2015 MTG NOTEs Oct 26/28Nov2/23/30Dec7/14/16; BITsJan11/25Feb15/22Mar 7; AGENDA Apr 4
Awards • 2016 Budget • Upper Lands • Waterfront • 370 Mathers • Heritage Wk

by Carolanne Reynolds, Editor
[PDF Version]

Happy New Year! Lunar New Year Feb 8 / Mardi Gras Feb 9 / Easter Mar 27

= Apr 4 Ccl Mtg Main Items (5pm closed; 6pm reg ccl mtg): 6016 Gleneagles; 2992 - 3032 Burfield; 2016 Annual TAX RATES; 5-Yr Financial Plan (adoption); ccl mtgs added in April; lots of correspondence on trees!

AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/apr/04/16apr04-Agenda.pdf

{NB: Mar 24 found two mtgs suddenly scheduled: ccl mtg 11am Mar 23 to set the 2016 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel mtg for 10am Mar 30 however that mtg does not appear on the ccl mtg calendar or the mtg calendar. Go figure! }

= Feb 15 mtg: TREES Delegation; WVPD; 1290 Queens; Hollyburn Cabin Cmnty (Heritage Register); Chickens AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/feb/15/16feb15-agenda.pdf

= Feb 22 mtg: KMC presentation; Temp Use Permits; Asset Levy + Operating Budget increase; Asset Mgmt Reserves

AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/feb/22/16feb22-agenda-copy3.pdf

= Mar 7 Ccl Mtg Main Items: 5-Yr Financial Plan; 2016 Capital Funding Report ($8,497,200)

AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/mar/07/16mar07-Agenda.pdf

= BUDGET 2016

= Vive le Canada (Campaign Polls, Throne Speech, Parliamentary Secretaries, 60-sec JT, Prime Minister's Town Hall, Queen's Christmas Msg, Happy Birthday); from the Editor's Desk (WVM); WVPD (IHIT; Strategic Plan)

= Updates & Info (Traffic; SAC; Cycling BC; WV Trees; 1300 Marine; ADRA's Waterfront Mtg)

= CALENDAR to ~Apr 3+; CULTUREWATCH (Theatre; Art; Museums; Music; Festivals; Talks/Walks)

= HEADSUPS 2015 -- 14.5 PS (Solstice) // 14.5A: Polar Bear Swims; Earthquake Prep / 14.5B: News; Plans; Apples /

14.5C: Budget; MP Pam; Dal Richards; Huge House; Parl Poet / 14.5D: Heritage; Monster Home / 14.5E: Budget; Mtgs 14.5F: Budget; Ccl BITS Jan 11 / 14.5G: Mtgs; Salaries; Jan 25 Agenda / 14.5H: Wed/Thurs / 14.5I: Budget; Robbie B 14.5J: BITS Jan 25; Mtgs, etc / 14.5K: Feb 2/3 / 14.5L: Mtgs Feb 4-11 / 14.5M: Waterfront; Mtgs / 14.5N: BITS Feb 15; Feb 22 Budget increase / 14.5O: BITS Feb 22; Mtgs Tu/Th / 14.5P: LNG mtg / [St David's Day] / 14.5Q: Budget/Capital Projects ~ $8.5M (Item 6, Mar 7) / 14.5R: Budget Tonight / 14.5S: Bits Mar 7 Ccl; mtgs / 14.5T: Events / 14.5U: Mtgs; Celebration / 14.5V: WVHS Mtg (WVML History) / 14.5W: Weekend; Senators / 14.5X: VCBF; WVPD Canoe

= Ccl NOTES: Oct 26/28; Nov 2/16/23/30; Dec 7/14/16 + Apr 4 Closed Mtg Agenda

= ANIMALWATCH (Tiger and Goat; Eagle and Drone); INFObits (Highclere Castle; Nowruz; Holi; Purim; Goodbyes; YVR;

Saudi King: Meteorite older than Earth; Hottest Year/Warmest Month; Syrian stats); ROYALWATCH (Charles & Camilla; Prince George; St David's Day): JournalismWATCH; WOMANWATCH; PHOTOWATCH (hot tea, stonehenge; Yalda; Pix); MUSICWATCH (disabled musicians); HOUSEWATCH (OTT); EconomistWATCH (Year in Review); WHISKYWATCH; SOUPWATCH (cock-a-leekie): CPTWATCH; GUARDIANWATCH; 2015 WATCH (Goodbyes); BEERWATCH (UK craft after

cenosillicaphobia); TREEWATCH; SPACEWATCH; MUSEUMWATCH; BOOKWATCH (Shakespeare; Parl poet laureate; Israeli novel removed); WORDWATCH (circumzenithal arc; bibliotaphe, manel, lent, enrol/l); HERITAGEWATCH (assns' news); WV Heritage Week; MAIKU; QUOTATIONS/THOUGHTS/PUNS + jokes/cartoons

2016 HERITAGE WEEK 15 - 21

THEME: Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places

pls send a destination/place in WV to: destinations@heritage.westvan.org

Heritage Fayre is Saturday Feb 20 from 2 - 4pm in the atrium of the Cmnty Ctr -- find out more!


As you know salaries and 80% of our budget. The latest information we have is for 2014.

See: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/financial-reports/annual-reports/ 4_FIA_SOFI_signed.pdf

In 2014, the CAO made $235,523, and the Dep CAO $209,057; DWV has ~45,000 residents and ~800 staff (FTEs), including transit. Presumably the salary was 2% more in 2015, slated for another 2% in 2016 (~$245K).

Vancouver's new city manager's salary is ~$316K. Vancouver's population is over 600K, its operating budget is $1.2B, and it has ~7,500 employees.

btw, Sadhu Aufochs Johnston is a globally recognized leader in the green city movement. He was the Chief Environmental Officer of Chicago and Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard M. Daley.

=== Vive le CANADA ===

+ The lesson of Canadian politics in 2015 — stay humble: Delacourt Liberals, New Democrats, and Conservatives all saw their fortunes rise and fall in a year in which forecasts were fallible and voters delivered stunning changes.

See: http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2015/12/25/the-lesson-of-canadian-politics-in-2015-stay-humble-delacourt.html

+ Speech from the Throne: http://www.speech.gc.ca

+ Parliamentary Secretaries Appointed A parliamentary secretary is a mbr of a Parliament in the Westminster system who assists more sr ministers with their duties. In several countries the position has been re-designated as assistant minister. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_secretary

All three Liberals elected on the NSh appointed as Parliamentary Secretaries to:

o Terry Beech ~ the Minister of Science (Burnaby North–Seymour)

o Pamela Goldsmith-Jones ~ the Minister of Foreign Affairs (WV–Sunshine Coast–Sea-to-Sky Country)

o Jonathan Wilkinson -- the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (North Van)

...for the whole list: http://www.pm.gc.ca/sites/pm/files/docs/parliamentary_secretaries_e.pdf

+ Justin Trudeau takes 60-second challenge PM’s answers to rapid-fire questions parsed, as he warms up for the more serious Maclean’s TownHall Dec 14. See: http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/prime-minister-justin-trudeau-takes-the-60-second-challenge/

+ The Maclean's Town Hall mtg asking PM Trudeau questions: http://www.macleans.ca/trudeau-town-hall/

+ Christmas Day https://youtu.be/Xileb8OUSlQ

= The Queen's Annual Christmas Message to the Commonwealth as broadcast earlier this Christmas Day in Australia. Followed by the Oz version of the Commonwealth’s Anthem "God Save The Queen" for Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia.

= Happy Birthday to PM Justin Trudeau -- he turned 44 on Christmas Day.

+ March 20: the International Day of La Francophonie

=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===

WVM NOTES As mentioned before, the series of Headsups helps keep email subscribers up to date. Have decided rather than wait, to send out these notes although much missing. {PS: added a budget bit was missing from 14.5Q p27.}

As they say in the computer industry, it's time to shoot the developer and ship the product.

You can always watch the video of the ccl mtg (the item no and times are given). Alas, this isn't the proverbial glass half-full, it's maybe not even a quarter full. And it has notes from about eight ccl mtgs!

Notes for the two mtgs in January, two in February, one in March will be in the next WVM (2016-01), but this has bits from them in a Headsup to keep you informed.

Rather than delay this any longer, this is being sent out incomplete and as a draft. May do more work on it when on the website but this newsletter has most of the information. Feel free to send corrections, stats, numbers, more complete texts of what was said so they can be added to the newsletter on the website. You have a chance to edit!

Sorry you'll have to guess or research (or watch) but no time right now to do/polish the rest of the transcript.

Wish me luck.


=== WVPD ===

IHIT -- On January 1, the WV Police Dept joined forces with the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team.

On top of IHIT’s 28 RCMP detachments throughout the Lower Mainland, the WVPD is the most recent Municipal partner to join. Abbotsford, Port Moody, and New Westminster Police are among the other existing Municipal partners that IHIT has integrated with.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 - 2019 Safe Today & Safer Tomorrow

WV Police have set out a new four-year plan aimed at making a safe community even safer. 

After community and stakeholder consultation, the 2016-2019 WVPD Strategic Plan was developed and officially approved by the WV Police Board.  The plan was publicly unveiled at the Police Board meeting January 28, 2016.

The plan is a pledge by all WVPD officers and civilian staff for ongoing work to Enhance Community Safety, Promote Operational Excellence, and Improve Organizational Practices. 

The plan commits the dept to ambitious public safety objectives, including annual reductions in violent crime, property crime, and collisions resulting in injury or death.

Read The Full Plan - Click Here: -- https://wvpd.ca/index.php/strategic-plan

See Our Strategic Plan Video [2:27m] -- Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5-a4w3y72I

=== UPDATES & INFO ===

+ MARCH 7 was the only ccl mtg on the calendar for March! Happy Spring Break and Easter.


Jan 26, 2016 -- The District of West Vancouver and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure are making changes to traffic signals at the intersection of Taylor Way and Marine Drive this week.

While the Lions' Gate Bridge capacity limits what can be done to ease congestion, the overall flow-through can be improved by traffic light changes. The changes are aimed to help reduce southbound drivers from blocking the intersection as they wait to turn left from Taylor Way onto Marine Drive.

The intersection’s capacity is significantly reduced by this type of illegal driver behaviour.

Watch for new signage this week about the traffic light changes at Taylor Way and Marine.

+ Tides influence evening work on the Lawson foreshore

Work continues to move environmentally suitable material from the MHall construction site to the foreshore between15th and 18th Streets. Read More http://westvancouver.ca/news/tides-influence-evening-work-lawson-foreshore

Find out more -- Lawson Foreshore Habitat Enhancement Project


+ SAC -- Seniors' Activity Centre

To view the current Seniors' Scene -- click here. http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/DWV_SSNL-16-1_RGB_WEB.pdf

What a fantastic full newsletter, chock-full of activities! Do take a look at all the great things to do that the SAC has.

To view our Garden Side Café

January Menu click here, http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/DWV_SSNL-16-1_RGB_Menu-Jan.pdf

and February Menu click here. http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/DWV_SSNL-16-1_RGB_Menu-Feb.pdf

+ Cycling BC

Cycling BC is thrilled to announce the 2016 BC Championship races. Following the success of the 2015 season, 2016 promises more high quality, competitive racing throughout our beautiful province.

and much more: http://us3.campaign-archive2.com/?u=05396696229a2e236eb99a8dd&id=a247d37a8b&e=f1cb9865a1


+ A group urging retention of trees, with a petition: www.westvantrees.com

They'll have a delegation at the Feb 15 ccl mtg, and info at Heritage Fayre Sat Feb 20, Cmnty Ctr

+ 1300 Block Marine Drive Upcoming Construction Updates [Feb 2]

This letter is to update you on the possible impacts you may experience during the next phase of the Grosvenor devt.

Installation of covered walkway above the sidewalk on the south side of Marine Drive.

Grosvenor will be installing a covered walkway above the sidewalk on the south side of Marine Dr to prepare for the future installation of small site trailers above the walkway. To ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles, the sidewalk and parking lane on the S side of Marine will be closed during this time. This work will be completed the week of Feb 9 - 12 between the hours of 8am – 3pm. Traffic control personnel will be onsite to moderate any impact to traffic flow.

Grosvenor Construction – Concrete Pouring

Site excavation is nearing completion and we will soon be moving into pouring the concrete for the foundation and then into general construction. These next phases will continue to require the presence of heavy trucks in the area but will mean an end to the shoring of the foundation and the heavy drilling for this phase of the project. Bellevue will be closed to eastbound traffic from March – December allowing only for westbound travel. Vehicles travelling eastbound on Bellevue will now turn north on 14th and then east onto Marine. Implementation of street signage and communication to the community and surrounding businesses will be done well in advance of this traffic flow change.

15-minute parking area north side mid –block

In an effort to manage the impacts to businesses and their customers during the recent closure of the south side of Marine the District created 15-min parking spaces mid-block on the north side. This implementation was scheduled to be removed when the south side parking was re-opened. As this 15-min zone does assist some customers who visit the area we wd like to leave one existing 15-min parking space in front of Malkin Cleaners and restore the other two spaces to 2-hr parking. Our engineering staff would like to complete this work early next week if possible, pls contact me directly if you have a concern with this proposal.

Please continue to contact me directly at 604 925 7008 or by email at kmerilees@westvancouver.ca if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do to assist you while this project is being completed.

Sincerely, Kristi Merilees, Manager of Community Relations


Wed. Jan 27th was one of the darkest and wettest evenings in some time, but it did not stop nearly 200 people from attending a meeting put on by volunteers from ADRA – the Ambleside & Dundarave Ratepayers’ Association - to inform and engage citizens about the proposed changes for the Ambleside Waterfront.

Previously, the message presented to the community -- from the October 2015 WV Council meeting and initially reinforced by the new Director of Planning, Jim Bailey, in the beginning of his Jan. 27th presentation -- was the theme of consulting the public to “advance¯ and “implement¯ the plan.

It was soon evident, however, by both the large number of attendees and the large amount of information they provided, that perhaps the District’s plan advancing straight to “implementation¯ might be a tad premature.

On this evening, Mr. Bailey assured everyone again and again that the potential for significant changes and revisions to the plan existed and as requested would be based on tonight’s and additional consultation, research, and data analysis.

{eg, to date bricks and mortar restaurants hv not bn polled re their views on food trucks; biz cases for the commercial proposals hv

not bn made; the exact number of parking spots to be removed from Argyle & various projects costs etc. are as yet unknown.)

These assurances were provided with absolute sincerity. Nearly 200 citizens, including all the councillors (but not the mayor), heard this message and ADRA plans to hold the District accountable.

A summary of all questions/comments and answers (as well as any subsequent information) will be sent to all attendees by ADRA when the volunteers finish compiling this. (Very soon we hope!)

ADRA set a new benchmark by conducting the meeting in a remarkably respectful and open manner that allowed all participants to engage in the process.  Everyone was required to wear a nametag (ADRA has long campaigned against anonymous public feedback). This ensured the polite crowd was kept accountable and better allowed folks to meet their neighbours and fellow activists.

Big posters on various categories were on the walls for questions and comments to be written on, and space was provided for additional contributions. Even those without specific questions were afforded the opportunity to weigh in when prioritizing/endorsing the written questions and comments. Small stickers were given out for people to apply indicating approval. Thus, comments and questions were validated (or not) by the group and no one person or group was allowed to dominate the meeting.

The questions and comments were divided into 15 broad categories:

The ever passion-inducing Hollyburn Sailing Club (HSC). (Why rebuild if the Club itself doesn’t want that?)

The Bistro at the HSC. (What has changed since the April 2013 NSN reported “West Van rejects waterfront plans after public outcry¯ and focused on opposition to a 75-seat wine bar?)

The Spirit Trail and removal of cars and parking along Argyle Ave. (HOW many parking spots will be lost?)

Boat rental services at the HSC.

Shoreline (rising sea levels, et al).

Budget & Financial aspects.

Demolition of the Silk Purse and Music Box.

New Arts Buildings near the Ferry Building.

14th Street Pier – Marina & Ferry service.

The parkade where the current Ambleside Tennis Courts are located.

Food Carts.

John Lawson Pier and boat marina.

The District’s feedback process to date.

The Outdoor Stage at John Lawson Park.

Other (anything that may have been missed).

It might be observed that the majority of citizens in attendance wanted the waterfront to be a “commercial free zone¯, while the District appears interested in making their significant investment in buying up waterfront properties provide some financial return.

Ms Slater opined that the waterfront is not unlike schools -- we don’t expect a financial return from them because the overall community benefits are so overwhelming.

The most overwhelmingly endorsed question was not a question at all however but a statement: “We do not need to build attractions on our waterfront. The waterfront IS the attraction.¯

Yes – the good citizens of West Vancouver know that a natural beauty does not need any expensive tattoos or piercings, just soap and water and some clean clothes.

However, citizens must work to ensure that THEIR vision of that statement aligns with the District perception!

Suggested activities to achieve this:

Attend and speak at the District Public Input Events for the Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan:

Wednesday February 10th from 6:30 – 8:30PM -- Consultation Launch Event - Kay Meek Centre

Wednesday February 17th from 4 – 7PM -- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium

Thursday February 25th from 4 – 7PM-- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium

Tuesday March 1st from 4 – 7PM -- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium

Write to Mayor and Council: MayorandCouncil@westvancouver.ca

These letters become part of public record. If you do not want your name redacted (blanked out) tell them or they will do so automatically. I recommend NOT redacting your name. It better allows like-minded citizens to unite!

Phone and/or meet with Mayor and each Councillor individually:

Mayor Michael Smith msmith@westvancouver.ca 925 7001

Councillor Mary-Ann Booth mbooth@westvancouver.ca 604 340 8490

Councillor Craig Cameron ccameron@westvancouver.ca 604 828 0805

Councillor Christine Cassidy ccassidy@westvancouver.ca 604 818-5968

Councillor Nora Gambioli ngambioli@westvancouver.ca 604 653 8823

Councillor Michael Lewis mlewis@westvancouver.ca 604 315 4485

Councillor Bill Soprovich bsoprovich@westvancouver.ca 604 561 3219

Tell EACH of them your views. They don’t all think alike, It is probably more important to talk with the ones who don’t think your way than the ones who do! Don’t assume anything. Tell them specifically what you want them to do.  Don’t tell yourself they don’t want to hear from you. They’ve been elected to hear and represent you! We just assume that developers and big business have “the ear¯ of Municipal Hall – but YOU won’t unless you talk to them......just as often!

Meet with District staff:

A large list of staff and depts are listed on the District website under “contact us¯, but here are a few important ones:

o Jim Bailey, Director of Planning and Development jbailey@westvancouver.ca 925 7058

Proposed devs, zoning and Official Community Plan (OCP) changes are probably the most contentious issues for residents. Let’s make sure the “C¯ in OCP really is community – that’s YOU!

o Nina Leemhuis, Chief Administrative Officer nleemhuis@westvancouver.ca) 925-7002

The C.A.O. is like the pinch point in the hour-glass with elected officials on one side and municipal staff on the other.

There is probably nobody else with more influence in the municipality.

o Kristi Merilees, Manager, Community Relations kmerilees@westvancouver.ca 925-7008

This is where to go if you need info. If Ms Merilees hasn't the answer she can sure find out whom you DO need to talk to.

Write letters to the editor of the North Shore News and other media.

editor@nsnews.com sunletters@vancouversun.com provletters@theprovince.com

Letters to the editor must include your name, full address and telephone number so they can confirm you have written it.

Attend public meetings, hearings, and council meetings.

Council meeting agendas are found on the District website. ADRA periodically emails members to advise them when there are important issues on the agenda.

Speak at a Council mtg. Each one has a Public Question Period (PQP) and you have three minutes to speak unfettered.

Apply for a delegation where a group of you may make a presentation at a council meeting. This lets you have a longer presentation, Often groups use slides and handouts for Council.

Join ADRA or any other neighbourhood or community association that reflects your views. [Mbship is $10]

ADRA is made up of regular citizen volunteers and depends on its membership to fund activities to inform and involve residents in issues that impact their community. See: www.adrawestvan.ca

{Editor's Notes: Jan 27th's open mtg went really well and covered many topics. Some minor points: trees were added to one of the wall posters; the public were not allowed to speak nor were public questions permitted even at the end of the mtg. My recommendation is to add five to ten minutes, maybe restrict them to requests for clarification. If something new, then perhaps the chair/moderator cd decide whether relevant and most wishing to hear/know. Am looking forward to promised summary -- hope also the cmnty makes its views known clearly in the coming open houses. Did notice Jim Bailey said "how and when" but again "what" was omitted (and I said that at the Oct 28th mtg, transcript in this newsletter). -- CR}

NB: ADRA AGM changed to 1:30pm, Saturday April 2nd at the Srs' Ctr

=== CALENDAR to ~ April 3 ===

Mtgs at MHall unless otherwise indicated. Mtgs known at date of writing shown; often addns, changes, cancellations after WVM sent. Check the DWV Calendar: http://www.westvancouver.ca/events. Some too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices sent between issues.] Earlier mtgs/events in Headsups. {Best efforts}

=== Saturday February 13

~ 9am ~ Lighthouse Park Preservation Society Stewardship Event: Ivy Pull

Meet at the upper kiosk in the parking lot; please wear old clothes, sturdy shoes, and work gloves.

=== Saturday February 27


at the Dale Park. Pls wear old clothes, sturdy shoes, and work gloves; meet at corner of Water Lane & The Dale


=== Tuesday March 1

~ 4 - 7pm ~ Ambleside Waterfront Plan Open House in atrium of Cmnty Ctr

~ 6 - 8pm ~ OPEN HOUSE: SPORT AND ACTIVE RECREATION in Cedar Room of Cmnty Ctr

We're developing a Sport and Active Recreation Policy that formalizes the underlying principles of why the municipality provides programs and opportunities for sport and active recreation, and to help guide decisions for the provision of these services.You are invited to join us at an open house to find out more and provide your input. By February 29 to ensure we have enough materials for everyone. RSVP to pjones@westvancouver.ca or 925 7204

=== Saturday March 5


Meet at the south entrance of pond by the information board in front of dog beach.

For all volunteer events please wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Rakes, shovels, and some gloves and loppers will be provided.  Pls note that moderate physical activity (pulling and bending) is involved in this volunteering event. A safety talk will be given at the beginning of the event to demonstrate best practices when it comes to pulling ivy. There will be a 5–10-minute break at 10:30 a.m. where light refreshments will be available.

More info: a second Ambleside Pond Ivy Pull event takes place March 9

=== Saturday March 5 and Sunday March 6

~ 8:30am WEST VAN RUN -- Dundarave Village; Post-sweat party at the Beach House Restaurant.

Run Start Times: 5 km Run/Walk (chip-timed): 8:30am / 1 km Kids Run (chip-timed): 9:30am 

The West Van Run is an annual 5 km & 10 km Run/Walk. West Van Run exists to promote running on the North Shore and support some amazing local organizations. In 2016, this two-day event will have a new course that is flat and fast, and covers Bellevue Ave, Marine Drive, Ambleside Park, and the WV SeaWalk.

========== see mtgs/events in Headsup sections ==========

=== Monday March 21


=== Wednesday March 23


Meet at the south entrance of the pond by the kiosk in front of the dog beach. Volunteers will help with the restoration of native plants around the south/west side of the pond in Ambleside Park where ivy was recently pulled. Pls note that moderate physical activity (shovelling soil and bending) is involved in this volunteer event. A safety talk will be given at the beginning of the event to demonstrate best practices when it comes to planting. For all volunteer events pls wear old clothes, sturdy shoes, and work gloves.  There will be a 5–10-min break at 1pm when light refreshments will be available.

=== Friday March 25 [Good Friday]


The 48th Annual Southern Straits Yacht Race, hosted by the WV Yacht Club starts in Dundarave Park again this year. Come down to the beach, enjoy the pancake breakfast provided by the Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club, listen to some live music, and cheer on race participants as they begin the race. The Easter Bunny makes a special appearance at the race every year.

=== Tuesday March 29


~ 6 - 7pm ~ Policy Workshop & Discussion at the Library for YOUTH with our MP Pam Goldsmith-Jones

Invitation to youth and young Liberals (<26 years) to join us for an exciting policy workshop with our MP. The discussion will illustrate how youth can get involved with the Liberal Party of Canada to advocate for issues they care about.

In addition to hearing from their MP, youth leaders will share their experiences taking several policy initiatives to the BC Policy Convention that was held in Victoria earlier in March. Participants will get to brainstorm ideas and briefly practise writing some policies. 

Getting Engaged: Policy Workshop & Discussion RSVP: http://bit.ly/1Uh51lZ

This will be a lively, interactive session with Pam Goldsmith-Jones. We will conclude by discussing youth engagement opportunities in West Vancouver and at the National Convention in Winnipeg  (May 26-29).

=== Wednesday March 30

~ 4:30 - 6pm ~ COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CMTE MTG {Agenda at http://ow.ly/ZKcw2}

Topics: Transition to New CEC Structure; CEC ToR; Draft CEC and WG Orientation; Update on Cmity Outreach and Engagement Policy: Update on Proposed Outreach Task Force

~ 6:30 - 8pm ~ LOWER CAULFEILD ADV CMTE MTG; St Francis-in-the-Wood Church re 4701 Piccadilly South


=== Saturday April 2

~ 1:30pm ~ ADRA AGM at the Srs' Ctr -- Get information and give your views

=== Sunday April 3

~ 11am - 6pm ~ Nowruz Family Picnic (the last day of the Persian New Year) at Ambleside Park

+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 westvanlibrary.ca See the Calendar: http://www.westvanlibrary.ca/events/calendar/month

~~~ Thursday January 14 Opening = Art Gallery = Works by Mong Yen and Monika van Wollen

Enjoy works by two artists, both of whom bring a love of nature and influences from other lands to their paintings.

~~~ Starts Thursday March 24 = In the Gallery = Canadian Landscapes

Featuring the works of Norman Vipond, Michael Brouillet, Neil MacDonald, and Mary Winter — each with a strong connection to Vancouver’s North Shore — this exhibition presents the artists’ unique interpretations of our diverse Canadian landscapes.

Cap Kodaly Orff | Ages 2 – 3

Children experience the joy of making music through song, games, dance, and instruments. These sample classes are a great introduction to the Kodaly Orff method, which also develops skills that children will carry with them into further music lessons. Registration is by lottery and begins Tuesday Dec 1; please call or visit the Youth Dept to be added to the list.

Fridays, January 8 February 26 ~ 11:30am – 12:30pm ~ Storyhouse

Let’s Talk -- max 20 ppl

Develop your English skills while discussing current events

Beginner: 1 - 2:30pm Tuesdays Mar 1, 8, and 29; Intermediate: 7 - 8:30pm Wednesdays Mar 2, 9, and 30

Let’s Talk About Mental Health Issues, Resources and Support

Tues Jan 19 from 7 – 8:30pm Please join us for a conversation on mental illness and its impact on families, and learn all about the resources and support available.

Tech Talk -- Thurs from 5:30 - 7pm

Introduction to Podcasts

Feb 11 Learn what podcasts are, how they’re made, how to find and listen to them,

where to get started recording your own, as well as some recommended podcasts to check out.

-- Introduction to Social Media

March 10 Learn about the most popular social media platforms and which ones are best for you.

English Corner: -- Fridays ~ 10 - 11:30am ~

Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. Mar 4, 11, and 18; Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29

From Eden to ISIS – Capilano Universe Lecture Series

Tues Jan 26 from 7 – 8:45pm

Capilano University’s Dr. Leonard George will present From Eden to Isis: The Eternal War for Control of the Imagination, revealing some of the ways that imagination’s power has been used through the centuries, and some of the battles for control of this power.

+ Philosophers’ Cafe ~ 10:30am - noon ~ Fridays

- January 15 Nominating Newsmakers of 2015

Who and what have made an impact locally or globally? Nominate your choice for newsmaker of 2015!

- March 18 The Impact of Science and Technology on Our Lives

We are relying on science and its child, technology, increasingly. How do we receive and evaluate claims that impact our lives and nations? With special guest Dr. Leslie Buck (retired NRC Scientist).

+ Authors in Our Community

Human Rights and Spirituality -- Wed Jan 27, from 7 – 8:30pm

Join local author Houchang Zargarpour as his discusses his new book, Human Rights and Spirituality.

+ Movie Screening – Granny Power

Saturday January 23, from 2 – 4pm

The Raging Grannies use songs and satire to protest injustice and raise awareness about the most urgent issues of our day. After the screening, the Vancouver Raging Grannies will sing songs and share their stories.

+ Monday Movie Night – 6:30 - 9pm

Mar 21 -- Mr. Holmes -- Retired to a seaside farmhouse, Sherlock struggles to remember the details of his final case.

Apr 4 -- This Changes Everything -- A powerful documentary about climate change and the economic system that created it.

+ Opera with Nicolas Krusek – Opera in the Age of Lully and Purcell

This series presents great French and English operas of the middle Baroque, including Venus and Adonis, Dido and Aeneas, and The Fairy Queen. 12:30 – 2:30pm Wednesdays March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30

+ Friday Night Concert

Locarno -- Jan 29 from 7:30 to 8:45pm

Locarno is the Latin project of Juno-winning musician Tom Landa (The Paperboys). The band brings a contemporary edge to a blend of Mexican folk, Cuban son, and Latin soul.

Vancouver Opera Young Artists Program -- March 18 from 7:30 – 8:45pm

Classic fables come to life through the masterpieces of opera and music theatre. Combining charming stories with music from Candide, Roméo et Juliette, Rigoletto, Carmen, Jekyll and Hyde ,and others, Opera Tales will delight and enthral!

+ Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble – The Monkey King! All Ages

Sat Feb 6 from 11:30am – 12:30pm Join us as the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble presents The Monkey King in celebration of the New Year! Register online.

+ Power of Attorney ~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Tuesday March 22

Expert Notary Public David Watts will discuss the purpose and scope of a Power of Attorney, and how to obtain this type of authorization for yourself and your loved ones.

++ Free Online Training Courses

Feb 2, West Van and North Van – Learning on the North Shore just took a big leap forward for anyone with a WV or NV City library card. With the launch of Lynda.com, thousands of self-directed online training courses are now available for anyone looking to learn computer and software skills, business and management, presentation skills, design¦and much more.

We wanted to make a great learning tool available, and Lynda.com is the best system for our needs,¯ says Chris Koth, Head of Digital Services at CNV Library.  “Users will get a lot out of the online classes, and can work at their own speed.¯

With Lynda.com, users have free access to high quality online courses delivered by expert instructors in a variety of fields. For those who are interested, credentials for completed courses can be posted on their LinkedIn profiles as a showcase for prospective employers.

In today’s world, learning doesn’t stop when people leave formal educational settings — we’re all learning all the time,¯ says Deb Koep, Deputy Director at WV Memorial Library. “Libraries are vital learning environments, and Lynda.com enables us to offer an expanded depth and breadth of subjects for people to explore.¯

Lynda.com complements both libraries’ existing suite of digital services, which include streaming movies and music, language learning, and downloadable ebooks and audiobooks. To get started with Lynda, people can visit their local library any time to sign up for their cards, and then visit westvanlibrary.ca or nvcl.ca to start learning with Lynda. 

Media Contacts:

WV Memorial Library: David Carson, Communications Coordinator 925.7407 dcarson@westvanlibrary.ca

North Vancouver City Library: Chris Koth, Head of Digital Services 982.3903 ckoth@cnv.org

++ The WV Memorial Library board of trustees has announced its members for 2016.

Jan 26 -- Retired lawyer Mary Jo Campbell remains as chair and retired federal public servant David Carter stays on as vice chair.

The board is pleased to announce the appointment of three new trustees this year: Carolyn Jack, J. Andrew Telford, and Koichi Ronald Shimoda. Jack comes to the board with more than 20 years of experience leading and executing communications initiatives in traditional and social media. Telford, a senior finance professional, is currently the president of JT Consulting. Shimoda has been a financial consultant for IPC Investment Corporation since returning to Canada from Japan in 2012.

Continuing board trustees include:

Retired superintendent of schools for WV Schools: Geoff Jopson

Lawyer: Anjili Bahadoorsingh

Settlement worker for WV Schools: Felica Zhu

Public art planner with the City of Richmond: Eric Fiss

Retired solicitor and investment banker: Marcus Shapiro

Retired public service executive: Jillian Stirk

Dean, Faculty of Health, Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Tru Freeman

Semi-retired telecom executive Michael Lewis continues in his role as Council Representative.

Monday Movie Nights

Suffragette -- A working mother is drawn into the British suffragette movement. March 7 from 6:30 – 9pm

What We Did On Our Holiday -- A family reunion in Scotland goes hilariously awry. March 14 from 6:30 – 9pm

Philosophers’ Cafe – The Impact of Science and Technology on Our Lives

We are relying on science and its child, technology, increasingly. How do we receive and evaluate claims that impact our lives and nations? With special guest Dr. Leslie Buck (retired NRC Scientist). Friday March 18 from 10:30am – noon

Authors in Our Community ~ 7 - 8:30pm Wednesday March 30

Hiroshima: Memoirs of a Survivor

Sachi Rummel shares her touching story about the effects the Hiroshima bombing has had on her life.

+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295 http://westvancouvermuseum.ca

Peter Aspell: Saints and Sinners, Mystics and Madness January 13 to March 26

Opening Reception: Tuesday January 12 from 7 to 9pm

Guided bus tour to Richmond Art Gallery: February 27, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Peter Aspell was an artist of immense talent who explored in pictorial form the joys and despairs of the human condition, producing an extensive body of work throughout his long, prolific career. This exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Richmond Art Gallery (RAG), where a second exhibition, Peter Aspell: The Mad Alchemist, runs from January 23 to April 3, 2016 (opening reception on January 22, 7 to 9pm) at the RAG. The exhibitions consist of a representative selection of artworks from the late 1980s to the time of the artist's death in 2004. Aspell's paintings and works on paper of figures and mythic landscapes, either richly layered with luscious colours, or rendered in a more restrictive palette consisting mostly of black, white, and grey, stood apart from the art of his contemporaries but nevertheless (and because of this) made an important contribution to the art of this region.

Peter Aspell exhibited regularly in commercial galleries in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Paris, and has many devoted collectors. Although he had a solo exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 1958, participated in many group exhibitions there from 1942 through the early 1960s, and was included in the exhibition

7 West Coast Painters held at the UBC Fine Arts Gallery in 1959, more than 50 years have passed since his work has been examined in depth in a public gallery or museum exhibition.

A full colour, hardcover catalogue, The Art of Peter Aspell, accompanies the two concurrent exhibitions.

For more information, please visit westvancouvermuseum.ca.

March 29 to April 5 Opening Reception: March 30 from 6 to 8pm

In SD 45 ONE.five, residents investigate their perceptions of WV’s social, cultural, economic, and topographical settings. Their personal enquiries of this distinct community are documented in a collaborative mural.

Students, educators, artists, and a politician and an architect were invited to document their communities using a camera. Their work is being shown at the WV Museum for visitors to discover both the links between these groups and what defines them as distinct populations.

Artists featured in this exhibition include Jody Broomfield, Cedric Burgers, Craig Cameron, Chris Kennedy, Ross Penhall, Victor John Penner, Steve Rauh, and West Vancouver School District students.

SD 45 ONE.five is guest-curated for the Capture Photography Festival by Jackie Wong, a teacher at WV Sec Sch, in collaboration with the Museum's Education Coordinator Isaac Vanderhorst.

+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ www.ferrybuildinggallery.com ~ 925 7290

Winter 2016 info: http://files.ctctcdn.com/c75a373f001/68d9f3aa-2ded-468c-af27-7c97af951c6f.pdf

~~~ Thursday March 31 ~ 7pm

TREVOR CAROLAN Author reads from his new work The Literary Storefront. Tix: $15. Info/register 925 7270

~~~ March 15 - April 3 Recent Works

Mixed media by Joanne Frewer & Bert Monterona

Opening Reception: Tues March 15 from 6 - 8pm. Meet the Artists: Sat March 19 from 2 - 3pm.

+++ SILK PURSE +++ http://silkpurse.ca/exhibitions/ 925 7292

> Art Around The Block Tuesday January 05 - 24

This impressive exhibition features the art work of talented local high school students. Diverse in medium and subject matter, these works of art share fresh points of view and youthful passion. This exhibition is also remarkable because it was conceived, organized, and curated by the students themselves, many of whom will be showing in a gallery for the first time. Come out and support the creativity of youth in our community!

Opening reception: Tuesday January 5th from 6 - 8pm

> Adam Gibbs & Mark K. Daly: Nature's Splendour -- January 26 - February 14

Two skilled photographers Adam Gibbs & Mark K. Daly, each capture the majesty of the natural world around us in breathtaking imagery. Opening reception: Tuesday January 26th from 6 to 8pm

> Valerie Raynard: Wild Wood -- Feb 16 - Mar 6

Vancouver-born artist Valerie Raynard's work celebrates trees from the West Coast of Canada. Set against bright blue skies or dark shadows, her trees are bold and graphic, with undulating, peeling surfaces and explosive colour. Raynard exposes their immense complexity and highlights the geometry in their forms to reawaken the viewer’s interest and love for the largest and most powerful plants on our earth, which are constantly under threat from man-made and ecological disasters. Using her evocative art, Raynard aims to remind us of the grandeur and benefits of trees and the need to protect our delicate ecosystem.

> Meghan Carich & Lynda Manson: From Here to There March 8 - 20

Take a journey that begins with grounded introspection and leads to cosmic exploration with artists Meghan Carich & Lynda Manson.  Carich's leather & mixed media spirit masks transport us to a time when humanity's connection to our natural surroundings was tied to our very identity, inviting us to examine our relationship to the world, the past, to others & ourselves. Manson's acrylic skyscapes and paintings of nebula ignite our sense of wonder and exploration, inspiring us to look to the future and reach for the stars. Opening reception: Tuesday March 8th, from 6 to 8pm

> Cherry Blossoms: A Textile Translation 2016 March 22 - April 10

Spring is here with the return of one of our most popular exhibitions, Cherry Blossoms: A Textile Translation. This is the 8th annual juried exhibition of textile art inspired by the cherry blossom, featuring artists from The Vancouver Guild of Fibre Arts & fibreEssence. This community favourite exhibition is an official event in the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. Marvel at all the beautiful and intricate works of art in a variety of mediums including quilting,

+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar {see for all events}

Call 981 6335 (MEEK) or email tickets@kaymeekcentre.com


MAR 29  | 7:30     FILM: JIMMY'S HALL*


APR 02 & 03  | 8:00     JOELLE RABU & NICO RHODES

APR 06   | 7:30     PRO NOVA ENSEMBLE

* Jimmy's Hall ~~~ 7:30pm Tues March 29 Tix: $10 Adults | $7 Students Run time: 109 minutes

Recounting the incredible true story of activist Jimmy Gralton, the new film from revered British director Ken Loach (The Angels' Share, The Wind That Shakes the Barley)  creates a stirring drama from a tumultuous yet little-known chapter of Irish history.

In 1921 Jimmy opened a dance hall, where he encouraged young Irish men and women not only to dance, but to discuss the cultural oppression and poverty of the time. However, Jimmy's past as a leader of the Revolutionary Workers' Group, a predecessor of the Communist Party of Ireland, sparked protests against Jimmy running a hall where he was influencing young people. With Ireland on the brink of Civil War, the protests turned violent and Jimmy was arrested and deported.

Starring:  Barry Ward, Francis Magee, Aileen Henry, Simone Kirby, Stella McGirl, Sorcha Fox, Martin Lucey.

+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV http://westvan60.com Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920

Lounge Hours of Operation: Monday to Thursday noon – 10pm; Friday & Saturday noon – 11pm; Sunday 1 – 7pm

> TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2 AT 6PM IN THE MEMORIAL HALL -- VOLUNTEER INFORMATION - SHORT MEETING A call to all members interested in volunteering at Branch 60 in any way – Please support your Branch!

> SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7 – SUPERBOWL Come watch the game on the big screen starting at 3:30 pm

Prizes, Beef dip $4, BBQ smokies $3 at half time **DRINK SPECIALS**


> Invitation to our members, their families and friends, to drop by the Branch this Sunday afternoon,

and enjoy the music of entertainer Amahra Jaxen. 3:30 - 4:30pm Sunday March 13


> THE SAT MAR 19 ENTERTAINMENT IS STILL ON!   So come dance the night away with the Michael Cummings Trio



>>> The GENERAL MTG has been CHANGED to 7pm Tues March 29!

+ Parade to the Memorial Arch on Sat April 9th to commemorate the 99th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 + http://www.westvanchamber.com

v successful Christmas Dinner https://westvanchamber.com/event/west-vancouver-chamber-christmas-party/

Great annual report at Dec 16th ccl mtg!

MAYOR MIKE UNPLUGGED  Wednesday March 2 ~~ 5 - 7:30pm

West Vancouver Yacht Club  Moderator: Maggie Pappas

It’s no secret Mayor Mike Smith is solidly behind the new Waterfront Plan. “If the Grosvenor development is the jewel in Ambleside’s shiny new crown, our new Waterfront Plan is the crown itself—the structure that showcases every current and future jewel that Ambleside and Dundarave has to offer. But it's the very key to the success of our independent business community.

"I can’t think of a time in our history when it's been more important to take bold steps to move forward. For the past 40 years, every Council has chewed on various waterfront plans, but so far, not one has had the courage to pass them. Now's the time to find that courage.¯

Mayor Mike, Unplugged is never politics as usual. It’s your opportunity to hear what our future is really about, unvarnished—with great wine, great food, in great company. Be there. Bring your questions. You’ll get the whole truth and nothing but.


10am - 4pm Saturday January 16 Park Royal South Upper Level

A great opportunity to showcase your business or service organization

Deadline for booking tables at the Early Bird Rate is January 5 at 5:00 pm

Register for a table here: https://westvanchamber.com/event/79041/ For further info call the Chamber office: 926 6614

Saturday January 16 10am to 4pm

3rd Annual North Shore Business Showcase Park Royal Shopping Centre South Mall - Upper Floor

NEWS rec'd from the Chamber:

Canada Summer Jobs 2016 - Information Session Wed February 10 - Hire a Student this Summer!

The constituency office of MP Pam Goldsmith-Jones is hosting an information seminar in collaboration with Service Canada about Canada Summer Jobs 2016 -  on filing applications and the process for choosing successful applicants.

Wednesday February 10 from 4 – 6 pm, WV Memorial Library RSVP: pam.goldsmith-jones.C1@parl.gc.ca

Canada Summer Jobs is a unique funding initiative of the Summer Work Experience program. It provides funding for not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to create summer job opportunities for students between the ages of 15 and 30. The Program is taking applications until February 26, 2016

More at: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=emp5396a&ln=eng

Breakfast with MP Pam Goldsmith-Jones  

NEXT WEEK! 70% SOLD March 31 Thursday 7 - 9pm at the Hollyburn Country Club - Creekside Room

Liberal MP for WV—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Topic: Federal budget 2016: Highlights impacting our region

Pam will also talk about how to apply for grants in this new budget (and more)


{NB: The VSun has many events, theatre, talks, book launches, and more -- below are some http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/ }

BARD ON THE BEACH: Fridays watch Christopher's Corner: https://youtu.be/fXuSOienUG8


+ Mama Mia (ABBA hit songs) by Broadway Across Canada (Queen Elizabeth Theatre) Mar 29 - Apr3

+ Arts Club 687 1644 artsclub.com

Onegin, a musical (Goldcorp/BMO Theatre) Mar 17 - Apr 10 

+ Freddie Wood Theatre, UBC ~~ The Arabian Nights, BFA Students, ubctheatretickets.com; until Apr 2

+ My Ain Countrie: Scottish Songs of Canadian Immigration at Hycroft Mansion 739 2197 ~ 7pm Mar 31

+ Jericho Arts Ctr -- jerichoartscentre.com

The Government Inspector, by Gogol (United Players), 224 8007 from Mar 25 - Apr 17



Several exhibitions -– Details, events: http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/events_and_programs/special_events.html


Masoud Soheili, Caroun Art Gallery (CAG) www.Caroun.net www.Caroun.ca www.Caroun.org www.Caroun.com 1403 Bewicke Ave., North Vancouver, V7M 3C7 Tel: 1 778 372 0765 (2 - 8 pm Pacific time)




+ MUSEUM of VANCOUVER http://www.museumofvancouver.ca

The City Before the City; Connects visitors with one of the largest ancient village and burial sites upon which Vancouver was built

+ VANCOUVER MARITIME MUSEUM http://www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.com/exhibits-and-collections

Ghost Passages of the McKenzie Shipyard: An Exhibition by Tracy McMenemy,

January 7 - April 3 Reception: Thursday January 14 from 6 to 9pm

The shipyard was located just west of Cates Park in NV. http://tracymcmenemy.com/press-2/

More: http://www.nsnews.com/entertainment/dossier/artist-tracy-mcmenemy-resurrects-the-bygone-mckenzie-shipyard-1.2142747#sthash.byEoE2rO.dpuf


+ EARLY MUSIC VANCOUVER 732 1610 earlymusic.bc.ca


+ Chutzpah! Festival -- February 18 – March 13

Delight your senses with a sensational lineup of breathtaking dance, thought-provoking theatre, side-splitting comedy and heart-pumping music. Tickets at chutzpahfestival.com.

+ CELTICFEST -- http://www.celticfestvancouver.com

+ VANCOUVER CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL Mar 24 - Apr 17 http://www.vcbf.ca


+ Sunday January 17 at 8 pm (by donation) Natural World Lecture Series 2:

Dr. Chris Neufeld: Life and Death on a Small Island:

Novel Interactions Between Wolves, Sea Otters, and Kayakers in Kyuquot Sound. B.C.

The wolves on BC’s West Coast are formidable predators known to supplement their land-based diets with a surprising array of marine creatures including salmon, mink, small crabs, and even barnacles. Although coastal wolves have been studied for decades, until recently no one thought their diverse list of prey might include the sea otter, an ecologically-important predator in its own right. This view of wolf foraging ecology recently changed when Chris Neufeld took his Quest University Behavioural Ecology class to a remote island in Kyuquot Sound and observed coastal wolves displaying some rather unusual behaviour. In this talk Dr. Neufeld will describe the preliminary results of his ongoing research on the remarkable interactions between coastal wolves, sea otters, and the kayak guides (and their guests) that spend summers living in the same small archipelago.

Dr. Chris Neufeld holds a BSc in biology from the U of Victoria and a PhD in ecology from the U of Alberta. Although obtaining his PhD from a noticeably landlocked institution, Dr. Neufeld spent most of his time on the west coast of Vancouver Island studying how marine organisms respond to variable and changing environments. Along the way, he has remained interested in many diverse aspects of biology, including island biogeography and predator-prey interactions. His work has been featured on national and international radio and news programs including CBC, NPR, and the BBC.

Thor & Dorte Froslev Brackendale Art Gallery Theatre Teahouse 41950 Government Rd. PO Box 100

Ph/Fax: 604 898 3333 http://www.BrackendaleArtGallery.com info@BrackendaleArtGallery.com

+ FRASER INSTITUTE -- Dr Brett Belchetz

Join us on January 29th, 2016 as Dr. Brett Belchetz discusses what is required to transform our most important, and most expensive, social program into one that serves the needs of all Canadians. Why is it that despite being among the world’s highest spenders on health care, Canada consistently ranks near the bottom of developed countries in terms of access to care? Would a mix of public and private health care achieve better outcomes while still providing universal coverage? Date: Friday January 29, 2016 Registration and lunch: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Presentation and Q&A: 12 - 1PM Location: Fraser Institute Boardroom, Fraser Institute, 1770 Burrard Street (4th Floor)To purchase tickets please use the registration button below or contact our events department by emailing Laura Chan or by calling 604 688 0221 x 529 Tix: $36.75 ($35 + $1.75 GST) A light lunch is included.


Author reads from his novel Toshiko. Tuesday March 8 at 7pm. Book Warehouse, 4118 Main Street, Vancouver. More information at 604 879 7737

* TALK ~ Thursday 7:30pm March 17th

Title: “Darwin’s elves¯. Poisonous mushrooms and mushroom poisonings Speaker: Paul Kroeger.

A free public talk for the Botany Section of Nature Vancouver Location: Unitarian Centre, 949 West 49th

Description of talk: An introduction to poisonous mushrooms and their effects is important for all those who are interested in mushrooms as a hobby. Major toxin types and their effects are described, and a few case studies show how suspect fungi are identified. This presentation presents practical general guidelines for safely handling and preparing edible fungi, and avoiding becoming another poisoning victim. Some surprising common causes of mushroom poisoning’ are also discussed.

About the speaker: Paul Kroeger has studied mushrooms for over 35 years and is a founding member of the Vancouver Mycological Society. He’s considered a leading expert in field identification of mushrooms of western Canada and has made a special study of “little brown mushrooms¯ including magic mushrooms and their relatives. He’s been involved in many projects and studies about diverse aspects of mushrooms; gaining knowledge about fungal biology and ecology, and biochemistry of toxic, hallucinogenic, medicinal, and edible mushrooms. Years of experience create unique insights and understanding of fungal life-ways and interactions in temperate ecosystems.

Paul has worked at UBC researching the biochemistry of medicinal mushrooms. He is a major contributor to the mycological herbarium collections in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum at UBC and has been a research associate of UBC Dept of Botany for many years. He’s also contributed significant collections to DAOM Herbarium in Ottawa and DAVFP Herbarium in Victoria. He is a regular consultant for the BC Drug and Poison Information Ctr, and various other agencies concerned with mushroom poisonings and fungi in human and animal health.

* NIGHT QUEST ~ Saturday 7 - 9:30pm March 19th

A Pacific Spirit Park Society event in partnership with Pacific Spirit Regional Park.

Stroll along lantern-lit trails; learn about owls, bats, coyotes, and more. Bring a flashlight or headlamp and allow 1 hour to complete the quest. Bring a mug to use at the Girl Guides concession. This event is wheelchair and stroller accessible.

A question and answer table will be next to the Nature Vancouver tent near the St. Anselm's Church parking lot with numerous hands-on plant and fungi specimens taken from the surrounding forests.

Your journey starts at 4914 West 16th Ave., 400m west of Blanca Street. Info: 224 5739

* INTERNATIONAL BEAR DAY ~ Saturday 1- 4 pm & 7 - 9pm April 2nd

International Bear Day celebrations will include a walk to see the natural foods of our black bears. A North Shore Black Bear Society, Raincoast Conservation Fdn, and Capilano U free event. For more info, email nsbbs@telus.net

In two parts:

A family fun day program 1-4 pm, Cedar Building & library courtyard, Capilano University, 2055 Purcell Way, NV.

Bring the family for displays, face painting, storytelling, photography, art, bear safety workshop, music by the Grizzly Waves and a guided walk to look at the plants and bugs foraged by bears. The walk is scheduled for 3pm. Meet those working on bear research and conservation.

The evening program 7-9 pm in the Bosa Ctr for Film and Animation on campus will be a viewing of the film Great Bear and a presentation by Christina Service, Raincoast Scientist and Executive Director of the Spirit Bear Research Foundation. Registration recommended for the evening programme at http://tinyurl.com/oarkcoy.

>>> PS to 14.5, then HEADSUP SECTIONS 14.5A - X <<<


Since this is the winter solstice, it shd hv bn in WVM14.5. Better late than never.

