= May 26th Ccl Mtg MAIN ITEMS: PH re Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni; REGULAR: NSh Dogwalkers; DVP 3376 & 3378 Radcliffe; 2013 Financial Information Act Reports; Cmnty Grants; WV Child/Family Hub Update; NSh Chn's Charter; Intersection 21st/Queens; Coach House Implementation; Proposed OCP/Zoning Bylaws (Maison Srs Living); Proposed Zoning Amdmnt Bylaw (Evelyn by Onni); NSEMO Report re IPREM :-); Presentations by the Srs Ctr at the World Health Organization and the American Society on Aging Conferences; informative letters in Correspondence
= Vive le Canada (Knowlton Nash); from the EDITOR'S DESK (Teaching; Corresp -- Informative letters in Ccl Corresp; WVM info; Upper Lands); WVPD (TFAs); UPDATES & INFO (Watering Restrictions; Hollyburn Cabins; Srs' Ctr News)
= CALENDAR to June 7th: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music; Dance); TALK
= HEADSUP 08A: News/Weekend; PSB halted! // HEADSUP 08B: Events, Taste of Amb // HEADSUP 08C: Sat/Sun
{NB: 2013 DWV Salaries sent out to subscribers May 26, moved to below Agendas, before ANIMALWATCH }
= CCL NOTES May 5: Delegation re Climate Change/Gas Pumps; Coach Houses (report and set date); Adoption of Bylaws (Taxes, Fees/Charges); PSB Status; Corresp: tennis courts, longboarding, Maison Milliken.
= MAY 26 Ccl AGENDA // = June 2nd AGENDA: Main Items: ULWG Progress; Boundary for Whyte Lake Park
>>> NOTICE: 2013 DWV SALARIES/Remuneration {p23} <<<
= ANIMALWATCH (Empathy); PHOTOWATCH (BC); INFObits (Donetsk; Cycling BC); ROYALWATCH (Prince Charles); DIARYWATCH (cute); PLANETWATCH (plastic); BEEWATCH; BEERWATCH; LANGUAGEWATCH (whisky!); WORDWATCH (Francis's); HERITAGEWATCH; (HouseWatch; Legg Mansion Loss; Grps); MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS
~~~~~ NB: a revised version of WVM08 is on the website (and a few were printed [08R]) ~~~~~
== Vive le CANADA === Knowlton Nash
PM's Statement (part): ...Mr. Nash was a veteran newsman who spent 37 years with the CBC. During his time as anchor of The National, he became one of the countrys most trusted and respected broadcast journalists, delivering the news every night to thousands of Cdn homes with insight, warmth, and integrity. To many, he was a household figure.
Mr. Nash received many honours for his journalistic excellence, including Officer of the Order of Canada, Mbr of the Order of Ontario, the President's Award of the Radio and Television News Directors' Assn (RTNDA), the John Drainie Award for distinguished contributions to broadcasting, and being named to the Canadian News Hall of Fame.
Mr. Nashs remarkable legacy includes the rich historical news archives he leaves behind, the many books he authored and the many journalists he helped to train. The nation mourns the loss of this iconic journalist.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
> Subject: Teachers ~ Date: 21 May, 2014 5:43:33 PM PDT {sent to some CBC radio progs, FWIW}
1. just heard a caller wch spurred me to write; saying teachers don't have a job in the summer is shamelessly misleading the public:
a) they can choose to receive their salaries over ten or 12 months {at least they used to; it is an annual salary in any case}
they can work in the summer if they wish
2. I don't know who's responsible currently in administration or on the board wrt class size.
Class size is not the major issue. I've taught classes with from 8 to 48 in at least four countries (and ages 5 to 65) and in five school districts in the Lower Mainland. It also depends on the subject -- easy in math, overwhelming in English composition/essays and (French or whatever) translation.
Putting special needs in classes is an incredible time-demanding burden on the teacher. Everyone suffers from my POV.
Streaming results in learning at the pace most are comfortable with. There shd also, of course be some, maybe a third to a half, classes with everyone mixed. Some subjects lend themselves to that, eg history (b/c it's like stories), music, and art, but not math or science (b/c building on assumed knowledge and competence). And there's a desperate need for a return to teaching grammar, spelling, etc -- it has slipped so much. {The difference between good and well in English for a start.}
3. Every child/person is to be respected and encouraged but to say they're really good and not correct them or show low marks b/c it will hurt their 'esteem' is a poor preparation for the world they'll find after school. False expectations that cd hv drastic emotional repercussions. Like them, but be realistic.
4. I don't mean to be perverse, but the range of teachers (and of course all shd be encouraged to improve) is exposure to the real world since there'll be a range of managers/bosses.
5. Schools are exciting lively places. Kids are energetic and curious. Serve a buffet of knowledge. They have a thirst. Feed that hunger and enjoy!
> Council Correspondence
Some v interesting/informative letters: a thoughtful one re Riverview; comprehensive response reasons opposing Hollyburn Gardens; background and more information re West Bay Park and trees (had Cclr Lewis known, he may not have gained the nickname of "Chopper Lewis", but must admit, a reaction to what was heard was understandable even though Cclr Gamb did say the nbrhd was 50-50, not the impression the speakers gave) .....
> WVM Info
There were enough changes/updates/fixes to WVM08 that rather than a (dot) version it's a full-blown R, so a few 08Rs will be printed.
> Upper Lands: The WG will be presenting a progress report at the Ccl mtg June 2nd b/c have extended their deadline.
=== WVPD === TFAs
April 28: Do not leave valuable items in an unattended vehicle, especially an unlocked vehicle. 28 of the 36 Theft from Auto reports this month {April} have involved valuables stolen overnight from unlocked vehicles. You might only make it easier for the thief by setting valuables at the curb with your recycling.
Backpacks, wallets, electronics, cameras and other high value personal items are especially inviting for thieves. Locking valuables in an unattended vehicle overnight is also not recommended. Three of the recent offences have involved thieves smashing windows and stealing valuables.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
Residential properties in the Greater Vancouver Water District with even-numbered addresses are allowed to have lawns watered between 4 and 9am Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday and residents at odd-numbered addresses are allowed to water during the same times but on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
Businesses are restricted to sprinkling between 1and 6am, with even-numbered addresses allowed to do so Monday and Wednesday, and odd-numbered addresses permitted Tuesday and Thursday. Businesses are also permitted to sprinkle from 4 to 9am on Fridays.
For details and exemptions, see: http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/water/conservation/Pages/sprinkling.aspx
May 20 -- The District invites proposals from qualified applicants to apply to enter into an Interim Permit to Occupy Agreement with the District for one of six currently unoccupied and unpermitted Hollyburn cabins, numbered 148, 210, 213, 214, 22,1 and 231, located in the Hollyburn Ridge area. You may submit a proposal for one or more cabins; however proponents will not be selected for more than one Cabin Permit.
District employees and elected officials (current or previous) and their immediate family members (defined as spouses, parents, children, and siblings) are not eligible to participate in this process.
The Term of the Interim Permit will be three years with no right of renewal;
There will be no right to transfer the Interim Permit without the written permission of the Director;
Proponents will not be required to pay the Permit Fee in the first year of the Term but will be required to pay the Permit Fee in each of the second and third year of the Term;
The Cabin must be upgraded or rebuilt in accordance with the requirements set out in the Permit within three years of the date of the Interim Permit with the inspection process completed and with no deficiencies, within the three-year period.
The deadline for submissions is: 2pm June 11.
Two copies of your proposals must be submitted to the Purchasing Dept at the Operations Ctr, 3755 Cypress Bowl Rd, in a sealed envelope and clearly marked: RFP14 010 - Hollyburn Cabins with your name in the upper left-hand corner.
Site Tours It is recommended that Proponents attend one of the two escorted site tours.
Site Tour 1: Saturday May 31 at 10am
Site Tour 2: Thursday June 5 at 3pm
Meet at the Hollyburn Lodge, Cypress Mtn, WV. Parking and access to the trail head to the Lodge is at the east end of the Nordic ski area. Allow 15 minutes (walking trail) to reach the Lodge and four hours to complete the site tour. Proponents are advised to wear appropriate clothing and footwear and may wish to bring bottled water.
Download Proposal Document The RFP document is available through the BC Bid website. BC Bid
Enquiries Brenda Williamson, Senior Buyer, Purchasing Dept 925 7165 EmailNLINE SE
+ News from the Srs' Ctr
to Fred Titcomb recipient of the 2014 BC Community Achievement Award
for his 75 years of volunteer service with the District of West
- GARDEN CLUB Join this enthusiastic group with Master Gardeners sharing their knowledge on the different aspects of Gardening. Watch the board for more information on dates, times and activities. Sign up for the Garden Club e-Newsletter by sending your name and e-mail address to jsherrott@shaw.ca.
Master Gardeners will be at the centre to answer questions
June 5, 11am to 2pm outside the Cafe
+ Lovely New Logo from the Ambleside Biz Assn!
=== CALENDAR to June 7th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup/Notice section; not all repeated here.}
{See Headsup 08B/C for event/mtgs May 26 to 29; 31}
~~~ WORLD OCEANS WEEK June 1st to 8th in recognition of World Oceans Day Awareness ~~~
= Sunday June 1 -- VHF Garden tour -- See the Heritage Section below
= Thursday June 5 ~ 7pm ~ Awards Cmte mtg at the Lawson Creek Studios (1758 Argyle)
~~~~~ Saturday June 7 is COMMUNITY DAY -- Let's get out and play! ~~~~~
Riders will be riding up Cypress Mountain beginning at the junction of Cypress Bowl Road and Cypress Lane and finishing at the Cypress Mountain Lodge. 100% funds raised will support North Shore Rescue and other Rotary projects. This year there will be two rides, one on road and another on mountain bike trails.
Mountain bike start is 8:30am, road bike start is 9am. http://westvancouver.ca/calendar/community-day
~ 9:30am - 4:30pm ~ Cmnty Day in Ambleside Park http://westvancouver.ca/calendar/community-day
A fun-filled day of activities and festivities for the whole family. West Vancouver is a unique and diverse community and this year's theme is Let's Play!, so approach the day with a spirit of play.
Schedule of Events
9:45am start: Ambleside Mile - a running race along the parade route
10am start: Parade - see map for route
11am to 4 pm: Main Event at Ambleside Park
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ http://www.westvanlibrary.ca 925 7400
See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
Authors in Our Community Gold Mad
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Wed May 28 Celebrate the literary talent in our midst!
Gold Mad is a gripping historical thriller told by former geologist and gold prospector Michael Maser. Set at the time of the Klondike Gold Rush, the novel sheds light on competing forces that collided during the gold rush and remain compelling today. For more info, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403.
-- See more at: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/authors-our-community-gold-maduf
~ 6:30 ~ June 2 -- Philomena
Judi Dench: perfect in the role of a woman trying to trace the child compelled to give up for adoption 50 years ago.
Experience a cultural revival at West Vancouver Memorial Library
Media Release May 28 Cultural Revival, an exhibition showcasing artwork from the Squamish Lilwat Cultural Centres (SLCC) Aboriginal Youth Ambassador Program, is coming to the Library from June 5 July 22. The beadworks, carvings, paintings, and weavings by the young First Nations artists range from traditional to contemporary and are rooted in a desire to share indigenous cultures in creative, educational, and imaginative ways.
West Vancouver is a community that celebrates the arts, cultural diversity and the rich mosaic that makes our region such a special place, says DWV Councillor and Library Board Trustee, Michael Lewis. The Aboriginal Youth Ambassadors embody this vision to a T and we are privileged to be able to showcase the thriving creativity and cultural connections these young men and women exhibit.
The exhibition will kick off at 12:30pm with a blessing and traditional welcome from the Squamish and Lilwat Nations. All are welcome to attend the opening ceremony and are encouraged to explore the pieces on display in the Library gallery.
Aboriginal Youth Ambassadors receive a combination of industry-recognized training, post-secondary education, and meaningful work experience. They also strengthen their cultural connections by working with elders and other indigenous culture experts in the areas of weaving, drum-making, and carving. In the process, they become accomplished cultural interpreters, which they pass on to visitors of the Centre through guided tours. These tours were recently designated as a Signature Experience by the Canadian Tourism Commission.
Since 2008, more than 500 youth have graduated from the Aboriginal Youth Ambassador Program.
In 2013, SLCC received the B.C. Cultural Centre and Attractions of the Year award from the Aboriginal Tourism Assn of B.C. for the second year in a row. For more info, visit slcc.ca and https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/cultural-revival
Community Day Parade and More!
Lets Play! Come watch us in the Community Day Parade and visit us at the Library tent, where you can register for the Summer Reading Club, sign up for a Library card, and even check out materials!
Saturday June 7 at 10am, Ambleside Park
+++ WV MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
April 10 May 31 -- SD 45 One: An Art Exhibition of West Vancouver Students Past and Present
{no news yet (that I cd find) on next exhibition}
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
~~ May 27 - June 8 -- Grad Show
Mixed media exhibition by WV Secondary School Students Opening Reception: Friday May 30 from 6 - 8pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
June 3 - 22 -- Picturesque North Shore
inspired by the BC landscape, recently completed a series of forest,
seascapes, and cityscapes painted in watermedia (watercolour,
acrylic, inks). Though her work could be described at somewhat
realistic, there is often a touch of the unreal in the form of
splashes of paint or added designs that emphasize the subjective
quality of perception. This creates a link between the landscapes
reality and the one imagined by the artist.
reception: Tuesday
June 3rd from 6 to 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
Tu May 27 7pm Collingwood Junior Spring Concert
Wed May 28 7pm Collingwood Senior Spring Concert
Sat May 31 2 & 7:30pm Up and Away to 'ol Broadway
Sun June 1 2:30pm: ROH Film Series: La Traviata
Wed/Th June 4/5 & 8th Shift Dance Academy Presents: Evolve
Fri June 6 7pm Kay Meek Annual Fundraising Gala with Rick Mercer
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Pls note: The Branch 60 lounge will be closed Monday and Tuesday, June 2nd and 3rd for renovations.
FRIDAY JUNE 6 -- MUSIC BINGO - 6pm Free to Play and Great Prizes!
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Taste of Ambleside MAY 29th from 5 to 8:30pm
This fun evening gives you, your family, and/or staff the opportunity to amble in Ambleside and experience all that the Village has to offer. From 13th to 19th Street, along Marine Drive and Bellevue Ave, 70 participating businesses will offer a variety of appetizers, drinks, give-aways, special discounts, or coupons. Ticket holders go door-to-door, present their ticket/passport, wch will be stamped and receive a sample. When you fill out your passport with 20 stamps, you can enter a draw for a gift basket!
