= Main Items Sept 8 Ccl Mtg: Update: Vancouver Coastal Health re E. coli (beaches); Delegations: Dundarave Biz Assn, Woodfibre LNG; PumpkinFest; Sport Field Master Plan Strategy; PH Oct 6 for Amdmt of CD5 Zone (959 21st / 2151 Gordon); DPA 1583 Marine (Shoppers); Apptmts to Cmtes and Chief Electoral Ofcr; LOTS of Correspondence!
= Vive le Canada (1814; G-E Cartier; Franklin; Ukraine Prez; Aga Khan; Coptic Christians); from the Editor's Desk (Monarchy; Teachers; Arbutus Corridor; WVMs); Civic Terms -- longer?; WVPD (Cops for Cancer); Updates & Info (Old-Growth guided tour; Cycling BC; WVSPCA; Osgemeos)
= CALENDAR to Sept 20: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Music); Book Launch; FESTIVALS; TALKs; WALK
= HEADSUP 14A: Agendas Sept 8 and more // HEADSUP 14B: Gran Fondo //
HEADSUP 14C: Sept 8 Summary; Mtgs; Volunteer! // HEADSUP 14D: Today!! (Lots going on Sept 12)
= CCL Mtg Agenda Topics Sept 15
= ANIMALWATCH (for doglovers); CAT CAFE; INFObits (Some: WW2 Anniversary for Canada; Ozone Layer; British flag; King James); CANADIANA (1814 and Agassiz; Cartier); ROYALWATCH (Prince Edward Visits BC; Will & Kate's next; Franklin -- HM Queen's Msg; CBC Royals Month); WINDOWWATCH (Burj Khalifa, Formby); M-EWATCH (Potted history); IDFWATCH; GUNWATCH; WVMWATCH (2014 List); WORDWATCH (davit); LETTERWATCH; HERITAGEWATCH (Groups; Monarchy); MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS + jokes
== Vive le CANADA ===
+ 1814 they burned the White House (War of 1812 -- we won :-); the British Embassy in Washington, DC marked the anniversary and had to apologize; the Agassiz connection. Read about it in Canadiana 1, below.
+ PM marks the 200th Anniversary of birth of Sir Georges-Etienne Cartier. See Canadiana 2, below.
+ Lost Franklin expedition ship found in the Arctic
Queen sends congratulations on image believed to be HMS Erebus or HMS Terror
...The PM paid tribute to the search teams ” a partnership between Parks Canada, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, the Arctic Research Foundation, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Royal Canadian Navy, and the government of Nunavut ” whose work since 2008 has paid off.... Search parties later recorded Inuit testimony in the late 1840s that claimed one ship sank in deep water west of King William Island, and one ship went perhaps as far south as Queen Maud Gulf or into Wilmot and Crampton Bay. The location of this wreck backs up that testimony. ...
CBC News Posted: Sep 09, 2014 7:20 AM ET Last Updated: Sep 09, 2014 9:03 PM ET
CBC article describes the expedition and includes historical context,
photos, videos, and slides.
A davit is the 5th of the 10 at the end. Also, see WORDWATCH.
+ [Sept 11] PM Harper announced that President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine will make his first official visit to Canada on Sept 17. In the release the PM also indicated that Canada is committed to contributing to free and fair elections in Ukraine and will send short- and long-term observers to the Oct 26 Ukrainian Parliamentary elections.
+ [Sept 12] PM Harper today joined His Highness the Aga Khan in the official opening of the Ismaili Centre and the Aga Khan Museum [in Toronto]....
o His Highness the Aga Khan is the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader) of the world's 15 million Shia Ismaili Muslims.
o There are more than 100,000 Shia Ismaili Muslims in Canada.
o The first Canadian Ismaili Centre was opened in Burnaby ... in 1985.
o His Highness the Aga Khan was formally granted honorary citizenship in May 2010 during an official visit to Canada.
o The Museum is the first in North America dedicated exclusively to the arts and artefacts of the Islamic world.
+ [Sept 12] PM Harper today visited the newly-built St. Marks Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Markham with His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark....
... St. Marks Coptic Orthodox Church, North Americas first Coptic Orthodox Church, recently hosted its annual Coptic Festival (Sept 4 to 7, 2014) to showcase the larger Coptic cmnty and its contributions to Canadian society. This years festivities were especially noteworthy as they also commemorated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Coptic Orthodox community in North America. Earlier this week, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, who is visiting with Torontos Coptic Orthodox community as part of his Canadian tour, consecrated the new St. Marks Coptic Orthodox Cathedral.
o His Holiness Pope Tawadros II is the 118th and current Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. He is the
spiritual leader to the global Coptic Orthodox cmnty. He succeeded the late Pope Shenouda III on Nov 18, 2012.
o In Nov 1996, his predecessor, Pope Shenouda III, visited Canada, officiated the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the St. Marks
Coptic Museum in Toronto.
o Coptic Orthodox Christians are among the oldest Christian cmnties in the world, having preserved their traditions for nearly two
millennia in Egypt. Canada is home to ~ 50,000 Coptic Orthodox Christians.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
Hastily completed newsletter humbly offered for your perusal.......
Clarification first. Contrary to the impression some have, Queen Elizabeth is our Queen. It's our monarchy too! A constitutional monarchy is a way to go above/over the (political) govt's head. Valuable. And we've used that power. So have others; better than war.
Interviewed by NSN about Prince Edward who is now here; [Sept 12 issue] See:
Christy Clark's father was a teacher so she shd hv some understanding about what's involved. Can't imagine anyone not recognizing the problems and demands of class composition when now there are high rates of 'challenged' (both physically and mentally) kids to be dealt with. I taught for ten years (five-year-olds to 65-year-olds). It is not intellectually demanding (unless added), but it is demanding, often exhausting, emotionally. Shd supervisors and school boards decide based on the local situation (flexibility and not one-size-fits-all)? Is there rivalry if not a fight between assistants (CUPE) and teachers as to wch group gets hired to handle those with special needs?
One report said that they were only 1% apart for wages (7% offered vs 8% wanted). It's a different story however if you include benefits; then the teachers want 11.5%. As for massages, apparently the teachers have lowered the demand for massages to $3K. Some of the benefits are way off the map, such as up to $8,500 per year of "extended healthcare" (such as Naturopaths, Acupuncture, Chiropractors, and Massage therapists), not to mention a full year of pregnancy and parental leave (17 weeks at 100% salary, 35 at 60%; fathers can claim 2 weeks at 100% and 35 at 60%).
IMVHO, this shd be an essential service -- the education and the devt of the young ought not to be held up just b/c adults can't agree or work out a collective agreement.
While disconcerted when learning cursive writing is not longer taught (a parent said he grown son can't sign his name, some print their names), I was aghast the other day hearing another parent said, "Oh no, they don't mark for spelling and grammar -- it's the concepts we look at."
{btw, we have grades, from 1 to 12; teachers mark exams and we get our marks. I went to school (mainly) in BC and I'd never heard of 'grading' a test or 'getting my grades'. Push back the American version invasion!}
Our education standards have gone up in Math and Science but have dropped embarrassingly in English. It takes a lot of time to mark carefully so is it to have to spend less time? or is it not to have to give low marks to ESL kids?
Anyone know why?
We shd be concentrating on raising our standards and asking teachers what they need to achieve that. Help them; but make sure they are focused on that too.
A couple of months ago a Surrey principal interviewed on TV news was asked how he was and he answered the incorrect "good" (indicating he wasn't bad b/c good refers to morals, ethics, ability, and expertise). Doesn't he know there's a difference between a person who is good and one who is well?
If the principal doesn't use correct English, what is the hope for the kids? Are they even teaching it? I've met teachers here in WV who, to my dismay, also answer 'good'.
{We have to help newcomers too. Good and well occur in six languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian}
There are, or course, other mistakes -- more serious and basic -- that need to be explained if ppl don't hear it around them: verb tenses and sequence. If ppl don't absorb it by osmosis, hearing it, it needs to be explained so the speaker understands the meaning.
Your language often defines you, it paints a picture of you. Mispronunciation or using Incorrect grammar usually reveals the level of education of the ppl you associate with as well as your own education.
Respect the treasure we have as the English language, how fortunate we are to have been born with the gift of English, one of the most universal and useful in today's world, and one with exceptional features for expression not to mention its historical and literary wealth and legacy.
C'mon, be reasonable and negotiate. It was, though, rather mean and unnecessarily unkind to plough under or destroy ppl's vegetables before they ripened to be harvested. It's not long before the end of the growing/ripening season, so that's the time to clear/stop the gardens (if that's the decision). Why push it? CP doesn't need it - unused for over a decade after all. Poor/bad PR.
WVMs ~~ WVM12/13 was 54 pages (I think there was one longer some time ago at 56 pages), more than a double issue -- WVM10/11 was sent out midJune -- and is up on the website: http://westvan.org/reports/WVM2014-12.pdf and so is 14: http://westvan.org/reports/WVM2014-14.pdf
There was a summary of the July 21 ccl mtg in the last issue but it was a v long ccl mtg (went to 11:07pm!), so in the interests of time and my sanity, just sent that. WVM14 had the July 21 notes but some gaps and chose not to list ## all of them. The main omissions from 10/11, 12/13, and 14 were in CultureWatch; some in the Headsup notices but I'm sure you're enjoying the summer anyway!
WHAT A GREAT SUMMER!!! and over 10K at the Ed Sheeran concert in Ambleside Park Sat Aug 23!!!