Actually I found the Stonehenge aspect interesting — I’d thought it was only notable for the summer solstice, didn’t realize both (but shd hv guessed).

Herewith: 1 = the link (just click) so you can read the whole article/explanation if you want (I did find it interesting)

2 = the headline/title

3 = a few facts (and remember thousands of years old); more in the article of course. [4 = a photo]





Winter solstice seen from Stonehenge

At Stonehenge in England on the northern winter solstice, people watch the sunrise and sunset.

Learn more and see photos here. http://earthsky.org/earth/gallery-the-winter-solstice-as-seen-from-stonehenge

3 + 4

According to stonehengetours.com:

Stonehenge is carefully aligned on a sight-line that points to the winter solstice sunset (opposed to New Grange, which points to the winter solstice sunrise, and the Goseck circle, which is aligned to both the sunset and sunrise).

It is thought that the winter solstice was actually more important to the people who constructed Stonehenge than the summer solstice. The winter solstice was a time when most cattle were slaughtered (so they would not have to be fed during the winter) and the majority of wine and beer was finally fermented.

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5A: Bipolar Bear Swim + Earthquake Prep

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! {Christmas maiku moved to end of newsletter}

What fabulous weather! Lots to do — see Scene, Section C of today’s Vancouver Sun

Herewith: Polar Bear Swims and Earthquake Prep (given we had one the other day); cartoons

THE 2016 BIPOLAR BEAR SWIM Jan 1, 2016 - 11:00 am

Location: Ambleside Beach Registration: 11am Swim: 12pm

The 2016 Bipolar Bear Swim is the first annual New Year’s Day Swim organized by the Bipolar Bear Initiative Society on Ambleside Beach. The event will include hot chocolate provided by the Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club and live entertainment.

The event is a fundraiser for the Bipolar Initiative Society, which is dedicated to helping people who suffer from Bipolar Spectrum Disorder through research, education, and care programs. The Bipolar Initiative Society offers peer-based art and music sessions in North Vancouver and Vancouver’s Downtown East Side.

¦ of course the biggest Polar Bear Swim in Canada is at English Bay --

see you there! http://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/polar-bear-swim.aspx

The founder of Vancouver’s Polar Bear Swim, Peter Pantages on a snowy Vancouver beach in 1927. Archives# CVA 99-1786. --->

(From http://www.miss604.com/2015/12/polar-bear-swim-new-years-day-vancouver-surrey-north-vancouver.html)



Last night's earthquake hit northeast of Victoria just before midnight, shaking up BC's south coast and keeping many of us up wondering if we're prepared for an emergency. The quake was moderate, between magnitude 4.3 and 4.8, and was a good reminder of the need to be prepared.

Have an emergency kit and plan

It is important to prepare your home and vehicle for emergencies. North Shore Emergency Management (NSEM) offers free workshops on emergency preparedness for residents and businesses. Visit the NSEM website for instructions on preparing a household emergency plan and kit.

Earthquake Preparedness Household Emergency Plan Emergency Kits & Supplies

Sign up for Rapid Notify and stay informed

When you sign up for the North Shore's Rapid Notify system, you will be alerted when there is important emergency information from police, fire, and NSEM. Registration is free and easy. Rapid Notify sends you a text, email or call with important emergency information. Follow NSEM on Twitter for breaking news and updates. Rapid Notify NSEM

What to do after an earthquake

Once the shaking stops, expect aftershocks and continue to be prepared to Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Call 911 for emergencies only and not for earthquake news and updates.

Reporting a gas leak

If you smell gas, open a window or leave the building quickly and call FortisBC to report the smell of gas. 1 800 663 9911

Reporting a utilities problem

Let us know about a non-emergency utilities problem by contacting WV public works dispatch: 925 7100 Online form

Power failures and trees on power lines BC Hydro 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766)

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5B: News/Plans/Apples

Hope you all had a fun New Year’s. All the best for 2016!

+ First annual Bipolar Bear Swim in WV; 96th in Vancouver (VSun says oldest and largest in the world — and I’d guess about the warmest).

+ Still looking for something to do this weekend (and a bit later)?

see: http://www.insidevancouver.ca/2015/12/31/things-to-do-in-vancouver-this-weekend-120/

+ V sad news at the loss of a Vancouver legend, known for his orchestra at New Year’s Eve and at the Hotel Vancouver — Dal Richards: 79 Happy New Year celebrations! Passed minutes before midnight and 2016 as well as days before his 98th birthday. RIP.

John Lawson Substation Project Update

...Crews have determined that an existing section of underground, concrete ducting (known as a duct bank) needs to be dismantled, removed, and replaced. This add'l work requires concrete cutting, removal of concrete and dirt from the site, and the construction of a new duct bank. To accommodate this add'l work, the project scope and schedule has been revised as follows: - November 30th to December 4th : hydro-vac work

- December 7th to December 10th : concrete cutting

- December 11th to December 17th : removal of concrete via a crane and dump trucks

- December 18th to December 23rd : duct bank construction

- December 29th to to mid-February: duct bank construction

We appreciate your continued patience and apologize for the noise and inconvenience you have experienced throughout this project; questions or concerns, pls contact BC Hydro: 1 866 647 3334 or stakeholderengagement@bchydro.com

Sincerely, Steve Higginbottom, Community Relations Coordinator BC Hydro

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5C:

Budget on Agenda; MP Pam; Celebration of Legend; Huge WV House; Parliamentary Poet

yes, v delayed but still full of intention and hope re WVM15¦..

Herewith five 'M's. Well, too tempting; have to end with another M. Marriage cartoons at end.

1 Monday’s AGENDA This is the beginning of the draft, fyi:

Main Items Ccl 2016 Jan 11: Fire Engine $800K early approval; 2016 Budget Presentation; Borrow $23M from MFA Click: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/jan/11/16jan11-Agenda.pdf

2 Muddle East

Listening to CBC radio this afternoon. On the Coast played a clip of our MP (Pam G-J) being interviewed by Rosemary Barton (now confirmed taking over) on Power and Politics. Careful and cautious. Such an explosive situation — not just that (Sunni) Saudi Arabia beheaded/executed 47 ppl, but also that one was a (Shia) cleric thus inflaming (Shia) Iran. As if Saudi Arabia cd not have predicted it wd hv serious consequences. Tempting Iran to attack and then count on the US being on Saudi Arabia’s side??? Both Israel and Saudi Arabia wd be pleased to see Iran bombed.

Apparently last year when the Canadian govt was told the Shia cleric had been arrested by the Saudis, they thought it was a bluff, not serious. John Baird visited within days. And you know the Tories signed an agreement to sell them $15B worth of military equipment.

A situation we must watch carefully and not fan flames.

Hope the UN will try to sort things out and calm everyone down.

Sunni vs Shia — sort of like Catholics and Protestants a few centuries ago?

3 Memorial for Dal Richards

Dal Richards’s Memorial service will be at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday.

What a loss. Today wd hv bn his 98th birthday. As you know he died but minutes before midnight New Year’s Eve wch wd hv bn his 80th NYE performance (had he been well enough).

Such a loss. How great to have had him entertain Vancouver for so long.
Memorial service for 'King of Swing' Dal Richards set for Saturday News1130ˇ - 1 day ago

Legendary bandleader Dal Richards passed away on New Year's Eve at the age of 97.

–ŗMore news for dal richards’s funeral Images for dal richards's funeral

4 Monster mansions?

Huge WV Houses — This was discussed at Ccl in the fall. Here’s a report on Global today:

January 5, 2016 7:34 pm Updated: January 5, 2016 7:51 pm by Jon Azpiri Web Producer Global News

26,000-square-foot monster home in West Vancouver proves to be last straw for city council

There’s a video [2min13sec]. Was so pleased to read what the Chinese nbr said:

We bought this house because of this yard,¯ he said of his West Vancouver home. “Privacy, many trees. Very good and quiet.¯

Now, the yard overlooks a behemoth of a house being built just metres away.

About 1m25s (to 1;51), Cclr Cameron speaks about nbrhd character (modest Ambleside vs BritProps and Caulfeild where large estates — large houses on large lots).

{As an aside, I’ve always maintained it’s proportion — a house is no longer a monster’ when on a large property.}

Here’s the link to the article with the video:


{Linguistic Note: Glad this is getting publicity, Global, but John Hua mispronounces “comparable¯. The emphasis shd be on the first syllable. OTOH, the second syllable is stressed in comparatively (wch Cclr Cam correctly does).

At about 1:52, John Hua mixes terms and says:

¦limited maximum size of a property even on a consolidated lot

when of course he was referring to the size of a house on a lot. The property is the lot.}

5 Memorable Words -- POETRY

Some of you know I consider myself first and foremost a poet and may have seen my poetry foisted on you in WVM. Still listening to CBC, the announcement a short while ago of the appointment of Canada’s parliamentary poet caught my attention. CBC said George Clarke is seventh generation Canadian, of mixed African-American and Mi’maq origin.

Googled and here are the notes from Global:

George Elliott Clarke named Canada’s parliamentary poet laureate ¦Clarke, who was born in Windsor, N.S. in 1960, is the seventh person to hold the position. He has won awards including the Governor General’s Literary Award for Poetry, the National Magazine Awards’ Gold Medal for Poetry, and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Achievement Award.

He has been appointed to the Order of Nova Scotia and to the Order of Canada, and also holds eight honorary doctorates¦. http://globalnews.ca/news/2435021/george-elliott-clarke-named-canadas-parliamentary-poet-laureate/

A bit later, found this from CBC with more info.

Clarke is an officer of the Order of Nova Scotia and Order of Canada CBC News Posted: Jan 05, 4:47 PM AT Last Updated: Jan 05, 2016 11:04 PM AT


6 Marriage

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5D: Mtg; Deadlines; Monster Home

Throwing some info right away at you.

Herewith: Music + Awards Mtg Today; H Award Deadline Today; H Position Opening; Monster Home still in news; Puns

This just in:

At 2pm today at the Orpheum, VSO: Myths and Legends — Beethoven, Saint-Saens, Wagner with Gordon Gerrard (conductor), Christopher Gaze (host), and Kurt Chen (violinist) at the Orpheum — 876 3434 vancouversymphony.ca

= AWARDS COMMITTEE MEETING Jan 7 —— 7 to 9pm Location: Lawson Creek Studio, 1758 Argyle Ave

= Heritage BC 2016 Awards Nominations Deadline - Thurs Jan 7

You have until Thursday January 7 to make your nominations for the Heritage BC 2016 Awards. This year the Awards Gala will take place during Heritage Week in February.Ā» Submit Heritage BC 2016 Award NominationHeritage BC's Annual Awards Program recognizes the outstanding and significant achievements in heritage conservation of individuals, organizations, groups, businesses, and governments in communities across B.C. There are four categories for Heritage BC Awards: Heritage Conservation; Heritage Education and Awareness; Heritage Planning and Management; Ruby Nobbs Volunteer Award. Ā»More http://www.heritagebc.ca/blog?articleid=187 Posted Mon, Jan 4th, 2016

= We are hiring! Heritage BC Capacity Planner

Are you a hardworking, energetic, outgoing and a creative problem solver looking for a meaningful and professional career in heritage conservation? Heritage BC is hiring a full time (35 hrs/week) permanent position reporting to the Executive Director. As the Heritage BC Capacity Planner, you will be based out of offices in West Vancouver, B.C. but the job requires some provincial travel.The role of the capacity building planner will...

{More at end under Heritage BC} Ā»More http://www.heritagebc.ca/blog?articleid=194 Posted Tue, Jan 5th, 2016


Monster home drives debate in West Vancouver

Businessman's 26,000 square-foot home becomes flashpoint for simmering real estate issue

by Jason Proctor, CBC News Posted: Jan 07, 2016 5:00 AM PT Last Updated: Jan 07, 2016 5:00 AM PT

Nice photo of Cclr Gambioli this time: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/monster-home-drives-debate-in-west-vancouver-1.3392613

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5E: BUDGET Info; Mtgs/Openings

in rush — Monday, Tuesday, Fall’s Budget Presentation, Golden Globes, Cartoons

MONDAY January 11

Ccl Mtg tonight at 6pm: Fire Engine $800K for early approval; 2016 Budget Presentation; Borrow $23M from MFA

Click: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/jan/11/16jan11-Agenda.pdf

TUESDAY January 12

~ 4 - 7pm ~ CEEP WG ay Srs’ Ctr

~ 6 - 8pm ~ FBG Opening Reception for Wit & Whimsy

~ 7 - 9pm ~ WV Museum Opening Reception for Peter Aspell: Saints and Sinners, Mystics and Madness


Alas WVM not finished yet but there was a presentation by the DFO Oct 26 that will provide info so here’s that background on the Budget.

Doubtless there’ll be more tonight for you to consider.

{Do keep in mind that the mill rate is adjusted based on the budget and total assessments. Which means an increase in your assessment does not automatically result in higher taxes. What matters is if the increase in your assessment is greater than the average for all of WV, in which case your tax bill will go up disproportionately. As you see from this, instead of a 2 - 3% increase as WV has had in the recent past, there’s even mention of 7:3%. Let’s hope that’s a strawman for us to knock down.

Keep eyes peeled to see where we can ask for reductions!}

* NB: the transcript is in the Oct 26 Ccl Notes


7. Long-Term Financial [LTF] Plan - Context for Proposed 2016 Budget PowerPoint Presentation http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2015/oct/26SP/15oct26SP-7-powerpoint.pdf

MOTION [Receipt] {The last slide (p57) is the time line -- public consultation November and January 2016}


1 {Summary} Guardian: Golden Globes 2016

Golden Globes 2016: Ricky Gervais's opening monologue pulls no punches


2 {long} Monday, January 11, 2016 12:24 AM EST NYTimes.com Ā» Breaking News Alert

The Revenant¯ won best dramatic film at the Golden Globes

In an upset, “The Revenant¯, a frontier-era revenge thriller, was the night’s big winner, taking Golden Globe Awards for best drama, best actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) and best direction (Alejandro G. IƱĆrritu).

Read more Ā»http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/11/movies/golden-globes.html



PS to 14.5E: (Mtg Today)

As an aside, can’t help mentioning the CEEP WG presentation at Monday’s ccl mtg was really impressive — more when the notes are done.

For today:

btw, in the interests of openness and transparency, any draft policy or report shd be clickable so residents aware of what’s being considered and can then decide whether or not worth going — think we can get that???

I’ve been trying to get the new draft guidelines for WGs being discussed at the CEC and apparently mbrs and cclrs bowed to staff’s comment that can’t be given out to public b/c hasn’t gone to Ccl yet.


it’s the PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Cmte, so engage them/us!!! Why not openness there for goshsakes???

So tired of words, not actions.

Let’s wake up in 2016.


Jan 13, 2016 - 10:00 am to 11:30 am Location: Music Box, 1564 Argyle Ave


Main Items: REPORTS Ambleside Playground EOI; CarreraMarbleStonesDonation; Public Art Reserve Fund, next steps

OTHER ITEMS Review and Finalization of Draft Work Plan; Plywood Wall at the Hall

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5F: Budget 2016; Ccl Jan 11 BITS
Another flying visit! {Sorry, Friday transmission delayed)

Herewith: FRIDAY: Bard; SATURDAY: Biz; then Jan 11 Ccl BITS; BUDGET 2016 (info and open houses); QTP


You're Invited to Christopher's Corner

Last Friday, we released the first episode of our new series: Christopher's Corner. With another week, comes another episode -- the second of 52! Each Friday, Artistic Director Christopher Gaze will bring you a story and reading, highlighting the modern-day usefulness of Shakespeare's works and featuring surprise guests along the way.

Click to watch the latest episode! Watch Now [1m34sec] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW60bvilVWs

SATURDAY #G ask me^^^

North Shore Business Showcase

Park Royal Shopping Centre South Mall - Upper Floor THIS Saturday January 16 from10am to 4pm

Hosted by the WV Chamber of Commerce -- You are invited to join us for the North Shore Business Showcase at Park Royal South, Upper Level from 10am to 4pm.

Get to know our local North Shore and Bowen Island businesses and service organizations. 35+ companies will have displays. Plus a chance to win 2 tickets to the Canucks game January 26th!

Jan 11 Ccl Mtg BITS

= Early Approval for 2016 Fire Engine for $800K

= 2016 Budget Presentation (Item 5, SLIDES 51min; ended at 7:05)

Assets $1B; $57,700 per household

Long-Term Financial Planning, Asset Mgmt/Levy; Maintenance vs Replacement

Options; 4.5% - 10.5% asset levy; homeowner grant

expenditure vs operating; info on website and a couple of public mtgs

= Borrowing $23M from MFA approved

= Excellent Plan Update from the CEEP WG (ended 7:52)

= Bylaws adopted: Parks Regulation; Bylaw Notice Enforcement; M Ticket Info System Implementation

= DVP 1290 Queens to reduce front yard setback to be considered Feb 15

= Approved delegation for Jan 25: WV Streamkeepers and School Students re salmon spawner surveys

= Comments: suing over bylaws, tree; NSEMO, LNG, Festival of Lights, Legion Mbrship + 90th anniv

= PQP: Agendas (email), transcripts (next?), trees for parks/blvds (not burnt), Heritage Week;

More budget info request; GHG; tax deferral at 55

Mayor: talking about a Heritage cmte again; re budget: more info than he has seen in ten years on Ccl.

{NOTE: Salaries are ~80% of the budget. Have found the 2014 info; will put in WVM.}

Meanwhile, much more info: http://westvancouver.ca/government/district-operations/financial-information

2015 Budget Documents 2015 Budget 5-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4826, 2015

Quarterly Reports Annual Reports Financial Information Act Reports Investment Reports


>>> This just in late Friday afternoon (I’ve added red bolding):


The District of West Vancouver needs a Long-Term Financial Plan to provide high levels of services and to manage its assets in the best possible way. Many of the pieces to do this are already in place, but key pieces are missing.

In the 2016 Proposed Budget, the focus is on the missing pieces, particularly asset management.

The proposed increase to the operating budget is 2.09% for 2016.

In addition to that, we are exploring the best way to implement an asset levy to maintain and protect WV’s public assets. You are invited to find out more and share your opinion, at an open house or online.

Open Houses 6 - 8pm Thursday January 21 Seniors’ Activity Centre, Social Recreation Room

6:30 - 8:30pm Wednesday January 27 Gleneagles Community Centre, Seaview Room

2 - 4pm Thursday, January 28 Seniors’ Activity Centre, Learning Studio

Get details about the proposed asset levy and share your opinion online The survey is open until January 31, 2016

>>> This is what I gleaned earlier: http://westvancouver.ca/content/proposed-2016-budget-–-west-vancouver-services-and-assets


The District of West Vancouver needs a Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), for resiliency, to provide the highest level of services at the highest value, and to manage its assets in the best way possible. Many of the pieces for a successful #G# LTFP are already in place, but key pieces are missing.

The focus in 2016 is on filling in the missing pieces, particularly in terms of asset management.

Find out more about the proposed 2016 budget and provide your feedback on how you think an asset levy should be approached.

Rich in assets Maintaining our assets Establishing an asset reserve

Proposed 2016 operational increase and asset levy Find out more and share your opinion

Property assessments and taxes Homeowner grant


You are invited to an open house to learn more about West Vancouver’s proposed 2016 budget and asset levy.

At the open house, staff will share information about the 2016 budget and options to fund an asset levy. There will be a presentation at the beginning of the open house, with a question period to follow.

OPEN HOUSE - BUDGET 2016 Jan 21 - 6 to 8pm Seniors’ Activity Centre, Social Recreation Room

OPEN HOUSE - BUDGET 2016 Jan 27 - 6:30 to 8:30 pm Gleneagles Community Centre, Seaview Room

OPEN HOUSE - BUDGET 2016 Jan 28 - 2to 4pm Seniors’ Activity Centre, Learning Studio

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5G: Mtgs; Salaries; Jan 25 Agenda

Still trying to run up the down escalator¦.

You’re probably most curious about salaries — 80% of the operating budget, so will put it first. The latest info available on the web is for 2014, so keep in mind salaries were higher last year (2015) and are set to rise even more this year (2016). You will see that Ccl is really underpaid in comparison. Some staff are underpaid as well (considering training, experience, and responsibilities) and many IMO are overpaid.

In 2014, about 90+ staff made over $100K, about five over $150K and about five over $200K.

Highest was ~$236K.

See: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/financial-reports/annual-reports/2014_FIA_SOFI_signed.pdf

NB: Police NOT included; reported on a voluntary basis. See http://wvpd.ca/images/stories/file/Salaries-2014.pdf

Fire Dept is, and many firemen earn more than $100K.

Will find out if they’ll give the public the numbers for 2015 and let us know how to get this under control.

How negotiated? Freeze possible? Identify where increases needed?

Herewith: Mtgs (tomorrow); Main items on Jan 25 Ccl agenda; QTP


~ 4:30 - 6pm ~ Finance Cmte AGENDA: Borrowing Resolution Update (verbal)

Report on Reserves

Police Services Building – Status Update

Purchasing Statistics and Report of Contracts Awarded

Task Group Update

~ 7pm ~ Royal Canadian Legion General Meeting (at the Legion of course!)

[The lounge will be closed from 7 - 8pm for the mtg and re-open at the its end.]

~ 7:30pm ~ NSh Heritage Preservation Society AGM at the PARC Westerleigh (725 22nd St)

Following the AGM formalities, our special guest speaker Caroline Adderson whose book ’Vancouver Vanishes’ is based on many of the lost buildings; for more details: http://tiny.cc/mxqy7x {Pls RSVP if you’re coming!} You’re welcome to join; contact the board: 926 6096; info@northshoreheritage.org


Kay Meek Centre Presents [http://www.kaymeekcentre.com/on_stage/events_calendar]

SEEDS Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:00PM

ARTIST CONFIDENTIAL: SEEDS Wednesday, January 20, 2016 1:30PM

SEEDS Wednesday, January 20, 2016 8:00PM and Thursday, January 21, 2016 8:00PM


whole agenda:http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/jan/25/16jan25-Agenda.pdf

= Delegations: - WV Streamkeeper Society and Sec Students re Spawner Salmon Survey Results

- Hollyburn Family Services Society Update

= DP for Temp Use Permit at 2290 Marine; Sign

= Rezoning 636 Clyde

= Appointment of Council Members to Boards and Committees for 2016

= 2989 Cypress Lane; TransLink; Amendments to Rodgers Crk Area 4

= Correspondence: on Jan 12 list: Hollyburn Sailing Club (1); trees (4 and 5)


=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5H: Wed + Th

May be of interest Wed = ReWilding // Thurs = Film; DRC postponed; OPEN HOUSE on the BUDGET; cartoons

Wednesday, January 20 from 7 to 9:15pm

ReWilding with J.B. MacKinnon -- “creating spaces for nature in our urban environments¯

Campus: Capilano U, NV Location: BlueShore Theatre

Contact: Marja de Jong Westman Email: mdejong@capilanou.ca Phone: 986 1911 ext 3478



+ Scott Renyard’s film “The Pristine Coast¯ will be shown in the Squamish Library

this Thursday January 21st, beginning at 6:30pm. Scott will attend to answer questions afterward.


Jan 21, 2016 - 4:30 pm RESCHEDULED TO JANUARY 28, 2016

+ OPEN HOUSE - BUDGET 2016 --- Jan 21 - 6 to 8pm

You are invited to an open house to learn more about West Vancouver’s proposed 2016 budget and asset levy.

At the open house, staff will share information about the 2016 budget and options to fund an asset levy. There will be a presentation at the beginning of the open house, with a question period to follow.

