2014 Oct 6/20/27/Nov 3 Ccl NOTES; Nov 24/Dec 1 AGENDAs; Calendar to Dec 6
1583 MDr • PkR Towers • Sgl-Fam Housing Zoning • Civic Election • Awards
~~~ Remembrance Day November 11 ~ Election Day November 15 ~ DWV Swearing-In December 1 ~~~
= Ccl Mtg Main Items Dec 1: Swearing-In and Reception {and Dec 8 Public Hearing on RCS alignment}
= Vive le Canada (Shooting in Parliament; Queen's Stmt); From the Editor's Desk (WVM of course!); 2014 Civic Election; WVPD (Don't walk!); Updates & Info (PSB; WVHS Book Launch; Dundarave Festival of Lights)
= CALENDAR to Dec 6: CULTUREWATCH (incomplete); FESTIVALs including M Kluckner's CoV talk w/ archival movies
17A: Oct 27 Awards Night + Nov 3; Tidbits // 17B: Nov 3 Agenda; Mtgs/Info/Garbage Cans; VO Stickboy, etc //
17C: Nov 3 Highlights // 17D: KMC's 10th Anniversary // 17E: News; Events Nov 9/10/11 // 17F: PkR Light Up //
17G: Mtgs/Events Nov 15 - 20 // 17H: Hatshepsut // 17I: Nov 24 Agenda; Tidbits // 17J: Saint Joan //
17K: News/Mtgs, Nov 24 Summary // 17L: Tonight! {Sat Nov 29}
- Oct 6: PH re Kiwanis; then: tap water; Shoppers 1583 MDr; 752 Marine (new) PkR towers; PQP widening Keith
- Oct 20: Ambulance Paramedics; Financial Plan amdmt; Fees & Charges; Sgl-Fam Housing Zoning Amdmts
- Oct 27: Cmnty Awards <> Nov 3: Presentation of WVHS Book; Legion; NSh Safety Ccl; Proposed OCP Amdmt re RCS
- Nov 24: See 17I for the Agenda; 17K for summary; notes will be in WVM 21
= CCL MTG AGENDAS: Dec 1; Dec 8 PH
= ANIMALWATCH (Meerkats, Platypi; Cat Dudes; Ingenious Honey Badger); INFObits (Hazel McCallion, 93; Malala's Donation; Cdn Museums); ROYALWATCH (Msg from Her Majesty); SCIENCEWATCH (UBC scientists' discovery); LANGUAGEWATCH (Pun Control); HERITAGE (a bit); MAIKU; QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS/Jokes (+Xmas carol)/Cartoon
=== Vive le CANADA ===
SHOOTING AT PARLIAMENT -- a watershed in Canada's history
Queen Elizabeth II, the Canadian monarch, issued a statement from her and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, expressing shock and sadness. See ROYALWATCH below.
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
+ WVMs ~~ :-(
Truncated, incomplete, but at least some idea of what happened at the ccl mtgs..... Trying to catch up....
Makes me think of two sayings in the software industry: "when 95% of the work is done, there's only 95% left to do"; and "there comes a time to shoot the developer and ship the product".
Hurrying, CultureWatch, HeritageWatch, for example, have omissions b/c I didn't take the time to do the research.
I also didn't go to the minutes on the DWV website to verify the spelling of names, nor did I go to the video to play (and replay) to do a full transcript. Skim the notes and if/when you find a part that's of interest to you, you can watch that part.
Some tell me they prefer to read a hard copy rather than on the line (some prefer on line, usu geeks). May I suggest printing from your computer. If you get a paper copy, pls pass it on -- printing them costs me about $500 a month (not counting the enormous amt of time to attend the mtgs and do the writing and assembling) -- even give them back!
=== CIVIC ELECTION 2014 ===
Congratulations to all elected to our first four-year term!
The Mayor, Mike Smith, in again by acclamation!
The new Council is the same as the old Council except that Christine Cassidy has taken Trish Panz's seat:
Mary-Ann Booth, Craig Cameron, Christine Cassidy, Nora Gambioli, Michael Lewis, Bill Soprovich
So, from one point of view, as someone said to me, there were ten candidates for one seat. Christine is not a shrinking violet so though it's almost the same Council as we've had for the last three years, with her and the high votes for CC and NG, the dynamics of the mtgs will definitely change..
Also, four of the slate of six put out by the WeeGees (NSN columnist Trevor Lautens's term for the WV Citizens for Good Govt) did NOT get elected. Will the WeeGees continue with credibility lost? Will they be replaced?
Interesting that this time there was no ACM by BPAHA or PkR (but agreed awkward for PkR b/c of a lot of construction). There were no ACMs between Oct 30 and Nov 12 -- rather unusual.
+ SCHOOL BOARD -- Carolyn Broady, Nicole Brown, Sheelah Donahue,
Pieter Dorsman, Dave Stevenson
+ ACM VARIATIONS {See ACM Review in next issue for more info.}
Look, folks, not rocket science. Even I cd easily keep a tally, and count to five, or 15, depending. Why is equality and fairness not always the paramount principle when conducting ACMs?
=== WVPD ===
> Operation Red Nose starts Nov 28!
> An Idea for WV and our WVPD:
Fun Pedestrian Lights in Germany -- Everyone hates waiting at the pedestrian traffic light. Many simply run across the street when they find a break in traffic but thats not safe. To make waiting more pleasant, Germanys Smart Car invented the dancing traffic light. Instead of featuring a static red Dont Walk symbol, their dancing light showcases a real, dynamic, dancing person. The dance was actually created in real time by dancing volunteers. Enjoy.
See [under 2 min]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB_0vRnkeOk
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
+ PSB: Revealed by a cclr during the ACMs that it is no longer for a combined Police and Fire, now just for Police. In last week learned that it will have ambulance and that the completion date is now given as December 2017.
+ 2015 Budget: Two open houses; will have a report on the one Nov 26 but there will be more info released and input sought in January.
+ WV Historical Society's new book! -- presented to Ccl Mon Nov 3 followed by a book launch at Larson Stn.
"Arrivals and Departures" re Horseshoe Bay and its ferries ($20) is available at several stores (wvhs.ca for list)
+ DUNDARAVE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS (sent lots of info!)
{think this starts for Nov 28?} Join us at Dundarave Beach in the Forest of Miracles; bring with you everyone you love.
Don't miss a moment of the magic.
We're thrilled to present for the first time at the Dundarave Festival the life changing music of the Marcus Mosely Chorale
with our very own West Vancouver Youth Band.
Back by popular demand, Sweet Scarlet brings their bright and sassy take on the best sounds of the season. Fresh from Capilano University's renowned jazz program, Miles David and the Blues Streak will light up your world.
Please join us in thanking the Capilano Students Union (CSU) for making the Dundarave Christmas Fair possible. Together we are ending homelessness beautifully.
Your charitable donations to the Lookout Society's North Shore Shelter are helping some of the most vulnerable members of our cmnty from young adults to seniors make their way out of homelessness. If you've not yet made a donation,
Join the CSU, Burstin With Broadway and all the rest of us in transforming a life today. The moment you give to Lookout's North Shore Shelter, a miracle can start to happen and you'll get a charitable tax receipt in a twinkling.
(And, if you'd like your very own Dundarave Festival Mug, crafted by master potter Olga Andrienko of Just Potters, you can find them in the Dundarave Festival Longhouse. Hurry, they're going fast.)
Here's to seeing you on Saturday!
Nov 29 - 10am to Jan 3 - 10am
The Dundarave Festival of Lights fills Dundarave Beach with beautifully-decorated trees sponsored by individuals, families, and businesses. Sponsorship raises funds for the Lookout Emergency Aid Society's North Shore Shelter, and the donations remain at work on the North Shore, and are used by the Lookout Society to fund its transitional services programs. Check out the events on our events calendar that happen each Saturday of the festival.
More information http://www.dundaravefestival.com All proceeds are donated to combat homelessness.
SATURDAY Nov 29 Noon to dusk
Join opening day of the Dundarave Festival of Lights as people decorate their Christmas trees, enjoy fantastic music of the season, and dont forget to keep your eye out for visitors from Whoville.
More information http://www.dundaravefestival.com/festival-events-2014.html
=== CALENDAR to December 6th ===
Mtgs at M Hall unless otherwise indicated. Shown are mtgs known at date of writing; often there are additions, changes, cancellations after WVM emailed. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events . Notices/mtgs/changes too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices are sent between issues. Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org]
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary/
{See earlier info in Headsup section; not repeated here.}
=== Saturday Nov 29
~ 9am to noon ~ Meet at the corner of Water Lane and The Dale. You can help to restore The Dale Park! Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society, no prev experience nec. Pls be sure to wear old clothes, sturdy shoes, and work gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided.
=== Tuesday Dec 2
PLEASE NOTE: this is called GIVING TUESDAY, so there are many events, too many to list
The public and cycling cmnty are invited to attend a drop-in information session about Stanley Park Causeway sidewalk safety improvements.The Stanley Park Causeway is a 2.2-km segment of Hwy 99, providing one of two connections between Vancouver and the North Shore. The causeway also provides access to/from Stanley Pk.
Session: Media invited at 2pm; Public 2:30 - 7:30pm; Coal Hbr Cmnty Ctr, 480 Broughton St., Vancouver
~ 4:30pm ~ Finance Cmte Agenda, budget, etc {fyi, I'm enquiring about the restriction of public comment}:
=== Thursday Dec 4 -- all at 7pm
WV United Church, 2062 Esquimalt, w/ a procession to start at 7:45pm to the Park at the foot of 19th Street
~ Cmnty Awards Cmte at Lawson Creek Studios, 1758 Lawson
~ Upper Lands WG at Srs' Ctr {no agenda yet}; check out:
=== Friday Dec 5
Location: Horseshoe Bay Park - meet at the propeller at 6:15
6:30 - 7pm - "laying to rest" ceremony for the totem pole; 7 - 8pm - carolling at the bonfire
Start the festive season off with a night of carolling and bonfire in beautiful Horseshoe Bay. A ceremony to lay to rest the Totem Pole in HBay Pk is part of the events. Donate to 'Fill the Bus for the Lookout Society'
=== Saturday Dec 6
Artisan market; kids' play zone; supervised craft areas; live Christmas music; Santa; charitable fundraising
Surround yourself with the bright spirit of the season. Listen to the ancient songs the ancestors of the Squamish Elders sang on the shores for thousands of generations and enjoy the beautiful forest of Christmas Trees.
More information http://www.dundaravefestival.com/festival-events-2014.html
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
Only some of what's going on at our library!
Special Friday Night Concert - An Evening with Bramwell Tovey
A generous bequest in support of music at the Library from the estate of Robert Leslie Welsh, through the WVMemorial Library Fdn, allows us to host our free Friday Night Concert Series. We offer superb performances for every musical taste.
Join us for a special evening with Bramwell Tovey, Musical Director of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. A musician of striking versatility, Bramwell Tovey is acknowledged around the world for his artistic depth and his warm, charismatic personality on the podium. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 ~ 7:30 8:45pm, MAIN HALL
For more information, visit or call the Information Desk at 604.925.7403.
- See more at: https://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/special-friday-night-concert-evening-bramwell-tovey#sthash.sluKwiIQ.dpuf
> English Corner
Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. Fridays Dec 5, 12, and 19, 10 11:30 a.m., Welsh Hall
> Reptiles and Amphibians
Christopher Stinson of UBCs Beaty Biodiversity Museum will share his expertise in the identification, behaviour, and ecology of frogs, salamanders, snakes and marine mammals. Saturday December 6, 2 4 p.m., Welsh Hall
+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca/exhibitions
September 17 - December 6 -- Harry & Jessie Webb: Artists in Vancouvers Jazz Age
Harry and Jessie Webb were among an influential group of artists, poets, and musicians working in Vancouver in the 1950s. The Webbs emerged during a period of transformation, when a regional modernism was developing and abstraction was a relatively recent form of expression on the west coast. The Webbs met at the Vancouver Art School while studying under Jack Shadbolt, Lionel Thomas, and B.C. Binning. Fresh out of art school and newly married, the couple saw Vancouvers gritty streets, neon, and jazz music scene as primary sources to engage in. The Webbs, who painted and made progressive linoleum cut prints, were regularly featured in local exhibitions and appeared in pm magazine, a short-lived art and literary journal, created by George Wright and Yvonne Agazarian and printed by typographer Robert Reid. They became involved in Beat culture and Harry Webb designed a prominent mural (The Trio, 1954), interior fittings, and posters for the Cellar Jazz Club. Harry and Jessie Webb appear alongside Don Jarvis, Al Neil, and Roy Kiyooka among others in Leonard Forests 1964 National Film Boards In Search of Innocence, a documentary film profiling Vancouver artists, poets, and jazz musicians. The exhibition draws from the artists estate and places the Webbs in context with the citys art and music scene in the 1950s and early 1960s.
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ www.ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
Great Stuff 2014 ~~~ November 14 - December 14
Gallery hours: Tue - Sun -- 10 am - 6 pm -- Open until 8 pm Fridays
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292
November 11 - 30 -- Donna Polos and Bica Gomes
Two artists with unique points of view come together for a study in complimentary contrast. Donna Polos paints the world around her in watercolour on paper, canvas, and fabric which is heavily embellished with hand embroidery, beading, and hand quilting. Bica Gomes creates artistic and functional pottery as well as sculpture, often humanizing pieces by sculpting faces and figures into them. Opening reception: Tuesday November 11th, from 6 - 8pm
December 2 - 6 -- Capilano University IDEA Student Reflections 2015 Silent Auction
It's time for the annual Capilano University IDEA Student Silent Auction! This your chance to to own one of the remarkable paintings from the popular Reflections 2015 Calendar series, depicting local scenes and landscapes created by these talented young artists. Proceeds from the sale of artwork fund their grad show. Find the perfect painting and support local students! Bidding closes @ 4pm Sat. Dec. 6. Winning bids will be notified Sunday Dec. 7.
Closing reception: Saturday December 6th from 2 - 4pm+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
MOVIE: THE CITY OF MICE (SHAHR E MOSHHA) -- Tuesday November 18 at 6pm
MICHAEL KAESHAMMER -- Friday November 21 at 8pm
SUSPECTED MARRIAGE -- Saturday November 22 at 8pm
FILM: LIFE ITSELF -- Sunday November 23 at 2pm
SEA TO SKY WIND ENSEMBLE -- Saturday, November 29, 2014 7:00PM
NAVA INTERCULTURAL ORCHESTRA -- Monday, December 1, 2014 8:00PM
Friday, December 5, 2014 8:00PM; Saturday, December 6, 2014 2:00PM and 7:30PM
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Alas, owing to flooding, closed for a while; did manage to be open on Remembrance Day, November 11.
{It was and a great post-service time at the Legion Hall including a visit from the J P Fell Pipe Band!}
Meanwhile: ~ 6:30pm ~ Thurs Nov 20 -- Pub Trivia Night (also Nov 28)
~ 7pm ~ Tues Nov 25 -- Elections for the Exec Cmte; all mbrs encouraged to vote
~ 3pm ~ Grey Cup Party in the lounge Sunday Nov 30
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
Christmas Dinner -- Thursday, December 4 -- Capilano Golf & Country Club -- 6:30 to 10:30pm
The WV Chamber's annual CHRISTMAS DINNER and Auction will be at the beautiful Capilano Golf and Country Club, on Thursday, December 4th, starting at 6:30pm.
The evening will begin with a Champagne Reception, sponsored by our Presenting Sponsor British Pacific Properties, followed by the wonderful Capilano Golf & Country Club dinner buffet, and an Auction. Our Silent Auction theme is "Christmas Shopping". This auction is an important fundraiser for the Chamber - if you would like to donate an item it would be very much appreciated.
Contact Debbie Janson, Membership & Events Coordinator: 926 6614 info@westvanchamber.com
Member - $140.00, Non-member - $155.00 ~~ Register or Learn More
=== CULTUREWATCH === {those in Headsup sometimes not repeated here}
{NB: The VSun has many events, theatre, talks, book launches, and more -- below are some http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/
Did not want this newsletter delayed further so this is neither up to date nor complete; apologies }
The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China's Emperors -- Oct 18 - Jan 11
200 rare treasures from Beijing's Palace Museum
Details and more events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html#eis
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra vancouversymphony.ca
VIEW PBO'S FULL SEASON: http://www.pacificbaroque.com/concert-schedule/
Oodles -- local art, dance, books, music, etc -- from Alliance for Arts and Culture:
Interdisciplinary: News from the Chutzpah! Festival and PuSh Festival. {and more}
> Diwali
> Eastside Culture Crawl opens studio doors
Four-day visual arts, design and crafts festival taking place this weekend Jeremy Shepherd / NSh News Nov 21, 2014
18th Annual Eastside Culture Crawl until Nov. 23. A four-day visual arts, design and crafts festival involving more than 20,000 people visiting artists in their studios in the area bounded by Main Street and Victoria Drive north of First Avenue in Vancouver. For more information visit culturecrawl.ca.
> Vancouver A Progressive City! Movies from the City of Vancouver Archives
Sunday November 30 from 2:30 4 pm at Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour St
The films this year are the closest I could ever get to experiencing Vancouver in the 1930s to the 1960s without using a time machine, says historian Michael Kluckner, who has curated and will narrate an afternoon of vintage movies from the City of Vancouver Archives.
These archival gems focus on the citys workforce and industries, including colour film of the Lions' Gate Bridge, early commercial aviation from the city airport (that is, YVR), horse-drawn milk delivery wagons in 1940, parades in the 1950s, and on-location reporting from the first decade of television. An inadvertently hilarious cameo by the Citys first archivist, Major J.S. Matthews, introduces a promotional film by Imperial Oil on the march of progress in Vancouver and BC.
Pianist Wayne Stewart will provide accompaniment for the movies that were originally produced without sound.
=== WALKs === phone David Cook 924 0147 :-)
+++ HEADSUP 17A +++ Oct 27 Awards Night, + Nov 3
oodles! but while there isn't a "regular" ccl mtg tomorrow night, Ccl will be presenting awards at the M Hall. Agendas below for Oct 27 (as well as Nov 3).
Campaigning has added to the overload -- here, however, some info, agendas(, and AnimalWatch -- meerkats meet pumpkin, and two platypi + QTP at end).
= The list of ACMs is in the last WVM (16/17); am working on WVM18 between other commitments.
= ADRA's ACM mtg on Saturday at the Srs' Ctr played to an overflow crowd -- not everyone cd get in, so
some missed the pearls of wisdom falling from candidates' lips -- not to mention their varied answers.
= Good news! The Old-Growth Conservancy found their missing sign.
= The Upper Lands WG mtg on Tuesday 28th is from 6 - 9pm at the Srs' Ctr discussing recreation.
Very interesting that nbrhds in the Upper Lands is on the agenda Nov 20. So that means those you elect
will be deciding on what to build and how much, etc. You have important decisions to make Nov 15 wrt the
future of our Upper Lands.
= Vancouver Opera's Stickboy (by Shane Koyczan) premiered on Thursday; goes to Nov 7
= The Arts Club's Saint Joan is at the Stanley Stage and stars the incredible Meg Roe (stellar performance in The Penelopiad) to Nov 23. Great photo of Meg and more info:
-- Monday October 27
b/c (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as
an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the municipality.
1. Call to Order 2. Agenda Approval
3. 2014 Community Awards Presentation (to be provided)
4. Public Questions/Comments
5. Adjournment
-- Monday November 3
6pm - Special Ccl Mtg (closed) on cmte mbrship, proposed provision of a M service, and land matters.
Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/nov/03SP/14nov03-notice.pdf
7pm - Regular Ccl Mtg
= Delegation: of course the Royal Cdn Legion, our Branch 60.
= OCP PH set for Dec 8
= Three bylaws for adoption: finance, zoning, fees/charges
= Consent Agenda (includes grant changes and Correspondence)
The whole Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/nov/03/14nov03-agenda.pdf
+++ HEADSUP 17B +++ Nov 3 AGENDA +
indubitably overloaded but hastening to provide you with some updates and what to expect at Monday's ccl mtg (Nov 3), then other info such as a response to the latest hot topic: garbage cans!!!.
Main Items Nov 3; Mtgs; Info (Garbage Cans, Opera, Heritage, KMC, etc); Agendas; {QTP moved to end)
~~~ MAIN ITEMS Ccl Mtg Monday Nov 3 at 7pm
= Presentation by Jim Carter, WVHS Director, of the latest book from the WV Historical Society, Arrivals and
Departures. (Jim, Chair of the Book Cmte, will give v brief intro b/c the book launch is also at 7pm but at Larson
Station, Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr; more info at PQP from Carolanne Reynolds WVHS director)
= DELEGATION -- Royal Canadian Legion WV Branch, re Veterans Week and Remembrance Day
= Cumulative Effects Assessment for Howe Sound
= Proposed OCP Amendment Bylaw (Regional Context Statement)
= Proposed [Five-]Year Financial Plan, Amendment Bylaw
= Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw (housekeeping; no new policy)
= Proposed Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw (fee schedule updates)
= Consent Agenda Items:
Item 11.1. 2015 Age-friendly Community Planning and Project Grants Application;
Item 11.2. Community Grants Committee Proposed Amendments to Terms of Reference;
Item 11.3. Proposed Devt Variance Permit No. 12-081 (366 Keith Road (to set date for consideration); and
Item 11.4. Correspondence List.
= Reports from Mayor and Cclrs; PQP
= Tues Nov 4 -- 7:30pm ACM for School Trustees; PAC mtg at Sentinel
= Wed Nov 5 -- 6:15pm Awards Cmte mtg (moved from Th) at Lawson Crk Studios (1758 Argyle)
~~~ INFO
= NEW ARCHIVIST -- DWV has hired a new Archivist named Reto Tschan to start Nov 17.
Oct 29 -- A news story on Global BC contained inaccurate information and omitted important information about garbage containers purchased by the District of West Vancouver. The subject was the District's plans to purchase new garbage containers for our waterfront parks and business areas. The story ran yesterday (October 28) and today (October 29).
The story stated: that the District is spending a total of $400,000 over the three years from 2014 to 2016.
Fact: the total expenditure on 53 containers is approximately $101,000 this year. The District has no plans to purchase more containers in 2015. It is possible that additional containers will be purchased in the future, depending on the Districts future plans for recycling.
For the full explanation: http://westvancouver.ca/news/facts-district-west-vancouvers-purchase-garbage-containers
Went to see Vancouver Opera's Stickboy with some trepidation (like classical music but not all modern) but it was a powerful and topical story. And ours! Those who heard Shane Koyczan's spoken-word poetry at the 2010 Olympics will not have forgotten it. This opera is in the Playhouse and has screens, not just the opera singers on the stage. One piece, Love Makes us Stronger, remains with me. B/c it's about bullying, they plan to tour the schools in BC. Worth seeing, lots of potential, and I'm sure a great future.
= VINTAGE VANCOUVER Sunday Nov 2 www.michaelkluckner.com
2:30 pm -- "Vancouver: A Progressive City"
Films from the 1930s to the 1960s documenting the march of progress in our fair city, with piano accompaniment by Wayne Stewart for the silent films...