** Sometimes you just have to stop adding to the newsletter and send it. And so it is to this one, 15; anything missed can be sent later in a Headsup. Hope you'll understand; pls be patient with me.
---> An extremely important issue:
If they only have to listen to the public mainly in the last year, two vs three 'free' years?
Do you want civic terms to be increased to four years? have your say once every four years?
How much and/or how often do you think you, the public, shd be consulted?
Some have told me they had no idea the civic term had been changed, let alone extended to four years.
Do we have any recourse or options?
Here's what I wrote to Mayor and Council:
Date: 4 September, 2014 8:56:17 AM PDT
To: Mayor and Council <mayorandcouncil@westvancouver.ca>
Dear Mayor and Council:
re UBCM & Civic Term Extension (to Four Years)
Perhaps if we know and understand what happened at the last UBCM which passed the resolution to increase the civic term to four years, unlike a previous one when it failed, those of us opposed may be able to address this extension. We know that the Mayor is not in favour of a four-year term and neither are some councillors. We appreciate the fact that the Mayor has written a letter to the Minister. Our MLA Ralph Sultan pointed out the province had no choice but to accept the recommendation/resolution sent to them by the Union of BC Municipalities.
Let's start with what happened (and how).
1 = Was that proposed resolution brought to the attention of the public before the UBCM conference?
2 = Was it discussed at a public ccl mtg?
3 = Did Ccl pass a motion to support it or not? (and what was the result?)
4 = Wch councillors went to the last UBCM?
5 = Did Ccl let them know what the will of Ccl was as to how to vote on this resolution?
6 = How did the WV cclrs vote?
7 = Was the result reported at a ccl mtg after the UBCM?
Plans for UBCM Sept 2014
11 = Will Ccl bring this change to the public's attention? seek their opinion?
12 = Will Ccl discuss this issue at a public mtg?
13 = Will the cclrs make a motion wrt the extension?
14 = Wch cclrs will be representing WV at the conference?
15 = Will they vote based on a Ccl decision?
16 = Will it be a free vote?
At the Sept UBCM:
A -- Can a resolution to return to three-year (or two-year) terms be introduced?
B -- Can an amendment or variation be added to the resolution?
For example, leave the four-year terms but allow elections for half every two years.
May I suggest that Ccl announce at the mtg Sept 8th that this matter will be on the agenda Sept 15th and welcome input to try to make sure WV's preferences will be made clear at this UBCM .
Yours thoughtfully,
Carolanne Reynolds * Editor, West Van Matters; t 926 8649, f 484 5992; www.westvan.org
=== WVPD === 2014 Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast
The countdown is on for WVPD Cst. Jeff Palmer and teammates on the 2014 Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast!
After months of training, fundraising, and preparation, the team leaves from Richmond September 17th for a nine-day 900-kilometre ride to help the Canadian Cancer Society fight childhood cancers. The team conducted a final group training in WV Sept 10th, before being presented with their official ride jerseys. The Tour de Coast will be in West Van Sept 22nd as part of a day of events across the North Shore. We will start the day at Gleneagles at 8am.
Full info about other stops in WV will follow. Committed officers are working to help as much as possible in this fight.
You can help with secure on-line donations to the Cdn Cancer Society http://convio.cancer.ca/goto/jeffpalmer.
Cst Palmer writes: Personal fundraising total is at $7688. Over the min goal of $6000, but still looking for more. A good portion of our fundraising goes toward sending childhood cancer patients to Camp Good Times each summer, and it costs $1500 for each kid for a week because they provide continuing cancer care at the camp and also include siblings coping with the family mbr fighting cancer. There are funds coming in from a few other sources, but the more we raise, the more kids get an opportunity at a time when they and their family need it most.
Donated my share of PNE pole sit to another team mbr who is still short of his goal. Overall the team is at $166,000,...toward a goal of $168K, but again, not about minimums, the more the merrier. I will also be out at Coho Festival with a Donation Bucket and in my snug little bike jersey. {The editor asked for a pic; put in next issue?}
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
The Old Growth Conservancy is a 54 hectare (133.6 acre) forested area on WV municipal land at approx 760 metres (2,300 feet) elevation, south of the Cypress Provincial Park boundary and west of the Cypress Bowl Road.
The Old Growth Conservancy Society (OGCS) will be conducting guided trips of up to eight persons into the Conservancy rain forest in August and early September 2014. Participants will see one of the few remaining undisturbed and accessible old growth red cedar stands in the Lower Mainland, amongst trees with ages ranging from 400 to 900 years old.
The walk will be about two hours; be prepared for rough terrain; bring insect repellent.
To sign up, please select your preferred date as well as an alternate date, in case your preferred date is full.
Update: spots are still available for September 6, 9, 13, and 20.
Participants will meet at the Hi-View Lookout on the Cypress Bowl Rd at 9:30am on the scheduled day and proceed from there to the Conservancy.
Sign up for your guided tour -- http://westvancouver.ca/webform/application-guided-hike-old-growth-conservancy
+ CYCLING BC: See winners, events, and news:
+ Our WVSPCA celebrated Paws for a Cause Sunday Sept 7. The BC SPCA currently receives no provincial or federal support. The abused and abandoned animals we rescue depend on your support! and take a look for a Pet on the Net.
+ Osgemeos brings distinctive art to Vancouver silos
[Brazilian] Graffiti artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo have brought their distinctive style to Vancouver, painting 20 metre-high industrial silos [on Granville Island], but the project has run into financial troubles. {Portuguese Osgemeos means twins}
Watch [3:36min] them on CBC's The Nationa| Sept 5 http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/The+National/ID/2508702602/
=== CALENDAR to ~Sept 20th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup section; not all repeated here.}
= Tuesday September 2 ~ 4pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte: Orientation subcmte mtg
= Thursday September 4
~ 6pm ~ UPPER LANDS STUDY REVIEW WG Mtg -- Audio Visual Room, Seniors' Activity Centre
~ 7pm ~ Awards Cmte mtg in Lawson Crk Studios, 1758 Argyle
= Saturday September 7 ~ 11am - 6pm ~ COHO FESTIVAL -- Details: http://www.cohosociety.com/coho-festival
A public event where the whole family can enjoy a day of activities at Ambleside Park including: The Coho Run, The Coho Walk, The Coho Swim, activities for the kids, live entertainment, great food, and interactive learning about the environment, salmon, and other wildlife.
= Monday September 8 ~ 4pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte
= Thursday September 11 ~ 7pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte Mtg -- Rainbow Room, GCC
= Friday September 12 ~ 9am ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte -- Cedar Room, Cmnty Ctr
= Sunday September 14
~ 8am Registration ~ 9am Run Start ~ 11am Event Close; TERRY FOX RUN Ambleside Park (west end, 13th St)
The Run is an annual non-competitive charity event held in numerous regions around the world in commemoration of Canadian cancer activist Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope, and to raise money for cancer research.
10km, 5km; Suitable for bikes and wheelchairs/strollers NOT suitable for rollerblades; NO dogs allowed.
The run has no entry fee or minimum donation. Info 1 888 836 9786; email info@terryfoxrun.org
= Tuesday September 16
~ 4 - 7pm ~ Open House -- OCP AMENDMENT -- REGIONAL CONTEXT STATEMENT -- Cmty Ctr atrium
WV's Regional Contest Statement (RCS) identifies how existing policies support the goals and strategic directions of MetroV's Regional Growth Strategy, "Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping Our Future". Adoption of a new RCS requires an amendment to the OCP. This amendment is administrative in nature and does not alter the intent or direction of the existing OCP. This Open House is your opportunity to learn about the draft RCS, ask questions, and provide comments.
= Wednesday September 17 =
2893 Marine; 6890 Hycroft; 1221 Keith (3); 3270 Mathers; 5866 Eagle Island; 5720 Maple Pl (4); 5385 Kew Cliff Rd
~ 7pm ~ EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & YOU at the NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc, 147 East 14th St, NV
In this free workshop you will learn about safe food and water supplies, utilities, sanitation, out-of-area contacts, what to put in your home emergency kit, and more.
~ 7pm ~ WV Library Board mtg at Library
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society mtg; Srs' Ctr {NB: WV Museum's Webb Exhibition Opening 7 - 9pm Tues Sept 16}
NSh author Adrienne Brown discusses her famous parents in her book, The Life and Art of Harry and Jessie Webb.
"The heart-wrenching and triumphant story of Harry and Jessie Webb, artists and lovers, took off during the 1950s' Beat Generation in Vancouver with ground-breaking art; involvement in the jazz scene; struggles with limited income; the effect of post-war attitudes to women; and the contributions of Harry's career [in landscape architecture]." -- Christina Johnson-Dean, author of The Life and Art of Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher
= Thursday September 18
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte {the agenda is not yet on the website}
= Saturday September 20
Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society in St. Francis-in-the-Wood (4773 Piccadilly South) to celebrate their volunteers accomplishments and learn about the next big project in the Dale Park.
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
˜… September e-newsletter http://www.bettermail.ca/m/1291/97699/ac60286528ea956bba12ba753444b903 ˜…
= Movies on Mondays -- 6:30pm
> Nebraska ~ Sept 8
A touching father/son drama about a grumpy old man who is convinced he has won a huge sweepstake prize and wrangles his son into a cross country trip to collect his money.
> Ladies in Lavender ~ Sept 15
Two elderly ladies have their world turned upside down when a young man washes up on the beach outside their home.
