Act (needing amendments).
>> Apr 7 NOTES: haste so some gaps (listen to &&& parts); Snark Alert p 14; Item 10 on CACs v imp, see info pp 21, 22.
The WV Police Dept would like to invite you to come celebrate spring at the 2014 Family Carnival at Park Royal South (behind Extra Foods). Are you ready for three days of fun? From April 25 27*, fairgoers will get the chance to enjoy rides, games, and carnival treats. Partial proceeds from the event will help fund youth programs in West Van. For more info and to purchase tickets, visit Park Royals Guest Services desks.
We hope to see you there! Fri 3 - 10pm; Sat 11am - 10pm; Sun 11am - 6pm.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
+ Federal Election Oct 2015 ~ Three already vying for the Liberal nomination: Robert Cannon-Brown, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, and Judith Renault.
+ WV Streamkeeper Society
+ New board director: Dave Martin, a retired physician and long-time resident.
+ Adopt-a-Fish lends local Coho Salmon a helping hand
The West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society, the Coho Society of the North Shore, and the Dept of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) are excited to announce that this years Adopt-a-Fish will be held from 11am 1pm in Memorial Park on Saturday, April 26. Adopt-a-Fish lends a helping hand to the next generation of McDonald Creek Coho Salmon and teaches people about the lifecycle of these iconic fish and the pressures facing them. Elementary-aged school children will have the opportunity to release a one-year-old Coho Salmon (called a smolt) into McDonald Creek to begin its life in the wild.
The popularity of Adopt-a-Fish speaks volumes about our communitys commitment to protect and preserve local salmon populations, says John Barker, President of the WV Streamkeeper Society. This is an important annual event that increases awareness about the salmon that return year after year to spawn in the local rivers and creeks in which they were born. I encourage everyone to attend this educational event thats also a lot of fun.
Starting at 11am, children can pick up their Salmon Adoption Certificate outside WV Memorial Library and cross the street to Memorial Park to release a juvenile salmon into McDonald Creek. The Streamkeepers will be on hand to answer questions, provide information, and assist with the release of the salmon, which are raised by DFO staff at the Capilano River Hatchery and transported to McDonald Creek on the day of the event.
If weather permits, the festivities will also include a fish-themed outdoor Storytime hosted by the Librarys Youth Dept under a large tent in Memorial Park. In the event of rain, Storytime will relocate inside the Library. The Library also has a great collection of salmon and other fish resources heres a list of just some of what is available: wvml.ca/salmon.
Adopt-a-Fish is open to elementary-aged school children and their families and will proceed rain or shine.
No registration is required. More info, contact the Streamkeeper Society at westvancouverstreamkeepers@shaw.ca or visit westvanlibrary.ca/events/adopt-fish-and-storytime.
View the 2014 Spring/Summer Leisure Guide online. Pick up your copy -- Pick up your Leisure Guide
Visit the new Leisure Guide website. Browse courses more easily online using the "Find Program" feature.
See: westvancouverrec.ca Spring/Summer Leisure Guide
=== CALENDAR to May 4th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup/Notice section; not all repeated here.}
= Monday Apr 21
John Lawson Park: the Ambleside TiddlyCove Lions Club is hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt
= Wednesday Apr 23
~ 9 - 11am ~ Invasive Plant WG mtg
= Thursday Apr 24
~ 4:30pm ~ WVPD Board mtg at Police Stn
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte mtg
~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues mtg at DNV M Hall
~ 5:30 - 8pm ~ Taste of the Bay (Horseshoe Bay); tix on sale at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
an annual tradition in Horseshoe Bay sponsored by the Horseshoe Bay Business Assn
= Saturday Apr 26
~ 11am - 1:30pm ~ ADOPT-A-FISH AND STORY TIME {see Updates & Info for more}
The WV Streamkeeper Society hosts their annual Adopt-a-Fish. Pick up your Salmon Release Certificate at the Library and then head to Memorial Park to help a baby salmon (called a smolt) begin its life in the wild! Join us under the big white tent for a special outdoor fish-themed Storytime in the park! In case of rain, Storytime will be held in the Storyhouse at the Library. Salmon Release: 11am 1pm; Storytime: 11:30am.
= Saturday/Sunday Apr 26/27
~ 11am - 5pm ~ NORTH SHORE ART CRAWL -- 76 locations | Free | 300 artists -- http://nsartcrawl.ca
A free weekend event: the public is invited to explore artists' studios/galleries from Lions Bay to Deep Cove
= Sunday Apr 27
Come celebrate Earth Day and Save the Frogs Day while cultivating your love of nature in picturesque Lighthouse Park. With eco-tours, arts and crafts, face painting, and art contests as well as conservation groups offering fascinating talks and information, there is something for all members of the family. You might even get a tour of Point Atkinson Lighthouse. Location: Lighthouse Park
Come down to Ambleside Beach and welcome spring in the Swedish Tradition of Valborg by singing traditional Swedish songs around a bonfire. The Swedish Cultural Society of Vancouver is hosting this annual family event. Location: Ambleside Park
= Wednesday Apr 30
Location: Café for Contemporary Art 140 East Esplanade, NV
Learn how you can support local biz and cmnties plus reduce carbon emissions by purchasing BC-made products. Join the conversation in re-envisioning the economy to consider env'tal impacts and natural ecosystems. Our guest speakers from Loco BC, Seedstock Cmnty Currency and the Pacific Institute for Ecological Economics will discuss the promising work of these orgs, wch are dedicated to building strong, sustainable economies and companies as well as incorporating the envmt in economic devt.
= Thursday MAY 1 ~ 7pm ~ Awards Cmte mtg at Lawson Creek Studios (1758 Argyle Avenue).
= Saturday May 3
~10am - 2pm ~ FAMILY PLAY DAY At John Lawson Park. NSh Cmnty Resources is holding this family event designed to encourage families to play together outdoors. Get outdoors and have fun.
~ 6 - 9pm ~ wine and cheese at Lawn Bowling Club -- UBC fundraiser: "When Women Rise" Sculpture
As a gift, the UBC graduating class of 2013 will be working with the UBC Alma Mater Society to raise the cost of an epic sculpture that is going to be installed on the grounds of the Point Grey Campus. We will have speakers and will be auctioning prints of paintings signed by the artist Mehrdad Rahbar, creator and sculptor of the When Women Rise sculpture to raise funds toward this landmark artwork. This sculpture represents the vision, challenges, struggles, determination, and hopes globally for all women who have suffered from inequality, disrespect, and gender segregation. www.whenwomenrise.org
Presentations by: John Weston, MP (West Vancouver)
Mary-Ann Booth, West Vancouver Councillor
Mike Silley, President of Class 2013, UBC-AMS representative
Farid Rohani, Chair, The Laurier Institution; and Mehrdad Rahbar, the artist
Enquiries: Mike (778) 836 6444 or Mehrdad 604 720 0891 RSVP by e-mail to wwr.ubc@gmail.com
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca 925 7400
See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
Earth Day 2014 (April 22) marked the Librarys first anniversary using the Green Can Program. From the outset, the Librarys compost bins began filling beyond capacity with food scraps and food soiled paper, and dumpster loads were cut in half. On Earth Day 2014, the Librarys Green Cmte organized a Green Can exhibit from 3 5pm to provide information, answer questions from the public, and promote the benefits of composting organic waste. A photographer from the North Shore News visited the exhibit to capture some of the excitement.
In 2013, two thirds of WV residents also used their Green Can to reduce the Districts overall garbage volume by 30 per cent, helping it recycle and compost 68.5 per cent of its solid waste. This has placed Metro Vancouvers 70 per cent recycling and composting goal well within reach.
> TAG Meeting
Make a difference! Teen Advisory Group (TAG) meets once a month and is a forum for WV teens to have their say in teen collections and programming. Meetings are held on a drop-in basis. Refreshments provided.
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 23 STORYHOUSE For more info, visit/call the Youth Dept Info Desk at 925 7408.
-- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/tag-meeting-8#sthash.2yj49rdl.dpuf
> English Corner
English Corner is an enjoyable way to practise your English conversation skills. This intermediate level program runs from September through June each year. Facilitated by the Baha'i Community of WV in partnership with the Library. Classes are free and no registration is required. Participants are asked to arrive on time.
~ 10 - 11:30am ~ FRIDAY APRIL 25 For more information, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403.
-- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/english-corner-28#sthash.M21KcTM0.dpuf
> Philosophers' Cafe -- Are We Parasites?
Simon Fraser University's Continuing Studies and the Library provide comfortable surroundings for vibrant street level discussions on the burning issues of the day. No formal philosophy training required; real-life experience desired. With moderator Randall MacKinnon.
On Earth should we humans be considered paramount or simply parasites? Join this conversation in honour of Earth Day.
Please note, this session of Philosophers' Cafe will be held on the 4th Friday of the month due to the Easter holidays.
~ 10:30am - NOON ~ FRIDAY APRIL 25 For more information, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403.
- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/node/1637#sthash.853Upood.dpuf
> Authors in Our Community - Flying Duchesses
Celebrate the literary talent in our midst! Patricia McCuaig has woven her father's letters and diaries into an intriguing biography that brings to life the story of his adventures flying a Grumman Goose in Canada from 1964 65 for England's Duke of Westminster and his family.
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 For more information, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403
> Colourful Creations
Come discover our cmnty's creative spirit! With works on display both on the Main Floor and the Lower Level, the Library's Art Gallery showcases the talents of established and emerging artists. The Lawson Creek "Group of Ten" present some of their latest works in the show Colourful Creations. These artists meet at the Lawson Creek studios on the WV waterfront and work in various mediums and styles. They inspire and encourage each other, providing feedback and support. This exhibition runs from Thursday March 13 to Tuesday April 29
-- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/colourful-creations#sthash.q2ZgpBRE.dpuf
> Booktopia Opening Reception
The Booktopia Opening Reception includes the announcement of the winner of the Member of Parliament Writing Award by MP John Weston and a celebration of the artists featured in the Library's Youth Artwork Display. This event is open to everyone! Refreshments will be served by the Friends of the Library.
~ 4 - 5pm ~ FRIDAY MAY 2, YOUTH DEPARTMENT For more information, visit or call the Youth Dept at 925 7408.
-- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/booktopia-opening-reception#sthash.MSpZGAVa.dpuf
> Booktopia Goes to the Movies: Saving Mr. Banks
How did P.L. Travers's classic novel, Mary Poppins, turn into one of the most beloved movie musicals of all time? What does Tom Hanks look like with a moustache? All are invited to watch this heart-warming journey from page to stage on our library movie screen. Rated G (with some coarse language), 126 minutes. Drop-in, but space is limited.
~ 2pm ~ SATURDAY MAY 3 For more information, visit or call the Youth Department at 925 7408.
-- See more at: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/booktopia-goes-movies-saving-mr-banks#sthash.vSxJRKLp.dpuf
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
April 10 May 31 -- SD 45 One: An Art Exhibition of West Vancouver Students Past and Present
SD45 One is an exhibition that supports, embraces and showcases the vast range of Visual Arts in School District 45 West Vancouver, and facilitates a broader vision of how art is experienced in our city. It allows viewers to appreciate the works of young and emerging artists from SD45 alongside established artists who were once educated in WV public schools. The exhibition facilitates growth and further enquiry into the Visual Arts and will spark both viewers' and students deeper interest and commitment to the Visual Arts.
The exhibition includes works by current and recently graduated SD45 students, staff, and a selected group of internationally acclaimed artists who were once enrolled in the school district, and whose work will provide inspiration to young artists.
Artists included are: Douglas Coupland, Graham Gilmore, Ross Penhall, Ian Wallace, Geoffrey Farmer, Cori Creed, Victor Penner, Xwalacktun, Bobbie Burgers, Ken Wallace, Monique Mees, Tony Pantages, and Vincent Massey among others.
The exhibition is organized by art educator Jackie Wong and is curated by Patrik Andersson.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~ April 15 - May 4 -- Inside Abstraction works by Enda Bardell, Catherine Janusz & Nicola Morgan
Opening Reception: April 15 Tuesday 6 - 8pm. Meet the Artists: April 19 Saturday 2 - 3pm
We're pleased to host two evenings on art marketing on Mondays, April 28 and May 5 from 7 - 9pm.
The forum, facilitated by gallery coordinator Ruth Payne, will cover topics of relevance to artists building their visual art business, both exhibiting and selling. Topics discussed will be approaching galleries, websites, marketing with social media, selling online, and studio and home exhibitions. For more details, visit the website.
> Stay Informed! Receive a wkly e-gallery-update of programs/events, be on our mailing list click here: http://v.gd/wvfbg
SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/
22 - May 11 -- West Coast Magic
West Coast Magic is a collection of landscape paintings by local artist Leilani Finch, wch capture the magic of the West Coast of Canada. Leilani pours the beauty of sunset beaches, crashing waves, and lush forest onto canvas. She gives you the natural gems of our land, simplified into forms of light & colour; a truly magical experience.
Opening reception: Tuesday April 22nd from 6 to 8pm
VISUAL ART DEMOS: Sat/Sun Apr 26/27 from noon to 4pm
Painting with Leilani Finch -- For the North Shore Art Crawl, Leilani Finch will be in the Silk Purse Arts Ctr giving live demonstrations of her marvellous landscape painting techniques. Open to the public & free!
North Shore Caregiver Support celebrates...
Heart and Soul of Caregiving
Saturday May 3rd from 10am -1pm WV Cmnty Ctr, 2nd floor
Join us for: Caregiver stories, live music, and stress relief techniques. Info: 982 3320 E-mail: karyn.davies@nscr.bc.ca
Celebrating BC Family Caregiver Week May 3 - 9th
Honouring the dedication and support unpaid caregivers provide family members and friends. Caregiving is a common situation in the greater Vancouver area, affecting many families in some way.