Location: Seniors' Activity Centre, Social Recreation Room




sorry, omitted — in case you’re interested in Iraq and Syria¦..

~~~ Wednesday January 20 from 7 - 9pm


Admission: $15 Call 925 7270 to register (course #1049774) or register online here.

Multi-media visual and musical presentations by Peter Langer, BA, BSc, MA. This winter series features stunning images from his 2015 travels.

More info: Ultimate Traveller website http://theultimatetraveller.com/#sthash.wGjbeZr3.dpbs

Sat Jan 23 at 1:30pm - SFU Harbour Ctr SOLD OUT! See more at: http://theultimatetraveller.com/#sthash.wGjbeZr3.dpuf

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5I: Today; Budget Bit; Robbie Burns...

14.5I   in haste but some info for you (shd hv gone out earlier in case you cd go to the matinee, sorry).

Herewith: budget bit; theatre; Robbie Burns; bagpipes


Asked the Director of Financial Services if the first open house had been taped.  Ms Gordon said no but notes had been taken.  I suggested they be made public; then we can ask other/more questions and get even more info.  Happy to say she will look into producing an FAQ.

{As in previous Headsups, next two open houses are Jan 27and 28; input: http://www.peakdemocracy.ca/1635 and info at: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/home-building-property/docs/tax-utilities/proposed-budget- 2016/Information%20package%20for%20Budget%202016%20Open%20Houses%20updated.pdf

(gotta love DWV's short memorable URLs) }


Only two performances left alas!  2pm matinee and 8pm.  Saw it last night and it was a great production with great performances.  Superb for Blackbird Theatre’s Tenth Anniversary.

But we love Scott Bellis, Duncan Fraser, and Gabrielle Rose.  Have admired the first two often at Bard on the Beach.  Gabrielle Rose is well-known and loved — you cd hear the laughter of recognition when she referred to the “allegories on the banks of the Nile¯, wch I remember from high school.  Introduced to the good acting of Martin Happer and then the amusing John Emmet Tracy.  

Recognize it yet?  Surprised to learn it was Sheridan’s first play.


at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV  —   Lounge: 922 1920

Come at 5 - 5:30; dinner served at 6pm SATURDAY JANUARY 23 – BURNS SUPPER TIX $50 PP




so I thought I’d add some bagpiping for you here — here are bagpipes with an orchestra 

ŖAndre Rieu — Scotland The Brave, Amazing Grace¬ https://youtu.be/n9GbDUNZyIE¬    [video 5:41] 

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5J: Ccl Notes; Mtgs, etc

>>>NB: photos too big for newsletter so click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1PEZrX6ZH8ZX19YTk91T2htS2M/view?usp=sharing

Too much going on!  and I’ve probably missed some things¦..

Monday was Robbie Burns Day so lots of suppers from last weekend to next.

Come to think of it, they shd hv had the mtg start w/ a brief bagpiping bit — + JP Fell is the official piping group for WV..j.

Bits of the ccl mtg then mtgs/events for next few days: Ambleside waterfront, theatre, Streamkeepers, KMC, etc to :-)

Don’t forget Budget Open Houses Wed 6pm at GECC and Th 2pm at Srs’ Ctr; have your say: http://www.peakdemocracy.ca/1635

NB: rather than summarize, below are whole posters for events Tues to Friday {see link}

 COUNCIL MTG BITS  2016 January 25  Monday

=  WV Streamkeeper Society and Sec Sch Students, re Spawner Salmon Survey Results Fall 2015  [6:04 - 6:24] 

v interesting; slides; ups and downs of numbers; also reported achievements over past year and plans for next.

All invited to mtg Thurs 28th at St Stephen’s; reports, plans, ¦  {see below in Mtgs}

=  Hollyburn Family Services Society, re Update on Programs, Services, and Outcomes [end 6:44]

Learned a lot from this presentation.  Shocking to learn of the increase in senior suicides and homelessnessl

Good work being done and planned.  

=  DP for Temp Use Permit for 2290 Marine Dr; structure as a sales ofc for the 17-storey tower (35 units) [end 7:52]

Many changes made to address last summer’s comments re the tower.

Great idea that if a temp bldg cd be modular and then moved/re-used (new youth ctr?)

=  Rezoning of 636 Clyde Avenue (to make zoning match what’s actually there; limited commercial)

=  Appmt of ccl mbrs to various cmtes/boards

=  Other Items from 8:09:  

what do you do if you think a house is being built higher than allowed?  Go to the Planning Dept.

When doing something about trees?  Planning hopes to bring something April/May.

=  Ccl Reports started at 8:17:

     Youth Summt; Chamber’s Mayor event Mar 2; Finance may report on why comm exempt from asset levy; NSEMO;

WasteWater plant; KMC fundraiser Sneakers Ball; Police Chief to come make presentation in Feb  

= PQP: YT referred to Heritage Week starting Feb 15 (will be a delegation re trees); theme distinctive places and held up the HWk poster (gave some to District); Heritage Fayre will be Sat Feb 20; tour of Block House at Pt Atkinson; may be something special at Cypress; will try to get flyer out soon.

= Mtg ended just before 8:30!

 January 26  Tuesday  is Australia Day!

>>> 7:00   Poster re Bee Time {see link}

Join us in beautiful Edgemont Village for this event. Mark Winston will be happy to sign your books!

If you can't attend you can pre-order books to be signed that you can pick up at 32 Books & Gallery.

>>> 7:30  KMC  


Tuesday, Jan 26 | 7:30pm Tickets: $10 Adults | $7 Students Run time: 1 hour 24 min

Red Army is a feature documentary about the Soviet Union and the most successful dynasty in sports history: the Red Army hockey team. Told from the perspective of its captain Slava Fetisov, the story portrays his transformation from national hero to political enemy.

From the USSR to Russia, the film examines how sport mirrors social and cultural movements and parallels the rise and fall of the Red Army team with the Soviet Union. Featuring Viacheslav Fetisov, Scotty Bowman and Mark Deakins. Winner of the Audience Choice award at the AFI Festival & The Chicago International Film [Festival] (2014) and Special Mention at the Zurich Film Festival (2014). 

 January 27  Wednesday 


Jan 27 - 6 to 8pm at St. Francis-in-the-Wood Anglican Church, Caulfeild Cove Hall, 4773 Piccadilly South

>>> 6:30  FILM SCREENING: The Great Bear Sea - Protecting BC's Coast



Join the David Suzuki Foundation and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society for a screening of The Great Bear Sea – Protecting the B.C Coast.

This event features a film that looks at the incredible richness and beauty of BC’s Central and North Coast—The Great Bear Sea. After the film you can participate in a discussion about how to create a secure future for our coastal waters. 

The MC of the event will be Bill Wareham, Science Projects Mgr, David Suzuki Fdn.  Bill has decades of experience contributing to the strategic planning and implementation of marine planning and conservation initiatives in B.C.

So far on the panel, we have:

= Linda Nowlan, Staff Council, West Coast Environmental Law.  Linda has led advocacy, policy reform, and conservation work on marine planning and tankers for Canada’s Pacific region

= Dallas Smith, President of the Nanwakolas Council on Northern Vancouver Island. Nanwakolas Council is a cutting edge First Nations organization that protects and manages First Nation cultural values while building strategic opportunities and partnerships to increase sustainable opportunities and employment.

Whether you want to ask questions about shipping traffic, oil spills, protecting our oceans, or just sit back and enjoy the conversation¦ the choice is yours!

Itinerary 6:30pm - Doors Open 7:00pm - 7:10 Opening remarks

7:10 - 8:10 – Film screening

8:10 - 8:30 breakout sessions - what issues matter to you?

8:35 - 9:00 pm - Panel discussion 9:00 - 9:05 closing remarks 9:05 Event close

We will be meeting on the unceded territory of the Musqueam (xŹ·mÉ™ĪøkŹ·É™yĢ“É™m), Squamish (SkwxwĆŗ7mesh Ćxwumixw), and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations

Pls RSVP and get your tix here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-great-bear-sea-protecting-bcs-coast-tickets-20486800572



You are invited to the following event:  BIG CHANGES FOR THE AMBLESIDE WATERFRONT 

Event to be held: Wednesday 27 January from 7 to 10:00PM WV Seniors' Centre, A/V Room

Big changes have been planned for the Ambleside Waterfront.

Here is your opportunity to learn what is planned and voice your opinion. 

Do you want a marina near Ambleside beach? Do you want to pay for a underground parking structure located where the tennis courts are (opposite the new Grosvenor development)? What are your thoughts on the demolition of the Silk Purse and Music Box? Shd new buildings be constructed near the Ferry Building? Will a stage be a good fit in John Lawson Pk?

Come and listen to District Planning Director Jim Bailey as he tells us about these plans and more. A question and answer session after the presentation will invite discussion and let you hear what your neighbours are thinking.

Please book your FREE TICKET(S) to this event so we can estimate the number of attendees.

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter We hope you can make it!

Cheers, Ambleside & Dundarave Ratepayers' Association (ADRA) {Ed note deleted}

 January 28  Thursday


on agenda: 2173 Argyle; 2nd appearance; Devt Permit Applicn for a 3-unit Townhouse project in the Ambleside Apt Area 

>>> 6:30 KMC -- COMMUNITY PRESENTER PARVIZ TANAVOLI: Poetry In Bronze {see link}

Thursday, Jan 28 | 6:30pm Tickets: Adults/Seniors $25 | Young Adults $15

It's with great pleasure that we, Neekoo Philanthropic Society, would like to invite you to the first public screening of "Poetry in Bronze", a film about the Iranian world famous artist, Parviz Tanavoli, which is directed by the very talented Terrence Turner.

Parviz Tanavoli is the most acclaimed internationally recognized modern sculptor to ever call Canada home. He's been named "The father of modern Iranian sculpture" and his works are featured in many renowned museums and galleries across the world including The British Museum, The Metropolitan, Tate Modern, Museum of Anthropology, etc. As well, he has been featured in various prominent magazines as Vanity Fair, Wallpaper Magazine, and many other news feeds.

Terrence Turner creates in a variety of mediums from film and video to sculpture and writing. The underlying objective of all his work is to entertain, provoke, and wherever possible, challenge the status quo. Turner's previous documentary film was "Adele's Wish" which tells the story of Maria Altmann whose family's Gustav Klimt paintings were looted by the Nazis during WWII. The 2015 movie "Woman in Gold" starring Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds is based on Maria Altmann's story.

For more details please visit: www.neekoo.org And for more details on the film refer to: www.poertyinbronze.com

{Pls note: there’s a typo in the notice’s website; correct is www.poetryinbronze.com }

>>>  7:30 WV Streamkeeper Society Mtg at St Stephen’s (22nd St)

Updates, reports, plans, ¦ Guest Speaker:􏰁 Steve Macdonald. Ph.D., Designated Senior Officer, Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research (the West Vancouver Laboratory) will speak about 􏰂 What Goes On Here?􏰃 

  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday — PuSh  {see link}


Opening This Week -- Presented with The Cultch

Starting tonight, local funnyman Charlie Demers teams up with Neworld Theatre for a seriously hilarious night of political comedy. Book Tickets January 26–30 | The York Theatre

Co-written and directed by James Fagan Tait, Miss Understood is the powerful story of Antonette Rea, local poet and trans* woman.  Book Tickets January 27–31 | Performance Works

Presented with The Dance Centre

Two performers stretch their bodies as if stretching time. French choreographer Nacera Belaza takes us on a beautiful adventure of duration. Book Tickets January 27–29 | Scotiabank Dance Centre

 January 29  Friday

>>>  2:00 KMC ~ DAVID STEWART, violin & JANE COOP, piano (see link) 2pm Friday, Jan 29 Tix: $20

Join host and former KMC Exec Dir Paul Gravett for afternoon tea and classical music.  Part of the Musically Speaking series.

Canadian violinist and concertmaster of the Bergen (Norway) Philharmonic, David Stewart, and our most beloved pianist, Jane Coop, offer a program of Grieg and YsaĆæe ("the Tsar of the violin").

"... not only technical prowess but intellectual perception and telling interpretive instincts." -The New York Times

>>>  7:30 KMC -- SNEAKERS BALL v2.0 A Kay Meek Centre Fundraiser {see link; + link to video)

Tickets: $59 in advance, $64 at the door Groups of 10 - $575  (Group sales by phone only 604 981 6335)

Shake the winter blues off with dancing and music from the '60s through to today!

The first SNEAKERS BALL was held in 2004 to raise funds for Kay Meek Centre. Now this Legacy event is back - updated and improved. The Studio Theatre becomes a dance hall with live music, cash bar, savory treats and lots more!

When you're not dancing, hang out in the KMC lounge with friends old and new. At the second intermission, we will have a snack of savoury sliders and sweet treats.

The Hairfarmers are the "go to" Whistler band for every occasion with a repertoire of over 2500 songs covering the 1960s through to current hits. It's the music you went to school with! The Hairfarmers have shared the stage with Canadian icons such as Tom Cochrane, 54-40, and Barney Bentall as well as opening for the "Original Wailers" of Bob Marley fame. Come in your favourite dancing shoes, Sneakers recommended - heels optional!

Above is what I’d just received, from this — 

KMC <marketing@kaymeekcentre.com> Jan 26 at 6:03:52 AM PST ReplyTo: marketing@kaymeekcentre.com

for more info it says to click here:  http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=8cb45c00-326a-4637-b1b2-8135eb096bf8

Breaking News just sent to me {moved to end}

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5K: Feb 2 and 3

quickly throwing this together —  art, green planting, money, and music¦. :-) an old cartoon and a real groaner. {moved}

>  TODAY > TUESDAY, Feb 2 = Art

FBG: LOVE IN ANY LANGUAGE ~~ February 2 - 21

A juried mixed media exhibition of visual interpretations on the theme of love.

Opening Reception: 6 - 8pm Tues Feb 2 and Meet the Artists: 2 - 3pm Sat Feb 6



The District of WV is pleased to announce that TD Green Streets has provided a grant to support the removal of invasive plants and restoration of native plants in West Vancouver. You are invited to celebrate with us at the planting event.

Location: Hay Park, on Inglewood Avenue, between Sinclair and 20th Streets

The event begins with a welcome from Mayor Michael Smith and a representative from TD Green Streets. This is followed by a native planting activity with students from West Vancouver Secondary School

= Money

~ 6:30pm wrt to requests for BUDGET 2016 Our Library's Future: Our Facility

Join us for an Open House and learn how we’re preserving and enhancing the West Wing to serve you better. 

MORE — https://westvanlibrary.ca/our-librarys-future

= Music ~ 7:30pm Early Music Vancouver

Dear Friends: There are only 50 tickets remaining to tomorrow night's recital with Dorothee Mields, Sumner Thompson, and the PBO at the Telus Theatre at the Chan Centre.This is an extremely special opportunity to hear one of Europe's most accomplished interpreters of early Baroque repertoire in the intimate space of the Telus Theatre. Longtime EMV collaborator, Marc Destrubé, leads an exotic group of instruments that includes three gambas, lute, organ, bassoon, and two violins.  

Seating is Limited - Purchase NOW!

Dorothee sings Bach's Gott fƤhret auf mit Jauchzen with the Collegium Vocale Gent, conducted by Philippe Herreweghe:

Above you can hear the singing and the instruments (listen to what you want — it’s about 20min)

More details: http://www.earlymusic.bc.ca/events/death-and-devotion-soprano-dorothee-mields/

:-) Section

Big Day in Cavendish PEI

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5L: Mtgs today +

alas, more delay., so have taken part of the Calendar out of the draft to send to you asap.

One mtg wch had not yet been put in the draft is the one for the WV Cmnty Fdn, so it has been appended — its info mtg is tonight.

from the Calendar with today highlighted b/c about our waterfront!:

=== Thursday February 4 ~ 7pm ~ AWARDS COMMITTEE MEETING at Cmnty Ctr

=== Tuesday February 9 ~ 4pm ~ CEEP WG at Srs' Ctr

=== Wednesday February 10

~ 10am ~ Public Art Adv Cmte


Council has endorsed the Ambleside Waterfront Plan for community consultation.  The current plan builds on the success of 40 years of planning and improvements  to the publicly-owned waterfront. While keeping the essentials of what makes it special, the plan proposes upgrades to current facilities, creating new facilities, creating more public spaces and modifications to existing ones. It also proposes to leverage the waterfront’s potential to attract people to businesses just steps away in Ambleside.

Find out about the overall vision and ask questions. Kay Meek Ctr; Doors open at 6:30pm. The presentation starts at 7pm.

=== Thursday February 11

~ 4:30pm ~ Key Performance Indicators Task Group

~ 7pm ~ Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte mtg at the GCC


Large poster from the WV Cmnty Foundation.

{For poster, see: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1PEZrX6ZH8ZVEZONzJuSzM2TW8/view?usp=sharing }

Unfortunately not able to copy and paste the details into this newsletter because it was distributed in an unfriendly format For more information on becoming a Director, please join us at our upcoming information session.

If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, please complete the forms below:

Board Application Form Skill Set Template for Potential Board Member


=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5M: TODAY Amb Waterfront + Mtgs

Have your say about the future of our precious waterfront, a heritage asset.

It’s great that we’re being consulted —kudos to Council and staff.

Several times however we’ve been told we’re being asked “HOW¯ and “WHEN¯.

I and others wd like to add: WHAT¯ AND “WHERE¯

Today from 4 to 7pm in the atrium of the Cmnty Ctr is an opportunity. That will be the first part below fyi. After that will be a bit of what was said at the Oct 28 ccl mtg (notes will be in WVM); then at the ADRA info/public mtg (in WVM) followed by the Director of Planning’s answers to some questions.

Before that, though, other mtgs today — busy -- Cypress Bowl, 636 Clyde, Library Bd; then Waterfront; QTP


Wed Feb 17 ~  5 to 7pm ~   Location: Mulgrave School, 2330 Cypress Bowl Road

The applicant is hosting a Development Application Information Meeting about their proposal.


Wed Feb 17 ~ 6:30 to  8pm    Location: 636 Clyde Avenue, Unit #5

Prior to the PH, the applicant is hosting a Devt Applicn Information Mtg about their proposed rezoning.

- MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD MEETING -- Wed Feb 17 ~ 7 to 9pm ~ (at the Library)



Council has endorsed the Ambleside Waterfront Plan for cmnty consultation.  The current plan builds on the success of 40 years of planning and improvements  to the publicly-owned waterfront. While keeping the essentials of what makes it special, the plan proposes upgrades to current facilities, creating new facilities, creating more public spaces and modifications to existing ones. It also proposes to leverage the waterfront’s potential to attract people to businesses just steps away in Ambleside. Discuss the key components of the plan and provide your feedback. Location: in Cmnty Ctr

.....from the Oct 28 Ccl Mtg minutes: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-minutes/2015/oct/15oct28SP.pdf

In response to a query from Mayor Smith, J. Bailey informed that Planning is articulating the community’s vision, staff are open-minded and want to talk with the community, and that the consultation is about the implementation details. 

Much of the discussion was wrt the future of the Hollyburn Sailing Club (location? bistro?) and some about CAAD

> THIRD in the WVM draft:


Wed. Jan 27th was one of the darkest and wettest evenings in some time, but it did not stop nearly 200 people from attending a meeting put on by volunteers from ADRA – the Ambleside & Dundarave Ratepayers’ Association - to inform and engage citizens about the proposed changes for the Ambleside Waterfront.

Previously, the message presented to the community -- from the October 2015 WV Council meeting and initially reinforced by the new Director of Planning, Jim Bailey, in the beginning of his Jan. 27th presentation -- was the theme of consulting the public to “advance¯ and “implement¯ the plan.

It was soon evident, however, by both the large number of attendees and the large amount of information they provided, that perhaps the District’s plan advancing straight to “implementation¯ might be a tad premature.

On this evening, Mr. Bailey assured everyone again and again that the potential for significant changes and revisions to the plan existed and as requested would be based on tonight’s and additional consultation, research, and data analysis.

(eg, to date bricks and mortar restaurants hv not bn polled re their views on food trucks; biz cases for the commercial proposals hv not bn made; the exact number of parking spots to be removed from Argyle & various projects costs etc. are as yet unknown.)

These assurances were provided with absolute sincerity. Nearly 200 citizens, including all the councillors (but not the mayor), heard this message and ADRA plans to hold the District accountable.

A summary of all questions/comments and answers (as well as any subsequent information) will be sent to all attendees by ADRA when the volunteers finish compiling this. (Very soon we hope!)

ADRA set a new benchmark by conducting the meeting in a remarkably respectful and open manner that allowed all participants to engage in the process.  Everyone was required to wear a nametag (ADRA has long campaigned against anonymous public feedback). This ensured the polite crowd was kept accountable and better allowed folks to meet their neighbours and fellow activists.

Big posters on various categories were on the walls for questions and comments to be written on, and space was provided for additional contributions. Even those without specific questions were afforded the opportunity to weigh in when prioritizing/endorsing the written questions and comments. Small stickers were given out for people to apply indicating approval. Thus, comments and questions were validated (or not) by the group and no one person or group was allowed to dominate the meeting.

The questions and comments were divided into 15 broad categories:

The ever passion-inducing Hollyburn Sailing Club (HSC). (Why rebuild if the Club itself doesn’t want that?)

The Bistro at the HSC. (What has changed since the April 2013 NSN reported “West Van rejects waterfront plans after public outcry¯ and focused on opposition to a 75-seat wine bar?)

The Spirit Trail and removal of cars and parking along Argyle Ave. (HOW many parking spots will be lost?)

Boat rental services at the HSC.

Shoreline (rising sea levels, et al).

Budget & Financial aspects.

Demolition of the Silk Purse and Music Box.

New Arts Buildings near the Ferry Building.

14th Street Pier – Marina & Ferry service.

The parkade where the current Ambleside Tennis Courts are located.

Food Carts.

John Lawson Pier and boat marina.

The District’s feedback process to date.

The Outdoor Stage at John Lawson Park.

Other (anything that may have been missed).

It might be observed that the majority of citizens in attendance wanted the waterfront to be a “commercial free zone¯, while the District appears interested in making their significant investment in buying up waterfront properties provide some financial return.

Ms Slater opined that the waterfront is not unlike schools -- we don’t expect a financial return from them because the overall community benefits are so overwhelming.

The most overwhelmingly endorsed question was not a question at all however but a statement: “We do not need to build attractions on our waterfront. The waterfront IS the attraction.¯

Yes – the good citizens of West Vancouver know that a natural beauty does not need any expensive tattoos or piercings, just soap and water and some clean clothes.

However, citizens must work to ensure that THEIR vision of that statement aligns with the District perception!

Suggested activities to achieve this:

Attend and speak at the District Public Input Events for the Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan:

Wednesday February 10th from 6:30 – 8:30PM -- Consultation Launch Event - Kay Meek Centre

Wednesday February 17th from 4 – 7PM -- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium

Thursday February 25th from 4 – 7PM-- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium

Tuesday March 1st from 4 – 7PM -- Open House DWV Community Centre Atrium


Some of Mr Bailey’s answers to the Qs at the ADRA mtg (full response was sent to ADRA mbrs; some in WVM).


We might not rebuild if renovation is considered a smarter strategy.  Council cares about bringing more people to the waterfront.  Council cares about tax dollars and where improvements are going.  We have to think about how to pay for the facility and the life cycle cost. We are open to renovation or expansion but we want to have the conversation.


We will work with parks to look at alternate spaces for John Lawson Studio activities. Looking to add green space to JL and add to green space by creek.


This is a trade-off with green space. We need to look at various issues and the condition of the assets.  We need to make it work for users of the building and at the same time maximize green space. We recognize in the not-too-distant future we will have issues with rising water levels concerning the Silk Box and Music Box. Where would they go?  Proposal to move closer to the ferry building, given the synergy between the Ferry Building Gallery and the Silk Purse and Music Box. Certain things are pushing transformation


Parking on Argyle impacts use of the Spirit Trail.  We are thinking of a phased decrease of parking spaces.  We won’t recommend taking out 14th and 15th street parking as needed.  Removal of parking spaces must provide a benefit to the majority of people. Therefore, we are looking at trade-offs and this is part of the consultation process. We also recognize that Ambleside businesses depend on parking for business. Through the process DWV will state how many parking spots will be lost and how it relates to the bigger picture.


The Waterfront Plan is the result of a long process of consultation. This is based on ideas, not necessarily data. The OCP has guidelines, which express the emerging vision of the waterfront.  We do need to do more on the HOWS and the WHENS.

CAAD The CAAD is not part of this (Waterfront Proposal) process. Council has been very clear on that.

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5N: Feb 15 Ccl Mtg / 22nd Agenda w/ Budget Increase

Didn’t send this Monday:

Overwhelmed but wish you happy National Heritage Day (it’s also National Flag Day and Louis Riel Day).

Both of us with flu over the weekend; car had to be towed to the garage, got it late afternoon today.   Once home, another leak, in West End so had to rent a Modo car.

And I thought last year had problems!

Missed the heritage lunch today (running a bit of a fever) but will append the info.

Tonight’s ccl mtg will have several heritage items: a delegation re trees, the nomination of the Hollyburn Cabin area for the heritage register, and of course proclamation of Hertage Week (several activities)

Thought I’d give you a peek at the ill-fated delayed WVM wch will be: WVM 15/16/17 Incomplete Draft.  Putting the beginning below but keep in mind the Table of Contents will be revised.

was off to other commitments but now putting the Feb 15 bit in the WVM

--> START HERE:  Feb 15 then Feb 22 w/ proposed 2.09% increase to the operating budget!

Ccl Mtg Feb 15 v little BITS

=   Mayor proclaimed Heritage Week

=   Excellent presentation on Trees  (to 6:26)

=   Presentation by West Vancouver Police Department Regarding 2015 Crime Statistics (to 7:30)

=   DVP 1290 Queens, while not happy work done without permit, passed. (7:40) NB: BoV had turned this down.

=   Addn of Hollyburn Cabin Community to WV Community Heritage Register -- Great night for heritage!

=   Backyard chickens to go to PH

=   Discussion re trees, etc to 8:12

=   Reports: Hollyburn Lodge and HHS, George Lee, LNG, real estate practices, 8:23

=   PQP: Heritage Week

Adjournment 8:27

Unlikely will finish WVM today to send out so thought I’d better send a tiny bit of what happened Monday night.

This coming Monday (22nd) will be:

Looks like something big coming down on Monday.  Clerk’s helpfully puts in red late additions or revisions, AND the closed mtg is starting at 3:30!

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; and

(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality.

Purpose of meeting: committee membership, land, and legal matters

THEN -- PH for 636 Clyde

Reg Ccl Mtg: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/feb/22/16feb22-agenda-copy4.pdf

=  Arts  Ctr Trust re KMC

=  Temporary Use Permit re 2989 Cypress Bowl Lane

=  Devt Permit Applicn for 2976 - 2988 Burfield Place


2016 Asset Levy and Operating Budget Increase (File: 0860-01) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

RECOMMENDATION: THAT The proposed 2016 operating budget increase of 2.09% be approved;

A 2016 asset levy, to be applied equally to both resid and biz class properties, be approved; and that

The 2016 asset levy be applied based on the one-year option, equalizing the impact at $372 to the average residential and business class taxpayer.

Establishment of Asset Management Reserves

=  Regional Affordable Housing Strategy

=   Devt Applicns 11.3.  Active Development Applications Status List (to January 27, 2016) 

=  Apptmts 11.6. Appointment of Council Members to Committees for 2016  (File: 0115-01 / 0116-01)

THAT the following Council members be appointed as Council liaisons to committees and groups for 2016:

Key Performance Indicators Task Group: Councillors Booth, Gambioli, and Lewis

Reserves and Investments Task Group: Councillors Cameron, Cassidy, and Soprovich

Community Energy and Emissions Plan Working Group: Councillor Lewis

Coho Festival Society: Councillor Soprovich

Howe Sound Forum: Councillors Gambioli and Soprovich

West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce: CouncillorBooth

Ambleside Dundarave Biz Improvement Assn: Councillor Booth (Alternates: Councillors Cassidy and Soprovich).

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5O: Ccl Bits Feb 22; Mtgs Tu/Th

rushing to get you the latest!

highlights’ from last night’s agonizing ccl mtg, then mtgs, etc. + QTP

{Again, apologies; was to go out early afternoon b/c some things for this evening, and then computer misbehaved and seized up; geek was at ofc; finally revived}


btw, disconcerting mtg; the most shambolic, in fact shocking, budget discussion I’ve ever heard (and I go back to 1988)

=  Announcement re mbrship of GCC Adv Cmte and the disbanding of the CEC and estabmt of a select cmte

=  PH re rezoning of 636 Clyde; no new construction (approved later during the reg ccl mtg)

=  Report from WV Arts Ctr Trust re KMC —  SLIDES interesting, lots achieved, donate!  [6:17 - 6:41]

(sorry to learn Jeanne LeSage is leaving for Toronto — as the Mayor says, she’ll have to get winter clothes!)

=  Temp Use Permit granted; Cypress Bowl Lane

=  Devt Permit for 2900blk Burfield (Rodgers Crk; Amendment) [to 6:58?]

= Then: lack of info, confusion, changing order of motion, mover stating not supporting it, etc. [to 9pm]

Passed but not unanimous: 1.62%, $13.5M, and (I think) half the annual $372 asset levy (review amt for next year)

2016 Asset Levy and Operating Budget Increase

1.  The proposed 2016 operating budget increase of 2.09% be approved;

2.  A 2016 asset levy, to be applied equally to both resid and biz class properties, be approved; and that

3.  The 2016 asset levy be applied based on the one-year option, equalizing the impact at $372 to the average residential and business class taxpayer.

Debate  of 1.62% recommended by the Fin Cmte and 2.09% by staff.  moving 1 difficult b/c some said it depended on what 3 was wch they’d vote for.  Tracking this back and forth and separate or together, etc was so confusing I dare not try to summarize.  Ray Richards (an accountant) spoke after me. 

I’m not an accountant but am concerned about process.  I thought there shd be a list of the assets indicating how urgent work was needed on them (priorities) plus the costs involved. There is time since the budget need not be approved until May.  Dir/Finance stated that DWV has $1B in assets.  The list shd be available in a couple of weeks. IMO once it’s been made public we shd give our opinions as to what, etc.l  Instead they voted $13.9M.  I cd not resist therefore since they had not deferred asking if they cd change this and was told Ccl can pass an amendment.   So don’t let anyone tell you this can’t be reconsidered — I’ve established that.

Furthermore, since salaries and benefits are 80% of the operating budget, we shd look at that.  The Mayor correctly said that b/c of arbitration for Fire and Police they had no say.  (I will comment later that they shd then look at the rest of the staff’s pay b/c Fire and Police are not even half.)

One cclr said like teachers, can’t cut, need staff for services.  So ironic b/c on the TV news after the mtg after discussions about the VSB’s budget they referred to having laid off teachers in the past.

IMO (but I didn’t say it), maybe we can have a freeze while we evaluate wch to keep and at what salary.

I did say, however, that with the departure of the Dep CAO, saving us a quarter mil ($250K+), was given to understand that his responsibilities were split between the Cmnty Relns Mgr and the Dir/Devt.  Great.

Was surprised therefore to find out, and not from WV (from another source), someone had been hired in Arts at $150K+ with an assistant at ~$60K.  Replacement? not new? At this point the Mayor interrupted me and wdn’t let me finish.  What I was trying to get out is that in some companies any position not filled within nine months is then lost to that section.  That was at least one, if not three years ago.

Accompanying/Next item: Estmt of Asset Mgmt Reserves

= Draft MetroV Regional Affordable Housing Strategy (WV generally supports)

= Apptmts of Cclrs to cmtes (listed in previous Headsup)

= Other Items: about traffic

= Reports: Emergency measures; Coho Fest; dementia talk at Srs’ Ctr; HWk tour of PtA Lighthouse; Mayor

"Unplugged" Mar 2; WV Youth Band annual fundraiser; CAO trip to Marrakesh?; GG coming to KMC in March!

= PQP:  Suggested perhaps a WG or Task Force to evaluate the priorities and amts on the assets, once the list if completed.  Public input v important (rather than just accept $13.5M bill).  Think the Dir/Planning also referred to CACs but I mentioned (some of) that money cd go toward restoration and maintenance.

  MEETINGS, etc  {all in MHall unless otherwise stated}

>  TUESDAY Feb 23

~ 4:30pm ~ RESERVES AND INVESTMENTS TASK GROUP MEETING -- Feb 23, 2016 - 4:30pm  


VARIATIONS ON A LANDSCAPE  February 23 - March 13

Mixed media by Bob Araki, Colette Chilcott, Anne Griffiths, Fred Peter, & Mong Yen

  Opening Reception Tues Feb 23 | 6 - 8pm.   Meet the Artists Sat Feb 27 | 2 - 3pm.

~ 6:30pm ~ TONIGHT! Researching the History of a Building: City of Vancouver Archives

Spend the evening with us at the Vancouver Archives and learn about the resources available, as well as effective research methods, when looking into the history of a heritage building. The workshop begins with an introduction by Historian and Author, John Atkin, using a Strathcona heritage home as a case study to illustrate the steps of researching a home to understand its past and/or inform restoration and repairs. This is followed by an introduction to the Archives’ resources with Archivist Jana Grazley, using examples of research materials from attendees’ submitted addresses.

Tues Feb 23 -- 6:30 - 8:30pm 1150 Chestnut, CoV Archives Register Here $20


~ noon Brown Bag Lunch & Learn -- Former Remand Centre: Converting a Former Jail into Community Housing

Once home to up to 400 detainees awaiting trial, the remand centre at 250 Powell Street was recently converted into 96 community housing suites. The prison yard is now a community garden, the gymnasium converted into a gathering place, and the cells converted into bachelor and one-bedroom apartments. Join us at the first Brown Bag Lunch & Learn of the year where Jonathan Oldman, Executive Director of the Bloom Group, and Naomi Brunemeyer, Asset Manager at BC Housing, will talk about the process, costs, and community benefits of the ambitious 2014-2015 adaptive reuse project.

Wed Feb 24 — 12 - 1:30pm BCIT Downtown, 555 Seymour  Registe r~ 5pm

~ 5 - 7pm ~ Churchill Society of BC: Churchill and Queen Elizabeth II at The Vancouver Club

Speaker: Roddy MacKenzie; mbr of Seaforth Highlanders, Naval Ofcers Assn, Probus, + others

Pls inform April Accola, of attendance (aprilaccola@hotmail.com) or online www.winstonchurchillbc.org.

~ 7pm ~ Old Growth Conservancy Socty AGM (Srs’ Ctr); Ken Wu, Exec Dir, Ancient Forest Alliance:

“The ecology and status of old-growth forests on the BC South Coast¯.

~ 7pm ~ Book Launch: Peter Busby’s The Life and Art of Jack Ackroyd, and 

Trevor Carolan's Literary Storefront, The Glory Years. Free. WV Memorial Library

>  THURSDAY Feb 25


Council has endorsed the Ambleside Waterfront Plan for community consultation.  The current plan builds on the success of 40 years of planning and improvements  to the publicly-owned waterfront. While keeping the essentials of what makes it special, the plan proposes upgrades to current facilities, creating new facilities, creating more public spaces and modifications to existing ones. It also proposes to leverage the waterfront’s potential to attract people to businesses just steps away in Ambleside.

Discuss the key components of the plan and provide your feedback.  Location: WV Cmnty Ctr, Atrium

~ 4:30pm

WEST VANCOUVER POLICE -- Seniors’ Activity Ctr - Rec Room

Click Here For The Police Board Agenda Click Here To Learn More About The WV Police Board


Exciting news!  

On Heritage Weekend, over Feb 21, many cherry blossoms spotted itching to come out!!! Bring on spring!!!


=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5P: LNG mtg Sunday

Mtg Sunday 1pm at Cmnty Ctr

sorry; thought WVM wd be out yesterday and you’d see this so rushing to send this out on its own.

From: Lucinda Jones

Woodfibre LNG is not a done deal. The Federal Govt has not approved this project, and Justin Trudeau has stated that "Even though governments grant permits, only communities grant permission." 

We need to tell our Federal representative, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, that we do NOT support Woodfibre LNG. We need you to be at these Town Halls this weekend. RSVP now.

Squamish Town Hall: Sat Feb 27; 12:30 - 2:30pm, Howe Sound Sec Sch, Sq; RSVP ON OUR WEBSITE or VIA FACEBOOK

West Vancouver Town Hall: Sun Feb 28; 1 - 2:30pm, WV Cmnty Ctr; RSVP ON OUR WEBSITE or VIA FACEBOOK

Gibsons Town Hall: Mon Feb 29; 5- 6:30pm, Heritage Playhouse; RSVP ON OUR WEBSITE or RSVP VIA FACEBOOK



If you really can't make it this weekend, we need you to tell Pamela Goldsmith-Jones that you are there in solidarity, and what you think about Woodfibre LNG. It can be a very simple email, stating that you are unable to attend, but that you are opposed to Woodfibre LNG and why. Keep it simple and polite. EMAIL PAMELA GOLDSMITH-JONES NOW


It takes one minute to share the declaration, and every signature counts. Please sign and share the Howe Sound Declaration to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures! SIGN AND SHARE IT NOW!


We have 3 days left to make it clear to the Fed Govt that the Woodfibre LNG proj is unacceptable. Here are four easy ways you can participate in the latest public comment period organized by the Cdn Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA).


Thank you for taking action! Together, we will stop Woodfibre LNG. The My Sea to Sky team http://www.myseatosky.org/

=== Xtra! St David's Day Tomorrow

Just getting over celebrating Robbie Burns and his day the end of January for the Scots, now we have the Welsh celebrating St David’s Day tomorrow!

Y Ddraig Goch {from St James’s Thurible}

St. David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales, c. 544 March 1

Today we remember David, the patron saint of the Welsh people. He lived in the early sixth century and held the dual office of abbot and bishop in southwestern Wales. Like many other British saints, he was an athlete of the spiritual life who pressed himself to the limits of human endurance. But he was also famous for his compassion, and legends tell how he worked many wonders to relieve the poor and the sick. In later centuries, when the Welsh people were oppressed under English rule, these stories made them believe that they had a patron and protector of their own race before God's throne in heaven. But devotion to David spread far beyond Wales, and in time he became the only Welsh saint ever to be honoured on the Calendar of the whole western Church.  

For All the Saints, Prayers and Readings for Saints Days, ABC, 1994

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5Q: Budget; Capital Projects

In case my finger repeated the 7 of the March 7 ccl mtg agenda when I was trying to draw your attention to Item 6 (but have left 5 fyi) so here it is below, itemized.

The total is $8,497,200)

and I’m not quite sure how this fits in with the asset levy for infrastructure maintenance

Anyway, our money — agree with the allocation?

{have to end with money cartoons}

The copy and paste moved the amts, sorry; they’re aligned on the actual agenda {wch is much to easier to unscramble!):




5 Proposed [5-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4884, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: be read a first, second, and third time.

6 2016 Capital Funding Report / 2016 Capital Funding Presentation PowerPoint presentation to be provided. 

RECOMMENDATION:  THAT as described in the report dated February 18, 2016 re 2016 Capital Funding:

1. The following proposed appropriations be made from the Capital Facilities Fund to fund 2016 Capital Projects:

Capital Facilities Fund Community -- Asset Investments

Aquatic Centre - Air Handling Units $ 327,000 

Library Interior Facility Project - Renovation  $ 1,019,800

Seniors’ Activity Centre Coffee Bar Replacement $ 7,200

    $ 1,354,000

Maintenance Investments Corporate Services/Facilities Projects $ 642,100  

Library Facility Maintenance Projects    $ 274,400

$ 916,500 

$ 2,270,500

For a total appropriation of $2,270,500; and that the 2016 Capital Projects be completed by December 31, 2017, and any funds unused at that time be returned to the Capital Facilities Fund, be approved;

…… INSERTION (some abbreviations)


MISSING from HEADSUP; rather than put this by itself elsewhere, inserting here where it shd hv been so you read all together.

2. The following proposed appropriations be made from the Capital Infrastructure Reserve Fund to fund 2016 Capital Projects:

Community Asset Investments ($346,000):

Cycling Infrastructure - Phase 4 = $55,000 Dundarave/Marr Creek = $48,500 Navvy Jack Sub-Tidal Habitat = $59,000 Spirit Trail - Gleneagles Elem to HBay = $133,500 TransLink (TRRIP) = $25,000 Whyte Lake Park = $25,000

Maintenance Investments ($4,398,300)

Bridge/Infrastructure/Slope/ 26th & Bellevue = $600,000 Engg Infrastructure = $640,000

Parks Infrastructure Mntnce = $338,300 Parks/Pavement Infrastructure/Roads - $ 2,820,000


For a total appropriation of $4,744,300; and that the 2016 Capital Projects be completed by December 31, 2017, and any funds unused at that time be returned to the Capital Infrastructure Reserve Fund, be approved; and that

3. Capital Equipment Reserve Fund

Community Asset Investments: Pool Accessibility Lift = $5,300 $ 5,300

Maintenance Investments: IT Equipmt (H/ware & S/ware  = $ 729,800

Other Eqpmt Replacemt = $ 215,700 Vehicle Replacemt = $ 531,600 $ 1,477,100

For a total appropriation of $1,482,400; and that the 2016 Capital Projects be completed by December 31, 2017, and any funds unused at that time be returned to the Capital Equipment Reserve Fund, be approved

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5R: Budget Tonight

QTP at bottom; had hoped (yet again) to get WVM out over the weekend but not to be — here are the main points for you that are at the top of the newsletter, and top of mind at the ccl mtg tonight.:

= Mar 7 Ccl Mtg Main Items: 5-Yr Financial Plan; 2016 Capital Funding Report ($8,497,200)

AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2016/mar/07/16mar07-Agenda.pdf

> BUDGET 2016

As you know salaries and 80% of our budget. The latest information we have is for 2014.

See: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/financial-reports/annual-reports/ 4_FIA_SOFI_signed.pdf

2014 salaries: CAO was $235,523; DepCAO's $209,057; DWV has ~45,000 residents and ~800 staff (FTEs), including transit. Presumably the salary was 2% more in 2015, slated for another 2% in 2016 (~$245K).

Vancouver's new city manager's salary is ~$316K. Vancouver's population is over 600K, its operating budget is $1.2B, and it has ~7,500 employees.

btw, Sadhu Aufochs Johnston is a globally recognized leader in the green city movement. He was the Chief Environmental Officer of Chicago and Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard M. Daley.

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5S: BITS Mar 7 Ccl; mtgs

Sorry; being overwhelmed ¦  Friday Mar 4 was National Grammar Day; Tuesday Mar 8 is International Women’s Day plus CEEP WG mtg at 4pm in the Srs’ Ctr.

Several mtgs on Wed, one Th {appetizers}; followed by Ccl Bits from the Mar 7 mtg {meat}, then QTP {dessert}

Bon appetit!



Mar 9  —  9am to noon  —  Location: Atrium, WV Community Centre, 2121 Marine Drive

A Council-approved working group is developing a Community Energy and Emissions Plan (the CEE-Plan) for WV. The working group has drafted strategies and actions which would contribute to reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from housing, transportation, land use and waste. The strategies are targeting actions which would have additional benefits to the community such as public health and fitness, protection of nature, generational diversity, economic vitality, and transportation efficiency.

We want to share our suggestions and get your input on the strategies and actions. Come to an Open House or find out more online. You can help us develop the CEE-Plan for our community.

Additional Open House dates: March 9 from 4 - 7pm March 12 from 10am – 12pm


Mar 9  -   10am to noon   Location: Music Box, 1564 Argyle Ave


Mar 9  — noon to 2pm Location: Ambleside pond. 

Meet at the south entrance of pond by the information board in front of dog beach. For all volunteer events please wear old clothes, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Rakes, shovels, some gloves and loppers will be provided.  Please note that moderate physical activity (pulling and bending) is involved in this volunteering event. A safety talk will be given at the beginning of the event to demonstrate best practices when it comes to pulling ivy.

There will be a 5–10-minute break at 10:30 a.m. where light refreshments will be available.


Mar 9   — 4 to 7pm in Atrium, WV Cmnty Ctr {Same description as this morning's Open House at 9am}



Mar 10 - 7pm  Location: Cypress Corner West, Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr, 6262 Marine Drive

AGENDA  http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/Committees-Groups/Committees/GleneaglesAdvisory/2016/GECC%20Advisory%20Committee_AGENDA_MARCH_10_2016.pdf

>>>  CCL MTG BITS (Mar 7)

=  PH on backyard chickens closed (and in reg ccl mtg, passed three readings)

=  Canadian Wildlife Service-Environment Canada, re Species at Risk Act; and South Coast Conservation Program,

re Protecting Species and Ecosystems at Risk 

=  Proposed 5-Yr Financial Plan though amt of consultation queried was approved with Sop opposed

=  Capital Facilities Fund Capital Projs $8M+ [7:08 - 7:37] see list (again approved but Sop opposed):


Some discussion; told some items recommended by staff, some by cmnty (and they’d done some fundraising).

{I suggested it wd be helpful if that information were with the item; staff said it’s on the website so I’ll ask for URL}

=  M Alcohol Policy approved

=  Bylaws for adoption (resident spoke re sightlines on 21st), passed with Sop opposed:

Capital Equipment Reserve Fund; Capital Infrastructure Reserve Fund; Capital Facilities Fund

=  Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 636 Clyde adopted

=  Consent Agenda: Approval of the submission of a grant applicn for the Marine Dr Beach Lift Stations Upgrade project be submitted under the New Building Canada Fund – Small Communities Fund Program, as described in the report dated February 18, 2016 from the Utilities Engineer,

=  Among Ccl Reports, ADBIA hiring Exec Dir in April

=  PQP: 

a) The Mayor had referred to getting $46M from the Grosv proj so I asked if that cd be put toward infrastructure — more than the budget has for the asset levy (no answer); also I pointed out the (closed) MMgr’s mtgs had been cancelled (in the spirit of openness and transparency) but now have learned there are CAO “workshops¯ wch do not appear on the calendar and are closed.  The reply was that Ccl did not make decisions, it was info wrt items; my response was that the public wd like to have/hear this info as well. 

{A resident later said that it wd be considered a mtg in some jurisdictions in the US, so I’ll follow up on this.   Even if they don’t make decisions, they can be provided with information that leads them toward a decision and for example, you have staff explaining their recommendations.}

b) Lucinda Jones spoke with MP Goldsmith-Jones and Envmt Min Catherine McKenna, about a mtg re emissions/envmt; amazing work by Sandra Bicego; Mayors, evidence-based decision-making, join w/ other cmnties, rather than re-inventing. Mayor asked for a copy of the book she referred to.

= Adjournment at 8pm!

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5T: Lots of Events/Entertainment

{Started Friday late afternoon}

hope I don’t run out of the alphabet.

Start of Spring Break; turn your clocks ahead Sat night¦.   NOT FAIR — short of time and then they take away an hour!!!

Naomi Klein sold out Friday night.  Last performances of Madama Butterfly Sat night and Sun matinee at 3pm?

Chutzpah Festival on http://chutzpahfestival.com   Celtic Festival next (Mar 10 - 17) http://www.celticfestvancouver.com 

St Patrick’s Day Parade, Sunday in Vancouver

Commonwealth Day Monday March 14; also, Happy Pi Day!

Best place to get lots is the Scene section of the VSun that comes out every Thursday — cdn’t find a link for it

however this http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/listings/index.html has info.

So late now, so deleted weekend but hope you had a good one!

> MONDAY March 14

+  Jim Carter’s art show opening from 6 - 8 pm at Delaney’s in Dundarave. 

— was so impressed when I saw one of his tree paintings in December, and just on a cell phone, it inspired a maiku:

the tree caught his eye

captured on canvas —

Solitary.  Strong.  Watching.

+  VSO: Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto  8pm at the Orpheum; vancouversymphony.ca

> TUESDAY March 15

At the Ferry Building Gallery:    RECENT WORKS — March 15 - April 3

mixed media by Joanne Frewer & Bert Monterona

Opening Reception: Tues Mar 15 from 6 - 8pm;   Meet the Artists: Sat Mar 19, 2 - 3pm

> WEDNESDAY March 16 7:30pm

CBC’s The Irrelevant Show at the Centennial Theatre in NV

Stephen Quinn (On the Coast) will make an appearance.



SO many things going on!!! --------->

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5U: Mtgs and Celebration

Mtg this afternoon and Nowruz celebration tonight (with Police news release below and Nowruz info at bottom ).


= FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Mar 15 -   4:30 to 6pm  — Main Floor Conference Room, M Hall

= NOROOZ -- FIRE FESTIVAL -- Mar 15 - 5 to 11pm Location: Ambleside Park

The 25th annual Persian Fire Festival will include live music, fire jumping, Persian food, and dance performances. It is based in traditions regarding the last Wednesday of the Persian Calendar known as Chaharshanbe Suri. 

{See Police Info Notice below; then info on Nowruz, of wch various spellings}

> WEDNESDAY (16th)

= WHYTECLIFF PARK PLANT RESTORATION Mar 16 - 12 to 2pm Location: Whytecliff Park

Volunteers will help with the restoration of native plants along the slope towards the washrooms in Whytecliff Park where ivy was recently pulled.  For all volunteer events please wear old clothes, sturdy shoes, and work gloves. Rakes, shovels, some gloves and loppers will be provided.

= MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Mar 16 -  7 to 9pm in Welsh Hall, WV Memorial Library

> THURSDAY (17th)

= DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING Mar 17 ~- 4:30pm ~ Council Chamber, M Hall

AGENDA: http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/Committees- Groups/Committees/Design-Review/2016/DRC_AGENDA_2016-03-17.pdf

o Sewell’s Marina – 3rd appearance (File 15-037)

ļ‚· Proposed comprehensive redevt of Sewell’s Marina w/ ~159 resid units and 15Ksf of commercial floor space in six buildings ranging in height between two and ten storeys: marina to be retained.

o Mulgrave School – 1st appearance (File 16-001)

¢ ļ‚·  2330 Cypress Bowl Road

¢ ļ‚·  Proposed classroom and gym addns to the E and W elevations of the existing sch bldg w/ a variance to

height and number of storeys. 

>  WVPD News Release

2016 March 15 {for TUESDAY evening}

West Vancouver Police will assist this evening as Iranian-Canadians begin New Year celebrations.            

The 26th Annual Fire Festival - Chahar Shanbeh Souri, hosted by the Iranian-Canadian Congress of Canada, takes place at WV’s Ambleside Park from 5 - 11pm.

Ambleside Park will be closed to vehicle traffic from 5pm until 11pm.

Traffic restrictions will also be in effect from 5pm -11pm in the 1300 block of Bellevue Avenue and on Pound Road.

Participants in this event are strongly encouraged to use transit as parking will be very limited around Ambleside.

The Festival includes live music, fire jumping, Persian food, and dance performances, and is based on traditions commencing on the last Wednesday of the Persian calendar known as Chahar Shanbe Souri.

Click Here For More Event Information at www.wvpd.ca


Since I know fire-jumping predates Islam, I looked it up:

The ancient festival of Chaharshanbe Suri has its roots in the Zoroastrian Period of Persian history.

Chahar Shanbeh Suri Festival, Ś†Ł‡Ų§Ų±Ų´Ł†ŲŁ‡ Ų³ŁŲ±Ū -NowRuz Fire ... www.farsinet.com/noruz/charshambeh2.html

Chahar Shanbeh Suri Fire Festival, Ś†Ł‡Ų§Ų±Ų´Ł†ŲŁ‡ Ų³ŁŲ±Ū, NowRuz Fire Festival on the last Wednesday of year, Chahar Shambeh Suri Fire Festival History and ¦


Iranians celebrate 'Chahar Shanbeh Suri' - YouTube

–¶ 1:52 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyXE4akxT4 Mar 19, 2013 - Uploaded by PressTVGlobalNews

Iranians celebrate an old tradition called "Chahar Shanbeh Suri". It falls on the last Tuesday evening of every ¦

Here’s more from that video:

Published on Mar 19, 2013

Iranians celebrate an old tradition called "Chahar Shanbeh Suri". It falls on the last Tuesday evening of every Persian calendar year. Iranians come out with friends and family to celebrate and enjoy this occasion. Chahar Shanbeh Suri or " Festival of Fire" is a prelude to Nowruz which marks the arrival of the spring season. People usually set off fireworks and make bonfires, following an ancient tradition dating back to 1700 BCE.

Chahar Shanbeh Suri celebration usually starts in the evening, with people making bonfires in the streets and jumping over them. Some believe jumping over bonfires is a way of taking away negative energy, sickness, and problems and in turn getting fulfillment, warmth, and energy. Chahar Shanbeh Suri serves as a cultural festival for many Iranians.


Jumping over fire on Chahar shanbe soori - Iran Tehran ¦

–¶ 0:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH0S0RRuZpc Mar 16, 2010 - Uploaded by sherlock72

Chahar shanbe soori is a ancient Persian festival of fire dating at least to 1700 BCE of the early Zoroastrian era ¦

Iranians Celebrate Chahar-Shanbeh Soori, Festival of Fire

payvand.com/news/07/mar/1194.html Mar 14, 2007 -

Chahar Shanbeh Soori, literally means Red Wednesday, is an ancient festival, dating back to 4000 years ago since the early Zoroastrian era, ...

so it seems celebrating Wednesday on its eve, Tuesday  :-)

>  OODLES to do on St Patrick’s Day (Th 17th)

in the meantime here’s a 3min14sec video with some history and facts about St Patrick, snakes, green, and more -- "What is St Patrick’s Day?" https://youtu.be/7lpHXz5u4G4

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5V: WVHS Mtg/Talk History of our Library 7pm Tonight!

{edited; from the WVHS newsletter, "Memories"}

West Vancouver Historical Society General Meeting

    ~  WV Seniors’ Centre  ~  Wednesday March 16th at  7pm

The West Vancouver Memorial Library: Past, Present, and Future

The West Vancouver Memorial Library is a War Memorial, commemorating those who served and sacrificed their lives in the second World War.

At the opening of the Library on November 11, 1950, Mrs. Allan Gentles donated the stained-glass window, “Harmony¯ (photo above), in memory of her brother, Lieutenant Horace Gordon Stone, who died on active service in 1918.

The window had been commissioned by their father, Henry Althelstan Stone a businessman and a founder of the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Deb Hutchison Koep, the Library’s deputy director, and her colleagues will have more to say about “Harmony¯ in their talk.

From the Library’s early days, Deb and her colleagues will bring us into the present and share plans for the future. They will also highlight the historical materials digitized by the Library with the financial support of the Historical Society.

Councillor Nora Gambioli will introduce the talk. West Vancouver has been home to Nora and her family since the early 1920s, when Henry Althelstan Stone, her great grandfather, moved his family from England to Olde Caulfeild.

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5W: Weekend; New Senators; etc

Now it’s a race between me and the alphabet!

TONIGHT: Earth Hour starts at 6:30pm; 9:30pm is the start of Spring

LNG has reared its head yet again.  Info on the new senators at the end (+QTP at end)



~ Ga Ting ~ Chinese drama at Cultch thecultch.com

~ Anthropocene or The Nature of Wonder ~ the story of Homo Sapiens created by SFU Theatre students

(Goldcorp Ctr for the Arts)  facebook.com/events/1107640785914276

~ Romeo and Juliet: Ballet Victoria (Centennial Theatre); centennialtheatre.com

SUNDAY March 20th

~ 3pm ~ Readings at Roedde by Bill Richardson (Roedde House Museum) 684 7040 (Brown Paper Tix)

~ 8pm ~ West Coast Symphony (Rossini, Elgar, etc) at Christ Church Cathedral — See: westcoastsymphony.ca


From: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2016/03/18/prime-minister-announces-intention-recommend-appointment-seven-new-senators

Prime Minister announces intention to recommend the appointment of seven new Senators

March 18 -- The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that he will recommend the appointment of seven new Senators to the Governor General. The new, independent Senators will fill two vacancies in Manitoba, three in Ontario, and two in Quebec.The following are the individuals who will be recommended for appointment to the Senate:

Raymonde Gagné (Manitoba) V. Peter Harder (Ontario) Chantal Petitclerc (Quebec)

Justice Murray Sinclair (Manitoba) Frances Lankin (Ontario) André Pratte (Quebec)

Ratna Omidvar (Ontario)

¦  The Prime Minister also announced today that he intends to appoint V. Peter Harder as Government Representative in the Senate. Mr. Harder will act as the Government’s Representative in the Senate in order to facilitate the introduction and consideration of Government legislation, and would be sworn in as a Privy Councillor.

Taking today’s announcements into account, there are 17 vacancies in the Senate.

The Advisory Board, which recommended these individuals to the Prime Minister, is an independent and non-partisan body whose mandate is to provide the Prime Minister with merit-based recommendations on Senate nominations. The PM thanked the Adv Bd for all of its extensive and diligent work to consult widely, assess, and recommend these eminent individuals for appointment to the Senate. Related:  Biographical notes

=== HEADSUP 2015-14.5X: Mar 24 WVPD Canoe + VCBF

Getting close to the end!!!  Both events Thursday March 24. Wednesday, March 23 was National Puppy Day!

~ noon - 1:30pm ~ FREE  —  Cherry Jam Downtown Concert

Kick off this season’s Cherry Blossom Festival with a concert featuring the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra String Quartet, Haiku Mime with Yayoi Hirano and Holly Burke, Chinese Music Ensemble Okinawa Taiko and Carnival Band. Burrard SkyTrain station.  vcbf.ca

~ 11am ~  WVPD Canoe 'Ch'ich'iyĆŗy' -- A Journey Beginning

Traditional awakening ceremony

by the Hollyburn Sailing Club at Ambleside Park

{from WVPD}: We are getting excited for the arrival and formal blessing of our new WVPD Canoe this week!

Thanks to generous support from the West Vancouver Community Foundation our 29-foot Clipper will allow WV Police to participate in Pulling Together Canoe Journeys and community events in partnership with the Squamish Nation and Tsleil-Waututh Nation.

Artist Wes Nahanee has shared a sneak peak at the artwork he created for Ch'ich'iyĆŗy. The full artwork will be officially unveiled when the canoe is formally awakened.

Our canoe will carry the ancestral name for the west peak of the mountains known to the SįøµwxĢ±wĆŗ7mesh for generations as the Sisters, but more recently called the Lions.*  The Sisters are known in Squamish teachings for having persuaded their father to end conflict with the Haida.

Our canoe is about continuing to foster the partnership built over many years

with First Nations communities we serve.

Our community is invited to a traditional awakening ceremony for Ch'ich'iyĆŗy

to be conducted with guidance of the Squamish Nation.  

Visit our website for more info


* Lions —-> Sisters —> Peace and Harmony

I was told years ago that the original names for those two peaks were Peace and Harmony.  Then it was the Sisters.  And now you know where the name Brothers Creek comes from!


NOTES: Oct 26, 28; Nov 2, 16, 23, 30; Dec 7, 14, 16; BITS: Jan 11, 25; Feb 15, 22, Mar 7 mtgs are in a Headsup

Explanations: ... is a gap deemed not important; xxx indicates something was said; &&& something significant was said; underlined means important; and bolded is v important; GET is something I thought I ought to find, play, and transcribe -- but sorry, haven't had time to do so. Of course ? is something I question or am wondering about. Also, ### is something I wanted to ask about or check into, and again hadn't the time. @@@ is where I intended to put my comments.

Corrections, clarifications, and additions most welcome!

These notes give you an idea of what was said. To make sure of exactly what was said, pls watch/listen to the video on the DWV website. The times help in finding the place. Apologies for gaps. E & OE !!!

Subscribe! write subscribewvm@westvan.org] ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling? See: http://www.westvan.org/glossary

~~~ October 26 ~~~




1. CALL TO ORDER OPEN SESSION (in Main Floor Conference Room)

2. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC -- closed b/c:

(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;

(c) labour relations or other employee relations; and

(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality.

Purpose of meeting: matters regarding committee membership, legal, and labour/employee relations.

3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION (in Main Floor Conference Room)


4. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION (in Council Chamber; items 1 - 3 in prev mtg)

5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA -- amended by:

- replacing, in Item 6, pages M-4 and M-5 of the October 5, 2015 regular Council meeting minutes;

- adding to Item 8 the report regarding Revised Proposed Ccl Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 4855, 2015;

- adding to Item 11 Item 11.1 regarding correspondence

6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES -- October 5, 2015 regular Council meeting.

SSch (MClk): replacement pages M-4 and M-5 for the Oct 5 mtg minutes were in the on-table package


7. Long-Term Financial [LTF] Plan - Context for Proposed 2016 Budget

PowerPoint Presentation [http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-agendas/2015/oct/26SP/15oct26SP-7-powerpoint.pdf]

{Click! an excellent presentation, clear slides, listing all the main points; read/use for reference.}

Well, here are some comments already received.

G's comments: It is interesting, however, that in the list of components of a successful Long-Term Financial Plan, controlling costs appears nowhere. As we all know, salaries+benefits for M staff are in the stratosphere, completely disconnected from reality and bearing no relationship to what private industry pays for comparable staff.

The Key Concepts slide talks about accounting and sources of revenue -- one would have thought that controlling costs was a "Key Concept" but apparently not to the apparatchiks who run this municipality. It gets even better. Slide 48 lists the Proposed Solution. Let me spoil the surprise. None of the proposed solutions involve the expenditure side of the ledger.

Another reader says the public shd consider "pay-as-you-go" or whether or not to pay now for future repairs, and let Ccl know..

Do study the recommendation for an asset levy and say if 7% is acceptable.

IG, CFO: know we're pressed for time so will be going through this presentation as quickly as possible. SLIDES

preface: not asking for any decision tonight. Take this to public and then come back to Ccl with reaction.

Fiscal Sustainability &&&

Long term: technically sound, based on participative and collaborative approach

Five key parts:

Risk Mgmt Framework (high level, not formal, risk analysis done)

limited tax base, no industry,or biz cmnty; residential; restricted revenues (only allowed certain things)

biggest financial issue we've identified is that there has been under-investment in existing assets

risk also climate destabilization (growing concern); waterfront, forest interface, other storms; costly to deal with

plan resilience

high level of service, expectations increase; real estate values rising (quickly), change in cmnty, ppl coming in may not be the same ppl here now so cd be conflict and difficult/challenging to manage

Challenges from other levels of govt [can impose]; legislation; arbitrary actions with little consultation

Lobby for change but not always successful

Policy review headed up by Legislative Services -- recommended needed: use of reserves on assets, use of debt mgmt, &&&, xxx Coordinated system of reserves, bring clarity and flexibility, accounting to funding; statutory reserves xxx wd help if system, Financial Services recommending

Gen Fund Reserves:

gen capital facilities reserve (update); xxx; gen infrastructure reserve (establish); gen equipment reserve (establish)

Statutory facilities reserve, advisable; utilities.... water and storm sewer....; any special reserves, eg public art reserve

Asset Mgmt Plan

The District currently owns over $1B in assets, not including the underground utility assets. This is approx $57,700 for ea household. Over the next 50 years virtually all of these assets will be coming due for repair and replacement.

The Dist has now begun gathering the data...

What assets? condition? investments needed to maintain (in condition)? funding needed?

have asset data base, depreciated cost

magnitude of dollars needed {listed for what &&&}

Adding altogether, annual asset investment required of $15.2M; currently the District is providing ~$7.3M, not even providing 50%...

[slide says wd require a 13% increase in taxes]

SLIDE of GRAPH showing info -- "bumpiness"; tactics to smooth things out

large gap between what's being invested and what wd make this work

use reserves but can't do much

shows why asset mgmt a priority

District is not making investments at the optimum point, at the critical point so risk of failure starts to skyrocket

doesn't get max value of investment

What you have to do:

set up system of asset reserves; system of funding reserves through an asset; graduated annual increases

to required level of investment; many Ms have been doing this

Fifth: links to the annual budget

Ccl's seven priorities; no 4 is fiscal sustainability and M finance -- I'm addressing tonight

SLIDE p38: Three key concepts:

Fund accting and structure; Non-tax sources of funds; Tax Levy Funding

Important to understand b/c many changes have no impact on the tax levy

Dist has seven diff funds (see on Slide)

Gen Fund -- everything not in the separate fund...

$111M is the revenue for 2014 from the financial statement

{Pls Note:

You will recall that it took me more than 15 years to get Ccl to admit there was such a thing as Uplift (increase in value of land when upzoned by Ccl), and another five to calculate and get 75% of the increase from owners who benefit from the increased value — sort of like asking them to pay 75% of what the prop wd cost if already zoned. Ccl is, in effect, selling land that belongs to us residents. Finally they accepted this process, initially termed Cmnty Benefits and now referred to as a Cmnty Amenity Contribution.

The slide [p37] indicated that in 2014 the budget got $7.6M in 2014 from CACs. It was a lot of work but worth it! Previous Ccls just gave it to owners free; they paid nothing for the higher value. Sure shows we have to fight for us taxpayers — our rights, our share b/c of the increase in the value of the land w/ the changed zoning — since owners and developers often pull councillors’ strings. Vigilance required.

Note also that any increase in density increases the cost of providing services for more ppl (and has other impacts).}

made up from three diff areas: non-tax areas (fees and charges; relieves pressure)

[5:50] ...; third party contributions, CACs (funds items, not part tax levy); sale of land

these revenues fluctuate greatly, xxx; lease revenue, interest on investment; third party xxx

tax levy three areas (listed), public think of as general taxation

what happened to the $57M tax levy?

$48M goes for operating costs (net of other revenues); $7.8M transferred to reserves and a small amt to surplus

Breakdown of $48M: over half to public safety ($14.6M Fire; $13.4M Police); rest, other areas

reserves: $7.3M for asset investment, $453K to operating reserves

2016 Budget will be greatly affected by the US dollar exchange rate; fallen precipitously

things we have to buy such as fire equipment, only from US; many Cdn suppliers have to buy from US

difficult to purchase as much with same amt of money

energy costs are relatively stable

inflation not a big factor; major is cost of US dollar

SLIDE p46: currently a 1% tax increase raises ~$34 per household, over entire District, $585K

are the operational increases we've so far identified...

labour increase: contracted, 2.5% for Fire and 2% for rest of the org

critical operating items, list will be supplied

changes in benefit carrier, saving in refuse area

rev increases in permits

early estimate of new market; told about $1M

Police comes directly; doesn't come through Finance, so an independent levy

set up Asset reserves so advisable to begin with an asset levy

critical investment 2016 b/c cannot meet needed w/ currently provided funds

shortfall cd be made up with an asset of levy 2.2% -- that wd be about 4.3% added

asset levy shd be presented separately

Investment total $8.624M

won’t meet xxx police levy? 1.% xxx won’t meet ???? {you may want to watch this for clarity}

[of homes] $2,517,500 average assessed value but may be higher, prelim

in Globe and Mail article said home assessment value lags sales value 47% but 25% min

gives scope what we're asking for

[5:57] asking for a total increase of $146; a 2.2% asset levy

however another way to look at this

critical -- do not make have failure

this wd be the desirable time to make these levies

7.4% ... 71 + 262 = 223 {watch this too!}

not much to expect; think this is doable; hoping public will agree

building the asset investment levy

by 2019

other scenarios

advantages is of starting a levy of 7.5% not create a shortfall to address shortfall

utilities? these are the recommended annual charge SLIDE

this is the initial review been done with Finance, xxx, xxx

come back for final review in Feb

[6pm] Mayor: thank you for thorough review

Sop: doesn’t nec’ly mean receive -- $2M assmt one year then jumping to $3.5m

IG: in fact the average is adjusted for; if assmt up, adjust up and down

av stays av

issue we find M taxes did something diff

as if ev at the top of the ladder; at top pay more; if from bottom jump above the av

sales in nbrhds causing them to rise; biggest reason, indiv prop taxes

if gone up more than the av

Sop: pay as we go; upgraded swimming pool, etc; these are relatively new assets

IG: these major assets are actually — monies hv bn borrowed; really the other assets we’re borrowing for

seawall roads traffic light

bldgs are in reasonably good shape b/c relatively new

Sop: need for a levy be found in the budget through efficiencies

IG: we’ve done our v best to find efficiencies¦¦

wd suggest at this point funding transferred to asset unlikely to be found

funds from the levy wd go straight to reserve; hope wd reassure Ccl

NG: thank you for the report, v clear, not great news; batting around the bush for sev years

timeline you’ve proposed a little bit long; wd like to see it wrapped up before March

we just finished a CEC mtg earlier today and wonder if the budget

{had intended to watch this part and transcribe but sorry, check -- or cd do it later}

new policy within the Dist

IG: key; new consultation policy shd be done

MB: did, warning impact of investments

the utility reserves — you reported to the Finance Cmte; thought built in re maintenance?

IG: Mr Fung; before he speaks, funding built in but not (yet) in reserves

MB: where do we fit in wrt other NSh Ms?

IG: CNV has been collecting a 1% levy per yr for about 8 yrs

when I was last there trying to transfer 15% and might be more

DNV has been adding 1% for last ten years ¦ maybe more

Cam: be good to get these slides, reports before[hand]; can’t go back to a slide; then wd be able to in future

IG: think I can

Cam: back five slides?

IG: up

[6:09] Cam: ¦ 2% ... 4% after that for five years

IG: ev yr Ccl wd be addressing this

Cam: all in addn to xxx ... wd be a little bit difficult -- wch recommending?

IG: I’m not recommending any; get feedback from the public

don’t think it wd be approp for me to make a recomm at this point; I’m trying to present a framework

Cam: three, 4yrs, 6yrs, and 7yrs

IG: but an infinite number of variations; a start needs to be made somewhere; do recomm start an infrastructure levy

Cam: pain now or later

IG: if some of these investments aren’t made now then fall apart

Cam: pay now or not have

IG: xxx

{you may wish to get Ms Gordon's exact words; [6:13]}

Cam: based on growth and as we know, been nil in last few years

look at Grosv, HBay, possibility increasing number of households significantly

interested to know, what impact if 5000 more ppl 1% or 10% ?

assume some fixed costs; so at one point wd like that broken down

IG: model has not ¦. growth

estimating is v difficult xxx ... escalating demands for service; depends on if assets operating at capacity now or not

prices coming into the cmnty quite high; also new growth, new tax revenues; opp to divert into asset mgmt

reserves set up [6:16]; building each year’s annual budget

Cam: Grosv when built out $500K more for the Dist

don’t need another Fire or Police building for those ppl; what impact devt decisions?

Grosv, one of the reasons to decide xxx

ML: the point Cam is making is growth of tax folios

I’m interested in — good work; shd hv done ten years ago

clearly xxx built been putting money aside each year for ¦ -- ask how they wd like this collected?

part of existing tax each year; cynicism giving tax money; need to be cognisant of xxx

alleviate part of xxx billing, sep from tax bill; where tax money going to and how spent

fiscal diligent, take out of budget silly season -- trade off; take from Peter to pay Paul

get feedback from public; help Ccl going about operationalizing¦.

Mayor: debate ... question bring up not just used by WV residents

¦.Srs’ Ctr, sea wall¦¦..[6:20] from NV ... Cap/Marine, going to come from

paid for by WV residents

what can we pay for; charge out-of-District residents? look forward to you, to stickhandle that

MOTION [Receipt]

{The last slide (p57) is the time line -- public consultation November and January 2016}

8. Revised Proposed Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4730, 2013, Amendment Bylaw No. 4855, 2015

Cam made motion:

article 4.5.0 re speaking order; preamble xxx a mbr may

previously as unanimously resolved

can a majority change the rules in the midst of the mtg, or does it have to be unanimous?

a maj can always change a Procedure Bylaw but that’s a bit more involved

concerned not b/c of this Ccl but maj of Ccl

or circumvent not under this Ccl ¦. [6:25]

thinking of a prominent split 5 v 3

a maj cd say don’t think anyone cd speak to this

I’m a lawyer and have to take into account an unlikely¦.

wd restore unanimous -- what rest of Ccl thinks -- in my opinion, shd be unanimous if mid-mtg

ML: I wd agree with what Cclr Cam said; preempts a situation wd not want to find ourselves in

Cam: looking at the spreadsheet — in the purple version

except by¦. a member may¯

restoring unanimous, removing purple words

Sop: Ccl’s deliberations last time about amt of time allowed to speak

SSch: restriction on number of times and time-limit speaking¦.

Sop: in 4.4.7 an approp method any long-winded cclr

¦rules. speak back and forth ... specifically

get a better feeling we cd solve the prob; don’t see any way, 15 min on any given

Most Ms have a time limit

say ppl wd stay ... despite ...15 mins enough, although I have sometimes gone over it

an item moved and seconded — xxx to eliminate time limits, I won’t support

DEBATE: amendment friendly or not

delete first bullet wch wd put language in orig bylaw

Mayor: can continue to debate

SSch: xxx

Mayor: agree with Cclr Sop

most generous of any of 22 Ms; 2x? twice? for any agenda item; and again if affirm

Ms L instituted mtg package

within 10 min; enroll in a speaking course

{fyi researched enrol/enroll -- see in Language section p 102}

this is a corp, as Ms G has explained, more than $100M

mechanism to get through

unlimited with ten items???

if we run into an agenda time, suspend rules and debate [6:33]

don’t think ever been denied rights 10 mins

never xxx solutions for non-existent problems

have to have some limits; and &&& [6:34]

in Bby only person allowed to speak after motion made for those opposed; xxx

NG: was just going to speak to Cclr Cam’s and now both

if we vote to support Cam/Lewis have 4.5.0 unanimously, most recent rendition

if as Cclr Sop and the Mayor suggest, if we vote against the motion, staff will have to redo this

have to debate this on another night

I agree we have gen speaking times and not that we have the most generous

paper given xxx neither CNV and DNV have restrictions

Mayor: Clarify

SSch: for the first time up to 4min, up to 2min second time, and up to 2min to add an amendmt in DNV

CNV may speak more than once, and not outside of closing remarks

Cam: think we shd hv dealt with this three wks ago

we don’t take

ironic the Mayor took almost ten min to explain his opposition

this is a democracy; rare comes up; cclrs shd be able go back and forth

WV is not a corporation, it’s a democracy -- the comparison is inapt


It is always within the discretion of the chair to urge mbts of Ccl not to repeat, bring matters to a close; best exercised not as a matter of coercive bylaws but as a good chairing of the mtg [6:39] ¦..&&&

Sop: disagree with your loosey goosey rules

other Ms hv time limits, reasons for it ...

rules and can suspend rules; freedom in this democracy we can suspend at any time on a topic

if anything, you open the door to filibuster

grab the floor and speak all night unless you step in ... you have the right to do that

Mayor: well, Im inept.....

AMENDED MOTION CARRIES w/ Sop and Mayor opposed


9. Proposed 2016 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 4846, 2015


10.1. Proposed Development Permit No. 15-049 for Lot 7 of Evelyn by Onni (To set date for consideration)

10.2. Proposed Devt Permit for 765 Marine/PkR-North (Amends Devt Permit (To set date for consideration)

10.3. TransLink Customer Service Performance Report Quarter 2, 2015

10.4. New District of West Vancouver Purchasing Policy

10.5. Water Conservation Program Update

10.6. Correspondence List

[6:41] SSch: my understanding 10.3 for debate

MB: an item of correspondence as well

Mayor: all clear on what we’re voting on?


CAO {sorry, I cdn’t hear}: xxx

{10.3?} RF: report being brought to Ccl tonight; some msgs wrt proposed changes

257 and 258 routes; DWV strongly opposed changes TransLink proposes

{see press release}

wd mean a much longer trip; eliminated Nelson/Royal

slight efficiencies may gain but other adjustments; 3rd re 254 route and shuttle

encourage residents go to &&&; at this point only proposed and ends Nov 6

I know you, Mr Mayor, have sent a letter; staff and Council in support

Mayor: public to speak and a Mr xxx

A Miele: been a resident out there for 37 years; xxx

[6:47] never seen it so busy; student bus passes

really appreciate that you take this v seriously

44 is not a good alternative

Mayor: Mr Devlin

Geoff Devlin: Prez of Transportation Union; thank you for your support

I actually drive the UBC bus on some occasions — at capacity and can’t take any more

dumping at 44 is not xxx ???

[6:49] CAO: on item of corresp that Mr Fung

MB: xxx

Mayor: running out of time

MB: will be brief

Mayor: give opp for xxx to speak

MB: letter re 11th and 12th? Keith

plsed make it as a model

this letter is wrt non-compliant parking

it’s now a one-way street with a cycling lane; ppl using parking pads for not parallel rather perpendicular

RF: you may be aware wrt the traffic-calming came from the residents

resids concerned about increased traffic b/c of Evelyn

bn working for two years; evident a trade-off; diff, for xxx parking residents

Staff have noticed non-compliant parking

in the interests of completing this; staff have chosen not to address non-compliant

parking pads; blvd; xxx in hedges resident; systemic review of blvd policy



Brian Wood: re highest building face reqmts

{technical info discussion}

JB: doesn’t meet the bylaw

BW: up to 4mos; can’t wait; affects the cmnty negatively

Mayor: thx, being forth... need to break at 7pm

14. ADJOURNMENT [6:58]


1. CALL TO ORDER (in Council Chamber)



{You may want to watch the video http://westvancouverbc.swagit.com/play/10262015-1574 ; listen, lots of interesting ppl and activities}

Here is the list with descriptions/summaries: http://westvancouver.ca/news/2015-community-award-winners

WV honoured ten individuals and three groups with Community Awards in the areas of the arts & culture, environment, heritage, health, wellness & activity and civic commitment. The awards were presented by members of Council during the ccl mtg. Award recipients were nominated by mbrs of the cmnty and the winners selected by the District's Awards Cmte.

Arts & Culture: Liane Dickson (volunteer past 21 years; our community art gallery, FBG)

Chris Stringer (Beacon newsletter; 'Wander Caulfeild'; history of Olde Caulfeild; its Cmnty Days)

Urszula Sulinska (President of the North Shore Polish Association)

Civic Commitment: Ambleside Tiddlycove Lions Club (est'd 1975, donated $1M+ to WV/NSh projs)

Carolanne Reynolds* (1st heritage Cclr; Heritage Wk; website; newsletter; Streamkeepers; ADRA) Friends of the Library (volunteers enrich library progs, collns, and services; NSh Writers' Festival)

James Stout (47th year as a Scout Leader in West Vancouver!)

Robert Clark (Kiwanis Housing Society Board and as a volunteer for the Seniors' Activity Centre)

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise (legacy of serving our cmnity as well as those overseas)

Environment: Alexandra Mancini (President of the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society; weed pulls)

Health, Wellness & Activity: Jane Baynham (Family Court and the Youth Justice Committee)

Mike Cupit (devt of RCM SAR stn in WV; Rescue at Sea’s silver medal awarded in DC)

Heritage: David Barker (many years prez of WV Historical Society; editor of its newsletter, Memories)


* {Pls forgive me for putting my moment in the spotlight here. The mtg's video is 46min; below is from 36:24 to 41.40.}

Sop: It's my pleasure to announce the next recipient, Carolanne Reynolds. [SLIDES] C'mon up here, dear. Wanna sit?