= ESL Book Club 10:30 - 11:30am ~ Wednesdays, September ..., 10, 17, and 24
Join our free ESL Book Club to read and talk about novels by best-selling Canadian authors. Registration will be by random draw. To add your name to the list, complete and submit the form by Friday August 29.
= Lets Talk! 7 “ 8:30pm ~ Wednesdays, September ..., 10, 17, and 24
Develop your English skills while discussing current events. Let's Talk! is a weekly discussion group for English language learners interested in current events. Participants bring news articles to read and discuss. Led by certified TESL Canada professional Lewis James. No registration required. This session runs July 2 to September 24, 2014.
More info, visit/call 925 7403; http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/lets-talk-34#sthash.8o7ZQdCa.dpuf
= English Corner
Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. 10 - 11:30am Fridays, September 12, 19, and 26
= Philosophers Café: World War Won?
The First World (or Great) War started in August 100 years ago.
How might the world be different today without this major conflict? 10:30am - noon Friday September 19
= Safe and Secure
Join Cpl. Findlay of the WVPD for a discussion on online safety and how to protect yourself against fraud. No reg'n req'd.
10:30 - 11:30am Thursday, September 18
To commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War we've teamed up with the Library to present a series of four lectures. These will form part of the Library's monthly activities. The series will focus on the origins of the war (lectures 1 + 2) and the peace arrangements in Europe (lecture 3), and the Middle East (lecture 4).
The talks will be on four Thursdays from 6:30 - 8pm in the Library's Welsh Hall West on September 18 and 25, and October 2 and 9. I will do the first three, and my colleague and fellow historian at ElderU, Allan Orr, will do the fourth. Admission is free, and everyone is invited to attend. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested.
Events in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Israel, and Palestine suggest the so-called Great War casts long shadows. It was, as many historians agree, the defining event of the twentieth century.
We hope to see many of you there. Garrett
+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
September 17 - December 6 -- Harry & Jessie Webb: Artists in Vancouvers Jazz Age
Opening Reception: Tuesday September 16 from 7 to 9pm
Harry and Jessie Webb were among an influential group of artists, poets, and musicians working in Vancouver in the 1950s. The Webbs emerged during a period of transformation, when a regional modernism was developing and abstraction was a relatively recent form of expression on the west coast. The Webbs met at the Vancouver Art School while studying under Jack Shadbolt, Lionel Thomas, and B.C. Binning. Fresh out of art school and newly married, the couple saw Vancouvers gritty streets, neon, and jazz music scene as primary sources to engage in.
The Webbs, who painted and made progressive linoleum cut prints, were regularly featured in local exhibitions and appeared in pm magazine, a short-lived art and literary journal, created by George Wright and Yvonne Agazarian and printed by typographer Robert Reid. They became involved in Beat culture and Harry Webb designed a prominent mural (The Trio, 1954), interior fittings, and posters for the Cellar Jazz Club. Harry and Jessie Webb appear alongside Don Jarvis, Al Neil, and Roy Kiyooka among others in Leonard Forests 1964 National Film Boards In Search of Innocence, a documentary film profiling Vancouver artists, poets, and jazz musicians. The exhibition draws from the artists estate and places the Webbs in context with the citys art and music scene in the 1950s and early 1960s.
{See Calendar above Wed Sept 17 WVHS talk by Adrienne Brown about her parents, The Life and Art of Harry and Jessie Webb.}
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ http://ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
The full brochure: http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1103596070268-1334/140811FBGbro-ONLINE.pdf
September 9 -- 28 --- TIME & PLACE --- Richard Tetrault {See Headsup 14D}
Opening Reception: Tues Sept 9 from 6 - 8pm -- Meet the Artist: Sat Sept 13 from 2 - 3pm
Art Insider; Art History; Art of Healthy Living; Art Tours; Ultimate Traveller . Register for our programs 925 7270
Our brochure: http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1103596070268-1334/140811FBGbro-ONLINE.pdf
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
September 9 - 28 -- Reflections
The beauty of British Columbia is reflected in the delightful paintings of Gloria ONeil & Margaret Wagner. Working primarily in acrylic, each artist puts a personal spin on the landscape that surrounds us. ONeil™s wide-angle compositions possess a lightness and semi-impressionist quality. Wagners close-cropped images are full of complimentary shapes and colour. Take in these lovely interpretations of our majestic province.
Opening reception: Tuesday September 9th from 6 to 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
See a printable version of our Host Season event calendar:
http://kaymeekcentre.com/uploads/images/untitled folder/Season One-Pager v4 JL june 5.pdf
For the 2014/15 Season we are excited to present a new format to our TheatreK youth conservatory program! In addition to our wildly popular Summer Musical Theatre Conservatory, we are excited to introducing four new intensive programs geared for both elementary and high school kids. REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Minister of Veterans Affairs honours British Columbians for outstanding contributions to Canada's Veterans
The Honourable Julian Fantino presents commendations at a ceremony in Vancouver
Sept 11 “ Vancouver “ Veterans Affairs Canada http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=883779
The Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs, today honoured the following British Columbia residents with commendations for their exemplary service to Veterans:
Ronald C. Bannister, Penticton Reverend Gordon William Barrett, North Vancouver
S. Julie Clements, West Vancouver Richard H. Davenport, Gibsons {in WV until recently}
Murray E. Doull, Maple Ridge Barry William Drews, Mission
Ross Martin Gulkison, North Vancouver Wayne Knight, Okanagan Falls
Roy Mosdell, North Vancouver Elizabeth Pratt, Langley
Michael Pratt, Langley Frank Joseph Smyth, Coquitlam
Sonny Son, Coquitlam Graeme A. Stacey, Kelowna
The Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation is awarded to individuals who have contributed to the care and well-being of Veterans or to the remembrance of the contributions, sacrifices, and achievements of Veterans.
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation “ List of 2014 recipients
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation “ Backgrounder
Here are the direct links with descriptions (and photos just posted)
Julie Clements: http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/about-us/department-officials/minister/commendation/bio/1243
Dick Davenport: http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/about-us/department-officials/minister/commendation/bio/1244
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
The WV Cmnty Services Dept, in partnership with the WV Cmnty Ctrs Society, have an immediate opening for a permanent, part-time Executive Director for the Society. Deadline for application is noon, September 15, 2014
The WV Cmnty Services Dept, in partnership with the Society, has an immediate opening for a casual Administrative Assistant for the Society.
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup sometimes not repeated here}
+ BARD ON THE BEACH (Bard ends Sept 20) -- bardonthebeach.org 739 0559
˜… A Midsummer Night's Dream ˜… The Tempest ˜… Equivocation ˜… Cymbeline ˜…
7:30pm Tix 739 0559 -- Extra shows added! The website has other events including opera, wine, and more!
> FIGHT NIGHT: Academie Duello 7:30pm Sept 8
> Shakes-Beer -- Sharing our 25th anniversary with Whistler Brewing and Sept 8 Monday we'd love you to join us for a special beer tasting event!
> Will Shakespeare's ImprovMusical 7:30pm Sept 8 and 15
> Gazing Back: Reflecting on 25 years at Bard 7:30pm Sept 12
> Bard's 25th Anniversary! 25 years of Laughter... 25 years of Love... 25 years of Bard!
Lets celebrate another 25 years - together we can do it with your help!
With your support, we will continue to provide quality artistic and educational programs and enrich our city with accessible, original Shakespearean productions in an incredible setting.
Donate $25 or more to keep our Dream alive for years to come. To play your part in this v special anniversary season, go to our DONATE NOW page: https://tickets.bardonthebeach.org/TheatreManager/1/tmdonation.html and select the 25th Anniversary Campaign. Thank you for considering a donation to Bard on the Beach.
Every donation of $25 or more will receive a tax receipt for the full amount.
> Don't forget - every Wednesday evening, bike to Bard and be in to win a $50 gift certificate from West Point Cycles, along with a complimentary tea or coffee!
> Enhancing Vanier Park for Year-Round Community Use
Bard on the Beach and the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation are exploring ways in which the Festival can enhance Vanier Park for the communitys benefit while minimizing the impact the Festival has on the Park.
See details: http://www.bardonthebeach.org/parkenhancements
+ ARTS CLUB 687 1644 artsclub.com 4000 Miles with Nicola Cavendish; Stanley Industrial Sept 11- Oct 12
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR -- United Players jerichoartscentre.com
~ 8pm ~ School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, directed by Matthew Bissett; Sep 5 - 28
Thurs - Sun; Preview: Sep 4 ($10); Talkback: Sep 11; Sun Matinées: Sep 14 & 28 at 2pm (no evening perfs)
Tix: $16 - $20; Want to read more about the show? Check out: Spotlight and www.unitedplayers.com
Three Viewings; a dark comedy by Jeffrey Hatcher northvanplayers.ca Sept 4 - 20
Since You Left Us -- world premiere of director Amiel Gladstone's version of Susinn McFarlen's comedy of a woman who returns to her family after 15 years. phtheatre.org 990 3474 Sept 17 to 28
New exhibition opens Sept 20: Emily Carr and Landon Mackenzie: Wood Chopper and the Monkey
Details and more events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html#eis
+ VANCOUVER METROPOLITAN ORCHESTRA, 12th Season Opening Concert 2pm Sept 7
Michael J Fox Theatre, Bby vmocanada.com
+ MUSIC IN THE MORNING musicinthemorning.org 10:30am Sept 17 - 19
Dover Quartet, 2013 Banff Int'l String Quartet Competition winners; Academy of Music, Kits Point
Oodles -- local art, dance, books, music, etc -- from Alliance for Arts and Culture
AND HERE'S THE LATEST ALLIANCE: Date: Sept 11 http://allianceforartsandculture.createsend1.com/t/r-e-mdhflk-qdydidddy-jd/
New Report Reveals 2010 Canadian Cultural Statistics: The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) has announced the release of the first Culture Satellite Account Report, which provides the most precise and reliable data available on the economic impact of culture in Canada.
