= Ccl Mtg Main Items
- Sept 15: PH re Heritage Designation for 6003 Eagleridge; then: Homelessness Task Force; Process re Coach Houses; Demolition Permits; Security Deposits; Cmnty Energy & Emissions WG Terms of Ref
- Oct 6: PH re 21st & Gordon; then: Shoppers devt 1583 MDr; 752 Marine (new) PkR towers; Demolition Permits and Security Deposits
- Oct 20: Ambulance Paramedics; Financial Plan amdmt; Fees & Charges; Sgl-Fam Housing Zoning Amdmts
= CALENDAR to Oct 26: CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Opera, Music); Arts & Culture; FESTIVAL; TALK and WALK
15A: Sept 15 Summary; Elizabeth Smily, Mtgs // 15B: INFObits, Events // 15C: Bard // 15D: Heritage Conf, Tidbits
15E: Events, WomenWatch // 15F: Events, Oct 6 Agenda, Bees // 15G: Mtgs, Civic 4 Years? // 15H: IS ISIS ISIL? 15I: Tidbits, Oct 6 Summary, Mtgs // 15J: Election Info // 15K: MTGS!
= Ccl Mtg NOTES Sept 8: Update: Vancouver Coastal Health re E. coli (beaches); Delegations: Dundarave Biz Assn, Woodfibre LNG; PumpkinFest; Sport Field Master Plan Strategy; PH Oct 6 for Amdmt of CD5 Zone (959 21st / 2151 Gordon); DPA 1583 Marine (Shoppers); Apptmts to Cmtes and Chief Electoral Ofcr; LOTS of Correspondence!
= Vive le Canada (Franklin Expedition; Teaching Awards; Nobel Prizes); from the Editor's Desk (New M staff position; Election Info); WVPD (Cops for Cancer); Updates & Info (WVHS's new book; E Smily; Cycling BC; MP Weston's NHFD)
= CCL Mtg NOTES Sept 15 = & = Ccl Agenda/Summary Oct 6 = Ccl Agendas Oct 20
= ANIMALWATCH (Puppies learning to swim); BISONWATCH (+ Blackfoot); INFObits (Sea-to-Sky; WV; Nat'l Tree Day; Quebec Premier Couillard; Iraq's Christians; Sweden/Paln; Rosh Hashanah); ROYALWATCH (Cclr NG meets the Wessexes); TREEWATCH; MODERN ARCHITECTURE; BEERWATCH (Sartori); IS ISIS ISIL?; LANGUAGEWATCH (Calgary); WORDWATCH (dun, Dundarave); HERITAGEWATCH (Heritage BC Awards; Heritage Week 2015); MAIKU (remembering father); QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS + video, jokes, cartoons
== Vive le CANADA ===
+ We now know the Franklin Expedition has identified the ship found is the Erebus, the one Franklin was on.
Local angle: Huge moment for Squamish company involved in discovery of Franklin ship
One Ocean Research played key role using state-of-the-art sonar [in VSun Sept 12]
ê Franklin Expedition: Marc-Andre Bernier, chief of the underwater archaeology services at Parks Canada, will address
the Vancouver Institute on Sat at 8:15, Lecture Hall 2 in the Woodward Instructional Resources Ctr, UBC
+ Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence 2014 [Recipient] List
This years events honouring the national recipients commenced on October 5, 2014, which coincides with World Teachers Day, an annual international celebration of all teachers celebrated by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. See: http://www.pma-ppm.gc.ca/eic/site/pmate-ppmee.nsf/eng/wz02125.html
+ [Oct 10] Prime Minister's Congratulations to 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Recipients:
Children's rights activists Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi of India
for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.
On behalf of all Canadians, I want to congratulate Malala, who was named an honorary Canadian citizen on Oct 16, 2013, and Mr. Satyarthi for their wonderful work for humanity, for their tireless efforts in favour of childrens rights, and for bringing the causes they cherish to the attention of the whole world.
I am also pleased to announce that Malala will be visiting us here in Canada on October 22, 2014. We look forward to pursuing our collaborative efforts on childrens education.
{fyi, Malala is the first Pakistani and, at 17, the youngest-ever recipient. The average age of recipients is 62.
Satyarthi, from India and trained as an engr, has worked for a long time against child labour. He is 60.}
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
+ New Position at M Hall: Mgr, Cmnty Relns
GREAT NEWS! for about a decade or more I've suggested there be a sort of 'ombudsman' (or whatever name) to be the 'point person' for residents to call with questions/enquiries, to be told how to solve a particular problem, whom to call for information and what to do, where to do, get, and find things, etc. IOW, more helpful for the public and more efficient. It doesn't waste ppl's time calling the wrong staff and being rerouted, and less time for staff on irrelevant queries and phone calls. (See the CAO's intro in Updates & Info section.)
All the best to the MCR, Kristi Merrilees -- and thank you to CAO and M&Ccl for the improvement to service. :-)
+ WVMs ~~
Well, I did have one person who marvelled at how much time these newsletters took. And that's even without the trials and tribulations of life. As long as you realize it's best efforts. At the end of September, work was done to protect us from Shellshock (a computer security vulnerability) and updates were done also and then the system choked, letting little email through (no longer over 100 an hour, mostly spam), however on Friday (Oct 3) email stopped completely. We limp along. Mostly fixed, glad to say.
Did anything change at UBCM? No. The election Nov 15 will be for a Ccl for four years. :-(
btw, I tried to find out how WV voted last year on the resolution to increase to four years (see PQP p38/39). The Mayor and Cclr Panz voted no; Booth, Cameron, and Gambioli didn't vote b/c not there for the vote. My main peeve is that Ccl did not publicize such an important issue was to be voted on and did not get the public's opinion to then represent them.
+ CIVIC ELECTION [Vote Nov 15th!]
Congratulations to Mayor Mike Smith, again in by acclamation!
15 candidates this time, six and nine:
Joanna Baxter, Mary-Ann Booth, Craig Cameron, Christine Cassidy, Max Clough, Michael Evison, Jim Finkbeiner,
Nora Gambioli, Jon Johnson, Peter Lambur, Michael Lewis, Ali Mallakin, Terry Platt, Carolanne Reynolds, Bill Soprovich
Info: westvancouver.ca/election -- Sheila Scholes, Chief Election Officer 925 7045; Mark Panneton, Dep CEO 925 7049
WV Citizens for Good Govt's all-candidates mtg: 7pm Wed Oct 15 at the Kay Meek Ctr. (their vote Oct 22)
Known to date:
~ 7pm Thursday Oct 23 ~ The Western Residents' Assn and Horseshoe Bay Business Assn at Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
~ 1pm Saturday Oct 25 ~ The Ambleside/Dundarave Ratepayers' Assn at Srs' Ctr
~ 6:45pm Thursday Oct 30 ~ The Sports Field User Groups at the Legion
~ 2pm Wednesday Nov 12 ~ The Seniors' Activity Ctr Adv Bd at the Srs' Ctr
~ 7pm Wednesday Nov 12 ~ Chamber of Commerce at KMC
awaiting news from BPAHA.......
=== WVPD ===
Report from Jeff Palmer, a Cycling Cop for Cancer:
It was really an incredible experience. Physically challenging. Up to 130 km days, some on the hills of the Sunshine Coast highway and over by Powell River. Some postcard sunny days, but some days when it was as if we were getting a big bucket dumped on our head. All the training paid off. Never an issue keeping up with the youngsters, including some Emergency Response Team members on the ride.
Meeting people who have been affected by cancer, especially meeting kids affected and their families, was one of those things that tugs you in a number of ways. Youre inspired by their strength, your heart breaks with some, and is warmed when you meet survivors. You leave wanting to do more for them. It is a bit hard to capture how profoundly the experience of the ride affects you.
Yes, people can still donate! Http://convio.cancer.ca/goto/jeffpalmer.
My fundraising total now sits at $10,260, well past my minimum goal of $6000. The Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast Team also did very well. Our Team goal was $168,000. At last count, we are over $224,000 and counting.
In total, since 1998, Cops for Cancer has raised $32.8M.
{Thank you so much, Jeff C4C extraordinaire! -- Editor}
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
+ WV Historical Society's new book! -- will be presented to Ccl Mon Nov 3 followed by a book launch at Larson
Station. Stay tuned for more info on "Arrivals and Departures" re Horseshoe Bay and its ferries in WVM18.
+ Manager, Community Relations -- New Position
{Memo Oct 2 from the CAO to M staff; as always, my abbreviations}
One of my key priorities as CAO is to ensure that the District is providing the best possible service to our residents; I believe we do that day in, day out. Over the past year, however, it has become increasingly apparent that there is a need to have a main point of contact for our residents, community groups, resident and business associations, and key stakeholders within and beyond our cmnty to help inform, engage, and support the outstanding work that is done by all of you.
Effective today Kristi Merilees will be assuming the role of Mgr, Cmnty Relns.
In addn to building stronger relnships, facilitating a greater level of communication and engagement between the District and our cmnty mbrs, this role will also have an internal organizational perspective; enhancing internal communications and our customer service focus.
Kristi has worked with the District of WV for eight years, knows this cmnty and our organization well, has a keen passion for working with people and providing outstanding customer service. She has worked closely with Mayor and Council, the Executive Team, and many of you. I am confident that this role will have a positive impact throughout our cmnty and our organization.
Over the next few weeks, Kristi will be getting out into the organization to discuss her role and how she can best support the work that you do within our community. Her office will be located on the lower main floor of M Hall and can be reached at 925 7008.
Please join me in wishing Kristi great success in her new role. . . Manager, Community Relations.
+ ELIZABETH SMILY, Artist, RIP http://www.elizabethsmily.com/artist/index.htm
ELIZABETH MARIAN SMILY, NS, SFCA, CIPA, FRSA {See her portrait of the Queen Mother on p8 below}
Portrait painter, teacher, author; born Yorkshire, England, June 15, 1918
Elizabeth Smily attended the Royal Academy Schools in London and received the Lord Leverhulme Award for best student of her year in painting. Her first portrait was exhibited at the Royal Academy while she was still a student. Subsequently several portraits were exhibited at this prestigious gallery. She is a member of the Royal Society of Arts (London), Federation of Canadian Artists (past president), and the Canadian Institute of Portrait Artists. In 1996, she became the second recipient of the North Shore FANS Award. In 2010 she was presented with a lifetime achievement award by the Federation of Canadian Artists. More: http://www.elizabethsmily.com/artist/glimpse.htm
+ CYCLING BC -- BC's Track Team Announced for Nationals
o Congratulations to the Jr and U17 riders for Cycling BC's prov team at this year's Cdn National Track Championships in
Bby Nov 21 - 23. Names, etc: http://cyclingbc.net/track/news/jr-u17-track-canadian-national-championships-team-announced/
o Lower Mainland CX #5 p/b Atomic Racing & Van CX Coalition Mahon Park CX Oct 19
o Contact Stephen Berg at schools@cyclingbc.net for more information about iRide free to kids and youth
Sign up for info: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin?v=001czFxcSM_t3l-JDzVEML4tQPMRIYUEALH
+ GLENEAGLES CMNTY CTR -- Community Events
Hallowe'en Theme Family Fun Night
~ 5:30 - 8pm ~ Friday October 17 -- Visit with friends while the kids burn off their extra energy in our three large inflatables, including Mickey Mouse's Playhouse, Bouncy Castle, and our 40-foot Obstacle Course.
Pre-registration is recommended. $5 Adult cash bar and snacks.
Click here to register: http://westvancouverrec.ca/fall-winter/general-information/special-events/family-fun-night
+ Our Srs' Ctr -- Lots of activities; E-News for October:
DWV contractors will be at work pruning trees on MDr in Ambleside beginning Wed October 22. The work will take approx six days, depending on weather conditions. The work will involve some disruption to parking on MDr, but it will be minimal and only one side of MDr will be affected at any given time. Workers will do all they can to prevent disruptions to individual businesses and their clients....
After work is completed in Ambleside, tree pruning will take place in the Dundarave and Horseshoe Bay biz districts. Questions, pls call the Arboriculture Ofc - 925 7192
+ CONSTRUCTION UPDATES (details on home page westvancouver.ca)
= Rose Crescent to Marine Drive
= Improvements to Lions Gate Bridge North ApproachProject Update for September 17
= Clyde Avenue/Keith Road traffic calming
= 3500 to 3700 block Sunset Lane reconstruction
= Queens Avenue & 21st Street Roadwork
= Trans-Canada Highway at Nelson Creek Bridge
+ Our MP, John Weston [Press Release rec'd Sept 30]
Yesterday was a crowning moment for the effort to promote health and fitness in Canada. MPs of all parties joined together to commit themselves and their parties to appoint the first Saturday in June as National Health and Fitness Day. The mover of the Bill in the Senate, Senator Nancy Greene Raine, Canadas Top Female Athlete of the 20th Century, smiled from the Gallery in the House of Commons as I paid tribute yesterday to all the people in our community and across the country who have decided to reverse the trend of inactivity and make Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth. As in the case of my previous Bill, I managed to trade with MPs who were not prepared to proceed with their legislation in order to accelerate consideration of our Bill.
As mentioned in my remarks yesterday, the people of our riding inspired this Bill. Friends, neighbours, teachers, children, and business and other leaders in our community model good practices of healthy physical activity for a nation. Bill S-211 is an Act to promote those practices, while establishing a national day to promote health and fitness for all Canadians. It is designed to pave the way to make health and fitness core values today and, in the future, as part of Canadas 150th Birthday celebrations, in 2017.
Senator Raine and I envisioned the NHFD Initiative as we engaged in the public discussion of what positive legacies could arise from the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Readers will recall most of the Games occurred in our backyard. How ironic therefore that Canadas Public Health Agency recently put a $7-billion annual price tag on health care for cardiovascular problems and diabetes arising from obesity and inactivity.
This Bill has support across all parties; 155 cities; Participaction; and other agencies. Together, we will become the Fittest Nation on Earth!
John Weston, M.P. -- West Vancouver Sunshine Coast Sea to Sky Country
=== CALENDAR to Oct 26th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup section; not repeated here.}
=== Monday October 20
~ 4:30 - 5pm ~ REVISED TIME - Cmnty Engagement Cmte; 5 - 6pm a CLOSED session {!}
=== Thursday October 23 ~ 4:30pm ~ WV Police Bd mtg at WVPD
=== Saturday October 25 ~ 9am - 1pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Garage Sale
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
Only some of what's going on at our library!
= Health Fair -- 10am - 3pm Saturday Oct 4
Speak with North Shore health professionals on issues ranging from arthritis to fitness. Play games, enter to win an iPad Mini and other prizes, take home some samples, and so much more. Come for your health, stay for the fun!
= Future Planning in Case of Incapability -- 2 - 3:30pm Tuesday Oct 7
Learn about B.C. legal personal planning documents in case you become incapable, and how to register with the Nidus Registry. Presented in partnership with NIDUS Personal Planning Resource Centre.
= TAG Meeting -- 7 - 8:30pm Wednesday Oct 8
Make a difference! TAG, a forum for WV teens to have their say in teen collns and programming. Refreshments provided.
= Walk your Neighbourhood with Frank -- 2pm Tuesday Oct 14
Enjoy a 30- to 40-minute group walk to explore your cmnty. Pls wear appropriate walking shoes and dress for the weather.
= Friday Night Concert Flamenco Rosario -- 7:30 - 8:45pm Oct 17
Known for spirited, fiery, creative and original performances.
= Ancestry Library Edition Tour -- 2 - 3:30pm Friday Oct 17
A guide through the treasures held in Ancestry Library Edition by our expert genealogist.
= Genealogist in Residence
Sign up for a 40-minute consultation to ask our expert genealogist questions about researching your familys past. Registration is required. Sat Oct 18, Sun Oct 19, and Tues October 21, 10am 5pm; Wed Oct 22, 2 9pm
= Philosophers Café: Desirability of Disruptive Innovation?
A disruptive innovation helps create a new market and value network, and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network. What are the costs, benefits and alternatives? ~ 10:30am- noon ~ Friday October 17
= English Corner
Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. ~ 10 - 11-30am ~ Fridays, October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31
= Are You Aching for a Good Nights Sleep?
Get useful and practical tips on the benefits of sleeping well. ~ 2 - 4pm ~ Saturday October 18
+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
September 17 - December 6 -- Harry & Jessie Webb: Artists in Vancouvers Jazz Age
Harry and Jessie Webb were among an influential group of artists, poets, and musicians workingin Vancouver in the 1950s. The Webbs emerged during a period of transformation, when a regional modernism was developing and abstraction was a relatively recent form of expression on the west coast. The Webbs met at the Vancouver Art School while studying under Jack Shadbolt, Lionel Thomas, and B.C. Binning. Fresh out of art school and newly married, the couple saw Vancouvers gritty streets, neon, and jazz music scene as primary sources to engage in.
The Webbs, who painted and made progressive linoleum cut prints, were regularly featured in local exhibitions and appeared in pm magazine, a short-lived art and literary journal, created by George Wright and Yvonne Agazarian and printed by typographer Robert Reid. They became involved in Beat culture and Harry Webb designed a prominent mural (The Trio, 1954), interior fittings, and posters for the Cellar Jazz Club. Harry and Jessie Webb appear alongside Don Jarvis, Al Neil, and Roy Kiyooka among others in Leonard Forests 1964 National Film Boards In Search of Innocence, a documentary film profiling Vancouver artists, poets, and jazz musicians. The exhibition draws from the artists estate and places the Webbs in context with the citys art and music scene in the 1950s and early 1960s.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ www.ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
The full brochure: http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1103596070268-1334/140811FBGbro-ONLINE.pdf
September 30 -- October 19 -- What About the Print? -- Printmaking & Mixed Media
Opening Reception Tues Sept 30, from 6 - 8pm; Meet the Artists Sat Oct 4, from 2 - 3pm
See: http://ferrybuildinggallery.com/exhibitions/upcoming_exhibition
October 21 -- November 7 -- City Life -- mixed media
Opening Reception Tues Oct 21, from 6 - 8pm; Meet the Artists Sat Oct 25, from 2 - 3pm
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
September 30 - October 19 -- Markets
Photojournalist, author, and human and environmental right activist Robert Semeniuk has long been fascinated by the romantic mystique of traditional markets and the raw humanity at their core. Showcasing the down-to-earth and simultaneously exotic beauty found amongst traditional marketplaces, these works contrast with our processed supermarket culture, reminding us of the increasingly fragile relationship between humanity and nature -- our source of sustenance. We present this exhibition during World Hunger Action Month with World Food Day occurring on Oct. 16, to raise awareness of the environmental and social issues that contribute to a crisis of Hunger.
Opening reception: Tuesday September 30th from 6 to 8pm
October 21 - November 9 -- Paint and Pixels
Painter Patricia Vaughan and photographer Walter Young both share a creative need to capture a particular moment in time or feeling in their own unique way. Vaughans free and lively brushstrokes encapsulate the passion of her subjects, whether it be nature or animals. Young depicts the underlying geometry and natural design found in the world around him with a clear and precise intent. Opening reception: Tuesday October 21st from 6 to 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
See a printable version of our Host Season event calendar:
http://kaymeekcentre.com/uploads/images/untitled folder/Season One-Pager v4 JL june 5.pdf
SEPT 30 | 1:30pm Artists Confidential: Bentall, Byrnes & Mann
OCT 01 | 8:00pm Bentall, Byrnes & Mann - SOLD OUT!
OCT 02 | 7:00pm Lunafest Film Festival
OCT 02 | 8:00pm Cabaret night with LOCARNO
{apologies; got confused and conflicting answers re what was on between 2nd and 16th; will spend more time trying for WVM18}
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Our Legion is busy getting prepred for Remembrance Day, November 11 -- contact them to help!
In the meantime:
Info on Julie Clements's project: BC Lest We Forget
My dream is to create a virtual memorial to honour all the men and women of BC who have laid down their lives serving in the Military. This memorial is not intended to glorify war; it is to honour those who fought and died for the freedom we have today.
There are hundreds of Cenotaphs throughout BC that honour their local war dead. Almost every small town has one and the majority of them only list the last name and initials of the soldier. As time passes the local people who knew these names well, have also faded into history, thus leaving these soldiers names in a form of anonymity.
I would like to honour them by creating a website that would look past the initials and see the real people who sacrificed their lives. A tribute to young lives that were once full and brimming with promise.
The virtual memorial website will be created by photographing and transcribing the names listed on BC Cenotaphs. Then each name will be researched and flushed out as much as possible to remove the anonymity behind the two-dimensional engravings on the Cenotaphs.
I received the 2007 West Vancouver Heritage Award for researching the names on the West Vancouver Cenotaph. Since then I have slowly worked on other Cenotaphs in my spare time. I am asking for funding to be able to do the research full time and get the website designed and active as quickly as possible.
My goal is to complete the research on all BC Cenotaphs and have them posted on the virtual memorial website by the hundredth anniversary of the end of WW I when peace was declared November 11, 1918. The funding will cover my living and travel expenses over the next four years along with programming and website costs. I estimate I will need a minimum of $2,000 per month to take this project on full time.