Family caregivers provide a whole range of supportphysical care, emotional support, transportation, shopping, household chores are just a few examples.
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
Apr 22, 7:30pm: Movie: Burt's Buzz
Apr 24-25, 7pm: Collingwood Dance: Studies in Contrast
-- April 25 Friday
~ 8:00pm
26, 8:00pm: Arlo
Guthrie - SOLD OUT
Apr 27, 2:30pm: Royal Opera House Film Series: La Boheme
29, 8:00pm: Johnny
Clegg - SOLD OUT
West Van: Fawlty Towers
Additional dates just announced! ARTISTS CONFIDENTIAL with Norm Foster
Canadian Playwright & star of On a First Name Basis
April 28 | 11:00AM: North Vancouver District Library (Lynn Valley)
April 29 | 10:30AM: North Vancouver City Library (14th & Lonsdale)
April 30 | 10:30AM: West Vancouver Memorial Library
We are pleased to present all three events for free, however we request you RSVP at the KMC Box Office by calling 981 6335 Tuesday - Saturday 12 - 5pm, or by email boxoffice@kaymeekcentre.com
For a list of all our coming Host Events in 2014, click here: http://kaymeekcentre.com/uploads/images/untitled%20folder/2014.pdf
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
MEAT DRAWS every Saturday 4:30pm
> SUNDAY APRIL 27 > Come to the lounge from 4 - 6pm for a SINGALONG with Victor from the Alley Cats
SATURDAY MAY 3 -- CHICKEN CURRY dinner; tix at bar; $15pp 6:30pm; entertainment by the Diehards
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
= WV Chamber President's Dinner & Business Excellence Awards Wednesday April 23 was sold out!
AWARD WINNERS: Citizen of the Year 2014 Jo-Ann Wood
New Business of the Year 2014 The British Butcher Shoppe
Small Business 2014 Hollyburn Eye Clinic Dr Pavan Avinashi
Young Entrepreneur 2014 Leah Costello Curious Mind Consulting
Innovator of the year 2014 WestVancouver.com Cat Barr
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup usu not repeated here}
{see more plays in the Kay Meek Ctr section}
Bill's Birthday Bash 6 - 8pm Wed Apr 23 for Shakespeare's 450th birthday and all of Shakespeare's plays in 24 hours (from noon Apr 23 to noon Thurs Apr 24) {details in Headsup}.
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
The Bomb-itty of Errors, an ad-rap-tation of The Comedy of Errors, Revue Stage. Apr 10 - May 10
Kim's Convenience, a Corner Store Comedy, Ins Choi's hilarious and touching debut play. The Korean owner grapples with both a changing nbrhd landscape and the chasm between him and his second-generation offspring; journey of a fractured but loving family. Granville Island Stage, April 24 - May 24
+ THE CULTCH thecultch.com
Watching Glory Die, prison drama written by Judith Thompson; world premiere 251 1363; April 22 - May 3
+ METRO THEATRE 266 7191
The Mikado, Gilbert & Sullivan, metrotheatre.com Apr 5 - May 3
+ JERICHO ARTS CENTRE 224 8007 x2 jerichoartscentre.com
Spring Awakening, a Fighting Chance and Renegade Arts production from Apr 30 - May 17
Evening performances: Wed - Sat at 8pm Preview: April 30 Opening Night: May 1
Advanced tix av through Tickets Tonight or call 877 840 0457 or ph 224 8007, ext. 3
Up next for ITSAZOO Productions is Tracey Letts's black comedy, Killer Joe, running April 15 to May 4. This show, for adults only, is taking place inside a trailer in the parking lot of the Italian Cultural Centre. This trailer-trash noir follows the Smiths: a hilariously dysfunctional Texas family who engage a contract killer in a scheme to collect life insurance. http://pitheatre.com
Proud, award-winning playwright Michael Healey takes on his biggest subject yet: the Rt Hon Stephen Harper.
His sexy {!!!}, cheeky, and surprising play will have you ROTF*L -- regardless of your politics (and we like
actors Andrew Wheeler and Craig Erickson). [* F = aisle] 689 0926 firehallartscentre.ca Apr 5 - 26
Theatre BC NSh Zone Annual Festival of Plays phtheatre.org 990 3474 May 4 - 10
Legally Blonde, The Musical; charity production w/ trial lawyers as actors touchstonetheatre.com Apr 23 - 26
+ RICKSHAW THEATRE mrswarrens.ca
Mrs Warren's Profession, by GBS (Alley Theatre, Neworld Theatre, Renegade Arts Company) until Apr 27
+ STUDIO 16 778 847 6267
Iceland, in the midst of the banking crisis, a confrontation icelandtheplay.brownpapertickets.com Apr 23 - May 3
+ STUDIO 1398 Sherlock Holmes, the Hound of the Baskervilles, with three actors plying all the roles
1398 Cartwright St, Granville Island baskervilles.org 800 838 3006 Apr 22 - May 3
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
.....Excitement is building at the Vancouver Art Gallery as we prepare to open our spring exhibitions. The VAG is the only place you can see these groundbreaking exhibitions, which feature an extensive group of works from the Gallerys permanent collection, displayed with pieces from local and national collections. These are three shows you dont want to miss!
> LAWREN HARRIS, Canadian Visionary, founding mbr of Group of Seven -- March 1 to May 4
> Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again -- March 8 to June 8
This exhibition presents a new body of sculpture by the Vancouver-based artist Myfanwy MacLeod. Drawing upon motifs associated with the sexually charged music of Led Zeppelin and the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, the exhibition examines the conventions of the heroic quest as a male fantasy.
> Artist's Choice; Cock and Bull -- March 8 to June 8
Presented in conjunction with Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again, this exhibition features work from the Gallery's permanent collection selected by Myfanwy MacLeod and Grant Arnold following the model of "cock and bull story",...Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_cockandbull.html
> Scorned: Emily Carr -- March 1 to May 26
Scorned: Emily Carr engages in dialogue with the concurrent exhibition A Terrible Beauty: Edward Burtynsky, presenting works that demonstrate Carr's interest in the denatured landscape -- an occasional, but notable, subject of her work. Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_scorned.html
OUT FOR LUNCH (May 2 Fri 12:10pm at VAG) -- Amy Seulky Lee, piano (Debussy, Mozart, Schumann)
+ Opera Pro Cantanti ~~~ Norma, by Bellini, Cambrian Hall 340 8545 procantanti.com 7pm Apr 27
~~~ DON CARLOS ~~~ in Vancouver for the first time in 40 years
Grand, Magnificent Opera! 11 soloists. A chorus of 67. Orchestra of 61. Spectacular on a grand scale and also extraordinarily intimate, Don Carlo is one of Verdi's most impressive works. His orchestral colours are brilliant, his choruses are powerful, and his music for the monstrous yet very human king, the terrifying Inquisitor, and the heroic lovers, is magnificent. For tix, call the VO Ticket Ctr at 683-0222 or buy online.
May 3, 8, 10, 11 (matinée) ~~Queen Elizabeth Theatre
~~~ OperaLive! Listen & Watch! Visit the OperaLive! section of our website to listen to clips from our next production, Don Carlo, and watch a video blog about the opera, narrated by VO's General Director James Wright. You'll also find pictures of the production!Visit OperaLive here! http://www.vancouveropera.ca/operalive/2013-2014/don-carlo-operalive.html
More info on Don Carlo, on the show's webpage here. https://www.vancouveropera.ca/Carlo-2013-14-page.html
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
+++ Carmina Burana
Saturday & Monday, May 3rd & 5th, 8pm, Orpheum
Carl Orff's epic choral masterpiece Carmina Burana is one of the most popular and widely known pieces of music ever written. Orff set to astonishing music twenty-four texts from the manuscript of courtly poetry and dramatic texts collectively known as Carmina Burana, found in 1803 in a monastery in Bavaria.
In a sensational mix of drama, power, debauchery, humour, and beauty (think drinking songs, railing against the fickleness of fate that governs the world, songs of lust, beauty, love, springtime and of course, a talking swan roasting on an open fire), Orff's music is an extraordinary live concert experience like no other!
Kazuyoshi Akiyama conducts the VSO, the Vancouver Bach Choir, Tokyo Academy Chorus,
and three outstanding vocal soloists. TWO NIGHTS ONLY!
+ WEST COAST SYMPHONY westcoastsymphony.ca Mendelssohn, Brahms, Sibelius
~ 8pm Fri Apr 25; Performance Works & Queen's Ave United Church, New Westminster 7:30pm Sun Apr 27
Charlie Albright, pianist; Schubert, Janacek, Chopin; Vancouver Playhouse vanrecital.com 3pm Sunday Apr 27
Olga Kern, Russian pianist, Vancouver Playhouse 871 4450 chopinsociety.org 8pm Wed April 30
Celtic Spring, Voices, Fiddles, and Irresistible Energy -- the Laudate Singers w/ the North Shore Celtic Ensemble, St Andrew's United (1044 St George's Ave, NV) laudatesingers.com 8pm Sat May 3
Friday April 25 -- Kagan residence, Yaletown -- 8pm
Please join us for one of our upcoming concerts, the first one this coming Friday in a beautiful art-filled loft, in which we will perform Janácek's dramatic String Quartet No. 1, inspired by Tolstoy's novella 'The Kreutzer Sonata', Schulhoff's fun and quirky Five Pieces, written in the same year, 1923, and Bartok's Second Quartet.
- "I was imagining a poor woman, tormented and run down, just like the one the Russian writer Tolstoy describes in his Kreutzer Sonata".
Bartók - Quartet No. 2 / Janácek - Quartet No. 1 Kreutzer Sonata / Schulhoff - Five Pieces
Concerts are open to the public. If you wd like to attend, pls send us an e-mail with your name. We will confirm with exact location by return e-mail. $30 cash/cheque at the door (students, etc. $20) microcosmosquartet@gmail.com
More info pls visit: http://microcosmosquartet.com Remaining seats will be posted regularly on the 'upcoming' page.
Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Microcosmos-String-Quartet/117679734960177
+ UN/A by Ballet BC, QET balletbc.com April 24 - 26
+ Carmina Burana, Ballet Victoria at Centennial Theatre centennialtheatre.com 984 4484 7:30pm Friday May 2
== NATURE == Sunday April 27 (walks and talk)
+ Earth Day Restoration Walk and Work ~ 10am - noon
Join the Stanley Park Ecology Society for an easy morning walk to understand habitat restoration that has been underway in the park. Start at the Stanley Pk Dining Pavilion 718 6522 stanleyparkecology.ca
+ Geology in Lighthouse Park ~ 9:30am
An interpretive geology field trip in Lighthouse Park, WV. This is the first event in a day of events for the Earth Day Family Festival presented by North Shore Biophilia in association with Lighthouse Park Preservation Society.
Trip leader: David Cook, Geologist; Duration of field trip: Approximately 1 hour; Registration: Not required.
Meeting time & location: For the geology walk meet at 9:30am at upper end of Lighthouse Park Parking lot or at Phyl Munday Nature House at 10am. To reach the Nature House take the Beacon Lane Trail south from the parking lot. It takes about ten minutes walking.
Description of event: We will walk out onto the bluffs at East Beach to view the geology of the bluffs and other geological features that can be seen around Burrard Inlet from the viewpoint.
Access to Lighthouse Pk: If coming by car, be early enough to find parking. If coming by transit take the #250 Horseshoe Bay bus and alight at the Marine Dr and Beacon Lane stop. TransLink info is available at www.translink.ca or 953 3333.
Other events for the remainder of the day will be:
11am Elizabeth Elle -- Pollination / noon -- Native Species Tour
1:30pm Historical Tour / 2:30pm Historical Tour / 3pm Native Species Tour
Some other highlights during the day will be nature walks, childrens crafts, live reptiles, facepainting, storytelling.
+ Let's Learn about Honeybees ~ 2pm
In the Greenest City Series. Local beekeeper Derrick To talks about honeybees, their importance to the world, and what we can do about their extinction. VPL (Renfrew Branch) 257 8705 vpl.ca/events
===> HEADSUP 06A -- Sunday & Catchup
Herewith: Holiday; CEC; ULWG; Maison Milliken ; Nature Walk ; QTP { for details}
~~~ A time of year many cultures celebrate -- rebirth, renewal, beginning of the annual cycle.
Fire-jumping a while ago. This is the end of Passover Week. The Vaisakhi Parade in Surrey Saturday was reported to be the largest outside of India with estimates from 3 - 300K. Christianity is celebrating Holy Week with Easter Sunday the holiest day, Sunday Apr 20, but everybody can have fun and enjoy it searching for coloured Easter eggs and eating chocolate bunnies. Below are the details of a walk near Spanish Banks.
Enjoy your long weekend!
~~~ Speaking of rebirth and renewal, a report on the CEC mtg will be in WVM07.
~~~ re Upper Lands WG mtg April 15th (perhaps more in WVM07 too).
It was astonishing however that the material we were given to form the basis of the report on public consultation and perhaps recommendations in preparation for going to Ccl had a glaring omission. Apr 29th's UL WG mtg will have a draft. What was astonishing (and disappointing), is that there was not one mention of the 1200ft boundary. This, even though verbal comments from a previous mtg said that some workshops had 90% in favour of keeping the boundary! (And remember, the boundary in NV is 1000ft.)
Yet again I tried to say that whatever questions, it shd be clear whether the question or answer applies to above or below the 1200ft level. Non answer. "Public can say at the next stage." In a discussion wrt nbrhd characteristics when I asked above or below, I was told in general. They were describing a nbrhd model. Didn't quite make sense to me b/c there's an OCP and zoning below 1200ft. That's when it dawned on me that this may all be intentional. Don't differentiate and apply to all the land termed Upper Lands whether above or below 1200ft. Express approval and you'll get it above and below 1200ft. So it may be not only the assumption of exchanging land above and below but also assuming devt in the "Upper Lands" area no matter how high.
