Saturday June 6, Community Day -- into the future! -- parade and info booths
800 years ago! Magna Carta signed June 15 in 1215 in Runnymede
Father's Day Sunday June 21 * Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day June 24 (Quebec)
= MAIN ITEMS CCL MTG July 6: Coho Festival Society; MetroV Presentation; Library Annual Report; Housing Bulk Info Presentation; 5-Yr Financial Budget/Plan Budget Adjustmts; DVPs, OCP/ Zoning Changes (Consideration Jul 27); TransLink Performance Report; FBG Grant (~$700K); Correspondence
= Vive le Canada (Cdn Armed Forces Day); from the Editor's Desk (Political Satire; WVM Woes); NBRHD/BULK Update; WVPD (Cops for Cancer; Elder Abuse Day); Updates & Info (BBQ Ban; Sprinkling; Cycling BC; AGMs; Streamkeeper News; Cmnty Ctr Parking; Chickens; Nat'l Aboriginal Day; PM re Ramadan; SAC Newsletter; Sir Nicholas Winton; TransLink Referendum)
= CALENDAR to July 15; CULTUREWATCH (Awards/Theatre; Art; Music; Writers; Talks/Walks/Sips)
= HEADSUPS 2015 -- 6A: Updates Th - Mon // 6B: Mtgs; May 25 peek // 6C: Today, Wkend Mtgs // 6D: Yr Nbrhd //
6E: Mtgs; Nbrhd May 26 // 6F: Bike Day; Music // 6G: Mtgs (to Jun 3) // 6H: Heritage // 6I: Tonight; Jun 8 Agenda //
6J: Today/Tomorrow // 6K: Mtgs // 6L: WV Opera! // 6M: Wed/Th Mtgs // 6N: Police Bd; Mtgs // 6O: Fri/Sat/Sun // 6P: Canada Day and more
= CCL MTG NOTES: Apr 13: WV Cmnty Fdn; Q1 Operating Results/Capital Plan; Solid Waste Utility; Road near 4435 Stone Crescent; Toby House HRA; Tax Rates: Correspondence!
MORE NOTES: Apr 27; May 11; 25; June 1; with bits for June 8 and 22
= ANIMALWATCH (Pig/Dogs/Cat); INFObits (Senate; Waterloo; Homeless Honesty; First Craft Brewery; the Lions; NZ WW 1; Naqba; Roger Waters; MetroV Immigrants; Puerto Rico; more); CANADIANA (Peter Mackay; Sir John A; James Moore; Nat'l Aboriginal Day; John Oliver mocks Cdn Senate Expenses; Cdn Polar Medal); ROYALWATCH (Princess Charlotte; Magna Carta); MUDDLE-EAST MESS (Sabeel; Pink Floyd); WOMENWATCH (Magna Carta); HOUSEWATCH ($4M WV Teardown); TREEWATCH (DBH); CPTWATCH (photos; SUMMERWATCH (ice cream); TORTUREWATCH; BOOKWATCH (Vanc Writers' Fest); LANGUAGEWATCH (LGBT2SIQQ); WORDWATCH (YUC); SPELLINGWATCH (BBQ); HERITAGEWATCH; MAIKU; HUMOUR + QTNS/THOUGHTS/PUNS + CARTOONS
West Vancouver Community Day Parade June 6
{Ages: WV and Lady 103; Car 50} |
=== Vive le CANADA === June 7 Canadian Armed Forces Day
In Canada, Canadian Forces Day is the first Sunday in June and is a celebration of Canada's armed services, their heritage, and their personnel. {Gotta go out and hug a veteran!}
=== from the EDITOR'S DESK ===
+ Political Satire
Normally, I put all the humour/salmagundi at the end, however this tape was just too funny not to tell you about it right away. It was surprising (and shocking of course for Tory stalwart John Crosbie) to learn that the Conservative Party will not allow his son Ches to be a candidate in the coming federal election. On July 2nd, CBC Radio's As it Happens played a tape of a performance Ches was in last fall. It's a take-off of Shakespeare's Macbeth with characters MacHarper and McDuffy. Clever and hilarious. It''s only 2 min. LISTEN 1:57
Ches Crosbie + actor Paul Wilson rehearse their McHarper vs McDuffy Shakespeare skit.
+ We live in wondrous times! July 3rd: plane flew across the ocean under solar power alone; no fuel. OMG!
+ GRUMBLE -- Alas, sorely need a time planner; not enough time to do all I want to do! May 26 input mtg and June 22 Notes will be in the next issue. This is rather long (but brought it under 100 pages!) trying to get main things in and catch up; may consider a different format in future.
Sorry, this is not what you were looking forward to as summer reading... :-(
+ WVM -- E&OE !
Pls note, these ccl mtg notes are a guide for you -- do watch/listen to the items you want full information about.
Want to get this away from hanging over my head so sending out not as complete as wanted. At least you'll know the part of the ccl mtg you're interested in and can listen to the whole item on the DWV website. {NOTE: It's confusing b/c if you click on 'council videos' [ ] , you get "stream not found' on a black square, but do not give up. Look at the bar along the top to find what you're looking for.}
My apologies wrt the events and happenings that I didn't spend the extra time to research and recover. Promise to try to do better next time. Subscribers do get a Headsup to let them know about things ahead of time.
There is, of course, the computer industry saying: it's time to shoot the developer and ship the product :-)
{UPDATE: to get this newsletter out, have removed June and will finish for the next WVM}
=== Just in, July 2nd --
The process of dealing with the issue of housing bulk in WV moves forward at the July 6 Ccl mtg. District staff will make a verbal report and presentation summarizing the engagement work undertaken to date and community input on building bulk, where the District is in this study process, and the next steps for moving the project forward in the fall.
No decisions being made yetNo bylaw amendments, regulations, or guidelines are being put forward at this time, and Council will not be making any decisions at this meeting. The July 6 presentation is for information only.
Next stepsFurther work on the broader issues of neighbourhood character but encompassing housing bulk and related issues will be addressed through the Official Community Plan review process, which begins soon.
Visit for more details.
=== WVPD ===
> Help West Vancouver Police & the Canadian Cancer Society fight Pediatric Cancers!
Constable Chris Lincoln and Constable Jeff Palmer are representing West Vancouver Police in the 2015 Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast. Along with 28 other Police officers and emergency responders from the Lower Mainland we will ride 900 km in nine days in September to help raise awareness and funds for the Canadian Cancer Societys fight against childhood cancers.
Everyone is invited to join us at a Team North Shore - Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast Fundraising Evening!
6 - 11pm ~ June 6 at the Fraternal Order of Eagles Hall, 170 3rd St in NV. Tix $25.
Your $25 Event Admission includes a barbecue dinner with salads and dessert, and a complimentary beverage.
Food and facility is fully donated so your full $25 ticket price will directly support Cops for Cancer. There is a silent auction, 50-50 draw, and live entertainment.
For more Event info:
Online Donations in support of Cops for Cancer Tour de Coast can be made at anytime directly to the Cdn Cancer Society.
Click on the Cops for Cancer logo on our home page at for info on secure on-line donations.
> June 15 Marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
The United Nations declared June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in 2012, aiming to bring together senior citizens, caregivers, and government agencies to combat the problem of elder abuse.
WV Police encourage all residents of our community to learn about Elder Abuse, and the resources available to help protect seniors from victimization.
Contact Police if you believe you or an Elder you help care for has been the victim of financial or physical abuse. See the links below for information on contacting other Elder Abuse Prevention resources in BC.
VictimLINK - Help line for victims of family violence offering services in over 110 languages, including 16 North American Aboriginal languages. Toll-free: 1 800 563 0808
Seniors Health Care Support Line – Allows seniors, their families, and other caregivers or concerned individuals in their lives to report concerns about their care.
Monday-Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm Toll-free: 1 877 952 3181
Seniors abuse and information line - Operated by the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy Support, SAIL is a safe place for older adults to talk to someone confidentially about situations where they feel they, or someone they know, is being abused or mistreated and to seek advice and support.
Daily 8am – 8pm 604 437 1940 Click Here for Information on elder abuse prevention
Public guardian and trustee of BC --
Contact Service BC to be transferred the Public Guardian offices. (604) 660-2421 or email at
=== UPDATES & INFO ===
= Thx and farewell to Bob Sokol, Dir/Planning; Stephen Mikicich is the Acting Director.
Jun 18 -- Charcoal and briquette barbecues are now banned in all WV parks [owing] to the high fire rating. WV Fire & Rescue Services announced this week that with the current high temperatures and dry conditions, it is not safe to use charcoal or briquette barbecues in parks at this time. Propane barbecues are permitted in WV parks (except Lighthouse Park) until further notice. {Update: Propane now also prohibited.}
Full news release:
For updates and additional fire safety and summer safety tips, please visit
May 29 -- Seasonal lawn sprinkling regulations are in effect from June 1 through September 30.
With this years record low snowpack and unseasonably warm start to the summer season, we encourage all residents and businesses to do the right thing and conserve water whenever possible, said MetroV Board Chair Greg Moore.
Watering lawns is permitted in the morning only before 9am, and prohibited during evening hours when demand is highest for domestic uses like dishwashing, laundry, and showers.
Residential lawn sprinkling is allowed as follows:
Mornings only (4 – 9am) on designated days of the week.
Even-numbered addresses can water lawns on: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays
Odd-numbered addresses can water lawns on: Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Sundays
Sprinkling restrictions are in place because demand for our drinking water doubles during the hot days of summer. Lawn sprinkling restrictions help to conserve water and reduce strain on our drinking water delivery systems.
Did you know...?
One hour of lawn sprinkling uses as much water as 25 toilet flushes, five loads of laundry, and five dishwasher loads.
West Vancouver has a fully-metered water utility – the less water you use, the less you pay!
Work w/ nature, let your grass go dormant (brown) over the summer; it'll green up again when it starts raining in the fall.
More info: Metro Vancouver Lawn Sprinkling West Vancouver Water Conservation
Breaking News July 3: CHECK to see if your area has now been limited to watering one day a week.
= Cycling BC News -- Provincial Championships and more:
BC's BMX Champions for 2015 will be crowned on Sat July 11th at Action BMX, followed by BMX BC Cup on July 12th.
= Several AGMs in May. New (and renewed) Boards for 2015/16:
ADRA: Trudy Adair, Linda Kowalski, Keith Pople, Heather Mersey, Ray Richards, Scenery Slater, Gordon Ward Hall
Lighthouse Park Preservation Society (June 13 AGM): Pres - Alexandra Mancini, VP - Marja de Jong Westman, Treasurer - Nick Miller, Directors - Ann Crosby, Elaine Graham, Daphne Hales, Areta Sanders, Mbrship - Lynn Nordman
WV Historical Society: Laura Anderson, Dave Barker, Ann Brousson, 'Jim Carter, 'Pam Dalik, Rod Day, Beth Fraser, Elaine Graham, Barbara Hunter, Rob Morris, Carolanne Reynolds, Marilyn Rhodes, Wendy Topham, Tom Wardell
WV Streamkeeper Society: Mike Akerly, John Barker, Bill Chapman, Elizabeth Hardy, Don Harrison, Bill McAllister, Assunta McCullough, Dave Martin, and Dave Reid. At the first meeting of the Board, John Barker was re-elected as President. The other elected officers are Bill McAllister as Treasurer and Mike Akerly as Secretary.
Bits from newsletters:
- The total storm drains painted (and many re-painted) throughout WV is now 1,868 from 26 events.
- Rodgers Creek Estuary Enhancement Project. Funding of $152,500 has been raised from contributions by the Coho Society of the North Shore, WV Cmnty Fdn, the Pacific Salmon Fdn, the Environment Damages Fund (Environment Canada), Province of BC, and TD Friends of the Environment Fund. Work will commence in August this year. This project is similar to the work completed at the mouth of McDonald Creek.
+ The Ctr for Aquaculture & Environmental Research (CAER) is an internationally recognized research facility in WV dedicated to aquaculture and coastal research. CAER receives an infrastructure investment of up to $2.2M.
+ The Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, one of Canadas largest marine research institutes, receives an infrastructure investment of up to $13M.
+ The Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo is the oldest fisheries research ctr on the Pacific coast and the principal ctr for fisheries research on the West Coast. PBS receives an infrastructure investment of up to $2.9M.
o Update re Rodgers Creek: Following the success of the McDonald Creek estuary project a similar enhancement initiative is underway for Rodgers Creek. Full funding of $152,000 has been achieved including contributions from the WV Cmnty Foundation, the Coho Society of the North Shore, the Environmental Damages Fund (Environment Canada), Pacific Salmon Fdn, British Pacific Properties, as well as the provincial government (thank you, Ralph Sultan, MLA). Construction, under the guidance of the District, will take place in August.
Jun 8 -- The parking area in the former tennis courts at the WV Cmnty Ctr site is will continue to be used as parking, but some modifications are required.
The former tennis courts have been used for parking on a temporary basis since 2013.
Council made the decision to keep the area as parking until further notice, and as a result, some modifications are required. The entrance will be moved to the centre to align with the underground parking entrance ramp across Gordon Avenue. A landscape buffer will be installed between the parking area and Gordon Avenue, and the on-street parking will be reconfigured to allow safe access for pedestrians.
The work will take place the week of June 22, and take approximately 3 to 5 days to complete.
The changes will secure the space for public parking in the future, improve pedestrian safety, and better integrate the parking into the surrounding neighbourhood.
This District of WV is considering allowing the keeping of backyard chickens (hens only) and we wd like to know what you think about this initiative. Please take a moment to review the options and share your opinion by taking the survey.
You may also wish to join us at an open house to provide your feedback on this matter.
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 24 | 4 – 7pm. Location: Municipal Hall Main Level Foyer
+ National Aboriginal Day
A day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada.The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed that year by then Governor General of Canada Roméo LeBlanc, to be celebrated on June 21 annually.
June 21 was chosen as the statutory holiday for many reasons -- including its cultural significance as the Summer solstice, and the fact that it is a day on which many Aboriginal groups traditionally celebrate their heritage.
The day of recognition came about after a series of calls for such a celebration. In 1982, the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) called for the creation of a National Aboriginal Solidarity Day to be celebrated on June 21. Slightly more than a decade later in 1995, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended that a National First Peoples Day be designated. Also in that same year, a national conference of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people chaired by Elijah Harper, titled The Sacred Assembly, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canada. June 21 often coincides with the summer solstice.[1]
National Aboriginal Day is now part of a series of Celebrate Canada days, beginning with National Aboriginal Day and followed by the National Holiday of Quebec on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27, and concluding with Canada Day on July 1.
In 2001, mbrs of the 14th Legislative Assembly passed the National Aboriginal Day Act making the Northwest Territories the first jurisdiction in Canada to recognize this day as a formal statutory holiday.[2]
+ JUNE 17 Prime Minister Harper's Statement re Ramadan
This evening at sunset, Muslims in Canada and around the world begin an important spiritual journey as they observe the holy month of Ramadan.
Ramadan takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar to commemorate the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.
For those observing this holy month, it is a time for reflection, personal sacrifice of material comforts, and spiritual devotion through prayer, fasting, and charity. Ramadan is also a time to celebrate and reconnect with family, friends, and communities, as well as to reaffirm ones commitment to uplifting humanity by further assisting those who are less fortunate.
On behalf of all Canadians, I wish Muslims in Canada and around the world a peaceful Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak.
+ Yay, SAC, Our Great Srs' Ctr! Read their newsletter!
The July/August Seniors' Scene is now online. This is where you will find information on programs and events happening at the Seniors' Activity Centre! {and there's so much great stuff!}
Please note that registration for summer programs has begun. Register early to secure your spot! To view the current Seniors' Enews, click here!
+ The Passing of a Great Human Being -- Sir Nicholas Winton
...Winton died on the morning of 1 July 2015 at Wexham Hospital in Slough from a respiratory failure, with his daughter Barbara and two grandchildren at his bedside. He was 106 years old... Excerpts from:
Sir Nicholas George Winton, MBE (born Nicholas Wertheim; 19 May 1909 – 1 July 2015) was a British humanitarian who organised the rescue of 669 children, mostly Jewish, from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia on the eve of the Second World War in an operation later known as the Czech Kindertransport. Winton found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain.[1] After the war, Winton did not discuss his efforts with anyone; his wife found out what he had done only after she discovered a scrapbook in their attic in 1988,...
He was born in Hampstead, London, a son of Barbara (née Wertheimer) and Rudolph Wertheim. His parents were German Jews who had moved to London two years earlier. The family name was Wertheim, but they changed it to Winton in an effort at integration. They also converted to Christianity, and Winton was baptised....
Though a stockbroker, Winton was also "an ardent socialist who became close to Labour Party party luminaries Aneurin Bevan, Jennie Lee and Tom Driberg." Through another socialist friend, Martin Blake, Winton became part of a leftwing circle opposed to appeasement and concerned about the dangers posed by the Nazis...
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, on 28 October 2014, Winton said he thought he had "made a difference to a lot of people" and went on to say, "I don't think we've learned anything ... the world today is in a more dangerous situation than it has ever been."
{Think that interview, or one about that time on TV, was when I found out about him. It might have been CBC's Joe Schlesinger who also spoke of him since Joe was one who'd been rescued. An incredible person. And so lucid at 105!}
+ TransLink Referendum
By now you all know it was NO 62% to 38%. Our mayor, Mike Smith -- one of only three advocating 'no' --, spoke well on CBC's On the Coast Thurs (2nd) afternoon. My personal assessment (and heard from others), is that this shd not be interpreted simply as not wanting to pay more taxes (often a reason for rejection), but the overriding revulsion wrt the leadership -- they've made a lot of bad/poor decisions and shd clean up their act first. Confidence has been lost.
Some stats from NSN:
The majority of voters in all three North Shore municipalities voted No. City of North Vancouver voters came down 55.08 per cent against the tax. The District of North Vancouvers No vote came in slightly higher at 55.39 per cent and the District of West Vancouvers voters topped local opposition at 55.98 per cent.
As one person said, let's lay it at the feet of TransLink leadership. {I ask who's going to pick up the pieces?}
=== CALENDAR to July 15th ===
Mtgs at MHall unless otherwise indicated. Mtgs known at date of writing shown; often addns, changes, cancellations after WVM sent. Check the DWV Calendar: Some too late/early for an issue are emailed to subscribers. [Headsup/Notices sent between issues.
NB: Look carefully when you're checking DWV's Calendar. It starts with Sunday whereas the ones I have start with Monday so weekend and Sunday at the end of the week!
== SATURDAYS == Every Saturday until September!
~ 11am - 4pm ~ AMBLESIDE FARMERS' MARKET -- 1500 Block Bellevue
Come down and enjoy a great variety of organic and conventional produce; as well as a fantastic selection of baking,
syrups, jams, jellies, honey, and salsas. There is always an assortment of handcrafted clothing, pottery, soaps, and
jewellery. The Ambleside Market has a book exchange, newspaper reading area, games table, and kids' play area.
us every weekend and holiday from July
1st - September 6th for live musical entertainment
in The Village at Park Royal by Whole Foods Market and in The Plaza
at Park Royal South, near the Salmon Spindle Whorl fountain.
Find out more.
== Sunday June 21
~ 10am ~ John Lawson Park; Annual Walk the World for Schizophrenia
~ 10am - 9pm ~ Dundarave Porsche Show and Ride for Cystic Fibrosis in Dundarave Village
This year marks the 10th annual running of this Good Works event organized by members of the Canadian West Region of the Porsche Club of America. Held on Fathers Day, this event raises money for medical research to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, a deadly genetic disease affecting mainly children and young adults across Canada.
== Wednesday June 24
~ 4 - 7pm ~ Open House -- Backyard Chickens at M Hall
WV is considering allowing the keeping of backyard chickens (hens only) and wd like to hear from you. Please join us at an open house to provide your feedback on this matter and next steps.
Pls take a moment to review the options and share your opinion by taking the survey.
~ 5 - 7pm ~ Public Info Session: Aquatic Centre Change Rooms Expansion [ALSO June 30]
The WV Aquatic Ctr welcomes 710,000 visitors each year. Attendance has increased by 120,000 participants since the facility reopened in 2004. In 2014, we surveyed the cmnty to find out what form of change-room improvements and expansion users would like to see. We considered this feedback together with facility requirements, and developed a proposed plan for expansion, which will take place 2016-2017, subject to approval of funding.
The proposed expansion will double the size of the family change room, which will become a universal change room to address changing community needs. Fixtures and finishings in all the change roomsmens, womens, and universal -- will be renovated.
== Thursday June 25
~ 4:30pm ~ WV Police Bd Mtg at WV Police Dept {suddenly rescheduled to Tuesday 23rd!}
== Sunday June 28
~ 10am ~ Cindy's Walk for the BC Epilepsy Society: Registration: 9:30am, John Lawson Park
The Society is hosting their annual Cindys Walk for the first time this year. This walk raises funds to support ppl with epilepsy and their families. The walk will be followed by refreshments and a chance to socialize.
== Tuesday June 30 -- Aquatic Ctr Info Session (see June 24)
~ ~ ~ Wednesday July 1st CANADA DAY ~ ~ ~
See details in Headsup 6O and in
== Thursday July 2 ~ 7pm ~ Awards Cmte mtg at Lawson Crk Studios (1758 Argyle)
== Sunday July 5 ~ 11am - 4pm ~ HORSESHOE BAY ANNUAL ARTWALK
Admire the work of 11 local artists three ceramic artists, five painters, one photographer, and two multimedia artists displayed at seven locations around the cmnty of Horseshoe Bay. Enjoy the route on foot (45 min) or catch our FREE shuttle bus from the Gleneagles Community Centre parking lot every half hour starting at 11am. The shuttle will continue a circle route to all artists locations throughout the day until 4pm. Free admission.
== Tuesday July 7 ~ 4:30pm ~ Finance Cmte Mtg
== Wednesday July 8 ~ 10am ~ Public Art Advisory Cmte Mtg -- Lawson Creek Studios (1758 Argyle)
== Saturday July 11
~ 11am ~ West Coast Modern Home Tour
Explore five spectacular midcentury and contemporary West Coast modern style homes perched on the rocky slopes of West Vancouver!
== Tuesday July 14 ~ 4pm ~ Cmnty Energy and Emissions Plan WG mtg at the Library
== Wednesday July 15
~ 5pm ~ Bd of Variance: 1122 Hillside (61% highest bldg face examption!); 1290 Queens; 1105 Keith
~ 6:30pm ~ WV Memorial Library Bd Mtg at the Library
== Thursday July 16
~ 4:30pm ~ Design Review Cmte mtg (July agenda not up yet)
+++ WV MEMORIAL LIBRARY +++ 925 7400 See the Calendar:
In the Gallery – The 5enses at the Library -- Thursday, June 4 – July 20
Works by five North Shore women who share a deep enthusiasm for abstract art and freedom of the brushstroke.
Here's an advance copy of the Library's annual report to be presented Monday July 6
> Library courtyard opening reception
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 -– Just in time for summer, our newly refurbished courtyard is set to open. To commemorate the occasion, the Library is holding an opening reception and lemonade toast on Friday, June 5 at 4pm in the courtyard. Invited guests include WV Mayor and Ccl, mbrs of the WV Memorial Library Bd, Fdn, and Friends, DWV Executive, Library staff, the project architects at SHAPE Architecture, and interested members of the public.
This is an exciting day for our Library, says Director of Library Services Jenny Benedict. Our lovely new courtyard provides an attractive and comfortable outdoor space in which to read, connect to our Wi-Fi, work on a project with a colleague, or have a cup of coffee with a friend. We owe a huge thank you to the WV Memorial Library Fdn for making our new courtyard possible.
The courtyard boasts the following amenities and improvements:
- Space for 18 visitors in three types of seating: high top, study, and lounge tables
- Improved appearance both for courtyard users and patrons viewing it from inside the Library
- Flexible furnishings that can be rearranged for a variety of purposes
- A partial canopy for coverage on damp days
- A level ground plane with enhanced irrigation and drainage
- An attractive flooring pattern and vegetation
- Ambient lighting during the evenings
The reception will include speeches from the Library and Fdn Boards, a ribbon cutting ceremony, a lemonade stand, and snacks.
Lets Talk! ~ 7 - 8:30pm ~ Develop your English skills while discussing current events. No registration required.
Wednesdays, June 3, 10, 17, and 24
English Corner
~ 10 - 11:30am ~ Enjoy English conversation while making new friends. Fridays, June 5, 12, 19, and 26.
English Conversation Circle
Spend your Saturday mornings this summer engaged in lively English conversation. This class runs until August 29.
~ 10:30 – 11:30am ~ Saturdays July 4, 11, 18, and 25
Memoir Panel – In My Own Words
E.R. Brown, novelist and finalist for the Edgar and Arthur Ellis Awards, moderates authors Giselle Roeder,
Cea Person, David Roberts, and Judy McFarlane as they recount their memoirs. 7 – 8:30pm Wed June 24
Philosophers Café ~ 10:30am - noon ~ Friday June 19
CATCH of the DAY -- What are the most provocative stories from the news over the last month? Bring an article from a newspaper or magazine for show and tell at the Café.
FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT – June 26 -- Meklit
~ 7:30pm ~ Ethiopian-born Meklit Haderos music reflects wide ranging influences soul, hip-hop, art-rock, and folk.
MOVIE NIGHTS ~ 6:30 - 8:30pm ~ Mondays
June 1: -- Hector and the Search for Happiness
Hector leaves his humdrum life as a psychiatrist behind on a global quest to find happiness.
June 8: -- The Imitation Game
A powerful portrait of Alan Turing, the English mathematician hired to break the Nazi Enigma code.
June 15: -- Wild
Dont miss this emotionally and visually stunning portrayal of a profound journey along the Pacific Crest Trail.
June 22: – Selma
This is the true story of Martin Luther Kings campaign to secure voting rights for African Americans and his history-changing march from Selma to Montgomery.
June 29: – St. Vincent
A heart warming and darkly humorous tale of a hard drinking curmudgeon who thinks appropriate after school activities for a 12-year-old include race tracks, bars, and learning to fight.
July 6: – Robot and Frank
A retired cat burglar and a talking robot make for a delightful and touching comedy.
July 13: – Elsa and Fred
Two single seniors discover that it's never too late to find love and make your dreams come true.
+++ WEST VAN MUSEUM +++ 925 7295
Acclaimed Canadian architectural photographers Selwyn Pullan and John Fulker donate their photographic archives to the West Vancouver Museum
In North America, the burgeoning post-war building boom saw a flourishing period of innovative modernist architecture, particularly on the West Coast, and a concurrent demand for photographers. The WV Museum gratefully acknowledges the donation of two major photographic archives from Selwyn Pullan and John Fulker, whose luminous photographs captured the work of many mid-century architects.
Selwyn Pullan photographed projects for BC's leading architects from the mid-40s to the mid-70s, including Ron Thom, Fred Hollingsworth, Ned Pratt, Arthur Erickson, and Barry Downs. With many of their projects now demolished or altered beyond recognition, Pullan's archive forms a crucial record of this definitive architectural movement.
NEXT EXHIBITION: June 27 to August 29
From the Inside Out Integrating Art and Architecture on the West Coast
Opening Reception: June 27 from 2 to 4 pm
A uniquely West Coast style of modernist art and architecture flourished on the North Shore from the late 1940s to the early 1980s. Inspired by the rugged beauty of the coast and its soaring mountain backdrop, aspiring architects sought out sites that tested the limits of building design, and integrated art and a humanistic approach to create a new way of living. This exhibition examines the legacy of several influential artists and architects by showcasing their extraordinary projects alongside artworks and photographs that capture their new forms of architecture and design.
Included in the exhibition are architectural projects by Ned Pratt, B.C. Binning, Fred Hollingsworth,
Arthur Erickson, Bruno Freschi, and Zoltan Kiss, as well as art works by Jack Shadbolt, Gordon Smith, Bill Reid,
Len Norris, Egon Eppich, Wayne Ngan, Kawai Kanjiro, and Shoji Hamada, and furniture designed by Ned Pratt,
Fred Hollingsworth, and Francisco Kripacz. Also included are unpublished original drawings of the Keay Residence by B.C. Binning, and an unbuilt summer cottage designed by Binning for the Keay family. These drawings were recently donated to the WV Museum by John Keay, who grew up in the house designed by B.C. Binning and Consulting Architect Ned Pratt.The Museum gratefully acknowledges the donation of photography archives from Selwyn Pullan and John Fulker, whose luminous photographs showcase the work of so many midcentury professionals. The exhibition highlights the legacy of influential midcentury artists and architects by illustrating the many connections among local artists, architects, and their clients.
HOME TOUR -- Saturday July 11 from 11am to 6pm
Home Tour tickets are on sale now. Tickets can be purchased over the phone or online, but not at the museum.
10th Annual West Coast Modern Home Tour -- Tour 11 am to 4 pm; Reception (Eagle Hbr Yacht Club) 4 to 6 pm
+++ FERRY BUILDING GALLERY +++ ~ 925 7290
May 26 -- June 7 -- Grad Show 2015
mixed media by students from Collingwood, Mulgrave, Rockridge, Sentinel, and West Vancouver Secondary.
Opening Reception: Friday May 29 from 6 to 8pm
June 9 - 21 -- The Artists Salon Exhibition
mixed media by members of the Arts Connection Networking Salon for Artists.
Richard Alm, Julia Baker, Enda Bardell, Shelley James, Shakun Jhangiani, Danyne Johnston, Sarah Johnstone,
Sheree Jones, Hilary Kerr, Carrie Lazareff, Elizabeth McLaren, Deirdre McNeill, Marja-Liisa Oksanen,
Riitta Peirone, Lorena Pelly, Mary Savage, Gloria Shaw, Deborah Stephan, Margaret Thoma, Joanne Waters, Geri Watson, Lynn Webster, Eva Wideman
Opening Reception: Tuesday June 9 from 6 - 8pm; Meet the Artists: Saturday June 13 from 2- 3pm
June 23 - July 12 -- Re: Semblance
mixed media by 17 artists on the innovative use of traditional and non-traditional materials
Opening Reception: 6 - 8pm Tuesday June 23 ~~ Meet the Artists: 2 - 3pm Saturday June 27
+++ SILK PURSE +++ 925 7292
June 2 - 21 ~~ Flowers & Wings: Jackie Conradi-Robertson
Prolific artist Jackie Conradi-Robertson shares her love of colour & patterns found in nature with this series of bright, bold, & joyful paintings of flowers & birds.
Conradi-Robertson will be painting live in the gallery Sat June 13 from 1:30 - 3:30pm & Sun June 21 from 3 - 5pm.
Opening reception: Tuesday June 2 from 6 - 8pmJune 23 - July 5 ~~ Neva Baxter & Doria Fochi
The beauty of nature is celebrated from two distinct points of view by two talented artists.
Neva Baxter paints expressive close up studies of bouquets of flowers in vibrant colours.
Doria Fochi paints majestic landscape scenes using dynamic lighting & composition.
Opening reception: Tuesday June 23 from 6 - 8pm
July 7 - 26 ~~ From Darkness to Light: Kristjana Gunnars & Marlise Witschi
Painters Kristjana Gunnars & Marlise Witschi explore the journey we all undergo in life: a journey that takes us from a dark place towards the light. A journey towards knowledge and peace. Through the use of bright colour, texture, and gesture Witschi expresses the human struggle from darkness towards the light, which is our essence. Through the use of gold, silver, and copper in her 'Slanted Light' series, Gunnars depicts colour fields as a graduating light that changes and reflects depending on the light in the room. Opening reception: Tuesday July 7 from 6 - 8pm
+++ KAY MEEK CENTRE +++ {see for all events}
Simplest way to get on email list, call 913 3634 (also for tix) or email
...Tracey Power's saucy original new musical Miss Shakespeare plays in repertory with an all-female, futuristic adaptation of J. Caesar.
Imagine a world of underground all-female productions during Shakespeare's time, when women were banned from the stage. The result is an uproarious new musical set in a bawdy tavern that tells the story of Shakespeare's daughter Judith (Amanda Lisman) and her crew of ballsy actors with dangerous ambitions to tread the boards on a real stage...
Similarly, women seize power in the Escape Artists' adaptation of Julius Caesar. Set in the year 2415 when a disaster has wiped out nearly all males, J. Caesar sees seven women band together to become an unstoppable human force. This psychological drama about honour, patriotism, and friendship...
MAY 21 (Th), 23 (Sat), 27 (Wed), 29 (Fri) at 8pm ~~ MISS SHAKESPEARE
MAY 22 (Fri), 26 (Tu), 28 (Th) at 8pm ~~ J. CAESAR
June 12 Friday 7pm -- HARMONY HOUSE- DARE TO DREAM!
June 13 Saturday 2pm and 7pm -- DANCE VANCOUVER 2015
{NB: Checked the Calendar today (July 3) and the first event has July 24 -- visit the website!}
+++ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60, WV Ofc 922 3587 Lounge: 922 1920
Lounge Hours of Operation: Monday to Thursday noon – 10pm; Friday & Saturday noon – 11pm; Sunday 1 – 7pm
Call us with your Comments and Questions / for Volunteer Opportunities / General Enquiries / Event Ticket Reservations
Reminder: Branch open; lounge temporarily relocated to Memorial Hall, until the flood restoration completed on the lower level.
Join us for our Friday "Mini Meat Draw" at 6pm. Our regular Saturday afternoon Meat & 50/50 draws start at 4pm.
Thursday May 21 Quiz 6pm / Tuesday May 26 Monthly Mtg 7:30pm
Saturday May 30 FA Cup Final 8am (lounge will not be open early for the match)
{NB: desperately seeking info (poster sender away?); will try harder -- the last thing on the website is Dec 2013!}
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 +
4th Annual "Taste of Ambleside" -- Thursday May 28 from 5 - 8:30pm
Ambleside Businesses from 13th Street to 19th Street along Marine Dr and Bellevue
Mbrs/Non-mbrs - $20; Children under 12 - $5
TICKETS: pick up; those ordered online at our ofc prior to Thurs, after 4:30pm on the 28th at our tent (17th St & MDr)
Tickets are on sale: West Van Chamber office, 2235 Marine Dr, (Westerleigh building at 22nd Ave.)