7:30pm -- "Vintage Vancouver: films from the City of Vancouver Archives"
This is a repeat of the 2012 showing: highlights include the building of the Granville Bridge, "people at play" in the city's parks in the 1940s, and an award-winning promotional film about Vancouver from 1976.
Jazz pianist Wayne Stewart accompanies the silent bits.
= VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/
7:30pm Tues Nov 4 at Women's University Club at Hycroft, 1489 McRae Ave
Evening Lectures at Hycroft: Vancouver Vaudeville -- The Great White Way
In 2010, Granville Street saw a new addition to its streetscape: 10 blocks of white vertical tube lighting. This light installation has become known as "The Great White Way", a nod to Granville Street's illustrious neon history. But did you know that the original "Great White Way" is actually Hastings Street? Hastings Street was once Vancouver's centre for vaudeville theatre, a performance style made popular in the 1880s which offered many different types of performance in a single show. The Pantages Theatre was the largest and most glamorous of the Hastings Theatre Row, which also included The Rex and The Columbia. Join historian John Atkin and artist Tom Carter for an illustrated look at this uproarious era of travelling performers and elaborate theatres.
= NV Shipbuilding
Seaspan Shipyards held a ceremony Oct 27 to mark an $8B (yes, that's a B) contract to build vessels for the Royal Canadian Navy and Coast Guard.
OCT 28 | 7:30pm FILM: The Grand Seduction
OCT 31 | 8:00pm Murder on the Nile - Agatha Christie (Runs through Nov 15)
NOV 6 | 8:00pm Kay Meek Centre 10th Anniversary Celebration
6pm Closed mtg:
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions re the proposed provision of a M service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
> Purpose of mtg: cmte mbrship, proposed provision of a M service, and land matters.
7pm Regular Ccl mtg:
The whole agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2014/nov/03/14nov03-agenda.pdf
+++ HEADSUP 17C +++ Highlights Nov 3
Wha' hoppen you say?
{Ccl Mtg highlights; Stephen Colbert on [our hero] Sergeant-at-Arms Vickers; + AnimalWATCH and QTP}
Here are some highlights.....
= Mtg started four minutes late so the Mayor jocularly remarked they shd end four minutes early (if I heard correctly). He listed the names on two new cmtes (public art? engg?)
= The Mayor accepted the latest book from Jim Carter, Chair of the Book Cmte of the WV Historical Society Society, who had a slide of where to purchase the book, Arrivals and Departures. He and Tom Wardell (Prez) then had to rush over to the book's launch at Larson Station (Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr).
= Some discrepancy in the minutes so they've been postponed/tabled.
{Editor's note: it's strange minutes were delayed in the first place. Need to resolve the mystery.....}
= DELEGATION: Touching interesting remarks were given by Don Sinclair on behalf of the Legion, the start of Veterans' Week. Buy your poppies -- on sale now and esp this weekend!
= NSh Safety Ccl gave an update on activities
= There was discussion on the cumulative effects/assessment for Howe Sound
= Much clarification was needed for the Regional Context Statement amendment, and Sop voted against one part b/c it had a reference to accessory bldgs wch touches on the size/bulk/character issue being discussed early next year. {Agreed the RCS is complicated and more publicity of it needed, as ML said also.}
= The Five-Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw was adopted.
= Sop only one who voted against the Zoning Amendment Bylaw adoption (referred to as housekeeping amendment)
= The Fees and Charges Amendment was adopted.
= The Consent Agenda items were passed; Correspondence
= Reports: UL workshop next wk (Nov 20); Library embarking on strategic planning; salute-to-staff dinner at Pinnacle held
The extraordinary event of the ccl mtg was Cclr Panz's farewell speech. Moving and impressive; with appreciation and advice; and even the some optimistic and inspiring thoughts/wishes for WV's future.
Standing applause. Flowers. Two residents added laudatory comments, as did the CAO, and then I did after add'l info on the new WVHS book, Arrivals and Departures.
What an ending; we wish her all the best
and thank you. --------- {rest moved to end}
+++ HEADSUP 17D +++ KMC's Tenth Anniversary
It was so fantastic I can't resist letting you all know.
My, how time flies -- KMC started ten years ago and many ppl were thanked for their efforts plus, of course Kay Meek for her initial donation of $1M.
I asked if it had been filmed or recorded in any way but I fear not.
Don't tell anyone, but at least one person was spotted filming with an iPhone.
Such talented students -- choirs, ballet, and an absolutely hilarious Romeo and Juliet piece (balcony scene with cell phones).
We're so fortunate to have such talented and devoted residents -- let us celebrate each other.
How lucky we are.
How grateful we are for others' efforts, how incumbent it is on us to continue good works and celebrating West Vancouver.
+++ HEADSUP 17E +++ News/Events
BAD NEWS -- Legion Hall inundated and closed; was told wdn't be open by Remembrance Day but GOOD NEWS -- on Saturday was assured they've cleaned it up and it will be open for Remembrance Day.
Loved (Fri) NSN's Lautens's cuddly friendly term, Weegies.
Herewith: What's on Nov 9/10/11; Picture of the Day (for birdwatchers); QTP
Sunday 9th
~ 2pm ~ Pacific Spirit Choir; Music of Remembrance (Mozart's Requiem); WVM Library, see pacificspiritchoir.com
~ 3pm ~ + Roedde House: Songs Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn, see roeddehouse.org
+ Songs of Love and War, Early Music Vancouver, 17th Century, Orpheum Annex, see earlymusic.bc.ca
+ Vertavo Strong Quartet, Vancouver Recital Society, all-female quartet from Norway, Chan Ctr
Works by Mozart, Bartok, and Dvorak; see vanrecital.com
~ 7:30pm ~ Pro Nova, Fanny Mendelssohn and Erwin Schulhoff, Kay Meek Ctr, see kaymeekcentre.com
Monday 10th -- Duty Calls; service at Christ Church Cathedral [see ~1~ below]
Tuesday 11th
~ 10:45am ~ WV Legion service at Memorial Pk across from our Library
~ 1pm ~ Chor Leoni, A Great Service, Stories of Robert Service, Guest Reader, Christopher Gaze
WV United Church, see chorleoni.org (also at 7pm at St Andrew's Wesley)
~ 2:15pm ~ Tribute; Minister Fantino in Horseshoe Bay with MP Weston [see ~2~ below]
Minister of Veterans Affairs to pay tribute to Legion Zone Commander Leo Crossland and Local Veterans on the North Shore
(West Vancouver, Nov 4) The Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs, along with John Weston, Member of Parliament for West Vancouver Sunshine Coast Sea to Sky Country, will attend an important gathering in West Vancouver in which local veterans will be acknowledged.
The Minister will discuss supports for Veterans and their families. TBC Veterans who served in WWII will be acknowledged by the Minister personally.
Minister Fantino and MP Weston Gathering
Date: Friday November 7th
Time: 2:15 to 4pm
Place: 6190 Marine Dr, Larson Station
Picture of the Day: Bird Lands on Page About Itself
Photograph by Geir Arne Vian
Bird enthusiast Skjalg-Helmer Vian (14) from Vadsø, Norway was reading about the Grey-headed chickadee (Poecile cinctus) when an actual one swooped in to see what all the fuss was about. The boys father, Geir Arne Vian captured, the amazing photo opp and the image has been circulating online as of late.
The grey-headed chickadee, also known as the Siberian tit, is widespread throughout subarctic Scandinavia and northern Asia, and also into North America in Alaska and the far northwest of Canada. Curiously (with respect to its name), the bird has no grey on its head, which is black, white, and brown.
Astute viewers may spot a bird seed just above the young boys thumb. So although the image wasnt by complete chance, its a great capture and a wonderful memory for this father and son :)
+++ HEADSUP 17F +++ Light up the Village PkR
In case WVM isn't out in time tomorrow, wanted to tell you about the lighting of the Christmas Tree.
Third annual Light Up The Village event on Friday, November 14th between 5:30 and 7:30pm. The event is free and open to the public.
More than 100,000 dazzling lights will be illuminated during a countdown ceremony ... in the centre of The Village surrounding a spectacular 30 Christmas tree along with a host of seasonal activities and complimentary treats.
Live musical performances by a variety of artists and Goh Ballet's costumed dancers will visit in their Nutcracker attire while Santa's elves will delight children and families of all ages. There will be cookie decorating hosted by Whole Foods Market, Hot cocoa by Village Taphouse, seasonal teas by Davids Tea, and fresh mini donuts all complimentary. Plus everyone will receive a cool illuminated wristband giveaway (while supplies last) to take home.
All festivities at Keepers Crossing. Countdown takes place at 7pm sharp! For details and more information visit http://shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/holiday-events-park-royal
Full info:
Begin forwarded message: From: Park Royal <jphan@parkroyal.ca>
Subject: Light Up the Village at Park Royal on Friday, Nov. 14th from 5:30 7:30 PM
Date: 13 November, 2014 4:56:05 PM PST To: <EditorWVM@WestVan.org>
LIGHT UP THE VILLAGE -- Friday, November 14th -- 5:30 to 7:30pm
Park Royal ushers in the Holiday festive season with the third annual Light Up The Village event. The event is free and open to the public. More than 100,000 dazzling lights will be illuminated during a countdown ceremony hosted by Kevin Lim, in the centre of The Village surrounding a spectacular 30 Christmas tree along with a host of seasonal activities and complimentary treats.
Live musical performances by a variety of artists and Goh Ballet's costumed dancers will visit in their Nutcracker attire while Santa's elves will delight children and families of all ages. There will be cookie decorating hosted by Whole Foods Market, Hot coco by Village Taphouse, seasonal teas by Davids Tea, and fresh mini donuts all complimentary. Plus everyone will receive a cool illuminated wristband giveaway (while supplies last) to take home.
All festivities will take place in the center of The Village at Park Royal in Keepers Crossing. Countdown takes place at 7pm sharp! For details and more information visithttp://shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/holiday-events-park-royal
SANTA'S ARRIVAL -- Saturday, November 15th - 10:45am
Be sure to return on Saturday morning to welcome Santa when he arrives to Park Royal South. Come early - the first 100 kids to sit on Santa's knee will go home with a [Rogers] Chocolates advent calendar. There will be a dance performance and complimentary face painting until 1pm. Visit Santa on Nov 15th between 11am 2 & 2:30 5pm. A colouring book, antlers, and a candy cane will be given complimentary with every visit to Santa. Santa Hours Santa Photo Pricing Daily line cut off is 20 minutes before closing time.
Tuesday December 9th ~~ 11am - 3pm | 4 - 7pm Tuesday December 16th ~~ 11am - 1pm | 2 - 5pm | 6 - 8pm
Please refrain from bringing insects or reptiles.
Holiday Promotions
DAVID'sTEA Holiday Launch Personally Yours"Tis the Season to Engrave" Sale Crabtree & Evelyn Holiday Gift with Purchase Old Navy Fall Promotion SoftMoc Holiday Gift Guide Sale Event Whole Foods Market Taste of the Holidays
Visit our website for more store promotions and events. 922.3211 | info@shopparkroyal.com
+++ HEADSUP 17G +++
My, my, doesn't time fly by! and the mtgs have started full stream; rushing to let you know. If there's a *, that means there's more information below, sometimes including the agenda. Of course QTP!
FYI, for those not familiar with Spanish literature: Cervantes wrote Don Quixote
Just posted today -- Open House on the proposed 2015 Budget TUESDAY 18th
First the past weekend. Sorry, if I've missed anything :-)
Saturday Nov 15
~ 9am - noon ~* The Dale Park Restoration with the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society
Sunday Nov 16
~ 10am - 4pm ~* Craft Market at Central Cmnty Ctr and Srs' Ctr
Tuesday Nov 18
~ 4:30 - 6pm ~* Finance Cmte Mtg RESCHEDULED to Dec 2
Wednesday Nov 19
~ 6- 8pm ~* OPEN HOUSE: Proposed 2015 Municipal Budget, Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
{first of two; other on Wed 26th at Srs' Ctr}
~ 7pm ~* WV Historical Society mtg at Srs' Ctr
Speaker: Daniel Francis, author of Mayor Louis Taylor and the Rise of Vancouver
~ 7:30pm ~* Library Bd mtg at Library
Thursday Nov 20
~ 4 - 6pm ~* Cmnty Emergency and Emissions Plan (CEEP) WG
~ 4:30pm ~* Design Review Cmte (Towers at 752 M Dr)
~ 6 - 8pm ~* NSh Family Court and Youth Justice Cmte, WV Cmnty Ctr
~ 6:30pm ~* Trivia Night at the Legion (check to see if bldg open)
~ 6:30 Reception; 7:30pm Dinner ~* Library Foundation Fundraiser, at 420 Southborough Drive
Author Joseph Boyden tix $175 ph 925 7425; email foundation@westvanlibrary.ca
>>> Saturday Nov 15
You can help to restore The Dale Park! Join the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society, no previous experience necessary. Please be sure to wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided.
Location: Meet at the corner of Water Lane and The Dale
>>> Sunday Nov 16
CRAFT MARKET -- 10am to 4pm
WV Community Centre (2121 Marine Drive) and WV Seniors' Activity Centre (695 21st Street)
APPLICATION DEADLINE IS NOW CLOSED and all vendor spots are booked
The craft market is a one-stop-shop opportunity to find hand-made items for everyone on your list. Everything from jams and jelly, fabric arts, jewellery, soaps, lotions, and make up, cards, pottery, handbags and accessories, candles, hats, crocheted items, children's clothing, photography and paintings, and those great wool socks you've been looking for.
Free admission!
Visit our Youth Craft Market for hand made items and baked goods, and the Srs' Ctr Craft Market including their special Christmas cakes and pies! There will be an ATM machine on site for your convenience! Enter your name for a chance to win fabulous gifts from our talented artisans.
Pls contact the Craft Market coordinator with any questions: Email marketevents@westvancouver.ca
>>> Tuesday Nov 18
to December 2 (in MHall) at 4:30pm
>>> Wednesday Nov 19
Location: Living Room, Gleneagles Community Centre, 6262 Marine Drive
The open house will give you a clear picture of how the 2015 Proposed Municipal Budget directly affects you and the services you value, as well as how property assessments and other taxing authorities impact your tax bill. There will be a presentation at the beginning of each open house, with a question period to follow. The draft Municipal Budget will be made available mid-December
OPEN HOUSE - PROPOSED 2015 MUNICIPAL BUDGET -- Wed Nov 26 -- 7 to 9pm
Location: Marine Room, Seniors' Activity Centre, 695 21st Street
Our speaker will be DANIEL FRANCIS who will discuss the subject of his biography of Mayor Louis D. Taylor, known as L.D. and the longest serving mayor in Vancouver. First elected in 1910 he was mayor several times until defeated by his bitter rival, Gerry McGeer in 1934.
DANIEL FRANCIS is an author of approximately two dozen books, most of them about Canadian, British Columbian, and Vancouver history. In 2010 he was shortlisted for the Pierre Berton Award and received an Award of Merit from the Vancouver Historical Society for significant contributions to Vancouver and British Columbia.
We will be happy to accept membership renewals for 2015 at the meeting and we will have our latest book Arrivals and Departures for sale.
Light refreshments served and donations welcome. We hope to see you there.
This is the agenda:
This is the board, however the names don't quite match the ppl in the photo! Lots of good info:
>>> Thursday Nov 20
Location: Municipal Hall. Interesting. The title on the agenda says Cmte but references made to a Working Group. Agenda: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/Committees-Groups/Committees/CEEP%20%20Agenda%20Nov%2020.pdf
The Residences at Park Royal, 752 Marine Drive
Two towers with 250+ apartment units, retail, office, and child care (resubmission)
~ 6 to 9pm ~ Audio Visual Room, Seniors' Activity Centre, 695 21st Street
Upper Lands Study Review WG: Future Neighbourhoods Workshop Agenda
1. Welcome/Introduction from the Chair
2. Meeting Notes (October 28, 2014 Recreation Workshop Meeting)
3. Correspondence Received
4. Staff Facilitated Workshop: Key Directions for Future Neighbourhoods
a) Introduction: Workshop Objectives, Context, and Format
b) The Vision for Cypress Village
i. Working Group Members ii. British Pacific Properties iii. Workshop Guests iv. Public Input
c) Planning Future Neighbourhoods
i. Staff Presentation: a) Density b) Planning Area(s) c) Land Use
ii. Roundtable Discussion
iii. Public Input
5. Next Meeting: December 4 (Debrief from Key Directions Workshops)
6. Concluding Remarks
- 6 to 8pm - Cedar Room, WV Community Centre Info: http://dnv.org/article.asp?a=5887&c=88&v=4
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Alas, owing to flooding, closed for a while; did manage to be open on Remembrance Day, November 11. Best to call since opening and closing depending on assessment and work being done.
~ 6:30pm ~ Thurs Nov 20 -- Trivia Night
~ 6:30 Reception; 7:30pm Dinner ~* Library Foundation Fundraiser, at 420 Southborough Drive
with Joseph Hayden, author of The Orenda tix $175 ph 925 7425; email: foundation@westvanlibrary.ca
INFO: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/support-us/foundation-events
+++ HEADSUP 17H +++ Hatshepsut at UBC
Catch the name? Egypt's female king (1479 to 1458 BCE) -- of course I knew of her, having wandered through museums in Cairo.
CBC radio's On the Coast just mentioned the talk tonight at UBC (7:30pm, Room A203 Buchanan; free)
Kara Cooney, a UCLA prof, has written a book on her and muses about the difficulties of women in politics. :-)
Egyptologist to speak at UBC on little-known female king
Hatshepsut ruled ancient Egypt, took on male appearance
[...] Kara Cooney, an Egyptologist, thinks Hatshepsut should be much better known, especially to women living today almost 3,500 years after she controlled what was once the worlds most powerful and richest civilization.
Hatshepsut took on the title of king rather than queen because in Egypt, the position of queen had no power. It essentially meant wife of the king, who was supreme ruler.
When she took on the highest pinnacle of power, she took on the masculine title of king, Cooney said.
In ancient Egypt, there was no word for a woman ruling in her own right.
Hatshepsuts skill in overcoming a system that was stacked against her makes her an ideal role model for women today seeking political office, according to Cooney.
We women have to gain power in a very intelligent, calculated manner, Cooney said in a phone interview.
Hatshepsut understood power and how to achieve the highest level.
Cooney has written The Woman Who Would Be King: Hatshepsuts Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt, published by Crown.
She will speak on Hatshepsut Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room A203, Buchanan Building at the University of B.C. The Archaeological Institute of America lecture is free and open to the public.
Cooney is an associate professor of Egyptian art and architecture at the University of California at Los Angeles. She stars in and is the producer of, with her husband Neil Crawford the comparative archeology series, Out of Egypt.
Hatshepsuts skill in overcoming a system that was stacked against her makes her an ideal role model for women today seeking political office, according to Cooney.
For the whole article (with photos): http://www.vancouversun.com/egyptologist+speak+little+known+female+king/10387038/story.html
+++ HEADSUP 17I +++ Ccl Agenda Nov 24 (+ Tidbits)
Headsup 17I (The I in the font above is confusing!)
Comments; Entertainment; WVHS & ULWG; Agenda Notes & Agenda (left strange fonts/sizes -- frustrating); Shopping Wish; QTP
Well, behind in many things, so after the interesting talk at the WV HIstorical Society tonight {started this Wednesday night}, gathering info together so you'll have advance notice of the ccl mtg agenda on Monday -- the last one of this Council. OTOH, the new Ccl is pretty well the same as this Ccl b/c only one new person.
Will anything change???
Will the obvious and significant effect on votes received by those who voted for and against Grosvenor teach any lessons or have repercussions?
~ A bit of entertainment first...
THEATRE this weekend will try to see
o Saint Joan (starring Meg Roe to rave reviews) before it ends with a 2pm matinee on Sunday (at Stanley, artsclub.com ph 687 1644)
o Facts on for another week (JAC, unitedplayers.com 224 8007)
and if you prefer
Vancouver Peace Choir: Ein Deutsches Requiem by Brahms 3pm at Highland United Church
o WV Historical Society (Nov 19)
Interesting and enjoyable talk by Dan Francis on Louis D Taylor, Vancouver's longest serving mayor (replaced by Gerry McGeer, better known and who only served one term!)
o Upper Lands WG (Nov 20)
I've attended nearly all the ULWG mtgs and this one was absolutely fascinating -- the big picture and thinking of future. Will see if the slide shows can be shown at an Open House: Michael Geller on SFU UniverCity; staff on Directions (including Cypress Village)
A = As for this mtg, why, after a month are the minutes not available or made public? It says "info to be provided". If they're not ready, wait until the next mtg. It's important public and ccl get to see the draft ahead of time in case amendments/addns needed. I recall they tabled the Oct 20 minutes, but how long is needed?
B = Why are we getting the Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte mtg Feb minutes in November?
C = Interesting letters (1 to 4) in 'to Oct 31', so put in italics
NB: Moved to AGENDA Nov 24 in this newsletter, along with a revision of Nov 21
Back from the Arts Club's production of GBS's Saint Joan -- we were absolutely blown away. The last performance is tomorrow (the Sunday matinee at 2pm); if you like theatre, try to get a ticket.
One of the best theatre experiences ever in Vancouver and up there with the best we've seen in London and New York (well, Sir Laurence Olivier as Othello was in another category).
Meg Roe is utterly superb, and she's surrounded by many excellent Beach-Bardian actors*. The music, bells, singing, setting/scenes/lighting -- all to great effect.
Interesting legal parts/arguments and some contrasts: courts church/religious and secular; Christianity and Mohammedanism (the term in GBS's time, now Islam).
The comments that it's fine if French soldiers are in France and English Soldiers (called 'goddams') in England, but not if in the other's country. Made me think of Russia and eastern Ukraine.
I rarely stand at the end to applaud but was on my feet immediately (and most then did).
If ended at "I wonder", wd hv bn thoughtful/thought-provoking, but Joan has the last words -- however I cdn't help anticipating a rolling blazing ball of fire to end with to blast us off.
How fortunate we are to have such great talent here.
And they want to stay here -- but why not, one of the most beautiful places on earth!
Apparently they can't hold it over (looked sold out); wonder if they filmed it at all for their records. Maybe they can bring it back.
* also outstanding, in alphabetical order:
Scott Bellis, Bob Frazer, Dean Paul Gibson, Haig Sutherland
Alessandro Juliani (Meg's husband) as sound designer and composer
plus, of course, the direction of Kim Collier.
687 1644 Arts Club at the Stanley Theatre, 2750 Granville (at 12th), artsclub.com
1. Since I'd been told there was no such (proper) word as 'anyhow' I checked the script (googled), and it appears three times! In any case, it is frowned upon.
2. Here, and in UK, 'anti' is pronounced antee, but for some strange reason, in tonight's play, the actor said the American 'ant-eye'. Will check to see if intentional. If an American play and deciding not to have Canadian pronunciation is one thing; to have a British play performed by Canadians then have American pronunciation is quite another thing.
