Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas -- Celebrate the winter solstice!
= Next Ccl Mtg 2016 January 11! (All agendas were in a Headsup}
= Vive le Canada (Town Hall w/ JT); from the Editor's Desk (WVM); WVPD (Nov 11; Vehicle Safety); Updates & Info (WV Streamkeepers; Hanukkah; Winter Weather Prep; Cycling BC)
= CALENDAR to ~Dec 27; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Museums; Music; Ballet; Christmas Market; Talks/Walks)
= HEADSUPS 2015 -- 13A: RunUp & Weekend // 13B: Events / Mtgs / Agendas Nov 23/30 // 13C: Today to Fri //
13D: Weekend / Monday / BC Hydro Notice // 13E: Mtgs Today and Tomorrow // 13F: Weekend / Agenda Dec 7th //
13G: Mtgs/Agenda Dec 14th // 13H: Ccl Mon-Wed / Budget 2016 / Agendas Dec 14/16 // 13I: Foreshore; Trees; Music 13J: Year-End Roundup at Ccl
= ANIMALWATCH (Ruff Sex; Water Bears; Otters; Dog Obedience); INFObits (Bramwell Tovey; CHOGM; EcoWatch/fracking; Buying US Democracy; Saudi Executions); ROYALWATCH (Princess Charlotte); BC WATCH (Bill Bennett); WOMANWATCH; FISHWATCH; PHOTOWATCH (BC Photos + World Hot Spots); MUSICWATCH (holy tenor); MURDERWATCH (Mexico); HOUSEWATCH (V's most expensive); SYRIAWATCH (Stats); REFUGEEWATCH (Retorts); CPTWATCH (Palestine); YEMENWATCH (US + Saudi Arabia): TURKEYWATCH; BEERWATCH; BOOKWATCH; LANGUAGEWATCH (CHOGM); WORDWATCH (WotY); HERITAGEWATCH (Old Hastings Mill Museum; Heritage events; Heritage Wk); MAIKU; Video/QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS/QUIZ/Cartoons
=== Vive le CANADA ===
+ The Maclean's Town Hall with Justin Trudeau
from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
WVM NOTES The series of Headsups helps keep email subscribers up to date. Have decided to send out this incomplete WVM issue to try to catch up. The next issue will have the usual quasi-transcripts. Hope you will regard this issue as a glass half full instead of half empty -- :-)
=== WVPD ===
On November 11th 2015 The West Vancouver Police Dept honoured our veterans and those who are currently serving by marching in the WV Remembrance Day Parade.
It has been a yearly tradition for WV Police to support our veterans by marching in the Remembrance Day Parade. This year was no exception as WV Police turned out in full support of our veterans.
"On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month I know that I will remember them forever and always, Their sacrifice is why we have our freedom,"' said Cpl Jag Johal.
See the WV Police march in the Remembrance Day parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn0ZxlcJR-U
West Vancouver Police recommend the following tips to enhance vehicle safety:
• Keep the interior of your car showroom clean. Never leave valuables, including bags, purses, wallets, briefcases, laptops, cell phones, loose change, or anything that may appear valuable to a thief in plain view.
• Hide chargers and accessories that indicate a GPS, mobile phone, or other devices that may be stashed in your vehicle.
• Remove garage door openers, key cards, and house or work keys from the car so that a prowler cannot gain access to your home.
• Dont store or leave credit cards, identification, or personal info in your glove [compartment] or anywhere in your car.
There are also a large number of items unclaimed. If you have recently been the victim of a theft from auto and have not reported it yet, please contact the West Vancouver Police at 925 7348.
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
+ WV Streamkeepers
= Nov 30 News release: John Barker, President of the WV Streamkeeper Society, receives Earth Day Canadas 2015 Individual Hometown Heroes Award. The national award recognizes Johns dedication to environmental stewardship, cmnty awareness, and education in West Vancouver.
Read more: http://www.westvancouverstreamkeepers.ca/dox/Hometown%20Hero%20Award%20News%20Release%20-%2030%20Nov.pdf
{learned later John had donated the $10K to the Streamkeeper Society; fantastic!}
= September newsletter: We completed a number of projects over the summer in cooperation with the District of West Vancouver, including enhancing the Rodgers Creek estuary and improving fish passage in McDonald Creek at Fulton Avenue. Read more. http://www.westvancouverstreamkeepers.ca/dox/newsletter26.pdf
+ Hanukkah 2015: What is the Jewish Festival of Lights -- HANUKKAH 8 days Dec 6 to Dec 14
www.telegraph.co.uk by Cameron Macphail 4:06PM GMT 09 Dec 2015
Here's all you need to know about Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. ... Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish festival also known as the Festival of Lights.
Jews observe the festival by lighting one candle on a nine-branched menorah - or 'hanukiah candelabrum' - each day.
See: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/12038542/Hannukkah-2015-Jewish-festival-of-Light-december-history-and-customs.html
+ HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS IS HERE! -- Your holiday plans are a click away: westvancouverrec.ca/holidayhappenings
Relax, and leave your holiday planning to us! The Holiday Happenings is your one-stop guide to a jolly & bright holiday season for the whole family. With festive events, camps and activities---theres something for everyone!
Youll find a jolly mix of camps for kids—from Game Design and Christmas Combo Camps, to Sportball, Gymnastics, and more—well keep your kids active and engaged!
Holiday shoppers will discover a flurry of treasures at the Great Stuff Gift & Art Sale. Music and theatre enthusiasts will find festive tunes and performances, and we have something for party lovers too!
Available online now, Holiday Happenings makes planning for the holidays easy--browse the Holiday Happenings website and register for programs 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the convenience of your own home!
+ PREPARE FOR WINTER WEATHER -- http://westvancouver.ca/news/prepare-winter-weather
Nov 12 -- The current weather warning for extreme wind and rain is a reminder that a season of colder and wetter weather is here, and we must be prepared for unexpected emergencies. In West Vancouver, winter can mean rain, snow, floods, high winds, power outages, and cold temperatures, especially at higher elevations.
Residents can help minimize the impact of extreme weather on their homes and families by getting prepared for winter. Here's how you can help:
check to ensure catch basins are clear of leaves, ice, and debris
keep sidewalks around homes and businesses clear of leaves and snow
use yard trimmings collection or backyard compost to dispose of leaves and brush (don't rake into the streets)
prepare an emergency kit
Stay safe and get winter weather ready by reviewing more emergency preparedness information:
Winter weather preparedness Flood prevention Be prepared when it snows
How to stay informed during emergencies
Follow North Shore Emergency Management on Twitter; NSEM
Sign-up for RapidNotify, an emergency notification system used by Police, Fire, or our emergency operations center to notify as many residents and businesses as quickly as possible of emergency situations.
RapidNotify -- http://nsemo.org/response-recovery/rapid-notify
Reporting a utilities problem
Let us know about a non-emergency utilities problem by contacting WV public works dispatch: 604-925-7100 Online form
Power failures and trees on power lines BC Hydro 1-888-POWERON (1 888 769 3766)
+ Mark Chan, Director of Corporate Services [new position] 604 925 7098 Email
The Corporate Services Division oversees the Districts Bylaw & Licensing Services, Information Technology Services, Facilities Management, Emergency Planning, municipal property transactions and legal services provided to the District.
The division also acts as the municipalitys liaison to the Squamish Nation.
+ Cycling BC is Hiring a New Executive Director
If you have any questions, please contact:
Brett Boniface, president@cyclingbc.net Richard Wooles, Richard@cyclingbc.net
For more information, and to view a full job description, visit our website.
=== CALENDAR to ~ Dec 27 ===
Mtgs at MHall unless otherwise indicated. Mtgs known at date of writing shown; often addns, changes, cancellations after WVM sent. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events. Some too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices sent between issues.]
NB: Look carefully when you're checking DWV's Calendar. It starts with Sunday whereas the ones I have start with Monday so weekend and Sunday at the end of the week!
{Note: Earlier mtgs appear in a Headsup}
=== Saturday November 21
~ 1- 2pm ~ 25th Anniversary of the 1990 Golf Course Referendum (Parking Lot #5 on Cypress Bowl Rd)
The Old Growth Conservancy Society is marking this anniversary. Join us as we celebrate the referendum that rejected golf course devt and led to the creation of the Old Growth Conservancy. Dress for the weather. There was snow for the 20th anniversary. We cant promise snow again this year, but there will be coffee and cake.
Directions to Parking Lot #5:
Take Exit 8 off Upper Levels Highway and drive 10.75km up the Cypress Bowl Road.
Parking Lot #5 is on the left, a short way past the 4th switchback and below the 11km marker.
Look for balloons at the entrance to Parking Lot #5.
=== Saturday December 19
The Dundarave Festival of Lights legendary Bonfire Night returns to Dundarave Beach. The bonfire will burn bright on the beach to ward off the darkness on one of the longest nights of the year, while music lifts people spirits and reminds us all of the meaning of Christmas.
More info: http://dundaravefestival.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ecf96c5945c353d9a83205e85&id=745d1e9be8
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month
~~~ Monday November 23 – Tuesday January 12 = Art Gallery = Cultural Journey ~~~
This exhibition highlights the backbone of the Squamish Territory — the Sea-to-Sky Corridor. Panels and photographs tell the story of some of the most extraordinary natural features found along the way.