Any person or organization who donates to the building of the BC Lest We Forget website will be recognised by a virtual brick at the following donation levels in Canadian dollars:
Bronze Brick: $25 up to $500; Silver Brick: $500 up to $1,000; Gold Brick: $1,000 and over
Please donate generously and help me make sure these names are never forgotten. Lest We Forget
See more at: https://fundanything.com/en/campaigns/bc-lest-we-forget?col=-46455#sthash.VpjaxRTF.dpuf
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
New Board of Directors for 2014-15
Jason Black, President * Joffrey Koeman, 1st Vice President * Megan Sewell, 2nd Vice President
Brenda Petrie, Treasurer * Kristy Gill, Secretary * Gabrielle Loren, Past President
Rick Amantea, Director Steven Hodge, Director
Christine Baracos, Director Kevin Manning, Director (Bowen Island)
Catherine Barr, Director Gary Mussatto, Director
Virginia Bird, Director Christie McPhee, Director
Leighan Crowe, Director and
Doug Foot, Director Luis Sopena, Director
Further info on each director is on our website: http://www.westvanchamber.com/page/board%20of%20directors.aspx#.VDLIKfldVMk
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup sometimes not repeated here}
{NB: The VSun has many events, theatre, talks, book launches, and more -- below are some http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/ }
BARD ON THE BEACH -- 737 0625 -- http://www.bardonthebeach.org -- great season w/ 100K+ in attendance!
NEXT YEAR -- here's what's in store for 2015:
THE COMEDY OF ERRORS, directed by Scott Bellis (on the BMO Mainstage)
KING LEAR, a co-production with Theatre Calgary, directed by Dennis Garnhum (also BMO Mainstage)
LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST, directed by Daryl Cloran (on the Howard Family Stage)
SHAKESPEARE'S REBEL, (by C C Humphreys) a world premiere, directed by Christopher Gaze (HFStage)
2015 tix go on sale April. Be first to get all the exciting 2015 season news flashes in our E-Blasts -- a benefit of subscribing!
Take Our Survey And Win
We want to know what you think of us! If you could take a few moments to fill out our 2014 Patron Survey, we would be most grateful. We'll be selecting two lucky respondents who will each receive a Kobo eReader so do pass on the survey link to friends and family who attended with you!
Fill out the survey here.
Last Chance
This week is your last chance to donate to our 25th anniversary campaign! Help see Bard into the future click here:
Globe On Screen
Our season may be over but do not despair -- we are here for you year-round! We've partnered with the Media Events International Group to bring you Shakespeare direct from London's Globe Theatre. Yes, that's right, the MEI Group is screening several plays this winter including A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest at various cinemas in Vancouver and across Canada. For full schedule details and more information on the plays click here: http://meigroup.ca/?utm_source=E-News%3A+Sunday+Sept+21&utm_campaign=2014+Sept+21+E-News&utm_medium=email
See you at the cinema! And watch in future Bard E-News for exclusive ticket giveaways!
+ ARTS CLUB 687 1644 artsclub.com -- Educating Rita, Granville Island Stage till Oct 25
+ JERICHO ARTS CTR -- Carrie, the Musical: info jerichoartscentre.com
+ HENDRY HALL -- Snake in the Grass by Alan Ayckbourn, northvanplayers.ca Oct 16 - Nov 1
Antony Holland's Not Going Gentle phtheatre.org 7pm Sat Oct 25 and 2pm Sun Oct 26
Murder by Misadventure -- deepcovestage.com 929 3200 -- until Oct 25
A Toi, Pour Toujours, ta Marie-Lou by Michel Tremblay (English surtitles) until Oct 25
The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China's Emperors -- Oct 18 - Jan 11
200 rare treasures from Beijing's Palace Museum
Details and more events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html#eis
* VANCOUVER OPERA vancouveropera.ca 683 0222
Bizet's Carmen Sept 27 to Oct 5; Stickboy (Shane Koyczan) Oct 23 to Nov 7
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra vancouversymphony.ca
~ 8pm ~ Brahms and Chopin: Classical Romantics
Friday/Saturday Oct 17/18 -- Chan Centre for the Performing Arts at UBCMonday Oct 20 Centennial Theatre
Joshua Weilerstein, conductor -- Adam Golka, piano*
Ligeti: Romanian Concert; Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor*; Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor
Young American pianist Adam Golka has won international praise for his brilliant technique and emotional depth, and is a perfect match for Chopin's beautiful Piano Concerto No. 2. Exciting 27-year-old conductor Joshua Weilerstein, Assistant Conductor of the New York Philharmonic, makes his eagerly-anticipated return to the VSO with a program that includes one of the greatest of symphonies, the Fourth Symphony of Johannes Brahms.
Oodles -- local art, dance, books, music, etc -- from Alliance for Arts and Culture
~ BC Arts Council Announces Community Consultations & Program Review: The BC Arts Council is conducting a review of its Operating Assistance and Special Projects programs (Innovations and Capacity and Sustainability), and you're invited to participate in the process by attending a community consultation.
Meetings will be held in several communities across the province, starting in October.
~ A Literary Arts Centre For Vancouver? A group of publishers, festival organizers, and other interested parties are working on creating a public space to showcase the city's extraordinary practitioners in the written and spoken word arts. You're invited to provide feedback via an online survey.
For more links to news stories of interest see the "News" headlines on the Alliance home page.
= KEY EVENTS LISTA Helpful Guide for Event Planners. October 2014 Edition
Each month your Alliance updates a list of major upcoming events in and around MetroV to help event planners avoid scheduling conflicts. Click here for your October update.
= NEWS FROM OUR MEMBERSWhat Alliance Members Are Up To
~ Dance: Events from Co.ERASGA, New Works, Ballet BC, The ACT Maple Ridge, Mandala Arts & Culture, Vancouver Ballet Society, and Flamenco Rosario.
~ Film and Media Arts: Invitation from Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF).
~ General: Announcements from Heritage Vancouver, VanDop & Associates, and Little Dog Creative Consulting.
~ Music: Concerts from UBC Music, Holy Rosary Cathedral, Early Music Vancouver, Laudate Singers, Access to Music Foundation, Kay Meek Centre, and Vancouver Chopin Society.
~ Theatre: Shows from Western Gold Theatre, Gateway Theatre, Ruby Slippers Theatre, UBC Theatre, and Studio 58.
~ More Theatre: More shows from osimous theatre, The Cultch, Touchstone Theatre, and Renegade Productions Inc.
= NEWSLETTERS OF NOTEThe Latest From Our Associates & Affilliates
~ Vancouver Heritage Foundation: Supporting the conservation of heritage buildings and structures. (September 30)
~ Book News: The Vancouver Writers Fest offers a compendium of literary events around town and links to reviews and articles of interest. {NB: Various venues: 86 events Oct 21 to 26; see writersfest.bc.ca}
~ CAPACOA: The Canadian Arts Presenting Assn, serving the performing arts touring and presenting cmnty. (Sept 24)
Apple Festival at UBC Botanical Garden, 822 4529 botanicalgarden.ubc.ca 11am - 4pm Oct 18 and 19
=== TALK and WALK === David Cook 924 0147
Thursday October 16th -- Kilimanjaro climb: Walking from the Equator to the Arctic pole.
A free public talk for Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society)
Speaker: Bengul Kurtar; Location & time: Unitarian Church, 949 West 49th Ave. Note change of venue; 7:30 pm.
Description of talk: In this presentation you will see some unique plants and flowers which are specific to Mt Kilimanjaro.
Bengul will take you through several climate zones within an hour: the tropical rain forests, the evergreen forests, the moorlands, the alpine desert, and the arctic zone. Bengul returned from a successful trip to Kenya and Tanzania to climb the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, in mid-March 2014. The climb was part of WaterCans Kilimanjaro Climb for Life campaign to raise awareness and funds to help combat the global water and sanitation crisis.
For further info contact Botany Section Coordinator David Cook [ph or cookeco2@yahoo.com]
Saturday October 18th -- Native plants on campus
An interpretive walk jointly for Nature Vancouver and the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC.
Trip leader: David Cook. Meeting location: Beaty Biodiversity Museum, 2212 Main Mall, UBC Campus (beneath the whale).
Meeting time & duration of walk: 10:15 am. 2 hours 15 minutes.
Walk description: We will walk to locations on campus where native plants can be seen in their natural setting. You will learn about the taxonomy, ecology, and the traditional First Nation uses of each species.
Cost: For rates refer to website at www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca.
Mbrs of Nature Vancouver can receive a 10% discount on an annual mbrship to Beaty Biodiversity Museum but must show their Nature Vancouver mbrship card at the Admission Desk to receive the discount. Info about mbrship rates and benefits can be found online at: (http://www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca/join) or call 604 827 4955
+++ HEADSUP 15A +++ Sept 15 - 17
Monday Sept 15
Well, what happened tonight? and there's a WV Historical Talk Wednesday night. Salmagundi.
Monday Sept 15 Ccl Mtg Summary {see NOTES below}:
= Cclr M Lewis again absent
= Volunteer Heritage Designation sailed through -- we must thank Ms Wagner v much
= Delegation from NSh Homelessness Task Force: much good work and Action Wk starts Oct 13
= PH for Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw ('Housekeeping Amendments') on Oct 20 [DO READ them]
= Proposed Devt Procedures Amendment Bylaw -- three readings passed
= Three readings re detached Sec Stes, and Coach Houses (Sop opposed; residents can't appeal to Ccl)
= Proposed Building Amendment Bylaw, three readings
= Gas Tax Refund -- Mayor says WV residents pay about $800 per property for our rapid transit and freeway system :-)
= CEC Report on WG Guidelines and new WG
= Reports: Sop re Coho Festival; NG re awards and Prince Edward's and Countess Sophie's visit to the Capilano Hatchery (charming); CC spoke about (Cmte) nominations for Award; MB re wellness Society; Mayor re Terry Fox Run
= PQP {see p36/37}
Among other things: I thanked Ccl re Heritage Designation of house (and shd hv thanked Ms Wagner at the same time); I asked when the (revived) Heritage body will be established (told it was in the works); asked who went to the last UBCM and how they voted re extending the term to four years (confused answers except for the Mayor who said he'd voted no, but of the others one missed it, one didn't vote, etc); suggested the cmnty shd be told of the resolns and their input sought eg for the UBCM later this month -- can the four-year term be overturned, can it be changed so each M can decide (IOW flexibility); asked what about having elections for half every two years; asked what resolns they'll be voting on so we cd see them (and maybe give our opinions???), Ans: they're on the UBCM website (!!!). Sop said the system didn't work, FCM didn't either, and shd be changed.
Wednesday Sept 17
~ 7pm ~ WV Historical Society mtg; Srs' Ctr {NB: WV Museum's Webb Exhibition Opening 7 - 9pm Tues Sept 16} NSh author Adrienne Brown discusses her famous parents in her book, The Life and Art of Harry and Jessie Webb. "The heart-wrenching and triumphant story of Harry and Jessie Webb, artists and lovers, took off during the 1950s' Beat Generation in Vancouver with ground-breaking art; involvement in the jazz scene; struggles with limited income; the effect of post-war attitudes to women; and the contributions of Harry's career [in landscape architecture]." -- Christina Johnson-Dean, author of The Life and Art of Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher
UPDATE: Come to the mtg! you'll get a ticket to win a copy of the book and hope to win the draw -- a copy of Adrienne's book. lf you don't win the door prize there will be 20 copies of the book for sale ($34.50).
* Sad to learn WV artist Elizabeth Smily has died. She donated a copy of her portrait of the Queen Mother to HWV; we always have it at our RoyalTea-by-the-Sea. Here it is
* The Opening Reception (7pm) for the Museum's exhibition on the Webbs is Tuesday (16th) the night before the WVHS talk on the Webbs.
* Regional Context Statement OCP Amendmt Open House 4 - 7pm Tues at Cmnty Ctr.
* Design Review Cmte mtg on Thursday has been cancelled.
* Scotland votes on Thursday -- well, in our daily lives it is not that uncommon to do/decide something based on emotions (or ego) rather than reason. Wch makes you feel better? and for how long?
+++ HEADSUP 15B +++ Sept 18 - 22
September 18
Some imminent events..... Sept 19 to 22 -- after INFObits
At the end, before QTP, a great (15min) monologue by comedian John Oliver (whom we like v much) about the referendum in Scotland (broadcast a few days before the vote).
= Leonard Cohen turns 80 Sunday Sept 21!
= Fall Equinox occurs at 7:29pm PDT Monday Sept 22nd.
= Referendum in Scotland: As you probably know, the NO side won, 55% to 45%
= Premier Couillard made some excellent comments, see link just below. The first minute of the four-minute video in the article is the important part re the results in Scotland
Philippe Couillard says Quebec-Scotland vote comparisons ...CBC.ca - 12 hours ago
UPDATED -- Philippe Couillard says Quebec-Scotland vote comparisons 'risky'
Quebec premier tells PQ to 'come home and work on real issues'
by Janyce McGregor, CBC News Posted: Sep 19, 7:32 AM ET Last Updated: Sep 19, 2014 1:51 PM ET
article w/ video: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/philippe-couillard-says-quebec-scotland-vote-comparisons-risky-1.2771363
[~ 2pm Thurs Sept 18] ~ 8pm ~ Fri 19 - Vetta Chamber Music Season Opener vettamusic.com
Music by Zoltan, Kodaly, Mozart, and Chausson; West Point Grey United (3595 W 8th)
~ 8pm ~ Turning Point Ensemble at the Vancouver Playhouse turningpointensemble.ca
Imaginary Worlds (Music: Viennese, Korean, Canadian; and a new work by Farangis Nurulla-Khoja)
+ Thursday September 18th -- Returning Cloud Pasture back to Cloud Forest in Costa Rica
A free public talk for the Vancouver Natural History Society Speaker: Sara P. Clark
Location & time: 7:30 pm at Unitarian Church at 949 West 49th Avenue (at Oak Street), Vancouver. Note that this is a change of venue from the Unity Church, 5840 Oak Street (at 42nd). This change will also apply for the Botany Section talks in October and November 2014.
Description of talk: This is the story of twelve years of adventure and discovery, helping turn "cloud pasture" back into cloud forest in Costa Rica. It has been a pleasure finding old friends like Vaccinium and Gaultheria along with palms, heliconias, epiphytic and terrestrial orchids among evergreen oaks, and all the incredible diversity that makes up the montane tropics.
In 2002 Sara bought 300 hectares (723 acres) of eroded cattle pasture in Costa Rica with the intention of creating habitat for the creatures that lived there before it was "improved". This presentation covers 12 years of the process and highlights the tropical cloud forest species that are creating the emerging forest, along with some of the highlights of living off the grid in a foreign land.
Sara is a retired flight attendant who now lives and farms in Costa Rica at Finca Dos Lados Reforestation & Research Project. The farm is located on the continental divide at 2000 [metres] (6500 feet) on the northwest side of Poas Volcano. Sara's educational background is in studio art, art history, and a masters degree in ceramics. She also has considerable experience in mycology including the Pacific Northwest key council. She is a master birder from Seattle Audobon and has been in love with alpine habitats since visiting Mount Rainier when she was eight years old. She is now 73.
+ Friday September 19th -- Capilano River Regional Park geology & forest ecology.
An interpretive field trip for Elder U at Capilano University. Trip leader: David Cook.
Meeting Time & location: 10am. Cleveland Dam parking lot, North Vancouver. Duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Terrain: Moderate but w/ some rough sections on otherwise well groomed trails. There is one long, steep section of stairs.
Walk description: Join David on an easy/slow walk w/ many stops along the trails within the northern section of Capilano River Regional Park to examine some of the geological and botanical features of this young ice and water-carved valley.
The approach to the meeting location is Capilano Road in NV. The entrance to the Cleveland Dam parking area is about 2 km before reaching the Grouse Mountain Skyride.
Bring a snack and water and dress for changes in weather. Wear deep-tread footwear (see Terrain).
Registration: Call 984 4901 and quote Course Reference No. 93114. The field trips Geology of some buildings and monuments in downtown Vancouver on September 12th and to Seymour Provincial Park on September 26th are inclusive with the one registration. Cost: $15 for package of 3 walks.
+ A free child car seat clinic ~ 10am - 2pm ~ Appointments 1 477 247 5551
-- parking area at the SW corner of TWay and Marine Dr, immediately E of the former White Spot restaurant site.
Are you sure your child is properly and safely restrained when riding in your vehicle? WV Police and partners in safety are offering a free opportunity to ensure your own answer to that vital question is 'Yes".
WV Police, WV Fire and Rescue, ICBC, and the BCAA Traffic Safety Fdn are encouraging all motorists to double check that Occupant and Child Safety Restraints are properly installed.
Mbrs of the WV Police Traffic and Cmnty Services Unit will be joined by WV Fire and Rescue crews, ICBC, and representatives from the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation. Don't leave your child's safety to chance. We Look Forward To Seeing you!
Sep 20, 2014 - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Location: Welsh Hall, West Vancouver Memorial Library
Sep 20 - 2 to 4pm - Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society to celebrate their volunteers accomplishments and learn about the next big project in the Dale Park. Location: St Francis-in-the-Wood, 4773 Piccadilly South
+ Vancouver Heritage Foundation
~ 1 - 5pm ~ Mid-Century Modern House Tour: Ticket Holder Reminders
This weekend we head out for the 9th Annual Mid-Century Modern House Tour. We are looking forward to beautiful weather which is sure to make for a great day to tour some wonderful homes. For all those who will be touring Saturday, here are a few important reminders.
All ticket holders:
Have your brochure with you. It is your ticket, you will need it at every home, as well as the reception, to gain entry. If you have not received your ticket in the mail please call our office.
If you purchased a discounted parking pass from us, please take note of which lot is indicated on the pass. Your pass is only valid at the specified lot and must be displayed prominently on your vehicle's dashboard.
You will have to remove your shoes at each home, so wear slip-on shoes. We will supply some biodegradable plastic bags but you may prefer to bring a bag from home. You may also wish to wear or bring socks or slippers to avoid walking barefoot through homes.
Homes are open from 1pm - 5pm only. Please do not arrive outside of these four hours.
Additional note for Bus Ticket Holders: The buses leave promptly at 1pm from the parking lot in front of the Museum of Vancouver. Please anticipate potential delays and plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early to ensure you can find parking and are boarded onto a bus. Our office will not be open Saturday morning so you will not be able to notify us if you are running behind.
The tour is now at capacity. Cancellations? Pls check back for announcements regarding next year's tour or visit the Take a Tour page
of our website to view similar events.
+ Guitar Recital: French classical guitarist, composer, and arranger Roland Dyens
~ 7pm ~ Pyatt Hall 440 0263 vancouverguitar.org
Time: Registration open at 8am. Race starts at 9am. Location: Ambleside Park start to Dundarave and return
The Kidney Foundation of Canada's Give the Gift of Life Kidney Walk takes place each year in communities all [across] the country, and [is] one of the Kidney Fdn's most important "Recycle for Life" [fundraising] and awareness campaigns.
+ ~ 2pm ~ OPERA TEA in the GARDEN, UBC Botanical Garden with UBC Opera Ensemble music.ubc.ca
7 to 9pm -- In this free workshop you will learn about safe food and water supplies, utilities, sanitation, out-of-area contacts, what to put in your home emergency kit, and more. Location: NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc, NV
Last Chance To Register!
Registration for the 2014 Building Bridges Conference will close on Monday September 22 at midnight. Don't delay and register today to secure your place!
Join us in Cloverdale BC on September 26-27 for two informative and energizing days of discussion, collaboration, workshops, and networking!
This year Heritage BC is bringing it all together and building bridges across diverse interests, challenges, and approaches for heritage planners, professionals, business, government, educators, and heritage organizations across the province.
» Conference Schedule at a Glance http://heritagebc.ca/pdfs/2014_HBC%20Conference_Program.pdf
Don't be disappointed register today! Get all the details on interactive workshops here: » Programs & Workshops
:-? SCOTLAND VOTES [video] {moved to end of newsletter}
Saturday September 20
Dear folks -- what you missed!
Closing NIght!
Back from an incredible production and performance at Bard on the Beach, closing night of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Hilarious and innovative with superb acting. They went OTT since their last and Christopher even played an inserted cameo part as "Stinky Gaze" who wasn't chosen to play in the "play within a play", Pyramus and Thisbe. One actor was throwing popcorn at another, then turned and threw some at the front row -- and the patron threw some back at him! Another actor went up a few rows and sat on an audience mbr's lap and she took a selfie. Bottom (Scott Bellis) threw a mostly eaten carrot (included the green part) up a few rows and it landed on my foot.
At the end, standing ovation with applause, whistles, even screams.
Tonight was the end of a fantastic summer, Bard's 25th season, with over 100,000 in attendance.
Christopher Gaze has much to be proud of -- what a fabulous achievement, what a special treasure he is, and we're so lucky to have him -- Bard is a highlight of Vancouver's summer, a brilliant jewel in Vancouver's cultural crown.
I've seen some plays in London after seeing the same one here and they are comparable (and in one, Alessandro Juliani was better in the role).
Bard is an impressive cmnty. Besides the exceptional Board, Admin, and actors, there are over 200 volunteers (who put in about 20K hours!).
The plays next summer will be King Lear, The Comedy of Errors, Love's Labour's Lost (as a musical), and Shakespeare's Rebel (a play written based on C C Humphreys's book*).
Allan Morgan was awarded Edmund Kean's sword this year.
btw, Christopher mentioned Bill Millerd is the longest serving artistic director in Canada. Bard will be sharing some facilities in the Olympic Village with them.
Great to live in Vancouver.
Can't wait to see the plays next summer.
fyi, we have been supporters of Bard in various ways since the beginning. G set up their initial website -- it was among the first in Canada, even before Stratford's.
* C.C. Humphreys was born in Toronto and grew up in Los Angeles and London. He's a third generation actor and writer on both sides of his family, is married, and lives on Salt Spring Island.
+++ HEADSUP 15D +++ 11:58pm Monday Sept 23 Tidbits:
> NB; Equinox; UBCM; New Year; Nunavut Tartan; Volunteers for Energy WG; Heritage BC AGM/Gala
> Newswatch & INFObits: Climate Change; Salmon Return; Rosh Hashanah
> End: QTP and Husband Daycare (Rick Mercer).
As of 1:14am ADT the NB election results were 27 Liberals, 21 Conservatives, and 1 Green
(The only other time a Green has been elected in Canada is in BC)
Autumn Equinox 7:29 tonight. Oh dear, the days are now getting shorter.....