Tickets available at: West Van Chamber office, 2235 Marine Drive (Westerleigh building at 22nd Ave)
West Van Florist 1821 Marine Drive // Baracos + Brand 1411 Bellevue
1757 Marine Caliente
1381 Marine At
Home 1530
Tix purchased online can be picked up at the Chamber ofc now (onsite at the Chamber tent at 14th & Marine on May 29).
Tix also available by phone: 926 6614 or online: http://bit.ly/1m2gRvg
Sponsored by: Milliken Developments
Partial proceeds to Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation & Ambleside Business Association
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup sometimes not repeated here}
{see more plays in the Kay Meek Ctr section}
Bard on the Beach -- early bird pricing ends May 30 -- bardonthebeach.org
+ ARTS CLUB -- http://www.artsclub.com -- box office at 687 1644
Spamalot Monty Python et al :-) at the Stanley Industrial Stage until June 29
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR -- United Players jerichoartscentre.com
The Marriage of Figaro, Beaumarchais's play adapted by Adam Henderson 224 8007 x2 June 6 - 29
+ METRO THEATRE box ofc: 266 7191 -- to June 14
What I Did Last Summer by A.R. Gurney is a charming "coming of age" tale set in the summer of 1945 on the shores of Lake Erie. It tells the story of Charlie, a feisty teenager vacationing with family and friends at a beach house, learning about life and love during the last summer of WW2. Directed by Rita Price,
Tix also from Eventbrite.ca. Use the promo code NEXTVISIT to get $5 off the reg adult price.
+ PACIFIC THEATRE 731 5518 pacifictheatre.org
Espresso, Pacific Theatre's most acclaimed original creation; three fiery women... 8pm (& 2pm) May 16 - June 14
+ FIREHALL ARTS CTR firehallartscentre.ca
The Concessions by Briana Brown, premiere, haunting piece of Cdn gothic 689 0926 June 5 - 14
Last Dance, a drama by Marsha Norman; an elegant reflection on what a smart woman might really want out of life. Beautifully written and tenderly funny. northvanplayers.ca 8pm May 22 to June 7
+ Art in the Garden Tour -- NV/WV nvartscouncil.ca/events/art-garden
15th Annual; self-guided; 988 6844 Sat/Sun May 31 and June 1
+ VANCOUVER ART GALLERY http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/calendar_of_events.html
Coming Exhibitions: for details: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/upcoming_exhibitions.html ]
~ NB: VAG Mbrs receive 20% off admission to the Royal BC Museum in Victoria when you show your Gallery Mbrshp card.
For more info contact Member Services at membership@vanartgallery.bc.ca or 604 662 4711.
> Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again -- March 8 to June 8
This exhibition presents a new body of sculpture by the Vancouver-based artist Myfanwy MacLeod. Drawing upon motifs associated with the sexually charged music of Led Zeppelin and the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, the exhibition examines the conventions of the heroic quest as a male fantasy.
> Artist's Choice; Cock and Bull -- March 8 to June 8
Presented in conjunction with Myfanwy MacLeod, or There and Back Again, this exhibition features work from the Gallery's permanent collection selected by Myfanwy MacLeod and Grant Arnold following the model of "cock and bull story",...Read more. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_cockandbull.html
> Douglas Coupland: the everyone is someone party 3 - 11pm Friday May 30 [sold out]
{HIS} EXHIBITION: everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything May 31 - Sept 1
> Details and more events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html#eis
OUT FOR LUNCH (June 23 Fri 12:10pm at VAG) -- Frank Chen, piano (Schumann, Beethoven, Chopin)
Youre invited to the following exhibitions in Spring 2014.If youre out of Vancouver, you could visit the exhibition online later at:http://www.caroun.com/CarounArtGallery/Exhibitions/00-Expositions.html Youre welcome to take part in Caroun Photo Club Photo Contest in 2014 too:http://www.caroun.com/Directory/00-Directory.html
Exhibition: Art from India June 3 - 13 noon to 8pm Tuesday to Saturday
+ Opera Pro Cantanti ~ I Capuleti e i Montecchi by Bellini, Cambrian Hall 340 8545 procantanti.com 7pm June 8
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/calendar/
Last Night of the Proms {bring your teddy bear!} Orpheum 8pm Wed June 4th
Haydn, Ellington, Chihara, Dvorak / 7:30pm / Mount Seymour United Church NV Sun June 1 / KMC Wed June 4
+ BC Chinese Music Assn at the VPL 331 3603 vpl.ca/events
Silk and Bamboo: the Music of Shanghai (Shanghai 1800s to contemporary Vancouver scene) 7pm Thurs June 5
Vancouver Men's Chorus vancouvermenschorus.ca 8pm June 5- 14
Karen Flamenco presents Swan Lake, 721 4869 karenflamenco.com 7pm Sat May 31; 3pm Sun June 1
+ Tenth Annual City of Bhangra Festival; #BhangraLove 17 events, 300 performers; vibc.org May 29 - June 7
+ Vancouver Craft Beer Week vancouvercraftbeerweek.com
Events in more than 30 venues showcasing the best of local and int'l craft beer May 30 - June 7
TALK == Historic Vancouver
Michael Kluckner writes:
Just a reminder of the repeat performance (by me) of the historic Vancouver show, mixing contemporary 360-degree shots of the city with W.J. Moore's historic panoramic photographs, projected around the dome of the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver.
{NB: info sent out in Headsup 08B}
Time: 7pm Wednesday May 28th
Tix: Pls try to get in advance from the Space Ctr, info here. The first show last December sold out and ppl were turned away.
===> HEADSUP 08A:
Already! yes, already. New activities in Thursday's VSun when 08 was being printed. So, if your weekend isn't totally booked, here are some varied delights. (Lots in WVM, these are the missing ones only.)
btw, 08. (dot) will be on the website later today -- (dot) b/c some small changes. {UPDATE: Revised so 08R}
Breaking News: PSB on hold; Grosvenor donates $1M to KMC
Also: The Police Board has started interviewing short-listed candidates for Police Chief; expect to announce new Chief before end of June.
Chronological Order Below -- Events (plus past but for info), including music, heritage tours, and longboarding; then info: Bike to Work Week Announcement; Recycling; and as usual, at end -- QTP {and, today, remember the 24th of May}
Friday MAY 23
Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir ~ 7:30pm ~ at WV United Church -- 878 1190 vwmc.ca
Songs from the stage and screen of the '20s, '30s, and '40s
Britannia Classic: Longboard Race ~~ May 23 - 25 -- britanniaclassic.com
features a track drop of more than 1000ft in two kms. Britannia Beach
Spring Sidewalk Used Book Sale ~~ 10am - 5pm ~~ May 22 - 24 -- 331 4049 friendsofthevpl.ca
Gently used books, CDs, and DVDs; Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch
Pauline at the York Theatre ends May 31 -- thecultch.com/tickets
City Opera presents the world premiere of Pauline, a chamber opera about Cdn actress-writer Pauline Johnson
Saturday MAY 24
If Musique and Sweet Poetrie Agree... ~ 7:30pm at Roedde House Museum
Songs composed to Mediaeval and Elizabethan texts -- 684 7040 roeddemusic.brownpapertickets.com
Sunday MAY 25
~ 10am - 5pm ~ New Westminster's 35th Heritage Homes Tour -- 525 0129 newwestheritage.org
Presented by the NW Heritage Preservation Society -- visit 14 beautiful homes and sites in the Royal City.
~ 2pm ~ Vancouver Bach Choirs and Sarabande at the Chan Centre
Vancouver's Bach Children's Chorus and Youth Choirs come together for an eclectic program of choral music, from Handel to folk and contemporary repertoire. chancentre.com
~ 7pm ~ PLACES BEYOND -- Presentation House Gallery, NV
An evening of poetry, music, and dance featuring poets Jude Neale and Daniela Elza, musicians Jared Burrows (Guitar), Clyde Reed (Bass), and Chris Corrigan (Celtic Flute), and dance by Su-Lin Tseng.
CAEZR: 33 Cuts at The Cultch till May 25
A futuristic take on Shakespeare's iconic examination of power inter-cut with movement, documentary, and first-person narratives 251 1363 revolverfestival.ca
+ Spring 2014 Bike To Work Week takes place May 26 to June 1\
May 21 -- Mayor Michael Smith and other council members of DWV are showing their support for Bike To Work Week by how else? taking a group bike ride today. Mbrs of the WV Sch Dist board, including chair Cindy Dekker, will join them.
The group will begin their ride at 10:20am near the entrance of Ambleside Park on electric bikes. They will ride up 14th Street to Hollyburn School (1329 Duchess), where they will meet the children during their recess break at 10:25 a.m. They will continue to the DWV M Hall (750 17th St), where they will gather on the concourse outside the main level south doors at 10:45am, before returning to Ambleside Park at approximately 11:10 a.m. They are available for photos or interviews at any point on their ride. Electric bikes are provided by Stromer Store NV.
+ North Shore Recycling Program
is inviting residents to take part in a focus group and give their input on how curbside recycling collection services could be delivered in the future. Who can attend: Any resident of the North Shore who is 18 years of age or older.
Pre-registration is required, by Thursday, May 22. Focus Group: May 28 from 6 to 8pm. Email 604-655-3552
Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Participants will be compensated for their time with a $50.00 stipend.
Can't resist: The 24th of May is the Queen's birthday
if we don't get a holiday, we'll all run away!
Let's bring back maypole dancing and the May Queen!
===> HEADSUP 08B:
Quickly/Briefly -- to let you know asap:
Monday May 26
West Vancouver Police are encouraging all road users to think about safety in a shared space, amid the arrival of another sign of approaching Summer.
Bike To Work Week is being marked in WV and communities across BC from May 26 to June 1st.
Click Here For More Information On Bike To Work Week. http://www.biketowork.ca
Tuesday May 27 ~ 6:30pm ~ WV Cmnty Ctrs Society AGM at WV Cmnty Ctr
Wednesday May 28 ~~ both at 7pm
A at the Space Ctr
Michael Kluckner's historic Vancouver show, mixing contemporary 360-degree shots of the city with W.J. Moore's historic panoramic photographs, projected around the dome of the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver. {Moved to TALK}
B at Our Library
Authors in Our Community Gold Mad
Gold Mad is a gripping historical thriller told by former geologist and gold prospector Michael Maser. Set at the time of the Klondike Gold Rush, the novel sheds light on competing forces that collided during the gold rush and remain compelling today. For more info, visit or call the Information Desk at 925 7403.
~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Wed May 28 Celebrate the literary talent in our midst!
-- See more at: https://westvanlibrary.ca/events/authors-our-community-gold-mad#sthash.ikCZq1aC.dpuf
Thursday May 29
from Greg Stevens of ABA: Just a quick reminder that the TASTE OF AMBLESIDE is t
his week on Thursday May 29th from 5:00 PM to 8:30PM! There are over 70 different businesses in Ambleside participating this year. WOW, lets all participate and have a great time!
To get tix/info about the event: https://www.westvanchamber.com/page/calendar/ezlist_event_e5f9e589-1a60-4be2-83ba-c20b6913f295.aspx
{See their great new logo above in Updates and Info}
===> HEADSUP 08C:
hoped to get this out Wed night or Th morning but here's fyi and imminent. The two for 29th ('below') may hv bn mentioned elsewhere. QTP.
btw, WVM2014-08R is now on the website.
Ferry Building Gallery ~ 6 - 8pm ~ Friday May 30
Mixed media art from graduating students of Collingwood, Mulgrave, Rockridge, Sentinel, & WV Secondary Schools
Here are two for tomorrow and one Sunday (taken from WVM09 draft):
= Saturday May 31
~ 9 - 10:30am ~ The Force Behind the Reform Act: MP J Weston welcomes Parliamentary Reformer M Chong
Register now for a lively discussion at the Hollyburn Country Club on Parliamentary Reform with MP Michael Chong and MP John Weston. To register please visit http://tinyurl.com/pwymm5n Seating is limited.
Known for his intellect, courage, and integrity, Michael Chong (Wellington Halton Hills) is the Toronto-area MP who tabled the Reform Act in Parliament. In their efforts to strengthen the institutions of MP and of Parliament, Chong and Weston look forward to an exchange of ideas about engaging Canadians more in our democracy. For enquiries call 981 1790.
For further info: http://www.johnweston.ca/?p=6398&utm_source=June+ENews&utm_campaign=Westonenewsletter&utm_medium=email
Please bring your thoughts and opinions to a lively discussion on improving an MPs representation in the House of Commons.
An artisan market featuring over 30 vendors; live entertainment; drop-in daycare for ages 6 and under; charitable fundraising
SUNDAY June 1st (excerpt)
2014 Heritage House Tour: A very special late addition!
VHF is very excited to announce a wonderful late addition to the 2014 Heritage House Tour, Casa Mia. This one of a kind historic mansion has never been opened to the public on this scale before, and VHF is grateful to the homeowner for allowing us to share its beautiful interior with tour goers.
May 29, 2014 - 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: District of North Vancouver Municipal Hall Committee Room, 355 West Queens Road
May 29 - 6:30 to 9:30pm
No More Secrets: A WV Forum on Youth Mental Health co-presented by the District of WV and the WV School District.
The forum is being hosted to bring parents, students, and cmnty health professionals together to explore ways to take action on youth mental health issues such as ADHD, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and more.
Dr. Steve Mathias, a UBC-trained psychiatrist specializing in youth mental health issues, will deliver a keynote presentation, followed by breakout sessions for parents and youth. Dr. Mathias is currently the medical manager for the Inner City Youth Mental Health Program at St. Pauls Hospital.
Positive mental health is more than the mere absence of a mental illness. The purpose of this forum is to demystify youth mental health issues, increase understanding and develop a shared knowledge of existing services and how to access them. Sign up here to attend this forum. http://sd45.bc.ca/news/reg-forum-nms.php
=== CCL MTG NOTES 2014 May 5 === e&oe
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video to listen to entire bit.
NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public; AND THAT in the public interest, members of the public be excluded from part of the meeting on the basis of addl matters as follows, .. Cmnty Charter: 90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if ... relates to or is one or more of the following: (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the M;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
=== REGULAR CCL MTG NOTES May 5 === e&oe
For On-Table Items Please See Items 5.1 and 11.1 to 11.3
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order [7:04]
Mayor: we now have a device for the hearing impaired so pls speak into the mic.
amended by: adding to Item 11 Items 11.1 to 11.3 regarding correspondence;
adding new Item 5.1 re Section 929 Withholding Resoln re the Camelot 12 Lot Subdivision;
3. E. Kelsall, regarding Climate Change and Warning Labels on Gas Pumps (File: 0055-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
E.Kelsall: presentation; clear case for having the labels
gave costs; financially prudent
How does a label change the world? Gave the example of smoking. {resisted} SLIDE of map where no smoking [signs]
Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth; showed graph where more trees carbon sucked up (northern hemisphere)
"no snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible"
report this summer ... quixotic but [7:15]
if you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito
WV already a leader, this not only a leader but a legacy
inspire to change the world
MB: fabulous idea for all the reasons you said. Anywhere?
Ans: one; can't remember the name
TP: Emily, you're an inspiration
we do have a climate action plan; this is an interesting
&&& cmnty energy plan embedded in that
when in front of Ccl
BL: be coming in June; report cd review issues in your ideas
EK: wd be happy to help
Sop: out of minds of youth come some great things
unfortunately for me the labels on cig packs, xxx grabbed by [7:18]
these small steps will make a change in the future; hope we can be the second in Canada to do it
CC: motion re report?
wd like staff to bring a bylaw, for decision rather than discussion
NG: Rob Tserhki {sp?} went to Law school at UVic, even though went back to Toronto
44% rather than one third as in this report, comes from cars
great idea
the report talks about the research done in Ontario, according to the MAct
Ans: there's a group of law students in Vic working on that (for BC)
NG: tobacco companies $$$ on
Oil companies have more $$$, how much are they throwing ?
Rob has written back to me, a small cmnty in Quebec was first re banning pesticides, thrown at it, but overcame it
does take leadership from one cmnty
"lead by example"
RECOMMENDED: be received for information, with thanks.
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
MB: recent mtg with aboriginal cmte; main was prov legislation, unregistered archaeological sites
priv prop owners responsible for cost
xxx [7:23]
eliminating b/c usu resp of prov
AB and MB have taken over resp; ON and WA State
funding to local govt
find artifacts on priv prop, tell us ...... perhaps tax credit
to GVRD Board and to UBCM
current policy discourages ppl from doing the right thing b/c feel will be hit with big bill
I'll be delegate -- cmnty to cmnty forum; Katzie????
open house before the forum, exchange of ideas, building relnships
NSh Congress -- hope ev is going to come; around transportation xxx giving address
prof of xxx UBC
Popn and Public Health and Regional Planning; May 14th
Registration will open shortly on the WV Forum on mental health; May 29
opps for parents to share what they wd wnt; [Dr] Steve Matthias
Finally, best for last, want to acknowledge, our own Hugh Hamilton has been given another award by Vancouver Nature
Carl and Char ???
Kay Nay ???
premier award
extraordinary to the society; mbr of Camp Cmte 2003 2007 mgr to 200x 2009
no stopping, digging biffies, and
Mayor: you'll have to wrap this up now, it's past six mins ... 7 x 6 = 42 min!
MB: extraordinary dedication, congratulations, Hugh
Sop: met re Streamkeepers, fed money, redo McDonald Crk so salmon don't have to wait till high tide
their work on Larson Crk
leave it to Cclr Panz re Howe Sound Forum
six calls, about trees and traffic
ML: closed mtg before ccl mtg tonight; apptmts to Gleneagles Ctr Cmte [7:32]
{he listed names; the cmte's webpage is
Mayor: good luck to all the successful applicants
TP: signing of the Howe Sound Cmnty Forum Mgmt Agrmt
all to work toward a comprehensive mgmt plan for Howe Sound
don't have a decision-making role but all come together to cooperate
prov's new tool, Cumulative &&&
not what we expected but good first step
looking long term and will be monitoring the Sound
is it what we wanted? no; but it is a good step forward
NG: Good luck to get out Lawson Pk Family Day; really fun day; thx to staff
CC: I also got there but I got rained on; helping my wife, an artist, working on show
shipping containers, group work, works by ea of the students
think an opening on weekend
our first mtg of the CEC a couple of weeks ago and having another next Monday at 4:30, discussing and guidelines for WGs; WG model and better ways to engage public
{ironic -- better ways to engage public when some in favour of closed mtgs..... :-( }
Cclr Cam is chairing that Cmte
last week get names &&& both mtgs depressing, will try to be tactful
what little control we in WV have
motion in the closed mtg that violates ev xxx I've known of in 45 years
open mtg had
incinerator cost of $500M
$700M waste water proposal; $1.5B for Iona
$2 or 3M xxx more than a $B for &&&
question of way MetroV executes projs
$150M legal???? at Capilano
This Build Canada Fund we're relying on -- not that much money, how are we going to
MetroV and TransLink both rely on prop assessment so that means WV pays 3x what the av homeowner
we have v little control; two votes out of over 100
look at what we pay through our prop and gas taxes -- we cd provide free buses
have to stop and think of what's happening; we have no control; dominated by ppl with no biz experience
5. Results of Cmnty Engagement on Proposed Coach House Policies, Regulations, and Guidelines
Sokol gave history of mtgs, etc: Tonight presentation; bring back bylaws on May 26
comments tonight and keep them open till Wed
Stephen Mikicich: Opps for offering housing choice; coach houses mentioned over and over
cmnty has been talking about coach houses for some time, addressing it for 18 mos.
Reports, SLIDES
1 rental only; detached suites; no increase in density or floor area or units
five points
Sept 1913 Ccl asked staff to prepare bylaws; proposed bylaws presented to Ccl in Nov 2013
RS6, Eagle Island
lands designated for infill housing -- 2000 block Esq and Fulton; Heritage conservation
Proposed zoning Regulations [7:45]
RD1 and RD2 where suites permitted but not allowed where
hts ... max FAR ... lesser of 10% to a max of 1200sqft
same sideyards as for principal house; sec stes, local occupancy of local prop mgr
xxx; no separate title meaning unit cd not be sold separately
from Nov 2013, next process of public consultation; until March 14; 100s attended and answered surveys
focus sessions; critiqued our proposals, viability, disability issues
102 questionnaires: 75% support; ownership 63%; 51% as incentive for heritage conservation
also suggesting a heritage conservation prog that's still in its infancy
views, privacy, sunlight, shading, noise
SLIDES -- 56% supported a detached... 36% both... % only
The revised &&&
site coverage, use DP process to vary; 59% agree not increase %
Bylaws presented this evening are in draft form
staff wd work over the summer on the process
&&& [7:50]
application fees, recovery, bylaw amendments to fees and charges
implementation wd be closely monitored by staff; xxx
Sop: wd the nbrhd have a veto wrt any coach house in their vicinity?
SM: no, we don't anticipate
Sop: wd the Ccl have a veto?
SM: yes
two-stage DP approval
first, est the siting: the second, bldg and landscape design; at each, consultation
if Ccl elects to delegate to staff
Sokol: the prov requires that any DP delegated to staff must have an appeal process
Sop: if this comes to fruition, will be at discretion of Planning
SM: if delegated to staff
Sop: as much as the enthusiasm indicated, I've heard a lot of negative re coach houses
fear of change; seems to be a number of loopholes that bother me; won't go into them today
you'll come back
from cclrs' input tonight you'll build that in?
if I say I won't support unless I have the final say
SM: we're taking notes
Sokol: depends on [7:55]
Mayor: xxx
NG: if I understand correctly tonight is the night I say to you wrt coming to next mtg
Sokol: yes, staff wd like, but next mtg goes to first reading, then has to go to a PH
NG: so tonight or forever hold our peace, pls explain
SM: after 12 mos report how many applicns rec'd and if any built use that experience
then maybe rec changes... might be ...
NG: like the idea of a year review
we're not promoting covered; requiring one parking space but doesn't have to be covered
SM: making sure
incentives... Vanc experience is that the garage becomes a living space and ppl park on street, so we have open parking
NG: good idea
incentivize, didn't know the spelling; assuming way to be written -- other ways to
Vanc experience -- a lot of older homes getting demolished then a new house plus a coach house and don't like
SM: might incentivize ppl to reno their own home and build
experience in Vanc, density [7:59] &&&
free density
I see this as supporting efforts to support character
ML: on page 6 of your report, second bullet from bottom
not suggesting put all seniors in storage
SM: downsizing.....
really looking to &&& space
ML: think there's some ambiguity that still exists
don't think this is universally endorsed by the cmnty
also a little bit concerned we have avoided the issue of nbrhd character
[impact] on sgl-fam nbrhds; will vary
ppl bought in sgl-fam nbrhds and wake up one day with detached ste in nbr's backyard
{or, if he recalls, a large srs' facility -- if he includes Eden Place who even had a nbrhd character document submitted to Ccl, but didn't mention it then.}
on p 66 {quoted.....}
who's going to define and adjudicate?
not an answer tonight but articulated and clarified so we have something to vote on
section xxx seems to be a lot of wiggle room
corner, or maybe somewhere else IF, one that gets me .... re steep lots and reconfiguration
how steep does it have to be?
some notes before next go round
p78 of Zoning Bylaw -- I agree with that
having a prop mgr look after while the resident owner is not one anymore, lives in Okanagan or Arizona
going from families, almost becoming purpose-built rental
becomes speculative; not meeting a need stipulated by cmnty
pervious, Gambioli's xxxx ??? [8:05]
{IMO, pervious v important; considered preferable more than a decade ago!}
don't think this is going to slip through in a couple of mtgs
xxx and Zoning bylaw
Sokol: wrt Nbrhd Character; a DP allows us to look at Nbrhd Character
ask nbr/devt to respond
sgl-fam home wd not allow us to look at nbrhd character; this gives us opp to look at
prop mgr provision the same as for sec stes
MB: also concerned nbrs be consulted; pls clarify process
{fascinating question; was it clear wrt Eden Place/Sentinel Hill?}
SM: first stage is when someone is contemplating a coach house, wd ask them to come in and say where sited
then want them to demonstrate have already spoken to the nbrs, know what concerns
two-stage process; looking at landscaping and design
also looking at retaining a landscaping consultant, fee to cover that cost
MB: there was a comment from someone in Brit Props with a lot wider than deep b/c wd hv room on side (not front or back)
SM: generally this wd be located in the rear yard; where no rear yard, cd locate in front or back
wide shallow lot, may be possible in side yard, wd hv to take into account size, views, etc; first stage
MB: where did you land on the basement issue?
{a loophole have been trying to plug for some years; we got the balcony/deck one closed; this remains}
SM: left it as it is -- a basement cd be built
{oh no! that often results in larger, higher houses b/c part not in FAR calc.}
wanted to minimize site disturbance
{basements do!}
right now if goes forward wd be as in existing Zoning Bylaw
TP: want to point out that monster houses are nbrhd character
letters we get re trees coming down
wd rather be known as small houses than monster
3.1.4 re Heritage Register
know some work been done by staff trying to hang on to our built heritage; thank you for having it
CC: in general in support of what staff has brought forward
as to opposition, there is no issue in this cmnty for wch there is no opposition
{that's not the critical point, it's the amt and kind}
if we didn't act in spite of that, there'd be no
define where the nbrhd is
define parameters, get consensus, get a vote? how? petition?
{good ideas}
recipe for nothing, a task almost impossible
on the ground practical approach rather than big bang
much as common law develops, on a case-by-case basis
{British common law vs Napoleonic Code}
views shd be taken into account
drive up and down in Ambleside, houses getting knocked down
great many getting built pay no
festering sore, knock down all the trees, surface impervious..... no nod to context or nbrhd
avoid that, keep status quo, this may preserve that
these decisions can't be done one by one by Ccl, enormous staff tme
failure as a prog
delegating to staff is prudent, a robust review after one year; but partway through construction
can see after Geller's
[8:16] fit in, won't even notice them
{he's referring to Hollyburn Mews, and some nbrs still think they overpower and are not affordable at over $1M}
xxx is a big prob for me
if limited take up ...
{difficult? they'll just say} screw it, just going to sell to a devpr
staff think about in the next week
incentivizing a coach house with some variation on FAR or site coverage, not ht
one level b/c ppl more concerned about ht
site coverage???
opposite to Cclr Sop's, maybe not enough take-up; status quo but many calls not wanting status quo
Sop: I disagree with some of the statements you've made but I'll take it up with you in private
Staff said signif cost &&&
as owner going through process, news spreads, how do you prevent spending a lot of money before you get moving on this?
SM: we try to get a handle on
potentially upgrade a water main in front of the props
we have mapping
areas where v little devt and services not brought up to standard
these wd hv to be sprinklered
proposing to devp a feasibility checklist to see if viable before hiring an architect
Sop: a house built on Jefferson with two units, sgl garage, two driveways, one owner, covered walkway
they live in front and others live in back
if this was to go ahead based on slope, are we looking a the tip of the iceberg re variances?
22ft hi, 1200sf, 16ft from a reg house, isn't that producing a massing as big as a monster house?
from outset make sense to start lower sq ftg?
Mayor: whole bunch of questions there
Sop: he's listening
Mayor: xxx
Sokol: DP process; trying to achieve meeting the guidelines
steep slopes, signif trees,....... done through devt process
Mayor: start with a smaller coach house and work up from there?
{good but slowly or not at all.....}
Sokol: this wd allow the same number of sq ft but rather than one house in two; encouraging two smaller houses rather than one large one
Sop: covenant in Brit Props, coach houses not allowed
signif of accepting coach houses, grid system to 26th or 27th, so probably accessed from back (lanes)
so in west in front or driveways from front around to the back?
SM: one of the challenges, opps, is that there's no standard lot
rectangular lot with lane, coach house where usu garage
further west, take into account, size
alteration re
nothing saying there has to be ... cd be a designated driveway
Mayor: all of Ccl paid close attention
three stuck in my mind:
have to get nbrs
CC has a good point, spend all this time and end up with something that is not a success
final product has to be
and one level a lot more chance getting accepted by the nbrhd
{accepted by nbrhd? ask the Eden Place/Sentinel Hill nbrs.....}
MB made motion: THAT direction on any amdmts to draft coach house bylaws, att'd as Appendices A and B to the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning, dated April 14 be provided to staff so that draft bylaws may be finalized for Councils consideration of first reading at its meeting on May 26, 2014.