CR: no

Sop: come beside me, b/c you get a kiss :-)

On Carolanne's return from living abroad, she was alarmed noticing the influence of US media {and} the loss of our heritage. She devoted herself to raising awareness of our history and culture -- and a good job you did.

CR: thank you

Sop: She was elected to Ccl, appointed as the first heritage liaison in West Vancouver, organized the celebration of Heritage Week in 1989 and has ever since. Carolanne started the first annual RoyalTea-by-the-Sea in 2000 and is the Chair of Heritage West Van. Her commitment to [our] community is extensive and comprehensive. Carolanne has attended almost every council meeting since 1988 -- wow! --


good on you. She's also [been] appointed to committees.  She put up the first {WV} website (1995) with [WV] agendas, and also started a newsletter in 1999.  West Van Matters includes transcripts of council meetings and other information to a vast majority of the ppl in WV, and it has been at her cost, all these years. So, fantastic, dear.


Carolanne has served on many committees and on the boards of several local organizations including West Vancouver Streamkeepers and the Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers' Assn.

While welcoming sensitive diverse devt, Carolanne treasures our string of park-like villages, and you may have seen her in the Cmnty Day Parade driving her 1965 cream Caravelle convertible, lately with her mother (who's here in the audience. Hi, dear.

APPLAUSE (camera pans showing Mrs Reynolds in the front row}

A great big thank-you from West Vancouver for all your years of commitment to this cmnty. It's really been quite a wonderful thing to have you around, and I've been around for a couple of years, you know, but you were there a little bit-- CR: --before you--

Sop: yeah, before me.

{clarification: I was elected before him but he's been around longer :-)}

So, Carolanne, here's the deal. You've got a chance to speak now, seeing that we suspended the time limit tonight on Ccl. Why don't you start the first public filibuster.

{CR laughing}

Alex Tunner comes up with a large bouquet: With the permission of the Mayor, I'd like to take 30 seconds to acknowledge Carolanne. One of her major accomplishments was, if you can remember, as one of the three citizen musketeers [mbrs] of the first Cmnty Engagement Cmte, and through those three -- Patricia Bolton, Carolanne, and myself -- we did all the ground work and fine detail, ... masterminded by Bill Soprovich, Jean Ferguson, and of course Pamela Goldsmith-Jones.

So, here you are {presents bouquet}, special acknowledgement from your {crackling so cdn't hear rest!}

{and a kiss from Alex too!}


Sop: before you talk, let's get a picture taken

{Scenery Slater, ADRA Prez, comes up with a bouquet of flowers as well}

CR: Oh my!

SS: Carolanne has many fans in the cmnty


Sop: Carolanne, come around the front. Let me take your flowers and your award

{photo, Sop, now with two bouquets and the award, hands over the mic}

CR: Fame is so fleeting.


Thank you v much, everyone. This is really an honour. As you all know, I'm brave enough -- some ppl say "speak truth to power" and that my hide is much thicker than a rhinoceros's -- but I want to say that there are many ppl in this cmnty, volunteers and residents {who} make this cmnty, and together with staff and Council, we improve and make it better, and even make it great.

So, I encourage you all to get involved, to participate. This is a great place to live. Enjoy!


{One more presentation then off to the reception!}


~~~ October 28 ~~~


1. Call to Order.



3. Discussion of Upper Lands Working Group Recommendations (File: 2570-01)

Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E

[6:19] Cam:



{and this!}

Ashley (cochair): from cmnty, primarily 1200ft

Sop: more work to do, esp trails

why choose the east-west of Nelson and xxx of Eagle Lake not for devt

Andy (cochair): once we established 1200 as the line in the sand

where is the devt going to go? how much in density rights?

protecting so much land

¦so we can plan? for Cypress Village; protect so much, devpr will need some flexibility

as much as park space; transfer density Cypress Village here xxx

Sop: expectation if you take away, have to replace

MB: echo the tremendous amt of work

pt 1 and pt 2, esp pt 2 how many hours, delegation; touched and assessed {delineation?}

apologized on Ccl can’t get a sense complexity but can’t assess the conclusions

you put in 2 1/2 years of work

if Qs appear rudimentary, apologize

N-S most significant — jump out

no devt jumps out; no devt above 1200ft west of Eagle Crk

buy prop for park [6:30]

in your own doc 37 in v 41% 22% undecided p 66 ???

hard to come to that conclusion

David Hawkins: from an earlier stage; high level of support

MB: Sop asked, I’ll ask in a diff letter

refer to Mr Croll’s letter, choose an arbitrary Eagle Lake

Andy: what we looked at 'arbitrary’ is subjective; it’s understood

the original BPP had and had in mind, that’s how we came xxx

he’d call arbitrary and we’d call designated

MB: re density transfer from east to west

Croll says 763 acres, east 456

DH: roughly equal amts of land not dedicated 520 East ... 480 West of but not Dist

2.5upa; xxx 2500 units in a little bit more than half

complicates it so housing mix can go up

doesn’t capture dedicated park land such as Whyte Lake, capture in devt potential elsewhere

number not fixed -- if devt in a certain area concentrated, then transportation

xxx devping more [6:36]

MB: taking an area of density from one area another xxx

don’t believe the Sq N was consulted; nbrly, wd be nice

Andy: at the v beginning; after that stakeholder ... did not keep going after

MB: School Dist

Andy: same thing; respect Sch Bd, worked for them for 36 years

did meet with WV Dist Ccl

MB: final questionnaire 66% of respondents were men


MB: what does the word framework' really mean?

used as a framework for the OCP ( 3 pages ) how much flexibility?

DH: that’s staff work; large area 6K so doc nec’ly high level

respect work that has been done

eg for the trails plan — when joint of & trails¦; trails/park planning with public

need to allow those future processes to take place, also for Cypress Village

MB: purchasing for park land? see those three playing in ¦

DH: purchase wd be Ccl on its own area

xxx re purchasing empty land

1133 and 806 surrounded by public forest; ¦ subject to an exceptional price; Ccl cd consider

MB: quantify amt of land involved

DH: in prev in June assessed value of land vacant, $2.5M WG emphasis on intact forest

see if forest or actual forest ??? not if xxx

small component of the 6000 acres

Cass: thank you — time energy; tremendous amt of work

only been a yr since the election; heard loud and clear no devt above 1200ft

intergenerational wealth

waterfront to do same above

looking at density

building another cmnty xxx library, cmnty ctr, etc

prepared to subsidize? who is ultimately going to be paying for them?

Ashley: not prepared

come down to [6:44]


DH: a framework ¦ we’re also major landowners

Andy: first slide — xxx at &&&


Cass: thank you, v happy camper

NG: segue to what I was going to say

thx; captures¦ of the cmnty; ¦ detail here, so not many Qs, so that is great

my concern wrt moving forward

see these recomms cd be advanced, integrated with OCP review, that makes sense

Trails plan go fwd b/c of nec’ty, slow pace

around the Cypress Village plan, don’t have problem around planning, but how advancing

hear from ppl putting ppl up there is not a priority, about 17? other priorities

the cynic in me does not want ppl to see stakeholder wants to move ahead with that and sell the units

JB?: working through with CAO

Marine and Taylor; full plate of Devt Applicns ?

inter-discip nature, a big staff draw; point well taken

Cam: xxx

Mr ? xxx

Fairly active cmnty, mtn-biking

not even buying gas in WV!

have coffee shops, pubs, get some money from them

unauthorized trail-building going on

enough activity; wd stop¦. unauthorized; start asap, jobs

ANS: don’t think Cypress Village; not from the WG

idea in the cmnty something was going on there

Ashley: Cyp V cd bring some diversity we don’t have WV right now; well warranted

Mayor: met with owner of &&&

fam with Cyp V, v keen; lot of housing but want to create a cmnty

ice arena building one that’s year round — where put it; all now how expensive

logical place to put in a village, vibrancy, whole new world so I think it’s a v exciting opp

10 years from now look back and changed xxx of WV

Jim B: xxx but cdn’t agree more

Village a key part; creating a complete mixed-use cmnty

really want to do good planning and think the landowner wants to do the right thing

Cam: echo what the Mayor has said, hit nail on head

WG ... feel strongly be clear as the status of what we’ve said

using the term framework’ needs to be clear; not change the framework

envmtal policies

3rd category, most of the key recomms, too complex at this point to adopt

most prominent is that all devt be east of Eagle Crk; look to rest of Ccl to confirm this

Ccl doesn’t disagree with any of the recomms; that third category, need more info

all devt east of Eagle

obviously staking a lot of rights from us and in a xxx area {taking?}

might mean other decisions wd hv to be made — in favour

we really can’t make until Cypress V — what will first ??? [6:57]

when we can’t ¦. east of

environmentally protective

Cyp V shd be viewed as a neg, think as Mayor and Mr B; a model

amenities, xxx

a positive thing; so important; many of these recomms, look at 2nd page

1200ft contour line policy adopted

devt east of ECrk, can’t be adopted until further studies

framework so Ccl can proceed

M-owned above 1200ft permanently protected, functionally

future nbrhds, Cyp V and housing types — think Ccl approves but can’t do till Cyp V plan

xxx and do our best to implement

Ms L can correct me but Ccl can adopt trails plan b/c already


some we adopt and some ¦ [7pm]

CAO: recomms clearly stated as framework for future discussions, Cyp V and trail

framework, focuses Ccl and staff as Cclr Cam

Sop: Chapman and I walked that; removal of trees astonishing

got to Rodgers Crk, we wd no longer accept without green buffering


in the right to move around, BPP wants to look at Cypress area

&&& look up the hillside, l got some good results

relationship to watercourses, xxxx

Mr PIke, a two-day over 2K, mtn bikers, realization there was a need, that was put on the shelf for a while ?

what is a reasonable to move fwd

thank you for that

ML: MetroV Regional Growth Strategy and &&; diff definitions of use above 1200ft, diff from WG recomms

JB: great question; those are the things we need to dig into

conservation/recreation definition

staff/public need to look at; part of the careful work going forward.

Mayor: ... all you get when you serve on a cmte is a cup of bad coffee

{great encouragement now that the M is looking for volunteers to serve!}

&&& whatever

thx again for your good work


Mayor: trust will be brief

Alan Bardsley: for Hugh Hamilton, who had to chair the Old Growth Conservancy mtg, and K Steig

1st that Cyp V be a guide to recreation

funding for staff to cope 40K ppl hiking peak this summer; staff to maintain diffid ???

heard from Larry S; may not be aware how low

Bobby Swain in neg with BPP

2nd focus seems to be on devt and recreation

emphasis on xxx not seem to

similarly concern Trails Plan

the insistence on &&& yet a plan to define these systems

Mayor: I agree with K’s comments; NSh Rescue Service

¦. biggest frustration prov govt need to be more pro-active with our local

¦. [7:09] {GET THIS}

staff to get plan ... xxx mtg here, what’s xxx

> Jackie Swanson [text supplied[: We wanted Council to know that HRA has a great relationship with Parks, is fully engaged and active in the Upper Lands, had a bigger voice to ULWG than was recognized. First appearance as Stakeholder Group said we alone represented 200 member voices. Then, well over a dozen spoke to ULWG as financial stakeholders (cabin owners) and large participation in final online comments

great working relnship with the parks (as above)

objection to an environmental We feel that the recommendation of Environmental Assessment in cabin area ONLY, out of the entire Upper Lands area, was included, in many respects, as a consequence of said improper procedures, and that the second recommendation, to continue to work with Parks in the meantime, was recognized by the WG as a necessary addition for Staff and Council now and in the future to be able to continue operating if such Environmental Assessment was not to take place.

29 recomms

come from what they heard

over 200 mbrs; don’t feel we were counted (as above)

final online recomms (as above)

well over half HRA mbrs and mbrs of the cmnty (want Council to know HRA members were a high responder over the course of the study, but our voice was poorly heard or accounted for)

feel we’ve had a strong voice

think Sop 200 not a v big representation

{I was agreeing with him and wanted him to know that the response was larger than was evidenced by ULWG, as HRA community response wasn’t given the numbers re response that it should have been given. Also, our strong message of Heritage, Recreation, Generational Community wasn’t given appropriate voice. --JS}

reasonable response

we have rec, xxx history, hist of 80 years ???

feel ... good relnshp with the Parks Dept; foresters

> Paul Hundal: line ... BPP don’t see why you can’t devp there

lower vs higher, close the envmtal area ???

Dr Keith Wade explained that WG understood that and that’s why they chose a line

sensitive? devp over a creek &&& expense

makes sense, logical reason

believe BPP’s re going over

> Rebecca Buchanan: xxx greater appreciation

unfair, recomms not fully fleshed out


seen feedback — all &&& but we’re not resp for xxx

wrt BPP; was an opp to participate in a fulsome way wt devt in the UL; that opp was missed

comment made after the fact; disingenuous; opp to voice earlier

Cclr Cam if you felt improbably opp to address those

APPLAUSE [77m19secs into Item 3]

CR: tyvm; congratulations for everyone; the WG did a fantastic job

I went to nearly all the mtgs, and it was really v thoughtful and they did a lot of assessment of things, so I really appreciate the work they've done as well, and you can hear by their presentation and by Rebecca's recent comments, they're v thoughtful, informed ppl.

I also owe thanks to David Hawkins who, once he arrived on the scene, there were no longer closed mtgs wch they had had before then, wch they're not supposed to have as a WG. So that was a great improvement too.

I did ask, about the First Nations. When I brought that up at the WG, was told, "Oh, we're not going to talk about it" -- this was by staff, not Mr Hawkins, this was some time ago. They said, "Oh no, that's going to be handled by Planning or something later, we don't have anything to do with that."

So then I thought I'd better find out wch heritage aspects of the land above there we shd look at, and I had quite a bit of difficulty getting, was given some names, called them, didn't work out, however Cclr Booth gave me some names in the summer, I think it was, that was v good and I must admit that now the ball is in my court to go and meet with several of them about what they consider of value to them in the Upper Lands, so I wd like to say, I wd be happy to present that report and I hope Ccl take into consideration the heritage aspects of the FN. We are ourselves, we don't live far from the Upper Levels Hwy, we found an arrowhead on our property. There must be lots of things, and I don't just mean culturally modified trees. There must be other things that are sacred to them and I hope that I can give the full report, as much as you want, and that you will respect their special places as well.

Thank you

Mayor: thank you; xxx we need a motion on the floor; Cam as mbr....

Cclr Cameron and Cclr Panz started this long journey, and Cclr Panz when she retired, Cam had to soldier on alone so we appreciate his efforts

{LISTEN to verify this} put motion here?

Cam motion: xxx I don’t know what I said -- happens at home sometimes

don’t think any of the recomms are unrealistic

thank you for the comment, but off base

staff have recommended we accept these as a framework

not say no devt west of Eagle Crk west¦¦. I’m in Ccl’s hands

however staff have said accept it as a framework

through process of OCP

I have no issue with any of the recomms and we’re talking about what staff is recommending

that’s what Ccl is voting on now, at this point no issue with any of the recomms

accepting ... &&& not done

xxx frame what BPP did or not do ???

I’m supportive whatever, enshrines them more

ML: had a fulsome discussion


1. The materials, att'd as Appendices A to E to the report dated Oct 13 from the Sr Cmnty Planner, be rec'd for discussion with the Upper Lands Study Review WG at the October 28, 2015 Council meeting; and

    2. The recomms contained in Part One ULSR WG Final Report (att'd as Appendix A) continue to be used as a framework to:

      1. review Upper Lands policies in the Official Community Plan;

      2. prepare a Cypress Village Area Development Plan;

      3. develop a Trails Plan.


4. Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan (File: 2520-16) Appendix A [PowerPoint presentation to be provided.]

Mayor: Ccl asked staff to present plan take out to public and let them have their say

Jim Bailey: thank you for coming

four directors ... Thank ¦..

achieve 4 things SLIDES [7:33]

result of four decades of planning since that time so no ... new

1975 prop Acq policy; studies over last 40 years

100s of hours of ... basis for ... playgrounds

successful turning xxx into ???

acquisition of props, xxx, farmers’ markets; accessibility upgraded


a lot of work achieved today

OCP principles were adopted in 2015???

form basis of waterfront plan

be aware of 4 things: elements work together integrated, no element more imp than another

consistent with prev work including 2013 OCP???


walk you through elements

public access; distinctly themed zones; pier enhancement continuous seawalk; Spirit, bike and xxx; walk peds

Protection work

Arts & Culture a key; streets plazas. new arts building; improving at foot of 14th


CAAD separately


met with stakeholders and residents

{definition of stakeholders? when with residents? isn’t this first?}

much cherished but where not usable

together &&& xxx [7:39]

Normally keep grass put over where houses are

heritage values ... with waterfront ... bookend 14th - 18th

approp comm activities: seaside bistro; boat region newer HSC ???

accessibility — improve N-S; 13th and 17th parking ... 11th (check)

phased vehicular close to Argyle, removal of the boat ramp

new and expanded HSC [7:41]

facilities or the cmnty’s envmt &&&

consultation prog proposed xxx ... will lead xxx

hear issues; been informally meeting with groups; xxx valuable feedback

webpage, outreach

seek feedback; anybody who wants to get involved — ten or more ppl


report back the recomms to Ccl; key elements; variety of comm

get word out, website [townhall mtgs]; Q&A at beginning and end; continue to provide updates

goals: broad awareness, for all cmnty

how and when; report back

{my thought: don't we get a say in what???}

want to be clear; focus on implementation — how and when but if we hear xxx will report back

we recomm be xxx for

Ccl, staff, cmnty, to build on a successful vibrant waterfront for xxx

Sop: do hear from ppl who live in the area, only need one car and can walk about

entire area, concerns Spirit Trail, removal of parking not signif, are for visitors’ parking

addn of bldgs but now not size

in ackn to move along, what if I didn’t like, the size of the building

JB: parking along Argyle — Mr Fung

finding alternative places to park

key elements — proposing an underground parking space at 13th with tennis above

remove parking when we find another place

part of devt permit requires parking space ¦ angle to parallel

sort of thing we want to talk to the public about

Mums and Dads re Lawson playing xxx

wrt bldg, overwhelming re green, Lawson Crk [7:49]

Silk Purse and Music Bldg removal xxx

v small scale in keeping with existing — one- or two-storey bldgs around the FBldg xxx [7:50]

Sop: during the 100-year flood we had some years ago flooded xxx

berm in the water southwesterly, have done some rock placement around 15th

salmon enhancement

if we get another 100-year; I lived for xxx years water was 2ft from my windowsill

shd hv major protection

bldg re water; now asking for covenant — have to be up or on stilts

JB: our Finance report Monday

number of hirings &&&

re solns, will defer to Mr Fung, Engg

RF: in interests of time may have glossed on [over?] what’s been done

shoreline plan a cpl of years ago

Shoreline Preservation, Streamkeeper Society, protection of the foreshore

number of approaches: a big dike, bldgs on stilts, retreat and move to higher ground

WV uniquely embarking on breakwaters, reefs; way waste energy taken away, reducing impact

successes xxx, in Nov will be co-op with Shore wrt of maybe pier [7:55]

representation of what included in entire strategy

Sop: consulting wth Sailing Club what changes, how big, new services?

JB: part of this plan HSC, valuable part; walked site with Commodore xxx be

MB: a nice, textual summary of 40 years of summary, also pictorial

wrt list of plans, policies, and studies; a cpl Qs

status of the cultural strategy update — where are we?

{GET -- interesting CAO answer:}

greater corporate and xxx perspective; Art & Culture strategy at a 100ft xxx

wd like to hire a sr mgr of arts and culture; what comes out will inform

{fascinating; in Feb we learned a sr mgr had been hired to start Feb 22

"wd like" -- so not approved yet? shd hv bn alarm bells then for Ccl and public...}

ability not just along waterfront, Library, KMC

wd like to bring some down instead of just up at KMC; have on waterfront

before your time don’t think you’ve seen (2013) XXX recomm was to move the Sailing Club west for a Marine Ctr

JB: correct, the main intent; 40 years, not all implemented

11 OCP principles been enshrined in this; pretty specific; want to do more

realize sailing ctr where located is a good place to be; let’s continue to talk to them and user grps

MB: beginning of

1468/72 small bistro — looks like green space

JB: we’re thinking of it integrated into Sailing Club

good recomm at end of consultation period

MB: not &&&

JB: correct

Cass: plsd leaving the knoll immed west [8:02]

petition of 3500 names to leave

think of 400 re UL, the 3500; considering, some of us got

low hanging fish not fruit


what sort of boats are you thinking of?

JB: intention of HSC is non-motorized: paddle boards, kayaks, lasers

Cass: know everyone intelligent but invariably idiot what is our liability?

MChan: operator takes on liability, Dist doesn’t

Cass: so we’re offloading to somebody else?

MChan: not offloading

Cass: boat moorings foot of 14th and 16th; think of oil

kids playing big xxx why bringing oil into ¦?

JB: opp to enliven; prevailing thread of a water taxi to link with Vanc

in final approving we’d have to evaluate¦.

Cass: this will cost money

we have an inordinate number of ppl who use facilities they’re not paying for, taxpayer is

pay for parking to offset costs of all this devt?

RF: parking integral; various tools can be considered

if a parkade structure around 13th; higher cost than parking on the street

re pay parking, in a new structure, may be some receptivity to cost recovery

need to devise a strategy

Cass: only have to ask CoV making [from parking]; White Rock making ~ $2M

WV need to be compensated

RF: want to avoid unintended consequences

if pay parking, meters; parking xxx re parks when parking in comm area

to prevent any unintended consequences while trying to recover revenues

user groups not xxx [8:09]

Barry Hall: think Mr Bailey has answered many of my questions

what I read and what I hear a bit diff; reading doc, how to implement and when

and then how it lands on the ground

there are many elements and if just talking about how to implement then moving etc, whether that is open for public talk and decision-making

&&& or just going to do it?

what or how implemented???

Cmnty Report I read in Arts, Culture, and Heritage will address the overall plan for M facilities, then read CAAD not considered in this plan yet the CAAD is on the waterfront

plan going ahead without xxx?

JB: we’re asking to consult on the detail [8:12]; there’s been enough consultation and &&& within that area

we’re not asking if we’re going to move Music Box and Silk Purse, we are — but how and when details

{this is what astounded some of us. We’re not being asked what and where, we’re just being asked “how and when¯ — IOW, it’s all been decided!}

If we hear something we’ve missed we will report back to you — always open to what we hear

the notion of the CAAD bldg; we’re looking south of the tracks

expect we’ll hear about Lawson Pk ... xxx as led by xxx

Ed Lee: 213 14th St; all those thoughtful ppl and new Dir/Planning

come to mind; so basic we shd give it as given

HSC larger than life; Olympics; large number of goats {?}

don’t need a restaurant; don’t need on a sandy beach

xxx retain leave it where

past Capilano and Thunderbird; ... don’t put on xxx ... xxx abuse? &&&

Mayor: ...

Ed Lee: jewel is our pier, Ferry Bldg

moving along west 1444 a v usable post and beam, maybe to move the Sllk Purse to

1466? rocky waterfront; there’s the spot for the restaurant

use those two


{text supplied}

> Scenery Slater: Kudos to all who’ve done work on this and kudos to the ULWG. I’d like to see them recruited to work on the Ambleside Waterfront because they’ve demonstrated excellent stewardship of a priceless community asset and I would suggest the WF deserves the same rigour and consideration that I don’t think can be found in whatever you call what has happened over the last 40 years, because I don’t think we can amalgamate that all for the public to fully understand.  But what I’d really like to ask is, can Council please direct staff to ensure that the public consultation include the CAAD?  To consult on this separately when so much of this WF plan is arts-based doesn’t make sense.  It is evident there is a connection between CAAD and other facilities mentioned in this plan and we would be better served to clearly establish what the community's views are about and where such facilities should be, sooner, rather than later, and in context with an overall plan, rather than piece-meal.

Melinda Slater: I fully support public consultation, though I do have concerns about how it’s conducted and at the risk of beating a dead dog, I have to say I’m dismayed at the continual avoidance of using the District’s Public Involvement Policy.

The concept plan we’re looking at here is Planning’s vision for the WF based on 40 years of consultation and 11 OCP guiding [principles], however this is ONE vision -- it may or may not be the public’s vision or interpretation.  To ensure those ideas and initiatives from the past 40 years are still valid today we need to consult with the public on more than just mere details of implementing this one plan.  The public must be given the opportunity to validate any and all elements; that anything in this plan can be subject to change.  Council is being asked to approve consultation with stakeholders and the community -- who would object to that?  But as they say, the devil is in the details.  I would like assurance that the community will have the opportunity to change more than just details.  I respectfully request you change the wording of the motion to reflect this.

MAYOR: I think Mr. Bailey made it clear that if the public bring up something that staff have not considered, everything is available for reconsideration.  So it is a true, open consultation process -- am I wrong Mr. Bailey?

JIM BAILEY: Mr. Mayor, I think you captured that well Mr. Mayor, we will listen, but I do want to be clear about this -= I think that staff’s opinion is that we feel this plan is really the community’s vision that Planning is articulating, you know that’s our job as professionals is to look at what we’ve done and articulate a vision.  And we’re open-minded, we want to talk to the community about have we got it right (and) we think we do if you read the OCP adopted policies that reflect that 40 years of planning -- it’s there.  So again, yes, we’re open-minded, but to be clear, the focus of this consultation, and I think it’s about being honest in what our consultation “ask¯ is, it's about the how and when of implementing details.  That’s essentially what we’re asking moving forward.

Mayor: think Mr Bailey said wd consider¦¦.

JB: we will listen ¦ we feel this is cmnty’s

articulated the vision ¦ want to talk about how we got it right; read it, it’s here. This is about how and when

Heather Johnson: 1660 ... waterfront is an amazing asset

the current is a vision, captures a lot of elements; imp to talk about

do wonder if we shd bring CAAD in, prob'ly if getting them and shd include xxx

having recently been through a xxx

take another approach;

intergenerationally only twitter only face to face how we

Sop moved motion, then:

looking forward to staff working with the public; transparent, full understanding of what involved

don’t want it rushed, want to get something done

is Ms Gordon going to be involved given something financial?

Cam: not starting from scratch, done quite a bit

my kids enjoy Lawson, Lawson Studios; use of Navvy Jack; took out the clock, thank goodness

we’ve done a lot on the waterfront already

taking something working phenomenally and trying to make it better

one of the Mayor’s ¦ accomplishments acquiring all the props, great goal, plan, implemented and updated as we go

agree to rock principles, Hawkins, almost motherhood

what we like about the waterfront -- waterfront pathway, &&&

have facilities and make better; making this better

staff have heard increase in green space

15th¦ Music Box, Silk Purse, shd be green space

xxx carefully designed activity

Mr Bailey’s clear principles¦..; agree with Mr B

NG: Qs ... consultation going to be using, test-driving the new policy the CEC is coming up with

that’s a yes? so, that’s good news

interesting point Scenery Slater bringing CAAD into it

CAO: the CAAD bldg been talked about a lot; spoken of in isolation of the cmnty and the art/culture — needs some clarity

bldg itself is to be funded externally; approved by Ccl with xxx to come back to Ccl

¦ currently is not an approved — site whether there or elsewhere; bldg approved but out of [8:29]

general discussion with the cmnty ... propose CAAD site ... use

NG: as part of this strategy, CAAD has a role to play in the overall strategy

waterfront want to move ahead with xxx for sure; 1 2 3 4 years

so not that the MBox will be gone tomorrow xxx

Staff will come back spring 2016 what has occurred and recomms for &&&

Sop: arts separate from the waterfront plan; we said raise some money &&&; come back

with waterfront plan is wrong

Cass: so Ccl agreed the Lawson ¦¦ by &&& when

public redress to say we don’t want it there

CAO: Ccl approved that site with some conditions; proj come back

we will be going out to the cmnty prior to feedback

Cass: shd those conditions be met can the public say no thank you?

CAO: xxx Ccl passed a resoln that site, so obligation site wd be available to them

wd hv to go to cmnty with conditions

Cass: as Ms Slater and Cclr Gamb ¦ xxx to have it

this is going to be addressed ... to say during xxx

think we shd hv it as part of [waterfront plan?]

in this cmnty; horse in front of the cart

{think she means cart in front of the horse¦.}

Cam: they’re two completely sep issues

meets or fails on its own whether or not CAAD

take the design off ¦ then when or if

three conditions:

&&&? money fund privately; acceptable biz plan re op expenses; proponents demonstrate sufficient public support as to the design ... establishing public support

none of the conditions [has] bn met ... don’t know about

2 and no public consultation nothing finalized; decide proj then consult; will be deep public consultation

this plan either works or doesn’t work, regardless

Cass: we’re saying the same thing -- as long as you’ve got on that site ... are we going to ?????

get confused; discuss it or take it off

Mayor: south of the rlwy tracks

Cam’s wise comments

what we’ve done; ten years ago path ended at 18th; acq¦.. [8:38]

chn’s playground; something can be proud of; taking good work from past to future &&&


if can make it work; doesn’t make a lot of sense spinning our wheels

see the $30M chq comes in we’ll take notice; need to see the chq

Sop: well said; does motion require removing CAAD?

CAO: staff more methodical more opt

to take CAAD off is not an issue for us

Mayor: don’t take my comments as not being optimistic; have to see the money ... viable project

Sop: old horse been around for a while

conclude things ... separately, not? it’s in your document

Cass: if you take it off plan, still go ahead so no agreement


the Amb Waterfront Concept Plan (att'd as App A to Oct 13 report) be endorsed for stakeholder and cmnty consultation.


Mayor: do we have any Qs or Comments?

> CR (muffled noise; mics not on; can't hear):

Some of the comments were a bit confusing to me so I wanted some clarification.

About CAAD, I mean obviously if you're doing the waterfront plan you have to talk about something that's on either side of it, at least take it into consideration. That's like building a room and saying, we're not going to pay any attention to the gorilla at the door.

so you have to understand that something might be there

but the other thing is, if they have conditions to fulfill, did anybody give them a time limit?

I mean, wait 20 years? do they have to know within a certain time? Why shd all our plans -- I'm not saying I'm for or against CAAD, I'm just talking from a point of view -- if we're going to do something, why shd it be held up by something that has no deadline?

If we're going to do something, we shd know when.

Mayor: but we're not holding anything up and Ms L is staying in touch with the CAAD proj and when she has something affirmative to say to Ccl on the proj, presumably she'll bring a report.

CR: that was not my question, my question was--

Mayor: --we're not holding anything up, we're moving ahead.

CR: that was not my question.

Mayor: well

CR: what I was saying was that if we set conditions for CAAD, when Ccl set the conditions, did they give them a timeline for when they had to be fulfilled by?

{murmurings, something about give us the money, etc but unintelligible}

or did they have an open, ah, blank cheque or whatever?

Mayor: No, the timeline is obviously until our CAO advises Ccl that the proj has not proven it's going to be viable.

CR: so when does she have to do that by?

Mayor: entirely up to her; we don't tell her what to do. You've got to be kidding.


{must say, this took me a bit aback as well -- isn't it that the CAO carries out what Ccl asks be done!!!}

CAO: Carolanne, just for clarity, the CAAD board has bn working extensively. It's a volunteer board and group that are v committed to seeing this be a success for WV, and they continue to work down that path. Until there's a reason to stop them in their work, they're going to continue.

CR: maybe we can ask them when they think they'll have a decision either way or, what way it's looking.

Thank you, that's the question that--

Mayor: --anyone else?

[8:46] John Smith, Commodore: of HSC

Mayor: sorry, you were on the list and I totally missed you.

JS: &&& distinct diff between HSC and Cap/RVYC; we don’t have resources

... teaching ... last Sat ppl turned up to keep in

really nice to have new Sailing Club, maintained as staff; can’t pay high rent

support gentleman who came before; can see marine uses, xxx ¦.. rental

but don’t know our {young? students?} in training shd be by a bar


anyone else wishing to speak or can I ask to adjourn?

6. Adjournment [8:48]

~~~ November 2 ~~~


1. CALL TO ORDER [6:04]

Mayor: anyone seen Cclr Cameron? ¦ ask for a motion to approve the agenda

Cam: I recommend or I don’t recommend

2. Approval of Agenda

amended by:

= replacing Appendix H for Item 6 re 370 and 380 Mathers - Residences on Mathers with new Appendix H as included in the On-Table package;

= adding the doc titled “Sustainability Strategy Defined¯ to Item 6 re 370/380 Mathers -- Residences on Mathers;

= withdrawing Item 7 re Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015;

= replacing the bylaw for Item 10 re Proposed Ccl Procedure Bylaw No. 4730, 2013, Amendmt Bylaw No. 4855, 2015;

= withdrawing Item 11.1 regarding Finance Committee Resolutions;

Mayor: think starts with item 4



3. Royal Canadian Legion WV Branch, re Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day (File: 0055-20-RCLE1)

Val MacGregor: not only of the zone

Harry Greenwood, Chairman, D-Day Veteran, honour? French {GET TITLE}

I’m going to let him speak of

being president I haven’t my grandfather

Vimy Ridge; too young for a gun so gave him a stretcher

you may see — thank you for wearing one

every ... an ENT doctor in the cmnty — more energy huge amt of ppl work with him ???

{maybe referring to Prez who's a medical specialist?}

Poppy Fund — every cent of that money comes back to the cmnty; helps — serious donations

including the cadets.

my point is ... Remembrance Day ... Vimy Ridge I have a bias

year 99 next year 100 ... have to ... look on the back of a 20

{says Cdn National Vimy Memorial}

like to introduce Harry Greenwood

HG: xxx veterans are not here ¦ remember two rows here; many are ill and can’t come

want to say, every year when we march

commemorate war? no, we’re really marching for peace; there’s nothing romantic about war

shd ... announce never listen another

we’re not of Jewish ... &&& and three synagogues

isolating herself

was attending a book club

NSEM New Yorker, &&& and a v wise man; meet many clever but not many wise

kids will remember, never forget

turned to me ... I shd do something for my daughter

&&& D Day ... not stories want... last year Normandy xxx spoke to

not from them

Private Ryan is not xxx all stories seem to be funny

&&& I thought at the time we have to talk, not about gore ... I’m ¦.decade

in world has always been war some place ... to try to talk about peace; what if we &&&

&&& what = we do have to do but from

25K coming who’ve never heard of Flanders Field; &&&

last year commemorated, celebrated, Battle of Britain, D Day, end of war in B &

1944 war was still raging

5mtn met, United Nations, League of Nations ... mission ¦ world peace for world &&&

sit down and talk about our prob¦.

for UK, Soviet Union, and China

asked how he saw the UN; he saw it a woman looking out her window...

hopping and skipping in xxx

I’ve shared that vision for many years and so shd you

Mike Prez?: if you don’t mind I’d like to say

They shall not grow old¦¦we will remember them"

thank you

Mayor: thank you v much for that presentation

{I was impressed and moved by Harry's words (will try to get a copy). In fact so much that G and I hastened completing our mbrship.}

Cam: thank you for those words, Harry

am sure we’ll have a great turn-out on Marine Dr, highlight of the year

remembering those who have fallen; wishing for peace and xxx

going to the Legion, meet our fellow men; xxx when the pipers come in

am sure you’ll see, if not a quorum, most of Ccl there

MOTION rec'd for information, with thanks.

Mayor: thanks for coming and make sure citizens pick up their poppies; Saturday the last day

HG: and when you come to the Legion, bring money!


4. Alzheimer Society of British Columbia, re Becoming a Dementia- Friendly Community (File: 0055-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

WHO?: came from

from Japan ... dementia-friendly &&&

hope for tomorrow; find a cure and give hope — hope for tomorrow umbrellas ...

in 5 10 15 years think of accessibility time when we didn’t have &&&

hard to think of ...

70K in BC living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia; expected to double in 10 yrs; more than 10K under [60?]

177K+ SLIDE 1400+ living in WV, Bowen Island

not the same as normal age-related xxx many don’t know it’s a progressive disease, no cure, die

SLIDE with many kinds of dementia

Jim Mann, BC Leadership Group — tireless, he has bn living with dementia

can feel comfortable and safe walking, shopping xxx around

heightened awareness

demential friends — make feel accepted, etc SLIDE

more know, more helpful; Municipal Toolkit in your packages; best practices from across the world

consider passing a resolution to becoming dementia-friendly

never xxx something completely done,— continuing

share what dementia is; many Ms have held a workshop [6:27] ... stakeholders, caregivers

some cmnties— New West, work around evaluation; others valuable in diff ways followed by an action plan

Contact us; enjoy your xxx -- questions?

Mayor: didn’t get your name

Rebecca Morris, I’m the &&&

MB: have the city or district passed anything —&&& ??

RM: you’ll be the first

MB: know have [6:29]

we’re the oldest; most octogenarians; we cd be active; involving srs’ ctr

NG: spent some time the other day with the group of adult daycare, enlightening education for me

concerned with that space going xxx

wonder if the NSh Congress a place to bring this up

3 mayors¦¦ think of adding this to the agenda xxx &&&

AM: quite a bit going on at the Cmnty Ctr now

MB: you’ve reminded me Cclr Buchanan has suggested this for the next congress

seconded xxx this

Cam: shd mention &&&

MB: yes

[6:32] MOTION: rec'd for information, with thanks.4


5. Planning Inst of BC, re 2015 Gold Award for Excellence in Planning for WV’s Coach House Examination

Dan Wong: xxx existence since 1958

unis an xxx ... RPP; invites submissions re excellence in planning

DWV entered ¦. will read submission

early 2013 re coach houses; primary to stimulate debate

&&& ... process thorough and rigorous; approach suited to xxx; preserving existing

in case you hadn’t guessed, you won the gold

and in case you hadn’t heard; Nov National World Planning xxx

Stephen Mikicich xxx and Claudia Freire ?

personally &&&

thank you for your commitment

Mayor: good news is we have our planning staff sitting behind you

Stephen who?

MOTION: received for information, with thanks.

Mayor: another award to WV staff


6. 370 and 380 Mathers -- Residences on Mathers (Proposed OCP and Zoning Amdmt Bylaws; Proposed Phased Devt Agreement Authorization Bylaw; and Proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053)

(File: 1610-20-4851/4852/4853 / 1010-20-12-053) Schedule A to Appendix J

PH Nov 30

Lisa Berg gave background and explanation/clarification: CAC, covenants and bylaw recomm

the OCP wd set up the land use; est site within Devt Permit area

52; FAR 0.38; architecture landscaping, initiatives rec’d on table tonight

1, 34, 500; tree protection; allocation of density

protects trees — entrance, ¦ where feasible; two legal parcels on the prop; essence of the covenant

SLIDE [6:41]

staff supports b/c aligns; housing options heard through previous dialogues

unique opp, modest density, FAR slightly higher than OCP

devt controls helps tie together

[Darwin Props] Oliver Webb, prez: plsd to be here; excellent summary

Mathers to the north to sgl-fam houses to the east; two churches, cemeteries, xxx Park

SLIDE of Project Timeline — orig 24, since reduced to 17 units

SLIDE Devt Summary — 1900 to 2400sf


impact study offered, 5 responses; Nov last year

Housing Action Plan ¦ since 2012; District heard more diverse wanted; believe this proj meets the HAP; within Cmnty

thank staff, appreciate Ccl allowing this

Mayor: Lisa, want to come back up for any questions


Mayor: no questions so report must have been ¦

NG: do have questions

[re] CACs, last few weeks many discs coming xxx in use money can be put to

wrt this proposal; if sorted, when wd we get, able to pay for new things? [8:47]

LB: language in doc secures CAC; halfway through receipt of the money within one year xxx budgeting

NG: maybe I’m not making myself clear

disc in Public Art Cmte; private disc with Cclr Booth; ¦ at what point does the xxx {amt?} change?

looking at a timeline question

Mayor: Ms L, we’re looking at [6:50]¦.

NL: cd be incorporated in 2015 or 2016 budget; hasn’t been contemplated in 2016

generally for public art wd be a separate discussion

Cam: {reads part re CACs}

phased devt to my reading, complete flexibility in using the CACs so that answers the question

Sop: can’t run a baby carriage down Hadden Dr; Hadden can’t run a baby carriage

Mayor: does your proj?

Darwin Prez: along prop line; possibility re sidewalks along

[6:52] {GET THIS}

LB: not an easy answer; had a questionnaire of what ppl wanted to see; part of devt or paid for CAC

sidewalks were asked for but not top of the list

trail networks down to sea, playground equipment

Sop: in the interests of safety

pushing baby down with no sidewalk, consideration of safety at least

safety is No 1 priority to mothers and chn

can’t xxx no sidewalks?

Mayor: Mr Fung, can you estimate how many roads in WV haven’t sidewalks?

RF: &&& on p

traffic load low esp in consideration prev use as public usage sp [6:55]

staff limited ability¦ on site

wdn’t turn down the opp to sidewalk. &&& hasn’t been included as a reqmt

Mayor: I’ve built five houses and none a sidewalk

MB: xxx ... 300km 15km of sidewalks

six years and ppl opposed, what is the main reason for being opposed?

in Feb this year detailed rationales¦

believe main concern increase in density and traffic

lots re change of nbrhd character

xxx &&& ease the concerns

MB: so you tried to address the ¦ privacy and traffic

LB: believe proposal has responded

proposal brought forward by Darwin, 24 units, feedback reduced to 19, and today 17

Sop: Ms Berg, do you not think an area being upgraded

whether amenities [from?] CACs to devt

LB: absolutely and Ccl has complete discretion

Sop: can we make recomms at PH; may I--

Mayor: --go ahead

[Sop read out all the motions]

THAT opportunities for consultation on the proposed OCP amdmt, with persons, orgs, and authorities, as outlined in the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Oct 15, be endorsed as sufficient consultation for purposes of section 879 of the LGA.

THAT proposed “OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015¯ be read a first time.

THAT proposed “OCP Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015¯ has been considered in conjunction with the District’s Financial Plan and Regional Waste Mgmt Plan.

{has it been???}

THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4852, 2015¯ be read a first time.

THAT proposed “Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015¯ be read a first time.

THAT proposed “OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015¯, proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015¯, and proposed “Phased Devt Agrmt Authn Bylaw No. 4853, 2015¯ be presented at a PH scheduled for Nov 30 at 6pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, and that the M Clk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH wch shall include notice of the PH to the owners and any tenants in occupation of all parcels of land as shown on the proposed “Notification Area Map¯ att'd as App C to the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Oct 15 re the proposed devt of 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue.

THAT proposed “Devt Permit No. 12-053¯ be presented at a Public Mtg scheduled for Nov 30, 2015 at 6pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, to be held concurrently with the Public Hearing scheduled for Nov 30, 2015 at 6pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, and that the MClk give notice of the scheduled Public Mtg.

THAT a proposed section 219 Covenant to allocate density and to protect certain trees attached as Appendix I to the report by the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Oct 15, 2015, be presented as part of the devt package.

{GET what Cam says!}

SSch: call on each b/c separate

Mayor: so we’ll get to it

{and he read them out}

whatever — haven’t got my reading glasses -- as written

next time if we have all these motions can you remind me — have to all be voted on

next item; thx, Ms Berg [7:04]

7. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4848) Item withdrawn.

8. Temp Use Permits (Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015; and

Proposed Devt Procedures Bylaw No. 3984, 1996, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4827, 2015)(File: 1610-20 4854/4827)

LBerg gave background: allow a use not permitted by zoning bylaw

some to be considered, temp uses of bldgs; limited flexibility at present; help streamline the process

now have to deal with one-offs, PH, diff to eval them

give clarity as to whether shd be ... ; underlying zoning remains intact

unnec spot-zoning to deal with temp uses; valid up to three years and may only be used once

mandatory public notice, much like DPs

criteria in the zoning bylaw [amdmt operation???] siting restoration of the land when the permit expired

how compatible, design operation; powerful permit

more than a DP b/c looking at allowing uses not otherwise permitted

other examples where I used to work

considered such as parking lots — sometime need for overflow; fully control landscaping how executed

xxx such as presentation; vacation ...; waterfront

hv also had an enquiry of opening a school of less than 10 students;

{whoops! students are countable so ought to be FEWER than 10}

our zoning wd not allow

see if uses a good fit for cmnty or that specific area

procedure bylaw sets out how issue notify public

Sop: this process, wd create a certainty; if use for certain time, proj go ahead?

LB: you mean beyond three years?

no, don’t believe that assumption us???????

careful language; Ccl requiring securities; use discontinued, restore to previous state

max 3 yrs but cd be only a cpl of months

don’t think by issuing a temp permit that a permanent zoning xxx

Sop: so if you came 3 yrs or less then over


proposed next a new proposal?

Cass: pls clarify - commercial, residential, recreational

LB: all lasts and a temporary use area¦ ; give Ccl discretion

Cass: in the case of the person a school cd that individ a temp for my house, or beauty salon, in basement ?????

LB: guess yes, but Ccl’s discretion

Cass: cd I then not go out and my house on one half and sell to child so use parking for construction?

LB: permit wd est {use} cd limit time ???

only valid till occupancy six mos, discretionary xxx

Cass: given we have problems enforcing our bylaws, not a slippery slope?

LB: not a slippery slope, a way to legitimize

Sop: just want to query on this; haven’t enough info to make a decision tonight so think shd be tabled

NG: be read a first time

Sop: what I stated

Cam: w/ all due respect don’t see the concern; not delegating that power to staff; provides an avenue

another tool in our toolbox, not that we have to use; determined by Ccl on a case-by-case basis

Mayor: if get through maze

Sop:¦. question at this time ... what wd truly be used for throughout whole cmnty

Mayor: tabling?

Sop: I am

Mayor: seconder

{none, so fails}

{all of these carry with Sop opposed}

THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw ,,,, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015¯ to establish regulations re TUPs be read a first time.

THAT propsd “Devt Procedures Bylaw ..., Amdmt Bylaw ...¯ to establish procedures re TUPs be read a first time.

Sop: if we go to a PH, valuable to sit with Ccl ... prior to PH

Mayor: xxx

LB: do have

MOTION THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015¯ be presented at a PH

scheduled for Nov 23 at 6pm in the M Chamber, and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled PH.

PASSES unanimously [7:20]

9. Road Closure and Removal of Hwy Dedication Bylaw No. 4856, 2015 (Land Adj to 1086 23rd St) (File: 1610-20-4856)

1. proposed “Road Closure/Removal of Hwy Dedication Bylaw No. 4856, 2015¯ be read a first, second, and third time; and

2. staff issue statutory notices of road closure and removal of highway dedication in connection with proposed “Road

Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4856, 2015¯.


10. Proposed Ccl Procedure Bylaw No. 4730, 2013, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4855, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4855)

If he proposed bylaw receives first, second, and third reading at the Oct 26 sp Ccl mtg it may be considered for adoption on Nov 2.

THAT proposed “Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4730, 2013, Amendment Bylaw No. 4855, 2015¯ be adopted.

{PASSED with Sop opposed}

Mayor: xxx ¦ tired of talking

ML: noticed no motion for Item 5

Mayor: thanks for catching; usu Ms Sch hits me over the head


11. Consent Agenda Items

THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:

• Item 11.1. – Finance Committee Resolutions (Item withdrawn);

• Item 11.2. – Active Devt Applicns Status List (to September 15, 2015); and

• Item 11.3. – Correspondence List.

11.1. Finance Committee Resolutions (File: 0116-20-FIN) Item withdrawn.

11.2. Active Devt Applications Status List (to September 15, 2015) (File: 1010-01) -- received for information.

11.3. Correspondence List (To read: http://westvancouver.ca/government/mayor-council/write-mayor-council/2015-correspondence-mayor-and-council )

> Council Correspondence Update to October 16, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) October 14, 2015, regarding Cat Killed and Need for Traffic Calming

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration and response)

(2) Vanc Island Coast Conservation Soc (VICCS), Oct 13, re “Request - Declare A Day For Our Common Future’, Dec 11th 2015¯

(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items.

Received for Information

(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Board of Variance Hearing September 16, 2015

(4) October 10, 2015, regarding “October 10/15¯ (Suggestions for TransLink)

(5) Ambleside and Dundarave Ratepayers’ Association (ADRA), October 14, 2015, regarding “ADRA website¯

(6) HUB Cycling, October 15, 2015, regarding “Help Break Records this Fall¯ (Bike to Work Week)

(7) Table Matters, October 15, 2015, regarding “Save the Date - Table Matters Event November 5th¯

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies

(8) TransLink, October 14, re “TransLink - Have your say on transit in the North Shore¯

(9) MetroV, Oct 9, re “Progress Toward Shaping Our Future 2014 Annual Report and 2014 Highlights Report¯

Responses to Correspondence

(10) Manager of Community Planning, October 13, 2015, response re Opposition to Neighbour’s Building Plan

(11) Director of Planning and Devt Services, October 14, 2015, response regarding “Height of Hedges¯

(12) Director of Parks, October 14, 2015, response re “West Vista Court and Bradner Devts¯

(13) Municipal Clerk, October 16, 2015, response regarding “Re correspondence¯

{yes, that's the subject the writer gives, however it shd give a hint; it's about lack of bylaw enforcement}

> Council Correspondence Update to October 20, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Referred for Action

(1) Oct 16, re “What we have learned about new home construction in WV¯ (Sgl-Fam Housing – Siting, Form, and Character

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

(2) Artwork Homes Ltd., October 16, 2015, regarding “Highest Building Face 601 Hawstead¯

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

(3) October 18, 2015, regarding “West Vancouver Blue Bus #258 UBC¯

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration andresponse)

(4) October 19, 2015, regarding “School Essay - Questions¯ (Northern Gateway Pipeline)

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items.

Received for Information

(5) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Design Review Committee meeting September 17, 2015

(6) HUB Cycling, October 16, 2015, regarding “You’re Invited to the Bike Shorts Film Event¯ (November 1, 2015)

(7) Artwork Homes Ltd., October 18, 2015, regarding 𤂑 Hawstead Highest Building Face¯

(8) October 19, 2015, regarding “RE: West Vancouver Municipal Update - Fall 2015¯

(9) Table Matters, October 20, 2015, re “You’re invited! What’s Growing on the North Shore?¯ (November 5, 2015)

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items.

Responses to Correspondence

(10) Director of Engg, October 19, 2015, response to K. Pople, “Storm Water disposal system 1200 block Keith Rd.¯

(11) Director of Parks, Culture and Community Services, October 20, 2015, response re “Trees!¯ (Proposed Tree Bylaw)

(12) Director of Parks, Culture, and Cmnty Services, Oct 20, response re “Bylaw 4823¯ and “Trees¯ (Proposed Tree Bylaw)

12. OTHER ITEMS -- No items.


MB: re-visioning of the Youth Ctr ... future ... all user groups

around ... what type, locn of the facility; anything possible ... topic on homeless ... a cd be you or I

Youth brainstormed some solns

we do have a safe house for youth on the NSh; can’t give address, not supposed to; out by Deep Cove

18- and 19-yr-old WV kids sleeping outside, another for a couple of weeks in NV near water

WV kids cdn’t get to school

{brainstorming, kids came up with recommendations}


2 fee of $1

4 bring

train foster homes ... good idea ... if knew of a youth sleeping outside ... wd take in

thought I’d pass on, b/c good comments ... ; attended Chamber what

NL: biz after 5

MB: our own

report will be coming back for review

Resonance {Consultants}; as well as an update on demographic


congrats all; costume contest wch NG and I judged; hardest part was picking winners; two above and beyond

all of the transt

for clever and creative to the xxx dept

took the names of these; imagine russet — a potato

thank you for putting so much effort

Mayor: Cclr G, hard act to follow

NG: zero-waste Cmte

budget of 2016 proposed a decrease of 2.5%, over $2.3M; good news for taxpayers

and a conference at Canada Place

get xxx ... all over the planet, Finland, etc ... xxx it with solid waste, garbage; ... to educate us adopt other countries’

linear economy; use it and throw away

circular economy — use, reuse, remake so don’t have to extract and throw away again

Cass: financial success ... $40K profit > progs and equipment

whether push or pushed by child

5K ppl ... and this year or next year ... dance next day w/ ponies

Sop: Design Rev Cmte one before last

Cam and I spent 5 hrs; dedication of architects ¦ incredible wd give up all that time

a week ago a Fdn workshop ... presentation sign tablecloth then compile

emerg got to xxx 3 days keep promoting

Cam: vital some generations at lawn bowling with Sop ?????