Lets Talk -- Wednesdays ~ 7 - 8:30pm
Develop your English skills while discussing current events. December 2, 9, and 16
English Corner -- Fridays ~ 10 - 11:30am
Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. December 4, 11, and 18
Friday Night Concert – The VCC Jazz Orchestra
Led by trumpeter, composer and educator Alan Matheson, the VCC Jazz Orchestra will play big band hits from the 20s to the present, and some holiday favourites.
Friday, November 27, 7:30 – 8:45 p.m., Main Hall
Cafe ~
10:30am - noon ~ Friday December 18
Rapid change presents us with new and complex ethical questions and challenges. How can ethics keep up with and remain relevant in an environment of ever faster change? What ethics or principles stand the test of time?
Festive Music in the Main Hall ~ 2 – 2:30pm ~ December 15, 16, 18
Pianist Jerri Mercer plays a lovely selection of classical + contemporary music of the season on our beautiful grand piano.
Saturday Afternoon Concert ~ 2 – 3pm Saturday December 19
The Laudate Singers Bring the whole family to this all ages Christmas concert. Come early for best seating!
+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca
Peter Aspell: Saints and Sinners, Mystics and Madness Jan 13 to Mar 26 ~ Opening Reception: Jan 12, 7 to 9 pm
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ www.ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290
Please note the gallery will be closed for annual maintenance from December 2oth to January 12th. We will re-open with a new exhibition, "Wit & Whimsy", on January 12th, 2016.
+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292 Art Around The Block Tuesday January 05 - 24
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar {see for all events}
Call 981 6335 (MEEK) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com
DEC 19 | 4:00 VSO: A TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS [SOLD OUT!] // and DEC 19 | 7:30
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Lounge Hours of Operation: Monday to Thursday noon – 10pm; Friday & Saturday noon – 11pm; Sunday 1 – 7pm
FRIDAY DECEMBER 18 – MINI MEAT DRAW 5:30 pm in the lounge
SATURDAY DECEMBER 19 – SPECIAL MEAT DRAW Turkeys & Hams- one win per person. LAST meat draw of 2015 so come and join in for a chance to win a turkey or ham, have some appetizers, and some festive fun!!
LOUNGE HOURS: Christmas Eve NOON - 8pm; Christmas Day NOON - 5pm; Boxing Day NOON to 8pm
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com
v successful Christmas Dinner https://westvanchamber.com/event/west-vancouver-chamber-christmas-party/
Great annual report at Dec 16th ccl mtg!
{NB: The VSun has many events, theatre, talks, book launches, and more -- below are some http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/ }
+ Arts Club 687 1644 artsclub.com
A Christmas Story, The Musical -- Stanley Industrial Stage -- Nov 5 - Dec 27
+ PAL Theatre 363 5734
Agnes of God: Nun gives birth and insists a virgin conception alchemytheatre.ca Nov 19 - 29
+ Hendry Hall, NV
The Little Mermaid, beloved tale from Hans Christian Andersen 983 2633 northvanplayers.ca Dec 4 - 20
+ Deep Cove Shaw Theatre 929 3200 deepcovestage.com
The Dragon of Wantley, pantomime, famous English dragon legend; 3:30 mats; 7:30pm Dec 16 - Jan 2
+ Presentation House, NV 990 3474 phtheatre.org
Mrs Claus's Kitchen, holiday musical for the whole family 7:30pm 2pm mat; Dec 2 - 20
+ Metro Theatre
Sleeping Beauty; pantomime 266 7191 metrotheatre.com from Dec 11 to Jan 2
+ InterUrban Gallery 708 5448 theatreintheraw.ca
12 Angry Jurors -- young man facing the death penalty for murder until Nov 29
+ Jericho Arts Ctr -- jerichoartscentre.com JAC Calendar
Ebenezer, Christmas ghost story adapted from Dickens's A Christmas Carol 2 and 8pm Dec 8 - Jan 2
+ The Cultch 604 251 1363 thecultch.com
Hansel and Gretel, by Charles Demers, an East Van panto 2 and 7pm Dec 2 to Jan 2
+ Pacific Theatre 731 5518 pacifictheatre.org
A Christmas Carol: On the Air; 2 and 8pm Dec 4 - Jan 21
Oct 24 - Jan 10: Shooting the Sun / Splitting the Pie, an exhibition of works by Jerry Pethick
Several exhibitions -– Details, events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html
Caroun Photo Club: 9th Annual Photography Exhibition 2015
December 16 - 29 12-8 pm (Tue-Sat) Opening Reception: December 19, 4 - 8pm
Works by: Bahman Doustdar, Darianaz Gharibani, Farhad Varasteh, Iraj Roshani, Kaveh Rasouli, Leyla Mohammadi, Masoud Soheili, Mina Iranpour, Nafiseh Tabari, Saeid Momany, Sahar Seyedi, & Zohreh Hamraz
Masoud Soheili, Caroun Art Gallery (CAG)
www.Caroun.net www.Caroun.ca www.Caroun.org www.Caroun.com 1403 Bewicke Ave., North Vancouver, V7M 3C7 Google Map Tel: 1 778 372 0765 (2 - 8 pm Pacific time)
The City Before the City; Connects visitors with one of the largest ancient village and burial sites upon which Vancouver was built 604 822 5087 moa.ubc.ca
* MUSEUM of VANCOUVER http://www.museumofvancouver.ca
Arctic Adaptations: Nunavut at 15 -- Thursday October 8 to Sunday Dec 18
This exhibition marks the 15th anniversary of the founding of Canadas newest territory, Nunavut, in 1999, and its rapid rise.
+ VANCOUVER SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 876 3434 vancouversymphony.ca
A Traditional Christmas, Christopher Gaze and UBC Opera Ensemble Dec 10 - 20
Check the website for more performances and programmes
A Very Sinfonia Family Christmas, Centennial Theatre lionsgatesinfonia.com 7:30pm Dec 19
+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER 732 1610 earlymusic.bc.ca {See Headsup 13I}
+ WINTER HARP -- various times and locations winterharp.com from Nov 29 to Dec 20
Béla Bartók - Quartet No. 6 and Benjamin Britten - Quartet No. 2
Dear Microcosmos friends, Please join us for one of our upcoming performances of Bartoks final quartet, written at the beginning of the Second World War and shortly after the death of his mother, and Benjamin Brittens Second Quartet, with its monumental Chacony, dedicated to the memory of Henry Purcell, and written shortly after the end of that war. Also, on Sunday November 22, 4pm at the Dance Centre, we will be performing Speaking in Ligeti with dancers (see below) {was in a Headsup}. We look forward to playing for you!
Wednesday November 25, 8pm Kagan residence, Yaletown
Sunday afternoon November 29, 3pm Bell residence, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
Tuesday December 1, 8pm Matthews residence, Mt. Pleasant
Microcosmos concerts are open to the public. If you would like to attend, please send us an e-mail with your name, which day you wish to attend and number of seats. We will confirm with exact location by return e-mail. microcosmosquartet@gmail.com $30 cash or cheque at the door (students, etc. $20)
More info pls visit: http://microcosmosquartet.com Remaining seats for ea event posted regularly.
Christmas with Chor Leoni various times and locations chorleoni.org Dec 18 and 19
* BALLET Nutcrackers!
o Royal City Youth Ballet, various times and venues Nov 22 - Dec 21
o Goh Ballet, various times at the Centre in Vancouver (777 Homer) Dec 17 - 22
o Ballet BC presents Alberta Ballet 2 and 7:30pm at the QET Dec 29 - 31
1. More than 300 artisans from coast to coast present their wares... live entertainment, Family Craft Zone
at Vancouver Convention Ctr West, circlecraft.net doors open 10am; Nov 11 - 15
2. Vancouver Christmas Market returns for its 6th year at Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza, starting Saturday, November 21st with 50 vendors offering gifts, food, drink, and entertainment.
+ Slip-Sliding with Otters; enjoy an entertaining exploration and discover the habitat of these aquatic animals. Stanley Park Nature House 718 6522 stanleyparkecology.ca 1 - 3pm Dec 19
+ Celebrating Solstice; two-hour walk with stories from cultural traditions about the shortest day of the year
Stanley Park Nature House (as above) 1:30 - 3:30pm Dec 20
+ VanDusen Bird Walk; native bird species vandusengarden.org 10am Dec 19
=== HEADSUP 2015-13A: RunUp and Weekend
Already! so much happening!
Warning about winds/storms first, some theatre, some notices — quasi-chronological order.
Some large so youll have to scroll.
Mostly not formatted b/c that will take even longer so pls excuse the strangeness.
{The Monday Nov 23 ccl mtg agenda was in WVM13.}
Nov 17 -- Environment Canada states that strong winds that may cause damage are expected or occurring. West to southwest winds of 70 to 90 km/h will occur this afternoon. Damage to buildings, such as to roof shingles and windows, may occur. Be prepared to adjust your driving with changing road conditions due to high winds.