3. Dean Paul Gibson's English accent was v good. {ADDED: In costume he reminds one of a painting of Henry VIII.}
4. Read the interview with Kim Collier in the program, and there's a verb tense mistake on p13; I think it ought to be: "if she had not been a woman". On the same page, the program has, alas, the American spelling of 'manoeuvrings'. Vive le Canada!
+++ HEADSUP 17K +++ News/Mtgs/Ccl News, etc
Another news blast.
Herewith: Art ($), Health & Fitness; Meetings; Tidbits from Last Night's Ccl Mtg; {QTP moved}
CBC's On The Coast this afternoon had a piece on the $4M donation (from the Audain Fdn and Polygon Homes) to the Presentation House (Art) Gallery planned for the foot of Lonsdale. The donation means $8M of the $15M needed has been raised.
MP John Weston's office reports: On October 29th, parliamentarians voted on Bill S-211s second reading, an Act to establish a National Health and Fitness Day. The Bill, an initiative of MP John Weston and Senator Nancy Greene Raine, was supported unanimously by everyone from all parties in the House of Commons. Exact numbers were 283 Yays, 0 Nays.
Bill S-211 passed through the Senate last June and will be before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage of the House of Commons on Thursday, November 27th between 3:30 and 5:30pm... full support is expected. ...
> Tues 25th
~ 6pm ~ 370/380 Mathers (at Hugo Ray Clubhouse) Open House tonight till 8:30
~ 7pm ~ Climate Change and its Effects on Human Health at The Coffee Bar (1695 MDr)
Tim Takaro, Professor at SFU, will introduce the health risks from climate change; Mark Lysyshyn, Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health, and Suzanne Smith, a Planner with CNV, will then discuss current policies and initiatives
Info: http://westvancouver.ca/calendar/climate-change-and-its-effects-human-health
> Wed 26th
~ 5pm ~ Board of Variance Hearing -- Variances:
5842 Eagle Island (proposed accessory bldg and retaining walls with variances); 4100 Burkehill Road (proposed house addn); 3810 Marine (bridge repair); 3325 Radcliffe (proposed garage extension and accessory bldg)
To give you a clear picture of how the 2015 budget directly affects you and the services you value, as well as how property assessments and other taxing authorities impact your tax bill. There will be a presentation at the beginning, with a question period to follow. The draft Municipal Budget will be made available mid-December.
Info: http://westvancouver.ca/government/district-operations/financial-information
> Thurs 27th
~ 4:30pm ~ WVPD Bd Mtg at Police Stn {with no link to agenda, info, or website :-), so see: http://wvpd.ca/police-board }
~ 5pm ~ NSh Adv Cmte on Disability Issues at DNV M Hall
~ 7pm ~ CANCELLED -- Homeowner Workshop: Green Shores for Homes -- CANCELLED
> Fri 28th
~ 4 - 7pm ~ Playground Proposal Open House at Cmnty Ctr -- for the south side of the Ctr. All are welcome to attend.
An opportunity to tell us what elements you wd like to see and what wd make for a fun and unique, cmnty playground.
= Updates and presentations from/by NSEMO and Cdn Red Cross
= Mayor's announcement great news! $800K for Hollyburn Lodge involving HRA, HHS, Cypress, and others -- restoration of an important part of our heritage. (Details to come)
= Reports: Election; Ccl achievements this term (w/ approval of liquor licence for the Eagle Hbr Yacht Club in between)
= Overview (~7:58) on Ambleside Activation including possible moving of Hollyburn Sailing Club and closing of Argyle.
= Staff report coming on collection of glass (how, who pays)
= Sop said Operation Red Nose starts Nov 28!
= PQP: - Eden Place residents formally requested mtg w/ Milliken (Maison) re buffer/trees/fencing expected but refused;
- entertaining (and informative) plea by some children to reinstate permission for chickens in WV.
Sop clucked in favour. Will be staff report.
+++ HEADSUP 17L +++ Tonight!
WVM 18/19/20 not yet finished so just a quick note to tell you that :
= CBC's Stuart McLean of Vinyl Cafe is at the QET tonight at 7:30pm, and tomorrow at 2:30 and 7:30pm.
= VSO at the Orpheum 8pm tonight and Monday:
Mozart -- Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major; Shostakovich -- Symphony No. 7 in C Major, Leningrad
[pre-concert talk at 7:05pm] See: http://www.vancouversymphony.ca/concert/14MWD02/
{-- cartoon at end of this newsletter}
Pls note rushed, draft, gaps, but give the flavour
Re transcripts: ... (gap); xxx (words missing); &&& (noteworthy; shd get); timestamps so you can find the part on the video to listen to entire bit. NB: unless I know the person, names are best guesses. In any case, herewith more of what went on than you ever see in the ccl minutes. :-)
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling you? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary
===== CCL MTG NOTES October 6th =====
+ SPECIAL / CLOSED MTG Oct 6th -- 6pm
b/c (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose.
Purpose of meeting: matters regarding committee appointments, land, and legal affairs.
+ REGULAR CCL MTG Oct 6th -- 7pm
starts with the Public Hearing
Note: At 7pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed Zoning..., Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 for 959 21st St and 2151 Gordon Ave (Kiwanis Site) will be held. The reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH.
Mayor: a couple of announcements
> The Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) Awards for Municipal Excellence
In October 2014, NAIOP Vancouver will publish its 15th annual municipal report card in Business in Vancouver. The report acknowledges those municipalities which have excelled in creating environments positive to business creation. I am pleased to announce that the District of West Vancouver has been awarded the honour of Most Fiscally Responsible Municipality, with a .91% annual average inflation over the past 14 years.
> BC Hydro Power Smart Award
The DWV has been recognized for our participation in the Power Smart Power Program. Through energy lighting retrofit projects at the Civic Site, the District saved enough kilowatt hours to power the equivalent of 15 homes for a full year. This project required the cooperation of many staff across divisions.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4791, 2014
(re 959 21st St and 2151 Gordon Ave, Kiwanis Seniors Housing Society of WV, proposed amdmt to CD5 Zone to correct max permitted Floor Area Ratio and site coverage for Area 2 of the Kiwanis site) (File: 1610-20-4791)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: Kiwanis Seniors' Housing Society of West Vancouver
Subject Lands: 959 21st Street and 2151 Gordon Avenue
Purpose: The proposed bylaw would amend the CD5 (959 21st Street) zone to allow for a max FAR of 1.35 and a max site coverage of 50% within Area 2 of the Kiwanis site.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4791, 2014 would amend the CD5 (959 21st Street) zone to allow for a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.35 and a maximum site coverage of 50% within Area 2 of the Kiwanis site. The proposed rezoning is to correct the maximum permitted FAR and site coverage for Area 2 of the Kiwanis site. When the Lands were rezoned in 2011 to create Area 3, the FARand site coverage for Area 2 should have been adjusted to account for the
loss of land that was re-designated as Area 3. No new development is proposed nor would any additional construction result from the rezoning. It is important to note that this is not the result of overbuilding or not complying with permits. The proposed rezoning is to bring the existing buildings into compliance with the Zoning Bylaw.
1) Reports received up to and including September 25, 2014:
# |
August 20, 2014 |
September 8, 2014 |
R-1 |
2) Written submissions received up to and including September 25, 2014:
# |
None to date. |
On Sept 8, Ccl set the date for the PH. The statutory notice of PH will be published in the NSN on Sept 28 and Oct 1, and notices were mailed to property owners/occupants within the notification area. The MClk will note written submissions received for the Oct 6 PH.
Sokol: will hand it to Ms Berg
LB: {explained}
Sop: if site 2 &&&
and it was non-conforming, how did it get through?
LB: did comply at that time
when 3 was created
lands included in 2 no longer
Sop: so took land from 2 for 3 so no longer conformed
LB: correct
Mayor: we had Pumpkin Fest last weekend; thousands
craft beer; Dinner on Dock; Harmony Arts; Taste of Dundarave; spectacular Coho Festival
2. Approval of Agenda
Amended: adding to Item 5 written submissions C-1 to C-5 re Devt Permit Applicn for 1583 Marine (Shoppers Drug Mart)
3. Adoption of Minutes Meeting minutes to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: THAT the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:
September 8, 2014 special and regular Council meetings; and
September 15, 2014 public hearing and special and regular Council meetings.
4. Join the Pipe Canada, re Installation of Public Tap Water Stations PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
name? : Know we have the best water in the world
work with schools; encourage fill up (from tap); fundraising for awareness, funding in developing nations
we work both locally and abroad; we do two things; help here, donate so no cost to you; help
one for one install a tap water here, to devping
make a diff at home and abroad
Sllde of sponsors
we also sell water bottles: makes a statement and encourages drinking tap water
promoting tap water; invite you to be tap-water drinkers
Mayor: DWV used to have bottled water here, initiative of ccl mbrs and staff now, have tap water
Sop: how does it work, hygienic?
Ans: press the bottom and comes up; extremely hygienic, birds not able to stand on top, it's slippery
NG: are you working with WV schools?
ANS: all schools
NG: connect with Sch Bd? do we have a policy with District?
shd take you up on a fountain at John Lawson Pk
TP: I'm on the MetroV cmte; have you presented to the utilities commission
ANS: I have but have to Rmd
MB: motion be referred to and Cmnty Services and Engg?
RECOMMENDED: be received for information, with thanks.
thank you for your good work [7:24]
5. Devt Permit Application No. 14-004 for 1583 Marine Drive (Shoppers Drug Mart) (File: 1010-20-14-004)
At the Sept 8 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Aug 20 re DPA for1583 MDr and set the date for consideration for Oct 6.
Reports received up to and including September 25, 2014:
# |
Devt Permit No. 14-004 for 1583 Marine Dr (Shoppers Drug Mart) |
August 20, 2014 |
September 8, 2014 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including September 25, 2014:
# |
None to date. |
one-storey bldg
SLIDES [7:25] parking; applicant here; DRC mtgs
June mtg non-support; disagreed w/ low density and sgl-use retail; design reqmts and requested a resubmission
brt fwd at July mtg, split; continued not to support
wanted to see mixed uses and more FAR, however supported bldg as proposed
public mtg Sept 20 at Library, 20 attended
Qs re parking, SLIDE [7:27]
Staff Recommendation SLIDE
addn of at least one parking space on MDr
proposal is for a Devt Permit not for Variance or rezoning; Ccl is limited to the guideline
Sop: 12Ksf, what amt of space to groceries?
LB : Applicant is here and can answer
CC: two questions; OCP re form of devt not uses
LB: zoning bylaw relates density; &&& [7:29] GET
CC: Amb Strategy
LB: adheres to but doesn't state size reqmts; doesn't all with choice
a number of things permitted so those XXX
CC: Amb Strat recomms ofcs on the second floor, not ?captured?
LB: intent of the guidelines is not to approach with a regulatory lens; it's a compromise
you don't have to adhere to all, and not all apply
CC: but here b/c didn't meet the guidelines
LB: er
Mayor: Mr Sokol, want to help out?
Sokol: does xxx as Ms Berg
if sgl certain (guide?), if two, xxx so
CC: so Ccl can refuse
Sokol: if doesn't comply wd xxx
CC: did staff consider working w/ the applicant for underground parking and &&&?
LB: the lane Cclr C is referencing is access from Duchess; primarily serves that tower
dead end; can't go through to Clyde or MDr
yes, we did review underground parking; with DRC and Applicant
lane, narrow, one way in, and one way out; probs
an addl 4300sf of comm space; amt of ramping; didn't want to see from low side of MDr
have to go uphill, fighting grade.....
CC: let me interrupt you
from the east to deal with the XXX issue; M land and we cd xxx
LB: did review but I disagree and -- that is not unused space ... the applicant
Andrew Turred (?): Hazeltime COMPANY NAME
one-storey bldg MDr & 16th
two-storey elevator to rooftop parking &&&
existing parking; sidewalk will double in length; 7 to 10, 15, 16ft in width
new bldg 3ft shorter with guiderail; east elevation
bldg will sit back 7 1/2 ft; it will continue all the way back 3/5ft shorter
outline; stair tower; along 16th, parking ramp; retained
... exterior stair; rooftop parking 28 spaces and along lane 3 for staff
SLIDE of view, bldg. looking down MDr; view up laneway
SLIDE of materials facade &&& cedar cladding at entrance, canopies to protect from rain
Sop: size for groceries
2nd pers: more space, given Loblaw's has bought Shoppers
20 to 25% ... 15 16 ft???
Sop: why corporate wanted a standalone bldg?
ANS: we ... ? and drew it all up for DRC
toe into parking have to come down the lane
half the prop for the ramps and we hv to reach the level of the streetscape, above MDr
don't believe accessing the street wd be ideal
16th wd become the main entrance, then half the store now
xxx then we go over-height in Zoning ht
no consider of relaxation of parking at all
density we end up with xxx doesn't work
don't want two storeys; xxx; don't think two-storey is successful
Sop: one level, fit the Amb philosophy, vibrancy? any consideration
ANS: Shopper's not opposed
in Kelowna we had store on bottom and residential above
if we'd had an option
retail down a grade; not loss of any retail space; sure to put ofcs and residential above but the problem was parking
Sop: that raised area?
Another person:
Sop: probl
Ans: we have
reviewed 24" clearance, prior to getting to the xxx
Sop: our... walkabout...; assuming where trees planted a raised area
Ans: never a raised .... where parking ... pushed back to where open doors
Mayor: we're here to evaluate the project as it is
NG: two Qs; ... earlier disc thx to Clcr Sop
what I hear you saying is that the proponent wd be interested in the 3-storey mixed but the limiting factor was the parking
NG: so b/c of parking we're not getting xxx
Ans: not
?wanted? ground floor; unless you can get in, don't want to lift
NG: the sgl-occ vehicle is the reason we're not getting
thank you
NG: 32 on the roof -- after hours
Ans: yes public; staircase open (one closed)
NG: if approved, is it true you'll be relocating temporarily?
Ans: yes, for a pharmacy; hope start on in spring and open for Christmas next year
CC: a bit shocked? access
Ans: or if you'd given us the land!
Ans: most Ms
CC: cdn't have gone down
Ans: SLIDE blue is the laneway -- 6.5 ft lower; other side only a 2ft diff [7:49]
CC: thank you
TP: what kind of a timeline are you on; under pressure?
Ans: relocating and to? tonight have a temp deal
bn doing over 20 yrs ... in Kelowna ... &&&
TP: my Q, is this economically viable to be looking at more
hearing the lane is the hiccup; what I have in front of me....
Ans: as an architect
TP: that's okay
we have a history of saying you have to do that
in your opinion achieved that with the design in front of you?
Ans: out in valley big red door with a sign
cd easily move out and six months from now cd move in high fashion
TP: is it well used in that lane?
Ans: from my understanding, well used
O? well used
and with mix with groceries
personal opinion, don't know why such a large one in PkR
Mayor: not get into that, corp
[PUBLIC INPUT] two ppl to speak
Scenery Slater: extremely well-used, since I've been living here
refreshing, not asking for 108ft; their applcn is within the OCP; shd be applauded
wider sidewalks [7:54 get rest]
only wd like to see parking and over parking stalls
don't want to see giving away our lane
&&& ... walkway, garden, or bike route
nowhere a reqmt residential or mixed use; a suggestion but no reqmt
if..... youre opening; it's punitive to the applicant and &&& to the &&&
Mayor: v well said
Rob Spurgeon: ABA director (non-profit); recognize Amb desperately needs revitalization
16th & Marine one of our trophy locations; challenging these folks to &&&
constructed in 1971, no changes have bn made
we agree something is better than what's there now
think Shopper's shd go back to the drawing board and get creative
&&& one-storey is not enough; need increased vibrancy downtown -- one-storey is that the best?
just b/c it fits, why parking upstairs rather than ofc/residential space
if economically viable to build higher
xxx and I disagree it fits zoning, also shd let it pass; it's [7:58 GET]
Mike Ballard: it's an underutilization of land; arcade, xxx
actually going to great for ppl to use xxx
ask more; they xxx to come to the party
Melinda Slater: wasn't planning on speaking on this tonight {notes supplied:}
Have to say Im baffled. Weve got a longstanding business requesting to redevelop within existing zoning; theyre not blocking views of people behind them, theyre widening the sidewalk;
I understand its THEIR property, not ours, not the Districts, they own it.
Why is increased density a good thing? Ive been in front of you how many times saying as a resident I dont want it, Im fed up with it.
And why is the DRC requesting an increase in density? Is that in their mandate? Im shocked by that.
Right now you cant turn around without encountering a development requesting an increase in FAR. Why we arent embracing this Shoppers with open arms I cant understand.
I think you should really think about that.
Mayor: anyone else -- Cclr Sop for motion
THAT all written and oral submissions received for information.
Sop: there are parameters for DRC that go beyond
Sokol: yes goes beyond
[8:01] Sop: that went back; Corp did not want any tenants
from my POV, Shoppers Canada has been a great corp citizen for years
that corner provided -- a hub of activity ev day
do think, listened, to DRC three times; go with the recomm
area behind tight, congestion, wdn't work, folks, I've walked it
MB: the design permit the Devt P -- Shopper's has the right to do what they want to do
not evt, bi???, the drugstore biz; they went back and looked
I'm one of the supporters of Amb [8:04]
they don't need, process not their expertise, they're not land devprs
they may not be happy with our desire vibrancy
if we bought the site we cd build what we want
to staff, not meet, then be revising for future devts
barriers to what they're legally allowed to do makes no sense to me so I'll support the applicn
CC: nothing against Shopper's, Loblaw's; many run down there for baby aspirin and diapers
As Cclr B says, they're right; they've been patient; not a cookie cutter, nothing xxx
what we've heard is that they want to do something better, we're holding them back; feel we've been let down
&&& lt reads:
encouraging residential uses; ... ctr; xxx area; increase residential uses
this is our OCP
this is fine if you're buying it in Langley, Abbotsford, Penticton; not fine for a vibrant urban &&& bringing vitality
when it comes to
what of the largest
shell sign gas stn and a minimart
we're getting a one-storey with a parking lot on top
an important
get something that works for us and for them
heard off MDr???
staff says we don't want that
however faced with a one-storey residential
I'd pick the
future home has that WV Florist has that
torn - staff says we cannot refuse if within guidelines
xxx [8:09]
remiss if not something that works better for us
I want staff to ... better -- this isn't good enough &&&
revitalization and this is not what we're talking about
NG: not going to say that all again
bn there 73 years
that our own guidelines stopping us is &&&
we need to hang our zoning and our guidelines; we only want to allow mixed use in Ambleside -- have to do it soon
this is what our current guidelines then change them
I'd like to talk but don't think wd pass
proponent and staff take it upon themselves take it upon themselves for something better
TP: this might be a first -- I'm going to agree with the Scenery sisters
xxx now want to
-- excuse me, I have the mic --
strategy, I'm all in favour; pushed them; better xxx; something happen
see it in the OCP -- these kinds of conversations need to go out next ccl's task
but right now this is what we have; where we are right now I'm supporting this
ML: I'm flabbergasted
Applicant has come in front of us, doesn't require change
we're all sitting here and we're not urban planners....
cdn't be a busier
shd allow parking and driving chockablock w/ ppl and driving all day long
however there's a time/place of [revisiting] zoning in Amb; it's time for that dialogue
we have an applicant, adhered, their prop, meets their biz needs, not vote against anyone in that position
need dialogue to see if we need changes, if any ... cmnty
Mayor: thought live in a free
Chamber aware, longest standing
want to come fwd with a $10M [devt?] in our cmnty
clear from Ms Berg
to have a sidewalk 15/26yh(?) as Lewis said -- don't see
have to have an amb standing by!
to suggest, major investment, $10M in WV &&&
complies beautifully with
with a mix of hts, a nice one-storey bldg with increased parking -- this shd be nothing but a good news story
staff have worked with applicant, applicant worked with DRC ... {mixed hts}
there are too many who have not put up their money
&&& people who haven't put up a dime
Cclr Sop, want to say something?
Sop: a word or two -- not all three
so I'm [8:19]
Mayor: in favour -- we have six and opposed we have seven so ?????????
DPA wch wd allow for the construction of a new Shoppers Drug Mart with roof top parking, be approved.
6. Proposed 2015 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4808, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4808)
{Sop recused himself b/c son is a patron of Collingwood}
MKoke provided background
Legion added to list
xxx applicable
private schools are not for profit
provincial statute, are around those areas
NG: notice Salvation Army requested but staff wdn't
MK: do ... looking at SArmy
permissive historically, where it's been lost, not grant new; we'd be granting a new
NG: ... from Cclr Cameron and I xxx
from DCC and ... expanding on a form what they're doing
MK: we do have a form, stack here
NG: saw but didn't we list
MK: ask them to cite within Section 224
for what Ccl can grant; we cd look at our form and &&&
NG: &&&
know places where my kids go; see some utilized but some of these can't
MK we can do that for future years
NG: that wd make me v happy
ML: perm exemption, go on too long
a church may sell their prop to move to a new location
my concern is if the tax exemption in perpetuity
when org changing; have windfall profits on land transactions; not fiscally paid back for all these years
not suggesting we change the process but may be beneficial
staff come forward with some suggestions and what done elsewhere
wrt schools, prob under, and for the adjacent prop -- how far does the adj prop go?
have to be a playing fields or?
MK: one of the things we have to look at
looked at operation of the school in question; xxx not the perm
CAO: one of the underlying principles of the perm tax exemption, the org is proving a benefit to the cmnty and that is evaluated on an annual basis
Mayor: a number of ppl wanting to speak
name???: from 1616 Mulvern Dr
strata LMS located adjacent to Collingwood
re cmnty responsibility; living in harmony and according to rules that benefit everyone
Glenmore, taxpaying residents; have a right to a peaceful existence day to day
Collingwood moving into yr 3
600mfbrs, 150 staff [GET THIS]
parents ... chaos ... turned into block
[8:30?] emerg vehicles; playing fields
blocked by cars have can't walk on xxx
the myth that this will all disappear when xxx
penalties 51 times in just three months and xxx on a daily basis
xxx 2012 staff voted not to extend xxx
Collingwood shd be paying taxes like others
C'wood has not lived at peace in the cmnty
Mayor: Carmelo as well?
Roger Wright: I'm head of C'wood; here representing students teacher parents
app speaking tonight for 2015
understand Ccl grants at its discretion, deemed a benefit to cmnty
our contribution to cmnty and quality of life; our colleague Mulgrave, similar
re Collingwood -- one of the largest employers; 825 live and pay taxes in District as well as....
regularly share our grounds and facilities
WVPD for training ex
sports fields (at no cost)
volleyball.... at no charge
when artificial turf at Morven campus will offer no charge
Harmony Arts we look after the beach clean up 15 - 17
students as scouts for ppl with disabilities
xxx hampt rive ?
food and beverage at FBG Grad show once a year
involved in sev int'l progs 60 kids in 5 diff countries, soup kitchens in East, and
wd argue this is a direct benefit to WV
Blessed to be in this Dist
wealthy cmnty and shd "show leadership"
Bruce McCartney: two reasons full and fair policy around granting C'wood a permissive exemption
Collingwood is that brand... a luxury brand
into leadership I'd be let down
trust hs bn eroded by lack of disclosure, selective disclosure, no respect for limit, xxxx
yes ,there an exemption on sch prop and land; think there shd be a continuation to the cmnty
outside of Class Six, C'wood has not paid taxes on s??ecivid xxx props
wd like this Ccl to truly acknowledge where non-profits, for redevt; where taxes ongoing to cmnty
Mayor: did you want to clarify?