Cmnty Fdn hosted the event xxx ... generate ways what needs to be improved

ongoing; Cmnty Fdn wants to hold followups; Angus Reid there

we are breaking ground, ways in wch we try to improve

priv initiative, initiated by the residents; wide cmnty shd be thankful

ML: want to compliment the Library, plan

last Thurs Chief joined by Lib Bd, access disability issues; access issues; commendations all

Sop: acknowledge staff here: Ms Berg, Mr Bishop, thank for all effort

Mayor: we went over

prolific increase in thefts from autos; don’t know how difficult to remove/lock; xxx

might as well put a balloon above; don’t leave your valuables in sight!

they come over here and level of success they’ll come again


{text supplied} Melinda Slater: My name is Melinda Slater and I reside at 1058 Keith Road.

I’d like to speak a bit about the Waterfront Concept Plan that was recently unveiled.

On Sept 14 Councillor Cameron assured us there is NO waterfront plan; that only a proposal was coming forward, which would be subject to a robust consultation process. We were told nothing is in stone once the proposal is made, EVERYTHING is on the table and everything can be changed. Mayor Smith agreed with this statement.

I was glad to hear that as I was concerned that when the plan was revealed it would be fully formed and the public would have limited opportunity to make any changes.

However Staff recommended that further input be limited to how and when to implement the plan. Not what, or where or even how much will this cost?

The District has certainly done some wonderful and popular things with the waterfront – improvements to the John Lawson playground, enhancing the natural foreshore; and I don’t think anyone would argue with the decision to purchase waterfront properties for public use. But not all ideas have been successful. The floral clock was a complete bust; a proposed expansion of the Ferry Building was widely panned.

And how can we establish valid support for key elements without knowing the cost or the alternatives?

We may have been talking about the waterfront for 40 years, but authentic, rigorous public consultation to determine the community’s vision? I don’t think so.

If the District is confident that this one plan really is THE plan, that it really does reflect the public’s vision -- then why not allow the public to validate it? What’s the worst thing that could happen? That we would find out that some aspects are not on target? That once the community knows the cost involved in implementing various features they may favour a less expensive option?

I sincerely appreciate Mr. Bailey’s directness as to staff’s intention regarding further consultation. Such straight-forward and clear communication is a breath of fresh [air]. But this is certainly not the robust consultation where EVERYTHING is on the table and everything can be changed that Councillor Cameron implied.

There is clearly a fundamental difference between the public’s expectations and staff’s on further consultation requirements.

We were under the impression this would be a draft and the public would be able to make suggestions as to what and where.

My question to Council is – Will the consultation focus [only] be on how and when to implement this plan? Or will the public be allowed to validate all components through a robust consultation process where everything is on the table and everything can be changed, as previously stated?

{The Mayor did not answer my question, instead he referred to the new planning director, Jim Bailey, who (to his credit) was clear that Staff’s intention is to consult the public on the how and when of implementing the waterfront plan. Of course, that was not my question, so I said to the Mayor, I would like to know from COUNCIL whether they support staff’s request to consult the public on the how and when of implementing the plan OR if they support a more robust consultation process with everything on the table.

...did not get the Mayor’s exact response, (or non-response). It included something along the lines of not being able to comment on a hypothetical situation and of course Council will need details on costs to make any decisions and that Council is always open about their plans (or something like that). }

When staff rolled out the Waterfront Concept Plan at the Oct 28 meeting they were (in part) seeking Council's approval to consult with stakeholders and the community regarding the details and priorities of implementing the Concept Plan. But no decision was actually made. It seems this report was just accepted for consideration?? I gather we can expect this to eventually be “rubber stamped¯ and not expect any more discussion about it. Jim Bailey (Director of Planning) has also confirmed: “Staff have been clear about our recommended path forward. Our consultation focus is on the how and when of implementing the proposed concept plan. We will also be open minded and review, consider, and report back on broader issues or proposed changes if they arise during the consultation process."

In case you missed my excerpt of the Sept 14 Council meeting where Cameron specifically said there would be robust consultation on the waterfront proposal, here is the transcript on that particular point:

Cameron: And secondly, just to be clear, and this is where Councillor Soprovich is maybe confused, there is NO plan. There is No plan until Council says there’s a plan. In the (Commodore’s) letter I pulled they’re (the sailing club) asking for a dialogue before we go forward with a plan, but as Ms. Leemhuis points out, how can staff go forward with the sailing club and develop a plan before they've even come to Council, we’ve never seen a plan, and say here’s what we’re going to start with, can we go out to the Sailing Club and everyone else and ask about it? Everybody would be having a conversation and the only ones in the dark would be Council. So what’s going to happen is there’s going to be a PROPOSAL (not a decision), a PROPOSAL put forward and then there’s going to be a robust consultation process. Nothing is in stone once the proposal is made, everything is on the table and everything can be changed. And Mr. Mayor, you said it very well -- the suggestion that there’s anything nefarious or behind closed doors going on here is entirely incorrect and regrettable.

Mayor: I agree with those comments. [7:45]

like a barn door, wide open; guess diff of opinion re robust consultation

Mayor: thank you. Now, Carolanne

CR: thank you. Editor of West Van Matters; a few comments and questions.

first of all congratulations on your award [for] Planning and I hv also worked and dealt with Stephen Mikicich, and he's been really really great. Although I did notice there were some ppl who weren't involved in the cmte standing up for the photograph, who weren't involved, and maybe we shd hv called the ppl who were involved to come up and replace them but anyway, yes, that was a great thing to do

The next thing.

Ccl Cam and I think Cclr Gamb mentioned about the CACs. Maybe that's a topic that shd be discussed at some point. If you're thinking of revising or amending, whatever, it wd be good to involve some of the public. I hope specially resident residential groups. As you all know, it took me 15 years to get Ccl to admit the Uplift, and another five for the Cmnty Benefits, so I'd be extremely interested in what is being considered.

The deadline for the CAAD, I wonder if you've got that answer yet, but I'd like to say that even if they haven't met that, that the proj wd not end but we cd maybe find another place for it b/c most ppl I speak to want to keep the parking, so I hope it doesn't die but hope it finds another place and we can keep the parking.

To do with the waterfront, I too was somewhat taken aback by being told it was HOW and WHEN, not WHAT and WHERE. Two of the ppl who spoke were disconcerted by that being the thing that we were being asked -- was how and when, rather than what are we going to do.

I'm glad, Mr Mayor, you brought up the fact that those things shd be costed. I also wd like to know how it's going to be done, how you cd see, if Planning thinks it's only HOW and WHEN, when does it come in for the public, or you in fact, to say, since you claim you had never seen it until that night, what you wd like to see there, and how you wd entertain other ideas. It seems perhaps not so efficient to have staff work so long and then be able to -- instead of having general principles -- and then be able, or in the position of trying to change it.

And the last thing is

I've heard there were Youth Ctr open mtgs and things -- are those mtgs going to be put on the Calendar and open? b/c they weren't in the past.

So those are my one, congratulations, and four questions.

Mayor: I think Ms Leemhuis can maybe respond. I don't know anything about these youth mtgs -- have you any comment on that, Ms L?

CAO: I beg your pardon

Mayor: some youth mtgs, not on the Calendar

CAO: Carolanne, most certainly I'll look into all of your questions: as it relates to CAAD, as to the youth ctr, and also as it relates to you know we can respond back to you on the planning process around the waterfront plan.

and one more?

CR: there was, a few days ago, I mentioned the youth mtgs were not open or on the Calendar; that also applies to the Museum Board and I think maybe even the Cmnty Ctrs [Society Bd], but if you cd check into that b/c it was my impression that all of you are in favour of openness and ....

Mayor: one thing I can tell you is that I did talk about today b/c as a result of some comments made by public -- mbrs of Ccl as well as the public, we think it's time, in the spring, at the latest, maybe early in the new year, that we ask the CAAD bd to come before Ccl in public and update the cmnty as well as Ccl on their plans and how that proj is going. It's been a while since we've had a report in an open ccl mtg.

CR: well, that's great news. I had heard that they were supposed to come back within a year, and I did want to make sure -- think many ppl in support of CAAD, just not in a parking lot by the park.

so if you're mentioning that, [laughing] I can't resist asking when the heritage cmte is going to be established

Mayor: I'm waiting for Ms L to swing into action on this cmte; so I'm determined to have a heritage cmte, I think it's important. Honestly, I do.

So in 2016, if it's not done, Ms L and I will have a sword fight on Dec 31st, next year.

CR: Right. B/c you told me at Cmnty Day in 2014

Mayor: we have so many priorities and as you know it takes time to be as open as we've chosen to be as a Ccl.

CR: ha ha ha

Mayor: so

CR: v amusing

15. Adjournment

~~~ November 16 ~~~

CLOSED The special meeting was called to order at 3:46pm.

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as

an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality.

~~~ November 23 ~~~


{Cass in chair as Acting Mayor; Missing: Smith, Cameron} [6:10]

Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 (to establish regulations re Temporary Use Permits) (File: 1610-20-4854)

Applicant: The Corporation of the District of West Vancouver

Subject Lands: All lands within the District of West Vancouver

Purpose: Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 wd establish regulations for Temporary Use Permits. A TUP wd allow the municipality to permit a use not otherwise permitted in a zone for a specified length of time. The underlying zoning would remain intact. Council would consider TUP applicns and may establish conditions when issuing a permit.

Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4854, 2015, would establish regulations for TUPs for all lands within the District of West Vancouver.


CB: cases; take that under advisement

A/Mayor: rules

SSch read the xxx; one report Oct 13, rec’d Nov 2nd mtg

redacts ... last submission C2; Nov 2 set date

A/Mayor Cassidy: ...

Ms Ota: resident of Vancouver but work in WV; small independent high school

support TUPs; give biz owners more flexibility to try out biz plans

1590 Bellevue currently a tenant; tutoring dance and X has a tutoring school; 20 yrs’ experience, computer science, math; textbook used in several schools; emphasize science [6:24], not allowed

start w/ v few students possibly as few as 10

big enough for 10 but not more; after a few years plan to move to a larger¦

gives a few years to establish; wd help us realize this dream

youthful vibrancy and energy; v small school so negligible impact

benefit from TUP; Amb cmnty wd benefit as well; keep cmnty vibrant as well

Ursula Kummell: submitted my remarks this afternoon by email; supporting TUP

something special in mind ... PM sending out requests across Canada re Syrian refugees

Pam Goldsmith-Jones spoke of — WV is a caring society, also the richest in Canada

housing accomm came to mind; following example of Hamburg, Germany; shipping containers for a number of families

call for help ... to participate in a govt-sponsored ... by volunteering, food, furniture, and clothing

if ¦ can do, WV surely; if ever a need for help¦ xxx and demonstration Cdn values

CR: Good evening -- I have my missing... Carolanne Reynolds, Editor of West Van Matters

I really have a question. I was curious, I knew that TUPs were coming to Ccl, but I happened to be looking at the Oct 15th agenda mtg of the Design Cmte, and Item 5.2 on the agenda was: BPP Presentation Ctr, Temp Use Applicn.

So I was wondering about process b/c at one point I was told they were all coming to Ccl, or you were trying to make this easier or whatever, so I wd like to know how the process works, [ie] why wd this go to the Design [Cmte] before the legislation [bylaw] was passed, and before it came to Ccl?

A/Mayor: Ms L?

NL: Mr Bailey

JB: ...the reason for that is the DRC is looking at that applicn and what they're doing is assessing the conditions with wch they wd provide to staff, and we wd make recomms to you about the approval of such a facility. You know, that cd be achieved again either through a TUP wch we are recommending w/ the adoption of these bylaws. If Ccl chose not to approve TUPs, BPP cd also go through a rezoning process, so they have that avenue available to them. Staff believe the best way to do it though is through a TUP hence the recomms before you and that permit, or that applicn, going to the Design Review Cmte for review.

CR: so in other words, this bylaw wd enable what they were wanting to do.

JB: yes, this bylaw wd enable Ccl to provide a TUP for one very specific property is proposing and wd enable you to put conditions including, design conditions and a term, and other bonding or anything else you wd like to do in that regard.

CR: tyvm

{fyi, here's the revised DRC AGENDA; why?

http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/assets/gov/docs/Committees-Groups/Committees/Design-Review/2015/DRC_AGENDA_2015-10-15.pdf }


1. Call to Order. [6:32]

2. Approval of Agenda amended by:

= adding to Item 3 the 2015 minutes for Oct 26 reg Ccl mtg, Oct 28 sp Ccl mtg, and Nov 2 reg Ccl mtg;

= withdrawing Item 4 re Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015;

= adding to Item 13 Items 13.1 to 13.4 regarding correspondence;

3. Adoption of Minutes

October 26, 2015 special and regular Council meetings: October 28, 2015 special Council meeting; and

November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting.


4. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4848) Item withdrawn. [6:34]

5. Proposed Sewer and Drainage Utility Fees for 2016 (Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4860, 2015; AND Sewer/Drainage Utility Reserve Bylaw No. 4865, 2015) (File: 1610-20-4860/4865

RF: request Items 5 and 6 be considered as one; to be more efficient

came before the last Finance Cmte mtg

introduce Andy Kwan, Mgr of Utilities, to make that presentation

AK: SLIDES [6:36]

Sustainable Funding Level

shows funding gaps; Ccl’s direction was to increased $480 450.

{GET numbers} [6:38]

and xxx 2.4 ¦.

Waste Water and Sewer: propose that Water and Sewer Reserve Funds be established

number of advantage[s] to this approach; based on needs rather than funding envelopes

¦ water last year during summer drought

Reserve wd fund capital progs

budget bylaw amendment needed if needed midyear

SLIDE: Structure Mgmt “Stay the Course" approach

proceed in integrated manner ¦

equipment replacement used in utility dept funded in utility fund previously through general fund

hourly rate charge will be added so can replace

SLIDE pie chart of 2016 Water Utility Ex

loan for metering and [6:43]


Sewer utility &&& ... 2016 5.5; higher than last year as shown on prev slide

Sewer & Drainage 10%

$586 for average

5% over {GET NUMBERS}

{water metering comments}

$859 ... 14.4% over 2015 rates

based on¦. Staff recomm ... give three readings as amended

Sop: Fung and his dept a good job

don’t see an advantage to pay-as-you-go ... 50 ... why pay

A Kwan: say a large proj ... plan ahead of time

will be years when we don’t need the funds xxx as way on that chart

Sop: for Fung, Gordon, or Neemhuis -- at this point we have no idea of the xxx

if WV 1/3, WV will be at such a disadvantage; this doc doesn’t include any of that

WV is going to get hosed if not [8:48]; object to 1/3; cannot afford 1/3 of $700M

not a good picture here at where we’re at

RF: Lionsgate Waste Plant for several years; been advocating cost-sharing w/ new govt add’l infrastructure can be attracted into this region

NSh wd look favourably on 1/3 ¦.. not received before -- w/out that wd be even more

one of the reasons we’re advocating, waiting for fed funding — unspent $s can put them into a fund

buffering as opposed to passing those spikes to residents, so reserve wd be xxx

Sop: are we going to sit idly by while Region is going to stick us b/c have a reserve?

beyond our scope $200 probly on assessment so stick it to us

RF: when 1/3 gen terms; much more complicated than that

tier 1 and tier 2 expenditures

Ms on NSh have done as much as possible to have it shared¦..

the large xxx remains, how much of the sr govt

Sop: a few years down the road, Iona redone and we’ll get hit again

Ms Gordon knows about it; what do we know?

we’re not accepting $300M when whole city pays less; we didn’t pay as much for Iona

we’re only 200M {???} ppl, millions on the other side

RF: Sop is correct in [6:53]

when Iona, going to expect as much from us

so we’re &&& ... Iona, ... upgraded plants, new devts, regional DCC for addl portions

so existing ratepayers not stuck with an inordinate cost; look at as many xxx

NG: four quick Qs -- p3 of Sewage -- a bump up there b/c so dry this summer?

RF: yes

NG: had a chart, median sewer and water bills; how do we compare with other Ms?

RF: unf I don’t have figures in front of me. Tonight DWV the first to go forward

NG: assuming we’re on line and doing our best

since we have a new DFO; collecting re ¦. long-term strategy

IG: that is the strategy; allows [6:56]

as Mr Fung pointed out to stabilize rates, so not all required [at once]

funds in reserve are invested so some add’l

NG: drainage; heard from sev residents lately and mine too

prediction more and more rain

really concerned level of devt and impermeable surfaces and what ppl getting away with building homes

if changing some guidelines; and promoting guidelines; will that save us money?

cost¦. damage

AK: a lot of benefit ... less erosion, creek {?}; tax infrastructure less

in terms of financial benefit; less need to upgrade the sewers, so yes to that; also have ISMPs

yes, we are doing

MB: Cclr NG asked two of my Qs -- discharge of ground water -- voluntary?

RF: want to clarify

MB: schedule B

RF: a former gas stn site; during period of mediation, monitoring so might require pumping of groundwater where do you put that?

arrangement into sanitary system; xxx relate discharge; refers to {?}

those particular situations -- sewer or storm systems?

RF: not sure exactly where groundwater wd be pumped; ... excavation and seepage

for debt? purposes, temp basis, usually pumped into a storm system

MB: av rates for sewer and water -- $1.50 a day for water and $2.50 a day for sewer

sounds like a bargain to me

ML: p47 and 29???

through to 2020 and understand the xxx [7:03]

at the 2020 gate we’re at the sustainable level

what does the sust level mean

peak out at 2020 of expect increasing annual sewer bill; confusion and ambiguity of the sewage plant

Kwan: CPI -- wd be peak of capital funding but not CPI

ML: so CPI on top of that


not a train coming down the tunnel, but a light

Cass: on p35, rather surprised that sgl fam, multifam, and commercial all paying the same


RF: I can answer.

base charge is the cost eg house to street, all standard costs any acct holder wd hv regardless how much sewage discharged; breakdown of the drainage; storm drainage in a utility b/c sanitary on

consumption, can’t base on potable b/c not linked ... as listed in Sched A

Cass: have we mandated flush toilets


RF: req mtg xxx ... for low flow fixtures in bldg code

6.8l prov and embedded in xxx

Cass: BC MFA, etc -- as our problem is growing, so is our money

IG: if not required, we do invest

Sop: so assume in 2020 $1258 per home? unspoken assessment between 4 and 1100 for a sewer plant; looking at $2K

IG: extremely difficult re what amt will be ¦ well in excess of $1K per household

based on no funding but hoping will be higher funding

at this point v difficult to say; think in all fairness reasonable to say the cost for sewer services on the NSh will be higher

no question that plant will be replaced; will be increases and don’t know what those increases will be

Sop: in your view, that wd be on usage rather than assessment?

IG: basis on wch the cost will be shared has been discussed significantly

agreement shared regionally but on NSh, whatever they will be, possible current will be modified

assessment is one but not likely; basically, I think on usage


1. Sewer Utility fees be increased for 2016 to the amounts set out in Schedule A and B of the proposed “Sewer and

Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 4860, 2015¯;

2. Proposed “Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 4860, 2015,¯ be read a first, second, and third time; and

3. Proposed “Sewer/Drainage Utility Reserve Bylaw No. 4865, 2015¯ be read a first, second, and third time.

6. Proposed Water Utility Fees for 2016 (Waterworks Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 4861, 2015; AND Water Utility Reserve BylawNo. 4864, 2015) (File: 1610-20-4861/4864)

1. Water Utility fees be increased for 2016 to the amounts set out in Schedule A and B of the proposed “Waterworks

Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 4861, 2015¯;

2. Proposed “Waterwks Regn Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4861, 2015¯, be read a first, second, third time; &

3. Proposed “Water Utility Reserve Bylaw No. 4864, 2015¯ be read a first, second, and third time.

[7:12] ...

your reference to amts, A and B, why are the amts not in the motion?

RF: similar to what in sewer, Cclr Sop, is within the attached bylaw, in your package

Sop: I understand that; assuming, specifically on a

not be visible in the motion?

CAO: ideally like ¦ amts listed in the bylaw; Sched A quite detailed; wd be 9 or 10

Sop: what do I know?

Cass: any ccl mbrs wish to speak on this motion?

{$ in motions pls!!!} [7:15]

7. Proposed Solid Waste Utility Fees and Charges for 2016 (Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4863, 2015) (File: 1610-20-4863)

who?: this has also been through Fin Cmte weeks ago

slightly odd; public realm waste pickup; 70% goal, green can and biweekly garbage

SLIDE changes to recycling regulation

led to current closure of NSRP this year, show reaction to that

NSRP Closure SLIDE, District response

some staff

cost less than our share of NSRP; dumping; public realm recycling; confusion

SLIDES — dumping in park!!! outreach; perhaps don’t know clothing bins; all takes staff time

CHANGES: move costs from general fund over to utility fund wch is ratepayer

residents pay as ratepayer through a new service fee

SLIDE of Benefits -- pilot projects decrease in gen Fund

SLIDE of user fees — year-to-year change zero (after discount)

window of opp; difficult to lower the fees then move funds over; garbage and recycling under one area

{Mr Begg???}

MB: net effect in solid waste zero inc over all

commensurate decrease in the gen fund for the public realm colln

Begg: refer to my colleague in Finance

IG: yes, a commensurate reduction in the public fund; there is an issue that needs to be focused on

MB: photos show pretty egregious; making our collns consistent

any consideration around a littering bylaw — obviously intention disposal of garbage in a place it shdn’t be if bin full shdn’t put it in park

RF: photos I was going to sh choose ??????

reason littering here perhaps due to wildlife — crows, esp if left bag of material beside instead of in

wind comes along and spreads

can’t blame b/c others out there as well

we do have some provision, eg good nbr bylaw re residential props

staff still exploring wrt public realm

ppl not educated that there are alternatives to dumping in the park

if ppl know more places for drop-off for clothing, books

we’d like to raise the awareness

MB: issue we may want to get in front of popn, not growing but changing; seeing anecdotally

RF: have seen some increase, eg HBay

believe coming from nearby small islands where may not be ¦. colln

when passengers come off ferries, weekend or holiday garbage leaving

working with Sunshine Coast Region Dist trying to work with

MB: going to see improved service

RF: yes¦¦ an addl budget for pilot and expanded service

Sop: empty cup in a home no diff from one in a park

if combining public realms with sgl fam, attached a fee, isn’t that abusive?

RF: repeat

Sop?: combination of public realm and residential, all brought into one, parks not pay fair share, free ride?

RF: not if fair share

distinction between residents living in home and public

xxx [7:34] still a ratepayer; putting through solid waste, hope more transparency

Sop: budget fo admin; xxx

Begg: took more of the burden [7:35] ... then shared portions of time

Sop: $48K paid outreach for WV

Begg: where

Sop: underneath $48K outreach xxx

Begg: they’ll pay their own

$48K represent FTE person bringing over xxx

Sop: Gambioli, solid waste cmte?

NG: yes

Sop: seems to be a void, Ms Gordon

do you see or have you requested so we see some prog one way or the other?

IG: haven’t asked for any updates but can do so re mgmt of solid waste — can get that for you

NG: xxx

Sop: burn unit ... we’ll do our own recycling biz; will there be a burn unit yet; in a state of flux?

NG: metro units are open; such a good job of diverting, xxx

Lower Mainland doesn’t need another facility b/c not enough garbage to sustain it

Booth, Cass, and I went on a tour last week [7:38]

some waste transferred to Bby to be burned, some to Bog, and some to Cache Crk

we’re doing so well at diverting so utility not being put forth immediately

my Q re garbage dumped in our parks; DNV considering charging for parking in parks

some of that money cd go toward solid waste fund to deal with garbage in our parks

Begg: don’t know if I shd touch that one

RF: staff considering, quite a complex issue; at v beginning, initial stages

re net revenues what being used for

parks maintenance activities suitable expenditures; conceptually, refuse colln in parks cd be on the table

but staff not that far as to what that rev cd fund

Cass: Vanc has been putting a levy on demolitions ... when we’re doing similar?

Begg: wide re demolition waste ... Vanc and the manpower; we’ve had fairly hands-off

owner has to say where taking material

maybe do spot-checks or xxx; all takes time

[7:42] NG moved THAT

1. Solid Waste utility fees be adjusted for 2016 to the amts set out in Sched A of the proposed “Solid Waste Utility

Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4863, 2015¯; and

2. Proposed “Solid Waste Ut Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4863, 2015¯ be read first, second, third time.

NG: highlight in the report from Engg Dept

they’ve really stepped up to make sustainability an issue and successfully lowered GHG emissions

trips to landfill reduced; half of fleet by xxx gas

acquired a fully electric car in the Engg Dept used by the xxx administrator

great; congratulate you on working so hard on sustainability


8. Proposed Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4859, 2015; AND Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4368, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4862, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4859/4862)

AM?: xxx bylaw too narrow in scope

intent is to address of knotweed in outdoor spaces ?

high priority of invasive plants strategy

Michel Evison: delighted before you; along with Lori Wms co-chair of the WG

comment wrt enforcement: essential that all mbrs of the cmnty recognize that they are equally responsible

needs to be made clear just say to landscapers, gardeners do what you do

second, Ccls have avoided or haven’t tackled, the licensing or licence

call the cowboys; 65% ppl with a pickup, a shovel, and a lawnmower

we have no way of enforcing water, noise, xxx restrictions, we have NO WAY [7:48]

until we have contact, so much of this beneficial work wasted

?Ev: Sandy Cove is a good example of a bad example, daily


1. Propsd “Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4859, 2015¯ be read first, second, third time; &

2. Propsd “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4368, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4862, 2015¯ be read first, second, third

Cass: now I shd ask if anyone wants to speak

Sop: know a lot of work been done

is it not onerous for staff mbrs to be injecting ev stem; we have a bylaw only certain ways

Heavens to Betsy gotta be another way in this

CAO: {can’t hear¦.}

AM: Andrew Banks

AB: we contract out to

reason we do it, best mgmt policy ... best — direct; that’s why asking to be allowed

Sop: re cowboys coming into this cmnty; services needed

invasive species, ¦. how do we control

wrt tree cutting, oil tank removal; looking for grounds keepers and the like

AB: we have licensed landscapers to xxx Japanese knotweed

also rely on industry to rely on best practices; count on our staff to

NG: my anecdotal

my trained chn in the back of the care — in back of car — “mummy, there’s knotweed"

stop car and taken pic and given to staff; disappointed this year not found in WV, found in NV

the small amt we’ve given contractors, managed to control

thanks to the WG getting a handle on it, good story

Cass: for watchers where wd we find this list of qualified

CAO?: they phone in, can’t recommend; suggest they talk to nbrs

Cass: employed cowboys; English not so good, can’t xxx ... where

AB: ask for certified invasive species contractors



9. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 (to establish regulations re Temporary Use Permits) (File: 1610-20-4854)

MOTION: THAT proposed “Zoning ... 2015¯ be read a second time.

Sop: I’m not going to support this motion; into nbrhds and situations know nothing about

PASSED/Sop opposed

THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4854, 2015¯ be read a third time.


10. Proposed Devt Procedures Bylaw No. 3984, 1996, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4827, 2015) (to est procedure

re Temporary Use Permits)(File: 1610-20-4827)

The proposed bylaw received first reading at the November 2, 2015 Council meeting.

Sop: don’t want to make this motion

NG moved: THAT proposed “Devt Proc... 2015¯ be read a second and third time.

PASSED / Sop opposed

11. Proposed Police Services and M Hall Proj Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4845, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4845)

The proposed bylaw received first, second and third reading at the Sept 14, 2015 Council meeting. The condition precedent (approval by the Inspector of Municipalities) to the adoption of the proposed bylaw has been met; approval was received on Nov 2, 2015.

MOTION: be adopted.

IG: part of the process to the borrowing


12. Consent Agenda Items

THAT the Consent Agenda items as follows be approved:

Item 12.1 – Proposed Subdiv of 821 Braeside St (Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-040) (To set date for consideration);

Item 12.2 – Propsd New House w/ Variances to Zoning Bylaw at 3603 Marine (Propsd DVP) (To set date for consdn);

Item 12.3 – Correspondence List.

12.1. Proposed Subdiv of 821 Braeside St (Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-040) (File: 010-20-15-040)

THAT proposed Devt Permit No. 15-040 re 821 Braeside, to allow for the subj prop to be subdivided into two new lots, as described in the report dated November 9, 2015 be considered at the December 14, 2015 Council meeting; and that the MClerk give notice of consideration of the proposed development permit.

12.2. Propsd New House w/ Variances to Zoning Bylaw at 3603 Marine (Propsd DVP No. 15-019) Schedule B

THAT proposed Development Variance Permit No. 15-019 regarding 3603 Marine Drive, to allow for a proposed new house with garage, as described in the report dated November 6, 2015 be considered at the December 14, 2015 Council meeting; and that the MClerk give notice of consideration of the proposed development variance permit.

12.3. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)

> Council Correspondence Update to October 23, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) October 21, 2015, regarding Building Construction and Inspection

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Received for Information

(2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Memorial Library Board meetings September 16 and October 7, 2015

(3) Ambulance Paramedics of BC – CUPE 873, September 14, 2015, re “Downloading of Ambulance Service In The Making¯

(4) BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Assn, Oct 19, re Support for All-Hazard Response Services

(5) HUB Cycling, October 22, 2015, regarding “What are you doing on Monday?¯ (Bike to Work Week)

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Responses to Correspondence

(6) Sr Mgr of Parks, October 16, 2015, response re “Windstorm of August 29, 2015¯ (Trees and Shrubs as a Safety Concern)

(7) Manager of Roads and Transportation, October 20, 2015, response re Cat Killed and Need for Traffic Calming

(8) Senior Manager of Parks, October 23, 2015, response regarding “Live Traps for a Lost Dog¯

> Council Correspondence Update to October 30, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) October 22, 2015, regarding “West Vancouver District Student Council Youth Delegation Date¯

(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)

(2) Hollyburn Veterinary Hospital, October 26, 2015, re “Grosvenor development – where are the noise mitigation measures?¯

(Referred to Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Received for Information

(3) October 28, 2015, regarding “{TransLink} changes - Service 257 Horseshoe Bay¯

(4) Western Residents’ Association of WV, October 29, 2015, re TransLink Proposed Changes for Horseshoe Bay

(5) October 26, 2015, regarding “Ambleside Water Front¯ (Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan)

(6) October 5, 2015, regarding “SEWELL MARINA DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL¯

(7) Old Growth Conservancy Soc (OGCS), Oct 26, re “Invitation to the 25th Anniversary of the 1990 Golf Course Referendum¯

(8) October 26, 2015, regarding Wireless Cell Towers

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Responses to Correspondence

(9) Manager of Devt Planning, October 27, 2015, response to Artwork Homes Ltd., “Highest Building Face 601 Hawstead¯

(10) Mgr of Community Planning, October 26, 2015, response to W.C. Evans Inc., “Business Improvement Asson (BIA)¯

(11) Director of Planning and Development Services, October 26, 2015, response regarding “Rising house prices¯

(12) Director of Engineering and Environment Services, October 26, 2015, response re “street lights in WV¯

(13) Transit Manager, October 26, 2015, response regarding “West Vancouver Blue Bus #258 UBC¯

(14) Director of Engg and Environment Services, Oct 23, 2015, response re “Traffic calming 1100 and 1200 blocks Keith Rd¯

> Council Correspondence Update to November 6, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) November 5, 2015, re “Tree removal in West Vancouver¯

(Referred to Director of Parks, Culture and Community Services for consideration and response)

(2) Coho Society of the North Shore, November 5, 2015, regarding Request for Delegation to Council

(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Received for Information

(3) United Way and Canadian Labour Congress, October 26, 2015, regarding � Labour Appreciation Night¯

(4) October 30, 2015, regarding “What are you doing?¯ (North Shore Mountain Biking Trails)

(5) Sea-to-Sky Clean Air Society, November 2, 2015, regarding “Sea to Sky Clean Air Society¯ (Society Membership)

(6) Disability Alliance BC (DABC), Nov 6, 2015, regarding “DABC – Province increases assets limits for PWD recipients¯

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies

(7) City of Burnaby, October 27, 2015, re “CLIMATE CHANGE WARNING LABELS ON GAS PUMP NOZZLES¯

(8) City of North Vancouver, October 30, 2015, regarding North Shore Bus Depot

(9) NSh Emergency Mgmt (NSEM), Nov 4, re “Earthquake Exercise Operation Windshield’ – Opportunity to Observe¯

Responses to Correspondence -- No items.

> Council Correspondence Update to November 10, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Referred for Action

(1) November 7, 2015, regarding “Movie Theatre in West Van¯

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Received for Information

(2) November 5, 2015, regarding “Chicken in West Vancouver¯

(3) Nov 7, 2015, re “evidence keeps piling up. Where is the action in WV to remedy it?¯ (Wireless Cell Towers and Water Meters)

(4) W.C. Evans Inc., November 7, 2015, regarding “BIA¯ (Proposed Ambleside- Dundarave Business Improvement Area)

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies -- No items.

Responses to Correspondence -- No items.


13. Ccl has requested following corresp be brt fwd for discussion, may propose a motion if Ccl considers that further action is required.

ML: 13.1 to 13.4

13.1. Coho Society of the North Shore, November 5, 2015, re Request for Delegation to Council
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response). -- received for information.

13.3 A/Mayor Cass: 13.3

NG: wanted to highlight

numerous conversations with ppl about rising house prices; what are we doing about this issue?

ask Planning wrt prices

CB: the team not just Planning

Ccl have done a lot in past; strata conversion policy; greater than four [8:02] good

good re seniors: Amb Place, Kiwanis at 21st; since 2004 new rental housing

Dund Landing, Water’s Edge 16 rental 2007 ???Watersedge???

OCP been amended for infill housing; providing more diversity, sec stes and coach houses

3 BC-owned; 6 and 8 below market from a CAC

Apr 28 2014, local govt tools support devt of rental stock

ongoing OCP review — reporting on Dec 7 on that

signif steps in past, will continue and look fwd

Cass: apologies; Cclr Booth requested 13.1 and 13.2

MB: no worries; recently change delegation request to cclrs not just the mayor

SSch: requests of delegation come through Corresp so Ccl make a decision to accept or decline

MB: so we need a motion

SSch: yes

ML: so move -- seems to be an annual request


Cass: a Q on 13.3

Sop: to Planning — we don’t have any control over prices

JB: no control; but diff housing forms cd be seen as more affordable

Sop: have to be careful about rental units 40-60?

where in this cmnty can we find land affordable with $2.5M; even lane houses are $1M

only those with lesser assessments than we have here

what wd be under $500K as affordable?

JB: you can leverage this xxx ... xxx housing ... conditions; may require rental housing and rates

v difficult in this region but Ccl does have tools

Sop: rental or inheritance

JB: Ccl does have a number of tools and rental an option

choice wrt trade-off ... new devt, leverage; look at your own land options

MB: Ccl is also actively looking to other levels of govt

not nec’ly a level playing field; both our MLAs as well as our new MP; xxx effect having; offshore investment

responses from other levels of govt

long-term workforce housing as in Whistler; long-term implication ... detract

had pulled 13.2 but NG wants to speak so let her and I’ll speak to 13.4; you’re good to go

NG: Ccl unanimously supported climate change warning levels, success at UBCM in Sept

since then Bby too concerned about being sued about

however nbr CNV not afraid, passed a unanimous motion to req that gas stns have these warning labels on gas nozzles

wanted public to know where we are and going fwd

question for staff

CAO: to Mr Chan

MC: staff are watching CNV closely; have and will do

believe Bby has raised legitimate concerns; will watch CNV and decide how to proceed

MB: letter from Mussatto re seabus fares; particularly NSh route

TransLink becoming imp

around what can we do; transit is key; staff done any work around seabus issue?

now a sgl-zone fare — fantastic — can tap in and out seabus so driving ppl to the buses

RF: wrt bus depot

staff been involved wrt a joint bus depot — Blus Bus and Coast Mtn

has not proven to be a reality

Lloyd Ave site, limit to how many buses can be stored

haven’t been able to figure out; wrt one zone bus two-zone for seabus [8:17]

certain to avoid two-zone contributes to high [use] of bus

Mayor addressed letter to other two NV mayors

draft letter so seabus one zone; so not unintended consequences; leave it to staff at this point

ML: seabus, and sgl compass card doesn’t work outside of

more likely end up with two, tap-in tap-out on the buses more likely than seabus xxx to a sgl bus fare

how long go along this; as soon as two-fare zone on us the happier they’ll be

ridership screwed up compass card

RF: take Cclr Lewis’s point

feel shd be consistency between seabus and the bus; will press point of consistency

NG: yes, I wd agree with earlier suggestion, write in response in terms of issue of transport issues

anyone else want to speak on this letter b/c I want to go back to this letter xxx

okay, I’l come back

Sop: return of conversation of x years ago

move but certainly not big enough here; city’s resp; got enough to do with our own bus

MB: is that our land? are we going to lose our bus xxx in NV?

RF: land is owned by TransLink and we are merely occupants

for further clarity, in terms of assisting Mayor Smith, in response, joint dept, site the WV operating site is at limit can’t accept more

moving to seabus have a &&&

NG: just go back to nozzle labels — we’re happy to just sit by and watch

other cclrs happy with that, b/c I’m not

Sop: what wd you like to do?

NG: wd you like to see more leadership or just sit back and watch?

Sop: we’ve talked about this, and sat for a while

we were first to bring it up but xxx¦. leaving us sucking wind; and we’re second-rate

NG: xxx

Sop: haven’t done anything yet ¦ we were the first; xxx strong and in xxx

ML: our staff have done due diligence on this and abide by

MB: I support the concept, much needed; Bby is a much bigger M; they have one-sided resources to put $$ toward legal?

following their lead; opp to assist Bby we cd do that

at this point we want to do it right and don’t need to spend taxpayers’ money

Cass: agree with Cclr Booth ... w/ NV ... however we do have a fiduciary duty to our taxpayers

ML: move 13.1 - 13.4 be adopted

14. Reports from Mayor and Councillors [8:27]

(to include reports on District board, cmte, and working group mtgs, and MetroV board and cmte mtgs)

Sop: 6:30am on Nov 16 — operation windshield

emergency ... earthquake signif impact; activation of the NSEM ctr

aft session under Ms L all involved; goals were to evaluate processes

{GET more info from Sop}

helicopters in Amb and Coast Guard there; I observed

when we meet will have some comments; great exercise; earthquake may not hit entire NSh

you’re on your own for 72 hours; saw a real oiled machine working

leave opening to you, Madam Mayor

MB: Sop and I at awards ceremony for WV track club

this grp has really grown over last years, was down to 1 mbr now to 40 - 50

7 yrs old to 80 yrs, resurgence for track

my brother was a long-distance runner

{:-( anyways??? Pronunciation alert: there’s no S on anyway}

build track at xxx soccer; you were there, Bill

Sop: was there before it was

MB: congrats; really good

ev ccl mbr invited to Chamber of Commerce Christmas dinner

you have to buy a ticket but one of the social events of the year; encourage you to support

NG: represented WV at Table Matters dinner

xxx xxx xxx great we’re doing in food security

impressed w/ ceremonies re Remembrance

Cedardale ... staff Nov 11 b/c rhododendrons — extra 1000 pp there and cd be seen

great what’s been done

Booth energy to waste tour ?

takes xxx 300Ktons and burns it

take from beach ball to tennis ball so keep other landfills going for many years

take out iron and metals; new reqmts are as strict as any other in NAm; doing well

irony — of course I support our staff; only ~20% of our staff live in WV

house price, 80% wdn’t be able to help

own staff — emergency

Cass: wrt chickens, fundraiser for the Library; don’t believe they served chicken

as ¦ said cap ?

I ate three days’ worth of food, got my money’s worth; sold out

author was Anne McDonald — fall on your knees

next going out dining and wining, Wi not with H

Sop reminded me; 9 to 3am Operation Red Nose

xxx Pumpkin Fest raised $40K for programming and equipment

securing sponsorship for next year; pls give them a call

warmhearted delightful stories, a gentleman approached reception desk, I’d like to say thank you

I wd like to write you a chq; will give it to ppl; he wrote a cheque for $6K

job our staff ...

Smith so grateful worth chairs ?

we’re going to lunch with them

end of my tenure as Acting Mayor, new respect to xxx

dedicated an elevator, in invest xxx saw go up and down

mother said if you’re into¦..

one year ago, and waving, and here I am today

princess ... cut red ribbon

cut together with indivs BPP wch will connect lands Chippendale; with xxx sites, Cypress Village

learning to run; Mulgrave and Collingwood faster in the morning

15. Public Questions/Comments

Eoin Finn: xxx on LNG ... remember my petition

this Ccl voted twice LNG plant in such treasured and delicate places

status ... substituted prices; assent of prov govt ? lacks fed approval of assessment

reason for haste; new fed govt and new MP; Cdns must be able to trust the govt, etc

letter from Bowen to fed Envmt Min McKenna; read letter xxx [8:43] submitted this today to ea of you

tried to appear as a delegation, rather crowded, may not get in time

Feb ... this Ccl consider writing similar letter; thorough review of the Woodfibre

all ccls

{do read his letter; a scientist} [9pm]

Sharon Tsangarakis: {from the minutes} a member of West Van Trees, expressed concerns relative to neighbourhood tree loss and requested that Council: protect the remaining mature trees; restore green character by replanting in park land and on boulevards; consider revisiting past efforts to define neighbourhood character; and work towards a win-win with residents regarding trees on private land.

{"Acting Mayor Cassidy informed that Council" is in active discussions on this matter.}

from Minutes: CR spoke re: putting amounts in the motions; suggested quarterly reports on money made from investments; support for the West Van Trees group; and property development including permeable surfaces, trees prevent flooding and erosion, and trees and views.

CR (problems with the mic): Editor of WV Matters. is this on?

{no, yes. then Sop: there you go, on now}

I had heard that the WV Trees were coming to speak tonight, and I wanted to make sure I spoke after them to support them. That's why I was waiting....but I have a couple of questions before I talk about trees.

First of all, I agree w/ Cclr Sop about putting amounts in the motions, and if it's v complicated, then I suggest that the amts be said, "it's a range from this to that" and look somewhere to find the definition.

Next, we used to have a quarterly report on the money we made from our investments, I haven't heard of one for some time, and I wd like to suggest that you have one soon.

Next, we hang on every word of ppl and it's quite frustrating not to hear. For example, we cdn't hear the CAO a couple of times, so if there's something you can do to try to make sure that these mics are working, or if there's some way we can signal from back there that we can't hear, that wd really be helpful.

So, now, the trees. I want to support {what they've done}

I've just found out about the West Van Trees group and we're going to work together with things. They've made some suggestions, I've given them some information, b/c a couple of months ago I had a whole group of ppl come to me and say we want to save the maple trees at 13th and Marine, and then we've got to save other trees, so I'm hoping that we'll be able to work together to present many things to help you in your bylaw.

I heard someone mention about permeable. I have suggested many years ago that we have, make sure, that when ppl develop a property, that it's all permeable.

I also feel that that helps, but so do trees, and one of things I suggested many years ago too, is that it's v difficult to tell ppl what to plant, etc, but what I think we don't need to be shy about is to stress the responsibility of each landowner to make sure they're not endangering the property of ppl below them. A few years ago we had ppl cut trees above the Upper Levels and it flooded properties below it. So if there cd be some sort of scientific study of a lot and say this lot absorbs, retains, etc, what percentage, then when they build a new house, make sure whatever they build on the lot wd still absorb, retain, hold the soil, uh, 75% so that it becomes a scientific decision and a responsibility that is being responsible and considerate of the ppl below you.

So, trees, as you know, they prevent flooding, erosion, and that; and right now, trees are under great stress b/c of far more ppl. In WV of course they want more money, b/c, they say, a view -- but I always say, the view is through the trees or framed by the trees.

But we can do something to make trees really desirable, and when there was a heritage survey a while ago and the most ppl said the top they liked about WV was its park-like atmosphere and condition.

And so, let's try to get that back. Thank you.

A/Mayor Cass: tyvm, Carolanne. No further on the list. I call the question on adjournment. Unanimous. I survived.