District services
During a weather event, District staff work to prevent damage and protect residents. In the event of a power outage, District phones, emails and most online services may be unavailable. Some online services are expected to remain operational in the event of a power outage, including this website. Please check this website, Twitter or Facebook for updates should a power outage at the District occur.
If you lose power at home, you may still be able to check for updates on your mobile device.
What you can do to be prepared
- monitor the District website, Twitter and Facebook pages for snowfall warnings and other alerts
- follow NSEM on Twitter and sign-up for RapidNotify
- esp during periods of heavy rainfall, avoid creeks/rivers. Flash floods are a real possibility and pose a signif danger
- keep an emergency kit and supplies in your home, office, and car.
- stock up on food and water and ensure that your prescriptions are filled.
Visit the North Shore Emergency Management or call 604-969-7000 for more information
Check in on neighbours and family members who may require assistance
Avoid driving during extreme weather events. If you need to drive, take extra caution and plan for extra time to reach your
Stay well clear of downed power lines and report them to BC Hydro at 1-888-POWERON
In our Community!
Music in the Morning, in partnership with EMV, presents Nicholas McGegan and Juilliard415
Three performances at 10:30am at the Vancouver Academy of Music
Wednesday November 18 (sold out); Thursday November 19; Friday November 20
The Theatre Scene
Just a taste of what Vancouver has to offer in the way of Theatre
The Drowning Girls November 18-20 Pacific Theatre
Surfacing from the bathtubs they were drowned in, three breathless brides gather evidence against their womanizing, murderous husband by reliving the shocking events leading up to their deaths.
The Music of Junk! November 18-22 Waterfront Theatre
2014 Fringe show Junk! is back for another musical adventure of original music performed on original instruments built from recycled junk!
Hip.Bang! presents LIGHT & GRIND November 19 China Cloud
The white pants wearing duo and Fringe alumni, Hip.Bang! and guests present all new sketches for one night only!
CHAN CENTRE ~~ Two Portuguese stars: singer-guitarist Sara Tavares and fado vocalist Carminho
822 2697 chancentre.com 8pm Nov 21st
ORPHEUM ~~ VSO: Stravinsky and Haydn before the choral masterpiece, Faures Requiem
876 3434 vancouversymphony.ca 8pm Nov 21 and 23
at the Vancouver Public Library
Here's a sample of what's coming up! View the complete listing of family events, author readings, film screenings, performances, lectures, and more at VPL.ca/events.
Specialty gardening on Seedy Saturday Sat Nov 21
From chickens to bees to mushrooms, learn about the requirements and benefits of introducing these characters to your garden. Get the details https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/events/56048616b13a22c97b05bb2a
Stories north of 60 Sat Nov 21
Fellow storyteller Richard Van Camp joins VPL aboriginal storyteller in residence Sharon Shorty to share stories from their Northern roots. Get the details https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/events/563d56f5fa35645924016615
Opera Tea on the Stage: concert of opera arias and song favourites in a casual setting; includes coffee, tea, and light refreshments 822 6725 tickets.ubc.ca 2 - 3pm Nov 22
—-> SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22nd @ 4pm
as part of Dance in Vancouver festival. with Marta Marta Productions and Microcosmos Quartet
Choreography: Martha Carter Dancers: Thoenn Glover, Delphine Leroux, Nicholas Lydiate, Tyler OlsonMusicians: Marc Destrubé, Tawnya Popoff, Andrea Siradze and Becky Wenham
BUY TICKETS https://ticketstonight.ticketforce.com/eventperformances.aspevt=2954
A jingle of bells and a clatter of hooves means Santa is coming to Park Royal. Join us to usher in Santa and his elves to Park Royal South! Visit Santa on November 21st from: 11 - 2pm; 3 - 5pm
For a full list of Santa's hours please click HERE --> http://shopparkroyal.com/node/1830
Join us tomorrow to enjoy the activities
CHAN CENTRE Vancouver Recital Society 602 0363 vanrecital.com
Leif Ove Andsnes, world-renowned Norwegian pianist, plays Sibelius and Beethoven 3pm Nov 22
Pars National Ballet
celebrates 25 years of preserving and perpetuating the forgotten and lost tradition of Iranian folklore dances — Centennial Theatre 988 6100 centennialtheatre.com 6:30pm Nov 22
Jon Bartlett and Rika Ruebsaat will commemorate the 100th anniversary of labour organizer Joe Hill's execution with a concert and a book launch for Soviet Princeton: Slim Evans and the 1932/33 Miners Strike at St. James Hall, Nov 22.
Your Ticket to the Holiday Season!
Over 20 food vendors will bring new flavours and traditional European fare to the market.
New this year are German-style döners at the Berlin Döner Haus, spaetzle dumplings at Das Nudelhaus, fried sausages at Freybe Brat Haus, and much more. For the first time ever, sample 100% organic wines at Hainle Vineyards Estate Winery Hut or sip on award-winning spirits from Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery.
Entertainment abounds at the market. With live cultural performances, the famous X-mas Factor singing competition, and fun family activities, such as the Star Seeker Scavenger Hunt and Vancouvers only Christmas carousel, this 34-day event has something for everyone.
Learn more: VancouverChristmasMarket.com
=== HEADSUP 2015-13B: More Events/Mtgs + Agendas
Got some notices after events; also have some info to come
With Christmas soon, probably going to be overwhelmed with the variety/choices.
The Vancouver Tea Festival [ if youre curious: https://www.picatic.com/2015vancouverteafestival ] was on Saturday and I found out late afternoon so too late — my tea aficionado spouse wd hv liked to go.
Vancouver Christmas Market started this weekend; heres all the info:
Info on Park Royal Gift Cards, etc, plus the new food court Picnic:
Also, got this: http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2015/11/vancouver-events-weekend-november-20-22-2015/
and it has a list of 17 things to do.
Language Note since I dont want your eyes to be confused or contaminated.
Whisky is spelled without an E in Canada and the UK.
The E form is the rebel spelling (Irish and American)
Mtgs Mon to Wed (includes cmnty engagement and Ms alcohol policy); Links to Nov 23/30 Agendas
~ QTP+ Cartoon re Islam
MONDAY November 23
~ 3:30pm ~ CEC mtg — on agenda:
4.1. Review of revised CEC Terms of Reference; revised Working Group Guidelines
4.2. Discussion of effective methods of engagement for:
those residents who may be difficult to engage; and complex or controversial cmnty matters
4.3. Working Group initiatives that may be required in 2016
TUESDAY November 24
~ 4pm ~ CEEP mtg — CANCELLED
~ 6 - 8pm ~ OPEN HOUSE: MUNICIPAL ALCOHOL POLICY at Cmnty Ctr (atrium)
A M alcohol policy will provide guidelines for alcohol use in municipally-owned parks and facilities in parks, including special events and tournaments, in a manner that promotes the health and safety of all participants, mbrs of the public and the protection of public facilities.
The District has prepared a draft policy with support from BC Healthy Cmnties and input from a number of local cmnty grps, and we are seeking your comments on the draft. Come to an open house to find out more and share your views. You can also review the draft policy and provide input online at westvancouverITE.ca.
{NB — WVMs Computer Consultant checked this out. As a result of clicking, he found: (a) the westvancouverITE.ca URL does not work, and (b) if one goes to westvancouverITE part of the DWV website, one cannot find any mention of the Municipal Alcohol Policy. Hope to check into this on Monday. I will ask yet again, however, who has responsibility for the website (answers in the past have been vague or confused/multiple).}
WEDNESDAY November 25
~ 5pm ~ Board of Variance Hearing (agenda not up yet, heres where to look and hope!)
~ 6:30pm ~ Cool North Shore: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/weatherize-your-home-for-winter-tickets-19181420144
WEATHERIZE YOUR HOME FOR WINTER -- 26 Harbour Ave, NV -- Through a practical demonstration led by a mbr of Cool North Shore, find out how to seal air leaks in your home to prevent heat loss. Try caulking and weather stripping first hand to better insulate your house, condo, or apartment.
Nov 23 PH http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/15nov23PH-Agenda2.pdf
Reg Mtg http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/15nov23PH-Agenda2.pdf
Nov 30 PH http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2015/nov/30PH/15nov30PH-agenda.pdf
Reg Mtg http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2015/nov/30/15nov30SP-agenda.pdf
=== HEADSUP 2015-13C: Today to Friday
still pedalling as hard and as fast as I can! Days getting away from me — shd hv gone out mid-morning.
100 years ago today, Einstein presented his Theory of Relativity.