Celebrate the BC Culture Days Provincial Launch! BC's participation in the fifth annual Culture Days will kick off with a free public celebration on Thurs Sept 25 from 11am to 1pm at Centre Stage at Surrey City Hall. Featured performers include Spirit of the West's John Mann, Surrey City Orchestra, and country singer Lisa Brokop.
Save the Date for the 2014 Mayor's Arts Awards: The 2014 Mayor's Arts Awards will be held at 6:30pm Tues Oct 7 at the Roundhouse Cmnty Arts & Recreation Ctr. Watch upcoming issues for the RSVP link to this free event.
Dance: Announcements from Made In BC, The Dance Centre, New Works, and SFU Woodward's Cultural Programs.
Film and Media Arts: Invitation from The Cinematheque.
General: Announcements from Heritage Vancouver, Place des Arts, VocalEye Descriptive Arts, Little Dog Creative
Consulting, The Society for the Museum of Original Costume (SMOC), and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.
Interdisciplinary: Invitation from PuSh Festival and Renegade Productions.
Literary: Events from Word Vancouver and Royal City Literary Arts Society.
Music: Concerts from Vancouver Chopin Society, Vetta Chamber Music, UBC Music, Hard Rubber Orchestra, BC Girls Choir, and Vancouver Classic Guitar Society.
Theatre: Shows from The Cultch, Playwrights Theatre Centre (PTC), Green Thumb Players, Presentation House Theatre, Bard on the Beach, and Touchstone Theatre.
More Theatre: More shows from osimous theatre, Renegade Productions Inc., Awkward Stage Theatre, Danielle Benzon, Vancouver Society of Storytelling, the frank theatre company, and Upintheair Theatre.
Visual Art: Exhibitions from Bill Reid Gallery, Fort Gallery, Federation of Canadian Artists, Maple Ridge Art Gallery, Circle Craft Co-operative, Place des Arts, Roedde House Museum, and gallery gachet.
More Visual Art: More Exhibitions from North Vancouver Community Arts Council and Port Moody Arts Centre.
Workshops and Classes: Invitations from ArtStarts, Vancouver Park Board, and CARFAC BC.
We all receive more incoming newsletters than we can keep up with. Here is a weekly digest of recent arts and cultural comnty newsletters of note:
Music BC: Representing BCs music industry. (September 11)
Culture Days: The latest news from the Canada-wide celebration in early autumn, designed to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation, and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their cmnties. (Sept 4)
Book News: The Vancouver Writers Fest offers a compendium of literary events around town and links to reviews and articles of interest. (September 4)
Vancouver Heritage Foundation: Supporting the conservation of heritage buildings and structures. (September 3)
WolfBrown / On Our Minds: The latest ideas from WolfBrown, a consultancy specializing in helping funders, nonprofit institutions, and public agencies. (September 4)
From the West Coast to the Western Front -- CBC radio host Mark Forsythe and historian Greg Dixon launch
their new book; a complilation of stories, artifacts, and photos sent in by BC Almanac listeners to mark Canada's
First World War centenary. Central Branch, VPL 331 3603 vpl.ca/events 7pm Tuesday Sept 16
+ The Vancouver Int'l Fringe Festival starts Sept 4 (goes to 14th)
700 performances by 89 artists over 11 days 257 0350 vancouverfringe.com
+ Moonlight and Mooncakes: mid-autumn Moon Festival vancouverchinesegarden.com
Dr Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden 5 - 10pm Sept 7
* TALKS 737 3074 naturevancouver.ca
Nature Vancouver/Marine Biology: Greg Jensen, author of Crabs and Shrimps of the Pacific Coast will share his images and expertise. The colour of crustacea: are there patterns in the patterns? 7:30pm Sept 11
> Rethinking Transportation: New Voices, New Ideas http://www.sfu.ca/continuing-studies/events/2014/rethinking-transportation.html
+ A New Generation: Are Millennials Changing the Game?
~ 7pm Tuesday Sept 16 ~ Speaker: Dr. Markus Moos, U of Waterloo ~ SFU Hbr Ctr, 515 W. Hastings Admission is free, but reservations are required. Reserve. This lecture will be live webcast.
Millennials, born between the early '80s and the new millennium, are an influential demographic, outnumbering even baby boomers. They think, communicate, travel, and work differently. Understanding how they impact housing, transportation, jobs, and communities is critical.
Join Markus Moos, University of Waterloo, to learn how Millennials housing and commuting decisions are different from previous cohorts, and what this means for transportation and housing in MetroV. Details/Registration
+ Future Livability: Boast or Bust? Can MetroV Maintain its Livability Credibility for Next 30 Years?
~ 7pm Wed Sept 17 ~ Speaker: Gil Peñalosa, 8-80 Cities ~ SFU Woodwards, 149 W. Hastings St
Admission is free, but reservations are required. Reserve. This lecture will be live webcast.
The Metro Vancouver region is frequently cited among the world's most livable. Just this summer, Vancouver “ and by extension much of our region “ was cited by The Economist as the third most livable city in the world, with particular kudos for our current and near-term rapid transit connections through Bby, Coquitlam, and Port Moody.
Can we maintain our frequently and broadly cited international livability credibility? With a million new residents, 600,000 new jobs and potentially 3 million more car trips per day in our region by 2040, how will we maintain the unique and treasured qualities we enjoy throughout Metro Vancouver?
Internationally acclaimed "healthy cities" expert Gil Peñalosa believes in the importance of mobility in planning healthy, sustainable cities “ cities where people can walk, bike, and access transit to carry out their daily activities, no matter their age, ability, or social status.
As part of SFU's Rethinking Transportation Speaker Series, Gil will share examples from around the world that show that transportation systems that put people first from the point of view of public health, environment, recreation, mobility, and economic development lead to sustainable, healthier, more vibrant, and livable cities.
Join Gil Peñalosa of 8-80 Cities to learn more about what we can all do to protect the future livability of our local cmnties and the importance of investing in our transportation system so we can preserve our quality of life now and for generations to come. Details/Registration
== WALK ==
Rainforest Cafe -- explore the range of edible foods growing in our local forests during this urban-foraging tour
at Stanley Park. Stanley Park Nature House, Lost Lagoon 718 6522 stanleyparkecology.ca 1:30pm Sept 7
=== FIELD TRIP === David Cook 924 0147 [in Headsup 14D]
For September I have a three-in-one geology field trip package and a talk on cloud forests in Costa Rica.
Please mark your calendars. {The next outings will be in the next newsletter with those dates. ~~ Editor}
+++ HEADSUP 14A +++ Agendas Sept 8 and more... 1 Sept 2014 4:10:41 AM PDT
Well, top marks to Ccl/staff for letting the public know what's on the next ccl mtg agenda ahead of time unlike the past. Sept 8th's ccl mtg agenda is already up!
Main Items; Events/Announcements (if not in WVM14); full but abbreviated agenda; Joke and QTP
{Everything except events/announcements moved to this newsletter}
FIRST: I do have a question.
The last WVM (14) had the Correspondence from the July 8th list to the one for August 22. I said they wd not be repeated. Below then is just the list from Aug 22 - 26.
Do you think WVM15 shd have the lists from July 8 as it will appear on the agenda, or can the newsletter also omit what was in the previous issue?
IOW, repeat or omit? WVM15 latest or complete? Your preference?
œˆ MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg Sept 8: {moved}
o Sad to learn of the passing of Mr Coho Festival, Jim MacCarthy
o Coupland at VAG ends Sept 1
o Arts Club -- discount on tickets! 24-hour Labour Day sale!
YOU ONLY HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT! Get premium seats to 4000 Miles, Educating Rita, and Blue Box; save up to 27%!
Attend all three shows and see these strong leading actresses who engage with comedy, drama, and passion:
= Nicola Cavendish stars as 91-year-old Vera in 4000 Miles, bringing her unforgettable presence to a role with both comedic and emotional turns.
= Holly Lewis engages in fierce dialogue with her co-star, Tom Scholte, as the buoyant and opinionated Rita in Educating Rita.
= Carmen Aguirre brings her radiant and triumphant personage (Vancouver Weekly) to captivate the audience with her one-woman show, Blue Box.
Now is your chance to see all three shows with this limited-time offer!
¢ See 4000 Miles for just $49”you save 27%! Valid for performances Sept 11 “ 17
¢ See Educating Rita for just $39”you save 20%! Valid for performances Sept 25 “ Oct 1
¢ See Blue Box for just $29”you save 18%! Valid for performances Oct 9 “ 15
¢ Book all three and save $34!
Use promo code 7883 Offer expires September 1 at midnight! Buy online or call the box office at 687 1644
o Muddled East
Good News: Ceasefire in Gaza holding'
Bad News: Israel has just announced confiscation of more land
Israel Plans Largest West-Bank Settlement Expansion in '30 Years' -- Reuters
Excerpt: "Israel announced on Sunday a land appropriation in the occupied West Bank that an anti-settlement group termed the biggest in 30 years and a Palestinian official said would cause only more friction after the Gaza war." ...