16. Adjournment

~~~ November 30 ~~~

SP CCL MTG 5:30pm (closed) b/c

(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.


Note: At 6pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015, proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015, and proposed Phased Devt Agreemt Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015 (to allow for a 17-unit residential development at 370 and 380 Mathers) will be held, and a public mtg re proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053 for 370 and 380 Mathers will be held concurrently. The sp Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH and concurrent public mtg.



Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Proposed Zoning Bylaw

No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; and Proposed Phased Devt Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015 (to allow for a 17-unit resid devt at 370 and 380 Mathers Av) (File: 1610-20-4851/4852/4853)

The Director of Planning and Development Services will describe the subject application.

Applicant: Matrix Architecture & Planning Inc. (for the owners)

Subject Lands: 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue

Purpose: The proposed bylaws and proposed devt permit wd facilitate the redevt of 370 and 380 Mathers Ave to allow for a 17-unit resid devt (known as the Residences on Mathers).

Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment: If adopted, the OCP Bylaw wd enable the rezoning of the subject lands for the proposed residential devt and place the site within a Devt Permit Area.

Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amdmt: If adopted, the Zoning Bylaw wd rezone the subj lands to “CD52 –Comprehensive Devt Zone 52 (370/380 Mathers)¯.

Proposed Phased Devt Agreemt Authorization Bylaw: If adopted, Phased Devt Agremt Auth wd secure a voluntary cmnty amenity contribution and provide zoning certainty for a period of five years.

A public mtg is being held concurrently to allow mbrs of public to make representations to Ccl re propsd Devt Permit (370/380 Mathers).

Proposed Devt Permit: If approved, Devt Permit wd control the form/character of the subj lands including: 17 units consisting of nine sgl-fam dwellings + four two-family dwellings; 39 parking spaces; tree protection (secured by a covenant); and new landscaping.

3. PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE -- Procedure described


1) Reports received up to and including November 19, 2015:





OCP Amdmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit 370/380 Mathers (Residences on Mathers)




OCP Amdmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit for 370/380 Mathers (Residences on Mathers)




OCP Amdmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit 370/380 Mathers (Unitarian Church site)




OCP Amdmt, Rezoning, Devt Permit for 370and 380 Mathers Avenue




2) Written submissions received up to and including November 19, 2015:

Written submissions listed below were rec'd at or following the Nov 2 Ccl mtg at wch Ccl set the date for the Nov 30 PH.


Written submissions listed below were rec'd prior to the Nov 2 Ccl mtg at wch Ccl set the date for the No 30 PH.

To view all written submissions received prior to the November 2, 2015 Council meeting click here.




32 Redacted letters from 2012 May 22 to 2015 February 14

Director of Planning,, response to written submission dated September 20, 2012

October 2, 2012


Director of Planning, response to written submission dated September 20, 2012

October 9, 2012


North Shore Unitarian Church

March 16, 2013


Hugo Ray Neighbourhood Committee

April 12 - 24, 2013


Dir/Planning, response to written submission dated April 3, 2013



Esker Lane Strata Council

December 8, 2014


Director of Planning, response to written submission dated December 8, 2014



Dir/Planning, response to written submissions dated Dec 1, 2014 and Feb 14, 2015



Nov 2, Ccl set the date for the PH and concurrent public mtg. The statutory notice of PH will be published in the NSN on Nov 22 and 25, and notices were mailed to property owners/occupants within the notification area. The MClk will note written submissions received for the November 30, 2015 public hearing and concurrent public meeting[ [6:04]

Lisa Berg, Planning gave background: .38FAR Hugo Ray Park 13 attendees

one said originally opposed, now okay; staff recommend approval — alternate housing

revised three times result of nbrhd concerns


Oliver Webb, Prez of Darwin: Lisa has given details so won’t go over that

team mbrs here; consultation process; Darwin is a local/NSh family biz and take reputation seriously

2013 to 19 units; since working on this process had my first and my second son.

[MClk read conditions]


> Brian Hemingway: resident 40 yrs, retired architect; happened to attend this church

applaud this proposal; attempts at affordability

I’ve been contributing to design large homes all over the world, notwithstanding time and place for range of types

> Belle Isaac: Garden Ave; here to support the devt proposal

in 1967 as a new Canadian; 25th and Marine, scent of woodsmoke in the air

walked down to the water ramshackle pier, row of the fortune apts, not old enough to remember them, but most diverse

a year later bought our house 1968; still love this place, fortunate to be here

this encapsulates WV; small nbrhd, attractive curve driveway, trees with a covenant

17 modestly-sized houses; quality build, features adopted from the Elliott house

features I envy from my drafty bungalow ¦ two parking spaces plus visitors’

attractive enclave; feel positive about the devt

> Whitney McMillan: Braeside St; a lifelong resident [6:22]

both sets of my grandparents moved to WV in 1940s so I’m a third generation WV — how rare is that

¦ can count on a single hand, five, live here

love this cmnty like no one else cd ; my deepest fear is that I will have to leave WV; will never be my choice

first breaths as WV and hope my last one

need to create more opps for ppl to live in cmnty; cmnty with housing choices; to age in this cmnty

OCP, Dialogue on Nbhd Character

it is up to you to,¦ continue ageing in place

all have to downsize, personally won’t be able to walk up three flights of stairs to my house; tend to my gardens

¦.short of giving up or surrendering prematurely to a srs’ {home?}, this devt as a stepping stone

robust cmnty life, collaborative; benefits of shared

may be able to downsize our lots than our nbrhds¦..

in xxx, few opps like this for ageing

with a head of three gens of WV memories and saddened by xxx [6:26] we desperately need housing choices

you vote today to keep me proudly in¦ what I know, pls make it so

> Gabrielle Loren [Ch/Comm]: the prev speakers had encapsulated; I’m one of the baby boomers, can’t xxx

{GET this}

looking at my house who is younger than me; big house,

still one child at home, not long one away, Lord help me when she doesn’t come

6Ksf house I need a 2500; not shooting my husband b/c in a 700sf apt ¦ wholeheartedly support

> Mark Roseland: prof of Planning at SFU, served as city planner in another M

not as a mbr of the church but a friend of

looked through the report all 100s of pages

This proposal is xxx with major needs; smaller units, ¦ unique opp for infill; 48 down to 17 dwellings

once prob ¦ proposed housing forms address quite well; impact will be nominal

5 ensure nbrhd character preserved; 75% as land life, Ccl gets revenue

approving this devt is the right decision for this devt.

> Maurice Gibbons: lived here over 75 years, grew up here, Pauline Johnson, WVSS, came back and taught here, now a retired Prof of SFU, Remembrance name on scroll *** [6:33]

we have lived here all our lives. Green Hill Drive; got too big, garden too large for wife to manage

found 2400 instead of 7 levels on one ???

disabled daughter so [6:34]

we need the smaller place, not on half an acre as the last one was

attractive — this place has several 17 - 1900sf

so we have found our son so in favour of others finding

many of my colleagues wd like; think of like me getting long in the tooth

> Dave Lust: Mathers Ave speaking on behalf of the Hugh Ray Nbrhd Cmte {text supplied}

Mr Mayor & Members of Council;

My name is Dave Lust, I live at 323 Mathers Avenue

I am speaking here on behalf of the Hugo Ray Area Residents’ Group

In the 1990s a developer came into our neighbourhood with a proposal to build a 144-unit seniors’ high-rise apartment on the site that is now the enclave of Esker Lane. Because of the site’s proximity to our neighbourhood, we the neighbours, were asked by the District of West Vancouver to be fully invested in the decision-making process.

Over a period of 2 years, we met with members of council, we met with the developer, we attended community consultation events, and developer information events, and we spoke our piece at council meetings. The end result was, incredibly, one of those rare moments when we as a community developed a win-win-win-win-win solution for the developer, the seller, the buyers, the neighbours, and the District at large. All of that was done with guidance by and adherence to the Official Community Plan.

Yes, there were amendments made: but those amendments were respectful of the character of our neighbourhood and the value of the existing properties in our neighbourhood.

Esker Lane was built with a higher density. The end result was twelve, 2300sf, two-storey homes. It is separated from the rest of our neighbourhood (as prescribed by the OCP), by the Public Assembly Properties of the Unitarian, and the Jehovah’s Witness Churches. In so doing, the DWV lived up to its promise that this higher density property would not in any way, negatively affect the character or property values of our neighbourhood. In the same manner, the developer could, and did, make assurances to the buyers of Esker Lane that their homes would back onto the quiet treed environment provided by the churches. Up until this time this is the win-win environment that we have all lived up to.

It is no secret within our neighbourhood that the Unitarian church has been struggling for several years with regard to an ageing and deteriorating church. They have in the past considered selling a portion of their property to pay for improvements, but those plans fell through. In 2009, the leaders of the church came here to tell this Council that, despite no taxation on the property, donations from their own congregation, income from two businesses on their property, and injections of cash from the Gaming Commission of BC, they still could not make ends meet. Regrettably, the only workable solution to their problem was to sell the entire property to a developer and move their church operation to North Vancouver.

It, of course, came as no surprise to anyone in the neighbourhood that the first thing the developer did was to point to Esker Lane and say “they have a higher density; so we too should be able to build to a higher density.

All we have to do is get the District to

(a) amend the OCP to allow for the devt, and

(b) renege on the agreement made with the Hugo Ray nbrhd and the Esker Lane nbrhd in the '90s

And then, when they, the neighbours, gripe and complain, and they will, all we have to do is “hang the old NIMBY yoke around their necks and proceed as normal". So it should come as no surprise to anyone on Council that we oppose this devt.

We have been opposed to this plan from the beginning because this process was not, and is not, new to our neighbourhood. The Unitarian church and Darwin Construction are asking you to “stab our neighbourhood in the back¯ by reneging on any previous assurances by the District that the character of our neighbourhood and the value of our properties would not be affected by a destructive and ill-advised devt project. They are asking you to extend the increased density of Esker Lane through the centre of our neighbourhood in direct contradiction to the months of planning undertaken by the District and this neighbourhood to the contrary.

Now, instead of backing onto the treed environs of the church property, Esker Lane homeowners will have no less than eight families living in four two-storey duplexes directly on the other side of the fence. Mathers Mews residents will lose their view of the church lot to face ten families all staring over the fence directly back at them. The devper would ram 17 families directly between properties of the same size that contain only eight homes each.

This is a destructive plan that will leave our neighbourhood irreversibly scarred and we are here to ask Council to do the right thing and send this project back to the planning table. The District of West Vancouver need only look as far as their Planning Department to find award-winning innovative home and coach house designs that would meet the needs of the neighbours while providing a respectful density increase to the Unitarian church property.

We were here at the last Council meeting to hear council members already spending the Community [Amenity] Contribution attached to this project. I’m sure that no one is telling groups like the WV [Arts] Council that this manna from Heaven [will] actually [be] derived from a neighbourhood whose homes have all been devalued by a reckless devt plan that enhances only the coffers of the church and the developer. No one will tell the recipients of this cash that the devt is a destructive incursion into our neighbourhood. And least of all, none of you [is] likely to mention the probability of contagion [for] the Jehovah’s Witness and Baptist churches [to] cash in for the easy money.

We are asking Council to say no to this plan. Council members each received our latest petition in opposition to this plan last week. Here is the original copy if you should need it. Included are the signatures of all of the surrounding families whose homes look directly into the site and are most affected by the change.

In addition, I have again included the greater petition that was undertaken in October 2013, where 120 of the 121 families who participated in the survey, all opposed this development.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to citizens who live in this community.

> Jim O’Toole: Lawson Ave one ... do not oppose devt of this prop

sg fam homes okay; exorbitant price $$$ [6:42]

what will happen when Jehovah's Witness and Baptist [churches], washed their hands and $$$

consider as last six years

> S Fitzpatrick: demographics of WV changed; more diversity; ageing popn living in older homes on large lots; prefer to live in small, continue to live in WV; visit chn; 65- and 80-yr-olds

devt proposed

[6:45] GET ### see DWV Minutes for Names

> Steven Given: lived there since 1998; my concern has been with the process

basement stes; at first mtg for the bylaws, was an award to planners for coach houses

photos; cd hv gone in six years ago no opposition

xxx don’t ... this devt has ppl looking straight into

main concern was the CAC was get hands on and xxx

> Carolanne Reynolds, making way up to front: Sorry, good evening

I was quite interested to hear the comments earlier, and found some information that I had not heard before, and I think it's time, I think there is a will, to try again in this cmnty for a win-win resoln

They have the right to develop; they need trees around it so that they can maintain their privacy, but I was only intending to say one thing tonight:

we worked many many years to get a maximum FAR of .35 -- we finally got it

if you as a Ccl are serious about monster houses, then you shd keep and honour the maximum of .35

if you let this one go ahead, you {will} have set a precedent

and just as someone earlier said when they saw that one devt: "Well, they got .38!"

so please keep our maximum of .35 — it took many years to get Council to get it down to that

The pressure on it is going to continue

I think Darwin has done a good job of devping and I'm sure they would be amenable to lots of units, smaller units, whatever; that ppl want however ... It's time to keep .35 if you are serious about monster houses and you do not want precedents set b/c someone else will ask for it

In the meantime I hope for the goodwill of the neighbours and the devpers to try to get something that keeps the privacy, that keeps the trees, that keeps the small units -- wch makes the small units makes more affordable, but pls do not change your mind on .35 or you'll be getting all things at .38 and more.

Thank you [6:50]

> L Groday: form and character meet criteria; in my area lots being sold; old houses are torn down

stripped from one end to the other; regrading, and retaining walls built

one block west of Kings, east of Kings three in last year

xame ??? ... 4th image same

my lot 4? succumbed

even major magnolia trees, even sitting in a far corner of the lot, taken down for no reason whatsoever

two things = ensure consistent with cmnty dialogue; nbrhd character

= more envmtally sust devt

all need to think on the eve of the Climate in Paris; consider some kind of control of retention of trees

mature tree cover, more¦. nbrhd air quality, birds

reduce your ecological footprint

increase green space; landscaping reqmts; drought-tolerant native species; reduced need for watering

summer 2015 a lot of brown, going to become our norm; storm mgmt; permeable pavement

one in 100 occur not one ev year; low energy appliances, low xxx; I support this devt

> Melinda Slater (text supplied): re: OCP and Zoning Amendment proposed for 370 and 380 Mathers.

My name is Melinda Slater and I reside at 1058 Keith Road. I don’t live near this devt and I notice many of the speakers supporting this tonight don’t either. But I am sympathetic to local resident concerns about the impact this will have on their neighbourhood.

What concerns me is we don’t have a housing policy that clearly defines the type of housing we need, what form it should take, and WHERE we will build it. A policy that’s borne out of professional, unbiased research and, most importantly, a policy that is endorsed by the community. A neighbourhood plan would further reflect what type of devt is acceptable and where it should go. But we don’t have either of those things.

What we have right now is a Housing Action Plan full of broad “motherhood¯ statements such as the need for more diverse housing options or more affordable housing, but it does not provide any guidance or specifics as to where this will occur, what it will look like, or even how many units we actually need.

I’m not saying this is a bad devt or the wrong location – it may be great, it may be exactly what we need; but how can we say it is right or wrong without proper planning? The point is, we shouldn’t be considering this application until we have properly planned - which means having a clear policy in place that has pre-established what type of devt is suitable and a neighbourhood plan that supports this. These factors are critical to determine whether this application is appropriate or not. Without them we are being asked, yet again, to consider an individual devt in the absence of a greater plan. We continue to leave it to developers to define and shape our neighbourhoods; to react to spot-zoning requests, rather than be pro-active.

There seems to be some consensus that neighbourhood planning is a good thing, so why aren’t we doing this? Why not tie this into the OCP review process that’s supposed to be in motion right now? This doesn’t mean saying “never¯ to this applicn, rather, you could put this on hold until we have clearly established if or how this devt fits with the cmnty’s vision.

Thank you.

> Terry Page: live at Esker Lane, live in a quiet corner

wonder why we have an OCP if all we need is an amendment so we can tear it down

don’t think it’s NIMBY ... I’m in larger home

nobody has comments on the diff in elevation between the Unitarian Church and Esker Lane prop

you’re going to have four multiplex units looking right down in to the back yard

shows a few trees — what you’ve got to see how many trees left *ub a ciyoke if tears( ???ask

> Tony Hrynchuk: a 5-min walk, where my chn go to daycare; Ccl shd not change the bylaws for this proj

¦ if someone had proposed further up the hill wd be clear not

> Joanne Renfer: in a townplex; I am a realtor; real need for small famiiies and downsizers

we’re losing ppl going to NV or Sunshine Coast; it’s a shame

> Catherine Willcock; live on Esker land think it a good idea

with others re trees; pretty standard in WV to clearcut

as Mr Page said we do have a v nice row of trees of Esker Land and ¦

they are beautiful trees; we’ll replace it then replace with a cedar hedge not watered

wish WV will stop this policy as we see across from WV Sec on Mathers

> Mayor: asked three times


LB: in your package speaks to tree protection; some part

covenant; tree replacement ratios if trees need to be replaced

Mayor: we have more control over this site than if sgl-fam

LB: yes: and form and character; discretionary approvals

NG: wrt controls on this devt site, if in theory to go ahead, what do we have over noise, traffic?

LB: in addn to what spoke of, xxx traffic mgmt plans

reqmt for tree protection prior to

NG: Q for Darwin, p4 wrt LEED heating strategy; same as year ago

looking for silver that IMO, the lowest these days; wd like to push you that it’s going to be heating; be closer to gold standard

Darwin Const: our standard is Gold, for this proj Silver, but our target is Gold

Sop: incredible ¦.. there were three trees left, that was the greenbelt! [7:08]

what guarantee wd stay?

¦ what’s on the perimeter? ¦seen differently over the years; retain some privacy?

LB: language in the covenant; terms & conditions

if they were to destroy or alter; punitive language dealing with this scenario

tree replacement 3 to 1 ratio, and ¦

wrt processing, fencing to satisfaction of the Dist

Sop: amenities, road; improve sewer safety concerns¦.

back a few years ago, cdn’t walk my baby down the road -- what amt of amenities to this area?

CAO: Amenities at sep time; purpose at this time the particular to

disc around amenities ... separate, ot same &&&

Sop: given back to that area

Mayor: that will be determined at a diff time

Sop: then amenities shd not be mentioned; okay, I’ll accept that

Mayor: Mr Fung re sewer?

RF: (GET} [7:12]

MB: assume coach houses wdn’t be allowed, know basements, sec stes?

LB: the land use does not allow coach houses or basement stes so looking at 17 units all in

wrt Sop ... promise will not fixate on it

giving your report, did sound like an exact sum ... be increased?

Mayor: we have the exact sum but xxx not

CAO: Ccl {?} may request be done, potential Uplift

sep consideration

Cass: appraisal May 2014; since then gone up about 15%; do want an appraisal

LB: Ccl directed bylaw in Feb this year

part of the pkg, that a report on the CAC presented to Ccl as part of pkg

A report was commissioned, dated April this year; all brt to Ccl this Nov

dated just six months ago so appropriate in staff’s opinion

Mayor: Mr Bailey you’re happy with that

satisfied with that as a basis of xxx; changing that wd involve putting the PH on hold

Cass: so you’re happy with this, sound 2014

xxx ? I stand corrected

Don’t understand if .35FAR why .38; why changing the line in the sand?

Darwin Const: based on the work, started on a higher [7:17]

ML: will save my comments for later


If there is no further public input and Council does not request a further staff report:


THAT all written and oral submissions regarding proposed Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw

No. 4851, 2015, proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4852, 2015, proposed Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015, and proposed Development Permit No. 12-053 for 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue up to and including the November 30, 2015 public hearing and concurrent public meeting be received and that the public hearing and concurrent public meeting be closed.

Council members are not permitted to receive further submissions once the public hearing is closed.


*6:00 PM after PH

*Note: At 6pm in the Ccl Chamber a PH re proposed OCP ..., Amdmt Bylaw ..., proposed Zoning ..., Amdmt Bylaw ..., and proposed Phased Devt Agreemt Authorization Bylaw ..., 2015 (to allow for a 17-unit residential devt at 370/380 Mathers) will be held, and a public mtg re proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053 for 370/380 Mathers will be held concurrently. The sp Ccl mtg will commence in the Ccl Chamber immediately following the PH and concurrent public meeting.

1. Call to Order. [7:20]

2. Approval of Agenda -- amended by:

o adding to Item 4 written submissions C-1 and C-2;

o adding to Item 9 proposed Road Closure/Removal of Hwy Dedication Bylaw (land adjacent to 1086 23rd St)


3. Proposed Development Permit No. 15-049 for Lot 7 of Evelyn by Onni (File:1010-20-15-049)

At the Oct 26 sp mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Oct 7 re proposed Devt Permit No. 15-049 for Lot 7 of Evelyn by

Onni and set the date for consideration for November 30, 2015.

Reports received up to and including November 19, 2015:





DPermit for Lot 7 of Evelyn by Onni

October 7, 2015

October 26, 2015


Written Submissions received up to and including November 19, 2015: None


for a 67-unit; 7 and 8 storeys each; substantially similar; this proposes larger robust

cmte generally supported the proposal; DRC supported Sept 17

proposal two variances setback and site coverage; 20ft all around

setback proposed are better than 2008 — you can see by this slide

site coverage 35 to 35.5 % wrt ti skioubg ###to slope?

applicant required to notify nbrs

held at Onni rese, 8 mbrs of the public; 7/8 residents of Onni itself parcels 2 and 5

pleasant? plsd with others in cmnty; timing and ?????

complies with the DP guidelines; substantially consistent with

Eric Hughes from

[7:26] WHO??? {get name}

> betw 224 n d 200 previous dvpr

47; Onni acquired in 2011; bn busy constructing


109 units built to date; 23 under construction; goal to start Lot 7 — 67 dwellings; 2022 hope to be complete

SLIDE lots (diff colours

SLIDE first

SLIDE Lot 2 , ¦ Lot 5, ¦ Lot 3 Lot 7 DP Applicn issued in 2008

8st 4 u e 7 sto 28 {3rd ?}

architects here if any Qs

300+ft discrepancy; slight variance of .5

redrawn by our architect and shd be same; think was .39 so rounded up to .5

building design — SLIDES terraces with topography

Arthur Erickson Place at Lot 5


Revisions on prevly approved DP

view from PkR; Landscape plan; Internal courtyard, ¦ rain garden

Sop: of the 67 units, how many parking spots for visitors?

ANS: 10; think at Design review stage said 7

Sop: adeq? where are they going to

LB: consistent w/ other reamts {???reqmts?} ...not aware

Sop: not part of xxx certain pkg spots per units and sq ftg

LB: and it complies

Sop: does it? if ea 67 have a visitor each — where

LB: our parking bylaw has a ratio; not sure how to answer that Q

Sop: site has some pluses but you didn’t show the walkway; don’t know if we own that land

switchback, reminds me of Mario

how do you contemplate 75 or 80 walking ... not something that can be done

ANS: there is some layby parkings; 6

agree prev design has some challenges, quite steep; we are revisiting and plan to come back to Ccl

not having an excessive???

Sop: wd see some change there

LB: devpr obligated, these improvements; the DRC flagged some question marks, the authenticity to its being accessible given an 8% grade for two football fields; revisit through master plan if Ccl

NG: that’s great, that was most of my second Q

that piece joins the other lot beside it

wd we be talking to ppl in the nbrhd to see what wd be better ??

LB: devt for Lot 6, currently, calls for 10Ksf cmnty bldg; devping units with gym space and xxx

if applicant wishes to do something else wd be a conversation with Ccl

wd or wd not affect Evelyn Walk

NG: go to slide with PkR; DR said shd be taller trees

ANS: this is a rendering; did include larger trees, some larger evergreens planned

NG?: but when I make my decisions, I’m looking at this -- so is this correct, will look like this?

ANS: will ask my architect

ARCH: the tree selection, mainly native trees and shrubs; all native in courtyard, xxx and drought-tolerant

Mayor: Cclr G wants to be assured a thing of beauty

ANS: was there yesterday

NG: not quite my Q b/c a thing of beauty is subjective

Mayor: anyone want to speak?



MOTION: all written and oral submissions be rec'd for information.

and: THAT proposed DP for Lot 7 of Evelyn by Onni, wch wd allow for devt of a 67-unit apartment building, be approved.


MAYOR: don’t forget that Ms Gambioli will be personally inspecting

4. Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-062 for 765 Marine/PkR-N (Amends DP No. 13-067) (File: 1010-20-1062)

At the Oct 26 sp mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Oct 7 re proposed DP No. 15-062 for 765 Marine Dr/PkR-N and set the date for consideration for November 30, 2015.

Reports received up to and including November 19, 2015:





DP (Amends DP No. 13-067)




Written Submissions received up to and including November 19, 2015: None

LB: this amends prev DP

approved last July

fabric to glass; canopies, xxx

SLIDES DP approved July 21 2014

to bring mall into a cohesive look; new landscaping — considered and approved by Ccl

Since then research

changing: going to be exterior facade; new signage; reconfig addn of rear loading bay; better sidewalk treat to PkR Towers to the west

status quo to vehicle circulation — retention of ramp, to front of London Drugs same

columns being removed; ped improved

SLIDE Before and after {7:49]

glass canopies along top?

sign variance 2ft to 3.5ft consistent with PkR-S

two stores exceed 20Ksf — L Drugs and Bay

reviewed by DRC; DRC asked re overall site planning and layout

incorporating a seating area in front of City Market

not intending to build out closer to MDr

required for publlc

40 - 50 attendees in PkR-N, residents of towers to west and east; tenants of the mall

Comments raised no concerns brt to my attn. Staff recommends approval

John Moorcroft is the architect of the proj

JM: thank you, Lisa

to highlight the changes SLIDE [7:53]

although always on Sq N land req to improve so we’ve done that

New London Drugs entrance; internal changes; parking level, v little change

SLIDE — sidewalk to PkR Towers — new is 6ft wide, bit improvement

SLIDE — access to London Drugs

SLIDE showing before and after; glazing ht to 14ft

SLIDE overview; City Market under construction

entrance or those fortunate residents of Evelyn Dr

Sop: access to the overpass was¦.

??? xxx in hindsight of two successful stores, London Drugs and City Market

did you not feel congestion? xxx

JM: plans — proved diff if not impossible to build — BC HYDRO xxx

decision made to leave

know PkR have traffic control, little xxx

Sop: did you think traffic wd increase; you’re planning a new food store, hear same thing for 30 years

not off top of head¦ Ms Berg, how many over 20Ksf?

LB: six

xxx; asked Rick who answered

Sop: SqN up

obligated to follow [7:59]

LB: I noted the heights at the S mall, 2ft 2.5 ft, 3ft — tough to tell

Sop: on foot or cycling; existing crossover same as now

ANS: xxx

Sop: what amenities going to be there; you gotta know it’s going to be busy

ANS : we do have re,,, station

Mark Vaughan: hasn’t changed

hoping to have a stn in the same place, exciting, that blank wall you see, wd like to install a large map of WV biking routes

NG: Qs around pedestrians

Sop was talking about the ramp, I call it the infamous ramp; when I shop there, it’s v dangerous

two small kids and nearly been run over on sev occasions

if entrance further to the west, what is PkR going to do for peds, v dangerous, someone’s going to get killed, hope not me and kids, or someone else from WV; want to know what you’re going to do

MV: our strategy, over time, main walk on the roadway

smaller parking areas self-contained¦.. cross at delineated crosswalks

the one on the east — SLIDE, have gotten rid of ¦.so ppl feel safe crossing the road

¦ created two crosswalks in front of London Drugs; xxx entirely by eliminating the crosswalks

NG: have added or going to?

MV: planned

NG; cuz I was there just last week

MV: there is an added crosswalk in our plan; taking that flow; great little shortcut

NG: when’s that implementation date?

MW: March, and competed by end of year

NG: pedestrian question; resident of Pk R, over 300 and still angry about the removal of that bridge and have to walk across xxx lanes of traffic

Rick Amantea: xxx approved a couple of years ago, worked on with great diligence

in order to maintain ... unable to put a crosswalk on the west side of that intersection

peds more important than traffic, will remain as it is

overpass Towers and PkR-S was not accessible; had xxx not accessible

CAO: {can’t hear!} based on petition and hue contingent

at grade intersection at the time; addl cost to remove the ramp but in support; ... elderly

NG: also a letter from PkR towers about construction noise

RA: since started first phase of PkR-N, one instance due to traffic jams, cement pouring went past and we paid that fine

this size 10s of millions of dollars; happy have xxx [8:10]

we are adhering to the noise bylaws DWV as set

Mayor: PH to hear from public and I’ve got

Cass: remind¦.


grew up in WV and don’t remember when taken away

popn has changed; chn were not permitted at that time but families

wd far rather have my chn from S to N than along that crosswalk where I’d have to count on drivers adhere to speed limit and heed a red light

{Get this}

I’m in favour of this; I know I usually snap your nose off

south-facing and many have a sensitivity to the sunlight

late showing up¦.DRC as well, put on my architectural cap; glass will ###

MB: concerned about that too — cars come down big; hard to see; anything can improve?

RA: think Mark V our architect spoke a bit about that; hope xxx today

w/ removal of the 6ft pillars, opens up the sidewalk

hope ppl will choose; sidewalks more convenient; will take care of some of those blind spots

MB: speed taken out if road narrowed

RA: no, the road does not get narrowed by xxx, still a two-lane road

encouraging more cycling so want to maintain width

Sop: cd we be assured consideration of entrance down to London Drugs, going rt or left; the congestion there is gridlock

you know will be successful; traffic pattern horrendous; I’ll buy you coffee¦.

RA: no one is more concerned about the safety of our customers than we are

trying to encourage use of our parking decks — adding new elevators, escalators; success PkR-S

many choose to work under cover; for 25 years watched closely and not seen an accident

Mayor: public?

> Tony Bizlet (sp?): I manage a biz in WV

Q re stores over 2000sf — what’s coming in? what’s going on?

Mayor: xxx

LB: PkR is thinking of taking in diff direction so not releasing who will be

retail uses associated; at this time do not have info re tenancy

> Barb Buron: live at PkR Towers; lived a long time

never seen such a mess of traffic; nobody is stopping at stop signs — someone shd do something about it; getting to Christmas; hear a lot of ppl complain too; MDr is like a speed

coming down the ramp and not stopping at stop signs

Mayor: anyone else want to speak to this or can we move along?




MOTION: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.

Cass: xxx

Mayor: need first one

Cass: okay MOTION: be approved.

Mayor: we’re not dismissing that about traffic -- in Police budget from 2015, 16?

another person -- so step up, more manpower to address these issues

5. Status Report on Detached Secondary Suites (File: 2515-02)

who on staff??? #


incentivize coach house devt; affordability and preservation of nbrhd character

2012 staff a prog of research, tour, ¦

website, presentations, media coverage, panel discussions

best practices through to Jun 2013, presented to Ccl in Nov;spring 2014 more consultation; bylaws adopted in late 2014¦

coach houses, sec stes; provides for ownership of coach houses in some situations

OCP ... SLIDE: Zoning Bylaw [8:27]

staff continue to receive enquiries re sec stes, coach houses; downsizing, parents, disabled child

2 approved, 4 under review 1 withdrawn

Burley Dr 915 approved

325 Keith 1200sf exempt full basement

4361 Erwin Dr

3811 Southridge — two-level coach house

5826 Eagle Island wants a rezoning, will come forward in 2016 1200sf; under staff review

537 Eastcot Rd

Lessons Learned

low impact infill housing type

DP guiding, ensure got fit; DP process allows for meaningful nbr input

limited take-up (as anticipated); more expensive than a secondary ste

coach houses another rental housing option; do demand higher rent than a basement ste

for someone with spare land; incentivizing retention of older houses; in theory yes xxx

constrained by steepness, watercourses, xxx

Next Steps

staff wd like to examine possible refinements

report back to Ccl mid2016; continue to monitor and report annually

Sop: been any public process re infill houses?

ANS: sorry, didn’t understand the Q

Sop: been any public

ANS: report in 2008; most residents supportive of inflll

sgl-fam and apt; coach houses

Sop: Mr Allan back in 2008 was fine, but seven years ago -- are we up to date? detached ...

public had a good look at this?

Mayor: bringing back in 2016; have public input and feedback

JA: yes

Mayor: satisfy you?

ML: re incentives

[8:36] {get laughs}

JA: we have a lot of old xxx left

when basements, floor area exempt; a lot of that floor area; older character house not able to accommodate coach house

Cass: my Q addressed by Cclr Lewis

{thank you, Mr Brown?????}

MOTION: THAT staff examine possible refinements to zoning regulations and DP process for detached sec stes – to further incentivize rental coach houses as a sensitive form of infill housing, while supporting District efforts to improve housing choice and affordability, and preserve est'd nbrhd character, and report back to Ccl in mid 2016.

Passed unanimously


6. Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; and Proposed Phased Devt Agreemt Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015 (to allow for a 17-unit resid devt at 370/380 Mathers)(File: 1610-20-4851/4852/4853)

The proposed bylaws received first reading at the November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting and Council scheduled a public hearing regarding the proposed bylaws to be held on November 30, 2015. If the November 30, 2015 public hearing has closed, the proposed bylaws may be considered for second and third reading at the November 30, 2015 special Council meeting. If the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.

Sop: one by one?

ANS: yes

Sop: remember years ago near Hugo Ray Park xxx

[8:39] back again

densification huge; residents in area didn’t want to accept that

did see some smaller houses taken down and new houses with not much shrubbery

ev can do what they want

but later small house unit applicable for seniors but hear from nbrs, something we don’t want

how many times go through this? down from 48 to 17

have a tree covenant; certainly the Elliott house; tree at front

this 19, 28 ppl????

ML: v impressed how this proj has evolved

whole lot of pushback; sensitive concern for nbrhd; range of housing options we’ve all heard wanted

point of clarification being .35 to .38

30... with .38FAR site coverage down to .20?

so can’t get hung up; pleased going forward

NG: follow Cclr L’s comments, agree with what he said

more than a dozen years ago don’t think it foresaw

believe this devt plan agrees with our action plan and fills a gap

irony is that it is more coveted than was six years ago

2000 to 2500 ft; does fill the gap; wd prefer and wd prefer in the future¦

referring to a pocket nbrhd; family, permeable surfaces

coach houses around; wd hv bn great except this site is too long and narrow

as Ccl Lewis and

Sop: traffic isn’t a

most imp part of this devt unlike sgl-fam lots, we have control over this site; to protect the trees

over form and character ... and traffic and construction; have control so think it’s win-win

Cass: said not a proponent of spot-rezoning

is this going to be a benefit¦. or xxx

have to look at rights of the stakeholders

we do need house diversity; our OCP is out of date; ageing popn want to stay; and younger fams to stay here

one of the three churches in cmnty; attendance declining; are other churches going to follow suit?

as ea church comes forward so not as contentious as this

you already have Esker Lane

I’m a very anal-retentive being, so bringing it up again

the prices based on 2014, on p39; sales comparable to March 2014

I want an appraisal done and by two companies

given something large make sure getting something in return

Mayor: have a right for another appraisal?

CAO: difficult now that PH is closed ¦

Cass: I did bring up and told

was corrected July 2015; report is but xxx

SSch: info so not new info; but req for appraisal wd be new so need for new PH

CAO: thank you, Ms Scholes

if staff felt [8:50] xxx wd hv brt that forward

be extremely careful; approval cannot be tied to a decision around CACs

Cass: process will not be tied to CACs but make sure xxx $$$ [8:50]

MB: CACs separate

Mayor: v rare to get a site of this size; hard to assemble

when opp to do something diff, exactly complying with what we’ve been trying to do for years

rather than sgl-unit, scouring

remind Ccl this proj has gone through a lengthy exercise; it’s been well looked at; think it wd be a great asset to this area and¦

wrt CACs, v difficult¦.

According to The Economist we’re going to have a giant adjustment xxx ... have to take info taken by staff when comes forward.


MOTION: THAT proposed “OCP... ¯ be read xxx a second time.

Sop: THAT proposed “OCP..." be read a third time.

THAT proposed “Zoning...¯ be read a second time.

THAT proposed “Zoning ...¯ be read a third time.

THAT proposed “Phased Devt ...¯ be read a second time.

Sop: remind what phased is?

JB: turn over to LB

LB: phased authorization; sets out terms

Sop: speed up the process


Sop: ¦.

LB: cd just be called xxx

est ¦ think you’re talking about timing

MOVED THAT proposed “Phased Devt ... ¯ be read a third time.

Sop: xxx [8:55}

7. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 (to est regs re Temp Use Permits)

The proposed bylaw received first reading at the November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting and Council scheduled a public hearing regarding the proposed bylaw to be held on November 23, 2015. If the November 23, 2015 public hearing has closed, the proposed bylaw may be considered for second and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting. If the proposed bylaw receives second and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting it may be considered for adoption at the November 30, 2015 special Councilmeeting. If the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaw.

MOTION: be adopted.

8. Proposed Devt Procedures Bylaw No. 3984, 1996, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4827, 2015 (to establish procedures re Temporary Use Permits) (File: 1610-20-4827)

The proposed bylaw received first reading at the November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting and may be considered for second and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting. If the proposed bylaw receives second and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting it may be considered for adoption at the November 30, 2015 special Councilmeeting.

MOTION: be adopted


9. Proposed Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw No. 4856, 2015 (Land Adjacent to 1086 23rd Street) (File: 1610-20-4856)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting.

MOTION: be adopted

10. Public Questions/Comments

Mayor: Sorry, Carolanne Reynolds

CR: had a thought about the process that is going on

The CAO was quite right that we can't mix up community benefits and CACs and all that; that's right, but also that's a very good point Cclr Cassidy made, so maybe what ... and sometimes there is a gap in time, and as you know, the assessments have been going up rapidly, so maybe the process -- b/c I agree it’s not supposed to be discussed -- but maybe the process shd be the appraisals be done after the, uh, when it's going to go ahead

Obviously ppl will know ballpark figures, but the exact appraisal -- and I agree with two people doing the appraising to be compared. Maybe that wd solve this gap of being a different amt.

if you could in the process say that it will be confirmed or readjusted or reviewed or something afterwards

Mayor: Okay, thank you for making those comments; we'll certainly take them under advisement

11. Adjournment [8:58]

~~~ December 7 ~~~

5pm SPECIAL COUNCIL MTG (closed) b/c

(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the M;

(c) labour relations or other employee relations; and

(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.

Purpose of meeting: matters regarding personnel, lands, and labour relations.


Revised on Dec 4, 2015 to add: to Item 3 the Nov 23 and 30, 2015, Public Hearing Minutes and PH Summary Reports;

a PowerPoint presentation to Item 9;

a report to Item 10;

a bylaw to Item 12;

a report and a bylaw to Item 13;

new Item 16.2a re Apptmt to GVRD Board of Directors (Metro Vancouver)

1. Call to Order


2. Approval of Agenda

3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes

1. the minutes of the November 23, 2015 and the November 30, 2015 public hearings be adopted as circulated;

2. the Summary of the November 23, 2015 Public Hearing regarding Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 (to establish regulations regarding Temporary Use Permits) be approved; and

3. the Summary of the November 30, 2015 Public Hearing regarding Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; and Proposed Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015 (to allow for a 17-unit residential development at 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue) be approved ###ask G###


4. North Shore Homelessness Task Force, regarding Update on Task Force Activities (File: 0115-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

NG: mtg with MP P G-J in January

Ans: robust plan up till 1993

stock demolished, a lot on the street ¦ but no place to bot ?????

the housing stock has to be re(stocked?); when they go, their stories go with them; talk with Planning

Sop: xxx asking all the time; ask fed govt to stand up and take notice

Ans: cdn’t agree more; write to all new MPs

there have been a number of successes; it’s the curse of your govt that you’re accessible

I agree with you completely

Cam: all well and good; doesn’t mean to say the M govt hasn’t a role

Mayor Mussatto in NV successful in mix of market and xxx housing

I think we need to do more at the M level

homelessness is the most serious prob but there’s also a problem for middle class

can find housing but not near where they work

Some have to iive in far-flung Ms, travel hours

have a lack of policy ... heard Smith talk of #

pls clarify, and if we don’t have a formal policy that’s something we shd be doing immediately

one of the biggest issues

Ans: first part of your comment

we don’t even have accomm for our first responders -- many of our teachers, police, live off the NSh

when I first started ~8 years ago, xxx Cmnty Housing, 45% live off the NSh

JB: we do have a number of policies

Regional Growth Strategy; number of targets, affordable housing, plan to look at rental in the cmnty

give Ccl the option to look at; we do have tools

Cass: move thanks

Mayor: tyvm, sir for coming, we hear your concerns

REPORTS [6:29]

5. Neighbourhood Character and Building Bulk (File: 2515-08)

Jim Bailey, Dir/Planning gave background and intro: Building Bulk a concern in this M

incremental and will phase in over time; further and future consultation; will turn over to Chris Bishop

CB: is difficult to define; means diff things to diff ppl

challenging topography; demographic changes, srs downsizing; diverse cmnty with diverse expectations

physical, technical, and regulatory -- SLIDES landscape, zoning bylaw

robust public engagement April and May ~650 900 on line and 550 through WVite

Short term [6:35] fences gates blvds lot cons, gd nbr

Currently M has no regulations for fences, fencing; fence transparency — often unnbrly feel

can be wildly out of character with the nbrhd as you see (SLIDE)

gave heights in metres and feet

{thank you, Chris and Planning}

plan required, landscape plan, trees; WV famous for wandering roads, trees

{for character}

replanting ratio where removal of trees has been warranted.

lots fall out of

[6:40] GET!

wch do meet regulation

SLIDE: Lot Consolidation w/ FARs; Table: wd be at Ccl’s discrimination

Gd Nbr Guidelines: pace of devt, exhaustion nbrhds going through; staff explore guidelines; traffic and site mgmt

Conclusion of Short-Term Recommendations

Mid-term Recommendations SLIDES [6:42]

retaining walls and grading; no limit on terracing; site vegetation xxx &&& root zones

Basements: of concern to many; relates to bldg bulk; basement shd be

min of 6ft below av grade; shd be explored further

Highest building face; complicated xxx

lowest elevation not always facing lane; explore — from grade, lowest, or natural, xxx

Develop; study to have the impact we want

SLIDE of AREAS Summary [6:50] xxx

NG: looking at reqmt for landscaping; restrict hard surfaces — what about rest?

{Bravo! I’ve advocated permeable surfaces for more than two decades.}

CB: the 30% is focused on the access to the prop, eg driveway; but can look at mid-term

NG: given issues of climate change, rain, ¦. cost of infrastructure for drainage

re lot consolidation controls, see same as in Feb wch was shot down 5 to 2

mean others besides myself and Cassidy change minds &&&&####

Mayor: not approp to ask staff

CB: good question ¦.

hearing about this issue; continue to believe Ccl shd be considering and in our prof opinion, deserves consideration

NG: so you’ve heard from the cmnty and this is what they want?

CB: yes

Sop: xxx

CB: challenging to answer b/c ev lot is diff; speaking largely re basements

numbers we provide are raw and don’t include exemptions; tricky, 6300sf is actually 9K b/c depends on design

Sop: exemptions


not FAR? other than basement drive into ground 6ft

when from .45, down to .35 didn’t [know about] exemptions

{true, alas}

lifted up ; hue and cry being lifted up

look at lot consolidation not a ton coming in b/c expensive; av sgl lot more that 4200sf

CB: not a strong appetite to tinker with floor area

no outright suggestion be capped or limited

however through lot consolidation, be considered¦ standard wd apply [6:57]

Sop: any anomalies wd come to Ccl for a decision?

CB: devt variance; whether it be for setback, ht, ¦ for Ccl to consider; use or density ours [Planning]

JB: with all the regs, cd come to Ccl cd decide

as we move fwd will bring forth more details eg existing or xxx grade

permeable surfaces will ¦ cdn’t get a driveway in a sloping lot

obvious and apparent to public can appeal to Ccl if conditions warrant

Sop: all blvds to date or new home construction

many blvds have hedges and are quite beautiful [7pm]

CB: suppose remains to be seen

nbrd characters — encourage homeowners to carry through

the way the cmnty wants to see it

Sop: bldg face ¦ to prevent clear-cutting lot and alterating the grade; has happened over the years

if this is so difficult for staff to get a handle on it, why not farm it out to a surveyor?

CB: want to streamline for staff; also user-friendly; looking for ways re highest face; consulting profs to see what we want

Sop: that’s all I have for now

Mayor: are you sure?


MB: some changes from the Feb [doc]

will limit the building on two or more lots and will have a definitive date in future

the Feb 23, have in front of me, has no

sets an absolute FAR for a sgl bldg; completely diff resoln

JB: correct ###

not considering a regist

MB: the corollary of discouraging consolidation is encouraging subdivision; not been an activity encouraged

CB: certainly subdiv we be considered; figured in

staff encouraged when subdivid within character; two homes sometimes smaller

MB: ???

CB: certainly something likely to occur; existing prop with retaining wall

MB: no; backyard ... ???

CB: there are so many conditions, can’t all ... certainly staff wd consider those privacy issues

MB: any subjective decision about landscape plan

CB: short-term and mid-term proposals

look to see robust, ¦. haven’t all details; mid-term more

MB: so won’t go in and take ev down

JB: might suggestion, incentives, what good landscaping looks llike so they’re happy and nbrs are

### [7:10]

MB: taking security for land; been any for damage? example on Mathers, took out

CB: secure landscape through bonding; protective measures re substantial trees

MB: this is more about nbrs’ props whether trees or decks

CB: wd bring back to Ccl

MB: looking at scenarios around 30% guideline?

CB: good question; can’t possibly foresee ev

driveway — more if switchback

ML: put this in context; this is more a status report

public need to understand this is continuation of a process to be brought back in spring 2016

not fair for staff to have all answers now

this is a way forward, but how do we correct the sins of the past? and recourse?

the green fence looked as if around a tennis court; builders, etc on blvd so ppl can’t park

public wd be interested going back to take corrective action

JB: will use our existing to ###

priv prop, our staff will have to enforce; on blvd, safety and sightlines Mr Fung looks at

xxx¦will continue to look at

ML: add, v impressed you’ve

[7:16] Cass: continue from Cclr Lewis

### prop line, 15ft back from the roadway

CB: lot of pop myths ... not safe to say in all situations ,,, tough to say

Cass: down to road and that’s their prop; to prop line and the rest is ours?

CB: retaining walls and fencing but that’s a bit of a grey area

prop line and switch to turf?

it’s v textual; landscape bleed off¦.

end up with something we don’t want over time... landscaping off-prop’; make sure ppl can park¦.; nuanced

Cass: thank you.

if three trees come down, then three trees be put up

home beautiful but ... live long enough petunia and xxx if live

take down a tree of certain type, put up one of same height

CB: wd be a prob in WV given height of trees

robust landscape plan; ensure does get installed

ppl tend to fix on the house and don’t anticipate a matching

have to l ##

Cass: bond? $10M house — pay 10% down or?

CB: stand alone, not percentage; bond is tied to the value of the landscape evaluation

Cass: interest-bearing acct?

CB: as others

Cass: blocks with plants growing between?

CB: haven’t worked out

Cam: echo what Cclr B said re spring re[report]

if you have two lots you can subdivide and we don’t have power

We’ve had lots within 6 inches re two # [7:24]

have an effective date, not going to approve consolidation after a certain date

deal with ppl trying to get in under the deadline

if on paper and debating for four months and only in effect months after passed

same prob re tree bylaw — cut down trees

know ppl who’ve had two lots for 40 years, xxx ¦ have to have a fail-safe

the point about basements -- right now have to be a min correct?

not blasting, want it to be sunk in

how drafted looks as if have to decrease

CB: currently a foot below grade; have to redefine; may affect our blasting bylaw and that’s why a mid-term

Cam: thx; not clear; why not make houses over a certain ¦ process how make a house fit

why gone away to one size fits all

JB: resources needed to assess ea applicn

staff not recommending getting prescriptive, but multi-fam

Cam: what if sgl-fam house is the size

here’s what you can do to fit in better rather than knock it all down and damn the nbrs

JB: that’s something we can look at

looking at smaller incremental things up front — fences, lot consolidation, xxx

let’s see how it works out

Cam: final thing, staff aren’t suggesting retroactive re fences, blvds etc b/c that wd be unfair

what about incentives for change

15th and Mathers a hideous plastic fence

anything we can do to make it less like a trailer park

here are some examples that exist and make it more compatible

what do we do about poorly

CB: take it under advisement

Mayor: if really interested in housing options and affordability

apt duplex zone south of # [7:33]; in Amb if two 65’ lots, put together for three?

any out-of-the-box thinking or just suggestions tonight

CB: great question; the next presentation, Mr M, gets into that; something we are going to look at.

Mayor: Evison and Day, both former cclrs

M Evison: pleased to see this; like the throne speech, long on promises and short on detail

must include hedges b/c says nothing

recomm 4 need clarification

recomm 5 needs details, size; look at guidelines in BPP, in particular Whitby Estates;

recomm 6 needs clarity may have invasives;

finally in 8 # not restrict

This Ccl almost a year ago set in motion so this is two years

completely ignores what ppl have said for years and years and years

Staff have admitted the discussion been v thorough so why waiting to end next year? we’re procrastinating and #

Rod Day: congrats but it xxx wastes time??? deeper issues on housing

why not set max house size 6K?

talking xxx

yet he xxx two years #

{get this}

why not in phase one; xxx why not do right away?

increase in side yards — loom over xxx

shd hv demolition permits, if have them increase them; think we shd deal with these as quickly as poss

xxx a lot of ppl opposed are devprs or # [7:40]

look in Calif; these have high controls; Palo Alto $1M a room; not going to decrease in value

going to be that way #

don’t have to worry #

stonewalled xxx going to xxx


M Upward (?): xxx 42K ppl 12K homes; surveys 500, how many homeowners; OCP debated

Jan###? how are young and old ppl able to come into WV; all sorts of extra fees; must look at both sides

fencing bylaw, there’s a fee; what is Ccl doing to reduce costs?

what bylaws are

I work and live

redundancy, 6K bylaws; does anybody here know them all?

trees on blvd above 4ft, z

Lower Caulfeild lovely but xxx difficult to see where you’re going

has to be some regulation as to height and 100ft, will affect view/nbrs

have been some improvements, to city administration

{means District or M}

congratulate on what’s done so far

don’t want it to be just the surface; plenty can be done together

you have 500 residents and squeaky wheel; 500 to make these changes; anybody rebut?

{you have to get on this side}

Paul Butler: impervious 30%

I’ve done 1001 and maybe wd hv worked in xxx of them ###???

pools, etc [7:47]

not accepting pervious concrete ... maybe put drains ... sit down with JB

WVHA diting? down

4ft high xxx fencing xxx never had one complaint [7:46} ; no one complains

one guy had 20ft high and that’s ridiculous

basements ### ... look at our basements, they’re ugly xxx mistake window — make

basements make xxx totally wrong; dark; if sloping 10ft xxx; let’s not xxx

I have at least half an hour; this sort of stuff meaningless; know Jim’s new

my last point — flood zones; doing one

haven’t raised the house ###

I’m going to build a boat or a floating home

Mayor: thanks for those

Paul Butler: will continue to talk with staff

Mayor: xxx

JB: intention to work with building cmnty and also

John Mawson: gratifying that xxx has been put on the plan; want to touch on how work in nbrhd

one of the troubles we’ve had, staff overworked xxx

SMik in 2010 upper Dund a nbrhd plan; house didn't eventuate

when a corner prop in 2011, Sokol used that character statement

and how treated, that was a win-win for the nbrhd and the devpr.

devpd as a partnership between nbrs and staff

developing on a street by street basis

[7:53] ****

rather than when I look at recomm 6, insert language where the blvd landscape being proposed be done in context with nbrhd character stmt

opp here to start that nbrhd char stmt

if SM, had xxx might need xxx we in Upper Dund be willing for a pilot


MB: a few bad apples have led us down this path

completely satisfied but &&&

Commend staff

sense impatience; understand workload and complexity; height bldg face; basement, complex

encourage staff to move this up asap what happening in Ccl when in abeyance

NG: thank speakers; esp last speaker; move blvds¦ up

the first two speakers, by the end of this working on this for two years

my recolln in Jan three years ago, this wd be four years

I’m on the bandwagon; spring 2016 as opposed to June — early spring and early fall

re vegetation retention -- report in Vanc recently; value on vegetation; do some research about

replacing what’s been lost

wd agree with Cam no reason we can’t consider backdating consolidation controls

monster homes — building bulk — at least 150 homes built per year, so 600 new homes before these restrictions fall into place

Cam: I’m in agreement with what the speakers have said ... cognitive

NG: re delay

issue for 500 ppl? no, it’s an issue for the cmnty, all of us talked to, election too..

too much being built wch is insensitive [8:02]

agree with Mr Butler # need

how to avoid unintended consequences

last one most effective ... cost ... work with ev nbrhd ... cost

do need to move fwd; complete consensus on Ccl don’t want consolidation as the one across from WV High

that plastic fence an issue for me ev time I drive by it

hope working with bldg cmnty

staff move but need the consultation

Sop: fear-mongering there are a lot of beautiful homes and nbrhds

go around the cmnty; have been a lot of smaller homes

move win-win; imperative on staff to work with the construction industry; they have some sensible plans

listen to the ppl ... go further

Cass: xxx extensive; present after Cr

JB: xxx extensive agenda for the Planning Dept

recogn; one is workload issue, second want to get it right; representation from ve {?}

5. Neighbourhood Character and Building Bulk (File: 2515-08)


1) Council direct staff to prepare bylaws for consideration regarding:

a. fencing; and

b. lot consolidation controls;

2) Ccl direct staff to prepare polices and bylaws for consideration regarding:

a. requirements for landscaping; and

b. the treatment of boulevards, public roads and lanes;

all for Ccl consideration at a targeted spring 2016 Ccl mtg, including proposed recommendations on next steps.

3) Ccl direct staff to further consult with the public on potential regulations for:

a. items related to site alteration including retaining walls, lot grading, and site clearing;

b. retention of on-site trees and vegetation;

c. basement exemptions;

d. highest building face envelope; and

e. amendments to the Soil Removal and Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 3786, 1992,

all for Ccl consideration at a targeted fall 2016 Ccl mtg, including proposed recommendations on next steps.

6. Status Report on Official Community Plan Update (File: 2517-01)

JB: [8:09]

SM gave history/background

regional xxx waterfront

{get his notes!}

SLIDES, map with areas

ULWG, use recomms as framework; Cypress V

in June HBay ... streetscape ... Sewell’s redevt

SLIDE in summary [8:23]

NG: my only Q, is nbrhd character; talked about housing bulk tonight

my feeling talking to residents, the character part is not really covered in housing bulk

heard from many residents, need nbrhd char statements

heard for Nelson Ave; some w/ residents on Eden Place; hear a lot for the 7 or 8 nbrhds — can we work out

SM: a bit of a history; goes back to the Cmnty Dialogue

looking at Heritage protection tools

rooted in Statement of Significance — value and importance of H character; make it

potential intro of new housing type

did with Mr M xxx and also Hollyburn Mews

series of nbrhd char stmt — implement? tool?

Lower Caulfeild — its genesis was nbrhd char

something we’ll explore; how we use H tools to address character issues

{yes yes yes! how how how? when when when?}

Cam: ... after xxx

Sop: wrt rental; apt ones may start to stratify; concern to keep a balance

wd you look further than Amb?

new devt above the hwy; eg BPP above the UL re rental

SM: rental is a incentive

[8:30] the devt areas do include xxx

Sop: do you think the doc shd have attention to infrastructure?

SM: part and parcel of OCP

do have a xxx team planning for xxx and look at how to fund

Sop: in TWay Corridor planning — anything in OCP re traffic?

SM: traffic is the number one issue in this corridor; it isn’t the corridor that funnels

looking at this area, what we can evaluate; increase transit use, etc ... support transit use around PkR

Sop: what process to include public in this OCP review?

SM: hv not launched yet but will be with the emerging engagement policy

this is a bit of an umbrella; will be extensive engagement on issue

if we have resources, have speaker series, open houses, etc

MB: don’t know if part of last review -- below Fulton {transition zone?)

SM: discussion Bailey and I have been having

my own view; the current OCP — I arrived just after so take no credit or blame

look at existing policies; identified need for xxx choices of housing type; identified more work needs to be done

passage of time; need for diff houses increased; sites for them not affecting houses around; coach houses

how do we provide for choices

MB: on p6

AC1 and AC2 zone - looking at ccc{?} and Urbanics?

SM: yes; ofc/resid and complexities; Coriolis report

MB: engagement of the cmnty -- use for WGs or Task Force? huge in cmnty

SM: body of WG reports and rcomms

we concluded a mutli complex¦. may be a role for WGs, in a local area

can determine that with Ccl as we move forward

Cass: great detail

anal retentive, or wd say annoying [8:39]

you had CAAD Oct 28th, taken off; don’t want it on; waterfront one issue, CAAD another

Hollyburn Mews — came forward in 2011; nbrhds being homogeneous, contentious; need for div rather than nbrs/stakeholders; that block no homogeneity #[8:41] @

whole block shd hv been like HMews

SM: v interesting -- when brought fwd, staff recommended prezoning, hotly contested and not ###

xxx to ensure fit of new xxx ; ev prop owner has to go through a rezoning

doesn’t impact someone bldg a new; and so I think that’s how we ended up with incompatibility

Cass: attempt at

SM: some good learning from that; wd recomm more {cmnty control?}

rezoning for future use so not have this situation

Cass: what about renoviction?

live many years, xxx then knock on door and you have to leave

SM: not knowledgeable on renting; xxx something I wd be looking at

Cass: man in his 80s, WW2 vet, lived there 20 yrs and challenge to find ANOTHER place to livel

understand financial hardship re stratification, what controls do we have?