Caliente Fashions, West Van Florist, At Home, So Blu, Curves
This fun evening gives you, your family, and/or staff the opportunity to amble in Ambleside and experience all that the Village has to offer. From 13th Street to 19th Street, along Marine Drive and Bellevue, participating businesses will offer a variety of appetizers, drinks, give-aways, special discounts or coupons. Ticket holders go door-to-door, present their ticket/passport, which will be stamped ,and receive a sample. When you fill out your passport with 20 stamps, you can enter a draw for a gift basket! Partial Proceeds of ticket sales to Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation
The West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the second annual
"Taste of Bowen" - SATURDAY June 13 from 10:30am - 3pm
Snug Cove, Village Square, Artisan Square, on Bowen Island Businesses in Snug Cove, Village Square, Artisan Square, Ferry dock on Bowen Island Cost: Mbrs/non-mbrs - $15; Children under 12 - $5
Off-Islanders: It is recommended that you travel as a foot passenger on the ferry from Horseshoe Bay. A free bus shuttle will be available to ticket holders from Snug Cove to Artisan Square.
Your ticket will be your passport to "Taste of Bowen". Participating business owners/managers will prepare samples of food, coupons, or give-aways for ticket holders. One sample is given to each ticket holder as you go door-to-door to experience a taste of what Bowen Island businesses have to offer food, discounts, merchandise, and more!
Your passport will list all business participating and will include a map showing where the business is. Each business stamps your passport once a sample is given out.
TIX AVAILABLE online & at the Chamber ofc; can be picked up after June 5 at the Chamber ofc (2235 Marine Dr from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri) or at the Chamber tent in Snug Cove on Bowen after 10am the day of the event.
On Bowen: tickets available after June 8th at First Credit Union, Cocoa West Chocolatier, and The Snug Cafe
{NB: checked website and there are pages under construction; maybe taking a well-deserved rest! or holiday?}
=== CULTUREWATCH === {this section suffered the most; much missing or past; sorry}
{NB: The VSun has many events, theatre, talks, book launches, and more -- below are some }
What a mess! some over, some missed but best efforts given the situation.
Buskerfest, Greek Days, jazz fest, etc -- have a great time!
Théâtre la Seizime wins big by Colin Thomas on June 23rd, 2015 at 12:14 PM
The awards are divided into three categorieslarge-theatre, small-theatre, and theatre-for-young- audiences and are determined by separate juries.
+ BARD ON THE BEACH –- 739 0559 See
OPENING NIGHTS 7:30pm: Comedy of Errors (Sat June 13), King Lear (Thurs June 25),
Love's Labour's Lost (Fri June 26), Shakespeare's Rebel (Sun July 12)
+ Arts Club 687 1644 -- Les Miserables -- July 2 - Aug 16
+ Jericho Arts Ctr --
Ensemble Theatre Festival:The Children's Hour,'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Frost/Nixon from July 6 - Aug 8
+ Metro Theatre 266 7191
+ Presentation House 990 3474
Several exhibitions -– Details, events:
+ CAROUN ART GALLERY 1403 Bewicke Ave., NV 778 372 0765
If youre out of Vancouver, you could visit the exhibition online later on August at:
Youre welcome to take part in Caroun Photo Club Photo Contest in 2015 too:
All the 2015 photo contests and result of the previous are posted on website in Persian & English.
Photography Exhibition: Zohreh Hamraz (12 - 8pm Tue-Sat) July 10 - 16
This Exhibition is the prize of the Second Winner of CPC Annual Photo Contest 2014 (Free).
Opening Reception: July 11from 4 - 8pm
See what our Bramwell Tovey has in store! Whistler and more this summer!
* WRITERS / Arts Alliance
A Dram Come True ~~~ 7:30pm, June 5 at Hycroft
Single cask whisky and locally distilled spirits at A Dram Come True
The 13th annual Dram Come True highlights single cask whiskies. Tasting whisky from a single cask is a rare opportunity made even more special by the fact that once it's all been drunk, it's gone for good. This year, the Scotch Malt Whisky Society, which bottles some of the finest single cask whisky in the world, will be pouring seven of their latest bottlings -- a privilege usually reserved solely for society members.
Your ticket gets you full access to the whisky tasting, access to the Tinhorn Creek wine bar, spirits from Odd Society Spirits, chocolate pairing by Chocolate Arts, and appetizers from Emelle's catering. Don't wait to purchase your tickets-this event sold out last year!
Tickets: $120 -- Preview Tasting Tickets (access to bars 45 minutes early): Add $40
Details and to purchase tickets here,
Hungarian author Laszlo Krasznahorkai, the author of Satantango and The Melancholy of Resistance, among others, has won this year's Man Booker International Prize.
The 2015 Atlantic Book Awards winners were announced, and included Linden MacIntyre for Punishment.
What city has more bookstores per capita than any other? You might be surprised by the answer: Buenos Aires!
If you're travelling through Toronto instead of Buenos Aires, you may not need to worry about the lack of bookstores. Free ebooks are now available at Torontos Pearson International Airport.
Have you ever made yourself read a book you didn't like? Believe it or not, there might be some benefits to the deed.
Project Bookmark Canada, "which erects textual markers from stories and poems in the places where literary scenes are set", has announced that it will unveil a Cape Breton bookmark for Alistair MacLeods novel No Great Mischief. MacLeod died last year at 77.
Hong Kong is "clamping down" on creative writing. In this piece, Madeleine Thien discusses the closure of a major university's MFA program. "The decision to close City Universitys MFA prog is plainly intended to limit free expression – showing just how vital it is."
What's the future of reading? "Theres no mystery about it. Walter Mosley, best-selling author of the Easy Rawlins series, has good news for those who love to read."
Bahiyyih Nakhjavani's The Woman Who Read Too Much is "a haunting, complex portrait" of an 18th-century Persian mystic, "one of the most powerfully convincing characters in recent historical fiction". Alberto Manguel reviews the book, here:
Kate Atkinsons A God in Ruins is a "gorgeous novel" that visits a family changed by the Second World War. It tells the story of Edward "Teddy" Todd, an RAF wing commander [whose] life is defined by the paradox of combat: "to feel so alive in the midst of carnage".
THE EXILES' GALLERY ~~ Reading in honour of poet Elise Partridge.
Featuring Jordan Abel, Caroline Adderson, Elizabeth Bachinsky, Elee Kraljii Gardiner, Aislinn Hunter, Gillian Jerome, Fiona Tinwei Lam, George McWhirter, Barbara Nickel, Christopher Patton, Miranda Pearson, Rob Taylor, Rhea Tregebov. Thursday May 21 at 7pm, free. Heartwood Cafe, 317 Broadway E., Vanc. More info at
7pm Thursday May 21 BC Book Prize nominee, Brian Payton, discusses his novel The Wind is Not a River.
Christianne's Lyceum. 3696 W 8th Ave $22 (includes refreshments). More info
To reserve call 733 1356 or email
Featuring Meredith Quartermain (I, Bartleby) and Colin Browne (The Hatch). Info at
2pm Saturday May 23. Access Gallery, 222 East Georgia St.
7 - 9:30pm Thursday May 28 at The Cottage Bistro, 4468 Main St.
Features Linda King and Anatoly Molotkov (Portland) plus open mic. Info:
Suggested donation at the door: $5. Sign up for open mic at 7pm.
NEIL MCKINNON ~~ 3pm Saturday May 30
Award-winning author + Stephen Leacock Medal finalist reads from his latest novel, The Greatest Lover of Last Tuesday. New Westminster Public Library, 716 6th Ave. Register at 527 4667 or
Best-selling thriller author presents his latest work, The Stolen Ones. 7pm Tuesday June 2 More info at
Author reads from her book The Delphi Room. 7pm Wednesday June 4 More information at
The Writer's Studio at SFU presents writer, filmmaker, and wilderness guide Calder Cheverie, director of The Peel Project. Thursday June 4 at 8pm. Cottage Bistro, 4470 Main Street, Vancouver.
Features readings by BC writers Diego Bastianutti, Robert Pepper Smith, and Anna Ciampolini Foschi, and the premiere of a documentary movie by Ornella Sinigaglia. Tuesday June 8 at 7pm, free.
Il Centro Italian Cultural Centre, 3075 Slocan St., Vancouver. More information at
Reading by the author from her new book Three Souls. Tuesday June 9 at 7pm
Bob Prittie Metrotown. More information at
Local, best-selling author reads from his latest book The Jaguar's Children. 6:30pm Wednesday June 10.
Carnegie Reading Room, 401 Main Street. More information at
Canadian travel journalist and local author reads from her novel Shadow of the Lion. 7pm Wednesday June 10 at VPL
More information at
Award winning poet Renee Saklikar and renowned composer John Oliver present the Vancouver premiere of Air India Meditations -- a sequence of soundscapes interwoven with poems from Children of Air India, about the bombing of Air India Flight 182. 1pm Saturday June 13 at VPL. More info at
> Sunday June 7th -- Intertidal biology, Lumberman's Arch Beach, Stanley Park
A Discovery Walk for Stanley Park Ecology Society
Meet time: 1:30pm at Lost Lagoon Nature House, Stanley Park.
Registration recommended: or call 604 718 6522.
Cost: $5 for members of Stanley Park Ecology Society, children, students, & seniors; $10 for non-members.
> Saturday June 27th -- Brothers Creek Forest Heritage Walk and veteran trees
A free public walk jointly for Nature Vancouver and Old Growth Conservancy Society.
A logging history and nature walk in the lower Hollyburn Ridge area east of Lawson and Brothers Creeks primarily along the route of the Brothers Creek Forestry Heritage Walk designed by the WV Historical Society, WV Museum, and the District of WV. On the way we will have an opportunity to view various sites relating to the logging that took place in the area between 1870 and the 1950s. Side trips will take us to some of the veteran old-growth trees that survived the logging. We will try to find what is left of the famous Candelabra Fir.
Elevation gain: 280 metres.
Description: Start time and meeting place: Meet at 9:30am at McDonald's, Park Royal for car- pooling and to collect persons traveling by bus. Alternatively, meet at 1000 hours at the trail head at the intersection of Eyremont Drive and Millstream Road in the British Properties, WV.
Estimated time of return: Mid-afternoon.
Difficulty: Moderate grade, occasional steep, rough, slippery (if raining), and rooty sections. Hiking boots with ankle support and deep tread are advised.
Bring lunch and a beverage and dress for changes in weather.
Membership and registration are not required, however non-members of Nature Vancouver are limited to three field trips.
Contact David at or 924 0147.
Saturday July 4th -- A stroll through 40 million years of Vancouvers Geological History
A free public field trip for Nature Vancouver
Trip leader: David Cook, Geologist. Mtg time / location: 1pm in Third Beach parking lot, Stanley Park.
Description: An interpretive walk along the seawall of Stanley Park to learn about the geology of the Vancouver area.
See how 40 to 70 million-year-old rivers laid down sand, silt, clay, and minor coal over a period that included the waning years of the age of dinosaurs. Other features to see will be giant boulders of 100 million-year-old granite stranded by the retreating ice 12000 years ago, remnants of 30 million-year-old volcanoes, concretions in the sandstone, wave-cut notches in the cliff-face formed when the sea level was higher and how Siwash Rock was formed. Low tide at the time of our walk will reveal other features such as wave-cut platforms formed by wave action over the last 5000 years, and how First Nations peoples moved the boulders left by the glaciers to make fish traps and canoe runs.
This will be a three-hour walk beginning at 1pm. Make sure you obtain enough parking time for the 3 hour walk.
Difficulty rating: A3. In other words dead easy.
Mbrshp in Nature Vancouver and registration are not required, however non-mbrs are limited to three field trips.
Contact David at 924 0147 or for further details.
Sunday July 12th
Native fruit basket: Sunday afternoon in the Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats.
A free public nature walk for Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia. Walk leader and Interpreter: David Cook.
Location: Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats, 2645 Dollarton Hwy, NV (2kms east of the Second Narrows Bridge). Conservation Area site office Telephone: 604 903 4471.
Time/duration: 1:30 - 3:30pm. Event Description: Learn to identify native plants and fruits, + their use by First Nations.
> SFU CITY PROGRAM Free Public Lecture
Warren Gill LectureBeyond Architecture as a Commodity: Adding Value through Urban Design
~ 7pm ~ Thiursday May 28 -- Speaker: Architect James Cheng
Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, SFU at Woodwards, 149 West Hastings, Vancouver
Admission is free, but reservations are required. Reserve.
As half the worlds population urbanizes by 2050, new cities spring up instantly, often indistinguishable from each other. Buildings are designed as mere commodities, containers for habitation, or icons for vanity. As technology allows almost any form of buildings to dizzying heights, starchitects are sought to create iconic statements or tourist attractions stand-alone objects without regard for their context or relationships to each other. Vancouver is no exception to these global pressures. Architect James Cheng looks back in order to look forward, and adds his perspective to this urgent dialogue.
Details --,%20Next-Gen%20Transportation,%20and%20how%20to%20write%20reports%20for%20council
Live Webcast: Yes. Watch the lecture here on May 28 at 7 pm:
> WHAT CAN THE DESERT TEACH US -- Friday June 12 from 7 to 8:3 pm
St. Mary's Kerrisdale Church, 2490 West 37 Ave
Distinguished Lecture Series - Kathleen Norris -- Kathleen Norris is the award-winning poet, writer, and author of The New York Times bestsellers The Cloister Walk, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith, and The Virgin of Bennington. Exploring the spiritual life, her work is at once intimate and historical, rich in poetry and meditations, brimming with exasperation and reverence, deeply grounded in both nature and spirit, sometimes funny, and often provocative.
> Saturday June 13th -- Horseshoe BayBeer Festival - Horseshoe Bay The Horseshoe Bay Business Association is pleased to invite you to our second annual CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL. Horseshoe Bay ...
pouring beers from the following; Four Winds Brewing company, Townsite Brewing, Postmark Brewing, Hoyne Brewing Company, Bomber Brewing, Russell Brewing Company, Red Truck Beer Company, Howe Sound Brewing, Parallel 49 Brewing Company, [Deep Cove] Brewers and Distillers, Persephone Brewing Company, Bridge Brewing Company, Central City Brewers & Distillers, Driftwood Brewery, Hopping Mad Cider, and Sea Cider Farm & Ciderhouse.
+ Day of Beer and Feast Day [of Beer] ~~ July 8 and Aug 14 ~~
Arnulf or Arnold of Metz, another patron of brewers. There are many depictions of St. Arnold with a mashing rake in his hand, to identify him. He is honoured in July with a parade in Brussels on the "Day of Beer." Miracles that were reported at his tomb were investigated and approved by a council at Beauvais in 1121; Arnold's relics were translated to the church of Saint Peter, Aldenburg in 1131. St. Arnold's feast day is 14 August.
> In Conversation with Harry Leslie Smith: The Canada Were Losing, and How to Get it Back
June 16 -- 7pm, Reception 8:30pm at the Goldcorp Ctr for the Arts
Features a speech from Smith, a reading from his book Harrys Last Stand, and an on-stage conversation between Smith and Dembicki. Presented by The Tyee and SFUs Vancity Office of Community Engagement
Harry Leslie Smith Interviewed on CTV Canada AM
> 20th Annual Wreck Beach Butoh Performances
Kokoro Dance's new pieces embraces sand, water, and air with the set , costumes, and lighting provided by Mother Nature. Foot of the #4 Trail, Wreck Beach. ~ 1:30pm Saturday July 4 ~ and ~ 2:10 Sunday July 5 ~
> ALLIANCE NEWS -- BC's arts, cultural, and heritage sector
Upper Lands Review Draft Report & Survey
Bocce Ball Court proposal at Ambleside Park
Police Services and Municipal Hall project
Ambleside Skatepark concept design
=== HEADSUP 2015-6A: Updates/Mtgs Th - Mon
am sure the world is twirling faster!
right-wing Alberta swerves left; the Scottish National Party takes 56 our of 59 seats whats next? the national anthem played on the bagpipes?
Sorry to miss two WGMs; specialist medical apptmts and the return of the cold/cough. Oh well.
82 pages have you finished reading WVM4/5/6 yet??? :-)
Its up, slightly revised, on the website
Some mtgs/events/weekend, etc were in WVM but heres more and what shd hv gone out Friday night
all in chronological order Thursday May 7 to Monday May 11
mtgs/grps/culture; a housing survey at the end, then some Dillerisms.
Enjoy the weekend and treat Mum!
May 7, 9, 11, and 13
Borodin Quartet: The Complete Shostakovich Cycle
~ 8pm ~ Vancouver Playhouse 722 1264
Friday/Saturday May 8 - 9
~ 7:30pm ~ Choir Practice: A Comic Opera in One Act by Stephen Chapman
debut; UBC Opera Ensemble at the UBC Old Auditorium 822 2678
May 9, 10, & 11
~ 8pm ~ Sat and Mon; ~ 2pm~ Sunday Ravel and Falla with Angela Hewitt
VSO Orpheum 876 3434
Just in time for Mother's Day! Beautiful handmade jewellery is the perfect gift. Saturday May 9 10am - 4pm
We are no longer accepting Vendor Applications for the WV Jewellery Market 2015 as we have filled our tables.
Thank you for your interest. We hope to see you Saturday, May 9! --- WV Community Centre, Atrium
1500 Block Bellevue Ave -- May 10 -- 11am to 4pm
Come down and enjoy a great variety of organic and conventional produce; as well as, a fantastic selection of baking, syrups, jams, jellies, honey, and salsas. There is always an assortment of handcrafted clothing, pottery, soaps, and jewellery. The Ambleside Market has a book exchange, newspaper reading area, games table, and kids' play area.
{NB for those interested in English: sure its not one farmers market so cant be Ambleside Farmer's market b/c it doesnt belong to Amb farmers (AFAIK); ought to be Ambleside Farmers Market with Farmers indicating category.}
May 10 ~ 2pm ~ Pandoras Vox & Espiritu Vocal Ensembles: Songs from the Heart
WV United Church 922 2513
May 10 ~ 3pm ~ Roedde House Concert Series: Sounds of Spring
flute, clarinet, piano 684 7040
Monday 3 - 4pm -- at the Municipal Hall
AGENDA ITEM: How to Create an Improved Town Hall Meeting Re: Neighbourhood Character and Building Bulk
3 - 4pm -- Mulgrave School, 2330 Cypress Bowl Lane
Mulgrave School is hosting a Public Information Meeting regarding their proposal to install field lighting for their synthetic turf play field. Drop-in to learn more about the proposal and ask questions of Mulgraves field consultants. Photographs depicting the field and proposed lighting as seen from various vantage points will be on display.
The District of West Vancouver is re-developing its Community Engagement Policy so that engagement in WV is consistent and meaningful for the community. The policy will guide how the District will engage the community on a variety of projects and policies. The purpose of this survey is to identify the communitys hopes, expectations, and aspirations for how they wish to be engaged in District-led decision processes. The District wants residents to have their say. We want to know what key features you believe should be included in the policy.
If, in addition to taking this survey, you are interested in participating in a community workshop on the topic of community engagement, please join us for the event listed below.
RSVP to: Kristi Merilees, Community Relations Manager.
Event Date: 7 - 9pm Tuesday June 9 at the WV Memorial Library
First of all, I shd hv mentioned the coverage on both CBC and CTV wrt the VE Day celebrations in Apeldoorn is excellent. Here are some clips:
the news
vets, old values underline Dutch regard for Canada's WWII liberators
- 1 day ago
I've covered many a parade, but none like Apeldoorn. When I ... Those who could speak through the emotion mentioned comrades lost in battle who could not see this day.
More news for VE Day Apeldoorn
VE Day in Apeldoorn | From the Archives - YouTube days ago - Uploaded by The NationalSeventy years ago WWII ended and the streets of Apeldoornturned from scenes of horror, to scenes of ...
Thank you Canada: Dutch celebrate VE Day with parade ... 9, 2010 - Sixty-five years after VE Day, a group of Canadian veterans returned to Apeldoorn Sunday, drawn back by the enduring gratitude of the Dutch ...
Theres more if you google!
> PHYLLIS DILLERISMS {moved to end of this newsletter]
=== HEADSUP 2015-6B: Mtgs, etc; May 25 AGENDA PEEK
Lots of news, mtgs, events, etc. Hope you all had a great Victoria Day weekend what glorious weather!
Quickly and this is briefer than intended (but has a qtn at the end).
Hall news surprised to learn that our Director of Planning, Bob Sokol, will be leaving the end of June. We wish him all the best. Guess that will set back our nbrhd character and bulk housing bylaws while the new person comes up to speed.
Miss Shakespeare has started at KMC; so has High Tea (James and Jamesy, hilarious) at JAC with some perfs already sold out.
Some mtgs/events have already sped by heres whats coming Wed/Thurs, and then want you at least to get an early look at whats on the next ccl agenda Mon 25th (do look at the money being granted):
The WV Historical Societys AGM is 7pm Wednesday May 20 at the Srs Ctr:
Britannia Beach and Townsite: Remembering a Place and a Time
An Illustrated talk by Catherine and Don Allan:
"Many ppl who travel the Sea-to-Sky hwy dont realize that there was once a town in the mountain valley above the beach cmnty of Britannia Beach. That town was our home until the mine closed in 1958. We look forward to telling you about our familys life there.
Then: Democracy Talks
7:30 - 9:00am THURSDAY MAY 21st Capilano University at the Westerleigh, 2225 Marine Dr
Reserve your FREE ticket today,
Click HERE.
I hope you'll join me this Thursday morning to talk about new directions in foreign policy and the opportunities for Canada. Our special guests are Joseph Caron, former Ambassador to China, Japan and High Commissioner to India, along with Jillian Stirk, former Ambassador to Norway, and our moderator is Darren Schemmer.
Pam Goldsmith-Jones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MAIN ITEMS May 25 Ccl Mtg 6pm
= Delegation NSh Keep Well Society
= Proposed DVPs for Rodgers Crk Area 4: Lots 18 - 21 (Compact); Lots 1 - 8 (Duplex); Lots 22 - 35
= Devt Permit for 6016 Gleneagles Place
= Devt Permit for 1305 Marine Dr (Shell Gas Stn)
= 2014 Audited Financial Smts, 2014 Financial Info Act Reports, and 2014 Annual Report
= Cmnty Grants, Items 11 & 12, tens of thousands of dollars subtotals but I cdnt find the total (pp 7 to 11)
= Liquor Licence amendment for Salmon House on the Hill
= Keeping Backyard Chickens
= Proposed Tree Bylaw (information to be provided)
= DVP for 2832 and 2842 Bellevue
= Finance Cmte Resolns (information to be provided)
See whole agenda:
{Qtn to end}
=== HEADSUP 2015-6C: Today/Weekend Mtgs, Events, etc
Greetings! hastily sending this out.. late but fyi at least
Apologies to MP Weston and Legion but at least info appended.
This mainly goes to May 24th and of course the ccl mtg Monday May 25th (Headsup 6B had the main items with link to the agenda) starts at 6pm
The list below is bracketed by the major issue in WV Nbrhd Character and Building Bulk
get/be informed and tell Ccl what you think at the town hall mtg Tuesday May 26th.
Qtn & Pun {end of this newsletter}
May 23 - 9:30am to Noon WV Community Centre, Atrium
The District is exploring a wide range of possible actions that may positively impact the issues of devt on nbrhd character. Public meetings will be held to collect feedback on the issue and possible actions.
May 23 - 10am to 1pm Ambleside Park
Join the Special Olympics BC – North Shore for their 13th Annual Walkathon. All funds raised by the Walkathon stay on the North Shore to support new and ongoing sports programs, uniform and equipment purchases, transportation and competition costs. This year the funds raised will also help support our athletes and coaches who are attending the 2015 Provincial and World Games,
Robin Esrock: the wonders of Canada at Mtn Equipmt Co-op on Broadway [] 10am May 23rd
{listening to Almanac (CBC) while adding this to WVM and Robin is saying he'll be talking about 'the great Canadian bucket list'.}
The Lighthouse Park Preservation Society invites you to a free public talk: THE THREE WATERS
Join author, naturalist, scientist, artist, film-maker, and SFU lecturer Dr. Rob Butler for stories about the three waters that make up the Salish Sea: the Strait of Georgia, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Puget Sound.
Hell also discuss his film, The Three Waters, see attached poster. To view a trailer of the film, go to
{poster here}
Metro Theatre: The Graduate (based on the movie) ~ 266 7191 ends Oct 23
Deep Cove Shaw Theatre: Scotland Road, the Titanic mystery ~ 929 9456 ends May 23
Jericho Arts Ctr: James and Jamesy in High Tea {hilarious!} 1 800 838 3006 ends May 24
Cirque du Soleil: Varekai at the Pacific Coliseum ends May 24
The Cultch: Hell of a Girl: A Cowboy-Noir Opera musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, and set in a world of cowboys, nymphs, and demons ends May 24
Walking Tours:
East Hastings -- During this meander through the Lakewood to Renfrew corridor near Hastings St, you'll see the recent growth of this neighbourhood, where the buzz of new businesses is helping maintain local heritage, including residences.
> Friday May 22nd 10am - 12pm Meet at the corner of Lakewood Dr and E. Hastings St (by the Dairy Queen)
Register $15 (inc. tax) Walk-ups welcome
Coming Up:
> Saturday May 23rd: Former farms + the interurban w/ John Atkin > Friday June 12th: Sunrise w/ Maurice Guibord
#HeritageReboot -- This Saturday, join us at #HeritageReboot, a fun, free public event that combines modern technology with heritage conservation.
VHF has teamed up with The City of Vancouver, City of Vancouver Archives, and the Heritage Vancouver Society to launch new digital projects that open up Vancouvers heritage in new ways for everyone. VHF will be launching our Heritage Site Finder interactive map, with over 2,200 listed heritage sites. The full version will include images and information for the majority of sites and will be compatible with mobile devices.
Visit our table in the Engine 374 Train Pavilion and see demonstrations of the map for both desktop and mobile devices. Then use the map to find three locations using our clues and enter for a chance to win a prize pack!
~ 1pm ~ Welcome Cake-cutting City of Vancouver Heritage Action Plan Open House
~ 2:45 to 4:15pm ~ Tours of Yaletown and Engine 374
There will be demonstrations and time to interact with projects throughout the day
Saturday May 23rd ~ 1 - 4:30pm ~ Roundhouse Cmnty Ctr, 181 Roundhouse Mews Click here for details
On an important anniversary in Vancouvers history, three heritage organizations and the City of Vancouver will come together to officially launch new digital tools available to learn about and explore our built heritage. May 23rd marks the 128th anniversary of the first transcontinental passenger train rolling into Vancouver, making it an auspicious date to roll out new advancements in heritage technology. There will be demonstrations of online resources created by Heritage Vancouver Society, the City of Vancouver Archives, and the official launch of VHFs Heritage Site Finder. The City will also be launching an online platform to nominate additions to the Heritage Register, the next phase of the Heritage Action Plan. Join us to interact with the new technology, enjoy walking tours of Yaletown and learn about Engine 374 from th
Sunday May 17th
Geology of Point Grey and Vancouver area as seen in cobbles and boulders on Acadia Beach.
A natural history field trip for the Young Naturalists Club.
Trip leader: David Cook, Geologist.
Meeting time & location: 10am in Acadia Beach parking lot. The parking lot at Acadia Beach is 500 m east of the intersection of NW Marine Drive with Acadia Road. For the location of Acadia Beach refer to the Metro Parks map of Pacific Spirit Regional Park which can be viewed on the Metro Parks website You will also need a street map showing Acadia Road.
Duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Description: The water-worn cobbles and boulders that make up Acadia beach represent an incredible variety of different rock types brought from as far away as Garibaldi Provincial Park by rivers and glaciers over the last few thousand years. We will make collections of specimens that catch our eyes and in an outdoor class room setting at the nearby picnic tables we will discover the story of formation and likely source for each specimen. This event is designed for children.
Registration: To register contact Molly Cooperman at 778-231-2515 or
Tuesday May 19th
Kitsilano Beach intertidal biology A free public event for Salmonberry Days.
Trip leader: David Cook, Biologist.
Meeting time & location: Meet at Noon in Volunteer Park which is north of Tatlow Park, 2800 block Pt. Grey Road between Macdonald and Bayswater Streets.
Duration of event: Approximately 2 hours.
Description: We'll examine the beach below Volunteer Pk at low tide when the life of the intertidal zone will be revealed. You will see how species cope with the extreme changes to their environment as the tides ebb and flow twice every day.
Wear appropriate non-slip footwear as there will be wet and slippery with muddy patches.
Children will find this event particularly exciting. A free public event. No registration required.
Sunday May 24th
Indian Arm boat trip Fully booked. A Nature Vancouver event.
Join your Nature Vancouver members on a 4 1/2 hour tour of Indian Arm, the southernmost fiord on the mainland of the west coast of North America. We will learn of and view old-growth forests, First Nations pictographs and history (3000 years occupancy in the area), Silver Falls, Buntzen Power Stations, Thwaytes Landing, flowering plants (last year, tiger lilies), and bird and marine life. The tour will start at the Deep Cove Government Dock at 10am returning at 2:30pm.
We will be on board the Oceanwatch II, under Captain Mitch Bloomfield (view at Indian Arm Recreational Services website There is a washroom on board and you are welcome to bring your lunch on board. Our naturalists for the tour will be Bill Kinkaid and David Cook.
Please contact Cynthia Crampton or phone: 604 738 1405 for information on registering, and whether you need a ride to Deep Cove, or can offer a ride.
Cost will be $30 per person; please do not send any cheques without contacting Cynthia first, to ensure there is a space.
May 26 - 6pm Location: West Vancouver Community Centre, Gymnasium
Time: Information & displays 6 – 7pm, public engagement process summary and report on feedback to date starts at 7pm
The District is exploring a wide range of possible actions that may positively impact the issues of development on neighbourhood character, and will be consulting the public to collect feedback on the issue and possible actions late April and May. The feedback collected through this process will be formally reported back to Council in June together with possible next steps.
The West Vancouver Legion and MP John Weston invite you for a Special Opportunity with
MP Pierre Lemieux, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Parliamentary Secy to the Minister of Veterans Affairs
Serving and Caring for Our Veterans from 4 – 5:15pm Thursday May 21st at the Library
Pls register your attendance with Stephanie at or call 604 981 1792
Details re John Weston pls visit – and our special guest MP Lemieux pls visit –
=== HEADSUP 2015-6D: Your Nbrhd Tonight SPEAK UP!
Give your opinions and feedback to CCL RE the proposed bylaws wrt your nbrhd TONIGHT!
May 26 - 6pm Info & displays 6–7pm,
public engagement process summary and report on feedback to date at 7pm WV Cmnty Ctr, Gym
The District is exploring a wide range of possible actions that may positively impact the issues of development on neighbourhood character, and will be consulting the public to collect feedback on the issue and possible actions late April and May. The feedback collected through this process will be formally reported back to Council in June together with possible next steps.
=== HEADSUP 2015-6E: Mtgs + Nbrhd Character May 26/27/28
in haste but LOTS! TUESDAY (2) / WEDNESDAY (3) / THURSDAY (6) / cartoon/qtn/pun
4 to 7pm Main Floor Conference Room, Municipal Hall
May 26 - 6pm -- WV Community Centre, Gymnasium
Info & displays 6–7pm. public engagement process summary and report on feedback to date starts at 7pm
The District is exploring a wide range of possible actions that may positively impact the issues of development on neighbourhood character, and will be consulting the public to collect feedback on the issue and possible actions late April and May. The feedback collected through this process will be formally reported back to Council in June together with possible next steps.
Great town hall mtg last night on Nbrhd Character and Building Bulk almost all supportive, Mtg calm and polite. WV videotaped it. Points will appear in WVM
May 27 - 11am to noon Location: at the playground in Ambleside Park
May 27 - 6:30 to 8:30 pm Doors open at 6:30pm, event begins at at 7pm. $10; Cedar Room, WV Cmnty Ctr
Discover how electric and hydrogen powered vehicles provide more sustainable transportation alternatives in the Lower Mainland as well as how to overcome some of the current challenges preventing greater use of these cars, such as incentives to encourage their purchase, from guest speakers Eve Hou of MetroV and Colin Armstrong of Hydrogen Technology Energy Corp. In addition, learn about the main benefits of electric vehicles and car share programs, how they work, and support infrastructure within MetroV from Eve Hou as well as Sylvain Celaire of Modo Coop.
Don Luxton is being interviewed on CBC just now as I write (transmitted later) and Vancouver is having its talk/mtg on Nbrhd Character tonight.
Wed, 27 May 7:00 PM Where: Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, 149 W. Hastings St.
In this panel, speakers explore the hot topic of [neighbourhood] character in Vancouver.
What features give areas their distinctive character?
How can we balance heritage conservation with other community and financial interests?
How can we ensure new development is responsive to the neighbourhood context?
A general discussion with the audience follows and at the end, everyone will be invited to submit feedback on the evenings topic to the consultants leading the Heritage Action Plan.
Caroline Adderson Ian McDonald Wendy Pedersen
Mike Harcourt Donald Luxton Ian Waddell
The City of Vancouver Heritage Action Plan period – an initiative that revises how the Citys heritage conservation is managed – is in full swing. Its been over 25 yrs since the Citys Heritage Conservation Program was formally established and now we have a tremendous opportunity to have a say in the future direction of heritage planning in our City.
Heritage Vancouver is working to help this significant initiative along by being a channel for cmnty engagement on the Heritage Action Plan. We are thrilled to present our series putting heritage and cmnty experts together with the public for conversations around shaping the future of heritage conservation in Vancouver. Questions?
~ 2pm
Jazz in the Afternoon with the Jaré/Keenlyside/Gubbels Trio Thursday 2 – 3pm, WVM Library
Join pianist Fran Jaré, Juno-winning flutist/saxophonist Tom Keenlyside and bassist Brent Gubbels for an afternoon performance of live jazz with insightful and entertaining commentary. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Library.
- See more at:
~ 4:30pm
May 28 - 4:30pm Council Chambers, M Hall, (Rescheduled from May 21)
On AGENDA: ITEM 5. Application for Consideration
[4:40 - 5:40] DWV Public Service Building – 7th appearance
Addn to the MHall site to accommodate the police dept and M services
Plans prev considered by the DRC: Jan 24, Apr 18, Sept 19, Nov 12, Dec 5, 2013, and Jan 29, 2015
May 28 - 4:30 pm Board Room, WV Police Dept, 1330 Marine Drive
~ 5pm (from WVM)
+++ WV CHAMBER of COMMERCE + 926 6614 +
4th Annual "Taste of Ambleside" -- Thursday May 28 from 5 - 8:30pm
Ambleside Businesses from 13th Street to 19th Street along Marine Dr and Bellevue
Mbrs/Non-mbrs - $20; Children under 12 - $5
TICKETS: pick up
those ordered online at our ofc prior to Thurs, or after 4:30pm on the 28th at our tent (17th St & Marine Dr.)