...Some 400 hectares (988 acres) in the Etzion settlement bloc near Bethlehem were declared "state land, on the instructions of the political echelon" by the military-run Civil Administration....
READ MORE -- http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/25625-israel-plans-largest-west-bank-settlement-expansion-in-30-years
+++ HEADSUP 14B +++ Road Closures Sat Sept 6
Rushing so you know:
First, Road Closures for Saturday for the Gran Fondo; then an interesting ship but sorry didn't get this out in time (hv been away); {moved --->} :-) and puns ... and after those nudes were made public, Apple has a new logo.
Gran Fondo Closures:
Begin forwarded message:
From: West Vancouver Police Department <NoReply@wvpd.ca>
Subject: West Vancouver Police News Release - WV Road Closures Gran Fondo 2014
Date: 5 September, 2014 7:00:10 AM PDT
The Annual Gran Fondo Cycling event is set for Saturday September 6. Travellers have an extensive list of early morning road closures and traffic diversions to prepare for, as participants cycle from Downtown Vancouver across Lions' Gate Bridge, through WV and north on Highway #99 to Whistler.
The following road closures will be in effect to accommodate the Gran Fondo route through WV.
6 to 8am “ Lions' Gate Bridge - Northbound Lanes Closed
6 to 10am - Marine Drive - Westbound Lanes Closed - Capilano Road N. Vancouver to Taylor Way, WV
6 to 10am - Taylor Way “ All Lanes Closed “ Marine Drive to Highway #1
6 to 10am “ Highway #1 Eastbound Lanes - From Horseshoe Bay to Taylor Way - Closed to all traffic
Pls note there will be no eastbound Heavy Commercial Vehicle traffic permitted from Horseshoe Bay between 6 and 10am.
Westbound traffic on Highway #1 will continue during the event. Drivers shd expect extensive delays during the event or consider delaying travel through affected areas until after the event concludes. All drivers and road users are urged to respect traffic control personnel and temporary traffic signs and lane markers.
Click here to visit www.wvpd.ca for more detail on closures and information on alternate routes.
oh dear, wanted to see this......
Mexican tall ship moored at North Vancouver pier
North Shore News September 3, 2014 12:00 AM
-- See more at:
+++ HEADSUP 14C +++ Sept 8 Summary, Mtgs
Tuesday Sept 9
Late again but here are some mtgs/events and a brief bit about
last night's ccl mtg.
CCL MTG {NB: Cclr Lewis absent}
At the beginning of the mtg, Mayor Smith read an announcement in tribute to Jim MacCarthy who recently passed, citing his long years of volunteering and the many contributions he made to WV.
Ccl listened to the delegation from Woodfibre LNG (about an hour) -- interesting information, research, and questions. Public questions and comments were permitted at PQP at the end of the mtg -- almost another hour, and again interesting facts. Much clapping and applause. Ccl quite reasonably confirmed its decision (and had already sent letters as a result of the July 21st decision) requesting that it be included and consulted wrt the environmental assessment.
The Medical Health Officer for the North Shore spoke about the unusual E. coli and closure of the beaches this summer. (IOW they don't really know why and hope it won't happen next year.)
The delegation from the Dundarave Biz Assn was interesting. The loss of Caper's and Jim's Hardware has been felt and it is felt a connection between the seawall and the shops on MDr wd help revive Dundarave Village. All wish them well. {As an aside, I was surprised and flattered when listing 'their' activities, HWV's RoyalTea-by-the-Sea was included!}
A WG success story: the five-year plan of the Sport Field Master Plan Implementation Strategy (though at PQP one resident made a plea for grass fields since astroturf results in more serious body damage).
Several motions passed v quickly with little discussion since there was standing room only in the chamber and after the LNG delegation the mtg (some left but most stayed) rushed to PQP to hear public comments.
Time and Place by Richard Tetrault -- Exhibition at FBG
Please join Richard at the Ferry Building Gallery for
the Opening Reception of Time and Place on September 9th at 6 pm
and at our Meet the Artist on Saturday September 13th at 2pm.
He will also be doing an Art Insider presentation at the gallery on September 24th
and a free printmaking demonstration as part of Culture Days on Sunday September 28th.
More details can be found at ferrybuildinggallery.com and richard-tetrault.ca.
Civilizations are built around water supply. We drink it. We cook with it. We bathe in it. It carries away our waste. We cant do without it.
More than a century ago efforts were well under way to supply clean, abundant, fresh water to our new North Vancouver community. The early efforts employed the latest technologies to filter and distribute water to households and businesses.
Join John Stuart and the North Shore Historical Society as we explore North Vancouvers earliest water works.
7pm at the NV Museum & Archives, 3203 Institute Rd.
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 5 - 8pm -- TASTE OF DUNDARAVE (info sent out previously)
West Vancouver is committed to seeking the advice of and tapping into the expertise of residents wishing to serve on boards and cmtes. As cmnty leaders and volunteers, we value your time and have developed a structure to meet your ability to contribute. If you are a WV resident and wd like to volunteer to serve on a bd or cmte, opportunities are available as follows:
= Public Art Advisory Committee
Five volunteers with specific skills and/or experience in fine arts, architecture, design, urban planning, and/or general interest in community based art programming
One volunteer representing the West Vancouver Community Arts Council
More Information Council report regarding proposed Terms of Reference
Council report regarding establishment of Public Art Advisory
= West Vancouver Memorial Library Board
One volunteer who is a resident or elector of the M and who is not a mbr of the municipal council or an employee of the municipality or library West Vancouver Memorial Library Board information
Apply by 4:30 p.m. on September 12
Application form Applicn forms are also available in the Legislative Services Dept at M hall. Applicants are requested to mail, fax (604-925-7006), or deliver completed applicns with a brief personal resume, to the Legislative Services Dept at WV M Hall, 750 17th St, WV, BC V7V 3T3, or e-mail to committees@westvancouver.ca. Queries Call Legislative Services: 604-925-7004
+++ HEADSUP 14D +++ Today!! {Sept 12}
Last couple of days been problems with our server downtown. Email msgs not received and/or delayed thus stalling WVM longer so sending out this frantic notice (for things today not already sent in WVM14 or in a Headsup).
If t'ain't one ting, it's t'other.
{Always QTP though!}
btw, CBC TV is celebrating Royals Month.
Tonight (channel 3) at 8pm:
Elizabeth: Queen, Wife, Mother (North American premiere) “ An intimate account of Queen Elizabeths life as told by those closest to her, featuring rare interviews from her family members.
> Gazing Back: Reflecting on 25 years at Bard 7:30pm Sept 12
=== FIELD TRIP === David Cook 924 0147
Friday September 12th
Geology of some buildings and monuments in downtown Vancouver.
An interpretive field trip for Elder U at Capilano University.
Trip leader: David Cook Duration: Approximately three hours
Meeting time & location: Noon. The lobby of the Vancouver Fairmont Hotel, 900 West Georgia Street.
Walk description: We will examine the exterior and interior of a number of buildings in downtown Vancouver to look at the various natural building stones used in construction and decoration. The provenance, composition, and suitability of these materials will be explained. We will note how their use has changed over time according to availability, cost, custom, and durability of materials used. This will also be an opportunity to learn about masonry terminology, the history of the buildings and their architecture.
Registration: Call 984 4901 and quote Course Reference No. 93114. The field trips to Capilano River Regional Park on September 19th and Seymour Provincial Park on September 26th are inclusive with the one registration.
Cost: $15 for package of three walks.
[Theatre and Choir at the Unitarian Church, 49th and Oak]
A Palestinian theatre company hosts an African-American choir. The film will be shown 7:30pm FRI SEPT 12
Info about the film: http://www.clarityfilms.org/mlk/ All welcome. Suggested donation: $10 “- no one turned away
Sponsored by the Social Justice Cmte of the Unitarian Church (of Vancouver) and Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) Vancouver
This is an announcement from Independent Jewish Voices, Vancouver. To find out more about how you can get involved, or to reach us with any questions, pls e-mail ijv-vancouver@ijvcanada.org. For more information about IJV, please visit http://ijvcanada.org/.
===== CCL MTG AGENDAs Sept 8th =====
(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of mtg: matters re cmte apptmts, labour relations, and proposed provision of a M service.
Revised on September 3, 2014:
¢ To add new item 3.1 regarding Update from Vancouver Coastal Health regarding E. coli Count in Local Waters.
Revised on September 5, 2014:
¢ To add an information booklet to Item 5 re Woodfibre LNG Limited, re Proposal for LNG Plant in Howe Sound.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes -- July 21 special and regular Ccl mtgs; July 28, 30, special Ccl mtgs.
4. Dundarave Business Assn, re Revitalization Plans for Dundarave Village -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
5. Woodfibre LNG Limited, re Proposal for LNG Plant in Howe Sound -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
6. Reports from Mayor and Councillors
7. PumpkinFest Event -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
9. Review and Analysis of the Districts 2014 Second Quarter Operating Results and Capital Plan Program
10. Sport Field Master Plan Implementation Strategy “ Five Year Plan
¢ The Plan, attached to the report dated August 18, as Appendix A, be approved;
¢ The Plan be incorporated into Dist work plans, considered in the 2015 budget process and for subseq yrs; and
¢ Liaison meetings be scheduled with field sport groups representatives and staff twice per year.
11. Proposed Zoning Bylaw..., Amdmt Bylaw... (Amdmt to CD5 Zone for 959 21st and 2151 Gordon Ave)
= (to amend the CD5 zone) be read a first time.