Some residents (and in the Public Correspondence) complained of frustration that some questions were not clear.
So here's a warning.
Even if not asked or referred to, make sure your comments/input indicate where you want devt.
Didn't go to the nbrhd public info mtg but did go to the PH Apr 16. See transcript below.
Prongs of the Dilemma for Ccl
Here are the issues:
NEED for facilities for seniors
EXPECTATION of predictability of OCP when ppl purchase property.
The need has to be qualified:
= MM is luxury so this will be for well-to-do ppl, the greater need is for affordable facilities; no need for private facilities b/c there are several in WV and some even half empty.
= MM has stated they'd give preference to WV residents for the first four months. (I haven't been able to find the range of cost; will try to get. Some local private facilities range from $5-10K.)
= Everyone has sympathy for those ageing -- indeed they are too -- so no one wants to be viewed as unkind to seniors.
= Many supporting MM do not live in WV and few live nearby (in fact 90% or more in the nbrhd are opposed) -- no empathy? Don't realize if spot-zoning in Sentinel Hill it may happen to them -- wd they not want support from other residents, nbrhd areas?
= Sentinel Hill residents willing to be on a cmte to find a location.
Forgot to make clear some facts/clarification when I spoke:
Someone said that my suggesting another location in a month or so was unrealistic -- not necessarily and we must try..
My reply:
o Places shd hv been found long before now b/c the needs of ageing baby boomers predicted.
o Send out a notice to all nbrhds and ask if any willing to have a srs' facility in their nbrhd.
o Claims that there's no prop with that zoning is specious, Not exactly, but some can be found. Has there been a review of all M-owned land to see if something suitable? or exchange it for some that is? No one has told me what is planned for the firehall site across from the M Hall.
Council wd be considering the whole cmnty
if they find an acceptable place for MM and speed the process for the facility to be built and do not grant a spot-zoning making all nbrhds feel vulnerable. Otherwise wd it be a precedent that a srs' facility has guarantee to set up in any nbrhd?
Sunday April 20th FIELD TRIP
Can native and introduced plants live in harmony? A walk along Spanish Trail in Pacific Spirit Regional Park.
An interpretive field trip for Suzuki Elders: Bringing youth and elders together.
Meeting time & location: 12 Noon at the trailhead of Spanish Banks Trail (Trail No. 23 on Metro Parks map) at NW Marine Drive. For the location of the trailhead see the Metro Parks map of Pacific Spirit Regional Park which can be viewed on the Metro Parks website www.metrovancouver.org.
Trip leader: David Cook Duration of field trip: Approximately 2 hours. Registration: Not required.
Description of event: On this beautiful forest walk we will see how native and non-native plant species co-exist to produce a functional but ever-changing whole. We will also look at the plantings of native plant species that have been done to enhance Spanish Creek for salmon spawning habitat.
A free public event sponsored by Suzuki Elders. All ages welcome. Membership in Suzuki Elders not required.
For further information about Suzuki Elders Google eldersdsf. Hope to see you there -- David Cook 924 0147
(transcript of my remarks, almost at end of PH)
Good evening. I wasn't going to speak either but I just decided to type a little bit down {was at mic with my laptop} b/c I want to be a magician.
As I said in the fall, there must be a way to avoid this excruciating process -- for the devpr, for the nbrs, and for you, Ccl.
Now I may make both sides unhappy.
{obviously prefer the opposite}
No doubt there is a need. Surely no one was oblivious to the bulge of baby boomers ageing -- it baffles me that neither the prov nor WV wd hv planned to address this need. Everyone agrees with the need for more facilities.
This is one prong of the problem. The other is expectations from counting on the OCP.
Perhaps I'm too idealistic, but I am a Libran so I see both sides.
I'm not a miracle-worker but I'd like to address both sides and suggest a win-win.
No one wants his nbrhd to be disrupted no matter with what. If this spot-zoning proceeds, it's bound to happen to other nbrhds, so WV must deal with it from an OCP point of view and support residents, residents across the cmnty.
Maison Milliken is needed so I want to support it. How can we facilitate their devt? Perhaps DWV/Planning can find another locn, and to help, give a commitment to find it within one month. They don't want to be delayed further.
This way residents will feel more comfortable wherever they live in WV, and MM will have the commitment that their proposal will go ahead albeit in a different locn -- but an easy process. I said one month -- you might try to make it earlier, or maybe just a bit longer.
Reassure Milliken than Maison is welcome and on a smoother path even though the need is for more affordable rather than luxury. We know there are wait lists for the govt and we know there are vacancies in the private. No doubt Maison Milliken will provide a service for WV, though I have not heard a preference being given for WV residents.
BTW, some ppl have said there'd be no traffic b/c the clients don't drive. They've obviously forgotten the fact that staff wd go there, and as for someone saying there wd be jobs, I just wonder how many of the staff wd be living in WV. And I wonder if they're going to be giving some sort of preference to WV residents to live at MM.
But anyway,
Remove nbrhds' fears across the cmnty that Ccl may spot-zone anywhere and that their quality of life is not certain. Review the OCP. It's overdue. It was supposed to be done every five years, it hasn't been done for ten.
But first --
let's work towards a win-win -- for nbrhds and for Milliken -- as quickly as possible.
They've suffered enough.
I hope we can satisfy both prongs that I've mentioned.
Call me a dreamer, but I'm not a magician -- let's put our heads together and do this as quickly as possible -- it's needed
Ccl and Planning, you can do it -- you've got the intelligence, and WV is known for innovation.
Pls solve this for both sides as satisfactorily as you can.
And I think there's a way.
Good luck.
===> NOTICE ---> Bard's 24hr Shakespeare Project {sent Apr 22}
From noon Wed Apr 23 (Will's Birthday) to noon Thurs Apr 24 -- continuous Shakespeare!
All details: https://secure.bcchf.ca/SuperheroPages/main.cfm?Member=38592&Event=ICE
...On William Shakespeares 450th birthday, April 23, 2014, actors, media personalities, pro athletes, community leaders, volunteers, and audience members will come together as part of a very special event: a 24-hour staged reading performance of all 38 of Shakespeares plays. The money raised by the 24 Hour Shakespeare Project will benefit the BC Childrens Hospital Foundation......
...Some of the plays will be presented in unique styles through the added use of music, masks, dance, puppetry, reverse-gender casting and traditional storytelling forms such as Italys Commedia dellarte of the 16th century.
Performers will hold a copy of the play and interact with one another while reading from the text. Professional actors, as well as local celebrities such as athletes, media personalities and community leaders will be donating their time to perform in order to attract audiences and monetary pledges from individuals, businesses and corporate entities. Audience admission will be by suggested donation of $15 per adult/$5 per child of 5-12 years. .....
....Actor JOHN EMMET TRACY has individually edited the 38 plays to an average length of 30 minutes each. As such, all of the plays will be presented using Shakespeares original writing, but will be abbreviated versions.....
Wednesday April 23, 12 noon Thursday April 24, 12 noon
The Blake Snyder Theatre at GO Studios #210 - 112 East 3rd Avenue, Vancouver
JOHN EMMET TRACY, Actor and Event Creator 778 886 6952 24hrshakespeare@gmail.com
www.facebook.com/24HourShakespeareProject Twitter: @24HrShakespeare
===> HEADSUP 06B Apr 23 - 27 {sent v early Wed}
Since WVM07 not sent Mon/Tues (soon! received more breaking news just as finished), here are WV mtgs/events: then Microcosm and an opera event{, posters, and PQP --> newsletter} {sorry, format doesn't appear the same as in the newsletter}
Wednesday Apr 23, Thursday Apr 24,
Saturday Apr 26,
Saturday/Sunday Apr 26/27 in Calendar (above)
Sun Apr 27 ~ 10am - 4pm ~ EARTH DAY FAMILY FESTIVAL (see posters)
LIBRARY ~ Events Apr 23 and 25 (TAG mtg, English Corner, Philosophers' Cafe) moved to the Library Section
MUSIC ~ Apr 25: Microcosmos performance; deadline for special Mother's Day opera tix (to CULTUREWATCH)
Day, Sunday April 27, promises to be a fun day in Lighthouse Park!
The North Shore Bio Philia, partnered with the Lighthouse Park
Preservation Society, is celebrating Earth Day by putting on a FAMILY
Round up the kids and grandkids and come on down! Walks, activities for children, lots of environmental groups to educate us, food, and more!
Be aware that the Park is really busy on warm, sunny Sundays now, so plan to carpool, come on foot, by bus, by bike, or park a little way away and walk to the Park.
=== CCL MTG NOTES 2014 April 7 === e&oe
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video to listen to entire bit.
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality
Purpose of mtg: land matters.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
For On-Table Items Please See Items 2.1, 5, 9, 14.1, and 14.2
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: A couple of quick announcements.
I am pleased to announce that Council at its March 31 closed mtg, following conclusion of negotiations, approved a licence agreement with RG Properties for the Ambleside Concession for five years, with two five-year renewal options. This becomes effective on June 1. We're quite excited about what RG Properties is going to do with our moribund concession bldg in Amb Pk.
Also, I'm pleased to advise the community know that the reputation of our Srs Activity Ctr (SAC) is on the rise going provincial, national, and international.
In September 2013, Jill Lawlor, the Mgr of Cmnty Recreation for the SAC, and Joni Vajda, the Srs Outreach Coordinator, presented at the World Health Organizations Int'l Conference on Age-friendly cities, sharing the success of our Keeping Connected program and teaching other cities how to create similar programs.
Three weeks ago, Brian Hann, Chair of the SAC Adv Bd and Jill attended and presented at the American Society on Aging conference.
The conference hosted 2500 delegates from around the world.
Brian and Jill presented about the great ways in which West Van collaborates and offers amazing programs that keep our community connected.
At the conference Brian and Jill learned about new advances in research that could change the future of aging, innovative technology, and great ideas about how to infuse more play in our community.
So, congratulatons to our Srs' Ctr, the Adv Bd, and our staff that make that Ctr the vibrant place that it is.
2. Approval of Agenda amended by:
adding Item 2.1 re Mar 31 PH minutes, and Summary of Mar 31 PH re Proposed Zoning Bylaw (re amendment to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine Dr);
adding to Item 5 a memorandum regarding EcoUrbia and Establishment of a Community Eco-Centre;
adding to Item 9 the report regarding Proposed Amendments to Finance Committee Terms of Reference;
adding to Item 14 Items 14.1 and 14.2 regarding correspondence;
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
1. the minutes of the March 31, 2014 Public Hearing be adopted as circulated;
2. the Summary of March 31, 2014 Public Hearing re Proposed Zoning Bylaw (re amdmt to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of comm land uses at 1763/65/67 Marine Dr)
3. North Shore Early Years Planning Table, re North Shore Childrens Charter of Rights (File: 0055-01) [7:04]
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Gwen Jones: SLIDES EDI an indicator of the early years
Map: Caulfeild under 15%, one of the best in prov; Amb under 20%
Brit Props came in above the prov level; &&& [7:05]
statistically signif increase in xxx
SLIDE of graph
started xx% now at 22%, better than NV but still a concern
goal was whole prov at 15% but instead go up
80% of the vulnerable chn are in the middle class
SLIDE of graph -- first three years, major developmental progress in the brain
xxx to school signif xxx have passed by.
NSh Cxxx and Fam Friendly Cmnty Charter
Early and Middle Years Charter -- identified ten of the 42 in the UN Charter
#3 NSh Early Years Planning Table SLIDE -- meet ev two months
focusing on Brit Props, Bowen Island, and Deep Cove -- showing increase
[7:09] ask WV Ccl to become involved in Family Hubs
address issues in Brit Props
strengthen ties of alignment; participation in a cmte
support the "right to play", unstructured environment
rush through to focus on learning is counterproductive
John Lawson Park Play, remarkable play, good idea
Ask Ccl to adopt the charter, endorse
CC: is staff intending to bring that to Ccl?
Ans: no, not at this time
Mayor: Mr Banks?
Andrew Banks: don't have the info now but will get back
CC: seems a no-brainer
NG: why vulnerability high in Brit Props?
Ans: cultural and language issues, number of immigrants
brings anxiety
cultures out of balance, and language
a lot of chn being brought up by nannies, sometimes b/c nannies don't speak English
we're focusing a lot on NSh, spike in immigration
read in the paper, trying to give them a leg up to get into univ -- comes at a cost
not able to be what they want to be
Sop: thank you, Ms Jones
now through social blueprint, supportive, hope comes through
when I grew up in the 40s we weren't allowed to talk
Mayor: &&& [7:15]
Sop: Depression and the War
got whacked a lot, speaking out of turn
fundamental something a child needs
this is from zero to 6
MB: thank you for being specific about some of the things we can do
recently speaking with our MLA and he xxx
Ans: I have spoken with him and he is quite interested
... received for information, with thanks.
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
[7:17] TP: sound bites b/c xxx
Law Day on Saturday
Donor celebration Srs' Cmnty Ctr last week
UL traffic, seen most engagement since started
spent day yesterday -- men manning the linen table; volunteers inspirational at flea market; huge success [7:18]
MB: tomorrow at 4 o'clock -- launching SD45, Lighthouse
PkR S -- on tomorrow till SeptApr 17
Wed opening at Museum Wed, current and past artists
think Cclr Cameron's wife, Ross Penhall, Bobbie Burgers -- encourage you to check that out
6 - 8 pm, on till May 31st
ML: last Thurs Streamkeepers Social, really interesting displays
on Sat most mbrs went to the AGM of ADRA
{all there except TP}
a lively discussion for a couple of hours
Mayor: we all got out alive too!