OTOH nights are getting longer!
UBCM mtg in Whistler: Mayor, CC, and NG scheduled to attend.
Wonder if they'll try to amend/change the extended (four-year) civic term.
Rosh Hashanah, two-day celebration of the Jewish New Year (anniversary of creation of Adam and Eve; see INFObits below)
Tartan Decision -- on CBC's As It Happens tonight..... amusing
The other Scottish Question: Which tartan should represent Nunavut? Monday, September 22, 2014 Categories:
For pictures and to listen: http://www.cbc.ca/asithappens/features/2014/09/22/the-other-scottish-question-what-tartan-should-represent-nunavut/
West Vancouver is committed to seeking the advice of and tapping into the expertise of residents wishing to serve on boards, committees, and working groups. As community leaders and volunteers, we value your time and have developed a structure to meet your ability to contribute.
If you are a WV resident and would like to volunteer to serve on a bd, cmte, or WG, opportunities for 2014 will be available as follows:
Cmnty Energy and Emissions Plan WG Eight volunteers Info re this working group
Contact Brent Leigh, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer 604-925-7003
Application forms are available: online, and in the Legislative Services Dept at M Hall
Applicants are requested to mail, fax (925 7006), or deliver completed applicns with a brief personal resume, to the Legislative Services Dept at:
WV Municipal Hall, 750 17th Street, West Vancouver, BC V7V 3T3 or by e-mail
Queries re the applicn process: Call Legislative Services at 925 7004. Apply by 4:30pm on Sept 30.
HERITAGE BC -- Cloverdale Sept 26 and 27
Building Bridges --- Cloverdale Recreation Centre, BC
This year's theme is about bringing it all together and building bridges across diverse interests, challenges, and approaches to heritage conservation in BC. Join heritage planners, professionals, business, government, educators, and heritage organizations for two informative and energizing days of discussion, collaboration, and networking. .....
The conference will be held in Cloverdale BC , at the Cloverdale Recreation Centre historic centre of Surrey and the home of many interesting heritage sites. Highlights include: the Keynote Speaker Associate Professor Maged Senbel, four sessions of concurrent workshops, Heritage BC AGM, and a very unique Awards Gala at Fraser Downs Racetrack and Casino.
Download the Conference Program here -- HBC Conference At A Glance:
Registration is now open! -- HBC Conference Registration:
+++ At the Climate Change Summit today at the UN, Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said we had to deal with it asap "b/c there's no Planet B".
<:)))>< Salmon Return to Washington's Elwha River for the First Time in 102 Years
Zachary Slobig, TakePart.com
Slobig writes: "For 102 years, native salmon bumped up against massive concrete hydroelectric dams on Washington states Elwha River, stubbornly persisting in their primitive urge to swim upstream and lay their eggs. Last week, that persistence paid off."
......At one time, this was one of the most productive fisheries in the Pacific Northwest, with salmon that could top 100 pounds.
A dam removal of this scale comes with plenty of unknowns. The sheer amount of sediment released once the barriers came down was unprecedentedsome 27 million cubic yards have now flushed down through the river corridor and are beginning to form an estuary at the river mouth, creating habitat for Dungeness crabs and clams....
Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: literally "head [of] the year") is the Jewish New Year. The Biblical name for this holiday Yom Teruah (Hebrew literally "day [of] shouting/raising a noise") or the Feast of Trumpets. It is the first of the High Holy Days Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") which usually occur in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of Tishrei. The day is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and their first actions toward the realization of humanity's role in God's world. Rosh Hashanah customs include sounding the shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn) and eating symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey to evoke a "sweet new year".
Observances -- Praying in synagogue, personal reflection, and hearing the shofar.
Begins -- Start of first day of Tishrei; Ends -- End of second day of Tishrei
2014 date -- sunset, September 24 ~ nightfall, September 26
+++ HEADSUP 15E +++ Sept 24 - 26 Events/Mtgs/Field Trip/Women/Opera
trying to let you know ahead of time:
Wed -- Word Vancouver; Chamber Speaker; Chef Competition
Thurs -- Design Review Cmte; WVPD; NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues; WV Streamkeepers
Fri -- Field Trip (Geology) AND Fri/Sat/Sun -- Culture Days
Salmagundi -- Woman jailed for watching men playing volleyball!; CCAB AWARD; Sabeel; VO: Carmen!; VSO
WORD VANCOUVER starts Wed Sept 24 at VPL
Naomi Wakan, well-known haiku poet (Poet Laureate of Nanaimo) and writer from Galiano will give a workshop on Sunday. See program: http://wordvancouver.ca/2014-festival/
U40 - Speakers Series TOMORROW!
Meet Angus Reid, former BC Lions Football offensive lineman - Wed Sept 24 5:30-7pm
Sep 24 - Location: West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club
For our U40 members - Join us this tomorrow for our U40-F2F Speakers Series: meet guest speaker Angus Reid, Former Offensive Lineman for the BC Lions who will speak about Overcoming Obstacles. A great networking opportunity for our Under 40 members and guests. Ticket includes a burger, potato salad, and a beer. Presenting Sponsor: Seacliff Properties. Hosted by the Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club & West Van Lawn Bowling Club.
Members - $25, Non-Mbrs - $28, Student (CapU) - $15 Register or Learn More
First-Ever ProAm Competition at Main Street Station Market
This Wednesday, September 24th at Main Street, market shoppers get their chance to compete head-to-head alongside a couple of the most reputable chefs in town. Chef Alvin Pillay of the Blackbird Public House and Oyster Bar and Chef Nathan Lowey of Campagnolo have invited aspiring chefs to partner with them in a friendly pro-am competition live at the market!
The ProAm teams will have just 20 minutes to shop the market for three key ingredients, and just 30 mins to prepare their dishes. Come check out the action as local food personalities judge both teams offerings. Judging will be based on creativity, presentation, and flavour, and the winner will receive $50 gift certificates to both the Blackbird and Campagnolo restaurants. For more info, visit the link on our Market News blog.
>>> Vancouver Farmers' Markets: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=49efa7cdad99db7b8a8c0e01b&id=c596da1e1d&e=02dd54de44
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte; 370/380 Mathers Ave (Residences on Mathers)
Resubmission of 17 residential units on a 2.2 acre site; OCP, Rezoning, Development Permit
~ 4:30pm ~ West Vancouver Police Board Mtg at the Police Station
~ 5pm ~ North Shore Advisory Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall
~ 7:30pm ~ WV Streamkeeper Society (Mbrs' Mtg); St Stephen's (885 - 22nd)
Agenda includes Directors' reports; projects (McDonald & Wood Crks); Invasive Plant Species; Brothers Crk mapping; Navvy Jack Nature House; Student Outreach; Spawner Surveys
Geology of Seymour Provincial Park
An interpretive field trip for Elder U at Capilano University.
Mtg Time/Location: 10am. Entrance to Safeway in Parkgate Mall, intersection of Mt Seymour Pkway and Seymour Rd.
Trip leader: David Cook 924 0147. Duration: Approx two hours. Terrain: Moderate with very little walking.
Walk description: Our first stop will be at the Deep Cove Lookout in Seymour Provincial Park. This viewpoint, which is 8 km from the Park entrance, will give us an opportunity for an overview of the geology of the Fraser Valley, Burnaby Mountain, and the Indian Arm fiord. We will then proceed to the downhill ski area at the terminus of the park road where we will see rocks displaying evidence of ancient volcanic activity.
Registration: Call 984 4901 & quote Course Reference No. 93114.
The field trips Geology of Some Buildings and Monuments in downtown Vancouver on Sept 12th and Capilano River Regional Park on Sept 19th are inclusive with the one registration. Cost: $15 for package of three walks.
North Shore Culture Days' Kick-Off Event
is this Friday, Sept. 26th, 5pm at Shipbuilder's Square in the Lower Lonsdale area of North Vancouver.
Culture Days celebrations are being coordinated by the Arts Office on behalf of the City and District of North Vancouver, with support from the District of West Vancouver, Vancouver North Shore Tourism Association, North Vancouver Rec Commission, North Vancouver City Library, and North Vancouver District Public Library.
Find North Shore Culture Days events by searching North Vancouver or West Vancouver at culturedays.ca.
North Shore Mayors Face the Music - Culture Days Kick Off
Music Collective Creation, Hands-On Activity
Join us for the North Shore Culture Days Kick Off happening at the final Friday Night Market of the season in Shipbuilders Square. Mayors from all three North Shore municipalities will be in attendance to help kick off the celebrations. Special guests, instructors and students from Fairfield Music will be on hand to play some tunes, share some tips and inspire everyone to unleash their creative spirit.
LIST OF EVENTS, WORKSHOPS, etc FOR FRIDAY alone! http://www.artsoffice.ca/news/ns_cdays/articles578.php
change.org ---> Bring my sister home!
Since June 2014 my younger sister is in solitary confinement in Tehran. She was arrested for going to a men's volleyball match. Ghoncheh is a British Iranian dual citizen. She was there to watch a game. She was arrested because of a misunderstanding.
Amnesty International has called for an Urgent Action for my sister. Amnesty believes Ghoncheh has been put under psychological pressure and been told she "would not walk out of prison alive." ... {She's in solitary confinement.}
See whole story and petition: https://www.change.org/p/david-cameron-hassanrouhani-bring-my-sister-home-freeghonchehghavami
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business 12th annual Vancouver Gala this year honours corporate Canada company recipients for their PAR (Progressive Aboriginal Relations) achievements and each year one very special recipient to receive the Award of Excellence in Aboriginal Relations. Past recipients of this prestigious award included the Honourable Paul Martin and former First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine to name a few.
The Award for Excellence in Aboriginal Relations is designed to recognize a Canadian who has contributed, through professional and voluntary commitments, to building bridges between Aboriginal people and Canadian society. Their efforts have made a substantial impact across Canada and across sectors, including the business sector.
This year's worthy recipient is Mary Simon.
Mary is the recent past president of the (ITK) Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the National Inuit Organization. She is an Officer of the Order of Canada, Recipient of the National Order of Quebec, the Gold Order of Greenland, The National Aboriginal Achievement Award, the Gold Order of the Canadian Geographic Society, The Symons Medal, the Governor Generals Northern Award. She has been inducted into the International Womens Hall of Fame. She is a Fellow of the Arctic Institute of North America and of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society. In 2013 Ms. Simon received recognition as a nation builder from the Famous Five. She was recently honoured, by the Public Policy Forum for her contributions to public life, public policy and governance in Canada. Presently Mary is working with Paul Martin, Phil Fontaine, and many other distinguished Canadians as Co Chair of Canadians for a New Partnership (http://www.cfnp.ca/). See Mary's bio attached for more details on her distinguished career {forwarded on request}.
CANADIAN FRIENDS OF SABEEL ~~~ Sabeel Wave of Prayer -- msg received September 18
In the last weeks the Israeli government revealed its master plan to forcibly relocate as many as 12,500 Bedouin people from their ancestral lands east of Jerusalem. This was done without consulting the Bedouin tribes, in violation of Israeli Supreme Court recommendations. We pray that this latest unjust plan will not be implemented, as it is part of a long and unacceptable history of discrimination against the indigenous Bedouin community. Lord in your mercy
{William Roberts, a BC priest from St John the Divine Anglican Church in Squamish will be taking up an interim executive position with Sabeel on Nov 3. He has visited Israel/Gaza several times.}
The popular opera by Georges Bizet shd hv bn called Don Jose. Vancouver Opera's production opens Sat Sept 27 at QET
Sept 27, 28 matinee, Oct 2, 3, 4, 5 matinee {*tip* best seating availability on Sun Sept 28 & Fri Oct 3.}
Evening Perfs at 7:30pm & Matinees at 2pm. In French with English translations projected above the stage
Info: https://www.vancouveropera.ca/whats_on/2014-2015_season/carmenTix start at $45. Call the VO Ticket Ctr at 683 0222.
The VSO's 96th Season Opening Weekend
The VSO's 2014/2015 Season starts with a bang, as Maestro Bramwell Tovey presents two of the most iconic, big-orchestra pieces in the repertoire: the colossal Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 with pianist Inon Barnatan, and Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss a piece made famous by Stanley Kubrick's film, 2001: A Space Odyssey (as well as many commercials and Elvis Presley concerts after that!). Pianist Inon Barnatan is taking the classical world by storm, having recently been named the New York Philharmonic's first Artist-in-Residence come see what all the fuss is about, as he performs one of the toughest and most rewarding piano works ever written.
Join Maestro Bramwell Tovey and the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra for the new season's Opening Weekend!
Saturday & Monday, September 27th & 29th, 8pm, Orpheum http://enews.vancouversymphony.ca/1415VSO-02.html
+++ HEADSUP 15F +++ Mtgs/Events/Oct 6 Agenda/etc
so much happening!
Think I'll wait and add Sept 15 ccl mtg notes to Sept 8's and make the next issue 16/17 :-) wch means better note some events, a few of wch shd hv bn in WVM 16 (and were in draft). Besides the Oct 6 agenda is up.
The Awards Gala of the annual Heritage BC conference, this year in Cloverdale (at Fraser Downs) had slides and impressive stories of what ppl have done restoring and celebrating our heritage. (More details in a future issue.) It cd hv bn described as Don Luxton Night. He was involved in many -- and does great work.
UP's The School for Scandal at JAC (by Sheridan in 1777) had many sold-out nights including the last performance (wch we were lucky enough to attend). Charles Surface and Lady Sneerwell -- even the names were funny. Well done.
Oh, Vancouver.
Sunday afternoon ppl sunbathing on the beach at Kits! Truly an Indian summer -- keep it coming cuz November's monsoon is not far off.
Great end to a calamitous week having to attend to commitments in Brackendale, hot water heater quit and not fixed for about a week (so decamped), the Shellshock Internet vulnerability so G had to take down some of our websites and update our server, so out of operation almost a week (most back but not quite all yet).
The Vancouver Sun's SCENE section in Thursday's newspaper is where most of the plays, music, talks, etc. In order to get this out before the first event this evening, I'm not going to delay this further by checking through it -- but you may!
Herewith: Mtgs/Events; Oct 6 Agenda; News; QTP and cartoon
+ Chamber Events
Come and meet your Board of Directors at the WV Chamber's AGM - 5pm TONIGHT
Sep 30 - Location: CapU Westerleigh Campus WV (Next to West Vancouver Chamber office)
WV Chamber members -- You are invited to attend the Chamber's Annual General Meeting TONIGHT, Sept 30.
Meeting starts at 5 pm sharp at the CapU Westerleigh Campus, 2225 Marine Dr, next to the Chamber office. Come and meet your Board of Directors. We look forward to seeing you there.
= What About the Print? Printmaking & Mixed Media September 30 - October 19
Join us for the Opening Reception Sept 30 ~ 6 - 8 p.m. Meet the Artists on October 4 ~ 2 - 3 p.m.
= Tibetan Singing Bowls for Sound Healing
Sep 27, 2014 - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
You can help to restore The Dale Park! Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society, no previous experience necessary. Please be sure to wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided. Location: Meet at the corner of Water Lane and The Dale
Wed Oct 1 ~ 5pm ~ NSh Substance Abuse WG mtg, DNV M Hall
~ 6pm ~ Election Information mtg, M Hall
Thurs Oct 2 ~ 6pm ~ Upper Lands WG at Srs' Ctr
~ 7pm ~ Awards Cmte mtg at Lawson Creek Studios, 1768 Argyle
Sat/Sun Oct 4/5 --- PUMPKINFEST at the WVCC
Council AGENDAS October 6
6:00 PM -- Notice of special Council meeting (closed session)
7:00 PM -- PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Zoning ... Amdmt Bylaw 4791, 2014, re 959 21st St and 2151 Gordon Ave,...
followed by
Delegation - Join the Pipe Canada re Installation of Public Tap Water Stations: Information presentation
Devt Permit Applicn 14-004 for 1583 Marine Dr (Shoppers Drug Mart):
Consideration of DPA to allow for the construction of a new Shoppers Drug Mart with roof top parking
Proposed 2015 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw 4808, 2014
(proposed exemptions for srs housing, pre-school, daycare and cmnty care, places of public worship, not for profit corporation, private school ancillary lands): Consideration of 3 readings
752 Marine: Refined land use and massing proposal and direction for amendments to the OCP (Park Royal) Consideration of advancing the applicn, including detailed drawings and public consultation
Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw 4785, 2014
(request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Drive):
Consideration of adoption of the proposed bylaw (rec'd 3 readings on Sept 15)
Proposed Devt Procedures ... Amendment Bylaw. 4806, 2014
(Devt Permit Process for Detached Sec Stes, Coach Houses):
Consideration of adoption of the proposed bylaw (rec'd 3 readings on Sept 15)
Proposed Building ... Amendment Bylaw 4798, 2014 (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits): Consideration of adoption of the proposed bylaw (rec'd 3 readings on Sept 15)
Proposed Zoning ... Amdmt Bylaw (959 21st St and 2151 Gordon Ave, Kiwanis Seniors Housing, proposed amdmt to CD5 Zone to correct max permitted FAR and site coverage for Area 2)
Applicn for a Liquor Primary Club Licence Eagle Harbour Yacht Club Society 5750 Eagle Hbr Rd: Consideration of participation in the licensing process for the applicn by gathering public input
+ September is Royals Month on CBC -- tonight's (Tuesday 30th) is on Prince Harry. Series on Internet.....
From: Terra Lawson-Remer - Avaaz <avaaz@avaaz.org>
Subject: Before honey bees are extinct Date: 25 September, 2014 4:34:36 PM PDT
To: "cr@carolanne.ca" <cr@carolanne.ca>
Dear friends,
Silently, billions of bees are dying off and our entire food chain is in danger. Bees don't just make honey -- they are a giant, humble workforce, pollinating 75% of growing plants. But in five days the US could move to ban the toxic pesticides that are killing them off.
We know we can get a ban -- after a mega Avaaz campaign last year, the EU banned this group of poisons that multiple scientists blame for bees' rapid demise. Right now chemical companies are furiously lobbying US authorities to stop action. But insider allies say a massive public mandate could tip the scales towards a ban. Let's give it to them! If the US moves, it will set in motion a ripple effect on the rest of the world.
We have no time to lose -- members of the White House's bee task force will report with proposals on Tuesday. Already 2.5 million of us have backed this campaign. Let's race to send messages to the heads of the task force before Tuesday's meeting. This is not just about saving bees, this is about our survival. Click to send a message now:
Bees are vital to life on earth -- every year pollinating plants and crops with an estimated $40bn value. Without immediate action to ensure bees' continued pollination, many of our favourite fruits, vegetables, and nuts could vanish from our shelves and of our food supply will be gone.
Recent years have seen a steep global decline in bee populations -- some bee species are already extinct and just in California -- the biggest food producer in the US -- beekeepers are losing a third of their bees each year. Scientists have been scrambling for answers. While some studies, often funded by the chemical companies, argue this may be due to a combination of factors including disease, habitat loss, and toxic chemicals, powerful independent studies conclude neonicotinoid pesticides are to blame.
It is this startling evidence and super effective campaigning by Avaaz and partners that won the EU ban. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by Congress to regulate toxins, but under the influence of big chemical companies, for years theyve fudged the law. Now the White Houses Pollinators Health Task Force could get the EPA to cancel the pesticides' registration so they can't be sold in the US. This is our chance!
The task force reports in five days. Already 2.5 million of us around the world have backed this campaign. Lets race to send thousands of messages to deliver our call to the heads of the agencies who sit on the task force before they reach their decision:
We can no longer leave our delicate food chain in the hands of chemical companies and the regulators that are in their pockets. Banning these pesticides will move us closer to a world safe for ourselves and the other species we care about and depend on.
With hope,
Terra, Alex, Alice, Ari, Nick, Laila, Marigona, Ricken, and the rest of the Avaaz team
Heavy Costs, Weighing the Value of Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Agriculture (Center for Food Safety)
Presidential Memorandum -- Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators (The White House)
+ City Opera News / 30 September 2014
Welcome to our Fall Season
After the extraordinary success of PAULINE all five performances sold out we are now in pre-production for our next mainstage, THE LOST OPERAS OF MOZART.
Meantime we offer concerts, recitals, and special events. They widen our audience, build our brand, and welcome more people to the world of opera. We would love to have you join us...
City Opera at Holt Renfrew
We've been asked by the Italian Trade Commission and Holt Renfrew to appear at Opening Night of their 19-day Italian Immersion Festival. It's a benefit for Re-Think Breast Cancer.
Wednesday October 1, at 8pm Holt Renfrew, 737 Dunsmuir -- Pls join soprano Chloé Hurst, tenor Martin Sadd, pianist Michael Onwood, and narrator Tom Durrie for this all-Puccini preview.
Pauline on the YouTubes
Thanks to Margaret Atwood and Tobin Stokes, we are now able to show you the gorgeous tenor aria from Act Two of Pauline. In this new video Adam Fisher sings All Yesterday, accompanied by pianist David Boothroyd. This aria was produced and edited by Sharon Kravitz. Click here to watch it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdUnBtFGKP0
{Sorry, late. Had wanted to go to this :-( }
In your community: PBO presents
8pm SATURDAY SEPT 27 Christ Church Cathedral
2:30pm SUNDAY SEPT 28 WV United Church
Which music would Bach, his family, and his friends have performed on summer afternoons at the famous Zimmermann's Coffeehouse in Leipzig? He was in charge of their Collegium Musicum, founded by Telemann, in the 1730s.
This programme presents pieces likely part of these events: Bach's own Brandenburg 5, a spectacular flute concerto by Frantisek Benda, one of Telemann's sublime Paris quartets, and an orchestral overture (BWV 1070) wch for a long time was attributed to Johann Sebastian, but may rather be by his son Wilhelm Friedemann: a rarely performed little gem.