= be presented at a PH scheduled for Oct 6 at 7pm...
12. Consent Agenda Items
¢ Item 12.1. “ Apptmts to the NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte;
¢ Item 12.2. “ Apptmt of Chief Election Officer and Dep Chief Election Ofcr for 2014 General Local Election;
¢ Item 12.3. “ Devt Permit Applicn for 1583 Marine (Shoppers Drug Mart) (to set date for consideration); and
¢ Item 12.4. “ Correspondence List.
12.1. Appointments to the North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee
1. The following re-appointments for a one-year term ending December 31, 2014 :
Member-at-large for the City of North Vancouver
¢ Rosalie Conway ¢ Philip Heard ¢ Bena Stock;
Member-at-large for the District of North Vancouver ¢ Peter Valhos;
Members in the professional category
¢ Teresa Canning, North Shore Restorative Justice Society
¢ Trustee Cyndi Gerlach, North Vancouver School District
¢ Samantha Moscipan, North Shore Neighbourhood House
¢ Trustee David Stevenson, West Vancouver Board of Education;
2. Two further candidates be appointed at a later date to the member-at-large category for the DWV and one candidate be appointed at a later date to the member-at-large category for the District of North Vancouver.
12.2. Apptmt of Chief Election Ofcr and Dep Chief Election Ofcr for 2014 General Local Election
- for the WV 2014 general local election, in accordance w/ the LGA, S. Scholes, Mgr, Legislative Services be appointed chief election ofcr and M. Panneton, Dep Clerk be appointed dep chief election ofcr; and that the chief election ofcr be authorized to enter into service agreemts as may be nec in respect of the 2014 gen local election and general school election, with Schl Dist #45 (WV), Bowen Island M, Village of Lions Bay, and MetroV (GVRD).
12.3. Devt Permit Applicn for 1583 Marine Drive (Shoppers Drug Mart)
... to allow for the construction of a new retail store with roof top parking, as described in the report dated Aug 20,
2014 from the Sr Cmnty Planner, be considered at the Oct 6 Ccl mtg; and that the MClerk give notice...
12.4. Correspondence List -- (click here to view correspondence packages) http://westvancouver.ca/content/2014-correspondence-mayor-and-council
Council Correspondence Update to July 11, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to July 18, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to July 25, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to August 1, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to August 8, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to August 15, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
Council Correspondence Update to August 22, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon) {in WVM14}
> Council Correspondence Update to August 26, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Aug 23, re Decible [sic] levels of the bass unbearable blocks away! (Ambleside Concert)
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) Aug 24, re Woodfibre LNG Limited Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(3) MetroV Alliance, Aug 25, re Invitation to MetroV Alliance M Election Accountability Assembly (October 9, 2014)
Responses to Correspondence
(4) Admin Asst to the Dir/Engg, August 13, 2014, response regarding Garbage collection.
13. OTHER ITEMS 14. Public Questions/Comments 15. Adjournment
===== CCL MTG AGENDAs Sept 15th =====
b/c (a) personal info about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose;
Purpose of meeting: Board membership, labour relations, and legal matters.
The proposed bylaw wd provide for the designation of 6003 Eagleridge Drive as protected heritage property.
followed by the
NSh Homelessness Task Force, re Update on H Action Wk 2014 and Task Force Activities: Info presentation
Proposed Zoning, Amendment Bylaw 4805, 2014 (Housekeeping Amdmts):
Consideration of first reading of proposed bylaw and setting a PH date for October 20
Proposed Devt Procedures, Amdmt Bylaw (Devt Permit Process for Detached Sec Stes, Coach Houses): Consideration of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Proposed Building Bylaw 4400, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw 4798, 2014 (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits): Consideration of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Heritage Designation Bylaw 4785, 2014 (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Drive):
If the PH scheduled for Sept 15 closes, Council may consider 2nd & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Community Energy and Emissions Working Group Terms of Reference:
Consideration of proposed working [group's] terms of reference
For the complete Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/sept/15/14sep15-Agenda-copy2.pdf
=== ANIMALWATCH === for dog-lovers!
> This is a heart-warming video of a rescued dog (4:34min)
> St Bernard hugs -- how cd anyone resist? (1:16min)
=== CATWATCH === Cat Cafe
Cat cafe in Montreal opens its doors; claims to be North America's first
Benjamin Shingler, The Canadian Press Published Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:24PM EDT
MONTREAL -- Would you like a cat with your coffee?
A new Montreal cafe is hoping plenty of people do. The Cafe des Chats, which opened its doors on Saturday, is a lot like a regular coffee house -- except it's home to eight cats.
Along with the usual tables and chairs designed for human clientele, the space is filled with scratching posts, plush toys, and a special multi-level window perch for the felines-in-residence.
Vancouver may get its own soon: http://metronews.ca/news/vancouver/930189/cat-cafe-coming-to-vancouver-in-fall-2014/
=== INFObits ===
> 75th anniversary of Canadas engagement in the Second World War: On September 10th, 1939, nine days after Germany invaded Poland, Canada made its first declaration of war as a sovereign country.
> [Sept 13] Paul Davis (Progressive Conservative) was confirmed as the Premier-Designate of Newfoundland/Labdr.
> The inimitable passionate firebrand Ian Paisley of N Ireland has just died, and give him credit -- civil war was avoided and peace was achieved. If they can do it, can't Israelis and Palestinians?
> Scotland votes on independence Sept 18; Catalonia wants to in Nov but Spanish govt says will not recognize it.
Some think past shd be studied: Yugoslavia now many countries; Czechoslovakia broke in two peacefully.
> GOOD NEWS -- According to the UN (as reported on the CTV National News Sept 10 at 19min), the ozone layer is no longer being depleted, it's recovering -- the ban on aerosols helped.
> The U.K. is Canadas third-largest destination for exports and fifth-largest trade partner after the US, China, Mexico, and Japan. Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and the U.K. reached $22.5 billion in 2013, and the U.K. is Canadas third most important source of foreign direct investment which totalled over $56 billion in 2013. [from PMO]
> The British Flag
The Union Jack (British flag) was an innovation of King James.
James had been the king of Scotland since he was thirteen months old. Once he became the English king his desire was to join the two realms of Scotland and England. Parliament rejected the idea, but James joined the flags of England and Scotland anyway. Jack comes from Jacobus, the Latin name for James. The reign of James is called the Jacobean age.
> Fluent in Two Languages
King James could speak Greek and Latin before he was 5 years old.
George Buchanan was hired by the Scottish government to tutor James as a boy king. Buchanan had been Michel de Montaignes teacher (the great French essayist). Buchanan had brutal ways of instruction, but James was a brilliant and precocious child. As a young boy he could translate the Bible from Latin into French into English, and at random locations in the Bible. Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Galleries/10-Things-You-May-Not-Know-About-King-James.aspx
=== CANADIANA 1 === WAR of 1812; 1814 & Agassiz {from the VSun}
200th Anniversary of burning of White House [1=article; 2&3=comments]
1 -- U.K. eats humble pie over tweet
The British embassy in Washington has been forced to apologize after tweeting a photograph of a cake marking the anniversary of the burning of the White House. Sent from the embassys official account, the tweet invoked the anger of some Americans by showing a cake with a perfect miniature reproduction of the White House on top, flanked by British and American flags and surrounded by sparkler fireworks. The caption accompanying the photograph read: Commemorating the 200th anniversary of burning the White House. Only sparklers this time! Three hours later, after receiving dozens of angry replies from American Twitter users, the embassy issued an apology for the message. The original tweet referred to the events of Aug. 24, 1814, when British troops occupied Washington for 26 hours, setting fire to several buildings, including the Capitol and the White House, before returning to their ships when a heavy thunderstorm and tornado struck.
2 -- No apologies for burning White House
Re: U.K. eats humble pie over tweet, Brief, Aug. 26
In 1812 the United States started a war against Britain for the purpose of conquering Canada. Things didnt go as planned and Canada turned out to be a tougher nut than they expected. In frustration they occupied York, the capital of Upper Canada, and burned it to the ground. In 1814, after the defeat of Napoleon, British troops were sent from Europe to take the fight to the United States. They landed near Washington, D.C., and after a brief skirmish with American militia occupied the city and spent the next week burning government buildings in retaliation for the burning of York.
My family has always been proud of the role played in these events by our ancestor, George DeLacey Evans, who commanded the company of soldiers who burned the Congress Hall, predecessor of the Capitol. I see no reason why this victory shouldnt be celebrated and don™t think the British Embassy should have apologized for doing so. The Americans were bullies and got what they deserved. I find it interesting no one objects when the Americans celebrate all of their victories over the British during the American Revolutionary War. Garth M. Evans, Vancouver
3 -- Agassiz tied to 1814 burning of White House
Re: No apologies for burning White House, Letters, Aug. 29
Garth Evans is not the only B.C. resident with connections to the events in Washington in 1814.
The Agassiz family was granted a coat of arms containing a burning torch in recognition of the efforts of Lewis Agassiz in burning down the White House and much of Washington in retaliation for the burning of Canadas parliament at York.
His son, Lewis Nunn Agassiz, founded the town of Agassiz, here in the Fraser Valley near Harrison Hot Springs.