Tonights a Beaver Moon according to the First Nations
Roughly in chronological order
in haste
3Ps instead of QTP
—> Wednesday November 25 <—
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance the agenda is now up (but hard to find: click on Calendar, click on Bd, find the agenda way down at the bottom on the right)
Items on the agenda:
Applicn 15-019 (2350 Bellevue) re a proposed sgl- fam dwelling with the following variance:
a) 2.1 m to Rear Yard Setback
Applicn 15-020 (2670 Bellevue) re a proposed repair/renovation with the following variances:
a) 2.805 m to Combined Side Yard Setback
b) 0.805 m to Minimum Side Yard Setback
c) 1.84m to Highest Building Face Envelope
d) 38% to Highest Building Face Exemption
e) 0.15m to Building Heightf) 1.26 m to Retaining Wall Height
Applicn 15-021 (2159 Chairlift Place) re a proposed accessory building with the following variance:
a) 3.92 m to Front Yard Setback
Applicn 15-022 (3928 Marine Dr) re a proposed sgl- fam dwelling with the following variance:
a) 5.85 m to Front Yard Setback
AT THE LIBRARY, 7 – 8:30pm
Authors in Our Community – When the River Wakes Up
Alyson Quinns novel examines the relationship between Abigail and her brother, exploring the collision of Western beliefs and African Shona mysticism.
~ 6:30 - 7:30pm ~ Wed Nov 25 at 1178 West 7th Ave, Vancouver
A brief audio visual presentation by Artistic Director, Matthew White
followed by the regular business of the AGM: approval of annual financial statements, election of directors, and appointment of auditors.
A chamber music performance with Alexander Weimann and Chloe Meyers will conclude the evening.
Light refreshments will be served. Pls come and be a part of determining the future of Early Music Vancouver.IN
UBC Early Music presents Telemann's "The Hours of the Day" (Die Tageszeiten) featuring the Baroque Mentorship
Orchestra and vocalists, directed by Alexander Weimann at the UBC Recital Hall in the school of music.
Admission is free! Another performance will be offered on ~ Friday 27 November at 12 noon ~.
These performances follow the successful masterclass that the BOMP had with Juillard415 last week at the Vancouver
Academy of Music. >>> More information here! https://www.facebook.com/events/1630143977237016/
Wed Nov 25 ~ 5pm ~ Music and Time: A harpsichord recital by UBC doctoral student Christina Hutten celebrating "Music and Time", performed on EMV's newest addition to our permanent instrument collection: a double manual French harpsichord, after Taskin, by Edward Turner, donated by Carol Brauner.
—> Thursday November 26 <—
at Park Royal
Santa loves your four legged friends too! Visit him tomorrow to get this years pet photo. Santa will be wearing a pet friendly suit and will have a new suit the following day.
Pls refrain from bringing insects or reptiles. For a full list of Santa's hours click: http://shopparkroyal.com/node/1830
Our new home! Tomorrow night {Thursday}, we are thrilled to open the Goldcorp Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre to the public with our production of Peter and the Starcatcher. The Centre, a custom-built facility at 162 West 1st Ave, houses the corporate offices for both the Arts Club and Bard on the Beach, as well as the state-of-the-art Goldcorp Stage. The BMO Theatre Centre also features two costume shops and four rehearsal and performance studios, which will help to foster the growth of the Arts Club, Bard on the Beach, and the community.
Read more about this exciting new facility and see photos of the journey through the construction process in The Georgia Straight. We hope to see you at the theatre soon! Wed love to show you our new home.
at the Kay Meek Centre Thursday and Friday:
27 Friday ~ 6:00PM
AFRIKA 2015 November
28 Saturday
~ 7:30PM
—> Friday November 27 <—
Park Royal is giving you an exclusive sneak peak at all your favourite retailers' Black Friday promotions!
With exclusive offers from Caposhie, French Sole and Oska you won't want to miss out.
Click http://shopparkroyal.com/campaigns/black-friday-at-park-royal to get the inside scoop.
The District is seeking input from youth, parents, and cmnty stakeholders to create a vision for youth space needs in WV.
To help guide this process, we are holding three stakeholder workshops to discuss the services now provided at [the] Ambleside Youth Centre, services that could be offered, space [needed], and what makes AYC unique.
The final workshop date is: Fri Nov 27. Stakeholder mtg in the Vanc Coastal Health Garden Rm at the WV Cmnty Ctr.
=== HEADSUP 2015-13D: Weekend/Monday/BC Hydro Notice
Running late so shall put in what I have at the moment; may add later.
and, at end only managed a pun
Christmas Party starts on Dundarave Beach
Christmas Fair Noon to dusk
Join opening day of the Dundarave Festival of Lights as people decorate their Christmas trees, enjoy fantastic music of the season and dont forget to keep your eye out for visitors from Whoville.
Join us for an afternoon of fabulously festive and absolutely free concerts in the Festival's Longhouse and the Dundarave Nativity Pavilion. Lovingly presented by the Capilano Students Union, there's no Christmas tree decorating party like it: 100s of hands make light work of bringing the light of the season to spectacular Dundarave Beach and Dundarave Village.
Magic happens at dusk with the official lighting of the Festival's Forest of Miracles, the only one like it in coastal BC.
More information: http://www.dundaravefestival.com/dundarave-christmas-fair-november-28.html
Vancouver Christmas Market
Vancouver Opera — Dark Sisters"
~ 7:30pm ~ tonight at the Playhouse (next performance Dec 3)
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 8pm ~ 50 years of Bond, James Bond (at the Orpheum)
Lord, Sunday, November 29 will be observed by the United Nations as International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Our hearts are united with all people everywhere who say enough to the ongoing occupation and the violence and oppression that has kept its hold on this land for too long. May this day not just heighten the worlds awareness of the injustice that is part of daily life in Palestine but also give those in positions of leadership the will and courage to act in ways that lead to a just peace.
Lord, in your mercy.
Canadian Friends of Sabeel: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/ u=badf05e7cf205e03426651973&id=32221c270d&e=524551c5a5
Reflecting the City (Redux): Movies from the City of Vancouver Archives
~ 3pm ~ Vancity Theatre — viff.org Local historian Michael Kluckner will host screenings of never-before-seen movies 1920s to '70s. Live music accompaniment to the silent movies.
o Invitation from our Legion
Im pleased to let you know that the District of West Vancouver is the recipient of a generous donation from the Dutch-Canadian Friendship program, in the form of a tulip garden. As you know, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of The Netherlands and the end of the Second World War, and this gift is part of the Dutch Royal Familys gift of 100,000 Dutch tulip bulbs to Canadians.
At 10am Mon Nov 30th, there will be planting ceremony at the WV Memorial Arch to dedicate the new Dutch-Canadian Tulip Garden.
I extend an invitation to you and our community friends to join members of the West Vancouver Legion, our Colour Party, and the children of Pauline Johnson School, in marking this very special occasion.
Kind regards, Valerie
o Notice re BC Hydro upgrade at John Lawson Park
{from our Cmnty Relns Mgr; probably will be on DWV website Monday; heres advanced notice}
Please find attached an update from BC Hydro regarding their substation upgrade at John Lawson Park.
[Owing] to the need for additional system improvements the schedule of work has been revised and will include concrete cutting and the use of a hydro-vacs in the coming weeks. BC Hydro has advised that this work will have a noise related impact but is necessary to ensure that BC Hydro service is provided effectively to our residents.
Please ensure that your members and staff are aware of this work and please contact me if you have any questions.
Enjoy your weekend, Kristi
John Lawson Substation Project Update
...Crews have determined that an existing section of underground, concrete ducting (known as a duct bank) needs to be dismantled, removed, and replaced. This add'l work requires concrete cutting, removal of concrete and dirt from the site, and the construction of a new duct bank. To accommodate this add'l work, the project scope and schedule has been revised as follows: - November 30th to December 4th : hydro-vac work
- December 7th to December 10th : concrete cutting
- December 11th to December 17th : removal of concrete via a crane and dump trucks
- December 18th to December 23rd : duct bank construction
- December 29th to to mid-February: duct bank construction
We appreciate your continued patience and apologize for the noise and inconvenience you have experienced throughout this project; questions or concerns, pls contact BC Hydro: 1 866 647 3334 or stakeholderengagement@bchydro.com
Sincerely, Steve Higginbottom, Community Relations Coordinator BC Hydro
PS to Headsup 13C
Back a while ago from a light, amusing, entertaining play, People, by Alan Bennett** (United Players at the Jericho Arts Ctr*) — superbly acted.
The last performance is Sunday afternoon at 2pm but it might be sold out (maybe a waiting list?). Just thought Id let you know I recommend it — and you rarely read that from me, do you.
* unitedplayers.com tel 224 8007 x2
** Alan Bennett [b 1934 in Leeds, UK]
In August 1960 Bennett, along with Dudley Moore, Jonathan Miller, and Peter Cook, achieved instant fame by appearing at the Edinburgh Festival in the satirical revue Beyond the Fringe. from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Bennett
George adds:
fyi, United Players has some great plays coming up in the new year (and is selling a special three-play package, just in time to give as a Christmas gift). Of note, owing to a special bequest, UPV has been able to secure the rights to produce Stephen Sondheims Company (opens Jan 22).
and I also liked the play
=== HEADSUP 2015-13E: Mtgs Today and Tomorrow
some might hv bn in a Headsup, but in case not
Herewith: Today; Tomorrow; Language (syllables)
~ 4:30pm ~ Finance Cmte mtg CANCELLED
~ 6 - 8pm ~ OPEN HOUSE: SPIRIT TRAIL CONNECTION at the Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr
Please join us at an open house to review and comment on proposed routing to continue the Spirit Trail connection from Gleneagles Elementary School into Horseshoe Bay village.