VIEW PBO'S FULL SEASON: http://www.pacificbaroque.com/concert-schedule/
From: Alex Morton <gorbuscha@gmail.com>
Subject: [wildsalmonpeople] Release poisons, really?
Date: September 25, 2014 at 7:17:05 AM PDT
To: Alexandra Morton <alexandramorton5@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Alex Morton <gorbuscha@gmail.com>
Members of Parliament John Duncan and James Lunney are reaching out to the public regarding new salmon farm "regulations" that would allow the industry to release chemicals that kill fish. They would also allow for killing wild fish to control pathogens.
As one of the big Norwegian operators in BC considers selling out to Mitsubishi, we have three weeks to speak up about these proposed regulations.
Also there is a new film on salmon farming premiering this weekend at the Vancouver International Film Festival http://www.viff.org/festival/films/f14044-the-pristine-coast The ending will surprise you!
We need to decide if we want Norwegian and Japanese companies deciding which fish will live or die in BC.
Our voices are important. See my blog on how to comment on this.
Alexandra Morton
+++ HEADSUP 15G +++ Missed Mtgs + Sunday & Monday
Enjoying PumpkinFest?
Trying to hold up in spite of being busy and having computer system problems. Email to me has been bouncing since Wednesday but most fixed now we hope; a bit more to do.
Below, Sunday first in case interested in birds and a walk in the Lynn headwaters plus also a full day with various activities put on by the Georgia Strait Alliance wch looks v interesting. Info on others for future reference. Then QTP and a cartoon for the Scots at the end.
Also, on Monday
DWV Finance Cmte mtg 9:30am Oct 6 for the beancounters and the beancounter-minded -- taxpayers?
A peek at what's in newsletter drafted:
Did anything change at UBCM? No. The election Nov 15 will be for a Ccl for four years. :-(
Candidates filed so far: Craig Cameron, Michael Lewis, Ali Mallikin, Terry Platt, Bill Soprovich
Deadline is 4pm Oct 10. Info, visit westvancouver.ca/election
or contact: Sheila Scholes, Chief Election Officer 925 7045; Mark Panneton, Deputy CEO 925 7049
SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 -- an event at 8:30am and two starting at 10am.
=== Lighthouse Park Preservation Society
Monthly Bird Counts Meet at the upper kiosk in the parking lot in Lighthouse Park on the First Sunday of every month at 8:30 a.m. Sept. 7th, Oct. 5th, Nov. 2nd, Dec. 7th, Jan. 4th
SEE: http://www.lpps.ca/events {more info below}
=== FIELD TRIP === David Cook 924 0147
Sunday October 5th -- Norvan Falls, Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, North Vancouver.
An event for Nature Vancouver (Vancouver Natural History Society).
Mtg Locn: Northern parking lot, Lynn Headwaters Regional Park. The parking lot is accessed by driving to the end of Lynn Valley Rd, NV then through the entrance gate into Lynn Headwaters Park and then to the very end of the winding road. Mtg Time: 10am. Duration & Distance: About six hours. 13 km. Trip Leader: David Cook.
Elevation Gain, distance & difficulty rating: 100 metres, 14 km (roundtrip), B14.
See Nature Vancouver website for Difficulty Ratings (http://www.naturevancouver.ca/).
This is an intermediate level hike to Norvan Falls in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park. We will be paralleling the east bank of Lynn Creek along the Headwaters Trail, so elevation gain will only be 100 metres. There is a short rough section along a side trail connecting Headwaters Trail to the falls. On the way we will have an opportunity to view the geomorphology and forest ecology of the Lynn Creek valley. Wear deep tread hiking boots with ankle support and bring lunch and water. Be prepared for changes in weather. There will be many stops to view and discuss points of natural history and geological interest en route.
For those travelling by bus, there will be car-pooling at 9:30 am at Phibbs Bus Exchange. People with cars prepared to give ppl a lift from Phibbs Exch and those requiring a lift from Phibbs Exch should contact David at (924 0147).
Registration and mbrship in Nature Vancouver not required, however limit of three field trips to non-mbrs.
Something new and exciting is happening on Vancouvers shoreand we want you to be part of it!
On Sunday, October 5th, Georgia Strait Alliance is hosting Waters Edge Day, Vancouvers first celebration of the citys waterfront. From 10am to 5pm, we are organizing a full day of free and fun activities for the whole family at the Vancouver Maritime Museum and other places along the shore. Bring your friends and family and come down to the shore for Waters Edge Day. There is so much to do and explore:
Join paddle tours in Tsleil-Waututh canoes with Takaya Tours. Free tickets.
Go on kayak tours with Ecomarine
Interact with ocean critters in the Vancouver Aquarium's mobile touch tanks
Get aboard an all electric boat for an interpretive tour of English Bay
Bike around False Creek with CityCycle Tours and learn about the history of the waterfront and the return of the herring. Free tickets.
Check out the exhibition "Where Land and Water Meet" with art and historical photos exploring the water's edge
Get creative and join an art workshop
Learn all about the science of water at Science World
Explore the Green shores restoration project at Jericho Beach
Enjoy free access to the Vancouver Maritime Museum
And you can WIN GREAT PRIZES. Find out how -- http://www.georgiastrait.org/?q=node/1236
See you on the waterfront!
> Also of interest:
= Friday October 3
An RSVP event:
Valerie Langer -- Director of BC Forest Campaigns, ForestEthics Solutions -- ForestEthicsAdvocacy.org
PS Get the latest on Great Bear Rainforest and other ForestEthics campaigns: like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter.
= Saturday October 3 -- Thanks from LPPS:
Thank you to everyone who came out to volunteer at last weekends ivy pull in the Dale Park, and also to those who stopped by while enjoying the nice weather to see what we were up to, and to voice their support and applaud our efforts. Encouragement from the sideline is always welcomed, ask any sports team!
We had 26 volunteers of all ages in attendance, and that seemed to create an energy that resulted in the removal of more ivy and laurel than I have ever before seen piled up at the end of an event. There was a mountain of laurels and 18 very full super-sized bags of ivy! A big thank you to each and every one of you!
The project in the Dale Park is possible thanks to the continued support from our Members, the assistance of the WV Parks Dept, and thanks to several generous donations and grants. For the Dale Project, support has been provided by Canons Take Root Program, presented by Evergreen.
Our next volunteer opportunity is this Saturday, October 4th from 9 am to Noon at the anchor site on Pilot House Road. This is a lovely area where six years of efforts are having a big payoff. The terrain is easily accessible to people wanting to participate for the first time, or with small children, or for those who wd just like to stop by and say hello. The plan is to do some planting and gentle weeding. I have attached the notice for those who are interested. Feel free to pass it on. This is also a great opportunity for students who are accumulating volunteer work credits. As always, we hope to see you there!
Yours truly,
Ann Crosby, Lighthouse Park Preservation Society Website: lighthouse park preservation society
+++ HEADSUP 15H +++ Canada's role re ISIS [5/6 Oct]
Of course had hoped WVM 16 wd be out by now, but nope.
Since the federal govt is about to start the debate what to do, here's some background/history/analysis to consider. It might help. It's already in the WVM16 draft.
Let your party and MP know what you think. It is confusing and difficult. It's horrible. What wd be the most effective positive approach?
The debate may add to our information so even more aspects involved......
=== IS ISIL ISIS? === To bomb or not to bomb?
On Friday Oct 3 CBC's As It Happened broadcast Green MP Elizabeth May's remarks about Canada's role. I was so impressed at her analysis that I went to her website to get them. Thoughtful.
Then the next day I read the background and analysis written by Scott Ritter.....
Why the Current Approach Against ISIS Will Fail -- by Scott Ritter, Reader Supported News 03 October 14
{Both moved to end of newsletter}
+++ HEADSUP 15I +++
Since time obviously is constant, why does it seem to race sometimes and drag at others? {50 words or less; write to time@westvan.org}
Herewith: [1] Tidbits; [2] Oct 6 Ccl; [3] Meetings Oct 8, 9, 10; [4] Morning Smile/Frustration
= New position re Cmnty Relns started Oct 1 -- great!
= Canada commits six fighter jets, 600 personnel, six-month mission; passes 157 - 134 (Cotler abstained)
= DWV has received two awards, the Mayor happily announced:
The Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) Awards for Municipal Excellence
In October 2014, NAIOP Vancouver will publish its 15th annual municipal report card in Business in Vancouver. The report acknowledges those municipalities which have excelled in creating environments positive to business creation. The District of West Vancouver has been awarded the honour of Most Fiscally Responsible Municipality, with a .91% annual average inflation over the past 14 years.
BC Hydro Power Smart Award
DWV has been recognized for our participation in the Power Smart Power Program. Through energy lighting retrofit projects at the Civic Site, the District saved enough kilowatt hours to power the equivalent of 15 homes for a full year. This project required the cooperation of many staff across divisions.
= Mayor announced awards DWV has received (see Tidbits above)
= PH re correcting FAR for 959 21st / 2151 Gordon (Kiwanis) lasted only minutes; three readings in reg mtg approved.
= [7:14] Delegation from Join the Pipe Canada re installation of public tap water stations
= Discussion re the Shoppers (1583 MDr) DPA lasted about an hour; some interesting considerations: Shoppers proposal one storey and the DRC recommended higher density; debate re parking allowed and where. Eventually approved. At some point, CC opined shd be a plan; seemed to him another spot zoning as Grosvenor and Maison were (also wrt 752 MDr).
= Eligibility for permissive tax exemptions included Salvation Army (doesn't get) and Collingwood (gets but nbrs listed violations so C'wood listed contributions to cmnty); dealt with a misclassification (error by BC Assessment); Finance Cmte will discuss
= [8:46] 752 MDr (PkR, former White Spot) proposal and direction for OCP amendments led to pleas to deal with MDr and TWay intersection (beforehand); present OCP largely silent on density/ht there; Sop asked for a master plan re gridlock; MB asked if there'd be CACs (yes); NG said traffic/Lower Level Rd, etc discussed at UBCM: much public consultation planned (by PkR under staff admin); NG urged higher numbers be consulted; several interesting comments by mbrs of public.
= [9:50] Heritage designation bylaw for 6003 Eagleridge Drive adopted {Yay! great!}
= Proposed Devt Procedure Bylaw re permit process for detached sec stes and coach houses was for adoption; since not the subj of a PH, a mbr of public expressed objections {wrt nbrs; valid, IMO}; passed with Sop opposed.
= Bylaw Amdmt to demolition permits and Security Deposits was adopted.
= Active Devt Applicns Status List (to Sept 12) was received for info.
= Lots of Correspondence!
= NG said at the UBCM at Whistler there were 12-1500 in attendance and 207 resolutions!
PQP included exploring why/how 1000 - 1200 Keith changes re
removal of hedges and widening for bicycles etc
without consultation of the residents; Engg will look into it.
> 7pm -- EarthWorks at Capilano University ----->
> 7pm North Shore Historical Society mtg
at the NV Museum & Archives, 3203 Institute Rd., NV
Our guest this month is well-known historian and heritage advocate, Bruce Macdonald. His book Vancouver - A Visual History is one of the standard works when doing any kind of historical research in Vancouver. He will talk about current projects including how to record interviews using a cell phone so both video and audio can be posted on the Internet. The Oct newsletter has news from 100 yrs ago.
See you at the meeting. Bring a friend. People with an interest in local history and heritage are always welcome.
Bruce Macdonald was born in Vancouver and has enjoyed a life-long interest in all things historical. With the help of the Vancouver Historical Society he produced his award-winning book, spending 10K hrs of work researching, writing, designing the book, and completing the cartography and layout. He has served as the vice president of the VHS and president of Mount Pleasant's Brewery Creek Historical Society, and is happy to give talks and do walking tours.
~ 7pm ~ Upper Lands WG at Srs' Ctr AND Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte, GCC
~ 9:30m ~ Cmnty Grants Cmte mtg at Cmnty Ctr (Cedar Rm)
+++ HEADSUP 15J +++ Oct 12; Mtgs & Election
Hope you're enjoying a great Thanksgiving. Family time! and what a great place we live in..... Take the challenge to make it even better.........
As you see,
I'm still scrambling -- hope to have WVM out tomorrow, and trying to catch up, it will be two in one: WVM 16/17 and will cover Sept 8 and 15 with highlights from Oct 6. WVM18 will cover Oct 6th's ccl mtg more. There's a new position at the Hall, Mgr of Cmnty Relations, and a new book from the WV Historical Society soon to be launched.
First, to sort out some confusion.
Was 'discombobbled' contacting KMC last week when one KMC staff person said the WV Citizens for Good Govt's All-Candidate Mtg was on Wednesday Oct 15 and another said it was cancelled. A WVC4GG director confirmed it was in fact on. Then saw the date Oct 14 in the NSN! After that, another (correction and confirmation) that indeed their ACM is at 7pm on Wed Oct 15 at KMC. The first and only one this coming week.
Of course
WVM will have the ACMs (WVM16/17 goes to ~Oct 19). Oct 10 was filing deadline (withdrawal deadline Oct 17).
Here's what it has:
+ CIVIC ELECTION [Vote Nov 15th!] westvancouver.ca/election
Congratulations to Mayor Mike Smith, again in by acclamation!
15 candidates this time -- split six and nine :-) -- to wit:
Joanna Baxter, Mary-Ann Booth, Craig Cameron, Christine Cassidy, Max Clough, Michael Evison,
Jim Finkbeiner, Nora Gambioli, Jon Johnson, Peter Lambur, Michael Lewis, Ali Mallakin, Terry Platt, Carolanne Reynolds, Bill Soprovich
More info, contact: Sheila Scholes, Chief Election Officer 925 7045; Mark Panneton, Deputy CEO 925 7049
... and now back to slaving over a recalcitrant laptop and draft. FWIW, CultureWatch will be decreased -- just so much time to research.
but QTP to end with a smile..........
As for CULTUREWATCH, Scene (a section in every Thursday's Vancouver Sun) has usually most of what's on -- apple festival on Bowen, harp concerts, even poetry readings!
{QTP to end of newsletter}
+++ HEADSUP 15K +++
btw -- Info on the coming election: http://westvancouver.ca/government/2014-general-local-election
just so you know.......
Herewith mtgs out of the draft newsletter wch shd appear one day soon.....and QTP at end
=== Wednesday October 15
~ 5pm ~ Board of Variance Hearing: 1100 Highland Pl re existing retaining wall, 1.7m to Retaining Wall Grade Line
~ 6pm ~ WV Memorial Library Bd mtg at Library
~ 7pm ~ WV Citizens for Good Govt All-Candidates Mtg at the Kay Meek Ctr
=== Thursday October 16
Ready for an emergency? If your answer isn't an immediate 'Yes', it's time to take action. Learn, Prepare, Practise.
Join the Great BC Shake-Out! BC's next province wide earthquake drill is at 10:16am.
Click Here For Information and Registration ---> http://www.shakeoutbc.ca
Emergency Preparedness is a responsibility shared by every mbr of the cmnty and it is vital that every mbr of the cmnty learn what to do before, during and after an emergency situation. If you haven't an Emergency Plan for yourself, your family, or at your business or place of employment, today is a great day to start.
On October 16, officially "ShakeOut BC Day," millions of people worldwide will practise how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:16 a.m. during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills!
British Columbians can join by registering for the 2014 Great British Columbia ShakeOut.
Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes wherever you live, work, or travel.
Practise with loved ones at least once a year.
Always have an Emergency Kit ready
Know the Hazards present in our community and region
WV Residents are fortunate to be served by our partners with the North Shore Emergency Management Office. Visit the NSEMO website at www.nsemo.org for comprehensive information on Emergency Preparedness and free workshops.
All North Shore residents are encouraged to learn more about the self-subscribing 'Rapid Notify' Alerting System. Operated by NSEMO, this system allows you to choose how you will be directly and electronically alerted if there is emergency information to be distributed. Register for Rapid Notify today!
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte -- CANCELLED
~ 6pm ~ NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte at WV Cmnty Ctr
~ 6:45pm ~ Serenade to Ambleside Gala Fundraiser at the KMC
=== Saturday October 18
~ 9am - noon ~ Ivy Pull -- The Dale Park
You can help to restore The Dale Park! Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society, no previous experience necessary. Please be sure to wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided. Location: Meet at the corner of Water Lane and The Dale
=== Monday October 20
~ 5 - 6pm ~ Cmnty Engagement Cmte mtg {NB: UPDATE: Revised to 4:30 - 5pm, closed session 5 - 6}
OVER AT THE LIBRARY {to Oct 18, moved to Library Section}
===== CCL MTG NOTES Sept 8th =====
Re transcript: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video to listen to entire bit. NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
Absent: Cclrs CC, NG, ML
(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages
and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of mtg: matters re cmte apptmts, labour relations, and proposed provision of a M service.
+ REGULAR CCL MTG Sept 8th -- 7pm
Revised on September 3, 2014:
To add new item 3.1 re Update from Vancouver Coastal Health regarding E. coli Count in Local Waters.
Revised on September 5, 2014:
To add an information booklet to Item 5 re Woodfibre LNG Ltd, re Proposal for LNG Plant in Howe Sound.
ML absent
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: good so many ...
remarks on the passing of Jim MacCarthy, listing all his volunteer work and great contributions
WV v fortunate to have had Jim as one of its citizens
2. Approval of Agenda -- adding info re LNG
3. Adoption of Minutes -- July 21 special and regular Ccl mtgs; July 28, 30, special Ccl mtgs.
{Anne Mooi gave report on E. coli on beaches}
Dr M Lysyshyn: Medical Health Officer for North Shore; from January 2014
partnership WV, MetroV, and Vancouver Coast Health Authority (VCHA)
Health Auth advises on the safety; District posts warnings
Transport Canada regulates discharges from vessels
several closures, unusual
closure mid-July then all beaches in WV for the month of August
want beaches open
some mtgs ... to help figure out causes [listed some]
visited sewage plants, didn't seem to be anything
Transport Canada, asked how they regulate discharge from ships; laws, can't discharge within 12 miles -- from Vancouver Island!
Cruise Ships ... vessels own treatment
more difficulty policing smaller vessels, discharge not within three miles of shore
one sewage pipe was leaking, near Amb
some dredging on Dund Beach and might have had something to do with it [7:10]
expensive studies, researchology [?]
see situation next summer; weather and tides
Mayor: thank you; any questions?
Sop: Fraser River switched run-off?
Dr L: yes, cd come from other places
logs from Fraser River come up and to shore; not sure same flow as fecal matter
Sop: two weeks prior to that we were at HBay and there was a red tide
&&&; we saw v little movement in the tides
Dr L: normally fecal matter washed out with big tides
Sop: ?
Dr L: typically beaches closed but usu not WV
judging from the past, won't occur next summer; depends on what changed
NG: cruise ship -- you said [treated] onboard
Dr L: both cruise ships and commercial,
cruise ships tertiary treatment so cleaner than ours
commercial like our sewage treatment; water quite clean coming out of those ships
CC: that assumes the systems are working well; depends on testing
commercial monitoring by satellite
Dr L: the 10% do not have, hold on to them till past
the way they operate everywhere
CC: testing regime onerous? v difficult to tell if discharging, I read
Dr L: simply system alarm when not working
inspectors haven't found problems
one not functioning, one ship discharged into their ballast; v imp, know it's not allowed
come in with prev ports been to; Transport Canada knows who's at risk and who isn't
CC: various jurisdictions; read also Port of Vancouver
worried falling through regulatory cracks
all players acting to make sure good outcome
Dr L: good communication among players
throughout world, not clear who did this; often multifactorial
partners are trying to do more and more; over time situation shd improve
Dr L: think as robust as anywhere in the world
TP: think you'll see tonight many interested in recreation here
we don't actually have discharge stations -- cd we push regulations in that direction?
Dr L: don't think the Health Authority has an opinion on that
TP: so a voice we cd take; stronger regs
Dr L: Transport Canada feel regs apply to these small pleasure boats but v difficult to police
each indiv violator not xxx v much
MB: know your jurisdiction quite limited; maybe get Port Authority in, maybe letter to them
thank you for monitoring our waters
move update be received for info [7:20]
4. Dundarave Business Assn, re Revitalization Plans for Dundarave Village -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Gordon Holly: &&&, several here representing the Dund Biz Assn; Haywood, Bellevue, and 24th/25th Streets
current assn and plans for the future
try to connect the biz area with the [seawalk]
2400 MDr; mix of biz, condos, xxx; about 100 diff; mix of
71 are mbrs of 151 biz
SLIDES ... unincorporated assn; active role in supporting local biz
show and shine, hoedown, Taste of Dund on Thur (11th); Michael and Mary Markwick, Dundarave Festival of Lights, Christmas; also have the RoyalTea-by-the-Sea [in August]
{surprised and thrilled they mentioned my event -- as Chair of Heritage WV -- in front of the Beach House restaurant}
Biz in general down; had huge draws: Caper's, Jim's, and the stationery store
streetscape getting a little rundown
you've heard of other biz assns -- Amb and HBay -- re revitalization
talking about things we can do to support each other, best practices
Dund Revite Cmte... local DBA mbrs, worked with District biz owners -- xxx turnout; warmly received
mtgs with District senior staff; proj mgmt; ensure success
Goal: create a vibrant biz area; increase mbrship; attract some complementary bizes
walking mingling spaces; increase appeal for ... and tourists; become a draw; mingling
kids running around see on islands little net cmnties
goal attract the seawalkers
possible "mosaic" path
current wall [walk] goes to 25th; hope to connect; extend [seawalk]
now ppl walk to 25th then turn around and walk back
light, banners; extend banners and lighting down to the sea wall -- not sure what that looks like
wd like to work with landscape architects
attractive and enjoyable path up from seawall along M Dr and back down to [seawalk]
project we're starting on...