NG: I'm acting mayor this and next month
v fortuitous b/c on Friday night I was there to be able to kiss Chris Hadfield!
the highlight of my week; photos will be on line
Hadfield was at the Centennial Theatre Friday; wonderful gala affair the launch of the University of the Fraser Valley's Peace and Negotiations Program
awarded the int'l peace tartan [7:22]; Dalai Lama
and he wore it for his xxx; gave a wonderful account; the condensed version, his TED talk
so I thank the Mayor for not being available
Mayor: I certainly wdn't hv kissed him!
CC: doing security at the flea market
bought a lot for our kids, donating them back next year
Cclr B mentioned
current and xxx Sch Dist 45, some attending now fantastic
local and int'lly known; Douglas Coupland, Gilmore in Louvre..... int'lly recognized artists
WV -- art is part of our identity and heritage; makes us a unique cmnty
mention Jackie Wong, incredible amt of effort
to work with these a day long; great collaboration
come to the opening on Wed...
Grants Cmte, a fun cmte, Cclr Gambioli allowed me to be on
going out to orgs rather than passive to ask put your minds, who you'd nominate from your group
we're a couple of mbrs short so invite those interested to come and join us
Mayor: on Wed at 11 o'clock 97th anniversary of Vimy Ridge
Legion will be marching.....recognizing sacrifice made; marching on Marine Dr and to Memorial
come [7:27]
5. EcoUrbia and Establishment of a Community Eco-Centre (On-Table) (File: 0120-06)
TP: all of Ccl has the material
EcoUrbia has been working v hard re their proposal
This allows Ccl and the broader cmnty to learn about it
a few want to speak to it
letter from VCH in support
Louis Peterson: I happen to be the Prez of WV Garden Club for reasons I don't understand
support strongly
Dorothy Frost brought it to our attn, place to expand found out EcoUrbia also interested and delighted
over the years WVGC only had a small, access to this larger xxx hands-on workshops, xxx much greater outreachstrongly support
Matteao xxx?: manage [netxxx?] Waste
been working with EcoUrbia
ability to take, we make organic food waste; part of the educational component
grow mocro? (micro/macro?) grains for high end restaurantsvoice support and we can provide support, lower cost[7:31]TP moved:
Ccl direct staff to work w/ EcoUrbia on the estmt of a cmnty eco-ctr at the vacant Parks greenhouse site at Klee Wyck;
and Staff report back to Ccl on a sustainable biz plan devpd by EcoUrbia for an eco-ctr concept, [five-year term lease, operational and capital community supported funding model.
Mayor: I'll second that
{unusual for Mayor to second a motion}
TP: this is a hot topic, growing
[7:33] up 17% in last three years
younger households up 66?%
resilience at all levels
envmtal stewardship
ground grassroots level talking about health issues
we have policies that support this???
Climate to Parks Master Plan
partner with the cmnty; know concern but this is long-range visioning for the Klee Wyck site
surprising support -- Srs' Adv Bd keen on this
Table Matters is growing by leaps and bounds -- always had the opp to speak at ?drive now for North Shoreopp wd be great for WV; cmnty mbrs lead us
Sop: terrific initiative
three pillars, Education is the big one; opp to engage seniors and youth
in five years there cd be a long-term plan, move greenhouses to other areas; see Sch Dist ? here tonight
support of that but Ms Leemhuis
advantageous long-term plan for the greenhouses; have that as a component in the not too distant future
ML: fully support this
when staff go away, the five-year b/c Mr Chan and xxx looking at long-term of M assets
maybe three years
next Ccl hypothetically tying that Ccl's hands, will for four years?
move greenhouses shd be considered b/c capable of being movedCC: I'll echo what's been said; tremendously in favour as NV has xxxxx
WV sadly lacking [7:39]
going this way, many progressive cmnties going
well thought, ambitious
NAMES ?: be nimble to take advantage
my only concern, Klee Wyck a well-known, signif cmnty asset
feel strongly principle when xxx for a considerable time; process has to be open and v transparent and all cmnty mbrs, and other cmnty groups, they might have potential plans
had that wrt Navvy Jack and Ccl supported a four-wk process to an RFP, have it advertised and any cd applygive everyone a fair chance
{applaud intention but not what actually happened}
propose a friendly amendment
Ms Leemhuis can advise us; process like Navvy Jack House
decision [7:42]
NL: formal expression of interest
also ... part of workplan for the fallwrt land use strategy, dovetails nicely; EcoUrbia; staff excited about it
to Mayor: so make it 1, 2, 3part of staff report? cover your concern?CC: but staff work with EcoUrbia; amendment?1, est EOI process; 2, invite Eco U to participate 3. staff report back sustainable biz planMayor: let's let Cclr Panz mull it over xxx
Sop: I had mine long time ago
{complaining re mic b/c not getting to speak}
Mayor: I'm just going through the list
[7:45] MB: seems consistent
my Q, b/c report came from Cclr Panz -- any comments or addns?
NL: staff have xxx, support the intention
as Cclr Cam has stated, have to be careful wrt the proces we go throughtime-defined and feel strongly as we unfold the &&& [7:46]
more approp for the long term, and maybe more central
have to be more thoughtful; dovetail Parks and land use strategy
NG: want to say to EcoUrbia, wonderful been xxx for five years, great others getting on the bandwagon
time is ticking, I know, b/c I'm a gardener; but too late for your peas now
Nature House; Streamkeepers a lot of xxx
reluctant to go back on not sure if, supporting what Cclr Cam is suggesting or lack of a better idea
99% sure -- to in advance
hate Streamkeepers to come back and say whoops [7:48]
wdn't good? as EcoU is
Sop: interesting a group gets things going
my point to you, Ms L, if staff a biz plan
a second report wd be what we're going to do about District lands
we may RFP some ppl to do some xxx
now we're talking about some greenhouses
can't get any better; not buying have to put it out to the world
just five years and out xxx
TP: when we put up barriers to OGC
the list is endless
to make ev comfortable quickly
a lot of support
imp we give some xxx to the cmnty that we support
understand, Klee Wyck, stated the long-term vision for KWyck
we've let it slide for how many years?
up to future Ccls what to do
always felt with Klee Wyck a WG to have us assist us on this one
Cclr Cam right b/c sensitive site
happy to add staff to do a v quick study
Mayor: add that to motion, gives staff enough?
NL: EOI, a four- to six-week no prob little.......[7:53] wrt the long-term strategy; spoke with EcoUrbia last year
maybe better sites with more permanency; prior to EOI or same time
recognizing looking at Sept
Mayor: what you're saying really contradicts the motion
CC: not suggesting to Sept; don't want to delay xxx
Mayor: that's the issue
need a long-term land strategy; see a short term
staff shd hv enough direction
NL: we'll do a short-term EOI
recogn any leases, lease term will be for a defined term and at the discretion of the DistSop: shd take some v good advice from our CAO, prevly Finance
matter of fact NV owns part of it -- five acres
group says can do a good job
Mayor: think we can if we get to the motion
Sop continuing: xxx these are not going to be stationaryMayor: trust staff to come up with something that works for us and EcoUrbia
Sop: what's the motion?
Mayor: in front of you
except... [7:57], Ms Leemhuis, looking to you to help us out here, so you know what the intent is; don't want to get into wordsmithing contest here and end up shooting this whole proj down
withdraw or new motion? have staff go out, expressions of interest in the cmnty, advise cmnty going to enter into a short-term relnship w/ EcoU to use that piece of prop, it's gathering dust, doing nobody any good
meantime staff is going to do a long-term study of the prop and come up with further recommendations; that's what we're trying to do
can't get it down on a motion, hate to see us lose it
[7:58] NL: Oh My Goodness! devt issue, expression of interest, to work on EOI, staff report back to Ccl on a sustainable biz plan, short three- to five-year lease
Mayor: so withdraw our motion and this one? you and I'll move and second it? What do you want to do?TP: think important to extend an invitation to EcoUrbia to apply for that; they really need to be front and centre on this.
of course whoever is going to apply, this is the conditions (sustainable); 3 - 5yr lease term; ... operational funding factors key, and is in front of us tonight
Mayor: good point; shd include EcoUrbia b/c they started it. So, clear on what we're voting on?
{Snark alert}
Sop: we're voting on a-- a-- EcoUrbia--
{CC throws pen down; Mayor puts up hand to block Sop's hand}
Cclr Cam, you can sigh all you want, you brought it up in the first place to all this discussion, so give me a chance, will you! [7:59]
Mayor: --hold it, hold it--
Sop: I've never heard a xxx in my life!
Mayor: pls read out the motion
{NL read it out}
Mayor: happy with that Cclr P?
TP: yes
Mayor; motion carries unanimously [8:00]
6. Update on West Vancouver Secondary School Track and Artificial Turf Field Concept (File: 0180-02)
Andrew Banks gave background: Staff recommends we proceed for many reasons
benefit to cmnty and HSch; addresses deteriorating track
SLIDES Challenges: funding strategy $4.8M project (gave details) .... Next Steps..... come back to Ccl
Sop: the report is extensive -- can't build track first, the field [8:07]
{GET THIS [8:10]}
Mayor: public?Jeanne LeSage, exec dir KMC: happy to support this proj; want to be involved as the adjacent nbr
night time activities, cd have impact on parking, noise, etcsupport, but want to be part of the conversation as well
Sandy Decker, Sch Bd: thank you for all your great comments
speaks to cooperation
huge appetite to work together with all our stakeholders
Sch Dist {had} already ear-marked $200K a few years ago; hope you can find some in your budgeting
{fyi, 'already' requires past perfect in this case}
Mayor: explanation wrt phasing -- money, do track; then redo grass field, then?
SD: xxx
Mayor: so not all or nothingSD: in cmnty's best interest to do one or the other
CC: proj of great interest to cmnty as a whole, particular interest and benefit to Sch Distnot clear to eve? benefit of track field and lighting
SD: SchDist sole [user] 9 - 5; if not using, available to anyone after 5pm, a cmnty benefit
lighting so av for many nights of the year
CC: closed if grass, usability; real grass for football and rugbySD: wd make it better for just -- football soccer rugby
field has a drainage issue
Carolyne Brody of sports field users group
CB: at present unusable xxxRockridge [8:15]one of only not having a school use mornings to 5 and cmnty use after
what's acceptable wrt lighting, 9 to 10
need is practice time, not game time
2 - 3 groups at a time trying to practise and not xxx
TP: Sports Field Master Plan did say look at sooner rather than later -- who is the lead on this?
looking at funding and granting opps
SD: Sch Dist Julie Lighterman Sec-Treas and Dir of Facilities; collaborative
CB: work in collaborative manner
TP: nice to see xxx
ML: look at selling the prop on Inglewood
SD: we're having land use
{&&& another part to listen to [8:19]}
south part? xxx
SD: space used daily
MB: know you're working with stakeholders
Carolyn, you might have mentioned the independent schools supporting this, ask?
CD: don't think they are xxx &&&
MB: was at one of the track meets and independent schools using it?
CB: that was the independent school track meet &&&
Mayor: former cclr Rod Day
RD: I live near the high school; a couple of thoughts; my hunch was right]
the arts ppl putting emphasis on lighting but the Sch Bd can't imagine they'd abandon the track funding
assumes SchBd knows its own interests and I'm not sure they do
sporting groups, organizing
most of the nbrs don't know about it; opposed to turf and lighting, not opposed to track, imagining to 10 o'clock
don't app the entire NSh [cxc???} the whole nbrhd xxx
$1.2M track fields; $3.5M turf; M has not offered anything
matching funds; unlikely to contribute if xxx not come up with money
in Mar 12 Mr Banks stakeholders -- let them do some fundraising
in the case of Rutledge Field donation from xxx and xxx only raised $1.5M
who prefer grass: javelin rugby and field hockey soccer, the main beneficiaries
{had been some dings}
Mayor: sorry--
RD: we haven't been heard so give us another four or five minutes pls
Mayor: need to ask rest of Ccl -- vote of we can waive our procedures
Mayor: not trying to be obstreperous
{wch means noisy or boisterous; maybe he means obstructionist?}
MClk: if Ccl
Mayor: Ccl?
ML: two or three min?
Mayor: okay, another three min?
RD: xxx potential conflict
but what if $2.5M raised? who gets the money and who goes first
each side with its own agenda.....extremely diff
this motion is v vague "xxx" Ccl shd simply be clear
go with the track; when that track built and funded, look at turf and lighting
with 16 years on Ccl you're not going to get anywhere
the presentations you had tonight from both authorities, v vague xxx
Mayor: tyvm
NG: info from Sch Bd and feedback, reading; what for public access on evenings and weekends
"become the property of..." so casual games impossible
what's the understanding of how public use later
ABanks: xxx by staff mbr wd have a detailed conversation with sports groups
during day, explorations, having, not there yet, weekends &&&
NG: there is a motion written for us
add and priorities and funding 1 and 3
1. Staff work with the WV Sch Dist and stakeholders in developing a collaborative model for project mgmt, and a funding and long-term sustainability strategy, for the WV Sec Sch Track and Artificial Turf Field;
2. Staff, in conjunction with the WV Sch Dist, undertake further consultation with the residents {who} are in proximity to WV Sec Sch in order to understand their concerns with this project; and that
3. Staff report on the collaborative model proposed for project mgmt, and funding and long-term sustainable strategy, and on the nbrhd consultation.
CC: as the Ccl liaison on the Sports xxx group?
drafted provides sufficient flexibility
take Mr Day's comment, vague b/c xxx flexible so can be fleshed outhaven't made my decision on priorities
utility of replacing the track v small
cmnty sports groups, cmnty xxx; talking apples and oranges
public access -- at present the public are not allowed to use SchDist fields -- sign posted not to use but honoured in breach [8:34]
that field is where I took my kids to learn how to ride bikes
tet this go; can use this summer
don't know if a proj will be a success until you embark on it
hope it moves forward and I support it
Sop: point 2: consultation with the residents in proximity
what's the point? know concerns, what are you going to do?