CAO: absolutely correct
hv a request; another was a misclassification error by BC Assmt; error, not ours
did a review of all the props in WV just to make sure; we have done a complete review
MC?: from my past
churches in Vanc, there was a sp assessmt by CoV against those capital gains when sold that prop
is a mechanism if C'wood, adjacent land not xxx whether WV can do, mechanism, some of those lack? taxes
Mayor: had our first mtg of our new Finance Cmte this morning so Mr Koke cd
you agree, Mr Koke
ML moved: THAT proposed 2015 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4808, 2014 be read a first, second, and third time.
before and changes be made your suggestion of F Cmte is [8:42]
MB: will speak later
CC: desire for more robust policy; owe it to our taxpayers
thank Mr Wright for listing all ....
evident brings quite a bit; but we shd be transparent and [8:43]
NG: yes, agreed
a little diff on this; a lot of corresp on C'wood
spearspare?# exemption from nbrhd probs
gone to staff and xxx
according to past policies and xxx assmt; relative to their sch bldgs
Mr Wright also sent us a letter a few days ago [More info]
Collingwood, St Anthony's, and xxx
sympathize with the nbrs, how we can move further in future
MB: prov's rationale for surrounding prop [8:44]
those lands are as imp as classrooms for a child
is a vis? the priv school; the lands around are as valuable as the classrooms
Mayor: I, in particular, on this construction, long process xxx
C'wood will be seen as a great asset to the nbrhd
MANY LEFT [8:46]
7. 752 Marine Dr Refined general land use and massing proposal and direction for amendments to the OCP
who?: this is the former White Spot site
since endorsed the applicant team has taken feedback
not DP level drawings but massing proposal -- 254 residences, child care; some
SLIDES get sf [8:50] xxx low rise
what in this inapprop?
further studies; OCP doesn't go as far as PkR ... extend them to
DP level drawings; public consultation on OCP amendment
Rick Amantea of PkR: in regards [sic] to xxx since July been working with staff
hoping to come in Nov and Dec (after review with DRC)
what Mr Browne has just spoken of; we're following the exact process this Ccl have asked us to do
good discussions with staff; hoping to move to the next step
a year and a half behind schedule, but hoping to bring as xxx &&& [8:59]
Sop: in this applicn; not signif residence at PkR
report in front of us, to endorse amendments to OCP
why nec when we have to go through a process now, not receiving detailed plans?
A Browne (Planning staff): think question is absent drawings?
Sop: why wd we endorse anything? going to go through a process, OCP anyway
ABr: seen as separate from applications
these are the type(s) of amendments proceeding with anyway; forces us to.... and where there are gaps
doesn't mean say 26 storeys or two-storey, sep form ...
{yes, one of the towers proposed is 26 storeys! and the other 15}
Sop: this is a rezoning applicn
ABr: all three [9:02]
Sop: site that is WV Dist land FAR, the apts, wd be signif
addn of Sq Land lessens portion on WV land
ABr: reduces the land. on DWV has to be standalone FAR
from a contextual POV, effective FAR on that site drops
from a legal POV will have to be just that land; with caveat
Sop: cpl more quick ones -- alternate plan .... egress to TWay?
in the light of traffic, do you think that scenario contemplated or discussion later?
ABr: reaction to a challenge we've identified freehold through lease FN land; perhaps 80 years from now if renewed
intention the bldg constructed so that access cd still be achieved; not an access like to see ideally
still needs addl legal review; feel need to preplan for
{linguistic curiosity: preplan? can you postplan? what's the difference between plan and preplan?}
Sop: you'd be a champion if letter to V, NV, xxx; ask for a master plan for traffic xxx and beyond
Mayor: you know we're doing that v thing
Sop: heard tidbits -- see massive traffic not just PkR, Sea-to-Sky; bridge over
[9:06 GET IT]
Sop that's a question
Mayor: if I cd make it happen I'd be a benevolent dictator; that's &&&
ABr: absolutely
MB: amplify further traffic wd be worse if land devpd under current zoning to more retail space -- you allude to that
ABr: initial traffic report based on a xxx case for the site; been tweaked and updated; under that baseline of traffic
how possible? xxx resid v low
generated trips, it's equivalent or worse
some complication that bottom floor of no interest -- bike shop [9:08]
traffic info still needs to be carefully looked at
all retail box devt -- one of the guiding principles
wise long-term planning division, maybe makes sense; as a whole, drop in the bucket
MB: p7 policy be amended related to rezoning permit process -- on a site by site basis at PkR
what is that address?
ABr: by comprehensive across Upper Lands?
MB: &&&
AB: the complexity there is multi-jurisdictional
MB: this is on its own
ABr: can't preplan &&&
{as last note above}
MB: will there be CACs?
NG: mtg at UBCM; we are on it and they are on it best we can; I'm optimistic
actual wording, not clear to me -- who's doing the public consultation, PkR or us?
ABr: jointly -- rec ctr atrium; mtgs at diff times; mail notifications
expect joyful participation of devt team, District staff there; joint, by our rules
Scenery Slater: spot zoning
PkR does lots of planning, more than WV; xxx
hope public aware in that context; ppl think might prevent resid elsewhere but that is not the case
&&& if FN doesn't [9:15] xxx
before moving fwd on each b/c that's how traffic moves ... before we move forward
Mark Ballard: we're not giving up anything here
all agreed have to be looked at; we like the general direction it is going
all PkR has done through consult and to now, this is a simple step that we're going fwd on this and don't give up anything in future
Lady and Gary Mussatto:
business for 18 years; many xxx??? and ev has exceeded our expectations
right in the storefront there
3rdly, really support where PkR is going as a tenant there
live, work, and play in the cmnty; many of our customers love too
Mussatto: PkR supportive of us, helped us through this, tenants; retail is really changing; hard struggle
one way we can guarantee is to grow and change with the times; expansion and new devt; will xxx
thank you for your time
Alan deGenova: resident of WV Sinclair & Inglewood; encourage Ccl to proceed
thank Ccl for diligence over last two years......... xxx; imp gateway
as a mbr of Vanc Resource Society, excited; for ppl with disabilities; 378 homes
most of our ppl don't drive -- living above, shopping below; provide secure stable housing
look fwd to many amenities; open spaces shown earlier; landscape, as a former Park Bd guy
in Grosvenor... how well that's worked
bike accidents, car accidents; home away from home ... 7/24
thank each and ev one of you; hope our project will be part of 752
Sharon Metcalfe: the impact on families; my son has cerebral palsy, had it since a birth accident
worried about where he was gong to live
Aug this year, son moved into BFW??? Grosv Int'l -- amazing growth, tem? coming in and out, xxx
collaborative; express your views on this sort of living, VRS, etc; an amazing model
prov govt hasn't the resources for housing and here you have the private sector providing
how we treat seniors; this is a tremendous opp
Mayor: oh my goodness, Melinda Slater again
Melinda Slater: don't like how this is going {text supplied:} direction for amendments to the OCP.
(Again, wasnt planning to speak on this)
As a resident I certainly dont like the direction this is going. How many gateways" do we need and why does every gateway entail a massive residential development?
We already have loads of residential surrounding Park Royal; theres the West Royal Towers, the Park Royal Towers, the new Evelyn Development -- when does it end?
I see no need for a zoning change to include ANY residential.
Not good enough to examine things like traffic solutions and what happens down the road if access through Squamish land is withdrawn. These are substantial issues. Its unacceptable to even contemplate moving this along without solutions in place.
Christine Cassidy: didn't intend; speaking off top of my head -- not about PkR &&&; going to speak about work, live, play
vibrance -- &&&
When PkR -- we lost the cinema, the bowling alley; simple are you going to....
have three chn; I've had to drive them to Park & Tilford
xxx shdn't have to lug it to NV
give us something &&&; not hanging out in the mall; when's that &&&
keep our chn in WV; they're citizens of WV
Mayor: Nobody else?
Dora Bergen: definitely in favour of devt
Maggie Pappas (Folkestone Way): this is not a gateway, it's two apt towers
xxx; one thing I haven't heard tonight -- what has progressed re traffic use, bridge use, TWay, MDr, flow -- how work together? and also if Mr Amantea....
do have to say to Ms Cassidy that the Kay Meek Ctr wch shows movies
Mayor: and Mr Fung wd like to talk about our v successful bus lane
RF: a number of bullets on p 8 of Mr Browne's xxx; a number of improvements
bn working with the Ministry of the overflow lane on the LGB; working with what's best
working over entire corridor, ULHwy; may be other improvements
a lot of talk -- Low Level Rd, bypass bridgehead
continue to work with the Ministry and in co-op with Sq N as well
Mayor: Mr Amantea, want to tell us when we can see our first movie?
RAmantea: working on it happy to announce when &&& [9:32]
worked with Dist on HOV lanes
one of the only free park and ride facilities on the NSh
customers can jump on or hop on a bus and go downtown; Spirit Trail, cycling
752 8km of walkable path; X km of bicycle lanes; move around with ease
with the Lower Level Rd will be able to xxx, going to have to access MDr through our lands -- we're part of the solution
Mayor: we have to hold our MLAs' feet to the fire
under prov authority, step up and start addressing as done elsewhere, new Port Mann Bridge, rapid transit
highest taxes and forgotten part
our concerns not just PkR and DWV; like to see MLAs delivering xxx to the NSh
Sop: uh--
Mayor: --need a motion first
MB made motion:
1. Devt Applicn, by Park Royal Shopping Ctr Holdings Ltd. for 752 Marine Dr, advance in the devt applicn process, including the production of detailed Devt Permit drawings and add'l public consultation; and,
2. Council endorse the proposed general direction for related amendments to the Official Community Plan.
MB: briefly, signif project for the cmnty; have to be open-minded and hear from the broader cmnty
must address the traffic, blocking, honking noise for the residents
pretty efficient for volume that goes through it but challenging to live through it
counter-intuitive p6 staff report "shd not be overridden" xxx
putting something -- Rodgers Crk, those ppl more likely to drive through
will support recomm to move forward so we can hear from the broader cmnty
{Mayor's words here -- inaudible, alas}
ML: public realize at end of the process, it's the beginning; legislatively obliged to be open to end of process, then vote; think this process is unfolding as it should [9:38]
Mayor: 'keeping open' your mantra, Cclr Sop
Sop: in 1960 I came to work in PkR S and was shown the plans
when I hear of a bridge -- it's taken ~50 years
Sea-to-Sky is going to grow and grow and grow; ferries; that intersection is gridlock; owners and I have had it out with PkR; MDr is one of our only exits; it's gridlock, Mr Amantea
to you, Mr Mayor, go to &&& NSh, start putting the pressure on
I will keep a v open mind and wait for this to go through
CC: like the others, won't reiterate their concerns
most of the traffic is coming from outside WV -- ferries, SeatoSky, NV, etc; xxx
no matter what we do, will have congestion at MDr and TWay; no matter what we do xxx
we have a three-lane bridge, gridlock downtown even if 10-lane bridge; sore points
only way around it, nobody wants to hear this, but the only way around this is get rid of our cars
need to move to diff modes of transp and jobs on NSh
devt such as this is close to transit ?
ppl with only one or no car; above the hwy will need a car
concerned about traffic, don't know that lower level is a panacea and don't know if I'll live to see it
I'd prefer one tower to two, and E-W; that's come out -- stated this when it first came out
won't be able to vote for unless we have a .... plan -- right now, nothing to judge
OCP doesn't have residential ... need something to xxx
we're doing it again -- spot zoning
p7 proposed amendments; what staff is proposing putting risk at PkR and more
informed by site context and views and shadow studies
Mr Browne said we don't know until further study; we're operating blind; &&&
what that means, there's nothing in the OCP; staff not suggesting how much density on that prop and ht shd be.
to say we shd amend the OCP to say we're going to have more
will put us in the same position as 1300 and Maison
set parameters and when shd know
when it comes forward for decision want to see context this is put in
allows us to xxx if fits ....
NG: a great segue into what I was going to say: OCP vs this applicn
talked to staff but want ppl to know the cart's before the horse, tail wagging dog, etc
devt is pushing the envelope -- we're not there, we don't even know what we want!
applcn wanting us to move fwd; and &&&
completely backward, shd be DECOUPLED for the M and for the ppl
see consultative xxx; what do we want as a policy, vision, as opposed to &&&
move fwd with decoupling
need to do a diff and better method of consultation; we didn't get enough feedback; 44K residents and feedback from under 100 ppl
100s of ppl xxx, and at the A-C mtgs; not dark rainy nights, have to do better
agree with Scenery Slater who said we shd discuss in the bigger context; needs to be in bigger context
Mayor: then motion to extend
TP: &&& and &&&
8. Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4785, 2014 (request for heritage designation for 6003 Eagleridge)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the July 21 reg Ccl mtg, was the subj of a PH held and closed on Sept 15 and rec'd second and third reading at the Sept 15 reg Ccl mtg. As the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to recv any further submissions re the proposed bylaw.
9. Proposed Devt Procedures...1996, Amdmt...2014 (Devt Permit Process for Det'd Sec Stes, Coach Houses)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the September 15, 2014 regular Council meeting.
Mayor: Ms Scholes help -- this is for adoption; are we allowed to speak?
SSch: not subject to/of a PH so allowed to
Mayor: Ketih Pople -- you'll have to hurry, your three minutes starts as soon as you get up.
{not when you start to speak???}
Keith Pople: opposed
don't think anyone wd like, unless planning to build a similar structure
loss of privacy, qualify of life, and prop value
also believe this bylaw shd hv in it a real xxx arrangement for approval and resident input and it doesn't have it
NBRS! those are the reasons; thank you for the opportunity to speak
Mayor: nbrhd consultation?
Sokol: a two-stage: siting (req'd to speak to nbrs, report how nbrhd feels); second stage (mandatory opp to write to staff, then staff can decide if going fwd)
{hm -- the public is missing? and Sop had advocated opp to appeal to Ccl....}
Mayor: Thank you
CARRIES with Sop opposed
10. Proposed Building Bylaw ... 2004, Amdmnt Bylaw ..., 2014 (Demolition Permits and Security Deposits)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Sept 15, regular Council meeting.
ADOPTED [9:55]
11. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4791, 2014 (re 959 21st and 2151 Gordon, Kiwanis Seniors Housing Society of West Vancouver, proposed amendment to CD5 Zone to correct maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio and site coverage for Area 2 of the Kiwanis site) (File: 1610-20-4791)
The proposed bylaw received first reading at the Sept 8 reg Ccl mtg and Ccl scheduled a PH re the proposed bylaw to be held on Oct 6. If the Oct 6 PH has closed the proposed bylaw may be considered for second and third reading at the Oct 6, reg Ccl mtg. If the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
RECOMMENDED: be read a second time. RECOMMENDED: be read a third time.
PASSED [9:56]
12. Consent Agenda Items
12.1 Applicn for a Liquor Primary Club Licence Eagle Hbr Yacht Club Society 5750 Eagle Hbr Rd RECOMMENDED: THAT DWV participate in the licensing process for the Liquor Primary Licence applicn submitted by the Eagle Hbr Yacht Club by gathering public input in the manner set out in the report dated Sept 22 titled Applicn for a Liquor Primary Club Licence Eagle Harbour Yacht Club Society 5750 Eagle Harbour Road
12.2. TransLink Customer Service Performance Report, Quarter 2, 2014
RECOMMENDED: report dated Sept 16 from the Mgr, Transit, for Q 2, be rec'd for information.
12.3. Active Development Applications Status List (to September 12, 2014) (File: 1010-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the Active Devt Applicns Status List to September 12, 2014 be received for information.
12.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
(Personal information redacted pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; sections 22 and 33 apply.)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the correspondence list be received for information.
> Council Correspondence Update to September 5, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Sept 2, re Traffic Calming Clyde & 12th-13th
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) Sept 3, re Re: Pedestrian access to safe sidewalks
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) September 3, 2014, regarding Long boarders on [Westhill Drive]
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(4) West Van Matters, September 4, 2014, regarding UBCM & Civic Term Extension
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) North Shore Volunteers for Seniors, August 28, 2014, regarding Social Services and Community Services Grant 2014
(6) Peterson Residential on behalf of the Strata Ccl and the Owners of Strata Plan VR475, August 29, 2014, regarding CrossFit Gym Noise Complaint
(7) August 30, 2014, regarding Feedback about Salsa By the Sea
(8) August 30, 2014, regarding British Columbia Teachers' Dispute
(9) 3 submissions, September 3 4, 2014, regarding Proposed Building Bylaws
(10) 10 submissions, Sept 3 5, re Woodfibre LNG Limited Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
> Council Correspondence Update to September 12, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) September 8, 2014, regarding Glenmore Park
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) September 9, 2014, regarding Garbage on Property for weeks on end
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations, and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(3) September 10, 2014, regarding The Province article re: rats
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(4) September 10, 2014, regarding Public Parking Area on Skilift Road
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) E-Comm 9-1-1, September 3, 2014, regarding 'e-communiqu' summer 2014
(6) 3 submissions, September 4 5, 2014, regarding Foundation Grants Lists
(7) September 7, 2014, regarding 'Houses and tress' {trees?}
(8) Sept 7, re Fwd: 111 Quebec municipalities opposing 'smart' meters. Arizona replaces over 50 000 s/ms
(9) 14 submissions, Sept 7 12, 2014, re Woodfibre LNG Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(10) BC Housing, September 8, 2014, regarding Public Open House Riverview Lands
(11) 3 submissions, September 9, 2014, regarding Proposed Building Bylaws
(12) September 10, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction
(13) 2 submissions, Sept 10 11, re Comments on DWV's Draft OCP Amndmt Bylaw, 2014 Regional Context Stmt
(14) HUB NSh Cmte, September 11, 2014, regarding recently installed cycling infrastructure in West Vancouver
(15) The Geller Group, September 11, 2014, regarding Hollyburn Mews in the News
(16) Capilano University, September 12, 2014, regarding Raise A Reader Day!
> Council Correspondence Update to September 19, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) M. Slater, September 12, 2014, regarding Stop Work Request re: Keith Road Widening.
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) September 12, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction Glenmore Park
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) Craig Chevalier Designs, September 18, 2014, regarding Proposed Building Bylaws
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Board of Variance July 16, 2014
(5) The Unity in Diversity Cmte, WV Baha'i Community, September 2014, regarding 16th Annual Unity in Diversity Award
(6) Youth Parliament of BC Alumni Society, Sept 8, 2014, regarding British Columbia Youth Parliament, 86th Parliament
(7) Metro Vancouver, September 8, 2014, regarding Air Quality Monitoring Reports for 2012 and 2013
(8) City of NV, Sept 11, 2014, re DWV OCP Amdmt Bylaw, 2014 Regional Context Statement Comment and Feedback?
(9) Old Growth Conservancy Society, Sept 11, re Whyte Lake dedication of M Lands for Municipal Park purposes?
(10) 3 submissions, Sept 12 18, 2014, re Woodfibre LNG Ltd Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(11) North Shore Heritage Preservation Society, undated, regarding 6003 Eagleridge Drive, West Vancouver
(Previously received at September 15, 2014 public hearing)
(12) 5 submissions, September 14 17, 2014, regarding Proposed Building Bylaws
(13) My Sea to Sky Organisation, Sept 15, re Invite to My Sea to Sky Event: LNG & Petro-State Politics: Andrew Nikiforuk
(14) Canadian Beverage Association, September 15, 2014, re Canadian Beverage Industry?s Reception at UBCM
(15) September 16, 2014, regarding Fwd: 229715 Sunset Lane
(16) September 16, 2014, regarding Municipal Salaries
(17) September 17, 2014, regarding West Vancouver needs a tree cutting bylaw!
(18) Public Service Alliance of Canada, British Columbia (PSACBC), September 17, 2014, regarding
INVITATION Metro Vancouver Alliance Municipal Election Accountability Assembly October 9th
(19) The Corporation of Delta, September 17, 2014, regarding Correspondence regarding Medical Marihuana Facilities
(20) September 17, 2014, regarding Progress. How do we know?
(21) Vancouver Coastal Health, September 18, 2014, regarding Senior's Day
(22) WV Cmnty Ctrs Society, Sept 18, re INVITATION TO 2014 PUMPKINFEST OCTOBER 4 AND 5, 2014
(23) September 18, 2014, regarding Wireless Smart Meters
> Council Correspondence Update to September 23, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) September 19, 2014, regarding Proposed Subdivision
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) September 22, 2014, regarding Cyclists Imperil Pedestrians
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Community Engagement Committee June 16 and July 8, 2014
(4) West Van Matters, September 8, 2014, regarding Reports [Sept 8 Agenda, Item 8]
(5) TransLink, Sept 15, re DWV Draft OCP 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4797, 2014 Regional Context Statement
(6) P. Donnelly, September 18, 2014, regarding Harbo[u]r Cruise
(7) City of Pitt Meadows, Sept 19, 2014, re Unified Building Code Effect on Local Govts Provision of Public Safety
(8) Sept 22, re Fwd: Update 2014-09-21 Insider in Nevada admits evidence of fires hidden from inspectors -- just as it is in BC.
(9) BC SPCA, September 23, 2014, regarding BC SPCA Briefing Note around Inadequate Ventilation
13. OTHER ITEMS -- none
14. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
MB: still attending the Aboriginal Relations Cmte mtgs
purchase of lands; closely kept secret -- happened that morning, the cmte didn't even know it at 1 o'clock
NG and I attended mtg re Min of Health, ... youth mental health, ... collaborative
&&& commend all levels of govt, on radar ... xxx, youth beds, positive
Sop: several mtgs, if anything imp, wd hv brought to table
Mayor: does that conclude your report?
Sop: barely opened my mouth! do have one comment
nobody can tell me there aren't any young chn in this cmnty and cmnty is ageing, with the outstanding turn out of chn at Pumpkinfest on Sunday, absolutely incredible
we, Ccl, decided to put a scarecrow in, a politician, had a board with stickies
wrote on them things like no increase in taxes -- loss leaders
end of day, went back to pick up; board was chockablock, sayings from kids
We asked what they thought
not thinking they'd put things like -- I like you, scarecrow; I'm happy today; you're funny-looking; 100% perfect; scary
sticky pads all gone... incredible; credit to volunteers ... just the best -- part of life they can be proud of
Mayor: good report
CC: at Pumpkinfest; lost track of kids five minutes after I got there, didn't see them for three hours; don't know if good or bad parenting
can't divulge winners; Cmnty awards, ppl will be hearing of these awards; celebration Oct 27
Mayor: something we need to focus on
NG: two wks ago UBCM convention; light bulb finally went off, over my head
spent three days; voting; huge 1200 - 1500 from all Ms around BC, voting on 207 resolns
put forth and vetted through executive; to floor to be voted on; if approved to prov govt
first time realized the only formal way Ms as a group as a union formally saying to prov govt we really care about this.....now give to you and prov will act on that
from fire and safety to police, parks, and ..... really glad I went; imp opp for Ms to speak to prov govt, and they have to respond, so I didn't waste my two and a half days this time
{yes; good to hear.