CC: admire how active DBA is; know it's all volunteer
sort of thing we need in the cmnty
one of the things I think about is to have an anchor tenant -- like Caper's, a destination
what can we do to attract, make easier to attract biz?
improving the [seawalk] and passage may not be sufficient in itself
ANS: biz and how attractive they are
MB: on the right track; the benchmarking -- can't help ourselves
things going on in HBay
recommend you look at report we commissioned, Urbanics -- 60 pages
...destination devt int'l -- 2- ingredients
don't reinvent the wheel
if you can't get in, hold of them, contact me and I'll help
Sop: a wonderful place to go -- ... to HB, PkR sort of flagship
two blocks long
{well, just over a block}
Q to Ms Leemhuis, on what basis wd we get engaged?
NL: Planning, Engg, Parks meet with regularly; we also meet with WV Chamber
have some objectives
do try to work with Biz Assns, they take responsibility for branding
support biz cmnties on waterfront so consistent signage
it's a work in progress
think the stars have aligned
will be looking to the Planning Dept re zoning resid and commercial areas
number of ways; you'll see big changes
Sop: you shd be licking your chops, you've got a midblock changeover
is there a situation, a pathway from 25th down to the water?
consider painting the pavement other than black; been successful elsewhere
NL: looking at all three biz assns, branding, consistent approach across cmnty
looking at shells and rocks; looking over to years
Mayor: you hear staff and Ccl behind you, valuable xxx
I live in Dund and think they are doing a great job, meridian looking great
Sop: thanks; wish you the best; rec'd for info
[7:38] Mayor: look forward to Thursday
5. Woodfibre LNG Limited, re Proposal for LNG Plant in Howe Sound -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Mayor: make sure ev understands; don't make motions after delegations
staff report ... ; July 21 ... not included
passed on the fly, so I'll read the motion passed:
{wch was read out}
that motion was passed unanimously and the letter has gone out
interested tonight to hear from the proponent and see what has been proposed
we want to be included in ev environmental xxx; shd be b/c have miles of Howe Sound
[7:41] B Hodge: from Sq, wife and three chn
wonder why I've come down? things are not as rosy as ppl think
... fruit cup ... he argues cdn't afford it
Let them eat cake!
burger flippers
meaningful employment and LNG provides this; risks too great for benefit? I disagree
industry and risk
look around -- 800 aircraft pass overhead ev day
weigh risks and benefits; till find something better
help Sq; xxx
risks can be controlled
envmtal impacts; risks and benefits, debate them fully; process before passion
[7:44] Another man: I'm a naval architect
LNG ships more than 15 &&&; small scale project
already an industrial site, over 100 years; deep water port, history of industrial use
liquefaction plant, safety flare system; floating storage and offloading unit
4 construction equipment; associated infrastructure
what we'll bring to Sq
intention and passion to bring xxx to cmnty
over 100 perm staff; construction over 500 each year
pulp and paper mill, over 100 yrs, quite xxx clogged xxx
we'll continue the remediation process
discuss the tax revenues; ongoing with Sq
liquefaction not new, from 1971
sites operated by Fortis BC
been delivering ships for many years; 40 years without a major incident, no loss &&&
three to four carriers per month; existing sea lines
ships will be escorted by tugs, pilots when they pass Victoria; slowly 3 to 10 per month
Saint John [7:28]
near xxx not unusual; near Boston since 1971; Tokyo Bay safely since 1971
close proximity to popns and hv not had incidents
we are a port city; opp to safely manage; Howe Sound shipping for decades
one of world's leading xxx headquartered in Vancouver itself
TK [?]
$184B good; xxx arrivals
I took these photos, climbed Chief; shots of Sound and Sq -- logging [7:50]
Sop: thank you for your presentation; sure more from the govt, fed side
Eastern Canada stmt by PM moving from Maine to Canada
Ambassador to &&&
{QUOTING:} Canada continues to have serious concerns re xxxx
envmtal, navigable and safety
wch the Govt of Canada opposes; cannot proceed
in your view you're saying absolutely no risk
40+ tankers; Canada's already stated wdn't allow it
can operate still (?) [7:52]
exemplary safety ... described; double, tanks two layers of barriers, etc
exit by tugs at a v slow speed
we strongly believe the risks of operating LNG ships in H Sound is v small
Sop: who owns Woodfibre LNG?
ANS: sgl shareholder, headquartered in SGP
Sop: in paper, owner is Tanoto
{referring to Indonesian billionaire Sukanto Tanoto of the RGE Group}
head of xxx -- is that true?
ANS: as far as we know
Mayor: we'll be moving where we xxx
Sop: &&& I can answer
incorporated in Canada and will able [?] xxx by all
Sop: I'll accept that
my last question: Port Mellon, Woodfibre, Envtal Act; limitations of what they can put in water
large amts of water going in
you say won't be adverse effects
been around a long time and xxx Britannia? xxx recovery stage ...
{NB: as you know that clean up has cost taxpayers millions!}
a plant not going to have any effects, how not on seabed?
ANS: we're in Envtal assmt
intention to have a water cooling system, takes from HSound and returns it to
will be assessed and ruled upon; reqmt on discharges already
Sop: when can I make my comments?
will be brief
MB: gathering my notes [7:58]
you requested a delegation when you heard of our motion
why we shd not ban freighters
Lady: our intention just to
{(shd get/listen) with the company; think it was to provide information re the LNG project}
MB: useful, Sop good question
think you know who owns; you sidestepped, and you xxx; &&& Indonesian billionaire
Why wdn't you answer?
ANS from Lady: aware but outside the the scope of our project
MB: your brochure is v vague
many local concerns; I've received more than 100 emails
let's look at the economic benefits
Why LNG? $13B and $8B in 2012
{Brochure circulated; shd reply to get what she said; no time but if interested, pls listen.
LNG names: Proj Dir A Brigden; Sr Mgr Corp Communications J Siddon.}
what are the royalties coming to BC?
Lady: Your question shd be directed to prov govt; they'll get xxx
MB: sure Tanoto knows
Mayor: on the table is what is the risk to our shoreline?
MB: I have to weigh the cost and benefits to this cmnty
let's talk about
I didn't know we were limited to tankers
another thing is the cooling
cool natural gas and the temperature's going to be raised by 10 degrees and put back; going to be chlorinated
how much chlorine over what time?
I have a swimming pool, I put chlorine in to kill everything
Naval Architect: the sea water does not cool the LNG
cools the xxx gases used in the liquefaction process
MB: I know how that works b/c I hv a geothermal system in our house
Naval Architect (NA): sea water
sodium hydrochloride inject in to ensure free from micro and macro biofeldons (?)
.02 parts per M/B (?) this is xxx less than
MB: env assmt will be looking at 17K cu m of water put into HSound per hour
want to get an idea how big
Marine traffic mgmt; we hv free ferries morning to evening
going to go after 10pm
NA: purpose to assess marine traffic shipping; one of purposes
mtgs with BC Ferries; better they answer but no concern
MB: why wasn't WV part of the process?
selected by EA, not xxx
you had small and open houses
Lady: had a mtg in WV in Feb
that has changed ... not many
NG: couple of my Qs hv bn answered
proposed 80 tankers a year; clarify
NA (Naval Architect): max is 40 tankers per year; Naval, one trip in empty, one trip out loaded
NG: regulation: industry regulates itself so who will be regulating ?
NA: under many orgs, primarily IMO; ... Transport Canada port; regs in ports
in BC, the BC Oil and Gas Commission
NG: come to plant to check or send?
NA: both; inspectors from BC safety authority
NG: quite a bit of info from Cdn Coast Guard
Sq pilotage auth
last page of that doc, list some concerns; primarily manning, safe-handling, xxx
NA: can't speak on behalf, but not a safety concern
Lady: number of mtgs
independent presentations be provided for you to review
BC piIot; they'd be happy to speak with you
TP: has this project been screened through Int'l xxx ? [8:12]
NA: compliance with SIGTO -- have we submitted you mean?
TP: best practices? wishing to achieve
my expectation and its passage through HSd, v best standards
you may not be able to answer; has the prov/fed govt adopted the standards?
so say okay to site terminal
NA: included in the xxx process and SIGTO
[LNG] Lady: reason we're not a mbr is we have to be a mbr [so] we're building to those standards
CC: obviously Sq most directly affected (both benefit and risk)
and you need FN support?
Lady: there are discussions but they are confidential; outside scope
first Q
CC: Dist of Sq
Lady: wdn't want to [8:15]
xxx do participate; xxx tanker safety
xxx Envtal Assmt ofc; touching base with them
CC: have they taken any positions?
Lady: no, not that I'm aware of
Mayor: certainly agree we need &&&
$1.6B XXX
in 1996; xxx full disclosure
just when I hink I'm getting out, they draw me back in
great job they did; no spill
Port of Valdez to lower 48 states and we all know how that turned out
can remove risk, but not all
{still Mayor speaking} Q is can we [8:17]
xxx; xxx go to Alaska in my zodiac
have to say Howe Sound is pretty special; next to city and recreation so close
Am supporting the resoln we passed at the last mtg
Sop: govt of Canada has not made any inroads
hv done nothing; don't envy your position
ppl here xxx; saw Sound xxx years ago; xxx did see a real downturn
can understand xxx; we don't trust you or anyone else
Sop: resoln; not changing my mood
NL: certainly &&&
Mayor: you sound radioactive
MB: I stand by my original resoln; balance in many ways
biz bkgrd, legal bkgrd, common sense; prima facie, xxx
you promised 500 jobs
[but jobs here recently] Microsoft 400, ImageWorks 400, Hootsuite 100; ten times a week, Google moving soon!
Amazon 750; that xxx risk? for 100s of jobs?
you haven't convinced me
want to hear more about chlorine and water going into HSd
NG: make the motion of thanks now and make my comments?
Mayor: xxx; wanna discuss
who?: my comments don't relate to that
Mayor: just make your comments and move this along
who?: a minute and I'll continue or 100??? years
presume BC taxpayers paid $200M and will continue for &&&
$1.2B to build Sea-to-Sky Hwy, presume also to boost tourism in the prov
$700M in last few years
the tourism sector generates 5x more jobs than the oil and gas industry
so the argument for jobs and helping the economy doesn't fly
NG: to clarify to the public
the motions that were made on July1st were executed on July 24
letter to {Scott Bailey ??? EA of BV}
letter to Min of Envmt in Ottawa; letter Min of Transport in Ottawa; it's been done already
motion and already done
the economic argument interest; did a bit of research about the Britannia Mine issue
found in my research, ten years XXX cost $200M to clean up that!
&&& ... need to xxx of neanderthal
renewable and better for our kids -- that shd be the plan for Howe Sound
TP: shd move on, it is a delegation btw
HSnd is about recreation
are xxx; not com liability there and &&&
wd like to see HSound the most amazing rec playground
stand by the motion
WV has a foreshore lease, goes out 1000ft
CC: [things] didn't know July 21
these are complex; from a moral perspective; conflicted shd go forward or not [8:82]
fair process; xxx; regret having made a decision before xxx; &&&
I thank the proponents for their efforts and [to] come to speak with us
evident not obtained social licence to go forward, or from West Van
as the Mayor pointed out, a long process
xxx don't think more can be said
Mayor: xxx motion carries
Mayor: want to thank you for coming and sharing your project
in months and years going forward
Cclr Sop, public can speak at end of mtg
Sop: can speak at the end of the mtg?
wd like to hear xxx; we have xxx
Mayor: whip through rest of agenda; shd get through soon; next issue is the pumpkin festival
forgot about...
6. Reports from Mayor and Councillors
{cdn't hear; presume moved to end}
7. PumpkinFest Event -- PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
AM: --->
Jennifer: so many turned out to hear about Pumpkin Festival
{Jennifer Hatton? also B Smyth}
past co-chair; another volunteer; Shannon Walker and Christy Thompson
thank you, our fourth year; you guys have always been there to support us
what's new 2014?
grp of citizens who loved the cmnty ctr brings nbrs together and &&& [8:34]
good old-fashioned time in an affordable time
volunteer-run grp
attendance from 2K to 4K last year; went back into cmnty ctr, examples are......
grown, brought in new ppl particularly Steve Kellock
another person: SLIDES
expanding activities for chn; adult lounge
harvest-inspired wkshops, one already sold out
first wkshop this evening -- either Tempe chocolate or me :-)
every year grows and grows
happy to announce Vanc Aq coming, having a beer garden; expanded farm; even a pig-walking area
Jennifer: sponsors
can come on Sunday and spend zero dollars, due to generosity of our donors/sponsors
sponsors raised over $50K xxxx
incredible support; 20 new sponsors, in cash and in kind; all xxx
all that money goes &&&
other lady: scarecrow challenge, will you accept?
Mayor: we'll delegate that to staff
Jennifer: we'll take that as a yes
thank you for having us
Mayor: ?
MB want to thank you and you're coming back for more; we'll be there and scarecrows
Mayor: thx again for coming, Jennifer [8:41]
9. Review and Analysis of the Districts 2014 Second Quarter Operating Results and Capital Plan Program
[8:42] Michael Koke: not completely ... the overtime ... bulk hv bn ... {notes provided}
Significant Variances
The following significant variances from budget and extraordinary items were incurred during the Q1 of fiscal 2014:
First Quarter
The first payments from Grosvenor, related to the sale of District-owned lands and development of the 1300 Block of Marine Drive, were received during the first quarter of 2014. The amount received totalled $19,294,846, which included a $5,668,000 Community Amenity Contribution.
Year to Date
- Overtime costs for Fire & Rescue Services exceeded the total annual overtime budget ($103,778) for this Division by $285,379. This variance was the result of the unusually large number of firefighters (nine in total) who were on either short- or long-term sickness leave during the first half of 2014.
- Management have since implemented measures to mitigate the impact of this variance to ensure that overtime is reduced to bare minimum levels.
- The District entered into certain unbudgeted severance agreements during the first quarter of 2014. The net impact of these agreements on the year-end financial results will be reduced if replacement hires to those positions are deferred and, in the cases where vacant positions are eliminated, the result will be long-term savings to the District.
Vacancy Adjustment
It should be noted that the Districts 2014 budget for salaries includes a 1% vacancy adjustment. At the mid-year, salaries expenses incurred to date were at budget; therefore, the 1% vacancy adjustment was achieved over the first six months of the year.
Capital Program
The bulk of the Districts larger capital programs will be executed over the summer months. As in most years, capital spending at the end of the second quarter is, for the most part, below budget, with the major exception being facilities renewal projects that were forecast to be completed before the end of 2013. Funding for these projects was carried forward to 2014.
Operating Expenditures
Expenditures for Engineering and Transportation are tracking higher than budgeted as a result of: winter road maintenance costs ($250,598, or 81%, of their annual budget of $309,000) from the beginning of the year; an unbudgeted increase of 9% to the rate charged by BC Hydro; and higher than budgeted boulevard maintenance costs ($163,433, or 62%, of their annual budget of $265,100). Engineering and Transportation are forecast to be on budget by year end.
As noted above, the mid-year review includes a forecast to the end of the year. Other than the exceptions noted above, the overall year-end results are currently forecast to be at, or slightly better than, budget.
Sop: surplus?
MK: $400K at end of year
Sop: are we budgeting too much?
MK: not an exact science
Sop: am getting the evil eye
10. Sport Field Master Plan Implementation Strategy Five Year Plan
[8:45] CC: completed Sport Field Master Plan; see report XXX pages
District works in partnership with all our sports groups; highest XXX in Canada
been liaison since 2011
mbrs of WG are {listed them}; incredible work; thank them for that
costs were provided by staff
each of the recomms will go though budget cycle and be approved by ccl
recomm include
review condition of field before funds to upgrade
large fields b/c of size; F field
concerts and Cmnty Day; implement strategy
proud of implementation plan
pro-active -- less water, etc
{ &&& GET }
Ridgeview and Sentinel addn of sand (?) and see S and xridge; -- enhanced maintenance
field maintenance plan bodes well for the future
signif improvement; artificial turf, staff specialist position
piloted fo two years, feedback bn excellent
signif investment; must be xxx; lack of mntnce can affect performance
another artif field is a priority; WVSec Field is the preferred site; WG supports another field
&&&; opps for external funding will be explored before submitting to Ccl
completed our mandate ...
recomm build on good communication and good will; recomm mtgs twice a year including xxx
Staff -- Corinne Ambor and Dan Henegar
Sop: always a budget process for Parks; ongoing process
this request goes a little further -- and I must jump up and down talking about baseball b/c sat there for years
shd have a five-yr biz plan; a separate master plan
then others can help fundraise, etc, imp to get it clarified
Mayor: Cclr Booth
Sop: haven't answered my Q
AM: we'll [8:54]
MB: CC, TP when I was Chair of the Sch Bd --another example of a capable, v capable group
v impressive master plan and implementation easy [8:55]
is the user-fee model working?
CAmbor: fees go into a sinking fund
we replaced the turf B and E, under budget, coming with that
xxx ... Rutledge; fields' fees per hour
MB: helping to
CAmbor: supplements our operating budget
MB: {Fields?} D E F crying out for names; xxx
CC make motion:
The Plan, attached to the report dated August 18, as Appendix A, be approved;
The Plan be incorporated into Dist work plans, considered in the 2015 budget process and for subseq yrs; and
Liaison meetings be scheduled with field sport groups representatives and staff twice per year.
and wd like to thank all the mbrs and staff
Mayor: motion carries
thx for all work mbrs and staff do
11. Proposed Zoning Bylaw..., Amdmt Bylaw... (Amdmt to CD5 Zone for 959 21st and 2151 Gordon Ave)
= (to amend the CD5 zone) be read a first time.
= be presented at a PH scheduled for Oct 6 at 7pm...
12. Consent Agenda Items
12.1. Appointments to the North Shore Family Court and Youth Justice Committee
1. The following re-appointments for a one-year term ending December 31, 2014 :
Member-at-large for the City of North Vancouver Rosalie Conway Philip Heard Bena Stock;
Member-at-large for the District of North Vancouver Peter Valhos;
Members in the professional category
Teresa Canning, North Shore Restorative Justice Society
Trustee Cyndi Gerlach, North Vancouver School District
Samantha Moscipan, North Shore Neighbourhood House
Trustee David Stevenson, West Vancouver Board of Education;
2. Two further candidates be appointed at a later date to the mbr-at-large category for the DWV and one candidate be appointed at a later date to the mbr-at-large category for the DNV.
12.2. Apptmt of Chief Election Ofcr and Dep Chief Election Ofcr for 2014 General Local Election
- for the WV 2014 general local election, in accordance w/ the LGA, S. Scholes, Mgr, Legislative Services be
appointed chief election ofcr and M. Panneton, Dep Clerk, be appointed dep chief election ofcr; and that the chief
election ofcr be authorized to enter into service agreemts as may be nec in respect of the 2014 gen local election and
general school election, with Schl Dist #45 (WV), Bowen Island M, Village of Lions Bay, and MetroV (GVRD).
12.3. Devt Permit Applicn for 1583 Marine Drive (Shoppers Drug Mart)
... to allow for the construction of a new retail store with roof top parking, as described in the report dated Aug 20, 2014 from the Sr Cmnty Planner, be considered at the Oct 6 Ccl mtg; and that the MClerk give notice...
12.4. Correspondence List --
(click here to view corresp pkgs) --> http://westvancouver.ca/content/2014-correspondence-mayor-and-council
in WVM 14: Council Correspondence Update to July 11, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to July 18, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to July 25, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to August 1, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to August 8, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to August 15, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Council Correspondence Update to August 22, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
> Council Correspondence Update to August 26, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Aug 23, re Decible [sic] levels of the bass unbearable blocks away! (Ambleside Concert)
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) Aug 24, re Woodfibre LNG Limited Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(3) MetroV Alliance, Aug 25, re Invitation to MetroV Alliance M Election Accountability Assembly (October 9, 2014)
Responses to Correspondence
(4) Admin Asst to the Dir/Engg, August 13, 2014, response regarding Garbage collection.
Mayor: Cclr Booth, have a Q?
MB: no, just getting ready
13. OTHER ITEMS -- ø
Mayor: PQP
14. Public Questions/Comments
Sean Lumb: resident of Sq; compliment on banning
I have a PhD in chemistry &&&; vocal opponent of the BC Energy export industry; family and friends also opposed ...&&&
&&& taxpaying, hardworking
the future of our land; terrible tragedy; Lac Megantic; Lake Polley
LNG industry has yet to weather a catastrophic LNG spill
trains weren't meant to roll downhill into [towns]; tailings ponds walls were not meant to be breached and despoil pristine watersheds
justification for export, LNG proposal can be discredited
impacts on HSd; colleagues will speak contributions to climate change; plant in Howe Sound
lwill suck up 17K cu m or metric. tons of sea water ev hr; known as a once-through cooling indirect system; number doesn't mean a lot to many; a 25-metre swimming pool (six lanes) -- 175K --
Mayor: 3 min goes quickly
SL: WOW [9:03]; 175K swimming pools ev day
may I have one more minute?
Mayor: how about 30 seconds?
SL: water will be returned to HSd changed, higher, &&&
has to be dissipated, &&&
complex reactions between hydro chloride; natural ... organo-bromine ... amines... their effects remain to be seen
proponents might be able to get chlorine down to below 0.2ppm ...