Tickets are on sale: West Van Chamber office, 2235 Marine Dr, (Westerleigh building at 22nd Ave.)
Caliente Fashions, West Van Florist, At Home, So Blu, Curves
This fun evening gives you, your family, and/or staff the opportunity to amble in Ambleside and experience all that the Village has to offer. From 13th Street to 19th Street, along Marine Drive and Bellevue, participating businesses will offer a variety of appetizers, drinks, give-aways, special discounts or coupons. Ticket holders go door-to-door, present their ticket/passport, which will be stamped ,and receive a sample. When you fill out your passport with 20 stamps, you can enter a draw for a gift basket! Partial Proceeds of ticket sales to Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation
~ 6pm
May 28 -- 6 to 9pm in Social Recreation Room, Seniors' Centre
~ 7pm
Dear friends,
The Warren Gill Lecture scheduled for May 28 is sold out, but we are pleased to announce you can watch the lecture online as a live Webcast. Details below.
Warren Gill Lecture – Free Live Webcast
Beyond Architecture as a Commodity: Adding Value through Urban Design
Speaker: Architect James Cheng 7pm Thursday May 28
Watch the live webcast. No registration necessary.
As half the worlds popn urbanizes by 2050, new cities spring up instantly, often indistinguishable from each other. Bldgs are designed as mere commodities, containers for habitation, or icons for vanity. As technology allows almost any form of bldngs to dizzying heights, starchitects are sought to create iconic statements or tourist attractions stand-alone objects without regard for their context or relationships to each other. Vancouver is no exception to these global pressures. Architect James Cheng looks back in order to look forward and adds his perspective to this urgent [dialogue]. Details.
=== HEADSUP 2015-6F: Bike Day; Choirs; Weekend!
Cant believe how many things are on now. Racing to keep up.
This is Bike-to-Work Week; items in chronological order including the Vancouver Welsh Mens Choir here in WV on Sat!
How to Ride a Bike at the end (the difference between knowledge and understanding)
> alaS, May 28
+ Bikes and Beers A Bike-to-Work Week celebration 6pm 736 4431
+ Poetry is Dead: Five-Year Anniversary Show Vancouver comedians, poets, and performers join forces to create a night of humour and poetry, with host Cynara Geissler and Daniel Zomparelli, at the Cultch
the and
This week and May 28 Announcement
From: <>
Subject: Press Release: Bike Day in Canada (and on the Hill!)
Date: May 28, 2015 at 1:54:51 PM PDT
Bike Day on the Hill: Cyclists and Parliamentarians promote the benefits of bicycling
{PHOTO here}
Champions of cycling: Laurent Brisebois (La Grande Traversée), Sascha Wionzek (Cycling Canada Cyclisme), John Weston, MP (West Vancouver – Sunshine Coast – Sea to Sky Country), Pascal Cyr (La Grande Traversee), Jean-Luc Brassard (Olympic Champion), Jamie Patterson (CAA).
(Ottawa, May 28, 2015) – On Monday, May 25, cyclists, MPs and Senators came together on the Hill, accompanied by partner organizations including Canada Bikes, Cycling Canada, the Ontario Cycling Association, the CAA, Envirocentre, and the Ottawa Bicycle Club to promote the many benefits of cycling. The event brought together the cycling community to advocate for the environmental and fitness benefits of cycling, as well as bike-friendly infrastructure as a national issue. Organized by MP John Weston (West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country), Parliamentarians and cyclists joined together for a ride, with bicycles provided by Kunstadt Sports.
An event which supports National Health and Fitness Day, Bike Day on the Hill brought out guest speakers Arne Elias, of Canada Bikes, Jamie Patterson of CAA, as well as Jean-Luc Brassard, Olympic Champion, and Laurent Brisebois of La Grande Traversée, all of whom spoke of the importance of cycling in Canada. Bike Day on the Hill was followed by a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the federal role of cycling in Canada. The meetings panel consisted of Conservative MP John Weston, Liberal MP Kirsty Duncan, Senator Nancy Greene Raine as well as Arne Elias of Canada Bikes. Goals were established for the future of biking in Canada, such as encouraging the Federal Government to promote road networks suited to the use of bikes, as panelists worked to discuss Federal governments role in the issue.
To read about other Bike Day events that were planned across Canada, see Canada Bikes website here.
Mr. Westons remarks at the Town Hall on Cycling – perhaps the first ever such forum on Parliament Hill – may be found here.
A ground breaking day for cycling in Canada; the broadening of the conversation of the role of federal legislators to harness the health, economic, and environmental benefits of getting Canada more bike-friendly. – John Weston MP
This is about moving cycling onto the political agenda federally, and working together as provinces and municipalities to position cycling in Canadas future. –Arne Elias, Canada Bikes
For more information or a comment from any of the above organizations, please contact:
Marilyn McIvor, National Health and Fitness Day Project Manager Phone: 613-402-5154
For more information or a comment from MP John Weston, please contact:
Jessica Faddegon, Director of Communications
Office of John Weston, MP for WV - Sunshine Coast - Sea to Sky Country 981.1791 C: 604.355.3957
{See video on how to ride a bike at the end below}
Friday May 29
VSO May 29, 30, June 1: Prokofiev, Mendelssohn, and Strauss 876 3434
> ENDS May 29
+ Miss Shakespeare & J. Caesar at the KMC
Saturday May 30 ---> poster
> ENDS May 30
+ God and the Indian by Drew Hayden Taylor, at the Firehall Arts Ctr 604 689 0926
Weekend May 30/31
Art in the Garden 2015
A self-guided spring tour of the beautiful North Shore. Includes 15 gardens, the work of 36 visual artists, and 20 musical performers. noon to 5pm
Sunday May 31
May 31 -- 9:30am to noon -- Start your day with a Piper-led walk into Lighthouse Park with your west highland terrier, then stay for terrier races, obedience contests, and other fun filled events. This is the 20th Annual event hosted by the Westie Rescue of Canada.
Just got this this afternoon and since its Bike Week, topical to send it outl
The video is almost 8min. An interesting experiment (tried in US and also Australia), and Cdn astronaut Chris Hadfield at the end! The sender wrote:
This is fantastic and tells us so much about how our brains function. Watch it to the end and ENJOY !
Ever hear that phrase Its just like riding a bike"? It turns out riding a bike isn't actually all that easy. Take this bike, for example. It looks like an ordinary bicycle but with one tiny difference. You may think you can ride it, but I guarantee youre wrong.
=== HEADSUP 2015-6G: Mtgs and More! (to June 3)
Still running up the down escalator.
Four Parts: Ccl/Mtgs (to June 3); CultureWatch; TransLink Referendum; Cartoon
Dont forget Cmnty Day Saturday June 6 Parade and info booths
Surprise to discover a closed ccl mtg Monday at 2pm:
CLOSED b/c (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
Purpose of mtg: personnel matter
{Cant help wondering if theyre discussing who will replace Bob Sokol}
4:30 to 6pm Main Floor Conference Room, Municipal Hall
~ 6:30 to 9pm -- Board Office, North Vancouver S.D. #44, 2121 Lonsdale Ave; 5th floor
Join us as parents, professionals, and youth share their experiences about Child & Youth Mental Health.
Networking/Registrat'n: 6:30 - 7pm; Panel speakers: 7 - 8pm; Panel Qs: 8 - 8:50pm; Closing Remarks: 8:50 - 9pm
~ 4 to 8pm ~ WV Community Centre, Atrium
Come to a cmnty info mtg to get an update on the project scope, results of technical studies, & next steps.
> VSO 604 876 3434
- Karen Gonyo plays Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E Minor / Centennial Theatre 8pm - Mon June 1st
Last Night of the Proms (with Vancouver Bach Choir) Orpheum 8pm Wednesday June 3rd
> SALISH SEA Early Music Festival: 1820: A Beethoven Band
Ryerson United Church (2195 W 45th) 7:30pm Tuesday June 2nd
> PRO NOVA 921 9444
Works by Beethoven, Shostakovich, and Brahms; Kay Meek Ctr 7:30pm Wednesday June 3rd
- THE STOLEN ONES: Owen Laukkanen, best-selling author presents his latest thriller.
Conversation with Vancouver Sun reporter Kim Bolan to follow. 7pm Tuesday June 2nd
Architecture professor and author, Dr Avi Friedman (Sustainable: Houses with Small Footprints) illustrates the decline of cmnty planning for healthy living. 7pm Wednesday June 3rd
CTV Local News May 29
Skip over the ads. This item starts at 3min05seconds and ends a minute later. Interviewing two last-minute voters and the second one is a WV resident.
4 SMILE! {moved to end}
=== HEADSUP 2015-6H:
Sorry got this reminder minutes ago
{ and more: }
thus realized this heritage event tonight was unintentionally omitted.
TONIGHT! A Brief History of the Vancouver Apartment and Condo
There are just a handful of seats left for tonight's illustrated lecture with Michael Kluckner. Take a look at Vancouvers apartment and condo history beginning with the evolution of the apartment building, from humble flats above stores to the luxurious suites of the 1920s, the walk-ups of the 1940s and the high-rises of the 1960s. Michael also explores the social changes in the city – the passage in 1966 of the Strata Title Act, as well as other forms of collective ownership of buildings – that have turned tenants into owners and investors into landlords.
Tuesday June 2nd from 7:30 - 9pm University Women's Club at Hycroft, 1489 McRae Ave
Tickets will be available at the door, $15/$9 students and 2015 VHF volunteers
Heritage House Tour tickets will also be available for purchase at the door.
ending with a little pun.. Body language is self explanatory!
weak, I know, but Im tired..
Txting is for people who cant spell, write? Wrong Caroline Tagg
=== HEADSUP 2015-6I: Tonight/Weekend/Agenda
No doubt time speeds up as it goes along.
Just so you get to know some of the things happening, have grabbed some of the info received for your consideration a lot going on!
First of all, heres the agenda for Monday night and then whats happening tonight and the weekend. Of course were all looking forward to Cmnty Day tomorrow, starting with the parade. And we have SUN! :-)
just so you know, Heritage West Van will be in the parade in my 1965 cream Caravelle convertible with my 103-year-old mother. Our booth is D and will have the Queen as well as Will and Kate visiting for photo opps :-) !
Ccl Mtg Monday June 8
Main Items: Personnel added to sp mtg agenda; Delegation (Justice Institute about Public Safety); 2014 Annual Report; Proposed OCP Update; Devt Applications Status List; Correspondence.
btw, Letter # 11 here has a good explanation re taxes
The Gala is just hours away...
The party decorations are going up and the weather forecast is looking spectacular for this evening's Welcome Party!
Quinn Lemley and the full group from BURLESQUE TO BROADWAY have arrived and are preparing now to dazzle you all with music, dancing, and variety from a by-gone era!
The EXTRA-ORDINARY RAFFLE is back with prizes which range from travel to a spa retreat to art to dining to shopping and more -- all inspired by the theme Lifestyle & Adventure. Check out our list of amazing prize packages below - and even if you can't join us at the Gala this evening, you can still get in on the raffle buy pre-ordering your tickets online today until 5pm!
Thank you to all our sponsors who have supported this evening - Odlum Brown Limited, ONNI Group, Grosvenor, Shirley Sun, and Penny Mitchell.
Tix are still available so call the box office to book yours for the kick-off party of the summer!
A Dram Come True This Friday!
It's summertime and the living is easy. Join us at Scotch o'clock (7:30pm) for A Dram Come True at Hycroft this Friday June 5. Sample 44 rare and distinguished single malts plus select spirits, Tinhorn Creek wine and appetizers, while supporting the Vancouver Writers Fest.
For a preview of what to expect check out A Dram Come True whisky expert Dave Mason on Global TVs Morning News BC:
Details and tickets:
Downtown Bhangra --- June 5 and 6 from 4 to 10pm
Vancouver Art Gallery Plaza Two-day open stage party woth non-stop bhangra and entertainment; free,
Trudeau, the Felons and Me Friday June 5 - Sunday June 14
Find out why Chris Tyrell Loranger was called "The magician of the North Shore!"
A satirical comedy by Chris Tyrell Loranger
Have you ever wondered how Presentation House Theatre got started back in 1976?
Look no further than this evening of laughter, gossip, ruined reputations, fire, firings, and a sexy story about Pierre Elliott Trudeau!
Thursday - Saturday evening performances; Sunday matinees -- Visit us and enjoy! This is your theatre!
Box Office 990 3474 {apologies; not taking time to paste the whole poster here in WVM}
#saltandwater at the Or Gallery 8pm
Opening of "#saltandwater" in Vancouver on June 5 at 8pm. The exhibition, which includes works by Noor Abuarafeh, Ayed Arafah, Mais Darwazah, and Rehab Nazzal runs until July 17.
Or Gallery, 555 Hamilton St., Vancouver
Artists talk on Saturday June 6 at 2pm by Rehab Nazzal, on her work A Dead Sea (2010) in #saltandwater: The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Rehab Nazzal is a Palestinian-born multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto.
2015 Ambleside Mile On National Health and Fitness Day, Saturday June 6th, join John Weston, MP (West Vancouver – Sunshine Coast – Sea to Sky Country) for a conversation regarding making Canada the Fittest Nation on Earth! This media event, which begins at 9am at Bellevue Avenue (between 21st and 22nd street), is an opportunity to speak with John Weston about the health and fitness movement that has already attracted the attention of over 200 municipalities. The 2015 Ambleside Mile is to follow at 9:30am, an event in which local runners participate every year.
Schedule of Events 9:30am start: Ambleside Mile - a running race along the parade route
10am start: Parade - see map for route -- 11am to 4pm: Main Event at Ambleside Park
and also:
The ADBA is hosting this years Community Day Lounge (aka community beer garden) from noon to 6pm this Saturday. This years Lounge will be right on Ambleside Beach just east of the Concession Stand – and across the park from where most of the Community Day festivities are happening.
Drop by and say hello, have a beverage and some great food, and enjoy the fine musical offerings of Fowl Mouth McKee and the Whiskeydicks.
Please Visit us on the Web to find our more about a BIA Proposal and give your input.
in the evening
Vancouver Arts Lip Sync Battle
Presented by Tara Cheyenne Performance. Where: CBC Studio 700, 700 Hamilton St Tix: $15
Join Tara Cheyenne Performance for its summer spectacular -- the first annual Vancouver Arts Lip Sync Battle where eight contestants from the Vancouver arts community vie for your votes to be crowned the ultimate champion.
Red carpet, door prizes, good times, cash bar, and all the popcorn you can eat! Book Now June 6 8pm
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (Sat and Mon)
Leonard Bernstein's Candide! Maestro Bramwell Tovey, the VSO, the UBC Opera Ensemble, and a stellar vocal cast – including BC's own Met star, the great Judith Forst – present Leonard Bernstein's delightful operetta Candide in an exciting, semi-staged production.
Candide is an extraordinary operetta, written during the same period as Bernstein's West Side Story. Candide is based on Voltaire's satirical work from the 1700s, and tells the story of a naïve young man's globetrotting adventures through brilliant music and hilarious dialogue. It is recognized as one of the greatest operettas ever written, by one of the twentieth century's greatest musicians.
Saturday & Monday, June 6th & June 8th, 8pm, Orpheum
(is what it says but then has June 6 and 7 from 1 - 6pm!)
the largest craft beer festival in Canada
100+ breweries and up to 400 beers to sample at the PNE Ctr Grounds
Heritage House Tour: Parking, Tickets, and Reminders
After months of planning, the Heritage House Tour is finally here! We are very excited about this Sunday's tour and want to make sure that everyone is ready to get the most out of the day. Below are a number of helpful tips including parking options in the West End, basic tour etiquette and where to get your tickets.
Ticket Locations:
On June 7th there are TWO locations where tickets can be purchased. If you pre-purchased online or over the phone you will have selected the ONE location where your tickets will be held for pick up. Both booths will be open from 9am to 3pm.
Info Booth #1: 188 W 1st Ave (outside JJ Bean False Creek)
Info Booth #2: 6385 Marguerite St (House #8)
Finding a place to park at tour homes without obstructing traffic or blocking lanes is the responsibility of tour ticket holders, however we are aware that the West End could be more difficult than other neighbourhoods. We have secured a small private lot for use by tour ticket holders only for the day. Please note there is limited capacity at this lot, and parking is not guaranteed. If space is available, short-term parking (1 hour max) will be by donation. The lot is at Lord Roberts Elementary School, which can be accessed via Pendrell St. It will be marked with VHF signage.
As an alternative there is some free and some metered parking near tour homes on Davie St., Bute St. and Thurlow St. Please plan to park and walk a couple of blocks. The stops in the West End are an easy 5-10 minute walk apart. This offers a good chance to enjoy this lovely neighbourhood, rich with character.
Tour Reminders:
1) Bring your guidebook to every house. It's yr ticket. Visit the homes in any order; you may only visit ea house once.
2) No photography or cell phone use is permitted on tour properties.
3) No pets, large bags or children under 6 are permitted inside tour homes (infants in front carriers only are excepted). Children 6 years and older must have a ticket to enter the homes.
4) You will need to remove your shoes at each tour home. Please wear socks, or bring socks or slippers with you, to avoid walking barefoot through homes. You may also want to bring a reusable bag to carry your shoes. There will be a supply of plastic shoe bags available.
If you have further questions you can refer to your guidebook, call the office before the tour, or ask any of our helpful volunteers on tour day.
Heritage House Tour Sunday June 7th 10am - 5pm Tickets $40 or $30 with valid student ID
Heritage House Tour Add-Ons
There are a few extras included with your tour ticket that you may want to plan for.
House Museums
Roedde House and Colbourne House have been included in the guidebook this year. While not actual house stops, they are worth checking out. Roedde House is situated between the two West End stops and offers an $8 Tea and Tour. Colbourne House is in Marpole and is offering access to the museum with your ticket, as well as a special lunch to tour holders of a gourmet hotdog, drink and cookie for $5.
Eve Lazarus book-signing
Local author Eve Lazarus has written about one of this year's tour homes in two of her books, At Home and Sensational Vancouver. Eve will join us on tour day to sell and sign copies of her books with $5 from every book sold donated to VHF. Eve will be at 6385 Marguerite St. from 9:30am until 1pm. Signed copies of Sensational Vancouver will also be available at Info Booth #1.
JJ Bean False Creek offer
VHF will be stationed outside JJ Bean False Creek for the day at Info Booth #1. Show your ticket at this location on June 7th to receive 10% off your order.
Sponsor booths
VHF is lucky to have a number of sponsors for this tour. As several are from industries related to heritage home maintenance, care and financing, a number will be stationed at tour homes, available to answer questions. For a full list of sponsors visit our website.
Museum of Vancouver Talk and Tour 2pm {picture}
Sunday June 7 at 2pm: Talk & Tour: c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city
An informal talk and tour of the Museum of Vancouver's landmark exhibition c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city. This afternoon event will feature Howard Grant, Musqueam First Nation councillor and exhibition adv cmte mbr, in conversation with Hanna Cho, MOV's curator of Engagement & Dialogue, for a discussion that delves into the historical, cultural, and political significance of the exhibition and its making, as well as the evolution of Musqueam people's 9,000-year history in Vancouver. We will invite questions and conversation touching on several themes in the exhibition: From the importance of traditional teachings, to the revitalisation of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language, and to the history of relationships between Indigenous and settler societies in Vancouver.
*Free for MOV Members Get Tickets:
+ Music
2pm > Pro Nova Ensemble at the Library: Shostakovich and Beethoven -- free,
3pm > Opera Pro Contanti, Cambrian Hall, 215 E 17th ~ Lucia di Lammermoor $15/$12
7pm > Koerner Quartet: Summer Serenade / Puccini, Janacek, Tchaikovsky, Vanc Academy of Music
-> MONDAY JUNE 8 if youre not going to the ccl mtg:
Monday Movie Night – The Imitation Game
A powerful portrait of Alan Turing, the English mathematician hired to break the Nazi Enigma code.
Monday June 8 from 6:30 – 9pm, Welsh Hall of the WV Memorial Library
=== HEADSUP 2015-6J: Today and Tomorrow
last-minute update! How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before its June.
My goodness how the time has flewn'.
How did it get so late so soon?"
Dr. Seuss
=================Tues June 9==============================
Jun 9 - 4 to 7pm Location: Welsh Hall East, WV Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Dr
~ June 9 - 21 -- The Artists Salon Exhibition
mixed media by members of the Arts Connection Networking Salon for Artists.
Richard Alm, Julia Baker, Enda Bardell, Shelley James, Shakun Jhangiani, Danyne Johnston, Sarah Johnstone,
Sheree Jones, Hilary Kerr, Carrie Lazareff, Elizabeth McLaren, Deirdre McNeill, Marja-Liisa Oksanen,
Riitta Peirone, Lorena Pelly, Mary Savage, Gloria Shaw, Deborah Stephan, Margaret Thoma, Joanne Waters,
Geri Watson, Lynn Webster, Eva Wideman
Opening Reception: Tuesday June 9 from 6 - 8pm; Meet the Artists: Saturday June 13 from 2- 3pm
For more details:
Jun 9 -- 7 to 9pm Location: Welsh Hall, West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Drive
The District of WV re-developing its Cmnty Engagement Policy so that engagement in WV is consistent and meaningful for the cmnty. The policy will guide how the District will engage the cmnty on a variety of projects and policies. The District wants residents to have their say. We want to know what key features you believe should be included in the policy.
If you are interested in participating in a cmnty workshop on the topic of cmnty engagement, please join us for the event listed below. RSVP to: Kristi Merilees, Community Relations Manager
==============Wed June 10=======================
Jun 10 - 10 to 11:30am Location: Music Box, 1564 Argyle Ave
QTP {to end}
=== HEADSUP 2015-6K: National Iced Tea Day Wed + DWV Mtgs Th/Fr
TODAY! Wednesday June 10
Sorry, just received it (see below) but maybe some places will still be open so you can have a free iced* tea.
Teavana, Wendys, Starbucks, and others, apparently see them: My resident tea expert will be fascinated; some of these sound positively yummy (peach bellini iced tea? pineapple blue?)
* -- yes, its iceD tea (same rule as fried rice)
GCC and Grants Cmte Mtgs:
Jun 11 -- 7 to 9pm Location: Cypress Corner West, Gleneagles Community Centre
Jun 12 -- 9 to 11am Location: Cedar Room, West Vancouver Community Centre
NATIONAL ICED TEA DAY ........ slurp
havent been able to get the right link, but the one below shd work cuz it did for me.
Even Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory is involved!
Begin forwarded message: Date: June 10, 2015 at 5:15:13 PM PDT
blogTO@blogTO Happy #NationalIcedTeaDay! Here are the top places to get iced tea in #Toronto on Twitter////////////////////border//////////////////////////
////////////////////Adjust Frequency//////////////////////////
=== HEADSUP 2015-6L: a WV Opera! Fwd: A special xxxx
1 - Shakespeare and 2 - Opera (written by WV resident) performed at UBC tomorrow night.
1 of course Bard on the Beach opens tonight (A Comedy of Errors) ~~ see you there!
Then, in case you havent heard of it yet or need a reminder, heres info on the premiere of the opera written by WV resident Lloyd Burritt.
Miracle Flight 571: An Opera in Concert by Lloyd Burritt
would you do if you survived a plane crash at 12,000 feet in the
Take a hike?
This man did! {photo}
At age 22, he and Roberto Canessa, hiked 9 days from the glacier to safety.
No trails, no maps, no GPS.
Just determination.
The true story of Nando Parrado:
Miracle Flight 571: An Opera in Concert
Featuring the singers of Stellaria
Geronimo Mendoza, english horn Benjamin Kinsman, french horn
Ryan Goetz, pianist Derrick Christian, conductor
Cant make it to the performance, but want to help the cause? Please make a contribution to support Lloyd's new opera. Thank you. Learn more about Miracle Flight 571: An Opera in Concert
Our friend Lloyd is turning 75 in June!
To mark this special occasion, Lloyd has written MIRACLE FLIGHT 571, an opera based on the 1972 airplane crash in the high Andes. This is a true story of disaster, despair, determination, and the triumph of life over death!
After working on the opera for the past 5 years, Lloyd is ready to share his work with you and he invites you to join him for a performance on Sunday, June 14th at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $27.50 and going fast. Don't delay! Book your tickets today.
The Story of a Miracle
In 1972, a plane carrying a rugby team from Uruguay crashed high in the Andes leaving many passengers alive. This is the true story of Nando Parrado, who with Roberto Canessa, trekked from the glacier at 12,000 feet to find safety and rescue for the remaining survivors still on the glacier.
Seventy-two days after the crash, 14 more survivors were airlifted to safety.
Parrados story is one of friendship and perseverance overcoming tragedy: "I would live from moment to moment and from breath to breath, until I had used up all the life I had... each step I took was a step stolen back from death.
The music is rich and full of harmony, dissonance, and rhythmic drive capturing Nandos and Robertos determination to survive the unforgiving harshness of their surroundings.
=== HEADSUP 2015-6M: Wed/Thurs Mtgs
wobbling along, head bobbing barely above water
What a weekend! Taste of Bowen; Craft Beer Tasting in HBay; Bard Opening (Comedy of Errors*); premiere of WV Lloyd Burritts interesting opera (Miracle Flight 571); etc.
Certainly a blast-off for the first weekend of summer (yes, I know not till solstice but seasons have been early this year).
Below footnote are the mtgs:
CEC, BoV, Lib Bd; DRC (2234 Marine, PSB, now named the Public Service Bldg), Cedardale traffic flow info.
* Comedy of Errors
fyi, its a steampunk adaptation. If you know it, you may love it; I didnt fully embrace it till the second act. it is true however, as the review said its Shakespeare as youve never seen it. Blows all the preconceptions away.
Well, I didnt know what steampunk was either so looked it up here it is for you:
Steampunk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jun 17 -- 4:30 to 6pm -- Main Floor Conference Room, M Hall
Some of the items on the agenda:
4.1. Follow up Re: May 26th Town Hall Meeting Format and Engagement Success – C. Bishop
4.2. Follow up Re: Community Engagement Forum – K. Merilees
4.3. Format and Content of Working Group Final Reports to the CEC – M. Pappas
4.4. Follow up from March 23rd CEC Meeting - Community Participation in Civic Governance
Jun 17 5pm -- Council Chamber, M Hall
Application 15-011 (1380 20th St) re the proposed conversion of a carport to living space with the following variance: a) 0.64m* to Combined Side Yard Setback [* over 2ft]
Jun 17 6:30 to 9pm -- Welsh Hall East, WV Memorial Library
a bit difficult to find the agenda so here it is for you:
good news to see public comment allowed at the beginning..
DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING Jun 18 4:30 pm Location: Council Chambers, M Hall
Applications for Consideration
5.1 4:40 to 5pm presentation; 5 to 5:40pm deliberation and recommendation |
2234 MARINE DRIVE – 2nd appearance Five unit residential bldg (market condos) Development Permit No. 14-028 |
5.2 5:40 to 6pm presentation; 6 to 6:40pm deliberation and recommendation |
DWV PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING – 8th appearance Applicant team response to comments rec'd from the DRC May 28 Addn to M hall site to accommodate police dept + M services hub Plans previously considered by the DRC: Jan 24, Apr 18, Sept 19, Nov 12, Dec 5, 2013 and Jan 29, May 28 |
Jun 18 6 to 7:30pm -- Ecole Cedardale Elementary School Gymnasium, 595 Burley Drive
=== HEADSUP 2015-6N: Police Bd; mtgs tomorrow {revised/updated}
Updating my WVM 7/8/9/10 draft just now (look at DWV Calendar daily) and surprised to see that the
WVPD bd mtg has been advanced! Not Thursday, Tuesday at 4:30pm.
My recommendation is that not just the date but also the day be given.
Furthermore, must look carefully. Calendars often start with Monday and end with Sunday, the last day of the week, however the District's calendar starts with Sunday!
<< TUESDAY >> + RESCHEDULED: WV POLICE BOARD MTG -- *Jun 23* -- 4:30pm
+ OPEN HOUSE - BACKYARD CHICKENS -- Jun 24 -- 4 to 7pm at M Hall
Jun 24 -- 5 to 7pm Location: West Vancouver Community Centre Atrium
The Aquatic Centre welcomes 710,000 visitors each year. Attendance has increased by 120,000 participants since the facility reopened in 2004. In 2014, we surveyed the cmnty to find out what form of change room improvements and expansion users wd like to see. Proposed plan:
~ 7:30pm Bard on the Beach Opening Nights: 25th King Lear; 26th Loves Labours Lost
Jun 27 -- 2pm Location: West Vancouver Museum
Join us for the opening reception of From the Inside Out: Integrating Art and Architecture on the West Coast. This exhibition examines the legacy of several influential artists and architects by showcasing their extraordinary projects alongside artworks and photographs that capture their new forms of architecture and design.
Exhibition Runs: June 27 to August 29
4th Annual Heritage Vancouver Garden Tour
16 terrific private gardens will be open to the public for visiting as part of the 4th annual tour June 27-28.
Tix are $35 and are available online (in WV at Maple Leaf Gdns in Dundarave)
Details: » Heritage Vancouver Garden Tour
say it aint so! <>
=== HEADSUP 2015-6O: Fri/Sat/Sun -- ENJOY!
Saw Bards steampunk Comedy of Errors last week, now back (1:30am after Opening Night Reception so trying to get this out to transmit asap) from Bards superb, regal King Lear best performance/production Ive ever seen (and have seen several, including one in London). Friday night its Loves Labours Lost
Herewith quite a weekend with markets, tours, walks, heritage, a UBC wild ale festival, an opening at our museum, and plays ending.
Scroll to find what might interest you
Heartfelt apologies for whats been unintentionally left out do check out the VAG, our Library there are so many interesting things going on
doesnt Vancouver just GLOW! ENJOY!
{Kitty porn and then a punny ending} [moved]
> noon to 1pm --- Celebrate five places that matter on West Hastings
A fun, free event that celebrates the grand history of West Hastings. Enjoy music, free coffee and treats, and a walking tour of W Hastings Street with civic historian John Atkin. The Perch @ Lot 19, Hornby & W Hastings.
Free, 604 264 9642
> Welcome to The Shipyards Night Market where every Friday night starting on May 1st and running till September 25th, the Shipyard Plaza in NV is transformed into a vibrant night market. This free event features a full farmers and artisan marketplace as well as a wide variety of local food trucks and live entertainment in the picturesque setting of the historic Wallace Shipyard.
> 9:30am Saturday June 27th Brothers Creek Forest Heritage Walk and veteran trees
A free public nature walk for Nature Vancouver.
A logging history and nature walk in the lower Hollyburn Ridge area east of Lawson and Brothers Creeks primarily along the route of the Brothers Creek Forestry Heritage Walk designed by the West Vancouver Historical Society, West Vancouver Museum, and the District of West Vancouver. On the way we will have an opportunity to view various sites relating to the logging that took place in the area between the 1870s and 1950s. Side trips will take us to some of the veteran old-growth trees that survived the logging. We will try to find what is left of the famous Candelabra Fir.
Elevation gain: 280 metres.
Description: Start time and meeting place: Meet at 0930 hours at McDonalds, Park Royal for car pooling and to collect persons travelling by bus. Alternatively, meet at 1000 hours at the trail head at the intersection of Eyremount Drive and Millstream Road in the British Properties, WV.
Estimated time of return: Mid-afternoon.
Difficulty: Moderate grade, occasional steep but short sections. There are many steep, rough, slippery, and rooty sections on the trail, so hiking boots with deep tread and with ankle support are advised.
Bring lunch and a beverage and dress for changes in weather.
Membership and registration are not required, however non-members are limited to three field trips.
Contact David at or 924 0147
> 10am - noon
Walking Tours: Commercial Drive - Little Italy
If you enjoyed Italian Day last weekend, you will love this chance to learn a bit more about this diverse neighbourhood. The section of Commercial Drive known as Vancouver's "Little Italy" represents 50 years of history. This neighbourhood has changed dramatically over the last decade with businesses reflecting the changes in the community. Join Maurice Guibord for a walk down Commercial Drive where he'll talk about "Kits-ification", the role of family businesses, coffee culture, and of course, development pressures.
Sat June 27th (limited availability) and Friday July 10th 10am - 12pm Register Here $15 (inc. tax)
> 10am - 5pm
The Royal Hudsons 75th Birthday Celebration
Enjoy a party full of friendly family fun, activities, and much more. West Coast Railway Heritage Park, 39645 Government Rd, Sq. $28.60/family 604 681 4403
> noon - 6pm
We felt it was time for Vancouver to have a unique, style-forward festival. What makes Farmhouse Fest unique? Well, lets start with the experience of drinking great beer.
Drinking a great beer is more than just putting the liquid into your mouth and swallowing. Its an intense sensory event. Look at how the colour of the beer catches the suns rays. Listen to the faint pop of the slowly dissipating head. Stick your nose in the glass and breathe deeply. Faint hops? A bit of fruit? Maybe some acid? Then take a sip, close your eyes and enjoy the cool breeze blowing over you.
Hosting a festival outside isnt just a location variable. Its a deliberate decision made to reinforce the connection between whats in your glass, and whats in your surroundings. At the UBC Farm, those surroundings include forest, hop bines and an apple orchard. Beer doesnt spring forth from nothingness. Its planted, cultivated, harvested, and meticulously crafted into a delicious final product.
The Fine Print: All ticket sales are final. This event is 19+ only - no minors allowed. Two pieces of ID will be required for entry. Serving it Right Rules apply. Any person appearing intoxicated will not be allowed entry to the festival. We reserve the right to have security remove unruly or intoxicated persons from the festival at our descretion.
Heres a list of the beers:
{dunno about you but I cant wait to taste the Passionfruit De Witte! a sour wheat ale with passionfruit Belgian of course}
It wouldnt make sense to host a Farmhouse Festival anywhere but on an actual farm. Luckily UBC has one, so thats where Farmhouse Fest will be.
The UBC Farm is a 24ha teaching and learning farm located on the south end of UBCs main Point Grey campus.
The field playing host to Farmhouse Festival is a large, grassy area including a small apple orchard, surrounded by towering conifer forest. We encourage you to bring a blanket, and spread out to enjoy your afternoon.
Plus, there will be a Farmers Market held adjacently immediately before the Farmhouse Fest. Peruse the market then wander over to try some beers and have a picnic.