SM: M does have control

more than three; there was a triplex went to Ccl a year or so and Ccl denied; where we don’t, is complete new bldg

[8:45] Cam: can see next steps but does staff have a flowchart?

¦ helpful to know when these matters will be brought to Ccl for a decision

presuming not a big bang, rather by 1000 cuts; assume you don’t have it now

good for cmnty, this coming then, this then, etc

looking for clarify wrt timing ... apologize, I see that now

SM: right now we have a lot of balls -- suggest in an update to Ccl in new year, do that

Cam: don’t know if all dates -- what I see sort of here, seems to me 4th qtr of 2017 — one fell swoop

doing constituent elements at certain times

SM: the earlier table was crude; we’re becoming much more definitive, #

much more efficient; wch is why TWay more #

JB: intention is to come fwd with a consolidated OCP

do smaller pieces then bring it back to Ccl, to see how it fits together, bring back with timelines

Cam: 2017, two yrs from now

staff have divided TW study; prob is pending projs; presume all not waiting for 2017

JB: that’s exactly it; constituent bits then consolidated

MOTION report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning dated Nov 17, 2015 be rec’d for info. [8:50]

7. 2015 - Third Quarter Review (File: 0800-01)

Mayor: surplus?

IG: larger than anticipated

ML: 3Q review reviewed by Finance Cmte

compliment, ev one gets better each time; informative now; xxx

MOTION: THAT the report dated November 23, 2015 from the Financial Controller be received for information.

Mayor: hope you’ll pass on those comments to your staff

8. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4848)

IG: been prepared according to best practices

fam Ms ... reduced 19 wchules to 7; allow us to focus on particular fees ?schedules??

x removed; x created Schedule 2;

still lengthy but help find fees [faster]

NG: just looking at some of the fees

strata conversion $250 enough? double in Squamish

IG: did take the advice of the Planning Dept so

JB:: xxx

IG: well be reviewing next year xxx

{Read a first, second, and third time} [8:56]

9. Proposed Park Dedication Bylaw No. 4857, 2015 (Caulfeild Park) (File: 2160-05-CPAR7/1610-20-4857)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided

AM: Amb waterfront and xxx. Andrew Banks will

Mayor: always exciting to dedicate a park


exposed rock xxx glacial; dedicating four District lots; 2012 recommendation; parkland to the future; concludes my rif ????

Mayor: appreciate brief presentation

Cam: any protection eere those killing trees in the park? ###

AB: next mtg will tie that in with prot of trees

Cam: not just feel-good, getting more; the intention, not just cosmetic; more tools to protect it

{Read a first, second, and third time.} [9pm]

10. Proposed [Five-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4826, 2015, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4870, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4870)

IG to amend; $28M+ borrowing for Police; several other changes xxx to incorporate

{Read a first, second, and third time}



11. Proposed OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; Proposed Phased Devt Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015; and Proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053 (to allow for a 17-unit residential devt at 370 and 380 Mathers Avenue) (File: 1610-20-4851/4852/4853 / 1010-20-12-053)

The proposed bylaws received first reading at the November 2, 2015 regular Council meeting, were the subject of a public hearing that was held and closed on November 30, 2015, and received second and third reading at the November 30, 2015 special Council meeting. As the Minister’s approval has been received, the bylaws may be considered for adoption at the Dec 7, 2015 regular meeting.

As the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.

THAT proposed “Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 4360, 2014, Amendment Bylaw No. 4851, 2015¯ be adopted.

THAT proposed “Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4852, 2015¯ be adopted.

MB; Sop second

THAT proposed “Phased Development Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015¯ be adopted.

If the proposed bylaws are adopted Council may consider proposed Development Permit No. 12-053.

THAT propsd Devt Permit..., wch wd facilitate the redevt of 370/380 Mathers to allow for a 17-unit resid devt, be approved

MB: want to make one comment; thank all the residents and the cmnty mbrs who came; ppl are really ucatd??? about the need, not much opposition; ... residents xxx this has been 9 years, uncertainty more [9:03]

12. Proposed Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4863, 2015 (File: 161020-4863)

Sop: this second time?

NL: had to come back due to mistake in numbering; fixed but not changed

Adopted. [9:04]

13. Proposed Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4860, 2015 and Proposed Sewer and Drainage Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 4865, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4860/4865)

ML: this is rescinding and passing again; part one and two together


1. Third reading of proposed “Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw Amdmt Bylaw No....¯ as given on Nov 23 be rescinded.

2. Proposed “Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4860, 2015¯ be amended:

in Part 3 by replacing “Part and Section Titles¯ with “Amendments¯;

by replacing section 3.1.1 with the following:

3.1.1 Deleting Schedules “A¯ and “B¯ and replacing with new Schedules “A¯ and “B¯ as attached hereto.¯; and

by adding “Schedule B: Sewer Meter Volume Rates¯ under “Schedules¯.


3. Proposed “Sewer/Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. ..., Amdmt Bylaw No. 4860, 2015¯ be read a third time as amended.

[9:06] MOVED: adopted

RECOMMENDATION: The proposed “Sewer and Drainage Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 4865, 2015¯ be adopted.

14. Proposed Waterworks Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 4861, 2015 and Proposed Water Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 4864, 2015(File: 1610-20-4861/4864)

The proposed bylaws received first, second, and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting.


1. proposed “Waterworks Regulation Bylaw No. 4490, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 4861, 2015¯ be adopted.

2. proposed “Water Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 4864, 2015¯ be adopted.

15. Proposed Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4859, 2015 and Proposed

Bylaw Notice Enforcemt Bylaw No. 4368,2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4862, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4859/4862)

The proposed bylaws received first, second, and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting.

THAT proposed “Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4859, 2015¯ be adopted

THAT proposed “Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4368, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4862, 2015¯ be adopted.


16. Consent Agenda Items

Item 16.1. – Appointment of Acting Mayors for 2016;

Acting Mayor schedule::

December 2015/January 2016: Councillor Soprovich February/March: Councillor Cameron

April/May: Councillor Cassidy June/July: Councillor Lewis

August/September: Councillor Gambioli October/November: Councillor Booth.

Item 16.2. – Proposed 2016 Council Meeting Schedule;

{GET! NO link in the minutes! http://westvancouver.ca/sites/default/files/dwv/council-minutes/2015/dec/15dec07.pdf }

Item 16.2a. – Appointment to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors (Metro Vancouver);

Item 16.3. – Woodfibre LNG Project in Howe Sound;

Item 16.4. – Cmnty Interface Protection Plan – Strategic Wildfire Protection Plan Grant Applicn; and

Item 16.5. – Correspondence List.

16.1. Appointment of Acting Mayors for 2016 (File: 0120-01) Information to be provided.

16.2. Proposed 2016 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01) Information to be provided.


16.2 a. Apptmt to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors (MetroV) (File: 0185-02)

1. Mayor Smith be appointed to the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors (Metro Vancouver); and

2. Councillor Lewis be appointed as alternate director.

16.3. Woodfibre LNG Project in Howe Sound (File: 0332-01) Information to be provided.

16.4 Cmnty Interface Protection Plan – Strategic Wildfire Protection Plan Grant Applicn (File: 2800-01)

MOTION: the submission of a grant applicn to the 2015/2016 Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative – Cmnty Wildfire

Protection Plan Prog to support the devt of the first phase of a Cmniy Interface Protection Plan for WV be approved.

16.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24)

(click: http://westvancouver.ca/government/mayor-council/write-mayor-council/2015-correspondence-mayor-and-council )

> Council Correspondence Update to November 13, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) November 2, 2015, regarding “Proposed subdivision of Lot B and C Daffodil Drive¯

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

(2) Da Vinci’s Home, November 10, 2015, regarding “Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan unveiled NSN 1.Nov.2015¯

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

(3) November 12, 2015, regarding “Blue Bus #256¯

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Govts and Govt Agencies — No items.

Received for Information

(4) WV Historical Society (WVHS), Nov 10, 2015, re “WVHS Speaker Series: Nbrhd Character and Heritage in WV¯ (Nov 18, 2015)

(5) 3 submissions, November 10-12, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project

(6) HUB Cycling, November 12, 2015, regarding “November Bicycle Bulletin¯

(7) November 12, 2015, re “The October 2015, Concil Special Meeting¯ (Upper Lands and Ambleside Waterfront Concept Plan)

Received for Information from Other Govts and Govt Agencies — No items.

Responses to Correspondence — No items.

> Council Correspondence Update to November 20, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) October 9, 2015, regarding Request for Delegation to Council (Tree Removal on Private Land)

(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)

(2) Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Vancouver Chapter, November 17, 2015, re “Attention Mayor & Council - BCAWARE Days Campaign (Privacy & Security Awareness) Jan 25 - Feb 5 2016¯ (Request for Proclamation)

(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)

(3) November 19, 2015, regarding “Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amendment Bylaw No. 4859, 2015¯

(Referred to Director of Parks, Culture and Community Services for consideration and response)

(4) November 19, 2015, re “Fwd: Notice of Public Consideration¯ (Pedestrian Linkage between PkR Towers and PkR South)

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Govts and Govt Agencies — No items.

Received for Information

(5) Cmte and Board Mtg Minutes – Cmnty Engagemt Cmte mtgs May 11, June 17, and July 15, 2015

(6) E-Comm 9-1-1, November 16, 2015, regarding “E-Comm Quarterly Newsletter - e-communique Fall 2015¯

(7) November 16, 2015, regarding “Upper Lands Report Recommendations¯

(8) Rosemont Strata Council, November 19, 2015, regarding � Marine Drive, WV.¯ (Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-055)

(9) 4 submissions, November 15-18, 2015, re Federal Govt Policies and Initiatives

Received for Information from Other Govts and Govt Agencies — No items.

Responses to Correspondence

(10) Mgr of Bylaws, Nov 13, response to Hollyburn Veterinary Hospital, “Grosvenor devt – where are the noise mitigation measures?¯

(11) Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services, November 13, 2015, response regarding “Window Washing¯

(12) Dir/Planning, Nov 16, response re Request to change Upper Bellevue to Bellevue Lane, and Construction Coordination

(13) Transit Manager, November 16, 2015, response re “Blue Bus #256¯

(14) Manager of Legislative Services, November 18, 2015, response to Vancouver Island and Coast Conservation Society (VICCS), “Request - Declare A Day For Our Common Future’, December 11th 2015¯

> Council Correspondence Update to November 24, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Referred for Action

(1) Oct 28, re Intersection at Taylor Way and Inglewood Avenue

(Referred to Director of Engineering and Environment Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Govts and Govt Agencies — No items.

Received for Information

(2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Memorial Library Board meeting October 21, 2015

(3) 2 submissions, Nov 20 and 23, re Federal Government Policies and Initiatives

(4) Nov 22, re “Fwd: Risks regulations and liability around exposing people and students to wireless technology EMF radiation¯

(5) 2 submissions, Nov 23, re Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4854, 2015 and Proposed Devt Procedures

Bylaw No. 3984, 1996, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4827, 2015 (Temporary Use Permits)

(Previously received at November 23, 2015 public hearing)

(6) November 23, 2015, regarding “Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4863, 2015.¯

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies

(7) Bowen Island Municipality (2 submissions), November 18 and March 4, 2015, re Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project (Submitted by E. Finn at November 23, 2015 Council meeting)

(8) Metro Vancouver, November 23, 2015, regarding “Draft Regional Affordable Housing Strategy¯

Responses to Correspondence

(9) Sr Mgr of Parks, Nov 23, 2015, response re “Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 4377, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4859, 2015¯.

Sop: re letter; orig motion of 14

Mayor: got a call from our newly elected Pam

suggest forward to NV so he has that

17. OTHER ITEMS [9:08]

17.1. October 9, 2015, regarding Request for Delegation to Council (Tree Removal on Private Land)

(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response).

MB: moved approval


Mayor: I’ll go first

Fri Hollyburn Cmnty Club 200 mbrs? #

from Asia xxx raised $100K xxx v impressed with new residents who came out anxious to ¦ in our WV

plan to have mtgs; talk about ways to integrate them into cmnty

last week went to Staff Award night; Pinnacle hotel —- congratulate winners; appreciate their service

{wonder why they don’t name them¦.}

Festival of Lights opening; Mike and wife to great work; bonfire this weekend

at our last Police Bd mtg, coming to give his report early in Feb

we’ll all look fwd

29ft war canoe; Sq N training volunteers how to paddle

Dist will be participating in festivals.

get carried}?} in our new canoe

Sop: xxx Operation Red Nose!

{put red nose on Mayor}

make sure you and your car get home safely; thank you

Mayor: can I take this off now?

MB: xxx; going out to cmnty around space needs, all of the consulting has bn done Nov 17 unf a storm only 7

Nov 19 46 age 11 to 18 40

next steps consolidating that good input

there’s a survey ppl can fill in under WVite link on till Dec 16

[9:14] Cass: results of PumpkinFest $52,700

Sat night dance, next day 5 - 6K residents

Sat of last weekend Brickfest, pancake breakfast; recogn of another fundraiser in place

for $00 can purchase a brick $X?

walked all over you will have a brick in front of the Cmnty Ctr

gift for that special someone, unique, special smile on face; buy a brick

Sop: xxx


CR: Good evening. Do we get a list of all the staff award winners? I think we'd like to know wch staff were getting awards. Anyway, that's not what I came to say, but it wd be nice. Lots of them do -- I mean I really appreciate the agendas now with the changes in red; that's really helpful.

Anyway what I want to talk about was that the monster houses, wch you started. That actually started at least in 1988, possibly before, but it was a result of those complaints that -- as you know, when I was on Council then, we lowered it from .45 to .35 [FAR]. And I'm glad to say, that Rod Day was one of us xxx

We found out later though, that there were some exemptions put in, and so it's taken since then to get some of those exemptions removed to try to keep it down xxx

So, I know you're discussing basements, that's one of them. We also got the covered decks [addressed].

Now, nbrhd character.

From that time, I recommended nbrhds get together and draw up their nbrhd characters. It's slow work. We did actually get a few others do it besides Lower Caulfeild. Altamont? don't know if they are still doing it, but they put something together. Eden Place put something together b/c of the srs' ctr there. So, sometime, and I think the Upper Dundarave pilot proj is really good. Thanks to Stephen Mikicich.

Now, when ppl are developing, the prob that you hv to face is [that] for the devpr it's cheaper -- they make more money if they clear the lot, however I have talked to some ppl who moved into these places, most especially in what was known as Hiroshima Heights, they all said they wd hv preferred to hv had the trees to still be there. So that's a v tricky one for you to deal with, but I hope you can.

Now we're talking about unintended consequences. So you try to do the details now, but let me tell you, if you delay it, you will have other unintended consequences, so I suggest you try to move with some of the simple, as Cclr Cam once said, the low-hanging fruit. Do that asap.

So, those are some of my comments.

One of the things we used to have -- I don't ,.. for your consideration -- there used to be a Director of Planning and a Subdivision Director* -- those two powers were not in one person, and we found it quite good to have two different ppl doing that. And the one we had for subdivision at the time, really nice, he left the District, but that might be another way to help and to divide the tasks.

So I hope you consider those.

{One was Dir/Engg, other Dir/Planning; looked at both aspects of subdiv; also then not one person with all the power.}

tyvm. It's before 10 o'clock, Mayor Smith.

Mayor: I know. It's still been a long night. Anybody else?

[9:20] Lucinda Jones: TREES! xxx have moratorium?

come down; unacceptable; may never be

environment xxx; for our kids not to know what a big tree is

Mayor: thank you for those comments


C. Reynolds (Editor, West Van Matters) queried regarding a list of staff award winners, and commented relative to agenda changes in red, monster houses including complaints, floor area ratio lowered from .45 to .35 in 1988 or before*, floor area ratio exemptions, lot clearing by developers, unintended consequences of delays, recommended that neighbourhoods draw up their neighbourhood character, and formerly two different people as planning director and subdivision director.

L. Jones spoke relative to tree protection, moratorium on tree cutting, and tree removal process. }

* For the record, actually not true; it was passed in 1989, NOT in 1988 or before.

20. ADJOURNMENT [9:22]

~~~ December 14 ~~~

SP MTG (closed) b/c

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and

(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

Purpose of meeting: committee membership and legal matters.


Revised on December 11, 2015:

To add to Item 3 the minutes of the November 23, 2015 regular Council meeting;

To add new Item 9.1 re Proposed Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amendment Bylaw No. 4860, 2015;

To add new Item 10.1 regarding Proposed Park Dedication Bylaw No. 4857, 2015;

To update the recommendation in Item 11.1 to include a date for consideration (as the 2016 Council Meeting Schedule has been established); and

To add new Item 11.6 re Key Performance Indicators and Reserves and Investments Task Grps – TofRef Amdmt and Apptmt of Council Members

1. Call to Order. [6:03]

Mayor: call to order at 6:03, and we don’t want to start late

2. Approval of Agenda; amended by adding:

3. Adoption of Minutes

Nov 16, 2015 special Council mtg; Nov 23, 2015 regular Council mtg; and Nov 30, 2015 special Council mtgs.

Cam: already passed but conditions not met xxx

Sop: but already adopted

CAO: rescinding third reading, then xxx

Sop: not rescinding

[6:06] Mayor: Mayor has ###

Sop: that puts me in my place


4. Development Permit Application No. 15-040 for 821 Braeside Street (File: 1010-20-15-040)

At the November 23, 2015 regular meeting Council received the report dated November 9, 2015 regarding Development Permit Application No. 15-040 for 821 Braeside Street and set the date for consideration for December 14, 2015.

Reports received up to and including December 3, 2015:





Proposed Subdiv 821 Braeside

November 9, 2015



Written Submissions received up to and including December 3, 2015: To view written submissions, click here





December 1, 2015


SMik: steep lot; will turn over to James Allan

JA with slides: subdiv to two lots 6100 and 6400sf, sep driveways

xxx and hedges to protect the park

proposed permit to protect maple tree; owner no removal on blvd wch wd require nbrhd consultation

Sop: re winter rain runoff

JA: est’d permits on file; xxx green field devt

Sop: will there be an assessment from the arborist wrt hedges in park

understand some concern re owners clearcutting before

JA: fencing around the tree

Sop: hedge

JA: by 1.5m to protect hedge within the park

Sop: consider panhandle

JA: both have driveways

Sop: with the steepness, what kind of treatment wrt stability of the slope, walls?

JA: permit applicn requires engrs to sign off — happens during the bldg permit stage

[6:14] NG: some letters rec’d today; drainage, who’s liable?

JA: the prop owner is ultimately responsible; stormwater mgmt plan

flow to pre-devt levels; into pipe before

NG: in last few weeks five or six large conifers cut down — will that affect the drainage

can ask the engr here; have to be addressed through stormwater mgmt plan

Bill Chapman: land surveyor acting for the owner

cut after the last storm, branches came down; at back of lot b/c hv to be cut down for the xxx sewer

??? not as hi tech

all cut down within the storm row w/ the exception of one tree, inside the bldg envelope

SLIDE: one cut here and another here; three big trees and three small {check}

since 1995 engrs been aware of drainage

NG: Engg Dept asked be cut down?

BC: but for [6:18] ... have to come down to install the services

NG: are owners aware they’re resp for¦

BC: absolutely and documented for 15 years

NG: potential changes; if this came months from now, with what’s proposed by new bylaws, wd it look any diff?

BC: No, in fact the Devt Permit — retaining wall 1.5m in this boundary [pointing on slide]

allowed a boundary, 4ft ... calls for

this is a superior to what [new} on W and S

Engg and Planning both requested one driveway so not both

NG: showing maple tree?

BC: this is the maple tree and this is the laurel hedge, overgrown 20ft into the park

NG: thx

Cam: lots being created over 6Kft, zoning RE5

JA: 6Kft

Cam: xxx

JA: slopes more than xx% [6:22] ; look at steep drain issues

Cam: xxx; missing an opp to squeeze a third house?

slopes make it not

JA: 12K &&&

wd require rezoning; est’d character, down to almost min; not many others

Cass: so these trees wch came down, in anticipation that had to be used for a storm and sewer line

so taken down in anticipation of this zoning

BC: in order to build a sgl lot wd hv to

Cass: regardless; seen photos water seeping; only tree being preserved is this?

BC: other trees and hedges, big trees where the sewer line

down here where sewer line comes out to connect with M services, a couple have to be cut

up this lane has to be [6:26]

Mayor: any other submissions

MClk: two received today and on table

Mayor: does that conclude the presentation, Mr Allan?

JA: yes

Mayor: anyone wish to comment on this applicn?


MOTION: all written and oral submissions be received for information.


NG: drove to the site today; half a dozen xxx on this site, a gorgeous pine &&&

hope we can start designing around this b/c that’s what xxx wish

MOVED: DP Applicn for 821 Braeside, wch wd allow for the propsd subdiv of the subj land into two new lots, be approved.

Sop: Ccl has to be assured water run-off stall check and xxx

see water still coming; assured not see a river running down the road b/c I’ve seen it in the past?

JA: this is why we req a storm mgmt plan; Engg Dept diligent re run-off from the site

Sop: wd DCC be required to

JA: loading ... stormwater mgmt plan looks at xxx

CARRIED unanimously [6:30]

5. Devt Variance Permit Applicn No. 15-019 for 3603 Marine Drive (File: 1010-20-15-019)

At the November 23, 2015 regular meeting Council received the report dated November 6, 2015 re DVP Applicn

No. 15-019 for 3603 Marine Drive and set the date for consideration for December 14, 2015.

Reports received up to and including December 3, 2015:





Proposed New House with Variances

November 6, 2015



Written Submissions received up to and including December 3, 2015: None to date

SMik: new devt

look at [6:31] xxx; Ccl has power to /??look at conditions; turn over to Mr Allan

JA: a DVP for a new house, pool deck, outdoor patio, two storeys SLIDE

retaining walls, access off Sunset Lane, none from MDr

SLIDE [6:32] plantable wall system; concrete under pool

archit team diligent, ht variance, re adjacent house

proposal looks to min blasting; house 3300sf; owner and architect in audience if questions

Cam: looked at p2 and 3 of your report with variances

9.1 to 2.1m VARIATION — big


not nec for the nbrs but so house wd not be in a hollow

JA: site is in a hollow; existing cottage

the variances do seem drastic

one fact cantilevered for pool shd be 30ft back but is higher

vertical; to stop boxy house; architecturally signif house; think team has done v well

Cam: nbrs to east and west in favour? find out when statutory notice 50m away?

JA: been provided already

Planning has rec’d letters of support

cdn’t give to M ###

Cam: in future 50m rather small — more

p49 of pkg for; and {###get}

not unusual for architects to show what’s flattering xxx shows intrusive xxx more impactful

in future wd urge applicants we see all the views


Sop: delsta lock syst {?#}

JA: engineered wall soln; nec certification to assure stability of those walls

Sop: wall? how long will that take?

? Architect: used in WV before and DWV has used it itself

greening take 1yr to 2 and a half; some took off like busters others didn’t remove

wall meant to soften the impact; concrete exposure less than &&& [6:40]

Sop: CN ... safety ... advise them of a presence of the rlwy ... of noise

lived there for many years, rather amusing; had to live with BCR and had to sell

kindly send them a letter to tell them so ?know???

NG: same Q as last; if 6mos or yr from now, how wd new bylaws

retaining walls, fill (looks like a lot); tree retention and ht bldg face

JA: retaining walls may be affected¦; walls wd hv to be lower (looking at variances); some existing vegetation (landscaping plan required/recomms); highest bldg face been looked at may be impacted slightly

NG: fill?

JA: being brought on site for walls and patio, to min blasting

NG: I see the prop being built up with a lot of fill so cantilevered pool deck and pool

don’t know what we’re getting out of it and ### [6:44]; you’ll say better than some but to the west

it doesn’t work with the landscape nature or storm water

problems with nbrs — legal liabilities¦

Cam: the report p34 consistent with devt procedures bylaw, says “will be mailed¯ and you say already has been done?

JA: at time of report was to be done

Cam: just wanted to ???

Mayor: any mbr of the public wish to speak on the applicn?


MOTION: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.

MB: kinda wanna re comments by Cclr Gamb re future

have the opposite view

2700sf and building at same ht; beside are heritage house/s; these weren’t [6:47]

the caution for me is for setting v highest, you can’t do this, that

xxx is diversity of housing

reputable firm done a lot into design; see one floor and not notice from MDr.


MB: xxx a well-designed prop

don’t necly have a problem with that; pay attention to these issues; if we didn’t have these variances wd have had ###

Cass: walked this yesterday

in a gully; if raised wd be a street level; terrain is a good question

looked in the house, given opp by owner; old house; bring it up, best way to go

MOTION: be approved

Sop: I’m not big on variances, tell you that

most of these houses south of the rlwy tracks; long process; knew wd be devpd; lot of work went back and forth

know DRC ... think it’s a smartly designed house, as MB said

this owner has spent a lot of time going to nbrs ¦.4ft back from prop lane so natural line so supporting

CARRIES unanimously [6:52]

6. Proposed Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 4867, 2015; Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 4368, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4868, 2015; and M Ticket Info System Implementation Bylaw No. 4383, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4869, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4867/4868/4869)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

{AM introduced and handed it over to Andrew Banks}

AB: for safety of park visitors

SLIDES bylaw consistent with current bylaws

new for present uses not anticipated; enforcement — wrt TREES [6:55] ##

enjoyment of all; protect parks and their environment; fulfills parks mgmt xxx plan 2012

Mayor: report attached, self-explanatory, Cclr Lewis

gotta be faster!

ML made motion: change to 1st etc?

1. Proposed “Parks Regulation Bylaw No. 4867, 2015¯ be read a first, second and third time;

2. Propsd “Bylaw Notice Enforcemt Bylaw, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4868, 2015¯ be read a first, second and third time; and

3. Proposed “M Ticket Info Syst Implementn Bylaw, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4869, 2015¯ be read a first, second, and third time.

a couple of comments: obviously sorely needed

don’t mean to be facetious or xxx notice not allowed to fly a ### b/c I used to spend

says failed to wear a helmet but doesn’t

congregate without permission; jumped out at me

Cam: if he can’t fly an airplane he can always go fly a kite


This is another of the recomms for the Parks Master Plan from the WG

together with the other motion tonight — dedicating Caulfeild Pk

of the recomms of the MPlan, what percentage have we implemented so far?

AB: difficult; started or engaged with most of them; White Lake Pk and xxx

Cam: rest in works?

AB: yes

Cam: imp for public to know we’re taking it seriously

public might not know but we didn’t have any bylaws wrt cutting own trees in our parks

seems like a no-brainer

we’ve had probs with ppl cutting down in parks

are you satisfied enough to ##

Sarah Almas, Bylaws: think we have, now in place

as with any bylaw, prob to est with ###

Cam: what’s the max fine for cutting down a tree

SA: $1K

Cam: stories in Vanc; some cut and pay fine; $1K and might mean $1M

know educ our first

SA: however if a serious offence, an offence impact; cd result in a much higher fine

Cam: that shd get ppl’s attn

Sop: Parks a v good effort

Ms Almas, with all the infractions listed have you the staff to put all this under your wing and get it down

Almas: don’t have suff' don’t see ### ... easier to enforce

Sop: pix -- see ’thing’; top of column 1, graffiti?

AB: to capture an art piece of a feature in a park; to make sure we don’t miss anything

Sop: xxx a bit of that going on; stringent rules, what are you referring to damage-wise, high?

Almas: set by prov so can’t go higher

believe you’re looking at ###; short ’thing’ longer in depth in resoln

Sop: good thing we’re doing this; hope no one breaking the law but that’s not commonplace today

if staff xxx protection 100-odd

Cass: have asked before but want to hear in public

fines totally inadequate; cost of biz; not going to be effectual

what’s wrong with us -- of putting cameras not to watch ppl but to watch the trees

AB: v strict privacy law; cameras currently not permitted

Cass: cameras at TWay re lights — cd be doing something in my car

Mayor: —getting into legal—

Cass: v sensitive

tree in front of you too bad for year ??? a few years ago; poisoned some trees in English Bay and Police tracked

wrt tree in Caulfeild

AB: these are ... we hv more tools at our disposal

onus, as Sara said, on ### [7:09] can be complicated and difficult

Cass: was in Eng Bay but was successful

Mark Chan: pursued before in Chelsea Close; criminal matter; police always have right; happy to work with them

Mayor: do have some xxx with the chairman of the Police Bd


{since he’s the chair!}

NG: wrt potential of cutting of trees

look outside and [report] someone cutting down tree in park; what happens?

SA: high priority matter

go, check if permission granted; cutting down or damaging a tree; notice [7:11] MTI

NG: ev knows ... bylaw $500 or MTI $1K


NG: not just cutting a tree, ¦ damaging, ¦ pulling out

Ans: 925 7000, one or the other

MB: how is the choice made?

SA: sev factors; severity of the offence; envmtal impact

cd be minor — warning or education of bylaw notice or consult with parks to see impact MTI

formal dispute process ... &

MB: look at other Ms ... under bylaw enforcement act

inconsistent seems ... throw burning substance $; ... light fire, leave unextinguished

SA: part of it xx and xx

burning substance, burning ash, cd be xxx ... fire, cd be

MB: this is: v clear, an improvement

Mayor: someone signed up for 10.1


F. Logan (1330 Sinclair) spoke relative to protecting trees on public land, tree cutting and loss of character, lack of bylaws for tree protection on private land, construction and lot filling and loss of mature trees, and requested that Council find a solution.}

happy to see such a courageous action; changes being made on a national level; conclusion of Paris talks

wanted to talk; resident for over five years; cutting down of trees that were characteristic of WV

see a v diff landscape emerging

like to speak of lack of bylaws on priv land; unlike CoV we don’t have bylaws in place

lot ... random ... 154 bldgs a lot ¦ not replace; shown courage today so wd ask you move xxx

show leadership; nbhd character is NOT for sale [7:17]

7. Development Application No. 15-037 (Sewell’s Marina) (File: 1010-20-15-037) Appendices G and H

SM: xxx

who came up? ###

XX: here’s beautiful HBay

SLIDE site outline in yellow; popn of ~3600 ppl; challenges, housing choice, economic diversity; over-reliance for ferry traffic; workshop; realization of the 2009 vision

four levels of underground parking

xxx Marina will remain; proposes seaside character consistent

WV average of 29% [7:21] less served than average

shd redevp compatible with waterfront and residential settings

83% combined support SLIDE

concern with traffic not congestion, speed; residents tired of seeing some biz close, like

progress and will report back to Ccl; any questions? applicant is here

Mayor: while setting up, what exactly are you asking


staff will come back

Mayor: Jan

ANS: wdn’t say Jan

Mayor: let’s hear from the applicant

Dan Sewell: Ian Gillespie, Paul Merrick; advised had to put the model this way b/c of camera angle

Mayor: anyone who wants to see it, can stand up

CAO: xxx

Dan: cdn’t quite understand or hear that

Mayor: you’re fine

DS: nine years; 2008 with downward turn in the ec; for another generation

instead of forward, look back first; whatever we were doing needed to be good for the cmnty

before Merrick pen; looked at HBay; good for Bay; originally a picnic [7:29]

1939 with Liberty ... men ... 8 fams, year round

1950s ... ppl cd hv their own boats moorage ... fishing derbies

project goal; seemed to meet enhancing waterfront and HBay

District-led open house; picture on far side, giving them an update in Feb of this year

node tucked over ???

1.5 acres of blacktop right now

Ian Gillespie: founder of company West Bank — Shaw Tower, xxx

{### get rest} [7:20]

we started with Dan over a year ago; at first a bit of a departure for us, but then got excited about ir

although a small project [7:29] got ###

we bring a particular expertise xxx Energy ###

an ocean geo-thermal node ???

at Telus Garden, first xxx ###

over 90% off the grid; not sure that far but aim to get over 50%

also have reputation for quality; no reason this proj doesn’t deserve this sort of quality

opp of working with Paul again — the XXX tennis club

perfect, brings sensibility; as it goes through fruition, the detailing and design going in this

thank for allowing us to xxx

Mayor: end? oh sorry,

Paul Merrick: xxx basic, this is a sketch of

when Ian chose to take on stewardship one of the first things he said ... about xxx of this not ... urbane

can’t tell you how rare; allows us to bring fwd the right way to do things

xxx without detail, this overview a bird’s eye

to house 150 units many small pieces; not the least expensive or simplest way to devp something

texture fabric qualities HBay has always been; not how we experience; inhabit it from within the dwelling fabric

SLIDES sketches

Boathouse, piazza, M wharf

then scale tithgter; can be texture and scale¦ highertighter?#

view NW along bay; contextually appropriate

over xxx shows relationship of proposal fairly modest

looking north, b/c planning, view not conspicuous

this is what you see as it climbs up the xxx; overall site plan; attn to detail

this Issue of mgmt of energy, xxx; access to energy from the water; cross-ventilation, xxx; use of wood and natural materials; this bird’s eye; 2009 to present, this has continued [7:38]

Mayor: we have a lengthy list of public wanting to speak; xxx

Cam: Sop wonder where we’re going; CAO Ms L?

CAO: xxx not wanting to let go all the way down the path; Ccl and public be kept abreast

currently staff working with xxx on the servicing; staff will come back Feb or so then to DRC; then bylaws so

Sop: so next time will be a revised?

CAO: the gen design probably won’t change, but be refined

Sop: little frustrating, receiving it, going to come back so no sense going

CAO: ideally it’s about making sure a proj of this size/signif

so transparent approach as we move fwd; next time will be more refined¦.

Sop: diff ... goes off into sunset and then come back

how wd ... doesn’t make sense ###

Mayor: if not Ccl, then hear from public

{cdn’t hear}

Pam Best: Pls consider the corresp I gave to you

hv iived in Libby Lodge for 17 years, immed behind the Sewell’s parking lot

hv participated in mtgs about future devt; in fact one mtg held upstairs in Boathouse so cdn’t

so Merrick came to us; appreciated; in keeping with Sewell’s xxx

evident great consideration to the residents, the Bay, and the residents of Libby L

views; xxx all designed ppl with mobility challenges to take part

understand materials will be brought in by barge; understand the local residents will xxx for local biz; close their doors

believe good for HBay and xxx

[7:45] David Weiser: to express my opposition

resid since 1973 as well as a biz owner since 1974; AIBC retired after 43? years as an architect

Design Panel 18 yrs; downtown¦. citizen of year; mbr of xxx; 1980s and 90s

not ignorant of our quality of life; quality of llfe xxx issues

six points: infrastructure antiquated for over 160 new

not to mention ¦.xxx; not to concern to owner and planning staff

increasing load xxx inconsequential Coq to Sq to aton Lake {SETON???}

living and observing WV’s infrastructure not reassuring and not credible

paraphrase Darth Vader, disturbing

this any households has no precedent in this area

other than Libby L, nothing in miles and Libby L not been repeated since 1970s

not¦.. not False Crk, it’s HBay; siting; a congestion dead end;

Mayor: xxx

DW: transit; uses extra households

if not fill up; galleries on the bay still not occupied

re amenities, heard nothing about what devpr offering us in return

promoted as affordable housing; I’ve read x pages and in no way a charity, level of complexity and price potential

Mayor: will have to leave it there

J Leith: I worked in xxx, all over WV, and xxx; in Dund, Amb, PkR, Amb

know the fam and in 1943 Sewell came to get permit to run ###

6610 Nelson; see lights on at 3am and asked them what they were doing; and they asked wdn’t you like to know


in favour expect for that bldg in the middle; green and more density elsewhere; Sewell [garden]

great place when we ask for something xxx

only thing that bothers me is traffic; make # two-way; move into future in a positive way

Mary-Louise Phinney: immed behind Sewell’s Landing; plsd to share my words of support

15-yr resident; for years lived in Brit Props, and for last four years, live in HBay

pleasure; charming character of the cmnty; lovely mix of ppl

opp to sit down with mbrs of the proj team; believe design approp for the site

add to the eccentric character of the cmnty; adding a range; vibrant marina

plsd to see range of types; three-bedroom, xxx; some may wish to downsize; also need for young fams

wheelchairs and strollers

excited about new waterfront; vibrant area; my kids came down and loved

mix of housing commercial and existing cmnty activities; will contribute

as a former Design Review planner in Oregon ...

plsd given xxxx to the site [7:57]

Holly Kemp: gen mgr of Troll’s, HBay Assn, and Gary Troll not able to attend tonight

pleasure of going through with Sewells and with Megan

over 10 years and fractious when I came; we’ve come together to make it vibrant

I see this proj give us an opp to devp HBay

end of the line; hasn’t seen any upgrades or sustainability for ppl who live there

can’t get what we need; cater to the tourists

livable sustainable, one place not have to go somewhere

see a shift older gens, two live in house; but actually want to live in HBay shift to smaller premises

those houses can be taken over by the xlxxx

all, Troll family in favour

Marguerite Bachman: Wellington Ave 32 years; sent a letter choose not to read

change is inevitable, not always good

two specific changes not been good for the Bay

1 redirecting traffic from Argyle so have to go up t Cao lles traffic ????

2 S2S hwy traffic scoots past; no longer stop in HBay, it suffered

This will help support cmnty that thrives rather than slowly dies

Connie Spears: sent a letter mine short app these

am resident, was a biz owner; arrived 1991 and started Spirit Gallery

2 - 3 years to get it going; things, still going ???

yes S2S took punch out of

hard staff, training, keep; spent many hours working at the Sewells'; started Bay days xxx Spirit of the Bay

in the summer time, no effort Sept comes, long way to Xmas

170 new units in town xxx new biz keep it going

spent a little time on Lions Bay Ccl; spent a lot [8:04]

a lot of downsizing needed from here to Whistler; think the number of units just fine; many biz open and closed

Joanne McKenna: three main areas of concern; resident of HBay

a bit torn; think change is inevitable — if it will revitalize HBay

scale — 270 units, pressure on our infrastructure

feel, live in small cottage; already see large houses; congestion, not just speed

if ferry comes in ### we are going to be

don’t think have looked at as much as

ecic devt; wd be fabulous if cd stay; down on waterfront, still empty

not sure about build it and it will come; overall lack of understanding of traffic in WV as a whole

what is the traffic plan for WV as a whole — TWay and bridge; more accidents on the UL ev day

Mayor: don’t have any other speakers -- oh, do have

Christine Banham: live east of TWay but did live in HBay for four years

xxx great devt; needs a lot of things

addressing housing issues; housing/commercial aspect; having enough density to support local biz throughout the year

Sewells have been in this cmnty for years, ¦. larch¦.. xxx ???

traffic is a concern, noisy, but let’s not have that quash what it delivers.

Mayor: three-min break to see the model?

[8:10 - 8:16]

Mayor: Ccl, what wd you like to do?

{cdn’t hear}

Cam: xxx

Mayor: is our system down?

Sop: where do we go from here

CAO: getting the proj in front of Ccl and cmnty, hearing concerns may be raised ???

staff will continue to work with the devpr; in Jan will bring forth a report

Sop: now or then

CAO: when

Sop: to Sewell’s and then come back

NG: Qs re form; don’t have a lot of detail wrt housing

informed a few months ago, townhouses is what’s needed; 171

Staff JB?; working on it

may find an integrated townhouse at the base; xxx housing; specific numbers coming

NG: we’re in an affordable housing crisis; av home cannot be home for under $3M

SMik: affordability driving this; in working with the applicants to diversify; mix of size and xxx

NG: so top of mind for staff

Cass: wrt parking lot; fully in favour of use {?}

since putting this village within a village -- to mitigate, to have the waterfront 100% greenery; ev else green and beautiful

consider given to arpxxx ?

JB: you’re right

physically ... Planning Dept discussions with [the?] Sewells to integrate that floor space into

{am trying to write this properly: Sewells, speaking to the family; Sewell's, name of biz}

Dan Sewell: the idea was mentioned; interesting today when looking back some of the historical

parking is more about the working waterfront, not just parking

barges that come in, marshalling of traffic

sea dragon — scuba divers with all their gear have to park a block and half to walk with all their heavy ... trailers

req from Parks was to move parking to the area

so we gave up¦ ramp. looking over left shoulder (more awkward); gentleman’s agreement and in 2001 Ccl said no

so went to Sunset Beach xxx

nice goal, like the goal and move the cars; whether Thunder Bay, or [8:25]

thinking about it, a partial soln might be there; wd like to mull it over

we were asked to put in ramps sfloadging axxxxx asked to extend across ????floating????guess word

[8:26] we xxx part of the agreement

across to the waterfront to the ferries; Parks unable to find money to do it so they didn’t do their part

don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater

Cass: a woman spoke last time about impact of her views; know who I’m referring to

DS: not a house, it’s an empty lot; the bulk of their view, can still see from govt dock

[8:27] ¦ wd like to have their house like Libby L view to the east

Cass: view to the west?

DS: west; north, blockage; we’ve taken pictures, given to them

Cam: appreciate staff changed motion for information

your report identifies really more work to be done before can move fwd

when I read your report, some planning issues — how does this work for HBay overall

everyone recognizes affects all of HBay

Mr Mikicich was speaking about the housing mix, major element, and don’t really know

provide some idea of the prices; info we need; engg — those issues; configs, make flow; amenities lacking

Cclr Cass has mentioned one

xxx thank you for your report; with all this work still to be done seems unrealistic you’ll get back to us in Jan

don’t want to go back and forth

{CAO? can’t hear????}

SMik: through you to Cclr Cam; do believe can provide more info in Jan

amenity calcs only recent; xxx defer to Ms L; not in position complete picture but more detail

Cam: shd we be doing it in bits and bites; ppl have come out; xxx

Mayor: Ms L most wd like to see as complete as

CAO: want to make sure out to cmnty; make sure Ccl and cmnty have opp to comment

bring some of the staff’s znd ?#

want to get out to the public in a way that ensures the public see and where we are as we develop

Planner — diligent in past, going out; this is not a big decison; it’s a to-do

in interests of Corp and xxx ... actual decision-time

don’t want to over-stress— want to give some xxx

staff think important for you to have in hand; engrs looking ¦.architect looking at s¦.

what tonight is for, is if you see something drastic/major you don’t want, time to

Mayor: you expressed that really well, shd have had you on earlier

Sop: a lot of questions, no one listening


In context of HBay, consideration how fit in

SM: won’t look at comprehensive planning for HBay for a cpl of years; looking at housing, nbrhd char, institutional

Sop: have a lot of Qs but will keep with Ms L’s

MOTION: THAT the report from the Sr Cmnty Planner dated Nov 25, re ... (Sewell’s Marina), be received for information; and THAT, pending resolution of items highlighted in [that] be presented to the Design Review Cmte for detailed review, and that staff proceed to draft required bylaws and permits for Council’s consideration. in Jan

Mayor: thx, Mr Brown

BYLAWS [8:39]

8. Proposed Ambleside-Dundarave Biz Improvement Area Service Bylaw No. 4847, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4847)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Oct 5 Ccl mtg. The deadline for the opportunity to petition against the proposed bylaw expires at 4pm on Dec 9, 2015. Information to be provided.

SM: want to recognize mbrs of ABBIA; came together a couple of years ago, presented idea; engaged the biz cmnty

Oct 5 Ccl gave approval; three readings

v busy for last few weeks; purpose to present that; will turn over to Ms Scholes

Ssch: 250 submissions back from 44, 46 parcels; 50% of value in

44 insufficient to meet threshold

petition against the ABBIA, signed by 46 xxx 15%

{get numbers}

opp to petition against not sufficient for the Cmnty Charter; Bylaw in front

MB: did recv 44 ballots, saw two letters; any others? what was the form?

SSch: no form letters from 44; followed exact language and some legal description of prop

Finance Dept conducted title searches to confirm registered owners

MB: you read all the letters; of course you did, you know you did

anything that came out of letters of opposition b/c we don’t have copies

[hm. Do Council not get to read all the letters???}

SSch: owners felt they already paid high taxes and felt with the levy not any benefit

Mayor :-): shocked that anyone wd consider WV taxes high

Cam: moved rec’d for info

PASSES; Secondly, be adopted

Cam: see some mbrs of ABBIA; sitting through 2 1/2 hours for this; same patience as to get this passed

think this is going to be a real improvement

spoken for a long time; don’t know if it’ll work, will see in a couple of years

heard some opposition; don’t see any downside in giving it an effort; xxx

we all owe you a debt of gratitude; will enthusiastically support adoption of this bylaw

Mayor: Gamb xxx

NG: does it really matter ???##

MB: did want to speak, been speaking to the biz cmnty for a long time

recent studies recomm a BIA, even several years ago

xxx foundational basis for this

of 500 biz, 5 to 8 biz hv been doing all the work

HBay, small bz cmnty; ppl pull their weight

samlll xx?xx pulled it all together

tried to get slights, cup in hand trying to get money ????

trying to run their own biz

flooding ... the ABA and the X have done so much work

a lot of work; have to come to Ccl ev year for approval

they need cash and some dedicated ppl; congrat them on their perseverance; thank you for the work you’ve done

NG: won’t reiterate, say ditto to Cam and Booth; and good luck

Sop: long time in coming

get tired of walking down Bellevue 9 book an at 9at night and seeing no one and cars; can’t do that any more

hope wonderful grp together, that [8:51]

when Grosv opens ... will see xxx ... Ms Leemhuis residential and comm

congrats to everyone; get this going

ML: need to operationalize this ... guys ... hope you engage a mbr of ccl

synergies wd miss ... put your plans together for the next year ... well done

Cass: again reiterate, ask b/c want for public -- what happened to the lights on the tree at 13th? want it out there

CAO: didn’t have anyone to put up the lights

Sop: used to be the Fire Dept

CAO: cost ??? ... training

Cass: xxx if biz owners

CAO: this year set aside fund; Amb and Dund; put an order in in August; delivered two weeks ago and was incorrect

didn’t need to be modified

phase one and two of brightening xxx

just a v unfortunate series of events; manufacture will make things right before

Mayor: my remark re tae flippant ???

tough to run a biz, particularly in an area like Amb; whole area 50 years ago had a vibrancy didn’t have today

critical vibrant for WV¦ get going to level it used to

traffic parking merchants doing promotional activities

think this BIA first step and we’ll do everything, staff to improve; good luck to us all


9. Proposed Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 4848, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4848)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Dec 7, 2015 regular Council mtg. -- adopted. [8:57]

9.1. Proposed Sewer and Drainage Utility Fee Bylaw No. 4538, 2007, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4860, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4860)

The proposed bylaw received first, second and third reading at the November 23, 2015 regular Ccl mtg, and at the December 7, 2015 regular Council mig third reading was rescinded, the bylaw was amended, and read a third time as amended. -- adopted. [8:58]

10. Proposed [Five-Year] Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4826, 2015, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4870, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4870)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Dec 7, 2015 regular Council mtg. -- adopted. [8:58]

10.1. Proposed Park Dedication Bylaw No. 4857, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4857)

The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the Dec, 2015 regular Council mtg be adopted.


11. Consent Agenda Items

Item 11.1. – Devt Permit No. 14-055, Temporary Use Permit No. 15-088, and Temporary Real Estate Signage Proposal for 2290 Marine Drive (To set date for consideration);

Item 11.2. – Policy Review;

Item 11.3. – Appointments of Council Members to Boards and Committees for 2016;

Item 11.4. – Delegations for December 16, 2015 special Council meeting; and

Item 11.5. – Correspondence List.

Item 11.6. – Key Performance Indicators and Reserves and Investments Task Grps: TofR Amdmt/Apptmt of Ccl Mbrs

11.1. Devt Permit No. 14-055, Temporary Use Permit No. 15-088, and Temp Real Estate Signage Proposal for 2290 Marine Schedules B and C to Appendix C (Devt Permit Applicn)

Schedules B and C to Appendix D (Temp Use Permit Applicn)

MOTIONS: THAT Devt Permit Applicn No. 14-055 for 2290 Marine, wch wd allow site redevt, regulate the form and character of high-rise residential devt, and allow a variance to Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, be considered at the Jan 25, 2016 Ccl mtg; and that the MClerk give notice of consideration of the proposed devt permit.

THAT Temporary Use Permit Application No. 15-088 for 2290 Marine, wch wd temporarily allow an on-site real estate sales centre, be considered at the January 25, 2016 Council meeting; and that the M Clerk give notice of consideration of the proposed temporary use permit.

THAT Ccl consider the request described in the report titled “Temp Real Estate Signage Proposal for 2290 Marine¯ at the same mtg and immediately following the consideration of Devt Permit Applicn No. 14-055 and Temporary Use Permit Application No. 15-088.

11.2. Policy Review (File: 0282-01) Information to be provided.

11.3. Appointments of Ccl Mbrs to Boards and Cmtes for 2016 (File: 0115-01/0116-01/0185-01) Deferred

11.4. Delegations for December 16, 2015 special Council Meeting (File: 0120-01)

Only one petition presentation or delegation is permitted at each meeting of Council, unless Council by resolution, permits additional petition presentations or delegations at a meeting (Council Procedure Bylaw No. 4730, 2013).

MOTION: THAT additional delegations be permitted to be scheduled for the December 16, 2015 special Council meeting.

11.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)

> Council Correspondence Update to November 27, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)

Referred for Action

(1) Nov 26, 2015, re “Large properties & reduction of housing stock¯ (Single Family Housing – Siting, Form, and Character)

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items.

Received for Information

(2) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Board of Variance hearing October 14, 2015

(3) P. Tallman, November 17, 2015, regarding “climate change and gas pump labelling¯

(4) PRIMECorp, November 20, 2015, regarding PRIMECorp’s Annual Report for April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015

(5) November 24, 2015, re “Sewell’s proposed development in Horseshoe Bay¯ (Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-037)

(6) 13 submissions, Nov 19-26, re Propsd OCP Bylaw No. 4360, 2004, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4851, 2015; Propsd Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4852, 2015; Propsd Phased Devt Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 4853, 2015; and Propsd Devt Permit No. 12-053 (370 and 380 Mathers Avenue

(Referred to November 30, 2015 public hearing)

(7) November 25, 2015, regarding “Trudeau is discriminating against single, straight male refugees.¯

(8) S. Robinson, MLA (Coquitlam-Maillardville) (2 submissions), November 20 and 26, 2015, re “Selina’s update from Victoria¯

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies

(9) NSh Advisory Cmte on Disability Issues (NSACDI), Nov 27, re “ACDI - Capital Budget Letter and Priority Recommendations¯

Responses to Correspondence

(10) Senior Manager of Parks, November 25, 2015, response regarding “Tree removal in West Vancouver¯

> Council Correspondence Update to December 1, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)

Referred for Action

(1) November 29, 2015, regarding “Monster House¯ opposite WVSS (Single Family Housing - Siting, Form and Character

(Referred to Director of Planning and Development Services for consideration and response)

Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items.

Received for Information

(2) Nov 24, re “Last night’s public hearing¯ (Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 4854, 2015)

(3) November 27, 2015, regarding Proposed Development Permit No. 15-062 for 765 Marine Drive/Park Royal North

(Previously received at November 30, 2015 Council meeting)

(4) Nov 26, re “Devt Proposal for Sewell’s Marina Prop, Horseshoe Bay¯ (Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-037 for 6695 Nelson Ave)

(5) 4 submissions, Nov 29-30, re Proposed OCP Bylaw ..., Amdmt Bylaw ...; Proposed Zoning Bylaw ..., Amdmt Bylaw ...;

Proposed Phased Devt Agrmt Authorizn Bylaw ... ; and Proposed Devt Permit No. 12-053 (370 and 380 Mathers

(Previously received at November 30, 2015 public hearing)

(6) S. Slater, Nov 30, 2015, re “Youth Spaces - workshop¯ (Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-052 for 1763 Bellevue Avenue)

(7) 2 submissions, Nov27 and Dec 1, 2015, re Islamic State Ideology, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies

(8) North Shore Advisory Cmte on Disability Issues (NSACDI), Nov 30, 2015, re “BC Ferries - Accessible Washrooms¯

Responses to Correspondence -- No items.

11.6. Key Performance Indicators and Reserves and Investments Task Groups – Terms of Reference Amendment and Apptmt of Ccl Mbrs (File: 0116-20-KPITG/RITG) -

- rec'd for information.

12. OTHER ITEMS --- none


{DWV Minutes:

Councillor Booth reported that construction has begun on the Ambleside Skatepark project.

Councillor Soprovich reported on Operation Red Nose.

Mayor Smith reported on attendance at the Menorah Lighting event at the Community Centre and at the Rotary Christmas Luncheon at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, and informed that the volunteer driving service to the Lions' Gate Hospital Chemotherapy and Medical Outpatient Clinic has been discontinued and North Shore agencies are experiencing an increased demand for the service.

Councillor Booth reported that construction has begun on the Ambleside Skatepark project.

Councillor Soprovich reported on Operation Red Nose.

Mayor Smith reported on attendance at the Menorah Lighting event at the Community Centre and at the Rotary Christmas Luncheon at the Seniors’ Activity Centre, and informed that the volunteer driving service to the Lions Gate Hospital Chemotherapy and Medical Outpatient Clinic has been discontinued and North Shore agencies are experiencing an increased demand for the service. }

Cam: letter re siting new youth ctr where Masonic Hall {so 12?????} ... whether approp use

pulled this b/c made me realize a free-ranging kind of amenities arising out of Masonic Hall

ask Ms L discussion of what uses; don’t want till too late in the day

SM: my understanding that an Uplift

order of magnitude of a potential CAC; cash contribution or potentially if space on site cd accommodate

cmnty site ... have that discussion internally ... definitely

Cam: bring early stage so Ccl be part.

[9:01] MB: walk my dog and construction at the skateboard park

want to tanan ??? all the players involved

skateboard users instrumental ... xavix??? getting ppl to contribute

model proj for expediency; demolition complete¦ complete late Feb

wish ev a Merry Christmas; be the first; on the home stru?

Mayor won’t be here

Mayor: I’ll be here but 2500 miles away

Sop: after your¦. biz soared

MB: malaka ???

Mayor: Cclr B has brought seasonal

last week at Cmnty Ctr and lit the menorah; v nice event

last Saturday at Srs’ Ctr, their lunch again a nice event

salute the Rotary for srs not xxx an Xmas

buttonholed by volunteer drivers to the cancer society discontinued

increased demand; need to go over ev day

any mbrs of xxx call 925 7381 through desk or 923 2703 -- plsed to show you how you can help

Cass: Carolanne, don’t want to ask any Qs? [9:05]


14. Public Questions and Comments (3 minutes per speaker)

15. Adjournment

~~~ December 16 ~~~

no mtg before????