~ 7:30pm ~ An evening with John Irving at the QE Playhouse 629 8849 writersfest.bc.ca
Christmas Dinner 6 - 10:30pm Wed Dec 2
~ $140 - $150 https://westvanchamber.com/events/list/
Our Christmas
Dinner will be at the Capilano Golf & Country Club. Join us
for this annual celebration. The Evening will begin with a Champagne
Reception, followed by a Gourmet Dinner buffet and Live & Silent
Ticket includes: Champagne Reception, Gourmet Christmas Buffet, & wine
WV Chamber members can purchase one guest ticket at the Member price.
~ 7pm ~ Why First Nations Languages Matter at SFU Hbrside i.sfu.ca/RCcHtN
Dr Ignace: How FN
language is connected to intricate ways of perceiving
and reflecting on the natural and social world
the role of hyphens and the importance of syllabification
=== HEADSUP 2015-13F: Weekend/AGENDA Dec 7
Racing to the weekend..
Whoops, now Saturday so already here and ending; wont put in whats ended already; apologies. So will note some things this weekend — lots on Sunday! — then give the main items on the agenda for Monday night.
BUT FIRST, breaking news from G:
Announcement re WHISKY!: Scots left reeling as Canadian whisky named worlds best
Jim Murrays 2016 Whisky Bible names Crown Royal Northern Harvest as the best whisky in the world.
(Dont try to find this at your local. Most Canadian liquor stores have been sold out since the news broke. That said, fortunately for us, Americans dont read newspapers, and so the Costco 15 minutes south of the border has plenty in stock — call first to be safe.)
☆ Events
for a full listing — lots cuz its holiday season —, see Thursdays VSun, Scene section (C), vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings
> already started:
= Dundarave Festival of Lights — Nov 28 to Jan 2; see the beautiful trees in the park!
special events on Saturdays — dundaravefestival.com
= A Dickens Christmas at the Britannia Mine Museum — Dec 1 - Jan 3 britanniaminemuseum.ca
= Sea to Sky Gondola; winter season; daily 10am - 5pm, starts Dec 4; schedule of events: seatoskygondola.com
= Vancouver Turkish Film Festival at Vancity Theatre — vtff.org — Dec 4 - 7
= Carol Ships Parade of Lights, more than 50 ships! — Dec 4 to 23
Best nights Dec 4, 5, 12, 18, and 19, but check website for NSh viewings carolships.org
> Ending Sunday Dec 6 Studio 58, Adaptation of Madame Bovary — 323 5227 studio58.ca
> Sunday Dec 6
= 12th Annual Santa Claus Parade, more than 65 entries!
~ 1pm ~ Downtown Vancouver — rogerssantaclausparade.com
= Hawthorn Holiday Market, local artisans; Anza Club 445 6293 ~ 1 - 6pm ~
= Handels Messiah at Capilano U (theatre) ~ 3pm ~ Complete version 990 7810 tickets.capilanou.ca
= All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 — Chor Leoni 684 2787
~ 3 and 8pm ~ Queen Elizabeth Theatre chorleoni.org
= Festival of Chanukah Menorah Lighting (of tallest menorah in Canada)
~ 4pm festivities; 5pm lighting ~ 255 1313 lubavitchbc.com VAG Plaza; free; donations for BC Chns Hospital
> Monday Dec 7
VSO with Sarah Chang, violinist (Dvoraks violin concerto) ~ 8pm ~ Orpheum 876 3434 vancouversymphony.ca
☆ Dec 7 Ccl Mtg Main Items:
Best Efforts. Sorry for the almost helter-skelter. Id put the agenda in earlier and then this revision came out late Friday
Revised on December 4, 2015:
To add to Item 3 the Nov 23 and 30, 2015, PH Minutes and PH Summary Reports;
To add a PowerPoint presentation to Item 9;
To add a report to Item 10;
To add a bylaw to Item 12;
To add a report and a bylaw to Item 13;
To add new Item 16.2a re Apptmt to GVRD Board of Directors (Metro Vancouver)
So, for the agenda as revised go to:
Also, v helpful, the revisions appear in red in the agenda. fyi, dont know what Ill do for this one but have put in WVMs in the past things in red but of course when printed, its not in colour and instead of standing out, the printing is a bit paler than black. Alas.
Here it is cobbled together:
4. North Shore Homelessness Task Force
5. Neighbourhood Character and Building Bulk
6. Status Report on OCP Update — received for information.
7. 2015 - Third Quarter Review — be received for information.
8. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw — three readings
9. Proposed Park Dedication Bylaw (Caulfeild Park) — three readings
10. Proposed [Five-Year] Financial Plan, Amdmt Bylaw — Info to be provided.
BYLAWS for Adoption
11. Proposed OCP, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; Proposed Phased Devt Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015; and Proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053 (to allow for a 17-unit residential devt at 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue)
12. Proposed Solid Waste Utility Bylaw, Amdmt Bylaw — Info to be provided
13. Proposed Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee, Amdmnt Bylaw and Proposed Sewer/Drainage Reserve Fund Bylaw
14. Proposed Waterworks Regulation Amendmt Bylaw No. 4861, 2015 and Proposed Water Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 4864, 2015
15. Proposed Pesticide Use Control Amendmt Bylaw No. 4859, 2015 and Proposed Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendmt Bylaw No. 4862, 2015
16. Consent Agenda
Item 16.1. – Appointment of Acting Mayors for 2016;
Item 16.2. – Proposed 2016 Council Meeting Schedule;
Item 16.2a. – Appointment to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors (Metro Vancouver);
Item 16.3. – Woodfibre LNG Project in Howe Sound;
Item 16.4. – Community Interface Protection Plan – Strategic Wildfire Protection Plan Grant Application; and
Item 16.5. – Correspondence List.(click here to view correspondence packages)
17. Other Items
17.1. October 9, 2015, regarding Request for Delegation to Council (Tree Removal on Private Land)
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response).
=== HEADSUP 2015-13G: Mtgs/Agendas
> Tues Dec 8
Rushing toward Christmas, Hanukkah has already started (and goes on for eight days).
OTOH, 26th anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique {massacre Dec 6 in Montreal, of 14 women (b/c women)}
Today, the 25th anniversary of the shooting of John Lennon; CBC noted that over 1M Americans have been killed since then.
Helpful notice from M Hall first, then MEETINGS and the Silk Purse exhibition. Cartoon at end.
AGENDA for Dec 14:
AND there is a ccl mtg as well on Wednesday Dec 16.
> Wed Dec 9
got sidetracked yesterday so here goes.
WINTER WEATHER -- http://westvancouver.ca/news/prepare-winter-weather
December 7 -- We are still in a series of winter storms. Expect warm wet weather, with high winds and high streamflows. Later this week, we are also expecting high tides. Find out what you can do to minimize the impact on your family, and who to call if you need help:
Power failures and trees on power lines: call BC Hydro 1-888-POWERON BC Hydro outages
~ 10 - 11:30am ~ PUBLIC ART ADVISORY CMTE MTG at Lawson Crk Studios, 1758 Argyle
Topics: Ambleside Playground Call for EOI ~ Marble Stones Placement ~
Year-End Report to Ccl – PowerPoint ~ Totem Pole Donation to Lawn Bowling Club ~ Plywood Wall at the Hall
AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/government/committees-groups/committees/public-art-advisory-committee
on AGENDA 3.1. Discussion of New Working Group Orientation
~ 4:30pm ~ RESCHEDULED DESIGN REVIEW CMTE MTG This mtg has bn rescheduled to Dec 3.
Surprising, so looked at the cmtes webpage and here it is:
Date |
Dec. 3 |
Dec. 10 |
Reschduled |
to Dec. 3 |
Nov. 19 |
Cancelled |
Oct. 15 |
Sept. 17 |
typo aside, how confusing; you only see rescheduled on the Calendar
— now we dont know in wch direction! Suggestion: use postponed or advanced
~ 7 - 9pm ~ AWARDS COMMITTEE MEETING at Lawson Creek Studios, 1758 Argyle Ave
This Soulful Season Tuesday Dec 1 (Opening Reception 6 - 8pm) to Sunday Dec 20
Tis the season to be creative! We sent out an open invitation to all artists, established & emerging, to submit work for our year-end exhibition This Soulful Season. The results are a beautiful and varied exhibition of paintings from talented local artists: Annie Bohni, Suhaila S. Connors, Tussy Morelli, Lori Morris, Marja-Liisa Oksanen, Douglas Rae,
Mehbob Rajwani, Jelena Sparica & Patricia Vaughan.
We hope to encourage members of our community to share their gifts for all to see. Well be offering a Peoples Choice Award of an Opus Gift Card for the artwork that receives the most votes from visitors to thegallery. Come out and support creativity in our community!|
Ah yes, tis the season.... cartoon moved to end.
=== HEADSUP 2015-13H: Ccl Mon - Wed (Budget Warnings)
Doesnt Christmas come too fast with too many things to do and enjoy?
Wd the Powers Above pls add three hours to every day?