> 2pm
OPENING RECEPTION Jun 27 -- 2pm West Vancouver Museum
Join us for the opening reception of From the Inside Out: Integrating Art and Architecture on the West Coast. This exhibition examines the legacy of several influential artists and architects by showcasing their extraordinary projects alongside artworks and photographs that capture their new forms of architecture and design.
NB -- 10am - 4pm Friday and Saturday
Details re Heritage Vancouvers Garden Tour were in the last Headsup
16 unique private Vancouver gardens $35 both days 254 9411
= Glengarry Glen Ross at Beaumont Studios
= When the Cats Away, British sex farce, at Deep Cove 929 3200
PLAYS ENDING SUNDAY last performance at:
+ NOON: Holmes and Watson Save the Empire at Metro 266 7191
+ 2pm: Molieres The Imaginary Invalid at the Jericho Arts Ctr 224 8007 x2
The UBC Opera Ensemble presents LA TRAVIATA 822 6725 in the Old Auditorium last performance 2pm
=== HEADSUP 2015-6P: Canada Day! and more
Celebrate Canada! First, the events in WV, then mtgs/events July 2nd, 3rd, etc
Also: report on a cultural landmark planned for PkR, then a punny ending
CANADA DAY RED & WHITE PICNIC -- July 1 from 4:30 to 10:30pm
Update June 2015 Canada Day fireworks are still scheduled to take place at 10:30 p.m. on July 1. [Owing] to the high fire rating, fireworks are currently banned in WV. The holiday fireworks are the only exception and take place off the shores of John Lawson Park.
Dress up in our national colours and join us at John Lawson Pk. Bring your own picnic or enjoy a selection from our food vendors while watching live entertainment. Stay and enjoy the Coast Capital Savings Canada Day Fireworks Show! There'll be two simultaneous fireworks shows, one off the shores of WV, and one in the waterway between Canada Place and NV. The pyro-musical show will my simulcast on Rock 101FM and televised on Shaw TV.
Schedule of Events on the Great Canadian Stage
4:30 – 5:45pm |
The Pat Chessell Band |
6 – 6:50pm |
West Vancouver Youth Band |
6:50 – 7pm |
Official Ceremony and Singing of O Canada |
7 – 10:30 pm |
Side One |
22:30:00 |
Fireworks Finale! |
AWARDS CMTE MTG July 2 from 7 to 9pm -- Lawson Creek Studio, 1758 Argyle Ave
The Writer's Studio at SFU presents celebrated crime writer E.R. Brown, author of the Edgar-nominated novel Almost Criminal. Also on the playbill, a diverse line-up of talented writers in all genres.
Thursday July 2 at 8pm. Cottage Bistro, 4470 Main Street, Vancouver
Rabbit Hole by the North Vancouver Players at the Theatre at Hendry Hall
983 2633 $10 cash at the door
two from Vancouver Heritage Fdn:
See info:
1 - FREE! -- Walking tours of West Hastings Street
Just announced, VHF is once again partnering with the Downtown Vancouver BIA to offer free walking tours this summer! Tour guide Samuel Mickelson will lead 45-minute lunch time tours of West Hastings Street using the newly installed Places That Matter plaques as a guide. Learn about historic trends such as global trade, immigration, and the opening of exclusive men's clubs for the area's wealthy residents, along with modern questions about growth, development, and the effect of the 2010 Olympic Games.
All tours are free; offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is on-site starting at 12pm the day of each tour.
July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st ~~ 12:15 - 1pm
Meet at Lot 19, the parkette at the foot of Hornby St. where it meets W. Hastings St.
2 - The WALL: Public Art Project proposals -- Deadline: July 3rd, 5pm
We are accepting proposals for the WALL, a 30' x 40' space above the CBC Outdoor Stage. The WALL is a public art initiative on the theme of Vancouver's built environment. A new installation will be launched this fall.
Click here for more information and how to submit your proposal
Saturday July 4th -- A stroll through 40 million years of Vancouvers Geological History
A free public field trip for Nature Vancouver
Trip leader: David Cook, Geologist. Mtg time / location: 1pm in Third Beach parking lot, Stanley Park.
Description: An interpretive walk along the seawall of Stanley Park to learn about the geology of the Vancouver area.
See how 40 to 70 million-year-old rivers laid down sand, silt, clay, and minor coal over a period that included the waning years of the age of dinosaurs. Other features to see will be giant boulders of 100 million-year-old granite stranded by the retreating ice 12000 years ago, remnants of 30 million-year-old volcanoes, concretions in the sandstone, wave-cut notches in the cliff-face formed when the sea level was higher, and how Siwash Rock was formed. Low tide at the time of our walk will reveal other features such as wave-cut platforms formed by wave action over the last 5000 years, and how First Nations peoples moved the boulders left by the glaciers to make fish traps and canoe runs.
This will be a three-hour walk beginning at 1pm. Make sure you obtain enough parking time for the three-hour walk.
Difficulty rating: A3. In other words dead easy.
Mbrshp in Nature Vancouver and registration are not required, however non-mbrs are limited to three field trips.
Contact David at 924 0147 or for further details.
West Vancouvers Park Royal aims to flourish as a cultural landmark
Simons outlet will feature major art installations, Salish-inspired architecture
A bit of history of La Maison Simons:
La Maison Simons was founded by the Simons family in 1840 in Quebec City, and is headquartered in that city. The store began operations as Simons House, where retail operations began in 1889. Simons is a retail chain consisting in seven store locations, currently headed by Peter Simons.[1] The birth of the family business took place in 1812.
Peter Simons who was born in Scotland in 1785 settled in the Quebec City area where he lived on a farm where he raised five children.
Speaking of Park Royal ... do you shop at Whole Foods? {moved to end}
22 of the Most Ridiculous Things Overheard at Whole Foods ...
punny ending. {moved to end of newsletter}
+++++ CCL MTGS +++++
NOTES April 13/27; May 11/25; June 8
As usual, xxx indicates something was said; &&& is for something significant was said; GET is something I thought was important enough for me to find, play, and transcribe -- but sorry, haven't done. These notes give you an idea of what was said. To make sure of exactly what was said, pls watch/listen to the video on the DWV website. The times given help in finding the place.
Subscribe! write] ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, INITIALISMS puzzling? See:
+ Ccl Mtg NOTES April 13th +
6pm CLOSED MTG b/c
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the M;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the M; and
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose.
Purpose of mtg: cmte mbrship, land, and litigation matters.
2. Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 and proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 for 2055 Queens Avenue (Toby House)(File: 1610-20-4813 / 1610-20-4814 / 1010-20-10-011)
The Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits will describe the subject application.
Applicant: Vlahos Holdings Ltd. Subject Land: 2055 Queens Avenue
Purpose: The proposed bylaws and development permit would facilitate subdivision of the subject land and provide legal heritage protection for the Toby House and significant landscape features.
Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agrmt Bylaw No. 4813, 2015: If adopted, the proposed Heritage Revitaln Agrmt Bylaw wd enable the District to enter into a Heritage Revitalizn Agrmt with the owner of 2055 Queens to provide for:
subdiv of the subject prop into two fee simple lots: a new eastern lot (proposed Lot A) of ±1,573.4 m2 (16,936 ft2); and a new western lot (proposed Lot B) of ± 1,931 m2 (20,791 ft2);
retention of the Toby House in its existing location on proposed Lot A;
conservation of the Toby House, with permitted alterations including:
minor changes to interior room layouts, a rear addn of ± 812 ft2, and a new ±313 ft2 accessory bldg – for a total floor area of ±4,373 ft2;
construction of an infill dwelling of ± 4,894 ft2 on proposed Lot B;
ongoing legal protection for the Toby House and significant landscape features via M heritage designation (as per proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015); and
protection and enhancement of the riparian area on proposed Lot B (as per proposed Devt Permit 10-011).
Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015: If adopted, proposed Heritage Desig Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 wd provide for ongoing legal protection for:
all aspects of the exterior of the Toby House;
those aspects of the interior that are specifically listed as character-defining elements in the Statement of Significance (attached as Schedule A to the bylaw);
all native trees on the prop having a DBH (diameter measured 1.4m from the ground) greater than 25cm; and
other landscape features identified as character-defining elements in the Statement of Significance.
The bylaw wd provide for the ability to make future changes to the Toby House and its landscape, in accordance with a heritage conservation plan, and subject to a heritage alteration permit. Once the prop is designated, it wd also be subject to DWVs standards for ongoing maintenance of heritage designated buildings and sites, in accordance with Heritage Maintenance Bylaw No. 4187, 1999.
Proposed Devt Permit No. 10-011: If approved, the proposed Devt Permit wd impose requiremts and conditions for devt of the prop in accordance with OCP guidelines NE 6 (sites with difficult terrain) and NE 13 (watercourse protection) to:
avoid hazardous conditions;
ensure greater environmental compatibility of development on sloping sites; and
protect and enhance watercourses within existing neighbourhoods.
A PowerPoint presentation was provided and S. Mikicich (Mgr, Cmnty Planning) and J. Allan (Cmnty Planner) described the proposed bylaws and devt permit, heritage conservation, guidelines for applicn of conservation incentives, subject prop and house, and the proposed infill dwelling. A presentation was provided and an architectural model of the site was displayed and D. Echaiz-McGrath (Architect, Wensley Architecture Ltd.) spoke relative to the proposed bylaws and development permit, project description, and eliminating invasive species. Council members commented and queried relative to proposed devt on the site, tree retention, setbacks, view impact, driveway accessibility, and parking, and S. Mikicich and D. Echaiz-McGrath responded to queries of Council.
1) Reports received up to and including April 2, 2015:
# |
Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agrmt, Heritage Designation, and Devt Permit for 2055 Queens (Toby House) Appendix C, D, and E to schedule A |
February 12, 2015 |
March 2, 2015 |
R-1 |
Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agrmt for 2055 Queens Ave |
June 18, 2010 |
July 5, 2010 |
R-2 |
2) Written submissions received up to and including April 2: To view all written submissions listed in this section click here
# |
North Shore Heritage Preservation Society |
2015-03-01 |
C-1 |
Redacted |
April 1, 2015 |
C-2 |
Redacted (On-Table) |
2015-04-07 |
C-3 |
Redacted (On-Table) |
2015-04-09 |
C-4 |
Mgr of Cmnty Planning, response to written submission dated April 7 (On-Table) |
April 9, 2015 |
C-5 |
Mgr of Cmnty Planning, response to written submission dated April 1 (On-Table) |
2015-04-09 |
C-6 |
Redacted (On-Table) |
2015-04-10 |
C-7 |
Mgr of Cmnty Planning, response to written submission dated April 10 (On-Table) |
April 10, 2015 |
C-8 |
On March 2,, Ccl set the date for the PH and concurrent public mtg. The statutory notice of PH will be published in the NSN on April 5 and April 8, 2015 and notices were mailed to property owners / occupants within the notification area. The MClk will note written submissions received for the April 13, 2015 PH and concurrent public meeting.
Staff gave background, made presentation explaining aspects, etc.
The architect from Wensley Architects also spoke wrt the devt.
6. PUBLIC INPUT [7:27]
Mayor: remind ev to give name and address and speak from podium there; speak for five minutes or less; less is always appreciated. First to sign up is Carolanne Reynolds
{male voice re signing up}
I'll get to you in a second, sir. Sign up. Right over there; just put; I'll know it's you signed up.
CR: Editor of WV Matters, but not only is it WVM -- good evening, Ccl -- but as Chair of Heritage WV -- but more importantly, I was the chair of the subcmte of the Heritage Cmte that came up with a list of incentives to preserve heritage and heritage properties, so I'm really excited and pleased that this is one of the first times we've done it and it's really really great that you're doing it, and just keep going and this is just lovely and thanks to Stephen Mikicich's staff
work. Thank you v much.
J Novak: 2079 Queens: in opposition; removal of trees; interruption of wildlife corridor; removing restrictive covenants; pause to contemplate them... "referred to his letters to Council and spoke relative to concerns regarding: process; misunderstanding of mid-century West Coast Modernism; disproportionate economics; extensive tree removal on a site not suitable for building; interruption of existing wildlife corridor without appropriate study or debate; unintended consequences of using the heritage revitalization process; and asked Council to contemplate the unintended consequences." not sure compromises worth it
Nancy Smith: on behalf NSh H Preservation Society; 70 mbrs
advocating H Revit Agrmts; historical architectural significance; in favour
{Mayor asks three times and no one else}
MOTION: PH be closed
> REGULAR Apr 13 CCL MTG [7:38]
1. Call to Order.
{from minutes} Mayor Smith informed of the results of the 2015 NSN Readers Choice Awards and the WV Cmnty Ctr was the winner in the Best Community Fitness Facility category and finalist in the Best Place to Entertain Kids category. Mayor Smith noted this is the third year in a row that the community has voted the WV Cmnty Ctr as the best fitness facility, thanked the community for their support for the facility and congratulated staff on doing their usual sterling job of operating the Cmnty Ctr.
The CAO spoke relative to the oil spill that occurred in English Bay on April 8 including:
it was as a result of a mechanical failure on the interior of a vessel; the Coast Guard was extremely responsive; Emergency Operations Unified Command Ctr set up at Port MetroV with the Coast Guard leading as incident command; there was a comprehensive unified command and coordinated approach right from the start; by April 9 in the afternoon 80 [per cent] of the oil was collected as determined based on the flyovers by the Coast Guard and Transport Canada; the mechanical failure on the interior of the vessel had been repaired and there will be continuous monitoring of the vessel to ensure that there wont be any more leaks; since April 9, 63km of our shoreline has been assessed and 90% of our shores are clear of oil residue; we have asked the public to stay off the beach while shoreline teams are doing observation and clean-up; short term and long term planning for the clean-up operations; being more proactive in terms of shared protocols; and thanked the Streamkeepers for the work engaging with the public and keeping them off of the beach.
{my partial notes} CAO: Oil Spill; transparent a possible spill occurred Wed became involved on Thurs
as soon as . Coast Guard jumped to it and was extremely responsive; response Ctr set up; CG leasing Port V Metro list
collected flyover the sheen that is on the top of the water they can see how much collected
incident a result of mechanical failure; fixed, cleaned, no more
constant monitoring so wont be any more; we started cleanup and
63 kms of our shoreline, assess 90% of our shores clear of any; 10% diff viscosity; take some time
xxx globulative oil size of a dime; tried to be as careful as possible; asked public be off the beaches
thanks to Streamkeepers engaging with public and keeping them off the beach [7:43]
xxx in short period of time cleanup will be done but want to make sure as long as nec
WV has a voice at the table; we need to be much more proactive re shared protocols
no health issues; three birds picked up have been cleaned, continue to be monitored
about 20 wildlife hv bn captured in process been gleaned
HMCS Discovery in Stanley Park
2. Approval of Agenda
Revised on April 9, 2015:
To add to Item 3 the minutes of the March 30, 2015 special and regular Council meetings; and
To move Item 11.2 re Devt Variance Permit Applicn No. 14-064 (1100 Highland Place) to be new Item 8.1.
Cass: as circulated
Mayor: with the withdrawal of Item 6
Cass: Item 6 is being withdrawn
{several cclrs speaking}
Mayor: just a sec, let's deal with one thing at a time; with withdrawal?
Cass: yes
Mayor: Ccl Cam, second -- oh; what item
NG: wd like to add; asked item re Corresp, wch I asked about ten days ago to be pulled; petition, right to healthy envmt
Mayor: okay, deal with under Other items if okay with you
3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting minutes to be provided
Minutes be adopted as circulated: March 30, 2015 special and regular Council meetings.
4. [RCM-SAR] Station 1 West Vancouver, Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, regarding Update Report on Operations/Activities of the West Vancouver Station (File: 0055-01) PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Dougall Purdy: CG Aux
old warehouse bldg at the end of the pier; arrangement with District
17 stns (map; CG 2, airport, and Salt Spring Island)
42 stns, 971 volunteers 821 SAR mission Vic; 675 ppl saved or assisted
WV Active re mbrs; 76 missions; 220 training exercises
2,569 hrs at sea, not including onshore fundraising events
new class of rescue vessels, safe
work with CG RCMP NSEMO, rescue helicopter from Comox, health services WVPD
give them a ride if they have to get over to Eagle Island
SLIDE of a vehicle that went off the StoS hwy!
only if life in danger
commercial assistance, private &&&
Cmnty events southern straits vessel out for full 20 hours
provided coverage throughout whole race
dive at Whyecliff advantage next to a road
recent sinking of Annapolis in Halkett Bay, Gambier, close to HBay
no road access, helicopter landing pad so well probably be the first xxx of help
in 100ft of water
training ALL the time
w/ helicopter get to hospital faster
lost two in the Skookumchuck
$365 raise $220 (?)
dinner on the dock sells out in a day July (17?)
we do all the maintenance ourselves
Safe boating on line*** &&&
all volunteers from WV [7:58]
MB: were you involved in the clean-up
Ans: prevent them from sinking; xxx
we can get pumps; no capacity for clean up
MB: thank you for tour last year xxx
NG: re diving, shdnt we look for funding from the diving groups?
Ans: &&&
NG: hitting up the divers
Cass: thank you and for everything you do
what are you looking for?
Ans: we tend to train; same as CG
coming in minimal xxx certificate; basic first aid, criminal
over next two years will give them all &&&
MB: when I visited, really impressed with the level of professionalism
not all glamour, hard work at a professional level
hope we wont need your services but if we do &&&
Mayor: thanks for your presentation; keep up the good work
5. 752 Marine Drive (former White Spot restaurant site) - Update on consultation and Council direction for revisions and bylaw preparation (File: 1010-20-12-085) Appendix J – Drawing Booklet, January 2015
At the March 30, 2015 Council meeting, further consideration was deferred to the April 13, 2015 Council meeting. PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Mayor: Ccl has listened; passed on to staff to make a proposal, bring it to a PH
before passed by Ccl; Ill make a motion to defer this [8:03]
1 - 2 - 3
MOVED by Smith, seconded by Booth:
THAT the recommendation in the report dated March 9, 2015 re 𤄨 Marine Drive (former White Spot restaurant site) – Update on consultation and Council direction for revisions and bylaw preparation be tabled until the following specifics have been determined:
a) A final plan and commitment by the Devper on traffic reduction through the Marine Dr/Taylor Way corridor
relative to:
(1) Pound Rd, an exit W on Marine; (2) a Taylor Way traffic mgmt plan; (3) War Dance Bridge improvements;
b) A clearly defined reduction in bldg ht and a definitive # of rental units that are supported by demographics;
c) Clarity of the ofc space, childcare space, the supportive housing space, again supported by demographics;and
d) Defined financial benefits in terms of taxes, monetary community benefits, and other public amenities such as movie theatres and specifics such as that.
Council members commented relative to the proposed tabling motion.
NL (CAO) informed that the tabling motion is very specific and relates to this project only, and spoke relative to the OCP and a local area plan, and the project.
Mayor Smith clarified that an applicant has made an application to Council, and spoke relative to variables in the application, questions raised by the public and Council, and the need for specific answers about the project.
Council members commented further relative to the proposed tabling motion.
{where the heck is my rough transcript so we have what they said and answers??? these are skeletal with little info, IOW minutes.}
The question was called on the motion.
CARRIED Councillors Cassidy and Gambioli voted in the negative
1. The results of phase two public consultation for the Devt Applicn, as outlined in the report dated Mar 9 be rec'd for info;
2. Staff work with the applicant team to undertake final refinements to the proposal to achieve:
a. a reduction in the height of the proposed east tower such that it is generally consistent with roof peak elevation of the taller of the two West Royal towers;
b. a reduction in proposed floor area generally consistent with the prev DRC recomm to reduce the height and mass of the proposed west tower (as opposed to reallocating this floor area elsewhere within the devt);
c. related refinemts to architectural design that may be necessitated by the direction for changes in ht, massing; and
d. in consultation with potential non-profit operators, possible adjustments to the proposed childcare facility to ensure suitable design; and
3. Staff bring fwd draft bylaws and a devt permit package for Ccl consideration after final refinements have been made.
Mayor made motion:
I strongly believe residential; SqN has plans to devp and PkR plans on their land as well
we must make sure devpd to best advantage of cmnty
M&Ccl -- had a very divisive process with Grosvenor
no prob with that had to or lose the village
Ccl is divided on this this basically defers to applicn and staff
to PH
bypasses a critical step.
can have resid on that site; doesnt have to be ht proposed; hv to make sure fits in with
weve got an unregulated
first I heard of
Cap & Marine was from newspapers
taxes in NV
1000 NV kids attend our schools
cmnty ctrs
need a planned devt for the entire NSh
step back; take a look
MB: I agree with the recommendation and the subpoints and add: our staff shd do an independent traffic study
a lot not aware of what is proposed at PkR and we havent heard from a lot of ppl
tabling this back [8:08]
process clearer &&&
Cam: briefly b/c you said a lot of things I wanted to say
for years need a &&& plan, not ad hoc
what we want is a cmnty then have owners, planners, come in &&&
PkR came in with &&&
a couple of years
in a lot of ways residential makes sense, near transp
dont have a clear idea on how much, height
traffic: TWay and Marine will always be a bottleneck
have to look at the whole issue and as the Mayor quite rightly said, an overall plan
NV did it right plan, can see &&&
West Royal without plan, no egress xxx
Squamish have Reserve No 5, devp over next 5-20 years
both CNV DNV [8:12] &&&
not pleased how we got to this point but pleased re ???planning xxx
Mayor: xxx
Cass: thank [8:13]
clear from campaigning ... OCP tired of spot-zoning
had to go fwd with xxx work for populace; with staff
the majority opinion was we dont want this
NG: a little disappointed b/c I spent two weeks writing down
and then the Mayor stole it; but I let him get away with it
had some questions; &&& how do we handle that?
&&&; ppl signed up
Mayor: tabling motion
NG: so cant speak?
Mayor: they can speak at PQP wch I hope will not be xxx
NG: as Cass said
clear to me &&&; {were} meant to represent the cmnty
&&& since the election only a couple in favour; all
700 petition
so, moving fwd not proven
other is to provide leadership wch is why I asked that we split this from the process
still dont think done a good job; wrt this site not setting a precedent
feel strongly, need a plan for PkR
and I dont support, wdnt have, the earlier proposal
want staff and proponent to know, done in a bit of a vacuum
Mr Chalmers re xxx density; he said shd hv asked the DRC; they came back and said uncomfortable; now staff has come comfortable with the ht
&&&; wd like to see signif reductions density/height
midrise 7 - 14 storeys; form relates better and existing
energy efficiency
wd like to see as part of the tabling motion, traffic before come back
Sop: 100 to 150K ppl move through our cmnty every day
asked for a master traffic plan; form a traffic Planning authority for the NSh
bridge difficult all the time
prov matter; prov gave CNV money for Lower Rd
seen, since I came to WV in 1960 &&& [8:20]
plan, road wd swing down N of the bridge
that wd bring a four-lane roadway the back of PkR; wd relieve
many not as old as I am bylaw and police little bldg (?)
line up for day; now almost to bridge head
have some controls wrt lights [8:22]
traffic flowing up TWay, lengthening when ferry comes in xxx
police presence wrt blocking the intersection
xxx; well have beards down to here before that happens
reasonable place for density; dont look at iconic, look at ???; need rental
amenities, think we can go further
what PkR cd provide not nec money
wont devp on N side for 25 years; chastise myself and Ccl/Staff not doing.
only a few residents live in Eden Place
Parkade? &&&
a lot of phone calls, some really nasty; a lot really concerned
ppl written in and talked to us
get it out to broader cmnty and see where were going with this
in OCP planning process may shine some light on this
look at traffic and PUSH, not just leave us hanging
look at this bldg, ht amenities; support; smart move
ML: end of the beginning but 'not the beginning of the end' {if he's quoting Churchill}
dont want ppl to leave here with a misconception; this motion is asking for some deliverables; not OCP not &&& [8:26]
going to come back sooner rather than later
talking about a set of deliverables, going to get to the same place just following a diff path
dont think weve necessarily bought us anything
not new OCP or Local Area Plan
this motion is asking for deliverables to come back
Mayor: this was tabling but now talking. wd ask to confine to tabling
Cass: my take
ht, massing, and density
if they dont come back
not WarDance, cinema, xxx iconic blocked, a bridge in 1938; Sentinel Hill, etc
Sop: if this to go to PH dont know if it wd???
issues; going to have to get before the broader public
Cam: am somewhat confused after Cclr Lewis....
{GALLERY: "Yaahs"}
Cam: &&& [8:30]; Mayor spoke of xxx
reality, take what NG and Cass said all agree too dense and too high
Im not qualified to make that decision
if 14 - 17, were throwing darts at a wall
shd be doing: &&&
If I were to insist on one thing in this motion is that we come up with a plan for PkR
dont want to torture xxx
tabling come back with more plans
so we can judge the merits of this proposal, so not ready, fire, aim need clarity
{from gallery HEAR HEAR!}
thats my understanding too
CAO: over last two years got us here, staff, xxx consulting &&&
the tabling motion relates to this proposal only
ht, rental, reduction in traffic where we know we can; Pound Rd, WarDance, TWay; defined financial benefits and other CACs
all relate specially to this project; xxx
What Cclr Cam is suggesting is wait until an OCP and an LAP are done
then this proj; those are v diff
tabling 3 - 6 mos; LAP, looking at two years
Mayor: trying to clarify my intention
landowner made an applicn; two variables: close those two until we find ourselves in a PH
number of Qs raised by public, Ccl, &&&
we need specific answers so when it comes back to Ccl well know # of units, traffic; all the unknowns will be closed; ev will be able to vote yes or no
that is basically the intent; table whats before us now; tighten up
NG: thank you for clarifying for all of us and the public
so this proj will come back in 3 - 6 mos
alternative is to defeat and make a diff motion local area plan before bringing this back
strongly feel this does set a precedent
batted this around for two years; DRC 5 or 6 times who also didnt know what to
reason said 7 to 14
none of us experts; &&& public
not able to support unless OCP first; if wont add as a friendly amendment
MB: the motion I seconded was to table consideration of the motion before us; have to postpone to a future public mtg or indefinitely
a cpl of comments
am hearing that Ccl isnt ready to decide on the motion before us, for diff reasons
the cmnty, a large percentage is opposed
a cmnty we havent heard of supporting details
a really serious decision what goes on that site will be with us for a very long time
reason for tabling, we need to postpone consideration, put this motion on hold; then staff come back
Mayor: in favour?
{passes with Cass and NG opposed}
Mayor: ppl can come back at PQP
{most in the gallery left}
6. Proposed Official Community Plan Update (File: 2517-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the proposed OCP review process, as outlined in the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning, dated March 23, 2015, be endorsed for implementation starting in 2015.
7. West Vancouver Secondary School Track and Artificial Turf Field Project Update (File: 0180-02)
Andrew Banks (Parks) [8:41]: SLIDES list of all agreed, cost,
Next Steps: traffic and lighting impact study; Cmnty open house; Fundraising campaign
Cam: youre going to hate me but dates missing I know youre not in control
must be something in pencil if not pen
AB: $4.9M; impact next few weeks; then open house, then fundraising; funds depend whats been achieved
Cam: xxx
AB: looking into detailed design
Cam: but need to have something to go to public with; have to have something to take to donors
late May or so to go to potential funders
AB: correct
MB: Hersher Harriers (?) new
AB: been around [8:45]
MB: this has been added to the list; hadnt heard; had been an initiative to form a sr &&&
AB: not aware but welcome
[8:47] MOTION: THAT staff be directed to continue to provide ongoing technical expertise to SD45 for the implementation of the WVSS Track and Artificial Turf Field Project.
8. Proposed Appointment of Bylaw Enforcement Officers Bylaw No. 4834, 2015 (File: 1605-01)
Sop: we dont have a bylaw at all?
Bylaw Ofcr Almas: this wd consolidate
Sop: as opposed to?
Almas: listed for each
Sop: all fall under that directorship
Mayor: maybe CAO?
CAO: bylaw establishes authority, previous granted through a number of bylaws; this is just one
MOTION: read a first, second, and third time. [8:48]
8.1. Development Variance Permit Application No. 14-064 (1100 Highland Place)
Cam made motion:
DVP Applicn for 1100 Highland Place not be scheduled for consideration, as described in the report dated Mar 18.
Daniel Yao: owner; variance re retaining wall; new so wasnt aware cd bring slides; have picture
Mayor: we have them
DY: engaged a contractor 2013, finished in 2014
most was delegated to contractor given expertise of . esp in the area of bylaw compliance
while logical does not xx us of responsibility;
xxx yew trees, we were advised by &&&
&&& lower
we learned the contractor had misapplied the bylaw on our retaining walls
note adjacent trees; those pictures were taken back in Sept; know trees have grown since; consulted our nbrs
not diff for us to take down the retaining walls but diff to take down without xxx trees &&&
nbrs, ackn, that the retaining walls do not negatively affect nbrhd appearance
BoV cdnt grant b/c they didnt have jurisdiction, thought bring to Ccl
they thought nothing wrong with house, beautiful house
Mayor: 3 min
DY: noise
kill the trees
cd move the trees prior; consulted; given quite mature trees move and put back, the trees will be damaged significantly
making an applicn an order of variance
were willing to plant addl foliage if
Mayor: get your point
MB: when you hired the contractor xxx your contractor familiar with WV?
DY: built with to
Cam: who was it?
DY: LDJ Contracting
PASSED [8:56]
&&& Sokol:
motion that well not consider the variance
9. Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 and Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 for 2055 Queens Avenue (Toby House) (File: 1610-20-4813 / 1610-20-4814)
third reading at the April 13, 2015 regular Council meeting. If the public hearing has closed Council is not permitted to receive any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.
MOTION: proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agreemt Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 (2055 Queens) be read a second and third time.
MOTION: THAT proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 be read a second and third time.
[9:01] PASSED
10. Proposed Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction BylawNo. 4833, 2015 (2030-2090 Fulton Avenue; 761 20th Street; 2011-2091 Esquimalt Avenue; and 733 20th Street)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the March 30, 2015 regular Council meeting.
THAT proposed Local Area Service Lane Paving Construction Bylaw No. 4833, 2015 be adopted.
CAO: within xxx budget; carried over
ML: Id asked to {remove for discussion?} 11g
Mayor: xxx
ML: letter to
Mayor: Other Items [12.1]
11a-11g Consent Agenda Items (from March 30, 2015 regular Council meeting)
Item 11a. – NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc (NSEMO) Report re Integrated Partnership for Regional Emerg'cy Mgmt Bulletin;
Item 11b. – North Shore Emergency Management Office (NSEMO) Report regarding 2014 NSEMO Annual Review;
Item 11c. – Finance Committee Update to Council;
Item 11d. – TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 4, 2014;
Item 11e. – 21st Street and Gordon Avenue Intersection Technical Review;
Item 11f. – Candidate Disclosure Statements for 2014 General Local Election; and
Item 11g. – Correspondence List.
11.1 -11.5 Consent Agenda Items (for April 13, 2015 regular Council meeting)
Item 11.1. – Amendment to 2015 Council Meeting Schedule;
Item 11.2 moved to new Item 8.1
Item 11.2. – Development Variance Permit Application No. 14-064 (1100 Highland Place);
Item 11.3. – Community Energy and Emissions Plan Working Group Terms of Reference and Work Plan;
Item 11.4. – Public Art Advisory Committee Work Plan 2015; and
Item 11.5. – Correspondence List.
Consent Agenda Items from March 30, 2015 regular Council meeting
11a. NSh Emergency Mgmt Ofc (NSEMO) Report re Integrated Partnership for Regional Emergency Mgmt Bulletin
the report dated February 17, 2015 from the NSEMO Director, received for information.
11b. North Shore Emergency Management Office (NSEMO) Report regarding 2014 NSEMO Annual Review
THAT the report dated February 19, 2015 from the Director, be received for information.
11c. Finance Committee Update to Council (File: 0116-20-FIN)
THAT the report dated March 13, from the Chief Financial Officer, be received for information.
11d. TransLink Customer Service Performance Report for Quarter 4, 2014 (File: 3205-03)
THAT the report dated March 3, 2015 from the Manager, Transit, be received for information.
11e. 21st Street and Gordon Avenue Intersection Technical Review (File: 1785-19)
THAT the report dated March 11, 2015 from the Director, Engg & Transp, be received for information.
11f. Candidate Disclosure Statements for 2014 General Local Election (Local Elections Campaign Financing Act)
THAT the report dated February 27, 2015 be received for information.