Mayor: Thx for making those remarks
Mayor: remind everyone three min or less so hear as many
Laurie Parkinson: my family has had a cabin on Bowyer Island for 50 years
done tremendous amt of research since Feb on LNG and W'fibre LNG; something not talked about today so far
not great deal about all the taxes going to bring -- BC, Sq, Canada; unf, not really true; not going to be much fed tax paid b/c of W'fibre company structure, overseas ownership, tax will be paid in Singapore where company owned
v little prov tax due to low prov tax on net profits; written off, v expensive industry; xxx; we might not end up with any tax at all
prov taxes ... 2017 ... not till 2025 long time from now
proposes paying same tax as old W'fibre mill,l $2M per year, less than half of what Sq expected
blt overseas so no GST or PST
jobs, yes, about 100 jobs, same as Sq gondola
number changing re construction, many jobs will be outside the skill set; for ppl from China; TFW from China; built in China? all profits go overseas
electricity needed; hv to be paid for by the public; that's a big subsidy
v little tax at any level, v little [sic] jobs
re just about giving away the natural gas
Roger Sweeny: so few minutes, will be quick
siting of the terminal; doesn't meet any of the eight criteria of SIGTO
1- There is no acceptable likelihood of a catastrophic release
2 - don't have a terminal where can push gas on ppl (as to Sq)
3 - stay away from shipping lanes and it's only a mile from them
4 - don't conflict with other waterway use-- think of them all
5 - avoid long narrow channels such as HSd; &&& do not intersect w/ islands, rocks, Anvil
6 - do not be on the outside of a curve -- it is
7 - human error factor potential, shd always be a factor, call that HBSTFU [?}
This is a floating terminal -- new concept, not tried before, subject to high winds.... 1/4M tons; shd not be done in more than 25 knots
tankers -- twice as long 1000ft twice as big as ferries -- 180ft? twice; that's equiv of 70 Hiroshima bombs' thermal capacity
windage, as tall as many of the old tall ships; will be driven sideways; get some good winds in HSd
pushing them downwind, unwieldy -- hv to go fast to maintain control
BC Ferries ten times tonnage, going to push a lot of logs up
Mayor: wrapping up? past your time
RS: exclusion zones; my little island in west HSd in excl zone 2; get fried or frozen
disruption of ships; shdn't let it happen in HSd
however flawed July 21st resoln in the eye of our rep Mr Weston, you did the right thing then and glad considered to do the right thing again; you are our champions
Mayor: Sir, you're going all over the place; you did start your remarks saying you were going to be brief; you're already two minutes over; step aside
RS: one sentence? it's HPTFTU, the Human Proclivity To F*** Things Up
that's what I've found at sea ... Exxon Valdez, Chernobyl, you name it
Mayor: probably going to screw this up -- Ollie Pxxxx -- clarify for me
Ollie (?) Parviainen; I was quite impressed actually--
Mayor: reasonably close
A (?) Parviainen: here to commend you and for the leadership you showed
Weston says {taxes?} to pay for teachers, welfare; he said you did not have enough education
suggest time to educate Mr Weston
criticised for being NIMBY; look at facts
oil and gas 3% of our GP -- double it maybe 6% but does'
largest employers {&&& GET THEM}
200 jobs in Sq? only 1%! is that worth the risk?
$X last year
we'll end up with only $9
gas well will exhaust themselves much quicker
given out export licences more than we xxx; cd end up net importers of gas
xxx how cd that
Davina A: Angrignon; my husband and I moved up there {Sq?} for the activities; fresh air xxx
managing biz all throughout US
san in a small town
agree with Cclr Panz, tightst(?)
xxx ... acceptable standards; BC and
they do not require be mbrs of SITGO
xxx each site must be evaluated in
whose authority will they operate under? they're not part of MetroVanc; wch flag of convenience?
safe marine transportation projects
confidential; not binding; we all must ensure our govt has the highest standards
S Proboszcz: English bastardized Stan Probosh [pronunciation]
Squamish, working on xxx conservation
v concerned; sound for clients
all this concern, xxx; propellers Strategy . ort?
amplified ppl's voices around land, water, air
launched a declaration to protect Woodfibre; launched in short time 300 sigs
a {sn?} dozen from WV but IMO a gross under
xxx strategy.org
spent time talking; heard a lot of concern; effect on marine ecology; see dolphins and xxx coming back
what will this do to
xxx; rec economy; safety is a big concern
recent events in Washington State, an LNG exploded and an evacuation there
LNG from gas extraction, fracking
Pennsylvania State in last three weeks 342 cases of water c xxx
Nova Scotia just a ban on fracking
large majority of citizens support your decision
John Hunter: from DNV; reason for being here is curiosity
been in gas industry, gas &&&
[9:23] not going to tell you what to xxx b/c I don't know
we have regulatory process --- been through over the years; evidence from proponents and those opposed
then xxx; then decision with reasons
what's perhaps more important
conditions, north 512
unless you have all those; you can't make a decision
been in the biz for 50 years
unless your a genius and I'm not; not a general xxx
in Boston eating a lobster, watched an LNG go by
until you have that package not in a good position to judge
{a few claps}
Charles Hansen: NAMW; plsed with the work you're doing for me
Deep Cove and live in WV currently
courtesy of Transport Canada
you made a v quick ill-informed decision about your resoln in July; like you to go back and reconsider
talking about tankers in WV; they're Canadian waters
look at the [rules?] -- revise resoln
managing of xxx
Josh Hemond: here on behalf of MP Weston
{He read statement/letter}
Good Evening:
My name is Josh Hemond and I am here on behalf of MP Weston who is in transit as we speak. He asked me to read you the following message from him.
I am sorry that I cannot be here tonight and support the hard work of the West Vancouver Mayor, Michael Smith, and the WV Council members. They are once again, showing their dedication by going through this process.
I am in favour of responsible resource development. Corporations, communities, and institutions have to be more effective, more productive, and less wasteful. They need to continuously improve on their impact on social, environmental, aboriginal, and economical development.
When there is a focus on the principles of continuous improvement, value- added jobs will result, which is the key to a sustainable world. It doesnt mean we have to say STOP but it does mean that we have a responsibility to continuously improve. Peer-reviewed data and community input are essential to see the PROCESS upheld.
It is why I say the Environment is the Economy. Our quality of life, our economy, and our environment are inter-related and intertwined.
If a project respects the factors just mentioned, I am likely to support it. Otherwise, I will not support it, as we all remember the cell towers project."
Scott Fraser: grad '81 WV High; this one of my first ccl mtgs; compliment you on being strong
first MAB you had a question about gas
the tiny country of Norway gets 75 cents of ev dollar that moves through, Canada gets 9 cents and tax xxx lowers it even more
this may not be exactly about tankers in the Sound
Oklahoma? Oakland 9? now getting over 500 a yr -- whole fracking terrible
100 years may get it for you (nr voplryrly dsgr ???)
if you have a resource, value generally goes up; 100 years from now that resource will be worth more
is ingenuous of talking to Christy...
China said 50 cents on the dollar for LNG
thank you for not xxx with these ppl
on the grass field; incredible pleasure; smash someone in [you] don't hurt
astro field turf, like on cement; nasty experience
maintain the grass in WV High, much better to play on
Mayor: Anyone else?
L Jones: thank you all; potentially looked you were going to be whipped
came from a place of common sense
Eoin Finn intelligent; scientific facts well presented
myself made a xxx this afternoon xxx
economics energy and environment CARD
clean energy ... and sitting on ... what's more... websites
ppl take the time to educate themselves; info so readily available
am sure some of you have some information
those who felt asked to rescind, proud you didn't rescind
fab photos at SOS rally in July
{Save Our Sound}
recreation meet industry in HSnd
hope can carry forward; xxx green
Keith Dunn: 2707 Rosebery; this definitely affects me; cabin in West Sechelt; definitely affected
passionate to listen; really great
know Envmtal process not started; think its's a flawed process
17K; amt doesn't make sense; in Howe Sd
what's going to happen to Porteau Cove?
in boats? ppl had to park up the hwy
not going to be the same; going to be shut down; &&& [9:38]
L Jones: xxx think what this commodity is
water table being destroyed; not being able to drink
drainage of all our natural water sources, criss-crossing of pipelines
thought water was going to be the next war
$1.10 for huge xxx of ware
Sq? it's your closest nbr
Mayor: no more speakers
L Parkinson: Can I ? ... want to say a little bit about shipping
[tankers] so big can't see the water for a km ahead of them little boats how [see them?]
takes 8km to stop
wood and fibreglass don't show up on radar -- how protect them?
that's why SIGTO advises against narrow....
yes, no major fires or spills
accidents will with little chance happen; winds; tankers sit up high in the water
not allowed to dock of xxx obve?
80 days with wind over 25 knots; xxx 96 days a year
safety aspects; terminals normally built xxx apart
if fire xxx part won't spread; burn out
not narrow, xxx
xxx and smoke forever
not in confined watersheds
15. Adjournment [9:43]
===== CCL MTG AGENDAs Sept 15th =====
b/c (a) personal info about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose;
Purpose of meeting: Board membership, labour relations, and legal matters.
The proposed bylaw wd provide for the designation of 6003 Eagleridge Drive as protected heritage property.
followed by the
NSh Homelessness Task Force, re Update on H Action Wk 2014 and Task Force Activities: Info presentation
Proposed Zoning, Amendment Bylaw 4805, 2014 (Housekeeping Amdmts):
Consideration of first reading of proposed bylaw and setting a PH date for October 20
Proposed Devt Procedures, Amdmt Bylaw (Devt Permit Process for Detached Sec Stes, Coach Houses): Consideration of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Proposed Building Bylaw 4400, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw 4798, 2014 (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits): Consideration of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Heritage Designation Bylaw 4785, 2014 (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Drive):
If the PH scheduled for Sept 15 closes, Council may consider 2nd & 3rd reading of proposed bylaw
Community Energy and Emissions Working Group Terms of Reference:
Consideration of proposed working [group's] terms of reference
For the complete Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/sept/15/14sep15-Agenda-copy2.pdf
===== CCL MTG NOTEs Sept 15th =====
ML absent from both closed and regular mtg; see closed agenda just above.}
Mayor: before starting want to announce that at the Sept 8th closed mtg, the following were appointed to the Grants Cmte: Christine Banham, Lori Cameron, and Susan Nicholson. They will begin serving this month.
Note: At 7pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Drive) will be held. The re Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH.
Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4785, 2014 (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver
Subject Land: 6003 Eagleridge Drive
Purpose: 6003 Eagleridge Drive was added to the WV Community Heritage Register on July 21, 2014, which provides formal recognition of its heritage value. In accordance with the property owners request, the proposed bylaw would provide for ongoing legal protection of the house and garden through heritage designation.
Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw: If adopted, proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4785, 2014 would specifically protect: the exterior of the building; interior building features that are listed as character-defining elements in the Statement of Significance (attached as Schedule A to the proposed bylaw); and significant landscape features.
Once designated, any alterations to the elements and features protected under the bylaw (except for normal building repair and maintenance, and landscape management) would require a heritage alteration permit.
The proposed bylaw includes delegation of the authority to issue heritage alteration permits to authorize alterations that are not otherwise permitted by this bylaw, or by Heritage Maintenance Bylaw No. 4187, 1999, to the Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits.
Mayor Smith described the procedure for the public hearing
1) Reports received up to and including September 4, 2014: REPORT TITLE |
# |
Addns to WV Cmnty Heritage Register and Voluntary Heritage Designation for 6003 Eagle Drive |
June 27, 2014 |
July 21, 2014 |
R-1 |
S Mikicich: SLIDES and history, description given
dates, &&&; voluntary
later tlhis fall will be coming with two applicns currently under review
rare oppotunity; local protection tools; only the fourth designated in WV: GLH FBG, Binning
Sop: anything added wd hv to be H? design
SM: cd you be more specific
Sop: suppose a coach house?
SM: under existing zoning; under current zoning wd remain eligible; wd consider under a H Alteration permit
special lens we'd look at
MB: is this designation forever, basically?
SM: [hope so] however like any bylaw, can be
{MClk read out procedure for PH [7:15] sound/mics no longer working again}
Joanna Baxter: congratulations on doing this; v happy doing this about homes like this
lived in several houses; 1960s' style West Coast xxx
being ripped down every day; feel strongly, in this time, fighting for nbrhd character, have to work harder for these wch still stand
such as this residence built on difficult props, honour natural surroundings
if pass this, hope can do further and further into the cmnty, and WV will be know for its heritage characterddddd
Note: At 7pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Drive) will be held. The re Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH.
Revised on September 5, 2014:
To add a report to Item 7 re Proposed Building Amdmt Bylaw (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits).
Revised on September 12, 2014:
To add an info booklet to Item 3 re NSh Homelessness Task Force, re Update on Homelessness Action Week 2014 and Task Force Activities;
To move Item 4 reg Reports from M&Cclrs on Bds, Cmtes, and WGs to immediately following Item 10;
To add new Item 7.1 reg Administrative Agrmt on the Fed Gas Tax Fund in BC (GasTax Agrmt) and Cmnty Works Funding for Local Govts; and
To add a report to Item 9.1 regarding Community Engagement Committee Work Submission.
1. CALL TO ORDER [7:19]
3. NSh Homelessness Task Force, re Update on Homelessness Action Week 2014 and Task Force Activities
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Robert Newberg (?): founded in 1998; info in your package
in Canada the No 1 cause of homelessness is poverty; lack of housing can also be a problem
higher popn %age of unsheltered seniors; on NSh rose; summary in the pkg
Festival of LIghts; high needs clinic -- July 2013 1200 visits
bn decreases, Emerg[?] down 7%
av length of stay 12.x down to 4.x, lower than notxxx
Homelessness Action Wk is Oct 13; Oct 13 Open House Thxgiving dinner
SLIDES -- slide of events ev day
appreciate your engaging with us
tone of the conversation has changed over the years; level is higher
engagemt from citizens and Ccl; look forward to continuing
last cpl of minutes, over to my friend Michael
Michael Markwick: thank you for the fact Dund Fest has met its xxx
ending homelessness can be done and done [7:27]
some research on Cap: the majority of students at Cap are xxx insecure; couch-surfing; living in tents and vehicles
real; not something that happens to WV from Vanc, it's from WV
homegrown; more $$$ more to rent
ppl who built this cmnty are bearing the brunt
cd work in summer to pay for rent and books, no longer; now work part-time while studying and share
one of my students turned out to be someone from a school my kids went to -- Pauline Johnson and she was living in a car, for a year
help; recommend London; has used Land Trusts -- making sure srs who built and kids can stay
Mayor: some Qs
NG: read the article in the paper the other day, lost photos, and man who found them
help when found out about his situation; good news story
ANS: has generated a lot of engagemt
prospective employers came forward to offer work; often trying to get news stories created and that one brought in
MB: thank you for your work re marginalized; high needs Clinic operating out of LGH?
ANS: near
MM: a storefront on 13th and Lonsdale
testimony to work nurses getting done
leveraging donated dollars -- has reduced time in LGH
ANS: VCH worked well, was a pilot prog and have been extending to other cmnties
also getting outreach workers etc.
&&& a new safe space
only open three hours a day, in the morning -- cd be improved
1200 visits who otherwise wd hv had zero
MB: xxx bottom 20% were 80% of resources
ANS: so, cost effective
MB: do you encourage public to these events?
ANS: all are public
MB: doesn't have a street on it
ANS: good question; have?
MB: xxx
ANS: will get it to you [7:35]
Amb Street Soccer; if you came along you'd be welcome to play
Mayor: our Ccl's tradition to always be first, when?
MM: any time now; sesquicentennial -- wrapping up to 150 trees
shd be online by this weekend; you already have your tree
may I return to Cclr Booth's point?
working with Police Bd, used to have a Canine Day; no longer the case
allowing liaison to work with shelter [7:36]
a virtual circle; coming to terms
Mayor: glad to hear our Police are following through
TP: this is good news; all orgs, a real collaboration; sometimes small things make big differences
Thank Delegation
MOTION: THAT the delegation from the NSh Homelessness Task Force re Update on Homelessness Action Week 2014 and Task Force Activities be received for information, with thanks.
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
Moved to immediately following Item 10. [7:38]
5. Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4805, 2014 (Housekeeping Amdmts) (File: 1610-20-4805)
Sokol: Lisa Berg will make a brief presentation
to improve the day-to-day use of the zoning bylaw; correct errors and omissions
none intended to have ...
{Get/See slide of Summary;
think I'll suggest slides be put on the WV website maybe w/ agenda item so residents can see/have them for info}
erroneously omitted [7:40]
Mayor: this bylaw has nothing to do with the upcoming bylaw re buildings wrt ht, size, and ...
THAT proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4805, 2014 be read a first time.
THAT proposed Zoning Bylaw ..., Amendment Bylaw be presented at a public hearing scheduled for Oct 20 at 7pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, and that the MClerk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH.
6. Proposed Devt Procedures Amdmt Bylaw (Devt Permit Process for Detached Sec Stes, Coach Houses)
NG: when I read the report it took me minutes to figure out what this was about
when we bring in the paper, is there a way of making it more clear to what we're talking about?
NG: long number, no idea house coaches
starting a new company at city hall
{not quite clear to me --
what company? and does she mean District Hall? (b/c WV is a District, doesn't meet the qualifications to be a city).
NV, however, has a city and a district and is discussing coach houses too.}
MB: similar vein and don't want to make it more complicated
def section pt 4; even having a photocopy wd help re context
LB: that was the attempt of Summary A rather than delve? through ev ?
did try my best to simplify a lot of bylaws, and housekeeping; will take note
MB: I'm unusual, I like reading statutes
Sop: know status of Sunset Lane today?
LB: all the little parcels xxx lane no longer nec; all been completed
Sop: over years, nice to hear come to a conclusion
amended by eliminating Sec... replacing it with Sec xxx; prev map to new one?
Sokol: deleting one map and replacing it with a new map xxx [7:45]
parcels created and changes
Sop: do we own the road now?
Sokol: yes, we do
Sop: xxx Appendix A -- were there no regs for accessory lot??
LB: many regs for accessory buildings; had a lot of enquiries so this [clarifies]
Sop: Sheet A -- Are the regulations not made yet
LB: attached
Sop: extension of regs
LB: ...... regs....not proposing to change
Sop: think odd ... like comparison; sure you know what you're doing? for us to read this, a little convoluted
LB: it is [7:47]
Mayor: &&&
Sop don't want to leave others out; am sure you can sell tix
MOTION PASSED: THAT proposed Devt Procedures Amendment Bylaw be read a first, second, and third time.
7. Proposed Building... Amendment Bylaw (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits) (File: 1610-20-4798)
[7:48 ]SM: Coach Houses 18 mos; DP AREA for detached sec stes
[7:50] first stage is siting approval SLIDES
inform nbrs of proposal
siting est'd, proceed to xxx, and landscape design; staff provide formal notification
purpose to establish procedures; provide delegation of approvals; provide for minor housekpg amdmts to the bylaw
realize wd hv bn helpful to proposed wording
attention to bylaw itself; four substantial (setbacks, etc)re delegation, important 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, and 3.12 (rest re xxx bylaws/? errors??)delegation of Ccl powers to the Planning Director &&&
site coverage setbacks bldg height (to address steep) ht, bldg face; Applicn fees [7:55]
SLIDE start in Nov
NG: wrt last slide,, really not v much for second section, only $700 more -- surprised
take a look at the real costs of that -- up to a year -- might warrant a higher amt
secondly, photos so easy to understand, like the way you've done it
Sop: last year or two, brilliant job, admire it
when brt to Ccl back in July asked if we'd have procedures in front of us, have nowsee nothing has changed -- I knew that was going to happen
coach house can go in any xxx one -- most of cmnty below hwy
Sop: you've spelled it out, don't want someone to spend a lot of money and then have it turned down
can't say don't want in nbrhd [7:58] &&&
facing someone's bedroom wd be some sort of appeal
no mbr of Ccl wd hv the right to say anything; phone re lane house looking into my bedroom and I can't do anything about it
not comfortable handing over to staff; &&& [7:59] not comfortable
SM: the bylaw before you both delegations
on July 21st Ccl passed a xxx guidelines taking into account views, etc, DP process;
again talk to nbrs; we have ability to &&&
proposed design going forward, will look into
applicn process, we try to mitigate and often leads to revised designs
Sop: no doubt in my mind staff do a good job
xxx &&&; didn't support: two reasons: nbrhd wd hv no say and Ccl wd have no say
Mayor: motion, then debate
Sop: I'll button up but reserve the right to continue
MB: all variances be considered by Ccl other than zoning and the ht; going to be the most contentious
so we cd see some coach house variances coming to Ccl?
MB: how many variances in year?
SM: $64K questions
had prop owners come to see; learning; how to xxx the guidelines
MB: fair number of enquiries
Mayor: NG wd you like to put motion on floor?
NG: but first a Q -- is there going to be provision for appeal
SM: ?
Sokol: there is a provision; before fees and charges initialized make sure
NG: can nbr appeal or only prop owner?
SM: no prov for citizen to appeal
NG: nbrs cd hv some input
but with all the new houses going up, 100s ev year, nbrs don't have any appeal re windows looking into window
CC: do think this is a v sensible carefully crafted policy; have to be careful not making too complicated
last one had no uptake; have to make it appealing and feasible to use the process
Cclr Sop's {concern?} keeps bringing up Ccl and nbrs haven't a say
in this policy nbrs do have a say, more than in any other devt
as I read it, to give staff direction, give warning
staff not going to approve..... don't take into nbrs' concerns
only fault is if think staff won't do xxx
put my faith in staff; evaluate after a year but expect them to be successful
want policy to succeed and won't if xxx &&&
&&& support; congrats clear and not too bureaucratic
Sop: we're dealing with a coach house; desire to redo house at same time -- two sets of rules?
SM: excellent Q; struggled
prop where being built; DP control over entire site
[8:09] &&&; see after year
have approached v conservatively; jump through a number of hoops; like to control....