Meetings, Christmas parties starting, problems with tenants, VOs Dark Sisters (premiere, composed ~2011 but not bizarre, philosophical), menorah lighting supper, cheering up mother (104th birthday Dec 29), attempts to keep up with reading/news/correspondence, coughing/sneezing, etc
Hope your holiday preps are going well!
Congratulations to John Barker for his award: Earth Day Canadas 2015 Individual Hometown Heroes Award. Of course is in WVM14 draft but telling you now b/c — so admirable — hes donating the $10K to Streamkeepers! No doubt, a hero.
NB: When going over the tape, some concerned news about coming tax rate — 2.2% and more than that for the asset levy?
(See Budget 2016 excerpt below)
AGENDAS — Ccl mtgs Dec 14 and 16 start at 6pm
Headsup 13G had the ccl agenda for tonight — here it is again in case you missed it (ICYMI):
Heres the ccl agenda for Wednesday:
TODAY ~ 3:30 - 5pm ~ CEC discussing WG orientation
~ 4:30pm ~ Finance Cmte Mtg
Among other important items, an Asset Mgmt Presentation
NOON at St Stephens (926 4381) a free illustrated talk by Charity Reddington
Trekking in Sikkim and Bhutan— the foothills of the third highest mountain range in the world (13K ft, ) Mt Kanchenjunga in Sikkim; visiting the world famous Tigers Nest Monastery in Bhutan
Did find some time on the transcript of ccl mtgs and got more info on the v good presentation by the Dir/Finance on Oct 26. You may recall it was at an odd time (5:30) and the award presentations were on that night at 7:30pm.
More in WVM, but here are some bits, rest in newsletter:
7. Long Term Financial Plan - Context for Proposed 2016 Budget
IG: preface: not asking for any decision tonight. Take this to public and then come back to Ccl with reaction.
Policy review headed up by Legislative Services — recommended needed: use of reserves on assets, use of debt mgmt, &&&, xxx
Asset Mgmt Plan
The District currently owns over $1B in assets, not including the underground utility assets. This is approx $57,700 for ea household. Over the next 50 years virtually all of these assets will be coming due for repair and replacement.
Adding altogether, annual asset investment required of $15.2M; currently the District is providing ~$7.3M, not even providing 50%...
{slide says wd require a 13% increase in taxes}
SLIDE of GRAPH showing info -- "bumpiness"; tactics to smooth things out
large gap between whats being invested and what wd make this work
Fifth: links to the annual budget
Ccl's seven priorities; no 4 is fiscal sustainability and M finance -- I'm addressing tonight
Three key concepts:
$111M is the revenue for 2014 from the financial statement
{Pls Note: you will recall that it took me more than 15 years to get Ccl to admit there was such a thing as Uplift (increase in value of land when upzoned by Ccl), and another five to calculate and get 75% of the increase from owners who benefit from the increased value — sort of like asking them to pay 75% of what the prop wd cost if already zoned. Ccl is, in effect, selling land that belongs to us residents.
Finally they accepted this process, initially termed Cmnty Benefits and now referred to as a Cmnty Amenity Contribution.
The slide indicated that in 2014 the budget got $7.6M in 2014 from CACs. It was a lot of work but worth it! Previous Ccls just gave it to owners free. Sure shows we have to fight for us taxpayers — our rights, our share since theyre in fact selling our land zoning — since devpers often pull puppet councillors strings. Vigilance required.}
$48M goes for operating costs (net of other revenues)
$7.8M transferred to reserves and a small amt to surplus
Breakdown of $48M: over half to public safety ($14.6M Fire; $13.4M Police); rest, other areas
reserves: $7.3M for asset investment, $453K to operating reserves
2016 Budget will be greatly affected by the US dollar exchange rate; fallen precipitously
currently a 1% tax increase raises ~$34 per household, over entire District, $585K
are the operational increases we've so far identified...
labour increase: contracted, 2.5% for Fire and 2% for rest of the org
critical operating items, list will be supplied
set up Asset reserves so advisable to begin with an asset levy
critical investment 2016 b/c cannot meet needed w/ currently provided funds
shortfall cd be made up with an asset levy 2.2% -- that wd be about 4.3% added
asset levy shd be presented separately
[of homes] $2,517,500 average assessed value but may be higher, prelim
[5:57] asking for a total increase of $146; a 2.2% asset levy
however another way to look at this
7.4% ... 71 + 262 = 223
not much to expect; think this is doable; hoping public will agree
building the asset investment levy
.to be continued
re cartoons: havent time to fix this; was trying just to put in the first (mime field) and the last (a thesaurus asking for a synonym bun) {moved to end}
Notice, Trees, Music,....
That font is difficult to read; its 13I, ninth letter of the alphabet, so Ive put lower case (in subject line).
Full discussion of the plans for Sewells landing at last nights ccl mtg and included some heritage photos from the early days of Horseshoe Bay. No decision; just wanted cmnty to know whats in the wind — therell be more public consultation/details and it will come back to Ccl.
The agenda for Wed night has already been in a Headsup.
The Mayor left for Hawaii today (Tuesday 15th) and will be back in January.
Dec 16th ccl mtg last of the year; next on Jan 11th.
Am thinking Ill send out an unfinished WVM and then work more on the transcripts for future WVMs over the holidays.
Very, very, sad when reading the VSun obits on Saturday to see Patrick Reids name. A truly outstanding and memorable man. He has contributed so much over a long time.
(Was fortunate enough to meet him and in a speech I was surprised and thrilled he referred to my poetry.)
Vancouver will be discussing Security Deposits to ensure ppl keep conditions wrt planting/replacement of trees. WV take notice. Tree bylaws coming next year.
Port Renfrew points out their old-growth trees in the Walbran bring tourist dollars.
Again, in VSun:
Massive trees good for business Chamber pushes province to prevent logging in Walbran Valley
LOTS of events, plays, music, etc on over the holiday season.
Dundarave Beach has lovely trees and activities/music: http://www.dundaravefestival.com
See the carol ships till Dec 23: http://www.carolships.org/s/SailingSchedule.asp
Thursdays VSun in the Scene section has a comprehensive list of whats going on.
Have fun!
Herewith — just a few things:
Foreshore notice, Vancouver and Trees, and EMV Christmas Vespers Dec 20 at Chan with extra seatscartoon
Dear Resident:
Update on : Notice of Overnight Work 11 p.m.–6 a.m.
On December 7, we wrote to you about work taking place on the foreshore in your neighbourhood. The work schedule is dependent on tide levels, and over the past week has been taking place in the evening hours, from 5–10 p.m.
Work on this project is expected to be complete in early to mid January and will require some overnight work. This work must be completed during low tide, which takes place from midnight to 6:00 a.m. at this time of year.
On Wednesday, December 16, work will start at 11 p.m. and continue until 6 a.m. on Thursday, December 17.
During the week of December 19-23 there will be one or two nights of overnight work.
No overnight work will take place the week of December 28.
The first two weeks of January there will be one or two nights of overnight work.
This work will include:
delivery of truckloads of cobble and sand material to the site
distribution of material along the shoreline behind existing boulder structures
spreading material along the shore using an excavator and loader
We realize that there may be some noise generated by this work that may be disruptive, staff will be taking steps in order to moderate these noise impacts. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we complete this important work.
All work is being carried out under the direction of certified professionals and with appropriate government approvals. The project is re-using material from the Municipal Hall construction site. We are taking advantage of the availability of this environmentally suitable material to enhance the foreshore.
For more information, please visit westvancouver.ca/foreshore.
Kristi Merilees, Community Relations Manager
15, 2015 10:34
City looking for ways to encourage Vancouver property owners to replant trees by Jon Azpiri
Little by little, the City of Vancouver is getting less green.
The citys tree canopy has declined from 22.5 per cent to 18 per cent over the last 20 years.
The reason, according to City Hall, is that property owners are cutting down too many trees.
(Tree icon courtesy of Freepik from www.flaticon.com)
EXTRA SEATS AVAILABLE for Sunday Dec 20 - Praetorius Xmas Vespers 3pm at the Chan - Choral Loft now open!
Pre-concert talk at 2:15pm inside the Royal Bank Cinema For more info or to purchase tickets: http://ow.ly/VXFna
{CHRISTMAS cartoon moved to end}
2015-13J: Year-End
Roundup at Ccl
[written before midnight Thursday Dec 17}
Great ccl mtg last night! Annual reports and more from the Coho Society, the Srs Ctr Adv Bd, Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Bd, Update re Youth Space and Resource Needs, Cmnty Grants Cmte, Public Arts Advisory Cmte, WV Cmnty Ctrs Society, and the WV Chamber of Commerce.
Really informative — hear and see some of the many great ppl in WV.
Sop was in the chair as Acting Mayor; Cclr Cassidy was absent.
Watch the Christmas Carol ships.
Dont forget Festival of Lights at Dundarave Park.
Lots going on at PkR — Santa and more:
Over in NV:
The Shipyards Christmas Market features more than 80 vendors, food trucks, plus photos with Santa and more at the foot of Lonsdale (18th to 20th).
See northshoregreenmarkets.com
As Ive recommended many times, read the Scene section of the VSun for oodles and oodles of holiday events/activities/theatre/music/etc Todays is Section C. Many events can also be found here: http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/index.html
FWIW, so far behind will probably send out an incomplete WVM14 so at least you get some info — will try to catch up over the holidays.