NL: this is for Ccl approval have conducted xxxx to get reaction
have been working with the Sch Dist
nbrhd will be addressed as we move through the
Sop: not opposed to kids having places
transparent process, &&& with DUE xxx to the nbrhdNL: think staff have had projs xxx the nbrhd; so our history
MB: to reduce to a simple request we have a field and a track that are unusable
recomm to explore.... and report back
there is a prima facie need established in this cmnty
yes, the money has crept up to $4.8M
when I first started, hovering around $1.2M and that's not an insignif amt
how raised, etc details to be worked on -- to further explore
re residents, we have a transcription of many pages of comments, lot of clear feedback from nbrs and know a flyer went out initially, more shd go out; the word is out there, part of the processsupport and wish everyone good luck b/c it is [8:39]
Mayor: bodies working in collaboration
track not usable and field not usable at all
work in the best interests of cmnty and try to come up with something in the best interests of the cmnty
this motion will address all the concerns former Cclr Day brought up
at the v least we must kick-start this; move ahead, whatever shape it does take
opp to work hand in hand with the Bd of Educ
7. Proposal for Establishment of Public Art Advisory Committee (File: 3006-07)
{Mbrs: Glenn Madsen, Jim Caruthers, Don Vaughan, Ingun Kemble, David Morton}
GM: streetscape; public art; recomm be struck more formally to participate in these discussions
already with 1300blk, their plans, interesting; some feedback we hope will be helpful to the devpr and future initiatives
you have the report before you; will do best to answer
NG: a few years ago before I was on Ccl, most of the cmtes were done away with b/c {staff time, xxx} minutes we had to keep; [8:45] turned a lot into WGs, xxx; going back old modelnot a concern to staff the process and bureaucracy of it all
BL: been for seven years; profile as a working cmte stageNG: who wd decide who's on the cmte -- through CEC?
BL: as a cmte of Ccl
{some bodies are better as a WG (to solve a prob), and others as a cmte or board or task force or whatever (continuity)}
MB: glad to see this xxx attended a ..... as a draw for that
two Qs, sorry not quite on the topic
do you have a map or guide to our public art that we give out?
{good idea -- start with that! there are some valuable and beautiful items}
GM: NV &&& supplementary piece
that's the kind of work we'd like to undertake
website, public art, pretty good, and see; so we do have some documentation
MB: what you've sent out is comprehensive.....you've learned from other processes, you named the Millennium Clock
{if you're new: it was built as cmnty art on the waterfront and later removed on recommendation/lack of support}
can you address that?
GM: ev cmnty needs to support; proposal of donationshave policies and procedures devpd with interest from the cmnty
if you don't have a good consultative in the front end you'll have something ppl won't support xxx needs professional standards; imp be done correctly from the start; if done well, tremendous value-added benefit
Amb Biz Dist an example of particular interest now for many cmnties; many have est'd public art xxxhave taken a personal interest and learned a lot about that
MB: architectural design, xxx ???
vast in this cmnty; do you ever consult outside WV?GM: also involved with BC PAN????xxx current advisory; provide that expertise; bring into mainstream of the DistrictSop: extremely imp to look at policy right now xxx year [8:53]
one of the things re art colln or piece -- where to put them?
GM: in public places; some indoor, some outdoor
donation, where will it go a consideration; site is critically public, we don't have storage spacein the case of the xxx marble {statue} we don't have a suitable place for it right now
{was at Library in courtyard}
currently stored -- those are the kinds of questions we'd like to be empowered to deal withML: to Mr Leigh: a bit confused; Museum, Library, cmnty ctr, Grosv, we have this new -- is the Binning House part? who's in charge? where's the overall coordination? valuable
don't want to see the District get committed to death; what 's the most effective mechanism? -- valuablecontrol and oversight
BL: big questions, Ccl and myself, with Cultural Services, moving into a more mature [?] at this stage, move to &&&Q v valid as we move forward to a governance group that wd look at all the cultural facilities at once
as we mature these facilities; this is a good interim step; wd evolve
ML: analysis of that part of the work plan for 2014?
BL: and evolution of the FBG and CAAD, all projects in a formative stagemove toward end-goal whatever that be
what kind of structure; governance plan coming to Ccl for 2015CC moved:
1. The proposal for a Public Art Adv Cmte, as described in the report dated Mar 14 from the Cultural Services Supervisor, be approved; and
2. Info re the est'mt of the cmte, apptmts, and terms of reference be presented to Ccl for consideration in April 2014.Mayor: is that correct?
BL: this report was delayed, [now] MAY 2014
CC: this is not just a xxx
see this as a move of increasing the prominence of public art in the cmnty; need holistic
Cclr Lewis right, need a body assist in public; what does that mean? curating xxxsomething like the DRC? get feedback, quality control
more exciting to me is some sort of fundraising, purchasing art fantastic
{art} something WV is known for, we do well, at a world-class level
shd leverage this, improve and draw ppl to WV -- one thing we do well, we do art wellso this is a v v exciting step; is it the last step? of course not
look fwd to look at full range it can; v good news story
Mayor: Carries unanimously
8. Ferry Building Community Gallery Improvements (File: 0515-10)
BL: this for comments; Ruth and I are here today
Barry Downs and xxx here to support the proposal before us
Ferry Bldg started [75/100?] {&&& GET date} years ago
Ruth Payne, FBG: SLIDES
we've got the hub, over past 20 years, opened a gallery in 1989
{yes, I was there and active as the first mbr of Ccl for heritage.}
Harmony Arts Festival all used to come out of that FBGpublic art, a lot of xxx, one by museumcuratorial and architectural exhibitions; we're focusing on the xxx of the artsthis slide shows our role, demystifiesppl come in, all ages, etc; place where local art work can be purchased
young artists get their start; here's an example for school chn, biennale
Christmas Tradition of Great Stuff, started 18 years ago
bit of a crunch, can't fit much inif we stop it, think we'll have a rebellion
64 art buffs, volunteers, the heart and soul of the gallery
art presentations, demos, educate
Ross Penhall and Bobbie Burgers started at the FBG and they're featured in the exhibition NOW
opening receptions with up to 500 ppl
this is the good news, 740sf on the main floor; try to keep to summer so tent and take them to beachoutdoor gallery progs
SLIDE Harmony Arts -- Summer Salsa by the Sea -- have 95, have chn, xxx, come from Vanc
ppl often then become involved as volunteersBL: clearly FBG bn successful over many years
Q is what do you do?
prop cherished; restorationheritage statement of significance part of the proposalwhat wd the addition look like?
on-site and off-site storage; cater to the guests and looking at things like$10K a year sales on those plinths
accommodate a better commercial xxx
a lot of the progs -- sensitive addn, v special plaza
any consideration, in keeping with plaza design
restoration, addn, site considerations, worried that wd mean DRC, public consultation; when we know what is fully supported, hope we can move on
MB moved:
1. Ccl support Dist enter into contract w/ DA Architects to eval and propose the nec upgrades to restore FBldg;
2. The amt of $57,800 to fund this work be achieved by budget amendment;
3. An assessment leading to a proposed expansion and public consultation associated w/ that work be undertaken; and
4. The amount of $71,200 be drawn from the Amenity Fund for that purpose.
Sop: why the two amts? one bldg when finished
BL: reason CAO Leemhuis and I $71K suited to amenity and $57K for budgetSop: exploratory work and design
BL: coming from two diff pots
Mayor: part of the money on restoration
{This is an important issue needing clarification. I'm all in support of the restoration of the FBG but wd like to know the process and policy.Did it go out to tender? Is there a process that everyone must follow to get addl funds from a budget already approved?what is required to qualify taking money from the amenity fund?how much is in the Amenity Fund?
A bit of history:
It took me about 15 years of lobbying {persuasion} Ccl to institute an Uplift policy. At first it was resisted with the claim the value of property was hypothetical. Finally got through to them and gave examples from the UK and US as well as Vancouver. Took another five years to establish the proportion of Uplift for CBs (Cmnty Benefits) to be 75%. It is now policy and the money WV residents receive for the increase in value is 75% of what the applicant wd have to pay if buying it with the new upzoning (upzoned).
Then, for years, I've proposed and encouraged residents to come up with a list -- S, M, L, XL -- of what they want so the choice of the benefits /amenities we receive is what we -- many or most -- wd like to have/see.Send your list to me!$10K, up to $100K, to $500K , over $1M -- or suggest different divisions.}
9. Proposed Amendments to Finance Committee Terms of Reference (On-Table) (File: 0116-20-FIN)
Information to be provided.
Sop: move it be approved
Mayor: Mr Koke, wd you like to speak to what is in our binder?
MK: most substantive change
change the composition from seven mbrs to six, three of whom wd be volunteers
to supplement expertise; looking for expertise in [9:16]
[give list]
augment section 141 subsec 1 subsec 2 half must be mbrs of Ccl
general cmte rules; most substantive change is the composition -- all mbrs of Ccl cd attend mtgsCC: not sure why we wd; in passing the FCmte we discuss a lot of Ccl biz; a lot of the heavy lifting done
seems a shame if only three taking part in the discussion
what if cmte deadlocked on the budget? three ccl mbrs vs three mbrs of public
concerned; like to see all mbrs of Ccl cmte, or xxx [9:19]
Mayor: you recognize no decisions made, they're made by Ccl
CC: envisioned that FCmte doing a v v diff roleCAO/NL: best practices in public sector and non-profit all call for mbrs with expertise, skill, or knowledge in that area
we don't always have a ccl with that expertise; don't also have [9:20]you now are mining the engaged cmnty; have knowledge Ccl doesn't always have xxx reported
Ccl might not have had before
I can go on and on why this is xxx
CC: no problem with the volunteers
my Q why not a majority or Ccl?
CAO: all mbrs of Ccl unwieldy
{so why was the CEC changed to all seven mbrs of Ccl, hm???}
wait for expertise doing anything diff; but WGs cd be established
CC: is Ccl going to be getting as much or more info as the cmte?
CAO: all and more
CC: ??? less to work with ???
MB: a prob with a cmte having all mbrs making recommendations to itselfxxx is a good idea; from my past experience, if a xxx issue, all mbrs can attendCcl mbrs as per their usu practice appointed annually?
CAO: yes
Sop: agree in part with Cclr Cam, but mbrs can be changed every year so all get a chancenever quite understood where we wd sit on a cmte then report to ourselves, if xxx [9:24]right now going to support
NG: the only thing I notice diff, it seems that under the Cmnty Charter, it's the mayor alone who appoints mbrs of Ccl, public, and chair; not sure why; same methodology, public notice?
Mayor: that's the way, apply through MClk
ML: don't have to stay here v long to see things come full circle
this cmte is the one I first got involved in seven or eight years ago; learned; had some downsides
not unlike the FCmte terms applicable in Vanc, improved so supportive
agree with remarks heard before
Ccl sitting around talking about xxx [9:26]; v supportiveMayor: obviously to tap into expertise in the cmnty
unpaid advice [9:27]
10. Rezoning and Devt Permit Applicn No. 13-018 / Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4788, 2014 for 870 and 876 Keith Road (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) (File: 1010-20-13-018 / 1610-20-4788)
Schedule A
Lisa B: be brief -- after all the discussion of arts and culture, motivated to go home for a drink
PH date talked to MClk earlier to day and changed to May 26, not May 5
SLIDES transfer units and FAR; Parcel A to B does not increase the density
FAR.6 in part 3, zoning for cluster housing; broken into 23 units, eight unit-types
see SLIDE with numbers;
ranging from 1100 - 1900sf; detailed all previously -- parking spaces (seven-storey west wing, five-storey east wing)one (new) part, discussion of CAC collected to address new demands
no new units therefore the CAC analysis concludes no uplift in land value so none payable
CACs have been collected on this devt, in 2007, recently received payments
no increase in density, little impact, no uplift -- therefore no Uplift and no CACs
recomm first reading
applicant will be hosting an info mtg wch will have to be rescheduled
applicant and Sandra Cawley of Burgess Cawley Sullivan here re CAC
MB: don't know why this didn't strike me before....{re SLIDE/MAP} eight sgl-fam units other-colour units -- owned by someone else or owned by Onni but not part of the master plan?
LB: south of Keith Rd not owned by Onni, not part of this devt; sgl-fam homes
MB: increase in density to Parcel 3, re DRC, addressed the orientation more westerly so less impact?
LB: that's correct
carefully done to respect yards and setbacks, and adjacent sgl-fam dwellings to eastview out angling to west; other decks more linear this more angled; L-shaped
ML: the public mtg separate from the PH?
you said was going to be held concurrently originally but now a diff date? both dates changed -- modify motion?
LB: two mtgs; PH will have a concurrent public mtg to allow Ccl to hear about proposed devt permit
prior May 26 so that the applicant will hold its own info mtg
ML: and that's not part of this motion
LB: yes
CC: we're advised that the result of this rezoning is a loss in value of ~$2.3M, why propose a change in zoning that wd decrease the value of their prop?
LB: will hand you over to Eric [X]
Eric X: the initial {plan} was best fit of units on the site
wrt CAC, note that negative value; negligible, ...however proper thoughtful response to site to have addl units rather than excessive retaining walls [9:35]; popular form wrt cluster homes
Mayor: Mr Sokol, this original Ev Dr huge expense to finally approve proj that's there
not first time request for change of the proj
what wd we charge for your time, staff's, Ms Berg's time, to process these changes when we've already done initially a few years [ago?]
Sokol: changes more significant than before; were slight changes
this is a shift in density, from area A to area B
in this case a rezoning, also requires a Devt Permit; already paid standard fees; not sure exact fig, but several thousand dollars
Mayor: cover the cost setting up mtgs, time, in your opinion?