I was appalled possibly only one who went last time paid attention or voted -- hence the blank stares when I asked who voted and why for four-year civic terms.}
ML: Sop, Booth, and I attended service for Jim McCarthy; express our wishes to the family; mentor; will be sorely missed.
Mayor: sorry I cdn't attend; was out of town
15. Public Questions/Comments
Mayor: Public Questions
Someone: Carolanne Reynolds.
Mayor: oh my goodness. If I hadn't seen it, I wdn't have believed it
{M Slater came up}
Melinda Slater: earlier re PkR; the real reason I'm here.....
[text supplied; check against delivery; {my add'l comments}]
I would like to address the work that is currently taking place on Keith Road to accommodate a bike lane. I have spoken with at least 15 neighbours so far who are opposed to this project. We do not object to a moderate expansion of the 1000 block (and the 1000 block only) to accommodate a sidewalk, but we do not want Keith Road to become a highway. Widening the road to the extent currently underway will increase the volume and speed of traffic through our neighbourhood. To be clear, it is the widening of our road that we object to. In particular we take exception to the complete lack of neighbourhood consultation that should have preceded work of this nature.
Apparently this project is supported by the Cycling Network Plan which was drafted 7 years ago, however Keith Road is only shown as a shared bike/car lane, which would not be cause for alarm. Its one thing to dedicate a bike lane with some signage and lines on the road, and quite another to widen the road by {a couple of metres}, tearing up mature hedges and shrubs along the way. Nowhere is there any indication, let alone consultation, that the 1000 block of Keith Road would be widened, let alone to this extent. Staff also noted the bike lane is a red herring. Having people park across the bike lane negates the purpose and further undermines credibility of this project.
In spite of residents' objections and correspondence to Council and staff requesting a stop-work order until our concerns could be addressed, the District chose to push ahead. Yet the District suspended work on the same project mere blocks away, citing lack of neighbourhood consultation. Why were we not afforded the same courtesy that was extended without hesitation to Cedardale residents?
Ive written multiple times outlining our concerns and requesting a stop-work order until consultation could take place, but to no avail.
{"Tonight's agenda shows my Sept 12 Correspondence to Dir/Engg&Transp, yet still waiting and work continues unabated."}
Im here in front of you tonight asking that this be rectified before this goes any further.
Heres a brief recap of the response from Raymond Fung, Director of Traffic and Engineering:
{RF says: letter in pkg tonight and first time Ccl met to delegate it to him; Ev devt, District picking up M side}
The reinstatement of the bike connection at 3rd and Inglewood is actually quite a different type of project, feels its not comparable to the situation in the 1000 block;
Width of the travel lane is being increased by 0.8 metres on the south side, {not divided but can be shared safely};
The route is shown on the Districts cycling network {master} plan;
The 1100 & 1200 block of Keith is also a different situation from the 1000 block (these blocks had and will have further consultation on a possible bike lane/sidewalk);
The road standard for the 1000 block Keith was determined through the Evelyn Drive development process;
Staff will respond to my correspondence in due course now that its been received, but hopes some of these points provides an interim response at this point;
{Furthermore} This isnt the 1st time weve heard about this, the letter writer had initiated some conversation and the Mayor intervened, explaining rationale with respect to the project, so not as if the District has been entirely silent in the matter. {Just that the letter just arrived; we are aware of the situation, so providing comment}
I then said:
Can I say something else?
(Mayor: thought you were going to compliment me for my quick response)
That was the only thing I think I can compliment you on. Yes, I did engage in some correspondence and I have to reiterate the concerns were never adequately addressed. Yes, we has some back and forth, but its not good enough, not good enough by a long shot. To say this isnt comparable to the Cedardale project -- well, its the exact same bike route, but the point of this is you stopped work when they raised concerns and staff said the work was stopped b/c of lack of consultation. You recognize that was an issue in Cedardale but you dont recognize thats an issue for the 1000 block of Keith Road and thats a big issue, thats a problem and that hasnt been addressed.
The Mayor noted the Evelyn devt goes back 8 or 9 years, no one on the present Council voted in favour of the project, and could see no point in revisiting past history.
He also said we certainly take your points under advisement about consultation b/c we are committed to consulting w/ public on projects in their neighbourhood and sometimes it seems we havent done quite as well as we should have done.
Mayor: anyway, we can debate this all night as we have done....
MSlater: past the witching hour, okay!
Elaine Fonseca: wd like to make comment about the 1000 block, Keith Rd ... btw Keith Road is the oldest roadway on the North Shore; was an old logging road from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove. I live in a house, v close to the roadway b/c of the contours of the road. We live in a very established nbrhd 1000, 1100, 1200 block; we have a solid mass of hedges up and down our streets. The hedges protect our homes from noise, privacy, and they're an environmental benefit to all of us. The 1000 block, where Melinda lives, was stripped clean -- of hedges, trees, and the roadway was widened. Now what is going to be the fate of our properties, who live in 1100, 1200 blk. We were told, not consulted, told that sidewalks, bike lanes, and parking wd be on the south side wch has frontage closest to the roadway.
We were not consulted.
We have spoken to Mr John Kalimaty (sp?) of the M. We have walked the street, 1100 and 1200, with him, and we told him of our concerns {all on south side}. We have spoken to him but get the impression this is a done deal. We want to be consulted. We want to be listened to. We want assurances that our roadway is not going to be desecrated as done in the 1000blk. Thank you.
RF: cmnty around 1100 and 1200 blk of Clyde and Keith came to Ccl many times, concerns wrt traffic that might be impacted from Ev devt. With the funding contribution from the devpr, staff devpd a traffic calming plan with the residents -- two open houses held (June 2013, staff took that, presented options in Oct 2013). From comments rec'd wrt preferred option, plan split into two phases. The first phase completed in August, second phase scheduled sometime in 2015; gives us time to sort out the details. On Keith Rd itself, the preferred option entails a pedestrian facility. In detailed consultation with affected homeowners. As you can image, those living on the north side wd love to the facility on the south side, and those who live on the south side wd prefer to have the sidewalk on the north side. Staff are sorting through those impacts; also impacts to parking; considering what other access there is -- for example in lanes. Will continue to work with residents, as we devp line drawings and another opp to present those designs prior to [our] going into construction next year.
Last thing, also being coordinated with renewal of underground utilities b/c we don't want to go into a road twice so there will be some watermain work on the south side, one of the considerations sidewalk over there b/c will be disturbed anyway.
Mayor: lots of consultation to come
Scenery Slater: to confirm, the Ev Dr devt has dictated that the Keith Rd will be widened, so nbrs weren't consulted?
that's what it sounds like; cd you clarify that?
RF: that's not in fact true -- 1100 1200 Keith staff responding solely to residents' concerns wrt traffic impact and wanting traffic-calming measures. Heard through public process--
SS: --no, I'm talking about the 1000blk that had no process
Sop: you are to direct your comments to the Mayor; this is not an argument
SS: sorry. Through the Mayor, with respect; referring to the 1000 blk that had no consultation, no public process, just had notification of the road-widening, and that was, I understand, a reaction to the Ev Dr devt?
RF: 1100 and 1200 blk differs; 1000 reflects the Ev Dr situation; the 1100 and 1200 blk, if the public really wishes to have, as part of the traffic-calming measures, a safer place for pedestrians, we need to find that balance. Either maintaining parking, or providing a sidewalk, or if sidewalk and parking need to be retained one way or another, there needs to be a widening to accommodate that and staff are trying to balance all those diff perspectives in flux at this moment
Mayor: It shd be noted that Ev Dr goes back 8 to 9 years, ... nobody around this horseshoe voted for in favour of this project
don't know why trying to recreate history
SS: no, but it sounds like that -- 1000blk widened b/c Ev Dr dictates that
Mayor: but none of us; that's past history, what's the point going back--
SS: --wdn't you still consult with the nbrs? having a devpr down the road dictate to other ppl, they didn't have consultation when Ev Dr was going through - btw your road's going to be widened.
Mayor: this time of night, don't want to debate
8 - 9 years ago roundabout going to be put in, part of the process--
SS: --it's not the roundabout, further down near 11th
Mayor: obviously part of the process; you can agree to disagree; how about that?
SS: just another case of a devpr overriding what the citizens want.
16. Adjournment
have not researched but, as the Mayor implied, process at time of devt permit assumed. Did staff or not? consult or notify? Staff shd hv a record of procedure at that time. Surprises not appreciated!
===== CCL MTG NOTES Oct 20th =====
b/c (a) personal info about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M it they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: matters re cmte apptmts, land, and the proposed provision of a M service.
The reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Chamber immediately following the public hearing.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4805, 2014 (housekeeping amdmts; general amdmts to the Zoning Bylaw that are not related to housing bulk, are technical in nature, and that do not propose any new policy directions) (File: 1610-20-4805)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver
Subject Land: All lands within West Vancouver
Purpose: The proposed bylaw amdmt is to clarify regulations and correct errors or omissions (wch are technical in nature and do not propose any new policy directions) identified since prev housekeeping amdmts were made in 2011 and 2012.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4805, 2014 wd:
add a definition for park;
delete certain regulations related to the creation of lots within the Sunset Lane Lands (the regulations are no longer required in the Zoning Bylaw as the lots have been created);
replace a map to clarify the boundary of the Sunset Lane Lands;
add a regulation to clarify the siting of accessory buildings within the rear yard;
add regs to req accessible parking spaces for bldgs other than sgl-fam or duplex dwellings (ie for commercial, mixed-use or institutional bldgs) aligned with BC Bldg Code req'mts and cmnty demographics (a ratio of 1:75 is proposed);
re-introduce parking and building height regulations within the CD30 (Park Royal North) zone; and
correct a section number referenced in the CD35 (Cypress Place) zone.
LBerg, Planning staff gave background.
Sop: a lot of discussion re built form
Sop: why housekeeping when it's going to play an integral role?
Sokol: ... our standards are quite complex
owing to changes in 2010 not as clear as it used to be; going back to past clarity; not intended to change
make sure zoning bylaw is in line
Sop: why wd you not do all? have to discuss
accessory bldgs and basements, under one roof; a little disjointed
Mayor: are you going to ? [7:09]
Mayor: no change just clarifying the existing policy
Sop: why necessary if no change?
Mayor: no change
Sop: but all the stuff's going to happen in xxx
Mayor: clarifying what the policy is to decide to see if change
Sop: if ... I'm going to let some sparks fly
Mayor: we look forward to that
SSch: listen to proposed bylaw, not to debate; to listen to the public
1) Reports received up to and including October 9, 2014:
# |
Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010 |
2014-08-27 |
2014-09-15 |
R-1 |
SSch: no written submissions [7:13]
*7:00 PM*Note: At 7pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw (housekeeping amdmts) will be held. The reg Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH.
1. Call to Order
Mayor: rec'd Govt award
DWV has rec'd the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current budget from the Govt Finance Officers Assn (GFOA). This award is the highest form of recognition in govtal budgeting and represents a significant achievement by our organization.
? Oct 6 closed mtg appointed...
to Memorial Lib...
Nov 15 election [7:14]
never been easier to vote; wheelchair and curbside; mail ballot voting; new mobile friendly website, go on line /election
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes and public hearing summary report to be provided.
[7:16] minutes added to pkg today and items of corresp
1. the minutes of the October 6 special and regular Council meetings and Public Hearing be adopted as circulated; and
2. the Summary of Oct 6 PH re Proposed Zoning ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No.4791, 2014 (re 959 21st and 2151 Gordon, Kiwanis Seniors' Housing Society of WV, proposed amendment to CD5 Zone to correct maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio and site coverage for Area 2 of the Kiwanis site) be approved.
4. Ambulance Paramedics of BC for Region 2 West re Emergency Medical Service Resources in WV
??? J jpoll
CUPE 3600
two items: Min of Health Resp for $; decrease the number of responses; cmnty Paramedic progam
second item: eliminate ... ; ask you to lobby to ensure the primary resp unit is initiated with the
and done put on the NSh
ppl hv to get to the hospital; WV has one ambulance, City of Mission has two ambulances; comparable popn
xxx reduce amt of time; need to crosscover
amb from LBay Sq sometimes Pemberton -- not av due to the call volume
Sop: thank you for great work the paramedics do on the NSh and throughout the prov
commended for your work
looks like spirit of co-op between you and Fire Depts on the NSh; your intention to .....
ANS: not intent as here as a delegate
Sop: you recognize that at least
ANS: believe do recognize trying to attain a higher level of training
Sop: personally
ANS: Assn; more training is better for everybody, but a bandaid soln
xxx; that's not being accomplished
Sop: wd seem reasonable enough, to two if we can get them
first responders and the wait time; both fire and yourselves to be saluted
when lapsed time -- they have limitations till younger there
ANS: from ambulance
resource allocation; as far as I understand, no change; hv to talk to them if any type of loss of life due to change
MB: the District is actually in discussions with the Ministry for a new home in our new PSB
does your plan include central moving to a depot model &&& [7:26]
ANS: have pressed; haven't alluded to me whether central stn or not
if I were king for a day, what needed? [7:29]
CC: don't have statistics
xxx heard to be xxx down; not uncommon to wait 45 min for something relatively serious
broken hip or xxx waiting 45min excruciating
ANS: in my mind not acceptable; they need medication and in hospital
we hv asked BC Amb Service we cannot support their data b/c no data
CC: can't track; haven't died ... one thing to say not killing anybody; what wd a car cost for a year?
ANS: I don't have those numbers
CC: cost of suffering is
Mayor: diff between..... and advanced
ANS: adv goes through two years after
level of drugs; cd send you... diff between primary and advanced
Mayor: Interesting for Ccl to know how much to get firefighters up to primary/adv paramedic
TP: Thanks; ev keen excellent services
[7:30] MOTION: received for information, with thanks.
Mayor: getting second ambulance is important
5. Proposed 5-Yr Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4780, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 4812, 2014 (proposed amendments re add'l revenues and expenditures) (File: 1610-20-4812)
NL: a number of changes -- at end of year anticipated surplus of $250K
Mayor: any questions?
MB: the Fire and Rescue Services adjustment amts to $1M over five yrs, to the negative
how come we were so far off? understand prog was modified
spending in year two $315K diff between actual and budgeted
MB: might just be the heading that threw me off
NL: number of re-generating ... coupled with
extraordinary situation due to long term disability and sick leave
reduction of firefighters who can perform these duties
collective agrmt, better staffing so anticipating in the long run
[CC moved readings: first, second, and third time.]
CC: two things I'd like to highlight
seems hiring two firefighters, we're backfilling
hiring another clerk in the Permits Dept; that position more than pays for itself
[7:35] continue
really do support Horseshoe Bay consultant, HBay has been neglected
6. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4414, 2005, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4807, 2014 (fee schedule updates)
CC: may I suggest highlighting; waded through, hard to find significant -- somehow make it more accessible for us
ML: wonder if Ms Leemhuis wd comment on the charges; know moving more and more to a user-pay model
NL: this year, took a more in-depth approach
as we develop a complete policy; took those direct benefit to the &&& [7:37]
looking at direct cost to services; direct or marginal costs
looking at what's happening in other Ms for the same or similar; looking at accessible, financial ability to pay the full fees
this year took the first step; will be incorporating, as I said first stage; trying to keep fees at a minimum
ML: wd like to compliment staff; in step ... fiscally sustainable; thank you
Mayor: Cclr C makes a good point; staff shd flag major changes
MOTION: bylaw read a first, second, and third time. [7:39]
7. Draft Zoning Bylaw ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 (sgl-family housing siting, form, and character, floor area exemptions) (File: 2515-02 / 1610-20-4817)
Mayor: want to comment on this flyer, distributed anonymously to a lot of homes!
{he was visibly annoyed if not angry; sensationalist saying WV decreasing value of homes!}
labelled "Ambleside and Dundarave", Dundarave spelled incorrectly, "Real Estate Prices Collapse".
This is not the way we do things in WV. Ccl does not make any changes to our bylaws, to ppl's investment in their homes
till full (public consultation) [7:40]. Everybody in the District shd know that
tonight not making any decisions; our professional staff obligated to go through bylaws and make sure not have to be refreshed; Planning staff has done so we can send out to public...
hope anyone who produced this piece of nonsense wd hv had enough faith in their Ccl to know wd not hv bn made without full consultation with the public
with that, turn it over to Mr Sokol
Sokol: builds on work over past couple of years xxx [7:41]
highlight potential change to address bldg bulk
who?: staff
specifically about FAR exemptions; no readings of that bylaw recommended
construction of sgl-fam replacement homes; under discussion for 30-odd years
changes to attempt to reduce large houses; despite these efforts [7:42]
character-altering ... private... public blvds
re past engagement; xxx builds on special ... 2006/8 Cmnty Housing Dialogue; old vs new, privacy and views
recent cmnty engagement -- Feb through May 2014; Feb 24, Mar 1st [get title]
workshops, Dist staff in April; then May 7; Design and construction xxx in Sept 2013
building bulk is not only about size and how built; est'd landscapes preserved as new devt preserve/intro
sentence &&& [7:45]; further concern, site modification; servicing of lots
3 years old wondering if too little too late, any character left to preserve
massing grading and landscaping; some in xxx
zoning is a limited tool; cmnty engagement &&& stakeholder grps
SLIDE of listed
xxx do not intend
city spaces consulting ltd; Report finalized, presented to Ccl July 7
character conflicts; demographic changes; zoning changes thus far; discussion paper.... and provide understanding
replacement -- 15 to 2500sf to 3500 [7:47]
site clearing; signif site gradation &&&
recommendations presented to Ccl on July 7
bldg size, siting, and physical size; consultants acknowledged what had happened 1980s and 90s
2008 when FAR exemptions again amended; improvements, minor opp and no imps
xxx July 7 staff recomms that staff bring back
retaining walls, FAR exemptions (garages, basements)
in July ongoing study of ...... way of calculating height
and exempted [7:49] xxx basement
&&& lower massing; driveways and patios ... with averaging of setbacks
Staff focused on two areas accessory bldgs and garage; 683 sf
propose we take this out for public; do need to understand what their concerns are; a cpl of ideas
SLIDE Public Consultation -- Next step slide [7:51]
.... wall hts; questionnaire; posted on WestVancouverITE during
bring back for consideration in 2015
two directions: take fwd proposed bylaw, av for public view and comment; direct staff for further consultation
Sop: Mr Bishop, consultation taken on by staff; town meeting; involve all players?
so many on both sides of the issue interested
Bishop, staff: staff wd come back with a proposal; right now envisioning a series of public houses; all mbrs of public to come out; find a way to handle issue of bldg bulk and effect on our nbrhsds
Sokol: build on that, build on work we've already done, work done with bldg cmnty
some targeted separately, some held here and in Cmnty Ctr atrium for large
Sop: target separately public not involved
Sokol: public all
Sop: dealing with this issue with only part of a bigger picture
basement scenario; mixed picture of what this is going to look like -- why not present entire picture?
a lot of confusion; no offence to your work; a lot don't understand the calcs
&&&; gotta clarify and let it &&&
we asked for this; no one get hurt
we heard about this monster house
Mayor: staff made it clear, staff wants to go out and hear from public
Sokol: certainly our intent
Sop: why not do all of it, basements and everything?
Sokol: staff report in July said
FAR exempt; some other areas
report back to add'l issues; in keeping with report in July; all of these go forward as a package
Mayor: so what you're wishing for is &&&
Sop: xxx whole thing so we get it right [7:57]
ML: put up last slide? next? one more
to build on what Cclr Sop, don't believe want to go through twice, don't believe public
do they see any probs?
coupling with the Jun 18 report -- siting, form, and character
so we're looking at the entire gamut so not going through basement, accessory, only to change the rules again when comes to other issues
so impact on the cmnty
so cmnty can look at pkg as a totality instead of &&&; want to make sure that is what staff is intending
Sokol: it is indeed
MB: both ... and June 18
refer to the technical wkshops -- they don't actually summarize
how many did attend? what was the result of the mtgs with the bldg cmnty?
Bishop: I wasn't present at the Sept mtg but at May
roundtable, workshopped with ind professionals; how effective they wd be
sep table 5; a change wd have no moderate, ...; whether ..... impact, siting
MB: table is good, but were there any suggestions from the bldg cmnty?
Sokol: one of the shortfalls of the mtg was there was not a buy-in of the probs
makes it diff ... shd or cd landscape reqmts
MB: last forum; seemed to be somewhat agreed re solns
Sokol: disc at that mtg .... move forward on
NG: before my Qs
the current motion needs to be amended; all draft amendments be av for public comment
Sokol: the only thing being proposed is the FAR; others not
a full pkg of potential zoning amts [8:02] wd be more appropriate
Mayor: long list wanting to speak if time:??? after Ccl [speaks]
NG: one of my Qs, for many years not following our own zoning?
so how can &&&
Bishop: xxx; vision; preserving privacy, views
not a perfect science; that's what we're trying to do with our zoning bylaw
Sokol: why adjusting zoning? may be blunt; why not xxx guidelines [8:04]
WV cannot do that; can in Lower Caulfeild; some powers Vancouver and Victoria have
doing a DP process our hands are tied
NG: wrt landscaping in other reports sqft garage and retaining walls
don't see a lot re landscaping reqmts and I hear a lot of that in the cmnty
Bishop: we will look to integrating landscaping and design guidelines
can focus a lot of energy public ROWs and blvds
finding way to integrate public to private realm integrating
CC: lots of comments but will restrict until motion on the floor
staff going to in-depth consultations to talk about their perspective
Sokol said difficult when doesn't agree on the prob
we have many skilled professionals in this cmnty; shd be coming up with creative solns
probs caused by few buildings and [8:07] &&&
agree go ahead as one package; invite ccl and public; with bldg cmnty; v technical ways we can achieve our goals
make whatever decision we may but shd be from informed basis
Bishop: we'll engage with ev group, and will leverage expertise; all good info that can feed in
haven't been in a lot of sessions but told builders feel being talked to, not with &&&
as with other cclrs of course
Mayor: do like to hear public
Marque Thompson: design; working; multi-million dollar homes
{ah, yes; isn't he the one known for building some homes exceeding the maximum allowed in Lower Caulfeild?}
have done for 20 years; [8:10] appreciated being invited
things happen overnight; policies start getting written; before understanding implications
ppl v frightened; homes biggest investment
shd like to say, to try and become more involved
formed the WV Housing Assn
try to act as a funnel for a lot of indivs have small voices: construction and
Planning: one person saying once rather than 100 times
quite happy to run open houses to explain how current bylaws work; prepared to do this on our own
can create those open houses and wd like to get more involved; builders, forums
see that as a v good opp, cmnty can benefit -- planner
Mayor: always happy to tap into &&& [8:13]
Suzanne Stacey: PR director of new [WVHA]
stop the proposed bylaws and move fwd in a xxx way
it appears the Planning Dept
downzoning can evolve an ... [8:14] downzoning
greater benefit to public at large; harm to owner as a result of downzoning
Planning/who?: we have no [8:14]
downzoning will only benefit public at large
only those who want to freeze
shadowing from sunlight
downzoning loss to all; right taken away and expropriated
how much value go down without current max limits?