Sop: not correct if an indiv makes a pres
cannot ...... shared driveway and it wd pass
as an occupancy in the front
been done, passed, so why not
meets bylaws
SM: v good example of that on Jefferson; two on one prop; cdn't wait
essentially a house with a sec ste but it's xxx [8:11]
stepping ahead and allowing building a second house
Sop: if look at it for a year, Ccl have decision
heard from others
sit with nothing to say; coach house, five coach houses? that's the only bug I've had with this
there are covenants below the hwy that don't allow for subdivision -- still coach houses allowed?
say Gleneagles? they don't allow
SM: re private covenants, we don't enforce them
{hm; who does? what are they worth then???}
some instances they preclude &&&
re proposed delegation; potentially {controversial?} areas
{Scholes, Berg, &&& ??? }
Sokol: sec ste and coach house does not involve delegation at all
surrounding nbrs wd be aware, and up to them to take action
Sop: one...
Mayor: thought that was a summary
Sop: thought we xxx rental only but you have there stratified; no intent to stratify ever?
SM: coach house policy; provides for rental coach houses
policy private ownership under two sp circumstances (indicate xxx)
incentive, heritage -- only has 44
Sokol: those proposals need to go to Ccl
Sop: infill housing?
Mayor: move along
MB: support this going fwd
will be surprised if we see new devt of this sort of thing
more economical to build one big house instead of two little ones; can see for some working well
the one-yr review period is critical; tweak, streamline; be a bit of wait-and-see
like the guidelines, well-written and clear; wd like to see this
know re shiny roofs -- may blind your nbrs
Mayor: the purpose of this coach house policy is another tool what Ms Baxter eloquently said is to preserving [8:17]
one thing I agree with Cclr Sop, not turn nbr against nbr
{good remarks by the Mayor....}
sugg to Mr Sokol, ev want to know
bring one page summary -- my intention to approve -- so Ccl mbrs know
can appeal if
but not if [8:18]
keep Ccl informed in the cmnty; ev supports, probly Cclr Sop in principle
building ... no tearing it apart
Sokol [8:18]: xxx
PASSES with Sop opposed [8:19]
7. Proposed Building... Amendment Bylaw (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits) (File: 1610-20-4798)
X: did not apply for demolition until after; when dug out discovered rock outcroppings and had to go back
stop issuing demolition before
site left in poor condition
prop didn't devp, soil not in good conditions so concerns in nbrhd; feel addressed
Sop: review? of bldg... process?
Sokol: yes
Sop: appears there's a need; value of plan checkers; we have two and NV has four
{means four in total for DNV and CNV combined?}
and we have [twice???] why not hiring more?
Sokol: a few years back allowed us to hire two temp and this past year allowed two more
again, ?double? will ask &&& [8:22] xxx
{re budget?}
Sop: tearing it down, we have not control?
Sokol: these regs apply to sgl-fam homes, not larger structure
Sop: right to tear down and we have no control?
Sokol: refer to Manjit re
Manjit (staff): intent of the bylaw is to address xxx construction; xxx wd need to go through the process
Sop: just curious; recomms v valid; from a Ccl's POV where go to make it easier????
Mayor: Staff wd like you to get to a motion on the floor
Sokol: part to handle larger % of permits xxx
[8:24] Sop: move 1, 2, 3
Mayor before we get into debate, Cclr MB
MB: moving along
found the chart at the back really useful, comparing us to 21 other Ms
was the number of permits issued, nice to see that on this chart
we have high value for props; we don't have the comparison numbers
Sokol: not attached to this report but we have reports number of permits and number of staff
depends on complexity of projects
Manjit: data colln info; number of permits, diff bldg bylaws
comparables we see are construction costs, number of staff, newly xxx
we may demolish and build a new one that's 1 to 1; try but not easily [8:27]
Mayor: Sop?
Sop: no, I don't want ppl to think I talk too much
Mayor: don't know how anyone cd think that
MOTION: proposed Building Amendment Bylaw read a first, second, and third time.
{had noticed many Chinese residents sitting together in the Chamber; more than ten left after this motion passed; someone mentioned interested in (decreased) setbacks.}
7.1 Admin Agreemt on the Fed Gas Tax Fund in BC (Gas Tax), Cmnty Works Funding for Local Govts
Mayor: we have signed over &&& {GET}; majority of money goes to TransLink
MB: ?
Mayor: this is something new; huge amt of money pay
$800 paid {per prop?} -- for our rapid transit and freeway system we have
1. Ccl enter into the 2014-2024 Cmnty Works Fund Agreemt under the Admin Agrmt on the Fed Gas Tax Fund in BC; and2. the Mayor and MClk be authorized to sign the 2014 2024 Cmnty Works Fund Agreement under the Administrative Agreement on the Federal Gas Tax Fund in BC between DWV and the UBCM.
8. Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4785, 2014 (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge Dr)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the July 21 reg Ccl mtg and Ccl scheduled a PH re the proposed bylaw to be held on Sept 15. If the Sept 15 PH has closed the proposed bylaw may be considered for second and third reading at the Sept 15, reg Ccl mtg. If the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw.
[8:30] CC: thank {resident/owner}
{re Heritage} we rely on mbrs of public; look fwd, if support of the cmnty; come fwd and speak to staff about it
Mayor: Cclr Panz
TP: wait, there's another piece
Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw be read a second time; Proposed ... be read a third time
9. Consent Agenda Items
9.1. Cmnty Engagement Cmte Work Submission
(CEC work plan, WG Guidelines, Terms of Ref for the Cmnty and Corporate Energy and Emissions WG)
TP: felt cmnty shd know looking for volunteers; came out of the Climate Action WG; worked with Cclr NG
excellent opp
MB: quick Q
re WG guidelines, thought had changed MAY to WILL
Brent: you are correct -- [8:32] will
Mayor: haven't got to the Consent Agenda yet
1 - The proposed CEC 2014-2015 work plan as att'd to the Sept 9 report from the Dep CAO be rec'd for information; and
2 - The proposed Cmnty Engagement WG Guidelines as att'd to the Sept 9 report be rec'd for information; and
3 - The proposed draft terms of ref for the Cmnty and Corporate Energy and Emissions WG as att'd to the Sept 9 report be received for information; and
4. Advertising be conducted for cmnty mbrs to serve on the Cmnty and Corporate Energy and Emissions Working Group.
9.2. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
RECOMMENDED:THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to August 29, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) August 27, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) August 28, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) August 28, 2014, regarding Ed Sheeran (Ambleside Concert)
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(4) August 28, 2014, regarding RE: E-Coli count at West Vancouver Beaches
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(5) August 28, 2014, regarding Tax Payment
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) August 27, 2014, regarding The Power of Salt
(7) S. Robinson, MLA (Coquitlam-Maillardville), Aug 28, re Invitation to Official Opposition UBCM Breakfast (Fri, Sept 26)
> Council Correspondence Update to September 2, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Clyde Gardens Strata Council, August 25, 2014, regarding Ed Sheeran Concert at Ambleside Park
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) August 28, 2014, regarding Maintenance and Budget Control
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) 3 submissions, August 30 31, 2014, regarding E. coli Count in Local Waters
(4) 2 submissions, August 30 September 2, 2014, regarding Wireless Smart Meters
(5) September 2, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction
Responses to Correspondence
(6) Manager of Financial Services, August 29, 2014, response regarding Tax Payment
(7) Director of Engg/Transportation, September 2, 2014, response regarding Insufficient Parking in Horseshoe Bay
Mayor: record both seconded:
The Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups item has been moved pursuant to Councils resolution of September 8, 2014.
4. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups [8:34]
Sop: Coho Festival, delightful; rearranged; thank mbrs of Ccl who came -- sold over 2000 pieces of salmon; &&&
Save-On Foods donated all the xxx; raised more money
attended on behalf of Mayor Smith the NV candlelight ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the 100th anniversary of Cadets on the NSh.
NG: {in NV} met Prince Edward and the Countess at the Capilano Fish Hatchery; wished them well and thanked them for coming; v charming; on behalf of WV thanked them for coming
inspired from Cmnty Grants Cmte -- give out small grants $200 min to youth; each youth has to apply; inform why funding needed; four applcns recently; max of $3K to give away, don't go far in a year; four recv'd this month $200 ea; soccer NL
xxx; 20 hrs a week, 13th in Canada
QC 16 2/95 Youth Global xxx in NY; all volunteers in their spare time
CC: awards drumming up nominations; nominations deadline Sept 30
MB: not exactly follow under [this] but made promise, make an announcement
Keep Well Society of NSh all week; Wellness works with ... across NSh
offered free at Srs' Ctr this week; urge get out
Mayor: yesterday Terry Fox Run from Amb Pk; I managed to walk the 5km circuit
our Fire..... donated $5K to the fund; xxx nice day ;... good
[Oral reports from the Mayor and Councillors received for information]
10. OTHER ITEMS -- No items.
Mayor: Carolanne Reynolds
CR: Sorry, I thought there'd be other ppl; I'm Carolanne Reynolds, Editor of West Van Matters
Yes, the Terry Fox [Run], I think that was interesting; he wanted a dollar for every person who lived in Canada, about $20-some million at the time, and now he's raised over $634M -- it's just incredible.
I do want to thank you all for the heritage item tonight, and the designation, and asking ppl to apply, or to volunteer
I do want to know if you have any date for the heritage, -- you said you were going to reinstate the heritage, a heritage body of some sort, and I've been waiting with bated breath for when -- do you have any idea when?
Mayor: it's a work in progress, Carolanne
CR, chuckling: okay; so it's a 'heritage' work in progress
{others chuckled}
as far uh. there was a letter I sent in, I didn't see it but, um, many ppl, and I know you yourself, Mr Mayor, and others, have said that four years for a civic term is not what many ppl want; and that you wrote a letter and did what you cd
Now, the UBCM conference is coming up in a few weeks, so I was wondering if there cd be a movement there to
(a) reconsider it
(b) make it each M''s decision, so a M cd choose if they want four, or whatever, three, two, and
(c) the third thing, if we can't do that, as I mentioned to you, it might be possible say, to have elections ev two yrs, but for half the Council so that the ppl of the cmnty get to have a say
b/c it has been the practice in some cases for whether it's mbrs of the public or devprs or whatever to do whatever they wanted, go a little further than they shd until the last year before an election, and so if we have an election ev two yrs, then the public can have their say, both what they like, what they don't like, what they want changed
and so I wd like to urge -- who from WV is going? No. 1
can they urge M decisions -- flexibility, I mean ppl want diff things
and cd there be decisions such as ev two yrs, but only half so the terms really are four yrs?
Mayor: well, Ccl, I've already made my comments known to the Minister, and got a v nice pat on the head letter back from her, but does anybody know whether at the UBCM they're going to reconsider this? I honestly don't know--
NG: No, it's not a resolution as far as I know
CR: can anybody bring something up or ask questions?
who went last time when the decision was made?
and who is going this time?
and are there any resolns, that perhaps you cd publicize so that the public perhaps cd tell you what they thought of them?
Mayor: um, Ms Scholes, are the UBCM resolutions -- they're public info, are they not?
SSch: the nomination cmte booklet and the resolns to be considered are all on the UBCM website
{Well, Dear Readers, not debate time, but obvious resolns our M reps will vote on shd be well-publicized, cmnty's input
sought, so our Ccl expresses our opinions at UBCM! Why not discussion and votes at Ccl for at least the main ones?}
Mayor: it's night-time reading if you want to do it, Carolanne
{a bit much to expect, hm?}
laughing: who went last year and who's going this year?
Mayor: I
went last year; Cclr Booth went last year; [plus] Cclr Cameron,
Gambioli, and Panz
CR: did you all vote for it or against?
Mayor: I certainly voted against -- so, you know, it's an individual thing
{individual??? not expressing the view of the cmnty? shdn't it be sought beforehand???}
MB: I didn't vote; I wasn't there for that vote
Sop: I went to the UBCM for a number of yrs, year after year after year, and the federal Ms
quite frankly, you'll find a lot of experience communicating with mbrs from other cmnties across the country, but--
CR: that's FCM
Sop: and locally from the Lower Mainland, and BC
they have to change their format; their format is not correct for a modern day; there's too many issues
we don't get at all of them, and I don't find it meaningful as it used to be; consequently, in the last years I haven't gone
out of it comes a few items, but v seldom, all the recomms that seem to come from outside the prov
they've got to use a new format, a WG format -- WGs work and they don't do it
I've said this before
CR: I think you're referring to FCM, I was talking about UBCM
Sop: FCM and UBCM
CR: oh, both. So who is going this year pls? to UBCM
Mayor: I'm going b/c there's two Mayors functions on the Monday; TransLink Mayors' mtg and then mayors' caucus mtg, on Monday, so, you know, I shd attend those
CR: anybody else?
Mayor: I shd attend those so I'm going. Cclr NG's going, and Cclr Cam's going, so WV will be well-represented by the three of us
CR: thank you very very much
12. ADJOURNMENT [8:46]
===== CCL MTG Briefs Oct 6th =====
My highlights in Headsup 15I, and according to DWV: http://westvancouver.ca/news/council-briefs-october-6
===== CCL MTG AGENDAs Oct 20th =====
6pm CLOSED MTG b/c:
(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M sen/ice that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if held in public.
Purpose of mtg: matters re cmte apptmts, land, and the proposed provision of a M service.
re proposed Zoning Amdmt Bylaw (housekeeping amdmts; general amdmts to the Zoning Bylaw that are not related to housing bulk, are technical in nature, and that do not propose any new policy directions) (File: 1610-20-4805)
followed by
REGULAR CCL MTG [main items]
+ Ambulance Paramedics of BC
+ Proposed [Five-]Year Financial Plan Amdmt Bylaw (proposed amdmts re addl revenues and expenditures)
+ Proposed Fees and Charges Amdmt Bylaw (fee schedule updates)
+ Draft Zoning Amdmt Bylaw (sgl-fam housing siting, form, and character floor area exemptions)
+ WV Sec Sch Track and Artificial Turf Field Update
+ Read the Correspondence!
Full Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/oct/20/14oct20-agenda.pdf
=== BISONWATCH === Where the buffalo roam(ed)
U.S., Canadian Tribes Sign Historic Bison Treaty [Al Jazeera America]
Native tribes from the United States and Canada signed a treaty Tuesday establishing an inter-tribal alliance to restore bison to areas of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains where millions of the animals once roamed."
...Native tribes from the United States and Canada signed a treaty Tuesday establishing an inter-tribal alliance to restore bison to areas of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains where millions of the animals once roamed.
Leaders of 11 tribes from Montana and Alberta signed the pact during a daylong ceremony on Montana's Blackfeet Reservation, organizers said.
It marks the first treaty among the tribes and First Nations since a series of agreements governing hunting rights in the 1800s. That was when their ancestors still roamed the border region hunting bison, also called buffalo.
The long-term aim of Tuesday's "Buffalo Treaty" is to allow the free flow of the animals across the international border and restore the bison's central role in the food, spirituality and economies of many American Indian tribes and First Nations a Canadian synonym for native tribes....
...Bison numbered in the tens of millions across North America before the West was settled. By the 1880s, unchecked commercial hunting to feed the bison hide market reduced the population to about 325 animals in the U.S. and fewer than 1,000 in Canada, according to wildlife officials and bison trade groups in Canada. Around the same time, tribes were relocated to reservations and forced to end their nomadic traditions....
...Keith Aune, a bison expert with the Wildlife Conservation Society, said the agreement has parallels with the 1855 Lame Bull Treaty, a peace deal brokered by the U.S. government that established tribes hunting rights....
...The treaty signatories collectively control more than 6 million acres of prairie habitat in the U.S. and Canada, an area roughly the size of Vermont, according to Aune's group.
The full article: http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/291-144/24867-us-canadian-tribes-sign-historic-bison-treaty
Is it Blackfoot or Blackfeet?
"Blackfoot" is the English translation of the word siksika, which means "black foot". It refers to the dark colored moccasins the people wear. Some Blackfoot people are annoyed by the plural "Blackfeet", which is obviously an anglicization. But most Blackfoot people accept both terms. "Blackfoot" is more commonly used in Canada, and "Blackfeet" is more commonly used in the United States.
Member of an American Indian people who migrated from the Great Lakes north and west into the Saskatchewan River valley, Canada, and Montana, in the early 1700s. Their name derives from their black moccasins. They comprise three sub-tribes: the Peigan (Pikuni), Blood (Kaini), and Siksika (Blackfeet); and speak an Algonquian dialect. Like the Plains Indians, they were skilled buffalo hunters even before they acquired horses and guns in the 18th century, and had a warrior culture. White settlement and the near extinction of the buffalo in the 1880s ended their nomadic lifestyle. Most now farm reservations. They number about 27,100 (2000) in the USA, and 15,000 in Alberta, Canada.
Blackfoot, also called Blackfeet, North American Indian tribe composed of three closely related bands, the Piegan (officially spelled Peigan in Canada), or Piikuni; the Blood, or Kainah (also spelled Kainai, or Akainiwa); and the Siksika, or Blackfoot proper (often referred to as the Northern Blackfoot). The three groups traditionally lived in what is now Alberta, Can., and the U.S. state of Montana, and there they remain, with one reservation in Montana and three reserves (as they are called in Canada), one for each band, within Alberta. The Blackfoot in the United States are officially known as the Blackfeet Nation, though the Blackfoot word siksika, from which the English name was translated, is not plural).
=== INFObits ===
= Sea-to-Sky hwy annually 9.5M (and growing!)
= Toronto is Canada's largest city at 5.5M
= West Vancouver is often referred to as one of the wealthiest municipalities in Canada, and 95% of the Districts 16,000
homes are valued at more than $1 million.
= National Tree Day in Canada -- Sept 24
= [Quebec Premier] Couillard was born in Montreal, Quebec. He holds a medical degree and a certification in neurosurgery from the Université de Montréal. He was the head of the dept of neurosurgery at Hôpital Saint-Luc from 1989 to 1992 and again at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke from 1996 to 2003. From 1992 to 1996, he practised in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. In 2003, he left the medical profession to run for a seat in the National Assembly representing the Quebec Liberal Party. He was elected MNA for Mont-Royal in the 2003 election and was appointed Minister of Health and Social Services on April 29, 2003.
Since taking office, he proved skillful in the handling of his dept's public relations and was regarded by some as the most popular minister in the Charest government.[1] His accomplishments during his tenure included a $4.2 billion increase in the Quebec health budget, the prohibition of smoking in public places, and a reduction in the number of union local accreditations in the health sector.
= Escaping ISIS: Iraq's Christians find refuge at Jordan church -- CNN -- October 2, 2014
= Sweden to Recognize Palestinian State -- by Reuters 06 October 14
...But in his inaugural address to the Swedish parliament, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven confirmed that it would designate Palestine as a state.
"The conflict between Israel and Palestine can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law," he said....
Within the EU, some countries, such as Hungary, Poland and Slovakia recognize Palestine, but they did so before joining the 28-member bloc....
{hm. Sounds great, but what incentive when you've got more and bigger guns and the others have none? only lose.}
Y Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew, literally "head [of] the year") is the Jewish New Year. The Biblical name for this holiday Yom Teruah (Hebrew, literally "day [of] shouting/raising a noise") or the Feast of Trumpets. It is the first of the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora'im ("Days of Awe") which usually occur in the early autumn of the Northern Hemisphere. Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of Tishrei. The day is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and their first actions toward the realization of humanity's role in God's world. Rosh Hashanah customs include sounding the shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn) and eating symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey to evoke a "sweet new year".
Observances -- Praying in synagogue, personal reflection, and hearing the shofar.
Begins -- Start of first day of Tishrei; Ends -- End of second day of Tishreii
2014 date -- sunset, September 24 nightfall, September 26
Gambioli had the pleasure of meeting Prince Edward on theTrans Canada
Trail in NV and received this msg of thanks with this photo:
On behalf of the Trans Canada Trail and the Capilano River Regional Park, we would like to thank you for joining us and the Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC, as we welcomed Their Royal Highnesses, the Earl and Countess of Wessex to the TCT Coho Trail on Sept 14.
"With your support, we were delighted to have the opportunity to introduce Their Royal Highnesses to this breathtaking section of the Trans Canada Trail and to share our passion for our National Trail.
=== TREEWATCH === Norway to pay Lberia to save trees!
Norway Will Pay Liberia $150 Million if They Stop Deforestation by 2020 Matt McGrath, BBC News
McGrath writes: "Liberia is to become the first nation in Africa to completely stop cutting down its trees in return for development aid. Norway will pay the impoverished West African country $150m (£91.4m) to stop deforestation by 2020."
...Liberia's forests are not as big as other countries' but the country is home to a significant part of West Africa's remaining rainforest, with about 43% of the Upper Guinean forest.
It is also a global diversity hotspot, home to the last remaining viable populations of species including western chimpanzees, forest elephants, and leopards....
..."We hope Liberia will be able to cut emissions and reduce poverty at the same time," ...
...Under the terms of the agreement, Norway will help Liberia to initially build up the capacity to monitor and police the forests....
...The country agrees to place 30% or more of its forest estate under protected area status by 2020. It will also pilot direct payments to communities for protecting the forest.
Ultimately the Norwegians will pay for results, with independent verification that trees remain standing.....
some breathtaking: In Pictures: Spectacular buildings from Singapore's World Architecture Festival
by Maggie Hiufu Wong, CNN -- September 29, 2014 -- Updated 0130 GMT (0930 HKT)
=== BEERWATCH === (From our beer correspondent, The Zythum Scriptor)
Sartori -- wet-hopped ale, sometimes called fresh-hopped ale
Late September is when one of the high holy days of the craft brewing industry falls: the arrival of the wet-hopped beers. Hops is the ingredient that provides both the bitterness and the floral aromas. The problem is that to preserve hops so they can be used year-round, and to make shipping and storage easier, they are usually crushed, dried, and compressed into pellets. As one might expect, that has a negative effect on the flavour and aroma.