Sop: xxx
Sokol: bring draft; June 16 PH; effective date, prob'ly Oct
over summer wd xxx consultation(???)
if Ccl moves forward, Sept, Oct
Once operational, reports interim, ev two or three months
Mayor: so lots of time for comments
5.1 Section 929 Withholding Resolution Regarding the Camelot 12 Lot Subdivision (File: 1050-20-10-004)
(Added On-Table at the May 5, 2014 regular Council meeting)
WHEREAS the Districts OCP seeks to protect the character of the forested mountain slopes located above the Upper Levels Hwy and below Cypress Prov Park in DWV (the Upper Lands);
AND WHEREAS one objective of the OCP is the promotion of a built envmt in the Upper Lands, including building layouts, designed to take into account envmtal considerations and to complement the natural characteristics of the landscape;
AND WHEREAS the District issued devt permit number 11-001 on April 23, 2012 (the Devt Permit) wrt a proposed 12-lot single family subdivision located in the Upper Lands on Skilift Road (the Subdivision), wch said DP attaches drawings and plans containing site layouts to, among other things, complement the natural terrain in keeping with the above objectives;
AND WHEREAS the Subdivision was approved by the approving officer for the District on January 29, 2014 based in part on compliance with said DP and the said plans and specifications attached thereto; and
AND WHEREAS the current owner of the 12 single-family lots comprising said Subdiv has provided the Dist w/ a draft site plan wch is not consistent with the aforesaid plans and specifications or with the OCP;
1. Council instruct staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the Districts Zoning Bylaw in relation to the lots in DWV legally described as : Lots 1 to 12, District Lot 1090 Group 1 NWD Plan EPP35936 to stipulate building setbacks for devt on said lots that are consistent with the plans and specifications attached as Schedule C to DP 11-001. The bylaw may contain minor variations from said plans and specifications provided that the bylaw achieves and protects, and is consistent with, the objectives and policies described in the recitals to this resoln, and is consistent with the Districts OCP; and
2. Staff submit to Council any building permit application received after May 13 wch staff consider is in conflict with the bylaw under preparation, for Council consideration of a resolution that the building permit be withheld for 30 days pursuant to Section 929 of the Local Government Act.
MB: I'm going to recuse myself b/c my husband is involved
Mayor: Cclr Booth has recused herself
CC: Lots 1 - 12 NWD EPP
bldg setbacks on said lots; minor variations; achieves and protects; consistent with Dist's OCP
any building permit received after May 13 in conflict; Bldg Permit be withheld
Mayor: Motion carries unanimously
Now to Cclr Sop [8:30]
BYLAWS [all motions passed]
Proposed 2014 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4789, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4789)
If the proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 28, 2014 regular
Council meeting it may be considered for adoption on May 5, 2014.
Proposed Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw No. 4790, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4790)
If the proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 28, 2014 regular Council meeting it may be considered for adoption on May 5, 2014.
Proposed Local Area Service Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 4793, 2014 (1285 11th Street and 1118-1190 Kings Avenue; 1280 12th Street and 1233 11th Street; 1115-1185 Jefferson Avenue; and 1250 12th Street) (File: 1610-20-4793)
If the proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 28, 2014 regular Council meeting it may be considered for adoption on May 5, 2014.
9. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amendment Bylaw No. 4792, 2014 (Planning, Land Development and Permits and Parks and Community Services Fees) (File: 1610-20-4792)
If the proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 28, 2014 regular Council meeting it may be considered for adoption on May 5, 2014.
10. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
10.1. Public Safety Building Project Status Report for March, 2014
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated April 10, 2014, be received for information.
10.2. Devt Variance Permit No. 13-058 (3376 & 3378 Radcliffe Avenue) (File: 1010-20-13-058) Schedule B
RECOMMENDED: THAT the MClk give notice that the DVP Applicn to allow for a new house with garage to be constructed, will be considered by Council at its meeting on May 26, 2014.
10.3. Request for Order of Non-Enforcement of Noise Control Bylaw for the Installation of Underground Utilities by BC Hydro (File: 1700-01)
The request from BC Hydro on behalf of their civil works contractor for the time period between May 26 and August 29, 2014 between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., be approved; and
Notification be provided by letter drop to area residents by the applicant on May 23, 2014.
10.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for info.
> Council Correspondence Update to April 17, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) J. Wertman, April 15, 2014, regarding Garbage Collection
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) April 7, 2014, regarding Double Mailing
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) K. Losken, 2 submissions dated Apr 16, re Flooding at Border of Collingwood Sch and Glenmore Props
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) J. McDiarmid, April 16, 2014, regarding Tennis Courts
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(5) S. Slater, April 16, 2014, regarding Longboarders
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(6) Child Find BC, Apr 16, regarding Child Find BC Proclamation May is National Missing Childrens month
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
Received for Information
(7) undated, regarding Proposed Development Permit No. 14-006 (195 - 21st Street) {Hollyburn Gdns}
(8) 22 submissions, dated April 15 16, re Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt at Keith Rd and Taylor Way
(Referred to April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
(9) 22 submissions, dated undated Apr 16, re Proposed Maison Seniors Living Devt at Keith and Taylor Way
(Previously received at April 16, 2014 Public Hearing)
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Director of Planning, April 16, 2014, response to G. Sacré, Bellevue
> Council Correspondence Update to April 22, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Memorial Library Board March 19, 2014
Responses to Correspondence
(2) Mgr of Engg Srvcs, Apr 4, to A. Culley & Co Archit, EAGLE ISLAND GARBAGE & DOCK ACCESS ZONE
(3) Director of Engineering and Transportation, April 17, 2014, response to Coast Modern Film, Happy City
(4) Director of Engineering and Transportation, April 17, 2014, response to D. Derreth, Snow Experience.
Maybe: two ppl signed up to speak so if these, now
11.1. April 23, 2014, regarding Traffic calming on Keith and Clyde (1000/1100/1200 Keith & 1200 Clyde)
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
11.2. April 29, 2014, regarding Traffic Calming Project on Keith Road and Clyde Avenue
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Item 11.2 was considered during Item 11.1.
Sue Verigin: have walked
hope sidewalks can become the foundation for the design, not an afterthought
RF: letter has not yet come in for Ccl to see
We are addressing this
in 50% design stage from our consultants so staff thought, going to take some time to do this, wanted to show something
so shaved off Phase 1
throttle traffic back; put some of those things in place so nbrhd wd have benefit now
[8:33] will in Phase one
Mayor: and staff will take Ms V's suggestion and consult with nbrhds
RF: tricky b/c prop impact
issues of topography xxx and paths; does take some time to work through
Mayor: Cclr Booth, you brought this forward {11.2}
MB: what is the &&&, and will this come to Ccl at some point?
RF: nbrhd preferred Option 1
staff just felt shd proceed and had not contemplated coming back to Ccl b/c funding already provided
MB: multi pathway on S? side of Keith
know 1200blk of Clyde -- no place to walk, cars coming through... dangerous stretch
RF: Option A includes xxx optional also
meanwhile traffic calming will have some ped safety benefits
remove a bit of slip thorugh? down weth? get direction
MB: what do you mean by optional?
RF: xxx cost is beyond budget
also on Clyde a number of v narrow, 33ft, lots so impact of sidewalk wd have signif impact -- sorting out the existing landscaping in the blvd; thought a prob so wd do phase 1 first
11.3. May 1, 2014, regarding Heritage Cedar Trees / Policy for Trees on Private Property
Mayor: re trees
Reinhard (?)Fassler: trees on private prop
thank Cclrs Gam, Sop, and Cam for responding to my letter in a somewhat encouraging way
thought I shd elaborate on the incident that triggered
1136 Mathers -- a microcosm of the prob; no protection of trees on priv prop
... of an older post and beam in 1950s
demolition, cutting down of three major cedars xxx diameter
20 trees xxx in process, half demolished between side/next house
logger starts by cutting the limbs
now he starts talking to nbrs' lots to remove trees to get further views
blvd trees got to us
a devpr can go to the District to remove the blvd trees
{hm -- didn't know that; surely only to be removed if dangerous or diseased -- it's part of WV's character!}
someone hates trees, can see gain
why can we not as a v first step protect the blvd trees
why not say blvd trees protected, no question
{yes yes yes!}
if dangerous, arborist; don't think we shd invite &&&
Cclr Gamb said we had at two-year time frame
why not xxx [8:45]
having lived at 11th and Mathers, wish I had documented.... in last ten years [tree loss] has accelerated
we talk about the nbrhd... monster houses... loss of trees
Mayor: points out and clearly &&&
TP: I pulled this letter
back to OCP E10, 11m they're out of date
my reason for pulling it is to allow staff to report
found it when discussing the Parks Master Plan
Cclr Gamb has done a good job with invasive species
need to be getting our heads around it; best practices
access to views
growing up I always heard view through the trees
{yes, yes, yes -- my mantra: the view is through the trees and/or framed by the trees}
have to address this
NG: in the letter that wasn't answered and wasn't answered last week was the time frame
are we going to consider making this a priority for staff, not there now, I don't think
so residents wdn't get their hopes up, process wd take a couple of years; longer than we'd like
can anyone comment about blvd trees?
Mayor: Ms Mooi
Sokol: some that I can tag-team with Ms Mooi
on blvd, Parks; on priv prop, Planning
difference over the years
block views and access to sunlight -- 50% believed that; others believe they contribute to xxx nbrhd character
diff talking about someone with a sgl-fam lot vs devping a prop, someone coming in to clearcut the whole area
if too strict regulating trees, likelihood cut down all the trees and then come in for a DP a few months later
I know Parks Dept has some time in workplan
think most of the work in 2015
AM: what Mr Sokol has said, that's what we're doing
looking at what other Ms are doing; doing a review this year; an analysis 2015
park dedication this year
we know this is v imp to the cmnty; will engage the cmnty; bring to Ccl in 2015
Mayor: to the gentleman's point
cd put a moratorium on tree-cutting on our blvds now so doing something
AM: we'll talk to him
Sop: need a tree mgmt plan
did have review of trees, overgrown process to remove
new devt
we made the mistake with Whitby estates, gave permission for roads, and they cleared the whole area
valuable, work with arborist
Mr Sokol, some of your..... sideyards , etc, and trees
when a devt starts the trees in the area have reached their life expectancy
look at sideyards
.. down in the ground, going to affect the roots, and tree will die anyway
road ends, beautiful trees -- petition, cut down, that's got to end
ML: my understanding is that there's already a bylaw not to cut down trees on blvd
so if process what's wrong w/ moratorium?
we have an arborist to see if diseased; don't want to make work for staff
NL: staff will look at as quickly as we can
mid June, July staff will say what we're doing and what we can do
CC: report in 2015 and that's 2016 so I'd like to hit some of the low-hanging fruit
whatever policy is I know what happens, new house, they cut down all the trees on the blvd
you can see that driving around the blvd
in short term, about cutting in blvd, come up with in next month
Mr Sokol, may be difficult, but Parks not
Mayor: &&&
Reagan often used to get confused in his speeches
"trees cause more environmental damage than acid rain"
1984 at university they put signs on trees:
cut me down before I kill again!
12. Public Questions/Comments -- none 13. Adjournment [9:01]
6:30pm in the Srs' Ctr
1. Call to order
2. Introduction of the 2014 Youth Ccl
3. Approval of Agenda
4. PRESENTATION From One Youth to Another: Youth Health & Wellness in WV
5. REPORTS from Youth Mayor and Youth Cclrs
=== CCL MTG AGENDAs 2014 May 26 ===
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. Purpose of meeting: appointments and legal matter.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
= PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA May 26 For On-Table Items Please See Item 4
Note: At 7pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed Zoning Amdmt Bylaw for 870/876 Keith and a public mtg re proposed Devt Permit will be held concurrently. The Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH and concurrent public meeting.
7:00 PM
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4788, 2014 (870 and 876 Keith Road)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: Onni Taylor Way Properties Ltd.
Subject Lands: 870 and 876 Keith Road
Purpose: The proposed bylaw/devt permit wd allow for the construction of a 23-unit cluster house bldg at 870/876 Keith.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, proposed Zoning ... Amdmt Bylaw ... wd amend the CD1 (Evelyn Dr) zone to allow for the transfer of density (floor area and units) from elsewhere on the Evelyn devt site to the subject lands.
A public meeting will be held concurrently with the PH.
Proposed Development Permit: Proposed Devt Permit No. 13-018 imposes conditions and requirements for the development of the subject land, including:
a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.6;
23 units;
total floor area of 36,232 square feet;
bldg w/ two wings: seven-storey west wing; five-storey east wing, connected with a parkade on the fourth storey;
50 parking spaces:
- 46 parking spaces within private enclosed garages within the parkade (2 per unit); and
- 4 visitor parking spaces within the parkade;
new site landscaping
design elements consistent w/ the Evelyn by Onni cluster-housing devts elsewhere on the Lands, including:
terracing of the building down the hillside, presents as a one-storey building along Keith Road; and stone, wood, and glass building finishing materials.
The proposed development permit includes the following requested Zoning Bylaw Variances:
Number of Storeys: increase from 3 to 7; and
Site Coverage: increase from 40% to 50%.
1) Reports received up to and including May 15, 2014:
# |
Rezoning and Development Permit No. 13-018 for Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni |
November 13, 2013 |
December 2, 2013 |
R-1 |
Rezoning and Development Permit No. 13-018 for 870 and 876 Keith Road (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) |
January 29, 2014 |
February 17, 2014 |
R-2 |
Rezoning and Development Permit No. 13-018 for 870 and 876 Keith Road (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) |
March 19, 2014 |
April 7, 2014 |
R-3 |
2) Written submissions received up to and including May 15, 2014:
# |
Redacted |
May 5, 2014 |
C-1 |
Redacted (On-Table) |
May 12, 2014 |
C-2 |
Redacted (On-Table) |
May 26, 2014 |
C-3 |
On April 7, Ccl set the date for the PH. The statutory notice of PH was published in the NSh News on May 18 and May 21, 2014 and notices were mailed to property owners / occupants within the notification area. The Municipal Clerk will note written submissions received for the May 26, 2014 PH.
If there is no further public input and Council does not request a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: be received and that the Public Hearing be closed.
OR If Council requests a further staff report:
RECOMMENDED: THAT staff report back to Council and that the Public Hearing be adjourned to ____________________. (date, time, and location)
Council members are not permitted to receive further submissions once the Public Hearing is closed.