Revised on December 8, 2015: To withdraw Item 13.

Revised on December 9, 2015: To withdraw Item 12.

Revised on December 11, 2015: To add the recommendation to Item 7.


The Mayor was absent; Sop Acting Mayor

1. Call to Order. {Sop in Chair}

2. Approval of Agenda


3. K. Fenton, Coho Society of the NSh, re Update on Coho Society Events and Progress (File: 0055-20-CSNS1)

received for information, with thanks.

{good report; watch}


4. Update on Hollyburn Lodge Restoration and Fundraising (File: 0055-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

[6:20] Jackie Swanson

{ get TEXT?}


DWV, $200 c B $100 Cyp $500K $1,050 — $50K to go

Don Grant; Cclr Booth; xxx; Brent Leigh; HRA Team

snow; buttoned up for winter

new anticipated opening July 1, Canada Day

full sewer facilities; four-season op for the first time ever

fund-raising — public-use agreement between DWV and Cypress Mtn

exciting new venue; invite xxx; Iola Knight to share her wisdom -- goes back 90 yrs next year

original lodge goes back xxx; own money

original Naismith Shingle Mill

Rudolph Verne —- visionary saw possibilities for skiing

came up and saw the area; had to have a ski area

three loggers, Oscar Pearson till 1946; Andrew — forgot his last name — the three built simple little logging camp lodge

over the decades, started to deteriorate, my late husband

can’t we do anything; sdied? there in 1930s

2006, Don Luxton did survey of the lodge; cd be restored for close to $1M

Gordon says gone too far ?????; Les xxx said the same thing

now have a rebuild -- skiers in winter hikers in the summer

lovely, don’t take it down

Bobby Swain — &&& ¦

for indoor plumbing and washrooms

here we are 17 - 18 years later in the throes of constructing this; ev that it was before

will be av through WV Cmnty Services and Rec summer, and Nov to Apr Cypress Mtn part of their Nordic

tubing a xxx; 19 miles of cross-country trails; learned to ski

get good, to Whistler; when old and grey back here

&&& in our 80s; xxx skied at 106!

MB: congratulate the group ; no turning back now

while we don’t encourage asking for money; give a plug for NSN

it’s like a dollar per person in WV; crowdfunding Hollyburnlodge.ca ... another avenue; got

MB: xxx Merry Christmas

A/Mayor Sop: remember being there in 1956; magical days prior to Whistler; heritage; you and Gordon, legacy

NG: lodge isn’t open this winter but &&&

JS: chilli in parking lot; dance on top of your car

NG: dug up ... silver trophy for skiing &&&; keep as you preserve heritage assets

[6:35] MB made motion re receipt

5. Seniors’ Activity Centre Advisory Board 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Work Plan (File: 0115-20-SACA1)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

NG, Board, come up? just three (of 12/15)

been liaison for two years ... detailed

&&&: intro Brian Hann

and¦ thank Nora, bring detailed updates; can always count on her to come to our events

xxx mbrs mainly 65 to 75 -- baby boom, getting younger seniors

SLIDE [6:38]

needs more and more volunteers; interested in &&&

provides us for a larger number of vols but makeshift¦ challenging

SLIDE Capital Projs -- rail to lean on; beautiful front desk commercial grade, Yamaha piano


April 17 cleaning out house — bring over, we’ll sell it for you


Nat’l Conf; we are indeed a leader Keeping connected xxx now 500 [6:42] ????

use arts to slow dementia; first in BC this year to launch

Parkinson’s Dance; dance in partnership w/ SFU; dementia slows down

Book Students of Collingwood “Lives Well Lived¯ our mbrs

{book can be purchased....}

Grade 5 from, silly joke, but clean

Grade 6 and 7 did baking for vols at the Flea Market; xxx Sang for seniors in atrium

teach them to knit, to build; some have never seen a hammer or a saw

alternative school from Surrey; came, hosted lunch, discussion group — positive for kids as well as our mbrs

Federal Candidates Forum

2016 Work Plan SLIDE [6:47] coffee bar

srs’ forum; travel prog; small van for Keeping Connected

strategic transportation; customer appreciation event; int’l dinners

in fall was Chinese theme — triple than what come out for Tues night dinners

survey will go out in Feb, their views; April 17 Flea Market

really want to thank Nora for her incredible support


Cam: vouch for the Flea Market, have done security there; feel most ot the stuff ends up in my house

SG: bring it back

Cam: transportation important; had shuttle bus and now you want a van; is there something we can do, more?

Lawlor:? need Cl 4 driver; only Class 5

transportation more flexible; we have a vehicle, staff can go; not large bulky bus

Cam: is that going to be enough

Ans: new, pilot, evaluate over the year

Cam: father of a friend of mine, been a professional all his life; here from SK wd like to work; any help finding a job?

Ans: Srs’ Ctr haven’t done that; some in States; model, looking into that

A/M Sop: I wd like to see you bring the whole board out next year; incredible grp of ppl; srs’ ctr one of the best in Canada

MOTION: received for information. [6:53]

6. Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Adv Cmte 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Work Plan, and TofRef Amdmt

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

ML: my pleasure to introduce again, Ms Lawlor; pleasure for six years , Cclr Gambioli taking over next year; left in good


ML: for strong leadership; always updates; as well as advising of coming

personally thank you for support you’ve given me over the years


golf, pottery, xxx; relnship with Gleneagles Elementary; purple collage quilt

Cmnty Projs: fix-it stns, inflatable movie screen; Dec 30 join us for the movie

Cmnty Picnic; strong cmnty spirit; w/ HBBA

pottery garage — attracted potter from NV and Vanc

Work Plan; Camps; EPACT emergency s/ware for Camps


MOTION: 1. the report dated Nov 18 be received for information; and

2. the Gleneagles Cmnty Ctr Advisory Committee revised Terms of Reference be approved.

MB: strikes me as a cmnty xxx; how has it been?

ANS: enabled to bring skills to table

from origin; gone from a cement bldg to a cmnty ctr ; try

NG: thank you for saving me the other day

the other day had a great idea; got in car two adults four kids; test out Spirit Trail — flat, lunches packed

by the school so hard! out of shape; found out I had two flat tires; realized treat bike stn at the ctr; biking stn ???

ML: on a personal level want to thank the cmte

real &&&, including a rep from Rockridge

activities going on adding to vitalization; pottery, fitness ctr, ppl coming from Dundarave

hosting of cmnty events¦ xxxx ¦ day care¦. all sorts of activities

once again for everything you’ve done, Mary and Jo

made motion


tyvm again

7. Community Consultation Update: Future Youth Space and Resource Needs (File: 3000-01)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

MB: as ccl liaison; Helen and Arleta -- announce the other mbrs? concrete mandated group; all in support of youth

on the home stretch; bn a really productive grpt; remendous amt of expertise

NAME: thank you for the opp to update you

particularly want to thank Cclr Booth, directed us and helped us on our way


Youth Services Review — six strategic directions; we addressed three

first strategic plan, implementation grp

Andy Sue Claudia L and me Helen van

devpd a work plan

SLIDE: have accomplished two of the three: est’d a hub

xxx direct line into the hub; Youth Services Dept to move to approp support area

felt we needed a way to evaluate; hub to meet needs; bn in effect for a year

third, last of the strategic¦ to revitalize the youth ctr

[7:11] oldest bldg? now that Hollyburn not there

David Nairne & Assoc and invited them to be part of the solution; were really impressed b/c brt a Youth Specialist

force of Nature — impressive, moved us along

looking bigger; hope part of bigger process; District’s xxx strategy

parents and guardians

46 11 - 18; stakeholders 27

will be two more focus groups in 2016: frontline youth services staff and executive

The three focus grps were v interesting; ame exercises — where hang out , what do [same??}

initial findings

Youth want to have a say in their future

infrastructure, considering locations; not many outside of Amb/Dund

not a lot of evenings; no movie theatres

want to improve their resumes, empl skills, English language classes ???employee???

xxx and get their independence

parents may find that a challenge

info gathering end in Feb; study data with Nairne; findings will be shared in the spring

xxx and produced some results

with Arleta and others, v {rewarding?}

MB: want to highlight another key objective of the cmte, worked on last term

give credit to xxx topic of youth mental health

been impact; hope ctr, starting to rate with MLAs; no space for new home

in collab with the Sch Dist

introduced mental health, led directly to local action team collective

two set objectives, signif intros ?

accessible, support awareness, web resource; anxiety go to it

congrat grp on this; will be kind of sad when finished, has been rewarding

Cam: Ms Beckett — youth space identified? transportation, need to be close

Ans: the workshops or focus grps didn’t focus specifically ans where ccc shd be; more on what shd this look like

interesting — handed out plasticine pen, etc xxx ccc= ctr? ###

ea grp made a youth ctr so wd include all

play, listen to music, talk privately, not too many adults around but have if they needed support

basketball, ping pong, place to be active, with friends, activities

those were not addressing building a theatre, ¦ seemed more interested in comfortable

[7:22] not intrusion by adults; but not entirely alone

Cam: interested in xxx

youth ctr tucked away, isolated in winter

think I’d prefer to be in an area like Amb. comm, or like present locn off and private

White hair: tried not to tie ev to the AYC

not a lot of focus if you were going to be here what wd it look like

just asked if have one what wd it look like; am sure when finished will have handle on answers

Cam: other grps, eg soccer want to do things; have to find land

good to have understanding on where to go; land might become available; proposed; good to have info

Sop: so you don’t chew my head off -- tremendous opp, lots of things to do

when I was young, test each other how many activities you cd do in a day — mtns and water

over last 16 years theatre and bowling alley but that’s not a

youth need a spot — drop-in at Cmnty Ctr; been successful [7:26]

put door to outside so longer hours; youth wdn’t go down to dark area

Ms L, look at CACs?

CAO: YSG has done tremendous job; ans Qs what for you but not place xxx I commend you for staying on task

look outside of a bldg or a specific space¦. bn devping over the last year and half; will come to Ccl with recomms

AM: delighted to hv cmnty participate the way they do; extraordinary, so blessed

MOTION received for information.


Sop: do I call you Madam Clerk or Ms Scholes?

MClk: wchever

8. Community Grants Committee 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Work Plan (File: 0116-20-CGC1)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

Sop: Mr xx

NAME: speak later; first, thank Cclr Sop for his active support

50% change in the mbrship in the last year; said goodbye

Arleta: four each completed three

Coral Eva Bryony Patty Donnelly — thank for their years


Man: understand going to change

Sop: Im xxx, will be Cam

I’m erv Ceeah ???

Tom, Allan, Brian, ... Christine Banham ¦. large number of applicants

large spreadsheet; able to track all the applicants

being a new mbr, essential tool; a lot of work to put together and more to maintain it

SLIDES [7:33]

three grant streams

Arts and Culture; cmnty DRtbf, youth Comp ??? ###

$34 129 ???

Youth: 14 applicns

often leverage for other funds; trips go on trips soccer in Spain, rugby in Germany

in 2015 three ntoeal trend ?national??

food security needs; multicultural, changing needs; frailenss ????

causes us to much more xxx

original St David’s Ang

{not St David's United?}

to xxx; get this slide RCL Branch 60 ###&&&

blueprint for resp and change ???

65 applicns and ev attended

appreciated opp to meet with Ccl and network

[7:37] Sop: thank you, Merv

Ms L and Ms Mooi, and Ms Gordon; if need for change, need for review; prog 5 or 6 years old

some challenges; look for a review; increase in $$ Ms L and Ms Mooi; opp re social responsibility

AM: Sop and I worked on this in 2006 re social responsibility

time for a renewal, where we want to go for next five years

Sop: be kind to these folks

want to back(thank?) Arleta; gems in the cmnty; not often heard from; efforts they put forth

particularly a gal like Banham on many boards and still serving

Cam: {cdn’t hear????}

Sop: make motion

Cam: move received for information, and add thanks to cmte and staff; look forward to working together


9. Public Art Advisory Committee – Year in Review (File: 0116-20-PAAC)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

NG: acting acting mayor

Sop: nature calls hope not a cigarette

I’m with xxx it is a new cmte ???; I hv learned a lot about public art this year

public spaces outdoor art but they are in indoor; you’ll

Glen Madsen is¦ and xxx Dave Morton is the vice chair; intro others

DM: Cori Creed, and Don Vaughan?¦

{7:43 Sop returned}

started off the year reviewing xxx policy and procedures


est’d and adopted in 2005 ¦; hope coming to light in 2016; restoration

Mr and Mrs Plmbtreespring WVML ????

so restoration

kids like to climb all over them; shows value to cmnty; popularity

Bird Canopy HAF; topic of publc art; donated art works, eg Gordon Smith’s Beach Tangle; we do assessment

Friendship Globe; surviving on a modest budget; to realize some plans need more for a sustainable model

Sop: 17th? art?

ANS: yes

Sop: lady at PkR for some time where?

Ans: marble piece currently housed at Worksyard in storage, not a suitable place

{too bad}

how used, what shd do with them

marble piece interesting extraordinary provenance

what to do next for cmte

Sop: wd be frusad ? ... nowhere seen for years yet an attractive piece

Cam: you referenced a modest budget

understand has to be spent in the year so imp to build a fund for larger purchases

passive role judging; like to see imp addn; talked to Ms Gordon

advocated for? how bring forward? allow money to be set aside for years; public donate? how do that?

CAO: for clarity, the funds are carried forward, not lost if not spent

in terms of public art reserve fund, understand cmte will bring through a plan

task force reserves then brt fwd to Ccl for approval

Cam: ball’s in their court now

MB: had pleasure attending one of your mtgs b/c didn’t have an idea

further to what Cclr Cam mentioned and you mentioned re fund

probly hv put your mind to what kind of budget and goals around locations

three pieces

rp mtn review dona perhaps commissioning? ???

can you give me an idea goals — number of installations around WV?

Ans: Amb landscape plan; festival blvd down 17th

{fyi, Dear Readers, 17th was designed to be wider than reg b/c special up to M Hall}

urban planning for the Dist; been some siting and mapping future sites for future

good plan identify need in integrating into area; urban renewal, ecic spinoff as well

Planning Finance Engg depts; requires collaboration; goal to work in that collab spirit

working model, add value to ea proj

MB: recently downloaded the public art inventory; 12 - 13 pieces

help Ccl to support if we cd point to xxx ... even in lobby of MHall put brochure public art we cd see

building up that fdn of appreciation; raising the profile, website one of the ways; a suggestion

happy with hard copy to walk around WV with

AM: we will be undertaking a cultural plan; definitely have strategies bring to Ccl

Sop: a square reproduced at 14th considered art?

Ans: [7:57]

Don V; Up to you, public, making it a place; up to the cmnty

Sop: I don’t jump up and down perhaps not that way &&&

Sop: Ms Creed did some things during HAF; ###

{fyi, Cori Creed, an artist, is the wife of Cclr Cameron}

Ans: xxx

Sop: those two chairs public art?

Ans: yes by xxx in Lower Mainland

NG: sounds good

MOTION: received for information. [8:01]

10. WV Community Centres Society 2015 Annual Report and 2016 Work Plan (File: 0055-20-WVCCS)

PowerPoint presentation to be provided.

Chair: xxx 21-mbr bd, not all cd be here; call up the presentation


GET this list [8:02]

like to think we’re helping to build cmnty; engage voice enhance

through four pillars: rec, fitness wellness, arts L& Cult; gathering place ????? literature?

I am a finance person at heart; 23,000 mbrs — anyone who takes a course

Aquatic ctr 1.350 xxx; 5th pumpkin fest; xxx $375K

$6K anonymous donation [person] walked up and said just moved to the cmnty

Rob: SLIDE of highlights

Forum on Leadership & Dialogue over 180 attend

xxx, pancake breakfast, atrium as gathering place, xxx, xxx

SLIIDE of priorities [8:09]

dunk your fav realtor, sure it’ll be back

2015 most successful ever, $50K Pumpkinfest; most coming back -- Oct 1 and 2 2016

turn back to Alistair

Ans: Mayor sm

Coho, HAF, third

Biggest thinkn :??? Blue Sky Taskforce; concept place for the civic site; anticipate and ideas(?) over 30 years

civic ctr ??? ... examples of Results

SLIDE [8:12]

16 progs 4 pcs of equipmt; thank you for your support

whether donor, mbr, or ¦. more info on the society hours: wvcommunitycentre.ca

Sop: mbr being on the WG

bring about; hard time trying to get a handle on it; successful; Blue Skying exciting

Ans: certainly; looking at diff options

remiss if not mention Cassidy's contribution as well #?

thank you absent [8:14]

MOTION: THAT the report dated November 20, 2015 from the Executive Director, WV Cmnty Centres Society and Sr Mgr of Cmnty Services be received for information.

Cam: and will add thank you to the board


11. West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce (File: 0055-20-WVCC1) Information to be provided.

MB: you guys got the short straw

{all went up}

you must have the biggest

{only four left in the chamber besides me!}

intro ... bag: will at the end, at the end xxx

MB: can’t wait to hear all about it

SLIDES since 1952

MIssion: update Vision stmt; staying current; updated our website; new s/ware to survey mbrs

value of mbrship ¦

walk-in ofc at the Westerlelgh

2010 318 to 2015 380

amalgamated Biz Assn:

{get list}

5 biz assns BIA big Q — what is the diff? BIA specific to Amb and Dund

[8:20] SLIDE

co-hosting events in Lib; mbr of Cdn Ch of Comm, a national voice; Advocacy {list}

Events; mayor’s reception

Taste of series: Amb, Dund, and now Bowen Island

President’s dinner; Cmnty Give-back

Gabrielle Loren Prez SLIDE of Board/Staff [8:25]

Sop: years ago when I was chairman and even prior, prog for job applicants

reunring with this new govt? fisheries ??? ?returning?

GL: not heard of but look into; when was it?

Sop: 0s

GL: hadn’t heard one for Fisheries

Sop: didn’t have an office so went from pillar to post; asset for BIA and Ch work together

GL: don’t think it’s going to happen, it will happen; we have to — work together and well

ML: rep to Chamber for many years

as evolving, terrific synergies; plsd you highlighted that; gone a long way to dispel any confusion

MB: Sop/ML took words out of my mouth; work together¦.fantastic

letters of support and standing behind the BIA; you’ve got me for another year

thank you for coming and thank you for waiting; Merry Christmas

12. Item withdrawn.

13. Item withdrawn.

14. Public Questions/Comments

CR (weaving way up as ppl leaving): sort of an obstacle course...

Anyway, a really impressive evening and great to hear from/about all those cmtes and what they've done. What a great cmnty -- so many ppl doing so much; it's really really lovely.

I did notice the grants for arts and culture, so I hope that heritage might find its way in there somewhere. And the same into the public art, as well.

It did remind me, I think it was before the time you were speaking of, Cclr Sop, I was on the cmte for the site for the cmnty/civic ctr. There were all sorts of plans at that time, and I don't know whether those wd hv bn passed on, b/c there was, you know, one idea of putting a -- I managed to stop that -- they were going to put a high rise in the NE corner of the civic sq -- the civic site advisory group -- so it makes me wonder. I hear there is something now and I'm wondering if those mtgs wd be public. Anyway, that's one question.

A/Mayor Sop: Ms Leemhuis

CAO: so, the "blue sky" exercise that's being conducted at the moment is being conducted by the WVCCS just in terms of their somewhat internal process. It will come to staff shortly. There'll be a public consultation and time for input throughout 2016. I'm not sure of the exact timeline, but we'll be working and responding to the blue sky exercise.

CR: Right, just want to say there was in fact a cmte or WG before, not just consulting for something else.

But anyway the other thing that it reminded me of...

is that all get prepared for Heritage Week wch is Feb 15 to 21st and seeing the presentation on Hollyburn, there are lots of things that can be mentioned -- {theme} it's the Distinctive Destinations and Historic Places; so we've got a lot, and as Chair of Heritage West Van, if anyone wants to write to heritage@westvan.org and give me suggestions of the places and things you wd like to add, b/c I'm putting together the prog now and we'll have a list of the places and then decide how we're going to celebrate them.

Sop: again, what's the address of the week?

CR: you mean the dates?

Sop: dates

CR: Feb 15th to 21st; so the 15th is called Heritage Day and it's for most places across Canada. There'll be events during the week, and on the Saturday there'll probably be a Heritage Fayre again for heritage grps, and we're already going to have a tour of the Pt Atkinson lighthouse, wch was v successful this year.

So, I wd like to thank you all for your year on Ccl, and all your work; hope you enjoyed it; and so then I wd wish you a Merry Christmas, a fun holiday, and happy new year.

Thank you.

Sop: and to you, Ms Reynolds, for your years of support on heritage and other things. You're a real gem.

{how kind of him!}

CR: you are, too. We're both gems, ageing gems

Sop (adjusting collar/preening with a smile): well, I don't know

before we go, adjournment, I think it's really rewarding to see the collected group of staff and citizens' engagement in this cmnty. Absolutely phenomenal the amt of work that goes into these cmtes. Always impressed when you sit on a cmte and see the knowledge that comes out. We are blessed here in this cmnty. There's no doubt about it.

So you may comment before we close up. Anybody?

ML: on behalf of M&Ccl I wish to wish everyone in our cmnty a, ah, season's greetings, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, as the case may be, and also to move adjournment.

15. Adjournment

~~~ 2016 April 4 Agenda ~~~

5pm CLOSED MTG, b/c

(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;

(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;

(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;

(i) the receipt of advice subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose; and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public. Purpose of meeting:

discussion regarding proposed provision of a municipal service, committee applications, land and legal matters.

=== ANIMALWATCH === Tiger and Goat; Eagles down drones

from the BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35204936 [video 2min28sec]

Goat and tiger's unlikely friendship 7 hours ago -- It is the story of an animal friendship that was never meant to be. A month ago, at a safari park in the far east of Russia, a goat was released into a tiger's enclosure as a live prey. Things haven't turned out as might have been expected for Timur and Amur -- and now fans are following the pair's progress via live webcam. Our Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford has bn talking to the zoo's Dir. Dmitry Mezentsev. Pictures from Primorye Safari Park

Metropolitan police interested in using eagles to take down drones

The Metropolitan police said commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe was impressed by a similar Dutch initiative and wants to bring it to London. [the video is 18 seconds)


=== INFObits ===

+ Highclere Castle in Berkshire (where Downton Abbey filmed)

The VSun (Sat Mar 5, pA17) reported that Lady Carnarvon was in Vancouver Friday (Mar 4) to celebrate the series finale with Downton fans at an afternoon tea at the Hotel Vancouver.

One piece of Canadian historical trivia is that John A Macdonald negotiated the BNA Act there in 1866 when the fourth earl Lord Carnarvon was the colonial secretary.

+ Christy Clark is now the longest-serving woman Premier in Canadian history.

+ February is Black History month. PM's statement: “This year, we mark the 20th anniversary of Black History Month in Canada. Throughout our history, Black Canadians have played a key role in building and shaping the diverse, free, and prosperous country that we enjoy today. The Government of Canada’s theme for this year’s Black History Month is A Story of Courage – The Road to Canada 150. As Canada prepares to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017, we invite everyone to celebrate the bravery and strength that Black Canadians have shown over the course of our history.

'+ Lunar new year (Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean); Feb 8 "year of the red fire monkey" starts. Gung hay fat choi!

+ MARDI GRAS Tues, Feb 9; Lent starts Feb 10 ASH WEDNESDAY; Good Friday Mar 25, Easter Sunday Mar 27

+ NOWRUZ -- Sunday 20 March 2016 at 04:30 GMT

The night before the last Wednesday of the year is celebrated by Iranians as ChahÄrshanbe Suri, Sur meaning feast, party or festival in Persian, Kurdish: «Ć‡arÅema Sor¬ˇ; Azerbaijani: Od ƧərÅÉ™nbÉ™si (meaning Fire Wednesday) in Persian, the Iranian festival of fire. This festival is the celebration of the light (the good) winning over the darkness (the bad); the symbolism behind the rituals are all rooted back to Zoroastrianism.

{With possible roots dating back to the second millennium BCE = Zoroastrianism}

+ MARCH 20 -- It was on this day 100 years ago that Ŗ#AlbertEinstein published his theory of general relativity.

+ World Water Day March 22.

+ It's Easter so we hear about the Easter Rising in 1916. Sir Roger Casement (1864 - 1916) was a British diplomat of Irish extraction, humanitarian activist, Irish nationalist, and poet. He is described as the "father of twentieth-century human rights investigations". He is honoured in the year of 2016 for all his work.

+ Prime MInister Trudeau's statement March 23 re Holi: This week, Canadians of Hindu faith will join their communities and loved ones in celebration of the fun-filled festival of colours. Holi marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. To usher in the new season, families will sing and dance, eat delicacies, light bonfires, and paint each other with brightly coloured powders and dyes.

This happy holiday is an opportunity to renew friendships and celebrate peace, but it is also a time to reflect on traditional notions of good and evil, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness. It is a festival that is celebrated by Hindus and non-Hindus alike across Canada, South Asia, and around the world.

As friends and families come together for this joyous occasion, we must take a moment to recognize the tremendous contributions Canadians of Hindu faith have made to our country. Our diversity is our greatest strength.

+ The holiday Purim is celebrated at sunset (on March 23 this year). It recounts the story of Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai who saved the Jewish people from Haman of ancient Persia (who wanted to kill them).

+ The End 2015: One last goodbye to those who passed away this year

Final words for the notable people who made their mark before they passed away in 2015 macleans.ca Dec 17, 2015

+ YVR has hit record 20M passengers so far this year! [2015]

+ King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: King of Saudi Arabia, 90

The thirteenth of 45 sons of King Abdulaziz, the nation’s founding monarch, Abdullah inherited the throne in 2005 from his half-brother. Seen as a slow, cautious reformer of the ultra-conservative nation, he gave women the right to vote for municipal councils. http://www.macleans.ca/society/the-end-2015-one-last-goodbye-to-those-who-passed-away-this-year/image/25/

+ In the US, Median wages have stagnated even as incomes at the top have soared. Cultural fears compound economic ones: in 2015 a Pew poll found that white Christians had become a minority in America.


+ Annotating Justin Trudeau’s 60-second challenge -- Aaron Hutchins December 15, 2015

Maclean’s didn’t give Justin Trudeau much time to answer these questions, so here are his responses with a little context from us. http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/explaining-justin-trudeaus-60-second-challenge/

+ Scientists Discover Meteorite Older Than Earth Itself’ in Australian Outback Lauren French Jan. 6, 2016

...A team of Australian geologists have unearthed a 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite that appears to have traveled from farther away than Mars, ... http://time.com/4170109/meteorite-older-earth-australian-outback/

+ Human impact has pushed Earth into the anthropocene, scientists say

New study provides one of the strongest cases yet that the planet has entered a new geological epoch

+ In 2011 the world’s population passed seven billion, only 12 years after reaching six billion; by 2017 more than

50% are expected to be living in cities. These statistics point to the fact that cities are growing at a phenomenal rate.

+ 2015 Was Hottest Year in Recorded History, Scientists Say by JUSTIN GILLIS JAN. 20, 2016


+ February was the warmest month in recorded history, climate experts say


+ Holocaust Remembrance Day January 27:


+ Syrian Stats (from teleSUR Feb 16)

A recent report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research released Thursday says 11.5 per cent of Syria's 22.5 million population has been killed or injured since the beginning of the conflict in 2011. Almost 500,000 people have been killed, more than doubling previous estimates.


+ Obama’s Valentine poem for his wife 13 February 2016 Last updated at 09:52 GMT

US President Barack Obama has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and recited a Valentine poem to his wife Michelle. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35568698?post_id=953135444755280_953135441421947

+ Rene Angelil: Born to Syrian parents in 1942, he grew up in Villeray, then as now a teeming multicultural Montreal neighbourhood. http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/rene-angelil-the-svengali-behind-celine/

+ An utter shock’: Colleagues and friends remember Jean Lapierre [Mar 29] -- Denis Coderre and Tom Mulcair among those to issue condolences after Lapierre, his wife and other members of his family died in a plane crash


{difficult to comprehend on way to her husband's funeral her daughter, three sons, and a daughter-in-law die}


+ Prince Charles and Camilla's sweetest Christmas card ever DECEMBER 17, 2015 BY HELLOMAGAZINE.COM



Off to Montessori at aged two and a half; cute photo!

The Canadian Press http://www.everythingzoomer.com/prince-george-starts-nursery-as-duchess-turns-photographer/

=== Saint David's Day -- March 1 === https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_David's_Day

Saint David's Day (Welsh: Dydd Gŵyl Dewi, Welsh pronunciation: [dÉĖĆ° ÉŹÉl ĖdÉ›ui]) is the feast day of Saint David,

the patron saint of Wales, and falls on 1 March each year. The first day of March was chosen in remembrance of

the death of Saint David. Tradition holds that he died on that day in 569.

=== JournalismWATCH ===

Edward Clarkin Is the Most Important Man in Journalism Today - And He's Probably Not a Real Person

By Judd Legum, ThinkProgress 27 December 15

A week ago, no one had ever heard of Edward Clarkin. Today he has inspired multiple parody Twitter accounts, prompted one journalist to quit his job after 22 years and has been the subject of intense speculation in elite media circles.

This is how Edward Clarkin went from an unknown to the center of the world of journalism.

See: http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/34281-edward-clarkin-is-the-most-important-man-in-journalism-today-and-hes-probably-not-a-real-person

=== WOMENWATCH === bad news and good news.......

+ Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman Saturday, December 26, 2015 11:00 AM EST

At first, the trial and convictions in the death of Farkhunda Malikzada, 27, seemed a victory in the long struggle to give Afghan women their due in court. But a deeper look suggests otherwise.



+ January 28th: 100th anniversary of [Manitoba's] becoming the first Canadian province to grant women the right to vote. The PM stated: "Today, we celebrate a very special anniversary in our country’s history: exactly 100 years ago, women in Manitoba became the first women in Canada to gain the right to vote."

+ PM tweeted Mar 24: Saddened by the passing of Claire Kirkland-Casgrain, the first woman elected to the National Assembly and the first female Cabinet minister in Quebec

=== PHOTOWATCH === Arctic + Stonehenge Solstice and Yalda

+ Must-see: Hot tea thrown into the Arctic air caught on ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFpHjp8M2y4 -- Uploaded by The Weather Network

Must-see: What happens when you throw hot tea in the air in the Arctic? Become a ... A Cup Of Hot Water ...


- Winter solstice 2015: Crowds gather at Stonehenge to watch sunrise, in pictures


- Winter solstice 2015: Everything you need to know about the shortest day of the year Telegraph.co.ukˇ

Google's new Doodle celebrates the December solstice, marking the longest night ... at 04:49 GMT (Universal time) with the sun rising over Stonehenge in Wiltshire at 08:04.

- Yalda

Yalda or Shab-e Chelleh ('night of forty') is an Iranian festival celebrated on the "longest and darkest night of the year", i.e. the night of the Northern Hemisphere's winter solstice.

Every year, on December 21st, Iranians celebrate the arrival of winter, the renewal of the sun and the victory of light over darkness on Yalda Night.

Ancient Iranians believed that the dawning of each year is marked with the re-emergence or rebirth of the sun, an event which falls on the first day of the month of Dey in the Iranian calendar (December 21)....

Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and some Caucasian states such as Azerbaijan and Armenia share the same tradition as well and celebrate Yalda Night annually at this time of the year.

+ Maclean's Week in Pictures -- 7 days in 15 pictures Liz Sullivan February 5, 2016

The week in photographs {from around the world}, as chosen by the Maclean’s photo department. Please be warned that this gallery contains graphic content, including an image of a drowned young Syrian refugee.


=== MUSICWATCH === Disabled musicians play from brainwaves -- amazing!

Disabled musicians create music from brainwaves 12 February 2016 Last updated at 10:30 GMT

Four members of a Paramusical Ensemble, who are unable to talk or move, are using ground-breaking technology to create music with the power of their minds. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35557908

=== HOUSEWATCH === definitely OTT -- and in Edmonton!

Unique $7.5M Alberta mansion owner built himself up for sale

..perched on a peak in Parkland County overlooking the North Saskatchewan River;13Ksfl; Old World Mediterranean style

... The property boasts eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, a six-car garage, 25-foot ceilings, and an 80-foot covered tunnel. There are statues, mouldings, gold door knockers, artwork on the ceilings and custom glass work. ...


=== TheEconomistWATCH ===

The year in review -- Our ten most popular articles from 2015

The most read pieces of the year on The Economist's website

Dec 28th 2015 http://www.economist.com/news/christmas/21684051-our-ten-most-popular-articles-2015

=== WHISKYWATCH === Islay wins! G and I love Islay whiskies.....tasting on the Isle of Islay.....

Called malt or whisky (NEVER scotch!). Tickled to discover, reading this, how special Islay is b/c those are our favourites. {Language Note re spelling: fyi in Canada and UK whisky (no E), but whiskey in the US and Ireland (the rebels!).}

The Thirsty Explorer heads to the Scottish island of Islay where he learns the important differences between malt and whisky – and how to order it in a bar.

by Brad Cohen 3 June 2015 ¦That first Scotch whisky I drank was a blend. Of course, I didn’t understand the difference between single malt and blended whisky until I returned to Scotland eight years later; most people still don’t. Blended whisky, which comprises more than 80% of the market, including brands like Johnnie Walker and Dewars, is a mix o­f malt and grain whiskies that come from multiple distilleries. Single malt, which Scottish drinkers often refer to as malt rather than whisky (and never Scotch, [as] it’s known elsewhere around the world), is whisky created from malted barley at one distillery....

The whole story with pics: http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20150511-why-you-should-never-drink-whisky-on-the-rocks

=== SOUPWATCH === cock-a-leekie from Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock-a-leekie_soup

Cock-a-leekie soup is a Scottish soup dish of leeks and chicken stock, often thickened with rice, or sometimes barley. The original recipe added prunes during cooking, and traditionalists still garnish with a julienne of prunes. Anne Mulhern of Glasgow's Willow Tearooms suggests that the reason for the addition of prunes dates back to times when only boiling fowls were available and prunes were added to increase the nutritional value of the broth.[2]

While it is called “Scotland’s National Soup¯, it probably originated as a chicken and onion soup in France.[3] By the 16th century, it had made its way to Scotland, where the onions were replaced with leeks.[4] The first recipe was printed in 1598, though the name “cock-a-leekie¯ did not come into use until the 18th century.

=== CPTWATCH === Christian Peacemaker Team

Prayers for Peacemakers, January 27, 2016

Pray for the Hebron family who were caught in the middle when Israeli settlers invaded the houses on right and left of their home with the collusion of the Israeli authorities this week.  Although security forces eventually evacuated them, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has said he will authorize the settlers’ return.  When settlers move next to Palestinian homes, they often use violent harassment to make life unbearable to their Palestinian neighbours to force them to leave. 


=== GUARDIANWATCH === UN Chief comments.....

Ban Ki-moon calls Israeli settlement expansion an 'affront' to the world

Netanyahu says Ban giving tailwind to terror’ as UN chief says violence born of Palestinians’ despair after half-century of occupation and paralysis of peace’

The caption on the photo is brilliant (juxtaposition)... Here's the whole article, bit of a surprise.....


=== 2015WATCH === Goodbyes

The End 2015: One last goodbye to those who passed away this year

Final words for the notable people who made their mark before they passed away in 2015


{Must admit I thought v highly of Flora MacDonald.}

=== BEERWATCH === cenosillicaphobia -- the fear of an empty beer glass!

= 24 Things You Never Knew About Beer http://www.ba-bamail.com/content.aspx?emailid=18941

= CRAFTBEER WATCH Best craft beer pubs around the UK

Top 10 craft beer pubs in Oxford {Craft beer is booming in Vancouver -- looks as if it's hit the UK too!}

Oxford’s emerging craft beer scene offers a good mix of cosy, cool, and chilled-out city centre pubs and barsubs and bars


=== TREEWATCH === was sent this:

The essence of our positioning is set out in our on-line petition:


=== SPACEWATCH === ninth planet

Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge

Astronomers investigating the odd alignment of rocks beyond Pluto have concluded that an undetected icy planet four times the size of Earth must exist.

Excerpt: ... If the researchers have their sums right, the mysterious new world is 10 times more massive than Earth and up to four times the size. Nicknamed Planet Nine, it moves on an extremely elongated orbit, and takes a staggering 10,000 to 20,000 years to swing once around the sun....


=== MUSEUMWATCH === Save my city: the axeing of once great Lancaster

First came the floods. Now comes the axe. As many as 10 museums face closure around Lancaster. Our writer returns to his home town to find shops boarded up and locals angry at having their city cut from under their feet.

for the whole story: http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/mar/27/lancaster-city-culture-museum-closures


ļ¦ Book News: http://us12.campaign-archive1.com/?u=5d8097a0589d392008bb9facf&id=b5ceaad5fa&e=917c053d05

ļ¦ E-Book Sales Decline [VIDEO 2min8sec] Sales of e-books are down, and the printed word is seeing a resurgence.


ļ¦ Is There Still Any Point Collecting Books? BBC WebCite 13 December 2015

http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35069707 A lifetime of collecting books has left the writer Howard Jacobson with back injuries, a lack of living space and a sense of sheer pointlessness. But he'd do it all over again.

ļ¦ 'One Child,' by Mei Fong [a review by JOHN PARKER who writes for The Economist]

How the repercussions of China's recently repealed one-child policy have reshaped its society.


ļ¦ Shakespeare Biography

Sunday January 10, 2016 [ LISTEN 52:41]

James Shapiro on the critical year Shakespeare wrote King Lear

On the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, scholar James Shapiro

discusses one of the most significant years of the playwright's life: 1606.

ļ¦ George Elliott Clarke has been appointed Canada's next Parliamentary Poet Laureate.


ļ¦ What were the bestselling books of 2015?

Books written by women comprised seven of the top 10 ten, with Fifty Shades of Grey still sitting at number one.


ļ¦ It's a new year and what are the most anticipated books for the first half of 2016?

Here's The Globe and Mail's list...and it's all Canadian!


ļ¦ Novel cut from Israeli school curriculum becomes bestseller Michael Petrou (Jan 29)

Borderlife, a novel about an Israeli-Palestinian romance, will be translated into English later this year

A novel by an Israeli author about a love affair between an Israeli Jewish woman and a Palestinian Muslim man from the West Bank who meet in New York has been excluded from Israel’s regular high school curriculum, out of concern it might threaten the Jewish identity of students reading it.

Makes me think of Romeo and Juliet! Rest: http://www.macleans.ca/culture/books/novel-cut-from-israeli-school-curriculum-becomes-bestseller/

=== WORDWATCH === circumzenithal arc; bibliotaph(e); manels; Lent; Enrol/enroll

+ circumzenithal arc -- Who, What, Why: How common are upside-down rainbows?

18 January 2016 From the section BBC  Magazine http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35343629?

+ bibliotaph or bibliotaphe [Biblio- book + Greek taphos burial.] noun: A person who caches or hoards books.

+ New words – 11 January 2016 by Cambridge Words -- manel -- noun -- an exclusively male panel

Some of my male peers in the industry joke about it, calling the consistently male-dominated talks or panels 'manels' - recognising the distinct lack of female voices. What's telling is that 'manels' are everywhere - in the boardroom, C-Suite and across the tech sector, especially finance. [www.huffingtonpost.co.uk 06.08.15] [¦]

Read more of this post http://dictionaryblog.cambridge.org/2016/01/11/new-words-11-january-2016/

+ The Thurible says: The word "Lent" comes from an Anglo-Saxon name for "spring".

Googled, got: Lent (n.)

late 14c., short for Lenten (n.) "forty days before Easter" (early 12c.), from Old English lencten "springtime, spring," the season, also "the fast of Lent," from West Germanic *langa-tinaz "long-days" (cognate with Old Saxon lentin, Middle Dutch lenten, Old High German lengizin manoth), from *lanngaz (root of Old English lang "long;" see long (adj.)) + *tina-, a root meaning "day" (compare Gothic sin-teins "daily"), cognate with Old Church Slavonic dini, Lithuanian diena, Latin dies "day" (see diurnal).

the compound probably refers to the increasing daylight. Compare similar form evolution in Dutch lente (Middle Dutch lentin), German Lenz (Old High German lengizin) "spring." Church sense of "period between Ash Wednesday and Easter" is peculiar to English.

+ Enrol/enroll/enrolment/enrollment (Oct 26 ccl mtg p35 )

o Enrol vs. enroll The verb meaning to sign up or to register is spelled enroll in the U.S. Enrol, with one l, is the preferred spelling outside North America. The more American spelling is now preferred in Canadian news publications, but enrol was traditionally more common and still appears in many contexts.

The spelling difference extends to enrollment (American English) and enrolment (outside the U.S.), but it doesn’t extend to enrolled and enrolling, which everywhere are spelled with two {'ls}.

The word has taken several forms since coming to English from French in the 14th century. It was originally enrolly (an anglicization of the French enroller), but it was also spelled enroul, enrolle, and inroll.1 Enroll was common from the 17th century on, predating enrol by at least a century. English speakers outside North America took up the newer enrol around 1800, while Americans stuck with the older spelling. from: http://grammarist.com/spelling/enrol-enroll/

o https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrollment

Enrollment (American spelling), or enrolment (British spelling) {and Canadian!}

o Then go figure SFU; :-(

Enroll in classes - Enrollment - Simon Fraser ... - Burnaby https://www.sfu.ca/students/enrollment/enroll.html

Check your Enrollment Appointment under Enroll in Classes menu option.


HERITAGE DAY: https://www.nationaltrustcanada.ca/visit-discover/heritage-day

Heritage News

CTV National News: Unique church renovation

Vancouver's historic Christ Cathedral is getting much needed renovations, including a new roof. Melanie Nagy has more on the big project. http://www.ctvnews.ca/ctv-national-news

= HERITAGE BC http://www.heritagebc.ca 604 428 7243 [ofc hrs: 8am - 5pm Mon - Thurs]

The ofc is in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243

ADDITION {was in 14.5D}

We are looking for a candidate with experience in the heritage field and an education from a recognized Urban Planning, Architecture, Heritage Planning or History program.

Applicants must have strong knowledge and / or experience in heritage planning and conservation projects, report writing, or conducting research on heritage buildings. Please send your cover letter and resume to info@heritagebc.ca and put in the subject line "Heritage BC Capacity Planner Application". Applications will only be accepted by email. Only PDF documents will be accepted.

Deadline for Applications: 5pm February 1, 2016 The Search Cmte appreciates yr interest in this position; only the candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. All applicns treated in confidence. Details about the position, how to apply see here.

The 35th Annual Heritage BC Awards Gala 2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016

See the list of winners: http://heritagebc.ca/2016-heritage-bc-awards

= HERITAGE WEST VAN heritage.westvan.org 922 4400 info@heritage.westvan.ca

See HWV's flyer for Heritage Week 2016 on pages 103+104

The Monarchist League's dinner in Vancouver in April celebrating Queen Elizabeth's 90th birthday sold out in two days.

Maybe have a small informal dinner at a WV restaurant?

= HERITAGE VANCOUVER SOCIETY http://www.heritagevancouver.org/

Our 15th Annual 2015 Top10 Watch LIst http://www.heritagevancouver.org/topten/topten2015.html

= VANCOUVER HERITAGE FOUNDATION http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org

Brown Bag Lunch & Learn -- Wed Mar 30 -- Taylor Manor: Creating Supportive Housing Inside a 100-Year-Old Mansion

Mitch Sakumoto, Architect at Merrick Architecture, will discuss Taylor Manor, a 1915 Tudor residence last functioning as a long-term care facility. Recently it was restored and rehabilitated to become supportive housing for homeless people living with mental health issues. http://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/learn-with-us/workshops-talks/brown-bag-lunch-learn/

=== MAIKU ===

written for the holidays Christmas with family warmth

and then comes New Year’s

celebrate with friends!

written 2015 Dec 22nd {for her birthday 29th} with mother’s presence

all throughout lifetime

invisible cloak of love

written in January Life overwhelming,

too much to do, but simple

in times of crisis

quotations thoughts puns

Last of the Christmas puns.......

Q: What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride? A: Holly Davidson.

Q: What did Mary Poppins want from Santa? A: Supercalifragilistic­expialisnowshoes!

Q: Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A: A mince spy!

Q: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? A: Claustrophobic.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Christmas tree with an apple? A: A pineapple

Q: What’s the difference between snowmen and snowladies? A: Snowballs.

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.

What happened to the man who thought about the evils of drinking in the New Year? He gave up thinking.

What’s the problem with jogging on New Year’s Eve? 

-- The ice falls out of your drinks! 

Daddy, what's a Canadian?

It’s a North American with health insurance but without a gun.

Breaking News

Press release.  The PM of Canada, Justin Trudeau, met with the President of the US and strongly supported the war on terrorism.  PM Trudeau issued the following statement:




Terry Milewski ¸Ŗ@CBCTerry

The gloves are off. A measured assessment of Donald Drumpf by John Oliver:

John Oliver Demolishes 'Serial Liar' Donald Trump, Launches Campaign To #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain


q t p

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. 

                 — John Ruskin, English author, art critic, and social reformer (8 Feb 1819 - 1900)

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don’t believe is right.                       — Dame Jane Goodall, British primatologist (b 1934)

Terrorism is what we call the violence of the weak, and we condemn it; war is what we call the violence of the strong, and we glorify it. — Sydney J. Harris, American journalist (1917 - 1986)

The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.

-- Adlai Stevenson, American politician (5 Feb 1900-1965)

The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.  — Aristotle, Greek philosopher (384 - 322BC)

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.

-- Winston Churchill, British statesman (1874 - 1965)

Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. 

                                — Anton Chekhov, Russian short-story writer and dramatist (29 Jan 1860 - 1904)

{Ed Note: given some of what's been sent my way recently, common fear also unites.}

The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness¦This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

— Plato, Greek philosopher [428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC]  

     Founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world

In the book of life, the answers are not in the back. —  Charles Schulz, Charlie Brown speaking

We are the environment, and the environment is us. -- David Suzuki, quoted on his 80th birthday 2016 March 24

A nation's best defence is an educated citizenry. — Thomas Jefferson, American Founding Father (1743 - 1806)

God sent his only son on a suicide mission, but we like him anyway b/c he made trees.

-- Steve Jobs, American inventor/entrepreneur (1955 - 2011)

Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.

Chuck Klosterman, Killing Yourself to Live: 85% of a True Story; American author (b 1972)

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, socialist (1856 - 1950)

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. — Thomas Paine, political theorist (1737 in UK - 1809 in US)

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. —Charles Darwin, Britlsh naturalist (1802 - 1882)

You can spend the entire second half of your life recovering from the mistakes of the first half.

— Saul Bellow, the character Wilhelm Adler speaking, in Seize the Day (1956)

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.

— Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch philosopher, humanist, and theologian (1466 - 1536)

The history of Western science confirms the aphorism that the great menace to progress is not ignorance  but the illusion of knowledge. — Daniel J. Boorstin, American historian (1914 - 2014)

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.

— Bertolt Brecht, German playwright (1898 - 1956)

It is only an error in judgment to make a mistake, but it argues an infirmity of character to stick to it.

          — Adela Rogers St. Johns, American writer (1894 – 1988)

Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.  — C.S. Lewis, British author (1898 - 1963)

When it comes to nourishment, a boa’s best friend is his smother.

What do you call an expensive shoe?        A cashew.

My wife is feeling better after getting her appendix removed.

Unfortunately, she will never be able to reference this chapter of her life.

The inept telegrapher was a weapon of Morse destruction.

A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game.

A locksmith is a key employee.

What did the policeman order at the restaurant? A search and seizure salad.

I think every morning that I’m going to make pancakes, but I keep waffling.

My pig developed a rash, so the veterinarian prescribed an oinkment.

Accountant is a royal insect.
I’m struggling to catch my breath while I'm struggling to lose my breadth.

Tire stores are highway rubbery.

The librarian didn’t know what to do with the book about Tesla's love of electricity, so he filed it under 'Current Affairs'.

Geometry shapes my life!

Tire stores are highway rubbery.

What do you call keys born on the same day? Twinkies!

With organic whisky, one may attain the stupornatural.

Shakespeare's parrot was the bird of Avon.

When two glow-worms met in the dark, it was larva at first sight.