Sokol: in general, where extraordinary we charge to applicant
Sop: Ms Crawley [sic], I read what you said, no consideration for an Uplift
SC: the actual density is on the lower part of Parcel 3 b/c height has not changed, so the av value on Parcel 3 is lower than whole project
cost of cluster homes extremely expensive, more than midrise; higher cost per sq ft
market seems to like these units but doesn't result in UpliftSop: land value may go down but still a profit, right?
SC: yes
Sop: how often do we take a master plan and allow a devpr to come back and alter it?
Sokol: don't have a lot of master plans
this is a shift in density; it's up to Ccl, staff has reviewed this, DRC has seen this; staff believes results in a better devt
Sop: goes to May 5
Sokol: May 26
Sop: public mtg on 5th
{clarification given to Sop in background}
CC: looking at the last page (95) of your appraisal; note the rather surprising conclusion
Parcel 3, gaining six units, value of land re buildable units, so value of land tied to the devt rights, and I don't disagree with that
you say gaining six units on Parcel 3, gaining ~ $1.4M in value so that's $200K a unit
you say next, loss at the bottom of four units in Parcel 8 and value decreased by almost $4M
$1M loss a unit in Parcel 8, and $200K loss in Parcel 3
leads to the rather surprising conclusion that the rezoning is costing the devpr $2.3Mnot sure how you cd come to this
SC: Parcel 8, smaller and height hasn't changed; in Parcel 2 lower; revenue may be higher but construction costs signif greater
CC: but 8 one of the lowest on the land, why loss of $1M per unit?
SC: b/c units smaller losing density? [9:42]
CC: why?
SC: wd have to go with you
CC: figs rely on hard construction costs provided by the Devpr
SC: correct
CC: and sales figs?
SC: did check registered; av presales figs, checked MLS, transactions over last year
Onni presented sales info; generally comfortable with them
Mayor: no other questions; motion
ML moved: be read a first time
Mayor: all in favour? Sorry, Cclr Lewis?
CC: no prob with transfer of density unless doesn't come back with density in Parcel 8; do have a prob w/ CAC
Onni in biz to make money and there's no way they'd go through rezoning process to devalue their asset; makes absolutely no sense; they're only going to do this if it makes them more money. They're not stupid.
the rep said more popular; that means it will sell for more or more easily sell
appraisal report absurd conclusion $2.3M loss; rep to his credit said negligible negative value; rep himself said numbers in our own appraisal report not accurate -- $2.3M definitely not my definition of negligible
left with math; look at the math -- lose $4M in four units in parcel 8 in bldable space, but by gaining six units up the hill, only gaining $200K a unit -- just doesn't make any sense
look at where info came from in the report -- quotes &&&; v difficult to audit these costs, unique, complex; approp caveats
an absurd result; I can't place any trust in this appraisal; can't believe the math
can't believe that devpr wd devalue its assets
can't support this first reading; not that I don't support transfer ... magical numbers ...
we've heard some appraisals in past $800K, and they sold for $2M
really concerned about public benefit, CAC, and being taken advantage of; can't support first reading b/c of that
Sokol: we are unable to collect CACs as for offsetting impacts of the devt
density transfer, more sq ftg; transfer density on site; therefore no addl devt, likely not approp for us to collect CACs
we aren't enabled by the prov to collect CACs b/c there's been an Uplift in value, we are enabled to collect b/c of add'l impacts due to devts
CC: then why collecting the information if irrelevant?
understood CACs to recapture part of value of rezoning ...
this prop is definitely increasing in value; no way losing money; we shd be capturing part of that
Sop: I'm along the same lines; don't like density transfer for profit
laid down ... no benefit for cmnty; don't think it's a good practice; cd occur again
not supporting it go to PH
MB: response to Ccl Cam; enjoy this sort of analysis, spent time how CACs calculated
M determined CACs based on residual approach1 -- not an easy concept -- uplift to rezoned land value, not uplift in profit, accounted for in the formula
that's maybe where Cclr Cam's falls down2, not related to the profit
{Not quite. I did some research.
1: Here's clarification given to me. Residual valuation of land is one of several methods of calculating Uplift. It has turned out to be the best method for most (all?) of the appraisals done by BCS for CAC determination for the District, but nowhere in the District's policy on CACs does it mandate that particular method of calculating Uplift.
2: MB is incorrectly characterising CC's point. CC is not saying CAC ought to be based on profit, he is suggesting no devpr will ask for a rezoning that reduces the value of his land (which is related to his profit) but that is what the BCS appraisal says will happen if this rezoning goes through, which is why CC doubts the BCS appraisal. Nothing to do with any relationship (or lack thereof) between CAC calculation and profit.}
have to get to value of bldgs to get to the basic land value; have to subtract that; how else do you xxx; ... have to subtract
come up with a residual land value and that's probably what Ms Cawley is trying to convey
retaining walls ... residual
I can't make a determination so support; unless we... as long as tied to this formula, I'm not going to call into question
Mayor: this is going to come back; this is first reading
CAC ... applicant cd come back; this rezoning at xxx of Ccl
nothing stopping him from making a voluntary contribution
to his advantage to ... re rezoning
Sokol: the package going forth to public going forward as nothing
nothing to stop applicant
Mayor: so we cd table this; staff work with applicant; come back with something more palatable to Ccl
Sokol: this is recomm of staff, encourage you to move fwd with this, but up to Ccl
Mayor: first reading, xxx [9:54]
TP: have to go forth with the professional recomm and experts; this will make the project better; intent
CACs; don't see anything; come fwd with more; no prob with moving fwd
CC: respond to Cclr Booth's point; look at last page, the profit on sales revenue is a constant, it's ceteris paribus, set at 15% before and after rezoning; I never once used the term profit; I'm not confusing anything. I suggest Cclr Booth is confusing things.
If we're talking about gain and loss in residual land values, the subtraction of four units from Parcel 8, magically reducing the residual land value by $4M; ergo if you added four units to Parcel 8 it wd increase by $4M.
That means there's a gain and loss in residual land value changing what you can build on the site, wch is obviously clear
I'm saying the gain of six units in Parcel 3 is nonsensical to say that's only worth $200K per unit and a loss of a unit in Parcel 8 is $1M a unit for residual land value
If you accept Ms Cawley's presumption that you cd lose $4M from taking four units from Parcel 8 then you obviously can see that rezoning wd impact the RESIDUAL land value
[9:55] we're adding six units to Parcel 3; value of that is worth far more $1.2M
devpr's not going to rezone if it devalues their land. Simply not going to happen! No devpr wd do that.
{1: The BCS appraisal, available as part of the staff report, gives an explanation of why they believe the residual land value of a single unit is $1M in parcel 8 and $200K in parcel 3.
2: CC's point is valid but perhaps the devper has a longer-term perspective than CC. Perhaps he is willing to forego some profit on this rezoning because he is planning to come back to Council (probably after the election) and ask for a significant upzoning that would only be possible once this reallocation of density is approved. Reculer pour mieux sauter, if you will.}
1. Proposed ... be read a first time;
CARRIED with Cam and Sop opposed [9:56]
ML then moved:
2. Proposed ... be presented at a PH scheduled for Mon, May 5 {May 26}, at 7pm in Ccl Chamber, MHall and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH wch shall include notice of the PH to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area in Appendix F to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Mar 19 re the rezoning of 870/876 Keith (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni); and
CARRIED with Cam and Sop opposed
Then ML moved:
3. DPA No. 13-018 be presented at a Public Mtg scheduled for Mon, May 5 {May 26}, at 7pm in Ccl Chamber, MHall, to be held concurrently with the PH scheduled for Mon, May 5 {May 26}, in Ccl Chamber, MHall, and the MClk give notice of the scheduled Public Mtg wch shall include notice of the Public Mtg to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown in the Proposed Notification Area etc
NG: date?
Sokol: before, public mtg, and w/ PH May 26; also a public info mtg
ML: lots of mtgs
Sokol: want to make sure everybody knows what the project is and want to be transparent and open
Mayor: CARRIED with Cam and Sop opposed
and I wd suggest, Mr Sokol, at the next PH we have a fuller explanation for Ccl and the public on issue on amenities/CACs, why doesn't apply, and why land value is less
why; clearly all of us a little perplexed as to why
{GOOD suggestion, Mr Mayor, and maybe have that Cmte of the Whole on CACs/Amenities promised last fall.}
it's 10 o'clock, so I won't babble on
Sokol: noted; means then our presentation will need to be a little bit longer at the PH than you usually like, but we'll keep that in mind
{some laughter}
Mayor: we always love presentations from Planning
Mayor: [Motion] Approved Ccl Mtg go past 10 o'clock
11. Proposed Road Closure and Removal of Hwy Dedication Bylaw No. 4786, 2014 (to close up and remove the dedication of a hwy located adjacent to, and south of, the Mulgrave Sch site on Cypress Bowl Rd)
THAT proposed Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw be read a first, second and third time.
THAT the Dist issue statutory notices ... setting Apr 28 as the deadline for written and oral submissions.
BYLAW for Adoption
12. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4787, 2014 (re amdmt to the CD32 zone to allow for an expanded range of commercial land uses at 1763, 1765, and 1767 Marine Dr)(File: 1610-20-4787)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Mar 10, reg Ccl mtg, and Ccl scheduled a PH re the proposed bylaw to be held on Mar 31. If the PH closes on Mar 31, the proposed bylaw may be considered for second and third reading at the Mar 31 reg Ccl mtg. If the proposed bylaw receives second and third reading at the Mar 31, reg Ccl mtg it may be considered for adoption on Apr 7. If the PH has closed, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw.
13. Consent Agenda Items
13.1. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for February, 2014 (File: 0500-01)
RECOMMENDED:THAT the report dated March 10, 2014, be received for information.
13.2. Appointment to Board of Variance (File: 2310-04)
RECOMMENDED: the apptmt of Amyn Bhayani to BoV for a three-year term ending Dec 31, 2016 be approved.
13.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to March 21, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) C. Wootten, March 6, 2014, regarding South Piccadilly
(Referred to Dir/Planning for consideration and response) > Heritage Matter <
(2) P. Falls, March 17, 2014, regarding Re: Collecting Community Input Policy #04-10-109
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) K. Losken, Mar 21, 2014, 2 submissions regarding Collingwood School Construction and Glenmore Drive Properties
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes West Vancouver Memorial Library Board February 19, 2014
(5) M. MacKenzie, February 1, re Maison Senior Living Residence Taylor Way at Keith Road, West Vancouver
(6) E. Lyman, March 18, 2014, regarding Fwd: The City of Burnaby Takes on the National Energy Board
> Council Correspondence Update to March 25, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) A. Culley & Company Architecture, Mar 24, re EAGLE ISLAND GARBAGE & DOCK ACCESS ZONE
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) City of New Westminster, March 21, re City of New Westminsters position on the Pattullo Bridge Replacement (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response).
from Ccl Corresp on the next mtg's agenda -- Ccl has requested the following corresp be brought fwd for discussion.
14.1. D. Derreth, March 24, 2014, regarding Dog Waste Disposal Bags (On-Table)
MB: I pulled the dog waste disposal bag issue/letter, mainly b/c I have had feedback from the cmnty and there were photos included in xxx letter; representative
ppl are going in... whether to remind themselves
don't know otherwise they'd be putting the bags in the trees; and I saw the response
perhaps Ms Leemhuis cd refresh my memory; think another issue arose out of that; highlighted
CAO: wrt ... Ian Haras on Apr 3 responded; signs at entrance of Lighthouse Pk and most of the cmnty diligent
will speak to Bylaws to increase signs; watch ...; speak with Lighthouse Pk attendants to increase
MB: cmnty mbr who spoke to me outraged about bags and wanted to put up their own signs
bottom line is ... wondering; my approach is make it easy to do the right thing
CAO: right
MB: opps to dispose; hv gone through the Pk myself and not many places; that's where the prob lies
not condoning behaviour, I carry my bags in and out
if make easy to do the right thing then you won't have this clash b/c there are residents upset
Mayor: so Ms L, staff will take this under advisement and find a way for the public doing the right thing
whether more receptacles or whatever
CAO: right
14.2 CoV, Apr 3, re Changes to BC Ambulance Service Resource Allocns: Impacts on City & Citizens (On-Table)
Mayor: City of Vanc, a letter
CAO: {notes supplied}
On April 2nd, the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire, Firefighters Union President, and I met with senior management from BC Emergency Health Services and the BC Ambulance Service to discuss the proposed Resource Allocation Plan and potential effects to the service levels and response times of BC Ambulance to residents in our community.
Trying to be as transparent as possible
Two significant outcomes of that meeting:
- We have agreed to enter into a partnership agreement (Fire and Ambulance) which will provide a layered service to our residents. We will be meeting again at the end of May to define the details and terms.
- In the meantime, the proposed Resource Allocation Plan will not be implemented and our First Responders/Fire Fighters will continue to work collaboratively with BC Ambulance Service (as they have in past).
CC: for the public's benefit; a motion passed by City of Vancouver to be forwarded to all other Ms
take Ms Leemhuis's point; see no harm
imp to set down our marker; resource allocn process contemplated to be changed
if our firefighters not to be dispatched; that's really going to be signif for our residents
Ms Leemhuis's comments and my notes
Mayor to write to Min of Health to make sure any changes improve, rather than deteriorate
Mayor: key in CoV letter; objective have emerg serve both; effective ctr
provided by both Fire and Rescue Services and the Amb Services working together, that's where we need to get to; think we all agree with that; anything we can do to get there we shd do
CC: choose the wording
write with Ccl's strong {views} in this regard
Mayor: thx.....
15. Public Questions/Comments
CR: Good evening, Mayor and Ccl, tyvm. I know it's late; I didn't think it wd go this late and I will try to get down {?} my comments and questions as fast as possible and in chronological order
{1 & 2} Glad to see so many mbrs of Ccl at the Streamkeepers Seaside Social, that's always enjoyable, and for almost all of you to come to ADRA's AGM, we enjoyed having you -- we don't bite!