Though not large, the Swiss-English Agassiz family has left its mark in the realms of science (Lake Agassiz), watchmaking (Longines), military, and religion. Even beer drinkers should appreciate the fact that Agassiz pioneered the production of hops in B.C. The Agassiz municipality is called the District of Kent, in recognition of the English origins of the crop in the County of Kent, England. John J. Allen, Harrison Hot Springs
+++ Editor's Notes for context plus relating unintended consequences:
Britain and France had been at each other's throats for decades. The Seven Years' War (1756 -1763) netted a big prize: British North America (the BNA Act and Canada). Captured New France resulted in a popn 90% Francophone wch is why the French language was accepted. With the American Revolution in 1776 (to 1783), in revenge France was only too eager to assist against its old enemy. Lots of help (gunpowder, munitions), and the French Navy is considered a large factor in defeating the British. There are many monuments to the French in DC (eg L'Enfant, Lafayette).*
Of course, the American Revolution (roughly 1/4 for, 1/4 against, 1/2 ambivalent since neither getting nor losing power) had a major impact on Canada. Tens of thousands came up. The United Empire Loyalists (some still write UEL after their names; Pierre Elliott Trudeau's mother was from a UEL family) changed much with its infusion of educated, (formerly) wealthy Anglophones, and not just the language balance: eg the first English-speaking university (established NB in 1784, UNB in 1785).**
BTW, the cost of France's assistance was so high, the bankruptcy, contributed to the success of the French Revolution in 1789, the demise of the control of the aristocracy. Note it was after 1763, so Quebec has always been a monarchy.
As an aside, when George Washington said there'd have to be taxes to fund an army for the revolution, and then saw that wd fail, he offered his own army (and wd pay for it).
Hot on expanding, the US thought they cd just walk into Canada and win, so attacked Canada in 1812. With great help/support from our First Nations, they were pushed back and defeated.
I found the letters in the VSun fascinating since I was unaware of any BC connection/involvement with the war of 1812 or the 1814 burning. Repercussions across Canada, it appears.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France_in_the_American_Revolutionary_War
** They came to New Brunswick -- with little more than they could carry -- to settle what was, even by their standards, a wilderness. And yet, within a few months, these 'loyal Adventurers' had petitioned the government to provide for the education of their children.""so began, in 1785, the Provincial Academy of Arts and Science and the origins of the University of New Brunswick..." from: http://www.unb.ca/aboutunb/history/index.html
=== CANADIANA 2 ===
PM marks 200th anniversary of the birth of Sir George-Étienne Cartier
September 6, Québec City, Québec -- from the Prime Minister's Web Site (http://www.pm.gc.ca/)
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today marked the 200th anniversary in a ceremony at Château Frontenac National Historic Site of Canada. During the event he unveiled a commemorative plaque and paid tribute to the important role Cartier played as a Father of Confederation. ...
Cartier was born two hundred years ago today on September 6, 1814 in Saint-Antoine-sur-Richelieu, Québec. Following a career in law in Montréal, he was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in 1848. A leading member of the Parti Bleu, Cartier later served as co-Premier of the Government with John A. Macdonald throughout most of the 1857 to 1862 period, and was a key player in the movement towards the Quebec Conference and Confederation. He promoted the rights of French Canadians, championed provincial rights, reformed the legal and public education systems in Canada East (Québec), and encouraged the expansion of the national railway....
Quick Facts ... Following Confederation, he was named Canadas first Minister of Militia and Defence under Prime Minister Macdonald and played a key role in the expansion of the westward railway. Cartier oversaw the negotiations for the purchase of Ruperts Land and the North-WesternTerritory from the Hudsons Bay Company, and contributed to the creation of the provinces of Manitoba and British Columbia....
+++ Editor's Notes:
The English spelling of the name, George, instead of Georges, the usual French spelling, is explained by his having been named in honour of King George III.
In the years leading up to Confederation, Cartier was a dominant figure in the politics of Canada East as leader of the Parti Bleu. In 1838 he returned to Montreal after a year in exile for his role in the anti-government rebellion.* Cartier had several reasons for supporting Confederation, notably his fear of American expansion. He officially entered politics in 1848. During his long career he promoted the establishment of the Civil Code as the formal law of Canada East.
* Early in his career, Cartier was inspired by Louis-Joseph Papineau. Through this connection, Cartier became a member of the Société des Fils de la Liberté (Sons of Liberty) and took part in the Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 at the Battle of St-Denis. For his part in the uprising, Cartier was exiled and he took temporary refuge in Vermont. However, he was allowed to return to Montreal in 1838 to resume his law practice. ...
...He was a member of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society and became active in politics...
...During his time in the Union parliament, Cartier introduced a bill in 1852 for the creation of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada. In 1854 Cartier was appointed to cabinet. From 1857 to 1862 he served alongside John A. Macdonald as co-premier of the united province. Cartier was a loyal friend of Macdonald, with whom he created the Great Coalition with George Brown in 1864. The purpose of the Great Coalition was to end the political instability in the province, which had six governments in as many years.
The Great Coalition was one of the first steps in the movement towards Confederation. He attended all three of the conferences convened for this purpose: Charlottetown, Quebec, and London. Cartier was largely responsible for gaining French-Canadian support for union.
+ Prince George is getting a sibling! Just announced: a new royal prince or princess expected early next year.
+ Prince Edward: Earl and Countess of Wessex coming to B.C. in September BY STEPHANIE IP, THE PROVINCE AUGUST 27, 2014
... Prince Edward, the third son and fourth and youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, will be accompanied by his wife, Countess Sophie Rhys-Jones, during a working visit in B.C. scheduled for Sept. 12 to 16. ... ... The 50-year-old earl, who is eighth in line for the Throne, and the countess will also visit Victorias Government House, The Childrens Health Foundation of Vancouver Island™s Jeneece Place, the University of Victoria, the Vancouver Art Gallery, and the Blusson Spinal Cord Centre, hosted by Rick Hansen.
They are also set to hike a portion of the Trans Canada Trail in the Capilano River Regional Park, and to have dinner at the Mission Hill Family Estate in Kelowna. ...
... In Canada, Prince Edward serves as the Colonel-in-Chief of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, the Prince Edward Island Regiment, and the Saskatchewan Dragoons, and as the Honorary Deputy Commissioner of the RCMP....
Prince Edward, Sophie arrive in Victoria Friday -- Times Colonist September 8, 2014 09:50 PM
...Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon will welcome the couple at Government House in a special outdoor ceremony open to the public. Prince Edward will receive a royal salute and review an honour guard before he and his wife walk the perimeter of the crowd to greet visitors.
Wed love to have people come out to greet their royal highnesses, said Adrienne Dunton, communications and events co-ordinator at Government House....
- See more at: http://www.timescolonist.com/prince-edward-sophie-arrive-in-victoria-friday-1.1348588#sthash.ydyEhnbp.dpuf
+++ Editor's Notes -- Some background:
... Edward has been a British prince from birth. His present style and title in full is: His Royal Highness The Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis, Earl of Wessex, Viscount Severn, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty. The Earldom of Wessex has a distinguished royal history, the Kingdom of Wessex having played the leading role in the unification of Anglo-Saxon England. The last person to hold the earldom was Harold Godwinson, prior to his accession to the English throne in 1066......
... As Edward's 1999 marriage approached, experts suggested the former royal dukedoms of Cambridge and Sussex as the most likely to be granted to him. Instead, the Palace announced that Prince Edward would eventually succeed to the title Duke of Edinburgh, currently held by his father. In the meantime, in keeping with the tradition of a monarch's son receiving a title upon marriage, but preserving the rank of duke for the future, Prince Edward became the first British prince in centuries to be specifically created an earl, rather than a duke. The Sunday Telegraph reported that he was drawn to the historic title Earl of Wessex after watching the 1998 film Shakespeare in Love, in which a character with that title is played by Colin Firth.. }
~ How Prince Edward found a friend in Jesus -- By: Phil Dampier Published: Sun, March 9, 2014
ALWAYS the baby of the Royal Family, the Earl of Wessex reaches his half century tomorrow. We highlight 50 of the most important days of his life
1: Prince Edward was born in Buckingham Palace on March 10, 1964, weighing 5lb 7oz. Convinced she was having a girl, the Queen had not considered any boys names. etc...
{The list varies; to be clear, btw Jesus College is at Cambridge} http://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/463849/How-Prince-Edward-found-a-friend-in-Jesus
+ Franklin Expedition from 1840s
Queen Elizabeth sent a message for Canadians to the Governor General on Tuesday following the discovery.
"I was greatly interested to learn of the discovery of one of the long-lost ships of Captain Sir John Franklin. Prince Philip joins me in sending congratulations and good wishes to all those who played a part in this historic achievement," she said in a statement.
Royals Month on CBC features five new documentaries ...www.cbc.ca/.../royals-month-on-cbc-features-five-new-documentari...CBC.caSep 2, 2014 - Friday, Sept. 12, 2014 at 8/8:30 NT on CBC-TV. A delightful and intimate account of Queen Elizabeth as told by the people closest to her.
CBC Toronto - Eventswww.cbc.ca/toronto/community/mt/.../royals-month-on-cbc.html
CBC.caStarting with Elizabeth: Wife, Queen, Mother on Friday, Sept. 12 ... They're fly-on- the-wall insider accounts of life in the modern monarchy, with exclusive ... 12 @ 8 /8:30 p.m. NT on CBC-TV - North American premiere) - An intimate account of ...
CBC goes heavy on Royal Family programming in Sept ...
Sep 3, 2014 - Here are program descriptions from the CBC: Elizabeth: Queen, Wife, Mother Friday, Sept. 12, 2014 at 8/8:30 NT on CBC-TV. A delightful and ...