11g. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to February 20, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) February 12, 2015, re Re: M Update - Winter 2015 (Devt Applicn for 752 Marine - Former White Spot Site at ParkR)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(2) Justice Institute of BC, Feb 18, re Justice Institute of BC: Request for Meeting/presentation to Mayor and Council
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(3) February 19, 2015, regarding Filming in Whytecliff Park (Sidewalks Leading to and in Whytecliff Park)
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) Cmte/Bd Mtg Minutes – Cmnty Grants Cmte – Oct 10 / Nov 14, 2014; Finance Cmte – Dec 2, 2014 and Jan 13, 2015; Design Review Cmte – Dec 11, 2014; Bd of Variance – Jan 14, 2015; Mem Library Bd – Jan 21, 2015
(5) BC Hydro, February 12, 2015, regarding Lower Mainland Community Relations Team
(6) 2 submissions, February 17 - 18, 2015, regarding Single-Family Housing - Siting, Form, and Character
(7) Dist of Sq, Feb 18, re UPDATE: Woodfibre LNG/Pipeline Expansion Cmnty Mtg (Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project)
(8) 8 submissions, February 19 - 20, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(9) February 19, 2015, re FW: TransLink No or Yes? (MetroV Transportation and Transit Referendum)
> Council Correspondence Update to February 27, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) Petition with 63 signatures, Feb 20, 2015, re MUNICIPAL DECLARATION RIGHT TO A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) February 24, 2015, regarding Your meeting yesterday
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) Feb 24, 2015, re Re debate on house size and nbrhd character (Sgl-Family Housing -- Siting, Form, and Character)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) Racine Inc., February 26, 2015, regarding New Bylaw (Proposed Tree Bylaw)
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) 39 submissions, February 20 - 24, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(6) 23 submissions, undated - February 26, 2015, regarding Single-Family Housing - Siting, Form, and Character
(7) 2 submissions, Feb 23, re Sgl-Fam Housing - Siting, Form, and Character (Previously rec'd at Feb 23 sp Ccl mtg)
(8) City of Port Moody, February 23, 2015, regarding Declaration of the Right to a Healthy Environment
(9) Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA), February 20, 2015, regarding 2015 LMLGA Convention
(10) February 22, 2015, regarding Proposed Telus cell tower
(11) 2 submissions, February 24, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(12) February 25, 2015, re The management of Transit.... (MetroV Transportation and Transit Referendum)
(13) 2 submissions, February 19, 2015, regarding Collingwood School Construction
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Chief Financial Ofcr, Feb 20, 2015, response re Proposed Sewer Rate Increase - Bylaw No. 4538, 2007,
Amdmt Bylaw No. 4822, 2015 per ccl report dated 2nd Feb per R. Hayre - Reg Ccl 16 Feb 2015, Agenda Item #7
(15) Mgr, Bylaw/Licensing Services, Feb 27, response re Re: This joke is NOT funny (Collingwood Sch Construction)
> Council Correspondence Update to March 6, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) February 28, 2015, re Upcoming Transportation Plebiscite (MetroV Transportation and Transit Referendum)
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(2) March 2, 2015, regarding Park Access Gates
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(3) March 5, 2015, regarding Duelling Tunes in the Village (Park Royal Shopping Centre)
(Referred to Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) 11 submissions, February 20 – March 3, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(5) 2 submissions, Feb 27 – Mar 2, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(6) 4 submissions, February 26 – February 27, 2015, regarding Single Family Housing - Siting, Form, and Character
(7) February 27, 2015, regarding Fwd: Anti-terrorism bill C-51 'dangerous' legislation, 100 academics say
(8) March 3, 2015 regarding Fwd: Google Account: sign-in attempt blocked
(9) NSh Heritage Preservation Society, Mar 1, re Toby House, 2055 Queens (Heritage Bylaws/Proposed Devt Permit)
(10) Mar 1, re Proposed DVP for 5204/5210 Marine Dr (Previously received at March 2, 2015 regular Ccl mtg)
(11) 2 submissions, Mar 1 – 2, 2015, re Proposed Devt for 303 Marine Drive (Earls Restaurant Site)
(12) Chapman Land Surveying Ltd., Mar 2, re Proposed Tree Bylaw No. 4323, 2015 A Bylaw to address Unauthorized
Tree Work on Public Land and Specified Lands (Previously received at March 2, 2015 regular Council meeting)
(13) Table Matters, March 2, 2015, regarding Table Matters News Spring 2015
(14) March 4, 2015 regarding Public Service Building
(15) Disability Alliance BC, Mar 6, re You're invited to Disability Alliance BC's (formerly BCCPD) Swing into Spring fundraiser!
Responses to Correspondence
(16) Acting Mgr, Roads/Transportation, Mar 4, response re A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING NEEDED (Over Marine Dr)
(17) Director of Planning, Mar 4, response re Fwd: Unitarian Church Devt , Mathers Dr.
(Proposed OCP Amendment, Rezoning and Devt Permit No. 12-053 for 370 and 380 Mathers Ave)
(18) Director of Engg, Mar 5, response to DNV, Council of Councils - North Shore Transportation Issues
> Council Correspondence Update to March 13, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) March 6, 2015, regarding Parking at 18th and Argyle (Lawson Creek Studios)
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) C. Ber, March 8, 2015, regarding metro vancouver event
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) March 9, 2015, regarding Mayor & Council (Building Permit for 4720 Clovelly Walk)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(4) S. Robinson, MLA (Coquitlam-Maillardville), Mar 10, re Difficult questions for BC minister responsible for local govt
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(5) March 11, 2015, regarding Help save Elder University campus at the Westerleigh
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(6) Hon. T. Stone, Minister of Transportation/Infrastructure, Feb 23, 2015, regarding Submission to B.C. on the Move
(8) Union of BC Ms (UBCM) and Lower Mainland Local Govt Assn, Mar 9, re LMLGA Resolns-Deadline Extension
(9) Mar 9, re Lloyd's of London excludes coverage for claims caused by exposure to non-ionizing radiation (wi fi, cell ph towers, smart meters, etc)
(10) March 11, 2015, regarding Wi fi in school
(11) Child Find British Columbia, Mar 11, 2015, re Child Find BC Proclamation May is National Missing Childrens month
Responses to Correspondence
(12) Director of Planning, March 6, 2015, response re Construction on Former Horseshoe Bay Firehall Site
> Council Correspondence Update to March 17, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, March 5, 2015, regarding May is MS Awareness Month.
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
(2) March 15, 2015, regarding F.Y.I. A proposal concerning the Kay Meek pit.
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(3) March 17, 2015, regarding -2019 Financial Plan and Draft" 2015 Budget Book -- WVSS Track & Field
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) March 6, 2015, re Devt Variance Permit Applicn No. 10-025 (5204 and 5210 Marine Drive) File No. 1010-20-10-025
(5) March 15, 2015, regarding Egypt unveils blueprints for new $45bn capital city RT News
(6) Petition with 18 signatures, Mar 15, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(7) Port Metro Vancouver, March 16, 2015, re Following up RE: Port MetroV boat tours of port for mayor and council
(8) C. Ballantine, March 16, 2015, regarding Toxic (Rail) cargo rolls through... West Vancouver?
(9) March 17, 2015, regarding -2019 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Sr Bylaw Officer, March 13, 2015, response regarding Duelling Tunes in the Village (Park Royal Shopping Centre).
Consent Agenda Items for the April 13, 2015 regular Council meeting
11.1. Amendment to 2015 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
RECOMMENDED: THAT the 2015 Council Meeting Schedule be amended by scheduling a Town Hall Meeting regarding housing bulk for May 26, 2015 at 6pm in the Sports Gym at the WV Community Centre.
11.2. Development Variance Permit Application No. 14-064 (1100 Highland Place) (File: 1010-20-14-064)
Moved to Item 8.1.
11.3. Community Energy and Emissions Plan Working Group Terms of Reference and Work Plan (File: 0332-01)
THAT the report dated Mar 25, 2015 from the Mgr of Environment and Sustainability be received for information.
11.4. Public Art Advisory Committee Work Plan 2015 (File: 0116-20-PAAC)
THAT the report dated Mar 12 from the Cultural Services Supervisor be received for information.
11.5. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to March 20, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) My Sea to Sky, Mar 16, re Request to DWV M&Ccl in [regard] to Woodfibre LNG and Fortis pipeline EA process - URGENT! (Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project)
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
(2) C. Ballantine, March 20, 2015, regarding Fw: Floodplain Mapping?
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Board of Variance – February 28, 2015
(4) March 14, 2015, regarding just got this from a friend (The Tyee News Article About BC Provincial Politics)
(5) 2 submissions, March 19 – 20, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
Responses to Correspondence
(6) Director of Engineering and Transportation, March 19, 2015, response to C. Ballantine, Floodplain Mapping?
> Council Correspondence Update to March 27, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) March 22, re Temporary Traffic Control Devices - 2100 Block of Palmerston, Ottawa and Nelson Avenues
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) March 23, 2015, regarding Telus Cell tower
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Iranian-Canadian Congress of Canada, February 26, 2015, regarding Persian New Year
(4) 2 submissions, March 20 - 25, 2015, regarding Single Family Housing - Siting, Form, and Character
(5) TransLink, March 23, 2015, regarding Facts Matter (Metro Vancouver Transportation and Transit Referendum)
(6) Mar 27, re FW: See what the Fraser institute says about the transit tax. hmmm..... (MetroV Transp/Transit Refdum)
(7) C. Ballantine, March 23, 2015, regarding Re: Floodplain Mapping?
(8) 6 submissions, March 23 - 27, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(9) Mar 24, re Climate Change, Climate Action, Coal, and the future course of efforts in WV to alter the course of global GHG emissions by local action.
(10) 2 submissions, March 25 - 27, 2015, regarding Development Permit Application 13-070 for 5051 Howe Sound Lane
(Referred to March 30, 2015 Council meeting)
(11) Undated, regarding Development Variance Permit Application 14-065 for 1507 Haywood Avenue
(Referred to March 30, 2015 Council meeting)
(12) City of Richmond, March 24, 2015, regarding Discouraging Port MetroV from Expanding on Agricultural Lands
Responses to Correspondence
(13) Director of Engineering and Transportation, March 19, 2015, response regarding Park Access Gates
(14) Acting Asst Mgr, Rds/Transp, Mar 20, response re Filming in Whytecliff Pk (Sidewalks Leading to/in Whytecliff Pk)
(15) Director of Engineering and Transportation, March 23, 2015, response to C. Ballantine, Fw: Floodplain Mapping?
> Council Correspondence Update to March 31, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) March 27, 2015, regarding Re: Garbage/Recycling In Schools
(Referred to Director of Engineering and Transportation for consideration and response)
(2) City of Bby, Mar 31, re Open Letter to Council – Mayors Declaration re National Energy Board Review Process
(Referred to Mayor and Council for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) North Shore Keep Well Society, March 27, 2015, regarding KEEP WELL SPRING/SUMMER NEWSLETTER
(4) TransLink, March 30, 2015, regarding Re: 2015-04-13 marks the start of seasonal transit service changes
(5) E-Comm 9-1-1, March 30, 2015, regarding E-Comm Board of Directors Designate – 2015-2016 Term
(6) Mar 30, re Devt Permit Applicn for 5051 Howe Sound Lane (Previously received at March 30, 2015 Council meeting)
(7) 3 submissions, Mar 29-30, re DVP Applicn 14-065 for 1507 Haywood (Previously rec'd at Mar 30 Council meeting)
(8) UNITE HERE Local 40 (Petition with 194 signatures and 24 comment cards), Mar 27, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for
752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at PkR)
(9) 9 submissions, March 27-30, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(10) 4 submissions, undated-Mar 30, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at PkR) (Previously received at March 30, 2015 Council meeting)
(11) WV Housing Assn, Mar 30, re Tree Bylaw No. 4823, 2015 (Previously received at March 30, 2015 Council meeting).
12. Council has requested that the following correspondence be brought forward for discussion, and may propose a motion if Council considers that further action is required.
Other Item (from March 30, 2015 regular Council meeting)[9:04]
12.1. Hon. T. Stone, Minister of Transportation/Infrastructure, February 23, 2015, re Submission to B.C. on the Move
ML: long term {removal of?} Causeway by 2030; Mr Fung, cd you xxx so close to April Fools Day thought it was a joke
RF: maybe this proj was overlooked
prov looked at some years ago; had to enter into negotiations with Park Bd, permission re improvements and &&&
memo entered into by parties listed
look at changing the use of LGB by 2030
possibly in response from me to Stone
talking this evening, as we all know TWay/MDr leads to LGB; xxx
what are the spxxxx, whats the alternative?
overall transportation plan for NSh; all be on the same page
ML: letter from Mr Stone to the Mayor less than informative
we really dont know if got any traction; staggering; glad TransLink was mentioned
thank you for the clarification
NG: Feb 27, Feb 20 petition re the right to a healthy envmt
BlueDot campaign, Suzuki, looking for support at M level; what are the ramifications for us?
Mayor: why not bring forward a notice of motion and then ask for staffs
ML: not xxx many xxx attached to it
if xxx explain the terms we cd do it
Mayor: ask staff for a report?
NG: sure; know theyre asking about a delegation; given a lot of interest at the local level
Mayor: is there a group out advocating an unhealthy envmt?
{hm....maybe Big Oil ?}
NG: xxx
Mayor: wait till the delegation
Sop: a notice of motion; xxx
Sop: notice of motion gets a seconder, goes to motion
Mayor: summaries
[9:10] MOTION THAT Item 12.1. be received for information.
MB: whole thing
Mayor, exasperated: all right, Im going to make a motion that 12.1 be received!!!
Sop: went this morning with Brent Leigh for the XXX Review
bunkering of tankers cd take place in English Bay, three sites east? of H Bay
behind Woodfibre, two large, a giant V in the forest
the topic of the day was Marine and Transportation; Dept of Transp started with how things work
b/c of the other day, placement of where done and LNG traffic
insurance and liability of ships; insurance on his cargo; fund by oil industry as well as Fed
part that concerned me, with the price of LNG tankers, gone through the roof
insuring by way of their agendas by a third party or another country
wrt cost, falls under cargo protection and P&I {Protection & Indemnity}
if we were to have a problem in the bay, wd be astronomical
didnt get feeling if from buyers or ship owners
Cam: reporting from ULWG
draft recommendations; feedback on those recommendations
well attended Sat morning two more tomorrow and Thurs 6-8
also invited to participate on WV survey; links until Apr 19
after all received, will revisit recomms see if have to make any tweaks; now is the time to have your say
MB: session convened by NV
the three Ms are an integrated transp, named partners Mar 31
Transp priorities outlined 10
Burrard Inlet study; &&&; list
District is leading a consultation process to receive input and where priorities
our staff are participating: promotion as well as mtgs w/ various ministry officials; talking about transp in a v serious way
NG: great event over 200 ppl ten days ago sponsored by Sea to Sky and Howe Sound about LNG, Sop was there too
information; cmnty v concerned
am ccl liaison for the public art cmte; will fill you in at another time
were figuring out a way to get more money for that cmte; juicy ways for more money for that cmte
next time will report on Zero-Waste cmte this morning; a lot &&&
Cass: pleasure two
Pumpkin Fest, largest fundraiser $50K looking for more sponsors for more money
attended Awards Cmte, reminded youth awards May 6, deadline Apr 24
adult close off on Sept 24, so if you know of any individ given to cmnty
MB: Chamber's President's Dinner Thurs Apr 23, look fwd to seeing...
Mayor: certainly look fwd to that
wd like to report on TransLink Mayors' mtg last month, but entire mtg was in camera!
wd like to note, v nice reception hosted by Darrin and staff at the Museum, for Gordon Smith who donated his personal colln to WV; v well-attended, 100s of ppl there, and Gordon himself was there looking young and vigorous, and spoke well
great day, congrat staff, nice event, thank Gordon for his contribution
{received for information}
Mayor: Peter Scholefield, you're on the list.
{a person spoke}
Yes, we've got you. Carolanne Reynolds, make your way up, you're next
P. Scholefield: 1288 Esquimalt Ave; not here at the mtg; speaking in support of the proposed devt for 752 Marine Drive, based on my participation on two WGs (Strategic Transp Plan and Energy); reduce sgl-occ vehicles the devt will do an excellent job in facilitating and promoting more sustainable modes of transportation, and ways of improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Excellent access ped, transit, cycling to PkR, also Spirit Trail to PkR ... green roof ..
Mayor: 15 secs
PS: energy efficient, GHG, ...
Mayor: David Hart, followed by Anne Frost, then Carolanne Reynolds
D. Hart : 684 Esquimalt, two houses east of TWay, Cedardale pocket; from hearing, not going to speak about 752
wrt no traffic on the Lions' Gate Bridge by 2030 -- think that's a great idea -- so long as get the prov govt to put a four-lane tunnel underneath the First Narrows, turn LGB to a pedestrian bridge; an independent traffic study on Taylor Way ask me I live right there look from my kitchen window
spoke to Cclr Cam, didn't like my idea; three-lane bridge, traffic congestion on the Stanley Park Causeway, shd be four lanes, perfect way to go, know they don't want to cut down trees; sure I have more ...
Mayor: app yr comments
DH: can I have a quick one, I've got 56 seconds
I know you want to go
Mayor: you don't need to use them
DH: no, I can
came back from Toronto, got stuck on the causeway; jumper on LGB, traffic stopped, no one telling us; shd have some type of protocol; three reds flash protocol so you can turn around
Mayor: sure Mr Fung will bring that to the attn of the MoT; good suggestion
A. Frost: 4332 Erwin Dr; hope Ccl will support an independent traffic survey; hv written to all of you re concerns about the traffic information received; hoped Cclr Gambioli's suggestion need overall plan for Park Royal wd prevail (Cclr Cameron's concern as well); devt might or might not support PkR... not the ad hoc devt (752) residents don't want; concerns won't go away, and we'll all be back
Mayor: Carolanne Reynolds; sorry, I didn't realize you had to go back to your computer; I shd have called you up earlier
and I didn't call you re Item 9 b/c you spoke at the PH so I assumed
CR who had initially gone up toward the front to be close to get ready: I hv something --
no prob with your calling me up, but if I'm going to have to wait for a few more speakers, I need the time to record b/c of the transcript, that's all.
speaking as Chair of Heritage West Van
someone said something after I spoke that I wanted to comment on
first of all, I think the euphoria and the excitement of going forward with this has -- I don't want to stop that -- but the speaker after me brought up some concerns that I thought
Mayor: hold on, Ms Scholes, our parliamentarian here, can you explain what you just said?
SSch: if commenting on an aspect of the bylaws, and the PH is closed, Ccl is not permitted to receive any further input
Mayor: good point
CR: this is not really about -- when some said there were some problems
perfection is the enemy of the good, so I still think you all need to be congratulated for what you're doing
the only thing I'd say is if anything you decide, be careful that it doesn't set a precedent, that's all
Mayor: thanks for those wise words
CR: wise words, I hope
since a NSh Transp plan and you're talking about PkR and Sq N is going to develop [there] --
may I suggest in the same vein have a [WG] and include the Sq N in plans for PkR b/c important to know what they're doing and to coordinate that area.
Mayor: exactly what we're doing, Carolanne
CR: with the Sq N? I hadn't heard that.
15. Adjournment
+ Ccl Mtg NOTES April 27 +
6pm CLOSED MTG b/c
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M; and
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications nec for that purpose.
Purpose of meeting: land and legal matters.
1. CALL TO ORDER {this item from minutes}
[called to order at 7:02 p.m.]
Mayor Smith announced the following cmte apptmts:
Awards: Lori Cameron, Ian Davis, Harry Greenwood, Lori Williams, and Coral Winfield;
Community Grants: Peter Mitchell.
He also stated that May is Childcare Month is BC and spoke relative to over 1200 licensed childcare spaces in WV for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and school-aged children, and that quality childcare as an essential cmnty service and a key priority of this Council.
[Councillor Gambioli entered the meeting at 7:03 p.m. ]
[CAO] provided an update relative to the oil spill that occurred in English Bay on April 8, including: as of today WV beaches have been declared clean and clear and safe for use; the transition from an incident command situation to a project management situation where any oil that is observed will be immediately reported to Emergency Management BC; staff will be conducting scans of the beaches over the next month; and that the ship from which the oil spill originated has left the harbour.
Hand it over to CAO re beaches.
CAO: all of the beaches have been declared clean; now in a proj mgmt situation; any oil reported will be cleaned; ship has now sailed out of the hbr; we're now in an observe mode...
Mayor: Cclr Booth then Sop
MB: move?
Sop: I have a question; in light of what we've seen in a 'minor' spill, is this going to be a pattern, allowing bunkering, freighters, ... totally unacceptable
Mayor: Ms Leemhuis?
CAO: I can't comment on MetroV's policy wrt bunkering but as for WV, CoV, and some others, we'll all be looking at the protocols and looking to improve them.
Sop: you took the lead on this, a good thing; v strong msg to headquarters....
CAO: not used to being told 'no'
MB: move
Mayor: oh, Cclr Cam
Cam: I'm concerned about the cost to WV, CoV,.... ship, surety of $200K
CAO?: $300K
Cam: massively inadequate...WV itemizing all the costs, time, weekend; sometimes not all ... want to make sure reimbursed, xxx
CAO: Itemizing it, ship responsible, not just for costs but those going forward as well; process to claim that as well as wrt the economic impact...
Mayor: so there will be a final report coming to Ccl. Perfect. Cclr Booth.
2. Approval of Agenda
Amended by adding to:
= Item 7 a memorandum re Amendment to Schedule A of 2015 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4836, 2015;
= Item 11 Items 11.1 and 11.2 regarding correspondence;
[Councillor Gambioli left the meeting at 7:09 p.m. and returned to the meeting at 7:10 p.m. ]
1. the minutes of the April 13, 2015 special and regular Council mtgs and public hearing be adopted as circulated; and
2. the Summary of April 13, 2015 PH re Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 and Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015
4. West Vancouver Arts Centre Trust regarding Briefing on the Kay Meek Centre (File: 3006-15)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Nancy Spooner, Chair: soon will hear from our esteemed executive director
first express my thx on behalf of the board; I'm chair, introduce other mbrs {did}
Jeanne LeSage: thank you; may move quickly through the slides
SLIDES Mrs Kay Meek; ptnership with Sch Dist
????coming [7:18]
three pillars: Host Season; Rentals to the Cmnty; Sch Dist JUA (Jt Use Agmt)
SLIDES of the seasons, artistic co-producers, xxx, youth initiatives
TED talks; xxx FUBUs (Facility Usage Booking Units)
how support? earned rev, govt funders, corp sponsors, and indiv
SLIDE 27% tix 30% rental, govt 18% sponsor 9%
SLIDE of 2013/14 season -- 58 perfs, 41 shows, 9,918 in attendance, 49% WV, 27% NV
art exhibition, etc.
Cdn Heritage replace stage floor and...
Grosv stage usage 84% of year, studio 66%; high capacity
kinds of events: in both theatres: cmnty rentals 42%; school events 26%; our season 32%
SLIDE: how school uses the space
Rick Mercer
2014/15 aim to increase attendance, new audiences
hungry caterpillar adored
Nov 6 fundraiser, beautiful evening
The Goodnight Bird, outstanding, co with Montreal; triples usual over the bridge attendance
worked with WV Lib
Coming up: SLIDES
youth at Harmony Arts; xxx to Broadway
SLIDES -- staff, etc.
tremendous opp, pls let us know if you have any questions
{Applause and heard WOWs}
Mayor: we certainly appreciate your work; moving this along
Sop: good job been done .. all of you deserve to be congratulated
what plans so that 32% is used?
JM: some time for maintenance; some residencies; rehearsal space
might be a way used by more ppl
NG: you spoke about location ppl come from much change over the past years?
film and theatre; xxx over the bridge
JM: Nicola Cavendish, over the bridge; by genre
NG: xxx
JM: room to expand into rest of NSh
looked at the age, skewed, and wed like to appeal to more
concentrate on demographic you have; cant be all things to all ppl
NG: have heard PkR is going to show movies and I know you do
JM: movies going back to level it was a few years ago; selection
Cineplex first weekend thing
with TIFF can partner; in WV kind of films you wdnt be able to see
we can do things others cant, too risque
Craig: have you thought of showing down in the park?
JM: outdoor theatre v different; TUTs and Bard on the Beach
bring our conservatory kids down; a v diff operational model
finding ways to partner
Cam: . movie nights during Harmony Arts
know logistics; Im naive about logistics, just throwing it out
MOVED: THAT the delegation re Briefing on the Kay Meek Centre received for information, with thanks.
Mayor: thx; look forward to the gala
[7:25] {only about 10 left in chamber and 4 are staff!}
5. Proposed Official Community Plan Update (File: 2517-01)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
{SMik gave overview of whats involved: our objectives are to devp a plan}
{See the SLIDES; they have the points}
Master WG [7:29]
Discussion Papers
WV 2015 / Nbrhd Character / WG Experience / CACs
over second and third Qtr this year
refine CACs
Key OCP xxx
Nbrhd Character
Unitarian Church plan has highlighted
land use policies for public institutional lands
srs care, childcare
need to have local service nodes
even as small as corner store
Housing purpose-built rental housing (no one was building now can look at)
housing diversity
Area Planning Amb a priority // Waterfront Planning // BIA for Amb to Dund
Upper Lands Review presentation to Ccl mid-June expected
Cypress Village (later this year) -- build on Rodgers Crk process
HBay plan cmnty vision and land use plan
TWay & Marine TWay corridor from Keith Rd to Hwy 1
PkR Plan (NMarine and 752)
Clyde east of TWAy
Cap R DNVs Lower Capilano Village Ctr
Sokol: at ccl mtg re TWay/Marine intersection
prepared to make it one of the early items in the OCP review
SMik: Environment [7:40]
Heritage: doing a review of the Strategic plan SLIDE; strengthen policies
CAC Policy Review
public engagement and proposed CAC policy align with land-use policy
SLIDE Anticipated Time-Line
2016 HBay Cypress Village Q; &&&
2017 preparing the draft bylaws
That is an impressive work program
Mayor: hope we dont have to use a whip
ML: it says &&&
excellent; looking back will avoid mistakes of last OCP when might we see that review?
beneficial for Ccl to partake of, learned a lot since 2004
hope we address second Qtr this year, or 3rd Qtr
SMik: probably ready to report in Fall
ML: your own line
SMik: xxx
Parks to Planning up??? needs to be done
Sop: some indication of the public process youre going to use? using old tools that maybe dont work any more
whole new attitude
SM: only way to move forward is with both old and new tools
during Dialogue we learned have to use a whole suite of tools
via computer, one on one, public mtgs ramping it up
sit down with communications branding
some might be concerned with a particular issue; and to consult with those as well as past WGs
Sop: 30 WGs, incredible recomms, much sits on the shelf not used
look back at all that valuable information there it sits
today look at where were going slow down and look this meaningful
SM: the structure we have of the OCP is mandated; high level
strategic policy level
I dont believe many of those reports have sat on a shelf, many
sec stes; blocks; heritage register; more get them -- envmt; and on and on
we are using them today
MB: asked before but dont see it in the report
wheres transportation? land use? traffic mgmt disservice if we dont at least update
SM: knew youd bring that up
we havent shone a light critical part of
Strategic Transp Plan three/four years ago; will be using that
transportation is part and parcel of land use
MB: think we hv to go even beyond the Strategic Transp Plan
already having xxx
current plan but also aspirational forward thing
second question, OCP 11 yrs out of date (in five years)
seems like an overwhelming task to take on
what about a rolling, have a schedule yearly annually, so not a huge black hole of resources
SM: second Q first how often does an OCP have to be updated?
housing needs, at least five years; doesnt have to be comprehensive; cd be look at what needs to be updated
dont have to look at the entire OCP for review
periodic policy review in response to something that emerges
on the first Q, I might defer to Mr Fung
RF: land use and transportation go together v v closely; during process will be opp for policy-setting debates
in CoV, through devt of Coal Hbr, that the addl density wd be made without new roads and that has happened in that downtown core; this is the time to have those discussions
jurisdiction, hwy corridor
news lately no appetite for a third crossing
. knowing movements up hwy, xxx and do it modally
having those discussions anyway
MB: we do a fair job of engaging ppl who are interested
theres a group going to be around a lot longer through schools
xxx not always the same
Cam: how to think of the future
heard some say; lets make sure nothing changes; end up making the decisions anyway
dont have the answers
how do you get ppl to think beyond their immed &&&
SM: the OCP review is the perfect time to do that
creating fear and uncertainty
what we learned during the Cmnty Dialogue
we asked about their housing okay for me
what about five or ten years started to think about stairs, lawn
Andy K and Steve Nicholls said we need to change to stay the same
stay in own house but need to redefine; smaller house or two little houses sharing a garden
youth is paramount; not planning for ourselves, but for future
went to Cedardale and asked them what they liked about their
WVSS their own survey asked a Q Id never think to ask
some of the most affluent are transient
Cam: change is the cost; most ppl here now cdnt afford to buy in
Lower Cap etc shd have some idea of whats happening NVs, FNs
&&& [8:02] lands sold by fed govt &&&
were not an island; need communication
this part about house size?
SM: this disc paper is at a higher level
siting, massing, and character of sgl-fam homes; trees, blvd, nbrliness
have a great idea for a discussion paper
there are some basic aspects to nbrhd character, not just sgl-fam, all aspects of nbrhd character
Cam: re 752 maybe make some changes
Clyde area xxx is separate; know theres a proposal fits more with PkR; think makes more sense, holistically
SM: concentric; Towers, access, are connected; shine the light on Clyde; interrelated
Cam: diagram with circles &&& [8:05]
Cass: if a prop comes up for sale, owner wd know wed be the first ppl to call for the bidding
our OCP does speak to Upper Lands?
Cass: eg Masonic Hall or Sweeney bldg obvious cd have a cmnty use
call us and we can say yes or no
SM: policy stmts whatever purpose, wd be appropriate
but how actioned or implemented [8:06]
Sokol: in sub-area plans
might target certain props (MasonicHall/Sweeney]; maybe HBay plan
NG: we have revised motion from what weve been reading on the screen
the new recommendation ON SCREEN [8:07]
print rather small
notice that the Onni devt left out
SM: for clarity concentric circles abutting PkR
{he read out:}
THAT the proposed OCP review process, as outlined in the report from the Mgr of Cmnty Planning, dated Mar 23, 2015, be endorsed for implementation starting in 2015.
Mayor: what is in this motion not in your report?
SM: written some time ago; report has been revised
Mayor: Im confused as to what Im voting on
CAO: in addn to report, adding certain areas
want to be v clear: TWay corridor, xxx, 752,
Mayor: speak to your motion?
NG: think its wonderful
ML: dont want to go down the same hole
if xxx ... I wd prefer to see it in the report weve been given as part of our package tonight
so no confusion in our or publics mind whats in
come to next mtg so clear not back of the cuff
CAO: we can certainly incorporate and bring to next ccl mtg
Sop: shd hv bn in the report; presented with the full thoughts before going forward
as ML, have to be crystal clear going fwd; dont want to go through the same thing as before
Mayor: lets stay focused
Sop: Im focused
Cam: the OCP report in 24 pages speaks
this is a couple of addl details
all this is saying is that well review this and those other areas; then chance to vote on in future
just says were going to review and that will have a review and go forward (for votes)
efficiency lets just pass the report whats so complicated, I just dont see it
MB: this is probably one of the most initiatives taking for this term
xxx think it wd be worth it to &&&
document, over three years; it is our roadmap
know its extra work but guiding us over next three years xxx complete, comprehensive, and exhaustive
anything else, put it xxx now
Mayor: is there a signif amt of work staff bringing back with crystal clear motion
CAO: brought this b/c of some issues that came before Ccl
we may have to revise to a degree that wd require xxx work
We just added these few things
complete review have to see to make sure all areas; go all out
Mayor: staff recommendation? next mtg?
CAO: if full report, not next mtg
&&& incorporated these specifics; if need more specifics and detail
Mayor: Mr Mikicich
SM: xxx overall scope of the xxx not meant (?) to be an overall plan
nothing diff about doing TWay corridor plan and doing this
one of the other challenges of whole
is the staff and WG weighing in wanting other work/things?
my comfort level was to keep it at this level
we cd bring back a report involving the &&& .
Mayor: whats your recomm?
SM: ask yourselves that!
take it as a compliment
this is a general direction and plan; this gives enough. for amendment
Mayor: xxx
ML: sorry, dont agree; xxx not xxx
six mos from now I wont see it; itll be Stephens report; xxx
Mayor: Cclr B will move an amendment
NG: can I make an amendment to my own motion?
Sop: point of order I object to this wordsmithing
Mayor: lets conduct in a civilized ...
NG: &&&
Sop: I have a point of order on the floor
Mayor: need your help, CAO
Sop: &&&
CAO: suggest staff bring a report to the next mtg; incorporate xxx
NG: xxx
Mayor: Ms Leemhuis has the floor
CAO: &&&
Sokol: deadline is tomorrow so Ccl wont have ten days
NG: it is my motion
Mayor: theatre of the absurd; bring report next
NG: expressed where?
Mayor: xxx
CAO: xxx
Mayor: motion I prefer is to walk out of here and go to the Legion for a beer
MB: tabling ... do ... no debate on a tabling motion?
Cam: this is a xxx so Ill agree to the tabling
the first person we have to look at is ourselves
Im going to vote against; do his job
VOTE re tabling PASSED w/ Cam, Cass, NG opposed [8:25]
6. Additions to West Vancouver Community Heritage Register(File: 2585-03-04)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Sop: put motion on the floor then discuss
SM: prepared for a presentation
Sop read out motion:
1. 1160 Nepal Place, 3956 Westridge, and 6222 St. Georges Ave be added to the WV Cmnty Heritage Register, pursuant to section 954 of the LGA; and
2. Staff report back to Ccl on the status of remaining properties that were previously nominated to the Register in May 2008, for possible listing on the Register.
Mayor: anyone want to ask Mr M a question?
Sop: in the interest of security, &&&; ... with all that effort, ppl can opt out at any time if they wish to?
SM: listing on register, no &&&
economically viable alternative if they wish
nothing about the register that requires an owner to do something
Sop: this initiative, 30 years from now
shd staff not being doing more to bring it into legal &&& ?
SM: certain things we can and cannot do; operate according to LGA ... 2007, xxx, ...
short list; confusion of what the Register is, so we chose to make them only voluntary when full support of owner
Ccl being required to pass a resoln
Ccl cd further incentivize by moving all recognized to the register
{thought bubble: yes, yes, pls do!}
second recomm report on the mechanics on that
Cass: to what extent does a house have to stay, have seen ?
SM: natl standards and guideline
preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration; levels of intervention
bldgs change over time; part of the heritage value can be some of the alterations over time; no reqmt have to stay
SOS, xxx, character-defining elements; protected
kind of as ...
Cass: incentive
SM: in 2009
land use incentives; accessing bldg code equivalences; eg the Toby House allow for a subdivision where not allowed
{and, as I said, as chair of the heritage incentives subcmte a few years ago, we presented a list of recomms.}
PASSED [8:32]
7. Proposed 2015 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4836, 2015 (to implement tax rates for 2015)
Memorandum regarding Amendment to Schedule A of 2015 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4836, 2015
MOTION PASSED: read a first, second, and third time. [8:33]
8. Proposed 2015 Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw No. 4837, 2015 (for local area improvement projects) MOTION PASSED: read a first, second, and third time.
9. Proposed Appointment of Bylaw Enforcement Officers Bylaw No. 4834, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4834)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 13, 2015 Council meeting.
· Item 10.10. – Proposed Amendment to 2015 Council Meeting Schedule; and
· Item 10.11. – E-Comm Board of Directors for 2015/2016 Term.
10.1. Notice of Motion regarding Municipal Declaration of Right to a Healthy Environment (File: 0120-06)
A Notice of Motion will be provided:
Take notice that at the May 11, 2015 Council meeting, Councillor Gambioli, with a seconder, will move:
THAT Staff report back to Ccl by May 25 re a request for a M declaration of the right to a healthy environment.
10.2. Devt Permit Applicn No. 14-038 for Lots 16 to 21 of Rodgers Creek Area 4 (the Compact Lots')
MOTION: the MClk give notice that the Devt Permit Applicn for Lots 16 to 21 of Rodgers Crk Area 4, wch wd regulate the form and character of residential devt and allow variances to Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, will be considered by Ccl at its mtg on May 11, 2015.