{3} Congratulations to the ULWG seeking public input, but to put the comments in context, at the last ULWG when they were talking about the replies to {on?} westvancouverITE, there were actually 24 replies to UL.
{IOW not the number given at the last ccl mtg, rather the number reported at the ULWG mtg.}
but I don't think at all that's a reflection on the WG, I think it's possibly some of problems with the system, and that we're not using it as much.
Remember WebAlerts had 1200 subscribers and I think the most wvITE, far far [lower], a fraction of that.
{4} V much appreciate the consideration you're giving to the heritage property of Klee Wyck, b/c that gift had certain conditions.
I'm not of course against EcoUrbia or the Cmnty {Garden grp} at all, I just think we hv to be v careful to comply with whatever conditions the donation given to us [had] so that we can encourage more donations.
{5} then the main thing I was coming to ask was about the four-year term wch Cclr Lewis referred to
I wd like to know if anyone from WV went to the UBCM convention and if they did, how did they vote? did they vote? did they vote in favour of this increase to four years? and if we didn't have consultation, then cd we have it now?
Mr Mayor, I know that you and I have talked to our MLA and you may have some concerns that I have about four years and I wonder if we cd suggest what ways to either get public consultation (b) maybe get a petition or (c) maybe have a referendum with the election in the fall as to what WVites wd like.
Mayor: so just to give Ccl a headsup, I did -- on my own initiative -- write to Minister Oakes and tell her that I thought it was a seriously flawed idea to go to four years
in view of the fact that ppl with careers are reluctant to make a four-year commitment in case they get transferred or whatever, and I suggested that they, instead of dictating, they allow ea M to make the decision so, IOW if WV wanted three-yr terms we cd do that, if somebody else wanted four years they cd do that as well; so I got the pat on the head in response; thanks for your letter but you know we gave it the due consideration and then threw it away.
So that's that was the extent of my letter to Min Oakes. What else we can do, I don't know, really don't
CR: well, we can put our heads together and try something maybe they'll listen
16. Adjournment [~10:06]
=== CCL MTG AGENDAs April 28 ===
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(b) the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the M and a prov govt or the fed govt or both, or between a prov govt or the fed govt or both and a third party.
Purpose of mtg: intergovernmental negotiation matter.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of April 28 ... Agenda
3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES --> Meeting minutes to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
March 31, 2014 special and regular Council meetings;
April 7, 2014 special and regular Council meetings; and April 16, 2014 Public Hearing.
4. Horseshoe Bay Biz Assn, re Update on Initiatives re Branding, Marketing, and Upgrades to HBay Biz Dist
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
Residential Recycling Services MMBC (Multi-Material British Columbia) Update (File: 1775-01)
RECOMMENDED: the report dated April 4, 2014 from the Mgr, Engg Services be received for information.
Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4783, 2014; and Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4784, 2014 (Maison Seniors Living, 825 TWay and 707 Keith)
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: Each reading of an Official Community Plan bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Council members (4 members) in order to proceed (Local Government Act, s. 882).
The proposed bylaws received first reading at the March 31, 2014 regular Council meeting, and were the subject of a Public Hearing held and closed on April 16, 2014. As the Public Hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.
RECOMMENDED: proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw be read a second time; and third time
RECOMMENDED: proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmnt Bylaw be read a second and third time.
Update on Purpose-Built Rental Housing (File: 2515-02)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the detailed examination of local govt tools to protect existing purpose-built rental housing and support devt of new rental housing, as outlined in the report dated April 8, 2014, be endorsed.
Subdivision Services Agreement with the Squamish Nation and Park Royal (File: 1000-01)
RECOMMENDED: the Mayor and MClk be authorized to execute the Agreement with the Squamish Indian Band, as represented by the Squamish Nation Council, and Park Royal Shopping Centre Holdings Ltd. in order to provide subdivision approving officer service related to the specific realignment of property lines described in the Agreement on lands within the Capilano Indian Reserve No. 5.
West Bay Park Vision Plan (File: 2160-04-WBPA1)
RECOMMENDED: the West Bay Pk Vision Plan be adopted and be implemented as funding becomes available.
North Shore Community Food Charter (File: 3120-01)
The NSh Cmnty Food Charter be endorsed in principle, as a framework for guiding decisions related to food systems in WV; and that
The endorsement be communicated to members of the NSh Congress for their information.
Proposed 2014 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4789, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4789)
RECOMMENDED: THAT be read a first, second and third time.
Proposed Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw No. 4790, 2014 and Proposed Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 4793, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4790 / 1610-20-4793)
Information to be provided.
Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4792, 2014 (Planning, Land Development and Permits and Parks and Community Services Fees) (File: 1610-20-4792)
RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second, and third time.
BYLAW for Adoption
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
15. Proposed Road Closure/Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4786, 2014 (to close up and remove
the dedication of a hwy located adjacent to, and south of, the Mulgrave Sch site on Cypress Bowl Rd)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 7, 2014 regular Council meeting.
16. Consent Agenda Items
16.1. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to March 28, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) A. Poulsson (Preserve Sentinel Hill), Mar 26, re Maison Devt (Keith Rd & TWay) Property Value Uplift and CAC (Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) J. Smith, March 27, 2014, regarding recycling costs?
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) 4 submissions, dated Mar 17 26, re Millikens Proposed Devt at Keith and TWay (Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-084)
(Referred to March 31, 2014 Public Hearing)
(5) E. Lyman, March 25, 2014, regarding What about people?
(6) March 26, 2014, regarding HOUSING BULK feedback
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Community Planner, March 24, 2014, response to M. Holden, Getting to Groundbreaking Regional Study
> Council Correspondence Update to April 4, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) D. Derreth, March 24, 2014, regarding Dog Waste Disposal Bags
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
{Pulled by MB and discussed at Apr 7 ccl mtg}
(2) D. Derreth, March 24, 2014, regarding Snow Experience
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) InnCogneato Bistro, March 24, 2014, regarding Ambleside Concession Proposal
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(4) March 25, 2014, regarding Please stop harassing phone calls and legal action
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs)
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(6) N. Sims, March 30, 2014, regarding Coach House input
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(7) 4 submissions, dated Mar 31 Apr 4, re Howe Sound Management Plan and Cumulative Effects Framework (Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(8) P. Falls (Preserve Sentinel Hill), Apr 1, re Very Time Sensitive request for Information to Prepare for the Apr 9th mtg (Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt at Keith and TWay Devt Permit Applicn No. 12-084)
(Referred to Dir/Planning for consideration and response) (Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
(9) St. George Society, April 2, 2014, re St. George Society Proclamation
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(10) G. Delvicario, April 3, 2014, re Maison Devt (707 Keith Rd/825 Taylor Way) (Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt (Referred to Dir/Planning for consideration and response) (Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
Received for Information
(11) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Design Review Committee January 23, 2014
(12) Bowen Island Muni, Mar 17, re M-Initiated Amdmts to the B Island OCP Bylaw and the B Island Land Use Bylaw
(13) 5 submissions, dated March 17 April 3, 2014, re Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt
(Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
(14) 8 submissions, undated March 31, 2014, regarding Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt ...
(Previously received at March 31, 2014 Council meeting) (Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
(15) 2 submissions, dated Mar 25 31, re Hollyburn Gardens 195 21st Street (Proposed Devt Permit #14-006)
(16) Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Mar 28, re How to apply for funding under the New Building Canada Fund
(17) Metro Vancouver, Mar 28, re Notification of a Proposed Amendment to Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping Our Future (Metro 2040), the regional growth strategy Type 2 Amendment (Southlands)
(18) Mar 31, re Tree Cutting Permit Applicn municipal prop in the vicinity of 6330 Argyle Burley Bros. Tree Service Ltd., letter dated 28 March 2014
(19) E-Comm 9-1-1, March 31, 2014, regarding E-Comm Board of Directors Designate 2014-2015 Term
(20) E. Lyman, Apr 2, re And of course this wd include cell towers. This was already suspected 7 years ago (article date)! (21) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Apr 2, re BC MoT Nelson Crk Bridge Project Update to WV Residents (22) City of Vancouver, April 3, re Changes to BC Ambulance Service Resource Allocations: Impact on City and Citizens
Responses to Correspondence
(23) Sr Cmnty Planner, Mar 31, response to A. Poulsson (Preserve SHill), Maison Devt Property Value Uplift and CAC (24) Manager of Parks Operations, April 3, 2014, response to D. Derreth, Dog Waste Disposal Bags
> Council Correspondence Update to April 11, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Petition with 19 signatures, April 1, 2014, regarding Annual Passes for Yoga
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) S. Slater, April 2, 2014, regarding Rezoning 1763/65/67 Marine Drive
(Referred to Dir/Planning for consideration and response) (Rec'd after the close of March 31 Public Hearing)
(3) Coast Modern Film, April 4, 2014, regarding Happy City
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(4) St. George Society, April 7, 2014, regarding St. George Society Proclamation Request
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(5) PJ Triance, April 8, 2014, regarding Photos from Ambleside Lane Garbage
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(6) L. McNeil, April 9, 2014, regarding FW: Heritage Cedar Trees @ 1136 Mathers Avenue
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(7) NBT Filmworks, April 9, 2014, regarding dangerous intersection (15th and Inglewood)
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(8) S. Hean, April 11, 2014, regarding April 2014 The Financial Edition
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(9) 21 submissions, dated Apr 7 11, re Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt
(Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
(10) CRED (Conversations for Responsible Economic Devt), Mar 14, re Report Assessing the Risks of Kinder Morgans Proposed New Trans Mountain Pipeline and a Report on How Pipeline Spills Impact Property Values
(11) C. and A. Peters, March 21, 2014, regarding Help Combat Human Trafficking
(12) Vanc Coastal Health, Mar 31, re Support of the NSh Table Matters Network for the EcoUrbia Network EcoCentre Proposal at the Klee Wyck Site
(13) City of Pitt Meadows, April 3, 2014, re Canada Post Proposal to Eliminate Home Mail Delivery Service.
(14) NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte, Apr 7, re Law Day 2014 Open House April 12th, 10am 2pm
(15) City of Pitt Meadows, April 7, 2014, re City of Pitt Meadows Medical Marihuana Zoning Text Amendment
(16) E. Lyman, Apr 8, re Fwd: A letter for city ccl and CSRD....who can send it? Can you, Mary or Eva, copy to papers?
(17) M. Benge, April 9, 2014, re Howe Sound is the wrong place for LNG Supertankers & a floating LNG plant
(18) Ambleside Orchestra, April 10, 2014, regarding Invitation to Ambleside Orchestra Concert May 23
Responses to Correspondence
(19) Dir/Planning, April 4, 2014, response to P. Ducommun, Maison (Millikens Proposed Devt)
(20) Dir/Planning, April 4, 2014, response to S. Slater, Upper Lands development
(21) Dir/Planning, April 4, 2014, response to S. Slater, Park Royal Development proposal
(22) Dir/Engg, April 8, 2014, response to J. Smith, recycling costs?
> Council Correspondence Update to April 15, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) 35 submissions, dated April 9 15, re Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt
(Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
Responses to Correspondence
(1) Manager, Facilities and Assets, April 11, 2014, response to InnCogneato Bistro, Ambleside Concession Proposal
Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
17.1. L. McNeil, April 9, 2014, regarding FW: Heritage Cedar Trees @ 1136 Mathers Avenue
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Seals Are The Dogs Of The Sea -- Get ready, its sea puppy play time!
posted on April 22, 2014 at 4:23am EDT http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryroify/seals-are-the-dogs-of-the-sea-24ty
=== PHOTOWATCH === (snails)
what a girlfriend sent me:
These photos are remarkable - I don't care what you say about slugs ..... LOL
=== WORLDWATCH === (sand)
just blown away by this documentary. There's a sandmafia! There's sand smuggling -- G and I had no idea -- it's serious!
from: http://www.knowledge.ca/program/sand-wars
Most of us think of sand as a necessary ingredient for any beach vacation. Yet those seemingly insignificant grains of silica surround our daily lives. Every house, skyscraper and glass building, every bridge, airport, and sidewalk in our modern society depends on sand.
We use it to manufacture optical [fibre], cell phone components, and computer chips. We find it in our toothpaste, powdered foods, and even our wine (both the glass and the wine, as a fining agent)! Is sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand [fuelled] by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment?
Based on encounters with sand smugglers, corrupt politicians, unscrupulous real estate developers, and environmentalists, this investigation by award-winning director Denis Delestrac takes us around the globe to unveil a new gold rush and a disturbing fact: the "sand wars" have begun.
=== INFObits ===
+ The Mystery of Matt
Calgary Stabbing: Matthew de Grood's Mental State Questioned
CP | By Bill Graveland, The Canadian Press Posted: 04/17/2014 1:05 pm EDT | Updated: 04/17/2014 7:59 pm EDT
Police said a significant part of their investigation will focus on whether de Grood was suffering from mental illness and officers will be looking into any communications he had with people before the slayings.
The Calgary Herald reported that de Grood sent disjointed and confusing text messages to his family before showing up at the party. The newspaper quoted an unnamed officer close to de Grood's father as saying the family was worried he might commit suicide that night. His mother called police and his father went looking for him, the source said. The story also said de Grood had mental health problems in high school.
+ E-bile, Trolls, etc -- Mar 30 by E ADLER, The Kansas City Star
New research finds that many Internet trolls are everyday sadists who feed on suffering
Anyone whos ever encountered Internet trolls, those vile, racist, sexist, and often profane, people who gorge themselves on others misery, might have concluded they are psychologically disturbed. That would be correct, new research suggests. Cyber-trolls gleefully spew their e-bile using smartphone apps, online comments, texts, or social media sites for no other reason than cruelty.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2014/03/30/4926371/new-research-finds-that-many-internet.html#storylink=cpy
+ Both with short videos; Uluru and one with Aboriginal dance and snake carving
> Royal Tour: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit sacred Uluru site
The Duke and Duchess journey to Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, to witness a indigenous welcoming dance from the traditional owners of the sacred site
> Royal tour: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge try their hand at 'glamping' in Uluru
Prince William and wife Kate set up camp the Royal way in Uluru, Australia with a perfect view of the country's most famous natural landmark
+ Wonder if they went to see the Olgas nearby (wch I preferred) but Uluru is impressive.... rather awkward with photo of Charles and Diana there 30+ years ago.