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of May 26 Agenda
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes Meeting minutes to be provided.
4. North Shore Professional Dogwalkers Alliance (File: 0055-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
6.Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 13-058 (3376 & 3378 Radcliffe Avenue)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
7. 2013 Audited Financial Statements, 2013 Annual Report, and 2013 Financial Information Act Reports (Statement of Financial Information) (File: 0800-01)
1. The ... Statements as presented to Council on May 26, 2014 and for inclusion as part of the 2013 Annual Report, pursuant to the Community Charter sections 167 and 98, be approved; and that
2. Consideration of the 2013 Annual Report and submissions and questions from the public be scheduled for the June 16, 2014 reg Ccl mtg at 7pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, pursuant to the Community Charter section 99; and that
3. The 2013 Annual Report be made available for public inspection at Municipal Hall and on the Districts website as of May 30, 2014, pursuant to the Community Charter sections 97 and 98; and that
4. The 2013 Financial Information Act Reports (Statement of Financial Information) as presented to the Audit Committee on May 7, 2014 be approved for submission to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development and made available for public information, pursuant to the Community Charter sections 168 and 97 and to the Financial Information Act section 2 and the Financial Information Regulation 371/93 Schedule 1, subsection 9(2) and 10.
8. 2014 Community Grants Recommendations: Arts, Culture, and Heritage {NB: fixing $s too time-consuming so gave up}
RECOMMENDED: the Cmnty Grants Cmte recommendations for Arts, Culture, and Heritage Grants for 2014 be approved as follows:
Third year of a [three-year] cycle (2012-2014):
West Vancouver Adult Community Band |
Performing Arts |
$ 500 |
West Vancouver Fire Services Museum + Archives |
Heritage |
$ 500 |
West Vancouver Youth Band Society |
Performing Arts |
$ 7,500 |
Pacific Spirit Choir |
Performing Arts |
$ 1,000 |
Total |
$ 13,000 |
Second year of [three-year] cycle (2013-2015):
NS Polish Association - Belweder |
Heritage |
$1,500 |
North Shore Light Opera |
Performing Arts |
$1,800 |
Dundarave Festival of Lights |
Performing Arts |
$750 |
Pandoras Vox Vocal Ensemble Society |
Performing Arts |
$2,500 |
Sinfonia Orchestra of the North Shore |
Performing Arts |
$2,000 |
Total |
$8,550 |
First year of [three-year] cycle (2014-2016):
North Shore Chamber Music Society |
Performing Arts |
$1,000.00 |
Presentation House |
Performing Arts |
$1,500 |
Deep Cove Chamber Soloists |
Performing Arts |
$750 |
Hollyburn Heritage Society |
Heritage |
$750 |
Laudate Singers Society |
Performing Arts |
$1,500 |
Total |
$5,500 |
Funding for a one-year project:
West Vancouver Historical Society |
Heritage |
$1,350 |
Chor Leoni Mens Choir |
Performing Arts |
$1,000 |
Harmony Training & Performance Society |
Performing Arts |
$2,000 |
North Shore Music Academy Society |
Performing Arts |
$500 |
NV Community Arts Council Art in the Garden |
Visual Arts |
$2,500 |
Total |
$7,350 |
9. Community Grants Recommendations: Community and Social Services Grants (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
RECOMMENDED: be approved as follows:
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(second of a three-year cycle)
North Shore Community Resources: Information Volunteer Program |
$ |
8,000 |
North Shore Community Resources: Operating |
$ |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
12,000 |
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
(third of a three-year cycle)
3rd West Vancouver Scouts: Hollyburn Cabin |
$ |
400 |
Rotary Club of the North Shore: Operation Red Nose |
$ |
750 |
Subtotal |
$ |
1,150 |
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2014
(second of a two-year cycle)
Athletics for Kids Financial Assistance Society: Sports Funding Program |
$ |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
4,000 |
(previously funded programs)
Coho Festival Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
5,000 |
Gleneagles Golf Club Society |
3 year |
$ |
500 |
North Shore Safety Council: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore Salvation Army |
3 year |
$ |
2,500 |
West Vancouver Marine Rescue Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
5,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
13,500 |
North Shore Alliance Church: North Shore Canada Cup Street |
Soccer Tournament |
1 time |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore Fruit Tree Project: Operating |
2 year |
$ |
500 |
North Shore Neighbourhood House: Edible Garden Project |
3 year |
$ |
2,500 |
WV Track and Field Club: Jr Devt Training Prog Training Program |
1 time |
$ |
500 |
West Vancouver Track and Field Club: Masters and Seniors |
Introduction to Track and Field |
1 time |
$ |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
5,000 |
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(second of a three-year cycle)
NSh Cmnty Resources: Child Care Resource, Referral Program |
$ |
2,000 |
North Shore Multicultural Society: Operating |
$ |
2,250 |
Subtotal |
$ |
4,250 |
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
(third of a three-year cycle)
Autism Society of BC: Community Group |
$ |
500 |
Big Sisters of BC: Mentoring Program |
$ |
500 |
North Shore Crisis Services Society: Operating |
$ |
10,000 |
North Shore Neighbourhood House: Learning Together Program |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
12,000 |
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2014
(second of a two-year cycle)
Living Systems Counselling, Educn,Training Soc: Play Therapy |
Play Therapyxxx |
$ |
2,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
2,000 |
(previously funded programs)
Family Services of the North Shore: Clinical [Counselling] |
3 year |
$ |
12,000 |
North Shore Multicultural Society: Community Bridging |
1 time |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
13000 |
Hollyburn Family Services Society: Wired for Success |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore Multicultural Society: Neonology |
1 time |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
2,000 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(second of a three-year cycle)
Pets and Friends: Visitation Program |
$ |
3,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
3,000 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
(third of a three-year cycle)
Hollyburn Family Services Society: Seniors Outreach |
$ |
1,000 |
Senior Citizens Special Services Society: LINKS to Healthy Living |
$ |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
5,000 |
(previously funded programs)
Canadian Hard of Hearing: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
1,100 |
Capilano Cmnty Services Society: Red Cross Loan Program |
2 year |
$ |
2,750 |
Lionsview Seniors Planning Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
3,000 |
Lionsview Srs Planning Society: Services to Srs Coalition |
3 year |
$ |
1,500 |
Lionsview Srs Planning Soc: NSN Older and Wiser Column |
1 year |
$ |
500 |
North Shore Keep Well Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
2,000 |
North Shore Meals on Wheels: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
1,500 |
North Shore Neighbourhood House: Seniors Peer Support |
3 year |
$ |
1,400 |
North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre: Seniors Peer Group |
1 year |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore Volunteers for Seniors: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
18,750 |
Hollyburn Fam Srvces Soc: Supporting Srs to Remain Housed |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
1,000 |
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(second of a three-year cycle)
Canadian Mental Health Association: Operating |
$ |
2,000 |
Canadian Mental Health Association: Support Groups |
$ |
1,000 |
Cerebral Palsy Assn of BC: NSh Cmnty Connections |
$ |
500 |
Special Olympics BC Society (North Shore): Operating |
$ |
2,400 |
Subtotal |
$ |
5,900 |
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2012-2014
(third of a three-year cycle)
Avalon Recovery Society: Peer Support Program |
$ |
500 |
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC: Operating |
$ |
1,000 |
Friend2Friend Learning Society: Integrated Playgroup |
$ |
750 |
Lookout Emergency Aid Society: North Shore Shelter |
$ |
2,500 |
North Shore ConneXions: Education and Community Awareness |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore ConneXions: Friendship Circles |
$ |
1,000 |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre: Summer Bursary Program |
$ |
3,500 |
North Shore Schizophrenia Society: Operating |
$ |
2,000 |
North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre: Young Stroke Survivors |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
13,250 |
(previously funded programs)
Canadian Red Cross: RespectED Bullying Prevention |
2 year |
$ |
500 |
Change the World Foundation dba Harvest: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
3,500 |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre: North Shore |
Community (formerly Adults) Response Network |
1 year |
1,000 |
North Shore Hospice Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
1,500 |
North Shore Womens Centre: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
3,000 |
North Shore Womens Centre: Single [Mothers] Support Group |
3 year |
$ |
500 |
Spinal Cord Injury BC: Peer Program |
3 year |
$ |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
10,500 |
Change the World Foundation dba Harvest: Food Program |
1 year |
$ |
500 |
NSh Disability Resource Ctr: Transition, Employment Prog |
1 year |
$ |
1,000 |
NSh Disability Resource Ctr: Parents Night Out Support Grp |
1 year |
$ |
1,000 |
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sport Society: Learn to Ski Program |
1 time |
$ |
500 |
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sport Society: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
3,500 |
10. West Vancouver Child and Family Hub Update (File: 2635-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided. RECOMMENDED: be received for information.
11. North Shore Children's Charter (File: 2635-01)
The NSh Chns Charter be endorsed by Ccl as a framework for guiding decisions related to child and family friendly programming in WV; and that
The endorsement be communicated to members of the Early Years and Middle Years Planning Tables.
12. Intersection at 21st Street and Queens Avenue (File: 1785-01) Information to be provided.
{Discussion re roundabout vs suggested traffic lights}
13. Coach House Implementation Bylaws (File: 1610-20-4771/4772) (On-Table)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT opportunities for consultation on a proposed OCP amdmt, with persons, orgs, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated May 12, 2014, LGA.
RECOMMENDED:THAT proposed OCP Amdmt Bylaw" be read a first time.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed OCP has bn considered in conjunction with the Dists most recent financial plan and the regional waste mgmt plan.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw" be read a first time.
RECOMMENDED: THAT proposed OCP Amdmt Bylaw and proposed Zoning Amdmt Bylaw be presented at a PH scheduled for June 16 at 7pm in the Ccl Chamber, MHall and the MClk give stat notice of the scheduled PH.
14. Proposed Waterworks Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4795, 2014 (Administrative amdmt
RECOMMENDED: be read a first, second and third time.carries
Bylaws are passed by a simple majority affirmative vote unless otherwise noted.
Item Withdrawn.
16. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4788, 2014, 870/876 Keith (Parcel 3, Evelyn by Onni)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the Apr 7 reg Ccl mtg, and was the subject of a PH held on May 26. If the PH has closed, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw, and may consider second and third reading of the proposed bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: be read a second time. RECOMMENDED: be read a third time.
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate.
17.1 E-Comm Board of Directors Appointment for 2014/2015 (File: 2715-07)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the apptmt of Mayor Darrell Mussatto of the CNV to the Bd of Directors of E-Comm as the North Shore designate for the 2014/2015 year be endorsed.
17.2 North Shore Emergency Management Office (NSEMO) Report regarding Integrated Partnership for Regional Emergency Management (IPREM) Bulletin (File: 0180-16)
RECOMMENDED: report dated Apr 29 from the Dir/NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc be received for info.
17.3 Presentations by the Seniors Activity Centre at the World Health Organization and the American Society on Aging Conferences (File: 3070-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report from the Cmnty Rec Mgr, be received for information.
17.4 Notice of Motion re Options for Preliminary Future Route for the Spirit Trail between 13th and 19th Streets
Take notice that at the June 2, 2014 Council meeting, Councillor Cameron, with a seconder, will move:
THAT Staff report back to Ccl by July 21, w/ multiple options for Ccl to select a preliminary future route for the Spirit Trail between 13th and 19th Street, wch selection is to be confirmed only after approp public consultation.
17.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
(Personal information redacted pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; sections 22 and 33 apply.)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to April 25, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) April 22, 2014, regarding Pétanque (bocce) lane in Ambleside Park
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) April 23, 2014, regarding Traffic calming on Keith and Clyde (1000/1100/1200 Keith &1200 Clyde)
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) April 24, 2014, regarding Cutting and/or Removal of Trees on Private Properties
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Cmte and Bd Mtg Minutes: Design Review Cmte, Mar 13, 2014 {towers on White Spot spot; Staples House; Coach Houses}
(5) Petition with 145 signatures, April 8, regarding Application for two towers on the former White Spot site at Park Royal
(6) April 13, 2014, regarding Riverview lands {thoughtful, positive suggestions}
(7) April 14, 2014, regarding Hollyburn Gardens 195 21st Street (Proposed Development Permit #14-006)
(8) April 17, 2014, regarding A letter to the North Shore News
(9) April 21, 2014, regarding Fwd: Insurance companies know Wi-Fi is dangerous!
(10) United Way Lower Mainland, April 22, 2014, regarding Grant Renewals for Seniors Organizations
(11) April 23, 2014, regarding Yolo County, Ca. Went 150% Grid Positive
(12) North Shore Table Matters, April 24, 2014, regarding Table Matters News: Food Charter up for Endorsement in WV
(13) Undated, regarding Why We Must All Oppose the Proposed Infill Rental Housing by Hollyburn Properties (Hollyburn Gardens 195 21st Street, Proposed Devt Permit #14-006)
{Impressive: a thoroughly researched and documented report w/ facts re rental availability, reduction of views, etc}
> Council Correspondence Update to May 2, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) April 21, 2014, regarding Fire truck/supplies
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(2) April 23, 2014, regarding Request for a Sidewalk from Dufferin Street to Whytecliffe Park on Marine Drive
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) April 26, 2014, regarding Dufferin Avenue beach access
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(4) World Oceans Day Canada, April 26, 2014, regarding World Oceans Day in Canada Proclamation Request
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(5) April 29, 2014, regarding Traffic Calming Project on Keith Road and Clyde Avenue
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(6) May 2, 2014, regarding West Bay Park Vison [sic] Plan
(Referred to Dir/Parks for consideration/response){Excellent background re park/trees NOT mentioned at ccl mtg}
(7) Undated, regarding West Bay Park Plan
(Referred to Dir/Parks for consideration and response){also great pts,as Cclr NG said, half in favour of keeping}
Received for Information
(8) April 20, 2014, regarding Your office nearly killed some one, please see the video, with half a million views.