10.3. Devt Permit Applicn No. 14-037 for Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Creek Area 4 (the 'Duplex Lots')
MOTION: MClk give notice that Devt Permit Applicn for Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Crk Area 4, wch wd regulate the form and character of residential devt and allow variances to the Zoning, will be considered by Ccl at its mtg on May 11.
10.4. DVP Applicn No. 14-036 for Lots 22 to 35 of Rodgers Creek Area 4 (File: 1010-20-14-036)
MOTION: the MClk give notice that DVP Applicn for Lots 22 to 35 of Rodgers Crk Area 4, wch wd allow variances to Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, will be considered by Council at its meeting on May 11, 2015
10.5. Development Permit Application No. 14-061 for 6016 Gleneagles Place (File: 1010-20-14-061)
MOTION: THAT Devt Permit Applicn, wch wd amend the permitted building envelope approved under Devt Permit re 6016 Gleneagles Place to allow for a replacement deck to be constructed attached to an existing house, as attached to the report dated April 9, 2015, be considered at the May 11, 2015 Council meeting; and that the MClerk give notice of consideration of the proposed devt permit.
10.6. Awards Committee 2015 / 2016 Work Plan (File: 0116-20-AWARD)
THAT the report dated April 3, 2015, from the Special Events and Festivals Manager, be received for information.
10.7. Finance Committee Update to Council (File: 0116-20-FIN)
THAT the report dated April 10, 2015, be received for information.
10.8. Draft Sport and Physical Activity Policy for District of West Vancouver (File: 0282-01)
THAT the report Mar 13 from Cmnty Rec Mgr and Mgr of Parks Planning/Cmnty Stewardship, be rec'd for info.
10.9. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to April 2, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
(1) March 31, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(2) April 1, 2015, re Queens Ave – Toby House (Heritage Bylaws and Proposed Devt Permit No. 10-011)
(3) North Shore Taxi, April 2, 2015, regarding FW: New Smartphone Taxi App Zoro Launch Information
> Council Correspondence Update to April 10, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) April 2, 2015, regarding COUNCILS VISION, 2014-2017
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) April 8, 2015, regarding Require an answer from this transmission
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) Green Party of Canada, April 2, 2015, regarding Invitation to Election Campaign Launch
(4) 6 submissions, April 2-8, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(5) Petition with 621 signatures and 3 letters (undated-Sept 1, 2013), re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(6) 2 submissions, April 4-6, 2015, regarding Metro Vancouver Transportation and Transit Referendum
(7) Apr 7, re Cmnty Energy/Emissions Plan WC ToRef and Work Plan: Reg Ccl Agenda Item #11.3 2015 Apr 13th.
(8) Howe Sound Cmnty Forum, April 9, 2015, regarding May 1s t Forum and Details
(9) April 9, re Toby House: Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agrmt; Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw; & Proposed DP"
(Referred to April 13, 2015 public hearing)
(10) 2 submissions, April 7-10, re Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agreement Bylaw; Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw; and Proposed Devt Permit No. 10-011 (2055 Queens Avenue – Toby House)
(Referred to April 13, 2015 public hearing)
(11) April 9, re WV Sec School Track and Artificial Turf Field Project Update, WV, 2015-03-30 (File 0180-02).
(12) April 9, re ׁ lines of evidence: appears Woodfibre LNG plans 6x expansion in future (Proposed W'dfibre LNG Proj)
(13) Our Horizon, April 10, 2015, regarding Thank you!!
Responses to Correspondence
(14) Sr Mgr of Parks, March 11, 2015, response re Policy Review for the protection of trees on public and private lands (Council Report June 23, 2014) (Proposed Tree Bylaw)
(15) Sr Mgr of Parks, Mar 13, response to Chapman Land Surveying Ltd. re Proposed Tree Bylaw No. 4323, 2015
A Bylaw to address Unauthorized Tree Work on Public Land and Specified Lands
(16) Senior Manager of Parks, March 19, 2015, response to Racine Inc. regarding New Bylaw (Proposed Tree Bylaw)
(17) Mgr of Cmnty Planning, Apr 9, response re Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agreemt Bylaw; Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw; and Proposed Devt Permit (2055 Queens Avenue - Toby House)
(Referred to April 13, 2015 public hearing)
(18) Mgr of Cmnty Planning, Apr 9, response re Queens Ave – Toby House (Heritage Bylaws and Proposed DP) (Referred to April 13, 2015 public hearing)
> Council Correspondence Update to April 14, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) April 13, 2015, regarding BC Ferry Corporation Conversion to LNG
(Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) April 13, 2015, regarding tree removal
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(3) April 13, 2015, regarding Tree Management Programme for Municipal Property
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) 5 submissions, April 6-13, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12- 085 for 752 Marine Dr (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(5) 3 submissions, April 10-14, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(6) BC Water & Waste Assn (BCWWA), April 7, 2015, re February 2015 Report – Are Our Water Systems at Risk?
(7) Hon. C. Oakes, Minister of Cmnty, Sport, and Cultural Devt, April 14, 2015, re Unconditional Grant Funding Letter
Responses to Correspondence
(8) Mgr of Cmnty Planning, Apr 10, response re Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agrmt Bylaw; Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw; and Proposed Development Permit No. 10-011 (2055 Queens Avenue – Toby House) (Previously received at April 13, 2015 public hearing).
10.10. Proposed Amendment to 2015 Council Meeting Schedule (File: 0120-01)
2015 Ccl Mtg Schedule be amended for May, June, and July to change the start times of reg mtgs to 6:00pm
10.11. E-Comm Board of Directors for 2015/2016 Term (File: 2715-07)
apptmt of DNV Mayor Walton to the E-Comm Bd of Dirs as the NSh designate for the 2015/16 term, be endorsed.
Cass: GARBAGE xxx obvious beginning to have a problem there
Bellevue; dropping household refuse; showing laziness or lack of civic pride
remember what a magnificent cmnty we live in and respect rights of others
Mayor: staff take under advisement
12. Reports from Mayor and Councillors on Boards, Committees, and Working Groups
Sop: &&& Emergency Week
if ... cost wd be staggering; feel WV shd hv a report; come to reality who paid, what level of govt
NVs got a prog for 4? years
May 2 behind Home Depot can go and sit ...
NGs healthy envmt; dropped some
dropped pesticide on top of us; for gypsy moth
280 ppl in suffered some demise for that day
xxx never tell you what the inerts are
nobody has the right to spray over [8:40] &&&
May 11, envmt is a xxx
MB: as Acting Mayor attended Hollyburn Lodge
number of funding $1.4M $96K to go; Hollyburn Heritage Society, Hollyburn Ridge Assn, and WV Cmnty Fdn
WV Youth ccl mtg; an amazing presentation
want me to talk about xxx inner
Mayor: if you have, I dont!
MB: want to congratulate ... Taste of the Bay
Cass: xxx v busy Apr 18/19
accepted offer to go to the Bowen Island B&B tour; amazed how big it was
xxx head xxx; on our doorstep; magnificent go away for a magic weekend or cycling
tyvm to Carol Peterson; great hostess and &&&
Sunday, honour to be a judge
for the blocks(?) and build(?) ctr
a lego contest, 350 chn; heart-warming; so engaged in those projects
system wide open wanting to explain; want to give a shout-out
in 4 - 6 good on you Carter; 7 - 9 Ethan; 10 to 12 xxx; showed how much it matters to them
did you do this all yourself? oh, yes!
xxx on behalf of the WV Cmnty Ctr; from preschoolers to family
opp to interact so ... with their chn
13. Public Questions and Comments -- No one 14. Adjournment
+ CCL MTG NOTES May 11th +
= 5pm IN CAMERA MTG b/c
Revised May 8: To add an additional matter under section 90(1)(g) and (i) of the Community Charter.
(a) personal info about an identifiable individ who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the M or another position appointed by the M;
(c) labour relations or other employee relations;
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M;
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if held in public;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the M; and
(i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
Purpose of meeting: the proposed provision of a M service, land, labour relations, legal and litigation matters.
1. Call to Order.
Mayor: This is the first of our 6 oclock mtgs, trial period, and we have a quorum
{Sop and Cass already seated; MB and ML still walking in; Cam and NG absent; three cclrs were still walking in}
Run in a biz-like manner; allow Ccl and our staff to get out while still light out.
Council, at recent closed meetings, authorized the following land and service related agreements:
WV Fire Service Museum and Archive Society Licence to Occupy at 965 Cross Creek Road, to December 2019;
The Peake of Catering Ltd for Gleneagles Clubhouse food services, to December 2019; and
TYAA Foods to operate the Dundarave Park food concession, to December 2019.
The District of WV has been recognized for the second year in a row, by the BC Recreation and Parks Association with the PERC Award for Management Innovation and Ingenuity. This provincial award recognizes an initiative that is creative and unique and something that other Ms can learn from and adapt in their own settings.
{holds up the award and asks if it came with money but alas it didnt}
The Parks and Community Services Youth Services Dept has been recognized for its youth-driven engagement in planning and hosting a two-day Diverse Genders Conference for Youth. The Conference had over 140 participants from WV, MetroV, Vancouver Island, and the Interior. The Conference provided opportunities for youth, parents, service providers, and others to discuss issues and future opportunities to broaden understanding and to ensure that our community is welcoming for all.
I am very pleased to announce that the Seniors Activity Centre exceeded expectations and raised $76,665 at their Annual Flea Market. This is $8,000 higher than the $68,487 raised in 2014.
WV has been awarded a $25,000 New Horizons Grant from Service Canada for three intergenerational programs between the Seniors' Activity Centre and local WV schools. This project is funded in part by the Govt of Canadas New Horizons for Seniors Program.
The first is a partnership with Collingwood's Grade 12 creative writers who will publish the stories of our seniors.
The second project is a partnership with grade four students at Pauline Johnson [who'll] share research and conversation with our seniors.
The last is an experience project with grade five students from Pauline Johnson and our seniors.
[2:36] {Camera pans and Gamb and Cam have now sat down.}
With all that good news, take advantage of welcoming Mr Taher whos sitting in for Mr Koke. Think it's your first ccl mtg, sitting in for CFO -- so we'll keep you on your toes tonight.
2. Approval of Agenda
Adding 13.1 to 13.3 re Correspondence
3. Adoption of Minutes Meeting minutes to be provided.
the following Minutes be adopted as circulated:· April 27, 2015 special and regular Council meetings
4. WV Community Foundation, regarding Annual Update on Foundation Activities (File: 0055-20-WVCF1)
[6:12] Mayor: presume Geoff Jopson, youll lead on, joined by Nancy Farran and Delaina Bell, Exec Dir
other directors: ask them to stand to be recognized.
Mayor: not the honorary director?
GJ: that's in my speech
good evening, tyvm for the opp, our motto build a better WV through philanthropy
rich history; est'd in 1979
one of our most respected Fdns
Mayor Smith, as honorary director, you'll recall at our AGM
over 100 hv served' shd be proud of what achieved -- ev matters and ev involved
donor appreciation event; doubling assets; particularly $3.6M bequest from Howard Martin
our assets exceed $10M, growing ev day
much to appreciate that night, cake donated by Fresh Street Market
donor base grows, Delaina reminds me ev wk, someone has been in to see her
flow-through such as Rutledge Field; renewal Hollyburn Lodge with thermometer
or one of our 48 Endowmt Funds, a lasting legacy
happy to host WV Marine Rescue Society Endmt Fund, saving lives
The Tim Jones Legacy Fund; 100 Women Who Care, ...[SLIDE} grow ea wk
Mar 12, annual Grant Reception event; 46 v deserving non-profit agencies came together w/ our donors
connecting ppl who care w/ the causes that matter
hot meals to srs, xxx, boys' club, welcome new immigrants, b/c of this able to award over $165K to these agencies
increase of 60% over prev year; largest distribution of funds in 25 yrs
also provides leadership ... philanthropic interests
GG -- smart and caring cmnty, exercise head and heart; more nurturing, more inclusive; greater opp for all not just some
taking steps, intend to be leaders
in January announced WV Cmnty Fund Youth Award $10K annually for youth from low-income families otherwise not able
the first have been granted
Ccl will be heartened to know a number now able to attend summer camp, take swimming lessons, or learn to play the piano
longstanding scholarships but this year bursary prog to four students ea year xxx
our vision v clear; want to be a Fdn that changes lives, continually seeks to understand the unmet needs that do exist in WV
pls to tell you, approved a new initiative; modelled after other Fdns; Vital Signs to take the pulse of the cmnty
challenges sometimes hidden in WV
look for in year ahead
build on the momentum of 2014; big dreams for this cmnty
first strategic plan to give us focus and by Dec shd hv a second one
pubn of a Book of Patrons
honorary patrons, designed to take us from $10M to $20M in the next three years
gift-planning strategy like Howard
GG, as early as this Sept -- what it means to be truly caring....
plans for our 150th birthday (Canada)
soccer and track and field clubs; capital campaign; fully supportive
.... plan.... so everybody knows our name
no longer want to be WV's best kept secret
invite you to join us strive to become one of the best
invite you to the Mayors' golf tournament on May 22nd when we work alongside the NSh Fdn to raise $50K in support of Youth Mental Health
at second annual lawn bowling tournament; donate $10K to six groups, helping establish Nature House
Cmnty Day; Fdn Stage at Harmony Arts Festival our donation of $10K to H Arts
convey pride we have for this cmnty; enthusiasm philanthropy can provide
Nancy, Delaina, and I
Mayor: appreciate work youve done; Delaina, face of the bd
Sop: fabulous job over the years; look deeply at the needs; great work by the board
behind the scenes; my observation Ms Bell has done a lot of good work over the years
X?: Ms Bell has been here 11 years; face of the Fdn; directors do come and go
MB: think I heard through Hollyburn Lodge; hear youre having a second applicn date
Ans: can have up to two; went to one, not quite enough money for two
extremely long list of xxx; this grant cycle; we do save $10K for special needs; xxx
MB: good to get the word out to the
DBell: $3.6M from Howard, arrived a little late in the year so didnt have full interest [?]
MB: you do do good work and think the word is getting out in the cmnty
good work; all the worthy recipients, congratulations
MOTION: received for information, with thanks.
Mayor: hope those listening recognize legacy for the 44K
{referring to residents}
hope enjoyed by
GJ: &&&
REPORTS [6:16]
5. Review and Analysis of the Districts 2015 First Quarter Operating Results and Capital Plan Prog (File: 0800-01)
CAO: we continue to refine how Qtrly reports are prepared
at exec level doing monthly reports; high accountability
Fire & Rescue neg variance of almost $100K; xxx based on an unexpected variance, more of a timing issue
considerable time and energy a number of improvements so they will be on budget this year; signif for the first 3 months; a function of variances; same can be said for Library services
Mayor: the overages raised some alarm at Finance mtg; misplaced b/c chief and new chief doing an excellent job tracking and keeping on budget
so will inform Fin Cmte there was an error
Cam: on Fire, why does the early retirement incentive cost money?
CAO: for sr fire fighters to retire early paid a premium to retire early
Cam: lump sum?
CAO: yes; then newer come in lower
Cam: how much earlier do
CAO: defer to Fire Chief
Randy Heath, Fire Chief: currently work to 60
eg a captain retiring, have to qualify 50 to 58 one month for ev year remaining to a max of four months
[6:23] &&& from xxx on 0 to 3 [?]
proposal went to Ccl and passed unanimously
the entire net cost recovered within the year; much benefit in accrued time, entitlements
v large banks
starting come on lower wage; takes ten years for higher wage; 20 years to reach max
our feeling, signif savings
Cam: [6:24] xxx hows the overtime tracking this year? [was] prob last year
Fire Chief: proud, made some gains
re one-time incentive payment, in 2015 wd be recovered
wrt o/t; due to uncontrollable &&&; $160K over, huge prob
new contract, opp to resolve; trying for 26 years to get firefighter flexibility [6:25]
plsd to say we achieved that in last round of bargaining; proud to say were under
the accrued benefits entitled to; with healthy staff, able to manage those benefits
Cam: favourable variance then
Sop: thank you, Chief, for helping out in the big fire in NV; thank you for that
Parks & Cmnty Services ???? pool nearly completed going to take a hit?
AM: we may
Sop: any backup plans?
AM: b/c of closure of Wm Griffin, worked in xxx
dont expect revenue to &&& looking at opps; drop b/c of Wm Griffin opening
Sop: $XXX
think our Planning Dept needs some help; foresee need for inspectors, xxx, and plan checkers; need in first qtr
if you come with xxx
Mayor: want to talk about staffing in Planning?
CAO: a v clear and definite trend; increasing resources and right resources
one of our big issues, challenges, is the sheer volume of applicants, as well as xxx process [6:29]
Mayor: staff on it and aware
MB: are we going to be able to maintain our service levels?
$650K over budget on permits and fees already; hate to see us fall behind again
CAO: wanted to address process issues, number of mtgs with devt cmnty; second piece is to resource appropriately
Sop: no offence, know ev works hard; been shared with me from many ppl, industry, and (wer?)
wait time is onerous; dont know how it happened; giant revs and wait-time still there
recognizing on a hillside
Mayor: going to say for a third time, staff on it
NG: Ive heard just as many times they have houses on both sides and permits too xxx
heard a lot of residents not concerned about it
[6:32] MOTION: THAT the report dated April 27, 2015, from the CFO be received for information.
6. Notice of Motion regarding Municipal Declaration of Right to a Healthy Environment (File: 0120-06)
Notice of the proposed motion was given at the April 27, 2015 reg Ccl mtg. As notice of the proposed motion has been given, the motion may be considered at the May 11, 2015 mtg, after it has been moved and seconded.
Mayor: public or?
NG: Ill introduce the motion; petition with 63 sigs, enact a motion
weve been looking into this; some residents wd like to speak
Mayor: residents or motion?
NG motion: staff report back to Ccl by May 25 re a request for a M declaration of the right to a healthy environment.
Mayor: now public
Roger Sweeney: here for the Blue Dot Cmnty
thanks to Cclr Gamb, and a number of the team here
A NV native, top of N Lonsdale [6:34]
{GET the trip details, v interesting}
Sunday night home on Friday night
watching at
races; top of 25th down to Dund pier
later discovered one cigarette, girlfriend to W Pt Grey
house had one john
{GET THIS too!}
sometimes pea soup haze, many sawdust furnaces
without air food water, we die; if dirty we get sick
envmtal contamination, premature deaths
ev deserves the right to breathe, clean water.
declaration into the xxx rights and freedoms
seven provs; 26 of the 45 cmnties, since Rmd challenged WV last
sign on; push to get it into the Charter; recognize this is an aspirational document
persuasive power; eventually it will have the force of law
with you and Suzuki Fdn
Mayor: youll have to wrap up
RS: xxx; your declaration will help
Wood Buffalo
known as Fort McMurray xxx
Mayor: asking for a staff report; we dont have one
Sop: v important
on this generic sheet, A to I, were already doing
stand behind the motion, but in our report to our Ccl youll have to spell out the financial cost and where were going and this, if ever gets to legislature in Canada
NG: the suggested declaration is a bit complicated, xxx
suggested staff review the proposal how relate to an impact the District so that shd come forward in a couple of weeks
Mayor: youre in favour?
unanimous [6:40]
7. Solid Waste Utility Update and Proposed Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4835, 2015 (to reflect current policies, programs, and contractual arrangements) (File: 1610-20-4835)
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
RF: will turn it over to staff
Male: here two years ago, Nov 2012, brought forward the overall msg
WV will meet targets for 2015, 70% -- msg hasnt changed; policy changes are working; evidence of that tonight
SLIDE this schedule of dates 2006 to 2015
2009 70% garbage diversion target
Began collecting PPP on behalf of industry in early May; new contractor coming in 2015, collecting curbside glass
how do we measure successes?
SLIDE with SF Progress Tracking tonnages (black garbage), blue, green (organics)
Diversion Rate we reached 70% last year so a year ahead of schedule
garbage per capita is easier to measure
SLIDE of Garbage & Organics Highlights [6:46]
continue to collect 300 tons per year (food waste tonnage)
cans lasting, design changed; no increase in wildlife incidents
received GHG credits
biweekly garbage works for most residents with the exception of those grappling with disposable diapers
Financial Highlights: plan to come back in the fall; annual tipping fee savings $130K
addl efficiencies in next colln contract neg; w/in 5-yr contract; more competitive pricing obtained in new 5yr-colln contract
Recycling, received $440,308 from industry EPR prog so far
ML: curious if unintended consequence wrt frequency; were now finding in public place disposable
at one time cd put out anything old BBQ and xxx; seeing some of that now in park-and-ride; in public parks, in lane ends
is there a correlation there? are there some actions we can take?
RF: plsd to say xxx working with Parks
trying to find more data, theres been anecdotal; trying to understand household garbage or visitors
some weve seen being dumped wdnt hv bn picked up mattresses, furniture
mattresses are now newly accepted so perhaps not understood where to take
or facilities not convenient where to drop off
NSh is the depot so maybe far; xxx ... a depot in WV
quite complex when you look at it so xxx hope to come to Ccl with xxx [6:53]
Mayor: answers may be in report; so continue and wrap this up
Ms Willoughby:.. new box
{waved in air}
new grey boxes will be delivered in June
MMBC require collect glass separately
residents prefer glass be collected curbside so were xxx that xxx
In Jan, when delivered the Calendar
in early May notice; delivery starts May 15, residents will get postcard
late May and June: media and advertising; NSN, Cmnty Day
Grey box will be delivered in June with instructions how to use
SLIDE with dates and what
by the end of the summer; one new box one less bag
{its countable! so "one bag fewer"}
Cass: given more than ppl in this room, watching, what do you do with diapers?
WIlloughby: London Drugs and xxx; disposable insert; use a reusable diaper service
if still not enough we have extra garbage tags for sale at M Hall, Cmnty Ctrs
Cass: matters xxx; PPP stands for Packaging and Printed Paper
NG: I recommend the diaper service Cam doesnt agree; I used them for a year, great
talk about the change re multi-fam bldgs?
Man: four changes; they are rather dry and boring
limit the number of bldgs that can exit the system
where turned over xxx
no hit on industry at all but tend to vary; continue to provide the same service for ev bldg
HBay vs more central
multi-fam bylaw, get out of system, seek approval and unlikely to grant it
allowing for the grey box and multi-fam glass card; mould has improved, diff model number
last is detached &&&
NG: corporate GHG credits
Man: will try
any time you divert organic from a land fill; when you do bury you produce methane gas
get as much out
NG: whos giving us credits? money or stars?
Man; expect prov going to start wielding the big stick; big bill
Cam: since talking about solid waste, before the election, gold-plated garbage cans
not gold-plated but, v expensive, what happened?
I was down in John Lawson and garbage can overflowing; seems we still have a prob in the parks
CAO: one is the issue of the new garb cans diligently researched; rigorous; 25-year guarantee [7:03]
had a contract in place, weve honoured, a number installed, going well, as successful as we thought it wd be
b/c replacing more, looking at newer models though biz model still
will ask Ms Mooi, Mr Fung to report
AM: we are seeing an increase in garbage in our parks
get complaints constantly, increased colln for sure
see an enormous amt of garbage in H Bay
encouraging use of the garbage cans in the parks for parks garbage only
at home
working with Mr Fung, working with local biz as well
a cmnty effort and were on it
Cam: packaging, a lot of seafood if they cd use plastic $1 deposit
shd be asking our bizes to use more reusable, products, even McDonalds
Phil Bates (staff): SLIDE work plan for 2015 and beyond
continued support for other sectors HBay, delay right now
also with ferries [ppl from] Gambier coming to HBay putting garbage in; larger bin paid for by the Dist
get together with Mr Fung; when engrs get together, measure, so will look at
construction and demolition waste, dont
they have a form to fill out; a legal doc; hoping theyre handing those back to us.
Cass: Im a rabid recycler; solid packaging Cam was speaking of; xxx styrofoam also NV Recycling -- see me there!
MOTION: THAT proposed Solid Waste Utility Bylaw ... be read a first, second, and third time.
Mayor: thanks v much for update on garbage, always interesting [7:08]
8. Proposed Road Closure/Removal of Hwy Dedication Bylaw No. 4838, 2015 for land adjacent to 4435 Stone Cr
ML: Ms Scholes, two sep or one?
SSch: can be done together
Cam: was there a report on this? must hv missed it
1. Proposed Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw ... be read a first, second and third time; and
2. Staff issue statutory notices of road closure and removal of highway dedication in connection with proposed Bylaw
9. Proposed Heritage Revitalizn Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 and Proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 for 2055 Queens (Toby House); and Proposed Devt Permit No. 10-011 for 2055 Queens (Toby House)
Appendix C, D, and E to schedule A of Proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015
NOTE: The proposed bylaws received first reading at March 2 subject of a PH closed on April 13, read a second and third time April 13 PH closed not permitted any further submissions regarding the proposed bylaws.
The condition precedent (approval by the Minister responsible for the administration of the Transportation Act) to the adoption of the proposed Heritage Revitalization AgreementBylaw was met on April 27, 2015 when approval of the proposed bylaw was received from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
THAT proposed Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 4813, 2015 (2055 Queens Avenue) be adopted.
THAT proposed Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 4814, 2015 be adopted.
If the proposed bylaws are adopted Council may consider proposed Development Permit No. 10-011 for approval.:
THAT proposed Devt Permit for 2055 Queens (Toby House), wch wd allow for the subdiv/devt of the lands, be approved.
10. Proposed 2015 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4836, 2015 (to implement tax rates for 2015) (File: 1610-20-4836)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 27, 2015 Council meeting.
THAT proposed Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 4836, 2015 be adopted.
Mayor: am sure all know our tax [rate] went up 1.62% this year lowest in Metro
11. Proposed 2015 Parcel Tax (Eagle Hbr) Bylaw No. 4837, 2015 (for local area improvement projects)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the April 27, 2015 Council meeting.
THAT proposed Parcel Tax (Eagle Harbour) Bylaw No. 4837, 2015 be adopted.
12.1. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages).
> Council Correspondence Update to April 17, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Received for Information
(1) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Board of Variance – March 18, 2015
(2) 9 submissions, April 9-14, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(3) April 16, 2015, regarding RE: Questions about the English Bay bunker fuel spill
(4) April 15, 2015, regarding Upper Lands Review (Upper Lands Study Review Working Group Report)
(5) April 15, 2015, regarding Metrotown Buses running with mostly free Riding Passengers......
(6) April 14, 2015, regarding SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY 23, 2015, RE: MONSTER HOUSES
(7) April 16, 2015, regarding Cabinet secrecy blocks rationale behind governments advertising slogan
Responses to Correspondence
(8) Chief Financial Officer, April 16, 2015, response regarding Require an answer from this transmission
> Council Correspondence Update to April 24, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) April 17, 2015, regarding Trash Collection (or lack thereof) from the Parks departments garbage receptacles
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) April 17, 2015, regarding Fwd: TransLink plebiscite – North Shore transportation concerns (Referred to Mayor and Council for considerationand response)
(3) April 22, 2015, regarding CAULFEILD PARK – New tree destruction
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(4) Clyde Gardens Strata Council, April 20, 2015, regarding Ambleside Park Concert Noise Level (Referred to Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(5) Committee and Board Meeting Minutes – Memorial Library Board – February 18 and March 28, 2015
(6) 3 submissions, April 4-13, 2015, re Devt Applicn 12-085 for 752 Marine Drive (Former White Spot Site at Park Royal)
(7) DNV, April 16, 2015, regarding E-Comm Board of Directors Designate – 2015/2016 Term
(8) 2 submissions, April 17-23, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(9) April 17, 2015, re Grosvenor Devt .... Removal of Flowering Cherry Trees on 1300blk Bellevue this Friday morning.
(10) FortisBC, April 17, 2015, regarding Quake Cottage and Emergency Preparedness Week 2015
(11) 2 submissions, April 20-23, 2015, regarding Role of Parliament in Canada
(12) April 20, 2015, regarding Bellevue Avenue. West Vancouver. (Development Permit Application No. 14-052)
(13) April 20, 2015, regarding parking and traffic congestion
(14) April 20, 2015, regarding Environment (Loss of View Due to Neighbouring Trees)
(15) April 21, 2015, regarding Litter in West Vancouver
(16) UBCM and Lower Mainland LGA (LMLGA), April 23, 2015, re LMLGA Resolutions Draft Report
Responses to Correspondence
(17) Director of Engineering and Transportation, April 23, 2015, response re Re: Garbage/Recycling In Schools
> Council Correspondence Update to April 28, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Referred for Action
(1) April 20, 2015, regarding Community Report
(Referred to Chief Financial Officer for consideration and response)
(2) April 24, 2015, regarding Environment and the coastline
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(3) April 22, 2015, regarding Built Form, Housing & Neighbourhood Character
(4) NSh Keep Well Society, Apr 24, re [SOCIETY's] ANNUAL VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION EVENT (June 17, 2015)
Responses to Correspondence
(5) Chief Administrative Officer, April 28, 2015, response regarding Right to a Healthy environment
(6) Chief Administrative Officer, April 28, 2015, response regarding Your meeting yesterday
(7) CAO, April 28, 2015, response re - 2019 Financial Plan and Draft 2015 Budget Book – WVSS Track &Field
(8) CAO, April 28, 2015, response regarding Help save Elder University campus at the Westerleigh.
Cass: pulled two letters, cd hv pulled three
about trees; Lawson Crk area 15th and Fulton; xxx; general matter before Ccl in March
let public know where were going
AM: wrt house on Fulton; on south side; staff have stopped this work; xxx
wrt vandalism of a tree in Caulfeild Park
want to explain; wanted to see if tree okay it is okay still survives but has been compromised
xxx; working on a plan to replant trees in the fall
staff working on a bylaw &&&; will be working with public on how we authorize tree work
Cam: proposed penalties; bit of a rough ride [7:14]
between you and I
{oh, tut tut! shd be between you and me b/c object of the preposition between; I is the subject pronoun, not the object pronoun.}
not making anything illegal, but enforcing penalties
all were about blvds and a bit more complex b/c ppl feel part of their prop
staff come two-stage
get penalties; not blvds passed b/c not xxx
teeth in bylaws
then blvd aspect may take more work
dont want to delay substantive penalties b/c of blvd issue
AM: xxx
NG: my understanding is penalties in place due to earlier debate
{sounds of NO}
AM: proposed bylaw on public lands re tree time limits (?) March 2nd
staff now determining next step
xxx; policy; cmnty input, a lot of mb? on existing [7:16]
preservation of views will be considered
in relation to tree work on public lands; consult in fall, talk about six months
recomms to Ccl; will then ask Ccl to further discuss the tree bylaw
NG: just to be clear [7:17] &&&
passed three readings, not adopted
AM: correct
NG: so wd hv been given a $500 fine; so no penalty even if we find out &&&
Cam: an issue
sounds to me not come to Ccl till next spring, seems a year not justifiable
seek public consultation, permit to cut trees a separate issue
however existing rules actually {can/shd} be enforceable; no need to consult, penalties in place
CAO: when the tree bylaw came forward
it was conveyed to staff bring forth whole as opposed; rather than the penalty part
thats why moving that way, so we bring fwd the entire
Cam: xxx dont want to get
enforcement signif effect on blvds and hadnt consulted on that
not xxx change the prohibitions
if wed known 9 mos to a year before, enforcement
I personally wdnt agree were telling cmnty go ahead do it, and well get back to you in a year!
CAO: dont disagree
Cam: [7:21]
Mayor: notice of motion bring enforcement?
Cam: xxx
CAO: wd appreciate
Cam: not blvds
CAO: hearing all?
Cam: Im suggesting all public land excluding blvds
Mayor: Id still, based on staff report
AM: yes
Mayor: xxx
CAO: can bring back
but not blvds
that wd not be a staff report; maybe incorporate two or three options
Mayor: can debate at that time
Cass: thought south but they meant the north; theres one on the N perilously close
{to creek}
talking about house
how far away do you have to build from a creek, and is it enforced?
Sokol: 15m from the top of the bank
presume received a xxx
{permit or notice?}
Cass: shd we not be going ahead based on assumption someone came along and
its a topic of conversation
Sokol: someone wd come in with a bldg permit; need an envtal permit
within 15m approved by &&&
include mitigation; preference is to stay outside
mitigation wd also be identified
Cass: does the M go back and check? xxx
Sokol: inspectors on a xxx basis
several $K security bond, ensured done before bond is returned
Mayor: dont know whats going on lights all over the place
{hes referring to the mics in front of ccl mbrs red and green indicating speaking/wanting to speak.}
MAB: clarity
Mayor: M L
CAO: June; if possible, before
incorporate penalties
[7:26] some discussion relative to specified lands; public lands, some issues wrt riparian zones; in report
Mayor: then will have something to report
MB: do we want to be efficient? same report as last time
didnt hear? no blvds
CAO: was based on staffs recomms clearly Ccl not cohesive; xxx
Mayor: so leave it till we get the next report
NG: gave 1st 2nd 3rd reading; penalties, parks, blvds, and specified lands, but we didnt actually adopt it?
AM: thats correct
NG: going to bring back without the blvds?
Mayor: CAO, do you want to explain again
CAO: that and including/not including blvds
NG: as you know, I fully support moving ahead with all
Mayor: I dont have the report
cant remember ev sgl line
Mayor: raising of the rainbow flag?
MB: NV; been in consultation with youth; importance of youth inclusiveness [7:30]
May 17 and that has already passed
Fri Aug 3 to xxx
MB referred to LGBT etc:
LGBT2SIQQ v inclusive acronym
{gobsmacked by the combination of letters, etc. I had heard of:
Queer/Questioning, Unidentified, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender/Transexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay, Genderqueer
but not
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirited, Intersex, Queer, Questioning
MAB kindly gave me the words to the letters later;
I hasten to let you know, Dear Readers, it is NOT an acronym.
Its an initialism; an acronym consists of initials that can be pronounced as a word
eg: VAG and AWAD are acronyms; LGB and NSN (Lions Gate Bridge and North Shore News) are initialisms.
If someone can pronounce LGBT2SIQQ, then we can call it an acronym wd love to hear it! Presume itll stay an initialism. QUILTBAG is an acronym, much easier.