So once a year, some of BC's more adventurous brewers head out to the hop farms, gather fresh hops from the vine, and brew limited-release batches of beer with the freshest of hops. The resulting beers are a delight to the senses. Unfortunately they sell out within hours, and have a shelf-life measured in days. Most of this year's brews from Driftwood, Hoyne, and others have been sold and consumed so mark your calendar for next year.
=== IS ISIL ISIS? === To bomb or not to bomb?
On Friday Oct 3 CBC's As It Happened broadcast Green MP Elizabeth May's remarks about Canada's role. I was so impressed at her analysis that I went to her website to get them. Thoughtful.
{Here's most of what she said. The total text is on the website (link below) as well as the video (under 4min)}
I want to reflect very briefly on the fact that in June 2011, I was the only member of the House to vote against the continued bombardment of Libya, recognizing at the time, as I said in Debates, I was deeply troubled by the fact that among the rebel forces we were supporting was al Qaeda and there were warehouses full of arms that could easily end up in the hands of extremists and inadvertently fuel terrorism. I do not stand here to say for one moment that I was right and all members were wrong. That is not my point at all. We were united in our concern as Canadians to do the right thing. However, in this region of the world, if there was ever proof for the adage that the road to hell was paved with good intentions, we have it in spades from the U.S. deciding it would be a bright idea to recruit a millionaire named Osama Bin Laden to take on the threat of the Soviet presence in Afghanistan, create al Qaeda, and hope that when they went through somehow Afghanistan could hold it together. Then we went back into Afghanistan, and then we had the ongoing crisis of terrorist organizations. We had what happened in Libya.
In June 2011, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said, Obviously, no government can be worse than the Gadhafi regime. I think the road to hell was paved with good intentions again in Libya because we meant well, but in turning down peace offers and peace talks and pursuing a bombardment we inadvertently increased the strength of terrorists....
...I completely support what the Prime Minister said, that Canada cannot stand on the sidelines. In every single town hall meeting I had earlier in September, my constituents and residents of my communities opened by saying: what do we do about this terrorist threat of ISIL; what about ISIS, it is horrific? My response to them was this. We need to sign the arms trade treaty. We need to stem the flow of conventional arms to terrorists. We need to track the money. We need to find out who is fuelling these people. We need sensible plans. We need to make sure that there are not vast numbers, cohorts of unemployed young men, who feel alienated within their societies. If this is called practising sociology, consider me guilty of it. I call it thinking. We need to speak.
I completely support all of the Prime Ministers intentions. We cannot allow these horrific crimes to go unanswered but we must make sure whatever we do does not make matters worse. That is why I hope we will have a fuller debate for more than just one day so that we can bring to bear the collective knowledge and wisdom of Canadians, every single one of us in this place representing constituents who want Canada to do the right thing. I do not think we are there yet. Without disrespect to any of us, bombings have never ended an Islamic or any religious extremist terrorist threat. Time after time it has made matters worse. Let us try to look to the lessons of history before we go to war again.
{Reminds me of Hegel: "We learn from history that we do not learn from history."}
Then the next day I read the background and analysis written by Scott Ritter.....
Why the Current Approach Against ISIS Will Fail -- by Scott Ritter, Reader Supported News 03 October 14
...I was in General Schwartzkopf's underground command post in Riyadh on the morning of January 17, part of a battle damage assessment team trying to piece together a snapshot of our military accomplishments that had transpired overnight. Later, as a UN weapons inspector inside Iraq, I was able to speak to the men in charge of the buildings and facilities we were trying to destroy that night. "You Americans are very good at blowing up concrete," General Amer Rashid, the Deputy Director of the Military Industrial Commission, told me. "And we are very good at pouring concrete. But if you give us enough forewarning, there won't be anything but concrete in the places you bomb."
This was indeed the case.
...The Islamic State, having demonstrated its media savvy with slick Internet videos depicting its various heinous acts, would hav...e obviously known such an attack was coming. Given that its ranks are filled with veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003-2011 American invasion and occupation of Iraq, it can be assumed that the Islamic State is well-versed in the effects of various American air-delivered munitions and their method of delivery. Having tracked American drones and reconnaissance aircraft overflights of Syria in the past weeks, the potential areas of interest were likewise well known to the Islamic State. As was the case in the Gulf War, I am certain the United States and its Arab allies succeeded at blowing up concrete. I am equally as certain that anything of value that might have been housed in such structures, whether human or machine, had long ago departed.
...43 days of concentrated aerial bombardment.... Air power alone did not then, and cannot today, solve a problem as complex as the one confronting the world vis-à-vis Saddam Hussein's Iraq (in 1991, and again in 2003) and the Islamic State's so-called "caliphate" in Syria and Iraq today. Nor are "boots on the ground" an adequate solution, even in conjunction with overwhelming air support. While the coalition assembled during the Gulf War proved adept at closing with and destroying the dug-in Iraqi Army, the elite Republican Guard divisions that represented the focus of the coalition air and ground forces emerged from that conflict intact and fully capable of continued combat operations. Likewise, the armed forces of Iraq were never fully defeated in 2003, nor did they ever surrender. Instead, they melted away overnight, part of a larger long-term strategy of resistance to American occupation initiated by the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, and sustained over the years by that organization and a myriad of other resistance groups, including Al Qaeda in Iraq (the precursor to the Islamic State). Once ensconced among a sympathetic and supportive population, these surviving forces provided the kernel of resistance that was never defeated, and which serves as an important element of the combat power of the Islamic State today....
...Killing men who willingly seek martyrdom is like blowing up concrete -- there will always be more who are willing to die, just as there will always be someone willing to pour more concrete for us to blow up.
The key to victory over the Islamic State is to be able to get at what is, figuratively and literally, inside the building. In the case of the Islamic State, this means coming to grips with the reality that the "caliphate" is more than an artificial construct of so-called "terrorists". The notion of a "caliphate" has been a vibrant part of the Sunni Arab world since the dissolution of the Ottoman Caliphate after the First World War. The Ottoman Empire, and the caliphate it sustained and supported, was far more than the Turkish entity portrayed by the west. It was a force of Islam, one that found adherents throughout the Muslim world, including the Arabs. The end of the Ottoman Empire did not bring with it the end of the romance of the caliphate among Sunni Arabs, and the promise it held of a greater Islamic state ruled by Shari'a law. Indeed, many Arab nationalists who fought on the side of the west against the Turks hoped for the creation of a greater Arab state centered on the holy cities of Mecca and Medina which would replicate the form and function of the Ottoman Caliphate....
...The notion of an Arab "caliphate" is not a new phenomenon fabricated from thin air by the radical jihadists of the Islamic State. Rather, it has existed in the psyche of the Sunni Arabs of Mesopotamia and the Levant for more than a century. The essence of the successes enjoyed by the Islamic State to date centers not on any wide-spread embrace of their radical vision, but rather the fact that their movement gives voice to a dream that has long been dampened by the forces of the west and their autocratic regional allies. ... But bombs and missiles, while adept at blowing up concrete and creating martyrs, have never been successful when it comes to eradicating ideas.
Void of any competing ideology, it is hard to see how this new war on the Islamic State will ever succeed in supplanting the visionary dream of a Sunni Arab Caliphate that resides in the hearts and minds of so many Sunni Arabs living in Syria and Iraq today. On the contrary, it is likely that this campaign will succeed only in fanning the flames of the radical Sunni fringe, empowering them in a way nothing else could. America's allies in this effort -- Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates -- are a living manifestation of the kind of autocratic rulers who have earned the contempt of many of the disenfranchised Sunni Arabs who currently flock to the Islamic State. These autocrats, more than anyone, understand the dangers posed by the concept -- and reality -- of a Sunni Caliphate, since it is their very survival that is at stake.
This is one fight the United States, having committed itself to, cannot simply walk away from. The ramifications of retreat would be dire and virtually uncontainable. ... Bombing cannot, and will not, deliver success. Nor will boots on the ground, .... What is needed is a competing ideology that resonates not with America's erstwhile Arab allies, but rather the Sunni populations of Iraq and Syria....
United States spent a quarter century bombing, invading and occupying
Iraq to rid itself of Saddam Hussein, and now we can only dream of
having such a strong, inclusive secular leader. ...
{Your editor's comment: you can't bomb an idea; and her question: given what happened after Saddam and Gaddafi were removed, think v carefully before acting wrt al-Assad.}
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === Calgary where?
who'da thunk it??? See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary,_Mull
Calgary, Mull
Calgary Bay is located on the north west of Mull about 5 mi (8.0 km) past Dervaig, 12 mi (19 km) from the island's capital Tobermory, and is framed by low hills, partly wooded. A broad area of machair (a grassy meadow growing on calcareous sand) lies between the land and the beach. As the tide falls a river meanders across the sands. ...
Calgary village is a small community of houses scattered near the hotel and Calgary Farmhouse. Calgary Castle overlooks the bay. It was the origin of the name of Fort Calgary in Canada, which became the city of Calgary, Alberta.[1]...
Calgary Bay
The name comes from the Gaelic, Cala ghearraidh, meaning Beach of the meadow (pasture). "Cala" is the word specifically used for a hard, sandy beach suitable for landing a boat, which relates plausibly to the location. A small stone pier, originally built to allow "puffers" (small steam-driven cargo boats) to deliver coal to the Mornish Estate, was also used to take sheep to and from grazing on the Treshnish Isles and gives a further possible reason for the name of the bay.[1]...
..A rocky knoll above the houses still has the remains of a dun*, though many of its stones were taken to build the houses.
On the East side of the bay Calgary House, now called Calgary Castle, was built in 1817 extending an earlier Calgary Estate laird's house.[4] Colonel James Macleod, Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police, was a summer guest here. In 1876, shortly after returning to Canada, he suggested its name for Fort Calgary which gave rise to the city of Calgary, Alberta, a metropolis of 1,071,515 citizens and the Greater Calgary Region, population: 1.3 million.
* See WordWatch "dun" below
=== WORDWATCH === where does dun come from?
> from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dun
Dun is a generic term for an ancient or medieval fort. It is mainly used in the British Isles to describe a kind of hill fort and also a kind of Atlantic roundhouse. The term comes from Irish dún or Scottish Gaelic dùn (meaning "fort"), and is cognate with Old Welsh din, from whence comes Welsh dinas (meaning "city").
In some areas, duns were built on any suitable crag or hillock, particularly south of the Firth of Clyde and the Firth of Forth. There are many duns on the west coast of Ireland and they feature in Irish mythology. ...
Duns seem to have arrived with Celtic cultures in about the 7th century BC. Early duns had near vertical ramparts made of stone and timber. Vitrified forts are the remains of duns that have been set on fire and where stones have been partly melted. Use of duns continued in some parts into the Middle Ages.
Duns are similar to brochs, but are smaller and probably would not have been capable of supporting a very tall structure. Good examples of this kind of dun can be found in the Western Isles of Scotland, on artificial islands in small lakes.
The word in its original sense appears in many place names, and can include fortifications of all sizes and kinds, for example, Din Eidyn, in Gaelic Dùn Èideann which the Angles renamed Edinburgh, Dún na nGall in Ireland (Irish Gaelic: "fort of foreigners") renamed Donegal by English planters during the Plantation of Ulster, and the Broch Dun Telve in Glenelg.
> The Dundarave Estate -- http://search.savills.com/property-detail/gblhralar140007
The Dundarave Estate is an extremely rare property with a beautiful Grade I Listed mansion house and about 549 acres...
Dundarave is situated between the famous Bushmills Village (home to the whiskey) and the Giants Causeway,...
Although the Macnaghten Family has had a presence in North Antrim since about 1580, they continue their close historic links with Scotland. The current baronet is the Chief of the Clan Macnaghten and, indeed, the name Dundarave' is derived from the former Clan seat Dunderave Castle which is located North of Inveraray on the shore of Loch Fyne in Scotland.
> ALSO: Dunderave Castle
Dunderave Castle is an L-plan castle built in the 16th century as the Scottish seat of the MacNaughton clan. The castle lies on a small promontory on the northern shores of Loch Fyne, around 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) north-east of Inveraray, Argyll. The castle is in use as a residence. The present castle was built after their previous castle was destroyed following a Plague infection. The old castle, and remnants of McNaughton crannógs, can still be seen on the lochan known as the Dubh Loch at the head of Glen Shira.
The name Dunderave is of Gaelic origin. Since the MacNachtans were designated 'of Dunderave' from as early as 1473, the place-name appears to have moved with the clan from the Dubh Loch. It has been suggested that the name derives either from Dun-an-Rudha, meaning 'The Knoll on the Promontory', or else from Dun-da-Ramh, 'The Castle of Two Oars'. The latter is taken to imply that there was a ferry near the site of the castle.[1]...
> DUNDARAVE HOUSE -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dundarave_House
It is reputedly the largest house in Northern Ireland still to be in private occupation.
In 2014, Dundarave (Bushmills) and its 549.7 acres was listed for sale with Savills U.K. at the guide price of £5,000,000.
-- the last syllable is not rave, it's rav (have/halve depending on your accent)
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca
The ofc is in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
Enjoyable informative conference in Cloverdale. Go to the website to click on these award winners for the full descriptions with photos:
2014 Heritage BC Awards
The Board of Directors of Heritage BC wishes to recognize and honour special projects and accomplishments.
Advocacy, Awareness, and Planning
Fort Langley Citizens for Sustainable Devt -- The Society of Fort Langley Residents for Sustainable Devt
Celebrating the City of Armstrong 1913-2014
Jack Jamieson, Author Jessie Ann Gamble, Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum & Arts Society
Hands On Heritage -- Ted & Lynda Lightfoot, Langley Heritage Society
Heritage Conservation
- Seventh Day Adventist Church
Byron Williams, BAN Holdings; Mark Lesack, Ankenman Marchand Assoc; D Luxton, Donald Luxton & Assoc
Timothy Ankenman, Ankenman Marchand Associates Ltd; Donald Luxton, Donald Luxton & Associates Inc
Gregory Henriquez, Henriquez Partners Architects; Bruno Wall, Wall Financial Group
Gord Macdonald, Macdonald & Lawrence Timber Framing; Scott Kemp, Architect;
Robin Zirnhelt, ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd
Eugene and Ilona Sawka, Prefontaine Residence; Donald Luxton, Donald Luxton & Associates Inc; Ryan Bahris, Extraordinary League Contracting
- 123 Cambie -- Suraj Gupta, Merrick Hunter, Chercover Massie & Assoc; D Luxton, Donald Luxton & Assoc
- Central Elementary School, Central Okanagan School District 23
Kurtis Topping, Glade Schoenfield; and Douglas Watts, Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd
- Queen Margarets School Chapel -- Gord Macdonald, Macdonald & Lawrence Timber Framing Ltd
- Queen Mary Elementary School -- Franci Stratton, North Vancouver Board of Education
Mayor Darrell Mussatto, City of North Vancouver; Mark Ehman, DA Architects + Planners
- St. Pauls Indian Church -- Donna Oseen, St Pauls Indian Church Preservation Trust
Dave Mathieson, Nu-Tech Roofing Ltd; John Polgalse, Syncra Construction Corporation
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org 922 4400 info@heritage.westvan.ca
WV has celebrated Heritage Week since 1989. Contact HWV to help plan for next year!
Heritage Week 2015
The theme for Heritage Week 2015 in British Columbia is Main Street: At The Heart of The Community.
The week kicks off on Feb 16, which is designated as Heritage Day across Canada by Heritage Canada The National Trust:
"Our Main Streets and traditional downtowns are a heritage worth celebrating! As venues for commerce, entertainment, worship, shopping, and more, they speak volumes about a community's social and economic history.
Downtowns have long been places where families and friends gather for parades and fireworks, and where the community commemorates milestones and tearful homecomings. Providing a rich and textured backdrop are the historic buildings that line our main streets: landmark post offices and places of worship, commercial architecture with enticing display windows, and homegrown shops and cafés that together create a vibrant mix of services and uses.
Car culture, the rise of regional shopping malls and big box stores that pull shoppers and businesses away from city centres have been hard on our historic main streets and downtowns. But hundreds of communities recognize that the heritage of downtown is an asset that attracts new residents, invites tourists, and stimulates new investment the foundation for a vibrant economy and a sustainable future.
Heritage Canada The National Trust promotes the third Monday of February each year as Heritage Day and has long advocated adopting this date as a national holiday."
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
> Historic Building Permits project
Architect? Cost? Date? Launched Nov 2011, our ongoing Vancouver Building Permits 1901-1921 database, currently contains 30,861 hand-transcribed searchable historic permits, with thanks to a Vancouver125 Grant for making the project launch possible. permits.heritagevancouver.org
> Coming November 2 -- WW1: Vancouver's Commemorative Places Bus Tour
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION (http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org)
October 21 -- Evening Lectures at Hycroft -- Next Up: Samuel Maclure's heritage architecture in Shaughnessy
October 25 -- Laneway House Tour -- Discover how modern Vancouverites are returning to a heritage idea
=== MAIKU === September 29
twenty years have passed
wisdom and guidance much missed
strive to be worthy
{My father unexpectedly died 1994 Sept 29 when I was in NB and NY.}
quotations thoughts puns
To be nobody but myself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.
-- E.E. Cummings, American poet (1894 - 1962)
No battle is ever won, he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools. -- William Faulkner, American novelist (1897 - 1962)
A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours. -- Milton Berle, quoted in news summaries (July 1, 1954)
Pang's first job is to disabuse you of the common misconception that doing two things at once allows you to get more done. -- Lisa Zeidner; This is Not the Inbox You're Looking for; The Washington Post; Aug 18, 2013
Setting up libraries is like building public granaries, storing up reserves for a hibernation of the mind which, despite myself, I see many signs of its approach. -- Marguerite Yourcenar, Belgian novelist (1903 - 1987)
The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos.
-- Stephen Jay Gould, American palaeontologist, biologist, author (1941 - 2002)
This is certain, that a man that studieth revenge keeps his wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well. -- Sir Francis Bacon, QC, English author (1561 - 1625)
Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands--and then just eat one of the pieces. -- Judith Viorst, American author (b 1932)
I don't ever write my name on books that I buy; I only do so after having read them as only then can I say they're mine. -- Carlo Dossi, Italian writer and politician (1849 - 1910)
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it. -- Lena Horne, American singer (1917 - 2010)
Politics is the religion of those who think they're God.
-- A line in Equivocation by (Jesuit) Bill Cain (US); premiered in 2009; part of Bard on the Beach, summer 1914)
There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you've made a discovery. -- Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist, Nobel laureate (1901-1954)
My God! The English language is a form of communication! Conversation isnt just crossfire where you shoot and get shot at! Where youve got to duck for your life and aim to kill! Words arent only bombs and bullets no, they're little gifts, containing meanings!
-- Philip Roth, the title character speaking, in Portnoy's Complaint (1967)
NOTE: Alex Portnoy, a Jewish college student from New York City, is having an epiphany of sorts as he reflects on the nature of the interactions hes been having with the family of his Christian girl friend when he travels to her Iowa home over the Christmas vacation. He surprises himself by abandoning his typically crabby morning disposition and cheerfully saying Good Morning! (about this, he writes: Suddenly, here in Iowa, in imitation of the local inhabitants, I am transformed into a veritable geyser of good mornings). He is further surprised when people ask him how he has slept and for the first time in my life I experience the full force of a simile when his girlfriends father announces that he has slept like a log. The stark contrast between modes of conversation in Iowa and New York City stimulates the foregoing thought.
Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave 'em all over everything you do.
-- Elvis Presley, US singer (1935 - 1977)
You are never a loser until you quit trying. -- Mike Ditka, US football player and commentator (b 1939)
What experience and history teaches us is that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher (1770 - 1831)
Time is life. It is irreversible and irreplaceable.
To waste your time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it.
-- Alan Lakein, from a book written 1973; American author now residing in Santa Cruz, CA
Politics is the science of perception (what you see and hear is not always what you get) and emotional prejudice.
-- A comment by Eldon J Bloedorn (aged 73) to Andy Borowitz's satirical piece in the New Yorker, reprinted in Reader Supported News, Sept 25 http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/26076-cheney-qno-fairq-that-obama-gets-to-bomb-syria
Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.
-- Harry Emerson Fosdick, American pastor (1878 - 1969)
The first step towards the solution of any problem is optimism. -- John Baines, retired British academic (b 1946 )
When I opened the first snow-pea pod, one fell out and rolled under the fridge. One might say it was an escapea.
I had an account with a bank in the North Pole, but they froze all my assets.
Yogi had a whisky, water, and tea drink every night. He was a toddy bear.
The divers had to be careful, the octopus was heavily armed.
Cartoons produced by the Japanese government are animes of the state.
I don't like tops of stairs. They always bring me down.
I bought a ton of staples and pushpins all for $3.99, plus tacks.
Broken puppets for sale. No strings attached.
:-) :-( :-? SCOTLAND VOTES [15-min video]
One of the best takes on Scottish independence, by an Englishman no less. http://youtu.be/-YkLPxQp_y0
{English comedian John Oliver formerly on Jon Stewart's Daily Show}
>>> CANADIAN HUSBAND DAYCARE PLAN -- http://youtu.be/TWVxJhotTwA
{to wch someone asked since Canadian if it was subsidized}
He said: "What can I help you with?" She said: Take this bag of potatoes, peel half of them and put them in the pot. |
A fat pirate is a vast matey. |
The lazy musician was told to shake allegro or
make himself scherzo.
At a pet store: 'buy one dog, get one flea'.
I caught these potatoes smoking weed,
one could say that they're baked potatoes.
Funniness and cleverness have always been two notable factors for rating puns, but the third has groan in significance.