Oh dear — abject apologies — at ccl mtg, also history and status of the Hollyburn Lodge:
4. Update on Hollyburn Lodge Restoration and Fundraising
Clearly an important place in our heritage. Will have been 90 years next year. Interesting story, photos, and memories ..
Hope you donate — theyre only a few thousand short of their goal of $1.1M — a great success story and a jewel in WVs heritage crown.
+++++++ CCL MTG NOTES +++++++
in the next issue!
=== ANIMALWATCH === Ruff Sex / Water Bears
+ Ruff Sex
Wed Nov 18 -- Ruff sex: Scientists identify genetic sequence of a bird with four genders
+ Meet the water bear, the worlds toughest animal
Everything about the tardigrade, or water bear, sounds like a riddle -- Cathy Gulli November 26, 2015
What creature can survive both freezing and boiling temperatures; you cant see it, but its everywhere; it can survive outer space; and after being dried up for years, it can reanimate in water within a few minutes?
The answer is just as puzzling: tardigrades, which are also called water bears or moss piglets, are aquatic, microscopic invertebrates that have recently captivated evolutionary biologists and science enthusiasts alike for their unique ability to withstand extreme conditions. There is photographic evidence too that tardigrades are adorable.
Article: http://www.macleans.ca/society/science/meet-the-water-bear-the-worlds-toughest-animal-and-genetic-marvel/
+ Otters playing at Stanley Park's Lost Lagoon put on ice show
Video shared by Stanley Park Ecological Society CBC News Posted: Dec 03 Last Updated: Dec 03 11:33 PM PT
+ Dog Obedience class -- http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2679902141
=== INFObits ===
+ Bramwell Tovey Honoured with Oskar Morawetz Award
Bramwell Tovey, music director of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, is the recipient of the 2015 Oskar Morawetz Award for Excellence in Music Performance.
+ Steve Jobs's father was Syrian
The Commonwealth is the worlds oldest political association of sovereign states. The organization brings together 53 countries that account for a combined population of 2.3 billion and almost 30 per cent of the worlds population. At CHOGM 2015, under the theme The Commonwealth: Adding Global Value, Heads of Government will reaffirm their commitment to upholding the Commonwealth Charter, which focuses on democracy, human rights, the rule of law, as well as economic opportunity and sustainable development. It will also be a venue to discuss how the Commonwealth can add value in addressing global challenges.
+ As EcoWatch reported 2 months ago, Oklahoma went from two earthquakes a year before 2009 to two a day.
This year, roughly 700 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or higher has shook the state, compared to 20 in 2009.
It's Official: Oklahoma Experiences More Earthquakes Than Anywhere Else in the World
by Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch 17 November 15
Its official: Oklahoma now has more earthquakes than anywhere else in the world, according to a spokesman from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC), which oversees the Sooner States oil and gas industry.
We have had 15 [earthquakes] in Medford since 5 oclock Saturday morning, said spokesman Matt Skinner on Nov. 9, according to the Enid News. Weve got an earthquake issue.
OCC has developed areas of interest, where earthquake clusters have occurred. A cluster is two earthquakes within a half mile of each other, with one measuring at least magnitude 3.2. Originally, they were three-mile circles, then six-mile circles. The circles grew in number and now encompass a very large area of Oklahoma—about 9,000 square miles in all, [Skinner] said, reported the Enid News.
Scientists have linked this never-ending spate of tremors to the states drilling boom. The Oklahoma Geological Survey concluded that the injection of wastewater byproducts into deep underground disposal wells from fracking operations has triggered the seismic activity in Oklahoma.
+ Look Who's Buying American Democracy Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog [Dec 8]
"According to an investigation by the NY Times, half of all the money contributed so far to Democratic and Republican presidential candidates - $176 million - has come from just 158 families, along with the companies they own or control."
READ MORE http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/33938-look-whos-buying-american-democracy
Saudi Arabia's Execution Spree
The New York Times | Editorial By THE EDITORIAL BOARDDEC. 14, 2015
Excerpt: "Saudi Arabia's justice system has gone into murderous overdrive. More than 150 people have been executed this year, the most since 1995."
=== ROYALWATCH === Princess Charlotte
Princess Charlotte: Kensington Palace releases new photos
29 November 2015 From the section UK http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34957390
Princess Charlotte at six months Kensington Palace releases new photos by Kate Middleton macleans.ca
November 29, 2015 http://www.macleans.ca/politics/worldpolitics/princess-charlotte-kensington-palace-releases-new-portraits/
=== BC WATCH === Bill Bennett
Former BC premier Bill Bennett, known as an architect of financial restraint in the province, has died in his hometown of Kelowna at the age of 83. Bennett had been suffering from Alzeimers disease for several years and died Thursday. He led the Social Credit party in a December 1975 landslide victory over Dave Barretts New Democrat Party. Bennett took over the party from his father W.A.C. Bennett, who stepped down in 1972 after his 20 years in power ended in electoral defeat. Under Bennetts helm, the Socreds took 34 of 55 seats in the legislature and more than 49 per cent of the popular vote. Bennett is survived by his wife of 60 years, Audrey, and his brother Russell, four sons, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. For the latest local, national and international news, visit www.vancouversun.com
=== WOMENWATCH === Saudi; Montreal
+ Saudi Women Begin Historic Municipal Election Campaign -- by Feminist Wire 04 December 15
On Sunday, for the first time in Saudi Arabia's modern history, more than 900 women have registered to run for the municipal elections. The municipal elections on December 12th will also mark the first time women are allowed to vote.
The Saudi monarchy has been widely criticized by international human rights organizations for a lack of equal rights for women. Saudi Arabia has also been heavily criticized by the absolute absence of freedom of speech and religion. It is the only country in the world where women are still not allowed to drive and must cover themselves in black from head-to-toe. Women must also ask a male member of the family to travel, leave the house, work, or marry.
+ Montreal 1989 December 6
PM's statement: This day is held in remembrance of the 14 young women who were murdered on this date in 1989 at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal for no other reason than being women. It is with a heavy heart that I join the families and friends of those promising young women here in Montréal today to mourn their tragic loss.
This was a senseless act of violence that shocked the nation and remains, to this day, one of the darkest periods in Canadian history.
=== FISHWATCH === B.C. government gambling with health of river, salmon
(Vancouver Sun, Nov 3 2015) VICTORIA- Little more than a year after the catastrophic collapse of the tailings dam at the Mount Polley mine, where 17 million cubic metres of tailings water and more than seven million cubic metres of slurry poured into Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake, what have we learned? Because now we see the B.C. government is rolling the dice on an even larger threat. The Gibraltar Mine near Williams Lake is Canadas second-largest open-pit copper mine, with a tailings dam that holds back more than triple the amount of mining effluent released in the Mount Polley disaster. After the Mount Polley, the province ordered a desktop review of all tailings facilities in B.C. This simply involves going over documents: no independent due-diligence assessment has been undertaken to ensure that any of the tailings-management plans have been appropriately implemented. Gibraltar recently more than doubled in size and output and is already permitted to discharge mine effluent into the Fraser, although there has never been a comprehensive environmental effects assessment.
=== PHOTOWATCH === BC and the World
+ RECENT BC PHOTOS ~~ http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/listeners-lens-1.3302734
+ Top images from around the globe
View the best photographs from hot spots around the world. November 17, 2015 12:08 PM
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/sports/photos+images+from+around+globe/2172184/story.html#ixzz3rsUjyoAq
=== MUSICWATCH === he's a holy tenor!
oh dear. Awoke from a nap just after Tapestry had started and heard a lovely mellifluous voice.
Im not usually attracted to singing per se but this tenor was so appealing.
Voice from Assisi: The Humble Friar with a Record Deal http://www.cbc.ca/radio/tapestry
Music has been part of the Franciscan tradition for centuries -- but Friar Alessandro appears to be the first one with a big record deal. {His vow of poverty means he can't keep any money.}
=== MURDERWATCH === Mexico!
Homicide on the Rise in Mexico: 47 People Killed [Every Day]
teleSUR Excerpt: "According to official figures, the number of preliminary [enquiries] and investigations for homicide in Mexico went from 13,149 to 14,069 this year, which translates to a staggering 47 murders a day."
READ MORE http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/33654-homicide-on-the-rise-in-mexico-47-people-killed-everyday
=== HOUSEWATCH === [Vancouver Courier Dec 10, 2015 03:32 PM]
Greater Vancouver's most expensive homes for sale Get the home of your dreams from only $16.8 million
- See more at: http://www.nsnews.com/greater-vancouver-s-most-expensive-homes-for-sale-1.2130890
=== SYRIAWATCH === Stats: At least 250K killed and 1M wounded.
According to the UN: 7.6M displaced within Syria; 4M have fled the country.
~144 Syrians killed each day.
12 Million Homeless, Displaced Syrians Facing Disaster as Winter Approaches ~ Ma'an News Agency 05 Dec 15
Excerpt: "More than 12 million people in Syria - nearly half of whom are children - are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance before winter sets into the war-torn country, an international aid group said Friday."