Since I had never heard of Two-Spirit, I googled and put the info in LANGUAGEWATCH below. Interesting that its an Amerindian term.
a lot of time between now and July 27 fly their flag? understand our flag policy doesnt preclude this
first ever diverse last year; I think it is important
generations may have diff; out, your recog a big deal for them
flew flag for Olympics and Canucks; think this is just as imp so ask staff to again overtly recognize these youth in our cmnty
Sch Dist also going to be considering this; dont think I have to make a motion
AM: as we did
Mayor: phoned my nephew {who} is gay; in NV; hes tired of politicians making brownie points
xxx much more meaningful ... ; services on the street, all our 44k
more meaningful than running a flag up the flag pole
MB: your nephew may be of an older generation
at Cap U; there is a changing
Mayor: was asked to speak to the 800 youth at Seycove; so, in tune anyway
Cass: far more imp than Olympics
xxx; waste staffs time getting a report; just put up
CAO: agree dont need a report
need xxx; there might be another place, cmnty ctr
a little bit of work we need to do
want to be careful; other orgs, a diff flag ev week; want to be cognizant before going ahead
Mayor: report back from staff?
MB: xxx
{get initialism}
NG: xxx
MB: two-spirited is FN
Cam: use that in Scrabble; look forward wrt gay rights
ML: starting May 15, Dinner on the Dock July 16; tix go on sale
&&& as a boater, a server I certainly support; last year great evening
am sure going to sell out in hours, minutes; Dinner on the Dock in HBay
Sop: Ms L and I re Emergency; work with NSEM, not NSEMO any more
maj of the public will be on their own for 72 hours
procedures for health; cant get to everybody
in bldg and it collapses, certain thing an advantage earthquake kits on sale be prepared for 72 hours
CAO: greatly encourage 72 hrs that is the min; encourage staff to
Gam(?): great event to report ten days ago, Cclr Sop and I to Bowen with rest of Howe Sound Forum ppl LBay, Sq, Whistler, Gambier, FN, about 30 local public reps also Jordan Sturdy [7:41]
that day a series of reports from orgs and prov reps re activities going on in HSound
interesting: HSound Aquatic Forum
in HSd the entire watershed, the ecosystems $800M and &&&
divers have recently found sponge reefs once thought to be non-existent; coral reefs too
most interesting upcoming Sea to Sky Trail
June 14 in HBay local and Parks and Trails
going to add to campsite Porteau Cove and Gambier [7:44]
nine more campsites
launch from
criss cross each night at a diff campsite
wonderful project underway dont think most of us know about
spend our holidays locally
MB: craft beer festival hosted by HBay; a new event, a pre-festival VIP reception; Postmark Brewing start up
2pm June 13 right before the craft beer festival
attended the mtg the same day as HSd as Acting Mayor; Nanaimo, &&&. reps from Island Ferries
an initiative thats been around for some time; looking for funding
wdnt compete with wastewater &&&
a fast ferry v much pedestrian- and cycle-oriented; direct from Nanaimo to downtown 68 min rather than 90
to address growing number of commuters to downtown can no longer afford to live in the city
theyll be sending us a letter; asking us for our support; we can discuss with our HBBA and current system of ferries in WV
time-saving worth
already got terminal space - Seabus and Nan; just have to purchase
ML: fast ferries?
MB: thats why I said they shd rename it
Cam: Taste of the Bay was great last month
transit referendum concluding May 29 last; can only request a ballot till May 15
certainly a diversity of feeling diff on this Ccl
metro utilities mtg -- Mr Fung remind me of anything Ive missed
Lions Gate waste water treatment waiting for funding
re water supply; water per capita going down however popn going up, so roughly consistent
unless get more efficient
Metro staff confident no need for severe water restriction; reservoir lower but not xxx
Seymour R slide signif, had to take out &&& bridge
recreationally a prob; dont think fish can get up past slide side so thinking of trucking fish up; not a good long-term strategy
major slide; rock as big as houses; right now stable
miss anything, Mr Fung?
Mayor: congratulations to our youth winners last week; xxx
thanks to our youth staff
and good work staff? do
15. Public Questions/Comments -- None 16. Adjournment [7:52]
+ CCL MTG NOTES May 25th +
5pm CLOSED mtg b/c
Revised May 25, 2015 to add section 90(1)(g)
(e) the acquisition, disposition, or expropriation of land or improvements, if the ccl considers that disclosure cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M;
(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the M; and
(k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a M service that are at their prelim stages and that, in the view of the ccl, cd reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the M if they were held in public.
Purpose of meeting: proposed provision of a municipal service, land, and legal matters.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Agenda
Revised on May 22, 2015:
To add to Item 3 the minutes of the May 11, 2015 special and regular Council meetings;
To add a replacemt page to Sched A of report for Item 9 re Proposed Devt Permit for 1305 Marine (Shell Gas Stn);
To add an updated 2014 Annual Report to Item 10 re 2014 Audited Financial Statements, 2014 Financial Information Act Reports (Statement of Financial Information), and 2014 Annual Report;
To reschedule Item 13 re Request for M Declaration of Right to a Healthy Envmt to the June 8, 2015 Ccl mtg; and
To withdraw Item 16 re Proposed Tree Bylaw No. 4823, 2015.
{also changing item order re chickens}
3. Adoption of Council Meeting Minutes Mtg minutes to be provided. · May 11, 2015 special and reg Ccl mtgs.
4. NSh Keep Well Society, re Keep Well Exercise and Wellness Progs for Seniors on the NSh
PowerPoint presentation to be provided.
Mayor: you look as if you're keeping well
Heather Dunsford: Yes
Mayor: and we will too
HD: Good evening, M&Ccl. Thank you for
been supporting for many many years; we're not quite 30 yet but think you have
a registered society in BC and federally registered charity
encourage older ppl to, keep well by leading active and independent lives
[6:08] SLIDES forum for them to attend exercise classes to stay mobile and healthy
progs take place at six cmnty ctres from Deep Cove to Dundarave; xxx, massages, speakers, etc.
Open and free for everybody; operating expenses from donations
55+, until last year oldest participant was 103, now 99
15% men, usually reluctant usually encouraged by their wives
wd like brochure translated into Farsi but dont have resources at this time
160 volunteers, 60 prof, ratio 1 for 4; pot luck once a month; hand, shoulder, and foot massage foot really popular
guest speakers
"Give ppl something to eat and drink, theyll listen to anything."
and bookkeeper; rest entirely volunteers
progs are free but we do encourage donations
VCH, fed govt, prov (gaming), and all three Ms
SLIDE for priv sector, Service Clubs
Cmnty Initiatives, first aid course, reflective arm bands, medical emergency alert kits
SLIDE (contacts)
only one class running in WV; a lot coming to other
appreciate your support, been with you from the beginning.
[6:19] Sop: how long have you been involved with them?
Ans: 14 years
Sop: good for you; xxx in the class
Ans: were looking for men!
Sop: red in the face
Cam: an evening of xxx and a massage sounds good
Im too young ... like puppies
[6:21] MOTION: received for information, with thanks.
Mayor: thanks again for coming
5. Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-038 for Lots 16 to 21 of Rodgers Crk Area 4 (the Compact Lots')
A Browne: wd save time to do all three at once
Sop: xxx
Mayor: hear first
AB: immediately west of Mulgrave SLIDE; six compact lots
provides for variances; adapts the zoning bylaw
so relatively level driveways so not just see rooftops; reviewed and approved by DRC
duplex lots; similar but joined, subject to Devt Permit; also approved by DRC
approved; doesnt react with street; strictly follow terrain thats the push-pull
was a piece of corresp, concerns impact S side of Cypress Bowl Rd but only affects N; does have legal road access
concludes my presentation, BPP is here if questions too
[6:26] Sop: a portion are going to be smaller with xxx room and kitchenette so accommodates a sec ste
AB: yes, not nec but flexible, sec ste, staff, lucky teenager
Sop: xxx
AB: ask BPP
Sop: variances all the time
AB: variances can be complex but have to be justified
held applicant team to number xxx
Staff not sufficient to say have had in past, state what you want to achieve for these variances
Rodgers Crk was a learning process observing all
come to realize xxx ... downhill side, only see roof tops; mathematically height but make more interesting
Sop: xxx
AB: some quite small
one variance might be 20cm and another 1m so one might affect another; more than a specific number
performance achieved
Cam: support what youre doing, staffs role; we dont have all the bylaws; particular lots can work in opposition wishing/wanting(?) to achieve better
reading all these packages on the weekend, numbing; still wondering if can be better
lets try to make more conforming ... slavishly follow for results we dont
cant be better?
p 70, 71, the last one, is probably best piece of info you included
shows to look at a house
subject to what I hear from the public, Ill support these variances
often when I drive up {afterward} they dont look how I thought theyd look
how to improve?
you tell me moving in the right direction, better
is there more we or BPP can be doing to promote the ideals you promote?
AB: what were not seeing is the work that goes into the subdiv itself
road-grading; exaggerates a bit the effect; road, sets tone; wasnt done ten, 20, years ago; helps a lot
these proposals lots of scrutiny from DRC; they insisted on design changes and variances clearly articulated
MB: as the DRC noted, went a long way making more. from the street level, up and downward
are there any current regulations I mean weve got a lot of variances here
{someone said "less retaining walls"; b/c a countable, probably meant "fewer retaining walls", unless actually meaning the walls are less retaining.}
any comments, general, topography across WV a hill
AB: difficult, actually impossible; furthermore, Rodgers Crk more hillside
if these variances good why not everywhere might not suit that area
zoning bylaws &&& difficult
shd [6:37] &&&
MB: plsd to see BPP using party wall in xxx duplexes rather than strata, fee simple
AB: few and far between if any
NG: second section 1 - 8 lots section on materials, what happens in the future?
permeable driveways
{hm. I urged permeable surfaces long ago (Steve Nicholls was Planner) and thought that had been included in the OCP. Thats why I questioned the new visitor parking on the north side of the MHall b/c staff put it in but impervious! naughty, naughty.}
whats the owners responsibility? can they pave over? clad the house?
AB: to a certain extent, snapshot in time
Sokol: siding, minor changes wd typically have to come in and get staff permit so minimally staff review
NG: concern esp the landscaping
p3 of the third report: site surfacing did not allow enough time for review by staff to be included
AB: looked at in modular way
Sokol: wasnt integrated at the subdiv level
BPP wanted to move earlier b/c &&&
NG: didnt want to go to DRC
AB: sgl-fam homes and we dont have that control; this DVP; xxx
BPP was undertaking site work at their own risk and knew they had to come back and do this
Sop: area was groomed to a certain degree
ascertain suffice to say, grade cd be altered to some degree?
if an easy look-at on hillside, the visualizing, no need to &&& all the time
AB: challenge is what to do when
{don't we have a process/procedure???}
masterplan look at big pic house, tree, whats protected.gen bldg forms
this is the implementation phase, down to centimetres
even if wed done that, the numbers wd hv changed, more accurate surveying
makes sense to do this level of work now; want min of variances
Cass: one issue perturbing some in this cmnty denuding of our landscape
need to put in landscaping that looks attractive to those driving over the LGB
see large bldgs, look like dropped down from outer space
if youre asking for these variances from us, why can't we ask for it to look attractive to us
AB: the subdiv creating these lots
landscaping, number of large trees, no-go zones; those are tackled at the time the lot is created
the lots do have covenants wrt landscaping
they will grow in, takes years
{do we have to wait? and how long? have some sort of guide or compromise?
leave half and plant ones to grow to that height.? Windowing?
Of course for views, as my mantra states: "the view is framed by the trees or through the trees"}
Area [6:46] ... we apply the best standards of the day
Cass: v well and good but ...
grow over the walls; not ivy invasive; looking at retaining walls, not attractive
Mayor: Staff will
Sokol: noted
Mayor: applicant or get motion on the floor
Geoff Croll, BPP Prez: Andrew Browne has done a terrific job describing
Sop brought up sec stes, in prev we didnt permit unless family
in Rodgers Cr, sec ste, mortgage helper, &&&
xxx these lots do have covenant on title
silver interguide rate of 80; 85, or higher interguide
stormwater master plan has to be at time of xxx
landscaping titles; longterm checks and balances; &&&
one thing about Rodgers Crk, you dont see from LGB (b/c of creek corridors)
compare with Whitby Estates, can barely see, takes time
BPPs own scheme; hidden at time of planning; do that work going forward
Mayor: put Agenda 5 so can hear
Cass MOVED &&&
Cam: says submissions so shd go
Mayor: just making sure paying attention
XX: my name is xxx and mbr of the BPAHA
enhance the envt and quality of life; largest ratepayer grp on NSh, serves 8000
as a contributor to our nbrhd publication the Hilltop News I have taken on the xxx to for the newsletter
appreciate the opp to endorse this
reasons: great variety, housing mix, duplexes; noble features (sec stes in duplex for caregiver, child, mortgage helper as well that fee simple)
xxx more affordability; maybe attract a younger demographic; xxx
Doug Henney: Pass, my concerns have been answered
At the April, 2015 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Apr 2, 2015 re Devt Permit Applicn No. 14-038 for 2988, 2986, 2982, 2980, 2978, and 2976 Burfield Place, Lots 16 to 21 of Rodgers Creek Area 4 (the Compact Lots) and set the date for consideration for May 25, 2015.
Reports received up to and including May 14, 2015:
# |
DP Lots 16 - 21 of Rodgers Crk Area4 |
2015-04-02 |
2015-04-27 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 14, 2015: None to date
MOVED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
MOVED: THAT the DVP Applicn wch wd regulate the form and character of residential devt with variances to building height, highest building face, and building setbacks, be approved.
[6:54] PASSED
Mayor: next motion
[6:56] NG lots 1 - 8
6. Proposed Devt Permit No. 14-037 for Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Crk Area 4 (the 'Duplex Lots')
At the Apr 27 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the report dated Apr 2 re DP Applicn for 3032, 3028, 3018, 3008, 3002, 2998, 2996, and 2992 Burfield Place, Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Crk Area 4 (the Duplex Lots) and set the date for consideration for May 25.
Reports received up to and including May 14, 2015:
# |
DP for Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Crk Area 4 (the 'Duplex Lots') |
2015-04-02 |
2015-04-27 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 14, 2015: To view the written submission click here
# |
Redacted |
2015-05-11 |
C-1 |
MOTION: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
MOTION: THAT the DP wch wd regulate the form and character of resid devt of semi-detached (duplex) units w/ variances to building height, highest building face, and front yard setbacks, be approved.
7. Proposed Devt Variance Permit No. 14-036 for Lots 22 to 35 of Rodgers Crk Area 4
The Apr 27 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the Mar 18 report re DVP Applicn No. 14-036 for 2972, 2985, 2981, 2975, 2965, 2967, 2955, 2951, 2939, 2931, 2928, 2938, 2948, and 2968 Burfield Place, Lots 22 to 35 of Rodgers Crk Area 4 and set the date for consideration for May 25.
Reports received up to and including May 14, 2015:
# |
DVP Applicn: Rodgers Crk Area 4 |
2015-03-18 |
2015-04-27 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 14, 2015: None to date
MOVED: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
MOVED: THAT the DVPA wch wd allow for variances relating to building envelopes, front yard setbacks, building height and highest building face, be approved.
MB this too: [6:58]
Sop: BPP shd be commended for smaller
dont want ppl to think this will be common place; know land and where it sits
possible to within; not for future going to accept all the variances
Cam: going forward, applaud improve nbrhd char but probably still some distance to go
NB and Cass re foliage but think cd do more so not wait for it to fill in
can improve the xxx walking; know trails; think still some distance to go
gates, each having to be gated is &&&:-(
as Cclr Sop said, we will be pushing BPP to go even further
Mayor: motion carries [7pm]
For those ppl wanting to speak about chickens, we have moved that item up
Item 8
8. Proposed Development Permit No. 14-061 for 6016 Gleneagles Place (File: 1010-20-14-061)
The Apr 27 reg mtg Ccl rec'd the Apr 9 report re this DPA for 6016 Gleneagles; set the date for consideration for May 25.
Reports received up to and including May 14, 2015:
# |
Proposed Devt Permit for 6016 Gleneagles Pl |
2015-04-09 |
2015-04-27 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 14, 2015: None to date
HO: to replace side deteriorating
subj to a Devt Permit from 1981, set strict, amended in 1999 with existing deck
owners wd like to replace with a larger deck closer to the water
written approval from adjacent owners; owner is in audience
Mayor: any questions? public?
seeing none, motion:
MOTION: THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
Cam: NG why not Bd of V and I said didnt think they had jurisdiction
perhaps we shd amend the terms of ref for the BoV
{at the v least, since BoV can approve just by claiming undue hardship, it shd, as a minimum, say what the hardship is! I asked once and the answer was that they only had to say undue hardship and nothing more.}
Ans: LGA says xxx cannot be
still had to be seen by Ccl
Sop moves[7:06]: THAT the DPA for 6016 Gleneagles Place to allow for the replacement of an existing deck, with variances to the building footprint, be approved.
9. Proposed Development Permit No. 15-033 for 1305 Marine Drive (Shell Gas Station) (File: 1010-20-15-033)
Appendix B and Schedule A to Appendix C
Reports received up to and including May 14, 2015:
# |
DPermit for 1305 MDr (Shell Gas Station) |
2015-05-07 |
2015-05-25 |
R-1 |
Written Submissions received up to and including May 14, 2015:
To view the written submission click here
# |
Redacted |
2015-05-13 |
C-1 |
LBerg: &&&
informed they were not in compliance SLIDE shows canopy
proposed Devt Permit tonight wd see the lowering of the as-built (reduction 2.6ft in height)
staff recommend the amended DP; greater compliance
{why the heck not complete compliance? what a precedent! will Ccl not want/decide compliance???}
Oleg X: Agents for Shell
Shell was issued a two permits
completed in Apr of this year
in Feb the adjacent tenant re height of the canopy
so Shell has listened to his concern and decided to lower by .8 of a metre
as shown in section A, SLIDE on screen this is the lowest to allow a fuel truck to enter to fill with fuel
{so not known at time architect submitted plans and/or staff didnt know wd exceed before permit issued?
IOW, how did it get built knowing a problem?}
Sop: how high a green roof wd be?
Oleg: wd add to depth of the canopy; have to
Sop: a foot? 2ft?
Oleg: to come down. green roof already installed
Sop: a low green roof
Robbie Innes: 1330 Clyde, my apt is just above the xxx
used to live on the S side looking over the garage before
we were told for a long time lights wd not be on all night, they go off at 4 or 5 in the morning
went down see the canopy see where they come in, xxx; maybe theyve got bigger trucks
can hear them come in big space; come in 13th xxx sometimes straight out and turn
not sure why canopy has to be so big [7:12]
Mark Sager: myself and Heather Jones, my partner
{hm. 'myself' is the reflexive pronoun but what's reflecting missing. Shd be: "I and Heather" or "Heather ... and I"
speaking for condo wont be long [at podium: have to learn how to work this] our concern
[staff helped]
going to take you to the ccl mtg when it was approved
> VIDEO ppl
significant landscaping improvements; heritage jubilee tree; to be sloped, etc SLIDE
MS: so that was the representation made to the ppl who lived behind -- promise will be v quick
Mayor: watching the clock like a hawk
MS: thats the canopy, and here SLIDE what they built drew line
makes them v sad; builder behind was a big supporter of the
had some dire xxx for the owner
Heather: been trying to work with Shell and
&&& 1st 6m tall and a metre lower than the one on the site; particularly in the report
District notified Shell in March in violation
not 6m, not to elevation, above
application; does not deal with [7:18] xxx that wd hv to be addressed
lowered .8, 13cm below the balcony previously; Archives homes
Mayor: wrap up; over time
Heather J: below unclear want something that wd work for all mbrs of cmnty
xxx, proper xxx, proper drawings.
{wdn't we all! Surely expected in WV! }
ML: moved THAT all written and oral submissions be received for information.
Mayor: motion carries
ML: discussion before motion?
Mayor: get motion on the floor
MOTION: DP to lower the canopy height from 6.053 metres to 5.251 metres, be approved.
ML: I find this v confusing as a lay person how height can be changed?
where does that come to on the wall face on the condo bldg so I can understand the impact of those owners
am finding these drawings v difficult to understand; if you look at the docs we were all given tonight
look west, at the canopy, assume now black, previous red, go N to townhomes
if you stand on MDr and look ,theyre not horizontal, theyre stepped
v diff wch condos
commitment made in the beginning, no higher than existing roof one minute the roof, then the chimney, ????
its a gas station; those ppl need to know
I dont know if Im going to be N, where the devt that intersects the patio or retaining wall and wch ones
easternmost as opposed to the westernmost
is that the one I see from 13th or down at the end?
sorry, ppl, I dont know -- this item shd be deferred and ask for some addl information
Sokol: Staff and Shell cd provide some clarification this seeing
ML: see what we did and see today and dont see/understand the discrepancy 13cm below railing, well, wch railing?
Sokol: direct you to Schedule A -- orange with black line cross-section line; thats where it intersects
ML: see a black line that disappears when it goes into the xxx
Sokol: xxx townhouse further to the west?
ML: show me where on the townhomes
Sokol: intersects on the western end, see where intersects the railing and the patio
ML: to be clear; guaranteeing when redone it'll basically... looks like its going to hit the patio or just above where plants?
Sokol: ask Ms Berg
LB: Mr Lewis is correct, though the xxx wall, higher than the eastern section of the wall.. so take cross
next page, section A, ht, outlined red, shows above between two western units; reduce by 2 and a half, xxx
ML: top of
LB: even lower than the railing
ML 13cms below the. W side of the patios; two horizontal railings
LB: correct
ML: want to know if sitting[siting?], its 13cm below?
LB: correct
in 2010; had to see how the canopy wd relate; that was a now build [?]
the drawing that was produced did not correctly represent
built to the dimension drawings to the package
whats happening, this is what was approved, meant to be level with the uppermost portion
unfortunately this diagram is not dimensioned
ML: when I look at the report p7 xxx to 13cm
a balcony railing to me is railing, then the pipe, wch one is that???
LB: xxx
ML: but it doesnt say that!
Sokol: ask Shell
Oleg: comments made that drawings not sufficiently
upgrading plan, talks about finished, drive by hts
in that is dimensioned
this drawing on the screen, existing building to be removed
measure in accordance with your bylaws
to ht of bldg SLIDE how to measure
but we have a large chimney so architect obliged to show
Mayor: xxx
Sop: thanks to Cclr Lewis, clearer; as long as down 2.6ft, dont have a problem
NG: since I wrote to NSN, most of us were not around; this was two ccls ago, turning it into a gas station
on the record, nothing to do with us
Cam: unfortunate lack of clarity; attended the mtg
a foot higher or lower &&& irks me every time I drive by; need one and tanks under;
dont know why spending so much time
MB: also not on that Ccl, wd have been a boutique hotel or a condo
xxx; did attend the mtg and discussed with Shell where everything
basically it will be same height as the westerly units
where jogs up going east where it will end
if the owners want to battle this out in the courts, and as a lawyer I dont recommend b/c costly; xxx
Cass: xxx agree too high in the first place
within the next few years a seven-storey
{reference to Grosv?}
probably more than a three-storey hotel
Mayor: always was a gas station, not turned into
trying to encourage to rejuvenate their props
think theyve come up with one first class
xxx cant think of a nicer
{joke :-)}
shows ... millions of dollars of wealth
carries unanimously -- nope [ML opposed]
[7:39] Amended Agenda: GO TO CHICKENS NO 15
15. Information Report on the Keeping of Backyard Chickens (File: 1605-05)
[7:40] Cam: &&& family here
Mayor: so we have family
[Cams young son?]: xxx fruit trees xxx
ppl will be careful b/c dont want their
hopefully[???] coops not that big
{Readers, pls note. Hopefully means full of hope, not that someone hopes something will happen. Think of: "She was sitting by the phone hopefully." She was sitting there full of hope maybe to ring? It doesn't mean hoping she was sitting by the phone.}
Mayor: anyone else want to speak on this important subject?
Rob: not against having chickens
when you do the bylaws, look at xxx prov, Black Bear Society
one thing you have to remember is smell, esp in summer time
how get rid of droppings; straw; noise, esp for nbrs; size of run
if not adequate barns; not let children hear what happens when wildlife get in
feed in adequate containers
theyre not pets, a lot dont like to be picked up and petted; pecked or clawed, get to doctor
not have run along fence; prop line along alley
Mayor: am sure staff will
Cam: Ms Almas has done a lot; dont think xxx
not a xxx species, working well in Vanc
thanks for Ms Almas for her work on this
{bylaw ofcr}
NG: when we talk about this we shd say were talking about HENS
dont want roosters; make clear, change word others have hens
supported by the NSh Food Charter, signed on to last year not hard to justify if not
for the next report xxx ... whether Sq, and others if they include the xxx Black Bear Net
since allowed, where is the take-up?
one Q; on p 4, common themes as in age requirement for chickens
Almas: 4 mos old at least, b/c its v difficult to determine sex of the chicken until 4 mos
NG: am an experienced chicken person, in grade xxx,
ran hoe? and incubator 21 days; half of those eggs were roosters
back yard over 40 years; never been attacked by bears
attracted by bees (honey) not bears
when we go out; wd you pls bounce the questions we want?
dont get answer
{YES YES; Ccls want answers but they dont always get to see the survey questions}
Sop: you have to get
had over 150 chickens, we called them the girls
that part Ill never
to city, pigeons, had to catch; not everyone is going to have chickens; novelty wears off on the kids, theyll have to keep it clean
in support
MB: also grew up on a farm with chickens; not had bears but had raccoons whom my grandfather shot
{Readers: who/whom for ppl; that for animals and things}
kids will be able to taste what a real egg tastes like instead of one you get in the store
out to public xxx
know the coyotes are well-fed b/c of all the cats they eat; lots of things xxx
ML: think Im on a roll being a grinch; have to make sure no xxx
no to the cute chn; my resp is to the whole cmnty; am not convinced dispersed in the resident cmnty
&&&, PkR, &&&, Rockridge; want to make sure difference; not a stray cat, a destination meal
Mayor: xxx
Cass: one of the reasons were having cougars come down
b/c of xxx above [7:54] asea? xxx sleeping with chicken; how do we have transition?
we do have ppl sleeping with cougars
{ :-) }
AAS: anything with VHA?
1. Staff proceed with public consultation in consideration of allowing the keeping of backyard chickens in WV as outlined in the report to Council dated May 8, 2015 titled Information Report on the Keeping of Backyard Chickens; and
2. Staff report back to Ccl thereafter with the results of the public consultation and recommend next steps.
[7:55] Mayor: motion passes unanimously
10. 2014 Audited Financial Stmts, 2014 Financial Info Act Reports (Stmt of Financial Info), and 2014 Annual Report
1. The 2014 Audited Financial Statements as presented to the Audit Committee on May 6, 2015, be approved for submission to the Ministry of Cmnity, Sport, and Cultural Devt, and be made available for public information;
2. The 2014 Financial Info Act Reports (Stmt of Financial Info) as presented to the Audit Cmte on May 6, 2015, be approved for submission to the Ministry of Cmnty, Sport and Cultural Devt, and be made available for public information;
3. The 2014 Annual Report be made available for public inspection, at the M Hall and on the Districts website, as of May 26, 2015;
4. Consideration of the 2014 Annual Report, and submissions and questions from the public, be scheduled for the June 8, regular Council meeting at the District of West Vancouver Municipal Hall; and that
5. The amendment to the Audit Cmtes Terms of Reference be approved.
Sop: in our discussions with the Audit Cmte; some items -- that mtg hasnt been held so passing this???
MK: discussion weve been having with the Finance Cmte
key performance indicators; looking into our investments and reserves, and reserves policy
as we get started with our 2016 budget in summer
[Passed 7:58]
11. Cmnty Grants Recommendations: Arts, Culture, and Heritage Grants (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
AMooi: [presentation] for grants Items 11 and 12
Sop: introduce mbrs here; never been to so many mtgs
TALK &&&
Mayor: thanks for all the work
NG: moved as written: the Cmnty Grants Cmtes recomms for grant allocations for 2015 be approved as follows:
Third year of a three-year cycle (2013-2015):
NS Polish Assn - Belweder |
Heritage |
$1,500.00 |
North Shore Light Opera |
Performing Arts |
1800 |
Dundarave Festival of Lights |
Performing Arts |
750 |
Pandoras Vox Vocal Ensemble Society |
Performing Arts |
2500 |
Sinfonia Orchestra of the North Shore |
Performing Arts |
2000 |
Total |
$8,550.00 |
Second year of three-year cycle (2014-2016):
NSh Chamber Music Society |
Performing Arts |
$1,000.00 |
Presentation House |
Performing Arts |
1500 |
Deep Cove Chamber Soloists |
Performing Arts |
750 |
Hollyburn Heritage Society |
Heritage |
750 |
Laudate Singers Society |
Performing Arts |
1500 |
Total |
$5,500.00 |
First year of three-year cycle (2015-2017):
Theatre West Van |
Performing Arts |
$ |
3,500 |
WV Adult Cmnty Band |
Performing Arts |
500 |
WV Fire Services Museum + Archives |
Heritage |
1,350 |
WV Youth Band Society |
Performing Arts |
7,500 |
Pacific Spirit Choir |
Performing Arts |
1,250 |
Total |
$ |
14,100 |
Funding for a one-year project:
Chor Leoni Mens Choir |
Performing Arts |
$1,250.00 |
Harmony Training & Performance Society |
Performing Arts |
2000 |
NSh Music Academy Society |
Performing Arts |
500 |
NV Cmnty Arts Ccl – Art in the Garden |
Visual Arts |
2500 |
Total |
$6,250.00 |
Grand Total $34, 400
12. Cmnity Grants Recommendations: Cmnty and Social Services Grants (File: 0116-20-CGC1)
Cmnty Grants Cmtes recomms for Cmnty Services and Social Services grant allocations 2015 be approved as follows:
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2014-2016
(second of a three-year cycle)
Coho Festival Soctety: Operating |
$ |
5,000 |
Gleneagles Golf Club Society |
500 |
NSh Safety Council: Operating |
1,000 |
North Shore Salvation Army: Frozen Meals Program |
2,500 |
WV Marine Rescue Society: Operating |
5,000 |
NSh Neighbourhood House: Edible Garden Project |
2,500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
16,500 |
COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(third of a three-year cycle)
NSh Cmnty Resources: Info Volunteer Program |
$ |
8000 |
NSh Cmnty Resources: Operating |
4000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
12,000 |
(previously funded programs)
3rd WV Scouts: Operating (Hollyburn Cabin) |
3 year |
$ |
400 |
Rotary Club of NSh: Operation Red Nose |
3 year |
1,000 |
WV Track and Field Club: Jr Devt Prog/Cmnty Track Meets |
3 year |
500 |
WV Track and Field Club: Permanent Masters/Srs Track & Field Prog |
1 year |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
2,400 |
Air Cadets of Canada: Operating |
1 year |
$ |
1,500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
1,500 |
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2014-2016
(second of a three-year cycle)
Family Services of the NSh: Clinical [Counselling] |
$ |
12,000 |
Hollyburn Family Services Society: Wired 4 Success |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
13,000 |
FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(third of a three-year cycle)
NSh Cmnty Resources: Child Care Resource + Referral |
$ |
2,000 |
NSh Multicultural Society: Operating |
2,250 |
Subtotal |
$ |
4,250 |
(previously funded programs)
Autism Society of BC: Community Group |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
Big Sisters of BC: NSh Mentoring Program |
3 year |
500 |
Friend 2 Friend Learning Society: Play Centre for Children with Autism |
3 year |
1,000 |
Living Systems [Counselling]: Play Therapy |
1 year |
1,500 |
NSh Crisis Services Society: Operating |
3 year |
10,000 |
NSh Multicultural Socty: Cmnty Bridging |
1 year |
1,000 |
NSh Multicultural Society: Neonology |
1 year |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
16000 |
{CBC News: Neonology: Standing out - Standing up
NSh Nbrhd House: Young Parents Prog |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
1,000 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(third of a three-year cycle)
Pets + Friends: Visitation Prog |
$ |
3,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
3,000 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2014-2015
(second of a two-year cycle)
Capilano Community Services Soc: Red Cross Loan Prog |
$ |
2,750 |
Subtotal |
$ |
2,750 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2014-2016
(second of a three-year cycle)
Canadian Hard of Hearing: Operating |
$ |
1,100 |
Hollyburn Family Services: Supporting Seniors to Remain Housed |
1,000 |
Lionsview Seniors Planning Society: Operating |
3,000 |
Lionsview Srs Planning Society: Service to Seniors Coalition |
1,500 |
NSh Keep Well Society: Operating |
2,000 |
North Shore Meals on Wheels: Operating |
1,500 |
NSh Nbrhd House: Seniors Peer Support |
1,400 |
North Shore Volunteers for Seniors: Operating |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
15,500 |
SENIORS SUPPORT SERVICES: New cycles (previously funded programs)
Lionsview Srs Planning Society: NSN Older and Wiser Column |
2 year |
$ |
500 |
North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre: Stroke Survivors Peer Group |
3 year |
2,000 |
Senior Citizens Special Services Society: LINKS to Healthy Living |
3 year |
4,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
6,500 |
Rotary Club of WV Sunrise: Annual Seniors Christmas Luncheon |
3 year |
$ |
500 |
St. John Ambulance: Therapy Dog Program |
1 year |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
1,000 |
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2014-2016
(second of a three-year cycle)
Change the World Foundation dba Harvest: Operating |
$ |
3,500 |
NSh Hospice Society: Operating |
1,500 |
NSh Womens Ctr: Operating |
3,000 |
North Shore Womens Centre: Single Mothers Support Group |
500 |
Spinal Cord Injury BC: Peer Program |
500 |
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sport Society: Operating |
500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
9,500 |
SPECIALIZED SUPPORT SERVICES: Existing cycle 2013-2015
(third of a three-year cycle)
Cdn Mental Health Assn: Operating |
$ |
2,000 |
Cdn Mental Health Assn: Support Groups |
1,000 |
Cerebral Palsy Association of BC: North Shore Community Connections |
500 |
Special Olympics BC Soc (NSh): Operating |
2,400 |
Subtotal |
$ |
5,900 |
(previously funded programs)
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Society of BC: Operating |
3 year |
$ |
1,000 |
Lookout Emergency Aid Society: Operating (for North Shore Shelter) |
3 year |
4,500 |
NSh ConneXions Soc: Friendship Circles |
3 year |
2,000 |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre: Community Response Network |
3 year |
1,000 |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre: Parents Night Out Support Groups |
3 year |
1,000 |
NSh Disability Resource Ctr: Summer Bursary Program |
3 year |
3,500 |
North Shore Disability Resource Centre: Transition and Employment Program |
3 year |
1,000 |
NShore Schizophrenia Society: Operating |
3 year |
2,000 |
Subtotal |
$ |
16,000 |
Lighthouse Pk Preservation Soc: Dale Park Restoration |
1 year |
$ |
500 |
Sharing Abundance Assn: Meal Program |
1 year |
$ |
2,500 |
Subtotal |
$ |
3,000 |
13. Request for Municipal Declaration of Right to a Healthy Environment (File: 0332-01)
Information to be provided.