4 if preservationists; they have an existing ... buy adjoining prop
5 many bought on basis cd redevt; devp to current standard
if wanting to (explore?)
what benefit, what the preservers (?) stand to gain, and the non-preservationists
finally we have no industry
if redevt
NAME?: not a native speaker, David Lee 1105 Keith Rd
three years ago purchased a small home, dream some day I can build a new home [8:18]
based on current bylaw, current bylaw gives me some security, how much I can build protected by the law
the new proposed law removes rights and security; pls respect the legal rights of the homeowner
{A citizen clarifies: Perhaps the speaker is unfamiliar with Canadian law. The Supreme Court on multiple occasions has
confirmed zoning is NOT a right; Ccls are free to decrease density if deemed appropriate, without compensation.}
many homeowners -- downsize home and move to beach; maybe 20 years later
3 half a year ago traffic changed 3 papers; new 1 so not fully informed; older not computer, not fully informed
shd be a transition time; finally can we have a better service &&&; confusion
David Aber [sp?]: We appreciate the three minutes of time; many hv seen us so ...
Rapidly progress housing bulk, trees, and safety
in tears destruction [8:21] *****
new homes nearly double or triple the size
complexities, hard if complexity
almost ev ... ; expressed disgust
ev M [bylaws?] about trees on private prop -- how long will it take to make this change?
how long will it take?
fencing along the east prop line adjxxx; and the fence required us to constantly push staff
have two boys under three
seen after... with rocks finding their way onto our prop; and &&&, fence was not designed to protect sliding under fence
I have two small chn
as a leader I, we, personally call for the resignation.... Sokol -- do something about your bylaws!
Mayor: we're not here to beat on our staff; Sokol is not a miracle worker
rep; don't want to turn this into a witch hunt; respect
Gene HuiWong (sp?): stop the process of the bylaw changes
why investment, pay a lot of taxes
can't understand proposal to Ccl; this year garage, next year basement
xxx means -- our life quality; chn playground
secure our investment by law
second point -- chg proposal to
report Sept 1st cmnty dialogue 2006 - 8
100s participated
can those ppl ?
improve the transparency; law changes; process will be improved
[some applause]
Michael Lane: Pinetree Cr
bylaw and how it might affect coach houses in past year
50 - 60 ft, 1500 - 2500sf might fit on; don't think you'll be able to have one coach house, wd be extremely hard to fit
at this point not v well thought out, conceived
take all consultation prior to this time
Phil Kruger: LMS
bldg restriction; exceed those limits; permission violation; monster houses; variance and bylaw and
how changing the bylaws benefit the taxpayers of WV?
Brian Wood: 3751 Bayridge; I'm a custom-home builder; sent out letters to homeowners around; talking a lot with nbrs
am building substantial homes
get feedback prior to you guys going out; a greater issue of the size and the massing
many many new homes being built and many empty
cmnty no longer feeling communal; those houses are vacant
hv not heard that anywhere else
contradiction I find wrt massing and low grade &&&
want to pull us out of the ground and &&& on to
&&16sf and didn't want to max 4500 and wanted a basement; current blasting wd not allow here
reasonably you'd say following protocol, a cottage-like place; still not going to let you blast into that ground
contradiction into ground and [8:33]
Phil Garrel (sp?): stringent opposition to bylaw
wd appear from staff report Oct 2014; that the section 2.2; want to see specific
4.0 resp; reducing bldg bulk
workshops 2006 - 8; attended by ~200 ppl; ~6 ppl in M of 40K popn
tel survey of unknown numbers
v clear that there's been completely insuff consultation to proceed even with the initial
to xxx or process
while this mtg now to xxx everything; to next phase
did not attend the workshop or survey
many homes designed by ppl in this room
here for quality bespoke houses in style and form
don't support &&& [8:36]
form and character..... and still allow housing features
not from 60 years ago, a cottage retreat
{'tis true there were many summer cottages in WV; the last group replaced by around 1990}
call on you clearly articulate your stands on this issue; clearly want to know who and what we're voting for
Raven Floven (sp?): Pasco Rd
against bylaw; have no issue of housing bulk or size of houses built in WV
never spoke before [8:37]
bylaw to change this; urge you not to proceed
Kia: Bonnymuir Drive NOPE
NAME?: interesting mtg; beginning to think of forming a union
Sandra Heynemanns: second time
[house] monstrosity 17Ksf!
lived for 37 years; all well till a few years ago, came with &&&
sound meter, 7 decibels all day &&& on speed dial
with Ccl and staff, met with "we're sorry"
you can do to them a
don't have $75 ... suck it up
these homes take years to build; no tax relief, no &&&
I urge you to be an advocate for all of us
I need to be warned or informed what was going to happen
pre-survey came to door with permit that had bn approved months before
we shaped this cmnty over many years
reject strongly to xxx having it &&&
flip quick book &&&
esp when size understated
in compliance with the bylaws
must reform bylaws so that not &&& [8:47 GET THIS]
hand out
Teresa Garrow: xxx successful and thriving
do not need change bylaw; need more streamlined system
huge amts... sig... driver for economy... having dealt with xxx
direct your energies to what cmnty [wants]
Name?: beautiful cmnty; complementary and reflecting beauty
resident I wd be directly harmed by this bylaw
Lou: NO
Tom Hassan: here to oppose
to agree with the Kensington Issue
{the house causing controversy b/c 17Ksf}
lived in a 60yr surrounded by ???
shd be?? ... seen Evelyn and Grosvenor
shared in the Uplift changing zoning density
dramatically increase the value of real estate
do not agree with reduce by 600sf; lots are small and bigger impact
this does not do anything ht -- 28ft
unique spot; disagree can't make allowance for design
2800 ... traditional for
in 1990s was .45FAR
{not quite true; I was on Ccl and we reduced it from .45 to .35FAR in 1990 at latest}
look at new homes high pitched; xxx retain views; lower roof pitch; killed views for nbrs
given change affect over 3000' changes; proposed not fair
roof lines [8:47 &&&]
changes surfaced, surprised the cmnty
doing a little bit of research; asking why being brt forward; 65% wanted it
sample group taken six years ago; 575, hardly representative
much is not based ...
don't believe majority of ppl want small houses, decrease value; pension fund
sgl-fam homes may decrease; signif majority against the proposed changes
larger families that are living in WV; both parents work, have staff ... fact of life
those ppl; supporters of retain biz
not so attractive for affluent ppl to live here
by allowing this to go forward, uncertainty; ppl will stop and wait to see what's happening
Ron Osterman: Mathers Ave
disagree w/ the changes going fwd, ... ; applaud the process; esp after watching the news and &&&
this bylaw revision as others proposed, not complete eg garage exemption and outbuilding exemption being disqualified
said earlier, true, if small lot w/ small house of 2500sf, and take away 640sf for a garage and outbuildings, that leaves a very very small house for someone to live in
{One citizen commented to me: how seriously can we take that comment? 1,900sf is a very very small house? According to the Cdn Home Builders' Assn, in 2013 [stats the researcher found], the average Cdn home was 2Ksf. If the average is 2,000, it is not credible to call 1,900 very very small. [see more stats in INFObits]}
trying to address the 'bulking' issue w/ the large lots, it has v little impact on those; this is just; one example of a flawed process. It shd be more complete before it comes to Ccl so Ccl can more accurately vote and give to public for review
This is one of many revisions. Someone mentioned trees and safety -- everybody has own stories to tell
Since I've lived in WV I've had five large trees fall on either my house or my truck ...
concerned about trees, even hired an arborist to check, report said trees safe, but within two years, five of them fell down.
All my responsibility to pay for; no help financially or physically to deal with those trees, even not my trees, my problem
tall trees and houses don't go hand in hand
there's a lot of other issues w/ more input from professionals and the bldg cmnty as mentioned before and that's what I support, not new changes going fwd tonight. Thank you
Mayor: Mr Terani (sp?) from Westhill Drive, followed by John Manson
Mr Terani doesn't seem to be here. John Manson? doesn't seem to be here. Anyone else? Sir? And I see Carolanne Reynolds back there.
RH: My name is Reza Hadavi (sp?); I'm from HomeLine Projects, living in NV
bn working in WV for 25 years, built custom homes
this bylaw is penalizing those homeowners w/ a small lot b/c you tell them find money to find bigger lot -- $20K for monster house
question for me, why the legalization to have legal suite and voted for that -- don't know what was behind that bylaw, but b/c of shortage of rental... this contradict w/ that one
other thing -- I've built a house 9Ksf, think huge, but ten ppl living in this bldg; two top floors and four families; bring family values together...
{hm. Put four families together to be able to afford to buy a house in WV??? like tenements?}
thinking about bigger picture, this kind of attitude everything have to be small, meagre, -- this is something in future we will have a problem ... Look at Marine Drive, other cmnties building and progressing that way; find a way as a whole, not small detail, cutting 400sf garage or 200sf accessory doesn't solve the problem.
more consult; find a way ev will be happy
Carolanne Reynolds: Editor of WVM. Wasn't going to speak but a couple of, one thing, I want to check, and a suggestion I hope. The FAR going down from .45 to .35 was done around 1989. I was on Ccl then, we were all v proud of it, we were complimented for it, it was what ppl wanted and were glad.
Obviously the situation has changed since then. Even at that time, in the '90s, I suggested that ea nbrhd get together and draw up their nbrhd character so that they get what they want in their nbrhd.
We all know one size doesn't fit all. We all want different things. Now, the way to address that -- I have one suggestion -- and that is, that we, if you are of a group that wants really large houses on small lots, cuz I really think the question is not whether it's a large house or a small house, it's a question of proportion.
One of the things -- I went to a heritage conference -- and one of the things that West Vancouverites put down, wch is exceptional the consultant said, compared with other Ms, is that ppl here value their park-like characteristic of WV. So I think it needs a lot of study but I think you cd find one place where they don't want any trees, okay, you live there. There's another place where you want huge houses on small lots, okay, you live there.
But if what the ppl want -- you can't say you can't have these things, but we shdn't force everybody to either be all small or all big. So I think what you're going to have to do is to find different areas with the characteristics that the ppl who live there want to have -- cuz right now we hv ppl who want large houses living beside ppl who want small houses, and vice versa. That's not the way you want to get along in a cmnty.
You want to address the needs and the wishes of everybody, but it doesn't mean we have to sit right next to something we don't like. It does mean it will take a lot of work, and as I said, since the '90s I've been asking nbrhds to draw up their character guidelines for their nbrhd, and only a few have. It takes work. If you're going to be involved in your cmnty, it takes time, it takes work. You draw up your guidelines, then maybe come to Ccl and say this is what we want for this part, and this is what we want for this part. We can all get along but we shdn't force one side on the other.
So, it does take a lot of work and consultation and cooperation, but I hope we come up with something that ppl are working together, respecting ea other's values and characteristics, and not fighting about it.
So good luck. Thank you.
Mayor: thank you
Chinese name (Bill Lu) (?), favouring larger houses: xxx; when rain, no place to play
two - three generations [live in house]
right now law is v good, don't need a change
grass need keeping
why reduce?
b/c we want to keep &&&
Norm Jamieson: 12th & Jefferson
6Ksf lot, 2Ksf house; lived here for ten years
want to build a laneway house; parents and help kids
if bylaw goes through I can't build a laneway house on my little lot
can't build an 800sf lot
want to keep character; stay in WV; sustainable; south side great lot
Bill Chapman: stuck in the back and cdn't get up to sign up
our firm [has surveyed] over half the lots in WV
{yes, the company has records from before DWV's!}
attended the mtgs
the discussion tonight suggests to me garage/accessory has failed the test of clarity
[9:05] not bylaw and use option 3
one area of concern -- RS1 to RS10
est a minimum 2551sf min provided the size of the lot is 5102 and 7287 sf
Ccl has said a small 2551 and xxx garage and acc
you're not saying can build 2111 down to 1870sf
30 years later decided we can live in 1800sf
need xxx before going fwd
current only deals with garages and accessory buildings; majority of lots under 5700 ft and no effect on over 16K sf
Kensington has agreed to build 150sf {?check tape} so this has no effect on that house
garage [9:07]
xxx?: Duncan; family-owned devt company
what I did want to address, doc prepared by Planning Dept; some things missing
worked for bit
no mention of justification wrt driver behind; pictures were biased; shot from pebble shooting up
engagement model
what's the impact to xxx to the cmnty; whether positive or negative
didn't see mention of property dropping; didn't see ... shocking to me ...
Mark Burroughs: 1200
not clear; impact way more drastic; no longer a fishing village
{hm? WV never was a fishing village!}
long-term residents &&&; deterring from living here
massive high-end retailers investing; WV contemporary and &&&
do not deter creativity and diversity; xxx; shd be looking forward, not back
when LGB homes diff ... Hollingsworth, Poskitt
to create homes bigger; we celebrate diversity; multiple xxx ... limiting the size of the homes
all building diff, maybe similar in size, can look diff
not form and character a xxx ways; homes going up with lack of consideration to nbrs
bldg site practices rather than limiting size of homes
one particular family has suffered
Yaksue (sp?): worked my way back to WV; my experience is in real estate
a lot of homes non-conforming; effect if want to rebuild
shd be discussed
Sokol: ?
Mayor: excuse me, one final speaker
Man: 2567 xxx
I'm not a builder; father to three kids; like quality of my life and want for kids
don't affect quality of
Mayor: from what we've heard a lot of consultation
Sokol: I'll give it a shot; consultation -- siting form and character
Mayor: exhaustive
Sop: exhaustive process with public mtgs
Sokol: we do not have a fully defined
interested parties, perhaps a WG, or some other body for staff to work with; larger public engagement
Sop: complete pic for site form and character
{checked with Planning; the terms used are: siting, form, and character.}
Sokol: full spectrum -- broad array of diff options
Mayor: broad
Sop: hope so; display of non-content
get verification of what we shd look like; direction we shd go in [9:18]
CC: include consult with bldg ind
Sokol: yes
CC: give and take -- so not first reading?
Sokol: never
Ccl says first reading
Sokol: that was No 2
CC: while there must be exceptional situ
careful proposing any changes in this area; concerned about unintended consequences
addresses one probl but &&&
&&& objectives; ... what we do xxx
hammer, relatively slow nail
process so we can find out what we do or do not, can't agree on
ML: the whole intention this evening was to begin
caused a lot of confusion; a lot of angst; absolutely inapprop
hope ev understands this is the beginning of the process
broad thoughtful cmnty input; no feeling of broad &&&; inconsistent &&&&
PH at some time; must main [9:21]
not going to let the cmnty down this time nor are we tonight
go home assured, this is a beginning; you'll be listened to and assessed
[applause [9:22]]
TP: on Ccl for six years and accused of not being on top of it; accused of
the Housing Dialogue was incredibly robust
in fact given a prov award for the work they did
we constantly hear we're losing our character of the nbrhds
my concern is that timing is of the instance {essence?}; this was a great first step
go out to the cmnty, the devt cmnty; to find out what the effect; how will affect sgl-fam devt in the cmnty
we're all citizens, tax but first and foremost all citizens; cmnties that are respectful of ea other
not at the core
what we must come up with is FIT -- how does this fit in our nbrhd?
acre-lot and then city lot in Amb and Dund
something that has been an issue for decades; gotta get on it
for sure the extreme, but we've got xxx
not looking at coach houses quite diff; making it broader
goes on and on and on and defer making decisions we have to make
haven't made it for 30 years and it is difficult
just basements; not changing just basements
not [9:25]
take a great big deep breath
MB: topographically diverse cmnty; flat steep
responded; reject that's no problem
nbhd infractions, sensitivity to nbrs
I wd like to see full consultation on this
specific issues
not sure this went to privacy signing
[GET LIST 9:27]
maybe shd be encouraging basements; make lower -- doing that in London
I'm seeing houses not respecting the height and ... I challenge you to roll up
3538 Kensington something went wrong
a family whose life basically has been ruined; bad facts make bad law
not suggesting point to Trents; tells me a problem
maintain values by xxx not devalue houses in the nbrhd
{good point; some complaining lowers the value of their house if not allowed to build a large one but appear to be completely oblivious and dismissive that a monster/disproportionate house lowers the value of adjacent homes and the quality of the nbrhd. Self-centred?}
consultation go forward with &&&
*&&&& getting
other jurisdictions; Delta, Kelowna, etc
this is a serious issue, imminent and do need to respond to it [9:29]
NG: sure feel this is a thankless job tonight and some of our staff feel the same way
at this for a long time, longer than I've been on Ccl
the cowardly and shameful flyer that went around motivating you
galvanized so a good start 95% not seen
engaged to ... like Trish, moving forward &&&
new constr, terrain, streetscape, and xxx
a lot of new bldgs I see in WV don't meet those... not] compatible with existing nbrhds
need to move fwd asap with these proposed zoning changes; don't think we shd be afraid to do it
feedback and get there &&&
Mayor: never the intention of anyone on Ccl to devalue
WV move smartly
heard some suggestion tonight roof lines, blasting
exactly why I think we want to go through this process; to make sure WV
first place
rural nature close to city
now over to staff; make sure canvass ev in cmnty
bldg and architecture in xxx; valuable ... maybe no change ... make the new homes a better product than we've seen how
maybe 90% of houses going in -- nice house it intxxx
we do have some builders who don't give a fig what thing looks like
maintain xxx and character
{[9:34] three-min recess -- MOST LEFT }
MOTION: THAT draft Zoning Amendment Bylaw ... 2014 be made available for public review and comment.
8. Proposed 2015 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4808, 2014 (File: 1610-20-4808)
{Sop left b/c of conflict}
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the October 6, 2014 regular Council meeting.
ADOPTED [9:39]
9. Proposed Zoning ..., 2010, Amdmt Bylaw..., 2014 (re 959 21st and 2151 Gordon, Kiwanis Seniors Housing Society of WV, proposed amdmt to CD5 Zone to correct maximum permitted Floor Area Ratio and site coverage for Area 2 of the Kiwanis site) (File: 1610-20-4791)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Sept 8 reg Ccl mtg, was the subj of a PH held and closed on Oct 6, and rec'd second and third reading at the Oct 6, reg Ccl mtg. As the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw.
10. Proposed Zoning ..., 2010, Amdmt Bylaw..., 2014 (housekeeping amdmts; general amdmts to the Zoning Bylaw that are not related to housing bulk, are technical in nature, and that do not propose any new policy directions)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Sept15, reg Ccl mtg and Ccl scheduled a PH re the proposed bylaw to be held on Oct 20. If the Oct 20 PH has closed the proposed bylaw may be considered for second and third reading at the Oct 20 reg Ccl mtg. If the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions re the proposed bylaw.
READ a second time. READ a third time. PASSED
11. Consent Agenda Items
Item 11.1 WV Secondary School Track and Artificial Turf Field Project Update; and
Item 11.2 Correspondence List.
CC: pull 11.1
11.1. West Vancouver Secondary School Track and ArtificialTurf Field Project Update (File: 0180-02)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the report dated Sept 26, from the Sr Mgr of Parks, be rec'd for information.
11.2. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to September 26, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) September 24, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction Glenmore Park
(Referred to Director of Parks and CommunityServices for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) Avalon Recovery Society, August 27, 2014, regarding Appreciation for Donation
(3) September 10, 2014, regarding Hollyburn Mews in the News
(4) Federation of Cdn Ms (FCM), Sept 15, re Apprecn for Support of FCM's Campaign, Fixing Canada's Housing Crunch
(5) Melanoma Network of Canada, Sept 19, re Come see us at the beach! (MelanomaWalk for Awareness, Sept 28)
(6) September 23, 2014, regarding Rentals Complaint about Adjacent Property
(7) Lookout Emerg Aid Society, Sept 24, re Lookout's H'Arts for the Homeless Benefit - Invite and Exhibit announcement!
(8) September 24, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction
(9) Table Matters, Sept 24, 2014, re Table Matters 2014 Dialogue and Dinner: Let's Talk Food Waste Recovery
(10) 2 submissions, Sept 24 25, re Collingwood School Construction - Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4808, 2014
> Council Correspondence Update to October 3, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) September 29, 2014, regarding Delivery Trucks Double Parking in Dundarave
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations, and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(2) M. Slater, September 29, 2014, regarding Fwd: Stop Work Request re: Keith Road Widening.
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) Petition with 19 signatures, October 1, 2014, regarding Traffic Calming Measures on Sunset Lane
(Referred to Director ofEngineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Memorial Library Board July 16 and August 20, 2014
(5) 2 submissions, Sept 3 Oct 3, 2014, re Woodfibre LNG Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(6) 2 submissions, Sept 24, 2014, re Collingwood School Construction - Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No.4808, 2014
(7) September 25, 2014, regarding Dog Waste Bags
(8) September 27, 2014, regarding ?Tree Bylaw?
(9) 8 submissions, September 28 - 30, 2014, regarding Proposed Building Bylaws
(10) 2 submissions, Sept 29, re Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-004 for 1583 Marine (Shoppers Drug Mart)
(Referred to October 6, 2014 Council meeting)
(11) 2 submissions, October 1, 2014, regarding Wireless Smart Meters
(12) 2 submissions, October 1 - 2, 2014, regarding Keith Road Widening
(13) October 1, 2014, regarding West Vancouver puts brakes on Cedardale bike route
(14) October 1, 2014, regarding Tellco Europe Solar LED Street Lights
(15) HUB: Your Cycling Connection, October 2, 2014, regarding Fall Bike to Work Week
(16) Table Matters, Oct 2, re Table Matters 2014 Dialogue and Dinner More Seats Available (October 8, 2014)
Responses to Correspondence
(17) Engineering Outreach Coordinator, September 26, 2014, response regarding The Province article re: rats
> Council Correspondence Update to October 7, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Dave Simmons Design Service, October 3, 2014, regarding Building Dept new requirement
(Referred toDirector of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Oct 5, re CBC Vancouver reports that a 71-year old pedestrian struck and killed by cyclist while crossing Stanley Park Drive at 4pm Oct 3, 2014
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) L. Evanshen, October 7, 2014, regarding Waterfront cultural center.
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer forconsideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) 3 submissions, Sept 28 Oct 5, re Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-004 for 1583 Marine Drive(Shoppers Drug Mart) (Previously received at October 6, 2014 Council meeting)
(5) Official Opposition, Legislative Assembly of BC, Oct 2, 2014, re 2014 Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Convention
(6) October 4, 2014, regarding Road widening of Keith road.