=== REFUGEEWATCH === http://thetyee.ca/Mediacheck/2015/11/28/Five-Whip-Smart-Retorts-Common-Anti-Refugee-Arguments/
Five Whip-Smart Retorts to Common Anti-Refugee Arguments
Unsure how to debunk persistent myths? Take a deep breath and cite these experts.
by Jeremy J. Nuttall, Today, TheTyee.ca
=== CPTWATCH === Christian Peacemaker Team in Palestine 2015 Dec 13
We Need Our Children
Several times over the last week, CPTers visited the solidarity tent for families whose children Israeli forces killed in the last 2 1/2 months and then confiscated the bodies. Israel has not returned 21 bodies of the over 40 killed in the Hebron district alone. The families started gathering in the tent on 1 December.The families' plea: We need our children.
Week in Photos: http://cpt.org/cptnet/2015/12/18/al-khalil-hebron-week-photos-8-14-december-2015
=== YEMENWATCH === US & Saudi Arabia
Civilian Deaths in Yemen Won't Stop a Billion-Dollar US Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia
Samuel Oakford, VICE
Excerpt: "The US State Department has signed off on the sale of $1.29 billion worth of weaponry to Saudi Arabia, including tens of thousands of bombs that will restock a Saudi arms stockpile depleted by the country's air campaign in Yemen, which has been linked to civilian deaths."
READ MORE http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/33544-civilian-deaths-in-yemen-wont-stop-a-billion-dollar-us-arms-deal-with-saudi-arabia
=== TURKEYWATCH === (the country, not the bird)
Why Turkey Stabbed Russia in the Back
Pepe Escobar, teleSUR, writes: "It's absolutely impossible to understand why the Turkish government would engage in the suicidal strategy of downing a Russian Su-24 over Syrian territory - technically a NATO declaration of war on Russia - without putting in context the Turkish power play in northern Syria."
READ http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/277-75/33816-why-turkey-stabbed-russia-in-the-back
=== BEERWATCH === http://ow.ly/W8scv
CBC As it Happens: Tues Nov 17 -- A cold, wet one: after pub patio floods, 2 guys sit down for a pint
There's nothing that can't be solved by having a good pint of beer. -- John Kelly, pub manager
Book News: http://writersfest.bc.ca/newsletter/latest?mc_cid=1953edebed&mc_eid=ba95fa4378
What's on at the VPL? Events over the holidays:
Friends of the VPL Christmas Used Book Sale -- Dec. 3 to 5
Browse a great selection of gently used childrens and adult books, CDs, DVDs, and vinyl – all at bargain prices.
Come for the books, but don't forget to visit book'mark, The Library Store, for all your holiday gifts. Proceeds support
library projects and programs.
What were the best books of 2015? Here's part one of The Guardian's list.
How about the most overlooked books of the year? In this piece, Slate Book Review critics recommend "27 books you'd probably love if only you knew about them".
The New York Times has an end-of-year list too! Here's their take on the "100 Notable Books of 2015".
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === an initialism -- CHOGM
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)
"Binge-watching" has been declared the word of 2015. "The mushrooming popularity of watching TV serials in concentrated bouts has seen the new verb's usage explode, according to Collins's annual survey."
HERITAGE DAY: https://www.nationaltrustcanada.ca/visit-discover/heritage-day
Heritage News
+ A Baroque Christmas at Old Hastings Mill Museum
Enjoy festive decorations and music by the Bergamasca Recorder Ensemble amidst early Vancouver pioneer and First Nation artifacts. 733 9749 hastings-mill-museum.ca 1pm Dec 20
+ VPL's Dunbar branch celebrates 65 years
Sat, Nov. 28 -- Celebrate the Dunbar branch's 65th anniversary with live music, refreshments and more! Join a family storytime, walk with local historian John Atkin on a neighbourhood historical tour and enjoy live music by Dancing Harp. Get the details https://vpl.bibliocommons.com/events/56426ca058eb72203e020125
+ Heritage, fundraiser, and retail therapy
Combine the three and you get Home for the Holidays!
Queens Park Healthcare Volunteer Society fundraises for Queens Park Care Ctr, residential and short-stay facility in New Westminster that also houses the Adult Day Prog and is co-located w/ William Rudd House, a 12- bed cmnty-based residence for young persons with deteriorating physical disease. ALL proceeds of this event will go the Foundation to help fund the extras that provide quality of lifeeg blanket warmers, garden furniture, and beauty salon items.
Contact info: Colleen McDonald, Event Lead. 604 341 1214. 604 526 4300..
= HERITAGE BC http://www.heritagebc.ca/home/ 604 428 7243 [ofc hrs: 8am - 6pm Mon - Thurs]
The ofc is in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places
(adjective): having a special quality, style, attractiveness;
destination (noun): the place to which a person travels or is sent.
The theme for Heritage Week 2016 in British Columbia is Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places.
The week kicks off with the national Heritage Day on February 15, 2016, as designated by Heritage Canada The National Trust.
British Columbia's Distinctive Destinations are as varied and abundant as the province, from the Haida village of Skidegate, to the Gold Rush town of Barkerville. Heritage and cultural tourism provides unique and authentic visitor experiences and British Columbia's historic places play a central role in these experiences.
This Heritage Week celebrates British Columbia's Distinctive Destinations, and plan your trip to a historic place.
» 2016 Heritage Week Poster Contest
If not on our mailing list but would like to receive a copy of the Heritage Wk poster, pls contact us: info@heritagebc.ca
HOLIDAYS: Closed from 2pm Thursday December 17 to 8am, Monday January 4, 2016.
= HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org 922 4400 info@heritage.westvan.ca
At the end of the Dec 16 ccl mtg, I mentioned Heritage Week 2016 February 15 to 21 and invited everyone to send suggestions for inclusions from WV wrt Distinctive Destinations (see details above).
Now planning for Heritage Week (always starts the third Monday in February). The theme is Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places. You know one we can focus on? Tell us!
= HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/
Annual General Meeting and Christmas Party Social
Thursday December 3: 6:30 to 9:00pm AGM 6:30 - 7pm; Social 7 - 9pm
Roedde House Museum, 1415 Barclay Street (West End)
= VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org
The Vancouver Heritage Register on an Interactive Map
=== MAIKU === 2015 late October
sun weakens, fades — skies,
mountains, clouds, and sea --
palette: watercolour greys
VIDEO === :-) In
the news
Cuzner's seasonal ode to 'spankin' new government' leaves MPs
laughing - Politics
'Forgive me for gloating:' verse by 'bard of Cape Breton' celebrates change in government
CBC News Posted: Dec 10, 2015 3:22 PM http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cuzner-commons-night-before-christmas-1.3359484
If you missed Nova Scotia Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner reading his annual ... NS MP delivers annual take on "The Night Before Christmas" [1:42] ... T'was [sic] the week before Christmas, and all through the land;....
{shocking, CBC; it's ['Twas], short for It was}
quotations thoughts puns
Politics is the science of domination, and the persons in the process of enlargement and illumination are notoriously difficult to control. Therefore, to protect its vested interests, politics usurped religion a very long time ago. — Tom Robbins, American author (b 1932)
The late Mario Cuomo, the former governor of New York, famously observed that politicians campaign in poetry, but must govern in prose. — Macleans (2015 Nov 13)
A psychologist once said that we know little about the conscience except that it is soluble in alcohol.
— Thomas Blackburn, American author (1913 - 1992)
That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.
-- Patricia C Hodgell, American writer and professor (b 1951)
By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
— Winston Churchill, British statesman (1874 - 1965)
We have probed the earth, excavated it, burned it, ripped things from it, buried things in it, chopped down its forests, levelled its hills, muddied its waters, and dirtied its air. That does not fit my definition of a good tenant. If we were here on a month-to-month basis, we would have been evicted long ago.
— Rose Bird, Chief Justice of California Supreme Court (1936 - 1999)
Problems are the price you pay for progress. — Wesley Branch Rickey, Baseball Hall of Famer (1881 – 1965)
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
-- Steve Biko, anti-apartheid activist (18 Dec 1946-1977)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Recent evidence indicates that Earth is indeed bi-polar, as weve always suspected.
-- tweeted by Neil deGrasse Tyson (Dec 2015)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Way back when, I used to remember things by tying a string around my finger. Even then I had digital memory.
I saw a Buddhist lamp. It was very enlightening.
I just looked up the word 'apocalypse' in the dictionary. It was quite a revelation.
The two congressmen disagreed about what sort of pan should be used to cook pancakes. Another example of griddlelock.
The window company said it was pane full to reduce prices but they want to sill any deal possible.
Family feuds are espoused!!
A surgeons comments are incisive remarks.
I ate a curry that was so spicy it put me in a korma.
If zombies have to eat brains, does that make them obligate cognivores?
Christmas Quiz
Q: What do you get if you cross mistletoe and a duck? A: A Christmas Quacker.
Q: What do you get when you eat the Christmas decorations? A: Tinsel-itus.
Q: What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when the fire is lit? A: Crisp Cringle!
Q: If athletes get athletes foot, what do astronauts get? A: Mistletoe!
Q: What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? A: Santa Clues!