14. Applicn for a Patron Participation Entertainment Endorsement Liquor Licence - Salmon House on the Hill - 2229 Folkestone Way (File: 1605-14)
Cam: does this mean Karaoke?
AM: dont think piano and
Cam: xxx
AM: and allow dancing
Cam: you need a permit to dance? how Victorian? thought just wasnt to drink
Cass: good; remember Frank Bakers
MOTON: THAT DWV participate in the licensing process for the Patron Participation Endorsement Liquor Licence applicn submitted by Salmon House on the Hill by gathering public input in the manner set out in the report dated May 8
Mayor: motion carries unanimously
16. Proposed Tree Bylaw No. 4823, 2015 (File: 1610-20-4823) Information to be provided.
17. Proposed Zoning Bylaw No. 4662, 2010, Amdmt Bylaw No. 4828, 2015, Proposed Devt Permit No. 15-027, and
Proposed DVP 15-028 (for 2832/2842 Bellevue) (File: 1610-20-4828 / 1010-20-15-027 / 1010-20-15-028)
Schedule A to Appendix D and Appendix E, and Schedule B to Appendix D
Mayor: Staff just first reading; no sense presentation a second time
ML: setting a date
MOTION: be read a first time.
MOTION: be presented at a public hearing scheduled for June 22, 2015 at 6pm in the M Hall Ccl Chamber, and that the MClerk give statutory notice of the scheduled public hearing.
MOTION: the proposed DPA be presented at a public mtg scheduled for June 22 ... to be held concurrently with the PH scheduled for June 22, and that the MClk give statutory notice of the scheduled public mtg
MOTION: proposed DVP Applicn be presented at a public mtg scheduled for June 22 be held concurrently with the PH scheduled for June 22 give statutory notice ...
Mayor: thank you for your presentation
CAO: keep the paper work
Mayor: yes, we will; ev, keep your package
18. Proposed Solid Waste Utility Bylaw No. 4740, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 4835, 2015 (to reflect current policies, programs, and contractual arrangements) (File: 1610-20-4835)
The proposed bylaw received first, second, and third reading at the May 11, 2015 regularCcl mtg.
next item, Cclr Cam, is bylaws; solid waste -- that wd seem to be right up your alley
Cam, chuckling: you stole my line, Mr Mayor
I was going to say we seem to be dealing with a lot of solid waste these days
I recommend that the proposed -- hopefully not after the chicken bylaw -- Solid Waste {etc., be adopted}
19. Consent Agenda Items
{19.1 rescheduled 19.2 to Corresp list}
19.1. Finance Committee Resolutions (File: 0116-20-FIN) Information to be provided.
{consent and not available??? what about public?}
19.2. Correspondence List (File: 0120-24) (click here to view correspondence packages)
> Council Correspondence Update to May 1, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) G. Pajari, April 28, 2015, re Change to Council Meeting Time
(Referred to Chief Administrative Officer for consideration and response)
(2) April 29, 2015, re Trembling and earthquake (Collingwood School Construction)
(Referred to Mgr of Bylaw and Licensing Services for consideration and response)
(3) April 30, 2015, re Seascapes Devt Plan No. 02-020
(Referred to Director of Planning for consideration and response)
Received for Information
(4) City of Moncton, April 21, 2015, re Resolution – Warning Labels – Gas Pumps
(5) 2 submissions, April 27, 2015, regarding Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project
(6) Apr 27 re Park Royal towers – Practically the deal is done (Devt Applicn for 752 MD - FormerWhite Spot Site..)
(7) April 29, 2015, re Survey (Single-Family Housing – Siting, Form, and Character)
(8) April 30, 2015, regarding The OCP, the Park Royal, and procedures in general
(9) April 30, 2015, regarding Municipal CCEP (Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions)
Responses to Correspondence
(10) Acting Manager of Utilities, March 23, 2015, response regarding
Temporary Traffic Control Devices – 2100 Block of Palmerston, Ottawa, and Nelson Avenues
(11) Chief Financial Officer, April 30, 2015, response regarding Community Report
> Council Correspondence Update to May 8, 2015 (up to 12:00 Noon)
Referred for Action
(1) May 4, 2015, regarding 㦞m pool a necessity
(Referred to Director of Parks and Community Services for consideration and response)
(2) May 5, re OCP Amendment, Rezoning & Devt Permit No. 14-052 for 1763 Bellevue Ave (Masonic Hall)
(Referred to Director of Planning, Land Development and Permits for consideration and response)
(3) World Oceans Day Canada, May 5, re World Oceans Day & World Oceans Week
(Referred to Municipal Clerk for response)
Received for Information
(4) April 28, 2015, regarding Capilano View Cemetery
(5) City of North Vancouver, April 30, 2015, regarding Raising of the Rainbow Flag
(6) Social Planning & Research Ccl of BC (SPARC BC), May 1, re Access Awareness Day – June 6, 2015 –
Is Accessibility Working in Your Community?
(7) May 3, 2015, regarding WheelBarrow
(8) WV Track and Field Club, May 3, re Spring Sprint – Tues May 12 (WV Track and Field Club)
(9) May 4, 2015, regarding Changes to BC MVA 189 (3)
(10) May 4, 2015, regarding LMLGA: Vote yes to stronger oil spill response!
(11) 2 submissions, May 5-7, 2015, regarding Safety Concerns Over Wireless Technologies
(12) May 5, 2015, regarding Important new information re why WFs cooling system would probably decimate herring in N Howe Sound(Proposed Woodfibre LNG Project)
(13) May 6, 2015, regarding Complaint Regarding Untidy Property
(14) City of Burnaby, May 6, 2015, regarding BC Housing Non-Profit Asset Transfer Program
(15) Undated, regarding Appreciation for Letter of Congratulations
(16) May 7, re WVs Environmentally Protected Riparian Areas within 15m Setback of Creeks
Responses to Correspondence
(17) Senior Mgr of Parks, May 7, response regarding Tree Management Programme for M Property
(18) Senior Manager of Parks, May 7, 2015, response regarding tree removal
(19) Senior Manager of Parks, May 7, 2015, response regarding CAULFEILD PARK – New tree destruction
(20) Acting Mgr of Roads/Transp, May 8, 2015, response re Parking at 18th and Argyle (Lawson Creek Studios)
> Council Correspondence Update to May 12, 2015 (up to 4:30 p.m.)
Received for Information
(1) May 10, re New Home Building on the 1100blk Esquimalt/Duchess (Sgl-Fam Housing - Siting, Form, Character)
(2) May 10, re link to very educational recent SFU forum re diluted bitumen spills/standards to protect Vancouver
(3) May 11, re Proposed Devt Permit 14-037 - Burfield Place (Lots 1 to 8 of Rodgers Creek Area 4 - the Duplex Lots)
(Referred to May 25, 2015 Council meeting)
(4) The Blue Dot Movement (Petition with 179 sigs and 27 letters), undated, re The Right to Live in a Healthy Envmnt
Responses to Correspondence
(5) Mgr of Parks/Ops, May 11, response re Trash Colln (or lack thereof) from the Parks [Depts] garbage receptacles
(6) Chief Administrative Officer, May 11, 2015, response re Environment and the coastline
(7) Chief Administrative Officer, May 11, 2015, response to G. Pajari, Change to Council Meeting Time
(8) Director of Engineering and Transportation, May 12, 2015, response re Radcliffe Ave Hydro Substation.
20. OTHER ITEMS -- No items.
21. Reports from Mayor/Councillors on Boards, Cmtes, and WGs
Sop: Coho scholarship awarded in honour of Jim McCarthy -- three remarkable women $1000, and $500 each; first time call him Mr Coho for all the work hes done
stood in for you on xxx they've got a badge "you beat Mayor Smith" -- gave ev a badge hope you dont mind
a lot in the lake
MB: Aboriginal Relations Cmte
Tsleil Waututh; proving to be hugely successful; one-on-one; they were impressed
Ch of Commerce Taste of Ambleside
5 cclrs attended NSh Congress
healthy choices (not affordable)
innovative ways &&&
take-away Michael Ferrera [?] stats: we have less, 20 to 40 years old then will be replaced only by the wealthy
Arletta Becket and Stephen Mikicich
stellar job GCC
a lot of work; all staff from the three Ms
NG: an event on Friday SLIDE -- blessing and inauguration of the newest piece of art
sts campus extension at Mulgrave
4 - 5 ppl
cultural experience -- best part we didnt have to pay for it
[8:11] Mayor: last Thurs at Grosv Ambleside and &&& {GET}
need to get pro-active so thriving
Amb off and running, good to see
12. Public Questions/Comments none
13. Adjournment [8:12]
2pm ~ June 1st
(a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee, or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality.
+ CCL MTG BITS June 8th and 22nd +
Main Items:
= Delegation – Justice Institute of BC re Public Safety Education: Information presentation.
= 2014 Annual Report
= Proposed OCP Update: implementing proposed review and update.
= Request to Extend Deadline for Removal of a Non-conforming Walkway (1384 Burnside Road; Proposed Environmental Devt Permit 13-050): Consideration of request. {granted after agonizing discussion}
= Proposed Road Closure and Removal of Highway Dedication Bylaw 4838, 2015 (land adjacent to 4435 Stone Cr)
= Finance Committee Resolutions: Information to be provided.
= Active Development Applications Status List (to May 13, 2015): Information report.
Watch the video but there were technical difficulties:
PUBLIC HEARING re 2832/2842 Bellevue to allow for devt of the two subject props including a proposed new house, site grading, and removal of three trees located within the blvd.
Main Items:
= Delegation - Recreation Sites and Trails BC – Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources, re Sea to Sky Marine Trail: Information presentation.
= Upper Lands Working Group – Final Report: Consideration of planning framework.
= OCP Amendment, Rezoning and DPA for 1763 Bellevue (Masonic Hall): advancing the application review process.
= Police Services and M Hall Project Funding Scenarios: Consideration of funding scenario.
= Exterior Design of the Police Services and M Hall Project: Information to be provided.
= Declaration of the Right to a Healthy Environment: Consideration of proposed declaration.
= Proposed 5-Year Financial Plan Bylaw Amendment (budget adjustments): three readings.
= Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment (for 2832 and 2842 Bellevue Avenue): Consideration of bylaw adoption.
= Proposed Development Permit for Daffodil Drive (adjacent to 5619 Daffodil Drive): To set date for consideration.
= Proposed Development Variance Permit (1507 Haywood Avenue): To set date for consideration.
= Proposed Development Permit (2290 Marine Drive): To set date for consideration.
= Proposed Development Variance Permit (6467 Nelson Avenue): To set date for consideration.
= Proposed Development Variance Permit (6030 Marine Drive): To set date for consideration.
= Proposed Development Permit (4361 Erwin Drive): To set date for consideration.
VIDEOS: Regular Mtg --
=== ANIMALWATCH === a pig, dogs, and a cat
First, a Cat INFObit: More than 2M cat videos were posted to YouTube in 2014, resulting in 26B views!
1 = A TEACUP PIG Meet Wilbur an unusual canine companion
WATCH: Meet Wilbur, a rescue pig and regular at the Canine Adventure Den Daycare in ...
2 = DOGS
> Sorry, did not get the newsletter out in time so you'd hv an opportunity to sign the petition
We at "RAISE UR PAW" need the voices and paws of the world to be raised to help ban the YULIN DOG MEAT EATING FESTIVAL which is going to occur on June 21, 2015. Countless Canine Lives will be sacrificed in order to fulfill an inhumane tradition that has bn permitted to occur for many years - and it is now time this horror is finally put to an end.
This brutal "Festival" involves what some call savouring the "delights" of dog meat hotpot, lychees, and strong liquor -- which will increase the abduction of strays and pets and also increase the torturous and inhumane prisons of dog meat farms -- places where man's best friends are raised for such purposes -- thousands of dogs will suffer, be butchered, beaten to death, skinned alive, and eaten.
Time is ticking and the massive killing of dogs will soon take place, we must get our voices united and raised not just to save the lives but save the hope in humanity -- to be part of a compassionate world where we all come together to stand up and speak out for all innocent life, not just the life of humanity. If we turn away and ignore the cries/pleas of these babies, then we truly have turned away from being human"kind".
This petition is supported by World Protection of Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade UK Registered Charity - 1154524
> We'll have to try harder for next year b/c, sorry to say, it did go ahead.....
Dog meat festival in China takes place despite massive online protest
About 10,000 dogs were reportedly slaughtered and eaten this year during China's annual Yulin festival
by Lauren O'Neil, CBC News Posted: Jun 22, 2015 8:13 PM ET Last Updated: Jun 22, 2015 9:09 PM ET
... Nearly 4M people have signed one petition, created by a user in Ontario, calling upon the governor of Yulin to stop the festival. A different petition from the Duo Duo Animal Welfare project has 1.4M signatures....
... Dog meat is eaten in some parts of China but is not a common dish, The Associated Press writes, explaining that owning dogs as pets was discouraged under early Communist Party rule.
"The urban value system which sees dogs and cats as companions is becoming more dominant while the more traditional and rural value system that sees animals as tools and sources of income is being challenged," said Li to the New York Times in an interview about the festival earlier this month.
When asked about criticism from dog meat traders who have said that stopping the festival could hurt business in Yulin, and that animal rights activists are "introducing a harmful Western ideology into China," he responded that "the
impact of shutting down the dog meat trade would not be remotely significant for the Chinese economy."...
3 = A CAT
Japan holds funeral for Tama, a cat that worked as a stationmaster and saved a struggling railway
The Associated Press | June 28, 2015 2:42 PM ET
TOKYO Tama the stationmaster, Japans feline star of a struggling local railway, was mourned by company officials and fans and elevated into a goddess at a funeral Sunday.
The calico cat was appointed stationmaster at the Kishi station in western Japan in 2007. Donning her custom-made stationmasters cap, Tama quietly sat at the ticket gate welcoming and seeing off passengers. The cat quickly attracted tourists and became world-famous, contributing to the railway company and local economy....
... Before Tamas arrival, the local Kishigawa Line was near-bankrupt; and the station was unmanned as it had lost its last staff.
Kojima said appointing Tama as stationmaster was initially an excuse to keep the cat at the station.
But she was really doing her job, he said. The rest was a miracle, and his companys success story also gave hope for dozens of other struggling tiny local train lines, he said.
Tama-chan really emerged like a saviour, a goddess. It was truly my honour to have been able to work with her, Kojima said in his speech.
During her tenure, Tama had contributed an estimated 1.1 billion yen ($8.9 million) to the local economy, Kojima said. ...
... Tama is a popular name for cats in Japan, where they are considered spiritual animals. The word could translate as treasure, ball or spirit.
The cat had climbed the corporate ladder from stationmaster to ultra-stationmaster and vice-president of the company before receiving the additional title Sunday of honourable eternal stationmaster....
Whole article:
=== INFObits ===
+ Did I hear correctly? John Oliver said it cost $23M to uncover ~$1M of questionable expenses claimed in the Senate?
+ The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the Seventh Coalition, comprising an Anglo-allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington combined with a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blücher.
+ World Oceans Week -- June 1 to 8
+ Victoria Police on June 15 reported a homeless man turned in ~$2K he found in Langford. (He can keep it if no one claims in within 90 days. Ppl donated money to him and it reached $4K in a day or so.)
UPDATE (on CBC radio on June 25): Over $5K was collected and an impressed policeman searched to find him and give him some money (the person whose money it was was found). To his surprise, the homeless man did not want/accept the money. He asked that it be given to charity.
Below from:
...The mystery man in his 60s has never spoken publicly since bringing the money to the West Shore RCMP detachment two weeks ago, and police say the only wish he has is help in finding a job.
Const. Alex Berube says the man from Langford didn't want the money but asked instead how it could be donated to a society called Our Place and others that provide food for people. Berube says investigators asked the man to think about his decision overnight but he stuck to his wish for a job, while acknowledging the generosity... {Who wdn't give him a job???}
+ In 1980, BC's John Mitchell and Frank Appleton pioneered North America's first modern craft brewery at Horseshoe Bay on BC's spectacular Howe Sound.
+ [LGB] The Lions, called the Two Sisters and named Peace and Harmony by the Squamish, are composed of hornblende diorite, the oldest plutonic rock on the West Coast of Canada.
+ June 6 is SPARC BC's 14th annual Access Awareness Day.
+ According to Mary Edmond-Paul, "World War I had left scars on New Zealand society, with nearly 18,500 in total dying as a result of the war, more than 41,000 wounded, and others affected emotionally, out of an overseas fighting force of about 103,000 and a population of just over a million."[
+ Resignation of Sepp Blatter on June 2: Blatter, 79, had worked for FIFA from 1975 and been president from 1998.
Beyond the Chokehold, the Path to Eric Garners Death
Interviews and previously undisclosed documents obtained by The New York Times provide new details about the case of Eric Garner and a fresh understanding of how a seemingly routine police encounter on Staten Island last July began and how it hurtled toward its deadly conclusion.
+ May 16th, 67th anniversary of the Naqba (Nakba).
During the 1948 Palestine War, an estimated 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled, and hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages were depopulated and destroyed.[2][3]
These refugees and their descendants number several million people today, divided between Jordan (2M), Lebanon (427,057), Syria (477,700), the West Bank (788,108) and the Gaza Strip (1.1M), with at least another quarter of a million internally displaced Palestinians in Israel.[4] The displacement, dispossession, and dispersal of the Palestinian people is known to them as an-Nakba, meaning "catastrophe" or "disaster.[
+ May 19th, 80th anniversary of the death of T E Lawrence.
+ Roger Waters to Dionne Warwick: "You Are Showing Yourself to be Profoundly Ignorant of What Has Happened in Palestine Since 1947" by Roger Waters, Salon 17 May 15
Dionne Warwick called me out by name in asserting she'd play Tel Aviv. Here's what she misunderstands:
+ MetroV -- Map shows where immigrants live in Metro Vancouver
...Immigrants in Metro Vancouver by majority in the neighbourhood shows Chinese make up the largest proportion of immigrants in most of Metro Vancouver, particularly the City of Vancouver, Burnaby, and Richmond.
Vancouvers Kitsilano, Point Grey, Fairview and False Creek areas are predominately made up of immigrants from the UK, as well as the West End, much of North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Delta and [Langley].
Iranians tend to live in West Vancouvers British Properties and Ambleside area, lower North Vancouver, Coal Harbour, the Central Business District and Downtown South.
Immigrants from the Philippines make up the majority in some of East Vancouver, East Richmond and North Surrey.
According to the 2011 Census, there are 159,200 people living in Metro Vancouver born in China, 111,265 born in India, 87,945 from Philippines, 72,230 from Hong Kong and 61,255 born in the United Kingdom.
For rest of article and maps, see:
Puerto Ricos Governor Says Islands Debts Are Not Payable Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:01 PM EDT
Puerto Ricos governor, saying he needs to pull the island out of a death spiral, has concluded that the commonwealth cannot pay its roughly $72 billion in debts, an admission that will probably have wide-reaching financial repercussions.
The governor, Alejandro García Padilla, and senior members of his staff said in an interview last week that they would probably seek significant concessions from as many as all of the islands creditors, which could include deferring some debt payments for as long as five years or extending the timetable for repayment.
The debt is not payable, Mr. García Padilla said. There is no other option. I would love to have an easier option. This is not politics, this is math.
It is a startling admission from the governor of an island of 3.6 million people, which has piled on more municipal bond debt per capita than any American state.
Continue reading the main story:
+ Peter Gordon MacKay, PC, QC, MP (born September 27, 1965) is a lawyer and politician from Nova Scotia, Canada. He is the Member of Parliament for Central Nova and current Minister of Justice and Attorney General in the Cabinet of Canada. He is married to Nazanin Afshin-Jam an Iranian-Canadian model, singer, and human rights activist, and a former Miss World Canada.
MacKay was the final leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (PC Party). On October 15, 2003, he and Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper agreed to merge the two parties, forming the Conservative Party of Canada. In December 2003, members of both parties ratified the merger.
On May 29, 2015, MacKay announced that he will not be a candidate in the next federal election expected to be held on October 19, 2015.
Early life and career
MacKay was born in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. His father, Elmer MacKay, is a former PC cabinet minister, lumber businessman, and lawyer. His mother, Macha MacKay (née Delap), is a psychologist and peace activist; through her, MacKay is descended from James Alexander, 3rd Earl of Caledon and James Grimston, 1st Earl of Verulam.[2][3][4][5] MacKay grew up in Wolfville, Nova Scotia with his three siblings. He graduated from Horton High School in Greenwich, Nova Scotia, and then went on to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Acadia University/Carleton University in 1987, MacKay then studied Law at Dalhousie University[6] and was called to the Nova Scotia Bar in June 1991. He worked for Thyssen Henschel, steel producer, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and in Düsseldorf and Kassel, Germany.
In 1993, MacKay accepted an appointment as Crown Attorney for the Central Region of Nova Scotia. He prosecuted cases at all levels, including youth and provincial courts as well as the Supreme Court of Canada. MacKay has publicly stated that the major impetus for his entry into federal politics was his frustrations with the shortcomings in the justice system, particularly his perception that the courts do not care about the impact crime has on victims.
+ Remembering Sir John A. on the anniversary of his death
Ottawa, ON June 05 -- It was on June 6, 1891 that Canadas Father of Confederation and first Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald died. He breathed his last breath at Earnscliffe, his Ottawa residence, and the young Dominion was plunged into mourning....
- See more at:
+ MP James Moore (b 1976 June 10)
The Minister of Industry announced June 19 he wd not be running in the election in the fall. The reason given was to spend more time with family (learned they have a special-needs son.
- In 2000, became the youngest member of Parliament ever elected in the province of British Columbia.
- On June 25, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Moore as the Secretary of State for the 2010 Olympics, the Asia-Pacific Gateway, and Official Languages. With his appointment he became the youngest Cabinet Minister in BC's history and the fourth youngest Cabinet Minister in Canadian history.
- With his appointment (2011) as the sr regional Minister from BC, he became the youngest person to ever hold the post.
- [
+ About National Aboriginal Day
National Aboriginal Day symbolizes the end of spring, the first day of summer, the summer solstice, and is the start of "Celebrate Canada" week, which includes St. Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24th, Multiculturalism Day on June 27th, and Canada Day on July 1st.
The day was first proclaimed in 1996, after more than a decade of calls from various Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations to recognize and celebrate Aboriginal peoples contributions to Canada.
There are now hundreds of June 21st celebrations across Canada inviting all Canadians to join in learning more about Aboriginal peoples, and to come together to save, share and transfer cultural knowledge.
Events here and elsewhere:
+ John Oliver mocks Senate expenses scandal on Last Week Tonight
Comedian pokes fun at scandal involving expensed hockey games, curling club events
CBC News Posted: Jun 15, 2015 8:49 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 15, 2015 10:35 AM ET
:-)...It wasn't all Mounties and poutine jokes, though, as he also noted the discrepancy of an inquiry that found $1 million in improper expenses cost nearly $24 million to run....
Here's the article wch includes a short video clip of his jokes about Canada and camembert.....
+ PM welcomes the creation of a Canadian Polar Medal -- June 23, 2015 Ottawa, Ontario
Prime Minister Stephen Harper today welcomed the announcement of the creation of a Canadian Polar Medal. As Sovereign and font of all honours, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has given her approval to this addition to the Canadian Honours System.
The Polar Medal will recognize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the Canadian North across a diverse range of endeavours.
The design of the new medal was released earlier today by His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada. The medal program will be managed by the Chancellery of Honours as part of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General, which is responsible for administering the Canadian Honours System.
The first recipients of the new medal are expected to be announced later this year.
Quick Facts
The timing of todays announcement is fitting as it takes place on the 145th anniversary of the transfer of the vast northern land mass of Ruperts Land and the North-Western Territory to Canada....
The rest:
=== ROYALWATCH === Prince & Princess, youngest royals; Magna Carta
A few photos of the youngest royals
Prince George and Princess Charlotte together at home # WelcomeToTheFamily
View photo The photo of Prince George and Princess Charlotte was taken by The Duchess of Cambridge in mid-May
Kensington Palace @KensingtonRoyal Jun 6
We're delighted to share the first photo of Prince George with his little sister Princess Charlotte
Kensington Palace retweeted BritishMonarchy @BritishMonarchy May 27
The Queen, The DoE, & The Duke of Cambridge will visit Runnymede 15 June to mark the 800th anniversary of the #MagnaCarta @BritishMonarchy
> Sabeel Wave of Prayer, June 4
On Sunday the Israeli Ministerial Cmte for Legislation approved a bill allowing harsher punishment to stone throwers. Lord, we pray for an end to Israels unjust practices in East Jerusalem including heightened discrimination, home demolitions, and the Judaizing of Palestinian neighbourhoods all the while severely punishing any resistance against these injustices. Lord in your mercy
> Roger Waters of PINK FLOYD
writes in Salon to Dionne Warwick: "I believe you mean well, Ms. Warwick, but you are showing yourself to be profoundly ignorant of what has happened in Palestine since 1947, and I am sorry but you are wrong, art does know boundaries."
READ MORE: be-profoundly-ignorant-of-what-has-happened-in-palestine-since-1947q
...1975 that women gained the right to serve on juries in all fifty states.
-- Noam Chomsky, May 29 in RSN:
Magna Carta messed up the World, Here's How to Fix it.
...The first authoritative scholarly edition of Magna Carta was published by the eminent jurist William Blackstone in 1759. It was no easy task. As he wrote, the body of the charter has been unfortunately gnawn by ratsa comment that carries grim symbolism today, as we take up the task the rats left unfinished.
...Crossing the Atlantic, the Great Charter was enshrined in the US Constitution as the promise that no person shallbe deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law and that In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.
The wording seems expansive, but that is misleading. Excluded were unpeople (to borrow Orwells useful concept), among them Native Americans, slaves, and women, who under the British common law adopted by the founders were the property of their fathers, handed over to husbands. Indeed, it wasnt until 1975 that women gained the right to serve on juries in all fifty states.
$4-million West Vancouver 'teardown' fuels housing debate
Red-hot real estate market spurs calls for speculation tax -- Jane Seyd / North Shore News June 10, 2015 12:00 AM
In Apr 13 Ccl Mtg Notes, re trees: Diameter at Breast Height.
=== CPTWATCH ===
A Week in Photos: June 7-13 A week of occupation in photos: Click photos for links View this email in your browser
=== SUMMERWATCH === ice cream -- it's summer!
incredible flavours!
=== TORTUREWATCH === John Oliver, Helen Mirren Blast CIA Torture
205 June 27 Ryan Reed, Rolling Stone
Reed writes: "Not even the elegant voice of Dame Helen Mirren can make the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture less horrifying. John Oliver recruited the legendary actress to record an audiobook version for Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight, which focused on the disconnect between public perception of torture and its real-life applications." READ MORE
{John Oliver is extremely (cuttingly) funny}
=== BOOKWATCH === Book News
The Vancouver Writers Fest offers a compendium of literary events around town and links to reviews and articles of interest. (June 4) Vol 10 No 12
=== LANGUAGEWATCH === LGBT2SIQQ {info on references made during May 11 ccl mtg}
LGBT2SIQQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirited, Intersex, Queer, Questioning)
Referred to at the May 11 ccl mtg; had never heard of two-spirited so googled:
Two-spirit people (also two spirit or twospirit) is a modern umbrella term used by some indigenous North Americans to describe or label gender-variant individuals in their communities. Historically, non-Native (i.e. non-Native American) anthropologists used the term berdache /bərˈdæʃz/ to identify an individual fulfilling one of many mixed gender roles in First Nations and Native American tribes, but that term has now fallen out of favor.
Third and fourth gender roles traditionally embodied by two-spirit people include performing work and wearing clothing associated with both men and women. Not all tribes have rigid gender roles, but, among those that do, some consider there to be at least four genders: masculine man, feminine man, masculine woman, feminine woman. The presence of male-bodied two-spirits "was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples"[1] and, according to Will Roscoe, both male- and female-bodied two-spirits have been documented "in over 130 North America tribes, in every region of the continent."[2]...
...Most Indigenous communities have specific terms in their own languages for the gender-variant members of their communities and the social and spiritual roles these individuals fulfill including Lakota: wíŋkte and Navajo: nádleehé.[16]
...Two-spirit individuals are viewed in some tribes as having two identities occupying one body....
...Two-spirits might have relationships with people of either sex.[24] According to Lang, female assigned at birth two-spirits usually have sexual relations or marriages with only females.[25]
Partners of two-spirits do not receive any special recognition, although some believed that after having sexual relations with a two-spirit they would obtain magical abilities, be given obscene nicknames by the two-spirited person which they believed held "good luck," or in the case of male partners, receive a boost to their masculinity.
You've heard of Yuppies. Well, now some millennials are Yuccies (pronounced yuckies) from Young Urban Creative
Enter the Yuccie: The Latest Thing to Ruin Your City BY GREGORY BABCOCK JUN 9, 2015
Hipsters, yuppies, and now yuccies? It's common knowledge that -insert hip city here- has been overrun with young, white creatives who gentrify neighborhoods in search of satisfying their creative passions. Anyone would call that a hipster, and carry on with their day. But what if that person is simultaneously a savvy businessperson? Well, that's a Young Urban Creative, or Yuccie. *Commence disappointed sigh*
To define a "yuccie" is like defining a hipsteryou know one when you see one. ...
=== SPELLINGWATCH === barbecue; deconstructed
'Tis the season! que = is just K, hence picturesque, burlesque, grotesque, masque
cue and queue therefore are pronounced the same
+ HERITAGE SOCIETY of BC 604 428 7243 ofc hrs 8am - 6pm Mon - Thurs
The ofc is in West Van! Ste 102 - 657 Marine; toll-free: 1 855 349 7243
Vancouver Heritage Foundation Building By-Law Guide
A new version of the Vancouver Building By-Law (VBBL), commonly known as the building code, came into effect on January 1, 2015. Any applications for new building work, including alterations to existing buildings, will need to comply with the new By-Law.
VHF have recently completed a guide to help people understand the new building code in Vancouver and its implication for heritage buildings.
» VHF Guide to VBBL --
{have WV consider measures for here?}
Now looking forward to the 16th annual
RoyalTea-by-the-Sea on Saturday August 8 Dundarave Park 2 - 4pm
4th Annual Heritage Vancouver Garden Tour
16 terrific private gardens will be open to the public for visiting as part of the 4th annual tour June 27-28.
Tix are $35 and are available online (in WV at Maple Leaf Gdns in Dundarave)
Details: » Heritage Vancouver Garden Tour
VHF has produced a number of map guides which explore Vancouvers diverse historic neighbourhoods.
NEW! Historic Kitsilano Map Guide
VHF launched our newest map guide in November of 2014 with writer Amy Adams at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. This guide reveals the changes that have taken place in Kitsilano and offers a glimpse of the people who lived there and shaped the neighbourhood. This particular guide focuses on the Northeast corner of Kitsilano including three Fairview sites related to the former village of Sunahk.
We will be presenting various tours throughout the year that touch on themes and stories inspired by the guide. We hope youll join us in exploring Historic Kits!
Past Walks: Saturday May 30th 2015: Ki-Chi-Ra-No: A Pre-War Japanese Canadian Community, in Partnership with the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre.
Kitsilano, or Ki-Chi-Ra-No to the locals, was home to the second last Japanese Canadian community in Vancouver. From 1904-1942 over one thousand people settled here and built housing: kyabins (cabins), storefronts, a church, a Japanese Language School and a public bath. Families ran businesses, worked in the local industry and attended Henry Hudson Elementary.With the forcible removal or all persons of Japanese descent from the BC Coast in 1942-1949, the community was uprooted and the buildings sold by the federal government.
*If you have further information or images about the Ki-Chi-Ra-No Japanese Canadian community or other communities living in Kitsilano and Fairview in the pre-war and post-war periods, please contact
=== MAIKU === 2015 May, late spring -- cherry blossom viewing haiku time
now more pale pink petals fall
faster and faster
my fathers passing
o Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
o Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance?
o Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shovelling the sidewalk before it stops snowing.
o The reason women don't play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public.
o Best way to get rid of kitchen odours: Eat out.
o A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once.
o I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them.
o Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going.
o Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument, a bank has just been robbed.
o We spend the first twelve months of our childrens lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up.
o Burt Reynolds once asked me out. I was in his room.
o What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.
o The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.
o His finest hour lasted a minute and a half.
o Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves.
o My photographs dont do me justice -- they just look like me.
o I admit, I have a tremendous sex drive. My boyfriend lives forty miles away.
o Tranquillizers work only if you follow the advice on the bottle keep away from children.
o I asked the waiter, Is this milk fresh?' He said, 'Lady, three hours ago it was grass.'
o The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing.
o You know you're old if they have discontinued your blood type.
> PAPER IS DEAD -- say it aint so! watch: <>
Speaking of Park Royal ... do you shop at Whole Foods?
22 of the Most Ridiculous Things Overheard at Whole Foods ...
People who shop at Whole Foods say the darndest things, and now, thanks to
Overheard at Whole Foods, their #FirstWorldProblems are all up on the Internet.
On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key. Scott Adams, American cartoonist (b 1957)
The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French writer and philosopher (1905 - 1980)
As long as the world is turning and spinning, were gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes.
Mel Brooks, American comedian (b 1928)
A man who has committed a mistake and doesnt correct it, is committing another mistake.
Confucius (b 551 BC)
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. -- Dalai Lama, Tibetan (b 1935)
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body; it call attention to an unhealthy state of things.
Winston Churchill, British politician (1874 - 1965)
Despicable means used to achieve laudable goals renders the goals themselves despicable.
Anton Chekhov, Russian physician and writer (1860 - 1904)
'We've got the best marriage' is a hitching boast.
A tree arborist felt needled when asked to branch out and be limber while trimming pine forest last week.
What does a storm-cloud wear under its coat . . . . Thunderwear!
I tried talking to my dentist during a cleaning, but my words got flossed in translation.
Seesaw is how you find a woodcutter.
It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.
Often what separates a good pun, from a great one, is just a matter of 'clause and effect'.
My tailor is happy to make a pair of pants for me, or at least sew it seams.
During the late baroque era, rococo composers began to think outside the Bachs.
What top does an astronaut wear to the moon? Apollo shirt.