(9) Petition with 78 signatures, undated, regarding PROPOSED DEVT OF TWO RESIDENTIAL TOWERS ON THE WHITE SPOT SITE {all names/sigs removed -- how can we tell if WV residents???}
(10) 2 submissions, dated April 29, 2014, regarding Proposed Renovation of West Bay Park
(11) MetroV, Apr 17, re Report on Future of the Region Sustainability Dialogues: Great City-Making Demands Innovation
(12) Putting Canada First, B.C. Region, April 26, re CBC covers foreign language signage controversy in Richmond BC
(13) Petition w/ 30 sigs, Apr 30, re Enclosed petition to preserve 2 pine trees and Deodara tree on Dist prop adjacent to 1206 Esquimalt
(14) May 1, 2014, regarding Heritage Cedar Trees on Mathers Avenue / Policy for trees on private property
(15) May 1, 2014, regarding Variance sought for 3376-78 Radcliffe Ave, DWV (Development Variance Permit #13-058)
Responses to Correspondence
(16) Senior Mgr of Community Services, April 28, 2014, response to Petition with 19 signatures, Annual Passes for Yoga
(17) Manager of Parks Operations, April 28, 2014, response regarding TALE TALE OF TWO WATERFRONT ACCESS POINTS, 29TH & 31st. STREETS, ONE GONE AND ONE DANGEROUS
(18) Mgr of Parks Operations, April 28, response regarding Tennis Courts
(19) Transportation Engineer, April 28, 2014, response to NBT Filmworks, dangerous intersection (15th and Inglewood)
(20) Dir/Engg, April 28, response regarding Request for a Sidewalk from Dufferin St to Whytecliffe Park on Marine Drive
(21) Dir/Engg, April 28, 2014, response regarding Longboarders
> Council Correspondence Update to May 9, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Social Planning & Research Ccl of BC (SPARC BC), May 1, re Access Awareness Day - June 7, 2014
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(2) 21st Street Area Residents Assn (2 petitions), dated May 3-4, re Intersection at Queens Avenue and 21st Street (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) May 4, 2014, regarding FYI-Copy sent of Complaint Letter to BC Ombudsperson Ms. Kim Carter/URGENT!
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) May 8, 2014, regarding Fwd: Sunset Lane BC Rail Letter
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(5) May 5, 2014, regarding Consideration of Draft LNG Letter
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) Vancouver Coastal Health, undated, regarding Input on the North Shore Food Charter Agenda Item April 28, 2014 (Previously received at April 28, 2014 Council meeting)
(7) May 5, 2014, regarding LNG and Petroleum Port development
(8) May 3, 2014, regarding Council consideration of Coach House bylaws
(9) Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), Apr 30, re Age-friendly Cmnty Projs & Planning (NSh Age-friendly Initiative)
(10) PRIMECorp, April 30, 2014, regarding Oversight of the Provincial Police Records Management System, PRIME-BC
(11) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, May 6, 2014, re BC MoT Hwy 1 Nelson Crk Bridge Project Update #3
(12) TELUS Corporation, May 6, 2014, regarding Expansion of Wireless Coverage
(13) (Petition), undated re Why We Must All Oppose the Proposed Infill Rental Housing by Hollyburn Props {108 sigs}
(14) May 8, 2014, regarding Tree issue commentary
(15) WV Track and Field Club, May 8, 2014, regarding Spring Sprint Thursday May 15 (WV Track and Field Club)
(16) Metro Vancouver, May 1, 2014, regarding Metro Vancouver Board Strategic Plan
(17) Hon. S. Anton, Min of Justice, {and Att-Gen/Canada [sic]}, May 2, re Prov-Wide Earthquake Preparedness Consultn
{have queried MHall b/c Anton is NOT the Attorney General of Canada, Madeleine Meilleur is}
(18) May 8, 2014, regarding Biofuels -- the not so Green alternative energy source
(19) Hon. L. Raitt, Minister of Transport, May 1, 2014, regarding Canada Post Five-Point Action Plan
(20) MetroV, April 29, 2014, regarding Industrial Land Re-Development and Intensification Constraints and Solutions
Responses to Correspondence
(21) Manager of Community Planning, May 2, 2014, response regarding Coach House input
(22) Cmnty Planner, May 1, response re Bowen Island Municipality, M-Initiated Amdmts to the Bowen Island OCP Bylaw and the Bowen Island Land Use Bylaw
(23) Senior Manager of Parks, May 7, 2014, response regarding West Bay Park Plan
(24) Director of Engineering and Transportation, May 7, 2014, response regarding Dufferin Avenue beach access
(25) Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, April 25, 2014, response regarding Double Mailing
> Council Correspondence Update to May 13, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) May 9, 2014, regarding Significant Delays in West Vancouver Building Permit Application Process
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) May 10, 2014, regarding Computation of quarterly sewer fees variable portion
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Emergency Management BC, May 8, 2014, regarding Earthquake Preparedness Consultation
(4) 2 submissions, May 10 and May 12, 2014, regarding Fwd: Community Electricity Lights Up Spain ~ IPS
(5) 3 submissions, May 10, 2014, regarding Re: Part 1- Report on the U.S. G. and B. Moore Foundations multi-million influence peddling scheme designed to corrupt the PNCIMA Initiative and turn the First Nation and the Canadian public against the Canadian resources industry including oil sands ...;
Part 2-Tabulation of G. and B. Moore Fdn Grants; and Re:Part 3 G. and B. Moore Foundation Grant List
(6) 2 submissions, May 10, re Re: Part 1 - Report on Oak Fdn multi-million dollar financing of the Cdn ENGOs propaganda designed to turn the Cdn politicians and the publics opinion against oil sands and pipelines.; and Re: Part 2- List of Oak Foundation Grants
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Acting Senior Manager of Parks, May 9, 2014, response regarding West Bay Park Vison [sic] Plan
(8) Manager of Parks Operations, May 9, 2014, response regarding Pétanque (bocce) lane in Ambleside Park
(9) Dir/Planning, May 12, response regarding FW: Upper Lands Working Group Process-REVISED with Permission
(10) Dir/Planning, May 12, response re Criticism of materials & questionnaire published by Upper Lands WG.
18. Ccl has requested that the following corresp be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Ccl considers further action is required.
18.1. May 19, 2014, regarding Re: Fire truck/supplies
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response) (On-Table)
18.2 May 9, 2014, regarding Significant Delays in West Vancouver Building Permit Application Process
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permit for consideration and response) (On-Table)
RECOMMENDED: THAT Items 18.1 and 18.2 be received for information.
19. Public Questions/Comments 20. Adjournment
=== CCL MTG AGENDAs June 2 ===
Note: At 6pm the sp Ccl mtg will commence in open session in the MFCR and will be immediately followed by a motion to exclude the public in order to hold a closed session, pursuant to section 90 of the Community Charter. At 7pm the reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Council Chamber.
1. Call to Order.
2. RECOMMENDED: THAT in the public interest, mbrs of the public be excluded ... under the following...:
90. (1) A part of a council meeting may be closed if ... relates to or is one or more of the following:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
Purpose of meeting: board and cmte mbrship matters.
3. ADJOURNMENT (of open session)
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of June 2, 2014 Regular Council Meeting Agenda
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes -- No items.
4. WV Arts Centre Trust, re Kay Meek Ctr Update -- RECOMMENDED: be rec'd for information, with thanks.
5. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
6. Upper Lands Study Review Working Group Progress Report
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Report dated May 14 attached as Appendix A to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner, dated May 14, be received for information.
7. Recommendation of Optimal Boundary for a Park Dedication Bylaw for the land surrounding Whyte Lake and Whyte Lake Trail
The optimal boundary for a park dedication bylaw for the land surrounding Whyte Lake and Whyte Lake Trail identified in Appendix A to the report dated May 12, 2014, as Areas 1 and 2, be approved; and
The area identified in Appendix A to the report dated May 12, 2014, as the Larson Creek Wetlands, be considered for future park dedication, subject to further public consultation; and that
Staff prepare a proposed Park Dedication Bylaw for Areas 1 and 2, to be known as Whyte Lake Park.
8. Notice of Motion re Options for Preliminary Future Route for the Spirit Trail between 13th and 19th Streets
Information to be provided.
9. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4788, 2014 and Proposed Devt Permit No. 13- 018 for 870 and 876 Keith Road (Parcel 3 of Evelyn by Onni) (File: 1610-20-4788/1010-20-13-018)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the April 7 reg Ccl mtg, and is the subject of a PH scheduled for May 26. If the PH is closed, and the proposed bylaw receives second and third reading at the meeting, it may be considered for adoption on June 2. If the PH is closed on May 26, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed Zoning ... Amendment Bylaw be adopted.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed Devt Permit, wch wd allow for the construction of a 23-unit cluster house building, be approved.
10. Consent Agenda Items
The following Consent Agenda items may be considered for approval in one motion, or considered separately, or items may be excluded for debate. 10.1. Appointments to Community Grants Committee (File: 0116-20-CGC1) Information to be provided.
10.2. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to May 16, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) May 10, 2014, regarding South Piccadilly Road
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) May 13, 2014, regarding Keith and Clyde
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) Vancouver Coastal Health, May 15, re Recommendation to include e-cigarettes in the definition of smoke and smoking in municipal smoking bylaws and to restrict sales to businesses with a tobacco [licence]
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Board of Variance January 15 and April 16, 2014
(5) City of Richmond, May 5, 2014, regarding Proposed Railway-Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations
(6) Ministry of Justice, May 7, 2014, regarding Province-wide Earthquake Preparedness Consultation
(7) May 13, re The same effect wd happen here (as has already happened w/ NAFTA), but at all levels of govt
(Trans-Pacific Partnership)
(8) BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA), May 14, re BC SPCAs Salud: A Toast to the Animals May 25, 2014 WV Cmnty Ctr
(9) New Democrat Official Opposition, May 15, 2014, regarding First Responder Financial Assistance
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Dir/Planning, May 5, response re Evelyn by Onni Current Photo Of View from Lions Gate Bridge, Tree Protection and Orientation of Cluster Homes from Master Plan
(Referred to May 26, 2014 Public Hearing)
(11) Dir/Engg, May 15, 2014, response regarding Computation of quarterly sewer fees variable portion
> Council Correspondence Update to May 20, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) May 19, 2014, regarding Re: Fire truck/supplies
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) B.C. Fedn of Labour and Shipyard General Workers Fedn of BC, May 8, re Commitment to BC Shipbuilding Industry (3) Metro Vancouver, May 12, 2014, regarding Clean Wood Disposal Ban at Regional Disposal Facilities
(4) May 12, re Proposed Devt Permit ... and Zoning ..., Amdmt Bylaw (Parcel 3, Evelyn by Onni, 870 and 876 Keith Rd)
(Referred to May 26, 2014 Public Hearing)
(5) E-Comm 9-1-1, May 15, 2014, regarding Next Generation Radio Program
Responses to Correspondence
(6) Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits, May 12, 2014, response regarding Upper Lands.
12. Public Questions/Comments 13. Adjournment
=== NOTICE === DWV SALARIES (Emailed to subscribers early May 26)
Read and weep
They are part of item 7. The item and motion appear just under this, followed by the salaries. Pls note that b/c the Hall scanned and did not convert the list of salaries, the OCR conversion resulted in some strange figures and signs (and possible errors). You can, of course, click on the link and see the whole report.