Sep 3, 2014 - Starting with Elizabeth: Wife, Queen, Mother on Friday, Sept. ... documentaries that examine the key players of the modern-day monarchy. ... 12 @ 8pm NT on CBC-TV “ North American premiere) “ An intimate account ...
=== WINDOWWATCH === washin' windows!
> was just sent this (shows wind currents too):
Not a job for the faint-hearted! The world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai , has the world's highest windows. The BBC joins the team whose heart-stopping job it is to clean them. Its not coincidental that at the beginning of this video you can hear the soundtrack from Hitchcocks Vertigo. [4:20min] http://www.youtube.com/embed/wcRuXrduj6Q
> made me think of: George Formby's "When I'm cleaning windows" [1:34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfmAeijj5cM
=== M-EWATCH ===
Brilliant potted history re Middle East by William Marsden in VSun Friday 12th pB4
... Obama came to power promising to end the long cycle of war in the Middle East, whose genesis dates to the 1953 CIA-sponsored coup in Iran* leading to the Iranian revolution in 1979 and the break with the U. S., which in turn led to the Iraq- Iran war, with the U. S. backing Iraq, which begat the Kuwait invasion, the first Iraq War, the radicalization of Osama bin Laden and creation of al-Qaida, not to mention the U. S. arming of the Afghan mujahedeen and the Taliban. ...
{* My note: UK/US overthrew elected Mossadegh who tried to nationalize Iran's oil}
=== IDFWATCH === Refuseniks -- but a good sign that things cd get better........
Israeli Vets Refuse to Serve in Palestinian Territories Peter Beaumont, Guardian UK
Beaumont reports: "Forty-three veterans of one of Israel's most secretive military intelligence units - many of them still active reservists - have signed a public letter refusing to serve in operations involving the occupied Palestinian territories because of the widespread surveillance of innocent residents." READ MORE
=== GUNWATCH ===
Thank gosh for our gun regulations. Recently an eight-year-old girl shot her instructor dead (in US accidentally with Uzi).
=== WVMWATCH === List for 2014 to date
Sometimes addns/revisions made to version emailed. If different, depending on extent, indicated by . ° r R. See website.
2014-01 |
2014 January 13 Council NOTES; AGENDA Jan 27; Calendar to January 31st Fire & Rescue Services ¢ Budget 2014 ¢ Tennis Courts ¢ WVM2013 List |
2014-02.. |
2014 January 27 Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs Feb 3, 17; Calendar to ~February 20th WV Streamkeepers ¢ CCS ¢ Milliken Devt ¢ Budget 2014? ¢ Heritage Week |
2014-03 |
2014 Feb 3 Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs Feb 17 {bits} & Mar 10; Calendar to Mar 9th Kinder Morgan/Intervenor ¢ Binning House ¢ CAAD ¢ Heritage Week |
2014-04r |
2014 Feb 17 Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs Mar 10; Calendar to ~March 25th Upper Lands ¢ Coho Society ¢ Evelyn/Onni ¢ DWV Heritage body pls? |
2014-05 |
2014 March 10th Ccl Mtg NOTES; AGENDA Mar 31st; Calendar to April 13th Marine Zones PH ¢ Upper Lands ¢ WVSPCA ¢ Seascapes ¢ Heritage pls? |
2014-06 |
2014 March 31st Ccl Mtg NOTES; AGENDA Apr 7th; Calendar to April 20th 1763 Marine PH ¢ Klee Wyck Eco-Ctr ¢ Maison Milliken ¢ 1528 / 4710 Heritage? |
2014-07 |
2014 April 7th Ccl Mtg NOTES; AGENDA April 28th ; Calendar to May 4th EcoUrbia ¢ Track & Field ¢ Public Art Cmte? ¢ FBG Improvements ¢ Heritage? |
2014-08r |
2014 April 28th Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs May 5th/26th; Calendar to May 25th HBay ¢ MMBC ¢ MAISON M ¢ West Bay Park ¢ Trees ¢ Skate/Longboarding |
2014-09 |
2014 May 5th Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs May 26 th/June 2nd; Calendar to June 7th Coach Houses ¢ Cmnty Grants ¢ Sidewalks ¢ Trees ¢ 2013 DWV Salaries |
2014-10/11r |
2014 May 26/June 2 Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs June 16; Calendar to June 23rd Ev/Onni ¢ 21st&Q ¢ Coach Houses ¢ KMC ¢ WV Pay ¢ Upper Lands ¢ New Pk |
2014-12/13 |
2014 Jun 16/Jul 7 Ccl NOTES; AGENDAs/bits Jul 21/28/30; Calendar to Aug 25th Coach Houses ¢ Soccer ¢ Invasive Plants ¢ Annual Rpt ¢ Whyte Lake Pk ¢ RoyalTea |
2014-14 |
2014 July 21, 28, and 30 COUNCIL Mtg NOTES; Calendar to September 7th PkR-North Devt ¢ Pd/Low Level Rds ¢ Heritage Register ¢ Coach Houses ¢ Trees |
WORDWATCH === davit
[No 5 of the photos] An iron fitting from a Royal Navy ship, identified as part of a boat-launching davit and bearing two broad arrows, was found on an island in the southern search area.
Neil Armstrong was the first human being on the moon.
Neil A. backwards is Alien.
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/events/
The ofc in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
COMING SOON! Heritage BC Annual Conference & Awards Gala
Building Bridges September 26 - 27 Cloverdale BC
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org 922 4400 info@heritage.westvan.ca
More later, but in spite of some hiccups, great weather and well over 100 cups of tea served. The Mayor announced a heritage group will be formed in the fall. Simon Scott told us about his connection with the Lord High Almoner (and the traditions); Roddy MacKenzie told us three short stories; and Cst Jeff Palmer even said a few words in Squamish. Planning a tour of Erickson's garden in the fall. Photos not yet up on royaltea.ca.
Many thanks and great to see the photos in the Aug 29 issue of the NSN. (p12). Pls allow some clarification. We were celebrating little Prince George'e first birthday (was July 22) and there was a large birthday card for ppl to sign. In addition, we celebrate and honour OUR monarchy.
out more -- September is Royals Month on the CBC; see info in
Queen Elizabeth is Queen of Canada, and in fact Queen of the constitutional monarch of 16 of the 53 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations. She is also Head of the Commonwealth and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Upon her accession on 6 February 1952, Elizabeth became Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon. Her coronation the following year was the first to be televised. From 1956 to 1992, the number of her realms varied as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. Today, in addition to the first four of the aforementioned countries, Elizabeth is Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. She is the longest-lived and, after her great-great grandmother Queen Victoria, the second longest-reigning British monarch.
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
World War 1 Program
Heritage Vancouver is proud to launch a series of events to commemorate the centenary of World War 1.
Our programs focus on the experience of the war on the home front and on Vancouver landmarks from the war that now form part of our heritage. Join us for these very special events!
Walking Tour: A Soldiers Journey - From Home Front to Front Line
Sunday, September 14; 10am to noon
Tour guide: Isaac Vanderhorst; $15; HV Mbrs $10; Tour begins at 847 Hamilton Street
Join tour guide, Isaac Vanderhorst, and follow in the footsteps of a World War 1 soldier from the time he leaves home to sign up, to the train station, where his journey to the Western Front begins.
As you walk by the Beatty Street Drill Hall, the parade grounds where he prepared for war and the war memorial where he and all soldiers who lost their lives are commemorated you will relive the experiences of a young soldier going to the Western Front.
This tour and the tales Isaac tells gives you a flavour of what downtown Vancouver was like 100 years ago as Vancouver went to war. Be prepared to meet soldiers linked to landmark heritage buildings and other surprises along the route.
To purchase tickets see Eventbrite
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION (http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org)
Wed Sept 17 -- Brown Bag Lunch & Learn -- Next Talk: The Renovation of 564 Beatty St.
Sat Sept 20 -- Mid-Century Modern House Tour -- Explore the definitive West Coast Modern style
=== MAIKU === 2014 September 5 in Seattle
Whenever curled together
in bed in the dark
the world disappears
quotations thoughts puns
{Reported on TV News Sept 13} [Today we have] piece-meal World War III. -- Pope Francis
The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is allowed to take. -- C. Northcote Parkinson, British author/historian (1909 - 1993)
Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
-- Merry Browne, first US female professional tennis player (1891 - 1971)
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
-- Henry Brooks Adams, American historian (1838 - 1918)
{often there isn't time or patience to be comprehensive -- Editor}
The more a man knows, the more he forgives. -- Confucius
All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.
-- Kabir, reformer, poet (c. 1440 “ c. 1518)
Kabīr (also Kabira) was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti
movement. The name Kabir comes from Arabic al-Kabīr wch means "The Great" (37th name of God in Islam).
Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars. -- Martin Luther King
A Kind-hearted Scotsman
My wife and I walked past a swanky new restaurant last night.
"Did you smell that food?" she asked. "Incredible!"
Being the kind-hearted Scotsman that I am, I thought, "What the heck, I'll treat her!"
So we walked past it again.
A Considerate Irishman Paddy texts his wife...
Moira, Im just having one more pint with the lads.
If Im not back in 20 minutes, read this message again.
When his wife demanded that he give up polo, he decided to chukker.
What was the leader of Russia's favourite food? Czardines!
The President of the Ennui Club was chairman of the bored.
Slimmers are all losers.
The historian loves reading about bobcats. They are lynx to the past.
Global warming campaigners lament the invention of the infernal combustion engine.