(7) October 4, 2014, regarding Renewable Gas from Wastewater Treatment Plant [Fuelling] UK Homes
(8) October 4, 2014, regarding New 2nd Narrows bridge lights ARE LED:
(9) Strata Council LMS 532, October 4, 2014, regarding Utilities Department Response to Water Leak
(10) October 6, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction - Glenmore Park
(11) October 7, 2014, regarding Collingwood School Construction - Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4808, 2014
Responses to Correspondence
(12) Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services, September 26, 2014, response re Long boarders on westhill drive
(13) Director of Parks and Community Services, Oct 6, response regarding West Vancouver needs a tree-cutting bylaw!
(14) Director of Parks and Community Services, October 6, 2014, response regarding Tree Bylaw
(15) Director of Parks and Community Services, October 6, 2014, response regarding Glenmore Park
(16) Dir/Parks and Community Services, Oct 6, 2014, response re Collingwood School Construction - Glenmore Park
(17) Director of Parks and Cmnty Services, Oct 6, 2014, response re Collingwood School Construction - Glenmore Park
(18) Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, October 7, 2014, response to L. Evanshen, Waterfront cultural center.
(19) Acting Mgr of Roads and Transportation, October 7, 2014, response regarding Traffic Calming Clyde & 12th-13th.
CC: 11.1 of interest to large sections of the cmnty, sports groups
Ms Mooi, provide us with more info esp wrt time line
AM: Apr 7 report resolve to work with WVSS and stakeholders
Andrew Banks here to explain what achieved and next steps
AB: things happened, started to pick up
WVFdn participated Soccer Field and Track harriers, others
complexity of this proj; scope; phasing; next steps, long-term strategy; model for const proj mgmt
xxx goal to come home with a report
timeline -- plan mtgs ev few wks, hv ev on board as we proceed; when finalized? can't say
CC: going to press, you must have some sense; proj with no timeline doesn't get done
proj scope defined going to consult and when public get a chance to see
Mayor: in a perfect world, when proj to come to fruition -- to Ccl early 2015
main part of proj, fundraising early 2015
consult further with the cmnty; anticipate this year or early next
{re letter on amalgamation}
MB: I pulled that one; report sent to our Ccl (from NV)
ask Ms Leemhuis clarify what she knows; some of our citizens were on the cmte
NL: DNV has taken the lead/or initiative, on this particular topic and there's a framework; framework of questions
further down path discussing amalgamation
lead DNV, cmte formed at their behest
whether or not goes any further ... ; anticipating by Jan/Feb be able to report back to Ccl
MB: at this pt
NL: we have no info xxx
Mayor: this is nothing to do with us
had lunch with Walton today and said we have no interest; they know no interest in unifying with NV
MB: thank Your Worship in case went into media [9:48]
MB: Min of Transp seeking a mtg with us; meet with all local govts by Nov 7
interesting all M govts quite busy right now campaigning
NL: engaged when we'll meet
Sop: sent a letter to you and Ms L
a request from Ani.... lawyer for Howe Sound Society
fyi had discovered [9:49] emptying
subject be reconsidered
designated process
marine facilities including marine shipping; public be given opp to xxx to enable their meaningful participation
we're concerned? about having a
Sop: so will be a staff report?
NL: yes
13. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
ML: WVHS; know hard to believe, book; great thing; {launching} Nov 3
Mayor: that book will be here. Carolanne Reynolds will be happy to sell you a book at the end of the mtg
TP: 50% of our food goes into the trash
next phase of the xxx Food Charter
metro utilities, my last report -- biz plan for water services
Metro V contributes to our quality of life
2.4m -- 3 water -- 60K ha -- list....
1.7% in 2015; $3 impact to av household
my thx to Mayor Smith for his putting me on this cmte
provide a letter from our Min of Env
always kept
Spent Fri at the Howe Sound Forum, productive
Sop and Gamb; well-attended well thought out for entire
Mayor: you'll be v much missed on that utilities cmte
Sop: good bye to ... Little ... work plan for 2015
a process and always ongoing; amazing how much work for one day
Mayor: Metro Zero-Waste Cmte
prov govt rejected bylaw 280, major garbage, handling garbage in region
prop amt of cycling took place
Min Polak?
puts entire waste disposal system back to square one; interest to see in 2 wks, draconian
garbage rates will have to go up; recycling efforts, green cans and ev else; that goes back to square one
example of prov sticking nose into xxx and now garbage
NG: all seven of us helped with a fundraising at the Srs' Ctr
fashion show; invited to model through seasons
in spite of Mayor rushed through his modelling career, Sop relished; xxx was great fun
once in a while we get something fun to do
14. Public Questions/Comments
{from gallery: I have something to ask}
Luke X: three minutes
what needed administratively; various things; not treated with the seriousness I deserve
xxxx delegations ... expedite the xxx; level of serious
Mayor: Delegation for what?
Luke X: to address in middle of mtg had to WRITE; xxx expedite process xxx
whatever in order for me to schedule {to speak} at middle of mtg
Mayor: if cmnty group, write to M&Ccl
X: do it now
didn't receive any kind of {reply}; sent emails, lots to ev; over sev
other than Brent Leigh respect highly civility
Mayor: need to know what to discuss
X: can tell you xxx relationship xxx Corp of WV it will go into infinitum
Mayor: debate's over
X: so I can't be treated seriously
Mayor: last ... out of time; write, if it meets consideration for
15. Adjournment [10:02]
===== CCL MTG NOTES October 27th =====
This mtg was the 2014 Cmnty Awards Presentation. Cclr Panz absent. This has the script read out for each recipient.
Watch the video: http://westvancouverbc.swagit.com/play/10272014-992 to hear their acceptance comments.
A reception followed in the lobby celebrating these special citizens.
2014 Community Awards -- Recipient Bios
NB: The order of the bios is the same order the PowerPoint will display information about the award winner. Each Councillor will present an award. PowerPoint will display in following order: 1) one photo of winner 2) one text slide about recipient 3) one photo collage of accomplishments
Jill McRae Arts [Presenter: Mayor Smith]
For over 20 years, Jill McRae has been dedicated to fostering community support for visual arts in West Vancouver.
As a practising artist, she realized the realities of finding venues for emerging and established artists in our community and the importance of community support for the arts. As chairperson of the Ferry Building Gallery Friends Society, Jill helped raise $48,000 for special projects at the Ferry Building Gallery. She also founded the Ferry Building Gallery Friends Society Endowment Fund.
Making several presentations to Council with various proposals to support visual arts facilities in West Vancouver, Jill has demonstrated passion and dedication to the arts in our community.
Your commitment to the arts in West Vancouver is great appreciated.
Congratulations Jill!4
Andy Krawczyk Civic Commitment [Presenter: Mayor Smith]
A long time resident of West Vancouver, Andy Krawczyk has served as a member of a number of working groups and committees including the Community Grants Working group, co-chaired the Neighbourhood Character, and housing working group, chaired the Youth Services Review Implementation Group. He has also served as Vice Chair of the West Vancouver Community Services Society, and is currently the co-chair of the Upper Lands Working Group.
Andy is extremely committed to the bettering of our community and invests countless hours volunteering his time, while also continuing to pursue a highly active international consulting business.
Colin Millar Civic Commitment [Presenter: Councillor Booth]
Colin was born and raised in West Vancouver. He and his wife, Carolyn, raised their family here. The Millar family has a long involvement with soccer in West Vancouver. His uncle, Keith, was instrumental in starting womens soccer on the North Shore. His son, Daniel, coaches for the West Vancouver Soccer Club.
Colin has been an active member of the WV Soccer Club for the last 25 years and has just recently retired from his position as the Clubs Vice President.
Beginning as a childrens soccer coach in the late 1980s, Colin continued to coach the orphan teams -- teams that could not find a volunteer coach, until this year.
Always open to a challenge, with a willful spirit, Colin was instrumental in developing the Clubs vision and its incorporation as a Society. Being an attorney, Colin oversaw many of the legal aspects of the WV Soccer Club.
Committed to helping young athletes and their families benefit from the spirit of team sports, we are proud to congratulate Colin with this award.
Congratulations, Colin!
Nicole Brown Civic Commitment [Presenter: Councillor Gambioli]
With a strong commitment to her community, Nicole Brown has contributed her volunteer time in our public library, schools, and minor sports programs.
Nicole began as a Trustee of the West Vancouver Memorial Library Board in 2004 and four years later Nicole moved to the fundraising arm of the library serving as Director and ultimately Chair of the Foundation. She led all four major fundraisers from 2008 to 2012 that helped to support many of the extras that make our library so special. Over $1 million has been donated to the library from the Foundation in the past 5 years that has helped fund the new teen space Room 14", early reading programs, BOOKtopia Childrens Literature Festival, and more.
Nicole has also been active in our public schools as the Parent Advisory Council Chair for the past two years at Pauline Johnson Elementary School and is also a member of the District PAC's executive team.
In her spare time, she has been the team manager for youth hockey in West Vancouver for six years, both on the field and on the ice.
With her unceasing energy and good humour, Nicole dedicates her time to bettering our community.
Congratulations, Nicole!
Jim Torry Environment [Presenter: Councillor Cameron]
Jim Torry has been involved with environmental protection for many years, and has played an integral role in many community initiatives.
Jim is [a] past director of the West Vancouver Streamkeeper Society, and also helped initiate the Spawner Salmon Survey program with students from West Vancouver Secondary Schools Environmental Protection Network.
Jim spent numerous volunteer hours as Creek Coordinator for McDonald Creek. He also established the Pipe Cleaning Team that keeps the intake pipes in the Creeks rearing ponds at Hay and Memorial Parks, flowing free and clear for their year-round residents -- juvenile coho salmon and cut-throat trout.
He has been involved in many public awareness programs if you see a yellow fish painted alongside storm drains, or a metal sign outlining salmon and trout habitats think of Jim!
Thank you for your commitment to our community over the many years youve devoted to awareness and environment of our trout- and salmon-spawning creeks and streams.
Congratulations, Jim!
Mike Castle Environment [Presenter: Councillor Soprovich]
Mike Castle has been the leader and key person involved with producing the new Hiking Map for Cypress Provincial Park. His work with the Friends of Cypress, BC Parks, and Cypress Mountain has produced an outstanding map of Cypress Park.
A retired civil engineer, Mike became coordinator of the Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Societys Trail Watch program in 2009, and in 2010 served as project manager for the new map project.
Funded jointly by BC Parks, Cypress Mountain, and the Friends of Cypress, 10,000 copies were printed in 2013 with a second edition of 30,000 more to be distributed this fall.
Our community has [benefited] greatly from Mikes tremendous dedication, skill, and countless volunteer hours in production of this professional quality and useful community map.
Thank you, Mike, and congratulations!
Poran Poregbal Health, Wellness, & Activity [Presenter: Councillor Lewis]
Poran Poregbal is a clinical counsellor and social worker who started her volunteer work in West Vancouver as a volunteer for five years within the Victim Services division at the West Vancouver Police Department.
Poran has also gained accreditation as a Child Abuse/Relationship Abuse Prevention Worker through Canadian Red Cross.
In 2006, Poran established her non-profit agency G.V. Counselling and Education Society for Families. The agency is serving both North and West Vancouver with a focus on Farsi-speaking communities. This agency came to be a space and forum for community work, counselling, and psycho-education.
In 2014, Poran also facilitated a six-week program called Demystified Iran at Capilano Universitys Elder College in West Vancouver. Poran led this educational cultural program as a volunteer.
Thank you, Poran, for your work in our community!
RCM SAR Station 1 Health, Wellness, & Activity [Presenter: Councillor Booth]
The Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue is made up of a team of dedicated men and women donating an extraordinary amount of time and effort to providing life saving rescue services one the waters of Howe Sound and English Bay.
In 2013, the RCM SAR Station 1 was tasked by the Joint Rescue Centre in Victoria to 79 rescue missions at all hours of the day and night, in some of the worst of weather.
The 35 active volunteers ensure the boat has a crew available 24/7 and maintain an average response time of just 14 minutes from the Horseshoe Bay station.
The crews are involved in every aspect of providing volunteer service including fundraising, boating safety, equipment maintenance, technical and first aid courses, endless training, and hours on the water. Hundreds of hours of unpaid service with a clear goal, saving lives on the water.
With the help of financial support from within the community, the RCM SAR Station 1 can continue the valuable work they do.
Tim Mason Health, Wellness, & Activity [Presenter: Councillor Cameron]
Tim Mason is the President of the West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club and has been a member for ten years. He is a Canadian Champion and part of the National Team, most recently he represent Canada at the Commonwealth Games this past summer. Tim works tirelessly to share this facility with the community and has brought both National and Provincial Championships to West Vancouver.
Tim has created a school program called iLawnBowl Roll with it a BC Provincial funded program by ViaSport. For the past seven years he has hosted his own Charity tournament which raises funds for [under-privileged] kids to attend YMCA Camp Elphinstone. Other charities include Canuck Place and the Cancer Society. He has worked with local organizations like the Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts to try the Sport.
His collaboration with local businesses and community groups has helped a number of charity events take place at the West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club, including the BC Sick Kids Hospital and hosting this [year's] 1st Annual Mayor's tournament with the West Vancouver Foundation, at the same time creating a great atmosphere for the 200+ club members, with ages that range from eight to 95 years old.
For all your hard work and continued efforts to helping others, we congratulate you, Tim.
Penny Mitchell Heritage [Presenter: Councillor Gambioli]
For ten years, Penny Mitchell has volunteered and supported the West Vancouver Museums annual fundraiser the West Coast Modern Home Tour.
This annual event requires countless hours of volunteer work which Penny does year after year. Her love for local architecture and heritage is what drives her passion to support this loved community event and the West Vancouver Museum, a keystone arts venue in our community.
Penny also works to raise funds for Museum exhibitions and programs. Working as a full-time realtor on the North Shore, Penny also volunteers her time at the Kay Meek Centre for Performing Arts and other charitable events.
Your decade long commitment to sharing the history of West Vancouver with the community is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Penny, and congratulations!
===== CCL MTG NOTES November 3rd =====
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if held in public.
Purpose of meeting: committee membership, proposed provision of a municipal service, and land matters.
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: announce apptmts to two cmtes:
James Carruthers, Don Vaughan, Norma Young, Cori Creed, Tizvar Soussan, and David Morton have been appointed to the Public Art Advisory Committee for a two year term;
{Note: Cori Creed, an artist, is the spouse of Ccl Cameron}
Maciej Sobczyk; Peter Scholefield; Jennie Moore, Freda Pagani, David VanSeters, Tara Stafford, Rick Amantea, and Charlotte McLaughlin have been appointed to the Community Energy and Emissions Plan Working Group.
2. Approval of Agenda
Amended by:
withdrawing from Item 3 the October 20, 2014 special and regular Council minutes;
adding to Item 3 the Oct 20, 2014 PH minutes and the Summary of the Oct 20, Public Hearing re Proposed Zoning ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 (housekeeping amdmts; general amdmts to the Zoning Bylaw that are not related to housing bulk, are technical in nature, and that do not propose any new policy directions);
adding to Item 11.2 the report regarding Community Grants Committee Proposed Amendments to Terms of Reference;
3. Adoption of Minutes
Meeting minutes and public hearing summary report to be provided.
1. the minutes of the Oct 20, sp and reg Ccl mtgs and public hearing be adopted as circulated; and
2. the Summary of the October 20, 2014 Public Hearing regarding Proposed Zoning {as described above}
{some discussion/debate over a change/amendment to the minutes}
Mayor: sensible to leave
TABLED [7:11]
4. Royal Canadian Legion West Vancouver Branch, re Veterans' Week and Remembrance Day
Mayor: Don Sinclair
DS: may I sit down?
paper an address
corona; irish Scottish tribute to the dead
full parade ... Vimy ... hoping to
{Sorry, folks, I listened intently, not typing v much, I've asked for a copy of his (v good) remarks}
NG: lots; bought my fifth {poppy} b/c can't seem to keep them on
Mayor: see you next Tues
SOMEONE: Saturday
Mayor: Saturday, my walkabout
MOTION: THAT the delegation be received for information, with thanks. [7:24]
5. North Shore Safety Council, regarding Update on Society Activities (File: 0055-20-NSSC1)
X: thank you for support, a long-standing institution
SLIDE with 60 years
foul night tonight, my other board mbrs decided not to travel tonight
I'd thought 2014 was the 60th anniversary of the Safety Ccl
when I dug into my archives in my basement, started actually 1952 and incorporated 1954
so can have banner: over 60 years
Charitable status in 1992
safety awareness; work with xxx and through local services and agencies
safety in general, educational services; advise
Goals SLIDE [7:27]
active alternate transportation; want to see more ppl walking
yes, more youth on longboards where approp and legal as a legitimate
increase in ride-sharing
see traffic volume and speed reduced a few ways of doing that: engg, enforcement
think need some enticement sometimes... ; hard to tell what comes first; naturally, slow traffic down
Funding: CNV $1500 DNV $3K DWV $1500 Gaming $46K Presentation $5K
NSh Safety Ccl's Emerg -- recognized more than the green cross ... Safety Super Heroes
hold mtgs at noon so agencies and your staff can attend
usu a guest speaker; invite the PACs; first fall supper xxx on Oct 29
greater danger of injury unless know about risk
RCMP ICBC VCH devpd a guide, how to bring safety education to their school
thank you again [7:34]
MOTION: received for information, with thanks.
MB: thank you for coming; safety near and dear to my heart; gave my family xxx armbands last Christmas and didn't have??? same reaction
Speak to Ms Mooi when at UBCM requested a mtg with MIn of Educ
decision to raise speed limits in BC and on the S2S Hwy
a number of gains, even the trucking; share their answer: still not justifiable?
there were ppl driving slowly on the hwy, caused more of a risk than too fast
so raising the speed limit is going to make ppl go faster
xxx still don't see it
NG: like the approach you're presenting; confess did not know; xxx assumed funded by ICBC
ppl and chn walking; cars; don't know if that's clear
not actually funded by ICBC but advising
wrt enforcing the school low speed zones, also the routes to school
working with ICBC on routes to school; park further away and walking the chn to school ...
ideally to stop the panic of parents speeding up to schools double-parking, getting mad at you b/c stopping in no-stopping zones
another way of working with ICBC is public education materials
NG: your objects nicely without xxx; are you working with our engrs and xxx?
ANS: v much xxx Willoughby attends, great advice
did attend the long-boarding seminar
MB moved motion, then: thx for your good work
have to say, it's a sad day for me; Cclr Panz last mtg, not able to attend Nov 24
many years, 'retiring'; take a few minutes reflecting; with Ccl's indulgence
TP: my last speech in this room
arrived with strong; wanted to jump in but too much to learn
colleagues diff ... small tax increase
Nope [7:45]
always intended to be a two-term cclr
climate change [7:48]
{listened captivated and after the mtg requested a copy -- Trish said she'd send it so when I get it, will put in WVM}
Mayor: monetary value
some flowers for you
this poster -- shots of old growth forest and Whyte Lake trail; display xxx for many years to come
TP: may not have a monetary value; this is xxx capital
Liz Byrd: you've contributed so much; attended xxx; presence often seen at arts events
fulfilled some of your dreams; so much; engraved in our souls
your xxx and determination created Whyte Lake Park; grateful forever
thank you for all your time and efforts [7:51]
6. Cumulative Effects Assessment for Howe Sound (File: 0055-20-HSCF1)
Brent Leigh: attended Howe Sound Forum
carrying capacity of HSnd; this motion is to consider the prov's offer to engage the HSnd Forum in the xxx
won't look at immediate applicn sub xxx HSnd
SqNa said they'd be doing their own study; positive collaboration all round
[7:53] Sop: as a xxx accepts the offer... MOTION:
1. As a mbr of the Howe Sound Cmnty Forum (HSCF), WV accepts the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource's offer to conduct a Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) for Howe Sound, within the BC CEA Framework but tailored to the Howe Sound area, with assessment work commencing in early 2015.
2. Further, that Council continue its commitment to the HSCF and its ongoing contributions towards achieving comprehensive land and marine planning for Howe Sound over 2014-2018.
Sop: Cclrs Panz, Gamb, and I
started with a webinar; scratched our heads wondering what xxx to do
Minister was asked land resources; spoke negatively but then positively, a cumulative effect
this won't be finished for two years
we know what's going to happen in the not-too-distant future, however...
we absolutely stand behind the recovery; playground and marine life recovering
and critical to anything detrimental to that
projs in HSnd take serious note the public shd be heavily involved in xxx
we're supporting other cmnties in HSnd
ML: BC's is a v serious xxx; Sop correct, v xxx project
makes a lot of sense to go forward with
TP: this is an essential piece of work
long; don't have any info; whoever's sitting here... long-term view
irrespective ... essential work ... around whose xxxx table
WV is in a v gd position to champion this
commit to the HSnd Forum in the future [7:57]
7. Proposed OCP ... 2004, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 (Regional Context Statement) (RCS) (File: 1610-20-4797)
NOTE: Each reading of an OCP bylaw must receive an affirmative vote of a majority of all Ccl mbrs (4) in order to proceed (LGA 882).
Sokol: before staff
Staff have discovered a minor mapping error; contained portion of old growth xxxx; changed
wd be designated as conservation and recreation
this map passing out now is the correct one to be with the RGS
one add'l recomm saying wd replace the map
SM, Claudia, and Judy McLeod
SM: SLIDES [7:59]
present a proposed amendment bylaw for your consideration.
does not propose change in policy [8pm]
1996 and MetroV 2014
new policy sustainable economy; new urban containment; two new -- general urban
former green zone, two designations
conservation recreation apply to WV
Amendments -- above 1200 ft contour [8:01]
past Ccl Restor
UL late 2012, mid 2015; mid 2014
retained McLeod ****
Claudia Freire: xxx revised narrative xxx
background of process to 8: Revision to draft bylaw, in red [8:06]
SM: agency referrals
RECOMMENDED: THAT {see vote below}
1. Opportunities for consultation on a proposed OCP amdmt, with persons, organizations, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Cmnty Planner dated Oct 15, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for the purposes of Sec 879 of the LGA
2. Proposed OCP ... 2004, Amdmt Bylaw ... 2014 be read a first time;
3. Proposed OCP..., 2004, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 has been considered in conjunction with the District's most recent financial plan and the regional waste management plan; and
4. Proposed OCP ..., 2004, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014? be presented at a PH scheduled for Monday, December 8, 2014 at 7pm in the Ccl Chamber, M Hall and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH.
Judy: xxx
Sop: congratulations on your work
why wd we be doing an amdmt to the OCP regardless of the request by Metro when we're going to have a serious look at the OCP?
we have an UL Study WG with TP and CC a long time and haven't got a final summation from them; wd also fit into the OCP
what? are they going to kick us out of the GVRD?