7. 2013 Audited Financial Stmts, 2013 Annual Report, and 2013 Financial Info Act Reports (Stmt of Financial Info) {whole motion in agenda above, not repeated here}
Taxable |
Total |
Name Position |
Remunerati on |
Benefits |
Remuneration |
Expenses |
Smith, Michael |
Mayor |
$ 75,975.00 |
$ 1,596.00 |
$ 77,571.00 |
$ 989.04 |
Booth, Mary-Ann |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
1,745.91 |
35,934.67 |
2,057.22 |
Cameron, Craig |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
149.91 |
34,338.67 |
1,712.57 |
Gambioli, Nora |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
149.91 |
34,338.67 |
555.85 |
Lewis, Michael |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
149.91 |
34,338.67 |
1,130.06 |
Panz, Trish |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
149.91 |
34,338.67 |
1,296.61 |
Soprovich, William |
Councillor |
34,188.76 |
1,446.00 |
35,634.76 |
.00 |
$251,107.56 |
$5,387.55 |
$286,495.11 |
$7,741.35 |
Total Remuneration & Expenses $ 294,236.46
Note: Taxable Benefits include premium payments for Medical and Life Insurance
Employees Abbott, Codi-Lynn |
Position Water Treatment Plant Operator |
Remuneration 77,638.19 |
Expenses $ 1,486.29 |
Aguilar, David |
Network Analyst |
93,852.06 |
683.09 |
Allan, James |
Community Planner - Development |
92,215.48 |
424.88 |
Ambor, Corinne |
Manager - Park Programs |
108,517.84 |
1,281.28 |
Anton, Damian |
Firefighter |
101,278.49 |
1,400.00 |
Attieh, Thomas |
Lieutenant |
118,099.03 |
Awan, Tahir |
Network Analyst |
85,867.25 |
6,415.67 |
Badaraco, Adriano |
Building Inspector |
81,895.23 |
1,522.85 |
Bahia, Harjit |
Mechanic - Transit |
79, 119.35 |
Banks, Andrew |
Senior Manager - Parks |
124,964.50 |
5,324.57 |
Barden, Blaine |
Capital Asset Analyst |
76,897.45 |
1,072.19 |
Bates, Phil |
Manager - Engineering Services |
134,778.31 |
1,178.60 |
Batistini, Fabio |
Firefighter |
109,545.44 |
Beatty, Gerald |
Supervisor - Golf and Sports Field Operations |
76,043.99 |
211.21 |
Beckett, Arleta |
Manager - Cmnty Devt, Youth and Families |
105,758.82 |
1,440.46 |
Benedict, Janet |
Director of Library Services |
153,674.02 |
3,599.99 |
Benson, Theodore |
Technical Services Department Head - Library |
105,739.85 |
315.53 |
Berg, Lisa |
Senior Community Planner |
105,773.05 |
507.01 |
Best, Martin |
Firefighter |
98,564.64 |
486.59 |
Bird, Antony |
Assistant Fire Chief |
127,586.22 |
1,697.20 |
Black, Leonard |
Supervisor - 3rd Party Construction |
78,775.44 |
373.55 |
Blank, Eric |
Firefighter |
99,098.82 |
300.00 |
Blatta, Scott |
Utilityworker |
75,406.26 |
426.23 |
Boileau, Gary |
Water Treatment Plant Operator |
75,973.77 |
2,087.46 |
Boyle, Geri |
Manager - Community Planning |
149,280.80 |
1,275.31 |
Boyum, Eric |
Captain |
117,820.04 |
Brolly, Clark |
Assistant Fire Chief |
128,384.03 |
Browne, Andrew |
Senior Community Planner |
97,661.37 |
1,103.30 |
Brownlee, Jay |
Lieutenant |
118,584.40 |
Buhler, Dorian |
Firefighter |
97,625.28 |
Burnham, Rick |
Supervisor - Parks Construction |
77,682.90 |
377.26 |
Bush, Jeffrey |
Lieutenant |
114,406.68 |
Calder, Jeremy |
Firefighter |
88,422.78 |
Calogeros, Athena |
Firefighter |
99,960.29 |
Campbell, Tara |
Human Resources Advisor |
89,847.47 |
441.81 |
Cannell, Keith |
Mechanic - Transit |
80,611.59 |
Caravatta, Giulio |
Firefighter |
101,130.63 |
Chan, Mark |
Dir/Lands, Bylaws, First Nations, Legal Affairs |
151,112.05 |
47.59 |
Chandi, Harvinder |
Bus Operator - Transit |
80,711.02 |
338.00 |
Cheung, Thomas |
Superintendent of Maintenance - Transit |
129,187.07 |
84.82 |
Chorley, Robert |
Captain |
120,798.68 |
Christie, Chris |
Firefighter |
96,635.49 |
Clark, David |
Lieutenant |
113,446.14 |
486.59 |
Clark, Janet |
Business Systems Analyst |
87,405.30 |
579.58 |
Coles, Peter |
Equipment Superintendent |
105,823.05 |
1,590.71 |
Cook, James |
Fire Chief |
173,091.70 |
2,902.61 |
Cresswell, Donna |
Manager - Information Technology |
118,483.42 |
186.60 |
Dalton, James |
Firefighter |
99, 102.80 |
D'Angelo, Tony |
Lieutenant |
111,657.98 |
Davis, Preston |
Bus Operator - Transit |
75,521.15 |
338.00 |
Dixon, Len |
Superintendent - Operations Support |
97,093.94 |
557.49 |
Dove, Alan |
Utilityworker |
83,632.24 |
231.38 |
Edgett, Doreen |
Payroll Coordinator |
91,673.07 |
Ernst, Martin |
Assistant Fire Chief |
124,978.87 |
1,330.58 |
Fichtner, Ken |
Firefighter |
96,773.11 |
Fonseca, Mark |
Captain |
119,704.49 |
Fraser, Michael |
Firefighter |
102,287.56 |
Fretz, Pamela |
Business Manager - Parks and Cmty Services |
105,773.05 |
737.88 |
Fung, Raymond |
Director of Engineering and Transportation |
171,659.65 |
539.60 |
Furlot, Matthew |
Firefighter |
96,070.82 |
Germschied, Barret |
Firefighter |
104,489.40 |
Gill, Amrit |
Firefighter |
93,670.63 |
Glickman, Eva |
Senior Human Resources [Adviser] |
85,621.79 |
427.68 |
Gordon, Ian |
Firefighter |
96,644.60 |
300.00 |
Gow, Doug |
Risk Management [Adviser] |
105,623.08 |
2,565.26 |
Graham, Geoff |
Captain - Fire Prevention |
114,621.45 |
1,499.19 |
Grant, Gregory |
Firefighter |
95,018.21 |
Grewal, Joe |
Firefighter |
100,025.83 |
Grieves, Rob |
Firefighter |
99,390.01 |
1,100.00 |
Haras, Ian |
Manager - Parks Operations |
111,990.05 |
2,385.62 |
Harman, Gary |
Plumbing Inspector |
83,541.69 |
335.00 |
Harvey, Jocelyn |
Firefighter |
97,772.53 |
Heath, Randall |
Assistant Chief |
134,967.01 |
1,150.69 |
Henderson, Lauren |
Manager of Operations - Library |
93,326.36 |
806.53 |
Henegar, Dan |
Mgr - Parks Arboriculture and Horticulture |
113,714.34 |
3,641.30 |
Hickson, Ron |
Firefighter |
101,462.20 |
Hillan, Luke |
Business Mgr - Engg and Transportation |
105,450.06 |
673.53 |
Hodges, Mike |
Firefighter |
105,854.17 |
Holmes, Marcus |
Firefighter |
101,372.59 |
300.00 |
Howard, Gordon |
Captain - Training |
113,374.63 |
1.43 |
Howie, Thomas |
Supervisor - Utilities (Water) |
76,111.78 |
1,009.90 |
Hudson, Jessica |
Health and Safety Advisor |
93,897.01 |
730.60 |
Hughes, Lauren |
Dep Dir - Human Resources, Payroll Services |
127,799.03 |
Huskisson, Colleen |
Community Recreation Supervisor |
93,534.75 |
2,883.42 |
Hutchinson, Steven |
Firefighter |
95,968.75 |
lantorno, Claudia |
Sign Maker |
76,924.79 |
279.62 |
lnsull, Lorraine |
Finance Officer - Fire |
92,115.90 |
Isaac, Donald |
Cemetery Supervisor |
78,820.49 |
1,032.68 |
Jaffer, Naizam |
Superintendent - Utilities (Sewer) |
108,773.19 |
522.82 |
Jakobsen, Penny |
Business Systems Analyst |
84,492.10 |
1,248.77 |
James, Marcia |
Lieutenant - Fire Prevention |
108,433.73 |
1,262.13 |
Jensen, Nathan |
Firefighter |
81,327.88 |
Jenvey, Scott |
Mapping Technician |
75,242.15 |
Johnson, Scott |
Firefighter |
94,951.00 |
Jones, Mike |
Firefighter |
92,243.29 |
Jones, Scott |
Deputy Fire Chief |
196,145.18 |
5,538.09 |
Kallberg, Jeff |
Firefighter |
94,302.33 |
Kedziora, Clark |
Firefighter |
81,973.18 |
Kellock, Steve |
Community Recreation Manager |
105,304.11 |
2,721.03 |
Kenny, Michael |
Superintendent of Operations - Transit |
102,432.47 |
661.11 |
Ketler, Susan |
Manager - Community Services |
127,333.55 |
4,710.84 |
Klinksgaard, Todd |
Bus Operator - Transit |
76,187.26 |
338.00 |
Koep, Deborah |
Dep Dir, Technology, Technical Servs - Library |
119,677.19 |
762.80 |
Koke, Michael |
Chief Financial Officer |
162,471.12 |
3,204.29 |
Kouba, George |
Firefighter |
82,551.75 |
Krogel, Gord |
Firefighter |
101,201.67 |
Krupa, Karen |
Transit Service Coordinator |
75,371.99 |
1,758.95 |
Kuester, Christopher |
Firefighter |
94,080.32 |
Kwan, Andy |
Utilities Engineer |
112,197.33 |
1,286.89 |
Lang, Barney |
Captain |
126,692.30 |
Lawlor, Jillian |
Community Recreation Manager |
107,677.50 |
2,994.16 |
Leduc, Jason |
Firefighter |
99,005.89 |
Leduc, Martin |
Assistant Fire Chief |
130,954.28 |
1,509.97 |
Lee, Anna |
Business Manager - Finance |
84,528.35 |
1,683.86 |
Leemhuis, Nina |
Chief Administrative Officer |
91,789.07 |
856.44 |
Leigh, Brent |
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer |
196,605.99 |
376.72 |
Leipscher, Christine |
Firefighter |
97,784.05 |
Leonard, Christopher |
Superintendent - Utilities (Water) |
111,767.75 |
955.76 |
Letham, William |
Captain |
131,071.20 |
Lidstrom, Shawn |
Mechanic - Public Works |
75,266.13 |
95.00 |
Lofthaug, Torin |
Firefighter |
91,976.53 |
Luscombe, Glen |
Captain |
128,015.14 |
Ma, Sherman |
Bus Operator - Transit |
83,506.24 |
338.00 |
MacDonald, Donald |
Lieutenant |
117,148.60 |
Maki, Randy |
Manager - Permits and Inspections |
128,423.95 |
328.06 |
Manns, Cary |
Captain |
118,616.05 |
Marcha, Archie |
Mechanic - Fire |
114,841.80 |
2,353.88 |
Marineau, Jennifer |
Firefighter |
96,256.69 |
Maros, Jason |
Firefighter |
101,395.39 |
Martin, Shane |
Firefighter |
99,321.36 |
Marton, Peter |
Utilityworker |
90,387.14 |
206.35 |
Mayne, Carlan |
Firefighter |
97,777.94 |
Mccorkell, Shawne |
Transit Service Coordinator |
75,017.44 |
950.00 |
McDonald, Jeff |
Director of Communications |
99,761.70 |
12.61 |
McKee, David |
Energy Manager |
87,606.30 |
451.14 |
McMahon, John |
Manager - Utilities |
143,537.41 |
1,188.80 |
McRadu, Grant |
Chief Administrative Officer |
125,712.02 |
4,247.88 |
Merilees, Kristi |
Executive Assistant |
88,291.85 |
622.50 |
Michael, Garrith |
Firefighter |
102,133.78 |
693.00 |
Mikicich, Stephen |
Manager - Community Planning |
106,514.08 |
1,457.21 |
Miller-Tait, Margaret |
Payroll Manager |
115,589.61 |
Moller, Jennifer |
Assistant Utilities Engineer |
93,087.20 |
1,539.83 |
Mooi, Anne |
Director of Parks and Community Services |
171,509.65 |
6,422.37 |
Moore, David |
Firefighter |
97,898.53 |
Moore, Luke |
Mechanic - Public Works |
75,716.94 |
934.82 |
Moore, Shaunna |
Records and Information Mgmt Coordinator |
83,550.67 |
1,109.38 |
Morris, Peter |
Operations Supervisor - Transit |
93,018.85 |
89.05 |
Morrison, Darrin |
Director/Curator |
101,158.40 |
31.57 |
Mould, Margaret |
Home Service Librarian |
84,163.40 |
143.00 |
Mullin, Michael |
Lieutenant |
110,148.19 |
Munich, Doug |
Business Systems Analyst |
84,399.37 |
Neff, Ryan |
Firefighter |
96,213.27 |
Nelson, Clay |
Purchasing Manager |
122,129.17 |
485.77 |
Nesseth, Jason |
Firefighter |
98,439.51 |
486.59 |
Obre, Shawn |
Firefighter |
99,130.79 |
Ozirny, Shannon |
Youth Department Head - Library |
90,926.49 |
3,048.80 |
Pare, Matthew |
Mechanic - Transit |
87,600.64 |
Pathmanathan, Srirenkar |
Bus Operator - Transit |
79,715.63 |
338.00 |
Pavich, Dan |
Captain |
115,899.75 |
Pearce, Craig |
Firefighter |
96,405.15 |
Poe, Devlin |
Bus Operator - Transit |
81,856.17 |
338.00 |
Popoff, Andrew |
Supervisor - Equipment Maintenance |
84,048.14 |
305.31 |
Port, John |
Captain |
118,018.58 |
Postle, Chris |
Firefighter |
99,637.57 |
Powers, Donna |
Communications Supervisor |
81,215.80 |
13.62 |
Prunkle, Steve |
Utilityworker |
82,550.40 |
192.48 |
Ray, Fraser |
Firefighter |
100,890.20 |
Reece, Paul |
Bylaw Senior Compliance Officer |
76,456.79 |
3,924.75 |
Reid, Gordon |
Land And Property Agent |
107,974.94 |
484.29 |
Reid, Ronald |
Bus Operator - Transit |
76,240.11 |
338.00 |
Rhodes, Leonard |
Electrical Inspector |
85,663.97 |
82.50 |
Riley, Ben |
Firefighter |
104,749.10 |
Ripley, David |
Mechanic - Transit |
82,432.07 |
Roberts, Michael |
Supervisor - Utilities (Sewer) |
97,741.72 |
246.68 |
Rooke, Pamela |
Manager - Financial Reporting and Budgets |
111,695.82 |
2,108.18 |
Rosia, Christie |
Manager - Events and Festivals |
79,488.90 |
212.74 |
Rousseau, Sean |
Firefighter |
96191.31 |
Rowlands, Gareth |
Manager - Transit |
138,005.78 |
353.68 |
Ruckle, David |
Captain |
117,557.23 |
Ruffallis, Peter |
Firefighter |
88,777.71 |
Sachithanandan, Naresh |
Bus Operator - Transit |
80,998.35 |
338.00 |
Samson, Russell |
Captain |
104,819.13 |
Sanders, Stuart |
Lieutenant |
114,710.50 |
Scambler, Gregory |
Firefighter |
98,872.32 |
Schmaltz, Terence |
Dir of Human Resources, Payroll Services |
173,797.04 |
2,221.93 |
Scholes, Sheila |
Mgr - Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk |
142,852.72 |
534.61 |
Schulz, Frank |
Land Development Technician |
80,749.50 |
Scorda, Domenic |
Firefighter |
96,902.68 |
Scully, Stephen |
Mechanic - Public Works |
75,413.29 |
Sept, Raymond |
Building Inspector |
90,426.09 |
516.19 |
Shannon, Andrew |
Mechanic - Transit |
77,239.30 |
Shearer, Lars |
Captain |
119,398.83 |
Simmonds, Steve |
Manager of Bylaw Services |
97,263.33 |
993.97 |
Singh, Amarpal |
Bus Operator - Transit |
76,087.16 |
338.00 |
Skeath, Simon |
Building Maintenance Technician |
80,966.14 |
102.86 |
Skolsky, Ted |
Captain |
119,000.20 |
486.60 |
Small, Geoff |
Firefighter |
101,038.28 |
Smith, Chad |
Firefighter |
102,049.59 |
Sokol, Bob |
Director of Planning, Lands and Permits |
171,684.53 |
1,329.15 |
Spooner, Kevin |
Supervisor - Inspections |
95,469.41 |
2,482.52 |
Staschuk, Robert |
Maintenance Chargehand - Transit |
83,426.57 |
614.09 |
Stein, Daniel |
Firefighter |
96,990.48 |
Stockford, Robert |
Captain |
119,302.26 |
Stopfer, Brian |
Fire Prevention Officer |
88,497.70 |
2, 165.60 |
Studer, Derrick |
Bus Operator - Transit |
80370.56 |
338 |
Tartaglia, Andrea |
Systems/Acquisitions Librarian |
79,324.25 |
236.22 |
Taylor, Wesley |
Firefighter |
96,021.24 |
Thompson, Christopher |
Firefighter |
99,910.41 |
Tompkins, Brian |
Supervisor - Parks Utilities |
87,854.24 |
760.64 |
Touhey, Paul |
Captain |
115,599.75 |
Tse, Tony |
Manager - Development Engineering |
137,344.92 |
345.00 |
Turner, Jeff |
Maintenance Chargehand - Transit |
88,553.40 |
486.59 |
Urquhart, Steve |
Building Inspector |
83,063.15 |
483.06 |
Vander Helm, Andrew |
Environmental Protection Officer |
81,657.67 |
928.01 |
Vito, Norman |
SCADA Technologist |
93,714.25 |
1,032.17 |
Voelker, Christopher |
Firefighter |
110,562.15 |
486.59 |
Walker, Brent |
Captain |
118,618.80 |
Walker, Stephen |
Team Leader Client Services - Info Technology |
83,243.00 |
4,096.12 |
Watt, Gary |
Superintendent - Roads |
113,375.13 |
1,158.01 |
Weiderick, Ryan |
Firefighter |
91,447.69 |
Weis, Douglas |
Firefighter |
104,085.18 |
1,400.00 |
Wilkinson, Mark |
Captain |
110,229.48 |
Williams, Kevin |
Firefighter |
90,419.30 |
Williams, Simon |
Firefighter |
101,235.25 |
Willamson, Brenda |
Senior Buyer |
81,362.41 |
488.43 |
Wilson, Kelsey |
Firefighter |
94,219.95 |
Windsor, Thomas |
Supervisor - Roads |
86,599.07 |
666.27 |
Won, Kerry |
Manager - Financial Services |
119,398.87 |
1,125.02 |
Wong, John |
Manager - Facilities and Assets |
138,841.89 |
3,517.55 |
Wong, Norm |
Manager - Road and Transportation |
108,045.91 |
4,064.29 |
Wrench, Joseph |
Utilityworker |
103,236.14 |
641.70 |
Yee, Terry |
Building Inspector |
88,741.87 |
977.14 |
Yip, Gerald |
Accounting Supervisor |
79,173.38 |
683.81 |
Young, Ian |
Firefighter |
80,245.07 |
Yuen, Gary |
Firefighter |
99,104.08 |
Zepedeo, Chris |
Supervisor - Utilities (Construction) |
87,461.66 |
106.22 |
Total For Employees Over $75,000 (Excluding Police) |
$24,149,193.29 |
$171,217.04 |
Total For Employees Under $75,000 (Excluding Police) |
28,672,381.25 |
169,900.03 |
Total For Police |
9,710,939.27 |
117,681.03 |
Total for Mayor and Council and all Employees |
$62,819,008.92 |
$466,539.45 |
Grand Total of Remuneration and Expenses $ 63,285,548.37
Notes: Based on Provincial instructions, reporting of Police remuneration details has been indefinitely suspended.