=== PASSOVER FOR PALESTINE by Building Bridges === Rabbi D Mivasair
Marc H. Ellis on April 14, 2014 http://mondoweiss.net/2014/04/passover-for-palestine.html
This is part of Marc H. Elliss Exile and the Prophetic series for Mondoweiss.
Predictably, the NY Times missed the 5th question for Passover this morning when they focused their gaze on whether computer screens and other devices should be used to enhance the Passover experience for Jews. Left out completely is the obvious prior question: How can Jews celebrate Passover when we are oppressing another people?
Passover is a time when Palestinians suffer yet another level of oppression: closure, harassment, settlement construction, and land confiscation. This is true annually and even more this year when Palestinians are being punished by Israel for refusing their own permanent ghettoization, thinly disguised as the American-led peace process.
No doubt Secretary of State, John Kerry, will be attending a Passover Seder somewhere in the Washington corridor. Or if hes on one of his world peace tours, Passover goodies will be packed by his assistants. We wouldnt want our top political officials to be eating leavened bread during Passover, would we?
Yes, it has come to this, worrying about the Passover table story without the question of justice. After all, the question of Palestine is divisive. We wouldnt want to introduce division into our homes or in the New York Times as we celebrate our liberation.
The consensus seems to be that Passover apps have a place at the Passover table. Progress on all fronts! But few in the Jewish establishment are paying attention to the real attrition in Jewish observance and identification. In the long run no amount of decorative enhancements can mitigate the disjunction between demanding the end of Israels slavery and Israels enslavement of the Palestinian people.
Why not simply admit that the Passover experience for Jews has been distorted beyond recognition and leave it at that? Why not celebrate Israels conquering of Palestine explicitly? Our plaintive cry Next year in Jerusalem has already occurred. The results are devastating for Palestinians. In the long run, are they less disastrous for Jews?
Disaster comes in many forms. Permanently oppressing another people is a disaster celebrated as a victory. In the long run, even those who celebrate know the score.
Of course, there are Passover tables where this dual disaster will, more or less, be discussed and affirmed. To what end, though, and how long can Jewish dissent keep its Passover eye on the prize?
Apps or no apps, Passover has become an empty shell.
Passover revival around the corner? Not until the ethical center of the Jewish tradition is reclaimed. That reclamation is impossible without Palestinian freedom.
Thanks to D. Mivasair for submitting this article, a reflection not too late to consider during the last days of Passover, 2014.
{Apr 23} http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=badf05e7cf205e03426651973&id=41601db04d
Hamas and Fatah unveil Palestinian reconciliation deal
Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have announced a reconciliation deal, saying they will try to form a unity government in the coming weeks.....
...Following the announcement, Israel said it would not attend a negotiation session planned for Wednesday evening.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu earlier said Mr Abbas would have to choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas....
...Palestinian officials responded by saying reconciliation was an internal matter and uniting Palestinian people would reinforce peace.
In a statement, Mr Abbas said there was "no incompatibility between reconciliation and the talks" and that they were committed to peace on the basis of a two-state solution.....
...The factions said they planned to form an interim unity government - headed by Mr Abbas - within five weeks and hold parliamentary elections within six months.
"This is the good news we tell our people," Ismail Haniya, prime minister of the Hamas-led government in Gaza, told reporters. "The era of division is over."
More: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-27128902
Other articles on this announcement:
Haaretz: Hamas, Fatah sign reconciliation agreement
Alternative News: PLO and Hamas sign reconciliation agreement
Al Jazeera: Palestinian factions to form unity government The Guardian: PLO and Hamas agree landmark pact
April 18 -- "Palestinian displacement blocking 'just peace', churches tell EU
APRODEV and CIDSE, two influential church-related devt networks, have condemned the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank, which they say is uprooting any chance of a just peace.
They urge the European Union (EU) to address systematically issues of property destruction and forced displacements, to protect the rights of Palestinians. This stance is endorsed by the World Council of Churches (WCC).....
APRODEV, together with the CIDSE, have been instrumental in influencing decision-making processes in the EU institutions in order to promote justice and peace in Israel and Palestine. ...
Wendy Gichuru, regional coordinator for the Middle East, from the Justice, Global and Ecumenical Relations Unit of the United Church of Canada (UCC), said that churches have a moral obligation to put their faith into action and work for a just peace. They must ensure that their actions do not knowingly support and maintain injustice. This includes using their economic power as consumers and investors to work towards this goal, she added. More: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/20417
=== BOOKWATCH === "Citizen Canine" [NYT Book Review]
Cats and Dogs, Reigning
In 2007, a 13-year-old golden retriever named Alex, who was the subject of a contentious custody suit, was given a court-appointed lawyer to look after his best interests...
.....Dog and cat ownership has quadrupled since the mid-1960s, he says, and last year Americans spent a staggering $55 billion on their companion animals....
...while many Greeks continued the Egyptian tradition of revering the cat, Romans preferred the dog: Chalk it up to a difference in philosophy: While the Greeks valued liberty and autonomy, the Roman prized loyalty and obligation.
...Mark Twains 1904 book, A Dogs Tale, was told from the point of view of a dog; it begins: My father was a St. Bernard, my mother was a collie, but I am a Presbyterian....
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === the worthless word for the day is: flosculation http://home.comcast.net/~wwftd
From: "tsuwm" <tsuwm@comcast.net> Subject: today's wwftd is... flosculation Date: 20 April, 2014 7:30:49 PM PDT
[fr. L flosculus, diminutive of flos, flower] flowery speech, embellishment
Sounds like a diff language, doesn't it?
"Academic ataraxia and exantlation from indesinent moliminous indagation are, however, more conducive to nagacious (nugacious?) insulsity or hebetudinous paralereme than rabulous procacity and flosculation. In short, I apologize." -- Forum, 1938(?)
"We try to avoid flosculation (embellishment or ornament) or blateration (blabber), but were kind of suckers for a good story about the English language." -- NPR blog, Nov. 9, 2010
=== WORDWATCH === pysanka -- those famous Easter Eggs
pysanka, noun. An intricately decorated Easter egg of a type traditionally made in Poland and Ukraine, produced by drawing a pattern on an egg with wax and then applying dye (which cannot penetrate the areas covered by wax), then repeating this process with successive layers of wax and colours of dye, so that once all the wax is removed a multicoloured design is revealed. Also (in pl. form): the craft of making such eggs.
Etymology: Partly Ukrainian pysanka (plural pysanky; pysaty to write, colour, paint), and partly <Polish pisanka (plural pisanki; < pisać to write, colour, paint); both verbs derive <the same base as Old Church Slavonic pĭsati to write, colour, paint (see poikilo- comb. form).
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
Heritage BC Award Nominations
DEADLINE: EXTENDED TO APRIL 30. It's time to recognize the achievements of individuals, museums, and heritage associations and businesses for excellence in heritage conservation. The deadline for making your nominations is now the end of April. Everything you need is online here:»» Heritage BC Awards Program http://heritagebc.ca/awards/
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Let us know if you'd like to participate in Community Day June 7 Contacts: 922 4400; info@heritage.westvan.org
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
Heritage Talks: Top Ten Endangered Sites 2014 and Update
Creating a future for our heritage as a Community
Tuesday April 29th from 7 to 9pm -- Tix: Admission is FREE, but pre-registration is required
LOCATION: Arts & Culture Alliance; #100-938 Howe St. (street level entrance)
Every year since 2001, Heritage Vancouver has issued a Top Ten Endangered Sites List. The position papers accompanying each of the sites includes why the site is threatened, why it is important and Heritage Vancouvers position including ideas on what the community can do to preserve each site. In 2006, the Top Ten list along with the Top Ten Bus Tour won a City of Vancouver Heritage Award. This year, for the first time, Heritage Vancouver is issuing a Top Ten list from previous years of sites at the top of the list that we continue to monitor.
Heritage Vancouver welcomes guest speaker, Donald Luxton, our Past President, to an evening of conversation about this years Top Ten and the Top Ten from previous years.
You're invited to ask questions, share ideas about what we as a cmnty cd do to retain these special places. Come join the conversation!
Info on prev Top Ten Endangered Sites, other events: www.heritagevancouver.org To pre-register via click here.
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/special-projects/sunday-morning-at-hinge-park/
The story of Strathcona including Joe Wai Specials:
> Vancouver Special House Tour: Five renovated Specials, including a Joe Wai
Few modifications had been made to this Joe Wai Special until the recent renovation that began in 2011. New flooring, enlarged windows at the front, and the removal of a centre wall on the main floor modernized the home while maintaining its character. The homeowners' 1970s spindle chairs are a perfect fit to the homes' vintage.
The unfinished basement, where the owners lived during the renovation, now houses a family room, full bathroom and laundry, and enjoys added light from new windows. Join us on April 26th to get a first hand look at the beautiful renovations that will ensure this piece of Strathcona history is retained.
Vancouver Special House Tour -- Saturday, April 26th from 1 - 5pm Tickets $30
See how this uniquely Vancouver style is being reinvented with an inside look at five renovated Vancouver Specials.
> Brown Bag Talk: Crofton House Restoration
Crofton House School is currently in the final phase of major changes to their campus. A previous phase included restoring the 115-year-old Crofton House Residence for incorporation into the new complex. Simon Richards of Cornerstone Architecture will talk about the restoration of the heritage building which won a City of Vancouver Heritage Award. The heritage structure now houses office and amenity space.
Wednesday April 30th from 12 - 1:30pm ~ BCIT Downtown Campus 555 Seymour St. Rm 870 Register Here $12
> Musqueam Bus Tour: Witness It, Remember It, Tell It
This spring VHF and Musqueam Indian Band are developing a pilot project bus tour to explore the traditional territory of the Musqueam people. Learn how sites were used historically and what makes them important, but also how the land is used now in modern Musqueam culture. As the bus travels between destinations, youll learn from Musqueam guides about traditional practices, arts and crafts, songs, legends, and even some personal stories.
Come experience the stories and history passed down by Musqueam Elders that tell an important piece of the history of Vancouver. For route and further tour information click here.
Saturday May 3rd from 9am - 1pm
The meeting place will be near c̓əsnaʔəm (in South Vancouver) Tickets $40
> Walking Tours: Granville Island and Broadway
Granville Island with Maurice Guibord
Starting as 'Industrial Island' in 1915, this spit of land has transformed from heavy industry to tourist and artist haven. Hear some of the amazing stories that make up Granville Island's history.
May 2nd
from 10am
- 12pm
~ Meet at Ocean Concrete (1415 Johnson St.) Click
here to register $15
Broadway: On the Edge of the City with John Atkin
For the 2014 walking tour series, John Atkin is taking us along one of Vancouver's longest streets. We'll explore the interesting and quirky neighbourhoods that stem from its winding route across our city. 'On the Edge of the City' starts the series on the East side, near Vancouver's original border.
Saturday May 3rd from 10am - 12pm Meet NE corner of Windermere and E Broadway Click here to register $15
=== Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
All + links: http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=71407de11e621d5603e0e7d9e&id=0631ed4b8b&e=102812a359
Find out what's Blooming Now at [Vancouver] City Hall. Check vcbf.ca for other fun and free Festival programming including Plein-Air Blossom Painting, BC Blossom Photo Watch, Haiku Invitational, Bike the Blossoms, and more !
+ Plein-Air Blossom Painting http://vcbf.ca/community-event/plein-air-blossom-painting
April 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 11am to 2pm; VanDusen Botanical Garden, meet inside the Visitor Ctr (5151 Oak)
+ Bike The Blossoms Saturday April 26 from 11am-3pm
UPDATE: South of John Hendry Pk (Trout Lake), 3300 Victoria (@ E 19th.) http://vcbf.ca/community-event/bike-the-blossoms
=== Haiku Invitational === March 1 June 2
Complete information: http://www.vcbf.ca/community-event/haiku-invitational
The 2014 Haiku Invitational will accept up to two unpublished poem submissions (in English only) from each individual, online from March 1 to June 2, 2014. The theme is Meet your neighbours. Haiku poet Kobayashi Issa wrote: Under the cherry tree there is no stranger and wed like you to tell us, in your haiku, the many ways cherry blossoms bring you closer to your family, your friends, your community, and co-workers.
{More info in last two issues of WVM; see website}
=== MAIKU === English Bay in April
wind-whipped walk in spring / along promenade / pink sakura by the sea
quotations thoughts puns
I am always of the opinion with the learned, if they speak first. -- William Congreve, English dramatist (1670 - 1729)
Action is eloquence. -- William Shakespeare, English playwright and poet (1564 - 1616)
If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that's read by persons who move their lips when they're reading to themselves. -- Don Marquis, American writer (18781937)
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist (1881 - 1973)
Full name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
The most erroneous stories are those we think we know best -- and therefore never scrutinize or question.
-- Stephen Jay Gould, American palaeontologist, biologist, and author (1941 - 2002)
Two kinds of people on earth can be seen: the people who lift and the people who lean.
-- Ella Wheeler-Wilcox, American author and poet (1850 - 1919)
If you are sure you understand everything that is going on, you are hopelessly confused -- Walter Mondale, American politician (b 1928)
Marriage is hard but divorce usually goes off without a hitch.
Moon gazing is mare lunar-sea.
Did you hear the one about the woman who threw her toaster away because it kept burning the bread?
She was black toast intolerant.