Mayor: get an answer
Sop: have more Qs
Mayor: one at a time
SM: timing xxx; when adopted in 2011 there was a two-year timeframe
a full update starting next year
we're filling our small obligation
provide a static snapshot
part of the OCP update, will be devising a new RCS; will be a plan devpd by this cmnty
static plan -- working toward
Sop: secondly, on your map shows Amb Town Ctr quite enlarged including the biz site
this is their design, not ours, public doesn't know, we haven't; we're going to get it in the ear
haven't [8:11]
SM: this HAS gone to the public
Amb and revit; doesn't affect any xxx &&&
highest density actually rings the Amb area
ht &&& in the town ctr; this map illustrates that [8:12]
Sop: beyond biz strip this shows moves xxx and west xxx &&&
SM: those are the boundaries of the hi density area
Sop: it's not what the public is aware of it
not an amendment; xxx
Mayor: finished???
Sop; another question
Mayor: other Cclrs
Sop: popn way off base
2500 in 8 years
60k by 2021
7K more units
14 to 16K
way off!
Mayor: answer?
SM: pass to Claudia
CF: estimates were put together in a broad way
their base year 2006 census and a xxx undercount
also looked at BC Stats estimate
discrepancy in our
Sop: the two cclrs all decide on UL
vital, yet it's not complete and we're going ahead with an amdmnt?
Mayor: th
SM: think we're going to &&&; ev mtg get asked
Sop: xxx
{someone muttering 'ridiculous'}
CC: Sop has definitely raised Qs I was going to ask
changes re RCS, saying this is what we'll xxx in future, right?
SM: yes or some statements are what we've done; hv adopted policies outside of OCP
CC: report on p5
sp study; until xxx has considered UL in spring of 2015 OCP RGS
understand we're not making any changes to the UL OCP
marker we're going to &&& [8:17]
SM: yes
CC: talks about Amb highest density
that's in our OCP now we're not adding that
we're not making a comment where density shd occur; we're not adding or changing anything; that's my understanding of the doc
I wd not be passing anything if
SM: it's already built
ML: wd be v useful if Dir Sokol cd put this whole RCS in context, how did we get involved and how to participate?
not only some mbrs of the public confused, xxx of public
Sokol: ev M is required to have a RCS, how in alignment with the Regional Growth Strategy [RGS]
in 2011 Metro accepted a new RGS accepted by WV and all the Ms; then our resp within two years to adopt or revise; our plan consistent or how it will be made consistent
how our plan is consistent or how looking at it what are we looking at to make consistent
Mayor: logical
region has to look at it for growth; transportation; designated lands, meet need of 1M new ppl by 2040
critical ea mbr of metro have a growth state or be in line
[8:21] ML: may--
Mayor: have moved?
ML: do one by one
{see recommended motion above}
Sokol's [wording]
1 and 2 unanimous
3 Sop opposed
4 unanimous
5 presented at a PH Dec 8 -- unanimous
BYLAWS [8:24]
8. Proposed [Five-]Year Financial Plan ..., Amdmt Bylaw ... 2014 (proposed amdmts re add'l revenues and expenditures) (File: 1610-20-4812)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first, second, and third reading at the Oct 20, 2014 reg Ccl mtg.
9. Proposed Zoning ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 (housekeeping amdmts; general amdmts to the Zoning Bylaw that are not related to housing bulk, are technical in nature, and that do not propose any new policy directions) (File: 1610-20-4805)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first reading at the Sept 15 reg Ccl mtg, was the subject of a PH held and closed on Oct 20, and rec'd second and third reading at the Oct 20 reg Ccl mtg. As the PH has closed Ccl is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.
ADOPTED -- Sop opposed
10. Proposed Fees and Charges ... 2005, Amdmt Bylaw ..., 2014 (fee schedule updates)
The proposed bylaw rec'd first, second, and third reading at the Oct 20 reg Ccl mtg.
ADOPTED unanimous [8:25]
11. Consent Agenda Items
11.1. 2015 Age-friendly Community Planning and Project Grants Application (File: 3070-01)
1. The submission of a grant application to the UBCM Seniors' Housing and Support Initiative program of $20,000 to fund the Aging Well Creativity in Motion project be approved; and
2. Subject to confirmation that full funding is available, the project be authorized to proceed.
11.2. Community Grants Committee Proposed Amendments to Terms of Reference (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
Information to be provided.
RECOMMENDED: proposed amdmts re sec 4.1 voting mbrs, be approved.
11.3. Proposed Development Variance Permit No. 12-081 (366 Keith Road) (File: 1010-20-12-081)
THAT the MClk give notice that DPA for 366 Keith Rd wch wd allow for a two-storey accessory building constructed without permits to be retained, will be considered by Council at its mtg on December 8, 2014.
11.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to October 10, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) September 29, 2014, regarding Re. changes to municipal by-laws re. new builds
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(2) 2 submissions, Sept 4 - 8, 2014, regarding Woodfibre LNG Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(3) September 28, 2014, regarding building sizes
(4) October 7, 2014, regarding Building allowance
(5) October 7, 2014, regarding Fwd: Bike Lane not wanted here either
(6) October 10, 2014, regarding Food For Watts: Turning Post-consumer Food Waste into Renewable Energy
Responses to Correspondence
(7) Acting Manager of Roads and Transportation, October 7, 2014, response regarding Public Parking Area on Skilift Road
(8) Mgr of Bylaw and Licensing Services, Oct 9, 2014, response re Delivery Trucks Double Parking in Dundarave
> Council Correspondence Update to October 17, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) October 10, 2014, re Overhead Power Lines
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) M. Slater, October 10, 2014, regarding Follow up to Oct 6 Council Meeting Keith Road. (Keith Road Widening) (Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) Ministry of Transp/Infrastructure, Oct 15, re Meeting Invitation: B.C. on the Move: A 10-Year Transportation Plan (Identifying Transportation Network Priorities)
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Community Grants Committee June 13 and September 12, 2014;
Design Review Committee June 19, 2014; Board of Variance September 17, 2014
(5) District of North Vancouver, October 9, 2014, regarding North Shore Reunification Committee Report to Council
(6) October 10, 2014, regarding ?Requested improvement to building redevelopment process?
(7) October 10, 2014, regarding Fw: Larco development Lower Capilano.
(8) October 14, 2014, regarding Eagle Harbour Yacht Club (Liquor Licence Application)
(9) 3 submissions, October 14, 2014, regarding Kinder Morgan's pipeline project
(10) 11 submissions, Oct 13 - 17, re Draft Zoning Bylaw ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw, 2014 (sgl-family housing siting, form, and character floor area exemptions)
Responses to Correspondence
(11) Dir/Engg, Oct 10, response re Cyclists Imperil Pedestrians and ?CBC Vanc reports that a 71-year-old pedestrian struck and killed by cyclist while crossing Stanley Park Drive at 4pm October 3, 2014
> Council Correspondence Update to October 21, 2014 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) October 18, 2014, re Traffic and Park Royal
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) October 19, 2014, regarding Tree Removal By-Law
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development, and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) October 20, 2014, regarding Monster Homes in West Van.
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) Dave Simmons Design Service, October 21, 2014, regarding Building Dept new requirement
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes Design Review Committee July 17, 2014
(6) September 12, 2014, regarding Woodfibre LNG Proposal for Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Howe Sound
(7) 20 subms, Oct 16 - 21, re Draft Zoning Amdmt Bylaw (sgl-fam housing siting, form, and character FAR exemptions)
(8) HUB: Your Cycling Connection, Oct 17, re Just 10 Days to Go Recruit the Most New Bike Commuters this Fall and Win Pizza & Beer for your Team!
(9) October 18, 2014, regarding B.C. Hydro Misleading the Public
(10) Oct 18, re Extra Costs Fwd: Consolidated Fees & Charges, Amendment Bylaw -- Oct 20th Agenda Item #6
(11) October 18, 2014, regarding Traffic Gridlock
(12) October 20, 2014, regarding Requested improvement to Building Redevelopment
(13) 2 subms, undated - Oct 20, re Draft Zoning Amdmt Bylaw (sg-fam housing siting, form, character FAR exemptions) (Previously received at October 20, 2014 Council meeting)
(14) October 21, 2014, regarding Let us follow this Port Angeles, WA example: get rid of all EMR meters!
Responses to Correspondence
(15) Dir/Engg, Oct 17, response to M. Slater, Follow up to Oct 6 Council Meeting Keith Road. (Keith Road Widening)
(16) Acting Mgr of RoadsTransp, Oct 17, response reg Improving Accessible Pathways for Pedestrians by Main Roads and Feeder Roads.
12. OTHER ITEMS -- no items
13. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
RECOMMENDED: received for information.
CC: re UL next week; mtg
Sop: met with three diff groups
ability to provide service
compliment Ms Mooi
great service to be complimented on that
end of this month Operation Red Nose
ML: ack
Memorial Library has started a strategic planning; more for sev months; v intense; much doc
help Lib to go forward; want to ackn process has started; in sync with budget as well
Fdn fundraiser Nov -- what day is it?
Jenny Benedict (Chief Libn): thank you fo the opp; Nov 20
privileged to have Joseph Boyden [The Orenda]; much critical acclaim; invitation -- tix 85% sold out
[sp dinner for DWV employees] at Pinnacle; 20 15 30 25 years of service; those retiring; singled out for sp recognition; salute our staff
finally, on a personal note, cmnty loses a lot; retiring
maybe her husband doesn't want to lose
three years are
don't need to wax eloquently
Panz Trish as a councillor
Mike Fillipoff: listening to
presentation to ccl mtgs
Panz exemplary; done so much; particularly while serving
attended ev ccl mtg in past six years {hm???}
list ---
as follows: Eagleridge bluffs; tunnel; Black Crk
major error 67; 12 trees over 700 yrs old; publicly apologized
parks master plan; new PMP; 120ha dedication Whyte Lake Pk largest [in DWV]
UL instrumental xxx; to address the long-term future
liaison past two years and guidance
another legacy for WV and Cclr P
xxx &&&; a better place to live
U2011, etc
Carolanne Reynolds: tyvm; yes, to follow up
you know this is the first book the Historical Society put out and you've now seen the second book, wch you've been given a copy of, and we're v pleased about it, so thank you for allowing the presentation at the beginning.
Jim Carter is the Chair of the Book Cmte of the WVHS, Tom Wardell is President, and he and Jim left to rush off to Gleneagles where the book launch is on at this moment. So thank you letting them go to the official launch at Gleneagles. If ppl want more information about it, the website for the Historical Society is wvhs.ca
Where you can buy them will also be put on their website; I'll put it on my website for West Van Matters {westvan.org}.
For ppl who want to know, the book is a mere $20; wd be a great Christmas present, so tyvm, and I think that will augur well for more books in the future.
More ferry tales, I like to say.
Before I have my other comments --
The Upper Lands is on Nov 20th and so is the Library's event so you might want to say if they have different times.
Anyway, a word for Cclr Panz.
As you know, I have missed only about 12 mtgs since 1988. May I say that that was the most comprehensive and moving presentation/remarks that I've ever heard in all that time, from anyone on Ccl, and serving on Ccl.
Its appreciation was well-said. It contained some wise advice and most exceptionally, inspiring [and] worthy encouragement, and vision of, and for, the future of WV. I think it was beautifully done. It's inspiring for us, and it will help us all go forward, so I thank you very much, Cclr Panz.
TP: Before you leave, Carolanne, you know what? It's wonderful. I've waited six years for that. Thank you SO much.
15. Adjournment [8:39]
{FYI: I've asked Cclr TP for a copy of her remarks and will put them in WVM as soon as I receive them.}
===== CCL MTG AGENDAs Nov 24th =====
Revised on November 21, 2014:
To add a presentation to Item 9.2 regarding Ambleside Activation Progress to Date and Next Steps; and
To add a report to Item 9.3 regarding Residential Recycling Service Resident Survey Findings
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality.
Purpose of meeting: land and legal matters.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes Information to be provided. {WHY?}
1. the minutes of the Oct 20 special and reg Ccl mtgs and PH and Nov 3 sp/reg Ccl mtgs be adopted as circulated; and
2. the Summary of the Oct 20, PH re Proposed Zoning ... 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4805, 2014) be approved.
4. D. Mason, NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc (NSEMO), re NSh Emergency Mgmt Update (File: 0180-16)
RECOMMENDED: ... be received for information, with thanks.
5. Presentation by Red Cross of Certificate of Appreciation to Council
RECOMMENDED: ... for continued support of their programs be received for information, with thanks.
6. Chief Election Officers Report regarding 2014 General Local Election Information to be provided.
7. Eagle Harbour Yacht Club Liquor Primary Licence Application Information to be provided.
8. Presentation Current Term Accomplishments (File: 0120-01) Information to be provided.
9.1. NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc (NSEMO) Report re NSh Downed Power Line Protocol Rec'd for information.
9.2. Ambleside Activation Update (File: 2520-01) Information to be provided.
9.3. Residential Recycling Service (File: 1776-01) Information to be provided.
9.4. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to October 24, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) October 17, 2014, regarding By-laws-West Vancouver
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Saint Anthonys School, Oct 22, 2014, Invitation to School Remembrance Day Service (November 10, 2014) (Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(3) October 24, 2014, regarding Fwd: Soccer practice ending at 9:00 for 13 years old [sic] boys
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes: Memorial Library Board September 17, 2014
(5) Min of Cmnty, Sport, and Cultural Devt, Oct 23, re Update on Prov Commitments Made at 2014 UBCM Convention
(6) Township of Spallumcheen, October 23, 2014, re Concerns Regarding Smart Meters
(7) October 22, 2014, re Simple fixes for complex problems proposed residential building code changes
> Council Correspondence Update to October 31, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Oct 26, re Bulk housing proposed changes taking to [sic] long (Draft Zoning ..., Amdmt Bylaw No. 4817, 2014)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) October 27, 2014, re Complaint about New Construction
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) October 28, 2014, re Garbage
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(Draft Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4817, 2014)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes:
Gleneagles Community Centre Advisory Committee February 13 and March 13, 2014;
{getting the Feb minutes in November??? What are the guidelines?}
Community Grants Committee April 11, 2014; Community Engagement Committee September 8, 2014
(6) Sept 27, re Marine Transport on the Strait of Georgia and Woodfibre LNG Proposal for LNG Plant in Howe Sound
(7) 2 submissions, dated October 29 - 30, 2014, re West Vancouver Citizens for Good Government
(8) October 30, 2014, re Another 3rd party report of out of control spending
(9) October 30, 2014, re EXPECTATIONS after over 100 penalty tickets (Collingwood School Construction)
(10) October 30, 2014, re Fwd: Mr. DeBelle's Letter and Recommendations to Mayor and Council
> Council Correspondence Update to November 7, 2014 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) October 16, 2014, re Outdoor Music at Park Royal South
(Referred to Director of Lands, Bylaws, First Nations and Legal Affairs for consideration and response)
(2) October 29, 2014, re Re: Soccer practice ending at 9:00 for 13 years old [sic] boys
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) November 3, 2014, re Garbage cans
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(4) November 4, 2014, re Garbage Cans
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(5) Cdn Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), Nov 5, 2014, re Results of CFIB Municipal Finance Reports
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) November 2, 2014, regarding Halloween Fireworks
(7) City of North Vancouver, October 23, 2014, re Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain Project
(8) Union of BC Ms (UBCM), October 29, 2014, re GAS TAX AGREEMENT CMNTY WORKS FUND PAYMENT
(9) Hon. M. Polak, Minister of Environment, October 31, 2014, re 2014 UBCM Convention
(10) Hon. S. Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Devt, November 3, 2014, re Adoption Awareness Month
(11) North Shore Keep Well Society, October 31, 2014, re NSh Keep Well Society 2014 Newsletters
(12) November 1, 2014, regarding Please order this book, get informed!
(13) November 2, 2014, regarding Fw: Marc Eliesen Withdraws from NEB
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Sr Mgr of Parks, October 29, response re Re: Soccer practice ending at 9:00 for 13 years oldboys [sic]
(15) Director/Planning, November 7, 2014, response to Craig Chevalier Designs, Proposed Building Bylaws
10. No items.
11. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
12. Public Questions/Comments 13. Adjournment
===== CCL MTG AGENDA Dec 1st =====
=====> PLS NOTE: PUBLIC HEARING Dec 8th <=====
Proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4797, 2014 (to amend the OCP to incorporate minor revisions based on cmnty and agency input in order to update WVs Regional Context Stmt to align with Metro Vancouver: 2040, MetroVs Regional Growth Strategy)
meet Pumpkin A pair of unbearably cute platypi babies
repeats after ~three seconds]
> Cat Dudes -- Oct 29 Nat'l Cat Day in US: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/10/29/cat-dude-pictures_n_6069282.html
> Those ingenious honey badgers -- he's SO clever! [video 4m12sec] www.youtube.com/embed/c36UNSoJenI?rel=0
=== INFObits ===
+ Hazel McCallion, 93 -- from 1978, Mayor extraordinaire! for 36 years! -- has just retired. Sop's just a babe!
+ JERUSALEM The U.N. agency that assists Palestinian refugees says Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai has donated $50,000 to rebuild a U.N. school in Gaza damaged during this summers Israel-Hamas war.
Royal BC Museum in Victoria is ranked No. 1, Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto second, the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa third, and the Royal Tyrrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller fourth.
Message from Her Majesty The Queen October 23, 2014
Message from Her Majesty The Queen Following the Tragedy in Ottawa
OTTAWA: As Governor General of Canada, I wd like to share a msg addressed to all Canadians from Her Majesty The Queen following the tragedy in Ottawa:
Prince Philip and I were shocked and saddened by the events in Ottawa yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected. Elizabeth R.
Her federal representative in Canada, Governor General David Johnston, extended his sympathies to the family of the deceased Canadian soldier and gratitude for the "professionalism and courage of our security personnel and emergency responders." The Queen's eldest son, Prince Charles,* on October 27 attended in London, England, the first of five National Arts Centre Orchestra (from Ottawa) and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (from London) concerts dedicated to the lives of Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo. The Queen's daughter, Anne, Princess Royal, along with the Governor General, Prime Minister, and other dignitaries will attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the National War Memorial on November 11, 2014, which will proceed as planned by the Royal Canadian Legion. A larger than normal crowd of public attendees is expected.
* {Our} National Arts Ctr Orchestra on tour playing in London Oct 27; with Royal Philharmonic; played O Canada remembering our
fighting together; Prince Charles wore a Canadian poppy.
And even more exciting to discover, they are at UBC!
Two particles predicted by Canadians discovered [rshore@vancouversun.com]
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === Pun Control!
The Americans argue over gun control. China is trying to exert pun control.
China bans wordplay in attempt at pun control
Officials say casual alteration of idioms risks nothing less than cultural and linguistic chaos, despite their common usage
From online discussions to adverts, Chinese culture is full of puns. But the countrys print and broadcast watchdog has ruled that there is nothing funny about them.
It has banned wordplay on the grounds that it breaches the law on standard spoken and written Chinese, makes promoting cultural heritage harder and may mislead the public especially children.
Read the whole article: http://www.webcitation.org/6URAqgEvp
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC http://www.heritagebc.ca
The ofc is in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
Get Ready for Giving Tuesday Dec 2!
Giving Tuesday, a new Cdn movement for giving and volunteering, taking place ea year after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Get ready to show your support by donating to Heritage BC on Giving Tuesday!
For every donation made between December 2 - 31, 2014 via Paypal, a 1% matched donation will be made by Paypal!
» Heritage BC Giving Tuesday Campaign
Donate to Heritage BC Today. You can make a donation to Heritage BC any time of year by clicking on our Heritage BC Donate icon.
» Donate to Heritage BC today
+ HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org 922 4400 info@heritage.westvan.ca
WV has celebrated Heritage Week since 1989. Contact HWV to help plan for next year!
Heritage Week 2015
The theme for Heritage Week 2015 in British Columbia is Main Street: At The Heart of The Community.
The week kicks off on Feb 16, which is designated as Heritage Day across Canada by Heritage Canada The National Trust.
{Planning is starting! Contact us!}
+ HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Sign up to receive e-bulletins: http://www.heritagevancouver.org/bulletins_signup.html
+ VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION (http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org)
=== MAIKU === 2014 -- maiku trio: season/sleep/weltanschauung
October 15/16
leaves like thin gold coins
scattered on the grass and path
heralding autumn
November 17
crawl into bed with
warm, big, and furry --
cuddles with my bare teddy
November 24/25
many float through life
looking at their toes
others see beyond the stars
quotations thoughts puns
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
-- J K Rowling, British author (b 1965)
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do. -Voltaire, French philosopher (1694 - 1778)
Facts are always popping up to confuse the theories.
-- Carlo Dossi, Italian writer and politician (1849 1910)
No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power. -- P.J. O'Rourke, American writer (b 1947)
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.
-- Ella Wheeler Wilcox, American poet (1850 - 1919)
The art of growing old is the art of being regarded by the oncoming generations as a support and not as a stumbling-block. -- Andre Maurois, French author (1885 - 1967)
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
-- Oscar Wilde, Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
Every reader finds himself. The writer's work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what, without this book, he would perhaps never have seen in himself.
-- Marcel Proust, French novelist (1871 - 1922)
We haven't yet learned how to stay human when assembled in masses.
-- Lewis Thomas, American physician, poet, etymologist, essayist, administrator, educator, policy adviser, and researcher (1913 - 1993)
Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.
-- Mark Twain, American humorist (1835 - 1910)
The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.
-- Winston Churchill, British leader (1874 - 1965)
Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. -- Mahatma Gandhi, Indian philosopher (1869 - 1948)
There is a budding morrow in midnight. -- John Keats, English poet (1795 - 1821)
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley, English writer (1894 - 1963)
To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher (1770 - 1831)
The cocks may crow, but its the hen that lays the egg.
-- UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, quoted in the Sunday Times (London, April 9, 1989)
I took a speed reading course and read 'War and Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.
-- Woody Allen, American author, actor, and filmmaker (b 1935)
One seed can start a garden, one smile can lift a spirit . . .
One person can make all the difference -- That person is you.
A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West.
He slides up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
A witty friend may be defined as a droll model.
The European snow storm was so bad it caused a continental drift.
The best thing to carry with you when you start feeling tired is a knapsack.
I always prayed before my trigonometry tests. I was hoping for a sine from above.
The Spanish author would not bring refreshments to his uncles, but he would serve aunties.
I was going to tell you a joke about infinity, but it didn't have an ending!
After manually rotating the heavy machinery, the worker grew very cranky.
My elderly aunt loves telling jokes while she knits. She is a real knitwit.
If there were someone selling drugs in this place, weed know.
To hell with Bruce Willis': Stephen Colbert toasts magnificent sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers in his own special way .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9AyMdJHQxA 4:30min of Colbert humour and admiration.
{Linguistic Notes: Evan Solomon ought to have said: Vickers's}
I was in the 'Six-Item Express' lane at the supermarket, quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries.
Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward, looked into the cart, and asked sweetly, "So - which six items would you like to buy?"
It's December 1st so I think I can get away with forwarding the first Christmas Carol I've been sent this year. This one is unusual -- a video from Germany (2:15m). http://www.flixxy.com/jingle-bells-on-grocery-checkout-scanners.htm