The statement of remuneration and expenses paid to employees during the year ended December 31, 2013 lists gross remuneration wch includes regular salaries as well as payment for taxable benefits, overtime, other allowances and payout of entitlements that may have been earned in previous years.
In addn, 2013 includes an adjustmt to Fire salaries for 2010 & 2011 reflecting a retroactive union settlemt reached during 2013.
NB: CAO in 2012 ~$213K; in 2013 former CAO left about June, and new CAO started in fall so there's no annual amt for a CAO.
=== ANIMALWATCH === Animal Empathy -- v touching
Female golden Lab with a little Down Syndrome Boy who has likely never seen a dog up close before. The dog is so gentle and keeps trying to engage the child. What a beautiful animal...and moment! Click (2:47m): https://www.youtube.com/embed/JA8VJh0UJtgrel=0
=== PHOTOWATCH === Beautiful BC
If you've ever seen Listeners' Lens from Almanac on CBC [ http://www.cbc.ca/bcalmanac/photogallery/#igImgId_84726 ], you'll know how exceptional the photos from all around BC are. They are numbered 1 to 128. Unfortunately when they add photos, the new one is 1 so can't say if the numbers will be the same, but they will be in the same order. No 1 on Thursday May 29 was a mother bear with two cubs. There are a couple of Ambleside (#15 of the park), a triangle composition of mountains and water (24), Lighthouse Park (38), Roedde House Museum (106), along with other scenes and marvellous animal photos including a badger.
=== INFObits ===
> Donetsk -- Lots of action going on in eastern Ukraine so thought I'd google Donetsk having heard of it (bn to Kyiv but not the Donbas region). What a surprise to find out Donetsk was founded in 1869 by a Welsh miner, John Hughes!
Excerpt: The city was founded in 1869 by a Welsh businessman, John Hughes, who constructed a steel plant and several coal mines in the region; ... During Soviet times, the city's steel industry was expanded. In 1924 it was renamed Stalino, and in 1932 the city became the centre of the Donetsk region. Renamed Donetsk in 1961, the city today remains the centre for Ukraine's coal mining and notable steel industry centre. Donetsk currently has a popn of over 982,000 inhabitants (2010) and has a metropolitan area of over 2M inhabitants (2011). According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, Donetsk is the fifth-largest city in Ukraine. Donetsk is nicknamed "The City of a Million Roses".
> The Seventh Sunday after Easter, the Sunday after Ascension, in the Anglican church is this Sunday June 1. It is called Jerusalem Sunday to invite support important health care work in the Diocese of Jerusalem at the Penman Clinic in the West Bank.
> Cycling BC Sweeps the Canada Cup DH Podium
Jack Almond, Jack Iles, and Nick Dunn take the podium at the DH Canada Cup in Mont Tremblant, Quebec on the long weekend. Congratulations to [them] and the entire high performance team on an outstanding performance for B.C.
VIEW DETAILS http://cyclingbc.net/cycling-bc/news/cycling-bc-sweeps-the-dh-canada-cup-podium/
The Prince of Wales is patron or president of more than 400 organizations around the world. His patronages include Canadian organizations, such as The RCMP Foundation, The Willowbank School of Restoration Arts, The Cdn Business for Social Responsibility, the Cdn Warplane Heritage Museum, The Regina Symphony Orchestra, The Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, The Royal Conservatory of Music, and Earth Rangers. He is responsible for the creation of the Cdn Youth Business Fdn (the Cdn affiliate of the Princes Youth Business Intern'l), that helps disadvantaged young people become entrepreneurs. He is a strong proponent of the conservation of historical Cdn places including through the Prize for Municipal Heritage Leadership that bears his name. He is also an honorary member of the Cdn Society of Landscape Architects and the Cdn Society of Painters in watercolour. His Royal Highness is Colonel-in-Chief to eight Cdn military regiments.
=== DIARYWATCH === An amusing bit on CBC's Wiretap.
A five-year-old giving advice to a four-year-old, a six-year-old to a five-year-old, and so on, every few years or so to 80+.
Here's the URL and this starts at Minute 21: http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/podcasts/wiretap_20140523_15272.mp3
=== PLANETWATCH === the Plastic Problem
Arctic Ice Melt to Release 1 Trillion Pieces of Plastic Into Sea 28 May 14 by Renee Lewis, Al Jazeera America
...As the Arctic ice melt accelerates due to climate change it could release more than 1 trillion pieces of plastic into the ocean over the next decade, possibly posing a major threat to marine life, a new scientific report said.
The report, titled Global Warming Releases Microplastic Legacy Frozen in Arctic Sea Ice, said ice in some remote locations contains at least twice as much plastic as previously reported areas of surface water such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch an area of plastic waste estimated to be bigger than the state of Texas....
Whole article: http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/312-16/23917-arctic-ice-melt-to-release-1-trillion-pieces-of-plastic-into-sea
Two comments, one by 'giraffee' and another by 'pancho' are interesting as well (with info).
=== BEEWATCH === The Day of the Honey Bee in Canada: May 29
And once again, the province of BC is recognizing the Honey Bee.
Plants For Bees
Native Plants for Native Pollinators; Native Plant species list for the B.C. Lower Mainland and surrounding areas
... The loss of natural forage sources and habitat fragmentation are considered to be among the leading causes of the rapid decline of the indigenous Bumble Bee populations throughout the Lower Mainland and surrounding area.
Studies of the Western Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis) have projected that, over the past thirty years, a population decline of over 90% has occurred in some areas of the West Coast. This would indicate that significant action needs to be implemented by the people living within the Cascadia region of B.C. to prevent the complete loss of some our local pollinator species.... See more: http://beefriendly.ca/plants-for-bees/
...The Insect Hotel at the Bee Demo Garden is ready for occupancy. Thanks to the Scouts and others, there are many places for the native bees to lay their eggs and find refuge. Sign up for the May 31 Free Workshop and you will have all your questions answered.
Saturday May 31 ~ Free Native Plants/Native Bees workshop; Bee Demo Garden, 14th St & Rufus Ave 10am to noon
Saturday May 31 ~ Volunteers day at Bee Demo Garden, 14th Street and Rufus Avenue - Noon to 5pm
Our new yellow cedar native bee nesting boxes are now available at Spirit Works.
Visit: http://www.cnv.org/Your-Government/Living-City/Urban-Agriculture/Native-Bee-Pilot-Project
The BeeFriendly Conservation Society is coordinating cmnty grps such as the boy scouts to help maintain the boxes. This process offers an important learning component for all those involved and nurtures envmtal stewardship within the City. Contact Info: To find out more or how you can help with native bee conservation, see: www.beefriendly.ca
Vancouver Craft Beer Week -- Friday May 30 to June 7 -- look -- where else? -- at: vancouvercraftbeerweek.com
get your taste buds ready! Last year we liked (Powell Street Craft Brewery) David Bowkett's White IPA -- it has coriander, orange peel, and Citra hops. Can't wait to try {Storm Brewing) James Walton's rosemary-infused IPA, basil-infused IPA, vanilla whisky stout, and a radler (wch is a grapefruit juice or other fruit juice mixed with beer, so it's kind of sweet and sour). Also looking forward to trying Lighthouse Rhubie Rhubarb Ale (said to be a Belgian witbier; cloudy, tart, and spicy), and Old Yale Outta Wack Mango Wheat -- and who cd resist a name like Mt Begbie Attila the Honey?
Read all about it in: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Beer+crafters+follow+their+taste+buds/9885915/story.html and
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === sometimes a political statement -- whisky vs whiskey
Some don't know, are oblivious, but for others it has significance. Whisky is the spelling in the UK and Canada. Whiskey is in Ireland, and that other rebellious nation, the US. To E or not to E, that is the question.
=== WORDWATCH === Possessive again (maybe this shd be GrammarWatch or PunctuationWatch)
The last issue explained why Charles's name had that possessive S at the end (b/c it's not plural), so this time a reminder that means Pope Francis's name needs the S too! eg Bridget Jones's Diary; she's the Joneses' daughter.
++ HOUSEWATCH! The Legg Mansion built in 1899
We must be active and increase our efforts to save what we cherish in our cmnties. Vancouver has -- amazingly and bizarrely -- issued a demolition permit for a 115-year-old house (but keeping the tulip tree). There was an excellent article in VSun's Saturday edition (May 24? pC5). It shows bylaws can/shd encourage preservation rather than demolition (loss, alas wch, Vancouver's presently do). The TV news (both CBC and CTV) had pieces on the Legg Residence, one of three oldies in the West End -- saving the tulip tree and demolishing the house. I'm all for trees in our park-like cmnty but you can't plant another house!
Weve saved character homes before ~ Vancouver could improve policies to reduce demolitions of character buildings
Read: http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Opinion+saved+character+homes+before/9871524/story.html
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
Welcome! moved from Victoria to the NE corner of TWay and Marine: Ste 102 - 657 Marine Dr; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org
Pls call to participate (parade or booth) in Community Day June 7 Contacts: 922 4400; info@heritage.westvan.org
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
Heritage Talks: Top Ten Endangered Sites 2014 and Update
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/take-a-tour/heritage-house-tour/
2014 Heritage House Tour: A very special late addition!
VHF is very excited to announce a wonderful late addition to the 2014 Heritage House Tour, Casa Mia. This one of a kind historic mansion has never been opened to the public on this scale before, and VHF is grateful to the homeowner for allowing us to share its beautiful interior with tour goers.
Built for brewery baron George C. Reifel in 1932, Casa Mia is Vancouver's leading example of Spanish Colonial Revival architecture. With a distinctive custom design by architect Ross Anthony Lort, the home's estate once stretched to the edge of the Fraser River. The opulent interior includes a sprung ballroom with stage that served as the second Commodore Ballroom to many of Vancouver's best known performers, a stunning central staircase with original woodwork, tile and impressive pendant light, a nursery hand-painted in egg tempera by Disney artists, and a gold swan faucet in the ladies' powder room. The entire residence is beautifully retained and still holds the glamour expected of a home built for one of Vancouver's most notable businessmen.
This is a very special opportunity that is only part of the 2014 Heritage House Tour.
Heritage House Tour -- 10am - 5pm Sunday, June 1st Tickets $40
Reminders for Tour Day
The Heritage House Tour is already our biggest event of the year, but with the special addition of Casa Mia we are seeing fantastic interest. Here are a few important reminders about tour day plus some extra information to help you best enjoy the day. Reminders: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/375523/cf43625d00/1805511597/e6fbad22fa/
VHF Info Booth Information:
We will have two booths set up on tour day. Addresses will be posted on the Heritage House Tour webpage Friday May 30th. Both locations will be open on June 1st ONLY starting at 9am, the tour starts at 10am.
If you arranged to pick up your tickets on tour day, please take note of which booth you requested. Your tickets will only be at the requested booth. Please print off your email confirmation as proof of payment.
We can accept VISA, MasterCard, cash or cheque on tour day.
We hope you enjoy the Heritage House Tour. Please feel free to ask questions of our volunteers and be sure to fill out a comment card for a chance to win tickets to the 2015 tour.
=== MAIKU === received honourable mention in the current issue (Spring April 2014) of World Haiku Review
quiet fresh green spring garden / cherry trees blooming / explosion of pink
quotations thoughts puns
The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a very creative mind to spot wrong questions. -- Sir Antony Rupert Jay, CBE, CVO, English writer (b 1930)
There are people who make things happen,
those who watch what happens,
and those who wonder what happened.
-- Unknown
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. -- Mark Twain, American writer (1835 - 1910)
Just remember, when you're over the hill, you pick up speed. -- Charles M. Schultz, American cartoonist (1922 - 2000)
The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. -- Swedish Proverb
Advice when most needed is least heeded. -- Amish Proverb
An embrace at a nudist colony is a bare hug.
What do you call a pig in a rickshaw? Pulled pork.
A German vegetarian drives a Volks Vegan.